CNG Lissner Collection Virtual Catalog - New World

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The Richard L. Lissner Collection The Collection of an American Connoisseur

St James’s Auctions, LLC Knightsbridge Coins

Auction 29 In association with

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. with cataloging by

M. Louis Teller Numismatic Company

1-2 August 2014

Terminal 1 & 2, 1st Floor Chicago Marriott O’Hare Hotel, 8535 West Higgins Road, Chicago



Saturday – August 2, 2014 Session 3 – 9:30 AM ARGENTINA 1140–1155 BOLIVIA 1156–1279 BRAZIL 1280–1317 CANADA 1318 CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES British West Indies 1319 Curaçao 1320–1326 CHILE 1327–1422 COLOMBIA 1423–1532 COSTA RICA 1533–1584 CUBA 1585–1602 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1603–1621 ECUADOR 1622–1667

Session 4 – 2 PM EL SALVADOR 1668–1693 GUATEMALA 1694–1784 GUYANA 1785 HAITI 1786–1830 HAWAII 1831 HONDURAS 1832–1871 MEXICO 1872–1960 NICARAGUA 1961–1974 PANAMA 1975–2004 PARAGUAY 2005–2016 PERU 2017–2106 PERU (North Peru) 2107–2108 PERU (South Peru) 2109–2124 PUERTO RICO 2125 SURINAME 2126 URUGUAY 2127–2148 VENEZUELA 2149–2183


Session 3 – Saturday, August 2, 2014 — 9:30 AM A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO SOUTH AMERICAN COINAGE The political and numismatic history of Central and South America begins almost immediately after the discovery of San Salvador by Cristóbal Colón (Christopher Columbus) on 12 October 1492. Under the terms of the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas, which divided the newly-discovered lands outside of Europe between Spain and Portugal along an imaginary north-south line 370 leagues (1184 nautical miles) west of the Cape Verde Islands, Spain was to receive sole control over the New World. Because the terms failed to take into account the location of the continent of South America in relation to the boundary line, the tip of what is modern-day Brazil came under Portuguese control. For this reason, while the rest of Central and South America became part of the Spanish Empire and followed the currency system of Spain, Brazil’s coinage is based on that of Portugal. To control all Spanish exploration and colonization, and to collection import duties and taxes of all goods entering Spain, the Casa y Audiencia de Indias, more commonly known as the Casa de Contratación, was established in Seville. The Spanish colonization of the Americas, sometimes referred to by the Spanish Conquista, involved numerous adventurers, known as conquistadores, and religious missionaries (the Dominicans, Franciscans, and Jesuits), groups that emphasized the primary overseas aims of the Spanish government – conquest of new territory for raw materials, particularly gold and silver, and religious conversion of the local native populations to Christianity (i.e. Roman Catholicism). Four main expeditionary areas comprise this early period of colonization: Mexico and the Yucatán, Peru, the Río de la Plata and Paraguay, and the Nuevo Reino de Granada. Employing technological advantages (the horse, armor, and the gun), possessing an immunity to European diseases, and manipulating local tribal animosity, the conquistadores were eventually able to overpower and subdue much larger native forces. The conquest of Mexico by Hernán Cortés (1518-1520) is the earliest example of this; with a small force he was able to defeat the Aztec Empire, conquer their capital at Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City), and imprison their ruler, Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin (Montezuma). In Peru, Francisco Pizarro González began a similar process with his capture of the Sapa Inka Athualpa at the Battle of Cajamarca (1532). Because of the region’s mountainous terrain, it was not until 1572 that the Inca Empire was finally conquered. In 1527, the first Spanish settlement in the Río de la Plata was was created with the Fort of the Sancti Spiritu, followed in 1536 by the establishment of Buenos Aires and in 1537, Asunción. Because the site suffered from numerous native attacks, the original site of Buenos Aires was abandoned in 1541; in 1580, the governor of Paraguay, the conquistador Juan de Garay, established a new settlement at the site of the modern-day city. Finally, between 1537 and 1543, six Spanish expeditions entered the highlands of Colombia. In 1536, the conquistador Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada defeated the local Chibchas and about 1538 founded the city of Santa Fé de Bogotá and named the surrounding area el nuevo reino de Granada. Following the conquest of the Aztecs, in 1521 the Virreinato de Nueva España, or the Viceroyalty of New Spain was established. At its greatest extent, it governed Spanish-held territories in the Caribbean and Florida, Mexico and Central America, most of the United States west of the Mississippi and into Canada, and the Philippines. This was followed in 1542 by the creation of the Virreinato del Perú, or Viceroyalty of Peru, which consisted of the continent of South America, with the exception of Brazil. In 1717, the Virreinato de la Nueva Granada was added, and Virreinato del Río de la Plata in 1776. Until the independence movement in the 1820s, it was through this system that the Spanish monarchy governed its overseas possessions in the New World. The New World territories used the Spanish monetary system of of coinage first instituted by Fernando and Isabella in Medina del Campo in 1497, consisting of silver reales (and its multiples and fractions). In 1535, the gold escudo replaced the gold excelente and thenceforth, this became the basis for all the colonial coinage of Spanish America. The discovery of local sources of both gold and silver, particularly the Cerro Rico in Potosí, Bolovia (which provided Spain 41,000 metric tons of silver between 1556 and 1783), necessitated the creation of a number of new mints, not only for local consumption, but also for the export of the quinto real, or crown’s portion, sent back to the Casa de Contratación on the large plate fleets. The Mexico City mint (established in 1535) was one of the most important of these mints; the other, Potosí (established in 1574), was located at the source of the ore. Later, others mints were established and operated from time to time to handle the discovery and export of the metal. Until the eighteenth century, hammered coinage was struck. Known as macuquinas, or cobs, these coins became associated with later images of pieces of eight (due to eight reales being cut into pieces for fractions), and pirates on the Spanish Main. Following the introduction under Felipe V (1700-1724) of milled coinage, which increased the efficiency of production and provided against clipping or shaving – a process whereby minute traces of the metal might be removed and pocketed as the coinage passed from hand to hand, the coinage of Spain’s New World empire coinage become a medium of international exchange, even after Spain’s former colonies gained independence. Before issuing their own coinage, the early Republics countermarked existing colonial issues as currency. Even Great Britain, during its coinage shortage of the late eighteenth century circulated both four and eight reales with a counterstamp of King George III. And in the currency-strapped American colonies and United States, the eight reales, or so-called ‘Pillar Dollar’, circulated well into the nineteenth century. Folk etymology attributes the origin of the dollar sign to the filleted pillars in the reales’ design. Napoleon’s invasion of the Iberian Peninsula and the flight of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil in 1807, as well as the events surrounding the abdications of both Spanish monarchs, Carlos IV and Fernando VII between March and May 1808, sparked a number of uprisings in the Spanish America, a situation that was exacerbated by the installation of Joseph Bonaparte as king of Spain, and the Peninsular War (1807/8-1814). The reasons for these uprisings were varied as not all were driven by the quest for independence. The earliest revolts were the short-lived governing juntas, or popular governments, in Chuquisaca, Bolivia, and Quito, Ecuador. In Mexico, a similar attempt at independence was made under Miguel Hidalgo, but was soon put down. While those in the Nueva Granada, Venezuela, Chile, and Río de la Plata were more successful, this period was 301

marked by a myriad of these juntas and a great deal of conflict with pro-independence and royalist sides forming up against each other. The restoration of Fernando VII to the Spanish throne in 1813 (see lot 921 above) brought matters to a head. Committed to reinstituting absolutist rule both at home and throughout the empire, Fernando declared those independence movements that had developed during his exile as illegal and began sending troops to quell those areas “still in rebellion”. Known as the Reconquista, an allusion to the Reconquista of Medieval Spain, this attempt, while moderately successful in proroyalist areas, served to coalesce those pro-independence areas into a full-scale counter insurgency; it also precipitated revolts against the Spanish monarchy. Out of this conflict arose a number of libertadores, popular military leaders who became the principal architects of independence in Central and South America. Among them, Simón Bolívar (1783-1830) became the most prominent. He lead Venezuela (together with Antonio José de Sucre), Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru (together with José de San Martín, the libertador of Argentina) to independence, and in 1819 became the first president of the republic of Gran Colombia, a position he held until his death in 1830. These libertadores became the national heroes of the new republics, and became a vital component of the new states’ currency. To commemorate his achievement in its independence, the Republic of Venezuela in 1879 created the Bolívar, a new currency which, with its multiples and fractions, replaced the old venezolano. In Ecuador, the Sucre was established, named for Antonio José de Sucre. Although others adopted more localized names – such as the Peruvian sol, or the Bolivian boliviano – Central and South America’s long-standing economic dependency on Spain compelled them to retain that state’s currency system and denominations, the real and the peso. With the establishment of the Trienio Liberal in Spain, the nascent republics in Central and South America were consolidated and fully independent republics were established. Argentina and Chile, both of which had gained independence in 1818, and Gran Colombia, or the República de Colombia, independent in 1819, were among the first. From 1821 to 1823, Agustín de Iturbide ruled the short-lived Imperio Mexicano, or independent monarchy of Mexico, and between 1823 and 1838/41, the present-day countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica were joined in the República Federal de Centro América. By 1825, only a few pockets of royalists remained, carrying on a guerrilla war until 1832. With the death of Fernando VII in 1833, Spain at last abandoned any hope of military reconquest; in 1836, its government renounced all sovereignty over continental America. During the remainder of the nineteenth century, Spain recognized each of the new states. Only Cuba and Puerto Rico remained under Spanish control until the Spanish-American War in 1898. These new countries of Central and South America each experienced their own growing pains and trials following independence and continue to do so to today (for a more detailed history of each up to the present day, see Leslie Bedell, The Cambridge History of Latin America [Cambridge, 1984-2008]).

1140. ARGENTINA, Provincias del Rio de la Plata. 1813-1837. AR 2 Soles (28mm, ~6.76 g, 12h). La Rioja mint. Dated 1826 RA. This coin has metal alignment and is missing the P. KM 18. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Beautifully lightly toned choice uncirculated specimen with wonderful surfaces. Very scarce type coin. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 2008.

1141. ARGENTINA, Provincias del Rio de la Plata. 1813-1837. AR 4 Soles (33mm, 13.57 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Dated 1832 P RA. Coin alignment. KM 22. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. Superb type coin. Very nice type coin and very scarce as only four have ever been graded. ($400) Purchased from M. Louis Teller. Ex Hess-Divo 273 (25 March 1998), lot 930.


1142. ARGENTINA, Provincias del Rio de la Plata. 1813-1837. AR 8 Soles (38mm, 27.01 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Dated 1815 PTS FL. Denomination 8 S/R. KM 15; El 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb Gem BU with incredible strike and multicolored iridescent patina overall. This is without a doubt the finest 8 real of this period that this cataloger has ever seen. This is the highest graded for this type. ($3000) Ex F.C.C. Boyd Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 19 August 1975), lot 1731.

1143. ARGENTINA, Provincias del Rio de la Plata. 1813-1837. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.88 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Dated 1813 PTS J. KM 5; El 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem brilliant uncirculated with light iridescent patina over the entire surface and full luster. None graded higher. Incredibly rare in this grade and truly one of the outstanding South American coins in the Lissner Collection. ($3000) Purchased from Richard Margolis, December 1977.




From the Rio De La Plata and Geiger Collections

1144. ARGENTINA, Provincias del Rio de la Plata. 1813-1837. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.80 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Francisco José de Matos, assayer. Dated 1815 PTS F. KM 15; El 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very light toning over brilliant surfaces. Lovely full strike on sun face. Full strike on hands holding the liberty cap. None graded higher. ($1500) Ex Rio De La Plata Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 12184; Morris Geiger Collection (Heritage 336, 7 January 2004), lot 12320.

1145. ARGENTINA, Provincias del Rio de la Plata. 1813-1837. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.43 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Dated 1826 RA P. KM 20. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Nice even patina over semi lustrous fields. Only one graded higher which sold for $6,500 in 2011. ($1000) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16015.

1146. ARGENTINA, Provincias del Rio de la Plata. 1813-1837. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.67 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Dated 1833 P RA. KM 20; El 25. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Nicely toned surfaces with just a hint of rub on the high points. ($1000) Purchased from Spink & Sons, July 1980.

1147 1148 1147. ARGENTINA, Provincias del Rio de la Plata. 1813-1837. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.87 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Dated 1836 P RA. KM 20; El 20. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Nice lustrous choice AU with very nice strike and just a hint of rub. ($750) Purchased from Spink & Sons, July 1980.

1148. ARGENTINA, Provincial Coinage. Cordoba. AR 4 Reales (30mm, 13.79 g, 6h). Cordoba mint. Dated 1852. KM 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb choice brilliant uncirculated, blast white. Highest graded. ($600) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1998.


Full Sun Face

1149. ARGENTINA, Provincial Coinage. Cordoba. AR 8 Reales (37mm, ~27.06 g, 6h). Cordoba mint. Dated 1852. KM 32. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice blast white brilliant uncirculated. Faintest hint of toning. Unbelievable strike. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1998. Full sun face and equal to the Austrian mint duplicate specimen which we purchased many years ago. These dies were prepared in France and were of high quality, however die wear caused many of the later struck coins to exhibit a weakly struck sun.

1150. ARGENTINA, Provincial Coinage. La Rioja. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 6.34 g, 5h). La Rioja mint. Dated 1849 R. KM 28. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Brilliant white coin, although graded AU 58, is probably as struck. None graded higher. ($150) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16027.

1151. ARGENTINA, Provincial Coinage. La Rioja. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.48 g, 6h). La Rioja mint. Dated 1838 R. Coin rotation. KM 8; El k26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Very lightly toned with slightly darker edges. Choice brilliant uncirculated. One graded higher in 65 and only this one graded in 64. A superb type coin. ($1500) Purchased from Louis Collins, February 1974.


3 Over Inverted 2

1152. ARGENTINA, República Argentina. 1861-pres. AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 5.01 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1883/ Inverted 2. KM 27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Choice very lustrous BU with just a hint of overall toning on the surfaces. Only two have been graded and this is the higher. ($100) Purchased from Bank Leu. A superb coin with an unusual overdate: the 3 in the date is struck over an inverted 2. First time this cataloguer has encountered such a coin.

1153. ARGENTINA, República Argentina. 1861-pres. AR Peso (38mm, 25.04 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1882. KM 29; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with the faintest hint of patina on the obverse. Although graded in MS 62, this is a very high grade for the type as these were struck very flatly in the hair. A superior example. ($500) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp, April 1970.

1154. ARGENTINA, República Argentina. 1861-pres. AV 1/2 Argentino – 2½ Pesos (19mm, 4.04 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1884. KM 30; Friedberg 16; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb choice prooflike BU with claims to higher grade. An extremely rare type struck in only two years. The 1881 has only nine pieces struck while the 1884 has 421 pieces struck. ($2500) Purchased from Frank Lapa, May 1971.

Argentina Large Lot 1155. ARGENTINA, República Argentina. 1861-present. Lot of five (5) Æ, CU, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1155.1) Æ Centavo (25mm, 5.20 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1890. KM 32; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Lovely light brown surfaces with red peeking through. Only two graded higher in MS 63. (1155.2) Æ 2 Centavos (30mm, 9.87 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1891. KM 33; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Very beautiful example with a hint of light brown over subdued red surfaces. A very choice coin. Highest graded specimen for the date and none graded higher for the type. Very difficult to find this nice. (1155.3) AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1883. KM 26; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Moderately toned with light iridescent patina in shades of amber and red. 306

(1155.4) AR 50 Centavos (31mm, 12.50 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1883. KM 28; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Nice AU with just a faint hint of overall patina. Purchased from Larry Tyler, January 1969. (1155.5) CU Medal (39mm, 25.71 g, 12h). Centenary of Argentinian coinage. Issued by the Argentine Numismatic Society. Copying the types of an 8 Reales of the Provincias del Rio de la Plata. Dually dated 1813 and 1913 PTS J. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


From the Sellschopp Collection

1156. BOLIVIA, Colonial (as Alto Perú). Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.24 g, 11h). Potosí mint. José de Vargas y Flores or Juan Palomo Sierra, assayer. Dated 1770 PTS JR. KM 50; El 6; Gilboy P-8-4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Moderate to deeply toned. Choice uncirculated specimen. ($2500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller. Ex Sellschopp Collection (Schweizerischer Bankverein 20, 14 September 1988), lot 954.

1157. BOLIVIA, Colonial (as Alto Perú). Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 27.03 g, 12h). Potosí mint. José de Bargas Flores and Raimundo de Iturriaga, assayers. Dated 1774 PTS JR. KM 55. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with light iridescently toned prooflike surfaces. A superb coin, from a group of which appeared in the late 60s to early 70s. This coin has tremendous eye appeal. ($1500) Purchased from Robert Medlar, February 1979.


1158 1159 1158. BOLIVIA, Colonial (as Alto Perú). Carlos IV. King of Spain, 1788-1808. AR 8 Reales (42mm, 27.1 g, 11h). Potosí mint. Pedo de Mazondo and Raimundo de Iturriaga, assayers. Dated 1790 PTS PR. KM 64; EL 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated coin with just a hint of light iridescent toning overall. Highest ever graded for this date. Very scarce two year type. ($1000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 2003.

1159. BOLIVIA, Colonial (as Alto Perú). Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.12 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Pedro Martin de Albizu and José de Bargas Flores, assayers. Dated 1808 PTS PJ. KM 73; El 51. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated and very lightly toned with faint iridescence over semi prooflike surfaces. An extremely choice coin with exceptional strike. ($500) Purchased from M.T.B., September 1980.

1160. BOLIVIA, Colonial (as Alto Perú). Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (37mm, 27.21 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Juan Palomo y Sierra and Leandro Osio or Luis de Aquilar, assayers. Dated 1825 PTS JL. KM 84; El 72. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Superb surfaces graced with beautiful hues of multicolored patina. Razor sharp strike with frosted bust of Fernando. Extremely choice for type and we feel somewhat undergraded. Only one graded higher. This coin must be seen to be appreciated. ($500)

1161. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/4 Sol (13mm, 0.82 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Dated 1852. KM 111; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Choice uncirculated with light overall patina and a hint of light blue. Highest ever graded specimen. A one year only type. Extremely difficult to find in this condition. ($200) Purchased from Almanzar’s Coins of the World, October 1969.


1162. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/4 Sol (13mm, 0.77 g, 3h). Potosí mint. Dated 1853. KM 117; Y 1a. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS. Lightly toned with small dig on the reverse. Scarce date and type. Rarely encountered. ($200) Ex Kagin’s Numsimatic Auctions (16 August 1983), lot 1409 (part of).

1163. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Sol (16mm, 1.7 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Juan Palomo y Sierra and Luis de Aquilar, assayers. Dated 1830 PTS JL. KM 93.2a; C 51. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Moderate to deep toning over crisp surfaces. None graded higher for this date. ($100) Purchased from F. S. Werner, October 1975.

1164. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Sol (17mm, 1.67 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Manuel Berrios and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1854 PTS MJ. KM 118.1; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb strike, choice iridescently toned UNC. Superb color. None graded higher. ($100) Purchased from Randolph Zander, May 1970.

1165. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Sol (16mm, 1.58 g, 6h). La Paz mint. Dated 1855 PAZ P. La Paz head of Bolivar. KM 127; Y 17. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice UNC with hues of lavender blue and amber. Very rare three year type and almost never seen in this wonderful grade. ($400) Purchased from Louis Collins, November 1980.

1166. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Sol (17mm, 1.67 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1857 PTS FJ. KM 118.2; Y 2a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem uncirculated with mottled iridescent toning over highly lustrous surfaces. An absolute jewel in superb condition. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1973.


1167. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Sol (16mm, 1.78 g, 6h). La Paz mint. Dated 1858 PAZ P. KM 132; Y 116. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem UNC with very light toning. One of only three ever graded and by far the finest. A two year only type and extremely rare, especially in this condition. ($300) Purchased from Louis Collins, December 1972.

1168. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Sol (16mm, 2.61 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. Error type “Bolivra”. KM 118.3; Y 2b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem faintly toned UNC. Full strike. A one year only type. Only 2 ever graded, the other being XF 40. ($300) Ex Ron Gillio – Asia Pacific Auctions (June 1989), lot 1386.

1169. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Sol (16mm, 1.34 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. “PESO 25 GS”. KM 133.1; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned uncirculated. Exceedingly rare type. ($300) Purchased from Louis Collins, November 1980.

1170. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Sol (16mm, 1.33 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1862 PTS FP. KM 133.2; Y 7a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Beautiful uncirculated specimen with a few darker toning spots on the obverse. Highest ever graded specimen. Extremely scarce this choice. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1975.


1171. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Sol (20mm, 3.45 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Juan Palomo y Sierra and Diego Miguel Lopez, assayer. Dated 1827 PTS JM. KM 94; C 52. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Moderate toning over choice surfaces and strong strike. Only one graded higher and extremely rare this choice. ($750) Purchased from A. Levine, October 1972.

1172. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Sol (20mm, 3.38 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1853 PTS FP. KM 119.1; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Slightly mottled toning with hints of copper. Beautiful full strike. First year of type and rare in this grade. Only one graded higher. ($300)

1173. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Sol (20mm, 3.56 g, 7h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1856/5 PTS FJ. KM 119.2; Y 3a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Brilliant uncirculated full strike. Just a hint of patina. Very scarce date, especially in such beautiful condition. Highest graded specimen. ($300) Purchased from Louis Collins, November 1980.

1174. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Sol (20mm, 3.26 g, 5h). La Paz mint. Dated 1856 PAZ P. KM 128; Y 18a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Very light patina over crisp gem surfaces. Two year only type and extremely rare, especially with this crude La Paz style portrait. ($500) Purchased from Louis Collins, December 1972.


1175. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Sol (20mm, 3.02 g, 6h). La Paz mint. Dated 1858/7 PAZ P. KM 131; Y 18b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned uncirculated coin with extremely crisp strike. A three year only type and extremely scarce. Only three of these have ever been graded and this is by far the finest known of the type. Another superb specimen worthy of great note. ($500) Purchased from Louis Collins, October 1976.

1176. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Sol (18mm, 3.38 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. KM 134.1; Y 3b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb choice UNC with multicolored hues in the patina. Extremely rare type, all As being inverted Vs. “E/R” “U/B”. This is the only one of this type ever graded by NGC and seems much rarer than the catalogue would indicate. ($500) Purchased from Glendining’s.

1177. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Sol (20mm, 1.82 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. inverted “V”s. KM 119.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice BU with just a hint of patina. Extremely rare and only one ever graded. ($300) Purchased from Richard Margolis, July 1979.

1178. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Sol (18mm, 2.41 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1862/1 PTS FP. KM 134.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned original UNC with deep patina. ($300)




1179. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 2 Soles (26mm, 6.95 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Juan Palomo y Sierra and Luis de Aquilar, assayers. Dated 1830 PTS JL. KM 95a; C 53. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Brilliant coin, just a bit softly struck, probably closer to UNC than AU because of strike. Very unusual type, an error in the spelling of the word Constitution. Unpriced in KM. First this cataloger has ever seen. ($150) Purchased from Arnoldo Efron, June 1972.

1180. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 2 Soles (26mm, 6.65 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1853 PTS FP. KM 121.1; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Brilliant surfaces grace this well struck specimen. Very lustrous with just a hint of patina and a hint of roughness in the planchet on the obverse. Rare one year type. Highest ever graded. ($300) Ex Kagin’s Numsimatic Auctions (16 August 1983), lot 1409 (part of).

From the Whittier Collection

1181. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 2 Soles (26mm, 6.82 g, 7h). La Paz mint. Dated 1853 PAZ J. KM 122; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Very well struck choice AU with mottled blue gray toning over lovely surfaces. Superb strike. One of only five known specimens of which three are reported damaged according to KM. The highest graded specimen of this extremely rare one year type. One of the jewels in the crown of the Bolivian section. According to numismatist Freeman Craig this was the finest known specimen when viewed in 1990. ($6000) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16163; B. Foster Collection, purchased from Baldwin’s, August 1972.

1182. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 2 Soles (26mm, 6.74 g, 6h). La Paz mint. Dated 1854 PAZ F. KM 126; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lovely very lightly toned mint state coin with superb strike. A one year only type coin seldom offered in this nice of condition. Struck in La Paz but with a “Potosi style” portrait. Extremely rare and almost never encountered in this grade. The only one this cataloger has ever seen. By far the highest graded. ($1000) 313

From the Norweb Collection

1183. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 2 Soles (26mm, 6.90 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Manuel Berrios and Joaquin Zemborain, assayer. Dated 1855 PTS MJ. KM 121.2; Y 4a. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. Mottled moderate toning somewhat uneven. Very choice and very original. Appears to be a tad under-graded. None graded higher and extremely scarce type. ($400) Ex Norweb Collection (Christie’s Dallas, 6 November 1985), lot 598 (part of).

1184. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 2 Soles (24mm, 5.06 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. KM 135.1; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Moderately toned choice UNC. Slightly soft strike on obverse. ($400)

1185. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 2 Soles – 1/4 Peso (25mm, 5.10 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1861 PTS FJ. KM 135.2; Y 9a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lovely moderately toned, semi prooflike example with fully lustrous fields. Well struck relief. None graded higher. ($200) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, February 1971.

1187 1186 1186. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 4 Soles (31mm, 13.30 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Juan Palomo y Sierra and Luis de Aquilar, assayers. Dated 1830 PTS JL. KM 96a.1; C 54. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Beautiful original iridescent patinated surfaces. Highest ever graded by 3 grades. Possibly finest known example. ($250) Purchased from Spink & Sons, July 1977.

1187. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 4 Soles (31mm, 13.69 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1853 PTS FP. KM 123.1; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Light patina over highly lustrous surfaces. Slightly soft obverse strike. One year only type. ($150) Purchased from Paul Puckett, April 1976.


1188. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 4 Soles (32mm, 13.44 g, 7h). La Paz mint. Dated 1853 PAZ J. KM 124.1; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. Very well struck mottled toning with only a minimal amount of wear. Only two of these have ever been graded and is an extremely rare one year only type. ($1000) Ex Ponterio 37 (18 August 1989), lot 733.

1189. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 4 Soles (31mm, 13.62 g, 6h). La Paz mint. Dated 1854 PAZ F. KM 125; Y 20. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Faint toning over very lustrous surfaces. Very choice fields and good strike. Highest specimen ever graded of this three year type. ($300) Purchased from Paul Puckett, June 1970.



1190. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 4 Soles (30mm, 13.62 g, 6h). La Paz mint. Dated 1855 PAZ F. KM 130; Y 20a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Incredibly beautiful coin with razor sharp strike. Light patina over lustrous fields. La Paz style head. A four year only type, of which this is the highest ever graded. ($300) Purchased from Paul Puckett, June 1970.

1191. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 4 Soles (32mm, 13.60 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1858 PTS FJ. KM 123.2; Y 5a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Superb virtually gem UNC with incredible strike. Moderately toned over lustrous surfaces. Finest example of type this cataloger has ever seen and highest ever graded. ($200) Purchased from Paul Puckett, June 1975.





1192. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 4 Soles (31mm, 13.88 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. Inverted V in Bolivar. KM 123.3; Y 5b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Moderately toned specimen with nice strike. Quite scarce. ($300) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, January 1980.

1193. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 4 Soles (30mm, 13.73 g, 6h). La Paz mint. Dated 1859 PAZ P. KM 136; Y20b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of toning overall. Razor sharp strike for type. Scarce one year type. ($500) Ex Kagin’s Numsimatic Auctions (16 August 1983), lot 1423.

From the Wayte Raymond Collection

1194. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 4 Soles – 1/2 Peso (28mm, 10.07 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Joaquin Zemborain, assayer. Dated 1860 PTS PJ. KM 139; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Choice well struck uncirculated coin with very light patina. Verges on BU. Some very light hairline scratches in the field and portrait of Bolivar. A very rare one year only type. ($500) Ex NASCA (16 July 1979), lot 1339; Wayte Raymond Collection.

1195. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles (38mm, 27.20 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Luis de Aquilar and Digo Miguel Lopez, assayers. Dated 1833 PTS LM. KM 97; C 55. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Fully lustrous superb original surfaces with iridescent hues of light blue and amber. Wonderful razor sharp strike. Highest graded specimen by far. Possibly finest known example. ($500) Purchased from Paramount International Coin Corporation, August 1969.


1196. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles (38mm, 36.79 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Rafael Mariano Bustillo, assayer. Dated 1847 PTS R. Mule. KM A103; C 61. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice uncirculated with superb original deep toning, shades of red, blue, and purple along with hints of gold. By far the finest example ever graded by 4 grades. Truly a wonder coin. ($750) Purchased from Thomas Hamilton, August 1975.

1197. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles (37mm, 27.46 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Manuel Berrios, assayers. Dated 1850 PTS FM. KM 109; C 62. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb strike graces this fantastic example of this short four year type. Only type showing Bolivar’s portrait without a laurel wreath. Highest graded by two grades. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1974.


From the FCC Boyd Collection

1198. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles (36mm, 26.75 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Manuel Berrios, assayers. Dated 1852 PTS FM. KM 112.1; Y 6; El 105. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb specimen with beautiful blue-gray toning and hints of amber. Fantastic strike. Highest graded specimen. Truly the finest example this cataloger has ever seen. A real wonder coin. ($500) Ex F.C.C. Boyd Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 19 August 1975), lot 1773.

1199. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles (36mm, 27.06 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Manuel Berrios and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1854 PTS MJ. KM 112.2; Y 6a; El 109. In NGC encapsulation graded MS63 WINGS APPROVED. Misidentified on holder as KM 112.1. Superb evenly toned choice uncirculated. Beautiful even patina. By far the finest graded specimen, the only other graded is VF. ($500) Purchased from Louis Collins, April 1977.




From the FCC Boyd Collection 1200. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles – 1 Peso (36mm, 27.33 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. No period after F. KM 137; Y 11, El 113. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Grayish moderate toning overall with strong strike. Very rare one year type and listed in KM only as high as XF. ($4000) Ex F.C.C. Boyd Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 19 August 1975), lot 1774.

1201. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles – 1 Peso (34mm, 19.96 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. KM 138.1; Y 11a; El 116. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Beautiful light silver gray patina overall. Evenly toned. Probably the finest known example of this very rare type. Highest graded by NGC by seven grades. ($5000) Ex World-Wide Coins of California 30 (14 November 1996), lot 421.

1202. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles – 1 Peso (35mm, 20.03 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. No periods in FJ. KM 138.3; Y 6b; El 111. In NGC encapsulation graded MS65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb toned original specimen in absolute gem condition. A true Jewel of Bolivian Numismatics. Very rare. By far the rarest Bolivian crown in this collection. Highest graded by five grades. ($4000) Ex Spink 60 (7 October 1987), lot 751.

1203. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles – 1 Peso (36mm, 20.08 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859 PTS FJ. KM 138.4; Y 11c; El 117. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Superb lustrous coin with slightly weak strike. Only specimen ever graded. ($1000) Ex Ponterio 129 (16 January 2004), lot 1570.


1204. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 8 Soles – 1 Peso (36mm, 19.17 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1861 PTS FJ. KM 136.6; Y 11d; El 121. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. A superbly toned jewel with wonderful surfaces. ($750) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, June 1974.

1205. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 1/2 Escudo (13mm, 1.69 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Luis de Aquilar and Digo Miguel Lopez, assayers. Dated 1839 PTS LM. KM 100; C 56; Friedberg 25. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Orange peel color over superb surfaces. Only one graded higher. ($500) Ex L. Merkin (17 April 1970), lot 77.

1206. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 1/2 Escudo (14mm, 1.69 g, 12h). Potosí mint, Luis de Aquilar and Rafael Mariano Bustillo, assayers. Dated 1842 PTS LR. “BOLIAR” error. KM 104; C 63; Friedberg 30. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice lustrous BU with lovely strike. Faint orange peel toning. Error not shown on holder. Only one other graded, at AU 58. Extremely rare. ($500) Purchased from Pat Johnson, June 1970.

1207. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 1/2 Escudo (14mm, 1.70 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Manuel Berrios and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1855 PTS MJ. KM 36; Friedberg 36; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Superb UNC with beautiful deep orange peel patina. The only coin of this date ever graded. ($500) Purchased from Davis H. Carr, December 1971.


1208. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV Escudo (17mm, 3.38 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Juan Palomo y Sierra and Luis de Aquilar, assayers. Dated 1831 PTS JL. KM 98; C 57; Friedberg 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Full strike, lovely original orange peel toning. ($500) Purchased from George Vogt, May 1972.

1209. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV Escudo (18mm, 3.36 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Rafael Mariano Bustillo, assayer. Dated 1846/5 PTS R. KM 105; C 64; Friedberg 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Choice uncirculated with faint orange peel toning. Only specimen ever graded. Extremely rare. Overdate not mentioned on holder. ($1000) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, October 1973.

1210. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV Escudo (18mm, 3.31 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1853 PTS FP. KM 114; Friedberg 35; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Orange peel toning with a couple of light adjustment marks across Bolivar’s cheek. Skillfully plugged. ($200) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, December 1973.

1211. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 2 Escudos (23mm, 6.74 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Luis de Aquilar and Diego Miguel Lopez, assayers. Dated 1834 PTS LM. KM 101; C 58; Friedberg 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lovely coin with just a hint of orange peel toning. Very scarce denomination in choice condition. Just a few obverse adjustment marks. ($2000) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (13 June 1977), lot 1562.

Enlargement of Lot 1212 321

1212. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 2 Escudos (23mm, 6.75 g, 12h). Potosí mint, Luis de Aquilar and Rafael Mariano Bustillo, assayers. Dated 1841 PTS LR. KM 106; C 65; Friedberg 28. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Superb prooflike BU with just a few faint adjustment marks that can hardly be seen. Highest ever graded. Extremely rare. This is truly a wonder coin and by far the finest known example. ($6000) Purchased from Joe Elliott, November 1973.

From the Hammel Collection

1213. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 4 Escudos (29mm, 13.55 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Luis de Aquilar and Diego Miguel Lopez, assayers. Dated 1834 PTS LM. KM 102; C59; Friedberg 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant mint state. By far the highest ever graded. A true rarity of the series. Probably finest existing example. ($7500) Ex Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982) lot 677.

1214. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 4 Escudos (30mm, 13.56 g, 12h). Potosí mint, Luis de Aquilar and Rafael Mariano Bustillo, assayers. Dated 1841 PTS LR. KM 107; C 66; Friedberg 27. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS. Fully prooflike with toned original orange peel. Although this coin has light field repair, it is an extreme beauty and has full luster. Extremely rare in any grade. ($4000) Purchased from Joe Elliott, November 1973.


1215. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 8 Escudos (36mm, 27.16 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Luis de Aquilar and Diego Miguel Lopez, assayers. Dated 1833 PTS LM. KM 99; C 60; Friedberg 21. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with full luster and strong strike. Highest graded specimen of this date by 2 grades. ($5000) Purchased from George Vogt, November 1971.

1216. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 8 Escudos (37mm, 27.16 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Luis de Aquilar and Rafael Mariano Bustillo, assayers. Dated 1841 PTS LR. KM 108.2; C 68; Friedberg 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 WINGS APPROVED. Miscatalogued on slab as KM 108.1. Deep orange peel color with iridescent hues of lavender and gold. Highest ever graded for the date. ($5000) Purchased from A. Kosoff, November 1971.


1217. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 8 Escudos (34mm, 27.14 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Manuel Berrios and Fortunato Equivar, assayers. Dated 1851 PTS MF. KM 110; C 69; Friedberg 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lustrous uncirculated. Extremely rare one year type and the finest this cataloger has ever seen. ($10,000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 2007.

From the Hammel Collection

1218. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 8 Escudos (35mm, 27.17 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1852 PTS FP. KM 115; Friedberg 33; Y A14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 WINGS APPROVED. Superb fully lustrous, well struck coin over fully prooflike fields. This coin has strong claims to a much higher grade. Without a doubt the finest example of this very rare one year only type that this cataloger has ever seen. A true museum quality specimen. ($10,000) Ex Superior Galleries (9 December 1989), lot 30; Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982), lot 687.


From the Thomas Faistauer Collection

1219. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 8 Escudos (34mm, 27.14 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Manuel Berrios and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1856 PTS F/MJ. KM 116; Friedberg 34; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice UNC with faint orange peel toning. Only two Bolivian Republic 8 escudos have ever reached the grade MS 64 and this is one of them. ($5000) Ex Thomas Faistauer Collection (J. Peters, 23 April 1976), lot 464.

The Coinage of Mariano Melgarejo

1220 1221 1220. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/4 Melgarejo (23mm, 4.80 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Dated 1865. KM 144; Y 21. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lovely strike and finest for type that we have seen. Lovely lightly toned uncirculated. ($150) Purchased from Spink & Sons, April 1980. Mariano Melgarejo was arguably the worst leader to ever rule Bolivia. Although brielfy president of the Republic, the former army general assumed the office through a coup in 1864, and ruled as a tyrant. Dictators come and go, but few ruled with such brutality. Melgarejo was eventually overthrown by another army general in January 1871, and was later assassinated while living in exile in Lima, Peru. A number of proclamation and medallic style coinages were struck for the dictator in 1865.

1221. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Melgarejo (30mm, 10.20 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Dated 1865. KM 145.2; Y 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Original light tone over lustrous surfaces. Very nice strike. Highest graded specimen of this one year only type and the only uncirculated grade given. ($250) Purchased from Louis Collins, March 1979.


1222. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. Pattern CU 1/2 Melgarejo (31mm, 9.66 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Dated 1865. KM Pn6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN WINGS APPROVED. Gem mint state with 30% red. ($200) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1985.

1223. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Melgarejo Peso (35mm, 19.68 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Dated 1865. KM 146; Y 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem with iridescent hues of blue and reddish gold over fully lustrous unimpaired surfaces. The finest Melgarejo Peso this cataloger has ever seen. This is truly a wonder coin and far surpasses the second best, graded at MS 62. A once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase this incredible specimen. ($2000)

1224. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/2 Real Melgarejo Proclamation (20mm, 1.35 g, 12h). Dated 1865. Fonrobert 9682. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated, very full strike and full beard. ($150) Ex World-Wide Coins of California 50 (16 November 2006), lot 288.

1225. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Real Proclamation – 1/10 Boliviano (17mm, 2.28 g, 12h). Dated 1865. Burnet 102.1; Fonrobert 9680. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Well struck with just a hint of wear over very light patinated surfaces. ($100) 326

From the Whittier Collection

1226. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU-NI Real Proclamation – 1/10 Boliviano (19mm, 2.54 g, 12h). Dated 1865. Fonrobert 9667. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Iridescent toning with hues of gold, blue, green, and amber. ($150) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16359.

1227. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU Centesimo (20mm, 4.01 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Dated 1864. KM 147; Y 24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Lovely brown unimpaired surfaces. A rare one year type with a total mintage of 10,000, a miniscule amount for a small copper coin. None graded higher. ($500) Purchased from Frank Lapa, April 1967.

1228. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/20 Boliviano (15mm, 1.22 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1865/4 PTS FP. KM 149; Y 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 68 WINGS APPROVED. Gem BU with just a hint of color on the edge. Scarce two year type. Highest ever graded. A perfect coin. ($300) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, December 1970.

1229. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/5 Boliviano (24mm, 5.01 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1864 PTS FP. Widely spaced stars. KM 151.1; Y 28. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem moderately toned uncirculated. Highest ever graded specimen of this one year only type. ($300) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16273.


1230 1231 1230. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/5 Boliviano (25mm, 5.06 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1864 PTS FP. KM 151.1 “D/I”; Y 28. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. Moderately toned over lightly worn surfaces. Very scarce mint error and the only one ever graded. A great prize for the specialist. ($100) Purchased from Henry Christensen, June 1982.

1231. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 1/5 Boliviano (24mm, 4.72 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1865 PTS FP. KM 151.2; Y 28. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Nice iridescent multicolored toning. This is the only specimen graded. ($100) Purchased from Henry Christensen, June 1982.



1232. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Boliviano (35mm, 24.69 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1864 PTS FP. KM 152.1; Y 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned UNC with light iridescence. Highest ever graded for this date. ($300) Purchased from Lester Merkin, June 1971.

1233. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Boliviano (35mm, 25.32 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1867 PTS FE/P. KM 152.2; Y 29a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very light toning with multiple hues of gold and blue. Only two of these ever graded and this one grades higher than the other. ($200) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, February 1972.

1234. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV 1/2 Escudo (14mm, 1.26 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1868 PTS FE. KM 140; Friedberg 39; Y 30. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb lustrous semi prooflike gem. None graded higher. A truly wonderful coin never encountered in such perfect condition. ($1000) Ex J. Peters (January 1971), lot 475.


1235. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AV Escudo (16mm, 2.48 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1868 PTS FE. KM 141; Friedberg 38; Y 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem orange peel toned uncirculated. One tiny planchet mark next to the wreath keeps it out of the perfect gem class. A wonderful coin. ($1500) Ex Stack’s (15 September 1982), lot 694.



1236. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU Centavo (20mm, 3.16 g, 6h). Dated 1878. KM 162. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Chocolate toning over mint state surfaces. Type with value on reverse. Extremely rare one year type and very elusive. Highest graded specimen by far. ($500) Purchased from Henry Christensen, November 1982.

1237. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU Centavo (24mm, 5.11 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1883 A. KM 167. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Lovely toned uncirculated with hints of red surrounding the shield. One year only type. ($75)

1238. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU 2 Centavos (30mm, 10.17 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1883 A. KM 168. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Although graded brown, the coin appears to be red-brown with 50-60% subdued red showing. One year only type. ($100)

1239. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 5 Centavos (16mm, 1.26 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1871 PTS ER. Type without dots in reverse legend. KM 156.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice moderately toned UNC. Very scarce one year only type. This is the only specimen ever graded. ($300) Purchased from Freeman Craig, August 1983.





1240. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.19 g, 3h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1871 PTS ER. KM 156.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb gem faintly toned UNC. Highest ever graded specimen. ($150) Purchased from Ralph Goldstone, September 1970.

1241. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.17 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1872 PTS FE. KM 156.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Lovely uncirculated specimen moderately toned. Superb gem UNC. Highest ever graded. Scarce variety. ($100) Purchased from Freeman Craig, December 1977.

1242. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.16 g, 5h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1884/3 PTS FE. KM 157.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned gem. Last year of type. Only two of these have been graded and this is by far the finest of the two. ($100) Purchased from A. H. Baldwin & Sons, August 1972.




1243. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.17 g, 7h). Potosí mint. Dated 1900 PTS MM. KM 157.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Choice faintly toned uncirculated and a real gem. Last year of type. ($75) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1972.

1244. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU-NI 5 Centavos (17mm, 2.51 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1883 A. KM 169.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Super gem lightly toned BU. A one year only type in exceptional condition. Highest ever graded specimen. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1974.

1245. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU-NI 5 Centavos (17mm, 2.49 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1883 A. KM 169.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Type with hole. Gem faintly toned UNC. Scarce one year type officially holed at the mint. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1974.

1246. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU-NI 5 Centavos (19mm, 2.54 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1892 H. KM 171. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Superb gem BU with just a hint of toning. ($75) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, June 1969.


From the Whittier Collection

1247. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. Specimen CU-NI 5 Centavos (19mm, ~2.50 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1893. KM 173.1. In NGC encapsulation graded Specimen 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb proof gem with beautiful iridescent toning. A real eye popper. ($300) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16244.

Unlisted in KM

1248. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. Proof CU-NI 5 Centavos (17mm, 2.31 g, 12h). Dated 1935. Cf. KM 178 (for business strike). In NGC encapsulation graded Proof 67. Gem proof. One year only type. Unlisted as a proof in KM. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 2006.




1249. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.49 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1870 PTS ER. KM 153.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice frosty uncirculated with just a hint of overall patina. Only one graded higher. This beautiful gem needs a nice home. ($100) Purchased from Freeman Craig, October 1975.

1250. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.30 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1871 PTS ER. Reverse legend: DIEZ/CENT./9Ds FINO. KM 153.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lovely choice uncirculated. A virtual gem with cameo iridescent toning. One year only variety. This is the only one ever graded. ($100) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, October 1974.

1251. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.47 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1874 PTS FE. Reverse legend: DIEZ/CENTs/9Ds.. KM 158.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Nicely toned gem UNC. ($75) Purchased from Pat Johnson, June 1971.



1252. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.25 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1888 PTS FE. Smaller oval in shield. KM 158.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Superb gem UNC with just a hint of toning. A one year only type. ($75) Ex Superior Galleries (31 May 1989), lot 6588.

1253. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.18 g, 5h). Potosí mint. Dated 1893 PTS CB. KM 158.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Nicely toned gem UNC. Highest ever graded. ($75) 331

1255 1254 1254. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU-NI 10 Centavos (20mm, 4.12 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1883 A. KM 170.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb gem. Moderate toning, a few tiny dark spots in the field. None graded higher. ($150) 1255. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU-NI 10 Centavos (20mm, 3.87 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1883 A. With center hole. KM 170.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Superb faintly toned gem UNC. Highest graded ever specimen of this one year only type. Officially holed at the mint. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1974.

1256. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. Specimen CU-NI 10 Centavos (25mm, 4.98 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1892 H. KM 172. In NGC encapsulation graded Specimen 65 WINGS APPROVED. Brilliant mint state. Tiny spot in the field near denomination. This coin is basically a proof and extremely rare. ($500) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, April 1970.

1257. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU-NI 10 Centavos (24mm, 5.02 g, 6h). Dated 1899. KM 174.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Type without privy marks. Gem fully prooflike BU. Just a few toning spots on the obverse and reverse. ($75) Purchased from A. H. Baldwin & Sons, August 1970.

1258. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. Proof CU-NI 10 Centavos (22mm, 4.51 g, 12h). Dated 1935. Cf. KM 179.1 (for business strike). In NGC encapsulation graded Proof 67 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem proof. Unlisted as a proof in KM. Highest ever graded. ($200) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, February 2006.


Unlisted in KM as Proof

1259. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. Proof CU-NI 10 Centavos (22mm, 4.47 g, 12h). Dated 1937. Plain edge. Cf. KM 180 (for business strike). In NGC encapsulation graded Proof 65 Cameo WINGS APPROVED. Gem brilliant proof. Unlisted in KM as a proof. An extremely rare one year type. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 2006. Ex Austrian Mint Duplicates.

From the Whittier Collection

1260. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 4.94 g, 7h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1870 PTS FE. KM 154.1; Y 35. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated. Highest graded specimen. Scarce two year type in extremely choice condition. Absolutely the finest known for the first date of this elusive two year variety. ($500) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16276.




1261. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.66 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1872 PTS FE. KM 154.3; Y 35b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly even toned surfaces. Only two of these have ever been graded. This is the only one graded in mint state and the finest by many grades. Scarce two year variety. ($150) Purchased from Steve Album, May 1993.

1262. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.44 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Dated 14 January 1879. KM 166. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Moderately toned UNC with brighter reverse. ($150) Purchased from Karl Stephens, February 1985.

1263. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.64 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Date 1883 PTS FE. KM 159.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem peripheral toning. Finer of two graded. ($75) Purchased from Frank Lapa, January 1974.


Unpriced in KM

1264. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. Proof AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.98 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1884 PTS FE. KM 159.2. In NGC encapsulation graded Proof 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superbly toned gem proof with fabulous iridescent multicolored toning. Extremely rare and unpriced in KM. The only specimen ever graded. ($500) Purchased from Larry Hanks, December 1982.

1265 1266 1265. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.58 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Dated 1893 PTS CB. KM 159.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Lightly toned gem UNC. Finer of two graded. ($75) Purchased from Paul Puckett, June 1972.

1266. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 50 Centavos – Half Boliviano (29mm, 12.50 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1873 PTS FE. KM 161.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned gem BU. A one year only variety. ($250) Purchased from Freeman Craig, June 1976.

1267. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 50 Centavos – Half Boliviano (30mm, 12.52 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1879/7 PTS FE. KM 161.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned UNC. Only two ever graded and this is the finest by several grades. A two year only type. ($500) Purchased from Louis Collins, February 1977.


Extremely Rare and the Finest Known From the Whittier Collection

1268. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 50 Centavos – Half Boliviano (30mm, 11.61 g, 7h). Potosí mint. Dated 1891 PTS CB. Reduced size lettering with weight. KM 161.4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb toned with multicolored hues. An absolute gem. One of the great rarities of the Bolivian series. Finest known example. ($3000) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16297.




1269. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 50 Centavos – Half Boliviano (29mm, 11.51 g, 7h). Potosí mint. Dated 1898 PTS CB. Reduced size lettering without weight. KM 161.5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU. ($75) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1974.

1270. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 50 Centavos (29mm, 11.55 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1900 So. KM 175.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb brilliant uncirculated, Finer of two graded. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, August 1971.

1271. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 50 Centavos – 1/2 Boliviano (29mm, 11.64 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Dated 1902 PTS MM. KM 175.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Superb gem BU with a hint of toning on the reverse. Highest graded specimen by far, and only three of this date have been graded. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, February 1975.

1272. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR 50 Centavos – 1/2 Boliviano (29mm, 10.03 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1909 H. KM 177. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem toned uncirculated. Fantastic coin. Highest ever graded. ($100) Purchased from J. W. Robinson, June 1969.


1273. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. CU-NI 50 Centavos – 1/2 Bolviano (25mm, 7.01 g, 12h). Dated 1937. KM 181. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lovely UNC. One year only type. ($75) Purchased from F. S. Werner, January 1979.

1274. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Boliviano (36mm, 25.45 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1870 PTS ER. Eleven stars below shield. KM 155.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Moderate toning over fully frosted surface. An incredible gem. A one year only variety. Finest of three graded. ($750) Purchased from Henry Christensen, November 1979.

1275. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Boliviano (36mm, 25.05 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1870 PTS ER. KM 155.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb brilliant uncirculated coin with a few light bag marks in the center of the reverse field. Highest graded example of this one year only variety. ($200) Purchased from Mike Dunigan, April 1975.


1276. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Boliviano (36mm, 25.06 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1870 PTS ER. KM 155.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned lustrous BU with just a faint hint of iridescent toning. Razor sharp strike. Finer of two known. Elusive two year type. ($400) Purchased from Steve Eyer, August 1976.

1277. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Boliviano (35mm, 25.28 g, 5h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1872 PTS ER. KM 155.4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb lustrous faintly toned UNC. None graded higher. ($300) Purchased August 1971.


1278. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. AR Boliviano (35mm, 24.97 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1872 PTS FE. KM 160.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem toned UNC. Unvalued in uncirculated in KM. Very scarce this nice. ($200) Purchased June 1970.

1279. BOLIVIA, Republic. 1825-present. Lot of six (6) CU-NI and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1279.1) CU-NI 5 Centavos (20mm, 2.46 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1893. KM 173.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. Struck in medal rotation and a two year only type. (1279.2) AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.33 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1872 PTS FE. Nine stars at bottom. KM 153.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned UNC. A two year type which is unpriced in KM. Highest graded specimen. Purchased from Freeman Craig, October 1975. (1279.3) AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 3.94 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1909 H. KM 176. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Brilliant with light mottled toning. (1279.4) CU-NI 50 Centavos – 1/2 Bolviano (28mm, 8.38 g, 11h). Dated 1939. KM 182. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice BU. One year only type. Purchased from M. Louis Teller, 2006. (1279.5) AR 1/10 Boliviano (18mm, 2.33 g, 12h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar, assayer. Dated 1865 PTS FP. KM 150; Y 27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Deeply toned uncirculated. Only three of theses have ever been graded. (1279.6) AR 2 Soles (25mm, 7.01 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Fortunato Equivar and Joaquin Zemborain, assayers. Dated 1859/8 PTS FJ. KM 121.3; Y 4b. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS. Moderately toned overall. Although the slab says repaired, under a 5 power glass we can’t find repair but it might have been plugged. The coin does have minor planchet flaws. Six (6) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1280. BRAZIL, Colonial. Pedro II. As King of Portugal, 1683-1706. AR 640 Réis (38mm, 18.82 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1699 R. KM 90.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice toned uncirculated specimen with even gray patina overall. Highest ever graded specimen, and the finest 17th century 640 réis graded. ($500) Ex Schweizerischer Bankverein 22 (19 September 1989), lot 33.


1281 1282 1281. BRAZIL, Colonial. Pedro II. As King of Portugal, 1683-1706. AR 640 Réis (37mm, 18.69 g, 12h). Pernambuco mint. Dated 1701 P. KM 90.2; Russo 136. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Choice toned AU with moderate gray patina overall with very good strike. Worthy of a fine collection. ($400) Ex UBS 51 (30 January 2001), lot 1967.

1282. BRAZIL, Colonial. Jose I. King of Portugal, 1750-1777. AR 640 Réis (37mm, 17.89 g, 12h). Lisboa (Lisbon) mint. Dated 1768. “SVBQ”. KM 193.1. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Choice AU with lovely lustrous surfaces and hues of amber in the patina. A two year only type. Finer of two graded, the other in XF 45. ($200) Ex World-Wide Coins of California 47 (12 May 2005), lot 258.



1283. BRAZIL, Colonial. Maria I y Pedro III. Queen & King of Portugal, 1777-1786. AR 640 Réis (36mm, 17.45 g, 12h). Lisboa (Lisbon) mint. Dated 1783. Full arch crown variety. KM 207. In NGC encapsulation graded VF 30. Evenly worn problem free. Moderate dark gray toning overall. Only specimen ever graded. ($100) Ex Renaissance Auctions II (6 December 2000), lot 829 (part of).

1284. BRAZIL, Colonial. Maria I y Pedro III. Queen & King of Portugal, 1777-1786. AR 640 Réis (37mm, 17.48 g, 12h). Lisboa (Lisbon) mint. Dated 1780. Variety with flat arch crown. KM 207.1. In NGC encapsulation graded VF 35. Moderately toned pleasant VF with even wear. Only specimen ever graded. ($75) Ex Renaissance Auctions II (6 December 2000), lot 829 (part of).

From the Karon Collection

1285. BRAZIL, Colonial. Maria I. Queen of Portugal, 1786-1816. AR 640 Réis (38mm, 18.11 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1749 R. KM 222.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb violet blue toning over fully lustrous surfaces. Superb violet blue toning over fully lustrous surfaces. Choice Mint State. Finest of three graded, the others at XF 45. Extremely rare in this high grade. ($500) Ex Renaissance Auctions II (6 December 2000), lot 829 (part of); Paul Karon Collection.




1286. BRAZIL, Colonial. Maria I. Queen of Portugal, 1786-1816. AR 640 Réis (38mm, 14.60 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1812 R. Overstruck on a an earlier 6,400 Reis. KM 256.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lovely brilliant uncirculated specimen with just a hint of patina. ($500) Ex Schweizerischer Bankverein 22 (19 September 1989), lot 475.

1287. BRAZIL, Colonial. Joao VI. As prince regent, 1799-1816. AR 960 Réis (40mm, 26.91 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1812 R. KM 307.1; El 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lightly toned iridescent gray with hues of blue. Only one graded higher in 65 for this date and quite scarce this nice. ($250) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of California.



1288. BRAZIL, Colonial. Joao VI. As prince regent, 1799-1816. AR 960 Réis (41mm, 26.76 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1816 R. KM 313. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS. White surfaces with just a hint of toning. Coin is a one year only type. ($250) Ex Ponterio 120 (8 June 2002), lot 740.

1289. BRAZIL, Colonial. Joao VI. As King of Portugal, 1816-1822. AR 640 Réis (37mm, 18.06 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1820 R. KM 325.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Nicely toned with moderate silver gray toning. One or two darker patches of patina. Only two graded higher. ($100) Ex H. Christensen 73 (8 December 1979), lot 189.


1290. BRAZIL, Colonial. Joao VI. As King of Portugal, 1816-1822. AR 960 Réis (40mm, 26.96 g, 12h). Bahia mint. Dated 1820 B. KM 326.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb deeply toned iridescent gem coin. Fabulous original coin and finest we have seen for type. Very rare grade for Bahia mint. Highest specimen ever graded. ($250) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of California, December 1979.

1291. BRAZIL, Empire. Pedro I. 1822-1831. AR 640 Réis (37mm, 17.90 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1824 R. KM 367. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem UNC with moderate even dark blue gray patina. Finest specimen we have seen. Beautiful from all perspectives. ($300) Purchased from Louis Collins, December 1988.


1292. BRAZIL, Empire. Pedro I. 1822-1831. AR 960 Réis (40mm, 27.03 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1824 R. Overstruck on an 8 Reales. KM 368.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb very lightly toned gem UNC. Highest ever graded specimen. ($400) Purchased from Freeman Craig, January 1980.

Classic Brazilian Rarity

1293. BRAZIL, Empire. Pedro II. 1831-1889. AR 960 Réis (40mm, 26.88 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1832 R. KM 385; El 51. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Fully lustrous gem BU. Just a hint of iridescent toning and a small patch of darker toning on the reverse. Only one has been graded higher at 66. ($4000) Ex Renaissance Auctions II (6 December 2000), lot 720. A classic Brazilian rarity with a mintage of only 3,039 pieces. A group of these appeared in the marketplace in the 1990’s from a small hoard. Those coins have long since been absorbed into the market.


Mintage of 891

1294. BRAZIL, Empire. Pedro II. 1831-1889. AR 1200 Réis (37mm, 26.87 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1834. KM 454. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Beautiful iridescently toned uncirculated specimen. ($750) Ex Bowers & Ruddy (15 December 1981), lot 890. Extremely rare with only 891 specimens struck. For this denomination almost all the dates are rare, especially in nice condition.

1295 1296 1295. BRAZIL, Empire. Pedro II. 1831-1889. AR 2000 Réis (37mm, 25.42 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1851. KM 462. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Brilliant uncirculated specimen. Two year only type, this being the first year. Only one graded higher in 65. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1981.

1296. BRAZIL, Empire. Pedro II. 1831-1889. AR 2000 Réis (36mm, 25.36 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1863. KM 466. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. A very beautiful choice uncirculated specimen with a few underlying hairlines. Moderate silver blue patina overall. Absolutely choice coin. Very surprised it was not graded. ($100) Purchased from Irving Goodman, June 1982.

1297. BRAZIL, Empire. Pedro II. 1831-1889. AR 2000 Réis (37mm, 24.84 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1869. KM 475. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Faint toning over very lustrous surfaces and somewhat weak strike. Possibly better than AU 58. A two year only type. ($150) Purchased from Paramount International Coin Corporation, August 1992.


1298 1299 1298. BRAZIL, Empire. Pedro II. 1831-1889. AR 2000 Réis (37mm, 25.34 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1875. KM 475a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU with full luster. Superlative coin and highest ever graded for the date and type. ($200) Purchased from Superior Galleries.

1299. BRAZIL, Empire. Pedro II. 1831-1889. AR 2000 Réis (37mm, 25.45 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1889. KM 485. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Light iridescently toned uncirculated with very strong luster. Last year of the type. ($100) Purchased from DAP Coins, May 1980.

1300. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. Proof CU-NI 100 Réis (21mm, 4.96 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1901 (in Roman numerals). KM 503. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66 Cameo. Superb lightly patinated gem proof. The only coin of this date and type graded in proof. A one year only type. ($300) Purchased from Frank Lapa, January 1970.

1301 1302 1301. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. CU-NI 200 Réis (32Pmm, 14.91 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1889. KM 493. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice moderately toned specimen. Only one graded higher in MS 64. ($75) 1302. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AR 400 Réis (22mm, 5.18 g, 12h). Commemorating the Quadricentennial of the Discovery of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1500 and 1900. KM 499. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Very moderately toned gem uncirculated. Only one specimen graded higher in 66. One year only type. ($100) Purchased from D. J. Crowther, September 1969.

1303. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. Pattern CU-NI 400 Réis (30mm, 12.14 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1914. KM 515. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina. Highest graded specimen. ($200) Purchased from Limarc, December 1979.


1304 1305 1304. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AL-Æ 500 Réis (23mm, 4.14 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1822 and 1922. Error: BBAZIL. KM 521.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. Extremely rare and only one ever graded. ($100) 1305. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AR 1000 Réis (30mm, 12.71 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1889. KM 495. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Moderate mottled toning overall. Only one graded higher in MS 62. A one year only type. ($100) Purchased from Coin Galleries, January 1971.

1306. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AR 1000 Réis (30mm, 12.68 g, 6h). Commemorating the Quadricentennial of the Discovery of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1500 and 1900. KM 500. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated with moderate amber toning over half of the coin. Highest ever graded specimen. ($150) Purchased from D. J. Crowther, September 1969.

1307. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AR 2000 Réis (38mm, 25.48 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1896. KM 498; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem very lightly toned BU. Just a hint of patina. Three year type, with this the rarest date. ($4000) Purchased from Louis Collins, October 1973. This type, depicting the “Republic” head, was used by the newly formed Republic to payoff left over Empire debt to the British. Large numbers were subsequently melted.


1308. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AR 2000 Réis (36mm, 25.41 g, 6h). Commemorating the Quadricentennial of the Discovery of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1500 and 1900. KM 501. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb even light toning over very lustrous surfaces. None graded higher. ($400) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp, April 1970.

1309. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AR 2000 Réis (33mm, 20.03 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1913. KM 511. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Brilliant uncirculated with a faint hint of toning. Highest graded. ($75)

1310. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AR 4000 Réis (50mm, 50.96 g, 6h). Commemorating the Quadricentennial of the Discovery of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1500 and 1900. 20 Rays variety. KM 502.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Fantastic luster graces this entire coin, which has very light mottled iridescent toning. Highest graded. ($1000) Purchased from Louis Collins, November 1972.

1311. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AV 10000 Réis (23mm, 8.91 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1904. KM 496; Y 25; Friedberg 125. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. A superb coin with deep orange peel color. Full luster under patina. None graded higher. Mintage of 541. ($2000) Purchased from New Netherlands Coin Company, November 1973.


1312. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. AV 20000 Réis (30mm, 17.91 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1900. KM 497; Y 26; Friedberg 124. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb brilliant choice BU with full luster. Close to gem. A wonderful type coin in the finest condition. Highest graded. ($2500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1981. Being one of BRIC countries, Brazilian numismatic prices have taken off dramatically recently.

Brazil Large Lots 1313. BRAZIL. Lot of four (4) Æ, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1313.1) Colonial. Maria I. Queen of Portugal, 1786-1816. AR 640 Réis (36mm, 17.08 g, 12h). Lisboa (Lisbon) mint. Dated 1787. Full arch crown. KM 222. In NGC encapsulation graded VF DETAILS. Normal VF with one or two very minor scratches. (1313.2) Republic. 1889-1930. Æ 20 Réis (25mm, 7.18 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1889. KM 490. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Gem uncirculated with very light reddish brown even patina. First year of type and highest ever graded specimen. (1313.3) Republic. 1889-1930. CU-NI 20 Réis (16mm, 2 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1919. KM 516.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem brilliant uncirculated. Highest graded specimen. (1313.4) Republic. 1889-1930. Æ 40 Réis (30mm, 11.89 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1889. KM 491. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Choice evenly toned reddish brown and very lustrous. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1314. BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. Lot of fourteen (14) CU-NI Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1314.1) CU-NI 50 Réis (17mm, 2.98 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1919. KM 517. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated. (1314.2) CU-NI 100 Réis (27mm, 10.09 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1889. KM 492. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice lightly toned gem. Highest and only coin ever graded. (1314.3) CU-NI 100 Réis (20mm, 4.96 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1532 and 1932. KM 527. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem brilliant uncirculated. (1314.4) CU-NI 100 Réis (20mm, 4.98 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1935. KM 518. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Prooflike choice brilliant uncirculated. (1314.5) CU-NI 100 Réis (20mm, 4.3 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1936. KM 536. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. (1314.6) CU-NI 200 Réis (25mm, 8 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1901 (in Roman numerals). KM 504. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Toned very lustrous mint state coin and possibly a proof. One year only type. Purchased from Frank Lapa, November 1972. (1314.7) CU-NI 200 Réis (24mm, 8.08 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1932. KM 519. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Uncirculated with somewhat mottled toning. (1314.8) CU-NI 200 Réis (25mm, 7.86 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1532 and 1932. KM 528. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. 347

(1314.9) CU-NI 200 Réis (23mm, 6.16 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1936. KM 537. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem UNC. (1314.10) CU-NI 300 Réis (25mm, 7.93 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1937. KM 538. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated. (1314.11) CU-NI 400 Réis (30mm, 11.92 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1901 (in Roman numerals). KM 505. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated specimen. One year only type in lovely condition. (1314.12) CU-NI 400 Réis (30mm, 12.01 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1930. KM 520. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated. (1314.13) CU-NI 400 Réis (30mm, 11.93 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1532 and 1932. KM 529. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU. (1314.14) CU-NI 400 Réis (29mm, 9.94 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1936. KM 539. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. Fourteen (14) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS. 1315.


BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. Lot of four (4) AR 500 Réis. Lot includes the following dates:

(1315.1) AR 500 Réis (24mm, 6.38 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1889. KM 494. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice deeply toned uncirculated. One year only type. First silver coin of the Republic. (1315.2) AR 500 Réis (22mm, 4.98 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1906. KM 506. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem brilliant uncirculated with moderate toning overall and a few dark spots. Highest graded. (1315.3) AR 500 Réis (22mm, 5 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1912. KM 509. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem brilliant uncirculated with a faint hint of patina. (1315.4) AR 500 Réis (21mm, 5.01 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1913. KM 512. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Choice brilliant uncirculated with a faint hint of toning. Highest ever graded. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS. 1316.


BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. Lot of five (5) AL-Æ 500 Réis. Lot includes the following dates:

(1316.1) AL-Æ 500 Réis (23mm, 3.91 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1822 and 1922. KM 521.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem with mottled toning. (1316.2) AL-Æ 500 Réis (22mm, 3.92 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1928. KM 524. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. (1316.3) AL-Æ 500 Réis (22mm, 3.94 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1532 and 1932. KM 530. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated. (1316.4) AL-Æ 500 Réis (22mm, 5.04 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1935. KM 533. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice brilliant uncirculated. (1316.5) AL-Æ 500 Réis (23mm, 3.76 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1938. Thick planchet variety. KM 540. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS. 1317.


BRAZIL, Republic. 1889-1930. Lot of seventeen (17) AL-Æ and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following:

(1317.1) AR 1000 Réis (25mm, 10 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1911. KM 507. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina. (1317.2) AR 1000 Réis (26mm, 9.99 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1913. Reeded edge variety. KM 510. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. (1317.3) AR 1000 Réis (26mm, 10.02 g, 6h). Berlin mint. Dated 1913 A. Continuous legend variety. KM 513. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. Only one graded higher at 67. (1317.4) AL-Æ 1000 Réis (25mm, 8.05 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1822 and 1922. KM 522.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina. (1317.5) AL-Æ 1000 Réis (26mm, 8.25 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1822 and 1922. Error: BBAZIL instead of BRAZIL. KM 522.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Light mottled toning on choice surfaces with one tiny spot on reverse. Only one graded higher in 65. 348

(1317.6) AL-Æ 1000 Réis (26mm, 7.83 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1927. KM 525. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU with light obverse and reverse mottled toning. (1317.7) AL-Æ 1000 Réis (26mm, 7.92 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1532 and 1932. KM 531. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. (1317.8) AL-Æ 1000 Réis (26mm, 8.07 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1935. KM 534. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated with a hint of patina. (1317.9) AL-Æ 1000 Réis (24mm, 7.23 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1938. Reeded edge variety. KM 541. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Toned choice uncirculated. (1317.10) AR 2000 Réis (33mm, 20.06 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1907. KM 508. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated with a hint of light overall patina. (1317.11) AR 2000 Réis (33mm, 20.03 g, 6h). Berlin mint. Dated 1913 A. KM 514. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with faint patina. (1317.12) AR 2000 Réis (26mm, 8.02 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1822 and 1922. KM 523. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated. (1317.13) AR 2000 Réis (25mm, 7.87 g, 6h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1927. KM 526. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. Only two ever graded with this being the highest. (1317.14) AR 2000 Réis (26mm, 8.05 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dually dated 1532 and 1932. KM 532. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Gem uncirculated with just a few spots of toning. (1317.15) AR 2000 Réis (25mm, 8.11 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1935. KM 535. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem brilliant uncirculated. (1317.16) AL-Æ 2000 Réis (26mm, 8.85 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1936. KM 542. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Slightly dulled choice uncirculated. (1317.17) AR 5000 Réis (27mm, 10.08 g, 12h). Rio de Janeiro mint. Dated 1936. KM 543. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated. Seventeen (17) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1318. CANADA, Confederation. George V. King of Great Britain, 1910-1936. AR Dollar (36mm, 24.33 g, 12h). Dated 1936. KM 31. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Dark mottled toning. Reverse wheel marks. ($30) Purchased from Louis Collins, February 1981.

1319. CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, British West Indies. George IV. King of Great Britain, 1820-1830. AR Half Dollar (32mm, 13.49 g, 6h). London mint. Dated 1822. Pridmore 8; KM 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem UNC with mottled original toning. A numismatic dream. Finest example ever encapsulated and by far the finest example this cataloger has ever seen. ($1500) Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin, June 1996. ‘Anchor money’ circulated throughout the British Empire from Canada, to Mauritius, and to the British West Indies.


Significant New World Rarity

1320. CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, Curaçao. Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (Dutch Republic). 1581-1795. AR 3 Gulden (39mm, 31.80 g, 11h). Utrecht mint. Dated 1794 W. S 1353; KM 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Deeply silver-blue toned over nice unimpaired surfaces. One year type. Extremely high grade for this type and one of the finest known. Only one graded higher in MS 64. One of the rarest coins of the new world, with less that 20 remaining out of an original minting of 1226 pieces. Richard waited almost 35 years to find this coin. One of the key coins in any collection of the New World. ($10,000) Purchased from Freeman Craig, March 1998.

1321. CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, Curaçao. Dutch. Wilhelm I. King of the Netherlands, 1813-1840. AR Stuiver (150mm, 0.68 g, 6h). Utrecht mint. Dated 1822. KM 24.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superbly toned choice uncirculated specimen with full luster. Extremely rare this choice. ($300) Ex Ray Byrne Collection (J. Peters 78, 13 June 1975), lot 221.

From the John Quincy Adams/Massachusetts Historical Society Collection

1322. CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, Curaçao. Dutch. Wilhelm I. King of the Netherlands, 1813-1840. AR Real (17mm, 1.81 g, 6h). Utrecht mint. Dated 1821. 4 acorns variety. KM 26.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Fully prooflike with a hint of moderate toning in places. Incredible surfaces and luster. Superb coin, and the finest this cataloger has ever seen. ($500) Ex John Quincy Adams/Massachusetts Historical Society Collection (Stack’s, 5 March 1971), lot 489.

1323. CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, Curaçao. Dutch. Wilhelmina. Queen of the Netherlands, 1890-1948. AR 1/10 Gulden (14mm, 1.40 g, 12h). Utrecht mint; muntmeestertekens: halberd and winged caduceus. H.L.A. van den Wall Bake, mintmaster. Dated 1901. KM 36. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned choice uncirculated with just a hint of toning. Highest specimen ever graded for a fairly scarce one year type. ($100) Purchased from Sam Koeppel, an old time Downtown Los Angeles dealer.


1324. CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, Curaçao. Dutch. Wilhelmina. Queen of the Netherlands, 1890-1948. AR 1/4 Gulden (19.5mm, 3.57 g, 12h). Utrecht mint; muntmeestertekens: halberd and winged caduceus. H.L.A. van den Wall Bake, mintmaster. Dated 1900. KM 35. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice uncirculated with satin surfaces. A rare type coin. Probably a bit undergraded. One year only type. ($100)

Carribean Territories – Curaçao Large Lots 1325. CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, Curaçao. Dutch. Wilhelmina. Queen of the Netherlands, 1890-1948. Lot of six (6) Æ, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1325.1) Æ 1 Cent (18.5mm, 2.64 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint; muntmeesterteken: palm tree. Struck for circulation in Suriname. Dated 1942. KM 39a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Beautiful coin with a bit of red on the edge. One year only type. (1325.2) Æ 1 Cent (19mm, 2.53 g, 6h). Utrecht mint; muntmeestertekens: halberd and winged caduceus. Dr. J.W.A. van Hengel, mintmaster. Dated 1947. KM 41. In NGC encapsulation MS 66 RD. Gem BU. Full red. (1325.3) Æ 2 ½ Cent (23mm, 4.00 g, 6h). Denver mint; muntmeesterteken: palm tree. Dated 1944 D. KM 42. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. (1325.4) CU-NI 5 Cents (21mm, 4.20 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Struck for circulation in Suriname and Curaçao. Dated 1943. KM 40. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. One year only type. None graded higher. (1325.5) CU-NI 5 Cents (20mm, 4.52 g, 6h). Utrecht mint; muntmeestertekens: halberd and winged caduceus. Dr. J.W.A. van Hengel, mintmaster. Dated 1948. KM 47. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem brilliant uncirculated. One year only type. None graded higher. (1325.6) AR 25 Cents (18mm, 3.54 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint; muntmeesterteken: palm tree. Struck for circulation in Suriname. Dated 1943. KM 38. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Mislabeled as a 10 cent piece. Six (6) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1326. CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, Curaçao. Dutch. Wilhelmina. Queen of the Netherlands, 1890-1948. Lot of seven (7) AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1326.1) AR 10 Cents (15mm, 1.41 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint; muntmeesterteken: palm tree. Dated 1941. KM 37. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Lightly toned. What appear to be hairlines seem to be die polishing marks. These coins also circulated in Surinam. (1326.2) AR 10 Cents (15mm, 1.45 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint; muntmeesterteken: palm tree. Dated 1942. KM 37. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated, just a hint of toning. (1326.3) AR Tenth Gulden (15mm, 1.44 g, 6h). Denver mint; muntmeesterteken: palm tree. Dated 1944 D. KM 43. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Just a hint of toning over gem satin surfaces. (1326.4) AR Tenth Gulden (15mm, 1.41 g, 6h). Utrecht mint; muntmeestertekens: halberd and winged caduceus. Dr. J.W.A. van Hengel, mintmaster. Dated 1948. KM 48. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem brilliant uncirculated. One year only type. (1326.5) AR Quarter Gulden (18mm, 3.59 g, 6h). Denver mint; muntmeesterteken: palm tree. Dated 1944 D. KM 44. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. (1326.6) AR Gulden (28mm, 10.04 g, 6h). Denver mint; muntmeesterteken: palm tree. Dated 1944 D. KM 45. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated with a hint of toning. Highest ever graded. (1326.7) AR 2½ Gulden (38mm, 25.07 g, 6h). Denver mint; muntmeesterteken: palm tree. Dated 1944 D. KM 46. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb choice brilliant uncirculated. Seven (7) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.



Finest Known Santiago Pillar Dollar

1327. CHILE, Colonial. Fernando VI. King of Spain, 1746-1759. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 27.04 g, 12h). Santiago mint. José Larrañata, assayer. Dated 1758 So J. KM 5; El 8; Calicó 387; Gilboy SC-8-6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Superb moderately toned uncirculated with just a few contact marks in the obverse fields where the coin was tapped by another coin. Slightly off center at the date. Full luster under the patina and full strike. Finest known example and highest Santiago Pillar Dollar ever graded. Only Mint State ever graded for type. ($50,000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller. Ex Renaissance Auctions III (with Cayón Auctions, 13 December 2001), lot 3097 (and front cover); “One Hundred Classic Silver Crowns” Collection (UBS 45, 15 September 1998), lot 3144, purchased from Randolph Zander, circa 1978. This is one of the great jewels of the Lissner Collection, and one that he was most attached to. The coins of Chile were his favorite in Latin American coinage, and the quality and rarity of this collection shows it. The buyer of this lot can speak to this cataloger about an interesting story attached to this coin.


1328. CHILE, Colonial. Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 27.02 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Domingo Eizaguirre and Augustin de Infante y Prado, assayers. Dated 1779 So DA. Calicó 1030; KM 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Beautiful lustrous faintly toned obverse with a satiny lightly toned reverse. Just a slight weakness of strike on the right side of the shield. Extremely rare type coin, as are all Carlos III 8 reales, and this is the finest example this cataloger has ever seen. Only one other coin of this type has ever reached MS 62, none are graded higher. ($10,000) Purchased from Freeman Craig, January 1984. Ex Garcia Collection.

1329. CHILE, Colonial. Carlos IV. King of Spain, 1788-1808. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.96 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Domingo Eizaguirre and Augustin de Infante y Prado, assayers. Dated 1794 So DA. KM 51. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb lightly toned gem uncirculated with fully lustrous surfaces. Only two 8 Reales of Chile have been graded MS 65 – both are in this sale. Of the highest rarity in this grade. ($5000) Purchased from B. A. Seaby, December 1978.


1330. CHILE, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (41mm, 27.20 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Francisco Rodriguez Brochero and Jose Maria de Bobadilla, assayers. Dated 1809 So FJ. Imaginary bust. KM 68; El 65; Calicó 624. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 WINGS APPROVED. Lustrous very lightly toned with light iridescence, a superb coin with a hint of weakness on the obverse. You can see every hair on the head of Fernando. Two year only type and a very elusive coin in this rare grade. ($2000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 1985.

1331. CHILE, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 27.34 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Francisco Rodriguez Brochero and Jose Maria de Bobadilla, assayers. Dated 1810 So FJ. KM 75; El 66. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Deeply toned in hues of gray and blue with full luster underlying the patina. A superb strike on a problem free planchet with claims to a higher grade. Only one graded higher for the date. ($5000) Purchased from Colony Coins, December 1983.


1332. CHILE, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 26.88Â g, 12h). Santiago mint. Francisco Rodriguez Brochero and Jose Maria de Bobadilla, assayers. Dated 1815 So FJ. KM 80. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb toned gem uncirculated with fantastic light charcoal-blue patina. Another wonder coin and the second of the MS 65 colonial 8 reales. An incredible strike. ($3000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1978.

1333. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (40mm, 27.18Â g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1820 FD. KM 82.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Beautiful original gray blue toning over fully lustrous surfaces. Superb fields. Strong razor sharp strike. Only coin of this date and type graded MS 65. ($5000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller. Ex Schweizerischer Bankverein 24 (23 January 1990), lot 2150.


Coquimbo ‘Fine’ Peso From the Boyd Collection

1334. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR ‘Fine Type’ Peso (41mm, 25.95 g, 12h). Coquimbo mint. Gregorio Cordovez, mintmaster. Theodor Hagen, assayer. Dated 1828 TH. KM 88. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Deep mottled toning over incredibly lustrous fields. Razor sharp strike. This is the finest known Mint State example in existence, next closest graded specimen is AU 58. This cataloger had the opportunity to hold the Lissner coin and the AU coin together at a recent Chicago Coin Fair, a once in a lifetime opportunity. ($100,000) Ex F.C.C. Boyd Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 19 August 1975), lot 1787. The ultimate jewel in the crown of the Richard Lissner Collection. This was Richard’s favorite South American coin and is the centerpiece of his South American collection. Only one other coin from Ecuador reaches the rarity and desirability of this coin. These coins were struck at a provincial mint less than fifty miles from Santiago during the early stages of the Chilean Republic. Because of the distance between the mines at Coquimbo and the mint at Santiago, a local mint at the mines was proposed. Authorized in 1827, the new mint was supervised by Gregorio Cordovez. Under him, Theodor (or Teodoro) Hagen acted as both engraver and assayer. When the Santiago mint failed to send some of the materials necessary for the manufacture of dies, Hagen was forced to create his own for his initial trial strikes of issues from the new mint. In late June and again in mid November 1828, two trials of the Coquimbo mint’s initial output were shipped to Santiago for inspection. Included in these were examples of the 1828 peso. In both cases, mint officials rejected the coins on the basis of their lower than expected fineness and “defective” (i.e. crude) engraving and execution. These two samples constitute the so-called ‘Crude Type’. By late 1829, a screw press was installed at the Coquimbo mint and Hagen, with hubs and prepared punches now at his disposal, was able to make dies of a finer style, unlike the earlier, hand-engraved, ones used in 1828. Although the Coquimbo Mint was now equipped to strike coinage of a high standard and did begin striking trials of the new, so-called ‘Fine Type’ peso, the Chilean Civil War of 1829-1830 forced the Coquimbo mint to close and its bullion and trial strikes to be lost in looting. Today, no more than fourteen examples of the ‘Fine Type’ peso are known, with one in the British Museum and one in the Banco de Chile collection.


1335. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 1/4 Real (12mm, 0.77 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1832/1 So. KM 89. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Moderate gray patina and full strike. Extremely rare type coin and exceptional in this grade. The coin pictured in KM is holed. Very rare, and only one graded higher for the date. ($600) Purchased from Tom Faistauer, March 1972.

1336. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.64 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1833 I. KM 90. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem fully lustrous uncirculated with superb original iridescent patina. Highest ever graded for this little jewel of a smoking volcano. A truly wonderful piece. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1973.

1337. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 1/2 Real (17mm, ~1.70 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1840 So IJ. KM 98.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem fully prooflike specimen. Quality strike. A two year type. The only coin ever graded for the date. Superb quality. ($600) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16442.

1338. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.52 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1845 So IJ. KM 98.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned fully prooflike uncirculated. Very beautiful iridescent blue-gray patina. Highest ever graded and remarkable specimen. Quality strike. ($250)

1339. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.58 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1842 So IJ. KM 98.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Toned with moderate blue-amber patina on gem lustrous surfaces. Only one graded higher, in MS 66. A two year type. This is a fantastic original specimen and very rare so choice. ($400) Ex H. Christensen 82 (10 December 1982), lot 688.


1340. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Real (21mm, 3.67 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1834 IJ. KM 91. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem deeply toned uncirculated with full multi-hued patina. A one year only type. Another fantastic volcano. ($750) Purchased from Ronald Gillio (one of our oldest and dearest friends, and one of America’s premier coin dealers).

1341. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Real (22mm, 3.42 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1838 So IJ. KM 94.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Fully lustrous with moderate multicolored iridescence. Superb choice uncirculated. ($500) Purchased from Freeman Craig, May 1979.

1342. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Real (22mm, ~3.35 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1841 IJ. KM 94.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem fully iridescent patina in bluish hues grace this lustrous gem uncirculated coin. A one year type. Absolute perfection. The only coin graded for the date. ($750) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16453.

1343. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Real (19mm, 3.01 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1845 So IJ. KM 94.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem brilliant uncirculated with very prooflike lustrous surfaces. Just a hint of patina. Superb for type and great fresh look. Only one graded higher in MS 66. ($250) Purchased from Tom Hamilton, June 1975.


1344. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 2 Reales (28mm, 6.71 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1834 So IJ. KM 92. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. A gem. Very beautifully toned in very light charcoal gray over fully lustrous surfaces. Strong strike. One year type and highest ever graded by four grades. A great example of the erupting volcano design. ($1000) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, September 1970.

1345. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 5.97 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1843 IJ. KM 100.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice prooflike BU with a hint of reverse patina over fully lustrous field. One year type and only one graded higher in MS 64 but this is still a fabulous coin. ($600) Purchased from Louis Hudson, October 1982.

1346. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 6.05 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1851 So LA. KM 100.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem fully lustrous uncirculated. Fantastic strike and surfaces of satiny iridescence. A great coin and highest ever graded 2 reales of the Chilean Republic. ($400) Purchased from Freeman Craig, September 1986.

Enlargement of Lot 1347 359

1347. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.05 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1839 So IJ. KM 96.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem fully prooflike BU with the appearance of a specimen strike. Very light iridescent patina overall with multicolored hues. MS 65 is the highest graded. This is the finest example this cataloger has ever seen and is a true museum piece. It will take your breath away. ($5000) Purchased from Almanzar’s Coins of the World, June 1972.

Finest Known

1348. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 26.92 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1848 So JM. KM 96.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem fully prooflike BU with a hint of beautiful multicolored iridescence spread lightly over the coin. Incredible strike, incredible patina, incredible prooflike surfaces grace this super gem coin. Highest ever graded specimen in unbelievable museum quality. Undoubtedly the finest known. ($5000) Purchased from Harvey Rose, June 1972.


1349. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV Escudo (19mm, ~3.30 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1826 I. KM 85. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice lustrous orange peel toned uncirculated. A fantastic prooflike reverse and great strike. Highest graded for the date and only one graded higher for the type. ($6000) Ex Tarapaca Collection (Heritage, 7 September 2011), lot 23843.

1350. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV Escudo (18mm, 3.31 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1838 So IJ. Friedberg 40; KM 99. In NGC encapsulation MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Super strike with what appear to be well-manicured finger nails. Finest known example of this one year only type and the highest graded by seven grades. A wonder coin. ($2000) Ex UBS 56 (28 January 2003), lot 3322.

1351. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV Escudo (18mm, 3.35 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1841 So IJ. Friedberg 44; KM 101.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very nice brilliant uncirculated. Only one graded higher for type, and the highest graded for the date. Very rare this choice. ($1000) Ex Ponterio 86 (4 April 1997), lot 1713.

1352. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV Escudo (18mm, 3.43 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1846 So IJ. Friedberg 44; KM 101.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice deep yellow patina and very lustrous uncirculated. Highest graded for the date and type. ($1000) Ex Norweb Collection (Spink America, 3 March 1997), lot 185.


From the Hammel Collection

1353. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 2 Escudos (22mm, 6.73 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1834 So IJ. KM 86; Friedberg 35. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb lustrous BU. Possibly the finest known specimen in existence. Only three coins of this type have ever reached this grade and none higher. Extremely rare in this quality. ($1500) Ex Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982) lot 720.

1354. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 2 Escudos (23mm, 6.41 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dagted 1839 So IJ. Friedberg 43; KM 102.1. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS/Rim Filing. A nice very high graded 2 reales of the Standing Liberty type. Very lustrous with good strike. We can’t see the rim filing even though most of the edge is exposed. No other coin of this date has been graded. ($500) Ex Spink 10 (25 September 1980), lot 455.

From the Hammel Collection

1355. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 4 Escudos (30mm, 13.34 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1834 So IJ. KM 87; Friedberg 34. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Very nice well struck specimen with deep orange toning. Finest ever graded and one of the finest known. Dick thought he would never own this type when he didn’t buy the Hammel specimen at the Stack’s auction. ($1500) Ex Art Smith (November 1989), lot 719; Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982), lot 719.

1356. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 4 Escudos (29mm, 13.54 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1837 So IJ. Friedberg 38; KM 95. In NGC encapsulation graded VF 35. Problem free, very fine. Although others have been graded higher, Richard never encountered them, and in the end was satisfied with this specimen. Only 321 were struck of this date. ($1500) Ex UBS 56 (28 January 2003), lot 3321.


1357. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 8 Escudos (37mm, 27.21 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1819 So FD. KM 84; Friedberg 33. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb lustrous BU. Virtual gem. Only two 8 escudos of the Republic of Chile have ever reached the grade of MS 65. None have been graded higher. With its blazing luster and incredible strike, this is the finest example this cataloger has ever seen. This specimen will bring incredibly spirited bidding. ($10,000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, August 1989.

1358. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 8 Escudos (38mm, 27.01 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1838 So IJ. Friedberg 37; KM 93. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Very rare this choice, and only one graded higher for the type. You can see the fingernails on the hand that is resting on the Constitution. ($4000) Ex A. Kosoff (9 November 1971), lot 52 (Abe was one of America’s most famous numismatists who sold many coins to all of us in the 60s and 70s. This is from his final public auction).


1359. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 8 Escudos (37mm, 27.07Â g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1839 So IJ. Friedberg 41; KM 104.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Superb brilliant uncirculated with wonderful prooflike luster. Finest of this type we have ever seen; it is amazing. Only one has been graded higher, in MS 64. ($3000) Purchased from Lou Collins, December 1988.

1360. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 8 Escudos (35mm, 27.07Â g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1845 So IJ. Friedberg 41; KM 104.2. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS/Surface Hairlines. This coin is one of the most beautiful of this early Standing Liberty type we have seen. Fully lustrous choice BU. Faint hairlines invisible without magnification. A real quality coin in spite of the hairlines. A three year only type, with the highest graded specimen being MS 62. ($2000) Purchased from Frank Lapa, May 1971.


1361. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 8 Escudos (35mm, 27.14 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1851 So LA. Friedberg 41; KM 105. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Very nice brilliant uncirculated and very lustrous. A few tiny bag marks caused by another coin are its only minute distraction. Highest ever graded for date and one graded higher in MS 62 for type. This coin is extremely beautiful for type. ($2000) Ex Schweizerischer Bankverein (29 January 1992), lot 2010.

1362. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. Proof CU 1/2 Centavo (22mm, 7.17 g, 12h). Soho (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1835. KM 114.2. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 65 BN. Very nice, very even reddish brown patina over gem surfaces. This beautiful proof was struck on a plain planchet. ($250) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company.

1364 1363 1365 1363. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. Proof CU 1/2 Centavo (22mm, 5.02 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1851. KM 117.5. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66 BN. Very nice gem coin with even reddish brown patina. Type with flat star and highest ever graded. ($100) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta (Lou Collins and Warren Tucker).

1364. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. CU 1/2 Centavo (23mm, 5.10 g, 6h). Mint in the United States or England. Dated 1851. KM 118. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Very light brown patina with significant red surfaces. Gem uncirculated. Highest ever graded. Type with raised star. ($100) Purchased from Paramount International Coin Company, August 1975.

1365. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. CU Centavo (30mm, 18.25 g, 6h). Soho (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1835. KM 115. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Nice brown patina that is not too dark with strong flashes of original red at the edge. Thick flan. ($100) Purchased from B. A. Seaby (this old venerable firm was run by its founder Bert Seaby right up to his death in the 1970s and then by his son Peter. The firsm is now owned by Victor England and Eric McFadden, the co-producers of this sale, and has maintained its high profile in the London numismatic scene).




1366. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. Proof CU Centavo (30mm, 13.43 g, 12h). Soho (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1835. KM 116. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 63 BN. Nice reddish brown with lovely fields. ($200) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16476.

1367. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. CU Centavo (29mm, 10.29 g, 6h). Mint in the United States or England. Dated 1851. KM 120. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Very light brown with almost full red underlying luster. Only one graded higher. ($150) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16476.

1368 1369 1370 1368. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. CU Centavo (29mm, 9.97 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1853. KM 127. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Very light to moderate patina and a gem quality coin. ($75) 1369. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. CU Centavo (21mm, 4.92 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1893 So. KM 146a; Y 11a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Choice lustrous uncirculated with superb red brown patina. Very beautiful type coin and highest graded for date and type. ($100) 1370. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. CU-NI 2 Centavos (23mm, 6.85 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1871 So. KM 147; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice uncirculated with deep lustrous silver patina. Highest graded specimen of any Chilean 2 cent piece, solo position. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1980.

1371. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 1/2 Decimo (15mm, 1.28 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1857 So. KM 121. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Very light blue-gray patina. Nice UNC. Nice for type. ($100)

1372. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 1/2 Decimo (15mm, 1.13 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1860 So. KM 121a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very lustrous with very light charcoal and amber patina. Only one of the date ever graded and very attractive. ($100) Purchased from Freeman Craig, March 1979.


1373. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 1/2 Decimo (15mm, 1.11 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1865 So. KM 137.1; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Deeply toned choice UNC. Extremely rare two year type and only two graded higher. ($250) Purchased from Lou Collins, June 1972.

1374. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. Proof AR 1/2 Decimo (15mm, 1.30 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1868 So. KM 137.2; Y 14a. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 68 Cameo WINGS APPROVED. Super gem proof with just a hint of patina. A small, but highly impressive specimen. Finer of two proofs graded. ($300) Ex NASCA (5 December 1979), lot 898; Wayte Raymond Collection.

1375. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Decimo (18mm, 2.48 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1857 So. KM 124. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very choice uncirculated with just a hint of patina on the borders. The only specimen graded for the date. ($75) Purchased from Mike Cotta (an old friend and longtime numismatic dealer).

1376. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Decimo (18mm, 2.53 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1862 So. KM 124a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice BU with very flashy surfaces. Only graded specimen for the date. ($100) Ex H. Christensen 82 (10 December 1982), lot 740.

1377. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Decimo (18mm, 2.47 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1866 So. KM 136.1; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Beautifully toned UNC. A scarce type with open winged condor. Only three of this type have ever been graded and this is the highest for the date. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1976.


1378 1379 1380 1378. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Decimo (18mm, 2.53 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1865 So. KM 136.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb lustrous prooflike toned uncirculated. The only coin graded for the date. ($100) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16517.

1379. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Decimo (18mm, 2.03 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1891/81 So. KM 136.3a; Y 15c. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Very nice about uncirculated with nice light patina. Very scarce one year only type. ($200) 1380. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 5.00 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1853 So. KM 125. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Choice light gray patina and choice AU. Highest graded for the date. ($100)

1381. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 4.93 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1855 So. KM 125. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very choice and very nicely toned lustrous uncirculated. Only coin graded for the date and rare so nice. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1979.

1382. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.67 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1861 So. KM 125a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb choice BU with just a hint of patina over fully lustrous surfaces. Highest graded for the date, and none graded higher for this type. Very rare in this grade and for this type. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1979.

1383. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 5.04 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1863 So. KM 135; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. A very beautiful brilliant uncirculated specimen with just a hint of iridescent patina. A scarcer type in this choice grade with open wings. ($200) Purchased from Mel Kohl (a great collector and active member of his local numismatic organizations, and a very nice gentleman).


1384. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 5.10 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1891 So. Type of 0.2 standard. KM 138.2a; Y 16c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem faintly toned uncirculated. ($100)

1385. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 4.05 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1891 So. Dash below “S” in cents. KM 138.3; Y 16d. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem lightly toned UNC. ($100)

1386. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 20 Centavos (21mm, 3.97 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1895 So. KM 156.1; Y 32. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice toned UNC. ($100)

1387. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 40 Centavos (25mm, 5.76 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1907 So. KM 163; Y 33. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned UNC. A two year only type. ($150)

1388 1389 1388. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.47 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1854 So. KM 128. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Choice about uncirculated with fully lustrous surfaces. Coin is softly struck on breast and is pretty much as struck, possibly uncirculated. ($200) Purchased from Freeman Craig, May 1979.

1389. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.50 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1862 So. KM 134; Y 17. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very choice brilliant uncirculated with full luster. First year of the type and quite scarce in Mint State. ($600) Ex H. Christensen 82 (10 December 1982), lot 776.




1390. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.49Â g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1870 So. KM 139; Y 17a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. ($100) 1391. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 50 Centavos (28mm, 10.00 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1903 So. KM 160; Y 34. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU with very nice very faint patina. ($75)

1392. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (37mm, 25.04Â g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1856 So. KM 129. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lightly patinated in hues of violet and charcoal. Very nice uncirculated. One of only two to grade MS 64, with none higher for the type. Seldom offered in any grade. ($1000) Purchased from Lou Collins, December 1972.


1393. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (37mm, 24.98 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1867 So. KM 141; Y 18. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Light gray patina over fully satiny matted surfaces. Gem uncirculated. One year only type and highest graded by NGC. Extremely rare. A coin sought by all collectors of Chilean crowns and never encountered in such high grade. ($10,000) Purchased from Freeman Craig, January 1984. Ex Garcia Collection.

1394. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (38mm, 24.87 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1881 So. KM 142.1; Y 18a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem blast white brilliant uncirculated with the faintest hint of patina. ($150)

1395. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (38mm, 24.97 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1883 So. KM 142.1; Y 18a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem blast white BU. ($200) 371

1396. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (38mm, 25.06 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1883 So (though struck 1925). Flat top variety. KM 142.1; Y 18a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb choice uncirculated with hints of obverse patina mostly on border. A one year type. ($2000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1975 (who acquired it from Miguel Fajardo, a Chilean dealer, who, before he passed away, attended many California coin conventions. He was a fine gentleman and so was his son).

1397. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (38mm, 25.26 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1891/0 So. KM 142.1; Y 18a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Beautiful choice uncirculated with iridescent patina and multicolored hues overall. Almost appears to be a specimen strike. Rare – the only graded example. ($2500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1979.


1398 1399 1398. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (34mm, 20.16 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1895 So. KM 152.1; Y 35. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Light gray patina overall and gem UNC. Tied for highest ever graded and a three year only type. ($200) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, February 1975.

1399. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (35mm, 19.96 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1905 So. KM 152.2; Y 35a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly toned uncirculated. ($75)

1400 1401 1400. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR Peso (31mm, 11.97 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1910 So. KM 152.3; Y 35b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned gem uncirculated. ($100) 1401. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AR 5 Pesos (36mm, 24.99 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1927 So. KM 173.1; Y 46. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Brilliant UNC. ($75)

1402. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV Peso (15mm, 1.54 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1861 So. KM 133; Y 19; Friedberg 48. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very choice and very prooflike brilliant uncirculated. Finest for the type we have seen. Highest ever graded for date and only one higher for type. Very rare date, only 949 minted. ($500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1979.

1403. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 2 Pesos (17mm, 3.10 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1875 So. KM 143; Y 20; Friedberg 47. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very lustrous brilliant uncirculated with bold strike. ($200) Purchased from Lou Collins, April 1973.

1404. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 5 Pesos (22mm, 7.64 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1870 So. KM 144; Y 21; Friedberg 46. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated. Very choice for type and very rare in this grade with only one in MS 64 being higher for the type. ($300) Purchased from Lou Collins, July 1979.


1405 1406 1405. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 5 Pesos (16mm, 3.03 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1895 So. KM 153; Y 36; Friedberg 50. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem prooflike brilliant uncirculated. A great two year type. ($150) Purchased from Century Stamp & Coin, April 1970.

1406. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 5 Pesos (16mm, 3.00 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1898 So. KM 159; Y 38; Friedberg 53. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated. ($100) Purchased from Ralph Goldstone.

1407. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 10 Pesos (28mm, 15.30 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1872 So. KM 145; Y 22; Friedberg 45. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice orange peel colored uncirculated. Very nice grade for type. ($600) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1971.

1408 1409 1408. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 10 Pesos (20mm, 5.99 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1895 So. KM 154; Y 37; Friedberg 49. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem satiny BU. Highest graded of this one year type. ($300) 1409. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 10 Pesos (21mm, 6.08 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1896 So. KM 157; Y 39; Friedberg 52. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated. ($200) Purchased June 1971.

1410. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 20 Pesos (27mm, 11.99 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1908 So. KM 158; Y 40; Friedberg 51. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. Highest ever graded for the type. ($600) 374

1411. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV 100 Pesos (31mm, 20.36 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1932 So. KM 175; Y 49a; Friedberg 54. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. a few small friction marks. ($400)

1412. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. AV Onza (35mm, 31.13 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1979. KM 215; Friedberg 65. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 68. Gem prooflike BU. Only 1,580 pieces minted. ($1500)

Revolution of 1859



1413. CHILE, Copiapó. Revolution of 1859. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 11.72 g). KM 1.1; Y 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice toned uncirculated with light patina. Highest graded specimen. ($150) Purchased from Art Garnett, November 1989. This necessity issue was struck during the Chilean Revolution of 1859, when several opposition parties joined to demand reforms of the country’s constitution. The insurrection was led by revolutionary Pedro León Gallo from the city of Copiapó, where this coin was struck. The government of Manuel Montt put down the rebellion just a few months after it started.

1414. CHILE, Copiapó. Revolution of 1859. AR Peso (35mm, 21.72 g). KM 2.2; Y 24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned uniface uncirculated. This is the highest ever graded for the type. ($150) Ex H. Christensen 82 (10 December 1982), lot 710.


Blockade of Puerto de Caldera

1415. CHILE, Copiap贸. Blockade of Puerto de Caldera. 1865. AR 50 Centavos (26mm, 11.00 g, 4h). Dated 1865. Restruck by Medina, circa 1909. KM 3; Y 25. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Moderate to light charcoal gray patina. Very rare, only 7 known specimens, of which this is the only one graded. ($600) Ex H. Christensen 82 (10 December 1982), lot 713.

1416. CHILE, Copiap贸. Blockade of Puerto de Caldera. 1865. AR Peso (37mm, 22.25 g, 6h). Dated 1865. Restruck in the early 20th century. KM 4; Y 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Deeply toned choice uncirculated. Highest ever graded for this restrike. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, October 1987.


From the Millennia Collection 8 Reales “Chunimpana”

1417. CHILE, Valdivia. 8 Reales “Chunimpana” (39mm, ~15.00 g, 1h). Dated 1822. KM 3 = KM New World 3 (this coin illustrated). In NGC encapsulation graded XF 40. Moderately toned extremely fine. One year only type. Extremely Rare. ($7500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller. Ex Millennia Collection (Goldberg 46, 26 May 2008), lot 1001. The city of Valdivia lies 500 miles south of Santiago and, at the time, was the southernmost point of royal influence. Heavy looting during the war for independence led to a severe shortage, forcing the governor to prepare an emergency coinage. Over 4000 ounces of silver plate was recovered from local families and merchants and sent to the local estate of Chunimpa, where this coinage was struck under the direction of the estate owner Don Antonio Adriazola.

Chile Large Lots 1418. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. Lot of eleven (11) CU and CU-NI Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1418.1) CU Half Centavo (23mm, 5.00 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1853. KM 126. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Very nice deep reddish brown. One year only type. (1418.2) CU-NI Half Centavo (18mm, 3.21 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1871 So. KM 148; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice lightly toned gem UNC. Highest ever graded for the date or type. (1418.3) CU Half Centavo (18mm, 3.02 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1894 So. KM 148a; Y 10a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Choice light reddish brown uncirculated. None graded higher for the date or type. (1418.4) CU 1 Centavo (30mm, 10.45 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1851 H. Type with flat star. KM 119.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 RB. Choice reddish brown leaning more to red patina. Highest and only RB specimen ever graded. (1418.5) CU 1 Centavo (10mm, 9.82 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1851 H. Type with flat star. KM 119.2. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS/Scratches. Nice reddish toning with a few shallow pin type scratches. (1418.6) CU-NI 1 Centavo (21mm, 5.03 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1871 So. KM 146; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice light reddish brown uncirculated. None graded higher for the date or type. 377

(1418.7) CU 1 Centavo (20mm, 3.43 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1919 So. KM 161; Y 27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 RB. Nice reddish brown. (1418.8) CU 2 Centavos (24mm, 6.86 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1886 So. KM 147a; Y 129. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Hints of red on moderate brown surfaces. Choice UNC. Highest graded for date and type. (1418.9) CU 2 Centavos (22mm, 4.93 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1919 So. KM 164; Y 28. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Nice reddish brown. (1418.10) CU 2½ Centavos (26mm, 8.03 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1887 So. KM 150; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Choice reddish brown surfaces and very nice UNC specimen. Highest grade for date and none higher for type. (1418.11) CU 2½ Centavos (25mm, 6.89 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1908 So. KM 162; Y 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Gem dark reddish brown. Eleven (11) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1419. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. Lot of nine (9) AL-Æ, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1419.1) AR Half Decimo (15mm, 1.08 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1878 So. KM 137.2; Y 14a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem toned uncirculated. (1419.2) AR Half Decimo (15mm, 1.26 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1884 So. KM 149. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated. (1419.3) AR Half Decimo (15mm, 1.27 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1887 So. KM 137.3; Y 14b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superbly toned gem uncirculated. (1419.4) AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.01 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1896 So. KM 155.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU. (1419.5) AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 0.98 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1907 So. KM 155.2; Y 30a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Gray toned UNC. (1419.6) AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.02 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1915 So. KM 155.2; Y 30c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated. (1419.7) AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.05 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1919 So. KM 155.2a; Y 30b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very light gray patina. (1419.8) CU-NI 5 Centavos (16mm, 2.17 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1928 So. KM 165; Y 41. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU. (1419.9) AL-Æ 5 Centesimos (23mm, 3.94 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1969 So. KM 190; Y 50. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 64. Nine (9) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1420. CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. Lot of seven (7) CU-NI and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1420.1) AR Decimo (18mm, 2.51 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1868 So. KM 136.2; Y 15a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem original patinated uncirculated. (1420.2) AR Decimo (18mm, 2.54 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1887 So. KM 136.3; Y 15b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice iridescent lightly toned uncirculated. (1420.3) AR 10 Centavos (16mm, 1.86 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1896 So. KM 156.1; Y 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very choice lustrous BU. (1420.4) AR 10 Centavos (16mm, 1.99 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1906 So. KM 156.2; Y 31a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very choice lightly toned UNC. (1420.5) AR 10 Centavos (16mm, 1.55 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1909 So. KM 156.2a; Y 31b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice UNC. (1420.6) AR 10 Centavos (16mm, 1.51 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1915 So. KM 156.3; Y 31c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned UNC. (1420.7) CU-NI 10 Centavos (19mm, 3.00 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1921 So. KM 166; Y 42. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. Seven (7) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.

($100) 378


CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. Lot of six (6) CU-NI and AR 20 Cenatvos. Lot includes the following dates:

(1421.1) AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 4.50 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1878 So. KM 138.1; Y 16a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Toned with moderate gray patina. Choice uncirculated. (1421.2) AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 4.98 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1881 So. KM 138.2; Y 16b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem blast white with just a tiny bit of dark toning. (1421.3) AR 20 Centavos (21mm, 4.08 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1907 So. KM 151.2; Y 32a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned uncirculated. (1421.4) AR 20 Centavos (21mm, 2.99 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1916 So. KM 151.4; Y 32c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. (1421.5) CU-NI 20 Centavos (21mm, 3.00 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1920 So. KM 167.1; Y 32b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Choice uncirculated. (1421.6) CU-NI 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.49 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1939 So. KM 167.3; Y 43. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU. Six (6) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS. 1422.


CHILE, Republic. 1818-present. Lot of six (6) CU-NI and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following dates:

(1422.1) AR Peso (28mm, 9.02 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1917 So. KM 152.4; Y 35c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU with a hint of patina. (1422.2) AR Peso (28mm, 8.94 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1924 So. KM 162.6; Y 35d. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem brilliant UNC. (1422.3) AR Peso (28mm, 9.01 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1927 So. KM 171; Y 36e. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Toned gem UNC. (1422.4) AR Peso (25mm, 6.02 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1932 So. KM 174; Y 35f. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU. (1422.5) CU-NI Peso (28mm, 9.81 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1933 So. KM 176.1; Y 35g. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU. (1422.6) AR 2 Pesos (33mm, 17.94 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1927 So. KM 172; Y 45. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned UNC. Six (6) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


Individual photographs of coins in large lots are available on our website:


From the FCC Boyd Collection

1423. COLOMBIA, Colonial. Fernando VI. King of Spain, 1746-1759. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.15 g, 12h). Nuevo Reino (Santa Fé de Bogotá) mint. Juan de Chávez and Victoriano del Valle y Mendoza, assayers. Dated 1759 No Ro JV. KM 33; Gilboy SF-8-1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 WINGS APPROVED. Very lustrous toned uncirculated. One of the rarest coins of colonial Spain, and one of the most sought after coins of the Colombian royal series. It is the highest and only specimen graded Mint State. The finest jewel of Colombian coins in this collection. ($60,000) Ex F.C.C. Boyd Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 19 August 1975), lot 1794.


1424. COLOMBIA, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (41mm, 25.89 g, 12h). Popayán mint. Dated 1814/3 P JF. El 8/7; Cr 66; KM 71. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 WINGS APPROVED. Superbly struck with multicolored iridescent purple, blue and amber patina over very lustrous choice surfaces. Truly a wonder coin of this series. When viewed by numismatist Freeman Craig, he thought it was by far the finest known. Highest graded by six grades for the date. ($10,000) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (2 June 1998), lot 5463.

1425. COLOMBIA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Royalist siege coinage. Santa Marta. 18101821. CU 1/4 Real (22mm, 1.74 g, 12h). Santa Marta mint. Dated 1820. KM B4; C 72. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Moderate to dark brown with hints of red. Fantastic mint state for type. Highest ever graded. According to Freeman Craig, this is the finest known specimen. ($200) Purchased from Richard Margolis, December 1981.

1426. COLOMBIA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Royalist provisional coinage. Popayan. 18101821. CU 2 Reales (17mm, 1.82 g, 12h). Popayán mint. Dated 1813. KM B2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Moderate brown toning with hints of red peeking through. Superb strike and extremely choice for this rare royalist issue. Extremely rare this choice. ($250) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 1973.


1427. COLOMBIA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Royalist provisional coinage. Popayan. 18101821. CU 8 Reales (22mm, 3.54 g, 12h). Popayán mint. Dated 1813. KM B3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Superb choice uncirculated specimen with a red patina bursting through brown surfaces. This is the finest graded specimen for date and type, and the only one in mint state. ($500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, August 1973.

1428. COLOMBIA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Republican siege coinage. Cartagena. 18101821. CU 1/2 Real (21mm, 2.93 g, 12h). Catagena mint. Struck 1811. KM D2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. A dark brown specimen in an extremely high grade for the type. Highest graded specimen by far and only mint state specimen graded. ($300) Ex Ponterio 26 (14 December 1986), lot 516.

Extremely Rare Date & Type

1429. COLOMBIA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Provincial coinage. Cundinamarca. 18101821. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.59 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1815. KM F2. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. Evenly worn solid XF. Extremely rare date and type. We note that a similar piece appeared in Sedwick 14, lot 896 and sold for $8900 on the hammer. ($4000) Purchased from Stack’s, March 1979.

1430. COLOMBIA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Provincial coinage. Cundinamarca. 18101821. AR Real (19mm, 2.41 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1813 JF. KM F1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Unbelievable strike graces this superb matte steel toned specimen. One of only two at this grade, with none in mint state. None graded higher. ($1500) Ex Stack’s (10 March 1982), lot 584.


1431. COLOMBIA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Provincial coinage. Cundinamarca. 18101821. AR Real (20mm, 3.36 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1819 JF. KM 75. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Steel toned virtually mint state specimen. Incredibly well struck with full hair lines and pomegranate. Finest ever graded. ($2500) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16615.

1432. COLOMBIA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Provincial coinage. Cundinamarca. 18101821. AR 2 Reales (24.5mm, 5.37 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1815 JF. KM C4. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Obverse is moderately toned with a lighter edge toning, reverse is lightly toned with a well struck pomegranate. Extremely rare coin and the only one ever graded. Virtually as struck and probably the finest known for type. ($2500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, August 1993.

1433. COLOMBIA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Provincial coinage. Cundinamarca. 18101821. AR 2 Reales (26.5mm, 5.88 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1819 JF. KM 76. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Deep toning with slightly lighter toned reverse. Finest example this cataloger has ever seen. None graded higher and only two graded in Mint Sate. ($700) Ex Glendining’s (7 December 1977), lot 217.

1434. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). Provincia de la Nueva Granada. Cundinamarca. 1819-1830. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.37 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1821 BA JF. KM F8. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Deep steel gray toning with claims to a higher grade. Superb strike with full pomegranate on reverse and full hairlines and features on the Indian Liberty bust. ($400) Purchased from Thomas Faistauer, March 1972.


1435. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). Provincia de la Nueva Granada. Cundinamarca. 1819-1830. AR Real (19mm, 3.42 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1821 BA JF. KM B9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Lightly toned fabulous strike. Close to perfection. Highest ever graded specimen. A remarkable coin and so atypical of the type, which is normally found in lower grade. ($750) Purchased from Freeman Craig, June 1973.

1436. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). Provincia de la Nueva Granada. Cundinamarca. 1819-1830. AR 2 Reales (25mm, 5.71 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1821 BA JF. This type is not debased silver. KM C5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Very light patina graces this well struck wonder coin. Incredible strike and surfaces. ($2000) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of California.

1437. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). Provincia de la Nueva Granada. Cundinamarca. 1819-1830. AR 8 Reales (37mm, 23.35 g, 6h). Cundinamarca mint. Dated 1821 BA JF. KM C6; Cr 115. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Extremely well struck with lustrous lightly toned surfaces. In the top four for grade and extremely rare this choice. This was originally in an NGC MS 61 holder. ($2500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, August 2005.


1438. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). Provincia de la Nueva Granada. 1819-1830. AR 1/4 Real (12mm, 0.86 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1821 BA. KM 79.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem moderately toned UNC. Fully lustrous surfaces. Of the highest rarity in this condition. Only coin ever graded in mint state. ($500) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company.

1439. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). Provincia de la Nueva Granada. 1819-1830. AR 8 Reales (37mm, 24.14 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1819 JF. Colonial edge. Horizontal axis. KM 78; Cr 108. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 53. Nice even gray toning over all with very even light wear. One year type. Extremely rare this nice and a coin that is so elusive that most collectors must settle for Fne or Very Fne. Wonderful eye appeal. Among the finest known. ($1500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 1980.

1440. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). 1819-1830. AR 1/4 Real (12mm, 0.61 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1828 B RS. KM 85.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Evenly moderate toned surfaces and full strike grace this wonder coin. Only coin of this date ever graded and an absolute gem. A rare date and possibly an overstrike of RS/RU. ($500) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, February 1976.

1441. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). 1819-1830. AR Real (20mm, 2.96 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1827 B RR. KM 87.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superbly struck frosted surfaces with faint patina. An extremely rare coin in this condition and none graded higher. One of the many jewels in the Lissner Collection. ($600) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, November 1977.


1442. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). 1819-1830. AV Peso (15mm, 1.68 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1825 JF. KM 84; Friedberg 73. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb gem UNC with beautiful orange peel color. First date of the type and one of the finest known. A true gem. Extremely rare this choice. ($600) Purchased from Empire Coins, October 1973.

1443. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). 1819-1830. AV Escudo (20mm, 3.34 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1823 JF. KM 81.1; Friedberg 71. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb brilliant gold color almost as new looking as the day it was struck, This cataloger has never seen a finer example of this coin. It is as close to gem as possible. Highest ever graded by five grades and only Mint State coin graded for this type. A remarkable specimen. ($1000) Ex Freeman Craig (9 November 1982), lot 715.

1444. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). 1819-1830. AV 4 Escudos (31mm, 13.53 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1826 JF. KM 46; Friedberg 69. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. A virtual gem uncirculated with superb strike, fields, and great orange peel color. The finest known example, the next closest being VF. A fabulous rarity for the finest collection. Only a handful known. ($50,000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller. Ex Louis E. Eliasberg Collection (American Numismatic Rarities, 18 April 2005), lot 1568; acquired in 1942 from John H. Clapp Estate.


1445. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia (Gran Colombia). 1819-1830. AV 8 Escudos (38mm, 27.16 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1827 JF. KM 82.1; Cr 135. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Well struck with superb orange peel patina overall. Very high grade for type and none graded higher for the date. ($3000) Purchased from Spink & Sons, March 1997.

1446. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.75 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1846. KM 90.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Light even toning overall and a strong strike. Gem BU. The only graded example for this date. ($300) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1976.


1447. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 1/4 Real (12mm, 0.81 g, 6h). Popayán mint. Dated 1849 Popayan. Type with three stars below denomination. KM 108.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned lustrous surfaces. The only one graded in this year and type. ($300) Purchased from Empire Coin Company, December 1981.

1448. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.39 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1840/39 RS. KM 96.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb gem uncirculated with moderate toning. By far the finest known and the only specimen of this rare overdate to be graded. ($300) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of California.

1449. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR Real (20mm, 2.89 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1845 RS. KM 91.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Deeply toned gem UNC. Scarcest date of this type. Highest graded by seven grades. ($500) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, December 1976.

1450. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 2 Reales (25mm, 5.02 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1843 RS. KM 97.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Mottled moderate toning with wonderful strike. Probably the finest known and by far the highest graded. ($400) Purchased from Freeman Craig, July 1976.


1451. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 8 Reales (37mm, 27.29 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1835/4 RS. KM 89; Cr 126. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice wonderful patina graces the superb full strike and luster. Finest graded specimen and best this cataloger has ever seen. An amazing grade for type. ($2000) Purchased from Hank Rodgers, August 1971.

1452. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.12 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1837 RS. KM 92; Cr 145. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Beautifully toned with deep patina over very lustrous surfaces. The color and overall effect is one of a gem coin. Very rare in this grade. A two year only type with this being the only collectable date. An extremely elusive type coin and one of the finest known. ($3000) Purchased from Randolph Zander, January 1975.


1453. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 8 Reales (37mm, 23.27 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1840 RS. KM 98; Cr 147. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very light patina over very lustrous fields. Very well struck. When viewing this coin, eminent South American specialist Freeman Craig said this was the finest known. It is eight grades higher than the next specimen graded. ($2500) Purchased from M.T.B., December 1978.

1454. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AV Peso (15mm, 1.70 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1842 RS. KM 93; Friedberg 77. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb choice uncirculated with deep orange peel toning. A virtual gem. Full luster under toning. Superb strike. None graded higher. ($400) Ex Floyd E. Wolfson Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 9 June 1975), lot 1018.

1455. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AV 2 Pesos (18mm, 3.62 g, 6h). Popayán mint. Dated 1842 UM/VU. KM 95 (unlisted over-mintmark); Friedberg 76. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Unbelievable rich gold lustrous surfaces with incredible strike. A true gem. This over-mintmark is unlisted by KM. One of the finest Colombian gold coins we have seen in any denomination. ($1000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 1988.


1456. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AV 16 Pesos (37mm, 27.13 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1847 RS. KM 94.1; Cr 168. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 Star WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem brilliant uncirculated. As fresh as the day it was made. Not improvable. The finest 16 peso ever graded. One of the finest gold coins of any denomination. ($3000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1974.

1457. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. Proof CU 1/20 Real (22mm, 4.79 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1847. KM 101. In NGC encapsulation graded Proof 65 BN. Beautifully toned light chocolate brown with absolute perfect surfaces. An absolute gem in Proof with none graded higher. ($300) Purchased from Coin Galleries of Beverly Hills, June 1970. This issue marks the beginning of Colombia’s long transition from a fractional real coinage to a decimal Decimo coinage. Scattered issues of reales were struck until the 1880s.

1458. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. CU 1/10 Real (27.5mm, 10.02 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1848. KM 102. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. A lovely coin virtually red with hints of toning. A superb nearly gem UNC. Highest ever graded. ($200) Purchased from Paul Davis, June 1970.





1459. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.81 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1851. Plain edge variety. KM 108.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Extremely choice lightly toned uncirculated. Very scarce. The only specimen ever graded. ($150) Purchased from Freeman Craig, March 1979.

1460. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.82 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1852. Type with two caducei. KM 113. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Very light moderate patina. Super gem UNC. Rare two year type. ($300) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1984.

1461. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.23 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1852/1. KM 110. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem UNC over matte moderately toned surfaces. Only one of this date graded and in superb gem condition. ($100) Purchased from Louis Collins, July 1973.

1462 1463 1462. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR Real (18mm, 2.49 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1847. Reeded edge. KM 103. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Nicely toned about uncirculated with subdued multicolored toning. Although Richard considered upgrading this coin, he never encountered a better one. Only two of this date have been graded and both are AU 55. A one year only type. ($100) Purchased from Freeman Craig, March 1974.

1463. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR Real (18mm, 2.46 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1852. KM 112. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Brilliant surfaces with full luster. Just a hint of rub on the high points keeps it out of the uncirculated class. To the naked eye it looks choice uncirculated. A three year only type. ($75) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1973.

1464 1465 1464. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 5.01 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1849. KM 105. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem UNC with just a hint of light iridescent toning. Superb strike. The highest ever graded. Although a few of these coins showed up over thirty years ago, it is rare in the market today. This one is exceptional. ($200) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1973.

1465. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 5.05 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1851. KM 109. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Superb gem BU. Just a hint of toning on the reverse. An extremely scarce coin. ($100) Ex Freeman Craig (14 September 1985), lot 588.


1466. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 8 Reales (34mm, 20.03 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1847. KM 106; Cr 158. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb choice uncirculated with full luster and strong strike. Finest graded example and only Mint State coin graded. Extremely scarce one year type. Possibly the finest known example. ($3000) Purchased from George Vogt, June 1975.

1467. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 10 Reales (37mm, 25.28 g, 6h). Popayán mint. Dated 1847. KM 107; Cr 159. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lustrous extremely choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina on the border of this piece. None graded higher and extremely rare in this grade. A somewhat better date that rarely shows up. ($1500) Purchased from Houston Numismatic Exchange, June 1970.


1468. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 10 Reales (37mm, 25.09 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1850. Lettered edge. KM 111; Cr 160. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Well struck and very lightly toned over satin surfaces. Finest graded specimen of this date and type. Incredibly rare this choice. The edge is extremely choice and not crude as normally found. Freeman Craig said to Richard that it was the finest known. ($2500) Purchased from Louis Collins, May 1975.

1469. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR 1/2 Decimo (15mm, 1.25 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1858/4. KM 114. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Frosted surfaces lightly toned grace this beautiful coin with the high points being brilliant. This is the one and only coin graded for this date and it is an absolute gem. According to numismatist Freeman Craig, who viewed this coin in 1990, it is extremely rare in this grade. ($150) Ex Ponterio 58 (17 October 1992), lot 982.

1470. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR Decimo (19mm, 2.44 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1857. KM 115. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. A superb gem BU. Fully frosted and full luster with wonderful strike. The only coin of this date ever certified and virtually unimprovable. ($300) Purchased from Freeman Craig, June 1973.


1471. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AR Peso (37mm, 25.07 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1855. KM 118; Cr 165. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb gem with light overall patina highlighting the fully lustrous surfaces. This is the highest graded peso of the period 1855-1871. The next closest is the 1869 Medellin Peso in MS 63. If you want the finest known for your collection, this is it. ($3000) Purchased from Randolph Zander, February 1974.

Two Gold Rarities from the Norweb Collection

1472. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AV 2 Peso (17mm, 3.19 g, 6h). Popayán mint. Dated 1859 P. KM 127; Friedberg 92. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very flashy prooflike surfaces with just a hint of orange peel toning. Exceptional strike. Just a tiny planchet flaw between the neck and the number 9 in the date. Only two of these have ever been graded, One in XF 45 and this one in MS 63, that should tell you about its rarity and quality. ($1500) Ex Norweb Collection (Spink America, 3 March 1997), lot 556.

1473. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AV 10 Pesos (28mm, 16.18 g, 6h). Popayán mint. Dated 1857. KM 122. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. A truly superb gem with claims to a higher grade. Full strike and fantastic luster. A great coin and highest graded is MS 65. ($2000) Ex Norweb Collection (Spink America, 3 March 1997), lot 541.


1474. COLOMBIA, Republica de Nueva Granada. 1830-1859. AV 10 Pesos (27mm, 16.18 g, 6h). Popayán mint. Dated 1858. KM 122.2; Friedberg 86; Cr 176. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 Star WINGS APPROVED. Incredible gem fully prooflike brilliant uncirculated. Cruder style bust. Highest ever graded 10 peso for any date. The ultimate 10 pesos. ($3000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1977.

1475. COLOMBIA, Confederación Granadina. 1858-1863. AR 1/4 Real (12mm, 0.85 g, 6h). Popayán mint. Dated 1860. KM 123. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lovely toned uncirculated specimen. Incredibly rare in this grade. ($400) Ex Norweb Collection (Christie’s Dallas, 6 November 1985), lot 754 (part of).

1476. COLOMBIA, Confederación Granadina. 1858-1863. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.86 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1860. Caducei flanking fraction. KM 131. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lovely moderate toning. The only coin of this date graded. Extremely rare this choice. ($400) Purchased from M. Geiger, November 1980.

1477. COLOMBIA, Confederación Granadina. 1858-1863. AR 1/2 Decimo (15mm, 1.23 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1859. KM 124. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb strike. Finest known example as per numismatist Freeman Craig. ($500) Purchased from Freeman Craig, February 1984.

1478. COLOMBIA, Confederación Granadina. 1858-1863. AR Peso (37mm, 25.16 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1859 Bogota. KM 126; Cr 186. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Moderate overall gray-blue patina on very nice surfaces. This is the highest graded example of this scarce coin. We know of no uncirculated specimen. ($500) Ex H. Christensen 73 (8 December 1979), lot 383.


1479. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Nueva Granada. 1861. AR Peso (37mm, 24.82 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1861. KM 138. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. A moderately toned coin with blue-gray patina, even wear and nice fields. Just a bit of reverse contact. The highest graded for this rare one year type. Dick waited for years to obtain this specimen. Only two graded, the other in VF. ($300) Ex Ponterio 129 (16 January 2004), lot 1637.

1480. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 1/4 Decimo (11mm, 0.77 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1867. KM 143.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice UNC. Steel gray toning with one or two minor die cracks. The finer of only two graded. ($150) Purchased from Paul Davis, July 1972.

1481. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 1/4 Decimo (10.5mm, 0.54 g, 6h). Popayán mint. Dated 1875. KM 143.2a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated. The finer of only two graded. ($150) Purchased from Lou Hudson, February 1997.

1482. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 1/2 Decimo (15mm, 1.27 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1863. KM 144. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice toned gem. First year of this three year type. ($200) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, September 1969.

1483. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 1/2 Decimo (23mm, 5.08 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1871. KM 150.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lovely toned uncirculated with slight planchet defect above forehead. Just a hint of toning. Only specimen of this date ever graded. ($100) Purchased from Louis Collins, November 1980.




1484. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR Decimo (18mm, 2.12 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1866. Struck in .900 silver. KM 145.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very lightly toned but very well struck with claims to a higher grade. Three year only type. ($300) Purchased from Freeman Craig, February 1977.

1485. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR Decimo (16mm, 1.91 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1866. KM 145.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS and brilliant. I think what they have called hairlines are actually circular lathe marks in the planchet, however the die was lightly rusted and the coin has a few corrosion marks. Only specimen ever encapsulated. ($100) Purchased from Freeman Craig, February 1977.

1486. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 2 Decimos (22mm, 3.10 g, 12h). Medellín mint. Dated 1872. KM 155.2. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Wonderful strike with moderate toning over silver surfaces. Only coin of this type and date ever graded. Very rare, especially this nice. ($300) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1976.

1487. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. Proof AR 2 Decimos Essai (25mm, 4.85 g, 12h). Medellín mint. Dated 1873. KM Pn 38. In NGC encapsulation graded Proof 64 WINGS APPROVED. Deeply toned with hints of gold, blue, green, and amber. Only silver specimen ever graded. Extremely choice and extremely rare. ($1500) Ex Ponterio 93 (13 March 1998), lot 1765.


1488. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 5 Decimos (30mm, 12.54 g, 6h). Medellín mint. Dated 1869. KM 153.2. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Well struck with virtually full luster. Just a hint of wear on the high points. One of the rarest coins of this period. None graded higher, only two have been graded and this is the only collectable date of this two year type. ($4000) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16721.

1490 1489 1489. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 5 Decimos (28.5mm, 6.10 g, 12h). Medellín mint. Dated 1876. Type fineness faces out. Lettered edge. KM 153.5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Mottled light toning overall. Nice strike for type. ($100) Ex Freeman Craig (13 May 1987), lot 550.

1490. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 5 Decimos (30mm, ~12.50 g, 5h). Medellín mint. Dated 1880. Six Pointed Stars. KM 161.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated with virtually no patina. Very choice for type and highest graded for the date and type. Only two graded this high for all the 5 decimos. ($300) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16733.

1491. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1862-1886. AR Peso (37mm, 24.91 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1866. KM 139.1. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. So close to uncirculated it hurts. Just a hint of cabinet friction. Very choice surfaces with moderate to heavy blue-gray patina showing great iridescence. The only coin of this date ever graded and very rare this nice. ($400) Purchased from Louis Collins, June 1975.


1492. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1862-1886. AR Peso (37mm, 24.44 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1871. KM 154.1; Cr 105. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very light pale blue-gray toning over all with very lustrous surfaces. Nice uncirculated specimen and none graded higher. Very rare. ($750) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of California, March 1977.

1493. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AV Peso (14mm, 1.58 g, 6h). Medellín mint. Dated 1863 M. KM 146.1; Friedberg 98. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Fabulous brilliant uncirculated coin with claims to a higher grade. Highest and only Mint State specimen ever graded. ($1500) Ex Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982) lot 777.

1494. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AV Peso (13mm, 1.53 g, 6h). Medellín mint. Dated 1872. Condor on reverse. KM 157.1; Friedberg 108. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem fully lustrous BU. A perfect coin. This is the finest specimen in 55 years this cataloger has ever seen. Highest ever graded. Absolutely charming coin. ($300) Purchased from Lou Hudson, January 1979.

1495. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AV Peso (14mm, 1.66 g, 6h). Medellín mint. Dated 1872. KM 156; Friedberg 107. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with fully lustrous surfaces. Extremely choice for type and only one graded higher in MS 65. Lovely coin. ($300) Purchased from Dennis Gill, February 1997.

1496. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AV 2 Pesos (17mm, 3.22 g, 6h). Medellín mint. Dated 1863 M. KM 147; Friedberg 97. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb choice BU with lustrous fields. A superb choice BU. Only one graded higher at MS 63. Extremely difficult type to find in choice grade. ($2500) Ex RARCOA (23 March 1979), lot 61.


1497. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AV 2 Pesos (18mm, 3.19 g, 6h). Medellín mint. Dated 1872. KM A154; Friedberg 106. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated specimen. Just a hint of toning on the portrait. A two year only type. None graded higher. ($400) Purchased from George Vogt, February 1971.

1498. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AV 20 Pesos (34mm, 31.65 g, 6h). Medellín mint. Dated 1868. KM 142.2; Friedberg 101. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice BU with incredible strike. Just a hint of orange peel toning over lustrous surfaces. Wonderful strike. Again we have another exceptional coin, an absolute gem. Only two 20 pesos of the Colombian series have been graded MS 65. ($7500) Purchased from Louis Collins, June 1989.

1499. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AV 20 Pesos (35mm, 32.32 g, 6h). Bogata mint. Dated 1872. KM 142.1; Friedberg 99. In NGC encapsulation graded MS MS 64. Superb choice brilliant uncirculated. Virtually as fresh as the day it was made. Only Mint State coin of this date and type ever graded. ($5000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1979.


1500. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AV 20 Pesos (35mm, 32.32 g, 6h). Popayán mint. Dated 1875. KM 142.3; Friedberg 100. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Unfortunately, NGC incorrectly marked this as an 1872, rather than 1875, issue. Gem UNC with superb fresh gold color. As fresh as the day it was made. This is the finest 20 Pesos ever graded. Without a doubt a wonder coin. ($3000) Ex Norweb Collection (Spink America, 3 March 1997), lot 615.

1501. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 2½ Centavos (12mm, 0.63 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1875. KM 169. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Toned UNC. Usual soft strike on pomegranate. Scarce in this condition. ($75) Purchased from Pat Johnson, March 1977.

1502. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. Pattern CU-NI 2½ Centavos (15mm, 1.10 g, 6h). Scovill (Waterbury) or Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1886. KM Pn 71. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Beautiful specimen or proof surfaces. Very rare pattern. Unpriced in KM. Only specimen pattern ever graded. ($200) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, April 1970. Very rare pattern seldom seen. While all others of this denomination are priced, this one is unpriced in KM. Only specimen pattern ever graded.

1503. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.20 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1874. KM 170. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Steel gray toning over gem surfaces. A scarce coin with only two graded, this being the finest. ($75) Purchased from Nona Moore, September 1970.




1504. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.23 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1880. KM 174a.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Exceptional gem with very light over fully lustrous surfaces. Highest ever graded specimen. An absolute delight. ($100) Purchased from Louis Collins, November 1972.

1505. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 5.05 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1884. KM 176.1. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Lightly toned over lustrous surfaces. Might be slightly undergraded because of the softness of the strike. One year only type. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 1980.

1506. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 20 Centavos (24mm, 5.38 g, 6h). Medellín mint. Dated 1885. Struck in .835/500 fineness. KM 178.3. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS. Deeply toned with some faint hairlines under the toned surfaces. Mottled toning on reverse. Old collection number “205” inked on the reverse. ($150) Ex San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts (Ponterio 96, 26 September 1998), lot 1566.



1507. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 50 Centavos (29mm, 12.44 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1881. KM 177.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very lovely choice uncirculated with just a hint of patina over matte silver surfaces. ($150) Ex Freeman Craig (8 May 1984), lot 1023.

1508. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 50 Centavos (31mm, 12.62 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1885. Struck in .500 fine silver. KM 177a.1. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Very lightly toned over unimpaired surfaces. A two year only type. ($150) Purchased from Aurora Coins, September 2001.


1509. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1862-1886. Proof AR Peso Essai (38mm, 25.22 g, 6h). Paris mint, though naming Medellín. Dated 1873. KM Pn 43; Guttag 1323a. In NGC encapsulation graded Proof 63 WINGS APPROVED. A superbly toned multicolored Proof with just a couple of minute contact marks. Superb eye appeal and extremely rare. Only specimen ever graded. ($4000) Ex Ponterio 93 (13 March 1998), lot 1765.

1510. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. CU-NI 2½ Centavos (14mm, 1.18 g, 6h). Struck for circulation in Panama. Scovill (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1902. KM 190. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem uncirculated coin with just a few toning spots. Elusive one year type. ($1000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, January 1973. When viewing this coin in hand, numismatist Freeman Craig stated that he had not seen one in several years. The scarcity of the type is likely a result of its limited circulation in Panama immediately prior to the U.S. backed rebellion of the region. Following independence, all Colombia issues were repalced in circulated by U.S. minted Panamanian silver coins.

1511. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 20 Centavos (24mm, 4.99 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1897. KM 189. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem. The dies were prepared in Brussels and this is possibly a Brussels proof. The highest specimen ever graded. ($75) Purchased from Pat Johnson, June 1970.


1512. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 5.03 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1933 B. Mint mark on obverse. KM 197. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Lightly toned UNC. Scarce in uncirculated condition. Rarest date of the type. ($100)

1513. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (29mm, ~12.50 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1881. KM 177.1; Y 17.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice moderate charcoal gray patina. Very scarce type especially in this grade. This type with the numeral “50” was only struck in two years. Highest ever graded by five grades. ($1500) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16765.

1514. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.64 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1887. “Cocobolo portrait” type. KM 185. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb choice BU with just a hint of light toning. ($250) Ex Freeman Craig (25 September 1985), lot 602. Supposedly the portrait of the Colombian President’s wife, it was a very unpopular issue.

1515. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 5 Decimos (30mm, 12.26 g, 6h). Medellín mint. Dated 1888. KM 166. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem uncirculated with superb strike, full luster and multiple hues of pale green, amber and blue fading to red. The finest specimen known of this one year only type. One of the most incredibly beautiful coins in the Colombian section. ($500) Ex Freeman Craig (13 May 1987), lot 578.


1516. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.33 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1888. KM 186.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lightly toned uncirculated specimen over somewhat muted surfaces. Highest specimen ever graded and extremely scarce one year only type. One of only two graded in Mint State, the other in MS 60. ($500) Purchased from Bill Randel, September 1987.

1517. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. Proof AR 50 Centavos (29.5mm, 12.49 g, 6h). Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of Discovery of the Americas. London mint. Dated 1892. KM 187.2. In NGC encapsulation graded Proof 67 WINGS APPROVED. Superb beyond gem proof. As fresh as the day it came off the press. By far the finest example. Only three known specimens of which two have been graded by NGC, the other in Proof 64. This is truly a gem. Another one of the great jewels of this collection. ($4000) Purchased from Dennis Gill, December 1986.

1518 1519 1518. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (29.5mm, 12.48 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1892. KM 187.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated. ($150) Purchased from Smith and Sons, December 1984.

1519. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.44 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1898. KM 186.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Nicely toned choice uncirculated specimen, A three year only type and very scarce. The only Mint State specimen to be graded. The next closest grade is AU 58. Only three of these have been graded. Very rare. ($300) Purchased from Karl Stephens, December 1983.


1521 1520 1520. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.55 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1902. KM 192. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Beautiful gem uncirculated specimen with just a hint of patina. A one year only type. This is the highest graded specimen. ($150) Purchased from Pat Johnson, December 1990.

1521. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (29.5mm, 12.46 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1906. KM 186.2. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Appears to be brilliant uncirculated with light overall patina. Does not appear to show any wear, just a bit of softness in strike. It is basically as struck. A three year only type and difficult to find in choice grade. This is the only graded specimen. ($100) Purchased from Lou Hudson, February 1997.

1522. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.52 g, 6h). Bogotá or Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1915. Large date. KM 193.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem uncirculated and probably a specimen strike. Was purchased as a specimen. It has superior strike and surfaces with a wire edge. In the opinion of this cataloger it is a specimen. Absolute gem. ($400) Purchased from Ron Gillio, August 1983.



1523. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (29.5mm, 12.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1922. KM 274. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice toned uncirculated. Highest specimen ever graded. ($75) Purchased from Michael Peykar, March 1986.

1524. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.52 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1932 B. KM 193.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. A superb gem BU with just the faintest of toning. Highest ever graded for the date. ($75) 407

1525. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. AV 10 Pesos (26mm, 16.04 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1924 B. KM 201.1; Friedberg 112. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Nice orange peel toned UNC. Quite scarce in this grade. Only one graded higher. ($500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, October 1974.

Guerra de los Mil Días (Thousand Days’ War)




1526. COLOMBIA, Guerra de los Mil Días (Thousand Days’ War). Santander. 1899-1902. Brass 10 Centavos (15mm, 0.54 g). Struck 1902. KM A1. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. Darkly toned. ($100) 1527. COLOMBIA, Guerra de los Mil Días (Thousand Days’ War). Santander. 1899-1902. Brass 20 Centavos (21mm, 0.68 g). Dated 1902. KM A2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Darkly toned chocolate Mint State. Only two of these have ever been graded, this coin in mint state and another in VF. Extremely rare in this condition. ($150) Purchased from Jeffrey Zarit, September 1996.

1528. COLOMBIA, Guerra de los Mil Días (Thousand Days’ War). Santander. 1899-1902. Brass 50 Centavos (23mm, 1.39 g). Dated 1902. KM A3. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Lightly toned with just a hint of the original color. Only two of these have ever been graded and this is the higher of the two. ($75) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, February 1974.

Colombia Large Lots 1529. COLOMBIA, Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. Lot of four (4) CU and CU-NI Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1529.1) CU-NI 1¼ Centavos (12mm, 1.49 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1874. KM 173. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned surfaces overall. Fairly common coin in nice grade. Purchased from Sam Lopresto. (1529.2) CU-NI 2½ Centavos (14.5mm, 1.00 g, 6h). Scovill (Waterbury) or Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1881. KM 179. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated specimen with a few tiny spots on surfaces. (1529.3) CU-NI 2½ Centavos (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1881 H. KM 180. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. (1529.4) CU 2½ Centavos (18mm, 2.20 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1885. KM 181. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Choice uncirculated with two natural planchette clips. Just a hint of red peeking through. Only Mint State coin ever graded of this type. Only 2 1/2 cent piece of the period in Copper. Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1972. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.

($100) 408

1530. COLOMBIA. Lot of three (3) CU-NI and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1530.1) Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. CU-NI 5 Centavos (19.5mm, 3.07 g, 6h). Scovill (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1886. KM 184. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice BU. (1530.2) Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. CU-NI 5 Centavos (19mm, 3.01 g, 6h). Scovill (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1888. KM 183.2. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS. Deeply toned with a few spots of speckling on both sides. The holder says surfaces hairlines, but the cataloger cannot see them. Despite listing for a mere $10 in UNC, this is the finest specimen that Richard could find in 50 years of collecting. Likely much rarer than the catalog states. (1530.3) Estados Unidos de Colombia. 1863-1886. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.32 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1881. KM 175.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Somewhat rough surfaces over light silver. Faintly toned. Three (3) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1531. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. Lot of five (5) AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1531.1) AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.28 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1902. KM 191. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Just a hint of toning in a nice BU. (1531.2) AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.47 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1897. KM 188. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. Purchased from Pat Johnson, June 1970. (1531.3) AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.49 g, 6h). Bogotá mint. Dated 1942 B. KM 196.1. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. (1531.4) AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 5.01 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1911. KM 197. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU with just a hint of toning. (1531.5) AR 50 Centavos (29mm, 12.46 g, 6h). San Francisco mint. Dated 1934. KM 274. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Nice lightly toned uncirculated specimen with full luster. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1532. COLOMBIA, Republica de Colombia. 1886-present. Lot of four (4) CU-NI and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1532.1) CU-NI Peso (17mm, 1.90 g, 6h). Inflationary coinage. Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1912 H. KM A279. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb BU with a hint of light toning. This is the only graded specimen of the type. Smaller than the earlier Colombian pesos. (1532.2) CU-NI 2 Pesos (18mm, 2.99 g, 6h). Inflationary coinage. Medellín mint. Dated 1910 M. KM B279. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU with a splash of toning across the obverse. (1532.3) CU-NI 5 Peso (22mm, 4.01 g, 6h). Inflationary coinage. Medellín mint. Dated 1907 M. KM 279. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lovely uncirculated specimen. (1532.4) AR Medal (35mm, 20.56 g, 12h). Bogotá mint. Dually dated 1492 and 1892. CONGRESS DE COLOMBIA/ BOGOTA, coat-of-arms surmounted by eagle standing right, wings spread / DESCUBRIMIENTO DE AMÉRICA/ * 1492 1892 *, ship under sail left on waves; 4o CENTENARIO below. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Nice choice uncirculated specimen with a small edge knock on the reverse. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


Individual photographs of coins in large lots are available on our website:


1533. COSTA RICA, Central American Republic. Issued under the República de Costa Rica. 1823-1839. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.48 g, 12h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1848 CR JB. KM 20a; Cr 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb choice uncirculated, even light gray patina. An incredible coin. Twelve grades higher than the nearest specimen for the date and type. ($200) Purchased from Colony Coins, October 1970.

1534. COSTA RICA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR Real (21mm, 3.70 g, 12h). San José mint. Dated 1831 CR F. KM 21a; cr 3. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Nicely toned in deep charcoal patina with strong hints of silver coming through. Very attractive coin. The only specimen ever graded. Very rare. ($200) Purchased from Nona Moore, November 1974.

1535. COSTA RICA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 8 Reales (41mm, 27.15 g, 12h). San José mint. Dated 1831 CR F. Medal rotation. KM 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice brilliant uncirculated with fully prooflike surfaces. Very light iridescent multicolored hues of amber, blue and gold grace this coin. Tiny bit of weakness on the edge at 6 o’clock on both sides. The finest example this cataloger has ever seen. If you want the finest, this is it. ($15,000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, February 2008.


1536. COSTA RICA, Central American Republic. Issued under the República de Costa Rica. 1823-1839. AV 1/2 Escudo (14mm, 1.60 g, 12h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1848 CR JB. KM 13.1; Cr 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. A virtual gem BU with full tree and very choice lustrous surfaces. The highest graded for this date. A stunner. ($750) Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin, October 1976.

1537. COSTA RICA, Central American Republic. Issued under the República de Costa Rica. 1823-1839. AV Escudo (19mm, 3.10 g, 12h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1849 CR JB. KM 14; Friedberg 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Full ceiba tree. Choice brilliant uncirculated with full luster and sharp strike. Highest ever graded for the date and extremely rare so choice. ($2000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1994.

1538. COSTA RICA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AV 2 Escudos (22mm, 6.75 g, 12h). San José mint. Dated 1835 CR F. KM 15; Cr 8; Friedberg 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Full ceiba tree. Choice orange peel brilliant uncirculated with full strong strike. Only one graded higher in MS 64. This is one of the finest for type in the entire series. ($2500)

1539. COSTA RICA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AV 4 Escudos (30mm, 13.62 g, 12h). San José mint. Dated 1837 CR E. KM 16; Cr 9; Friedberg 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very nice lustrous brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of orange patina. Only one specimen has ever been graded higher. A very scarce type, especially in this grade. ($7500) Purchased from Louis Collins, October 1975.


1540. COSTA RICA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AV 8 Escudos (38mm, 26.88 g, 12h). San José mint. Dated 1828 CR F. KM 17; Cr 10; Friedberg 1. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Very choice AU, with very lustrous surfaces and just a hint of orange peel toning. Good strike and nice surfaces grace this specimen. Although a few have been graded higher, Richard realized that this coin had great eye appeal. Quite rare in any grade. ($10,000) Purchased from Freeman Craig, March 1998.

1541. COSTA RICA, Estado de Costa Rica. 1838-1848. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.78 g, 12h). San José mint. Dated 1845 CR. KM 23; Cr 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Deeply toned uncirculated. Six grades higher than the prior specimen and extremely rare. Photo in KM is of a holed specimen. ($750) Purchased from Freeman Craig, July 1987.


1542. COSTA RICA, Estado de Costa Rica. 1838-1848. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.50 g, 11h). San José mint. Miguel Mora, assayer. Dated 1842 MM. KM 32; Cr 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very lustrous with bright obverse and iridescent toned reverse. Highest ever graded by five grades and only Mint State example. ($1500) Purchased from Jeffrey Zarit, May 1976.

1543. COSTA RICA, Estado de Costa Rica. 1838-1848. AR Real (19mm, 2.86 g, 12h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1847 CR JB. Variety with retrograde B. KM 65; Cr 22. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Nicely toned AU. Struck only one year. Only three have been graded and only one higher in Mint State. ($100)

1544. COSTA RICA, Estado de Costa Rica. 1838-1848. AV Escudo (19mm, 3.14 g, 12h). San José mint. Miguel Mora, assayer. Dated 1842 MM. KM 33.1; Cr 16; Friedberg 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Highest ever graded by seven grades. Extremely rare and almost never offered for sale in any grade. ($4000) Ex Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982) lot 799.

1545. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR Real (19mm, 2.93 g, 12h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1849 JB. KM 66; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Nicely toned with much silver surface appearing. Highest ever graded for the type and date. Very rare in Mint State. ($300) Purchased from Thomas Faistauer, March 1972.


1546 1547 1546. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV 1/2 Escudo (13mm, 1.48 g, 6h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1854 JB. KM 97; Friedberg 10; Y 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Deeply toned with rich orange peel color. One of the highest graded and well struck for issue. ($500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, January 1974.

1547. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV Escudo (18mm, 3.17 g, 5h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1851 JB. KM 98; Y 23. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Lovely orange peel color with nice strike, you can see the grass on the maiden’s skirt. No coins of this date have been graded in Mint State, but this one is a great example. ($500) Ex Louis E. Eliasberg Collection (American Numismatic Rarities, 18 April 2005), lot 1686; acquired in 1942 from John H. Clapp Estate.

1548. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV 2 Escudos (23mm, 6.36 g, 6h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1850 JB. KM 99; Y 24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lustrous very choice brilliant uncirculated. Strongest strike this cataloger has ever seen. Full skirt on the Indian Princess. Finest ever graded by five grades. ($1000) Ex Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982) lot 801.

1549. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV 1/2 Onza – 4 Escudos (29mm, 13.52 g, 6h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1850 JB. KM 100; Friedberg 7; Y 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Superb prooflike specimen with incredible strike and almost all of the Indian Maiden’s skirt struck. ($4000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller. Ex Schweizerischer Bankverein 32 (26 January 1993), lot 2991; Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982) lot 800. In the opinion of this cataloguer, who purchased the present coin for Dick, this is a specimen proof. Having owned many of these in the last forty-five years, this is by far the most fabulous specimen he has ever seen or owned. When this coin was originally viewed in 1982 at the Hammel sale, Richard, James Elmen, and several other South American specimens examined the coin and believed it to be proof. You be the judge...


1550. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR Real (14mm, 2.46 g). Type IV counterstamp on a Central American Republic Real of the San Jose mint, dated 1846 JB. Struck 1846. KM 47; Y 47. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Choice uncirculated with great luster and faint patina. Possibly the finest known specimen. Highest graded by nine grades. ($400)

1551. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV 1/2 Escudo (14mm, 1.54 g). Type VI counterstamp on an earlier issue dated 1847 CR JR. Counterstamped 1849-1857. KM 80; Cr 20; Friedberg 5a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb choice brilliant uncirculated with full luster and very strong counterstamp on the ceiba tree. Highest ever graded. Finest this cataloger has ever encountered. Very rare this choice. ($1000) Ex Bowers & Ruddy (15 December 1981), lot 536.

1552. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 1/16 Peso (14mm, 1.61 g, 7h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1850 JB. KM 101; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very choice original patina over very white surfaces with substantial luster. Highest ever graded for the date and none higher for type. ($400) Purchased from Bowers & Ruddy, December 1989.

1553. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 1/8 Peso (18mm, 3.05 g, 6h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1850 JB. KM 102; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Gem very lustrous uncirculated with superb original cabinet patina. Highest graded specimen by far for this three year type. Extremely rare in this grade. ($1000)

1554. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 1/4 Peso (23mm, 6.39 g, 6h). San José mint. Juan Barth, assayer. Dated 1850 JB. KM 103; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58 WINGS APPROVED. Lovely patina and super strike for type. Fully lustrous under patina. Extremely rare, especially this choice. Finest this cataloger has ever seen. ($500) Purchased from Limarc, October 1979.


1555. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. CU-NI 1/4 Centavo (12mm, 0.80 g, 6h). San José mint. Struck 1865. KM 108; Y 32. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. Deeply toned. Extremely fine. Only two graded higher in Mint State. Extremely rare. ($400)




1556. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. CU-NI Centavo (19mm, 3.67 g, 5h). San José mint. Dated 1874. KM 120; Y 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Toned light to moderate brown. Highest graded and a one year only type. ($100) 1557. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.24 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1875 GW. KM 110; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice lustrous prooflike fields with beautiful iridescent hues of amber and blue. Highest graded for date and type, and we feel it has claims to an even higher grade. ($300) 1558. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.24 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1887 GW. KM 125; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. Only one graded higher in MS 64. Quite scarce this choice. ($100)





1559. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.53 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1865 GW. KM 111; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS/Surface hairlines. Coin appears choice lightly toned BU. You have to see this coin as it is superb. Equal in this cataloger’s opinion to the highest graded specimen, which is MS 63. ($250) 1560. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.44 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1875 GW. KM 121; Y 10a. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Lightly toned AU and very strong ceiba tree. Only two graded with one higher in MS 63. ($100) 1561. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.49 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1887 CB GW. KM 126; Y14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Nice lightly toned UNC. ($100) 1562. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.44 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1892. KM 129; Y 18. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated with just a hint of patina. Only two graded higher in MS 66. ($200)





1563. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.30 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1864 GW. Small “25 cs”. KM 105; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Incredible prooflike gem coin with incredible multicolored patina. Just a hint of dull toning in fields on the reverse. Possibly a proof or specimen. Highest ever graded by ten grades and an amazing example. ($1000) Ex Freeman Craig (13 May 1987), lot 588.

1564. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.34 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1875 GW. KM 106; Y 11a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice patina over beautiful lustrous surfaces. Highest graded by ten grades. ($400) Purchased from Dennis Gill, October 2008.

1565. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.41 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1887 GW. CB below arms. 9DSGW. KM 127.2. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS/Surface Hairlines. White surfaces with a bit of greenish patina. Coin would grade about MS 62 if it were graded. ($200)



1566. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.36 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1889. KM 130; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice toned uncirculated. Very choice for type. Two graded higher in MS 64. ($75) 1567. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 50 Centavos (32mm, 12.60 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1865 GW. KM 112; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Light toning over very lustrous surfaces. Finest strike for the type that we have seen. Exceptional coin in all regards. Highest ever graded for the date and type. Possibly the finest known specimen in private hands. ($1000) Ex Frederick R. Mayer Collection (Spink Smythe, 23 October 2008), lot 1138.

1568. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.73 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1890 GW. KM 124.1; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem lustrous uncirculated with faint iridescent blue-green patina. A real wonder coin again. Highest ever graded for date and type. ($500) Ex Freeman Craig (8 May 1984), lot 1032. Richard’s original specimen was stolen in front of the Yorkshire Deli in downtown Los Angeles while with my deceased partner Dr. Norman Applebaum. He had a group of 50 Centavo size coins that he was bringing to our weekend breakfast for show and tell when it was grabbed and the thief ran off. His original was a choice 1885 GW 50 Centavos.


1569. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV Peso (13mm, 1.43 g, 7h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1871 GW. KM 116; Friedberg 16; Y 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice light orange peel lustrous uncirculated. Highest graded for the date and none higher for the type. Small but mighty. ($300) Purchased from F. S. Werner, June 1982.

1570. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV 2 Pesos (19mm, 2.93 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1866 GW. KM 113; Y 27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Highest ever graded by far for the date and type. Only Mint State piece on record. ($1000) Ex Ponterio 93 (13 March 1998), lot 791.

1571. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV 5 Pesos (22mm, 7.36 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1867 GW. KM 114; Friedberg 12; Y 28. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated. ($1000) Ex Louis E. Eliasberg Collection (American Numismatic Rarities, 18 April 2005), lot 1695.

1572. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV 5 Pesos (20mm, 8.03 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1873 GW. KM 118; Y 33. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated. Only one graded higher in MS 63. One year only type. ($2000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 2007.


1573. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV 10 Pesos (29mm, 14.86 g, 6h). San José mint. Guillermo Witting, assayer. Dated 1870 GW. KM 115; Friedberg 11; Y 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with very strong strike on both sides. Very lustrous surfaces. Highest ever graded for type and date by several grades. ($1500) Ex Spink 10 (25 September 1980), lot 505.



1574. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 50 Centavos (29mm, 12.40 g). Counterstamped on a 50 Centavo of Columbia dated 1884 Bogotá. Struck 1889. KM 134.1; Y 20. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Moderate gray toning over all with choice counterstamp. As usual, highest ever graded for the date and type combination. ($300) Ex Superior Galleries (9 December 1989) lot 750 (part of).

1575. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR 50 Centimos (28mm, 10.01 g, 6h). Philadelphia or San José mint. Jesus Cubrero Vargas, assayer. Dated 1903 JCV. KM 143; Y 41. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem prooflike uncirculated with wonderful iridescent patina. A truly wonderful coin. Incredibly rare so choice. ($500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1972.

1576. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AV 20 Colones (26mm, 15.61 g, 6h). San José mint. Dated 1897. KM 141; Friedberg 19; Y 38. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very choice lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Highest ever graded for this date, the first year of issue for this three year type. This is an extremely popular series. ($1000) Purchased from Joe and Willy Fragner, February 1973.





1577. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. Brass 5 Centavos (15mm, 0.98 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1919 GCR. KM 147; Y 47. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Deeply toned. Highest graded. ($100) 1578. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. Brass 10 Centavos (17mm, 1.59 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1919 GCR. KM 149.2; Y 48. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned with a few toning spots. Only one ever graded. ($100) 1579. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. Brass 10 Centimos (17mm, 2.08 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1920 GCR. KM 152; Y 50. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Toned gem. Highest ever graded. ($100)

1580. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-pres. AR Colon (28mm, 9.98 g). Counterstamp on an earlier 50 Centavos dated 1903 JCV. Dated 1923. KM 164; Y 44. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated for both counterstamp and coin. Only one graded higher. ($75)

Costa Rica Large Lots 1581. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-present. Lot of four (4) Æ, CU-NI and AR Denomination. Lot includes the following denominations: (1581.1) CU-NI 2 Centimos (14mm, 1.07 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1903. KM 144; Y 46. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lovely brilliant uncirculated with a hint of toning. One year only type, one graded higher in 66. (1581.2) AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.23 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1890. KM 128; Y 17. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lovely uncirculated with a little dark patina in the letters. (1581.3) AR 5 Centimos (15mm, 0.99 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1912 GCR. KM 145; Y 39. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice brilliant uncirculated with a hint of patina. Only one graded higher. (1581.4) Æ 5 Centimos (14mm, 1.03 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1929 GCR. KM 169; Y 51. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Lovely red luster coming through lightly toned surfaces. One graded higher and a one year type. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.



1582. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-present. Lot of four (4) Æ and Brass Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1582.1) Brass 5 Centimos (14mm, 0.99 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1936 GCR. KM 151; Y 49. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lovely brilliant uncirculated with a hint of iridescent toning. ONle of two graded and they are both 65. (1582.2) Brass 5 Centimos (14mm, 0.99 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1940 GCR. KM 151; Y 53. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Very light surfaces with just a hint of color coming through. Only two graded and the other is MS 66. (1582.3) Brass 5 Centimos (14mm, 1.01 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1947 BN CR. KM 179; Y A58. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lovely uncirculated specimen with subdued tones of brass. Only two graded. (1582.4) Æ 10 Centimos (17mm, 2.02 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1929 GCR. KM 170; Y 52. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. 40% red with light brown toning. One year only type and only two graded higher in MS 66. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1583. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-present. Lot of four (4) Æ and Brass Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1583.1) CU-NI 5 Centimos (14mm, 1.05 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1942 BN CR. KM 178; Y 58. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem UNC. Highest ever graded specimen. (1583.2) CU-NI 5 Centimos (14mm, 1.02 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1951 BC CR. KM 184.1; Y A64. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned gem. Only coin of this date ever graded. One year type. (1583.3) Brass 10 Centimos (17mm, 1.99 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1941 GCR. KM 174; Y 54. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Uncirculated with a couple of toning spots. Only two graded, the other is MS 63. (1583.4) Brass 10 Centimos (17mm, 2.01 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1943 BN CR. KM 180; Y B58. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Faintly toned gem UNC. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1584. COSTA RICA, República de Costa Rica. 1848-present. Lot of eleven (11) Brass, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1584.1) AR 10 Centimos (17mm, 1.96 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1910 GCR. KM 146; Y 40. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned UNC. (1584.2) AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.07 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1917 GCR. KM 148; Y 422. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem lustrous UNC. Two graded higher in MS 66. (1584.3) AR 25 Centimos (22mm, 3.18 g, 6h). San José mint. Gobierno de Costa Rica, assayer. Dated 1924 GCR. KM 168; Y 45. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned UNC. (1584.4) CU-NI 25 Centimos (22mm, 3.64 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1935 BICR. KM 171; Y 55. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Toned uncirculated. Only two graded higher. (1584.5) Brass 25 Centimos (22mm, 3.47 g, 6h). San José mint. Dated 1945 BN CR. KM 146; Y 63. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lightly toned. (1584.6) Brass 25 Centimos (22mm, 3.48 g, 6h). San José mint. Dated 1946 BN CR. KM 146; Y 63. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned uncirculated. (1584.7) CU-NI 25 Centavos (22mm, 3.44 g, 6h). London mint. Dated 1948 BN CR. KM 175; Y 59. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem toned uncirculated. (1584.8) AR 50 Centimos (24mm, 6.32 g). Counterstamp on a 25 Centavos dated 1893 Heaton. Dated 1923. KM 159; Y 43. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 T 8. UNC both counterstamp and host coin. (1584.9) AR 50 Centimos (24mm, 6.25 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1935 BICR. KM 172; Y 56. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned uncirculated. The second of two graded. (1584.10) AR 50 Centimos (24mm, 6.35 g, 6h). London mint. Dated 1937 BNCR. KM 176; Y 60. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Nice toned uncirculated. Only one graded higher. (1584.11) AR Colon (28mm, 10.05 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1935 BICR. KM 173; Y57. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned uncirculated. Eleven (11) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS. 421


Proofs from the Guerra de los Diez Años (Ten Years War)




1585. CUBA, Guerra de los Diez Años (Ten Years War). 1868-1878. Proof CU 10 Centavos (19mm, 2.61 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Clemente Torretti, engraver. Dated 1870 P CT. KM (X) 2a = KM Pn2a. In NGC encapsulation PF 65 BN. Deeply toned proof with iridescence and subdued luster under patina. Highest graded. Forty struck. ($2000) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, May 1972.

1586. CUBA, Guerra de los Diez Años (Ten Years War). 1868-1878. Proof CU 20 Centavos (24mm, 4.74 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Clemente Torretti, engraver. Dated 1870 P CT. KM (X) 3a = KM Pn3a. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 65 BN. Deeply toned with iridescence and hints of red peeking through. Highest graded. Forty struck. ($2000) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, May 1972.

1587. CUBA, Guerra de los Diez Años (Ten Years War). 1868-1878. Proof CU Medio Peso (30mm, 10.29 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Clemente Torretti, engraver. Dated 1870 P CT. KM (X) 4a = KM Pn4a. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 65 BN. Deeply toned, a real gem. Highest graded. Forty struck. ($3000) Purchased from Jess Peters, February 1974.


1588. CUBA, Guerra de los Diez Años (Ten Years War). 1868-1878. Proof CU Peso (36mm, 18.61 g, 6h). Potosí mint. Clemente Torretti, engraver. Dated 1870 P CT. KM (X) 5a = KM-Pn5a. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 64 BN. Superb lustrous proof with iridescent toning. The original hues of red mixed with the iridescent patina gives this coin superb eye appeal. Highest graded. Forty struck. ($6000) Ex Ray Byrne Collection (J. Peters 78, 13 June 1975), lot 108.

1589. CUBA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). 1895-1898. AR Souvenir Peso (35mm, 22.51 g, 6h). Struck by the Dunn Air-Brake Company of Philadelphia, PA. Dated 1897. PAT 97 on neck truncation. KM XM1; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem original toned BU. Mottled dark toning. Incredible original patina and full frost. Only one graded higher in 67. This is the finest specimen we have ever seen. Mintage of 828 pieces. ($3000) Ex Ray Byrne Collection (J. Peters 78, 13 June 1975), lot 114.


1590 1591 1590. CUBA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). 1895-1898. AR Souvenir Peso (35mm, 22.66 g, 6h). Struck by Gorham Manufacturing Company of Providence, RI. Dated 1897. Close date. KM XM2; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU with just a hint of iridescence over the coin. Superb coin and worthy of the best collection. ($600) Purchased from Chuck Haig, June 1974.

1591. CUBA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). 1895-1898. AR Souvenir Peso (35mm, 22.64 g, 6h). Struck by Gorham Manufacturing Company of Providence, RI. Dated 1897. Close date. KM XM3; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS65. Superb brilliant uncirculated with light iridescence over coin. A couple of light bag marks on the obverse. ($600) Purchased from Aldo Basso.

1592. CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. CU-NI Centavo (16mm, 2.57 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1915. KM 9.1; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem lightly patinated UNC. Highest graded specimen. ($100)

1593. CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. CU-NI 5 Centavos (20mm, 5.02 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1916. KM 11.1; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Toned uncirculated specimen. Only four graded higher at MS 65 and 66. ($100)

1594. CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.47 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1915. KM A12; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem brilliant uncirculated with a hint of iridescence. Only two graded higher at MS 66. ($300)


1595. CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.96 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1920. KM 13.2; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb uncirculated gem with just a hint of iridescent patina over subdued satin surfaces. One or two tiny deep toning spots. Only one graded higher. ($250) Purchased from Irving Goodman.

1596. CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. AR 40 Centavos (28mm, 10.00 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1920. KM 14; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice BU with just a hint of patina. Extremely scarce in this nice grade. ($300) Purchased from Irving Goodman, July 1974.

1597. CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. AR Peso (37mm, 26.87 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1915. KM 15.1; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very choice uncirculated specimen with a hint of patina overall. A very nice original high relief coin. Very rare grade for this type and only three graded higher. ($750) Purchased from Nona Moore, September 1974.


1598. CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. AR Peso (37mm, 26.83 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1939. KM 22; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb blast white BU just a couple of faint touches of toning. Highest graded. ($300)

1599. CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. AV Peso (14mm, 1.67 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1915. KM 16; Friedberg 7; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. A superb gem BU with a frosted halo effect. ($500) Purchased from Frank Lapa, February 1971.

1600. CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. AV 20 Pesos (33mm, 33.58 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1915. KM 21; Friedberg 1; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Brilliant uncirculated with exceptionally nice fields for the type. Especially rare coin in high grade. This cataloger has seen a number of MS 62 specimens of this type, and this one is much higher quality than those. ($1500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, February 1976.


Cuba Large Lots 1601. dates:

CUBA, Primera República. 1902-1961. Lot of five (5) Brass and CU-NI Denominations. Lot includes the following

(1601.1) Brass 1 Centavo (16mm, 2.30 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1943. KM 9.2a; Y 3a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Superb gem uncirculated with a hint of patina. None graded higher. (1601.2) CU-NI 1 Centavo (16mm, 2.48 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1946. KM 9.2; Y 5b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. (1601.3) CU-NI 2 Centavos (19mm, 3.46 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1916. KM A10; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Mottled toning with a few moderate hairlines. (1601.4) Brass 5 Centavos (20mm, 4.44 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1943. KM 11.3a; Y 5a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice toned uncirculated. One year only type and only three graded higher in 66. (1601.5) CU-NI 5 Centavos (20mm, 4.91 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1946. KM 11.3; Y 5b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Gem BU with a hint of iridescent multicolored patina. One graded higher in 66. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1602. CUBA, Cubanos en exilio (Cubans in exile). 1962-present. Lot of three (3) AR Souvenir Pesos. Lot includes the following dates: (1602.1) AR Souvenir Peso (37mm, 30.39 g, 6h). Uncertain private mint. Dated 1965. Reeded edge. KM (X) M4. In NGC encapsulation graded PL 66 Cameo. (1602.2) AR Souvenir Peso (37mm, 29.02 g, 6h). Uncertain private mint. Dated 1965. Plain edge. KM (X) M5. In NGC encapsulation graded PL 65 Cameo. (1602.3) AR Souvenir Peso (37mm, 30.60 g, 6h). Uncertain private mint. Dated 1965. Lettered edge. KM (X) M6. In NGC encapsulation graded PL 67 Cameo. Three (3) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


The souvenir pesos of 1965 were issued by the Agency for Cuban Numismatists, with proceeds supporting Alpha 66, a militant revolutionary group.

Individual photographs of coins in large lots are available on our website:

1603. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Primera República. 1844-1861. Æ 1/4 Real (23mm, 3.49 g, 12h). Dated 1844. KM 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Only three of these have ever been graded and only one higher in 63. These coins are very undervalued in the marketplace. ($75) 427

1604. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. CU-NI 1¼ Centavos (15mm, 1.27 g, 6h). Dated 1882. KM 6; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lovely uncirculated specimen with slightly muted satiny surfaces. Highest graded specimen. ($100)

1605. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. Proof CU-NI 1¼ Centavos (14mm, 0.95 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1887 A. KM PnE16; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem proof with muted iridescent surfaces. Superb coin and very rare. ($750) Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin.

1606. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. CU-NI 1¼ Centavos (15mm, 1.01 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1888 A. KM 6; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Superb gem BU with a hint of iridescent patina overall. Highest ever graded. ($250)

1607. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. Proof CU-NI 2½ Centavos (15mm, 1.04 g, 6h). Scoville (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1877. KM 4. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 63. Very light patina over brilliant surfaces. Only two ever graded. ($500)

1608. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. Proof Pattern CU-NI 2½ Centavos (17mm, 1.96 g, 6h). Scoville (Waterbury) mint?. Dated 1877. KM PnE17; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem proof with a hint of iridescence. Very rare and seldom encountered. A superb example. ($750) Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin.





1609. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. CU-NI 2½ Centavos (17mm, 1.97 g, 6h). Paris mint. Dated 1888 A. Small date variety. KM 7.3; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb gem with light iridescent patina. Very rare. Only three of these ever graded and this is the highest. ($200) 1610. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. Proof CU-NI 2½ Centavos (17mm, 2.01 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1888 H. KM 7.4; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 64. Choice brilliant with a hint of iridescence. Very rare and very desirable. ($300) Purchased from Sam Lopresto, October 1974.

1611. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. CU-NI 5 Centavos (17mm, 1.92 g, 6h). Scoville (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1877. KM 5; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lightly toned UNC. One year only type. ($125)

1612. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. Æ 10 Centesimos (29mm, 10.02 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1891 A. KM 9; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Mostly red with a faint brown haze over 20% of surfaces. Lovely prooflike luster overall. Only one graded higher. ($100)

1613. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. AR 50 Centesimos (18mm, 2.48 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1891 A. KM 10; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Lovely toned gem with a hint of iridescent patina over brilliant surfaces. Two graded higher at MS 66. ($300)

1614. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. AR Franco (23mm, 5.04 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1891 A. KM 11; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem prooflike uncirculated with a hint of iridescent patina. Super gem and worthy of the best collection. Highest graded. ($300) 429

1615. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. AR 5 Francos (36mm, 25.09 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and torch. Henri-Auguste Patey, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1891 A. KM 12; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of iridescent patina on the edges. None graded higher. Wonderful coin. One year only type. ($1000) Purchased from Ted Uhl.

1616. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. Proof AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and torch. Henri-Auguste Patey, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1897 A. KM 13; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 63. Beautiful brilliant proof with a hint of patina and a few tiny contact marks. Extremely rare. This is the only graded proof of this denomination. ($1500) Purchased from Frank Lapa, May 1970.

1617. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. AR 1/2 Peso (30mm, 12.54 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and torch. Henri-Auguste Patey, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1897 A. KM 15; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Light rainbow iridescence over very lustrous planchet. Very scarce, even in AU. ($100) Purchased from Chuck Haig, March 1979.


1618. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. AR Peso (36mm, 25.09 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and torch. Henri-Auguste Patey, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1897 A. KM 16; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lovely bright uncirculated specimen and superb for type. Hint of violet toning. Only three have been graded higher. A wonderful example of an issue that is extremely rare in high grade. ($1000) Purchased from Henry Christensen, December 1970.

1619. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. AR 1/2 Peso (30mm, 12.53 g, 6h). No mint listed. Dated 1947. KM 21; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Brilliant uncirculated with very pale rainbow iridescence. Very undergraded. ($250) Purchased from Frank Lapa.


1620. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 26.80 g, 6h). Ottawa mint. Dated 1939. KM 22; Y 20. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant UNC with a faint hint of iridescent violet patina. One of the rarest dated Pesos to be found in high grade. We think this coin has claims to a higher grade. ($2000) Purchased from Robert Westfall, January 1979.

Dominican Republic Large Lot 1621. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Segunda República. 1865-present. Lot of three (3) Æ, Brass, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1621.1) Brass 1 Centavo (18mm, 4.47 g, 6h). Scoville (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1877. KM 3; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Superb gem BU with a hint of patina. Incredibly rare in such beautiful condition. (1621.2) Æ 5 Centesimos (25mm, 4.99 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1891 A. KM 8; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Deeply toned with hints of red peeking through. (1621.3) AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 5.16 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and torch. Henri-Auguste Patey, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1897 A. KM 14; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Lovely lightly toned specimen with claims to a higher grade. Three (3) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1622. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 1/4 Real (14mm, 12.44 g, 12h). Quito mint. Miguel Vergara, assayer. Dated 1843 MV. Without V on mountain and vertical axis. KM 26; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Deeply toned nice uncirculated specimen with just a hint of luster peeking through the deep patina. Highest ever graded for this date and quite scarce for type. ($750) Ex F.C.C. Boyd Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 19 August 1975), lot 1809.




1623. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 1/4 Real (13mm, 0.98 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1856 GJ. KM 36; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice faintly toned uncirculated. A gem with full luster. Highest ever graded specimen. A wonderful little coin with excellent eye appeal. ($500) Purchased from Almanzar’s Coins of the World, April 1971.

1624. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.26 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1833 GJ. Variety with MoR. KM 12.1; Cr 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice toned uncirculated with deep luster under the toning. Highest ever graded, the nearest at XF 40. Extremely rare in this grade and probably finest known for type. ($1000) Ex Floyd E. Wolfson Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 9 June 1975), lot 2062 (part of).

1625. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.79 g, 6h). Quito mint. Santiago Taylor, assayer. Dated 1838 ST. KM 22; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated with moderate toning over lustrous surfaces. Strike is sharp as a razor. This particular lot of coins that Dick purchased out of the Superior sale of the Wolfson collection is one of the best buys of all time. Extremely rare type. ($2000) Ex Floyd E. Wolfson Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 9 June 1975), lot 2062 (part of).

1626. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.66 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1848 GJ. KM 35; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Lightly toned gem UNC over bright lustrous surfaces. Fantastic coin with incredible sharp strike. Finest example we have ever seen. Highest ever graded for the type. ($400) Purchased from Limarc, February 1970.

1627. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR Real (19.5mm, 3.62 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1833 GJ. KM 13; Cr 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned UNC with beautiful strike and deep underlying luster. Extremely rare in this grade and this is by far the highest ever graded, the next being AU 58. Very pleasing coin to the eye. ($750) Ex Floyd E. Wolfson Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 9 June 1975), lot 2062 (part of).


1628. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR Real (19.5mm, 3.53 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1834 GJ. Different sun rays. KM 13; Cr 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very lightly toned lustrous surfaces. Choice strike and beautiful overall appearance. Only one graded higher in MS 64. ($1000) Purchased from Spink & Sons, December 1979.




1629. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR Real (20mm, 3.07 g, 6h). Quito mint. Santiago Taylor, assayer. Dated 1838 ST. Obverse/Reverse legends transposed. KM 20; Y 3a. In NGC encapsulation graded XF DETAILS. A bright coin with a hint of toning in the letters. A few hairlines on the obverse under the sun. A very pleasing coin. ($500) Ex Ponterio 86 (4 April 1997), lot 2758.

1630. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR Real (20mm, 4.17 g, 6h). Quito mint. Miguel Vergara, assayer. Dated 1839 MV. KM 17; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Just a hint of toning over well struck surfaces and a touch of rub on the high points.This is the highest ever graded specimen, with the other two graded specimens in Fine and VF. ($400) Ex Ponterio 86 (4 April 1997), lot 2760.

1631. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR Real (19.5mm, 2.77 g, 6h). Quito mint. Miguel Vergara, assayer. Dated 1840 MV. KM 17; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded XF DETAILS. Deeply toned with a few toned-very old scratches that are invisible to the naked eye. ($100) Ex Floyd E. Wolfson Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 9 June 1975), lot 2062 (part of).

1632. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 2 Reales (26mm, 6.68 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1835 GJ. KM 14; Cr 3. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58, small scratch in field. Lightly toned with just a hint of rub. Highest ever graded specimen for the date and type, the next being XF 45. ($500) Ex Floyd E. Wolfson Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 9 June 1975), lot 2062 (part of).


1633. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 2 Reales (24mm, 5.64 g, 6h). Quito mint. Feliciano Paredes, assayer. Dated 1837 FP. Obverse/Reverse legends transposed. KM 21; Y 49. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. Mottled toning over very nice unimpaired surfaces. Full strike. Very rare coin and only coin of this KM number ever graded by NGC. ($300) Ex Floyd E. Wolfson Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 9 June 1975), lot 2062 (part of).

1634. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 2 Reales (26mm, 6.38 g, 6h). Quito mint. Miguel Vergara, assayer. Dated 1840 MV. KM 18; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 WINGS APPROVED. Deep mottled toning over lustrous surfaces. A hint of iridescence. Superb strike. Only two of these have ever been graded in this date and the other was Fine. ($1000) Ex Floyd E. Wolfson Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 9 June 1975), lot 2062 (part of).

1635. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 2 Reales (28mm, 7.43 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1847 GJ. KM 33; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with very light patina overall. Well struck and problem free. First year of type. Only one graded higher at MS 64. ($400) Purchased from Sam Lopresto, October 1974.



1636. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 2 Reales (25mm, ~8.00 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1862 GJ. Fineness of .666. KM 38. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Very lightly toned uncirculated specimen. Noted in the Ponterio sale as unique. ($25,000) Ex Ponterio 86 (4 April 1997), lot 2782.

Proof Pattern 2 Reales by Barre

1637. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. Proof Pattern AR 2 Reales (27mm, 7.97 g, 6h). Paris mint, though citing Quito. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dies by Barre. Dated 1862 GJ. Reeded edge. KM-Pn 6. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superbly toned with deep iridescent patina. One of two known proofs. A great rarity. ($10,000) Purchased from Freeman Craig, January 1984. See lot 1642 and 1645 for the 4 and 8 reales from this set.


Finest Known For Type

1638. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 4 Reales (31mm, 13.66Â g, 6h). Quito mint. Miguel Vergara, assayer. Dated 1841 MV. Lettered edge. KM 24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Moderately toned with incredible strike. Full underlying luster. Finest known for type, with the nearest graded at VF. A superb rarity. Freeman Craig noted that this was the finest example he had seen. ($3000) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of California, November 1976.

Finest Known For Type

1639. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 4 Reales (32mm, 12.84Â g, 6h). Quito mint. Miguel Vergara, assayer. Dated 1844 MV. KM 27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem uncirculated with deep lustrous fields, very light overall slight iridescent gray toning. Another absolute finest known coin. The highest graded for this type, the nearest graded at VF. ($7500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, January 1993.


Finest Known For Type

1640. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 4 Reales (32mm, 15.33 g, 6h). Quito mint. Miguel Vergara, assayer. Dated 1845 MV. KM 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Choice uncirculated with fully lustrous fields and incredible strike. Lightly toned with violet iridescence. Another wonder coin. Highest graded, the nearest graded at VF. A coin to make one’s mouth water. ($6000) Ex Norweb Collection (Christie’s Dallas, 6 November 1985), lot 810.

Finest Known For Type

1641. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 4 Reales (33mm, 13.85 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1857 GJ. KM 37. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Incredible lustrous fields with superb multicolored iridescent patina over most of the coin. Without a doubt this is the finest known specimen of this coin. Highest ever graded for the date and type. An amazing coin that must be seen to be believed. ($2500) Ex Norweb Collection (Christie’s Dallas, 6 November 1985), lot 813.


Proof Pattern 4 Reales by Barre

1642. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. Proof Pattern AR 4 Reales (32mm, 13.87Â g, 6h). Paris mint, though naming Quito. Dies by Barre. Dated 1862. Reeded edge. KM Pn7. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem deeply toned iridescent proof. A perfect coin of the highest rarity. Only coin of the type ever certified. ($12,500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1990. See lots 1637 and 1645 for the 2 and 8 reales from the set.


1643. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 27.07Â g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1846 GJ. KM 32. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem coin with fully prooflike surfaces on obverse and reverse. Amazing multicolored patina overall. Another wonder coin in this Ecuador section. The finest this cataloger has seen. The nearest graded at MS 64. ($15,000) Purchased from Louis Collins, March 1978.

1644. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 5 Francos (38mm, 25.11Â g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1858 GJ. KM 39. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with nice strike in the hair. Lovely toning with underlying luster. Condor fully struck. ($2000) Ex R. Zander 6 (31 January 1975), lot 64.


Empress of the Ecuadorian Series Proof Pattern 8 Reales by Barre


Enlargement of Lot 1637

Enlargement of Lot 1642

Enlargement of Lot 1645

1645. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. Proof Pattern AR 8 Reales (36mm, ~25.00, 6h). Paris mint, though naming Quito. Dies by Barre. Dated 1862. Plain edge variety. KM Pn8. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 63 WINGS APPROVED. Superb brilliant Proof with moderate iridescent toning overall.The Empress of Richard’s Ecuadorian collection. An incredible rarity in superb condition. Two examples of this type are known with a plain edge, two with a reeeded edge. ($40,000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1997. This completes the 1862 pattern proof set (see lots 1637 and 1642 for the 2 and 4 Reales). This group will likely not be offered again for at least a decade.


1646. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AV Escudo (19mm, 3.31 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1834 GJ. KM 15; Friedberg 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Choice brilliant uncirculated. Finest this cataloger has seen. Only one graded higher. ($2000) Ex Spink 10 (25 September 1980), lot 522.

1647. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AV 2 Escudos (23mm, 6.78 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1835 GJ. KM 16; Friedberg 1. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS, Obv. graffiti. A superb UNC with lovely luster and wonderful strike. Probably the finest known. The highest graded specimen is MS 62 and this cataloger feels this would surpass that, were it not for to a tiny collectors mark (“41”) faintly etched in the field. ($3000) Ex Spink 10 (25 September 1980), lot 521.

1648. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AV 4 Escudos (29mm, 13.56 g, 6h). Quito mint. Miguel Vergara, assayer. Dated 1839 MV. KM 19; Friedberg 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Fully lustrous choice brilliant uncirculated. Hint of orange peel toning. Only one graded higher for the type in MS 64. Incredibly rare in this grade and finest this cataloger has ever seen. ($5000) Purchased from Spink & Sons, August 1972.


1649. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AV 8 Escudos (36mm, 26.97 g, 6h). Quito mint. Miguel Vergara, assayer. 1841 MV. Large size type. KM 23.1; Y 17; Friedberg 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Superb lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Highest ever graded for the date and only two graded higher for the type. The finest specimen this cataloger has ever encountered. Very conservatively graded. ($7500) Purchased from Louis Collins, October 1977.

1650. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AV 8 Escudos (36mm, 27.01 g, 6h). Quito mint. Guillermo Jameson, assayer. Dated 1852/0 GJ. KM 34.1; Friedberg 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb lustrous BU specimen. Highest ever graded for this type. The most incredible 8 escudo of this type from Ecuador this cataloger has ever seen. Originally purchased for my collection, but Richard talked me into selling it to him. No regrets – it found a good home. ($6000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1978.


1651. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. CU-NI 1/2 Centavo (14mm, 1.99 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1884. KM 47; Y 24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated. Superb type coin and only two graded higher in 65. ($125) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, April 1970.

1652. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. CU 1/2 Centavo (22mm, 2.98 g, 12h). Heaton (Birminham) mint. Dated 1890 H. KM 54; Y 20. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 RB. Red luster peeking through moderate to dark patina. Highest ever graded in this condition. Very nice type coin. According to Freeman Craig stated this is the only lustrous example known and probably the finest example known. ($300) Purchased from Donald J. Canaparo, February 1972.

1653. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. Specimen CU Centavo (26mm, 5.89 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1872. KM 45; Y 21. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 65 RB. Beautiful lustrous Proof with hints of multicolored iridescence. Highest ever graded. Extremely rare this choice. ($400) Purchased from Frank Lapa.

1654. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. Specimen CU-NI Centavo (17mm, 2.98 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1886. KM 48; Y 25. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 64. Choice brilliant specimen strike. ($300) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, April 1970.


1655. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. Specimen CU 2 Centavos (30mm, 12.10 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1872. KM 46; Y 36. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 66 RB WINGS APPROVED. Gem mostly red Proof with a couple of tiny spots on the obverse. Highest ever graded and only Specimen graded 66 in either UNC or Specimen. One year only type and extremely rare. ($400) Purchased from Frank Lapa.

1656 1657 1658 1656. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. CU-NI 2½ Centavos (19mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1917. KM 61; Y 36. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Choice uncirculated and we can not see the hairlines. A one year only type and quite scarce. ($75) 1657. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. CU-NI 1/2 Decimo (25mm, 7.04 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1884. KM 49; Y 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb prooflike coin, possibly a Specimen. Just a faint bit of toning over prooflike surfaces. Extremely choice coin and somewhat undergraded. ($100) Purchased from Ted Uhl, February 1971. (Ted died unexpectedly at a coin show in St. Louis in November of 1986.)

1658. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. CU-NI 5 Centavos (21mm, 3.97 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1909 H. KM 60.1; Y 37. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Nice lightly toned uncirculated specimen. The only example graded for the date. ($100)



1659. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. CU-NI 5 Centavos (20.5mm, 2.99 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1918. KM 60.2; Y 37a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with a faint hint of iridescent patina. Only three of this date have ever been graded with one higher in 65. ($75) Purchased from Sam Lopresto, June 1970.

1660. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. CU-NI 10 Centavos (21mm, 5.05 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1918. KM 62; Y 39. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned uncirculated. One year only type. ($75) Purchased from Art Smith, December 1981.


1661. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. Specimen AR 1/2 Sucre (30mm, 12.52Â g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1884. KM 52. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem deeply toned iridescent multicolored uncirculated. Only two of these very rare coins have ever been graded, one in SP 61 and the present piece in SP 67. Absolutely fabulous coin. ($3000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller.

1662. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR Sucre (36mm, 24.98Â g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1890 TF. KM 53.3; Y 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina around the edges. Only one graded higher in MS 64. ($400)


1663. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AR 2 Sucres (28mm, 10.03 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1930. KM 73; Y 50. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Faintly toned gem uncirculated. Two year only type. ($75)

1664. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AV 10 Sucres (22mm, 8.14 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1900 JM. KM 56; Friedberg 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU. Highest ever graded for the date. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller. Ex Heaton Museum, September 1978.

1665. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-pres. AV Condor (22mm, 8.36 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1928. KM 71; Friedberg 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb choice brilliant uncirculated. Only one graded higher at MS 66. A superb specimen of this one year only type. ($2000) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp, October 1971.


Ecuador Large Lots 1666. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-present. Lot of ten (10) Æ, Brass, CU-NI, NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1666.1) CU-NI Half Centavo (15mm, 1.51 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1909 H. KM 57; Y 33. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lightly toned uncirculated. Purchased from Lou Collins, June 1971. (1666.2) CU-NI 1 Centavo (17mm, 1.98 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1909 H. KM 58; Y 34. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Uncirculated specimen that was probably lightly rubbed at one time. (1666.3) Æ 1 Centavo (20mm, 3.53 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1928. KM 67; Y 44. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Beautiful mostly red gem. A one year only type. (1666.4) CU-NI 2 Centavos (19mm, 3.00 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1909 H. KM 59; Y 35. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lustrous uncirculated. Highest graded for the type. (1666.5) NI 2½ Centavos (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1928. KM 68; Y 45. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice uncirculated specimen. A one year only type. (1666.6) AR Half Decimo (15mm, 1.25 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1915 H. KM 55.2; Y 27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice brilliant uncirculated. Especially nice for the type and missing from most collections in this grade. A two year only variety. (1666.7) CU-NI 5 Centavos (20mm, 3.08 g, 6h). Providence mint. Dated 1919. Three berries type. KM 63; Y 38. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Toned uncirculated. A one year only type. Scarce type coin. (1666.8) CU-NI 5 Centavos (16mm, 2.03 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1924 H. KM 65; Y 41. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem brilliant uncirculated. Highest ever graded specimen. Finest known example. One year only type. (1666.9) NI 5 Centavos (19mm, 3.11 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1928. KM 69; Y 46. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice brilliant uncirculated.A one year only type. (1666.10) Brass 5 Centavos (16mm, 1.91 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1942. KM 75a; Y 51a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem lightly toned UNC. Highest graded. Ten (10) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1667. ECUADOR, Republic. 1830-present. Lot of eight (8) CU-NI, NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1667.1) AR Decimo (18mm, 2.54 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1916. KM 50.5; Y 28. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Brilliant uncirculated with some faint toning. A gem. One year only type. (1667.2) CU-NI 10 Centavos (24mm, 4.99 g, 6h). Providence mint. Dated 1919. KM 64; Y 4c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very lovely brilliant uncirculated. One year only type. (1667.3) CU-NI 10 Centavos (19mm, 3.03 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1924 H. KM 66; Y 42. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU with a hint of toning. Highest graded. (1667.4) CU-NI 10 Centavos (19mm, 2.99 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1924 H. KM 66; Y 42. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Brilliant uncirculated satiny surfaces. None graded higher. (1667.5) NI 10 Centavos (22mm, 4.06 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1928. KM 70; Y 47. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Highest graded. (1667.6) AR 2 Decimos (23mm, 5.00 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1894/89 TF. KM 51.3; Y 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb choice BU with just a hint of toning. (1667.7) AR 50 Centavos (17mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1928. KM 71; Y 4k8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb satiny gem BU. Two year type. (1667.8) AR Sucre (23mm, 5.08 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1934. KM 72; Y 49. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem UNC. Three year type. Eight (8) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


End of Session 3 448

Session 4 – Saturday, August 2, 2014 — 2 PM

1668. EL SALVADOR, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.46 g, 12h). San Salvador mint. Dated 1833. KM 14; Cr 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice uncirculated with lovely original luster. The only other graded specimen is in VG, a difference of twelve grades. This is obviously one of the finest known. ($2000) Ex El Dorado (22 February 1985), lot 446.

1669. EL SALVADOR, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.21 g, 12h). San Salvador mint. Dated 1835 S S. KM 21.1. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 53. Very deeply toned AU with a hint of the silver color poking through. Extremely rare type and only specimen graded of this type. Listed in KM at $4,800 in XF. ($2500) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 16930; Kai Philipsen Collection.

1670. EL SALVADOR, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR Real (20mm, 2.50 g, 6h). San Salvador mint. Dated 1835 S S. KM 18.8; Cr 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very low relief but Mint State with grayish silver toning. The highest graded specimen by nine grades. ($500) Purchased from Randolph Zander, June 1973. Reportedly ex Virgil Brand Collection.

1671. EL SALVADOR, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 2 Reales (28mm, 6.89 g, 12h). San Salvador mint. Dated 1828 FP. KM 5.2; Cr 16.3. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. Very pleasant XF with an almost full strike. Only two of these have been graded, the other at AU 55. ($400) Purchased from Douglas Cox, November 1981.




1672. EL SALVADOR, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 2 Reales (27mm, 5.60 g, 12h). San Salvador mint. Dated 1832 S S RL. KM 11.2; Cr 16. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. Lightly toned, crude AU. Only one of these has been graded higher at AU 55 and these coins are generally not very beautiful. ($600) Purchased from Douglas Cox, November 1981.

1673. EL SALVADOR, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 2 Reales (27mm, 5.77 g, 12h). San Salvador mint. Dated 1832 [S] S RL. KM 11.3; Cr 17.3. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Lightly toned with traces of luster. Highest ever graded specimen with the next being in VF. A crude strike as usual for this type. ($600) Purchased from Donald J. Canaparo, May 1988.

1674. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. Æ 1/4 Real (21mm, 3.45 g, 6h). No mint listed. Dated 1909. KM 120; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS66 BN. Beautiful mint state gem with hints of red. Highest ever graded. Struck in response to the continued circulation of reales in the area. ($150) Purchased from Bill Randel, January 1974.

1675. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. CU Centavo (25mm, 4.91 g, 6h). Central America (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1892. KM 108; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Deep brown surfaces. One year only type and only a small amount were put in circulation, most were melted. ($150) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company. Ex Palace Collections of Egypt (King Farouk – Sotheby’s, 24 February 1954), lot 2090 (part of).


1676. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. CU-NI 3 Centavos (20mm, 4.08 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1913 H. KM 107; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated. ($75)

1677 1678 1677. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.21 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint, though naming the Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1892 CAM. KM 109; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS64. Choice toned UNC. ($100) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, 1973.

1678. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.52 g, 6h). Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1892 CAM. KM 110; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS61. Only one graded higher. A brilliant uncirculated specimen. ($200) Purchased from Michael Cotta, September 1972.

1679. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.93 g, 6h). Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1892 CAM. KM 111; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS63. Toned lustrous UNC. None graded higher and very rare this choice. ($200) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1975.



1680. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR 50 Centavos (31mm, 12.52 g, 6h). Flag type. Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1892 CAM. KM 112; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated specimen with lustrous fields and a few tiny toning spots. Highest ever graded specimen and very rare in this grade. ($600) 1681. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR 50 Centavos (31mm, 12.58 g, 6h). Columbus type. Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1892 CAM. KM 113; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with the faintest hint of patina. Very prooflike lustrous surfaces. Highest ever graded for the type and quite scarce in this condition. Low mintage of only 55,000. First year of type. ($400) Purchased from Freeman Craig, May 1986.


1682. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 25.09Â g, 6h). Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1892 CAM. KM 114; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. According to the slab, this coin has surface hairlines, yet this cataloger can not them, and am calling the coin choice UNC with light patina. The highest graded flag peso is MS 62, this coin far surpasses that. It is the most beautiful flag peso this cataloger has ever seen, aside from a proof. ($1000) Purchased from A. G. Van der Dussen, August 1971.

1683. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 25.03Â g, 6h). Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1895 CAM. KM 115.1; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirclated with a few hairline scratches on the obverse. First year of type. ($250) Purchased from Dennis Gill, May 1972.

1684. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR Peso (37mm, ~25.00 g, 6h). Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1911 CAM. KM 115.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS65 WINGS APPROVED. Highest graded specimen. Gem UNC. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 1980.


1685. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 25.14 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint, though naming the Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1914 CAM. KM 115.2; Y 7a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS64 WINGS APPROVED. Superbly toned choice UNC. ($150) Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin, June 1996.

1686. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AR Colon (37mm, 25.17 g, 6h). Commemorating the Quadricentennial of San Salvador. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dually dated 1525 and 1925 Mo. KM 131; Y 30. In NGC encapsulation graded MS66. Lightly toned superb gem UNC. None graded higher. ($500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1973.


1687. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AV 2½ Pesos (18mm, 4.04 g, 6h). Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1892 CAM. KM 116; Friedberg 4; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS62. Highest ever graded specimen. Superb semi prooflike surfaces with very clean fields. Finest we have seen for type. ($2500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, October 1972.

1688. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AV 5 Pesos (21mm, 8.08 g, 6h). Central American (San Salvador) mint. Dated 1892 CAM. KM 117; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded MS61. None graded higher, tied for finest. Very nice UNC with very lustrous surfaces. ($3000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1980.

1689. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-pres. AV 20 Colones (27mm, 16.25 g, 6h). Commemorating the Quadricentennial of San Salvador. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dually dated 1525 and 1925 Mo. KM 132; Y 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem BU. Fully lustrous. ($3000) Purchased from A. Kosoff. Ex Palace Collections of Egypt (King Farouk – Sotheby’s, 24 February 1954), lot 174 (part of).


El Salvador Large Lots 1690. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-present. Lot of two (2) AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1690.1) AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.51 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1914. KM 125; Y 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS65. None graded higher. (1690.2) AR 25 Centavos (25mm, 6.24 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1914. KM 126; Y 27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS65. Superb gem UNC. Only one graded higher. Two (2) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1691. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-present. Lot of five (5) CU-NI and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1691.1) CU-NI 1 Centavo (16mm, 2.51 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1913 H. KM 106; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Choice uncirculated, lightly toned. One year type. (1691.2) CU-NI 1 Centavo (16mm, 2.50 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1915. KM 127; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS64. Tied for highest graded. Choice UNC. (1691.3) CU-NI 3 Centavos (20mm, 4.01 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1915. KM 128; Y 17. In NGC encapsulation graded MS63. Only one graded higher. Beautiful lightly toned uncirculated. (1691.4) AR 5 Centavos (13mm, 1.24 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1914. KM 124; Y 25. In NGC encapsulation graded MS65. Lovely toned original UNC. (1691.5) CU-NI 5 Centavos (23mm, 5.00 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1917. KM 129; Y 18. In NGC encapsulation graded MS65. Highest graded specimen. Choice uncirculated. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1692. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-present. Lot of five (5) CU-NI and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1692.1) CU-NI 1 Centavo (16mm, 2.46 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1889 H. KM 106. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Nicely toned choice uncirculated. (1692.2) CU-NI 3 Centavos (20mm, 4.01 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1889 H. KM 107; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lovely uncirculated. One year type. (1692.3) AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.25 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1911. KM 121; Y 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS62. Nicely toned UNC. Purchased from Frank Lapa. (1692.4) AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1911. KM 122; Y 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS62. Nicely toned uncirculated specimen. (1692.5) AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.29 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1911. KM 123; Y 24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS63. Faintly toned uncirculated. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1693. EL SALVADOR, Republic. 1841-present. Lot of three (3) CU-NI and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1693.1) CU-NI 1 Centavo (17mm, 2.58 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1940. KM 133; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS65. Lightly toned UNC. Highest ever graded. (1693.2) AR 25 Centavos (29mm, 7.52 g, 6h). Dated 1943. KM 136; Y 28. In NGC encapsulation graded MS64. (1693.3) AR 25 Colones (37mm, 25.12 g, 12h). Commemorating the Federación Centromaricana. Dated 1977. KM 151. In NGC encapsulation graded MS67. Three (3) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.



1694. GUATEMALA, Colonial. Fernando VI. King of Spain, 1746-1759. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.04 g, 12h). Antigua (Guatemala) mint. Pedro Sánchez de Guzmán, assayer. Dated 1759 G P. Fancy 9. KM 18; Calicó 294; El 10; Gilboy G-8-7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly toned with just a few light adjustment marks on the reverse. Superb lustrous surfaces over an incredibly well struck coin. Finest specimen of this type this cataloger has ever seen. None graded higher for this date. An exceptional rarity. ($7500) Ex Ponterio 129 (16 January 2004), lot 1877.

1695. GUATEMALA, Colonial. Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 27.00 g, 12h). Antigua (Guatemala) mint. Pedro Sánchez de Guzmán, assayer. Dated 1762 G P. KM 27.1; Calicó 811; Gilboy G-8-11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned UNC. A magnificent coin, and one of the stars of the Lissner Collection. ($15,000) Purchased from Freeman Craig, March 1998.


1696. GUATEMALA, Colonial. Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.09 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1787 NG M. KM 45; Calicó 834. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 PL WINGS APPROVED. Full luster. Full prooflike surfaces grace this 8 real. Just a hint of iridescence over incredibly beautiful surfaces. Highest ever graded for the date. An unbelievable type coin. Another star of the Lissner Collection. ($7500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, August 1989.


1697. GUATEMALA, Colonial. Carlos IV. King of Spain, 1788-1808. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 26.91 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1790/89 NG M. KM 45; Calicó 618 var. (overdate). In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Lovely lustrous surfaces and prooflike, somewhat mottled light toning. Highest ever graded of this rare overdate. ($2000) Ex Cayon (29 November 2004), lot 5079.

1698. GUATEMALA, Colonial. Carlos IV. King of Spain, 1788-1808. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.09 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1796 NG M. KM 53. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. ($3000) 458

1699. GUATEMALA, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.85 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1809/8 NG M. KM 64; Calicó 457 var. (overdate). In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Nicely toned uncirculated specimen. Extremely rare and possibly the finest example of this rare overdate known. A very rare three year type. ($4000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1995.

1700. GUATEMALA, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.03 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1821 NG M. KM 69; Calicó 470. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 Star WINGS APPROVED. Superb fully proofike choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of dark amber patina. Coin looks like frosted proof. Only one graded higher in MS 64. ($1500) Purchased from F. S. Werner, May 1980.


1701. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.85 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1824 G. KM 1; Cr 91. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Light to moderate patina over very nice silver surfaces. First year of type and highest ever graded. ($500) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, May 1972.

1702. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.72 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1824 NG M. KM 2; C 92. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Very nice choice lightly toned prooflike lustrous uncirculated. Very scarce one year type for Nuevo Guatemala. ($750) Purchased from Frank Lapa.

1703. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR Real (20mm, 3.39 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1824 NG M. KM 3; C 93. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem iridescent toned coin. This is a true wonder coin, beautiful beyond belief. Highest ever graded for any 1 real of the Central American Republic. ($1000) Purchased from Jess Peters.

1704. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR Real (20mm, 4.30 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1829 NG M. KM 75; C 94. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Choice AU with moderate toning. One of the greatest rarities of Guatemalan coinage. Only four specimens are supposed to exist, yet ten have been graded. Likely the finest known example. ($3000) Purchased from Donald J. Canaparo, August 1983.


1705. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.02 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1824 NG M. KM 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem with prooflike surfaces and beautiful original violet-blue toning. Incredible strike, incredible color, incredible coin. Only three coins of the entire spread of all dates of the Central American Republic have reached MS 65. None higher. ($3000) Purchased February 1970.

1706. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AV 1/2 Escudo (15mm, 1.68 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1824 NG M. Friedberg 30; KM 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lovely uncirculated specimen with full strike and nice yellow color. First year of type. ($1000) Purchased from Joe Fragner, May 1972.

1707. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AV Escudo (19mm, 3.37 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1824 NG M. Friedberg 29; KM 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice lightly toned uncirculated with a hint of orange peel toning. Very full strike. Only one graded higher. The rarer of the two dates struck. ($2000) Purchased from Spink & Sons, February 1973.


1708. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. Issued under the República de Guatemala. 1823-1839. AV 2 Escudos (22mm, 6.82 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1846 NG A. Friedberg 28; KM 12. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice BU with full luster and a hint of orange peel toning on the reverse. Fantastic strike. One of the finest examples of this denomination this cataloger has ever seen. ($3000) Purchased from Spink & Sons, February 1972.

1709. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AV 4 Escudos (29mm, 13.60 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1825 NG M. Friedberg 27; KM 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Full ceiba tree. Lovely surfaces with bright orange peel toning and wonderful strike. Rarer of the two dates struck. Highest graded specimen by six grades. ($20,000) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, February 1972.


Extremely Rare 8 Escudos

1710. GUATEMALA, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AV 8 Escudos (36mm, 27.12 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Manuel Eusebio Sanchez, assayer. Dated 1824 NG M. Friedberg 26; KM 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 WINGS APPROVED. Lustrous BU with very prooflike devices. Incredibly nice strike with full ceiba tree. Extremely rare. Two year only type. Only one graded higher. ($75,000) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (3 December 1999), lot 229.

1711. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.76 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1859. KM 130; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned uncirculated. Only two graded, one in XF and this one. Of the highest rarity and the rarest 1/4 real of Guatemala. ($4000) Ex World-Wide Coins of California 50 (16 November 2006), lot 369.


1712. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.66 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1875/3 P. KM 146. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Beautifully toned choice uncirculated. Rarest date of the type. Rare so choice. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1975.

1713. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.77 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1878 G. Small G variety. KM 146a.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem BU with full luster. Highest ever graded specimen. A two year only type and quite scarce. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 1973.

1714. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. Proof AR 1/2 Real (15mm, ~1.50 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1859. KM 131. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 64 WINGS APPROVED. Gem brilliant proof. Extremely rare – the only proof graded. ($2500) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 17041.

1715. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.49 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1859. KM 131; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice toned uncirculated. Only two have been graded of this very scarce date, and the other being XF 45. ($300) Ex F. Craig (21 November 1983), lot 277.

1716. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/2 Real (15.5mm, 1.52 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1865 R. KM 138; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Hints of iridescent tone. ($100)


1717. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.53 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1867 R. KM 141. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem coin with just a touch of patina. Highest ever graded. ($100)

1718. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Real (20mm, 3.05 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1859. KM 132; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Beautiful original multicolored patina and superb strike. An extremely rare coin in unbelievable condition. The only specimen ever graded and probably the finest known. Unpriced in KM. ($500) Ex Bowers & Ruddy (15 December 1981), lot 1924.

1719. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Real (20mm, 3.06 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1867 R. KM. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Nice AU with lustrous surfaces. Only coin of the type encapsulated. ($75) Purchased from Louis Collins, March 1981.

1720. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Real (20mm, 3.02 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1869 R. KM 145; Y 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Only specimen of this date ever graded and a super one at that. ($100) Purchased from Louis Collins, October 1981.

1721. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 2 Reales (26mm, 6.16 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1861 R. KM 134; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. A very scarce two year type. Finer of two graded. ($200) Purchased from Freeman Craig, June 1973.




1722. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 2 Reales (25mm, 6.10 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1865 R. No period after date. KM 139; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. A very nice type coin. Brilliant with some rub on the obverse and a few hairlines on the neck. Only specimen graded and quite scarce. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1973.

1723. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 6.17 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1867 R. KM 142. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Very choice uncirculated with just a hint of amber patina. Highest graded. ($200) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1975.

1724. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 4 Reales (32mm, 12.23 g, 12h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1861 R. KM 136. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Brilliant and lustrous with just a hint of toning. Very rare two year type. Highest ever graded for the date. Richard looked for this coin for over 40 years and was finally able to obtain this piece from the Whittier Collection. ($600) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 17070.

1725 1726 1725. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 4 Reales (30mm, 12.24 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1865 R. KM 140; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem moderately toned coin. Extremely scarce and unpriced in KM. The finer of two graded. ($500) Purchased from Dennis Gill, February 1970.

1726. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 4 Reales (30mm, 12.26 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1867 R. KM 144. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Light iridescent patina over lustrous surfaces. What appears to be rub on the cheek is toning. Highest ever graded. ($300) Purchased September 1970.


1727. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 4 Reales (11mm, 0.57 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1864 R. KM 135; Friedberg 37. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. A prooflike virtual gem. Very nice this choice and one of the highest graded. ($100) Purchased from Frank Lapa.

1728 1729 1730 1728. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.60 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1872. KM 147; Y 37. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Toned gem with choice surfaces and color. A two year only type, and this is the only specimen graded for either date. Scarce. ($75) 1729. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Real (20mm, 3.09 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1878. KM 148.2; Y 38a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. Scarce one year type without fineness. Only specimen ever graded. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, February 1976.

1730. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 6.37 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1872 P. KM 149; Y 39. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated with wonderful luster and faint iridescent patina. A one year type and the only specimen graded. ($75) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1979.

1732 1731 1731. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 6.26 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1873 P. KM 149; Y 39. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. A superbly and deeply toned gem uncirculated. Richard normally collected types, but here he has both years of this scarce type. Superb coin. ($75) Ex Bowers & Ruddy (15 December 1981), lot 1925.

1732. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Real (20mm, 3.17 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1872 P. KM 148.1; Y 38. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice deeply toned uncirculated. Only specimen of the date ever graded. Scarce. ($100) Purchased from Bowers & Ruddy, December 1981.

1733 1734 1733. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.50 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1893/2. Small wreath, without fineness. KM 163; Y 64. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice very brilliant coin with beautiful patina on 30% of coin. Finest ever graded and very rare. ($150) 1734. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.62 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1893. Large date and large wreath. KM 164; Y 65. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Superb toned prooflike gem. Very scarce. The finer of two graded. ($75) 467

1735. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Real (20mm, 3.17 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1879 D. KM 153; Y 52. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Beautiful iridescent toned gem with semi prooflike surfaces. A very scarce one year only type with a very low mintage of 37,000. Only specimen graded. ($75)

1736 1737 1736. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Real (19mm, 3.04 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1899. KM 172. In NGC encapsulation graded VF 35. Deeply toned VF obverse, XF reverse. An extremely rare type, this being the only one ever graded. ($200) Ex Superior Galleries (31 May 1989), lot 7197.

1737. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 6.16 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1879 D. KM 154; Y 53. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Lightly toned uncirculated. Only two graded higher in MS 62. Very elusive one year type. ($75)

1738. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1859-pres. AR 2 Reales (24mm, 6.10 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1892. No star before date. KM 1546.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem fully prooflike BU. One year only type. Extremely rare. Only two graded, one in XF and our gem specimen. ($1000) Purchased from DAP Coins, March 1981.

1739. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 4 Reales (30mm, 12.09 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1878 D. KM 150; Y 54. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb iridescent patina over prooflike surfaces. A wonderful example and the only graded specimen. Rare. ($400) Ex Bowers & Ruddy (15 December 1981), lot 1926.


1740. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 4 Reales (24mm, 6.10 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1892. KM 160; Y 54a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Super semi prooflike brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of toning. Extremely rare one year only type. The finest of three graded. ($5000) Purchased from Freeman Craig, December 1983.




1741. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 4 Reales (30mm, 12.54 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1894 H. KM 168.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem UNC with just a hint of iridescent amber toning. Highest ever graded specimen, a spectacular looking coin. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1972.

1742. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. Æ Centavo (20mm, 5.03 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1871. KM 196. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Large amount of original color coming through slightly muted surfaces. One year only type and none graded higher. ($75) Purchased from B. A. Seaby, July 1970.

1743. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.16 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1881. KM 203. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Lightly toned choice AU. One year only type and extremely scarce. ($100) Purchased from Pat Johnson, June 1972.

1745 1746 1744 1744. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.49 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1881. KM 204. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Nicely toned choice uncirculated specimen, A one year only type and extremely scarce, especially in this grade. Only six of these have ever been graded and this is the highest. A very difficult coin to obtain. ($200) Purchased from George Vogt, May 1971..

1745. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.21 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1870 R. KM 189. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. A two year only type. Only specimen ever graded of the year and type. ($100) 1746. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.12 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1881. KM 205.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with a bit of amber toning. A premium coin and somewhat undergraded. ($75) 469

1747. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.44 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1870 R. KM 195. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Deep blue tone beginning along the borders. ($300)

1748. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (38mm, 14.03 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1859. No pellet under PE. KM 178; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. Moderate gray toning and problem free. Extremely rare and the highest ever graded. A very elusive coin. ($1000)

1749 1750 1749. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 24.51 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1864 R. KM 182; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Super choice lustrous specimen and just a touch of overall patina. Highest ever graded by six grades. Freeman Craig noted this was the finest example he had seen for the date. ($500) Purchased from Chuck Haig, March 1972.

1750. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 24.58 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1867 R. KM 186.1; Y 25. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. ($100)


1751 1752 1751. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 24.94 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1870 R. KM 190.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice faintly toned BU. Highest ever graded specimen. Exceptional. ($300) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, April 1971.

1752. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 25.45 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1873 P. KM 197.1; Y 56. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of toning. This coin takes your breath away. Fantastic gem and highest ever graded. ($500) Purchased from Louis Collins, September 1972.

1753. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 24.89 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1879 D. Large wreath. KM 200; Y 57. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Light patina over very choice silver surfaces. Only specimen ever graded of this rare type. ($2000) Purchased from Spink & Sons, December 1977.


1754. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 24.88Â g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1879 D. KM 201; Y 58. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very light patina over brilliant satiny surfaces. The finest of three graded. A very rare two year type. ($1500) Purchased from Houston Numismatic Exchange, June 1976.

1755. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (36mm, 24.93Â g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1882 AE. KM 208. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of toning. Full luster. The nearest graded example of this date and type is AU 58. A spectacular coin and finest this cataloger has ever seen. ($750) Purchased from Lou Hudson, July 1980.


1756. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 25.05 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1888 G. KM 207; Y 58a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice very lustrous prooflike BU with fine very light patina. Extremely rare type and the highest of two specimens ever graded. ($1500) Purchased from Louis Collins, January 1973.

1757 1758 1757. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 24.17 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1894. KM 210. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated coin. Full luster and quite nice. ($100) 1758. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 25.36 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1896/5. KM 210. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned uncirculated coin. Overdate not noted on holder. Highest ever graded for this date. ($200)

1759 1760 1759. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (38mm, 25.07 g, 66h). Counterstamp on an 1882/1 So 1/2 Peso of Chile. Dated 1894. KM 216; Y 88a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Superb choice UNC with just a hint of luster. A beautiful example of this counterstamped coinage. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller 1981.

1760. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (28mm, 24.95 g, 66h). Counterstamp on an 1888 T F Peruvian Sol. Dated 1894. KM 224. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Toned choice AU. ($100) 473

1761. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Peso (28mm, 24.98 g, 66h). Counterstamp on an 1887 T F Peruvian Sol. Dated 1894. KM 224. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice lightly toned prooflike UNC. The host coin is prooflike BU with light toning. The counterstamp is UNC. ($100) Purchased from Louis Collins, October 1978.

1762. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 2 Peso (18mm, 3.36 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1859 R. KM 180. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Very choice AU. HIghest graded. ($250) Ex Ponterio 102 (29 July 1999), lot 495.

1763. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 4 Pesos (21mm, 6.75 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1869 R. KM 187; Friedberg 43. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated. Only one graded higher. One of the nicest specimens we have seen. ($600) Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin, October 1977.

1764. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 5 Pesos (21mm, 8.05 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1869 R. KM 191; Friedberg 42. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated. Only one graded higher in 64. ($400) Purchased from Joe Elliott, October 1973.

1765. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 5 Pesos (21mm, 8.06 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1874 P. KM 198; Y 66; Friedberg 45. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lustrous BU. Very scarce this choice and only one graded higher. ($750) Purchased from Coin Galleries of Beverly Hills, June 1970.


1766. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 8 Pesos (27mm, 13.59 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1864 R. KM 184; Friedberg 33. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Just a hair away from UNC. Full BU reverse, prooflike with a bit of rub on the high points of the obverse. Extremely rare one year type and one of the most elusive gold coins of the country. ($2000) Ex Stack’s (9 December 1992), lot 4071.

1767. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 10 Pesos (28mm, 16.08 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1869 R. KM 193, Friedberg 40. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Lovely brilliant coin with a hint of rub on the bust. Reverse is choice BU. One year only type. ($750) Purchased from Larry Hanks, June 1976.

1769 1768 1768. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/4 Quetzal (26mm, 8.35 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1925. KM 240.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb brilliant choice BU. ($300) 1769. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR 1/2 Quetzal (34mm, 16.64 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1925. KM 241.1. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Appears choice brilliant UNC, despite minute hairlines ($300)


1770. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AR Quetzal (39mm, 33.47 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1925. KM 242. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned over super satiny surfaces. Finest example we have ever seen. Tied with one other for highest graded. One of the great coins in this collection. ($5000) Purchased from Lester Merkin.

1771. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 5 Quetzales (12mm, 8.35 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1926. Friedberg 50; KM 244. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. ($500)

1772. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 10 Quetzales (27mm, 16.81 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1926. Friedberg 49; KM 245. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice lustrous BU. Nicest for type we have seen. ($1000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1973.


1773. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-pres. AV 20 Quetzales (34mm, 33.58 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1926. Friedberg 48; KM 246. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb choice BU. Virtual gem aside from a few contact marks on the reverse. We have never seen a better example of this type. Extremely rare. ($2500) Purchased from Louis Collins, March 1978.

Guatemala Large Lots 1774. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of seven (7) Æ and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1774.1) Æ 1 Centavo (20mm, 4.92 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1881. KM 202.1; Y 68. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Nicely toned over red surfaces. One year only type. (1774.2) AR Quarter Real (11mm, 0.78 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1869. KM 130; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Toned uncirculated. Only specimen of this date ever graded by NGC. (1774.3) AR Half Real (15mm, 1.54 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1879. KM 152; Y 59. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem lightly toned uncirculated. Highest graded of two submitted. (1774.4) AR Half Real (15mm, 1.55 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1880/70 E. KM 155.1; Y 60. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem brilliant uncirculated. (1774.5) AR Real (20mm, 3.02 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Rafael Romaña, assayer. Dated 1864 R. KM 137.1; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very nice uncirculated specimen with very faint overall patina. (1774.6) AR Real (23mm, 3.01 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1890/89. KM 153a; Y 52a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina at the bottom edge. Only specimen graded. (1774.7) AR 2 Reales (23mm, 6.25 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1881 F. No period at fineness. KM 154a; Y 53a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very lightly patinated surfaces. Only specimen ever graded and a one year type. Seven (7) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


Individual photographs of coins in large lots are available on our website:


1775. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of eight (8) AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1775.1) AR Quarter Real (11mm, 0.79 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1897. KM 162. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem lightly toned UNC. Only one graded higher. (1775.2) AR Half Real (15mm, 1.59 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala or Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1894. KM 165. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem faintly toned UNC. Only two ever graded and this is higher by 8 grades. (1775.3) AR Half Real (15mm, 1.57 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1899. KM 170. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem lightly toned BU. Highest ever graded for the date. A one year only type. (1775.4) AR 1 Real (19mm, 3.09 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1896. KM 166. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Light iridescent toning over bright silver surfaces. Highest ever graded and only specimen ever graded of this date. (1775.5) AR 1 Real (19mm, 3.07 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1899. Struck in .600 silver. KM 173. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Choice uncirculated with just a hint of greenish amber patina. (1775.6) AR 1 Real (19mm, 3.08 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1899. Struck in .550 (over.550) silver. KM 174a. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Lovely lustrous coin with just a hint of rub. (1775.7) AR 1 Real (19mm, 3.14 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1899. KM 174a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice BU with a hint of patina. Only one graded higher in 64. (1775.8) AR 2 Reales (24mm, 6.26 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1897. KM 167. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated with just a hint of patina over brilliant surfaces. A superb coin with claims to a slightly higher grade. Highest ever graded for the date. Eight (8) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1776. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of eight (8) AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1776.1) AR Quarter Real (11mm, 0.77 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1878. Small wreath. Struck in .835 silver. KM 146a.1; Y 36b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very nicely toned choice uncirculated. The only specimen of this date ever graded of this date and type. (1776.2) AR Quarter Real (11mm, 0.78 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1878. Large wreath. Struck in .835 silver. KM 146a.2; Y 36c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice toned uncirculated, a gem. Only specimen ever graded, quite scarce. (1776.3) AR Quarter Real (11mm, 0.73 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1881. KM 151; Y 42. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned uncirculated. Only graded specimen. (1776.4) AR Quarter Real (11mm, 0.63 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1888. KM 156; Y 45. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Light mottled toning. Only three graded with this being the finest. A two year type with short rayed sun. (1776.5) AR Quarter Real (11mm, 0.73 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1889. G below mountains. KM 157; Y 46. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very lightly toned choice uncirculated. One year only type. Only specimen ever graded. (1776.6) AR Quarter Real (11mm, 0.71 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1890. Five stars under wreath. KM 158; Y 47. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. None graded higher. (1776.7) AR Quarter Real (11mm, 0.73 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1893. Small date variety with lion on reverse. KM 159; Y 48. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly toned brilliant uncirculated. Finest of four graded. (1776.8) AR 1/4 Real (20mm, 0.72 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1893. KM 161; Y 49. In NGC encapsulation graded. Toned uncirculated. A two year type. Eight (8) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1777. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of three (3) AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1777.1) AR Half Real (15mm, 1.60 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1872. KM 147; Y 37. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Toned gem with choice surfaces and color. A two year only type, and this the only specimen ever graded for either date. Scarce.


(1777.2) AR Half Real (15mm, 1.57 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1878. KM 147a.1; Y 37a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated and a faint hint of amber patina. The finer of to graded of this two year only type. (1777.3) AR Half Real (15mm, 1.57 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1879. KM 147a.1; Y 37b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU. None graded higher. Three (3) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1778. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of four (4) CU-NI Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1778.1) CU-NI Quarter Real (13mm, 1.09 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1901 H. KM 175. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lovely toned gem. (1778.2) CU-NI 1/2 Real (18mm, 2.40 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1901. KM 176. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned gem. Highest ever graded. (1778.3) CU-NI 1 Real (21mm, 3.03 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1900. KM 177. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. One year only type. Brilliant uncirculated. (1778.4) CU-NI 1 Real (21mm, 4.01 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1911. KM 177. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1779. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of five (5) CU and AL-Æ Denominations. Provisional coinage. Lot includes the following denominations: (1779.1) CU 12½ Centavos (20mm, 2.93 g, 6h). Provisional coinage. Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1915. KM 230. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Beautiful red surfaces with a tiny hint of toning overall. Highest ever graded for the date and type. This is a unique chance to own the finest of all these types. (1779.2) CU 25 Centavos (22mm, 4.91 g, 6h). Provisional coinage. Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1915. KM 231. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Very choice UNC with brown patina and a hint of red peeking through. Highest ever graded. (1779.3) AL-Æ 50 Centavos (15mm, 2.01 g, 6h). Provisional coinage. Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1922. Thin numerals in denomination. KM 232.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice uncirculated with lovely color. Only two of these have ever been graded, this being the highest. (1779.4) AL-Æ Peso (20mm, 3.54 g, 6h). Provisional coinage. Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1923. KM. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 57. Choice AU lightly toned. Finer of two graded, the next in VG. (1779.5) AL-Æ 5 Pesos (25mm, 5.93 g, 6h). Provisional coinage. Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1923. KM 234. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Lightly toned coin with satin surfaces. Very scarce coin. The finer of two graded. The first this cataloguer has ever encountered. Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, May 1972. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1780. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of three (3) AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1780.1) AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.81 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1949. KM 255. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. A one year only type with the Kapok Tree. The finer of two graded. (1780.2) AR 10 Centavos (20mm, 3.17 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1949. KM 256.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. The finer of two graded. (1780.3) AR 25 Centavos (26mm, 8.32 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1955. KM 258. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem lustrous BU with a faint hint of toning. Highest ever graded for the date. Three (3) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.



1781. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of two (2) Brass Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1781.1) Brass 1 Centavo (19mm, 2.98 g, 6h). San Francisco mint. Dated 1944. KM 251. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice UNC. (1781.2) Brass 2 Centavos (25mm, 5.94 g, 6h). San Francisco mint. Dated 1944. KM 252. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Toned uncirculated. Two (2) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1782. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of three (3) Brass Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1782.1) AR Half Centavo (15mm, 1.48 g, 6h). London mint. Dated 1932. KM 248.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated specimen with slightly muted surfaces. None graded higher. (1782.2) Brass 1 Centavo (20mm, 3.16 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1947. KM 249. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated. (1782.3) Brass 2 Centavos (24mm, 6.01 g, 6h). London mint. Dated 1932. KM 250. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem UNC with a hint of toning. Three (3) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1783. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of four (4) Brass Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1783.1) AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.65 g, 6h). London mint. Dated 1928. KM 238.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. A choice uncirculated coin with brilliant surfaces. (1783.2) AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.64 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1945. KM 238.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU and lustrous. (1783.3) AR 10 Centavos (19mm, 3.36 g, 6h). London mint. Dated 1928. KM 239.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb gem BU with just a hint of beautiful toning. Only one of date ever encapsulated. (1783.4) AR 10 Centavos (19mm, 3.28 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1947. KM 239.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem lustrous BU with a faint hint of patina. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1784. GUATEMALA, Republic. 1839-present. Lot of six (6) CU and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1784.1) CU 1 Centavo (20mm, 3.08 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1925. KM 237. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Very light brown with lots of red coming through. Only two of this date ever graded and both in MS 64. Quite scarce in this grade. A one year only type. (1784.2) CU 1 Centavo (20mm, 2.98 g, 6h). London mint. Dated 1929. KM 247. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Choice toned chocolate brown. Highest ever graded. (1784.3) AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 5.93 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1893. KM 209.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Highest and only coin of this date ever graded. (1784.4) AR 25 Centavos (26mm, 8.39 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1943. KM 253. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lightly toned brilliant uncirculated. One year only type. (1784.5) AR Quarter Quetzal (27mm, 8.33 g, 6h). London mint. Dated 1929. KM 243.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice gem brilliant uncirculated. Full luster. Only one of this date ever graded. (1784.6) AR Quarter Quetzal (2728mm, 8.32 g, 6h). Nueva Guatemala mint. Dated 1946. KM 243.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Superb gem BU with just a hint of toning over perfect surfaces. Only one ever graded. Six (6) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.

($150) 480

1785. GUYANA, Colonial (Essequibo & Demerary). British. George III. 1760-1820. AR 3 Guilder (35mm, 23.41 g, 12h). London (Tower) mint. Dated 1816. KM 15; Pr 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb toned gem UNC. Among the finest known. None graded higher. ($5000)

1786. HAITI, Revolutionary Government. 1798-1802. AR Escalin (18mm, 1.28 g, 12h). Struck 1802. KM 22; Gad 16. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58 WINGS APPROVED. Nicely toned with deep patina and hints of the lustrous silver underneath. Incredibly strong strike for type. Highest ever graded specimen. Quite rare. ($1500) Ex Spink America (1 December 1998), lot 359.

1787. HAITI, Revolutionary Government. 1798-1802. AR 2 Escalin (23mm, 3.41 g, 11h). Struck 1802. KM 23; Gad 17. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58 WINGS APPROVED. Subdued gray toning overall. Extremely strong strike for the type. Extremely rare and tied for the highest graded. A remarkable coin, and one that rarely comes into the marketplace in any grade. ($3000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, October 2006.


1788. HAITI, État d’Haïti. Henri Christophe. President, 1807-1811. CU Essai d’une centième (25mm, 6.23 g, 12h). Struck in England. Dated 1807. KM Pn1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Attractive warm brown with hints of red in the devices. ($1500)

1789. HAITI, État d’Haïti. Henri Christophe. President, 1807-1811. AR 7 Sols 6 Deniers (17mm, 1.17 g, 12h). Dated 1807. KM 3; Cr 15. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. Deeply toned with hints of underlying silver. Very rare denomination and highest ever graded. Richard waited more than forty years to buy this coin. ($1000) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 17121.

1790. HAITI, État d’Haïti. Henri Christophe. President, 1807-1811. AR 15 Sols (20mm, 2.38 g, 6h). Dated 1807. KM 6; Cr 17. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61 WINGS APPROVED. Superb original dark patina surrounding choice brilliant lustrous surfaces. Truly a beautiful coin. Only one graded higher. ($1500) Ex Spink America (1 December 1998), lot 364.



1791. HAITI, État d’Haïti. Henri Christophe. President, 1807-1811. WM 7½ Sols Pattern (22mm, 3.10 g, 12h). Dated 1808. Cf. KM Pn5 (for silver). In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Deeply toned white metal. Scarce and unlisted off-metal strike. ($200) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp, September 1972.

1792. HAITI, État d’Haïti. Henri Christophe. President, 1807-1811. Proof Pattern AR 15 Sols (25mm, 4.85 g, 12h). Dated 1808. KM Pn7. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 64. Elegantly toned in blues and grays. Highest ever graded specimen and quite rare. ($750) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp, September 1972.


1793. HAITI, État d’Haïti. Henri Christophe. President, 1807-1811. Proof Pattern AR 30 Sols (28.5mm, 6.10 g, 12h). Dated 1808. KM Pn8. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 64. Deeply toned with hints of silver. Only one graded higher at MS 65. ($1500) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, September 1972.

1794. HAITI, République d’Haïti (Western). Alexandre Pétion. President, 1806-1818. AR 6 Centimes (12mm, 0.42 g, 6h). Dated L’An 10 (AD 1813/4). KM 10; Cr 21. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Nice original mottled toning and very well struck for type. Extremely rare in any grade. ($2000) Ex Spink America (1 December 1998), lot 378. When this coin was in the Spink sale, the underbidder at the time was the National Museum of Haiti. The British Museum piece grades “Fine.”

1795. HAITI, République d’Haïti (Western). Alexandre Pétion. President, 1806-1818. AR 12 Centimes (16mm, 1.00 g, 2h). Dated L’An 11 (AD 1814/5). KM 11; Cr 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem brilliant uncirculated. This is the highest graded, tied with one other. ($300) Purchased in 1969.

1796. HAITI, République d’Haïti (Western). Alexandre Pétion. President, 1806-1818. AR 12 Centimes (15mm, 1.26 g, 6h). Dated L’An 11 (AD 1814/5). KM 13; Cr 25. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Very lightly toned uncirculated. A one year only type. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1973.

1797. HAITI, République d’Haïti (Western). Alexandre Pétion. President, 1806-1818. AR 25 Centimes (20mm, 1.91 g, 5h). Dated L’An 11 (AD 1814/5). KM 12.2; Cr 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Light patina over all surfaces and very original. Another very choice early type. Only one graded higher at MS 65. ($200) Ex Ray Byrne Collection (J. Peters 78, 13 June 1975), lot 640 or 642 (part of).


1798 1799 1798. HAITI, République d’Haïti (Western). Alexandre Pétion. President, 1806-1818. AR 25 Centimes (20mm, 2.42 g, 6h). Dated L’An 14 (AD 1817/8). KM 15.1; C 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Deep toning over lustrous surfaces. A gem. ($100) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp, September 1972.

1799. HAITI, République d’Haïti (Western). Alexandre Pétion. President, 1806-1818. AR 25 Centimes (20mm, 2.73 g, 6h). Dated L’An 14 (AD 1817/8). “P” under truncation of neck. KM 15.2; C 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Moderate patina over beautiful surfaces. ($300) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp, September 1972.

1801 1800 1800. HAITI, Premier République. Jean Pierre Boyer. 1825-1843. AR 6 Centimes (11mm, 0.52 g, 6h). Dually dated L’An 15 and 1818. KM 17; C 33. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Light gray patina over very nice silver surfaces. Only two graded higher. Not pictured in KM. ($200) Ex Ray Byrne Collection (J. Peters 78, 13 June 1975), lot 665.

1801. HAITI, Premier République. Jean Pierre Boyer. 1825-1843. AR 12 Centimes (16mm, 1.25 g, 11h). Dually dated L’An 24 and 1827. KM 19; C 34. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Original mottled patina over dark silver surfaces. Very choice and fantastic strike. Highest ever graded by four grades. ($150) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, July 1972.

1802. HAITI, Premier République. Jean Pierre Boyer. 1825-1843. AR 25 Centimes (22mm, 2.65 g, 6h). Dually dated L’An 15 and 1818. KM 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Choice fully lustrous, well struck, and a gem toned UNC. An incredible specimen and highest ever graded. ($250) Purchased from Sam Lopresto, October 1974.


1803. HAITI, Premier République. Jean Pierre Boyer. 1825-1843. AR 50 Centimes (25mm, 5.18 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 25 and 1828. KM 20; C 36. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Mottled original patina over semi lustrous surfaces. A common date in an uncommon grade. Only one graded higher at MS 64. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1975.

1804. HAITI, Premier République. Jean Pierre Boyer. 1825-1843. AR 100 Centimes (32mm, 10.75 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 26 and 1829. KM A23; C 37. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Fully lustrous surfaces with light iridescent toning and superb brilliant reverse. Highest ever graded for the type and date. Freeman Craig noted this was the finest he had seen. ($300) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (15 June 1976), lot 1621.

1807 1805 1806 1805. HAITI, Premier République. 1825-1849. CU Centime (23mm, 2.37 g, 1h). Dually dated L’An 37 and 1840. KM A21; C 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Very nice reddish brown patina over choice surfaces. Highest graded specimen for date and type. Very rare with so much original color. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1974.

1806. HAITI, Premier République. 1825-1849. CU Centime (22mm, 2.62 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 43 and 1846. KM 24; C 41. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Even reddish moderate brown patina with choice fields. Highest ever graded for the type. ($100) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp, June 1972.

1807. HAITI, Premier République. 1825-1849. CU Centime (21mm, 2.98 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 43 and 1846. KM 25.2; C 51. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Deep brown patina. Highest ever graded and quite scarce. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1974.





1808. HAITI, Premier République. 1825-1849. CU 2 Centimes (24mm, 5.39 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 37 and 1829. KM A22; C 32. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55 BN. Moderate brown with a hint of red showing through. Very nice for type and only one graded higher in MS 62. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1975.

1809. HAITI, Premier République. 1825-1849. CU 2 Centimes (26mm, 5.59 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 43 and 1846. KM 26; C 42. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RD WINGS APPROVED. Gem red brilliant lustrous uncirculated. Incredible that this coin has remained so close to fresh from the mint. Only red coin of the whole early 2 centime series. You see it and it takes your breath away. ($400) Purchased from Irving Goodman, January 1983.

1810. HAITI, Premier République. 1825-1849. CU 2 Centimes (24mm, 4.86 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 43 and 1846. Reduced size. KM 27.1; C 42. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Light brown surrounded by original red patina. Highest ever graded specimen of this type. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1974.

1813 1812 1811. HAITI, Premier République. 1825-1849. CU 6 Centimes (34mm, 15.58 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 43 and 1846. KM 28. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Even brown surfaces with underlying red. ($250) Purchased from Karl Stephens, October 1982.

1812. HAITI, Premier République. 1825-1849. CU 6 Centimes (31mm, 12.05 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 43 and 1846. KM 32; C 62. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Very nice even moderate brown patina with choice surfaces and good strike. Highest graded. Top quality for the type. ($150) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, February 1970.


1813 1814 1813. HAITI, Premier République. 1825-1849. CU 6 ¼ Centimes (30mm, 16.92 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 43 and 1846. KM 29; C 43. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Nice moderate brown patina. One year type and denomination. Misidentified on holder as a 6 Centimes. ($100) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp, September 1972.

1814. HAITI, Second Empire. Faustin I. 1849-1859. CU Centime (20.5mm, 3.44 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 47 and 1850. KM 33; C 66. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58 BN. Light to moderate brown patina. Crudely struck but pleasant specimen, and first coin of Haiti’s Second Empire. Very scarce and seldom seen or offered. ($250) Purchased from F. S. Werner, May 1972.

1815 1816 1817 1815. HAITI, Second Empire. Faustin I. 1849-1859. CU Centime (21mm, 2.53 g, 6h). Dated 1850. KM 35; C 70. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Choice strike and evenly toned light chocolate brown. Highest ever graded for date and type, and of finer manufacture than the other type of this date. ($100) Purchased from F. S. Werner, May 1972.

1816. HAITI, Second Empire. Faustin I. 1849-1859. CU 2 Centimes (26mm, 5.97 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 47 and 1850. KM 35; C 67. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58 BN. Deep brown with hints of red. Only two graded higher. Rarely seen or offered. ($250) Ex New Netherlands Coin Company (14 November 1973), lot 903 (part of).

1817. HAITI, Second Empire. Faustin I. 1849-1859. CU 2 Centimes (23mm, 5.10 g, 6h). Dated 1850. KM 36; C 70. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Choice well made example with strong strike and choice chocolate brown fields. ($100) Ex New Netherlands Coin Company (14 November 1973), lot 903 (part of).

1818. HAITI, Second Empire. Faustin I. 1849-1859. CU 6 ¼ Centimes (32mm, 14.67 g, 6h). Dated 1850. KM 38; C 71. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Mislabeled by NGC, as KM Pn45, a 6 centimes. Choice reddish brown surfaces. Only graded example. ($250) Ex New Netherlands Coin Company (14 November 1973), lot 903 (part of).


1819. HAITI, Deuxième République. Fabre Geffrard. President, 1859-1867. Specimen Æ 10 Centimes (21mm, 4.09 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1863. KM 40; Y B1. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 65 BN. Gem toned proof. Highest ever graded and very scarce. ($150) Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin, April 1970.



1820. HAITI, Deuxième République. Fabre Geffrard. President, 1859-1867. Specimen Æ 20 Centimes (27mm, 7.96 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1863. KM 41; Y C1. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 66 RB. Choice red and brown proof with full luster. Only two specimens graded higher. Rare. ($200) Purchased from Dolphin Coins, July 1970.

B. P. 1G/ GL. H (Bon pour 1 Gourd, General Hippolyte) 1821. HAITI, Deuxième République. Insurrection coinage. Circa 1889. Æ Gourde (30mm, 9.90 g). Struck under General Florvil Hippolyte. Countermark: B. P. 1G/ GL. H (Bon pour 1 Gourd, General Hippolyte). KM 51; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 RB. Extremely rare and only specimen we have ever seen in 50 years. Superb choice uncirculated with a great deal of red coming through brown surfaces. ($500) Ex Ray Byrne Collection (J. Peters 78, 13 June 1975), lot 615.



1822. HAITI, Deuxième République. Pierre Nord Alexis. President, 1902-1908. CU-NI 50 Centimes (29mm, 10.14 g, 6h). Scovill (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1907. KM 56; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. Very scarce so choice. ($75) 1823. HAITI, Deuxième République. 1859-pres. Æ Centime (25mm, 4.98 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1886 A. KM 48; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Choice uncirculated with almost full red surfaces. Very scarce in this grade. ($100) Purchased from Jess Peters.


1825 1824 1824. HAITI, Deuxième République. 1859-pres. Æ 2 Centimes (30mm, 10.00 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1886 A. KM 49; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB WINGS APPROVED. Very choice uncirculated and virtually red. Extremely choice and worthy of any connoisseur’s collection. ($100) 1825. HAITI, Deuxième République. 1859-pres. CU-NI 5 Centimes (18mm, 2.70 g, 6h). Dated 1889. KM 50; Y A5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. Relatively scarce type and only struck one year. ($150) Purchased from Thomas Faistauer.



1826. HAITI, Deuxième République. 1859-pres. CU-NI 5 Centimes (20mm, 2.67 g, 6h). Dated 1904. KM 52. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Toned uncirculated. A scarce one year type. ($100) 1827. HAITI, Deuxième République. 1859-pres. AR 10 Centimes (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1881. KM 44; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Incredible choice original patina over beautiful very lustrous surfaces. Highest grade. Almost looks like a proof. ($100)

1828. HAITI, Deuxième République. 1859-pres. AR 50 Centimes (28mm, 12.52 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1883. KM 47; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Superbly toned with multicolored hues of iridescent patina and has a spectacular appearance. ($150) Ex New Netherlands Coin Company (14 November 1973), lot 903 (part of).


1829. HAITI, Deuxième République. 1859-pres. AR Gourde (37.5mm, 24.99 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1881. KM 46; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice lightly toned uncirculated with a touch of patina. First year of type. Highest graded. ($600) Ex Paramount International Coin Corporation (12 August 1969), lot 1519.

Haiti Large Lot 1830. HAITI. Lot of eight (8) Æ, CU, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1830.1) Deuxième République. 1859-pres. Æ 1 Centime (25mm, 5.16 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1881. KM 42; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 RB. Reddish brown patina and a choice specimen. Highest ever graded, none higher. (1830.2) Premier République. 1825-1849. CU 2 Centimes (26mm, 5.04 g, 12h). Dually dated L’An 43 and 1846. Star above. KM 27.2; C 52. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58 BN. Even reddish brown surfaces overall. A relatively common type. Very pleasant appearance. Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1974. (1830.3) Deuxième République. 1859-present. Æ 2 Centimes (30mm, 9.99 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1881. KM 43; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 RB. Gem red and brown uncirculated. A super type coin and very scarce in this grade. Highest ever graded. (1830.4) Deuxième République. Fabre Geffrard. President, 1859-1867. Æ 5 Centimes (18mm, 1.97 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1863. KM 39; Y A1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Choice uncirculated with reddish brown patina. Highest graded specimen in Mint State. Purchased from George Vogt, April 1970. (1830.5) Deuxième République. Pierre Nord Alexis. President, 1902-1908. CU-NI 5 Centimes (20mm, 2.77 g, 6h). Dated 1904. KM 53. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned uncirculated. (1830.6) Deuxième République. Pierre Nord Alexis. President, 1902-1908. CU-NI 10 Centimes (23mm, 4.04 g, 6h). Scovill (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1906. KM 54; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Moderately toned choice uncirculated. (1830.7) Deuxième République. 1859-present. AR 20 Centimes (22mm, 4.99 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and fasces. Jean Lagrange, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1895. KM 45; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Lightly toned uncirculated. (1830.8) Deuxième République. Pierre Nord Alexis. President, 1902-1908. CU-NI 20 Centimes (25mm, 7.48 g, 6h). Scovill (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1907. KM 55; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very prooflike BU with a hint of patina. Eight (8) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.

($200) 490

1831. HAWAII, Kingdom. Kalakaua I. 1874-1891. AR Dollar (37mm, 26.70 g, 6h). San Francisco mint. Dated 1883. KM 7. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. Iridescently toned overall. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 2007.

1832. HONDURAS, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR Real (19mm, 3.09 g, 12h). Tegucigalpa mint. Dated 1830 TF. KM 19.2; Cr 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated with iridescent luster. Highest ever graded. Very rare so choice. ($300)

1833. HONDURAS, Central American Republic. Issued under the República de Honduras. 1823-1839. AR Real (18mm, 2.01 g, 12h). Tegucigalpa mint. Dated 1851 TG. KM 18c; Cr 32. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. Dark to moderate patina. Only one graded higher in AU 55. This coin is extremely scarce and almost never appears in the market. ($300) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Californa, May 1997.

1834. HONDURAS, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 7.08 g, 12h). Tegucigalpa mint. Dated 1825 NR T. KM 10; Cr 25. In NGC encapsulation graded VF 35. Mottled dark and light patina. None graded higher and a very scarce coin. ($400) Ex F.C.C. Boyd Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 19 August 1975), lot 1904.


1835. HONDURAS, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 2 Reales (26mm, 8.04 g, 12h). Tegucigalpa mint. Dated 1831 TF. KM 9.3; Cr 23. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 53. Gray toning overall with nice unimpaired surfaces. This is the only graded specimen of this scarce coin. ($100) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, May 1972.

1836. HONDURAS, Central American Republic. 1823-1839. AR 2 Reales (26mm, 6.03 g, 12h). Tegucigalpa mint. Dated 1833 TF. KM 19; Cr 33. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Deeply toned AU with hints of original silver. Highest ever graded specimen and very rare. ($300) Purchased from Ben Adams.

1837. HONDURAS, Central American Republic. Issued under the República de Honduras. 1823-1839. AR 4 Reales (29mm, 5.96 g, 12h). Tegucigalpa mint. Dated 1851 TG. KM 20a; Cr 34. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45. Well struck ceiba tree. Deeply toned with lighter reverse. Only one graded higher in AU 50. ($150) Purchased from Freeman Craig, June 1973.

1838. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Proof Pattern CU Peso (18mm, 2.49 g, 12h). Provisional coinage. London mint. Dated 1862 TA. KM 24; Y P1. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 63 RB. Choice very dark red brown color. Highest graded and very scarce. ($500) Purchased from Thomas Faistauer.


1839. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Proof Pattern CU 2 Pesos (26mm, 6.39 g, 12h). Provisional coinage. London mint. Dated 1862 TA. KM 25; Y P2. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 65 RB. Super choice reddish brown. Highest graded. ($500) Purchased from Thomas Faistauer.

1840. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Proof Pattern CU 4 Pesos (33mm, 15.11 g, 12h). Provisional coinage. London mint. Dated 1862 TA. KM 26; Y P3. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 65 BN. Nice reddish brown gem. Highest graded. ($500) Purchased from Frank Lapa, September 1971.

1841. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. CU 8 Pesos (41mm, 27.64 g, 12h). Provisional coinage. London mint. Dated 1862 TA. KM 27; Y P4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Deep reddish brown over choice fields. ($300) Purchased from Ted Uhl, October 1971.


1844 1842 1843 1842. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. CU-NI 1/4 Real (20mm, 3.11 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1870 A. KM 31; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. ($150) Purchased from Nate Eisenberg, July 1978.

1843. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. CU-NI 1/2 Real (25mm, 6.18 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1869 A. KM 32; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. Only one graded higher. ($100) 1844. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. CU-NI Real (29mm, 12.59 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1870 A. KM 33; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. Highest ever graded specimen. ($75)

1845. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Æ 1/2 Centavo (16mm, 2.36 g, 5h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1889. KM 45; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Dark brown patina. Only Mint State specimen ever graded. ($400)

1846. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Æ Centavo (19mm, 4.63 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1879. KM 40; Y 90. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Deep even milk chocolate patina. Highest ever graded and extremely rare. Unpriced in KM over XF. Supposedly only two of these are known, this being the finer. ($500) Ex Freeman Craig (14 November 1984), lot 787.

1847 1848 1849 1847. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Æ Centavo (20mm, 3.88 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1893/83. Error: “Replblica”. KM 61; Y 17. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Moderate to dark patina. Highest ever graded specimen. ($150) Purchased from Freeman Craig, June 1974.

1848. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Æ Centavo (19mm, 3.60 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1896. KM 46; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Deep reddish brown. Highest ever graded specimen. Priced only in XF in KM. ($100) 1849. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Æ Centavo (15mm, 2.24 g, 4h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1910. KM 66; Y 34. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Reddish brown uncirculated. Higher of two graded. ($100) Purchased from Lou Hudson, April 1979.


1850 1851 1852 1853 1850. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Æ Centavo (15mm, 1.81 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1910. KM 67; Y 35. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Dark brown with hints of red. Only specimen ever graded and extremely rare this choice. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, January 1979.

1851. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Æ Centavo (15mm, 2.12 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1911. Recut 1/2 Centavo die. “Centavo” variety. KM 65; Y 32. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Very dark patina. Only specimen ever graded. Scarce. ($100) 1852. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Æ Centavo (15mm, 2.00 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1919. KM 70; Y 37. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55 BN. Dark brown AU. Only specimen ever graded. ($75) 1853. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. Æ 2 Centavos (19mm, 3.52 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1920. KM 71; Y 38. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Dark brown with hints of red. Only two ever graded, both in the same grade. ($75)

1854. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.24 g, 8h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1871. KM 34; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Deeply toned uncirculated. An extremely rare coin in this grade. Highest ever graded by ten grades. ($2000) Ex Wayne Raymond Collection (NASCA, 14 August 1978), lot 1970. Although these coins read .900 fine, they assay at .835 fine. Somebody must have made a few pesos on that.



1855. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 5 Centavos (16mm, 1.14 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1885. KM 48; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned uncirculated. Somewhat weak strike but very handsome coin. Only specimen ever graded. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1977.

1856. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.23 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1896/18. KM 54; Y 20. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated with deep patina and flashes of gold iridescence. Only specimen ever graded and it is a real gem. ($100)

1857. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.44 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1885. KM 49; Y 21. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Deeply toned about uncirculated. Only two have been graded, both AU 55. ($200) 495

1858. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.46 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1895/89. KM 55.1; Y 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem toned uncirculated mule. Only one coin of this type ever graded. ($400) Purchased from Don Gilmore, June 1971.




1859. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.30 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1871. KM 36; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina. Highest ever graded, the next closest is AU 58. ($100) Purchased from Roy Villigran, February 1970.

1860. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.25 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1888. KM 50; Y 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb iridescent blue, green and amber patina over select choice surfaces. A truly beautiful coin and highest ever graded by far. Only Mint State example. ($150) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, February 1976.

1861. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 6.30 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1902/1. KM 50a; Y 23a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Bright uncirculated. Only specimen ever graded. Rotated double-strike. Very interesting. ($150) Purchased from Sumner Adams, March 1981.



1862. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.46 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1871. KM 37; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. Moderate even blue gray patina with lots of luster. Only one graded higher in AU 58. Very scarce this nice. ($100) Purchased from A. H. Baldwin & Sons.

1863. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 50 Centavos (31mm, 12.86 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1885. Coin struck in coin rotation. KM 51; Y 24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Superb color and incredible luster grace this coin. Somewhat softly struck. Highest ever graded. Very pleasing to the eyes. ($200) Purchased from F. S. Werner, March 1973.


1864. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR 50 Centavos (31mm, 12.25 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1908/1897. KM 51a; Y 24a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Silver, gray, and light blue patina with untoned reverse. Highest graded specimen and only Mint State example. Extremely rare type and overdate. ($500) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 17267.

1865. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 25.03 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1882. KM 47; Y 25. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Deeply toned uncirculated. Highest ever graded. ($250) Purchased from Limarc, June 1971.

1866. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 25.17 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1887. KM 52; Y 25a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Fully lustrous gem BU with frosted relief. The finest Honduras silver peso ever graded. This coin will melt any collector’s heart. There are not enough superlatives to describe this coin. ($1000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1973.


1867. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 25.12 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1894/2. KM 62; Y 25b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb choice BU with just a hint of patina. Another amazing peso from the Lissner collection. Only five coins have been graded MS 64 for the entire long series of these pesos. ($200) Purchased from George Vogt, February 1972.

1868. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AV Peso (15mm, 1.86 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1888. KM 56; Y 27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Deeply toned orange peel gold peso, Although a relatively common date, this has original patina one rarely sees. Only two coins of the entire series have been graded higher. ($750) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, February 1972.

1869. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AV 5 Pesos (22mm, 8.09 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1896. KM 53; Y 28. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb choice BU with wonderful luster. Only graded example of 55 pieces struck and extremely rare. ($5000) Purchased from Louis Collins, May 1974.

1870. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-pres. AR Lempira (31mm, 12.62 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1937. KM 75; Y 45. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Brilliant uncirculated. Highest graded for this first year of issue. ($75) 498

Honduras Large Lot 1871. HONDURAS, Republic. 1840-present. Lot of seven (7) Æ, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1871.1) CU-NI Eighth Real (15mm, 1.51 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1870 A. KM 30; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. Highest graded. (1871.2) Æ 1 Centavo (19mm, 3.56 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1907. Large “Un” over 10. KM 59; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Deep reddish brown. Only two have been graded, one is MS 63 BN, the other is MS 63 RB. (1871.3) Æ 1 Centavo (14mm, 2.03 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1935. KM 77.1; Y 39. In NGC encapsulation MS 66 BN. Dark brown with hints of red. (1871.4) Æ 2 Centavos (19mm, 3.30 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1910. KM 69; Y 33. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Deep reddish brown patina. Only specimen graded for this date. (1871.5) Æ 2 Centavos (19mm, 2.93 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1939. KM 78; Y 40. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 RB. Gem mostly red uncirculated. Highest graded for the date. (1871.6) CU-NI 5 Centavos (21mm, 5.10 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1932. KM 72.1; Y 41. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice uncirculated. Highest graded for the date. (1871.7) AR 50 Centavos (23mm, 6.28 g, 6h). Tegucicalpa mint. Dated 1931. KM 74; Y 44. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly tone UNC. Highest graded for the date. Seven (7) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1872. MEXICO, Colonial. Felipe V. King of Spain, second reign, 1724-1746. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.07 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Manuel de Léon and Francisco de la Peña y Flores, assayers. Dated 1735 Mo MF. KM 103; Gilboy M-8-7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Beautiful light to moderate gray patina over choice lustrous surfaces. The first type of Mexico Pillar struck for circulation. A truly wonderful coin with only one graded higher for the date. ($3000)


1873. MEXICO, Colonial. Fernando VI. King of Spain, 1746-1759. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.88 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Manuel de Léon and Francisco de la Peña y Flores, assayers. Dated 1750 Mo MF. KM 104.1; Gilboy M-8-23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Choice very lightly toned uncirculated with beautiful iridescence. A superb under graded coin. Just look at the picture. A great coin. ($1500)

1874. MEXICO, Colonial. Fernando VI. King of Spain, 1746-1759. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.16 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Manuel de Léon and Manuel Assorín, assayers. Dated 1757 Mo MM. KM 104.2; Gilboy M-8-33. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem very lightly toned in iridescent violet and amber over fully lustrous prooflike surfaces. Highest graded for date, among the highest for type. ($3000)


1875. MEXICO, Colonial. Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.23 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Manuel de Léon and Manuel Assorín, assayers. Dated 1761 Mo MM. KM 105; Gilboy M-8-39. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very, very choice lightly toned over very lustrous surfaces. Very conservatively graded. Only two graded higher. ($1500) Purchased from Louis Collins, August 1980.

1876. MEXICO, Colonial. Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (41mm, 26.91 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Francisco Antonio de la Peña y Flores and Manuel de la Rivera, aassayers. Dated 1772 Mo FM. KM 106.1. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Deeply toned with claims to a higher grade. Very nice type and only one graded higher in MS 63. First date of portrait 8 reales of Mexico, and a rare two year type. ($600) Ex Ponterio 122 (28 September 2002), lot 484.


1877. MEXICO, Colonial. Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.94 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Francisco Antonio de la Peña y Flores and Francesco Arance y Cobos. Dated 1779 Mo FF. KM 106.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Choice BU with just a hint of patina. Superb type coin and very hard to find in Mint State. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1980.

1878. MEXICO, Colonial. Carlos IV. King of Spain, 1788-1808. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.05 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Francesco Arance y Cobos and Mariano Rodriguez, assayers. Dated 1789 Mo FM. KM 107. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Superb toned fully lustrous jewel of a type coin. Forget the encapsulation. This coin is fantastic, and absolutely looks Mint State. Scarce transitional type with portrait of Carlos III in the name of Carlos IV. ($500) Ex Superior Galleries (3 June 1985), lot 1214.


1879. MEXICO, Colonial. Carlos IV. King of Spain, 1788-1808. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.98 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Francesco Arance y Cobos and Mariano Rodriguez, assayers. Dated 1790 Mo FM. KM 108. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned prooflike fully lustrous and fantastic strike. Incredible light multicolored iridescence. Fully frosted bust. One of the finest Mexican 8 reales we have ever seen. Another transitional type with portrait of Carlos III in the name of Carlos IV. ($1500) Ex RARCOA (with NASCA, 19 March 1982), lot 1249.

1880. MEXICO, Colonial. Carlos IV. King of Spain, 1788-1808. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 26.97 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Tomas Butron Miranda and Henrique Buenaventura Azorín, assayers. Dated 1805 Mo TH. KM 109. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina on the borders. Very well struck and lustrous. Highest graded for this variety. Very nice for type. ($300) Purchased from Freeman Craig, July 1981.


1881. MEXICO, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.01 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Tomas Butron Miranda and Henrique Buenaventura Azorín, assayers. Dated 1809 Mo TH. KM 110. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem moderately toned jewel. Full luster with grayish patina. Highest graded for date and type. ($1000) Purchased from Ponterio & Wyatt, May 1979.

1882. MEXICO, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.97 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Joaquin Davila Madrid and José Garcia Ansaldo, assayer. Dated 1815 Mo JJ. KM 111. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated and fully lustrous. One of the nicest 8 reales of Fernando we have ever seen. None graded higher for date or type. ($500) Purchased from Art Garnett, January 1982.

1883. MEXICO, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.14 g, 12h). Zacatecas mint. Dated 1821 Zs RG. KM 111.5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice uncirculated with grayish toned obverse and prooflike brilliant reverse. Highest graded for type and extremely nice for this rather common date. ($400) Purchased from Art Garnett, June 1981.


1884. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.70 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1822 Mo JM. KM 301. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb choice lustrous BU with just a hint of patina. Beautiful example of the coinage of Agustín de Iturbide, self-proclaimed Emperor of Mexico, and I will throw in Guatemala for good measure. ($500) Purchased from Hank Rodgers, June 1970 (a really fine gentleman and lover of gem coins).

1885 1886 1885. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AR Real (19mm, 3.36 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1822 Mo JM. KM 302. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Moderate charcoal and iridescent gray and blue patina. Highest graded for the type. Struck only one year. ($1000) Purchased from Louis Collins, February 1974.

1886. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AR 2 Reales (27mm, 6.73 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1823 Mo JM. KM 303. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice uncirculated specimen with even moderate bluegray patina over very lustrous fields. Highest graded for the type. A very rare coin seldom offered, especially in Mint State of any number. ($1000) Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin, November 1970.

1887. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 27.13 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1822 Mo JM. KM 304. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very nice BU with just a hint of patina. The head is so well struck, you can see every curl. A very nice example, although a rather easier type to obtain than the others. A few have been graded in MS 63, but none higher. ($1500) Purchased from Dick Parker, June 1972.


1888. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 29.98 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1822 Mo JM. KM 306. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice original patina over very lustrous surfaces. Very strong strike with full strike on eagle. Highest ever graded for the type and a real heartthrob. ($3000) Purchased from Sam Lopresto, October 1974 (I remember the day Dick bought this coin at Long Beach from our friend Sam, who had just returned from Paris, where he had purchased it.).

1889. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.13 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1822 Mo JM. KM 309. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Superbly toned with dark violet and blue iridescent toning. Well struck. Only one graded higher in MS 62. ($1500) Purchased from Louis Collins, December 1983.


1890. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.11 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1822 Mo JM. KM 308. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice moderately toned uncirculated, very lustrous and very original. Highest graded specimen and very rare so choice. ($3000) Purchased from Louis Collins, December 1983.

1891. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.99 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1823 Mo JM. KM 310. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Very nicely toned choice original uncirculated specimen. Strong strike on portrait and eagle. Quite lustrous. This is truly an exceptional coin. ($3500)


1892. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AV 4 Escudos (31mm, 13.50 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1823 Mo JM. KM 312; Friedberg 61. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS. Choice AU with lots of original luster. Orange peel color and a few marks on the face, but it is very close to uncirculated. This is the finest we have ever seen and possible finest known example. ($6000) Ex John Work Garrett Collection (Part I, Numismatic Fine Arts & Bank Leu, 16 May 1984), lot 1063 (purchased from Guttag Brothers, 11 April 1927).

1893. MEXICO, Primera Imperio Mexicano. Agustín de Iturbide. 1822-1823. AV 8 Escudos (37mm, 27.05 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. José Garcia Ansaldo and Joaquin Davila Madrid, assayers. Dated 1822 Mo JM. KM 313.2; Friedberg 59. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 WINGS APPROVED. Superb lustrous choice brilliant uncirculated. Incredible strike and wonderful fully lustrous surfaces. Although a couple of others have reached this grade, it is the finest we have personally seen. ($15,000) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (17 June 1974), lot 1381.


1894 1895 1894. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. CU 1/16 Real (16mm, 1.83 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1831 Mo. KM 315. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Moderate even brown patina and nice uncirculated specimen. Very scarce three year type. ($150) Purchased from Ben Adams.

1895. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. CU 1/8 Real (19mm, 3.45 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1835 Mo. KM 333. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Nice milk chocolate brown and a few squeeze spots on reverse. Highest graded for the date and only priced in KM to VF. Very rare this choice. ($150) Purchased from Hank Rogers, June 1970.



1896. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. CU 1/8 Real (29mm, 14.48 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1842 Mo. KM 334. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Very nice moderate brown color. Only one graded higher in MS 63. Very nice this choice. ($100) 1897. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. CU ¼ Real (33mm, 14.25 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1829 Mo. KM 357. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50 BN. Very nice moderate brown patina with strong strike. A one year only type. Very scarce type coin and only one graded higher in Mint State. ($300) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, May 1972.

1898. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. CU ¼ Real (26mm, 6.91 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1833 Mo. KM 358. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Deep even brown patina. ($75) 509

1899. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. Pattern CU 1/4 Real (29mm, 9.71 g, 6h). Private issue for Tuxtla in Chiapas. Dated 1838. KM XNC 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Gem reddish brown patina over lustrous proof surfaces. ($100) Tuxtla is a small city in the southernmost state of Chiapas.

1900. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR 1/4 Real (12mm, 0.88 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1859 Mo LR. KM 368.6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem lustrous coin with light iridescent patina. Highest graded for the date and type. An incredible coin for the finest type set. ($100) Purchased from Erwin Whittman.

1901. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.70 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1824 Mo JM. KM 369. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem toned Hookneck 1/2 real. Gem with full luster and moderate gray patina. Highest graded. Extremely rare this choice. ($1000) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (9 June 1975), lot 1761.

1902. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.65 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1859 Mo TH. KM 370.8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem lustrous brilliant uncirculated with faint iridescent patina. Only a handful have reached MS 67 for the entire long series. ($200) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 1979.

1903. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR Real (20mm, 3.40 g, 6h). Zacatecas mint. Vicente Larramaga, assayer. Dated 1860 Zs VL. KM 372.10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem lightly toned brilliant uncirculated. Just a hint of patina over very lustrous fields. Highest graded for this date and only a few graded higher for the type. A superb coin. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, August 1981.


1904. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 6.69 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1824 Mo JM. KM 373.4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lovely choice uncirculated for type and with beautiful lustrous surfaces. Colorful shades of blue-green and gray patina. Highest graded by far. Very rare this choice. This coin has a visible feather on the breast. ($2000) Purchased from Ponterio & Wyatt, February 1978. Dick looked for a choice 1 real Hookneck, but never found a nice one.

1905. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR 2 Reales (27mm, 6.75 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1861 Mo CH. KM 374.10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem prooflike lustrous BU with just a hint of patina. From a large hoard and rather common as a date, but it is spectacular. Only a few graded higher. ($200)

1906. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR 4 Reales (32mm, 13.67 g, 6h). Guanajuato mint. Yldefonso Flores, assayer. Dated 1863/53 Go YF/PF. KM 375.4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Superb prooflike BU with just a hint of iridescent patina. Only five MS 64s have been graded, and none higher for the type. ($750) Purchased from Spink & Sons, September 1974.


1907. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 26.77 g, 12h). Durango mint. Dated 1824 Do RL. KM 376. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem uncirculated Hookneck with fully lustrous fields and incredible dark blue patina. Some light adjustment marks on the reverse. You have to see it to believe it. ($5000) Purchased from Dick Parker, June 1972.

1908. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.38 g, 12h). Guanajuato mint. Dated 1838 Go PJ. KM 377.8. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS/Surface Hairlines. ($200) Purchased August 1971.

1909. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.34 g, 6h). San Luis Potosí mint. Dated 1863 SLP. KM 396.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice gray toned uncirculated. From the earliest Mexican decimal coinage. Finest we have seen of this very rare coin. Only a handful have ever been graded and only one higher than this specimen. ($1000) Purchased from Hank Rodgers, June 1970. Ex Clyde Hubbard Collection (a great gentleman and most knowledgeable collector of Mexican coins).


1910. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AV 1/2 Escudo (14mm, 1.67 g, 6h). Culiacan mint, Clemente Espinosa de los Monteros. Dated 1860 C CE. KM 378. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lustrous uncirculated. Very nice type coin and highest graded for the date. ($300) Purchased from Bud Brown.

1911. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AV 2 Escudos (24mm, 6.79 g, 12h). Guadalajara mint. Francisco Suarez, assayer. Dated 1835 Ga FS. KM 380.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice lustrous prooflike BU. Just a hint of orange peel toning. As with most 2 escudos of the Guadalajara mint of the period, this is a shiny coin. First year of issue. ($500) Purchased from Lester Merkin, February 1972.

1912. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AV 4 Escudos (31mm, 13.52 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1857/6 Mo GF. KM 381.6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated. The finest we have encountered. Only two graded MS 64 are higher for the date. ($6000) Purchased from Art Garnett, May 1981.

Enlargement of Lot 1913 513

1913. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AV 8 Escudos (37mm, 27.06 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1823 Mo JM. KM 382.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 WINGS APPROVED. Choice semi-prooflike brilliant uncirculated. Fantastic strike and wonderful luster. Among the finest and highest ever graded for this type, with only one other KM 382.2 graded this high. Beyond fantastic. A central Jewel in the Crown of the Lissner Collection. This will make your heart pound. ($30,000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 1991. Ex Herman Haberling Collection (a good old friend); Superior Galleries (31 May 1989), lot 8180.

1914. MEXICO, Primera República. 1823-1863. AV 8 Escudos (35mm, 27.12 g, 6h). Guanajuato mint. Ynocencio Espinoza, assayer. Dated 1862 Go YE. KM 383.7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Superb fully lustrous choice BU. Highest graded. A fantastic type coin. ($3000) Purchased from Don Canaparo, November 1970.


1915. MEXICO, Segunda Imperio Mexicano. Maximilian I von Habsburg. 1864-1867. CU Centavo (25mm, 8.92 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1864 M. KM 384. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. First and only copper coin of Emperor Maximilian. Very rare, especially in Mint State. ($750) Purchased from Louis Collins, February 1970.

1916. MEXICO, Segunda Imperio Mexicano. Maximilian I von Habsburg. 1864-1867. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.36 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1864 M. KM 385.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Deeply toned over very prooflike lustrous surfaces. This wonderful Maximilian 5 centavo is quite scarce, and only five have been graded higher at MS 65. ($500)

1917. MEXICO, Segunda Imperio Mexicano. Maximilian I von Habsburg. 1864-1867. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.71 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1864 M. KM 386.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superbly toned a lustrous charcoal gray with lighter highlights. Only two graded higher at MS 65. ($300) Purchased from M. Weiner.

1918. MEXICO, Segunda Imperio Mexicano. Maximilian I von Habsburg. 1864-1867. AR 50 Centavos (29mm, 13.53 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1866 Mo. KM 387. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem prooflike under original mottled patina. Highest ever graded. These are many times rarer than the peso. Very difficult to find in Mint State. ($1000) Purchased from Frank Lapa.


1919. MEXICO, Segunda Imperio Mexicano. Maximilian I von Habsburg. 1864-1867. AR Peso (37mm, 27.01 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1867 Mo. KM 388.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem brilliant uncirculated. Highest ever graded for date and tied for type. An amazing coin, much scarcer than the 1866. ($1000) Purchased from Spink & Sons, August 1972.

1920. MEXICO, Segunda Imperio Mexicano. Maximilian I von Habsburg. 1864-1867. AV 20 Pesos (35mm, 33.77 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1866 Mo. KM 389. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Gem brilliant uncirculated. Only one graded higher. ($10,000)


1921. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.18 g, 6h). Guanajuato mint. Faustino Ramirez, assayer. Dated 1875 Go FR. KM 377.8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem lightly toned lustrous BU. Type has small circle with a dot on Eagle. ($300) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1974.

1922. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AV Escudo (15mm, 1.96 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1869 Mo CH. KM 379.5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice prooflike fully lustrous brilliant uncirculated. A great type coin and highest grade for the date. Only one 1825 graded higher at 65 for the type. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1974.

1923. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. CU Centavo (26mm, 7.96 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1863 Mo. KM 390. In NGC encapsulation graded XF 45 BN. Deeply toned coffee color. Only three graded higher and only two in Mint State. ($75)

1924. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.29 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1867/3 Mo. KM 397. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Very choice toned uncirculated. A very rare type coin in this condition and only two graded higher in MS 66. ($400) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 1984.

1925. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AR 10 Centavos (19mm, 2.63 g, 6h). Chihuahua mint. Dated 1870 C. KM 401.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very choice gray toned uncirculated. A very rare three year only 10 centavo. Only one graded higher at MS 63. ($500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1978.


1926. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.77 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1868 Mo. KM 402. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Original patina over lustrous silver surfaces. Highest graded for this date and a very rare type struck for only two years. ($400) Purchased from A. H. Baldwin & Sons, September 1968.

1927. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AR 20 Centavo (22mm, 5.42 g, 6h). Zacatecas mint Francesco de P. Zarate, assayer. Dated 1899 Zs Z. KM 405.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superbly patinated with beautiful colors of blue and violet. A great looking specimen. ($100)

1928. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AR 25 Centavos (26mm, 6.73 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1882 Mo M. KM 406.7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem lightly patinated in iridescent blue-violet. Highest ever graded 25 centavo for the date, and only three higher for the type. ($300) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 1984.

1929. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 13.49 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1886/5 Mo M. KM 407.6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Superb lustrous and prooflike. The grade says 63, but the coin is incredible. Highest ever graded for this date and a fantastic type coin. ($500) Purchased from Louis Collins.


1930. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AR Peso (37mm, 26.80 g, 6h). Durango mint. Carlos Leon de la Peña, assayer. Dated 1870 Do P. KM 408.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Incredible lustrous, prooflike light iridescent patina. A jewel. Finest for type we have seen and highest graded for the date. ($600) Purchased from Art Garnett, February 1970.

1931. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AV Peso (14mm, 1.71 g, 6h). Guanajuato mint. Rosendo Sandoval, assayer. Dated 1896 Go R. KM 410.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice light orange peel BU. A mule of the 1 peso and the 1898 5 centavo. Scarce and very popular as a numismatic oddity. ($250) Purchased from Frank Lapa.

1932. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AV 2½ Pesos (16mm, 4.24 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1888 Mo M. KM 411.5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem prooflike BU or specimen quality. Finest example we have seen. An ultimate type coin with a total mintage of 540 struck. ($1500) Purchased from Emil Spranz (an old time Texas dealer and a Mexican gold specialist).

1933. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AV 5 Pesos (21mm, 8.47 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1903 Mo M. KM 412.6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated with full lustrous surfaces. Mintage of 1,162. ($1000) Purchased from Louis Collins, February 1970.


1934. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AV 10 Pesos (26mm, 16.91 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1902 Mo M. KM 413.7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem light orange peel brilliant uncirculated. Mintage of only 401. A jewel of a coin. ($2000) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (15 June 1972), lot 659.

1935. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. AV 20 Pesos (33mm, 33.89 g, 6h). Guanajuato mint. Rosendo Sandoval, assayer. Dated 1899 Go R. KM 414.4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice lustrous brilliant uncirculated. A relatively small mintage of 9,757. ($2500) Purchased from Louis Collins, June 1970.

Enlargement of Lot 1936 520

1936. MEXICO, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). Chihuahua. Ejercito del Norte (Army of the North). 1915. AR Peso (38mm, 28.16 g, 6h). Chihuahua mint. Dated 1915 CH FM. KM 619. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice lustrous toned uncirculated. Very strong strike. ($400) Purchased from Jim Warmus, February 1983.



1937. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. Æ Centavo (20mm, 3.00 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1948 Mo. KM 415. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Deep reddish brown. ($75) 1938. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. Æ Centavo (16mm, 1.51 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1915 Mo. KM 415. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Deep coffee color brown. A one year only type and none graded higher. ($75)

1939 1940 1939. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. Æ 2 Centavos (25mm, 6.14 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1906 Mo. KM 419. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Moderate brown with strong hints of underlying red patina. Wide date. Highest graded specimen. ($100) 1940. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. NI 5 Centavos (20mm, 4.88 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1911 M. KM 421. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned lustrous BU. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, 1973.

1941. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. Æ 5 Centavos (28mm, 8.99 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1927 Mo. KM 422. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Very light reddish brown with very lustrous surfaces. Very scarce so choice, only one graded higher at MS 66. ($200)

1942. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AR 10 Centavos (15mm, 1.80 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1919 M. KM 429. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem lightly toned. One year only type. None graded higher. ($100) 521



1943. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AR 20 Centavos (22mm, 4.98 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1905 M. KM 435. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem lustrous uncirculated with beautiful satiny surfaces. Finest ever graded specimen and really rare this choice. ($200) 1944. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AR 20 Centavos (18mm, 3.63 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1919 M. KM 436. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem toned uncirculated with very satiny surfaces. Smaller type of 1919 and none graded higher. A relatively rare coin and especially rare in this grade. ($250) Purchased from Art Garnett, 1968.

1945. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. Æ 20 Centavos (32mm, 15.05 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1935 Mo. KM 437. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 BN. Beautiful lustrous brown with faint hints of the underlying red luster. A scarce two year type, especially in this grade. None graded higher. ($150)



1946. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. CU-NI 25 Centavos (22mm, 5.39 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1964 Mo. KM 444. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated. ($200) 1947. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AR 50 Centavos (27mm, 9.02 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1919 M. KM 446. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lightly toned violet patina. ($100) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, November 1975.

Enlargement of Lot 1948


1948. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AR Peso (38mm, 27.03 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1913. KM 453. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem faintly toned UNC. A truly super gem and very scarce these days. ($500) Purchased from Norman Applebaum, June 1970 (My old partner for over 20 years. Dick, Norm, and I ate lunch together almost every day, when we were in town, for 20 years).

1949. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AR Peso (39mm, 27.15 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1909 Mo GV. KM 409.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem BU with just a hint of patina. Highest ever graded (population 3) and extremely rare in this grade. ($150) Purchased from Art Garnett (an old friend and very knowledgeable dealer in Mexican coins).

1950. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AV Peso (14mm, 1.71 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1905 Mo M. KM 410.5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem satiny BU. The last year of the gold peso. ($250) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1974.


1951. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AR Peso (34mm, 18.18 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1919 M. KM 454. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated and quite a full strike. Very rare in this grade and a type everybody is looking for in UNC. ($750)

1952. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AR 2 Pesos (39mm, 26.70 g, 6h). Commemorating the Centennial of the Republic. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dually dated 1821 and 1921 Mo (in Roman numerals). KM 462. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem very lightly toned uncirculated with satiny fully lustrous fields. ($500) Purchased from Stanley Rupert, summer 1967.

Enlargement of Lot 1953 524

1953. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AV 50 Pesos (37mm, 41.76 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dually dated 1821 and 1931. KM 481. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem uncirculated. One of the key dates in the series. Only one graded higher in MS 66. ($1500)

Mexico Large Lots 1954. MEXICO, Segunda República. 1867-1905. Lot of eight (8) CU, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1954.1) CU-NI 1 Centavo (15mm, 1.96 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1883. KM 392. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. A two year only type. (1954.2) CU 1 Centavo (25mm, 7.91 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1896 Mo. KM 391.6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Moderate brown with significant hints of red under the toning. Very choice uncirculated. (1954.3) CU 1 Centavo (25mm, 8.03 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1898 Mo. KM 393. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Very choice uncirculated with strong hints of red and brown. A one year only type. (1954.4) CU-NI 2 Centavos (17mm, 3.02 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1883. KM 395. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice uncirculated. A two year only type. (1954.5) CU-NI 5 Centavos (20mm, 4.97 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1882. KM 399. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 Gem BU. Highest graded for this two year type. (1954.6) AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.34 g, 6h). Guanajuato mint. Dated 1887 Go R. KM 398.5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU with just a hint of patina. (1954.7) AR 5 Centavos (14mm, 1.33 g, 6h). Culiacan mint. Jesus S Quiroz, assayer. Dated 1903/1 Cn Q. KM 400. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very choice BU with just a hint of patina. (1954.8) AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.59 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1890 Mo M. KM 403.7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem lustrous multicolored original patina. Eight (8) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


Individual photographs of coins in large lots are available on our website:

1955. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-present. Lot of twenty-three (23) Æ, Brass, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1955.1) Æ 1 Centavo (20mm, 3.01 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1905 M. KM 415. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 BN. Nice coffee color. Very nice for type. (1955.2) Æ 1 Centavo (20mm, 3.03 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1911 Mo. KM 415. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Deep fully lustrous almost red BU. (1955.3) Æ 1 Centavo (20mm, 3.00 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1939 Mo. KM 415. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Deep reddish brown and very choice lustrous surfaces. (1955.4) Brass 1 Centavo (15mm, 2.00 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1955 Mo. KM 417. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned gem UNC. 525

(1955.5) Brass 1 Centavo (13mm, 1.52 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1970 Mo. KM 418. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Lightly toned gem UNC. (1955.6) Æ 2 Centavos (20mm, 3.02 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1915 Mo. KM 420. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61 BN. Toned reddish brown UNC. Small size. A one year only type. (1955.7) Æ 2 Centavos (25mm, 6.03 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1925 Mo. KM 419. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Moderate brown with underlying hints of red luster. (1955.8) CU-NI 5 Centavos (20mm, 4.01 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1936 M. KM 423. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Choice lightly toned gem UNC. None graded higher. (1955.9) Æ 5 Centavos (25mm, 6.45 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1945 Mo. KM 424. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Lustrous red and brown UNC. (1955.10) CU-NI 5 Centavos (20mm, 4.04 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1950 Mo. KM 425. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly toned uncirculated and a one year only type. (1955.11) CU-NI 5 Centavos (20mm, 4.02 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1962 Mo. KM 426a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Toned lustrous gem. (1955.12) Brass 5 Centavos (18mm, 2.73 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1970 Mo. KM 427. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Toned lustrous gem. (1955.13) AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.66 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1905 Mo M. KM 404.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem fully lustrous BU with just a hint of amber patina at borders. (1955.14) AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1913 M. KM 428. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem original mottled toned obverse with almost blast white reverse. Highest graded. (1955.15) AR 10 Centavos (15mm, 1.66 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1934 M. KM 431. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned uncirculated. (1955.16) Æ 10 Centavos (30mm, 12.01 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1935 Mo. KM 430. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Deep brown uncirculated. (1955.17) CU-NI 10 Centavos (23mm, 5.47 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1946 M. KM 432. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem lustrous BU. (1955.18) Æ 10 Centavos (23mm, 5.52 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1959 Mo. KM 433. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Choice light brown UNC. (1955.19) AR 20 Centavos (19mm, 3.32 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1940 M. KM 438. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem lustrous BU. (1955.20) Æ 20 Centavos (28mm, 9.94 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1945 Mo. KM 439. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 RB. Gem lustrous mottled red. (1955.21) Æ 20 Centavos (28mm, 9.97 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1960 Mo. KM 440. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 RB. Gem lustrous reddish brown. (1955.22) CU-NI 20 Centavos (20mm, 2.99 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1974 Mo. KM 442. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. (1955.23) CU-NI 25 Centavos (21mm, 3.32 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1950 Mo. KM 443. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. Twenty-three (23) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1956. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-present. Lot of thirteen (13) Æ, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1956.1) AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.53 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1917 M. KM 445. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lightly toned BU. (1956.2) AR 50 Centavos (27mm, 7.97 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1935 M. KM 448. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice satiny BU. (1956.3) AR 50 Centavos (40mm, 43.45 g, 12h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1943 M. KM 447. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem toned uncirculated. (1956.4) AR 50 Centavos (25mm, 6.72 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1951 Mo. KM 449. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated. (1956.5) Æ 50 Centavos (32mm, 14.08 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1959 Mo. KM 450. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 RB. Gem reddish brown UNC. 526

(1956.6) CU-NI 50 Centavos (24mm, 6.45 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1965 Mo. KM 451. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. (1956.7) CU-NI 50 Centavos (24mm, 6.51 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1970 Mo. KMM 452. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU. (1956.8) AR Peso (34mm, 16.7 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1945 M. KM 455. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Toned gem uncirculated. (1956.9) AR Peso (31mm, 13.96 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1947 Mo. KM 456. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Lightly toned gem BU. (1956.10) AR Peso (31mm, 13.35 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1950 Mo. KM 457. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Toned gem UNC. (1956.11) AR Peso (34mm, 15.96 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1957 Mo. KM 458. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Mottled toning, BU. (1956.12) AR Peso (35mm, 16.06 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1958 Mo. KM 459. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU. (1956.13) CU-NI Peso (28mm, 9.08 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1970 Mo. KM 460. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem uncirculated. Thirteen (13) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1957. MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-present. Lot of eight (8) CU-NI and AR 5 Pesos. Lot includes the following dates: (1957.1) AR 5 Pesos (40mm, 30.17 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1948 Mo. KM 465. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice BU. (1957.2) AR 5 Pesos (40mm, 27.80 g, 12h). Commemorating the Inauguration of the Southeastern Railway. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1950 Mo. KM 466. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Lightly toned UNC. (1957.3) AR 5 Pesos (39mm, 27.69 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1953 Mo. KM 467. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Choice satiny BU. (1957.4) AR 5 Pesos (40mm, 27.76 g, 12h). Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Birth of Hidalgo. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1953 Mo. KM 468. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice lustrous BU “Hidalgo”. (1957.5) AR 5 Pesos (36mm, 18.08 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1957 Mo. KM 469. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem frosted BU. (1957.6) AR 5 Pesos (36mm, 18.04 g, 6h). Commemorating the Centennial of the Constitution. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dually dated 1857 and 1957 Mo. KM 470. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice frosted BU. (1957.7) AR 5 Pesos (36mm, 18.04 g, 6h). Commemorating the Centennial of the Birth of Carranza. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dually dated 1859 and 1959 Mo. KM 471. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice BU and lustrous. (1957.8) CU-NI 5 Pesos (33mm, 14.04 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1971 Mo. KM 472. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned UNC. Eight (8) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS. 1958. dates:


MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-present. Lot of five (5) AR Denominations. Lot includes the following

(1958.1) AR 10 Pesos (40mm, 28.92 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1956 Mo. KM 474. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice frosted UNC. (1958.2) AR 10 Pesos (40mm, 28.86 g, 6h). Commemorating the Centennial of the Constitution. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dually dated 1857 and 1957 Mo. KM 474. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice BU. (1958.3) AR 10 Pesos (40mm, 28.71 g, 6h). Commemorating the Sesquicentennial of the War of Independance. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Triply dated 1810, 1910, and 1960 Mo. KM 476. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Nice BU. (1958.4) AR 25 Pesos (38mm, 22.56 g, 6h). Commemorating the 19th Olympiad. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1968 Mo. KM 479.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU. (1958.5) AR 100 Pesos (38mm, 27.74 g, 6h). Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1977 Mo. KM 483.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem frosted uncirculated. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.




MEXICO, Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-present. Lot of three (3) AR Onzas. Lot includes the following dates:

(1959.1) AR 1 Onza (41mm, 33.63 g, 12h). Bullion coinage. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1949 Mo. KM M49a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem frosted uncirculated. (1959.2) AR 1 Onza (41mm, 33.76 g, 6h). Bullion coinage. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1978 Mo. KM M49b.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice BU. (1959.3) AR 1 Onza (35mm, 31.31 g, 6h). Bullion coinage. Ciudad de México (Mexico City) mint. Dated 1983 Mo. KM 494. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem frosted uncirculated. Three (3) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1960. MEXICO. Lot of two (2) Æ and AR Medals. Lot includes the following medals: (1960.1) Segunda Imperio Mexicano. Maximilian I von Habsburg. 1864-1867. Æ Military Merit Medal (32mm, 12.33 g, 12h). By G. Navalon. MAXIMILIANO EMPERADOR, bare head right / AL/ MERITO/ MILITAR within wreath. (1960.2) Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1905-pres. AR Medal (40mm, 28.72 g, 6h). Private bullion issue in the names of Agustín de Iturbide and Maximilian I von Habsburg, with Carlotta. AGUSTINUS DEI PROVIDENTIA, bare head of Augustín de Iturbide right / MAXIMILIANO Y CARLOTA EMPERADORES, jugate busts of Maximilian and Carlotta right. EF of better condition. Two (2) medals in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1961 1962 1963 1961. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. Æ 1/2 Centavo (16mm, 2.44 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1917. KM 10; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Lovely evenly toned over light chocolate brown surfaces. Only coin of the date graded. ($75) 1962. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. CU-NI Centavo (20mm, 4.26 g, 6h). No mint listed. Dated 1878. KM 1; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated with lovely iridescent gray-blue patina. Highest graded. One year only type. Quite scarce. ($100) Purchased from Frank Lapa, June 1971.

1963. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. Æ Centavo (19mm, 3.96 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1924. KM 11; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Just a faint bit of toning over full red surfaces and a gem. Highest graded. ($75)

1964. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. Specimen AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.26 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1880 H. KM 2; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem proof with a hint of patina. Highest graded specimen. ($500) Purchased from Paul Davis, December 1975.

1965. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. Specimen AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.25 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1887 H. KM 5; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 67 WINGS APPROVED. Moderately patinated with superb iridescent violets and blues over gem lustrous proof surfaces. Highest graded by 5 grades. ($500) 528

1966. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. CU-NI 5 Centavos (21mm, 5.02 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1930. KM 12; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina overall. Only specimen of this date graded. Very scare date and very rarely seen in this grade. ($100)

1967. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. Specimen AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1880 H. KM 3; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem specimen proof with a faint touch of toning, otherwise choice and brilliant with full luster. Only one graded higher in SP 67. ($500) Purchased from Paramount International Coin Corporation, August 1975.

1968. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. Specimen AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.57 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1887 H. KM 6; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 67 WINGS APPROVED. Just a hint of light iridescent toning overall highlight the lustrous surfaces of this superb gem. Highest graded by five grades and a superb gem. ($750) Purchased from Paramount International Coin Corporation, August 1975.

1969. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. Specimen AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 5.00 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1887 H. KM 7; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned specimen proof with beautiful iridescent toning over perfect brilliant lustrous surfaces. Highest graded. A premium piece. Finest known. ($750) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of California, September 1975.


1970. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. Specimen AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 5.01 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1887 H. KM 4; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 67 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem toned proof with lovely faint lilac color. ($750) Purchased from Ted Uhl, August 1975.

1971. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. AR 50 Centavos (29mm, 12.56 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1929. KM 15; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Blast white choice BU. Highest graded specimen of the date. ($250) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, October 1977.

Enalrgement of Lot 1972


1972. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-pres. AR Córdoba (37mm, 25.05 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1912 H. KM 16; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem toned uncirculated with beautiful deep blue-gray toning overall and superb strike. Superb original patina. Highest graded. A classic rarity in this grade. ($7500) Purchased from Bowers & Ruddy, January 1974. Following the dissolution of the Spanish Empire in the New World, Nicaragua briefly joined the Mexican Empire under Iturbide, and then the Central American Republic, before finally becoming an independent nation. Apart from a short interval in which the American filibuster William Walker seized power, the 19th century was primarily a time of peaceful, conservative rule in the country. The earliest Nicaraguan coinages were regional issues patterned off the Spanish colonial series, followed by a scattering of minor issues in the late nineteenth century. In 1912, a new series was issued, featuring on the obverse a bust of Francisco Hernández de Córdoba, founder of the colony of Nicaragua, and a reverse depicting a sun rising behind five mountains, reminiscent of the types of the Central American Republic. The new coins were struck at a time of great uncertainty in the country. When president Adolfo Díaz requested his Secretary of War, Luis Mena, to step down, the general fled and initiated an insurrection. Díaz requested American help, leading to more than twenty years of occupation by U.S. Marines.

Nicaragua Large Lots 1973. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-present. Lot of seven (7) Brass, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1973.1) CU-NI 1 Centavo (17mm, 2.53 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1943. KM 20; Y 21. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Faintly toned choice uncirculated. One year only type. (1973.2) CU-NI 5 Centavos (19mm, 3.01 g, 6h). Scovill (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1898. KM 8; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very lightly toned choice brilliant uncirculated. One year only type and superb quality. (1973.3) CU-NI 5 Centavos (19mm, 3.02 g, 6h). Scovill (Waterbury) mint. Dated 1899. KM 9; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice unciculated with just a hint of patina. 531

(1973.4) Brass 5 Centavos (20mm, 3.88 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1943. Llain edge. KM 21.1; Y 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned uncirculated. Highest graded. One year only type. (1973.5) AR 10 Centavos (17mm, 2.51 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1936. KM 13; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU with just a hint of toning. (1973.6) CU-NI 10 Centavos (19mm, 3.97 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1939. KM 17.1; Y 18. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated and a virtual gem. (1973.7) Brass 10 Centavos (23mm, 5.53 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1943. Reeded edge, coin rotation. KM 22; Y 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lightly toned uncirculated specimen with very gem surfaces. One year type. Seven (7) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1974. NICARAGUA, Republic. 1838-present. Lot of four (4) Brass, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (1974.1) AR 25 Centavos (23mm, 6.24 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1912 H. KM 14; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated with a faint hint of patina. Only two graded higher at MS 64. (1974.2) CU-NI 25 Centavos (22mm, 4.98 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1939. KM 18.1; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU with superb surfaces. Highest graded. Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1979. (1974.3) Brass 25 Centavos (26mm, 7.54 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1943. Coin rotation. KM 23; Y 24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned uncirculated with just a hint of patina. One year only type. (1974.4) CU-NI 50 Centavos (26mm, 8.00 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1939. KM 18.1; Y 20. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU. None graded higher and only two graded 65. Superb coin and first year of type. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


1977 1976 1975 1975. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. CU-NI 2½ Centesimo (22mm, 4.89 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1907. KM 7.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated. ($100) 1976. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. CU-NI 2½ Centesimos (22mm, 4.95 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1916. KM 7.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice brilliant uncirculated. None graded higher. ($150) 1977. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. CU 2½ Centesimo (19mm, 3.35 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1929. KM 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Nice toned uncirculated specimen. ($100)

1978. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 5 Centesimos (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1904. KM 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned UNC. Highest graded. Superb coin. ($100)

1979. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 5 Centesimos (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1916. KM 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned superb choice UNC. ($400) 532

1980 1981 1982 1980. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. CU-NI 5 Centesimos (21mm, 4.92 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1929. KM 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Nice uncirculated specimen. None graded higher. ($100) 1981. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. CU-NI 5 Centesimos (21mm, 5.06 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1932. KM 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of toning. ($100) 1982. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 10 Centesimos (24mm, 5.05 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1904. KM 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lovely toned uncirculated with light to moderate toning on obverse, reverse has cameo multicolored toning. ($100)




1983. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/10 Balboa (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1931. KM 10.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice BU with just a hint of toning. None graded higher. ($100) 1984. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/10 Balboa (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1932. KM 10.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated with just a few toning spots. ($100) 1985. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/10 Balboa (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1933. KM 10.1; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Moderately toned and a bit spotty on the obverse. ($150)

1986. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/10 Balboa (18mm, 2.51 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1934. KM 10.1; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Nice uncirculated with a bit of spotty toning. None graded higher. ($400)

1987. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 25 Centesimos (30mm, 12.5 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1904. KM 4; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Moderate toning overall. Nice strike. Only one graded higher. ($100)

1988. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/4 Balboa (24mm, 6.25 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1931. KM 11.1; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Nice uncirculated specimen with a few spots of toning. One of the rarest coins of 20th century Panama. Extremely rare date. Highest graded. Almost never offered. ($1000) Purchased from Louis Collins, January 1991.


1989 1990 1991 1989. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/4 Balboa (24mm, 6.25 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1932. KM 11.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Uncirculated specimen with just a hint of toning and a few spotty bits on reverse. ($200) 1990. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/4 Balboa (24mm, 6.27 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1933. KM 11.1; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very nice surfaces, nice toned UNC. Only two graded higher. ($250) 1991. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/4 Balboa (24mm, 6.27 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1934. KM 11.1; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated with a hint of patina. Only one graded higher. ($300)

1992 1993 1992. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 50 Centesimos (36mm, 24.96 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1904. KM 5; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Nice uncirculated coin with virtually full luster. Only two graded higher in MS 64. ($250) 1993. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 50 Centesimos (36mm, 25.04 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1905. KM 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Toned barely uncirculated. This is not my favorite coin in this collection. I don’t know why Richard bought this coin. ($150)

1994. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/2 Balboa (30mm, 12.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1930. KM 12.1; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU with a hint of toning. Highest graded specimen. ($200)

1995. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/2 Balboa (30mm, 12.47 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1932. KM 121; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Nice toned UNC with flashes of iridescent toning in front of face on beard and chest. Highest graded. Extremely rare and only one we have seen for this date. ($500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, May 1980.





1996. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/2 Balboa (30mm, 12.49 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1933. KM 12.1; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Dull satin surfaces with very faint hairlines due to rubbing. ($200) 1997. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/2 Balboa (30mm, 12.55 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1934. KM 12.1; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned and good strike over very lustrous surfaces. Highest graded specimen. ($400) 1998. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR 1/2 Balboa (30mm, 12.51 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1947. KM 12.1; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice brilliant uncirculated with a faint bit of toning. None graded higher. ($100)

2000 1999 1999. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR Balboa (38mm, 26.82 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1931. KM 13; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated with very light amber-blue toning overall. ($100) 2000. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-pres. AR Balboa (38mm, 26.67 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1934. KM 13; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. ($100)

Panama Large Lots 2001.

PANAMA, Republic. 1903-present. Lot of six (6) AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations:

(2001.1) AR 2½ Centesimos (10mm, 1.26 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1904. KM 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem toned UNC. One year only type. None graded higher. Superb little type coin. (2001.2) AR Tenth Balboa (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1930. KM 10.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lovely faintly toned uncirculated. (2001.3) AR Tenth Balboa (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1947. KM 10.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU. None graded higher. Common date, but scarce in this grade. (2001.4) AR Tenth Balboa (18mm, 2.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1962. KM 10.2; Y 13. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Only one graded higher at MS 67. (2001.5) AR Quarter Balboa (24mm, 6.23 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1930. KM 11.1; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Faint hairlines on obverse, possibly from old rub. Appears lightly toned uncirculated. (2001.6) AR Quarter Balboa (24mm, 6.20 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1947. KM 11.1; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU with a hint of toning. Six (6) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.

($200) 535

2002. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-present. Lot of five (5) Æ, CU, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2002.1) Æ 1¼ Centesimo (20mm, 3.07 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1940. KM 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RD. Choice BU red with just a hint of toning. One year only type. (2002.2) CU 2½ Centesimo (18mm, 3.44 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1940. KM 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Choice BU. Highest graded. (2002.3) AR Quarter Balboa (24mm, 6.27 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1962. KM 11.2; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem UNC. Only two graded higher. (2002.4) AR Half Balboa (30mm, 12.50 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1962. KM 12.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem BU. (2002.5) AR Balboa (38mm, 26.71 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1947. KM 13; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


2003. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-present. Lot of five (5) CU and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2003.1) CU 1 Centesimo (19mm, 3.15 g, 6h). Anniversary of the Republic. Dated 1953. KM 17. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RD. Highest ever graded. (2003.2) AR Tenth Balboa (18mm, 2.52 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1953. KM 18. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem UNC with beautiful iridescent toning. (2003.3) AR Quarter Balboa (25mm, 6.32 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1953. KM 19; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem coin with superb luster and beautiful multicolored cameo toning on obverse and reverse. Highest graded. A superb gem. (2003.4) AR Half Balboa (30mm, 12.45 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1953. KM 20; Y 20. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. (2003.5) AR Balboa (38mm, 26.69 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1953. KM 21; Y 21. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem white BU with a hint of toning. Five (5) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


2004. PANAMA, Republic. 1903-present. Lot of three (3) Æ and CU-NI Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2004.1) CU-NI 1/2 Centesimo (16mm, 2.53 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1907. KM 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated with moderate toning. (2004.2) Æ 1 Centesimo (18mm, 3.19 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1935. KM 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Choice red brown with the 90% red. Only two graded higher in MS 65. (2004.3) Æ 1 Centesimo (18mm, 3.16 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1937. KM 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. 80% red and a lovely uncirculated specimen. Three (3) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


2005. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. CU 1/12 Real (23mm, 6.38 g, 1h). Soho (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1845. KM 1.1; Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 BN WINGS APPROVED. Toned gem UNC. Highest ever graded by 8 grades. ($200) Purchased from Irving Goodman, January 1970.


2006. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. CU Centesimo (25mm, 5.01 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1870. KM 2; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB WINGS APPROVED. Very brilliant red and the tiniest hint of toning. None graded higher. ($75)



2007. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. CU 2 Centesimos (29mm, 10.03 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1870. KM 3; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Deeply toned prooflike surfaces and just a hint of red coming through. Only one graded higher at MS 66. ($100) 2008. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. CU 4 Centesimos (34mm, 20.03 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1870. KM 4.1; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Eighty percent red with a hint of light copper patina over the surfaces. Highest graded for the type. ($100)




2009. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. CU-NI 5 Centavos (17mm, 1.97 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1903. KM 6; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem lightly toned UNC. One year only type. Highest graded specimen. ($75) Purchased from Frank Lapa, April 1970.

2010. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. CU-NI 5 Centavos (17mm, 1.99 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1908. KM 9; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Nice uncirculated specimen and faintly toned. ($75) 2011. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. CU-NI 10 Centavos (18mm, 3.00 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1908. KM 10; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. One year only type. ($75) Purchased from Frank Lapa.

2012. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. CU-NI 20 Centavos (21mm, 4.04 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1903. KM 8; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice iridescent violet toned UNC. Quite scarce in this high grade. One year only type. ($75) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1973.


2013. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. CU-NI 20 Centavos (21mm, 4.08 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1908. KM 11; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated with a hint of patina. Highest ever graded. ($75)

2014. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. AR Peso (37mm, 24.97 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1889. KM 5; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb uncirculated specimen with a hint of violet toning overall. Only two graded higher, one at 65 and one at 66. The lion has a full nose. Many of these were melted from the original mintage, and are thus very hard to find in this nice grade. ($750) Purchased from Century Coin & Stamp.

2015. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-pres. Specimen CU-NI 10 Pesos (28mm, 8.01 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1939. Cf. KM 19 (for business strike). In NGC encapsulation graded SP 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem Proof with a hint of violet iridescent toning. One year only type. Unlisted as a specimen in KM. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller 2006.


Paraguay Large Lot 2016. PARAGUAY, Republic. 1811-present. Lot of eight (8) AL and CU-NI Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2016.1) CU-NI 10 Centavos (18mm, 3.00 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1903. KM 7; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Toned uncirculated specimen. We can’t see the hairlines. (2016.2) CU-NI 50 Centavos (16mm, 2.01 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1925. KM 12; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Lightly toned uncirculated. Highest and only graded specimen. (2016.3) CU-NI 50 Centavos (16mm, 0.86 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1938. KM 15; Y 17. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem brilliant uncirculated. Highest graded specimen. (2016.4) CU-NI Peso (18mm, 3.00 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1925. KM 13. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. Highest and only graded specimen. One year only type. (2016.5) AL Peso (19mm, 1.24 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1938. KM 16; Y 18. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Nice uncirculated specimen. (2016.6) CU-NI 2 Pesos (22mm, 3.91 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1925. KM 14; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem brilliant uncirculated. Highest and only graded specimen. One year only type. (2016.7) AL 2 Pesos (22mm, 1.79 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1938. KM 17; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem brilliant uncirculated. Only one graded higher at MS 66. (2016.8) CU-NI 5 Pesos (24mm, 5.91 g, 6h). Buenos Aires mint. Dated 1939. KM 18; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated specimen with a hint of toning. One year only type. Eight (8) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


2017. PERU, Colonial. Fernando VI. King of Spain, 1746-1759. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.93 g, 12h). Lima mint. José Rodriguez Carasa and Manuel Iglésias Abarca, assayers. Dated 1757 L(IMA) JM. KM 55; El 17; Calicó 316; Gilboy L-8-8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Superb semi-prooflike fully lustrous choice uncirculated. A hint of toning on the reverse. None graded higher and a fantastic strike and eye appeal. ($2000) Purchased from Freeman Craig, July 1979.


2018. PERU, Colonial. Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.79 g, 12h). Lima mint. José Rodriguez Carasa and Manuel Iglésias Abarca, assayers. Dated 1768 L(IMA) JM. Two dots variety. KM 64; El 20; Calicó 844; Gilboy L-8-20B. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb light toning graces fully lustrous surfaces. Beautiful strike superb gem coin. The only coin of this date ever graded with two dots. One of only two Lima Pillar 8 reales to ever reach this grade. ($3000) Purchased from Colony Coins, August 1983.

2019. PERU, Colonial. Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.86 g, 12h). Lima mint. José Rodriguez Carasa and Manuel Iglésias Abarca, assayers. Dated 1770 L(IMA) JM. One dot variety. KM 64; El 23; Calicó 847; Gilboy L-8-23A. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Moderately toned nice uncirculated specimen with light bluish gray patina overall. Highest graded specimen of any variety of this date. ($1000) Ex World-Wide Coins of California 11 (14 May 1987), lot 444.


2020. PERU, Colonial. Carlos III. King of Spain, 1759-1788. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.90 g, 12h). Lima mint. José Rodriguez Carasa and Manuel Iglésias Abarca, assayers. Dated 1779 (LIMÆ) MJ. KM 78; El 36; Calicó 860. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very light silver hazy patina over the entire surface of the coin. Superb strike. Crown is razor sharp. Highest graded specimen by four grades. One of the finest Carlos III Lima 8 reales this cataloger has ever seen. ($1000) Ex Ponterio & Wyatt 5 (20 October 1981), lot 339.

2021. PERU, Colonial. Carlos IV. King of Spain, 1788-1808. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 26.98 g, 12h). Lima mint. Dated 1790 (LIMÆ) IJ. Transitional type: CAROLUS IV with portrait of Carlos III. KM 87; El 87; Calicó 642. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Superb light patina over extremely lustrous surface. Highest specimen graded for this transitional type. ($750) Purchased from Sumner Adams, October 1982.


2022. PERU, Colonial. Carlos IV. King of Spain, 1788-1808. AR 8 Reales (41mm, 27.14 g, 12h). Lima mint. Dated 1805 (LIMÆ) JF. KM 97; El 69; Calicó 662. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Superb light toning over fully lustrous semi prooflike surfaces. Extremely sharp strike. Only one graded higher at MS 65. ($500) Ex RARCOA (23 March 1979), lot 1248.

2023. PERU, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.77 g, 12h). Lima mint. Dated 1809 (LIMÆ) JP. Large Imaginary bust. Obverse legend: FERDND VII. KM 106.1; El 74; Calicó 473. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Beautiful original mottled moderate toning with super strike. An extremely rare type. A true wonder coin, and one of the great rarities of the Peruvian section of the Lissner collection. Very rare and almost never offered. ($6000) Purchased from Freeman Craig, March 1998.


2024. PERU, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.06 g, 12h). Lima mint. Dated 1809 (LIMÆ) JP. Smaller imaginary bust. KM 106.2; El 74a; Calicó 74. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Very lightly toned with a tiny bit of wear on the high points. None graded higher. ($400) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1988.

2025. PERU, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.06 g, 12h). Lima mint. Dated 1810 (LIMÆ) JP. Obverse legend: FERDIN • VII. KM 106.2; El 76; Calicó 475. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem UNC with superb strike and moderated light blue and violet toning. Finest specimen known and highest graded by 5 grades. One of the great jewels of the Lissner collection. ($2000) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (3 October 1978), lot 766.


2026. PERU, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.38 g, 12h). Lima mint. Dated 1814 (LIMÆ) JP. KM 117.1; El 82; Calicó 482. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very lightly toned choice uncirculated with full lustrous surfaces. Only one graded higher at MS 66. ($400) Purchased from Colony Coins, December 1978.

2027. PERU, Colonial. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 8 Reales (37mm, 26.95 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1824 CUZo T. KM 117.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of toning. Incredibly high grade for this last year of the colonial 8 reales of Peru. This is the highest graded specimen of any Cuzco 8 reales, and the only Mint State piece encapsulated. ($1000) Purchased from Cayón.

2028. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. CU 1/4 Real (16mm, 1.12 g). Provisional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1822. KM 135; C 121. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Deeply toned chocolate brown. Only three of these have been graded and all of them are AU 58. ($75) Purchased from Sam Lopresto, March 1972.

2029. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. CU 1/8 Peso (20mm, 4.34 g, 6h). Provisional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1823. KM 137; C 122. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Deeply toned chocolate brown. Superb sharp strike. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1975.


2030. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. CU 1/4 Peso (26mm, 9.46 g, 6h). Provisional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1823. KM 138; C 123. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Deep chocolate brown with hints of red luster peeking through. Highest ever graded specimen. Extremely beautiful coin and well struck for this early type. ($150) Purchased from Spink & Sons, September 1974.

2031. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/4 Real (12mm, 0.90 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1826. KM 143.1; C 127.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Wonderful strike on the llama. Choice mottled gray toned uncirculated. Highest graded specimen for the date. First year of type. ($300) Purchased from A. H. Baldwin & Sons, August 1970.

Exceptional 1839 Arequipa Quarter Real

2032. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/4 Real (12mm, 0.76 g, 6h). Arequipa mint. Dated 1839. KM 143.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Moderately toned choice uncirculated with full underlying luster. Extremely rare type coin. Only two encapsulated, both in MS 63. One of the rarest minor coins of Peru. Richard waited many years to find this coin, and it is a true jewel in the crown of the Lissner collection. ($7500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, February 2008.

2033 2034 2033. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.62 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1831 CU(ZCO) G. KM 144.2; C 128.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice moderately toned with nice fields and strike. Highest ever graded. ($150) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (3 June 1997), lot 6747.

2034. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.67 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1831 CU(ZCO) G. KM 144.2; C 128.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Deeply toned with semi lustrous fields. This is a second example of the same date and only the preceding lot is graded higher. ($100) Purchased from Louis Collins, June 1970.





2035. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (17mm, 1.54 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1833 CU(ZCO) B. KM 144.3; C 128.4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Brilliant uncirculated with a hint of patina. Highest graded. Two year type. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, January 1980.

2036. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.57 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1834 (LIMÆ) MM. KM 144.1; C 128.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice very lightly toned uncirculated with strong strike. Only four of these have ever been encapsulated and only two graded higher at MS 66. A beautiful coin. ($100) Purchased from Limarc, January 1971.

2037. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.68 g, 6h). Arequipa mint. Dated 1836 M. KM 144.4; C 128.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice toned uncirculated. Only two have been graded and both are MS 63. Very rare one year type and in a superior grade. ($200) Purchased from Freeman Craig, October 1983.

2038. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.62 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1854 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 144.7; C 128.1c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very lightly toned choice uncirculated. Very strong strike and very choice. ($100) Purchased from Steve Eyer, January 1980.

2039. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.45 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1855 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 144.7; C 128.1c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice faintly toned uncirculated with superb strike. Only two graded higher in 66. A wonderful type coin and the finest we have seen. Last year of type. ($200) Purchased from Charley Wyatt, January 1983.

2040. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR Real (19mm, 3.63 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1830 (LIMÆ) JM. KM 145.1; C 129.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb moderate gray toning with lovely strike. Only specimen ever graded of this date. Only two graded in MS 65 for this 16 year type. ($300) Purchased from Jess Peters, April 1970.




2041. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR Real (21mm, 3.52 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1831 CU(ZCO) G. KM 145.2; C 129.3. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. Coin has been dipped at one time. Still quite nice, the hairlines are faint. Very rare type and no other Cuzco real has been graded. The photo specimen in KM is about VF. ($100) Purchased from Lou Hudson, October 1980.

2042. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR Real (19mm, 3.07 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1850 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 145.4; C 129.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with a couple of faint toning spots. One of the finest we have ever seen. ($250) Purchased from Paul Puckett, June 1971.

2043. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR Real (19mm, 3.10 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1855 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 145.4; C 129.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem moderately toned uncirculated. Superb strike with wonderful original patina. This is the second MS 65 specimen graded for the series. A chance for the specialist to own both of the highest graded reals of this series. ($300)

2044. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR Real (18mm, 2.42 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1860 YB. KM 181. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. A gem coin with light to moderate toning. A wonderful example of this transitional three year type. Highest graded for type and date. ($100) Purchased from Donald J. Canaparo.

2045. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 2 Reales (27mm, 6.58 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1826 (LIMÆ) JM. KM 141.1; C 130.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very lovely toned with some lovely prooflike iridescence. Choice with strong strike. Scarce this nice and a consensus specimen with only two graded higher. ($200) Purchased from Ted Uhl, February 1980.


2046. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 2 Reales (26mm, 6.17 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1839 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 141.1; C 130.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb original deep to moderate patina with fine lustrous surfaces. Truly a fantastic type coin and only coin of the date graded. ($300) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, October 1997. Ex Andre de Clement Collection.



2047. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 2 Reales (27mm, 6.88 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1841 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 141.3; C 130.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very choice coin with light to moderate original patina. Only coin of this date graded. ($200) Purchased from David Cannon, August 1985.

2048. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 4 Reales (32mm, 13.58 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1836 CU(ZCO) B. KM 151.1; C 131.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very light even gray patina overall with a couple of very small dark spots. A two year only type and highest graded specimen for date and type. ($150) Purchased from Sotheby’s, November 1975.



2049. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 4 Reales (33mm, 13.21 g, 6h). Arequipa mint. Dated 1839 MV. KM 151.2; C 131.2. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Choice AU, but pretty much as struck. Full lustrous surfaces with just a hint of toning. This coin is very rare in this grade and is the highest graded for the date by five grades. ($250) Ex Freeman Craig (7 May 1986), lot 767.

2050. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 4 Reales (33mm, 13.83 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1850 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 151.3; C 131.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice lustrous brilliant uncirculated with a hint of iridescence. Only two graded for the date. Very beautiful specimen. ($200) Purchased from Sam Lopresto, March 1972.


2051. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 4 Reales (33mm, 12.57 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1854 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 151.3; C 131.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem with iridescent multicolored patina over very lustrous surfaces. None graded higher and a wonder coin. ($300) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1975.

2053 2052 2052. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 4 Reales (32mm, 12.06 g, 6h). Pasco mint. Dated 1855 M. KM 151.9. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. Deeply toned charcoal. Only two graded, one higher at AU 58. ($300) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 1998.

2053. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 4 Reales (31mm, 11.81 g, 6h). Pasco mint. Dated 1857 Z. KM 151.10. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Very nice strong AU with good strike and lots of luster. Scarce in any grade. ($250) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company.

2054. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.22 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1822 (LIMÆ) JP. KM 136; C 125. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina. Highest graded of either year of this type. Full sash of the column and full strike on the maidens. The most incredible of the type this cataloger has seen. ($2000) Purchased from Jess Peters, June 1973.




2055. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (41mm, 27.13 g, 12h). Lima mint. Dated 1826 (LIMÆ) JM. KM 142.1; C 132.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina. Very nice strike. A few graded higher but a superior type coin. ($400) Purchased from Robert Westfall, February 1973.

2056. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 27.00 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1827 CU(ZCO) GM. KM 142.2; C 132.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very lustrous lightly patinated coin with lots of underlying luster. Only one graded higher at MS 64 and very scarce in Mint State. ($300) Purchased from Shekel Shop (G. Kendall), November 1975.



2057. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 27.56 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1834 CU(ZCO) Bo Ar. KM 142.4; C 130.3b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very lustrous with very light satiny toning over superb surfaces. Hint of striking weakness. Great eye appeal. Highest graded and very nice type coin. ($300) Purchased from Freeman Craig, October 1973.

2058. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 26.71 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1835 (LIMÆ) MT. KM 142.3; C 132.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Gem original patinated coin with prooflike lusterand has claims to a higher grade. Very few have been graded MS 65 and usually they are the later dates of the 8 Reales series. This is a fantastic type coin. ($600) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (15 June 1972), lot 1858.

Enlargement of Lot 2059





2059. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (40mm, 26.99 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1835 CU(ZCO) B. KM 142.5; C 132.3c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice BU with just a hint of patina on the obverse and bright lustrous prooflike reverse. A fantastic type coin and highest graded.. This is a rare two year only type. ($1000) Purchased from Paul Karon, August 1995.

2060. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.91 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1838 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 142.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very lovely choice brilliant uncirculated with full luster and a faint hint of patina. Highest graded for the date. ($400) Purchased from Freeman Craig, November 1982. Ex Ray Johnson Collection.

2061. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.58 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1840 CU(ZCO) A. KM 142.9; C 132.3a. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Moderate toning and wear. ($200) Purchased from Freeman Craig, October 1975.

2062. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.61 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1841 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 142.8; C 132.1b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with great strike and luster. A two year only type and none graded higher for date and type. Very lovely coin with great eye appeal. ($300) Ex J. Peters 58 (27 June 1972), lot 533.


2063. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.81 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1851 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 142.10; C 132.1c. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Very lustrous fields with very light patina grace this choice uncirculated coin. Highest graded for date and type. ($500) Purchased from Donald J. Canaparo, November 1974.

2064. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 26.75 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1853 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 142.12; El 169. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Deeply toned over fully lustrous surfaces with hints of lighter silver color. The highest graded is MS 61. A beautiful coin, extremely rare one year type. ($750) Ex C.A. Whitford 12 (21 April 1995), lot 747.

Enlargement of Lot 2065 552

2065. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 8 Reales (38mm, 24.42 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1855 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 142.10; C 132.1e. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Full luster and deep hues of blue surrounding light to moderate patina. Another one year only type in choice mint state. Very strong strike on obverse and reverse. ($400) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of California, May 1985.

2066. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 1/2 Escudo (13mm, 1.66 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1826 GM. KM 146.1; C 141.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very nice lightly patinated specimen. Quite scarce and only year this type was struck at the Cuzco mint. Only two graded higher in MS 64. Earliest gold coin of the Republic from Cuzco. ($400) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, May 1972.

2067. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 1/2 Escudo (15mm, 1.69 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1828 JM. KM 146.1; C 141.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated with full luster. Only two of this date have been graded and this is 10 grades higher than the other. ($400) Purchased from Spink & Sons, August 1972.

2068. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV Escudo (19mm, 3.41 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1840 CU(ZCO) A. Friedberg 67; KM 147.4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with prooflike luster. Very scarce and one of two of this type in this collection. ($600) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, June 1971.

2069. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV Escudo (19mm, 3.18 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1845 CU(ZCO) A. Friedberg 67; KM 147.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with full luster. Only one graded higher at MS 64. Very rare so choice. ($600) Ex Louis E. Eliasberg Collection (American Numismatic Rarities, 18 April 2005), lot 3566; acquired in 1942 from John H. Clapp Estate.


2070. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 2 Escudos (22mm, 6.78 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1829 (LIMÆ) JM. KM 149.1; C 143.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice prooflike brilliant uncirculated with super strike. Highest graded for date and type. A really great coin. ($750) Ex Spink 10 (25 September 1980), lot 633.

2071. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 2 Escudos (22mm, 6.75 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1853 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 149.2; C 143.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated with muted surfaces. Highest graded for type and date. ($500) Purchased from Louis Collins, December 1977.

2072. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 4 Escudos (28mm, 13.48 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1853 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 150.2; C 144.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice uncirculated with slightly subdued surfaces on obverse and fully prooflike lustrous reverse. A wonderful specimen and only one of this date graded. Highest graded of this two year type. ($3000) Purchased from Art Smith, February 1979.

2073. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 4 Escudos (28mm, 13.51 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1854 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 150.3; C 144.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Very nice uncirculated and with light orange peel patina. Only one graded higher for the date which is a one year only type. ($750) Purchased from Dennis Gill, October 2000.


2074. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 4 Escudos (30mm, 13.60 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1855 MB. KM 150.4; C 144.1b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculatd with superb satin surfaces. Highest graded for the type. A superb coin. ($1000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 2004.

2075. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 8 Escudos (37mm, 27.02 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1834 Bo Ar. KM 148.2; C 145.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 61. Very prooflike with lustrous surface. ($3000) Ex A. Kosoff (26 October 1971), lot 177.

2076. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 8 Escudos (35mm, 27.04 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1844 CU(ZCO) A. KM 148.3; C 145.3a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Beautiful orange peel toning over very lustrous surfaces. Highest graded for the date and extremely rare in this grade. ($3000) Ex A. Kosoff (26 October 1971), lot 186.


2077. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 8 Escudos (36mm, 26.93 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1855 MB. KM 148.5; C 145.1b. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Very nice choice uncirculated with satiny surfaces and full strike. Highest graded and very rare in this grade. ($2500) Ex Superior Galleries (1 December 1990), lot 350.

2078. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.41 g, 6h). Transitional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1858/68 MB. KM 180. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned choice uncirculated with a hint of patina. Highest graded for this overdate and a one year only type coin. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 2000.

2079. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.23 g, 6h). Transitional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1860 YB. KM 180. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned uncirculated. A wonderful little type coin. ($75)

2080. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 25 Centavos (24mm, 5.90 g, 6h). Transitional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1859 YB. KM 182. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned uncirculated. Highest graded specimen and quite rare. ($300) Purchased from Paul Davis, August 1971.





2081. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 50 Centimos (30mm, 11.84 g, 6h). Transitional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1858 MB. KM 178. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Light golden tone in devices. ($150) 2082. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 11.78 g, 6h). Transitional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1858 YB. KM 179.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice moderate iridescent toning and very lustrous surfaces. Highest graded specimen. ($200) 2083. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 11.91 g, 6h). Transitional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1859 YB. KM 179.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice fully lustrous BU and very beautiful with just a hint of patina. Very beautiful coin and wonderful for type. ($300)

2084. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 8 Escudos (34mm, 27.09 g, 6h). Transitional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1863 YB. KM 194. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS/Obverse scratched. Very choice uncirculated with a few scuffs in the obverse field. ($1000) Ex F.C.C. Boyd Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 19 August 1975), lot 2729.

2085. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Real (15mm, 1.25 g, 6h). Peseta coinage. Ayacucho mint. Dated 1882 LM. KM 202; Y 28. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Very nice strike and usual somewhat crude dies. Lightly toned. Very rare minor coin and a one year only type. Most of these were used in jewelry and have been soldered or holed. Highest graded of the year and assayer. ($1000) 557

2086. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR Peseta (23mm, 5.04 g, 6h). Peseta coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1880 BF. KM 200; Y 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Very lustrous gem uncirculated with light toning. ($75)



2087. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 5 Pesetas (37mm, 24.98 g, 6h). Peseta coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1880 BF. Type with dot. KM 201.2; Y 30. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice toned uncirculated. A one year only type. ($150) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, June 1969.

2088. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 5 Pesetas (38mm, 24.95 g, 6h). Peseta coinage. Ayacucho mint. Dated 1882 LM. KM 201.3; T 39a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Moderate multicolored patina. ($500) Purchased from Louis Collins, June 1970.

2089. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. CU-NI 20 Centavos (25mm, 9.94 g, 6h). Provisional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1879. KM 199; Y 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated with faint patina. Highest graded. ($75)


2090. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Dinero (15.5mm, 1.29 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1885 JM. KM 189a. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Deeply toned AU. Rare one year type almost never seen or offered. ($600) Ex Ponterio 124 (17 January 2003), lot 1765.

2091. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR Dinero (18mm, 2.51 g, 6h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1886 JM. KM 190a. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Choice faintly toned AU. A rare coin in any graded. Well struck for this Cuzco issue. ($200)

2092 2093 2092. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/5 Sol (18mm, 4.92 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1863 YB. KM 191. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Superb toned iridescent gem. First year of this type. ($75) 2093. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/5 Sol (23mm, 5.02 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1888 TF. KM 205.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem prooflike lustrous BU with all the qualities of a gem proof. An amazing coin and highest graded. ($100)

2094 2095 2094. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR 1/2 Sol (30mm, 12.57 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1865 YB. KM 195. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem deeply toned uncirculated. Highest graded specimen of this two year type. Richard waited many years to obtain this coin. ($100) Ex Whittier Collection (Heritage 410, 2 June 2006), lot 17587.

2095. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. Proof Brass 1/2 Sol (26mm, 7.44 g, 6h). Central Bank issue. Dated 1965. KM 220.5. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 67. Gem proof. Only proof graded. ($75)

2096. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AR Sol (38mm, 24.95 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1869 YB. KM 196.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned uncirculated. Faint patina over blast white surfaces. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, June 1975.




2097. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 5 Soles (23mm, 8.08 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1863 YB. Friedberg 72; KM 192; Y A19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Only one graded higher at MS 64 and extremely choice for type. ($600) 2098. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 10 Soles (27mm, 16.11 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1863 YB. KM 193; Friedberg 71; Y B19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lustrous brilliant uncirculated. Highest graded. One year only type. ($1000) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, March 1974.

2099. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 20 Soles (35mm, 32.24 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1863 YB. KM 194. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Wonderful prooflike surfaces with full luster and frosted relief. ($1500) Ex Ponterio 93 (13 March 1998), lot 1035.

Enlargement of Lot 2100 560

2100. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 50 Soles (34mm, 33.46 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1931. KM 219. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb virtually gem brilliant uncirculated. Only two graded in 65 for the type. A scarce two year issue and quite rare in this grade. ($2500) Purchased from Steve Eyer, January 1970. The coin features the legendary founder of Cuzco, Manco Lápac. One of the most interesting and beautiful of the Peruvian coins.

2101 2102 2101. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 50 Soles (29mm, 23.40 g, 6h). Commemorating the Quadricentennial of the Lima mint. Dually dated 1565 and 1965. KM 242; Friedberg 84. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem BU. ($700) 2102. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 50 Soles (30mm, 23.38 g, 6h). Commemorating the Centennial of the Battle of Callao. Dually dated 2 May 1866 and 1966. KM 250; Friedberg 86. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 PL. Superb prooflike gem. One of the scarcer modern gold coins of the world. A one year only type. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1973.

2103 2104 2103. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 100 Soles (38mm, 46.77 g, 6h). Commemorating the Quadricentennial of the Lima mint. Dually dated 1565 and 1965. KM 243; Friedberg 83. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 68 WINGS APPROVED. Very gem BU. Highest grade. One year type. ($1500) Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin, July 1976.

2104. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 100 Soles (38mm, 46.77 g, 6h). Commemorating the Centennial of the Battle of Callao. Dually dated 2 May 1866 and 1966. KM 251; Friedberg 85. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb prooflike brilliant uncirculated. Very scarce and in demand. ($1500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, April 1973.

2105. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV 5 Soles Token (15mm, 1.71 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1910 P. KM Tn2; Y 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem fully prooflike lustrous BU. Finest we have seen and fairly scarce. ($100) 561

2106. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. AV Medal (15mm, 2.21 g, 12h). Centennial of the Battle of Ayacucho. Dually dated 1824 and 1924. BATALIA DE AYACUCHO, bust of general Antonio José de Sucre right, in military uniform; · 1824 · below / CENTENARIO DE AYACUCHO, bust of president José Pardo y Barreda right; · 1924 · below. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Brilliant uncirculated. ($100)

Estado Nor Peruano (North Peru)

2107. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Nor Peruano (North Peru). 1836-1839. AR 1/2 Real (16.5mm, 1.49 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1838 (LIMÆ) MB. KM 154. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Very faint patina over very nice lustrous surfaces. Very scarce type and rarely seen this nice. Only two graded. ($200) Purchased from Richard Margolis, December 1981.

2108. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Nor Peruano (North Peru). 1836-1839. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.88 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1839 MB. KM 164. In NGC encapsulation graded XF DETAILS/Repaired. Toned moderately in hues of dark gray. A descent looking type coin that is pleasing to the eye. Extremely rare one year only. No coin of this type has ever been graded by NGC. ($2500) Purchased from Donald J. Canaparo, May 2007.

Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru)

2109. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AR 1/2 Real (18mm, 1.82 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1837 B. KM 166. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated with muted satin surfaces. A wonderful type coin and a one year only type. ($400) Purchased from Freeman Craig, June 1974.

2110. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.93 g, 12h). Arequipa mint. Dated 1837. KM 168. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem as struck uncirculated with hints of green and yellow patina. Two year only type. ($300) Ex Freeman Craig (7 May 1986), lot 750.


2112 2111 2111. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AR 2 Reales (26mm, 6.42 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1837 BA. KM 169.1. In NGC encapsulation graded XF DETAILS. Nice even gray toning over nice surfaces. Highest graded for type and date. ($100) Purchased from Freeman Craig, June 1974.

2112. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AR 2 Reales (26mm, 6.88 g, 12h). Arequipa mint. Dated 1838. KM 169.2. In NGC encapsulation graded AU DETAILS/Hairlines. Very nice brilliant lustrous which looks more like BU. Wonderful strike. This is a sleeper and must be looked at to appreciate. ($150) Purchased from Ted Uhl, February 1976.

2113. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AR 4 Reales (32mm, 12.11 g, 12h). Arequipa mint. Dated 1838 MV. KM 172. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50. Even tone with hints of luster. ($500)

2114. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 26.98 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1837 BA. KM 170.1; C 180. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Choice very lightly toned uncirculated. Very lustrous under the patina. Very scarce, but mintage in KM is suspect as twice as many have been graded as are stated to exist. ($1500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, September 1978.


2115. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AR 8 Reales (37mm, 26.98 g, 12h). Arequipa mint. Dated 1838 MV. KM 170.3. In NGC encapsulation graded XF DETAILS. Nice moderate gray toning with what appears to be unimpaired fields although we can see the obverse damage in the eyes. Very rare type and only four graded. ($3500) Ex Renaissance Auctions II (6 December 2000), lot 947; Sellschopp Collection (Schweizerischer Bankverein 20, 14 September 1988), lot 1223.

2116. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AR 8 Reales (39mm, 27.26 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1838 BA. KM 170.4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Superb choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina. Extremely rare and tied for highest graded for type and year. ($1000) Purchased from Almanzar’s Coins of the World, November 1973.


2117. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AV 1/2 Escudo (14mm, 1.78 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1838 MS. KM 173; C 181. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem prooflike BU. The finest of this one year type, and also the finest 1/2 escudo of Peru graded. ($1500) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, November 1978.

2118. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AV Escudo (18mm, 3.46 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1838 MS. KM 178.4; C 182. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Prooflike lustrous brilliant UNC with a small amount of muted patina. One year design. Highest graded. ($1500) Purchased from Spink.

2119. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AV 8 Escudos (37mm, 27.00 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1837 BA. KM 167; C 183. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem prooflike BU and fully struck on all surfaces. The “Wonder Coin” of the Lissner Peruvian section. Most beautiful design on the Peruvian coinage. Highest graded Peruvian 8 escudo of any date or type. ($10,000) Ex Superior Galleries (6 December 1996), lot 318; Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982) lot 907.


2120. PERU, Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Estado Sud Peruano (South Peru). 1836-1839. AV 8 Escudos (36mm, 27.04 g, 12h). Cuzco mint. Dated 1838 MS. KM 171; C 184; Calicó, Onza 2251 (this coin illustrated). In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 WINGS APPROVED. Choice brilliant uncirculated with lustrous muted surfaces on obverse and fully prooflike reverse. One of only two at this, the highest, grade for date and type, and very rare so choice. ($5000) Ex Paul Karon Collection (Superior Galleries, 11 December 1992), lot 99; Mortimer Hammel Collection (Stack’s, 15 September 1982) lot 908.

Peru Large Lots 2121. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. Lot of thirteen (13) Æ, Brass, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2121.1) AR Half Real (14mm, 1.22 g, 6h). Transitional coinage. Lima mint. Dated 1860 YB. KM 177. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Moderate toning with a few obverse spots. Purchased from Century Stamp & Coin. (2121.2) CU-NI 1 Centavo (19mm, 4.58 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1863. KM 187.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem toned uncirculated. A two year type and highest graded. (2121.3) Æ 1 Centavo (19mm, 4.93 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1916. KM 211. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. A nice deeply toned uncirculated coin. (2121.4) Æ 1 Centavo (19mm, 5.03 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1919. KM 211. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Light brown with choice fields. One year only type. (2121.5) Æ 1 Centavo (19mm, 2.43 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1941. Thin planchet, “Centavo” straight variety. KM 208a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 RB. Gem lightly toned lustrous uncirculated. (2121.6) CU-NI 2 Centavos (22mm, 9.16 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1864. KM 188.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Light reddish brown even patina. Highest graded. (2121.7) CU 2 Centavos (24mm, 9.22 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1864. KM 188.1a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 RB. Extremely choice with strong luster and just a hint of brown patina. 566

(2121.8) Æ 2 Centavos (24mm, 10.07 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1919. KM 187. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Gem uncirculated with superb red and brown surfaces. Only one graded higher in MS 66. (2121.9) AR Half Dinero (15mm, 1.33 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1863 YB. KM 189. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem lightly toned BU. First year of type. (2121.10) CU-NI 5 Centavos (17mm, 2.63 g, 6h). Provisional coinage. Dated 1879. KM 197; Y 25. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated. (2121.11) AR Half Dinero (15mm, 7.30 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1916/5 FG. Error: FERUANA. KM 206.2. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Nice AU, lightly toned. (2121.12) Proof Brass 5 Centavos (17mm, 1.94 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1965. KM 290. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 65. Gem proof. (2121.13) CU-NI 10 Centavos (22mm, 5.14 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1879. KM 198; Y 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Lightly toned with tiny dirt spot on reverse. None graded higher. Thirteen (13) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


2122. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. Lot of eight (8) Brass, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2122.1) AR Half Sol (18mm, 12.49 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1914 FG. KM 203. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem semi prooflike BU. (2122.2) AR Half Sol (30mm, 12.46 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1926. KM 216. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem with prooflike lustrous surfaces. (2122.3) AR Dinero (18mm, 2.52 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1875 YJ. KM 190. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem lightly toned uncirculated. (2122.4) AR Dinero (18mm, 2.51 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1903/807 JF. KM 204.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. (2122.5) AR Dinero (22mm, 2.51 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1909 FG/FO. KM 205.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem prooflike lustrous BU. (2122.6) CU-NI 10 Centavos (19mm, 3.47 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1920. KM 214.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Toned uncirculated. (2122.7) Brass 20 Centavos (24mm, 7.06 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1921. KM 215.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Toned uncirculated. (2122.8) Proof Brass 20 Centavos (23mm, 3.88 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1965. KM 221.2b. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 67. Gem proof. Eight (8) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


Individual photographs of coins in large lots are available on our website:

2123. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. Lot of nine (9) Brass and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2123.1) AR 1 Sol (38mm, 24.99 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1885 TD. KM 196.22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice toned uncirculated. (2123.2) AR 1 Sol (38mm, 24.98 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1891 TF/BF. KM 196.24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice BU. (2123.3) AR 1 Sol Token – Obolo (15mm, 1.26 g, 12h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1910 P. KM Tn1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very choice prooflike toned uncirculated. One year only type and also struck in gold. 567

(2123.4) AR 1 Sol (38mm, 25.00 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1916 FG. Incuse type. KM 196.27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lustrous BU. One year only type. (2123.5) AR 1 Sol (38mm, 25.39 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1923. KM 217.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lightly toned uncirculated with frosted relief. (2123.6) AR 1 Sol Token (19mm, 5.05 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1932. KM Tn4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. Very nice token and very interesting design of Inca in aggressive battle mode. (2123.7) AR 1 Sol (37mm, 24.84 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1934. KM 218.2; Y 36. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated with a hint of iridescence. (2123.8) Brass 1 Sol (32mm, 13.89 g, 6h). Central Bank issue. Dated 1965. KM 222. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Choice prooflike BU. (2123.9) AR Medal (15mm, 1.57 g, 12h). Centennial of the Battle of Ayacucho. Dually dated 1824 and 1924. BATALIA DE AYACUCHO, bust of general Antonio José de Sucre right, in military uniform; · 1824 · below / CENTENARIO DE AYACUCHO, bust of president José Pardo y Barreda right; · 1924 · below. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned uncirculated. Nine (9) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


2124. PERU, Republic. 1821-present. Lot of thirteen (13) Æ, Brass, CU, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2124.1) Æ Centavo (19mm, 5.00 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1935. Centavo strait variety. KM 208.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Gem with some brown patina but beautiful luster. (2124.2) CU 2 Centavos (24mm, 9.89 g, 12h). Lima mint. Dated 1934. KM 212.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 BN. Gem moderate brown with underlying red patina. Highest and only specimen graded. (2124.3) AR Half Dinero (15mm, 1.31 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1863 YB. KM 189; Y 14.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem fully prooflike toned uncirculated. All the appearances of a gem proof or presentation piece. One year only type. (2124.4) Brass 5 Centavos (16mm, 3.01 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1942. KM 213.2a.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU. Highest graded. (2124.5) Brass 5 Centavos (16mm, 2.83 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1947. KM 223.3. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem UNC. Only specimen graded. (2124.6) AR Fifth Sol (23mm, 5.02 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1898 JF. Open 9 variety. KM 205.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lustrous BU. (2124.7) Proof Brass 10 Centavos (20mm, 2.67 g, 6h). Lima mint. Dated 1965. KM 224.2. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 65. Gem proof. (2124.8) CU 20 Centavos Token (19mm, 3.28 g, 12h). Commemorating the monument to Admiral Miguel María Grau Seminario. Dated 8 October 1935. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 RB. Very plain but choice. Token for donation to National Monument for Admiral Gran, victor in 1866 in the war with Spain. First we have seen. (2124.9) Brass 20 Centavos (23mm, 6.79 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1942. KM 215a.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice toned uncirculated. Rare in this grade. (2124.10) AR 20 Soles (26mm, 8.08 g, 6h). Commemorating the Quadricentennial of the Lima mint. Dually dated 1565 and 1965. KM 241. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem BU. (2124.11) AR 20 Soles (26mm, 8.08 g, 6h). Commemorating the Centennial of the Battle of Callao. Dually dated 2 May 1866 and 1966. KM 249. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. (2124.12) AR Medal (34mm, 21.53 g, 12h). Lima mint. José de San Martín, Protector of Independence. Dually dated 28 July 1821 and 1897. 29 DE JULIO DE 1821, bust of José de San Martín left / A CIUDAD DE LIMA/ AL/ PROTECTOR/DE LA/ INDEPENDENCIA/ DEL/ PERU/ 28 DE JULIO DE 1897. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice original toned medal. (2124.13) AR Medal (30mm, 12.61 g, 12h). Lima mint. 86th Anniversary of Independence. Dually dated 1821 and 1907. CIUDAD DE LIMA, crowned double-headed eagle with coat-of-arms on breast; before wings, Pillars of Hercules entwined with ends of banners inscribed PLUS ULTRA; below, banner inscribed HOC SIGNUM VERE REGUM EST / CONCEJO PROVINCIAL DE LIMA , 86º ANNIVERSARIO/ DE LA/ INDEPENDENCIA/ (wreath). NACIONAL. 1821-1907; cross fleurée below. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Lightly toned and prooflike. Thirteen (13) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.



2125. PUERTO RICO, Colonial. Alfonso XIII. King of Spain, 1886-1898. AR Peso (37mm, 24.95 g, 6h). Madrid mint. Félix Miguel Pieró Rodrigo, Antonio García González, and Remigo Vega Vega, assayers. Dated 1895 PG V. KM 24. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very light patch violet toning over choice surfaces. One of the nicest Puerto Rico pesos we have ever seen. ($2500) Purchased from Heritage, June 2006.

2126. SURINAME, Colonial. Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (Dutch Republic). 1581-1795. CU Duit (19mm, 1.48 g, 12h). Struck for the Sociëteit van Suriname. Dated 1764. Tree in short grass. KM 8.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Deep brown patina. Extremely rare in this grade and the first we have encountered. ($200)

2127. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Æ Centesimo (26mm, 4.98 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1869 H. KM 11; Y 7. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 RD WINGS APPROVED. Gem red coin. Superb coin and rarely seen today, especially in this red condition. ($100) Purchased from Freeman Craig, April 1976.


2128. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Proof CU-NI Centesimo (17mm, 1.99 g, 6h). Vienna mint. Dated 1936 A. Cf. KM 19 (for business strike). In NGC encapsulation graded PF 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem. Only proof known of this date, unlisted in KM as such. KM gives Paris, Berlin, and Vienna as possible mints for the 1936 A issues. Considering that this piece was a duplicate of the Austrian Mint collection, we consider Vienna to be the likely source. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 2006. Ex Austrian Mint Duplicates.

2129. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Æ 2 Centesimos (30mm, 10.15 g, 6h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1869 H. KM 12; Y 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB WINGS APPROVED. A bit of darker toning over red surfaces. A one year only type and in choice grade. ($100) Purchased from Donald J. Canaparo, February 1972.

2130. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Proof CU-NI 2 Centesimos (20mm, 3.50 g, 6h). Vienna mint. Dated 1936 A. Cf. KM 20 (for business strike). In NGC encapsulation graded PF 67 Cameo WINGS APPROVED. Gem brilliant proof. Unlisted in KM and only a few minted. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 2006. Ex Austrian Mint Duplicates.

2131. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Æ 4 Centesimos (35mm, 20.27 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1869 A. KM 13; Y 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 RB. Lovely light brown with lots of red coming through. ($75)


2132. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. CU 5 Centesimos (23mm, 4.94 g, 6h). Montevideo mint. Dated 1855. KM 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Moderate light brown patina. This is the highest graded specimen by four grades and only Mint State piece. Very rare one year only type and rarely seen or offered. ($600) Purchased from Louis Collins, January 1977.




2133. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. CU 5 Centesimos (23mm, 4.40 g, 6h). Lyon mint; différents: anchor and lion. Jean-Auguste Barre, engraver general. Jean Moine, director. Dated 1857 D. KM 8; Y 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62 BN. Darkly toned. Very scarce one year type, especially in Mint State. ($100) Purchased from Frank Lapa.

2134. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Proof CU-NI 5 Centesimo (22mm, 4.93 g, 6h). Vienna mint. Dated 1936 A. KM 21; Y 17. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66 Cameo WINGS APPROVED. Superb gem proof. Very few minted and quite rare. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 2006. Ex Austrian Mint Duplicates.

2135. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. AR 10 Centesimos (18mm, 2.47 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1877 A. Anchor points left. KM 14; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina. Quite scarce and desirable in this grade. ($100) Purchased from Joe Elliott, June 1971.

2136. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Proof CU-NI 10 Centesimos (24mm, 6.02 g, 6h). Vienna mint. Dated 1936 A. KM 28; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66 WINGS APPROVED. A gem lightly toned proof. A jewel. Very few minted. ($200) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, July 2006. Ex Austrian Mint Duplicates.




2137. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. CU 20 Centesimos (37mm, 17.30 g, 6h). Montevideo mint. Dated 1843/40. KM 2.2; Y 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Moderately dark brown with hints of red coming through. Very rare two year type. ($750) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, November 1971.

2138. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. CU 20 Centesimos (33mm, 16.88 g, 6h). Lyon mint; différents: anchor and lion. Jean-Auguste Barre, engraver general. Jean Moine, director. Dated 1857 D. KM 9; Y 5. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 BN. Very choice chocolate brown color overall and a hint of red peeking through. A one year only type. ($100) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, January 1972.

2139. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. CU 40 Centesimos (39mm, 37.87 g, 6h). Montevideo mint. Dated 1844. Male sun face. KM 3; Y 3. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58 BN. Moderately toned brown with hints of red. Extremely rare type and high grade for this issue. ($750) Ex Ponterio 37 (18 August 1989), lot 1504.


2140. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. CU 40 Centesimos (38mm, 34.94 g, 6h). Lyon mint; différents: anchor and lion. Jean-Auguste Barre, engraver general. Jean Moine, director. Dated 1857 D. KM 10; Y 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 RB WINGS APPROVED. Superb very lightly toned prooflike gem uncirculated. An exceptional specimen. ( $500) Purchased from Richard Margolis, February 1969.

2141. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. AR 50 Centesimos (34mm, 12.50 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1894. KM 16; Y 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Gem blast white BU with incredible surfaces and just a hint of toning. Probably finest known example of this coin, the only better one is a proof. So beautiful it screams at you. ($400) Purchased from Kraso Coins, August 1971.

2142. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. AR 50 Centesimos (30mm, 12.43 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1917. KM 22; Y 22. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 55. Lightly toned AU. ($75) 573

2143. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. AR Peso (40mm, 26.91 g, 12h). Montevideo mint. Dated 1844. Medal reverse alignment. KM 5; Y 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67 WINGS APPROVED. Unbelievable fully prooflike gem coin. Super gem BU and hardly any adjustment marks. Highest graded by five grades. This coin left me speechless In fifty years of numismatics, we have seen many of this type, but none of this quality. ($5000) Purchased from Taisei Stamp & Coin, April 1971. (On a trip to Japan with famous collector Irving Goodman this coin was purchased from M. Oka who had purchased it from famous California dealer Walter Matof.)



2144. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. AR Peso (38mm, 25.06 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1895. KM 17a; Y 14. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS. With surface hairlines according to holder. Coin appears to be choice uncirculated but probably was lightly mishandled at some point. ($200) Purchased from Roy Friedman (a survivor of the famous Shanghai Ghetto in WWII. This coin had been in Roy’s grandfather’s coin collection, which he had accumulated in Hong Kong).

2145. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. AR Peso (38mm, 24.97 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1917. KM 23; Y 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Superb toned choice uncirculated. A one year only type and quite scarce. Only one graded higher at MS 65. ($500) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, June 1970.


2146 2147 2146. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Proof NI-Brass 5 Pesos (20mm, 4.40 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1968 So. KM 50; Y 46. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66. Gem proof with beautiful iridescent patina. Only fifty minted of this one year only type. Quite scarce. ($75) Purchased from Thomas Hamilton, February 1981.

2147. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Proof NI-Brass 10 Pesos (23mm, 5.74 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dated 1968 So. KM 51; Y 47. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66 Cameo. Gem proof with a hint of light iridescent toning. Only fifty pieces minted. ($75) Purchased from Thomas Hamilton, February 1981.

Uruguay Large Lot 2148. URUGUAY, Republic. 1830-present. Lot of eight (8) AL-Brass, CU-NI, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2148.1) CU-NI 1 Centesimo (17mm, 2.02 g, 6h). Paris mint. Dated 1936 A. KM 19; Y 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Gem uncirculated. (2148.2) CU-NI 2 Centesimos (20mm, 3.51 g, 6h). Vienna mint. Dated 1936 A. KM 20; Y 16. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Gem BU. (2148.3) CU-NI 5 Centesimos (22mm, 5.00 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1924. KM 21; Y 17. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 67. Gem UNC. (2148.4) AL-Æ 10 Centesimos (24mm, 5.94 g, 6h). Vienna mint. Dated 1936 A. KM 28; Y 19. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Mottled toned uncirculated with a nice large fingerprint on the face. (2148.5) AR 20 Centesimos (25mm, 5.00 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1877 A. KM 15; Y 12. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Mottled toned uncirculated. Problem free two year only type coin. (2148.6) AR 20 Centesimos (24mm, 5.01 g, 6h). Santiago mint. Dated 1920. KM 24; Y 20. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Superb gem lightly toned UNC. A one year only type and not often seen. (2148.7) AR 20 Centesimos (24mm, 4.99 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: cornucopia and torch. Henri-Auguste Patey, engraver general. Régie des Monnaies, directors. Dated 1930. KM 26; Y 21. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice brilliant uncirculated with just a hint of patina. Appears much nicer than the grade says. (2148.8) Proof AR 50 Pesos (25mm, 6.09 g, 12h). Santiago mint. Dually dated 1871 and 1971 So. KM 58a. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 64 Cameo. Choice proof with a hint of iridescent patina. A mintage of 1,000 pieces. Eight (8) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.


2149. VENEZUELA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). 1810-1821. AR Imitative Cob Real (20mm, 2.58 g, 12h). Uncertain mint. Fictionally dated 931 L M M L. Km (C) 12. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Nicely toned with hints of silver. Four have been graded, this being the highest. Very rare. ($1000) Ex Bowers & Ruddy (15 December 1981), lot 2746.


2150. VENEZUELA, Guerra de Independencia (War of Independence). 1810-1821. AR Imitative 2 Reales Cob (26mm, 4.59 g, 12h). Uncertain mint. Fictionally dated 751 M L L M. KM (C) 13. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 58. Moderately toned. Highest graded for the date. ($750) Ex Bowers & Ruddy (15 December 1981), lot 2745.

2151 2152 2151. VENEZUELA, Caracas. Royalist. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. CU 1/4 Real (22mm, 2.57 g, 11h). Dated 1818. KM C 2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 BN. Light brown surfaces with most of the red coming through. Highest graded. ($200) Purchased from Richard Margolis, December 1981.

2152. VENEZUELA, Caracas. Royalist. Fernando VII. King of Spain, 1808-1833. AR 2 Reales (24mm, 4.87 g, 12h). Caracas mint. Dated 1819 BS. KM Cr 6.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63 WINGS APPROVED. Toned choice uncirculated. Small clip at 12 o’clock. Highest graded specimen. ($200) Purchased from California Coin & Stamp, December 1973.

2153. VENEZUELA, Caracas. Under Gran Colombia. 1819-1831. AR 1/4 Real (12mm, 0.70 g, 6h). Caracas mint. Dated 1822 A. 8 ray with cross-bar variety. KM (C) 31. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lightly toned uncirculated. Extremely rare, especially this choice. Highest graded specimen. ($1000) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, February 1976.

2154. VENEZUELA, Caracas. Under Gran Colombia. 1819-1831. AR 1/4 Real (11mm, 0.55 g, 6h). Caracas mint. Dated 1830 CS. KM (C) 34. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Attractively toned. Rare in this grade. ($300)

2155. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. CU 1/4 Centavo (19mm, 3.07 g, 12h). London mint. Dated 1843. KM Y 1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB. Choice toned specimen with moderate brown color and a lot of red peeking through. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 2007.


2156. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. CU 1/4 Centavo (19mm, 2.78 g, 12h). London mint. Dated 1852. KM (Y) 4. In NGC encapsulation graded AU 50 BN. Moderate brown with red surfaces. Very nice specimen with the faintest hint of rub. ($150) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, March 2007.

2157. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. Proof CU 1/2 Centavo (24mm, 6.18 g, 12h). London mint. Date 1843. KM (Y) 2. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 65 BN WINGS APPROVED. Deeply toned proof with a hint of red coming through. Highest ever graded. ($1000) Ex J. Peters (7 December 1971), lot 1044.

2158. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. CU 1/2 Centavo (22mm, 3.28 g, 12h). London mint. Dated 1852. KM (Y) 5.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 BN. Dark brown patina with hints of red coming through. Very scarce type. ($400) Ex Paramount International Coin Corporation (7 August 1975), lot 464.

2159. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. CU Centavo (31mm, 12.42 g, 12h). London mint. Date 1843. KM (Y) 3.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64 RB WINGS APPROVED. Very light brown with lots of red coming through. A very choice lustrous coin. Highest graded uncirculated specimen and extremely rare so choice. ($500) Purchased from A. G. Van der Dussen, August 1971.


2160. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. CU Centavo (30mm, 11.08 g, 12h). London mint. Dated 1852. KM (Y) 6. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 BN WINGS APPROVED. Choice uncirculated with moderate to dark patina. Highest graded specimen. ($500) Purchased from Henry Christensen, April 1973.

2161. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. Specimen CU Centavo (25mm, 4.54 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1858. Plain edge. KM (Y) 7. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 65 RD WINGS APPROVED. Gem proof BU with a moderate hint of toning. ($500) Purchased from Paramount International Coin Corporation, August 1975.

2162. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. Specimen Specimen CU Centavo (25mm, 7.46 g, 12h). Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1858. KM (Y) 7. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 65 RB WINGS APPROVED. Moderate brown surfaces with strong hints of red. Only one graded higher at 66. ($500) Purchased from Paramount International Coin Corporation, August 1975.

2163. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 1/2 Real (16mm, 1.14 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: hand and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Ch.-Louis Dierickx, director. Dated 1858 A. Error: denomination as 1½. KM (Y) 8. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Lightly toned BU gem. One of the rarest minor coins of Venezuela and always in great demand. ($5000) Purchased from Spink & Sons, July 1979.



2165 2164. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR Real (18mm, 2.30 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: hand and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Ch.-Louis Dierickx, director. Dated 1858 A. KM (Y) 9. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Choice toned uncirculated with light patina. Extremely rare one year type. Another great rarity. ($5000) Ex Freeman Craig (14 November 1984), lot 943.

2165. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 2 Reales (23mm, 4.60 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: hand and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Ch.-Louis Dierickx, director. Dated 1858 A. KM (Y) 10. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem beautifully colored prooflike type. Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful coins in this collection. Highest graded for the type. ($6000) Ex World-Wide Coins of California 18 (15 November 1990), lot 588.

2166. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 5 Reales (30mm, 11.55 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: hand and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Ch.-Louis Dierickx, director. Dated 1858 A. KM (Y) 11. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Superb lightly toned surfaces over very lustrous fields. Only one graded higher at MS 63. Somewhat more common than the other denominations of this series. ($5000) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of Atlanta, August 1971.


2167. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. Proof CU-NI Centavo (18mm, 2.07 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1876. KM (Y) 25. In NGC encapsulation graded PF 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem proof. Highest graded for the type. Extremely rare, almost never offered. ($1000) Purchased from M. Larner, April 1970.

2168. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. Cu-NI 2½ Centavos (22mm, 5.12 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1876. KM (Y) 26. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65 WINGS APPROVED. Gem BU. Highest graded specimen. Incredibly rare this choice. ($1000) Purchased from Sam Lopresto, February 1972.

2169. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 5 Centavos (15mm, 1.27 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1874 A. KM (Y) 12.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem toned UNC. Highest graded for the date and all varieties. ($500) Purchased from Ted Uhl, February 1971.

2170. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. Specimen AR 10 Centavos (18mm, 2.51 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1874 A. KM (Y) 13. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 65 WINGS APPROVED. Lightly toned gem proof with beautiful iridescent patina. Three graded and of the three this is the highest. Extremely rare. ($750) Purchased from Ted Uhl, February 1971.

2171. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. Specimen AR 20 Centavos (23mm, 5.02 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1874 A. KM (Y) 14. In NGC encapsulation graded SP 64. Very lightly toned iridescent proof. Another exceptionally rare coin of the Venezuela series. ($1000) Purchased from Frank Lapa.


2172. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 50 Centavos (30mm, 12.57 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1873 A. KM (Y) 15. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66 WINGS APPROVED. Gem iridescent toned uncirculated. Highest graded for this date and incredibly rare as such. ($4000) Purchased from Ted Uhl, February 1971.

2173. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR Venezolano (38mm, 24.99 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1876 A. KM (Y) 16. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS/Surface Hairlines. Superbly toned original choice uncirculated, a few light bag marks., but it is absolutely superb. One of the rarest coins of Venezuela and in incredible demand. ($10,000) Ex F.C.C. Boyd Collection (Superior Stamp & Coin, 19 August 1975), lot 2080.

2174. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AV 5 Venezolanos – 25 Bolivares (21mm, 8.05 g, 6h). Paris mint; différents: bee and anchor. Désiré-Albert Barre, engraver general. Renouard de Bussière, director. Dated 1875 A. KM (Y) 17; Friedberg 4. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Reverse is gem and the obverse has a tiny bit of friction. Only three coins graded higher and this coin has claims to a higher grade. ($750) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, December 1974.


2175. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. CU-NI 5 Centimos (18mm, 2.47 g, 6h). Berlin mint. Dated 1896. KM (Y) 27. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 66. Superb lightly toned gem uncirculated. None graded higher. Extremely scarce. One year only type. ($200) Purchased from Meridian Coin Company, June 1970.

2176. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. CU-NI 12½ Centimos (22mm, 5.00 g, 6h). Berlin mint. Dated 1896. KM (Y) 28. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. Only two graded higher. A one year only type. ($300) Purchased from Frank Lapa.

2177. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. Brass 12½ Centimos (22mm, 4.99 g, 6h). Denver mint. Dated 1944. KM (Y) 30. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Toned choice uncirculated. ($100)

2178. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 1/5 Bolivar (16mm, 1.00 g, 6h). Brussels mint. Dated 1879. Crude letters. KM (Y) 19.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice lightly toned uncirculated. Very unusual for a coin struck at the Brussels mint to have such crude lettering. Only two of these have been graded and this is the higher. Very rare. ($4000) Purchased from World-Wide Coins of California, December 1976.

2179. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 25 Centimos – 1/4 Bolivar (16mm, 1.26 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1921. KM (Y) 20. In NGC encapsulation graded UNC DETAILS/Bent. Moderately toned choice uncirculated. Under magnification it is impossible to see the bend in the coin. ($100) 582

2180. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 1/2 Bolivar (18mm, 2.52 g, 6h). Paris mint. Dated 1900. KM (Y) 21. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Very choice uncirculated with mottled toning and bright specks of silver showing through. Superb and quite rare. ($1000) Purchased from M. Louis Teller, October 1979.

2181. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 5 Bolivares (37mm, 24.98 g, 6h). Caracas mint. Dated 1886. Tight 8 variety. KM (Y) 24.1. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Choice toned uncirculated with moderate overall patina on the obverse and brilliant reverse with a hint of patina. Only specimen graded and extremely rare. ($3000) Ex Superior Stamp & Coin (6 December 1996), lot 627.

2182. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. AR 5 Bolivares (37mm, 25.05 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1929. High 9 variety. KM (Y) 24.2. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. Highest graded. ($100)

Venezuela Large Lot 2183. VENEZUELA, Republic. 1830-present. Lot of four (4) Brass, CU, and AR Denominations. Lot includes the following denominations: (2183.1) Brass 5 Centimos (18mm, 2.52 g, 6h). Denver mint. Dated 1944. KM (Y) 29. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 64. Choice uncirculated. (2183.2) CU 5 Centimos (18mm, 2.60 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1946. KM (Y) 29a. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 65. Choice uncirculated. (2183.3) AR Bolivar (23mm, 4.98 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1929. KM (Y) 22. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 62. Lightly toned choice uncirculated. (2183.4) AR 2 Bolivares (28mm, 10.00 g, 6h). Philadelphia mint. Dated 1929. KM (Y) 23. In NGC encapsulation graded MS 63. Lightly toned choice uncirculated with full luster. A very nice type coin. Four (4) coins in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS.

($100) 583

INDEX AFGHANISTAN 1 ALGERIA 2 ANDORRA 3 ARGENTINA 1140–55 AUSTRALIA 4 AUSTRIA 5 BELGIUM 6–51 BOLIVIA 1156–1279 BRAZIL 1280–1317 BULGARIA 52–79 CAMBODIA 80 CANADA 1318 CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES British West Indies 1319 Curaçao 1320–6 CEYLON (SRI LANKA) 81–112 CHILE 1327–1422 CHINA 113–4 COLOMBIA 1423–1532 COLONIAL AFRICA Belgian 115–31 British 132 German 133 Italian 134–6 Portuguese 137–45 COMOROS ISLANDS 146 COSTA RICA 1533–84 CRETE 147 CROATIA 148 CUBA 1585–1602 CYPRUS 149 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1139 DANZIG 150 DENMARK 151–239 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1603–21 ECUADOR 1622–67 EGYPT 240 EL SALVADOR 1668–93 ESTONIA 241 ETHIOPIA 242 FINLAND 243 FRANCE 244–470 GERMANY 471 GREAT BRITAIN 472–80 GREECE 481 GUATEMALA 1694–1784 GUYANA 1785 HAITI 1786–1830 HAWAII 1831 HONDURAS 1832–71 INDIA 482–517 IRAN 518

IRAQ 519 ITALY 520–616 JAPAN 617 KOREA 618 LATVIA 1139 LIECHTENSTEIN 619 LITHUANIA 620 LUXEMBOURG 621, 1139 MALAY ARCHIPELAGO Straights Settlements 623 Nederlands-Oost-Indië (Netherlands East Indies) 624–42 Deutsch-Neuguinea (German New Guinea) 643 MAURITIUS & REUNION 622 MEXICO 1872–1960 MONGOLIA 644 MONTENEGRO 645 MOROCCO 646 MYANMAR (BURMA) 647 NETHERLANDS 648–727 NICARAGUA 1961–1974 NORWAY 728–810 PANAMA 1975–2004 PARAGUAY 2005–16 PERU 2017–2106 PERU (North Peru) 2107–8 PERU (South Peru) 2109–24 PHILIPPINES 811–2 POLAND 813–5 PORTUGAL 816–7 PUERTO RICO 2125 ROMANIA 818–69 RUSSIA 870–3 SAN MARINO 874–81 SAUDI ARABIA 882 SERBIA 883 SOUTH AFRICA 884 SPAIN 885–1021 SUDAN 1022 SURINAME 2126 SWEDEN 1023–1127 SWITZERLAND 1128 THAILAND (SIAM) 1129 TRANSYLVANIA 1130 TUNISIA 1131 TURKEY 1132 URUGUAY 2127–48 VENEZUELA 2149–83 VIETNAM (ANNAM) 1133–5 YEMEN 1136 YUGOSLAVIA 1137 ZANZIBAR 1138


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