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A Mail








WEDNESDAY S e p t e m b e r 2, 1 9 9 2 5PM



A Mail Bid A u c t i o n Sale of

CLASSICAL COINS Featuring Greek (All

metals) • · ·


Republican •

Roman (All




metals) • · ·



I n c l u d i n g M a n y Ex M a b b o t t C o l l e c t i o n •




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metals) • · ·

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British C e l t i c to M o d e r n • · · Miscellany & Large • · ·


L a r g e S e l e c t i o n of N u m i s m a t i c


I n c l u d i n g Many Rare & I m p o r t a n t Auction



WEDNESDAY S e p t e m b e r 2, 1 9 9 2 5PM


CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC GROUP, INC. Classical N u m i s m a t i c Group, Inc.


Post Office Box 245

7 Davies

Q u a r r y v i l l e , PA 1 7 5 6 6 - 0 2 4 5 U S A (717) 786-4013,


(717) 786-7954

London, W1Y ILL, (071) 495-1888,



Coins Street

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$ 10.00

( ÂŁ 5 . 0 0 ) including prices realized.





Victor E n g l a n d , Jr. E r i c J. M c F a d d e n K e r r y K. W e t t e r s t r o m P e t e r L. L a m p i n e n B a r r y P. M u r p h y Bridget Roe


Karen Cathy Dawn Debbie




Zander England Ahlgren & Geoff Hurley


T h i s is a m a i l b i d a u c t i o n c o n d u c t e d b y C l a s s l c a l N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . B i d d i n g in t h e a u c t i o n c o n s t i t u t e s acc e p t a n c e of t h e f o l l o w i n g t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s : 1. T h e p r o p e r t y l i s t e d in this c a t a l o g u e is o f f e r e d f o r sale by C N G , I n c . ( t h e a u c t i o n e e r s ) a s a g e n t s f o r v a r i o u s owne r s and o t h e r c o n s i g n o r s . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t to w i t h d r a w any l o t b e f o r e t h e c l o s e of t h e s a l e . 2.

All l o t s a r e s u b j e c t to a 1 0 % B u y e r ' s f e e o n t h e h a m m e r p r i c e .

3 . A l l c o i n s a r e g u a r a n t e e d g e n u i n e a n d as d e s c r i b e d b a s e d o n t h e m o s t c u r r e n t i n f o r m a t i o n a v a i l a b l e to c a t a l o g u e r . G r a d i n g is a s u b j e c t i v e art. E v e r y e f f o r t h a s b e e n m a d e to be c o n s e r v a t i v e in o u r g r a d i n g . P l e a s e t h a t a n a u c t i o n s a l e i s n o t a n a p p r o v a l s a l e . L o t s e x a m i n e d p r i o r to t h e s a l e m a y n o t be r e t u r n e d f o r e x c e p t a u t h e n t i c i t y . E s t i m a t e s g i v e n b y t h e a u c t i o n e e r s are i n t e n d e d as a g u i d e o n l y and n o t as a s t a t e m e n t of value.

the note any r e a s o n o p i n i o n of

T e r m s a r e f o r c a s h , w i t h i n v o i c e s b e i n g d u e a n d p a y a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y u p o n r e c e i p t a n d t h e a u c t i o n e e r s r e s e r v e the 4 . r i g h t to c h a r g e i n t e r e s t o n any o v e r d u e p a y m e n t o n i n v o i c e s n o t s e t t l e d w i t h i n 3 0 d a y s of t h e s a l e d a t e . P a y m e n t by c h e c k m u s t b e m a d e in e i t h e r US ( $ ) or B r i t i s h ( ÂŁ ) f u n d s a n d d r a w n o n an U n i t e d S t a t e s or B r i t i s h b a n k . All s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r s o u t s i d e of N o r t h A m e r i c a and t h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m w i l l be c h a r g e d an a d d i t i o n a l S 1 5 f e e f o r b a n k c h a r g e s . V i s a a n d M a s t e r c a r d ( A c c e s s ) m a y b e u s e d to p a y y o u r b i l l , h o w e v e r , a 3 . 5 % s u r c h a r g e is m a d e f o r t h e u s e of y o u r c r e d i t card, our cost f r o m the b a n k . 5. B i d d e r s n o t k n o w n to us m u s t p r o v i d e us w i t h s a t i s f a c t o r y c r e d i t r e f e r e n c e s a n d / o r p a y t h e f u l l p u r c h a s e p r i c e or a d e p o s i t as d e t e r m i n e d at t h e a u c t i o n e e r ' s d i s c r e t i o n b e f o r e d e l i v e r y of l o t s . M i n o r s a r e f o r b i d d e n f r o m b i d d i n g witho u t a p a r e n t ' s s i g n a t u r e on t h e b i d s h e e t . 6. E s t i m a t e s a r e in U . S . d o l l a r s ( $ U S ) a n d p l e a s e b i d in e v e n d o l l a r ( $ ) a m o u n t s . M ail B i d d e r P r o t e c t i o n . Y o u m a y s u b m i t b i d s w i t h c o n f i d e n c e . W h e r e c o m p e t i t i o n p e r m i t s , y o u r b i d s w i l l be e x e c u t e d at 10% o v e r t h e n e x t highe s t b i d . P l e a s e n o t e , t h a t m o s t b i d s b e l o w e s t i m a t e are r a r e l y r e d u c e d , d u e to h e a v y c o m p e t i t i o n . If y o u b i d o v e r e s t i m a t e , c h a n c e s a r e t h a t y o u r b i d s w i l l be r e d u c e d . In t h e c a s e of tie b i d s - t h e b i d r e c e i v e d e a r l i e s t w i n s . B i d b y lot n u m b e r . No lots will be b r o k e n . 7. A w o r d o n R e s e r v e s . I f a lot is r e s e r v e d , it w i l l n o t be in e x c e s s of t h e e s t i m a t e . C h e c k y o u r b i d s h e e t s c a r e f u l l y . T h e s e l l e r c a n n o t a s s u m e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for e r r o r s m a d e by b i d d e r s . 8 . B u y e r s a c c e p t i n g c o m m i s s i o n b i d s f r o m o t h e r p a r t i e s do so at their o w n r i s k and will r e m a i n r e s p o n s i b l e to t h e auct i o n e e r s f o r f u l l s e t t l e m e n t p e r t h e t e r m s of s a l e f o r t h i s a u c t i o n . B u y e r s s h a l l n o t be e n t i t l e d to r e m o v e l o t s f r o m t h e auct i o n r o o m d u r i n g t h e c o u r s e of t h e a u c t i o n w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r p e r m i s s i o n of t h e a u c t i o n e e r . 9. S a l e s T a x a n d p o s t a g e and h a n d l i n g a r e a d d e d to all i n v o i c e s w h e r e a p p r o p r i a t e . P o s t a g e a n d h a n d l i n g f o r any b o o k l o t s w i l l be i n v o i c e d s e p a r a t e l y at t h e a u c t i o n e e r ' s c o s t . 10.

P r i c e s R e a l i s e d a r e p u b l i s h e d s h o r t l y a f t e r t h e s a l e and m a i l e d to all b i d d e r s w h o h a v e p a r t i c i p a t e d in t h e s a l e .

11. If y o u b i d in t h i s s a l e , y o u a c c e p t t h e t e r m s as o u t l i n e d a b o v e . A n y l e g a l d i s p u t e s t h a t m i g h t a r i s e w i l l b e h a n d l e d in t h e c o u r t s of L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y , P e n n s y l v a n i a .

G O O D L U C K and r e m e m b e r to mail y o u r bid s h e e t s e a r l y . B i d s h e e t s m u s t be r e c e i v e d by S e p t e m b e r 2 , 1 9 9 2 .


N O T I C E OF E X H I B I T I O N COINS MAY BE VIEWED IN OUR QUARR Y VILLE OFFICES BY APPOINTMENT From 10:00 a.m. 5:00 ‫־‬ p.m. Monday ‫ ־‬Friday A u g u s t 5 ‫ ־‬S e p t e m b e r 2, 1 9 9 2

P h o t o g r a p h s a v a i l a b l e f o r u n p h o t o g r a p h e d l o t s at $ 3 e a c h (one o b v e r s e and one r e v e r s e ) Available from Quarryville office only

August 12-16 Orlando, Florida American Numismatic Association 101st A n n i v e r s a r y C o n v e n t i o n Orange County Convention & Civic Center Tables 728/730 During Bourse Hours

L i t e r a t u r e l o t s w i l l be a v a i l a b l e f o r v i e w i n g o n l y in o u r Q u a r r y v i l l e o f f i c e .

Contact either office for information U S A (717) 7 8 6 - 4 0 1 3 · UK (07 1 ) 4 9 5 - 1 888




Group September

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7. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 4th Centuiy BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.49 gm). Head of Kore right, hair in sphendone / Barley ear. Noe 447 (same dies). Toned VF, scratches on reverse. (S300)

1. GAUL, Massalia. After circa 400 BC. AR Obol (0.67 gm). Youthful male head (Apollo?) left, Ε before / MA in wheel of four spokes. Cf. De la Tour 593 ff. (without Ε). EF. ($250)

2. CELTIC, Danubian Region. OIU;na-Bucuresti 1>pc. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Drachm (5.95 gm). Crude laureate head of Zeus right / Horseman riding left CCCBM144-45. Usual weak strike, but grades a lustrous choice EF! ($250)

8. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-280 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.83 gm). Wreathed head of Demeter right, ΔΑΙ under chin / Barley ear, leaf to right with plough above, META upward at left, M[AX] under leaf. Johnston CI.68 (same dies). Toned VF. ($350)

3. CELTIC. Redones. Circa 1st Century BC. Billon Stater (6.43 gm). Laureate head right / Man-headed horse right, charioteer behind, wheel below, monogram to right. De la Tour 6783. VF. ($300)

9. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 280-270 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.75 gm). Wreathed head of Kore right; ΔΙ behind / Barley ear, ant below, comucopiae on leaf. Johnston D4.13 (same dies). Toned near EF, areas of roughness on obverse. ($500)

4. CAMPANIA, Ncapolis. Circa 340-241 BC. AR Nomos (Didrachm) (7.27 gm). Diademed head of nymph left, race-torch behind / Man-headed bull right crowned by Nike, ΙΣ below. SNG ANS 407. VF. ($250)

10. LUCANIA, Poseidonia. Circa 430-410 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.23 gm). Poseidon striding right, brandishing trident; dolphin in front / Bull standing left; unidentified object between bull's legs. SNG ANS 688 (same dies). Fine, small punch mark on obverse. ($200)

5. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 473-460 BC. AR Nomos (Didrachm) (6.93 gm). Phalanthos seated right on dolphin, applauding, pecten below / Taras seated left, holding distaff in right hand and staff beneath arm. Vlasto 184-189. Good Fine. ($250)

11. LUCANIA, Thourioi. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.74 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Athenian helmet, helmet decorated with laurel; A behind neck / Bull butting left; (A) IB ΥΣ between legs, fish swimming left in exergue. Jameson 1876 (same dies). VF. Very Rare. ($800) The sign ificance of the initials and names on early Thwian silver is still debated. From the period around400 BC two signatures, Phrygillos (signing with Φ/ora finch) and Molossos, are accepted by most authorities as those of artists. The earlier period (425400 BC) is sometimes marked with an alphabetical sequence of letters on the re• verse, simply a series marker. The name Libys on the present piece, known from this specimen, the Jameson collection lot 1876 and Ars ClassicaXV, lot 192 (all three from the same pair of dies) is the only full signature from the period. With no evidence for a sequence of signing magistrates at this period, it is likely that this is the earliest artist signedpiece fromThourioi.

6. LUCANIA, Hcrakleia. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.63 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Herakles standing facing. McClean 860. Toned EF/VF, reverse slightly off-center. ($400) 5



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17. BRLTTIUM, Lokroi Epizephyrioi. Circa 277-268 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.30 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left / Roma seated right, holding parazonium and resting right arm on shield, crowned by female figure (Lokroi as Pistis) standing left. Near VF, holed in antiquity. ($100)

12. LL'CANIA, Thourioi. Circa 440-410 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.74 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right, helmet laureate / Bull butting right, fish in exergue. SNG ANS 923. Near VF. ($125)

This interesting type celebrates the alliance between Rome and Lokroi following the expulsion of the Pyrrhic garrison from the city.

13. LUCANIA, Velia. Circa 350 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.50 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing laureate Athenian helmet / Lion walking right; Ν below, filleted thyrsos in exergue. SNG ANS 1352 (same obverse die). Toned VF. ($400)

18. SICILY, Akragas. Circa 4 9 0 4 8 3 BC. AR Didrachm (8.82 gm). Eagle standing left, AKRA / Crab in circular incuse. SNG ANS 935. Near VF/VF, head of eagle off-center and flatly struck as typically seen. ($200)

Attractive Nomos of Kaulonia

19. SICILY, Gela. Circa 490-475 BC. AR Didrachm (8.55 gm). Nude honeman nding right / Forepart of man-headed bull right. Jenkins 74 (022/R36). VF, obverse off-center. ($750)

14. BRUTTIUM, Kaulonia. Circa 525-480 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.64 gm). KAYA, Apollo walking right, holding branch and bearing on his arm a small running figure, stag standing right, Ο above / Same design, incuse and reversed, without legend and running figure. Noe Group B, 27 (same obverse die). Toned VF. ($2750)

20. SICILY, Leontini. Circa 425 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.09 gm). Laureate head of Apollo left / Head of roaring lion left. SNG ANS 257 (same reverse die). EF, slight striking weakness. ($1250)

21. SICILY, Panormos. Circa 405-380 BC. AR Litrae (0.57 gm). Young male head left / Man-headed bull walking left. Jenkins 1. Toned VF, irregular flan. ($125)

15. BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 450 BC. AR Nomos (Stater) (7.83 gm). Tripod; stork to left / Incuse tripod. SNG ANS 308. Toned VF. ($200)

22. SICILY, Syracuse. Circa 474470 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.35 gm). Slow quadriga, Nike above / Head of Artemis-Arethusa right surrounded by dolphins. Boehringer 338 (same dies). Good VF, light scuff. ($1000)

16. BRUTTIUM, Lokri Epizephyrioi. Circa 400 BC. ARNomos (Stater) (8.54 gm) Pegasos flying left; AO below / Helmeted head of Athena right. SNG ANS 504. VF. ($200) 6



23. SICILY, Syracuse. Time of Timoleon. 344-317 BC. AR Stater (8.51 gm). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena right. SNG ANS 499 (same obverse die). Toned EF. ($500)

Group September


SICILY. Siculo-Punic, ' M M H N T ' ('People of the Camp') Series. Circa 28. 320-310 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.16 gm). Head of Persephone-Tanit left, surrounded by dolphins / Horse's head left with palm tree. Jenkins SNR 56,195 (same dies). EF. ($1250)

Struck as a trade coin, in the style of the popular Corinthian stater.

24. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.10 gm). Circa 305-295 BC. Head of Artemis-Arethusa left, surrounded by dolphins; ΦΙ below / Charioteer driving quadriga left, triskeles above, AI monogram. SNG ANS 642. EF. ($2000)

29. SICILY. Siculo-Punic, RSMLQRT ( 'Rashmdqart') Series. Circa 325300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.84 gm). Quadriga right/Head of Persephone-Tanit right, surrounded by dolphins. Jenkiris SNR 50,53 (same dies). VF. ($600)

SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.15 25. gm). Head of Artemis-Arethusa left, three dolphins around /Quadriga left, triskeles above. SNG ANS 637; SNG Lockett 1002. Near EF. ($1500)

30. SICILY. Siculo-Punic, 'M‫=?( ׳‬MHNT, 'Camp') Series. Circa 310-305 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.08 gm). Head of Persephone-Tanit surrounded by dolphins / Horse's head and palm, 'M' below. Jenkins SNR 56,261 (same obverse die) /260 (same reverse die). VF+. ($1000)

31. SICILY. Siculo-Punic, ' M H M H N T ' ('People g f the Camp‫ )׳‬Series. Circa 305-295 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.01 gm). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / Horse's head left, palm tree behind. Jenkins, SNR 57,314 (same 06verse die). Choice EF. ($2000)

26. SICILY. Siculo-Punic. Circa 340-330 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.97 gm). Head of Persephone-Tarut left / Horse standing left, raising right leg, palm tree behind. Jenkins SNR 56,72 (same dies). Good VF, slight roughness. ($1250)

Choice Siculo-Punic Tetradrachm

32. SICILY. Siculo-Punic, 'MHSBYI' Series. Circa 300 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.70 gm). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / Horse's head left with palm tree. Jenkins SNR 57,337. EF. ($1000) The legend MHSBM, which occurs only on this series of coinage, was not attested other than on the coins until the discovery m 1966 of an inscription at Carthage which records the opening of a new street in the city and imposes fines for damages which would be payable to 'our MHSBM' The term apparently refers to magistrates whose responsibilities related also to the coinage

27. SICILY. Siculo-Punic. Circa 330-320 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.80 gm). Wreathed head of Petsephone-Tanit left, surrounded by dolphins; scallop shell below chin / Horse standing right, palm tree behind. Jenkins, SNR 56, 134 (same dies). Choice EF, fine style. SEE ENLARGEMENTON FRONT COVER.

(S5000) 7



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39. MACEDON, Eion. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.84 gm). Goose; lizard above, H below / Quadnpartite incuse square. SNG ANS 287. VF. (S 150)

33. SICILY. Siculo-Punic, 'MHSB.M' Series. Circa 300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.96 gm). Head of Herakles nght, wearing lion skin headdress /Horse's head left with palm tree. Jenkins SNR 57,404. VF+, worn obverse die. ($600)

40. MACEDON, Tragilos. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.31 gm). Grain ear /TPAI. SNG Copenhagen 445 variety. VF. ($70)

34. MACEDON, Aigai (?). Late 6th Century - circa 480 BC. AR Obol (0.75 gm). Goat right, 2 pellets behind /Incuse square. SNG Ashmolean 2230. VF, granular surface. ($ 100) The coinage of Aigai customarily depicts a goal wilh its head turned back. This type, with the goat facing right, has not yet been securely attributed.

41. MACEDON, Kings of. Perdikkas II. 45 M 1 3 BC. AR Heavy Tetrobol (2.33 gm). Horseman with lances / Forepart of lion right. Raymond 187 ff. Fine. (S80)


35. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 480 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.37 gm). Lion forepart nght / Quadripartite incuse. BMC 10; SNG ANS 20. VF. ($500)

Lovely Stater of Philip Π

Pedigreed Akanthos Tetradrachm

42. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AV Stater (8.56 gm). Amphipolis mint. Laureate head of Apollo nght / Biga right, trident before. Le Rider 197 (same dies). EF. ($3000) 36. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 350-348 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.38 gm). Lion attacking bull, ΑΛΕΞΙΣ m exergue / Quadnpartite square with pyramidal granulated surfaces. Desneux 145b (this coin). Toned EF. ($4500) ExNFAXXVI (1991), 54 ($6,600); exNFAXVill (1987), 98; exNFAVI/l (1980), 96; ex Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 532; ex Warren Collection, 545; ex IvanoffCollection (Sotheby's 1863),38.

MACEDON, Kings of. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.25). 43. Amphipolis. Struck circa 323-315 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / Youth on horseback, causia and Ε below. Le Rider pi. 44,29. EF, slight reverse flan flaw. ($1000) 37. MACEDON. Chalkidian league. Circa 420-392 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.31 gm). Head of ApoUo right / Kithara. SNG Copenhagen 235. Good VF. ($200)

44. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.80 gm). Amphipolis. 315-294 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / Youth on horseback right; Λ Ε and bucranium below. Le Rider pi .47,1. VF, porosity. ($350)

38. MACEDON. Chalkidian League. Circa 420-392 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.36 gm). Head of ApoUo left / Kithara. SNG Copenhagen 238. Good VF. ($200) 8


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45. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.16 gm). Pella. 359-355 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / Youth on horseback left; monogram below. Le Rider 28-32. Toned VF. ($250)

50. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). PellammL Struck circa 275-270 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left, Macedonian helmet m left field. Price 622. VF+. ($300)

46. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.02 gm). Amphipolis. 315-294 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin/ Zeus sealed left, holding eagle and sceptic; A and torch to left, star and Ζ below throne. Price 479; Müller 66. Toned HF. ($800)

51. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.40 gm). Mesembria mint Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin/Zeus seated left. Price 1062. VF+, light scratches. ($250)

MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm 47. (16.21 gm). Amphipolis mint Head of Herakles nght, wearing lion skin/Zeus seated left. Price 480. VF. ($150)

52. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.11 gm). Phaselis mint. Dated Year 12 (207/6 BC). Head of Herakles right, wearinglion skin/Zeus seated left. Price 2851. VF.Seleukid anchor countermark.


53. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.01 gm). Ake mint. Dated Year 24 (323/2 BC). Head of Herakles nght, wearing lion skin/Zeus seated left, date in left field. Price 3260; Newell 20. Near VF. ($250)

48. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Pella mint (?). Struck area 280-275 BC. Head of Herakles nght, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left, Triton in left field blowing trumpet. Price 526. VF+. Rare and interesting symbol. ($400)

Memphis Mint Alexander Tetradrachm

49. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.63 gm). Pella mint. Stiuck circa 280-275 BC. Head of Herakles right, weanng lion skin /Zeus seated left, grapes and kanlharos as symbols. Price 597. VF. ($100)

54. MACEDON. Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Memphis mint. Struck circa 332-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left, rose in left field. Pnce 3971. EF. (S1250) 9



Group September

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55. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.13 gm). Kolophon mint. Struck circa 310-301 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing hon skin / Zeus enthroned left; Β to left, Π Ο monogram under throne. Cf. Price 1807. VF, unlisted variety. ($125) 61. MACEDON. Aesillas as Quaestor. Circa 70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.61 gm). Thessalonika mint. Head of Alexander right with hom of Ammon; θ to left / Money chest, club and chair, all within wreath. SNG Copenhagen 1330. Toned VF, numerous old scrapes and scratches. ($ 150)

56. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.24 gm). Sardes mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus enthroned left; NK monogram to left. Thompson 134ff. Superb EF. ($450)

62. MOESIA, Istros. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Drachm (5.77 gm). Twin heads of river-gods, the left inverted / Eagle on dolphin left; Δ below. Pick 420. VF. ($200)

57. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. AR Obol (0.65 gm). Head of Herakles nght, wearing hon skin/Zeus seated left, holding eagle and seeptre; ο behind head, uncertain letter below throne. Price-. VF. ($100) Unlisted symbols, but very similar to SNG Ashmolean 3182 (Price mint).


63. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/10-386/5 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.81 gm). Griffin springing left / Head of Hermes left, wearing petasos, caduceus before. May 280 (same reverse die). Good VF. ($200) 58. MACEDON. Autonomous. Circa 196-168 BC. AR TetrobcJ ( 2 1 0 gm). Head of maenad right / Prow of galley nght; Π in front. SNG Ashmolean 3287. Good VF. (S 150)

64. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/10-386/5 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.86 gm). Griffin seated left, raising nght foreleg / ΕΧΕΚΡΑΤΗΣ around quadripartite square. May 322 (same dies). Near VF. Rare. Far superior to the specimen plated in May.


59. MACEDON. Under Roman rule. After 168 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.84 gm). Bust of Artemis nght, with bow and quiver over shoulder, on Macedonian shield /Club and monograms within oak wreath; thunderbolt to left SNG Ashmolean 3294. VF, light porosity. ($350) 65. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/10-386/5 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.80 gm). Griffin spnnging left / Laureate head of Apollo left May 324 (same dies). Good VF. ($200)

60. MACEDON. Under Roman Rule. After 168 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.80 gm). Diademed head of Artemis on shield / Club within oak wreath; monograms, thunderbolt to left. Gaebler 176. Toned VF. ($450)

66. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/10-386/5 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.80 gm). Griffin springing left / Laureate head of Apollo left May 325 (same dies). VF.

($200) 1 0



Group September 2,1 992

67. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/10-386/5 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.81 gm). Griffin springing left / Laureate head of Apollo left, ivy leaf before. May 330 (same dies). VF. ($175)

74. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 386/5-375 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.79 gm). Griffin springing left off Ionic capital / Kantharos, ivy leaf to right May 444 (same dies). Good VF. ($250)

68. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/10-386/5 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.76 gm). Griffin springing left / Laureate head of Apollo left. May 331 (same dies). VF+.

75. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 386/5-375 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.82 gm). Gnffin springing left / Stag standing left. May 453 (same dies). EF. ($300)


69. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/10-386/5 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.82 gm). Griffin springing left / Laureate head of Apollo left, grain of com behind. May 333 (same dies). VF. ($200)

76. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 400-350 BC. AR Stater (10.85 gm). Rearing horse left/Grape vine in square; magistrate Apelleo. BMC Thrace pg. 125,20. Fine. ($250)

Choice Stater of Maroneia

70. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/10-386/5 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.88 gm). Griffin springing left / three sprouting grains of com. May 360 (same reverse die). Near EF, light obverse graffiti. ($200)

77. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 354 BC. AR Stater (11.22 gm). Bndled horse rearing left /Grape-vine in central square, ΕΠΙ XOP ΗΓΟ and fly in square incuse frame around. Cf. Schönert-Geiss 451. Choice EF. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON BACK COVER. ($3750) 71. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/10-386/5 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.76 gm). Griffin springing left / Dolphin. May 381 (same obverse die) and 387 (same reverse die). EF. ($250)

72. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 386/5-375 BC. AR Tetrobol (293 gm). Griffin springing left / Head of young Dionysos left. May 418 (same dies). Near EF.

78. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 398/7-386/5 BC. AR Tnobol (2.81 gm). Forepart of prancing horse left/Bunch of grapes on branch. Schönert-Geiss213. VF. ($150)


73. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 386/5-375 BC. AR Tetrobol (272 gm). Griffin springing left / Hermes standing right, astragalos to right. May 428 (same dies). Good VF. ($250)

79. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 398/7-386/5 BC. AR Tnobol (2.81 gm). Forepart of pranctng horse left / Bunch of grapes on branch. Schonert-Geiss 271. VF+. ($175) 1 1



Group September


80. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 398/7-386/5 BC. AR Triobol (2.84 gm). Forepart of prancing horse left / Bunch of grapes on branch, rhyton to left. SchönenGeiss 283. VF+. ($150) 85. THRACE, Islands off. Thasos. After 146 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.83 gm) Wreathed head of Dionysos right / Nude Herakles standing left, holding club and lion skin; monogram left. SNG Copenhagenn 1040. VF. ($300)

THRACE, Maroneia. After 146 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.82 gm). 81. Wreathed head of Dionysos right / Nude Herakles standing left, holding club and Hon skin; monogram left SNG Evelpidis 1103. VF. ($350)

86. THRACE, Islands off. Thasos. After 146 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.80 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos right/Nude Herakles standing half-left, holding club and comucopiae, monogram in left. SNG Copenhagen 1042. Good VF for type, obverse slightly double-struck and some graffiti. ($350)

82. THRACE, Maroneia. After 146 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.85 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos nght / Nude Dionysos standing left, holding grapes and thyrsos; monograms in fields. BMC Thrace pg. 128,55. VE ($250)

THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.58 83. gm). Lampsakos. Circa 297-281 BC. Diademed head of Alexander right / Athena sealed left; aplustre and HP monogram. -Hiompson, Essays Robinson, 48. VF, fields smoothed. ($250)

87. ILLYRIA, Apollonia. Circa 3rd-2nd Centuiy BC. AR Drachm (3.26gm). Cow and suckling calf / Double stellate pattern. SNG Copenhagen 381. VF. ($75)

88. ILLYRIA, Dvrrhachium. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. AR Drachm (3.48 gm). Cow and calf; magistrate Zenon, caps of the Dioskouri, grain ear and torch / Double stellate pattern; uncertain magistrate. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 493 (obverse). ($150)

89. ILLYRIA, Dyrrhachium. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. AR Drachm (3.36 gm). Cow with suckling calf, wreath, tnpod / Double stellate pattern. BMC Central Greece pg.57,13. VF. ($75)

84. THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.84 gm). AinosminL Circa 283-282 BC. Diademed head of Alexander nght, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike and leaning on shield; lion's head and enthroned cull statue in left field. Thompson, Essays Robinson, 257. Toned good VF. ($550)

90. THESSALY, Larissa. Circa 460-440 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.96 gm). Youth restraining bull nght; ΟΠ below / Forepart of horse nght. Cf. McClean 4592. VF, well -centered. ($200)



Group September 2,1 992

91. AKARNANIA, Anaktorion. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Stater (8.32 gm). Pegasos flying right / Helmeled head of Athena right; tripod in wreath and AN monogram behind. BMC Connth pg. 118,35. Near VF. ($200)

97. AKARNANIA, Leukas. Circa 400-330 BC. AR Stater (8.47 gm). Pegasos flying right; A below / Helmeted head of Athena right; cock and A. BMC Corinth pg. 131,68. VF. ($200)

92. AKARNANIA, Argos Amphilochikon. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Stater (8.46 gm). Pegasos flying left; A below / Helmeted head of Athena left; ΑΡΓΈΙ and helmet. BMC Corinth pg. 122,8. VF. ($200)

98. BOEOTIA, Thebes. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Slater (12.05 gm). Boeotian shield / Amphora. BMC 156 var. (spacing of magistrate's name). Toned VF, some very light encrustation. ($325)

93. AKARNANIA, Argas Amphilochikon. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Stater (8.43 gm). Pegasos flying left / Head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet; ΑΜΦΙ above; ABP and javelin behind. SNG Copenhagen 315. Near VF, scrape on Athena's cheekbone. ($150)

99. EUBOEA, Histiaea. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. AR Tetrobol (1.92 gm). Head of nymph right/ Nymph seated on prow; monogram below. SNG Copenhagen 517fif.VF. ($100)

100. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 525 BC. AR Obol (0.66 gm). Gorgoneion / Quadripartite incuse. Seltman pl. IV, υ. VF. ($750)

Exceptional Athens Tetradrachm

94. AKARNANIA, Echinos? Circa 400-330 BC. AR Stater (8.33 gm). Pegasos flying right / Helmeted head of Athena nght; sword in scabbard and Ε behind. Apparently unpublished. VF. ($200) The attribution of the published specimens with Ε is uncertain 101. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.21 gm).Headof Athena right / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Toned EF, unusually full flan. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON BACK COVER. (SI500)

95. AKARNANIA, Leukas. Circa 400-330 BC. AR Slater (8.40 gm). Pegasos flying light; A below / Helmeled head of Athena right; forepart of lion and A. BMC Corinth pg. 130,64. VF. ($200)

102. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.33 gm). Helmeted head of Athena nght / Owl standing nghL Cf. SNG Copenhagen 59. VF. ($75)

96. AKARNANIA, Leukas. Circa 400-330 BC. AR Stater (8.33 gm). Pegasos flying right; A below / Helmeted head of Athena right; ram's head and A. BMC Connth pg. 130,66. VF. ' ($200)

103. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 393-300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right/Owl standing nghL SNG Copenhagen 63. Good VF, usual small flan. ($150)



104. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 393-300 BC. AR Triobol (2.09 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / O w l standing facing. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 68. Toned Fine. ($125)

Group September

2,1 9 9 2

109. AEGINA. Circa 530-525 BC. AR Stater (12.15 gm). Turtle ( , ProtoTortoise') with segmented carapace / 'Union-Jack' incuse. Holloway, iMN 17, pL VIE, l ; N F A X X n (1989), 284. Fine. Very rare. ($500) The so-called 'proto-tortoises were formerly attributed to Cydonia in Crete but are now regarded as Aeginetan.

105. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 393-300 BC. AR Diobol (1.37 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Double bodied owl. SNG Copenhagen 72. VF. ($125)

110. AEGINA. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Stater (11.51 gm). Turtle / Skew pattern. SNG Delepierre 1519. Fine, countermark. ($225)

106. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 179/178 BC. AR 'New Style' Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Helmeted head of Athena nght / O w l standing right on amphora; magistrates ΑΔΕΙ and ΗΛΙΟ, trident and EY. Thompson 126a (same reverse die). Toned VF. ($200)

Rare Aegina Drachm

111. AEGINA. Circa 480457 BC. AR Drachm (6.16 gm). Turtle /Skew pattern. SNG Delepierre 1527. VF, full flan. Very rare. ($ 1500) ExDesneux Collection; ex Hess Leu49 (1971), 171;exM&M XX (1988),700.

107. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 130/129 BC. AR 'New Style' Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Helmeted head of Athena nght / Owl standing right on amphora; magistrates ΚΑΛΛΙΚΡΑ, ΕΠΙΓΕΝΙ, ΣΩΣΑΝΔΡΟΣ, A on amphora, eagle on thunderbolt. Thompson 442a (same obverse die). VF. ($200)

61 (1982), 125; exNFA

112. AEGINA. Circa457-431 BC. AR Stater(12.33 gm). Tortoise/Skewpattem. SNG Delepiene 1535-40. VF. ($400)

108. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 120/119 BC. AR 'New Style' Tetradrachm (16.72 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing ornate helmet/Owl on amphora, Heliosm facing quadriga to right, magistrates names to left. Thompson 569b; dating per Merkholm, ANSMN 29. VF, light encrustation before Athena's profile. ($200)

113. AEGINA. Circa 457-431 BC. AR Stater (12.18 gm). Tortoise with segmented shell; two countermarks: Egyptian hem-hem crown (?) and facing head / Incuse skew pattern. Cf. SNG Delepierre 1792. Near VF, interesting countermarks. ($300)

Remember To Mail Your Bid Sheet Early! O r Fax To (717) 7 8 6 - 7 9 5 4

If the countermark on the tortoise is an Egyptian motif, the facing head must be that ofBes, and the countermarks possibly applied in Egypt .. 14





2,1 9 9 2

120. ARCADIA. Arcadian League. Circa 4 6 2 4 2 8 BC. AR Triobol (2.88 gm). Mantmeia mint. Zeus seated right, holding eagle / Head of Artemis right. Williams 259 (same obverse die). VF. ($300)

114. CORINTHIA, Corinth. Circa 415-387 BC. AR Stater (8.30 gm). Pegasos standing right / Helmeted head of Athena nght; aplustre behind. Ravel 627 (same obverse die). VF, porosity. Rare. ($200)


121. ACHAEAN LEAGUE. Aegeira. Circa 280-222 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.12 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right / Goat forepart within wreath, AX monogram, APICTO. Clerk— VF+. ($ 150) 115. CORINTHIA, Corinth. Circa 387-306 BC. AR Staler (8.50 gm). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena left; Δ and crater. Ravel 1001. VF. ($200)

122. PAPHLAGONIA, Sinope. Circa 370-362 BC. AR Drachm (5.00 gm). Head of nymph left / Eagle on dolphin, ΔΙΟΝΥ behind. SNG Copenhagen 284. EF, slight striking weakness. ($350)

116. CORINTHIA, Corinth. Circa 387-306 BC. AR Stater (8.53 gm). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena left; laureate helmet, AP and comucopiae. Ravel 1012. VF. ($200)

123. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 600-550 BC. EL Twelfth (1.34 gm). Harpy standing, flanked by two tunny fish / Incuse. Rosen—; M & M — , Von Fritze 25 (pl. I, 26). VF. Very Rare. ($600)

124. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 5 5 0 4 7 5 BC. EL Hecte (2.62 gm). Sphinx standing left on tunny / Incuse. Von Fritze 127. VF. Rare. ($900)

117. CORINTHIA, Corinth. Circa 387-306 BC. AR Staler (8.49 gm). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena left; laureate helmet, AP and plow. Ravel 1022. VF. ($200)

125. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Drachm (3.20 gm). Head of KoreSoleira left/Lion head above tunny. SNG Copenhagen 55. Good VF. Rare. ($350) 118. CORINTHIA, Corinth. Circa 387-306 BC. AR Staler (8.44 gm). Pegasos flying left; I below / Helmeted head of Athena left; I and Nike with fillet. Ravel 1030. VF. ($200) 126. AEOLIS, Kyme. Circa 480-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.48 gm). Eagle's head left, long neck / Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 538; Traité plate 157,8. Good VF. ($150)

127. AEOLIS, Kyme. Circa 480-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.37 gm). Eagle's head left, short neck / Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 538; Traité plate 157, 8. Good VF. (S 150)

119. CORINTHIA, Corinth. Circa 400-338 BC. AR Drachm (2.40 gm). Pegasos flying left / Head of Aphrodite wearing saccos. BMC Corinth pg. 18,184. Toned VF. ($175) ‫ ו‬5





September 2,1 992 Precursor Of Coinage

a^ ^E ELL •tW 136. IONIA. Uncertain. Circa 7th Century BC. Unmarked electrum lump, flat on one side, weighing one-eighth of a Ptiokaic stater ( 1.92 gm). Cf. Kraay ACGC, pg.21 (lump weighing one-eighth of a Milesian stater). Surface slightly granular, otherwise virtually as made. Extremely rare. ($300) Among the 93 coins found in the famous foundation deposit of the temple of Artemis at Ephesos, excavators found two such unmarked lumps They have been explained as precursors cftrue coinage, conforming to a weight standard but without any authenticatine stamp.

128. AEOLIS, Kyme. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.51 gm). Head of Amazon Kyme right / Horse right in wreath, magistrate Rallias. Oakley MN 27,12-37. Choice VF+. ($500)

137. IONIA, Islands off. Chios. Circa 480440 BC. AR Didrachm (7.85 gm). Sphinx seated left, amphora in front, all on raised circular boss / Quadripartite incuse punch. Baldwin 44. Near VF, worn die. ($200)

129. LESBOS, Uncertain. Circa 500-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.28 gm). Confronted boars' heads / Boar's head nght. Rosen 545. VF, obverse off center. ($100)



130. IONIA, Ephesos. Circa 450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.21 gm). Bee seen from above / Head of eagle nght. Coin Hoards I ( 1975) Figure 3,8. Near EF, obverse slightly off-center. ($150) 138. CARIA, Alabanda under the name of Antiocheia. 197-190 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.78 gm). Laureate head of Apollo left / ΑΝΉΟΧΕΩΝ over Pegasos flying right, ΧΡΥΣΟΓΟΝΟΣ below. Cf. BMC 1 (different magistrate). Fine/VF. Rare and unusual. ($500) 131. IONIA, Kolophon. Circa 460 BC. AR Obol (0.40 gm). Veiled female head facing / MH monogram. Rosen 566. VF. Rare. ($125)

Alabanda adopted the name of Antiocheia for a brief period in honor of Antiochos III.

132. IONIA, Miletos. Circa 600 BC. EL Twelfth (1.12 gm). Head of lion right / Patterned incuse punch. Weidauer 79ff. Good Fine. ($200)

139. CARLA, Islands off Rhodes. Circa 265-250 BC. AR Drachm (3.23 gm). Head of Helios slightly nght/Rose, prow in field; magistrate Anstonomos. Cf.Traité Π 1726 (didrachm); Ashton, CNR XVII-3, Senes 3 (didrachm). VF. Scarce denom !nation. ($200)

133. IONIA, Miletos. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Diobol (1.14 gm). Lion's head right, paw below / Stellate pattern. SNG Copenhagen 948. EF. ($125) 140. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 166-88 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.34 gm). Radiate head of Helios facing slightly nght / Rose with bud to right, nsing sun to left, magistrate Thrasymenes. BMC p.257,304. Good VF. ($175)

134. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 357-326 BC. EL Hecte (2.57 gm). Head of Omphaleleft/Quadripartiteincuse. Bodenstedt 107c.NearEF. ($900)



141. LYCIA, Uncertain Dynasts. Circa 400 BC. AR Stater (7.83 gm). Head of lion and paw in circle of dots / Helmeted head of Athena right in shallow incuse. Cf. Fellows plate XVm, 4; cf. SNG Von Aulock 4183. VF, porous. Rare. ($300)

135. IONIA, Teos. Circa 400 BC. AR Tntemonon (0.40 gm). Gnffin's head nght /Irregular incuse punch. Cf. BalcerSNR (1968) plate XV, 75. VF. Scarce. ($125) 16



Group September

2,1 9 9 2

149. CAPPADOCIA, Kings of. Ariarathes VII. 116-101 BC. AR Drachm (4.03 gm). Year not visible. Diademed head nght / Athena standing left, holding Nike. Cf. Simoneaal. Toned VF. ($75)

142. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Stater (10.30 gm). Wrestlers grappling / Siinger, tnskeles and club. Cf. SNG Von Aulock 4573. Toned near EF. ($800)

150. CAPPADOCIA, Kings of. Ariobaraanes 1.96-63 BC. AR Drachm (4.25 gm). Dated year31 (65/64 BC). Diademed head right / Athena standing left Simonetta 45a. Toned VF. ($100)

143. CILICIA, Kelendris. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Stater (10.81 gm). Nude youth dismounting from galloping horse / Goat kneeling; monogram to nght. Cf. BMC Lycaonia etc. pg.55,22. VF, several test cuts on reverse. ($150)

144. CILICIA, Nagidos. Circa 380-360 BC. AR Stater ( 10.46 gm). Aphrodite enthroned left, Eros at side / Dionysos standing left SNG Levante 7 variety. Choice EF. ($1000)

151. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.57 gm). Seleukia on Tigris mint. 1 lead of Herakles right / Zeus enthroned left Newell ESM 4. Toned VF, scrape on cheek. ($200)

152. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos I. 312-280 BC. AR Obol (0.64 gm). Seleukia on Tigris mint Tripod / Anchor. Newell ESM 58. Toned VF, flan flaw. Rare. ($125)

145. CILICIA, Tarsus. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater (10.57 gm). Baaltars seated left / Lion bringing down bull above city walls. SNG Levante 113. Toned EF. Scarce. ($850)

146. CILICIA, Tarsos. Balakros. 333-323 BC. AR Obol (0.65 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right/Shield. SNG Levante 123. Near EF. ($125)

153. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos I. 280-261 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.82 gm). Seleukia on Tigns. Circa 265-264 BC. Diademed head nght / ApoUo seated left on omphalos; two monograms. Newell, ESM 162. Fine. ($175)

147. CILICIA, Uncertain. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.48 gm). Youthful head of Herakles facing/Eagle lefL SNG Levante 229. EF. ($125)

154. SYRIA. Seleukid Kings. Antiochos III. 223-187 BC. AR Drachm (4.14 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head right / Apollo seated on omphalos. Newell WSM 1092a. Toned VF, scrape on reverse field. ($150)

148. CAPPADOCIA, Kings of. Ariarathes IV. 220-163 BC. AR Drachm (4.15 gm). Dated year 33 (188/187 BC). Diademed head nght / Athena standing left. Simonetta 23a. Toned VF. ($125) 87




155. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios II, First Reign. 145-140 BC. AR Didrachm (6.46 gm). Sidcn mint Dated year 172 (141/140 BC). Diademed head nght / Eagle left, palm in field, ΣΙΔΩ beind eagle. BMC -; Houghton -. Possibly unpublished. VF. ($150)

161. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos X. 94-92 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.77 gm). Antioch. Diademed head nght/Zeus seated left; ΩΣΑ to left; Π below throne. Houghton 380. VF, fields smoothed on obverse. ($150)

156. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios II, First Reign. 145-140 BC. AR Didrachm (6.85 gm). Tyre mint. Diademed head right / Eagle left, club m field. Newell SCT 86 variety (monogram). Toned VF, obverse die rusty. ($100) 162. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.46gm). Antioch mint. Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara/Tyche of Antioch seated right, river-god Orontes swimming below; HA monogram on rock, θ in right field. Bedoukian 19. Good VF, light porosity, die break at mouth. ($500)

157. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VIII. 121-96 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.87 gm). Diademed head right /Zeus enthroned left Newell SMA 407. Toned good VF. ($350) 163. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Laodikea. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.97 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche right / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; AA, HZ, ΓΘ around, AN in exergue. BMC Galatia etc. pg.247,7. Good VF, light encrustation. ($300)

158. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VIII. 121-96 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.91 gm). Diademed head nght/Zeus standing left. Newell I.SM -; Houghton -. Toned good VF. ($350)

159. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VIII. 121 -96 BC. AR Drachm (3.97 gm). Diademed bustright/Tripod. Houghton 337. VF+, obverse off-center. ($150)

160. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios III. 95-88 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.96 gm). Damascus mint. Dated year 217 (96/95 BC). Diademed head right / Cull statue of Atargatis. Newell LSM 115. Fine, find patina. Very Rare. ($350)

164. PHOENICIA, Arados. Circa 380 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.38 gm). Marine deity with dolphins / Galley and hippocamp. BMCpg.3,7. Fine. ($100)

165. PHOENICIA Arados. Circa 350-332 BC. AR Staler (10.46 gm). Laureate head of sea-god nght/Galley above waves; Phoenician "10" above. BMC Phoenicia pg.10,66. Toned VF. ($250)

166. PHOENICIA, Arados. Year 129 (131/130 BC). AR Tetradrachm (15.13 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche right / Nike walking left, holding aplastron and palm; Phoenician "K" and AC in field. BMC Phoenicia pg.24,181. VF. ($300)




September 2,1 992

172. PALESTINE (?). Gaza (7). Aramaic imitation of Athenian owl hemiobol. Circa 430-400 Β CE. AR Hemiobol (0.24 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right, olive sprig and crescent to left. Cf. SNG ANS Palestine 21. Fine, lightly porous, crude style indicative of imitation. ($100)

167. PHOENICIA, Arados. Year 177 (83/82 BQ. AR Tetradrachm (15.08 gm). Tuneted bust of Tyche right/Nike walking left, holding aplastron and palm; Phoenician "H" and ΜΣ in field. BMC Phoenicia pg.29,239. VF. ($300)

173. JUDAEA. First Jewish War. Year 2 (67/68 AD). AR Shekel (14.09 gm). Chalice, date above/Three pomegranates. Hendin 121; AJCpg.260,8. Toned good VF. ($1350)

168. PHOENICIA, Arados. Year 183 (77/76 BC). AR Tetradrachm (15.20 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche right / Nike left in wreath. BMC pg. 31, 255. Toned VF. ($150) 174. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt. 132-135 AD. AR Shekel (15.23 gm). Temple facade/ Lulav and etrog. Mildenberg 79 (Ol 2/R62). Toned Good VF. (S 1850)

175. ARABIA. Sabaeans and Himyarites. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Unit (5.32 gm). Imitation of Athenian drachm. Head of Athena right, Ν on cheek / Owl right. BMC Arabiapg.43, Iff. Fine. ($100)

169. PHOENICIA, Arados. Year 199 (61/60 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.90 gm). Tuneted bust of Tyche right /Nike walking left. BMCpg.34,286. VF, a few scrapes. ($125)

176. ARABIA. Sabaeans and Himyarites. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Unit (5.02 gm). Imitation of Athenian drachm. Head of Athena right, Ν on cheek / Owl right; ΑΘΕ in monogram form, crescent by leg. Cf. BMC Arabia pg.49,41ff. NearVF. ($150)

170. PHOENICIA, Tyre. Circa 360-332 BC. AR Fourré Didrachm (8.63 gm). Owl right with crook and flail behind / Melkart riding hippocamp right. BMC 36. Choice VF. ($400) This coin is most certainly a mini product Examination of the Β M specimens indicates that three of their specimens are also fourrés. This indicates that the fourré was probably officially sanctioned

177. ARABIA. Sabaeans and Himyarites. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Unit (5.02 gm). Imitation of Athenian drachm. Head of Athena right, Ν on cheek / Owl right; ΑΘΕ in monogram form, crescent by leg. Cf. BMC Arabia pg.49,41ff. Near VF, verdigns. ($150) «Γν

178. ARABIA. Himyarites. Amdan Bayyin Yanaf. Circa 1st Century AD. AR Hemidrachm (0.84 gm). Male head nght, within tore / Small male head nght; two symbols at sides. BMC Arabia pg.70,5. EF. ($75)

171. PHOENICIA, Tyre. Year 7 (120/119 BC). AR Tetradrachm (Shekel) (14.31 gm). Laureate head of Melkart nght/ Eagle left on prow; date, club, M and letter "A" in fields. BMC Phoenicia pg.235,60. VF. ($250) ‫ ו‬9



179. PERSIA. Aehaemenid Kings. Circa 4th Century BC. AV Dane (8.33 gm). Great King kneeling nght with spear and bow / Incuse punch. BMC plate 25,12. Good VF. ($1400)

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186. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vardanes 1 . 4 0 4 5 AD. AR Telradrachm (14.18 gm). Dated June 41 AD. Diademed bust left, prominent wan on forehead / Vardanes seated right, receiving palm from Nike. Sellwood 64.7. VF. (S250)

180. PERSIA. Aehaemenid Kings. Circa 450-330 BC. AR Siglos (5.57 gm). Running king with spear and bow / Incuse punch. Carradice ITlb (early). Near VF. ($100)

PARTHIA, Kings of. Artabanus IV. 216-224 AD. AR Drachm (3.49 Bust left in tiara/Archer seated nght. Sellwood 89.3. Toned good VF. Rare. ($450)

181. PERSIS. "Prince Y". Circa 1 st-2nd Century AD. AR Diobol (1.11 gm). Bust left wearing tiara/Diadem. Peus315,187 variety. VF. ($75) 188. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Apollodotos. 160-150 BC. AR Drachm (2.39 gm). Jammu mint Elephant standing right / Humped bull nght. MIG 2071. VF. ($100)

182. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vlithridates II. 123-88 BC. AR Drachm (4.20 gm). Bust left in ornamented tiara / Archer. Sellwood 28.1 Good VF. ($125) 189. BAKrRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Menander. 160-145 BC. AR Drachm (2.39 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust right / Minerva left. .VUG 218d. Toned good VF. ($85)

183. PARTHIA, Kings of. Gotarzes 1.95-90 BC. AR Drachm (4.16 gm). Bust left, wearing tiara ornamented with slags/ Archer. Sellwood 33.6. Good VF. ($100)

190. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Menander. 160-145 BC. AR Drachm (2.34 gm). Taxila mint. Heroic bust of Menander left / Minerva left. MIG 224c. Toned EF. ($150)

191. BAKTRIA,The Yueh-Chi. Heraios. Circa5 BC-45 AD. ARObol(0.75 gm). Diademed and bearded bust nght / Warrior standing nght; legends corrupted. MIG 515. EF. ($85)

184. PARTHIA, Kings of. Orodes 1.90-80 BC. AR Drachm (4.15 gm). Bust left in ornamented tiara, decorated with eight-point star / Archer. Sellwood 31.6. EF/VF+. ($150)

192. EGYFI‫־‬, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy 1.305-283 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.67 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy nght / Eagle standing left Svoronos 255; SNG Copenhagen 70. Toned F.F, small flan crack. ($700)

185. PARTHIA, Kings of. Artabanus II. 10-38 AD. AR Drachm (3.71 gm). Diademed bust left/Archer. Sellwood 63.6. Toned EF. ($135) 20



193. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy 1.305-283 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.64 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy nght / Eagle left on thunderbolt- Svoronos 218. Toned VF+, a small area of redeposiled silver on edge. (S400)

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198. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.05 gm). Tyre mint. I>iademed head of Ptolemy I nght / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 650. Toned good VF. ($300)

Superb Ptolemy VI Tetradrachm

194. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.18 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy I nght / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 525. Toned near VF, interesting graffiti on reverse. (S200) 199. EG Y FI', Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.18 gm). Arados mint. Dated 170/169 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / Eagle left on thunderbolt. SNG Copenhagen 547. Superb EF. SEE ENLARGEMENTON BACK COVER. (SI000)

195. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.11 gm). Diademed head of ttolemy 1 nght / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 542. Toned VF+/VF, light graffiti on reverse field. (S400) 200. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VIII. 145-116 BC AR Tetradrachm (13.61 gm). Dated to 139/138 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1446; SNG Copenhagen 327. Toned VF. (S175)

196. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm ( 14.07 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 544. Toned VF, light graffiti on reverse field. (S250)

197. EGYPr, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.86 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy I nght / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 559. Toned VF. (S250)

201. EGYPT. Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VIII. 145-116 BC AR Tetradrachm (14.08 gm). Kition mint Dated to 139/138 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I nght/ Eagle left on thunderbolt, aplustre in field. Svoronos 1583; SNG Copenhagen 597. Toned VF+. (S250)

202. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy X. 106-88 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.10 gm). Dated to 100/99 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1675; SNG Copenhagen 364. Toned VF. (S150)


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209. BALEARIC ISLANDS. Ebusus. Circa 3rd-2ndCentury BC. /E 16mm (3.09 gm). Squatting Kabeiros / Bull buttmg left Heiss pl. LXIV, 20. Choice EF, red and green patina. ($200) 203. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy X and Cleopatra III. 106-101 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.50 gm). Dated 105/104 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I nght / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1729; SNG Copenhagen 360. Toned VF+.



210. GAUL, Massalia. Circa 3rd Century BC. /E24mm (11.62 gm). Laureate head of ApoUo left; dolphin behind / Bull butting right; grain ear above. SNG Copenhagen 734. Near VF, brown patina ($100)

204. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy XII. 80-51 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.00 gm). Dated 72/71 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I nght / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1857; SNG Copenhagen -. Toned EF. (S400) 211. CELTIC, The Ambiani. Viricius. Circa 2nd-1st Century BC. /E 16mm (2.57 gm). Male head nght / (VIRICI), horse galloping left. De la Tour 8554. VF, emerald green patina, encrustation. ($100)

205. ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Circa 230-220 BC. EL 3/8th Shekel (2.77 gm). I lead of Tanit left / Horse standing nght; foreleg slightly back. Jenkins & Lewis 477. VF, light graffiti on reverse. Scarce. (S 1200) 212. CELTIC, The Biturges Cubi. Osveii? Circa 2nd-1st Century BC. /E 17mm (3.77 gm). Male head left / (0)SVEI, horse galloping left; three peUets in rings above. De la Tour 4177. VF, glossy green patina. ($100)

206. MAURITANIA, Kings of. Juba 11 and Cleopatra Selene. Mamed circa 20 BC. AR Denarius (3.09 gm). Diademed head of Juba right /1 leaddress of Isis and sistrum. Mazard 315. Good VF. ($175) 213. CELTIC, The Carnutes. Circa 2nd- 1st Century BC. A:. 18mm (4.95 gm). Helmeted head left (Roma) / Eagle with wings displayed, crescent above. De la Tour 6140. VF, dark green patina. ($100)

207. MAURITANIA, Kings of. Ptolemy. 23-40 AD. AR Denarius (2.02 gm). Year 10 (32/33 AD). Diademed bust nght / Capncom right. Mazard 457. Toned VF. ($150)


214. CELTIC, The Carnutes. Pixtilos. Circa mid-1 st Century BC. Pc. 16mm (5.57 gm). PIXTILii, head of Venus left / Griffin attacking prostrate man. Ployart, BNP 74. VF, glossy dark green patina, small areas of roughness. Rare. ($125)

215. CELTIC, The Carnutes. Pixtilos. Circa mid-lst Century BC. Ά 16mm (2.94 gm). Head of Venus nght / PIX'IILLOS, hand holding fruiting branch, bird above. Ployart, BNP 75. VF, brown patina. Rare. ($125)

208. SPAIN, Gades. Circa 1st Century BC. Ai 26mm (14.92 gm). Head of Herakles left, wearing lion skin / Two fish left; pellet and crescent in front. Burgos 1050. Near VF, brown patina (S100) 22




Group September 2,1 992


216. CFXTIC, The Veliocassi.Suticcos. Circa 2nd-1st Century BC./E 15mm (2.55 gm). Male head right / (VEL)IIOS, horse galloping nght. De la Tour 7356. VF, glossy gray-green patina. ($100)

222. SICILY, Akragas. Circa 425-406 BC. JE Hexas (7.72 gm). Eagle nght, clutching bird in talons / Crab; two pellets at side, one between claws, two fish below, swimming right. Calciati 163. Fine, dark green paana. ($100)

217. CAMPANIA, Kapua. Circa 215 BC. JE Biunx (12.12 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right, two stars behind / Artemis dnving biga right, two stars above, Oscan legend KAPU. VF, green patina. ($300)

223. SICILY, Akragas. Circa 425-406 BC. JE Hexas (6.79 gm). Eagle nght, clutching fish in talons / Crab; two pellets at side, two fish below, swimming in opposite directions. Calciati 175. Fine, glossy green patina. ($100)

RareHemilitron of Alaisa

218. CALABRIA, Brundisium. Circa 245-217 BC. JE Uncia (8.48 gm). Laureate head of Poseidon right, crowned by Nike; trident behind, pellet beneath / BRUN, youth seated left on dolphin, holding Nike and comucopiae; club behind, pel let below. SNG Munich 554; BMC 3. VF, green patina. Very rare variety. (S300) 224. SICILY, Alaisa (Symmachy Coinage). Time of Timolcon. 344-336 BC. JE Hemilitron (11.04 gm). Head of Sicily left /Torch between 2 grain ears. Calciati Π pg.446,13. Fine, vanegated sea-green patina. Extremely rare. (S1000) Veryfew specimens of this important type have been publicly sold. The Virzi specimen, sold in BankLeu Auction 6 (1973), lot 100, brought SF4400. 219. CALABRIA, Orra. After circa 200 BC. JE 18mm (4.55 gm). Head of wamor nght, wearing conical helmet / Eagle nght on thunderbolt. SNG ANS 817. Near VF, green patina. ($100)

Choice Leontini Onkia

225. SICILY, Leontini. Circa 405-402 BC. JE Onkia (1.79 gm). Headof Apollo right /Tripod. Calciati ΓΠ pg.77,3. EF, brownish green patina. ($250) 220. CALABRIA, Orra. After circa 200 BC. JE Quincunx (5.95 gm). Head of Aphrodite nght / Eros walking nght, playing lyre, five pellets behind. SNG ANS 820-822. VF, brown patina. ($ 125)

226. SICILY, Panormos. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 11mm (1.53 gm). Female head right / Prow of galley nght; monogram above. Calciati 1 45. Near VF, heavy green patina. ($75)

221. LUCANIA, Laos. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 16 mm (2.64 gm). Head of Demeter nght / ΣΤΑ ΟΨΙ, crow standing nght, ram's head to nght. SNG ANS 147. VF, green patina. Rare. ($200) The crow, Greek λαιος, is a punning type for the city name. The reverse legend apparently abbreviates magistrate names. whichHeadlllisloria \umorump.75) suggests may be completed Statius and Opsidius.

227. SICILY, Panormos. Imitative Issue. After 254 BC. /E 16mm (4.42 gm). Male head right / SON (AL) STA, wamor standing left, holding spearto right? Cf. Calciati 1206; SNG Copenhagen 533ff. Near VF, green patina. ($75) 13



Group September 2,1 992

228. SICILY, Syracuse. After 409 BC. JE Litra (6.02 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Hippocamp to left, no bridle. Favorilo 12. VF, green patina. ($150) 235. MOESIA, Istros and Kallatis? Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. Λ· 21mm (4.29 gm). Laureale head of Apollo nght / Eagle on dolphin left; ΙΣΤ(ΡΟΣ) above, ΚΑΛΛ below. Pick unlisted. VF, heavy green palina. Rare. ($125) Is it a coincidence that Istros would have two magistrates signing Dio... and Kail. , or are these two pieces alliance coinages for Istros and ils neighbors, Dionysiopolis andKailatis? 229. SICILY, Syracuse. Circa 278-276 BC. /E23 mm (12.31 gm). Head of Herakles left / Athena with shield and spear right. Calciati Π pg.321,176; SNG ANS 852. VF. ($150)

236. MOESIA, Kallatis. Circa 1st Century BC-AD. JE 18mm (4.58 gm). Helmeted head of Athena nght / Shield with three grain ears flanked by club and bow in case. Pick 271=SNG München 246. Near VF, heavy green patina. Much nicer than the Munich specimen. ($125) 230. SICILY, Syracuse. Fifth Republic. 215-212 BC. JE23 mm (13.74gm). Laureate head of Apollo left / Dioskuroi riding nght. SNG Copenhagen 889. VF, green and brown patina. ($100)

237. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Olbia. Circa 6th-5th Century BC. JE 45mm length (4.52gm). 'Arrowhead'. Anokh1n,Mo«e/iGoradov,pl.l,a.Good VF, smooth dark green patina. Much nicer than usually found. ($250) 231. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip V. 220-179 BC. JE 20mm (8.40 gm). Head of the Hero Perseus right, weanng winged helmet with griffin's head / Eagle on plough; monogram. SNG Copenhagen 1254 var. (monogram). VF, lovely turquoise green patina with earthen highlights. ($125)

238. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Olbia. Circa 6th-5th Century BC. JE 41mm length (3.56 gm). 'Arrowhead'. Anokhin.Moneii Gorodov, pl. 1, a. Good VF, smooth dark green patina. ($200) 232. MOESIA, Istros. Circa 2nd-l st Century BC. JE 14mm (3.04 gm). 1 iead of nver-god (bearded male with homs) right / Eagle on dolphin left. Pick 468. VF, heavy yellow-green patina. Rare. (S125)

239. CRETE, Polyrhenion. Circa 330-300 BC. JE 21 mm (3.25 gm). Bucranium / Spearhead. BMC Crete pg.67,14. Good VF, light green patina. Rare. ($300) 233. MOESIA, Istros. Circa 2nd-l st Century BC. JE 18mm (3.69 gm). Apollo sealed left on omphalos, holding arrow and bow / Eagle on dolphin left. Pick 480. VF, brown patina, porosity. Rare. ($100)

234. MOESIA, Istros and Dionysiopolis? Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 13mm (2.21 gm). Helmeled head (Athena?) nght/Eagle on dolphin left; ΔΙΟ below. Pick unlisted. VF, black patina, porosity. Rare. ($100)

240. BOSPOROS, Phanagoreia. Circa 100 BC. JE 21mm (6.39 gm). Head of Artemis nght/Stag bounding left Anokhin 194; SNG Copenhagen 5. VF, brown patina. Rare. ($100) 24



241. BOSPOROS, Phanagoreia. Circa 2nd-1 st Century BC./E25mm(13.14 gm). Head of Dionysos right/Bow case, monogram. SNG Copenhagen 10. VF. ($75)

242. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Aspurgos. 8 BC-38 AD. JE 12 Nummia (8.12 gm). Laureate head of Tibenus nght / Diademed head of Aspurgos right; monogram to left; IB below. Anokhin 319. Good, brown patina. ($75)

243. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Kotys 1.45-63 AD. /E 12 Nummia (9.74 gm). Laureate head of Claudius nght; IB below / Head of Agnppina left; monogram to left Anokhin 344. Good, brown patina. ($75)

Group September 2,1 992

247. IONIA, Smyrna. Circa 2nd-ls1 Century BC. Ä-, 19mm (7.62 gm). laureate head of Apollo right / The poet Homer seated left; magistrates Nikadas, Metrodoros, Theudas. BMC Ionia pg.246,107. Good VF, gray-green patina. ($150)

248. IONIA, Smyrna. Revolt against Rome. Mithridates Eupator. 87-85 BC. Ai 24mm (15.62 gm). Diademed head of Mithndates nght/Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm. BMCpg.247,118. Good VF. Rare and an important piece ($300) During the First Muhridatic War in 88 BC, the greal Pontic King Mithridates eastly defeated the Roman and allied forces and proceeded to take all of Rome's possessions in Asia Minor. In order to commit the cities of Asia Minor irrevocably against Rome, he ordered the massacre of all their Italian residents, said to number more than 80,000

244. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Rheskuporis 1.68-92 AD. Ai 48 Nummia (8.39 gm). Pnze wreath on chair/MH (Denomination) within wreath Anokin 377 (same dies). Near VF, olive patina. ($100)

249. SYRIA. Sdeukisand Pieria. Antioch. Autonomous Issue. After49 BC. Ai 25mm (10.99 gm). Laureate head of Zeus nght / Zeus enthroned left, holding Nike and sceptre, legends; all within wreath. Cf. BMC Galatia etc. pg. 154,26. VF, black patina with lighter highlights. ($75)

245. BOSPOROS, Kings ot'. Ininthimeus. 234-239 AD. Ai 21mm (8.15 gm). Diademed bust of Ininthimeus on left, facing Aphrodite (?) wearing kalalhos / Aphrodite enthroned left, holding patera, starlo right SNG Copenhagen 83; Anokin 684. VF, dark brown patina, edge porosity. Scarce. (S150)

250. SYRIA, Chalkidice. Chalkis. Ptolemaios. Year 46 (73/72 BC). Ai 21mm (6.67 gm). Laureate head of Zeus nght / Standing figures of ihe Dioskouroi, facing each other. SNG Copenhagen 413. Good VF, olive-green patina. Rare. (S125)

246. PONTOS, Kabeira. Circa 2nd-1st Century BC. A· 21 mm (8.60 gm). Aegis /Nike right, monogram. Waddington 4. VF. ($50)

251. SYRIA. Chalkidice. Chalkis. Cleopatra VII. Circa 31 -30 BC. Ai 16mm (4.23 gm). Bust of Cleopatra right/Nike carrying long palm nghL Svoronos 1888. Fine, dark green patina. ($100)



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Rare Autonomous Bronze of Gadara

252. SYRIA, Decapolis. Gadara. Autonomous. Year 1 (64/63 BC). IE 20mm (8.69 gm). Helmeted bust of Athena nght / LA ΡΩΜΗΣ above aplustre. Spijkeiman 2. Choice EF, green patina. ($500)

256. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. JE 32mm (31.81 gm). Antioch. Laureate head of Zeus-Ammon right /Eagle standing right on thunderbolt. Newell, SM A 59; Houghton 118. Near VF, brown patina. ($85)

In 64-63 BC Roman troops, under Pompey, liberated the Greek cities conquered by Alexander Jannaeus. Pompey personally supervised the reconstruction of Gadara. Gadara wished to make a record of their liberation by the Romans, and so in commemoration ofthis event they established the year 64-63 BC as the beginning ofa new era for their history, as a substitution for the Seleukid era.

257. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. JE Serrate 28mm (17.78 gm). Antioch. Laureate head of Apollo right; bow and quiver behind / Tripod. Houghton 169. Near VF, dark green patina. Nice large Seleukid bronze. ($85) 253. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. JE 22mm (7.50 gm). Antioch. Circa 300 BC. Laureate head of Apollo nght / Athena Promachos striding right; anchor in front. Newell, ESM 911. VF, brown patina. ($100) From the first issue of coins from the new city of Anlioch. The mini workers were brought in from Seleukia on Tigris, and the earliest coins have the beveled edge typical of that num. The portrait of Apollo is from the statue by Bryaxis, and the Athena and anchor mark the successful Seleukid expansion.

258. PHOENICIA, Marathos. Year 147 (113/112 BC). JE 21mm (7.59 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right / Filleted double comucopiae. BMC Phoenicia pg . 125, 37. VF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($100)

259. JUDAEA, Kings of. Herod Archelaus. 4 BC-6AD. JE 12mm (1.43 gm). Twin comucopiae / ΕΘΝΑ around two barley ears. Apparently Unpublished. Near VF, dark brown patina. ($150) 254. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos III. 223-187 BC. JE 24mm (15.54 gm). Ekbatana. Circa 205-200 BC. Diademed head right / Elephant walking nght; anchor behind, monogram between legs. Newell, ESM 648. Fine, brown patina. ($125)

This identification is based on the interpretation of the legend as Ethnarchos, Herod's title. The fabric does not resemble a Judaean issue, and the motifs are to be found on many issues in Asia Minor and the Syria-Palestine area, although not m this combination. A coin deserving more in-depth research.

This series was struck in Anlioch (cf. WSM1107), but a great percentage must have accompanied Antiochos on his eastern campaign, where many were counlermarked in Ekbatana

260. NABATAEA, Kings of. Aretas IV. 9 B C 4 0 AD. JE 17mm (4.91 gm). Jugate basts of Aretas and Shuqailat nght / Twin comucopiae. Meshorer 114. Good VF, dark green patina. (S85) 255. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos III. 223-187 BC. JE 22mm (11.53 gm). Ekbatana. Laureate head of Apollo nght / Mahout guiding elephant right; tripod behind; countermarks: anchor and horschead. Newell, ESM 656. Fine, brown patina. ($100)

Remember To Mail or Fax Your Bid Sheet Early!

261. NABATAEA, Kings of. Aretas IV. 9 BC-40 AD. Ai 18mm (4.10 gm). Jugate busts of Aretas and Shuqailat nght / Twin comucopiae. Meshorer 114. VF, brown patina. ($75) 21 6



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2,1 9 9 2

262. NABATAEA, Kings of. Queen Huldu? Died 16 AD. JE 14mm (1.76 gm). Veiled head left, legend reading "Queen'? / Raised round object (memonal plaque?) with legend "Nabataea"? retrograde. Meshorer-. VF, dark green patina. ($150) 268. EGYPT, Ptokmak Kings. Ptolemy Π. 285-246 BC. JE 25mm (8.56 gm). Kyrenaicamint. Diademed head of Ptolemy I right/Head of Beienike right, cornuoopiae and silphium plant in field. Svoronos 854; SNG Copenhagen -. VF, a few nan flaws. Rare. ($150)

Nothing like this piece is noted in the references on Nabataea The legends are blundered, making identification difficult. The only suggestion this cataloguer can make is ttot it honors the memory of Hulda, the first wife ofAretas IV, who died in the middle of his long reign. A coin clearly needing more research

263. NABATAEA, Kings of. Malichus II. 40-70 AD. JE 15mm (2.15 gm). Jugate heads of Malichus and Shuqailat Π right / Twin comucopiae. Meshorer 140. VF, brown patina. ($75)

269. EGYPT, Ptokmak Kings. Ptolemy III. 246-221 BC. JE 42mm (68.35 gm). Laureate head of Zeus-Ammon nght / Eagle standing nght on thunderbolt; comucopiae and PX monogram. Svoronos 964; SNG Copenhagen 171. VF, brown patina with red encrustation. ($ 150)

264. NABATAEA, Kings of. Rabbel II. 70-106 AD. JE 16mm (2.93 gm). Jugate busts of Rabbel and Shuqailat Π right / Twin comucopiae. Meshorer 146. Near VF, black patina. ($65)

265. NABATAEA, Kings of. Rabbel II. 70-106 AD. JE 20mm (3.04 gm). Jugate heads of Rabbel and Gamilal nght / Twin comucopiae. Meshorer 163. Near VF, brown patina. ($65)

270. EGYPT, Ptokmak Kings. Ptolemy III. 246-221 BC. JE 35mm (37.26 gm). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon nght / Eagle on thunderbolt; comucopiae in field,monogram between legs. Svoronos 965; SNG Copenhagen 173. Brown VF with patches of red. ($100)

266. NABATAEA, Kings of. Rabbel II. 70-106 AD. JE 16mm (2.81 gm). Jugate busts of Rabbel and Gamilal nght/Twin comucopiae. Meshorer 163A. VF, brown patina. ($75)

271. EGYPT, Ptolemak Kings. Ptolemy IV. 221-204 BC. JE 33mm (33.81 gm). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon nght/Eagle left on thundeibolt, comucopiae in field. Svoronos 1127; SNG Copenhagen 202. Choice VF. ($100)

267. CHARACENE, Kings of. Attambelos III. 53-72 AD. JE Tetradrachm (16.01 gm). Diademed bust nght, slight beard / Herakles sealed left, X in field. BMC Arabia pg.297,5; MACW 728. VF, heavy green and redpauna. ($100) 27



Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 992 Rare Bronze From Byzacium

277. BYZACIUM, Hadrumetum. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 15mm (2.83 gm). Bust of Deity right wearing tiara / Lion walking right. SNG Copenhagen 68. EF. Rare, especially in this condition. ($400) 272. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. Ai 33mm (28.53 gm). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon right / Two eagles standing left, cornucopiae in field. Svoronos 1423; SNG Copenhagen 306. ($100)

273. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. JE 19mm (4.34 gm). Laureate head of Zeus-Ammon right / Twin eagles standing right on thunderbolt; cornucopiae to left. Svoronos 1428? EF, brown patina. ($100) 278. ZEUGΓΓΑNIA, Carthage. Circa 221 -202 BC. JE 30mm (18.15 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing nght, palm tree behind; Punic letters "ST'. SNG Copenhagen 341. VF, brown patina. ($125)

274. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. JE 19mm (3.87 gm). Laureate head of Zeus-Ammon right / Twin eagles standing right on thunderbolt; cornucopiae to left. Svoronos 1428? EF, brown patina. ($100)

279. ZEUGITANIA,Carthage.Circa221-202 BC. yE30mm (14.32gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing right, palm tree behind. SNG Copenhagen 344. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($200) 275. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Queens. Cleopatra VII. 51 -30 BC. JE 80 Drachmae (17.08 gm). Her diademed and draped bust nght / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, cornucopiae and Π in fields. Svoronos 1871 ; SNG Copenhagen 419. Nice fine, brown patina with smooth surfaces, some light scratches on bust. ($ 150)

Possible Finest Known Cleopatra ΥΠ 40 Drachmae 280. MAURITANIA. Lix, as "City of the Sun". Circa 1st Centuiy BC. JE 20mm (4.95 gm). Facing head of Baal-Melkart with curly beard / Star Hanked by grapes and grain ear. Mazard 645. Fine, brown patina. Rare. ($150)

ROMAN REPUBLICAN 276. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Queens. Cleopatra VII. 51-30 BC. JE 40 Drachmae (9.47 gm). Her diademed and draped bust right, prow in field before / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, cornucopiae in left field, M (=40) in nght field. Svoronos 1872; SNG Copenhagen 422. EF, with a green patina. Extremely rare this nice. Possibly the finest known example of a 40 Drachmae. SEE PHOTOGRAPH ON THE FRONT COVER. ($3000) Portraits ofCleopatra are rare at best. Several marbles are known in museums and a few high grade coins have survived. This is a wonderful opportunity to acquire a magnificent portrait of one of the most famous women of antiquity.

281. Anonymous. 206-195 BC. AR Denanus (3.82 gm). Head of Roma nght/ Dioscun riding right, star below. RSC 20gg; Crawford 113/1. Toned VF. ($175) 28



Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 9 9 2

288. L. Calpurnius Piso Fnigi. 90 BC. AR Denanus (3.97 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right, O A / Youth on horseback, C above. Calpumia 11 ; Sydenham 663d; Crawford 340/1. Toned EF. ($250) 282. Anonymous. VAL Issue. 169-158 BC JE As (21.95 gm). Laureate head of Janus / Prow right, monogram above, ROMA below. Crawford 191/1. Fine, brown patina. ($75)

289. L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. 90 BC. AR Denarius (4.09 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right, Ζ R / Youth on horseback, C. above. Calpumia 11 ; Sydenham 663d; Crawford 340/1. Toned VF+. ($150)

283. Anonymous. Star Issue. 169-158 BC. JE As (22.18 gm). Laureate head of Janus / Prow right, star above, ROMA below. Crawford 196/1. Fine, brown patina. ($75) 290. C. M am ili us Limetanus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Bust of Mercury right wearing winged petasus, caduceus behind / Ulysses right with his dog Argus. Mamilia 6; Crawford 362/1 ; Sydenham 741. Toned EF. ($250)

291. L.Censorinus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Laureate head of Apollo nght / Satyr Marsyas with wineskin left. Marcia 24; Sydenham 737; Crawford 363/ld. Toned EF. ($150)

284. L. Sempronius Pitio. 148 BC. JE As (22.35 gm). Janus head / Prow of galley lo nghL Crawford 216/2a. VF, light green patina with underlying dark brown. ($100)

292. L. Manlius Torquatos. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.88 gm). Helmeled head of Roma right / Sulla in quadriga, Victory above. Manila 4; Sydenham 757; Crawford 367/5. Toned Near EF. ($200)

285. L. Scipio Asiagenus. 106 BC. AR Fourré Denanus (3.16 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter left / Jupiter in quadriga, Β above. Cornelia 24; Sydenham 576b; Crawford 311/lc. Toned EF, some flaking. ($125)

293. A. Postumius A J. Sp.n. Albinus. 81 BC. AR Denarius (3.97 gm). Veiled head of Hispania right/Togate figure flanked by aquila and fasces. Postumia 8; Sydenham 746; Crawford 372/2. Toned EF, small flaw on obverse. ($150)

286. M. Lucilius Rufus. 101 BC. AR Denanus (3.4« gm). Brockage. Helmeted head of Roma right, in laurel wreath; PV / Incuse of obverse. Lucilla 1 ; Sydenham 599; Crawford 324/1. VF, cleaned, rough surfaces. ($100)

294. Ti. Claudius Ti.f. Ap.n. Nero. 79 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Bust of Diana right / Victory right in biga. Claudia 6; Sydenham 770a; Crawford 383/1. Toned EF. (SI25)

287. L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. 90 BC. AR Denanus (3.88 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right, double arrow behind / Youth on horseback, •N. below. Calpumia 11 ; Sydenham 664c; Crawford 340/1. Choice EF. ($300) 29



Group September

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295. Mn. Aquillius Mn.f. Mn.n. 71 BC. AR Denarius (3.77 gm). Helmeted bust of Virtus right / Aquillius raising Sicilia. Aquillia 2; Sydenham 798; Crawford 401/1. SupeibEF. ($400)

301. L. Hostilius Saserna. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Head of Gallia right, carnyx behind / Diana of Ephesus standing facing with stag. Hostilia 4; Sydenham 953; Crawford 448/3. Toned VF, banker's mark on obverse. ($325)

296. P. Galba. 69 BC. AR Denanus (3.95 gm). Veiled head of Vesta right / Knife, simpulum and axe. Sulpicia 7; Sydenham 839; Crawford 406/1. VF+. ($150)

302. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio. 47-46 BC. AR Denanus (3.47 gm). Head of Jupiter right / Elephant right Caecilia 47; Sydenham 1046; Crawford 459/1. Fine. ($75)

297. M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus. 67 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Head of Bonus Eventus right, flower behind / Winged Caduceus. Plaetoria 5; Sydenham 807; Crawford 405/5. Toned EF. ($325)

303. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio. 47-46 BC. AR Denanus (3.93 gm). Head of Africa right in elephant skin, grain ear before head, plow below / Hercules standing facing. Caecilia 50; Sydenham 1051; Crawford 461/1. Toned VF. ($275)

Superb African Denarius of Scipio

298. L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus. 62 BC. AR Denanus (3.84 gm). Veiled and diademed head of Conoordia nght / Paullus nght of trophy, Perseus and his two sons captive left Aemilia 10; Sydenham 926; Crawford 415/1. Choice EF. ($350)

299. C. Considius Nonianus. 57 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Laureate and diademed bust of Venus Erycina draped right, [C. CONSIDI] NONIAN1 SC around /Temple on summit of mountain, surrounded by wall with gate; above gate, ERVC. Crawford 424/1 ; Considia 1. VF+. Interesting flip-over double strike. ($250) An interesting error ΚΡ that the coin was struck once, flipped-over, and then struck again. Unusual.

300. Man. Acilius Glabrio. 49 BC. AR Denarius (4.15 gm), [.aureate head of Salus right / Valetudo leaning on short column. Acilia 8; Sydenham 922; Crawford 442/1 a. Toned EF. ($200)

304. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio. 4 7 4 6 BC. AR Denanus (3.86 gm). Head of Africa right in elephant skin, grain ear before head, plow below / Hercules standing facing. Caecilia 50a; Sydenham 1051; Crawford 461/1. Superb EF, with golden toning. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON BACK COVER. ($1200)

305. Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Corinthian helmet with crest owl on top / Aegis of Minerva, Medusa in center. Cordia 4; Sydenham 978; Crawford 463/2. Toned VF. Rare. ($400)

306. Petiilius Capitolinus. 43 BC. AR Denarius (4.00 gm). Head of Jupiter nght / Temple of Jupiter. Petillia 1 ; Sydenham 1149; Crawford 487/1. Toned VF, flatly struck on obverse. Rare. ($150)



Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 9 9 2

307. PetiUius Capitolinus. 43 BC. AR Denanus (3.78 gm). Eagle with wings displayed on thunderbolt / Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus with crowded pediment. Pelitlia 3 ; Sydenham 1151 ; Crawford 487/2b. Near VF, banker's marks on obverse ($150)

313. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Bare head of Antony right/Bare head of Octavian right. RSC 8c; Crawford 517/2 note. Fine, punch marks. Scarce legend variety. ($300)


Cleopatra & Antony Denarius

314. CLEOPATRA and MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Denarius (3.80 gm). Diademed bust of Cleopatra right / Bare head of Antony right, tiara behind. Crawford 543/1 ;Sydenham 1210b. Nice VF. Rare. ($2300) 308. POMPEY. Circa 45 BC. JE As (12.65 gm). Spanish mint Jamfomi head of Pompey, MGN above / Prow nght. Crawford 479/1. Good Fine, green patina Scarce. ($150)

309. JULIUS CAESAR. 46 BC. AV Aureus (8.18 gm). Veiled head of Vesta right/Lituus, jug and axe. Sydenham 1017; Crawford 446/1. Near EF. ($3250)

310. JULIUS CAESAR. 4948 BC. AR Denanus (3.86 gm). Elephant trampling serpent / Simpulum, aspergiUum, axe and apex. RSC 49; Sydenham 1006; Crawford ($325) 443/1. Good VF.

315. OCTAVTAN. 38 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). M. Agnppa. Octavian s baie head right with slight beard / M AGRIPPA C[OS]/DESIG across field. Crawford 534/3; RSC 545. VF+ with natural hoard patina. Flip-over double strike. ($250) An interesting error m that the coin was struck once,Ă&#x;ipped-over, and then struck again. There are traces of the reverse legend on the final obverse and part of Octavian's headandCAESAR on the reverse.

316. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Lugdunum. 1513 BC. Bare head right/Apollo standing left with lyre and plectrum, ACTinexergue. RSC 144;RICI 171a. Toned VF+. ($350)

Choice Antony & Octavian Denarius

311. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denanus (3.99 gm). Bare head of Antony right / Bare head of Octavian right. RSC 8; Crawford 517/2. EF. Rare this nice. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON FRONT COVER. ($1900)

312. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.67 gm). Bare head of Antony nght /Bare head of Octavian nght. RSC 8d; Crawford 517/2 (note). Toned VF+. (S700)

317. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. JE As (8.56 gm). Lugdunum. 15-lOBC. Laureate head right / Altar of Lugdunum. RIC1230. Fine, brown patina. (S85)

318. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denanus (3.78 gm). 11 -10 BC. Laureate head right / Diana advancing nght, taking arrow from quiver and holding bow, SICIL in exergue. RSC 172; RIC 1197a. Toned EF. Scarce. (SI400)



Group September

2,1 9 9 2

Lovely Toned Denarius of Augustus

319. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). 8 BC. Bare head nght / Jupiter standing in hexasty le temple. RSC 179; cf RIC164 (bust right). Toned EF. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON BACK COVER. ($750)

325. D I W S AUGUSTUS. Struck by Tiberius 22-30 AD. Ai As (11.52 gm). Radiate head left / Altar. RIC 181 (Tiberius). Near EF, dark brown with green encrustation around devices. ($375)

320. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.71 gm). 2 BC-14 AD. Laureate head right/Gaius and Lucius Caesars; simpulum and lituus. RSC 43; RIC 1207. Near VF. ($75)

326. D I W S AUGUSTUS. Struck by Tiberius 22-30 AD. Al As (11.03 gm). Radiate head of Augustus left / Altar. RIC 181 (Tiberius). Nice VF, brown patina, lightly porous. ($125) 321. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Lugdunum. 2BC14AD. Laureate head right / Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, resting hands on shields; simpulum and lituus above. RSC 43c; RIC 1207. Toned near EF, banker's punch on obverse. ($250)

327. AGRIPPA. Died 12 BC. Ai As (9.43 gm). Head of Agrippa left, wearing rostral crown /Neptune standing left. RIC 158 (Gaius). VF, flan cracks and surface striations. ($100)

322. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. Ai Sestertius (24.52 gm). Lugdunum. 9-14 AD. Laureate head nght / Altar of Lugdunum. RIC 1231a. Fine, brown patina, porosity. ($150)

328. AGRIPPA. Died 12 BC. Ai As (11.72 gm). Head of Agnppa left, wearing rostral crown / Neptune standing left. RIC 158 (Gaius). Near VF, rough surfaces. ($75)

323. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. >ESemis (5.12gm). Lugdunum. 9-14 AD. laureate head right/ Altar of Iaigdunum. RIC 1234s1c. VF, brown patina, area of corrosion on edge. Rare. ($100)

329. TIBERIUS, Caesar. 8-10 AD. /E As (11.47 gm). Lugdunum. Bare head left / Altar of Lugdunum. RIC 1237 (Augustus). Good VF, attractive dark brown patina with tan devices. ($350)

324. AUGUSTUS and TIBERIUS, Caesar. 13/14 AD. AR Denanus (3.63 gm), laureate head of Augustus nght / Bare head of Tibenus right. RSC 2; RIC 1226 (R2). Fine. Very Rare. ($1100) 32



Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 9 9 2

330. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. AR Denanus (3.50 gm). Laureate head right / Livia as Pax sealed right, holding sceptre and branch. RSC 16a; RIC 130. VF. ($225) 335. CALIGULA. 3 7 4 1 AD. Ai As (10.16gm). Bare head left/ Vesta seated left RIC 138; Cohen 4. Near EF, brown patina. ($800)

331. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. JE As (11.18 gm). 15/16 AD. Bare head nght/ Female seated right, holding long sceptre and patera. RIC 135; BMCRE 66. VF, tan. ($325)

336. CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. Ai As (8.45 gm). 37-38 AD. Bare head of Caligula left / Vesta seated left, holding patera and long sceptre. RIC 138. Near VF, red and green patina. Rough surfaces. ($200)

332. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD.;4‫ צ‬As (12.14gm). 36/37 AD. Laureate head left/ Winged caduceus within legend. RIC 165. VF, brown patina, porous. Scarce type. ($150)

337. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. AR Fourré Denarius (2.82 gm). 46/47 AD. Laureate head right / Pax standing right. RSC 58; RIC 139. Fine, plating chipped. ($225)

Attractive Claudius Sestertius

333. NERO CLAUDIUS DR USUS. Died 9 BC. Orichalcum Sestemus (26.44 gm). Struck under Claudius 5054 AD. Bare head of Drusus left/Claudius seated left amidst aims. RIC1109 (Claudius). Nice Fine. ($150)

338. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE Sestertius (26.39 gm). 41-50 AD. Laureate head right /Tnumphal aich surmounted by equestrian statue. RIC 198. VF, brown panna. A very attractive type. ($1650)

334. GERMANICUS. Stnick by Claudius 50-54 AD. JE As (8.73 gm). Bare head right / S C surrounded by legend. RIC 1106 (Claudius). VF, black patina, porous. ($125)

Remember To Mail Your Bid Sheet Early Or Fax To (71η 786-7954

339. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. Ai As (10.98 gm). 41-50 AD. Bare head left/ Minerva standing right with javelin and shield. RIC I lOO, BMCRE149. Nice VF, reddish brown patina with slight surface roughness. ($250) 33





340. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE As (10.47 gm). 50-54 AD. Bare head of Claudius left / Ljbertas standing facing, head right, holding pileus. RIC 1113. Fine, reddish brown patina. ($125)


2,1 9 9 2

346. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE As (8.84 gm). Circa 65 AD. Laureate head right / Victory flying left, carrying shield inscribed SPQR. RIC1312. VF, rough surfaces. ($125)

341. NERO. 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). 66-67 AD. Laureate head right / Jupiter seated left. RSC 121; RIC 164. VF+/VF. ($650) 347. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.30 gm). Bare head nght / SPQR Ο Β C S in three lines, in laurel wreath. RSC 287; RIC 1167. Fine. Choice for the grade. ($550)

342. NERO. 54-68 AD. AR Denanus (3.62 gm). 67/68 AD. Laureate head right / Salus seated lefL RSC 316; RIC 171. VF, small flan flaw on reverse. ($700)



348. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). Laureate head right/ Victory on globe left. RSC 325; RIC 1175. Toned near VF. ($600)


343. NERO. 54-68 AD. Orichalcum Sestertius (23.83 gm). Laureate head right / Roma seated left on pile of amis, holding Victory and sceptre. RIC 1335. Good ($200) VF, porous surfaces. Good portrait

349. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denanus (3.46 gm). Laureate head right/ Uvia standing left, leaning on sceptre and holding patera. RSC 55; RIC 1186; BMCRE 8. Good VF, toned. ($750)


344. NERO. 54-68 AD. Orichalcum Dupondius (14.92 gm). Circa 65 AD. Radiate head right /Roma seated left on arms wilh wreath and parazonium. RIC 1296. VF, slightly rough surfaces. Nice portrait ($150)

r *

v v ^




‫׳‬λ;; 350. GALBA. 68-69 AD. Onchalcum Sestertius (22.85 gm). Laureate head left/Salus seated left holding patera and sceplre. RIC I—; BMCRE —; Hunter— . EF, with porous surfaces, especially on the reverse. Superb Portrait ($250) RIC lists two obverses, 18Ca and 19Ga, wilh this reverse. This is obverse 18Ga. This coin would be perfect for the person collecting portraits. You get a $1500 portrailfor $250.

345. NERO. 54-68 AD. Onchalcum As (10.58 gm). Circa 65 AD. Laureate head right/Temple of Janus. RIC 1309. Good VF, porous. ($100) 14





2,1 9 9 2

357. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.18 gm). 74 AD. Laureate head right/Vespasian seated right, holding branch. RSC 364; RIC Π 77. Toned EE ($300)

351. GALBA. 68-69 AD. JE Dupondius (14.68 gm). Laureate, draped bust nght / SPQR Ο.Β CIV SER within laurel wreath. RIC 1287. Good VF, dark green and brown patina. ($600)

358. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. Onchalcum As (9.91 gm). 71 AD. Laureate head right / Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and oomucopiae. RIC Π 485. VF, red patina, porous surfaces. ($100)

352. GALBA. 68-69 AD. Orichalcum Dupondius (12.41 gm). Laureate, draped bust right / Pax standing left, holding branch and winged caduceus. RIC 1415. VF, rough surfaces. ($125)

Lovely Patinated Titus Sestertius

353. GALBA. 68-69 AD. JE As (8.96 gm). Bare head right / Uberlas standing left holding püeus and rod. RIC I —; BMCRE — (Cf. RIC 1372 but obverse 5Aa). VF, porous. ($125)

359. TITUS. 79-81 AD. JE Sestertius (26.17 gm). Laureate head right / Mars walking right RIC Π 182. Good VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($2600)

Domitian as Caesar Denarius 354. O T H O . 69 AD. AR Denanus (3.06 gm). Bare head nght / Emperor on horseback galloping right, holding spear. RSC 12; RIC 122. Near VF. Rare type with a nice portrait. ($800)

«•‫ ·י׳‬7·‫׳‬5+

360. DOMITIAN, Caesar. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.38 gm). 77/78 AD. Laureate head right / Wolf and twins, boat below. RSC 51 ; RIC Π 241. Toned EF. ($675)

355. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denanus (3.09 gm). Laureate head right/Tripod, dolphin above, raven below. RSC 111 ; RIC 1109. Toned near VF. ($500)

Denarius of Domitian as Augustus

356. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). 73 AD. Laureate head right / Vespasian seated right, holding branch. RSC 387; RIC Π 665. Near EF. ($500)


‫ ׳‬i

361. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). 81 AD. I .aureate head right / Dolphin on tripod RSC —; RIC Π —; BMCRE 22. Toned near EF. ($550) 35



Group September

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367. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.36 gm). 119-122 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / Victory with trophy. RSC 1132; RIC Π 101. Toned EF. ($300)

362. DOMITIAN. 81 -96 AD. Fourré Denanus (3.01 gm). Mule of obverse of 87 AD and reverse of 89 AD. Laureate head right / Minerva standing left, holding thunderbolt and spear. Cf. RIC 101 for obverse and 139 for reverse. VF, plating broken in several places. ($125) Thisfourré is a mule of two dies that were never actually used together on a regular issue denarius although they could have overlapped in 88 AD An interesting example for the specialist.

368. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). 134-138 AD. Bare head right /Germania standing facing, head right RSC 805; RIC Π 302. VF, Rare. ($125)

Exceptional Sestertius of Hadrian 363. DOM1TIA, Wife of Domitian. 85 AD. JE Quadrans (2.80 gm). Wreathed bust of Ceres, with the features of Domitia, nght / Basket of grain ears. RIC Π 305B. Good VF, green patina. Issued under Domitian and the bust of Ceres is thought to resemble his wife Domitia. ($150)

369. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (28.21 gm). 118 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / Fortuna seated left with rudder and cornucopiae. RIC Π 551 a. EF, choice light green patina with an excellent portrait ($2250)

364. ANONYMOUS. Circa 81-138 AD. JE Quadrans (2.26 gm). Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Mars nght / Cuirass. RIC Π 19. Good VF, dark green patina. ($125)

365. ANONYMOUS. Circa 81-138 AD. JE Semis (2.56 gm). Child's head right, wreathed in flowers / S C in wreath of flowers. Van Heesch 3b; RIC Π 35 (Anonymous). Near VF, light green patina. ($100) The head on the obverse has been identified as Annius Verus, a son of Marcus Aurelius (Cohen), or as a young Bacchus (RIC). Van Heesch, in Studia Paulo Ν aster Oblata I, pp.193-197, distinguishedfour types of busts in the series, and connects them with representations of the four seasons This piece is identified as Spring

370. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. Orichalcum Sestertius (25.44 gm). IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust nght, draped on left shoulder / PONT M AX TR POT COS ΙΠ S C, Felicitas standing half-left, holding caduceus and comucopaie. RIC II 563b. Good VF, dark green patina worn on high-points on obverse and mostly orichalchum showing on reverse. Pleasing. ($400)

366. CONTOR NI ATE, In the name of Trajan. Circa 4th Century AD. JE 36mm (20.52 gm). Laureate head of Trajan nght/Cybele and Attis in chanot pulled by four bons. Alföldi 281. Near VF, dark brown patina, patch of corrosion removed from back of Trajan's head, few scratches in obverse field. Rare. ($700)

371. HADRIAN. 117-138AD.^Sestemus(25.84gm). 119-121 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Concordia standing half-left, holding two Stan dards. RIC Π 581c var. (cuirassed). Nice VF, attractive green patina with touches of red on reverse, flan flaw and light scratches in nght obverse field. ($450) 36



Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 9 9 2

'GaUey Reverse' Sestertius

377. SABINA, Wife of Hadrian. JE Sestertius (28.13 gm). Diademed bust right/Concordia standing left, holding patera and comucopiae. RIC Π 1027 (Hadrian). Near VF, attractive smooth brown patina. Choice portrait. (S 1250)

372. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (2«. 16 gm). 132-134 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Galley moving left with five rowers and a steersman. RIC Π 706; BMCRE 1398. VF, nice brown patina. ($ 1200)

378. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (25.12 gm). 140-144 AD. Laureate, draped bust right / Annona standing right, holding com ears and cornucopiae, prow behind. RJCΙΠ 597. VF, black patina. ($100)

373. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Dupondius (13.18 gm). 134-138 AD. Laureate and draped bust left / AFRICA S C, Africa wearing elephant headdress and reclining left, holding scorpion and comucopiae. RIC Π 841 (Scarce). Near VF, dark brown patina with lighter highlights. ($150)

374. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE As (11.18 gm). 132-134 AD. Draped and cuirassed bust right / Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and comucopiae. RIC Π 723. EF, brown patina, rough surfaces. Good portrait. ($125)

379. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. /E Sestertius (25.10 gm). Laureate head right / [BRIT] ANNIA S.C., Britannia seated left on rocks, holding standard and spear. RIC ΙΠ 742 (R-2); Seaby 496 (£350 in Fine). Fine, daik brown patina \fery rare type. ($300)

375. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE As (11.48 gm). 134-138 AD. Bare head nght / Annona standing half-left, holding com-ears and rudder. RIC Π 796. VF, surfaces lightly corroded. ($100)

380. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Dupondius (10.70 gm). 154/155 AD. Radiate bust right, drapery on left shoulder / BRITANNIA COS ΠΠ S.C., Bntannia seated left on rocks, head resting on right hand; to left, eagle-tipped seeptre and shield. RIC m 930 (Scarce). Near VF, dark green patina. ($130)

376. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Semis (4.93 gm). 125-128 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Tyche of Antioch sealed, river god swimming below. RIC Π 686 (Rare). Fine, light brown, slightly porous. Rare and interesting. ($175)

381. FAUSTINA SR., Wife of Antoninus Pius. Died 141 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). Veiled and draped bust right / Fortuna standing left, holding globe and nidder. RSC 7; RIC m 348 (Pius). VF+. ($150) 37



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382. FAUSTINA SR., Wife of Antoninus Pius. Died 141 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). Draped bust right / Ceres facing left, holding long sceptre. RSC 104; RIC ΠΙ362 (Antoninus). Choice EF. ($250) 388. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161 -180 AD. R Sestertius (25.45 gm). 172-173 AD. Laureate head nght / Trophy between a seated German woman and a standing German man, shield on ground. RIC ΙΠ 1062. Near EF, porous. ($150)

383. MARCUS AURELIUS, as Caesar. 140-144 AD. AR Denanus (3.12 gm). Bare head right / Sacrificial implements. RSC 451 ; RIC ΙΠ 424a (Antoninus). VF, old dark toning. ($125) 389. FAUSTINA JR., Wife of Marcus Aurelius. AR Denanus (3.60 gm). Draped bust right, strand of pearls in hair / Venus standing left, holding apple and rudder. RSC 261 ; RIC ID 515a (Antoninus). Near EF. ($200)

384. MARCUS AURELIUS, as Caesar. 148-149 AD.>€ As(9.02gm). Bare head right / Virtus seated left, holding parazonium and spear. RIC ΙΠ 1295 (Antoninus). Good VF, dark green patina. ($150)

390. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. R Sestertius (27.11 gm). 163 AD. Laureate head right / Verus on horseback, nding down and spearing foe. RIC Π 1363. Near VF, glossy dark green patina, worn at high points. Rare. ($150)

385. MARCUS AURELIUS, as Caesar. 159-160 AD. R As (11.89 gm). Bare head nght / Virtus standing nght, holding parazonium and spear. RIC ΠΙ 1355B (Antoninus). Near EF. ($350) 391. LUCILLA, Wife of Lucius Verus. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Draped bust right / Vesta standing left by altar. RIC ΠΙ788 (Aurelius); RSC 92. Toned near EF. ($150)

386. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. ARDenarius (3.53 gm). 163-164 AD. Laureate head right / Armenia reclining left amidst arms. RSC 7; RICIII81. Toned EF. Scarce type. ($400)

392. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (2.98gm). 185 AD. laureate head right / Commodus addressing troops. RSC 143;RICm 130. VF. Rare. ($125)

393. C O M M O D U S . 180-192 AD. R Sestertius (24.16 gm). 190/191 AD. laureate head right / Hercules sacrificing over altar, lion skin draped over tree to left RIC ΙΠ 581. Fine, brown patina, rough surfaces. Rare. ($200)

387. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180AD./F.Ses1ertius(23.48gm). 165-166 AD. laureate head right / Victory flying with garland. RIC ΠΙ925. Good VF, glossy olive-green patina. ($500) 38



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399. DIDIUS JULIANUS. 193 AD. /£ Sestertius (16.63 gm). Laureate head right / Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RIC IV pt. 1,15. Fine, brown patina Worn, but an attractive portrait, typical of a higher grade specimen. ($750)

394. C O M M O D U S . 180-192 AD. Ai Sestertius (19.29 gm). 190/191 AD. Laureate head right /Minerva walking right; holding branch, spear and shield. RIC HI 582. VF, dark brown patina. ($150)

400. PESCENNIUS NIGER. 193-194 AD. AR Denanus (2.68 gm). Laureate head right / Bonus Eventus or Fides holding com and fruit. RSC 10a; RIC 5a (note). Fine, cleaned. ($650) 395. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. /ESestertius (21.16 gm). 192 AD. Head of Commodus as Hercules right, wearing lion skin / HER CVL ROM ANO AV GV SC, club of Hercules m wreath. RIC ΙΠ 637. Fme, black and brown patina, porosity. An inexpensive example of this rare and popular type. ($200)

401. CLODIUS ALBINUS. 193-195 AD. AR Denanus (3.29 gm). Bare head right / Roma seated left. RSC 61 ; RIC ΠΙ ll.GoodVF. ($550)

396. C O M M O D U S . 180-192 AD. /E As (7.88 gm). 192 AD. Head of Commodus as Hercules, clad in lion skin / HER CVL RO MAN AV GV SC and club within wreath. RIC ΙΠ 644. Near VF, brown, porous. A second inexpensive example of this type. ($75) 402. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denanus (2.67 gm). 193194 AD. laureate head nght /Legionary eagle between two standards. RSC 272; RIC IV pt. 1,14. Toned VF. ($150)

397. PERTINAX. 193 AD. AR Denanus (3.16 gm). Laureate head right/ Laetitia standing left RSC 20; BMCRE 8. VF. Scarce. ($ 1000)

403. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (2.80 gm). 198200 AD. Laureate head right / Fortuna standing facing right, holding cornucopiae and rudder, prow at feeL RSC 452; RIC IV p t l , 136. Choice EF. ($100)

404. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denanus (3.39 gm). 207 AD. Laureate head right / Victory standing right, inscribing shield set on palm tree. RSC 489; RIC IV ρ(. 1,211. Choice EF, flan crack. (S250)

398. PERTINAX. 193 AD. /ESestertius (26.81 gm). Laureate head right / Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC IV, pt.l, 14 (R2). Fine, black patina, fine scratches. Nice inexpensive portrait of Pertinax. ($300) 19



405. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denanus (3.23 gm). Laureate head right / The Dea Caelestis riding right on lion, holding sceptre and thunderbolt, water gushing from rock below. RSC 222; RIC IV pt. 1,266. Near EF. ($ 150)

406. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denanus (3.19 gm). 202210 AD. Laureate head right / Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm. RSC 744; RIC IV PL 1,295. Toned good VF. ($100)

Group September 2,1 992

411. JULIA DOMNA, Wife of Severus. 196-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.30 gm). Laodicea. Draped bust nght /Ceres seated left. RSC 14; RIC IV pt.l, 636 (Severus). Near EF. ($100)

412. JULIA DOMNA, Wife of Severus. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Laodicea. Draped bust right / Vesta standing left, holding patera and sceptre. RSC 246; RIC IV pL 1,648 (Severus). EF. ($150)

413. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.01 gm). 208 AD. Laureate head right / Caracalla on horseback marching right. RSC 511; RIC IV pt.l, 107. VF. ($100) 407. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Laodicea. 198 AD. Laureate head right/Trophy, two bound captives at base. RSC 361b; RIC IV pt.l, 496a. EF. ($100)

414. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). 208 AD. Laureate head right / Caracalla on horseback walking right. RSC 511 ; RIC IV pt. 1,107. Good VF. ($75)

408. S E P T I M U S SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. A1 Sestertius (23.87 gm). 194195 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust nght / Three Monetae standing. RICIVpt.1,670. Near VF, brown patina. ($100)

415. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (2.71 gm). Laureate, draped bust right/Galley to left, five oarsmen. RSC3;RIC IV pt 1,120. Toned VF. ($150)

'The Four Seasons'

409. JULIA DOMNA, Wife of Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. AR Denanus (3.21 gm). Draped bust right / Cybele seated left, holding branch and sceptre, lions at side. RSC 123; RIC IV pt.l, 564 (Severus). EF. ($125)

410. JULIA DOMNA, Wife of Septimius Severus. AR Denarius (3.21 gm). Draped bust nght / PVDICITIA, sealed left RSC 164; RIC IV pL 1,576 (Severus). Mini Slate. ($375)

416. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denanus (3.76 gm). Laureate head right / Four Seasons. RSC 58; RIC IV pL 1,126. VF+/VF. Very Rate. ($700)

417. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). 214 AD. Uureate head right / Apollo seated left; holding branch, left arm resting on lyre on tripod. RSC 242; RIC IV pt. 1,238a. Near EF. ($75)



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424. GETA. 209-212 AD. AR Denanus (3.00 gm). 210-212 AD. Laureate head right / Victory standing left with wreath and palm branch. RSC 219; RIC IV pu 1,92 Toned VF+. Scarce type. ($125)

418. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denanus (3.47 gm). 215 AD. Laureate head right / Nude Sol standing facing, head left, holding globe. RSC 288; RIC IV pL 1, 264a. Good VF. ($100)

425. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (2.56 gm). 217 AD. Laureate bust right / Annona seated left, holding grain ears overmodius and comucopiae. RSC 56; RIC IV pt2,19. EF. ($300) 419. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.87 gm). 216 AD. Radiate and draped bust right / Sol standing. RSC 358; RIC IV, 281a. EF. ($150)

426. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denanus (2.85 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Fides standing left between four standards. RSC 26; RIC IV pt. 2,68. EF. ($300) 420. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.80gm). 213-217 AD. Radiate bust right / Venus standing left; holding helmet, sceptre and shield; two captives at feet RSC 612b; RIC IV P L1,312c. EF. ($200)

427. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Antomnianus (4.90 gm). Radiate, cuirassed bust nght / Secuntas seated left, holding sceptre, altar in front RSC 126; RIC IV pi. 1,95. VF. ($200) 421. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.48 gm). 213-217 AD. Laureate head right / Venus standing left; holding helmet, sceptre and shield; two caplives at feet. RSC 613; RIC IV pt. 1,312d. Choice EF. ($200)

422. DIVO CARACALLA. AR Denanus (2.48 gm). DIVO ANTONINO MAGNO, head nght /CONSECRAIIO, eagle on globe, head right RSC 32; RIC IV pt2,717 (Alexander). Fine, flan flaw on edge. Veiy Rare. ($150) One of the rarest of Roman Consecration issues.

428. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. JE Sestertius (24.02 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right/Salus enthroned left feeding snake coiled round altar. RIC IV pt2,124 (Scarce). VF, dark brown patina, tooling in fields. Nice portrait. ($500)

423. GETA, Caesar. 200-209 AD. AR Denanus (3.56 gm). 203-208 AD. Bare head right, draped / Minerva standing left. RSC 104a; RIC IV pL 1,34b. EF. (SI 50)

429. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denanus (3.57 gm). Laureate, draped bust right / Man walking nght, trophy over shoulder, holding transverse spear. RSC 109; RIC IV p i 2,121. Near EF. (S90) 11



Group September

2,1 9 9 2

437. SEVERUS ALEXANDER, Caesar. 221 AD. AR Denarius (2.94 gm). Baie head nght, draped / Sacrificial implements. RSC 198; RIC IV pL 1,3. VF+/VE Very Rare. ($550)

430. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Laureate, draped bust right / Elagabalus standing by altar. RSC 276; RIC IV, 146. EF, weak reverse strike. ($90)

431. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). Antioch. Laureate, draped bust right / Elagabalus sacrificing over tripod. RSC 276d; RIC IV pL 2,200. EF. ($150)

438. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.64 gm). 231235 AD. Laureate bust right/Nude Jupiter walking left, facing right, holding thunderbolt and eagle. RSC 84; RIC IV pt.2,239. Choice EF. ($125)

432. JULIA PAULA, Wife of Elagabalus. 219-220 AD. AR Denanus (2.98 gm). Draped bust right / Concordia seated left; star in field. RSC 6; RIC IV pt.2, 211 (Elagabalus). Near EF. ($200)

439. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.01 gm). 231 235 AD. I ^aureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Spes walking left, holding flower. RSC 543; RIC IV pt. 2,254. Superb EF. ($200)

433. JULIA PAULA, Wife of Elagabalus. AR Denanus (3.09 gm). Draped bust right / Concordia seated left, holding patera, star above. RSC 6a; RIC IV pt. 2, 21 !(Elagabalus ).EF. ($300)

440. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.73 gm). 231 235 AD. Laureate, draped bust nght / Spes walking left. RSC 543; RSC IV pt.2, 254. Choice EF. ($150)

434. JULIA SOAEMIAS, Mother of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (3.64 gm). Draped bust right / Venus sealed left, holding apple and sceptre, child at feet RSC 14; RIC IV pt.2,243 (Elagabalus). EF. ($175)

441. MAXIMINUS I Thrax. 235-238 AD. AR Denanus (3.30 gm). 235-236 AD. Laureate bust right / Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. RSC 31a; RIC IV pt.2,12. Choice EF. ($150)

435. JULIA SOAEMIAS, Mother of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (2.83 gm). Draped bust right/Venus seated left, holding apple and sceptre, child at feet. RSC 14; RIC IV pt.2,243 (Elagabalus). Near EF. ($100)

442. MAXIMINUS I Thrax. 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). 236-238 AD. Laureate, draped bust right / Pax standing left, holding branch. RSC 37; RIC IV pt.2,19. Superb EF. ($200)

436. JULIA MAESA, Grandmother of Elagabalus. Died 223 AD. AR Denarius (2.93 gm). Draped bust nght / Felicitas standing left, holding long caduccus and sacrificing over altar, star left. RSC 45b; RIC IV pL 2,272 (Elagabalus). NearEF. ($125)

443. BALBINUS. 238 AD. AR Denarius (3.05 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Providentia standing left. RSC 23; RIC IV pt.2,7. VF+/VF. ($550) 42



444. PUPIENUS. 238 AD. AR Denanus (3.06 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right /Concordia seated left. RSC 6; RIC IV pL 2,1. VF+/VF. ($550)

Group September

2,1 9 9 2

450. PHILIP I. 244-249 AD. AR Antonmianus (4.15 gm). 247-249 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Elephant with rider. RSC 17; RIC IV pL 3, 58. EF. ($125)

445. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. AR Antonmianus (4.40 gm). 240 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Liberalitas standing left RSC 142; RIC IV p t 3,67. Choice EF. ($150)

451. PHILIP I. 244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.80 gm). 247-247 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FELICITAS LMPP enclosed in laurel wreath. RSC 39; RIC IV pL 3,60. Choice EF. ($135)

446. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. AR Denanus (2.58 gm). 241 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust nght / DIANA LVCIFERA. RSC 69; RIC IV pL 3,127. Choice EF. Rare. ($175) 452. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antonmianus (4.20 gm). Antioch. 247 AD. IM CM IVL PHILIPPVS PF AVG PM, radiate bust right / VIRTVS EXERCITVS, Virtus standing right, holding spear and shield. RSC 244; RIC IV p l 3 ,71. VF. ($100) The title PM appears only very briefly on coins from Antioch. RIC suggests it refers to "Persicus Maximus " - Great Conquerer of Persia, rather than the usual Ponlifex Maximus 447. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. AR Denanus (3.46 gm). 240 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Gordian on horseback. RSC 234; RIC IV pt 3, 234. EF. ($150)

453. PHILIP I. 244-249 AD. Κ Sestertius (16.27 gm). 248 AD. Laureate, draped bust nght / Column inscnbed COS ΙΠ. RIC IV pt. 3,157a. Good VF, brown patina, slightly porous surfaces. ($100)

448. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. /ESestertius (16.43 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust nght / Securitas enthroned left, holding scepire. RIC IV pt3, 311a. EF, green patina. ($250)

454. OTACILIA SEVERA, Wife of Philip I. AR Antonimanus (4.49 gm). Diademed and draped bust right on crescent / Concordia sealed left, holding palera and single comucopiae. RICIVpi.3,126; RSCIV, 17. Near EF. ($80)

449. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antonimanus (3.94 gm). 248 AD. Radiale bust right / Short column inscribed COS ID. RSC 193; RIC IV pt3,24c. Choice EF. ($125) 1 3



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2,1 9 9 2

455. PHILIP Π. 247-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.13 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Goat standing left. RSC 72; RIC IV pL 3,224. EF. ($85) 461. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. JE Sestertius (18.51 gm). Laureate, cuirassed bust right /Concordia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. RIC V pL 1,209. Fine, pale green and red patina, some encrustation. ($225)

456. HOSTILIAN, Caesar. 251 AD. JE Sestertius (17.31 gm). Bare-headed bust right / Apollo seated left, holding branch and resting arm on lyre. RIC IV pt.3, 214. Near VF, green and brown patina. Rare. ($125) 462. SALONINUS, Caesar. 255-259 AD. JE As (7.23 gm). Bare-headed bust nght / Prince standing left, holding globe and sceptre, captive at feet RIC V pL 1,33. Fine, brown patina. Scarce later bronze denomination. ($85)

457. TREBONIANUS GALLUS. 251-253 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.27 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust nght; single peUet under bust / Aequitas standing half-left, holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC IV pt.3,80var. (single pellet not listed). EF, light verdigris on reverse. ($75)

463. QUIETUS. 260-261 AD. Antoninianus (3.38 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae; star to left RSC Id; RIC Vpt.2,2. Near VF, partial silvering. ($100)

464. MARIUS. 268 AD. Antoninianus (2.79 gm). Radiate bust right/Victory walking nght, holding wreath and palm. RIC V pt.2,18. VF/Fine, brown and green patina. ($75)

458. AEMILIAN. 253 AD. JE Sestertius (15.71 gm). Laureate bust right / Roma standing left, holding eagle on globe and sceptre. RIC IV pt.3,49. Near VF, green patina. Irregular flan. Rare. ($600)

465. TETRICUS 1.270-273 AD. Antoninianus (3.02 gm). Gallic mint Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Hilarius standing left, holding palm branch and comu($75) copiae, basket (?) at feet. Cf. RIC V pt.2,80. Choice EF, gray patina.

459. VALERIAN 1.253-260 AD. JE As (8.07 gm). Laureate bust right / ApoUo standing left, holding branch and lyre. RIC V pt.l, 190. Near VF, green and brown patina. Scarce later bronze denomination. ($100)

Probably a "barbarous radiate" but of remarkable quality nonetheless.

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>\ ft

460. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Sole Reign. JE Antoninianus (2.94 gm). Radiate head right / Antelope walking left; in exergue, XI. RIC V pt 1,181 ; RSC IV 165. VF, brown surfaces. ($50)

466. T E T R I C U S II. 270-273 AD. JE Antoninianus (2.80 gm). Obverse Blockage. Radiate, draped bust righL Nice VF. ($65) 14



467. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (3.50 gm). Siscia Radiate head right/CONCORDIA MILL S. RIC Vpi. 1, —. EF,some silvering. ($150)

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2,1 9 9 2

473. TACITUS. 275-276 AD. Antoninianus (3.31 gm). Ticinum. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust nght / Spes crowning emperor. RIC V pt. 1,167. Near EF. ($75)

474. TACITUS. 275-276 AD. Antonintanus (3.63 gm). Antioch. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor receiving globe from Jupiter. RIC V pL 1, 210. Choice EF, full silvering. ($150)

468. AURELIAN and SEVERINA. 270-275 AD. A:. Sestertius (11.18 gm). Radiate bust of Aurelian / Diademed bust of Severina. RIC V pt. 1,2. Fine, dark brown patina. Rare. ($375)

475. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antonintanus (4.05 gm). Rome. Radiate bust nght /Trophy with two captives; R wreath A. RIC V pt 2,220. EF. ($85)

469. SEVERINA, Wife of Aurelian. Antoninianus (4.08 gm). Rome. Diademed bust right, on crescent / Concordia and Emperor, clasping hands; XXIR. RIC V pL 1, 3. EF, with nearly full silvering. ($150)

476. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoramanus (4.35 gm). Ticinum. Radiate bust left, with eagle-tipped sceptre / Hercules standing left; SXXT. RIC V pt. 2,375. NiceEF. ($125)

470. SEVERINA, Wife of Aurelian. JE Denanus (2.77 gm). Rome. Diademed and draped bust right / Venus standing left, holding Cupid and sceptre. RIC V, pL 1, 6. VF, partially cleaned. ($100)

The Rarest Prob us Antoninianus

471. SEVERINA, Wife of Aurelian. /Ε Denarius (2.56 gm). Rome. Diademed bust right / Venus standing; Γ. RIC V pt. 1,6. EF. Rare. ($225)

477. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (2.01 gm). Siscia. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / SISCIA PROBI AVG, personification of Siscia seated left, holding fillet, river gods Savus and Colapis at sides; XXIT. RIC V pt.2,765. VF, green patina, edges rough. ($700) Probus was one of the greatest ofthe late 3rd century "soldier emperors". His campaigns against the usurpers Proculus, Bonosus and Saturnmus left him unchallenged ruler ofRome, and his defeat of the Germanicforces at the borders ofGaul and lllyria restored areas long lost to the Empire This rare coin type depicts a grateful Siscia in lllyria safe within its borders. Ironically, Probus would be murdered at Sirmium, not far from Siscia, by soldiers enraged at being put to work on a road building project, and resenting his boastful comment that armies would soon be superfluous in a pacified Empire.

472. TACITUS. 275-276 AD. Antonimanus (4.49 gm). Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Salus standing left; ΧΧΙΔ. Cf. RIC V pt 1,93. Superb EF. ($150) 85



478. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antonmianus (4.00 gm). Cyztcus. Helmeted, radiate bust left with spear and shield / Probus on horseback, trampling captive; V/XXIMC. RIC V p t 2,913. EF. ($125)

479. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antonimanus (3.53 gm). Antioch. Radiate bust right / Emperor receiving Victory from Jupiter, S‫׳‬/XXI. RIC V pt2,922. EF, black patina. ($75)

480. CARINUS. 283-285 AD. Antonmianus (4.02 gm). Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust nght / Aequitas standing; K A Z RIC V pt. 2,238. EF.

Group September


484. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (4.52 gm). Camulodunum. Radiate and draped bust right / Bull standing nght; SMC. RIC V pL 2,274/275. VF. ($375)

485. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antonimanus (4.63 gm). Obverse Brockage. Radiate, draped bust right. Near VF, olive green patina. ($75)

486. ALLECTUS. 293-296 AD. JE Antoninianus (4.81 gm). London. Radiate, cuirassed bust right / Pax standing left; S A/ML. RIC V pt. 2,28. Superb EF. ($425)


481. MAGNIA URBICA, Wife of C a r i n u s . Antonimanus (3.67 gm). Diademed bust right, on crescent / Venus standing left, holding helmet and seeptre. RIC V pt2,343. Fine, rough surfaces. Very Rare. ($100)

487. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. JE I ollis (9.67 gm). Heraclea. 296-297 AD. Laureate head right /Genius standing; ΗΤΓ. RIC VI 17b. EF, nearly full silvering. ($150)

482. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. Antonmianus (3.72 gm). Antioch. 285 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust nght / Emperor receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter. υΕΔ/ΧΧΙ. RIC VpL 2,325. EF. ($75)

488. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. JE Foffis (8.83 gm). Antioch. 304-305 AD. laureate head right / Genius standing left; Z/ANT·. RIC VI 58b. EF, black patina. ($100)

483. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. JE Follis (10.16 gm). Aquileia. 296 AD. Laureate head right/Genius standing; AQS. RIC VI, 23a. EF, silvering. ($150)

489. CONSTANTIUS I, Caesar. 294-305 AD. JE FoUis (9.25 gm). Antioch. 304-305 AD. Laureate head right /Genius standing; Z/ANT. RIC VI 59a. Near EF. ($65)



490. CONSTANTIUS 1.305-306 AD. Consecration Issue. JE Follis (6.08 gm). Aquileia. Veiled head right / Eagle standing, with wings spread, on two-doored altar enclosure; AQr. Unlisted in RIC. Good VF, brown patina with touches of green. ($150)

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495. MAXIMINUS 11.309-313 AD. JE Follis (6.93 gm).Siscia. 309-310 AD. Laureateheadnght/Geniusstanding; υΔ/SIS. NearEF.Rare. ($200)

496. MAXIMINUS II. 309-313 AD. JE Follis (5.15 gm). Antioch. 312 AD. Laureale head nght / Sol standing left, holding bust of Serapis; Δ */ANT. RIC VI 167b. EF, black patina. ($75) 491. GALERIUS, Caesar. 294-311 AD. JE FoUis (9.80 gm). Aquileia. 301 AD. Laureate head right/Moneta standing left; V/AQI‫־‬. RIC VI 32b. EF, nearfull silvering. ($175)

497. MAXIMINUS Π. 309-313 AD./E Follis (6.35 gm). Alexandria. 311 AD. Laureate head right/Genius standing; uA/KP/ALE. RIC VI 139b. EF. ($75) 492. GALERIUS, Caesar. 294-311 AD. JE Follis (10.17 gm). Heraclea. 297298 AD. Laureate head right / Genius standing; HTB. RTV VI 20b. EF, some silvering. ($75)

498. MAXIMINUS II. 309-313 AD. JE Follis (4.69 gm). Alexandria. 312-313 AD. Laureate head right / Genius standing left, holding bust of Serapis and comucopiae;*NpalmB/ALEvRIC VI 162b. Choice EF, dark green patina. ($150) 493. GALERIUS, as Augustus. 294-311 AD. JE Follis (6.31 gm). Alexandria. 311 AD. Laureate head nght / Gemus standing left; uB/KX/ALE. RIC VI 144b. Near EF, small pit at throat. ($45)

499. MAXENT1US. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (6.94 gm). Rome. 308-310 AD. Laureate head nght /Roma seated within temple; wreath in pediment, RBQ. RIC VI 210. Choice EF, smooth brown patina but for small spot on edge. ($125)

494. GALERIA VALERIA, Wife of Galerius. JE Foms (6.95 gm). Thessalonica. 308-310 AD. Diademed bust facing, head right, wearing ornate mantie and necklace / Venus standing left, holding apple; * Δ/'SM'TS·. RIC VI36. EF, dark green patina. Unusual bust treatment. ($250)

Our Next Auction Will Be Sale ΧΧΙΠ, A Seaby Coin Sale, To Be Held In London On Ocotberl3th

500. MAXENTIUS. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (6.28 gm). Ostia. 309-310 AD. Laureate head right/Dioscuri standing with two horses; MOSTQ. RIC VI35. Near EF. ($150) 47



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501. LICINIUS 1.308-324 AD. jC Follis (3.50 gm). Heraclea. 312 AD. Laureate head right / Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe, eagle at feet to left; Δ/SMHT. RIC VI73. Nice EF. ($75)

507. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. jE Follis (3.25 gm). Heradea. 313 AD. Laureate head right / Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe, eagle at feet to left; E/SMHT. RIC VI75. Nice EF. ($75)

502. LICINIUS I. 308-324 AD. R Follis (3.15 gm). Cyzicus. 312-313 AD. Laureate head right / Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe, eagle with wreath at feet to left; Z/SMK. RIC VI 105a. EF, with some silvenng. ($75)

508. CONSTANT INE 1.307-337 AD. R Follis (3.01 gm). Constantinople. 328 AD. Diademed, draped bust right /CONSTANTINIAN A DAFNE; E/CONS. RIC VÜ 35; LRBC 991. VF. ($50)

503. LICINIUS II. 317-324 AD. R Follis (3.11 gm). Obverse Brockage. Small, consular bust left Fine, black patina. ($65)

509. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. R Follis (2.29 gm). Antioch. 324-325 AD. Anepigraphic, laureate head right / Legend in three lines. RIC VII57. VF, slightly rough surfaces. ($65)

504. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. R Follis (5.30 gm). Trier. 310-311 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust nght / Mars standing nght, holding spear and shield; Τ F/PTR. RIC VI862. Superb EF, smooth daik brown patina. ($ 100)

510. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. R Follis (3.58 gm). Obverse Brockage. !.aureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. VF, dark brown patina. ($65)

505. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. R Follis (4.14 gm). Trier. 310-313 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust right / Mars standing right with spear and shield; TF/PTR. RIC VI862. Nice EF. ($100)

511. HELENA, Mother of Constantine. 327-328 AD. R Follis (3.33 gm). Alexandna. Diademed bust right / Helena standing left, holding branch; wreath, A/SMAL RIC ΥΠ 48. EF, black patina. ($85)

506. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 A D . F o l l i s (4.41 gm). Tner. 310-313 AD. Laureate bust right / Radiate bust of Sol nght. RIC VI 893. Choice EF, smooth brown patina. ($ 150)

512. THEODORA, Second wife of Constantius 1.337-340 AD. R Follis (2.16 gm). Constantinople. Draped bust nght / Pietas holding child; CONSE RIC VIH 36; LRBC 1050. Good VF, black patina. ($100) 18



513. CRISPUS, Caesar. 317-326 AD. JE Follis (3.16 gm). London. 323-324 AD. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left / Globe on altar with three stars above. RIC VII 275. Nice EF, brown patina. ($100)

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519. CONSTANTIUS 11.337-361 AD. AV Solidus (4.36gm). Antioch. 347355 AD. Diademed bust right / Roma and Constantinople enthroned, holding shield inscribed VOT XX MVLT XXX; SMAN A. RIC Vffl 81 (R2).VF. ($350)

520. ANONYMOUS. Early 4th Centuiy AD. Ai 15mm (1.60 gm). Antioch mint. Obverse Brockage. Tyche of Antioch seated facing, river god swimming below. Cohen (Julian) 1. ($65)

514. HANNIBALLIANIUS. 336-337 AD. JE 3 (1.32 gm). Constantinople. Draped and cuirassed bust right / Euphrates reclining right; CONSA. RIC VII147. VF. Rare. ($425)

521. VETRANIO.350 AD. jECentenionalis(5.43gm).Siscia. Laureatebust right; A * / Victory crowning emperor, who holds labarum and sceptre; ·ASIS·. RIC VIII287; LRBC 1174. Fine, black patina. ($ 175)

515. CONSTANTINE Π, Caesar. 328 AD. JE Follis (3.11 gm). Aries. Laureate bust left/Camp-gate with four turrets and open doors; S F/TCONST. RIC VII322 Choice EF, dark brown patina. ($125)

516. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE Follis (1.51 gm). Siscia. 337-340 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Two soldiers flanking one standard, Christogram in banner, BSIS. RIC V m 88; LRBC 781. EF, brown patina. ($125)

522. JULIAN Π. 360-363 AD. JE 28mm (9.69 gm). Antioch. Diademed bust right / Bullright;NANTT/. RIC Vm 216; LRBC 2640. Near EF, dark green patina with red highlights. ($250)

An early representation of a Christian symbol.

523. PROCOPIUS. 365-366 AD. JE 19mm (2.93 gm). Nicomedia. Diademed bust left / Emperor holding labarum and shield; SMNA. RIC Κ 10; LRBC 2331. Fine, rough green patina. ($75) 517. CONSTANTIUS II, Caesar. 324-325 AD. JE Follis (2.16 gm). Antioch. Anepigraphic laureate bust left / * CONSTAN Ή-VS CAESAR SMANTA ·. RIC ΥΠ 60. Good VF, black patina. ($125)

Superb AV Solidus ofConstantius II

524. GALLA PLACIDIA, Mother of Valentinian III. 11mm (1.30 gm). Rome DN GALL(A PLACIDIA PF AVG), draped bust nght / (SALVS REI)VBUCAE, cross. LRBC 844ff. Good, dark green patina. Very Rare. ($100)

518. CONSTANTIUS II. 337-361 AD. AV Solidus (4.60 gm). AquUea. 340-350 AD. Diademed bust right; laurel wreath around / Victory inscribing VOT XX MVLT XXX on shield held by genius; SMAQ, laurel wreath around. RIC Vffl 44 (R2). Superb EF. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON BACK COVER. ($3000)

525. THEODOSIUS Π. 402450 AD. AV Solidus (4.43 gm). Constantinople. 408420 AD. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing /Constantinopolis seated facing right; ($300) *, Z/CONOB. RIC Hunter 4 var. (officina). Good VF. 49


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531. SPAIN, Emerita. Augustus. 27BC-14AD./E27mm (10.22 gm). Facing bust of Silenus / Two bulls left Burgos 1546. VF. Scarce. ($350)

526. SPAIN, Caesaraugusta. Gaius Caligula. 3 7 4 1 AD. JE 31mm (14.59 gm). Laureate head of Caligula left / Colonist plowing; Licinianus and Germanicus, duovirs. RPC 371. Near VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

532. BALEARIC ISLANDS. Ebusus. Gaius Caligula. 37-41 AD. /E23mm (9.09 gm). Bare head right / IN S AVGV, Bes standing facing, holding hammer and snake. RPC 480. Fine, brown patina. Rare. ($75)

527. SPAIN, Carthago Nova. Circa 220-215 BC. JE 21mm (9.19 gm). Crade head of Tanit left/Horsehead right; Punic "A" in front. Burgos 398. VF, black patina. ($125)

533. GAUL, Cabellk). Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 13mm (0.80 gm). Circa 23 BC. Turreted head of Tyche right / Comucopiae. RPC 530. Near VF, red-brown patina. ($65)

528. SPAIN, Castulo. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 19mm (4.41 gm). Diademed head right, Iberian "Ca" in front / Bull standing right; L and crescent above. Burgos 56 l.EF, attractive dark green patina. ($125)

534. SICILY, Lilybaeutn. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 24mm (8.40 gm). Terentius Culleone, Proconsul. Bare head right / Laureate head of Apollo right. RPC 657. Good, brown patina. Rare. ($100)

'Mask of Silenus'

529. SPAIN, Castulo. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 24mm (10.86 gm). M VAL, bare head right / C COR, bull standing right; crescent above. Burgos 563. Fine, brown patina. ($75)

535. MACEDON, under the Romans. D. Junius Silanus, Praetor. 142-141 BC. JE 24mm (10.22 gm). Facing mask of Silenus / D MAKE · ΔΟΝΩΝ in wreath. SNG Copenhagen 1324. VF+, brown patina. Very Rare. ($600)

536. MACEDON, Amphipolis. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 21mm (9.26 gm). Augustus standing left, holdng spear and parazonium / Europa on bull. RPC-; SNG ANS 158. Near VF, brown patina. ($100)

530. SPAIN, Colonia Romula. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. JE 28mm (13.29 gm). Laureate head of Tiberius left / Confronted heads of Dnisus and Germanicus. RPC 74. Fine, brown patina. ($75) 50



Group September 2,1 992 'The Three Graces'

537. MACEDON, Amphipolis. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 22mm (7.63 gm). Laureate bust right / City-goddess seated left, holding patera. SNG ANS 197. Fine, brown patina. ($65) 543. MOESIA, Marcianopolis. Julia Domna. 193-217 AD. /E23mm (10.56 gm). Draped bust right /Three Graces. Pick 210,603. EF, green patina. Rate and interesting subject matter. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON BACK COVER. ($600)

538. MACEDON, Thessalonica. Gaius Caligula and Antonia. 37-41 AD. JE 21mm (9.78 gm). Γ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ [ΣΕΒΑΣ]ΤΟΣ, laureate head of Caligula left / ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ, veiled bust of Antonia left. RPC 1576/1575. Fine, black panna. ($125) 544. MOESIA, Marcianopolis. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. 25mm (11.00 gm), !.aureate and cuirassed bust right / Tyche with comucopiae and rudder. AMNG 711. EF, emerald green patina. ($300)

539. MACEDON, Thessalonica. Claudius and Augustus. 41-54 AD. JE 21mm (9.08 gm). Laureate head of Claudius left /Radiate head of Augusms right. RPC 1578. Fine, green patina with red highlights. ($125)

545. THRACE, Anchialos. Gordian III and Tranquillina. 241-244 AD. JE 27mm (12.70 gm). Confronted busts of Gordian and Tranquillina / Zeus standing facing left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Strack 648. VF, green and brown patina, slightly double-struck. ($85) 540. MACEDON, Thessalonica. Claudius and Britannicus. 41-54 AD. JE 24mm (9.08 gm). Head of Claudius left/Small bust of Britannicus left. RPC 1588. Fair, corrosion. Very Rare. ($125)

546. THRACE, Byzantion. Circa 1 st Century BC-1 st Century AD. JE 15mm (2.85 gm). Head of Hermes right wearing petasos / Winged caduceus. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 504. Near EF, green patina ($250)

541. MOESIA, Kallatis. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. £25π11η (12.02 gm). Laureate head right / Artemis the huntress with bow; E. Pick 303. VF, olive-gieen patina. ($150)

547. THRACE, Byzantion. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 33mm (23.02 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right/Two elongated wicker baskets flanking flaming altar. Cf. BMC Thrace pg. 102,79. Near VF, brown and tan patina, fields smoothed. ($75) 542. MOESIA, Marcianopolis. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. ^ 26mm (9.91 gm). Laureate, draped bust right/Tyche standing with rudder and comucopiae. Pick 571. Good VF, exceptional green patina. ($350)

The bust in BMC is described as carrying a spear over shoulder; on this piece il may have been removed by the smoothing.



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552. THESSALY. Domitian and Domitia. 81-96 AD. JE 20mm (6.47 gm). Δ Ο Μ Γ Π Α Ν Ο Ν KAICAPA ©ECA AI, laureate head of Domitian nght / AOMIΤΊΑΝ C E B A C T H N , draped bust of Domitia right. SNG Copenhagen 339. Near VF, black patina. ($85) 548. THRACE, Byzantion. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. ^ 3 7 m m (31.68 gm). Heroic bust left shown from rear, radiate, carrying spear and shield / Emperor on horseback, preparing to spear lion. Cf. BMC Thrace pg. 104,93 (different bust treatment); Mabbott 432 (this coin). Near VF, dark brown patina, rough surfaces. ExMabbott Collection (Schulman, June 1969). ($100)

553. EUBOEA, Chalkis. Poppaea. Died 65 AD. JE 22mm (9.97 gm). Π Ο Π ΠΛΙΑ (ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ), draped bust right /C(TPA Ή KAAY) Ε Υ Θ Υ Κ Λ Ι X A A , Hera sealed left, holding patera and sceptre; A to right. Apparently unpublished, but see RPC 1352-1353 for the magistrate under Nero. Good, black patina. Very Rare. ($75)

549. T H R A C E Byzantion. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. ^ 4 7 m m (20.63 gm). Laureate bust right/Table, on which pn7e crown with palm s and simpulum(?), vase below. SNG Copenhagen 521. Fine, tan patina. ($80) 554. C O R I N T H I A , Corinth. Duovirs P.Tadius Chilo and C. Iulius Nicephorus. 43/42 BC. JE 23mm (6.31 gm). Bellerophon taming Pegasos / Poseidon seated right Amandry Emission Π; RPC 1117. Good, dark green patina. ($75)

555. CORINTHIA, Corinth. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 19mm (6.14 gm). Duovirs LRutilius Planais and A.Vatronius Labeo. 12-10 BC. Laureate head right / Pegasos walking right Amandry Emission XTV, 1 ; RPC 1145. Good, black patina. 550. T H R A C E , Perinthus. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 41mm (40.99 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust n g h t / T y c h e standing left before altar, holding a model of a temple m each hand. B M C Thrace pg. 153, obverse 40, reverse 42; Mabbott 498 (this coin). Near VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. ($ 100) Ex Mabbott Collection (Schulman; June 1969).


556. C O R I N T H I A , Corinth. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. JE 2 2 m m (7.10 gm). Duovirs L.Arrius Peregrinus and LFurius I.abeo. 32-33 AD. laureate head left / Hexastyle temple. Amandry Emission XVI; R P C 1158. Good, brown and green patina. ($75)

551. THRACE, Perinthus. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 41mm (2930 gm). AVK M AVP CEVH ALEXANAPOC AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Π Ε Ρ Ι Ν Θ Ι Ν Ω Ν Ω Ν φ ο ) AIC Ν Ε Ο Κ Ο Ρ Ω Ν , Ares(?) standing right, nude but for helmet, holding spear and Nike. Mabbott 504 (this coin). Fine, brown patina. ExMabbotlCollecnon (Schulman; June 1969). ($100)

557. CORINTHIA, Corinth. Caligula. 37-41 AD. JE22mm (7.86gm). Bare head nght / Pegasos flying righL SNG Copenhagen 224. Near VF, dark brown patina with lighter highlights. Rare. ($300)



558. LAKONIA, Boeae. Geta, Caesar. 198-209 AD. JE 21mm (3.56 gm). ΑΟΥ Γ ETAC ΚΑ, bare-headed bust nght / ΒΟΙΑ TWN, Poseidon standing left, holding dolphin and trident. Apparently unpublished, but cf. SNG Fitzwilliam 3757 for Athena reverse. VF, heavy dark green patina. Very rare city in the Peloponnesos. ($125)

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563. PONTOS, Amaseia. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 30mm (15.63 gm). Year 208 (208/209 AD). Laureate bust right / Nike flying left, foot on globe, holding wreath and palm. BMC Pontus pg.9,22. Near VF, brown patina. ($5‫)ל‬

559. CRETE, Knossos. Gaius Caligula. 37-41 AD. JE 20mm (3.66 gm). Duovirs Dossennus Pulcher and Vario. Laureate head of Caligula right / Bare head of Germanicus right. RPC 996. Fine, olive-green patina. Rare. ($100) 564. PONTOS, Amaseia. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 36mm (24.84 gm). Year 228 (228/229 AD). Laureate bust right/Large altar with tree at side, eagle with wings displayed on top, facing quadriga with Helios above. BMCPontuspg. 12, 40. VF, brown patina. ($100)

560. PONTOS, Amaseia. Lucius Verus. 161-169 AD. JE 33mm (21.68 gm). Year 165 (165/166 AD). Laureate bust nght / Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus clasping hands. Waddington 27. Near VF, light brown patina, porosity. ($85) 565. PONTOS, Neocaesarea. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 29mm (14.97 gm). Year 142 (205/206 AD). Laureate bust right / TeUastyle temple with globe in pediment, statue on short column within. Waddington 13. Fine, brown pati-

561. PONTOS, Amaseia. Commodus. 180-192 AD. JE 28mm (9.54 gm). Year 189 (189/190 AD). Laureate head right / Asklepios standing facing left, holding serpent-staff. Waddtnglon 35. Near VF, brown patina. ($85)

562. PONTOS, Amaseia. Commodus. 180-192 AD. JE 33mm (26.53 gm). Year 190(190/191 AD). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from back /Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Cf. Waddington 36. Fine, dark green patina. (S85)

566. PONTOS, Neocaesarea. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 30mm (18.64 gm). Year 178 (241/242 AD). Laureate bust nght/Tetrastyle temple, sealed figure of Zeus within. Mabbott 1029 (this coin). Near VF, light brown patina. ($85) Ex Mabbott Collection (Schulrwn; June 1969).

567. PONTOS, Trapezos. Gordian ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. JE 30mm (10.53 gm). Year 180 (243/244 AD). Laureate bust nght /The god Mithras on horsehack nght; tree (S75) behind. Cf. Waddington 49 (no tree). Fine, brown patina.




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573. BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 23mm (5.95 gm). Laureate head right / Euthenia standing left, holding patera and comucopiae. Waddington 459. VF, brown patina, light scratches. ($65) 568. PONTOS, Trapezos. Tranquillina. JE 33mm (26.83 gm). Year 179? (242/243 AD). Draped bust right /Tyche standing facing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae; starto right. Cf. Waddington 46 (Gordian, year 275). VF, blue-green patina. Thick heavy flan. ($150) It appears that the dale on the reverse die was altered from 275 (POE) to 279 (ΡΟΘ), but could the die have been kept for four years before being reused? 574. BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Trebonianus Gallus. 251-253 AD. JE 22mm (7.35 gm). Radiate bust nght / Athena standing left, holding patera and shield. Waddington 768 var. (Athena also holds spear). VF, brown patina. ($75)

569. PAPHLAGONIA, Amastris. Marcus Aurelius. Caesar. 139-161 AD. JE 19mm (4.18 gm). Bare head right / AMACT PIANON, bull walking right. Waddington 95. VF, brown patina, porosity. ($65)

575. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ, Nicaea. Macrianus. 270-271 AD. JE 24mm (6.06 gm). Laureate bust right / View of the city walls of Nicaea. Waddington 867. VF, black palina, double stmck. ($75)

570. PAPHLAGONIA, Amastris. Lucius Verus. 161-169 AD. JE 18mm (4.51 gm). AVT Κ A AV PH OVHPOC, laureate bust right / AMACT ΡΙΑΝΩΝ, eagle standing right, head reverted. Apparently unpublished. VF, brown patina. ($75)

571. BITHYNIA, Heraklea Pontica. Balbinus. 238 AD. JE 19mm (4.49 gm). AVT Κ ΔΚ BAABEINOC, laureate bust nght / HPAK AE ΩΤΑΝ ΠΟΝΊΏ, Pomona standing left, holding apple. SNG Von Aulock 417 (same dies). VF, brown patina, porosity. Very Rare. ($ 125)

572. BITHYN1A, Heraklea Pontica. Otacilia Severa, wife of Philip I. JE 28mm (8.70 gm). Diademed bust nght; countermart(: H above club/Herakles standing right, with club and lien skin, holding apples of Hespendes. SNG Vm Aulock 446; Howgego 824. VF, brown and green patina. (S75)

576. BITHYNIA, Nicomedia. Valerian I, Gallienus and Valerian II. 256258 AD. JE, 25mm (8.80 gm). Confronted radiate busts of Valerian and Gallienus, small bust of Valerian Π between / The three neocorate temples of Nicomedia around altar. Waddington 407; Mabbott 1221 (this coin). Fine, brown patina. ($75) Ex Mabbotl Collection (Schulman, June 1969).

577. BITHYNIA, Prusas. Pertinax. 193 AD. JE 30mm (14.94 gm). Laureate, bearded head nght / Hexastyle temple. Waddington 65; Mabboa 1228 (this com). Fine, brown patina, obverse pitting. Extremely rare emperor in the Greek Imperial series. ($125) Ex Mabbotl Collection (Schulman; June 1969)



578. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. /E27mm (13.17 gm). Laureate bust right / Octastyle temple. SNG Von Aulock 1260. Fine, olive-green patina. ($85)

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583. LESBOS, Mvtilene. Commodus. 180-192 AD. JE 34mm (23.70 gm). [ ] AVPN K[], laureate and draped bust right; countermark: laureate head right (Caracalla?) / [EtTICTPJA ΦΟΥ ΕΡΜΟΛ ΛΟΙMYTTAH[ ], Pankradites(?) standing right, offering statue of Asklepios to Tyche. Apparently unpublished. Fine, cleaned. ($100) Pankradites is named on earlier coins ofMytilene, and his association with Asklepios suggests he was a revered local physic Lan. Although the figure on this coin is not identified, it could represent Pankradites bringing good health to Mytilene

579. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Marcus Aurelius, Caesar. 139-161 AD. Ai 22mm (6.73 gm). AYPHAIOC BH POC KAICAP, bare-headed bust nght / KYZIK ΗΝΩΝ, serpent entwined around torch, with grain ears and poppies above. Apparently unpublished. Fine, brown patina. ($85)

580. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Commodus. 180-192 AD. JE 22mm (6.33 gm). Laureate bust right/Heifer walking right SNG Copenhagen 117. Fine, brown and green patina, porosity. ($75)

584. IONIA, Ephesos. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. Ai 37mm (25.80 gm). Laureate bust right / Nike standing nght, placing shield on palm. BMC Ionia pg.83,260. Good, brown patina. ($65)

581. MYSIA, Pergamon. Commodus. 180-192 AD. JE 32mm (18.46 gm). AVTO KAI M AVPH ΚΟΜΟΔΟ, lauieate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠΙ XT ΓΑΥΚΏΝ1 ANOY ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩΝ Β ΝΕΟΚΟΡΩΝ, Kybele sealed in wagon drawn by lions, guided by Silenus holding wine sack. Apparently unpublished, but see BMC pg. 151,307 for magistrate. Fine, black patina, scratches. ($80)

585. IONIA, Ephesos. Julia Domna. /P. 30mm ( 12.60 gm). Draped bust right /Cartdrawn by galloping mules. BMC Ioniapg.84,267. Good, brown patina. ($65)

582. AEOLIS, Elaea. Julia Maesa. Ai 28mm (8.24 gm). F.IOYAIA MAICAN CEB, draped bust right / ΕΓΠ CTP A AYP ΒΛΟΥΛΑΟΥ(?) ΕΛΑΕΠ, one-handied vase on altar, flanked by flaming torches with entwined serpents. Apparently unpublished. Fine, tan patina. ($100)

586. IONIA, Ephesos. Julia Mamaea. JE 29mm (9.99 gm) Draped bust nghi /Cart drawn by stepping mules. BMC Ionia pg-96,328. Good, green and red patina. (S65)



587. IONIA, Ephesos. Otacilia Severa. JE 29mm (12.59 gm). Diademed bust nght / Cart drawn by stepping mules. Mabbott 1515. Good, green and brown patina. ($75)

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592. LYDIA, Hypaepa. Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 AD. JE 34mm (20.91 gm). I-aureale bust right; countermark: Artemis Anait誰s / Temple of Artemis Anait誰s; magistrate Philomelou. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 194 (different magistrate); Howgego 233. Good, brown patina. ($75)

588. IONIA, Islands off. Samos. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 28mm (10.59 gm). Laureate bust right / Wamor with shield right, with foot on galley. BMC Ionia pg.383,301. Near VF, light brown patina. ($75)

593. LYDIA, Hypaepa. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 34mm (19.62 gm). Laureate bust nght / Hexastyle temple with cult statue of Artemis Ana誰tis. BMC Lydia pg.l 13,30. Good, brown patina. ($100)

589. IONIA, Islands off. Samos.'IVajan Deaus. 249-251 AD. JE 28mm (9.88 gm). laureate bust right / Wamor with shield right, with foot on galley. BMC Ionia pg.389,348. Near VF, brown patina, obverse flan flaw (?). ($75)

594. LYDIA, Philadelphia. Nero. 54-68 AD. JE 18mm (4.64 gm). Bare-headed bust right / Hekate standing facing, holding two torches. RPC 3041. Fine, dark green patina. ($65)

590. IONIA, Islands off. Samos. Valerian 1.253-260 AD. JE 27mm (10.70 gm). Laureate bust right/Cult statue of Samian Hera. BMC Ionia pg.392,367. Near VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. ($65) 595. LYDIA, Philadelphia. Commodus. 180-192 AD. JE 36mm (20.52 gm). Laureate bust right / Nude 1 Ielios standing left, holding whip and torch. BMC Lydia pg.120,74. Fine, encrusted brown patina. ($85)

591. LYDIA, Akrasos. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. Ai 44mm medallion (38.30 gm). Laureate bust nght/Cult statue of Ephesian Artemis on cart drawn by two stags. Mabbou 1780 (this coin). Fair, brown patina. ($150) Ex Mabbott Collection (Schulman, June 1969).

596. LYDIA, Philadelphia. Julia Domna. JE 30mm (10.64 gm). Draped bust right / Table with two pn7e crowns and purses, vase with two aspergillum below. BMC Lydia pg. 201,80. Good, dark brown patina. ($65)



597. LYDIA, Philadelphia. Philip 1.244-249 AD. JE 35mm (21.81 gm). Laureate bust right / Table with two prize crowns and purses, vase below. BMC Lydia pg.206,101. Good, heavy green patina. ($75)

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601. CARIA, Stratonikeia. Caracalla and Geta. 209-212 AD. JE 39mm (27.43 gm ). Confrantedbusts of Caracalla and Geta, the bu si of Gela obliterated; countermarks: helmeted bust of Athena nght, another, ΘΕΟΥ /Zeus Panamaros on horseback right, altar in from. BMCCanapg.158,68; Howgego 188 and 536. Near VF, brown patina. ($100)

602. CARIA, Tabae. Plotina, wife ofTVajan. JE. 29mm (5.41 gm). Diademed bustright/Stag standing right BMC Caria pg. 170,79. Near VF, brown and green pauna. ($100)

598. LYDIA, Sardes. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 36mm (24.16 gm). laureate and cuirassed bust nght/Table with three prize crowns and two purses, vase with two aspergillum below. BMC Lydia pg. 263,166. Good, tan patina (S75)

603. PHRYGIA, Akmoneia. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. JE 27mm (13.15 gm), laureate bust right / Dionysos, cloak draped over shoulder, holding kantharos and sceptre, panther at feel. BMC Phrygia pg.22,11 lvar. (cloaked?). VF, brown patina. ($75)

599. LYDIA, Tralles. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. JE 36mm (18.46 gm). Radiate bust right / Cult statue of Artemis of Ephesos with Zeus seated left. Apparently unpublished. Near VF, heavy green patina, rough surfaces. ($100)

604. PHRYGIA, Cadi. TVebonianus Gallus. 251-253 AD. JE34mm (15.92 gm). Laureate bust nght / Telrastyle temple with cull state of Artemis of Ephesos. BMC Rirygia pg. 126,47. Fine, brown patina. ($65)

600. CARIA, Alinda.Caracalla and Plautilla. 202-205 AD. /E38mm (25.89 gm). Confronted busts of Caracalla and Plautilla; countermark : laureate bust right, overstnick on another, similar bust / Apollo Kitharoedos standing facing left, holding lyre. BMC Caria pg. 12,17; Howgego 79 over 77. Near VF/Fair, brown patina. ($100) Unusual case of an overslruck countermark.

605. PHRYGIA, Keretapa. Commodas. 180-192 AD. Ai 36mm (19.78 gm), laureate bust right / Nude Herakles standing left, holding club and lion skin. Von Aulock, PisidiensI, 499. Fine, tan patina. ($85)



606. PHRYGIA, Hierapolis. Annia Faustina. 221 AD. JE 24mm (6.12 gm). (ANNIA) ΦΑ V CT ETNA CEB, draped bust right / ΙΕΡΑΠΟΛΕΓΓΩΝ ΝΕΟΚΟΡΩΝ,ΤΑ ΠΑ ΡΑΤΩΝ PYCOPΟΛin wreath. Mabbott 1910(thiscoin)otherwise apparently unpublished. Near VF, brown patina. Rare. ($150) Ex Mabbott Collection (Schulman; June 1969).

607. PHRYGIA, Philomeleia. Trajan Decius. 249-251 AD. JE 32mm (18.30 gm). Radiate bust right/Φ1ΛΟΜΗΛΕΩΝ ΕΠΕΤΥΧΟ B,SPQR in wreath. BMC Phrygia pg.360,43. Near VF, brown patina. ($75)

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611. PAMPHYLIA, Side. Julia Paula, wife of Elagabalus. 219-220 AD. JE 31mm (14.90 gm). ΙΟΥΛ KOP ΠΑΥΛΑ CEB, diademed bust left / Prize crown on table inscribed ΟΑΗΤΩΝ, vase below. Apparently unpublished. Near VF, heavy green patina. ($85)

612. PAMPHYLIA, Side. Salonina. JE 31mm (15.01 gm). Diademed bust nght, eagle below / Prize crown with palm on table, vase with palms below. BMC Lycia etc pg. 162,122. VF, brown patina, porosity. ($65)

608. PHRYGIA, Siblia. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. JE 20mm (5.20 gm). Bare head nght / Bust of Men lefL Von Aulock Phrygiens 1,885. Near VF, dark brown patina with earthen highlights, scattered light porosity. Rare city. ($200)

613. PAMPHYLIA, Sillyon. Gallienus and Salonina. 253-268 AD. JE 32mm (20.70gm). Confronted busts of Salonina and Gallienus; countermark: Κ in circle/ Tyche standing left, holding rudder and sceptre. Apparently unpublished, but reverse type known for Salonina and Valerian Π alone; countermark : Howgego 672. Near VF, cleaned. ($75) 609. PAMPHYLIA, Perga. Philip I. 244-249 AD. JE 26mm (9.97 gm). Laureate bust right / Distyle Ionic temple with simulacrum of Artemis of Perga. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 131,56. Near VF, dark green patina. ($75)

614. PAMPHYLIA, Sillyon. Gallienus and Salonina. 253-268 AD. JE 33mm (23.93 gm). Confronted busts of Saloruna and Gallienus / Bust of Men right SNG Von Aulock 4890. Fine, cleaned, porosity. ($65) 610. PAMPHYLIA, Perga. Gallienus and Salonina. 253-268 AD. £ 36mm (29.60 gm). Confronted busts of Salonina and Gallienus / ΠΕΡΓΑΙΩΝ ΛΥΓΟΥ CTEIA, Zeus seated left, holding prize crown(?) and sceptre. Apparently unpublished, but see SNG Copenhagen 360 for obverse die. Near VF, dark brown panna, a few old digs in fields. The object held by Zeus is unclear, and may even be just a die break. ($100)

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Group September

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615. PISIDIA, Antioch. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 30mm (24.32 gm). Laureate head right / Men standing right, holding sceptre and Nike with trophy, foot on bucranium; rooster behind. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 179,20. Near VF, black patina. ($85)

620. PIS1D1A, Antioch. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 34mm (24.73 gm). Laureate bust nght / Helios driving quadriga left BMC Lycia etc. pg. 190,81. Near VF, brown patina. ($75)

616. PISIDIA, Antioch. Julia Domna. JE 32mm (24.45 gm). Draped bust nght /Men standing right, holding sceptre and Nike with trophy, foot on bucranium, rooster behind. BMC Lycia etc. pg . 181,31. Near VF, green patina. ($85)

621. PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 32mm (24.21 gm). Laureate bust nght / Gordian, holding legionary aqutla, in tnumphal quadriga. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 190, 84. Near VF, black patina. ($75)

617. PISIDIA, Antioch. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 32mm (26.31 gm). Laureate head nght / Wolf and twins. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 183,45. Near VF, green pari-

622. PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 32mm (24.46 gm). Laureate bust right / Gordian, on horseback, prepanng to spear lion. BMC Lycia,191,85.NearVF,brownpatina. (S75)

618. PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 31mm (22.16 gm). Laureate bust right / Mars walking right, with spear and shield. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 188,74; Mabbott 2011 (this coin). Near VF, green and brown patina. (S75) ExMabboll Collection (Schulman; June 1969).

623. PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 32mm (25.25 gm). Laureate bust nght / Two Victories placing shield on palm, bound captives below. BMC Lycia etc. pg.193,99. Near VF, black and brown patina. ($75)

619. PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 35mm (27.45 gm). Laureate bust right / Colonist plowing, two standards behind. BMC Lycia etc. pg.190,80. VF, black patina. ($75)

624. PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 32mm (26.32 gm). Laureate bust right /Wolf and twins. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 194,105. VF, brown patina. ($75)



625. PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. /Ε 34mm (25.11 gm). Laureate head nght / ANTIOCH COLONIA S R. BMC Lycia etc. pg 195,108. Near VF, brown patina. ($75)

626. PISIDIA, Antioch. Philip II.247-249 AD. A,26mm (11.86gm). Radiate bust right / Philip, holding legionary aquila, in triumphal quadnga. BMC Lycia etc. pg.197,121. VF, gray-green patina. ($75)

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630. PISIDIA, Parlais. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. /E 22mm (5.75 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Tyche standing half-left, holding comucopiae and rudder. JNG 23 (1973)15,19. VF, dark brown patina. Very rare city. ($350)

631. PISIDIA, Pednelissos. Salonina. Ai 23mm (6.75 gm). Diademed bust right, on crescent / Zeus Aetophoros seated left Von Aulock, Pisidiens 1,1248. Near VF, green and red patina. Scarce city. ($65)

632. PISIDIA, Pogla. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. Ά 23mm (10.66 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Shrine of simulacrum of Artemis of Perga. Von Aulock, Pisidiens 1,1306. Near VF, green and brown patina, small pit on reverse. Scarce city. ($85) 627. PISIDIA, Apollonia Mordiaeum. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. Ai 39mm medallion (24.62 gm). Laureate bust right / Octastyle temple, with statue of emperor within. BMC Lycia etc. pg.203,5. Near VF, green patina, flan flaws. ($125)

633. PISIDIA, Sagalassos. Salonina. Ai 29mm (10.61 gm). Diademed bust right, on crescent / Nike flying right, holding trophy and wreath. Apparently unpublished, but see SNG Von Aulock 5201 for obverse die. Near VF, heavy green patina. ($75) 628. PISIDIA, Claudio-Seleukeia. Claudius Gothicus. 268-270 AD. /E 32mm (17.98 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust nght, aegis on front of cuirass / Mên standing nght, holding sceptre, foot on bull. Von Aulock, Pisidiens II, 2041. Near VF, black patina. (85)

629. PLSIDIA, Cremna. Aurelian. 270-275 AD. /E30mm (11.49 gm), laureate bust right / Cult statue of Artemis of Ephesos. Von Aulock, Pisidiens Π, 1554. VF, heavy green patina. ($75)

634. LYCAONIA, Savatra. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. /E 26mm (9.77 gm). Laureate head right / Turreted Tyche seated left, holding rudder and comucopiae. Von Aulock Lykaonia 164; BMC Lycaonia p. 12,3. VF, brown patina, lightly porous. Rare city. ($250)



635. CILICIA, Aegeai. Philip I, Philip II and Otacilia Severa. 244-249 AD. JE 28mm (16.62 gm). Confronted busts of Philip and Otacilia, small bust of Philip Î between / Hexastyle temple of Asklepios and Telesphoros. SNG Levante 1780 (same dies). Fine, cleaned, rough surfaces. ($65)

636. CILICIA, Anazarbus. Valerian I. 253-260 AD. JE 29mm (16.28 gm). Year 272 (253/254 AD). Laureate bust nght/Six prize crowns. SNG Levante 1520 (same dies). Fine, brown patina, rough surfaces. ($65)

Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1992

640. CILICIA, Lyrbe. Valerian 1.253-260 AD. JE 33mm -12 Assarion (18.13 gm). Laureate bust right; IB / Apollo Sidetes sacrificing over altar. SNG Levante 287. VF, dark brown patina. Central flan flaw, but still much better than Levante specimen. ($100)

641. CILICIA, MaUas. Valerian 1.253-260 AD. /E31mm (18.37 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right, aegis on front of cuirass /Nude Amphilochos standing left, holding branch, boar at feet, altar with serpent behind. SNG Levante 1298. Near VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. ($85) The Greek hero Amphilochos took part in the wars against Thebes and Troy, and was credited with founding Argos Amphilochikon and Mallos. He died in combat with Mopsos, another mythical founder of a Cilician city.

637. CILICIA, Diocaesareia. Philip I. 244-249 AD. JE 34mm (18.04 gm). Radiate bust right /City-goddess sealed before Tyche standing left, holding rudder and comucopiae. SNG Levanle 676 (same obverse die). Fine, brown patina, rough surfaces. ($75)

642. CILICIA, Olba. Tiberius and Ajax, High Priest. Year 5 (14/15 AD). JE 23mm (13.37 gm). Laureate head of Tiberius righl / Thunderbolt. SNG Levante 637. Near VF, brown patina, light adjustment maiks. ($75)

Unusual in showing the civic goddess and Tyche as two separate individuals.

638. CILICIA, Flaviopolis. Domitian. 81-96 AD. JE 23mm (8.01 gm). Year 17 (89/90 AD). Laureate head righl /City-goddess seated nght, holding grain ears, river-god Pyramus swimming at feet SNG Levante 1530. Near VF, dark green patina.

639. CILICIA, Kelendris. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE. 28mm (11.49 gm). Laureate bust nght / Nude Poseidon standing left, holding dolphin and trident SNG Levante 553. Near VF, brown patina, fields smoothed. ($65)

643. CILICIA, Olba. Tiberius and Ajax, High Priest. Year5 (14/15 AD). JE 24mm (12.00 gm). Laureate head of Tiberius righl / Thundeibolt. SNG Levante 637. Near VF, brown

644. CILICIA, Svedra. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. JE 33mm (18.20 gm). Laureale, draped and cuirassed bust righl; IA before / 'The Judgement of Ares'; Ares accompanied by Dike and Hermes. SNG Levante 437. VF, dark brown patina, lightly porous. See CNA XX (1992), lot 446 for this interesting type. (S150)





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649. CII.ICIA, Tarsos. Pupienus. 238 AD. JE 35mm (28.32 gm). Radiate bust right / Nude Hermes standing nght, holding pileus and caduceus. SNG Levante-; McClean 9120. Good, brown patina. Rate. ($100)

645. CILICIA, Syedra. Salonina. 253-268 AD. JE 32mm (17.70 gm). Diademed bust right; IA before /Gymnasiarch's oil basin with three cups and two palms. SNG Levante 444. VF, brown patina, flan flaw. ($100) The oil basin which athletes used to anoint themsel ves was the symbol of the official responsible for the administration of the games.

650. CILICIA, Tärsos. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. Ai 35mm (26.97 gm). Radiate bust right / Nude Perseus standing right, holding harpa and statue of Apollo Lykeios; before him, a fisherman with a siring of fish. SNG Levante 1118 (same obverse die). Fine, heavy red-brown patina. Rare. ($150)

646. CILICIA,Tarsos.Caracalla. 198-217|D./E33mm(1937gm). laureate bust right / Elephant walking left; ΓΒ and wreath with IOMAKK above. SNG Levante-; BMCCiliciapg.198,196. Fair, dark green patina, evidence of solder on obverse. ($65)

The details of Perseus' involvement in the foundation of Tarsos are unclear.

·>.:w~ -

647. CILICIA, Tarsos. Severus Alexander. 222 -235 AD. JE 36mm (23.41 gm). Laureate bust nght/Galley with high prow to left, two dolphins with demiourgos crown below. SNG Levante 1089. Fine, encrusted. ($65)

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651. CILICIA, Tarsos. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 36mm (26.29 gm). AYT Κ ANT IDPAIANOC CEB ΠΓΙ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from front / TAPCOY THC ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ, in wreath ΛΕΩ C AM Κ Γ Β. Apparently unpublished. VF, green and brown patina. ($150) . jjjXSaBm

648. CILICIA, Tarsos. Maximinus. 235-238 AD. JE 35mm (25.76 gm). Radiate bust right / Nude Herakles standing right, with club and lion skin, holds Telephos, who is petting deer. SNG Lf vante 1098 (same dies); Mabbott 2237 (this coin). Good, dark green patina. ($100) 652. CILICIA, Tarsos. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 37mm (22.67 gm). Radiate bust right, with spear and shield / Emperor on horseback, spearing hon. SNG Levante 1132; Mabbolt 2250 (this coin). Fine, dark brown patina.

Ex Mabbott Collection (Schulman, June 1969). Telephos was the son of Herakles and Augé ofTegea in Arcadia. Since Auge was a priestess under a vow of chastity, her child was exposed and left to die Telephos was raised by a doe, and survived to adult• hood, becoming king of Mysia and marrying a daughter of Priam of Troy.

($100) ExMabbott Collection (Schulman; June 1969). 62



Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 9 9 2

657. CILICIA, Tarsos. Trajan Decius. 249-251 AD. /E 33mm (21.76 gm). Radiale bust nght / Emperor standing behind altar, in front of which a prostrate bull; Demeter at left, holding torches before a column topped with a statue of Apollo Lykeios with wolves; Perseus to right, holding phiale and harpa. SNG levante 1165 (same dies). Fine, brown patina. Wonderful complex design. ($125)

653. CILICIA, Tarsos. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. Ai 37mm (20.91 gm). Radiate bust right / Lion bringing down bull. SNG Levante 1132 var. (no spear and shield with bust). Fine, brown patina, porosity. ($75)

658. CILICIA, Tarsos. Trebonianus Gallus. 251 -253 AD. fE 32mm (20.60 gm). Radiale bust righl / Emperor standing left, receiving Nike from Ares. SNG Von Aulock 6073 (same dies). Fine, olive-green palina. ($85) 654. CILICIA, Tarsos. Tranquillina. JE 28mm (9.73 gm). Diademed bust nghl / Monument of Sandan, beneath arch supported by two figures. McClean 9126. Near VF, brown patina with some encrustation. Unusual. ($100)

659. GALATIA, Ankvra? Domitia. fE 32mm (15.13 gm). Draped bust right/ Octastyle temple with wreath in pediment. Apparently unpublished. Near VF, dark green patina, porosity. ^ ($100)

655. CILICIA, Tarsos. Philip II. 247-249 AD. Ai 34mm (24.57 gm). Radiate bust right / Selene in chanol drawn by two bulls. SNG Levante-; BMC Cilicia pg.222,300. Fine, brown patina. ($85)

660. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. 4· 30mm (16.19 gm). Year 2 (194/195 AD). Laureate head righl/Agalma ofMt. Argaeus on altar; star and crescent above, ETC) Β below. Sydenham 410 var. (several vanations on reverse). Near VF, dark green patina. ($85)

656. CILICIA, Tarsos. Trajan Decius. 249-251 AD. JE 33mm (18.31 gm). Radiate bust right / Herakles standing facing nght, holding club and lion skin. SNG Levante 1157 (same dies). Fine, brown pauna. ($100)

661. CAPPADOCIA. Caesarea. Gordian ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. Κ 26mm (12.83 gm). Year 4 (241/242 AD). Laureate bust nght /Agalma of ML Argaeus on altar, ET Δ below. Sydenham 606. VF, dark green patina. ($75) 13



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666. ASIA. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. /E25mm (11.67 gm). Circa 25 BC. Bare head right / C A within circle within wreath, two galleys above. RPC 2234. Near VF, black and tan patina. ($100) 662. ALLIANCE COINAGE. IONIA, Miletos and Smyrna. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. /E 39mm (26.09 gm). Laureate head right/Nude Apollo of Didyma standing facing, holding stag and bow, with the two Nemeses of Smyrna to nght SNG Von Aulock 2108; Mabbott 1569 (this coin). Good, smooth brown patina. ($125) Ex Mabbott Collection (Schuiman, June 1969).

667. ASIA. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. Ai 25mm (11.71 gm). Circa 25 BC. Bare head nght / AVGVSTVS within wreath. RPC 2235,4100 (Antioch). Fine, black patina. ($75)

663. ALLIANCE COINAGE. Sardes and Ephesos. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. Ai 35mm (21.67 gm). Laureate bust right/Kore of Sardes with grain ears and poppy, Artemis of Ephesos wth stags. BMC Lydia pg.276,215. Near VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. ($ 125) 668. CYPRUS. Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurdius, Caesar. 139-161 AD. Ai 32mm (22.72 gm). Laureate head of Antoninus right / Bare-headed bust of Aurelius right. SNG Copenhagen 85 var. (reverse legend). Near VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

664. ALLIANCE COINAGE. Hierapolis and Kyzikos. Valerian I. 253260 AD. /E 31 mm (14.10 gm). AV Κ ΠΟΥ Λ Κ ΟΥ ΑΛΕΡΙΑΝ OC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust nght / ΙΕΡΑΠΟΛΕΙ ΤΩΝ Κ ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝΕΟΚΟΡΩΝ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, Apollo Kilharoedos, holding lyre, and Demeter, holding torch and sceptre. Mabbott 1283 (this coin) otherwise apparenüy unpublished. Near VF, black patina, rough surfaces. ($125) Ex Mabbott Collect ion (Schuiman, June 1969).

669. SYRIA, Commagenc. Zeugma. Otacilia Severa. Ai 29mm (15.13 gm). Diademed bust right, on crescent; countermark: eagle right / Sanctuary of Zeus Kalabaites. BMCGalatia pg.128, 33; Howgego340. Good VF, attractive graygreen patina. ($100)

665. ASIA. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. /E 33mm (24.75 gm). Circa 25 BC. Bare head nght / C A within circle within wreath. RPC 2233. Good, glossy black patina. (S75)

670. SYRIA, Commagene. Zeugma. Philip II. 247-249 AD. Ai 28mm (18.07 gm). Laureate bust right; countermark: eagle nght/Sanctuary of Zeus Katabaites. BMC Galatia pg. 128,36; Howgego 340. Good VF, attractive gray-green patina. (S100) 14



671. SYRIA, Cyrrhestica. Hieropolis. Faustina Jr.? Year 457 (145/146 AD). Ai 12mm (1.92 gm). ΙΕΡΟ ΠΟΑΙ, youthful female bust nght / F.TOV ZNV, lyre; Β above. Cf. SNG Fitzwilliam 5853. Near VF, brown patina. ($75)

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676. S Y R I A , Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Nerva. 96-98 AD. JE 28mm (14.66 gm). laureale head nght / SC, ß within wreath. Wruck 131. VF, black patina Strong portrait ($100)

SNG Filzwilliam describes the obverse as a bust of Apollo, but il is clearly feminine, with no attributes of the typical goddesses. Could it be a portrait of the young Faustina Jr married to Marcus Aurelius in 145 AD ?

677. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Geta. 209-212 AD. AR Tetradrachm (11.58 gm). laureate head right / Eagle on limb of animal, head nghL Bellinger 15;,381. NearEF. ($200)

672. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 29mm (13.98 gm). Laureate head right / SC within wreath. RPC 4247. VF, dark green patina, roughness. ($75) 678. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Diadumenian. 217-218 AD. JE 19mm (3.59 gm). Bare-headed, cuirassed bust right/SC, Δ Ε within wreath. BMC Galatia etc. pg.201,408. Fine, black patina. ($65)

673. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 29mm (16.51 gm). Laureate head nght ISC within wreath. RPC 4247. Near VF, black patina. ($75)

679. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.24 gm). Laureate head nght, drapery at shoulder / Eagle facing, head left; Δ E, star between legs. Bellinger 42; BMC Galatia etc. pg.202,418. EF. ($200)

680. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I. 244-249 AD. AR Tetradrachm (10.56 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust nght/Eagle standing facing on thunderbolt, wings spread, wreath in beak; officina ς. BMC Galatia etc. pg.212,510var. (off. B). Toned EF/good VF, light verdigris on reverse. ($100)

674. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 23mm (7.27 gm). Year 28 (5/4 BC). laureate head nght / APXIE PATKON ΑΝΤΙΟ ΧΕΙΣ ZK within wreath. R R : 4251. VF, red-brown patina, porosity. ($75)

675. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Year 115 (66/67 AD). JE 18mm (5.70 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right / Boule (civic council) casting pellet into voting um. BMC Galatia etc. pg. 162,87. Near EF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($100)

681. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I. 244-249 AD. AR Tetradrachm (11.45 gm). Cos. 4. Radiate head left / Eagle facmg, head left. Cf. BMC Galatia etc. pg.214,517ft‫־‬. VF. ($125) 65




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687. SYRIA, Decapolis. Gadara. Lucius Verus. Year 225 (161/162 AD). Ai 24mm (12.31 gm). Laureate bust nght / Bust of Herakles right; thunderbolt in front. Spijkerman 55.1. Good, brown patina. Rare. ($85)

682. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip 1.244 249 AD. /E 30mm (27.15 gm). Radiate bust of Philip right / Bust of Tyche right, ram above. Lindgren & Kovacs 2016; BMC 525. Good VF. Scarce larger denomination. ($200)

683. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I and Philip II. 247-249 AD. Ά 29mm (14.84 gm). Jugate busts right; Philip I radiate, Philip Π laureate / Bust of city-goddess, ram above. BMC Galatiaetc. pg.216,537. Good, dark green patina. ($65)

688. PHOENICIA, Berytos. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. R 28mm (15.14 gm). Circa 14-16 AD. Bare head right / Colonist plowing. RPC 4543. Fine, green and brown patina. ($85)

689. PHOENICIA, Berytos. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. /E 20mm (6.90 gm). Cos. 1 (239-241 AD). Radiate bust nght / Nude Dionysos under grape arbor, ami around Silenos, panther at feeL BMC Phoenicia pg. 88,241. Fine, tan patina. ($85)

684. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Herennius Etruscus, Caesar. 250-251 AD. AR Tetradrachm (12.40 gm). Bare-headed, draped bust right; three pellets below / Eagle facing, head right. BMC Galatia etc. pg.224,616. EF. ($150)

690. PHOENICIA, Byblos. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. Ai 22mm (7.48 gm). Radiate and cuirassed bust nght / Statue of Tyche within arched shrine. BMC Phoenicia pg. 105,55. VF, smooth brown patina. Nice for these. ($150)

685. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Emisa. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. AR Tetradrachm (12.38 gm). Laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / Eagle facing, wings spread, head left with wreath in beak, A under head; bust of Helios left between legs. Bellinger 199. Choice EF. ($300)

686. SYRIA, Coele-Syria. Heliopolis. Philip 1.244-249 AD K•. 29mm (14.81 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Rocky eminence, covered with shrubs, surmounted by temple of Jupiter Heliopolitanus, seen in perspective; approached by steep flight of stairs, caduceus m field. BMC 293,18. VF, green patina. Rare and seldom offered. ($750)

691. PHOENICIA, Sidon. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. Ai29mm (20.57 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right/Can of Astarte. BMC Phoenicia pg.185,246 (this coin). VF, brown patina. ($125) Ex British Museum duplicate. 16




692. ARABIA, Bostra. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 30mm (16.34 gm). Laureate bust right / Colonist plowing; above, a sacred enclosure with three baetyls. Spijkerman 51. Good, brown patina. Rare. ($100)


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698. MESOPOTAMIA, Singara. Gordian III and Tranquillina. 241 -244 AD. Ai 34mm (19.53 gm). Confronted busts of Gordian and Tranquillina / Tyche sealed left, holding grain ears; centaur above, river-god below. BMC Arabia pg.135, 8; Mabbott 2938 (this coin). VF, brown patina, porosity. ($75) Ex Mabbott Collection (Schuiman; June ]969).

693. ARABIA, Bostra. Julia Mamaea. JE 23mm (4.87 gm). Diademed bust right / Tuneted bust of Tyche left, comucopiae on shoulder. Spijkerman 54. Fine, divegreen patina. (S65)

699. EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero & Agrippina. Year 3 (56/57 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.96 gm). Laureate head right / Draped bust of Agrippina right Köln 115; BMC 116; Curtis 33/34. Toned near VF, touches of green and red. ($75)

694. MESOPOTAMIA, Carrtiae. Circa 1st Century AD. JE 11mm (1.17 gm). Crab; star above / KAP PHN, star, crescent and globe. See BMC Arabia pg. lxxxix, where a similar coin is listed as published by Sestini in 1821. Near VF, dark green panna. Rare. ' ($85)

700. EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero. Year 11 (64/65 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.99 gm). Radiate head nght / Draped bust of Poppaea right. Köln 168/169; Dattari 197/198; Curtis 143-148. VF, hghtporosity, verdigris on reverse. (S100)

695. MESOPOTAMIA, Carrhae. Severus Alexander. 222 235 AD. JE 24mm (10.03 gm). Laureate bust right/Tyche sealed left, altar in front,river-godbelow. BMC Arabia- (unlisted with this bust type). Good VF, dark brown patina. Nice for these.

696. MESOPOTAMIA, Edessa. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. Ai 29mm (13.87 gm). Laureate bust right / Tyche seated left, holding grain ears, river-god below. BMC Arabia pg.99,55. VF, brown patina. (S65)

701. EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero. Year 11 (64/65 AD). Ai Drachm (39.44 gm). Laureate head nght; before, LIA / [ΖΕΥΣ] ΚΑ[Π]ΕΤΟΛΙΟΣ, Zeus enthroned left, holding spear and fulmen, eagle at his feet. Dattan 281 ; Vogt Π 10; RPC 5285. Fine, reddish-brown patina, holed (two) and plugged. Extremely rare denomination for Nero. (SI 50) Only two known specimens of this type are published, the DaOari example and a spec• imen in the ANS (listed in RPC). Possibly less than 12 drachms total cfNero exist (several different years) and several, inclixling the Dattari coin, exhibit two holes usually indicative of being used as a casket token or like. The reverse legend is listed incorrectly in Dattari but the legend on his specimen was incomplete This coin helps confirm the legend given in RPC - Zeus Kapetolios (i.e. Zeus Capitolinus).

697. MESOPOTAMIA, Nisibis. Philip 1.244-249 AD. A;26mm (9.37 gm). Laureate bust right / Shrine of Tyche. BMC Arabia pg.122,19. VF, dark brown patina. (S75) 67



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707. EGYPT, Alexandria. Domitian. Year 11 (91/92 AD). /E Diobol (8.97 gm). Laureate bust right/Tyche standing half-left. Köln 398. Good VF. Artistic execution. ($125)

702. EGYPT, Alexandria. Galba. Year 1 (68 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.96 gm). Laureate head right / Bust of Alexandria nght, wearing elephant-skin headdress. Köln 217; Milne 320/321. Nice VF, spot of red encrustation on reverse.


708. EGYPT, Alexandria. TVajan. Year 11 (107/108 AD). fE Obol (3.98 gm). Laureate bust right / Eagle right. Köln -; Dattari 1191. VF, nice patina. ($75)

703. EGYPT, Alexandria. Galba. Year2 (68/69 AD). Ai Drachm (30.39gm). Laureate head nght/Bust of Nike right. Köln 243; Dattan 322; Milne 352. Good Fine; mottled green, red and brown patina. Scarce. ($125)

709. EGYPT, Alexandria. TYajan. Year 12 (111/112 AD). A·. Drachm (25.17 gm). Laureale head right, with aegis / Temple of Sarapis. Köln 590 vanety (no altar). NearVF. ($125).

704. EGYPT, Alexandria. Otho. Year 1 (69AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.40 gm). Laureate bust nght / Helmeted bust of Roma nght Köln 250. VF. Rare. ($300)

710. EGYPT, Alexandria/Trajan. Year 15? (111/112 AD). Ai Drachm (18.98 gm). Laureate bust nght with aegis /Galley of Sarapis left; Sarapis seated left, holding sceptre with left hand; before, Isis Phana left; behind Sarapis, Demeter standing left and holding long torch. Cf. BMC 548 (year 12) and Köln 488 (year 12). Fine, brown patina with some green, old corrosion spot behind Trajan's head. Very rare type.

705. EGYPT, Alexandria. Otho. Year 1 (69 AD). IE Diobol (10.18 gm). Laureate bust right/Bust of Sarapis nght. Köln258var. (obverse legend); Dattan 338. Fine, brown patina. ($125)


711. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year22 (137/138 AD). BiUon Tetradrachm (12.41 gm). Laureate bust nght / Pronoia standing half-left Köln 1243. VF. ($75)

706. EGYPT, Alexandria. Vespasian & Titus. Year 2 (69/70 AD). BUlon Tetradrachm (12.47 gm). laureate head of Vespasian right / laureate head of Titus nght Cf. Köln 279. Near VF, scattered light porosity. ($ 100) 68



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712. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antinous. Favorite of Hadrian. Year 19(134/135 AD). JE Diobol (11.61 gm). His draped bust nght, wearing hem-hem crown / Antinoiis as Hermes on horsehack nght, dale below (obscured). Köln 1277; Danari 2084; Blum p.55,12. Fine, high points have been worn so as 10 highlight brown patina on devices with green still in fields and recesses. ($250) 716. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year8 (144/145 AD). JE Drachrn (24.21 gm). laureate head right/"Moon In Cancer" - Draped bust of Selene right; before, star, below, crescent moon; beneath all, crab; to either side, L-H. Köln 1494; Dattan 2964. Fine, brown patina wilh touches of green and red, fields scraped leaving numerous scratches. ($100)

713. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year4 (140/141 AD). JE. Drachm (24.05 gm). Laureate head right / Elpis standing left, holding flower and lifting fold of chiton. Dattari 2535var. (no drapery on bust). VF, green and brown patina.

717. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 8 (144/145 AD). JE Drachm (21.56 gm). laureate head right / "Sun In Leo" - Draped and radiate bust of Helios right; before, sur, beneath, bon running right Köln 1495/96; Milne 1813/14. Poor/near fine, mostly green and red patina on obverse and brown with touches of green and red on reverse. ($70)

714. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year5 (141/142 AD). JE Drachm (23.63 gm). Laureate head nght / "Herakles and the Nemean Lion" -1 lerakles standing nght, holding the Nemean lion off the ground by its neck and jaws with both hands, cave entrance behind the lion; behind Herakles, E/L Köln 1395. Good Fine, dark brown patina with touches of green, fields scraped leaving numerous scratches especially on obverse. Scarce type for this year. ($125)

718. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year8 (144/145 AD). JE Drachm (20.63 gm), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / "Jupiter In Sagittarius" laureate hast of Zeusright;before, star beneath, Centaur galloping nght, drawing bow; below him, (LH]. Köln 1503; Dattari 2973. Near Fine, green-brown patina.


715. EGYPr, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 8 (144/145 AD). JE Drachm (20.61 gm). Laureate head nght / 'The Flaying of Marsyas' - Apollo seated right on a rock, wearing himation over legs, playing his lyre; before, the satyr Marsyas hanging from a tree, suspended by his wrists; at base of tree, tnpod; to left, slave kneeling right, head left, sharpening his knife; below Apollo, LH. Curtis, "The Coinage of Roman Egypt: A Survey," pg.37, pl.XXVTl (the reverse of this coin plated); Mionnet 1948 var. (obverse legend, slave kneels left, uncertain year). VF, dark green and brown patina with touches of red, obverse scraped above Pius' head. Extremely Rare. ($750)

719. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year8 (144/145 AD). Ai Drachm (18.55 gm), laureate head right / "Saturn in Capricorn" - veiled bust of Kronos, disk atop head, falx behind nght shoulder; before, star, beneath, Capncom right; below him, [L H). Köln 1504; Dattan 2977. VG/Fine, brown patina with green patches on obverse. (S80)

Ex Col. James W. Curtis Collection; ex Welterstrom Collection, CNA XIII (1990), lot 222 @ $770. The only specimen lof less than 8 known) to haw appeared on the market m recent years and possibly the finest known even with its problems 89



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724. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 11 (147/148 AD). AR Tetradrachm (14.33 gm). Laureate bust right /Roma seated left. Kรถln 1572; Milne 1950. Good VF, full silver. ($125)

720. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 8 (144/145 AD). JE Drachm (19.01 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right /"Jupiter In Pisces" - Laureate bust right of Zeus, sceptre across nght shoulder, before, star (obscured by patina as is date); beneath all, fish righl and fish left. Daitari 2980. Good Fine, brown patrna with touches of red and green. Scarce. ($100)

725. EGYPT, Alexandria. Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar. Year 14 (150/151 AD). Ai Drachm (23.05 gm). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right /Eirene standing facing, head left, holding corn-ears and caduceus. Kรถln 1918. VF, brown patina with spots of green and red, areas of corrosion. ($80) 721. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year8 (144/145 AD). Ai Drachm (26.53 gm). Laureate head right/"Venus In Taurus" - draped and diademed bust of Aphrodite left; before her, star, beneath, bull butting left; in exergue, LH. Kรถln 1492 (same dies); Dattari 2960; BMC 1080. Fine; mottled green, red and brown patina.


726. EGYPT, Alexandria. Marcus Aurelius. Year 12 (171/172 AD). JE Diobol (7.01 gm). Laureate bust right/Tyche standing with rudder and cornucopiae. SNG Copenhagen 541. Choice VF. ($100)

722. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 10(146/147 AD). JE Drachm (21.87 gm). Laureate head right/"The Apples of the Hesperides" - Herakles standing nght, holding lion's skin and club with left arm, with right hand he is plucking an apple from a tree of the Hespendes; around trunk of tree, the coiled and dead body of the serpent I^adon. Kรถln 1545; BMC 1052. Fine, brown patina, porous.

($100) 727. EGYPT, Alexandria. Lucilla, wife of Verus. Year 8 (167/168 AD). JE Drachm (20.72 gm). Her draped bust right/Tyche reclining left on garlanded couch, holding rudder with right hand. Cf. Kรถln 2198; Dattan 3825. Near Fine, brown patina, lightly porous. Alexandrian coins for Lucilla are extremely rare, especially bronzes (we have only handled two). ($100)

723. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pias. Year 10 (146/147 AD). Ai Drachm (25.51 gm). Laureate head nght/Zeus reclining left, himation over lower body and left arm, holding patera and sceptre; atop eagle facing, head left, wings spread. BMC 1015; Hunter 471. VF, brown patina with few touches of red and green, light conosion and few scratches. ($125)

728. EGYPT, Alexandria. Commodus. Year 28 (187/188 AD). JE Diobol (8.06 gm). Laureate bust nght /Harpokrates seated nght on lotus flower. Cf. BMC 1445. VF. Very Rare. ($250) 70



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729. EGYPT, Alexandria. Septimius Severus. Year5 (196/197 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.01 gm). Laureate head right/Zeus standing half-left, holding patera over altar and sceptre. Dattari 3999; Curtis X-910. VF, some corrosion. Very rare. __ ($200)

735. EGYPT, Alexandria. Severus Alexander. Year 10 (230/231 AD). Ai Drachm (25.54 gm). laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Euthenia reclining left, her left arm resting atop sphinx, nght hand holding three corn-ears; before her, upright palm. Dattan 4428. Near VF, green-brown patina, fields lightly smoothed. Scarce. ($100) 730. EGYPT, Alexandria. Julia Paula. Year 4 (220/221 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.30 gm). Her draped bust right / Eagle standing facing, head right, wings spread. Köln 2365; BMC 1533; Milne 2820. VF, corrosion with green patina, probably from bronze disease but now inactive. ($75)

736. EGYPT, Alexandria. Severus Alexander. Year 11 (231/232 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.59 gm), laureate bust nght/Tyche standing left with rudder and cornucopiae, palm in field. Köln 2472. Near VF. ($75)

731. EGYPT, Alexandria. Aquilia Severa. Year 4 (220/221 AD). Potin Tetradrachm ( 11.60 gm). Her draped bust nght / Homonoia standing half-left. Köln 2369; Milne 2803; Curtis 1017/1018. Near VF, gray-brown patina, light porosity. ($125)

737. EGYPT, Alexandria. Severus Alexander. Year 14 (234/235 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.89 gm). laureate bust right /Zeus seated left. Köln 2496. VF.


732. EGYPT, Alexandria. Severus Alexander. Year 5 (225/226 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.42 gm). Rome mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust nght / Draped bust of Julia Mamaea nght, weanng Stephane. Köln 2433; Milne 2977; Curtis 1075. VF, porosity, more silvering than usual. Scarce. ($100)

738. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gordian III. Year 7 (243/244 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (13.87 gm). Laureate bust right / Homonoia standing. Köln 2675. VE ($75) 733. EGYPT, Alexandria. Severus Alexander. Year 5 (225/226 AD). Polin Tetradrachm (14.18 gm). Rome m i n t Laureale bust nght / Sarapis seated left. Köln 2435. Good VF. ($150)

739. EGYPT, Alexandria. Otacilia Severa, wife of Philip I. Year 5 (247/248 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.33 gm). Diademed and draped bust nght / Eusebeia standing half-left, sacrificing. Köln 2774 variety. VF. (S75)

734. EGYPT, Alexandria. Severus Alexander. Year 7 (227/228 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.71 gm). Rome mint. Laureate bust nght / Sarapis standing left. BMC 1660. Good VF. (S150)



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745. EGYPT, Alexandria. Saloninus Caesar. Year 7 (259/260 AD). Polin Tetradrachm (11.61 gm). Draped bust nght/Eagle standing left Köln 3005. VF. Scarce. ($150)

740. EGYPT, Alexandria. Otacilia Severa. Year6 (248/249 AD). R Drachm (16.45 gm). Her draped bust nght / Eagle standing left, head nght, wreath in beak; before, upright palm branch. Dattari 5015. Fine, brown patina wilh touches of green, porous. Scarce. Struck to commemorate the thousandth anniversary of the foundalion of Rome. ($100) The first drachm of Otacilia Severa we have handled

746. EGYPT, Alexandria. Aurelian & VabaHathus. Year 1 & 4 of Joint Reign (270/271 AD). R Drachm (8.84 gm). Vis à vis busts of Aurelian (on left) and VabaHathus / L A/L Δ within laurel wreath with medallion at top. Köln 3057; Dalian 5430; BMC 2394. Fine, dark brown patina, porous. Extremely rare. ($100)

741. EGYPT, Alexandria. Philip II. Year 4 (246/247 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.97 gm). Laureate bust nght / Hermanubis standing nght. Köln 2790. VF.


747. EGYPT, Alexandria. VabaHathus. Year 5 (272 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (7.55 gm), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Homonoia standing half-left Near VF, brown patina, corrosion. Rare. ($150)

742. EGYPT, Alexandria. Philip II. Year6(248/249 AD). RDrachm (21.15 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/Tyche reclining left on garlanded couch, holding rudder with nght hand, palm in exergue. Daaari 5069. VF, heavy green over brown paiina. Scarce. ($125) 748. EGYPT, Alexandria. Arsinoite. Hadrian. Year 11 (126/127 AD). R Obol (5.17 gm). Laureate bust nght, draped on left shoulder / APC1 [LIA], bust of Egyptian Pharaoh right; wearing linen headdress and L'raeus. Köln 3381/82; Dattari 6210; BMC 72/73. Fine, green and brown patma (heavy on obverse), light scratches on reverse. ($75)

743. EGYPT, Alexandria. Trajan Decius. Year 2 (250/251 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (14.15 gm). Laureate bust nght / Dikaiosyne seated left. SNG Copenhagen 741. VF. ($100)

749. EGYPT, Alexandria. Arsinoite. Hadrian. Year 11 (126/127 AD). R Dichalkon (1.57 gm). Anepigraphic, laureate bust nght, draped on left shoulder/ Crocodile right, sun-disk on head; above, LIA; in exergue, APC. Köln 3383/84; Daaari 6212; BMC 74. Near VF, brown patina with touches of green and red, rough surfaces. ($75)

744. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 12 (264/265 AD). R Drachm (14.43 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Eirene standing half-left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre, upnght palm to nghL Köln 2927; Daaan 5292; SNG Copenhagen 785. Good Fine, heavy green patina with spots of reddish-brown, reverse fields scraped. Scarce. ($100)

750. EGYPT, Alexandria. Athribite. Hadrian. Year 11 (126/127 AD). R Obol (4.47 gm). Laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / ΑΘΡ [IB LJA], female figure standing half-left, holding hawk in her extended right hand. Köln 3385; Dattari 6215. Fine, brown patina wilh touches of red, fields smoothed. ($50) 72




September 2,992 BYZANTINE

751. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hermopolite. Hadrian. Year 11 (126/127 AD). Ai Obol (4.92 gm). Laureate bust nght, draped on left shoulder / F.P[MO] LIA, bust of Thoth right, ibis standing nght before (obscured by corrosion). Köln 3399; Dattan 6269; BMC 84. Fine; mottled green, red and brown patina; rough surfaces. (S75)

757. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. AV Solidus (4.30 gm). Helmeted and cuirassed bust three-quarters right / Victory standing left, holding long staff surmounted by rtio-cross bar, star to left. SB 5; Berk 32. Nice EF. ($300)

752. EGYPT, Alexandria. Memphite. Hadrian. Year 11 (126/127 AD). JE. Obol (4.68 gm). Laureate bust nght, draped on lefl shoulder / MF. Μ ΦΙ LIA, Isis standing facing, head left; holding in extended right hand, uraeus erect left; and in extended left hand, small figure standing nght BMC 22; Köln 341 lvar. (reverse legend spacing). Near VF, green and brown patina with touches of red, holed in antiquity. ($75)

758. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. JE Follis (11.88 gm). ConstanUnople. 498-507 AD. Diademed bust righl / Urge M; CON. SB 14; DOC 116. Fine, black patina. (S65) Heavier than the normal small follis, and the square-shaped flan suggests it was overstruck on a mid-3rd cemury dupondius or as

753. EGYPT, Alexandria. Panopolite. Hadrian. Year 11 (126/127 AD). Ai Dichalkon (2.23 gm). Anepigraphic, laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / ΠΑΝΟ, ichneumon (mongoose) nght; in exergue, LIA. Köln 3417; Dattari 6344; BMC 109. Near VF, brown patina with touches of green. Rare type. ($80)

759. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE. Follis (20.14 gm). Nicomedia minL Diademed bust right / !.arge M, NIKOM1 m exrgue. SB 36; Ratto 371 (this coin). Near VF. Rare. ($300)

754. EGYPT, Alexandria. City of Pelusium. Hadrian. Year 11 (126/127 AD). JE Dichalkon (1.13 gm). Anepigraphic, laureate bust nght, draped on left shoulder/ΠΗΑΟν LIA (faint), pomegranate. Köln 3419; Dattan 6348; BMC 46. VG/Fine, brown patina. ($50)

760. Imitation of Anastasius 1.491-518 AD. JE Follis (9.94 gm). Crude bust nght / Large M flanked by stars; B/CON. Cf. DOC 123b. Good VF, black patina.

755. KYRENAIKA, Kyrene. Drusus, Caesar. Died 23 AD. Ai 24mm (8.51 gm). Laureate head nght/Confronted heads of his sons.Tibenus andGermanicus. RPC 547. Good, brown patina. Rare. (S85)

761. JUSTIN 1.518-527 AD. JE Follis (19.46 gm). Thessalonica. 518-522 AD. Diademed bust right / Large M flanked by stare; THESSOB. SB 78; DOC 123. Fine, dark brown patina. ($75) Ex Hum collection.

756. SYRTICA, Oea. Livia. Circa 22-23 AD. JE 23mm (10.87 gm). Draped bust of Uvia nght; grain ear and peacock / Helmeted bust of Athena left; "WY' Γ . RPC 833; SNG Copenhagen 34. Fine, green and brown patina. Rare. ($100) 73




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766. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. A· Decanummium (5.20 gm). Antioch. Year 21 (547/548 AD). Helmeted facing bust / U r g e I; U H U R SB 236; MIB Π 157. Good VF, encrusted dark green patina. Broad flan. ($75)

762. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. A Follis (21.59 gm). Helmeted bust facing / Urge M, year ΧΠ. SB 163; DO 37d. Good VF. ($275)

767. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. A. Pentanummium (1.58 gm). Antioch. 560565 AD. Diademed bust nght / Monogram within C. SB 245; DOC I 272. VF, cleaned. Nice for these. ($65)

768. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. A. Decanummium (3.55 gm). Constantinople? Emperor standing facing right, holding spear and globe / U r g e I between two stars; CON. SB 362; DOC 159. VF, cleaned, holed and plugged. ($50)

763. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. /£ Follis (22.17 gm). Constantinople. Year 13 (539/540 AD). Crowned bust facing / Urge M; A/CON. SB 163; DOC 138a. Good VF, brown patina. ($150)

769. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. A 8 Pentanummium (12.04 gm). Cherson mint Justin and Sophia standing facing, cross between/Tiberius standing, large H. MIB 158b (Maurice). Good VF, Very Rare. ($1000) 770. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. A. Follis. Lot of two from the "Military Mint". Year 10. Justm and Sophia seated / U r g e M; A/KYZ. SB pg. 103 note; DOC I 123a.4-.5. Also includes a noimal issue of Cyzicus.year 12forcompanson. Average VF for type. 3 pieces. ($100) 764. JUSTINIAN I. 527-565 AD. A·: Follis (22.17 gm). Nicomedia. Year 29 (555/556 AD). Crowned bust facing / U r g e M; B/NIKO. SB 201; DOC I 135b. Good VF, brown patina. ($100)

771. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. A Half Follis (7.04 gm). "Military Mint". Year 10. Justin and Sophia sealed / Urge Κ; KYZ. SB pg. 103 note; DOC 1133.3. VF for type, dark green patina. Rarer than the follis. ($65)

765. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. /E Half Follis (9.80 gm). 552/3 AD. Antioch. Hclmcted and cuirassed bust facing / Urge K; ANNO XXG, Π° SB 230; DOC I 243.1; MIB 1154a. VF, green and brown patina. (S75)

!‫^·׳‬ AV ‫ י‬- — ‫׳‬ 772. TIBRRIUS II. 578-582 AD. AV Solidus (4.37 gm). Constantinople. Crowned and cuirassed bust facing / Cross on steps; E/CONOB SB 422; DOC I 4e. Good VF, edge flat ($200)




773. TIBERIUS II. 578-582 AD. AV Solidus (4.48 gm). Constantinople. Crowned and cuirassed bust facing /Cross on steps; Θ/CONOB SB 422; DOC 141. Good VF, edge flat. ($250)

S e p t e m b e r 2,1 992

779. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602. AR Half Siliqua (0.90 gm). Helmeted bust of Constantinopolis right / Large K. Ratto 471 ; Tolstoi 616. Toned VF. Rare. ($300)

780. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. AV Solidus (4.31 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust facing / Angel holding long cross and globus cmciger, Γ/CONOB. SB 618; DOC Π 5c. VF, possibly repaired. ($175)

774. TIBERIUS II. 578-582 AD. JE Follis (16.41 gm). Crowned bust facing, holding mappa and eagle-tipped septre / Large M. SB 430; DO lid. Choice VF, green patina. (S175)

781. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. AV Solidus (4.47 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust facing / Angel holding long cross and globus crucigen E/CONOB. SB 618; DOC Π 5e. EF. ($200) 775. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. AV Solidus (4.39 gm). Draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet, holding globus cruciger/ Angel standing facing, holding long staff and globus cruciger. SB 478; Berk 82. VF, some scattered light poros ity. (S250)

782. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. AV Solidus (4.39 gm). Draped and cuirassed bust nght / Angel standing facmg, holding long staff and globus cruciger. SB 620; Berk ($250) 101. EF, die rust. 776. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. AV Tremissis (1.49 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust nght / Cross potent; CONOB. SB 488; DOC 114.5. Good VF, broad nan. ($125)


φ : ‫׳‬

783. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. AV Solidus (4.32gm). Consular bust of Phocas facing, holding mappa and cross / Angel standing. SB 623; MIB 2. VF. Rare. ($400)

777. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. JE Follis (12.29 gm). Antioch. Year 12 (593/594 AD). Crowned facing bust/ Large M; Γ/THEUP'. SB 533; DOC 1164c. EF, green and brown patina. ($75)

778. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. AV Solidus (4.39 gm). Carthage mint Helmeted bust facing / Angel standing facing. SB 548; DO 220. VF. Rare. ($375)

784. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. JE Pentanummium (1.27 gm). Antioch. Monogram of OWKA / large U, cross above. SB-; DOC Π-; MIB ΠΙ N89. Good VF, dark green patina. Very rare, only a handful known. (S85)

785. HF.RACLIUS. 610641 AD. AV Solidus (4.41 gm). Constantinople. 616625 AD. Heraclius and son facmg /Cross on steps; Θ/COXOB. SB 738; DOC Π 13h. VF. ($200)



AV —"‫־־‬ 786. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.36 gm). Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine/Cross potent on three steps. SB 738; DO 13h. NearEF. ($300)

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792. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JC Follis (5.00 gm). Constantinople. 640/641 AD. Heraclius and sons standing facing / Large M; E/CON©. SB 811 ; DOC Π 127b. Good VF. ($75) From the last year of Heraclius' reign, and rarelyfound in this condition on a full flan.

787. HERACLIUS. 61&«41 AD. AV Solidus (4.44 gm). Constantinople. 616625 AD. Heraclius and son facing /Cross on steps; I in field, E/CONOB. SB 739; DOC Π 14d. VF. ($200)

793. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. /E Follis (12.50 gm). Seleucia Isauriae. Year 6 (615/616 AD). Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine / U r g e M; Chnstogram, ANNO ΠΙ/ΠΙ, A/SEUSU (S‫ ־‬retrograde). SB 844; DOC Π 179var. (off. B); MIB ΠΙ 192; Berk 574. Good VF for type, dark green-brown pauna wilh touches of red. Very rare year! ($500)

788. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.51 gm). Heraclonas, Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine standing facing / Cross potent on three steps, mono($325) grams in field. SB 767; DO 41. Choice EF.

There was not an example of year 6 m either the BerkJEngland sale (1989) or our Byzantine coinage sale (CNAXiX, 1992).

789. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.50gm). DNNhERACIJVS Ε TIbERI CONSTAN AV, crowned facing busts of Heraclius and (?) Heraclius Constantinc facing/Cross potent on three steps. SB -; DO-; MTB -. Apparently unpublished. ($500) The obverse legend should read DNN hERACLTVS ET hERA CONST PP AVG. Either a monstrous engraving error or the product of a branch mint

794. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. Al Follis (11.51 gm). Seleucia Isauriae. Year 7 (616/617 AD). Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine / Large M; Christogram, ANNO GI, Δ/SEIiSU. SB 844; DOC Π 180b; MIB ffl 192; Berk 574. Good VF for type, dark brown patina with earthen highlights. ($200)

790. H E R A C L I U S . 610-641 AD. /E Follis (5.74 gm). Neapolis. Year 30? (639/640 AD). Heraclius and son and standing facing, cross and Κ between / I-arge M; A/NEA. Cf. MIB ΠΙ X24. VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($200)

795. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. /E Follis (11.74 gm). Seleucia Isaunae. Year 7 (616/617 AD). Crowned busts of Heraclius and son facing / Large M; GI (reversed) to left, ANNO to nght, A/SEUS. SB 844 var.; DOC II 180 var. Good VF, brown patina under green encrustation. ($150) 791. HERACLIUS.610-641 AD. AR Hexagram (6.51 gm). Constantinople. 625-629 AD. I leraclius and son sealed; legend begins dN / Cross on globe on steps; Κ to righL SB 798; DOC Π 64. Near VF. (S85)

Unusual die engraver's blunder, with the dale reversed and on the wrong side of

iheM. 76



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802. HF.RACLIUS. 610-641 AD. Lot of sixty-four/E 12Nummiof Alexandria. 63 coins of type SB 853; one SB 855. A fascinating group (hoard?), displaying the many variations within the single type. A lot of great interest to the Byzantine scholar. Average Fine to VF. 64 pieces. ($450)

796. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Follis (10.52 gm). Seleucia Isaunae. Year 7 (616/617 AD). Heraclius and son standing facing / Urge M; A/SELISU. SB 845; DOC Π 181 a. VF, brown patina under green encrustation. ($85)

803. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. AV Solidus (4.36 gm). Facing bust of Constans /Cross potent on three steps. SB 953; DOC Π 16. EF. ($300)

804. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. AV Solidus (4.42 gm). Facing busts of Constans and Constantine IV / Cross Potent between standing figures of Heradius and Constantine. SB 964; DOC Π 30. EF. ($300) 797. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Follis (9.88 gm). Seleucia Isaunae. Year 7 (616/617 AD). Heraclius and son standing facing / Large M; B/SF.LISU. SB 845; DOC Π 181b. Near VF, brown patina with verdigris. ($65)

805. CONSTANS Π. 641 -668 AD. AR Hexagram (6.60 gm). Constantinople. 647-651 AD. Crowned faang bust with short beard/Cross on globe on steps. SB 991; DOC Π 50. Toned VF. ($ 150)

798. HERACLIUS. 61(W>41 AD. JE Follis (9.91 gm). Isaura. Year 8 (617/618 AD). Crowned busts of Heraclius and son facing / Large M; A/ISAVR. SB 848; DOCH 183. Fine,porous green patina. ($100)

806. CONSTANS II. 641 -668 AD. JE Follis (5.32 gm). Syracuse. 659-668 AD. Constans and Constantine IV standing facing / M flanked by Heraclius and Tiberius; SCL SB 1110; DOC Π 181. Good VF, green patina. ($75)

799. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Follis (5.48 gm). Cyprus. Year 17 (626/627 AD). Heraclius and son and niece standing facing, crosses between / U r g e M; r/H*UP? Cf. SB 849. VF, heavy brown and green patina. Probably a contemporary imitation. (S85)

807. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. JE Follis (1.90gm). Ravenna. Crowned and draped bust facing, holding globus cruciger (off flan) / Large M; ANNO [year off flan], RAV. SB 1138; Berk 711. VF, attractive green patina worn to brown on highpoints. Extremely Rare. ($400)

800. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE 12 Nummi (5.37 gm). Alexandria. 613618 AD. Crowned facing busts of Heraclius and son / Large IB, cross on steps between; ΑΛΕΞ. SB 853; DOC Π 189. Good VF. Nice for these. ($65)

Berk comments: "Good style but miserable condition typifies these coins" and that "Fewer thin five known for each year. " This coin is m better than average condition.

801. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE 12Nummi (6.19 gm). Alexandria. 613618 AD. Crowned facing busts of Heraclius and son / Large IB, cross on steps between; ΑΛΕΞ. SB 853; DOC II189. Good VF. Nice for these. (S65)

808. CONSTANTINE IV. 668-685 AD. AV Solidus (4.32 gm). Bust facing, spear on shoulder/Cross potent on three steps between standing figures of Heradius and Tiberius. SB 1151; DOC Π 4. EF. (S300) 77



Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 992

815. LEO III. 717-741 AD. AV Solidus (4.22 gm). Facing bust of Leo holding globus cmciger / Facing bust of Constantine V holding globus cruciger. SB 1504; DOC Π 7e.2. VF, graffiti on reverse field. Rare. ($600)

809. CONSTANTINE IV. 668-685 AD. AV Solidus (4.44 gm). Bust facing, spear on shoulder/ Cross potent on three steps between standing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius. SB 1153 ; DOC Π 6. EF. ($300)

810. TIBERIUS III. 698-705 AD. AV Solidus (4.45 gm). Bust facing, holding spear and shield/Cross potent on three steps. SB 1360;DOCII li. EF. (650)

816. LEO III. 717-741 AD. £ Follis (2.45 gm). Constantinople. Crowned standing figure, holding akakia and cross / Urge M, immobilized year XX; BATON. SB 1513a; Berte 836 ("fewer than ten recorded"). //Plus a Follis of Justin I,Nicomedia mint, cross above head. SB 88A; Berk 71. Two pieces, both Fine, the first extremely rare, with porosity. ($175)

811. JUSTINIAN II. Second Reign. 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.41 gm). Bust of Christ facing, cross behind / Bust facing, holding cross potent and orb inscribed PAX. SB 1413; DOC Π 1. Toned VF. Scarce. ($850)

Mint State Justinian Π, Second Reign Sol idus 817. LEO IV. 775-780 AD. £ Follis (3.75 gm). Constantinople. 776-778 AD. Crowned busts of Leo IV and Constantine VI facing / Crowned busts of Leo HI and Constantine V above M. SB 1586; DOC ΠΙ4. VF, brown patina. ($75)


812. JUSTINIAN IL Second Reign. 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.43 gm). Bust of Christ facing, cross behind / Busts of Justinian and Tiberius facing, holding patnarchal cross. SB 1415; DOC Π 2b. Mint State. SEE ENLARGEMENTON BACK COVER. ($2500) 818. MICHAEL II and THEOPHILUS. 820-829 AD. £ Follis (7.29 gm). Constantinople. Crowned busts of Michael and Theophilus facing / Large M flanked ($75) by XXX, MMM. SB 1586; DOC m 4. VF, brown patina.

813. JUSTINIAN II. Second Reign. 705-711 AD. £ Follis (4.61 gm). Constantinople. Year 20 (705/706 AD). Crowned busts of Justinian and Tiberius facing, holding globus cmciger insenbed PAX / Large M; Γ/CON. SB 1428; DOC Π 12c. VF, brown patina with verdigris. ($65)

819. THEOPHILUS. 829-842 AD. AV Solidus (4.38 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust facing, legend ends Ε ' θ / Crowned facing busts of Michael Π and Constantine. SB 1653; DOC Π 3e. Good VF. ($250)

814. THEODOSIUS III. 715-717 AD. £ Follis (2.15 gm). Syracuse. Crowned bust facing, wearing loros, spear over shoulder / M flanked by palms; monogram above; Θ/SCL. SB 1496; DOC Π9; Berk 834. Fine, heavy green and brown patina, chipped. Extremely Rare. ($100) Berk: "Less than five recorded."

820. BASIL I and CONSTANTINE. 868-879 AD. AV Solidus (4.37 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned; legend ends in rosette / Basil and Constantine holding patnarchal cross. SB 1704; DOC ΙΠ 2c. VF. ($250) 78


Group September

821. BASIL I, The Macedonian. 868-879 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.85 gm). Cross potent on three steps / Six line legend. SB 1708; DOC ΠΙ7. Choice EF. (275)

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827. ANONYMOUS. 976-1028 AD. Ai Follis (6.52 gm). Type A3. Facing bust of Christ, nimbate / +IhSYS XRISTYS bASILF.Y bASILE in four lines. SB 1818; DOC A2.32. Good VF. ($125)

822. LEO VI. 886-912 AD. /E Follis (6.50 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust facing/Four line legend. SB 1729; DOC ffl 8. VF, dark green patina. ($65) 828. ANONYMOUS. 1034-1041 AD. Ai Follis (8.18 gm). Type C. Facing half-length figure of Christ / IC XC NI KA in angles of cross. SB 1825; DOC ΙΠ C. Near EF, with a nice full green patina. ($125)

823. NICEPHORUS II. 963-969 AD. AV Solidus (4.32 gm). Nimbate bust of Christ facing /Nicephorus and Basil facing, holding patriarchal cross. SB 1777; DOC ΙΠ 2. VF, from a mount Very Rare. (S400)

829. JOHN II. 1118-1143 AD. AV Hyperpyron (4.37 gm). Christ seated facing on backless throne, right hand raised in benediction / Facing half-length figures of the Virgin and John, holding between them patriarchal cross, manus Dei above head of John. SB 1938; Berk 341. Nice VF, few light scratches around edges. ($250)

824. NICEPHORUS II. 963-969 AD. AR Miliaresion (3.21 gm). Constantinople. Cross-crosslet with central medallion of Nicephorus / +nICHF' EhX W AVTO CRAT, EVSEb' bASILEVS RWMAIW‫־‬. SB 1781; DOC ΙΠ 6. Toned VF. ($150)

830. MANUEL 1.1143-1180. EL Aspron Trachy (4.39 gm). Christ standing, star to either side / Manuel and SL Theodore standing facing, holding long patriarchal cross between them. SB 1959; Hendy plate 13,6. EF. ($350)

825. JOHN 1.969-976 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.40 gm). Constantinople. Crosscrosslet with central medallion of John / +IWAnn EhX W AVT CRAT, EVSE bASILEVS RWMAIW'. SB 1792; cf. DOC HI 7a.l6 Getters omitted on reverse). Toned VF. ($150)

831. ANDRONICUS 1.1183-1185. EL Aspron Trachy (4.62 gm). Mary m orans position/Christ crowning Andronicus. SB 1984; Hendy plate 18,12. Toned EF. Rare. ($650)

826. ROMANUS III. 1028-1034 AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.36 gm). Christ enthroned facing / Mary crowning Romanus, pellets on her gown. SB 1819; Berk 296. Nice EF. (S300) 79




Group September


837. JOHN VIII. 1423-1448. AR Stavraton (6.53 gm). Bust of Christ facing / Bust of John facing. SB 2564. Crude VF. ($75) 832. ISAAC COMNENUS, Usurper in Cyprus. 1184-1191. Billon Trachy (3.86 gm). Mary enthroned / Isaac & St. George. SB 1991 ; Hendy plate 19,6. VF for issue. Rare. ($100)

838. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Circa 650-695 AD. R Fais (3.96 gm). Tartus. Crowned facing bust/ [.arge M, ANT APW, crescent and star above, Δ and Arabic "good" below. Walker pg. 19,55. VF for type, green patina. Rare mint. ($85)

833. NICAEA. THEODORE 1.1208-1222 AD./E Trachy (3.32 gm). Mint of Nicaea. Christ enthroned, stars by throne/Theodore standing, holding sceptre and anexikakia. SB 2062; Hendy pl.31,1-5. Good VF, green patina. Rare this nice. ($75)

839. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Imitation of Phocas. 7th Century AD. R Follis (9.04 gm). Standing figures of Phocas and Leontia / Large M; cross and rosette above, m/CHCU. CF. DOC Π 85. VF, black patina. ($75)

834. NICAEA. THEODORE I. 1208-1222 AD. AR Trachy (3.62 gm). Magnesia. Christ enthroned/Theodore and St. Theodore standing, holding swords and staff lopped by eight-pointed star. SB 2064; Hendy pl.30,2-3. Lustrous EF. ($250)

840. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Imitation of 11th Century Anonymous R Follis (5.79 gm). Facing bust of Christ; countermark: uncertain Arabic legend/Garbled four line legend. VF for type, black and brown patina. Interesting. ($65)

WORLD COINAGE (Dark Ages to Modern)

835. NICAEA. JOHN III, 1222-1254 AD. AV Hyperpyron (4 42 gm). Magnesia minL Chnst enthroned facing / Virgin Mary crowning John. SB 2073; Berk 362. Near EF for issue. ($300) 841. AUSTRIA. Salzburg. 1500. AR Batzen (3.19 gm). Amis of Salzburg and the Archbishop Leonard von Keutschach; date above, L below / Half-length figure of St. Rupert. Frey 534; Saurma 860. Nice VF. ($200)

836. JOHN VIII. 1423-1448. AR Stavraton (6.73 gm). Brockage of reverse / Bust of John facing. SB 2564. Crude VF. Rare and interesting brockage. ($175)

842. AXUM, Christian Kings of. Anonymous. Circa 540-700 AD. AV Tremissis (1.63 gm). Crowned bust nght / Diademed bust right Munro-I lay page 90 AV-1. Good VF. ($700)



Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 992

848. FRANCE, Brittany. Françob II. 1458-1488. AR Blanc (3.04 gm). Rennes mint. Arms of Bnuany /Floreate cross. Boudeau 136; Poey d'Avant 1331. Toned VF. ($125)

843. BOHEMIA. John of Luxembourg. 1310-1346. AR Praeger Groschen (3.72 gm). Uon rampant/Crown. Fiala Doneb. 817. Toned VF. ($100)

849. FRANCE, Gap. Bishopric. 1200-1250. AR Denier (0.70 gm). [VAPIC3CIS], rosace of six branches / [EPICCOPVS] legend retrograde, cross with branches. Poey D'Avant III 4755 (pl.CIV, 21). Toned VF, edges clipped. Scarce. ($75)

850. FRANCE, Lorraine. Antoine. 1524. AR Teston (9.04 gm). Crowned bust left/Crowned arms. DeSaulcy pLXV, 16. Toned near VF, few light scratches and scrapes. ($150)

844. CHINA. Wang Mang. 9-22 AD. /E"Huo Bo" (17.13 gm). Two columns of Chinese scripL Fisher's Ding 486; Schjöth 148. EF, crusty green patina. From an old collection, and genuine. ($75)

851. FRANCE, Poitou. Anonymous. 11 -12th Century. AR Obol (0.46 gm). In the name of Charles. MET ALOin two lines/Cross. Boudeau 414; Poey d'Avant 2488. VF+. ($100) 845. CRUSADER, Princes of Antioch. Tancred. 1104-1112 AD. Al Follis (4.57 gm). Facing bust of St. Peter / +KE BOI ΘΗ TO ΔΥ AOC ΘΥ TANKPI+. Metcalf 42 var. (+ al beginning and end of reverse legend). VF, dark green patina. ($75) 852. FRANCE, Provence. Raymond VII. 1222-1249. AR Denier(0.91 gm). Ornate cross / Star and crescent Boudeau 789; Poey d'Avant 3730 variety. Toned EF. ($100)

846. FRANCE, Bishopric of Cahors. Circa 1200. AR Obol (0.40 gm). Miter and three crosses / Long cross, trilobé in 4th quadrant. Boudeau 778. Toned VF. ($90) 853. FRANCE. Carolingian. Pippin Ι/Π. 814-851 AR Obol (0.56 gm). +PIPPINVS REX, cross / AQVI TAffl m two lines (V inverted A). M&G 64 variety. VF. Rare and unusual vanant ($300)

Rember To Mail Your Bid Sheet Early Or Fax To (717) 786-7954

847. FRANCE, County of Blois. 121h Century. AR Denier (1.21 gm). Picasso style head/+BEISIS CASTRO, cross. Boudeau 193. Choice VF. ($50) 81



Group September

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860. FRANCE. Louis XII. 1498-1514. Issue for Milan (1499-1512). Poun Trillin a (1.08 gm). + LV.DG. FRANCOR'.REX, three fleur-de-lis / Us MEDIOLANI. DVX.ET.C'.,floriated cross. Ciani 1025; Duplessy 737. patina. ($75)

854. FRANCE. Carolingian. Charles the Bald. 840-877. AR Denier (1.65 gm). Le Mans mint Monogram of Carolus /Cross. M&G 905. Toned good VF. ($250)

855. FRANCE. Carolinigian. Odo. 887-898. AR Denier (1.73 gm). Limoges mint. +-ODO+ /Cross. M&G 1332; Prou783. Toned EF. ($250) 861. FRANCE. Francis 1.1515-1547. AV Écu d'Or du Dauphiné (3.39 gm). Amis of France and Dauphiné in quartered field, sun at top / Floreate cross with quadrilobe at center. Duplessy 782; Ciani 1082. VF, some weakness of strike. ($300)

856. FRANCE. Carolingian. Conrad the Pacific. 937-993. AR Denier (1.01 gm). Lyons mint. +CONRADVS, cross/+LVGDVNVS, cross surmounted on triangle. Boudeau 1122 variety; Poey d'Avant 5013. Toned VF. ($175)

862. GEORGIA. Queen Rusudan. 1223-1245. R Fais (6.79 gm). Year447 = 1227 AD. Arabesque pattern. MWI2385; Lang 13. VF. Rare. ($350)

857. FTtANCE. Philip IV. 1284-1314. AR Gros Tournois (4.00 gm). Cross/ Castle, round Ο. Duplessy 213a; Ciani 203. Toned VF. ($100) 863. GEORGIA. Wakhtang III. Circa 1301-1308. Under Mongol Khan Ghazan Mahmud. AR Dirhem (2.32 gm). Tiflis mint. Legend / Maltese cross within linear circle, inscription running round. Lang 24. Choice VF. Rare. ($450)

858. FRANCE. Charles VI. 1380-1422. AV Ecu d'Or (3.95 gm). Second Emission. Crowned arms / Floriate cross. Ciani 485; Duplessey 369a. VF. ($400) 864. GERMANY, Berg. Count Wilhelm. 1360-1408. AR Tumose (230 gm). Mulheim mint Arms / Cross. Saurma 2954/1588. Toned good VF. ($300)

859. FRANCE. Charles VI. 1380-1422. AV Écu d'Or (3.91 gm). Crowned shield with arms of France / Floreate cross in quadrilobe with crowns at comers. Duplessy 369B; Ciani 487. Good VF, minor flan flaws. ($400)

865. GERMANY, Cologne. Walram von Jülich. 1332-1349. AR Tumose (3.82 gm). Facing bust / Cross. Saurma 2669/1399. Toned good VF. ($350) 82



Group September

2,1 9 9 2

872. GERMANY, Würzburg. Gottfried IV. 1443-1455. AR Schilling (2.23 gm). St. Killian with crozier and sceptre / Arms. Saurma 1327/580. Toned good VF. ($250) 866. G E R M A N Y , Saxony. Albertine Line. August. 1553-1586. 1581 AR Taler (29.05 gm). Half-length armored figure n g h t / A r m s . Davenport 9798. Good VF. ($150)

873. HUNGARY. Louis I. 1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.55 gm). + L O D O V ICI REX, lily / S IOhANNES Β, SL John the Baptist. Rethy 62; Pohl Β-1. VF. ($300)

867. GERMANY, Strassburg. Charles of Lorraine. 1592-1607. AR Testone (1/4 Thaler) (8.34 gm). Bust left / Atms. Saurma 1951. Toned EF, possibly once mounted. ($125) 874. HUNGARY. Louis I. 1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.54 gm). + L O D O V I Q REX, Uly IS IOh ANNES Β, SL John the Baptist. Rethy 62; Pohl B-l. VF. ($300)

868. GERMANY, Teutonic Order of Knights. Wynrkh v. Kniprode. 1351 1382. AR Schilling (1.65 gm). Arms adorned with eagle/ Arms. Saurma 5012. VF. ($40) 875. H U N G A R Y . Matthias Corvinus. 1458-1490. AV Ducat (3.56 gm). Nagybanya minL Madonna and child / SL Ladislaus standing. Pohl K15-9. Good VF, light scratch on reverse. ($200)

869. GERMANY, Teutonic Order of Knights. Wynrkh v. Kniprode. 1351 1382. AR Schilling (1.58 gm). Amis adorned with eagle / Anns. Saurma 5012. VF. ($40) 876. INDIA, Imitation of Venice. 14th Century. AV Ducat (2.43 gm). Chnst standing / Doge and St. M a * . Ives plate XIV, 3. EF. ($250)

870. GERMANY, Teutonic Order of Knights. Conrad v. Jungingen. 13931407. AR Schilling (1.73 gm). Arms adorned with eagle / Arms. Saurma 5016. VF. ($40)

871. GERMANY, Teutonic Order of Knights. Conrad v. Jungingen. 13931407. AR Schilling (1.70 gm). Arms adorned with eagle/Amis. Saurma 5016. VF. ($40)

877. ITALY, Genoa. Simon Boccanegro. 1337-1344. AV Genovino (3.49 gm). Castle / Cross. CNI HI page 44,35. Good VF. Rare. ($900)

878. ITALY, Vbrman Sicily. Frederick II. 1197-1250. AV Tari (1.19 gm). Latin cross / Six pellets m central circle. Spahr 85. VF. ($100) Ex StacksNY/NCSale

(December 8-9,1988) lot 3249.



879. ITALY, PapalStates. Julius II. 1503-1513. AR Guüio (3.59 gm). Ancona mint. Crowned arms /St. Paul & St. Peter. CNIΧΙΠ pg.41,9; Berman 591. Good VF.

Group September 2,1 992

885. LOWLANDS, Brabant. John II. 1294-1312. AR Gros (4.03 gm). Antwerp mint. Arms/Cross. DeMey 165. Good VF. Rare. ($300)

880. ITALY, Papal States. Julius II. 1503-1513. AR Guüio (3.79 gm). Ancona minL Crowned arms / S t Paul & St Peter. Muntoni 59. Good VF. ($250) 886. LOWLANDS, Dordrecht. 1588. /E Jeton (6.17 gm). Dulch family kneeling in prayer / Spanish galley breaking up at sea. Mitchiner JMT Π, 2451. Fine, brown patina. ($100) The Dulch were involved in their own war against Spanish occupation, and heartily applauded the destruction of the Spanish Armada by the British 881. ITALY, Sardinia. Cagliari. Charles II of Spain. 1690. AR Real (2.31 gm). Bare-headed bust right/Floriated cross. Papadopoli 15362; CNI Π, p.465,49. Toned near VF, light scratches. Rare. ($100)

887. LOWLANDS, Flanders. Louis De Male. 1346-1384. AR Gros (2.87 gm). Rampant lion / Cross. Dt Mey 211 Toned VF. ($100)

882. ITALY, Venice. Francesco Foscari. 1423-1457. Ixad Bulla. 41mm (54.94 gm). Doge and St Mark / FRANCIS FOSCARI DEI GRA DVX VENETIA ETC. Scarfea 170. Near VF. ($125)

888. LOWLANDS, HainauL William III of Bavaria. 1355-1389. AR Gros (3.16 gm). Valenciennes mint. Monogram / cross. Lucas 116a. Good VF. Rare, especially in this condition. ($600) 883. ITALY, Venice. Nicolaus IVono. 1471-1473. AR Trono (6.29 gm). Bust of Trono left / Lion of St. Mark. Papadopoli 5; Scarfea 189. Toned VF. Rare.

884. LIECHTENSTEIN. Karl. 1616. AR Groschen (1.61 gm). Bust nght / Arms. HMZ 1507. EF. ($85)

889. LUXEMBOURG. Wenceslas 1.1356-1388. AR Gros (3.32 gm). Crown over shields / Cross. Boudeau 1870. Toned near EF. ($300)





2,1 9 9 2

896. SWEDEN. Albrecht v.Mecklenburg. 1364-1389. AROrtug(1.26gm). Stockholm mint Crowned bust facing / Cross. LL 4b. Near EF. Rare and seldom offered. ($375)

890. OSTROGOTHS. Theodoric and Athalaric. 522-534 AD. /E Follis (10.96 gm). Rome. Helmeted bust of Roma nght /Eagle standing left, looking back. MIB 74a. Fine, pitting on reverse. ($75)

897. SWEDEN. Plate Money. Fredrik 1.1720-1751.1741. yE4Daler. Avesta minL Center stamp mostly clear, date clear on three comer stamps, four full comer stamps except for the one date, one comer bent. Tingström, Plate Money - The World's largest Currency (1986), pg.295, stamp A; pg.297, stamp 22. VF, light to moderate surface corrosion. ($450) Ex "Nicobar Hoard" Ponterio Auction 39, lot 167.

891. OSTROGOTHS. Athalaric. 526-534 AD. /E Decanummium (2.31 gm). Rome. Helmeted bust of Roma right / Athalanc standing facing nght, holding spear and shield. MIB 77. Fine, green patina, pitting. ($65)

Rare 1494 Bern Thaler

892. SPAIN', Castile. Alfonso VHI. 1158-1214. AR Dinero (0.79 gm). Crowned bustleft/Castle.C&C 1111. VF. ($100)

898. SWITZERLAND, Bern. 1494. AR Thaler (29.33 gm). Arms of Bern / SANCTVS VIN CENCIVS 1494, St. Vincent standing left. Davenport 8721 A; Frey 414. VF. Very Rare. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON FRONT COVER. (S3250) One of the rarest coins in the early doled series.

893. Spain, Mallorca. James III of Aragon. 1324-1343. AR Dinero (0.82 gm). Crowned bust facing /Long cross. Heisspl.103,4. Toned good Fine. ($75)

899. UQAYLIDS. Hosam al daulah al Mukallad. AH 389? (999/1000 AD). AR Dirhem (2.91 gm). H Mosul mint. Toned VF. ($125)

894. SPAIN, Palma de Mallorca. Emergency Issue. 1821. AR 30 Sous (26.27 gm). SALUS POPULI, diamond shaped shield / Fourincuse stamps: 1821 ; FR°.; VU 30.SOUS. Davenport 326. Toned VF, some light encrustation in devices. ($125)

895. SULAYHIDS OFTHE YEMEN. Queen Al Sayyida Arwa. widow of Ahmad. From circa 1082-1138 AD. AV Quarter Dinar (1.07 gm). Legends / Legends. MWIp.l 15; cf. Kazan 716/717 (Dinars). VF. ($150)

900. URTURKIDS OF MARIDIN. Nejm al din Alpi. 1152-1176. /E Dirhem (11.89 gm). Two facing busts /Facing bust m circle. MWI1029; Edhetn 35. Good VF.

($75) 85






2,1 9 9 2

BRITISH Celtic to Modern

901. URTURKIDS OF MARIDIN. Qutb al din il Ghazi. 1176-1184. K. Dirhem (11.01 gm). Constantinian style head in square / Five line legend. MWI 1031 ; Edhem 39. Near VF, black patina. ($75)

AV 907. CELTIC. Bronze Age. Circa 2000-1000 BC. AV Ring Money (1.73 gm). Plain simple band of gold. Reportedly found nearThetford. Rare and unusual. ($350) The Bronze age saw the development of the barter system. An important item in this early economy were ringlets of gold. These ringlets were often worn as ornamental ion but were frequently used in the local economy as money.

AV 908. CELTIC. Bron7£ Age. Circa 2000-1000 BC. AV Ring Money (1.25 gm). Plain simple band of gold. Reportedly found nearThetford. Rare and unusual. ($300)

902. URTURKIDS OF MARIDIN. Hosamal din Yuluk Arslan. 1184-1201. R Duhem ( 17.37 gm). Year AH 581 = 1185/86 AD. Crowned bust facing / Legend. MWI 1037 variety; Edhem 53. Good VF. ($125)

AV 909. CELTIC. Bronze Age. Circa 2000-1000 BC. AV Ring Money (1.33 gm). Plain simple band of gold. Reportedly found near Thetford. Rare and unusual. ($300)

903. URTURKIDS OF MARIDIN. Nasiral din Urtuk Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. R Dirhem (6.10 gm). Bust facing slightly left / Five line legend. MWI 1053; Edhem 79. Good VF, smooth brown patina. (S65)

Two Rare AV Tremissis' of Leovigild

910. CELTIC. Belgic Migration. Circa 115 BC.AV Quarter Stater (1.05 gm). "Defaced" obverse die / Horse to right, annulet and pellets below. Seaby 4; Van Arsdell Type 30 but Quarter Staler size. Crude VF. Rare. ($400) Found near Tumbridge Wells. 904. VISIGOTHS. Time of Leovigild. 568-580 AD. AV Trem1ssis(1.30gm). "CURRU" Type. Crude bust nght, chest adorned with cross / Winged Victory right of crude style. Cf. Tomasini 570. EF. Rare. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON BACK COVER. . ($2000)

911. CELTIC, A r m o r k a n . Circa 75-50 BC. Billon Stater (6.04 gm). Cnide head right / Horse and chanot righl; whip ends in "gate". Seaby 12; De la Tour6634. VF. ($125)

905. VISIGOI HS. Time of Leovigild. 568-580 AD. AV Tremissis (0.90 gm). "CURRU" Type. Crude bust right, chest adorned wiih cross / Winged Victory right of crude style. Cf. Tomasini 578. EF. Rare. ($2000)

912. CELTIC, Armorican. Circa 75-50 BC. Billon Slater (6.11 gm). Crude head right / Horse and chariot right; whip ends in cross of dots. Seaby 13; De la Tour 6598. VF. ($125)

906. WALLACHIA, Vlircea 1.1383-1418. AR Ducat (0.41 gm). Rulerstanding facing wiih spear/ Eagle adorning helmet. Good VF. Rare. (S175)




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920. CELTIC, Iceni. Queen Boudicca. 61 AD. AR Unit (1.18 gm). Stylized head right / Horse right. Seaby 74; Van Arsdell 794. VF. ($175) 913. CELTIC. Gallic Wars. Circa 60-55 BC. AV Stater (6.28 gm). Blank / Horse prancing right Seaby 7; Van Arsdell 54.1. EF. ($500)

921. CELTIC, Trinovantes. Addedomaros. 37-33 BC. AV Stater (5.49 gm). Six-armed spiral / Horse right, comucopiae below. Van Arsdell 1620-1. VF. ($650)

914. CELTIC. Gallic Wars. Circa 60-55 BC. AV Stater (6.13 gm). Blank / Horse prancing right Seaby 7; Van Arsdell 54.1. EF. ($500)

922. CELTIC, Trinovantes. Cunobeline. 10-43 AD. AV Stater (5.44 gm). Grain ear CA MV, pellet and trefoil / Horse leaping right, palm branch and χ above. ($750) Van ArsdeU 1931 -9. Good VF.

915. CELTIC, Atrebates. Verica. Circa 10-43 AD. AV Staler (5.29 gm). Incuse tablel inscribed COMF / Horseman right, VIR REX. Van Arsdell 500-1. VF. Scarce. ($800)

923. CELTIC, Trinovantes. Cunobeline. 10-43 AD. R 15mm (2.46 gm). Bare-headed bust of Cunobeline nght / Bull butting right. Van Arsdell 2095-1. Choice VF+, emerald green patina. Rare this race. ($350)

916. CELTIC, Atrebates. Epaticcus. Circa 35-43 AD. AR Unit (1.21 gm). EPATI, male head nght, wearing lion's skin; pellet behind / Eagle facing with spread wings, snake in claws; pellet in ring above. Van Arsdell 580-1; Seaby 113. Toned good VF. ($125)

924. ROMAN BRITAIN. Circa 5th Century AD. R 13mm (1.79 gm). Obverse Brockage. [.aureate head nghl/Inaise of obverse. Barbaric style. Found in England ($65) 917. CELTIC, Iceni. Early Freckingham Type. Circa 45-40 BC. AV Stater (5.27 gm). Crescent pattern / Horse, ring and pellets, star. Van Arsdell 620-7. Good VF. Rare. ($850)

Rare Penny of Edward the Martyr

918. CELTIC, Iceni. Late Freckingham Type· Circa 45-40 BC. AV Staler (5.50 gm). Floral pattern in cross / Hoise, wheel below. Van Arsdell 626-1. Good VF. ($750)

925. SAXON. Edward the Martyr. 975-978. AR Penny (1.39 gm). +EADWARDRE+ANGL, diademed bust left / GRIND M-0 UNDCOL (Lincoln). Seaby 1142; North 763. Toned good VF. Very Rare. ($2750)

Exceptional AR of Queen Boudicca

Choice Penny of A e t h e l r e d l l

919. CELTIC, Iceni. Queen Boudicca. 61 AD. AR Unit (1.18 gm). Stylized head nght / Horse nght Seaby 74; Van ArsdeU 794. Superb EF. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON BACK COVER. ($450)

926. SAXON. Aethdred II. 978-1016 AD. AR Penny (1.28 gm). First Hand of God type. Fastolf on York. Seaby 1144; North 766. Choice EF. ($450) 87



MailHid Sate



2,1 9 9 2

934. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Penny (1.38 gm). London mint. Bust Type 4d; pellet in legend. Seaby 1397. Good VF. ($75)

927. SAXON. Aethelred Π. 978-1016. AR Penny (1.05 gm). Diademed bust left /+CVNNA ON PINCSTR. Seaby 1154; BMC 350. Toned VF. ($275)

Norman Kings and Successors

935. Edward iii. 1327-1377 AR Penny (3.02 gm). Third coinage. 1344-1351. Bishop Hatfield at Durham. Crowned bust facing / Long cross in form of crazier. Seaby 1552. Toned Fine. Rare. ($100)

928. William I. 1066-1087. AR Penny (1.39 gm). PAXS type. Spneclinc on Winchester. Seaby 1257. Toned VF. ($275)

936. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.57 gm). Pre-treaty period, Series D, mintmark : Cross 1. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 1566; North 1152. Toned EF. Exceptional strike for this issue. ($500)

929. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.41 gm). Class 5b, Iohan on Winchester. Seaby 1351. Nice VF. ($175)

930. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.40gm). Type6al, Abel on London. Seaby 1353. Toned VF. ($135) 937. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.48 gm). Pre-treaty period. Class E. Ixmdon mint. Seaby 1567. Toned VF. ($ 175)

Very Rare Durham Penny of Henry IV

931. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.48 gm). Class 6a 1, Abel on London. Seaby 1353. Toned VF+. ($135)

938. Henry IV. 1399-1413. AR Penny (0.75 gm). Durham mint. Crowned bust facing/Long cross. Seaby 1735; North 1365. Toned VF. Very Rare. ($1750) Ex Wallers 249; Drabble 1052 ; Delme Radcliffe 83. 932. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (1.32 gm). Class Vb, Ricard on !,ondon. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 1368; North 992. Toned VF. ($75)

·‫; י· י׳‬ ‫׳‬.



933. Edward I. 1272-1307. AR Penny (1.10 gm). Long cross, Class VI, Ioh on Bury St Edmunds. Seaby 1377;North 1001. VF. Scarce. ($135)

939. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.62 gm). Calais mint. Annulet issue. Crowned bust facing/Ixrng cross. Seaby 1836. Choice VF. ($175) 18



Group September

2,1 9 9 2

945. Elizabeth I. 1558-1603. AV Angel (5.11 gm). 1580-1581. SL Michael slaying dragon / Shield surmounted on ship; mintmark: latin cross. Seaby 2525; North 1991/1. VF, letters 'TD' lightly scratched in upper nght reverse field. ($700)

940. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AR Groat (3.02 gm). Heavy coinage. London. Crowned bust facing; quatrefoils at neck / Eye in inner legend. Seaby 1974. Toned near EF. ($300)

941. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AV Angel (5.12 gm). 1504-1505. Class V. St. Michael slaying dragon / Shield surmounted on ship; mintmark: cross-crosslet. Seaby 2187; North 1698. Near VF. ($500) 946. James I. 1603-1625. AV Unite (9.88 gm). 1618-1619. Crowned halflength fifth bust holding sceptre and orb / Crowned and garnished square shield; mintmark: plain cross. Seaby 2620; North 2085. VF, scratches behind bust ($500) 942. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Halfpenny (0.39 gm). First Coinage, London mint, mintmark: Castle. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 2334. Good VF. ($125)

947. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Shilling (6Ό3 gm). 1634-1635. Towermint, fourth bust Crowned bust left with value behind /Oval garnished shield; mintmark: bell. Seaby 2787; Brooker 487. Toned near VF. ($100) 943. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.77 gm). Second Coinage, "Greek" bust, mintmark: rose. Seaby 2337D. VF. Scarce. ($200)

948. Charles I. 1625-1649. AR Shilling (5.86 gm). 1639-1640. Towermint, bust 4(4), Bnot's style bust. Crowned bust left with value behind / Square-topped shield over cross fleury; mintmark: inangle. Seaby 2793; Brooker 543. Toned Fine/VF, rotated double-strike. ($100)

Interested In Selling? Contact Either Office For Consignment Information

944. Edward VI. 1551. AR Crown (30.64 gm). Edward nght on horseback, date below, mintmark: y / Amis surmounted on long cross. Seaby 2478. Choice Fine/VF. ($550) 89



Group September 2,1 992

949. Commonwealth. 1653. AR Shilling (5.73 gm). St. George's s h i e l d / S l George's shield and Irish harp; mintmark: sun. Seaby 3217; North 2724. Toned F+. ($150)

956. George ΠΙ. 1804. AV Half-guinea. Seventh head with short hair/Shield in garter. Seaby 3737. VF+. ($120)

950. Commonwealth. 1656. AR Sixpence (3.02 gm). THE C O M M O N WEALTH OF ENGLAND; mintmark : Sun / GOD WIT! 1 VS 1656, VI over amis. Seaby 3219. Toned good VF. ($350)

951. George 1.1718. AV Quarter-guinea. Bust right/ Arms. Seaby 3638. Near EF. One year type. ($125)


George III. 1797. AV Third-guinea. First head/Crown. Seaby 3738. EF. ($125)

958. George III. 1803. AV Third-guinea. First head / Date not in legend. Seaby 3739. Near EF, light maries. ($150)

959. G e o r g e i n . 1808. AVThird-gumea. Second head with short hair/Crown. Seaby 3740. AU. ($170)

952. George 1.1723. AR Shilling (6.01 gm). Bust right/Cross of four crowned shields; SSC in angles. Seaby 3647. VF+, light scratches. (S50)

960. George III. 1762. AV Quarter-guinea. Bust right/Crowned arms. Seaby 3741. EF. One year type. ($ 175)

953. George III. 1794. AV "Spade" Guinea. Fifth head / "Spade" shield. Seaby 3729. VF. ($175)

954. George III. 1776. AV Half-guinea. Fourth head/Shield. Seaby 3734. VF, few light scratches. ($ 160)

961. George III. 1818. AV Half-sovereign. Head right/Crowned shield, àeaby 3786. VF+, once mounted. ($100)

962. VF.

George IV. 1824. AV Half-sovereign. Head left / Plain shield. Seaby 3803. ($125)



Group September 2,1 992 'Inchiquin Shilling'


William IV. 1835. AV Half-sovereign. Head right/Shield. Seaby 3831. VF. ($175)

971. IRELAND. THE GREAT REBELLION. Coinages of the Lords Justices. Issue of 1642. AR 'Inchiquin' Shilling (5.86 gm). Irregular polygon stamped 3 dwt: 21gr.... on both sides. Seaby 6534 (£3750). VF. Extremely Rare and seldom offered for sale. SEE ENLARGEMENT ON BACK COVER. (S4500) 964. Victoria. 1884. AV Half-sovereign. Head left/Shield. Seaby 3861. NearEF, light scratches on obverse. ($100) 965.

"Racial and religious discriminai ion and the dispossession of large numbers of the native Irish population earlier in the century had assured a permanently discon• tented majority of the population, and tension exploded into open rebellion in October 1641." During late 1641 into early 1642 insurrection spread throughout, and when, in 1642, civil war broke out in England between Claries / and parliament, Lord lnchiquin was appointed to command the Protestant forces m M unster. The Lords Justices urgently needed coinage and issued this interesting and now extremely rare coinage that consisted of flattened silver plateware stamped with its weight

Victoria. 1887. AV Half-sovereign. Jubilee issue. Seaby 3869. Nice EF. ($80)

966. Victoria. 1899. AV Half-sovereign. Old head / St. George and the dragon. Seaby 3878. NearEF. ($60) 967. George V. 1913. AV Half-sovereign. Head left/St George and the dragon. Seaby 4006. Near EF, edge bump. ($50)

968. George VI. 1937. AV Proof Half-sovereign. Head left / S l George and the dragon. Seaby 4077. Mintage: 5,501. Mint State. ($120) 972. ANGLO-GALLIC. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AV Salut DOr(3.45 gm). Paris mint. Mary and Angel above arms / Lis and Leopard, cross between. Elias 264a. Good VF. ($1000)

969. SCOTLAND. David II. 1329-1371. AR Penny (0.83 gm). Edinburgh mint. Crowned bust left / Long cross. Seaby 5130. Toned near VF. ($100)

973. ANGLO-GALLIC. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Blanc (2.58 gm). St Lô minL Arms/Cross. Elias 288. Near VF. ($135)

970. IRELAND. Hiberno-Norse. Phase III. Circa 1035-1060. AR Penny (0.82 gm). Crude bust left / Long cross with hands; quatrefoil m third quarter. Cf. SCBI Hibemo-Norse 100. Toned EF. ($300)

Our Next Auction Will Be Sale ΧΧΠΙ, A Seaby Coin Sale, To Be Held In London On October 13th. 974. Medieval Jeton. Circa 14th Century. Pewter 25mm (4.80 gm). Crude rosette / Anchor. VF for type. Interesting. ($75)



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975. Richard 1.16thCemury. AR Jeton (247 gm). Full length figure of Richard with Hon /RAINED 9 YEARS BVRIED AT FONTEVERARD, amis of England. Struck in imitation of an engraved piece. Fine. ($75) 979. Yorkshire, Malton. 1798. JE Penny (23.67 gm). Bust of Edmund Burke right, signature of the artist "Westwood" on the tmncation of the bust / Fame flying left, blowing a trumpet. D&H 3. Brown Uncirculated, carbon spot on reverse. ($500) Ex O'Byrne Collection with ticket.

Part of a series ofjetons commemorating the British monarchy

976. Admiral Vernon Medal. 1739. Al 38mm (13.73 gm). Full length figure of the admiral standing left, with cannon and anchor/Six ships entenng the Spanish harbor of Porto BeUo. Hawkins 123, with reversed N's. Near EF. ($100)

980. Scotland, Angusshire. Dundee. 1798. Al Penny (21.03 gm). Facing bust of Admiral I-d. Duncan / Adam and Eve with the serpent in the garden of Eden. D&H 6 (Rare). Brown Uncirculated. A beautiful token, medallic in execution. ($700)

A plethora of medals commemorates Vernon s expedition against the Spanish ports of the eastern coast of South America, despite the fact that after his initial success at Porto Bello, little was accomplished


Debased AV 981. ELECTROTYPE. Roman Republican. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC. Debased AV Electrotype of AV Stater (3.10 gm). laureate Janiform head of Dioscuri / Youth kneeling to his left, holding pig, between warnor and soldier, and taking an oath; in exergue, ROMA. Type of Crawford 28/1. VF, wavy, several digs and edge damage where the two shells of the electrotype are joined. ($150)

977. Middlesex. Spence's. 1795. Ai Halfpenny (12.22 gm). Deserted viUage /THE BE[GIN]NING OF OPPRESSION, Cain killing Abel. D&H 748. Brown ($100) EF, die cud al lOo'clock on obverse. The die cud on this variety can be traced and collected in stages much as American copper collectors do with certain large cent varieties

978. Sussex, Brighton. 1795. JE Halfpenny (9.68 gm). View of the Bastille / Ships al sea and uophies of war. D&H 9 (Scarce). Red Uncirculated, some weakness of strike. Very broad flan. ($200)

982. PADUAN. Galba. /Ε Sestertius (16.55 gm), [aureate bust right/Galba haranguing troops. Klawans3 (later cast -18th Century?). VF, tan patina. ($100) 92



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988. COIN DIE. For an imitation Venetian Ducat. 16th Century? Ai 18mm in height, 23mm in diameter at die face, widening slightly toward the base. (63.01 gm). Type of: doge kneeling before St. Mark holding banner, legends: S'M'VENbTl· ΤΈΠΔΑΝΟ (?) DVX. Probably meant to imitate the Chios ducats minted under Leonardo Loredan, 1501-1521. Found on Chios. VF, brown and red patina with some verdigris. Unusual and important ($3000)

983. PADUAN. Vitellius.^ Sestertius (22.58 gm). Laureate bust nght / Honos and Virtus confronted. Cf. Klawans 1 (a much later cast-19th Century?). VF, brown patina. ($75)

Debased AV 984. COPY. Roman Impenal. Macnnus. 217-218 AD. Debased AV Counterfeit Aureus (4.15 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/ADVENTVIA VGFEU a S S I M O , emperor on horseback nght. RIC IV, pt.2,99. VF. ($150) This electrotype is not a copy of a genuine coin but rather a fantasy, and the RIC reference refers to another example made from the same dies (or mold) that appeared in the Paul Vautier collection (sold in Ars Classica No. 2, lot 1257). RIC has a footnote for this coin which states "If genuine this is a hybrid with reverse of Septimius Severus. But its authenticity is extremely doubtful. Probably a modern forgery." The author of this footnote was correct

Lot 991 989. Roman. Glass Bottle. Circa 1 st-2nd Century AD. Height 55mm. Deep sapphire blue with six pronounced pinched ribs around globular body. Lip chipped away, light corrosion. Choice color, would be worth $750-1000 intact. ($450)

985. Imitation of Gordian I. Ai Sestertius (22.23 gm). laureate bust right / Roma seated left, holding Victory and sceptre. Based on RIC 10. Not a Paduan, but an attractive early medal. 19th Century? VF, tan patina. ($75)

986. COPY. Roman Imperial. Basiliscus. 475-476 AD. AV counterfeit of AV Solidus (4.35 gm). Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding spear and shield / Victory standing left, holding long cross. Type of RIC Hunter V, pg.490,1. EF.


990. Roman. Glass Bottle. Circa 3rd-4th Century AD. Height 130mm. Light green with fine ribs swirled to left. Constricted neck with flared mouth. Slightly dirty, but choice condition. ($300) 991. Roman-Byzantine. Glass Bottle. Circa 5th-6th Century AD. Height 68mm. Dark green with thick molded ribs. Constricted neck with formed mouth. Heavy, thick glass. Iridescent surfaces, choice. ($350)

Debased AV 987. COPY. Byzantine. Constans Π 641 -668. Debased AV counterfeit of AV Solidus (4.01 gm). Crowned bust facing, holding globus cruciger/ Cross potent on three steps. Type of SB 953. VF, matte surfaces indicative of cast. ($100) 93





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LARGE LOTS 994. Lot of three Achaemenid ARSigloi. King with spear and bow. Carradice Types lHa, Hlb. // King with dagger and bow. Type IV. Average Fine, two with countermarks on reverse. 3 pieces. ($ 175) 995. Lot of eight Greek AR. Calabna, Tarentum. Nomos (stater). // Thrace. Lysimachos. Tetradrachm. // Macedon. Alexander ΙΠ. Tetradrachm (Phoenician mint). Drachms (3; Ephesos, Kolophon, Magnesia). // Athens. New Style Tetradrachm (Metrodoros-Miltiades-Demosthenes). // Cappadoda. Ariobarzanes I. Drachm. Average Fine to VF, the tetradrachms cleaned and re-toned. 8 pieces. ($450) 996. Lot of five AR Tetradrachms of Athens. Circa 449-393 BC. SNG Copenhagen 31.//Circa 393-300 BC. SNG Copenhagen 63 (4). Average VF, the first smoothed, the others with usual short flans. 5 pieces. ($300) 997. Lot of two AR Tetradrachms. 3rd Century BC. Alexander ΠΙ. Aspendos mint Price 2896. // Pamphylia, Side. SNG Von Aulock 4796. Both with the Seleukid anchor countermark. Average VF, harshly cleaned and re-toned. ($200)

992. Armenian Silver Bracelet. Circa 13th Century AD. Diameter 70mm (25.02 gm). Flat bracelet divided into two bands with rope borders, centra] device is a punched and engraved endless knot Terminals are schematic engraved lion heads, with twisted wire rings in the loops forming the ears. Choice condition, fine flexible sUver. ($1200)

998. Lot of twelve Greek coins, mostly of the Syria-Palestine region. AR 1/8 Shekel of Sidon. // AR 1/12 Shekel of Tyre. II JE 21 of Alexander ΠΙ. // JE 11 of Caria, Rhodes. // JE 18 of Cilicia, Seleukia. // JE 20 of Antiochos XI. I I JE 20 of Demetnos Π, Tyre minL II JE. ci Marathus (3). Two other JE. Average Fine to VF. 12 pieces. ($300)

Medieval Armenian artifacts are extremely rare. Even though Armenia has a long Christian tradition, dating to the 3rd Century AD, the prototypes for this bracelet are to be found in earlier times. The lion head motif is found on bracelets from Persia m the 1st Millenium BC and was also popular in the Greek world. For a Hellenistic example of this type of bracelet (in gold), see Fig 63 in, Greek Gold: Jewelry from the Age of Alexander, by Hoffman and Davidson, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 1966.

999. Lot of eight AR Drachms ofSassanian kings and later. Hormazd Π.// Varahran IV. // Hormazd IV. // Khusru Π (3). // Tabanstan (2). Average Fine, two holed. 8 pieces. ($75) 1000. Lot of three Greek JE. Lucania, Metapontion. *4121mm. Persephone/ Ear of barley. Near VF, dark brown patina with touches of green and red. // Sicily, Akragas. Ai 19mm. Apollo laureate right/Two eagles on hare. Near VF, green patina, couple of green corrosion spots.//Sicily, Himeraas Thermae. Ai 13mm. Head of Hera / Herakles wearing lion's skin. Near VF, dark green patina. 3 coins total. ($100) 1001. Lot of eighteen Hellenistic/E.Macedon. Alexander ΠΙ (5).// Bosporos. Sauromatesl.//Pontos, Amisos. //Ciïcia, Elaiussa.//Syria, Apameia (2).//Ptolemaic (5). Plus three late JE. Average Good to Fine. 18 pieces. ($200) 1002. Lot ofseven Greek bronzes. Ciliria, Korykos. 22mm. BMC 1. //Cilicia, Seleukeia ad Kalykadnum. JE 23mm. SNG Levante 680. //Cilicia, Soloi. JE 20mm. Levante 867.//Galatia, Kings of. Amyntas. 24?4‫״‬mm. BMC 13.//Syria. Tigranes Π of Armenia. Ai 4 Chalkoi. Artaxata mint? Bedoukian -. //Tigranes Π. Ai Chalkos. Artaxata mint? Bedoukian 104. //Tigranes Π. Λ· 4 Chalkoi. Damascus mint. Bedoukian 117.// Also included in lot: Ciliria, Kolybrassos. Gordian ΠΙ. Ai 32mm. SNG Levante 336 (same dies). All VF, some with lightly encrusted green and black patinas. Nice lot for the collector. 8 coins total. ($250) 1003. Lot of eleven Seleukid JE. Seleukos Π. // Seleukos IV. // Antiochos ffl. // Antiochos IV (2). I I Demetrios I. // Alexander I. // Antiochos VI (3). // Tryphon. Average Good to Fine. 11 pieces. ($100)

993. Souvenir Saucer For Matthew Boulton and the Soho Mint. Circa late 19th to early 20th century. Possibly by W J . Taylor? Diameter at mouth is 11.5 cm. Made from German silver? IMPRESSION FROM A DIEMADF. BY MATTHEW BOULTON AT SOHO 1804. AND USED TO CONVERT SILVER DOLLARS CAPTURED BY THE ENGLISH IN THE SPANISH WAR. THE IMAGE OF CAROLUS m BEING THUS DEFACED. In the center is an impression made from a pattern die for a Bank of England dollar (ESC pg.52, Obverse K, pattern only). Patinaled and attractive. ($100)

1004. Lot offourjudaean bronzes. Antiochos Vn. Jerusalem mint Hendin6(2). // Hasmonean prutah. //First Jewish War. Prutah of year 2. Hendin 1 2 3 . / / O n e Antiochos and Jewish War good VF, the Hasmonean off-center. 4 pieces. ($100)

Whomever made this piece was noI a numismatist, and did not realize that the die they used was a pattern and not the actual die usedfor the Bank of England dollars as implied Also, the reference to 'Carotus III' per the Latin legend on the Spanish coins and not the anglicized 'Charles III' is curious.

1006. Lotofsixteen Parthian and related/E. Parthian, mostly of.Mithradates Π (8).//Elamais (5). Plus three unidentified. AverageGood. 16pieces. ($85)

1005. NABATAEA, Kingsof. Lot of four /Έ. Aretas IV. Meshorer 76. //Aretas IV and Shuqailat. Meshorer97, 114. //Rabbel Π and Shuqailat Π. Meshorer 146. Average Fine. 4 pieces. ($125)





1007. Lot of eighteen /E of the later Indo-Greeks, -Scythians and - Parthian s. Roughly from the time of Apollodolos Π (circa 100BC)toPakoros(circa 100 AD). Include nine square hemiobols. Interesting. Average Good to Fine, many corroded. 18 pieces. ($125)

Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 9 9 2

1022. Lot of sixteen /E of Syria and Phoenicia. Beroea (2). // Hierapolis. // Heliopohs (4). I I Laodikeia (2). // Seleukia on Tigris. // Samosata. // Zeugma. // Phoenicia, Marathus (2).//Tripolis.//Tyre. Average Fine. 16pieces. ($200) 1023. Lot of twelve /E of Mesopotamia. Carrhae. Marcus Aurelius; Elagabalus©; Gordian ΠΙ (2). // Edessa. Elagabalus; Severus Alexander<2); Gordian ΙΠ; Trajan Decius. // Rhaesana. Philip I. // Singara. Gordian ΠΙ. Average Fine, some scarcer types. 12 pieces. ($200)

1008. Lot of eighteen /E of the Kushans and related kingdoms. Includes Soter Megas and Wima Kadphises. Other types unidentified but based on the later IndoGreek coinage. Average Good to Fine. 18pieces. ($125) 1009. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. Lot of thirty-eight small /E, circa 20mm. Laureate head of Zeus-Ammon right/Twin eagles standing right on thunderbolt; cornucopiae to left Svoronos 1428? Average Fine to VF. From a hoard? 38 pieces. ($450)

1024. Lot of three Alexandrian Tetradrachms. Gallienus. Year 15. Eagle standing left.//Claudius Π. Year 1. Eagle standing righL //Aurelian. Year 4. Eagle standing between vexilla. All grade near VF. 3 coins total. ($50) 1025. Lot of twenty iΕ of Anastasius I and Justin I. Anastasius. Small Follis CON; Large Foiles CON (6); Half Follis; 5 Nummi. // Justin I. Foms CON (5); NIKM; Half Follis Con; NI (3); 5 Nummi of Antioch. Average Fine. 20 pieces. ($150)

1010. Lot of three Roman A R Denarii. Vespasian, RIC 42, toned VF. // Sevenis Alexander, RIC 501b, Near EF. //Julia Domna, RIC 390 (CaracaUa), toned VF+. ($300) 1011. Lot of four Roman denarii. Hadnan. Cos ΠΙ. Roma standing. VF, scratches and edge splits. // Diva Faustina Senior. Peacock standing nght. Near VF. // Septimius Severus. Pax seated left. Toned VF, light porosity.//Gordian ΠΙ. Laetitia standing. Good VF. // Also included m lot is an R Folbs of Maximianus from Alexandria. VF+ with green verdigris. Nice lot. 5 coins total. ($125)

1026. Lot of fifteen Pè. of Justinian I. Folles of Constantinople (2); Nioomedia; Antioch (7; 5 varieties). 10 Nummi of Antioch (2). 5 Nummi of Antioch (3). Average Fine, one holed. 15 pieces. ($150) 1027. Lot of eight Byzantine /E. Justinian I. FoUes of Antioch. SB 213 //SB 214 (4)//215A (3). Average Fine to VF. 8 pieces. ($100)

1012. Lot of four Roman silver coins. Denarius. Septimius Severus. RSC 203. // Antoniniani. Gordian HL RSC 266. // Herenma Etrusalla RSC 14. // \blus1an. RSC 70. Average Good VF. 4 pieces. ($200)

1028. Lot of ten Byzantine <E. Justinian I. Follis of Nicomedia I I Maurice. Half Follis of Cyzdcus. // Phocas. Follis of Nicomedia; Decanummium of Antioch. // Heraclius. Late Half Follis of Constantinople; Decanummium of Cyzicus; 12 Nummi of Alexandria (3) //Basil I. Follis. Average Fine. 10 pieces. ($100)

1013. Lot of seven Roman bronzes. Trajan. As. // Quadrans. // Constantius Π, Caesar. Follis of Aries. // Fausta. FoUis of Thessalonica. // Theodosius I. Ai 23mm and 13mm of Antioch. // Eudoxia. R 16mm of Antioch. Average VF. Several nice late Roman R in this 10L 7 pieces. ($150)

1029. Lot of fourteen Byzantine Bronzes. Justinian I. Follis of Constantinople, 527-538. // Follis of Cyzicus, year 24. // Half Follis of Antioch, seated emperor. // Pentanummia of Antioch (2). // Justin Π. Follis of Nicomedia, year 5. // Follis of Antioch, year 7. // Half Follis of Thessalonica. // Pentanummium of Constantinople. // Maurice. Follis of Constantinople, year 18. // Half Follis of Antioch, year 3. // Khusru Π. 12 Nummi of Alexandria. // Follis, Anonymous Class G. // Tetarteron of Alexis I. Average Fine to VF. 14 pieces. ($150)

1014. Lot of five Roman /E. Antoninus Pius. Sestertius. // Antoninus Pius. Dupondius. // Diva Faustina. Sestertius. //Marcus Aurelius. As. // Claudius. As. AU fine or better. ($450) 1015. Lot of two Roman /E Folles. Crispus, Aquileia, RIC 106. // Constantine Π, Alexandria, RIC 59. Both choice EF with silvenng. ($150)

1030. Lot of eight Byzantine bronzes. Justinian I. Follis of Constantinople. Year 15. SB 163. // Justinian I. Half Follis of Antioch. SB 225. // Justin Π. Decanummium of Antioch. Year 7. SB 383. //Phocas. Follis of Constantinople. Year 1. SB 639. // Theophilus. Follis of Constantinople. SB 1667. Surfaces corroded. // Anonymous. Class Al Follis. John I. SB 1793. // Alexius I. Tetarteron of Thessalonica. SB 1931.11 Manuel I. Half Tetarteron of uncertain Greek mint. SB 1979. All grade fine, few with light porosity except as noted. 8 coins total. ($125)

1016. Lot of Twenty-five 'Constantinopolis' folles circa 330-346 AD. Type ofhelmeted bust of Constantinopolis left/Victory on prow left. Various mints. All grade VF but about half have light porosity and/or pitting. 25 pieces total. ($300) 1017. Lot of Twenty-five 'Urbs Roma' folles circa 330-346 AD. Type of helmeted bust of Roma left / Wolf and twins. Various mints. All grade VF with light to moderate porosity. 25 pieces total. ($300)

1031. Lot of six Byzantine bronzes. Justin Π. Year 12 Follis of Constantinople. SB 360. // Maurice Tiberius. Follis of Constantinople. // Constantinople mint Follis of Heraclius overstruck on a Antioch mint follis of Phocas. Cf. SB 805. // Follis of Constans Π with Cyprus counterstamp (Seaby monogram #35). // Arab-Byzantine imitation follis of Constans Π. // Michael VTI. Follis of Constantinople. SB 1878. All grade Fine or slightly better, light porosity and/or corrosion. 6 coins total. ($100)

1018. Lot of three Provincial /E. Bithynia, Nicomedia. Antoninus Pius. Waddington 62. // Pisidia, Termessos Major. SNG Copenhagen 333. / / S y n a , Samosata. Philip I. BMC 51 var. Average VF. 3 pieces. (S 150) 1019. Lot of nine Provincial AR and /E. Cappadocia, Caesarea. AR Didrachms of Trajan; Hadrian; Drachm of Commodus. // Ai. Pontos, Amaseia. Lucius Verus; Geta. //Nicaea and Byzantion. Gordian ΠΙ. // Pisidia, Antioch. Septimius Severus; Gordian ΠΙ (2). Average Good to Fine. 9 pieces. ($125)

1032. Lot of thirty •E of Justin II through Phocas. Justin Π (14). //Maunce (12). //Phocas (4 ). Mostly Folles. Vanous mints. Average Fairto Fine. 30pieces. ($200)

1020. Lot of eight Billon Tetradrachms. Syria, Antioch. Nero; Philip I; Philip Π; Trajan Decius; Trebonianus Gallus; Herennius Etruscus. //Syria, Emisa. CaracaUa. // Phoenicia, Berytos. Caracalla. Average Fine, most porous. 8 pieces. ($175)

1033. Lot of twenty /E. Heraclius (4). // Constans Π (2).//Arab-Byzantine and other contemporary imitations (14). //Plus an AR Hexagram of Heraclius. Average Fine.thelast Fair. 21 piecestotal. ($100)

1021. Lot of fifteen ,E of Syria, Antioch. T1berius(3). // Nero. // Vespasian. // Nerva (3). // Trajan. // Antoninus Pius. // Elagabalus. // Severus Alexander. // Philip I. (3). Mostly S C reverses. Average Fine. 15 pieces. ($150)

1034. Lot of seven Byzantine /E. Constantine V and Leo IV. Folles of Constantinople. SB 1556. Average Fine, all with corrosion. 7 pieces. (S75)




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1035. Lot of eight Byzantine /E. Leo IV and Constantine VI. Folles of Constantinople. SB 1586. Average Fine, most wilh corrosion, one holed 8 pieces. ($75)

Titles On Greek And Greek Imperial Numismatics

1036. Lot of Fourteen Late Byzantine /E. Constantine X (3). // Anonymous A (5).//Anonymous Β (6). Average Good to Fine. 14pieces. ($100)

2000. Amold-Biucchi, Carmen. The Randazzo Hoard 1980 and Sicilian Chronology in the Early Fifth Century B.C. ANS Numismatic Studies No. 18. (New York, 1990). 77 pages, 20plates, 8vo. Red cloth. As New copy. ($50)

1037. Lot of five Ostrogothic. Theodonc. Wolf and Twins. Follis. // Athalaric. 5 Nummi (holed). //Theodahad. Victory on prow. Follis ; Name in wreath. lONummi. // Baudila. Name in wreath. 10 Nummi. Plus five minimi of the Roman-Vandalicperiod, and an Arab-Byzantine Follis. Average Good. 11 pieces total. ($100)

2001. Babelon, Jean. Catalogue De La Collection De Luynes. Monnaies Greques. Part IV. Syrie, Égypte, Cyrénaïque, Mauritanie, Zeugitane, Numidie. (Paris, 1936 by Florangc and Ciani). Two volumes (one oftext and one of plates). 146 pp., 37 fine plates wilh original cloth-backed folder. Printed card covers for text, rubbed on edges, text unopened, 8vo. Fine set ($75)

1038. Lot of four medieval coins from Navarre. Henri d'Albrct. 1516-1555. Liard with small cross. Boudeau 585. // Antoine de Bourbon and Jeanne d'Albret 1555-1562. Billon Liard. Boudeau 593. // Henry ΙΠ. 1573 AR Teston (small flan). Pd'A 3494var. (1575). // Henry ΙΉ. 1575 AR Half Teston. Boudeau 605; Pd'A 3473var. (1576). Toned fine to very fine. 1573 teston has numerous scratches and scrapes on the obverse and the 1575 half teston has a few obverse scrapes. 4 coins tolal. ($100)

2002. Baldwin, Agnes. Facing Heads On Ancient Greek Coins. (New Jersey, 1968 reprint of New York, 1914 ANS edition ). 23 pp., 4 plates, narrow 8vo. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. ($10) 2003. Baldwin, Agnes. The Electrum Coinage of Lampsakos. (New York1914). 34 pages, 2 plates, 8vo. Still a standard reference on this rare coinage. Paper covers. New but covers chipping. ($30)

1039. Lot ofTwenty-five Sicilian Denaros. Ai Denaros of the Aragonese Kings of Sicily. Circa 1250-1350. Vanous types from a small hoard. Average grade is Fine with natural patinas, few cleaned. Interesting lot. 25 coins total. ($150)

2004. Baldwin Brett, Agnes. A Catalogue of Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (New York, 1974 reprint of Boston, 1955 original). 340 pp., 115 plates desenbing 2348 coins, appendices, 4to. Brown casebound with dust cover. Very Fine copy. ($150)

1040. Lot of sixteen Islamic coins. AR Dirhems (9). Ai Fais and other minors (7). Dynasties represented include Ummayad, Abbasid, Ayyubid and Ottoman. Several better types, should be examined by a specialist Average Fine, 4 pieces holed. 16 pieces total. ($100)

2005. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia. (London1978). 81 pages, 8 plates. A Royal Numismatic Society publication. Hardcover. New. ($25)

1041. Lot of three Ttrkomen bronze dirhems Urturkids of Maridin. Kutbaldin Eel Ghazi. MWI 1031. //Hosam al din Yuluk Arslan. MWI 1037. //Zangids of Sinjar. Kutbal din Mohammed. MWI 1139. Average near VF. 3 pieces. ($100)

2006. Bellinger, Alfred R. Essays On The Coinage Of Alexander TheGreat. (New York, 1963). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 11. 132 pages, 3 plates, 1 map. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. OP and elusive. ($50)

1042. Lot of two Spani.411Cobs.'Types of Philip IV. 1621-1665. AR 8 Realesbut no dates visible. Seville mint? Both fine but one with some corrosion and encnistation. ($150)

2007. [BMC-GREEK], Gardner, Percy. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume VI: Thessaly to Aetolia. (London, 1883 original), lviii, 234 pp., indices, 8vo. No plates. Blue buckram. Spine back strip torn at lop olherwise internally fine. ($75)

1043. Lot of four English pennies. Henry HI. Type Hlb. Bnstol. Seaby 1363.// Edward I. Bury St. Edmunds, Ioh. Seaby 1377. // Edward I. Type 9b. Kingstonupon-Hull. Seaby 1426. //Edward Π. Type lib. Durham. Bishop Kellawe. Seaby 1469. Average grade is very good to fine, Edward I with some edge corrosion. Interesting loL 4 coins total. ($100)

2008. Cahn, Herbert A. The Coins of the Sicilian City of Naxos. (Chicago1978 reprint of Basel-1944 original). 166 pages, 12 plates. A die study for this important mint and the standard reference on the series. Text in German. Blue casebound As New. ($30)

1044. Lot of three English coins. Elizabeth L 1572 AR Threehalfpence (0.68 gm). Crowned bust left; rose behind / Long cross surmounting shield; mintmark: Ermine. Seaby 2569; North 2000. Toned near VF, light scratches.//George II. 1746 F0urpence. Seaby 3712. Cleaned EF. //George ID. AR Penny. Seaby 3761. Toned VF+. 3 coins total. Nice lot. ($75)

2009. Comstock, Mary and Vermeule, Cornelius Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Boston-1964). 78 pages, 30 plates, 8vo. A supplement to Agnes Baldwin Brett's original catalog of the museum's coins. Dark grey cloth with dust jacket. Very Fine copy. ($30) 2010. Comstock, Mary and Vermeule, Cornelius. Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Boston-1964). 78 pages, 30 plates, 8vo. A supplement to Agnes Baldwin Brett's original catalogue of the museum's coins. Tan card covers. Fine copy. ($10) 2011. Dattari, Giovanni. Monete Imperiali Grechi. Numi Augg(ustorum) Alexandrini, Catakigo délia Colle/Jone G. Dattari, Compilât!) dal Proprietary. (Cairo,Tipografiadell'InstitutoFrancesed'Archeologia Orientale, 1901 onginal). Two volumes bound in one (one of text and one of plates). 472 pp., 37 fine plates, 6580 coins described. Folio. Bound in black quarter leatherette with raised bands and gold tooling, red marbled boards. No foxing. A very fine copy of this extremely important reference. Rare. ($500) 2012. Davis, Norman. Greek Coins & Cities. (Spink & Son Ltd., Ixmdon, 1967). 221 pp., photographs and blow-ups throughout, 8vo. Illustrated from the collection al the Seattle Art Museum. Brown cloth wilh dust cover. Fine copy. Ex-Libris.

($20) 96


Group September

2013. Florance, Dr. A. Geographic Lexicon of Greek Coin Inscriptions. (Chicago, 1966 repnnt of: Tableaux synoptiques des ethniques des villes et peupies grecs, Paris, 1903). 104 pages, 4 maps, narrow 8vo. Gray boards with dustcover. Very good copy. ($10)

2,1 9 9 2

2026. Mildenberg, Leo and Silvia Hurler (Editors). The Arthur S. Dewing Collection of Greek Coins. Ancient Coins in North Amencan Collections No. 6. (New York, 1985). 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates), 194 pp., 142 plates, 5 indices, 8vo. This two volume work catalogues 2970 coins of the Dewing collection at Harvard University with an excellent representation of Syracusan decadrachms. Orange cloth. As New. ($100)

2014. [De Nanteuil]. Florange, Jules and Louis Ciani. Collection De Monnaies Grecques H. De Nanteuil. (Paris, 1925). Two volumes (one of text and one of plates), 343 pp., 60 separate plates in folder. Pages of text uncuL Text, printed card covers; plates, printed heavy card coven. A fine copy with only minor chipping and staining. A very important collection. ($200)

2027. Mitchiner, Michael. Oriental Coins And Their Values. The Ancient & Classical World, 600 B.C. - A.D. 650. (Hawkins Publications, London, 1978). 760 pp., photographs throughout text Thick quarto. Blue leatherette. A Very Fine copy. Now out of print and difficult to locate! ($200)

2015. [De Nanteuil]. Florange, Jules and Louis Ciani. Collection De Monnaies Grecques H. De Nanteuil. (Paris, 1925). Volume of plates only. 60 separate plates in heavy card cover binder. Cover torn and repaired, some stains. Plates, fine aindition. ($50)

2028. Merkholm, Otto and Nancy M. Waggoner. Greek Numismatics and Archaeology. Essays in Honor of Margaret Thompson. (Wetteren, Belgium, 1979). xix, 326 pp., 41 fine plates, frontispice portrait of Thompson, 4to. Green cloth, gilt. A compendium of excellent articles including "New and Noteworthy from Roman Alexandria. Pescennius Niger - Diadumenian" by William E. Metcalf and "A Chronology of Early Athenian Bronze Coinage ca. 350-250 B.C." by John H. Kroll. Very Fine copy. ($85)

2016. Head, Barclay V. Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics. (Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxvui, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Red casebound, gill lettering. Still a standard reference. Contents nearly seperated from cover, spine torn. Internally Fine. ($65)

2029. Müller, Ludwig; C.T. Falbe and J. Chr. Lindberg. The Coinage of Ancient Africa. (Bologna-1964 Fomi repnnt of Copenhagen, 1860-1862 ongmals). In Three volumes. 552 pages with passim illustrations, 95 page supplement. Text in French. Each volume nicely bound m simulated leather. Nice veiy fine copies. ($75)

2017. Holloway, R. Ross. Art and Coinage In Magna Graecia. (Bellinzona, Edizioni Arte F, Moneta Publishers, 1978). 173 pp., 88 fine plates, index, 8vo. Text in English. Green cloth with dust cover and slip case. Very fine copy. ($50)

2030. Newell, Edward T. Royal Greek Portrait Coins. (New York, 1937). 99 pages, 16plates, numerous photographs throughout text An excellent introductory work to this day. Hardbound. Fine copy. Ex-Libris. ($15)

2018. Houghton, Arthur. Coins of the Scleucid Empire From the Collection of Arthur Houghton. Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 4. (New York, 1983). 122 pp., 77 plates, table of chronology of selected mints. The definitive reference for the series. Orange cloth. As New. ($60)

2031. Robinson, E.S.G. A Catalogue oftheCalousteGulbenkian Collection ‫״‬fGreek Corns. Part I: Italy, Sicily, Carthage, (lisbon, 1971). 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 136 pages, 42 separate plates in cloth binder. A much sought after catalogue, noted for the aesthetic quality of both the catalogue and the coins in it. Cream cloth. Very fine copy. ($200)

2019. Imhoof-Blumer, Friednch and Gardner, Percy. Ancient Coins Illustrating Lost Masterpieces of Greek Art. (Chicago-1964 repnnt of Ix>ndon-1887 original). lxxviu, 176 pages, 38 plates, map, 8vo. A numismatic concordance to Pausanias identifying coins which may depict artwork described by Pausanias. Black casebound with dust cover. Nice very fine copy ($20)

2032. Rutter, N.K. Campanian Coinages, 475-380 B.C. (Edinburgh, 1979). viii, 196 pages, 32 plates, 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover. A die study for the early coinages of Cumae, Neapolis, Hyria, Nola, the Campani, Phistelia, AUifae, and the Fensemi. The standard reference for these rare coinages. New. ($40)

2020. Jameson, Robert. Monnaies Grecques Antiques et Imperiales Romaines. (Chicago-1980 reprint of Paris, 1913-1932 originals). 4 volumes complete. 908 pages, 164 plates, 8vo. A major reference with over3000coins described. One of the best collections ever formed. Red leatherette. New. ($200)

2033. Seltman, Charles T. Greek Coins: A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage. (Ix>ndon, 1955Methuen edition). 311 pages with maps, 64 plates, 12mo. An excellent survey. Green casebound. Binding a little loose, otherwise internally very fine. ($30)

2021. Jenkins, G.K Ancient Greek Coins. (New York, 1972). 310pages with 635 photographs plus 20 color plates. Octavo. Blue cloth, gilt lettering with dust cover. An outstanding book with some of the most beautiful photos of Greek coins ever published. Recently repnnted but the onginal is still supenor. Light fading on dust jacket, else Very fine copy. ($175)

2034. Seltman, Charles T. Masterpieces of Greek Coinage. (Oxford, 1949 original). 128 pp., photographs throughout text, 8vo. Red cloth. Very good copy, spine faded. Ex-Libris. ($30)

See the companion volumes by Sutherland, Roman Coins, and Whitting, Byzantine Coins,all out of print andscarce.

2035. Seltman, Charles T. Masterpieces of Greek Coinage. (Chicago, 1980 reprint of Oxford, 1949 original). 128 pp., photographs throughout, 4to. Blue cloth. Fine copy. (SI 5)

2022. König, Marie E.P. Das Rätsel der Keltischen Münzen. (Maschen, 1975). (4), 73 pp., 17 enlarged plates in text, 410. Pnnted card covers. Fine copy. ($15)

26‫ש‬. Seltman, Charles T. The Temple Coins of Olympia. (New York, 1977 reprint of the Cambridge, 1921 edition), x, 117 pp., 12 plates, large 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover (frayed). Nice fine copy. ($30)

2023. Kraay, C.M. and G.K. Jenkins (Editors). Essays In Greek Coinage Presented To Stanley Robinson. (Oxford, 1967). xii, 268 pp., 33 plates, 8vo. Blue casebound. Seventeen articles by some of the major authorities on Greek coinage. Long out of pnnt and scarce. Very fine copy. (S200)

2037. Svoronos, Jean N. Corpus of the Ancient Coins of Athens. (Chicago1975 reworking of the Munich-1923 edition). 264 pages of which 229 are plates. Basically plates with minimal description. Red casebound, gilt. As New. ($100)

2024. Lindsay, John. A View of The History and Coinage of The Parthians. (Cork, 1852 original), vii, 251 pp., 10 line drawn plates, tables, geneaology. Red casebound, plates browning, back hinge torn, spine torn and faded. Inscribed in ink .($75) on title page. Internally very good copy

2038 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock (SNG- Von Aulock). Index, by PeterR. Franke, Wolfgang Leschom and Armin U. Slylow. (Berlin, 1981). xii, 268 pp., 12 large fold-out tables, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. As new copy. Very useful for the student of Greek Imperial coinage and as an aid to the Sylloge series of the Von Aulock collection. (S75)

2025. May, J.M.F. The Coinage of Abdera (540-345 B.C.). Edited by C.M. Kraay and G.K. Jenkins. (London-1966, RNS Special Publication No. 3). xi, 298 pages, 24 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage, but the chronology has been revised since. Fine copy. ($40) 97




Titles On Roman Numismatics

2039. Syllogc Nummomm Graecorum. SNG Volume IV (British Series). Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections. Part II: Sicily · Thrace. (London, 1972). 19 plates with text opposite describing 1006 coins. Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. Fine copy. ($60)

2052. Carson, R A G. and Colin Kraay (Editors). Scripta Nummaria Romana. Essays Presented to Humphrey Sutherland. (London, 1978). 250 pages, 24 plates, bibliography of Sutherland's works. Festschrift of fifteen articles by some of the leading classical numismatists. One article is in French, the remainder ate in English. Hardcover. Very fine copy. ($50)

2040. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG-The Burton Y. Berry Collection. Part 1-Macedonia to Attica. (ANS, New York-1961). 28 pages, 28 plates. Cardcover. A fine copy. ($75)

2053. Herbert, Kevin. The John Max Wülfing Collection In Washington University. Roman Republican Coins. (Ancient Coins in North American Collections Published by The American Numismatic Society, New York, 1987). (2),47pp.,25plates,769coins,8vo.Orangecasebound. AsNew. ($20)

2041. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG-The Burton Y. Berry Collection. Part2-Megaris to Egypt. (ANS, New York-1962). 31 pages, 30 plates. Cardcover. A fine copy. ($75) 2042. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 4. Sicily II: Galaria-Styella. (New Yoik, 1977). 25 plates with text opposite descnbing 748 coins. Folio. Printed boards. Fine copy.

2054. Kent, J.PC. and Max and Alben Hirmer. Roman Coins. (New York, 1978). 368 pages, 1430 excellent photographs, some in color, 4to. English translation with some revisions of Kent, Oveibeck, and Stylow's Die Römische Münze (Munich, 1973). Out of print and one of the most beautiful books ever published on Roman coins. Green cloth with dust jacket. Few scuffs on dust jacket, otherwise Very Fine.

($60) 2043. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 5. Sicily III: Syracuse - Siceliotes. (New York, 1988). 56pp., 45 plates. 1408 coins described. Includes indices (geographical, rulers, names, inscriptions, etc.) covering the first five volumes. Printed boards. Very Fine copy. Ex libris. ($60)

($120) Companion volume to Kraay and Hirmer, Greek Coins, which has sold for circa $600 recently. 2055.

2044. Syllogc Nummorum Graecorum . The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 6. Palestine - South Arabia. (New York, 1981). 54 plates with text opposite descnbing 1615 coins, indices. Folio. White cloth. Very fine copy. ($100)

Same as previous lot. A nice very fine copy.


2056. Klawans, Zander H. Imitations and Inventions of Roman Coins. (Santa Monica, 1977). 136 pages, photos throughout text Important work on the "imitations" of Cavino and others. Red casebound, gilt. Fine copy. ($10)

2045. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part7. Macedonia I. Cities, Thraco-Macedonian Tribes, Paeonian Kings. (New York, 1987). 43 pp., 39 plates. 1062 coins described. Hardbound. Smaller format (21 χ 29 cm.). As new copy. ($60)

2057. Klawans, Zander H. An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins. (Racine,Wisconsin; 1959). 208pp.^ustrated, 12mo. Maroon casebound, gilt. Fine copy, worn on the edges. ($ 10) 2058. Magnaguti, Conte Alessandro. Ex Nvmmis Historia, II, Monte Dell' AesGrave Monete Romane Delia Repvbblica Ε Ddl' Impero(finoa Nerva • 98 d.C.). (Rome, 1949). 100 pp., 28 seperate, fine plates, 8vo. Yellow, printed card covers. Slight fading on spine, minor rubbing. A fine copy. ($75)

2046. Thompson, Margaret. Alexander's Drachm Mints I: Sardes and Miletus. ANS Numismatic Studies No. 16. (New York, 1983). 98 pp., 38 plates, 8vo. Red cloth. As new copy. ($30) 2047. Thompson, Margaret. The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens. (New York, 1961). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 10. Two volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 747 pages, 202 plates illustrating 1266 coins, plus two large pull-out plates equal to 23 more plates, 4to. The standard reference for this important coinage. Matching red cloth. Fine set, spines faded as usual. ($200)

2059. Robertson, Anne S. Roman Imperial Coins In The Hunter Coin Cabinet: Volume III. Pertinax to Aemilian. (Oxford, 1977). cxiv, 325 pp., 88 plates, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound, dust jacket. Very fine copy. ($75) 2060. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). Harold Mamngly and Edward A. Sydenham. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. IV. Part Π. Macrinus to Pupienus. (London, 1972 repnntof 1938 original). xi,215pp., 13 plates, indices, 8vo. Green cloth. Fine copy. ($50)

2048. Troxell, Hyla A. The Norman Davis Collection. (The American Numismatic Society, New York, I960). (4), 53 pp., 28 plates, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($40)

2061. Seaby, H.A. Roman Silver Coins, Vol. I-V. A complete set of the most recent editions. All in Very fine condition, small tear on dust jacket of Vol. Π. ($125)

2049. Waggoner, Nancy M. Early Greek Coins From The Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. Ancient Coins in North American CoUections No. 5. (New York, Amencan Numismatic Society, 1983). (6), 55 pp., 28 fine plates, 8vo. Orange cloth. As New copy. ($30)

2062. Sutherland, C.H.V. Roman Coins. (New York, 1974). 311 pages, 572 photographsof which 63 are in color. Companion volume to Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins, and Whitting's, Byzantine Coins. Long out of print and scarce. Hardbound. Very fine copy. ($125)

2050. [Walcher-Molthein], Catalogue De La Collection Des Médailles Grecques De M Le Chevalier I^éopold Walcher De Molthein. (Pans et Vienne, 1895). vii, 295 pages, 31 fine plates. Urge octavo. Some chipping on spine, small tear top right comer. Pages uncut. Internally fine. An important collection. ($100)

2063. Sutherland,C.H.V. Münzen Der Römer. (Munich, 1974). 311 pages,572 photographs of which 63 are in color. German text edition of the companion volume to Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins, and Whitting's, Byzantine Coins. Long out of print and scarce. Black cloth with dust cover (frayed). Nice fine copy. ($100)

2051. Wilhams, Rodenck 'Γ. The Silver Coinage of the Phokians. (Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 7, London, 1972). ix, 138 pp., 16 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage. Fine copy, a bit dusty. ($20)

CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC Titles On Byzantine Numismatics

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy, minor scuffs on jacket.


2,1 9 9 2

2077. Seltman, Arthur. The M onagri Hoard. An Offprint From Dumbarton Oaks Papers, #28. (Washington, D C., 1974). 3 pages, 1 plate. Discusses a hoard of medieval Cypnote coins found in the Church of the Panagia Amasgou at Managri, Cyprus in 1960. Paper covers. New. ($5)

2064. Bates, George E. Byzantine Coins, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Monograph l.(Cambndge,MA.-1971). 159 pages, 9plates, 4vo. Purple buckram with matching dust cover. Very fine copy, minor tears in dust jacket. ($30) 2065.




2078. Singhai, C.R. Catalogue of the Coins In The Prince of Wales Museum of Western India, Bombay. The Sultans of Gujarat. (British India Press, Bombay, 1935 original), xxxii, 154 pages, 11 plates, map, table, narrow 8vo. Blue-gray casebound, gilt. Fine copy, corners bumped. ($75)


2066. BendaU, Simon and P.J. Donald. The Billon Trachea of Michael VIII Palaeologos, 1258-1282. (A H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd.; London. 1974). 44 pages, 22 plates of line drawings, 12mo. An essential reference for the late Byzantinist Cardcovers. Fine copy. ($15)

2079. Norris, Andrea S. and Ingrid Weber. MedaLs and Plaquettes From The Molinari Collection At Bowdoin College. (Brunswick, Maine; 1976). xi, 292 pp., (2), 144 plates included, 4to. Hardbound. New, still in original box. ($75)

2067. Grierson, PhiUp. Byzantine Coins. (Berkeley, 1982). 411 pages, 95 plates, maps. The best introductory survey of Byzantine coinage. Casebound with dust cover. New copy. ($85)

American Numismatic Society: Numismatic Notes & Monographs

2068. Metealf, WiUiam E. and Wolfgang Hahn - Editors Studies In Early Byzantine Gold Coinage. Numismauc Studies 17. (New York, 1988). 142pp.,24 plates, 4to. Red cloth. A series of seven articles by various experts in the field and an introduction by the editors. As new. ($75)

2080. NNM #3. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards. (New York, 1921). 21 pages, 2 plates. A description of the 35 coins found in the Kyparissia hoard. Cardcovers. As New. ($20) 2081. NNM#21. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards III, Andritsaena. (New York, 1923). 39 pages, 6 plates. Details hoard of coins of Philip II and Alexander ΙΠ as well as a few Boeotian, Aeginetan, Sicyonian and Olympian staters found near Andritsaena in the Peloponnesus. Cardcovers. As New. ($15)

2069. Whining, P.D. Byzantine Coins. (New York, 1973). 311 pages with 390 Ulustrations plus 20 color plates. Outstanding photographs. Companion volume in "The World of Numismatics" senes to Sutherland's, Roman Coins, and Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins Blue cloth with dust cover. Dust cover faded with a few chips, smaU nick on top front cover, internally very fine. ($75)

2082. NNM #22. Seltman, C.T. A Hoard From Side. (New York, 1924). 20 pages, 3 plates. A hoard of 26 silver pieces mainly of the fifth century B.C., with a gold and carbuncle bracelet of Cypriote type. Cardcovers. A nice fine copy, light smudge marks on cover. ($15)

2070. Wroth, Warwick. Western and Provincial Byzantine Coins of The Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards and The Empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and TVebiz/HKl in the British Museum. (Chicago-1966 reprint of Ixrdon, 1911 original). xciv, 344 pages, 43 plates. Red casebound. StiU a standard reference. New. ($75)

2083. NNM #23. Seager, Richard B. A Cretan Coin Hoard. (New York, 1924). Details of a hoard containing 1003 silver minors of Cydonia, Tanos and llanos, as well as a number of non-Cretan mints. Cardcovers. A Fine copy, small crease in front cover. ($15)

Titles On Medieval To Modern World Coinage

2084. NNM #27. Noe, Sydney P. The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard. (New York, 1926). 73 pages, 10 fold out plates Details of a hoard of Mende tetradrachms found in Mende. Important Cardcovers. A very fine copy. ($30)

2071. Berghaus, Peter. Der Münzschatz von Querenburg in der Bochumer Universität. (Universitätsveriag Dr. Norbert Brockmeyer, Bochum, 1990). 96 pp., 18 plates, Ulustrations in text, fold-out map, 12mo. Printed paper covers. As new. ($15)

2085. NNM #28. Baldwin, Agnes. Four Medallions From The Arras Hoard. (New York, 1926). 36 pages, 4 plates. Details of four medallions of the tetrarchy ($15) found in the Arras hoard. Cardcovers. A very fine copy.

2072. Florange, Jules and Louis Ciani. Catalogue Des Monnaies Émises Sur Le Territoire De La Russie (1914-1925), Avec Indication De Leur Actuelle Par Ch. Denis. (Paris, 1926). Text only. 119 pp., 1754 coins listed, pages uncut. Printed card covers. Few smaU tears, light fading on spine. A fine copy. ($50)

2086. NNM #33. Newell, Edward T. Two Recent Egyptian Hoards. (New York, 1927). 34 pages, 3 plates. Details two Ptolemaic hoards: the first found in the Delta region in 1923, and the second in Upper Egypt near Keneh. Interesting for the Egyptian specialist Red casebound. A nice fine copy. Ex-libns. ($30)

2073. Gibbs, Howard D. Chinese Impenal Names. A Finding List of Era and Personal Names On Chinese Imperial Coins. (Stack's, New York, 1944). 56 pp., large 8vo. Quarter cloth and marbled boards. Very good copy. (S20)

2087. NNM #39. NeweU, Edward T. Alexander Hoards, Olympia. (New York, 1929). 27 pp, 4 double-plates. Cardcover. Fine copy, small chip on backslrip, red mark on front cover. ($10)

2074. Grierson, Philip. Münzen Des Mittelalters. (Fribourg, 1976). 324 pp., 602 photographs of which 70 are in color, thick 8vo. German text edition of the companion volume to Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins, Sutherland's, Roman Coins, and Whitting's, Byzantine Coins. This was the only edition available until the recent edition published by Seaby's. Blue cloth with dust cover and slipcase. As new. ($75)

2088. NNM #43. Cox,D.H.The Caparelli Hoard. (New York, 1930). 17 pages, 2 double plates. Details a hoard of 125 medieval coins found outside of Caparclli in Boeotia near Thebes. Included were 53 Frankish tournois, 1 Sicilian tan, and 71 Venetian soldini. Cardcovers. As new. (SI 5)

2075. Gupta, Paimeshwan Lai. Coins. India - The land and the People Series. (New Delhi, 1979 Thin! edition), xi, 255 pp., 34 plates, index, 12mo. Printed paper covers. Covers worn but internally fine. ($10)

2089. NNM #44. Hill, George F. On The Coins of Narbonensis With Iberian Inscriptions. (New York, 1930). 39 pages, 6 plates. Cardcover. A very fine copy, signature on cover. ($15)

2076. Richardson, Adam B. Catalogue of Scottish Coins in the National Museum, Edinburgh. (London, 1977 reprint of 1901 onginal). 397 pp., 12decent plates, 8vo. Blue case bound, top edge güt Nice fine copy ($15)

2090. NNM #46. NeweU, Edward T. The Küchük Kohne Hoard. (New York, 1931). 33 pages, 3 plates. Details a hoard found in central Anatolia m early 1930 of 28 coins of Sinope, Amisos and Tarsos circa late 4th century BC. Cardcovers. Nice very fine copy. ($15) 2091. 99

Same as previous lot.






2,1 9 9 2

2106. NNM #70. Waage, Frederick O. Greek Bronze Coins From A Well At Megara. (New York, 1935). 42 pages, 3 double plates. Details a hoard discovered in 1929 of bronzes from Megara. Cardcovers. New. (S15)

2092. NNM #49. Bellinger, Alfred R. Two Roman Hoards From DuraEuropas. (New York, 1931). 66 pages, 17 plates. Details two hoards found by the Yale Expedition to Dura-Europos on the Euphrates during 1928-1929. Hoards consisted of Antiochene tetradrachmae and antoniruani of primarily the period erf Caracalla to Gallienus. Cardcovers. A very fine copy. ($30)

2107. NNM #71. Noe, Sydney, P. The Thurian Di-Staters. (New York, 1935). 61 pages, 11 doubleplates. A very fine copy. Scarce and important. ($75)

2093. NNM #52. Ravel, Oscar. Corinthian Hoards (Corinth and Arta). (New York, 1932). 27 pages, 3 plates. Details two hoards of primarily Corinthian style staters: the first found near Corinth just after the earthquake of 1928, and the second foundin 1929 near the river at Arta in Ambracia. Cardcovers. New. ($15)

2108. NNM #72. Walker, John. The Coinage Of The Second Saffarid Dynasty ($10) inSistan. (New York, 1936). 46 pages, 5 plates. Cardcovers. New.


2109. NNM #74. Crosby, Margaret and Grace, Emily. An Achaean League Hoard. (New York, 1936). 44 pages, 4 plates. Details a hoard of primarily Achaean League triobols bought in Athens in 1929. Cardcovers. A very fine copy. ($20)

Same as previous lot. As New copy.


2095. NNM #55. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Third and Fourth Dura Hoards. (New York, 1932). 85 pages, 20 plates. Details two hoards found in Dura-Europos in 1930 that consisted of primanly Roman denani and Antiochene tetradrachmae. The periods covered by the two hoards are from Nero to Diadumenian, and from Vitellius toMacrinus. Cardcovers. Nice very fine copy. ($15)

2110. NNM #75. Brett, Agnes Baldwin. Victory Issues of Syracuse After 413 B.C. (New York, 1936). 6 pp., 1 plate. Cardcover. Fine copy, with a crease down the center of the front cover. Rare and seldom offered. ($20) 2111. NNM #76. Newell, Edward T. The Pergamene Mint Under Philetaerus. (New York, 1936). 34 pp., 10 plates. Cardcovers. Few small bends m cover, else Very fine copy. ($20)

2096. NNM #58. Newell, Edward T. The Fifth Dura Hoard. (New York, 1933). 14 pages, 2 plates. Details a hoard of 29 coins found on November 15,1930 at Dura consisting primarily of Antiochene tetradrachmae of both the Seleucid and Roman periods. Cardcovers. New. ($15)

2112. NNM #77. Torrey, Charles C Aramaic Graffiti On Coins Of Demanhur. (New York, 1937). 13 pages, 2 plates. Discusses the appearance of Aramaic graffition Alexander tetradrachmae from the Demanhur, Egypt hoard. Cardcovers. New. ($15)

2097. NNM #60. Newell, Edward T. Two Hoards From Mintumo. (New York, 1933). 38 pages, 5 plates. Details two hoards discovered at Mintumae (Mintumo): the first consisting of Roman Republican Bronze coins and the second of late imperial bronze coins from Constans to Valentmian ΓΠ. Cardcovers. New. ($10) 2098.

Same as previous lot. A very fine copy, small crease on cover.

2113. er.

Same as previous lot Light waterstains around edges of front and rear cov($10)

($10) 2114. NNM #78. Noe, Sydney P. A Bibliography of Greek Coin Hoards, (second edition). (New York, 1937). 362 pages. A listing of 1186 hoards, their contents summarized and their disposition (if known) noted. Still useful. Cardcover. A Fine copy. ($50)

2099. NNM #62. Milne, J.G. The Melos Hoard of 1907. (New York, 1934). 19 pages, photo in texL Details the Melos Hoard which consisted of 79 coins, including specimens of 31 distinct types, most of which were previously unknown to numismatists before the hoard's discovery. Cardcovers. New. ($15)

2115. NNM #87. Miles, George C. A Byzantine Weight Validated By AlWalid.(New York, 1939). llpages, 1 plate.Cardcovers.New. ($10)

2100. NNM #62. Milne, J.G. The Melos Hoard of 1907. (New York, 1934). 19 pages, photo in text Details the Melos Hoard which consisted of 79 coins, including specimens of 31 distinct types, most of which were previously unknown to numismatists before the hoard's discovery. Cardcovers. A Very fine copy, small mark where a sticker was removed on front cover. ($15)

2116. NNM #92 Cox, D.H. A Tarsus Coin Collection in The Adana Museum. (New York, 1941). 67 pp., 12 double plates. A catalogue of 246 mostly Greek Imperial corns in the Adana Museum. All coins are plated. Cardcover. A very fine copy. ($25)

2101. NNM #64. Newell, Edward T. A Hoard From Siphnos. (New York, 1934). 17 pages, 1 plate. Details a hoard of 30 coins found on the island of Siphanto (Siphnos) including four coins of Siphnos itself. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($10) 2102. NNM #65. Sutherland, C.H.V. Romano-British Imitations of Bronze Coins of Claudius I. (New York, 1935). 35 pages, 7 double plates, 1 single plate. Discusses the many "barbarous" bronze coins found in England that are imitative of the issues of Claudius. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($25) 2103. NNM #67. Mosser, Sawyer McA. A Bibliography of Byzantine Coin Hoards. (New York, 1935). 116pages.Usefulforthe serious Byzantinist Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($25) 2104. NNM #68. NeweU, Edward T. Five Greek Bronze Coin Hoards. (New York, 1935). 67 pages, 9 plates. Details five bronze hoards from Euboea, Epidaurus, Mytilene, Magnesia Ad Maeandrum and Ptolemaic Egypt. Cardcovers. New. ($15) 2105. NNM #69. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Sixth, Seventh and Tenth Dura Hoards. (New York, 1935). 75 pages, 5 plates. Details three more hoards f rom the Dura excavations by Yale which again consist primarily of Roman Syria telradrachmae and imperial denarii. Cardcovers. New. ($15)

2117. NNM #94. West, Louis C. Gold and Silver Coin Standards in the Roman Empire. (New York, 1941). 199 pages. An examination of the weight and purity standards of Roman gold and silver coins from the Republic through Diocletian. Cardcover. Fine copy, a little dirty with a small tear at the bottom of the front oover.($25) 2118. NNM #96. Milne, J.G. Kolophon and Its Coinage, A Study. (New York, 1941). 113 pp., 18 double-page plates. A corpus listing and describing 276 types of Greek and Greek Imperial coins of this city. Cardcover. Very fine copy. Rare and Very Important. ($125) 2119. NNM #117. Torrey, Charles C. Gold Coins of Khokand and Bukhara. (New York, 1950). 37 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. As New. ($15) 2120. NNM #117. Torrey, Charles C. Gold Coins of Khokand and Bukhara. (New York, 1950). 37 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. A very fine copy. ($15) 2121. NNM #119. Seyrig, Henri. Notes on Syrian Coins. (New York, 1950). 35 pages, 2 plates. Includes several important chapters on the coinage of Tryphon. Cardcovers. As New. ($20) 2122. NNM #120. Miles, George C. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Stamps. (New York, 1951). 60pages, 4 plates. Cardcovers. As New. ($10) 2123.

1 00

Same as previous lot.



Group S e p t e m b e r 2,1 9 9 2

2124. NNM #121. Miles, George C. Fatimid Coins In The Collections of the University Museum, Philadelphia, and the American Numismatic Society. (New York, 1951). 51 pages, 6 plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($15)

2140. NNM#152 Tomasini, Wallace J. Th« Barbaric IVemissis In Spain And Southern France: Anastasius To Leovigild. (New York, 1964). 302 pages, 46 plates. Cardcovers. Still a useful reference! Very fine copy. ($20)

2125. NNM #124. Robinson, David M. A Hoard of Silver Coins From Carystus. (New York, 1952). 62 pages, 6plates. Details a hoard of 92 001ns found on the slopes of Mt. Ocha, the ancient site of Carystus, and included 37 Carystian slaters. Cardcovers. As New. ($15)

2141. NNM#153. Boyce, Aline Abaecherli. Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Emprc: Four Papers. (New York, 1965). 102 pages, 15 plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($20) 2142. NNM #155. Williams, Rodenck T. The Confederate Coinage Of The Arcadians In The Fifth Century B.C. (New York, 1965). 141 pages, 14plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($20)

2126. NNM #129. Caley, Earle R. Chemical Composition of Parthian Coins. (New York, 1955). 104 pages. Cardcovers. New. ($10) 2127. NNM #130. Lang, David M. Studies In The Numismatic History of Georgia In Transcaucasia. (New York, 1955). 138 pages, 15 plates, one fold-out map. Discusses the entire numismatic history of Georgia which extended over a two thousand yearperiod. Cardcovers. New. ($20)

2143. NNM#157. Fagerlie, Joan M. Late Roman And ByzantineSolidi Found In Sweden And Denmark. (New York, 1967). 213 pages, 33 plates. Cardcovers. New. ($15) 2144. NNM #158. Morrison, Karl F. with the collaboration of Henry Grunthal. Carolingian Coinage. (New York, 1967). 465 pages, 48 plates, 3 fold-out maps. One of the standard references for this area. Cardcovers. A very fine copy. ($50)

2128. NNM #134. W.P. Wallace. The Euboian League And Its Coinage. (New York, 1956). 180pp., 16plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($25)

2145. NNM #160. Miles, George C. The Coinage ofThe Arab Amirs of Crete. (New York, 1970). 86pages, 9 plates. Cardcovers. As new. ($15)

2129. NNM #136. Noe, Sydney P. Two Hoards of Persian Sigloi. (New York, 1956). 44 pages, 15 plates. The second hoard described contained 212 half-staters of Croesus of the confronted lion and bull type. Cardcovers. New. ($15)

2146. NNM #161. Mac Dowall, David W. The Western Coinages Of Nero. (New York, 1979). 256 pages, 25 plates. A standard reference on the series. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($20)

2130. NNM #137. Buttiey, Theodore V., Jr. TheTriumviral Portrait Gold Of The Quattuorviri Monetales Of 42 B.C. (New York, 1956). 69 pages, 9 plates. A definitive study. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($15)

2147. NNM#162.Tnoxell,HylaA.TheCoinageofTheLycian League.(New York, 1982). xix, 255 pp., 44 fine plates, 8vo. Cream cloth. Very fine copy. Ex libris. ($30)

2131. NNM #139. Grabar, Oleg. The Coinage OfThe Tulunids. (New York, 1957). 78 pages, 3 plates. Discusses the Tulunids of Egypt (868-905) and their coinage. Cardcovers. As New. ($10)

2148. NNM #163. Stahl, Alan M. The Venetian Tornesello, A Medieval Colonial Coinage. (New York, 1985). 96 pages, 4 plates. Cloth. As New.

2132. NNM #141. Miles, George C. Contributions To Arabic Metrology I. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Measure Stamps Acquired by the ANS 19511956. (New York, 1958). 124 pages, 13 plates. Cardcovers. New. ($15)

($20) 2149. NNM #164. Johnson, Ann. The Coinage of Metapontum, Part 3. (New York, 1990). 102 pp., 21 plates. A conunuauon and updating of Noe's work done aver 60 years ago. Cloth. As New. ($40)

2133. NNM #143. Miles, George C. Excavation Coins From The Persepolis Region. (New York, 1959). 124 pages, 21 plates & map. Details coins from various finds in Persepolis in southern Iran which consisted primarily of Sasanian and Islamic coins. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($15)

2150. NNM #165. Koch, Heidemane. A Hoard of Coins From Eastern Parthia. (New York, 1990). 64 pp., 12plates. Cloth. As new copy. ($35)

2134. NNM #145. Cox, D.H. Coins From The Excavations at Curium, 19321953. (New York, 1959). 125 pages, 10 plates. Details coins excavated under the auspices of the University Museum of Philadelphia at Curium on the south coast of Cyprus. Coins from the Greek penod to the Venetian occupation are catalogued. Cardcovers. As New. ($15)

Auction Catalogues 2151. Ars Classica No. I. Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques Provenant De La Collection de feu le Prof. S. Pazzi. (March 14,1921 but actually held on April 4,1921). Lucerne. 3334101s. (1966 reprint of original). One of the most important private collections ever offered for sale. Hardbound. Fine copy. ($75)

2135. NNM # 146. Patrick Brunn. Studies in Constantinian Chronology. (New York, 1961). 116 pp., 8 plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($40)

2152. ArsClasica. No. II, No. Ill, and No. IV bound in one volume. (Lucerne, April 4,1921 ; June 12-14,1922; and June 16,1922) 1886 lots, 57 fine plates; 342 lots, 11 fine plates; and 1035 lots, 36 fine plates. All nice fine copies, bound in brown leather, gill, raised bands. Some scuffing, but binding still strong. Original card covers bound in. ($350)

2136. NNM #148. Adelson, Howard L. and Kustas, George L A Bronze Hoard OfThe Period Of Zeno I. (New York, 1962). 89 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. As New. (SI 5) 2137. NNM #149. Alfred R. Bellinger and Majone Alkins Berlincourt. Victory as a Coin Type. (New York, 1962). 68 pp., 13 plates. Traces the use of Nike on Greek and HeDenistic coins as well as Victory on Roman coins. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (S20)

2153. Ars Classic! No VIL Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques En Or, En Argent Composant La Collection De Feu Clarence S. Bernent. Seconde Partie: Attique A Mauritanie IncL (Lucerne, June 23-24,1924). (4), 84 pp., 31 fine plates (numbered 36-68), lots 1083-1909,410. A Very fine copy in onginal caïd covers. As nice as they come. (S 150)

2138. NNM #150. Miles, George C. Contributions To Arabie Metrology II. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Measure Stamps in the Benaki Museum, Athens, and the Peter Ruthven Collection, Ann Arbor. (New York, 1963). 64 pages, 11 plates. Cardcovers. New. (S10)

2154. Ars Classica. No VIL Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques En Or, En Argent Composant La Collection De Feu Clarence S. Bernent. Seconde Partie: Attique A Mauritanie Incl. (Lucerne, June 23-24,1924). (4), 84 pp., 31 fine plates (numbered 36-68), lots 1083-1909,4to. Chipping on spine and from thumbing, cover nearly seperated at crease, photo of lot 1732 cut from plate 60. A good copy. ($75)

2139. NNM #151. Caley, Earle R Orichalcum And Related Ancient Alloys: Origin, Composition and Manufacture w•th Special Reference to the Coinage of the Roman Empire. (New York, 1964). ν, 115 pages. Cardcovers. Very Fine copy, light fold at top right comer. ($15) 101



2155. Ars Classica. No Vm. Catalogue De Monnaies Romaines Antiques En Or, Argent Et Bronze Composant La Collection De Feu Clarence S. Bernent. (Lucerne, June 25-28,1924). (6), 107 pp., 64 fine plates, 17701ots, 4to. A Very fine copy in original card covers. As nice as they come. ($175)

2160. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 16. Mittelalter Neuzeit. (Zürich, 28 October 1976). 65 pp., 36 plates, 934 lots. Pnnted card covers. Fine copy. ($15) 2161. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 19. Mittelalter und Neuzeit. (Zürich, 12/13 October 1977). 66 pp., 35 plates, 970 lots. Printed card covers. Fine copy. ($15) 2162. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 21. Mittelalter und NeuzeiL (Zürich, 18/19 October 1978). 78 pp., 36 plates, 1041 lots. Printed card covers. Fine copy. ($15) 2163. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 31. Literature. (Zürich, 29/30 April 1982). 153pp., 1219 lots. Printed card coven. Very fine copy with prices realized. ($10) 2164. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 32. Mittelalter Neuzeit (Zünch, 20/21 October 1982). 114pp.,63plates, 958 lots. Pnnted card covers. Very fine copy. ($20) 2165. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 34. Mittelalter Neuzeit. (Zürich, 11 October ($15) 1983). 87 pp., 35 plates, 587 lots. Pnnted card covers. Very fine copy. 2166. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 35. Schweizer Medaillen, Tiel I. (Zürich, 12 October 1983). 58 pp., 32 plates, 534 lots. Pnnted card covers. Fine copy. ($15) 2167. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 37. Mittelalter Neuzeit. (Zürich, 15 October 1985). 54 pp., 28 plates, 577 lots. Pnnted card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 2168. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 39. Münzen Der Neuzeit. (Zünch, 14 May 1986). 73pp.,51 plates, 741 lots. Pnnted card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 2169. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 50. Antike Münzen. (Zünch, 25 April 1990). 81 pp., 36 plates, 425 lots. Printed card covers. Finecopy. ($10) 2170. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 50. Antike Münzen. (Zünch, 25 Apnl 1990). 81 pp., 36 plates, 425 lots. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. ($15)

2,1 9 9 2

2172. Bank Leu AG and Münzen und Medaillen AG. Monete Delia Sicilia Ε Dell' Italia Méridionale. (Zürich, 11 March 1987). 79 pp., 34 plates, 780 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy. ($15) 2173. Bank Leu AG & Spink & Son Zürich. Asta Ceresio 2. Monete Ε Medaglie. Monete Greche Ε Romane, Monete Italiane, Monete Ε Medaglie Estere, Monete Svizzere. (Lugano, September 26,1988). 115 pp., 773 lots, illustrated. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. ($10)

2157. Ars Classica. No. XV. Catalogue De Monnaies Antiques Grecques, Romaines, Byzantines, Etc. Bibliothèque Numismatique. Collections De Deux Amateurs Étrangers Décédés Et D'Autres Provenances. Choix Tiré De La Collection W.H. Woodward. (Lucerne, July 2,1930). (4), 135, (1 ) pages, 74 fine plates, 2267 lots, 4to. Heavy chipping at top and bottom of spine, small hole in front cover, several strong creases in cover, missing plate 13 (photocopy only), small mailing label of Dr. Jacob Hirsch glued on front cover. A good copy. ($75)

2159. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 12. Mittelalter Neuzeit. (Zürich, 23 October 1974). 45 pp., 26 plates, 530 lots. Pnnted card covers. Fine copy with prices realized. Some writing on cover and heavily marked throughout ($10)


2171. Bank Leu AG. Auktion S3. Antike und Moderne Münzen. (Zürich, 21/22 October 1991). 101 pp., 53 plates, 980 lots. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. ($15)

2156. Ars Classica. No Vm. Catalogue De Monnaies Romaines Antiques En Or, Argent Et Bronze Composant La Collection De Feu Clarence S. Bernent. (Lucerne, June 25-28,1924). (6), 107 pp., 64 fine plates, 1770 lots, 4to. Cover chipped on spine and completely seperated from contents, text starting to brown at edges. A good copy. ($75)

2158. Ars Classica. No XVII. Catalogue De Monnaies Antiques Grecques Et Romaines Contenant Les Collections De R Burrage, Esq, De Boston, Mass. Du Dr. J.S., De Vienne Et D'Autres Amateurs Étrangers, Ainsi Que La Collection Très Importante De Monnaies Romaines Formée Par Sir Arthur J. Evans - Youlbury Near Oxford. (Lucerne, October3,1934). (4), 142, (2) pp., 65 fine plates, 2072 lots, 4to. A fine copy in onginal card covers. No chipping, minor smudges, small mailing label of Dr. Jacob Hirsch glued on front cover. ($125)


2174. Bankhaus Η. Aufhauser. Lot of Five Auction Catalogues. Includes the following: Versteigerung 2,21/22 October 1985; Versteigerung 4,7/8 October 1987; Versteigerung 6, 5/6 October 1989; Versteigerung 7, 9/10 October 1990; Versteigerung 8,9/lOOctober 1991. All printed card covers with excellent plates. AD fine or better copies. ($40) 2175. Christie's. Lot of 6 catalogs. Lot includes the following: London, 9 October 1984 and 3/4 October 1988; New York, 8 December 1983; 2 May 1984; 29 June 1984 and 4/5 December 1985. Sales include ancient medieval and modem coins. Printed card covers except New York 8 December 1983 which is hardbound with dust cover. All Fine or better. ($35) 2176. Christie's. Lot of three catalogues from Christie's of New York and London. Includes: Ancient, Foreign and United States Coins and Banknotes (New York; September 22,1986). 84 pp., 712 lots, illustrated, 8vo; English, Foreign and Ancient Coins and Commemorative Medals (London, 15 May 1990). 108 pp., 832 lots, illustrated (some in color), 8vo, prices realized; Ancient, Foreign and United States Coins together with Banknotes from the Archives of the American Bank Note Company (New York; June 5,1991 ). 140 pp., 912 lots, illustrated, 8vo. Also in eluded: Stack's. The International Collection of Gold and SilverCoins of the World (Chicago; March 4-5,1988). 323 pp., 2818 lots, illustrated, 8vo,pnces realized. All with printed card covers. Fine or better copies. 4 catalogues total. ($40) 2177. [D'Essling]. Importante Collection de Monnaies Et Médailles Consulat Et Empire Napoléon I Et Sa Famille Napoléon ΠΙ; Médailles Historiques Et De Personnages, Jetons et Décorations. (Paris, June 17-25, 1927). 248 pp., 68 fine plates, 3057 lots. Beautifully bound in green leather, raised bands, gilL Light fading on spine and minor rubbing. Onginal printed card covers included. Internally a very fine copy. ($125) 2178. Hespena Arts Auction, Ltd. Antiquities. (New York, 27 November 1990). Two catalogues: Part 1:242 lots each illustrated with black-and-white photographs and some in color. Part Π: 74 lots each illustrated in color (most with two photographs). large octavo. Printed card covers. Very fine copies with prices realized. ($40) 2179. Hess, Adolph AG. Auktion 252. Antike-Neuzeit Münzen. (1-uzem, 24/25 May 1982). 133 pp., 64 plates, 1496 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy. ($15) 2180. Hess, Adolph AG. Auktion 254. Antike-Neuzeit Münzen. (Luzem, 25/26 October 1983). 155 pp., 49 plates, 1558 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy with prices realized. ($15) 2181. Hess, Adolph AG. Auktion 256. Münzen und Medaillen De Neuzeit. (Luzem, 4/5 March 1986). 120 pp., 54 plates, 1520 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy. ($15) 2182. Hess, Adolph AG. Auktion 257. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 12November 1986). 45pp., 20plates, 541 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy. ($15) 2183. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 30. Taler Ecus, Crowns of The World. (Luzem, 27/28 April 1966). 74 pp., 64 plates, 1239 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Good copy. ($15)

1 02



2184. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 36. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 17/18 April 1968). 79 pp., 32 pistes, 631 lots. Printed card covers. Very ($10) good copy, backstrip torn at top and bottom, cover stained.

September 2,1 992

2196. Münzen und Medaillen A.C.; Auctiones A.G. Lot of 4 auction catalogs including auctions 13, IS, 18 and 20. (Basel, 23/24 Junel983; 18/19 September 1985; 21/22 September 1989; and 8Λ» November 1990). 1124+1131+1171+1786 lots, 26+52+50+80 plates. Printed paper covers. All fine or better. ($20)

2185. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. (June 19,1990). New York. 164 lots, each illustrated in both black-and-white and color. Hardbound wiih dust cover. Glossy dust cover smudged (as are most). Comers and spine bumped, small tear on front cover. A magnificent catalogue that is both a reference and collector's item. ($50)

2197. Münzen Und Medaillen A.G.; Auctiones A.G., Auktion 17,18 & 20. Münzen Der Antike, Des Mittelalters Und Der Neuzeit Aus Privatbesitz. (Basel, 7/8 June 1988; 21/22 September 1989; W November 1990). 1457+ 1171 + 1786 lots, 62 + 50 + 80 plates, A4. Printed paper covers. Fine copies, last with blue scuffs, from contact with another book, on front cover. ($20)

2186. [Kunstfreundes]. Bank Leu AG and Münzen und Medaillen AG. Griechische Münzen Aus der Sammlung eines Kunstfreundes. (Zunch, May, 28, 1974). 372 pp., 253 lots illustrated completely. Printed card covers with prices realized. A "landmark" sale that is still widely consulted! A new copy. ($65)

2198. [Norweb]. Chnstie's. The Norweb Collection of Mexican & Central American Coins. (Dallas, May 17-18,1985). 187 pp., 850lots, illustrated, 4color plates. Includes prices realized. Very fine copy. ($15) 2199. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XVI. (New York; December 2,1985). Ancient Coins. 613 lots, illustrated. Paper covers. Very fine copy without prices realized. ($10)

2187. [M. Ed. C. (?)]. Catalogue De Monnaies Antiques Grecques, Romaines Et Byzantines, Monnaies Françaises, Composant la Collection de M. Ed. C. (Paris, Florange and Ciani, April 23-24,1926). 36 pp., 8 plates, 670 lots, 8vo. Printed card covers. Minor comer bumps. Fine copy. ($45)

2200. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XX. (Beverly Hills, March 9-10, 1988). 829 lots, illustrated, oblong 8vo. Featuring a Collecuon of Roman Portrait Coins and Greek Coins. Printed paper covers. Very good copy, small puncture on spine, heavy crease on rear cover. Without prices realized. ($10)

2188. Maller, Joel L Lot of Two Catalogues. Auction I (November 9-11,1973); and The Antiquities of Ancient Egypt, Auction ΠΙ (February 26,1978). Both 4to. Both fine copies with prices realized. ($20)

2201. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXII. (Beverly Hills, June 1,1989). Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. 386 lots, illustrations throughout. Paper covers. Fine copy without prices realized. ($15)

2189. MünzZentrum. Auktion 60. Sammlung Dr. Meyer-Coloniensis Teil II. Bedeutende Sammlung Köln, Reichsmünzstatte - Erzbistum - Stadt. (Köln, 31 October 1986). 179 pp., 892 lots, illustrated in text, 8vo. Pnnted card covers. Fine copy. ($15)

2202. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXII. (Beverly Hills, June 1,1989). Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. 386 lots, iUustrations ihroughout. Paper covers. Fine copy without prices realized. ($10)

2190. Münzen und Medaillen A G. Vente Publique 75. Monnaies Grecques et Romaines, Coins of the Islamk World, Monnaies Françaises En Or, Münzen Der Grafen Von Monfort. (Basel, December 4,1989). 80 pp., 46plates,782 lots. Papercovers. Very fine copy, with photocopy of prices realized. ($10)

2203. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXV. (New York City, November 29, 1990). 511 lots, illustrated throughout, 2 color plates. Without pnces realized. Cardcovers. Very good copy. ($10)

2191. Münzen und Medaillen A G Lot of 21 Auaion Catalogues all relating to medieval, European, Islamic etc...coins. Includes the following sales: VU, IX, χ ν π , XX, XXΙΠ, XXIV, x x v n , XXIX, 30,31 (numismatic literature), 33,36, 39,42,44,45,48,50, 55,65, and 69. An excellent run of catalogues from one of the premier European auction houses. All superbly illustrated. A great source of information. Paper covers. Fine or better copies, a few small spine tears on earlier catalogs. Some with prices realized. ($300)

2204. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXVII. (New York, December 4-5, 1991). Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. 662 lots, illustrations throughout, 4 color plates. Paper covers. Very fine copy without pnces realized. ($15) 2205. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXVII. (New York, December 4-5, 1991 ). Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. 662 lots, illustrations throughout, 4 color plates. Paper covers. Very fine copy with pnces realized. ($15)

2192. Münzen und Medaillen A G. Lot of 24 Auction Catalogues, all relating to andent numismatics. Includes the following sales: VII, Χ, XI, ΧΠ, XV, XVI (antiquiiies), XIX, XXI, XXV, XX VIE, 32,35,37,38,41,43,47,52,53,54,61,64,66, and 68. An excellent run of catalogues from one of the premier European auction houses. AD supeibly illustrated. A great source of information. Papercovers. AD fine or better, a few small spine tears on earlier catalogs. ($350) 2193. Münzen und Medaillen A G. Lot of 4 Auction Catalogues all relating to medkval, European, Islamic etc..coins. Includes the following sales: 50,65,67, and 69. Paper covers. 50 has a small tear in front cover, others fine or better copies. ($40)


2206. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. & Bank Leu AG. The Garrett Collection, by order of The Johns Hopkins University, publk auction of Ancient & Foreign Coins. Parts I, II, & ΠΙ. (Beverly Hills, CA. and Zunch; May 16-18,1984; October 16-18,1984; March 29,1985 - mail bid sale). Three volumes. 28 χ 21.5 cm. One of the largest collections ever to be sold at auction (especially if the U.S. material sold by Bowers & Ruddy is included). This tno of auction catalogues is a must for every serious numismatist's library ! Cardcovers with prices realized for part HI only. Fane copies, ink stamp on cover of part I, a few penalled marks in part II. (S60)

2194. Münzen und Medaillen A G. Lot of 96 different fixed price lists from April 1963 to December 1979. A near complete run. All in very good condition. ($75)

2207. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Mail Bid Sale. Featuring the Collections of I j wren ce M. Cutler, Atex Struthers and Thomas Ward and Dr. H. St. George Tucker. (October 18, 1990). 2849 lots of corns, 106 lots of lite rature. Including a very important collection of Roman Egyptian coinage. Fine copy without prices realized, small tear on rear cover. ($10)

2195. Münzen und Medaillen A G ; Auctiones A.G. Lot of 5 auction catalogs including auctions 13,15,16,18 and 20. (Basel, 23/24 June 1983; 18/19 September 1985; 1/2 October 1986; 21/22 September 1989; and 8/9 November 1990). 1124+1131+1065+1171+1786 lots, 26+52+44+50+80 plates. Pnnted paper covers. All fine or better. ($25)

2208. Numismatic Fine Arts, Classical Auctions, Inc. Lot of two antiquity catalogues. Includes: Egyptian, Near Eastern, Greek and Roman Antiquities (New York, December 11,1991 ); and Scarabs and Design Amulets, A Glimpse of Ancient Egypt in Miniature (New York, December 11, 1991). Both with pnces realized. Printed card covers. Fine copies. (S30) 2209. Numismatik Lanz München. Auktion 39. Mittelalter und Neuzeit. (Munich, November 25,1986). Fine copy. ($10)

‫ ו‬03



2211. Numismatik Lanz München. Lot of 3 catalogues, all Mittelalter und Neuzeit Indudes Auktion 33,41 and57. Well ‫ש‬ustrated. Printed card covers. AD fine copies, 41 has a small spine tear. ($15)

2225. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XIX. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer - Byzantiner - Völkerwanderung, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Und Der Neuzeit, etc. (Zürich, November 18/19,1987). 167 pp., 70 plates, 8 color plates, 1335 lots. Quarter leatherette wilh cream boards. Very fine copy without prices realized. ($20)

2212. Owl Ltd. [John Barton[. Lot of 8 fixed pnee lists and mail bid sales dealing with ancient numismatics. Papercovers. All fineorbener. ($10) 2213. [Prowe, Theodor]. Egger, Brüder. Auctions-Catalog der Sammlung Griechischer, Römischer und Byzantinischer Münzen des Herr Theodor Prowe in Moskau. (Vienna, November 28,19W). 164 pp., 15 plates, 3078 lots, 8vo. Printed card covers. Light foxing, spine reinforced with heavy, black cloth tape. A very good copy of a very important collection. ($100)

2226. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXII. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer · Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike, etc. (Zürich, November 20/21, 1989). 152 pp., 50 plates, 6 color plates, 1052 lots. Quarter leatherette wilh cream boards. Fine copy without prices realized. ($15) 2227. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXIV. Antike Münzen: Griechen - RömerByzantiner, Phönizische Kleinkunst - Objekte Mit Antiken Inschriften, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike, etc. (Zürich, November 19/20, 1990). 156 pp., 75 plates, 7 color plates, 1100 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy without prices realized ($20)

2214. Schiessinger, Felix. Sammlung Griechischer Münzen aus Museumbesitz. (Berlin, February 4, 1935). 97 pp., 59 plates, 2 maps, 1655 lots, 8vo. Spine torn al bottom, light foxing. Printed card covers. Includes estimates. A very good copy. ($75) 2215. Schulman, Jacques B.V. Catalog 269. Coins and Medals. (September 25-28,1979). 150pp., 72plates, 3327 lots. Papercovers. Very good copy, tears on spine. ($10)

2228. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXIV. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer Byzantiner, Phönizische Kleinkunst - Objekte Mit Antiken Inschriften, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike, etc. (Zürich, November 19/20, 1990). 156 pp., 75 plates, 7color plates, 1100 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Fine copy without prices realized. ($15)

2216. Spink & Son Numismatics Ltd.,Zünch. Lot of 4 auction catalogues ineluding: Auktion 1 (June 7-8, 1979); Auktion 3 (June 18-19, 1980); Auktion 20 (October 6,1986); and Auction Sale 28 (October 24,1988). All green and while casebound Very fine copies. ($40)

2229. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXV. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer · Byzantinische Münzen und Bleisiegel, etc... (Zürich, November 25/26,1991). 208 pp., 70plates, 8 color plates, 1075 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Fine copy without prices realized. ($15)

2217. Slack's, Rarcoa, Supenor Stamp & Coin Co. Inc., and David W. Akers, Inc. Auction '90. (Rosemoni,IL; August 10/11, 1990). 747 pp.,2000lots (500by each company), illustrated completely throughout text, 8vo. Printed papercovers. Very fine copy. ($15)

2230. [Strozzi], Sangiorgi. Médailles Grecques et Romaines. Aes Grave. (Rome, Apnl 15-22,1907). 197 pp.,21 fine plates, 2222 lots. Printed cardcovers. Light sunning and minor chipping. A nice fine copy. Important collection. ($150)

2218. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XI. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer Byzantiner - Ostgoten, etc. (Zürich, November 20/21,1981). 161 pp., 63 plaies, 2 colorplates, 1274 lots. Paper covers, spine backstnptom. Fine copy without prices realized. (S20)

2231. Swiss Bank Corporation. Auktion 2. (Zürich, 27 October 1977). 56 pp., 38 plates, 647 lots, 8vo. Printed boards. Fine copy with prices realized. ($15)

2219. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XII. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Numismatische Literatur. (Zürich, November 18/19,1982). 128 pp., 50 plates, 1 color plate, 1013 lots. Paper covers. Very fine copy without pnees realized. ($20) 2220. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XIII. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Lslamische Münzen. (Zürich, November 17/18,1983). 165 pp.,68 plates, 1 colorplate, 1286 lots. Paper covers, spine backstrip lorn. Fine copy without prices realized. ($20)

2222. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuü. Auktion XVI. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer · Byzantiner, Gold- Und Silbermünzen Europas, Numismatische Literatur. (Zünch, November 15/16,1985). 92 pp., 33 plates, 3 color plates, 780 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy with prices realized. ($20) 2223. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XVII. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Axumiten - Römer - Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Und Der Neuzeit. (Zünch, May 9/10,1986). 100 pp., 42 plates, 7 color plates, 742 lois. Quarter leatherette wilh cream boards. Very fine copy without prices realized. ($20)

S e p t e m b e r 2,1 992

2224. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XVIII. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Axumiten - Römer • Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Und Der Neuzeit, etc. (Zürich, November 20/21,1986). 145 pp., 62 plaies, 7 color plates, 1126 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Fine copy without prices realized. ($15)

2210. Numismatik Lanz München. Lot of 8 catalogues on ancient numismatics including: Auktion 26,42,46,50,52,54,56, and 58. All well illustrated. Printed card covers. All fine or better. ($45)

2221. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XV. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Romer - Byzantiner, Antike Kleinkunst, Italienische Münzen. (Zünch, April U/12,1985). 120 pp., 58 plates, 3 color plaies, 1026 lois. Quarter leatherette wilh cream boards. Very fine copy. ($20)


2232. Swiss Bank Corporation. Auktion 6. (Zürich, 16 October 1979). 59 pp., 43 plates, 584 lots, 8vo. Printed boards. Fine copy with prices realized. ($15) 2233. Swiss Bank Corporation. Auktion 7. (Zürich, 19 April 1980). 39 pp., 15 plates, 3 colorplates, 240 lots, 8vo. Printed boards. Fine copy with prices realized. ($15) 2234. Vinchon, Jean. Vente Aux Enchères Publiques D , Une Exceptionnelle Collection De Monnaies Grecques Antiques réunie par un éminent amateur. (Monte-Carlo, 13 Apnl 1985). 145 pp.,437 lots,Ulustrauons throughout text,8colorplates, A4. Brown leatherette, gilt Very fine copy. ($20) 2235. [Zeno]. Sammlung Apostolo Zeno, Part I, Römische Kaisermünzen. (June 13-16,1951). 155 pp., 39 plates, 2328 lots. Beautifully bound in ted leather, gilt, with raised bands; original card covers and estimates bound in. Very fine. Important ($125) 2236. Lot of ten miscellaneous auction catalogues all on ancient numismatICS. Includes: Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Vente Publique 73 & 75 (October 17, 1988 & December 4,1989); Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Auctiones A.G., Auktion 15 & 20 (September 18,19, 1985 & November 8,9,1990); Numismatik Lanz München, Auktion 50,56 & 58(November 17,1989,May 13,1991 & November21, 1991 >, Sotheby's, lamdon, Apnl 4,1991 ; Sotheby's, Zunch, November28,1986; and Credit Suisse, December 3,1985. AH fine or better copies. ($65)

1 04



2237. Lot of eight miscellaneous auction catalogues. Lot includes: Coin GaUeries, The Frederick S. Knoblock CoUection of Medieval and Modem European Coins (November 12, 1986); Empire Coins, Public Auction #12 (September 7, 1990); Münzen und Medaülen A.G., Auktion 69 (October 20-21,1986); Numismatic Ars Classica A.G., Auktion 3 & 4 (September 17, 1990 & February 27, 1991); Stack's (December 10-11,1986 & March 4-5,1988); and TKALEC A.G. (March 26, 1991). All very good or better oopies. ($40)

2240. Lot of six miscellaneous auction catalogues. Includes the foUowing: Hirsch, Auktion 159,21-24 September 1988; Bonhams with V.C. Veechi & Sons, Sale No. IV, 4 December 1980, featunng duplicates from the Dr. Diego Ricotti-Prina coUection; Jacques Schuiman B.V. List 236, June/July 1988; Lanz. Graz, Auktion ΧΙΠ, 23 November 1979; HeinzW. MüUer, Auktion 10,30 Nov./1 Dec. 1973; and Finarte MUano, AstadimoneteitaUaneedestere,5 May 1982. AU fine or better copies. ($35) 2241. I.ot of four miscellaneous catalogues relating to medieval and European numismatics. Includes: Hienrich Pilartz, Auktion ΧΠ (November 10-12,1966); Spink & Son, Ltd and Bowers and Ruddy Galleries, The Dundee Collection (February 19,1976); Druso Francheschi and Spink & Son, Ltd. Zürich, Auktion 21 (October 1517, 1986); and CoUection Aimand Trampitsch (May 31 - June 1,1988) AU cardcover but last two which are case bound. AU very good or better copies. ($40) 2242. Lot of four British auction catalogues. Includes: Spink and Son Ltd. Auction No. 36 (30-31 May 1984). vi, 41 pp., 31 plates, 1164 lots, 8vo; No. 39, The Arnold MaUinson CoUection (6 December 1984). xiv, 173 lots iUustrated above the description, 8vo; Spink and Son Ltd. and Galene des Monnaies SA, Geneva. Ancient Coins (Geneva, 10 October 1977). 589 lots illustrated, 8vo; V.C. Vecchi & Sons (Bonhams). Ancient, Medieval and Modem Coins (29/30 March 1982). 60 pp., 44 plates, 937 lots, 8vo. AU with printed card covers. Good copies. ($30) 2243. Lot of three miscellaneous catalogues. Includes; Jacques Schuiman B.V. Fixed Price List 215, Spring 1979. of Archaeology, Coins Medals and Books; Sotheby's, London, Antiquities Auction, May 19,1986; Sotheby's, London, Coins, Medals and Paper Money Aucüon, Apnl 4,1991. All Fine or belter copies.


2244. American Numismatic Society. Numismatic Literature. No. 78-118, missing 81,fdus#123 (June, 1967 to March, 1990, New York). Surveys of current numismatic Uterature and quite useful lo the scholar and researcher. Paper covers. Nice fine copies. ($35) 2245. Ariadne GaUeries. Lot of two antiquity exhibition catalogues. Includes; Idols, The Beginning of Abstract Form (New York, November 30,1989 - January 31,1990). A catalogue of 151 items; and Treasure of the Dark Ages in Europe (New York, November 19, 1991 -January 15, 1992).A catalogue of 300 items. Printed card covers. Both beaulifully illustrated. Very fine copies. ($50) 2246. Bowers, Q. David. Coins and Collectors. (Johnson City, New Yoik; 1965). 214 pp., illustrations throughout text 12mo. Brown casebound with dust cover. Very good copy. ($10)

2,1 9 9 2

Same as previous lot. Covers stained, otherwise internally fine. ($15)

2249. Hall, E.T. and D.M. Metcalf, editors. Methods of Chemical and Metallurgical Investigation of Ancient Coinage. (London: Royal Numismatic Society Special Pubbcation Number 8,1972). viii, 446 pp.,20 plates,charts,tables, text figures. Red cloth with dust jacket. A Very fine copy, small tear in dust jacket ($65) 2250. [International Numismatic Commission], A Survey of Numismatic Research 1972-1977. (Berne, 1979).iv,526pp. Octavo. Pnntedcardcovers,faded. Very fine copy. ($45) 2251. [International Numismatic Commission], Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Numismatics, Berne, September 1979. Volume I. (IAPN, Luxembourg 1982). xxx,687pp.,81 plates, 8vo. This volume covers Greek, Roman and Celtic numismatics. Green cloth, gilt. Very fine copy. ($100) 2252. Kinns, Philip. The Caprara Forgeries. (RNS & IAPN, Ixndon and Basel, 1984). (4), 59 pp., 8 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. Dust cover soiled oth erwise a very fine copy. ($25) 2253. Kozloff, Arielle P. [Editor], Animals in Ancient Art From the Leo Mildenberg Collection. (Cleveland, 1981). 207 pages, 197 items catalogued and photographed in text, 22 color plates. Catalogue for the exhibition organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art of this important collection of Dr. Mildenberg, former head of the numismatic department of Bank Leu AG. Hard cover. New. ($15) 2254. Minerva. The International Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology. 15 issues including: 1990, Feb., March, May, Sept, Oct., Nov., Dec.; 1991 complete (6 issues); 1992 Jan.- April (2 issues). All Fine copies. ($20) 2255. The Numismatist. Ancient and Medieval Coins: Selections from The Numismatist (Racine, 1960). 318 pages, photos and illustrations throughout text. This is a reprint volume of 48 articles from The Numismatist including many définilive woiks such as Col. James W. Cuitis' "Coinage of Domitius Domilianus." Blue casebound. Fine copy, covers lightly soiled. ($25) 2256. Porteous, John. Coins. (Octopus Books, 1973 edition of Frankfurt am Main, 1964 original). 96 pp., completely illustrated throughout, many in color. Excellent introductory text from ancient to modem coinage. Printed blue casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. ($10) 2257. Raymond, Wayte. The J. Pierpont Morgan Collection : Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Coins, Abukir Medallions, Roman Gold Bar. (New York, 1963). 59 pages, illustrated throughout. Introduction by Sydney P. Noe. Fine copy.


($20) General Titles On Numismatics, Etcetera


2247. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira. Select Numismatic Bibliography. (New York, 1965, first edition). (14), 406pp., 8vo. Green casebound. Very fine copy. (S25)

2238. Lot of seven miscellaneous catalogues relating to ancient numismatics. Includes: GiessenerMünzhandlung, Auktion 33 (June 3,1986); H.H. Kticheldorf, Auktion IV (October 7,1957); Anadne Galleries, Inc (December 9,1981 and MBS September 15,1982); Stack's, Fred V. Fowler Collection (June 19-20,1969), Bower's and Ruddy GaUenes (June 9,1980); and V. Gadoury eL al. (October 13-15,1980). All cardcover but last which is case bound. AU very good or better copies. ($50) 2239. Lot of seven miscellaneous auction catalogues. Includes: Münzen und Medaillen A.G., Vente PubUque73 &75 (October 17,1988& December4,1989); Numismatik Lanz München, Auktion 56 & 58 (May 13,1991 & November21, 1991); Sotheby's, London, April4,1991; Glendining's, London,October, 8,1991; and Dr. Busso Peus Nachf, Katalog 296 (October 31 - November 2,1978). AU fine or betler copies. ($50)


2258. Reed, Mort Odd and Curious - A Compendium of Facts Relating To The Currency of the World Which Clearly Show That Money Offers More Than Mere Purchasing Power. (Durst, New York, 1979). 127 pp., illustrated, small 8vo. Brown leatherette. A compendium of a series that was originally printed in 'Coin World'. New. ($12) 2259. Seaby. Seaby's Coin and Medal Bulletin. 1946 - 1949, complete. AU bound in pnnted, tan, cardboard binders (one binder per year). ($40) 2260. Seaby. Seaby's Coin and Medal Bulletin. 1950-1959, complete. AU bound in pnnted, tan, cardboard binders (one binder per year). ($ 100) 2261. Seaby. Seaby's Coin and Medal Bulletin. 1960-1969, complete. AU bound in printed, tan, cardboard binders (one binder per year). ($100) 2262. Seaby. Seaby'sCoin and Medal Bulletin. 1970-1975, complete. AU bound in printed, tan, cardboard binders (one binder per year). (S60) 1 05



2263. Seaby. Seaby's Coin and MedaJ Bulletin. 1976-1984, complete. All unbound. ($60) 2264. Wise, Franciscvs. Nummorvm Antiquorvm Scriniis Rolei;>nis Reconditorvm Catalogvs. (Oxonii, 1750). xiv, (1), 343, (13) pages, 23 finely engraved plates of coins, many fine engravings throughout text. 40 cm χ 26.5 cm. Contemporary brown leather binding intact, dented at comers, a little weak at spine. Internally in fine condition. A scarce early numismatic reference covering the entire spectrum of coinage; Greek, Roman and medieval. Lipsius pg. 439. ($200) 2265. Lot of Six miscellaneous titles. Includes: Kraay, C.M., Coins of Ancient Athens (1968); Broome, M.R., The 1780 Restrike Talers of Maria Theresia (1972); Byzantine Coinage Exhibition at Dumbarton Oaks (1793); Cipolla, Carlo M., Money Prices, and Civilization in the Mediterranean World, Fifth to Seventeenth Century (1956); Mack, R.R.The Coinage of Ancient Britain (1953); and Studies of Old Siamese Coins, Selected Articles from the Siam Society Journal, Volume X (1961). All fine or better copies. ($30) 2266. Lot of Three Volumes. The World of Numismatics. Lot includes: Jenkins', Ancient Greek Coins (1972); Sutherland's, Roman Coins (1974); and Whitting's, Byzantine Coins (1973). All blue cloth with dust jackets. Jenkins and Sutherland very fine copies with slight fading on dust jacket; Whining is a fine copy. See lots 2021, 2062 and 2069 for individual volumes. ($300) 2267. Lot of Three volumes, old editions. Seaby, Roman Coins and Their Values (1981); Seaby, Byzantine Coins and Their Values (1974); and Hendin, Guide to Ancient Jewish Coins (1976). All fine or better copies with dust jackets. ($30)

Titles On History, Etcetera 2268. Aharoni, Yohanan. The Land of the Bible, A Historical Geography. (Philadelphia, 1967). xiv, 409 pp., maps, tables and index, 8vo. Pink cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. ($25) 2269. Boardman, John; Jasper Griffin and Oswyn Murray (Editors). The Oxford History of the Classical World. (Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 1986). x, 882 pp., illustrations throughout text (many in color), 8vo. Blue casebound. Very Fine copy. ($45) 2270. Boardman, John. The Parthenon And Its Sculptures. (University of Texas Press, Austin, 1985). 256 pages, illustrations throughout text, many in color, 4to. Photography by David Finn. Brown cloth, gilt and with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($50) 2271. Hampe, Roland and Fnka Simon. The Birth of Greek Art: From the Mycenaean to the Archaic Period. (Oxford University Press, 1981). 316 pp., illustrations throughout. Green cloth with dust cover. ($50) 2272. Roseveare, Henry. TheTYeasury, The Evolution of a British Institution. (Columbia University Press, New York, 1969). 406pp., index, narrow 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover (torn). Fine copy. ($25) 2273. Schoder, Raymond V., S.J. Masterpieces of Greek Art. (Greenwich, Connecticut). (8), 192pp, 96 color illustrations, 8vo. Blue-green cloth, sunned. A nice fine copy. ($50) 2274. StarT, Chester, G. Individual and Community: The Rise of the Polis 800-500 B.C. (Oxford University Press, 1986). 133 pp. 8vo. Blue casebound with dustjackeL A Very fine copy. ($25) 2275. Stassinopoulos, Ananna and Roloff Beny. The Gods of Greece. (New York, 1983). 216 pp., Ăźlustrations throughout, 8vo. Grey cloth with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($45)

1 06

Group September

2,1 9 9 2



Anson ACNAC AJC AMNG AMUGS Anokhin ANSNNM Asyut Babelon, Traité

L. Anson. Numismata Graeca. 6 Vols. London. 1911-1916. Ancient Coins in North American Collections. American Numismatic Society. New York. Y. Meshorer. Ancient Jewish Coinage. 2 Vols. New York. 1982. Antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands. Berlin. 1898-1935. Antike Münzen und Geschnittene Steine. V.A. Anokhin. Monetoe delo Bospora. Kiev. 1986. American Numismatic Society Numismatic Notes and Monographs. New York. M. Price & Ν. Waggoner. Archaic Greek Silver Coinage: The Asyut Hoard. London. 1975. E. Babelon. Traité des Monnaies Grecques et Romaines. 9 Vols. Paris. 1901-1932. (Reprinted) Babelon, Perses E. Babelon. Les Perses Achéménides. Paris. 1893. Basel &Ludwig H.A. Cahn et al. Griechischen Münzen aus Grossgriechenland und Szilien. Basel. 1988. P.Z. Bedoukian. Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia. London. 1978. Bedoukian Various authors. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum. 29 Vols. London. BMC 1873-1927. (Reprinted) E. Boehringer. Die Münzen von Syrakus. Berlin and Leipzig. 1929. Boehringer 0 . Bopearachchi. Monnaies Gréco-Bactriennes et Indo-Grecques. Paris. 1991. Bopearachchi A. B. Brett. Catalogue of Greek Coins, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Boston. 1955. Boston M. Comstock. Greek Coins 1950-1963, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Boston. 1964. Boston(C) A. Burgos. La Moneda Hispanica desde sus Origenes Hasta el Siglo V. Vol.l. Madrid. Burgos 1987. H.A. Cahn. Knidos-Die Münzen des Sechsten und des Fünften jahrhunderts V Chr. Cahn Berlin. 1970. R. Calciati. Corpus Nummorum Siculorum: La Monetazione di Bronzo. 3 Vols. Italy. Calciati 1983-87. 1. Carridice. Coinage and Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires. BAR Carridice 343. Oxford. 1987. D. Allen. Catalogue of Celtic Coins in the British Museum. 2 Vols. London. 1987-1990. CCCBM M.G. Clerk. Catalogue of the Coins of the Achaean League. London. 1895. Clerk H. De la Tour. Atlas de Monnaies Gauloises. Paris. 1892. (Reprinted) De la Tour L. Mildenberg and S. Hirter. The Dewing Collection of Greek Coins. ACNAC 6. N.Y. 1985. Dewing K. Dittrich. Ancient Coins from Olbia and Panticapaeum. London. N.D. Dittrich Essays in Greek Coinage Presented to Stanley Robinson. Oxford. 1968. Ess. Robinson E. Favorito. The Bronze Coinage of Ancient Syracuse. Boston. 1990. Favorito R. Gobi. Sasanian Numismatics. Braunschweig. 1971. Gobi E.S.G. Robinson and M.C. Hipolito. A Catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection Gulbenkian of Greek Coins. 2 Parts. Lisbon. 1971, 1990. D. Hendin. Guide to Biblical Coins. New York. 1987. Hendin A. Houghton. Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the Collection of Arthur Houghton. Houghton ACNAC 4. New York. 1983. G. MacDonald. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. 3 Vols. Hunterian Glasgow. 1899-1905. (Reprinted) Jameson R. Jameson. Monnaies Greques Antiques. 4 Vols. Paris. 1913-32. (Reprinted) Jenkins & Lewis G.K. Jenkins and R.B. Lewis. Carthaginian Gold and Electrum Coins. London. 1963. Jenkins, SNR G.K. Jenkins. Coins of Punic Sicily, in Swiss Numismatic Review. Bern. 1971-1978. Johnston A. Johnston. The Coinage of Metapontum, Part 3. ANSNNM 164. New York. 1990. Kraay-Hirmer C. Kraay & M. Hirmer. Greek Coins. New York. 1966. Collection Maurice Laffaille- Monnaies Grecques en Bronze. Bàle. 1990. Laffaille Le Rider, Crete G. Le Rider. Monnaies Cretoises du V au I Siècle av J.C. Paris. 1966. Le Rider, Philip G. Le Rider. Le Monnayage d'Argent et d'Or de Philippe II. Paris. 1977. H. Lindgren. Ancient Greek Bronze Coins: European Mints. San Mateo. 1989. Lindgren Lind.-Kovacs H. Lindgren & F. Kovacs. Ancient Bronze Coinage of Asia Minor and the Levant. San Mateo. 1985. H. Holzer. The T.O. Mabbott Collection Part 1. Coins of the Greek World. N.Y. 1969. Mabbott


MACW May, Ainos Mazard McClean MIG Mildenberg Milne Milne Mionnet Müller Müller NC Newell Newell, ESM Newell, WSM Newell Newell, LSM Newell, SMA Noe NNM Num. Chron. Pick Pozzi Price Randazzo Ravel Rogers Rosen Rosenberger Rutter Sellwood SWW SG SNG SNG SNG SNG

Ash ANS Berry Cop


Delepierrc Fitz Levante Lloyd Locketl München

M. Mitchiner. Oriental Coins and Their Values: The Ancient and Classical World. London. 1978. J.M.F. May. Ainos, Its History and Coinage. London. 1950. J. Mazard. Corpus Nummorum Numidiae Mauretaniaeque. Paris. 1955-58. S. Grose. Catalogue of the McClean Collection, Fitzwilliam M u s e u m . 3 Vols. Cambridge. 1923-29. (Reprinted) M. Mitchiner. Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian Coinage. 9 Vols. London. 1975-76. L. Mildenberg. The Coinage of the Bar Kokhba War. Typos VI. Aarau. 1984. J.G. Milne. Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford. 1927. (Reprinted) J.G. Milne. Kolophon and its Coinage: A Study. A N S N N M 96. New York. 1941. T. Mionnet. Description des Médailles Antiques, Grecques et Romaines. 7+9 Vols. Paris. 1806-1837. (Reprinted) L.Müller, C.T. Falbe, J.C. Lindberg. Numismatique de l'Ancienne Afrique. Copenhagen. 1860-1862. (Reprinted) L. Müller. Numismatique d'Alexandre le Grand; Appendice les Monnaies de Philippe II et III, et Lysimaque. Copenhagen. 1855-58. (Reprinted in English) Spink's Numismatic Circular. London. E.T. Newell. The Coinage of Demetrius Poliorcetes. London. 1927. (Reprinted) E. Newell & O. M0rkholm. The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III. New York. 1978. E. Newell & O. M0rkholm. The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III. New York. 1977. E. Newell. Seleucid Coins of Tyre: A Supplement. NNM 73. New York. 1936. E. Newell. Late Seleucid Mints in Ake-Ptolemais and Damascus. NNM 84. New York. 1939. E. Newell. The Seleucid Mint of Antioch. New York. 1917. S. Noe. The Coinage of Metapontum. New York. 1927-31. (Reprinted) Numismatic Notes and Monographs. American Numismatic Society. New York. Numismatic Chronicle. Royal Numismatic Society. London. B. Pick & K. Regling. Die Antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien. AMNG Vol. 2. Berlin. 1912. S. Pozzi. Catalogue Monnaies Grecques Antiques. Geneva. 1921. (Reprinted) M.J. Price. The Coinage in the Name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus. London. 1991. C. Arnold-Biucchi. The Randazzo Hoard. ANS Numismatic Studies 18. New York. 1990. O. Ravel. Les "Poulains" de Corinthe. 2 Vols. Basel. 1936-48. (Reprinted) E. Rogers. The Second and Third Seleucid Coinage at Tyre. NNM 34. N.Y. 1927. N. Waggoner. Early Greek Coins from the Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. A C N A C 5. New York. 1983. M. Rosenberger. The Rosenberger Israel Collection. 4 Vols. Jerusalem. 1972-1978. N.K. Rutter. Campanian Coinages 475-380 BC. Edinburgh. 1979. D. Sellwood. An Introduction to the Coinage of Parthia. 2nd edition. London. 1980. D. Sellwood, P. Whitting, R. Williams. An Introduction to Sasanian Coins. London. 1985. D. Sear. Greek Coins and Their Values. Vol. 1 Europe. Vol. 2 Asia & Africa. London. 1978-79. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. London. 1962-69. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, American Numismatic Society. New York. 1969-. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, The Burton Y. Berry Collection. New York. 1961-62. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Danish National Museum. Copenhagen. 1942-. (Reprinted) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Bibliothèque National. Paris. 1983. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. London. 1940-58. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Switzerland; E Levante- Cilicia. Bern. 1986. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Lloyd Collection. London. 1933-37. Sylloge Nummorum Greacorum, Lockett Collection. London. 1938-49. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Staatlische Münzsammlung. Munich. 1968-.


SNG v. Aulock

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Hendy MIB Ratto SB Wroth(BMC) Wroth(BMCV)

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