A M a i l B i d A u c t i o n S a l e of
WEDNESDAY March 30, 1994 5PM
A Mail Bid A u c t i o n Sale of
P a r t I I of B y z a n t i n e G o l d , E l e c t r u m & B r o n z e C o i n a g e f r o m t h e c o l l e c t i o n s of a S w i s s D o c t o r a n d t h e F r e d e r i c k P. R e d i n g E s t a t e ; P a r t I I of t h e W i l l i a m F. S p e n g l e r & W a y n e G . S a y l e s R e f e r e n c e C o l l e c t i o n of A r t u q i d - T u r k o m a n f i g u r a i b r o n z e c o i n s ; a n d t h e L i b r a r y of T h o m a s P . M c K e n n a and the p r o p e r ( ;
of o t h e r
A n c i e n t G r e•e k· (·L o t s
R o m a n R e p u b l i •c a·n · ( L o t s 4 0 5 - 4 9 9 ) R o m a n I m p e r i •a l· ( ·L o t s 5 0 0 - 9 1 0 ) R o m a n P r o v i n c i•a l· (· L o t s 9 1 1 - 1 0 5 6 ) B y z a n t i n e , Dark Ages, Etc. (Lots 1 0 5 7 - 1 3 2 6 ) •
Medieval & World Coinage (Lots 1327-1502) Turkoman Figurai Bronze Coinage (Lots 1503-1571) B r i t i s h - C e l t i c to M o d e r n ( L o t s 1 5 7 2 - 1 7 1 1 ) Miscellany, Large Lots (Lots 1712-1854) Numismatic Literature (Lots 3001-3862)
WEDNESDAY March 30, 1994 5PM
CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC GROUP, INC. C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , Inc. Post O f f i c e Box 479 L a n c a s t e r , PA 1 7 6 0 8 - 0 4 7 9 USA (717) 3 9 0 - 9 1 9 4 , FAX (717) 3 9 0 - 9 9 7 8
Seaby Coins 14 Old B o n d S t r e e t L o n d o n , W1X 4JL, E n g l a n d (071) 4 9 5 - 1 8 8 8 , FAX (071) 4 9 9 - 5 9 1 6
$ 1 0 . 0 0 (£ 5 . 0 0 ) including prices realized.
Victor England, Jr. E r i c J. M c F a d d e n K e r r y K. W e t t e r s t r o m Peter L. L a m p i n e n B a r r y P. M u r p h y
Karen Zander Cathy England Donna Graeff Wendy Monkhouse Joan Martin Debbie & Geoff Hurley R o b e r t A. T r i m b l e
T h i s is a p u b l i c and mail bid a u c t i o n c o n d u c t e d by C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . (CNG). B i d d i n g in the auction c o n s t i t u t e s a c c e p t a n c e of the f o l l o w i n g terms and c o n d i t i o n s . 1. The p r o p e r t y listed in this c a t a l o g u e is o f f e r e d for sale by C N G for itself and as agents f o r v a r i o u s o w n e r s and other c o n s i g n o r s . We r e s e r v e the r i g h t to d e t e r m i n e the o p e n i n g price, set b i d d i n g i n c r e m e n t s , v a r y the o r d e r of the a u c t i o n , r e o p e n b i d d i n g in the case of a d i s p u t e , and w i t h d r a w any lot b e f o r e the c l o s e of the sale. 2.
All lots a r e s u b j e c t to a 1 0 % B u y e r ' s f e e on the h a m m e r p r i c e .
3. All c o i n s are g u a r a n t e e d g e n u i n e and as d e s c r i b e d . G r a d i n g is a s u b j e c t i v e art. A d j e c t i v a l d e s c r i p t i o n s are the o p i n i o n of the c a t a l o g u e r , and no w a r r a n t y is e x p r e s s e d or i m p l i e d . P l e a s e n o t e t h a t a n a u c t i o n s a l e i s n o t a n a p p r o v a l s a l e . Lots e x a m i n e d p r i o r to the sale and lots p u r c h a s e d by f l o o r b i d d e r s m a y not be r e t u r n e d for any r e a s o n e x c e p t a u t h e n t i c i t y . All c l a i m s of m i s d e s c r i p t i o n , e x c e p t c l a i m s r e g a r d i n g a u t h e n t i c i t y , m u s t be m a d e w i t h i n 5 d a y s of r e c e i p t of m a t e r i a l . E s t i m a t e s are i n t e n d e d as a g u i d e only and not as a s t a t e m e n t of o p i n i o n of v a l u e . 4. T e r m s are for cash, with invoices being due and p a y a b l e immediately upon r e c e i p t . Interest of 1.5% per month, from the date of the auction, shall be p a y a b l e on invoices not settled within 30 days of the sale date. P a y m e n t by check must be m a d e in e i t h e r US ($) or B r i t i s h (£) f u n d s and d r a w n on an U n i t e d S t a t e s or B r i t i s h b a n k . All s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r s o u t s i d e of N o r t h A m e r i c a and the U n i t e d K i n g d o m will be c h a r g e d an a d d i t i o n a l $15 fee f o r b a n k c h a r g e s . V i s a and M a s t e r c a r d ( A c c e s s ) may be used to pay y o u r b i l l ; h o w e v e r , a 3.5% s u r c h a r g e is m a d e for the u s e of a c r e d i t c a r d . 5. B i d d e r s not k n o w n to us m u s t p r o v i d e us with s a t i s f a c t o r y c r e d i t r e f e r e n c e s a n d / o r pay a d e p o s i t as d e t e r m i n e d at CNG's discretion b e f o r e bidding. Minors are forbidden from bidding without a p a r e n t ' s signature on the bid sheet. CNG may r e q u i r e p a y m e n t in f u l l f r o m any b i d d e r p r i o r to d e l i v e r y of lots. T i t l e d o e s n o t p a s s u n t i l l o t s are p a i d in f u l l . 6. E s t i m a t e s a r e in U . S . d o l l a r s ( $ U S ) a n d b i d s m u s t be in e v e n d o l l a r ( $ ) a m o u n t s . C N G will execute mail bids on behalf of mail bidders. Where c o m p e t i t i o n p e r m i t s , mail bids will be e x e c u t e d at a p p r o x i m a t e l y 10% over the n e x t h i g h e s t b i d . P l e a s e n o t e that bids b e l o w e s t i m a t e are r a r e l y r e d u c e d , due to h e a v y c o m p e t i t i o n . In the c a s e of identical bids, the earliest bid wins. A mail bid has p r i o r i t y over an identical floor bid. Bid by lot n u m b e r . No lots will be brok e n . CNG c a n n o t a s s u m e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r e r r o r s m a d e by b i d d e r s . C h e c k your bid s h e e t s c a r e f u l l y . 7. A word on R e s e r v e s . CNG r e s e r v e s the r i g h t to p l a c e a r e s e r v e on any lot. If a lot is r e s e r v e d , it will not be in e x c e s s of the e s t i m a t e , and o r d i n a r i l y lots are r e s e r v e d at 60% of e s t i m a t e . 8. Buyers accepting c o m m i s s i o n bids f r o m other parties do so at their own risk and will r e m a i n r e s p o n s i b l e to CNG for f u l l s e t t l e m e n t per the t e r m s of sale f o r this a u c t i o n . 9. S a l e s tax, p o s t a g e , h a n d l i n g and i n s u r a n c e are the r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of the b u y e r and are added to all i n v o i c e s where a p p r o p r i a t e . P o s t a g e , h a n d l i n g and i n s u r a n c e f o r book lots will be i n v o i c e d s e p a r a t e l y f r o m coin l o t s . 10.
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1 1.
B i d d e r s c o n s e n t to w a i v e any c l a i m for i n c i d e n t a l or c o n s e q u e n t i a l d a m a g e s a r i s i n g f r o m this a u c t i o n .
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G O O D L U C K , and r e m e m b e r to mail y o u r bid s h e e t B i d s h e e t s m u s t be r e c e i v e d
by M a r c h 3 0 ,
COINS MAY BE VIEWED IN OUR LANCASTER OFFICES BY APPOINTMENT From 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday ־Friday March 7 - M a r c h 29, 1994
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Contact either office for information USA (717) 390-9194 · UK (071) 4 9 5 - 1 8 8 8
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
(All metals)
6. CELTIC, Danube Region. Oltenia. Circa 2nd Centuiy BC. AR Slater (6.45 gm). Imitating Philip Π. Stylized head of Zeus right / Crude horse left. CCCBM 136. Near VF. ($125)
1. SPAIN, Carthago Nova. Under the Carthaginians. Circa 220-215 BC. AR Shekel (7.06 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left/ Horse standing right; palm tree behind. Buigos 383. VF, porosity, heavy in spots, scratch on cheek. Rare. ($950)
7. CELTIC, Danube Region. Oltenia. Circa 2nd Centuiy BC. AR Stater (7.18 gm). Imitating Philip Π. Stylized head of Zeus right / Crude horse left CC($150) CBM 140. VF.
2. SPAIN, Castulo. Circa 50 BC. JE 28mm (14.94 gm). Diademed male head, hand in front/GrifSnright;star. Buigos 544. Good VF, black patina. ($100)
8. CELTIC, Danube Region. Oltenia. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Stater (7.58 gm). Imitating Philip Π. Stylized head of Zeus right / Crude horse left; .׳. above. CCCBM 1 44. VF. ($ 150)
9. CELTIC, Danube Region. Oltenia. Circa 2nd Cenuuy BC. Lot of four AR Staters. Imitating Philip Π. Stylized head of Zeusright/ Crude horse left. CCCBM 1 34,37 (2), 44. Average Fine, all with some encrustation. 4 coins. ($300)
3. SPAIN, Castulo. Circa 50 BC. iE 19mm (5.05 gm). Diademed male head right; Iberian 'Ca' before / Bull, Lu above; abbreviated legend in exeigue. Burgos 561 variety. EF, dark green patina. ($125)
4. SPAIN, Emportai. Circa 2nd Centuiy BC. AR 1/10 Drachm (0.35 gm). Laureate head right / Crescent and doL See Garcia, "Divisores de plata con typologia Heleno-Punica", Acta Numismatica, 16. Good VF, some mineralization on edge. Extremely Rare. ($250)
5. CELTIC, Gallo-Bdgic. The Remi. After 49 BC. Potin 22mm (5.76 gm). Warrior running right, holding tore and spear / Elephant right, seipent (?) above. Scheers684. VF for type. ($150)
10. CELTIC, Danube Region. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.91 gm). Imitating Alexander III. Stylized head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; double ax and monogram. CCCBM 1 193. VF, usual weak reverse for this variety. ($150)
11. CELTIC, Danube Region. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.94 gm). Imitating Alexander ΠΙ. Stylized head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; double ax and monogram. CCCBM 1 194. VF. ($150)
The reverse type is identified as an adaptation of the denarius of Julius Caesar with the reverse of elephant trampling a serpent. Scheers describes this reverse as an elephant with indeterminate design above. Might we have an interesting propaganda point here ? Caesar's design symbolizes Rome (the elephant) trampling her enemies (the serpent). Caesar'sfoes, the Remi, have a design with the serpent in a superior position above the elephant.
Lot 6
12. CELTIC, Danube Region. Circa 2nd Centuiy BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.54 gm). Imitating Alexander HL Stylized head of Herakles, wearing lion skin (reduced to bulge) /Zeus seated left; double ax and monogram. CCCBM 1 198. VF for type. ($150)
30,1 994
19. LUCANIA, Laus. Circa 500-170 BC. AR Triobol (1.05 gm). Man-headed bull left, head reverted / Acom. SNG ANS 138. Near VF/VF, porosity. Very Rare. ($400)
13. CELTIC, Danube Region. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.58 gm). Imitating Alexander DL Stylized head of Herakles, wearing lion skin (reduced to bulge)/Zeus seated left; double ax and monogram. CCCBM 1 198. VFfor type. ($150) 14. CELTIC, Danube Region. Circa 2nd Century BC. Lot of three AR Tetradrachms. Imitating Alexander DL Stylized head of Herakles, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; double ax and monogram. CCCBM 1193 (2 coins), 198. // Plus a tetradrachm, imitating Thasos. Gobi Class 1. Average Fine. 4 coins total. ($300)
20. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 500465 BC. AR Diobol (0.76 gm). Ear of barley / Barley grain with two annulets. Noe 300. Good VF. ($200)
21. LUCANIA, Poseidonia. Circa 480-400 BC. AR Nomos (7.85 gm). Π Ο ΣΕΙ, Poseidon advancing right, brandishing trident / ΠΟΣΕΙ (retrograde), bull left SNG ANS 660. Fine. ($150)
15. CELTIC, Danube Region. Imitation of Philip III. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.80 gm). Crude head of Herakles /Zeus enthroned; double ax, monogram. CCCBM 1 195. VF. ($ 150)
22. LUCANIA, Velia. Circa 340-310 BC. AR Nomos (7.52 gm). From the workshop of Kleudoros. Head of Athena left, wearing Phrygian helmet with female centaur, monogram behind / Lion tearing at prey; A above, KAEY monogram below. Williams 320 (0171/R239). Toned VF. ($200)
16. CELTIC, Danube Region. Imitation of Thasos. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.19 gm). Stylized head of Dionysos / Herakles with club and lion skin. Gobi Class ΙΠ. VF fortype, rough surfaces. ($150)
17. CELTIC, Danube Region. Imitation ofThasos. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.35 gm). Disjointed head of Dionysos left / Herakles standing, nonsensical legend. Cf. Gobi Class V/B, 3. Near VF. Rare. ($200)
18. CELTIC. Circa 1 st Century BC. Tin "Wheel" money (0.49 gm). Fourspoked wheels, diameter 8mm. Two linked wheels, one deliberately folded over to create a loop for stringing. VF. ($75)
Kleudoros signed a number of coins ofVelia, either with his full name or his monogram. He probably was the master of a workshop, signing each die, with his apprentices adding their initials above the lion.
23. BRUTTIUM, The Bretti. Circa 282-203 BC. Ai Sextans (17.42 gm). Helmeled head of Ares left / Nike erecting trophy; crescent above, comucopiae in field. SNG Copenhagen 1648. VF, dark brown patina. ($150)
24. BRUTTIUM, The Bretti. Circa 282-203 BC. JE Uncia (8.29 gm). Laureate head of Zeus; grain ear/ Eagle left; comucopiae and plectron. SNG ANS 53. VF, black patina. ($100)
M a r c h 30,1 994
31. SICILY, Panormos. Circa 409-380 BC. AR Litra (0.66 gm). Head of youthful river god left / Man-headed bull standing left. SNG Copenhagen 506. Toned VF, rough surfaces. Scarce variety lacking reverse Punic legend. ($75) 25. BRUinUM, Kroton. Circa 510-480 BC AR Nomos (7.97 gm). QPO retrograde, tripod; heron to left /Incuse tripod. SNG ANS 269. Toned VF, several die flaws. ($150)
Rare Gold Tritartemorion of Panormos
AV 32. SICILY, Panormos. Circa 276 BC. AV Tritartemorion or 1/16 Slater (054 gm). Donative tribute for Pyrrhos. Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standingright;ΠΑ monogram. SNG ANS 576. Good VF. (S 1300) 26. BRliTTIUM, Lokri Epizephrii. Circa 300-268 BC. JE 30mm (15.18 gm). Wreathed head of Persephoneright,torch behind / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; monogram and palm-branch. SNG ANS 560; SNG Copenhagen 1881. Brown near VF. ($100)
27. BRUTTIUM, Rhegion. Circa 203-89 BC. JETrias (2.36 gm). Jugate heads of the Dioskouroi / Hermes standing left, holding caduceus; ΠΠ and comucopiae infield. SNG Copenhagen 1983. VF, dark brown patina with red highlights. ($100)
33. SICILY, Panormos. After 241 BC. Ai 25mm (8.91 gm). Helmeted head of Athena/Triskeles with Medusa head. Calciati I pg.333,15/5 (this coin). VF, brown and green patina. ($ 100) Ex Virzi collection, Leu Auktion 6, lot 197.
Rare Segestan Silver Tetradrachm
28. BRUTTIUM, Terina. Circa 300 BC. AR Third Nomos (2.41 gm).Head of nymph right; triskeles / Nike seated on cippus, holding caduceus. HollowayJenkins 107. VF. ($250)
34. SICILY, Segesta. Circa 400-398 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.00 gm). ΣΕΛΕΣΤΞΙΑ, Aigeste in fast quadriga, she holds grain ears, Nike flying above / Nude Aigestes as hunter, canying javelins and pileos, hound at feet, herm in front. L. Mildenberg, "Kimon in the Manner of Segesta", in Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Numismatics, 23 (same dies); Lederer 9. ($6000) 29. SICILY, "Kainon". Circa 365-360 BC. Ai 22mm (9.62 gm). Griffin bounding left / KAINON, bridled horse left. Calciati I pg.249,1. VF, dark green patina. ($100) Not identifiable with a known city in Sicily, the Kainon issues have traditionally been attributed to Alaisa. They may also have been struck by mercenaries in the employ ofDione ofLeontini.
30. SICILY, Naxos. Circa 420403 BC. AR litra (0.80 gm). Head of Dionysos left/Grape-bunch on vine; ΝΑΞΙΩΝ. Cahn 141 (V85/R113). Toned VF, lightporosity. Rare. ($400)
Although Mildenberg identifies the figures on this coin as the siblings, they more likely are their parents, theTrojan Segesta and Krimisos, a local river god. Segesta would reflect the Asian ancestry ofthe Segestans, who probably camefromthe region ofAeolis, and Krimisos standing by the boundary herm is a visual representation of the border between Segesta and Selinos, a source offrequent conflict for the two cities.
35. SICILY,Syracuse.TimeofUmoleon.Circa344-317 BC. AR2Litrai (1.26 gm). Janifoim female head; dolphin inrightfield/ Galloping horse, star above. SNG ANS 517 Toned good VF. Rare. ($350)
36. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.92 gm). Circa 305-289 BC Wreathed head of Persephone / Nike erecting trophy, triske les at feet. SNG ANS 672. VF, worn obverse die. ($450)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
42. SICILY, Syracuse. Hieron II. 274-216 BC. JE 27mm (17.14 gm). Diademed head left / Horseman galloping right, with couched lance; A. Calciati Π pg.380,195R11; Favorito63. VF, black patina. ($125)
Lovely Siculo-Punic Tetradrachm of the Finest Style
37. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. JE 24mm (10.00 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone; grain ear behind / Charioteer driving biga; star above; Σ in exergue. Calciati Π pg.260,123 Ds95 R115; Favorito 54. Good VF, green patina with some reddish encrustation. ($125)
43. SICILY, Siculo-Pu nie. Circa 340-320 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.17 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone surrounded by four dolphins / Horse prancing in front of palm tree. Jenkins, SNR 56,131 (044/R118). Superb EF. (See enlargement on back cover) ($10,000) 38. SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. yF.21mm (8.22 gm). Head of Artemis / Winged thunderbolt Calciati Π pg.277,142; Favorito 34. Good VF, daik green patina. ($100)
44. SICILY, Siculo-Punic. Circa 317-310 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.02 gm). Wreathed head of Peisephone-Tanit left, surrounded by dolphins / Horse head left, date-palm behind; Punic letter 'M' below. Jenkins, SNR 56,260 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen 982. VF, few light scratches. ($400)
39. SICILY, Syracuse. Pyrrhos. 278-276 BC. JE 25mm (12.06 gm). Wreathed and veiled head of Phthias; kantharos behind / ThundeibolL Calciati Π pg.328,184 Ds 22; Favorito 39. VF, black patina. ($250)
Rare Bronze Tetras from the Island of Lipara
40. SICILY, Syracuse. Hieron II. 274-216 BC. JE 27mm (16.92 gm). Diademed head left; diadem behind / Horeeman gallopingright,with couched lance; AP. Calciati Π pg.376,195Ds42; Favorito 63. VF, jade green patina. ($125)
45. SICILY, Islands off. Lipara. Circa 425 BC. JE Tetras (25.53 gm). Head of Aiolos wearing pileos / ΛΙΠΑΡΙΑΩΝ, three pellets. Calciati I pg.8,5mv. VF, daik green patina. Rare. ($ 1200) Struck to the highest weight standard known in the Greek world, the first bronze issues ofLipara were probably producedfrom booty taken from an Etruscanfleet defeated in 425 BC. Aiolos gave his name to the Aeolian Islands, ofwhich Lipara is the largest.
41. SICILY, Syracuse. Hieron II. 274-216 BC. JE 26mm (17.24 gm). Diademed head left / Horseman galloping right, with couched lance; A. Calciati Π pg.380,195 Rll; Favorito 63. VF, daik green patina. ($125) 8
30,1 994
Very Rare Gold Half Stater of Philip Π
46. SICILY, Islands ofT. Mclita. Circa 150-146 BC. Al 26mm (11.04 gm). Head of Isis left with grain ear/ Four-winged figureof Osiris. Calciati ΠΙ pg.354,8. VF, brown patina. ($200)
52. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip Π. 359-336 BC. AV Half Stater (4.24 gm). Amphipolis mint Struck circa 340/336-328 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Forepart of lion right, crescent below. Le Rider 2 (same obverse die D1, pL85). Good VF. Very Rare. ($4500)
47. MACEDON, Aegae. Circa 510-480 BC. AR Trihemiobol (1.04 gm). Goat kneeling right / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 60. VF, porosity. ($125)
48. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 470-390 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.27 gm). Forepart of bull, head reverted, A above / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 47. EF. ($300)
53. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.30 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 336-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing hon skin / Zeus seated left; arrow(?) to left Cf. Price 50. Near EF. ($ 100) The mini symbol appears to have been altered in the die.
49. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 424-390 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.84 gm). Lion bringing down bull; ΔΙ above, two laurel branches in exergue / AKANΘΙΟΝ around quadripartite square. Desneux 104-106. Toned VF. ($2000) 54. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.89 gm). Amphipolis mint Circa 336-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; bucranium to left Price 93; Müller 97. Good VF, Aramaic graffiti in reverse field. ($300) 50. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.35 gm). Head of bull left within border of pellets / Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 167 (Uncertain mint). Choice VF. ($200)
Attractive Gold Stater of Philip Π 55. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 320-317 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; grain ear to left, monogram below throne. Price 122a (same reverse die); Müller 570. VF. ($150)
^ —
51. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AV Stater (8.56 gm). Amphipolis mint Circa 332-315 BC. Laureate head of Apollo / Charioteer driving biga right; kantharos below. Le Rider pl.79,168 (D82־/R130). EF, fine style. ($3000)
56. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.98 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 320-317 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; aplustre to left, monogram below throne. Price 129; Müller 280. Good VF. ($250) 9
30,1 994
Choice Alexander Gold Stater
57. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.11 gm). PellaminL Circa 315-310 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus sealed left; trident to left, A with pellet below throne Price 261 ; MüHer 108. Good VF, corrosion on edge. ($200)
58. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.17 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 315-294 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; Λ and torch to left, monogram below throne. Price 445; Müller 36. VF. ($150)
62. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ID. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.56 gm). Lampsakos mint. Circa 328-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet /Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylus; joined horse protome, monogram. Price 1358; Müller 394. EF. ($2500)
63. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander I E . 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.27 gm). Lampsakos mint. Circa 323-317 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; monogram and serpent. Price 1364; Müller 535. EF. ($150)
64. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.27 gm). AbydosminL Circa 310-301 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monogram and ivy leaf. Price 1527; Müller 254. EF. ($ 150) 59. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ID. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.92 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 315-294 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; A and torch to left, monogram below throne. Price 447; Müller 37. VF. ($150)
65. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.19 gm). Kolophon mint. Circa 323-319 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; barley grain (spearhead off flan). Price 1750; Müller 313. EF. ($150)
60. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.01 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 315-294 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; A and torch to left, star below throne. Price 474; Müller 62. VF. ($200) 66. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.19 gm). Kolophon mint. Circa 310-301 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; monogram and Φ. Price 1823; Müller 808. EF. ($150)
61. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.15 gm). Uranopolis mint? Circa 300-290 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; cap with star and X to left, wreath below throne. Price 509; Müller 642. VF. ($150)
67. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Fourre Drachm (3.93 gm). Imitation of Magnesia mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; AT monogram to left. Cf. Price 1966; Müller-. VF, plating broken at edge. Interesting. ($100)
30,1 994
68. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.19 gm). Miletos mint. Circa 323-319 B C Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; monogram. Price 2121; Müller 847. EF. ($150) 73. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.88 gm). Ake mint Year 30 (317/316 BC). Head of Herakles right, wearing hon skin / Zeus seated left; date to left. Price 3279; Newell 33. VF, edge roughness. ($150)
69. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.59 gm). Sardes mint. Circa 334-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylus; serpent. Price 2532; Müller 529. EF. ($2200)
74. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.78 gm). Byblos mint. Circa 330-320 B C Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; A to left. Price3426; Müller 1375. Good VF, porosity on reverse. ($200)
70. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.72 gm). Aspendos mint. Year 11 (202/201 BC). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; ΑΣIA to left Price 2891 ; Müller 1205. VF, slightly double struck. ($150)
AV 75. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.60 gm). Sidon mint, struck 324-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Nike standing half-left, holding wreath and stylis; ΣΙ, date, and palm in left field Price 3490a (same dies); Müller 1410. Good Fine, ex jewelry. Rare dated issue! ($1200)
71. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.21 gm). Tarsos mint Circa 327-323 B C Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; plow to left; Θ below throne, no pellets in fields. Price 3019 variety; Müller -. Near EF, slightly off-center. ($250) The depiction of Zeus on the tetradrachms ofTarsos is directly influenced by the staters of the last Persian satrap Mazaios from that city. It seems likely that the same engravers were employed to produce Alexander's coinage. In this case, the engraver must not have been familiar with the details of the coinage; he forgot the pellets that mark this issue, and spelled the king's name ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ.
76. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ffl. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.98 gm). Tyre mint. Circa 305-290 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monograms to left and below throne. Price 3540 variety ($150) (monogram below throne inverted). VF.
72. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.94 gm). Damascus minL Circa 330-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; forepart of ram to left, three pellets and ΔΑ below throne. Price3208; Müller-. VF, light graffiti. ($250)
77. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Memphis mint Struck circa 332-323 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus sealed left; ram's head with crown (khnum), monogram. Price 3964; Müller 1517. Toned VF, edge corrosion, grafitti on reverse. Rare mint ($450) 6 1
30,1 994
84. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.12 gm). "Babylon" mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; wheel and monogram to left, monogram below throne. Price PI 89; Müller P29. Good VF. ($250)
78. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Memphis mint. Circa 332-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left;roseto left, ΔΙ Ο below throne. Price 3971; MüHer 124. VF, porosity and scrapes. Rare. ($250)
85. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. Lot of two AR Tetradrachms (17.00 gm). Arados mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monogram and grapes to left, Ζ below throne. Price Ρ156; Müller P54. // (16.66 gm). "Babylon" mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lirai skin / Zeus seated left; wheel and monogram to left, monogram below throne. Price PI 89; Müller-.Both VF, rough surfaces. 2 coins. ($300) 79. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip ΠΙ. 323-317 BC. AR Drachm (3.85 gm). Saides mint. Struck circa 323-319 B C Head of Herakles wearing lion skin headdiess / Zeus seated left; rose before, monogram beneath throne. Price P66; Müller -. Toned VF. ($100)
86. MACEDON, Kings of. Demetrios PoBorketes. 306-285 B C AR Drachm (4.15 gm). Tarsos mint. Struck circa 298-295 BC. Nike alighting atop prow of galley, blowing trumpet / Poseidon, nude but for cloak over aim, advancing left, brandishing trident; A and AI monogram in fields. Newell 44. Toned good Fine. ($250) 80. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Drachm (4.28 gm). Saides mint Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; bee and A. Price Ρ104a (same dies); Müller P72 EF. ($150)
87. MACEDON. Under Roman Rule. After 168 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.51 gm). Diademed head of Artemis on shield / ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ ΠΡΩΤΗΣ, club within oak-wreath; monograms around, thunderbolt in exergue. Gaebler 180. Toned VF. ($250)
MACEDON, Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.12 81. gm). "Babylon" mint Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; M to left, monogram below throne. Price PI 86; Müller P1M. Good VF. ($250)
Superb Philip ΠΙ Gold Stater
AV 88. MACEDON. Under Roman Rule. After 168 BC. £ 20mm (9.45 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / ΠΕΛΛΗΣ and monograms within oak wreath. SNG Copenhagen 261. VF, daik green patina ($125)
82. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AV Stater (8.57 gm). "Babylon" mint. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet/Nike walking left, holding wreath and stylus; M and AY in fields. Price Ρ180; Müller P97. Superb EF.
89. M A C E D O N . Under Roman Rule. Aesillas. Circa 70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.36 gm). Diademed head of Alexander, θ behind / Money chest, dub and chair, pellets under chest and chair. SNG Copenhagen 1330. Toned VF. ($150)
83. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.02 gm). "Babylon" mint- Head of Herakles right, wearing Hon skin / Zeus seated left; M to left, AY below throne. Price PI 81 ; Müller P99. VF, graffiti reverse. ($150) 1
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
90. PAEONIA, Kings of. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.59 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Horseman riding down foe. SNG ANS 1040 (same obverse die). EF. ($200)
91. PAEONIA, Kings of. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.81 gm). Laureate head of Apollo /Horseman riding down foe. SNG ANS 1040. VF, test cut. ($125)
95. SARMATIA, Olbia. Circa 500-450 BC. JE 66mm (107.55 gm). Gorgoneion / APIX, sea-eagle flying right, clutching dolphin in talons. Zograph pi. XXXI, 1; Dittrich 10. Good VF, retouched green patina. ($1200) Ex Sotheby's (March 101989) lot499.
92. SARMATIA, Istros. Circa 6th-5th Century BC. JE 37mm length (4.25 gm). "Arrowhead". Anokin,MonetiGorodov, pl. 1, a; SNG BMC218 (Istros). VF, green patina. ($ 150)
93. SARMATIA, Olbia. Circa 6th-5th Century BC. Ai22mm length (1.22 gm). Three-dimensional leaping dolphin. Zograph pl. XXX, 11. VF,rarevariety. ($100)
96. SARMATIA, Olbia. Circa 260-250 BC. JE 19mm (1.05 gm). Head of the river god Borysthenes (Dnieper) left / Ax and bowcase; AP to left. SNG BMC 531. VF, dark brown patina. ($100)
94. SARMATIA, Olbia. Circa 6th-5th Century BC. A school of five dolphins. Lengths range from 22 to 30mm. SNG BMC 360ff. Most with minor corrosion. 5 pieces. Aquarium and water filter extra. ($150)
97. SARMATIA,Olbia.Circa200-150BC. AR Drachm (3.12gm). Laureate head of Apollo; c/m: helmeted head of Athena / Lyre; Π A Y, monogram. SNG BMC 618; Dittrich pl.36-37. Toned near VF. Rare. ($200)
98. THRACE, Apollonia Pontika. Later 5th4th Centuiy BC. AR Drachm (284 gm). Gorgoneion / Anchor with crayfish, A. SNG BMC Black Sea 160 variety (A and crayfish switched). VF. ($100)
99. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 398-385 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.90 gm). Forepart of horse left; ΠΛ / Grape-vine; rhyton, MA. Schönert-Geiss 273ff. Good VF. ($150)
Obverse of Lot 95 6 3
100. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 386-347 BC. AR Stater (1139 gm). Bridled horse prancing left / Grape arbor in square; ΕΠΙ ΙΚΕΣΙΟ, caduceus. Schönen-Geiss 419 (same obverse die). EF. (See enlargement on back cover) ($2500)
M a r c h 30,1994
106. THRACE, Islands off. Thasos. After 146 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.41 gm). Wreathed head of young Dionysos / Nude Herakles standing half-left, holding club and lion skin; monogram. SNG Copenhagen 1048. VF, scratches on obverse. ($100)
101. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 189-45 BC. JE 18mm (6.10 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos / Dionysos standing left; monogram. Schönert-Geiss 1513 variety (monogram reversed). VF, dark green patina. ($75)
102. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Cherronesos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.43 gm). Forepart of lion right, head reverted /Quadripartite square, pellet and grape cluster in sunken quarters. BMC Thrace pg. 183,11. Toned VF. ($100)
107. THRACE, Kings of. Lysbnachos. 323-281BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.91 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 288-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right/Athena seated left; caduceus and monogram. Thompson 193. Good VF, edge scrape. ($200)
Rare Thasos Silver Tetradrachm 108. THRACO-MACEDONIAN. Uncertain Mint. Circa 535-510 BC. AR Obol (0.63 gm). Crab / Rough incuse punch. SNG von Aulock 6665 (Uncertain Asia Minor); cf. Cheek Collection (Harlan J. Berk List 53), 5 for current attribution. VF, dark find patina. ($ 100)
103. T H R A C E , Islands off. Thasos. Circa 350-340 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.66 gm). Bearded head of Dionysos right, wearing ivy-wreath / Herakles kneeling on right knee, wearing knee-length garment with lion skin over it, drawing bow, uncertain symbol in right field, ΘΑΣΙΟΝ behind; all within square linear border. Cf. West (ANSNNM 40) pl.V, 45A for type. VF, slight roughness. Rare type with Dionysos heart riphr. ($3000)
109. THRACO-MACEDONIAN. Uncertain M i n t Circa 535-510 BC. AR Hemiobol(0.30gm) Crab/Rough quadripartite incuse square. Cf. SNG von Aulock 6665 (Uncertain Asia Minor); cf. Cheek Collection (Harian J. Beik List 53), 5 foreurrent attribution. VF, find patina. ($ 100)
Extremely Rare Thraco-Macedonian Electrum Stater
104. THRACE, Islands off. Thasos. Circa 463-411 BC. AR Drachm (3.49 gm). Satyr carrying off protesting nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 1018. VF, edge scrape. ($300)
Artistic Thasas Silver Drachm
105. THRACE, Islands off. Thasos. Circa 463-411 BC. AR Drachm (3.28 gm). Satyr kneeling facing, holding nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 1019. Toned good VF, wonderful use of frontal perspective,as the satyr seems to run toward the viewer. ($950)
110. THRACO-MACEDONIAN. Uncertain Mint Circa 500 BC. EL Stater (14.00 gm). Lactating lioness / Divided rectangular incuse punch. See Bank Leu Auktion 52 (15 May 1991 ) lot 49 for attribution. Good VF. Extremely Rare. (See enlargement on back cover). ($10.000)
111. ILI.YRIA, Apoionia. Circa 300-200 BC AR Drachm (335 gm). Cow and calf; ΣΙΜΙΑΣ, AE / Double stellate pattern; magistrate AVTO BOV AOV. SNG Copenhagen 381. Good VF. ($100)
112. ILLYRIA, Dyrrhachium. Circa 450-350 BC. AR Stater (9.76 gm). Cow and calf; reversed Σ / Double stellate pattern; club beneath. SNG Copenhagen 425; Maier 34. Fine. ($150)
30,1 994
119. THESSALY, Pherai. Teiaphonos, Tyrant 357-353 BC. Κ. 15mm (2.45 gm). Forepart of bull, head facing / (TfcJ)ZI ΦΟΝΟΥ, forepart of horse. Rogers, NumCirc 1930,527-530. VF, brown patina. Rare. ($125)
120. THESSALY, Trikka. Circa 480-400 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.79 gm). Youth wrestling forepart of bull / Forepart of horse. SNG Copenhagen 263-265. VF, porosity. ($100) 113. KORKYRA. Circa 229-48 BC. JE 20mm (7.42 gm). Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Prow of galley; magistrate Philon. SNG Copenhagen 237. EF, green patina. ($250)
121. THESSALY, Thessalian League. Circa 196-146 BC. AR Double Victoriatus (5.82 gm). Wreathed head of Zeus / Athena Itonia; ΦΙΛΩΝ, Ι Π ΠΟΛΟΞΟΣ. McClean 4886. Toned good VF. ($150) 114. THESSALY, Larissa. Circa 440-400 BC. AR Drachm (6.05 gm). Bull running right / Youth on horseback galloping right, wearing kausia and chlamy s. SNG Locke« 1566. Good VF. Rare type. ($350)
115. THESSALY, Larissa. Circa 435-400 BC. AR Drachm (5.82 gm). Youth wrestling bull / Bridled horse galloping right. Dewing 1389 (same obverse die). Good VF, light porosity and graffiti. ($250)
116. THESSALY, Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (6.11 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly left/ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙΩΝ, horse right, grazing. SNG Copenhagen 121. Good VF. Good style. ($250)
122. THESSALY, Thessalian League. Circa 196-146 BC. AR Double Victoriatus (6.08 gm). Wreathed head of Zeus / Athena Itonia; ΦΙΛΩΝ, Ι Π ΠΟΛΟΞΟΣ. McClean 4886. Toned good VF. ($150)
123. AKARNANIA, Argos Amphilochicum. Circa 350-270 BC. AR Stater (8.41 gm). Pegasos flying left; A / Helmeted head of Athena left; ΔΙ and shield behind. Pegasi Π pg.529,21. Fine, graffiti obverse - "EYBO" for Euboia? ($100)
117. THESSALY, Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (6.06 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly right / ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙΑ, horse right, grazing. Lorber, "Facing Head Drachms of Larissa", 35.2a (this coin). VF. ($250)
124. AKARNANIA, Leukas. After 435 BC. AR Stater (8.52 gm). Pegasos flying right; A below / Helmeted head of Athena left; caduceus and A behind. Pegasi Π pg.414,86. Toned VF. ($200)
118. THESSALY, Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (6.12 gm). Head of the nymph Larissa facing slightly left / Horse grazing on plant. Lorber, "Facing Head Drachms of Larissa", 412a (this coin). Choice tcmed EF. Larissa has a wild gaze about her! ($750)
125. AKARNANIA, Leukas. After 435 BC. AR Stater (8.38 gm). Pegasos flying right; Λ below / Helmeted head of Athena right; caduceus and Λ behind. Pegasi Π pg.416,93. VF. ($200)
Attractive Lokri Opuntii Silver Stater
133. EUBOEA, Histiaea. Circa 196-146 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.10 gm). Head of nymph right / Nymph seated on galley; trident below. SNG Copenhagen 527. Toned VF. ($100) 126. LOKRIS, Lokri Opuntii. Circa 369-338 BC. AR Stater (12.09 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone left / Ajax advancingright,nude but for crested helmet, brandishing sword and shield; Phrygian helmet between legs. McClean 5428. VF+, iridescent toning. ($2000ו
134. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 495-480 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.08 gm). Archaic helmeted head of Athena with frontal eye / Owl standing right Seltman Group Gii; Dewing 1574ff. V F, dumpy flan ,broken obverse die. ($1200) 127. LOKRIS, Lokri Opuntii. Circa 369-338 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.75 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone / Ajax advancingright,nude but for crested helmet, brandishing sword and shield; kantharos between legs. SNG Copehagen 50. Toned VF. Attractive style. ($300)
135. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 gm). Helmeted head of Athena /Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Toned near EF. ($850)
128. BOEOTIA, Thebes. Circa 378-338 BC. AR Stater (11.83 gm). Boeotian shield / Amphora; ΑΓ ΛΑ. SNG Copenhagen 314. VF. ($350)
129. BOEOTIA, Federal Coinage. Circa 338-315 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.46 gm). Boeotian shield / Kantharos; club above. SNG Copenhagen 172. Toned VF. ($100) 136. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.14 gm). Helmeted head of Athena /Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Near EF. ($850)
130. EUBOEA, Chalkis. Circa 338-308 BC. AR Drachm (3.54 gm). Head of nymph right / Eagle flying right, grasping snake with beak and talons; monogram. Dewing 1535. Toned VF. ($150)
137. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standingright.SNG Copenhagen 31. Near EF, originalfindpaiina. ($500) 131. EUBOEA, Chalkis. Circa 338-308 BC. AR Drachm (3.58 gm). Head of nymph left / Χ ΑΛ, eagle flying right, grappling with serpent; rose below. BMC Central Greece pg. 109,38. Toned VF. ($125)
132. EUBOEA, Chalkis. Circa 338-308 BC. AR Drachm (3.61 gm).Headof nymph right /X AA, eagleflyingright,grappling with serpent; trident below. BMC ($125) Central Greece pg. 110,46. Toned VF.
138. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.10 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Good VF. ($500) 1 6
139. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.75 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Good VF, light porosity. ($300)
140. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.11 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Good VF, deep mount mark on reverse. ($200)
141. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.12gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Good VF, deep mount mark on reverse. ($200)
M a r c h 30,1 994
145. ATTICA, Athens. After 393 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.97 gm). Helmeted head of Athena /Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 63. Near VF, usual dumpy flan. ($150)
146. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 150-100 BC. R. 15mm (2.40 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Two owls standing on thunderbolt. BMC Attica pg.79, 537; Svoronos pl.24,60-68. VF, brown patina. ($75)
147. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 136/135 BC. AR 'New Style ־Teuadradim (16.83 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; club with lion skin and bow case to left, Κ on amphora, AN below, magistrates ΗΡΑ, ΑΡΙΣΤΟΦ, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙ; all within wreath. Thompson 335g. VF+. ($500)
Exceptional 'New Style" Tetradrachm 142. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Drachm (4.07 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Dewing 1623. Toned VF, porosity, full flan. ($750)
143. ATTICA, Athens. After 449 BC. AR Hemidrachm (Triobol) (2.02 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing facing, with two olive sprigs. SNG Copenhagen 47; Dewing 1626. VF, porosity. ($200)
148. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 131/130 BC. AR 'New Style ־Tetradrachm (16.68 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; elephant to right, Ε on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΑΝΊΊΟΧΟΣ, ΚΑΡΑΙΧΟΣ, ΣΚΎΜΝΟΣ; all within wreath. Thompson 397k = SNG Copenhagen 212 (later copper replica of an original) same dies; dating per Otto M0rkholm, ANSMN 29. EF, broad flan. ($750)
144. ATTICA, Athens. Emergency Issue, circa 406-404 BC. Ai Tetradrachm (12.96 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Starr pi.XXIII, 12. Fair, edge scrapes. Rare. ($150)
149. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 108/107 BC. AR 'New Style ־Tetradrachm (16.69 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Tyche standing to right, Β on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΕΥΜΗΛΟΣ, ΚΑΛΛΙΦΩΝ, ΑΛΕΞ; all within wreath. Thompson 729. Toned VF, reverse die crack. ($400)
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Very Rare Aeginetan Stater
156. CRETE, Gortyna. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. AR Drachm (3.84 gm). Diademed head of Minos / Hunter (Gortys or Apollo?) seated on rock; Β to right. Svoronos plXVI, 16. EF, porosity and flan crack. ($200) 150. AEGEVA. Circa 530-525 BC. AR Stater (12.27 gm). Sea turtle with scales / 'Union Jack' incuse. E.S.G. Robinson, "Pseudoaeginetica,' NC 1928, pl.ix, 3 (same obverse die); SNG Spencer-Churchill 157 (same obverse die); SNG Locken 2635 = Pozzi 1632 (same obverse die). F.I'׳. Very Rare. ($2500) 157. PAPHLAGONIA, Sinope. Circa 470 BC. AR Drachm (6.16 gm). Head of eagle left, dolphin below / Quadripartite pattern, opposite quadrants incuse with pellets. SNG BMC Black Sea 1364. Toned near EF. Rare this nice. ($500)
151. AEGINA. Circa 510485 BC. AR Stater (11.49 gm). Sea-turtle, plain shell / Incuse divided punch. SNG Delepiene 1503. Fine. ($100)
158. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE26mm (12.96gm). Prowto right / Κ Υ Ζ I within wreath. SNG von Aulock 1231 ; overstruck on Kore / Bull is sue, SNG von Aulock 1230. VF, brown and green patina. ($125) 152. CORINTH. Circa 345-307 BC. AR Slater (8.58 gm). Pegasosflyingleft / Helmeted head of Athenaright;I, herm and Ν behind. Pegasi I pg.250,385; Ravel 1068. Good VF. ($250) 159. MYSIA, Lampsakos. Circa 500-460 BC AR Drachm (5.72 gm). Janiform female head, with necklace and circular earring / Laureate helmeted head of Athena within incuse square. Gaebler, "Die Silberprägung von Lampsakos", Nomisma XII, 21. Toned VF, porosity. ($200) 153. ELIS, Olympia. Circa 363-323 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.75 gm). Head of nymph left; Δ below / Eagle standing left, head upraised; grapes behind. Seltman ρ1.ΧΠ, 22/21 ; McClean 6664 (same dies). Toned Fine, edge corrosion. ($250) 160. MYSIA, Parion. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.39 gm). Gorgoneion / Cow standing left; uncertain symbol. SNG Copenhagen 263ff. Good VF. ($150)
154. ELIS. Circa 146-43 BC. JE 20mm (4.95 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / FA ΑΕΙ ΩΝ in wreath. SNG Copenhagen 444. Good VF, dark green patina. ($100)
Superb Silver Drachm From Gortyna
161. MYSIA, Parion. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.38 gm). Gorgoneion / Bull standing left, head right; branch below. SNG Copenhagen 266. Good VF. ($200)
155. CRETE, Gortyna. Circa 2nd-1 st Century BC. AR Drachm (4.39 gm). Diademed head (Minos?)right/ Apollo (?) seated on rock, holding bow and arrow; Β inrightfield. Svoronos pl.XVI, 16; BMC Crete pg.43,49. Superb EF,flancrack. ($500)
162. MYSIA, Pergamon. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (12.45 gm). Serpent crawling from basket (cista) / Serpents entwined around bow case; monograms and serpent staff around. SNG Copenhagen 425. Toned VF. ($125)
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EL 163. LESBOS. Circa 500-450 BC. Billon Hemiobol (0.37 gm). Two eyes / Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 548. Toned VF. Rare. ($150)
172. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.51 gin). Head of youth (river god?) / Head of nymph within linear square. Bodenstedt 85 -/-. Near VF ($500)
Choice Electrum Hekte
164. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 521-478 BC. EL Hekte (2.51 gm). Head of ram left; cock below /Incuse head of Heiakies with club, punch behind. Bodenstedt 21a/ß.VF. ($500)
165. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.57 gm). Helmeted head of Ares / Head of Amazon within linear square. Bodenstedt 65 c/ß. Fine. ($375)
173. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Bust of Artemis (?) within linear square. Bodenstedt 95 -/-. Good VF. ($750)
EL 166. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Ilekte (2.51 gm). Head of nymph / Head of Pan within linear square. Bodenstedt 69 -/-. Fine. (S400) EL 174. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.57 gm). Helmeted head of Kabeiros / Head of Persephone-Hekate within linear square. Bodenstedt 99 g/-. VF. ($450)
EL 167. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.51 gm). I .aureate head of Apollo / Female head within linear square. Bodenstedt 70 -/ζ. Near VF. ($500)
EL 175. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Head of female within linear square; seipcnt to left. Bodenstedt 100A-/K.VF. ($650)
EL 168. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.59 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Tuireted head of Kybele within linear square. Bodenstedt 73 a / a Fine. ($400)
176. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 250-200 BC. M 17mm (4.31 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Lyre; two monograms. SNG Copenhagen 387. Good VF, green and brown patina. ($ 100)
169. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.49 gm). Wreathed archaic style head of Dionysos / Head of Kalathiskos dancer within linear square. Bodenstedt 76 a/a. Only one pair of dies known for this issue. Fine. ($400)
EL 170. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.54 gm). Head of 10 with cowhom diadem / Wreathed head of Dionysos Deuteros within linear square. Bodenstedt 77 d/ζ. VF. ($500)
EL 177. AEOLIS, Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.24 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme, wearing taenia / Horse right, one-handled cup below raised hoof; magistrate Kallias. Oakley, ANSMN 27, Issue 31. Near EF. ($600)
171. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.53 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos / Head of youth (Pan?) within linear square. Bodenstedt 81 f/η. Near VF. ($450) 6 9
30,1 994
Extremely Rare Tetrobol of Orontas, Satrap of Klazomenae EL 184. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.52 gm). Wreathed head of satyr left / Wind-mill sail incuse. Bodenstedt 87 a/ß. VF. ($500) 178. IONIA, Klazomenae. Orontas, Satrap. Circa 362 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.66 gm). Nude hoplite crouching behind shield, spear at ready / OPONTA, forepart of winged boar right. Babelon, Traité Π pt.2,63. Toned VF. Extremely Rate. ($1000)
The Unique Kolophon Gold Quarter Stater
185. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (254 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 89 -/β. Near VF. ($400)
EL 186. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.54 gm). Female head left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 90 f/-. VF. ($450) AV 179. IONIA, Kolophon. Circa 330 BC. AV Quarter Stater (2.13 gm). Attic Weight Standard. Head of Apollo facing three-quarters left / Kithara with seven strings, anchor to right. Unpublished apart from sale appearances. VF+. Unique. ($3500)
EL 187. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.53 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 91 -/δ. VF. ($500)
Ex Stevenson Collection (CNGXXVI, 11 June 1993) lot 104; M&M AG Auktion 64 (30 January 1984) lot 152;Glendining's "Foreign Amateur" Sale (13December 1963) lot 319.
Rare Silver Tetradrachm From Lebedos
EL 188. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.48 gm). Female head wearing sakkos left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 92 e/a. Near VF. ($400)
EL 189. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.53 gm). Female head wearing tasseled cap left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 93 -/β. Near VF. ($400)
180. IONIA, I^bedos. Circa 150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.71 gm). Laureate and helmeted head of Athena / Owl on club between twin cornuacopiae; magistrate Apollodotos. Amandry 18 (D2/R14). Toned EF. ($2500)
EL 190. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.49 gm). Head of nymph with tousled hair left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 94 a/a. VF. ($450)
EL 181. IONIA, Miletos. Circa 6(h Century BC. EL Twelfth (1.12 gm). Head of lion left / Cross with pellet ends in incuse. Weidauer -. Near VF. ($200)
191. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 387-326 BC. EL Hekte (255 gm). Wreathed head of Pan left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 97 -/-. VF. ($500)
182. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.49 gm). Male head left, wearing taenia; seal (φοκη) behind /Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 63 b/ß. Fine. _ ($375) EL
192. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 387-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.55 gm). Head of Artemis left, quiver over shoulder / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 99 g/-. VF. ($550)
183. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.52 gm). Head of youth left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 75 a/a'. Near VF. ($400) 6 0
193. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 387-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.50 gm). Laureate female head left, hair in sakkos (Persephone?) / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 102-/-. Near VF. ($450)
194. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 387-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.52 gm). Head of Omphale left, wearing lion skin /Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 107 c/-. VF. ($500)
195. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 387-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54 gm). Laureate head of Demeter left/Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 109-/-. VF. ($450)
30,1 994
201. CARIA, Idyma. Circa 500-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.36gm). Fish to left /Fig leaf in incuse square. Unlisted in the major references. VF, porosity. Rare. ($125)
202. CARIA, Mylasa. Eupolemos. Circa 314 BC. JE 16mm (3.73 gm). Three overlapping shields / Sword in sheath; monogram to left. Akarca pg. 101, type A. VF, black patina. ($100)
203. CARIA, Islands off. Kos. Circa 190-166 BC. AR Drachm (2.72 gm). Head of bearded Herakles, wearing lion skin / Crab and club; magistrate ΦΙΛΙΝΟΣ. SNG von Aulock 2757. Toned VF, porosity. ($ 100)
196. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 387-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.52 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left/Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 111 a/-. VF. ($500)
197. IONIA, Teos. Circa 465-449 BC. AR Stater (12.05 gm). Griffin with curled wings seated on plain basis, forepaw raised; panther's head in front / Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. Balcer 103. Good VF. ($1400)
198. IONIA, Uncertain mint. Circa 6th Century BC. AR Obol (0.69 gm). Helmet left / Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 109 (where attributed to Skione in Macedon, but finds in Asia Minor suggest an Ionian mint). Toned VF. ($100)
199. IONIA, Islands off. Chios. Circa 6th Century BC. AR Didrachm (7 86 gm). Sphinx seated left, small amphora in front / Quadripartite incuse punch. Baldwin 35; Dewing 2320. Toned near VF, die break on obverse. ($200)
200. LYDIA, Tralles. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (1239 gm). Cistamystica with serpent/Bowcase with serpents; herm, magistrate Dion. SNG von Aulock 3260. VF. ($125)
204. CARIA, Wands off. Rhodes. Circa 394-304 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.49 gm). Facing head of Helios turned slightly right / Rose with bud to left; Φ and bucranium to right. Bérend, "Les Tétradrachmes De Rhodes De La Première Période," SNR 51 (1972) pl.7,75 (same dies); BMC Caria -; SNG von Aulock -. VF, slight roughness. Scarce. ($2500)
205. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 304-290 BC. AR Didrachm (6.73 gm). Head of Helios, facing slightly right / Rose with bud; grapes and EV. Ashton Group 2; SNG Copenhagen 729. Good VF. ($200)
206. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 304-290 BC. AR Didrachm (6.80 gm). Head of Helios, facing slightly right / Rose with bud; grapes and Ε Ashton Group 2; SNG Copenhagen 729 variety. Good VF. ($200)
207. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 304-290 BC. AR Didrachm (6.70 gm). Head of Helios, facing slightly right / Rose with bud; prow, magistrate Aristonomos. SNG Copenhagen 737. Good VF. ($200)
208. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 304-290 BC. AR Didrachm (6.66 gm). Head of Helios, facing slightly right / Rose with bud to right; EY and aphlaston. Ashton Group 2; CNR Vol. 17/3 (1992) 725 (noted as the only example from a hoard with the EY-aphlaston combination). VF, rare letter-symbol combination. ($200)
30,1 994
214. PHRYGIA, Laodikcia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (11.66 gm). Cista my stica with serpent / Bowcase with serpents; winged caduceus, magistrate Aphobetos son of Philip. BMC Phrygia pg.279,5. VF. ($125)
209. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 166-88 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.43 gm). Radiate head of Helios, facing slightly right / Open rose with bud; caduceus and T, magistrate ΔΕΞΙΚΡΑΤΗΣ. BMC Caria pg.257,301.11 Plus another. (1.23 gm). Same type and magistrate, but Isis symbol. BMC -. Both VF. 2 coins. ($125) 215. PHRYGIA, Laodikcia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm ( 11.64 gm). Cista my stica with serpent / Bowcase with seipents; winged caduceus, magistrate Aphobetos son of Philip. BMC Phtygia pg.279,5. VF. ($125)
210. PHRYGIA, Apameia. After 133 BC. AR CistaphoricTetradrachm (12.41 gm). Cista mystica with serpent / Bowcase with serpents; crossed torches, magistrate Kelai... SNG von Aulock 3459. VF. ($125) 216. PHRYGIA, Laodikeia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (12.46 gm). Cista mystica with serpent / Bowcase with serpents; filleted caduceus, magistrate Ermogenes son of Olympiodoros. BMC Phrygia pg.279,6. VF. ($125)
211. PHRYGIA, Apameia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (11.81 gm). Cista mystica with seipent / Bowcase with seipents; crossed torches, magistrate Phainippos. SNG von Aulock 3461. VF. ($125)
217. PHRYGIA, Laodikeia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (11.82 gm). Cista mystica with serpent / Bowcase with seipents; filleted caduceus, magistrate Kratippos. BMC Phiygia pg.280,10. VF, flan cracks. ($125)
212. PHRYGIA, Apameia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (12.58 gm). Cista mystica with seipent / Bowcase with serpents; crossed torches, magistrates Metro... and Kelai... SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -. VF, porosity. ($125)
218. PHRYGIA, Laodikeia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (11.93 gm). Cista mystica with seipent / Bowcase with seipents; caduceus, magistrate Polemaios. SNG Copenhagen 488. VF. ($125)
Ourü^tSak ·MilVe'J-iMOnJuw 11,1994 In Conjunc tum WrihTfu Spring ^ezü^or^Jnternationüi 9\(umismatic Convention
213. PHRYGIA, Apameia. After 133 BC. JE 22mm (8.13 gm). Helmeted bust of Athena / Eagle alighting upon meander pattern between caps of Dioskouroi; magistrate Antiphon. SNG Copenhagen 164. EF, brown patina with touches of green. ($125) 6 2
219. PHRYGIA, Laodikeia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (12.24 gm). Cista mystica with serpent / Bowcase with serpents; winged caduceus, magistrate Eumnos son of Herod. SNG Copenhagen 491. VF. ($ 125)
M a r c h 30,1 994
224. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.32 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; blade-shaped leaf between / Slinger to right, triskeles in right field; countermark: male god (?) standing half-right, holding two falcons with his uplifted hands. Apparenüy unpublished type with the leaf. Good VF, light porosity and scratches. ($400)
225. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.85 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; KF between / Slinger to right; triskeles in right field. SNG von Aulock 4544-45; SNG Copenhagen 216-17. EF/good VF, die rust and erosion. ($400) 220. PHRYGIA, Laodikeia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (12.62 gm). Cista mystica with serpent /Bowcase with serpents; filleted caduceus, magistrate ΑΝΤΙ monogram. BMC Phrygia -; SNG Copenhagen -; SNG veil Aulock -.VF. ($125)
226. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.94 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; AN (N retrograde) between / Slinger to right; triskeles in right field. SNG von Aulock 4554. EF/good VF, some flatness from strike. ($400)
221. PHRYGIA, Laodikeia. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (12.23 gm). Cista mystica with serpent/Bowcase with serpents; winged caduceus, magistrate Timesileos. BMC Phrygia -; SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -. VF. ($125)
227. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.79 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; TN (Ν retrograde) between / Slinger to right; triskeles in right field; countermark of a ram's head (?). Cf. SNG von Aulock 4556. Good VF, some flatness from strike, flan flaw on edge at 3 o'clock. ($400)
222. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 400-370 BC. AR Stater (10.79 gm). Two wresüers grappling / Slinger to right; triskeles in right field. Cf. SNG von Aulock 4539. Near EF. ($400)
228. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.91 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; KI between / Slinger to right; triskeles in right field. SNG von Aulock 4557 (same obverse die?). EF/good VF. ($400)
223. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 400-370 BC. AR Stater (10.70 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; Β A between / Slinger to right; triskeles in field. SNG von Aulock 4553 variety (no Φ, twisted triskeles). Toned VF. ($350) 6
229. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (11.01 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; MA between / Slinger to right; triskeles in right field Cf. SNG von Aulock 4559. EF, obverse die rust, virtually as struck. ($400) 3
230. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.81 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; AK between / Slingcr to right; triskeles in right field. SNG von Aulock 4561; SNG Copenhagen 231; SNG Berry 1224 = (same obverse die forall). EF, light obverse die rust, virtually as struck. ($400)
231. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.83 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; ΦΚ between / Slinger to right; triskeles in right field. SNG von Aulock 4562 (same obverse die). EF, virtually as struck. ($400)
232. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.73 gm). Two wrestlers grappling / Slinger to right; triskeles and eagle in right field. SNG von Aulock 4563; SNG Berry 1222 (same obverse die). EF, light scratches and porosity. ($400)
233. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (11.01 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; L<t> between/Slinger to right; triskeles in right field. SNG von Aulock 4565 (same obverse die); SNG Copenhagen 227 (same obverse die). EF, obverse die rust and erosion, virtually as struck, well-centered. ($400)
30,1 994
236. PAMPHYLIA, Side. Circa 4th Ccntuiy BC. AR Stater (10.69 gm). Athena standing half-left, holding Nike in right hand, shield and spear with left; pomegranate in left field / Apollo standing half-left, nude but for chlamy s over shoulders, holding patera over flaming altar, laurel-branch in left hand; Pamphylian letter Τ in left field, raven below right. SNG von Aulock 4771 ; SNG Copenhagen 375. Good VF. ($400)
237. PISIDIA, Sdge. Circa 300-190 BC. AR Stater (6.90 gm). Wrestlers grappling; Κ between legs / Slinger standing right, Ο between his legs; triskeles, club and comucopiae in right field. SNG von Aulock 5273. Toned VF, well-struck for this normally crude issue. Rare type. ($350)
238. PISIDIA, Selge. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.93 gm). Gorgoneion /1 lelmcted head of Athena; astragalos and serpent (?). Cf. SNG Copenhagen 251. // Plus an Indo-Greek drachm of Mcnander. (2.47 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Diademed bust/Athena Promachos. MIG 2150. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)
239. CILICIA, Holmoi. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.68 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / OAMI, laureate head of Apollo Sarpcdonios. Cf. SNG Levante 33. VF. ($100)
240. CILICIA, Holmoi. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.64 gm). 1 lelmeted head of Athena /ΟΛΜΓΓΑΝ, laureate head of Apollo Sarpcdonios, Cf. SNG Levante 34 (this variant of the city name unattested in the references). VF. ($100)
234. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staler (11.13 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; NF (N retrograde) between / Slinger to right; triskeles in right field. Cf. SNG von Aulock 4568/69 but obverse letters reversed and without second magistrate's name. Good VF, flatness from strike, wcll-centered. ($400) 241. CILICIA, Issos. Tiribazos, Satrap. 386-380 BC. AR Slater (10.56 gm). Ahura-Mazda, a male torso above a winged solar disk; AMI / Baallars standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. SNG Paris 416. VF, oval flan. ($350)
235. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staler (11.13 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; FN (N retrograde) between / Slingcr toright;triskeles in right field. Cf. SNG von Aulock 4568 variety (without second magistrate's name). EF, obverse die rust, virtually as struck. ($400)
242. CILICIA, Kclcndris? Before 450 BC. AR Obol (0.90 gm). Gorgoneion / Forepart of horse in incuse square. SNG Paris 463. Good VF. ($ 125)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
243. CILICIA, Kelendris. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Obol (0.67 gm). Prancing horse right / Forepart of goat left; caduceus. Cf. SNG Paris 117 for obverse type, reverse unpublished. Good VF. ($ 125)
Two Exceptional OboLs From Nagidos 250. CILICIA, Tarsos. Pharnabazos, Satrap. 379-374 BC. AR Stater (10.56 gm). Baallars seated left / Helmeted and bearded head left SNG Levante 72. Toned good VF. ($500)
244. CILICIA, Nagidos. Circa 420-400 BC. AR Obol (0.70 gm). Head of Aphrodite /ΝΑΠ, bearded head of Dionysos. SNG Levante 3. EF. ($200) 251. CILICIA, Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater(10.96 gm). Baaltars seated left; holding grapes, grain, eagle and sceptre / Lion attacking bull SNG Levante 102 variety. Toned EF. ($650)
245. CILICIA, Nagidos. Circa 420-400 BC. AR Obol (0.75 gm). Ν, head of Aphrodite/Bearded head of Dionysos. SNG Paris 15. Lustrous EF. ($200) 252. CILICIA, Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater (10.63 gm). Baaltare sealed left; holding grapes, grain, eagle and sceptic / Lion attacking bull SNG Levante 106. Nice EF. ($650) 246. CILICIA, Nagidos. Circa 420-400 BC. AR Obol (0.67 gm). Head of Pan / ΝΑΠ, bearded head of Dionysos. SNG Paris 16. Good VF. ($ 100)
247. CILICIA, Nagidos. Circa 420-400 BC. AR Obol (0.42 gm). Amphora with ivy leaf/NAn.kantharos. Cf. SNG Paris 19.GoodVF. ($100)
253. CILICIA. Uncertain Mint Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.79 gm). Facing female head turned slightly left / Facing head of the Egyptian god Bes. SNG Levante 233. VF, light porosity, obverse die weak. Still, rare this nice. ($250)
248. CILICIA, Soloi. Circa 385-350 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.28 gm). Helmeled head of Athena right / Grape cluster. SNG Levante 48. Good VF. ($75)
Rare Silver Stater of Pharnabazos, Satrap
254. CILICIA, Uncertain Mint Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.63 gm). Facing female head / Facing head of the Egyptian god Bes. SNG Levante 233. Good VF, slight porosity. ($250)
249. CILICIA, Tarsos. Pharnabazos, Satrap. 379-374 BC. AR Stater (10.71 gm). Facing head of Herakles turned slightly right, wearing lion skin / Helmeted and bearded head left SNG Levante Supp. 17. Good VF/EF, reverse slightly off-center. Rare type. (See enlargement on back cover). ($2500)
255. GALATIA, Kings of. Amyntas. 36-25 BC. JE 21mm (1227 gm). Head ci Herakles right / Stalking lion right; Β above. SNG Copenhagen 99. Good VF, dark brown patina. Nice for these. ($150) 1 5
256. CYPRUS, Salamis. Nikokreon. 331-310 BC. AR Didrachm (6.08 gm). Head of Aphrodite right, wearing turreted crown / Laureate head of Apollo left, bow behind neck. BMC Cyprus pg.64, 85. Toned VF, light porosity. Rare. Old Cabinet ticket included. ($850)
M a r c h 30,1 994
261. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.89 gm). Laodikeia mint. Struck circa 295-280 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; dolphin and monograms. Newell WSM1206. Toned VF, scattered light porosity. ($250)
Nikokreon supported Ptolemy I against Antigonos in 315 BC. For his support, he was awarded rule over the whole of Cyprus by Ptolemy.
262. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos Π. 246-226 BC. AR Tetradrachm ( 17.01 gm). Seleukeia on the Tigris mint. Diademed head right / Nude Apollo stand ing left, holding arrow and leaning left elbow on tripod; monograms in fields. Houghton 966; Newell ESM 201. Nice VF. ($300)
257. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Laodikeia. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.97 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; AA, HZ, ΓΘ around, AN in exergue. BMC Galatia etc. pg. 247,7. Good VF, light encrustation. ($150)
263. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos ΙΠ. 223-187 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.58 gm). Antioch mint. Circa 223-213 B C Diademed head / Apollo seated on amphalos; monogram to left. Newell WSM 1051. Toned VF. ($200)
258. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Seleukeia. Year 17 (92/91 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.74 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche / Filleted thunderbolt on throne; date and M below. BMC Galatia etc. pg.271,23. Toned near VF. ($150)
264. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.81 gm). AkeminL Diademed head; AB monogram/Zeus seated left; palm to left. Houghton 782 (same obverse die). Toned good VF, slight porosity. ($300)
259. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.03 gm). Seleukeia on Tigris mint Circa 303-302 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus seated left; monogram to left, BE below throne Newell, ESM 14. VF. ($225)
260. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.82 gm). Susa mint. Circa 298-281 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing hon skin / Zeus seated left; monogram to left, APX below throne. Newell, ESM 312. Toned VF, scarce. ($250)
265. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. JE 35mm (37.71 gm). Antioch mint Struck circa 168 BC. Laureate head of Zeus-Sarapis right / Eagle standing right on thunderbolt. Houghton 118; Newell SMA 59. Good VF, green patina with earthen highlights. Scarce this nice. ($250) 6 6
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266. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VU. 138-129 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.60 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / Athena standing left; monogram and A to left, A and M to right. Newell, SMA 283. Toned VF. ($125)
271. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VIII. First Reign. 121-113BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.55 gm). Ake-Ptolemais mint. Diademed head / Draped Zeus Oranios standing left, holding star and sceptre; monogram to left. Houghton 813; NewelLLSM 35. Choice EF. ($750)
267. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VU. Year 180 (133/132 BC). AR Tetradrachm (16.54 gm). Damascus mint. Diademed head / Athena standing left; AE to left. Newell, LSM 59. Toned good VF, light scrape across nose. ($ 150)
272. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VUI. Year 194 (119/118 BC). AR Tetradrachm (16.36gm). Damascus mint Diademed head/Zeus Oranios standing left; monograms to left. NeweU, LSM 94. Toned VF. ($200)
Choice Tetradrachm of Antiochos IX
268. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios II. Year 187 (126/125 BC). AR Tetradrachm (15.66 gm). Damascus mint. Diademed and bearded head /Zeus seated left; monogram to left and below throne. Newell, LSM 75. VF, porosity. ($300) 273. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos IX. First Reign. 113-108 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.46 gm). Ake-Ptolemais mint. Diademed head / Athena standing left, holding Nike and spear and shield; monogram to left Houghton -; Newell, LSM 42 variety. Choice EF. ($750)
274. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Philip Philadelphos. 89-83 B C AR Tetradrachm ( 15.3 8 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head of ftiilip / Zeus seated left, holding Nike; Ν throne. NeweU, SMA 447. // Another. (15.32 gm). Same types; Τ below throne. SMA 450. Both VF. 2coins. ($150) 269. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VUI. First Reign. 121-113 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.53 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head /Zeus Oranios standing left; IE A to left, Ν to right. Newell, SMA 367. Toned VF, encrustation obverse. ($150)
275. PHOENICIA, Arados. Year 130 (130/129 BC). JE 16mm (3.04 gm). Jugate heads of Zeus and Hera / Prow of galley left; letters above, date below. BMC Phoenicia pg.36,295. EF, glossy green patina. ($125)
270. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VHI. First Reign. 121-113BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.56 gm). Ake-Ptolemais mint Diademed head / Nude Zeus Oranios standing left, holding star and sceptre; no monogram. Houghton -; cf. Newell, LSM 28ff. EF. ($650)
276. PHOENICIA, Arados. Year 147 (113/112 BC). AR Tetrobd (2.34 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Prow of galley left; BC above, date below. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.38,317.Good VF. ($200)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
283. PHOENICIA, Sidon. 'Abd'ashtart I. 372-358 BC. AR 1/16 Shekel (0.65 gm). Galley to left; Phoenician"B" above / Persian king slaying lion; Ο between. BMC Phoenicia pg. 146,36; Betlyon,/WSM/V21,25. VF. ($75) 284. PHOENICIA, Sidon. 'Abd׳ashtartI.372-358BC.LotofnineAR 1/16 Shekels. Galley to left / Persian king slaying lion. Mostly of the type of BMC Phoenicia pg. 146, 36; Betlyon, ANSMN 21,25. Varieties with letters and dates above galley. Average Fine, encrusted. 9 coins. ($100)
277. PHOENICIA, Arados. Year 200 (60/59 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.86 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche / Nike walking left; date, Phoenician "Η", ΕΣ in field. BMC Phoenicia pg.35,290. VF, scratches. ($ 100)
285. PHOENICIA, Tyre. Circa 5th-4th Century BC. Lot of eight AR 1/16 Shekels. Types of Dolphin / OwL (3 different varieties) // Hippocamp / Owl. BMC 43 (5 coins). Average Fine, encrusted. 8 coins. ($100)
278. PHOENICIA, Byblos. Azbaal. Circa 350 BC. AR Shekel (13.13 gm). Galley left with three hoplites, hippocamp and murex below / Lion bringing down bull. Dewing 2662. VF. ($500) 286. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.26 gm). Crude head of Athenaright/ " YHD", owlright,with lily. AJCI pg. 115,2; Hendin 2a. VF for type. ($200)
287. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.58 gm). Crude head of Athena right / " YHD", owl right, with lily. AJC Ipg. 115,2; Hendin 2a. Toned VF, porosity. ($100)
279. PHOENICIA, Byblos. Azbaal. Circa 350 BC. AR Shekel (13.21 gm). Galley left with three hoplites, hippocamp and murex below / Lion bringing down bull. Dewing 2662. Good VF. ($350)
288. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.56 gm). Crude head of Athena right / " YHD", owlright,with lily. AJC I pg. 115,2; Hendin 2a. // Plus another (0.43 gm). Same types. Both VF, with off-center obverses, porosity. 2 coins. ($200)
289. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.46 gm). Crude head of Athena right / " YHD" retrograde, owl right, with lily. AJC I pg. 115, 2a; Hendin 2a. Fine/VF, obverse off-center, porosity. ($ 100)
280. PHOENICIA, Byblos. Azbaal. Circa 350 BC. AR Shekel ( 13.24 gm). Galley left with three hoplites, hippocamp and murex below / Lion bringing down bull. Dewing 2662. Good VF. ($500)
290. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.53 gm). Crude head right / " YHD", owl right, with lily. AJC I pg. 115,4 (same obverse die); Hendin 2. Toned VF for type, porosity. ($150)
281. PHOENICIA, Byblos. Ainel. Circa 333 BC. AR Shekel (13.04 gm). Galley left with three hoplites, hippocamp and murex below / Lion bringing down bull; ankh between legs of Hon, another on rump of bull. Babelon, Les Perses, 1362. VF. ($400)
291. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.49 gm). Crude head of Athena right/"YHD", owl right, with lily pointed upwards. AJC I pg.l 15,4b; Hendin 2. Fine/VFfortype, porosity. ($100)
282. PHOENICIA, Sidon. 'Abd'ashtart 1.372-358 BC. AR 1/16 Shekel (0.68 gm). Year 3 (370/369 BC). Galley to left; date above / Persian king slaying hon;90bctween.BMCPhoeniciapg.146,34. Bellyon, AA׳WA21,34׳. VF. ($75)
292. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.27 gm). Lily/"YHD",falcon with spread wings,head right. AJCIpg.116, 8; Hendin 1. Fine, porosity. ($100) 6 8
303. JUDAEA. Hellenistic Period. After 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.13 gm). Very small male head left/" YHD", eagle standing left. AJCIpg.117,14a; Hendin -. // Plus another (0.19 gm). Obverse unclear. Type of AJC 14. VF for type, porosity. 2 coins. ($200) 293. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.26 gm). Crowned head of bearded Persian right / " YHD", falcon with spread wings, head right. AJC I pg. 116,9; Hendin la. Good VF, porosity. ($150)
304. JUDAEA. Hellenistic Period. After 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.18 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / "YHDH", eagle standing left AJC I pg. 117, 16; Hendin 5. //Plus another (0.18 gm). Slightly different legend "YHWD". AJC 16b. Both VF, rough surfaces. 2 coins. ($200)
294. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.25 gm). Crowned head of bearded Persian right /" YHD", falcon with spread wings, head left. AJC I pg. 116,9a; Hendin l a VF for type, porosity. ($150)
305. JUDAEA. Hellenistic Period. After 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.36 gm). Pellet / "YHWDH', eagle standing right, head reverted. AJC I pg. 117,7b; Hendin 5b. // Plus another (0.33 gm). Similar types, but the pellet resembles a Greek Φ. AJC 17b. Both VF, rough surfaces. 2 coins. ($200)
295. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before 333 BC. AR Obol (0.42 gm). Crude head of Athenaright/"YHD", owl left, with lily. AJC I pg. 115,3; Hendin -. F/VF for type, porosity. ($ 150)
306. JUDAEA. Hellenistic Period. After 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.16 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right /"YHD", eagle standing left. AJC Addendum I (INJ Vol. 11 ), 12 Toned good VF. Nice for these. ($ 100)
296. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Hezekiah. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.26 gm). Facing head / "YHZQYH HPHH", owl standing right. AJC I pg. 116, 10a; Hendin 3. VF, porosity. ($150)
307. JUDAEA. John Hyracanus Π. 6340 BC. JE Piutah (0.95 gm). Palm branch/Lily. AJCIpg.147,02; Hendin25. VF, black patina. Rare. ($100)
D 297. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Hezekiah. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.19 gm). Facing head /"YHZQYH HPHH", owl standing right. AJC I pg.116, 10a; Hendin 3. Good VF, slightly off-center,porosity. ($150)
298. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Hezekiah. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.15 gm). Crude facing head / "YHZQYH HPHH' ', owl standing left AJC I pg. 116, lib; Hendin-.VF, porosity. ($150)
308. JUDAEA, Hasmonean Kings. Mattathias Antigonos. 40-37 BC. Ai 8 Prutot? (14.44 gm). Twin comuacopiae/Wreath. AJC Ipg.156, U5; Hendin 34. VF for type, heavy red and green patina. ($150)
299. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Hezekiah. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.12 gm). Male head right (almost entirely off the flan) / ("YHZQYH"), forepart of winged lynx right. AJCIpg.117,12a; Hendin-. Near VF, chipped. ($100) 309. JUDAEA, Hasmonean Kings. Mattathias Antigonos. 40-37 BC. JE 8 Prutot? (11.28 gm). Twin comuacopiae / Wreath. AJC I pg. 157, U8; Hendin 34. VF fortype, black patina, obverse off-center. ($100) 300. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Hezekiah. Before 333 BC. AR Hemiobols (0.20,0.23 gm). Male head right / "YHZQYH", forepart of winged lynx left AJC I pg.117,13; Hendin -. Toned VF. 2 coins, porosity. ($150)
310. JUDAEA, Herodian Kings. Herod Archclaus. 4 BC-6 AD. JE Pratah (1.29 gm). Double comuacopiae / Galley to left AJC I pg.240,4a; Hendin 62. Near VF, black patina. Scarce. ($100)
301. JUDAEA. Hellenistic Period. After 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.19 gm). Small male head left/"YHD", eagle standing left. AJC I pg.117, 14; Hendin -. Toned good VF, obverse off-center, porosity. ($ 100)
302. JUDAEA. Hellenistic Period. After 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.20 gm). Very small male head left ( or a blank) / "YHD", eagle standing left AJC I pg. 117,14a; Hendin -. VF for type. ($ 100) 1 9
311. JUDAEA. First Jewish War. Year 2 (67 AD). Ai Lepton (2.62 gm). Vme leaf / Amphora. AJC Π pg.260,12; Hendin 123. VF, nice green patina. ($75)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
317. ARABIA. Circa 2nd-l st Century BC. Billon Obol (0.96 gm). Crude head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin (also resembles Zeus-Ammon) / Zeus-Shamash seated left, holding horse and sceptre; tree to left, monogram under arm, legend behind sceptre. Amold-Biucchi 27. Good VF for type. Rare. ($150)
312. JUDAEA. First Jewish War. Year 4 (69 AD). JE 22mm (526 gm). Chalice / Lulav and two ethrog. AJC Π pg.262,30; Hendin 131. VF, encrusted green patina. ($75)
318. ARABIA. Circa 2nd-l st Century BC. Billon Obol (0.87 gm). Crude head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin (also resembles Zeus-Ammon) /Zeus-Shamash seated left, holding horse and sceptre; tree to left, monogram under arm, legend behind sceptre. Amold-Biucchi 27. Good VF for type. Rare. ($150)
313. JUDAEA, Hcrodian Kings. Agrippa Π. Year 35 (95/96 AD). JE 15mm (2.85 gm). Laureate head of Domitian / ΒΑ AIT ET ΕΛ in wreath. AJC Π pg.258,56; Hendin 99. VF, dark green patina. ($ 100)
Babylonian Imitation of Athenian Tetradrachm
314. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt. 132-135 AD. Lot of eight JE 25mm. Grape leaf / Palm tree. Dies of Mildenberg 50,55,57,60,66,73,78,87. Average Fine, rough surfaces. 8 coins. ($250)
315. ASIA. Imitation of Athens. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Drachm (4.26 gm). Helmeted head of Athena /Owl standing right Peculiar style that does notfitinto the normal categories of imitations, but said to originate from Israel. Toned EF. ($250)
319. BABYLON. Athenian Imitation. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.29 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing left. Cf. MIG 13a. VF, porosity. Interesting and rare. ($1750)
Alexandrine Empire Gold Daric
AV 320. BABYLON. Alexandrine Empire. Circa 331-328 BC. AV Daric (8.36 gm). Persian king or hero in kneeling running stance, holding bow and transverse spear / Patterned incuse punch. Canadice 50-51 (Late type mb). Good VF. ($2250) 316. NABATAEA. Intact hoard of late AR Drachms. Before 106 AD. A First Century Roman terracotta oil lamp with contents -13 Nabataean drachms: Aretas IV. Circa 20-40 AD. Conjoined busts of Aretas and ShuqailaL Type of Meshorer 99. // Aretas IV. Same type, year 42 (33/34 AD). Meshorer Supp. 8. // Malichos Π and Shuqailat Π. Circa 40-70 AD. Type of Meshorer 123. (5 coins). / Rabbel Π and Shuqailat Π. Circa 70-76 AD. Type of Meshorer 142. (3 coins). // Rabbel II and GamilaL Circa 76-102 AD. Type of Meshorer 147. (3 coins). Earliest issues grade Fair to Good, later types VF on usual small flans. 13 coins plus their container. ($2750)
321. BABYLON. Under Antigonos? Circa 317-311 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.72 gm). Baal seated left, holding sceptre / Lion walking left; ANT monogram. Babelon, Les Perses, 304. Toned Fair/Fine. Rare. ($100)
The oil lamp is the typical "Herodian" style with flaring spatulate spout, in this case chipped away from long use. Carbon stains around the wick hole suggest the lamp was in use long after it normally would have been discarded, and the generally worn condition of the coins suggest they were the meager sa vings of a poor family, most likely hidden away sometime around the time ofthe invasion and conquest ofthe Nabataean kingdom by Trajan in 106 AD. Few later Nabataean silver coins have sur• AV vived. They are sometimes found mixed with hoards of denarii of Trajan and Hadrian, but most were used by Trajan to strike his extensive series of Arabia drachms com- 322. PERSIA. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 475-420 BC. AV Daric (8.29 gm). memorating his comquests. A unique intact hoardfrom a significant period of Near Persian king or hero in kneeling running stance, holding bow and transverse spear / Eastern history. Incuse punch. Carradice Type mb, 27-28. Good VF. ($1500) 3 0
M a r c h 30,1 994
323. PERSIA. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 475-420 BC. AV Daric (8.29 gm). Persian king or hero in kneeling running stance, holding bow and transverse spear/ Incuse punch. Carradice Type nib, 29. Near VF. ($1200)
329. PARTHIA, Kings of. Orodes Π. 57-38 BC. AR Obol (0.51 gm). Rhagae mint Diademed bust left / Archer seated right. Shore -; Sellwood 48.17. VF, flan chip. Rare denomination. ($ 125)
FDC Mithradates Π Silver Drachm
330. PARTHIA, Kings of. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.05 gm). Seleukeia mint Daisiou 278 (May, 32 BC). Diademed bust left / King seated right, receiving palm-branch from Tyche. Shore -; Sellwood 51.2. Good VF, light graffiti before face. Rare this nice! $1000)
324. PARTHIA, Kings of. Mithradates II. 123-88 BC. AR Drachm (4.18 gm). Rhagae mint Diademed bust left / Archer seated right Shore 85; Sellwood 27.1. FDC. . ($600)
331. PARTHIA, Kings of. Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. AR Drachm (3.91 gm). Rhagae mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated right. Shore 280; Sellwood 52.12. Iridescently toned VF. ($ 125)
325. PARTHIA, Kings of. Mithradates Π. 123-88 BC. AR Drachm (4.14 gm). Rhagae mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated right Shore 85; Sellwood 27.1. Superb EF. ($300)
326. PARTHIA, Kings of. Mithradates II. 123-88 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.74 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated right. Shore 89; Sellwood 24.32. Fine, corrosion. Very rare type! ($100)
327. PARTHIA, Kings of. Mithradates Π. 123-88 BC. AR Drachm (4.08 gm). Ekbatana mint. Bust left wearing tiara with star in center, earring visible / Archer seated right. Shore 96; Sellwood 28.2. Toned VF. Rare, one of the first Parthian coins to depict a Parthian tiara. ($300)
328. PARTHIA, Kings of. Orodes I. 90-77 BC. AR Drachm (4.06 gm). Ekbatana minL Diademed bust left / Archer sealed right Shore 132; Sellwood 30.15. Toned EF. ($300)
332. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vonones 1.8-12 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.54 gm). Seleukeia minL Apellaiou 323 (November, 11 AD). Diademed bust left / Nike advancing left, holding palm and diadem. Shore 328; Sellwood 60.4. Near VF, light scratches in fields. One of the rarest Parthian tetradrachms. ($750)
333. PARTHIA, Kings of. Artabanos II. 10-38 AD. AR Drachm (3.88 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated right Shore 341 ; Sellwood 63.6. Good VF. ($100)
334. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vardanes 1 . 4 0 4 5 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.75 gm). Seleukeia minL Audunaiou 354 (December, 42 AD). Diademed bust left / King seated right, receiving palm-branch from Tyche. Shore 350-352ff; Sellwood 64.12. Good VF, scattered light porosity. ($250)
30,1 994
335. PARTHIA, Kings of. Gotarzes II. 40-51 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.02 gm). Seleukeia mint. Year 360 (48/49 AD). Diademed bust left / King seated right, receiving diadem from Tyche. Shore 361; Sellwood 65.20-24. EF, light graffiti in obverse field. ($300)
341. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vologases IV. 147-191 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.23 gm). Seleukeia mint. Xandikou 490 (March 178 AD). Bust left, wearing tiara; Β / Seated king receiving wreath from Tyche. Cf. Sellwood 84.61-.69. EF. Rare this nice. ($300)
336. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vonones II. 51 AD. AR Drachm (3.82 gm). Ekbatana mint. Helmeted bust facing; star to either side / Archer seated right; monogram. Shore 368; Sellwood 67.1. Iridescently toned good VF. ($125)
342. PARTHIA, Kings of. Artabanos IV. 216-224 AD. AR Drachm (3.36 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left, wearing tiara with ear flaps; abbreviated king's name in Aramaic behind head / Archer seated right. Shore 465; Sellwood 89.3. Superb EF, basically mint state. ($450)
337. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vonones II. 51 AD. AR Drachm (3.72 gm). Ekbatana mint Helmeted bust facing; starto either side / Archer seated right; monogram. Shore 368; Sellwood 67.1. Toned VF. ($ 100) 343. SASSANIAN Kings. Ardashir 1.224-241 AD. Billon Tetradrachm (13.13 gm). Bust right, wearing tiara / Fire altar. Gobi H/5; MACW 784. Toned VF, rough surfaces. ($250)
338. PARTHIA, Kings of. Osroes 1.109-129 AD. AR Drachm (3.65 gm). Ekbatana mint Diademed bust left, wearing hair in circular bunches / Archer seated right. Shore 422; Sellwood 80.1. Toned VF. Very Rare. ($600) 344. SASSANIAN Kings. Ardashir 1.224-241 AD. AR Drachm (4.27 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar. Gobi ΙΠ/2; MACW 789. Toned VF. ($200)
339. PARTHIA, Kings of. Parthamaspates. 116 AD. AR Drachm (3.78 gm). EkbatanaminL Diademed bust left, wearing tiara / Archer seated right. Shore 423; Sellwood 81.1. EF. ($200) 345. SASSANIAN Kings. Shapur 1.241-270 AD. AR Drachm (4.06 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi 1/1 ; MACW 811. Good VF. ($150)
340. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vologases IV. 147-191 AD. AR Tetradrachm (15.13 gm). Seleukeia mint Panemou 461 (June 149 AD). Bust left, wearing tiara; Β / Seated king receiving wreath from Tyche. Sellwood 84.8. VF, porosity. ($125)
346. SASSANIAN Kings. Shapur 1.241-270 AD. AR Drachm (3.56 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar with attendants; .׳. by altar. Gobi 1/1 ; MACW Stiff. Toned VF. ($150)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
347. SASSANIAN Kings. Narseh. 293-302 AD. AR Drachm (3.76 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants; .׳. on altar. MACW 855. VF. Rare. 352. SASSANIAN Kings. Queen Buran. 630-631 AD. AR Drachm (3.91 gm). SK=Sakastan mint. Year 3. Crowned bust / Hie aliarflankedby attendants. Gobi 229. VF. Rare and short-lived ruler. ($400)
348. SASSANIAN Kings. Shapur Π. 309-379 AD. AR Drachm (4.22 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar with bust of Ahura-Mazda with attendants, "RAST' on altar. Gobi Ia/6a. Toned VF. ($100) 353. CHARACENE. Attambelos II. Year 317 (5/6 AD). AR Tetradrachm (14.87 gm). Diademed and bearded bust / Herakles seated on rock, holding club on knee; monogram and date. Cf. BMC Mesopotamia pg. 293,3. Toned VF. ($125)
349. SASSANIAN Kings. Varhran V. 420438 AD. AR Drachm (4.14 gm). BI = Bishapur mint. Crowned bust / Fire altar with bust of Ahura-Mazda, flanked by attendants. Gobi 1/2. Near EF. ($100)
354. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Drachm (3.85 gm). Balkh mint? Diademed bust / Dioskouroi on rearing horses; A and monogram. MIG 169; Bopearachchi Série 2,11-12. VF, porosity. ($500)
Superb Tetradrachm of Eukratides I
350. SASSANIAN Kings. Yazdegard II. 438-457 AD. AR Drachm (3.61 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar with attendants; "RAST' on altar. Gobi 1/1 ; MACW 971. Near EF. ($125)
351. SASSANIAN Kings. Zamasp. 496498 AD. AR Drachm (4.05 gm). AM = Amol mint. Year 2. Crowned bust; prince holding diadem in front / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi 1/1. VF. ($ 150) Timst
t 'Earfy!
355. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. 170-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.94 gm). Helmeted and draped bustright/The Dioskouioi on horseback; monogram. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série 6,29. Superb EE ($1500) 1 3
M a r c h 30,1 994
356. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides 1.170-145 BC. AR Obol (0.67 gm). Helmeted and draped bust right / Caps of the Dioskouroi and palmbranches; monogram. MIG 181; Bopearachchi Série 9 (monogram unlisted). VF, scratches on reverse. Rare denomination. ($200) 362. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy I Soter, as King. 305-285 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.73 gm). Diademed bust right with aegis, tiny Δ behind ear/Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; Ρ and monogram. Svoronos 255; SNG Copenhagen 70. VF+, iridescent toning. ($500)
357. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Lysias. Circa 145-135 BC. AR Drachm (2.46 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Draped bust right, wearing elephant-scalp headdress / Herakles standing facing, holding club and lion skin; monogram. MIG 262c; Bopearachchi 4c. Toned EF. Rare. ($350)
358. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Archebios. 80-60 BC. AR Drachm (2.33 gm). Panjhirmint? Diademed and draped bust right/Zeus standing facing, holding thunderbolt and long sceptre. MIG 357b; Bopearachchi Série 3,9. Toned VF. Rare. ($150)
363. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy 1.323-283 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.19 gm). Circa 305-285 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy; tiny Δ behind / Eagle on thunderbolt; monograms. Svoronos 255; SNG Copenhagen 70. Toned good VF, small cut on nose. ($250)
364. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy 1.323-283 BC. yE 13mm (2.37 gm). Circa 305-283 BC. Diademed head of Alexander, with hom of Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram and dolphin to left Svoronos 217; SNG Copenhagen -. VF, brown patina. Rare. ($ 100) 359. BAKTRIA, Indo-Skythian Kings. Spalirises. Circa 65-40 BC. AR Drachm (2.40 gm). Ghazni mint. King on horseback / Zeus holding thunderbolt and sceptre; monograms. MIG 696d. Toned VF. Very rare Baktrian sub-king. ($200)
360. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy I, as Satrap. 323-305 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.98 gm). Circa 319-317 BC. Head of Alexander, wearing elephant headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus enthroned; thunderbolt to left; monogram below throne. Svoronos 22; SNG Copenhagen 11; Zetvos B-IX. Near VF, corrosion, especially on reverse. Rare. ($750)
361. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy I, as Satrap. 323-305 BC. R 1 8 m m (6.20 gm). Circa 310-305 BC. Diademed head of Alexander, with hom of Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; aplastic and helmet to left Svoronos 172; SNG Copenhagen 36. Good VF, brown patina. Rare. ($150) Ex Aufhäuser AuJaion2, lot 171.
365. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy 1.323-283 BC. M 27mm (16.71 gm). Circa 295-292 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle on thunderbolt; monograms to left. Svoronos 292; SNG Copenhagen 83. Good VF, attractive brown and green patina. ($100) ExLockett collection (SpinkAuclion 36, lot 55).
366. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy Π. 285-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.86 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram, shield to left, A between legs. Svoronos 559; SNG Copenhagen -. VF, some porosity. ($125)
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367. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy Π. 285-246 BC. JE 22mm (11.50 gm). Head of Alexander, wearing elephant headdress / Eagle on thunderbolt; A between legs. Svoronos 482; SNG Copenhagen 161. VF, black patina. ($100)
372. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy ΙΠ. 246-221 BC. JE 43mm (65.72 gm). Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; comucopiae and monogram. Svoronos 964; SNG Copenhagen 171. Good VF, red-brown patina. ($300)
368. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. JE 36mm (49.69 gm). Ake-Ptolemais mint. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderboll; comucopiae and monogram to left. Svoronos -;Rosenberger 115. Fine, black patina. Very rare. ($150)
369. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. JE 23mm (12.56 gm). Ake-Ptolemais mint. Head of Zeus-Ammcn / Eagle on thunderbolt; tripod to left. Svoronos 791 ; SNG Copenhagen 476. VF, black patina. Rare mint ($100)
Extremely Rare Ptolemaic Bronze
370. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy H. 285-246 BC. JE 17mm (5.09 gm). Revolt of Magas in Kyrenaika, 277-261 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy / Thunderbolt; monograms. Unrecorded in the major collections. VF, brown patina Extremely rare. ($300)
373. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy ΠΙ. 246-221 BC. JE 20mm (6.23 gm). Diademed bust of Ptolemy ΠΙ / Eagle on thunderbolt; comucopiae over shoulder. Svoronos 1000; SNG Copenhagen 193. VF, dark green patina. Rare portrait bronze of Ptolemy ΠΙ. ($100)
374. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy HI. 246-221 BC. JE 17mm (3.80 gm). In the name of Berenike Π, circa 246-241 BC. Diademed bust of Berenike Π / Eagle on thunderbolt; EY to left. Svoronos 1056; SNG Copenhagen -. Near VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($ 125)
Ptolemy IV Gold Oktodrachm
X ^ ^ ׳ ׳
375. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy IV. 221 -205 BC. AV Oktodrachm (27.66 gm). Radiate and diademed bust of Ptolemy, trident over shoulder /Radiate, filleted comucopiae; ΔΙ below. Svoronoslll7; SNG Copenhagen 196. Good VF, edge bumps. ($6000)
371. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy III. 246-221 BC. AR Fourré Dekadrachm (27.69 gm). Veiled head of Berenike Π / Filleted comucopiae. Cf. Svoronos 1114; SNG Copenhagen -. Near VF, corrosion in two areas where test punches cut into the bronze core. Rare and interesting. ($600)
376. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy IV. 221 -205 BC. JE 25mm (20.94 gm). Head of Alexander, wearing elephant headdress / Eagle on thunderbolt; cornucopiae over shoulder. Svoronos 976; SNG Copenhagen 232. VF, brown patina. ($75)
M a r c h 30,1 994
377. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. JE 13mm (2.09 gm). Helmeted youthful male head / Eagle on thunderbolt; comucopiae to left. Svoronos 1156; SNG Copenhagen 237. VF, brown patina. ($100) 383. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.04 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1489; SNG Copenhagen 262. VF, edge roughness. ($100)
378. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy IV-VIII. 221-140 BC. JE 17mm (2.86 gm). Kyrenaika. Diademed bust of Ptolemy/Head of Libya; comucopiae by neck. Svoronos 873; SNG Copenhagen 449. VF, brown patina. ($100)
384. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.45 gm). Arados mint. Dated year 9 0 = 170/169 BC. Diademed bust right with aegis / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; Ρ (retrograde) before. SNG Copenhagen 547. Choice EF. ($600)
379. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy V. 205-180 BC. JE 27mm (16.80 gm). Wreathed head of Isis / Eagle on thunderbolt Svoronos 1234; SNG Copenhagen 247. Good VF, brown patina. ($ 125)
385. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. JE 26mm (15.21 gm). Paphos mint Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; caps of the Dioskouroi, club in fields; Π and IE below eagle. Svoronos 1320; SNG Copenhagen-. Near VF, brown patina. Rare. ($125) 380. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy V. 205-180 BC. Ai 28mm (17.84 gm). Phoenician mint Year 3 (202/201 BC). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon; K / Eagle on thunderbolt; ΩΣmonogram. Svoronos 1190; SNG Copenhagen 533. Fine, brown patina. ($100) ExLockett collection, Spink Auction 36, lot 76 (part of).
381. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy V. 205-180 BC. JE 19mm (5.22 gm). Phoenician mint. Year 4 (201/200 BC). Helmeted head of Athena / Eagle on thundetbolt; ΩΣ monogram. Svoronos 1194; SNG Copenhagen 537. Near VF, brown and green patina. ($100) ExLockett collection, Spink Auction 36, lot 76 (part of).
382. EGYPT', Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy V. 205-180 BC. JE26mm (11.04 gm). Ake-Ptolemais mint Head of Zeus-Ammon/Eagle on thunderbolt; tripod to left Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen -. VF, black patina. Rare mint ($ 100)
386. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. JE 29mm (21.87 gm). Struck during the regency of Cleopatra I, 180-176 BC. ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ, diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Two eagles on thundeibolt; comucopiae. Svoronos 1380; SNG Copenhagen 274. Fine, brown patina. ($100)
387. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. JE 27mm (16.08 gm). Struck during the regency of Eulaeos, 176-170 BC, countermarked during Antiochos TV's invasion of Egypt, 170-168 BC. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thundeibolt; lotus to left, ΕΥΛ between legs; Q׳m: Seleukid anchot Svoronos 1398; SNG Copenhagen 294. Near VF, black patina. ($150)
388. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. M 23mm (10.29 gm). Struck during the regency of Eulaeos, 176-170 BC. Diademed head of ZeusAmmon / Eagle on thunderbolt; lotus to left, ΕΥΛ between legs. Svoronos 1401 ; SNG Copenhagen 295. Good VF, black patina. ($125)
30,1 994
392. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VIII. 145-116 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.16 gm). Year 51 ( 120/119 BC). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt; date and ΠΑ in fields. Svoronos 1527; SNG Copenhagen ־. Good VF, weak obverse. ^*t^EBBtä^. ($200)
389. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Imitation of Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. Ai 29mm (10.16 gm). North African mint. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon /Two eagles on thunderbolt Type of SNG Copenhagen 308. Fine, green patina. Unusual. ($75)
Choice Deified Arsinöe Π Gold Oktodrachm 393. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VIII. 145-116BC.JE45mm (62.16 gm). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Double filleted comuacopiae; Φ to left. Svoronos 1640; SNG Copenhagen -, Fine, brown patina with red and green highlights. Very Rare. ($750)
390. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Time of Ptolemy VI-VIII. 180-116 BC.AV Oktodrachm (27.77 gm). Commemorative issue for Arsinöe Π, struck circa 160135 BC. Veiled head of deified Arsinöe II right, wearing diademed Stephane, tip of ram's hom visible under ear, lotus sceptre over left shoulder, Κ behind / Filleted double comuacopiae. Svoronos 1498; SNG Copenhagen 322 Choice EF, artistic execuüon. ($7,500) 394. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VIII. 145-116BC. /F.45mm (68.47 gm). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Double filleted comuacopiae; Φ to left Svoronos 1640; SNG Copenhagen -. Good, brown patina. Very Rare. ($500)
391. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI-VIII. 180-116 BC. Ai 38mm (4208 gm). Diademed head of Zeu s-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; helmet to left. Svoronos 1634; SNG Copenhagen -. VF, brown patina. Very Rare. ($250) Obverse of Lot 395
Ex Frank L. Kovacs List 23, lot 48. 7
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
399. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Cleopatra Vn. 51 -30 BC. JE 80 Drachmae (20.56 gm). Diademed bust of Cleopatra / Eagle on thunderbolt; comucopiae and Π• Svoronos 1871; SNG Copenhagen 419. Near VF, mottled brown, red and green patina. Minorpitting, but a sharp portrait of Cleopatra. ($300)
AV 395. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy Vin. 145-116 BC.j£ 46mm (71.16 gm). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Single filleted comucopiae; Φ to right. Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen -. VF, brown patina. Extremely Rare, possibly unique. ($1000) Ex Malter Auction II (February 1978), lot 240. This rare coin originally had an obscuring heavy encrustation; it has, at some point, been professionally conserved.-
400. KYRENAIKA, Kyrene. Circa 322-313 BC. AV Drachm (4.25 gm). Youth on horseback, with kausia around neck / Silphium plant; grasshopper to left. Naville 105; BMC Cyrenaica pg.32,131. Near VF. ($750) Ex "Continental" collection, with old auction ticket.
401. KYRENAIKA, Kyrene. Circa 250 BC. JE73mm (12.69 gm). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / KOI NON, silphium plant SNG Copenhagen 1280; Müller 104. VF, brown patina. ($ 125)
396. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VHI. 145-116 BC/E28mm (12.19 gm). Cypriot mint. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; Φ. Svoronos 1642; SNG Copenhagen 652. // Plus an Ai 25mm (9.22 gm). Cypriot mint Year33 (138/137 BC). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; date and lotus. Svoronos 1628; SNG Copenhagen -. Both near VF, brown patinas. 2 coins. ($100)
402. ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Circa 264-241 BC. Ac. 21mm (5.79 gm). Sardinian mint Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horsehead right; " M \ SNG Copenhagen 162. EF, smooth black patina. ($450)
ExIIJI. Scullard collection; Waddell 15, lot 223,224.
403. ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Circa 264-241 BC. Lot of three fa Sardinian mint Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horsehead righL SNG Copenhagen 154ff (three dots); 192ff (letter "M"). // Tanit / Horse standing right SNG Copenhagen 202ff. Average Rneto VF. 3 pieces. ($100)
397. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy IX. 116-107 BC. fa 19mm (5.97 gm). Cypriot mint. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Comuacopiae; Σ Ω Θ Ε. Svoronos 1718;SNGCopenhagen678.NearVF,brownpatina. ($75) ExMabbotl Collection (June, 1969) lot 3266.
398. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy IX. 116-107 BC. JE 13mm (0.96 gm). Cypriot mint. Diademed head of Ptolemy I / Headdress of Isis. Svoronos -; SNG Copenhagen -. Near VF, black patina. Unpublished with head of Ptolemy. ($75)
404. ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Circa 241-221 BC. fa 29mm (13.87 gm). Wreathed head erf Tanit left / Horse standingright,palm tree behind; pellet below. Cf SNG Copenhagen 254. VF, black patina. ($75) 1 8
M a r c h 30,1 994
406. Anonymous. Circa 240-225 BC. JE Aes Grave As (265.25 gm). Head of Janus/Prow of galley righL Thudow-Vecchi 51; Haeberlinpl.l2ff. Good VFfortype, green patina. Rare. ($1500)
407. Anonymous. Circa 234-231 BC. AR Didrachm (6.24 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Rearing horse. RSC 37; Sydenham 27; Crawford 26/1. VF, light scratches. ($1000)
408. Anonymous. 217-215 BC. JE Uncia (11.50 gm). Helmeted head of Roma left / Prow of galley. Sydenham 86; Crawford 38/6. Good VF, glossy green patina. ($250)
405. Anonymous. Circa 280-245 B C JE Aes Grave Semis (154.64 gm). Pegasus flying right / Pegasus flying left Thurlow-Vecchi 9; Haeberlin pl.35,8. VF for type, green and brown patina. Rare. ($750) 409. Anonymous. After 211 BC. AR Denarius (4.40 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Dioscuri riding right; ROMA in square. RSC 2; Crawford 44/5. Good VF. ($150)
410. Anonymous. After211 BC. AR Quinarius (0.97 gm). Helmeted head of Roma; Π reversed S behind / Dioscuri riding right. RSC 4; Crawford 44/7; Vatican 204 (the only specimen cited by Crawford with a reversed S). VF, porosity. ($125)
411. Anonymous. Aiter211 BC. JE Quadrans (8.58 gm). Head of Hercules, wearing lion skin/Prow of galley. Sydenham 143c; Crawford 56/5. Good VF, attractive jade green patina. ($350)
Lot 406
412. Anonymous. After 211 BC. Potin Denarius (4.93 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Dioscuri riding right. Cf. RSC 2. Good VF, rough casting marks. ($125) Found with a hoard of early Republican denarii in Spain. Unusual.
M a r c h 30,1 994
418. Decimius Fia vus. 150 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Diana driving biga. Decimia 1 ; Sydenham 391 ; Crawford 207/1. Toned EF. ($150)
413. Victory Issue. Circa 211-208 BC. JE As (50.62 gm). Janus head / Prow right; Victory above. Crawford 61/2. Fair, brown patina. Rare type. ($150) 419. M. A tili us Saranus. 148 BC. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Dioscuri riding right. Atilia 8; Sydenham 398c; Crawford 214/lc. Toned EF. ($200) Ex Superior Galleries (June 1984)1011546.
414. AVR Issue. Circa 209 BC. JE Sextans (3.49 gm). Head of Mercuiy / Prow right; AVR in front- Crawford 65/6. VF, brown patina, double struck. ($100)
420. L. Sempronius Pitio. 148 BC. AR Denarius (4.15 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Dioscuri riding right. Sempronia 2; Sydenham 402; Crawford 216/1. Toned EF. ($150)
415. Anonymous. Circa 207 BC. AR Denarius (4.37 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Dioscuri riding right; crescent above. RSC 20i; Sydenham 219; Crawford 57/2. EF. ($175)
416. L.Saufeius. 152 BC. AR Denarius (4.11 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Victory driving biga. Saufeia 1; Sydenham 384; Crawford 204/1. Toned EF. ($150)
421. C. Numitorius. 133 BC. yETnens (5.17 gm). Helmetcd head of Minerva / C.NVMITOR, prow of galley. Sydenham 467a; Crawford 246/3. Near VF, heavy brown and green patina. Rare Republican moneyer. ($250)
422. C. Servilius Vatia. 127 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Helmeted head of Roma; Ktuus behind /Two horseman in combat. Servilia 6; Sydenham 483; Crawford 264/1. VF. ($100)
423. C. Cassius. 126 BC. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Helmeted head of Roma; funerary um behind / Libellas driving quadriga. Cassia 1; Sydenham 502; Crawford 266/1. Toned near EF. ($200)
417. Imitation of C.Saxulus. Circa 150-100 BC. JE As (18.92gm). Mintin Gaul? Janus head / Prow right; C.SAX above, ivy leaf to right. Cf. Crawford 173/1. VI·', light green patina. ($150) Very few asses were issued by the mint ai Rome in the last half of the 2nd century BC. Numerous imitative pieces appeared to make up the shortfall.This specimen, with Us distinctive leaf symbol, is probably not a private issue, but instead the product of a provincial mini, most likely in Gaul.
424. M. Sergius Silus. 116-115 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Horseman galloping left, brandishing sword and severed head. Sergia 1 ; Sydenham 544; Crawford 286/1. Toned VF. ($150)
30,1 994
432. M. Herennius. 108-107 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Diademed head of Pietas / Amphinomus carrying his father, Ε and pellet. Herennia la; Sydenham 567a; Crawford 308/lb. Toned VF. ($100)
425. Anonymous. 115-114BC. AR Denarius (3.90gm). Helmeted (with wing) head of Roma / Roma seated on arms, wolf and twins before, flying birds. RSC 176; Sydenham 530; Crawford 287/1. VF. ($150)
433. L. Thorius Baibus. 105BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Head of Juno Sospiia, wearing goat skin / Bull charging right; S above. Thoria 1 ; Sydenham 598; Crawford 316/1. Toned EF. ($200)
426. Man.AemiliusLepidus. 114-113 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Brockage. Laureate and diademed head of Roma /Incuse of obverse. Cf. Aemilia 7; Sydenham 554; Crawford 291/1. VF. ($100)
434. Lucius Appukius Saturninus. 104 B C AR Denarius (3.98 gm). Helmeted head of Roma left / Saturn in quadriga; S below. Appuleia 1 ; Sydenham 578a; Crawford 317/3b. Toned VF. ($125)
427. P. Nerva. 113-112 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Helmeted bust of Roma, with spear and shield /Citizens voting. Licinia 7; Sydenham 548; Crawford 292/1. VF. ($100)
435. C. Coelius Caldus. 104 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Helmeted head of Roma left / Victory driving biga left; :C below. Coelia 3 ; Sydenham 582a; Crawford 318/lb.Toned EF. ($175)
428. Cn. Blasio Cn.f. 112-111 BC. AR Denarius (4.00 gm). Helmeted head of Mars; wreath / Jupiter with Juno and Minerva; Y. Cornelia 19; Sydenham 561b; Crawford 296/1 e. Toned VF. ($ 150)
429. C. Clodius Pulcher. 110-109 BC. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Victory driving biga Claudia 1 ; Sydenham 569; Crawford 300/1. Toned EF. ($200)
436. L. Julius. 101 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Helmeted head of Roma; grain ear behind / Victory driving biga Julia 3; Sydenham 585; Crawford 323/1. Toned good VF. ($150)
430. Q. Lutatius Cerco. 109-108 BC. AR Denarius (3.80 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Galley in oak wreath. Lutatia 2; Sydenham 559; Crawford 305/1. Toned VF. ($75)
437. L. Calpurnius Piso Fnigi. 90 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; trophy in front / Horseman galloping right, holding palm; XCVH1 below. Calpurnia 11 ; Sydenham 663a; Crawford 340/1. Near EF. ($200)
431. M. Herennius. 108-107 BC. AR Denarius (4.14gm). Diademed head of Pietas; S and pellet / Amphinomus carrying his father. Herennia 1 ; Sydenham 567; Crawford 308/1. Toned good VF. ($200)
438. Q. Titius. 90 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Head of Mutinus Titinus, wearing winged diadem / Pegasus springing from basis. Titia 1 ; Sydenham 691 ; Crawford 341/1. Toned EF. ($200) 6 1
439. C. Vibius CS. Pansa. 90 BC. JE As (14.38 gm). Janus head /Tripleprows right; PANSA below. Crawford 342/7b. VFfortype, black patina. ($150)
440. C. Censorinus. 88 BC. AR Denarius (4.01 gm). Jugate heads of Numa Pompilius and Ancus Marcdus; symbol behind heads / Horseman guiding two hors es; V. Marcia 18e; Sydenham 713g; Crawford 346/la. VF. ($200)
30,1 994
445. L. Julius Bursio. 85 BC. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). Bust with attributes of Apollo, Mercury and Neptune; star behind / Victory driving quadriga. Julia 5; Sydenham 287; Crawford 352/1 a. Toned good VF. ($125)
446. C. Licinius L.f. Macer. 84 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Bust of Apollo Vejovis, hurling thunderbolt/Minerva in quadriga. Licinia 16; Sydenham 732; Crawford 354/1. Toned good VF. ($200)
441. L. Rubrius Dossenus. 87 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Helmeted bust of Minerva; DOS behind / Triumphal quadriga bearing Victory in biga. Rubria 3; Sydenham 707; Crawford 348/3. VF. ($ 100) 447. C. Norbanus. 83 BC. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). Diademed head of Venus; XXXVI behind / Grain ear, fasces, caduceus. Norbana 2; Sydenham 739; Crawford 357/lb. Toned good VF. ($150)
442. L. Rubrius Dossenus. 87 BC. AR Quinarius (1.67 gm). Laureate head of Neptune / Victory carrying long palm, altar of Aesculapius in front. Rubria 4; Sydenham 708; Crawford 348/4. Toned good VF. ($ 125)
448. C. Norbanus. 83 BC. AR Denarius (3.77 gm). Diademed head of Venus; J. behind / Grain ear, fasces, caduceus. Norbana 2; Sydenham 739; Crawford 357/lb. NearEF. ($175)
443. Vergilius, Gargonius and Ogulnius. 86 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Head of Apollo with oak wreath / Jupiter in quadriga; S above, VER below, GAR'OGVL in exergue. Vergilia 1; Sydenham 721d; Crawford 350A/le. Toned good VF. Rare. ($750)
449. C. Mamilius Limetanus. 82 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.91 gm). Bust of Mercury right, wearing winged petasus and carrying caduceus; M behind head / Ulysses being greeted by his faithful dog Argos. MamiHa 6; Sydenham 741; Crawford 362/1. Toned EF. ($350) 444. L. Julius Bursio. 85 BC. AR Denarius (4.08 gm). Bust with attributes of Apollo, Mercury and Neptune; priest's cap behind / Victory driving quadriga. Julia 5; Sydenham 287; Crawford 352/la. Toned good VF. ($150)
Our 9{e*t Safe 'Witt'Be 'JieidOnjunc in Conjunction 'With TheSpnmj9^eui ?Numismatic Convention
11,1994 yIntemationai 450. L. Censorinus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (4.17 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / The satyr Marsyas carrying wine sack standing before column with statue of ($200) Minerva. Marcia 24; Sydenham 737; Crawford 363/ld. Toned EF.
M a r c h 30,1 994
Lovely Denarius of C. Valerius Flaccus
457. Ti. Claudius Ti.f. Ap.n. Nero. 79 BC. AR Senate Denarius (4.12 gm). Diademed bust of Diana / Victory driving biga; 1ΧΧΧΧΠΠ below. Claudia 5; Sydenham 770; Crawford 383/1. Toned EF. ($300)
451. C. Valerius Flaccus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). Winged bust of Victory; winged caduceus in front/ Legionary aquilaflanked by standards. Valeria 12a; Sydenham 747; Crawford 365/lc. Toned near EF. ($450)
452. L. Manlius Torquatos. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Sulla in quadriga. Victory flying above; IMP. Manlia 5; Sydenham 757a; Crawford 367/5. Toned good VF. ($150)
453. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius, Imperator. 81 BC. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). Diademed head of Pietas, stork / Elephant walking left Caecilia 43 ; Sydenham 750; Crawford 374/1. Toned good VF. ($200)
458. L. Papius. 79 BC. AR Senate Denarius (4.04 gm). Head of Juno Sospita, wearing goat skin; leggings behind / Leaping griffin; pipe below. Papia 1 ; Sydenham 773; Crawford 384/1 (124). Toned VF, slight porosuy on obverse. ($150)
459. L. Rutilius Flaccus. 77 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Victory driving biga. Rutilia la; Sydenham 780a; Crawford 387/1. Toned EF. ($200)
460. Cn. Lentulus. 76-75 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Diademed bust of Genius, sceptre over shoulder / Wreathed sceptre, globe and rudder. Cornelia 54; Sydenham 752; Crawford 393/la. Toned EF. ($200)
454. C. Marius C.f. Capito. 81 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.91 gm). Bust of Ceres, wreathed with grain ears; CAPIT XXXXI above, crab to right / Faimer with yoke of oxen; XXXXI above. Maria 9; Sydenham 744b; Crawford 378/lc. Toned good VF. ($200)
461. L. Rustius. 74 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Helmeted head of Mars; plain X in front / Ram standing right; Rustia 1 variety; Sydenham 782; Crawford 389. Toned good VF. ($200)
455. L. Procilius. 80 BC. AR Denarius (4.04 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter / Juno Sospita right, serpent atfeeL Procilia 1 ; Sydenham 771 ; Crawford 379/1. Toned nearEF. ($250)
462. L. Lucretius THo. 74 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Laureate head of Neptune; XXV /Infant Genius riding dolphin. Lucretia 3; Sydenham 784; Crawford 390/2. EF, edge weak. ($200)
456. L. Procilius. 80 BC. AR Denarius (3.88 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter / Juno Sospita right, serpent at fecL Procilia 1 ; Sydenham 771 ; Crawford 379/1. Toned good VF. ($150)
463. L. Cossutius CS. Sabula. 72 BC. AR Denarius (3.97 gm). Winged head of Medusa left / Bellerophon on Pegasus; XU. Cossutia 1 ; Sydenham 790; Crawford 395/1. Toned good VF, scrape on reverse. ($200)
M a r c h 30,1 994
Choice High-Relief Republican Denarius .^sSfeSBfc,,
464. Q. Fufius Calenus and Mucius Cordus. 68 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.94 gm). Jugate heads of Honos and Virtus /Italia and Roma clasping hands. Fufia !;Sydenham 797; Crawford 403/1. Toned VF. ($200)
471. C. Piso LX Frugi. 61 BC. AR Denarius (3.53 gm). Filleted head of Apollo left; bull's head behind / Horseman galloping right; Ξ below. Calpumia 25c; Sydenham 842; Crawford 408/1 b (dies 143/174). Toned choice EF, high relief. ($450)
465. M. Plaetorius M X Cestianus, Aedile. 67 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Helmeted bust of Vacuna / Eagle on thunderbolt. Plaetoria 4; Sydenham 809; Crawfoid 409/1. Toned good VF. ($200)
472. C. Pisa LX Frugi. 61 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Filleted head of Apollo; ear behind / Horseman galloping right; flail above. Calpumia 24e; Sydenham 841 ; Crawford 408/1 b (dies 114/141). Toned choice EF, light scratches. ($300)
466. Μ η . Aquillius Mn.f. Mn.n. 65 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.94 gm). Helmeted bust of Virtus /The consul Man. Aquillius raising fallen Sicilia. Aquillia 2; Sydenham 798; Crawfoid 401/1. VF. ($150)
467. C. Hosidius C.f. Geta. 64 BC. AR Denarius (4.10 gm). Diademed bust of Diana, quiver over shoulder / Calydonian boar pierced by spear and harried by hound. Hosidia 1 ; Sydenham 903; Crawfoid 407/2. Toned near EF. ($200)
473. L. Cassius Longinus. 60 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Veiled bust of Vesta; I in front, kylix behind/Citizen voting. Cassia 10; Sydenham 935; Crawford 413/1. Toned good VF. ($150)
468. L. Furius Cn.f. Brocchus. 63 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Wreathed head of Ceres between grain ear and barley grain; stray lock of hair / Curule chair between fasces. Furia 23a; Sydenham 902a; Crawford 414/1. Toned EF. ($200)
474. M. Plaetorius MX Cestianus. 57 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Head of Bonus Eventus; ax behind / Winged caduceus. Plaetoria 5; Sydenham 807; Crawford 405/5. Good VF, light porosity. ($200)
469. L. Furius Cn.f. Brocchus. 63 BC. AR Denarius (4.00 gm). Wreathed head of Ceres between grain car and bailey grain; stray lock of hair / Curule chair between fasces. Furia 23a; Sydenham 902a; Crawford 414/1. Toned good VF. ($150)
475. P. Plautius Hypsaeus. 57 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Diademed bust of Leuconoë, with dolphin / Jupiter in quadriga. Plautia 12; Sydenham 911 ; Crawford 420/2a. Toned near EF. ($200)
470. C. Piso L.f. Frugi. 61 BC. AR Denarius (3.69 gm). Filleted head of Apollo; ram's head behind / Horseman galloping right; symbol below. Calpumia 24e; Sydenham 841; Crawfoid 408/la (dies 78/96). Good VF. ($125)
476. M. Nonius Sufenas. 57 BC. AR Denarius (3.53 gm). Head of Saturn, with harpa and conical stone / Victory crowning seated Roma. Nonia 1 ; Sydenham 885; Crawford 421/1. Toned good VF. ($150) 6 4
M a r c h ' 3 0 , 1 994
477. Faustus Cornelia Sulla. 56 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Diademed and laureate head of Venus / Three trophies flanked by jug and Htuus, Cornelia 63; Sydenham 884; Crawford 426/3. Toned good VF. ($400)
484. Cn. Plancius. 55 BC. AR Denarius (4.10 gm). Head of Diana Planciana wearing petasus / Cretan goat with quiver and bow. Plancia 1; Sydenham 933; Crawford 432/1. Toned good VF. ($200)
478. Q. Cassius Longinus. 55 BC. AR Denarius (4.13 gm). Head of Genius, with sceptre / Eagle on thunderbolt flanked by Ktuus and jug. Cassia 7; Sydenham 916; Crawford 428/3. Toned near EF. ($200)
485. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (3.57 gm). Head of M. Junius Brutus / Head of Caius Servilius Ahala. Junia 30; Sydenham 907; Crawford 433/2. Fine, several banker's maiks. ($100)
479. Q. Cassius Longinus. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). Head of Genius, with sceptre / Eagle on thunderbolt flanked by lituus and jug. Cassia 7; Sydenham 916; Crawford 428/3. Good VF. ($150)
486. Q. Sicinius. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Diademed head of Fortuna / Crossed palm and caduceus, wreath above. Sicinia 5; Sydenham 938; Crawford 440/1. Toned good VF. ($300)
480. Q. Cassius Longinus. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). Head of Genius, with sceptre/Eagle on thunderbolt flanked by liwus and jug. Cassia 7; Sydenham 916; Crawford 428/3. Good VF. ($ 150)
487. Q. Sicinius and C. Coponius. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Diademed head of Apollo; star below / Club with lion skin, bow and arrow. Sicinia 1 ; Sydenham 939; Crawford 444/1 a. Toned good VF. ($400)
481. Titus Didius. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.71 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Concordia /The Villa Publica, with gates at the columns. Didia la; Sydenham 901a; Crawford 429/2b. Toned good VF. ($250)
488. Q. Sicinius and C. Coponius. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Diademed head of Apollo; star below / Club with lion skin, bow and arrow. Sicinia 1 ; Sydenham 939; Crawford 444/la. Tonedgood VF. ($250)
482. P. Licinius Crassus M.f. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Laureate and diademed bust of Venus / Amazon warrior with horse. Licinia 18; Sydenham 929; Crawford 430/1. Toned good VF, tiny banker's mark. ($200)
489. L. Cornelius Lentulus and C. Claudius Marcellus. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.96 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Jupiter holding thunderbolt and eagle above al tar, star and Q. Cornelia 65; Sydenham 1030; Crawford 445/2. Toned VF, tiny banker's mark on cheek. ($300)
483. A. Plautius. 55 BC. AR Denarius (4.06 gm). Turreted head of Cybele / Judaean king Aristobulus kneeling before camel. Plautia 13; Sydenham 932; Crawford 431/1. Good VF. ($300)
490. L. Hostilia Saserna. 48 BC. AR Fourré Denarius (2.87 gm). Head of the Gaulish chieftain Vercingetorix / Gaulish warrior in biga. Hostilia 2; Sydenham 952; Crawford 448/2a. Toned VF, small edge cut. ($600) 6 5
491. C. Vibius C f . C.n. Pansa Caetronius. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Head of Pan/Jupiter Axurus seated left. Vibia 18; Sydenham 947; Crawford 449/la. Toned EF. ($300)
492. Albinus Bruti f. 48 BC. AR Denarius (4.01 gm). Helmeted head of Mars /Crossed camyx (Gaulish trumpets) with shields. Postumia 11; Sydenham 941; Crawford 450/1 a. Toned near EF. ($300)
Attractive Denarius of L. Plautius Plancus
M a r c h 30,1 994
498. P. Clodius M.f. Hirrinus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (4.08 gm). Radiate head of Sol, with quiver / Crescent moon with five stars. Claudia 17; Sydenham 1115; Crawford 494/21. Toned EF. ($500)
499. C. Vibius Varus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (4.00 gm). Wreathed head of Bacchus / Altar with mask of Pan and thyrsus, leaping panther. Vibia 24; Sydenham 1138; Crawford 494/36. Toned EF, some lustre in devices. ($400)
493. L. Plautius Planais. 47 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Head of Medusa, with seipents in hair / Hying Victory leading four horses. Plautia 15; Sydenham 959; Crawfoid 453/1 a. Near EF. (S350)
494. Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Jugate heads of the Dioscuri, wearing laureate pilei / Venus Verticordia with scales, sceptre and Cupid. Cordia 2a; Sydenham 976; Crawford 463/1 a. Toned good VF. ($150)
495. Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Jugate heads of the Dioscuri, wearing pilei / Venus Verticordia with scales, sceptre and Cupid. Coidia 2b; Sydenham 976a; Crawford 463/lb. Good VF. ($150)
496. T. Carisius. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Head of Juno Moneta; two curls of hair at neck / Vulcan's cap above anvil and moneyer's tools. Carisia lb; Sydenham 892b; Crawford 464/2. VF. ($300)
497. Pctellius Capitolinus. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Eagle on thunderbolt / Temple of Jupiter. Petellia 3 ; Sydenham 1151 ; Crawford 487/2b. VF, banker's mark. ($300)
500. POMPEY. 46-45 BC. Ai As (22.48 gm). Spanish mint. Head of Janus / CN MAG IMP, prow of gaily right. Crawford 471/1. Fine, green and earthen patina. ($125)
501. JULIUS CAESAR. 48-47 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Wreathed head of Venus; 1Π/Trophy of Gallic amis. RSC 18; Sydenham 1009; Crawford 452/2. Toned EF. ($400)
502. JULIUS CAESAR. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.97 gm). Diademed head of Venus / Aeneas fleeing Troy, carrying the palladium and his father, Anchises. ($400) RSC 12; Sydenham 1013; Crawford 458/1. EF.
503. JULIUS CAESAR. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Diademed head of Venus / Aeneas fleeing Troy, carrying the palladium and his father, Anchises. RSC 12; Sydenham 1013; Crawford 458/1. Near EF, off-center. ($250)
504. JULIUS CAESAR. 44 BC. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). P.Sepulllus Macer, moneyer. Wreathed and veiled head of Caesar / Venus holding Victory and seeptre,shieldatfeeLRSC39;Sydenham 1074; Crawford480/13.Toned VF. ($800)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
511. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. Lot of three AR Legionary Denarii. LEG Π (2 coins). RSC 27; Sydenham 1216; Crawford 544/14. // LEG IV. RSC 30; Sydenham 1219; Crawford 544/17. Average Fine. 3 coins. ($300)
Choke Antony & Octavian Denarius 505. C. CASSIUS. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Veiled and diademed bust of Liberias / Jug and lituus. RSC 6; Sydenham 1305; Crawford 500/5. Toned good ($750) VF. ^
506. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.45 gm). Galley to right / LEG Π, aquila and two legionary standards. RSC 27; Sydenham 1216; Crawford 544/14. Near EF. ($200)
512. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Bare head of Antony / Head of Octavian, with slight beard. RSC 8a; Sydenham 1181 ; Crawford 517/2. Choice EF on a full flan. Rare this nice. (See enlargement on front cover). (SI500)
507. MARKANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.14 gm). Galley to right / LEG Π, aquila and two legionary standards. RSC 27; Sydenham 1216; Crawford 544/14. Toned VF. ($200)
513. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.63 gm). Bare head of Antony / Head of Octavian, with slight beard. RSC 8a; Sydenham 1181; Crawford 517/2. Good VF, flan crack. ($1000)
508. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.79 gm). Galley to right /LEG ΙΠ, aquila and two legionary standards. RSC 28; Sydenham 1217; Crawford 544/15. Toned EF. ($500)
514. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). Bare head of Antony / Head of Octavian, with slight beard. RSC 8a; Sydenham 1181; Crawford 517/2. Toned VF, porosity, deep flan crack. ($450)
509. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.79 gm). Galley to right / LEG VI, aquila and two legionary standards. RSC 33; Sydenham 1223; Crawford 544/19. Toned near EF. ($500)
510. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.62 gm). Galley to right / LEG X, aquila and two legionary standards. RSC 38; Sydenham 1228; Crawford 544/24. Good VF, banker's mark. ($250)
515. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 40-39 BC. AR Quinarius (1.72 gm). Veiled head of Concordia / Clasped heads with caduceus. RSC 67; Sydenham 1195; Crawford 529/4b. Toned near VF, off-center. ($200)
516. OCTAVIAN. 32-29 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Bare head of Octavian / Venus standing, back to viewer, holding sceptre and helmet, shield on ground. RSC 462; RIC1250a. Toned VF, tiny banker's marks. ($300)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
517. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). P. Petronius Turpilianus, moneyer. 19 BC. Bare head of Augustus / Tarpeia half buried by the shields of the Sabines. RSC 484; RIC 299. Toned VF, light scratches. ($200)
523. D I W S AUGUSTUS. Struck by Tiberius, 34-37 AD. M As (10.24 gm). Radiate head left / Eagle on globe. RIC182 (Tiberius); Cohen 247. Good VF, brown patina. ($150)
518. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.80 gm). Lugdunum. 1513 BC. Bare head right / Bull butting right; ΙΜΡ·Χ in exergue. RSC 137; RIC I 167a. Toned good VF, light scratches and scrapes. ($400) 524. AUGUSTUS and AGRIPPA. 10-14 AD. M As (12.12 gm). Nemausus. Heads of Agrippa and Augustus (laureate) back to back; Ρ Ρ in field / Crocodile chained to palm tree. RIC 1159. Good VF, black patina. ($400)
519. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). C. Marius C.f. Tromentina, moneyer. 13 BC. Bare head of Augustusright,lituus behind / Quadriga gallopingright;wilhin quadriga, a palm-branch. RSC 456; RIC 1399. Toned good VF. ($700)
525. AGRIPPA. Died 12 BC. M As (11.15 gm). Struck under Gaius Caligula. 37-41 AD. Head left, wearingrostralcrown/Nude Poseidon holding dolphin and trident. RIC 158 (Gaius); Cohen 3. VF, black patina. ($250) 520. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.53 gm). 2 BC-14 AD. Laureate head /Caius and Lucius Caesars, holding shields and spears; lituus, sim($125) pulum and X between them. RSC 43d; RIC 1212. VF.
521. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Lugdunum. 1314 AD. Laureate head / Livia as Pax sealedright;plain chair legs. RSC 223; RIC 1220. VF. ($350) 526. LI V U . Struck under Tiberius, 22-23 AD. Ai Sestertius (25.23 gm). Ή CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST PM TR POT ΧΧΠΠ around SC / Carpentum drawn by mules. RIC 151 (Tiberius); Cohen 6. Fine, orichalcum patina. ($750)
522. D I W S AUGUSTUS. Struck by Tiberius, 22-30 AD. Ai As (11.03 gin). Radiate head left/Altar. RIC 181 (Tiberius); Cohen 228. Good VF, brown patina, slight porosity at edge. Good portrait. ($150)
527. TIBERIUS, Caesar. 12-14 AD. Ai Semis (5.31 gm). Lugdunum. Laureate head / Altar of Iaigdunum. Cf. RIC 1246 (Augustus). VF, tan patina. Cmde style, probably a contemporary imitation. Interesting. ($200)
ExCNG XXII, lot 326. 1 8
30,1 994
Two Rare Erotic Tesserae
528. TIBERIUS and later. Circa 1st Century AD. R Erotic Tessera (Spintria) (5.18 gm). Erotic scene / XVI in circle within wreath. Simonetta Group C, Seena 4; Buttrey 9. VF, brown patina. Very Rare. ($2500)
533. N E R O CLAUDIUS DRUSUS. Struck under Claudius. 41 -50 AD. R Sestertius (22.44 gm). Bare head of Drusus left; Nero cAn:NCAPR/Claudius seated left amidst arms, holding branch. RIC 93 (Claudius); Cohen 8. Fair, orichalcum patina. ($200)
529. TIBERIUS and later. Circa 1 st Century AD. R Erotic Tessera (Spintria) (5.00 gm). Erotic scene / XIIII in circle within wreath. Simonetta Group C, Seena 13D, Buttrey 7. VF, dark green patina, holed. Very Rare. ($2000)
534. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS. Struck under Claudius. 50-54 AD. R Sestertius (28.82 gm). Bare head of Drusus left; c/m: NCAPR / Claudius seated left amidst amis, holding branch. RIC 1109 note (Claudius); Cohen 8. Fine, brown and green patina, scattered pitting. ($350)
530. DRUSUS Caesar, son of Tiberius. 22-23 AD. jE Sestertius (24.14 gm). Crossed comuacopiae topped by Tiberius Gemellus and Germanicus, the sons of Drusus, winged caduceus between / DRVSVS CAESAR Ή AVG F DIVIAVG Ν PONT TR POT Π around large SC. RIC 142. Good Fine, daik green patina with touches of red and brown, broken and repaired. ($ 100)
535. ANTONIA, mother of Claudius. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Wreathed bust of Antonia / Antonia as Constantia, holding torch and comucopiae. RSC 2; RIC 166 (Claudius). Toned VF, porosity. Rare. ($750)
536. ANTONIA, mother of Claudius. R Dupondius (13.31 gm). Strack circa 41-50 AD. Her draped bust right / Togate and veiled Claudius standing half-left, holding simpulum and rod. RIC 182 (Claudius). VF, dark brown patina. ($300)
531. DRUSUS Caesar, son of Tiberius. 22-23 AD. Ai As (11.10 gm). Bare head of Drasus left / PONTIF TRIB VN POTEST ITER, S C with point separator. RIC 145 (Tiberius); Cohen 2. Good VF, smooth brown patina. ($200)
537. ANTONIA, mother of Claudius. Romano-British Imitation. R Dupondius (10.14 gm). Bust of Antonia right / Claudius standing left in priestly robes, holding simpulum. Type of RIC 192 (Claudius); see Sutherland, NNM 65, pL ΙΠ, 2-3. VF, brown patina. ($300)
532. DRUSUS Caesar, son of Tiberius. 22-23 AD. R As (10.92 gm). Bare head of Drusus left / PONTIF TRIB VN POTEST ITER, S C with comma separator. RIC 145 (Tiberius); Cohen 2. Near VF, brown patina. ($ 150) 6 9
30,1 994
543. GAIUS CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. /EAs (11.45 gm). 37/38 AD. Laureate head left / Vesta seated, holding patera and sceptre. RIC 138; Cohen 27. Fine, brown patina, slight porosity. ($300)
538. GERMANICUS, son of Nero Claudius Drusus. Struck under Caligula, 37-41 AD. JE Dupondius (16.24 gm). Germanicus in triumphal quadriga / Germanicus in military uniform standing left, holding eagle-tipped sceptre. RIC 157 (Gaius); Cohen 7. Good VF, olive green patina. ($750) Ex CNG XXV, lot 550.
544. GAIUS CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. JE Quadrans (2.16 gm). 40/41 AD. Pileus flanked by S C / PON M TR Ρ ΠΠ ΡΡ COS TERT, RCC. RIC 152. Near EF, brown patina. ($ 125)
539. GERMANICUS, son of Nero Claudius Drusus. Struck under Claudius, 50-54 AD. JE As ( 11.60 gm). Bare head of Germanicus right / Large S C. RIC 1106 (Claudius); Cohen 9. Brown VF, light porosity. Nice portrait ($200) 545. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. AR Denarius (3.61 gm). 50/51 AD. Laureate head / SPQR PP OB CS in wreath. RSC 93; RIC 154 (R3). Near VF, dig on reverse border. ($650)
546. CLAUDIUS and AGRIPPINA Jr. 50-54 AD. AR Fourré Denarius (2.90 gm). Laureate head of Claudius / Laureate bust of Agrippina. Cf. RSC 4; RIC 181. Near VF, plating broken on high points of heads. ($200)
540. AGRIPPINA SR. Struck under Caligula, 37-41 AD. JE Sestertius (23.95 gm). Bust of Agrippina / Carpentum drawn by mules. RIC 155 (Gaius); Cohen 1. Fine, brown patina, surfaces smoothed. ($600)
541. GAIUS CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). 37/38 AD. His bare head right / Draped bust of Agrippina Senior right. RSC 4; RIC 114 (R). Toned VF, light porosity. ($1500) 547. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE Sestertius (25.88 gm). 41-50 AD. Laureate head / EX SC OB CIVES SERVATOS in wreath. RIC 196; Cohen 39. Near VF, heavy porosity. ($200)
548. CLAUDIUS. 41 -54 AD. JE Dupondius (13.96 gm). 41 -50 AD. Bare head left / Ceres seated left; S C flanked by pellets in exergue. RIC 194 variety. VF, tan parina. ($200)
542. GAIUS CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. JE Sestertius (29.21 gm). 39/40 AD. Laureate head left / ADLOCVT COH, Gaius on raised platform, addressing troops. RIC 140; Cohen 2. Near VF, brown and green patina, slight porosity. ($1000) 5 0
549. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE As (10.81 gm). 50-54 AD. Bare head left/ Libertas standing right, holding pileus. RIC 197; Cohen 47. Fine, black patina. ($150)
550. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE As (12.34 gm). 41-50 AD. Bare head left / Minerva with shield and spear. RIC 1100; Cohen 84. Near EF, glossy green patina. ($250)
551. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE As (12.01 gm). 50-54 AD. Bare head left / Minerva with shield and spear. RIC 1116; Cohen 84. VF, brown patina, porosity. ($150)
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554. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Dupondius (14.53 gm). Lugdunum. 66 AD. Laureate head, globe at bust / Securilas seated by altar. RIC 1518; WCN 523. VF, dark brown patina. ($200) Ex CNG IX, lot 397.
555. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE As (11.24 gm). 65 AD. Laureate head /Temple of Janus with closed doors on the left. RIC 1309; WCN 289. VF, glossy jade green patina. ($200) Ex CNG IX, lot 395.
556. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE As (11.56 gm). 65 AD. Laureate head/ Victory flying left, canying shield. RIC 1312; WCN 285,290. VF, dark brown patina. Ex CNGIX, lot 396. ($200)
557. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Quadrans (1.68 gm). 64 AD. NERO CL CAE AVG GE, owl on garlanded altar / PM TR Ρ IMP PP SC, branch; .·. below. RIC 1261 variety (obverse legend). Near EF, choice green patina. ($ 125)
552. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Sestertius (24.83 gm). 67 AD. Laureate head / Roma seated left on arms. RIC 1356; WCN 168. Good VF, dark brown patina, rough surfaces. ($500)
Attractive Patinated 'Macellum' Dupondius
558. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.21 gm). IMP SER GALBA AVG, bare head / SPQR OB C S within oak wreath. RSC 287; RIC 1167. Fine. ($ 150)
553. NERO. 54-68 AD. M Dupondius (12.23 gm). Lugdunum. 65 AD. Laureate head left, globe at bust / The Macellum (Rome's shopping mall). RIC1400; WCN 501. Good VF, choice emerald green patina. ($1750)
559. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Quinarius (1.61 gm). SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG PM TR P, laureate head / VICTORIA G ALB AE AVG, Victory left on globe. RSC 318; RIC 1131(sic).Good VF, choice portrait and rare. ($500)
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Exceptional Sestertius of Galba
564. GALBA. 68-69 AD. JE As (9.27 gm). Bare head / Vesta seated left, holding palladium and sceptre. RIC 1375. Fine, attractive daik green patina. ($200)
560. GALBA. 68-69 AD. JE Sestertius (24.95 gm). Laureate and draped bust right/Roma seated left on cuirass, holding spear and resting arm on oval shield set on oblong shield. RIC 1240; Kraay, ACG Officina D (A55/reverse unlisted). Good VF, lovely daik green patina. ($4500)
565. OTHO. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.14 gm). Bare head right/Securitas standing left, holding wreath and sceptre. RSC 17; RIC 18. Fine. ($400)
Rare Early Portrait Issue of Vitellius
561. GALBA. 68-69 AD. Orichalcum Sestertius (27.57 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / SPQR O.B CIV SER within oak-wreath. RIC 1271. Good VF, tan patina with scattered light porosity. ($1000) ExCNAXVI,lot428.
566. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). Bare head right/ FIDES E X E R C r r W M , clasped hands. RSC 36; RIC 167. Toned near EF. Very Rare. ($3500) One of the first issues ofVilellius, still using a portrait resembling Otho.
567. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.43 gm). Asia mint. 69-70 AD. IMP CAES VESPAS AVG, laureate head / Turrcted bust of Tyche. RSC 29 la (sic obverse legend in error); BMC Π pg. 89f. Good VF. ($350)
562. GALBA. 68-69 AD. JE Dupondius (12.42 gm). Laureate bust / Pax standing left, holding grain ears and caduceus. RIC 1415. VF, tan patina, rough surfaces. ($200)
568. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.10 gm). 69-71 AD. Laureate head right / Incuse of obverse. Fine/VF. Nice brockage. ($150)
563. GALBA. 68-69 AD. JE As (8.96 gm). Bare head / überlas standing left. Cf. RIC 1372, but with obverse type 5Aa. VF, tan patina, rough surfaces. ($150) Ex CNG XXII, lot 353.
569. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.14 gm). 69-71 AD. Laureate head right / Confronted heads of Titus and Domitian. RSC 5; RIC Π 2. Toned Fine. Scarce. ($200)
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570. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.16 gm). 69-71 AD. Laureate head/IVDAEA, mourning Judaea seated beneath trophy. RSC 226; RIC II15. VF. ״
576. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE As (10.17 gm). Lugdunum? 71 AD. Lau reale bust, globe at point of bust / Aequitas holding scales and sceptre. RIC Π 482 variety (globe). Good VF, daric brown patina. Exceptional portrait ($400)
571. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (180 gm). 69-71 AD. Laureate head /IVDAEA, mourning Judaea seated beneath trophy. RSC 226; RIC Π 15. VF. ($250)
577. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). 72-73 AD. Laureate head / Sacrificial implements. RSC 45; RIC Π 42. Toned VF. ($150)
572. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.06 gm). 69-71 AD. Laureate head / IVDAEA, mourning Judaea seated beneath trophy. RSC 226; RIC Π 15. Fine. ($125)
Choice Denarius of Vespasian
573. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.06 gm). 70-71 AD. Laureate head / Sacrificial implements. RSC 43; RIC Π 30. Good VF. ($250)
578. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). 72/73 AD. Laureate head / Vesta standing left, holding simpulum and sceptre. RSC 574; RIC Π 50. Lustrous choice EF. (See enlargement on back cover). ($ 1000)
Vespasian Judaea Capta Sestertius Ex John Whitney Walter collection (Slack's, 29 November 1990) lot 35.
579. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). Laureate head right / Salus enthroned left, holding patera. RSC 431 ; RIC Π 67. Near EF. ($350) 574. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Sestertius (25.46 gm). 71 AD. Laureate head /IVDAEA CAPTA SC, Vespasian, holding sceptre and parazonium (short sword), standing before palm tree, beneath which sits mourning Judaea. RIC Π 427; Cohen 239. Good VF, smooth dark green patina. Pleasing example of this historic and popular type. ($2000)
580. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.08 gm). 75-79 AD. Laureate head / Nude Jupiter standing over altar. RSC 222; RIC Π 124a. Toned near EF. ($350)
575. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Sestertius (29.60 gm). 71 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Libertas standing half-left, holding pileus and sceptre. RIC Π 429 variety (draped bust); Cayon 86. Good VF, dark brown patina with lighter highlights. ($750)
581. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Dupondius (11.82 gm). Lugdunum? 77/78 AD. Laureate bust, globe at point of bust / Fides holding patera and comucopiae. RIC Π 753b. Good VF, dark brown patina, minorpits and scrapes. ($300)
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587. TITUS, Caesar. 74 AD. A· As (10.87 gm). Laureate head / Aequitas holding scales and sceptre. RIC Π 666 (Vespasian); Cohen 2. Near VF, brown patina. ($150)
582. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Dupondius (10.56 gm). Lugdunum. 77/78 AD. Laureate head / Fides holding patera and comucopiae. RIC Π 753b. VF, green and brown patina, porosity. ($125)
588. T I T U S . 79-81 AD. AR Denarius (3.05 gm). 80 AD. Laureate head / Elephant walking left. RSC 303; RIC Π 22a. Good VF, light scrapes. ($200) 583. D I W S VESPASIAN. 80-81 AD. AR Denarius (3.21 gm). Laureate head / EX S C, empty quadriga in the form of a temple with quadriga and Victories on pediment. RSC 146; RIC Π 60 (Titus). VF. ($350)
589. TITUS. 79-81 AD. JE As (11.16 gm). 80/81 AD. Laureate head left/Spes walking left. RIC Π 130; Cohen 220. VF, brown patina, porosity. ($150) 584. D I W S VESPASIAN. 80-81 AD. AR Denarius (3.27 gm). Laureate head / Shield inscribed SC supported by capricoms above globe. RSC 497; RIC Π 63 (Titus). Near EF, light encrustation. ($350)
590. DOMITIAN, Caesar. 80-81 AD. JE Sestertius (25.94 gm). Laureate head /Spes walking left. RIC Π 158b (Titus); Cohen 460. VF, brown patina. ($400) 585. D I W S VESPASIAN. 80-81 AD. ^Sestertius (23.04 gm). IMP Τ CAESAR DIVIVESP F AVG PM TR Ρ COS V m around SC / Vespasian, holding seeptre and Victory, sealed on quadriga drawn by elephants. RIC Π 144 (Titus); Cohen 206. Fair, brown patina. Rare. ($200)
591. DOMITIAN. 81 -96 AD. Ai Sestertius (27.12 gm). 81 AD. Laureate head / Minerva standing left. RIC H 233a; Cohen 555. VF, attractive variegated patina. Good portrait from the first year of his reign. ($500) 586. TITUS, Caesar. 72 AD. R Sestertius (26.96 gm). Struck under Vespasian. Laureate head right / Pax standing left, holding branch and comucopiae. RIC Π 609 (Vespasian). Near VF/Fine, brown patina with touches of green and red. ($200)
(Please MaiCyour 5
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Rare & Choice As Issued For The Ludes Saeculares of 88 AD
592. DOMITIAN. 81 -96 AD. JE Sestertius (26.29 gm). 85 AD. Laureate head, aegis at neck /GERMANIA CAPTA mourning Germania and bound captive by trophy. RIC Π 252; Cohen 135. VF, tan patina, ancient scrape in reverse field. ($400)
597. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE As (13.05 gm). Ludes Saeculares, 88 AD. Laureate head / Domitian in priestly gaib, sacrificing over altar in front of temple, two attendants with lyres at side. RIC Π 385a; Cohen 85. EF, choice dark green patina. Rare. , (S2000)
593. DOMITIAN. 81 -96 AD. JE Sestertius (29.93 gm). 85 AD. Laureate head, aegis at neck / Domitian on horseback with spear and shield, trampling German. RIC Π 284; Cohen 484. VF, olive green patina, broad medallic flan. ($650)
598. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). 89 AD. Laureate head / Minerva on prow, owl at feet RSC 258; RIC Π 144. Superb EF, one spot of encmstation on reverse. ($500)
Ex CNA XVI, lot 449; Ν FA XIV, lot 368.
599. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.58 gm). 92/93 AD. Laureate head / Minerva on prow, owl at feet. RSC 281 ; RIC Π 172. Good VF. ($150) 594. DOMITIAN. 81 -96 AD. AR Denarius (3.55 gm). 87 AD. Laureate head /Minerva standing left, holding thundeibolt and spear. RSC 223a; RIC Π 101. Toned EF. ($500)
595. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (2.85 gm). SaecularGames Issue, 88 AD. Laureate head right/ Herald standing left before column and incense-bumer, COS ΧΠΠ LVD SAEC FEC inscribed on column. RSC 73; RICH 116. Toned VF, flan flaw on neck. Scarce. ($250)
596. DOMITIAN. 81 -96 AD. AR Quinarius (1.47 gm). SaecularGames Issue, 88 AD. Laureate head right / Herald advancing left, wearing feathered cap, holding wand and shield. RSC 78; RIC Π 118. Toned VF, light porosity. Rare. ($450)
600. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE Sestertius (27.38 gm). 95/96 AD. Laureate head / Jupiter seated left, holding Victory and sceptre. RIC Π 412; Cohen 316. VF, green and brown patina, pitting. ($200)
601. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (3.43 gm). 97 AD. Laureate head / Clasped hands. RSC 22; RIC Π 26. Fine. ($100)
602. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Tetradrachm of 3 Denarii (10.14 gm). Pergamon mint. 98 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG GERM PM TR POT PP, laureate head / COS ΠΠ, legionary aquila flanked by standards. RSC 53a; RIC Π 124. Toned VF. Rare. ($600)
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608. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. M As (11.37 gm). 101/102 AD. Laureate head/ Hying Victory. RIC Π 434; Cohen 640. Brown VF. ($ 100)
603. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). 98-99 AD. Laureate head /Pax standing left. RSC 209; RIC Π 6. Near EF. ($150)
609. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. M Sestertius (25.18 gm). 103-111 AD. Laureate head, drapery at shoulder/Ceres standing overmodius. RICH480; Banti 113. Fine, tan patina, porosity. ($175)
604. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. Lot of two AR Denarii. (3.19 gm). 98-99 AD. Laureate head / Vesta. RSC 203a; RIC Π 9. // (2.95 gm). 103-111 AD. Laureate head, drapery / Victory. RSC 74; RICH 128. Both VF. 2coins. ($150) 610. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). 112-114 AD. Laureate head, drapery at shoulder/ Annona left, child at feet RSC 9; RIC Π 243. VF. ($100)
605. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.41 gm). 98-99 AD. Laureate bust, drapery at shoulder / Vesta seated left, not veiled. RSC 203a variety; RIC Π 9 variety (drapery). Toned near EF. ($150)
606. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). 98-99 AD. Laureatehead /Victory seated left RSC 213; RIC Π10. Good VF. ($150)
611. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.61 gm). 112-114 AD. Laureate bust, drapery at shoulder/Arabia with camel. RSC 26; RIC Π 245. VF. ($100)
612. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.60 gm). 112-114 AD. Laureate bust, drapery at shoulder / VIA TRAIANA, reclining female, holding wheel and reed. RSC 648; RICH 266. Toned VF. ($175) Marks the construction of the imperial roadway between Benevenlum and Brundisium.
607. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Tetradrachm of 3 Denarii (10.10 gm). Pergamon minL 98-99 AD. M P CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM PM TR Ρ PP, laureate head / COS Π, six grain ears. RSC -; RIC Π 715 variety (obverse legend A.3). Toned near VF. Rare. ($400)
613. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). 112-114 AD. Laureate head, drapery at shoulder/Nude Genius holding patera and grain ears. RSC 398a; RIC ($150) Π 276. Good VF.
614. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). 114-117 AD. Laureate and draped bust/Nude Genius holding patera and grain ears. RSC 276; RIC Π 347. Toned VF. ($125)
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619. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). 119-122 AD. Laureate bust, drapery at shoulder/ Felicitas holding caduceus and comucopiae. RSC 599; RIC Π 119b. Good VF. ($150)
620. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.06 gm). 119-122 AD. Laureate head, drapery at shoulder / Libertas seated left, holding branch and sceptre. RSC 903; RIC Π 127. Good VF. ($150) 615. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE As (6.35 gm). 114-117 AD. Radiate heroic bust right, aegis on shoulder / Incuse of obverse. VF, jade green patina, flan crack. Nice brockage. ($200)
Extremely Rare Sestertius of Marciana 621. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.19 gm). 125-128 AD. Laureate head, drapery / Victory seated; globe below. RSC 361b; RIC Π184. Good VF. ^ _ _ ($150)
616. MARCIANA, sister of IVajan. JE Sestertius (25.36 gm). Diademed bust /CONSECRATIO, eagle left, with open wings. RIC Π 748 (Trajan); Band 1. Fine, green patina. Extremely Rare imperial family member. ($3500)
622. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE As (8.93 gm). 132-134 AD. Bare-headed bust / Galley to left, five rowers. RIC Π 719; Cohen 660. Near VF, green patina. ($150)
623. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.61 gm). 134-138 AD. Bare head / Fortuna standing left. RSC 775a; RIC Π 245A. Toned good VF. ($150)
617. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. Ai Sestertius (323.46 gm). 118 AD. Laureate heroic bust, drapery at shoulder / LIBERAOTAS AVG, Emperor seated on platform, receiving citizen who accepts donation from seated attendant, Liberalitas standing behind. RIC Π 552; Cohen 914. VF, dark green patina, slight smoothing. ($500) ExBrauer collection, NFA XXI, lot 850.
624. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). 134-138 AD. Bare head right / Salus feeding serpent coiled around altar. RSC 1335; RIC H 267. Toned good VF. ($150)
618. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius(3.34 gm). 119-122AD. Laureate bust, drapery at shoulder/ Pax seated left, holding Victory and branch. RSC 1147; RIC Π 95. Toned choice EF. ($300)
625. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (20.09 gm). 134-138 AD. Bareheaded bust / Aegyptos reclining, ibis on column in front. RIC Π 838; Cohen 110. VF, brown patina. ($350)
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630. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. Lot of two JE Sestertii (30.56 gm). 139 AD. Laureate head/Kdes. RICIII540; Cohen 846. //And: (26.59 gm). 140-144 AD. Laureate head /Moneta. RIC ΙΠ 610; Cohen 556. Both VF, the last with flan crack. 2 coins. ($250)
626. AELIUS, Caesar. 136-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.14 gm). Bare head right / Felicitas holding caduceus and comucopiae. RSC 50; RIC ΙΠ 430 (Hadrian). Good VF. ($500)
631. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (28.83 gm). 140-144 AD. Laureate head / Salus feeding seipent on altar, holding sceptre. RIC ΠΙ 635; Cohen710.Hne,da1kgreenpatina. ($150) 627. AELIUS, Caesar. 136-138 AD. JE Sestertius (22.44 gm). His bare head right / Spes standing left, holding flower and raising drapery. RIC Π1055 (Hadrian). VF/Fine, hair tooled on obverse. ($250)
628. AELIUS, Caesar. 136-138 AD. JE Sestertius (25.69 gm). Bare head right / Concordia seated left RIC Π 1057 (Hadrian); Cohen 7. Fine, tan patina, scratches on reverse. ($250)
632. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (26.71 gm). 140-144 AD. Laureate head / Italia seated on globe, holding comucopiae and sceptre. RIC IH 746a; Cohen 464. Near VF, daik green patina. ($300)
JE Sestertius of Antoninus Pius
629. ANTONINUS PIUS, as Caesar. 138 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). Bare head right / Concordia standing half-left, left arm on column, holding patera and double comuacopiae. RSC 1060; RIC Π 449 (Hadrian). EF, iridescent toning. Rare. ($350)
633. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (25.81 gm). 145-161 AD. Laureate head / Salus feeding seipent on altar, holding !udder on globe. RIC ΙΠ 784; Cohen 718. EF, emerald green patina, slight pitting. ($1000)
634. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Dupondius (10.16 gm). 145-161 AD. Radiate head / Antoninus in priestly garb, sacrificing over ahar. RIC ΙΠ 814. Good VF, dark green patina. ($200) Photos of Lot 630
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641. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.38 gm). 158/159 AD. Laureate head / Temple of Augustus and Uvia. RSC 804; RIC ΠΙ 290a. Near EF.
635. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (21.23 gm). 146 AD. Laureate head right / Mars walking right, bearing trophy and spear. RIC ΙΠ 778; Cohen 751. EF, Tiber patina. Reverse slightly double struck, but a choice imperial portrait. ($750) ExNFAXVIl, lot 838.
636. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). 148/149 AD. Laureate head / Fortuna holding rudder on globe and comucopiae. RSC 263; RIC ΙΠ179. Good VF. ($125)
642. ANTONINUS PIUS and MARCUS AURELIUS, Caesar. 140-144 AD. JE Sestertius (28.52 gm). Laureate head of Antoninus / Bare-headed bust of Aurelius. RIC ΙΠ 1212; Cohen 34. Near VF, olive brown patina, some smoothing. ($250)
Diws Antoninus Pius Aureus
643. D I W S ANTONINUS PIUS. 161 AD. AV Aureus (7.12gm). Bare head / Funeral pyre topped by quadriga. RIC ΙΠ 435 ( Aurelius). VF. ($2750) 637. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE As (10.14 gm). 150/151 AD. Laureate head, drapery at shoulder/ Annona seated, modius at feet. RIC ΙΠ 880 variety (drapery). VF, dark green patina. ($ 150)
644. DIVA FAUSTINA SR. Died 140 AD. AR Denarius (2.78 gm). Draped bust /Peacock walking left. RSC 175; RICΙΠ384 (Antoninus). Toned VF. ($100) 638. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (2.94 gm). 151/152 AD. Laureate head / Annona distributing grain from modius set on galley. RSC 288; RIC ΙΠ 204. Good VF. ($125)
645. MARCUS AURELIUS, Caesar. 140-144 AD. AR Denarius (3.30 gm). Laureate head / Sacrificial implements. RSC 451; RIC ΠΙ 424a (Antoninus). EF, choice portrait of the young Aurelius. ($250)
639. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE As (13.43 gm). 154/155 AD. Laureate head / Britannia seated on rock, shield and amis at side. RIC ΠΙ934; Cohen 117. Good VF, green patina. ($200)
640. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). 157/158 AD. Laureate head / VOTA SVSCEPTA DECENNAL ΠΙ COS ΠΠ, Antoninus sacrificing over altar. RSC 1127; RIC ΙΠ 157. EF. ($200)
646. MARCUS AURELIUS, Caesar. 140-144 AD. JE Sestertius (28.84 gm). Laureate head, aegis at shoulder / Juventas dropping incense in candelabrum. RIC ÏÏI 1232 (Antoninus) variety (aegis); Banti 196. VF, brown patina, some roughness. Scarce bust variety. ($150)
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Aureus of Aurelius as Caesar
647. MARCUS AURELIUS, Caesar. 146/147 AD. AV Aureus (6.68 gm). Bare-headed and draped bust left/Minerva standing right, holding spear and shield. RIC ΙΠ 435b (Pius). EF. (See enlargement on back cover). ($4000)
648. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). 161/162 AD. Laureate head / Providentia holding globe and comucopiae. RSC 517; RIC ΠΙ 48. Toned EF. ($250)
652. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161 -180 AD. JE Sestertius (25.52 gm). 164/165 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust / Providentia holding rod over globe and sceptre. RIC HI 905; Cohen 801. VF, brown surfaces, slight pitting. ($100)
653. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.13 gm). 168 AD. Laureate head / Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and comucopiae. RSC 208; RIC ΙΠ 185. Tonedgood VF. ($150)
654. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.48 gm). 168 AD. Laureate head / Aequitas seated, holding scales and comucopiae. RSC 899; RIC ΙΠ 191. Mint State. ($350)
649. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD./?;Sestertius (25.08 gm). 161/162 AD. Laureate bust, drapery at shoulder/Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus clasping hands. RIC ΙΠ 827. VF, reddish-brown patina. ($400)
655. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. Λ· Sestertius (21.73 gm). 170/171 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR Ρ XX V, laureate head / COS ΙΠ ADLOCVT AVG SC, Aurelius addressing soldiers. RIC ΠΙ -; Cohen -; Banti -. Fine, green patina. Unlisted year for this type. ($ 150)
650. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. jESestertius (25.86gm). 163/164 AD. Laureate head /Mars standing right, holding spear and shield. RIC ΙΠ 861; Cohen 838. Good VF, attractive dark brown patina. ($900)
656. DIVVS MARCUS AURELIUS. 180 AD. JE Sestertius (24.04 gm). Bare head / Statue of Aurelius in quadriga drawn by elephants. RIC ΠΙ661 (Commodus); Cohen 95. VF, brown patina, corrosion on reverse. Rare. ($200)
651. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD.>£ Sestertius (23.79 gm). 164/165 AD. Laureate head / Mars standing right, holding spear and shield. RIC ΙΠ 898; Cohen 796. VF, dark green patina, porosity. ($400)
657. FAUSTINA JR. AR Denarius (3.09 gm). Her draped bust right / Juno standing half-left, holding patera and sceptre; at her feet, peacock. RSC 120a; RIC ΠΙ 688 (Aurelius). EF, light toning. ($200)
M a r c h 30,1 994
664. LUCILLA, wife of Verus. JE Sestertius (23.59 gm). Draped bust / Fecunditas seated, feeding infant, two children at feet. RIC ΙΠ 1736 (Aurelius); Cohen 21. Fine, black patina. ($250)
658. FAUSTINA JR.jE Sestertius (22.74 gm). Draped bust / Diana with bow and arrow. RIC HI 1405a (Pius). Near VF, emerald green patina. // Plus L U Q L LA. Sestertius (26.77 gm). Draped bust/Juno seated left. RIC HI 1746 (Aurelius). ($150) Near VF, green patina, encrustation on reverse. 2 coins.
665. COMMODUS, Caesar. 175-177 AD. AR Denarius (3.24 gm). Bareheaded and draped bust / Hilaritas holding palm and comucopiae RSC 216; RIC III 611 (Aurelius). Good VF. ($150)
659. FAUSTINA JR. JE Sestertius (19.70 gm). Draped bust right/Cybele enthroned, lions atfeet. RICIII1663 (Antoninus); Cohen 169. Near VF, brown patina ($150)
666. COMMODUS, Caesar. 179 AD. JE Sestertius (20.64 gm). Laureate head / Minerva with spear and shield, altar at feet. RIC HI 1599 (Aurelius); Cohen 228. Fine, brown patina // Plus a Sestertius of Philip Π, Caesar. Draped bust / Prince with globe and spear. RIC 256. VF, porosity. 2 coins. ($75)
660. FAUSTINA JR. JE As (12.94 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Fecunditas right, holding sceptre and child. RIC ΠΙ 1639 (Antoninus); Cohen 101. VF, green and brown patina. ($ 150)
667. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (3.25 gm). Laureate head right / Providentia standing facing, head left, holding sceptre and wand over globe. RSC 830; RIC ΙΠ 32. Near EF, light iridescent toning. ($200)
No Lot
668. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (2.72 gm). 185 AD. Laureate head / Commodus haranguing the troops. RSC 142; RIC ΠΙ 110a. VF, small flan. ($125)
662. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). 161/162 AD. Bare head / Providentia standing, holding globe and comucopiae. RSC 155; RIC ΙΠ 482 (Aurelius). VF. ($ 100)
Tigidius Perennius, commander of the Praetorian Guards, was given free rein by the dissolute Commodus. His brutality led to his denunciation by other officers in the army, who charged him with grasping for the throne. Perennius was arrested and executed in 185, and the army was praised for its loyalty.
663. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.31 gm). 166 AD. Laureate head / Pax standing, holding branch and comucopiae. RSC 126; RIC ΠΙ 561 (Aurelius). EF. ($200)
669. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (259 gm). 191-192AD.Head of Commodus in the style of Hercules, wearing lion skin / Club within wreath. RSC 190; RIC ΙΠ 251. VF, some porosity. Better type. ($200)
6 1
30,1 994
670. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. Ai As (10.88 gm). 181/182 AD. Laureate head/Minerva left; holding branch, spear and shield. RICIII338; Cohen 820. Good VF, smooth dark green patina. ($300) 676. CLODIUS ALBINUS, As Caesar. 193-195 AD. Ai Sestertius (24.94 gm). 194-195 AD. Bust right, bare-headed, drapery on left shoulder / Felicitas standing half-left, holding caduceus and sceptre. RIC IV 52d. Near VF, green-brown patina. An excellent portrait! ($400)
671. CRISPINA, wife of Commodus. Ai Sestertius (22.85 gm). Draped bust right / Concordia seated left, holding patera and double comuacopiae. RIC ΙΠ 665 (Commodus); Cohen 6. VF, olive green patina. ($250)
677. CLODIUS ALBINUS, Caesar. 194-195 AD. JE Sestertius (19.45 gm). D CL SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare-headed and draped bust / Fortuna seated, holding rudder on globe and comucopiae. RIC IV pL 1,53c. Near VF, dark green patina. ($300) 672. CLODIUS ALBINUS, Caesar. 193-195 AD. AR Denarius (1.78 gm). His bare head right / Minerva standing half-left; holding olive-branch, spear and shield. RSC 48; RIC IV 7. VF, light porosity. ($200)
678. CLODIUS ALBINUS, Caesar. 194-195 AD. Ai As (10.63 gm). D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head / Aesculapius standing, holding seipent staff. RIC IV pt.l, 57a. VF/near VF, green and brown patina. Nice portrait. Rare. ($400)
673. CLODIUS ALBINUS, Caesar. 193-195 AD. AR Denarius (3.12 gm). D CL SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head /ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated, holding palladium and sceptre. RSC 61 ; RIC IV pt. 1, lla.Good VF. ($300)
674. CLODIUS ALBINUS, Caesar. 193-195 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). D CLSEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated, holding palladium and sceptre. RSC 61 ; RIC IV pt. 1, lia. VF. ($200) 679. SEPTTMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. j4E Sestertius (26.51 gm). Struck 193 AD. Laureate head right / FIDE [I LEG T]RP COS SC, Fides standing halfleft, holding Victory and standard. RIC IV 651. VF/near VF, green-brown patina with touches of red. ($400) A scarce example ofSeverus' first coinage, which featured types aimed at securing the loyalty of the legions.
Our ?{essaie Will (Be MeCdOn June 11,1994 In Conjunction 'With Ί~heSpnngtyzvyori^Inttrnationd Numismatic Convention
675. CLODIUS ALBINUS, Caesar. 194-195 AD. JE Sestertius (22.27 gm). D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head/Felicitas standing, holding caduceus and sceptre. RIC IV pt. 1,52a. Fine, brown patina. ($250) 6 2
30,1 994
685. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.09 gm). 207 AD. Laureate head / Mars walking right, carrying trophy and spear. RSC 431 ; RIC TV pL 1, 88. Choice EF. ($100)
680. SEPTIMIIIS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. Ai Sestertius (25.57 gm). 202210 AD. Laureate head / VICIORIAE BRITTANNICAE SC, two Victories erecting trophy, captives at base. RIC TV pL 1, 818; Cohen 732. Good VF, green and brown patina. Scarce and popular. ($1000)
686. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. JE Sestertius (25.06 gm). 211 AD. Laureate head, drapery at shoulder / Fortuna seated, holding redder and comucopiae. RIC IV pt. 1,479b; Cohen 85. VF/Fine, flan crack. Rare. ($200)
681. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. JE Sestertius (25.86 gm). 210 AD. Laureate head / Annona seated right, Cupid at feet, prow of galley in background. RIC IV p t 1,794a; Cohen 554. VF, green and brown patina. Rare. ($450)
687. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.89 gm). 217 AD. Radiate and draped bust / Nude Jupiter holding thunderbolt and sceptre. RSC 374a; RIC IV pt. 1,285c. Toned good VF. ($125)
682. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denanus (3.03 gm). Laodicea. 198-202 AD. Laureate head / Justilia seated, holding patera and sceptre. RSC 251 ; RIC IV pt.1,505. Toned good VF. ($100)
688. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.08 gm). 217 AD. Laureate head / Serapis holding wreath and sceptre. RSC 382; RIC TV p t 1,289c. Toned good VF. ($75)
683. JULIA DOMNA. 211 -217 AD. AR Denarius (2.89 gm). Draped bust / Vesta left, holding palladium and sceptre. RSC 230, RIC IV pL 1,390 (CaracaUa). EF, old cabinet toning. ($125)
689. (ΪΕΤΑ, Caesar. 200-202 AD. AR Denarius (3.48 gm). Bare-headed and draped bust / Castor standing left, holding reins of horse and sceptre. RSC 12; RIC IV pt 1,6. Toned VF, small scratch on reverse. ($100)
690. GETA, Caesar. 203-208 AD. AR Denarius (3.57 gm). Bare-headed and draped bust / Minerva standing left, holding shield and spear. RSC 104a; RIC IV p t 1,34b. Good VF, some lustre. ($100)
684. JULIA DOMNA. 211-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). Laodicea. 196202 AD. Draped bust/Ceres seated left, holding grain ears and stalk. RSC 14; RIC IV pt. 1,636 (Severus). Near EF. ($125) 6 3
691. GETA. 209-212 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). 211 AD. Laureate head / Fortuna reclining on wheel, holding comucopiae. RSC 62; RIC IV pL 1,77. Toned EF. ($150)
692. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (3.63 gm). 217 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust, long beard / Nude Jupiter holding thunderbolt and sceptre. RSC 70; RIC IV pt.2,2. Near EF. ($200)
M a r c h 30,1 994
698. DIADUMENIAN, Caesar. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (2.98 gm). Bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust / Diadumenian with standard and sceptre, in front of two standards. RSC 3b; RIC IV pt.2,102. VF/Fine. ($200)
699. JULIA PAULA, First wife of Elagabalus. 219-220 AD. AR Denarius (3.14 gm). Her draped bust right/Concordia seated left, holding patera; starin left field. RSC 6a; RIC IV 21 l.EF, flan crack. ($200) ExHunt Collection (Sotheby's, June 1991) lot 1047 (part of).
693. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (2.88 gm). December, 217 AD. Laureate and draped bust, long beard / Annona holding grain ears over modius and comucopiae. RSC 47a; RIC IV p l 2 , 26. Near EF. ($200)
694. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). December, 217 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust, long beard / Annona holding grain ears over modius and comucopiae. RSC 47b; RIC IV pt.2,26. Good VF. ($ 150)
700. JULIA PAULA, First wife of Elagabalus. 219-220 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). Draped bust / Concordia seated left; star in field. RSC 6; RIC IV pt.2, 211 (Elagabalus). Good VF. ($125)
701. AQUILIASEVERA, wife of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (4.04gm).Her draped bust right / Concordia standing half-left, holding patera over altar and double comuacopiae; star in leftfield. RSC 2a; RIC IV 225 (Elagabalus). Good VF, light toning. ($650) Ex Hunt Collection (Sotheby's, June 1991 )lot 1047 (part of).
695. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (294 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Aequitas standing half-left, holding scales and comucopiae. RSC 2; RIC IV 53. EF, small flan crack. ($250)
696. M A C R I N U S . 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust, long beard / Fides holding standards. RSC 23a; RIC IV pt.2,267. Toned VF. ___ ($150)
10(1. AQUILIA SEVERA, wife of Elagabalus. jE Sestertius (22.11 gm). Her diademed and draped bust right / Concordia standing half-left, holding patera and double comuacopiae, altar below, star in right field. RIC IV 390 (Elagabalus) Rarity 2. Near VF, brown patina with touches of light verdigris, fine flan crack. Rare. ($500)
697. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.88 gm). Radiate and draped bust, short beard/Salus seated, feeding serpent around altar. RSC 115; RIC IV pt.2,88. VF. Rare, lists at £550 in Sear. ($400)
703. JULIA MAESA, grandmother of Elagabalus. AR Antoninianus (5.42 gm). Diademed and draped bust on crescent / Pietas standing left over altar. RSC 30; RIC IV pt.2,264 (Elagabalus). VF. ($125)
M a r c h 30,1 994
704. JULIA MAESA, grandmother of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (2.91 gm). Her draped bust right / Pudicitia seated left, raising veil and holding sceptre. RSC 36; RIC IV 268 (Elagabalus). EF, lovely iridescent toning. ($150) 710. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. JE Sestertius (19.81 gm).231235 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / Mars advancing right, holding spear and shield. RIC IV pt.2,635; Cohen 169. Good VF/VF, dark brown patina.
ExHunl Collection (Sotheby's, June 1991) lot 1047 (part of).
JraiPk 705. JULIA MAESA, grandmother of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (2.56 gm). Draped bust / Puducitia seated left. RSC 36; RIC IV pt2,268 (Elagabalus). Toned EF. ($150) 711. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. JE Sestertius (20.13 gm). 231 235 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / Mars advancing right, holding spear and shield. RIC IV pt.2,635; Cohen 169. VF, red-brown patina. ($ 100)
706. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. JE Sestertius (19.86 gm). 222231 AD. Laureate and draped bust / Mars advancing right, carrying trophy and spear. RIC IV pt.2,440; Cohen 282. VF, light brown patina. ($150)
712. ORBIANA, wife of Severus Alexander. AR Denarius (2.98 gm). Diademed bust / Concordia seated left, holding patera and double comuacopiae. RSC 1; RIC IV pt.2,1 (Alexander). Toned near VF. ($200)
707. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.94 gm). 224 AD. Laureate bust/Mars left, holding branch and sceptre. RSC 251 ; RIC IV pL2,37. Choice toned EF. ($100)
713. JULIA MAMAEA. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Diademed and draped bust / Felicitas leaning on short column, holding caduceus. RSC 17; RIC IV pt.2,335 (Alexander). Superb EF. ($200)
708. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.27 gm). 231235 AD. Laureate bust, drapery at shoulder / Providentia holding grain ears over modius and comucopiae. RSC 501b; RIC IV pt.2,250. Lustrous choice EF.
714. JULIA MAMAEA. AR Denarius (2.62 gm). Diademed and draped bust / Vesta left, holding patera and sceptre. RSC 85; RIC IV pt.2, 362 (Alexander). Toned good VF. ($100)
709. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.98 gm). 231235 AD. Laureate and draped bust / Spes walking left. RSC 543; RIC IV pt.2,254. Superb EF. ($200)
715. MAXIMINUS I Thrax. 235-238 AD. ΛΕ Sestertius (21.88 gm). 236-238 AD. Laureate bust / Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. RIC IV pt.2,81 ; Cohen 38. Good VF, brown patina, flan crack. ($200)
30,1 994
FDC Antoninianus of Pupienus
716. MAXIMINUS I Thrax. 235-238 AD. JE Sestertius (19.63 gm). 236-238 AD. Laureate bust / Salus feeding serpent coiled around altar. RIC IV pt.2, 85; Cohen 92. VF, rough brown patina. ($ 100) 722. PUPIENUS. 238 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.36 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Two clasped hands. RSC 2; RIC IV 9b. FDC. (See enlargement on front cover). (S1000)
717. MAXIMINUS I Thrax. 235-238 AD. JE Sestertius (16.90 gm). 236-238 AD. laureate bust / Victory standing left, bound captive at feet. RIC IV pt.2,90; Cohen 109. VF, light brown patina. ($100)
723. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. /!•Sestertius (22.18 gm). Fifth issue. Laureate bust/Mars walking right, carrying spearand shield. RIC IV pt3,333; Cohen 161. EF, green patina. ($300) Ex CNΛ / , lot 237. 718. DIVA PAULINA, wife of Maximinus I. AR Denarius (2.88 gm). Veiled bust/Peacock in splendor. RSC 1; RICIVpt.2,1. VF. Rare. ($400)
719. DIVA PAULINA, wife of Maximinus I. JE Sestertius (18.65 gm). Veiled and draped bust right / Paulina on peacock, ascending to heaven. RIC IV 3 (Rare). VF, brown patina with touches of green. Rare. ($600)
720. MAXIMUS, Caesar. 236-238 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). Bare-headed bust / Maximus standing left, standards behind. RSC 10; RIC IV pt.2,3. Lustrous choice EF. ($650)
721. MAXIMUS, Caesar. 236-238 AD. AR Denarius (2.80 gm). Bare-headed bust draped right / Maximus standing half-left, holding baton and spear, two standards behind. RSC 10; RIC IV 3. EF. ($400)
724. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. JE As (12.89 gm). 240 AD. Laureate bust / Abundantia pouring out comucopiae. RIC IV pt.3,274b; Cohen 2. VF, dark green patina. ($100)
725. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.15 gm). Millenium of Rome, 248 AD. Radiate bust/Lion walking right; I below. RSC 173; RIC IV pt.3,12. EF. ($175)
726. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.07 gm). Millenium of Rome, 248 AD.Radiale bust/Wolf and twins; Π below. RSC 178;RICIVpL3,15. Toned EF. ($125)
30,1 994
727. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.28 gm). Millenium of Rome, 248 AD. Radiate bust / Wolf and twins; Π below. RSC 178; RIC IV pt.3, 15. VF, iridescent old toning. ($100) 733. PHILIP II. 247-249 AD. Λί Sestertius (14.58 gm). Laureate bust/Philip I and Philip Π seated on curule chairs. RIC IV pt.3,267a; Cohen 18. Good VF, brown patina. ($500)
728. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. JE Sestertius (11.03 gm). Millenium of Rome, 248 AD. Laureate bust / Wolf and twins. RIC IV pL3, 159; Cohen 179. Good VF, green patina. Stmck on a light-weight flan probably intended for an as. ($400)
734. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. JE Sestertius (20.39 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust / Victory walking left. RIC IV pt.3, 126d; Cohen 117. Good VF, brown patina, reverse double struck. ($200)
729. P H I L I P 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.71 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / S AECVLARES AVGG, Cippus inscribed COS ΙΠ. RSC 193; RIC IV 24c. VF+. ($100)
730. P H I L I P I. 244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.11 gm). Radiate bust / Aequilas holding scales and comucopiae. RSC 9; RIC IV pt.3,27b. Lustrous supeibEF. ($100)
735. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.56 gm). Radiate bust/GENIVS EXERCILLYRIOAM, Genius wilh standards. RSC 49; RIC IV pt.3, 16c. Lustrous EF. // Plus an Antoninianus of Philip (4.62 gm). Radiale bust / Aequilas (AVG) RIC 27b variety. EF. // Aurelian. Antoninianus (4.48 gm). Serdica Radiate bust / Emperor receiving wreath; *ΚΑΔ. RIC 288. EF. 3 coins. ($200)
Rare Series of DIVO Antoniniani Struck by Decius
731. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. JE Sestertius (18.68 gm). Laureate bust/Securitas seated left, holding sceptre. RIC IV pt.3,190; Cohen 216. Near EF, olive green patina, minor pitting in field. ($250)
736. DI VO TRAJAN. Stmck by Trajan Decius. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.60 gm). DIVO TRAIANO, radiate head, drapery at shoulder/CONSECRATIO, eagle. RSC -; RIC IV pu3,85b (Decius). Near EF. ($250)
732. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. JE Sestertius (21.02 gm). Laureate bust/ Four legionary standards. RIC IV pt.3,171a; Cohen 51. VF, black patina. ($100)
737. DIVO TRAJAN. Struck by Trajan Decius. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.12 gm). DIVO TRAIANO, radiate head / CONSECRATIO, flaming altar. RSC 664; RIC IV p l 3 , 86b (Decius). Near EF. ($250)
738. DIVO H A D R I A N . Struck by Trajan Decius. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.22 gm). DIVO HADRIANO, radiate head / CONSECRATIO, eagle. RSC 1509; RIC IV pt.3,87 (Decius). VF. ($200)
739. DIVO ANTONINUS PIUS. Stmck by Trajan Decius. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.98 gm). DIVO PIO, radiate head / CONSECRATIO, altar. RSC 1189; RIC TV pt.3,90 (Decius). Good VF. ($200)
30,1 994
744. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA, wife of Decius. AR Antoninianus (4.52 gm). Diademed bust on crescent / Pudicitia standing left, holding sceptre. RSC 17; RIC IV pt.3,58b (Decius). EF, spots of encnistation. ($ 125)
745. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA, wife of Decius. JE Sestertius (17.26 gm). Diademed bust / Fecunditas standing left, holding comucopiae, child at feet. RIC IV pt.3,134a (Decius); Cohen 9. VF, attractive brown patina. ($200)
740. DIVO C O M M O D U S . Struck by Trajan Decius. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.27 gm). DIVO COMMODO, radiate head /CONSECRATIO, altar. RSC 1010; RIC IV pt.3,94 (Dccius). VF, scarce. ($200) 746. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA, wife of Decius. JE Sestertius (17.25 gm). Diademed bust/Felicitas seated left, holding sceptre. RIC IV pt.3,136b (Decius); Cohen 22. Good VF, brown patina. ($300)
741. DIVO SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. Struck by Trajan Decius. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.16gm). DIVOSEVERO, radiate head / CONSECRATIO, eagle. RSC 799; RIC IV p l 3 , 95 (Decius). VF. ($200) 747. HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, Caesar. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.56 gm). Radiate bust/Sacrificial implements. RSC 14; RIC IV pt.3,143 (Decius). Toned near VF. ($100)
742. DIVO SEVERUS ALEXANDER. Struck by Trajan Decius. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (2.88 gm). DIVO ALEXANDRO, radiate head, drapery at shoulder/CONSECRATIO, altar. RSC 598; RIC IV pt.3,98 (Decius). Good VF. ($200)
743. DIVO SEVERUS ALEXANDER. Struck by Trajan Decius. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.91 gm). DIVO ALEXANDRO, radiate head, drapery at shoulder/CONSECRATIO, eagle. RSC 599; RIC IV pt.3,99 (Dccius). Good VF. ($200)
748. TREBONIANUS GALLUS. 251-253 AD. Ai Sestertius (14.51 gm). Laureate bu st / Juno seated in tetrastyle circular temple. RIC TV pt.3,112. VF, brown patina, slightly smoothed. ($125)
749. VOLUSIAN. 251-253 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.70 gm). Radiate bust / Distyle temple of Juno, two uncertain objects by Juno's feet. RSC 48a; RIC IV pt.3, 74. Choice EF. ($150)
750. VOLUSIAN. 251 -253 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.05 gm). Radiate bust / Aequitas holding scales and comucopiae. RSC 8; RIC IV pt.3,166. EF, die crack across head. ($100)
30,1 994
756. GALLIENUS, Joint Reign. 253-260 AD. JE Sestertius (18.90 gm). Laureate bust / Liberalitas holding abacus and comucopiae. RIC V pL 1,221 ; Cohen 572. VF, brown and green patina. ($200) Ex Bavarian collection, NFAXXXI, lot 1132, with original ticket.
Better Obverse Type Gallienus Antoninianus
751. VOLUSIAN. 251-253 AD. JE Sestertius (18.96 gm). 253 AD. Laureate bust / Volusian standing left, holding branch and sceptre. RIC IV pt.3,244; Cohen 97. Near VF, green patina. ($200)
757. GALLIENUS, Sole Reign. 260-268 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.02 gm). Milan. Radiate and helmeted bust left, seen from back, holding spear and shield / Nude Jupiter holding thunderbolt and sceptre, eagle at feet; S in right field. RSC 356; RIC V pt. 1,486. Good VF, clashed die reverse. ($150)
752. AEMILIAN. 253 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.49 gm). Radiate bust /Nude Apollo left, with branch and lyre. RSC 2; RIC IV pt.3,1. Toned VF. ($300)
758. GALLIENUS, Sole Reign. 260-268 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.02 gm). Antioch. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust / Trophy with two Parthian captives; palm branch in exergue. RSC 770a; RIC V pt. 1,652. EF, silvering. ($100)
753. DIVA MARINIANA, wife of Valerian. JE Sestertius (16.12 gm). Diademed and veiled bust / Peacock in splendor. RIC V pL 1,9; Cohen 7. Fine, dark green patina. Small flan, but name is visible. Rare. ($300)
759. SALONINA, wife of Gallienus. Antoninianus (3.89 gm). Antioch. Diademed bust on crescent / Aequitas holding scales and comucopiae; VIIC·. RSC ($150) 4a variety (pellet); RIC V -. Choice EF, full silvering.
754. GALLIENUS, Joint Reign. 253-260 AD. AR Antoninianus (2.66 gm). Milan. 258 AD. Radiate and cuirassed bust / LEG ΠΧΧ V I Ρ VI F, capricom. RSC 542; RIC V pL 1,362. VF. Rare legionary reference. ($ 150)
760. SALOMNA, wife of Gallienus. Ai Sestertius (11.37 gm). Struck during joint reign of Gallienus & Valerian 1,253-260 AD. Her diademed and draped bust right / Juno standing left, holding patera and sceptre. RIC V pt. 1,46; Cohen 62. Fine, dark green patina. Small flan. ($150)
755. GALLIENUS, Joint Reign. 253-260 AD. Antoninianus (3.75 gm). Radiate and cuiarssed bust right / Emperor standing left, holding globe and sceptre, receiving wreath from Victory. RIC V 452. VF, traces of silvering. ($100) 6
761. SALONINA, wife of Gallienus. JE Sestertius (22.53 gm). Struck during sole reign of Gallienus, 260-268 AD. Her diademed and draped bust right / Pudicitia seated left, raising veil and holding sceptre. RIC V pt.l, 46; Cohen 96. VF, green patina with touches of red, fields lightly smoothed. ($150)
762. VALERIAN Π. 253-255 AD. Antoninianus (4.18 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust / Spes walking left RSC 92; RIC V pt. 1,52 variety (bust with cuirass). Near EF, black patina. ($100)
763. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.53 gm). Radiate bust / The Rhine reclining left, horns on head, galley to left. RSC 355; RIC pt.2,87. Near VF. Rare. ($150)
30,1 994
767. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (4.69 gm). Rome. Radiate, cuirassed bust / Radiate Sol trampling captive; * /XXIR. RIC V pL 1,64. EF, silvering. ($75)
768. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (3.63 gm). Serdica. Radiate, cuirassed bust / Female handing wreath to Aurelian; */KAB. RIC V pL 1,290. EF, lull silvering. Nice style. ($ 100)
769. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (3.79 gm). Serdica. Radiate, cuirassed bust / Female handing wreath to emperor, * /ΚΑ·Β*. RIC V pt. 1,298. Choice EF, nearly full silvering. ($100)
764. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. JE Sestertius (20.22 gm). Cologne. 260 AD. Laureate bust/Galley to right. Bastien7A (same obverse die). VF, green and brown patina, slight porosity. ($ 100)
765. MARIUS. 268 AD. Antoninianus (3.15 gm). Radiate bust / Victory advancing right, carrying wreath and palm. RIC V pt.2,18. EF for type, sharp portrait. ($400)
766. CLAUDIUS II G O T H I C U S . 268-270 AD. Antoninianus (3.75 gm). Cyzicus. Radiate bust left, drapery at shoulder / VICTORIAE GOTHIC SPQR two bound captives beneath trophy. RIC V pL 1,252 variety (unrecorded bust type). Good VF, some silvering. ($ 100)
770. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Lot of three Antoniniani. (5.23 gm). Milan. Radiate, cuirassed bust/Sol trampling one captive; Q. RIC VpLl, 137 variety.//(4.22 gm). Milan. Radiate bust / Emperor and Roma; Q. RIC 142. // (4.12 gm). Siscia. Radiate, cuirassed bust / Fortuna seated left; *S. RIC 220. All EF. 3 coins. ($200)
771. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. JE As (9.12 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust / Aurelian and Severina clasping hands, radiate bust of Sol between; Δ. RIC V pL 1, 80; Cohen 35. Fine, brown and green patina, some corrosion on reverse. Rare. ($100)
772. TACITUS. 275-276 AD. Antoninianus (4.36 gm). Gaul mint Radiate bust / Felicitas holding caduceus and comucopiae. RIC V pL 1,65. Near EF, black patina. ($75)
Superb Antoninianus of Tacitus
M a r c h 30,1 994
778. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.84 gm). Siscia. Radiate, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, with spear and shield / Emperor and Concordia; VI/XXI. RIC V pt.2,663. EF, some silvering, flan crack. // Plus Diws Antoninus Pius. AR Antoninianus (2.41 gm). Radiate head / Altar. RIC 90 (Decius). VF, edge chip. 2 coins. ($125)
779. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (5.36 gm). Serdica. Radiate bust / S d in facing quadriga, with stars; ΚΑ·Γ·. RIC V pt.2,861. Good VF, brown patina ($100)
773. TACITUS. 275-276 AD. Antoninianus (3.79 gm). Ticinum. Radiate bust / Laetitia holding wreath and rudder on globe. RIC V pL 1,143. Superb EF, black patina ($250)
780. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (4.34 gm). Cyzicus. Radiate and helmeted bust left, with spear and shield / Emperor on horseback spearing foe; KA· A·. RIC Vpt.2,878. Choice EF, silvering. ($100)
774. FLORIAN. 276 AD. Antoninianus (3.34 gm). Lugdunum. Radiate bust/ Providentia holding wand over globe and sceptre; ΙΠ. RIC V pt. 1,10. EF, brown patina. _ _ ($400)
781. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (4.34 gm). Cyzicus. Radiate and helmeted bust left, with spear and shield / Emperor on horseback spearing foe; KAB. RIC Vpt.2,878. EF, silvering. ($100) 775. FLORIAN. 276 AD. Antoninianus (3.55 gm). Ticinum. Radiate bust / Felicitas holding patera over altar and caduceus; S. RIC V pt. 1,61. Choice EF, brown patina. _ ($400)
776. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (4.38 gm). Rome. Radiate bust left in consular gatb /Sol driving quadriga left; R thunderbolt Γ. RIC V pt.2,203. Choice EF, silvering. ($ 100)
777. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.92 gm). Rome. Radiate bust left in consular garb / Sol driving quadriga left; R thunderbolt Γ. RIC V pt.2,203. Good VF, brown patina. ($75)
782. NUMERIAN. 283-284 AD. Antoninianus (3.70 gm). Rome. Radiate bust / Mercury standing left, holding püeus and caduceus. RIC V pt.2,413. Good VF, black patina. ($75)
783. CARINUS, as Caesar. 282-283 AD. Antoninianus (4.41 gm). Siscia mint Radiate and cuirassed bust right /Carinus with standards; */ΧΧΓΓ. RIC V pt.2,198. VF+, traces of silvering. ($100)
30,1 994
790. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (3.76 gm). Radiate bust / Pax with branch and sceptre. RIC V pt.2,880. Good VF, chocolate brown patina. ($100) 784. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. M Follis (11.49 gm). Nicomedia. Stmck 294-295 AD. Laureate head right / Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae; SMN. RIC VI 27a. Choice EF, brown. ($ 150)
791. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (3.81 gm). Radiate bust / Pax with branch and sceptre. RIC V pt.2,880. VF, dark brown patina. ($ 100)
785. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. Antoninianus (3.53 gm). Antioch. Radiate bust / Jupiter handing Victory to emperor, B/XXI. RIC V pt.2,324. EF, brown patina. ($75)
792. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. Antoninianus (4.09 gm). Lugdunum. 290294 AD. Radiate and mantled bust left, holding sceptre / Pax standing left, holding Victory and sceptre; Β. RIC V pt.2,399. EF, good silver. ($ 100)
786. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (3.28 gm). London. Radiate bust / LEG VIE AVG, bull right; ML. RIC V pt.2,77. Fine, brown patina. Rare. ($100)
787. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (4.01 gm). Camulodunum. Radiate bust/Victory left with wreath and palm; C. RIC V pt.2,199. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($ 150)
788. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (4.87 gm). Camulodunum. Radiate bust / Pax with branch and sceptre; C. RIC V pt.2,303. Choice EF, smooth olive brown patina. ($200)
793. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. Al Follis (9.26 gm). Trier. 303-305 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust / Turreled and draped Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae; S F/PTR. RIC VI573 note - "rare variant" in ANS collection. Superb EF, olive brown patina. ($250)
794. MAXIMIANUS, Senior Augustus. 305-306 AD. Al Follis (8.04 gm). Trier. Laureate and mantled bust, holding branch and mappa / Providentia and Quies standing facing each other, S F/PTR. RIC VI 676b. Good VF, daik green patina. ($200)
Superb Argenteus of Maximianus
789. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (2.98 gm). Camulodunum. Radiate and cuirassed bust, with spear over shoulder / Fortuna standing left with rudder and comucopiae; C. Cf. RIC V pt.2,786 (Fortuna is seated). VF, olive green patina. Rare. ($300)
795. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. AR Argenteus (3.09 gm). Ticinum. 295 AD. MAXIMIA NVS AVG, laureate head / VICTORIA SARMAT, tetrarchs sacrificing before campgate; pellet in arch. RSC 548d; RIC VI 16b. Toned supeib EF. ($1400)
30,1 994
801. CONSTANTIUS I, as Caesar. 297-298 AD. JE Follis (8.73 gm). Carthage. Laureate head right / Africa standing left, holding standard and tusk; A/PKT. RIC VI 24a. VF/VF+, brown. ($75)
796. MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. JE Follis (10.55 gm). Aquileia. Strack 300 AD. Laureate head right/Moneta standing left, holding scales and comucopiae; AQS. RIC VI, 29b. EF, brown and green patina. ($100)
802. DIVO CONSTANTIUS I. 307-308 AD. JE Follis (6.91 gm). Trier. Laureate and veiled bust / Flaming altar flanked by eagles; PTR. RIC VI789. EF, brown patina. ($250)
797. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. JE Follis (10.64 gm). Thessalonica. 298299 AD. Laureate head / Genius standing left; TSA. RIC VI 19b. // Plus another. (10.42 gm). Cyzicus. 297-298 AD. Laureate head /Genius; KE. RIC VI 12b. Both near EF. 2 coins. " ($100)
803. GALERIUS. 305-311 AD. JE Follis (7.60 gm). Cyzicus. 308 AD. Laureate head/Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae; MKB.RIC VI36. EF, brown patina. ($75)
798. MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. JE Follis (9.26 gm). Nicomedia. Strock 303-304 AD. Laureate head right / Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae; SMNA. RIC VI 29b. Choice EF, brown. ($ 150)
804. GALERIUS. 305-311 AD. JE Follis <7.01 gm). Alexandria Struck 308 AD. Laureate head right / Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae; Ρ BR/ALE. RIC VI72. EF, reddish-brown and green patina. ($75) 799. MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. JE Follis (9.24 gm). Carthage. Strock 289299 AD. Laureate head right / Carthage standing facing; B. RIC VI 27b. EF, brown, reverse slightly double strack. ($100)
805. GALERIA VALERIA, wife of Galerius. 308 AD. JE Follis (5.95 gm). Antioch. Diademed bust / Venus standing left, holding apple; u/B/ANT·. RIC VI98 variety (unlisted mintmarlc). VF, brown patina. ($75)
800. CONSTANTIUS I, as Caesar. 301-303 AD. JE Follis (9.30 gm). Lugdunum. Laureate and cuirassed bust left, spear over right shoulder / Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae, altar left; A/PLC. RIC VI 144a. EF, brown, scarce. ($175)
806. SEVERUS II, Caesar. 305-306 AD. JE Follis (10.53 gm). Aquileia. Laureate head / Virtus carrying trophy and spear, AQF. RIC VI 67a. EF, some silvering. ($150) 6 3
807. M A X I M I N U S II, Caesar. 306 AD. JE Follis (11.00 gm). Ticinum. Laureate head /Nude Mars walking right, carrying trophy and spear, ST. RIC VI74. Good VF, brown patina. ($100)
30,1 994
813. M A X E N T I U S . 306-312 AD. JE Follis (6.79 gm). Aquileia. Second Consulship, 309 AD. Laureate bust right, in consular garb / Hexastyle temple with statue of Roma, χ in pediment; AQH RIC VI 125. VF/VF+, brown patina. ($100)
814. LICINIUS 1.308-324 AD. As Follis (2.81 gm). Trier. 318-319 AD. Laureate and mantled bust left, holding sceptre and mappa / Zeus seated on back of eagle; STR. RIC V n 212. Choice EF, some silvering. ($200) 808. M A X I M I N U S II, as Caesar. 308 AD. JE Follis (6.07 gm). Cyzicus. Laureate head right / Genius standing left, holding patera and oomucopiae; MKT. RIC VI34. EF, brown. ($75)
809. MAXIMINUS Π. 309-313 AD. JE Follis (4.60 gm). Antioch. Struck 312 AD. Laureate head right / Genius standing left, holding head of Sol and comucopi ae; * A/ANT. RIC VI 164b. EF, traces of silver. ($100)
815. LICINIUS 1.308-324 AD. JE Follis (3.46 gm). Heraclea. Struck 318-320 AD. Consular bust right; holding globe, sceptre and mappa / Camp gate with three turrets; A/SMHB. Cf. RIC VII48. Not listed as bust right. Rare. EF, good style bust. -^ ($125) _
816. LICINIUS 1.308-324 AD. JE Follis (3.46 gm). Nicomedia. Struck 317-320 AD. Consular bust left, holding globe and mappa / Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe; E/SMN. RIC VII24. Choice EF, well struck with traces of silvering. ($135) 810. MAXENTIUS. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (7.41 gm). Ostia 309 AD. Laureate head / The Dioscuri with their horses, wolf and twins between; MOSTT. RIC VI 16. Good VF, brown patina. ($100)
817. LICINIUS U, as Caesar. 320 AD. JE Follis (2.88 gm). Rome. Laureate, cuirassed bust right / VOT X ET XV F in laurel wreath; RS. RIC VII 208 (R4). VF+, rare reverse type. ($85)
811. MAXENTIUS. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (4.82 gm). Ostia. 309-312 AD. Laureate head / The Dioscuri with their horses; MOSTQ. RIC VI35. Good VF, brown patina. ($ 100)
812. MAXENTIUS. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (5.96 gm). Ticinum. First Consulship, 308 AD. Laureate bust left, in consular garb / Hexastyle temple with statuc of Roma; PT. RIC VI103. EF, brown patina, die break on cheek. ($ 100)
818. LICINIUS II, as Caesar. 317-320 AD. JE Follis (3.05 gm). Nicomedia. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe; ·Γ/SMN. RIC VII34. EF, with traces of silvering. ($ 100)
819. CONSTANTINE L 307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.49 gm). London. Struck 319-320 AD. Helmeted, cuirassed bust left, spear over right shoulder / Two Victories holding shield over altar, PLN. RIC VII158. VF, brown. Scarce. ($85)
820. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Half Follis (2.23 gm). Trier. Struck 310-311 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left, raising right hand, globe in left; P T R RIC VI899. VF+, black patina. ($ 100)
30,1 994
827. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.55 gm). Trier. 322-323 AD. Helmeted and cuirassed bust / Globe on altar inscribed VOTIS XX; ·STR·. RIC ΥΠ 368. EF, glossy dark green patina. ($75)
821. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. A·. Half Follis (2.33 gm). Trier. Streck 310-311 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust right/Sol standing left, raising right hand, globe in left; PTR. RIC VI899. VF, green patina. ($75) 828. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. Al Follis (3.01 gm). Trier. Struck 323324 AD. Laureate head right / Victory advancing right, captive before; PTR RIC VII 429. Choice EF, green patina with silvering. ($125)
822. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.19 gm). Trier. Struck 316 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left, raising right hand, holding globe in left; Τ F/BTR. RIC VII105. Nice EF, greenish-brown patina. ($75) 829. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. Ai Follis (3.58 gm). Trier. Struck 326 AD. Laureate bust right /Camp gate; STRu·. RIC VU 475; LRBC 28. Choice EF, dark brown. ($85)
823. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. Ai Follis (3.68 gm). Trier. Struck 318319 AD. Laureate, helmeted, cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar, S I R . RIC VII209. EF, traces of silver. ($85) 830. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.67 gm). Trier. Streck 332333 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right/Two soldiers, two standards; TR'P. RIC VII537; LRBC 60. Choice EF, beautiful green patina. ($85)
824. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.11 gm). Trier. Streck 319 AD. Laureate, helmeted, cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar, STR·. RIC ΥΠ 216. EF, R3, dark green patina. ($85)
831. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.10gm). Aries. 322-323 AD. Laureate head / VOT XX in wreath; P* AR. RIC VU 252. EF, black patina. ($100)
825. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.52 gm). Trier. 321 AD. Helmeted and cuirassed bust / Globe on altar inscribed VOTIS XX ; FIR. RIC VII 303. EF, black patina. ($75)
Rare Series of Constantinian JE Fractions
826. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.40 gm). Trier. 321 AD. Laureate and mantled bust, holding sceptre /Globe on altar inscribed VOTIS XX; PTR. RIC ΥΠ 305. EF, glossy daik green patina. ($75)
832. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE 2/3 Follis (3.82 gm). Rome. 312313 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Virtus standing, holding spear and parazonium; X VI/RT. RIC VI359. VF, brown patina. Rare type. ($125) 6 5
833. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Half Follis (2.36 gm). Rome. Strack 312-313 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust right / Pax standing left, holding branch and standard; ΧΠ/RS. RIC VI356. VF, brown. Rare. ($100)
M a r c h 30,1 994
838. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.03 gm). Ticinum. Strack 320-321 AD. Laureate head right / Legend in wreath; ST. RIC V n 140. Choice EF, brown. ($85)
834. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Half Follis (2.36 gm). Rome. Strack 312-313 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / Pax standing left holding branch and standard; ΧΠ/RS. RIC VI -. VF, daik brown. Extremely Rare and unpublished. ($250)
839. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.35 gm). Ticinum. Strack 320-321 AD. Laureate head right / Legend in wreath; TT. RIC VII140. EF, brown. ($75)
Following the battle of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine struck two fractional issues at the mint of Rome, one markedXII (lot 833) and the other marked XVI (lot 832). The meaning of these marks on the reverses of these rare fractional issues has caused much discussion and debate. In his article, "An Issue of Follis Fractions with Denominational Marks by Constantine I al Rome, " DavidG. Wigg concludes that at the lime of issue, the follis was valued at 25 denarii, and that these marks are marks of value, a rare occurrence during the Constantinian time period. In his study, Mr. Wigg was able to locale 43 pieces markedXII (none with a left facing bust) and 2 7 pieces marked XVI.
840. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.74 gm). Siscia. Strack 313 AD. Lauieate head right / Jupiter standing left holding Victory, eagle at feet; A/SIS. RIC VI 232b. Choice EF, glossy brown. ($85)
841. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.32 gm). Siscia Strack 319320 AD. Helmeted, cuirassed bust left, spear over right shoulder, shield on left arm / Two Victories holding shield over altar, TSIS·. RIC VII102 (R5). VF. Rare. ($100) 835. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. Lot of 3 Folles. Rome. Strack 312-313 AD. Includes RIC VI345,348a and 350a. All 3 are VF to VF+. ($125)
842. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.86 gm). Sirmium. Strack 324-325 AD. Laureate head right / SARMATIA DEVICTA, Victory advancing right, trampling captive; SIRM. RIC VH 48; LRBC 802. EF, dark brown, small flan flaw. ($100)
836. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.84 gm). Rome. 320 AD. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust / VOT XV FEL XX RP in wreath. RIC VH 219 (R5). Good VF, black patina. ($100)
837. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.87 gm). Rome. Strack329 AD. Laureate head right/Legend in wreath; RS. RIC VH 318. EF, brown. ($75)
843. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.84 gm). Thessalonica. Struck 312-313 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust right / Jupiter standing left, holding Victoiy, eagle at feet; ·TS-B·. RIC VI 61b. EF, brown. ($85) 6 6
844. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.37 gm). Thessalonica. Struck 318-319 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust right / VOT XX MVLT XXX in lautel wreath; T S r . RIC VII31 (R2). VF, brown with traces of silvering. Rare reverese type. ($135)
845. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.90 gm). Heraclea. Struck 313-314 AD. Laureate head right / Jupiter standing left holding Victory, eagle at feet; B/SMHT. RIC VH 5 (R3). Choice EF, brown with traces of silver. ($ 100)
846. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.26 gm). Constantinople. Struck 327-328 AD. Diademed head right / Victory standing on galley, B/CONS. RIC VH 25. VF+, a little verdigris on reverse. ($ 135)
30,1 994
850. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.83 gm). Cyzicus. Struck 312-313 AD. Laureate head right / Genius standing left, holding patera and comuccpiae; B/SMK. RIC VI103. EF, glossy brown, slightly weak strike, scarce reverse.
851. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.84 gm). Antioch. Struck 325-326 AD. Laureate bust right/Camp gate; SMANTA. RIC VÏÏ 63; LRBC 1333. EF, brown. ($75)
852. CONSTA ΝΤΙΝΕ 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.22 gm). Antioch. Struck 327-328 AD. Diademed bust right / Camp gate; SMANTA. RIC VH 81; LRBC 1345. EF.R4, brown. ($75)
853. HELENA. 326 AD. JE Follis (288 gm). Antioch. Diademed bust / Securitas holding branch; AE/־SMANT. RIC VH 82; LRBC 1328. Choice EF, brown pahna. ($150) 847. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.16 gm). Nicomedia. Strock 317-320 AD. Consular bust left, holding globe and mappa / Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe; B/SMN. RIC VII23. EF, with traces of silvering. ($125)
854. CRISPUS, as Caesar. 323-324 AD. JE Follis (3.09 gm). London. Laureate and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / Globe on altar inscribed VOTIS XX; PLÖN. RIC VH 279. EF, black patina. ($ 100) 848. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.29 gm). Nicomedia. Strode 324-325 AD. Pearl diademed bust right / Camp gate; SMNA. RIC VH 90; LRBC 1073. EF, brown. ($75)
855. CRISPUS, as Caesar. 323-324 AD. JE Follis (2.72 gm). Lyons. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bustieft/VOTX in lauiel wreath; · ·/·PLCC RIC VII223 (R4). EF, brown and green patina with silvering. ($85) 849. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.26 gm). Nicomedia. Strock 330-335 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right/ Two soldiers, two standards; SMNA. RIC VH 188; LRBC 1167. Choice EF, good style. ($75)
OurWb(tSak Wiii'Be 'J fefdOn Jurnl InConjunctwn'\\Htf1n^Sf)ün£9^W׳yorKjnUmatun1d Numismatic
1,1994 856. CRISPUS, as Caesar. 322 AD. JE Follis (2.66 gm). Trier. Laureate, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / Globe on altar inscribed VOUS XX; PTR·. RIC VÏÏ 347. EF, black patina. ($ 100)
857. CRISPUS, as Caesar. 322-323 AD. JE Follis (228 gm). Trier. Laureate and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield /Globe on altar inscribed VOTIS XX; ·PTR·. RIC Vn 372. EF, green patina, flan crack. ($75)
858. CRISPUS, as Caesar. 321 AD. JE Follis (3.40 gm). Aries. Laureate head right / VOT X in laurel wreath; 1Vj*A. RIC VU 244. EF, brown with traces of silver. ($75)
M a r c h 30,1 994
864. CONSTANTINE Π, Caesar. 323-324 AD. JE Follis (3.58 gm). Trier. Laureate head / VOT X in wreath; STRu. RIC V n 441. EF, some silvering. ($100)
865. CONSTANTINE Π, Caesar. 326 AD. JE Follis (3.66 gm). Trier. Laureate and cuirassed bust left/ Campgate with star, STRu. RIC VII479. Choice EF, some silvering. ($100)
859. CRISPUS, as Caesar. 322 AD. JE Follis (271 gm). Rome. Laureate head right / VOT X in laurel wreath; RS. RIC V n 246 (R2). EF, brown. ($85) 866. CONSTANTINE II, as Caesar. 317-337 AD. JE Follis (3.12 gm). Heraclea. Struck 317 AD. Consular bust left; holding globe, sceptre and mappa / Camp gale with three turrets; ΜΗΤΕ. RIC VII20. Nice EF, traces of silver. ($100) 860. CRISPUS, as Caesar. 324-325 AD. JE Follis (3.19 gm). Sirmium. Laureate head / ALEMANNIA DEVICTA, Victory with trophy and palm, trampling bound captive; ·SIRM·. RIC VII49; LRBC 803. Near EF. ($200)
861. CRISPUS, as Caesar. 319 AD. JE Follis (2.97 gm). Thessalonica. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/Victory advancing left; ·TS׳E·. RIC VII62. VF, a scarce type. ($85)
862. CONSTANTINE II, Caesar. 321 AD. JE Follis (3.81 gm). Trier. Laureate and cuirassed bust, holding sceptre and globus with Victory / Globe on altar inscribed VOTIS XX; STR. RIC VU 312. EF, some silvering. ($150)
863. CONSTANTINE Π, Caesar. 323 AD. JE Follis (2.47 gm). Trier. Laureate and mantled bust, holding sceptre and globus with Victory / Globe on altar insenbed v a n s XX: ·STRu. RIC v n 409 variety. VF, black patina. Unlisted bust type for this issue. ($175)
867. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.64 gm). Siscia. 348-350 AD. Diademed bust left, holding globe/Soldierdragging barbarian from hut, spear point up; ASIStM. RIC V m 218; LRBC 1122. Choice EF, daik green patina. ($100)
868. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE Half Centenionalis (3.47 gm). Siscia. 348350 AD. Diademed bust / Emperor, holding phoenix, on galley steered by Victory; BSISti. RIC v m 241 ; LRBC 1134. Superb EF, emerald green patina. ($ 100)
869. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE Centenionalis (5.41 gm). Sisria. 348-350 AD. Diademed bust; A / Emperor, holding Victory, on galley steered by Victory, A */·ASIS·. RIC VHI256; LRBC 1155.SuperbEF,brownpatina. ($100)
870. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.64 gm). Constantinople. Struck 348-350 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust left / Soldier leading person from hut; CONSE. RIC Vm, 86. Nice EF, glossy brown. ($ 100)
M a r c h 30,1 994
876. CONSTANTIUS II. 337-361 AD. JE Centenionalis (5.55 gm). Siscia. Struck 350-351 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, A behind head / Emperor, being crowned by Victoiy, holding standard, Chi-Rho in banner, IH/rSISu. RIC VUE 305; LRBC 1189. EF. Rare. ($100)
871. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.92 gm). Antioch. 348350 AD. Diademed (four ties to diadem end) bust / Emperor, holding phoenix, on galley steered by Victory, */ANL RIC V m 124; LRBC 2621 (unlisted officina). EF, black patina. ($75)
877. CONSTANTIUS Π. 337-361 AD. JE Centenionalis (6.08 gm). Siscia. Struck 351 -354 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, A behind head / Emperor standing in galley, holding Victory on globe, Victory steering ship; ΙΠ */ASIS. RIC Vin 327; LRBC 1198. EF, ragged flan. ($75)
872. CONSTANTIUS Π. 337-361 AD. AR Siliqua (2.02 gm). Lugdunum. 360-361 AD. Diademed bust / Victory walking left; LVG. RSC 259a; RIC VIH 214. Good VF. ($150) 878. CONSTANTIUS Π. 337-361 AD. JE Centenionalis (5.01 gm). Nicomedia. Struck 351-354 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor spearing fallen horseman; Γ/SMNT. RIC V m 84; LRBC 2300. EF. ($85)
873. CONSTANTIUS Π. 337-361 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.95 gm). Siscia. Stiuck 350 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, A behind head / Emperoi; being crowned by Victoiy, holding standard, Chi-Rho in banner, A/-ESIS*. RIC Vm282; LRBC 1169. EF. ($100)
879. CONSTANTIUS II. 337-361 AD. Lot of two Fourré Solidi (3.10,2.61 gm). Antioch. 347-355 AD. Diademed bust/Roma and Constantinopolis; SMANA, SMANA. Type of RIC VTII 81. The first EF, the second VF with two holes. Interesting. ($100) 874. CONSTANTIUS Π. 337-361 AD. JE Centenionalis (5.10 gm). Siscia. Strock 350 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, A behind head, * in front / Emperor, being crowned by Victory, holding standard, Chi-Rho in banner, A/·ASIS·. RIC V m 286; LRBC 1173. EF. ($85)
880. CONSTANTINIAN. Lot of three late JE Folles. 335-341 AD. Siscia mint Constantine I / Two soldiers with standard; ASIS*. LRBC 759. // Constantius Π / Same type; FSIS*. LRBC 767. // Constans / Same type; BSISu. LRBC 775. All choice EF. 3 coins. ($75)
875. CONSTANTIUS II. 337-361 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.97 gm).Siscia. Struck 350-351 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, A behind head / Emperor holding two standards, Chi-Rho in banners; m / E S I S u . RIC VIU 302; LRBC 1188. EF. ($85) 69
881. MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 AD. JE Centenionalis (10.76 gm). Lugdunum. Bare-headed bust/ Large Chi-Rho flanked by A W; LSLG. RIC V m 154; LRBC 236. VF, brown patina. About 25% heavierthan the standard. ($150)
882. M A G N E N T I U S . 350-353 AD. JE Half Centenionalis (3.09 gm). Lugdunum. Bare-headed bust / Large Chi-Rho flanked by A W; LPLG. RIC VIE 163; LRBC 238. VF, brown patina. ($100)
883. MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 AD. JE Centenionalis <7.56 gm). Trier. Bareheaded bust / Large Chi-Rho flanked by A W; TRS. RIC VIII318; LRBC 62. Good VF, smooth brown patina. ($300) 884. MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 AD. Lot of three JE Centenionales. Different reverse types. Lugdunum. (5.48 gm). Emperor holding Victory and labarum; RSLG. RIC Vni 112; LRBC211. // Lugdunum (4.74 gm). Victories holding wreath; ChiRho/SP/RPLG. RIC 145; LRBC 231. //Aquileia (5.14 gm). Emperor holding Victory and labamm, captives at feet; A/AQP·. RIC 148; LRBC 307. Average VF. 3 coins. ($100)
885. VETRANIO. 350 AD. JE Centenionalis (5.75 gm). Siscia mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; A and * in fields / Emperor standing facing, head left, holding labamm in each hand, star above, A in leftfield;·[A]SIS· in exergue. RIC V m 285; I.RBC 1162. Near EF, dark green-brown patina. ($400)
30,1 994
887. VFTRANIO. 350 AD. JE Centenionalis (5.07 gm). Siscia. Laureate bust; A and * in fields / Emperor standing left, holding labarum in each hand; A/׳BSIS·. RIC ΥΠΙ285; LRBC 1172 VF, jade green patina. ($100)
888. VETRANIO. 350 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.96 gm). Siscia. Laureate bust; A and * in fields / Emperor standing left, holding labarum with Christogram and sceptre, being crowned by Victory; AAFSIS·. RIC V M 287; LRBC 1174. VF, brown patina, porosity. ($125)
889. VETRANIO. 350 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.70 gm). Thessalonica Laureate bust / Emperor standing left, holding labarum in each hand; A B/׳TS A·. RIC VHI131 ; LRBC 1657. VF,brownpatina,porosity. ($125)
890. CONSTANTIUS GALLUS, as Caesar. 351-354 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.14 gm).Siscia. Draped and cuirassed bust right, A behind head / Emperor holding two standards, Chi-Rho in banners; HI/ASIS·. RIC V m 308; LRBC 1184. EF, rare. ($100)
Ex H uni Collection (Sotheby's, June 1990) lot 881 (realized $770).
891. CONSTANTIUS GALLUS, as Caesar. 351-354 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.70 gm).Sirmium. Draped and cuirassed bust right, A behind head / Emperor, being crowned by Victory, holding standard, Chi-Rho in banner, ID/*SIRM. RIC VIH 24; LRBC 1587. EF, slightly rough. ($85)
886. VETRANIO. 350 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.97 gm). Siscia Laureate bust; A and * in fields / Emperor standing left, holding labamm in each hand; A/'ASISv RIC V m 285; LRBC 1172. VF, brown patina, porosity. ($150)
892. CONSTANTIUS GALLUS, as Caesar. 351 -354 AD. /ECentenionalis (5.60 gm). Constantinople. Draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor spearing fallen horseman; Γ ·/CONSI. RIC V m 110; LRBC 2029. EF, slightly rough, attractive portrait ($85)
30,1 994
Rare Solidus of Jovian
893. CONSTANTIUS GALLUS, as Caesar. 351-354 AD. A; Centenionalis (4.27 gm). Cyzicus. Draped and cuirassed bust right, Δ behind head / Emperor spearing fallen horseman; SMKB. RIC V m 99; LRBC 2491. EF, slightly rough. ($85)
AV 898. JOVIAN. 363-364 AD. AV Solidus (4.38 gm). Sirmium. Diademed bust / Emperor holding labarum and globe, bound captive at feet; *SIRM·. RIC VIH 111. Good VF, dent and scratches on obverse. Rare. (SI200)
Rare Siliqua of Julian II as Caesar
899. VALENTINIAN 1.364-375 AD. AV Solidus (4.24 gm). Antioch. 364367 AD. Diademed (with rosettes) bust / Emperor holding labarum and Victory; + /*ΑΝΊΊ*. RIC IX 2b (xxxviii). Good VF. ($500)
900. VALENS. 364-378 AD. AR Siliqua (2.09 gm). Trier. Diademed bust / Roma seated, holding Victory and sceptre; TRPS·. RSC 109a; RIC IX 27e, 45b. EF, flan crack. ($125)
894. J U L I A N II, Caesar. 355-360 AD. AR Siliqua (2.80 gm). Aries. Bareheaded bust / Star in wreath; TCON. RSC 170; RIC V m 255. Near EF. Rare. (S1750)
901. AELIA FLACILLA. 383-388 AD. Ai 13mm (1.23 gm). Siscia Diademed bust/Victory seated, inscribing shield; ASIS·. RIC IX 35; LRBC 1560. EF, brown patina. Remarkably sharp strike forthis issue. ($250)
895. JULIAN Π. 360-363 AD. R 27mm (8.73 gm). Siscia Diademed bust / Bull standing right; palm ASISCpalm. RIC VIII418; LRBC 1261. Near EF, brown patina, porosity. ($300) 896. JULIAN Π. 360-363 AD. Lot of three R All of the diademed bust / Bull standing right type. Lugdunum; LVGDOFFS. RIC V m 236; LRBC 268. // Constantinople; ·/·CONSPA palm. RIC 162; LRBC 2058. // Antioch; palm ΑΝΤΔ palm. RIC 216; LRBC2640. Average Fine. 3 coins. ($125)
902. AELIA F L A C I L L A . 383-388 AD. R 22mm (5.72 gm). Antioch. Diademed bust / Empress standing, holding scroll; ANTE. RIC IX 62; LRBC 2760. Near EF, brown patina. Exceptional portrait. ($600)
897. JOVIAN. 363-364 AD. R 20mm (2.92 gm). Siscia Diademed bust / VOT V M V L T X i n wreath; BSISC. RIC VIH 426; LRBC 1267. //Another. (2.95 gm). Siimium; ASIRM. RIC 118; LRBC 1623. Both EF with choice green patinas. 2 coins. ($100)
903. MAGNUS MAXIMUS. 383-388 AD. R 23mm (5.04 gm). Arles. Diademed bust / Emperor holding Victory and raising kneeling female; PCON. RICIX26a.l; LRBC 553. VF, dark green patina. (S100) 61
30,1 994
904. EUDOXIA, wife of Arcadius. R 18mm (279 gm). Nicomedia. 400 AD. Diademed bust, hand of God above / Victory inscribing Chi-Rho on shield; SMNA. LRBC 2445. Good VF, brown patina. ($100)
Rare Siliqua of Constantine ΙΠ
911. SPAIN, Bilbilis. Tiberius. 14-27 AD. R 28mm (11.35 gm). Laureate head/COS in wreath, Aelius Seianus,magistrate. RPC 398; Burgos 196. VF, dark brown patina, some weakness. ($75) 905. CONSTANTINE III. 407411 AD. AR Siliqua (159 gm). Trier. Diademed bust /Roma seated left, holding Victory and spear, TRMS. RSC 4a; DOCLR 802. Toned EF, tiny flan crack. Rare. (S750)
906. JOHANNES. 423425 AD. R 12mm (1.00 gm). Diademed bust / Victory dragging captive left; E/RM; LRBC 833. Near VF, brown patina, most of name clear. ($200)
907. THEODOSIUSII. 402-450 AD. AV Solidus (4.26 gm). Constantinople. 403-408 AD. Helmeted facing bust, holding spear and shield / Constantinopolis enthroned facing right; * L׳CONOB. MIRB 12a; Ratio 148. Good VF, light graffiti. ($200)
912. SPAIN, Colonia Romula (Seville). Tiberius. 14-37 AD. R 28mm (10.37 gm). laureate head of Tiberius left / Confronted heads of Germanicus and Drusus. RPC 74. Fine, brown patina. ($100)
913. MACEDON, Autonomous. Time of Gordian III. R 26mm (12.69 gm). Head of Alexander the Great wearing lion skin / Alexander on Bucephalos right. Gaeblerpg.166,738. VF, dark green-brown patina with touches of red. ($100)
908. THEODOSIUS II. 402-450 AD. AV Solidus (4.36 gm). Constantinople. 443-445 AD. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding spear and shield / Constantinopolis seated left, holding globus creciger and sceptre, prow and shield at feet; */COMOB. DOCLR 414; Kenttype2. Good VF. ($300)
909. VALENTINIAN III. 425455 AD. R 12mm (1.38 gm). Rome. Diademed ($100) bust/Campgate; T/(RM orRPM). LRBC 853 or 858. VF.
910. MARCIAN. 450-457 AD. AV Solidus (4.46 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted (with trefoil) and cuirassed bust, holding spear over shoulder / Victory left, holding long voided cross; * Γ/CONOB. DOCLR 477ff; Ratto 213. EF, nice sharp strike. ($750)
914. MACEDON, Thessalonica. Otacilia Severa. R 27mm (9.79 gm). Diademed bust/Prize crown with palm. Touratsoglou dies V1/R36. VF, brown patina. ($75)
915. MACEDON, Thessalonica. Philip II, Caesar. 244-247 AD. R 25mm (10.02 gm). Radiate bust / Nude Apollo within shrine, holding Kabeiros and laurel, tripod at feet For the Pythian Games. Touratsoglou dies V2/R12. Fine, green patina. ($50)
916. MOESIA I N F E R I O R , Markianopolis. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 25mm (10.62 gm). Laureate bust/Concordia standing left. Pick pg.215,625. Near VF, green patina. ($75)
30,1 994
921. MOESIA INFERIOR, Markianopolis. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 29mm (14.39 gm). Laureale bust of Gordian vis-à-vis draped bust of Serapis/Nude Hermes, butforcloak over left shoulder, standing right before Stele (orgarlanded altar?); holding caduceus. Pickpg.312,1146. Near VF, green-brown patina. Interesting reverse type. ($100)
917. MOESIA INFERIOR, Markianopolis. Caracalla & Julia Domna. 198-217 AD. Orichalcum 27mm (10.90 gm). Vis-à-vis busts of Caracalla (on left) and Domna /Tetrastyle temple with standing figure of Serapis inside. Pick pg.229,688; SNG Evelpidis 812 variety (rev. legend). VF, black patina with tan highlights. Better ·*דגי —^ _ ־ ($100)
922. MOESIA INFERIOR, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Septimius Severus. 193211 AD. Ai 18mm (2.99 gm). Laureate head / Priapus...(um)... pointing left in two ways. Pickpg.379,1380. Fine, dark green patina. Interesting reverse type. ($150)
918. MOESIA INFERIOR, Markianopolis. Macrinus & Diadumenian. 217-218 AD. JE 28mm (13.48 gm). Laureate bust of Macrinus (on left) vis-à-vis bare-headed bust of Diadumenian / Kybele enthroned left, holding patera and resting left hand on drum; lion at her feet seated left, another behind throne right. Pick , BMC Thrace, etc. -; SNG Copenhagen -; David R. Sear, "A Hoard of 'DoubleHeaded' Imperial Bronzes from Six Mints of Moesia Inferior and Thrace," Seaby's CoinandMedal Bulletin (September, 1969 -Supplement) pg.8,26 variety (same reverse die but different obverse type). VF, green-brown patina. Scarce type. ____ . _ ($100)
923. MOESIA INFERIOR, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. JE 25mm (10.30 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust, with aegis / Emperor in quadriga, preceded by soldier, trophy with captives above; magistrate Agrippa. Pick pg.440, 1712. VF, patchy emerald green patina. Nice reverse type. ($125)
924. MOESIA INFERIOR, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Diadumenian. 217-218 AD. Orichalcum 16mm (3.06 gm). His bare-headed bust right / ΝΙΚΟ ΠΟΛΙΤΩ NITPOC ΐσΓΡΩ · in four lines. Pick pg.476,1889 variety (reverse legend - NTTPOCI ΟΓΡΩ). Good VF, light porosity. ($100)
919. MOESIA INFERIOR, Markianopolis. Elagabalus & Julia Maesa. 218-222 AD. JE 27mm ( 11.47 gm). Vis-à-vis busts of Elagabalus (on left) and Maesa / Athena standing half-left, holding patera and spear, shield at her feet. Pick pg.278, 975; SNG Munich 338. VF, green-brown patina. ($100)
925. MOESIA INFERIOR, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. Ai 28mm (10.78 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Asklepios standing facing, head left, holding serpent-staff. Pick pg.485,1934. Near VF, dark greenbrown patina. ($ 100)
920. MOESIA INFERIOR, Markianopolis. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. Ai 28mm (14.18 gm). Laureate bust of Gordian vis-à-vis draped bust of Serapis / Athena standing facing, head left, holding spear and shield. Pick pg.310,1135 vanety (legends); BMC Thrace, etc. pg.39,84 variety (legends). Good VF, green-brown patina. ($150)
Those ^{aiifoiir
'BidSfiee t Tmiy!
30,1 994
926. MOESIA INFERIOR, Tomis. Gordian III & Tranquillina. 238-244 AD. JE 28mm (13.69 gm). 241-244 AD. Vis-à-vis busts of Gordian ΠΙ and Tranquillina / Athena enthroned left, holding Nike in her right hand and sceptre with left; Δ before. Pick pg.893,3525. Good VF, green-brown patina. ($100)
931. T H R A C E , Anchialos. Gordian HI & Tranquillina. 238-244 AD. M 27mm (14.34 gm). 241-244 AD. Vis-à-vis busts of Gordian ΠΙ and Tranquillina / Athena standing facing, head left, holding patera and spear, shield at feet. Pick pg.284,658. Good VF, brown patina with touches of green. ($ 150)
927. MOESIA INFERIOR, Tomis. Philip I & Otacilia Severa. 244-249 AD. JE 29mm (14.83 gm). Laureate bust of Philip I (on left) vis-à-vis draped bust of Severa / Concordia standing facing, head left with modius, holding patera and cornucopiae. Pick pg.908,3583. VF, green-brown patina. ($100)
932. T H R A C E , Anchialos. Gordian ΠΙ & TYanquillina. 238-244 AD. JE 26mm (12.28 gm). 241-244 AD. Vis-à-vis busts of Gordian ΙΠ and Tranquillina / Homonoia standing facing, head left, holding patera and comucopiae. Pick pg.288, 673. VF, green-brown patina. ($ 100)
933. T H R A C E , Augusta Traiana. Lucius Verus. 161-169 AD. JE 19mm (4.53 gm). Bare head tight / Hygeia right, feeding serpent. Reverse type unpublished. Good VF, dark green patina. ($75)
928. MOESIA INFERIOR,Tomis. Philip Π. 244-249 AD. iE 27mm (13.49 gm). Laureate bust of Philip Π vis-à-vis draped bust of Serapis / Tyche standing half-left, holding rodder and comucopiae. Pick pg.914,3611. Near VF/VF, attractive green-brown patina. ($100)
934. THRACE, Dcultum. Diadumenian. 217-218 AD. JE 21mm (6.05 gm). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Genius riding dolphin right; C(ol) F(I) P(ac) D(evlt) around SNG Copenhagen -; BMC Thrace -; SNG Evelpidis -; Lindgren Π -. Good VF, light brown patina. ($75) 929. MOESIA INFERIOR,Tomis. Philip Π. 244-249 AD. iE 26mm (1217 gm). Laureate bust of Philip Π vis-à-vis draped bust of Serapis / Tyche standing half-left, holding rudder and comucopiae. Pick pg.914,3612. Nice VF, green-brown patina. ($100)
935. THRACE, Deultum. Tranquillina. JE 22mm (6.93 gm). Diademed and draped bust/Apollo holding patera and branch. BMC Thrace pg. 113,22. Near VF, emerald green patina. ($ 125)
930. THRACE, Anchialos. Seplimius Severus. 193-211 AD. iE 25mm (11.54 gm). Laureate bust /Cybele enthroned left, lions at feet. Strack 469. Good VF, emeraid green patina. ($250)
Our^tSafe In Conjunction 64
'WiiC'BeïieCd On June 11,1994 With IheSpring9\(ew^ior^Jntemationai 9{umismatic Convention
936. THRACE, Mesembria. Philip II. 244-249 AD. JE 26mm (11.76 gm). Bare head of Philip Π vis-à-vis draped bust of Serapis / Demeter standing facing, head left, holding corn-ears and sceptre. David R Sear, "A Hoard of 'DoubleHeaded' Imperial Bronzes from Six Mints of Moesia Inferior and Thrace," Seaby's Coin and Medal Bulletin (September, 1969 - Supplement) pg. 14,61; BMC Thrace -. Near VF, green-brown patina. ($100)
M a r c h 30,1 994
941. CORINTH. Marcus AureBus. 161-180 AD. JE 25mm (9.16 gm). Laureate bust /Radiate Sol driving quadriga right. Cf. McClean 6193. Near VF, rough surfaces. ($100) The figures in the quadriga on the McClean and BMC specimens are not identifiable, but this figure is clearly a radiate Sol. The other specimens also have standing, not advancing quadrigas.
Rare Cretan Drachm of Caligula/Divvs Augustus
937. THRACE, Odessus. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 29mm (1274 gm). Laureate bust of Gordian vis-à-vis draped bust of Serapis; comucopaie behind Serapis / Athena standing facing, head right, holding spear and shield. Pick pg.575, 2340; SNG Copenhagen 682. Good VF, brown patina with touches of green. ($100)
942. CRETE. Gaius Caligula. 37-41 AD. AR Diachm (2.20 gm). Bare head of Caligula right, sceptre over shoulder / Radiate head of Augustus left, seven stars around. RPC 965; Svoronos 4. Toned VF, some porosity. Rare. ($600)
EL 938. THRACE, Philippopolis. Geta. 209-212 AD. Ai 30mm (17.62 gm). Laureate and draped bust / Winged Nemesis/Nike left, wheel at feet- Reverse type unpublished. Fine, brown patina. ($75)
939. THRACE, Kings of. Rhoemetalkes 1.11 BC-12 AD. JE 23mm (9.14 gm). Conjoined heads of Rhoemetalkes and his queen Pythodoris / Bare head of Augustus. RPC 1711. VF, black patina, porosity. ($75)
943. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Rheskuporis II. 211 -228 AD. EL Stater (7.63 gm). Struck in year513 = 216/217 AD. Laureate and draped bust of Rheskuporis right I Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right of Caracalla, star before. Anokin 633e. VF, old scratches on Rheskuporis ' chin. ($400)
944. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Sauromates III. 228-235 AD. EL Stater (7.26 gm). Year 527 (230/231 AD). Diademed bust of king; wreath / Laureate bust of Severus Alexander, two pellets. Anokin 666b. VF. ($250)
JE of Rhoemetalkes I of Thrace
940. THRACE, Kings of. Rhoemetalkes 1.11 BC-12 AD. JE 20mm (5.31 gm). Diademed head of Rhoemetalkes / Bare head of Augustus. RPC 1718. EF, brown and green patina. ($300)
945. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Rheskouporis IV. 242-277 AD. AR Stater (7.55 gm). Year549 (252/253 AD). Diademed bust of king / Laureate bust of Volusian?; star Anokin 700. //Plus an JE Stater (7.26 gm) of Rheskouporis V. Year617 (320/321 AD). Bust of king; trident / Bust of Constantine; Y. Anokin 766. Both VF. 2 coins. ($100)
30,1 994
Interesting JE Stater Made Into A Weight/Token
946. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Rheskouporis V. 318-337 AD. JE Stater (4.24 gm). Diademed bust of king / Reverse smoothed off and engraved with a star pattern. Re-used as a weight or token; the reverse may be intended as an early Christian symbol, the Chi-Rho. Fine, possibly a rare early Christian artifact. ($ 150) 951. AEOLIS, Elaea. Gordian ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. JE 42mm (3.16 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust / Turreted figure of Kybele seated left, holding patera, two recumbent lions at feet; magistrate M. Antonius Seberos. Obverse die of SNG von Aulock 1618, reverse unpublished. Near VF, rough dark brown patina, ancient scrape on reverse. ($600)
947. P O N T O S , Kings of. Polemo II and Nero. Year 19 (56/57 AD). AR Drachm (3.22 gm). Diademed head of Polemo / Laureate head of Nero. RPC 3831 ; Waddington 35. Toned VF, light scratches. ($200)
948. P A P H L A G O N I A , Germanicopolis. Geta, Caesar. 198-209 AD. JE 23mm (7.14 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / Athena standing left, holding patera over altar and spear. Apparently unpublished. Good VF, brown patina. ($100) A similar reverse type, of Hadrian, is attributed to Germanicopolis in Cilicia by Levante. The Paphlagonian city is more likely, based on style.
949. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ, Claudiopolis. Domitian. 81-96 AD. Ai 23mm (7 60 gm). Laureate head / Demeter holding grain ears and torch. SNG von Aulock 6924 (this coin). VF, brown patina. ($ 125)
950. MYSIA, Kyrikos. Gallicnus. 253-268 AD. Al24rnm (9.90 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust left, with spear and shield /Two serpent-entwined torches, altar between. Obverse bust type apparently unpublished. Near VF, black patina. ($75)
The significance of this piece was discussed in detail in the 1993 Fouth Quarter issue of the Classical Numismatic Review, where it was suggested that it might mark the introduction of the cult of Kybele to Elaea.
952. IONIA, Miletos and Ephesos in Alliance. Marcus Aurelius. 161 -180 AD. JE 36mm (21.26 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust / Standing figures of Apollo Didyma and Diana of Ephesos. BMC Ionia pg.202,169. VF, green patina spotted with red. Rare this nice. ($200)
953. LYDIA, Sardis. Drusus and Germanicus. Circa 23-26 AD. JE 34mm (13.44 gm). Drusus and Germanicus seated in curule chairs / KOINOV ΑΣΙΑΣ in wreath. RPC 2994. Good VF, dark green patina, porosity on obverse. ($300)
954. LYDIA, Sardis. Drusus and Germanicus. Circa 23-26 AD. Lot of three JE. Drusus and Germanicus seated in curule chairs / KOINOV ΑΣΙΑΣ in wreath. Circular c/m of Asirmius Pollio, applied circa 28-29 AD. RPC 2995. Average Fair, porosity. 3 coins. ($ 150)
M a r c h 30,1 994
Rare Bronze of Antinous From Tmolus
955. LYDIA, Tmolus. Antinous, Favorite of Hadrian. Died 130 AD. JE 32mm (11.13 gm). His draped, bare-headed bust right / The mountain-god Tmolus standing half-left, holding knotted staff, left hand raised to basket on head. Blum, Numismatique D'Antinoos, pl-TV, 3; SNG von Aulock 3240; SGI 1335. fine, dark brown patina, touches of verdigris and corrosion. ($750)
961. PISIDIA, Sagalassos. Claudius II Gothicus. 268-270 AD. JE 34mm (17.85 gm). Laureate bust left/The Dioskouroi with their horses; I and crescent in fields. SNG von Aulock 5205. VF, heavy green patina. ($125) Ex Spink's Auction 36,101257; Lockett collection (Glendining's, February 1961, lot 2949). This coin also illustrated in Klawans, Ancient Greek Coins, pg.134.
956. CARIA, Tabae. Domitia, wife of Domitian. Ai 20mm (6.90 gm). Her draped bust right / Nike advancing right, holding palm and wreath. BMC Caria pg. 169,71. Near V F, dark green patina with earthen highlights .Rare. ($150)
962. PISIDIA, Sagalassos. Claudius II Gothicus. 268-270 AD. JE 34mm (15.90 gm). Laureate bust / Rampant lion, I and grain ear in field; cAn: star. SNG von Aulock 5207; Howgego 449. Good VF, green and brown patina. ($150)
957. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Trajan. 98-117 AD. JE 25mm (10.42 gm). Laureate head / Wrestlers grappling; palm in exergue. Cf. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 103,78 (palm not noted). Good VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($150)
A curious piece from the point of view of coining technology. It shows the concentric carved circles sometimes seen on Greek bronzes, assumed to be the marks ofa lathe used to trim theflans before striking. However, instead ofthe typical central dimple there are protrusions on each side of the coin. It appears the lathe was set too deeply, cutting a hole in the center of the coin, which then had to be plugged before the coin wasfinished.
958. PAMPHYLIA, Attaleia. Saloninus. 255-259 AD. JE 32mm (14.92 gm). Laureate bust / IEPOC ΑΤΤΑΛΕΩΝ OA VMÜIA OIKOVME N K O C in wreath SNG von Aulock 4633. Fine, porosity. ($50)
959. PISIDIA, Antioch. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 23mm (5.61 gm). Young laureate head / Female Genius left. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 182,41. VF, dark green patina. ($75)
963. CILICIA, Seleukeia. Gordian ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. JE 31mm (16.23 gm). Laureate bust; cjm: Δ ο /Tyche seated left, small shrine at feet marked CVN TEA IAC BMC Lycaonia pg. 137,39. Fine, brown patina. ($ 100) The shrine is usually marked ελευθεριασ, or liberty. Σνντελιασοαη participation in or contribution to a civic ceremony.
960. PISIDIA, Antioch. Gordian ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. JE 34mm (22.84 gm). Laureate bust / Gordian seated on curule chair, holding globe, being crowned by flying Nike. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 191,86, VF, tan patina. ($200) Ex Superior CICF1980 Sale, lot 2469.
mean either
964. CILICIA, Syedra. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. JE 18mm (5.83 gm). AVTO KAI ANTONEINOC, laureate head left / CYEAPEWN, goddess holding branch and pomegranate. Unpublished in the major references. VF, gray-green patina. ($75)
965. CILICIA, Tarsos. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 36mm (18.75 gm). Struck circa 241 AD for the marriage of Gordian and Tranquillina. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Gordian (on right) and Tranquillina standing, clasping hands. BMC Cilicia pg.218,281. VF, olive-green patina, lighdy porous surfaces. Rate. ($250)
30,1 994
971. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Domitian. Year 13 (92/93 AD). AR Didrachm (6.44 gm). Laureate head /Nike advancing right. Sydenham 127. VF, porosity. ^!srx($100)
972. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Nerva. Cos. 4 (98 AD). Lot of two AR Didrachms: (6.00 gm). Laureate head / ML Argaeus with statue. Sydenham 152. // (6.60 gm). Laureate head / Club. Sydenham 153. Both near VF, porosity. ($150)
966. GALATIA, Ankyra. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 30mm (16.37 gm). Laureate bust left / Demeter standing half-left, holding grain-ears and torch. Cf. BMC Galatia pg.12,20 (bust right). Good VF, dark brown patina, old scratches on reverse. ($125)
973. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. TYajan. Cos. 2 (98/99 AD). AR Didrachm (6.79 gm). Laureate head / Mt. Argaeus with statue. Sydenham 167. Good VF. ($125)
967. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Nero. 54-68 AD. AR Didrachm (7.35 gm). Laureate head of Nero; legend ends GERMANI / Laureate head of Claudius. Sydenham 69. Toned VF. ($ 100)
974. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. ׳IVajan. Cos. 2 (98/99 AD). JE 22mm (6.13 gm). Laureate head /ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤ Β in wreath. Sydenham 229. EF, black patina, porosity. ($125) 968. C A P P A D O C I A , Caesarea. Nero. 54-68 AD. Lot of two AR Hemidrachms. (1.61 gm). Laureate head/Nike seated. Sydenham 82.11(1.11 gm). Nike inscribing shield. Sydenham 83. Both VF, with porosity. 2 coins. ($100)
969. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Vespasian. 69-79 AD. AR Didrachm (7.08 gm). Laureate head of Vespasian / Laureate head of Titus. Sydenham 102. VF.
970. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Vespasian. 69-79 ΑΙλ Lot of two AR Hemidrachms: (1.78 gm). Laureate head / Nike walking right. Sydenham 94. // (1.72 gm). Nike seated. Sydenham 95. Both VF. 2 coins. ($125)
975. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. H a d r i a n . Cos. 3 (After 119 AD). AR Didrachm (6.32 gm). Laureate head / Mt. Argaeus with statue. Sydenham 263. Toned VF. ($100)
976. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. H a d r i a n . Year 4 (120/121 AD). AR Hemidrachm (1.34 gm). Laureate head/ML Argaeus with statue. Sydenham 258. Good VF, high relief with slight porosity. ($100)
977. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Antoninus Pius. Cos. 1 (138 AD). AR Didrachm (6.51 gm). Laureate head (resembles Hadrian)/Ml Aigaeus with statue. Sydenham -, but see obverse of 295. VF, slight porosity. Scarce first issue of Antoninus. ($125)
30,1 994
984. SYR LA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Nero, Caesar. 50-54 AD. AR Didrachm (7.29 gm). Youthful, bare-headed bust right/Simpulum and lituus. RPC 4171. Fine, holed. Rare. Previously attributed to Ephesos (cf. SGI 566). ($300)
978. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Lucius Verus. Cos. 2 (161 AD). AR Didrachm (7.54 gm). Bare-headed and cuirassed bust / Mt. Aigaeus with star. Sydenham 353. VF. ($75) 985. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Nero. 54-68 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.90 gm). Stmckinyear 111 of the Caesarian Eraamd regnal year 9 = 62/63 AD. Laureate bust right, wearing aegis / Eagle standing facing on thunderbolt, wings spread, head right; pellet and palm-branch before. BMC Galatia, etc. pg. 175,195/196; SGI 618. VF. ($200)
979. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Gordian ΙΠ. Year5 (242 AD). AR Didrachm (5.74 gm). Laureate bust; legend ends CE / ML Aigaeus flanked by pellets. Sydenham 604a variety. EF, light porosity. ($125) 980. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Lot of eight AR Hemidrachms. Vespasian. Laureate head / Nike. Sydenham 94 (3 coins). // Trajan. Laureate head / Club. Syd. 172a (this coin). // Laureate head / Zeus-Ammon. Syd. 178. // Hadrian. Laureate head, drapery / Club. Syd. 257 (2 coins). // Laureate bust /Nike. Syd. 260. Average Fine, most with porosity or scratches. 8 coins. ($200)
986. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Vespasian. 69-79 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.04 gm). Regnal year3 =71/72 AD. Laureate head right / Eagle standing left on club, wings spread; palm-branch before. BMC Galatia, etc pg. 179, 231. Good VF, pit on reverse and edge scrape. ($250)
981. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Lot of four AR Didrachms. Marcus Aurelius. Cos 3. Bare head / ML Aigaeus with star. Sydenham 327 (2 coins). // Commodus. Cos 4. Laureate head / ML Argaeus with star. Syd. 372. //Nike advancing right. Syd. 373. Average VF. 4 coins. ($200)
987. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Herennius Etruscus, Caesar. 251-253 AD. AR Tetradrachm (11.32 gm). Bare-headed bust right; five pellets below / Eagle right BMC Galatia etc. pg. 225,618. VF. ($100) 982. SYRIA, Commagene. Zeugma. Philip 1.244-249 AD. Ai 30mm (17.08 gm). Laureate bust / Sanctuaiy of Zeus Katabaites. BMC Galatia etc. pg.127,29. Near VF, daik green patina. ($75)
983. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Silanus, Legate. 11-17 AD. Year 43 (12/13 AD). A· 19mm (6.76 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Ram right, looking back at star. BMC Galatia etc. pg. 159,63; Michael R. Molnar, cf. "An explanation of the Christmas star determined from Roman coins of Antioch," The Celator (December, 1991; Vol.5, N0.12), pp.8-12. Fine, black patina with earthen hightights. ($75)
988. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Hostilian. 251 AD. M 31mm (16.85 gm). Bare-headed bust/Tetrastyle shrine of Tyche. BMC Galatia etc. pg.226, 628. Brown VF, porosity. Rare. I I Plus an Ai 28mm of Zeugma. Philip Π / Sanctuaiy of Zeus. BMC 35. Fine.//And Pontos, Amisos. Κ 21mm. Dionysos/Cista. SNG Copenhagen 145. Good VF. 3 coins. ($200) 69
989. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Apameia. Tiberius. Year 326 (14/15 AD). JE 24mm (10.09 gm). Bare head right /Nike standing left RPC 4374. Fine, black padna. ($100)
990. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Seleukeia Pieria. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. AR Tetradrachm (11.73 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/ Eagle standing facing on thunderbolt with handle, wings spread, head right with wreath in beak. Bellinger 78. VF. ($150)
30,1 994
994. SAMARIA, Caesarea Maritima. Caracalla. Cos. 4 (215-217) AD. AR Tetradrachm (1298 gm). Laureate head / Eagle on torch with serpent; bull's head between legs. Bellinger 365. VF, porosity. // Plus Bostra, AR Drachm of Trajan / Arabia with camel. SNG ANS 1157. VF. // And Bostra(?), AR Drachm of Hadrian. Laureate, cuirassed bust / Tyche standing left. Cf. Sydenham 278 (Tyche seated left) - attributed to Caesarea in Cappadocia, but probably Arabian. Fair. 3 coins. ($150)
995. JUDAEA. Titus, Caesar. 69-79 AD. JE 24mm (13.31 gm). Laureate head / Trophy with captive and shield. Hendin 183. Fine, brown patina. "Judaea Capta". ($75)
Extremely Rare JE of Julius Marin us, Father of Philip I
991. SYRIA, Coele-Syria. Heliopolis. Valerian 1.253-260 AD. JE 27mm (17.54 gm). Laureate bust /Three prize crowns with palms. BMC Galatia etc pg.294, 27. Near VF, heavy dark green patina. ($100)
992. SYRIA, Coele-Syria. Leucas. Macrinus. Year 254 (217/218 AD). JE 29mm (12.41 gm). Laureate head;c/m: ΑΔΡ/Emperor in quadriga Cf. SGI 2956; Howgego 511. Near VF, black patina. Rare. ($ 100)
993. PHOENICIA, Byblos. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.01 gm). Laureate head right / Eagle standing facing atop large garlanded altar, head left, wreath in beak; Κ and pellet in right field. Bellinger -; BMC Galatia, etc. -; SNG Copenhagen -; apparently unpublished type? Near VF. Very rare! ($250)
996. ARABIA, Philippopolis. Julius Marinus, Father of Philip I. JE 24mm (9.89 gm). Small draped bust above eagle /Roma standing left, holding patera and spear. SNG ANS 1402 Fair, green patina The only issue in the name of Marinus. Extremely Rare. ($1000)
997. EGYPT, Alexandria. Augustus (Octavian). 27 BC-14 AD. JE 80 Drachmae ( 16.35 gm). First series stmck circa 30-27 BC. His bare head tight / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, comucopiae before. Köln 1 ; Dattari 2; BMC 1/2. Good Fine, brown patina with touches of green. Rare. ($300)
998. EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero. Year 9 (62/63 AD). Al Diobol (9.96 gm). Laureate head right / L ENA TOY, Hawk standing right, wearing skhent crown. Apparently unpublished in the major collections, and indeed any bronze coinage for Nero from his Egyptian regnal year 9 is rare. Near VF, surfaces lightly smoothed, some light porosity. Very rare! ($125)
999. EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero. Year 13 (66/67 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.05 gm). Radiate bust of Nero left, wearing aegis / Radiate bust of Augustus right Köln 177-180; Dattari 184; BMC 112/113. EF. ($200)
30,1 994
1004. EGYPT, Alexandria. Vespasian. Year 5 (72/73 AD). Ai Diobol (13.64 gm). Laureate head right/Draped bust of Isis right, wearing disc and horns. Köln 296; Dattari 384. Good VF, brown patina with touches of red. ($150) Ex Peus Auktion 304 (1982) lot 336.
1005. EGYPT, Alexandria. Trajan. Lot of Two Fractional JE. Year7 (103/104 AD). JE Chalkon (1.10 gm). Laureate head/Trophy. Köln -; BMC 564/565; Dattari 1125. Near VF, green patina. And: Year 17 (113/114 AD). JE Dichalkon (2.07 gm). Laureate head / Headdress of Isis. Demetrio 1088 otherwise unpublished. VF, dark green patina. ($100)
1000. EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero. Year 13 (66/67 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.44 gm). Laureate and radiate bust left, wearing aegis / Laureate head of Tiberius right Köln 187-189; Milne 256-260; Curtis 175-181. Nice VF, some fight verdigris on obverse. ($ 100)
1001. EGYPT, Alexandria. Galba. Year 1 (68 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.78 gm). Laureate head right / Draped and veiled bust of Eirene right, caduceus behind shoulder. Köln 219; Milne 309. VF. ($125)
1006. EGYPT, Alexandria.TVajan. Year 12 (108/109 AD). JE Drachm (22.96 gm). Laureate head right / Serapis in facing chariot drawn by two Tritons; Serapis is saluting ? (head with modius on body of bird, perhaps) in left field. Apparently un published except for a photo of this reverse type in Col. James W. Curtis' monograph "The Coinage of Roman Egypt: A Survey," (appeared in serial format in The Numismatist - January through August, 1956) pg.45, pl.XXXIH where identified as "emperor in chariot drawn by Tritons," but it appears that the figure on Curtis' specimen is also Serapis. The head of the figure is obscured as is the object he is saluting. VF, daik green patina flaking off in areas to reveal reddish-brown surfaces. Extremely Rare. ($400)
1002. EGYPT, Alexandria. Otho. Year 1 (69 AD). JE Diobol (10.13 gm). Laureate head right / Draped bust of Isis right, wearing disc and homs. Köln 256; Dattari 334; Milne 370. Nice VF, brown patina with lighter highlights, bevelled edge of flan on reverse not obverse as normal (cf. the Köln specimen for the same). Scarce this nice. ($250) ExBowers & Ruddy Galleries, Summer 1981 List, #57 @ $500.
1007. EGYPT, Alexandria. Trajan. Year 14(110/111 AD). JE Drachm (24.32 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right /Trajan, holding soeptre and branch, in triumphal quadriga drawn by elephants. Köln 550; Dattari 766. VF, brown patina with earthen highlights. ($150)
1003. EGYPT, Alexandria. Vespasian. Year 3 (70/71 AD). JE Diobol (8.27 gm). Laureate head right / Draped bust of Serapis right. Köln 290; Dattari 398; BMC 253. Good VF, brown patina with lighter green highlights, bevelled edge of flan on reverse not obverse as normal. ($100) 9 1
30,1 994
1013. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Hypselite Nome. Year 11 (126/127 AD). JE Obol (5.39 gm). Laureate head right / ν ψ H AI LIA, Isis standing half-left, holding sceptre and ram. Köln 3402; Dattari 6277. F/VF, brown patina with touches of green. One of the more rare nome types! Old cabinet ticket included that has the notation "Painter Collection, 1910". ($150) 1008. EGYPT, Alexandria. TVajan. Year 17 (113/114 AD). JE Drachm (17.56 gm). Laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / Dionysos in cart left drawn by two female panthers. Köln 636; BMC 420/421 variety (obverse bust). VF, dark green-brown patina flaking on reverse. ($150)
1014. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 12(127/128 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.90 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Clasped hands. Köln 979/980; BMC 670; Curds 416-419. Good VF. ($125)
1009. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 5 (120/121 AD). JE Drachm (25.57 gm). Laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / Nilus reclining left on hippopotamus, holding reed and comucopiae. Köln -; Dattari -; BMC-; Milne 993. VF, dark green to black patina flaking in areas. ($75)
1015. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 12 (127/128 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.06 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Clasped hands. Köln 979/980; BMC 670; Curtis 416-419. VF+. ($150)
1010. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 8 (123/124 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.67 gm). Laureate bust right, wearing aegis / Canopus of Isis right. Köln 851; BMC 633; M i b e 1059. VF. Scarce type. ($125)
1011. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year9 (124/125 AD). JE Chalkon (1.37 gm). Laureate head right; I before / Caps of the Dioskouroi with stars; [L]EN below. Köln -; Dattari -; BMC 907. Good Fine, dark green patina. Rare. ($75)
1012. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 10 (125/126 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.36 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Elpis walking left, holding flower, lifting fold of her chiton. Köln 908 variety (spacing of date: L ΔΕ Κ A TOV); Milne 1136;Curtis-.Nice VF. ($125)
1016. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 14 (129/130 AD). JE Drachm (27.04 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor in quadriga right, greeted by Alexandria Köln 1018; Dattari 1594; BMC 867. VF, dark brown patina, scattered porosity. Commemorates Hadrian's visit to Alexandria, and year 14 specimens are much more rare than year 15 examples of this type. ($ 125)
1017. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 15(130/131 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.37 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right /Emperor standing half-left, wearing toga and holding sceptre, extending right hand to Alexandria who holds vexillum and presents com-ears to emperor. Köln 1029 variety (position of date); Dattari 1267. Toned VF. ($100)
1018. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 15 (130/131 AD). JE Drachm (25.31 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor standing facing, head left, raising his right hand to Alexandria who kisses it. Köln 1034 (obv.)/1035 (rev.); BMC 870; Milne 1317. VF, brown patina with areas of red; touches of green. Commemorative issue for Hadrian's visit. ($150)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1022. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year20 (135/136 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.59 gm). Laureate bust left, draped on right shoulder / Nilus seated left, holding reed and comucopaie; crocodile below. Köln 1196; Milne 1491; Qirtis 467/468. Good VF ($125)
Ex Col. James W. Curtis Collection with his holder (Olympus Coins List 5, Winter 1982183) lot 67.
1023. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 21 (136/137 AD). JE Drachm (25.48 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Elpis walking left, holding flower, lifting fold of her chiton. Köln 1220; Dattari 1691. Near VF, attractive green patina with touches of reddish-brown. ($125) 1019. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 16 (131/132 AD). iE Drachm (27.54 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Nilus seated on rocks left, holding reed and comucopaie; crocodile below on nocks. Köln -; BMC 788; SNG Copenhagen 369. Near VF, smooth brown patina with touches of green. ($ 100)
1024. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 21 (136/137 AD). JE Obol (5.64 gm). Laureate head right / Modius with poppies and com-ears; torch on either side. Köln 1224; BMC 903/904. Good VF, brown patina with touches of green. ($125) Ex Olympus Coins List 5, Winter 1982183, lot 75.
1020. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 17 (132/133 AD). JE Drachm (25.12 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Triptolemos in serpent-biga right Köln 1087; Dattari 1848; BMC 687; Hunter 350. F/near VF, brown patina with touches of green and red. Interesting reverse type. ($ 150) Ex Col. James W. Curtis Collection with his holder (Olympus Coins List 5, Winter 1982/83) lot 71.
1025. EGYPT, Alexandria. Aelius. 2nd Consulship (137 AD). JE Drachm (23.61 gm). Bare-headed bust draped right/Homonoia seated left, holding patera and comucopiae. Köln -; Dattari 2076; BMC 923; Milne 1546. Fine, brown patina with areas of green and red. ($125) Ex Col. James W. Curtis Collection with his holder (Olympus Coins List 5, Winter 1982183) lot 78. This is one of the few Alexandrian coins to use the Roman consulship form of dating rather than the regnal year system based on the Egyptian calendar. 1021. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 18 (133/134 AD). JE Drachm (26.34 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sphinx with human head standing left (androsphinx), trampling on serpent, crocodile's head emerges from Sphinx's chest and its tail is an Uraeus (cobra); Nemesis in griffin-form on its back. Köln 1132; Milne 1425; Hunter 362. F/near VF, brown patina with touches of red and green. Rare and interesting type. ($200)
30,1 994
1030. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 8 (144/145 AD). R Drachm (23.09 gm). Laureate head right / "Moon In Cancer", draped bust of Selene right, erescent and crab beneath. Köln 1494; Dattari 2964. VF, heavy olive-green patina, overall very attractive. ($650) Ex Wetterstrom Collection (CNA XIII, 12/4/90) lot 160; Credit Suisse Bern Auktion 4 (NewYorkCity, 12/3/85) lot 525.
1026. EGYPT, Alexandria. Aelius. 2nd Consulship (137 AD). R Drachm (23.99 gm). Bare-headed bust draped right / Homonoia seated left, holding patera and comucopiae. Köln -; Dattari 2076; BMC 923; Milne 1546. VF, dark brown patina with touches of red. ($250)
1031. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pias. Year 15 (151/152 AD). R Drachm (26.04 gm). Laureate bust left, draped / Altar of Agathodaimon (Caesareum); Goddess within. Köto 1673; Wetterstrom 1,215. VF, brown patina. Scarce type. ($100)
1027. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 2 (138/139 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.91 gm). Bare head right / Canopus of Osiris right. Köln 1284; Curtis 587. VF. Scarce type. ($ 125)
1032. EGYPT, Alexandria. Marcus Aurelius, Caesar. Year 12 (148/149 AD). R Drachm (20.58 gm). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Shrine with two columns supporting pediment; within, Serapis seated left, holding sceptre, Kerberos at his feeL Köln 1915 variety (spacing of date); Dattari 3219. Good VF, brown patina with touches of green. Scarce, especially this nice. ($350) ExMabbott Collection (Hans Schulman, June 1969) lot 3445. 1028. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year2 (138/139 AD). R Drachm (24.33 gm). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Zeus enthroned left, holding patera and sceptre; eagle at his feet Köln 1316 variety (obverse bust); Datlari 2926; cf. BMC Supp. 2977. VF, dark brown patina, slightly rough surfaces. (SI 25) Ex Col. James W. Curtis Collection with his holder (Olympus Coins List 5, Winter 1982183) lot 88. Curtis and the Olympus catalogue mistakenly identify the reverse figureasSerapis.
1033. EGYPT, Alexandria. Faustina Jr. Year 14 (150/151 AD). R Drachm (26.87 gm). Her draped bust right /Nemesis in griffin-formright,left paw on wheel. Köln 1957 variety (position of date); Dattari 3317; BMC -; Milne 2122 Near VF, smooth brown patina. ($150) 1029. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 8 (144/145 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (14.75 gm). Laureate head right / Draped and laureate bust of Serapis right Köln 1459; Curtis 657. Near VF. ($100)
"Moon In Cancer" Zodiac Drachm
1034. EGYPT, Alexandria. Faustina Jr. Year 15 (151/152 AD). R Drachm (23.82 gm). Her draped bust right/Tyche reclining left on garlanded couch, holding rudder and raising left hand to head. Köln 1965; BMC 1337. VF, reddish-brown patina with touches of green. ($250)
'Maii'BidSak M a r c h
30,1 994
1035. EGYPT, Alexandria. Annia Faustina. Year 5 (221/222 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (11.89 gm). Her draped bust right / Helmeted bust of Athena right. Köln 2383; Milne 2833; Curtis 1022. Near VF, brown patina with touches of red, corrosion. Rare empress and type. ($150)
1039. EGYPT, Alexandria. Philip II. Year 6 (248/249 AD). JE Drachm (18.60 gm). Laureale, draped and cuirassed bust right / Alexandria standing half-left, holding bust of Serapis and sceptre; palm-branch before. Köln -; Dattari -; BMC 2068. Good VF, dark green-brown patina. Rare. ($300) ExMabbotl Collection (Hans Schulman, June 1969) lot 3608 (light encrustation since skillfully removed). Struck to commemorate the thousandth anniversary of the foundation of Rome.
1040. EGYPT, Alexandria. Valerian I. Year 3 (255/256 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.99 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right/Eagle standing facing, head right with wreath in beak, wings spread. Köln 2857; Milne 3914; Curtis 1506. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($100)
1 036. EGYPT, Alexandria. Julia Mamaea. Year 10 (230/231 AD). JE Drachm (32.94 gm). Decennalia Issue. Her draped bust right, wearing Stephane / Conjoined busts of Serapis and Isis right; palm-branch before. Köln 2520; BMC 1764; Milne 3045. VF, brown patina, slight roughness, flan flaws. ($200) This specimen is struck on an extremely heavyflan (almost 14 grams more than the average weight of the nine Mamaea drachmae listed in the Köln catalogue -19.02 gm), and it has been speculated that the flan flaw was an intentional cut at the mint to reduce the weight. If so and due to the commemorative nature of this issue, why did the mint just simply not melt the flan and start over?
1041. EGYPT, Alexandria. GaUienus. Year 14 (266/267 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (9.74 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing left, head right with wreath in beak; palm-branch behind. Köln 2932/33; BMC 2227; Curtis 1591. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($75)
1037. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gordian ΙΠ. Year 7 (243/244 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (14.57 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Homonoia standing half-left, holding double cornuacopiae. Köln 2675; Milne 3475/76; Curtis 1275. VF, fully silvered and rare as such. ($150) 1042. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 14 (266/267 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (9.28 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Draped bust of Selene right; crescent moon before. Köln 2941; Milne 4127; Curtis X-1619. VF+, dark brown patina. ($125)
1038. EGYPT, Alexandria. Tranquillina. Year 6 (242/243 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (13.47 gm). Her draped bust right /Nike enthroned left, holding wreath and palm-branch. Köln 2689; Milne 3451 ; BMC 1930. Nice VF, brown patina. ($150)
1043. EGYPT, Alexandria. Salonina. Year 12 (264/265 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (9.98 gm). Her draped bust right / Eirene standing facing, head left, holding olivebranch and sceptre, palm-branch to left. Köln 2969; Milne 4102, Curtis 1647. Good VF, brown patina. ($100) 6 5
Maii'B i dSaL·
1044. EGYPT, Alexandria. Salonina. Year 14 (266/267 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.09 gm). Her draped bust right/Eagle standing left, wreath in beak, palm-branch behind. Köln 2977/78; Milne 4152/52; Curtis 1640. EF, brown patina. ($100)
1045. EGYPT, Alexandria. Saloninus, Caesar. Year 7 (259/260 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (11.48 gm). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right/Eagle standing left, head right, wreath in beak. Köln 3005; Milne 4047; Curtis 1555. VF, daik brown patina with touches of green. Scarce. ($ 125)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1049. EGYPT, Alexandria. Aurelian. Year 5 (273/274 AD). Lot of Two Polin Tetradrachms (9.25; 9.20 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / L E within laurel-wreath; and ETOVC Ε within laurel-wreath. Köln 3089; Curtis 1813; and Köln 3090; Curtis 1810. Both EF, brown patinas. ($100)
1050. EGYPT, Alexandria. Severina. Year7 (275 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (7.96 gm). Her draped bust right, wearing Stephane / Eagle standing right with wreath in beak; palm-branch behind. Köhl 3105; BMC 2383; Milne 4482. VFt-, silvered and rare as such. ($100)
Exceptional Tetradrachm of Zenobia
1046. EGYPT, Alexandria. Saloninus, Caesar. Year 7 (259/260 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (11.68 gm). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Conjoined busts of Serapis and Isis left; sceptre behind Serapis' shoulder. Köln 3010; Milne 4023; Curtis X-1558. VF, silvered and rare as such. ($150)
1047. EGYPT, Alexandria. Lot of Two 3rd Century Tetradrachms. Claudius Π. Year 2 (269/270 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (8.99 gm). Laureate bust / Eagle. Köln 3027; Milne 4265. VF, brown patina. And; Aurelian & Vaballathus. Years 1 & 4 (270/271 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.04 gm). Aurelian right / Vaballathus right Köln 3054; Curtis 1738. VF, gray-brown patina, flan flaw. ($100)
1051. EGYPT, Alexandria. Zenobia. Year 5 (272 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (7.96 gm). Her draped bust right, wearing Stephane / Elpis walking left, holding flower, lifting fold of her chiton. Köln 3065; Dattari 5511; Curtis X-1751. Good VF. brown patina, some scattered porosity. Rare. ($750)
1052. EGYPT, Alexandria. Diocletian. Year 12 (295/296 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (6.62 gm). Laureate head right, cuirassed (?) / Elpis walking left, holding flower, lifting fold of her chiton. Köln -; Dattari 5688; Milne 5204. Good VF, edge corrosion, brown patina. ($75)
Extremely Rare /Ε Drachm of Aurelian & Vaballathus 1053. EGYPT, Alexandria. Maximianus. Year 11 (295/296 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (7.46 gm). Laureate head right / Eagle standing left, head right with wreath in beak; palm-branch before. Köln -; Dattari 6016; BMC -; Milne 5238; Curtis -. Good VF, brown patina with touches of green. ($ 100)
1048. EGYPT, Alexandria. Aurelian & Vaballathus. Year 1 & 4 of Joint Reign (270/271 AD). A Drachm (?) (6.36 gm). Vis-à-vis draped busts of Aurelian (on left) and Vaballathus; without KAI in legend / LA LA within laurel-wreath. Dattari 5429; BMC 2395/96; Demetrio 3282. VF, brown patina, some light encrustation. Extremely Rare, possibly one of the finest known examples. ($250)
1054. EGYPT. Roman Period. Circa 3rd Century AD. Lead Tessera (2.20 gm). Egyptian pharaoh's bust right/Serapis-Helios enthroned left, right hand raised, bird (?) on back of throne, star before. Köln -; Dattari 6426/27. EF for type, green patina. Rare. One of the finest Egyptian lead tokens seen by this cataloguer! ($100)
30,1 994
1059. ANASTASIUS. 491-518 AD. JE Nummus (0.79 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust right/Monogram. SB 13; DOCI 15. VF, exceptional oonditionfor these. ($75)
1060. JUSTIN 1.518-527 AD. JE Pentanummium (1.86 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust right / Laige E; CON vertical to right, no officina letter. SB -; DOC ; MIB128; Berk 58 (one specimen recorded). VF, black patina, porosity. ($75)
1055. EGYPT. Roman Period. Circa 3rd Century AD. Collection of 39 Lead Tesserae. Inlcudes the following basic types: Sarapis bust / Hermanubis bust Köln 3616-18. // Two flying Nikes holding cuirass (?) between / Figure on horseback. Holed. Köln -. //Oxythynchos. Athena bust / Nike. Köln 3503-07. //Seated figure of Zeus-Ammon. Köln -. Rare. // Egyptian pharaoh's bust / Sarapis-Helios. Dattari 6426; Plus 34 more including many interesting types, some duplication. A fascinating collection for the specialist in Egyptian coinage illustrating the money of necessity used outside Alexandria in Roman Egypt Grades range from Fair to Very Fine. A rare opportunity to acquire a substantial number of these tokens which are seldorn offered individually. ($400)
1061. JUSTIN L 518-527 AD. jG Nummus (0.73 gm). Constantinople Diademed bust right / Monogram. SB -; MIB I 34 variety. // Plus Justinian L JE Nummus. Carthage. Facing bust / P-headed cross with A and W. SB 342; DOC 1374. // 2 NummL Carthage. Bustright/B. SB 277; DOC 102. Average VFfortypes. 3 pieces inloL ($100)
1062. JUSTIN 1.518-527 AD. JE Follis (15.25 gm). Thessalonica. Diademed bust right / Large M flanked by stars; THESSOB. SB 78; DOC 123. Fine, dark green patina. ($100) 1056. SYRTICA, Oea. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. JE 23mm (8.88 gm). Bust of Livia right / "WYT", helmeted bust of Athena left RPC 835; SNG Copenhagen 33. VF, redbrown patina. Rare. ($ 125)
BYZANTINE 1063. JUSTIN 1.518-527 AD. JE Half Follis (7.58 gm). Antioch. Diademed bust right, cross on diadem / Large K; cross with Α Ν T X , A. SB 104; DOC 150a variety. Near VF, black patina. ($75)
1057. ANASTASIUS. 491-518 AD. JE Follis (16.78 gm). Constantinople. 512517 AD. Diademed bust right / U r g e M; stars, B/CON. SB 19; DOC 123b. VF, brown patina. ($100)
1058. ANASTASIUS. 491-518 AD. JE Half Follis (9.54 gm). Constantinople. 512-518 AD. Diademed bust right / Urge K; cross to left, Β to right. SB 25; DOC I 24b. Good VF, dark green patina. ($75)
1064. JUSTIN 1.518-527 AD. JE Pentanummium (234 gm). Cherson. Diademed bust right / VIC TOR, emperor standing, holding labarum (?) and shield. SB 112A; DOC-;MIB 176. Near VF, brown patina. ($100)
1065. JUSTIN I and JUSTINIAN I. 527 AD. JE Follis (17.51 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust right; annulet on shoulder / Laige M; Δ/CON. SB 126; DOCI11. Near VF, brown patina. ($125)
30,1 994
1066. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. AV Solidus (4.49 gm). Constantinople. 545565 AD. Helmeted facing bust, holding globus cruciger / Angel standing facing, holding P-headed cross and globus cruciger, * Δ/CONOB. SB 140; DOC 19d. EF. ($250) 1073. J U S T I N I A N I. Year 12 (538/539 AD). JE Follis (22.34 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; E/CON. SB 163; DOC 137e. VF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($ 125)
1067. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. AV Solidus (4.48 gm). Constantinople. 545565 AD. Helmeted facing bust / Angel standing facing, holding P-headed cross and globus cruciger, •E/CONOB. SB 140; DOCI9e. Good VF. ($150) 1068. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. AV Plated Solidus (2.51 gm). Helmeted facing bust, holding globus crociger / Angel standing facing, holding long cross and globus cruciger, * B/CONOB.Cf.SB 139. Fine, plating worn. Interesting. ($75) 1074. JUSTINIAN I. Year 17 (543/544 AD). JE Follis (20.42 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; I7CON. SB 163; DOC 142c. Near VF, dark green patina. ($75)
1069. JUSTINIAN I. 527-565 AD. AV Tremissis (1.43 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust right / Angel holding wreath and globus cruciger, * CONOB. SB 145; DOC 119. EF. ($100)
1070. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. AV Semissis (2.15 gm). Ravenna. 552-565 AD. Diademed bust right / Victory seated, inscribing shield; reversed P-headed cross; six-pointed star/CONOB. SB 312C; DOC -; MIB 140. VF, muddled strike. ($150)
1071. JUSTINIAN I. AR Siliqua (120 gm). Carthage 537-552 AD. DNIVSTINI ANVS PP AV, diademed bust right / Monogram within wreath. SB 254; DOC -; MIB153. Good VF, full flan. ($350)
1075. JUSTINIAN I. Year 19 (545/546 AD). JE Follis (19.25 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; E/CON. SB 163; DOC 144c. Good VF, encrusted brown patina. // Plus a follis of Justin I. SB 63; DOC 19. Fine. 2 pieces. ($75)
1076. JUSTINIAN I. 542-547 AD. JE 16 Nummi (6.73 gm). Thessalonica. Diademed bust / Large IS flanked by A P; stars and cross above, TES. SB 177; DOC 198c; Metcalf 232 (this coin). VF, brown patina. ($75)
1077. JUSTINIAN 1.542-547 AD. JE 8 Nummi (2.84 gm). Thessalonica. 538542 AD. Diademed bust / Large H flanked by A P. SB 192A; Metcalf lOff. Near VF, brown patina. Scarce, "primitive" style of the first issue of 8 nummi from Thessalonica.
Early references place this säiqua with the Ostrogoths, reading the monogram as Amalaswintha, or perhaps with one of the African kings such as Mastinas of the Mauri. It is an imperial issue, the monogram being DN IVSTINIANVS.
1072. JUSTINIAN I. AR Half Siliqua (0.46 gm). Carthage. 534-537 AD. Diademed bust right / V Ο Μ Τ around cross in wreath. SB 256; DOC 1282. Toned VF. ($150)
1078. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE Follis (17.69 gm). Nicomedia. 527-537 AD. Diademed bust right; cross of dots on cloak / Laige M flanked by star and cross; A / N K M . SB 198; DOC I 109 variety. Near VF, brown patina. Unrecorded bust type. ($75)
30,1 994
1084. JUSTINIAN 1.533-537 AD. JE Follis (15.22 gm). Antioch. Diademed bust / U r g e M; A/+THEU°P+. SB 216; DOC 1210d. // Plus another (10.73 gm). Same types, but a contemporaiy imitation. Both near VF. 2 pieces. ($75)
1079. JUSTINIAN I. Year 13 (539/540 AD). JE Follis (23.17 gm). Nicomedia. Helmeted facing bust / Urge M; A/NIK. SB 201 ; DOC 1117a. VF, dark brown padna. ($125)
1080. JUSTINIAN I. Year 20 (546/547 AD). JE Follis (20.10 gm). Nicomedia. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; B/NIKO. SB 201 ; DOC 1126b. Good VF, dark brown and green patina. ($125)
1085. JUSTINIAN I. Year 13 (539/540 AD). JE Follis (20.56 gm). Antioch. Helmeted facing bust / U r g e Μ; Γ/ΘΥΠΟ. SB 218; DOC 1215c. VF, dark brown
1086. JUSTINIAN I. Year 33 (559/560 AD). JE Follis (19.59 gm). Antioch. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; Γ/THUP. SB 222; DOC 1229b.3. VF, smooth brown patina. ($75) 1087. JUSTINIAN I. Year 33 (559/560 AD). JE Follis (17.88 gm). Antioch. Helmeted facing bust/ Large M; Γ/THUP*. SB 222; DOC -; MIB1149. VF, porosity. Scarce. ($75)
1088. JUSTINIAN I. Year 24 (550/551 AD). IE Decanummium (4.18 gm). Antioch. Helmeted facing bust / U i g e I; 9HUI1. SB 226; DOC -. Good VF, brown patina. ($75) 1081. JUSTINIAN I. Year 16 (542/543 AD). JE Follis (19.79 gm). Cyzicus. Helmeted facing bust / U r g e M; A/KYZ. SB 207; DOC 1168a. VF, dark brown patina. ($100)
1089. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE Pentanummium (1.92gm). Antioch. 561565 AD. Diademed bust / Large C with monogram. SB 245; DOC 1272. Good VF, brown patina with black encrustation. ($75)
1082. JUSTINIAN 1.527-529 AD. JE Follis (15.33 gm). Antioch. DN IYCTINIANOYC PP, diademed bust right/ U r g e Μ; Δ/ΑΝΠΧ. SB -; DOC -; M B -; Sabatier pl. 13,8. Fine, brown patina. Scarce variety with a crudely rendered Greek legend. ($75) 1083. JUSTINIAN 1.529-533 AD. JE Follis (17.83 gm). Antioch. Emperor enthroned / U r g e M, star and crescent; B/+THEUP. SB 214; DOC 1206b. VF, black patina. ($75)
1090. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE 33 Nummi (13.34 gm). Alexandria. 538565 AD. Helmeted facing bust / Urge ΛΓ; AAEZ. SB 246; DOC 1273. Near VF, brown patina, usual porosity. ($75)
1096. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE Decanummium (7.14 gm). Rome. 547-549 AD. Helmeted facing bust / Large I flanked by stars. SB 308; DOC 1331. Good VF, green patina. ($75)
1091. JUSTINIAN I. Year 14 (540/541 AD). JE Follis (23.61 gm). Carthage. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; S/CAR. SB 261 ; DOC 1293. Near VF, green patina, double struck. ($ 125) 1097. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE Nummus (0.57 gm). Rome. 547-565 AD. Helmeted facing bust / Lion walking right SB 311 ; DOC 1332. EF for type, green patina, off-center. ($75)
1092. JUSTINIAN I. 527-565 AD. JE Pentanummium (1.32 gm). Carthage. 534-537 AD. Diademed bust right; flanked by crosses / Christogram; Ε to right SB -; DOC I -; M I B I -. VF, green patina. ($75) This unrecorded type parallels the two nurrvni issue, MIB 190, of the first emission of the Carthage mint after the conquest of that city.
1098. JUSTINIAN L 527-565 AD. JE Half Follis (2.80 gm). Salona. 552-565 AD. Diademed bust / Large K. SB 331 ; DOC 1360. Good VF, brown patina. Nice for these. ($75)
1099. A N O N Y M O U S . Circa 6th Century AD. AR Half Siliqua (1.25 gm). Helmeted and draped bust (Constantinople?) / Large K. Tolstoi 616. EF. ($250)
1093. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE Follis (10.19 gm). Rome. 540-542 AD. Diademed bust; legend ends with Ρ / !.arge M flanked by star and cross. SB 294; DOC 1322 variety. VF, brown patina. ($ 150) 11 ש. ANONYMOUS. Circa 6th Century AD. AR Half Siliqua (1.32 gm). Helmeted and draped bust (Constantinople?) / Large XT monogram. Tolstoi 620. EF. ($400)
1094. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE Follis (9.73 gm). Rome. 540-542 AD. Diademed bust / Large M flanked by cross and star. SB 295; DOC 1323. Good VF, brown patina. ($250)
1101. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. AV Solidus (4.47 gm). Constantinople. Crowned and cuirassed bust, holding Victory on globus / Constantinopolis sealed facing right; Z/CONOB. SB 345; DOC 14f. EF. ($250)
ExCNG XIV, lot 1043.
1095. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE Half Follis (8.50 gm). Rome. 540-542 AD. Diademed bust; legend ends with PP AV / Large Κ flanked by star and cross. SB ($75) 301; DOC 1325 variety. VF, green patina.
1102. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. AV Light Weight Solidus of 22 Siliquae (4.10 gm). Antioch? Helmeted facing bust, holding Victory on globus/Constantinopolis enthroned, holding sceptre and globus; 0S/OB*+*. SB 376; DOC 1138; MI Β Π 8 (Constantinople). Good VF, light graffiti on reverse. ($300)
Rare Solidus of Justin Π
M a r c h 30,1 994
1108. JUSTIN Π. Year 4 (568/569 AD). JE Half Follis (4.84 gm). Nicomedia. Justin and Sophia enthroned / Large K; NI. SB 370; DOC 1106. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($75) 1109. JUSTIN Π. Year 2 (566/567 AD). JE Follis (16.44 gm). Antioch. Helmeted facing bust, holding Victory on globus / Large M; dale flanked by stars, Γ/ΤΗΕUP. SB 378; DOC 1144 variety. Fine, brown patina. ($100)
1103. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. AV Solidus (4.24 gm). Alexandria? Crowned and cuirassed bust, holding Victory on globus / Constantinopolis seated facing right; cross in left field, I/CONOB. SB 347; DOC 16; MIB Π 13b. Good VF, usual rough dies, slightly clipped. Rare. ($750) Not of typical Constant inopolitan fabric, thus usually attributed to a provincial mint, with Alexandria being the likely source.
1104. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. AR Half Siliqua (1.21 gm). Carthage. Helmeted facing bust / F E O X RES PVBL within linear border surrounded by wreath. SB 392; DOC 1191. Toned good VF. ($300)
1110. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. JE 12 Nummi (5.64 gm). Alexandria. Diademed bust / Large I Β with cross; AAEZ SB 389; DOC 1188. Good VF, brown and green patina. Exceptional condition for these. ($75)
1111. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. JE Half Follis (4.65 gm). Rome. Justin and Sophia enthroned / Large XX; ROM. SB 404; DOC 1206. VF, black patina. ($75)
1105. JUSTIN U. 565-578 AD. JE Decanummium (3.06gm). Constantinople or North African mint. Justin in military uniform, holding spear and globe / Large I flanked by stars; CON. SB 362; DOC 159. Good VF, brown patina, porosity. ($75) 1112. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. JE 8 Pentanummium (Follis) (11.32 gm). Cherson. Justin and Sophia standing, both nimbate / Large H; Tiberius standing, holding long P-headed cross. SB 606sic (Maurice); DOC -; MIB 158b (Maurice). Fine, black patina, rough surfaces. ($200) 1106. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. JE Pentanummium (1.10 gm). Monogram/ Large E; cross. SB 386; DOC 1186. EF, emerald green patina. // Plus a Nummus (0.78 gm). Diademed bust/Monogram. SB 387; DOC 1149. Near VF. Two scarce minors. 2 coins. ($100)
1113. T I B E R I U S II. 578-582 AD. AV Solidus (4.43 gm). Constantinople. Crowned and cuirassed bust, holding globus cruciger /Cross on steps; E/CONOB. SB 422; DOC 14e. Good VF. ($250)
1107. JUSTIN II. Year6 (570/571 AD). Ai Follis (14.26 gm). Nicomedia Justin and Sophia enthroned / Large M; A/NIKO. SB 369; DOC 196a. Good VF, black patina. ($75) 1114. TIBERIUS II. 578-582 AD. AV Light Weight Solidus of 22 Siliquae (4.09 gm). Antioch? Crowned and cuirassed bust, holding globus cruciger / Plain cross on steps; ©S/OB+*. SB 446; DOC 138; MIB Π 5 (Constantinople). Near EF. ($450) 1115. TIBERIUS Π. 578-582 AD. AVSemissis (2.16 gm). Diademed bust / Cross potent on globe; CONOB. SB 424; DOC 15. Fine, graffiti. Found in Israel. ($75)
AV 1116. T I B E R I U S II. 578-582 AD. AV Semissis (2.07 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust; divided legend / Cross on globe; CONOB. SB 424; DOC 16. Fine, slight graffiti. ($75)
1121. M A U R I C E T I B E R I U S . 582-602 AD. AV Solidus (4.48 gm). Constantinople Helmeted facing bust/ Angel holding P-headed cross and globus cmciger, Z/CONOB. SB 478; DOC 15g. Good VF, weak strike. ($150)
1117. TIBERIUS II. 578-582 AD. JE 30 Nummi ( 11.34 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust / Large XXX; CONT. SB 432; DOC 115d. VF, black patina. ($100)
1118. TIBERIUS Π. Year7 (580/581 AD). JE Follis (13.01 gm). Nicomedia. Crowned facing bust / Laige M; NIKOA. SB 441 ; DOC 130a Good VF, dark brown patina. ($75)
1122. M A U R I C E T I B E R I U S . 582-602 AD. AV Solidus (4.47 gm). Constantinople Helmeted and cuirassed bust / Victory holding long P-headed cross; H/CONOB. SB 478; DOC 15h. Near EF. ($250)
1123. M A U R I C E TIBERIUS. Year 7 (588/589 AD). JE Follis (12.26 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; B/CON. SB 494; DOC 130b. Good VF, green patina. ($100) 1124. M A U R I C E T I B E R I U S . Year 8 (589/590 AD). JE Follis (11.98 gm). Antioch. Crowned facing bust / Large M; THEUP'. SB 532; DOC 1159b. Good VF, brown patina. ($75) 1125. M A U R I C E TIBERIUS. Year 15 (596/597 AD). JE Follis (11.78 gm). Antioch. Crowned facing bust / Large M; I7THEUP'. SB 533; DOC 1167b. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($75)
1119. T I B E R I U S II. Year 6 (579/580 AD). JE Follis (16.71 gm). Cyzicus. Crowned facing bust / Large M; KYZA. SB 444; DOC 135a. VF, brown patina. ($100)
1126. M A U R I C E T I B E R I U S ? 582-602 AD. Lead 3 Nummi (4.24 gm). Carthage? Crowned facing bust /Laige Γ. SB -. Near VF. Rare. ($100)
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1120. TIBERIUS 11.578-582 AD. Ai 30 Nummi (13.52 gm). Cyzicus. Crowned facing bust / Laige XXX; KYZA. SB 445; DOC 137a Fine, black and brown patina. Rare. ($150)
1127. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. JE 8 Pentanummium (Follis) (10.80 gm). Cherson. Maurice and Constantina standing, both nimbate / Large H; Theodosius standing, holding long cross. SB 607; DOC 1303.1/303.2; MIB 157a.2. Fine, brown patina, rough surfaces. ($200)
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1135. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. R Pentanummium (2.26 gm). Carthage. Crowned facing bust / Laige V with two stars and four pellets. SB 689; DOC Π pg. 197 note; Mffi Π 102 VF, brown patina. ($75)
Av 1128. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. AV Solidus (4.44 gm). Constantinople. 603-607 AD. Crowned facing bust, holding globus cruciger / Angel holding long cross and globus cruciger, A/CONOB. SB 618; DOC Π5ε. EF. ($250)
1129. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. AV Solidus (4.15 gm). Constantinople. 607-610 AD. Crowned facing bust, holding globus cruciger / Angel holding long cross and globus cmciger, E/CONOB. SB 620; DOC Π 10e. Good VF, file marks. ($150)
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1136. R E V O L T O F H E R A C L I U S . 608-610 AD. R Follis (9.22 gm). Alexandietta. Indictional year 13 (610 AD). Facing busts of the Exarch Heraclius and his son / Large Μ; Α/(ΑΛΕΖΑΝΔ). SB 722; DOC Π 16. Fine, brown and black patina. ($250)
1130. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. AV Solidus (4.50 gm). Constantinople. 607-610 AD. Crowned facing bust, holding globus cruciger / Angel holding long cross and globus cmciger, I/CONOB. SB 620; DOC Π 10j. EF. ($250)
1137. REVOLT O F HERACLIUS. 608-610 AD. R Half Follis (6.69 gm). Carthage. Facing beardless bust of Heraclius / Large XX; * E/KRTG. SB 713; DOC Π 6. Fine, brown patina. ($ 100)
1131. PHOCAS. Year7 (608/609 AD). R 30 Nummi (9.98 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust / Large XXX; CONA. SB 641 ; DOC Π 34 variety. VF, black patina, pitting. Rare. ($75)
1138. REVOLT O F HERACLIUS. 608-610 AD. R Decanummium (3.87 gm). Carthage. Facing beardless bust of Heraclius / Large X flanked by Ν M and four pellets. SB 715; DOC Π 8. VF, dark green patina. ($100) 1132. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. R Decanummium (3.07 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust; no cross on crown / Large X. SB 646; DOC Π 39 variety. VF, brown patina. ^c-süs. ($75)
1139. REVOLT O F HERACLIUS. 608-610 AD. R Pentanummium (2.07 gm). Carthage. Facing beardless bust of Heraclius / Large V flanked by stars and four pellets. SB 716; DOC Π (9). Fine, brown patina. ($75)
1133. P H O C A S . Year 4 (605/606 AD). R Follis (10.72 gm). Nicomedia. Crowned facing bust, in consular garb / Laige XXXX; N K O B . SB 658; DOC Π 57b. Good VF, black patina. ($ 100)
1134. PHOCAS. Year 2 (602/603 AD). R Follis (11.78 gm). Antioch. Phocas and Leontia standing facing / Large M; year 1, THEUP". SB 671; DOC Π 83. Near EF, brown patina. ($150)
1140. REVOLT O F HERACLIUS. 608-610 AD. R 2 Nummi (1.22 gm). Carthage. Facing beardless bust of Heraclius / Large Β flanked by pellets. SB 717; DOC Π pg.212 note. VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($125)
1141. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.27 gm). Constantinople. 610613 AD. Helmeted facing bust /Cross on steps; E/CONOB. SB 731; DOC Π 3b. VF. ($150)
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1142. H E R A C L I U S . 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.49 gm). Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine /Cross on steps; E/CONOB. SB 738; DOCH 13d. EF. ($250)
1143. H E R A C L I U S . 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.48 gm). Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine/ Cross on steps; E/CONOB. SB 738; DOC Π 13d. EF. Flipover double strike, with an additional partial brockage on the reverse. Unusual multiple error. ($200)
1149. HERACLIUS. Year 20 (629/630 AD). JE Follis (6.73 gm). Thessalonica Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine / Large M; B/0EC. SB 826; DOC Π -; MIB Π 222. // Plus another. Year 31 (640/641 AD). (6.34 gm). Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / Large M; B/0EC. SB 826A; DOC I -; MIB Π 223. Both Fine, with dark green patinas. Two very rare Thessalonican bronzes.
1144. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.33 gm). Constantinople. 639641 AD. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas /Cross on steps; monogram E.S/CONOB. SB 77fr.DOC Π 44d. Fine. ($150) 1150. H E R A C L I U S . Year 4 (613/614 AD). JE Follis (9.79 gm). Cyzicus. Helmeted facing bust / Laige M; A/KYZ SB 839; DOC H 170a. VF, black patina Last year for this type. ($75)
1145. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.38 gm). Jerusalem. 613-618 AD. ddNN hERACLUS ET hRA CONTI, Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; no exergual line / VICTORIA AVSU, cross on steps; IX/CONOB. SB 852; DOC Π 187c variety (Alexandria). EF. ($450)
1151. H E R A C L I U S . Year7 (616/617 AD). JE Follis (11.54 gm). Seleucia. Crowned facing busts of Heraclius and son / Large M; A/SELISU. SB 844; DOC Π 180a. Good VF, brown and black patina. ($100)
1146. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AR Hexagram (6.24 gm). Constantinople. 615-638 AD. Heraclius and son enthroned / Cross on globe on steps; I to left SB 796; DOC Π 62. // Plus another (6.16 gm). Κ in right field. SB 798; DOC ΠΙ 64. Average Fine, the second holed and plugged. 2 coins. ($100)
1147. H E R A C L I U S . 610-641 AD. AR Half Siliqua (0.62 gm). Carthage. Crowned facing bust / Crowned busts of Heraclius Constantine and Martina. SB 871; DOC Π 233. VF. ($150)
1152. H E R A C L I U S . Year 7 (616/617 AD). JE Follis (13.29 gm). Seleucia. Heraclius and son standing / Laige M; B/SE(LISU). SB 845; DOC Π 181 b. Fine, black patina. ($75)
1148. H E R A C L I U S . 610-641 AD. AR 120 Nummi (0.35 gm). Ravenna. Diademed bust / Cross potent in wreath. SB 907; DOC Π 281. Toned VF. ($100) 1 2 4
Our Ne^t Saie WfiBe 9<e(dOn June 11,1994 In Conjunc turn Wit ft The Spntjg Nezv^orfilnternationai Numismatic Convention
1153. HERACLIUS. Year7 (616/617 AD). JE Half Follis (4.39 gm). Seleucia. Crowned facing busts of Heraclius and son / Large K; A. SB 847; DOC Π 182a. Good VF, brown patina. Overstrack on a half follis of Maurice, Cyzicus mint.
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1159. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. AR Hexagram (6.30 gm). Constantinople. 641 -647 AD. Crowned and beardless facing bust, holding globus cmciger/Cross on globe on steps. SB 989; DOC Π 48. Toned Fine, double stmck. ($ 100)
1160. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. AR Half Siliqua (0.55 gm). Carthage. Crowned facing bust / Cross potent flanked by pellets. SB 1049; DOC Π131. Good VF. ($100)
1154. HERACLIUS. Year 7 (616/617 AD). JE Follis (13.76 gm). Isaura. Crowned busts of Heraclius and son / Laige M; A/ISAYR. SB 848; DOC Π - (183). VF, brown patina. Overstnick on a follis of Justin Π. ($150) 1155. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Half Follis (2.49 gm). Rome. 613-620 AD. Facing busts of Heiaclius and Heraclius Constantine; no cross between / Laige XX; R O M SB 890; DOC Π 262; MIB ΠΙ 243b (same dies). VF, green patina. ($75)
1156. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Follis (15.06 gm). Egypt. Counteimaiked issue: eagle with up-iaised wings; c/m on a follis of Justin I, A/C0N. SB pg. 197; MIB ΠΙ KM3. Coin and c/m Fine, brown patina. Less than twenty pieces known. ($100)
1157. HERACLIUS. 610-641. JE Imitative Follis (6.95 gm). Uncertain mint. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Martina / Large M; ANNO PX, Γ/CON. SB ; MIB ΠΙ-. Near VF, brown patina. ($75) The meanin g, if any, ofPX cannot be ascertained. The style is similar to other imitative issues of Cyprus, but this mark is unknown.
1161. CONSTANS II. 655/656 AD. JE Half Follis (2.30 gm). Constantinople. Emperor, with long beard, standing / Laige K; ANA NEOS, Γ. SB 1018; DOC Π 93b. VF for type, brown patina. ($75) 1162. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. JE 12Nummi (6.98 gm). Alexandria. 645646 AD. Emperor standing / Large I Β with cross on globe; ΑΛΕΖ. SB 1027; DOC Π 105. VF, black patina. ($75)
1163. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. JE Half Follis (7.27 gm). Carthage. 641643 AD. Emperor standing / Laige Κ flanked by crosses; KRTG. SB 1056; DOC Π 135. Good VF, gieen patina, flan split. ($100)
1164. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. JE Follis (5.28 gm). Syracuse. 654-659 AD. Constans and Constantine IV standing / Laige M; monogram above, SCL. SB 1109; DOC Π180. Good VF, green patina. ($100)
AV 1158. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. AV Solidus (4.09 gm). Constantinople. 659-661 AD. Facing busts of Constans and Constantine IV / Cross on globe flanked by Heiaclius and Tiberius; S/CONOB. SB 962; DOC Π 28d. EF, clipped. ($200)
1165. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. JE Half Follis (2.66 gm). Syracuse. Indictional year 4 (664/665 AD). Facing busts of Constans and Constantine IV / Large Κ; +AN NO Δ. SB 1114; DOC Π 184. Good VF, green patina, rough surfaces. ($75)
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1166. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. Half Follis (4.71 gm). Rome. 642-615 AD. Crowned facing bust / Large XX; ROM. SB 1127; DOC Π 194. Good VF, green patina. ($75)
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1172. J U S T I N I A N II. Year 3 (687/688 AD). JE Half Follis (4.71 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust, holding globus cruciger/ Large K. SB 1262; DOC Π 21. Good VF, brown patina. Overstrack on a quartered follis of Constantine TV. ($75)
This well struck piece shows no evidence of the beard noted in the references; it perhaps should be placed at the beginning ofConstans' reign.
1167. CONSTANTINEIV. 668-685 AD. AV Solidus (4.39 gm). Constantinople. 668-673 AD. Helmeted bust with spear over shoulder / Cross flanked by Heraclius and Tiberius; (A?)/CONOB. SB 1153; DOC Π 6. VF, light graffiti. ($150)
1168. CONSTANTINE IV. 668-685 AD. AV Solidus (4.39 gm). Constantinople. 674-681 AD. Helmeted bust with spear, shield / Cross flanked by Heraclius and Tiberius; Δ/CONOB. SB 1154; DOC Π 8. VF, light graffiti. ($150)
1173. J U S T I N I A N U . First Reign. Year 6 (690/691 AD). JE Half Follis (2.11 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust, slight beard, holding globus cruciger, star in right field / Laige K; A. SB 1262 variety; DOC -; MIB ffl 47 variety. VF, black patina. ($ל5)
1174. JUSTINIAN Π. First Reign. JE Follis (7.07 gm). Syracuse. 689-690 AD. Facing bust, holding akakia and globus cmciger / Large M; monogram, SCL. SB 1294; DOC Π 53. Near VF, green patina. Struck on an unusually heavy flan from an earlier reign. ($100)
1175. JUSTINIAN U. First Reign. JE Follis (2.00 gm). Syracuse. 692-693 AD. Emperor standing, holding spear and globus cruciger / Laige M; monogram, SCL SB 1302; DOC Π 62. Good VF, green patina. ($75) 1169. CONSTANTINE IV. 668-685 AD. JE Follis (171 gm). Syracuse. 681-685 AD. Emperor standing, holding spear and globus cmciger / Large M; monogram, SCL. SB 1211; DOC Π 64. Good VF, black patina. Overstrack on SB 1208.
Unlisted Syracusan Half Follis of Justinian Π
1170. J U S T I N I A N II. First Reign, 685-695 AD. AV Solidus (4.43 gm). Constantinople. 687-692 AD. Crowned facing bust, holding globus cmciger/Cross potent on steps; Γ/CONOB. SB 1246; DOC Π 5. EF, edge weakness. ($300)
1176. JUSTINIAN II. First Reign. JE Half Follis (2.13 gm). Syracuse. After 691 AD? Half length facing bust, holding globus cruciger/Monogram combining denomination (K) and Justinian's name; star to right. SB -; DOC -; MIB -. VF, gieen patina. ($200) The only known half follis of Syracuse for Justinian is dated Indictional year 4 (690/691 AD). This unknown piece, of similar style, may have followed it.
1171. JUSTINIAN II. First Reign. Year 1 (685/686 AD). JE Half Follis (3.39 gm). Constantinople. Facing beardless bust, holding globus cmciger/ Laige Κ; Γ. SB 1261; DOC II19. VF, brown patina. Overstrack on a lOnummiofConstantmelV. ($75)
1177. L E O N T I U S . 695-698 AD. AV Solidus (4.37 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust, wearing loros and holding akakia and globus cruciger / Cross potent on steps; I/CONOB. SB 1330; DOC Π 1 l VF, polished. ($450)
1178. LEONTIUS. Year 1 (695/696 AD). Ai Follis (5.48 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust, wearing loros and holding globus cruciger/ Large M; Δ/CON. SB 1334; DOC Π 7c. Good VF, brown patina. Overstruck on a half follis of Leontius, DOC 8a (as is DOC 7c). ($150)
1179. L E O N T I U S . Year 1(695/696 AD). JE Half Follis (3.91 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust, wearing loros and holding globus cmciger/ Large K; T.SB 1335; DOC Π 8a. VF for type, brown patina, porosity. Overstruck on lOnummiofConstantinelV. ($100)
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1184. T I B E R I U S III. Year 4 (701/702 AD). JE Half Follis (3.25 gm). Constantinople. Emperor standing, holding globus cmciger and long cross / Large K; A. SB 1369; DOC Π13. VFfortype, brown patina. Overstmck. ($150)
1185. TIBERIUS IH. 698-705 AD. JE Follis (4.06 gm). Syracuse. 698-702 AD. Crowned and cuirassed bust, holding spear and shield; star / Large M flanked by palms; monogram, (SCL). SB 1395; DOC H 32. VF, green patina, off-center. ~ .. ״ ($100)
1186. TIBERIUS III. 698-705 AD. Ai Follis (2.27 gm). Syracuse. 702-705 AD. Emperor standing, holding long cross and globus cruciger / Large M flanked by palms; monogram, star, SCL. SB 1396; DOC Π 33. VF for type, green patina. Oversmick on a follis of Justinian Π (DOC 64). ($100)
1180. LEONTIUS. 695-698 AD. JE Follis (3.41 gm). Syracuse. 695-697 AD. Crowned bust, wearing loros and holding akakia and globus cruciger / Large M monogram, SCL. SB 1343; DOC Π (17). Good VF, dark green patina. ($100)
1181. LEONTIUS. 695-698 AD. JE Follis (3.03 gm). Syracuse. 697-698 AD. Emperor standing, wearing loros and holding akakia and globus cruciger / Large M; monogram, SCL. SB 1344; DOC Π 18. VF, dark green patina. Multiple overstrikes. ($75)
1182. LEONTIUS. 695-698 AD. Billon 30 Nummi (1.65 gm). Rome. Facing bust, wearing crude loros; globus crudgernot visible / Large XXX; ROM. SB 1352; DOC II25.1. Good VF, black patina with spots of hard green verdigris. ($150)
1183. TIBERIUS ΙΠ. Year 4 (701/702 AD). JE Follis (3.97 gm). Constantinople. Emperor standing, holding globus cruciger and long cross / Large Μ; /Δ\ Γ/CON. SB 1367; DOCH 11c. VF for type, brown patina. Overstruck. ($100)
1187. JUSTINIAN H. Second Reign. Year 20 (705 AD). JE Follis (4.24 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust, holding cross potent and globus cruciger / Large M; A/CON. SB 1426 variety; DOC Π11 variety (unlisted ofBcina). VFfortype, heavy porosity. ($100)
1188. JUSTINIAN II. Second Reign. 705-711 AD. JE Follis (3.33 gm). Constantinople. Facing busts of Justinian and Tiberius, holding patriarchal globus with AX (no P) between them / Large M, year XX'; A/CON. SB 1428; DOC Π 12a. Fine, dark brown patina. ($75)
1189. JUSTINIAN II. Second Reign. Year 20 (705 AD). JE Decanummium (3.31 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust, holding cross potent and globus cruciger/ Large I flanked by cross and XX; (CON). SB 1432; DOC Π16. Fine, dark brown patina. ($75)
1190. JUSTINIAN Π. Second Reign. Indictional year5 (706/707 AD). JE Follis (3.91 gm). Syracuse. Emperor standing, holding long cross and globus cruciger / Large M; monogram, E/SCL. SB 1299 (first reign); MIB m 49. VF for type, rough dark brown patina. ($75)
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1196. THEO DOS ILS ΠΙ. 715-717 AD. ΛΕ Follis (1.83 gm). Syracuse. Crowned bust, wearing lotos, holding spear over shoulder and globus cruciger / Large M flanked by palms; monogram, Θ/SCL. SB 1496; DOC Π (9). Good VF, green patina, irregular flan. ($250)
1197. THEODOSIUS ΠΙ. 715-717 AD. Billon 30 Nummi (0.73 gm). Rome. Crowned bust, wearing loros, holding globus cruciger / Large XXX; ROM. SB 1501 ;DOC Π-;MIB ΠΙ17. Good VF, black patina. ($150) 1191. JUSTINIAN Π. Second Reign. 705-711 AD. JE Follis (3.01 gm). Syracuse. Facing bust, holding cross potent and patriarchal globus / Large M flanked by crosses; monogram, SCL. SB 1436; D 0 c n ( 2 0 ) . VF for type, green patina. ($100)
1198. LEO ΙΠ. Sole Reign, 717-720 AD. AΕ Follis (1.20 gm). Syracuse. Emperor standing, wearing loros, holding spear and globus cmciger / Large M flanked by palms; monogram, SCL. SB 1529; DOC ΠΙ52. EF, green patina. ($200)
1192. PHILIPPICUS. Year 1 (711/712 AD). JE Follis (242 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust, wearing lotos and holding globus cruciger and eagle tipped sceptre / Large Μ; Τ , A/CON. SB 1457; DOC Π 9a. 1. VF, brown patina, patch of corrosion. Overstmck. ($150) 1199. LEO III and CONSTANTINE V. 720-741 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.02 gm). Constantinople. Cross on steps / LEON S CONST ΑΝΠΝΕ Ε C ©EU bA SILJS'.SB 1512; DOC ΙΠ 22b. 1. VF, clipped. ($100)
1193. PHILIPPICUS. 711-713 AD. JE Follis (2.28 gm). Syracuse. Emperor standing, holding eagle tipped sceptre and globus cruciger / Large M flanked by stars; monogram, SCL SB 1460A; DOC -; MIB ΙΠ 24.1. VF for type, green patina with earthen encrustation. ($150)
1194. ANASTASIUS II. Year 1 (713/714 AD). JE Half Follis (1.91 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust, holding globus cruciger and akakia / Large Κ; B. SB 1470; DOC Π 9 variety (officina B). VF, green patina. ($150)
1195. THEODOSIUS III. 715-717 AD. JE Follis (4.25 gm). Syracuse. Crowned bust, wearing loros, holding patriarchal globus and akakia / Large M; monogram, star/SCL SB 1495; DOC Π 8. Near VF, brown patina,roughsurfaces. Overstmck on a follis of Constantine IV (SB 1209). ($200)
1200. LEO III and CONSTANTINE V. 720-741 AD. JE Follis (3.22 gm). Constantinople. 735-741 AD. Crowned facing busts of Leo and Constantine / Large M, XXX NNN; B. SB 1516; DOCm39b. VF, green patina. ($75)
1201. LEO ΠΙ and CONSTANTINE V. 720-741 AD. JE Decanummium (2.38 gm). Constantinople. 720-721 AD. Crowned facing bust of Leo, holding globus cmciger /Crowned facing bust of Constantine above large I; ANN XX. SB 1522; DOC ffl 35. VF, brown patina. ($100)
1202. CONSTANTINE V and LEO IV. 751 -775 AD. JE Follis (4.58 gm). Constantinople. 769-775 AD. Constantine and Leo enthroned / Bust of Leo IH above large M, X N; A. SB 1557; DOC ΠΙ 13. Fine, brown patina, pitting. ($75)
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1208. CONSTANTINE VI and IRENE. 780-797 AD. JE Follis (2.28 gm). Constantinople. 792-797 AD. Facing bust of bene holding globus cruciger and seeptre / Facing bust of Constantine VI above laige M, Χ Ν A; pellet and cross infield.SB 1598; DOC ΙΠ 7. VF, brown patina. ($125)
Rare Half Follis of Constantine V & Leo IV
1203. CONSTANTINE V and LEO IV. 751 -775 AD. .Ε Half Follis (1.85 gm). Syracuse. Facing busts of Constantine and Leo; Ο Κ Ά / Bust of Leo ΠΙ, holding cross potent; cross on globus to right, A. SB 1569A DOC ΠΙ20. Good VF, green patina. Rare. (SI 50)
1209. NICEPHORUS and STAURACIUS. 803-811 AD. JE Follis (2.65 gm). Syracuse. Crowned facing bust of Nicephoras, wearing loros, holding cross potent / Similar draped bust of Stauracius, holding globus cruciger. SB 1612; DOC ΙΠ10. Near EF, sharp strike on a full flan. ($100) 1210. MICHAEL I. Sole Rule, October-December 811 AD. JE Follis (6.09 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust, wearing loros, holding globus crucigerand seeptre/ Large M, XXX NNN A. SB 1617; DOC ΙΠ7 (Michael Π). Hne, brown patina. Rare. ($75)
1204. LEO IV and CONSTANTINE VI. 775-780 AD. JE Follis (5.11 gm). Constantinople. 778-780 AD. Leo and Constantine enthroned / Busts of Leo ΠΙ and Constantine V above large M, Χ Ν A; two pellets infield.SB 1587; DOC ΠΙ6.1. VF, brown patina, some pitting. ($100)
1205. LEO IV and CONSTANTINE VI. 775-780 AD. JE Follis (1.88 gm). Syracuse. 778-780 AD. Leo and Constantine enthroned / Busts of Leo ΠΙ and Constantine V above CK·. SB 1590; DOC ΠΙ 8.2. Good VF, green patina. ($100)
1206. CONSTANTINE VI and IRENE. 780-797 AD. AR Miliaresion (1.72 gm). Constantinople. Cross potent on steps / CONS ΤΑΝΤΊΝΟ S SIRINIΕ S 0F.U bA SILIS. SB 1595; DOC m 4a. VF, clipped. ($100)
1207. CONSTANTINE VI and IRENE. 780-797 AD. JE Follis (2.86 gm). Constantinople. 780-790 AD. Facing busts of Constantine and Irene; Irene holds globus cruciger / Facing busts of Constantine V, Leo ΠΙ and Leo IV above large M ($75) Χ Ν A. SB 1597; DOC ΠΙ5. VF for type, brown patina.
1211. LEO V. Sole Rule, 813 AD. JE Follis (5.05 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust, holding cross potent / Large M, XXX NNN A. SB 1629; DOC m 6. Fine, dark brown patina. ($75)
1212. MICHAEL II. Sole Reign, 820-821 AD. AR Miliaresion (1.92 gm). Constantinople. Cross potent on steps / +MIXA HL EC ©EU P1STOS bA SlliS RO MAIOn. SB 1691 (Michael HI); DOC ffl 6 (Michael ΠΙ). VF, clipped. ($125)
1213. MICHAEL Π and THEOPHILUS. 821-829 AD. AV Solidus (3.57 gm). Syracuse. MIXAHL, crowned facing bust of Michael, holding globus cruciger / 0EOFILO, similar bust of Theophilus, wearing loros, holding cross potent. SB 1646; DOC ΠΙ 15b variety. VF. ($200)
Lot 1208
1214. MICHAEL Π and THEOPHILUS. 821 -829 AD. AV Solidus (3.65 gm). Syracuse. Crowned facing bust of Michael, holding globus cruciger / Similar bust of Theophilus, wearing loros, holding cross potent. SB 1646; DOC III 15.NearVF. ($150) 1 09
1215. M I C H A E L Π and T H E O P H I L U S . 821-829 AD. JE Follis (7.35 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing busts / Large M flanked by XXX NNN; Θ. SB 1642; DOC ΙΠ 9. VF, dark brown patina. ($75)
1216. THEOPHILUS. 829-842 AD. Lot of three JE Folles. Constantinople. (5.66 gm). Half length bust, holding labarum and globus cruciger / +ΘΕΟ FILE AVG OVSTE SV NICAS. SB 1667; DOC ΠΙ 15a. // Constantinople. (6.61 gm). Similar type, with simplified costume. SB 1667; DOC ΙΠ 15d. // Provincial mint. (6.08 gm). Crade style. SB 1685; DOC ΙΠ 17. Average VF. 3 coins. ($100)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1221. BASIL I and CONSTANTINE. 868-879 AD. ARMiliaresion (2.75 gm). Constantinople. Cross potent on steps / +bASI LIOS CE CONSTAN TIN' PISTV bASILIS ROMEO־. SB 1708; DOC ΠΙ7. Toned good VF. ($200)
1222. BASIL I and CONSTANTINE. 868-879 AD. JE Follis (4.74 gm). Provincial mint? Basil and Constantine enthroned, holding labarum between them / Legend. Cf. SB 1710; DOC ΙΠ 9a. 1. VF, green patina. Overstrack on a provincial issue of Theophilus. ($75)
1223. BASIL I. 867-886 AD. JE Follis. (7.36 gm). Constantinople. Basil, Constantine and Leo VI / +bASIL CONSTAN Τ S LEON EN ΘΟ bASILS ROMEON*. SB 1712; DOCIH 11. Good VF, dark green patina. ($75)
1217. MICHAEL ΠΙ. 842-867 AD. JE Follis (3.49 gm). Syracuse. Facing bust of Michael/Large Μ; Θ. SB 1697; D O C m 12. Good VF, smooth green patina. ($75)
1218. MICHAEL III. 842-867 AD. JE Half or Reduced Foms (1.43 gm). Syracuse. Facing bust of Michael/Large Μ; Θ. SB 1698; DOCÏÏI13. VF, brown patina. ($75)
1219. MICHAEL III and BASIL I. 866-867 AD. JE Foüis (7.80 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Michael / Similar bust of Basil. SB 1693; DOC ΠΙ8. VF for type, dark brown patina, usual rough surfaces. ($100)
1224. BASIL I. 867-886 AD. Lot of three JE Folles of Constantinople. (9.95 gm). Basil enthroned / Legend. SB 1709; DOC ΠΙ12. // (8.87 gm). Basil and Constantine enthroned / Legend SB 171a, DOC ΠΙ 9. // (5.34 gm). Basil, Constantine and Leo VI/Legend. SB 1712; DOCIH 11. Average Fine to VF. 3 coins. ($100)
1225. BASIL I and ALEXANDER. 879-886 AD. JE Half Follis (2.76 gm). Provincial mint. Facing bust of Basil / Facing busts of Leo VI and Alexander, star between. SB 1722; DOC ΙΠ 13a. VF for type, brown patina. ($75)
1220. BASIL I and CONSTANTINE. 868-879 AD. AV Debased Semissis (0.92 gm). Syracuse. Crowned bust of Basil / Similar bust of Constantine. SB 1714; DOC ΠΙ 14a. VF, flan crack. ($100) 120
Lot 1226
M a r c h 30,1 994
1226. BASIL 1.879-886 AD. R 19mm (3.84 gm). Cherson. Β on exergual line / Patriarchal cross on steps with two pellets. SB 1719; DOC ΠΙ 20a. VF for type, green patina. ($75)
1227. BASIL 1.879-886 AD. R 16mm (2.67 gm). Cherson. Β on exergual line; two pellets / Patriarchal cross on steps with two pellets. SB 1719; DOC ΠΙ 20b. VF for type, black patina. ($75)
1233. CONSTANTINE VII a n d Z O E . 913-919 AD. R Follis (5.00 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing busts of Constantine and Zoe, holding labarum between them / + CONS TANTIO ־CE ZOH bA SILIS RO MEON. SB 1758; DOC ffl 22. VF, black patina. ($75)
1234. CONSTANTINE VII and Z O E . 913-919 AD. R 15mm (2.36 gm). Cherson. Crowned facing bust of Constantine / Crowned facing bust of Zoe. SB 1763; DOC ΙΠ28. VFfortype, brown patina, worn dies. ($150) 1228. LEO VI. 886-912 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.97 gm). Constantinople. Cross on steps, globe below/+LEWN EN X-W EV SEbHS bASI LEVS RW MAIWN. SB 1726; DOC ΠΙ3. VF, flan crack. ($125)
1235. ROMANUS 1.920-944 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.68 gm). Constantinople. 931 -944 AD. Cross potem with medallion of Romanus / +ROMANO' CONSTANT־ STEFANOS CE CONSTA ־EN X-W B'R'. SB 1755; DOC ffl 20. Toned VF, porosity, flan chip. ($150) 1229. LEO VI. 886-912 AD. R Follis (6.06 gm). Constantinople. Leo enthroned, holding labamm / +LEON EN ΘΕΟ bA SILEVS R OMEON. SB 1728; DOC ΙΠ 5. VF, brown patina. ($75)
1236. ROMANUS 1.920-944 AD. R 16mm (3.10 gm). Cherson. Crowned facing bust / PWM monogram. SB 1766; DOC ΠΙ30. VF for type, brown patina. ($150) 1230. L E O VI. 886-912 AD. R 17mm (2.34 gm). Cherson. Crowned facing bust / Λ Ε with patriarchal cross. SB 1732; DOC ΠΙ10. Good VF, brown patina. Exceptional detail for this normally weak issue. ($250)
1237. ROMANUS 1.920-944 AD. R 25mm (8.16 gm). Chenson. Ρ W monogram /Cross on steps with pellets. SB 1764; DOC ΠΙ 32a. VF for type, green patina. ($100) 1231. LEO VI and ALEXANDER. 886-912 AD. R 19mm (3.51 gm). Cherson. Λ A/Cross-crosslet on steps, two pellets. SB 1733; DOC ΠΙ 11. VF, black patina. ($75)
1232. LEO VI and ALEXANDER. 886-912 AD. R 18mm (3.31 gm). Cherson. A A wilh patriarchal cross / Cross-crosslet on steps, two pellets. SB 1734; DOC ΠΙ12. VF, black patina. ($75)
1238. ROMANUS I. 920-944 AD. R 25mm (7.81 gm). Cherson. Ρ U monogram / Cross on steps with pellets. SB 1764; DOC ΙΠ 32b. VF for type, dark green parina. ($100)
1 1 1
1239. ROMANUS 1.920-944 AD. JE 20mm (2.23 gm). Cherson. Ρ W monogram /Blank. SB 1764; DOC m 33. VF fortype, brown patina. ($75)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1245. BASIL II. 976-1025 AD. JE 17mm (Z60 gm). Cherson. BAOAOmonogram / AECTIOT monogram. SB 1814; DOC ΙΠ 21a. VF fortype, brown patina. ($ל5)
$ !·<&׳ii)$3 *Siifc/tiiäPUQk
1240. C O N S T A N T I N E VII. 913-959 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.74 gm). Constantinople. 945-959 AD. Cross-crosslet on steps / + CONST'T' FIORFVROG' CE RWMANO EN X-W EVSEb' b' RWMEON. SB 1757; DOC m 21. VF, porosity. ($100)
1241. CONSTANTINE V n and ROMANUS Π. 945 AD. AV Solidus (4.43 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ / Facing busts of Constantine VII and Romanus II, holding patriarchal cross (with pellet on shaft) between them. SB 1751 ; D O C i n 15.28. Good VF. ($250)
1242. N I C E P H O R U S II. 963-969 AD. AR Miliaresion (3.22 gm). Constantinople. Cross-crosslet on steps with medallion of Nicephorus /+NICHF, EN X W AVTOCRAT, EVSEb' bA SILEVS RWMAIW'. SB 1781; DOC ΙΠ6. Toned VF. ($150)
1246. C O N S T A N T I N E VIII. 1025-1028 AD. AV Histamenon (4.34 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ / Crowned bust of Constantine, holding labantm and akakia. SB 1815; D O C m i . VF. ($150)
1247. ROMANUS ΠΙ. 1028-1034 AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.12 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned /Romanus, holding globus cmciger, being crowned by Mary (nimbate). SB 1819; DOCDI Id. Fine, mount removed. ($150)
1248. C O N S T A N T I N E IX. 1042-1055 AD. AV Histamenon (4.37 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / Bust of Constantine holding sceptre and patriarchalglobus. SB 1828; DOCDI la. EF. ($350)
Ex CNG XXII, lot 824.
1243. N I C E P H O R U S II. 963-969 AD. JE 20mm (4.14 gm). Cherson. ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡ monogram / ΔΕΟΤΓ monogram. SB 1784; DOC ΠΙ9. VF for type, black patina. ($100)
1249. C O N S T A N T I N E IX. 1042-1055 AD. AV Histamenon (4.37 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ / Bust of Constantine holding sceptre and globus cmciger. SB 1830; DOC ΙΠ 3. Near EF. ($200)
1244. J O H N 1.969-976 AD. AV Histamenon (4.31 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ / Virgin crowning John, who holds patriarchal cross, hand of God above. SB 1785; DOC ΠΙ 3.4. VF. ($250)
1250. CONSTANTINE IX. 1042-1055 AD. AV Tetarteron Nomisma (4.07 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ / Facing bust, holding labarum and globus cmciger. SB 1833; DOC ΠΙ6. VF. ($350)
1 2 2
M a r c h 30,1 994
Rare Miliaresion of Constantine IX
1251. C O N S T A N T I N E IX. 1042-1055 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.70 gm). Constantinople. +AECflOI NA CWZOIC, Mary, orans, standing on footstool / EVCEBH MONOMAXON, Constantine standing, in military uniform, holding long cross and scabbard. SB 1834; DOC ΙΠ 7b. Toned VF/ EF. ($800)
1256. CONSTANTINE X. 1059-1067 AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.43 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned on lyre-backed throne / Virgin crowning Constantine. SB 1848; DOC Π Ι 2 Good VF. ($250)
The small flan variety of this miliaresion.
X y g p r
1252. THEODORA. 1055-1056AD. AV Tetarteron (4.01 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ / Crowned bust of Theodora, holding sceptre and globus cruciger. SB 1838; D O C m 2 . 1 4 . VF,holed andplugged. ($250)
1253. CONSTANTINE X. 1059-1067 AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.3•; gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned on straight-backed throne / Constantine stand ing, holding labaram and globus cruciger. SB 1847; DOC 10 la. VF. ($150)
1254. CONSTANTINE X. 1059-1067 AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.41 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned on straight-backed throne / Constantine standing, holding labarum (with pellet) and globus cmciger. SB 1847; DOC ΠΙ 1 b. EF, usual scyphate flan. (S250)
1255. CONSTANTINE X. 1059-1067 AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.35 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned on straight-backed throne / Constantine standing, holding labarum (with pellet) and globus cmciger. SB 1847; DOC ΠΙ 1 b. Good VF, scarce variety with flat flan. ($250)
1257. CONSTANTINE X. 1059-1067 AD. ^ F o l l i s (9.67 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ / Facing bust, holding cross and akakia. SB 1854; DOC ΠΙ 9. // Plus an imitative issue. (9.42 gm). Same types. The imitation appears to be overstruck on a regular issue. Average near VF. Interesting. 2 coins. ($75)
1258. ROMANUS IV. 1067-1071 AD. AV Histamenon (4.41 gm). Constantinople. Mchael standing, flanked by Constantius and Andronicus, all above dotted line / Christ crowning Romanus and Eudocia. SB 1861 ; DOC ΠΙ2. Good VF, die crack across obverse. ($250)
1259. N I C E P H O R U S III. 1078-1081 AD. EL Histamenon (4.36 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / Emperor standing, holding labarum and globus cmciger. SB 1881; DOC ΙΠ 3b. VF, flan cracks. ($150)
1260. NICEPHORUS HI. 1078-1081 AD. JE Follis (5.06 gm). Constantinople. Standing figure of Christ / Star on cross; C Φ Ν Δ in angles. SB 1888; DOC ΙΠ 9. Good VF, brown patina, porosity. ($75)
30,1 994
1266. ALEXIUS 1.1081-1118 AD. Pie-Reform Ai Folhs (3.60 gm). Thessalonica. 1081 -1092 AD. Facing half-length bust of Alexius / C Φ ΑΛ Δ, jewelled cross. SB 1910; Hendy pl.3,2. VF, black patina. Overstmck on SB 1909. Extremely Rare, unpriced in Sear. ($200) 1261. ANONYMOUS. Time of Michael IV, 1034-1041 AD. JE Follis (8.54 gm). Constantinople. Figure of Christ Antiphonetes / IC XC NI ΚΑ around jewelled cross. SB 1825; DOC ΙΠ Class C. VF, black patina. Overstmck on Class B. ($75)
1262. ANONYMOUS. Time of Nicephorus m , 1078-1081 AD. JE Follis (4.87 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ / Floreate Latin cross. SB 1889; DOC ΠΙ Class L Near EF, dark green patina. ($75)
1263. ALEXIUS I. 1081-1118 AD. Pre-Reform AR Histamenon (3.59 gm). Thessalonica. 1081-1092 AD. Facing bust of Christ / St. Demetrius and Alexius standing, holding patriarchal cross between them. SB 1905; Hendy pl.l, 10-11. Good VF, obverse somewhat eroded. ($200)
1264. A L E X I U S I. 1081-1118 AD. Pre-Reform AR Tetarteron (3.98 gm). Thessalonica 1081 -1092 AD. Facing bust of Mary orans, medallion of infant Christ in Iront / Crowned facing bust, holding sceptre and globus cmciger. SB 1906; Hendy pl.2,6-9. VF, slight edge flaw. ($200)
1265. ALEXIUS 1.1081-1118 AD. Pie-Reform Ai Follis (5.51 gm). 'Ihessaloraca. 1081-1092AD. Facing bust of Mary, medallion of infant Christ in front / Emperor standing, holding labarum and globus cmciger. SB 1909; Hendy pl.3,1. Near VF, black patina Oveistruck on an Anonymous follis. ($75)
1267. ALEXIUS 1.1081-1118AD.LotoffourLeadTesserae. Constantinople. Reform Coinage. 1092 AD. One with portraits of Alexius and Irene / John Π and S l Demetrius. // Three with bust of Christ / Bust of Alexius. See Grierson pg.225, 1033. Average Fair. 4 pieces. ($250)
1268. A L E X I U S I. 1081 -1118 AD. Post-Reform Billon Trachy (4.51 gm). Constantinople. 1092-1118 AD. Christ enthroned / Facing bust of emperor, holding sceptre and globus cruciger. SB 1918; Hendy pl.7,2-3. Good VF. Nice for this issue. ($75)
1269. A L E X I U S I. 1081-1118 AD. Post-Reform BiHon Trachy (3.96 gm). Constantinople. 1092-1118 AD. Christ enthroned / Facing bust of emperor, holding sceptic (with pellet on shaft) and globus cmciger. SB 1918; Hendy pl.7,2-3 variety. VF. ($75)
1270. J O H N II. 1118-1143 AD. EL Half Aspron Trachy? (2.50 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / John and St. Geoige, holding patriarchal cross on steps between them. Cf. SB 1942; Hendy pl. 10,4. VF, light graffiti. ($200) A good style issue on a full, bul thin flan, with no evidence of clipping.
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1276. ALEXIUS III. 1195-1203 AD. JE Half Tetarteron (154 gm). Thessalonica. Bust of St. George, holding spear and sword / Alexius standing, holding labarum and globus cruciger, hand of God above. SB 2016; Hendy pL23,11-12. VF, brown patina. ($75) 1271. MANUEL 1.1143-1180 AD. EL Aspron Trachy (4.25 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned/Virgin crowning Manuel. SB 1961; Hendy pL 14,1. Good VF. ($200)
1272. ISAAC Π. 1185-1195 AD. EL Aspron Trachy (3.47 gm). Constantinople. Mary enthroned / Isaac (three pellets in collar) being crowned by Archangel Michael. SB 2002; Hendy pl.20,5-6. Toned EF. ($250)
1277. LATIN K I N G D O M . 1204-1261 AD. Billon Trachy (4.23 gm). Constantinople. St. Peter standing, holding cross and two keys / The Virgin Hagiosoritissa right, orans. SB 2039; Hendy pl.27,8-9. VF, brown patina. ($100)
1273. T H E O D O R E MANKAPHAS. Usurper in Philadelphia. 1188-1189, 1204-1205 AD. Billon Trachy (3.53 gm). Christ standing on dais / +ΘΔΡ Β(ΑΣ?), Theodore standing, holding cruciform sceptre. SB -; Grierson 1127. Virtually EF, strong strike. Extremely Rare. ($200)
1274. ALEXIUS III. 1195-1203 AD. EL Aspron Trachy (3.86 gm). Constantinople. +KERO ΗΘΕΙ, Christ enthroned / Alexius and St. Constantine, holding labarum between them SB 2010; Hendy pl.22,5-7. Near EF, inegularedge. ($250)
1275. ALEXIUS HI. 1195-1203 AD. JE Tetarteron (3.10 gm). Thessalonica. Bust of St. George, holding spear and sword / Alexius standing, holding labarum and globus cruciger. SB 2015; Hendy pl.23,10. Good VF, brown patina. ($75)
Tiease MaiCyour 'BidSheet
1278. LATIN K I N G D O M . 1204-1261 AD. Billon Trachy (1.31 gm). Thessalonica. Christ enthroned / St. Helena and St. Constantine holding patriarchal cross between them. SB 2057; Hendy pL28,9-10. Good VF, brown patina, clipped flan. ($75)
1279. NICAEA. J O H N III. 1222-1254 AD. AV Hyperpyron (4.34 gm). Magnesia. Christ enthroned; pellet in rightfield/ John crowned by the Virgin. SB 2073; cf. Hendy pl.32,4. Good VF. ($150)
1280. NICAEA. J O H N III. 1222-1254 AD. AV Hyperpyron (4.39 gm). Magnesia. Christ enthroned; Ψ in right field / John crowned by the Virgin. SB 2073; cf. Hendy pl.31,13ff. Good VF. ($ 150) 1281. NICAEA. J O H N III Dueas-Vatatzes. 1222-1254 AD. Billon Trachy (1.62 gm). Magnesia. Mary enthroned / John standing, holding akakia and labarum. SB 2097; Hendy pl.33,10. Near VF, brown patina, weak strike, flan hole. ($ד5)
Mail Bid S aie
1282. NICAEA. JOHN III Ducas-Vatatzes. 1222-1254 AD. Billon Trachy (2.23 gm). Magnesia. Bust of Christ / IWH OAVK, John standing, holding akakia and globus cruciger. SB -; Hendy -. VF, brown patina, double struck. ($100)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1287. NICAEA. Uncertain Emperor. 1208-1258 AD. /ETetarteron (2.52gm). Magnesia. Reversed Β with three pellets around,flankedby .׳. / Emperor enthroned, holding sceptre and anexikikia. SB 2151 ; Hendy pl.36,7. Fine, brown patina. ($75)
Attractive /E Tetarteron of John ΙΠ Ducas-Vatatzes
1288. THESSALONICA. THEODORE Comnenus-Ducas. 1224-1230AD. Billon Trachy (3.59 gm). Thessalonica. Bust of Christ /Theodore and St. Demetrius holding staff topped by cross in circle. SB 2161; Hendy pl.37,7-9. Good VF for type, green patina. ($75) The famous flying St. Demetrius! Ex CNG XIV, lot 1107.
1283. NICAEA. JOHN III Ducas-Vatatzes. 1222-1254 AD. /E Tetarteron (2.16 gm). Magnesia Bust of St. George, holding spear and shield / John standing, holding labarum and anexikakia. SB 2116; Hendy pl.34,4-5. Good VF, glossy black patina. (S125)
1289. THESSALONICA. THEODORE Comnenus-Ducas. 1224-1230 AD. Billon Trachy (3.23 gm). Thessalonica. Christ enthroned /Theodore holding model of city, and being crowned by Archangel Michael. SB 2165; Hendy pl.38,3-4. VF for type, black patina, weak strike. ($75)
1284. NICAEA. JOHN ΠΙ Ducas-Vatatzes. 1222-1254 AD. Ai Tetarteron (1.29 gm). Magnesia. Cross with crescent of pellets / Bust of John, holding labarum and globus cruciger. SB 2117; Hendy pl.34,6. VF, black patina. ($75) 1290. THESSALONICA. THEODORE Comnenus-Ducas. 1224-1230AD. Billon Trachy (1.29 gm). Thessalonica. Bust of Christ / Theodore standing, holding sceptre and globus. SB 2168; Hendy pl.38,8-9. VF for type, brown patina, weak ($75) strike. Overstruck on SB 2161.
1285. NICAEA. THEODORE II Ducas-Lascaris. 1254-1258 AD. BiUon Trachy (1.51 gm). Magnesia. St. Theodore standing / Theodore standing, holding labarum and patriarchal globus. SB 2143; Hendy pl.35,9-10. VF, brown and green pauna, clipped flan. ($75)
1291. THESSALONICA. MANUEL Comnenus-Ducas. 1230-1237 AD. Billon Trachy (1.92 gm). Thessalonica. Bust of St. Demetrius, holding spear and sword /Manuel crowned by Christ; stars to right. SB 2177; Hendy pl.39,3 variety. Good VFfortype,brown patina. ($75) Manuel's chlamys is notably different from the published examples of this type; one wonders if this could be a Latin imitation ofhis coinage.
1286. NICAEA. THEODORE Η Ducas-Vatatzes. 1254-1258 AD. Ai Tetarteron ( 1.10 gm). Magnesia. Lis with four pellets / Theodore standing, holding labarum and anexikikia. SB 2145; Hendy pl.35,14. Fine, green patina. ($75)
1292. THESSALONICA. MANUEL Comnenus-Ducas. 1230-1237 AD. Billon Reduced Trachy (0.98 gm). Thessalonica. Bust of Mary, orans / Manuel and St. Demetrius holding sword between them. SB 2185; Bendall, Num Chron 78,335352. Fair/VF, black patina. ($75)
1 0 6
30,1 994
1293. THESSALONICA. J O H N Comnenus-Ducas. 1237-1244 AD. Billon Trachy (1.66 gm). Thessalonica. Pair of wings / St. Demetrius and John holding sword between them, star above. Cf. SB 2212. Near VF for type, green patina. x
1300. ANDRONICUS Π. 1282-1328 AD. ΛΕ Trachy (0.57 gm). Thessalonica. Incuse of reverse / Emperor holding sceptre and globus cruciger. SB 2373; LPC pg.212,14. Fine, green patina. Late Byzantine brockage. ($75) 1294. M I C H A E L VHI. 1261-1282 AD. /E Trachy (3.51 gm). Constantinople. Bust of Christ; Κ Κ at sides / Michael kneeling before Christ, Archangel Michael behind. SB 2259; Bendall 20. Near VF, brown and green patina. ($ 100)
1301. ANDRONICUS Π. 1282-1295 AD. JE Trachy (1.80 gm). Thessalonica SL Demetrius standing; two stars in right field / Andronicus standing, holding crucifrom sceptre and globus cmciger, fragmentary legend. Cf. SB 2373; LPC pg.212,14. VF for type, green patina. ($75) 1295. MICHAEL Vffl. 1261-1282 AD. .׳E Trachy (2.15 gm). Constantinople. SL Demetrius, holding spear and shield / Michael crowned by the Virgin. SB 2265; Bendall 26. EF for type, brown patina. Rare this nice. ($125)
1302. ANDRONICUS II and MICHAEL IX. 1295-1320 AD. AR Basilikon (1.99 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / Andronicus and Michael standing, holding labarum between them. SB 2402; Bendall 167. Toned VF. ($100) 1296. MICHAEL VIII. 1261-1282 AD. JE Trachy (2.05 gm). Constantinople. Archangel Michael standing, holding raised sword and scabbard / Michael standing, holding trilobate sceptre and globus cruciger. SB 2284; Bendall 47. VF for type, dark green patina. ($100)
1303. ANDRONICUS II and MICHAEL IX. 1295-1320 AD. JE. Assanon or Tetarteron (1.92 gm). Constantinople. Andronicus standing, holding cruciform seeptre and anexikakia / Similar figure of Michael. SB 2434; Bendall 166. Near VF, brown patina. ($75) 1297. M I C H A E L VIII. 1261-1282 AD. JE Trachy (2.35 gm). Thessalonica. Bust of St. Demetrius / Michael and Archangel Michael, holding sword between them. SB 2296; Bendall 65. Fine, olive green patina. ($ 100)
1298. ANDRONICUS Π. 1282-1295 AD. /I ·:Trachy (1.56gm). Constantinople. Bust of SL Tryphon; lis in field / Andronicus kneeling before Christ, Mary behind him. SB 2332; Bendall 99. Near VF, brown and green patina. ($75)
1299. ANDRONICUS H. 1282-1328 AD. iE Trachy (1.35 gm). Thessalonica. Bust of St. Demetrius / Christ crowning Andronicus, star and Β between. SB 2360; LPC pg.204,2. Fine, dark green patina. ($75)
1304. ANDRONICUS II and MICHAEL IX. 1295-1320 AD. /E Assarion or Tetarteron (1.92 gm). Constantinople. Bust of Christ / Andronicus and Michael standing, holding labarum between them. SB 2436; LPC pg.90,37. Fine, green patina, scratches. ($75)
1305. ANDRONICUSII and MICHAEL IX. 1295-1320 AD. JE Trachy (1.46 gm). Thessalonica. Φ / Andronicus and Michael, holding staff between them. SB 2458; LPC pg.232,6. Near VF, brown and green patina, ragged flan. (S100)
1 1 7
1306. ANDRONICUS II and MICHAEL IX. 1295-1320 AD. JE Trachy (1.28 gm). Constantinople. Cross potent with stars and Β's / Andronicus and Michael, holding patriarchal cross between them. SB -; Bendall 234; LPC pg.80,23. Fine, dark green patina. ($ 100)
1307. A N D R O N I C U S II and A N D R O N I C U S III. 1325-1334 AD. AV Hyperpyron (4.32 gm). Constantinople. Mary within city walls; sigla K/A A / Andronicus Π and Andronicus ΙΠ kneeling before Christ. SB 2461; Bendall 185. VF. , $ 2 0 0 ) ,.,.,.)ן
30,1 994
1311. JOHN VHI. 1423-1448 AD. AR Stavraton (6.21 gm). Brockage of reverse /Bust of John; pellets. Cf. SB 2563. VF, unusual. ($125)
1312. TREBIZOND. Theodore Gabras? 1092-1098. JE Follis (2.50 gm). Nimbate bust of Christ / St. Theodore standing, with spear and shield. Bendall, NumChron 1977, issue 11; Grierson 1012. VF, brown patina. ($125) Theodore Gabras recapturedTrebizondfrom the Turks in 1075, and was appointed Duke ofTrebaond by Alexius I. Relations between Constantinople and the Duke gradually worsened, and by 1092 Theodore was virtual independent ruler of the city. He died in battle against the Turks in 1098, but hisfamily heldTrebizond until the middle of the 12th century.
1308. ANDRONICUS HI. 1328-1341 AD. Trachy (1.88 gm). Constantinople. Cross fleuiy/Andronicus standing, holding sceptre and akakia SB 2481; Bendall 205; LPCpg. 126,13. Fine, green patina, flan crack. ($75)
Extremely Rare Politiken Billon Tornese 1313. TREBIZOND. Anonymous. Circa 1105. Ai Follis (10.15 gm). Nimbate bust of Christ / A A R Ρ around pelleted cross. Bendall, NumChron 1977, issue 13B. VF, brown patina. Overstruck on a Byzantine Anonymous follis, class C. ($125)
1309. Politikon Coinage Circa 1320-1350. Billon Tornese (0.75 gm). +ΠΟΛΙTIKON, cross potent / City walls with four towers, cross and pellets above, florets at sides. SB 2578; Bendall 362; Grierson 1332. VF. Extremely Rare. (See enlargement on back cover). ($ 1000) The Politikon coinage, issued both anonymously and in the name of Byzantine emperors, has never been examined fully. It was undoubtedly connected to the increasing western presence in Constantinople. By the 14th century the city heldseveral foreign enclaves, especially of Venice and Genoa, which in many ways operated as independent territories of their homeland. Perhaps one or more of these communities took it upon themselves to issue a special currency for their own use, the prèsence or absence of an imperial type depending on the fluctuating relationship with the imperial throne.
1314. TREBIZOND. Andronicus I Gidon. 1222-1235. Ai Trachy (2.81 gm). The Virgin enthroned; star in left field / Christ crowning Andronicus. SB 2597; Bendall, NumCirc 1975, Variety Id. VF, brown patina, flan holes. Rare. ($100)
1310. JOHN VIII. 1423-1448 AD. AR Stavraton (6.65 gm). Bust of Christ; ( (in fields / Bust of John; pellet to left. SB 2563; Bendall 348. //Plus an Ai Follero (0.69 gm). Bust of John / Cross with stars. SB 2567; Bendall 351. Both VF for type. 2 coins. ($150) ו18
Lot 1315
M a r c h 30,1 994
1315. TREBIZOND. Manuel L 1238-1263. AR Asper (2.84 gm). St Eugenius; two pellets / Manuel; K. Retowski 42, SB 2601. // Plus John IL 1280-1297. AR Asper (2.86 gm). St. Eugenius; quatrefoil / John. Retowski 26; SB 2609. Both toned VF. 2 coins. ($100)
1321. ISLAMIC DYNASTIES. Ummayads. Circa 695-750 AD. A. Fais (3.10 gm). Jerasalem minL Candle stick on tripod base / Three line legend. Walker 605; Baiag, INJ 10, type 4. Near VF, green patina. Raie. ($125) An earlyfigurative Islamic type, probably based on the candlest ick and Menorah of earlier Judaean coins.
1316. TREBIZOND. Alexius Π. 1297-1330. AR Asper (210 gm). St. Eugenius on horseback; quatrefoü and Β / Alexius on horseback; quatrefoil and B. Retowski 2429, SB 2619. // Plus another (2.24 gm). Symbols dotted arrow / floret. Retowski 49/53; SB 2619. Both toned VF. 2 coins. ($100)
1322. ARAB-SASSANIAN. Farrukhzad. Circa 694-698 AD. Ai Fais (0.68 gm). Ardashir Khurra mint. Sassanian style bust right /Senmuig, mythical dragonbird left Apparently unpublished, but cf. Steve Album List 67, #34. VF. Rare. ($150)
1317. TREBIZOND. Basil. 1332-1340. AR Asper (2.11 gm). St. Eugenius on horseback; pellet / Basil on horseback; trefoil. Retowski 10/8, SB 2622 Good VF. ^^־־־־־
1323. VANDALS. Imitating Honorius. 393-423 AD. AR Siliqua (1.22 gm). "Milan". Diademed bust of Honorius / Roma seated left, holding Victoiy and seeptie; MPPS. Cf. RSC 59b. Good VF for type. ($125)
1318. ARAB-BYZANTINE. 7th Centuiy AD. M Follis (8.65 gm). Scythopolis (Beisan). CKVOO FIOAHC, imitation of Justin Π and Sophia / Laige M; ANNO UH A/NIKO. Walker pg. 1,1. VF, brown patina. ($250)
1324. VANDALS. Imitating Honorius. Circa 440-490 AD. AR Siliqua (1.75 gm). "Ravenna". Diademed bust of Honorius / Roma seated left, holding Victory and sceptre; RVPS. MEC 1 -2. Good VF for type. ($ 125)
Two Rare Arab-Byzantine M Fais
1325. VANDALS. Semi-Autonomous. Circa 480-533 AD. Ai 4 Nummi (1.02 gm). Carthage. Bust of Carthago left, holding palm / N IUI. MIB 120; MEC 52. EF, black patina. ($175) 1319. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Circa 670-685 AD. Ά Fais (3.03 gm). Jerusalem mint. Standing Caliph / "Diya Filistin", reversed M; crescent and pellet. Walker, Arab-Byzantine, pg.23,79. VF, brown patina. Rare. ($250)
1326. VISIGOTHS. In the Name of Justin 1.518-527 AD. AV Tremissis (1.43 gm). DNIVSTINVS PP A, ciude diademed bust right, cross on breast/DNIVST INVS PP, ciude Victory right; CONOB. Tomasini -; MEC -. VF, mount removed leaving two solder maiks on reveise. ($650) 1320. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Circa 670-685 AD. Ai Fais (3.17 gm). Jerusalem mint Standing Caliph / "Iliya Filistin" (placement of legend reversed), reversed M; pellets above and below. Walker, Arab-Byzantine, pg.24, 82 variety. VF, brown patina. Rare. ($250)
This reverse legend does not appear on any published example ofVisigothic gold, although some cruder examples seem to attempt the repetition of the emperor's name.
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30,1 994
WORLD COINAGE (Dark Ages to Modern)
1327. ALBANIA. Amet Zog. 1926R. AR 5 Franga Ar. Rome minL Head right; star below / Plowing scene. KM 8.2. UNC, carbon spots. ($600)
1333. AUSTRIA. Leopold "Hogmouth". 1692. AR Thaler (28.32 gm). Kremnitz mint. Bust right / Arms. Davenport 3262; CNA V 77-i-9. VF, mount removed. ($175)
1328. ARMENIA. Levon 1.1199-1219. AR Half Double Tram (2.87 gm). King seated on lion throne / Crowned lion with double cross; letter and dot. Bedoukian 49. EF. ($75)
1334. Leopold. 1693. AR Thaler(28.19 gm). Vienna mint. Bust right/Crowned amis. Davenport 3229; CNA V 78-a4. Good VF, flan flaw. ($ 175)
1329. AUSTRALIA. 1957 Perth. JE Proof Penny. Dot after PENNY. Mintage: 1,112. KM 56. Satin finish. ($100) 1330. 1958 Perth. Ai Proof Penny. Dot after PENNY. Mintage: 1,028. KM 56. Satin finish, carbon spot and stain on reverse. ($100) 1331. 1962 Perth. JE Proof Penny and Halijpenny. Dot after PENNY. Mintage: 1,064 each. KM 56,61. Satin finish, carbon spots on the penny. 2 coins. ($125)
Very Rare 1486 Guildiner of Sigismund
1335. Leopold. 1695. AR Thaler (28.22 gm). Kremnitz mint. Bust right / Arms. Davenport 3264; CNA V 86-a-7. EF. ($250)
1332. AUSTRIA, Holy Roman Empire. Sigismund.1486. AR Guildiner (31.34 gm). Sigismund standing in full armour, holding oib; in field, shield and helmet / Knight on horseback, carrying banner, arms of Austrian provinces. Frey 274; Davenport 8087. Toned VF, flan flaw in centerof coin. Very rare. Early dated crown. (See enlargement on front cover). ($3000)
Lot 1336
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1336. Leopold. 1699. AR Thaler (28.53 gm). HaU mint. Bust right / Anns. Davenport 3245. Good VF. ($ 175)
1341. BOLIVIA. Charles IL 1686. AR 8 Reales (24.15 gm). Potosi minL Assayer VR. Partial dale visible both sides. C&C 6888. VF for type. ($150)
1337. Charles VI. 1716. AR Thaler (28.55 gm). Vienna minL Bust right/Anns. Davenport 1035; CNA V 170-a-7. Toned VF. ($300)
1342. BRAZIL. Emperor Pedro II. 1855. AV 5000 Reis. Old head / Anns. Friedberg 123; KM 470. AU. ($150)
1338. AUSTRIA, Salzburg. Jerome. 1785. AR Thaler (27.75 gm). Bust/Amts. ($100) Davenport 1263; KM 435. VF.
1343. BULGARIA. Ivan Alexander. 1331-1371. JE 17mm (1.22 gm). Cross fleury with ICXC/Ivan standing, holding sceptre and globus. DochevXXXV, 1. Crude VF, weak strike. Rare. ($75)
Axumite Gold Third Solidus of Endubis
1344. CEYLON. 1809. AR 24 Stivers. Elephant / Denomination. KM 76. Near VF, scarcer date. ($100) 1339. AXUM. Endubis. Circa 3rd Century AD. AV Third Solidus (2.78 gm). ENAYBIC υ BACIAEYC, bustflankedby grain ears / AZWMITW υ B i d ΔΑΧΥ, similar busLMunro-Hay pg.45; Anzani 1-3. Good VF. ($600)
1345. CEYLON. Victoria. 1893. AR Proof 50 Cents. Head left / Palm tree. KM 96. White toning, tinyfieldmarks, otherwise UNC. ($200)
Two Extremely Rare Deniers of Ferdinand of Majorca 1340. BOHEMIA. John of Luxembourg. 1310-1346. AR Praeger Groschen (3.72 gm). Crown /Crowned rampant lion left. Kala Doneb. 817. Toned VF. ($75)
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1346. CRUSADERS, Achaia. Ferdinand of Majorca. 1315-1316. Billon Denier (0.81 gm). +IFANS F D MAIOR'K, cross / V DE CLARENCIA, castle; annulet to left. Metcalf pg.73; SchlumbergerpLXII,22. VF. Extremely Rare. ($350) 1 0 1
M a r c h 30,1 994
1347. Achaia. Ferdinand of Majorca. 1315-1316. Billon Denier (0.84 gm). +IFANS F D MAIOR'K, cross / DE CLARENCIA, castle; annulet to left. Metcalfpg.73;SchlumbetgerpLXn,22. VF. Extremely Rare. ($350) 1353. Antioch. Tkncred. 1104-1112 £ Follis (4.44gm). SL Peter standing/DS F T around cross. Metcalf 45 overstruck on Metcalf 41. Good VF, olive green patina. , ־.:יג:·׳־י. ($100)
ExSieber collection, Spink Auction 65, lot444.
1348. Achaia. Robert d'Anjou. 1346-1364. AV Ducat (3.51 gm). Imitating Venice. Christ in Glory ; Κ at feet / Doge kneeling before St. Mark. Gamberini 344; Ives, NNM 128, ρΙ.ΧΠ, 1. Good VF. ($350)
1354. Antiodi.Tancred. 1104-1112. Follis (3.15 gm). Facing bust of S l Peter / TA NK Ρ Η around cross. Metcalf 48. Good VF, strong strike on a fresh flan. Rare this nice.//Plusa Follis of Bohemund II. 1126-1130. (3.53 gm). Bust of SL Peter/ BA IM OVN AOC around cross. Metcalf pg. 8. Near VF. Two rare Crusader bronzes. ($150)
1349. Achaia. Robertd'Anjou. 1346-1364.BaseAVDucat(3.42gm).Imitating Venice. Christ in Glory; Κ at feet / Doge kneeling before SL Mark. Gamberini 344; Ives, NNM 128, ρΙ,ΧΠ, 1. VF. Rare. ($300)
1355. Antioch. Minority ofBohemund III. 1149-1163. AR Denier (0.96 gm). Bare head right /Cross. Metcalf class C,246. //Plus another (0.88 gm). Metcalf Ε, 251. Both VF. 2 coins. ($100)
This piece is of a noticeably paler gold than the previous specimen.
1350. CRUSADERS, Great Wallachia (Neopatria). John II AngelusComnenus. 1308-1318. Billon Denier (0.95 gm). +ANGELVS S A B C , cross / +DELLA PATRA .·., castle. Metcalf 808; Schlumberger ρΙ,ΧΠΙ, 18. Near VF. Very Rare. ($300)
1356. Antioch. In the Name of Bohemund. Circa 1163-1188. AR Deniers (0.90, 0.89 gm). +BOAMVNDVS, helmeted head right / +ANTIOCHIA, cross with erescenL The first has obverse A ornamented with pellets, the other with annulets. Cf. Metcalf252 Both VF. 2coins. ($100)
1357. Antioch. In the Name ofBohemund. Circa 1200. JE Denier (0.86 gm). Fleur de lis with four pellets / Cross with stars. Metcalf 342; De Wit type 3. Good VF. Rare. ($150) 1351. Great Wallachia (Neopatria). John II Angelus-Comnenus. 1308-1318. Billon Denier (0.62 gm). +ANGELVS SAB C י, cross / +DELLA PATRA .·., castle. Metcalf 808; Schlumberger ρΙ,ΧΠΙ, 18. Near VF, ragged edge. Very Rare. ($200) ExSieber collection, Spink Auction 65,101463.
1358. Antioch. Anonymous. Circa 1200. JE Denier (1.15 gm). +PRINCEPS and S (retrograde) / +ANT10CHIA, cross with pellets and crescent. Metcalf pg.41 ; Schlumberger ρΙ,ΙΠ, 16. VF, green patina. Rare. ($150)
1352. CRUSADERS, Antioch. Tancred. 1104-1112.Follis (4.64 gm). Facing bust of St. Peter / + K E B O I Θ Η TO AV LOC OV Τ ANKPL Metcalf 41. Good VF, brown patina. ($100) 1 2 2
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1359. CRUSADERS, Jerusalem. Baldwin. 1143-1163. AR Denier (0.74gm). Cross /Tower of David. Metcalf Group 3, 88. // Plus Amaury. After 1163. AR Denier(1.01 gm). Cross with annulets; annulets stops /Holy Sepulcher. Metcalf 97. Both VF. 2 coins. ($100)
1360. Jerusalem. Henry de Champagne 1192-1197. Ai Pougeoise (1/4 Denier) (1.21 gm). Cross with annulets /Fleur de lis. Metcalf 120; SehlumbergerplJH, 28. Near VF. Rare. ($100)
1361. Jerusalem. John de Brienne. 1219-1221. AR Denier (0.77 gm). Akko mint. +IOhES: REX:, cross with annulets /+DAMIATA, crowned bust. Metcalf 122; Sehlumberger pl.ΠΙ, 31. VF. ($75)
1366. Tripoli. Bohemund IV. Circa 1190-1210. R Denier (054 gm). +CIVITAS, castle / +TRIPOLIS, cross with pellets and crescents. Metcalf 389. Brown VF. // Bohemund VII. 1275-1287. AR Gros (4.25 gm). Cross /Castle; Y in SYRIE, triple pellet stops. Metcalf 358. Toned good VF. 2 coins. ($150)
1367. THpoli. Imitation of al Mustansir. Circa 1251-1258. AV Bezant (3.36 gm). ·B· above inner Arabic legend / ·T· above inner Arabic legend. Metcalf 353; BY 14. VF. Rare. ($400)
1368. CRUSADERS. Order of St. John on Rhodes. Circa 1319-1360. Billon Fraction (0.52 gm). +MAGR hOSPITAL, cross with annulets /+OSPE· (...), castle. Metcalf 846 variety. VF. Rare. ($ 100) 1362. Jerusalem. Imitating the dinar of al-Amir. Circa 1187-1250. AV Bezant (3.87 gm). Tyre mint? Balog-Yvon 22-24; cf. Bates-Metcalf 35. EF. ($350)
1363. Jerusalem. After 1197. AV Cut Fraction (0.85 gm). Cross moline/Cross moline. Metcalf 210. VF. Scarce.
1369. Order of St. John on Rhodes. Circa 1319-1360. Billon Fraction (0.35 gm). +hOSPITAL MR, cross with annulets / +CIVITAS RODI, castle. Metcalf 846 variety. VF. Rare. ($100) Very Rare Gold Ducat of Grandmaster Antoine Fluviane
1364. CRUSADERS. Imitating the Ayyubids.Before 1251. ARDirhem (2.85 gm). In the name of al-Zahir Ghazi, Aleppo mint. Bates 47,49. // Plus an Ottoman AR Akche (0.48 gm) with a c/m of cross and pellets. Cmsader or European. 2 coins. ^^ממ־י ($150)
1365. CRUSADERS,THpoli. Raymond Π. 1140-1164. ARDenier(0.84 gm). Cross with pellets / Star and crescent. Metcalf 365. // Plus a Gros of Bohemund VIII. 1275-1287. (4.24 gm). Cross /Castle. Metcalf 358. Both toned VF, the denier with a small edge chip. 2 coins. ($100)
i Ä ^
^ m g ß y
1370. Order of SL John on Rhodes. Grand Master Antonio Fluviano. 14211437. AV Ducat (3.47 gm). F ANTONIUS SM VENETIDVX, Grandmaster kneeling before S l Mark / SIT Τ XRE D AT QTV REGIS ISTE C VDA, Christ in Glory. Sehlumberger pl.X, 15. Superb EF. Very Rare. (See enlargement on back cover). «fiOOffl
1371. CYPRUS. Henry 1.1218-1253. R Obol (1.83 gm). +11ENRICVS:, cross / Castle, REX across front. Metealf 480. Crude VF. Very Rare. ($400)
B i d S
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
Exceptional Silver Gros of James Π of Cyprus
1372. Henry II. 1285-1324. AR Gros (4.63 gm). Nicosia? hENRI REI DE, king on square throne / +IERUSALE' Ε D ChlPR,rampantlion; pellet by tail. Metcalf492. Toned VF. ($250)
1378. James II. 1460-1475. AR Gros (3.85 gm). IACO" "BS" ־:DEI G, king on horseback/+:R: IERVS: CIPRI: ET ARMI:, Jerasalem cross. Metcalf 619 variety; Schlumberger pl.VII, 22. Toned good VE Rare. (See enlargement on front cover). ($750) Ex Sieber collection, Spink Auction 65, lot 461. Very Rare Denier of Charlemagne
1373. Henry U. 1285-1324. AR Gros (4.52 gm). Famagusta? hENRI REI DE, king enthroned /+IERUS AL'M Ε D ChlPR, Jerusalem cross. Metcalf 530 (same obverse die). VF. ($100) 1379. FRANCE, Carolingians. Charlemagne. 768-814. AR Denier (1.67 gm). Pavia mint. +CARLVS REX FR, cross / +PAPIA, Karolus monogram. M&G 207. Toned good VF. Very Rare. ($2000)
1374. Henry II. 1285-1324. AR Gros (4.53 gm). Famagusta? hENRI REI DE, king enthroned / +IERUSAL'M Ε D ChIP, Jerasalem cross. Metcalf 530 variety. Good VF. ___ ($125) 1380. Carolingians. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.55 gm). +HLVDOVVICVS IMP, cross / +XPISTIANA RELIGIO, church. M&G 472; MEC 803. Toned VF. ($175)
1375. Henry II. 1285-1324. AR Gros Petit (2.28 gm). hENRI REI DE, king enthroned / +IERUSAL*M Ε D ChlPR, Jerusalem cross. Metcalf 534ff. Good VF. ($125) 1381. Carolingians. Chartes the Bald. 843-877. AR Denier (1.74 gm). Le Mans mint. +GRATIA D-I REX, Karolvs monogram /+ONOMANIS CIVITAS, cross. ($150) M&G 905; MEC 872. Toned VF.
1376. Hugo IV. 1324-1359. AR Gros (4.55 gm). hVGVE REI DE, king enthroned, pierced cross at throat / +IERVS (pierced cross) ALM E D CYPR Jerasalem cross. Cf. Metcalf 568-671. Toned VF. ($100) 1382. Carolingians. Charles the Bald. 843-877. AR Denier(1.59 gm). Melle mint. +CARLVS REX, cross / +METVLLO, Karolvs monogram. M&G 1063; MEC 924ff. Toned good VF. ($ 150)
1377. Peter 1.1359-1369. AR Gros (4.36 gm). King enthroned; cross at throat / lerusalem cross. Metcalf 589. Toned EF. $200) 1 24
M a r c h 30,1 994
1383. Carolinglans. Charles the Bald. 840-877. AR Denier (1.68 gm). Melle mint. +CARLVS REX FR cross /+METVLLO, Karolus monogram. M&G 1063; MEC 924-933. Toned good VF. ($150)
1384. Carolingians. Charles the Bald. 840-877. AR Denier (1.64 gm). Melle minL +CARLVS REX F R cross /+METVLLO, Karolus monogram. M&G 1063; MEC 924-933. Toned good VF. ($150)
1389. Henry ΙΠ. 1583K. AR Franc (13.89 gm). Bordeaux mint Laureate and cuirassed bust; date under bust, Κ in exergue / H on cross; Κ to left Duplessy 1130 variety. Fine, graffiti on obverse. ($200)
1385. FRANCE. S t Louis IX. 1226-1270. AR Gros Tournois (4.04 gm). 12661270. Short cross / Castle within borderof lis; four pellets around upper lis. Duplessy 190B;Ciani 181b. VF, verdigris. ($100)
1390. Henry IV. 1597K. AR Demi-Franc (6.86 gm). Bordeaux mint Lauieateand cuirassed bust; Κ under bust / Η on cross. Duplessy 1212A. Fine, edge nicks.
1386. SL Louis IX. 1226-1270. AR Gros Tournois (3.81 gm). 1266-1270. Short cross ; four pellets around X of REX / Castle within border of lis. Duplessy 190C; Ciani 181c. VF. Scarce. ($150)
LouisXVI. 1792A. AR Half Ecu. Paris mint Bustleft/A1ms.KM77.1.VF. ($75)
The Directory. L'AN 5 (1796). AR 5 Francs. Paris mint KM138.1.VF. ($100)
1387. Philip VI. 1328-1350. AV Ecu d'Or (4.48 gm). 1349. King on Gothic throne / Cross quadrilobale fluery, four trefoils, one turned inward. Duplessy 249E; Ciani 287. VF. ($350)
1388. Charles IX. 1566 M.AR Teston (9.20 gm). Toulouse mint. Lauieateand cuirassed bust left; M below/Crowned arms; R above. Duplessy 1063; Ciani 1356. Fine. ($100)
fite t
1393. FRANCE. 1792. JE Proof 5 Sols. By Monneron, Paris. Revolutionary scene / Value. KM Tn 34. UNC, choice mahogany toning. ($75)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1399. Lorraine. Charles Π. 1390-1431. AR Gros (2.48 gm). Nancy mint. Duke standing facing, holding sword and shield / Short cross. De Saulcy pl. IX, 18; Boudeau 1480. Toned VF. ($125)
1394. FRANCE, Brittany. François Π. 1458-1488. AR Gros (3.52 gm). Nantes mint. Aims; legend starts ERANQSCVS / Floreate cross with N. Poey d'Avant 1267/1262. VF. ($150)
1395. Brittany. François II. 1458-1488. AR Blanc (3.04 gm). Rennes mint. Aims ornamented with 6 amines / Floreate cross with R in center. Boudeau 136; Poey d'Avant 1331. Toned VF. ($100)
1400. Orange. Raymond IV. 1340-1393. AR Catlin (1.33 gm). Prince enthroned holding sceptre /Cross with hunting homs. Boudeau 986; Poey d'Avant 4515. Toned VF. Scarce. ($150)
1401. Tours. 11th Centuiy. AR Denier (1.17 gm).+TVRONVS CIVI, cross/ +SCS M'ARTTNVS, church. Poey d'Avant 1629; Boudeau 184. Toned VF. ($150) Very Rare /E Fais of the Georgian Queen, Tamar
1396. Burgundy. Jean sans Peur. 1404-1419. AR Blanc (2.96 gm). Quartered aims / Cross with lis and rampant lions. Boudeau 1224; Poey d'Avant 5724. VF. ($75)
1402. GEORGIA. Queen Tamar. Year 420 Pashal (1200 AD). ÄI Fais (7.59 gm). Georgian tamgha / Arabic legend. Lang 11. Brown VF, scattered pitting and verdigris. Very Rare. ($250)
1397. Dombes. Henry 1.1607. AR Testen (9.46 gm). Bust left / Crowned amis. Poey d'Avant 5144. VF. ($200) 1403. GERMANY, Aachen. Reinhold of Jülich. 1420. AR Groschen (1.97 gm). +ANNO:DOMINI: MILESIMO:CCC:XX, +MONET: VRB ' AQVS' ,cross / SCS: KAROL: MAG: IPERATOR', Charlemagne holding church model. Frey New 24. Toned Fine. ($150)
1398. Lorraine. Charles II. 1390-1431. AR Peut Gros (2.31 gm). KAROLVS DVS LOThOR Ζ M, Duke with swoid / MONETA DE NANCEI, cross. De Saulcy pl.IX, 18; Boudeau 1480. Toned VF. ($200)
Lot 1399
1404. Bavaria. Maximilian II. 1855. AR 2 Gulden. Restoration of the Madonna Column in Munich. KM 465. UNC, light hairlines. ($125)
March 30,1 994
1405. Brandenberg. Friedrich III. 1693LCS. AR 2/3 Thaler. Cuirassed bust/ Crowned arms. VF, haymarked flan. ($ 125)
1406. Brunswick-Luneberg. George Π, King of England. 1756. AR 2/3 Thaler (1280gm). Crowned anns/Wildman. Welter 2578; Knigge3386. VF.//Plus AUSTRIA. Rudolf. 1603. AR 2/3 Thaler. Bust / Arms. VF, mount marks and dents. 2 coins. ($100)
1411. Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Oehringen. Wolfgang Julius of Neuenstein. 1697. AR Thaler (28.98 gm). Bust right, holding shield / Knight on horseback above reclining figures. Davenport 6831. Toned good VF, light adjustment marks. ($500)
1412. Metz. Thierry V von Boppert. 1365-1384. AR Gros (3.28 gm). Bishop standing/GROSVS METES, cross. Sauima 1881/913; Boudeau 1641. Toned good VF. ($200) 1407. Brunswick-Luneberg. George III, King of England. 1774IWS. AR 2/3 Thaler (13.13 gm). Laureate head / Crowned amis. Welter 2808; KM 365. Toned good VF. ($100)
w AV
1413. Nuremberg. (1700). AV Round 1/16 Ducat (0.20 gm). Anns / Lamb of God with banner. Friedbeig 1895. EF. Rare. ($150)
1408. Cologne. Otto 1.936-973. AR Denier (1.23 gm). +OTTO REX, cross with pellets / COLONIA monogram. Dannenberg 331. // Plus another ( 1.46 gm). Later issue from uncertain mint. Dannenberg 1271. Both VF. 2 coins. ($100)
1414. Prussia. Friedrich the Great. 1764 F. AR Thaler. Magdeburg mint. Laureate head / Eagle on cannon. Davenport 2588; KM 32g. Fine. ($100)
1409. Frankfurt. Adolf von Nassau. 1292-1298. AR Bracteate (0.56 gm). Count enthroned, holding sceptre and globus. Bonhoff 1536. VF, edge chip. ($75)
1410. Hesse-Darmstadt. 1904. AR 2 Mark. 400Ü1 Birthday of Philip the Magnanimous. KM 372 Toned EF. ($75)
1415. Rottweil. Friedrich II. 1215-1250. AR Bracteate (0.45 gm). Eagle displayed, head right. Bonhoff 1875 (DM 500). Toned VF. ($ 125)
1 27
M a r c h 30,1994
1420. Teutonic Knights. Conrad Czollner. 1382-1390. AR Halbshoter (2.62 gm). Ornate cross / Aims. Saurma 5013/2646. VF. ($150)
1416. Saxony. Johann George I. 1629 HI. AR Thaler (28.94 gm). Bust right, holding swoid and helmet / Complex aims. Davenport 7601. Toned good VF. ($250)
1417. Saxony. Johann George 1.1630. AR 1/4 Thaler (7.13 gm). Centenary of the Augsburg Confession. Bust of Johann George / Bust of Johann. Toned near EF. ($200) ExCNAXIV,lot 1152.
1421. HAWAII. Kamehameha III. 1847./E Cent. Plain 4,17 berries. KM 1 c. Red and brown EF. ($600)
1422. HUNGARY. Karl Robert. 1308-1342. AR Groschen (2.61 gm). King enthroned / Helmet above arms of Anjou and Hungaiy, mm: two lis. Huszâr447. Near VF. ($100)
1423. HUNGARY. Matthias Corvinus. 1458-1490. AV Ducat (3.57 gm). Kremnitzmint, Augustin Langsfelder, 1461-1462. Aims / St. Ladislaus standing; Κ Α. Pohl Kl-2. EF. ($300)
1418. Saxony. Friedrich August I. 1711ILH. AR Vicariat Thaler(29.11 gm). Prince on horseback / Covered tables with regalia. Davenport 2655. Good VF. ($300)
1419. Silesia. 1634. AV Ducat (3.45 gm). Eagle/IEHOVA above clouds. Friedberg 3109. Near EF. ($600)
1424. INDIA, Kushans. Vasudeva I. Circa 292-312 AD. AV Stater (7.82 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding trident / God Siva standing facing with trident, bull to left behind. Gobi 5TO/9 (same dies). EF. ($500)
1425. Kushans. Vasudeva ΙΠ. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Stater (7.74 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 576. EF. ($500)
1 28
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
BaseAV 1426. Kushans. Vasudeva III. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Stater (7.70 gm). Vasu standing with trident and banner/Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 576. VF. ($300)
1432. ITALY, Amaffi. Normans. Roger II as Count 1105-1130. Base AV Tari (0.85 gm). R* within two line Cufic legend / Cross within two line Cufic legend. CNIXVIH pg.6,1. Fine for type, weak strike and porosity. Rare. // Plus Sicily. Roger Π as King. 1130-1154. Two /E Half FoUaro with Cufic legends. Spahr79,80. Both Fine. 3 coins total ($150)
1427. Kushans. Vasudeva ΙΠ. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Stater (7.73 gm). Shaka standing with trident and banner /Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 591. Good VF. ($300) 1433. Aquileia. "Freisacher". 13th Century. AR Denaro (1.13 gm). ERIACENSIS retrograde, bust of bishop / Towers of city. Bemardi 5a. Good VF. ($125)
1428. INDIA, Guptas. Chandragupta II. 380-419 AD. AV Stater (7.74 gm). King standing left with standard and bow / Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. MACW 4796ff. VF. ($250)
1434. Aquileia. Ottobono. 1302-1315. AR Denaro (0.98 gm). Bust of bishop above shield with eagle / Arms. Bemardi 34. Good VF. ($175)
1429. Guptas. Chandragupta Π. 380-419 AD. AV Stater (7.69 gm). King standing left with standard and bow /Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. MACW 4796ff. Near VF. ($250)
1435. Aquileia. Ludovico I. 1359-1365. AR Denaro (0.97 gm). St. Ermacora enthroned / Tower with crossed sceptres. Bemardi 55. Toned VF. ($ 100)
1430. INDIA. Western Gangas. Circa 1 lth-12th Century. AV Pagoda (3.90 gm). Caparisoned elephant standing right / Floral pattern. MNI702. EF. ($150)
1436. Bari. Roger II, as Count. AH 534 (1139 AD). R Follero (1.24 gm). On the conquest of Bari. Facing bust of St Nicholas/Cufic legend around star. CNI XVIII pg.114,4. VF, brown patina. Rare. ($125) Rare Denier From Beneventum
1437. Beneventum. Adelchis in the name of Louis Π and Angilberga. 866-871. AR Denier (1.12 gm). +LVDOWICVSΙΝΡ, cross on steps / + ANGILBERGA NP, cross with x. MEC 1116. Toned good VF, tiny flan hole, as made. Rare. ($400) Ex CNA1, lot 318; M&M list 363,10141.
1431. ISLAMIC DYNASTIES. Ummayads. AH 97 (715/716 AD). AR Dirhem (2.90 gm). Wasit mint Walker 543. // Plus ITALY, Venice. Francesco Dandulo. 1328-1339. AR Grosso (Ζ 15 gm). Christ enthroned / Doge and St Mark. Scarfea 73. Both near EF. 2 coins. ($100) 1 29
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
Silver Grossone of Hercules D'Este
1443. Pesaro. Constantine Sforza. 1473-1485. AR 1/3 Grosso (1.19 gm). CONSTAN SF PISAV D, cross;rosettestops / S TE RENTTV־, StTerence holding church modeL CNI ΧΠΙ pg.435,49. Toned good VF. Rare. ($300) 1438. Ferrara. Hercules D'Este. 1471-1505. AR Grossone (3.76 gm). +HERCVLES DVS FERRARIE, bust left / DE VS FORTTTVDO MEA, St. George slaying dragon. CNI X pg.437, 35. Toned good VF. Good Renaissance portrait. (See enlargement on back cover). ($750)
1444. Sicily. Norman Kings. Roger II as Count. 1105-1130. JE Follaro (5.19 gm). Byzantine stylefigureof Roger standing / IC XC NI ΚΑ around cross. Spahr 54. VF, heavy green patina. Rare. ($ 100)
1445. Sicily. Norman Kings. William II. 1166-1189. AR 1/3 Apuliense (0.59 gm). Palm tree / +TERQ APVUENSISI, Cufic legend. Spahr 112 Near VF, weak areas. ($75)
1439. ITALY, Naples. Robert d'Anjou. 1309-1343. AR Gigüato (3.95 King enthroned / Floreate cross. Pannuti 1. Good VF. ($7:
1440. Papal States. John XXII. 1316-1334. AR Gros Tournois (3.94 gm). Pont de Sorgues mint. Pope enthroned / Floreate cross. Muntoni 7; Berman 176 ($700). VF. Rare. ($200)
1446. Sicily. Norman Kings. William II. 1166-1189. /E Tnfollaro (10.37 gm). ($75) Lion scalp / Palm tree. Spahr 117. Good VF, brown patina.
The second of the Avignon popes, under the influence of France. 1447. Sicily. Norman Kings. William H. 1166-1189. Follaro (2.25 gm), lion scalp / Palm tree. Spahr 118. Choice EF, brown patina A common coin in uncommon condition. ($75)
1441. Papal States. Urban V. 1362-1370. AR Bolognino (1.26 gm). VRB PP QNTS, mitred bust facing / +IN ROMA, U׳R׳B׳I·, · in center. Muntoni 3; Berman 198. Toned VF. ($150) 1448. Sicily. Henry VI. 1191-1197. AR Denaro (0.86gm). + Έ'INPERATOR, cross /+APVLIENSIS, imperial crown. Spahr 24. VF, weak areas. Listed as RRRR by Spahr, the highest rarity. Not in his collection. ($400)
Gold Ducato of Nicholas V
1442. Papal States. Nicholas V. 1447-1455. AV Ducato (3.46 gm). ·+NICOLAVS· ·PPQVINTVS·, Papal arms / ·+-S-PF.TRVS· ·ALMA ROM·, St. Peter standing. Muntoni -; Berman 326; CNIXV pg.229,22. VF. ($650)
1449. Venice. Giovanni Dandulo. 1280-1289. JE Quartarolo (0.78 gm). +10 DANDVL DUX, VNCE / S MARCVS, cross with lis. Papadopoli 6. Brown VF, scarce. ($75)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1450. Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.15 gm). Christ enthroned; annulet by feet / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 2.7 variety; Scarfea 56. Toned EF. ($100)
1451. Venice. Michele Steno. 1400-1413. AV Ducat (3.48 gm). Christin Glory / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 1 ; Scarfea 137. Good VF. ($250) 1455. LEVANT. Imitating Naples. Robert d'Anjou. 1309-1343. Lot of 2 AR Gigliati (3.65,3.47 gm). King enthroned / Floreate cross. Spread flan, crude workmanship, meaningless legends. Gamberini 994. Both VF. 2 coins. ($150)
1452. Venice. Francesco Donato. 1545-1553. AV Ducat (now the Zecchino) (3.31 gm). Christ in Glory / Doge and SL Mark. Scarfea 338. VF. ($150) 1456. LOWLANDS. 12th-13th Century. Ijot of four AR Peut Deniers. Bruges. (0.44 gm). Armed knight / Cross with rosettes. Ghyssens 437. // Gant. (0.35 gm). Head of knight / GANT, cross. Ghyssens 307. // Lille. (0.42 gm). Triangle with annulets and lis / LILA, cross. // Louvain. (0.57 gm). Lion rampant / ΉΒΑ, cross. DeMey 172 Average VF. 4 coins. Nice group. ($150) Rare Mouton D'Or of LouLs de Male
1453. ITALY. Victor Emmanuel III. 1911R. AR 5 Lire. 50th Anniversary of Kingdom. KM 53. VF, light scuffs, cleaned. ($200)
1457. LOWLANDS, Flanders. Louis de Male. 1346-1384. AV Mouton D'Or (4.59 gm). +AGN DEI CVI TOM PCCA MVDI MISERERE NOB, Pascal lamb, cross and banner behind, LVD CO'F below / + XPC VINCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT, floreate cross. Delmonte 457; Fried berg 103. Good VF. Rare. (S1750)
1454. LEVANT. Imitating Naples. Robert d'Anjou. 1309-1343. Lot of 2 AR Gigliati (3.82,3.62 gm). King enthroned / Floreate cross. Spread flan, crude workmanship, but legends readable. Gamberini 993. Both VF. 2 coins. ($150)
1458. Flanders. Louis II de Male. 1346-1384. AR Botdrager (4.02 gm). LVDOVICVS:DEI:GRA:COMES:F:DNI:FLANDRIE, helmeted lion /+MONETA * DE* FLANDRIA, floreate cross. Den Duyts 172. VF. ($200)
1459. Flanders. Louis de Male. 1346-1384. AR Botdraeger (4.02 gm). LVDOVICVS DEI GRA COMES F DNS FLANDRIE, helmeted lion / ΜΟΝΕTA*DE*FLANDRIA, floieate cross. Den Duyts 174. Toned VF. Shaip strike for issue. ($200)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1464. West Friesland. 1605. AR Daalder (2638 gm). Knight with arms / Rampant lion. Davenport 4868. Fine. ($100) Impressive Double Ducaton From Zeeland in the Lowlands
1460. Hainaut. Margaret of Constantinople. 1244-1280. ARPetitGros (2.73 gm). Armored knight on horseback / +MARGAR£TA׳COMTnSSA·, +*SIGNVM* CRVCIS*, cross with crescents.Den Duyts 273; Boudeau 2087. Toned good VF. Scarce. ($300)
1461. Holland. Philip theFair. 1499. AR Double Briquet (2.79 gm). +PhS DEI GRA ARCID AVS DVX BG CO hO, crowned shield / + OMNIS SPIRITVS LAVDET DNVM ANNO 1499,floreatecross. Frey 489; v.d. Chijs plate XXH, 27. Toned Fine. Nice clear early date. ($125) 1465. Zeeland. 1659. AR Double Ducaton (65.12 gm). Knight on horseback / Arms supported by lions. Delmonte 975a; Davenport 4942. Toned EF. Impressive double thick "cartwheel". (See enlargment on front cover). ($1200) Ex Sieber collection, Spink Auction 65, lot 687 (Illustrated on thefront cover of the Spink catalogue, sold for £1000). 1462. Holland. 1738. AV Stuiver. Crowned shield, 1 S to either side / HOL LAN DIA 1738 in four lines. KM 85a. AU/UNC. ($325)
1466. Zeeland and Limburg. Maria de Bourgogne. 1478. AR Double Briquet (3.08 gm). +MARIA DEI G DVCISS BG BR' Ζ U, two lions vis-à-vis / SALWS HAC PPLM TW DNE A 14L8, amis. Frey 185 variety. VF. Scarce early dated coin. .״,«^ ״ ($150)
1463. Overyssel. 1734. AR Ducaton (31.84 gm). Knight on hoiseback / Aims supported by Hons. Davenport 1829; KM 80. AU, but surfaces affected by immeision in water. ($300)
1467. ZwoBe. Ferdinand ΙΠ. 1649. AV Ducat (3.45 gm). King in armor/MONE AVREA CTVIT ZWOL. Delmonte 1133; Friedberg 213. EF. ($250)
Salvagedfrom the wreck ofthe 't Vliegent Hart (1735),with box and brochure.
Ex Sieber collection, Spink Auction 65,101439.
M a r c h 30,1 994
A Selection of Russian Copper 5 Kopecks
1468. NETHERLANDS. Queen Wilhelmina 1.1890-1948. 1898 Proof 10 Gulden. NGC Graded Proof 63 (encapsulated). Extremely Rare. Unlisted in Krause for Proof. ($1250) Ex Robert Schulman Sale (September 1990) where the catalogue noted that only three pieces in proof have ever appeared in auction including this coin. Both of the other two specimens appeared in the 1925 sale in Amsterdam of the collections of Philippe de la Renotiere and H LA. vA. Wall Bake. This coin may be one of those two pieces.
1469. NETHERLANDS. Wilhebnina. 1927. Proof AV 10 Gulden. Head /Arms. Friedberg 351 ; KM 162 (unlisted in Proof). Encapsulated PF 64 by NGC. ($1000)
1473. RUSSIA. Catherine Π. 1776 EM. JE. 5 Kopecks. Ekaterinburg mint. Imperial eagle; Ε M / Monogram. Tread edge. KM 59.3. Good VF, obverse slightly double struck. ($75)
1474. 1782 KM. iE 5 Kopecks. Kolyvan mint Imperial eagle; Κ M /Monogram. Milled edge. KM 59.5. Good VF. ($75)
1475. 1785 KM. IE 5 Kopecks. Kolyvan mint. Imperial eagle; KM/Monogram. Milled edge. KM 59.5. Good VF. ($75) 1470. LUXEMBOURG. Wenceslas H. 1383-1388. AR Gros (3.01 gm). Gans mint. Eagle with spread wings / Crowned arms. Weiller 154b; Boudeau 1873. Near EF. ($200)
1476. 1789 KM. JE 5 Kopecks. Kolyvan mint Imperial eagle; K M /Monogram. Milled edge. KM 59.5. Good VF. ($75)
ExCNAX, lot 1154.
1477. 1790 AM. JE 5 Kopecks. Anninsk mint. Imperial eagle; AM/Monogram. Tread edge. KM 59.2. Good VF. ($75)
1478. 1791 AM. iE 5 Kopecks. Anninsk mint. Imperial eagle; AM/Monogram. Tread edge. KM 59.2. Near EF, strong strike. ($75) 1479. 1791 EM. JE 5 Kopecks. Ekaterinberg mint. Imperial eagle; E M / Monogram. Tread edge. KM 59.3. Good VF. ($75) 1471. MEXICO. Carlos and Johanna. 1506-1516. AR 2 Reales (6.74 gm). Mexico City mint. Assayer L. C&C 2960. Good VF. ($100)
1480. 1792 AM. iE 5 Kopecks. Anninsk mint. Imperial eagle; A M / Monogram. Tread edge. KM 59.2. EF. ($75) 1481. 1793 AM. iE 5 Kopecks. Anninsk mint. Imperial eagle; A M / Monogram. Tread edge. KM 59.2. Near EF. ($75) 1482. 1796 KM. iE 5 Kopecks. Kolyvan mint. Impenal eagle; K M / Monogram. Tread edge. KM 59.5. Good VF. ($75) 1483. 1793 E M iE 5 Kopecks overstruck on 1796 10 Kopeks. Ekaterinberg mint. Imperial eagle; E M . / Monogram. KM 59.3. Fine. Rare. ($75) Catherine's last coinage issue of1796, including the new 10 kopecks, was cancelled by her successor, Pauli. The 10 kopeck pieces were restruck, using old 5 kopeck dies.
1472. MEXICO. Philip V. 1700-1746. AR 8 Reales (25.85 gm). Mexico City mint. Date and assayerillegible. C&C-. VF for type. ($150) 1
1484. 1793 EM. iE 5 Kopecks overstmck on 1796 10 Kopeks. Ekaterinberg mint. Imperial eagle; EM/Monogram. KM 59.3. Choice VF. ($100)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1835 Russian Platinum 3 Roubles
1492. Basel. Johann Π, Senn von Münsingen. 1335-1365. AR Bracteate Rappen (0.35 gm). Bust of bishop left. Bonhoff 1771. Toned good VF. ($75) Platinum
1485. RUSSIA. 1835. Platinum 3 Roubles. St. Petersburg mint KM 177. EF, weak strike on reverse. The world's first official platinum coinage. ($500) 1486. RUSSIA, Siberia. Catherine Π. 1777KM. JE 10 Kopedcs. Kolyvan mint. ($150) Sable supporting aims / Monogram. Milled edge. KM 6. VF.
1493. SWITZERLAND. 1859. AR Shooting Thaler. Zurich. Mintage: 6000. KM S5. EF, polished. ($200)
1487. Siberia. Catherine II. 1776 KM. JE 2 Kopecks. Kolyvan mint. Sable supporting arms /Monogram; Κ M. Milled edge. KM 4. Good VF. ($75)
1488. SPAIN, Aragon. Sancho Ramirez. 1063-1094. AR Dinero (0.92 gm). S ANC·! IIS RES, headright/ ARA GON, omate cross. C&C 1663. EF. Raie. ($200) ExCNAX, lot 1157.
1494. VF.
1876. AR Shooting Thaler. Lausanne. Mintage: 20,000. KM S13. Good ($200)
1879. AR Shooting Thaler. Basel. Mintage: 30,000. KM S14. VF. ($75)
1496. lines.
1881. AR Shooting Thaler. Fribouig. Mintage: 30,000. KM S15. EF, hair($100)
1489. Barcelona. Fernando Π. 1479-1516. AR Croat (2.77 gm). Crowned bust left / CIVI TAS Β ARCK NONA, cross with annulets and pellets. Badia i Toires 790. Toned VF. ($225)
1490. Castile. Alfonso VI. 1073-1109. AR Dinero (1.22 gm). Toledo mint. ANFVS REX, cross / +TOL-F.TVO:, Chi-Rho monogram. C&C 973. VF. ($100)
1491. SWITZERLAND,Geneva. 12th Century. ARDenier(1.15gm).+GENEVA CTVITAS, cross with pellets /+SCS PETRVS, head of S l Peterieft. Coraggione pLXLVm, 17; Boudeau 1186. Good VF. ($125)
M a r c h 30,1 994
The William F. Spengler & Wayne G. Sayles Reference Collection ofTurkoman Figurai Bronze Coins. Part Π: The Artuqids
1883. AR Shooting Thaler. Lugano. Mintage: 30,000. KM S16. VF. ($75)
1503. ARTUKIDS of HISN KAYFA and AMID. Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan. 1144-1174 AD. JE Diihem (4.67 gm). Facing bust of Christ / Four line legend S/S 1 ; Edhem 6c. Fine, brown and green patina, weak strike and corrosion on obverse. Rare. ($100)
1504. Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan. 1144-1174 AD. JE Dirhem (10.99 gm). VICTORIA CONSTANTIN! AVG, winged Victory walking right, holding tablet inscribed VOT XXX, SIS below / Three line legend. S/S 3; Edhem 5. Fine, brown patina. Rare. ($200)
1498. UNITED STATES. 1798. AR Dollar. Draped bust of liberty/Heraldic eagle; 13 arrows, five berries. Very Good, scratch by date. ($300) 1499. UNITED STATES. Lot of five. 1783. ^Washington Token. Largemilitaiy bust fine. // 1831. AR 5 cents. Good. //1831. AR 10 Cents. Good //1875S. AR 20 Cents. Very Good, edge nicks. //1825 AR 50 Cents. VF. 5 coins. ($100) Choice A U K e y Date 1877 U
1505. Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan. 1144-1174 AD. JE Diihem (8.47 gm). AH 560 (1164/1165 AD). Facing male head (Helios?)/ Four line legend. S/S 6; Edhem 3. Fine, encrusted black patina. ($75)
1500. UNITED STATES. 1877 10. Key Date to the Indian Head Type series. Choice About Uncirculated, attractive iridescent toning. ($1500)
1501. UNITED STATES. 1986. AV Proof Eagle ($50). One troy ounce pure gold // Rus 1986 AR Proof Liberty. One ounce pure silver. Both in original sealed capsules and cases. 2 pieces. ($400)
1502. WALLACHIA. Radu 1.1377-1383. AR Dinar (0.56 gm). Aims /Helmet topped with eagle left; Ρ in field. Toned VF, edge chip. Rare. ($150)
Our In Conjunction
Sale iM'Be 'Mtfilhe Chjumismatic
1506. Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan. 1144-1174 AD. JE Dirhem (9.88 gm). AH 562 ( 1156/1167 AD). Facing Byzantine style bust (Jupiter?) / Four line legend. S/S 7; Edhem ;־Paris 868. Near VF, brown patina, some porosity. ($150)
JieidOnJune 11,1994 S^nnß9{e1üi)'orK_InUrnatumaL Convention
Lot 1507 1 35
30,1 994
1507. Nur al-Din Muhammad. 1175-1185 AD. ^ D i i h e m (10.14gm). AH 571 (1175/1176 AD). The archangel Gabriel facing, holding scroll / Five line legend. S/S 9; Edhem 7. Near VF, olive brown patina. ($125) ·־ז׳.....·.·
1513. Nasir al-Din Mahmud. 1200-1222 AD. JE Diihem (15.75 gm). al-Hisn mint. AH 610 (1213/1214 AD). Two headed eagle, representing Gemini/Four line legend. S/S 15; Edhem 14. VF, brown patina. ($ 150)
1508. Nur al-Din Muhammad. 1175-1185 AD. JE Dirhem (8.20 gm). AH 576 (1180/1181 AD). Turkish prince seated beneath arch flanked by two winged genii / Four line legend in square. S/S 10; Edhem 8. Fine, brown patina. ($150)
1514. Nasir al-Din Mahmud. 1200-1222 AD. JE Dirhem (11.00 gm). AH 615 (1218/1219 AD). Man riding lion (Mars in Leo) / Three line legend in octafoil; date in words.S/S 17.1;Edhem 17. VF, dark green patina, obverse off-center. ($75)
1509. Nur al-Din Muhammad. 1175-1185 AD. JE Dirhem (10.96 gm). al-Hisn mint. AH 578 (1182/1183 AD). Hellenistic style head left / Five line legend. S/S 11 ; Edhem -; Paris 871. Fine, dark green patina. ($75)
H\ M
1515. Nasir al-Din Mahmud. 1200-1222 AD. JE Dirhcm (9.74 gm). Amid mint. AH 617(1220/1221 AD). Two headed eagle (Gemini) in quadrilobe / Two line leg end in hexagram. S/S 18; Edhem 19. VF, brown patina. ($75)
1510. Qutb al-Din Sukman II. 1185-1200 AD. JE Dirhem (8.90 gm). al-Hisn mint. AH 581 (1185/1186 AD). Sassanian style head left / Four line legend. S/S 12; Edhem 10. Fine, brown patina, porosity. ($ 100)
1516. Rukn al-Din Mawdud. 1222-1232 A D JE. Dirhcm (9.81 gm). AmidminL AH 617 (1224/1225 AD). Two headed eagle (Gemini) in circle within square/Two line legend in circle within square. S/S 19; Edhem 20. Near VF, encrusted brown patina. ($75)
1511. Qutb al-Din Sukman H. 1185-1200 AD. JE Dirhem (10.99 gm). AH 584 ( 1188/1189 AD). Conjoined heads back to back (Gemini) / Four line legend. S/S 13; Edhem 11. Near VF, brown patina. ($100) 1517. Rukn al-Din Mawdud. 1222-1232AD.yEDirhem(3.74gm). AmidminL AH 625 (1227/1228 AD). Hve line legend / Five line legend. S/S 20.2; Edhem -; Paris 931. Near VF, black patina, weak strike. ($75)
1512. Qutb al-Din Sukman II. 1185-1200 AD. JE Dirhem (9.22 gm). AH 594 (1197/1198 AD). Facing nimbale bust holding sceptre and globe (Jupiter) /Three line legend. S/S 14;Edhem 13. Near VF, encrusted green patina. ($100) 1 36
Lot 1518
30,1 994
1518. ARTUKIDS of KHARTPERT. 'Imad al-Din Abu Bakr. 1185-1203 AD. JE Diihem (2.41 gm). AH 583 (1187/1188 AD). Roman style bust left / Three hne legend. S/S 23; Edhem -; Paris -.Near VF, black patina, overstrack. Very rare, only seven known specimens. ($250)
1524. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Dirhem (15.70 gm). Confronted Hellenistic style heads (Gemini) / Virgin crowning Byzantine emperor (Mercury in exaltation). S/S 28; Edhem31.Good VF, dark green patina. ($150) 1519. ARTUKIDS of MARDIN. Husam al-Din Timurtash. 1122-1152 AD. JE Diihem (534 gm). Mardin mint AH 543 (1148/1149 AD). Bearded Roman style bust (of Julian?) / Three line legend. S/S 25.1 ; Edhem 46. Fine, encrusted brown patina. ___ ($100)
1520. Husam al-Din Timurtash. 1122-1152 AD. JE Dirhem (13.50 gm). Hellenistic style head / Three line legend. S/S 26; Edhem 25. VF, dark brown patina ($150)
1521. Husam al-Din Timurtash. 1122-1152 AD. JE Dirhem (12.95 gm). With the countermark of Najm al-Din Alpi. Hellenistic style head; one line c/m on neck / Three line legend. S/S 26; Edhem 25. VF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($150)
1522. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Diihem (11.58 gm). Hellenistic style head, one line legend on neck / Three line legend. S/S 27; Edhem 27. Near VF, dark green patina. ($ 100)
1523. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Dirhem (12.58 gm). Hellenistic style head, one line legend on neck; two line c/m on head / Three line legend. S/S 27; Edhem 30. Near VF, brown patina. ($100)
1525. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Dirhem (11.35 gm). AH 558 (1162/1163 AD). Diademed male bust left (Mercury) /Crowned facing female bust (Virgo). S/S 29.1 ; Edhem 34. VF, brown patina. ($100)
1526. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Dirhem (10.52 gm). AH 559 (1163/1164 AD). Diademed male bust left (Mercury) / Crowned facing female bust (Virgo). S/S 29.2; Edhem -; Paris 981. VF, brown patina, some weakness. ($100)
1527. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Diihem (12.67 gm). In the name of al-Mustanjid (1160-1170 AD). Facing male heads (Gemini) / Facing female head (Virgo). S/S 30.1 ; Edhem 35. Near VF, brown patina. ($75)
1528. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Dirhem (13.60 gm). In the name of al-Mustanjid (1160-1170 AD). Facing male heads (Gemini); Caliph's name and titie reversed / Facing female head (Virgo). S/S 30.1 a; Edhem 37. Near VF, encrusted black patina. ($75)
30,1 994
1533. Qutb al-Din il-Ghazi II. 1176-1184 AD. Ai Dirhem (18.15 gm). AH579 (1183/1184 AD). Byzantine style busts, resembling the coins of Heraclius and his son / Five line legend. S/S 32.3; Edhem 45. VF, black patina. ($ 125)
1529. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. Ai Dirhem (9.62 gm). In the name of alMustadi (1170-1176 AD). Facing male heads (Gemini) / Facing female head (Viigo). S/S 30.2; Edhem 38. Fine, daik green patina. ($75)
1534. Qutb al-Din il-Ghazi Π. 1176-1184 AD. JE Diihem (16.55 gm). AH 580 (1184/1185 AD). Byzantine style busts, resembling the coins of Heraclius and his son / Five line legend. S/S 32.4; Edhem -; Paris 1052. Near VF, green patina. ($100)
1530. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Diriiem (9.71 gm). In the nameof alMustadi (1170-1176 AD). Facing male heads (Gemini), Caliph's name and title reversed / Facing female head (Viigo). S/S 30.2a; Edhem 38 variety. Near VF, encrusted brown patina. ($75) 1535. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Diihem (1266 gm). AH 581 (1185/1186 AD). Facing Turkish style bust (Sun?)/Three line legend in hexagram. S/S 33.2; Edhem 54. VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. ($100)
1531. Qutb al-Din il-Ghazi II. 1176-1184 AD. JE Dirhem (12.68 gm). Constantinian style head in square, eyes heavenward / Five line legend. S/S 31.1; Edhem 39. VF, green patina. ($125)
1536. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. Ai Dirhem (10.20 gm). AH 583 (1187/1188 AD). Facing Turkish style bust (Sun?) / Three line legend in hexagram. S/S 33.4; Edhem -; Paris 1080. VF, black patina. ($100)
1532. Qutb al-Din il-Ghazi II. 1176-1184 AD. JE Dirhem (16.02 gm). AH 577 (1181/1182 AD). Byzantine style busts, resembling the coins of Heraclius and his son (Sun and Mercury?) / Five line legend. S/S 32.1; Edhem 43. VF, encrusted green patina. ($125) 1537. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Dirhem (1240gm). AH 584 (1188/1189 AD). Facing Turkish style bust (Sun?) / Three line legend in hexagram. S/S 33.5; Edhem 55. Good VF, encrusted green patina. ($100)
Lot 1533
March 30,1 994
1538. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Diihem (13.95 gm). AH 586 (1190/1191 AD). Facing Turkish style bust (Sun?) / Three line legend in hexagram. S/S 33.7; Edhem -. VF, enciusted green patina. Only three examples of this date recorded. ($100)
1543. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Diihem (10.90gm). AH 589 (1193 AD). Three standing figures around central seated figure (Virgo surrounded by planets)/ Five line legend in circle. S/S 35.2; Edhem 56. Near VF, brown patina, porosity. ($100)
1539. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Dirhem (16.84 gm). Large Roman style head left, facing smaller Byzantine style bust / Four line legend. S/S 34; Edhem 48. VF, encrusted green patina. ($ 100)
1544. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Diihem (11.56 gm). AH 590 (1193/1194 AD). Three standing figures around central seated figure (Virgo suirounded by planets)/Five line legend in circle. S/S 35.3; Edhem -; Paris 1160. Near VF, brown patina. ($100)
1540. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Diihem (12.07 gm). Large Roman style head left, facing smaller Byzantine style bust / Four line legend; chevron above. S/S 34; Edhem 47. Near VF, brown patina. ($ 100)
1545. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Dirhem (11.86 gm). AH 596 (1199/1200 AD). With Nur al-Din. Seated Turk holding sword and severed head (Mars) / Three line legend in circle. S/S 36.1 ; Edhem 60-61. VF, brown patina $125)
1541. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Dirhem (13.21 gm). AH 589 (1193 AD). Three standing figures around central seated figure (Virgo surrounded by planets) / Three line legend in circle. S/S 35.1; Edhem 57. Near VF, brown patina with some encrostation. ($ 100)
1542. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Dirhem (1271 gm). AH 589 (1193 AD). Three standing figures around central seated figure (Virgo surrounded by planets); starin field/Three line legend in circle. S/S 35.1 variety; Edhem -. Fine, brown patina. ($ 100)
1546. Husam al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Diihem (13.66 gm). AH 596 (1199/1200 AD). Seated Turk holding sword and severed head (Mars); name of Nur al-Din replaced with floret / Four line legend in circle. S/S 36.3; Edhem 59c. VF, brown patina. ($ 125)
1547. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Diihem (13.66 gm). AH 598 (1201/1202 AD). Turkish style bust, facing slightly right, globe in right hand (Sun) / Four line legend in hexagram. S/S 37.1; Edhem 63. VF, encrusted daik brown patina. ($100)
1548. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. Diihem (13.23 gm). AH 598 (1201/1202 AD). Turkish style bust, facing slightly left, globe in left hand (Sun) / Four line legend in hexagram. S/S 37.1 ; Edhem 63. VF, encrusted dark green patina. ($100)
1549. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201 -1239 AD. R Dirhem ( 11.05 gm). AH 599 (1202/1203 AD). Tuikish style bust, facing slightly left, globe in left hand (Sun) /Five line legend in hexagram. S/S 37.3; Edhem 64. VF, dark green patina. ($100)
March 30,1 994
1553. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. R Dirhem (11.59 gm). Mardin mint. AH 606 (1209/1210 AD). Dionysos riding a panther/TTiree line legend S/S 39; Edhem 74. Good VF, brown patina, overstruck. ($100)
1554. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. R Dirhem (5.79 gm). AH 611 (1214/1215 AD). Facing Turkish bust (Sun)/ Five line legend. S/S 40; Edhem 79. Good VF, brown patina. ($75)
1555. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. R Diihem (5.29 gm). AH 611(1214/1215 AD). Facing Turkish bust (Sun); abbreviated legend / Five line legend. S/S 40; Edhem 78. VF, brown patina. ($75) 1550. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arsian. 1201-1239 AD. /EDiihem (15.21 gm). Maidin mint. AH 599 (1202/1203 AD). Centaur left aiming bow at dragon-headed tail (Sagittarius)/Five line legend. S/S 38.1; Edhem 66. Fine, black patina. ($125)
1556. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. R Diihem (5.32 gm). AH 615 (1218/1219 AD). Three line legend in octagram / Three line legend in octagram. S/S 41 ; Edhem 89. VF, dark green patina. Overstruck on S/S 40. ($75) 1551. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arsian. 1201-1239 AD. Λ Diihem (10.74 gm). Mardin mint. AH 599 (1202/1203 AD). Centaur right aiming bow at dragon-headed tail (Sagittarius)/Five line legend. S/S 38.2; Edhem 69. Near VF, dark brown patina. ($100)
Ex Brand collection.
1557. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. R Dirhem (5.03 gm). AH 618(1221/1222 AD). Diademed bust, facing slightly left (Sun)/Five line legend S/S 42.1 ; Edhem 84. Near VF, brown and green patina. ($75) 1552. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arsian. 1201-1239 AD./E Diihem (10.61 gm).Mardin mint. AH 599 (1202/1203 AD). Centaur right aiming bow at dragon-headed tail (Sagittarius) /Four line legend. S/S 38.2; Edhem 73. Near VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. ($100)
1558. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. R Dirhem (6.11 gm). AH 618 (1221/1222 AD). Diademed bust, facing slightly right (Sun)/Five line legend. S/S 42.2; Edhem 82. Near VF, brown patina. ($75) 1 40
1559. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Diihem (11.90 gm). AH 620 (1223/1224 AD). Roman style head right/Five line legend. S/S 43; Edhem 85. Near VF, daik green patina. ($125)
1560. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Diihem (11.70 gm). AH 623 (1226 AD). Facing male bust (Sun) / Five line legend. S/S 44; Edhem 90. Near VF, daik brown patina. Oveistruck on uncertain earlier type. ($75)
1561. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Diihem (11.15 gm). AH 626 (1228/1229 AD). Dionysos riding a leopard /Three line legend. S/S 45; Edhem -; Paris 1261. Near VF, dark brown patina. ($75)
1562. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Diihem (7.15 gm). AH 628 (1230/1231 AD). Turkish style figure seated on low throne, holding globe (Jupiter) / Five line legend. S/S 46; Edhem 95. Good VF, brown patina, slightly offcenter. ($100)
1 1563. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. Pc. Diihem (7.05 gm). Mardin mint AH 632 (1234/1235 AD). Facingmale bust (Sun)/Hve line legend. S/S 47.1; Edhem -; Paris 1263. Near VF, encrusted brown patina. ($75)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1564. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Diihem (9.60 gm). Mardin mint. AH 633 (1235/1236 AD). Facing male bust (Sun) /Five line legend. S/S 47.2; Edhem -; Paris 1265. VF, black patina. ($125)
1565. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arsian. 1201-1239 AD. Al Diihem (6.79 gm). Mardin mint Date not present. Facing male bust (Sun) / Five line legend. S/S 47; Edhem -. Good VF. Rotated double strike. ($ 150)
1566. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. Ai Dirhem (9.54 gm). Mardin mint. Date not present Facing male bust (Sun) / Brockage of obverse S/S 47; Edhem -. VF, black patina with earthen highlights. Overstruck on a Byzantine follis, Anonymous class B. ($ 150) The only Turkoman coin noted by Say les and Spengler as overstruck on a Byzantine follis.
1567. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (7.99 gm) Mardin mint Date not present. Turkish style figure seated on low throne, holding globe (Jupiter) / Five line legend. S/S 48; Edhem -. VF, black patina. Overstruck on S/S 47. ($100)
1568. Najm al-Din Ghazi I, al-Sa'id. 1239-1260 AD. JE Diihem (6.64 gm). Mardin mint. Date not present. Facing male bust (Jupiter) / Four line legend. S/S 49; Edhem 110. VF, black patina. Overstruck on a Zengid bronze, Butak 87. ($75)
1569. Qara Arslan. 1260-1294 AD. Ai Dirhem (2.62 gm). Mardin mint Date not present. Sunface within square / Four line legend. S/S 50; Edhem -. Near VF, brown patina. Rare. ($75)
1570. Najm al-Din Ghazi II. 1294-1312 AD. Ai Dirhem (2.10 gm). Date not present Sunface within circle / Five line legend. S/S 51 ; Edhem 112-113. Near VF, brown patina. Rare. ($75)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1575. Atrebates. Verica. Circa 10-40 AD. AR Minim (0.32 gm). Sphinx seated right, CF before / VERI, sleeping hound. Van Arsdell 557-1; Seaby 109B. Good VF. Rare. ($200)
1576. Atrebates. Epaticcus. 35-43 AD. AR Unit (1.07 gm). ΕΡΑΉ, head of Herakles wearing lionskin /Eaglegrasping serpent. Van Arsdell 580-1; Seaby 113. Good VF. ($150)
1577. Atrebates. Epaticcus. Circa 35-43 AD. AR Unit (1.28 gm). ΕΡΑΉ, head of Hercules wearing lion skin / Eagle grasping serpent Van Arsdell 580-1; Seaby 113. Good VF. ($100)
1571. Shams al-Din Salih. 1312-1364 AD. M Dirhem (2.14 gm). Mardin minL AH 747 (1346/1347 AD). Lion walking left, sunface above / Three line legend. S/S 52 (this is the plate coin); Edhem 116. VF, dark brown patina. Rare. ($100)
1578. Atrebates. Caratacus. 43-51 AD. AR Unit (0.96 gm). CARA, head of Herakles wearing lionskin / Eagle grasping serpent Van Arsdell 593-1 ;Seaby 117. Good VF, slight crystallization. Rare. ($300)
BRITISH (Celtic to Modern)
1579. Catuvellauni. Cunobeline. 10-40AD. AVQuarterStater(1.29gm).Plastic type, circa 2043 AD. CA MV, grain ear, no central stalk / CVN, prancing horse. Van Arsdell 2015-1; Seaby 211. VF. ($300)
AV 1572. Gallo-Belgic. Circa 100 BC AV Quarter Stater (1.53 gm). Bulge/Skew pattern. Van Arsdell-.Good VF. ($600) Possibly an unidentified variant in the Gallo-Belgic D series. Found in Dorset.
1580. Dobunni. Eisu. 15-30 AD. AR Unit (0.98 gm). Abstract headright/ Horse with triple tail left, EI above, SV below. Van Arsdell 1110-1; Seaby 263. Good VF, some porosity. ($200)
1573. CELTIC, Armorican. Circa 75-50 BC. Billon Stater (6.72 gm). Cmde head, crozier-shaped nose / Cmde horse and chariot right; X in front, lyre shape below. Seaby 16; cf.delaTourplXXVI,J.39. Good VFfortype. ($150)
1574. Atrebates. Verica. Circa 20-25 AD. AV Staler (5.30 gm). COM-F in tablet / VIR REX, horseman right hurling spear. Van Arsdell 500-1 ; Seaby 98. EF, exceptional strike forissue. ($1000)
1581. Durotriges. Circa 60 BC-20 AD. AR Stater (5.90 gm). Crude head right / Disjointed horse left. Van Arsdell 1235-1 ; Seaby 60. Good VF, die break obverse. ($350) Ex Moss op collection.
1582. Durotriges. Circa 60 BC-20 AD. AR Quarter Stater ( 1.18 gm). "Wolf and twins" /Geometric pattern with bird(?). Van Arsdell 1242-1; Seaby 61. Toned EF. ($250)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1591. Mercia. Burgred. 852-874. AR Penny (1.18 gm). Type A. BVRGED REX, diademed bust / .·. MON.·. DIARVLF .·. ETA .·.. Seaby 938; BMC 393; North 423. Choice VF. ($300) Choice Penny of Alfred the Great ,
1583. Iceni. Norfolk Wolf type. AV Stater (5.45 gm). Crude Celticized head right/Wolf left. Van ArsdeU 610-1 ;Seaby 28. VF. ($400)
1584. Iceni. Circa 45-50 AD. AR Unit (1.23 gm). Paired crescents / Galloping horse right; ECE below. Van Arsdell 760-1 ; Seaby 278. Good VF. ($200)
1592. Wessex. Alfred the Great 871 -899. AR Penny (1.32 gm). AELBRE D REX, crude bust right / ·״MON HEREVLF ETA within lunettes. BMC type 1; Seaby 1057. EF. ($2000) 1585. Iceni.Queen Boudicca.61 AD. ARUnit(1.21 gm). Stylized head right/ Horse right. Van ArsdeU 794-1 ;Seaby 74. VF. ($125)
1586. Iceni. Queen Boudicca. 61 AD. AR Unit (1.11 gm). Stylized head right / Horse right Van Arsdell 794-1 ; Seaby 74. VF. ($125)
1593. Wessex. Alfred the Great. 871-899. AR Penny (1.11 gm). "Burgred" Type. ALFRED REX, diademed bust right / ED MO HILDEFR NETA between lunettes broken in centre of curve. Seaby 1057; North 626. Good VF, rough surfaces. ($1500)
1587. Anglo-Saxon. Circa 690-725 AD. Billon Sceatta (Penny) (1.07 gm). Radiate bust right; A behind, "TAPA" in runes / Standard. Seaby 785. Good VF. ($200)
1588. Anglo-Saxon. Circa 690-725 AD. Billon Sceatta (Penny) (1.11 gm). "Porcupine" / Standard. Seaby 787. Good VF. ($ 125)
1594. Eadgar. 959-975. AR Penny (1.12gm). +EADG-A-R REX, small cross/ +FASTOLF .·. MON, small cross. Seaby 1134; BMC type 3,170ff. Toned VF, flan flaw. ($250) PurchasedfromSpink, 1962.
1589. Northumbria. Eanred. 810-841. JE Sceatta (1.27 gm). +EANRED, pellet within circle of pellets /+HERRED R, pelleL Seaby 860; cf. BMC 184ff. // Aethelred H, First Reign. 854-858. JE Sceatta (0.95 gm). +AEDELRED RE (retrograde), cross with pellets /+TDDVVLF, pellet within circle of pellets. Seaby 861; BMC 581/580. Both good VF. 2 coins. ($75) Both purchasedfromSpink, 1962. 1595. Aethelrcd Π. 978-1016. AR Penny (1.65 gm). Ipswich. First hand type. +/EDELRED REX ANGLOX, diademed bust / +PALTFRED M-O GIP, hand of God. Seaby 1144; BMC 99; North 766.T0ned VF, a few peck marks. ($200)
1590. Northumbria. Aethelred H. First reign. 854-858. JE Sceat (1.23 gm). +AEDELRED REX, cross with pellets / +MONNE, cross with pellets. Seaby 861 ; North 188. EF, brown patina. ($150)
1596. Aethelred Π. 978-1016. AR Penny (1.52 gm). London. Long cross type. +/FDELRF.D REX ANGLO, bust left /+GODRIC M O LVND, cross. Seaby 1151 ; BMC 242; North 774. Near VF, a few peck marks, warped flan. ($150) 123
B i d S
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1603. Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR Penny (1.03 gm). York. Trefoil and Quadrilateral type. +DPER·: ·D REX, crowned bust left, sceptre before / +ODIN ON EOFER·:, quadilateral cross. Seaby 1174; North 817. Toned good VF. ($300)
1597. Aethelred Π. 978-1016. AR Penny (1.63 gm). London. +-/F.DF.LERE REX ANGL0,bustleft/+HEAPVLFM(0LVND,long cross. Seaby 1151; BMC 245. Toned good VF, peck marks. ($150) 1604. Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR Penny (1.60 gm). London. Expanding cross type. +EDPFRD REX, diademed bust left with sceptre / +GODPINE ON LVND, expanding cross. Seaby 1177; North 823. Toned good VF. ($300)
1598. Cnut. 1016-1035. AR Penny (1.01 gm). York. +CNVTREX AN, helmeted bust left with sceptre / +ASGOD Μ Ό EOFR, voided cross with annulets. Seaby 1158; BMC 90. Good VF, flan flaws on obverse. ($200)
1599. Cnut. 1016-1035 AD. AR Penny (1.03 gm). York. +CNVTR EX AN, helmeted bust left, sceptre before / +PVLNOD M-O EOFR, short cross. Seaby 1158; BMC 153; North 787. Toned EF. ($500)
1605. Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR Penny (1.06 gm). Norwich. EADPARD RE, crowned facing bust /+EDPINE ON NORD, small cross. Seaby 1183; BMC 1107. Toned good VF. ($300)
1606. Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR Penny (1.12 gm). Winchester. Pyramids type. +EADPARD RE::, crowned bust right, sceptre before / +LFINE ON PINCE:, cross with pyramids. Seaby 1184; BMC 1511 (same dies); North 831. Toned EF. ($500) Silver Penny of Harold Π
1600. Cnut 1016-1035. AR Penny (1.14 gm). Thetford. +CNVT ·REC»X:, bust left with sceptre / +RVNSTAN ON DE, voided cross. Seaby 1159; BMC 606. EF. ($350)
1607. Harold II. 1066. AR Penny (1.32 gm). London. +HAROLD REX ANG LOI, crowned bust left with sceptre /+EDPINE ON LVNDEI:, PAX across field. Seaby 1186; cf. BMC 57. Good VF. ($1000) 1601. Cnut. 1016-1035. AR Cut Halfpenny (0.56 gm). Canterbury. (+CNVT) RE(X AN), bust left with sceptre / +EDPALD 0(N CENT), voided cross with quadrilateral. Seaby -; cf. SCBI13,126 fortype. Good VF. ($125)
1602. Harold 1.1035-1040. AR Penny (0.96 gm). Thetfoid. +NAR OLD REC, bust left with sceptre / +BRVNSTAN ON DE, voided cross with lis. Seaby 1165; BMC 108. Toned good VF. ($500)
Ρwr hosed from Seaby. 1962
1608. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.25 gm). Romney. +ILLEMV REX I, crowned and diademed bust left, sceptre before / +FTLFM/4ÎR ON RI1, cross fleury with annulet in centre. Seaby 1250; BMC 40 (same dies). Toned good VF. Scarce. ($600)
PurehasedfromSpink, 1962.
Lot 1603
1609. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.40gm). Salisbury. + PILLELM REX, crowned facing bust / +GODPINE ON SER, PAXS around cross. Seaby 1257; North 848. EF. ($300) 124
1610. Henry 1.1100-1135. AR Penny (1.36 gm). Type VH, quatrefoil and stars. (H)ENRI (REX), crowned bust facing / +GODP(I)NE ON (...). Seaby 1268; North 863. Toned VF, areas of flat strike. Rare. ($300)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1616. Henry II. 1154-1180. AR Penny (1.34 gm). York. Short cross, class lb. +hENRICVS· REX, crowned bust / +TVRKILON-EVER, short cross. Seaby 1344. VF. (S75)
1611. Henry 1.1100-1135. AR Penny (1.48 gm). Bristol? Crowned bust 3/4 left /+BARPING (moneyer Barding), quadrilateral on cross fleury. Seaby 1276; North 871. Toned VF, usual weak strike. ($200)
1617. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.48 gm). London. Class 5c. Crowned bust /+ILGER׳ON»LVND. Seaby 1352; North 971. Choice VF. ($125) Silver Groat of E d w a r d I
1612. Stephen. 1135-1154. AR Penny (1.33 gm). Chester. Watford type. +SHEFNE R, crowned bust right / (+R)AVENS(PERT ON CE), cross moline. Seaby 1278; BMC 22. Toned VF, usual weak strike. ($250) 1618. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Groat (5.51 gm). London. Reform coinage, after 1279. Crowned facing bust in triple quadrilobe; triple pellets stops / Long cross. Seaby 1379; North 1006. VF, the usual mount marks and traces of gilding. Extremely Rare. The first English groat. (S2750)
1613. Henry II. 1154-1189. AR Penny (1.32 gm). Bury St. Edmund. Tealby class C. Crowned bust facing with sceptre/ +hENR(I ON S E)DMV, cross. Seaby 1339; North 956. Toned good VF. Well stmck for issue. ($175) 1619. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Halfpenny (0.67 gm). London. Class Ilk. 1351. Seaby 1432;Northl018.Good VF. ($75)
ExF. Elmore Jones Collection, with his ticket.
1614. Henry Π. 1154-1180. AR Penny (1.35 gm). Uncertain mint. Tealby class C. +hENRI: R: AN, crowned bust, with curl of hair/ +PILLELm ·ON ( ), cross crosslets. Seaby 1339; North 956. Toned VF, usual weak strike. ($125) Purchasedfrom Coin Galleries, 1962.
1615. Henry II. 1154-1180. AR Penny (1.47 gm). Newcastle. Tealby class F. +hENRI REX, crowned bust, with ringlet of hair / +WILLELM:ON:NIV:, cross crosslets. Seaby 1342; BMC 608a. Toned VF, usual weak strike. ($200) Ex Doubleday collection.
1620. Edward ffl. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.46 gm). London. Pre-Treaty Period, scries B. 1351. Roman M, annulet stops. Mm: cross 1. Seaby 1563; North 1142. Near VF. ($150)
1621. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.56 gm). London. Treaty period, 1361-1369. Crowned bust facing; annulet before EDWARD, "lazy" eye / Long cross. Seaby 1617; North 1257. Toned good VF. ($300)
Mail ,BidS aie
1622. Edward ΙΠ. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.21 gm). London. Treaty Period, 1361-1369. Annulet before EDWARD, "lazy" eye. Seaby 1617;N0rth 1257.Near VF. ($100) Purchased from Spink, 1965.
1628. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AV Noble (6.95 gm). Calais mint. Rosette-Mascle issue, 1427-1430. Flag at stem, lis by sword ann. Seaby 1818; North 1440. VF. ($1200)
1629. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.52 gm). Calais mint Annulet issue, 1422-1427. Mm: pierced cross. Seaby 1836. VF. ($100)
1623. Richard Π. 1377-1399. AR Groat (4.37 gm). London. Type Π. Crowned bust; Ζ before FRANC / Long cross. Seaby 1679; North 1321. Toned Fine. Rare. _ ($400)
1624. Richard II. 1377-1399. AR Penny (1.04 gtn). York, type IIa. Facingbust, with bieastline/Quatrefoil on cross. Seaby 1691; North 1329c. Toned Fine. ($125)
March 30,1 994
1630. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Penny (0.92 gm). Calais mint. Rosette-Mascle issue, 1427-1430. Seaby 1865; North 1450. Toned good VF. ($100)
1625. Richard Π. 1377-1399. AR Halfpenny (0.54 gm). London. Inteimediate issue. Crowned bust facing / Cross with pellets. Seaby 1699; North 1331b. Toned good Fine. ($125) 1631. Henry VI. 1422-1461. ARGroat(3.75gm).Calais. Pinecone-masdeissue, 1430-1434. Crowned bust facing/Long cross. Seaby 1875;N0rth 1461.Good VF.
ExElon College collection.
1626. Henry V. 1413-1422. AR Groat (3.73 gm). LondonminL Plain bust. Mm: cross pattee. Seaby 1764; North 1387. VF. Rare. ($300)
1632. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AV Ryal (7.59 gm). London mint. Light coinage, 1464-1470. Trefoils in spandrels. Mm: cross fitchee. Seaby 1951 ;North 1549. VF. ($1000)
1627. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AV Noble (6.88 gm). Calais mint. Rosette-Mascle issue, 1427-1430. Hag at stem, lis by sword ami. Seaby 1818; North 1440. Good VF. ($1200) 14 6
Lot 1633
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1633. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AR Groat (3.06 gm). London. Light coinage, 1464-1470. Trefoils by neck. Mm: cross fitchee/sun. Seaby 2003; North 1577. Toned VF. ($100) Silver Groat of Richard III 1639. Henry VIH. 1509-1547. AR Penny (0.66 gm). London. Second coinage, 1526-1544. Sovereign type. Mm: lis. Seaby 2349; North 1808. Good VF. ($100)
1634. Richard III. 1483-1485. AR Groat (2.92 gm). London. Mm: boar's head (63). Seaby 2159; North 1679. Toned VF, !regular edge. Rare. (S500)
1640. Henry Vin. 1509-1547. AR Penny (0.69 gm). Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall at Durham, 1530-1544. Sovereign type; C D by amis. Mm: radiate star. Seaby 2354; North 1813. VF. ($100) PurchasedfromSeaby, 1962.
1635. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Groat (3.02 gm). London. Class mb. 14951498. Crown with two jewelled arches, curied hair,rosettestops. Mm: pansy. Seaby 2198A; North 1705b. Toned VF, slight flan bend. ($150)
1636. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AV Angel (5.15 gm). London. First coinage, 1509-1526. Archangel Michael slaying dragon / Ship; h and rose above. Mm : portcullis. Seaby 2265; North 1760. VF. ($500)
1637. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (3.14 gm). London. First coinage, 1509-1526. Profile bust. Mm: casde; pellets above castle and first two Π of VIII. Seaby 2316; North 1762. Toned VF. ($200)
1638. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Halfgroat (1.32 gm). Bishop Warham at Canterbury. Second coinage, 1526-1532. W A flanking arms; m: cross patonce. Seaby 2343; North 1766. VF. ($100) 77ו
1641. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Penny (0.59 gm). Canterbury. Third coinage, 1544-1547. Saltire stops. Mm: none. Seaby 2383; North 1857. Near VF. ($75) PurchasedfromSeaby, 1962.
1642. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.40 gm). London. Posthumous coinage, 1547-1549. Bust 5. Lombardic letters, pellet in circles in forks of cross. ($100) Mm: lis. Seaby 2403; North 1871. VF.
1643. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.81 gm). Southwark. Posthumous coinage, 1547-1549. Bust 6. Roman letters, roses in forks of cross. Mm: E. Seaby 2404; North 1872. VF. ($150)
1644. Edward VI. 1550. ARShilling(4.92gm).London.Basesüverissue.Mm: swan. Seaby 2466; North 1919. Hne. ($150)
9dadBid S aie
March 30,1 994
1650. Elizabeth 1.1558-1603. AR Penny (0.51 gm). Fourth issue, 1580-1581. Mm: long cross. Seaby 2575; North 2001. Toned VF. ($75)
1645. Edward VI. 1551. AR Crown (30.36 gm). London. Fine silver issue. Mm: y. Seaby 2478; North 1933. VF. ($1000) 1651. Elizabeth 1.1558-1603. AR Shilling (5.98 gm). Fifth issue, 1591-1595. Ear visible. Mm: tun. Seaby 2577; North 2014. Toned near VF. ($150)
1646. Mary. 1553-1554. AR Groat (1.95 gm). Mm: pomegranate. Seaby 2492; North 1960. Fine. ($100)
1652. Elizabeth I. 1558-1603. AR Shilling (6.03 gm). Fifth issue, 1597-1600. Ear visible. Mm: anchor. Seaby 2577; North 2014. Near VF. ($150)
1647. Philip and Mary. 1554-1558. AR Shilling (5.63 gm). Full tilles, no date, with ΧΠ. Seaby 2498; North 1967. Fine. ($150) 1653. James 1.1603-1625. AR Shilling (5.84 gm). Second coinage, third bust. 1604-1605. Mm: Us. Seaby 2654; North 2099. Toned near VF. ($75)
1648. Philip and Mary. 1555. AR Shilling (6.01 gm). English ales only, with ΧΠ. Seaby 2501; North 1968. Fine. ($200) 1654. James 1.1603-1625. AR Shilling (5.82 gm). Third coinage, sixth bust. 1624. Crowned bust right/ Arms; mm: trefoil. Seaby 2668; North 2124. Good VF. ($250)
1649. Elizabeth 1.1558-1602. AR Shilling (6.05 gm). Third Issue, 1595-1598. Crowned bust left; mm: key / Aims over long cross forchee. Seaby 2577; North 2014. Toned VF. ($200)
1655. James I. AR Shilling (5.76 gm). Third coinage, sixth bust. 1624. Mm: tiefoil. Seaby 2668. Good VF. ($200)
1656. Charles I. 1625-1649. AR Halfcrown (14.90 gm). Tower mint, 1625. Charles riding left; rose on housing / Arms on cross forchee; mm: lis. Brooker 277 (sameobversedie);Seaby2761. VF. ($400)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1661. Charles 1.1644. AR Shilling (5.61 gm). Bristol mint Plumelet in front of bust / Plume and plumelets above Declaration. Mm: BR monogram. Brooker 997; Seaby 3016A. Toned VF, slightly double stmck. ($250) PurchasedfromSeaby, 1962. Newark Besieged Silver Shilling
1657. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Halfcrown (14.68 gm). Class 2a, 1631-1632. Mm: rose with cross of dots. Brooker 306 (same obverse die); Seaby 2767. Near VF. ($125) 1662. Newark Beseiged. 1646. AR Halfcrown (14.89 gm). OBS: NEWARK 1646/Crown with CR, XXX below. Seaby 3140; North 2638. Toned Fine. ($400)
m 1658. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Penny (0.49 gm). Class la, 1625-1642. No inner circles. Mm: two pellets. Brooker 695-697; Seaby 2823. Toned good VF. ($75)
1659. Charlesl. 1625-1649. AR Shilling (5.48 gm). Yoik mint, 1643-1644. Bust left with lace collar/Oval arms, EBOR below; mm: lion. Brooker 1093 (same dies); Seaby 2872. VF. ($200)
Pontefract Besieged Silver Shilling
1663. Ponttfract Besieged. 1648. AR Shilling (4.67 gm). DVM:SPIRO:SPERO, crowned C R / CAROLVS :SECVNDVS:1648, OBS Ρ C, casüe. Brooker 1234 (samedies); Seaby 3150. VF. (See enlargement on front cover). ($1000)
1660. Charles I. 1625-1649. AR Groat (1.95 gm). Aberystwyth mint. 16381642 Small bust; mm: book. Brooker764ff; Seaby 2893. Good VF, flan flaw. ($150)
Our (A[e%t Saie iM'Be 'JieidOn June In Conjunction 'With TfieSpntig9{eu>yort ?Numismatic Convention
11,1994 International
1664. Commonwealth. 1656. AR Shilling (5.83 gm). Mm: sun. Seaby 3217; ESC 995. VF. ($150)
1665. Commonwealth. 1656. AR Shilling (5.90 gm). No pellet at end of legend. Seaby 3217; ESC 995A. Toned VF. ($200)
1671. Anne. 1708. After Union. AR Crown. Second busL Seaby 3601 ; ESC 105. Toned good VF. $350)
1666. Charles II. 1660-1685. AR Shilling (6.05 gm). First hammered issue, 1660-1662. No pellet above arms. Mm : crown. Seaby 3308; ESC 101. Toned Fine.
1672. George II. 1728. AR Shilling. Young bust / Plain cruciform arms. Seaby 3700; ESC 1191. Toned VF. ($ 100)
James Π. 1687/6. AR Shilling. Seaby 3410; ESC 1072. Toned good VF. ($150)
1673. George II. 1731. AR Shilling Young bust /Roses and plumes reverse. Seaby 3698; ESC 1194. Toned good VF. ($100)
1668. William and Mary. 1689. AR Halfcrown. First busts / Second shield. Seaby 3435; ESC510B. Toned good VF.afew minor adjustment marks. ^ a m * ^
($200) 1674. EF.
George II. 1745. AR Shilling. LIMA issue. Seaby 3703; ESC 1205. Toned ($100)
George III. 1777. AV Guinea. Fourth head. Seaby 3728. Fine. ($100)
1669. William III. 1697. AR Shilling. First bust Seaby 3497; ESC 1091. Toned EF, weak strike. ($100)
Tieast 1670.
Anne. 1702. AR Shilling. VIGO issue. Seaby 3585; ESC 1130. Toned VF. ($100) 15 0
Bid Sheet
M a r c h 30,1 994
1676. George III. (1797). AR Half Dollar. Oval c/m of George ΠΙ on Charles HI 4 reales of Seville, 1772 CF. Seaby 3767; ESC 611. Coin Fine, c/m VF. Scarcer host coin. ($200) 1681.
1677. George ΙΠ. 1797. JE Proof Twopence. Early bronzed strike from the Soho ($200) mint Peck 1064; Seaby 3776. Proof, chocolate patina.
George ΙΠ. 1801. AR Bank Dollar. Seaby 3768; ESC 164. Toned VF.
1682. George III. 1806. Ai Proof Penny. Later bronzed strike from the Soho mint Peck 1328; Seaby 3780. Proof, numerous scuffs in fields. ($100)
1683. George IV. 1825. AR Shilling. Shield m Garter reverse. Seaby 3811 ; ESC 1254. Choice toned EF, only the slightest rob on high points. ($75)
1678. George III. 1797. JE Proof Penny. Late bronzed strike from the Soho mint. Peck 1125; Seaby 3777. Proof, mahogany patina. . ... ($200)
1684. George IV. 1826. Ai Halfpenny. Second issue. Laureate head / Britannia. Seaby 3824. UNC, brilliant lustre. ($ 100)
1679. George III. 1797. JE Proof Pattern Halfpenny. Early strike from the Soho mint Peck 1157; Seaby -. Proof, iridescent mahogany patina. ($150)
1685. GeorgelV. 1826. JE Farthing. First issue. Laureate bust/Britannia. Seaby 3822. UNC, lustre. ($75)
1680. George III. 1797. JE Proof Pattern Farthing. Early strike from the Soho mint Peck 1195; Seaby -. Proof, chocolate patina. ($150)
'!'(ease Note In The front
Our New OfThe
address Catalogue!
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
1691. Alexander ΙΠ. 1249-1286. AR Penny (1.14 gm). ALEXSANDER DEI G'RA, crowned head with sceptre; barred A/+REX SCOTORVM, long cross with mullets of 24 points. Cf. Bums 21 -22; Seaby 5052 variety. Toned VF. Rare variation of obverse legend. ($100) 1686. Victoria. 1847. AR Proof Gothic Crown. ANNO REGNIUNDECIMO. Seaby 3883; ESC 288. Brilliant surfaces, light hairlines. ($900)
1692. David Π. 1329-1371. AR Penny (1.15 gm). +DAVn>DEI<jRACIA, crowned bust left, sceptre before /REX SCOTTORVM, cross with mullets. Bums 23; Seaby 5088. Toned VF. ($100)
1687. Victoria. 1847. AR Proof Gothic Crown. Pattern issue, plain edge. Seaby 3883 variety; ESC291. Toned, minimal haiilines. Rare. ($1000)
1693. Robert ΠΙ. 1390-1406. AR Groat (2.46 gm). Edinburgh mint. Crowned bust /Longcross; lis in legends. Bums 10;Seaby 5164a. Toned VF. ($200)
1694. James IV. 1488-1531. BillonPenny (0.73 gm). 1488-1513. Round-faced bust. Seaby 5362. VF. ($100) James VI Balance Half Merk
1688. Victoria. 1848. AR Proof Pattern Florin. VICTORIA REGINA 1848, Gothic bust / ONE FLORIN ONE TENTH OF A POUND, cruciform aims. ESC 886. Toned, minimal hairlines. Rare. ($600)
1695. James VI (I). 1591. AR Balance Half Merk (4.53 gm). Sixth coinage. Crowned arms / Balance scale and sword. Bums 2; Seaby 5491. Toned good VF. ($1000) James VI Gold Rider 1689. George V. 1927. AR Proof Crown. Proof only issue. Seaby 4036; ESC 367. As strack, lovely daik toning. ($300)
1690. SCOTLAND. Alexander III. 1249-1286. AR Penny (1.21 gm). Berwick mint. First coinage, 1249-1280. ALEXAMDER RX, crowned head with sceptre/ -t-IOhAN ON BER, voided cross with stars. Cf. Bums 6 (fig. 82); Seaby 5048. Near VF, irregular flan. ($100)
1696. James VI (I). 1594. AV Rider (Five Pounds) (4.83 gm). Seventh coinage. King in armor on horseback / Crowned arms. Bums 4-5; Seaby 5458. Good VF. Rare. ($3500)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1702. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Thirty Shillings (14.72 gm). Mule of Falconer's Second and Anonymous issues. King left on horseback; smooth ground and F below; mm: leaved thistle/Crowned arms; mm: thistle head. Richardson 64; Bums 38/50; Seaby 5555/5557. Lightly toned near EF. ($400) Ex Dr. Carier Collection
1697. James VI (I). 1602. AV Swonl and Sceptre (Six Pounds) (5.01 gm). Eighth coinage. Crowned arms /Crossed sword and sceptre. Bums 3; Seaby 5460. EF. __ ($900)
1703. IRELAND. John, as Lord. 1190-1199. AR Halfpenny (0.77 gm). Dublin. "Moon" face / +NORMAN ON DW, voided cross with annulets. Seaby 6205. Toned VF. ($125)
1698. James VI (I). Before accession to English throne. Billon Eight Pence (1.73 gm). Crowned arms / Crowned thistle. Bums 4; Seaby 5512. VF. ($125)
1704. Elizabeth L 1558-1603. AR Groat (2.85 gm). Base silver issue of 1558. Legend ends REGIN. Mm: rose. Seaby 6504. Fine, usual weak strike. ($100) 1699. James VI (I). Before accession to English throne. Billon Hardhead (Two Pence) (1.52 gm). 1588. Crowned IR / Rampant lion. Bums 3 (fig.967); Seaby 5518. Good VF. ($150)
1700. James VI (I). After accession to English throne. AR Two Shilling (0.95 gm). 1621-1623. Crowned rose / Crowned thistle. Bums 5 (fig.977); Seaby 5509. Toned EF for type. ($200) 1705. James II. 1690. R Gunmoney Crown. King on horseback / Arms. Overstruck on a large size halfcrown. Seaby 6578. VF. // Plus Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Penny (1.35 gm). Waterford mint. Seaby 6254. Fine. 2 coins. ($ 100)
1701. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Thirty Shillings (14.93 gm). 1625-1636. King right on horseback; ground line below / Crowned arms. Bums 2; S^aby 5541. Good VF. ($400) ExMurray andLockett
1706. Republic 1942. AR Halfcrown, Florin, Shilling. Animal series. KM 16,15, 14. UNC, attractive uniform gunmetal gray toning. 3 coins. ($ 100)
Lot 1702
1707. ANGLO-GALLIC. Richard the Lionheart 1189-1199. AR Denier (1.01 gm). Poitou mint. +RICARDVS REX, cross with annulet / PIC TAVIE NSIS. Elias 8b. Toned VF, race forthese. ($75)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1708. Richard the Lionheart 1189-1199. AR Denier (0.86 gm). Poitou mint. +RICARDVS REX, cross with annulet / PIC TAVIE NSIS. Elias 8b. VF. ($75)
1709. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1372. AR Demi Gros (2.15 gm). Limoges minL ED PO GIT REGIS ANGLIE, half length bust of Prince; mm: L, double rosette stops / PRINCPS AQITAN, cross with pellets; pellet stops. Elias 178d. Toned VF. ($200)
1713. Greco-Roman. Circa 2nd Century BC-2nd Century AD. Base AR Statuette of a horse. 53mm long, stands 50mm high. Foreleg raised raised, incised decoration of mane and bridle. Similar pieces have been found in Thrace, a center of horse breeding in the ancient world. Original patina, tail missing, otherwise a nice ancient small artifact. ($350)
1710. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1372. AR Hardi de Argent (1.12 gm). Bordeaux mint Half length bust of Prince; mm: Β / Cross with lis and leopards; rosette stops. Elias 202. Toned VF. ($100)
1714. Greco-Roman. Lot of fourtokens or gaming pieces. Three lead, rectangular and oval, with punched circle and pellet decoration. One bronze, octagonal, with punched pellet and rosette decoration. Uncertain period, from the Black Sea area. 4 pieces. ($100)
1711. Henry VI. 1422-1449. AR Grand Blanc (2.96 gm). Rouen mint. Arms of France and England / Cross with leopard and lis; mm: leopard. Elias 287. VF, double struck, flan crack. ($75)
1715. Glass Weight or Token. Roman Egypt. 1st-3rd century AD. Blue-green glass, 21mm. Ibis walking right. Some surface corrosion, nice bright color. ($200).
The ibis also appears on coins of Roman Alexandria, as well as on lead tokens.
1712. Greek. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Ring (10.07 gm). Interior diameter 11mm. Heavy silver plated bezel on a base metal core. The design, a youth on horseback left, taken from the drachms of Philip Π of Macedon. The plating broken in spots, some encrustation. Interesting coin related artifact ($350)
1716. Lot offour glass and clay objects from Roman Egypt. 1 st-3rd century AD. Green glass token, 17mm. Bust of Nike left / Head on crescent. Nice detail, edge chip. // Yellowish glass amulet, 18mm plus loop. Wolf and twins. Rather corroded, but type clear. // Blue glass amulet, 16mm plus loop. Frog (Egyptian symbol of rebirth). Heavy patina, broken and reglued.// Terracotta token, 14mm. Another frog. Somewhat worn. Interesting group. 4 pieces. ($ 100) 4
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
Roman Cast Bronze Medallion, Possibly From A Legionary Standard
1720. Roman. 1 st Century BC. Lead Slingshot Bolt. Length 50mm. CN MAG / IMP. Probably from Spain, where the supporters of Pompey the Great fought the final battles of the straggle against the armies of Caesar. Cream colored patina, one edge dented from impact Rare and historically important. ($200)
1717. ROMAN. Circa late 2nd Century AD. R Medallion 50mm (131.18 gm). Bare-headed draped bust of a young man righL Cast medallion, 8mm thick, high rounded border, with added engraved details, such as the close-cropped cudy hair and the eye The drapery on the shoulder is depicted as a blank wedge shape, and may never have beenfinishedoff. The reverse is blank, with only a centering point Similarities of portraiture can be seen in othermedaDions of the last quarter of the 2nd century AD, with perhaps the closest resemblance being medallions of Commodus as Caesar under Marcus Aurelius. See J.M.C. Toynbee, Roman Medallions, ρΙ.ΧΧΠ, 3. Our piece, if indeed it does depict Commodus, would be somewhat later, circa 177-180 AD, when he was co-emperor with his father. At this time Commodus was accompanying his father in the wars against the Germanic tribes threatening the Empire. It has been theorized that certain medallions bearing imperial portraits were used in the legionary standards that accompanied the emperor on his campaigns. If it is intended as an imperial portrait, this massive piece would be suitable for such a use. Ironically, Commodus would immediately abandon all military operations upon the death of Aurelius, returning quickly to Rome and luxury. Minor wear at the high points, red-brown and green patina. Possibly a very important imperial artifact. ($3000)
1721. Roman. Circa 2nd Century AD. R Ring. Interior diameter 17mm. Broad oval bezel with a portrait of an Antonine period woman facing left. Possibly Faustina Jr. Light surface corrosion, tiny chip on bezel, tracing of gilding still present Rare. ($250)
1722. Roman. Circa IstCentury AD. R Fibula (cloak pin). Length 100mm. Bow shaped body, engraved decoration. Attractive green patina. Pinis broken. ($150)
1723. Roman. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. R Fibula (cloak pin). Length 65mm. "Elephant trunk" body. Brown and green patina. Intact. ($ 100)
1718. Roman Lead Bulla (Seal). Philip I? 244-249 AD. Pb 24mm (15.87 gm). Confrontedradiatebusts; the one on the left appears to be Philip, the one on the right an elderly man, possibly his father, Julius Marinus / Reverse blank. Possibly rare and historically significant VF, cream colored patina. ($400) 1724. Roman. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. R Fibula (cloak pin). Length 55mm. "Elephant trunk" body. Green patina. IntacL ($100)
1719. Roman Lead Bulla (Seal). The First Tetrarchy? 293-305 AD. Pb 22mm (10.97 gm). Conical uniface seal with four confronted laureate heads, possibly Diocletian, Maximianus, Constantius and Galerius. Near VF, gray patina. Rare and interesting. ($150)
1725. Roman. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. R Fibula (cloak pin). Length 50mm. "Elephant trunk" body. Green patina. IntacL ($ 100)
M a r c h 30,1 994 Interesting Roman Bronze Broach
1726. Roman. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. Ai Fibula (cloak pin). 2 examples. Lengths 45mm and 35mm. Leg shaped body. Green patinas. Intact, one still works ! 2 pieces. ($150)
1732. Roman. Circa 4th Century AD or later. Ai Broach. Length 33mm, surfaces tinned. Two interpretations have been offered; it is arepresentationof a military camp or city gale, or perhaps an aqueduct. A legionary badge? Found in England Choice, worthy of further research. ($600)
1727. Roman. Circa 3rd-4th Century AD. JS. Fibula (cloak pin). Length 65mm. Bow shaped body, incised decoration. Attractive dark green patina. Intact. ($100)
1728. Roman. Circa 3rd4th Century AD. Ai Fibula (cloak pin). Length 70mm. Bow shaped body, simple incised decoration. Brown patina. Intact. ($100)
1733. Roman. Circa 5th Century AD or later. Iron key, length 100mm. Very complex teething arrangement. Overall corrosion, but the iron is stable and key is intacL Rare and unusual iron artifact. ($150)
1729. Roman. Circa 4th Century AD. Ai Fibula (cloak pin). 2 examples. Lengths 50mm, 40mm. Simple drawn and hammered wire bodies, beginning to look like the later "crossbow" fibula. Green patinas. Intact. 2 pieces. ($150)
1734. Lot of two Byzantine glass weights. 6th -7th Century AD. Cobalt blue glass, 20 mm (1.99 gm). EVTIPAXIOV, monogram. Jungfleisch, FroehnerColleaion, 14. //Light green glass, 20mm. (1.38 gm). NEIAOC, facing bust. Jungfleisch 19. Both eroded, the last quite heavily. 2 pieces. ($150)
1730. Roman. Circa lst-4th Century AD. Ai Fibula (cloak pin). 6 examples. Lengths from 60mm to 40mm. From the early Roman to the later "crossbow" types. All with corrosion or fragments missing. 6 pieces. ($150)
1735. Glass Applique. Near East, Persian through Turkish periods. Light blue glass, 31mm. Seated cross-legged figure, left hand out-stretched, border of spaced dots. Some minor surface wear. ($150)
1731. Roman. Circa 1 st4th Century AD. Lot of 3 Ai Artifacts. Ring key, length 30mm. I I Uniface plaque, 35mm square, with molded representations of a cloaked man and a woman. I I Uncertain hollow cup-shaped object, 30mm high, possibly a fiirniture fitting. All with green patinas. 3 pieces. ($100)
Similar glass appliques, or prurits, were usedonEuropeanglasswearoftheMedieval period. The designs ofthe eastern pieces show the converging influences ofthe region, from the classical west, Persia and the east, and Turkish peoples. This seated figure is clearly related to the sealedfigures seen on Turkoman coins. These pieces are sometimes called weights or tokens, but they are clearly decorative devices from glass vessals. Attractive and intriguing small artifacts.
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1736. Glass Applique. Near East, Persian through Turicish periods. Yellowish glass, 32mm. Peacock right, with worm or serpent in beak. Choice condition, little wear with high relief and fine detail. ($250) 1740. 'TADUAN" after Giovanni Cavino. 1500-1570. Galba./E "Sestertius" (25.62 gm). Laureate bust / Emperor addressing soldiers. Klawans pg.51 -52,3/4. VF. Later cast from a holed original. ($ 100)
This delightful bird is most likely derived from Persian antecedents.
1737. Glass Applique. Near East, Persian through Turkish periods. Opaque white glass, 24mm. Nude winged figure right, holding bow. Good condition, detail weak, glass is crackled, probably due to exposure to fire. Scarcer type. ($250) Clearly the influence here is from the west, with a representation of Cupid. 1741. "PADUAN" after Giovanni Cavino. 1500-1570. Vespasian. Ai "Sestertius" (19.82 gm). Laureate head / Emperor clasping hands with kneeling Roma, Minerva behind. Klawans pg.62,3. VF. Early aftercast. ($100)
1738. TURKOMAN? Circa 12th-13th Century. Lead tessera or seal (?) 30mm (11.68 gm). Female riding tiger sidesaddle to left, with cloak blowing out behind her, and wearing crown with pendilia; star in field, border of spaced pellets. Uniface. VF, gray patina. ($150) An enigmatic, difficult to classify object. Sayles and Spengler identify the "lionrider" on Turkoman bronze coins as an adaptation of the classical motif of Dionysos riding a panther. They also assert that stars placed in the fields of these coins convey an additional astronomical significance .In this case ,the rider appears to be female (a maenad?) and rides a striped tiger. Her headpiece is reminiscent of the crowns worn by Byzantine empresses. The piece is flat and in low relief, and protrusions at top and bottom suggest it may have been part of a larger object. Unusual.
1742. 'TADUAN" after Giovanni Cavino. 1500-1570. Aelius. Μ "Sestertius" (33.78 gm). Laureate head/Concordia seated left. Klawans pg.82,3. VF. Early aftercasL ($100)
1743. ENGLAND. Circa 1250-1307. Pewter Token (0.87 gm). Winetavem token. Stag left, pierced by arrow (the original left-leaning bleeding hart) / Six-pointed star. iMitchiner, BNJ 53 (1983), Main Series 23 variety. EF. ($ 125)
1739. "PADUAN" by Giovanni Cavino. 1500-1570. Nero. Ai "Sestertius" (31.04 gm). Laureate bust, aegis at neck / Roma seated left, holding Victory and sceptre. Obverse die of Klawans pg.46,5, the reverse die not listed among Cavino's work. VF. A struck original. ($125)
1744. ENGLAND. Circa 1250-1307. Pewter Token (0.82 gm). Winetavem token. Bird left with cross above / Voided cross. Mitchiner, BNJ 53 (1983), Main Series 45. EF, tiny casting hole. ($ 125)
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1745. ENGLAND. 14th Century. Pewter Token (1.77 gm). Bury St. Edmunds. Crude facing head in bishop's mitre / Long cross. Issued for the "Boy Bishop" on December 6, St. Nicholas Day, when a youth of the town would be elected to the office. Good VF, gray patina. Interesting. ($ 100) 1750. ENGLAND. Anne. Union of England and Scotland. 1707. AR 34mm (15.75 gm). John Croker and Samuel Bull, engravers. Bust left; signed CROKER / Arms with winged genii. Hawkins Π pg.292,111 variety. Toned near EF. ($100)
1746. ENGLISH WEIGHT. James 1.1603-1625. Al Coin Weight (9.91 gm). I*R· BRI, half-length figure of James I right with orb and long sceptre / Crown over XXH S. Dieudonné 104a. VF, brown patina. ($ 100) A weight for a gold Unite with a value of22 shillings.
1751. ENGLAND, Anglesey. 1797. M Penny Token. Draid/Parys Mine Co. monogram. D&H Anglesey 31. Red and brown UNC, lacquered. ($75)
1747. ENGLAND. Baptism of Prince Charles. 1630. AR Jeton (6.71 gm). By Nicholas Briot. Cruciform arms / ·MEM· CAROLI-PRIN MAGN-BRITANN· FRANC'HIBERN* ΝΑΉ·ΧΧΙΧ·ΜΑΠ· ΒΑΡΤ1Ζ·ΧΧνΠ· IVN-MDCXXX· ·S·. Hawkins I pg.255,38. Toned VF. ($100)
1748. E N G L A N D . Baptism of Prince James. 1633. AR Jeton (4.05 gm). Crowned amis/IACOBVS DVX'EBOR ·NAT-150CT: ·BAPTE· ·24-NOVE· 1633, in wreath of lilies and roses. Hawkins I pg.268,65. Toned VF. ($ 100)
1749. ENGLAND. James Π. Coronation Medal. 1685. AR 34mm (15.94 gm). John Rocttier, engraver. Laureate bust / Hand holding crown above laurel wreath. Hawkins I pg.605,5. Toned VF. ($100)
1752. ENGLAND. Davison's Nike Medal. 1798. Ai 47mm. Figure of Pax with medallion of Lord Nelson / Victory of the Nile, August 1,1798. A private award produced by Alexander Davison for veterans of the Battle of the Nile. With integral loop and dark blue ribbon. Mahogany patina, minimal handling marks. ($100)
1753. ENGLAND. Taylor & Challen Ltd. After 1889. Brass advertising tokens in Crown, Shilling and Sixpence size. With minting machinery and name of company. Hawkins, Dictionary of Makers, pg.470. EE 3 pieces. ($100)
LARGELOTS 1754. Lot of nine Greek AR and JE. Syracuse. AR Tetradrachm. Quadriga/Arethusa. // Hiketas. JE 27mm. I I Aegina. AR Stater. I I Arcadian League. AR Triobol. I I Aigos. AR Tetrobol. II Caria. Pixodaros, Satrap. AR Didrachm. // Judaea. Herod I. JE 8 Pmtot. // Herod Archelaus. Ai Prutah. // Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. AR Tetradrachm. Average Fair to Fine, most with problems, porosity, scratches, etc. 9 coins. ($400) 1755. Lot of three Greek AR. Sicily, Abakainon. Circa 420400 BC. AR Litra (0.52 gm). Facing male head / Boar standing left SNG Copenhagen 6. // Gela. Circa 465-450 BC. AR Litra (0.66 gm). Bridled horse walking/Forepart of man-headed bull. Wilkinson 149. //Bithynia, Kios. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Hemidrachm (245 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Prow of galley; magistrate Poseidonios. BMC Pontus pg. 130,8. Average VF, two with porosity. 3 coins. ($200) 1756. Lot of four Greek JE. Spain, Castulo. 20mm. Burgos 561. // Syracuse. Hieran Π. 29mm. Calciati 195 R131. //Sparta. Timaristos. 27mm. SNG Copenhagen 599. //Syria, Chalkis. Cleopatra and Mark Antony. 21mm. Svoronos 1887. Average Fine. Some better types, lot should be examined. 4 coins. ($200) 1757. Sarmatia, Olbia. Circa 4th Centuiy BC. JE 10mm (1.32 gm). Demeter/ Eagle on dolphin. SNG BMC 429. // Circa 2nd Centuiy AD. JE 26mm (6.37 gm). Apollo / Eagle; three c/m: bow, Η and caduceus. Zograph pl. XXXIV, 14. // Plus Chersonnesos. Circa 4th Century BC JE 10mm (1.80 gm). Bucranium/Two clubs. SNG BMC 710. // Lead Tessera 16mm (280 gm). Garlanded bucranium / Head of Heimes, wearing petasos. The cAn piece Fair with Fine c/m, the others Fine. Rare types. 4 coins. ($200) 1758. Lot of three Greek AR. Philip H of Macedon. Tetradrachm (fourré). As Le Rider 410. // AlexanderΙΠ. Drachm of Lampsakos. Price 1382.//Seleukid Kings. Philip. Tetradrachm (fourré). XAT monogram. See SMA pg. 123. Average VF, the fourrés with breaks in the plating. 3 coins. ($200) 1759. Macedon, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Obol. Herakles / Zeus; joined foreparts of hoises to left Cf. Price 3064 (tetradrachm). // Plus Antioch. Tetradrachm of Trajan / Tyche. Wrack 153ff. //Tyre. JE 29mm of Gallienus / Shrine. BMC 479. Average Fine. 3 coins. ($100) 1760. Lot of seventeen Greek JE. 31d 1st Century BC. Thrace, Abdera. // Thrace, Messembria (8 coins). //Macedonia, Thessalonika. // Kings of. Kassander, Demetrios, Philip V, Perseus (6 coins). //Ptolemy ΙΠ. Average Fine. Good selection. 17 coins. ($150) 1761. Lot of fourteen AR and JE of Thrace and Macedon. Circa 4th-2nd Centuiy BC. Alexander m . AR Drachm of "Kolophon". Price 1808. //Thrace. Seuthes ΙΠ. JE 20mm. BMC 2 // Group of five AR Fourrés. Tetradrachm of Philip II (cut in half). I I Tetradrachm of Alexander ΙΠ. // Drachms of Alexander ΙΠ (2 coins). // Hemidrachm of Cherronesos (holed). // Plus 3 JE and 4 lead coins of the Celtic tribes of northern Greece and the Balkans. An intriguing lot, probably veiy representative of what actually circulated in northern Greece at this time. The Alexander AR drachm VF, the fourrés chipped, the rest Fine. 14coins. ($150) 1762. Lot of fifty-five JE of Thrace. Circa 4th-2nd Century BC. Messembria (20 coins). I I Odessos (35 coins- many with counteimaiks). Good study lot for the coinage of these two cities. Average Fair to Fine, many need further cleaning. 55 coins. ($150) 1763. Lot of fifty JE ofThracc and Macedon. Brief examination shows coins of Apollonia, Karallia, Marooeia, Tomis. // Amphipolis, Lysimachia, Pella, Thessalonica and Macedonian provincial. Many pieces remain uncleaned and unidentified. Lot should be examined. Average Fairto Fine. 50 coins. ($150) 1764. Lot of sixty JE of the Macedonian Kings. Philip Π through Perseus, plus a few Lysimachos of Thrace. A good variety of types. Average Fair to Fine, a few better. Three were hammered into bar shapes in antiquity, reason unknown. 60 coins. ($200) 1765. Lot of 17 Greek JE. Spain (4 coins). // As of Nemausus. // Bithynia, Nicomedia. // Pisidia, Teimcssos (2 coins). // Cilicia, Aigai (2 coins). // Hierapolis (2 coins). // Cappadocia, Caesarea. //Seleukid Kings. (4 coins). Average Fine. 17 coins. ($75)
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1766. Lot of two Greek JE. Circa 2nd Century BC. Mysia, Peigamon. JE 20mm. Aesklepios / Seipent coiled round omphalos; monogram. Cf. SNG von Aulock 1371 (no example with monogram noted in major collections). // Lydia, Thyateira. JE 17mm. Apollo / Labrys. SNG Copenhagen 571. Scarcer types. Both VF, dark green patinas. 2 coins. ($75) 1767. Lot of three Greek JE. Syria, Chalkis. Ptolemaios. Head of Zeus / Dioskouri. SNG Cop. 413. // Plus Phoenicia, Maiathos. Year 96 (164/163 BC). JE 23mm (10.61 gm). Veiled female head, resembling Berenike Π /Marathos leaning against short column. BMC Phoenicia pg. 120,5. // Another. Ai21mm (7.37 gm). Year 87 (173/172 BC). Hermes / Marathos. Cf. BMC 21. Average VF. 3 coins. ($100) 1768. Lot of twelve Sassanian AR Drachms. Hormazd IV. AI mint, year 12. // APR mint, year 12. // RAM mint, year 7. // Khusru IL AIRAN mint, year 11. // AV mint, year 35. // BISH mint, year 10. // DA mint, year 24. // GN (?) mint, year 15. //MI mint, year 12 // RD mint, year 35. // SHI mint, year 25. // VH mint, year 3(?) // Plus Tabaristan. Ibrahim, year 134. Average VF. 13 coins total. ($200) 1769. Lot of five Sassanian and Arab-Sassanian AR Drachms. Yazdegaid Π. Gobi I/1.//Peroz. AS minL Gobi IH/3. // Kavad. MR mint Gobi ΠΧ/1. // Ziyad tbn abi Sufyan. DA mint, year 41. Walker 58. //Ubaidallah ibn Ziyad. DSH mint, year 61. Average VF, the last chipped. 5 coins. ($200) 1770. Lot of fifteen Baktrian. Apollodotos. JE Hemiobol. // Menander. AR Drachm. // Apollodotos Π. AR Drachm. I I Azes L JE Dekachalkon. //Azes II. AR Tetradrachms (2 coins). // AR Drachms (2 coins). // JE Trichalkon. // Aspavarma. IE Drachm. //Pakores. JE Tetradrachm. //Gondophares. JE Tetradrachms (3 coins). //Abdagases.jC Tetradrachm. Average Fair to Fine. 15coins. ($250) 1771. Eastern Miscellany. Ten AR and Ai. Harnais. JE Drachm. //Sassanian. AR Drachm. //Indo-Gieek. Menander. AR Drachm. // Azes Π. Ai Hexachalkon. // India. Magadha. AR Kaishapana. // Sungas. JE Half Kaishapana. // Kuninda. AR Drachm. // Kidarite JE Stater. // Shahi Kings. AR Unit. I I East India Co. 1845 Half Cent. Average Fine to VF. 10 coins. ($75) 1772. Lot of nine Roman Republic AR Denarii. Q.Fabius Labeo. Fabia 1. // L.Piso Frugi. Calpumia 12. // L.and C.Memmius. Memmia 8. // L.Censorinus. Marcia 24. // C. Annius. Annia 2b. // LRoscius Fabatus. Roscia 3. (Fourre) // PPlautius Hypsaeus. Plautia 12 //Q.Cassius Longinus. Cassia 7. //C.Vibius Pansa Caetronianus. Vibia 16. Average VF, several with scratches or porosity. 9 coins. ($350) 1773. Lot of eight AR and /Ε. Denarii. M.Cipius. Cipia 1.//Anonymous. RSC 226. //L.Scribonius. Sctibonia 8a. // Aemilius Scauius and Pub.Plautius. Aemilia 8. //Trajan. RSC 537a. //Diva Faustina Sr. RSC 1. //Quinarius. C.Egnatuleius. Egnatuleia 1 .H JE Triens. Cr. 56/4. Average Fine to VF. 8 coins. ($ 150) 1774. Lot of three Roman Republic AR. M.Porcius Cato. Quinarius. Portia 7. // Cn. Lentulus. Denarius. Cornelia 54. // Petillius Capitolinus. Denarius. Petillia 1. Average VF. 3 coins. ($200) 1775. Lot of seven AR. Victoriatus. VB monogram. RSC 36m. // Brutus. Quinarius. RSC5a.//Denarii. LThorius Balbus. Thoria 1.//.M.Plaetorius. Plaetoria 5. // Augustus/Parthian standards. RSC 267. // Vespasian/Judaea. RSC 226. //Diws Antoninus. RSC 164a. Average Fairto Fine, most with porosity, scratches, etc. 7 coins. ($200) 1776. Lot of four Roman / £ . Augustus and Agrippa. As of Nemausus. RIC 159 (double struck). // Tiberius, Caesar. Sestertius. Altar of Lugdunum. RIC 240ff (Augustus). // Geimanicus. Dupondius. RIC 57 (Gaius). // Aelius, Caesar. As. Spes left RIC 1067. Average Good. Some scarcer types. 4 coins. ($200) 1777. Lot of four Roman JE. Tiberius. Sestertius. Temple of Concordia, with NCAPR c/m. RIC 55 (R3). // Antonia. As, with NCAPR c/m. RIC 92. // Domitian. Dupondius. Mars left. RIC 328. // Aelius, Caesar. As. Spes left. RIC 1067. The first two Fair, the otheis near VF. Some scarcer types. 4 coins. ($200) 1778. Lot of three AR and JE. Trajan. AR Denarius. Victory seated. RSC 295.1I Constantine I. JE Follis of Siscia. Jupiter. RIC VII15.//Salonina. Potin Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Elpis left. Köln 2970. The Constantine EF, the others VF. 3 coins. ($75)
1779. Lot of eight AR. Denarii. Commodus. RSC 325a variety (star right). // Commodus. RSC 385 variety (head of Nobilitas right). // Commodus. RSC 812. // Caracalla. RSC 211.// Caracalla. RSC 306. // Caracalla. RSC 464. // Elagabalus. RSC 282. // Antoninianus of Philip II. RSC 57. Average VF. A nice group. 8 coins. ($350) 1780. Lot of five Roman countermarked JE. Asses of Augustus, cAn with AVG and AVG, TI CAE (2 coins). I I Uncertain JE, c/m of X Legion Fretensis. One with LXF, another with boar and galley (2 coins). // JE of Trajan, c/m of XV Legion Apollinaris. Coins worn, c/m readable. 5 coins. ($200) 1781. Lot of twenty-two Roman JE. Agrippa (2 coins). I I Nero. // Domitian. // Nerva. I I Trajan. // Hadrian (5 coins). // Antoninus Pius (5 coins). // Faustina Sr. (3 coins). I I Faustina Jr. // Septimius Sevems. // Gordian HL Sestertii, Dupondii and Asses. Mostly Poor condition. 22 coins. ($150) 1782. Lot of thirty-nine Roman JE. Nero. // Antoninius Pius. // Septimius Sevems. I I Sevems Alexander. // Victorinus (2). // Claudius Π (2). // Severina (3). // Divo Cams. // Carinus. //Numerian. //Diocletian. //Maximianus (3). //Constantius I Caesar. // Maximinus Π. // Constantine I. // Helena (2). // Constans. // Magnentius (2). // Decentius (2). // Gratian. // Valentinian Π (2). // Theodosius I (2). // Arcadius (5). // Honorius. Average Fair to Fine. 39 coins. ($100) 1783. Lot of six JE. Domitian/Fides. As. BMC 385. //Marcus Aurelius/Felicitas. Sestertius. RIC 1237. // Severus Alexander/Jupiter. Sestertius. RIC 558. // Annona. Sestertius. RIC 642. //Victory. As. RIC 619. //Philip I/Fides. Sestertius. RIC 172a. Average Fine. 6 coins. ($ 150) 1784. Lot of thirty AR Denarii and Antoniniani. Denarii. Republican (2, both damaged). //Trajan (2). //Sabina // Antoninus Pius (2). //Commodus (2). // Septimius Sevems (4). // Julia Domna (2). // Elagabalus. // Julia Soaemias (2). // Sevems Alexander (5). // Julia Mamaea. // Antoniniani. Gordian ΠΙ (2). // Philip I. // Trajan Decius. // Herennia Etrascilla. // Probus. Average Fair to VF, many of the denarii in poor condition, chipped or corroded. 30 coins. ($250)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1793. Lot of two Antoniniani. Severina. (3.98 gm). Cyzicus. Diademed bust / Concordia with standards; XXI. RICV 18. //Probus. (4.04 gm). Siscia. Radiate and helmeted bust left / Sol in facing quadriga; E/XXI. RIC V 779. Both EF with much silvering. 2 coins. ($200) 1794. Lot of thirteen JΕ Antoniniani and Folles. Carausius. // Diocletian (2 coins). // Galerius, Caesar. // Maximinus Π. // Iicinius I (7 coins). // Iicinius Π, Caesar. Average VF. 13 coins. ($100) 1795. Lot of five large JE Folles. Diocletian. Lugdunum. RIC 177a. // Maximianus Senior Augustus. Rome. RIC 119b. //Constantius, Caesar. Trier. RIC 213a. I I Galerius, Caesar. Carthage. RIC 32b. // Maximinus Π, Caesar Alexandria. RIC 100a. Average near EF. All ex "Bavarian" collection, with original tickets. 5 coins. ($150) 1796. Lot of nineteen JE Folles of the Tetrarchy. Diocletian (4 coins). // Maximianus. I I Constantius I, Caesar. I I Constantius L // Galerius, Caesar (6 coins). // Galenus (2 coins). II Maximinus Π, Caesar. I I Maxentius. I I Iicinius I (2 coins). Average Fine to VF, many uncleaned. 19coins. ($150) 1797. Lot of fourteen large JE Folles. Diocletian (3 coins). // Maximianus (2 coins). //Maximianus Senior Augustus. //Galerius, Caesar. //Galerius. //Severus Π (2 coins). // Maximinus Π. // Maxentius (3 coins). A variety of mints and reverse types. Average VF, some better. 14 coins. ($150) 1798. Lot of twenty-four late/®. Diocletian, Senior Augustus. //Maximianus (3 coins) //Constantius I, Caesar. //Galerius, Caesar. // Sevems Π, Caesar. //Iicinius I (5 coins). // Licinius H, Caesar // Crispus, Caesar. // Constantine Π, Caesar (3 coins). // Constantius Π, Caesar. // Urbs Roma. // Constantinopolis. // Constantius Π. // Magnentius. // Valentinian Π. // Arcadius. Average VF, some better. Good variety. 24 coins. ($300) 1799. Lot of four Folles of Licinius I. Includes: Rome, RIC VI 294c. // Siscia, RIC W 17. //Ticinum, RIC VH 123. // Cyzicus, RIC VR 9. All VF to good VF. 4 coins.
1785. Lot of three JE Sestertii. Augustus/CA in wreath. RIC 501. //Caracalla, Caesar / Sacrificial implements. RIC 400.1I Philip I / Cippus (Millenium of Rome). RIC 157a. The fint two Fair, the Philip VF. 3 coins. ($200) 1786. Lot of four AR Denarii. Antoninus Pius / Pax. RSC 582. // Antoninus Pius / Annona. RSC 1016a.//Caracalla/Minerva. RSC 159. //Sevems Alexander/ Annona. RSC 501b. Average VF. 4 coins. ($150) 1787. Lot of fifteen AR. Denarii. Septimius Sevems (3 coins). //Julia Domna. // Caracalla. // Gordian ΠΙ. // Antoniniani. Gordian ΠΙ (2 coins). // Philip I (3 coins, inchicKng one Millenium issue). //Trebonianus Gallus. // Aurelian (2 coins). // Probus. Average VF. 15 coins. ($300) 1788. Lot of eight Roman AR. Elagabalus. Denarius. RIC 78. // Philip I. Antoninianus. RIC 12.//Tetradrachm of Antioch. BMC521.//Postumus.RIC75. // Aurelian. RIC 289. // Aurelian and Vabalathus. RIC 381. // Probus. RIC 922. // Diocletian. RIC 35. Average VF. 8 coins. ($200) 1789. Lot of five Roman JE. Philip I. JE 28mm of Viminiacium. // Florian. Antoninianus. // Severus Π, Caesar. Fractional Follis of Siscia // Dclmatius. Follis of Siscia. // Constans. Centenionalis of Siscia Average VF, most with porosity. 5 coins. ($100) 1790. Lot of eighty-five late Antoniniani. Gallienus through Maximianus. Includes Florian (3 coins) and a Tacitus. A good variety of emperors and reverse types. Many need further cleaning. Average Fine to VF, some with porosity. 85 coins. ($300)
1800. Lot of fourteen Folles of Constantine I, all from Western mints. Includes : London, RIC VI 121a, 195 and RIC VD 37. // Trier, RIC VI899. // Lyons, RIC VI304, 310. //Aries, RIC VH 191,321. //Ostia, RIC VI83. //Rome, RIC VI 348a (2), RIC VH 49,54 and 80. A good lot Some better types. VF to EF, average good VF. 14 coins. ($300) 1801. Lot of nine Folles of Constantine I, all from Eastern mints. Includes: Thessalonica, RIC VII154,222. // Heraclea, RIC VII87,106. // Nicomedia, RIC VH 156. // Cyzicus, RIC VI103 and RIC VH 61. // Antioch, RIC VI 148d and RIC VH 86. A good lot Some better types. Average Good VF to EF. 9 coins. ($250) 1802. Lot of ten Folks of the Constantinian Time period. Includes: Maximinus H. Antioch 147c. //Crispus. Sisicia 153, Ticinum 73, Thessalonica 125. //Constantine Π. London 287, Aries 245. //Iicinius Π. Nicomedia 34, Constantinopolis, Cyzicus 92 (2)and Antioch 9 2 A decent lot. VFto EF, average VF+. lOcoins. ($200) 1803. Lot of five Constantinian JE. small Follis of Constans. Siscia. LRBC 774. //Centenionales of Constans. Siscia. LRBC 1155. //Thessalonica. LRBC 1649. // Constantius Π. Siscia LRBC 1167,1171. Average Good VF. 5 coins. ($100) 1804. Lot of thirty late Roman JE. Gallienus through Valentinian Π., but mostly Constantinian family Folles. Some better types. // Plus two Ottoman AR Akches (one holed). Average VF. 32 coins total. ($ 150) 1805. Lot of seven JE Centenionales of Constantius II. Stmck under Vetranio, 350 AD. Four with HOC SIGNO VICTOR ERIS reverse, three with CONCORDIA MRJTVM. All from Siscia. Average good VF. 7 coins. ($350)
1791. Lot of fifteen late Antoniniani and JE. Aurelian. // Probus (2 coins). // Carinus, Caesar. // Carinus. // // Diocletian. // Galerius, Caesar. // Maximinus Π, Caesar. // Constantine I. // Delmatius, Caesar. // Crispus, Caesar (2 coins). //Constantius Π, Caesar. //Theodosius (2 coins). Average VF. Nice group. 15coins. ($200)
1806. Lot of five late Roman JE. Valentinian I. Siscia. LRBC 1275. //Sirmium. LRBC 1627,1629. //Valens. Siimium. LRBC 1628. //Gratian. Siscia LRBC 1332 Average VFto EF, attractive green and black patinas. 5 coins. ($100)
1792. Lot of eight Antoniniani of Aurelian. RIC 128,138,244,278,289,343, 347,360. All different reverse types. Average VF, some silvering. 8 coins. ($125)
1807. Lot of four late Roman JE. Valentinian I. Siscia. RIC 4a (xxxii). // Valens. Siscia. RIC 5b (ν). I I Arcadius. Cyzicus. RIC 26c. I I Arcadius. Antioch. RIC 60.2. Average good VF. 4 coins. ($100)
1808. Lot of one hundred ninety-four late Roman JE. Licinius I through Arcadius. Many needing further cleaning and research. A good lot for the beginning colector or small dealer. Average Fine to VF. 194 coins. ($400) 1809. Lot of 16 AR and JE. M.Vargunteius. AR Denarius. // Caracalla. AR Syrian Tetradrachms (2 coins). // Philip I. JE 28mm of Zeugma. // Byzantine Ai, mostly Folles, Justin I through Anonymous (10 coins). // Armenia. AR Trams of Levon I and Levon Π. The denarius VF, mineralized and cracked, the rest Fine. 16 coins. ($75) 1810. Ancient Miscellany. Twenty-one AR and JE. Gordian ΙΠ AR Denarius. I I Volusian. AR Antoninianus. I I Probus. Antoninianii. (7 coins- aU different reverse types). I I Byzantine Folles (6 coins). // Plus Alexandrian JE Drachm. I I Axum JE. // Vandal jE.//Trebizond AR Asper.//Medieval French Deniers (2 coins). Average Fair to VF, the Volusian VF with decent portrait 21 coins. ($100) 1811. Miscellaneous lot Three JE Sestertii. Antoninus Pius.//Crispina.//Philip I. // Three late JE. Constantius Π. // Valens. // Theodosius L // Byzantine Follis of Justin I. // Byzantine lead seal with cruciform monograms. // Three Roman trilobate JE arrowheads. The sestertii Fair, otheis better, all somewhat dirty. 11 pieces. ($100) 1812. Lot of ten Miscellaneous AR and JE. Augustus. JE As. I I Constantine I. JE Follis of London. I I Armenia. Levon I. Ai Tank. // Hetoum, AR Tram (holed) and JE Kardaz. I I Trebizond. Manuel I. AR Asper. I I Bulgaria. Ivan Alexander. AR Grus. II Ayyubids. AR Dirhem. //India, Mughals. Alamgir. AR Rupee. //Plus an uncertain medievalleadsealofbishop,31mm. Average Fine to VF. 10 pieces. ($100) 1813. Lot of twenty large JE of Moesia and Thrace. Viminacium (4 coins). // Istros. // Nicopolis (15 coins). Plautilla through Trebonianus Gallus, including Macrinus (3) and Diadumenian (3). Variety of reverse types. Average Fine 20 coins. ($150) 1814. Lot of twenty-nine large JE of Thrace. Dionysiopolis (3 coins). // Marcianopolis (23 coins). // Tomis (3 coins). Septimius Seveius through Severus Alexander, including Macrinus and Diadumenian joint issue of Marcianopolis. Variety of reverse types, including one of Pluto. Average Fine, some damaged. 29 coins. ($200) 1815. Lot of nine large JE of Thrace, Nikopolis. Plautilla, Septimius Severus, Caracalla (2), Diadumenian (2), Elagabalus, Gordian ΠΙ (2). Reverse types include Herakles, Hermes, Kybele and others. // Plus a Roman As of Antoninus Pius. Average ($150) Fine to VF. 10 coins total. 1816. Lot of fourteen large JE of Thrace. Anchialos (6 coins). // Messembria (7 coins). // Phillipopolis. Septimius Seveius through Philip I, plus a Hellenistic issue of Messembria. Wide variety of reverse types. Average Fine to VF. 14 coins. ($150) 1817. Lot of twelve large JE of Thrace. Dionysiopolis (4 coins). //Istros. // Kallatis (2 coins). // Tomis (5 coins). Commodus through Philip I, mostly Gordian ΠΙ. Mainly Tyche types, but also a Herakles wrestling Nemean Hon from Kallatis. Average Fine to VF. 12 coins. ($150) 1818. Lot of fourteen large JE of Thrace, Markianopolis. Commodus through Gordian ΠΙ, including a Macrinus. Many different reverses, including Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Hygieia, Three Graces. Good variety. Average Fine to VF. 14 coins. ($200) 1819. Lot of twenty-one large JE of Thrace. Odessos (17 coins). // Hadiianopolis (4 coins). Mostly Gordian ΙΠ, but also Commodus, Septimius Severus and Caracalla. Many Tyche reverses, also Sarapis, Herakles, Hermes and emperor on horseback. Good variety. Average Fine to VF. 21 coins. ($250) 1820. Lot of nine JE of Thrace. Deultum (8 coins). Macrinus, Severus Alexander, Julia Mamaea, Gordian ΠΙ (5- all differentreveises).//Stobi. Elagabalus. Average Fine Scarcer city issues. 9 coins. (S100) 1821. Lot of twenty-five large JE of Thrace and Macedon. Anchialos (4). // Augusta Traiana (2). // Byzantion. // Hadrianopolis (3). //Messembria (3). // Odessos (3). // Pautalia (4). // Philipopolis. //Serdica (3). // Stobi. Faustina Jr. through Philip II, mostly Severan. Wide variety of reverse types. Some scarcer cities. Average I-air to Fine. 25 coins. ($200)
March 30,1 994
1822. Lot of fifty small (under 20mm) JE of Thrace and Macedon. Mainly Nicopolis, but also Anchialos, Deultum, Marcianopolis, Palilalia and Philipopdis. Many uncleaned and awaiting identification. Average Fair to Fine or better. 50 coins. ($250) 1823. Lot of six Roman Provincial JE. Cappadocia, Caesarea. Titus. Syd. 118. I I Tyana. Marcus Aurelius. BMC 7. // Phoenicia, Berytos. Aurelius and Verus. BMC 111.//Berytos. Caracalla. BMC 151.//Tripolis. Augustus. BMC 34. //Tripolis. Hadrian. BMC 48. Average Fine to VF. Good selection, some scarcer types. 6 coins. ($200) 1824. Lot of five billon and JE. Syria, Antioch. Philip I. Tetiadrachm. BMC 518 JIM 29mm. BMC 527.1I Alexandria. Hadrian. Billon Tetradrachm. Bust of Nilus, year 19. Curtis 452 //Maximinus I. Polin Tetradrachm. Nilus leclining, year 3. Köln 2573. //Claudius Π. Tetradrachm. Eagle, year 1. Köln 3015. Average VF. 5 coins. ($100) 1825. Lot of five JE. Syria, Gadara. Marcus Aurelius/Herakles; year 224. Spijkerman 38.1 I Galilee, Tiberias. Trajan/Hygieia. BMC 10. // Samaria, Caesarea. Hadrian/Sarapis. BMC 58. // Mesopotamia, Edessa. Hagabalus/Tyche. BMC 67 var. //Rome. Maximinus Π. Follis of Antioch. RIC 167b. Average Fine to VF. 5 coins. ($150) 1826. Lot of five JE. Syria, Hieiopolis. Caracalla/Atergatis. BMC 49. // Helicpolis. Julia Domna/Caracalla and Geta. L&K 2089. // Heliopolis. Valerian/Prize crown. // Phoenicia, Marathos. Zeus/Comucopiae, year 147. BMC 37. //Rome. Anonymous Quadrans. Petasus/Caduceus. RIC 32. Average Fine to VF. 5 coins. ($150) 1827. Arabia. Lot of nine JE. Nabataean Kings. Aretas IV. Meshorer 76.//Aretas IV and Shuqailat. Mesh. 97,114.//Rabbe1n and Shuqailat Π. Mesh. 146.//Rabbel Π and GamilaL Mesh. 163 A. // Bostra. Marcus Aurelius, Caesar. Spijkerman 20. // Commodus. Sp. 31.// Philip L Sp. 56. // Philip Π, Caesar. Sp. 59. Average Fine, some better. 9 coins. ($250) 1828. Lot of eight Byzantine JE. Anastasius. Small Follis of Constantinople. SB 14. // Contemporary imitation of a Follis. Cf. SB 19. // Decanummium of Nicomedia. SB 44. //Justinian I. Pentanummium of Antioch. SB 242 // Maurice. Follis of Antioch, year 14. SB 533. // Leo V. Follis of Constantinople. SB 1630. // Leo VI. Follis. SB 1729. //Theodore of Nicaea. Trachy. SB 2061. Average Fine to VF. 8 pieces. ($100) 1829. Lot of twelve Byzantine JE. Justin L Follis. SB 62. // 5 Nummi SB 111.// Justinian I. Follis. SB 199. // 10 Nummi. SB 269. // Tiberius Π. Follis. SB 448. // Constans Π. Follis. SB 1000,1108.//Michaein. Follis. SB 1652.//Anonymous Class B.SB 1823.//John Π. 1/2 Tetarteron. SB 1954,1955.//Latin Kingdom. Trachy. SB 2035. Average Fine. 12 pieces. ($100) 1830. Lot of five Byzantine JE from Cherson. Justinian I. 5Nummi.SB 197.// Michael ΙΠ and Basil I. SB 1699. // Basil I. SB 1719. // Romanus Π. SB 1775. // John I. SB 1794. // Plus an unidentified lead seal. // And two JE "dolphins" from Olbia, one broken. Average Fairto Fine. 8 pieces total. ($ 100) 1831. Lot of twenty Byzantine JE. Mostly 6th century folles and half folles, Anastasius through Maurice, but also two Anonymous fofles and a clipped Paleologan trachy. Average Fair to Fine, porous. 20 coins. ($75) 1832. Lot of nine Byzantine. JE Folles. Anonymous Class 1(5 coins). //Imitation of Class L //Alexius I (Class J). // Latin Kingdom. Trachy. SB 2021. // Plus a 19th century cast of a Byzantine lead seal with Annuciation scene. Average Fine. 9 pieces. ($75) 1833. Lot of three AV and AR. Byzantine. Constans Π. AV Solidus. SB 964. // Celtic England. Durotriges. AR Stater. Van Arsdell 1235-1.//Iceni. Queen Boudicca. Van Arsdell 790-1. Average VF. Nice lot. 3 coins. ($250) 1834. Lot of twenty-two JE and AR. JE of Greek Brundisium (4 coins). // AR Denarius of Caracalla, Caesar. // Small JE of Augustus (2 coins), Constantine I (2 coins) and Valentinian Π. // Antoninianus of Postumus. // Later Byzantine Folles (2 coins). // Various Billon Deniers, mainly from Feudal France and the Crusaders of Greece (9 coins). Average Fair to Fine, most uncleaned, as found. 22 pieces. ($100)
1835. Lot of twelve /E and Billon from Sicily. William L //William Π. I I Heniy VI (2 coins). // Frederick Π. // Manfred (2 coins). I I Charles I (4 coins). // Plus a Denaro of Lucca. Average Fair to Fine. 12pieces. ($100) 1836. Lot of sixteen AR Deniers of the Crusader princes in Greece. Achaia. William Π (3 coins). //Charles Ι-Π (2 coins). // Florent. // Isabella (2 coins). // Philip of Savoy (2 coins). // Philip of Tarento. // Maud. // Athens. William I. // Guy Π. // Epirus. f W i p of Tarento (2 coins). All with différent field maiks. Average Fine to VF. Interesting research group. 16 coins. ($200) 1837. Lot of four JE of Tancred of Antioch. Bust of St. Peter. Metcalf 41 (2 coins). // Bust of Tancred. Metcalf 44. // St. Peter standing. Metcalf 47. Average Fine. 4 coins. ($100) 1838. Lot offourteen AR Deniers of the Crusaders. Antioch. Bohemund ΙΠ. Metcalf 246 //In the name of Bohemund. 12 coins, representing many of the classes of helmet deniers fisted by Metcalf. // Tripolis. Bohemund IV. Metcalf 401. Average VF, one of the Bohemunds holed. 14coins. ($150) 1839. Lot of nine AR Deniers of the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem. Baldwin ΙΠ. Several varieties (8 coins). Metcalf 78ff. // John de Brienne. Sch. ρΙ.ΙΠ, 31. Average VF, one of the Baldwins split in half. 9 coins. ($150) 1840. Lot of seven AR and JE of the Crusader kingdom of Cyprus. Heniy Π. AR Gros. Metcalf 530.1I Gros Petit. M.527.1I Hugh IV. AR Gros. M.556,571. // AR Gros Petit. M.558. // Peter I. AR Gros. M.591 (holed). // James Π. JE Sixain. M.621. Average Fine to VF. 7 coins. ($150) 1841. Lot of ten Medieval AR. France. Philip IV. Gros. // Provence. Robert d'Anjou. Carlin. // Denieis, Royal and Provincial (4 coins). // Italy. Genoa. Denaro. // Venice. Lorenzo Celsi. Soldino. // Imitative Grosso of Leonardo Loredan. // Spain, Castile. Alfonso VI. Dinero. Average Fine to VF. lOpieces. ($150) 1842. Lot of 19 Miscellaneous world coins. Austria. Maximilian. AR 6 Kreuzer. // Leopold. 1697CH. AR 3 Kreuzer. //Maria Theresa. 1764. AR 20 Kreuzer. // 1760P, 1761 Ρ, 1762P, 1763G. ;E Kreuzer. //ND. 1/2 Kreuzer. // 1764. Pfenning. //Milan. 1750. AR 5 Soldi //1777.1,1/2,1/4 Soldo. //Hungaiy. 1543,1558. AR Denar. //1948. AR 20 Forint //Poland. 1622. AR Orte. //Russia. 1899 Ai3 Kopeck. //Seibia. 1879. AR 5 Dinara. Average Fine to EF. 19 coins. ($100) 1843. Lot offive Medieval AR Deniers. Bohemia. ChailesL 1347-1378. Katz26. France, Bordeaux. William X. 1127-1137. Boudeau 462//Ge1many, Spandau. Otto V. 1267-1298. Bonhoff 854. // Plus two small unidentified bracteates. Bust of bishop. // Eagle. Average VF. 5 coins. ($ 150)
M a r c h 30,1 994
1849. European Miscellany. Forty-five coins and tokens, medieval through modem, all base metals. France. Royal jetons, Louis XTV through Charles X. (10 pieces). // France. Set of tokens, 50 Centimes through 100 Francs, aluminum and brass (8 pieces). //Lowlands. Jetons, 16th-17th Century (lOpieces). //Medieval jetons, mostly illegible (lOpieces). //7 misc. coins. Interesting lot, although many in poor condition. 45 pieces. ($ 100) 1850. Asian Miscellany. Fifty-four coins, medieval through modem, all metals. Cambodia (4 coins). //China (7 coins- including 5 miscals of Sinkiang, KM 43 and Urumchi, KM 35a). // India (8 coins). //Java (2 coins). // Korea (10 coins). //Nepal (8 coins). // Papua New Guinea (6 coins). // Thailand (4 bahts- bullet money). // Tibet (2 coins). // Vietnam (3 coins). Average Fair to Une. Interesting lot for the specialist. 54 pieces. ($150) 1851. Lot often English hammered AR. Edward I. Pennies. Seaby 1382,1385. // Henry VIE. Groat, mm: lis. S.2337E. // Elizabeth L Shillings, mm: A, tun. S. 2577 (2 coins). //1568. Sixpence, mm: coronet. S.2562. //1567. Threepence; mm: hon. S.2565. //1561. Threehalfpence, mm: pheon. S.2568. //Charles L Sixpence,mm: anchor. S.2802. // Ireland. Henry VIE and Arme Boleyn. Groat. S.6472. Average Fair to Fine. 10 coins. ($150) 1852. Lot of 14 English. Geoige Π. AR Sixpence. 1757. // Geoige ΠΙ. AR Six Shillings. 1804.//AR Sixpence 1787 (no hearts). //>E "Cartwheel" 2 pence. 1797.// George IV. AR Crown. 1822. // Scodand. Charles I. AR 40 pence S. 5577. //William and Mary. AR 5 Pence. 1694. S. 5665. //Ireland. Henry V m and Jane Seymore. AR Groat. S. 6473. // Philip and Mary. 1557. AR Groat S. 6501B. // George Π. 1760. M Farthing. S. 6611. //George ΙΠ. 1813. AR 10 Pence. S. 6618. //1805. AR 5 Pence. S. 6619. // 1806. M Farthing. S. 6622 //MALTA. George V. 1913. JE 1/3 Farthing. S. 4062. Average Fair to VF, some scarce types. 14coins. ($350) 1853. Lot of 16 English. Anne. 1707E. AR Crown. Fair.//Geoige IV. 1822 AR Crown. Fine.//Victoria. 1900 AR Crown. VF.//George I. 1723SSC. AR Sixpence. Fine. // William IV. 1834 (2), 1835,1836. AR 1 1/2 Pence. Fine to VF. // Plus 8 assorted coppers, Charles Π to George V. Fair to EF. 16coins. ($150) 1854. Lot of six English JE tokens and medals. Wilkinson, ironmaster. Halfpenny (2 pieces). // Dundee. W.Crooms, wholesaler. Halfpenny. // Birmingham. Lutwyche, diesinker. Farthing. //38mm medal for Boulton and Watt, Engineers. // 38mm medal for the Liverpool Seamen's Friend Society. // Plus Geoige ΙΠ. 1806. Penny. // And a brass Nurembuig jeton. The tokens and medals EF or better. 8 pieces total. ($100)
1844. Lot ofthree Medieval AR Gros. France. Philip IV. 1285-1413. Duplessy 213.//Germany, Metz. 15th century. Saurma 1896/927.//Italy, Naples. Robert de Anjou. 1309-1343. Parmuti 1. Average VF. 3 coins. ($150) 1845. Lot ofthree AR. France. Charles IX. 1564 H. AR Teston (3.52 gm). LA Rochelle mint Duplessy 1063. // Italy, Naples. Philip IV. 1622 MC/C. AR Tari. Pannuti 30b. // Charles Π. 1685 AG/G. AR Carlino. Pannuti 30. Average Fine. 3 coins. ($100) 1846. Lot of 10 Miscellaneous World coins and tokens. Belgium. 1905. JE 2 Centimes.//France. 1873. AR 5 Francs.//Holland. 1751 AR 10Stuivers.//Plus six jetons of France and the Lowlands, and a WM temperance medal. The coins EF, the rest Fair to Fine, one jeton and the medal holed. lOpieces. ($100) 1847. Germany, Silesia-Liegnitz-Brieg. 1606, 1610,1661. AR 3 Kreuzer.// 1669,1670,1673. AR 1 Kreuzer. Average VF. 6 coins. ($100) 1848. Lot of seven German coins. Germany. Frankfurt. 1860. AR 1 Thaler. // Hannover. 1857. AR 1 Thaler. // Prussia. 1846. AR 2 Thalers. //1866. AR 1 Thaler. // 1913. AR 5 Mark. Weimar. 1930J. AR 3 Mark (von der Vogelweide). // East Germany. 1986. AR 10 Mark (Brecht). The thalers Fine to VF, the maiks EF and Una 7 coins. ($250)
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1 1 "My wish is that my Drawings, my Prints, my Curiosities, my Books - in a word, these things of art which have been the joy of 1 my life ־shall not be consigned to the cold tomb of a museum, and subjected to the stupid glance of the careless passer-by, but I 1 1 require that they shall all be dispersed under the hammer of the Auctioneer, so that the pleasure which the acquiring of each one 1 of them has given me shall be given again, in each case, to some inheritor of my own tastes." 1 1 From the Will of Edmond de Goncourt (translated). 1 i
1 i
I 1 1 1
Titles on Greek Numismatics (lots 3001-3276) Titles on Roman Republican Numismatics (lots 3277-3301) Titles on Roman Numismatics (lots 3302-3414) Titles on Roman Provincial Numismatics (lots 3415-3442) Titles on Byzantine Numismatics (lots 3443-3497)
I 1 i i 1 1₪
Titles on British Numismatics (lots 3498-3510)
Titles on World Numismatics (lots 3511-3535)
1 I ן 1₪
1 i
ANS Museum Notes (lots 3536-3567) ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs (lots 3568-3634)
1 I₪
Auction Catalogs and Fixed Price Lists (lots 3635-3705)
Art, Archaeology and General Numismatic Titles (lots 3706-3822)
1 1₪
History Titles (lots 3823-3862)
1 1
1 1 1 1 ן 1
3001. Akerman, John Yonge. Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, Geographically Arranged and Described. Hispania-Gallia-Britannia. (London, 1846 original). 203 pages, 24 engraved plates, 8vo. Modem case binding. Plates moderately foxed, text lightly, but pages are not brittle. A fine copy. Scarce. ($45) 3002. Akerman, John Yonge. Coins of the Roman Relating to Britain, Described and Illustrated. (London, 1844 original). 170 pages, 7 engraved plates, 8vo. Modem case binding. Plates moderately foxed, text lightly, but pages are not brittie. A fine copy. Scarce. ($45) 3003. Allen, Derek. An Introduction to Celtic Coins. (London, 1978). 80 pp. with illustrations throughout, 123 coins illustrated and discussed, narrow 8vo. Card covers. Out of print. A veiy fine copy. ($15) 3004. Allen, Derek. Catalogue of the Celtic Coins in the British Museum. Volume L Silver Coins of the East Celts and Balkan Peoples. (London, 1987). 80 pages, 31 plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. Over 500 coins illustrated and catalogued. A very fine copy. Important ($85) 3005.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3006. Allen, Derek. Catalogue of the Celtic Coins in the British Museum. Volume II. Silver Coins of North Italy, South and Central France, Switzerland and South Germany. (London, 1990). 71 pages, 29 plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. Over 800 coins illustrated and catalogued. Important. ($85) 3007. Allen, Derek. The Coins of the Ancicnt Celts. (Edinburgh University Press, 1980). xi, 265 pages, 41 plates. Black cloth with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($25) 3008. Anson, Leo. Numismata Gracca: Greek Coin-T^pes Classified for Immediate Identification. (Undated Fomi reprint of London, 1910-1916 originals). Thirteen parts bound in two volumes. 887 pp., 150plates, 4to. Matching orange/brown cloth. Very useful for the identification of Gieek coins with inanimate ob jects as devices. Light comer bumps. A nice fine seL ($300) 3009. Anthony, John. Collecting Greek Coins. (London and New York, 1983). (8), 301 pp., illustrations throughout text, 12mo. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 3010. Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen. The Randazzo Hoard 1980 and Sicilian Chronology in the Early Fifth Century B.C. (New York, 1990). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 18.77 pages, 20 plates, 4to. Red cloth. A study of a hoard of 539 Sicilian tetradrachms. A very fine copy. ($45) 3011.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3012. Babelon, Ernest. Les Origines De La Monnaie A Athènes. (Chicago1979 reprint of Athens-1905 original). 92 pages, a few illustrations in text, 8vo. Hard cover. A very fine copy. ($20) 3013.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3014. Babelon, Jean. Catalogue De La Collection De Luynes. Monnaies Grequcs. Part IV. Syrie, Égypte, Cyrénaïque, Mauritanie, Zeugitane, Numidic. (Paris, 1936 by Florange and Ciani). Two volumes (one of text and one of plates). 146 pp., 37 fine plates with original cloth-backed folder. Printed card covers for text, rubbed on edges, text unopened, 8vo. Fine seL ($75) 3015. Baldwin, Agnes. Facing Heads On Ancient Greek Coins. (New York, Durst 1982 reprint of New York, 1914 ANS edition ). 23 pp., 4 plates, narrow 8vo. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. ($8) 3016. Baldwin, Agnes. Symbolism on Greek Coins. (New York-1977reprintof article from AJN 49, New York-1915). 112pages, 6plates, passim line drawings. Blue leatherette. A very fine copy. ($20) 3017.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
M a r c h 30,1 994
3018. Baldwin, Agnes. The Electrum and Silver Coins of Chios. (Chicago1979 reprint of New York-1915 original). 60 pages, 7 double plates, 8vo. Red casebound, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($20) 3019.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
A Rare Original Edition of "A Catalogue of Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston" 3020. Baldwin Brett, Agnes. A Catalogue of Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Boston, 1955 original), xvi, 340 pp., 115 plates describing 2348 coins, appendices, 4to. Brown cloth with clear dust cover. A nice fine copy. Very rare with superior plates to the 1974 reprint. ($375) 3021. Baldwin Brett, Agnes. A Catalogue of Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (New York, 1974 reprint of Boston, 1955 original). 340 pp., 115 plates describing 2348 coins, appendices, 4to. Brown casebound with dust cover (torn). A nice fine copy. ($150) 3022. Banks, Florence Aiken. Coins Of Bible Days. (MacMillan Co., New York, 1955). 178 pp., 28 plates,frontispieceplate, glossary, maps on endpapers, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound with worn dust oover. Very good copy. ($15) 3023. Barron, John Penrose. The Silver Coins of Samos. (University of London, The Athlone Press, 1966). xii, 242 pp., 32 plates, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Small tears in dust jacket, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($50) 3024. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia. (London1978). RNS Special Publication No. 10.81 pages, 8 plates. Hard cover. A very fine copy. ($35) 3025. Bellinger, Alfred R. Essays On The Coinage Of Alexander The Great. (New York, 1979 reprint of 1963 original). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 11. 132 pages, 3 plates, 1 map. Brown casebound. A very fine copy. ($25) 3026.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
Two Original Copies of "Troy, the Coins" 3027. Bellinger, Alfred R. TVoy, The Coins. (Princeton University Press, Excavations Conducted by The University of Cincinnati 1932-1938, Supplementary Monograph 2-1961 original), xiii, (3), 220 pages, 27 fine plates, 4to. Gray buckram. Minor rubbing on cover. A nice fine copy. ($125) 3028.
Same as previous lot. Minor rubbing on cover. A nice fine copy. Ex Libris. ($125)
3029. Bellinger, Alfred R. TVoy, The Coins. (New Yotk-1979 reprint of Princeton1961 original), xiii, 220pp., 27 double-plates. Red casebound. As new. ($35) 3030. Bishop, J. David and R. Ross Holloway. Wheaton College Collection of Greek and Roman Coins. (ACNAC No. 3. New York, 1981). (10), 32 pp., 32 plates, 450 coins, 8vo. Orange casebound. A very fine copy. ($25) 3031.
Same as previous lot. Comers rubbed. Afinecopy.
A Complete Set of B M C Greek! 3032. [BMC-GREEK]. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. (Bologna, 1964-1965 reprints of London, 1873-1927 originals). 29 volumes complete. 10,688 pp., 952 plates. Octavo. Blue casebound, all well matched in color. Still one of the standard references for Greek coins and a must for every serious classical numismatist. A very fine set. ($2000)
3033. [BMC-GREEK]. Head, Barclay V; Percy Gardner & R.S. Poole. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume II: Sicily. (Bologna, 1963 reprint of London, 1876 original), xii, 292 pp., few line drawings in text, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. Ex Libris. ($40) 3034. [BMC-GREEK], Gardner, Percy. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume IV: Scleucid Kings of Syria. (New York, Durst 1983 reprint of London, 1878 original), xxxix, 126 pp., 28 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. A new copy. ($35)
3035. Bompois, H.F. Examen Chronologique des Monnaies Frappées Par La Communauté des Macédoniens Avant, Pendant et Après La Conquete Romaine. (Chicago, 1980 reprint of Paris, 1876 original). 102 pages, 5 double page plates of engravings, 8vo. Blue casebound, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($15) 3036. Boutin, Serge. Catalogue Des Monnaies Grecques Antiques De L'Ancienne Collection Pozzi, Monnaies Frappées En Europe. (A.G. Van Der Dussen B.V., Maastricht; 1979). Two volumes. Text: xii, (2), 294pp., index, table of monograms. Plates: 202fineplates. Both volumes have printed card covers. Large octavo. This is the complete catalogue of the Pozzi collection and as such, it lists many coins that were not offered in the Ars Classica sale (No. 1) of the Pozzi collection. Minor bumps, otherwise a veiy fine copy. ($40)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
3050. Favorite, Emilio N. The Bronze Coinage of Ancient Syracuse. (Boston, 1990). Society Historia Numorum Publication No. 2.54 pages, 9 decent plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Out-of-Print. A veiy fine copy. (S20) 3051. Fellows, Sir Charles. Coins of Ancient Lycia Before the Reign of Alexander with An Essay on the Relative Dates of the Lycian Monuments in the British Museum. (John Murray, Albemarle Street, London, 1855). 20 pp., beautifully engraved and coloured fold-out frontispiece map, chronological table, 19fineengraved plates with descriptive catalogue text opposite, 8vo. Original green case binding, now very dirty and weak, comers bumped, internally fine. A decent copy of this rare original edition. (S75)
3037. Brauer, George C. Jr. Taras, Its History And Coinage. (New Rochelle, New York; 1986). ix, (3), 231 pp., index and bibliography, illustrations in text, small 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($20)
3052. Fellows, Sir Charles. Coins of Ancient Lycia Before the Reign of Alexander with An Essay on the Relative Dates of the Lycian Monuments in the British Museum. (Chicago, Obol 1976 reprint of John Murray, Albemarle Street, London, 1855). 20 pp., 19 plates of line drawings with descriptive text opposite, map, chronological table, 8vo. Printed paper covers. A nice fine copy. ($10)
3038. Cahn, Herbert A. Knidos, Die Münzen Des Sechsten Und Des Fünften Jahrhunderts V. Chr. AMuGS IV. (Berlin, 1970). xiii, 245 pp., 20fineplates with die-linkage clear ovedays for the first 11 plates, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt Very fine copy. The standard reference. ($75)
3053. Florance, Dr. A. Geographic Lexicon of Greek Coin Inscriptions. (Chicago, 1966 reprint of : Tableaux synoptiques des ethniques des villes et peuples grecs, Paris, 1903). 104 pages, 4 maps, narrow 8vo. Grey casebound. A very fine copy. ($20)
3039. Cahn, Herbert A. Monnaies Grecques Archaïques. (Bale, 1947). 31 pages, 1 map, 36 good plates illustrating 47 coins, 12mo. Card cover. A very fine copy. ($15)
3040. Cahn, Herbert A. The Coins of the Sicilian City of Naxos. (Chicago1978 reprint of Basel-1944 original). 166 pages, 12plates. A die study for this important mint and the standard reference on the series. Text in German. Blue casebound. Dusty. A very fine copy. ($30) 3041. Cammann, Jean B. Numismatic Mythology. (New York, 1936). 39 pages, illustrated throughout Black leatherette. Afinecopy. ($8) 3042. Carradice, Ian and Martin Price. Coinage In The Greek World. (Seaby, London, 1988). 154 pp., 24 plates, small 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30) 3043. Casson, Lionel and Martin Price (Editors). Coins, Culture, And History In The Ancient World. Numismatic and Other Studies In Honor of Bluma L. frei I. (Detroit, 1981). 205 pp. with illustrations. 20 articles on ancient numismatics (10) and archaeology in the "Festschrift" style. Hardbound. A Very fine copy. ($25) 3044. Comstock, Mary and Vermeide, Cornelius. Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Boston-1964). 78 pages, 30plates, 8vo. A supplement to Agnes Baldwin Brett's original catalog of the museum's coins. Brown cloth with dust jacket. Very fine copy. ($30) 3045. Cunningham, Sir Alexander. Coins of Alexander's Successors In The East, (Bactria, Ariana & India). (Chicago, 1969 reprint of 1884 original). 337 pages, 14 plates of line drawings, table of alphabets. Green cloth. A very fine copy. ($25) 3046. Davis, Noiman and Colin M. Kraay. The Hellenistic Kingdoms. Portrait Coins and History. (Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1973 edition). 296 pp., 212 illustrations, 2 maps, glossary and bibliography, 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30) 3047. Same as previous lot. Light water staining to several pages of illustrations. A very good copy. ($15) 3048. Davis, Norman. Greek Coins & Cities. (Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1967). 221 pp., photographs and blow-ups throughout, 8vo. Illustrated from the collection at the Seattle Art Museum. Brown cloth with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($35) A Scarce Copy of "The 'Horseman' of Tarentum" by Evans. 3049. Evans, AJ. The "Horseman" of Tarentum. (Numismatic Chronicle, 1889, Volume IX, Third Series, pp. 1 -228). 228 pp., 11 autotype plates, 12mo. Blue cloth, gilt spine lettering. A much sought after work, still important. A nice fine copy. ($150)
Same as previous lot. A very good copy.
3055. Foner, Leonard. Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Greek Coins Formed by Sir Hermann Weber M.D. 1823-1918. (New York, 1975 reprint of London, 1922-1929 originals.). Three volumes. 377,579 & 996 pages, 317 plates total. Thick octavo. One of the best collections of Greek coins ever formed. Out of print Red casebound. Very fine seL ($225) 3056. Forrer, Leonard. Portraits of Royal Ladies On Greek Coins. (Chicago, 1969 reprint of an article from The Numismatic Chronicle, 1938). viii, 72 pp., illustrations in text, 8vo. Gray casebound. A very fine copy. ($15) 3057. Franke, Peter R. and Max Hirmer. Die Griechische Münze . (Munich, 1972). 176 pages plus plates of over 800 coins, most enlarged and many in color. This German edition has the same outstanding plates as Kraay and Hirmer's, Greek Coins, and they are the most beautiful books ever published an Greek coins. Both are out of print and the English edition has sold for circa $600 recently. Gray cloth with dust cover (frayed). Fine copy. ($200) 3058. Franke, Peter Robert Die Antike Münzen von Epirus. (Wiesbaden, 1961). In two volumes. Vol. 1. xv, 344 pages, fold out map; Vol. 2.67 seperate colotype plates in cloth binder. Both blue cloth, gilt. Outdated but still the standard reference for this poorly researched area. Pages in text volume starting to yellow around edges, covers dusty, otherwise afineseL Out of Print ($ 100) 3059. Gallatin, Albert. Syracusan Dekadrachms Of The Euainetos Type. (Cambridge, Mass., 1930). (6), 53 pp., 12fineplates, frontispiece plate, 410. Blue casebound, top edge gilL Still the standard reference for the series and difficult to locate as such. Very fine copy. ($100) 3060. Gardiakos, Soterios. The Coinages of Alexander The Great. (Chicago1981). 3 volumes, 1007 pages, 157 plates. Linen hard cover A compilation of articles and essays by the leading experts of the 19th and early 20th centuries in their native languages. A wealth of knowledge in three volumes. A very fine set ($275) 3061. Gardner, Percy. Archaeology and l'y pes of Greek Coins. (Chicago, 1965 reprint of London, 1883 original). With an Introduction by Margaret Thompson, former curator of Greek coins at the ANS. xvi, 234 pages, 16 plates, large 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. Out of print. A nice fine copy. ($45) 3062.
Same as previous lot. A very good copy.
An Original "Samos and Samian Coins" 3063. Gardner, Percy. Samos and Samian Coins. (Reprinted from The Numismatic Chronicle, Series 3, Vol. 2, pp. 201-290, 1882; MacMillan & Co., London, 1882). vii, 90 pp., 6fineautotype plates, 12mo. Original brown casebound. Scarce. Binding a little weak. Internally, afinecopy. ($75) 3064. Same as previous lot. Recent dark blue casebound, gilt lettering. Scarce. Internally, a nice fine copy. ($75)
3065. Gardner, Percy. The Coinage of Parthia. (San Diego, 1968 reprint). 68 pages, 7 plates, 8vo. Includes an article by Joel L. Malter on a hoard of Parthian drachms. Printed paper covers. Fine copy but covers lightly faded. ($10) 3066. Gardner, Percy. The Coins of the Greek and Scythic Kings of Bactria and India in The British Museum. (Chicago, 1966 reprint of London, 1886 original), lxxvi, 193 pp., 32 plates. Red cloth with dust cover. Afinecopy. ($20) 3067. Gardner, Percy. The History of Ancient Coinage, B.C. 700-300. (Oxford, 1918 original). xvi,463 pages, 11 plates, 8vo. Red cloth, gilt lettering. Fine copy. ($45) 3068. Gardner, Percy. The Types of Greek Coins. An Archaeological Essay. (Cambridge: At The University Press, 1883 original), viii, 218 pp., (3), 16fineautotype plates with descriptive text opposite. Folio. Original green buckram, gilL The original edition of this still useful woik. Front hinge broken, cover a bit scuffed, internallyfine. ($100) 3069. Gobi, Robert Sasanian Numismatics. (Braunschweig, 1971). Translated by Paul Severin, Vienna, x, 97 pp., 16plates, 16 minting tables, fold-out map. Orange cloth with dust cover. A standard reference on Sasanian numismatics. Text in English which is the more difficult edition to locate. A very fine copy. ($50) 3070. Grose, S(idney).W(illiam). Fitzwilliam Museum, Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Greek Coins. (Chicago-1979 reprint of Cambridge, 19231929 originals). Three volumes complete, x, (2), 380pp., Ill plates; (6), 563 pp., 137 plates; vi, 507 pp., 132 plates. Thick 8vo. A standard reference seL Red cloth. A fine set ($200) 3071. Hands, A.W. Italo-Greek Coins of Souther Italy. (London, 1912). vi, 205 pages, illustrated in text, 8vo. Hardbound, gilt lettering. Pages starting to brown around the edges, but not brittle. A fine copy. ($40)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
3079. Head, Barclay V. Historie Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics. (New York, 1983 reprint of Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Black casebound. Edges a little dirty, otherwise a very fine copy. ($65) 3080. Head, Barclay V. and J.N. Svoronos. The Illustrations of Historia Numorum. An Atlas of Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1968). Edited by Alyce Marie Cresap. 64 pages, 35 plates, 4 tables. Red cloth with dust cover. Out of print A nice fine copy. ($15) A Bound Volume of Three Scarce Articles 3081. Head, Barclay V. On the Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Boeotia. (London, 1881fromThe Numismatic Chronicle). Pages 177-280, plates 8-13. Bound with; Gardner, P. The Coins of Ellis. (London, 1879 from The Numismuic Chronicle). Pages 221-273, plates 11-16. Also Gardner, P. Samos and Samian Coins (London, 1882 from The Numismatic Chronicle). Pages 201 -290, plates 8-13. All three bound together. Hardbound. All three very fine copies. Each is scarce. ($125) 3082. Head, Barclay V. On the Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Boeotia. ("History of the Coinage of Boeotia" stamped on spine and cover.) (London, 1881). 99 pages, 6 plates, 12mo. Original green casebinding, gilt lettering, hinges weak, internally slightly loose but intact. Small tear on spine. A very good copy. ($50) 3083. Head, Barclay V. On the Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Ephesus. ("History of the Coinage of Ephesus" stamped on spine and cover.) (London, 1880 original). 89 pages, 5 plates, 12mo. Original dark green casebinding. Front hinge weak, otherwise a fine copy. ($50) 3084. Head, Barclay V. On the Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Syracuse. ("History of the Coinage of Syracuse" stamped on spine and cover.) (London, 1874 original), viii, 80 pages, 15plates, 12mo. Original green case bindinding, but spine has been nicely repaired, comers bumped, internally fine. ($50)
3072. Hands, Rev. A.W. Coins of Magna Graeaa. The Coinage of the Greek Colonies of Southern Italy. (London, 1909 original), xii, (2), 337 pages, illustrations throughout, map, fold out chart, 8vo. Black casebound, gilt lettering. Light rubbing to cover, light foxing throughout. A very good copy. ($40)
3085. Head, Barclay V. The Coinage of Lydia and Persia. (Chicago, 1967 reprint of London, 1876 original), viii, 55 pp., 3 plates. Paper covers. Veryfinecopy but covers stained. ($ 10)
3073. Head, Barclay V. A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks. (London, 1932 original). British Museum publication, viii, 106 pages, 50 plates, 8vo. Green buckram. A little dirty, Ex. Libris Wigan Free Piublic Libraiy, with appropriate library stamps. A very good copy. ($40)
3086. Heiss, Aloiss. Atlas of the Ancient Coins of Spain. (Chicago-1976 reprint of Paris-1870). 68 line drawn plates with an introduction to the coinage of ancient Spain by Barclay Head excerpted from Historia Numorum. Haid cover. A very fine copy. ($15)
3074. Head, Barclay V. A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks From Circ. 700 B.C. to A.D. 270, Based on the work of Barclay V. Head. (London, 1959 revised second edition). British Museum Publication. 108 pages, 52 plates, 8vo. Green buckram with tattered dust cover. Fine copy. ($40)
3087. Heiss, Aloiss. Atlas of the Ancient Coins of Spain. (Chicago-1976 reprint of Paris-1870). 68 line drawn plates with an introduction to the coinage of ancient Spain by Barclay Head excerpted from Historia Numorum. Hard cover. Afinecopy. ($10)
3075. Head, Barclay V. A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks From Circ. 700 B.C. to A.D. 270, Based on the work of Barclay V. Head. (London, 1965 reprint of 1959 revised second edition). British Museum Publication. 108 pages, 52 plates, 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($40)
3088. Hendin, David. Guide To Ancient Jewish Coins. (New York, 1976). 134 pages, 9 plates plus many line drawings in text Catalog of the coins plus historical background. Hardbound with dust jackeL A fine copy. ($20)
3076. Head, Barclay V. Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics. (Oxford-1887 original edition), lxxix, (1), 807 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Brown quarter leather, gilt Binding weak and first 208 pages loose but not separated. Back hinge broken, front nearly so, spine leather worn and torn at top. A good copy. ($40) 3077. Head, Barclay V. Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics. (Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Red casebound, gilt lettering. Still a standard reference. The 1911 edition is the second, and best edition. Cover lightly faded. A fine copy. ($85) 3078. Head, Barclay V. Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics. (London, 1977 reprint of Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Still a standard reference. Green cloth. Minor marks on cover. A fine copy. ($50)
3089. Hendin, David Guide to Biblical Coins. (New York, 1987). 207 pages, 16 plates, line drawings throughout, 8vo. Over 300 coins described. An excellent overview of this popular collecting area. Blue casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30) 3090. Herbert, Kevin. The John Max Wülfing Collection In Washington University. (Ancient Coins in North American Collections Published by The American Numismatic Society, New York, 1979). (2), 30 pp., 22 plates, 437 coins, laige 8vo. Orange casebound. A very fine copy. ($15) 3091. Hill, G(eorge) F(rancis). Coins of Ancient Sicily. (Westminster, 1903 First Edition), xv, (1 ), 256 pages, 15fineplates, 80 illustrations in the text,frontispiece[date, map, 8vo. Original blue cloth, top edge gjlL Front hinge broken, back hinge weak. Still useful. Ex Libris. Good copy. ($85) 3092. Hill, G.F. A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Greek Coins Belonging to John WardESA. (San Diego, 1967reprintof London, 1902 original). 164 pages, 22 plates, some photos in text, 8vo. Green casebound. Catalog of one of the major nineteenth century collections which was acquired by J. Pierpont Morgan and donated to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and now dispersed. Very fine copy. ($20)
Same as previous lot. Veiy fine copy.
Mai{,BidS ale ($20)
3094. Hill,G.F. Historical Greek Coins. (London, 1906 original), xix, 181 pages, 13 plates. Blue casebound. Discusses the historical significance of 100 selected Greek coins. A veiy good copy. ($45) 3095. Hill, George F. Select Greek Coins. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of Paris, 1927 original). 61 pages, 54 plates of enlargements. Red cloth with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($20) 3096. Holloway, R. Ross. Art and Coinage In Magna Graecia. (Bellinzona, Edizioni Arte Ε Moneta Publishers, 1978). 173 pp., 88fineplates, index, 8vo. Text in English. Green cloth with dust cover. Veiy fine copy. ($60) 3097. Holloway, R Ross. The Thirteen-Months Coinage of Hieronymos of Syracuse. (Beriin-1969). 47 pages, 12 plates in a separate packet inside the back cover. A specialized and definitive woik. Text in English. Hard cover. Very fine copy. ($50)
March 30,1 994
3109. Jenkins, G.K. Coins of Greek Sicily. (I^ondon, 1976 reprint of London, 1966 original). 64 pp., 80 individual photographs of coins, 12mo. Black casebound with dust cover. Handbook to one of the most beautiful series of coinage ever struck. Avery fine copy. ($12) 3110. Jenkins, G.K. The Coinage of Gela. AMuGS II. (Berlin,1970). 2 volumes ( one of text and one of plates), xxiv, 312 pages, 56 plates, large 8vo. The definitive woik on this coinage. Green cloth, plates unbound in matching hard cover folder. Text in English. Nice very fine copy. ($ 100) 3111. Jenkins, G.K and R.B. Lewis. Carthaginian Gold and Electrum Coins. (London, 1963) RNS Special Publication No. 2 140 pp., 38 plates. Red casebound with dust cover. The definitive die-study for this vast series of coinage. A veiy fine. ($40) 3112. Jones, John Melville. A Dictionary of Ancient Greek Coins. (Seaby, London, 1986). xi, 248 pp., 5 tables of alphabets, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($45)
3098. Holloway, R. Ross and G. Kenneth Jenkins. Terina. (Bellinzona, 1983 by Edizioni Arte e Moneta). 46 pp., 24 plates and bibliography, laige 8vo. Green cloth. The standard reference on this beautiful coinage. Text in English. Very fine copy. ($45)
3113. Kadman, Leo. Corpus Nummorum Palaestinensium. Volume I. The Coins of Aelia Capitolina. (Jerusalem, 1956). 191 pages, 17 plates, 8vo. Maroon cloth, gilt. A standard reference. Scarce. Front hinge broken. A veiy good copy. ($125)
3099. Icard, Dr. Séverin. Identification Des Monnaies Par La Nouvelle Méthode Des Lettres-Jalons Et Des Légendes Fragmentées. (Paris, Florange & Ciani, 1929 original), xxiv, (2), 563 pp., 2 tables, large 8vo. Half green leather with green marbled boards, original covers bound in. An excellent aid in the identification of Greek Imperial coinage. A veiy fine copy. ($85)
3114. Kindler, Arie. Coins of the Land of Israel. Collection of the Bank of Israel, A Catalogue. (Jerusalem, 1974). 138 pages, 138 coins catalogued and illustrated Hardbound with dust cover. Dust jacket worn, otherwise a fine copy. ($30)
3100. Icard, Dr. Séverin. Identification Des Monnaies Par La Nouvelle Méthode Des Lettres-Jalons Et Des Légendes Fragmentées. (Paris, Florange & Ciani, 1929 original), xxiv, (2), 563 pp., 2 tables, laige 8vo. Original caïd coveis. An excellent aid in the identification of Greek Imperial coinage. Small tear at top and bottom of spine, small puncture in front cover. A veiy good copy. ($45) 3101. Imhoof-Blumer, F. Porträtköpfe auf Antike Münzen Hellenischer und Hellenisierter Völker. Mit Zeittafeln der Dynastien des Altertums Nach Ihren Münzen. (Leipzig, 1885). iv, 95 pages, 8 fine plates, 4to. Original binding. Cover rubbed around edges and a little dirty, otherwise a fine copy. ($65) 3102. Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich and Gardner, Percy. Ancient Coins Illustrating Lost Masterpieces of Greek Art (Chicago-1964 reprint of London-1887 original). lxxviii, 176 pages, 38 plates, map, 8vo. A numismatic concordance to Pausanias identifying coins which may depict artwork described by Pausanias. Blue casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($20) 3103.
Same as previous lot. A veiy good copy.
Same as previous lot. A veiy good copy.
3105. Jameson, Robert. Monnaies Grecques Antiques et Imperiales Romaines. (Chicago-1980 reprint of Paris, 1913-1932 originals). 4 volumes complete. 908 pages, 164 plates, 8vo. A majorreferencewith over 3000 coins described. One of the ($200) best collections everformed. Red leatherette. A veiy fine set. 3106. Jenkins, G.K Ancient Greek Coins. (New Yoik, 1972). 310 pages with 635 photographs plus 20 color plates. Octavo. Blue cloth, gilt lettering with dust cover. An outstanding book with some of the most beautiful photos of Greek coins ever published. Recently reprinted but the original is still superior. Light fading on dust jacket, else a very fine copy. ($150) 3107. Same as previous lot. Light fading on dust jacket, else nice fine copy. Ex Libris. ($125) 3108. Jenkins, G.K. Ancient Greek Coins. (Seaby, London, 1990). Second edition with revisions and additions. (10), 182 pages with 439 black-and-white photographs plus 8 color plates, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Part of the 'Coins In History' series, previously published in the 'Worid of Numismatics' series. Very fine copy. (S60)
3115. Klawans, Zander H. An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins. (Racine,Wisconsin; 1964 second edition). 206 pp., illustrated, 12mo. Maroon casebound, gilt. A very fine copy. ($15) 3116.
Same as previous lot. A very good copy.
3117. Kleiner, Fred S. andNoe, Sydney P. The Early Cistophoric Coinage. (New York, 1977). 129 pages, 38 plates, large 8vo. Numismatic Studies 14 in the ANS series. Red cloth. The standard work on the cistophoric coinage. A veryfinecopy. ($40) 3118. Kraay, Colin M. Archaic and Classical Greek Coins. (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1976). xxvi, 390 pp., 64 plates, indices, 8vo. Green cloth with dust cover. This is the definitive "textbook" for the student and collector of Greek coins. A very fine copy. ($130) 3119. Kraay, Colin M. Archaic and Classical Greek Coins. (1993 reprint of 1976 original), xxvi, 390 pp., 64 plates, indices, 8vo. Grey case bound. This is the definitive "textbook" for the student and collector of Greek coins. A high quality reprint Small tear at top of spine, else a new copy. (S65) 3120. Kraay, Colin M. Greek Coins and History: Some Current Problems. (London and New York, 1969). From Cambridge University: The J.H Gray Memorial Lectures, 1967-68.81 pages, 8 plates. Hardbound. Out of prinL A very fine copy. ($15) 3121. Kraay, Colin M. The Archaic Coinage of Himcra. (Napoli, 1983). 104 pp., 15 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Text in English. The definitive die study analysis of this interesting coinage. Veiy fine copy. ($30) 3122. Kraay, C.M. and G.K. Jenkins (Editors). Essays In Greek Coinage Presented To Stanley Robinson. (Oxford, 1968). xii, 268 pp., 33 plates, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Seventeen articles by some of the major authorities on Greek coinage. Long out of print and scarce. Very fine copy. (S225) A Very Nice Copy of "Greek Coins" by Kraay and Hirmer 3123. Kraay, Colin M. and Max Hiimer. Greek Coins. (New Yoik, 1972). 396 pages, 20 colorplates, 220 black and white plates, over 800 coins supeibly illustrated in 1,349 photographs. One of the most beautiful books ever published on Greek coins. Tan cloth with dust cover. Out of print and rare. A veiy fine copy. ($550)
Mail *Βid S ale
3124. La Tour, Henri de. Atlas De Monnaies Gauloises Préparé Par La Commission De Topographie Des Gaules. (London, 1968 reprint of Paris, Librairie Pion, 1892). 12 pp., 55 engraved plates by L. Dardel. Folio. Green hardbound. A much nicer reprint than the 1976 or 1991 edition. Minor marks on cover. A fine copy. ($40) 3125. Lahiri, Amarendra Nath. Corpus of Indo-Greek Coins. (Poddar Publications, 1965). xviii, 290 pages, 34 plates, 8vo. Brown buckram. Fine copy. ($30) 3126. Le Rider, Geoiges. Le Monnayage D'Argent Et D'Or De Philippe II Frappé en Macédoine de 359 à 294. (Paris-1977). (6), 484 pages, 95 plates, fold-out map, 4to. Brown cloth, gilt. Text in French. The definitive reference for the series. Very fine copy. ($125) 3127. Le Rider, Jenkins, Waggoner and Westermark (editors). Kraay-Morkholm Essays. Numismatic Studies in Memory of C.M. Kraay and O. Morkholin. (lj0uvain-La-Neuve, 1989). xxiii, 321 pages, 72 plates, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt lettering. 30 articles on Greek and Greek Imperial numismatics by the leading experts in the field. Includes biographies and bibliographies of Kraay and M0rkholm. A very fine copy. ($ 150) 3128. Lorber, Catharine C. Amphipolis, The Civic Coinage in Silver and Gold. (Los Angeles, 1990). iv, 196 pages, 31 fine plates, small 4to. Brown casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this scarce and beautiful coinage. A veiy fine copy. ($75) 3129.
Same as previous lot. A veiy fine copy.
3130. MacDonald, David J. Greek and Roman Coins From Aphrodisias. (London, 1976 ). British Archaeological Report (BAR-S9). 50 pages, 3 plates. Card ($20) covers. Very fine copy. 3131. MacDonald, George. The Silver Coinage of Crete: A Metrological Note. (London, 1920 original). 29 pages, 1 plate, 8vo. Paper oovers. light browning around edges of cover, otherwise a fine copy. Scarce. ($15) 3132. Mack, R.P. The Coinage of Ancient Britain. (Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1953 firstd edition). 151 pp., 29 plates, 12mo. Blue casebound with gilt lettering. A fme copy. ($20) 3133. Madden, Frederick W. History of Jewish Coinage, and Of Money in the Old and New Testament. (San Diego, 1967 update of 1864 original). 350 pp., line drawings throughout, 8vo. Blue leatherette. A fine copy. ($18) 3134. copy.
Same as previous lot. Text nearly sepcrated from binding. A very good ($10)
3135. Maltiel-Gerstenfeld, J. 260 Years of Ancient Jewish Coinage, (lei Aviv, 1982). 317 pages, 349 coins types described and illustrated, cross references. Black leatherette with dust cover. As new copy. ($40) 3136. May, J.M.F. The Coinage of Abdera (540-345 B.C.). Edited by C.M. Kraay and G.K. Jenkins. (London-1966, RNS Special Publication No. 3). xi, 298 pages, 24 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage, but the chronology has been revised since. A veiy fine copy. ($40) 3137.
Same as previous lot. Fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
30,1 994
3141. Metcalf, William E. (editor). Mnemata: Papers in Memory of Nancy Waggoner. (New Yoik, 1991). x, 115 pages, 21 plates, 8vo. Green casebound, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($15) 3142. Mildenberg, Leo and Silvia Hurler (Editors). The Arthur S. Dewing Collection of Greek Coins, Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 6. (New York, 1985). 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates), 194 pp., 142 plates, 5 indices, 8vo. This two volume work catalogues 2970 coins of the Dewing collection at Harvard University with an excellent representation of Syracusan decadrachms. Orange cloth, with slip case. A very fine set ($100) 3143.
Same as previous lot. Slip case a little dirty otherwise a very fine set. ($100)
3144. Milne, J.G. Greek Coinage. (Oxford, 1931). vi, (2), 131 pages, 12 plates, 12mo. Brown cloth. Binding a little weak but intact A very good copy. ($15) 3145. M0rkholm, Otto. Early Hellenistic Coinage from the Accession of Alexander to the Peace of Apamea (336-186 BC). (Cambridge, 1991 ). xxii, 273 pages, 45 plates, 8vo. Blue cloth with dust jacket. First full study of Early Hellenistic coinage to be compiled. Equivalent to Archaic and Classical Greek Coins for the later issues. ImportanL A very fine copy. ($85) 3146. M0rkholm, Otto and Nancy M. Waggoner. Greek Numismatics and Archaeology. Essays in Honor of Margaret Thompson. (Wetteren, Belgium, 1979). xix, 326 pp., 41 fine plates, frontispiece portrait of Thompson, 4to. Green cloth, gilt A compendium of excellent articles including "New and Noteworthy from Roman Alexandria. Pescennius Niger - Diadumenian" by William E. Metcalf and "A Chronology of Eariy Athenian Bronze Coinage ca. 350-250 B.C." by John H. Kroll. Cover dirty and dusty with a stripe of paint across the top 1/4 inch of the front cover. Internally very fine. ($50) 3147. Müller, Ludwig. An Atlas: The Coinage of Alexander The Great. (New York-1976 reprint of Copenhagen-1855 & 1858 editions). 49 pages, 5 plates of line drawings, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. ($10) 3148. Muller, Ludwig. Numismatique d'Alexandre le Grand: Suivie d'un Appendice Contenant Les Monnaies de Philippe II et ΙΠ. (Basel 1957 reprint of Copenhagen, 1855 original). Plate volume only. 29 plates, tables. Brown cloth. Fine copy. ($20) 3149. Müller, L., B.V. Head and Baron A. von Prokesch-Osten. The Coins of Alexander the Great. (Chicago-1981). xxvii, (3), 173 pp., 12mo. Card covers. Sections from the works of the authors edited by Al. N. Oikonomides. Partly in French. A fine copy. ($10) 3150. Müller, Ludwig; C.T. Falbe and J. Chr. Lindberg. The Coinage of Ancient Africa. (Chicago-1977 reprint of Basel and Stuttgart, 1957 revised edition of Copenhagen, 1860-1862 originals). 552 pages with passim illustrations, 95 page supplement. Text in French. Hard cover. Cover dirty, internally fine. ($45) 3151. Nash, Daphne. Coinage in the Celtic World. (London, 1987). 153pages, 24 plates, maps, small 8vo. Grey casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30) 3152. Newell, Edward T. Royal Greek Portrait Coins. (Racine, Wisconsin, 1937). 125 pages, numerous photographs throughout text, 8vo. An excellent introductory woik to this day. Black casebound. A very fine copy. ($20)
3138. Meshorer, Ya' akov. Jewish Coins of the Second Temple Period. Translated from the Hebrew by I.H. Lcvine. (Am Hassefer, Tel-Aviv, 1967). 183 pp., ( 1 ), 32 plates, large 8vo. Yellow casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($35) 3139.
3153. Newell, Edward T. Royal Greek Portrait Coins. (Whitman Publishing, Racine, Wisconsin; reprint of New York, 1937 original). 128 pages,numerous photographs throughout text. An excellent introductory woik to this day. Black casebound Fine copy. ($10) 3154. Newell, Edward T. The Alexander Coinage of Sicyon. (New Yoik-1950). 41 pages, 18 plates, 8vo. ANS Numismatic Studies 6. Completed by Sydney P. Noe after Newell's death. Quarter cloth with maibled boards. A fine copy. ($40)
3140. Meshorer, Ya'akov. Ancient Jewish Coinage. (New York, 1982-83). Two volumes. Volume L 184 pp., 56 plates (Persian Period through Hasmonaeans). Volume II. 295 pages, 36 plates (I lerod the Great through Bar Cochba). Hardcover. A very fine set. ($ 125)
3155. Newell, Edward T. The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleuais I to Antioch us III, with a summary of recent scholarship, additions and corrections by Otto M0rkholm. (New York-1978 reprint of New Y01k-19380riginal). (4), ix, 307 pp., 56 plates, laige 8vo. ANS Numismatic Studies 1. Brown casebound. Still a standard reference. A new copy. ($40)
Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994 ($35)
3172. Ratio, Rodolfo. Collection Claudius Côte: Monnaies de Tarente. (New York-1975 reprint of Lugano, 1929 auction catalog). 42 pages, 19plates,611 lots. An important collection of Tarentine coins. Paper covers. First two pages wrinkled, otherwise a fine copy. ($15)
3157. Newell, Edward T. The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus ΙΠ, with a summary of recent scholarship by Otto M0rkholm. (New York-1977 reprint of New Yoric-1941 original), ix, 450 pages, 85 plates, large 8vo. ANS Numismatic Studies 4. Still a standard reference. Brown casebound. A veiy fine copy. ($40) 3158. Newell, Edward T. The Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes. (Chicago-1978 reprint of London-1927 original), xi, 174pages, 18 plates, large 8vo. A standard reference. Red leatherette, gilt A very fine copy. ($50) A Rare Original Copy of "The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake" 3159. Newell, Edward T. The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake. (Yale and Oxford University Presses, New Haven and London, 1916). 72 pp., 10 fine plates separated by tissue, large 8vo. Blue buckram, gilt lettering. Very good copy, edges of boards worn Includes the 1916 "Numismatic Circular"review.Still a very useful work even with the publication of Price's study. This is the rare original edition with only 300 copies printed. ($ 125) 3160. Newell, Edwaid T. The Seleucid Mint of Antioch. (Chicago-1978 reprint of New York-1918 original). 151 pages, 13 plates. Still a standard reference even with the appearance of new research. Hard cover. A very fine copy. ($50) 3161.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3163. Oleson, John. Greek Numismatic Art Coins of the Arthur Stone Dewing Collection. (Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, 1975). An examination of Greek art through coinage using 64 coins from the Dewing collection, each illustrated and enlarged. Printed card covers. A nice fine copy. ($15) 3164. Pennington, Paul. How to Read Greek Coins. An Adventure in Epigraphy for Those Who Know No Greek. (Chicago, 1946). 22 pages, 2 plates, 12mo. Hardbound, gilt lettering. Afinecopy. ($8) 3165. Plant, Richard. Greek Coin Types and Their Identification. (London, Seaby-1979). 144 pages, 8vo. Blue casebound. This book consists mostly of line drawings to help the collector in identifying Greek and Greek Imperial coins. A very fine copy. ($30) 3166. Plant, Richard. Greek, Semitic, Asiatic Coins and How to Read Them. (Scorpion Publishers, Amherst, New York; 1979). x, 257 pp., illustrated with line drawing throughout text, 8vo. Red cloth, gilt A very fine copy. ($40) Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
A Very Rare Original Edition of "Les "Poulains" de Corinth. Tome I." 3175. Ravel, Oscar E. Les "Poulains" de Corinth. Tome I. (London, 1936 original). 134 pages, 23 fine pholotypie plates, 8vo. Original heavy boards, comer bumped. Minor foxing, but nice as these usually come foxed and very brittle Very rare. A fine copy. ($300) 3176. Ravel, Oscar E. Les "Poulains" De Corinthe. (Chicago-1979 reprint of Basel and London, 1936 and 1948 originals). Two volumes in one. 444 pages, 78 plates. 'Ihe standardreferencefor this series. Blue cloth, gilt. Covers faded, otherwise internally very fine. ($50) 3177. Ravel, Oscar E. Notes Techniques Pour Reconnaître Les Monnaies Grecques Fausses. (Offprint from Revue Numismatique, 1933). 42 pages, no plates, 8vo. Paper covers, chipped. French text Signed by the author. A very good copy. ($15)
3162. Noe, Sydney P. The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2, with additions and corrections by Ann Johnston. (New Yoik, 1984). ix, 120pages,44excellent plates, concordance to SNG. Quarto. Noe's two die studies are combined into one volume. The standard reference for this important coinage. Hard cover. Veiy fine copy. ($40)
3178. Ravel, OscarE Numismatique Grecque: Falsifications, Moyens Pour les Reconnaître. (London, 1946 original). 104 pages, 10 plates. Text in French. Hardbound. A veiy fine copy, one of the nicest we have seen. ($45) 3179. Ravel, OscarE. Numismatique Grecque: Falsifications, Moyens Pour les Reconnaître. (Chicago, 1980 reprint of 1946 original). 104 pages, 10 plates. Text in French. Red leatherette. Very fine copy. ($20) 3180. Ravel, OscarE. The Collection ofTarentine Coins Formed by M.P. Vlasto. (Chicago, 1977 reprint of London, 1947 original), xii, 196 pages, (3), 53 plates, 8vo. Red leatherette, gilt lettering. The definitive reference for Tarentine coins. Very fine copy. ($50) 3181. Reifenberg, A. Ancient Jewish Coins. (Jerusalem, 1963 Third edition). 66pp., 16plates, 8vo. Hardbound. A fine copy. ($15) 3182. Reinach, Théodore. Jewish Coins. Translated by Mary HilL (Chicago, 1966 reprint). 73 pp., indices, 12 plates. Hard cover with dust jacket A very fine copy. ($15) 3183. Roberts, W. Rhys and Head, Barclay V. The Ancient Boeotians and The Coinage of Boeotia. (Chicago-1974reprintof London-1895 and 1891 originals). Two volumes in one 92 + 99 pages, 6 plates, small 8vo. Robert's section outlines the history and culture and precedes Head's outline of the coinage. Printed card covers. Bound upsidedown. ($ 10)
3168. Price, Martin. Coins of the Macedonians. (Trustees of the British Museum, London, 1974). viii, 47 pp., 16 plates, 12mo. Blue casebound with dust cover. A veiy fine copy. ($ 10) 3169. Price, Martin J. The Coinage in the Name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus. (Zurich and London, 1991). Two Volumes. 637 pages, 159 fine plates. Red cloth with dust covers, in slip case. The standaid reference for years to come. A very fine copy. ($250) 3170. Price, Martin and Waggoner, Nancy. Archaic Greek Silver: The "Asyut" Hoard. (London, 1975). 143 p a g e s , 32+ 4 plates, 8vo. One of the most important hoards ever published. Maroon casebound with dust cover. Afinecopy. ($40) 3171. Prinsep, I l.T. (editor). Historical Results from Bactrian Coins and Other Discoveries in Afghanistan. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of London, 1844 original). 124 pages, 16 plates, 8vo. Brown casebound. A nice fine copy. ($8)
3184. Robinson, E.S.G. A Catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection of Greek Coins. Parti: Italy, Sicily, Carthage. (Lisbon, 1971). 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 136 pages, 42 separate plates in cloth binder. Also; Jenkins and Hipolilo. A Catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection of Greek Coins. Part II: Greece and East (Lisbon, 1989). 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 200 pages, 56 separate plates in cloth binder. A much sought after catalogue, noted for the aesthetic quality of both the catalogue and the coins in it. Cream cloth. Both very fine copies. ($350) 3185. Robinson, E.S.G. A Catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection of Greek Coins. Part I: Italy, Sicily, Carthage. (Lisbon, 1971). 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 136 pages, 42 separate plates in cloth binder. A much sought after calalogue, noted for the aesthetic quality of both the catalogue and the coins in iL Cream cloth. Very fine copy. ($125) A Rare Copy of the Lampson Collection Catalogue 3186. Robinson, E.S.G. Catalogue of Ancient Greek Coins Collected by Godfrey Locker Lampson. (London, 1923). xx, 126 pages, 25 excellent plates plus a beautiful frontispiece of 18 facing head coins. A type collection of Greek coins in gold and silver, each coin chosen for its great style. Rare. A veryfinecopy. ($200)
3187. Romanoff, Paul. Jewish Symbols on Ancient Jewish Coins. (New York, 1971 reprint of 1944 original), xv, 79 pages, 7 plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($15) 3188.
Same as previous lot. A nice fine copy.
30,1 994
3206. Seltman, Châties T. Greek Coins: A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage Down to the Fall of the Hellenistic Kingdoms. (London, 1933 original edition). xix, 311 pages with maps, 64 plates, small 8vo. Green casebound with gilt lettering, top edge gilt. An excellent survey. A fine copy. ($50)
3189. Rosen, Jonathan. Archaic Coins. An Exhibition at the J. Paul Getty Museum From the Collection of Jonathan Rosen. (Malibu, 1983). 43 pages, illustrated throughout A catalog of the exhibition of 50 archaic Greek coins. Each is illustrated and enlarged. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 3190.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
3207. Seltman, Charles T. Greek Coins: A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage Down to theFall of the Hellenistic Kingdoms. (London, 1977 Spink & Son Ltd edition), xxvi, 311 pages with maps, 64 plates, small 8 vo. Red casebound with dust cover. An excellent survey. A very fine copy. ($20) 3208. Seltman, Charles T. Masterpieces of Greek Coinage. (Oxford, 1949 original). 128 pp., photographs throughout text, 8vo. Red cloth. A little dirty, very good. ($30)
3192. Rutter, N.K. Campanian Coinages, 475-380 B.C. (Edinburgh, 1979). viii, 196 pages, 32 plates, 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover. A die study for the early coinages of Cumae, Neapolis, Hyria, Nola, the Campani, Phistelia, Allifae, and the Fensemi. The standard reference for these rare coinages. A very fine copy. ($35)
3209. Seltman, Charles T. The Temple Coins of Olympia. (New York, 1975 reprint of the Cambridge, 1921 edition), ix, (1), 117 pp., 12 plates, large 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. As new copy. ($30) 3210.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy, dust cover a bit dirty.
3194. Rutter, N.K. Greek Coinage. (Shire Publications, 1983). 56 pages, illustrated throughout, 12mo. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($8)
3211. Shore, Fred B. Parthian Coins & History: Ten Dragons Against Rome. (Quarryville, 1993). 188 pages, 645 coins catalogued, fully illustrated, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. An excellent companion to Sellwood's book, this book includes a history of the Parthian empire and a catalogue of the extensive Fred Shore collection. Includes price guide A very fine copy. ($30)
3195. Schwarz, D. and L. Mildenberg. Aus Einer Sammlung Griechischer Münzen. (Zürich, 1961). 19 pages, 30 very nice plates of enlargements, large 12mo. Tan cloth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($15)
3212. Simoneua, Bono. The Coins of the Cappadocian Kings. (Fribourg, 1977). 54 pages, 7 plates, 8vo. Red cloth with dust cover. The standard reference. A very fine copy. ($30)
3213. Starr, Chester G. Athenian Coinage 480-449 B.C. (Oxford-1970 original). x, 96 pages, 26 plates, 8vo. A standard reference. Dark blue cloth with dust jacket, a little dirty. Very fine copy. ($20)
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
Same as previous lot. Tan cloth with dust cover (tattered). A fine copy. ($15)
3197. Seaby Slide Set. SS1. Greek Coins from the 6th. Century B.C. to Alexander the Great. (London, 1972). 30 high quality color slides with lecture notes. Getting tough to find. ($20) 3198. Seaby Slide Set SS8. Palestine: Coins of the Bible Days. (London, 1972). 30 high quality color slides with lecture notes. Getting tough to find. ($20) 3199. Seaby Slide Set. SS14. Greek Coins: The Hellenistic Monarchies, Alexander the Great to Cleopatra VII. (London, 1977). 30 high quality color slides with lecture notes. Getting tough to find. ($20) 3200. Sear, David R. Greek Coins and Their Values, Volume I: Fiurope. (London, Seaby-1978). xl, 316 pages, illustrations throughout the text, maps, 8vo. Volume II: Asia and Africa. (London, Seaby-1979). xlviii, 446 pages, 2000 illustrations throughout the text, maps, 8vo. Based on the collections of the British Museum. These are the most recent editions. Volume I has now gone out-of-prinL A very good set. ($75)
3214. Starr, Chester G. Athenian Coinage 480-449 B.C. (New York, 1980 reprint of Oxford-1970 original), xiv, 96 pages, 26plates, small 8vo. A standard reference. Green leatherette. A very fine. ($20) 3215.
Same as previous lot. Dust jacket dirty. A very line copy. OP.
3203. Sellwood, David, P. Whitting and R. Williams. An Introduction to Sasanian Coins. (London, 1985). 178 pages, 16plates, line drawings in text, 12mo. Entire book is done in calligraphy. Red casebound. Very fine copy. Out of prinL ($30) 3204. Seltman, Charles T. A Book of Greek Coins. (Penguin Books, London, 1952). 31 pp.,48 decent plates. Hard coverwith dust jacket. Afinecopy. ($10) 3205. Seltman, Charles T. Athens, Its History and Coinage Before the Persian Invasion. (Chicago-1974 reprint of Cambridge-1924 original), xx, 228 pages, 24 plates, large 8vo. Still a standard reference for the archaic Athenian coinage. Green casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30)
3216. Svoronos, J.N., Editor. Journal International D'Archéologie Numismatique. (Athens, Quatrième Trimestre 1908). Pages 233-327,1 plate, 8vo. Paper covers. Contains 4 articles on Greek numismatics, 2 in Greek and 2 in German. A very good copy. ($20) 3217. Svoronos, J.N. L'Hellénisme Primitif de la Macédoine Prouvé par la Numismatique et L'Or du Pangée. (Chicago, 1979 reprint of Athens 1919 original), xv, 265 pagrs, 19 plates, fold out table and map, large 8vo. Blue leatherette, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($25) 3218.
3201. Sellwood, David. The Coinage of Parthia. (London-1980). Second Edition. (6), 322 pp., 10 plates, line drawings in text, 8vo. Entire book is done in calligraphy. Brown casebound with dust cover. Dust jacket dirty. A very fine copy. OP. ($35)
Same as previous lot. A very fine.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3219. Svoronos, Jean N. Christodoulos The Counterfeiter. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of Athens, 1922 original). 28 χ 21.5 cm., 36 pp., 17 plates. Paper covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 3220. Svoronos, Jean N. Corpus of the Ancient Coins of Athens. (Chicago1975 reworking of the Munich-1923 edition). 264 pages of which 229 are plates. Basically plates with minimal description. Red casebound, gilt A very fine copy. ($65) 3221. Svoronos, Jean N. Numismatique de la Crète Ancienne, Accompagnée de l'Histoire, la Géographie et la Mythologie de l'Ille. (Bonn, 1972 reprint of 1890 original), ix, 376 pages, 38 plates, large 8vo. Hardbound, gilt lettering. Comers bumped, binding broken at plate 32. Originals of this work are very rare and sell for in excess of $700. A very good copy. ($75) 3222. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage Of Caesarea In Cappadocia. (New York, 1978 reprint of London, 1933 original). Includes a supplement by Alex G. Malloy. 138 pages, 2 plates, illustrations in text, 25-page supplement A standard reference. Hard cover. Very fine copy. ($25) 3223.
Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.
Mail "BidS aie
A Complete Set of SNG ANS 3224. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Parts 1-7. (New York, 1969-1987). 278 plates describing 9241 coins. Folio. Parts 1 -3 are printed card covers, parts 4-5 are printed boards, 6-7 ate cloth. Volume 1 is Out of Print. A nice very fine set. ($475)
A Complete Set of SNG Copenhagen 3226. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum ("SNG Copenhagen"). (Reprint edition, West Milford, New Jersey, 1981). 696 pp., 578 plates. Folio. 43 original volumes beautifully reprinted in eight volumes, bound in red cloth with gold leaf imprints. Text in English. One of the best collections available in the Sylloge format and a "basic reference" for most dealers. Minor scuffs on a few of the covers, still a very fine set ($900) 3227. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum ("SNG Copenhagen'1). Volume I, ItalySicily. (West Milford, N.J., 1981 reprint edition). 92 pages, 60 plates. Folio. Bound in red cloth with gold imprints. Very fine copy, although a little dusty. ($ 125) Same as previous lot. Very fine copy, although dusty.
A Complete Set of SNG von Aulock 3229. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock (SNG- Von Aulock). (Reprint edition, West Milford, New Jersey, 1987). 302 plates with text opposite in German. 18 original volumes beautifully reprinted in four volumes, bound in blue cloth with gold leaf imprints. A standard reference, especially for the collectorof Greek Imperial coinage from Asia Minor. A veryfineset. ($425) 3230. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock (SNG- Von Aulock). Index, by Peter R. Franke, Wolfgang Leschom and Armin U. Stylow. (Berlin, 1981). xii, 268 pp., 12 large fold-out tables, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. A new copy. Very useful for the student of Greek Imperial coinage and as an aid to the Sylloge series of the Von Aulock collection. ($80) 3231. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Switzerland I. Levante-Cilicia. Catalogued by Edoardo Levante, assisted by Peter Weiss, edited by Italo Vecchi. (Bern, 1986). 36 pp., 125 plates with text opposite in Sylloge format. An amazing collection of coins from Cilicia presented in the new Sylloge size (30 χ 21 cm.). Red cloth, gilt and with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($150) 3232. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Switzerland I. Levante-Cilicia. Supplement 1. Catalogued by Edoardo Levante, edited by Italo Vecchi. (Zurich, 1993). xviii pp., 35 plates with text opposite in Sylloge format. 425 entries of interesting and unpublished coins from Cilicia not included in the original volume. Red cloth, gilt and with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($75) 3233. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Volume II (British Scries). Lloyd Collection. (Chicago-1979 reprint of London, 1933-1937 originals). 59 pages, 59 plates. Hardbound. Very fine copy. ($85) 3234.
Same as previous lot. Veiy fine copy.
3237. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Volume IV (British Series). Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections. Part II: Sicily • Thrace. (London, 1972). 19plates with text opposite describing 1006 coins. Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. Vejyfinecopy. (S60) 3238. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Volume IV (British Series). Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections. Part VII: Asia Minor: Lycia-Cappadocia. (London, 1967). 16 plates with text opposite describing 474 coins. Folio. Heavy card covers. Very fine copy. ($60)
3225. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 4. Sicily II: Galaria-Styella. (New York, 1977). 25 plates with text opposite describing 748 coins. Folio. Printed boards. Fine copy, lightly sunned. ($50)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
A Complete Set of The Lockett Collection 3235. Sylloge Nummoram Graeoorum. SNG Volume III (British Series). The Lockett Collection. Parts I - V: Spain to Cyrenaica (Gold and Silver). (London 1957 second impressions). Five volumes complete. 64 plates with descriptive text opposite describing 3541 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. Minorbends at comers. A fineseL ($275) 3236. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Volume IV (British Series). Fitzwilliam Museum : Leake and General Collections. Part I. Spain (Emporiac, Rhoda) - Italy. (London, 1972). 14 plates with text opposite desenbing 882 coins. Heavy papeiboard covers. Nice fine copy. Ex Libris. ($60)
3239. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Volume IV (British Series). Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections. Part VIII: Syria Nabathaea. 20 plates with text opposite describing 636 coins. Folio. Heavy paper board covers. A nice fine copy. ($75) 3240. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Volume V (British Series). Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Part II. Italy, Lucania (Thurium) · Bruttium; Sicily; Carthage. (London, 1969). 24 plates with text opposite describing 1160 coins. Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. A nice fine copy. ($60) 3241. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Volume V (British Series). Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Part III. Macedonia. (London, 1976). 28 plates with text opposite describing 1117 coins, Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. A very fine copy. An essential reference for the Macedonian and Alexandrine specialist! ($100) 3242. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Volume V (British Series). Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Part IV. Paeonia - Thessaly. (London, 1981). 14 plates with text opposite describing 621 coins. Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. Fine copy. ($60) 3243. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Vol. VI (British Series). The Lewis Collection in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Part I. The Greek & Hellenistic Coins (With Britain & Parthia). (London, 1972). 24 plates with text opposite describing 1212coins, 10 indices. Card covers. Comers bent, covers scuffed. Very fine copy. ($65) 3244.
Same as previous lot. Comers bent, covers scuffed. Very good copy. ($45)
3245. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Vol. VI (British Series). The Lewis Collection in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Part II. The Greek Imperial Coins. (London, 1992). 24 plates with text opposite describing 891 coins, 7 indices. Hardbound, gilt lettering. Very fine copy. ($95) 3246. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. Volume IX. The British Museum. l.The Black Sea. (London, 1993). 59 plates with text opposite, 1642 coins listed, 4to. Blue casebound, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($55) A Complete Set of SNG Tubingen 3247. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Deutschland, Münzsammlung der Universität Tübingen. 1-3 Heft. (Berlin, 1981-85). 2173 coins described on 78 plates with text opposite. Missing volume 4 from being complete, this set covers Spain to Bithynia and isrichin Greek Imperial issues. Card covers. As new. ($200) 3248. Sylloge Nummorum Graeoorum. France. Bibliotheque Nationale Cabinet Des Médailles. Collection Jean Et Marie Ddepierre. (Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, 1983). (9), 88 plates with descriptive text opposite describing 3130 coins, indices. Folio. Printed boards. Especially useful for the coins of Aegina. A very fine copy. ($100) 3249. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG France 2. Cabinet des Médailles. Cilicie. Catalogued by Edoardo Levante. (Paris, 1993). xlviiipp., 137 plates with text opposite in Sylloge format. 2436 coins from Cilicia, many not in Levante. Red cloth, gilt and with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($110) A Complete Set of SNG Deutschland, Staatliche Münzsammlung München 3250. Sylloge Nummorum Graecoram. SNG Deutschland, Staatliche Münzsammlung München. l-7Heft. (Berlin, 1968-1975). 144 plates with text opposite describing 5035 coins, Folio. Printed card covers. A nice very fine set ($400)
Mail Hid Saâ
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
3251. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Sweden I. The Collection of His Late Majesty King Gustaf VI Adolf and The Fred Forbat Collection. (Stockholm, Kungl. Vitteihets Historie Och Antikvitets Akademien, 1974). 49 pages, 19 plates. Printed card covers. Fine copy, minor scrapes on back cover. ($75)
3268. Whitehead, R.B. Catalogue of Coins in the Punjab Museum, Lahore. Volume I. Indo-Greek Coins. (Chicago, 1969 reprint of 1914 original), xii, 217 pages, 20 decent plates, 8vo. A decent collection but most of the information is outdated. A nice fine copy. ($15)
3252. Thompson, Margaret. Alexander's Drachm Mints I: Sardes and Miletus. ANS Numismatic Studies No. 16. (New York, 1983). 98 pp., 38 plates, 8vo. Red cloth, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($40)
3269. Whitehead, R.B. Indo-Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1970 reprint of Numismatic Chronicle originals, 1923-1950). 144 pages, 8 plates. Hardbound. A very fine copy. ($15)
3253. Thompson, Margaret. Alexander's Drachm Mints II: Lampsacus and Abydus. ANS Numismatic Studies No. 19.(New York, 1991). 77 pp.,34 plates,4to. Red cloth. A very fine copy. ($40)
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3255. Thompson, Margaret The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens. (New York, 1961). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 10. Two volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 747 pages, 202 plates illustrating 1266 coins, plus two large pull-out plates equal to 23 more plates, large 8vo. The standard reference for this important coinage. Matching red cloth. A very fine set. ($200) 3256. Troxell, Hyla A. The Norman Davis Collection. (The American Numismatic Society, New Yoik, 1969). (4), 53 pp., 28 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Small comer bump. Very fine copy. ($15) 3257.
Same as previous lot. Small comer bump. Veiy fine copy.
An Original Tudeer 3258. Tudeer, Lauri O. Th. Die Tetradrachmenprägung von Syrakus in der Periode der signierenden Künstler. (Berlin, 1913 original). 320 pages, 8 plates, 8vo. Green casebinding with gilt lettering. A classic reference, still importanL Rare. A nice fine copy. ($ 175) 3259. Tudeer, Lauri O. Th. Die Tetradrachmenprägung von Syrakus in der Periode der Signierenden Künstler. (Chicago, 1979reprintof Berlin, 19130riginal). (4), 292 pp., 7 plates, 8vo. Brown leatherette casebound, gilt. Very fine copy. ($30) 3260. Valentine, W.H. Sassanian Coins. (London, Spink & Son Ltd., 1921 original). 118 pp. in handwritten style, line drawings. Hardbound. Covers worn, internally fine. Ex Libris. ($25) 3261. Van Meter, David. Collecting Greek Coins: A Complete Guide to Beginning and Enjoying a Collection of Classical Greek Coins. (Laurion Numismatics, 1990). 144 pages, 18 plates, large 12mo. Printed card covers. A good introduction. OP. A very fine copy. ($15) 3262. von Hoerschelmann, Susanne Gmnauer. Die Münzprägung Der Lakedaimonier. AMuGS VII. (Berlin, 1978). xxii, 207 pages, 32 plates, 4to. Green cloth, gilt A good die study of the coins of Sparta. A very fine copy. ($95) 3263. Waggoner, Nancy M. Early Greek Coins From The Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 5. (New York, American Numismatic Society, 1983). (6), 55 pp., 28 fine plates, 8vo. Orange cloth. A very fine copy. ($30) 3264. Ward, John. Greek Coins and Their Parent Cities. (London, 1902 original). xxxvi, 464 pp., illustrations throughout text, 22 fine autotype plates, frontispiece plate, 8vo. Original tan cloth, top edge gilt Original classic edition. A nice fine copy. ($100) 3265. Wanen, J. Leicester. Greek Federal Coinage. (Chicago, 1969 reprint of 1863 original). 73 pages, 4 maps, 8vo. Brown hardbound. A very fine copy. ($10) 3266.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3267. Westermark, Ulla and Jenkins, Kenneth. The Coinage of Kamarina. (London-1980). RNS Special Publication No. 9.283 pages, 40 plates, 8vo. A définitive die study for this coinage. Red casebound with dust jacket Very fine copy. ($50)
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3271. Williams, Roderick T. The Silver Coinage of the Phokians. (London, 1972) RNS Special Publication No. 7. ix, 138 pp., 16 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage. Dust cover a little rubbed, else a very fine copy. ($30) 3272. Same as previous lot. Dust cover a little rubbed, comers bumped, else a very fine copy. ($25) 3273. Williams, Roderick T. The Silver Coinage of Velia. (London, 1992). RNS Special Publication No. 25. xi, 152 pages, 1 map, 47 plates, 4to. Hardbound with dust cover. A complete die study of the silver coins struck by the south Italian city of Velia. A very fine copy. ($85) 3274. Lot of 34 pamphlets on Greek and miscellaneous numismatics (21 Greek, 13 miscellaneous). Includes: "Some Cypriote Alexanders, by Newell; Standard Ptolemaic Silver," by Newell; "Lysimachus, King of Thrace," by Muller, "The Coinage of Pharaonic Egypt," by Curtis; "Notes sur le Classement Chronologique des Monnaies D'Athenes," by Kambanis; and many more. All have paper covers. Average fine copies. ($60) 3275. Lot of 24 off-prints from The Numismatic Chronice, all dealing with ancient Greek coins. (London, 1911-1981).Afew have light pencil marks, but overall fine copies. Includes: "A Recent Find of Sicilian Coins," by A.H. LLoyd; "Some Rare or Unpublished Coins of Magna Graecia in My Collection," By A.H. Lloyd; "The Early Coinages of Athens and Euboia," by W.P. Wallace; "Cistophori in the Name of King Eumenes," by E.S.G. Robinson; and more. Two duplicates. ($50) 3276. Lot of 5 pamphlets relating to Biblical numsimatics. All with paper covers. Includes: "Money Talks about the Bible," by Halliday; "Coins and the Bible," by Price; "Moneys of the Bible," by Yeoman; "The Handbook of Biblical Numismatics," by Wacks; and "Ancient Coins & Artifacts of the Bible," by Rawson. Very good or better copies. ($10) TITLES ON R O M A N REPUBLICAN NUMISMATICS 3277. American Academy in Rome. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Volume XXXIV. (Rome, 1980). 280pages, 4to. Hardbound with dust cover. Three articles including: Cosa: The Coins, by T.V. Buurcy; Italo-Megarian Ware at Cosa, by Maria Teresa Marabini Moevs; and Aco in Northern Etruria: The Workshop of Cusonius at Cosa, by Maria Teresa Marabini Moevs. A veryfinecopy. ($15) A Complete Set of Banti 3278. Banti, A. Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Moneta/.ione Repubblicana. Volume 1-9. (Florence, 1980-1982). Bilingual Italian/English text. Red cloth, gilt lettering. Important and useful. A very fine set. ($300) 3279. Berger, Frank. Die Münzen de Römischen Republik im KestnerMuseum Hannover. (Hannover, 1989). 539 pages, sylloge format with text with facing plates, 3952 coins cataloged and illustrated, 8vo. Glossy hard covers. Very useful, especially for the bronze issues. A very fine copy. ($95) 3280. Bouigey, Sabine and Geoiges Depeyrot Collections Numismatiques, La Republique Romaine Fonds Bourgcy. (Paris, 1988). 230, xxiv pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Card covers. A compilation of every Republican and Imperatorial coin to pass through the Paris auction hous of Bourgey between 1897 and 1987.574 types are illustrated. Also included is a bibliography of the sales conducted by Bourgey. A nice fine copy. ($35)
Maii,BidS ate
3281. Cohen, H. Descripcion General de las Monedas de la Republica Romana. (Undated reprint of 1857 original), xliv, 357 pages, 75 line drawn plates. Green leatherette with gilt lettering. A Spanish translation of a work originally written in French. A veiy fine copy. ($20) 3282. Comparette, T.L Aes Signatum. (Chicago, 1978reprintof ANS, American Journal of Numismatics, 1919 original). 61 pages, 8 plates, 4to. Hard cover, gilt Veiy fine copy. ($20) 3283.
Same as previous lot. Veiy fine copy.
3284. Crawford, Michael H. Roman Republican Coin Hoards. (London, 1969). RNS Special Publication. 176 pp., 3 plates. Haid cover with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($35) 3285. Crawford, Michael H. Roman Republican Coinage. (1983reprintwith oorrections of London, 1974 original). Two volumes complete, xv + xi, 919 pp., 70 plates, appendix, bibliography, concordances, indices, 8vo. Brown doth with dust ooveis. The most scholarfy treatment of the entire Roman Republican coinage in chronological order and the definitivereferencefor the series. Light scratches on dust cover of volume 2, otherwise a veiy fine set ($225) 3286. Domingo, Saul. Catilogo General de la Moncda Roman. I. Repüblica. (Valencia, 1983). 283 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A spanish version of "Roman Coins and Their Values" covering the gold, silver and bronze issues of the Roman Republic. Includes valuations in 1 grade. A veiy fine copy. ($15) 3287. Fava, Anna Serena I Simboli Nelle Monete Argentee Repubblicane e La Vita Dei Romani. (Museo Civico Di Torino, 1969). 199 pages, 55 plates, 26 tables of symbols, 8vo. Card covers. 724 coins catalogued. Afinecopy. ($15) A Complete Set of "Coins of The Roman Republic in the British Museum" 3288. Grocber, H.A. Coins of The Roman Republic in the British Museum. (London, 1970 reprint of London, 1910 original). Three volumes. Volume I: Aes Rude, Aes Signatum, Aes Grave, and Coinage of Rome from B.C. 268. Volumell: Coinage of Rome (Continued), Roman Campania, Italy, The Social War, and the Provinces. Volume ΙΠ: Tables of Finds and Cognomina, Indexes, Plates, Etc cxxv, 594 + 592+236 (& 123 plates), 8vo. Red casebound with dust covers. A very fine set ($275) 3289. Herbert, Kevin. The John Max Wülfing Collection In Washington University. Roman Republican Coins. (Ancient Coins in North American Collections Published by The American Numismatic Society, New York, 1987). (2), 47 pp., 25 plates, 769 coins, 4to. Orange cloth. A very fine copy. ($20) 3290. Lahusen, Götz. Die Bildnismünzen der Römischen Republik. (Munich, 1989). 109 pages, 94 plates, 4to. White cloth with dust cover. A study of the portrait coinage of the Roman Republic. A very fine copy. ($ 125) 3291. Mattingly, H. Some New Studies of the Roman Republican Coinage. (Offprintfrom"The Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume XXXIX," Lenden), pages 239-285,1 plate, 8vo. Paper covers. Comers bumped, afinecopy. ($15) 3292. Ratto, Rodolfo. Collection Ε .A. Sydenham: Aes Grave Italique, Monnaies Romaines Consulaires. (New York, 1974reprintof Ratto auction catalogue, Lugano, February 7 1928). 653 lots, 29 plates, prices realized. An important collection of aes grave and Roman Republican bronze. Paper covers. A very fine copy but covers slightly soiled. ($15) 3293. Seaby Slide Set SS15. Roman Coins: The Coinage of Republican Rome. (London, 1977). 30 high quality color slides with lecture notes. Getting tough to find. ($20) 3294. Sydenham, E.A. The Victoriate. (London, 1932, from !׳he Numismatic Chronicle). Pages 73-95,2 plates, 12mo. Hardbound. A nice fine copy. ($10)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
A Scarce Original Work By Edward Sydenham 3295. Sydenham, Edward A. Aes Grave, A Study of the Cast Coinages of Rome and Central Italy. (Spink & Son, Ltd.; London, 19260riginal). 145 pp.,28 fine plates, 8vo. The first woik in English on the subject. Good introduction. Original quarter cloth with tan boards. Front hinge broken, internally fine. Scarce. ($135) 3296. Sydenham, Edward A. Aes Grave, A Study of the Cast Coinages of Rome and Central Italy. (Undated Fomi reprint of London, 1926 original). 145 pp., 28fineplates, 4to. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($65) 3297. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of the Roman Republic. (London, 1952 original). 343 pages, 30 plates. Hard cover, gilt lettering. The original and best edition. Bump at bottom of spine, back hinge broken, internally fine. ($ 100) 3298. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of the Roman Republic. (Amo Press, New York 1975 reprint of London, 1952 original), box, 343 pp., 30 plates, 8vo. Still cited as a cross-reference. Tan casebound. Reduced format. A very fine copy. ($30) 3299. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of the Roman Republic. (Durst, New York 1976 reprint of London, 1952 original), lxix, 343 pp., 30plates. Still cited as a cross-reference. Brown leatherette. A very fine copy. ($30) 3300. Thomsen, Rudi. Early Roman Coinage: A study of the chronology. (Copenhagen, 1961-1974 editions). Three volumes. Volume I: The Evidence, 251 pages. Volumell: Synthesis 1,391 pages. Volume ΠΙ: Synthesis Π, 302pages. 29711lustrations in text. Printed paper covers. A study of the pre-denarius coinage (C. 211 BC) of ancient Rome. An important work. Pages uncut. Very fine copies. ($175) 3301. Thuriow, Bradbury K. and Vecchi, Italo G. Italian Cast Coinage: Italian Aes Grave and Italian Aes Rude, Signatum and the Acs Grave of Sicily. (London, 1979). 50 pages, 82 plates, concordance with Sydenham. Octavo. Brown casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for the collector of aes grave. Very fine copy. ($25) TITLES ON ROMAN NUMISMATICS 3302. Akerman, John Yonge. Numismatic Illustrations of the Narrative Portions of the New Testament. (London, 1846). 59 pages, illustrated in text, engraved frontispiece, 8vo. Original brown cloth, gilt lettering, textured boards. Spine broken in the middle, otherwise a very good copy. Ex Libris. ($35) 3303. Alföldi, Andreas and Elisabeth. Die Kontorniat-Medaillons. AMuGS VI. (Berlin, 1976). Two volumes (1 of text and 1 of plates). xvi,232pages,212exceptional and loose plates, small 4to. Both volumes green cloth with git lettering. The standard work on these unusual items. Veiy fine. ($ 150) 3304. American Numismatic Society Educational Slide Program Series No. 2. Roman General. (New Yoik). 36 quality black and white slides with lecture notes. ($15) 3305. Askew, Gilbert. The Coinage of Roman Britain. (London, 1951 original). 95 pages, engravings throughout text. Hard cover with dust jacket Small tears in dust cover, otherwise afinecopy. ($20) 3306.
Same as previous lot. A very good copy.
3307. Askew, Gilbert. The Coinage of Roman Britain. (London, 1967reprintof 1951 original). 94 pages, engravings throughout texL Hardbound with dust cover. Smudges on dust cover from contact with a red book. Exlibris. A very fine copy. ($20) A Complete Set of Banti and Simonetti 3308. Banti, Alberto and L. Simonetti. Corpus Nummorum Romanorum. (Florence, 1978). Volumes 1-18. From 282 to 388 pp. and 1170 to 2078 illustrations per volume. Bound in moss green cloth with gold stampings.The main value of this set is the numerous photographs taken from auction catalogs, dealer's lists, and museums. A few volumes have spotted or discolored areas on the covers but are intemally very fine. Covers fom Pompey and Antony to Nero. ($350)
1 73
3309. Besly, Edward & Roger Bland. The Cunetio Treasure, Roman Coinage of the Third Century AD. (London, 1983). 199 pages, 40 plates, large 8vo. Catalogue and analysis of 54,951 coins, predominantly antoniniani of the third century, found in Britain in 1978. Black cloth with dust cover. OP and difficult to find. A very fine copy. ($ 100) 3310. Bland, Roger (Editor). The Chalfont Hoard and Other Roman Coin Hoards. (London, 1992). Coin Hoards from Roman Britain, Volume IX. 366 pages, 32 plates, large 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. Publication of 38 coin hoards found in Britain between 1987 and 1992. Many unlisted types published here for the first time. A very fine copy. ($75) 3311. Bland, Roger and Burnett, Andrew [Editors]. The Normanby Hoard and other Roman Coin Hoards. (London, 1988). 280 pages, 40 plates, small 4to. Publishes 18 Roman coin hoards spanning circa 500 years. Most important is the Normanby, Lincolnshire hoard of 48,000 coins of the late third century A.D., the second largest hoard ever found in Britain. Hardbound. Includes a copy of a fixed price list of C.J. Martin in which a sample of coins from the Normanby hoard were offered for sale. A very fine copy. Scarce. ($95) 3312. Boyne, William. A Manual of Roman Coins from the Early Republic to the Fall of the Empire (335 B.C. - 476 A.D.). (Ammon Press, 1968 reprint of London, 1865 original), xviii, 86 pages, 21 plates of engravings, small 8vo. Orange casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($15) 3313. Breglia, Laura. Roman Imperial Coins: Their Art & Technique. (London, 1968 translation of 1968 Milan edition). Translation by Peter Green. 236 pp., 99 coins catalogued, full page enlargement of each coin. Oblong octavo. Blue cloth with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($50) 3314. Brin, Howard B. Catalog of Judaea Capta Coinage (Minneapolis, 1986). 56pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Printed card covers. 138 types cataloged, with cross references to RIC, Cohen, BMC and Meshorer. A very fine copy. ($ 15) 3315. Brown, Augustus. Lot of 10 short articles on Roman Coins. Includes: "The Coinage of Gordian ΠΙ," "The Coinage of Elagabalus," "The Financial Collapse of the Roman Coinage in the 3rd Century AD," "The Coinage of Trajan Decius,""Roman-British Coins," "The Coinage of Cams, Carinus and Numerian," "The Divi Consecration Coins of Roman Emperors," "Coins of the First British Empire (287-296)," " The Coinage of Maximinus, The Gordiani, Balbinus and Pupienus," and "Reading and Understanding Roman Mint Marks." All with card covers and all very fine. ($20) 3316. Burnett, Andrew. Coinage in the Roman World. (Seaby, London, 1987). 168 pp., 24 plates, small 8vo. Grey casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30) 3317. Carson, R.A.G. and C.H.V. Sutherland (Editors). Essays In Roman Coinage Presented To Harold Mattingly. (London, 1956 original), xiv, 291 pages, 8 plates, bibliography of Mattingly's works. Fifteen articles including the often cdted article on Punic coins of Spain by E.S.G. Robinson. All of the articles are in English. Hard cover with dust jacket A fine copy. Out of print and extremely scarce. ($125) 3318. Same as previous lot Hard cover without dust jackeL End sheets dirty, pages torn and fixed with scotch tape. A good copy. Out of print and extremely scarce. ($75) 3319. Carson, RA.G. and Colin Kraay (Editors). Scripta Nummaria Romana, Essays Presented to Humphrey Sutherland. (London, 1978). 250 pages, 24 plates, bibliography of Sutherland's works. Festschrift of fifteen articles by some of the leading classical numismatists. One article is in French, the remainder are in English. Hard cover. Very fine copy. ($35) 3320.
Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.
3321. Carson, R.A.G. Coins of the Roman Empire. (New York, 1990).xiv,367 pages, 64 fine plates, laige 8vo. Blue casebound with matching slip case, gilt lettering. An excellent overview of the coins of the Roman empire. A very fine copy. ($95)
M a r c h 30,1 994
3322. Carson, R A G . Principal Coins of The Romans, Volume I: The Republic c. 290-31 BC. (British Museum Publications, London, 1978); and V01umeII:The Principate, 31 BC- AD 296. (British Museum Publications, London, 1980); and Volume ΙΠ: The Dominate AD 294-498. (British Museum Publications, London, 1981). 88,167, 112 pages respectively, illustrated throughout. A complete set of this useful series. Each black cloth with dust cover. Volume 1 now OP. A very fine seL ($75) 3323. Casey, P.J. Roman Coinage in Britain. (Shire Publications, 1980). 64 pages, illustrated, 12mo. Printed card covers. A fine copy. ($8) 3324. Challis, C.E. and M.A.S. Blackburn (Editors). Studies in the Coinages ofCarausius and Allectus. (The British Numismatic Society, 1985). 50pages, 14 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Minor bends in card covers, mosUy from thumbing. A fine copy. ($20) 3325. Cohen, Henry, J.C. Egbert, Jr., and R. CagnaL The Coin-Inscriptions and Epigraphical Abbreviations of Imperial Rome. (Chicago, 1978 reprint), lxiii, 138 pages, 8vo. Red casebound. A very fine copy. ($15) 3326. Cooke, W. The Medallic History of Imperial Rome; From the First Triumvirate, Under Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar, to the Removal of the Imperial Seat, by Constantine the Great. (London, 1781). In 2 Volumes, xiv, 507; 502 pages, 61 engraved plates, 4to. Quarter leather with marbled boards. Binding broken on 1 volume, very light foxing, internally very nice. Overall a fine copy. ($225) 3327. De Witte, J. Atlas of the Ancient Coins struck by the Emperors of the Gallic Empire, with an Introduction to the Gallic Empire by Percy H. Webb (from RIC V, Part Π, pp. 310-317). (Chicago, 1976 reprint of Paris, 1864 original). 4 ($10) pages, 49 plates of line drawings. Hardbound. A very fine copy. 3328. Foss, Clive. Roman Historical Coins. (Seaby - London, 1990). 335 pages, 341 illustrations throughout text Hardbound with dust cover. Study of how coin types relate to Roman ritual and society. A very fine copy. ($50) 3329.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3330. Fox, John. Roman Coins and How to Collect Them. (New York, 1983). xiii,(3), 194 pages, illustrated throughout, small 8vo. Printed glossy card covers. A very fine copy. ($10) 3331. Franke, Peter R and Max Hirnier. Römische Kaiserporträts Im Münzbild. (Munich, 1968). 19 χ 17.5 cm., 55 pp., 52 wonderful plates, many in color. Text in German. Hardbound. Fine copy. ($20) 3332. Giaoosa, Giorgio. Women Of The Caesars: Their Lives and Portraits on Coins. Translation by R. Ross Holloway. (Milan, 1978). 127 pp., 71 plates, some in color. Blue cloth with dust jacket Very fine copy. ($50) 3333. Giard, Jean-Baptiste Catalogue Des Monnaies De L'Empire Romain. I. Auguste. (Bibliothèque Nationale, 1976). viii, 258 pages, 72 plates, 4to. Green leatherette, gilt Well illustrated with modem research and dating. French texL Very fine copy. ($75) 3334. Giard, Jean-Baptiste. Catalogue Des Monnaies De L'Empire Romain. II. De Tibère a Néron. (Bibliothèque Nationale, 1988). 181 pages, 58 plates, 4to. Green leatherette, gilt. Well illustrated with modem research and dating. French text. Very fine copy. ($75) 3335. Gnecchi, Elmer. Coin T^pes of Imperial Rome. (Chicago, 1978 reprint of London, 1908 original). 75 pages, 20 pages of tables, 8vo. Red casebound with gilt lettering. Small comer bump, otherwise a very fine copy. ($10) 3336. Grant, Michael. From Imperium To Auctoritas - A Historical Study of Aes Coinage in the Roman Empire 49 BC- AD 14. (Cambridge, 1969 reprint of 1946 original), xvii, 512 pages, 12 plates. Smaller format than original (21.5cm X 15cm). Hardbound with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($40) 3337. Grant, Michael. Roman Anniversary Issues. An Exploratory Study of the Numismatic and Medallic Commemoration of Anniversary Years, 49 B.C.A.D. 375. (New York, 1977 reprint of Cambridge, 1950 original). 204 pages, 2 plates. Hardbound.Very fine copy. ($15)
GSame as previous loLVery fine copy.
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
MaiiBidSaù ($15)
3339. Grant, Michael. Roman History From Coins: Some Uses of the Imperial Coinage to the Historian. (Cambridge, 1958). 96 pages, 32 plates, 12mo. Hardbound. A nice fine copy. ($15) 3340. Grant, Michael. Roman Imperial Money. (New York, 1954). x, 324pages, 40 plates, illustrations throughout. An introductory text to Roman Imperial Coinage connecting the coins to their historical context. Hard cover with dust jacket (tatteted). A fine copy. Scarce. ($45) 3341. Grant, Michael. The High Art of Portraiture on Roman Coins. (Horizon, Volume V, Number 7, September 1963). Pages 3341, illustrated. Hardbound. Lot also includes the November, 1946 issue of The National Geographic Magazine which ineludes "The Roman Way" by Edith Hamilton and "Ancient Rome Brought to Life" by Rhys Carpenter and H.M. Herget. Both fine copies. ($8)
A Nice Copy of "Roman Coins" by Kent and Hirmer 3354. Kent, J.P.C. and Max and Albert Hirmer. Roman Coins. (New York, 1978). 368 pages, 1430 excellent photographs, some in color, 4to. Green cloth with dust jacket. English translation wilh some revisions of Kent, Overbeck, and Stylow's Die Römische Münze (Munich, 1973). Out of print and one of the most beautiful books ever published on Roman coins. A very fine copy. ($ 145) 3355. Kent, J.P.C. The Pattern of Bronze Coinage Under Constantine I. (Doris Stockwell Memorial Papers No. 3, Reprinted from the "Numismatic Chronicle, 1957). Pages 16-77, plates 3-8, 8vo. Printed card covers. Important. A very fine copy. ($12) 3356. Kiely, Michael J. and David Van Meter. Collecting Roman Coins. (Laurion Publishing, 1989). 74 pages, illustrated, 16mo. Printed card covers. A veryfinecopy. ($10)
3342. Grant, Michael. The Six Main Aes Coinages of Augustus. (Edinburgh, 1953). xix, (1 ), 178 pages, 20fineplates, small 8vo. Red casebound, gilt lettering. A fine copy. ($20)
3357. Klawans, Zander H. Reading and Dating Roman Imperial Coins. (Racine,Wisconsin, 1953firstedition). 125 pp., illustrated, 12mo. Green casebound, gilt. Spine sunned, library stamp. Very good copy. ($10)
3343. Grierson, Philip and Melinda Mays. Catalogue of Late Roman Coins In The Dumbarton Oaks Collection and In The Whittemore Collections; From Arcadius and Honorius to the Accession of Anastasius. (Washington, D.C., 1992). xiv, 499 pages, 37 plates with facing text, large 8vo. Grey casebound with dust cover. The single most important work on the fifth century coinage. A very fine copy.
3358. Klawans, Zander H. Reading and Dating Roman Imperial Coins. (Racine, Wisconsin 1977 Fourth edition). 128 pages, illustrated, 12mo. Green casebound. Afinecopy. ($12)
3344. Hill, G.F. Historical Roman Coins. (London, 1909 original), xvii, 191 pages, 15 plates. Blue casebound, gilt lettering. A general survey of Roman coins. A very good copy. ($45) 3345.
Same as previous lot. A good copy.
3346. Hill, G.F. Historical Roman Coins. (Chicago, 1976 reprint of London, 1909 original). 191 pages, 15 plates. A general survey of Roman coins. Hardbound. A very fine copy. ($15) 3347. HilL Philip. The Monuments of Ancient Rome as Coin Types. (London, 1989). 145 pages, illustrated throughout, large 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($40) 3348. Hill, Philip V. The Coinage of Septimius Severus and His F amily of the Mint ofRome A.D. 193-217. (London, Spink & Son Ltd., 1964). 56pp.,2plates,8vo. Printed paper covers. A must for the Severan Dynasty specialist. Afinecopy. ($15) 3349. Hill, Philip V. The Dating and Arrangement of The Undated Coins of Rome, AD 98-148. (London, 1970). 214 pages, 2 plates, 8vo. An excellent reference for the collector of this Roman coinage which did not use tribunician dates. Hard cover. Very fine copy. ($25) 3350. Hill, Philip V. Lot of 2 offprints from Quademi Ticinesi diNumismatica e Antichila Classiche (Lugano, 1975-1976). Includes: "Coins-Symbolism and Propaganda During the Wars of Vengeance (44-36BC)" and "From Naulochus to Actium: The Coinages of Octavian and Antony, 36-31 BC." Both with printed card covers. Nice fine copies. ($15) 3351. Jones, John Melville. A Dictionary of Ancient Roman Coins. (Seaby, London, 1990). 329 pp., illustrated, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. Exlibris. ($45) 3352. Kankelfitz, Ralph. Katalog Römischer Münzen Von Pompejus bis Romulus, Band Ι-Π. (Munich, Battenberg, 1974 and 1976). 556 pages in two volumes, illustrated throughout. Glossy card covers. A German version of Sear with valuations in 3 grades and cross references to RIC and Cohen. Very fine copies. ($30)
3359. Lacam, Guy. La Fin de L'Empire Romain et Le Monnayage Or en Italie. (Luzem, 1983). In two volumes. 1107 pages, 60 plates, 226 plates of enlargements throughout, folio. Maroon casebound, gilt lettering. An incredible corpus of the gold coinage of the Italian mints of the Western Roman Empire. French text. Comers bumped, internally very fine. ($275) 3360. Levy, Bob. From The Coins Point of View. (Lodi, WL, 1993). 178 pages, wonderfully illustrated throughout, large 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A compilation of articles writen by Bob Levy for The Celator plus a catalog of the 63 most impressive coins of Imperatorial Rome and the early empirefromthe Levy Collection, sold by Leu in 1993. A very fine copy. ($25) 3361. Mattingly, Harold. A Guide To The Exhibition of Roman Coins In The British Museum. (Chicago 1980reprintof Trustees of the British Museum, London, 1927 original). 80 pp., 8 plates, 11figures,small 8vo. Tan cloth. A very fine copy. ($15) 3362.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
A Very Nice Set of BMCRE 3364. Mattingly, Harold, et al. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMCRE): 6 Volumes in 8 books. Volume I (1976 reprint); Volume Π (1976 reprint); Volume HI (1976 reprint); Volume IV (1976 reprint, in two volumes); Volume V (1975 reprint in two volumes); and Volume VI (London, XXX original edition). A major reference work which discusses the mints, monetary system, art and fabric of the coins, and with the combination of excellent photos and indexes by type makes it especially useful in attributing coins. A veryfineset. Out of print. (S800) 3365. Mattingly, Harold. Roman Coins F rom The Earliest Times To The Fall of the Western Empire. (London, 1928 original edition), xx, 300 pages, 64 fine plates with tissue interleaves, 8vo. Blue cloth, gilt lettering, top edge gilt. Good introductory survey of Roman coinage over its entire history. Afinecopy. Ex. Libris. ($75) 3366. Mattingly, Harold. Roman Coins From The Earliest Times To TheFall of the Western Empire. (London, 1960 Methuen edition), xiii, 303 pages, 64 plates, 12mo. Good introductory survey of Roman coinage over its entire history. Green cloth with dust cover, gilt. A nice fine copy. ($25) 3367.
3353. Kent, J.P.C. and K.S. Painter. Wealth of the Roman World AD 300-700. (London, 1977). 190pages. An illustrated cataloguefor an exhibition of the same name at the British Museum. Includes a section on coins and medallions, some illustrated in color. Softbound. Very good copy. ($15)
Same as previous lot. A fine copy. Ex Libris.
3368. Mattingly, Harold. Roman Coins From The Eariiest Times To The Fall of the Western Empire. (New York, 1987 reprint of 1928 original), xx, 300 pages, 64 plates. Good introductory survey of Roman coinage over its entire history. Blue casebound, gilt. A new copy. ($30)
Mai(,BidS aie
An Early Work on Constantinian Numismatics 3369. Maurice, Jules. Numismatique Constantinienne: Iconographie et Chronologie, Description Historique des Émissions Monétaires. (Brussels, 1965 reprint of the Paris, 1908-1912 originals). Three Volumes, clxxix, 507 pages, 23 plates; cxxxvi, 612 pages, 17 plates; xlviii, 286 pages, 11 plates. Matching maroon leatherette, 8vo. This was the standard reference until the publication of RIC VI and VIL Much nicer than the Fomireprintsthat sell for nearly $300. Rare originals of this work sell for around $700. Very fine copies. ($275) 3370. Metcalf, William E. The Cistophori of Hadrian. Numismatic Studies 15. (New York, 1980). 164 pages, 31 plates. A standard reference. Red cloth. Cover dusty, otherwise a very fine copy. ($50) 3371. RA.G. Carson, P.V. Hill and J.P.C. Kent Late Roman Bronze Coinage, A.D. 324-498. (London, 1965 reprint of London, 1960 original). 114 pages, 4 plates, large 8vo. A standardreferencefor the collector of this area. I lard cover. The preferred reprint edition, as the plates are far superior to the later editions. Minor marks on cover. A very fine copy. ($35) 3372. RA.G. Carson, P.V. Hill and J.P.C. Kent Late Roman Bronze Coinage, A.D. 324-498. (New York, 1989 reprint of London, 1960 original). 114 pages, 4 plates. A standard reference for the collector of this area. Hard cover. A very fine copy. ($20) 3373. Reece, Richard. Roman Coins. (London, 1970). 189 pages, 64 plates, small 8vo. Cloth bound with dust cover. A good survey of Roman coinage from the Republic to the collapse of the Empire. A nice fine copy. ($30) 3374.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
3382. Sear, David R. Roman Coins and Their Values. (Seaby - London, 1988 Fourth Edition). 388 pages, illustrated throughout text, 12 plates. Black casebound with dust cover. The latest edition of this standard reference. Inscribed by David Sear. A fine copy. ($45) 3383.
Same as previous lot. A very good copy.
3384. Sear, David R. The Emperors Of Rome and Byzantium: Chronological and Genealogical Tables for History Students and Coin Collectors. (London, 1981). 75 pages bound together in a calendar format. Paper covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 3385. Shiel, Norman. The Episode of Carausius and Allectus. (British Archaeological Reports 40,1977). iii, 217 pages, 25 average plates, 4to. Blue card covers. A fairly technical study of the gold coinage of Carausius and Allectus with some coverage of the bronze issues. OP and Scarce. A very fine copy. ($75) 3386. Simonetta, Bono and Renzo Riva. Le Tessere Erotiche Romane (Spintriae). (Editore Franco Chiesa, Lugano, 1981). 35 pp., 7 plates, 8vo. Red casebound. A very fine copy. ($25) 3387. Smith, H.R.W. Problems Historical and Numismatic in the Reign of Augustus. (University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, Volume 2.N0.4, 1951). Pages 133-221,6 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Top and bottorn of spine torn, light foxing. A very good copy. ($15) 3388. Stevenson, Seth W. A Dictionary of Roman Coins. (Seaby, London 1964 reprint of 1889 original, London), viii, 929 pages. Red casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. Now Out of Print. ($65)
($25) 3389.
3375. Reece, Richard and Simon James. Identifying Roman Coins: A Practical Guide to the Identification of Site Finds in Britain. (Seaby, 1986). 48 pages, line drawings, 8vo. Glossy hardbound. A very fine copy. ($ 15) A Complete Set of "Roman Imperial Coins In The Hunter Coin Cabinet" 3376. Robertson, Arme S. Roman Imperial Coins In The Hunter Coin Cabinet: Volumes I-V. (Oxford, 1962-1982). 2800+ pages, 432 plates. Each volume is hardbound with a dust cover. This collection is second probably only to the British Museum and the main value of these references is in the complete indices, detailed descriptions, and the outstanding collotype plates (illustrating nearly two-thirds of the entire collection). Each volume contains a survey of the coinage of that period with sections on the mints, officinae, metrology, denominations, and detailed discussions of the coinages of individual emperors. Crossreferencesto RIC and BMCRE. All volumes are out of print and scarce. A very fine set ($850) A Complete Set of RIC 3377. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). (London). The definitive work on Roman Imperial coinage and a must for every serious collector. A complete set, including the hard to find volume V. Volume I (1984 edition); Volume Π (1972 reprint); Volume HI (1972 reprint); Volume IV (1986 reprint); Volume V (1972 reprint, in two volumes); Volume VI (1973 edition); Volume VU (1984 reprint); Volume VHI (1981 edition); Volume EX (1972 reprint). This set also includes the old edition of volume I. Very fine copies. ($ 1000)
Same as previous lot. Fore edge spotted, internally fine. Now Out of Print ($50)
3390. Stevenson, Seth W. A Dictionary of Roman Coins. (Seaby, London 1982 reprint of 1889 original, London), viii, 929 pages, thick 8vo. Red casebound Fine copy with dust cover. Now out of print ($60) 3391. Sutherland, C.H.V. Coinage and Currency in Roman Britain. (London, 1937 original edition), xii, 184 pages, 14 plates, 8vo. Red casebound, gilt lettering. A few penciled in notes. Good background reading. Scarce. Slight discoloration on cover otherwise a very fine copy. ($45) 3392. Sutherland, C.H.V. Coinage In Roman Imperial Policy, 31BC-68 AD. (Methuen, 1971reprintof London, 1951 original). 220 pages, 17 plates. Hard cover with dust jacket. A nice fine copy. (S20) 3393. Sutherland, C.H.V. Coinage In Roman Imperial Policy, 31 BC-68 AD. (New York, 1978 reprint of London, 1951 original). 220 pages, 17 plates. Hard cover. As new copy. ($25) 3394. Sutherland, C.H.V. Roman Coins. (New York, 1974). 311 pages, 572photographs of which 63 are in color. Companion volume to Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins, and Whitting's, Byzantine Coins. Long out of print and scarce. Hardbound with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($135)
3378. Seaby, H.A. Roman Silver Coins, Vol. I-V. A complete set of the most recent editions. An important set covering all the silver issues from the Republic to Romulus Augustus. Current retail for these is $225. All in nice fine condition. ($135)
3395. Sutherland, C.H.V. Roman History and Coinage, 44 BC - AD 69: Fifty PoinLs of Relation from Julius Caesar to Vespasian. (Oxford, 1987). xii, 131 pages, small 8vo. Hard cover with dust jacket Issued posthumously, Sutheriand discusses the use of coins as historical records and examines the historian's neglect of coins as viable sources of history. A very fine copy. ($25)
3379. Seaby, H.A. Roman Silver Coins. Volume I, Republic - Augustus (London, 1967 second edition). 167 pages, line drawings throughout Hardbound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($10)
3396. Sutherland, C.H.V. The Emperor and the Coinage, Julio-Claudian Studies. (Spink & Sons, 1976). 132, (14)pages, 10plates,8vo. Orange cloth with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($30)
3380. Seaby, H.A. Lot of 2 older editions of Roman Silver Coins. Volume I, Republic - Augustus (London, 1967 second edition); Volume Π, Tiberius - Commodus (London, 1968 second edition). Both very fine copies. ($20)
3397. Sutherland, C.H.V. and C.M. Kraay. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the Ashmolean Museum. Part I. Augustus (c. 31 B.C. - A.D. 14). (Oxford, 1975). 1506 coins catalogued and illustrated on 36 plates with facing text, large folio. Heavy card covers. Includes both Roman issues and Greek Imperial issues. Concordances with Cohen and the old RIC. Still useful and OP. Minor marks on cover, otherwise a very fine copy. ($80)
3381. Seaby Slide SeL SS2. Roman Coins: The Twelve Caesars and Other Imperial Portraits. (London, 1972). 30 high quality color slides with lecture notes. Getting tough to find. ($20)
3398. Sutherland, C.HV., Nekriman Olcay and K.E. Menington. The Cistophori Of Augustus. Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 5. (London, 1970). 134 pages, 36 plates. The standard reference for the cistophoric tetradrachms of Augustus. Hard cover with dust jacket Very fine copy. ($40) 3399. Same as previous lot. Dust jacket dirty and cover lighlty water stained, not affecting text or plates. A very good copy. ($20) 3400. Sydenham, E.A. Historical References to Coins of the Roman Empire. (London and San Diego, 1968 reprint of London, 1917 original). (4), 155 pages with illustrations, 8vo. Out of print. Orange casebound, gilt. Fine copy. ($15) 3401. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of Nero. (New York, 1982 reprint of 1920 original). 176 pp., 4 plates. Red leatherette. A very fine copy. ($25) 3402.
Same as previous lot. A new copy but heavily bumped at lop of spine. ($15)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
3413. Lot of 12 offprints from The Numismatic Chronicle relating to Roman coinage. Includes: "Notes on the Augustan Cistophori," by Woodward; " The Bronze Coinage of A.D. 103-111,"by Hill; "Lugdunum:Siliqua-Coinageof Valentinian II and Eugenius," by Pearce; "The Vota-Legends on the Roman Coinage," by Pearce; "Notes on Some Aes of Valentinian Π and Theodosius, " by Pearce; "A ThirdCentury Roman I loard from Great Chessells, Glos.," by Kraay; and 6 other articles. Mostly fine copies. ($25) 3414. Lot of 9 off-prints from The Numismatic Chronicle. (Attic Books Ltd., 1977). Lot Includes: "The Coinage of Vindex and Galba" by C.M. Kraay; "The Coinage of The Civil Wars of 68-69 AD' by H. Mattingly; "Fel Temp Reparatio" by H. Mattingly, "The Coinages of Augustus" by E. A Sydenham; "The Roman Senati" by H. Mattingly, "The Geneva Forgeries" by R. A.G. Carson; "Coinage of Triumvirs, Antony, Lepidus, and Octavia" by H.A. Grueber, "The Pre-Reform Coinage of Diocletian" by P. Webb; and "The Numbering of The Victories of the Emperor Gallienus" by A. Alfoldi. All very fine copies. ($25) TITLES ON ROMAN PROVINCIAL NUMISMATICS
3403. Toynbee, J.M.C. Roman Historical Portraits. (London, 1978). 208 pages, illustrated throughout, large 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($40) 3404. Toynbee, Jocelyn MC. Roman Medallions. With an introduction to the reprint by William Ε Metcalf. ANS Numismatic Studies 5. (New Yoik, 1986 reprint ofNewYork, 1944 original). 268 pages, 19plates. An updated version of this work that discusses the history and puiposes of Roman medallions. Hard cover. A very fine copy. ($40) 3405. Van Meter, David. The Coins of the Twelve Caesars: A Numismatic History of Rome in the Imperial and Early Imperial Eras. (Launon Numismatics, 1990). 176 pages, 20 plates, laige 12mo. Printed card covers. A decent introduction. OP. A very fine copy. ($12) 3406. Van Meter, David. The Handbook of Roman Imperial Coins: A Complete Guide to the History, Types and Values of Roman Imperial Coinage. (Laurion Numismatics, 1991). 334 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Printed card coveis. A veiy popular title. Out of Print A very fine copy. ($20) 3407. Vermeule, Cornelius C., et al. Roman Medallions. Museum (if line Arts, Boston. (Boston, 1975 updated edition). 14 plates with text opposite describing 106 items. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. ($15) 3408. Walker, D.R. The Metrology of the Roman Silver Coinage. Parts 1-3. (Oxford, 1976-1978). BAR Supplementary Series 5,22 and 40.159,120,159 pages, small 4to. Printed card covers. Part I, Augustus to Domitian; Part Π, Nerva to Commodus; Part ΙΠ, Pertinax to Uranius Antoninus. An important work examiming weight standards, chemical compositions etc.. of the silver coins of the Roman Empire. Scarce. A very fine set ($125) 3409. Webb, Percy H. The Reign and Coinage of Carausius. (London, 1908 repnntfrom The Numismatic Chronicle, Fourth Series, Vol. VH, 1907). vi, (1), 160 pages, 5 fine plates, small 8vo. Green cloth gilt lettering. A fine copy. Difficult to find. ($75) 3410. Westdal, Stewart Dictionary of Roman Coin Inscriptions. (New York, 1982). 141 pages,large 12mo. Avery fine copy. ($10) 3411. Whitehead, D.H.E. The McGill University Collection of Greek and Roman Coins. Volume I. Roman Coins in the McGill University Collection. (Amsterdam, 1975). xiii, 239 pages, 25 plaies, 8vo. Card covets. A very fine copy. ($20) 3412. Lot of 23 miscellaneous articles and pamphlets relating to Roman coins.Includes: "Constantine's Dafne Coinage at Constantinople," by Speck and Huston; "The Date of the Roman Denarius and Other Landmaiks in Eady Roman Coinage," by Mattingly and Robinson; "Coins of Roman Britain," by Miller, "Historical Implications of Roman Coins,"by Stem; "The Developement of Roman Coinage," by Milne; plus many more interesting articles. Mostly fine copies. ($35)
3415. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus. (New York-1981 reprint of New Yoik-1941 original). 116pages, 16 plates. Brown casebound. As new copy. ($25) 3416.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3417. BumeU, Amandry and Ripoles. Roman Provincial Coinage, Volume I, From the Death of Caesar to the Death of Vitellius (44 BC - 69 AD) (RPC). (London, 1992). Pan I: xviii, 727 pages, 7 maps. Part Π: pages 729-812,195 fine plates. Both volumes are blue casebound, slip-cased. Over 100,000 coins listed. The new standard reference for this period. Out of print. A very fine copy. ($300) 3418. Butcher, Kevin. Roman Provincial Coins: An Introduction to the Greek Imperials. (Seaby, London, 1988). 138 pp., 8 plates, line drawings throughout, small 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30) 3419. Curtis, Colonel James W. The Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt (Chicago, 1969). xxiv, 172 pages, 11 plates, 8vo. Green cloth. Inscribed by Curtis to Virginia Baker. A very fine copy. ($30) 3420. Curtis, Colonel James W. The Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt (Chicago, 1957). 187 pages, illustrated in text, 12mo. Hardbound. Some find this edition useful because it includes the grades of all the Curtis coins. A fine copy. ($25) 3421. Curtis, Colonel James W. The Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt (New York, 1990 reprint). 425 pp., small 8vo. A much expanded reprint of the standard reference for the series. Dark blue leatherette. As new copy. ($40) 3422.
Same as previous lot. As new copy.
3423. Dattari, Giovanni. Monete Imperial! Grechi. Numi Augg(ustorum) Alexandrini. Catalogo della Collezione G. Dattari. (Undated Fomi reprint of Cairo, 1901 original). Original two volumes in one. xii, 472 pages, 37 plates, 4to. The definitive collection of Alexandrian coinage and a must for any serious collector. Textin Italian. Brown cloth. A very fine copy. ($125) 3424. Denmbski, Günther. Katalog der Antiken Münzen. Α. Griechen. I. Hispanien und die Römischen Provinzen Galliens. (Wien, 1979). 60 pages, 19 plates, 1 map. Hard cover. 541 coins cataloged, about half illustrated. A very fine copy. ($25) The Definitive Work on Alexandrian Coins 3425. Geissen, Angelo and Wolfram Weiser. Katalog Alexandrinischer Kaisermünzen der Sammlung des Instituts für Altertumskunde der Universität zu Köln. (Germany, 1972-1984). 5 volumes. 3627 coins described and photographed. Volume 5 consists of the indices and tables. The definitive work on Alexandrian coinage and very difficult to obtain. Text in German. Hardbound with dust covers. A very fine set. ($350) 3426. Howgego, CJ. Greek Imperial Countermarks: Studies in the Provincial Coinage of the Roman Empire. (London, 1985, Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 17). 317 pages, 36 maps, 33 plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A standard reference for the Greek Imperial speciahst! Nice very fine copy. Scarce. ($150)
3427. Imhoof-Blumer, F. Zur Griechischen und Römischen Münzkunde. (Undated Fomi reprint of 1908 original). 323 pages, 10 plates. Blue cloth. A fine copy. ($20) 3428. Lindgren, Heniy Qay. Ancient Greek Bronze Coins: European Mints, From the Lindgren Collection. (San Francisco, 1989). 89 pages with 89 facing plates, indices, small 4to. Brown casebound with dust cover. Over 1850 coins catalogued and illustrated. Includes Estimated values sheets. Inscribed to Tom McKenna from Henry Lindgren. A very fine copy. ($65) 3429. lindgren, Henry Clay and Frank L Kovacs. Ancient Bronze Coins of Asia Minor and The Levant, From the Lindgren Collection. (San Francisco, 1985). 212 pages, 135 plates, indices, small 4to. Brown casebound with dust cover. This catalog records 3200+ coins and is especially valuable forthe Greek Imperial series. Includes Estimated values sheets. A very fine copy. ($85) 3430. copy.
Same as previous lot Small tear in dust cover, top of spine bumped. A fine ($65)
3431. MacDonald, David J. The Coinage of Aphrodisias. (London, 1992). RNS Special Publication No. 23. xi, 184 pages, 32 plates, 4to. Red casebound with dust cover. A complete catalog and die study, primarily covering the coinage of the Imperial period in bronze, but also the series of drachms of the first century B.C. A veiy fine copy. ($60) 3432. Meshorer, Ya'akov. City-Coins of Eretz-Israel and the Decapolis in the Roman Period. (Jerusalem, 1985). 123 pages, illustrated throughout, 1 colorplate, large 8vo. 283 coins illustrated along with site illustrations and artifacts. Hardbound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($35)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
A Scarce Work on Alexandrian Coins 3440. Vogt, Joseph. Die Alexandrinischen Münzen. Grundlegung Einer Alexandrinischen Kaisergeschichte. (Stuttgart, 1924). Two parts bound in one volume, x, 233; iv, 185 pages, 5 plates. Recent red cloth, gilt. The scarce original edition. Newell address label, with a few notes in the text by Newell. Two small ink stains on page 43 and 125 of the second half. A fine copy. Ex. Libris ANS. ($300) 3441. von Aulock, Hans. Münzen und Städte Phrygiens. (Tübingen, 1980). Two Volumes. Volume L 155 pages, 30 plates, 907 coins listed. Volume Π. 145 pages, 44 plates, 1513 coins listed. Both have card covers and dust jackets. A study of the coinage of 29 cities in Phrygia. All coins listed are pedigreed. An important work. Very fine copies. ($75) 3442. Lot of 5 Pamphlets relating to Greek Imperial Numismatics. Includes: "Roman Coin-Moulds From Egypt," by Milne; "The Coinage of Roman Egypt, A Survey," by Curtis; "A Hoard of Double Headed Imperial Bronzes from Six Mints of Moesia Inferior and Thiace," by Sear, "The Pie-Imperial Coinage of Roman Antioch," by Newell; and "A Metrological Inquiry into the Cistophoric Medallions of the Emperor Hadrian," by Wirgjn. All fine copies. ($12) TITLES ON BYZANTINE NUMISMATICS 3443. Bates, George E. Byzantine Coins, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Monograph 1. (Cambridge, MA.-1971). 159 pages, 9 plates, 4vo. Purple buckram with matching dust cover. Very fine copy, minor tear in dust jacket. ($30)
3433. Milne, J.G. Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford. (London, 1971 Spink reprint of 1933, London original). Supplement by Colin M. Kraay. 165 pages, 7 plates. A standard reference. Hard cover with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($50)
An Original Set of "Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and Whittemore Collections" 3444. Bellinger, Alfred R. and Grierson, Philip. Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and Whittemore Collections. Volume I to III complete. (Washington D.C.; 1966-1973). : Phocas to Theodosius III, 602-717; 2 parts, 728 pp., 46 plates. Volume ΙΠ: Leo ΠΙ to Nicephorus ΙΠ, 717-1081 ; 2 parts, 887 pp., 70 plates. Quarto, matching original green buckram. Minor rubbing on covers, but still a fine set. The major reference for Byzantine coinage and difficult to obtain. ($750)
3434. Milne, J.G. Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford. (New Yoik, Durst 1982 reprint of London, 1971 Spink edition). Supplement by Colin M. Kraay. lxviii, 165 pages, 7 plates, fold-out tables, 8vo. A standard reference. Green casebound. A very fine copy. ($50)
3445. Bendall, Simon and PJ. Donald. The Billon Trachea of Michael VIII Palaeologos, 1258-1282. (A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd.; London, 1974). 44 pages, 22 plates of line drawings, 12mo. An essential reference for the late Byzantinist. Card covers. Fine copy. ($8)
3435. Price, Martin Jessop and Bluma L. Trell. Coins and Their Cities: Architecture on the Ancient Coins of Greece, Rome, and Palestine. (London, 1977). 298 pp., 16 color plates, 522 black and white photos, fold-out map, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. This book is a must for the collector of Greek Imperial coinage and the student of ancient architecture. A very fine copy. ($50)
3446. Bendall, Simon and P.J. Donald. The Later Palaeologan Coinage. (A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd.; London, 1979). 271 pages, illustrated with numerous line drawings, 12mo. An essential reference for the late Byzantinist. Cardcovcrs. A fine copy. ($20) 3447.
3436. Sear, David. R. Greek Imperial Coins and Their Values. (London, Seaby1982). XXXV, 636pages, 1750 illustrations throughout the text, 12mo. A"must"reference for the collector of the Gieek Imperial series or any part thereof. Green casebound with dust cover. The most recent edition. A nice fine copy. (S45) 3437. Vermeule, Cornelius C. Divinities and Mythological Scenes in Greek Imperial Art. (Cambridge, 1983). 39 pages, 52 plates (41 of coin enlargements), index, laige 8vo. Card covers. Light scuffing on covers, otherwise a very fine cqpy. ($30) 3438. Vermeule, Cornelius C. HI. Numismatic Art Of The Greek Imperial World. (Cambridge, Mass. 1986). 148 pages, 130plates,pull-out map. A very useful woik for the collector of Greek Imperials. Caid covers. Cover lightly scuffed, otherwise a very fine copy. ($35)
3448. Beik, Harlan J. Lot of 2titles. Eastern Roman Successors of the Sestertius. (Joliet, Illinois; 1986). 138 pp., 2 photographic plates; and Roman Gold Coins of the Medieval World, 383-1453 AD. (Joliet, Illinois; 1986). 76 pp., 373 varieties cataloged and photographed. Both blue cloth, large 8vo. Both with many notes in pencil and pen. Very good copies. ($20) 3449.
Same as previous lot. Covers dirty and bruised. Very good copies. ($20)
3450. Beik, Harlan J. Eastern Roman Successors of the Sestertius. (Joliet, Illinois; 1986). 138 pp., 2 photographic plates, excellent quality line drawing throughout text, 979 varieties cataloged, large 8vo. Blue casebound, gilL A very fine copy. ($15) 3451.
3439. Voegtli, Hans. Bilder der Heldenepen in der Kaiserzeitlichen Griechischen Münzprägung. (Basel, 1977). xv, 168 pages, 25 loose plates in a folder, good bibliography, 4to. Printed card covers. Hans Voegtli's doctoral thesis on the Labors of Hercules, illustated mainly with Greek Imperial coins. German text. Small tear at bottom of spine, otherwise a very fine copy. (S30)
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
3452. Beik, Harlan J. Roman Gold Coins of the Medieval World, 383-1453 AD. (Joliet, Illinois; 1986). 76 pp., 373 varieties catalogued and photographed, large 8vo. Blue casebound, gilt A very fine copy. ($15) 3453.
!,(ease (KiaiCyoiiT 'BidSfiee t Tarty!
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
Mail'BidS ok
3454. Cavallo, Guglielmo et al.. I Bizantini In Italia. (Milan, 1982). 692 pages, heavily illustrated throughout (mostly in color), 4to. Text in Italian. An impresive work dealing mainly with the art and architecture of the Byzantine empire, though there is a small section on numismatics. Tan buchram with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($150) 3455. Goodacre, Hugh. A Handbook of the Coinage of the Byzantine Empire. (Spink & Son Ltd., London-1960 reprint of London, 1928-1933 originals), xii, 361 pages, illustrations in text, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover, gilt lettering. A few penned notes. A very good copy. ($20) 3456.
Same as previous loL Cover dirty, a few penciled notes. A very good copy. ($20)
3457. Grierson, Philip. Byzantine Coins. (Berkeley, 1982). 411 pages, 95 plates, maps. The best introductory survey of Byzantine coinage. Casebound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. Out of Print. ($80) 3458. Same as previous lot Dust jacket sunned, penciled notes in text and plates. A fine copy. Out of Print ($65)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
3466. Longuet, Dr. Henry. Introduction à la Numianatique Byzantine. (London, 1961 Spink reprint), ix, 158 pages, 24 plates. Hard covers with dust jacket. Fine copy. ($15) 3467. Lowick, N.M., S. Bendall & P.D. Whitting.The Mardin Hoard, Islamic Countermarks on Byzantine Folles. (A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd.; London, 1977). 80 pages, 8 plates, 12mo. Card covers. A very good copy. ($5) 3468. Malter, Joel L. Byzantine Numismatic Bibliography, 1950-1965. (Chicago, 1968). 58 pages, large 12mo. Burgundy cloth, gilt. A very fine copy. ($15) 3469. Metcalf, D.M. The Origins of the Anastasian Currency Reform. (Chicago, 1969). vi, 105 pages, 12 plates, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt. Front hinge weak but intact A very good copy. ($20) 3470. Metcalf, William E. and Wolfgang Hahn - Editors. Studies In Early Byzantine Gold Coinage. Numismatic Studies 17. (New York, 1988). 142 pp., 24 plates, 4to. Red cloth. A series of seven articles by various experts in the field and an introduction by the editors. A new copy. ($55)
A Complete Set of Hahn, "MIB" 3459. Hahn, Wolfgang. Moneta Imperii Byzantini: Rekonstruktion des Prägeaufbaues auf synoptisch-tabellarischer Grundlage. Band 1-3. Band 1, Von Anastasius L Bis Justinianus L (491-565) einschliesslich der ostgotischen und vandalischen Prägungen (Vierma, 1973). 141 pp.,42plates, 13 fold-out tables. Band 2. Von Justinus Π. Bis Phocas (565-610) einschliesslich der Prägungen der HeracliusRevolte und mit Nachträgen zum 1. Band. (Vienna, 1975). 146 pp., 40 plates, 13 fold-out tables. Band 3. Von Heraclius' Bis Leo ΙΠ./ Alleinregierung (610-720) mit Nachträgen zum 1. und 2 Band. (Vienna, 1981). 315 pp., 58 plates, 16 fold-out tables. All red cloth with dust covers, gilt lettering. Text in German. A must reference for the serious Byzantine numismatist Minor wear on dust covers and a few penciled notes in the first two volumes, otherwise nice fine copies. ($475)
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
Same as previous lot.. A very fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3460. Hahn, Wolfgang. Moneta Imperii Byzantini: Rekonstruktion des Prägeaufbaues auf synoptisch-tabellarischer Grundlage. Band 1. Von Anastasius I. Bis Justinianus I. (491-565) einschliesslich der ostgotischen und vandalischen Prägungen. (Vienna, 1973). 141 pp., 42 plates, 13 fold-out tables. Red cloth, gilt Text in German. A must reference for the serious Byzantine numismatist and the most difficult volume to find of Hahn's meticulous work. Dust cover torn, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($215)
3476. Prina, Diego Ricotti. La Monetazione Aurea Delle Zecche Minori Bizantine dal VI al IX secolo. (Rome, 1972). 107 pages, 29fineplates. Casebound with gilt lettering. Fine copy. ($35)
3461. Hahn, Wolfgang. Moneta Imperii Byzantini: Rekonstruktion des Prägeaufbaues auf synoptisch-tabellarischer Grundlage. Band 2. Von Justinus II. Bis Phocas (565-610) cinschliesslkh der Prägungen der Hcradius-Revolte und mit Nachträgen zum 1. Band. (Vienna, 1975). 146 pp., 40 plates, 13 fold-out tables. Red cloth gilt Text in German. A must reference for the serious Byzantine numismatist. Dust cover torn, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($125)
3478. Ratto, Rodolfo. Collection Privée. Monnaies Byzantines et d'autres pays contemporaines à l'Epoque Byzantine. (Amsterdam, 1959 reprint of Lugano, 1930 original). Auction catalog of December 9,1930 of 2701 lots, 151 pages, 68 plates, 8vo. One of the most comprehensive Byzantine collections ever offered for sale with coins from Arcadius to John VUL Red buckram. Very good copy. ($35)
3462. Hahn, Wolfgang. Moneta Imperii Byzantini: Rekonstruktion des Prägeaufbaues auf synoptisdi-tabcllarischcr Grundlage. Band 3. Von Heradius' Bis Leo III./ Alleinregierung (610-720) mit Nachträgen zum 1. und 2. Band. (Vienna, 1981). 315 pp., 58 plates, 16 fold-out tables. Clothbound. Text in German. A mustreferencefor the serious Byzantine numismatist Dust cover ragged on edges, otherwise afinecopy. ($95) A Scarce and Important Work by Michael Hendy 3463. Hendy, Michael F. Coinage and Money In The Byzantine Empire 1081• 1261. (Washington D.C.-1969). xviii, (2), 453 pages, tables, 2 folding maps, 51 plates. A standard reference and difficult to locate. Green buckram. Fine copy. ($275)
3475. Morrisson, Cécile. Catalogue des Monnaies Byzantines de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Volume I-II. (Paris, 1970). In two volumes. 844 pages, 103 quality plates, large 8vo. Red cloth with gilt lettering. A standard reference for Byzantine coins. Nice fine copies. ($175)
3477. Raeder, Joachim. Die Byzantinischen Münzen im Kestner-Museum Hannover. (Hannover, 1987). 170 pages, 352 coins cataloged, 4 colorplates, maps on endpapers, oblong 8vo. Glossy hard cover. A fine copy. ($20)
3479. Same as previous lot Plates and text heavily marked with ink and pencil. A good copy. ($25) 3480. Same as previous lot. Front hinge broken, cover heavily waterstaincd. A good copy. ($15) 3481. Ratto, Rodolfo. Collection Privée. Monnaies Byzantines et d'autres pays contemporaines à l'Epoque Byzantine. (Amsterdam, 1974 reprint of Lugano, 1930 original). Auction catalog of December 9,1930 of 2701 lots, 151 pages, 68 plates, 8vo. One of the most comprehensive Byzantine collections ever offered for sale with coins from Arcadius to John VUI. Red buckram. A very fine copy. ($45) 3482.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3464. Kent, John. A Selection of Byzantine Coins in the Barber Institute of line Arts. (Birmingham, 1985). 80 pages, 124 coins cataloged and illustrated (enlarged), 12mo. Card covers. A nice fine copy. ($ 10)
3483. Rynearson, Paul F. Byzantine Coin Values. (San Diego, 1967). 103 pages, line drawings in text, narrow 8vo. Includes a rarity scale which is still quite useful Card covers, slightly soiled, pages 15-52 loose. A good copy. ($5)
3465. Lacam, Guy. Civilisation et Monnaies Byzantines. (Paris, 1974). 503 pages, 111 wonderful plates of enlargements throughout text, 42figuresin text, several color plates, large 8vo. Hardbound, gilt lettering. Light scuffs on cover, comers bumped, internally very fine. ($75)
3484. Rynearson, Paul F. Byzantine Coin Values. (San demente, 1971). 109 pages, 3 plates, line drawings in text Includes ararityscale which is still quite useful. Yellow casebound. Very fine copy. ($15)
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994
3485. Sabatier, J. Description Générale Des Monnaies Byzantines. (Graz, 1955 reprint of Paris-1862 original). Two volumes, one of text (16mo) and one of plates (8vo). 702 pages, 103 plates of line drawings. Green cloth, gilt lettering. A few penned lines in the plate volume, otherwise a fine set. ($50)
3502. Josset, C.R. Money in Great Britain and Ireland, A History of the Currencies of the British Isles. (Rutland, Vermont, 1971). 214 pages, 8 plates throughout, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Inscribed by the author. Dust cover a little dirty. A fine copy. ($20)
3503. Metcalf, D.M., Editor. Coinage In Medieval Scotland (1100-1600), The Second Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History. BAR 45. (Oxford, England; 1977). 198 pp. Paper covers. Cover dirty with small tears at top and bottom of spine. A must reference for the Scottish specialist. ($25)
SSame as previous lot. Cover sunned, comers worn. A very good copy. ($35)
3487. Sear, David R. Same as previous lot. (London, 1974 original edition). 415 pages, photos throughout text Blue cloth with dust jacket A good copy. ($10) 3488. Sear, David R. Same as previous lot (London, 1987). 526 pages, photos throughout text. The latest edition. Hard cover. A very good copy. ($20) 3489. Spahr, Rodolfo. Le Monete Siciliane Dai Bizantini a Carlo I d'Angio (582-1282). (TAPN-Zurich, 1976). 236pages, 28 plates, geneaological tables, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt lettering. Italian text Light stains on covers, otherwise a fine copy. ($50) 3490. Whining, P.D. Byzantine Coins. (New York, 1973). 311 pages with 390 illustrations plus 20 color plates. Outstanding photographs. Companion volume in "The World of Numismatics" series to Sutherland's, Roman Coins, and Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins. Blue cloth with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($65) 3491.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
An Original Set of "Catalogue of the Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum" 3492. Wroth, Warwick. Catalogue of the Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum. (London,1908 original). Two volumes, cxii, 312; (2), (313) 687, tables, 2 frontispiece plates, 87 fine plates. Matching original red quarter leather, text and plates starting to seperate from binding, internally fine. Good set that needs rebinding. ($175) 3493. Wroth, Warwick. Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum. (Chicago-1966 reprint of London-1908 original). 683 pages, 79 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. This reprint edition combines two volumes into one. A very fine copy. ($85) ($75)
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
Same as previous lot. Cover dusty, edges spotted. A very good copy. ($55)
3505. Oman, Charles. The Coinage of England. (Oxford, At The Clarendon Press, 1931). xii, 396 pp., 45 engraved plates, small 8vo. Original boards, faded, gilt. Front and back hinge broken, but still intact. A very good copy. ($30) 3506. Seaby, Herbert Allen and Peter John. A Catalogue of the Copper Coins and Tokens of the British Isles. (B.A. Seaby Ltd., 1949). 142 pages, line drawings, 12mo. Papercovers. A very good copy. ($5) 3507. Simon, James. Simon's Essay on Irish Coins, and of the Currency of Foreign Monies in Ireland; with Mr. Snelling's Supplement: Als, an Additional Plate, containing Nineteen Coins Never Before Published. (Dublin, 1810). 180, 8 pages, 8, 1 finely engraved plates. Original heavy boards. Minor foxing, cover heavily worn. A good copy. ($50) 3508. Van Arsdell, RD. Celtic Coinage of Britain. (Spink, 1989). xvi, 584 pages, 54 plates. Green casebound with dust cover. A veryfinecopy. The standard reference. ($75) 3509. copy.
Same as previous lot. Dust cover sunned and dirty, otherwise a very fine ($70)
3510. Wingate, James. IllustrationsoftheCoinageofScotland: Drawn from Specimens Existing in the Author's Cabinet. (Glasgow, 1868). 146 pages, 44 plates, 4 supplementary plates, 4to. Original green leather, gilt, marbled end sheets. Cover heavily rubbed around edges, back cover seperated, internally fine. ($75) TITLES ON W O R L D NUMISMATICS
3496. Wroth, Warwick. Western and Provincial Byzantine Coins of The Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards and The Empires of Thessalonica, N'icaea and'IVebizond in the British Museum. (Chicago-1966 reprint of London, 1911 original). xciv, 344 pages, 43 plates. Red casebound with dust cover. Still a standard reference.Cover dirty, otherwise a new copy. ($65) 3497.
3504. North, J.J. English Hammered Coinage. Volume I and Volume II. (London, 1963 and 1960). 200; 183 pages, with illustrations, 14; 10 plates with facing descriptions. Blue leatherette with dust cover on Volume L Dust cover torn, light scuffing around edges. Very good copies. ($30)
Same as previous lot. Plates a little warped from dampness. A fine copy. ($50)
3511. Album, Stephen. Marsden's Numismata Orientalia Illustrata. A Guide to Islamic and Oriental Coins with Values. (New York, 1977 reprint of 1823 original). 318 pp., woodcut illustrations throughout text, small 8vo. Cream casebound with dust cover. Dust cover a little scuffed, otherwise a fine copy. ($20) 3512. Same as previous lot.. Dust cover a little scuffed, otherwise a very fine copy. ($20) 3513. Castân, Carlos and Juan R. Cayön. Las Monedas Espanolas desde los Reyes Catôlicos al Estado Espanol. (Madrid, 1973). 534 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Hardbound. A nice fine copy. ($20)
TITLE ON BRITISH A N D BRITISH ISLES NUMISMATICS 3498. Brown, Laurence. British Historical Medals 1760-1960. Volume I. The Accession of George III to the Defeat of William IV. (Seaby, 1980). 469 pages, illustrations throughout, large 4to. Describes 1755 medals. Hardbound with dust cover. A little dirty. A fine copy. ($75) A Standard Work on the Coins of Scotland, Original Edition 3499. Bums, Edward. The Coinage of Scotland. Illustrated from the Cabinet of Thomas Coats, Esq, of Fergusiic and other Collections. (1887 Original edition). In three volumes, xxiii, 365; xviii, 555; 128 fine plates, 4to. Original green cloth, gilt Still important A very fine set ($450) 3500. De Clermont, Andre P. and John Wheeler. Spink's Catalogue of British Colonial and Commonwealth Coins. (Spink & Son, 1986). 704 pages, profusely illustrated, 4to. Glossy hard cover. Edges dirty, internally very fine. ($25) 3501. Dolley, Michael. Anglo-Saxon Pennies. (London, 1964). 21.5 χ 14 cm., 32 pp., 16plates,colorfrontis.Cardcovers. Finecopy. ($10)
3514. De Mey, J. Les Billets Communaux Belges (1914-1919). (Bruxelles, 1981). Three volumes. 440 pages, illustrated throughought, 4to. Matching, printed card covers. A fine set. ($45) 3515. di Borgomale, H.L. Rabino. Coins, Medals and Seals of the Shahs of Iran, 1500-1W1. (International Numismatic Press, 1973 reprint of 1945 original), xv, 108 pages, 4 plates, 5 fold-out tables, 12mo. Printed paper covers. A fine copy. ($15) 3516. Edhem, I. Ghalib. Catalogue Des Monnaies Turcomanes Du Musée Imperial Ottoman. (Bologna, 1965 reprint). 175 pages, 8 plates. Papercovers. Fine copy. ($10) 3517. Gonçalves, Alvaro Augusto. Catâlogo de Cédulas e Moedas Brasiliens do Padräo Monetirio "Cruziero," 1942-1967. (San Paulo, 1969). 138 pages, ülustrated. Hard cover. A very good copy. ($10)
3518. Krause, Delbert Ray. Swiss Shooting Talers and Medals. (Whitman, 1965). 160 pages, illustrated throughout, 12mo. Green leatherette, gilL Afinecopy. ($15) 3519. Metcalf, D.M. Coinage in The Balkans, 820-1355. (Thessalonica, 1965). xix,286 pages, 16plates. Papercovers. Small tear at bottom of spine and other signs of use. A very good copy. ($20) The Standard Work on the Coins of the Crusades 3520. Metcalf, D.M. Coinage of the Crusades and the Latin East in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. (London, 1983). RNS Special Publication No. 15. x, 248 pages, 36 plates. Hardbound with dust cover. A standard reference in great demand. Small teais in dust cover, otherwise a fine copy. ($ 125) 3521. Miles, George C. Coins of the Spanish Muluk al-Tawa'if. (New York, 1954). HispanicNumismaticSeriesMonographNo.nl. 169 pages, 15plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($30) 3522. Plant, Richard. Arabic Coins and How to Read Them. (Seaby, 1980 revised edition). 151 pages, line drawings throughout. Card covers. Afinecopy. ($10) 3523. Poey D'Avant, Faustin. Monnaies Féodales De France. (Graz, 1961 reprint of Paris, 1858-1862 originals). 3 volumes. 1256 pages, 163 plates of line drawings. A standard reference formedieval French feudal coinage. Cloth. Coveis a little soiled, otherwise a fine set ($95) 3524. Poole, Stanley Lane. Coins of The Urtuki Turkumans (Foes of the Crusaders). (Chicago, 1967 reprint of 1875 Oxford original). 44 pages, 6 plates. Green leatherette. Text seperated from binding. A good copy. ($5) 3525. Schjöth, Fredrik. Chinese Currency, Currency of The Far East. A Comprehensive Text... Chou Dynasty (1122 BC - 255 BC) through Ch'ing Dynasty (1644 AD -1911 AD). Revised and edited by Virgil Hancock. (Krause Publications, Iola, WI; 1965). xviii, 88 pp., 146 plates of line drawings and some photographs, charts. Narrow folio. Hardbound. A very good copy. ($30)
3527. Schweikert, M.Muszynskiet H. Le Papier-Monnaie du Maroc. (France, 1974). 62 pages, illustrated. Printed card coveis. A very good copy. ($5) 3528. Seltman, Arthur. The Monagri Hoard. An Offprint From Dumbarton Oaks Papers, #28. (Washington, D.C., 1974). 3 pages, 1 plate. Discusses a hoard of medieval Cypriote coins found in the Church of the Panagia Amasgou at Monagri, Cyprus in 1960. Paper covers. New. ($5) 3529. Spengler, William F., and Waynes G. Sayles. Turkoman Figurai Bronze Coinsand Their Iconography. Vol. I.TheArtuqids.(Lodi,WL, 1992). xxiv, 193 pages, 4 plates, illustrated throughout. Hardbound with dust cover. The standard reference for this interesting scries. A very fine copy. ($30) Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3534. Lot of 5 Titles relating to U.S. Numismatics. Includes: Coinage of the Americas, by Theodore V. Buttrey (1973); Confederate Treasury Notes, by Philip Chase (1947); United States Copper Cents 1816-1857, by Howard Newcomb (1963); 1963 and 1975 Redbook, by R.S. Yeoman. Allfinecopies. ($30) 3535. Lot of 4 Titles on World Coins. Includes: Monnaies de Hongrie, by I^jos Huszar(1963); Gold Coins of the World Complete from 600 AD to 1958, by Friedbetg, (1958); and Medieval Bracteates, by Lhotka (1958). First two hardbound, lastcoveriess. Very good copies. ($15) ANS, M U S E U M NOTES 3536. Museum Notes, Volumes 4, 7 - 33, and the American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 1-4. (New York, 1949-1993). A near complete run of this important series, missing only a few of the rare early volumes. Each volume contains at least 10 articles pertaining to ancient, medieval and modem numismatics with usually half or more pertaining to ancients. Many of the articles are very important rcferences. A few of the volumes have small spine tears at the top of the spine and minor folds on the oover, but overall this is a nice fine set. All volumes have card covers. ($350) 3537. Museum Notes, Volumes 23-24,26-33, and the American Journal of Numismatics Volume 1 and 2. (New York, 1978-1990). Each volume contains at least 10 articles pertaining to ancient, medieval and modem numismatics with usually half or more pertaining to ancients. Many of the articles are very important references. A few of the volumes have small spine tears at the top of the spine and minor folds on the cover, but overall this is a nice fine run. All volumes have card covers. ($175) 3538. Museum Notes. Lot of the four most recent issues. Includes: Museum Notes 32,33 and American Journal of Numismatic 1 and 2. All printed card covers. Very fine copies. ($75) 3539. Museum Notes3. (New York, 1948). 154 pp., 26plates, 8vo. Papercovers. Includes Bellinger's "A Seleucid Mint at Elausa Sebaste," Sutherland's "îlie Incuse Coinage of South Italy," plus 3 other articles on ancients and 10 articles and world coins. A fine copy. Scarce. ($45)
Another Important Work on Crusader Coinage 3526. Schlumberger, G. Numismatique De L'Orient Latin. (Graz - Akademische Dnick- U. Veriagsanstalt, 1954reprintof Paris, 1878 original). Two volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates which are line drawings). (4), xii, 504 pp., (2); (4), 22 pp., (2), 37 pp; (2) pp., 21 plates, one fold-out map. Text: 8vo, plates: 4to. Important work on Crusader coinage. Matching gieen cloth, gilt, faded. Comeis worn. Fine copies. ($ 125)
March 30,1 994
3531. Suhle, Arthur. Das Miinzwesen Magdeburgs Unter Erzbiscof Wichmann, 1152-1192. (Magdeburg, 1950). 53 pages, 31 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers with cloth spine. Comeis bumped. A nice fine copy. ($35) 3532. Unvala, Jamshedji Maneckji. Coins of Tabaristan and Some Sassanian Coins from Susa. (Paris, 1938). 43 pages, 46 tables, 4to. Paper covers with clear plastic coating. Minor foxing. A very good copy. Rare. ($75) 3533. Xinhau Publishing House. A History of Chinese Currency (16th Century BC · 20th Century AD). (Hong Kong, 1983). 220 pages, fully illustrated in color. Hardbound with dust cover. Comeis bumped. Afinecopy. ($35)
3540. Museum Notes 4. (New York, 1950). 130 pages, 24 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Includes Noe's "Beginnings of the Cistophoric Coinage," Brett's "The Mint of Ascalon underthe Seleucids," Sutherland's "What Is Meant By Style in Coinage," and 4 other articles on ancients and 7 on medieval and Oriental numismatics. Cover water lightly sunned, otherwise a fine copy. Scarce. ($35) 3541. Museum Notes 9. (New Yoik, 1960). 243 pages, 16plates, 8vo. Paper covers, lightly sunned. Includes Robinson's "Some Problems in the Later Fifth Century Coinage of Athens," Merker's "The Silver Coinage of Antigonos Gonatas and Antigonos Doson," King's "The Constantinian Mints 306-313," Kraay's "Two New Sestertii of Domitian," plus 6 other articles on ancinets and 5 articles on medieval and Oriental numismatics. Nice fine copy. ($35) 3542. Museum Notes 10. (New Yoik, 1962). 172 pages, 35 [dates, 8vo. Paper covers. Includes: Holloway's "The Crown of Naxos," Noe's "The Corinth Hoard of 1938," Bellinger's "The Boston College Hoard," and "The Coins from the Tieasure of the Oxus," Kiang's "An Unpublished Coin Portrait of Ptolemy VI Philometor," Vermeule's "A Ptolemaic Contribution Box in Boston," Metcalf's "The New Bronze Coinage of Theophilus and the Growth of the Balkan Themes," plus 6 0therarticles on worid coins and medals. Lightly sunned. A fine copy. ($35) 3543. Museum Notes 11. (New York, 1964). 335 pages, 59 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Includes: Holloway's "Demarete's Lion," Dodson and Wallace's The Kozani Hoard of 1955," Bellinger's "Philippi in Macedonia," M01khols's "Seleucid Coins fron Cilicia ca. 220-150 BC," and "The Accession of Antiochus IV of Syria," Thompson's "A Hoard from Thessaly," plus 6 olher articles on ancients and 13 articles on worid coins and medals. Front cover creased and sunned. Afinecopy. ($25) 3544. Museum Notes 12. (New Yoik, 1966). 232 pages, 59 plates, 8vo. Paper coveis, sunned. Includes Thompson's "A Hoard from Northern Greece," and "The Monogram of Charlemagne in Greek," Cox's "Gordion Hoards ΠΙ, IV, V, and VH," Fagerlie's '"Roma Invicta' - A New Follis of Justinian," plus 4 other articles on ancients and 8 articles on wodd coins. Cover wrinkled, internally fine. ($12)
March 30,1 994
Mail Bid Saü
3545. Museum Notes 13. (New York, 1967). 250 pages, 49 plates, 8vo. Paper covers, sunned. Includes: Zervos' "The Early Tetradrachms of Ptolemy I," Hunter's " A Third Century Hoard from Serbia," Fagerlie's "The First Gold Issue of Anastasius," plus 5 other articles on ancient coins and 3 articles on world coins. A fine copy. ($12)
3557. Museum Notes 24. (New York, 1979). 282 pages, 51 plates, 8vo. Card covers, sunned. Includes: Bauslaugh's "The Posthumous Alexander Coinage of Chios," Jones' "The Autonomous Wreathed Tetradrachms of Magnesia-onMaeander," Shiel's "The Coinage of Saloninus as Augustus," Bruun's "The Successive Monetary Reforms of Diocletian," plus 6 other articles on ancients and 4 ($20) on Oriental and modem coins. Very fine copy.
3546. Museum Notes 14. (New York, 1968). 169 pp., 24 plates, 8vo. Card covers, sunned. Includes: Lang's " Five Hellenistic lead Weights," McKay's " Bronze Coinage in Macedonia, 168-166 B C ' and " Macedonian Tetradrachms of 148-147 BC," Bedoukian's " A Classification of the Coins of the Artaxiad Dynasty of Armenia," plus 3 articles on Byzantine numismatics and 3 on Islamic numismatics. A very fine copy. ($10)
3558. Museum Notes 26. (New York, 1981). 223 pp., 32 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Includes: Kroll's "From Wappenmünzen to Gorgoneia to Owls," Thompson's ,"The Cavalla Hoard," Harl's "Caracalla or Elagabalus? The Imperial Imago at the greek Mint of Magnesia ad maeandrum," plus 6 other articles on ancient coins and 3 on foreign numismatics. Nice fine copy. ($20)
3547. Museum Notes 15. (New York, 1969). 140 pages, 23 plates, 8vo. Card covers, sunned. Includes: Waggoner's "The Early Alexander Coinage at Seleucia on the Tigris," Johnson's "A New Anonymous Bronze of Constantine X," plus 6 other articles on ancients and 4 articles on world coins. Heavily sunned, cover torn. Very fine copy. ($10)
3559. Museum Notes 27. (New York, 1982). 244 pages, 32 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes John H. Oakley's "The Autonomous Wreathed Tetradrachms of Kyme, Aeolis," Johnston's "Caracalla or Elagabalus? A Case of Unneccessarily Mistaken Identity," plus 3 other articles on ancients and 5 articles and worid crans. Veiy fine copy. ($20)
3560. Museum Notes 31. (New York, 1986). 239 pp., 39 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Includes: Moysey's "The Silver Stater of Phamabazos and Datames from the Mint of Tarsus in Cilicia," Thompson's "The Armenak Hoard," Houghton's "The Elephants of Nisibis"' plus 4 other articles on ancients and 4 on worid coins. Very fine copy. ($20)
Same as previous lot. Heavily sunned, covertorn. A good copy. ($5)
3549. Museum Notes 16. (New Yoik, 1970). 188 pages, 38 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Wilhams' "The Archaic Coinage of Arcadian Heraea," M01kholm's "The Seleuad Mint at Antiochia on the Persian Gulf," plus 5 other articles on ancients and 7 on world numismatics. Lightly sunned, a fine copy. ($20) 3550. Museum Notes 17. (New Yoik, 1971). 261 pages, 49 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Holloway's "An Archaic Hoard from Crete and the Eaily Aeginetan Coinage," Troxell's "The Peloponnesian Alexanders," Kleiner's "The Alexander Tetradrachms of Pergamum and Rhodes," Bales " יConstans Π or Heraclonas? An Analysis of the Constantinopolitan Folles of Constans H," plus 4 other articles on ancients and 6 on world coins. A few marks on cover, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($15) 3551. Museum Notes 18. (New Yoik, 1972). 175pp, 32 plaies, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Kleiner's "The Dated Cistophori of Ephesus," Mac Isaac's "The Weight of the Late 4th and Eariy 5th Century Nummus (AE4)," plus 3 other articles on ancients, 4 on medieval, and 6 on Oriental numismatics. Covers lightly sunned, otherwise a very fine copy. ($ 15) 3552. Museum Notes 19. (New York, 1974). 294 pages, 31 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes : Drew-Bear's "Representations of Temples on the Greek Imperial Coinage," Niçois' " The Chronology and Significance of the M. Agrippa Asses," Gregory's "The Gold Coinage of the Emperor Constantine VH," plus 2 other articles on ancient numismatics and 6 on Oriental and modem numismatics. Light crease on front cover. A fine copy. ($20)
3561. Museum Notes 32. (New York, 1987). 209 pages, 11 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: M0rkholm's "The Date of the Autnomous Tetradrachms of Aegaea in Cilicia," Evans' "The Sicilian Coinage of Sextus Pompeius," plus 5 other articles on ancients and 3 on worid coins. Very fine copy. ($20) 3562.
Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.
Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.
3564. Museum Notes 33. (New York, 1988). 223 pages, 25 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Kagan's "Some Archaic Bovine Curiosities ,"Mac Isaac's "Phliasian Bronze Coinage," Long's "ANew Solidus of Julian Caesar," plus 5 other articles on ancients and 3 on world numismatics. Very fine copy. ($20) 3565. American Journal of Numismatics 1. Second series, continuing The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes. (New York, 1989). 237 pages, 17 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Metcalf's " Rome and Lugdunum Again," Kleiner's "Galba and the Sullan Capitolium," Haley's 'The Roman Bronze Coinage in Britain and Monetary History from A.D. 293 to 350," plus 4 other articles on ancients and 4 articles on Oriental and U.S. numismatics. Very fine copy. ($20) 3566.
3553. Museum Notes 20. (New York, 1975). 174 pages, 26 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes : M0rkholm's "Ptolemaic Coins and Chronology: The Dated Silver Coinage of Alexandria," Fears " יSulla or Endymion: A Reconsideration of a Denarius of L Aemilius Buca," plus 4 other articles on ancients and 3 on medieval and Oriental numismatics. A nice fine copy. ($20) 3554. Museum Notes 21. (New York, 1976). 301 pages, 18 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Betlyon's "A New Chronology forthe Pre-Alexandrine Coinage of Sidon," Buttrey's "The Denarii of P. Crepusius and Roman Republican Mint Organization," Metcalf's "Eariy Anonymous Folles from Antioch and the Chronology of Class A," and 3 other articles on ancients and 5 on medieval, Oriental and modem numismatics. A fine copy. ($20) 3555. Museum Notes 22. (New York, 1977). 310 pages, 28 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Bodenstedt's "Observations on Some Early Electrum Types of Mytilene and Phocaea,"Thompson's "A Greek Imperial Medallion from Pautalia," Slocum's "Another Look al the Coins of Hatra," Metcalf's "The Antioch Hoard of Antoniniani and the Eastern Coinage of Tiebonianus Gallus and Vohisian," plus 3 other articles on ancients and 5 on Oriental coins. A nice fine copy. ($20) 3556. Museum Notes 23. (New York, 1978). 220 pages, 40 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Houghton's "The Seleucid Mint at Lampsacus," Rothman's "Posthunous Hadrianic Medallions," plus 5 other articles on ancient numismatics and 3 on medieval and Oriental numismatics. A fine copy. ($20)
Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.
3567. American Journal of Numismatics 2. Second series, continuing The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes. (New York, 1990). 215 pages, 16 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Newman's "A Dialogue of Powerin the Coinage of Antony and Octavian (44-30 B.G)," Damsky's "The Stadium Aureus of Septimius Sevems," Ermatinger's "The Circulation Pattern of Diocletian's Nummus,"plus 3 other articles on ancient coins and 2 articles on Islamic and modem coins. Very fine copy. ($20) ANS, NUMISMATIC NOTES A N D M O N O G R A P H S A Complete Run of ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs 3568. American Numismatic Society, Numismatic Notes and Monographs, No.'s 1-165. (New York, 1920-1990). A Complete Set of 165 volumes. 16mo and 8vo, all issues are with original covers. Some issues have minor problems; small tears, light soiling etc.., but overall a fine set. Many of the early titles are rare, and this set is very difficult to complete. ($3000) This series is rich in works on ancient numismatics, but other topics such as U.S. coins, medals and decorations and Mexican coins are covered. Many of the works are standard references in their respectivefields.Tales include: Colts ofAmbracia, by Ravel; Coinage ofMetapontum, Vol. 1 and 2, kryNoe; Kolophon and it's Coinage, by Milne; Coinage ofAegina, by Milbank; Tarent ine Numismatics, by Vlasto; Aspects of the Principale of Tiberius, by Grant; Studies in Constantinian Chronology, by Bruun; The Western Coinage ofNero, by McDowall; The Aes Coinage of Galba, by Kraay; Carolingian Coinage, by Morrison and Grunlhal; United States Half Dimes, by Valentine; just to name a few.
Mail'BidS ale
3569. NNM# 21. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards ΠΙ, Andritsaena. (New York, 1923). 39 pages, 6 plates. Detaüs a hoard of coins of Hiilip Π and Alexander ΠΙ as weU as a few Boeotian, Aeginetan, Sicyonian and Olympian staters found near Andritsaena in the Peloponnesus. Card covers. As new. ($15) 3570. NNM# 37. Ravel, Oscar. The "Colts" of Ambracia. (New York, 1928). 180 pages, 19 double plates. Still the standard work on the staters of this Corinthian colony. Card covers, strengthened with cloth tape. A fine copy. Scarce. ($75)
March 30,1 994
3586. NNM#118. Mües, GeorgeC. Rare Islamic Coins. (New York, 1950). 138pages, lOplates.Cardcovers. Afinecopy. (S15) 3587. NNM#119. Seyrig, Henri. Notes on Syrian Coins. (New York, 1950). 35 pages, 2 plates. Includes several important chapters on the coinage of Tryphon. Card covers. A fine copy. ($15) 3588. NNM #120. Mües, George C. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Stamps. (New York, 1951).60pages, 4 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($10)
3571. NNM #43. Cox, D.H. The Caparelli Hoard. (New Yoik, 1930). 17 pages, 2 double plates. Detaüs a hoard of 125 medieval coins found outside of Capaielli in Boeotia near Thebes. Included were 53 Frankish tournois, 1 Sicilian tari, and 71 Venetian soldini. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($10)
3589. NNM #121. Mües, George C. Fatimid Coins In The Collectons of the University Museum, Philadelphia, and the American Numismatic Society. (New York, 1951). 51 pages, 6 plates. Card covers. A nice fine copy. ($15)
3572. NNM #46. Newell, Edward T. The Kiichiik Kohne Hoard. (New York, 1931). 33 pages, 3 plates. Detaüs a hoard found in central Anatolia in early 1930 of 28 coins of Sinope, Amisos and Tarsos circa late 4th century BC. Card coveis. Nice very fine copy. ($15)
3590. NNM #124. Robinson, David M. A Hoard of Silver Coins From Carystus. (New York, 1952). 62 pages, 6 plates. Details a hoard of 92 coins found on the slopes of ML Ocha, the ancient site of Carystus, and included 37 Carystian staters. Card covers. Light crease on cover, otherwise, a very fine copy. ($10)
3573. NNM #52. Ravel, Oscar. Corinthian Hoards (Corinth and Arta). (New York, 1932). 27 pages, 3 plates. Details two hoards of primarily Corinthian style staters: the first found near Corinth just after the earthquake of 1928, and the second found in 1929 near the river at Arta in Ambracia. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($12)
3591. NNM #128. Ives, Herbert E. The Venetian Gold Ducat and Its Imitations, edited and annotated by Philip Grierson. (New York, 1954). 37 pp., 16 plates. Card covers. A fine copy. ($25)
Same as previous lot. Card covers. A fine copy.
3576. NNM #55. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Third and Fourth Dura Hoards. (New York, 1932). 85 pages, 20 plates. Details two hoards found in Dura-Europos in 1930 that consisted of primarily Roman denarii and Antiochene tetradrachmae. The periods covered by the two hoards are from Nero to Diadumenian, and from Vitellius toMacrinus. Card covers. Nice very fine copy. ($15) 3577. NNM #60. Newell, Edward T. Two Hoards From Minturno. (New Yoik, 1933). 38 pages, 5 plates, retails two hoards disooveied at Mintumae (Minturno): the first consisting of Roman Republican Bronze coins and the second of late imperial bronze coins from Constans to Valentinian ΠΙ. Card covers. Minor chipping on spine. A fine copy. ($ 10) 3578. NNM #62. Milne, J.G. The Melos Hoard of 1907. (New York, 1934). 19 pages, photo in text Details the Melos Hoard which consisted of 79 coins, including specimens of 31 distinct types, most of which were previously unknown to numismatists before the hoard's discovery. Card covers. New. ($15) 3579. NNM #64. Newell, Edward T. A Hoard From Siphnos. (New Yoik, 1934). 17 pages, 1 plate. Detaüsahoa1dof30coinsfound on the island of Siphanto (Siphnos) including four coins of Siphnos itself. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($10) 3580. NNM #65. Sutherland, C.H.V. Romano-British Imitations of Bronze Coins of Claudius I. (New York, 1935). 35 pages, 7 double plates, 1 single plate. Discusses the many "barbarous" bronze coins found in England that are imitative of the issues of Claudius. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($25) 3581. NNM #72. Walker, John. The Coinage Of The Second Saffarid Dynasty in Sistan. (New York, 1936). 46 pages, 5 plates. Card covers. New. ($10) 3582. NNM# 105. Newell, Edward T. The Byzantine Hoard of Lagbe. (New York, 1945). 22 pages, 7 plates, 16mo. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($10) 3583. NNM #113. Frye, Richard N. Notes On The Early Coinage of , IVansoxiana. (New York, 1949). 49 pages. Card covers. A fine copy. ($15) 3584. NNM #117. Torrey, Charles C. Gold Coins of Khokand and Bukhara. (New York, 1950). 37 pages, 1 plate. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) Same as previous lot. Fine copy.
Same as previous lot. Small crease at top right comer. A fine copy. ($25)
3575. NNM# 53. Cammann, Jean B. The Symbols on Staters of Corinthian 'IVpe (A Catalogue). (New Yoik, 1932). 130 pages, 12 double page plates, 2 single plates, 16mo. A study of 138 reverse symbols appearing on Corinthian staters. Scarce. SmaU tear at top of spine. A fine copy. ($60)
3593. NNM #129. Caley, Earle R. Chemical Composition of Parthian Coins. (New York, 1955). 104pages. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. ($10) 3594. NNM #130. Lang, David M. Studies In The Numismatic History of Georgia In Transcaucasia. (New York, 1955). 138 pages, 15 plates, one fold-out map. Discusses the entire numismatic history of Georgia which extended over a two thousand year period. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 3595. NNM #133. Kraay, C.M. The Aes Coinage of Galba. (New York, 1956). 125 pp., 37 plates. The standard reference and die study. Important Card covers. A very good copy. ($40) 3596. NNM #136. Noe, Sydney P. Two Hoards of Persian Sigloi. (New York, 1956). 44 pages, 15 plates. The second hoard described contained 212 half-staters of Croesus of the confronted lion and bull type. Card covers. As new. ($15) 3597. NNM #137. Buttrey, Theodore V., Jr. The Trium viral Portrait Gold Of The Quattuorviri Monetales Of 42 B.C. (New York, 1956). 69 pages, 9 plates. A definitive study. Card covers. A fine copy. ($15) 3598. NNM #138. Adelson, Howard L. Light Weight Solidi and Byzantine TYade During the Sixth and Seventh Centuries. (New York, 1957). 187 pp., 14 plates. The standard reference for these. Card covers. A nice fine copy. ($35) 3599.
Same as previous lot. Light creases in cover. A fine copy.
3600. NNM #139. Grabar, Oleg. The Coinage Of The Tùlunids. (New York, 1957). 78 pages, 3 plates. Discusses the Tulunids of Egypt (868-905) and their coinage. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($ 10) 3601. NNM#141. Mües,George C. Contributions To Arabic Metrology I. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Measure Stamps Acquired by the ANS 1951· 1956. (New York, 1958). 124 pages, 13 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($20) 3602. NNM #144. Breckenridge, James D. The Numismatic Iconography of Justinian II (685-695,705-7U A.D.). (New York, 1959). 104 pp., 10 plates. Card covers. Smaü stain on front cover, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($20) 3603. NNM#145. Cox, D.H. Coins From The Excavations at Curium, 19321953. (New York, 1959). 125 pages, 10 plates. Detaüs coins excavated under the auspices of the University Museum of Phüadelphia at Curium on the south coast of Cyprus. Coins from the Greek period to the Venetian occupation are cataloged. Card covers. SmaU stain on front cover, otherwise a very fine copy. ($15) 3604. NNM # 146. Patrick Brunn. Studies in Constantinian Chronology. (New York, 1961). 116pp., 8plates. Cardcovers. A very fine copy. ($40)
3605. NNM #147. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of Cilician Armenia. (New Yoik, 1962). 494 pages, 48 plates. The standard reference on the series. Card covers. A fine copy. Ex Libris. ($30) 3606. NNM #148. Adelson, Howaid L and Kustas, Geoige L. A Bronze Hoard Of The Period Of Zeno L (New Yoik, 1962). 89 pages, 1 plate. Card covers. Veiy fine copy. ($15)
M a r c h 30,1 994
3626. NNM #159. Thompson, Margaret. The Agrinion Hoard. (New York, 1968). 130 pages, 56 plates. Details a hoard of 1,355 coins found in 1959 near Agrinion in western Aetolia. The hoard contained Greek coins from Sicyon, Aigos, Chalcis, Athens, Megalopolis, the Achaean League and other Greek cities. Card covers. Fine copy. ($20) 3627.
Same as previous lot. A few stains on front cover. Fine copy.
3607. NNM #149. Alfied R. Bellinger and Majorie Alkins Beiiincourt. Victory as a Coin Type. (New Yoik, 1962). 68 pp., 13 plates. Traces the use of Nike on Greek and HeUenistic coins as weU as Victory on Roman coins. Card covers. A veiy fine copy. ($15)
3628. NNM #160. Miles, George C. The Coinage of The Arab Amirs of Crete. (New York, 1970). 86 pages, 9 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($15)
3630. NNM #161. Mac Dowall, David W. The Western Coinages Of Nero. (New York, 1979). 256 pages, 25 plates. A standard reference on the series. Card covers. A fine copy. ($20)
Same as previous lot. Light stains from a wet glass. A fine copy. ($12)
3609. NNM #150. MUes, George C. Contributions To Arabic Metrology Π. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Measure Stamps in the Benaki Museum, Athens, and the Peter Ruthven Collection, Ann Arbor. (New York, 1963). 64 pages, 11 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($10) 3610.
Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A veiy fine copy.
Same as previous lot.Very fine copy.
3631. NNM #162. Troxell, Hyla A. The Coinage of The Lycian League. (New York, 1982). xix, 255 pp., 44 fine plates, 8vo. Cream cloth. Cover dirty, otherwise a very fine copy. ($25)
3611. NNM #151. Caley, Earle R. Orichalcum And Related Ancient Alloys: Origin, Composition and Manufacture with Special Reference to the Coinage of the Roman Empire. (New York, 1964). v, 115 pages. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 3612.
3632. NNM #164. Johnston, Ana The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts3. (New York, 1990). ix, 102 pages, 21 excellent plates, concordance to SNG, 4to. A continuation and updating of Noe's work. Hard cover. Very fine copy. ($40) 3633. NNM #165. Koch, Heidemarie. A Hoard of Coins From Eastern Parthia. (New York, 1990). 64 pp., 12 plates. Cloth. A veiy fine copy. ($25)
($15) 3634.
Same as previous lot. Cover a little dirty, otherwise a veiy fine copy. ($20)
3613. NNM #152. Tomasini, WaUace J. The BarbaricTVemissis In Spain And Southern France: Anastasius To Leovigild. (New York, 1964). 302 pages, 46 plates. Card covers. Still a useful reference! A fine copy. ($20)
3614. NNM #153. Boyce, Aline Abaecheili. Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire: Four Papers. (New Yoik, 1965). 102 pages, 15 plates. Card covers. A veiy fine copy. ($20)
3635. Adolph Hess AG L·* of 4 auction catalogs, all Antike Münzen. Includes the following sales: 247, 249,251, and 252. All with card covers. Fine copes, all with notes. ($30)
3636. Adolph Hess AG and Bank Leu AG. Lot of 7 auction catalogs, all Antike Münzen. Includes the following sales: April 4,1963, Sale 24,28,36,41,45, and 49. All with card covers. Very good copies, all with notes. ($40)
Same as previous lot. Cover lightly sunned, otherwise a veiy fine copy.
3616. NNM #154. Caley, EaileR. Metrological Tables. (New Yoik, 1965). 122 pages of tables. Card coveis. Useful. Very fine copy. ($15) 3617.
Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.
3618. NNM #155. Williams, Roderick T. The Confederate Coinage Of The Arcadians In The Fifth Century B.C. (New York, 1965). 141 pages, 14 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($20) 3619.
Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.
3620. NNM #156. Eddy, Samuel K. The Minting of Antoniniani AD 238-249 and the Smyrna Hoard. (New Yoik, 1967). 133 pages, 7 double plates. Card covers. A veiy fine copy. ($25) 3621.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
3623. NNM #157. Fageriie, Joan M. Late Roman And Byzantine Solid! Found In Sweden And Denmark. (New York, 1967). 213 pages, 33 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. $20) 3624.
Same as previous l a . Light stain from a wet glass. Afinecopy. ($15)
3625. NNM # 158. Morrison, Karl F. with the coUaboration of Henry Gmnthal. Carolingian Coinage. (New York, 1967). 465 pages, 48 plates, 3 fold-out maps. One of the standard refeiences for this area. Caid coveis. A fine copy. ($50)
3637. [Ariagno, Dr. Richard P.] Bowers and Ruddy Galleries. Lot of 2 catalogues. Ancient Coins from the Collections of Dr. Richard P. Ariagno and the Univeisity of Rochester, Paît I. (Los Angeles, June 9,1980). 543 lots, illustrated, 1 color plate; and Coins of the Medieval and Modem World from the Collections of Dr. Richard P. Ariagno and Henry P. Wilke, Part Π. (Los Angeles, June 9-10,1980). lots 1001-2966, illustrated, 3 color plates, a few penned in prices. Both paper covers. Fine copies. ($10) 3638. Ars Classica No. I. Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques Provenant De La Collection de feu le Prof. S. Pozzi. (March 14,1921 but actually held on April 4,1921). Lucerne. 3334 lots. (1966 reprint of original). One of the most important private collections ever offered for sale. Grey cloth, gilt lettering. A veiy fine copy. ($50) 3639. Ars Classica No VE. Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques En Or, En Argent Composant La Collection De Feu Clarence S. Bernent. Seconde Partie: Attique A Mauritanie Incl. (Lucerne, June 23-24,1924). (4), 84 pages, lots 1083-1909,31fineplates (numbeied 36-68), 4to. Small bump at top of spine, still a very fine copy in original caïd covers. ($125) 3640. Bank Leu AG. Lot of 11 auction catalogs, each containing ancients. Includes the following sales: 2,7, 10,13,15,22,28,36,38,45, and 50. AU with caid covers. AU with notes, some with Ught fading on ooveis. Very good copies. ($50) 3641. Bank Leu AG. Lot of 3 catalogs. Auktion 35. Schweizer MedaiUen, Tîel 1. (Zürich, October 12, 1983). Auktion 40. Schweizer MedaiUen, TeU 2. (Zurich, October 13, 1986). Auktion 43. Schweizer MedaiUen, Teil 3. (Zurich, May 13, 1987). AU printed card covers with estimates sheet. AUfinecopies. ($30)
Maii,BidS ale
M a r c h 30,1 994
3642. Bank Leu AG. Lot of 2 catalogs. Auktion 11. Napoleonische Münzen und Medaillen, Tiel 1. (Zurich, October 22, 1974). Vente Publique 14. Monnaies et Médaillés Napoléoniennes, Teil 2. (Zurich, October 15,1975). Both printed card coveis with estimates sheet. Both veiy good to fine copies. ($20)
3655. Giessener Münzhandlung (Dieter Gomy). A lot of 11 auction catalogs, all Antike Münzen. Includes sale numbers 42,44,46,48, 50,52,55,56,58,60, 62. All with card covers, all with writing in the text. A few have prices realized. Average very good copies. ($60)
3643. Bank Leu AG. Lot of 2 catalogs. Auktion 3. Schweiz, Münzsammlung Heiner Stuker, Tiel 1. (Zürich, April 26-27, 1972). Auktion 5. Schweiz, Münzsammlung Heiner Stuker, Tiel 2 (Zurich, October 25-26,1972). Both printed card covers with prices realized. Both very good copies. ($20)
3656. Hess, Adolph. Sammlung des Herrn L.E. Bruun in Kopenhagen Schwedische Münzen, II. Teil. Von Christine bis zur Gegenwart. (Frankfurt, October 26-27,1914). Lots 992-2347,45 fine plates. Hardbound. Binding broken and weak in several places. Needs rebinding. Internally in fine condition. ($30)
3644. Bank Leu AG & Spink & Son Zürich. Asta Ceresio 2. Monete Ε Medaglie. Monete Greche Ε Romane, Monete Italiane, Monete Ε Medaglie Estere, Monete Svizzere. (Lugano, September 26,1990). 115 pp., 773 lots, illsutrated. Asta Ceresio 3. Monete Ε Medaglie. Monete Greche Ε Romane, Una Serie Importante napoletana, Moneta Ε Medaglie Estere Ε Italiane, Monete Svizzere. (Lugano, October3,1992). 131 pages, 700 lots, illustrated. Both card covers with prices realized. Both annotated in pencil. Fine copies. ($10)
3657. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins, Part 1. (June 19,1990). New York. 164 lots, each illustrated in both black-and-white and color. 1 lardbound with dust cover. Glossy dust cover. A magnificent catalog that is both a reference and collector's item. Includes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($75)
3645. Bankhaus Η. Aufhäuser. Lot of 4 auction catalogs. Includes sales 5,6,7, and 8. Each with written notes in the Byzantine section. Fine copies. ($20) 3646. Buigan, Claude. Lot of 2 sales relating to ancient and foreign coins. Includes: (Paris, May 24,1986) 1121 lots,illustrated; and (Paris, July 2,1988)640 lots, illustrated. Both with card covers. Very good copies. ($15) 3647. [Byrne, Ray], Jess Peters, Inc. Sale No. 78. Coins and Tokens of the Caribeesby Ray Byrne. (Los Angeles, June 13-15,1975). (15),xiii, (2), 144 pp., 1457 lots, illustrations, 8vo. Printed card covers in plastic dust cover. Sale of this noted collection that was cataloged by the collector and also in tended to serve as a reference. Includes prices icalized. A fine copy. ($ 10) 3648. Cahn, Adolph Ε. No. XXXI. Verzeichnis Verkäuflicher Münzen und Medaillen. Teil I. Antike Münzen. (Frankfurt Am Main, 1934). 68 pages, 2168 coins listed, 4 plates. Spine torn at top and bottom of spine, light foxing. A veiy good copy. ($20) 3649. Calico, X. & F. Catâlogo de Monedas Antiguas de Hispania. (Barcelona, June 18/19,1979). 177 pages, 1277 lots, illustrated throughout. Blue leatherette with dust jacket An important sale of Hispanic coins. Pages starting to yellow around edges, otherwise a fine copy. ($15) 3650. Christie's. Lot of 2 important catalogs. Includes: Highly Important Ancient Coins, The Property of A Lady (London, October 9,1984). 98 pages, 313 lots, fully illustrated, 7 color plates. And Important Ancient Coins, The Property of a Lady (London, October 8,1985). 133 pages, 436 lots, fully illustrated, 5 colorplates. Both are green doth with dust covers. Both arc hand priced throughout Important sales. Fine copies. ($40) 3651. Christie's. Highly Important Ancient Coins. (The Property of a Lady). (London, October 9,1984). 313 lots, 6 color plates, photographs throughout text, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt and with dust cover. One of the more important sales of recent history. Espedally noteworthy for the Ptolemaic Egypt section including the extremely rare portrait tetradrachm of Cleopatra VH (lot 311). Includes prices realized. A veiy fine copy. ($35) 3652. Christie's. Important Ancient Coins. (The Property of a Lady). (London, October 8,1985). 436 lots, 5 colorplates, photographs throughout text, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt and with dust cover. The second part of this important collection highlighted by the 250 lots of Roman gold. A very fine copy. ($35) 3653. Classical Numismatic Group. L o t o f 2 publications relating to the coins of Roman E g y p t Includes: Historical Coin Review, Volume ΧΠΙ, No. 2. (Spring, 1988). A fixed price list catalogued by Keiry Wetterstrom containing 122 coins from Alexandria; and Public Auction Sale ΧΠ. (December 4,1990). 119 pages, 601 lots including 286 lots of Alexandrian coinage from the Kerry Keith Wetteistrom collection. Includes prices realized. Both fine copies. ($20) 3654. Credit Suisse. Lot of 3 auction catalogs and one fixed price list Indudes Auktion 5,7 and 8 and Münzenliste Nr. 52. Each contains ancients and each in annotated. Card covers. Very good copies. ($15)
3658. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. Part II. (June 21 and 22,1990). New York. 789 lots, illustrated throughout with 19 interspersed color plates. Hardbound with dust cover. Includes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($65) 3659. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker], Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. Part III. (December 4,1990). New York. 117 lots, each illustrated in both black-and-white and color. Hardbound with dust cover. Includes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($75) 3660. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker], Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Important Greek and Roman Coins, Part IV. (June 19 and 20,1991). New York. 1066 lots. Hardbound with dust cover. The last sale of this most important collection. A very fine copy. Includes prices realized. A magnificent catalog that is both a reference and collector's item. ($75) 3661. [Hunt, William Herbert], Sotheby's. The William Herbert Hunt Collection of Highly Important Byzantine Coins. (December 5 and 6,1990). New York. 962 lots of important Byzantine coins expertly cataloged by Simon Bendall. 67 black-andwhite plates, one color plate. Hardbound with dust cover. Includes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($75) 3662.
Same as previous lot. Without prices realized. A very fine copy. ($70)
3663. copy.
Same as previous lot. Includes prices realized. Annotated in pen. A fine ($45)
3664. [Hunt, William Herben], Sotheby's. The William Herbert Hunt Collection of Highly Important Byzantine Coins. (June 21,1991). New York. 646 lots of important Byzantine coins expertly cataloged by Simon Bendall, one color plate. Card oovers. With prices realized. A very fine copy. ($40) 3665. Same as previous lot. Annotated in pen. Without prices realized. A very fine copy. ($20) 3666. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek Vases. The William Herbert Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek, Roman and Etruscan Bronzes. (June 19,1990). New Yoik. 53 lots, each illustrated in color (most with two photographs). Hardbound with dust cover. A veiy fine copy. A magnificent catalogue that is both a reference and collector's item. ($75) 3667. [Knobloch, Frederick S.]. Stack's. The Greater New York Numismatic Convention Sale of the Frederick S. Knobloch Collection of Ancient Roman Coins. (New Yoik, May 3-4,1978). 90 pp., illustrated throughout, 766 lots. With prices realized. Printed card covers. A nice fine copy. The Knobloch collection of Republican and Imperatorial coins. ($15) 3668. [Knobloch, Frederick S.]. Stack's. The Frederick S. Knobloch Collection of Roman Imperial Coins. (New Yoik, May 1-3,1980). 222 pp., 36 plates, 1438101s, 4 color plates. With prices realized. Printed card covers. A nice fine copy. One of the best collections ever sold at auction! ($20) 3669. Lair-Dureuil, M.F. Catalogue De Monnaies Antiques Grecques, Romaines Et Byzantines, Monnaies Françaises, Composant la Collection de M. Ed. C. (Paris, Florange and Ciani, April 23-24,1926). 36 pp., 8 plates, 670 lots, 8vo. Printed card covers. Minor comer bumps. Fine copy. ($20)
3670. Lepczyk, Joseph. Lot of 4 auction catalogs. Includes: 29,46,54, and 58. Mostly worid and U.S. coins. All very good and better copies. ($10) 3671. Leu & Co. and Adolph Hess AG. Lot of 2 catalogs. Taler, Sammlung Howard D. Gibbs, Teil I. (Lucerne, June 12,1956). Taler, Sammlung Howard D. Gibbs, Teil IL (Lucerne, March, 19,1957). Both printed card covers without prices realized. Very good copies. ($20) 3672. [Mabbott, Thomas Ollive]. Hans M.F. Schulman Gallery. The Thomas Ollive Mabbott Collection, Part One. Coins of the Greek World. Catalogue by Hans Holzer. Part Two. Coins of the Roman World. (New York; June 6,7,9,10, 11, 1969 and October 27-29,1969). Part I: Two volumes (Text and illustrations). 148 pp., 3860 lots, 83 plates; Part Π: 1477 lots, 32 plates. Includes prices realized. One of the best collections ever offered of Greek Imperial coinage despite some of the "wishful thinking" attributions by Mr. Holzer. Original catalogues hardbound by Sanford J. Durst Blue leatherette. As new. ($50) 3673. [Mabbott, Thomas Ollive]. Hans M.F. Schulman Gallery. The Thomas Ollive Mabbott Collection, Part One. Coins of the Greek World. Catalogue by Hans Holzer. (New York; June 6 , 7 , 9 , 10, 11, 1969). Text volume only. 148 pp., 3860 lots. Printed paper covers. One of the best collections ever offered of Greek Imperial coinage despite some of the "wishful thinking" attributions by Mr. Holzer. A fine copy. ($5) 3674. [Metropolitan Museum of Art], Sotheby & Co. A.G. The Collection of Ancient and Later Coins. The Property of The Metropolitan Museum of A r t Part 1. Roman Gold Coins. (Zurich, November 10,1972). 347 lots, color frontis, 7 plates, with prices realized. Also Sotheby & Co. A.G. Greek Coins From The John Ward Collection. Part Π. The Property of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Zurich, April 4-5,1973). 773 lots, color frontis, 31 plates. With prices realized for first sale. Both green cloth with gold lettering. Both fine copies. Important sales. ($30) 3675. Münz Zentrum. Lot of 11 auction catalogs. All contain ancient and world coins. Includes sales 65-75. All with card covers, a few lightly annotated Average fine copies. ($45) 3676. Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Lot of 7 auction catalogs all relating to ancient numismatics. Includes the following sales: 2 8 , 3 5 , 3 8 , 4 3 , 6 4 , 7 7 and 78 (a literature only sale). All with notes in the text All lightly soiled. Very good copies. ($30)
M a r c h 30,1994
3684. Numismatik Lanz München. Lot of 27 auction catalogs, all Münzen der Antike. Includes sales 6 . 1 0 , 1 2 , 1 4 , 1 6 , 1 8 , 2 0 , 2 2 , 2 6 , 2 8 , 3 0 , 3 2 , 3 4 , 3 6 , 3 8 , 4 0 , 42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62, and 64. A nearly complete set of Lanz sales relating to ancient coins. All with card covers. A few with minor tears, a few with notes, but overall fine copies. ($100) 3685. Pilartz, Heinrich. Auktion ΧΙΠ. (Köln, November 10-12,1966). 99 pages, 2637 lots, 41 plates. Contains Roman, Byzantine and world coins. Printed card covers. A fine copy. ($20) 3686. Schulten & Co. GmbH Lot of 10 auction catalogs, all contain ancient and world coins. Includes the following sales: June 2-4, 1982; November 8-9, 1982; May 24-25,1983; November 2-3,1983; April 11-12,1988; October 20-21,1988; April 19-21, 1989; October 18-20,1989; March 27-29,1990; and October 15-17, 1990. The first 4 sales are hardbound, the rest have card coven. All are written in, especially in the Byzantine sections. A few with prices realized. Fine copies. ($50) 3687. Seaby. Seaby's Coin and Medal Bulletin. September 1929, December, 1945 - December 1977, complete. 1945-1972 bound in printed, tan, cardboard binders, 1973-1976 bound in green, vinyl binders, 1977 unbound. Eariy issues heavily foxed, newer issues fine. An excellent run of this informative fixed price list Average very good condition. ($150) 3688. Seaby's. Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin. 1976 bound volume of fixed price lists which include articles, book reviews, etc. - many of which are on ancient and medieval numismatics. Includes index for the Bulletin for 1967-1976. Red casebound, gilt. Very fine volume. ($15) 3689. Seaby's. Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin. 1977 bound volume of fixed price lists which include articles, book reviews, etc. - many of which are on ancient and medieval numismatics. Red casebound, gilL Very fine volume. ($15) 3690. Seaby's. Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin. 1978 bound volume of fixed price lists which include articles, book reviews, etc. - many of which are on ancient and medieval numismatics. Red casebound, gilL Very fine volume. ($15) 3691. Seaby's. Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin. 1979 bound volume of fixed price lists which include articles, book reviews, etc. - many of which are on ancient and medieval numismatics. Red casebound, gilt. Very fine volume. ($15)
3677. Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Lot of 2 auction catalogs. Auktion 44 and Vente Publique 47. Both contain ancients. Fine copies, lightly soiled. ($15)
3692. Seaby's. Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin. 1980 bound volume of fixed price lists which include articles, book reviews, etc. - many of which are on ancient and medieval numismatics. Red casebound, gilt. Very fine volume. ($15)
3678. Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Lot of 2 catalogs. Includes: Auktion 41 (primarily medieval and foreign) and Auktion 67 (German and Swiss coins). Cover on 41 a little dirty, otherwise both are fine copies. ($10) 3679. Münzen Und Medaillen A.G. Vente Publique 32. Monnaies Grecques, Monnaies Juives, Monnaies de la Palestine. (Basel, October 20,1966). 52 pp., 32 plates, 529 lots. Paper covers. Fine copy. ($10)
3693. Sotheby& Co. Catalogue of Important Coins and Medals. The Property of A Late Collector. (London, June 12,1974). 303 lots, plated. Hardbound, lightly sunned. This sale contains medals and world coins, no ancients. A fine copy. ($10)
3680. Münzen und Medaillen A G.; Auctiones A.G. Lot of 6 auction catalogs. Including auctions 10, 11,17,18, 20 and 22. All contain ancients. Printed paper covers. Notes in the Byzantine sections. Very good copies. ($25)
3694. Spink & Son Numismatics Ltd, Zürich. Lot of 6 auction catalogs. Includes: Auktion 4 (October 27,1980); Auktion 11 (October 27-28,1983); Auktion 13 (May 9-10,1984); Auktion 14(November7,1984); Auction Sale 18 (February 18,1986); and Auction Sale 20 (October 6, 1986). AU green and white casebound. All fine copies. ($40)
3681. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction ΧνΠΙ, Parts I & II. Part I: Greek Coins & Coins of the Seleucid Kings. (March 31,1987). 402 lots. Part Π: Roman and Byzantine Coins. (West Hollywood, April 1, 1987). 993 lots. Deluxe hardbound edition. A very important sale which included the Arthur Houghton collection of Seleucid. Includes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($40)
3695. Sternberg, Frank. Lot of 20 auction catalogs. Includes Auktion 5 Auktion 26 (Zurich, 1974-1992). Missing only Auktion 18,20,21 and 23. All with original covers (some hardbound some card covers). Most have some writing in the text and plates, a few with prices realized. An important run of sales, especially for ancient coins. Mostly good fine copies. ($175)
3682. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XVIII, Part II. Roman and Byzantine Coins. (West Hollywood, April 1,1987). 993 lots. One of the best offerings in recent memory of Byzantine gold coins. Card covers w/0 prices realized. Annotated in pen. A very good copy. ($5)
3696. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XVI. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer - Byzantiner, Gold- Und Silbermünzen Europas, Numismatische Literatur. (Zürich, November 15/16, 1985). 92 pp., 33 plates, 3 color plates, 780 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. A fine copy without prices realized ($10)
3683. Numismatica Ars Classica AG. Lot of 6 auction catalogs. Includes the following sales: 1 , 3 , 5 , 6 , A and B. Lot also includes the Leu Numismatic and Numismatica Ars Classica sale of Byzantine coins, May 26,1993. all with card covers, a few with penned notes. Average fine copies. ($25)
3697. Swiss Bank Corporation. Lot of 3 auction catalogs. Incudes the following: Auction 17 (January 27-28,1987); Auction 25 (September 19-20,1990); Auction 28 (September 17-19,1991). All with glossy hardcovers. Each annotated. Fine copies. ($15)
3698. [Sydenham, Ε. Α.] Glending & Co. Catalogue of the Roman and Greek Collection of Coins Formed by the Late Rev. EA. Sydenham, M.A. (London, November 24-26,1948). 123 pages, 983 lots, no plates. Original printed paper covers. A fine copy. ($5) 3699. [Trau, Franz]. Gilhofer& Ranschburg. Sammlung FranzTVau. Münzen Der Römischen Kaiser. (New York, 1976 reprint of original sale held in Vienna, 22 May, 1935). 130 pp., 53 plates, 4727 lots. Card covers. A very important sale of Roman coins. A very fine copy. ($25) 3700. Lot of 17 miscellaneous auction catalogs, with an emphasis on ancient coins. Most are lightly annotated, pArticularly in the Byzantine sections. Includes sales from firms such as Tkalec, Schulman, Christies, Bonhams, Leu, Berk-England and more.Some with prices realized. Very good or better copies. ($30) 3701. Lot of 16 miscellaneous catalogs. Includes sales from Glendining's, Spink Taisei, Schulman, Swiss bank Corp., and others. Approximately half contain ancients. AU fine or better copies. ($20) 3702. Lot of 15 fixed price lists. Includes: Credit Suisse; December 1988, February, May and December 1989, May 1990, May, Septemberand December 1991, May and December 1992; Paul-Francis Jacquier lists 10-14. AUfinecopies. (S15) 3703. Lot of 8 misceUaneous auctions and fixed price lists. Includes : Jacques Schulman Catalogue 271 and lists 217,218 and 220; Alex G. MaUoy, 3 lists of antiquities. Lot also includes 2 issues of Numorum, The International Numismatic Society, FaU 1979 and Spring 1980. AU Fine copies. ($15) 3704. Lot of 4 auction catalogs relating to ancients. Includes: Hess-Leu Auktion 31, December 6/7,1966; Hess-Leu Auktion 36, April 17/18,1968; Jean Vinchon, April 13,1985; and Jean Vinchon, April 1-13,1988. Cover nearly seperaied from text of Hess-Leu 31, cover torn at spine of first Vinchon sale, others are fine copies. ($20)
March 30,1 994
3712. Becker, Thomas W. The Coin Makers. (New York, 1970). 186 pages, illustrated throughout text Excellent survey of coins and how they are made. Hard oover. Fine copy. ($10) 3713. Bowers, Q. David. Coins and Collectors. (Johnson City, New York; 1965). 214 pp., illustrations throughout text, 12mo. Brown casebound with dust cover. Very good copy. ($5) 3714. Burnett, Andrew. Interpreting the Past. Coins. (Los Angeles, 1991). 64 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Card covers. A look at how coins can be used to tell us about the past A very fine copy. ($ 10) 3715. Buttrey, T.V., Arm Johnston, Kenneth M MacKenzie and Michael L Bates. Greek, Roman and Islamic Coins From Sardis. (Harvard University Press, 1981). xxix, 274 pages, 10 plates. Purple cloth. A very line copy. ($40) 3716.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
3717. Carson, RA.G. Coins; Ancient, Medieval & Modern. (London, 1962). xiii, 642 pages, 64 plates, 8vo. General survey of coins from ancient to modem times. Green casebound. Finecopy. ($15) 3718. Carson, R.A.G. Coins: Ancient, Medieval & Modern. Volume I. Coins of Greece and Rome. (London, 1970 revised second edition). 189 pages, 25 decent plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A study of the developement of Greek and Roman coins. A decent survey. A very fine copy. ($25) 3719. Carson, R. AG.[Editor], Mints, Dies And Currency. Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Baldwin. (Methuen & Co Ltd., London, 1971). xv, (1), 336 pp., 23 plates, 8vo. Blade casebound with dust cover. Eighteen articles by various experts on various numismatic fields. A very fine copy. ($25)
3705. Lot of 3 catalogs relating to ancient Jewish numismatics. Includes; NFA Sale 3, March 27,1976; SuperiorGaUeries, The Abraham Bromberg CoUection of Jewish Coins, Part 1 and 2, December 5,1991 and December 10,1992. AU are fine copies. ($20)
3720. [Carson, Robert and Kenneth Jenkins], Essays in Honour of Robert Carson and Kenneth Jenkins. (London, 1993). 296 pages, 48 plates, large 8vo. Grey cloth with dust cover. 30 articles from the leading experts today covering everything from Greek to Roman. All but three in English. Includes a bibliography of the published works of both Carson anf Jenkins. Important. A very fine copy. ($100)
3721. Casey, John and Richard Reece, Editors. Coins and The Archaeologist. (Seaby, 1988). 306 pages, 8 plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A collection of 14 papers discussing coinfindsin Britain. A very fine copy. ($30)
3706. Adelson, Howard L. The American Numismatic Society 1858-1958. (New York, 1958). 390 pages, black and white plates throughout text History of thefirstone hundred years of the ANS. Red cloth. Fine copy, a bit dirty, edges spotted. ($30) 3707. Andrew, J. Pearson. Coins and Investment, A Consumer's Guide. (London, 1986). 164 pages, iUustrated, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. A very finecopy. ($15) 3708. Babelon, Ernest. Manuel D'Archéologie Orientale. (Paris, 1888). 315 pages, illustrated. Blue cloth, gilt Pages foxed and brittle. A good copy. ($10) 3709. Babelon, Jean. Portraits En Médaille. (Encyclopédie Alpina Illustrée, Paris, 1946). 4 pages, 40 fine plates (black-and-white) of portraiture from ancient coinage to 19th century medals. Quarto. Plates and text loose in folder. Folder spine completely torn and frayed but intemaUy fine. Light foxing. Beautiful photography by Jean Roubier and worthy of individual frames. ($30) 3710. Baron, Salo W. and Isaac E. Barzilay [Editors], American Academy for Jewish Research. Jubillee Volume. (New York, 1980). In two volumes. 758 pages, iUustrated, 8vo. Hardbound. 28 articles in English, 7 in Hebrew dealing with various aspects of Jewish History. Very fine copies. ($25) 3711. [Bastien, Pierre]. Numismatic Essays in Honor of Pierre Bastien for his 75th Birthday. Edited by H. Huvelin, M. Christol and G. Gautier. (Wetteren, 1987). xxxiv, 382 pages, 29 plates. Green cloth with gUt lettering. 33 articles on Roman and medieval coins by leading scholars, most in French. A very fine copy. ($145)
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
3723. Casey, P.J. Understanding Ancient Coins: An Introduction for Archaeologists and Historians. (University of Oklahoma Press, 1986). 160 pages, 9 plates, small 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. As new copy. ($15) 3724. Clain-Stefanelli, Ε(1 vira) E(liza). Numismatic Bibliography. (Battenberg, Munich, 1985). xxii, 1848 pp., 18311 entries, indices, 12mo. Brown and white cloth. A must for any serious numismatic library. A very fine copy. ($85) 3725. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira Eliza. Numismatics: An Ancient Science. A Survey of Its History. Contributions From The Museum of History and Technology: Paper32. (Washington, D.C.; 1965). 28 χ 21.5cm., 101 pages,illustrated. Card covers. Fine copy. ($20) 3726. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira. Select Numismatic Bibliography. (New York, 1965,firstedition). (14), 406 pp., 8vo. Green casebound. A nice fine copy. ($20) 3727. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira and Vladimir. The Beauty and Lore of Coins, Currency and Medals. (New York, 1974). 256 pp. with illustrations, many in color. A beautiful and informative work covering all aspects of coinage - ancient to modem ! Hardbound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($35) 3728. Donaldson, T.L Architecture Numismatica: Ancient Architecture on Greek and Roman Coins and Medals. (Chicago, 1965 reprint of London, 1859 original). xxxi, (3), 361 pages, 92 enlarged drawings of coins. OHve-green casebound with dust cover. Out of print. Very fine copy. ($40)
3729. Doty, Richard G. Money of the World. (New York, 1978). 240pp. with illustrations, many in color, 8vo. An excellent general survey of coinage from ancient to modem times. White casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30) 3730. Doty, Richard The MacmDIan !Encyclopedic Dtetionary of Numismatics. (New Yoik, 1982). 355 pages, over 650 illustrations, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($30) 3731. Durst, Lorraine. United States Numismatic Auction Catalogs: A Bibliography. (New Yoik, 1981). 87 pages, 8vo. Hard cover, gilt. A very fine. ($25) 3732. Durst. Lot of 6 Durst reprints. Includes: Klawans, An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins; Banks, Coins of Bible Days; Westdal, Dictionary of Roman Coin Inscriptions; Lhotka, Introduction to Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Coinage; Lhotka and Anderson, Suivey of Medieval Iberian Coinages; and Lhotka, Introduction to Medieval Bractates. An excellent lot for the beginner. All printed, white, card covers. All very fine or better copies. ($50) 3733. Edwaid, Jonathan. Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Coins in the Numismatic Collection of Yale College. (New Haven, 1880). 236pages, 8vo. Papercovers. Coveis torn and partially mended with scotch tape. A veiy good copy. ($15) 3734. Frey, Albert R. Dictionary of Numismatic Names with Glossary of Numismatic Terms (English, French, German, Italian, Swedish) by Mark M. Saltan. (London 1973 reprint of New Yoik, 1947). xi, (1), 360 pages. Hardbound. Invaluable for the numismatic researcher and scholar. Fine copy. ($20) 3735. Friedbeig, Robert. Gold Coins of the World from Ancient Times to the Present (Clifton, NJ, 1992 Sixth edition). 723 pages, illustrated throughout, large 8vo. ($40) Casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. 3736. Frye, Richard N. [Editor]. Sasanian Remains from Qasr-i Abu Nasr: Seals, Sealings and Coins. (Harvard University Press, 1973). 133 pages, 26 plates. Hardbound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($20) 3737. Glock, Alice. Miniscule Monuments of Ancient Art Catalogue of Near Eastern Stamp and Cylinder Seals Collected by Virginia Bailey. (The New Jeisey Museum of Archaeology, 1988). An exhibition catalog of 182 seals, each illustrated and cataloged. Card covers. A veiy fine copy. ($ 10) 3738. Grieison, Philip. Numismatics. (Oxford University Press, London, 1975). x, 211 pp., illustrations throughout text, 12mo. Haidbound with dust cover. A veiy fine copy. ($15)
30,1 994
Same as previous lot. Hard cover with dust jacket (torn). A fine copy. ($25)
3745. Head, Barclay V. and J.N. Svoronos. The Illustrations of Historia Numorum. An Atlas of Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1976 reprint). Edited by Alyce Marie Cresap. 64 pages, 35 plates, 4 tables, green casebound. Out of print A nice fine copy. ($15) 3746. Heckel, Waldemar and Richard Sullivan. Ancient Coins of the GraecoRoman World. The Nickle Numismatic Papers. (Wilfrid Laurier University Press for The Calgary Institute for the Humanities; Waterloo, Ontario, 1984). xvi, 307 pp., 7 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Very fine copy. ($20) 3747. Hill, G.F. A Handbook of Greek and Roman Coins. (London, 1899 original edition), xv, (1), 295 pages, 15 plates, 12mo. Blue buckram, gilt design on covers, top edge gilt Front hinge weak, cover dirty, light foxing. A very good copy. ($40) 3748. HiU, G.F. A Handbook of Greek and Roman Coins. (Chicago, 1964). 302 pages, 16 plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($20) 3749. Hill, George F. Becker The Counterfeiter. (London, 1955 reprint of London, 1924 original). 2 volumes in 1,81 pages, 19 plates, index. General history of Becker's career, discussion of his techniques, lists of his Greek, Roman, medieval and later counterfeits. A must for every serious numismatist as Becker counterfeits are still being sold as genuine to this day! Hard cover. The prefered reprint. Veiy fine copy. ($75) 3750. Hill, George F. Becker The Counterfeiter. (Chicago, 1979 reprint of London, 1924 original). 2 volumes in 1,72 + 35 pages, 19 plates, index, 8vo. General histoiy of Becker's career, discussion of his techniques, lists of his Greek, Roman, medieval and later counterfeits. A must for eveiy serious numismatist as Becker counterfeits are still being sold as genuine to this day! Red leatherette. A very fine copy. ($20) 3751. Hobeiman, Gerald. The Art of Coins And Their Photography. (Spink & Son Ltd and Hariy N. Abrains, Inc., London and New Yoik, 1982). 397 pp., 130 full-page color plates with some of the finest coin photography extant, 8vo. Green cloth with dust cover. Dust cover a little scuffed, otherwise a veiy fine copy. ($70) 3752.
Same as previous lot Dust cover a little scuffed, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($70)
3753. copy.
Same as previous lot. Dust cover a little scuflfed, otherwise a very fine ($70)
3739. [Grieison, Philip]. Studies in Numismatic Method Presented to Philip Grierson. (Cambridge University Press, 1983). xxx, 337 pages, illustrated throughout, large 8vo. Blue cloth with dust cover. A collection of 23 articles, mostly on medieval coins. Includes a bibliography of the writings of Philip Grierson. A very fine copy. ($75)
3754. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker and William Heiben], Wealth of the Ancient World. The Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt Collections. Various contributois including Arthur Houghton, Catharine Lorber and Jane M. Cody. (Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX; 1983). 329 pp., illustrations throughout text including 15 color plates, 112 coins described and 54 antiquities with black-and-white photographs, glossaiy, appendices, indices, large 8vo. Printed caid covers. Veiy fine copy. ($35)
3740. Hall, E.T. and D.M. Metcalf, editors. Methods of Chemical and Metallurgical Investigation of Ancient Coinage. (London: Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication Number 8,1972). viii, 446 pp., 20 plates, charts, tables, text figures. Red cloth with dust jacket A veiy fine copy. ($100)
3755. [IAPN&IBSCC]. Bulletin on Counterfeits. Three Issues: Volume I, No. 1-2, and Volume 17, No. 1. All fine copies. ($15)
Same as previous lot Front hinge neariy broken, dusty. A veiy good copy. ($60)
3742. Head, Barclay V. British Museum Department of Coins and Medals. A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients from Cir. B.C. 700 to A.D. 1. (London, 1889, Thiid edition), vii, (1), 128 pages, 70 autotype plates. Half leather with marbled boards, top edge gilt. A few penciled annotations, light wear on cover. A fine copy. ($65) 3743. Head, Barclay V. Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients 700 B.C. - A.D. 1. (Chicago, 1968 reprint of London, 1881 2nd edition), xviii, 128 pages, 70 plates, 2 tables. Reprint with new preface, bibliography, and commentary on Roman coins. Hard cover with dust jacket A fine copy. ($25)
3756. Ingholt, Harald (Editor). Centennial Publication of The American Numismatic Society. (New Yoik, 1958). xii, 712 pp., 50 plates, thick 4to.The "Festschrift" in honor of the ANS which contains many important articles in the nalive languages of the authois. Red cloth. Back hinge torn, front neatly so, internally fine. ($30) 3757. [International Numismatic Commission]. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Numismatics, New York-Washington, September 1973. (IAPN, Paris 1976). In two volumes, one of text oneof plates, xiv, 683 pages, 77 plates, 8vo. White cloth. 80 articles on Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Medieval, Oriental and Modem numismatics, about half in English. A veiy clean copy, as this usually comes dirty. A very fine copy. ($125)
3758. [International Numismatic Commission]. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Numismatics, Berne, September 1979. (IAPN, Luxembourg 1982). In two volumes, xxx, 1046 pages, 122 plates, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt. The first volume (687 pages, 81 plates) contains 72 article on Greek, Roman and Celtic coins. The second volume (pages 688-1046 an dplates 82-122) contains 46 articles onmedieval and modems numismatics. Both veiy fine copies. ($ 125) 3759. [International Numismatic Commission]. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Numismatics, London, September 1986. (IAPN, London 1989). xvi, 677 pages, 68 plates, 8vo. Blue cloth, gilt. 106 articles on Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Medieval, and Modem numismatics, over half in English. A very fine copy. ($125) 3760. Jacob, Kenneth. Coins and Christianity. (London, 1985reprintof London, 1959 original), vii, 95 pages, illustrated. Hard cover. Nice very fine copy. ($10) 3761. Jentoft-Nilsen, Maril [Organizer]. Ancient Portraiture. The Sculptor's Art in Coins and Marble. (Richmond, 1980). 63 pages, fully illustrated. An exhibition catalog of a collection of 52 Greek and Roman coins and 12 maible sculptures which was on exhibit at the Virginia Museum from April 29 to July 20,1980. Card covers. A veiy fine copy. ($ 12) 3762. Keary, C.F. The Morphology of Coins. (Chicago, 1970 reprint of London 1886 original). 89 pages, 6plates. Hardbound. Afinecopy. ($15) 3763. Kinns, Philip. The Caprara Forgeries. (RNS & IAPN, London and Basel, 1984). (4), 59 pp., 8 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. Small tear in dust cover, otherwise a very fine copy. ($25) 3764. Kozloff, Arielle P. [Editor]. Animals in Ancient Art From the Leo Mildenberg Collection. (Cleveland, 1981). 207 pages, 197 items cataloged and photographed in text, 22 color plates. Catalog for the exhibition organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art of this important collection of Dr. Mildenberg, former head of the numismatic department of Bank Leu AG. Hard cover. As new copy. ($20) 3765. Ladd, Raymond. The Illustrated Grading Guide To Ancient Numismatics. (Santa Ana, CA.; 1977). 48 pp., excellait line drawings throughout text, 8vo. Printed card covers. Fine copy. ($10) 3766. Laing, Lloyd R. Coins and Archaeology. (New York, 1970). xvi, (2), 336 pp., 28 plates. Green cloth with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($30) 3767. Lawrence, Richard Hoe. The Paduans, Medals by Giovanni Cavino. (New Yoik, 1980 reprint of New Yoik,1883 edition). 31 pp., 3 woodcut illustrations, 12mo. Card covers. A fine copy. ($10) 3768. Same as previous lot Card covers. Front cover has a small thumbing tea!, otherwise fine copy. ($8) 3769. MacDonald, George. Coin Types, Their Origin and Developement. (Glasgow, 1905). x, 275 pages, 10 fine plates, 8vo. Gold cloth, gilt lettering. Binding a bit weak, cover a little dirty, internally fine. A look at the developement of coin types from the earliest times through the middle ages. A veiy good copy. ($15) 3770. MacDonald, Gcoige. The Evolution of Coinage. (Chicago, 1980reprintof Cambridge, 19160riginal). 148 pages, 8 plate, large 12mo. Hardbound. A very fine copy. ($15) 3771.
Same as previous lot. A veiy fine copy.
3772. Matsson, G.O. The Gods, Goddesses and Heroes on the Ancient Coins of Bible Lands. (Stockholm, 1969). xxviii, 267 pages, 8 plates. Hardbound in blue leatherette. Out of print. A very fine copy. ($25) 3773.
Same as previous lot. A very fine copy.
M a r c h 3 0 , 1 994 Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
3777. Milne, J.G. Greek & Roman Coins and the Study of History. (London, 1939 original). 128 pages, 16 plates, 12mo. Brown casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($35) 3778. Mitchiner, Michael A Lot of 4 offprints from TheNumismatic Chronicle. Includes: "A Nineteenth-Century Hoard of European Jettons and Coins," 1982; "The Chutus of Banavasi and Their Coinage," 1983; "Rome: Imperial Portrait Tesserae and Imperial Tax Tokens From Egypt," 1984; and "Contemporary Forgeries of English Silver Coins: Henry ΙΠ to William ΠΙ," 1985. All with printed paper covers. Fine copies. ($10) 3779. Noms, Andrea S. and Ingrid Weber. Medals and Plaquettes From The Molinari Collection At Bowdoin College. (Brunswick, Maine; 1976). xi, 292 pp, (2), 144 plates included, 4to. Hardbound. New, still in original box. ($50) 3780. Pennington, Paul. Ancient Coins, An Introduction to a Fascinating Hobby. (Chicago, 1942). 67 pages, illustrated in text, 12mo. Hardbound. A nice fine copy. ($5) 3781. Pinkerton, John. An Essay On Medals or, An Introduction To The Knowledge Of Ancient and Modern Coins and Medals; Especially Those of Greece, Rome, and Britain. (London, 1789 edition). Volume 1.20 χ 13 cm., 302 pp., 3 woodcut plates. Front cover seperated, back covernearly so, spine leather heavily frayed. Internally fine. Ex libris, T.E. MionneL ($50) 3782. Porteous, John. Coins in History. (New York, 1969). 256 pages, 32 color illustrations, 300 black and white illustrations. General survey of the history of coins. Orange cloth with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($50) 3783.
Same as previous lot. Orange cloth, a lillte dusty. Fine copy.
3784. Porteous, John. Coins. (Frankfurt am Main, 1964 original). 128 pp., completely illustrated throughout, many in color. Excellent introductory text from ancient to modem coinage. Printed red casebound. A fine copy. ($10) 3785. Porteous, John. Coins. (Octopus Books, 1973 edition of Frankfurt am Main, 1964 original). 96 pp., completely illustrated throughout, many in color. Good introductory text from ancient to modem coinage. Printed blue casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($15) A Complete Run of "Coin Hoards" 3786. [Price, Martin J. - General editor]. Royal Numismatic Society. Coins Hoards. Volume I-VH. (London, 1975-1985). Pages rage from 124 to 456 pp. with photos throughout text, 8vo. Blue casebound. A nice fine set. ($100) 3787. Rawlings, G.B. Ancient, Medieval, Modern Coins and How to Know Them. (Chicago, 1966). 360 pp., 36 plates. Red casebound with dust jacket. A very fine copy. ($18) 3788.
Same as previous lot. Dustjacket a little worn. A fine copy.
3789. Raymond, Wayte. The J. Pierpont Morgan Collection: Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Coins, Abukir Medallions, Roman Gold Bar. (New York, 1963). 59 pages, illustrated throughout. Introduction by Sydney P. Noe. Fine copy. ($10) 3790. Reed, Mort. Odd and Curious. (Coin World, 1963). 120 pp., illustrated, small 8vo. Printed card covers. A compendium of a series that was originally printed in ,Coin World'. Fine copy. ($10) 3791. Regling, Kurt Ancient Numismatics, An Introduction to the Coinage of Greece and Rome. (Chicago, 1969). 79 pages, 8vo. hardbound with dust cover. Small tear in dust cover, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($8)
3774. Mayer, LA. A Bibliography of Jewish Numismatics. (Jerusalem, 1966). 77 pages, 8vo. Tan ckoth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($10)
3792. Reinfeld, Fred. Treasury of the World's Coins. (Dover Publications, Inc., New York; 1964). 224 pp., over750 illustrations throughout text, 8vo. Grey cloth. A fine copy. ($12)
3775. Miller, Michael F. Classical Greek and Roman Coins. The Investor's Handbook. (Hamden, CT, 1982). 221 pp., glossaiy, 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($12)
3793. Richards, Lewis A. (Editor). Ancient Greek Literature In Translation An Anthology. Volume I. (Chicago, 1966). (6), 242 pp., 8vo. Maroon casebound Veiy fine copy. Ex libris. ($15)
M a r c h 30,1 994
3794. Ridgeway, William. The Origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards. (New York, 1976 reprint of Cambridge, 1892 original), xii, 417 pages, 8vo. Blue casebound, gilt lettering. A study of the developement of coinage and the weight standards employed by various Greek cities and the Roman Empire. A fine copy. ($10)
3808. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. Volume 146. (London, 1986). 278, xxviii pages, 25 plates, 8vo. 17 articles and notes including Foss's "The Coinage of Tigranes the Great: problems, suggestions and a new find." Red casebound. A very fine copy. ($35)
3795. Ringel, Joseph. Marine Motifs on Ancient Coins at the National Maritime Museum Haifa. (Haifa, 1984). 94 pages, 143 illustrations, 8vo. Hardbound. Text in English and Hebrew. Pages from right to left A nice fine copy. ($20)
3809. The Numismatist. Ancient and Medieval Coins: Selections from The Numismatist (Racine, 1960). 318 pages, photos and illustrations throughout text. This is a reprint volume of 48 articles from The Numismatist including many definitive works such as Col. James W. Curtis' "Coinageof Domitius Domitianus." Blue casebound Very fine copy. ($25)
A Complete Set of the "Journal for The Society of Ancient Numismatics" 3796. SAN. Journal for the Society for Ancient Numismatics. Vol. 1, No. 1 through VoL XVIH, No 4. (California, 1969-1993). A complet ran of 70 issues all with original paper covers. An important journal featuring many fine articles by some of the leading collectors. A tough set to find complete. A few issues show slight water damage, but most are in nice condition. ($100) 3797. Sheppard, T. and J.F. Musham. Money, Scales and Weights. (Spink & Son, Ltd., 1975). Reprint from The Numismatic Circular, 1920-1923. 221 pp., illustrations throuhgout. Blue cloth with dust cover. Nice fine copy. ($25) 3798. Sutherland, C.H.V. Art In Coinage. (London, 1955). 223 pages, 46 plates throughout text, 8vo. Gray cloth with dust oover. A survey of coinage from an artistic viewpoint from ancient to modem times. A nice fine copy. ($20)
Same as previous lot. A fine copy.
Same as previous lot. A very good copy.
3812. The Numismatist. Lot of 12 off prints. Includes: "The Coinage of Roman Egypt, A Survey," by Curtis; "Strange Money of the World," by Sigler, "Medieval Feudal French Coinage," by Lhotka; and 9 other titles on world coins. All paper covers. Very good and better copies. ($20) 3813. Van Meter, David. Classical Numismatics and Common Sense: A Complete Survival Guide and Source Directory for Collectors and Investors. (Laurion Numismatics, 1990). 84 pages, large 12mo. Printed card covers. A good intraduction. OP. A very fine copy. ($10) 3814. Wear, Ted G. Ancient Coins, How to Collectfor Fun and Profit (New York, 1965). 152 pages, illustrated. Hardbound with dust cover. Afinecopy. ($5)
3799. Teissier, Beatrice. Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals from the Marcopoli Collection. (The University of California Press, 1984). xxviii, 407 pages, illustrated throughout, 4to. A catalogue of a collection of 719 seals, each illustrated. A very fine copy. ($50) 3800. The Celator. September 1990 • Septmeber 1993, complete except for November 1990. A near complete run of The Celator in the magazine format 35 is sues in all. The premier monthly magazine dealing strictly with ancient coins and history. This lot also includes "The Best of The Celator" 1988-1991. Important. ($65) A Long Run of the Numismatic Chronicle 3801. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. 40 Volumes; 1953 to 1993. Around a dozen articles in each volume, mostly on ancients, some on English and foreign. 200 to 500 pages and 6 to 47 plates per volume. 1953-1955 with original card covers, 1956-1993 withredcase covers. Early issues fine, later issues very fine to new. A good, long run of this most important journal. The early issues are rare. ($500) 3802. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. Seventh Series, Volume VII. (London, 1967). 319, lx pages, 18 plates, 8vo. 31 articles and notes including Kent's "Fel Temp Reparatio" Red casebound A fine copy. Ex Libris. ($30)
3815. Welter, Gerhard. The Cleaning and Preservation of Coins and Medals. (New York, 1976 reprint of Hannover, 1965 original), ix, 118 pages, small 8vo. Β town leatherette, gilt. Very fine copy. ($15) 3816. Welter, Gerhard. Die Reinigung und Erhaltung von Münzen und Medaillen. (Hannover, 1965). Pages unnumbered, line drawings in text A German version of "The Cleaning and Preservation of Coins and Medals." Card covers. A very good copy. ($5) 3817. Welter, Gerhard. The Cleaning and Preservation of Coins and Medals. (New York, 1976 reprint of Hannover, 1965 original), ix, 118 pages, small 8vo. Brown leatherette, gilt. Very fine copy. ($15) 3818. Wharton, Edward Ross. Etymological Lexicon of Classical Greek. Etyma Graeca. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of London, 1882 original), xvi, 167 pages, 8vo. Hardbound. Afinecopy. ($10)
3803. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. Volume 138. (London, 1978). 217, xxxvi pages, 36 plates, 8vo. 23 articles and notes including King's "The Woodeaton hoard and the problem of Constantinian imitations, AD 330-341." Red casebound. A very fine copy. ($35)
3819. Lot of 12 miscellaneoustitlesrelatingto worid coins. Includes: "Coins of the British World," "Gold Coins of the World," "The Guidebook and Catalogue of British Commonwealth coins," "A Catalog of Modem world coins," "Coins of the World," "A Guide book of Modem European Coins," "A Guide book of Modem Latin American Coins," "Current Coins of the World," "Svensk Numismatisk Uppslagbok," "Selections from the Numismatist, Ancient and Medieval Coins," " Coins," and "Catalogo de Moedas Brasileiras." All very good or better copies. ($45)
3804. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. Volume 139. (London, 1979). 282, xxxii pages, 34 plates, 8vo. 26 articles and notes including Sullivan's "King Marcus Antonius Polemo," and Yonge's "The so-called interregnum coinage." Red casebound. A very fine copy. ($35)
3820. Lot of 6 Miscellaneous titles. Includes : Reading and Dating Roman Imperial Coins, by Klawans (1953); 1990 Coins of England, by Seaby; Byzantine Coins and Their Values, by Sear (1974); Standard Catalogue of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland, by Seaby (1960); Roman Coins and Their Values, by Seaby (1954); and Roman Coins and Their values, by Sear (1981). All very good copies. ($25)
Same as previous lot. Very good copy.
3806. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. Volume 143. (London, 1983). 271, xxxix pages, 46 plates, 8vo. 23 articles and notes including Hewitt's "The coinage of L. Clodius Macer (AD 68)." Red casebound. A very fine copy. Ex Libris. ($35)
3821. Lot of 7titlesrelatingto Jewish Numismatics and Jewish History. Includes : "A Bibliography of Jewish Numismatics," by Mayer, Ancient Jewish Calendation," by Amadon; "The History of Coins and Symbols in Ancient Israel," by Wtrgin and mandel; "Judea from Cyprus to Titus, 537 BC to 70 AD," by Latimer, plus three otherpamphlets. Good or better copies. ($35)
3807. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. Volume 144. (London, 1984). 264, xxviii pages, 43 plates, 8vo. 20 articles and notes including Levante's "Coinage of Adana in Cilicia." Red casebound A very fine copy. ($35) 1 90
M a r c h 30,1 994
3822. Lot of 7 pamphlets dealing with ancient numismatics. Includes: "Coins of the Ancient World"; "Some Notes on Ancient Dies and Coining Methods"; "A Pictorial Introduction to Greek and Roman Coins"; "Ancient Coins, Greek Roman and Byzantine, Guide and Price List"; "Guide to Ancient Coins"; "Ancient Numismatics, A Brief Introduction"; and "Ancient Metods of Coining." All fine copies. ($15)
3838. Grant, Michael. Lot of 3 titles on Roman history. Includes: "Caesar," (1975); "The Climax of Rome," (1969); and "The Twelve Caesars," (1975). All hardbound, fine or better copies. ($30)
3840. Hamilton, Edith. The Greek Way. (New York, 1942 edition). 347 pages, small 8vo. Black casebound. A fine copy. ($10)
3823. Abrahams, Israel. Campaigns in Palestine from Alexander the Great. (Chicago, 1967 reprint of 1922 original). 55 pages, nairow 8vo. hardbound. A veiy finecopy. ($8)
3839. Graves, Robert. Lot of 2 titles. Includes: I Claudius and Claudius the God Both with card covers. Fine copies. ($8)
3841. Hammond, N.G.L. Alexander The Great: King, Commander and Statesnan. (Noyes Press, Park Ridge, New Jersey; 1980). x, 358 pp., ülustraüons in text, 8vo. Blue cloth with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($15)
3824. Andronicos, Manolis, Manolis Chatzidakis and Vassos Karageoighis. The Greek Museums. (Athens, 1974). 418 pages, wonderfully illustrated in color, laige 4to. Red leatherette with dust cover. A look at the ancient art collections held by museums in Greece. Front hinge weak, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($45) 3825. Amott, Peter D. An Introduction to the Greek World. (Sl Martin's Press, New Yoik, 1967). xii, 238 pp., 16 plates, 12mo. Brown casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. Ex Libris. ($10) 3826. Camp, John M. The Athenian Agora. Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens. (London, 1986). 231 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($35)
3842. Johns, Catherine. Sex or Symbol, Erotic Images of Greece and Rome. (University of Texas Press, 1982). 160 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Glossy card covers. A very fine copy. ($25) 3843. Lewis, Naphtalin and Meyer Reinhold Roman Civilization. Volume I. The Republic. (Columbia University Press, 1951 ). ix, 544 pages, 8vo. Green casebound, gilt lettering. Binding a little weak but intact. Ex Libris. A very good copy. ($10) 3844. Menifield, Ralph. Roman London. (New Yoik, 1969). 212 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($10)
3827. Duruy, Victor. History of Rome and the Roman People from its Origin to the Invasion of the Barbarians. (Boston, 1890). Eight volumes in sixteen. Over 5000 pages with over 3000 engravings, 100 maps and plans, small 4to. Original red half leather with red maibled boards, raised spine bands, gilt lettering, top edge gilt. Bindings a bit worn, with three covers detached, internally very fine. An attractive seL ($250) 3828. Earl, Donald The Age of Augustus. (New York, 1968). 208 pages, fully illustrated, many in color, large 8vo. Grey buchram with dust cover. Small tear on dust jacket, otherwise a very fine copy. ($20) 3829. Evans, Robert F. Legions of Imperial Rome. An Informal Order of Battle Study. (New York, 1980). xiii, 112 pages, line drawings in text, 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($12) 3830. Evans, Robert F. Soldiers of Rome. Praetorians and Legionnaires. (Seven Locks Press, 1986). xx, 171 pages, line drawings in text, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($15) 3831. Gibbon, Edward. The Dedine and Fall of the Roman Empire. (Random House, The Modem Library edition, undated (circa 1965)). Two Volumes. 1879 pages, 12mo. Hardbound. Fine copies. ($10)
3845. Moore, Frank Gardner. The Roman's World. (New York, 1936). xiii, 502 pages, illustrated. Hardbound. Front hinge broken, spine cloth nearly seperated, light foxing. A very good copy. ($5) 3846. Myeis, Bernard S. Art and Civilization. (New York, 1967). 423 pages, illustrated throughout, large 8vo. Hardbound. Water stained throughout at top of spine. A good copy. ($ 10) 3847. Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier. THer, Augustusstadt der TVeverer. (Mainz am Rhein, 1984). 323 pages, fully illustrated, some in color, oblong 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. An archaeological report of excavations conducted in Trier. Includes a chapter on coins. A nice fine copy. ($20) 3848. Rutgers University Press. The World History of the Jewish People. (Rutgers, 1972 and 1975). Volumes 6 and 7. The Hellenistic Age, and The Herodian Period Both hardbound with dust coveis. Front hinge of \folume 7 broken, otherwise both are fine copies. ($50) 3849. Stem, Frances V.K. The Labors of Herakles on Antiquities From West Coast Collections. (University of Oregon Press, 1976). 44 objects discussed and illustrated Card covers. A fine copy. ($8)
3832. Grant, Michael. Atlas of Ancient History, 1700 BC to 565 AD. (New Yoik, 1971 Durst edition). Cartography by Arthur Banks. 87 different maps, index of place names, 8vo. Card covers. A fine copy. ($10)
3850. Strong, Donald and David Brown (editors). Roman Crafls. (London, 1976). 256 pages, illustrated throughout, 18 color plates, large 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. A survey of Roman arts and crafts including metal woiking, jewellery, minting, potteiy, glass and more. A nice fine copy. ($25)
3833. Grant, Michael. Emperor in Revolt, Nero. (New York, 1970). 272 pages, illustrated throughout, many in color, 8vo. Black cloth, gilt lettering. A fine copy. ($15)
3851. Suetonius. The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Emperors of Rome. Translated by Philemon Holland. (New Yoik, 1965). xvii, 473 pages, illustrated. Red and white cloth with slip case. A nice fine copy. ($15)
3834. Grant, Michael. History ofRome. (New Yoik, 1978).xviii,(4),537pages, illustaited throughout, 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. Many coin illustrations. A very fine copy. ($20)
3852. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Romans and Barbarians. (Boston, 1976). xvi, 252 pages, fully illustrated (many in color), small 4to. Card covers. An exhibition catalog of290 pieces of art, antiquities and coins. The exhibition was held from December 17,1976 through Februaiy 27,1977. Spine lightly sunned, otherwise a very fine copy. ($35)
3835. Grant, Michael. The Army of the Caesars. (New York, 1974). xxxiv, 365 pages, 16 plates (4 showing coins), 8vo. Blck casebound with dust cover. A very finecopy. ($15) 3836. Grant, Michael. The Fall of the Roman Empire, A Reappraisal. (Radnor, PA, 1976). 336 pages, fully illustrated, many in color, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A very fibne copy. ($15) 3837. Grant, Michael. The Roman Emperors: A Biographical Guide To The Rulers of Imperial Rome, 31 BC-AD 476. (New Yoik, 1985). 367 pages, illustrations in text Hard cover with dust jacket. Ver useful. A very fine copy. ($25)
3853. Time/Life Books. Lot of 2 titles relating to ancient history. Includes: Classical Greece (1973 reprint); and Imperial Rome (1967 revised edition). Each is hardbound and fully illustrated. Very fine copies. ($35) 3854. Time/Life Books. Great Ages of Man. Classical Greece. (New Yoik, 1965). 192 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Hard cover. Comers bumped. A very good copy. ($15)
3855. Vasiliev, A.A. History of the Byzantine Empire, 324-1453. (Madison, WI, 1964). In two volumes. 846 pages, large 12mo. Card covers. Fine copies.
3856. Webster, Graham. The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.D. (London, 1987 third edition), xv, 343 pages, 32 plates, 8vo. Hardbound. A standard work on the subject. A very fine copy. ($25) 3857. Wolfram, Herwig. A History of the Goths. (Berkeley, 1988). xii, 613 pages, 7 maps, 8vo. I lardbound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($25) 3858. Lot of 4 titles. Includes: "From Alexander to Cleopatra," by Michael Grant (1982); "Cleopatra," by Emle Bradford (1972); "The Life and Times of Marc Antony," by Arthur Weigall (1931); and "Augustus," by John Williams (1972, a novel). All hardbound, fine copies. ($35) 3859. Lot of 3 titles. Includes : "Masada" by Yigael Yadin (1966); "Cities in the Sand" by Aubrey Mcnnen (1973); and "The Acropolis" by R.J. Hopper (1971). Each hardbound with dust covers, fully illustrated. All fine or better copies. ($35) 3860. Lot of 3 titles on Mythology. Includes: "Bulfinch's Mythology," (1947); "Greek Gods & Heroes, ־by Ann Birchall & P.E. Corbeu (1974); and "Roman Mythology," by Peter Croft (1974). Second title card covered, others hardbound. Very good or better copies. ($20) 3861. Lot of 2 titles on the Roman army. Includes: "The Roman Legions," by H.M.D. Parker (1971); and "The Roman Imperial Army," by Graham Webster (1979). Both hardbound with dust covers. Very fine copies. ($30) 3862. Lot of 2titles on Julius Caesar. Includes: "Julius Caesar," by Michael Grant (1969) and "Julius Caesar, The Gallic Wars," translated by John Warrington (1955). Both hardbound, fine copies. ($25)
March 30,1 994