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A Public

& Mail Bid Sale



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WEDNESDAY D E C E M B E R 7, 1 9 9 4 NEW Y O R K , NY



A Public and Mail Bid Auction Sale of

CLASSICAL COINS Featuring The Janiform Head Collection of Thomas B. Lesure The Unreserved Sale of the Property of "A Private European Investment Consortium" A Mail Bid Only Sale of Numismatic Literature (Closing on Friday, December 9,1994) WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7,1994 9AM & 1:30PM In Conjunction with the 23rd Annual New York International Numismatic Convention

The Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers 7th Avenue at 53rd Street New York, NY in Empire Suite I (Convention Level) Herbert L. Kreindler. Auctioneer #820339


CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC GROUP, INC. Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Post Office Box 479 Lancaster PA 17608-0479 USA (717) 390-9194, FAX (717) 390-9978

Seaby Coins 14 Old Bond Street London, W1X 4JL, England (0171) 495-1888, FAX (0171) 499-5916

Session I · Wednesday at 9AM The Lesure Collection of Janiform Head Coinage (Lots 1-59) Ancient Greek (Lots 60-238) Judaean & Related Coinage (Lots 239-288) Roman Republican, Imperatorial and Imperial (Lots 289-469) Roman Provincial (Lots 470-498) Byzantine (Lots 499-514) World Coinage (Lots 515-592) British ‫ ־‬Celtic to Modern (Lots 593-643) Modern World Proof & Mint Sets (Lots 644-722) Large Lots (Lots 723-850)

Session II · Wednesday at 1:30PM See Page 81 for Order of Lots

Session III · Mail Bid Only Numismatic Literature • · · (Lots 2001-2496)

Titles on Greek Numismatics (Lots 2001-2140) Titles on Roman Republican Numismatics (Lots 2141-2148) Titles on Roman Numismatics (Lots 2149-2176) Titles on Roman Provincial Numismatics (Lots 2177-2182) Titles on Byzantine Numismatics (Lots 2183-2198) Titles on British & British Isles Numismatics (Lots 2199-2229) Titles on World Numismatics (Lots 2230-2252) ANS Museum Notes (Lots 2253-2282) ANS Numismatic Notes & Monographs (Lots 2283-2357) Auction Catalogues & Fixed Price Lists (Lots 2358-2432) Art, Archaeology & General Numismatic Works (Lots 2433-2487) History Titles (Lots 2488-2496)

$ 15.00 (£10.00) i n c l u d i n g p r i c e s r e a l i z e d .

Numismatic Staff:

Victor England, Jr. Eric J. McFadden Kerry K. Wettcrstrom Peter L. Lampinen Barry P. Murphy

Additional cataloging expertise for Session II provided by:

Wayne Moore Fred B. Shore

Production Staff:

Karen Zander Cathy England Donna Graeff Wendy Monkhouse Liz Sheetz

Printing Control:

Debbie & Geoff Hurley Robert A. Trimble


TERMS AND CONDITIONS T h i s is a p u b l i c a n d m a i l b i d a u c t i o n c o n d u c t e d b y C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c t i o n c o n s t i t u t e s a c c e p t a n c e of t h e f o l l o w i n g t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s .

G r o u p , I n c . ( C N G ) . B i d d i n g in t h e a u c -

1 . T h e p r o p e r t y l i s t e d i n t h i s c a t a l o g u e is o f f e r e d f o r s a l e b y C N G f o r i t s e l f a n d a s a g e n t f o r v a r i o u s o w n e r s a n d o t h e r c o n s i g n o r s . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t to r e j e c t a n y b i d , t o d e t e r m i n e t h e o p e n i n g p r i c e , to s e t b i d d i n g i n c r e m e n t s , to v a r y t h e o r d e r o f t h e a u c t i o n , t o r e o p e n b i d d i n g i n t h e c a s e o f a d i s p u t e , to w i t h d r a w a n y l o t , to b i d o n b e h a l f o f C N G , to b i d o n b e h a l f of t h e c o n s i g n o r , a n d to p e r m i t t h e c o n s i g n o r to b i d o n h i s o w n m a t e r i a l w h e t h e r to p r o t e c t a l o t o r f o r a n y o t h e r p u r pose. 2 .

All l o t s a r e s u b j e c t to a 1 0 % B u y e r ' s

f e e w h i c h w i l l be a d d e d to t h e h a m m e r p r i c e .

3 . All c o i n s a r e g u a r a n t e e d g e n u i n e . G r a d i n g and o t h e r d e s c r i p t i o n s are the o p i n i o n of the c a t a l o g u e r , and n o w a r r a n t y i s e x p r e s s e d o r i m p l i e d . P l e a s e n o t e t h a t a n a u c t i o n s a l e i s n o t a n a p p r o v a l s a l e . L o t s e x a m i n e d p r i o r to t h e s a l e and lots p u r c h a s e d by f l o o r b i d d e r s ( i n c l u d i n g b i d d e r s e x e c u t i n g c o m m i s s i o n bids on b e h a l f of o t h e r p a r t i e s ) m a y not be r e t u r n e d for any r e a s o n e x c e p t a u t h e n t i c i t y . All c l a i m s of m i s d e s c r i p t i o n and all c l a i m s of r e t u r n for a n y o t h e r r e a s o n , e x c e p t c l a i m s r e g a r d i n g a u t h e n t i c i t y , m u s t b e m a d e w i t h i n 5 d a y s o f r e c e i p t of m a t e r i a l . E s t i m a t e s a r e i n t e n d e d a s a g u i d e o n l y a n d n o t as a s t a t e m e n t of o p i n i o n of v a l u e . 4 . T e r m s are for c a s h , with i n v o i c e s b e i n g d u e and p a y a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y u p o n r e c e i p t . I n t e r e s t and c o l l e c t i o n c h a r g e s of 1 . 5 % p e r m o n t h , f r o m t h e d a t e o f t h e a u c t i o n , s h a l l b e p a y a b l e o n i n v o i c e s n o t s e t t l e d w i t h i n 3 0 d a y s o f t h e s a l e d a t e . P a y m e n t b y c h e c k m u s t b e m a d e in e i t h e r U S d o l l a r s ( $ ) d r a w n o n a U S b a n k o r B r i t i s h s t e r l i n g ( ÂŁ ) d r a w n o n a B r i t i s h b a n k . All s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r s o u t s i d e N o r t h A m e r i c a a n d t h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m w i l l b e i n v o i c e d an a d d i t i o n a l $ 1 5 f e e f o r b a n k c h a r g e s , b u t b u y e r s m a y d e d u c t t h i s f e e if p a y m e n t is m a d e as r e q u i r e d a b o v e . P a y m e n t m a y b e m a d e b y V i s a o r M a s t e r c a r d ( A c c e s s ) ; h o w e v e r , a 3 . 5 % s u r c h a r g e is m a d e f o r t h e u s e of a c r e d i t c a r d . 5. B i d d e r s n o t k n o w n to u s m u s t p r o v i d e u s w i t h s a t i s f a c t o r y c r e d i t r e f e r e n c e s o r p a y a d e p o s i t as d e t e r m i n e d at C N G ' s d i s c r e t i o n b e f o r e b i d d i n g . M i n o r s a r e n o t p e r m i t t e d to b i d w i t h o u t w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f a p a r e n t g u a r a n t e e i n g p a y m e n t . C N G m a y r e q u i r e p a y m e n t in f u l l f r o m a n y b i d d e r p r i o r to d e l i v e r y of l o t s . T i t l e d o e s n o t p a s s u n t i l l o t s a r e p a i d in f u l l . U p o n r e c e i p t of l o t s , the b u y e r a s s u m e s f u l l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r l o s s or d a m a g e . 6. E s t i m a t e s a r e in U . S . d o l l a r s ( $ U S ) a n d b i d s m u s t b e in e v e n d o l l a r ( $ ) a m o u n t s . C N G will execute m a i l b i d s o n b e h a l f of m a i l b i d d e r s . W h e r e c o m p e t i t i o n p e r m i t s , m a i l b i d s w i l l b e e x e c u t e d a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 0 % o v e r t h e n e x t h i g h e s t b i d . P l e a s e n o t e t h a t b i d s b e l o w e s t i m a t e a r e r a r e l y r e d u c e d , b u t b i d s a b o v e e s t i m a t e s t a n d a g o o d c h a n c e of b e i n g r e d u c e d . In t h e c a s e of i d e n t i c a l b i d s , the e a r l i e s t bid w i n s . A m a i l bid h a s p r i o r i t y o v e r an i d e n t i c a l f l o o r b i d . Bid b y l o t n u m b e r . N o l o t s w i l l b e b r o k e n . B i d d e r s a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r e r r o r s in b i d d i n g . C h e c k y o u r b i d s h e e t c a r e f u l l y . 7. A w o r d o n R e s e r v e s . C N G r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t to p l a c e a r e s e r v e o n a n y l o t . H o w e v e r , n o r e s e r v e w i l l b e h i g h e r t h a n t h e e s t i m a t e , a n d o r d i n a r i l y l o t s a r e r e s e r v e d at 6 0 % o f e s t i m a t e . 8 . Bidders personally guarantee p a y m e n t for their successful bids, including bidders executing commission bids from o t h e r p a r t i e s a n d b i d d e r s r e p r e s e n t i n g c o r p o r a t i o n s or o t h e r e n t i t i e s . B u y e r s a c c e p t i n g c o m m i s s i o n b i d s f r o m o t h e r p a r t i e s d o s o at t h e i r o w n r i s k a n d r e m a i n r e s p o n s i b l e to C N G f o r f u l l s e t t l e m e n t u n d e r t h e s e T e r m s a n d C o n d i t i o n s . 9 . I n t h e e v e n t a s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r f a i l s to m a k e a n y p a y m e n t w h e n d u e , C N G r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o r e s e l l t h e m a t e r i al, a n d t h e b i d d e r a g r e e s to p a y f o r t h e r e a s o n a b l e c o s t of s u c h a s a l e a n d a l s o to p a y a n y d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n t h e r e s a l e p r i c e a n d t h e p r e v i o u s l y s u c c e s s f u l b i d . C N G a l s o r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t to o f f s e t a n y s u m s d u e f r o m a s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r a g a i n s t a n y f u t u r e c o n s i g n m e n t o r p u r c h a s e o r m o n i e s o r g o o d s in p o s s e s s i o n of C N G . 10. S a l e s t a x , p o s t a g e , h a n d l i n g a n d i n s u r a n c e a r e t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of the b u y e r a n d a r e a d d e d to all i n v o i c e s w h e r e a p p r o p r i a t e . P o s t a g e , h a n d l i n g a n d i n s u r a n c e for b o o k l o t s w i l l b e i n v o i c e d s e p a r a t e l y f r o m c o i n l o t s . O n any tax not p a i d b y t h e p u r c h a s e r w h i c h s h o u l d h a v e b e e n p a i d , e v e n if n o t i n v o i c e d by C N G , t h e p u r c h a s e r a g r e e s to p a y t h e s a m e o n d e m a n d t o g e t h e r w i t h a n y i n t e r e s t o r p e n a l t y t h a t m a y b e a s s e s s e d . It is t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of t h e b u y e r t o c o m p l y w i t h foreign c u s t o m s and other r e g u l a t i o n s . 1 1.

P r i c e s R e a l i s e d a r e p u b l i s h e d a f t e r t h e s a l e a n d a r e m a i l e d to a l l s u b s c r i b e r s to C N G p u b l i c a t i o n s .

12. B i d d e r s c o n s e n t to w a i v e a n y c l a i m f o r i n c i d e n t a l o r c o n s e q u e n t i a l d a m a g e s a r i s i n g f r o m t h i s a u c t i o n . T h e s o l e r e m e d y t h a t a n y p a r t i c i p a n t in t h e a u c t i o n s h a l l h a v e f o r a n y c l a i m o r c o n t r o v e r s y a r i s i n g o u t of t h e a u c t i o n s h a l l b e a r e f u n d of t h e o r i g i n a l p u r c h a s e p r i c e a n d b u y e r ' s p r e m i u m p a i d by t h e p a r t i c i p a n t . 13 . A l l r i g h t s g r a n t e d b y C N G o r o t h e r w i s e a v a i l a b l e to b i d d e r s a n d p u r c h a s e r s , u n d e r t h e s e T e r m s a n d C o n d i t i o n s o r o t h e r w i s e , a r e p e r s o n a l a n d m a y n o t b e a s s i g n e d o r t r a n s f e r r e d to a n y o t h e r p e r s o n o r e n t i t y , w h e t h e r b y o p e r a t i o n of l a w o r o t h e r w i s e . N o t h i r d p a r t y m a y r e l y o n a n y b e n e f i t o r r i g h t c o n f e r r e d b y t h e s e T e r m s a n d C o n d i t i o n s . B i d d e r s a c t i n g as a g e n t s m u s t d i s c l o s e t h e a g e n c y in w r i t i n g t o C N G p r i o r to t h e a u c t i o n ; o t h e r w i s e r i g h t s a r e l i m i t e d to t h e a g e n t a n d a r e n o t t r a n s f e r a b l e to the u n d i s c l o s e d p r i n c i p a l . 14. A n y d i s p u t e r e g a r d i n g t h i s a u c t i o n s h a l l b e a d j u d i c a t e d o n l y by a s t a t e or f e d e r a l c o u r t l o c a t e d in L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y , P e n n s y l v a n i a , a n d a l l b i d d e r s s u b m i t t h e m s e l v e s to t h e p e r s o n a l j u r i s d i c t i o n o f t h e s e c o u r t s f o r t h i s p u r p o s e . In a n y d i s p u t e r e g a r d i n g t h i s a u c t i o n , t h e p r e v a i l i n g p a r t y s h a l l b e e n t i t l e d to r e c o v e r i t s r e a s o n a b l e a t t o r n e y f e e s .

G O O D L U C K , and r e m e m b e r to mail y o u r bid sheet e a r l y . Bid s h e e t s m u s t be r e c e i v e d by D e c e m b e r 6, 1 9 9 4 . 3

NOTICE OF EXHIBITION C O I N S MAY BE V I E W E D IN OUR L A N C A S T E R O F F I C E S BY A P P O I N T M E N T From 10:00 a.m. 5:00 ‫־‬ p.m. Monday • Friday N o v e m b e r 14 ‫ ־‬D e c e m b e r 2 , 1 9 9 4

P h o t o g r a p h s a v a i l a b l e f o r u n p h o t o g r a p h e d s i n g l e lots at $3 each (one o b v e r s e and one r e v e r s e ) . L a r g e lots will be billed per total n u m b e r of p h o t o s . Available from Lancaster office only ( P h o t o s w i l l n o t be m a d e a v a i l a b l e f o r S e s s i o n T w o l a r g e l o t s )

N o v e m b e r 1 1 - 1 2 , 1994 San F r a n c i s c o , CA & Antiquarian Bourse The Numismatic H o l i d a y Inn Golden G a t e w a y Van Ness at C a l i f o r n i a (Large Lots from the 2nd S e s s i o n will not be a v a i l a b l e for v i e w i n g )

D e c e m b e r 5 - 7 , 1994 23rd Annual New York International N u m i s m a t i c Convention L o t s w i l l be a v a i l a b l e f o r v i e w i n g in E m p i r e S u i t e I I I ( C o n v e n t i o n l e v e l ) M o n d a y , D e c e m b e r 5th - 1 0 A M - 7 P M T u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 6th - 9 A M - 9 P M W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 7th - 9 A M - 1 P M (2nd S e s s i o n lots o n l y )

Contact either o f f i c e for i n f o r m a t i o n U S A ( 7 1 7 ) 3 9 0 - 9 1 9 4 · UK (017 1 ) 4 9 5 - 1 888 4

America's Most Prestigious Ancient and Foreign Coin Show


The 23rd Annual New York International Numismatic Convention December 9-10-11,1994 Dealer Set-up: Dec. 8th

Public Hours:

Fri/Sat. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers 7th Ave. and 52nd St. · New York City Over 200 Ancient & Foreign Numismatic Dealers from around the World Major Ancient and Foreign Coin Auctions Stacks · Superior Classical Numismatic Group · Kolbe/Spink Our bourse is sold out. We are accepting applications for our waiting list. For Bourse Information, Hotel Reservations, General Information: NYINC 3950 Concordia Lane · Fallbrook, CA 92028 U S A (619)728-1300 · Fax (619) 728-8507

Thomas Β. Lesure It is with great pleasure that Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. presents the collection of ancient Greek and Roman coinage, in particular the specialized collection of Janiform coinage, formed by Thomas B. Lesure of Phoenix, Arizona. Although Tom's interest in numismatics began in his school days, it wasn't until his professional career as a travel writer and guide book author that his regard for ancient coins came to fruition. This was a direct result of his domestic and especially foreign travel that developed an avid, on-going enthusiasm for local, regional and national arts, crafts and cultures. As a resuit of numerous visits to Italy, Greece and most of the other Mediterranean countries, his numismatic involvement focused specifically on the coins of ancient Greece, Rome and their extended empires. His first emphasis was on eagle reverses, a continuation of an earlier appeal in U.S. coins that feature eagles. But his "true love" soon manifested itself in Janus/Janiform Greek and Roman coins. The reasons: few other numismatists seemed to realize the potentiality; the challenge of acquiring difficult-to-find coins and variations (the Sydenham 64 series is a good example, not always obvious to some collectors, and in itself a challenge to obtain the numerous obverse and reverse varieties); the significance of Janus' ability to view the past and future; and, somewhat whimsically, as a symbol - still used by modern Italian and Greek artists - sometimes in altered form — of his Gemini birth sign. Both Victor England and the late John Barton were especially helpful and aggressive in supplying rare coins for this part of the collection. Tom was born in Massachusetts but has lived more than half of his life, with his wife Nancy (a native Pennsylvanian), in their adopted state of Arizona. He was graduated from Boston University, receiving a BS degree in Journalism (cum laude), and did graduate study there, also. He worked in radio as a news and travel editor for eight years at the Yankee Network and the ABC affiliate in Boston before deciding to become a fulltime freelance travel writer and author (a decision influenced by a honeymoon cruise to South America). Since then, in the last 40+ years, he has had some 3,000 travel articles published in major U.S. and overseas newspapers and magazines. In addition, he has writen 14 travel books plus parts of such series as Fodor, Frommer, Doubleday, Gousha and other guidebooks. His travels have taken him to more than 95 countries and he's still ready to add more and write about them. His favorites are the U.K., New Zealand, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland and the Bavaria region of Germany. He is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Authors' Guild, the Society of Professional Journalists, the Dons of Arizona (a public service group that preserves and presents Southwest lore and history) and a former charter member of the Society of American Travel Writers. He has received several national awards for his writing. Tom and Nancy have five children, three boys and two girls, and eight grandchildren. In addition to their love for travel, especially cruising, and being travel consultants, interest in representative ethnic arts and crafts remain high. Ancient coins, too. Nancy also loves to garden; Tom prefers to watch her and read a good book from his 4,000 volume (and still growing) library. Coins from his collection are noted as: Thomas B. Lesure Collection.


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

The Lesure Collection of Janiform Coinage Janiform is t h e t e r m u s e d b y numismatists to d e n o t e a double-faced h e a d (one to t h e left, t h e o t h e r right), a n d so-derived f r o m o n e of the most c o m m o n depictions of a double-faced portrait in ancient art — that of Janus, t h e R o m a n g o d of all beginnings. While t h e Lesure collection is w e l l - r e p r e s e n t e d in coins d e p i c t i n g Janus, it also h a s m a n y o t h e r coins, i n c l u d i n g G r e e k , d e p i c t i n g a j a n i f o r m h e a d . Indeed, like m a n y other artistic conventions, t h e R o m a n s probably b o r r o w e d t h e d o u b l e - f a c e d d e p i c t i o n u s e d to p o r t r a y t h e i r g o d Janus. A double-faced portrait w a s p o p u l a r in ancient G r e e k art to s h o w plurality a n d d u a l i t y of n a t u r e just as it is u s e d for the s a m e p u r p o s e b y artists today. Janus, in R o m a n religion, w a s a c t u a l l y t h e p a t r o n d e i t y of d o o r w a y s (januae) a n d a r c h w a y s (jani). T h e a r c h w a y s or jani in R o m e w e r e u s e d for c e r e m o n i e s m a r k i n g t h e d e p a r t u r e of t h e army. T h e m o s t n o t e w o r t h y of these jani w a s t h e J a n u s G e m i n u s , at t h e n o r t h side of t h e F o r u m , w h i c h w a s ceremonially closed to m a r k peace (see lot 57). J a n u s is m o s t o f t e n regarded as t h e god of all beginnings, a n d his association w i t h d o o r w a y s c a m e later in t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of his cult. H e w a s i n v o k e d as t h e first of a n y g o d s in r e g u l a r liturgies, a n d the m o n t h of J a n u a r y is n a m e d for him; his festival taking place o n J a n u a r y 9th, t h e A g o n i u m . H e w a s represented in art w i t h or w i t h o u t a b e a r d , a n d h e r e i n lies a p o i n t of c o n f u s i o n . M a n y n u mismatic scholars believe that t h e janiform deity depicted o n mostly Republican coins as b e a r d l e s s is possibly m e a n t to represent t h e Dioscuri (the G e m i n i - Castor a n d Pollux). T h e cult of the Dioscuri at R o m e goes back traditionally to 484 BC. Of course, the n o r m a l artistic depiction of the Dioscuri is as t w o y o u t h s o n h o r s e b a c k , h o l d i n g s p e a r s a n d w e a r i n g their distinctive c a p s (pileî). But as t h e references disagree on the exact identification of the double-faced d e i t y o n m a n y coins, t h e following catalogue of t h e Lesure collection s i m p l y u s e s t h e term "Janiform h e a d " to describe it.

3. ETRURIA, Volaterrae. Circa 230-220 BC Ά Aes Grave Dupondius (257.2 gm). Janiform head, wearing pointed petasos / FELAODI retrograde around dolphin with Π. Thurlow-Veochi 92; Haeberlin pl.84,11-12. VF, green patina with touches of reddish-brown. Very rare, especially this nice. ($6000) 1. CELTIC G AUL. The Suessiones. Circa 1st Century BC Ά 17mm (3.12 gm). Janiform head / Lion standing left; three annulets above, one below. Scheers 547. V F, dark green patina with touches of brownish red. ($150)

2. CELTIC. D a n u b i a n Region. Imitation of Philip II. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.85 gm). Janiform head of Zeus / Rider with crest on horseback right; rosette to right. CCCBM I S116; De la Tour 9899. Toned good VF. Very rare. ($1500)

4. Volaterrae. Circa 230-220 BC. Ά Aes Grave Triens (51.45 gm). Janiform head, wearing pointed petasos / FELAODI retrograde around club and four pellets. Thurlow-Vecchi 88; Haeberlin pl.84,4-5. VF, green patina with brown highlights. Scarce. ($800) 7

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10. Katane. After 212 BC. i€21mm (6.59 gm). Janiform head of Sarapis, monograms in fields / Demeter standing half-left, holding two corn-ears and torch; around ΚΑΤΑ ΝΑΙ ΩΝ. SNG Copenhagen 206/207; BMCSidly pg.5491/92 . Good VF, olive-green patina. ‫׳‬

5. Volaterrae. Circa 230-220 BC. JE Aes Grave Uncia (15.28 gm). Janiform head, wearing pointed petasos / FELAODI retrograde around club and one pellet. Thurlow-Vecchi 91; Haeberlin pl.84,10. VF, dark brown patina with earthen highlights. Scarce. ($750)

11. Panormos. After 241 BC. JE 20mm (6.96 gm). Goat standing right, Janus head below / ΠΑΝΟΡΜΓΓΑΝ, eagle standing right, wings spread, head left. Calciati 117; SNG ANS 569. Good VF, green patina. ($400)

6. CAMPANIA, Capua. Hannibalic occupation of Italy. Circa 216-211 BC EL 3 / 8 Shekel (2.72 gm). Janiform female heads, wearing grain wreath / Zeus, holding fulmen and sceptre, standing in quadriga right, driven by Nike. SNG ANS 146; Jenkins & Lewis 487.1. Good VF. Rare. ($2000)

12. Panormos. After 241 BC. JE 21mm (6.83 gm). Goat standing right, Janus head below / ΠΑ[ΝΟΡ]ΜΙΤΑΝ, eagle standing right, wings spread, head left. Calciati 117; SNG ANS 569. EF for type, dark green patina with touches of red. Rare. ($500)

7. BRUTT1UM, Rhegion. Circa 203-89 BC JE Pentonkion (6.89 gm). Laureate, janiform female head, wearing polos; laurel-wreath around / PHΓΙΝΩΝ, Asklepios enthroned left, holding sceptre; [Π] to left. Cf. SNG ANS 745; BMC Italy pg.382,94. VF, attractive green patina with touches of red. Overstruck and laurel-wreath on obverse may be from undertype. Scarce. ($200)

13. Panormos. After 241 BC. JE 25mm - As (6.51 gm). Laureate and bearded head of ]anus / flOR monogram within laurel-wreath. Calciati I 67; SNG Copenhagen 1034; SNG ANS 598; BMC Sicily pg.124,29. VF, rough surfaces, dark green patina with lighter highlights. ($150)

8. Rhegion. Circa 203-89 BC JE Pentonkion (10.57 gm). Laureate, janiform female head, wearing polos / ΡΗΤΙΝΩΝ, Asklepios enthroned left, holding sceptre; Π and tripod to left. SNG ANS 748/749 var. (serpent in exergue); BMC Italy pg.382,94. Good Fine, olive-green patina. ($150)

14. Panormos. After 241 BC. JE 23mm - As (5.73 gm). Laureate and bearded head of Janus / Monogram within laurel-wreath; star pattern of pellets at top. Calciati 183; SNG Copenhagen 1043; BMC Sicily pg.128,14. Superb EF, dark green patina with touches of red. ($600) 9. SICILY, Katanc. After 212 BC. JE 24mm (1131 gm). Janiform head of Sarapis, monograms in fields / Demeter standing half-left, holding two corn-ears and torch; around [ΚΑΤΑ] ΝΑΙ ΩΝ. SNG Copenhagen 206/207; BMC Sicily pg.54,91 /92. Good Fine, green-brown patina with touches of red. ($125)

15. Panormos. After 241 BC. JE 21mm - As (4.43 gm). Laureate and bearded head of Janus / Pellet within laurel-wreath; star pattern of pellets at top. Calciati 1101; SNG ANS 597; BMC Sicily pg.l 28,16; Gabrici pg.l 58,184. VF, dark green to black patina, light porosity. ($200)

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16. Panormos. Man. Acilius, Quaestor. Circa 120 B C Ai 22mm - As (6.57 gm). Laureate and bearded head of Janus / MAN (ligate) ACILIQ within laurel-wreath; star pattern of pellets at top. Calciati I 71; SNG Copenhagen 1037; SNG ANS 599; BMC Sicily pg.126,1. Fine, green patina, heavy in spots. ($100)

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22. THRACE, Islands off. Thasos. Orca 404-340 BC. AR Diobol (1.63 gm). Jartiform head of satyr / Two amphorae, the left inverted; ΘΑΣΙ around. SNG Copenhagen 1027; Dewing 1328. Toned VF. Very rare. ($800) Ex CNA XIV, lot 83; Kevin Cheek collection (H. Berk List 53, lot 36).

1ST? '?•tea-

23. MYSIA, Lampsakos. Circa 480-450 BC. AR Drachm (5.06 gm). Janiform female head; wearing tainia, earring and necklace / Head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet; all within incuse square. Gaebler, "Die Silberprägung von Lampsakos" (Nomisma XII) pl.1,13; BMC Mysia pg.79,10. Toned VF. Extremely rare. ($500)

17. Panormos. L. Axius Naso. Circa 70 BC. / £ 2 1 m m - As (5.15 gm). Laureate and bearded head of Janus / NA SO within laurel-wreath. Calciati 178; SNG Copenhagen 1041; SNG ANS 601 ; BMC Sicily pg.126,4. Fine, mottied green patina, some light smoothing on obverse. ($100)

18. Syracuse. Time of Timoleon. 345-317 BC. AR 2 Litrae (1.60 gm). [ΣΥΡΑ]ΚΟΣ ΙΩΝ, janiform female head; dolphin to right / Horse galloping left; star above. SNG ANS 517 Nice VF, scattered light porosity. ($500)

Lampsakos. Circa 390-330 BC AR Diobol (138 gm). Janiform female 24. head, wearing tainia and earring; neck truncation ends in a dolphin to the left / Λ[Α]ΜΨ, head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet Gaebler, "Die Silberprägung von Lampsakos" (Nomisma ΧΠ) pl.II, 9. Good VF. Rare variety with dolphin. ($250) Ex Coin Calleries, "The Golden Gate Collection" (April 14,1993), lot 298; Sotheby's, "The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection" (June 19-20,1991), lot 578.

19. Syracuse. Under Roman Rule. After 212 BC. JE 16mm (2.83 gm). Janiform head of Dionysos, wearing ivy-wreath / [Σ|ΥΡΑΚΟ ΣΙΩΝ, thrysos with fillets. Calciati II222; SNG Copenhagen 909. VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($75)

25. Lampsakos. Circa 390-330 BC AR Diobol (1.47gm). Janiform female head; wearing tainia, earring and necklace / ΛΑΜΨ, head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet. Gaebler, "Die Silberprägung von Lampsakos" (Nomisma XII) pi II, 23. Good VF. ($200)

R a r e T e t r a d r a c h m of T e n e d o s 20. M A C E D O N , Thessalonika. Autonomous. Circa 187-31 BC. Ά 35mm - As (11.75 gm). Laureate and bearded janiform head; I above / Two centaurs, back to back, each holding a branch; in exergue, ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟ ΝΙΚΗΣ. SNG Copenhagen 369. Good VF, attractive green patina with yellow highlights. ($300)

26. TROAS, Tenedos. Circa Mid 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.78 gm). Janiform head: bearded male (Zeus) laureate left; female head (Hera) wearing Stephane right / ΤΈΝΕΔΙΩΝ above double-axe, grapebunch and monogram to left, caps of the Dioskouroi to right; all within laurel-wreath. BMC Troas etc pg-94,29. Toned near EF. Rare. [See color photo on back cover]. ($3000)

21. MACEDON, Uncertain. Circa525-500 BC AR Hemidrachm (1.92 gm). Janiform head (female head left, bearded male head right) / Quadripartite incuse square. BMC Troas etc. pg.91,1 (attributed to Tenedos but with a footnote stating "that it may belong to some other locality"). Toned good VF. Very rare, possibly only second known example. ($1500) Ex Sotheby's "Property of a Gentleman" (1904), lot 19. 9

Classical Numismatic

PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 400-370 BC AR Stater (10.83 gm). 27. Two wrestlers grappling / Slinger right, triskeles in field; around, five counterstamps (starting at the triskeles) of lion with letter (?), uncertain animal, janiform head, goat kneeling left with head reverted, and bull standing right. Cf. SNG von Aulock 4513-4515ff for similar specimens. VF for reverse and counterstamps, obverse obliterated from the counterstamps. Scarce. ($750)

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33. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC AR Didrachm (Quadrigatus) (6.73 gm). Laureate janiform head / Jupiter, holding sceptre and thunderbolt, in quadriga driven by Victory; ROMA incuse on a solid tablet. RSC 23; Sydenham 64a; Crawford 28/3. Toned EF, flan crack. ($600) Ex Superior Galleries, The Moreira Collection Sale (May 31, June 1,1988), lot 1654.

28. CILICIA. Uncertain. Circa 4th Century BC AR Tetartemorion (0.17 gm). Three-faced bearded male head / Janiform head (bearded male on left, female on right). Cf. SNG Levante 203 (hemiobol). Good VF. Extremely rare denomination for this type. ($1500)

34. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC AR Didrachm (Quadrigatus) (6.24 gm). Laureate janiform head with open-ended braids / Jupiter, holding sceptre and thunderbolt, in quadriga driven by Victory; ROMA incuse on a solid trapezoidal tablet. RSC 23; Sydenham 64a; Crawford 30/1 (2). VF, rare variety. ($500)

29. Uncertain. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.62 gm). Three-faced bearded male head / Janiform head (bearded male on left, female on right). SNG Levante 201 /202. EF, light porosity. Scarce. ($500)

35. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC AR Didrachm (Quadrigatus) (6.58 gm). Laureate janiform head / Jupiter, holding sceptre and thunderbolt, in quadriga driven by Victory; ROMA incuse on a solid tablet. RSC 23; Sydenham Mb; Crawford 30/1. Toned good VF. ($500)

30. Uncertain. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.61 gm). Janiform head of Athena (?), wearing earrings / Bust of youthful Herakles left, lion's skin a r o u n d neck. SNG Levante 245. Toned VF, scattered light porosity. Scarce. ($150)

31. PHILISTO-ARABIAN. Gaza. Circa 375-333 BC. AR Obol (0.64 gm). Janiform head: bearded male on left, female on right / Forepart of horse right. Rosenberger II, 1 ; SNG ANS 36. Good VF, extraordinary condi tion for issue. ($750)

36. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 B C AR Didrachm (Quadrigatus) (6.65 gm). Laureate janiform head / Jupiter, holding sceptre a n d thunderbolt, in quadriga driven by Victory; ROMA, partly incuse [RO] and partly raised [MA], on a solid tablet. RSC 23a; Sydenham 64c (RS); Crawford 29/3,31/1. Toned good VF. ($500)

Roman Republic

Ex Coin Calleries Sale (August 20,1986) lot 105;Frederick S. Knobloch Collection (Stack's, May3-4,1978) lot 42.

Anonymous. Circa 225-212 B C AR Didrachm (Quadrigatus) (6.58 32. gm). Laureate janiform head / Jupiter, holding sceptre and thunderbolt, in quadriga driven by Victory; ROMA incuse on a solid tablet. RSC 23; Sydenham 64a; Crawford 30/1,32/1. Toned good VF. ($600)

37. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC AR Didrachm (Quadrigatus) (630 gm). Laureate janiform head / Jupiter, holding sceptre and thunderbolt, in quadriga driven by Victory; ROMA raised on a solid trapezoidal tablet. RSC 23/24; Sydenham 64d; Crawford 29/3. Good VF. ($500)

Ex CNAII ,lot 271. 1 0

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38. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC. AR Drachm (Half-quadrigatus) (3.27 gm). Laureate janiform head / Jupiter, holding sceptre and thunderbolt, in quadriga left driven by Victory; ROMA in exergue RSC 25; Sydenham 67; Crawford 28/4. Good VF. Extremely rare denomination. ($750) 41. A n o n y m o u s . After 211 BC. JE As (36.51 gm). Laureate head of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; I above, ROMA below. Crawford 56/2; Sydenham 143. Good VF, dark green patina. ($300)

42. A n o n y m o u s . After 211 BC. JE As (30.94 gm). Laureate head of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; I above, ROMA below. Crawford 56/2; Sydenham 143. VF, green patina with red highlights. ($200)

43. Anchor Series. Circa 209-208 BC. JE As (38.85 gm). Laureate head of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; I above, ROMA below, anchor to right. Crawford 50/3; Sydenham 145. Fine, green and brown patina. ($100)

39. ROME. Circa 240-225 BC. JE Aes Grave As (266.94 gm). Head of bearded Janus on raised disk; - below / Prow of galley right; I. ThurlowVecchi 51; Haeberlin pl.l2ff; Sydenham 71. Good VF; mottled green, red and brown patina. ($1250) 44. PT or TP. Circa 169-158 BC. JE As (20.12 gm). Laureate head of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; PT or TP monogram (only bottom visible) above, I to right, [RIOMA below. Crawford 177/1; Sydenham 353. Near VF, lovely olive-green patina. ($100)

45. CINA. Circa 169-158 BC. JE As (24.74 gm). Laureate head of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; CINA above, 1 to right, ROMA below. Crawford 178/1; Sydenham 368. Good Fine, dark green patina with reddish earthen highlights. (S100)

40. ROME. Post Semi-Libral. Circa 217-213 BC JE Aes Grave As (71.68 gm). Head of bearded Janus / Prow of galley left; I. Thurlow-Vecchi 70; Haeberlin pl.49,14-17& pl.50,1-13; Sydenham 101. Good VF, attractive gray-green patina. ($900) 1 1

Classical Numismatic

46. Wolf and Twins. Circa 169-158 B C As As (23.24 gm). Laureatehead of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; wolf and twins above, I to right, [ROMA] below. Crawford 183/1; Sydenham 297. Good Fine, green patina with earthen highlights. Rare. ($200) Ex CNA VIII, lot 302.

Anchor Series. Circa 169-158 BC./E As (28.71 gm). Laureate head 47. of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; I above, anchor to right, ROMA below. Crawford 194/1 ; Sydenham 238. Near VF, olive-green patina with earthen highlights. ($125)

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51. C. Fonteius. 114-113 B C AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Laureate janiform head (Fontus?); D (or O?) to left, * to right, six pellets below / Galley with pilot a n d three rowers left; C · FONT above, ROMA below. Fonteia 1; Sydenham 555; Crawford 290/1. Good VF. ($150) The traditional identification of the obverse janiform head is Fontus or Fans, the son of Janus. The Fonteia gens claimed Fontus as their ancestor and founder, and it was in his honor that the Fontinalia was held every October 13th.

52. C. Fonteius. 114-113 BC AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Laureate janiform head (Fontus?); V to left, * to right, six pellets below / Incuse of obverse. Type of Fonteia 1; Sydenham 555; Crawford 290/1. Toned good VF. ($150) Ex NFA Fall Maü Bid Sale (October 18,1990) lot 1837.

E x t r e m e l y R a r e JE As of C. F a b i u s C.f.

4S. C. Maianius. 153 BC. JE As (27.01 gm). Laureatehead of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; [C·] MAIANI (ligate) above, I to right, ROMA below. Crawford 203/2; Sydenham 428. VF, brown patina with touches of green and red. ($150)

53. C. Fabius C.f. 102 BC. JE As (26.88 gm). Laureate head of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; [C· FJABI · C · F above, bird (stork?) to right on rostrum, ROMA below. Crawford 322/2; Sydenham 591 (R4). Choice VF, exceptional green and brown patina. Extremely rare. ($1750) Ex Frederick S. Knobloch Collection (Stack's, May 3-4,1978) lot 227; Sydenham collection; Nordheim collection. 49. SAFRA & Dolphin Series. Circa 150 BC JE As (22.09 gm). Laureate head of bearded Janus; I / Prow right; [SAJFRA above, dolphin to right, [ROMA] below. Crawford 206/2; Sydenham 389. Near VF, black-green patina with touches of green and red. ($100)

50. M. Furius L.f. Philus. 119 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Laureate head of bearded Janus; M · FOVRI · L · F around / Roma standing left, holding spear and crowning trophy with wreath; ROMA to right, PHLI in exergue. Furia 18;Sydenham 529; Crawford 281 / l . VF. ($150) Ex Lepczyk Auction 50 (November 26-27,1982), lot 1202.

54. C. Vibius C f . Pansa. 90 BC. JE As (1032 gm). Laureate head of bearded Janus / Triple prows right; on which palm-branch; before, caps of Dioscuri; [ROMA] above; C · PANSA below. Crawford342/7b; Sydenham 690,690a. VF, green-brown patina. ($250)

Classical Numismatic

55. POMPEY the Great. 48 BC. JE As (22.14 gm). Laureate janiform head of Pompey; MGN above / Prow right; PIVS above, [IMP] below. Crawford 479/1; Sydenham 1044. Good VF, lovely dark green patina. Rare. ($800)

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59. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AV Aureus (7.13 gm). 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PM TR Ρ COS III, Janus standing facing, holding sceptre. RICH 62; BMCRE100; Cohen 1070. Good VF. Rare. ($3500)


56. SEXTUS POMPEY. 45-44 BC. JE As (13.20 gm). Eppius Leg, moneyer. Laureate and bearded head of Janus; altar (?) in center, MAGNVS above, PIVS· IMP[· F] below / Prow right; EPPI[VS] above, LEG below. Crawford 478/la; Sydenham 1045. Good VF, dark brown patina with touches of green, some light smoothing. ($600)

60. SPAIN, Bascunes. Circa 120-20 BC. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). "BeNCoDa", male head / "BaSCUNES", horseman with short sword. Burgos 147; Villaronga 10. EF, dark toning. ($250)

61. Carthaginian Occupation. Circa 235-220 BC. AR Quarter Shekel (1.77 gm). Laureate head of Herakles-Melkart left, club over shoulder / Elephant walking right. Villaronga 15; Burgos 374. Good VF. ($750)

57. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Sestertius (2225 gm). NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER PM TR Ρ IMP PP, laureate head right / PACE PR TERRA MARIQ PARTA LANVM CLVSIT S-C, temple of Janus with latticed window to right, garland hung across closed double doors on left. RIC1305; WCN 281. Near VF/VF, attractive green patina with earthen highlights. ($600) ExCNAP/,lot

62. Castulo. Circa 50 BC. JE 19mm (5.05 gm). Diademed male head; Iberian "Ca" / "KASTILO" in Iberian, bull; L u above. Villaronga pg.337, 54. EF, dark green patina. ($150)


63. Emportai? Carthaginian Occupation. Circa late 3rd Century BC AR Hemiobol (0.30 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Crescent. Villaronga 6; Burgos -. Good VF. Rare. ($250)

58. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE As (11.75 gm). ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP, laureate bust left, draped on right shoulder / TR PO[T] COS II S-C, Janus standing facing, holding sceptre. RIC 693b var. (COS II and drapery on bust). Near EF, attractive dark green patina. ($500)

64. Osca. Circa 180-20 BC. AR Denarius (4.02 gm). Male head right; Iberian "BoN" / "BoLSCaN", horseman with couched lanœ galloping right Burgos 1501. EF with iridescent toning. ($300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. 1 3

Classical Numismatic

65. GAUL, Massalia. Circa early 2nd century BC. AR Drachm (2.81 gm). Diademed and draped bust right of Artemis; bow and quiver at shoulder / ΜΑΣΣΑ ΑΙ ΗΤΩ[Ν], lion prowling left; ΦΞ Η below. De la Tour 1171-74. Toned near EF. ($200)

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70. Noricum. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (11.98 gm). Imitating Audoleon of Paeonia. Stylized head of Apollo left / Horseman left. Gobi, Die Norische Tetradrachmenfund, 106 (this coin). EF. ($750)

Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex New England Rare Coin Auctions (November 910,1979) lot 1701.

71. Rhine Valley Area. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. AV Quarter Stater (1.89 gm). Celtiziced head of Apollo / Pegasos flying right. Scheers 149; Allen / N a s h 830. VF. ($1000)

66. CELTIC, Danube Region. Circa 2nd Century BC AR Tetradrachm (1336 gm). Imitating Audoleon of Paeonia. Stylized head of Zeus / Rider on horseback right; bird above, triskeles below. CCCBM 1119. Good VF. ($500) 72. Carnutes. Circa 1st Century B C Pc 16mm (3.20 gm). Crude head right / Two eagles in fligh t. Scheers SM 306; De la Tour 6088. Good VF, green patina. ($150)

67. D a n u b e Region. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.38 gm). Imitating Audoleon of Paeonia. Stylized head of Zeus / Rider on horseback right, triskeles below. Gobi OT, pl.35,434.3; CCCBM 1120. Toned good VF. ($750)

73. The Durocasses. Circa 1st Century BC. Potin 18mm (2.90 gm). Male head left with long curling hair / Geometric design. De la Tour -; Blanchet 559. EFfor type. Rare. ($250)

74. R h ô n e and G a r o n n e . The Elusates. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Drachm (2.58 gm). Abstract head right / Abstract horse left. Allen/Nash 127-128. EF, choice iridescent toning. ($300)

D a n u b e Region. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.83 68. gm). Imitating Thasos. Stylized head of Dionysos / Herakles with club and lion skin; legend reduced to dots. Gobi Class V. EF for type, rough surfaces. ($400) 75. CELTIC. Circa 1st Century BC. Tin "Wheel" money (3.22 gm). Four-spoked wheels, diameter 24mm. Unusually large size. Forrer 139. VF. ($150)

69. Hungarian Plains. Circa 2nd Century BC. Billon Tetradrachm (9.20 gm). Tolna or Kapostal type. Stylized head of Zeus / Horseman left; <*‫ ־‬below. CCCBM 185. EF for type, dark green patina with traces of silvering. ($250) 1 4

76. Gallo-Belgic. The Remi. After 49 BC. Potin 22mm (5.19 gm). Warrior running right, holding tore and spear / Elephant right, serpent (?) above. Scheers 684. VF for type. ($150)

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

The reverse type is identified as an adaptation of the denarius of Julius Caesar with the reverse of elephant trampling a serpent. Scheers describes this reverse as an elephant with indeterminate design above. Might we have an interesting propaganda point here? Caesar's design symbolizes Rome (the elephant) trampling her enemies (the serpent). Caesar's foes, the Remi, have a design with the serpent in a superior position above the elephant.

81. Tarentum. Circa 281-272 B C AR Nomos (6.52 gm). Youth leaping from horseback left; ΕΥ ΞΩΠΥ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and palm; helmet, ΘΙ. Vlasto 809. Choice EF, fine old iridescent toning. ($750)

77. APULIA, Azerium. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 19mm (6.71 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / ΑΖΕΤΙΝΩΝ, owl perched on Ionic column, grasping olive branch in claws. SNG ANS 651; SNG Copenhagen 617 (same dies). VF, green patina with tan highlights. Rare Italian city. ($750) 82. Tarentum. Circa 278-272 BC AV Quarter Stater (2.15 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ΤΑΡΑΝΤΙΝΩΝ, eagle with outspread wings left; AP monogram to right. Vlasto 46 (same dies). Good VF. ($2000)

S u p e r b T a r e n t u m Silver N o m o s

Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC AR Nomos (637 gm). Naked youth on 83. horse right, with spear, shield and wearing helmet / Taras astride dolphin left, holding cornuoopiae and flower (off flan), thymiaterion and monogram to left. Vlasto 890/891. Toned VF, light porosity. ($250) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

78. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 334-330 BC. AR Nomos (7.92 gm). N u d e warrior on horseback; ΣΑ below / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; AP monogram, pellet and dolphin in fields. Vlasto 617 (same dies?). Toned superb EF. ($1250)

84. LUCANIA, MetaponHon. Circa 330-300 BC AR Nomos (7.78 gm). Wreathed head of Demeter left, wearing earring and necklace / Ear of barley, leaf to left with tongs above, ΑΘΑ below; META to right of ear. Johnston C4.28 (same obverse die). Toned EF, minor test mark at 4 o'clock Exceptional obverse style. ($750)

Tarentum. Circa 281-272 BC AR Nomos (6.43 gm). Naked youth on 79. horse right, with spear, shield and wearing helmet; reserve of two spears behind him / Taras astride dolphin left, holding Nike and trident; prow left below. Vlasto 720-722; SNG Lockett 209 (this coin). Toned near EF, die flaw on obverse. ($500)

Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Stack's, The Herbert M. Oechsner Collection (September 8-9,1988), lot 605.

Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Glendining's, Lockett Collection Part II (October 25,1955), lot 178.

85. Thourioi. Circa 410-330 BC AR Double Nomos (15.23 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with Skylla / Bull butting right, fish in exergue. Noe F30c (this coin). Toned VF, struck from a worn obverse die. ($900).

80. Tarentum. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Nomos (6.52 gm). Helmeted warrior on horse left, holding shield ornamented with eight-rayed star; reserve of two spears behind him / Dionysiac Taras astride dolphin left, holding distaff and grape-bunch. Vlasto 794; SNG ANS 1134. Toned EF. ($500)

Dr. Frank /. Novak Collection. Ex Hess Auktion #207, lot 77; Ex Seaby, 1927, lot 540; Ex Ratio 1926,,lot 548.

Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Hess-Leu Auktion 36 (17-18 April 1968) lot 18. 1 5

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

91. The Bruttii. Circa 213-209 BC JE 23mm - Reduced U n ä a (9.47 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right, ear of barley behind / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt, cornucopiae before, plectron above. SNG ANS 53. Near EE lovely dark green patina. ($300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

86. BRUTTIUM, Kaulonia. Circa 528-480 BC. AR Nomos (7.68 gm). N u d e Apollo walking right, branch in left h a n d , small running daimon above right arm, stag in right field / Same type, incuse, without branch or daimon. Noe Group D, 50. Toned VF, light porosity, ragged flan. ($900) Dr. Frank /. Novak Collection. Ex Edward Cans Sale #16(1960), lot 94 at $80.00. 92. SICILY, Enna. Circa 350-344 BC JE 24mm (14.09 gm). ΔΑΜ(ΑΤΗΡ), wreathed head of Demeter / ENN (ΑΙ) ΩΝ, head of bull with filleted horns. Calciati III pg.232,3; SNG ANS 1335. Good VF, brown patina. Rare. ($750)

Kroton. Circa 530-450 BC. AR N o m o s (7.87 gm). Ornate tripod, 87. heron to left / Incuse ornate tripod. Dewing 497; SNG ANS 262. Toned VE ($300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

93. Katane. Circa 450425 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.68 gm). Quadriga driven right by auriga, flying Nike above / Laureate head of Apollo right. SNG ANS 1250 (same dies). Toned VF, a few light scratches. ($600) Dr. Frank /. Novak Collection. Ex Edward Cans Sale #16 (I960), lot 123.

88. Lokroi Epizephiyioi. Circa 325-317 BC AR Stater (8.58 gm). Pegasos flying left / ΛΟΚ, helmeted head of Athena; eagle's head behind. Pegasi II pg.575,9/2 (same dies). EF. ($600)

89. Rhegion. Circa 480466 BC. AR Litra (0.73 gm)• Hare running right, single pellet below / REC retrograde. Dewing 530; SNG ANS 633; SNG Copenhagen 1926. Choice VF. ($200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

94. Menaion. Circa 2nd Century BC JE Pentonkion (438 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ΜΕΝΑ ΙΝΩΝ, lyre. Calciati III pg.185,4. Good VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights. ($200)

R a r e S i l v e r T e t r a d r a c h m of R h e g i o n

95. Messana. Circa 480461 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.16 gm). Charioteer driving mule team, olive leaf below / MESSENION, b o u n d i n g hare. Randazzo 163 (same obverse die); SNG ANS 315. Toned VF. ($750)

90. Rhegion. Circa 415-387BC AR Tetradrachm (17.18 gm). Uon scalp / ΡΗΤΙΝΩΝ, laureate head of Apollo right; olive branch behind. Herzfelder 102 (reverse die R87). VF, old toning. Rare. ($3000)

Struck originally to mark the victory of Anaxilas' mule team in the Olympics of 480 BC, this type was continued after the expulsion of the tyrant's sons in 461 BC to become the traditional type for Messana until at least the end of the 5th century BC.

1 ,

! tease Maityour'BidSheet

Lot 91 1 6



Classical Numismatic Attractive Early S y r a c u s a n T e t r a d r a c h m

Group, Inc.

101. SICILY, Islands off. Lipara. Circa 412-408 BC. Ά Hemilitron (12.79 gm). Hephaistos seated right, working on bronze kantharos / ΛΙΠΑΡ1ΑΩΝ, dolphin. Calciati I pg.ll, 8; Weber 1781. Near VF, brown patina. Rare. ($450)

96. Syracuse. Circa 510-500 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.02 gm). SYPAQO ΣΙΟΝ, charioteer driving quadriga right, leaf in exergue / Quadripartite incuse square, with central medallion bearing Archaic head of ArtemisArethusa left. Boehringer 17 (V13/R8); SNG ANS l-3.T0ned VF. ($4500) 102. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 470-390 BC. AR Tetrobol (232 gm). Bull forepart left, head reverted; ΓΕ above / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 44. Choice EF. ($500) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

Rare "Lete" Silver Stater 97. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. y£22mm (1127 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone left; amphora behind / Butting bull left; two dolphins, NK monogram. Calciati II pg.218, Dsll4 R14; Favorito 41f. Good VF, olive green patina. ($200)

103. "Lete‫״‬. Circa 530-520 BC. AR Stater (8.89 gm). N u d e extremely ithyphallic satyr grasping hand of fleeing nymph; four pellets around / Irregularly divided incuse square. Dewing 1024; SNG ANS 949. Toned good VF. Charmingly ribald archaic stater. ($3000)

98. Syracuse. Hieron II. 274-216 BC AR 4 Litrai (3.28 gm). Struck circa 233-216 BC. Diademed head left / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΙ ΓΕΑΩΝΟΣ, eagle standing right on winged thunderbolt; BA behind, Φ before. SNG ANS 902. Toned good VF. Rare. ($600) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

99. Syracuse. Republic. 214-212 BC. AR 12 Litrai (10.22 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ, Artemis drawing bow, hound at feet; MI. Burnett 75 (same dies). EF. ($800)

104. Mende. Circa 423-358 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.27 gm). Drunken Silenos reclining on back of an ass, holding a kantharos; cicada on ground line / ΜΕΝΔΑ1Η, amphora in incuse square with linear border. BMC Macedonia pg.83, 9; Noe, cf. The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard, ANS NNM 27, pi. 10, e (same reverse die?). Good VF. Rare. ($800)

100. Syracuse. Republic. 214-212 BC AR 8 Litrai (6.81 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ, winged thunderbolt; ΞΑ. Burnett 94. EF ($800) 105. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip Π. 359-336 BC AV Stater (8.55 gm). Kolophon mint. Circa 323-317 BC. Laureate head of Apollo / Charioteer driving biga right; tripod below. Thompson, "Posthumous Philip II Staters of Asia Minor", in Studia Paulo Naster Oblata 1,12. Superb EF. ($4000) Lot 101 1 7

Classical Numismatic

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111. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.23 gm). 'Amphipolis' mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; cock to left. Price 79; Müller 392. Choice EF. ($600)

106. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.34 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 323-315 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback, holding palm; dolphin and Π · below. Le Rider pl.46,19 and 'Trésor Péonien1968" pl.52,136. Choice EF, lustrous. ($1500) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Ponterio&Associates Sale #52 (October23,1991) lot 140.

112. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.25 gm). "Amphipolis" mint. Circa 323-320 B C Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monogram. Price 120; Müller 863. EF, overstruck. ($400) 107. Philip 11.359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.44 gm). Amphipolis mint. Grca 342-328 BC Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback; bee and prow of galley below. Le Rider 462 (R413). Good VF, light porosity. ($500)

113. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.92 gm). Aegeae mint? Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; pankratiast (boxer/ wrestler) on guard to left. Price 187; Müller 637. Toned VF.


108. Alexander III.336-323 BC. AV Distater (17.17gm). "Amphipolis" mint. Circa 330-320 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; kantharos. Price 167; Müller 192. Good VF. ($5000)

The symbol is described in detail by Lacroix, "Aspects de la Numismatique Sicyonienne" (sic), Revue Beige 1964, pp. 19-52. The pankration, one of the most popular events in the Olympics and other festival games, was described by Phüstratos as "the best and most manly event in the Olympics". Evidently manly Creeks disapproved of biting and eye-gouging, the only tactics not allowed to the participants.

109. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.58 gm). Teos mint. Circa 323-317 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; griffin seated right at her feet. Price 2272; Müller 284. Nice EF. ($2200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

114. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). "Babylon" mint. Circa 317-311 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monogram in wreath, MI below throne Price 3747; Müller 734. EF. ($300)

110. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.54 gm). Sidon mint. Circa 333-305 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; griffin on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; wreath to lower right. Price 3457; Müller 547. Good VF. ($2500)

115. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC AR Drachm (4.28 gm). Lampsakos mint Circa 328-323 BC Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; club to left. Price 1347; Müller 136. Superb EF. ($350) 1 8

Classical Numismatic

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121. MOESIA, Istros. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Drachm (5.55 gm). Facing male heads, the left inverted / Sea-eagle grasping dolphin with talons; H behind, Δ below. SNG BMC Black Sea 245; Pick 431. Toned good VF, old scrapes on obverse at 12 o'clock. (S300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

116. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Drachm (4.31 gm). Magnesia mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; ram's head and monogram to left. Price 1922; Müller Superb EF. (S350)

117. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.38 gm). Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint. Circa 319-305 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus enthroned left; owl before, AI below. Price 1965; Müller 653. Lightly toned VF. ($175) Dr. frank /. Novak Collection.

118. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.16 gm). Eastern mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΛΛΕΗ, clubs above and below. Cf. Price 4016. Good VF. Rare, the smallest silver denomination for Alexander. ($200)

122. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 386-375 BC. AR Tetradrachm (11.41 gm). ΑΒΔΗ, griffin seated left, preparing to spring / ΕΠΙ ΖΗΝΩΝ, Hermes, nude but for cloak, standing right, holding caduceus in right hand, left out-streched; kantharos to right. May 447 (A301 /P354). EF, obverse die showing signs of deterioration, reverse weakly struck on head of Hermes. Still nicer than any of the four specimens cited by May for this magistrate, and confirms that Hermes is holding a caduceus, which is undear on the other examples. ($2500)

123. Abdera. Circa 386-375 BC AR Drachm (2.81 gm). Griffin leaping left / ΜΟΛ ΠΑ ΓΟΡΙ1Σ, wreathed head of Dionysos in linear square. May 418 (dies A290/P339). Near EF, flan crack. (S450)

124. Maroneia. Circa 398-385 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.72 gm). Forepart of horse left; ΠΛ / Grapevine; rhyton (?) to left. Schönert-Geiss 273ff. EF, slightly rough obverse surface. ($200) R a r e T e t r a d r a c h m of A p o l l o n i a P o n t i k a

119. Antigonos Gonatas. 277-239 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.81 gm). Draped bust of Pan in center of Macedonian shield / Athena Alkidemos brandishing thunderbolt and shield; Macedonian helmet to left, monogram to right. Dewing 1203; SNG Berry 350. Toned VF, edges filed for jewelry mount. (S500) 125. Black Sea Area. Apollonia Pontika. Circa 400 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Anchor, A and crayfish; magisträte ..ΖΗΛΟ.... Cf. SNG Copenhagen 455. Toned VF. Rare. ($5000)

Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

120. Under Roman Rule. After 168 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.55 gm). Diademed and draped bust of Artemis on shield / Club of Herakles and monograms within oak-wreath; thunderbolt in exergue. SNG Ashmolean 3300. Toned nice VF. (S500) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

126. THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AV Stater (8.51 gm). Amphipolis mint? Circa 288-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander / Athena Nikephoros seated left; monogram in inner left field; KP monogram in exergue. Thompson -; Müller -. Lustrous superb EF. (S7500) Thompson calls Amphipolis the chief mint of Lysimachos in the latter part of his reign, but ascribes no gold to that mint. Similar monograms appear on gold and säver issues of Alexander III and Lysimachos from Byzantion and other uncertain northern Creek mints, and this issue may be ascribed to the mint of Amphipolis.

Lot 121 1 9

Classical Numismatic

127. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Byzantion mint. Posthumous issue, circa 3rd Century BC Head of deified Alexander right / Athena seated left; monogram to left, BY under throne, trident in exergue. Müller 155ff (monogram not listed). Good VF, old scrape on reverse. ($500)

Group, Inc.

133. Dyrrhachium. Circa 200-45 BC. AR Drachm (3.35 gm). Cow suckling calf right; above, star and ΘΕθΔθΊΌ[Σ] / Double stellate pattern within double linear square; around, ΔΥΡ and Φ ΑΛΑ ΚΡΙ ΩΝΟΣ. SNG Copenhagen 490. Toned good VF. ($200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

134. ILLYRIA, Kings of. Monunius. Circa 300 BC AR Stater (10.70 gm). Cow standing right with suckling calf; boar's jaw above, bucranium in exergue / Double stellate pattern. SNG Locket 1642; cf. SNG Copenhagen 528. Toned good VF, weakly struck. ($600) Dr. Frank J. Novak Collection. 128. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Lampsakos mint. Circa 297-282 BC. Head of deified Alexander / Athena seated left; monogram and herm before. Thompson 50 (plate 17). Toned VF. ($400) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Clendining's Sale (April 19,1954) lot 56.

135. THESSALY, Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (5.92 gm). Head of nymph facing slightly left / Horse left, grazing. Lorber 333(b) (same dies and die state). VF, die flaw on nymph's cheek, graffiti on reverse. _ ($200) 129. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Drachm (4.11 gm). Kolophon mint. Circa 299-296 BC Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; forepart of lion, crescent, pentagram. Thompson 127. Choice EF. ($350)

130. THRACE, Islandsoff. Thasos. Circa 525463 BC. AR Diobol? (1.21 gm). Satyr kneeling right, masturbating (erotic die break) / Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. Rosen 144. VF. ($400) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

136. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (6.00 gm). Head of nymph facing slightly right / Horse right, grazing. Lorber 54.1 (a) (this coin). Good VF. ($250)

131. Thasos. Circa 525-463 BC. AR Trihemiobol (1.09 gm). Satyr kneeling right, masturbating / Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 144. Toned good VF. ($400) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

137. AKARNANIA, Anaktorium. Circa 345-300 BC. AR Stater (8.39 gm). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena left; omphalos behind Pegasi II pg.494,36/2. Good VF. ($300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

132. ILLYRIA, Damastion. Circa 345-330 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.74 gm). Laureate head of Dionysos right / Tripod on small base; swastikas between legs. SNG Copenhagen 557; cf. May 73e (reverse die). VF. ($600) Dr. frank /. Novak Collection.

138. BOEOTIA, Thebes. Circa 379-338 BC. AR Stater (12.15 gm). Boeotian shield / Amphora; ΚΛΙΩΝ. BMC Central Greece pg.83,156; SNG Copenhagen 343. Toned VF, well centered for type. ($500) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

144. Athens. Circa 111/110BC. ARNewStyle Tetradrachm (16.74 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora, Artemis with torch to right; magistrates Phanokles, Apollonios, Philotheos; M on amphora, ME below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 709 (both the third magistrate's name and the month have been reçut). Good VF. ($400) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

A N i c e S e l e c t i o n of R a r e a n d E x c e p t i o n a l Athenian Tetradrachms

139. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 467465 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.79 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right, within incusesquare. Starr Group lie. Good VF, light porosity on the reverse. Rare. ($3500) 145. CORINTH. Circa 345-307 BC. AR Stater (8.56 gm). Pegasos flying left / Laureate, helmeted head of Athena left; Ν in wreath behind. Pegasi 386; Ravell069. Choice EF. ($600)

140. Athens. Circa 460-455 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right, with tufted tail. Starr Group IV; Dewing 1589. EF, sharp strike. Rare. ($6500)

146. CORINTH. Circa330-300 BC. AR Drachm (2.46 gm). Pegasosflying right / Head of Aphrodite right; wearing saccos, earring and necklace. SNG Lockett 2185/2186. EF, iridescent toning. ($600) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

141. Athens. After 449 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.90 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right SNG Copenhagen 31; Dewing 1591. Choice EF, fully centered with a complete helmet crest. ($2500)

Extremely Rare D i d r a c h m From Naxos in the Cyclades

142. Athens. After 449 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.11 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. EF. ($750)

147. CYCLADES. Naxos. Circa 190-160 BC. AR Didrachm (7.69 gm). Bearded head of Dionysos right, wearing ivy-wreath / ΝΑΞΙ, laureate kra ter and thyrsos, magistrate's n a m e ΝΟΣΣΟΣ to left. Cf. L. Robert, Etudes Numismatiques (1951), pg.161, note 5. Toned EF. Unlisted magistrate and unique as such. ($4000)

143. Athens. Circa 337-294 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.11 gm). Helmeted head of Athena, with profile eye / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 63; Dewing 1634. Toned EF. Exceptional style for this late issue. ($750)

Ε χ Münzen und Medaülen AG Auktion 68 (15Aprä 1986) lot 263.

Our9{εη Auction Is Ά 1Mail'BidSaie Scheduled'Jor*March15,1995. Consignments Are'Being Accepted llntii'Decemèer 15,1994.

1 1

Classical Numismatic

148. PONTOS, Amisos. Circa 85-65 BC/H31mm (18.97 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right; helmet ornamented with Pegasos / AMI-ΣΟΥ, Perseus standing facing, holding head of Medusa and harpa; body of Medusa at his feet, monograms to either side. SNG BMC Black Sea 1166-1168. Good VF, tan patina with touches of green and red. ($300)

Group, Inc.

152. BITHYNIA, Kalchedon. Circa 387-340 BC AR Drachm (3.78 gm). Bull standing left above grain ear; caduceus and bee to left, branch below / Quadripartite granulated incuse square. Waddington 15, pl.XLVI, 4. Good VF, broad flan. ($250)

Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Coin Galleries Sale (February 22,1989) lot 208. Exceptional Mithradates VI Tetradrachm

153. MYSIA, Astyra. Tissaphemes, Satrap. Circa 400-395 BC. JE 11mm (1.54 gm). ΉΣΣΑ, bearded head of Tissaphemes / ΑΣΤΥΡΑ, cult statue of Artemis Astyra; club in left field. Cahn, "Zwei Griechische Miszellen", in Numismatics Witness to History, pl.13,1-7. Superb EF, glossy undisturbed black patina ($1250). Possibly the finest numismatic portrait of this Persian satrap who led the armies of Artaxerxes against the usurper Cyrus in 401 BC. The story of the Greek mertenaries involved in this Persian civil war is told by Xenophon in his Anabasis. The suecessful Tissaphemes later became the victim of court intrigues and was put to death in395BC.

149. PONTOS, Kings of. Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.77 gm). Year 223 (75/74 BC). Diademed head right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΙΘΡΑΔΑΤΟΥ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ, grazing stag left; star and crescent, date, monograms and I in fields; all within wreath. Waddington 16. Choice EF. Famous Hellenistic portrait. [See color photo on frontcover], ($3500)

154. Kyzikos. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC JE 4 Onkia Weight (130.07 gm). KYZI, lighted torch, TETPA. VF, heavy green patina. A rare and unusual Hellenistic civic weight. ($1000) 150. PAPHLAGONIA, Sinope. Circa 330-300 BC AR Reduced Drachm (5.95 gm). Head of nymph left, hair in sakkos; aplustre before / ΣΙΝΩ, seaeagle on dolphin; magistrate ΑΡΙΣΤ. SNG BMC 1462. Toned good VF. ($250)

155. Pergamon. After 133 BC. AR Cistaphoric Tetradrachm (1239 gm). Serpent emerging from basket (cista); all within ivy-wreath / Serpents entwined around b o w case; monograms and serpent-staff around. SNG Copenhagen 424; BMCMysia pg.126,125. Good VF, well centered. ($200) Thomas B. Usure Collection.

151. Sinope. Circa 330-300 BC AR Drachm (6.‫ ש‬gm)· Head of nymph left, wearing earring and necklace; aplustre before / Sea-eagle grasping dolphin with talons left; magistrate ΔΙΟ. SNG BMC Black Sea 1466. Toned good VF. ($250) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. 1


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162. Mytilene. Circa 350-300 BC AR Triobol (2.68 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ΜΥΠ, filleted lyre, caduceus to left; all in linear square. SNG Copenhagen 377. Toned good VF. ($250) 156. TROAS, Lamponia. Circa 420400 BC AR Hemidrachm (1.84 gm). Head of Dionysos / ΛΑΜ, bucranium. BMC Troas,2. VF, porosity. Very rare. ($600) Veiy R a r e L e s b o s Billon S t a t e r

163. AEOLIS, Aegae. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.41 gm). Laureate head of Apollo; quiver and bow at neck / ΑΙΓΑΙΕΩΝ, Zeus standing half-left, holding eagle and sceptre, monogram before; all within oakwreath. BMC Troas etc. pg.96,9; SNG Copenhagen 6. Near EF. Rare. ($2000)

157. LESBOS. Circa 550-500 BC Billon Stater (13.48 gm). Foreparts of three confronted lions, two heads in profile; the heads combine to form a facing panther's head / Small incuse punch. Babelon, Traité 1,548 (pl.XTV, 3). Toned VF, exceptional strike, original patina. Very rare. ($1500) A remarkable early example of the use of illusion in numismatic art. This piece, thebest preserved of a small group, reveals that there are actually three lions present. The body of the third lion, coming down from the top of the design, is usually off the flan.

164. AEOLIS, Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.79 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme, wearing taenia / ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ, hoise right, one-handled cup below; magistrate Euktemon. Oakley, ANSMN 27,57. EF. ($750) 158. LESBOS. Circa 550500 BC Billon 1 / 6 Stater (1.94 gm). Heads of two confronted boars; the heads combine to form a facing panther's head / Small incuse punch. Cf. Babelon, Traité 1,557. Toned VF, original patina. ($400)

EL Fourré 159. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 521-478 BC. EL Fourré Hekte (1.98 gm). Head of roaring lion / Incuse head of calf. Bodenstedt 13k/-; SNG Fitzwilliam 4336 for a fourré. Good VF, plating revealed by small test cut on reverse. ($450) 165. Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.93 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme, wearing taenia / ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ, horse right, one-handled cup below; magistrate Seuthes. Oakley, ANSMN 27,59. EF. ($750) 160. Mytilene. Circa 500450 BC. Billon 1/10 Stater (1.51 gm). Head of bon right / Small incuse punch. Toned good VF, original patina. ($400)

161. Mytilene. Circa 500450 BC. Billon 1/10 Stater (1.52 gm). Head of calf right / Small incuse punch. Toned good VF, original patina. ($400)

166. Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.69 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme, wearing taenia / ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ, horse right, one-handled cup below; magistrate Herakleides. Oakley, ANSMN 27,64. Near EF.

($750) 2 3

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171. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.60 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, three loose braids / ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ, Apollo Grynios holding branch a n d phiale, o m p h a l o s a n d a m p h o r a at feet; m o n o g r a m to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 20. Choice EF. ($750)

167. Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.82 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme, wearing taenia / ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ, horse right, one-handled cup below; magistrate Amphiktyon. Oakley, ANSMN 27,75-79 (unlisted dies). EF. ($750) 172. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.81 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, three loose braids / ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ, Apollo Grynios holding branch a n d phiale, o m p h a l o s a n d a m p h o r a at feet; m o n o g r a m to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 22. Choice EF. ($750)

168. Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.69 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme, wearing taenia / ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ, horse right, one-handled cup below; magistrate Amphiktyon. Oakley, ANSMN 27,77. Near EF. _ -‫• ״‬ ($750)


œ&ÊËÈSèa. 173. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.71 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, three loose braids / ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ, Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, o m p h a l o s and a m p h o r a at feet; m o n o g r a m to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 23. Choice EF. ($750)

169. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.84 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, tightly braided hair / ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ, Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 13. Good VF. ($750)

174. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.79 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, three loose braids / ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ, Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, o m p h a l o s and a m p h o r a at feet; m o n o g r a m to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 37,66. Choice EF. ($750)

R a r e S t a t e r of P e r s i a n S a t r a p s i n I o n i a ?

170. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.88 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, tightly braided hair / ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ, Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 14. EF. ($750)

175. IONIA? Persian Satraps. Circa 349-333 BC. AR Stater (15.00 gm). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance, drawing bow / Satrapon horseback. Price, "The Syria 1989 Hoard", in Essays Carson/Jenkins, 7. Good VF, weak strike. Rare. ($2000) 1 4

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176. IONIA, Ephesos. Circa 387-295 BC. AR Diobol (1.00 gm). Bee / Confronted stags' heads. SNG Copenhagen 242. EF. ($200)

177. Ephesos. Circa 202-133 BC. AR Drachm (4.12 gm). Ε-Φ, bee with straight wings / Stag standing right, palm-tree behind; magistrate ΣΙΜΑΛΙΩΝ. SNG von Aulock 7829. EF. ($500) Thomas B. LesureCollection. ExNFA Auction X (September 17-18,1981) lot 172.

177A. Herakleia ad Latmon. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.73 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΩΝ, d u b in wreath; monograms and Nike with wreath below. SNG Lockett 2823; Pozzi 2452. Good VF, weak strike at edges. ($600)

180. Smyrna. After 165 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.76 gm). Head of Kybele with turreted crown / IMYP ΝΑΙΩΝ and monogram; all within oak-wreath. SNG von Aulock 2162 (same obverse die); BMC Ionia pg.237,4. Nice EF. Rare. [See color photo on back cover]. ($4500)

181. LYDIA, Kings of. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AV Third Stater (Trite) (3.56 gm). Heavy standard. Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Double incuse punch. Babelon, Traité 1,399. Near VF. Rare. ($1750) 178. Magnesia ad M a e a n d r u m . Circa 160-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.55 gm). Diademed bust of Artemis, quiver over shoulder / ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ, nude Apollo with tripod; ΕΥΦΗΜΟΣ ΠΑΥΣΛΝΙΟΥ, maeander pattern. Jones, ANSMN24,8-25. Superb EF. ($1750) 182. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC AV Sixth Stater (Hekte) (1.77 gm). Heavy standard. Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Double incuse punch. Babelon, Traité 1,400. Near VF. Rare. ($1250)

183. CARIA, Halikamassos. Circa 400-377 BC. AR Drachm (333 gm). Laureate head of Apollo facing slightly right / ΑΛΙ KAP, eagle standing right, wings spread, olive-spray before; all within incuse square. BMC Caria pg. 102,3-4. VF, light porosity. (S300)

179. Magnesia ad M a e a n d r u m . Circa 160-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.66 gm). Same as previous lot. Jones, ANSMN 24,8-25. Superb EF. ($1750)

Thomas B. Lesure Collection. 1 5

Classical Numismatic

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184. CARIA, Satraps. Pixodaros. 340-334 BC. AR Didrachm (7.16gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / ΠΙΕΩΔΑΡΟΥ, Zeus Labraundos standing, holding double ax (labrys) and lotus-tipped sceptre. Boston 2007; SNG von Aulock 2375. Toned EF. Superb Greek facing head. ($1600)

185. CARIA, Islands off. Kos. Circa 300190 BC AR Tetradrachm (14.98 gm). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΚΩΙΟΝ, crab; bow case, magistrate ΜΟΣΞΙΟΝ; all in dotted square. BMC Caria pg.197,43. Near EF. ($3000)

190. Aspendos. Circa 300-280 BC. AR Stater (10.58 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; ΠΟ between / ΕΣΤΦΕΔΙΙΥ, slinger to right; forepart of horse and caduceus in field. Cf. BMFA 2101 (spearhead below horse). Toned near EF, flan crack. Rare. ($1400) For one issue of Aspendos, the ilOsignature, the triskeles, traditional symbol of Aspendos, is replaced with a horse. Associated symbols are: eagle, helmet, lyre, two types of monograms, spearhead,star, wreath and now a caduceus.

186. Rhodes. After 250 BC. AR Didrachm (6.48 gm). Head of Helios facing three-quarters right / Rose with bud on right; Athena with aplustre to left, magistrate Mnasimachos. Ashton Group 4. Toned good VF. ($400) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

191. Side. Circa 190-36 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.17gm). Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet / Nike advancing left, holding wreath; pomegranate in left field, magistrate ΚΛΕΥΧ. Weber 7359 (this coin); ($750) SNG Copenhagen 400. Toned EF. 187. PHRYGIA, A p a m e i a . Circa 133-48 BC. JE 24mm (6.26 gm). Helmeted bust of Athena / Eagle alighting upon maeander pattern between caps of the Dioskouroi, magistrate Antiphon. SNG Copenhagen 164. EF, green patina. ($150)

Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Sir Hermann Weber Collection.

188. LYCIAN LEAGUE, Masicytos. Circa 28-18 BC. AR Drachm (3.71 gm). AY, head of Augustus / M A , two lyres; plectrum above. Troxell 119; RPC 3309. Good VF, old toning. ($200)

192. CILICIA, Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater (10.76 gm). Baal tars seated; holding grapes, grain, eagle and sceptre / Lion bringing down bull; monogram. SNG Levante 106. EF. ($500)

189. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC AR Stater (10.87 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; KI between / EETFEAIIYI, slinger to right; triskeles in field. SNG von Aulock 4557. VF. ($300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

193. Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater (10.85 gm). Baaltars seated; holding grapes, grain, eagle and sceptre / Lion bringing down bull. SNG Paris 335. EF. ($250) 2 16

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197. Antiochos VI. 176-164 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.84 gm). Anhoch mint. Circa 169-167 BC. Radiate and diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANΠΟΧΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ ΕΓΠΦΛΝΟΥΣ; Zeus enthroned, holding Nike and soeptre; ΙΣ in exergue. N e well, SM A 55. EF. (SI 250)

194. Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater (10.92 gm). "Mazaios", Baaltars seated, holding sceptre; grain ear, grapes and monogram in front / "Mazaios, Governor of Transeuphrates and Cilicia", lion bringing d o w n bull above double city walls. SNG Paris 359. Superb EF, sharp strike for this normally carelessly struck issue. (S1250) 198. Antiochos VI. 176-164 B C ^ 3 1 m m (37.44 gm). Antioch mint. 168164 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY ΘΕΟΥ Ε Π Ι ΦΑΝΟΥΣ, eagle standing on thunderbolt. Houghton 118; Newell, SMA 59. Good VF, black patina. ($400)

195. Tarsos. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 21mm (7.46 gm). Turreted and veiled bust of Tyche within fillet border / Τ Α Ρ Ο Ώ Ν ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΟ the god Sandan riding the back of a horned a n d winged fantastic beast. SNG Levante 968. Superb EF, flawless emerald green patina. ($300)

199. Alexander I Balas. 150-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.64 gm). Antioch mint. Year 165 (148/147 BC). Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΘΕΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ, Zeus enthroned, holding Nike and sceptre; date in exergue. Houghton -; Newell SMA 154 variety (no comucopiae in field). Choice EF, reverse double struck. ($750)

195A. SYRIA Seleukid Kings. Antiochos 1.280-261 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 gm). Baktria mint. Circa 280-268 BC Diademed head of Antiochos / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY, horned horsehead right; Δ in circle monogram to right. Newell, ESM 689. VF, rough surfaces. ($2500)

200. Alexander I Balas. 150-145 BC AR Didrachm (636 gm). Tyre mint. Year 164 (149/148 BC). Diademed and draped bust right / Eagle standing left on galley's prow, palm-branch behind right shoulder, club surmounted by monogram before; date and monograms in fields. Houghton -; Newell, ANSNNM 73,64; Rogers, ANSNNM 34,9. VF, light porosity. Scarce. ($250) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex NFA Summer Maü Bid Sale (June 27,1986) lot 434.

196. Antiochos III. 223-186 BC ARTetradrachm (16.88 gm). Lysimachaa mint. Circa 196-190 BC. Diademed head / Apollo seated on omphalos; monogram to left, monogram and lion's head in exergue. Newell, WSM 1616. Good VF. ($750)

Lot 197

201. Antiochos VI. Year 169 (144/143 BC). AR Tetradrachm (16.70 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate and diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΠΟΞΟΥ ΕΓΉΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΥ, Dioskouroi riding left with couched lances; TPY, XAP monogram, ΣΤΑ and date in fields; all in wreath of lily, ivy and grain ears. Newell, SMA 230. Choice EF. ($2000)

Classical Numismatic

202. Antiochos VII. 138-129 BC. AR Didrachm (6.98 gm). Tyre mint. Year 181 (132/131 BQ. Diademed and draped bust right / Eagle standing left on galley's prow, palm-branch behind right shoulder, club surmounted by monogram before; date a n d m o n o g r a m s in fields. Houghton -; Newell, ANSNNM 73,137; Rogers, ANSNNM 34,79. Toned VF. ($200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Glendining's Sale (November 13,1957) lot 189.

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206. Antiochos VIII. First Sole Reign. 121-114 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ, Zeus Oranios standing left, holding star; IE A to left, Ν to right. Newell SMA 367. Choice EF. ($450)

203. Demetrios II. 129-125 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.01 gm).Tyremint. Year 183(130/129 BQ. Diademed and draped bust right / Eagle standing left on galley's prow, palm-branch behind right shoulder, club surmounted by monogram before; date and monograms in fields. Houghton 767; Newell, ANSNNM 73,156; Rogers, ANSNNM 34,96. Toned good VF, light scratches on cheek. Thomas R. Lesure Collection. ($500)

207. Antiochos VIII. First Sole Reign. 121-114 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.41 gm). Sidon mint. Year 197(116/115 BQ. Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ; Zeus Oranios standing left, holding star; ΣΙΔΩΝ IEP AΣYand monogram to left. Houghton 724; Rouvier pg-131,1277. Good VF. ($400)

204. Demetrios II. Year 187 (126/125 BQ. AR Tetradrachm (15.66 gm). Damascus mint. Diademed bearded head / Β ΑΣΙΑ ΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ ΝΙΚΑΊΌΡΟΣ, Zeus seated left; monogram to left, Η below throne Cf. Newell, LSM 77. Good VF. ($400) E x t r e m e l y R a r e T e t r a d r a c h m of A n t i o c h o s V I I I

208. Antiochos VIII. Year 197(116/115 B Q . AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Sidon mint. Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ, Zeus Olympios left; ΣΙΔΩIEP, monograms and date. BMC Seleucids pg.88, 8. EF. ' ($600)

209. SYRIA, Seleukeia. Year 13 (97/96 B O . AR Tetradrachm (14.72 gm). Veiled, d r a p e d and turreted bust of Tyche; bead and reel border / Thunderbolt with fillet on cushion placed on stool; above, ZEAEVKEQN ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ; below, date-ΓΙ, I, KAI AVTONOMOV; all within laurel-wreath. Cf. BMC Galatia etc. pg.271,20-22. Toned good VF, scattered porosity and light scratches. ($400) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Superior Galleries, The Frank Grove & Robert Grover Collections (June 11-12,1986), lot 1398. 205. Antiochos VII I. First Reign, with Cleopatra Thea. 128 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.72 gm). Antioch mint. Youthful d i a d e m e d head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΝΠΟΧΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and comuoopiae; Σ to left, Ν on shield (engraved over Δ) to right. Houghton 689 (same obverse die); H o u g h t o n a n d Le Rider, "Un Premier Règne d'Antiochos Epiphàne à Antioche en 128", Bulletin de Correspondence Hellénique 112 (1988), pp.401-411. Choice EF, a few marks on the neck. Extremely rare; four known at the time of the Houghton sale. ($7500)

210. PHOENICIA, Arados. Year 149 (111/110 BQ. AR Diobol (1.08 gm). Facing head of Medusa / Aphlastron; date and BC in fields. BMC Phoenicia pg.39,323. VF, porosity, flan chip. Rare. ($200) 1 8

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Rare Early Issue Persian G o l d Daric

215. PERSIA, Achaemenid Kings. Circa 500485 BC. AV Daric (8.32 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, drawing bow / Incusepunch. CarradiceTypell, 11. Good VF. Rare early issue. ($4500)

211. Sidon.Baalshallim II. Circa 386-372 BC. AR Double Shekel (28.11 gm). Galley to left over waves; Β above / King of Persia in chariot with driver, Egyptian attendant behind; date above. BMC Phoenicia pg.143,17. See J.W. Betlyon, "A N e w Chronology for the Pre-Alexandrine Coinage of Sidon", ANSMN 21,16. EF, remarkable sharp strike. Extremely rare this nice. ($3000)

216. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 500485 BC. AR Siglos (5.41 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding spear and bow / Incuse punch. Carradice Type Ilia, 14-15. Toned good VF, exceptional strike on a full flan. ($300)

212. Tyre. Circa 450-400. AR Quarter Stater (3.39 gm). Dolphin leaping over waves, murex below / Owl with crook and flail in shaped incuse BMC Phoenicia pg.cxxvii, note 5 (pl. XLIV, 1). VF. Rare. ($1250) 217. PARTHIA, Kings of. Arsakes II. 211-191 BC. AR Drachm (3.77 gm). Hekatompylos mint. Head left, wearing bashlyk / ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ, archer seated; A to right. Cf. Shore3; Sellwood 5.1. EF. Very rare. ($1500) The portrait is of the fine style usually associated with the issues of Arsakes I. Either a mule of Arsakes land Arsakes II, or struck very early in thelatter's reign.

213. Tyre. Year 39 (88/87 BC). AR Tetradrachm (Shekel) (14.32 gm). Laureate bust of Melkart / ΤΥΡΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, eagle standing left on prow; date, club, Δ and Phoenician "A" in fields. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.242,134 (year 41). Toned EF. ($300)

218. Mithradates II. 123-88 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.10 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated right; monogram behind, palm branch before. Shore 68; Sell wood 24.5. Toned good VF, fully centered portrait. Rare. ($3500)

214. Tyre. Year 51 (76/75 BC). AR Tetradrachm (Shekel) (14.33 gm). Laureate bust of Melkart / ΤΥΡΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, eagle standing left on prow; AN, club, A and Phoenician "B" in fields. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.243,143 (year 52). Toned good VF. ($300) 219. Mithradates Π. 123-88 B C AR Drachm (4.23 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left, sea-horse tore / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΟΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥ, archer seated. Shore 77; Sell wood 26.1. Superb EF. ($300)

Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Bowers and Ruddy Galleries, "The Harbor Collection" (June 11-12,1982), lot 1537.

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name. She died of unknown causes (unlikely of natural origin) after only 16 months. The eastern mint of Sakastan struck coins for her regnal year three, probably for the duration of her sister A2armidkht's brief reign of631-632.

220. Phraatcs III. 70-57 BC. AR Drachm (4.16 gm). Facing bust wearing necklace with central medallion / Archer seated right. Shore 164; Sell wood 35.6 (Darius). Toned EF. ($1250)

225. PERSIS, Kings of. Vahbarz (Oborzos). Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Drachm (4.12 gm). H e a d of king, wearing satrapal cap / Fire altar with Ahuramazda above, flanked by king and standard (off flan). Alram 532. Good VF. Exceptional portrait of a king of Persis. ($750)

This type was previously attributed to Darius, but Shore makes a convincing argumentfor it belonging to the reign ofPhraates III. In either case, this is a beautiful example of a spectacular Parthian type.

An Exceptional Offering of Rare Baktrian Silver

221. Mithradates III. 57-54 BC. AR Drachm (4.01 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated right; monogram behind, monogram below bow. Shore 189; Sellwood 40.2. EF. ($200)

225A. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Demetrios I. Circa 200-190 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.96 gm). Balkh mint? Bust right, wearing elephant headdress / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ, n u d e Herakles crowning himself and holding club and lion skin; monogram. MIG 103b; Bopearachchi Série 1 Β. Good VF on a broad flan. ($4000) Three Extremely Rare "Pedigree" Tetradrachms 222. Gotarzes 11.40-51 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.43 gm). Year 361 (49/50 AD). Seleukeia mint. Diademed head left / Tyche presenting diadem to King enthroned left. Shore 362; Sellwood 65.25-27. EF, flan flaw in hair or overstruck? ($300)

225B. Agathokles. Circa 190-180 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.63 gm). Merv mint? ΕΥΘΥΔΗΜΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ, d i a d e m e d bust of Euthydemos / Β ΑΣΙΛΕΥΟΝΤΟΣΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ ΑΓΛΘΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ, nude Herakles reclining on rock, club resting on rock beside him; monogram. MIG 145a; Bopearachchi Série 16B. Good VF. Extremely rare. ($12,500) 223. Vardanes Π. 55-58 AD. AR Tetradrachm (10.21 gm). Year 369 (57/58 AD). Seleukeia mint. Diademed head left / Tyche presenting diadem to King enthroned left. Cf. Shore 383; Sellwood 69.10-12 for year and type. Good VF, light graffiti in obverse field. ' ($250) Thomas B. Insure Collection.

The "pedigree" coinage of Agathokles and Antimachos reaffirm their joint claims to the independent kingdom established by Diodotos and expanded by Euthydemos, and through them traces the lineage to the Sdeukid kings of Syria and eventually, to Alexander the Great. Alexander, Antiochos I and Pantaleon,another early Baktrian king, are all honored on extremely rare coins of the two successor kings. Eukratides would issue a parallel pedigree coinage when his revolt led to the overthrow of the first Baktrian dynasty. . . j*

224. SASSANI AN Kings. Queen Buran. 630631 AD. AR Drachm (4.12 gm). SK=Sakastan mint. Year 3. Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants. Gobi 229; Cf. MACW1241. VF. Rare and short-lived ruler. ($400) Five years of internecine conflict followed the death of the long ruling Sassanian king Khusru II in 628, as family members competed for power. In 632 his eldest daughter Buran came to the throne as the first queen to rule the kingdom in her own 3

225C. Antimachos. Circa 185-170 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.44 gm). Balkh mint? ΔΙΟΔΟΤΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, diademed bust of Diodotos / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΟΝΤΟΣ ΘΕΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΜΑΧΟΥ, n u d e Zeus advancing left, brandishing shield and thunderbolt, eagle at feet; monogram. MIG 128a; Bopearachchi Série 9A. Good VF, die break above head on obverse, rough surfaces. Extremely rare. ($12,500)

Classical Numismatic Two different epithets are found on these pedigree issues for Diodotos, ΘΕΟΥ or ΣΩΤ1ΙΡΟΣ, sparking the continuing debate on the existence of coinage in the name of Diodotos and his son of the same name. However, variations in titles and portraiture may simply indicate the styles of different mints.

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228. Telephos. Circa 75-70 BC AR Drachm (2.19 gm). ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥΤΗΛΕΦΟΥ, anguipede (monster with human body and serpent limbs), the limbs terminating in lotus blossoms / Karosthi legend, radiate Helios with sceptre left, Selene with crescent diadem right; monogram to right. MIG 451a; Bopearachchi Série 1,1 (six specimens known). Toned EF. Extremely rare. ($6000)

226. Eukra tides. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.34 gm). Merv mint? ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΜΕΓΑΣ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΗΣ, helmeted and diademed bust / ΗΛΙΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ ΚΑΙ ΛΛΟΔΙΚΙ1Σ, jugate busts of Heliokles and Laodike right; monogram behind. MIG 182a; Bopearachchi Série 15,69-70; Qunduz 245-246. Near EF, slightly porous surfaces. Remarkable high relief Hellenistic portraits. Extremely rare. ($7500) Eukratides usurped power from Antimachos, the designated successor to Demetrios. To strengthen his position, and declaring his intentions of founding a dynasty, he struck his "pedigree" coinage, naming his parents Heliokles and his wife Laodike.

229. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy 11.285-246 BC AV Octadrachm (27.86 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Arsinöe Π; Κ behind / ΑΡΣΙΝΟΗΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ, double cornuacopiae b o u n d with fillet. Svoronos475. Lustrous EF. ($6000)

227. Antialkidas. Circa 115-95 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.99 gm). Pushkalavati mint? ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΑΛΚΙΔΙΥ, heroic diademed bust left, aegis on shoulder, brandishing spear / Karosthi legend, Zeus standing before an elephant with a Nike on its head; monogram to left. MIG 274; Bopearachchi Série 8. Choice EF. ($6000)

230. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. AV Octadrachm (27.64 gm). Sidon mint. Year 35 (251 /250 BC). Diademed and veiled head of Arsinöe II / ΑΡΣΙΝΟΗΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ, double cornuacopiae bound with fillet; date, ΣΙ and monogram. Cf. Svoronos 747; cf. Troxell, ANSMN 28, pg.52,222 (this date unrecorded). Good Vf, sharp strike. Extremely Rare. ($6500)

227A. Polyxenos. Circa 100 BC AR Tetradrachm (9.63 gm). Kapisa mint? ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΠΟΛΥΞΕΝΟΥ, d i a d e m e d bust / Athena Alkidemos advancing left, with shield and thunderbolt; monogram. MIG 298a; Bopearachchi Série 1A. Good VF. ($7000) Until recently, only one tetradrachm of this ephemeral Baktrian king was krumm, the British Museum specimen.

Our C\fe?(t Auction Is Ά MaiCHidSaU Scheduled'for March 15,1995. Consignments Are 'BeingAcccptedUntiC'Decembcr 15,1994.

231. Ptolemy III. 246-221 BC AR Tetradrachm (1421 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right wearing aegis / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; cornucopiae before. Svoronos 1001 ; SNG Copenhagen 167. EF. ($500)

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Classical Numismatic

232. Ptolemy III. 246-221 BC. Ai 31 mm (22.01 gm). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; comucopiae and monogram. Svoronos 966; SNG Copenhagen 176. Near EF, brown pahna with areas of green and red. ($250) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

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237. Ptolemy XII. 80-51 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.06 gm). Year 28 (54/53 BQ. Diademed bust of Ptolemy I, wearing aegis / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; LKH and ΠΑ in fields. Svoronos 1837; SNG Copenhagen 395. EF. ($300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

233. Ptolemy III. 246-221 BC. JE 16mm (2.62 gm). Cyprus mint. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / Cult statue of Isis. Svoronos 1008; SNG Copenhagen 647. Near EF, attractive dark green patina. ($175) 238. ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Circa 264-241 BC./E28mm (16.84gm). Sardinian mint. Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horsehead right; pellet SNG Copenhagen 193; Müller 276. EF, virtually as struck, smooth brown patina. ($150)

A Special Offering of Judaean & Related Coinage

239. JUDAEA. Persian Period. Before333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.28 gm). Crowned head of bearded Persian right / "YHD", falcon with spread wings, head right. AJCI pg.116,9; Hendin 1 a. Good VF, off center. ($200) When Meshorer published Jewish Coins of the Second Temple Period in 1967, he knew of only one example of the falcon coinage of Judaea (with lüy reverse). In fact, of the six coins listed by him for the Persian period, five were recorded as unique. The Judaea and Samaria region was apparently quite lacking a local coinage. However, by thel98(ys several hoards found in the area of Samaria Sebaste and elsewhere in Israel revealed a number of new types ofobols, hemiobols and smaller fractions. Numerous examples are now known from the Persian and Hellenistic periods with Hebrew and Aramaic legends naming YHD (province of Judaea) and SMYRN (Samaria), as well as the names of local satraps and other officials. Other issues parallel the fractional Athenian imitations struck at Gaza. The drachm in the British Museum remains a unique larger denomination for Judaea.

234. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.27 gm). Year 28 (154/153 BQ. Diademed bust of Ptolemy I, wearing aegis / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; LKH and ΠΑ in fields. Svoronos 1440; cf. SNG Copenhagen 296 (year 27). Toned superb EF. ($800) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

235. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. AR Didrachm (6.94 gm). Arados mint. Year 109 (151 /150 BQ. Diademed bust of Ptolemy I, wearing aegis / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; Ρ and Θ in fields. Markholm, "The Ptolemaic 'Coins of an Uncertain Era"‫ ( ׳‬N N À , 1975-76), pg.41,249; Svoronos 1216; SNG Copenhagen 556. Near EF. Thomas B. Lesure Collection. ($300)

240. JUDAEA, Hasmonean Kings. Alexander Jannaeus. 103-76 BC. JE Prutah (1.45 gm). "Yehonatan the High Priest and the Council of the Jews" within wreath / Twin cornuacopiae with pomegranate between. AJC I pg.123 Ea; Hendin 14. EF, dark green and earthen patina, scarce when fully legible. ($100)

236. Ptolemy VIII. 145-116 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.95 gm). Year 49 (122/121 BQ. Diademed bust of Ptolemy I, wearing aegis / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; L M 0 and ΠΑ in fields. Svoronos 1520; SNG Copenhagen 330. Toned VF, few scratches in fields. ($200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.


241. JUDAEA, Herodian Kings. Herod I. Year3 (40 BQ. JE4 Prutot (5.23 gm). ΒΛΣΙΛΕΟΣ ΗΡΟΔΟΥ, crested helmet / Decorated shield. AJC II pg.235,2; Hendin 40; RPC4902. Good VF, green patina. ($350) 3 1


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246. Agrippa I. Year 7 (43 AD). JE 21 m m (7.77 gm). (BACIAEYC METAC ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ(! ΦΙΛΟΚΑΙ, diademed head of Agrippa; c / m : male head left / KAICAPIA (H nPOC ΤΩ CEBACUl ΛΙΜΕΝΙ), Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. AJC II pg.248,6a; Hendin 76b; RPC 4985; Howgego 160. Fair, black patina, detail flattened by large countermark. ($3000)

242. Herod Philip. Year 19 (15/16 AD). JE 20mm (5.93 gm). TIB ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣ, laureate head of Tiberius / ΦΙΛΙΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΞΟΥ, tetrastyle tempie, date between columns. AJC II pg.245,7; Hendin 72a; RPC 4943. VF, black patina. Rare. ($1400) This appears to be the proper reading for the obverse legend, not ΉΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΣΕBAETOLas given in the references.

247. Agrippa II. Year 5 (40/41 AD). JE 14mm (3.13 gm). (ΒΑΣΙΛΕ)ΟΣ ΑΓ ΡΙΠΠΑ (ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΩΝ [or ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ ΥΟΙΥ]), head of Agrippa II left / (ΒΑ)ΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ (ΦΙΑΟΚΑΙΣΑΡ), crossed comuacopiae. See AJC II pg247,4; RPC 4979; Burnett "The Coinage of King Agrippa I of Judaea", in Mélanges à Bastien, p p 25-38, 5. Fair, cleaned, numerous pits caused by poor alloy mixing. N o specimen is known of this coin with complete legends, but the reverse legend on this piece, with the title ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ spelled out in full, appears to be unpublished. ($1500)

243. Herod Antipas. Year 33 (29 AD). JE 21mm (6.11 gm). ΗΡΟΔΟΥ TETPAPXOY, palm branch / TIBE ΡΙΑΣίη wreath. AJC II pg.242,6; Hendin pg.68; RPC 4923. VF, black patina. Rare. ($750)

248. Agrippa II. Year 14 (74/75 AD). JE 22mm (14.16 gm). AYTOKP TITOC KAICAP CEB, laureate head of Titus / LIA BAC ΑΓΡΙΠΠ, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm. AJC II pg251,10a; Hendin -. VF, dark green patina. ($450)

244. Herod Antipas. Year 37 (33 AD). JE 24mm (13.09 gm). (ΗΡΟΔΟ)Υ ΤΕΓΡΑΡΧΟΥ, palm branch / TIBE ΡΙΑΣίη wreath. AJC II pg.242,13; Hendin pg.68; RPC 4930. VF, black patina. Rare. ($1000) R a r e B r o n z e of A g r i p p a I

249. Agrippa II. Year 26 (86/87 AD). JE32mm (19.34 gm). AYTOKPA OYECIIACIKAICAPICCBACIÎ2, laureate head of Vespasian / ETO Κς Β A ΑΓΡΙ ΠΠΑ, Tyche standing left, holding grain ears and cornucopiae. AJC II pg.254,30; Hendin -. Near VF, black patina. ($2000)

245. Agrippa I. Year 7 (43 AD). JE 25mm (17.08 gm). (TIBEPIOC KAICAP QEBACTOC ΓΕΡΜΑΝ, laureate head of Claudius / (BACIAEYC METAC A r P i n n A C OIAOKAICAP), distyle temple, Agrippa on left, Qaudius, veiled and togate on right, both holding paterae, veiled half figure in background holding incense box, kneeling figure in foreground sacrificing pig (!); date in pediment of temple. AJC II pg.248,8; Hendin 76; RPC 4983. VF, brown patina, off center, but one of the best preserved examples of thisrareandenigmaticjudaeancoin. ($5000)

See the discussion by A. Burnett in "The Coinage of King Agrippa I of Judaea", in Agrippa II. Year 26 (86/87 AD). JE 19mm (526 gm). IM CA D VES Mélanges à Pierre Bastien, pp .25-38. The description of the reverse is based on his re- 250. F DOM AV GER COS XII, laureate head of Domitian / ΕΓΠ ΑΓΡΙ ETO Κς S C, construction of the tableau as the ceremony at the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus in Rome wherein Agrippa swears fealty to the emperor. The representation ofa pagan cer- twin comuacopiae with caduceus between. AJC Π pg255,35; Hendin 96. VF, dark green patina with earthen encrustation. ($400) emony honoring a Roman emperor involving an unclean animal sacrifice on a coin of a Jewish king is rather difficult to comprehend, even as Burnett makes it clear that other theories about the scene are equally untenable. If this coin were struck at Caesarea (and the scarcity offinds at the site of that Hellenized Roman city on the coast does not answer that question one way or the other), it could not havetirculatedbeyond the confines of the Roman and Creek inhabitants without risking an emotionPhase Mailyour'BidSheet 'Early! al backlash from the native people, were they to understand the significance of the type.

1 3

Classical Numismatic

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251. Agrippa II. Year 35 (86/87 AD). JE28mm (19.34 gm). AYTOKPA ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑ KA1CAP Α ΓΈΡΜΑΝΙ, laureate head of Domitian / ETOY ΕΛ ΒΑ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΛ, Tyche standing left on podium, holding grain ears and cornucopiae. AJCII pg.258,53; Hendin 98. Good VF, dark green patina. ($3500)

255. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt. Year 1 (132/133 AD). JE 34mm (29.87 gm). 'Shimon, Prince of Israel", in wreath / 'Tear 1 of the Redemption of Israel", amphora. Mildenberg 5 (Ol /R5); AJC II pg.264,3b; Hendin 136. VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights. ($6000)

256. Bar Kochba Revolt. Year 1 (132/133 AD). JE 25mm (11.55 gm). "Shimon, Prince of Israel", palm branch in wreath / 'Tear 1 of the Redemption of Israel", harp (nebe0 with four strings. Mildenberg 24 (Ol /R5); AJC II pg.265,6e; Hendin 158. Good VF, dark green patina with patches of encrustation. ($200)

252. JUDAEA. First Jewish War. Year 1 (66 AD). AR Shekel (14.07 gm). 'Shekel of Israel", chalice with two beads under rim / "Jerusalem the Holy", sprig of three pomegranates. AJC II pg.259,3; Kadman 2; Hendin 119. Choice EF. ($3000)

257. Bar Kochba Revolt. Year 1 (132/133 AD). JE 25mm (12.33 gm). "Shimon, Prince of Israel", palm branch in wreath / 'Tear 1 of the Redemption of Israel", harp (nebel) with five strings. Mildenberg 26 (Ol /R7); AJC II pg.265,6b; Hendin 158. EF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($600)

253. First Jewish War. Year 2 (67 AD). AR Shekel (14.17 gm). "Shekel of Israel", chalice with beaded rim / "Jerusalem the Holy", sprig of three pomegranates. AJC II pg.260,8; Kadman 8; Hendin 121. Toned EF. ($2000)

258. Bar Kochba Revolt. Undated (134-135 AD). AR Denarius (3.61 gm). , Shimon" in wreath / "For the freedom of Jerusalem", lyre. Mildenberg 100 (016/R68); AJC II pg.273,55b; Hendin 167. Toned EF. ($450)

259. Bar Kochba Revolt. Year 1 (132/133 AD). JE 19mm (436 gm). ‫׳‬Tear one of the redemption of Israel", grapes / "Eleazar the priest", palm tree. Mildenberg 147 (Ol /R1 ); AJC II pg.266,8; Hendin 140B. EF, black patina. ($400) 254. JUDAEA. Domitian. 81-96 AD. JE 27mm (14.34 gm). "Judaea Capta". (IMP DOMIT)IANVS CAES AVG GERMANICVS, laureate head / Minerva with spear and shield on galley, owl at feet, trophy and palm at sides. AJC II pg.290,6; Hendin 187. VF, gray-black patina. ($500) Lot 260 1 4

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260. Bar Kochba Revolt. Undated (134-135 AD). JE 19mm (6.06 gm). "For the freedom of Jerusalem", grapes / "Shimon", palm tree. Cf. Mildenberg 158 (Ot/R-); AJCII pg.276,81 ; Hendin 177. EF, gray-green pahna. ($300)

261. SAMARIA. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.65 gm). Head of Persian satrap left / "SMRYN", Persian king slaying winged fantastic animal. Samaria Hoard 3. Toned VF, weak strike. ($1000)

267. NABATAEA. Intact hoard of late AR Drachms. Before 106 AD. A 1st Century Roman terracotta oil l a m p with contents -13 Nabataean drachms: Aretas IV. Circa 20-40 AD. Conjoined busts of Aretas and Shuqailat. The Samaria Hoard and other recent finds in the region have revealed an amazingly Type of Meshorer 99. / / Aretas IV. Same type, year 42 (33/34 AD). Meshorer complex coinage that was unknown until the last decade. Both Samaria and Judaea Supp. 8. / / MalichosII and Shuqailat II. Circa 40-70 AD. Typeof Meshorer produced a fractional coinage in the 4th century BC, reproducing Creekand Persian 123. (5 coins). / / Rabbel II and Shuqailat II. Circa 70-76 AD. Type of Meshorer types with legends naming the province. However, Samaria went well beyond the stan- 142. (3 coins). / / Rabbel II and Gamilat. Circa 76-102 AD. Type of Meshorer dard types, using types with Persian kings and deities, and animals fantastic and oth- 147. (3 coins). Earliest issues grade Fair to Good, later types VF on usual small flans. 13 coins plus their container. ($2000) erwise. The extensive studies by Meshorer and Qedar will be supplemented by further detailed examinations of the unique iconography of the series. The Nabataean kingdom, like the Hasmoneans and Herodians of Judaea, rose to power in the course of the withering of the Hellenistic empire of the Seleukids. Also like the Judaean kings, they grew wealthy from the excises taken from the busy trade routes between east and west that ran through their territory. Unlike the Judaean kings, the Nabataean kings, with their capital at remote Petra, kept a greater degree of independence from the growing Roman empire, at least for awhile. One consequence 262. SAMARIA. Circa 4th Century BC AR Hemiobol (030 gm). Facing of this was the freedom to produce a silver coinage, which neither the Hasmoneans nor female head / "SMRYN", Helmeted bearded head left. Samaria Hoard 9. the Herodians ever struck (although debate continues as to whether the late "Tyrian" Toned VF, rough surfaces. ($400) shekels were minted at Jerusalem.). Theoä lamp found with this hoard is the typical "Herodian" style with flaring spatulate spout, in this case chipped away from long use. Carbon stains around the wick hole suggest the lamp was in use long after it normally would have been discarded, and the generally loom condition of the coins suggest they were the meager savings of a poor family, most likely hidden away sometime around the time of the invasion and conquest of the Nabataean kingdom by 263. SAMARIA. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.56 gm). Persian Trajan in 106 AD. Few Nabataean silver coins of the later kings have survived. They satrap seated, holding bird / "SMR", Persian king slaying bull. Samaria are sometimes found mixed with hoards of denarii of Trajan and Hadrian, but most Hoard 19. Toned VF. ($1000) were used by Trajan to strike his extensive series of Arabia drachms commemorating his conquests. A unique intact hoard from a significant period of Near Eastern history.

264. S A M A R I A . Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.66 gm). "SN", Persian king seated, holding flower and sceptre / "MZ", four winged crowned Persian diety, holding flower and sceptre. Samaria Hoard 21. VF. ($750)

265. SAMARIA. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.62 gm). Persian king seated, holding flower and sceptre / "BDYHBL", Persian king standing, sceptre. Samaria Hoard 37. Good VF, reverse off center. ($600)

268. SYRIA, Decapolis. Abila. Lucius Verus. Year 226 (162/163 AD). JE 25mm (9.39 gm). AVT KAIC A AVP OVHP AVT, laureate and cuirassed bust / CEAEYK ΑΒΙΛΑ I K C , turreted bust of Tyche, breast revealed. Spijkerman 8; Rosenberger IV 8. EF, dark green patina with reddish highlights. ($300)

266. SAMARIA. Imitation of Athenian type. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.75 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Samaria Hoard 274 (this coin). Good VF. ($150)

269. Decapolis. Antiocheia ad H i p p u m . Marcus Aurelius. Year 229 (165/166 AD). JE 25mm (11.72 gm). AVT KAICM AVP ANTWN, laureate bust / ANTIOXE ΠΡΙΠΙΕΡ ACYAOC, Tyche standing left, holding horse by bridle and cornucopiae; date in exergue. Spijkerman 8; Rosenberger III 12. Good VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights. ($400) 1 5

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275. Trachonitis. Caesarea Panias. Elagabalus. Year 221 (218/219 AD). JE 30mm (18.56 gm). AVT Κ M A N T W N I N O C C, radiate a n d cuirassed bust / KAIC PAN CE ACV, grotto of Pan with statue of the god playing a flute, below a gate leading to the sanctuary. Rosenberger III 40. Good VF, brown patina. Rare. ($600)

270. Decapolis. Gadara. Crispina. Year 243 (179/180 AD). / E 2 0 m m (5.37 gm). KPICniNA ΠB A C T H , draped bust / TAAAPEWN r M C , diademed bust of Zeus. Spijkerman 67; Rosenberger IV 68. EF, smooth green patina, scarce this nice. ($300)

The springs of Panias (Banias), the source of the Jordan river, have been a sacred site since earliest antiquity. By the Hellenistic period the Greek god Pan became the titular deity of the springs and under the Herodian kings the city was embellished with numerous temples and shrines to the gods and the Roman emperors, with the grotto as the focal point. This coin shows a remarkably fine representation of the central shrine and statue to Pan.

271. Decapolis. Philadelphia. Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 AD./E21mm (7.37 gm). A K A I C - M · AYP»ANT»CE, radiate head / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕ W N KOI CYP, turreted bust of Tyche. Spijkerman 25a; Rosenberger IV 27. Good VF, dark green patina. ($250)

276. SAMARIA, Caesarea Maritima. Trajan.98-117 AD. /Ε 30mm (26.05 gm). 114-117 AD. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OP AVG GER DA (COS VI PP), laureate head / Q F AVG CAES, tetrastyle arcuated temple with statue of Tyche within. Kadman 22; SNG ANS 760. VF, black patina. Obverse extensively tooled. ($400) 272. Decapolis. Philadelphia. Autonomous. Year 227 (164/165 AD). JE 16mm (3.65 gm). ΦΙΛ · KOI · CYP ·, veiled bust of Demeter, holding grain ears / ETOYC Z»K»C·, basket with serpent and grain ears. Spijkerman 3 variety (two serpents). EF, smooth dark green patina. ($300)

273. Trachonitis. Caesarea Panias. Marcus Aurelius. Year 172 (169/170 AD). / E 2 4 m m (13.78 gm). AVT KAIC M ANTWNEINOC CEB, laureate head, drapery at shoulder / KAIC Œ B I E P KAI ACY ΤΠITANEIW, statue of the god Pan playing a flute. Rosenberger III 11 ; SNG ANS 862. Good VF, gray-black patina. ($400)

277. Caesarea Maritima. Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 AD. /E25mm (10.50 gm). IMP CAES M AVR A N TONINVS AVGA, laureate bust / COL PRIMAE FL AVG CAESARAE, bust of Sarapis, kalathos on head. BMC Palestine pg. 23,87; Kadman 40. Good VF, dark green patina. ($400)

278. Neapolis. Philip I and Philip Π. 247-249 AD. /E27mm (1335gm). II MM CC Ρ FILIPPIS AVGG, jugate laureate busts of Philip and his son / COL SERG NEAPOL, Hygieia left, holding serpent over aJtar, facing emperor right, holding spear, temple on Mt. Gerizim behind. Cf. SNG ANS 1020 (same obverse die, reverse unpublished). Near VF, encrusted green patina. ($1600)

274. Trachonitis. Caesarea Panias. S e p t i m i u s Severus. Year 199 (196/197 AD). /E 24mm (835 gm). AVT ACEITT CEVHPON, laureate head / KAIC Œ B IEP KAI ACY ΤΠ ITANEIW, statue of the god Pan playing a flute. Rosenberger III 19; SNG ANS 865. VF, gray-black patina. ($300) 1 6

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R a r e Aelia C a p i t o l i n a JE of S e p t i m i u s S e v e r u s a n d Julia D o m n a

283. Bostra. Julia Mamaea. 222-235 AD. JE 30mm (16.51 gm). IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, diademed bust / Ν TR ALEXANDRLANAE COL BOSTR, tetrastyle temple with statue of Tyche, flanked by two small figures of œntaurs. Kindler 39; Spijkerman 55; SNG ANS 1229. VF, dark brown patina. ($250)

279. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Septimius Severus and Julia Domna. 197-217AD. /E32mm (19.10gm). IMPŒSLVSEPTI (SEVET IV LIA DOMNA), jugate busts of laureate Severus and diademed (with erescent) Domna / ANTONINVS AVG GETA CAES (COL AE C CPF), Caracalla and Geta, both togate, clasping hands. Meshorer 81 ; Rosenberger 148. VF, gray-green patina with reddish dirt encrustation. ($4000)

Rare 'Judaea' A u r e u s of V e s p a s i a n

284. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AV Aureus (7.18 gm). 69-71 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head / IVDAEA, mourning Judaea seated beneath trophy. RICII15; BMC 33. Near VF, minor marks in fields. (S6000)

280. Gaza. Antoninus Pius. Year 217 (156/157 AD). JE 30mm (21.90 gm). ANTWNINOC CEBA, laureate bust / ΓΑΖΑ, veiled and turTeted bust of Tyche; symbol of Gaza and date. Rosenberger II76; SNG ANS 929. VF, dark green patina. ($500)

285. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Semis (4.13 gm). Commagene mint. 77/78 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVGVST, laureate head / PON M AX TR Ρ PP COS VIII CENS S C, Victory left, holding wreath and palm. RIC -; cf. Cohen 383 (given as COS VII?). Near EF, encrusted emerald green patina. A reference to the Jewish War. ($1500) 281. ARABIA, Bostra. Caracalla. Circa 209-210 AD. ./E22mm (937gm). M AVR ANTW K, laureate and draped bust / AOVCAPHC Θ: BOCTPH, laureate bust of the god Dusares. Kindler 29 variety; Spijkerman 37 variety. Good VF, black patina with encrustation. The normal type has the date (104= 209/210 AD) across the reverse field. ($400)

286. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Semis (3.56 gm). Commagene mint. 77/78 AD? IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN ( ), laureate head left / PON MAX TR Ρ PP COS V( ) S C, Victory left, holding wreath and palm. RIC -; cf. Cohen 383 . VF, encrusted dark green patina. ($350)

282. Bostra. Severus Alexan der. 222-235 AD. JE 30mm (18.74 gm). IMP CAES M AVR SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate bust / Ν TR ALEXANDRIANAE COL BOSTR, founder plowing, bema (sacred high place) above. Kindler 35; Spijkerman 51 ; SNG ANS 1217. VF, dark brown patina. ($250)

287. TITUS, Caesar. 71-72 AD. AR Denarius (3.15 gm). (ΤCAES) IMP VESP PON TR POT, laureate head / Vespasian standing right with spear and parazonium, foot on helmet, mourning Judaea seated beneath palm tree. RSC391a; RIC II160(Vespasian). Good VF. ($1400)

1 7

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E x c e s s i v e l y R a r e , J u d a e a ' S e s t e r t i u s of H a d r i a n

291. ROME. Circa 269-240 BC. JE Aes Grave Sextans (42.12 gm). Exterior of cockle shell; two pellets / Interior of cockle shell. Thurlow-Vecchi 20; Haeberlin pl.28,3-8. VF, gray-green patina with some light brown and green encrustation. ($500)

292. Anonymous. Circa 241-235 BC. AR Didrachm (6.65 gm). Helmeted head of Mars / Horsehead right; falx behind. RSC 34; Sydenham 24; Crawford 25/1. EF. ($2000) 288. H A D R I A N . 117-138 AD. JE Medallic Sestertius (23.37 gm). 134138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP, laureate bust / IVDAEA S C, togate Hadrian standing right, raising kneeling Judaea, three children around, one grasping Hadrian's robe. RIC -; Cohen 871 (SC not noted on reverse); the National M u s e u m at Naples possesses a specimen which is plated in Meshorer, The Coinage of Aelia Capitolina, pg.22. Good Fine, brown patina. Extremely rare. ($7500) A medallic sestertius is recorded by Cohen at the museum at Pisa in addition to the specimen noted at the Natonal Museum at Naples. The more common type (indeed, an extremely rare type also by most standards), with judaea standing before Hadrian preparing to offer a sacrifice to the emperor, is associated with Hadrian's travels throughout the eastern empire around 130 AD as part of the adventus series. It was 293. Anonymous. Circa 240-225 B C JE Aes Grave Sextans (40.75 gm). this journey to Judaea, and the revelation of plans for the expansion of Roman inHead of Mercury left, wearing petasos / Prow of galley right; two pellets. fluence, especially in Jerusalem, that led to the Bar Kochba revolt of 132. Meshorer in Thurlow-Vecchi 55; Haeberlin pi. 18, lOff. VF, dark green patina. ($300) his workon Aelia Capitolina refers toacomment by JM.C. Toynbee, The Hadrianic School, pp.119-121, that "the type obviously signifies the 'restoration' of Judaea by the founding of a new centre of ävilisation and of urban life at the colony of Aelia Capitolina. "

R O M A N REPUBLIC 294. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 B C AR Didrachm (Quadrigatus) (6.51 gm). Janiform head / Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory; ROMA incuse on raised tablet. RSC 23; Sydenham 64b; Crawford 28/3. Toned VF. ($400)

289. UMBR1A, Tuder. Circa 235 B C JE Aes Grave Quadrans (11.84 gm). Frog; three pellets / Anchor; three pellets. Thurlow-Vecchi 166; Haeberlin pi. 81,20. Good VF, green patina, light flan chipping, some pitting. ($400) Dr. Frank J. Novak Collection.


295. Anonymous. 217-215 BC. JE Uncia (13.71 gm). Helmeted head of Roma left / Prow of galley. Sydenham 86; Crawford 38/6. Good VF, dark green patina. ($200)

fJ^S&k ‫ף‬ J ^ i f j A.VI ·Si y

290. Anonymous. Circa 269-266 BC. AR Didrachm (6.85 gm). Diademed bust of Hercules right, club at shoulder, lion's skin tied at neck / Wolf suckling twins; ROMANO in exergue. RSC 8; Sydenham 6; Crawford 20/1. Near EF. ($1750)

296. Anonymous. After 211 BC. AR Quinarius (2.07 gm). Head of Roma right; V behind / Dioscuri riding right; ROMA in exergue. RSC 3; Sydenham 141ff; Crawford 44/7ff. Toned EF. ($300) 1 8

Classical Numismatic

297. Anonymous. 169-158 BC. AR Denarius (3.57 gm). Head of Roma right; X behind head / Dioscuri riding right; griffin below. RSC 20n; Sydenham 283; Crawford 182/1. VF. Rare. ($250)

298. C. Scribonius. 154 BC AR Denarius (4.01 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / The Dioscuri on horseback. Scribonia 1 ; Sydenham 380; Crawford 201/1. Toned near EF. ($150)

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304. L. Julius Bursio. 85 BC AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Bust with attributes of Apollo, Mercury and Neptune; lyre behind / Victory driving quadriga; LXXX above. Julia 5a; Sydenham 728; Crawford 352/1 c. Toned near EF. ($200)

305. Mn. Fonteius C.f. 85 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Laureate head of Apollo Vejovis; C · F below chin / Infant Genius riding goat, caps of the Dioscuri above, filleted thrysus below. Fonteia 10; Sydenham 724a; Crawford 353/lc. Lustrous superb EF. ($250)

299. Pinarius Natta. 149 BC. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Head of Roma right; X behind head / Victory in biga right. Pinaria 1; Sydenham 390; Crawford 208/1. Choice EF. ($300) 306. Mn. Fonteius C.f. 85 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Laureate head of Vejovis right; thunderbolt below neck / Infant winged Genius seated on goat right, caps of the Dioscuri to either side, thyrsus below; all within laurel wreath. Fonteia 11; Sydenham 724b; Crawford 353/ld. Toned good VF. ($200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. 300. M. A b u r i u s M.f. G e m i n u s . 132 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Sol in quadriga. Aburia 6; Sydenham 487; Crawford 250/1. Lustrous superb EF. ($250)

307. C. Norbanus. 83 BC. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). Diademed head of Venus; LXXXXVIIII behind / Grain ear, fasces, caduceus. Norbana 2; Sydenham 739; Crawford357/lb. Good VF. ($150) 301. Q. Fabius Labeo. 124 BC. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Helmeted head of Roma / Jupiter in quadriga; prow below. Fabia 1 ; Sydenham 532; Crawford 273/1. Toned EF. ($200)

308. C. Mamilius Limetanus. 82 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (4.06 gm). Bust of Mercury right, wearing winged petasus and carrying caduceus; F behind head / Ulysses being greeted by his faithful dog Argos. Mamilia 6; Sydenham 741 ; Crawford 362 / I . Toned EF. ($300) 302. D. Silanus L.f. 91 BC. AR Denarius (4.01 gm). Helmeted head of Roma; Β / Victory driving biga; XIIII above. Junia 15; Sydenham 646; Crawford 337/3. Toned EF. ($200)

303. L. Calpumius Piso Frugi 90 BC. AR Quinarius (2.08 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; lotus behind / L PI SO, FRVGI in exergue, Victory to right. Calpumia 13b; Sydenham 672; Crawford 340/2e. Toned VF. ($150)

309. A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n. Albinus. 81 BC. AR Senate Denarius (3.81 gm). Bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder; bucranium above / Togate figure preparing to sacrifice ox, lighted altar between; all on a rock. Postumia 7; Sydenham 745; Crawford 372/1. Iridescently toned EF. ($250) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

Classical Numismatic

310. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius, as Imperator. 81 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Diademed head of Pietas right, stork before / Lituus and jug with handle; all within laurel-wreath. Caecilia 44; Sydenham 751; Crawford 374/2. Toned good VF. ($200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

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316. C. Hosidius C.f. Geta. 64 BC. AR Denarius (4.01 gm). Diademed bust of Diana, quiver over shoulder / Calydonian boar pierced by spear and harried by hound. Hœidia 1 ; Sydenham 903; Crawford 407/2. Choice EF. ($400)

311. C. Marius C.f. Capito. 81 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.93 gm). Bust of Ceres, wreathed with grain ears; CAPIT XXXXVIII above, trident to right / Farmer with yoke of oxen; XXXXVIII above. Maria 9; Sydenham 744b; Crawford 3 7 8 / l c Toned EF. ($250)

317. L. A e m i l i u s L e p i d u s Paullus. 62 BC. AR Denarius (4.12 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Concordia / The consul Paullus with king Perseus and sons standing before trophy. Aemilia 10; Sydenham 926; Crawford 415/1. Lustrous superb EF. ($250)

312. L. Procilius. 80 BC AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter / Juno Sospita right, serpent at feet. Procilia 1; Sydenham 771; Crawford 379/1. Lightly toned EF. ($250)

318. L. Scribonius Libo. 62 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Diademed head of Bonus Eventus / Sacred well-head decorated with garlands, lyres and hammer. Scribonia 8a; Sydenham 928; Crawford 416/1 a. EE ($200)

313. L. Procilius. 80 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.90 gm). Head of Juno Sospita right / Juno in biga, serpent below. Procilia 2; Sydenham 772; Crawford 379/2. EF. ($300)

319. L. Scribonius Libo. 62 BC. AR Denarius (4.01 gm). Diademed head of Bonus Eventus / Sacred well-head decorated with garlands, lyres and hammer. Scribonia 8a; Sydenham 928; Crawford 416/1 a. Near EF. ($100)

314. C. N a e v i u s Balbus. 79 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (4.35 gm). Diademed head of Venus; S«C / Victory driving triga; XXXHII above. Naevia 6; Sydenham 769b;Crawford382/lb. EF. ($200)

320. C. Piso L.f. Frugi. 61 BC. AR Denarius (4.05 gm). Filleted head of Apollo; astragalus behind / Horseman with whip galloping right; monogram below. Calpurnia 24d; Crawford 408/1 (dies 45/-). Lustrous superb EF. ($250)

315. Q.FufiusCalenusand MuciusCordus.68BC AR Serrate Denarius (4.01 gm). Jugate heads of Honos a n d Virtus / Italia and Roma clasping hands. Fufia 1 ; Sydenham 797; Crawford 403/1. Toned good VF. ($200)

321. C. Piso L.f. Frugi. 61 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Filleted head of Apollo; Ρ behind / Horseman galloping right, holding palm; A below. Calpurnia 24; Sydenham 851 ; Crawford 408/1 b (dies 59/81). Good VF. ($150) 1 0

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329. P. Fonteius P.f. Capito. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Helmeted bust of Mars, trophy over shoulder / Horseman spearing Gaul, who attacks disarmed foe. Fonteia 17; Sydenham 900; Crawford 429/1. EF. ($250)

322. L. Cassius Longinus. 60 BC. AR Denarius (4.02 gm). Veiled bust of Vesta; uncertain letter in front, kylix behind / Citizen voting. Cassia 10; Sydenham 935; Crawford 413/1. Lustrous EF. ($300)

323. L. Roscius Fabatus. 59 BC AR Serrate Denarius (3.75 gm). Head of Juno Sospita; bell and column behind / Virgin feeding serpent; table behind. Rosda 3; Sydenham 915; Crawford 412/1 (16). Near EF. ($200)

330. P. Fonteius P.f. Capito. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Helmeted bust of Mars, trophy over shoulder / Horseman spearing Gaul, who attacks unarmedfoe. Fonteia 17; Sydenham 900; Crawford 429/1. EF. ($250)

324. M. Aemilius Scarus and Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. AR Denarius (4.05 gm). M SCAVR AED CVR EX SC, Nabatean king Aretas kneeling before camel / P. HVPSAE AED CVR CAPTV C HVPSAE COS PREIVE, Jupiter in quadriga, scorpion to left. Aemilia 8; Sydenham 913; Crawford 422/lb. Toned EF. ($200)

331. Q. Pompeius Rufus. 54 BC AR Denarius (3.70 gm). Curule diair between arrow and laurel branch / Curule chair between lituus and wreath. Pompeia 5; Sydenham 909; Crawford 434/2. EF. ($200)

332. Q. Pompeius Rufus. 54 BC AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Curule chair between arrow and laurel branch, COS below on tablet / Curule chair between lituus and wreath, Q. POMPE1 RVF below on tablet. Pompeia 5; Sydenham 909; Crawford 434/2. Toned good VF. ($150) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

325. P. Plautius Hypsaeus. 57 BC. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). Head of Neptune, with trident / Jupiter in quadriga. Plautia 11; Sydenham 910; Crawford 420/la. Good VF. ' ($150)

326. L. Marcius Philippus. 57 BC. AR Denarius (4.09 gm). Diademed head of Ancus Marcius, lituus behind / Equestrian statue on aquaduct. Marcia 28; Sydenham 919; Crawford 425/1. Near EF, iridescent toning. ($200)

333. C. Servilius C.f. 53 BC. AR Denarius (3.% gm). Wreathed head of Hora; lituus behind / Two soldiers saluting with upraised swords. Servilia 15;Sydenham 890; Crawford 423/1. EF, sharp strike, slightly off center. ($250) 327. Q. Pomponius Musa. 56 BC AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Laureate head of Apollo; crossed flutes / Euterpe, Muse of Lyric Poetry. Pomponia 13; Sydenham 815; Crawford 410/5. Near EF, iridescent toning. ($500)

334. Q. Sicinius and C. Coponius. 49 BC. AR Denarius (4.01 gm). Diademed head of Apollo right, star below neck / Club of Hercules surmounted by lion's skin; arrow left, bow right. Sicinia 1 ; Sydenham 939; Crawford 444/1 a. Toned EF. ($250)

328. Q. Pomponius Musa. 56 BC AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Laureate head of Apollo; flower / Terpsicore, Muse of Dancing. Pomponia 17; Sydenham 819; Crawford 410/7b. EF, fineold toning. ($500)

Thomas B. Lesure Collection. 1 1

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335. C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronius. 48 BC. AR Denarius (4.12 gm). Head of Pan / Jupiter Axurus seated left. Vibia 18; Sydenham 947; Crawford 449/la. EF, tiny banker's mark on obverse. ($200)

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341. JULIUS CAESAR. 43-47 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Wreathed head of Venus; J J I / Trophy of Gallic arms. RSC 18; S y d e n h a m 1009; Crawford 452/2. Toned near EF. ($300)

342. JULIUS CAESAR. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Diademed head of Venus / Aeneas fleeing Troy, carrying the palladium and his father, Anchises. RSC 12;Sydenham 1013;Crawford 458/1. EF. ($250)

336. Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Jugate heads of the Dioscuri, wearing laureate pile! / Venus Verticordia with scales, sceptre and Cupid. Cordia 2a; Sydenham 976; Crawford 463/1 a. Superb EF. ($450)

337. P. Accoleius Lariscolus. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Bust of Acca Larenha / The three N y m p h a e Querquetulanae supporting a platform with five trees. Accoleia 1 ; Sydenham 1148; Crawford 486/1. Choice EF, some weakly struck areas. ($300)

343. JULIUS CAESAR. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Diademed head of Venus / Aeneas fleeing Troy, carrying the palladium and his father, Anchises. RSC 12; Sydenham 1013; Crawford 458/1. Good VF, edge bumps. ($250)

338. C. Vibius Varus. 4 2 B C AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Wreathed head of Bacchus / Altar with mask of Pan and thyrsus, leaping panther. Vibia 24; Sydenham 1138; Crawford 494/36. Choice EF, iridescent toning. ($300)


344. BRUTUS. 43-42 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). COSTA LEG, laureate head of Apollo right / BRVTVS IMP, trophy. RSC 4; S y d e n h a m 1296; Crawford 506/2. VF+, attractive toning. ($1500)

345. BRUTUS. 43-42 BC. AR Quinarius (2.02 gm). LEIBERTAS, head of Liberias right / Crossed anchor and ship's prow. RSC 5a; Sydenham 1288; Crawford 505/3. Good VF, tiny banker's marks. Rare this nice. ($350)

339. JULIUS CAESAR. 49-48 BC. AR Denarius (3.55 gm). Elephant trampling serpent / Simpulum, aspergillum, ax and apex. RSC 49; Sydenham 1006; Cra wford 443/1. Superb EF. ($750)

346. MARK ANTONY and AHENOBARBUS. 41^10 BC AR Denarius (3.94 gm). A N T IMP· IIIVIRRPC·, bare head of Antony; lituus behind / IMP· CN DOMIT• AHENOBARBVS, prow of galley with seven rayed star above. RSC 10c; Sydenham 1179a; Crawford 521/2; CNR II45 (same obverse die). Good VF, banker's mark below head. ($1200)

340. JULIUS CAESAR. 49-48 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Elephant trampling serpent / Simpulum, aspergillum, ax and apex. RSC 49; Sydenham 1006; Cra wford 443 /1. EF. ($300) 1 2

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fits a general theme that runs through the coinage issues of the otherwise unknown Durmius. Besides the crab, which does appear on coins ofCumae, as well as Kroton and Terina in Bruttium, we find a lion bringing down a stag, found cm coins of Velia, and a Victory crowning a man-headed bull, from the issues ofNeapolis. Other denarii of Durmius reproduce earlier Republican types; a Hercules head from a RomanoCampanian didrachm, the Calydonian boar of C. Hosidius Geta, and the Honos and Virtus heads ofL. Aquülius Florus. The suggestion by Burnett (RIC 318-319 note) that the use of earlier types reflects the discovery of a Greek hoard in the 1st century BC does not explain the wide variety of prototypes employed, dating from the 4th through the 1st century BC. Nor does the suggestion by Cavedoni that the Durmiicame from Campania explainaü the types found. Perhaps the simplest answer is that we have here evidence of an antiquarian dilettante of the 1st century who ordered strucka series of coin types from his personal coin collection.

347. MARK and LUCIUS ANTONY. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). M ANT IMP III VIR R P C M NERVA PROQ P, head of Mark Antony / L ANTONIVS COS, head of Lucius Antony. RSC 2; Sydenham 1185; Crawford 517/5a. Toned good VF. ($4000)

350. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC -14 AD. AR Denarius (3.56 gm). Colonia Patricia mint. 19 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head right / OB CIVES SERVATOS in wreath. RSC 208; RIC 177a. Toned good VF, slight porosity. ($400)

351. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). 11-10 BC. AVGVSTVS DIVIF, bare head right / ΙΜΡ·ΧΙΙ, bull butting right. RSC 153; RIC I - (but listed in 1 st edition as 334). Near EF. ($300)

348. OCTAVIAN. 28-27 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.18 gm). Ephesusmint. IMP· CAESAR DIVI· F · COS VI· LIBERTATIS· P'RVINDEX·, laureate head right / Pax standing half-left, holding caduceus, between PAX and a cista mystica; all within laurel-wreath. RSC 218; RPC 2203. VF. ($500) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

R O M A N IMPERIAL 352. DIVVS AUGUSTUS, Struck by Tiberius 22-30 AD. /E As (1135 gm). DIW&AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head left / PROVIDENT SC, altar. RIC 181 (Tiberius); Cohen 228. EF, dark brown patina. Choice portrait. ($1000)

Extremely Rare Gold Aureus of Augustus

353. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. AR Denarius (3.72 gm). ΤΙ CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head / PONTIFMAXIM, Livia as Pax seated right; plain chair legs. RSC 16; RIC 126. Toned VF, banker's mark on obverse, die break on reverse. ($200)

Very Rare Tiberius & Divus Augustus Aureus 349. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AV Aureus (7.92 gm). Circa 18 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, head right, oak wreathed / M · DVRMIVS III · VIR, a crab holding a butterfly in its pincers. RIC 1316 (R4); BMC 60; Giard 112 (same dies); CNR 202. Good VF. [See color photo on back cover]. ($12,500) The supposition in CNR that the reverse type is based on a 4th century BC silver stater ofCumae in Campania seems based on a misapprehension of the true type, which is a crab grasping a mussel shell, the mussel being the standard symbol ofCumae. The TIBERIUS & DIVUS AUGUSTUS. 14-37 AD. AV Aureus (7.88 other theory, advanced first by Eckhel, that the type reflects a military aphorism sup- 354. posedly favored by Augustus, the ponderous implacability of a crab overcoming the gm). Ή CAESAR DIVI [AVG Π AVGVSTVS, laureate head of Tiberius right swiftness of a butterfly, is colorful, but seems rather thin. Leaving aside the ques- / DIVOS AVGVST DIVI F, laureate head of Augustus right; star above. RIC ($7500) tion of the butterfly, and its unique occurrence on an ancient win, the crab motif 124; BMC 29; Cohen 3. Good VF. Very rare. 1 3

Classical Numismatic Lovely Agrippina Senior Sestertius

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358. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. Ά As (11.54 gm). 50-54 AD. Ή CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TR Ρ IMP PP, bare head left / CONSTANTLAE AVGVSTI SC, Constantia standing left. RIC I 111; BMC 201. VF, brown patina. ($200)

355. AGRIPPINA SR. Struck under Caligula, 37-41 AD. Ά Sestertius (22.25 gm). AGRIPPIN A · M · F ·MAT·C·CAESARIS·AVGVSTI, bust of Agrippina / SPQR MEMORIAE AGRIPPINAE, carpentum drawn by mules. RIC 155 (Gaius); Cohen 1. Near EF, dark green patina with touches of brown. Choice and rare. ($5000)

359. AGRIPPINA JR. /E Dupondius (16.64 gm). Thradan mint AGRIPΡΙΝΑ AVG GERMANICIF CAESARIS AVG, draped bust left, hair in long plait down neck / Ceres seated left, holding grain ears and long torch. H-M von Kaenel, "Brittanicus, Agrippina Minor und Nero in Thrakien", SNR 63, A9. Good VF, dark brown patina, scattered pitting. ($3000)

Sestertii and dupondii in the name of Agrippina Jr. have been found focalized in the Balkan region, and were most likely struck at a local mint servicing the legions guarding the border. The sestertius is the carpentum type listedas RIC 103 (Claudius). Only two specimens of the dupondius were known to von Kaenel, one in very poor condition in the Athens Museum and another that appeared in two Rollin and Feuardent axles in the 19th century (Hoffman 1896, lot 1306 and de Quelen 1888, lot 796). A line drawing of the second coin (A9) in von Kaenel suggests this could be the same coin, although it is more complete in several details than the piece Ulusrated in the drawing. This could be the result of a later, more thorough cleaning. One thing that is clear is that the supposed reverse legend CERES AVGVSTA SC is not present, the reverse being instead anepigraphic. The lack of reverse legends on the sestertius and dupondius, specifically the SC, would be in keeping with a provincial issue not issued under the nominal authority of the Roman Senate.

356. GAIUS CALIGULA. 3741 AD. AR Denarius (3.64 gm). 40-41 AD. C CAESAR AVG PON M TR POT IIII COS IIII, laureate head / D I W S AVG PATER PATRIAE, radiate head of Augustus. RSC 8; RIC 131 (R4). VF, porous surfaces with scrapes in fields. ($1000)

Exceptional Sestertius of Claudius

360. NERO and AGRIPPINA. 54 AD. AR Denarius (3.65 gm). AGRIPP AVG DIVICLAVD NERONIS CAES MATER, confronted heads of Nero and Agrippina / NERONI CLAVD DIVI F CAES AVG GERM IMP TR P, EX SC within oak wreath. RSC 7; RIC 12. VF. Very rare. ($1500)

Lovely Denarius of Nero

357. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. R Sestertius (30.69 gm). 41-50 AD. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TR Ρ IMP, laureate head / EX SC OB CIVES SERVATOS in wreath. RIC 196; Cohen 39. Superb EF, flawless brown patina with touches of green. Choice Julio-Qaudian portrait, of the finest style of the period. [See color photo on front cover], ($9000)

361. NERO. 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (3.67gm). 60/61 AD. NEROCAESAR AVG IMP, youthful bare head / PONTIFMAX TR Ρ VII COS IIII PP EX SC, Roma (Virtus?) standing right, arms scattered at feet, inscribing shield. RSC 222; RIC 128 (R3). EF, choice old collection toning. ($4000)

Lot 358 1 4

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Group, Inc.

Superb 'Triumphal Arch' Nero Sestertius

366. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (2.89 gm). (A VIDELLIVS GERM IMP AV(G TR P), laureate head / LIBERI IMP GERM AVG, confronted busts of Vitellius‫ ׳‬son and daughter. RSC 4; RIC1101. Near VF. ($600)

362. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Sestertius (24.88 gm). Lugdunum. 66 AD. IMP-NERO• CAESARAVGPONTMAX-TRPOT PP, laureate head left, globe at point of bust / S C , triumphal arch surmounted by statue of emperor in quadriga accompanied by Pax and Victory, flanked by two soldiers (torch bearers?), a nude, helmeted statue of Mars in side niche of arch, otherwise decorated with freizes of battle scenes. RIC I 500; WCN 452; BMC 333-334; Giard 139-140. Superb EF, slightly weak strike at high points and extremities with a flawless patina, even olive green on the obverse, slightly darker on the reverse with patches of red. Finest style portrait coupled with an important reverse architectural type. [See color photo on back cover). ($4500)

367. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). Tarraco. A VITELLIVS IMP GERMAN, laureate head left; globe and palm at point of bust / VICTORIA AVGVSTI, Victory flying left, holding shield. RSC 101 ; RIC 136. Toned VF, light scratches on cheek. ($800)

This monumental triumphal arch was erected by Nero to commemorate Roman military campaigns against the Parthians in Mesopotamia and Armenia. Although not particularly successful in a military sense, with Paetus losing almost his entire army at Randeia in Armenia, the war did end with a peace treaty favorable to Rome that was upheld for nearly fifty years. This coin type is vitally important for architectural historians, for the arch was dismantled after Nero's ignominious end in 68 AD, and is only known through its depiction on the coins. This particular exampie, surely one of the finest extant specimens, allows a careful study of the decorative details of the monument.

368. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE As (1236 gm). 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, laureate head / AEQVITAS AVGVSTI S C, Aequitas holding scales and sceptre. RIC II482; Cohen 13. Good VF, heavy dark green patina. ($300) Ex Garrett I, lot 997 (part of).

363. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). IMPSER GALBA AVG, bare head / SPQR OB C S within oak wreath. RSC 287; RIC 1167. Toned VF. ($350) 369. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (2.86gm). 72-73 AD. (IMP) CAES VESP AVG PM COS ΠΠ, laureate head / AVGVR TRI POT, priestly impiemen ts. RSC 45; RIC II42. EF. ($300)

364. GALBA. 68-69 AD. JE As (8.58 gm). Tarraco. 68 AD. SER-GALBAIMPAVGVSTVS, laureate head; globe at point of bust / QVADRAGENS REMISSAE S C, triumphal arch surmounted by two equestrian statues; three bound captives accompanied by officer walking under arch. RIC 181. VF, black patina. Rare. ($500)

370. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.62 gm). 74 AD. IMP CAEThe quadrigensuma was a 25% excise tax levied on merchants m outlying provinces SAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head / PONT MAX TR Ρ COS V, winged caduceus. RSC 362; RIC II75. EF, light toning with lustre around the lettering. of the Empire. Galba rescinded the tax in Gaul to reward local support for his bid ($400) for the throne.

365. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P, laureate head / LIBERTAS RESTITVTA, Liberias standing right, holding pileus and sceptre. RSC47;RICI105. EF, weak strike at high points. (SI 750)

371. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AR Denarius (339 gm). 80 AD. IMP T n V S CAESAR VESPASIAN AVG PM, laureate head / TRPIX IMP XV COS VIII PP, dephant walking left. RSC 303; RIC II 22a. Good VF. ($300) 1 5

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377. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Semis (2.89 gm). IMP CAES NERVA TRALAN AVG, laureate head / SC, n u d e statue of Hercules, draped in lion skin and holding club and apple. RIC II689; Cohen 336. Good VF, tan patina. ($300)

372. D O M I T I A N . 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.56 gm). 88/89 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM PM TRP VIII, laureate head / IMP XIX COS XIIII CENS PP, Minerva on prow, brandishing spear and shield, owl at feet. RSC 253; RIC II138. EF. ($250)

373. D O M I T I A N . 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.31 gm). 90/91 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M T R P X , laureate head / IMP XXI COS XV CENS PP, Minerva on prow, brandishing spear and shield, owl at feet. RSC 266; RIC II153. EF. ($250)

This statue has been identified as being part of the Ara Maxima Herculis Invicti, an altar dedicated to Hercules near the Forum Boarium in Rome. See Hill, The Monuments of Ancient Rome as Coin Types, pg. 86.

378. D I V O TRAJAN. Struck 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.12 gm). DIVO TRAIANO, radiate head right / CONSECRAHO, flaming altar. RSC 664; RIC IV pt.3,86b (Dedus). Near EF. ($250)

Circus Maximus Contomiate

374. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). IMP NERVA CAES AVG PM TR POT, laureate head right / COS III PATER PATRIAE, priestly implements. RSC 48; RIC II24. Toned EF. ($750) 379. Contomiate. Circa 400 AD. / E 3 9 m m (27.74 gm). 213 AD. TRAIANVS AVG COS IUI PP, laureate head of Trajan; silver inlaid PE monogram in right field / Overall view of the Circus Maximus, showing arcaded galleries with triumphal arch at each end, archway leading to starting gate, central spina with turning posts, obelisk of Augustus and other monuments, two figures walking u p stairs to entrance, two others standing within entrance. Alfoldi 299.3 (this coin). Good VF, choice olive green patina. [See color photo on front cover]. ($7500) 375. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (3.27 gm). 97 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG PM TR POT COS III PP, laureate head / LIBERTAS PVBLICA, Liberias standing left, holding pileus and sceptre. RSC 113; RIC II 19. Good VF. ($250)

376. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). 101/102 AD. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head / PM TR Ρ COS III PP, Victory left, holding patera over altar and palm. RSC 248a; RIC II67. Toned good VF. ($200)

Lot 377

Ex Brauer (NFA10/88, lot 1097);Mabbott (Schulnum 10/69, lot 4900); von Säumnis (Hirsch 33, lot 33); Consul Weber (Hirsch 24, lot 2927).

380. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.19 gm). 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAI AN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust, drapery at shoulder / Ρ M TR Ρ COS III, Mars walking right, with spear and trophy. RSC 1073; RIC II67. Choice EF. ($300)

381. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (2.90gm). 119-122 AD. [IMP C]AESAR TRA IAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / PM TR Ρ COS HI, Pietas standing right, raising both hands; VOT PVB across field. RSC 1477; RIC II141. Toned VF. ($120)

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386. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (24.36 gm). 134-138 AD. HADRLANVS AVG COS III PP, laureate and draped bust right / AFRICA, Africa reclining left, holding scorpion and cornucopiae, basket of com before; S C in exergue. RIC II840; Cohen 144. Good VF, lovely dark green patina. ($1000)

382. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (28.12 gm). 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRALANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate heroic bust, drapery at shoulder / PON MAX TR POT COS III SC LIBERTAS RESTITVTA, Hadrian enthroned on platform, greeting female holding small child with another at her feet. RIC II568; Cohen 949; Banti 517. Good VF, small mark on cheek, variegated green patina, shading across the obverse from a dark emerald to a light apple green. ($3000)

387. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. /ESestertius (25.80 gm). 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP, laureate and draped bust right / MAVR[E]TANIA, Mauretania standing left in front of horse; S C in exergue. RIC II859; Cohen 957. VF, dark brown patina. Scarce. ($1500)

383. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (9.64 gm). Unidentified mint. Circa 129 AD. IMP CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head right / HADRIANVS AVG»P»P»REN, Hadrian, veiled and togate, offering sacrifice with patera over tripod. Stylistically identical with the issues of Metealf's Mint C, but the reverse type unrecorded. Toned VF, ancient scratches in fields. Rare. ($500) 388. SABINA, Wife of Hadrian. AR Denarius (3.49 gm). SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIAN! AVG PP, diademed bust, hair in queue / CONCORDLA AVG, Concordia seated left, holding patera, resting arm on Spes, cornucopiae below. RSC 12; RIC II398 (Hadrian). Choice EF. ($750) 384. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AV Aureus (7.13 gm). 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP, bareheaded bust, drapery at shoulder / SPES P»R, Spes left, holding flower and raising hem of skirt. RIC II322 variety (drapery at bust); BMC III 732 variety (pellet between PR). VF. ($3500) 389. DIVVS ANTONINUS PIUS. 161 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). DI W S ANTONINVS, bare head / CONSECRATIO, eagle right, head reverted. RSC 154; RIC III 429 (Aurelius). Choice EF. ($250)

385. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (27.02 gm). 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP, laureate bust / DISCIPLINA S C, Hadrian walking right, followed by officer and three soldiers carrying standards. RIC II746; Cohen 542. VF, glossy dark green patina with a few light scratches. ($2000) "‫««זלל‬. ^-‫־‬ΉΓ-—

390. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.25 gm). 161/162 AD. IMP M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, bare head / CONCORD AVG TR Ρ XVI COS III, Concordia seated left, holding patera. RSC 35; RIC III 35. Toned EF. ($250)

Our Mart Aue tion Is Ά Mad'BidSale Scheduled Jor March 15,1995. Consignments Are ,Being Accepted llntiiTiecembcr 15,1994. Lot 386 1 7

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395. PESCENNIUS NIGER. 193-194 AD. AR Denarius (2.40 gm). Antioch mint. IMP CAES C PESCE NIGER IVS AVG, laureate head / MINER VICTRIC, Minerva standing left, holding Victory and spear, shield at feet. RSC 53a variety; RIC IV pt.l, 60 variety. VF, slight porosity, but nicer than usual. Extremely Rare. ($1750)

391. M A R C U S AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE Sestertius (23.79 gm). 164/165 AD. M AVREL ANTON INVS AVG ARMENIACVS PM, laureate head right / TR POT XIX IMP II COS III S-C, Mars standing right, holding spear and shield. RIC III 898; Cohen 796. VF, dark green patina, scattered light porosity. ($300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

396. CLODIUS A LB I NUS, Caesar. 193 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). D CLODIVS ALBINVS CAES, bare head / PROVID AVG COS, Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and sceptre. RSC 58; RIC IV p t l , la. Good VF. ($400)

397. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.41 gm). Laodicea mint. 198-200 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / MONETA AVGG, Moneta seated left, holding scales and oornucopiae. RSC345; RIC IV 510a; Hill-. Nice EF. ($150) 392. FAUSTINA JR. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus standing left, holding Victory and shield with the Dioscuri. RSC 280; RIC III 734 (Aurelius). Toned EF. ($200)

398. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.60gm). 200 AD. SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate head right / PM TR Ρ VIII COS II PP, Victory flying left, holding wreath with both hands over shield set on low base. RSC 454; RIC IV150; Hill 444. Nice EF. ($150)

393. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. JE Sestertius (23.76 gm). 161 AD. IMP CAES L AVREL VERVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust / CONCORDIA AVGVSTOR COS III SC, Marcus Aurelius and Verus clasping hands. RIC III 1278 note (Aurelius). VF, heavy dark green patina, a few rough spots on edge. ($400)

399. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. Ali Denarius (337 gm). 201202 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PART MAX PM TR Ρ X, trophy and two captives. RSC 372; RIC IV184; Hill 531. NiceEF. ($150)

Ex Mallcy 3/155‫ק‬, lot 763; Oman collection. The note to RIC 1278 supposes that the COS III in the exergue is a die engraver's error, the obverse legend not being used in 167 AD, when Verus' third consulship began.

400. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.05 gm). 205 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PM TR Ρ XIII COS III PP, Jupiter standing half-left, holding fulmen and sceptre; eagle at his feet. RSC 469; RIC IV196; Hill 727. Nice EF. ($150) 394. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (2.88 gm). 187/188 AD. M COMM ANT Ρ FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head / PVBLIC FEL PM TR Ρ XII IMP VIII COS V PP, Felicitas holding patera and sceptre. RSC 646; RIC III 159. EF. ($200)

401. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.87gm). 205 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PM TR Ρ XIII COS III PP, Roma standing half-left, holding Victory and spear. RSC 470; RIC IV 197; Hill 728. Nice EF. ($150)

Lot 395 1 8

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Superb Gold Aureus of Julia Domna

402. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.17gm). 205 AD. Laureatehead / Roma holding Victory and spear. RSC470;RICIVpt.l, 197. /1 Plus SEVERUS ALEXANDER. AR Denarius (3.31 gm). Laureate bust / Providentia holding wand over globe and sceptre. RSC 498; RIC IV pt.2,173. Both EF. 2 coins. ($250)

406. JULIA D O M N A . 211-217 AD. AV Aureus (735 gm). Laodicea or other eastern mint. 193-196 AD. IVLIA D O M N A AVG, d r a p e d bust / VENERIVICTR, Venus standing right, back to viewer, half draped, holding a p p l e a n d sceptre. For the t y p e as a d e n a r i u s , see RIC 1V p t . l , 632 (Severus). Superb EF. Rare eastern mint aureus. ($12,000)

'Stadium of Domitian' Aureus of Septimius Severus

407. JULIA D O M N A . 211-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.00 gm). Laodicea mint. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust / PVDICITIA, Pudicitia enthroned. RSC 168; RIC IV pt.l, 644 (Severus). Choice EF. ($200)

Circus Maximus Aureus of Caracalla 403. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AV Aureus (6.99 gm). 206 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head / PP COS III, overall view of the stadium of Domitian, showing arcaded galleries with arched entranceway, a central "frieze" showing a runner, boxers, award ceremony, wrestlers and seated emperor. RIC IV pt.2,260; Hill 805; Cohen 571. VF. Extremely rare. ($16,0000) Ex Lanz 52, lot 544. See the article by Ben Damsky, "The Stadium Aureus of Septimius Severus" AJN2 (1990), pp. 77-106, listing four known examples of this aureus, all from the same dies. The year 206 marked the 110th year of the "dynasty" founded by Nerva, which Severus attached himself to, and the 60th and 20th birthdays of Severus and Caracalla respectively, and games were likely instituted for the occasion.

408. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AV Aureus (723 gm). 213 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate bust / PM TR Ρ XVI COS IUI PP, overall view of the Circus Maximus showing (counter-clockwise from 9 o'clock): 4-horse chariot atop the Arch of Titus, near wall with 11 arches-arcades, large entrance to starting gates, six starting gates capped by six statues and magistrate's box, 4-horse chariot, far inside wall showing spectators (dots) and Temple of the Sun; Barrier (left to right): 3-cone turning post, statue of human with arm extended atop column, horse and rider, Obelisk of Augustus, 2-column platform with 2 lap-counting dolphins, 3-cone turning post. RIC IV pt.2,211B (R4); Hill 1371. Good VF, light surface marks, traces of lustre. ($20,000) ExMoreira collection (Superior Galleries, December 11,1988,lot 2487).

404. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.17gm). 207 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PM TR Ρ XV COS III PP, Victory standing right, foot on globe, inscribing shield set on palm. RSC 489; RICIV211;Hill915.Nice EF. ($150)

409. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AV Aureus (7.17 gm). 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / PM TR Ρ XVIII COS IIII PP, Caracalla sacrificing before temple of Asdepius, the emperor attended by a togate figure with sceptre, vexillum behind, the god standing before the temple, with small figure holding torch (?). RIC IV pt.l, 270d. VF. ($5000)

405. D I V O SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.24 gm). 211 AD. DIVOSEVERO PIO, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle s t a n d i n g right on globe, h e a d left, w i n g s spread. RSC 84; RIC IV 191c (Caracalla). Nice EF. Scarce. ($300)

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410. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Antoninianus (5.13 gm). 217 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate bust / PM TR Ρ XX COS ΙΙΠ PP, radiäte Sol standing left, holding whip. RSC 390a; RIC IV pt.l, 293f. Choice EF. Wonderful scowling portrait. ($350)

411. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (2.75 gm). IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust with long beard / IOVI CONSERVATOR!, nude Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt and seeptre. RSC 33a; RIC IV pt.2,73. Good VF. ($200)

Group, Inc.

416. MAXIMUS, Caesar. 236-238 AD. AR Denarius (3.10 gm). MAXIMVS CAES GERM, bare-headed bust / PRINCIWENTVTIS, Maximus with two standards. RSC 10; RIC IV pt.2,3. Good VF. ($250)

417. GORDIAN II. 238 AD. Pc. Sestertius (19.74 gm). IMP CAES M ANT GORDLANVS AFR AVG, laureate bust / ROMA AETERNAE S C, Roma seated left, holding small Victory a n d sceptre. RIC IV pt.2, 5; Cohen 9. VF, green and brown patina with some areas of hard verdigris. ($2000)

412. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (3.26 gm). IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate bust with long beard / PROVIDENTIA DEORVM, Providentia holding w a n d over globe and cornucopiae. RSC 108; RIC IV pt.2,80. EF, reverse somewhat weakly struck, but a choice portrait with traces of lustre in the devices. ($400)

418. PUPIENUS. 238 AD. AR Antoninanus (4.54 gm). IMP CAES PVPIEN MAXIMVS AVG, radiate bust / CARITAS MVTVA AVGG, clasped hands. RSC 3; RIC IV pt.2,10b. EF. ($750) 413. DIADUMENIAN, Caesar. 217-218 AD. Ά Sestertius (22.64 gm). M OPEL ANTONINVS DIADVMEN1ANVS CAES, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust / SPES PVBLICA SC, Spes walking left, holding flower. RIC IV pt.2,219; Cohen 23. Near VF, dark olive-green patina, light porosity, flan split. ($1250)

419. PUPIENUS. 238 AD. AR Antoninianus (2.85 gm). IMP CAES PVPIEN MAXIMVS AVG, radiate, d r a p e d a n d cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA AVGG, clasped hands. RSC -; RIC IV -. Near EF. ($600) 414. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.17gm). IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate bust / FIDES MILITVM, legionary aquila and standards, with shields. RSC 44; RIC IV pt.2,78. Toned EF, with some lustre. ($150)

415. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Quinarius (1.25 gm). 231 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate head / PM TR Ρ X COS III PP, nude Sol standing left, raising hand and holding globe. RSC -; RIC IV -. Toned good VF. No quinarii are recorded for this year. ($500)

420. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AV Aureus (4.05 gm). 248-249 AD. IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate bust / FORTVNA REDVX, Fortuna seated left on wheel, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RIC IV pt3,63a; Cohen 66. Fine, holed and plugged, flan crack behind head. ($750) Ex Garrett ΙΠ ,lot 309.

Classical Numismatic

421. PHILIP II. 247-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.79 gm). Anhoch. 249 AD. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate bust / Ρ M TR Ρ VI COS PP, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RSC 38; RIC IV pt.3,235. Superb EF. ($200)

422. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.86 gm). IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate bust / VBERITAS AVG, Uberitas standing left, holding pileus and cornucopiae. RSC 105; RIC IV pt.3,28b. Superb EF. ($150)

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426. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.57 gm). Lugdunum. IMP C POSTVMVS PF AVG, radiate bust / SAECVLO FRVGIFERO, winged cadueus. RSC 333; RIC pt.2,84. Toned near EF. Rare. ($150)

427. VICTORINUS. 268-270 AD. Ά Barbarous Radiate (5.03 gm). IMP VICTORINVS PF, radiate bust / IC, Pax (?) standing left, holding branch and sceptre. EF, glossy green patina. Remarkable state of preservation for one of these crude issues. ($150) 428. VICTORINUS. 268-270 AD. Lot of T h r e e A n t o m n i a r u . Includes the following reverse types: Salus (RIC V pt.2,71); Virtus (RIC V pt.2,78) and Sol (RIC V pt.2,114). AU three are VF with brown patinas. ($120)

423. TRAJAN DECIUS? 249-251 AD. Lead Tessera 28x24mm. Four busts; large radiate male bust to left, diademed female bust to right, between them two smaller children's busts. Illegible Greek inscription around. Most likely portraits of Decius, Herennia Etruscilla and their children Herennius Etruscus and Hostilian. Fine, holed, bent and straightened. Rare. ($200)

429. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (3.56 gm). Serdica. Second issue, 272 AD. IMP AVRELIANVS AVG, half-length radiate and draped bust, holding globe / IOVICONSER, Aurelian receiving globe from Jupiter; S. Cf. RIC V pt.l, 260; Gobi 243p/2. EF, some striking weakness. Rare ob($250) verse bust type.

424. TREBONIANUS GALLUS. 251-253 AD. Sestertius (22.20 gm). IMP CAESC VIBIUS TREBONLANVS GALLVS AVG, laureate bust / FELICITAS PVBLICA, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC IV pt.3,107; Cohen 40. Choice EF, glossy dark green patina shading to dark brown in the fields. A virtually flawless late sestertius, a few letters cut short in the legend, but a superb portrait. ($750) 430. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (4.42 gm). Rome. Fourth issue, 274 AD. IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust / ORIENS AVG, radiate Sol walking left, holding whip, two bound captives at feet; Q/XXI. RIC V pt.l, 61/62; Gobi 118a/119a. Superb EF, full silvering. ($150) A mule of an obverse die from the third issue and a reverse die from the fourth.

425. DIVA M ARINI AN A, Wife of Valerian. Antoninianus (3.32 gm). DIVAE MARINIANIAE, veiled bust on crescent / CONSECRATIO, empress ascending to heaven on peacock. RSC 16; RIC V pt.l, 6. Toned good VF. Rare. ($400)






431. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.65 gm). Serdica. IMP CM AVR PROBVS PF AVG, radiate, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / SOLI INVICTO,Sol in facing spread quadriga, with stars; ΚΑ ·Δ ·. RIC V pt.2,861. EF, partial silvering. ($150)

Classical Numismatic

432. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.97 gm). Serdica. IMP CM AVR PROBVS Ρ AVG, radiate, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / SOLI INVICTO, Sol in facing spread quadriga, with stars; KAB. RIC V pt.2,864. EF, partial silvering. ($150)

433. D I W S CAR US. 282-283 AD. Antoninianus (3.82 gm). Siscia. DIVO CARO PARTHICO, radiate head / CONSECRATIO AVG, lighted altar; A/SMSXXI. RIC V pt.2, 111 variety. Superb EF, black patina. ($200)

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437. MAGNIA URBICA, Wife of Carinus. Antoninianus (3.14 gm). Rome. MAGN VRBICA AVG, diademed bust on crescent / VENVS VICTRIX, Venus left, holding helmet and sceptre, shield at feet; K u Ας. RIC V pt.2, 343. Near EF, dark brown patina. ($500)

438. MAGNIA URBICA, Wife of Carinus. Antoninianus (3.58 gm). Rome. MAGN VRBICA AVG, diademed bust on crescent / VENVS VICTRIX, Venus left, holding helmet and sceptre, shield at feet; K u Ας. RIC V pt2, 343. Near EF, flan flaws reverse. ($500)

Extremely Rare Aureus of Carausius

434. DIVVS CAR US. 282-283 AD. Antoninianus (4.02 gm). Siscia. D1VO CARO PARTHICO, radiate head / CONSECRATIO AVG, lighted altar; XXIA. RIC V pt.2,111. Superb EF, black patina. ($200) 439. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AV Aureus (4.51 gm). IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing half-left, holding a sceptre and olive-branch; MVLTX in exergue. RIC V pt.2,4 (R4); Shiel, The Episode of Carausius and Allectus (BAR 40), pg.145,2. Good VF. [See color photo on front cover], ($15,000) 435. DIVVS CAR US. 282-283 AD. Antoninianus (3.73 gm). Siscia. DIVO CARO PARTHICO, radiate head / CONSECRATIO AVG, eagle, head left; A/SMSXXI. RIC V pt.2,112. Superb EF, black patina, small flan crack. ($200)

Only about 20 gold aureiare known for Carausius, most of which are in museums. The only other example with this reverse type is in Oxford's Ashmolean Museum. It was possibly struck around 291 AD for Carausius' Quinquenmlia celebration.

Very Rare Carinus Aureus

440. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ROMANO RENOVA, wolf and twins; RSR in exergue. RIC V pt.2,572; Shiel pg.113,80. Toned EF, flan flaw on face. Rare this choice. ($2000)

436. CARINUS. 283-285 AD. AV Aureus (4.22 gm). Rome. IMP CARINVS PF AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust / VIRTVS AVG, Hercules standing right, with lion skin resting on club placed on rock. RIC V pt.2, 233. Superb EF, much lustre remaining around devices and letters. [See color photo on back cover]. (SI2,500)

441. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AR Denarius (3.21 gm). IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EXPE...., Britannia standing right with wreath, clasping hands with emperor, altar between them. RIC V pt.2, -; Shiel pg.119,9 (this coin - Plate 0 9 ) . Good VF, porosity. Only example known to Shiel. ($2000)

Classical Numismatic

442. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Emperor standing half-left, holding globe and spear, crowned by Victory behind him; serpent (?) or wave-line in exergue. RIC V pt.2,727; Shiel pg.124,35 (same dies). Toned good VF, flan flaw on obverse. ($2000)

443. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AR Denarius (3.63 gm). IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing half-left, holding scales and cornucopiae; RSR in exergue. RIC V pt.2, -; Shiel -. Good VF, light porositv and marks in fields. Rare. ($2000)

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447. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (4.61 gm). C a m u l o d u n u m mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS ÎĄ AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing half-left, holding two ensigns. RIC V pt.2, - (unlisted obverse legend with this reverse). VF+, dark brown patina, well centered and struck. (S350)

448. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (3.83 gm). VIRTVS CARAVSI, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / ADVENTJVS AVG], emperor riding left, right hand raised, left holding sceptre; captive under horse. RIC V pt.2, - (unlisted obverse). VF, rough surfaces, green patina with touches of red. ($250)

449. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (3.36 gm). Rouen mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate and draped bust right / [S1ALVS AVG, Salus standing half-left, holding patera and cornucopiae, sacrificing over altar. RIC V pt.2,666. Good VF, green patina. ($200)

444. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX CARAVSI AVG, Pax standing half-left, holding sceptre and olive-branch; RSR in exergue. RI C V pt.2, -; Shiel -. Choice toned EF and one of the finest known denarii of Carausius. ($3500)

450. ALLECTUS. 293-2% AD. JE Antoninianus (5.34 gm). London mint. IMP C ALLECTVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / [L1AETITIA AVG, Laetitia standing half-left; S-A to either side, ML in exergue. RIC V pt.2,22. VF+, dark green patina. ($250)

445. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AR Denarius (4.07 gm). IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCORDfVSl AVG, clasped hands; RSR in exergue. RIC V pt.2, -; Shiel -. Toned good VF, light marks in fields, overstruck as the VS in reverse legend is from host coin. ($2000)

451. ALLECTUS. 293-296 AD. JE Antoninianus (4.41 gm). Camulodunum mint. IMP C ALLECTVS PF AVG, radiate and draped bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing half-left; S-P to either side, C in exergue. RIC V pt.2,86. EF, brown patina with traces of silvering. ($300)

446. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (3.60 gm). London mint. [IMP] CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX A[ VG], Pax standing half-left; F-O to either side, ML in exergue. RIC V pt.2,127. VF, brown patina. ($250) 1 3

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452. ALLECTUS. 293-296 AD. AL Quinarius (2.61 gm). C a m u l o d u n u m mint. IM Ρ C ALLECTVS Ρ AVG, radiate a n d cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVG, galley left with Victory aft; Q C in exergue. Cf. RIC V pt.2,130. VF, green patina. ($200)

456. M A X I M I N U S II. 309-313 AD. Ai Follis (5.24 gm). Antioch mint. 313 AD. Laureate head right / HERCVLIVICTORI, Hercules standing halfright, leaning on his d u b ; ΕΔ/ΑΝΤ. RIC VI 170b. S u p e r b EF, d a r k greenbrown patina. ($200) 453. MAXIMI ANUS. 286-310 AD. Antoninianus (4.10 gm). Lugdunum. 289 AD. IMP C M A X I M I A N V S Ρ AVG, r a d i a t e bust left, with lion skin, holding d u b over shoulder / HERCVLI INVICTO AVGG, Hercules standing left, holding Victory on globe, lion skin a n d d u b ; S. RIC V pt.2,369. EF, rough surfaces, trace of silvering. ($500)

'Hercules & The Lernian Hydra" On An Aureus of Maximianus

457. Time of M a x i m i n u s 11.312 AD. Ai 14mm (1.35 gm). Alexandria. DEO SA RAPIDI, radiate beardless bust of Sarapis, with modi us / VOTA PVBLICA, Harpocrates standing left, finger to mouth, holding cornucopiae. Cohen 87 (Julian II). Good VF, b r o w n patina with patches of green. Rare. ($350) /. van Heesch, "The Last Civic Coinages and the Religious Policy of Maximinus Daza (312 AD), Num Chron 1993, pp.65-75 has provided the latest chronology for the anonymous civic bronzes of the 4th century. An active campaign of persecution against local Christians, abetted by Maximinus, reached its height in Nicomedia, Antioch and Alexandria. Churches were closed, property was seized from the Christians and they were expelled from many cities. The three major mint cities struck a series of small bronzes honoring the old Greco-Roman gods, Jupiter, Apollo, Tyche and Sarapis among them. The persecutions subsided the following year, possibly as a result of concerns expressed by Constantine and Licinius, the emperors in the west.

The First Facing Portrait On A Roman Coin

454. M A X I M I A N U S . 286-310 AD. AV A u r e u s (6.08 gm). Rome. 293294 AD. MAXIMIA NVS PF AVG, laureate head / HERCVLI DEBELLAT, Hercules left, battling Lernian Hydra; PRON. RIC V -; O i h e n 255; Hunter V, 41 /40. Near EF, m u c h lustre in devices. [See color p h o t o on front cover]. ($7500)

455. SEVERUS II, Caesar. 305-306 AD. Ai Follis (10.19 gm). Heradea. FL VAL SEVERVS NOBIL CAES, laureate head / G E N I O POI'VLI ROMANI, G e n i u s s t a n d i n g left, h o l d i n g patera a n d cornucopiae; HTB. RIC VI 25. Choice EF. ($150)

458. LICINIUS 1.308-324 AD. AV Aureus (5.27 gm). Nicomedia. 321-322 AD. LICINIVS AVG OB D V FILII SVI, bare-headed, d r a p e d and cuirassed facing bust / IOVI CONS LICIN1 AVG, Jupiter enthroned on platform, holding Victory with wreath and sceptre, eagle with wreath at feet, platform inscribed SIC X SIC XX; S M N r . RIC VII41 ; Kent-Hirmer 622; Bellinger et al., "Late Roman Gold a n d Silver Coins at D u m b a r t o n O a k s " , 37. Lustrous choice EF, faint graffiti in reverse field. [See color p h o t o on back cover]. ($20,000)

Our Next !Auction Is Ά 9v{a1l'BidSa(c Scheduled '/or March 15,1995. Consignments Are 'Being Accepted Zlntd December 15,1994.

The obverse legend, "Licinius Augustus,by (the grace) of the gods, the fifth (year) of his son", marks the quinquennalia ofLicinius II. The reverse continues the type of Licinius' decenmlia in 318. The facing portrait ofLicinius, and a parallel issue for his son, is the first frontal representation of an emperor, a style that would become Standardized in the late Roman and Byzantine period. 1 4

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Very Rare Solidus of Constantine I

459. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. AV Solidus (4.52 gm). Nicomedia mint. Struck early in 326 AD. Diademed head of Constantine with his eyes raised to God / CONSTANTINVS AVG, conjoined wreaths. RIC VII108; cf. Alföldi 41. Good VF. Very rare. (S5000)

463. JULIAN II, the Apostate. 360-363 AD. /E28mm (836 gm). Antioch. DN FL CL IVLIANVS Ρ F AVG, diademed bust / SECVRITAS REIPVB, bull; palm ΛΝΤΓ palm. RIC VIII216; LRBC 2640. Choice EF, smooth dark green patina. ($600) Finest style naturalistic portrait. The beard is shown short and curly, unlike the typical straight -flowing triangle normally encountered. The use of triple diadem ends shown on this coin is a curiosity that appears at irregular intervals at Antioch and Nicomedia in the last half of the 4th century.

460. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. AR Siliqua (3.25 gm). Trier. 347-348 AD. FL IV L CONS TANS PF AVG diademed (laurels and rosettes) bust / VICTORIA DD N N AVGG, Victory holding wreath and palm; TR. RSC 152b; RIC VIII177 (R3). Choice toned EF. ($900)

464. JOVIAN.363-364 AD. /E28mm (8.97gm). Antioch. DNIOVIAN VS Ρ F AVG, diademed bust / VICTORIA ROMANORVM, emperor holding labarum and Victory on globe; ΑΝΤΔ. RIC VIII228; LRBC 2645. Choice EF, dark brown patina. ($750)

465. PROCOPIUS. 365-366 AD. A• 18mm (2.90 gm). Constantinople. DN PROCO PIVS PF AVG, diademed bust left / REPARATIΟ FEL TEMP, emperor holding labarum with radiate sun and shield, small object at feet, Christogram in upper field; CONSA·. RIC IX 17a.6; LRBC 2082. EF, black patina. ($500)

461. CONSTANTIUS 11.337-361 AD. AR Siliqua (3.20 gm). Arelate. 353-361 AD. Diademed bust / VOTIS XXX MVLTIS XXXX in wreath; PCON. RSC342-3c; RICVIII207,253. Toned EF. ($250)

The small object at the feet of the emperor on the reverse has never been satisfactory ly explained. It is most often represented with a round top set upon a columnar base, and resembles the palladium found on earlier Roman coins. The Palladium was the statue of Athena taken by Aeneas from the collapse of Troy and brought to Italy. Subsequently, the Romans regarded it as one of the most important symbols of divine favor protecting the city and its empire. On this coin of Procopius we have the Christogram, symbol of the new religion taking hold across the empire, the radiate sun in the labarum, symbol of the cult of Sol that spread from the east beginning in the second century AD, and the palladium, symbol of the most ancient Roman cult. Procopius has neatly captured all the facets comprising Roman public religion.

Rare Gold Solidus of Julian II

462. JULIAN II, the Apostate. 360-363 AD. AV Solidus (4.40 gm). Antioch. FL CL IVLIA NVS [‫ י‬Ρ AVG, diademed bust with short beard / VIRTVS EXERCI TVS ROMANORVM, soldier standing right, holding trophy and grabbing hair of kneeling bound captive; ΑΝΤΔ (engraved over Π). RIC VIII195 (R2). Near EF. Rare. ($3500)

466. G RATI AN. 367-383 AD. AV Solidus (4.47 gm). Trier. 367-375 AD. DN GRATLANVS PF AVG, diademed (with rosettes) bust / VICTOR IA AVGG; two emperors enthroned, holding globe, Victory behind them; TROBT. RIC IX 17g.5. Superb EF. (5900)

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467. M A G N U S MAXIMUS. 383-388 AD. JE 23mm (4.31 gm). Aries. DN MAG MAXIMVS PF AVG, diademed bust / REPARATIO REIPVB, emperor holding Victory and raising kneeling female; PCON. RIC IX 26a.1 ; LRBC 553. EF, smooth apple green patina. A rather common coin in exceptional condition. ($400)

468. T H E O D O S I U S II. 402-450 AD. AV Solidus (4.47 gm). Constan tinople. 430439 AD. DNTHEODO SIVS PF AVG, helmeted facing bust, holding spear and shield / VOT XXX MVLT XXXX, Constan dnopolis enthroned left; * S/CONOB. DOCLR 382. Superb EF. (S800)


470. SPAIN, Bilbilis. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. JE 28mm (14.10 gm). Consulship of Tiberius and Sejanus, 31 AD. TT · CAESAR · DI VI · AVG VSTI · F AVGVSTVS·, laureate head / ·MVN·AVGVSTA·BILBILIS- T I · C/ESARE · V · L · /ELIO · SEIANO, COS in wreath. / / Plus another (11.98 gm) with L«/ELIO»SELANOerased. RPC398; Burgos 196. Both VF, green patina with earthen highlights. 2 coins. ($1500) RPC notes 5 of 19 recorded specimens with "damnatio memoriae"; having Sejanus' name obliterated after his overthrow and death later in theyearSl AD.

469. LEO 1.457-474 AD. AR Half Siliqua (0.65 gm). Constantinople. ON LEO PER PRET AV, diademed bust / SAL REIPUI in wreath; CONS*. MIRB 21. Good VF. Very rare. ($600)

R O M A N PROVINCIAL The Damnatio Memoriae of Sejanus A man of limitless ambition and supreme patience, Sejanus came within an ace of the imperial throne. He succeeded his father as Praetorian Prefect, and as a capable administrator he quickly gained the favor of Tiberius, who called him 'socius laborum' (partner of our labors). Over a span of two decades he gradually increased his influence and eliminated imperial rivais. It was later suspected that he had even engineered the poisoning of Tiberius' son Drusus, whose wife Sejanus had seduced. His path was further cleared when he persuaded Tiberius to leave Rome and retire to Capraea. Sejanus secured provincial army commands for his friends, obtained Tiberius' permission to marry a member of the imperial family (presumably Drusus' widow Li villa), and was nominated as joint consul with Tiberius for 31. He had clearly established himself as the successor. Finally, however, Tiberius' suspicions were aroused when he received a message from Antonia that made him doubt Sejanus'loyalty. Tiberius acted with caution. He summoned to Capraea, and safety, the future emperor Caligula, although it was soon learned that Caligula's brother Nero was dead, thanks no doubt to Sejanus. Tiberius resigned his consulship in May of 31, and Sejanus had to do the same. Next Tiberius appointed a replacement to Sejanus as Praetorian IYefect and secured the allegiance of the Vigiles. On the 18th of Cfctober in 31, Sejanus attended the Senate to hear the oonsul read a despatch from Tiberius in which he expected he would be given the tribunician power, but in fact the despatch denounced him as a traitor. The Senate condemned him, he was strangled in prison, and his body was torn to pieces by the mob. A reign of terror followed, in which Sejanus' children and many of his partisans were put to death. The coinage of Bilbilis marks the joint consulship of Tiberius and Sejanus, and evidently a quantity of the coinage had already been struck and was held in the treasury at the time of Sejanus' unexpected condemnation. The systematic removal of Sejanus' name on this coinage apparently represents the first numismatic damnatio memoriae under the Empire.

471. MOESIA, Markianopolis. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 21mm (6.23 gm). Laureate head right / Tyche standing half-left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Pick 588. EF, choice dark green patina. ($150)

472. THRACE, Odessos. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE Medallion of 35mm (27.90 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed half-length bust left; right hand raised, left hand holding globe / Emperor standing half-left, holding patera and sceptre; lighted altar at his feet. Pick 2317; SNG Copenhagen 679. Good VF, attractive dark green patina. ($1250)

473. THRACE, Kings of. BC-12 AD. JE23mm (9.72 gm). ΡΟΙΜΗΤΑΛΚΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΕΛΕΩΣ, conjoined heads of Rhoemetalkes and his queen Pythodoris / ΚΑΙΙΛΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ, head of Augustus. RPC 1711. EF, gray-green patina. ($300)

Classical Numismatic

474. CORINTH. Hadrian. 117-138 AD. R 22mm (7.37gm). IMP CAESAR TRA HADRIA(NVS AVG), laureate bust, drapery at shoulder / COL LAV IVL COR, fountain in the form of a meta sudans (turning post in stadium). See Price and Trell fig.113 for identical reverse type under Domitian; also "A Numismatic Commentary on Pausanias", pl. C-XLVII. Near VF, rough surfaces. Rare. ($250) The Meta Sudans in Rome was a monumental fountain conceived as part of the Colosseum complex planned by Titus, and appears on his Colosseum sestertius. There is no documentary ofarchaeobgical evidence for such a fountain in Corinth, but it would have been appropriate for the site of the Isthm ian games.

475. LYDIA, Daldis. Autonomous. Circa 2nd Century AD. Ai 15mm (3.02 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche / ΔΑΛΔ1Α ΝΩΝ, grape cluster. BMC Lydia pg.70,5. Near EF, smooth dark green patina. ($150)

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480. CILICIA, Mopsos. Valerian. Year 323 (255/256 AD). Λ£31ππη (13.98 gm). A V T ' K · OYAAEP1ANOC Œ B , radiate bust / ΑΔΡ1ΜΟΨΕΑ ΕΓ ΓΚΤ ΔΟΡΕΑ flYPAMOC, river god Pyramos reclining on bridge spanning the river. SNG Paris 2998 (same dies); SNG Levante 1359. Good VF, brown pahna. ($400)

481. Seleukeia ad Kalykadnum. Severus Alexander. ?22-235 AD. R 29mm (10.93 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, viewed from the front; counterstamp of ο insideA / Athena, holding spear and shield, striking at serpent-legged giant who is throwing rocks. SNG Copenhagen 213 (same dies); Howgego 670 for counterstamp. VF, attractive green patina with yellow earthen highlights. Scarce type. ($200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

476. Hierocaesarea. Agrippina II. Struck under Nero, 54-59 AD. & 17mm (4.89 gm). ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑΝ ΘΕΑ Ν CEBACTHN, bust of Agrippina / IEPOC KECAPEWN, Diana with stag; magistrate Capita. RPC 2388 (3 specimens cited). Good VF, smooth dark green patina. ($200)

482. Tarsos. Trajan. 98-117 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.81 gm). Cos ΠΙ (100 AD). Laureate head right / Tyche seated right on rock, holding long palm branch, river-god swimming below; Tarses monogram to right. SNG Levante 990; SNG Paris 1395. EF. ($350) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. 477. Mostous. Claudius and Agrippina. 41-54 AD. R 20mm (4.43 gm). Conjoined busts right / Heroon horseback right. RPC 2461. Choice VF, nice dark green patina. ($250)

478. Thyatira. Autonomous. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. R 20mm (5.29 gm). ΙΕΡΑ CYNKAHTOC, bust of Senate left / ΘΥΑΤΕΙΡΗΝΩΝ, Demeter standing left, holding grain ear, poppy and torch. Cf. BMC Lydia pg. 294, 16. Good VF, brown and green patina. ($200)

483. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Nero. 54-68 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.98 gm). Year 10/111 (62/63 AD). Laureate bust right, wearing aegis / Eagle standing right on thunderbolt, palm and pellet before. RPC 4186; BMC Galatia etc. pg.175,197.GoodVF. ($300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

• ‫״‬,.‫יי* י‬

Ni Tkase 479. PHRYGIA, Hierapolis. Fabius Maximus, Proconsul. 10-9 BC. R 15mm (2.86 gm). ΦΑΒΙΟΣ ΜΑΞΙΜΟΣ, bare head of Maximus / ΙΕΡΑΠΟ ΑΕΓΓΩΝ, magistrate ΔΡΥΑΣ; all in wreath. RPC 2941. VF, black patina with some encrustation. Very rare. ($400) 1 7





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484. Antioch. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.78 gm). 214217 AD. Laureate head right / Eagle standing facing, head right with wreath in beak; between legs, star over cornucopiae. Bellinger 37. EF. ($300)

488. Laodikea ad Mare. S e p t i m i u s Severus. 193-211 AD. AR Tetradrachm (12.60 gm). 202-211 AD. Laureate head right / Eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left with wreath in beak; between legs, star. Bellinger 51. Toned VF+. ($250) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex World- Wide Coins ofCäifornia Auction IX (29 May Thomas B. Lesure Collection. 1986), lot 300.

489. PHOENICIA, Berytos. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.73 gm). 215-217 AD. Laureate head right / Eagle standing facing, head left with wreath in beak; between legs, prowleft. Bellinger 282. EF. ($200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

485. Antioch. OtaciliaSevera. Wifeof Philip I. ARTetradrachm (9.98 gm). Draped bust right with Stephane, crescent behind shoulders / Eagle standing facing on palm-branch, head left with wreath in beak. BMC Galatia etc. pg.216,541. EF, light porosity. Rare. ($400) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

Syrian Tetradrachm of Uranius Antoninus

490. Tripolis. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. AR Tetradrachm (12.63 gm). 215217 AD. Laureate head right / Eagle standing facing, head left with wreath in beak; between legs, cape of the Dioskouroi. Bellinger 257. Superb EF. ($400) 486. Antioch. Uranius Antoninus. 253 AD. Potin Tetradrachm (10.21 gm). AVTOK COVAIT A N T W N I N O C CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / [ΔΗΜΑΡ]Χ EHOVCIAC VITA TO, eagle standing facing, head left with wreath in beak, S C beneath wings; Β in exergue. Cf. Baldus, dies XIV/15. VF, dark brown patina with red earthen highlights. Extremely rare. (51750)

491. Tripolis. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. AR Tetradrachm (15.03 gm). 215217 AD. Laureate head right / Eagle standing facing, head left with wreath in beak; between legs, caps of the Dioskouroi. Bellinger 257. EF. ($300) Thomas B. Lesure Collection.

487. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.77 gm). · A V - T K A I · Ο Π · C E · · · MAKPINOC C E · · Β · (all retrograde), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / Eagle standing facing, head left with wreath in beak, Ο beneath head; between legs, d r a p e d bust of Helios facing, head left. Bellinger pp.64-65, - (cf. 208 for reverse). Choice EF. Rare die-cutter's error. ($750) 492. EGYPT, Alexandria. Tiberius. Year 18 (31/32 AD). Billon Thomas B. Lesure Collection. The die-cutter engraved both the legend incorrectly and Tetradrachm (13.03 gm). Laureate head right of Tiberius / Radiate head left of Divus Augustus. Köln 51 ; Dattari 82; BMC 42. EF. ($500) the obverse bust type resulting in an interesting error coin. Thomas B. Lesure Collection. 1 8

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The giant Antaeus, the son of Poseidon and Mother Earth, was in the habit offorcing strangers to wrestle him until they were exhausted, whereupon he killed them. Not only was he a strong and skilled athlete, but whenever he touched his mother, the earth, his strength was revived. Herakles and Antaeus met while Herakles was out travelling for his labors, and Herakles became determined to end this barbarous practice. He accepted Antaeus' challenge to a wrestling match and realizing that Antaeus was a son of Mother Earth; he lifted Antaeus in the air, off the ground, untilhe crushed him to death. This rare mythological type is known for Years 5,6 and 24 from Alexandria. The presen t specimen combines a new reverse die for year 5 with the extremely rare dated (LE) obverse die; also used for other mythological types that year such as "Orpheus Charming the Animals" and "The Judgment of Paris".

493. Claudius. Year 10 (49/50 AD). JE Diobol (8.85 gm). (ΤΙ ΚΑΛΥ KAI) CEBAC ΓΕΡΜΑ, laureate head / AYT OKPA. Köln 91 variety (spacing of reverse legend). Near EF, brown patina. ($200)

494. Titus. Year 3 (80/81 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.55 gm). AYTOK ΤΙΤΟΥ ΚΑΙΣ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ ΣΕΒ, laureate head / ΣΑΡΑΠΙΣ, bust of Sarapis, modius on head. Köln 325. VF. ($150) 498. Antoninus Pius. Year 17 (153/154 AD). JE Drachm (24.81 gm). Laureate bust left, draped on right shoulder / Nilus reclining left, holding reed and comuopiae from which emerges small Genius; small Genius inscribes Nilometer before, crocodile below. Köln 1706. VF, attractive green patina. Rare type with Nilometer. ($400)

BYZANTINE & RELATED COINAGE 495. Hadrian. Year 10 (125/126 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.37 gm). AYT KAI TPAIΑΔΡΙΛ ΣΕΒ, laureate bust / Diademed bust of Zeus. Köln -; Curtis 555. Good VF, attractive dark toning. ($200)

499. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. AV Solidus (435 gm). Constantinople. DN rVSTI NVS PP AVG, helmeted facing bust, holding Victory on globus / VICTORI A AVCCC, Constantinopolis enthroned, holding sceptre and globus crudger; S/CONOB. SB 345; DOC 14e; MI ΒII4. EF, obverse die breaks. ($200)

496. Hadrian. Year 18 (133/134 AD). BUlon Tetradrachm (13.12 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sarapis enthroned left, holding sceptre with left hand, right hand extended over Kerberos. Köln 1095; BMC 620/621; Milne 1395. Good VF. ($200) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. Ex Coin Calleries Sale (February 11,1987) lot 371.

"Herakles and the Giant Antaeus" 500. MA URI CE ΤΙ BERI US. 582-602 AD. AV Light Weight Solidus of 22 Siliquae (4.10 gm). Antioch? 582-583 AD. DN TIbER MAVRIC PP AVG, crowned facing bust, holding globus cruciger / VICTORI A AVCC, angel holding long P-headed cross and globus; OS/OB+*. SB -; DOC -; cf. MIBII 12D (Constantinople). EF, rough surfaces. ($500) No previous example of a light weight solidus was known for the first year of the reign of Maurice, before he inverted the order of his name.

497. Antoninus Pius. Year 5 (141 /142 AD). JE Drachm (28.51 gm). AVTOKPA KAIC ΑΔΡ · ANTW[NINOC] LE, bare head right / Herakles standing facing, head left, wrestling Antaeus; he lifts Antaeus u p by the waist, Antaeus trying to break his grip; to right, club and lion skin, L-E to either side. Cf. Hunter 452var. (position of date and club on reverse, and obverse bust is draped and cuirassed); see Wetterstrom Sale II (CNA XIII), lots 219 & 220 for the same dated obverse die. Good VF, dark brown patina with green highlights. Extremely rare mythological type. ($2500)

501. PHOCAS. 602-610 AD. AV Solidus (4.48 gm). Constantinople. 607610 AD. Crowned facing bust, holding globus cruciger / Angel holding long cross and globus cruciger; S/CONOB. SB 620; DOC II lOf. Superb EF, one weak spot on edge. ($300) 1 9

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502. JUSTINIAN II. First Reign, 685-695 AD. AV Solidus (4.44 gm). Constantinople. 687-692 AD. · DIUSTINIA NUS PP AVG, crowned facing bust, holding globus cruciger / VICTORIA AVGU, cross potent on steps; Δ/CONOB. SB 1246; DOC II 5c; MIB III 6. Choice EF. ($600)

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507. ALEXIUS 1.1081-1118 AD. Pre-Reform EL Histamenon (4.40 gm). Thessalonica. 1081-1092 AD. ‫׳‬:• ΚΕΚΘ ALEEIW, facing bust of Christ / «ΔΙ MI ΤI Δ EC Π I Τ Η in columns, St. Demetrius a n d Alexius standing, holding labarum between them. SB 1904; H e n d y pl.l, 9 (same dies). Near EF, deep flan crack. Unpriced in Sear. ($1500)

503. JUSTINIAN ».Second Reign, 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.37 gm). Constantinople. 705 AD. d N IhS ChS REX REGNANTIUM, facing bust of Christ / DN IUSTINIA NUS MULTUS A, crowned facing bust, wearing loros, holding cross potent on base and patriarchal globus with PAX. SB 1413; DOC II1; MIB III 1-Choice EF, legends slightly weak. ($2000)

508. J O H N VI Cantacuzenus.Sole Reign, 1353-1354 AD. AR Basilikon (0.95 gm). Christ enthroned; sigla Κ reversed Ν / KNT ΓΟ ΔΤΡΟ, John and St. Demetrius standing facing. SB 2540; Bendall 301 variety. Good VF, graffiti and tiny edge chip. Extremely rare. ($750) John Cantacuzenus originally placed himself in power as regent for John Vin 1341, after the death of Andronicus 111. By 1347 he had himself proclaimed co-emperor, and in 1353 subordinated the legimate emperor to his own son Matthew. John V retreated to the island of Tenedos, protected by the Genoese, until he could marshall his forces and drive the usurpers from power the following year.

504. JUSTINIAN II. Second Reign, 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.49 gm). Constantinople. 705-708 AD. d N IhS ChS REX REGNANTIUM, facing bust of Christ / DN IUSTINIAN US ET TIbERIUS PP A, crowned busts of Justinian and older Tiberius, holding cross potent on steps between them. SB 1415; DOC II 2b; MIB III 2b. Superb EF, only the slightest mark on the crown of Justinian. ($2000)

509. OSTROGOTHS. Athalaric. 526-534 AD. AR 1 / 4 Siliqua (0.72 gm). In the n a m e of Justinian I. DN IVSTINIAN AVG, diademed bust right / DN ATHAL AR1CVS RIX within wreath. M IB 154; MEC137. Toned good VF. ($350)

510. VISIGOTHS, at Toulouse. In the Name of Valentinian ΠΙ. 425-450 AD. AV Tremissis (1.48 gm). DN FLA VALENTINIANVS PP AVG, crude diademed bust / Cross in wreath; CONOB. Cf. Boutin 985. EF for type. ($650) 505. BASIL I A N D CONSTANTINE. 868-879 AD. ARMiliaresion (2.59 gm). Constantinople. IhSUS XRISTUS N1CA, cross potent on steps; globe beneath / +bASI L I O S Œ CONSTAN TIN‫ ׳‬PISTV bASILIS ROMEO. SB 1708; DOC III7. Toned EF, slightly dipped. ($200)

Found near Narbonne in southern France, which was lost to the Visigoths in 507, when the Franks tookall of France.

511. VISIGOTHS, at Toulouse. Circa 500-507 AD. AV Tremissis (1.40 gm). Garbled legends, crude diademed bust right, cross on breast / Garbled legends, crude Victory right; AO. Cf. Tomasini 657. VF for type. Very crude late issue. $650) ‫י‬ ) 506. CONSTANTINE IX. 1042-1055 AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.34 gm). Constantinople. Christ en throned / Bust of Constantine holding sceptre and globus crudger. SB 1829; DOC III 2. EF. ($300)

Found near Narbonne in southern France. Tomasini left this type for his "unsorted" class, and suggests it to be either a very late issue of the Visigoths or a copy struck by the Franks immediately after their conquest of the northern kingdom of the Visigoths.

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512. SPAIN, Visigoths. In the N a m e of Justinian 1.527-565 AD. AV Tremissis (1.43 gm). DN IVSTINI ANVS PP AVG, crude diademed bust, cross on breast / VICTOAI CVTORAVI, crude Victory right; CONOB. Tomasini JAN 3, cf. 303-304. Good VF, numerous scrapes, possibly an attempt to efface the portrait in antiquity. ($500)

513. Visigoths. Wamba. 672-680. AV Tremissis (1.46 gm). Ispalis mint. +ΓΔΊΝΜ- W A M B A R+, diademed bust right / +*ISPALI PIVS, cross on steps above pellet. Miles, HNSMII, 392e. Near EF. ($1500) 516. AUSTRIA. Leopold the Hogmouth. 1657-1705. AR Double Taler (56.84 gm). Hall mint. Laureate bust right / Arms. Davenport 3253. Toned nearEF. ($750)

Visigothic EL Tremissis of Egica & Wittiza

514. Visigoths. Egica and Wittiza. 698-702. EL Tremissis (1.36 gm). Emerita mint. + I N D N ‫ ״‬N · E G I C A R+, confronted diademed busts flanking cruciform sceptre / +ID»NI ·E W I T T I Z A R+, monogram of Emerita. Miles, HNSM II, 386e. Near EF, tiny flan crack. Extremely rare. ($2500)

517. BULGARIA. Constantine Tikh Asen. 1255-1277. /ETrachy (2.69 gm). Voided cross with stars in quarters / KW CT (AN) Y ACN, Constantine enthroned, holding labarum-headed sceptre and anexikakia, hand of God above. Metcalf SEE pl.8,41 Dochev XXVII, 5. Good VF for type, even green patina. Rare this nice. ($200)

WORLD COINAGE (Dark A g e s to M o d e r n )

518. CHIOS, Under Genoese Rule. Rafael Adorno? 1443-1447. AV Ducat (3.50 gm). Imitation of a Venetian ducat of Tommaso Mocenigo. ·SIT TXPE'DATD- ·VS IS ISTEDVCAT·, Christ in Glory / TOM NOCEMIO DVX SM VEMIT, Doge kneeling before St. Mark; R or RA monogram to left. Cf. Gamberini 396 (Anonymous). EF. ($450) The first decades of the Genoese occupation of Chios saw the production of great quantities of more or less accurate copies of Venetian ducats for use by Italian traders in the east. Tomaso Campo Fregoso (1415-1421) was the first Genoese to make his ducats with his own name, although they still copied Venetian types. Rafael Adomo did strike one issue in his name, signed RAFAEL ADV (Ganiberini 401). Is this another issue with a less obvious signature?

519. CRUSADERS. A n o n y m o u s Antioch. Circa 1149-1163. Bmon Fraction al Denier (0.83 gm). +PRIN ·CEPS (retrograde), retrograde S with four pellets / +ANTIO*hIA (retrograde), cross with three pellets and descent CCS49a; Metcalf 340 variety. Good VF. ($100)

515. AUSTRIA. Rudolf II. 1604. AR Double Taler (57.09 gm). Hall mint. Laureate bust right / Arms. Davenport 3004. Toned EF. ($1000) 6

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525. Merovingians. Circa 700-710 AD. AR Denier (1.01 gm). Bishop Nemfidius at Marseilles. Diademed bust right ; cross in front / NEMF monogram. MEC 562. Good VF, good centering and strike. A nice example of this crude coinage. ($500) 520. CRUSADER, Edessa. Joselin II? 1131-1144. JE Follis (2.85 gm). Cross potent on flat base with pellets and globules at end of arms; Syriac (?) legend in quarters / Three line Syriac legend naming Joselin (?). See CCS pg.246,18. VF, dark green patina. ($500) J. Porteous, "The Early Coinage of the Counts of Edessa", Num Chron 1975,20 describes an overstruck Edessan follis that has been attributed to Joselin I (CCS 17). The present piece does not appear ooerstruck and bears some resemblance in size and legends to the follis naming Joselin II in the sale Auctiones 18, lot 363; it may be just a Crusader imitation of a Byzantine type.

526. FRANCE, Carolingians. Charlemagne. 768-814. AR Denier (1.63 gm). Class 3, 793-812. Dorestadt mint. +CARLVS RE+ FR, cross with two wedges / +DORESTADO, monogram. Cf. M&G 102. Near EF. Rare. ($1500)

Very Rare Denier of Louis the Pious

521. CRUSADERS. Imitating al Mustansir. Circa 1260? AV Dinar (3.21 gm). Uncertain mint. Very crude imitation, completely unrecognizable legends. See CCS pg.126,13 (described as unique). Good VFfor type. ($300)

527. Carolingians. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.03 gm). Class 1,814-89. Dorestadt mint. HLVDOVVICVS IMP AVG, laureate bust / +DORESTATVS, ship. M&G 330; MEC 757. Toned VF. Extremely rare. ($6000) F.XIMHZ 45, lot 243.

528. Carolingians. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.63 gm). Qass 2,819-822. Venice mint. + HLVDOVVICVS IMP, cross / +VEN ECLAS. M&G 456; M EC 789. Toned EF. Rare. ($800) 522. CRUSADERS. 1251 AD. Lot of three AR Dirhems. Akko mint. (2.83 gm). Large cross obverse. CCS 15; Balog-Yvon 45b. / / (2.45 gm). Small cross obverse. CCS 15; Balog-Yvon 45c. / / (2.66 gm). No cross, several lis in fields. CCS 17; Balog-Yvon 47. Average good VF. 3 coins. ($250)

529. D o m b e s . Henry II de Montpensier. 1606. AR Teston (9.53 gm). +HENRIC Ρ DOMBAR D MONTISP, bust left / DNS ADIVTOR ET REDEM MEVS, crowned arms; pellets in Ο and D, above M. Poey d'Avant 5149 (bust right?); Boudeau 1066. Good VF. ($250)

523. D E N M A R K . Sven Estridsen. 1047-1075. AR Denier (0.98 gm). Christ, nimbate, standing facing / +CARL: OLVNDIOIIEIP, cross. Hauberg 28. Choice VF+. Scarce. ($400)

524. FRANCE. Merovingian Kings. Circa 570-580. AV Tremissis (139 gm). SINCILSVDVNOIVC·, d i a d e m e d bust / N I C O A R N i r · · N b A , Victory left, holding wreath and palm; ONO. Cf. MEC 362; cf. Prou 12. EF. ($1500)

530. Lorraine. Antoine. 1544. AR Teston (8.96gm). + A N T H O N D G LOTHOR Ζ ΒΑ‫ ׳‬D, crowned bust left / MONETA NANEIICVSA, crowned arms. Cf. 9; Boudeau 1514. Good VF. ($400) 1 2

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535. Lorraine. Charles IV. 1629. AR Teston (8.47gm). JCAROLVS D G DVX LOTH MARCH DC BG, bust right / MONETA NOVA NANCEII CVSA, crowned arms. De Saulcy pl.XXVI, 4; Boudeau 1557. VF. ($200)

531. Lorraine. Charles III. 1545-1608. AR Teston (9.12 gm). *CARO D G L LOTAR Β GEL DVX, crowned bust right / *MONETA NOVA NANCEI CVSA, crowned arms. De Saulcy pl.XIX, 7; Boudeau 1527. VF. ($200)

ι ! 536. Valence et Die. Jean II de Geneve. 1283-1298. AR Gros (2.80 gm). +IOhANES EPISCOP, spade-headed cross with annulet and mullet (mullet engraved over annulet) / +VALENTIN ET DIEN, eagle. Boudeau 1025; Poey d'Avant 4703 (Jean ΠΙ). Toned VF. Rare. ($600) 537. FRANCE. Lot of three. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros (4.00 gm). Cross. Castle. Round O, annulet stop. Duplessy 213c / / Charles IX.1575M. AR Teston (9.38 gm). Struck by Henry III at Toulouse. Duplessy 1104. / / Henry III. 1587A. Ali Demifranc (6.95 gm). Laureate bust / Cross. Duplessy 1131. Average Fine. 3 coins. ($300)

532. Lorraine. Lot of two. Charles III. 1545-1608. AR Teston (8.06 gm). Bust right / Crowned arms. Cf. De Saulcy pl.XXIII, 9. Fine. / / Charles IV. 1627. AR Teston (8.77 gm). Bust right / Crowned arms. De Saulcy pl.XXVI, 6. VF, light scratches. 2 coins. ($300)

538. GERMANY, Cologne. Walram von Jülich. 1332-1349. AR Groschen (3.89 gm). Deuz mint. + WALRAM:ARChlEPCS: COLONIE, facing bust / +MONETA TVRCIEN, cross. Saurma 2669/1399. Toned good VF. ($450)

539. Wittenburg. Bernhard. 1170-1212. AR Bracteate (0.74 gm). 'ERHARDVS-DVX'V, heraldic lion left. Bonhoff 867. Near EF. ($300)

533. Lorraine. Henry. 1614. AR Teston (8.85 gm). :(:HENRI D G DVX LOTH MARCH DC BG, bust right / MONETA NOVA NANCE II CVSA, crowned arms. De Saulcy pl.XXV, 2; Boudeau 1548. Fine. ($200)

534. Lorraine. Francis II. 1628. AR Teston (8.61 gm). Badonville mint. *FRANC II D G DVX LOTH MAR DC BG, bust right / MONETA NOVA BA CVSA, crowned arms. Cf. De Saulcy pl.XXVI, 2; Boudeau -. VF. Unlisted date. ^•irrSSäSt ($200)

540. HUNGARY. Bela III. 1172-11%. Lot of four JE Folles. Byzantine style. Mary and Child / King and queen enthroned. Hat and scyphate flans. Huszâr72; Rethy 98,100. / / Arabic type. Pseudo-Arabic legends. Two varieties of obverse. Huszâr 73; Rethy 101,103. Average VF to EF. 4 coins.



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541. INDIA, Jodhpur. Sardar Singh and Edward VII. 1906. AV Mohur (10.99 gm). Sword mintmark. KM 100. EF. ($400)

AV 547. Kanishka II. Circa 332-350 AD. AV Stater (7.86 gm). Kanishka standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / God Siva standing before bull. Gobi 634. EF. ($500)

542. INDIA, Kushan Kings. Huvishka. Circa 260-292 AD. AV Stater (7.88 gm). Bust of king left (in clouds?), holding sceptre and spear / The god Pharro (Helios) standing left, with sword, not nimbate; tamgha. Gobi 205 variety. Good VF. ($1500)

543. Vasudeva II. Circa 312-335 AD. AV Stater (7.89 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding trident, standard behind / God Siva standing facing with trident, bull to left behind. Gobi 633/1 (same obverse die). EF. ($500)

544. Vasudeva II. Circa 312-335 AD. AV Stater (8.03 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding trident, standard behind / God Siva standing facing with trident, bull to left behind. Gobi 654 variety. Near EF. ($450)

548. Vaskusana (Vasiska). Circa 350-360 AD. AV Stater (7.92 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / God Siva standing before bull. Gobi 631. Near EF. ($600)

549. Vasudeva III. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Stater (7.74 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 576. EF. ($450)

550. Vasudeva III. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Stater (7.86 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 577. Superb EF. ($500)

551. Vasudeva III. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Stater (7.73 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 591. Good VF. ($400) 545. Vasudeva II. Circa 312-335 AD. AV Stater (7.96 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding trident, standard behind / God Siva standing facing with trident, bull to left behind. Gobi 694. Near EF. ($450)

552. Vasudeva III. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Stater (7.71 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 593. Good VF. ($400)

546. Kanishka II. Circa 332-350 AD. AV Stater (7.90 gm). Kanishka standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 549. Near EF. ($750)

AV Lot 553

Classical Numismatic 553. Vasudeva III. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Stater (7.56 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 595. Good VF. ($400)

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559. Abbasids. Harun al Rashid. Lot of three AR Dirhems. A H 170 (786/787 AD). / / A H 1 7 1 (787/788 AD). / / A H 173 (789/790 AD). All al Abbasiya mint. Average VF with weakly struck areas. 3 coins. ($250)

554. Vasudeva III. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Stater (7.42 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / Goddess Ardoksho seated facing. Gobi 596. Good VF, worn reverse die. ($400)

555. ISLAMIC DYNASTIES. Abbasids. al Hadi. AH 169 (785/786 AD) AR Dirhem (2.70 gm), al Abbasiya mint. Good VF with areas of porosity. Scarcer ruler. ($150)

AV 560. Abbasids. Lot of three AV Dinars. Abul Abbas Ahmad al Nasir. A H 575-622 (1180-1225 AD). Madinat al Salam mint. / / Abu A h m a d Abdallah al Mustasim. A H 642 (1244/1245 AD). Madinat al Salam. 2 coins, both struck from the same dies. The first piece Fine, wrinkled flan, the others VF with weak strikes in spots. 3 coins total. ($600) al Mustasim was the last Abbasid caliph. The Mongols overthrew the caliphate in 1258, and the caliph was supposedly executed by being rolled into a rug and trampled by elephants, to avoid Mongol sensitivities on the shedding ofroyalblood.

556. Abbasids. al Hadi. AH 169 (785/786 AD) AR Dirhem (2.79 gm), al Ifriqiyamint. Good VF. Scarcer ruler. ($150)

561. Fatimids. al Muizz. AV Dinar (4.13 gm). A H 359 (969/970 AD). Mansouriya mint. Album 697. EF. ($300)

557. Abbasids. Harun al Rashid. AH 173 (789/790 AD). AR Dirhem (2.67 gm), al Ifriqiya mint. Good VF, porosity. ($100)

562. Fatimids. Lot of two AV Dinars, al Muizz. A H 361 (971 /972 AD). Mansouriya mint. Album 697. / / al Aziz. AH 369 (979/980 AD). Mansouriya mint. Album 703. The first good VF, the other Fine. 2 coins. ($450) 558. Abbasids. Harun al Rashid. AH 173 (789/790 AD). AR Dirhem (2.70 gm), al Ifriqiya mint. Citing governor Rawh ibn Hatim. Good VF. / / Plus another (2.36 gm). Same date and mint. Weakly struck VF, porosity. 2 coins. ($150)

563. Fatimids. Lot of two AV Dinars, al Muizz. A H 363 (973/974 AD). Misr mint. Album 697. / / al Aziz. A H 367 (977/978 AD). Mansouriya mint Album 703. Both VF. 2 coins. ($500) Lot 559

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564. Fatimids. al Aziz. AV Dinar (4.19 gm). A H 365 (975/976 AD). Mansouriya min t. Album 703. EF. ($300)

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571. Hafsids. Abu YahyaabuBakr II. AH710-747 (1310-1346 AD). AV Half Dinar (2.34 gm). Cf. Hazard 583; Album 508. Good VF, reverse double struck. ($600)

565. Fatimids. al Aziz. AV Dinar (4.15 gm). A H 366 (976/977 AD). Mahdiya mint. Album 703. EF, flan bend. ($300) 572. Midrarids. al Shakir Muhammud ibn al-Fath. AH 321-347 (933-958 AD). AV Dinar (4.06 gm). Sijilmasa mint. Album 454. VF, clipped. The only ruler of this dynasty to strike coins. ($300)

566. Fatimids. al Aziz. AV Dinar (4.18 gm). A H 370 (980/981 AD). Mahdiya mint. Album 703. EF. ($300)

573. Murabitid. Yusuf ibn Tashfin. AH489 (1095/1096 AD). AV Dinar (3.99 gm). Aghmat mint. Quadrilobe in reverse field. Cf. Hazard 61 ; Album 464. VF. Rare. ($1000)

567. Fatimids. al Zahir. AV Dinar (4.19 gm). A H 422 (1030/1031 AD). Mansouriya mint. Album 714. VF. ($300)

574. Murabitid. Yusuf ibn Tashfin. AH 494 (1100/1101 AD). AV Dinar (4.04 gm). Aghmat mint. Cf. Hazard 67; Album 464. VF. Rare. ($1000) 568. Fatimids. al Mustansir. AV Dinar (3.10 gm). A H 463 (1070/1071 AD). Misrmint. Album 719. Good VF. ($500)

569. Ghaznavids. Lot of two AV Dinars. Mahmud. AH391 (1000/11‫ש‬ AD). Herat mint. Album 1606. / / A H 414 (1023/1024 AD). Nishapur mint. Album 1606. Both VF. 2 pieces. ($300)

570. Ghaznavids. Lot of two AV Dinars. Mahmud. AH 407 (1016/1017 AD). Ghazna mint. Album 1607. / / M a s u d . AH 430 (1038/1039 AD). Ghazna mint. Album 1619. Both VF. 2 pieces. ($300)

575. Murabitid. Ali ibn Yusuf. A H 531 (1136/1137 AD). AV Dinar (4.09 gm). Nul Lam ta mint. Citing his son and heir Sir ibn Ali. Lis in reverse field. Hazard 338; BMC Arab V, 38; Album 466. Good VF. Rare. ($1500)

576. Muwahhid. Abu M u h a m m a d abd al Mumin. AH 524-558 (11301163 AD). AV Half Dinar (230 gm). Hazard 466; Album 478. Good VF. ($300) 6 16

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

577. M u w a h h i d . Abu Yaqub Yusuf I. A H 563-580 (1168-1184 AD). AV Half Dinar (2.30 gm). With title amir. Hazard 495; Album 483. Near EF. ($400)

578. M u w a h h i d . Abu Yusuf Yaqub. AH 580-595 (1184-1199 AD). AV Dinar (4.63 gm). Cf. Hazard 501; Album 484. Near EF. ($800)

579. M u w a h h i d . Abu Yaqub Yusuf II. AH 610-620 (1213-1224 AD). AV Dinar (4.61 gm). Cf. Hazard 508; Album 486. EF. ($1000)

580. Zirids. al Muizz ibn Badis. AH 406454 (1016-1062 AD). AV Dinar (4.24 gm), al Qayrawan mint. Hazard 4; Album 458. Near EF. ($1500)

581. ITALY, Florence Republic 1st semester 1485. AR Grosso (2.28 gm). Lorenzo di Angelo di Bartolmeo Carducd. Lily of Florence / St. John the Baptist standing. Bernocchi 3326. Good VF, deaned. (S200)

Our Next Auction is Ά Mai('BidSaie Scheduled /or March 15,1995. Consignments Are 1Being Accepted UntiC'Decemèer 15,1994.

582. Genoa. 1608. AR 2 Scudi (75.68 gm). +CONRADVS*II*ROMANORVM*REX*H*P* ‫ ׳‬cross with winged cherub heads / +DVX* ET*GVB'*REIP* GENVEN1608*‫*׳‬, arms. Davenport 542; CNI III pg310,4. Toned VF, minor edge bumps. ($2000)

583. Papal States. Sixtus IV. 1471-1484. AV Ducato (3.52 gm). ·SIXTVS· · P P O Ο QVARTVS·, a r m s of the Delia Rovere family / ·S«PETRVS»S«PAVLVS· ·ROMA ·, Sts. Peter and Paul standing. Muntoni 6; Berman 447; CNI XV pg.292,53. Good VF. ($1500)

584. Trieste. Arlongo di Visgoni. 1260-1282. AR Denaro (0.91 gm). ARLONGVS EPISCOPIS, facing bust of St. Giusto / CIVITAS TERGESTV, tempie atop hüls. CNI VI pg.249,37. VF. ($600)

585. Tuscany. Massa di Lungiana (Carrara). Alberico II Cibo Malaspina, as Princeps. 1664. AR 8 Bolognino. Bust right / Crowned arms. CNI XI pg.249,17. Toned EF. Very rare. ($400)

Classical Numismatic

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591. SWEDEN. Oskar II. 1899. AV 20 Kronor. Head right / Arms. KM 526; Friedberg 93a. UNC. ($350)

586. LOWLANDS, Brabant. Jean III. 1312-1355. AR Petit Gros (2.67 gm). Brussels. +IOhANNES DVX BRABANTIE, floreate cross / +MONETA BRUXELLENCIS, St. Michael with lance. Den Duyts62; De Mey 128 (Jean I). VF. ($250)

592. UMMAYADS of SPAIN. Abd er Rahman III. AH 331 (942/943 AD). AV Dinar (2.90 gm). Al Andalus mint. Star above legend / Annulets above and below legend. Cf. Miles 219. Good VF, worn obverse die. Rare. ($1000)

BRITISH (Celtic to Modern) 587. VF.

LOWLANDS, Holland. Louis Napoleon. 1808. AV Ducat. KM 35. ($300)

AV 593. CELTIC. 1st Millenium BC. AV Ring Money 19mm diameter (1.34 gm). Ring with spiral decoration. Van Arsdell 1-1. EF, as made. ($750)

588. LUXEMBOURG. Wenceslas II. 1383-1388. AR Gros (3.02 gm).+WENCEL ROMANOR Ζ BOEM REX, eagle with spread wings / +MONETA NOVA LVCEBVRGE, crowned arms. Weiller 154b; Boudeau 1873. Good VF. ($200)



594. Trinovantes. Circa 4540 BC AV Stater (5.53 gm). Middle Whaddon Chase type. Crossed wreaths / Horse right, cresoent above, pellet in annulet below. Van Arsdell 1493-1; Seaby 31. Good VF. ($750)

595. Trinovantes. Addedomaros. Circa 40-30 BC. AV Stater (5.60 gm). Second coinage, circa 37-33 BC. Six-armed spiral wreath / ADDIIDOM, horse right; triple florets (?) above, cornucopiae below. Van Arsdell 1620-1; Seaby 148. Near EF. ($850)

589. MONACO. Albert 1.1895A. AV 100 Francs. Head left / Arms. KM 105; Friedberg 13. UNC. ($750)

596. Trinovantes. Tasciovanus. 25 BC-10 AD. AV Stater (5.44 gm). Second coinage, circa 20-15 BC. Crossed wreaths / TAS (Q, horseman right, wheel motifs in fields. Van Arsdell 1732-1; Seaby 158. Good VF. ($750)

590. SAUDI ARABIA. AH 1397(1977). CN 100Halala. F.A.O. issue. A pattern issue struck by the British Royal Mint and presented to Saudi officials. KM 59. UNC. With a photocopied letter from the Royal Mint. ($500)

597. Trinovantes. Cunobeline. 10-40 AD. vE Unit (1.90 gm). Circa 1020 AD. Facing bearded head / CVNO (O part of tail of boar), boar left, branch above. Van Arsdell 1963-1 ; Seaby 235. Good VF, remarkable deep emerald green patina. ($500) 9 8

Classical Numismatic

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598. Anglo-Saxon. Danish (Jutland) Series. Circa 710-720 AD. Billon Sceatta (Penny) (1.16 gm). "Woden"- facing male head with longhair and beard, crosses / Fantastic animal left. Seaby 843; Metcalf Series X; Barrett types A / g . Near EF. ($450)

602. Edward IV and V. 1483. AV Angel (4.84 gm). Archangel Michael slaying dragon / Ship with Ε and rose. Mm: halved sun and rose. Seaby 2144; North 1626. Good VF, clipped. Veryrare. ($5000)

603. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Testoon (8.11 gm). Southwark. Third coinage, 1544-1544. Facing bust / Crowned rose. Mm: S/S. Seaby 2367; North 1842. Toned VF. ($1500)

599. Edward III. 1327-1377. AV Noble (7.76 gm). Treaty period. 13611369. London. King on ship; annulet before EDWARD / Ornate cross with central E. Seaby 1503; North 1232. Choice EF, struck from fresh dies, with the engraver's guide lines still visible on thereverse. ($1500)

AV 600. Edward ΙΠ. 1327-1377. AV Quarter Noble (1.88 gm). Transitional period. 1361. London. Arms; legend ends Ζ DNVS HY / Ornate cross in trèssure. Seaby 1501; North 1224iii. Near VF. Rare. ($300)

604. Ed ward VI. 1551. AR Crown (30.65 gm). London. Fine silver issue. Mm: y. Seaby 2478; North 1933. Good VF. ($1000)

G o l d S o v e r e i g n of M a r y

601. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AR Groat (3.81 gm). London. Heavy coinage, 1461-1464. Mule of dasses III and IV. Quatrcfoils by neck, nothing on breast Eye after TAS in reverse legend. Mm: rose. Blunt and Whitton, "The Coinages of Edward IV and of H e n r y VI", BN/ 25, 11; Seaby 1976/1977; North 1532/1533. Toned EF. (SI 000) Purchased from Baldwin's in 1960for 50/-.

605. Mary. 1553. AV Sovereign (1534 gm). Mary enthroned / Arms on Tudor rose. Mm: pomegranate Seaby 2488; North 1956. EF, fully struck with light coppery toning. [See color photo on back cover], ($16,000) 9


Classical Numismatic

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610. George II. 1751. AR Crown. Edge: A N N O REGNI VICESIMO QVARTO. Seaby 3690; ESC 128. Toned choice EF. ($1250)

606. Elizabeth 1.1601. AR G o w n (29.93 gm). Crowned bust left / Arms; mm: 1. Seaby 2582; North 2012. VF. ($1000) 611. Victoria. 1847. AR Proof Crown. Gothic bust / Cruciform arms. UNDEC1MO. Seaby 3883; ESC 288. Attractive toning with heavy frosting, light hairlines. In Capital plastic holder. ($1000) 612. Victoria. 1883. AR Florin. Gothic bust / Cruciform arms. Seaby 3900; ESC 859. BU, some striking weakness. In Capital plastic holder. ($100) 613. Victoria. 1887. AR Crown. Jubilee bust / St. George and the dragon. Seaby 3921 ; ESC 296. Toned UNC. In Capital plastic holder. ($100) 607. Common wealth. 1651. AV Unite (9.00 gm). Mm: sun. Seaby 3208; North 2715. Good VF, minor scratches in reverse field. ($2000)

614. Victoria. 1887. AR Proof Florin. Jubilee bust / Cruciform arms. Seaby 3925; ESC 869. As struck, attractive dark toning. In Capital plastic holder. ($125) 615. Victoria. AR Double Florins. Lot of six. 1887 Proof, 1887 Roman I, 1887 Arabic 1,1888,1889,1890. Jubilee bust / Cruciform arms. Seaby 3922. Complete type set. The proof toned with light hairlines, the rest UNC. 6 coins. In Capital plastic holder. ($500) 616. Victoria. AR Double Florins. Lot of twelve. 1887 Roman I (2-one proof), 1887 Arabic 1 (3), 1888 (3), 1889 (2), 1890 (2). Jubilee bust / Cruciform arms. Seaby 3922. Average VF-BU. 12 coins. In Capital plastic holders ‫ ־‬one set is average VF-EF, the other is AU-BU with the Proof 1887. ($500) 617. Victoria. AR Florins. Lot of four. 1887,1888,1890,1892. Jubilee bust / Cruciform arms. Seaby 3925. All UNC with light handling marks. 4 coins. In Capital plastic holder. ($400)

608. Commonwealth. 1654. AR Crown (29.78 gm). Mm: sun. Seaby 3214; ESC 7. Toned VF. ($650)

m 609. James I. ARShilling (5.08 gm). Third coinage, sixth bust. 1623-1624. Mm: lis. Seaby 2668; North 2124. Good VF. ($250)

617Λ. George V. 1935. AR Proof Crown. Silver Jubilee. Head left / Modernistic St. George and the dragon. Raised edge lettering. 2500 issued. Seaby 4050; ESC378. Light toning and hairlines, in original box. ($350) 617B. Elizabeth 1.1992. Lot of three AR Proof Ten Pence. Full size and reduced diameter regular issues of 1992 in original sealed capsules and case. / / Plus the silver piedfort (double thickness) specimen strike, also in original mint packaging. Seaby PS91 ; 4357. All pieces as struck. 3 coins. ($100) 618. Lot of six AR Proof Horms. Victoria. 1887Jubilee, 1893. / / Edward VII. 1902. / / George V1911,1927. / / George VI1937. George VI brilliant, the rest toned with light handling marks. 6 coins. In Capital plastic holder. ($400)





619. Lot of eight AR Florins. Victoria. 1849 "Godless", 1852,1887Jubilee, 1893. / / Edward VII. 1902. / / George V 1911,1928. / / George VI1937. Average EF-UNG 8 coins. In Capital plastic holder. ($300) 620. Lot of four AR Florins. Victoria. 1883,1887 Proof, 1893. / / George V. 1911. The first Fine, the Proof toned and choice, the others EF-AU. 4 coins. 626. Hibemo-Norse. Imitating Harold II. Phase V. Circa 1065-1095. AR Penny (0.94 gm). Bust left; annulet on neck, · + · in front / Imitation of PAX type. Seaby 6151 ; SCBI Hiberno-Norse 220 (same dies). Good VF. Apparently only two specimens in private hands including this coin. ($2400)


621. Lot of ten AR Trade Dollare. 1900B, 1907B, 1908B (2 coins), 1909B/8, 1909B, 1911B, 1925,1929B/1,1930B. KM T5. The 1900,1907,1909, & 1929 UNC, the rest EF-AU. 10 coins. ($300)

627. Hibemo-Norse. Phase VII. Circa 1100-1150. AR Penny (0.84 gm). Bust left / Long cross on quadrilobe. Seaby 6191 ; SCBI Hiberno-Norse 251. Good VF for type, wrinkled flan, much more detail visible than usual for this "semi-bracteate" issue and one of the finest known. ($1500) 622. SCOTLAND. James VI (I). 1591. AR Balance Half Merk (4.53 gm). Sixth coinage. Before accession to English throne. Crowned shield / Balance scale and sword. Burns 2; Seaby 5491. Toned good VF. Rare. ($1000) Thomas B. Lesure Collection. 628. John, as Lord. 1190-1199. AR Farthing (037 gm). Dublin. Masde with trefoils / ADAM counter-clockwise around cross. The D not retrograde, as on all other known specimens. Seaby 6220; D&F 41. Good VF. ($850)

629. John, as King. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.40 gm). Dublin. Circa 12071211. ·IOhANNESREX (sceptre breaks between R a n d EX), crowned bust in triangle, with quatrefoil / +ROBE +RD«ON +DIVEL, crescent with star in triangle. Seaby 6228; D&F 50. VF. Unique variety, the obverse and reverse legend varieties only known from this coin, although the obverse die is seen on a piece in the Lane collection (Glendining's 11/78, lot 163). ($850)

623. S C O T L A N D . James VI (I). 1594. AV Rider (Five Pounds) (4.83 gm). Seventh coinage. Before accession to English throne. King in armour with sword, on horse galloping right / Crowned shield. Burns 4-5; Seaby 5458. Good VF. Rare this nice. ($3000) Thomas R Lesure Collection.

A Special Offering of Rare Irish Coinage


630. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Halfpenny (0.64 gm). Waterford. · before EDWR. Seaby 6264. VF, ghosting of cross on obverse. Rare. ($100)

624. Hibemo-Norse. Imitating Aethelred. Phase I. Circa 995-1020. AR Penny (1.35 gm). Moneyer Aelfeln. +SIHTRC REX DYFLNR, bust left / +-JÏLFELN MO DYFLIMO, small cross. Seaby 6117; SCBI Hiberno-Norse 50 (same dies). EF, peck marks. Extremely rare. ($2500) 631. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AR Groat (2.53 gm). Heavy coinage, 14701473. Dublin; mm: rose. Seaby 6303; D&F 118. Good VF and rare as such, full flan. ($250)

625. Hibemo-Norse. Phase III. Circa 1035-1060. AR Penny (0.95 gm). Bust left; cross of four pellets on neck / Voided cross with hand, S and pellets in quarters. Seaby 6133; SCBI Copenhagen 213 (same dies). EF, as struck and rare. ($400)

?[ease 9.(aiilJ‫־‬ourrBidSf1eet 'Lady!

Ex Dunbrody hoard. 1


Classical Numismatic

632. Richard III. AR Groat (2.03 gm). Drogheda. Bust with suns and roses. N e w dies, not reçut from Edward IV as most. Mm; rose. Seaby 6406; D&F 173. Good VF. Extremely rare. ($1750)

633. Henry VII. AR Halfgroat (0.93 gm). Dublin. Three crowns issue, 1488-1490. DOMINE KERIE, arms on cross / Three crowns on cross. Seaby 6442A; D&F -. VF. Rare. ($450)

Group, Inc.

638. Elizabeth 1.1561. AR Shilling (4.68 gm). Fine silver. Crowned bust; legend ends REG / Three harps; legend ends MEVM. Seaby 6505; D&F248. Good VF, sharp strike for this issue. ($750)

639. Elizabeth 1.1561. AR Groat (1.58 gm). Fine silver. Crowned bust; legend ends REG‫ ׳‬/ Three harps; legend ends MEV‫׳‬. Seaby 6506; D&F 250/249. VF, profile slightly double struck. ($850)

634. Henry VII. AR Groat (1.93 gm). Dublin. Portrait issue, 1496-1505. Bust with open crown, shoulders break tressure. Reverse legend POSV1 DEVM ADIVTOREM VE. A hybrid combining the open crown of Class 1 and the broken tressure of Class IA. See Seaby 6451 a n d 6455; D&F 193. Good VF. ($250)

640. The Great Rebellion. 1649. AR Crown (29.64 gm). "Ormonde" issue. In thenameof Charles II. Crowned CR (R with curled tail) / Vs. Seaby 6544. Toned VF. ($1500)

635. Henry VIII. AR Groat (2.26 gm). Dublin. Third issue, .833 fine silver, 1543. Crowned arms / Crowned harp. Mm: rose. Seaby 6481; D&F209. Good VF. ($150)

641. Confederated Catholics. (1643). AR Crown (2520 gm). Large cross / Vs. Seaby 6558; D&F313. Good VF for type. Extremely rare. ($3000) 636. Henry VIII. AR Groat (2.41 gm). Posthumous issue, 1547-1550. Crowned "Irish" bust / Arms on cross. Mm: boar's head. Seaby 6486; D&F 215. Good VF, areas of legend weakly struck. ($250)

642. James II. May 1690. AR Proof G u n m o n e y Shilling. Small size. Laureate bust / Crown over crossed sceptres; May below. Seaby P6582d; D&F 442. EF, some lustre remaining. ($600)

637. Mary. 1553. AR Shilling (6.20 gm). Crowned bust / Crowned harp. Seaby 6495; D&F224. Good VF. ($1250) 7 92

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

660. GREAT BRITAIN. 1927.6 piece Proof Set KM PS20. Light toning. In original cardboard vases. 5 sets. ($800)


661. GREAT BRITAIN. 1927.6piece Proof Set KM PS20. Light toning. In original cardboard cases. 4 sets. ($600) 662. GREAT BRITAIN. 1927.6 piece Proof Set KM PS20. Light toning. In original cardboard cases. 4 sets. ($600) 643. James II. January 1689. AR Proof Gunmoney Sixpence. Laureate bust / Crown over crossed sceptres; ]an below. Seaby P6583j; D&F 460. Toned EF. ($600)

663. GREAT BRITAIN. 1937.15 piece Proof Set KM PS21. Light toning. In original cases. 3 sets. ($300)

Modern World Proof & Mint Sets

664. GREAT BRITAIN. 1950.9 piece Proof Set KM PS23. Light toning. In original boxes. 8 sets. ($300)

644. BAHAMAS. 1966.9 piece Mint Set. KM MSI. Light toning. In original cases and shipping boxes. 43 sets. / / 1 9 6 9 . 9 piece Mint Set KM MS4. In hard plastic cases (some cracked). 9 sets. ($500)

665. GREAT BRITAIN. 1951. Proof-like G o w n . Festival of Britain. KM 880. Light toning and handling. In original boxes. 18 pieces. ($100)

645. BERMUDA. 1964. Proof Silver Crown. KM 14. Light toning. In original cases. 135 pieces. ($400)

666. GREAT BRITAIN. 1953.10 piece Proof Set KM PS25. Light toning. In original cases and shipping boxes. 10 sets. ($400)

646. BERMUDA. 1964. Une. Silver Crown. KM 14. Light toning. In plastic cases. 21 pieces. / / 1970. 5 piece Mint Set. KM MSI. In plastic wallet. Some bleeding from plastic. 53 sets. ($100)

667. GREAT BRITAIN. 1953.10 piece Proof Set KM PS25. Light toning. In original cases and shipping boxes. 7 sets. ($300) 668. GREAT BRITAIN. 1971. 6 piece Proof Set. KM PS27. In original cases. 59 sets. ($300)

647. BHUTAN. 1966.4 piece Proof Set KM PS1. Light toning. In original cases. 17sets. / / 1966. Proof Sil ver 3 Rupee. KM 32a. Light toning. In original cases. 20 pieces. ($350)

669. GUERNSEY. 1956. 6 piece Proof Set. KM PS5. Bronzes heavily toned, cases somewhat discolored. In original cases. 25 sets. ($250)

648. CANADA. 1967. 6 piece Proof-like Set. KM PL18A. With silver medal. In original cases. 4 sels. //1967.4 piece Proof-like set KM PL18B. With gold coins. In original cases. 4 sets. ($600)

670. ICELAND. 1972.2 piece Proof Set. KM PS5. Cases stained. In original cases. 10 sets. / / ST. HELENA. 1973. Proof Silver 25 Pence. KM 5a. Cases stained. In original cases. 1 Opieces. ($350)

649. CANADA. 1968. 6 piece Proof-like Set. KM PL19. In original envelopes. 100 sets. / / 1969.6 piece Proof-like set. KM PL20. In original envelopes. 100 sets. ($200)

671. JAMAICA. 1969.2 piece Mint Set. Centennial. KM MSI. Lightly spotted. In pliofilm. 25 sets. / /1969.6 piece Mint Set. KM MS2. In pliofilm. 25 sets. / / 1966 Proof 5 Shillings. KM 40. In original cases. 20 pieces. ($100)

650. COOK ISLANDS. 1972.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS1. In original plastic cases. 2 sets. //1972. Proof Dollar. KM 7. In original cases. 2 pieces. / / FIJI. 1969.6 piece Mint Set. KM MSB1. In original envelopes. 25 sets. / / 1969. Une. Dollar. KM 32. In original cases. 25 pieces. / / WESTERN SAMOA. 1969. Une. Tala. R L Stevenson. KM 8. In original cases. 1 ‫ ש‬pieces. ($200)

672. JAPAN. 1969.5 piece Mint Set. KM MSI. Rare first yearofissue. 6, 162 sets made, most remain in Japan. Some bleeding from plastic. In plastic wallets. 3 sets. ($500) 673. JAPAN. 1970.6 piece Mint Set. KM MS2. Some bleeding from plastic. In plastic wallets. 8 sets. ($250)

651. CYPRUS. 1955. 5 piece Proof Set. KM PSI 1. In original cases. 23 sets. / / 1963.5 piece Proof Set. KM PS12. In original cases. 134 sets. Cases a little spotted, coins lightly toned. ($400)

674. JAPAN. 1971.5 piece Mint Set. KM MS3. Some bleeding from plastic. In plastic wallets. 3 sets. ($200)

652. EAST CARIBBEAN STATES. 1955.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS1. Light toning. In original cases. 30 sets. ($450)

675. JAPAN. 1972.6 piece Mint Set. KM MS4. Somebleeding from plastic. In plastic wallets. 18 sets. / / 1975.5 piece Mint Set. KM MS5. Some bleeding from plastic. In plastic wallets. 18 sets. ($250)

653. GHANA. 1958. 7 piece Proof Set. KM PS1. Heavy toning on the bronzes. In original cases. 4 sets. / / NIGERIA. 1959.6 piece Proof Set. KM PS1. Coins toned, some cases heavily stained. In original red cases. 6 sets. / / SIERRA LEONE. 1964 6 piece Proof Set. In original cases. 10 sets. ($250)


JERSEY. 1957.4 piece Proof Set. KM PS1. In original cases. 25 sets. ($300)

654. GREAT BRITAIN. 1927.6pieœ Proof Set KM PS20. Light toning. In original leatherette cases. 5 sets. ($800)

677. JERSEY. 1964.4 piece Proof Set. KM PS3. Cases stained. In original cases. 100 sets. / / 1966.4 piece Proof Set. Norman Conquest. KM PS4. Cases stained. In original cases. lOsets. ($400)

655. GREAT BRITAIN. 1927.6 piece Proof Set KM PS20. light toning. In original cardboard cases. 5 sets. ($800)

678. MALAWI. 1964.4 piece Proof Set. KM PS1. Cases stained. In original cases. 40 sets. ($200)

656. GREAT BRITAIN. 1927.6 piece Proof Set. KM PS20. Light toning. In original cardboard cases. 5 sets. ($800)

679. MALAWI. 1964.4 piece Proof Set. KM PS1. Cases stained. In original cases. 40 sets. ($200)

657. GREAT BRITAIN. 1927.6piece Proof Set KM PS20. Light toning. In original cardboard cases. 5 sets. ($800)

680. MALAWI. 1966. Proof Crown. KM 5. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 20 Pieces. / / 1971.6 piece Proof Set. KM PS2. In original cases. 21 sets. / /1971.6 piece Mint Set. KM MSI. In hard plastic cases. 21 sets. ($300)

658. GREAT BRITAIN. 1927.6piece Proof Set KM PS20. Light toning. In original cardboard cases. 5 sets. ($800) 659. GREAT BRITAIN. 1927.6 piece Proof Set KM PS20. Light toning. In original cardboard cases. 5 sets. ($800)

9 3

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

681. ΝΕΡΑ L. 1956.7 piece Mint Set. KM MS5. Original strikes. In cardboard cases. 44 sets. / / Mixed dates. 3 piece Mint Set. 1954 lOPaisa. 19575 Paisa. 1942 2 Paisa. In cardboard cases. 25 sets. / / Mixed dates. 3 piece Mint Set. 1954 10 Paisa. 1938 5 Paisa. 1942 2 Paisa. In cardboard cases. 18 sets. / / Mixed dates. 3 piece Mint Set. 1953 Rupee. 1954 50 Paisa. 1957 25 Paisa. In rolls. 41 sets. / / Mixed dates. 3 piece Mint Set. 1943 5 Paisa. 1954 2 Paisa. 1955 Paisa. In rolls. 39 sets. / / 1 9 5 6 . Une Rupee. Spotted. In roll. 21 pieces. Sets in cardboard cases musty from long storage. ($750)

697. RHODESIA and NYASALAND. 1955.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS2. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases and shipping boxes. 10 sets. ($400)

682. NEW ZEALAND. 1953.8 piece Proof Set. KM PS6. Coins lightly toned. In original cases and shipping boxes. 12 sets. ($450)

699. SOUTH AFRICA. 1947.8 piece Proof Set. KM PS19. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 2 sets. / / 1947. Proof 5 Shillings. KM 31. Coins heavily toned. In original cases. 4 pieces. / / 1 9 4 8 . 9 piece Proof Set. KM PS20. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 1 set. ($450)

698. RHODESIA and NYASALAND. 1955.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS2. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases and shipping boxes. 5 sets. / / Mixed dates, 1963-1968.7pieoe Mint Set. Not listed in KM. In original black plastic wallets. 25 sets. ($300)

683. NEW ZEALAND. 1953. 8 piece Proof Set. KM PS6. Coins lightly toned. In original cases and shipping boxes. 12 sets. ($450)

700. S O U T H AFRICA. 1949.9 piece Proof Set. 800 sets minted. KM PS21. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 4 sets. ($1000)

684. NEW ZEALAND. 1961.7piece Une. Set. Unofficial. KM 23.2-29.2. Coins toned. In envelopes. 249 sets. ($600)

701. S O U T H AFRICA. 1949. 9 piece Proof Set. 800 sets minted. KM PS21. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 4 sets. ($1000)

685. NEW ZEALAND. 1962.7 piece Une. Set. Unofficial. KM 23.2-29.2. Coins toned. In envelopes. 185 sets. $500)

702. S O U T H AFRICA. 1950. 9 piece Proof Set. 500 sets minted. KM PS22. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 2 sets. ($500)

686. NEW ZEALAND. 1965. 7 piece Proof (Specimen) Set. KM PS10. In original folders. 42 sets. / / 1965. 7 piece Mint Set. KM MSI. In original folders. 241 sets. ($500)

703. SOUTH AFRICA. 1951.9 piece Proof Set. KM PS23. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. lOsets. ($500)

687. NEW ZEALAND. 1967. Une. Crown. KM 38.1. In original plastic cases. 35 pieces. / / 1969. Une. Crown. Cook. KM 40. In original plastic cases. 25 pieces. / / 1970. Une. Crown. Royal visit. KM 42. In original plastic cases. 25 pieces. / / 1971. Une. Crown. KM 38.2. In original plastic cases. 30 pieces. / / 1972. Une. Crown. KM 38.2. In original plastic cases. 30 pieces. / / 1975. Une. Crown. KM 38.2. In original plastic cases. 36 pieces. ($350)

704. SOUTH AFRICA. 1951.9 piece Proof Set. KM PS23. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. lOsets. ($500) 705. SOUTH AFRICA. 1951.9 piece Proof Set. KM PS23. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. lOsets. ($500) 706. SOUTH AFRICA. 1951.9 piece Proof Set. KM I>S23. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. lOsets. ($500)

688. NEW ZEALAND. 1967. 7 piece Proof (Specimen) Set. KM PS12. In original folder. 50 sets. / / 1968.6 piece Proof (Specimen) Set. KM PS14. 50 sets in original blue cases, 50 in pliofilm. 100 sets. / / 1969. 7 piece Proof (Specimen) Set. Cook Commemorative. KM PS15. In original blue cases. 25 sets. / / 1970.7 piece Proof (Specimen) Set. Royal visit. KM PS16. In original blue cases. 50 sets. ($600)

707. SOUTH AFRICA. 1962.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS54. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 10 sets. ($250) 708. SOUTH AFRICA. 1962.7piece Proof Set. KM PS54. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 10 sets. ($250)

689. NEW ZEALAND. 1968.7 piece Mint Set. KM MS4. In pliofilm. 50 sets. / / 1969.7 piece Mint Set. KM MS5. In plastic wallet. 7sets. / / 1970.7 piece Mint Set. KMMS7. In plastic wallet. 50 sets. / / 1971.7 piece Mint Set. KM MSI 0. In plastic wallet. 55 sets. / / 1972.7 piece Mint Set. KM MS12. In plastic wallet. 50 sets. Bleeding from soft plastic. ($500)

709. SOUTH AFRICA. 1962.7piece Proof Set. KM PS54. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 15 sets. ($300) 710. SOUTH AFRICA. 1963.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS57. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 15 sets. ($300)

690. NEW ZEALAND. 1971.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS17. Bronzes toned. Inhardplasticcases.lOsets. ($500)

711. SOUTH AFRICA. 1963.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS57. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 15 sets. ($300)

691. NEW ZEALAND. 1972.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS18. In hard plastic cases. 11 sets. / / 1973.7piece Proof Set. KM PS19. In hard plastic cases. 19sets. ($300)

712. SOUTH AFRICA. 1963.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS57. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 16sets. ($300)

692. NEW ZEALAND. 1973.7 piece Mint Set. KM MS14. In plastic wallet. 50sets. / / 1974.7 piece Mint Set. KM MSI7. In plastic wallet. 52 sets. / / 1975. 7 piece Mint Set. KM MS20. In plastic wallet. 66 sets. Bleeding from soft plastic. ($400)

713. SOUTH AFRICA. 1964.7piece Proof Set. KM PS60. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. lOsets. ($250) 714. SOUTH AFRICA. 1965.7piece Proof Set. KM PS65. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 10 sets. ($250)

693. NEW ZEALAND. 1973. Proof G o w n . KM 38.2. In original cases. 11 pieces. / / 1974. Proof Silver Crown. Games. KM 44a. In original cases. 13 pieces. / / 1975. Proof Crown. KM 38.2. In original cases. 14 pieces.

715. SOUTH AFRICA. 1966.7piece Proof Set. KM PS67. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 40 sets. ($300)


716. SOUTH AFRICA. 1967.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS70. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 31 sets. ($200)

694. NEW ZEALAND. 1974.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS20. In hard plastic cases. 5 sets. / / 1975.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS21. In hard plastic cases. 14 sets. ($200)

717. SOUTH AFRICA. 1968.7 piece Proof Set. KM PS73. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 11 sets. / / 1969. 7piece Proof Set. KM PS76. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 11 sets. / / 1970.8 piece Proof Set. KM PS79. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 9 sets. (S200)

695. PAKISTAN. Mixed dates. Mint Set. KM MSI. Cases musty from long storage. In original plastic folders. 12sets. / / RAS AL KHAIMA. 1969. 3 piece Proof Set. KM PS1. Coins toned. In original plastic folder. lOsets. ($300)

718. SOUTH AFRICA. 1971.8 piece Proof Set. KM PS82. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 10 sets. / / 1972.8 piece Proof Set. KM PS85. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 10 sets. / / 1973.8 piece Proof Set. KM PS88. Coins toned, cases stained. In original cases. 20 sets. ($300)

696. RH ODESIA. 1953. Proof Crown. Cecil Rhodes. KM 27. In original cases. 8 pieces. ($600) 7 4

Classical Numismatic 719. SURINAM. 1962.5 piece Proof S e t K M P S l . Coins lightly toned. In original cases. 10 sets. ($500)


Group, Inc. Macedon. Kings of. Alexander III. Lot of two AR Tetradrachms.

Posthumous issues. Alabanda mint. Price 2466. / / Perga mint, with anchor countermark. Price 2938. Both near VF. 2 coins. ($200)

720. SURINAM. 19615pieœ Proof Set KM PS1. Coins lightly toned. In original cases. 10 sets. ($500)

732. Lot of three AR. Macedon, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. Miletos mint. Symbol: monogram. Price 2105. / / Thessalian League. Circa 196-146 BC. Double Victoriatus. Magistrates Sosipatros and Gorgopas. McClean 4876 var. / / Another, magistrates Charmodios and Kraterophedas(?). Unlisted magistrates? The tetradrachm Fine, the others VF. 3 coins. ($250)

721. SURINAM 1962.5pieoe Proof Set KM PS1. Coins lightly toned. In original cases. 5 sets. ($250 722. ZAMBIA. 1964.3 piece Proof Set. KM PS1. Coins lightly toned. In original cases. 11 sets. / / 1965. Proof 5 Shillings. KM 4. In original cases. 199 pieces. ($400)

733. Lot of n i n e AR and JE. Macedon, A n o n y m o u s Regal issue. JE 18mm. SNG Cop. 1121. / / Mysia, Pergamon. AR Qstophoric Tetradrachm. SNG Cop. 433. / / Aeolis, Kyme. JE 16mm. SNG Cop. 50. / / Cappadocia. Ariobarzanes I. AR Drachm. Simonetta 44c. / / . Nabataea. Aretas IV. JE 18mm. Mesh. 112. / / Persia. ARSiglos. Carradice type III. / / Baktria. Apollodotos. AR Square Drachm. MIG 206h. / / Menander. AR Drachm. MIG 215t. / / Apollodotos. / / Azes I. AR Drachm. MIG 753a Average VF or better. 9 coins. ($300)

LARGE LOTS 723. Italy. Lot of five AR. Campania, Neapolis. Nomos. SNG ANS 410. //Calabria, Tarentum. Diobol. Vlasto 1248 var. (A on reverse). / / Hemilitroa Vlasto 1551. / / Lucania, Herakleia. Nomos. SNG A N S 52. / / Thorioi. Nomos. SNG ANS 1081. Average Fme to VF, the last two weakly struck. 5 coins. ($500)

734. Lot of nine JE. Macedon, Amphipolis. Antoninus Pius. SNG Cop. 101. / / Sarmatia, Olbia. SNG Cop. 85. / / Thrace, Maroneia. SNG Cop. 628ff (3 coins). / / Epirote Republic. SNG Cop. 128. / / Phokis. SNG Cop. 125. / / Megara. SNG Cop. 474. / / Bosporos, Kings of. Thothorses. Anokin 744. Some scarcer types. Average Fme or better. 9 coins. ($150)

724. Lot of five AR and JE Calabria, Tarentum. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Nomos. Vlasto 805. / / Lucania, Metapontion. Circa 350-300 BC. JE 17mm. SNG Cop. 1257. / / Thrace, Thasos. After 146 BC. AR Tetradrachm. SNG Cop. 1M2. / / Akarnania, Anaktorion. Circa 350-300. AR Stater. Pegasi 58. / / Achaean League. Messine. After 222 BC. AR Hemidrachm. Q e r k 294. Average VF. 5 coins. ($350)

735. Lot of three AR. Moesia, Istros. Drachm. Twin heads/Eagle on dolphin right. Pick 441. Fme, scraped. / / Thrace, Cherronesos. Hemiobol. Symbol: barley grain. BMC 8. VF. / / Trierus. Hemiobol. Apollo/Laurel. SNG Cop. 822. VF, corroded, broken and repaired. 3 coins. ($200)

725. Lot of five AR. Calabria, Tarentum. Nomos. Vlasto 673. / / Euboia, Karystos. Drachm. BMC8. / / Euboean League. Drachm. Wallace 142 (this coin). / / Crete, Kydonia. Stater. Svoronos 23. / / Baktria. Heliokles. Tetradrachm. MIG 284a. Scarcer types. Average Fine to VF. 5 coins.

736. Lot of eight AR fractions. Thrace, Black Sea Area. Cherroneses. Hemidrachms (2 coins-symbols: ram's head and fish). / / Thrace, Byzantion. Half Siglos. SNG Cop. 479. / / Thrace, Mesebria. Diobol. SNG Cop. 652. / / Thessaly, Trikka. Hemidrachm. SNG Cop. 264 var. / / Sikyon. Hemidrachm. SNG Cop. 57 var. / / Caria, Rhodes. Drachm. Magistrate Artemon, symbol jug. SNG Cop. 813 var. / / Another. Magistrate Maes, symbol Isis crown. SNG Cop. 836. Average VF or better. Some nicer pieces. 8 coins. ($400)


726. Lot of three AR. Lucania, Velia. Nomos. Circa 305-290 BC. Athena / Lion; pentagram. Williams 431. / / Macedon, Kings of. Alexander III. 336323 BC.Tetradrachm. "Amphipolis" mint. Symbol: herm. Price 78. / / Drachm. Lampsakos mint. Symbol: Pegasos and monogram. Price 1382. Average Fine, the tetradrachm scratched. 3 coins. ($250)

737. Lot of three AR. Achaean League. Pallantion. After 222 BC. Hemidrachm. Zeus/Monogram; trident. Qerk219. / / Argolis, Argos. After 343 BC Tetrobol. Wolf/A; club. SNG Cop. 30. / / Bithynia, Chalcedon. Circa 387-340 BC. Drachm. Bull/Square. SNG BMC 102. Average VF, the first piece scarce. 3 coins. ($250)

727. Lot of five AR and JE. Lucania, Metapontion. JE 14mm. SNG ANS 564. / / Bruttium. Vibo Valentia. JE 18mm. SNG ANS475. / / Sicily, Syracuse. AR Obol. Imitative issue. SNG ANS 251./ / Syracuse. JE 28mm. SNG ANS 455. / / Roman period. ,4:18mm. SNG ANS 1093. Average Fine. 5 coins.

738. Lot of five JE. Pontos, Pharnakeia. 20mm. SNG Cop. 222. / / Bithynia, Herakleia Pontika. Dionysios. 15mm. SNG von Aulock 364 (this coin). / / Caria, Halikarnassos. 18mm. SNG Cop. 354ff. / / Seleukid Kings. Antiochos III. 30mm. Ekbatana mint. Houghton 1180. / / Tryphon. 18mm. Houghton 262. Average Fine, the Pharnakeia near EF. 5 coins. ($150)


728. Bruttium. Lokroi Epizephryii. Circa 325-317 BC. AR Drachm (2.53 gm). Pegasos flying left; thunderbolt. / LOK, head of nymph left. Ex Coin Galleries 8/20/86, lot 43, where described as "rare, absent from most published collections". VF, slightly rough surfaces. / / Plus Sicily, Syracuse. 214-212 BC. JE 14mm (3.20 gm). Head of Apollo / Torch. SNG Cop. 895. Ex CNA X, lot 282. Brown VF. 2 coins, both quite rare. ($400)

739. Lot of nine AR. Pontos. Polemo II and Nero. Year 20. Drachm. RPC 3832. / / Mysia, Pergamon. Qstophoric Tetradrachm. SNG Cop. 405. / / Lesbos, Mytilene. Triobol. SNG Cop. 376ff. / / Ionia, Kolophon. Tetartemorion. SNG Cop. 140. / / Miletos. Trihemiobol. Rosen 579. / / Chios. Didrachm. SNG Cop. 1544 (2 coins). / / Samos. Drachm. SNG Cop. 1713. / / Caria, Kos. Drachm. BMC 83. Average Fine, the Samos VF with mount mark. 9 coins. ($500)

729. Lot of ten JE. Circa 3rd-lst Century BC. Sicily, Kamarina. JE Tétras. / / S y r a c u s e Agathokles.22mm. //Syracuse.Heiron Π.27mm. / / Macodon, Amphipolis. 11mm. / / Corinth. 12mm. / / Pontos, Amisos. 21mm. / / Troas, Kebren. 10mm. / / Pisidia, Conana.21mm. / / Cilicia,Soloi. 20mm. / / Syria, Laodikeia. 15mm. Average Fine to VF. Some better types. 10 coins. ($300)

740. Mysia, Parion. Lot of two AR Drachms. Circa 5th Century BC Gorgoneion/Cruciform incuse. SNG von Aulock 1318. / / Circa 4th century BC Gorgoneion/Cow. SNG von Aulock 1321. The first VF, the second VF, reverse off-center. 2 coins. ($150)

730. Macedon. Lot of six AR fractions. Aegae. Trihemiobol. SNG ANS 59. / / Akanthos. Tetrobol. SNG ANS 32. / / Similar. SNG ANS 47. / / Terone. Diobol. SNG ANS-. / / Kings. Perdikkas. Tetrobol. Raymond 137. / / Autonomous. Tetrobol. SNG Cop. 1285. Average Fine to VF. 6 coins. ($375)

7 5

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

753. Lot of three Parthian AR Drachms. Gotarzes 1.95-87 BC. Shore 110. //MithradatesIV. 140 AD. Shore425. / / OsroesII. 190AD.Shore438. / / Plus an AR Drachm of Baktria. Azes II. 35 BC-5 AD. MIG 856p. Average VF, the MithradatesIV scarce. 4 coins totaL ($200)

741. Lot of six AR a n d JE. Mysia, Pergamon. After 133 BC. AR Qstophoric Tetradrachm SNG Cop. 438. / / Ionia, Miletos. Circa 5th Century B C AR Diobol. SNG Cop. 948. / / Caria, Rhodes. Circa 304-189 BC. AR Didrachm. Eukrates. BMC 141. / / Pisidia, Selge. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Trihemiobol? / / Phoenida, Byblos. Adramalek. 4th Century BC. AR 1 / 8 Shekel. BMC 10. / / Ptolemy III. /E36mm. SNG Cop. 173. Average VF, the Rhodian didrachm EF, slightly off center. 6coins. ($400)

754. Lot of two AR. Parthia. Mithradates II. 123-88 BC. AR Drachm. Shore 85. VF, encrustation. / / Harnais. Kamnaskires VI? 1st Century BCAD. Billon Tetradrachm. Alram NB1. VF. 2 coins. ($150)

742. Lot of three AR. Caria, Stratonikeia. Circa 166-88 B C Hemiobol. Zeus/Eagle; magistrate Melanthos. SNG von Aulock8142. / / Rhodes. Circa 166-88 BC Drachm. Helios/Rose; magistrate Agatharchos. SNG Cop. 800. / / Another, magistrate Zenokrates. BMC 280. Average VF. 3 coins. ($250)

755. Sassanian Kings. Lot of fourteen AR Drachms. Ardashir I. / / Shapur I. / / Narses. / / Shapur II. / / Vahram IV. / / Vahram V. / / Peroz (2 coins). / / Kavad (3 coins). / / Hormazd IV. / / Khusro II. / / Yazdgerd III. Some scarcer mints in the later issues, should be examined carefully. Average Fine to VF, Ardashir and Vahram IV chipped. 14 coins. ($300)

743. Lot of three AR. Pisidia, Selge. Circa 300-190 BC Stater. SNG Cop. 249. / / Cappadoda. Ariarathes VI. 130-116BC. Drachm. Year 12.Simonetta 24. / / Ariobarzanes I. 96-63 B C Drachm. Year 30. Simonetta 44c. Average Fine to VF. 3 coins. ($200)

756. Sassanian Imitative. Lot of five AR D r a c h m s . Hephthalites. MACW1507. / / Arab-Sassanian. Ubaidallah ibn Ziyad. Cf. MACW1358. / / Anonymous. Cf. MACW 1345 (2 coins). / / Tabaristan. MuqatiL Cf. MACW 1386. Average VF, the two Anonymous drachms with mount marks. 5 coins. ($300)

744. Lot of three AR. C a p p a d o d a Ariobarzanes I. Year 2 (94/93 BQ. Drachm. Simonetta 4a. / / Seleukids. Demetrios I. Year 161 (152/151 BQ. Drachm. Unrecorded monograms. Cf. SMA120ff. / / Demetrios II. Year 185 (128/127BC. Didrachm. Tyre mint. Unlisted monogram. Cf. Houghton 768. Average VF, the didrachm attractively toned and scarce. 3 coins. ($300)

757. Baktria. Lot of eight JE H e m i o b o l s and Obol. Eukratides. Hemiobols. MIG 190k, 1901. / / Apollodotos I. Hemiobols. MIG 209p, 209q. / / Philoxenos. Hemiobol. MIG344d. / / Diomedes. Hemiobol. MIG354b. / / Apollodotos Π. Obol. MIG 432e. / / Maues. Hemiobol. MIG 707a. Average Fine. Some scarcer types and rulers. 8 coins. ($600)

745. Syria, Laodikeia. Lot of two AR Tetradrachms. Year 30 (52/51 BQ. Head of Tyche / Zeus enthroned; monograms. SNG Rtzwilliam 5954. Both toned VF, rough surfaces. 2 coins. ($200)

758. Lot of six eastern AR Drachms. Baktria. Menander. 160-145 BC. MIG 2150. / / Parthian kings. Vologases III. 105-147 AD. Shore 415. / / Sassanian kings. Hormazd IV. Year 8. AB m i n t / / Khusru Π. Year 3. AIRAN mint. / / Year 20. RD=Rayy mint. / / Uncertain year. BLH=Balkh mint. / / Average VF to EF. 6 coins. ($100)

746. Lot of three AR. Seleukid kings. Alexander I. Year 164. Didrachm. Sidon mint. Cf. BMC 6 (year 162). Good VF, porosity and flan crack. / / Phoenida, Arados Circa 5th-4th Century B C Obol. Sea d a t y / Prow in dotted square. SNG Cop. 6 var (no dolphin on reverse). VF, hom silver obverse. / / Plus a Roman Denarius of Severus Alexander/Mars. RSC 113a. EF. The two Greek pieces quite scarce. 3 coins. ($200) 747. Armenia, Artaxiad Kings. Lot of f o u r JE. Tigranes I. 95-56 BC. 20mm. Tyche. Bedoukian 91. / / 18mm. Nike. Bed.114. / / 18mm. Palm branch. Bed. 121. / / Tigranes II. 20-8 BC Nike. Bed. 145. Average near VF. 4 coins. ($100) 748. P h o e n i d a , Arados. Lot of two AR Drachms. Bee/Stag. Year 102 (158/157BQ. BMC 159 / / Year 104 (156/155 BQ. BMC 162. Both toned VF, light porosity. 2 coins. ($175)

759. Baktria, Indo-Scythian Kings. Lot of thirteen AR Tetradrachms. Azes II. MIG 846f, 848a, 848d, 848g, 848k. Hermaeus. MIG 414e (4 coins), 418b, 418 varient mintmark (3 coins). Average good VF, with uniform dark hoard patina. 13 coins. ($800) 760. Lot of six Ptolemaic AR and JE. Ptolemy II. JE 25mm. SNG Cop. 114. / / Ptolemy III. >E36mm. SNG Cop. 173. / / JE 24mm. SNG Cop. 178. / / Ptolemy IV. JE 37mm. SNG Cop. 228. / / Ptolemy VI. A 20mm. SNG Cop. 311. / / Cleopatra VII. Year 12 (41 / 4 0 BQ. AR Tetradrachm. SNG Cop. 406. Average Fine to VF, the tetradrachm with porosity. 6 coins. ($250) 761. Lot of six AR and JE Melita. JE 25mm. Calciati 8 (2 coins). / / Egypt Ptolemy V. JE 32mm. SNG Cop. 246. / / Numidia. Juba I. AR Denarius. SNG Cop. 523. / / Mauritania. Juba II. AR Denarius. SNG Cop. 579. / / Mauritania, loi. JE 20mm. SNG Cop. 680. Average Fine, the Juba II good VF. 6 coins. ($250)

749. P h o e n i d a . Lot of four AR. Arados. Circa 4th century BC. Stater. BMC56ff. / / Obol.BMC45ff. / / Byblos. 1/8Shekel.Cf. BMC 11. / / T y r e . 1 /24 Shekel. BMC 23. Average VF. 4 coins. ($125) 750. Judaea. Lot of fifteen JE. Kings. Alexander Jannaeus. Hendin 10. / / John Hyrcanus II. 11.20. / / Herod I. H.54. / / Herod Archelaus. 11.63. / / Agrippa 1.11.75. / / Procurators. Ambibulus. II.102. / / ValeriusGratus. H.l 1 1 . / / Pontius Pilate. H.l 13. / / Antonius Fdix. H.l 16. / / Porcius Festus. H.118. / / First Revolt. H.123. / / H.131 (2coins). / / Bar Kochba. H.173. / / Titus. Judaea Capta. H. 181. A good starter collection of Judaean. Average Fine. 15 coins. ($400)

762. Lot of twenty-five Hellenistic and Roman Provincial JE. Primarily cities in Ciliaa, Syria and Phoenicia, induding Elaiussa, Seleukeia, Antioch, Laodiceia, Berytos, Marathos, Sidon and Tyre. Plus an JE 17mm of the Seleukid usurper Achaios. Interesting lot Average Fine to near VF. 25 coins. ($200)

751. Persia, Achaemenid Kings. Lot of two AR Sigloi. Circa 500-485 BC. King drawing bow. Carradioe type II. / / Circa 485-470 BC King holding spear and bow. Carradioe type Illb. The first Fine and scarce, the second VF. 2 coins. ($150)

763. Lot of two Aes Grave. Rome. Circa 240-225 BC Quadrans. Head of Hercules left/Prow. T / V 54. Near VF, heavy green and brown patina. / / Umbria. Circa 225-213 BC. Sextans. Club/Pellets. T / V 172. Near VF, green patina. 2 coins. ($250)

752. Parthia. Lot of seven AR Drachms. Mithradates I. 171-138 BC. Shore 12. / / Phraates IV. 38-2 BC. Shore281. / / Phraatakes. 2 BC-4 AD. Shore 317. / / Vonones 1.8-12 AD. Shore 329. / / Vologases III. 105-147 AD. Shore415. / / Parthamaspates. 116AD.Shore423. / / OsroesII. 190 AD. Shore 439. Some scarcer rulers. Average VF. 7 coins. ($300)

764. Lot of six AR and JE. A n o n y m o u s JE Semuncia. Cr. 3 8 / 7 . / / Denarii. M. Furius Li. Philus. Furia 18. / / Mn. Fontdus Cf. Fonteia 10. / / C VibiusC.f. Pansa. Vibia 2. / / L. Prodlius. Prodlia 1. / / Mn. Cordius Rufus. Cordia 3. Average Fine, the Procilius EF, off-center. 6 coins. ($200)

7 6

Classical Numismatic 765. Lot of six AR Denarii. A n o n y m o u s . RSC 6. / / P. Sulla. Cornelia 1. / / P. Paetius. A e l i a 3 . / / M. Baeblius Q.f. Tampilus. Baebia 12. / / C. Servilius C.f. Servilia 1. / / C. A u g u r i n u s . Minucia 3. Average VF, the A u g u r i n u s Fine with n u m e r o u s b a n k e r ' s marks. 6 coins. ($250)

Group, Inc.

778. Lot of t w e n t y - s e v e n AR. Denarii. Vespasian. / / Trajan. / / Antoninus Pius. / / Marcus Aurelius. / / Faustina Jr. / / Caracalla. / / Geta, Caesar (4 coins). / / Geta, A u g u s t u s . / / Severus Alexander (2 coins). / / Julia Maesa (4coins). / / Antoniniani. Gordian III (4coins). / / PhUip 1. / / Otacilia Severa. / / Gallienus. / / Tetradrachms. Antioch. Trajan. / / Trajan Decius. / / Heliopolis. Caracalla. Average Fine to VF. 27coins. ($500)

766. Lot of four early AR. Quinarius. Anonymous. After211 B C R S C 3 . / / Denarius. C Thalna. 154 BC. Juventia 7. / / Denarius. C. Renius. 138 B C Renia 1 . / / Denarius. M. Caecilia Q.f .Qji. Metellus. 127 BC Caecilia 29. The first near EF, the rest VF. 4 coins. ($250) 767. Lot of four AR and JE. Anonymous. Circa 217-215 BC JE U n à a . Cr. 38/6. II JE Semunda. Cr. 39/5. / / L Sempronius Käo. 148 BC. JE As. Cr. 2a. I I Mark Antony. 4 0 3 9 BC. AR Quinarius. RSC 67a. Scarcer types. Average Fine. 4 coins. ($200) 768. Lot of six AR Denarii. Cn. Domitianus Ahenobarbus. Domitia 14. / / C. Cato. Porcia 1. / / M. Q p i u s C.f. Cipia 1. / / Man. Aemilius Lepidus. Aemilia 7. / / C. Q a u d i u s Pulcher. Claudia 1. / / L Thorius Balbus; I. Thoria 1. Average VF. 6 coins. ($300)

779. Lot of fifteen AR Denarii. Vespasian. / / Domitian. / / Trajan. / / Faustina Sr. / / Septimius Severus (3 coins, all eastern mints). / / Caracalla. / / Geta, Caesar. / / S e v e r u s A l e x a n d e r (3 coins). / / Julia Maesa. / / Maximinus I (2 coins). N o duplication of types. Average VF or a little better. 15 coins. ($400) 780. Lot of t h r e e Λ:. D o m i t i a n / F i d e s . As. BMC 385. / / M a r c u s Aurelius/Felicitas. Sestertius. RIC 1237. / / Severus Alexander/Jupiter. Sestertius. RIC 558. Average Fine or better. 3 coins. ($150) 781. Lot of t h i r t e e n >E Sestertii. Trajan (2 coins). / / Hadrian. A n t o n i n u s Pius (2 coins). / / Diva Faustina Sr. / / M a r c u s Aurelius. Lucius Verus. / / Faustina Jr. (2 coins). / / C o m m o d u s (3 coins). / / Plus A n o n y m o u s q u a d r a n s . M a r s / C u i r a s s . / / As of A n t o n i n u s Pius. D u p o n d i u s of C o m m o d u s . Average Fair to Fine. 16 coins total. ($150)

769. Lot of f o u r AR D e n a r i i . L. Philippus. 113-112 BC. M a r d a 12. / / M. Herennius. 108-107 B C Herennia la. / / C. Censorinus. 88 B C Symbols: O l Arrow. Marcia 18d. / / Q. Antonius Balbus. ·V on obverse. Antonia l b . The Censorinus Fair, the others good VF. 4 coins. ($150)

// // an //

782. Lot of ten AR. Antoninus Pius a n d Aurelius Caesar. RSC 15. / / Septimius Severus. Laodicea. RSC 642. / / Caracalla, Caesar. RSC 566. / / Antoniniani. Gordian III. RSC 401. / / Philip II, Caesar. RSC 51. / / Diocletian. Antioch. RIC325. / / Drachms. Pontos. Polemo II and Nero. Year 19. RPC 3831. / / Cappadocia, Caesarea. Nero and Claudius. Syd. 71. / / Antoninus Pius. Syd. 299. / / Caracalla. Syd. 472a var. Average VF, some needing deaning. 10 coins. ($300)

770. Lot of six AR D e n a r i i L Thorius Balbus; L. Thoria 1. / / M. Ludlius Rufus. Lucilia 1. / / C.Egnatuleius C.f. Egnatuleia 1 (Quinarius). I / O . Silanus Lf.; P/IIII. Junia 15. / / C. Vibius C.f. Pansa; helmet. Vibia 2. / / L Julius Bursio; XXVIII. Julia 5a. Average good VF. 6 coins. ($300) 771. Lot of six AR D e n a r i i Mn. Fontdus C f . Fonteia 9. / / C Lidnius Lf. Macer. Licinia 16. / / P . FuriusGassipes. Furia 20. / / L Sulla. Cornelia 33. / / Censorinus, Crepusius and Limetanus. M a r a a 27. / / C Hosidius C.f. Geta. Hosidia 1. Some better pieces, lot should be inspected. Average good VF, the last EF, off center. 6 coins. ($400)

783. Lot of five AR of the e m p r e s s e s . Lucilla. Denarius. RSC 98. / / Julia Domna. Denarius. RSC32. / / Antoninianus. RSC206. / / Plautilla. Eastern mint. RSC 7. / / RSC 25. Some scarcer types. Average VF. 5 coins. ($200)

772. Lot of five AR Denarii. L Censorinus. 82 BC. M a r d a 24. / / Cn. Lentulus. 76-75 B C Cornelia 54. / / L. Furius Brocchus. 63 B C Furia 23. / / L. Marcius Philippus. 57 B C Marcia 28. / / Mn. Adlius Glabrio. 49 BC. Adlia 8. Average VF. 5 coins. (S300)

784. Lot of eleven JE Sestertii. Julia Domna. / / M a x i m i n u s I (2 coins). / / Gordian III (2 coins). / / Philip I. / / Herennia Etruscilla (2 coins). / / Hostilian. / / Volusian. / / P o s t u m u s . / / Plus an Antoninianus of Salonina. / / M e s o p o t a m i a , Edessa. Septimius Severus and Abgar./E 21mm. / / Egypt, Alexandria. Maximinus I. Potin Tetradrachm. Average Fine, some better, the Julia Domna pitted. 14 ooins total. ($375)

773. Lot of six AR D e n a r i i . L. Furius Cn.f. Brocchus. Furia 23. / / L. Lepidus Pauli us. Aemilia 10. / / C. Piso L f . Frugi; d u b / T . Calpurnia 24. / / L. Cassius Longinus. Cassia 10. / / M. N o n i u s S u f e n a s . Nonia 1 (2 coins). Average good VF. 6 coins. ($300)

785. Lot of six AR D e n a r i i . C a r a c a l l a / M a r s . RSC 149. / / Caracalla/Venus. RSC 606. / / Geta/Victory. Laodicea mint. RSC 203. / / Elagabalus/Bagabalus sacrificing. RSC61. / / Severus Alexander/Sol. RSC 388a. / / Maximinus I / Victory. RSC 107. Average good VF to EF. 6 coins. ($300)

774. Lot of six AR D e n a r i i . Cn. P l a n a u s . P l a n a a 1. / / Q. P o m p e i u s Rufus. Pompeia 5. / / Man. A d l i u s Glabrio. Acilia 8. / / Albinus Bruti f. Postumia 10. / / Mn. Cordius Rufus. Cordia 1. / / Cordia 2a. Average good VF to EF. 6 coins. (S300)

786. Lot of three JE. Severus Alexander/Jupiter. Sestertius. RIC 558. / / Victory. As. RIC 619. / / Philip I/F1des. Sestertius. RIC 172a. Average Fine or better. 3 coins. ($150)

775. Lot of ten AR Denarii. Antony. LEG V. RSC 32. / / Augustus. RSC 43. / / V e s p a s i a n . RSC 43. / / RSC 364. / / RSC 390. / / Domitian, Caesar. RSC399a. / / Domitian. RSC282. / / Nerva. RSC34. / / Trajan. RSC497a. / / Hadrian. RSC 712. Some better types. Average Fine to VF. lOcoins. ($300)

787. Lot of ten AR Antoniniani. Gordian III. RSC 109 (ex Knobloch), 121,314 (3 coins). / / Philip I. RSC 17,43 (3 coins). / / Trajan Decius. RSC 86. / / Herennia Etrusdlla. RSC 19. / / Trebonianus Gallus. RSC 17. / / Postumus. RSC 39a. Average VF or better. 10 coins. ($200)

776. Lot of f o u r AR a n d JE. A u g u s t u s . JE Q u a d r a n s . Lamia, Silius, Annius. RIC 421. / / O a u d i u s . JE Q u a d r a n s . RIC 91. / / Nerva/Liberias. AR Denarius. RSC 117. / / G o r d i a n III/ Fides. JE Sestertius. RIC 301a. Average VF. 4 coins. ($300)

788. Lot of eight Antoniniani. Philip I. RSC 3,205. / / Volusian. RSC 8. / / Valerian. RSC 265. / / Gallienus. RSC 379,379a, 1173. / / Postumus. RSC 101a. Average good VF. 8 coins. ($250)

777. Lot of ten AL Agrippa. As. / / T i b e r i u s . Restoration issueof Titus. A s / / Trajan. Sestertius. / / Semis. / / Quadrans. / / Hadrian. Quadrans. / / Antoninus Pius. As. / / Faustina Jr. As. / / Severus Alexander. Sestertius. / / Gordian III. Sestertius. Average Fair to Fine. lOcoins. ($200)

789. Lotof ten AR Antoniniani. Valerian I. RSC272. / / Gallienus. RSC 158,162,242,979 (animal types). Valerian II. DEO V O L C A N O reverse. RSC 20. Rare. / / Postumus. RSC331a. / / Aurelian. RIC122,151. / / Diodetian. RIC 161. Some scarcer types. Average VF or better. 10 coins. ($200)

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Group, Inc.

790. Lot of eight An toniniani. Postumus. R1C309. / / Claudius II. RIC 102. / / Aurelian. RIC255,368. / / Taatus. RIC126. / / Probus. RIC 101,332, 629. Average EF. 8 coins. ($200)

802. Lot of t w e l v e ^ Folles. Anastasius I (5 coins). / / J u s t i n I (5 coins). / / Justinian I (2 coins-pre-reform type). AU Constan tinople, except for one imitative. Average Fine, some in need of cleaning. 12 coins. ($100)

791. Lot of f i f t y - t h r e e late JE. Base antoniniani f r o m C l a u d i u s II to Diodehan. / / Folles of the Tetrarchy. / / Constantinian Folles. / / Later JE to Valentinian II. Wide assortment of types a n d mints. Average Fair to VF, some d a m a g e d . 53 coins. ($300)

803. Lot of twenty-six JE fractions. Anastasius I to Phocas. Mostly half folles, with a f e w 5 a n d 10 n u m m i . Constantinople, Nicomedia, Cyzicus a n d Antioch mints. Average Fine to VF. 26 coins. ($100) 804. Lot of six AR and JE. Justin l JE 5 N u m m i . SB 75. / / Constans Π. AR H e x a g r a m . SB 996. / / Trebizond. Alexius II. AR Asper. Ret. 16. / / Similar. Cf. Ret. 55. / / Alexius III. AR Asper. Ret. 25. / / Armenia. Hetoum and Zabel. AR Tram. Cf. Bed. 1107. / / Plus a 10th century Byzantine lead seal. Average VF, the lead seal with p o w d e r y surfaces. 7 pieces total. ($300)

792. Lot of eight late A n t o n i n i a n i and Folles. Antoniniani. Carinus, Caesar. RIC 152. / / Diodehan. RIC284,306var. / / M a x i m i a n u s . RIC 502. / / Folles. Maximianus. Antioch. RIC 58b. / / Galerius. Nicomedia. RIC 54b. / / Maximinus, Caesar. H e r a d e a . RIC 36. / / Maxentius. Rome. RIC 258. Average VG to EF. 8 coins. ($200)

805. Lot of eight JE Folles. Justinian I. Large flan post -reform type. Mostly Constantinople, with Nicomedia a n d Carthage. Some nice pieces. Average VF, s o m e in need of cleaning. 8 coins. ($200)

793. Lot of twelve JE Folles of the Tetrarchy period. Maximianus (2 coins). / / Constantius I, Caesar. / / Galerius, Caesar. / / Galerius (2coins). / / Maximinus II, Caesar. / / Maximinus IL / / Licinius I (4 coins). Mostly Sol reverse types, a variety of mints. Average VF to EF. 12 coins. ($200)

806. Lot of fourteen JE Folles. Justinian I. Small flan post -reform type (4 coins). I I Justin II (10 coins). Constantinople, Nicomedia, Cyzicus and Antioch mints, also a "military mint" of Justin II. Average Fine to VF, some in need of cleaning. 14 coins. ($150)

794. Lot of n i n e late Folles. Licinius I. / / Constantine I (4 coins, one from London mint). / / Urbs Roma. / / Constantinopolis. / / Crispus, Caesar. / / Constantius II, Caesar. / / PlusGratian. ARSiliqua. Trier mint. RSC 56a. The folles VF or better, the siliqua EF. 10 coins total. ($200)

807. Lot of twenty JE Folles. Tiberius II a n d Maurice. Mostly Antioch mint, with a few from Constantinople, Nicomedia and Cyzicus. Average Fine to VF, some in need of cleaning. 20 coins. ($200)

795. Lot of fourteen Constantinian small JE Folles. Anonymous (probably Maximinus ID- / / Constantine I (2 coins). / / DV Constantino. / / Urbs Roma (2 coins). / / Crispus (3 coins; one ex NFA V, lot 540). / / Delmatius. / / Constantine II, Caesar (4 coins). All different, various m i n t s a n d types. Average good VF to EF. An attractive lot. 14 coins. ($300)

808. Lot of four JE. Maurice. Follis. Year 18. G / T H E U P . SB 533. Good VF. / / Anonymous. Follis, Class A3. SB 1818. VF. / / Alexius I. Tetarteron. SB 1931. Fine. / / J o h n II. Tetarteron. SB 1945. Good VF. 4 coins. ($100)

796. Lot of five late AR and JE. JE Centenionales. Constans. Trier. RIC 219. / / Constantius II. Cyzicus. RIC92. / / Magnenhus. Rome. RIC222. / / Vetranio. Siscia. RIC 285. / / AR Siliqua. Arcadius. Milan. RSC 27b. Average good VF, the siliqua clipped. 5 coins. ($300)

809. Lot of f o u r t e e n JE Folles. Phocas of Antioch. / / Heraclius(13 coins). Constantinople, Thessalonica a n d Nicomedia. Several interesting overstrikes. Average Fine to VF. 14 coins. ($150) 810. Lot of f i v e AR a n d JE. Heraclius. AR H e x a g r a m . SB 798. / / Theophilius. JE Follis. C r u d e style. SB 1667. / / Thessalonica. Manuel Comnenus-Ducas. Trachy. SB 1539. / / Michael VIII. Trachy. SB2264. / / Michael VIII. Trachy. SB 2270. / / Plus a billon Tetradrachm of Antioch. Trajan Decius. BMC 580. The Byzantine VF with ususal poor strikes, the tetradrachm good VF. 6 pieces total. ($200)

797. Lot of five AR and Potin Tetradrachms. Syria, Antioch. Nero. Year 8/110. RPC 4182. / Egypt, Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 9. Eagle with palm. Köln 2908. / / Y e a r 12. Eagle bearing wreath. Köln 2921. / / S a l o n i n a . Year 14. Eagle. Köln 2977. / / Probus. Year 2. Hpis. Köln 3128. Average good VF. 5 coins. ($250) 798. Lot of seven JE of eastern Syria a n d M e s o p o t a m i a . Damascus. Nero. 24mm. RPC 4083. / / Philip 1.28mm. BMC 22.11 Emisa. Antoninus Pius. 22mm. BMC 2. / / Decapolis, Bostra. Late autonomous. 17mm.Spijk. 12. / / H i p p u m . Elagabalus. 25mm. Spijk. 36. / / Mesopotamia, Carrhae. Septimius Severus. 12mm. Altar reverse. U n p u b l i s h e d ? / / Singara. Tranquillina. 25mm. BMC 14. Some scarcer types and dües. Average Fine to VF. 7 coins. ($150)

811. Lot of thirty-two JE Folles. Constans II. Constantinople, with a f e w imitative issues. Many of the types between SB 1000 a n d SB 1010 represented. Average Fine to VF. 32 coins. ($125)

799. Egypt, A l e x a n d r i a . Lot of three Billon T e t r a d r a c h m s . Nero/Serapis. Year 11. Köln 170. / / Hadrian/Nilus. Year 17. Köln 1063. / / A n t o n i n u s P i u s / S e r a p i s . Year 7. Köln 1440. / / Plus an a u t o n o m o u s JE 22mm of Alexandria Troas. / / Syria, Antioch. JE 20mm of Nero. The Nero tetradrachm good VF on a broad flan, the rest VF. 5 coins total. ($200)

813. Lot of eleven Billon and JE. Roman. Caligula. / E Q u a d r a n s . / / A n t o n i n u s Pius. JE As. / / Philip I. JE Sestertius (Adventus reverse). / / Roman Provinaal. / / Syria, Antioch. Nero. JE20mm. / / Laodicea. Trajan. JE 25mm. / / Phoenicia, Ptolemais-Ake. Nero. JE 25mm. / / Egypt, Alexandria. Tetradrachms. Galba. / / Gallienus. / / T a a t u s . / / Byzantine. Justinian. Half Folles of Antioch (2 coins, different types). Average Good to VF. 11 coins. ($300)

812. Lot of twenty-eight JE Folles. Mostly Anonymous, induding classes A2, B, C, D, G, and I. I I Constantine X (3 coins). Several overstrikes. Average Fine to VF. 28 coins. ($200)

800. Egypt, Alexandria. Lot of four. Agrippina/Euthenia. Year 12. JE Diobol. / / G a l b a / E l e u t h e r i a . Year 1. BiUon Tetradrachm. Köln 220. / / Vespasian/Alexandria. Year 9. JE Obol. Köln 309. / / H a d r i a n / A p i s bull. Year 18. JE Obol. Köln 1099. Average Fair, scarcer types. 4 coins. ($150) 801. Egypt, A l e x a n d r i a . Lot of eleven Potin T e t r a d r a c h m s . Philip I/Eagle. Year 1. / / . Gallienus/Tyche. Year 1 2 . 1 1 Eagle. Year 14 (ex Duke of Argyll). / / Eagle. Year 15 (ex Duke of Argyll). //Salonina/Tyche. Year 14. / / Claudius II/Eagle. Year 3. / / Aurelian/Eagle. Year 6. / / Probus/Nike. Year 4. / / Eagle. Year 7. / / Carinus, C a e s a r / T y c h e . Year 1. / / ($200) Diodetian/Tyche. Year4. Average VForbetter. 11 coins.

7 8

814. Lot of twelve Roman and Roman P r o v i n a a l JE. D i w s Augustus. As. / / Domitian.Sestertius. / / Nerva. As. / / Spain, Bilbilis. Augustus. / / Caesar Augusta. Augustus. / / Calagurris. Tiberius. / / Ercavica. Augustus. / / Julia Augusta. Tiberius. / / Gaul, N e m a u s u s . Agrippa and Augustus. As (2 coins, one with D D countermark). / / Ciliaa, Olba. A u g u s t u s and Ajax. / / Egypt, Alexandria. Otho. Diobol. Average Fair to Fine. 12 coins. ($300)

Classical Numismatic 815. Lot of fifteen R o m a n a n d Byzantine JE. Aurelian and Vabalathus. Antoninianus / / Severina. Antoninianus. / / Folles. Maximinus II. (2 coins, one Hercules reverse). / / A n o n y m o u s of Antioch. / / C o n s t a n t i n e II, Caesar. / / C o n s t a n t i u s II. / / Small JE of Julian Caesar. / / Valentinian II. / / Byzantine Folles. Justinian I of Antioch. / / Tiberius II of Constantinople. / / M a u r i c e of Antioch. / / C o n s t a n s II of C o n s t a n t i n o p l e (2 coins). / / Constantine VIL / / Plus two small JE of Maurice and Phocas. Average VF. 15 coins. ($100)

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826. Islamic Dynasties. Lot of seven JE D i r h e m s . Artukids. N u r alDin M u h a m m u d . S / S 9 . / / Husamal-Din Yuluk Arslan. S / S 34. / / Husam al-Din Yuluk Arslan. S / S 3 6 . 1 . / / Nasir al-Din Artuk Arslan. S / S 4 0 . / / Zengjds. Ghazi II.Edhem 120. / / Ghazi IL Edhem 120 with countermark / / Sinjar Shah. Edhem 171. Average Fine to VF. 7 pieces total. ($200) 827. A r t u q i d s of H i s n Kayfa a n d A m i d . Lot of seven JE D i r h e m s . Figurai types. Fakhr al din Qara Arslan. S / S 1. / / S / S 6. / / Q u t b al din Sukman II. S / S 13. / / Nasir al din M a h m u d . S / S 15. / / S/S17(overstruck on S / S 16). / / S / S 17.1. / / S / S 18. Average Fine to VF. 7 coins. ($250)

816. Lot of 116 JE Hellenistic Greek, Roman, Roman Provincial (mostly from Syria), Byzantine, Arab-Byzantine, Arabic, o n e or two Crusader. Many uncleaned, as they came from the ground. Grades from Fair to Fme, a fewVF. 116 coins. ($200)

828. Artuqids of Hisn Kayfa and Amid. Lot of five JE Dirhems. Figurai types. Fakhr al din Qara Arslan. S / S 3 (Victory type). / / Qutb al din Sukman II. S / S 13. / / S / S 14 (2 coins). / / Rukn al din M a h m u d . S / S 19 (this coin). Average Fine to VF. 5 coins. ($250)

817. C r u s a d e r s . C y p r u s . H e n r y II. 1310-1324. AR Gros (4.58 gm). Famagusta mint? Three annulets as legend stop. Metcalf, N u m C h r o n 1983, 366 (same dies). / / Athens. G u y II. 1294-1308. AR Denier (0.80 gm). Rosette stop. Metcalf LE 783. Both good VF. Two scarcer varieties. 2 coins. ($150) 818. Japan. Lot of six AR G i n . Isshu Gin. Kaei period. C 1 2 (2 coins). / Meiji period. C 12a. / / Ichibu Gin. Tempo period. C16. / / A n s e i period. C 16a.(2 coins). / / Plus a brass 100 Mon. C 7. / / India bull a n d horseman tanga. / / Iran. Uncertain local mint. JE Fais. Peacock. Struck on folded flan. Silver VF to EF. 9 coins total. ($100)

829. A r t u q i d s of M a r d i n . Lot of thirteen AR D i r h e m s . N a j m al din Ghazi I. Mardin mint, various dates, several unlisted. Cf. MACW1073-1081. Average VF. 13 coins. ($150) 830. A r t u q i d s of M a r d i n . Lot of ten AR D i r h e m s . Nasir al din Artuk Arslan. Mostly Dunaysir mint, various dates, several unlisted. Cf. Edhem 91. Average VF. 10 coins. ($150) 831. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of nine AR Dirhems. Najm al din Ghazi I. a . M A C W 1073 (5 coins). / / Nasir al din Artuk Arslan. Cf. MACW 1066ff (3 coins). / / Shams al din Salih. Cf. M A C W 1102. Various dates and mints. Average Fine to VF, one holed. 9 coins. ($150)

819. M e x i c o . Lot of eleven AR. 1842LR. 1 / 4 Real. Zacatecas. / / 1851/0JG. 1 / 2 Real. Guadalajara. / / 1843PM. 2 Reales. Guanajuato. / / 8 Reales. 1 8 3 2 0 M . Mexico City. / / 1 8 3 4 / 3 R M / L . D u r a n g o . / / 1834RM. D u r a n g o . / / 1890FZ. Zacatecas. / / 1896AB. Mexico City. / / 1896FZ. Zacatecas. / / 1901JQ.Culiacan. / / 1908CV. MexicoCity. 1890,1901,19088 Reales UNC, the rest VF. 11 coins. ' ($150)

832. A r t u q i d s of M a r d i n . Lot of two AR Half D i r h e m s . Najm al din Ghazi I. Mardin mint, uncertain dates. Unlisted denomination. / / Plus a d i r h e m of S h a m s al din Salih. A H 751. M a r d i n mint. Cf. M A C W 1102. Average VF. 3 coins total. ($100)

820. S p a n i s h . Lot of e l e v e n . Carlos a n d Juana. 1506-1516. JE 2 Maravedis. Santo Domingo. C&C 2866. / / Philip IV. 1621-1665. A R 4 Reales. Seville-R. / / Philip V. 1700-1746. AR 1 / 2 Real. Mexico. / / AR 2 Reales. Mexico. / / Carlos IUI. 1807/6TH. AR 1 / 2 Real. Mexico. / / 1798FM. AR 1 Real. Mexico. / / 1796IJ. A R 2 Reales. Lima. / / 1794FM. A R 8 Reales. Mexico. / / 1801FM AR 8 Reales. Mexico. / / Ferdinand VII. 1813JJ. AR 2 Reales. Mexico. / / 1818JJ. AR 8 Reales. Mexico. The two Carlos 8 Reales VF-EF, the rest Fine or better. 11 coins. ($300)

833. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of six JE Dirhems. Figurai types. Husam al din Timurtash. S / S 25.1. / / S / S 25.2. / / N a j m al din Alpi. With c / m and engraved legend. S / S 27. / / S / S 30.1 (2 coins). / / S / S 302. Some scarcer types. Average Fine to VF. 6 coins. ($200) 834. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of six JE Dirhems. Figurai types. Husam al din Timurtash. S / S 26. / / N a j m al din Alpi. S / S 27. / / H u s a m al din Yuluk Arslan. S/S33.4. / / S / S 36.3. / / Nasir al din Artuk Arslan. S/S38.1 ( o / s on S / S 37.1 ). / / S / S 43. Average VF. 6 coins. ($250)

821. U m m a y a d . Lot of f i f t y - t w o AR D i r h e m s . Mostly from Wasit, a few from Damascus a n d o t h e r m i n t s . A variety of dates. Most of them heavily encrusted with horn silver, a f e w chipped, otherwise grading VF or better. 52 coins. ($300)

835. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of nine JE Dirhems. Figurai types. Husam al din Timurtash. S / S 2 6 (2 ooins, one with, one without c/m). / / Najm al din Alpi. With c / m and engraved legend. S / S 27. / / S / S 30.1a. / / Qutb al din il Ghazi II. S/S31.1 (2 coins). / / S / S 32.2. / / S / S 32.3. / / S/S32.4. Average Fine to VF. 9 coins. ($250)

822. Islamic Dynasties. Abbasids. Eight AR Dirhems. Various dates, mostly Madinat al Salam mint. / / Five AR Dirhems. Samanids. Various dates and mints. / / Plus two later Arabic AR. Average VF. 15 coins total. ($150)

836. A r t u q i d s of M a r d i n . Lot of five JE D i r h e m s . N a j m al din Alpi. S / S 30. / / H u s a m al din Yuluk Arslan. S / S 33 (2 coins). / / Nasir al din Artuk Arslan. S / S 37. / / S / S 38.2. Average Fair to Fine. 5 coins. ($75)

823. Islamic Dynasties in the Yemen. Lot of five AR. Rassids. al-Nasir. 913-937 AD. A R S u d a y s i . A l b u m 1068. / / Abbasids. al-Nasir. 1202-1214 AD. Four AR Dirhems. A H 609. Aden mint. / / A H 608. Taizzmint. / / A H 610. Taizz mint. / / A H 609 Zabid mint. Album 1094. Average VF. 5 coins. ($150)

837. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of six JE Dirhems. Figurai types. Husam al din Yuluk Arslan. S/S332 (2 coins). / / S/S33.5. / / S / S 3 4 (2 coins). / / S / S 36.3 ( the always popular severed head type). Some scarcer types. Average Fine to VF. 6 coins. ($200)

824. Islamic Dynasties in the Yemen. Lot of six AR Dirhems. Rasulids. al-Muzaffar Yusuf. 1249-1295 AD. A H 662? A d e n mint. / / A H 651. Sana mint. / / A H 657. Zabid mint. / / A H 664. Zabid mint. All Album 1102. / / alAshraf Ismail. 1376-1400 AD. Uncertain date. al-Majam mint? Album 1110. / / al-Nasir Ahmad. 1400-1424 AD. N o date or mint. Album 1111. Average VF 6 coins. ($150)

838. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of five JE Dirhems. Figurai types. Husam al din Yuluk Arslan. S / S 33.4. / / S / S 34 (2 coins). / / S / S 35.2. / / S / S 3 5 3 (The Great Conjunction/Mourning of Saladin). Average Fme to VF. 5 coins. ($200)

825. Scljuqs of R u m . Lot of eleven JE Fulus. Horseman types. Ghiyath al din Kay Khusru. Cf. M A C W 957 (2 coins). / / Rukn al din Suleiman. Cf. M A C W 963 (9 coins, various varieties). Average Fine, usual poor strikes. 11 coins. ($150)

839. A r t u q i d s of M a r d i n . Lot of t h r e e JE D i r h e m s . Figurai types. H u s a m al din Yuluk Arslan. S / S 33.5. / / S / S 33.7 ( only three examples recorded). / / S/S34. All good VF. 3coins. ($150)

7 9

Classical Numismatic 840. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of ten JE Dirhems. Figurai types. Nasir al din Artuk Arslan. S / S 37.1 (2 coins, one with prominent crescent on forehead). / / S / S 38.2. / / S 5 3 9 (2 coins). / / S / S 40 (2 coins). / / S / S 41 (o/s on S / S 40). / / S / S 422. / / S / S 43. Average Fine to VF. 10 coins. ($250) 841. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of e i g h t h Dirhems. Figurai types. Nasir al din Artuk Arslan. S / S 38.1. / / S / S 382. / / S / S 42.1 (2 coins). / / S / S 422 (3 coins). / / S / S 44. Average Fine to VF. 6 coins. ($200) 842. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of ten JE Dirhems. Figurai types. Nasir al din Artuk Arslan. S/S43. / / S / S 4 4 (2 coins, one overstruck on S/S43). / / S / S 45 C coins, one overstruck on S / S 44). / / S / S 46 (2 coins). / / S / S 47. / / S / S 48 (2 coins, one overstruck on S / S 47). Average Fine to VF. 10 coins. ($250) 843. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of six JE Dirhems. Figurai types. Nasir al din Artuk Arslan. S / S 44 (overstruck on S / S 43). / / S / S 45. / / S / S 46 (2 ooins, one overstruck on S/S45). / / S / S 4 7 . 1 . / / S / S 4 7 2 . Average Fine to VF. 6 coins. ($200) 844. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of six JE Dirhems. Najm al din Ghazi I. S / S 4 9 ( o / s o n Zengid dirhem, Butak87). / / Paris 1373 (non-figural type). / / Paris 1428 (non-figural type). / / Paris 1451 (non-figural type). / / Najm al din Ghazi II. S / S 52. / / Paris 1482 (non-figural type). A small group of scarcer late dirhems. Average Fine to VF. 6 coins. ($150) 845. Artuqids of Mardin. Lot of five JE Dirhems. Najm al din Ghazi I. Paris 1451 (non-figural type, o / s on S / S 49). / / Paris 1397 (non-figural type). / / Paris 1448 (non-figural type). / / Qara Arslan. S/S50. / / Najm al din Ghazi II. S / S 51. A small group of scarcer late dirhems. Average Fine to VF. 5 coins. ($150) 846. Ayyubids of Mesopotamia. Lot of eight JE Dirhems. al Awhad al din Ayyub. Edhem 194. / / al Ashraf Musa. Mayafarikin mint. Edhcm 195-197 (4 coins). / / Sin jar mint. Edhem 198-200 (3 coins). Average Fair to Fine. 8 coins. ($150) 847. Zengids of Mosul. Lot of eleven JE Dirhems. Kutb al din Modud. Cf. MACW 1117 (8 coins). / / Sayf al din Ghazi. Cf. MACW 1120. / / Badr al din Lulu. Cf. MACW 1131. Average Fair to Fine. 11 coins. ($100) 848. Z e n g i d s of Sinjar. Lot of five JE D i r h e m s . Imad al din Zangi. MACW 1136. / / MACW 1138. / / Kutb al din Mohammed. MACW 1139 (3 coins). Average Fair to Fine. 5 coins. ($100) 849. Mardin Hoard. Lot of thirty-five JE Fulus. Byzantine folles with Zengid, Artuqid and Inalid countermarks. 10different c / m , applied in various combinations. Coins generally Fair with legible c / m . 35 coins.


850. Lot of ten English AR and JE. Armorican. Billon Stater. Seaby 13. / / Elizabeth 1.1578. AR Sixpence. Mm: Greek cross. Seaby 2572. / / William III. 1696. AR Sixpence. Seaby 3520. //JE Tokens (all halfpenny unless noted). Southampton. 1791. Hampshire 89. / / London. 1794. Middlesex 306. / / Bath. 1797. Farthing. Somersetshire 115. / / Ipswich. 1794. Surrey 35. / / East Grinstead. 1795. Sussex 22. / / Birmingham. 1796. Penny. Warwickshire 20. / / Birmingham. 1796. Warwickshire 62. The first two pieces VF, the rest EF. 10 pieces. ($150)


Group, Inc.

A Public and Mail Bid Auction Sale of

CLASSICAL COINS The Unreserved Sale of the Property of "A Pnvate European Investment Consortium" SESSION T W O


Order of Lots Silver Nomoi of Neapolis in Campania Silver Nomoi of Herakleia in Lucania Silver Nomoi of Metapontion in Lucania Silver Nomoi & Double Nomoi of Thourioi in Lucania Silver Nomoi of Velia in Lucania Silver Nomoi of Kroton & Kaulonia in Bruttium Silver Tetradrachms of Mende & Skione in Macedon Gold Staters of Alexander the Great Silver Tetradrachms of Alexander the Great Silver Tetradrachms of Philip III, Demetrios Poliorketes & Perseus Bronzes of Maroneia & Pantikapion in Thrace Silver Tetradrachms of Athens New Style Silver Tetradrachms of Athens Elcctrum Hektes of Phokaia & Mytilene Cistophoric Tetradrachms of Ephesos & Pergamon Silver Didrachms of Rhodes Silver Staters of Aspendos in Pamphylia Silver Staters of Nagidos in Cilicia Silver Staters of Mazaios, Satrap of Cilicia Silver Tetradrachms of Arados in Phoenicia Silver Tetrad rachm of Seleukos I of Syria Silver Tetradrachms of Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt Silver Tetradrachms of Eukratidesof Baktria Miscellaneous Greek Silver Coinage Third Century Roman Antoniniani Bronze Folles of theTetrarchy Miscellaneous Roman, Greek and Byzantine Bronzes

8 1

1001 -1028 1029-1031 1032-1065 1066-1081 1082-1090 1091-1099 1100-1105 1106-1159 1160-1200 1201 -1215 1216-1219 1220-1221 1222-1314 1315-1319 1320-1325 1326-1334 1335-1390 1391-1399 1400-1410 1411-1416 1417 1418-1422 1423-1438 1439-1440 1441-1442 1443-1464 1465-1472

8 2

Classical Numismatic Silver Nomoi of Neapolis in Campania

Group, Inc.

1010 Lot of thirty (30) C A M P A N I A , Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of Nymph right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, most slightly offcenter, a few with light corrosion. Thirty (30) coins total. ($1500)

Neapolis (the "new city ") - modern Naples - was founded infertile territory by Cumae c. 600 BC. According to legend, the site was originally named for the siren Parthenope, who supplied the type for the coins and whose name was an alternate name for the city. The reverse of the coins depicts the river god Achelous, father of the sirens, being crowned by a Nike who may symbolize either the annual games held in honor of Parthenope or other periodic games held in honor of Achelous.

1010A Lot of thirty (30) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of Nymph right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, most slightly offcenter, a few with light corrosion. Thirty (30) coins total. ($1500) 1001 Lot of ten (10) CAMPANIA, Neapolis.4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of Nymph right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, well centered. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1011 Lot of thirty (30) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of Nymph right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, most slightly offcenter, a few with light corrosion. Thirty (30) coins total. ($1500)

1002 Lot of t w e n t y (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twen ty (20) coins total. ($1500)

1012 Lot of forty-five (45) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of Nymph right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, all with centering problems a n d / o r corrosion. Forty-five (45) coins total. ($1750)

1003 Lot of twenty (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500) 1004 Lot of t w e n t y (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500) 1005 Lot of t w e n t y (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500) 1006 Lot of t w e n t y (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500) 1007 Lot of t w e n t y (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500)

1013 Lot of forty-five (45) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of Nymph right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, all with centering problems a n d / o r corrosion. Forty-five (45) coins total. ($1750)

1008 Lot of twenty (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500)

1014 Lot of ten (10) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of Nymph right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, well centered. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1009 Lot of thirty (30) C A M P A N I A , Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. 1 lead of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, most slightly offcenter, a few with light corrosion. Thirty (30) coins total. ($1500)

1015 Lot of fourteen (14) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. AR Nomoi. Nymph head right, dolphins around / Man-headed bull right crowned by Nike. 450-340 BC. Fourteen (14) coins total. ($1000) 7 3

Classical Numismatic 1016 Lot of t w e n t y (20) C A M P A N I A , Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500)

Group, Inc.

1027 Lot of forty-five (45) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, all with centering problems a n d / o r corrosion. Forty-five (45) coins total. ($1750)

1017 Lot of t w e n t y (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered Twenty (20) coins totaL ($1500) 1018 Lot of t w e n t y (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standingleft with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered Twen ty (20) coins totaL ($1500) 1019 Lot of twenty (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins totaL ($1500) 1020 Lot of t w e n t y (20) C A M P A N I A , Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500)

1028 Lot of forty-five (45) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, all with centering problems a n d / o r corrosion. Forty-five (45) coins total. ($1750)

1021 Lot of t w e n t y (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500) 1022 Lot of twenty (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500) 1023 Lot of t w e n t y (20) CAMPANIA, Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average F to VF, most well centered. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500)

1029 LUCANIA, Heraklcia. Circa 350 BC. AR Nomos (7.60 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with Skylla hurling (stone?) / N u d e Herakles standing facing; holding club, bow and lion's skin; above club, owl. SNG ANS 77. VF. ($300)

1030 LUCANIA, Herakleia. Circa 350 BC. AR N o m o s (7.79 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with Skylla hurling (stone?) / N u d e Herakles standing facing; holding club, bow, two arrows, and lion's skin; above club, owl. Dewing 342; SNG ANS 77. VF. ($250)

1024 Lot of thirty (30) C A M P A N I A , Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, most slightly offcenter, a few with light corrosion. Thirty (30) coins total. ($1500) 1025 Lot of thirty (30) C A M P A N I A , Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, most slightly offcenter, a few with light corrosion. Thirty (30) coins total. ($1500) 1026 Lot of thirty (30) C A M P A N I A , Neapolis. 4th Century BC. AR Nomoi. Head of N y m p h right; various symbols behind / Man-headed bull standing left with Nike above. Average Fine or better, most slightly offcenter, a few with light corrosion. Thirty (30) coins total. ($1500)

1031 Lot of fifteen (15) LUCANIA, Herakleia. Circa 350 B C AR N o m o i Helmeted head of Athena right / Herakles standing facing. Average Fine. Fifteen (15) coins total. ($1500) 7 4

Classical Numismatic Silver N o m o i of Metapontion in Lucania

Group, Inc.

1037 LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomas (7.85 gm). Head of Demeter left / Ear of barley with leaf to left, small griffin above. Johnston C6. VF. (S300)

The ancient Achaean colony of Metapontion was resettled in the early 6 th century BC under the leadership ofLeukippos. Its location on the Gulf of Tarante inspired the city's name, which means "beside the sea," and the fertility of the land no doubt suggested the adoption of the barley ear as the civic badge.

1032 LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 334-330 (?) BC. AR Nomos (7.59 gm). ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΣ, laureate and bearded head of Zeus right / Ear of barley; on leaf at left, small crouching Selinus. Johnston A2; cf. SNG ANS 451. Near VF. ($300)

1038 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Metapontion. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (2), Head of Demeter right (4), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (3), and Head of Zeus right (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1033 LUCANIA, Metaponrion. Circa 340-330 BC. AR Nomos (7.80 gm). Veiled head of Demeter right / Ear of barley with leaf to left, upon which sits a mouse. Johnston A8. VF. ' ($300)

1034 LUCANIA, Metaponrion. Circa334-330 BC. AR Nomos (7.80 gm). Head of Leukippos right, wearing Corinthian helmet; to left, lion's head right / Ear of barley; club, AMI to left. Johnston B2. VF. ($250)

1039 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (1), Head of Demeter right (6), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (2), and Three-quarter facinghead of Demeter (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1035 LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330300 BC. AR Nomos (7.77gm). Head of Demeter right; ΔΑΙ beneath chin / Ear of barley with leaf to right, plough above; MA(X) beneath leaf. Johnston C l . VF. ($300)

1036 LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330300 BC. AR Nomos (7.75 gm). Head of Demeter left / Ear of barley with leaf to left, tongs above. Johnston C4. VF, flan flaw. ($300)

1040 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Metapontion. AR NomoL Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (3), Head of Demeter right (4), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (2), and Head of Kore right (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1041 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (6), Head of Demeter right (3), and Head of Kore right (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. (S1000) β 5

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

1042 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (4), Head of Demeter right (2), and Helmeted head of Leukippos right (4). F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1043 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Metapontion. AR Nomoi. Indudes the following types: H e a d of Demeter left (5), Head of Demeter right (1), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (3), and Female head left (1). Average FVF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1051 LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-300 BC. AR N o m o s (7.86 gm). Head of Demeter left / Ear of barley with leaf to left, small hayfork above. Johnston C5. VF. ($300)

1044 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Metapontion. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: H e a d of Demeter left (3), Head of Demeter right (4), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (1 ), and Head of Kore right (2). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1045 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Metapontion. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (5), Head of Demeter right (3), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (l),and Head of Zeus right (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1052 LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomos (7.78 gm). 1 lead of Demeter right / Ear of barley with leaf to right, star above. Johnston C8.EF. ($500)

1046 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (2), Head of Demeter right (6), and Helmeted head of Leukippos right (2). F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1053 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (2), Head of Demeter right (4), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (3), and Three-quarter facing head of Demeter (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1047 Lot of twenty-six (26) LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-300 BC. AR N o m o i Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (13), Head of Demeter right (9), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (2), and Head of Kore left (2). Average F, some with oorrosion. Twenty-six (26) coins total. ($1000)

1054 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (4), Head of Demeter right (1), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (4), and Three-quarter facing head of Demeter (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1055 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (5), Head of Demeter right (2), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (2), and Female head right (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1056 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (4), Head of Demeter right (2), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (1), and Three-quarter facing head of Demeter (3). Average F-V F. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1057 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (2), Head of Demeter right (6), and Helmeted head of Leukippos right (2). Average FVF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1048 Lot of fifty (50) LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (13), Head of Demeter right (12), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (18), Head of Kore right (3), Head of Dionysus left (1), Female head left (1), Female head right (1), and Helmeted head of Tharragoras left (1). Average F, a few with light corrosion. Fifty (50) coins total. ($2500)

1058 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: I lead of Demeter left (3), Head of Demeter right (4), and Helmeted head of Leukippos right (3). Average FVF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1059 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (4), Head of Demeter right (3), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (2), and Female head right (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1060 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (4), Head of Demeter right (3), and Helmeted head of Leukippos right (3). Average FVF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1049 LUCANIA, Metapon tion. Circa 334-330 BC. AR Nomos (7.90 gm). LEUKIPPOS, head of Leukippos right, wearing Corinthian helmet / Ear of barley; bird, AMI to right. Johnston B3.22. VF. ($300)

1061 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, M e t a p o n t i o n . Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (3), Head of Demeter right (4), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (2), and Head of Kore right (1). Average F-VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1062 Lot of fifty (50) LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (13), Head of Demeter right (16), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (16), Head of Kore right (2), Head of Kore left (2), and Three-quarter facing head of Demeter (1). Average F, some with light corrosion. Fifty (50) coins total. ($2500)

1050 LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomos (7.79 gm). Head of Demeter right / Ear of barley with leaf to right, plough above. Johnston C l . VF ($300) 7 6

Classical Numismatic

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1063 Lot of fifty (50) LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 330-300 BC. AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Head of Demeter left (15), Head of Demeter right (14), Helmeted head of Leukippos right (15), I lead of Kore right (3), and Three-quarter facing head of Demeter (3). Average F, some with corrosion. Fifty (50) coins total. ($2500) 1064 Lot of eighty-six (86) bronze coins of LUCANIA, Metapontion. 350-300 BC. Athena Promachos advancing / Owl (74 coins). / / Head of Persephone / two ears of com (7 coins). / / Zeus head right / two ears of corn (1 coin). / / Jugate heads of Dioskouroi / three ears of com (3 coins). / / Leukippos head / Persephone (1 coin). Average Fine, surfaces corroded. Eighty-six (86) coins totaL ($250) 1065 Lot of fifteen (15) LUCANIA, Poseidonia Circa 475400 BC. AR Nomoi. Poseidon with tripod standing right / Bull standing left. Fair to Fine, one pierced. Fifteen (15) coins total. ($500)

Silver Nomoi and Double Nomoi of Thourioi in Lucania

1068 Lot of three (3) LUCANIA, ThourioL AR Double Nomoi (2) and LUCANIA, Metapontion. AR Double Nomos (1). Lucania, Thourioi. Head of Athena / Bull butting. 350-281 BC. Noe F12 and Noe H16 ff. / / Lucania, Metapontion. Leukippos head right / Corn ear. 350-300 BC. Noe 1.1-1.7. Average Fine to VF. Three (3) coins total. ($1200)

In response to an appeal from displaced Sybarites, Athens in 444 BC sponsored the foundation of a mixed colony under Athenian leadership on the deserted site of ancient Sybaris, whose name the cobrty at first assumed. The colonists included such celebrated men as the orator Lysias and the historian Herodotus. Within a few years disputes arose between the newcomers and the original Sybarites, who were expelled, whereupon the àty was renamed after a local spring called Thuria. The types for the city's coinage were borrowed from its two parent cities, Athena from Athens and the bull from Sybaris. Athena appears in an Attic helmet, which had not previously been used on western coinage, but was in the future to be loidely imitated. The bull has been modified from its original Sybarite form with head reverted, and is shown at first walking with head lowered and later in more violent action, butting and pawing the ground. In this aspect the bull may represent the spring Thuria from which the city took its name. The mullet which often appears in the exergue beneath the bull also suggests an aquatic connection.

1069 Lot of three (3) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Double Nomoi (2) and LUCANIA, Metapontion. AR Double Nomos (1 ). Lucania, Thourioi. Head of Athena / Bull bu tting. 350-281 BC. Noe Fl 2 and Noe HI 8 i f . / / Lucania, Metapontion. Leukippos head right / Corn ear. 350-300 BC. Noe 1.1-1.7. Average Fine to VF, one with punch marks. Three (3) coins total. ($1000)

1066 LUCANIA, Thourioi. Circa 410-330 BC. AR Double Nomos (14.98 gm). Head of Athena left, decorated with Skylla / Bull butting right; in exergue, fish. SNG ANS 960. Near VF. _ = _ ($750)

1067 Lot of three (3) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Double Nomoi (2) and LUCANIA, Metapontion. AR Double Nomos (1). Lucania, Thourioi. Head of Athena / Bull butting. 350-281 BC. Noe Fl 2 and a SNG ANS 957. / / Lucania, Metapontion. Leukippos head right / corn ear. 350-300 BC. Noe 1.1-1.7. Average Fine to VF. Three (3) coins total. ($1200)

1070 Lot of three (3) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Double Nomoi. Head of Athena / Bull butting. 350-281 BC. Noe Fl2, Cf Noe C4, and Cf SNG ANS 957. Average Fine. Three (3) coins total. ($900) Β7

Classical Numismatic

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1077 Lot of five (5) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Nomoi. Athena head / bull. Circa 4th century BC. Average Fine to VF. Five (5) coins totaL ($500) 1078 Lot of six (6) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Nomoi. Athena head right / bull butting right. 400-350 BC. All signed by Molossos. a . SNG ANS 1020. Fine. Six (6) coins total. ($5‫)ש‬

1071 Lot of three (3) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Double Nomoi. Head of Athena / Bull butting. 350-281 BC. Noe B4, Noe H20, and Noe H24. Average Fine. Three (3) coins total. ($9‫)ש‬ 1072 Lot of seven (7) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Double Nomoi. 350-281 B C Athena head right / bull butting right. Cf SNG ANS957. Average near VF, but most with die breaks on obverse. Seven (7) coins total. (S1000)

1079 Lot of fifty (50) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Nomoi. Athena head / bull. Circa 4th century BC. Average Fine. Fifty (50) coins total. ($3(XX)) 1080 Lot of fifty (50) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Nomoi. Athena head / bull. Circa 4th century BC. Average Fine. Fifty (50) coins total. ($3000) 1081 Lot of seventy-three (73) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR N o m o i Athena head / bull. Circa 4th century BC. Fair to Fine. Seventy-three (73) coins total. ($3000)

1073 LUCANIA, Thourioi. Circa 410-330 BC AR Nomos (7.70 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with Skylla / Bull butting right; in exergue, fish. Dewing 441. VF, edge flaw. ($250)

Silver Nomoi of Velia in Lucania Velia (llyele) was a latecomer among the Creek cities of South Italy, founded about 540 BC by Phokaian refugees from the Persian conquest of their home in Ionia. The lion, sometimes shown devouring •prey, is derived from Asia Minor and so represents the origins of the populace. The nymph l lyele was chosen for the head type of the early coinage, but the influence of the mint of Thourioi led to the adoption in the late 5th century of a head of Athena wearing a aested Attic helmet (see introduction to the coinage of Thourioi). ^ ^ r _ ‫׳‬.:w ».

1074 Lot of five (5) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Nomoi. Athena head / bull. Circa 4th century BC. Average Fine to VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5(‫ש‬ 1075 Lot of five (5) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Nomoi. Athena head / bull. Circa 4th century BC. Average Fine to VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5‫)ש‬

1082 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Velia (9) and LUCANIA, Herakleia (1). AR Nomoi / / Velia. Athena head / lion. Circa 4th century BC. (6 coins). / / Female head right / lion.450-4‫ ש‬BC. (1 coin). / / Velia. Athena head / lion attacking stag. 400-350 BC. (2 coins). / / Herakleia. Athena head right / Herakles strangling lion. 370-281 BC. (1 coin). Average Fine to Very Fine. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1083 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Velia. AR Nomoi. Athena head / lion. Circa 4th century BC. (8 coins) / / Athena head / lion attacking stag. 400350 BC. (2 coins). Average Fine to Very Fine. Ten (10) coins total. ($1(XX))

1076 Lot of five (5) LUCANIA, Thourioi. AR Nomoi. Athena head / bull. Circa 4th century BC. Average Fine to VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5‫)ש‬ 7 8

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1092 BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 370 BC. AR Nomos (7.62 gm). Head of Hera Lakinia facing / Naked Herakles, holding cup and club, seated left on rock covered with lion's skin; bow below. SNG ANS 371. Near VF. ($300)

1084 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Velia. AR Nomoi. Athena head / bon. Circa 4th century BC. (6 coins) / / Athena head / lion attacking stag. 400350 BC. (4 coins). Average Fine to Very Fine. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1093 Lot of ten (10) BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 530-340 BC AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Tripod / Incuse tripod (8), and Eagle / Tripod (2). Average Fine. Ten (10) coins total. ($500)

1085 Lot of twenty-six (26) LUCANIA, Velia. AR Nomoi. Athena head / lion. Circa 4th century B C (23 coins) / / Athena head / lion attacking stag. 400-350 BC. (3 coins). Average Fine. Twenty-six (26) coins total. ($1250) 1086 Lot of fifty (50) LUCANIA, Velia. AR Nomoi. Athena head / lion. Circa 4th century BC (45 coins) / / Athena head / lion attacking stag. 400-350 BC (5 coins). Average Fair to Fine. Fifty (50) coins total. ($1500) 1087 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Velia. AR Nomoi. Athena head / lion. Circa 4th century BC. (5 coins). / / Female head right / lion. 450-400 BC. (1 coin). / / Athena head / lion attacking stag. 400-350 BC. (2 coins). / / Athena head three-quarter facing left / lion. 400-350 BC. (2 coins). Average Fine to Very Fine. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1094 Lot of ten (10) BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 530-340 BC AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Tripod / Incuse tripod (7), Tripod / Tripod (1), Demeter / Tripod (1), and Eagle / Tripod (1). Average Fine. Ten (10) coins total. ($500)

1095 BRUTTIUM, Kroton.Circa370 BC. AR Nomos (7.72 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Infant Herakles strangling serpents. SNG ANS 386. Near VF. ($500)

1088 Lot of ten (10) LUCANIA, Velia. AR Nomoi. Athena head / Hon. Circa 4th century BC. (8 coins) / / Athena head / lion attacking stag. 400350 BC. (2 coins). Average Fine to Very Fine. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1089 Lot of fifty (50) LUCANIA, Velia. AR Nomoi. Athena head / h o n . Circa 4th century BC. (40 coins). / / Female head right / lion. 450-400 BC. (2 coins). / / Athena head / lion attacking stag. 400350 BC (8 coins). Average Fine. Fifty (50) coin s total. (S3000)

1096 BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 360340 BC AR Nomos (7.65 gm). Eagle left with open wings on olive branch / Tripod. Dewing 509; SNG ANS360. VF. ($400)

1090 Lot of fifty (50) LUCANIA, Velia. ARNomoi. Athena head / Hon. Circa 4th century BC (40 coins) / / Athena head / lion attacking stag. 400350 B C (10 coins). Average Fine. Fifty (50) coins total. ($3000)

1097 Lot of ten (10) BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 530340 BC AR Nomoi. Includes the following types: Tripod / Incuse tripod (7), Tripod / Tripod (2), and Eagle / Tripod (1). Average Fine. Ten (10) coins total. (S500) 1098 Lot of thirty-five (35) BRUTTI UM, Kaulonia. 35 AR Nomoi and one (1 ) Corinthian style AR Stater. Apollo with stag standing right / Stag standing. Fair to Fine. Thirty-six (36) coins total. ($1500) 1099 Lot of twenty-one (21) bronze coins of SICILY, Kentoripai (Zeus / Thunderbolt), and one (1 ) bronze coin of the Mamertini (Zeus / Warrior). Late 3rd century BC Average Fine to Very Fine, undeaned. Twenty-two (22) coins total. ($500)

1091 BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 420380 BC AR Nomos (7.76 gm). Eagle standing right on Ionic capital, head reverted; to right, steer's skull / Tripcd; branchwithberrytoleft.SNGANS341.VF. (S400) 7 9

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Gold Staters of Alexander the Great

Alexander established a comprehensive sytem of mints to supply coinage throughout his vast empire. The basic designs were selected by the central authority, no doubt by Alexander himself, although variations of ornamentation and great variations in style afforded the engravers ample opportunity for individual artistic expression. For the designs of his principal gold coin, Alexander selected patriotically Hellenic types. The obverse depicts the head of Athena right wearing a aested Corinthian helmet, decorated (usually) with a coiled snake. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and bringer of victory and freedom, was a natural symbol as patroness of the Greeks in their confrontation with the Orient. The reverse design, a Nike standing left holding a victory wreath in her outstretched right hand and a mast (stylis) in her left, is a reference to naval vietory. In the absence of any specific victory by Alexander that could be thus commemorated, this type must allude to the general naval superiority of the Creeks as a seafaring people, and in particular to the supreme united naval success in their history, the victory over the Persians in the battle of Salamis. The design is completed by the symbols and monograms of individual mints and magistrates.

1100 M A C E D O N , M e n d e . Circa 4 6 0 4 2 3 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.97 gm). Dionysos with head facing, reclining on ass and holding kantharos / ΜΕΝΔΑΙΟΝ around grape vine of five clusters in linear border. SNG ANS 336. VF, obv. striking weakness. ($400)

1101 M A C E D O N , M e n d e . Circa 460-423 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.53 gm). Dionysos with head facing, reclining on ass and holding kantharos / ΜΕΝΔΑΙ ON around grape vine of five clusters in linear border. SNG ANS 336. Near VF, rough surface. ($400)

1106 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.59 gm). 'Amphipolis' mint. Circa 330-320 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, thunderbolt Price 164. Good VF. ($1500)

1102 M A C E D O N , M e n d e . Circa 423 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.74 gm). Dionysos holding kantharos, reclining on ass / ΜΕΝΔΑΙΟΝ around grape vine of four clusters in linear border. SNG ANS347. VF, short irregular flan. ($400)

1107 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.57 gm). 'Amphipolis' mint. Circa 330-320 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, kantharos. Price 168. VF+. ($1500)

1103 M A C E D O N , Skione. Circa 480-470 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.87 gm). Head of Protesilaos right, wearing Attic helmet / Stem of galley left. Dewing 1076. Good Fine. ($1000)





1104 M A C E D O N , Skione. Circa 480-470 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.63 gm). Head of Protesilaos right, wearing Attic helmet / Stern of galley left. Dewing 1076. Good Fine. ($1000)

1108 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.55 gm). 'Amphipolis' mint. Circa 330-320 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding WTeath and stylis; to left, inverted trident-head. Price 172. VF. ($1250)

1105 M A C E D O N , Skione. Circa 480-470 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.81 gm). Head of Protesilaos right, wearing Attic helmet / Stern of galley left. Dewing 1076. VF, fine style on a broad flan. ($3000)

1109 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.56 gm). ‫׳‬Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint. Circa 330-320 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, Boeotian (?) shield. Price 176. Good VF. ($1500) 1 0

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1113 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164, ‫׳‬Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint, 330-320 BC / / Price 1366 var, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC. / / Price 2077?, Miletos mint, 325-323 BC. Price3128,3136, Salamis mint332-323 BC Average VF. Five (5) coins totaL (S4000) 1110 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.57 gm). Aigai (?) mint. Circa 336-323 B C Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, thunderbolt and monogram. Price 192. Good VF. ($1250)

1114 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164, 'Amphipolis' mint, 330-320 BC / / Prioe 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC / / Price 2077, Miletos mint 325-323 BC. / / Price 3457 Sidon mint, 333-305 BC. / / Prioe 3594 var, ‫׳‬Babylon‫ ׳‬mint , 331-325 BC. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($4000)

AV 1111 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 161,176, , Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint, 330-320 BC / / Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC / / Price3100, Kition mint, 325320 BC. / / Price 3466, Sidon mint, 333-305 BC Average Good VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5000)

1115 Lot of five (5) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164, 176, , Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint 330-320 BC / / Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC / / Price 2077, Miletos mint 325-323 BC. / / Price 2543, Sardes mint, 334-323 BC Average Good VF. Five (5) coins total. (S5000) 1112 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164,176, , Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint, 330-320 BC / / Prioe 1358,1366 var, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC / / Price 2077, Miletos mint, 325-323 BC. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($4000)

AV 1116 Lot of five (5) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164, 172, , Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint 330-320 BC / / Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC. / / Price 2543, Sardes mint, 334323 BC. / / Price3100, Kition mint, 325-320 BC. Average Good VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5000) 9 1

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1121 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 172, ‫׳‬Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint, 330-320 BC. / / Price 2077, Miletos mint, 325-323 BC / / Price 3125,3137, Salamis mint, 332323 BC. / / Price 3494, Sidon mint, 324/3 BC. Average VF, but slightly off center. Five (5) coins total. ($3000)

1117 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164, ‫׳‬Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint, 330-320 BC. / / Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 B C / / Price 2271 ‫׳‬Teos‫ ׳‬mint, 323-319 BC. / / Price 2531, Sardes mint, 334-323 BC. / / Price 3129, Salamis mint, 332-323 BC. Average Good VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5000)

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1122 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164, 'Amphipolis' mint, 330-320 BC. / / Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC / / Prioe 2077, Miletos mint, 325-323 BC. / / Price 3100, Kihon mint, 325-320 BC. / / Price3470, Sidon mint. Average Good VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5000)


1118 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.61 gm). Lampsakos mint. Circa 328-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; two horse foreparts conjoined to left, monogram below. Price 1358. VF+. ($1500)




1119 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.56 gm). Abydos (?) mint. Circa 328-323 B C Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, Pegasosforepart (?) left and partial monogram below wing of Nike. Possible variant of Price 1504. VF+. ($1250) 1123 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164,176, ‫׳‬Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint, 330-320 BC. / / Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC / / Price 2695, Uncertain Vtestern Asia Minor mint, 323-280 BC. / / Price 3137, Salamis mint, 332-323 BC. Average Good VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5000) 1120 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.59 gm). Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint. Circa 325-323 B C Helmeted head of Athena with serpent on helmet; ram's head beneath / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; ram's head to left Price 1923. Near VF, broad flan and rare obv. symbol. ($1500)

AV 1124 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164 ‫׳‬Amphipolis‫ ׳‬mint, 330-320 BC. / / Price 1366 var, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC. / / Price 2077, Miletos mint, 325-323 BC / / Price 2695, Uncertain Western Asia Minor mint, 323-280 BC / / Price3100, Kition mint,325-320 BC. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($4000) 9 2

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1130 M A CE D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.51 gm). Sardes mint. Circa 334-323 BC. I lelmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, snake. Price 2532. Good VF. (SI 250)

1125 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , K i n g s of. A l e x a n d e r III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 168 (2 coins), 'Amphipolis mint', 330-320 B C / / Price 202, ‫׳‬Pella‫ ׳‬mint, 325-315 B C / / Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC / / Price 2963, Side mint, 325-320 BC Average VF, but slightly off center. Five (5) coins totaL ($3000) 1131 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.59 gm). Sardes mint. Circa 334-323 BC. I lelmeted head of Athena; serpent on h d m e t / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, griffin-head left. Price 2533. VF. ($1250)

1126 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.58 gm). Miletos mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wTeath and stylis; to right below, monogram. Price 2085. Good VF. ($1500)

1127 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.56 gm). Miletos mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to right, corn-ear; to right below, double-axe. Price 2095. VF, light marks. ($1250)

1132 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.56 gm). Sardes mint. Circa 334-323 BC Hdmeted head of Athena; serpent on h d met / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, head left wearing Phrygian cap. Price 2543. VF, rare a n d interesting symbol. ($1500)

1133 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.53 gm). Sardes mint. Circa 334-323 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, torch; to left below, monogram. Not in Price (cf. 2567, a drachm, for s a m e controls). VF. (SI250)

1128 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.56 gm). Miletos mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, monogram; to right below, double axe. Price 2114. VF. ' ($1500)

1129 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.55 gm). Teos‫ ׳‬m i n t Circa 323-319 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on h d met / Nike standing left, holding wreath a n d stylis; to left below, stag-head right. Price 2273. VF. ' ($1250)

1134 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , K i n g s of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 1358 (2 coins), Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC. / / Price 3470 (1 coin), Sidon m i n t . / / Price 3494 (2 coins), Sidon mint, 3 2 4 / 3 BC. Average VF, but with various minor defects. Five (5) coins total. (S2500)


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1139 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.59 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 332-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, eagle standing right. Price3128. ($1250)

1140 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.50 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 332-323 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, harpa. Price 3136. VF. ($1250)

AV 1135 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , K i n g s of. Alexander III. AV Staters.Athena head right / Nike. Price 164,168, ‫׳‬Amphipolis mint', 330320 BC.// Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC / / Price 3100, Kition mint, 325-320 BC / / Priae 3137, Salamis mint, 332-323 BC. Average Good VF Five (5) coins total. ($5000)

1141 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.60 gm). Byblos mint. Circa 330-320 BC Helmeted head of Athena; sphinx on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; AP monogram to left. Cf. Price 3423. VF+, obv. die break; extremely rare with sphinx on helmet. ($1500)

1142 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.54 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 332-323 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, spear-head. Price 3137. Good VF, obv. scratch. ($1250)

1136 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164,168, ‫׳‬Amphipolis m i n t 3 3 0 - 3 2 0,‫׳‬BC / / Price 1366 var, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC / / Price 2085, Miletos mint, 325-323 BC. / / Price ?, symbol? off flan. Average Good VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5000)

1143 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.58 gm). Sidon mint. Circa 333-305 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left holding wreath and stylis; to right below, wreath. Cf. Price 3456. VF+. ($1250)

1137 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.59 gm). Kition mint. Circa 325-320 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike s t a n d i n g left, holding wreath a n d stylis; to left below, monogram; to right below, club. Price 3101. VF+, obv. die flaws. ($1250)

1144 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.58 gm). Sidon mint. Circa 333-305 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; griffin on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to right below, caduceus. Price 3458. VF. ($1250)

1138 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.61 gm)• Kition mint. Circa 325-320 BC 1 lelmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath a n d stylis; to left below, monogram. Price 3104. VF+. ($1250)

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1145 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.56 gm). Sidon mint. Circa 333-305 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; griffin on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to right below, star. Price3463. VF. ($1250)

1151 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Slater (859 gm). Memphis mint. Circa 332-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, rose; to left below, trace of letter (mostly off flan). Cf. Price3967. Rare mint, VF+. (SI 250)

1146 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.56 gm). Sidon mint. Circa 333-305 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; griffin on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left below, ΣΙ; to right below, palm. Price3472 (samedies). VF+. ($1500)

1152 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.55 gm). Uncertain mint. Struck after 323 BC? Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / ΒΑ ΣΙΛΕΩΣ on left ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟ Yon right; Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left below, prow (ship's ram). Not in Price, apparently unpublished. VF, obv. scuff. ($1250)

1147 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.59 gm). Sidon mint. 324/3 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, Κ (tenth letter = date of 10 from base date of 333 BC); to left below, SI. Price 3494. Good VF. ($1250)

1153 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.56 gm). Uncertain mint Circa 336-323 (?) BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left below, eagle standing left on thunderbolt. Not in Prioe, apparently unpublished. Good VF. ($1250)

1148 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 B C AV Stater (8.59 gm). Sidon mint. 322/1 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left below, M (twelfth letter = date of 12 from base date of 333 BQ. Price 3497. VF. ($1250)

AV 1154 Lot of five (5) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164,168, ‫׳‬Amphipolis mint330-320,‫׳‬BC. / / Price 1358,1366 var, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC. / / Price-. Average VF, one with slight encrustation. Five (5) coins total. (S4000)

1149 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.55 gm). ‫׳‬Babylon‫ ׳‬mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; sphinx on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left below, M and monogram. Cf. Price3672. VF, rev. graffiti. (S1250)

1150 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AV Stater (8.59 gm). ‫׳‬Babylon‫ ׳‬mint. Circa 323-317 BC Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; ΛΥ below. Price 3691. VF, light marks. ($1250)

1155 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164,168, ‫׳‬Amphipolis mint330-320,‫׳‬BC / / Price 1366 var, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC. / / Prioe 3129, Salamis m i n t 332-323 BC. / / Price 3331, ‫׳‬Arados‫ ׳‬mint, 323-316 BC. Average Good VF. Five (5) coins total. (S5000) 7 5

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1159 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters (4) and Philip III. AV Stater (1). Athena head right / Nike. Price 2114, Miletos mint,323-319 BC. / / Price3008, Tarsosmint,333-327 BC. / / Price3129, Salamis mint, 332-323 BC. / / Price ?, symbol? / / Price P178 (Philip III), Babylon nun t, 323-317 B C Average VF, but with various minor defects. Five (5) coins totaL ($2500)

Silver Tetradrachms of Alexander the Great In contrast to his gold coinage, for the silver Alexander chose universal types thai could appeal not only to the Greeks but throughout his empire. The obverse head of Herakles wearing the skin of the Nemean lion was a suitable type for a warrior king. Herakles had also appeared on earlier regal Macedonian issues, for it was through this hero that the Macedonian royal line could claim to be of truly Greek descent. In the east, this figure could be equally identified as the Phoenician Melcjart. The reverse type of Zeus enthroned, holding an eagle and sceptre, marks a continuation of the depiction of Zeus on Philip's coinage, as well as marking Alexander's claim to be the leader of the Greek states. In addition, Zeus in this pose could be interpreted as the Cilician Baaltarsand the Babylonian Marduk.

AV 1156 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164,172, ‫׳‬Amphipolis m i n t 3 3 0 - 3 2 0,‫׳‬BC / / Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC. / / Price 2077, Miletos mint, 325-323 BC. / / Price 3100, Kition mint, 325-320 B C Average Good VF. Five (5) coins total. ($5000)

1160 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ.336-323 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.20 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 332-323 B C Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; bow to left. Price3139. VF+. ($300) AV 1157 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. AV Staters. Athena head right / Nike. Price 164,172, ‫׳‬Amphipolis m i n t 3 3 0 - 3 2 0,‫׳‬B C / / Price 1358, Lampsakos mint, 328-323 BC. / / Price 2695, Western Asia Minor mint, 323-280 BC. / / Price 3497, Sidon mint, 322/1 BC. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($4000) 1161 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ.336-323 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.02 gm). Uncertain mint in Phoenicia or Syria. Circa 323-317 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; boar-head to left. Price 3575. Good VF. ($300)

1158 MACEDON, Kings of. Philip III.323-317BC AV Stater (8.57 gm). Sardes mint. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; to left, monogram and torch. Price PI 08. VF. ($1250)

1162 Lot of five (5) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander 111.336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF+. Five (5) coins total. ($1000) 7 6

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1163 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1171 Lot of five (5) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. (S750)


1172 Lot of five (5) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

N o Lot

1173 Lot of ten (10) MACEDON, Kingsof. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500) 1174 Lot of ten (10) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500) 1175 Lot of ten (10) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500) 1176 Lot of ten (10) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

1165 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750) 1166 Lot of five (5) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750) 1167 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750) 1168 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1177 Lotof fifty (50) MACEDON,Kingsof. AlexanderIII.336-323BC AR Tetradrachms. 1 lead of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average near VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($5000)

1178 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III.336-323 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.03 gm). Ake m i n t 312/1 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; Phoenician da te (year 35 from a base date of 346/5 BO to left Ρ rice 3291. Good V R _ _ _ $300) ‫״‬ )

1169 Lot of five (5) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF+. Five (5) coins total. (SI000) 1170 Lot of five (5) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander 111.336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total (S750)

1179 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander 111.336-323 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.15 gm). Arados mint. Circa 328-320 BC Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; ΣΩ to left and monogram beneath throne. Price 3321. VF. ($250) 7


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1180 MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.04 gm). Arados mint. Circa 328-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skdn / Zeus seated left; caduceus to left and monogram beneath throne Price 3332. VF. ($250) 1181 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. H e a d of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins totaL ($750)

1192 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. H e a d of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

1182 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. H e a d of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1193 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

1183 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. H e a d of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1194 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

1184 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III.336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1195 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

1185 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1196 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

1186 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. H e a d of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1197 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

1187 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Variousmints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1198 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. H e a d of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

1188 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. H e a d of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1199 Lot of thirty (30) MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average Fine. Thirty (30) coins total. ($2000)

1189 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III (2), Philip III (2) and Seleucus I (1). 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Five (5) coins total. ($750) 1190 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500) 1191 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)


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Classical Numismatic 1200 Lot of fifty (50) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC AR Tetradrachms. H e a d of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average near VF. Fifty (50) coin s total. ($5000)

1201 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.01 gm). Arados (or Mesopotamian) mint. Circa 323-316 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; AY and prow to left; beneath throne, Ζ Price PI 58. VF. ($250) 1202 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500) 1203 Lot of ten (10) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($1500)

Group, Inc. Silver Tetradrachms of Perseus of Macedon

Perseus bore a name which had no precedent in the Macedonian royal house. The mythical Perseus had been an Argive hero, the slayer of the Gorgon and the saviour of Andromeda. Perseus ' mother, the wife of Philip V, was an Argive, and it was most likely her influence which induced Philip to adopt Perseus as his patron deity, to place him on his own coinage, and to name his eldest son after him. The last king of Macedon, Perseus had the misfortune to ascend the throne when the growing power of Rome made conflict virtually inevitable. He attempted through tact and diplomacy to placate the Romans, but the intrigues of his neighbor Eumenes of Pergamum, coupled with Roman suspicion, led to the final Macedonian war in 171 BC. The Roman commander Aemilius Paullus brought Perseus to battle at Pydna in a decisive battle that finished Macedon as an independent state. Perseus appears on the coinage in an aggressive, powerful portrait, wearing the royal diadem. The oak wreath on the reverse recalls Zeus of Dodona, and the eagle on thunderbolt, likewise adopted from Zeus, is tobe seen as the personal device of Perseus himself. Perseus ' early coinage was struck on the Attic weight standard (c. 17 gm), but he changed to a reduced weight standard of c. 155 gm in 171 BC when theßnal conflict with Rome began.

1204 Lot of eleven (11) M A C E D O N , Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned. Various mints. Average VF. Eleven (11) coins total. ($1600)

1207 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Perseus. 178-168 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.73gm). Diademed head of Perseus right / Eagle on thunderbolt within oak wreath; monograms around, plow in exergue. Hunterian I, p. 346,2. VF. ($500)

1205 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-285 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.57 gm). Tarsos mint. Circa 298-295 BC. Nike atop prow of galley / Poseidon n u d e but for cloak over right arm, advancing left, brandishing trident; monogram to left, Ζ to right. Newell 36. VF. ($1500)

1208 MACEDON, Kings of. Perseus. 178-168 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.79 gm). Diademed head of Perseus right / Eagle on thunderbolt within oak wreath; monograms around, plow in exergue. Hunterian I, p. 346,2. VF. ($500)

1206 M A C E D O N , Kings of. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-285 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.24 gm). Tarsos mint. Circa 298-295 BC. Nike atop prow of galley / Poseidon n u d e but for cloak over right arm, advancing left, brandishing trident; monogram to left, Ζ to right. Newell 36. VF, rough and with cracks. ($1000) 1209 MACEDON, Kings of. Perseus. 178-168 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.91 gm). Diademed head of Perseus right / Eagle on thunderbolt within oak wreath; monograms around, plow in exergue. Hunterian I, p. 346,3. VF, slightly dull. ($500)

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1214 MACEDON, Kings of. Perseus. 178-168 BC AR Light Tetradrachm (15.26 gm). Diademed head of Perseus right / Eagle on thunderbolt within oak wreath; monograms around, plow in exergue. Hunterian I, p. 346,1. NearEF. ($750) 1215 Lot of five (5) M A C E D O N , K i n g s of. Perseus. 179-168 BC. AR Tetradrachms. Perseus head right / Eagle on thunderbolt. Average VF, some a little rough and one double struck. Five (5) coins total. ($1500) 1210 MACEDON, Kings of. Perseus. 178-168 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.68 gm). Diademed head of Perseus right / Eagle on thunderbolt within oak wreath; monograms around, plow in exergue. Hunterian I, p. 346,3. VE ($500)

One of five hundred 1216 Lot of five h u n d r e d (500) bronze coins of THRACE, Maroneia. Head of Dionysos / Dionysos standing. After 148 BC. Average Fine to VF. Five hundred (500) coins total. ($1500) 1217 Lot of four h u n d r e d eighty four (484) bronze coins of THRACE, Maroneia. Head of Dionysos / Dionysos standing. After 148 BC. Average Fine to VF. Four hundred eighty four (484) coins total. ($1500) 1211 MACEDON, Kings of. Perseus. 178-168 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.69 gm). Diademed head of Perseus right / Eagle on thunderbolt within oak wreath; monograms around, plow in exergue. SNG Copenhagen 1266. VF. ($500)

One of forty-five 1218 Lot of forty-five (45) bronze coins of THRACE, Pantikapaion. Pan head left / Bull head left. 4th century BC. Average Fine to Very Fine. Forty-five (45) coins total. ($1000) 1212 MACEDON, Kings of. Perseus. 178-168 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Diademed head of Perseus right / Eagle on thunderbolt within oak wreath; monograms around, plow in exergue. SNG Copenhagen 1266. VF. ($500)

1219 Lot of seventy-five (75) bronze coins of THRACE, Pantikapaion. Pan head left / Bull head left. 4th century B C Average Fine to Very Fine. Seventy-five (75) coins total. ($1500)

1213 MACEDON,Kingsof. Perseus. 178-168 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.81 gm). Diademed head of Perseus right / Eagle on thunderbolt within oakwreath; m o n o g r a m s around, p l o w in exergue. SNG Copenhagen-; Hunterian-; Dewing 1212 var. Near EF. ($750)

1220 Lot of fifteen (15) ATTICA, Athens. AR Tetradrachms. Athena head right / Owl. 449413 BC Average Very Fine, a few slightly rough, all with test cuts, but many of attractive style. Fifteen (15) coins total. ($750) 1221 Lot of twelve (12) ATTICA, Athens. AR Tetradrachms. Athena head right / Owl. 449413 BC. Average Fine or better, seven (7) with test cuts. Twelve (12) coins total. ($600)

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N e w Style Silver Tetradrachms of Athens Athens produced a steady supply of tetradrachms from the early 5th century BC to the conquest of the city by Demetrios Poliorketes in 294 BC. The "mois " popularity as an international trade currency and standard of value led to an extreme conservatism of style that, while allowing their ready acceptance over much of the ancient world, has reduced modern numismatists to seeking minute variations in details to properly classify the series. The crude, lumpy tetradrachms of the laieAth century are a sad remnant of a respected heritage. There were occasional issues through the 3rd century, notably after Athens regained its freedom from Macedonia in 229 BC, but the next active period of minting began in the 2nd century with a renewed period of prosperity for Athens, exemplified by the introduction of the broad flan New Style tetradrachm. Although keeping the basic design elements, the New Style tetradrachms offered a drastic revamping of details. The archaizing head of Athena was replaced with a somewhat florid adaptation of the Athena Parthenos of Pheidias, her ornate triple-crested helmet decorated with florets and rivets, a flying Pegasos and a quadriga of horse protomes across the visor. The owl now stands upon an amphora, surrounded by a wreath, from which the coins acquired the common name of stephanophoroi or " w r e a t h b e a r ers," as they are recorded in ancient inscriptions of the mid-2nd century. Most importantly for modern numismatists, the tetradrachms now bore magistrates' names, mint symbols, and even the months in which they were struck. Margaret Thompson, in T h e N e w Style Silver Coinage of A t h e n s , brought together all previous work on the series and organized all known types and dies in a secure sequence.

1224 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 156/5 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.82 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; trophy on left, two monograms on right; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 48a-c. Good VF. ($400)

1225 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 150/49 BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachm (16.80 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Kcrchnos on left, magistrates Ammo..., Dio...; no other lettering visible. Thompson 94ff.^GgodJ/F. , (S400)

There seems to be little controversy over the internal order of issues, but the absolute dating of the series is still subject to vigorous debate. Thompson herself revised her initial date of area 196 BCfor thebeginning of the series, but dates between 185 and 160 BC are still promoted by different author!ties. The date of 185 BC proposed by Otto Merkholm is adopted for this catalogue.

1226 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 143/2 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.89 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Apollo standing on left, magistrates Diopha..., Diodo...; (?) on amphora, Ε (?) below. a . Thompson 186b. VF. (S250)

1222 ATTICA Athens. Circa 151 / 0 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.77 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; term of Hermes and AP monogram on left, MP monogram on right, Δ (?) on amphora; all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 87b. VF. ($250)

1227 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 142/1 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.75 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Macedonian helmet on right, magistrates Derne..., Iero...; IB on amphora, CQ on left; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 202b var.(the month IB is not listed, and only mon th A is listed with CLÏ). Good VF. (S300)

1223 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 154/3 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.70 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; caps of the Dioskouroi on right, monograms on left and right. Thompson 56ff. VF. (S3m)

Classical Numismatic 1228 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 141 / 0 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; eagle on right, monograms on left and right; Λ on amphora, EY below. Cf. Thompson 228c (the month Λ is listed only with A N (234b), however, listings under 228,238,239,241 and 242 show an unocrtain month letter with EY; this coin elucidates at least one case). Good VF. ($500)

Group, Inc.

1232 Lot of five (5) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 138/7 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Facing bust of Helios. AverageVFor better. Five (5) coins total. ($2000) 1233 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 138/7 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Facing bust of Helios. AverageVFor better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1234 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 138/7 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Facing bust of Helios. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1229 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 140/39 BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachm (16.77 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; monogram on left, aphlaston and monogram on right; no letter apparent on amphora, ΣΩ lower left; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 247-265 var. (ΣΩ not listed for this series, but see p. 93, n. 2, where an earlier reading of ΣΩ is discounted as an error; this coin shows that the earlier reading was indeed valid). VF. ($300)

1230 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 139/8 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.79 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Nike on right, magistrates Kte(si)..., Eyma...; M (?) on amphora, EY on left; all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 286a. Good VF. ($400)

1235 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 138/7 BC Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Facing bust of Helios. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1236 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 138/7 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Facing bust of Helios. AverageVFor better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1237 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 137/6 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.89 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Nike in quadriga on right, magistrates Miki..., Theophra...; Ε on amphora, ΣΩ below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 318b. Good VF. ($300)

1231 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 138/7 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.81 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Helios bust on right, magistrates Glay..., Eche...; Ε on amphora, ΣΦ on left; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 293. Good VF. ($400) 1238 Lot of five (5) Athens. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Circa 137/6 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Nike driving quadriga right. Average VF or better. Five (5) coins total. (S2000) 1239 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 137/6 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Nike driving quadriga right. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)


1240 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 137/6 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Nike driving quadriga right. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1 1 8

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1241 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 137/6 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Nike driving quadriga right. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1248 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 135/4 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.95 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Asklepios standing on left, magistrates Mened..., Geno..., Ophelos; Δ on amphora, ΣΩ below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 350f-g. Near EF. ($400) 1242 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 136/5 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.82 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; club, lion's skin, bow in case on left, magistrates Era..., Aristoph..., Aristok...; M on amphora, ΓΛ below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 339f-h. EF. ($500)

1249 Lot of five (5) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 135/4 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Asldepios with serpent staff. Average VF or better. Five (5) coins totaL ($2000) 1250 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 135/4 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Asklepios with serpent staff. Average VFor better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1251 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Circa 135/4 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Asklepios with serpent staff. Average VFor better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1252 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Circa 135/4 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Asklepios with serpent staff. Average VFor better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1243 Lot of five (5) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 136/5 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club and bowcase. Good VF to EF. Five (5) coins total. ($2000)

1253 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 135/4 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Asklepios with serpent staff. Average VFor better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1244 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Circa 136/5 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club and bowcase. Average VFor better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1245 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 136/5 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club and bowcase. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1246 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 136/5 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club and bowcase. Average VFor better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1247 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 135/4 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Asklepios standing on left, magistrates Mened..., Geno..., Go...; Ζ on amphora, HP below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 351 d-e. Good VF. ($400)

1254 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 134/3 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; anchor and star on left, magistrates Timarchos, Nikago..., Lysia...; Ζ on amphora, ME below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 364d,365a. EF. ($500)

1255 Lot of five (5) Athens. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Circa 134/3 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; anchor. Average VF or better. Five (5) coins total. ($1500)

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1256 Lot of five (5) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 134/3 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; anchor. Average VF or better. Five (5) coins totaL ($1500)

1262 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 131 / 0 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.91 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Elephant on right, magistrates Antiochos, Karaichos, Eynom...; I on amphora, ΣΩ below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 400d. Good VF. ($500) 1257 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 133/2 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.93 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; winged caduceus on left, magistrates Polycharm..., Nikog..., Aianti...; Β on amphora, ME below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 376c, 377 var. (Thompson does not list Aianti... with ME). Good VF. ($400)

1263 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 130/29 BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachm (16.83 gm). I lelmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; winged thunderbolt on left, magistrates Theophra..., Sotas..., Philem...; Bon a m p h o r a , ME below; all within laurel-wreath. T h o m p s o n 405d-e var. (Thompson does not list Philem... with ME). Good VF. ($400)

1258 Lot of six (6) Athens. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Circa 133/2 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; winged caduceus. Good VF to EF. Six (6) coins total. ($2500) 1259 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 133/2 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; winged caduceus. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1260 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 133/2 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; winged caduceus. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1261 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 132/1 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (17.01 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; forepart of lion on right, magistrates Dorothe..., Dioph...; A on amphora, ME below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 383a. Near EF. ($400)

1264 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 143/2 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.56 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Apollo standing on left, magistrates Diopha..., Diodo...; (?) on amphora, ΜΦ (?) below; all within laurel-wreath. Cf.Thompson 198b. VF, weak strike rev. ($300)

1265 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 140/39 BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachm (16.50 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; monogram on left, aphlaston and monogram on right; M on amphora, EY below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 258c. Good VF. ($300) 1266 Lot of five (5) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. I lelmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Facing head of Helios. Average VF or better. Five (5) coins total. ($2000)

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1267 Lot of ten (10) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standingon amphora; Facing head of Helios. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1275 Lot of five (5) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 136/5 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club and bo wcase. Good VF to EF. Five (5) coins totaL ($2000)

1268 Lot of ten (10) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Facing head of Helios. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1276 Lot of ten (10) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 136/5 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club and bowcase. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1269 Lot of ten (10) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Facing head of Helios. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1277 Lot of ten (10) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century B C AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 136/5 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club and bowcase. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1269A Lot of ten (10) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Facing head of Helios. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1278 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 136/5 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club and bowcase. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1279 Lot of ten (10) Athens. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Circa 136/5 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standingon amphora; club and bowcase. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1270 Lot of five (5) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Nike driving quadriga right. Average VF or better. Five (5) coins total. ($2000)

1280 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 135/4 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.77 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Asklepios standingon left, magistrates Mened...,Geno..., Philoth...,Ton amphora, ΓΛ below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 349e, 350a. EF. ($500)

1271 Lot of ten (10) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standingon amphora; Nike driving quadriga right. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1272 Lot of ten (10) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Nike driving quadriga right. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1273 Lot of ten (10) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Nike driving quadriga right. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1281 Lot of five (5) Athens. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 135/4 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Asklepios with serpent staff. Average VF or better. Five (5) coins total. ($2000) 1282 Lot of ten (10) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Asklepios with serpent staff. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000) 1274 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 136/5 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.60 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; club, lion's skin, bow in case on left, magistrates Era..., Aristoph..., Derne...; Ton amphora, uncertain letters below; all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 331 f, 332a. Good VF. (S400)

1283 Lot of ten (10) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Asklepios with serpent staff. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

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1284 Lot of ten (10) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora‫׳‬ Asklepios with serpent staff. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1291 Lot of ten (10) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd C e n t u r y BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; winged caduceus. Average VFor better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1285 Lot of ten (10) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Asklepios with serpent staff. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1292 Lot of ten (10) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; winged caduceus. Average VF or better. Ten (10) coins total. ($3000)

1286 ATTICA‫ ׳‬Athens. Orca 134/3 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.84 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; anchor and star on left, magistrates Timarchos, Nikago..., Antiochos; Κ on amphora, ΣΦ below. Thompson 368f. EF. ($500)

1293 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 132/1 BC AR NewStyle Tetradrachm (16.92 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; forepart of lion on right, magistrates Dorothe..., Dioph..., Demeoyli...;Ton amphora, ME below; all within laurel-wreath. Q.Thompson 385c. Near EF. ($400)

1287 Lot of five (5) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; anchor. Average VFor better. Five (5) coins total. ($1500) 1288 Lot of five (5) A t h e n s . Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. I lelmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; anchor. Average VF or better. Five (5) coins total. ($1500)

1294 Lot of twenty (20) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR NewStyle Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora. Each ooin with a different symbol. Grades range from Fine to near EF, average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($5000) 1295 Lot of eleven (11) Athens. Circa 2nd Century B C AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora. Each coin with a different symbol. Average VF to near EF. Eleven (11) coins total. ($3500) 1295A Lot of eleven (11) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR NewStyle Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora Each coin with a different symbol. Average VF to near EF. Eleven (11) coins total. ($3500)

1289 ATTICA, Athens. Circa 133/2 BC AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.90 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; winged caduoeus on lef, magistrates Polycharm..., Nikog..., Dionysias; Ε on amphora, ME below; all within laurel-wreath. Thompson 379a. Good VF. ($400)

1296 Lot of n i n e (9) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora Each coin with a different symbol. Grades range from Fine to VF+, average VF. Nine (9) coins total. ($3000)

1290 Lot of six (6) Athens. Circa 2nd C e n t u r y BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; winged caduceus. Good VF to EF. Six (6) coins total. ($2500)

1297 Lot of sixteen (16) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora Lot contains eight different symbols, two of each (Nike walking right, club and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Sixteen (16) coins total. ($4500)


Classical Numismatic

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1298 Lot of fourteen (14) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora Lot contains seven different symbols, two of each ( Q u b and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Fourteen (14) coins totaL ($4000)

1307 Lot of fourteen (14) Athens. Circa 2nd Century B C AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora Lot contains seven different symbols, two of each (Club and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Fourteen (14) coins totaL ($4000)

1299 Lot of fourteen (14) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standingon amphora Lot contains seven different symbols, two of each ( Q u b and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Fourteen (14) coins totaL ($4000)

1308 Lot of fourteen (14) Athens. Circa 2nd Century B C AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora Lot contains seven different symbols, two of each (Club and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Fourteen (14) coins totaL ($4000)

1300 Lot of fourteen (14) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena righ t / Owl standing on amphora. Lot contains seven different symbols, two of each (Club and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Fourteen (14) coins totaL ($4000)

1309 Lot of fourteen (14) Athens. Circa 2nd Century B C AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora Lot contains seven different symbols, two of each ( Q u b and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Fourteen (14) coins totaL ($4000)

1301 Lot of fourteen (14) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena righ t / Owl standing on amphora Lot contains seven different symbols, two of each (Club and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Fourteen (14) coins total. ($4000)

1310 Lot of fourteen (14) Athens. Circa 2nd Century B C AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora Lot contains seven different symbols, two of each ( Q u b and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Fourteen (14) coins total. ($4000)

1302 Lot of twenty (20) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora. Various symbols. Average Fine to VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($3000)

1311 Lot of ten (10) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standingon amphora Various symbols. Average VF to VF+, all with minor encrustation. Ten (10) coins total. ($2500)

1303 Lot of sixteen (16) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora. Various symbols. Average Fine to VF. Sixteen (16) coins total. ($2000)

1312 Lot of twenty (20) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standingon amphora. Various symbols. Average Fine to VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($3000)

1304 Lot of n i n e (9) Athens. Q r c a 2nd Century BC. AR N e w Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora. Each coin with a different symbol. Grades range from Fine to VF+, average VF. Nine (9) coins total. ($3000) 1305 Lot of sixteen (16) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora. Lot contains eight different symbols, two of each (Nike walking right, club and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Sixteen (16) coins total. ($4500)

1313 Lot of thirty (30) AIGINA. ARStaters. 53a510 BC Turtle / Incuse. Fair to Fine. Thirty (30) coins total. ($2000) 1314 Lot of eleven (11) ARGOLIS, Argos. AR I lemidrachms. 3rd Century BC. Forepart of wolf / Large A. Average Fine. Eleven (11) coins total. ($150)

1306 Lot of sixteen (16) Athens. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR New Style Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora. Lot contains eight different symbols, two of each (Nike walking right, club and bow case, winged caduceus, forepart of a lion, anchor, Asklepios, Nike in quadriga and facing Helios). Average VF and better. Sixteen (16) coins total. (S4500) 1 4 3

Classical Numismatic Electrum Hektes of Phokaia and Mytilene Around 400 BC, the city of Mytilene on Lesbos and the city of Phokaia on the mainland entered into a monetary alliance, with each city to mint for both in alternate years. The weight of the hektes and the composition of the manmade electrum were carefully legislated, and the penalty for intentional violation of the standards by a mint magistrate was death. This system led to a highly varied and artistic series of coinage, while the issues of each city were carefully distinguished. The coinage of Mytilene has both obverse and reverse designs, while the coinage of Phokaia has only an incuse for the reverse and in addition bears a small seal (φωκη) as an adjunct symbol, a punning reference to the name of the city.

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Mytilene. Apollo head right / Apollo head right. Bodenstedt 95.377-326 BC / / Mytilene. Kabiros head right / Persephone head right Bodenstedt 99. 377-326 BC. VF or nearly so. Five (5) coins total. ($1250)

EL 1319 Lot of five (5) IONIA, Phokaia. EL Hektes. Female head left / incuse. Bodenstedt 90.477-388 BC. / / Female head left / incuse. Bodenstedt 92. 477-388 BC / / Pan head left / incuse. Bodenstedt 97.387-326 BC / / Artemis head left / incuse. Bodenstedt 99,387-326 B C / / Athena head left / incuse. Bodenstedt 111. 387-326 BC. VF or nearly so. Five (5) coins total. ($1250) 1320 Lot of twenty (20) IONIA, Ephesos (9), and MYSIA, Pergamon (11). AR Qstophoric Tetradrachms. Cista mystica / Two serpents. 133-67 BC. Average Very Fine. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1000)

1315 Lot of five (5) LESBOS, Mytilene. Electrum Hektes. Apollo head right / Apollo head right Bodenstedt 95 (1 coin), Bodenstedt 95 var (3 ooins). 377-326 BC. / / Apollo head right / Artemis head right. Bodenstedt 100, 377-326 BC. VF or nearly so. Five (5) coins total. ($1250)

1321 Lot of twenty (20) IONIA, Ephesos (11 ), and MYSIA, Pergamon (9). AR Qstophoric Tetradrachms. Cista mystica / Two serpents. 133-67 BC. Average Very Fine. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1000) 1322 Lot of twenty (20) IONIA, Ephesos (10), and MYSIA, Pergamon (10). AR Qstophoric Tetradrachms. Cista mystica / Two serpents. 133-67 BC. Average Very Fine. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1000)

EL 1316 Lot of four (4) LESBOS, Mytilene. Electrum Hektes. 10 head right Dionysos head right. Bodenstedt 77.412-378 BC. / / Apollo head right Apollo head right. Bodenstedt 95.377-326 BC. / / Kabiros head right Persephone head right. Bodenstedt 99.377-326 BC. / / Apollo head right Artemis head right. Bodenstedt 100,377-326 BC VF or nearly so. Four (4) coins total. ($1000)

/ / / /

1317 Lot of sixteen (16) LESBOS, Mytilene. Electrum Hektes. Female head right / lyre. Bodenstedt 79.412-378 BC. / / Dionysos head right / Persephone head right. Bodenstedt 89.377-326 BC (2 coins). / / Apollo head right / Apollo head right. Bodenstedt 95 var. 377-326 BC. ( 9 coins) / / Poseidon head right / trident-head. Bodenstedt 98.377-326 BC. / / Kabiros head right / Persephone head right. Bodenstedt 99.377-326 BC. (2 coins). / / Head of young man right with horn of Ammon / eagle. Bodenstedt 104. 377-326 BC. VF or nearly so, but most somewhat off-center. Sixteen (16) coins total. ($2500)

1323 Lot of twenty (20) IONIA, Ephesos (10), and MYSIA, Pergamon (10). AR Qstophoric Tetradrachms. Cista mystica / Two serpents. 133-67 BC. Average Very Fme. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1000) 1324 Lot of ten (10) IONIA, Ephesos (8 ), and MYSIA, Pergamon (2 ). AR Cistophoric Tetradrachms. Cista mystica / Two serpents. 133-67 BC. Average Good VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($600) 1325 Lot of ten (10) IONIA, Ephesos (3 ), MYSIA, Pergamon (6), and PHRYGIA, Apameia (1). AR Cistophoric Tetradrachms. Cista mystica / Two serpents. 133-67 BC. Average Fine, most with oxide or encrustation. Ten (10) coins total. ($250)

1318 Lot of three (5) IONIA, Phokaia (3) and LESBOS, Mytilene (2). EL Hektes. Phokaia. Pan head left / incuse. Bodenstedt 97.387-326 BC (2 coins) / / Phokaia. Artemis head left / incuse. Bodenstedt 99,387-326 BC. / / 1 1 8


Classical Numismatic 1326 CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 265-250 BC AR Didrachm (6.58 gm). I lead of Helios three-quarters right / Rose with bud; bunch of grapes and Ε to left. Ashton Group 3. VF. ($250)

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1333 Lot of five (5) CARIA, Islandsoff. Rhodes. AR Didrachms. Helios head three-quarter face to right / Rose. 3rd century BC Average Very Fine. Five (5) coins total. ($750) 1334 Lot of ten (10) CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. AR Didrachms.Helios head three quarter face to right / Rose. 3rd century BC. Fair to Fine. Ten (10) coins total. (S50Q)

Silver Staters of Aspendos in Pamphylia 1327 CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 265-250 BC AR Didrachm (6.65 gm). Head of Helios three-quarters right / Rose with bud; above, magistrate name ΑΡΙΣΤΟΝΟΜΟΣ; to left, prow; below across, Ρ and O. Ashton Group 3. VF. ($250)

Aspendos lay several miles up the then navigable river Eurymedon and was an important port and naval base. Certainly on two occasions a major Persian fleet was concentrated there: in about 467 on the occasion ofCimon's victory, and again in 410. Shortly after the latter date the city instituted a new coinage featuring on the obverse two wrestlers coming to grips and on the reverse a slinger in action with the ethnic written beside. The legend "Estvediys, " although written in Greek, is the Pamphylian form of the name Aspendos. The triskeles, which was the civic badge and had featured more prominently on the äty 's earlier coinage, was relegated to the position of a symbol. Successive issues were distinguished by additional symbols or letters in the field. The considerable output of coinage is evidence of the prosperity and importance of the city.

1328 CARIA, Islands of f. Rhodes. Circa 265-250 BC AR Didrachm (6.66 gm). Head of Helios three-quarters right / Rose with bud on either side; to left, A, to righ t, trident-head. Ashton Group 3. VF. ($250)

1335 PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.78 gm). Two nude wrestlers grappling / Slinger right, triskeles in field; uncertain countermark (wolf-head or boar-head?) below. SNG von Aulock 4557. Near ($400) EF.

1329 Lot of five (5) CARIA, Islandsoff. Rhodes. AR Didrachms. Helios head three quarter face to right / Rose. 3rd century BC. Average Very Fine. Five (5) coins total. ($750) 1330 Lot of five (5) CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. AR Didrachms. Helios head three-quarter face to right / Rose. 3rd century BC Average Very Fine. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1336 PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.88 gm). Two nude wrestlers grappling / Slinger right, triskeles in field. SNG von Aulock 4568-9. EF, worn obv. die. ($500)

1337 PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.90 gm). Two nude wrestlers grappling / Slinger right, triskeles in field. BMC Lycia, etc., p. 98,41; cf. SNG Copenhagen 232. EF, w o m obv. die. ($500)

1331 Lot of five (5) CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. AR Didrachms. Helios head three-quarter face to right / Rose. 3rd century BC Average Very Fine. Five (5) coins total. ($750) 1332 Lot of five (5) CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. AR Didrachms.Helios head three-quarter face to right / Rose. 3rd century B C Average Very Fine. Five (5) coins total. ($750)

1338 PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.91 gm). Two nude wrestlers grappling / Slinger right, triskeles in field. BMC Lycia, etc., p. 98,41 ; cf. SNG Copenhagen 232. EF, w o m obv. die. (S500)


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1339 PAMPHYUA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.93 gm). Two n u d e wrestlers grappling / Slinger right, triskeles in field. SNG von Aulock 4568-9. EF, worn obv. die. ($500)

1346 Lot of three (3) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average EF with somewhat typically weakly struck obverses.Three (3) coins total. ($1000) 1340 PAMPHYUA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.98 gm). Two n u d e wrestlers grappling / Singer right, triskeles in field; uncertain countermark (wolf-head ?) to lower right. SNG von Aulock 4565. Near EF. ($400)

1347 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, A s p e n d o s . Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1348 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, A s p e n d o s . Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1349 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, A s p e n d o s . Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1350 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, A s p e n d o s . Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000)

1341 Lot of three (3) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC. AR Staters.. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average EF with typically weakly struck obverses. Three (3) coins total. ($1000)

1351 Lot of ten (10) countcrstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Singer. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1342 Lot of three (3) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters.. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average EF with typically weakly struck obverses. Three (3) coins total. ($1000)

1352 Lot of ten (10) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000)

1343 Lot of three (3) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters.. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average near EF with typically weakly struck obverses.Three (3) coins total. ($1000)

1353 Lot of ten (10) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000)

1344 Lot of three (3) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters.. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average EF with somewhat typically weakly struck obverses. Three (3) coins total. ($1000)

1354 Lot of ten (10) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000)

1345 Lot of three (3) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC. AR Staters.. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average EF with somewhat typically weakly struck obverses. Three (3) coins total. ($1000)

1355 Lot of ten (10) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Singer. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 0

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1356 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. AR Staters, five (5) with counterstamps. Circa 370-330 BC. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins totaL ($4000)

1365 Lot of three (3) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average near EF. Three (3) coins total. ($900)

1357 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC AR Staters, seven (7) with counterstamps. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF, all in need of further cleaning. Twenty (20) coins totaL ($4000)

1366 Lot of three (3) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average near EF. Three (3) coins total. ($900) 1367 Lot of three (3) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average near EF. Three (3) coins total. ($900)

1358 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins totaL ($4000)

1368 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Q r c a 370330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1369 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Q r c a 370-330 B C AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1370 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Q r c a 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1371 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, A s p e n d o s . Q r c a 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1372 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. (S2000) 1373 Lot of ten (10) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000)

1359 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000)

1374 Lot of eight (8) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. All coins with various, interesting counterstamps including multiplestamps, a bull, and one with the counterstamp on the obverse. Average VF. Eight (8) coins total. ($1600)

1360 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. (S4000) 1361 Lot of twenty (20) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average near VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($3000) 1362 Lot of three (3) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average near EF with somewhat typically weakly struck obverses. Three (3) coins total. ($900)

1375 Lot of ten (10) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Qrca 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1363 Lot of three (3) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average near EF. Three (3) coins total. ($900)

1376 Lot of ten (10) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Qrca 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. (S2000)

1364 Lot of three (3) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average near EF. Three (3) coins total. (S900)

1377 Lot of ten (10) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Qrca 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000)


Classical Numismatic 1378 Lot of ten (10) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Stinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1379 Lot of ten (10) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($2000) 1380 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000)

Group, Inc. Silver Staters of Nagidos in Cilicia

Nagidos started coining in the last quarter of the 5 th century and continued until the arrival of Alexander. The mint was not a major one, however, as it consumed only 31 obverse dies for staters in the whole of this period. The civic types are executed in elegant detail: on the obverse a seated Aphrodite, sacrificing from a phiale over a flaming, garlanded altar, is crowned from behind by Eros; on the reverse a standing Dionysos holds a grape cluster and thyrsos.

1381 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000) 1382 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000) 1383 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 B C AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF, all in need of further cleaning. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000)

1391 Lot of five (5) CILICIA, Nagidos. AR Staters. Aphrodite seated left / Dionysos standing left. 380-360 BC. Cf. SNG Paris 21. Average VF+, all with nice obverses. Five (5) coins total. ($1000) 1392 Lot of fourteen (14) CILICIA, Nagidos. AR Staters. Aphrodite seated left / Dionysos standing left. 380-360 BC. Average Very Fine. Fourteen (14) coins total. ($2000) 1393 Lot of five (5) CILICIA, Nagidos. AR Staters. Aphrodite seated left / Dionysos standing left. 380-360 BC. Cf. SNG Paris 21. Average VF+, all with nice reverses. Five (5) coins total. ($1000) 1384 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 B C AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000) 1385 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 B C AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000) 1386 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000) 1387 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000) 1388 Lot of twenty (20) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF, all in need of further cleaning. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000) 1389 Lot of twenty (20) counterstamped PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average VF. Twenty (20) coins total. ($4000)

1394 Lot of five (5) CILICIA, Nagidos. AR Staters. Aphrodite seated left / Dionysos standing left. 380-360 BC. Cf. SNG Paris 21. Average VF+. Five (5) coins total. ($1000)

1390 Lot of thirty-two (32) PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC AR Staters. Two wrestlers / Slinger. Average F-VF, a few in need of further cleaning. Thirty-two (32) coins total. ($5000)

1395 Lot of five (5) CILICIA, Nagidos. AR Staters. Aphrodite seated left / Dionysos standing left. 380-360 BC. Cf. SNG Paris 21. Average VF+. Five (5) coins total. ($1000)

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1396 Lot of five (5) CILICIA, Nagidos. AR Staters. Aphrodite seated left / Dionysos standing left. 380-360 BC. Cf. SNG Paris 21. Average VF+. Five (5) coins totaL ($1000) 1397 Lot of five (5) CILICIA, Nagidos. ARStaters. Aphrodite seated left / Dionysos standing left. 380-360 BC. Cf. SNG Paris 21. Average VF+. Five (5) coins totaL ($1000) 1398 Lot of five (5) CIUCIA, Nagidos. AR Staters. Aphrodite seated left / Dionysos standing left. 380-360 BC. Cf. SNG Paris 21. Average VF+. Five (5) coins totaL ($1000) 1399 Lot of five (5) CIUCIA, Nagidos. AR Staters. Aphrodite seated left / Dionysos standing left. 380-360 BC. Cf. SNG Paris 21. Average VF+. Five (5) coins total ($1000)

Silver Staters of Mazaios, Satrap of Cilicia Mazaios had a long and successful career, first in the Persian Empire and then under Alexander the Great. He served as satrap of Cilicia under both Artaxerxes III and Darius III, and in 345 BC he was rewarded for good service by the addition of Phoenicia to his satrapy. In 331 Mazaios, now Persian satrap of Babylon, guarded the Euphrates until Alexander arrived, but withdrew at his approach and let him cross unopposed. He commanded the Persian right wing at the battle of Gaugameia in October of 331 BC and distinguished himself, but ordered a retreat when deserted by Darius. He surrendered Babylon to Alexander and was rewarded by bang confirmed in his satrapy. Mazaios ' coinage as satrap ofCiliaa employed Aramaic legends and the local types of Baal of Tarsos and the lion and bull, the civic emblem of Tarsos. In addition to his local connection, Baal had the added advantage of universality, as he could be interpreted by Greek mercenaries as Zeus.

1405 Lot of ten (10) CIUCIA, Tarsos. Satrap Mazaios. AR Staters. Baaltars seated left / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average near VF with rough surfaces or areas of weakness. Ten (10) coins total. (S750) 1406 Lot of ten (10) CILICIA, Tarsos. SatrapMazaios.ARStaters. Baaltars seated left / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average VF, a few with surface roughness. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1407 Lot of seventeen (17) CILICIA, Tarsos. Satrap Mazaios. ARStaters. Baaltars seated left / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average Fine with corrosion. Seventeen (17) coins total. ($750) 1408 Lot of ten (10) CILICIA, Tarsos. Satrap Mazaios. AR Staters. Baal of Tarsos enthroned left / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average VF, some with surface roughness. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1400 Lot of ten (10) CILICIA, Tarsos. Satrap Mazaios. ARStaters. Baaltars seatedleft / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average VF, a few with surface roughness. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1401 Lot of ten (10) CILICIA Tarsos. Satrap Mazaios. ARStaters. Baaltars seated left / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average VF, a few with surface roughness. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000) 1402 Lot of ten (10) CILICIA Tarsos. Satrap Mazaios ARStaters. Baaltars seated left / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average near VF with rough surfaces or areas of weakness. Ten (10) coins total. ($750)

1409 Lot of ten (10) CILICIA, Tarsos. Satrap Mazaios. AR Staters. Baal of Tarsos enthroned left / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average VF, some with surface roughness. Ten (10) coins total. ($1000)

1403 Lot of ten (10) CILICIA, Tarsos. Satrap Mazaios. ARStaters. Baaltars seated left / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average near VF with rough surfaces or areas of weakness. Ten (10) coins total. (S750) 1404 Lot of ten (10) CILICIA Tarsos. Satrap Mazaios. ARStaters. Baaltars seated left / Lion attacking bull. 361-334 BC. Average near VF with rough surfaces or areas of weakness. Ten (10) coins total. ($750)

1410 Lotof fourteen (14) PERSIA Achaemenid Kings. AR Sigloi. Persian King in kneeling stance / Oblong incuse. Circa 4th CenturyBC Average FVF. Fourteen (14) coins total. (S300)

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Classical Numismatic 1411 Lot of ten (10) PHOENICIA, Arados. AR Tetradrachms. Turreted head of Tyche right / Nike standing left. 1st century B C Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($600) 1412 Lot of ten (10) PHOENICIA, Arados. AR Tetradrachms. Turreted head of Tyche right / Nike standing left. 1 st century BC Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($600)

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Silver Tetradrachms of the Ptolemies of Egypt In 332 BC, Alexander the Great u>as crowned at Memphis as Pharaoh of Egypt, beginning a period of Greek rule that ended with the suicide of Cleopatra. Ptolemy, one of Alexander's generals, became satrap of Egypt after Alexander's death and declared himself king in 305 BC. He consolidated his position and, aided by the natural and easily defended borders of Egypt, established the most successful and long-lived dynasty among the successors of Alexander. Once Ptolemy I had established the political and military power of Egypt, Ptolemy II established the country's cultural supremacy in the Hellenistic world, building the famous Museum and Library, as well as the Pharos and a canal from the Nile to the Red Sea. The Library remained unparalleled for the remainder of its existence. Ptolemy I placed his own portrait on the tetradrachms. He is represented with the attributes of Zeus, wearing the aegis over his shoulders. He adopted the eagle andthu nderbolt of Zeus as his personal device, and these appear on the reverse. Ptolemy's succesors honored the founder of the dynasty by continuing to use his types down to the time of Cleopatra.

1413 Lot of ten (10) PHOENICIA, Arados. AR Tetradrachms. Turreted head of Tyche right / Nike standing left. 1st century B C Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($600) 1414 Lot of ten (10) PHOENICIA, Arados. AR Tetradrachms. Turreted head of Tyche right / Nike standing left. 1st century B C Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($600) 1415 Lot of ten (10) PHOENICIA, Arados. AR Tetradrachms. Turreted head of Tyche right / Nike standing left. 1st century B C Average VF. Ten (10) coins total. ($600)

1418 Lot of twenty (20) EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. AR Tetradrachms. Diademed head of Ptolemy I / Eagle left. Ptolemy I-III. Circa 323-205 BC. Average VF, some with counterstamps. Twenty (20) coins total. ($1500) 1419 Lot of one h u n d r e d (100) EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. AR Tetradrachms. Diademed head of Ptolemy I / Eagle left. Ptolemy I-III. Circa 323-205 BC. Average Fine, most with banker's marks. One hundred (100) coins total. ($5000) 1420 Lot of o n e h u n d r e d (100) EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. AR Tetradrachms. Diademed head of Ptolemy I / Eagle left. Ptolemy Ι-ΙΠ. Circa 323-205 BC. Average Fine, most with banker's marks. O n e h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($5000)

1416 Lot of thirty-two (32) P H O E N I C I A , A r a d o s (30) and SYRIA, Laodikeia (2). AR Tetradrachms. Turreted head of Tyche right / Nike standing left. 1st century BC. / / Turreted head of Tyche right / Zeus enthroned left. 1st century BC Average Fine. Thirty-two (32) coins total. ($1200)

1417 SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.94 gm). Seleukeia on the Tigris mint. Circa 292-281 BC (Waggoner, ANSMN 1969). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monograms to left and beneath throne. Houghton 941; Newell ESM 4. VF+. ($500) ($500)

1421 Lot of o n e h u n d r e d (100) EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. AR Tetradrachms. Diademed head of Ptolemy I / Eagle left. Ptolemy I-III. Circa 323-205 BC. Fair to Fine, most with banker's marks. O n e hundred (100) coins total. ($3000)

1422 Lot of one hundred and seventy-one (171) EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. AR Tetradrachms. Diademed head of Ptolemy I / Eagle left. Ptolemy I-III. Circa 323-205 BC. Fair to Fine, most with banker's marks. O n e hundred and seventy-one (171) coins total. ($5000)

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Silver Tetradrachms of Eukratides of Baktria As his coins declare, Eukratides was a warrior king. About 176 BC, he appeared in Baktria with a small force and raised a revolt against Demetrios, who was at the lime campaigning in India. In the lengthly civil war that ensued Eukratides was victorious, and thereafter during his bng reign he fought to enlarge his kingdom, including moving across the I lindu Kush and south into Arachosia. He appears on his coins equipped for war, wearing a crested bronze calvary helmet adorned with a bull's horn and ear. Beneath his helmet he wears the traditional royal diadem. At his shoulder can be detected the plates of his cuirass. On the reverse he styles himself a "great" king, implying that he was an overloard of whom other kings were vassals. The mounted Dioskouroi, Castor and Poly deuces, were warlike deities appropriate to a warrior king.

1427 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Qrca 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.88 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΊΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série 6,29. EF, areas of corrosion. ($500) 1428 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.81 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série 6, 29. Choice EF, area of heavy encrustation remaining. (S600) 1429 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Qrca 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (17.00 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΠΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série 6,29. EF, undeaned. ($500) 1430 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.95 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série 6,29. VF+, u n d e a n e d ($400)

1423 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.91 gm). Pushkalavati mint. I Ielmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série6,29. Choice EFon a broad flan. ($1250) 1424 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.94 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177ee; Bopcarachchi Série 6,29. EF, surface roughness. ($750)

1431 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I.Circa 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.90 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower ($900) left. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série6,28. Near EF. 1432 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.91 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΠΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower left. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série 6,28. Near EF. ($900) 1433 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eu kratides I. Circa 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.89 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177dd; Bopearachchi Série 6,51. Near EF. ($900)

1425 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 B C AR Tetradrachm (16.78 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série 6,29. EF, rough patches on reverse. ($750)

ë w m m 1434 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.95 gm). Balkh mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower left. MIG 177f; Bopearachchi Série 6,40. EF. (S750) 1426 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.83 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΠΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série 6,29. EF. (S1200)

1435 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Qrca 170-145 BC AR Tetradrachm (16.95 gm). Balkh mint. Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower left. MIG 177f; Bopearachchi Série 6,40. Near EF. ($900)

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Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. ROMAN

1436 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 B C AR Tetradrachm (16.73 gm). Merv mint Helmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177a. EF, rough areas, unusual style. ($750) 1437 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 B C AR Tetradrachm (16.89 gm). Merv mint I lelmeted bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΚ2Σ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram lower right. MIG 177a. VF+, slight flan crack. ($500) 1438 BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 B C AR Tetradrachm (16.96 gm). Balkh mint. Diademed bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΥΚΡΑ'ΠΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; Δ upper left, monogram lower right. MIG 168c. VF+,undeaned. ($500) 1439 Lot of thirty-nine (39) GREEK. Thirteen (13) silver coins of BITHYNIA, Kalchedon, twenty-three (23) silver coins of THRACE, Byzantion, two (2) silver coins of MYSIA, Parion, and one (1) silver coin of THRACE, Cherronesos. All 4th century BC. Kalchedon. Bull standing left / incuse. Drachms (3 coins). Hemidrachms (10 coins). / / Byzantion. Cow stg left / incuse. Drachms (2 coins). Tetrobols (14 coins). / / Byzantion. Forepart of cow left / trident-head. Hemidrachms (7 coins). / / Parion. Bull / Gorgoneion. H e m i d r a c h m s (2 coins). / / Cherronesos. Forepart of lion / incuse. Hemidrachm (1 coin). Average Fine to Very Fine, mostly off-center. Thirty-nine (39) coins total. ($5TO)

1440 Lot of sixty-three (63) GREEK 4th Century BC- 1st AD. SELEUCIA, Syria (13 drachms of which at least two are contemporary imitations), CAPP A D O C I A N Kingdom (30 Drachms), M A C E D O N I A N Kingdom, Alexander ΙΠ (12 Drachms), THRACIAN Kingdom, Lysimachos (1 Drachm), ACHAEA, Achaean League (2 Tetrobols), BITHYNIA, Kios (1 Hemidrachm), THESSALY, Thessalian League (3 Drachms), and one (1) R O M A N REPUBLIC AR Denarius of PetilliusCapitolinus, RSCPetillia 1. Average Fine to VF, some corroded or in need of cleaning. Sixty-three (63) coins total. ($2000)

1441 Lot of four hundred eighty-eight (488) R O M A N . 3rd Century AD. Antoniniani. Almost all Valerian, Gallienus and Salonina. Average F-VF, some better. Lot would benefit from proper cleaning. Five h u n d r e d (488) coins total. ($2000) 1442 Lot of five hundred (500) ROMAN. 3rdCenturyAD. Antoninianii. Almost all Valerian, Gallienus and Salonina. Average F-VF, some better. Lot would benefit from proper cleaning. Five h u n d r e d (500) coins total. ($2000)

Bronze Folles of the Tetrarchy The upheaval of the Military Anarchy in the mid-3rd century exhausted the Empire, leaving it in need of the comprehensive reforms of Diocletian which were intended to restore stability in all spheres of life. After establishing himself as emperor, Diocletian recognized that the government and defense of such a vast and diverse empire were too great a responsibility for a single ruler and that heal insurrection could be more easily controlled by a division of power within theEmpire. He therefore appointed Maximianus as joint emperor in charge of the western provinces while Diocletian himself maintained control over the east. In 293 AD, the system was further refined by the appointment of two Caesars, Constantine I (under Maximianus) and Galerius (under Diocletian), and the developed form of the Tetrarchy was thus established. After the dramatic debasement of the coinage during the Military Anarchy, a complete reform of the coinage was necessary for the re-establishment of a stable economy. Diocletian accomplished his comprehensive reform in suecessive stages. First he introduced gold aurei on a heavier standard of 60 instead of 70 to the pound. Next he introduced a new silver coin, the argenteus, of about the same weight and fineness of the old denarius. Finally, in about 295 AD, he introduced a new bronze coin, the follis, approximately equal in size to the as of the earlier empire. In conjunction with the reform, it became routine to place a mint mark on the reverse, so from this time onward the coins may be easily attributed by mint. Follis weights were maintained within the original weight tolerance of about 85-11 grams for a decade ofter the reform, but weights then began to drop in 307AD with the deterioration of the political system, and within a generation the original large bronzes had been gradually reduced to the small AE3 'sand AE4 's of the late Constantinian period. 1443 Lot of thirty-six (36) ROMAN. Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot ineludes 1 Diocletian, 7 Galerius, 14 Maximinus II (2 as FIL AVG), 10 Constantine I (5 as FIL AVG), and 4 Lkdnius I. This lot includes some scarcer varieties. Average VF. Thirty-six (36) coins total. ($700)

1 4 3

Classical Numismatic 1444 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y include Diocletian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constandus, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($750)

Group, Inc.

1451 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y include Diocletian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($75Q) 1452 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y include Diocletian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constandus, Maximinus II a n d / c r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($750) 1453 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . R Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y include Diocletian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constandus, Maximinus II and/or Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($750) 1454 Lot of one h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y include Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constandus, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. O n e h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($1500)

1445 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . /E Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($750) 1446 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($750) 1447 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($750) 1448 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . /Έ Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($750) 1449 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . R FoUes. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constandus, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($750)

1455 Lot of one h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot may i n d u d e Diodedan, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. O n e h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($1500) 1456 Lot of one h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot may i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. O n e h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($1500) 1457 Lot of o n e h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot may i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Lidnius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. O n e h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($1500) 1458 Lot of one h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . Λ Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. O n e h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($1500) 1459 Lot of o n e h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot may i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. O n e h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($1500)

1460 Lot of one h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . Ά Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot may i n d u d e Diodedan, Maximianus, Galerius, Constandus, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. O n e h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($1500) 1450 Lot of f i f t y (50) R O M A N . R Folles.Circa 295-310 AD. Lot m a y i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Fifty (50) coins total. ($750)

1461 Lot of two h u n d r e d (200) R O M A N . Pc. Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot may i n d u d e Diodetian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus I l a n d / o r Lidnius !,primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Two h u n d r e d (200) coins total. (S3000)

1 4 3

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

1462 Lot of two h u n d r e d (200) R O M A N . JE Folles. Circa 295-310 AD. Lot may include Diocletian, Maximianus, Galerius, Constantius, Maximinus II a n d / o r Licinius I, primarily from eastern mints. Average VF. Two h u n d r e d (200) coins total. ($3000)

1468 Lot of one h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . JE Centenionales. Circa 337348 AD. Includes coins of Constant!us II, Constans and Constantius Gallus with a variety of reverse types. Average F-VF with many attractive coins in the lot. O n e h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($750)

1463 Lot of t w o h u n d r e d (200) R O M A N . JE 4‫׳‬s. Circa 337-348 AD. Includes a variety of types including many DV Constantine's. Average VF+. Anioe lot. Two h u n d r e d (200) coins total ($1000)

1469 Lot of one h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . JE Centenionales. Circa 337348 AD. Includes coins of Constantius II, Constans and Constantius Gallus with a variety of reverse types. Average F-VF with many attractive coins in the lot. One h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($750)

1464 Lot of t w o h u n d r e d (200) R O M A N . JE 4‫׳‬s. Circa 337-348 AD. Includes a variety of types including many DV Constantine's. Average VF+. Anioe lot. Two h u n d r e d (200) coins total. ($1000)

1470 Lot of one h u n d r e d (100) R O M A N . /E Centenionales. Circa 337348 AD. Includes coins of Constantius II, Constans and Constantius Gallus with a variety of reverse types. Average F-VF with many attractive coins in the lot. One h u n d r e d (100) coins total. ($750)

1465 Lot of Six h u n d r e d (600) R O M A N . JE 4‫׳‬s. Circa 337-348 AD. Includes a variety of types including many DV Constantine's. Average VF. Six h u n d r e d (600) coins total. ($1500) 1466 Lot of six hundred and thirty-nine (639) ROMAN. JEi's. Circa 337348 AD. Includes a variety of types including m a n y DV Constantine's. Average F-VF. Six h u n d r e d and thirty-nine (639) coins total. ($1000) 1467 Lot of ninety-five (95) R O M A N . JE Centenionalis (94) and one (1) Antoninianus of Aurelian and Vabalathus. Circa 337-348 AD. Includes coins of Constantius II, Constans and Constantius Gallus with a variety of reverse types. Average F-VF with many attractive coins in the lot. Ninety-five (95) coins total. ($7‫)ש‬

1471 Lot of nineteen (19) SYRIA, Antioch (18) and PHOENICIA, Tyre (1). AR Tetradrachms. 1st -2nd Century AD. Includes: Nero (1), Galba (1), Vespasian (1), Trajan (14), and Caracalla (1, Tyre). Average F-VF. Nineteen (19) coins total. ($1000) 1472 Lot of twenty-six (26) BYZANTINE. Anonymous. Circa 976-1025 AD. JE Folles. All class A-2. Average F-VF with a variety of symbols. Lot needs cleaning. Twenty-six (26) coins total. ($200)

END OF SESSION T W O Hiantiyoufor ijour participation!

1468 1 18



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Featuring the Libraries of Dr. Frank J. Novak and Alexander Hannah.

1 1 1 1

1 1




Highlights include: a complete set of BMC Greek, an original Pozzi, an original McClean Collection of Greek Coins, an original Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, an original Babelon on Roman Republican numismatics, long runs of auction catalogs and ‫ן‬ many original works on Scottish coins including Burns, Cochran- 1 Patrick, Lindsay and Davis.

1 1 1 1

Lots will be available for viewing at our office in Lancaster until December 2,1994. Lots will not be shown in New York.


1 0

Classical Numismatic TITLES O N GREEK NUMISMATICS 2001. Allen, D.F. The Coins of the Ancient Celts. (Edinburgh, 1980). xi, 265 pages, 41 plates, 8 maps. Indudes a useful section on coins of the eastern Cdts, although superseded by Van Arsdell on the British C d tic Out of print. Black doth. A fine copy. ($25)

Group, Inc.

2015. [BMC-GREEK], Barclay V. Head and Percy Gardner. A Catalogue of The G r e e k Coins in the British M u s e u m . Volume III: T h e Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Daria, Moesia, Thracc, & c (London, 18770riginal). xii, 274 pp., few line drawings in text, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. A fine copy. ($175) 2016. Another copy as above. Hinges strengthened, spine reinforced, internally fine. ($100)

2002. American Numismatic Soaety. Lot of five titles published by the ANS relating to Greek coins. Lot indudes: Arnold-Biucchi, The Randazzo Hoard 1980 and Sicilian Chronology in the Early Fifth Century B.C. / / Bishop and Holloway, Wheaton Collection of Greek and Roman Coins / / Metcalf, Mnemata: Papers in Memory of Nancy M. Waggoner / / Thompson, Alexander's Drachm Mints II: Lampsacus and Abydus / / Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection. All copies very fine except the last which is fine. A nice lot of useful titles.

2017. [BMC-GREEK], Gardner, Percy. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume IV: Seleucid Kings of Syria. (New York, Durst 1983 reprint of London, 1878 original), xxxix, 126 pp., 28 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Text and plates completely separated from binding but complete. N o foxing. ($100)

2003. Anthony, John. Collecting Greek Coins. (London and N e w York, 1983). (8), 301 pp., illustrations throughout text, 12mo. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($10)

2018. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume V: Macedonia, Etc. (London, 1879 original), lxiii, 200 pp., few line drawings in text, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. A fine copy. ($175)


2004. Babelon, Jean. Catalogue De La Collection De Luynes. Monnaies Greques. Part IV. Syrie, Egypte, Cyrénaïque, M a u r i t a n i e , Zeugitane, Numidie. (Paris, 1936 by Florange a n d Ciani). Two volumes (one of text and one of plates). 146 pp., 37 fine plates with original doth-backed folder. Printed card covers for text, rubbed on edges, text unopened, 8vo. Fine set. ($75) 2005. Baldwin Brett, Agnes. A Catalogue of Greek Coins, M u s e u m of Fine Arts, Boston. (Boston, 1955 original), xvi, 340 pp., 115 plates describing 2348 coins, appendices, 4to. Brown doth. A nice fine copy. Very rare, with superiorplates to the 1974reprint. Ex. Libris. ($375) 2006. Baldwin, Agnes. Symbolism on Greek Coins. (New York-1977 reprint of artide from AJN 49, New York-1915). 112 pages, 6 plates, passim line drawings. Blue leatherette. A very fine copy. ($20) 2007. Bellinger, Alfred R. Essays O n The Coinage Of Alexander The Great. (New York, 1963 original). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 11.132 pages, 3 plates, 1 map. Printed card covers. A fine copy. ($30) 2008. Another copy as above. Top right corner bumped, otherwise a very fine copy. ($30)

2019. [BMC-GREEK], Poole, Reginald Stuart. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume VII: The Ptolemies, Kings of Egypt. (London, 1883 original), ciii, 136 pp., 32 plates, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Text completely separated from covers, internally fine with no foxing. Needs rebinding. ($100) 2020. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British M u s e u m . Volume VIII: Central Greece. (Locris, Phocis, Boeotia and Euboea). (London, 1884 original), lxix, (3), 158 pp., 24 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Text unopened. A nice fine copy. ($175) 2021. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British M u s e u m . Volume XI: Attica, Megaris, Aegina. (London, 1888 original), lxix, (3), 174 pp., 26 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Text foxed and brittle, plates fine. ($100) 2022. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British M u s e u m . Volume XII: Corinth, Colonies of Corinth, Etc. (London, 1889 original), lxviii, 174 pp., 39 plates, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Cover faded, internally fine. Ex. Libris. ($150) 2023.

2009. Bellinger, Alfred R. Essays O n The Coinage Of Alexander The Great. (New York, 1979 reprint of 1963 original). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 11.132 pages, 3 plates, 1 map. Brown casebound. A very fine copy. ($25) 2010. Bellinger, Alfred R. Troy, The Coins. (New York-1979 reprint of Princeton-1961 original), xiii, 220 pp., 27 double-plates. Red casebound. As new. ($35) 2011. Bishop, J. David and R. Ross Holloway. Wheaton College Collection of Greek and Roman Coins. (New York, 1981). Anaent Coins in North American Collections No. 3. (10), 32 pp., 32 plates, 450 coins, 8vo. Orange casebound. A very fine copy. ($25) A Complete Set of BMC Greek 2012. [BMC-GREEK], A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. (Bologna, 1963 1965‫ ־‬reprints of London, 1873-19270riginals). 29 volumes complete. 10,688 pp., 952 plates. Octavo. Matching dark blue casebound. Still one of the standard references for Greek coins and a must for every serious dassical numismatist. Minor wear at extremities, but overall a very fine set. Ex. Libris. (S2000) 2013. [BMC-GREEK], Poole, Reginald Stuart. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume I: Italy. (London, 1873 original), viii, 432 pp., few line drawings in text, tables, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Front hinge broken but intact, internally fine. ($150) 2014. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barday V; Percy Gardner & R.S. Poole. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume II: Sicily. (London, 1876 original), xii, 292 pp., a few line drawings in text, tables, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Back hinge weak but intact, otherwiseafinecopy. ($150)

Another copy as above. Cover faded, internally fine.


2024. [BMC-GREEK], Wroth, Warwick. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XIII: Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia, and The Kingdom of Bosporus. (London, 1889 original), xliv, 252 pp., 39 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Cover faded, internally pages unopened with no foxing. A nice fine copy. ($150) 2025. [BMC-GREEK], V\k>th, Warwick. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XIV: Mysia. (London, 1892 original), xxxv, 217 pp., 35 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Cover faded, text unopened. A nice fine copy. ($175) 2026. [BMC-GREEK]. Wroth, Warwick. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XVII: Troas, Aeolis and Lesbos. (London, 1894 original), lxxxiii, 260 pp., 43 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Original blue case binding, gilt letters. Intact and complete. N o foxing. A fine copy. ($175) 2027. Buttrey, Theodore V., Kenan T. Erim, Thomas D. Groves and R. Ross Holloway. Morgantina Studies. Volume II. The Coins. (Princeton, 1989). xx, (3), 245 pages, 49 plates. A catalog of coins discovered at the Morgantina excavations between 1955 and 1981. 777 coins catalogued ineluding Greek, Roman, Byzantine and medieval coins (primarily Greek). Orange cloth. A very fine copy. ($50) 2028. Cunningham, Sir Alexander. Coins of Alexander's Successors In The East, (Bactria, Ariana & India). (Chicago, 1969 reprint of 1884 original). 337 pages, 14 plates of line drawings, table of alphabets. Green doth. Library stamp, else a very fine copy. ($25)

1 4 3

Classical Numismatic 2029. Dittrich, K. Antike M ü n z e n Aus Olbia u n d P a n t i k a p a u m . Photographed by M. Hrbas and J. Marco. (Prag, 1959). 167 pp, color frontis, 115 plates. Black cloth with dust cover. Very good copy. ($20) 2030. Franke, Peter Robert. Die Antike Münzen von Epirus. (Wiesbaden, 1961). In two volumes. Vol. 1: xv, 344 pages, fold out map; Vol. 2:67separate colotype plates in cloth binder. Both blue cloth, gilt. Outdated but still the standard reference for this poorly researched area. Pages in text volume starting to yellow around edges, covers dusty, otherwise a fine set. Out of Print. ($75) 2031. Franke, Peter R. and Max Hirmer. Die Griechische M ü n z e . (Munich, 1972). 176 pages plus plates of over 800 coins, most enlarged and many in color. This German edition has the same outstanding plates as Kraay and Hirmer's, Greek Coins, and they are the most beautiful books ever published on Greek coins. Both are out of print and the Enghsh edition has sold for $800 recently. Grey cloth with dust cover. A nice fine copy.


A Very Nice Copy of Gallatin 2032. Gallatin, Albert. Syracusan Dekadrachms Of The Euainetos Type. (Cambridge, Mass., 1930). (6), 53 pp., 12 fine plates, frontispiece plate, 4to. Blue casebound, top edge gilt. Still the standard reference for the series and difficult to locate as such. Almost as new. Very nice. ($125) 2033. Gardner, Percy. The History of Ancient Coinage, B.C. 700-300. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of Oxford, 1918 original ). xvi, 463 pages, 11 plates, 8vo. Green casebound. A fine copy. ($30) 2034. Gardner, Percy. The Types of Greek Coins. An Archaeological Essay. (Cambridge: At The University Press, 1883 original), viii, 218 pp., (3), 16 fine autotype plates with descriptive text opposite. Folio. Rebound in brown leatherette, original green buckram front cover laid in. The original edition of this still useful work. Front hinge broken, cover a bit scuffed, internally fine. ($75) 2035. Gobi, Robert. Sasanidische Numismatik. (Braunschweig-1968). 97, pages, 16 plates. A standard reference on Sasanian numismatics. Text in German. Hard cover with dust jacket. A very fine copy. OP. ($35) 2036. Green, Benjamin Richard. Lecture on the Study of Ancient Coins in Connection with History, Delivered in the Theatre of the Royal Institute of Great Britain, February 6,1829. (London, 1829). 39 pages, 2 plates. Heavy boards. Comers bumped, spine worn, dusty. A good copy. Scarce. ($35) A Rare Original Set of Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Greek Coins. 2037. Grose, S(idney) W(illiam). Fitzwilliam Museum. Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Greek Coins. (Cambridge, At The University Press, 1923-1929). Three volumes complete, x, (2), 380 pp.. Ill plates; (6), 563 pp., 137 plates; vi, 507 pp., 132 plates. Thick octavo. Original blue cloth, top edge gilt. The plates are far superior to the reprint. Minor wear to covers, no foxing. A fine set. Very rare. ($1000)

Group, Inc.

2042. Head, Barclay V. Historia N u m o r u m : A M a n u a l of Greek Numismatics. (Oxford-l 911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Red casebound, gilt lettering. Still a standard reference. The 1911 edition is the second, and best edition. Cover faded. A very good copy. (S75) 2043. Head, Barclay V. Historia N u m o r u m : A M a n u a l of Greek Numismatics. (Spink and Son, London 1963 reprint of Oxford-1911 edition). lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. Still a standard reference. No dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($50) 2044. Another copy as above. Dust cover wom, otherwise a fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($50) 2045. Head, Barclay V. Historia N u m o r u m : A M a n u a l of Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1967 reprint of Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Still a standard reference. Red cloth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($50) 2046. Heiss, Aloiss. Description Générale des Monnaies Antiques De L'Espagne. (Chicago, 1967 reprint of 1870 original). 548 pages, 68 line drawn plates. Red doth. A fine copy. ($60) 2047. Heiss, Aloiss. Atlas of the Ancient Coins of Spain. (Chicago-1976 reprint of Paris-1870). 68 line drawn plates with an introduction to the coinage of ancient Spain by Barclay Head exœrpted from Historia Numorum. Hard cover. A very fine copy. ($15) 2048. Hendin, David. Guide To Ancient Jewish Coins. (New York, 1976). 134 pages, 9 plates plus many line drawings in text. Catalog of the coins plus historical background. Hardbound with dust jacket (wom). A fine copy. ($20) 2049. Hendin, David. Guide to Biblical Coins. (New York, 1987). 207 pages, 16 plates, line drawings throughout. Over 300 coins described. An excellent overview of this popular collecting area. Blue casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30) 2050. Hill, G.F. A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Greek Coins Belonging to John Ward F.S.A. (San Diego, 1967 reprint of London, 1902 original). 164 pages, 22 plates, some photos in text, 8vo. Green casebound. Catalog of one of the major nineteenth century collections which was acquired by J. Pierpont Morgan and donated to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and now dispersed. A fine copy. ($15) 2051. Hill, George F. Select Greek Coins. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of Paris, 1927 original). 61 pages, 54 plates of enlargements. Red cloth with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($20) 2052. Holloway, R. Ross. A View of Greek A r t (Brown University Press, 1973). xxii, (2), 213 pages, illustrated throughout. A discussion of all forms of Greek art, including coins. Hardbound with dust cover. Dust jacket rubbed. A nice fine copy. ($15)

2038. Grose,S(idney).W(illiam). Fitzwilliam Museum, Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Greek Coins. (Chicago-1979 reprint of Cambridge, 1923-1929 originals). Three volumes complete, x, (2), 380 pp., I l l plates; (6), 563 pp., 137 plates; vi, 507 pp., 132 plates. Thick 8vo. A standard reference set. Red cloth. A fine set. Ex. Libris Thomas D. Walker. ($175)

2053. Houghton, Arthur. Coins of the Seleucid Empire From the Collection of Arthur Houghton. (New York, 1983). Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 4.122 pp., 77 plates, table of chronology of selected mints. The definitive reference for the series. Orange cloth. Out-ofprint and in strong demand. Ex. Libris. A very fine copy. (575)


2054. Icard, Dr. Séverin. Identification Des Monnaies Par La Nouvelle Méthode Des Lettres-Jalons Et Des Légendes Fragmentées. (Paris, Florange & Ciani, 1929 original), xxiv, (2), 563 pp., 2 tables, large 8vo. Original card covers. An excellent aid in the identification of Greek Imperial coinage. A fine copy. (S50)

Another copy as above. Light staining on covers, otherwise a fine set. ($150)

2040. Head, Barclay V. A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks From Circ. 700 B.C. to A.D. 270, Based on the work of Barclay V. Head (London, 1959 revised second edition). British Museum Publication. 108 pages, 52 plates, 8vo. Green buckram with dust cover. Edges dirty, small tears in dust jacket. A fine copy. ($40) 2041. Head, Barclay V. A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks From Circ. 700 B.C. to A.D. 270, Based on the work of Barclay V. Head. (London, 1965 reprint of 1959 revised second edition). British Museum Publication. 108 pages, 52 plates, 8vo. Green casebound. A fine copy. ($35)


We are currently accepting consignments for future literature auctions. Ve will be holding two sales next year, one sometime around March anc another later in the year. Call for consignment details.



Group, Inc.

2055. Icard, Dr. Séverin. Identification Des Monnaies Par La Nouvelle Méthode Des Lettres-Jalons Et Des Légendes Fragmentées. (Chicago, 1968 rebinding of Paris, Florange & Ciani, 1929 original). (10), xxiv, (2), 563 pp., 2 tables, 12mo. Purple casebound, gilt. In 1968 Argonaut Inc. purchased 450 original copies of this work that had been stored in Europe since 1929. A new English introduction was added and the entire work was bound, without the original covers, in a limited edition of 450 copies. Copy #295. A very fine copy. An excellent aid in the identification of Greek Imperial coinage. ($50)

2067. La Tour, Henri de. Atlas De Monnaies Gauloises Préparé Par La Commission De Topographie Des Gaules. (London, 1965 reprint of Paris, Librairie Pion, 1892). 12 pp., 55 engraved plates by L. Dardel. Folio. Green hardbound. A much nicer reprint than the 1976 or 1991 edition. Minor marks on cover. A fine copy. ($40)

2056. Icard, Severin. Dictionary of Greek Coin Inscriptions. (New York, 1979 reprint of Paris, Florange & Ciani, 1929 original). 565 pages, 8vo. Red leatherette. As new. ($45)

2069. Lengyel, Lancelot, [Babelon, Jean, and Yvon, Jacques]. Les Chefsd'Oeuvre des Monnaies Grecques. (Montrouge, 1952). 38 pages, 48 plates, 1 map, folio. A catalogue of 245 Greek coins, wonderfully enlarged on 48 plates. Text and plates loose, stored in a heavy cardboard folder. Photos by Lengyel, text by Babelon and Yvon. Folder a little worn and broken at 1 corner, internally, text and plates very fine. An attractive item that no one in our office has seen before. ($125) Clain-Stejanelli 3562.

2057. Imhoof-Blumer, F. Portratköpfe auf Antike Münzen Hellenischer und Hellenisierter Völker. Mit Zeittafeln der Dynastien des Altertums Nach Ihren Münzen. (Leipzig, 1885). iv, 95 pages, 8 fine plates, 4to. Original binding. Cover rubbed around edges and a little dirty, otherwise a fine copy. ($40) 2058. Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich a n d Gardner, Percy. Ancient Coins Illustrating Lost Masterpieces of G r e e k Art. (Chicago-1964 reprint of London-1887original), lxxviii, 176 pages, 38 plates, map, 8vo. A numismatic concordance to Pausanias identifying coins which may depict artwork described by Pausanias. Blue casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($15) 2059. Jenkins, G.K. Ancient Greek Coins. (New York, 1972). 310 pages with 635 photographs plus 20 color plates. Octavo. Blue cloth, gilt lettering with dust cover. An outstanding book with some of the most beautiful photos of Greek coins ever published. A fine copy. ($125) 2060. Jenkins, G.K. Coins of G r e e k Sicily. (London, 1976 reprint of London, 1966 original). 64 pp., 80 individual photographs of coins, 12mo. Black casebound with dust cover. Handbook to one of the most beautiful series of coinage ever struck. A very fine copy. ($10) A Complete Set of Corpus N u m m o r u m Palaestinensium. 2061. Kadman, Leo. Corpus N u m m o r u m Palaestinensium. Volume IIV. Volume I. The Coins of Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem, 1956). 191 pages, 17 plates. Volume II. The Coins of Caesarea Maritima (Jerusalem, 1957). 243 pages, 19 plates. Volume III. The Coins of the Jewish War of 66-73 (Jerusalem, 1960). 203 pages, 5 plates. Volume IV. The Coins of Akko Ptolemais (Jerusalem, 1961 ). 240 pages, 19 plates. All volumes hardbound with dust covers. All with light browning around the edges and minor foxing. Still used as the main references for each area and essential for any serious collector. ( )vcrall a very nice set. Rare. (S350) 2062. Kindler, Arie. Coins of the Land of Israel. Collection of the Bank of Israel, A Catalogue. (Jerusalem, 1974). 138 pages, 138 coins catalogued and illustrated. Hardbound with dust cover. Dust jacket wom, otherwise a fine copy. ($30) 2063. Kleiner, Fred S. and Noe, Sydney Ρ The Early Cistophoric Coinage. (New York, 1977). ANS Numismatic Studies 14.129 pages, 38 plates, large 8vo. Red cloth. The standard work on the cistophoric coinage. A very fine copy. ($40) 2064. Kraay, Colin M. and Max Hirmer. Greek Coins. (New York, 1972). 396 pages, 20 color plates, 220 black and white plates, over 800 coins superbly ‫ש‬ustrated in 1,349 photographs. One of the most beautiful books ever published on Greek coins. Tan doth with dust cover. Out of print and rare. A very fine copy. ($600) 2065. Kraay, Colin M. and Max Hirmer. Greek Coins. (New York, 1972). 396 pages, 20 color plates, 220 black and white plates, over 800 coins superbly illustrated in 1,349 photographs. One of the most beautiful books ever published on Greek coins. Tan doth without dust cover. Out of print and rare. Cover a little dirty, internally very fine. Ex. Libris. ($500) 2066. Kraay, Colin M. Archaic and Classical Greek Coins. (1993 reprint of 1976 original), xxvi, 390 pp., 64 plates, indices, 8vo. Grey case bound. This is the definitive "textbook" for the student and collector of Greek coins. A high quality reprint. As new. ($85)

2068. Lange, Kurt. Götter G r i e c h e n l a n d s : M e i s t e r w e r k e A n t i k e r Münzkunst. (Berlin, 1946). 134 pages, 72 nice plates of enlargements. Blue cloth, gilt. Cover a little dirty, but internally fine. ($20)

2070. MacDonald, Sir George. Catalogue of G r e e k Coins in the Hunterian Collection, University of Glasgow. (Glasgow, 1899-1905). Three volumes. (6) lxvi, (2) 495 pp., 30 plates; (6) vi, (2) 649 pp., 32 plates; (6) vi, (2) 799 pp., 40 plates. Thick quarto. Original brown cloth, gilt lettering, top edge gilt. All hinges weak but intact, covers wom, only very minor foxing. Overall a fine set. Rare and almost impossible to locate. ($1750) 2071. Madden, Frederick W. History of Jewish Coinage, And Of Money in the Old and N e w Testament. (San Diego, 1967 update of 1864 original). 350 pp., line drawings throughout, 8vo. Blue leatherette. A nice fine copy. ($20) 2072. Maltiel-Gerstenfeld, J. 260 Yearsof Ancient Jewish Coinage.(Tel Aviv, 1982). 317 pages, 349 coins types described and illustrated, cross references. Black leatherette with dust cover. As n e w copy. ($40) 2073. Matsson, G.O. The Gods, Goddesses and Heroeson the Ancient Coins of Bible Lands. (Stockholm, 1969). xxviii, 267 pages, 8 plates. Hardbound in blue leatherette. Out of print. A very fine copy. ($25) 2074. May, J.M.F. The Coinage of Abdera (540-345 B.C.). Edited by C.M. Kraay and G.K. Jenkins. (London-1966, RNS Special Publication No. 3). xi, 298 pages, 24 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage, but the chronology has been revised since. A very fine copy. ($40) 2075. Mildenberg, Leo and Silvia Hurter [Editors]. The Arthur S. Dewing Collection of G r e e k Coins. (New York, 1985). Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 6. 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates), 194 pp., 142 plates, 5 indices, 8vo. This two volume work catalogs 2970 coins of the Dewing collection at Harvard University with an excellent representation of Syracusan decadrachms. Orange cloth, with slip case. A very fine set.


2076. Milne, J.G. Greek Coinage. (Oxford, 1931). vi, (2), 131 pages, 12 plates, 12mo. Brown cloth. Binding a little weak but intact. A very good copy. ($15) 2077. Müller, Ludwig. N u m i s m a t i q u e d'Alexandre le Grand: suivie d'un appendice contenant Les Monnaies de Philippe II et III. (Basel 1957 reprint of Copenhagen, 1855 original). Plate volume only. 29 plates, tables. Brown cloth. Fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($20) 2078. Newell, Edward T. Royal Greek Portrait Coins. (Racine, Wisconsin, 1937). 128 pages, numerous photographs throughout text, 8vo. An excellent introductory work to this day. Black casebound. A very fine copy. ($20) 2079. NeweU, Edward T. The Sel eucid Mintof Antioch.(Chicago-1978 reprint of N e w York-1918 original). 151 pages, 13 plates. Still a standard reference even with the appearance of new research. Hard cover. Library stamp, else a very fine copy. ($40)

1 2 2

Classical Numismatic 2080. Noe, Sydney P. The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2, with additions and corrections by Ann Johnston. (New York, 1984). ix, 120 pages, 44 excellent plates, concordance to SNG. Quarto. Noe's two die studies are combined into one volume. The standard referenœ for this important ooinage. Also, NNM #164. Johnston, Ann. The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 3. (New York, 1990). ix, 102 pages, 21 excellent plates, concordance to SNG. A continuation and updating of Noe's work Hard cover. Covers a little dirty, otherwise very fine copies. The standard works on the coinage of Metapontum. ($75) 2081. Plant, Richard. Greek, Semitic, Asiatic Coins and How to Read Them. (Scorpion Publishers, Amherst, New York; 1979). x, 257 pp., illustrated with line drawing throughout text, 8vo. Red cloth, gilt. As new copy. ($40) 2082. Prinsep, H.T. [Editor]. Historical Results from Bactrian Coins and Other Discoveries in Afghanistan. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of London, 1844 original). 124 pages, 16 plates, 8vo. Brown casebound. A very fine copy.


A Rare Original Edition of Les "Poulains" de Corinth. Tome II. 2083. Ravel, Oscar Ε. Les "Poulains‫ ״‬de Corinth. Tome II. (London, 1948 original). 310 pages, plates 24-78,8vo. Original printed paper covers. Minor foxing, but nice as these usually come foxed and very brittle. Rare. A fine copy. ($200) 2084. Reinach, Théodore. Jewish Coins. Translated by Mary Hill. (Chicago, 1966 reprint). 73 pp., indices, 12 plates. Hard cover with dust jacket. A very fine copy. ($15) 2085. Rogers, Rev. Edgar. A Handy Guide to Jewish Coins. (London, 1914 original). 108 pages, 9 plates. Card covers. Stray pencil marks throughout, light browning around edges of pages. A very good copy. ($30) 2086. Romanoff, Paul. Jewish Symbols on Ancient Jewish Coins. (New York, 1971 reprint of 1944 original), xv, 79 pages, 7 plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($15) 2087.

Another copy as above. A fine copy.


2088. Rutter, N.K. Campanian Coinages, 475-380 B.C. (Edinburgh, 1979). viii, 196 pages, 32 plates, 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover. A diestudy for the early coinages of Cumae, Neapolis, Hyria, Nola, the Campani, Phistelia, Allifae, and the Fenserni. The standard reference for these rare coinages. A very fine copy. ($35)

Group, Inc.

2094. Seltman, Charles T. Greek Coins: A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage. (London, 1965 Methuen edition). 311 pages with maps, 64 plates. An excellent survey. Hardbound with clear plastic dust cover. A nice fine copy. (S25) 2095. Seltman, Charles T. Masterpieces of Greek Coinage. (Oxford, 1949 original). 128 pp., photographs throughout text, 8vo. Red cloth. A little dirty, very good. (S30) 2096. Seltman, Charles T. The Temple Coins of Olympia. (New York, 1975 reprint of the Cambridge, 1921 edition), ix, (1), 117 pp., 12 plates, large 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy, dust cover a bit dirty. ($25) 2097. Starr, Chester G. Athenian Coinage 480-449 B.C. (NewYork, 1980 reprint of Oxford-1970 original), xiv, 96 pages, 26 plates, small 8vo. A standard reference. Green leatherette. As new copy. ($25) 2098. Svoronos, J.N. L'Hellénisme Primitif de la Macédoine Prouvé par la Numismatique et L'Or du Pangée. (Chicago, 1979 reprintof Athens 1919 original), xv, 265 pages, 19 plates, fold out table and map, large 8vo. Blue leatherette, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($25) 2099. Svoronos, Jean N. Synopsis De Mille Coins Faux Du Faussaire C. Christodoulos. (1963 reprint of Athens, 1922 original). 16 pp., 17 fine plates. A much better reprint than the 1974 reprint. Printed paper covers. A fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($15) 2100. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum ("SNG Copenhagen"). Volume 41. Alexandria-Cyrenaica. (Copenhagen, 1974 original). 32 pages, 31 plates. 1322 coins described. Card covers. Out of print and difficult to locate. A must for the serious collector of Roman Egyptian coinage. Very fine copy. ($100) 2101. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum ("SNG Copenhagen"). Volume 43. Spain-Gaul. (Copenhagen, 1979 original). 45 pages, 39 plates. 859 coins described. Card covers. Out of print. Very fine copy. ($75) 2102. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 1. Etruria - Calabria. (New York, 1969). 39 pp., 39 plates, describing 1618 coins. Folio. Hardbound with heavy grey boards, spine labeled. A very fine copy. OP and scarce. ($100)

2089. Rutter, N.K. Greek Coinage. (Shire Publications, 1983). 56 pages, illustrated throughout, 12mo. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($7)

2103. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 2. Lucania. (New York, 1972). 38 pp., 38 plates describing 1442 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. Out-of Print. ($65)

2090. Sear, David R. Greek Coins and Their Values, Volume I: Europe. (London, Seaby-1978). xl, 316pages, illustrations throughout the text, maps, 8vo. Volume II: Asia and Africa. (London, Seaby-1979). xlviii, 446 pages, 2000 illustrations throughout the text, maps, 8vo. Based on the collections of the British Museum. These are the most recent editions. Volume I has now gone out-of-print and is in great demand. A fine set. ($100)

2104. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 3. Bru ttium - Sicily I: Abacacnum -Eryx. (New York, 1975). 38 plates with text opposite. 1,348 coins described. Folio. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. ($65)

2091. Sell wood, David. The Coinage of Parthia. (London-1980). Second Edition. (6), 322 pp., 10 plates, line drawings in text, 8vo. Entire book is done in calligraphy. Brown casebound with dust cover. Dust jacket dirty. A very fine copy. OP. ($35) 2092. Sellwood, David; P. Whittingand R. Williams. An Introduction to Sasanian Coins. (London, 1985). 178 pages, 16 plates, line drawings in text, 12mo. Entire book is done in calligraphy. Red casebound. A standard reference. Spine heavily bumped at bottom. A very good copy. Out of print.


2093. Seltman, Charles T. Greek Coins: A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage. (London, 1955 Methuen edition). 311 pages with maps, 64 plates, 12mo. An excellent survey. Green casebound. Edges spotted, otherwise fine. Ex. Libris. ($20)

2105. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 4. Sicily II: Galaria-Styella. (New York, 1977). 25 plates with text opposite describing 748 coins. Folio. Printed boards. Corners lightly bumped. Fine copy. ($50) 2106. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock. Pamphylien. 4 Heft. Nr. 1050-1438. (Berlin, 1957). 12 plates with text opposite. Folio. Printed card covers. A nice fine copy. ($60) 2107. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock. Troas - Aeolis - Lesbos. 5 Heft. Nr. 1439-1767. (Berlin, 1959). 10 plates with text opposite. Folio. Printed card covers. A nice fine copy.


2108. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock. Pamphylien. 11 Heft. Nr. 4477-4893. (Berlin, 1965). 14 plates with text opposite. Folio. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($75)

1 4 3

Classical Numismatic 2109. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock. Pisidien, Lykaonien, Isaurien. 12 Heft. Nr. 4894-5412. (Berlin, 1964). 20 plates with text opposite. Folio. Printed card covers. A nice fine copy. ($60) 2110. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Staatliche M ü n z s a m m l u n g M ü n c h e n . 1-6 Heft. (Berlin, 1968-1980). 124 plates with text opposite describing 4523 coins, Folio. Printed card covers. A nice very fine set, missing volume 7. ($300)

Group, Inc.

2126. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. S w e d e n I. The Collection of His Late M a j esty King Gustaf VI Adolf and The Fred Forbat Collection. (Stockholm, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie Och Antikvitets Akademien, 1974). 49 pages, 19 plates. Printed card covers. Fine copy, minor scrapes on back cover. ($50) 2127. Thompson, Margaret. Alexander's Drachm Mints I: Sardes and Miletus. (New York, 1983). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 16. 98 pages, 38 plates, 8vo. Red cloth, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($40)

2111. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG Volume 1 (British Series). Part I: The Collection of Capt. E.G. Spencer-Churchill, M.C., of Northwick Park and The Salting Collection in The Victoria and Albert M u s e u m . (Published for the British Academy, London, 1931). (4), 8 plates with descriptive text opposite describing 246 coins Folio. Printed card covers. Covers worn and separated from contents, internally fine. Scarce. ($65)

2128. Thompson, Margaret. Alexander's Drachm Mints II: Lampsacus and Abydus. (New York, 1991). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 19. 77 pp., 34 plates, 4to. Red cloth. Still useful, even with the publication of Price's work. A very fine copy. ($40)

2112. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG Volume II (British Series). Lloyd Collection. (Chicago-1979 reprint of London, 1933-1937 originals). 59 pages, 59 plates. Hardbound. Very fine copy. ($75)

2130. Thompson, Margaret. The N e w Style Silver Coinage of Athens. (New York, 1961 ). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 10. Two volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 747 pages, 202 plates Ulustrating 1266 coins, plus two large pullout plates equal to 23 more plates, large 8vo. The standard reference for this important coinage. Matching red doth. A nice fine set. ($200)

2113. Another copy as above. Shallow cut down the middle of the front cover, otherwise a fine copy. ($50) 2114. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG Volume IV (British Series). Fitzwilliam M u s e u m : Leake and General Collections. Part I. Spain (Emporiae, Rhoda) - Italy. (London, 1972). 14 plates with text opposite describing 882 coins. Heavy paperboard covers. A very fine copy. ($65) 2115.

Another copy as above. A fine copy. Ex Libris.



A third copy as above. A fine copy. Ex Libris.


Another copy as above. Covers rubbed. Afinecopy.


2119. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG Volume V (British Series). Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Part ΠΙ. Macedonia. (London, 1976). 28 plates with text opposite describing 1117 coins, Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. A new copy. An essential reference for the Macedonian and Alexandrine spedalist! ($100) 2120. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG Volume V (British Series). Ashmolean Museum Oxford. PartlV. Paeonia -Thessaly. (London, 1981). 14 plates with text opposite describing 621 coins. Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. A new copy. ($85) 2121. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG Vol. VI (British Series). The Lewis Collection in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Part I. The Greek & Hellenistic Coins (With Britain & Parthia). (London, 1972). 24 plates with text opposite describing 1212 coins, 10 indices. Heavy card covers. Very fine copy. ($50) 2122.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.


2131. Thompson, Margaret; Otto Morkholm and Colin M. Kraay. An Inventory of G r e e k Coin H o a r d s . (Published for The International Numismatic Commission by The American Numismatic Soaety, New York, 1973). xviii, 3 fold-out maps, 408 pages, indexes, large octavo. Printed card covers. A listing of 2387 hoards and a must reference for the serious student of Greek coinage. Nice fine copy. ($50) 2132. Troxell, Hyla A. The Norman Davis Collection. (The American Numismatic Soaety, N e w York, 1969). (4), 53 pp., 28 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Small corner bump. Very fine copy. ($12)

2117. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG Volume V (British Series). Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Part II. Italy, Lucania (Thurium) - Bruttium; Sicily; Carthage. (London, 1969). 24 plates with text opposite describing 1160 coins. Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. A nice fine copy. ($60) 2118.


Another copy as above. Corners bent and scuffed. Very good copy. ($45)

2123. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG British Series. SNG Vol. VI. The Lewis Collection in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Part II. The Greek Imperial Coins. (London, 1992). 24 plates with text opposite describing 891 coins, 7 indices. Hardbound, gilt lettering. Very fine copy. ($75)


Another copy as above. Edges spotted. A fine copy.


2134. Waggoner, Nancy M. Early Greek Coins From The Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. (New York, 1983). A n a e n t Coins in North American Collections No. 5. (6), 55 pages, 28 fineplates, 8vo. Orange doth. A very fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($30) 2135. Ward, John. Greek Coins and Their Parent Cities. (London, 1902 original), xxxvi, 464 pp., illustrations throughout text, 22 fine autotype plates, frontispiece plate, 8vo. Top edge gilt, recently rebound in light tan leatherette. Original dassicedition. A nice fine copy. ($75) 2136. Warren, J. Leicester. Greek Federal Coinage. (Chicago, 1969 reprint of 1863 original). 73 pages, 4 maps, 8vo. Hardbound. A very fine copy.


2137. Whitehead, R.B. Catalogue of Coins in the P a n j a b M u s e u m , Lahore. Volume I. Indo-Greek Coins. (Chicago, 1969 reprint of 1914 original). xii, 217 pages, 20 decent plates, 8vo. A decent collection but most of the information is outdated. A very fine copy. ($10) 2138. Whitehead, R.B. Indo-Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1970reprint of Numismatic Chronicle originals, 1923-1950). 144 pages, 8 plates. Hardbound. A very fine copy. ($15) 2139. Williams, Roderick T. T h e Silver Coinage of the P h o k i a n s . (London, 1972). Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 7. ix, 138 pp., 16 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage. A fine copy. ($20)

2124. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. S N G - T h e Burton Y. Berry Collection. Part 1-Macedonia to Attica. (ANS, New York-1961). 28 pages, 28 plates. H a r d b o u n d with heavy grey boards, spine labeled. Top of cover bumped, otherwise a very fine copy. ($75) 2125. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. S N G - T h e Burton Y. Berry Collection. Part 2-Megaris to Egypt. (ANS, N e w York-1962). 31 pages, 30 plates. Hardbound with heavy grey boards, spine labded. Small b u m p at top of cover, otherwise a very fine copy. ($75) 1 4 3

REMINDER! This is a Mail-Bid only sale. Literature lots will not been sold in New York. The closing date for the literature only portion of this auction is Friday December 9,1994

Classical Numismatic 2140. Lot of n i n e titles relating to Greek numismatics. Lot includes: Babelon, Les Origines de la Monnaie a Athenes (1979 reprint) / / Baldwin, Facing Heads on Ancient Greek Coins (1982 reprint) / / Bompois, Examen Chronologique des Monnaies Frappées Par La C o m m u n a u t é des Macédoniens Avant, Pendant et Après La Conquete Romaine (1980 reprint) / / Gardner, Archaeology and Types of Greek Coins (1965 reprint) / / MacDonald, The Coinage of Aphrodisias (1992) / / Müller, Numismatique d'Alexandre le Grand: suivie d ' u n appendice contenant Les Monnaies de Philippe II et III (1957 reprint, plates only) / / Newell, The Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes (1978 reprint) / / Svoronos, Corpus of the Ancient Coins of Athens (1975 reprint) / / Warren, Greek Federal Coinage (1969 reprint). All fine to very fine copies. A nice lot of useful titles. ($200) TITLES ON R O M A N REPUBLICAN NUMISMATICS 2141. American Academy in Rome. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Volume XXXIV. (Rome, 1980). 280 pages, 4to. Hardbound with dust cover. Three articles including: Cosa: The Coins, by T.V. Buttrey; ItaloMegarian Ware at Cosa, by Maria Teresa Marabini Moevs; and Aco in Northern Etruria: The Workshop of Cusonius at Cosa, by Maria Teresa Marabini Moevs. A very fine copy. ($15) 2142. Apolloni, G. L'Aes GraveCoie'. Le Monete Italiche Primitive Del Museo Kircheriano Disegnate in Pietra Sotto La Direzione Di, P.T. da Girolamo Apollonj Pittore Romano Negli Anni MDCCCXXXVII e MDCCCXXXVIII. (Italy, undated (mid 1800,s?)). 40 fine plates of engravings, 1 map, oblong folio. Heavy cardboard covers, edges worn, comers rounded, spine torn. Over 300 aes grave wonderfully illustrated on 40 plates. Plates moderately foxed. A very good copy. ($75) A Rare Original Copy of Babelon on Roman Republican Coins 2143. Babelon, Ernest. Description Historique et Chronologique des Monnaies de la République Romaine Vulgairement Appelées Monnaies Consulaires. (Paris, 1885-1886 original edition). Two volumes, lvi, 562 + 669 pages, numerous line-drawings, 8vo. Red quarter-leather with dark marbled boards, gilt lettering. Front hinge of Volume 2 broken, all edges worn, light foxing. A very good set. Rare. ($300) 2144. Comparette, T.L. Aes Signatum. (Chicago, 1978 reprint of ANS, American Journal of Numismatics, 1919 original). 61 pages, 8 plates, 4to. Hard cover, gilt. Very fine copy. ($20) 2145. Haeberlin, Ernst Justus. AES GRAVE: Das Schwergeld Romsund Mittelitaliens. (Fomi 1967 reprint of Frankfurt, 1910 original). 2 volumes (1 of text and 1 of plates). 281 pages, 104 plates. A comprehensive catalogue of 2953 aes grave coins including both Roman and native Italian issues. Well illustrated and still a primary reference. Hard cover. A very good copy. ($250) 2146. Herbert, Kevin. The John Max Wülfing Collection In Washington University. Roman Republican Coins. (New York, 1987). Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 6. (2), 47 pages, 25 plates, 769 coins, 4to. Orange cloth. A very fine copy. ($20) 2147. Sydenham, Edward A. T h e Coinage of the Roman Republic. (London, 1952 original). 343 pages, 30 plates. Hard cover, gilt lettering. The original and best edition. A fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($125) 2148. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of the Roman Republic. (Durst, N e w York 1976 reprint of London, 1952 original), lxix, 343 pp., 30 plates. Brown leatherette. A very fine copy. ($25) TITLES ON R O M A N IMPERIAL NUMISMATICS 2149. Carson, R.A.G. Principal Coins of The Romans, Volume II: The Principate, 31 BC- AD 2%. (British Museum Publications, London, 1980). 167 pp., 830 coins catalogued and illustrated, concordance, 8vo. Black cloth with dust cover. Nice fine copy. Out-of-print. ($40) 2150. Carson, R.A.G. Principal Coins of The Romans, Volume III: The Dominate AD 294-498. (British Museum Publications, London, 1981). 112 pp., 515 coins catalogued and illustrated, concordance, 8vo. Black cloth with dust cover. Nice fine copy. Out-of-print. ($40) 2151.

Gnecchi, Elmer. Coin Types of Imperial Rome. (Chicago, 1978

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reprint of London, 1908 original). 75 pages, 20 pages of tables, 8vo. Red casebound with gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($10) 2152. Klawans, Zander H. Reading and Dating Roman Imperial Coins. (Racine,Wisconsin, 1963 third edition). 128 pp., illustrated, 12mo. Green casebound, gilt. Very good copy. ($8) 2153. Lacam, Guy. La Fin de L'Empire Romain et Le Monnayage Or en Italie. (Luzern, 1983). In two volumes. 1107 pages, 60 plates, 226 plates of enlargements throughout, folio. Maroon casebound, gilt lettering. An incredible corpus of the gold coinage of the Italian mints of the Western Roman Empire. French text. Corners bumped, internally very fine. ($150) 2154. Mattingly, Harold. A Guide To The Exhibition of Roman Coins In The British Museum. (Trustees of the British Museum, London, 1927). 80pp., 8plates, 11 figures,12mo. Printed heavy card covers. A fine copy. ($15) 2155. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British M u s e u m (BMC): Volume I, A u g u s t u s through Vitellius. (London, 1965 edition of 1923 original), ccxxxi, 464 pages, 64 plates. Out of print. Red casebound, gilt, dust cover. Cover a little dirty and edges are spot($125) ted, original shipping box included. A fine copy. 2156. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British M u s e u m (BMC): Volume I, A u g u s t u s t h r o u g h Vitellius. (London, 1965 edition of 1923 original), ccxxxi, 464 pages, 64 plates. Out of print. Red casebound, gilt, dust cover. Cover a little dirty. A fine copy. ($125) 2157. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMC): Volume II, Vespasian through Domitian. (London, 1966 edition of 1930 original), cv, 485 pages, 83 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust jacket, gilt. Fine copy. ($125) 2158. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMC): Volume ΙΠ, Nerva to Hadrian. (London, 1966 edition), cxcvi, 610 pp., 102 plates. Red casebound, with dust cover, gilt. A fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($125) 2159. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMC): Volume VI, Severus Alexander to Balbinus and Pupienus. (London, 1962). viii, 311 pages, 47 plates. Out of print. Red casebound, gilt. Top right comer heavily bumped, internally fine. ($50) 2160. Mattingly, Harold. Roman Coins From The Earliest Times To The Fall of the Western Empire. (London, 1928 original edition), xx, 300 pages, 64 fine plates with tissue interleaves, 8vo. Blue cloth, gilt lettering, top edge gilt. Good introductory survey of Roman coinage over its entire history. A fine copy. ($75) 2161. Mattingly, Harold. Roman Coins From The Earliest Times To The Fall of the Western Empire. (London, 1960 Methuen edition), xiii, 3(B pages, 64 plates, 12mo. Good introductory survey of Roman coinage over its entire history. Green cloth with dust cover, gilt. A fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($25) 2162. R.A.G. Carson, P.V. Hill and ] P.C. Kent. Late Roman Bronze Coinage, A.D. 324-498. (London, 1960 original). 114 pages, 4 plates. A Standard reference for the collector of this area. Casebound. The preferred edition, as the plates are much clearer than on any of the reprints. A very good copy. ($25) 2163. R.A.G. Carson, P.V. Hill and J.P.C. Kent. Late Roman Bronze Coinage, A.D. 324498. (London, 1976 reprint of London, 1960 original). 114 pages, 4 plates. A standard reference for the collector of this area. Hard cover. A fine copy. ($20) 2164. R.A.G. Carson, P.V. Hill and J.P.C. Kent. Late Roman Bronze Coinage, A.D. 324-498. (New York, 1989 reprint of London, 1960original). 114 pages, 4 plates. A standard reference for the collector of this area. Hard cover. A very fine copy. ($20) 2165. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). Harold Mattingly and Edward A. Sydenham. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. I. Augustus to Vitellius. (London, 1923 original). 276 pp., 16 plates, indices. Hard cover. Fine copy. Ex. Libris. (S25)

1 4 3

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2166. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). C.H.V. Sutherland a n d R.A.G. Carson [Editors]. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. VI. From Diocletian's r e f o r m (A.D. 294) to the death of M a x i m i n u s (A.D. 313). (London, 1967). 727 pp., 16 plates, indices. Hardbound with dust jacket. A fine copy. OP. ($75)

2181. Lindgren, Henry Clay and Frank L. Kovacs. Ancient Bronze Coins of Asia M i n o r a n d T h e Levant, From the L i n d g r e n Collection. (San Francisco, 1985). 212 pages, 135 plates, indices, small 4to. Brown casebound. This catalog records 3200+ coins and is especially valuable for the Greek Imperial series. A very fine copy. ($75)

2167. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). C.H.V. Sutherland a n d R.A.G. Carson [Editors]. The R o m a n Imperial Coinage. Vol. VII. Constantine and Licinius A.D. 313-337. by Patrick M. Bruun. (London, 1966). 778 pp., 24 plates, indices. Hardbound with dust jacket. A fine copy. OP. Ex Libris. ($75)

2182. Milne, J.G. Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in the Ashmolean M u s e u m , University of O x f o r d . (London, 1971 Spink reprint of 1933, London original). Supplement by Colin M. Kraay. 165 pages, 7 plates. A standard reference. Hard cover with dust cover (torn). A fine copy. ($30)

2168. Sear, David R. Roman Coins and Their Values. (Seaby - London, 1988 Fourth Edition). 388 pages, illustrated throughout text, 12 plates. Black casebound with dust cover. The latest edition of this standard reference. A very fin e copy. ($50)


2169. Sutherland, C.H.V. Coinage In Roman Imperial Policy, 31BC-68 AD. (London, 1951 original), xii, 220 pages, 17 plates. Blue casebound. Waterstain on dust cover, otherwise a fine copy. ($25) 2170. Sutherland, C.H.V. Coinage In Roman Imperial Policy, 31BC-68 AD. (Methuen, 1971 reprint of London, 1951 original). 220 pages, 17 plates. Hard cover with dust jacket. A nice fine copy. ($20) 2171. Sutherland, C.H.V. Roman Coins. (New York, 1974). 311 pages, 572 photographs of which 63 are in color. Companion volume to Jenkin's, A n a e n t Greek Coins, and Whitting's, Byzantine Coins. Long out of print and scarce. Hardbound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($125) 2172. Sutherland, C.H.V., Nekriman Olcay and K.E. Merrington. The Cistophori Of Augustus. (London, 1970). Royal Numismatic Soaety Speaal Publication No. 5.134 pages, 36 plates. The standard reference for the astophoric tetradrachms of Augustus. Hard cover with dust jacket (dirty). A fine copy. ($40) 2173. Sydenham, E.A. Historical References to Coins of the R o m a n Empire. (London and San Diego, 1968 reprint of London, 1917 original). (4), 155 pages with illustrations, 8vo. Out of print. Orange casebound, gilt. Fine copy. ($15) 2174. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of Nero. (New York, 1982 reprintof 1920 original). 176 pp., 4 plates. Red leatherette. Top right corner bumped, otherwise a n e w copy. ($15) 2175. Toynbee,JocelynM.C. Roman Medallions. With an introduction to the reprint by William E. Metcalf. ANS Numismatic Studies 5. (New York, 1986 reprintof N e w York, 1944 original). 268 pages, 19 plates. An updated version of this work that discusses the history and purposes of Roman medallions. Hard cover. OP and in strong demand. A very fine copy. ($50)

2183. Bates, George E. Byzan tine Coins, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, M o n o g r a p h 1. (Cambridge, MA.-1971). 159 pages, 9 plates, 4vo. Purple buckram with matching dust cover. Very fine copy, minor tear in dust jacket. ($30) An Original Set of "Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and Whittemore Collections" 2184. Bellinger, Alfred R. and Grierson, Philip. Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and Whittemore Collections. Volume I to III complete. (Washington D.C.; 1966-1973). : Phocas to Theodosius III, 602-717; 2 parts, 728 pp., 46 plates. Volume III: Leo III to Nicephorus ΙΠ, 717-1081; 2 parts, 887 pp., 70 plates. Quarto, matching original green buckram. Minor rubbing on covers, but still a fine set. The major reference for Byzantine coinage. ($500) 2185. Bellinger, Alfred R. Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and W h i t t e m o r e Collections. Volume O n e . A n a s t a s i u s I to Maurice. (Washington D.C., 1966). 383 pages, 80 plates. Recently reprinted, this was once the most difficult single volume to obtain in the D.O. series. Green buchram with original plastic dust cover. A nice fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($150) 2186. Berk, Harlan J. Lot of two titles. Eastern Roman Successors of the Sestertius. Qoliet, Illinois; 1986). 138 pp., 2 photographic plates; also Roman Gold Coins of the Medieval World, 383-1453 AD. (Joliet, Illinois; 1986). 76 pp., 373 varieties cataloged and photographed. Both blue doth, large 8vo. Very fine copies. ($30) 2187. Berk, Harlan J. Eastern Roman Successors of the Sestertius, (joliet, IL, 1986). 138 pp., 2 photographic plates, excellent quality line drawing throughout text, 979 varieties cataloged, large 8vo. Blue casebound, gilt. A very fine copy. ($15) 2188. Berk, Harlan J. Roman Gold Coins of the Medieval World, 3831453 AD. (Joliet, Illinois; 1986). 76 pp., 373 varieties catalogued and photographed, large 8vo. Blue casebound, gilt. A very fine copy. ($15)

2176. Lot of three titles relating to Roman numismatics. Indudes: Askew, The Coinage of Roman Britain (1967 reprint) / / Gnecchi, Coin Types of Imperial Rome (1978 reprint) / / Sutherland, The Emperor and the Coinage, fulio-Oaudian Studies. All very fine copies. ($35)

2189. Goodacre, Hugh. A H a n d b o o k of the Coinage of the Byzantine Empire. (Spink&Son Ltd., London-1960 reprint of London, 1928-1933 originals). xii, 361 pages, illustrations in text, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover, gilt lettering. A fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($30)


2190. Grierson, Philip Byzantine Coins in the D u m b a r t o n Oaks and Whittemore Collections. Volume II. Phocas to Theodosius III, 602-717. (Washington, D.C., 1968). 2 parts, 728 pp., 46 plates, 4to. Matching original green buckram, with original plastic dust covers. Nice fine copies.

2177. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus. (New York-1981 reprintof New York-1941 original). 116 pages, 16 plates. Brown casebound. As new copy. ($25) 2178.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy. Ex. Libris.


2179. Curtis, Colonel James W. T h e Tetradrachms of R o m a n Egypt. (Chicago, 1969). xxiv, 172 pages, 11 plates, 8vo. Green doth. A very fine copy. ($25) 2180. Curtis, Colonel James W. T h e Tetradrachms of R o m a n Egypt. (New York, 1990 reprint). 425 pp., small 8vo. A much expanded reprint of the standard reference for the series. Dark blue leatherette. As new copy. ($40)


2191. Metcalf, William E. and Wolfgang Hahn [Editors]. Studies In Early Byzantine Gold Coinage. (New York, 1988). ANS Numismatic Studies N0.17.142 pp., 24 plates, 4to. Red doth. A series of seven artides by various experts in the field and an introduction by the editors. A very fine copy. ($50) 2192.

1 4 3

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.


Classical Numismatic 2193. Ratto, Rodolfo. Collection Privée. Monnaies Byzantines et d'autres pays contemporaines à l'Epoque Byzantine. (Amsterdam, 1959 reprint of Lugano, 1930 original). Auction catalog of December 9,1930 of 2701 lots, 151 pages, 68 plates, 8vo. One of the most comprehensive Byzantine collecHons ever offered for sale with coins from Arcadius to John VIII. Red buckram. A fine copy. ($45) 2194. Sear, David R. Byzantine Coins and Their Values. (London, 1987). 526 pages, photos throughout text. The latest edition. Hard cover. A nice fine copy. (S65) 2195. Whitting, P.D. Byzantine Coins. (New York, 1973). 311 pages with 390 illustrations plus 20 color plates. Outstanding photographs. Blue doth with dust cover. A fine copy. Lot also includes: Berk, Harlan J., Roman Gold Coins of the Medieval World 383-1453 AD., and Eastern Roman Successors of the Sestertius, both very good copies. Also, Lowick, Bendall and Whitting, The Mardin Hoard, Islamic Countermarks of Byzantine Folles, a good copy plus, 12 miscellaneous off-prints from The Numismatist. 16 items total. ($75) 2196. Whitting, P.D. Byzantine Coins. (New York, 1973). 311 pages with 390 illustrations plus 20 oolor plates. Outstanding photographs. Companion volume in ' T h e World of Numismatics" series to Sutherland's, Roman Coins, and Jenkin's, Anaen t Greek Coins. Blue doth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($50) 2197. Wroth, Warwick. Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum. (Chicago-1966 reprint of London-1908 original). 683 pages, 79 plates, 8vo. Red casebound. This reprint edition combines two volumes into one. A fine copy. ($75) 2198. Wroth, Warwick. Western and Provindal Byzantine Coins of The Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards and The Empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and Trebizond in the British M u s e u m . (Chicago-1966 reprint of London, 1911 original), xciv, 344 pages, 43 plates. Red casebound. Still a standard reference. Cover dusty, edges spotted. A very good copy. ($45) TITLES ON BRITISH A N D BRITISH ISLES NUMISMATICS 2199. Atkins, James. The Tradesmen's Tokens of the Eighteenth Century. (W.S. Lincoln & Son, London, 1892). vi, (2), 415 pp., 12mo. Quarter brown calf with matching buckram board, top edge gilt, internally intact but shaken. Very good copy. ($25) 2200. Bell, R.C Unofficial Farthings 1820-1870. (B.A. Seaby Ltd., London, 1975). xii, 248 pp., illustrated throughout text, map, frontispiece, 12mo. Grey leatherette with dust jacket. A very fine copy. ($20) 2201. Bell, R.C. Specious Tokens and those struck for General Circulation 1784-1804. (Corbitt & Hunter Ltd., Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 1968). xvii, 258 pp., illustrated throughout text, frontispiece plate, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Gives details on the manufacture and type designs of Conder tokens. A fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($25) 2202. Berry, George. Taverns and Tokens of Pepys‫ ׳‬London. (B.A. Seaby Ltd., London, 1978). 144 pp., illustrated throughout text, appendices, bibliography, index, 8vo. Prin ted glossy boards. Very fine copy. $30)

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Another Copy of This Standard Work 2205. Burns, Edward. The Coinage of Scotland. Illustrated from the Cabinet of Thomas Coats., Esq., of Ferguslie and other Collections. (1887 Original edition). In three volumes. xxiii,365; xviii, 555; 128 fine plates, 4to. Green cloth, gilt. Still important. A fine set. (S350) Another Standard Work on Scottish Coins 2206. Cochran-Patrick, R.W. Record of the Coinage of Scotland From the Earliest Period to the Union. (Edinburgh, 1876). In two volumes, cci, 296 pages; 359 pages, 16 autotype plates with tissue interleaves. Original, quarter tan leather with yellow marbled boards, top edge gilt, gilt lettering, raised bands. Egdes worn, but overall a sound, fine copy. Still useful. ($250) 2207. Cochran-Patrick, R.W. Bound volume of four articles. Indudes: Unpublished Varieties of Scottish Coins. (London, 1871). 5 pages, paper covers; Unpublished Varieties of Scottish Coins, II. (London, 1872). 7 pages, paper covers; Unpublished and Rare Varieties of Scottish Coins. (London, 1875). 10 pages, 2 engraved plates, paper covers; and Notes Towards a Metallic History of Scotland. (London, 1877). 16 pages, 1 plate. Bound in one volume with quarter blue leather with red marbled boards. Very good copies. Ex. Libris. ($45) 2208. Dalton, R. and S.H. Hamer. The Provindal Token-Coinage of the 18th Century. Part XII: Scotland. (1916 original), vi, pages 403-455, illustrated throughout, paper covers. Spine and tear on back cover reinforced with scotch tape, text separated from cover, corners frayed. A reading copy. Ex. Libris. ($20) 2209. Davis, W.J. and A.W. Waters. Tickets and Passes of Great Britain and Ireland. Struck or Engraved on Metal, Ivory, etc. for use at Theatres, Public Gardens, Shows, etc. (Leamington Spa, Privatdy printed at the Courier Press, 1922). No. 9 of 150 copies printed, viii, 347 pp., frontispiece plate, index, 8vo. Brown buckram, front hinge broken and frontispiece and title page loose but intact. Cover worn around edges, internally no foxing and fine. ($100) Davis' Working Copy of "The Nineteenth Century Token Coinage..." 2210. Davis, William John. The Nineteenth Century Token Coinage of Great Britain, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man to which are added tokens of over one penny value of any period. (London, 1904original). 277 pp., 14 plates, 4to. This appears to be Davis' working copy. It is not numbered, as are all original copies of this work, the introductory text, pages i-xlvii are not present, pages 1-24 are hand written, not type set, and on page 150 there is a handwritten note, initialed by Davis, correcting one of the entries. There are also 100-200 colotype photos pasted in the margins next to the descriptions, and hand written prices next to each description. Bound in contemporary green doth with gilt lettering. An interesting item. Ex. Libris Alexander Hannah. ($200) 2211. Dolley, R.H. Michael [Editor). Anglo-Saxon Coins. Studies Presented toSirF.M.Stentonon the occasion of his 80th Birthday, 17 May 1960. (London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1961). xv, 2 % pp., 16plates, frontispiece portrait plate, 8vo. Blue buckram with dust cover, frayed at corners. A fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($50) 2212. Douglas, James. Scottish Banknotes. (London, 1975). xiv, 255 pages, illustrated throughout. Blue casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($10)

2203. Boyne, William. Tokens Issued In The Seventeenth Century In England, Wales, And Ireland by Corporations, Merchants, Tradesmen, etc. (Revised edition by G.C. Williamson, Two volumes, London, 1967 reprint). Three volumes. Vol. 1: xli, (3), 505 pp., 9 engraved plates. Vol. II: pages 509-1048. Vol. Ill: pages 1019-1584, (6), 1 fold-out-plate. Green doth, with light discoloration, internally a nice fine copy. Still useful with much information not found elsewhere concerning the issuers of the tokens. ($75)

2213. Josset, C.R. Money in Britain, A History of the Currendes of the British Isles. (London, 1962). x, 213 pages, 8 plates. Blue casebound with dust cover. Dust cover a little dirty. A fine copy. (S20)

A Standard Work on the Coins of Scotland, Original Edition 2204. Burns, Edward. The Coinage of Scotland. Illustrated from the Cabinet of Thomas Coats., Esq., of Ferguslie and other Collections. (1887 Original edition). In three volumes, xxiii, 365; xviii, 555; 128 fine plates, 4to. Original quarter green leather with green marbled boards, top edge gilt, gilt lettering, raised bands. Covers all worn around edges, internally, a nice fine copy. Ex. Ubris. (S450)

2215. Linecar, Howard W.A. The Commemorative Medal. (London and Vancouver, 1974). 154 pages, 16 plates, 12mo. Red casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. (SI 5)

2214. Kelly, E.M. Spanish Dollars and Silver Tokens. An Account of the Issues of The Bank of England 1797-1816. (Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1976). (14), 160 pp., 8 plates, appendices, index, 8vo. Black doth with dust cover (dirty). A nice fine copy. (S35)

1 4 3

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

2216. Lindsay, John. A View of The Coinage of The Heptarchy; to which is added A List of Unpublished Mints and Moneyers of the Chief or Sole Monarchs, from Egbert to Harold II, &c, &c. (Cork, Printed by Messrs. Bolster, 1842 - incorrectly printed as 1342!). (2), viii, 136 pp., 6 engraved plates. Insribed to Rev. Mathew Morgan from the author, April 27,1842, also includes a contemporary book review pasted to the fly leaf. Bound with, A View of the Coinage of Scotland with Copius tables, Lists, Descriptions and Extracts from Acts of Parliament; and an Account of Numerous Hoards or Parcels of Coins Discovered in Scotland and of Scottish Coins Found in Ireland. (Cork, Printed by Messrs. Bolster, 1845). viii, 291 pp., 18 engraved plates. Inscribed to the Rev. William C. Neligan from the author, October 25,1845. Bound with, A Supplement to the Coinage of Scotland. (Cork, 1859). vii, 64, (4) pp., 3 engraved plates. Bound with, A Second Supplement to The Coinage of Scotland. (Cork, 1868). vi, 48 pp., 2 engraved plates. Bound in black quarter leather, with marbled boards, gilt edges. Cover worn around edges, plates moderately foxed. A very good copy. ($175)

Tokens of British Oceania, by Clarke; English Proof and Pattern Crown-Size Pieces, by Linecar and Stone; The English Silver Coinage from 1649, by Rayner; Crowns of the British Empire, by Trowbridge; Handbook of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Museum, by Greuber (1970); and 4 older editions of The Standard Catalogue of British Coins. All fine copies. ($150)

2217. Marsh, Michael A. The Gold Sovereign. (Cambridge Coins, Cambridge, 1980). x, 53 pp., illustrated throughout text, 12mo. Limited edition: no. 170 of 300 copies bound in half tan calf with green buckram boards and gold blocked. Signed by author. Nice very fine copy. ($50)

2230. Album, Stephen. Marsden's Numismata Orientalia Illustrata. A Guide to Islamic and Oriental Coins with Values. (New York, 1977 reprint of 1823 original). 318 pp., woodcut illustrations throughout text, small 8vo. Cream casebound with dust cover. Dust cover a little scuffed, otherwise a fine copy. ($15)

2229. Lot of miscellaneous odd and ends relating to British, Scottish and Irish numismatics. Includes: Coins of Scotland, Ireland and The Isles, by Seaby; Commercial Coins, 1787-1804, by Bell; English Trade Tokens, by Mathias; The Story of English Coinage, by Seaby; Commemorative Medals, by Whiting; British Tokens and Their Values, by Seaby; plus 9 other titles and 9 auction catalogues including the V.J.E. Ryan collection Part 2 and The Lockett collection part 5. All very good or better copies. ($50) TITLES ON WORLD NUMISMATICS

2218. Metcalf, D.M. [Editor], Coinage In Medieval Scotland (1100-1600), The Second Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History. BAR 45. (Oxford, England; 1977). 198 pp. Paper covers. Cover dirty with small tears at top and bottom of spine. A must reference for the Scottish specialist. ($25)

2231. Balog, Paul. The Coinage Of The Mamluk Sultans Of Egypt and Syria. (New York, 1964). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 12. 444 pages, 44 plates. Card covers. Covers lightly sunned, edges spotted. A fine copy. Scarce. ($75)

2219. Oman, Charles. The Coinage of England. (Oxford, At The Qarendon Press, 1931). xii, 3% pp., 45 engraved plates, small 8vo. Original boards, faded, gilt. Front and back hinge broken, but still intact. A very good copy. ($10)

2232. Balog, Paul. Umayyad, Abbasid andTulunid Glass Weights and Vessel Stamps. (New York, 1976). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 13. 322 pages, 55 plates. Red cloth. Stain on front cover, internally fine. Ex. Libris. ($35)

2220. Peck, C. Wilson. English Copper, Tin and Bronze Coins In The British Museum, 1558-1958. (London, 1960 first edition), xx, 646 pp., 50 plates. Hardbound. The definitive reference for English patterns, die trials, etc. and a must for serious collectors of English coins. Fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($50) 2221. Pridmore, F(red). The Coins of The British Commonwealth of Nations to the End of the Reign of George VI, 1952 . Part 3: Bermuda, British Quiana, British Honduras and the British West Indies. (Spink & Son Ltd, London, 1965). 363 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Green and white case bound. Dusty. A fine copy. ($30)

2233. Boudeau, E. Catalogue Général Illustré Monnaies Françaises (Provinciales). (A.G. Van Der Dussen, 1970reprint).313 pages, engravings throughout, 6 foldout maps, 12mo. Brown casebound. A few scuffs on cover, oth er wise a fine copy. ÖP. ($30)

2222. Scott, Gavin J. British Countermarks on Copper & Bronze Coins. (Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1975). 179 pp., 10 plates. Blue cloth with dust cover (frayed). A fine copy. ($25) 2223.

Another copy as above. A fine copy. Ex. Libris.


2224. Simon, James. Simon's Essay on Irish Coins, and of the Currency of Foreign Monies in Ireland; with Mr. Snelling's Supplement. (London, 1975 reprint of 1810 original). 180 pp., 8 line drawn plates. Green leatherette A ne w copy. ($20) 2225. Taylor, Jeremy R.B. The Architectural Medal: England in the Nineteenth Century. (Colonnade Books, British Museum Publications, London, 1978). xii, (2), 244 pp., text illustrations, 4to. Brown cloth with dust cover. As new copy. ($25) 2226. Trowbridge, Richard J. Crowns of the British Empire. (Krause, 1971 ). 169 pages, ‫ש‬ustrated, 4to. Blue cloth. A nice fine copy. ($15) 2227. Whiting, J.R.S. British Commemorative Medals: A Medallic History of Britain from Tudor Times to the Present Day. (New York, 1972). 236 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Black case bound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($15) 2228. Lot of fourteen books relating to British numismatics. Includes: The Guidebook and Catalogue of British Commonwealth coins, 3rd Edition, by Remick; The Milled Coinage of Englandl 662-1946, by Spink & Son; Price Guide to Unofficial Farthings, by Schwer; The Coins of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Part 1, by Pridmore; Coins of the British World Complete from 500 AD to the Present, by Fried berg; The Crown Pieces of Great Britain and the British Commonwealth, by Linecar; The Coins and

2234. Davenport, John S. European Crowns 1700-1800. (London, 1964 second edition). 334 pp. with illustrations, price guide, small 8vo. Red leatherette. A fine copy. ($35) 2235. Davenport, John S. European Crowns and Talers Since 1800. (Spink & Sons Ltd., 1964 edition). 423 pages with illustrations. Red casebound. Edges spotted, otherwise a fine copy. ($30) 2236. Davenport, John S. German Talers 1700-1800. (London, 1965 second edition). 416 pp. with illustrations. Hardbound. Top edge dirty, cover lightly scuffed, otherwise a fine copy. ($20) 2237. Den Duyts, F(rançois). Notice Sur Les Anciennes Monnaies Des Comtes de Flandre, Ducs de Brabant, Comtes de Hainaut, Comtes de Namur et Ducs de Luxembourg. (Alfred Szego, 1972 reprint of Gand, C. Annoot- Braeckman, 1847 nouvelle edition). 128 pp., 48 plates interspersed in the text, 12mo. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 2238. Gobi, Robert. Dokumente Zur Geschichte Der Iranischen Hunnen in Baktrien u n d Indien. (Wiesbaden, 1967)• 4 volumes, xxii, 276 pp.; vii, 352 pp.; xv, 98 photographic plates; xi, 48 line drawn plates. Glossy card covers. Still useful. A fine set. ($125) 2239. Hawkins, Edward. The Silver Coins of England. (New York, 1976 reprint of London, 1841 original). 308 pages, 229 plates supplemented by numerous marginal Mustrations. No. 64 of 500 copies. Hardbound. Very fine copy. ($40) 2240. Lockhart, James H. Stewart. The Stewart Lockhart Collection of Chinese Copper Coins. (Singapore, 1915 original edition.), xv, 174 line drawn plates, 36 pages. Hardbound in orange cloth. Original covers worn and chipped around edges, a few pages loose, light foxing. Scarce. ($50)

1 2 8

Classical Numismatic 2241. Miles, George C. The Coinage of The Umayyadsof Spain. (New York, 1950). Hispanic Numismatic Series Monograph No. I in two volumes. 234 pages, 591 pages, 15 plates. Still a standard, definitive reference. Card covers. A nice fine set. ($65) 2242. Miles, George C. The Coinage of T h e Visigoths of Spain Leovigild to Achila II. ( N e w York, 1952). Hispanic Numismatic Series Monograph No. 2.519 pages, 44 plates. Card covers. Still very useful. Light marks on cover, otherwise a very fine copy. ($60) 2243. Miles, George C. The Coinage of T h e Visigoths of Spain Leovigild to Achila II. ( N e w York, 1952). Hispanic Numismatic Series Monograph No. 2.519 pages, 44 plates. Card covers. Still very useful. Spine sunned, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($50) 2244. Miles, George C. Coins of the Spanish M u l u k al-Tawa'if. (New York, 1954). Hispanic Numismatic Series Monograph No. III. 169 pages, 15 plates. Card covers. A nice fine copy. ($30) 2245. North, J.J. English Hammered Coinage. Two Volumes. Volume I. Early Anglo-Saxon to Henry III, c. 600-1272. (London, 1980). 218 pp. with illustrations, 16 plates. Hardbound with dust cover, and Volume II. Edward I to Charles II, 1272-1662. (London, 1975 revised edition). 191 pp. with illustrations, 11 plates. Hardbound with dust cover. Both older éditons. Very good copies. ($20) 2246. Oriental Coins and Currency. Lot of thirteen titles relating to Chinese, Japanese and Korean coins and currency. Indudes: Common Chinese Coins, by Watson; Modern Coins of China, by Shim (2 copies); Chinesische Münzen, by Patalas; An Illustrated Guide to Chinese Cash Pieces of the Manchu Mint A.D. 1662-1796, by Petrie; Mustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins, by Kann; Old Coins of China, by Jorgensen; Chinese Banknotes, by Smith; Chinese Currency, by Hancock; Coins in China's History, by Coole; Japanese Coinage, by Jacobs and Vermeule; The Coins of Korea and an Outline of Early Chinese Coinages, by Craig and Studies of Old Siamese Coins, Volume X. All very good to fine copies. Some a little dusty. ($75) 2247. Rinaldi, Alfio. Catalogo delle Medaglie Papali Annuali da Pio V i l a Paolo VI. (Verona, 1967). 113 pages, mustrated throughout, 8vo. Red doth, gilt, dusty. A fine copy. ($15) 2248. Schlumberger, G. N u m i s m a t i q u e De L'Orient Latin. (Graz Akademische Druck- U. Verlagsanstalt, 1954 reprint of Paris, 1878 original). Two volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates which are line drawings). (4), xii, 504 pp., (2); (4), 22 pp., (2), 37 pp; (2) pp., 21 plates, one fold-out map. Text: 8vo, plates: 4to. Important work on Crusader coinage. Matching green doth, gilt, dusty. Fine copies. Ex. Libris. ($125) 2249. Smith, Vincent A. Catalogue of the Coins in the Indian Museum Calcutta, Including the Cabinet if the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Volume I. (Oxford, 1906). xviii, 346 pp., 31 plates. Red casebound, gilt lettering. The scarce original edition. A fine copy. ($45) 2250. Stahl, Alan M. The Merovingian Coinage of the Region of Metz. (Louvain-La-Neuve, 1982). vi, (1), 200 pages, 15 plates. Green doth with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($25) 2251. Unvala, Jamshedji Maneckji. Coins of Tabaristan and Some Sassanian Coins from Susa. (Paris, 1938). 43 pages, 46 tables, 4to. Paper covers with dear plastic coating. Minor foxing. A very good copy. Rare. ($50) 2252. Vice, David. The Coinage of British West Africa & St. Helena 1684-1958. (Birmingham, Peter Ireland [Format] Ltd., 1983). x, 237 pp., illustrations in text, price guide, small 8vo. Red casebound, gilt, with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30)

Please send your bids in early. Tie bids are awarded to the earliest bidder. Bids accepted in even dollar amounts only. Odd bids ($50.25) will be rounded down to the nearest dollar.


2253. Museum Notes, Volumes 1-32 (New York, 1945-1987). A near complete run of this important series, missing only the most recent issues. All issues with original card covers except volumes III, IV and V and volumes VI, VIII and X which bound into two volumes with red cloth. Each volume contains at least 10 articles pertaining to ancient, medieval and modem numismatics with usually half or more pertaining to ancients. The first issues of this series are rare, commanding $75-5100 each when they are found. Many of the articles are very important references. A few of the volumes have small spine tears at the top of the spine and minor folds on the cover, but overall this is a nice fine set. ($400) 2254. M u s e u m Notes, Volumes 9 - 33, and the American Journal of Numismatics Volume 1-4. (New York, 1960-1992). A good run of these importan t journals. Each volume contains at least 10 articles pertaining to andent, medieval and m o d e m numismatics with usually half or more pertaining to anaents. Many of the artides are very important references. A fewof the volumes have small spine tears at the top of the spine and minor folds on the cover, but overall this is a nice fine set. All volumes have card covers. ($250) 2255. Museum Notes 3. (New York, 1948). 154 pp., 26 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Indudes Bdlinger's "A Seleudd Mint at Elausa Sebaste," Sutherland's "The Incuse Coinage of South Italy," plus 3 other artides on anaents and 10 artides and world coins. Spine sunned, else a fine copy. Scarce. ($45) 2256. M u s e u m Notes 4. (New York, 1950). 130 pages, 24 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. I n d u d e s Noe's "Beginnings of the Cistophoric Coinage," Brett's ' T h e Mint of Ascalon under the Seleuads," Sutherland's "What Is Meant By Style in Coinage," and 4 other artides on anaents and 7 on medieval and Oriental numismatics. Spine a little dirty, otherwise a fine copy. Scarce. ($35) 2257. Another copy as above. Spine a little dirty, otherwise a fine copy. Scarce. ($35) 2258. M u s e u m Notes 5. (New York, 1952). 192 pages, 25 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Indudes: Noe's "Coinage of Alexandria Troas under Antiochus Hierax," Thompson's "The Beginning of Athenian N e w Style Coinage," plus 7 other articles on anaents and 8 on medieval and Oriental coins. Covers lightly faded. Scarce. A fine copy. ($40) 2259. M u s e u m Notes 7. (New York, 1957). 257 pages, 45 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Indudes Noe's "Overstrikes of Magna Graeaa," Bellinger's "The Earliest Coins of Ilium," Sutherland's "Diocletian as Aeternus Augustus," West's ‫ ׳‬T h e Relation of Subsidiary Coinage to Gold Under Valerian and Gallienus," plus 6 other artides on anaents and 10 on world numismatics. A fine copy. ($30) 2260. M u s e u m Notes 8. (New York, 1958). 220 pages, 43 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Indudes Bellinger's "The First Civic Tetradrachms of Ilium," and "The Late Bronze of Alexandria Troas," Boyce's "Caracalla as "Severus"," plus 7 other artides on anaents and 7 on world coins. A fine copy. ($30) 2261. M u s e u m Notes 9. (New York, 1960). 243 pages, 16 plates, 8vo. Paper covers, lightly sunned. Indudes Robinson's "Some Problems in the Later Fifth Century Coinage of Athens," Merker's "The Silver Coinage of Antigonos Gonatas and Antigonos Doson," King's "The Constantinian Mints 306-313," K r a a / s 'Two New Sestertii of Domitian," plus 6 other artides on anaents and 5 artides on medieval and Oriental numismatics. Nice fine copy. ($35) 2262. Museum Notes 10. (New York, 1962). 172 pages, 35 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Includes: Holloway's "The Crown of Naxos," Noe's "The Corinth Hoard of 1938," Bellinger's "The Boston College Hoard," and ‫׳‬The Coins from the Treasure of the Oxus," Kiang's "An Unpublished Coin Portrait of Ptolemy VI Philometor," Vermeule's "A Ptolemaic Contribution Box in Boston," Metcalf's "The New Bronze Coinage of Theophilus and the Growth of the Balkan Themes," plus 6 other artides on world coins and medals. A nice fine copy. ($35) 2263.

1 4 3

Another copy as above. A nice fine copy.


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

2264. Museum Notes 11. (New York, 1964). 335 pages, 59 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Includes: Holloway's "Demarete's Lion," Dodson and WaUace's The Kozani Hoard of 1955," BeUinger's "PhiUppi in Macedonia," Morkholm's "Seleucid Coins from Cüicia ca. 220-150 BC," and "The Accession of Antiochus IV of Syria," Thompson's "A Hoard from Thessaly," plus 6 other articles on ancients and 13 articles on world coins and medals. Top right corner water stained. A very good copy. ($10)

2275. Museum Notes 22. (New York, 1977). 310 pages, 28 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Bodenstedts "Observations on Some Early Electrum Types of Mytilene and Phocaea," Thompson's "A Greek Imperial Medallion from Pautalia," Slocum's "Another Look at the Coins of Hatra," Metcalf's "The Antioch Hoard of Antoniniani and the Eastern Coinage of Trebonianus Gallus and Volusian," plus 3 other articles on ancients and 5 on Oriental coins. A nice fine copy. ($20)

2265. Museum Notes 12. (New York, 1966). 232 pages, 59 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Includes Thompson's "A Hoard from Northern Greece," and "The Monogram of Charlemagne in Greek," Cox's "Gordion Hoards III, IV, V, and VII," FagerUe's '"Roma Invicta' - A New FoUis of Justinian," plus 4 other articles on ancients and 8 articles on world ooins. Light sunning, else a very fine copy. ($15)

2276. Museum Notes 23. (New York, 1978). 220 pages, 40 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Houghton's "The Seleucid Mint at Lampsacus," Rothman's "Posthunous Hadrianic Medallions," plus 5 other articles on ancient numismatics and 3 on medieval and Oriental numismatics. A nice fine copy. ($20)

2266. Museum Notes 13. (New York, 1967). 250 pages, 49 plates, 8vo. Paper covers, sunned. Includes: Zervos' "The Early Tetradrachms of Ptolemy I," Hunter's " A Third Century Hoard from Serbia," FagerUe's 'The First Gold Issue of Anastasius," plus 5 other articles on ancient coins and 3 articles on world coins. Light sunning, else a very fine copy. ($12) 2267. Museum Notes 14. (New York, 1968). 169 pp., 24 plates, 8vo. Card covers, sunned. Includes: Lang's " Five Hellenistic lead Weights," McKay's " Bronze Coinage in Macedonia, 168-166 BC" and " Macedonian Tetradrachms of 148-147 BC," Bedoukian's " A Classification of the Coins of the Artaxiad Dynasty of Armenia," plus 3 articles on Byzantine numismatics and 3 on Islamic numismatics. A very fine copy. ($10) 2268. Museum Notes 15. (New York, 1969). 140 pages, 23 plates, 8vo. Card covers, sunned. Includes: Waggoner's "The Early Alexander Coinage at Seleucia on the Tigris," Johnson's "A New Anonymous Bronze of Constantine X," plus 6 other articles on ancients and 4 articles on world coins. A nice fine copy. ($15) 2269. Museum Notes 16. (New York, 1970). 188 pages, 38 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Indudes: WilUams' "The Archaic Coinage of Arcadian Heraea," Markholm's "The Seleuad Mint at Antiochia on the Persian Gulf," plus 5 other artides on andents and 7 on world numismatics. A fine copy. ($20) 2270. Museum Notes 17. (New York, 1971). 261 pages, 49 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Indudes: Holloway's "An Archaic Hoard from Crete and the Early Aeginetan Coinage," Troxell's "The Peloponnesian Alexanders," Kleiner's "The Alexander Tetradrachms of Pergamum and Rhodes," Bates' " Constans II or Heradonas? An Analysis of the Constantinopolitan Folles of Constans Π," plus 4 other artides on anaents and 6 on world ooins. A nice fine copy. ($15) 2271. Museum Notes 18. (New York, 1972). 175 pp., 32 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Indudes: Kleiner's 'The Dated Cistophori of Ephesus," Mac Isaac's "The Weight of the Late 4th and Early 5th Century N u m m u s (AE4)," plus 3 other artides on anaents, 4 on medieval, and 6 on Oriental numismatics. Covers sunned, otherwise a very fine copy. ($15)

2277. Museum Notes 24. (New York, 1979). 282 pages, 51 plates, 8vo. Card covers, sunned. Includes: Bauslaugh's "The Posthumous Alexander Coinage of Chios," Jones' "The Autonomous Wreathed Tetradrachms of Magnesia-on-Maeander," Shiel's "The Coinage of Saloninus as Augustus," Bruun's 'The Successive Monetary Reforms of Diocletian," plus 6 other artides on ancients and 4 on Orients and modern coins. A nice fine copy.


2278. Museum Notes 25. (New York, 1980). 232 pages, 23 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: RigsbyS 'The Imperial Tetradrachms of Heliopolis," Bastien's "The Iantinum Mint," plus 6 other articles on ancients and 5 on world coins. A nice fine copy. ($20) 2279. Museum Notes 26. (New York, 1981). 223 pp., 32 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Includes: Kroll's "From Wappenmünzen to Gorgoneia to Owls," Thompson's ,"The Cavalla Hoard," Harl's "Caracalla or Elagabalus? The Imperial Imago at the greek Mint of Magnesia ad maeandrum," plus 6 other articles on ancient coins and 3 on foreign numismatics. Nice fine copy.


2280. Museum Notes 27. (New York, 1982). 244 pages, 32 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes John H. Oakley's "The Autonomous Wreathed Tetradrachms of Kyme, Aeolis," Johnston's "Caracalla or Elagabalus? A Caseof Unneccessairily Mistaken Identity," plus 3 other articles on ancients and5arhclesand world coins. Very fine copy. ($20) 2281. Museum Notes 28. (New York, 1983). 206 pages, 22 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Martin's "The Chronology of the Fourth-Century B.C. Facing-Head Coinage of Larissa," Morkholm's "The Autonomous Tetradrachms of Laodicea ad Mare," Burnett and Craddock's "Rome and Alexandria: The Minting of Egyptian Tetradrachms under Severus Alexander," plus 3 other articles on ancients plus 4 articles on world coins. Very fine copy. ($20) 2282. Museum Notes 32. (New York, 1987). 209 pages, 11 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Markholm's "The Date of the Autonomous Tetradrachms of Aegaea in Cilicia," Evans' "The Sicilian Coinage of Sextus Pompeius," plus 5 other articles on ancients and 3 on world coins. Very fine copy. ($20)

2272. Museum Notes 19. (New York, 1974). 294 pages, 31 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Drew-Bear's "Representations of Temples on the Greek Imperial Coinage," Niçois' " The Chronology and Significance of the M. Agrippa Asses," Gregory's "The Gold Coinage of the Emperor Constantine VII," plus 2 other artides on ancient numismatics and 6 on Oriental and modern numismatics. Spine bumped. A fine copy. ($20)

2283. NNM #l.Noe, Sydney P. Coin Hoards. (New York, 1920). 47 pages, 4 plates. The first issue of this long running series. Printed card covers. Rare. ($50)

2273. Museum Notes 20. (New York, 1975). 174 pages, 26 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Indudes: Morkholm's "Ptolemaic Coins and Chronology: The Dated Silver Coinage of Alexandria," Fears' " Sulla or Endymion: A Reconsideration of a Denarius of L. Aemilius Buca," plus 4 other artides on anaents and 3 on medieval and Oriental numismatics. A very fine copy.

2284. NNM# 21. Newell, EdwardT. Alexander Hoards III, Andritsaena. (New York, 1923). 39 pages, 6 plates. Details a hoard of coins of Philip II and Alexander III as well as a few Boeotian, Aeginetan, Sicyonian and Olympian staters found near Andritsaena in the Peloponnesus. Card covers. As new. ($10)


2274. Museum Notes 21. (New York, 1976). 301 pages, 18 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Indudes: Betlyon's "A New Chronology for the Pre-Alexandrine Coinage of Sidon," Buttrey's ' T h e Denarii of P. Crepusius and Roman Republican Mint Organization," Metcalf's "Early Anonymous Folles from Antioch and the Chronology of Qass A," and 3 other artides on anaents and 5 on medieval, Oriental and modern numismatics. A fine copy.




2285. NNM #29. Parsons, H. Alexander. The Earliest Coins of Norway. (New York, 1926). 41 pages, Une drawings in text. Card covers. A very fine copy. Scarce. ($25) 2286. NNM #44. Hill, George F. On The Coins Of Narbonensis With Iberian Inscriptions. (New York, 1930). 39 pages, 6 plates. Detailed work on these coins related to the Spanish Celtiberian series. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($25)

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

2287. N N M # 53. C a m m a n n , Jean B. T h e Symbols on Staters of Corinthian Type (A Catalogue). (New York, 1932). 130 pages, 12 double page plates, 2 single plates, 16mo. A study of 138 reverse symbols appearing on Corinthian staters. Scarce. Front hinge neatly strengthened with brown cloth tape, otherwise a very fine copy. ($60)

2305. N N M #124. Robinson, David M. A Hoard of Silver Coins From Carystus. (New York, 1952). 62 pages, 6 plates. Details a hoard of 92 coins found on the slopes of Mt. Ocha, the ancient site of Carystus, and included 37 Carystian staters. Card covers. Light bend on cover, otherwise, a very fine copy. ($10)

2288. N N M #59. Cox, Dorothy H. The Tripolis Hoard of French Seignorial and Crusader's Coins. (New York, 1933). 61 pages, 8 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15)

2306. N N M #125. Noe, Sydney P. The Pine Tree Coinage of Massachusetts. (New York, 1952). 48 pages, 11 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($25)

2289. N N M #67. Mosser, Sawyer McA. A Bibliography of Byzantine Coin Hoards. (New York, 1935). 116 pages. Useful for the serious Byzantinist. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($25)

2307. NNM #126. Raymond, Doris. Macedonian Regal Coinage To 413 B.C. (New York, 1953). 170 pp., 15 plates. A standard reference. Card covers. A fine copy. ($30)

2290. N N M #73. Newell, Edward T. The Seleucid Coinages of Tyre, A Supplement. (New York, 1936). 34 pages, 5 plates. Card covers. Connecticut State Library stamp on from cover. A very fine copy. ($25)

2308. NNM #127. Scott, Kenneth. Counterfeiting In Colonial New York. (New York, 1953). 222 pages, 13 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy.

2291. NNM #94. West, Louis C Gold and Silver Coin Standards in the Roman Empire. (New York, 1941). 199 pages. An examination of the weight and purity standards of Roman gold and silver coins from the Republic through Diocletian. Card cover. A very fine copy. ($30)

2309. N N M #128. Ives, Herbert E. The Venetian Gold Ducat and Its Imitations, edited and annotated by Philip Grierson. (New York, 1954). 37 pp., 16 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($30)


2310. 2292. N N M #102. Noe, Sydney P. The New England and Willow Tree Coinages of Massachusetts. (New York, 1943). 55 pages, 16 double plates with tissue overlays, 16mo. Card covers. Small crease on front cover, other wise a very fine copy. ($35)

Another copy as above. Small bend at top right corner. A fine copy.


2311. N N M #129. Caley, Earle R. Chemical Composition of Parthian Coins. (New York, 1955). 104 pages. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15)

2293. N N M #109. Boyce, Aline Abaecherli. Coins of Tingi with Latin Legends. (New York, 1947). 27 pp., 5 plates. Card covers. Corners rubbed. A very good copy. ($10)


2294. N N M #111. Miles, GeorgeC. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Stamps. (New York, 1948). 168 pages, 14 plates. Card covers. Front cover smudged. A fine copy. ($15)

2313. N N M #130. Lang, David M. Studies In The Numismatic History of Georgia In Transcaucasia. (New York, 1955). 138 pages, 15 plates, one fold-out map. Discusses the entire numismatic history of Georgia which extended over a two thousand year period. Card covers. Corners lightly bumped, else a very fine copy. ($15)

2295. N N M #113. Frye, Richard N. Notes On The Early Coinage of Transoxiana. (New York, 1949). 49 pages. Card covers. A fine copy. ($10)

Another copy as above. A fine copy.


2314. N N M #134. W.P. Wallace. The Euboian League And Its Coinage. (New York, 1956). 180 pp., 16 plates. Card oovers. A useful die study of the silver coins of Euboia. Sffl the standard reference. Corners lightly bumped. A nice fine copy. ($30)

2296. N N M #116. Grant, Michael. Aspects Of The Principate Of Tiberius. (New York, 1950). 199 pages, 8 plates. Card covers. A fine copy. ($40) 2297. N N M #117. Torrey, Charles C. Gold Coins of Khok and and Bu khara. (New York, 1950). 37 pages, 1 plate. Card covers. Fine copy.

2315. N N M #136. Noe, Sydney P. Two Hoards of Persian Sigloi. (New York, 1956). 44 pages, 15 plates. Thesecond hoard described contained 212 half-staters of Croesus of the confronted lion and bull type. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15)

2298. NNM #118. Miles, GeorgeC Rare Islamic Coins. (New York, 1950). 138 pages, 10 plates. Card covers. A fine copy. ($15)

2316. NNM #137. Buttrey, Theodore V., Jr. The Triumvirat Portrait Gold Of The Quattuorviri Monétales Of 42 B.C. (New York, 1956). 69 pages, 9 ($15) plates. A definitive study. Card covers. A fine copy.


2299. N N M #119. Seyrig, Henri. Notes on Syrian Coins. (New York, 1950). 35 pages, 2 plates. Includes several important chapters on the coinage of Tryphon. Card covers. A fine copy. ($15) 2300. N N M #120. Miles, George C. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Stamps. (New York, 1951). 60 pages, 4 plates. Card covers. A fine copy. ($10) 2301. Another copy as above. A fine copy. ($10) 2302. N N M #121. Miles, George C. Fatimid Coins In The Collections of the University Museum, Philadelphia, and the American Numismatic Society. (New York, 1951 ). 51 pages, 6 plates. Card covers. A nice fine copy. ($15) 2303. NNM #122. Yü-Ch'üan, Wang. Early Chinese Coinage. (New York, 1951 ). 254 pages, 55 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($25) 2304. NNM #123. Levi, Annalina Calô Barbarians On Roman Imperial Coins and Sculpture. (New York, 1952). 56 pages, 17 plates. Card covers. A fine copy. ($15)


2317. N N M #138. Adelson, H o w a r d L. Light Weight Solidi and Byzantine Trade D u r i n g the Sixth and Seventh Centuries. (New York, 1957). 187 pp., 14 plates. The standard reference for these. Card covers. A fine copy. ($30) 2318. N N M #139. Grabar, Oleg. The Coinage Of The Tulunids. (New York, 1957). 78 pages, 3 plates. Discusses the Tulunids of Egypt (868-905) and their coinage. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($10) 2319. NNM #141. Miles, GeorgeC. Contributions To Arabic Metrology I. Early Arabic G lass Weights and Measure Stamps Acquired by the ANS 1951-1956. (New York, 1958). 124 pages, 13 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($20) 2320. N N M #142. Newman, Eric P. The Secret of the Good Samaritan Shilling, (new York, 1959). xi, 71 pages, 9 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 2321. N N M #143. Miles, George C. Excavation Coins From The Persepolis Region. (New York, 1959). 124 pages, 21 plates & map. Details coins from various finds in Persepolis in southern Iran which consisted primarily of Sasanian and Islamic coins. Card oovers. A very fine copy. ($15)

Classical Numismatic 2344.

2322. NNM #144. Breckenridge, James D. The Numismatic Iconography of Justinian II (685-695,705-711 A.D.). (New York, 1959). 104 pp., 10 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15)

2324. N N M #145. Cox, D.H. Coins From The Excavations at Curium, 1932-1953. (New York, 1959). 125 pages, 10 plates. Details coins excavated under the auspices of the University Museum of Philadelphia at Curium on the south coast of Cyprus. Coins from the Greek period to the Venetian occupation are cataloged. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 2325. N N M # 146. Patrick Brunn. Studies in Constantinian Chronology. (New York, 1961). 116 pp., 8 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. (S40) 2326. N N M #147. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of Cilician Armenia. (New York, 1962). 494 pages, 48 plates. The standard reference on the series. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($45) 2327. N N M #148. Adelson, Howard L. and Kustas, George L. A Bronze Hoard Of The Period Of Zeno I. (New York, 1962). 89 pages, 1 plate. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) Another copy as above. Very fine copy.


2329. N N M #149. Alfred R. Bellinger and Marjorie Alkins Berlincourt. Victory as a Coin Type. (New York, 1962). 68 pp., 13 plates. Traces the use of Nike on Greek and Hellenistic coins as well as Victory on Roman coins. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 2330.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.

Another copy as above. Very fine copy.


2333. N N M #151. Caley, Earle R. Orichalcum And Related Ancient Alloys: Origin, Composition and Manufacture with Special Reference to the Coinage of the Roman Empire. (New York, 1964). v, 115 pages. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 2334.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.


Another copy as above. Very fine copy.


A third copy as above. Light stain from a wet glass. A fine copy. ($10)

2348. N N M #158. Morrison, Karl F. with the collaboration of Henry Grunthal. Carolingian Coinage. (New York, 1967). 465 pages, 48 plates, 3 fold-out maps. One of the standard references for this area. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($65) 2349. N N M #159. Thompson, Margaret. The Agrinion Hoard. (New York, 1968). 130 pages, 56 plates. Details a hoard of 1,355 coins found in 1959 near Agrinion in western Aetolia. The hoard contained Greek coins from Sicyon, Argos, Chalcis, Athens, Megalopolis, the Achaean League and other Greek cities. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($25) 2350. N N M #160. Miles, George C. The Coinage of The Arab Amirs of Crete. (New York, 1970). 86 pages, 9 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 2351.

Another copy as above. Very fine copy.



A third copy as above. A fine copy.


2354. N N M #162. Troxell, Hyla A. The Coinage of The Lycian League. (New York, 1982). xix, 255 pp., 44 fine plates, 8vo. Cream cloth. Cover dusty, otherwise a very fine copy. Ex Libris. ($25) 2355. N N M #163. Stahl, Alan M. The Venetian Tornesello, A Medieval Colonial Coinage. (New York, 1985). 96 pages, 4 plates. Yellow cloth. A very fine copy. ($20) 2356. N N M #165. Koch, Heidemarie. A Hoard of Coins From Eastern Parthia. (New York, 1990). 64 pp., 12 plates. Yellow cloth. A very fine copy. ($25) 2357.

Another copy as above. A very good copy.


2337. N N M #153. Boyce, Aline Abaecherli. Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire: Four Papers. (New York, 1965). 102 pages, 15 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($20) 2338.

Another copy as above. A fine copy.


2339. N N M #154. Caley, Earle R. Metrological Tables. (New York, 1965). ($15) 122 pages of tables. Card covers. Useful. Very fine copy. 2340.

Another copy as above. Very fine copy.


2341. NNM #155. Williams, Roderick T. The Confederate Coinage Of The Arcadians In The Fifth Century B.C. (New York, 1965). 141 pages, 14 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 2342.

Another copy as above. Very fine copy.



2335. N N M #152. Tomasini, Wallace J. The Barbaric Tremissis In Spain And Southern France: Anastasius To Leovigild. (New York, 1964). 302 pages, 46 plates. Card covers. Still a useful reference! A very fine copy. ($30) 2336.


2353. N N M #161. Mac Dowall, David W. The Western Coinages Of Nero. (New York, 1979). 256 pages, 25 plates. A standard reference on the series. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($25)


2331. N N M #150. Miles, GeorgeC. Contributions To Arabic Metrology II. Early Arabic Glass Weights and M e a s u r e S t a m p s in the Benaki Museum, Athens, and the Peter Ruthven Collection, Ann Arbor. (New York, 1963). 64 pages, 11 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($10) 2332.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.

2345. N N M #157. Fagerlie,JoanM. Late Roman And Byzantine Solidi Found In Sweden And Denmark. (New York, 1967). 213 pages,33 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($20)

2323. Another copy as above. Small stain on front cover, otherwise a nice fine copy. (S10)


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Another copy as above. A very fine copy.


AUCTION CATALOGS A N D FIXED PRICE LISTS 2358. Adolph Hess A.G. and Bank Leu A.G. Lot of twenty-two auction catalogs. Includes the following sales: 1,3,7,9,11,12,14,15,16,17,19,20,22, 23,24,26,28,31,35,41,45, and 49 from April 14,1954 through April 27-28, 1971.15 sales are ancients only, 7 are world coins only. All sales are bound in inexpensive matching grey cloth with their original covers, many include estimates sheets and a few with prices realized. A good opportunity to obtain a nice run of these important sales. ($200) An Original Pozzi Collection sales Catalog 2359. Ars Classica No. I. Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques Provenant De La Collection de feu le Prof. S. Pozzi. (March 14,1921 but actually held on April 4,1921 ). Lucerne. 3334 lots, 101 fine plates. Text lightly browned but pages not brittle, light sunning on front cover. One of the most important private collections ever offered for sale. Original card covers. Λ nice fine copy. Rare. (S500) 2360. Ars Qassica No. II. Monnaies Romaines Imperiales Provenant des Collections de M. Paul Vautier et de feu le Prof. Maxime Collignon de l'Institut de France. (Luœme, June 12-14,1922). 107pages, 1886 lots, 57 fine plates. Printed card covers. Covers dirty and worn around edges, spine labeled, text lightly browned. An important sale of Roman coins. ($75)

2343. N N M #156. Eddy, Samuel K. The Minting of Antoniniani AD 238-249 and the Smyrna Hoard. (New York, 1967). 133 pages, 7 double plates. Card covers. Useful. A very fine copy. ($25)

1 3 2

Classical Numismatic 2361. Ars Qassica. Lot of two auction catalogues in one volume. Indudes the following sales: No. IV. Monnaies Grecques Antiques Provenant des Collections de S.A.Ie Grand-Duc Alexandre Michailovitch de Sir Arthur J. Evans et D'Autres Amateurs (Lucerne, June 17-19,1922). 70 pages, 1035 lots, 36 plates. No. V. Monnaies Grecques Antiques Provenant des Doubles d u British Museum Des Collections De Feu Le Général A.L. Bertier de La Garde et d e Divers Autres Amateurs (Lucerne, June 18,1923). 132 pages, 3038 lots, 135 plates. Bound in inexpensive green d o t h with original card covers bound in. Both catalogues are in very fine condition with no traces of foxing. Important sales. ($150) 2362. Ars Qassica. No. VI. Catalogue de Monaies Grecques Antiques en Or et en Argent, Composant La collection de Feu Clarence S. Bernent de Philadelphie (USA). Première Parti: Ibériea Eu bée. (Lucerne, January 28, 1924). 88 pages, 1082 lots, 37 plates. Light browning around edges of text, small tear at top of spine. A fine copy. ($75) 2363. Ars Qassica. Lot of two auction catalogues in one volume. Indudes the following sales: No. VI. Catalogue d e Monaies Grecques Antiques en Or et en Argent, Composant La collection de Feu Qarence S. Bernent de Philadelphie (USA). Première Parti: Ibérie a Eubée (Lucerne, January 28, 1924). 88 pages, 1082 lots, 37plates. No. VII. Catalogue de Monaies Grecques Antiques en Or et en Argent, Composant La collection d e Feu Qarence S. Bernent d e Philadelphie (USA). Seconde Partie: Attique a Maurtanie (Lucerne, June 23-24,1924). 84 pages, lots 1093-1909, plates 38-68. Bound in inexpensive green doth with original card covers bound in. Sale VI trimmed a little tight as the plate numbers have been cut off about 50% of the plates, otherwise both catalogues are in very fine condition with no traces of foxing. Important sales. ($150) 2364. Ars Qassica. No VII. Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques En Or, En Argent Composant La Collection De Feu Clarence S. Bernent. Seconde Partie: Attique A Mauritanie Incl. (Lucerne, June 23-24,1924). (4), 84 pages, lots 1083-1909, 31 fine plates (numbered 36-68), 4to. Small b u m p at top of spine, still a very fine copy in original card covers. ($85) 2365. Ars Qassica. No VII. Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques En Or, En Argent Composant La Collection De Feu Clarence S. Bernent. Seconde Partie: Attique A Mauritanie Incl. (Lucerne, June 23-24,1924). (4), 84 pp., 31 fine plates (numbered 36-68), lots 1083-1909,4to. Printed caïd covers. A nice fine copy. ($75)

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2371. Calico, X. &F. Asociacion Numismatica Espanola. 1963-1972. Lot of 11 auction catalogs (2 in 1971) from the annual Spanish Numismatic Convention. Sales contain primarily Spanish coins, ancient, medieval and modem. Lot also contains 3 separate catalogs produced by X. & F. Calico. Also included in this lot is Gaceta Numismatica, issues 10-27 (1968-1972). This is the publication of the Asociacion Numismatica Espanola which contains many fine articles on Spanish numismatics. Entire lot bound in matching inexpensive tan cloth. 10 bound volumes in all. Very fine copies. ($50) 2372. Coin Galleries. The Numismatic Review and Fixed Price List. 1959-1970, complete. Bound in 10 volumes in inexpensive tan doth. Lot also indudes 16 Coin Galleries mail bid sales bound in 4 volumes. Lot is a bit dusty but overall fine or better copies. ($45) 2373. [Dundee]. Spink & Son, Ltd. of London & Bowers and Ruddy, Galleries, Inc. The D u n d e e Collection of Scottish Coins. (Los Angeles, February 19,1976). 131 pp., 347 lots. Paper covers. Covers w o m with some chipping at spine. A fine oopy. A monumen tal sale and collection of Scottish coinage and widely consulted as a reference. ($10) 2374. Florange, J. et Ciani, L. Catalogue de M o n n a i e s Françaises de Hugues Capet A Charles VIII (IRE Partie). (Paris, 22-26 November, 1927). 102 pages, 20771ots, 32 plates. Printed card covers. Lot also includes Florange, J. et Ciani, L. Catalogue de Monnaies Françaises, Henri IIA Henri IV (HIE Partie). (Paris, April 22,1929). Pages 145-201, lots 2605-3165, plates 65-112. Printed card covers. Parts 1 and 3 of the important Marcheville collection of French coins. Both fine copies. ($50) A Long Run of Glendining's Auction Catalogs 2375. Glendining. Lot of 377 auction sales including a complete run of sales from 1961 through 1984. Also induded is sale 10 of 1955 plus sales 6-11 of 1960.1960-1962 bound in grey doth the remainder inexpensively bound in gold doth. Most years bound in two volumes with years 1975-1984 all bound in reverse order (evidently bound just as they were sitting on a shelf, from left to right). An excellent run of sales that indudes many important auctions of anaent and English coins. Lot takes u p 6 feet of shelf space. All catalogsin very fine condition. ($500) 2376. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 36. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 17/18 April 1968). 79pp.,32 plates, 631 lots. Printed caid covers. Very good copy, backstrip torn at top and dusty. ($10)

2366. BankLeuA.G. Lot of twenty-eightauction catalogs. Lot indudes the following sales: 1,2,6,7,10,13,15,18,20,22,25,28,30,31,33,42 (2), 45,46, 48,50 (2), 51,52 (2), 53,54, and 55. All bound in inexpensive grey doth and bound in reverse order. Well illustrated and well cataloged sales of anaent and world coins. Lot also i n d u d e s Bank Leu A.G. and Numismatic Fine Arts, The Garret Collection, Parts 1 & 2, also bound in inexpensive grey doth. 13 bound volumes in all, 30 sales. Penned prices realized in a few of the sales, otherwise fine or better copies. ($200)

2377. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker H u n t Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins, Part 1. (June 19, 1990). New York. 164 lots, each illustrated in both black-and-white and color. Hardbound with dust cover. Glossy dust cover. A magnificent catalog that is both a reference and collector's item. Indudes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($75)

2367. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 28. Antike M ü n z e n . (Zurich, May 5-6, 1981). 95 pp., 39 plates, 637 lots. Card covers without prices realized. Fine copy. ($10)

2378. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson B u n k e r H u n t Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. Part II. (June 21 and 22,1990). N e w York. 789 lots, illustrated throughout with 19 interspersed color plates. Hardbound with dust cover. Indudes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($65)

2368. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 36. Antike M ü n z e n . (Zürich, 7 / 8 May 1985). 178 pp., 46 plates, 111 7 lots. Printed card covers. A very good copy.


2369. Bank Leu A.G. and Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Sammlung Walter Niggeler. Teil 1-4. (Basd, December 34,1965; October 21-22,1966; November 2-3,1967; November 34,1967). 1604 lots of anaents, 250 lots of Swiss and Italian, 116 plates. Four sales bound in one volume, original covers, estimate sheets plus the prices realized for Teil 1 induded. Bound in inexpensive green doth. A superb collection of anaents, the likes of which have not been seen since. ($50) 2370. (Butler, Charles], Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. The Charles Butier Collections. Catalogue of the Collection of Coins and Medals Formed by the late Charles Butler Esq. (London, July 3-11,1911). 87pages, 964 lots, 12 fine plates. Hand priced in penal throughout, with buyers names for many of the lots. Hardbound in brown doth with a red leather spine label. A fine copy. ($35)

2379. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker H u n t Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. Part III. (December 4,1990). N e w York. 117 lots, each illustrated in both black-andwhite and color. Hardbound with dust cover. Indudes prices realized. A very fine copy. (S75) 2380. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker], Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker H u n t Collection of Important Greek and Roman Coins, Part IV. (June 19 and 20,1991 ). N e w York. 1066 lots. Hardbound with dust cover. The last sale of this most important collection. A very fine copy. Indudes prices realized. A magnificent catalog that is both a reference and collector's item. ($75) 2381. [Knobloch, Frederick S.J. Stack's. The Frederick S. Knobloch Collection of Roman Imperial Coins. (New York, May 1-3,1980). 222 pp., 36 plates, 1438 lots, 4 color plates. Printed card covers.A nice fine copy. One of the best collections ever sold at auction ! ($20)

1 4 3

Classical Numismatic 2382. [Mabbott, T h o m a s OUive], H a n s M.F. Schulman Gallery. The Thomas Ollive Mabbott Collection, Part One. Coins of the Greek World. Catalogue by H a n s Holzer. Part Two. Coins of the Roman World. (New York; June 6,7,9,10,11,1969 and October 27-29,1969). Part I: Two volumes (Text a n d illustrations). 148 pp., 3860 lots, 83 plates; Part II: 1477 lots, 32 plates. Indudes prices realized for part I. Also induded in this lot are parts III and IV of the Mabbott Collection which i n d u d e s his collection of world coins. Original paper covers. Nice fine copies. ($40) 2383. [Mabbott, T h o m a s Ollive], H a n s M.F. Schulman Gallery. The Thomas Ollive Mabbott Collection, Part One. Coins of the Greek VNbrld. Catalogue by H a n s Holzer. Part Two. Coins of the Roman World. (New York; June 6,7,9,10,11,1969 and October 27-29,1969). Part I: Two volumes (Text a n d illustrations). 148 pp., 3860 lots, 83 plates; Part II: 1477 lots, 32 plates. Indudes prices realized for part I. One of the best collections ever offered of Greek Imperial coinage despite some of the "wishful thinking" attributions by Mr. Holzer. Original paper covers. Nice fine copies. ($30) 2384. Malter, Jod L & Co. Lot of twenty-three auction catalogs, all but 1 containing a n d e n t s . I n d u d e the following sales: 1,4,9,11,13,14,16,18,19, 21,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,42 part 1,42 part 2,45,49 and 1 unnumbered sale from March 29,1986. All sales very fine copies. ($75) 2385. Malter, Joel L. & Co. Collectors'Journal of A n d e n t A r t Lot of ten issues. Joel Malter's fixed price list of coins and antiquities which i n d u d e s many interesting artides. All fine or better copies. ($25) 2386. Malter, Joel L. and Numismatic Fine Arts. Journal of Numismatic Fine Arts. Lot of twelve issues from January 1971 to Spring 1977, not complete. A price list of coins and antiquities featuring many interesting artides. All fine copies. ($25) 2387. [Metropolitan M u s e u m of Art-John Ward], Sotheby & Co. A.G. Greek Coins From The John Ward Collection. Part II. The Property of The Metropolitan M u s e u m of Art. (Zurich, April 4-5,1973). 773 lots, color frontis, 31 plates. Without prices realized. Cloth bound. Fine copy. ($20) 2388. Münzen u n d Medaillen A.G. Lot of 34 auction catalogs. Indudes the following sales: 4,5,6,7,8,9,12,15,17,19,20,21,23,24,27,28,29,30, 31,32,33, 35, 36, 3 7 , 3 8 , 3 9 , 4 1 , 4 2 , 43, 44, 45, 47,48 a n d Kunstfreunde. Kunstfreunde bound in grey doth, sale 23 in brown doth, the others in green doth. 34 sales bound in 11 volumes, inexpensive binding. All sales fine to very fine. ($125) 2389. Münzen u n d Medaillen A.G. Lot of twenty-three auction cataloguesand six fixed price lists. Indudes the folio wing sales: 19,25,43,44,47, 50,53,54, 55,56,60,61,63,64,65,67,68,73,74,75,76,77, and 79. Also six fixed price lists, all rcla ting to an tiqui ties induding: December 1968, February 1976, November 1976, December 1977, October 1980 and November 1984. A few of the earlier sales discolored on the spine, but overall very fine copies. ($150) 2390. Münzen u n d Medaillen A.G. Lot of fifteen auction catalogues. Indudes the folio wing sales: 19,21,25,28,37,38,41,43,52,53,54,51,62,64, and 72. All very good copies. ($75) 2391. Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Lot of six auction catalogs and seven fixed price lists, all relating to antiquities. Indudes sales 22,26,34,40,46,56 and price lists from August 1962, November 1964, March 1968, December 1968, May 1969, September 1970, and May 1971. Also induded is sale 57, a literature sale. Inexpensively bound in four volumes, all with green doth. All sales in very fine condition. ($50) 2392. Münzen u n d Medaillen A.G. Vente P u b l i q u e 76. M o n n a i e s G r e c q u e s et Romaines, Coins of the Islamic World, English Coins, Deutsche Münzen un Medaillen. (Basd, September 19-20,1991). 174 pages, 93 fine plates, 1523 lots. A fine sale that i n d u d e d the Laffaille collection of Greek bronzes. A very fine copy. ($20) 2393. Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Long run of fixed price lists from 1958 through 1984. Indudes the following lists: 175-195,205,207-443,449473. A nearly complete run of 284 fixed price lists, miscellaneous fliers and book lists bound in 16 volumes. The first volume bound in red doth, the remainder in inexpensive green d o t h with year 1974-1984 bound in reverse order. Internally, all catalogs are in fine or better condition. ($100) 143

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2394. Münzen u n d Medaillen A.G. Auctiones A.G. Lot of nine auction catalogs. Includes the following sales: 4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12, and 13. Bound in 4 volumes, all in inexpensive green cloth. Bound in reverse order. A few stray penned markings throughout, otherwise nice fine copies. ($45) 2395. N u m i s m a t i c Fine Arts. Lot of t w e n t y - f o u r auction catalogs. Includes the following sales: 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,11,12,16,18 pt. 1,18 pt.2,20, 22,25,26,27,28,29, Winter Mail Bid Sale 1982, Winter MBS 1987, Fall MBS 1988, Winter MBS 1989, and Fall MBS 1990.24 sales inexpensively bound in 9 volumes, 8 in brown doth 1 in grey doth. Not bound in perfect order. Lot also i n d u d e s 2 bound volumes of NFA publications including book lists and fixed price lists comprising 30 different publications. Also, Edward Gans Mail Bid Sale 16 with prices realized. Most sales have penned notes here and there. Overall fine copies. With the bankruptcy earlier this year, d e m a n d for NFA sales, espeaally the earlier ones, has increased. 12 bound volumes in total. ($150) 2396. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XVIII, Part I. A n d e n t Greek Coins & Coins of the Seleudd Kings. (West Hollywood, March 31,1987). 401 lots, fully illustrated throughout, 2 color plates, oblong 8vo. A wonderful sale of Greek ooins that induded the best coins from the Arthur Houghton collection. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($20) 2397. N u m i s m a t i c Fine Arts, Inc. W i n t e r Mail Bid Sale. Featuring Selections from the Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. (December 18,1987). Greek Coins, 617 lots, Roman and Byzantine Coins, 558 lots. Card covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. ($15) 2398. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc Auction XX. Andent Greek and Roman Coins. (Beverly Hills, March 9-10,1988). 829 lots, illustrated, oblong 8vo. Featuring a Collection of Roman Portrait Coins and Greek Coins. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 2399. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXII. Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. (Beverly Hills, June 1,1989). 386 lots, illustrations throughout, oblong 8vo. Printed card covers. A very fine copy with prices realized. ($15) 2400. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXV. Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. (New York City, November 29,1990). 511 lots, illustrated throughout, 2 color plates, oblong 8vo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 2401. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXVI. The ANA Centennial Sale. Andent Greek and Roman Coins. (Rosemont, IL., August 14,1991). 387 lots, illustrations throughout, 3 color plates. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 2402. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXVII. A n d e n t Greek and R o m a n Coins. ( N e w York, December 4-5,1991). 662 lots, illustrations throughout, 4 color plates, oblong 8vo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. ($15) 2403. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXX. Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. (Beverly Hills, December 8,1992). 320 lots, illustrated, oblong 8vo. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 2404. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXXI. Spring Mail Bid Sale. Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. (Beverly, Hills, March 18,1993). 1405 lots of Greek and Roman coins, 146 lots of literature. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($10) 2405. Numismatica Ars Classica. Lot of twelve catalogs. A complete run, 1-7, Α-D, and Arcadius to Constantine XI (a sale held in conjundion with Leu Numismatics). Wonderfully produced catalogs featuring anaent and medieval coins. Printed card covers. All with superb plates. All very fine copies. ($100) 2406. Numismatica Ars Classica. Auktion 1. Antike Münzen, Iberische Prägungen,Placchette Ε Medaglie Dal XV AL XX Secolo. (Zurich, March 29-30,1989). I l l pp., 9 beautiful color plates, 87 black & white plates. Paper covers. A magnificent catalogue produced by Italo Vecchi et al. Very fine copy. ($15)

Classical Numismatic 2407. Numismatik Lanz München. Lot of eight catalogues from this firm. Indudes: Auktion 20,28,34,38,42 (2), 52, and 56. All are Münzen Der Antike, well illustrated and catalogued. Very good to fine copies. ($35) 2408. [Ryan, V.J.E.], Glendining's. Catalogue of Greek, Roman, English and Scottish Coins Formed by the Late V.J.E. Ryan, Esq. Parts 1-5. (London, 1950-1952). Part 1 ; English and Scottish Gold Coins (June 28,1950). 63 pages, 583 lots, 20 fine plates. Part 2; English, Scottish and Irish Silver Coins (January 22,1952). 88 pages, lots 584-1377,30 fine plates. Part 3; Andent Greek Coins (November 24,1950). 31 pages, lots 1378-1558,6 fine plates. Part 4; Roman Gold Coins (February 20,1951). 40 pages, lots 1559-1842,10 fine plates. Part 5; Roman Silver and Bronze Coins (Apnl 2,1952). 96 pages, lots 1843-2838,28 fine plates. All five parts bound in one volume. Quarter dark green leathertte with marbled boards. Light spotting on edges, internally very fine. ($75) 2409. Schulman, Hans F. Lot of sixty-three catalogs from 1961 to 1973. A nearly oomplete run of sales induding the important sales of Mabbott, Gibbs and more. If you are not familiar with Schulman sales, they i n d u d e everything from anden ts, U.S., world, tokens, primitive money and oriental coins. Bound in inexpensive grey doth in 16 volumes, some sales have prices realized. A couple of the sales were trimmed too dose during the binding process, affecting the edges of the text and plates. Overall, nice fine copies. ($100) 2410. Schulman, Jacques N.V. Lot of twelve auction catalogs and three fixed price lists. I n d u d e s the following sales: 235, 236,237, 238, 239,240, 243,245,248,250,254,256. Important sales indude the Graham collection of ancients, The Hague collection of anden ts and the Kuyk collection of French coins. All sales well illustrated. The first three sales bound with tan boards in three volumes, the remainder in inexpensive blue d o t h in six volumes. Overall nice fine copies. ($50) 2411. Seaby. S e a b / s Coin and Medal Bulletin. April 1947- December 1979. AU years complete. 1947-1948,1963 and 1970-1979 bound in printed, tan, cardboard binders, 1949-1969 bound in red cloth bindings by Seab/s. Early issues worn, newer issues fine. A good run of 33 years of this informative fixed price list. Average very good condition. ($125) 2412. Seaby‫׳‬s. S e a b / s Coin and Medal Bulletin. 1960-1988 complete. An excellent run of this informative fixed price list. Bound in 29 volumes, the first three in red doth the remainder in inexpensive blue doth. Issues from 1975-1988 bound in reverse order (December-January). A little dusty, but overall nice fine copies. ($100) 2413. S e a b / s . Seaby‫׳‬s Coin and Medal Bulletin. 1978-1985 complete. A short run of this informative fixed price list. 1978 bound in cardboard binder, 1979-1984 bound in green vinyl binders issued by Seaby's, 1985 loose. All nice fine copies. ($25) 2414. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Catalogue of a Collection of Rare Tradesmen's Tokens, The Property of W.J.Davis, Esq. (March 11-15,1901). 93 pages, 820 lots, 5 fine plates. Bound in quarter red leather with marbled boards, gilt, raised bands. Catalogue is handpriced. In between each page a lined, blank page has been added, to which numerous line drawings of tokens have been pasted. Also, at the end of the catalog there are numerous newspaper dippings describing the sale. Extremities worn, internally fine. ($50) 2415. Spink & Son Ltd. The Numismatic Circular. 1961-1979,1981 complete. An important run of "Circulars" containing many interesting and informative artides on andent and medieval coinage. First volume bound in red doth, the remainder bound in inexpensive blue doth in eighteen volumes. A bit dusty, overall fine or better copies. ($100) 2416. Spink &Son Ltd. The Numismatic Circular. 1979-1987complete. A run of "Circulars" containingmany interesting and informative artides on ancient and medieval coinage. Unbound. Overall, fine copies. ($35) 2417. Stack's. Lot of seventy-one auction catalogs from 1960 to 1971. A nearly complete run of sales bound in inexpensive brown doth in eleven volumes. Sales contain primarily U.S. coins with a scattering of ancients and world coins. Prices realized induded for some sales. Overall very fine copies. ($100)

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2418. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XIX. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer - Byzantiner- Völkerwanderung Gcschnittcne Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Und Der Neuzeit, etc. (Zürich, November 18/19,1987). 167 pp., 70 plates, 8 color plates, 1335 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy without prices realized. ($10) 2419. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XX. Griechische Münzen Von Italien - Sizilien, Griechische Gold- Und Elektronmünzen, Numismatische Literatur. (Zürich, April 20,1988). 69 pp., 24 plates, 4 color plates, 600 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. A very fine copy. ($10) 2420. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXI. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer ‫ ־‬Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine u n d Schmuck Der Antike Und Der Neuzeit, etc. (Zürich, November 14/15,1988). 125 pp., 50 plates, 7color plates, 882 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy.


2421. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXII. Antike M ü n z e n : Griechen Römer - Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike, etc. (Zürich, November 20/21,1989). 152 pp., 50 plates, 6 color plates, 1052 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy. ($10) 2422. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXIV. Antike M ü n z e n : Griechen Römer - Byzantiner, Phönizische K l e i n k u n s t - O b j e k t e Mit Antiken Inschriften, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike, etc. (Zürich, November 19/20,1990). 156pp., 75 plates, 7color plates, llOOlots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy without prices realized. ($10) 2423. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXV. Antike M ü n z e n : Griechen Römer-Byzantinische Münzen und Bleisiegel, etc... (Zürich, November 25/26,1991 ). 208 pp., 70 plates, 8 color plates, 1075 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. A very fine copy without prices realized. ($10) 2424. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXVI. Antike M ü n z e n : Griechen Römer- Byzantinische. (Zürich, November 16,1992). 106 pp., 54 plates, 6 oolor plates, 729 lots. Printed card covers. A fine copy without prices realized. ($8) 2425. Superior Galleries. The Abraham Bromberg Collection of Jewish Coins, Part 1. (New York, December 5,1991). 154 pages, 315 lots, illustrated throughout. Part 1 of this important collection. Small b u m p at top of spine, otherwise a very fine copy. ($15) 2426. WS. Lincoln and Son. Lot of three fixed price lists of Greek, Roman and world coins. Includes: A Catalogue of Coins and Medals (June 1868), 40 pages, 759 coins listed; Coins and Medals (1857), 12 pages, 281 coins listed; and one other sale of Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins, untitled and undated. All with paper covers with minor foxing. Very good copies. ($45) 2427. Large lot of miscellaneous auction catalogues. Includes: Swiss Bank Corp. sales 20,21, 23-28,30-34; Frankfurter Munzhandlung GmbH sales 131-136,139,140; Leu sales 57,58, 59; Malter sales 49,51, 52,55,56; NFA sales 30-32; plus 5 miscellaneous sales. Most contain some ancients. All fine copies. ($50) 2428. Lot of fourteen miscellaneous auction catalogues, all containing ancients. Includes sales from Schulman, Christies, Adolph Hess, Giessener Münzhandlung, Credit Suisse and more. All very good or better copies. ($40) 2429. Lot of eleven auction catalogs, most relating to U.S. coins. Indudes: Elder, Sale XIX; Walter S. Scott, October 26 and 27,1908; The Anderson Galleries, The John C. Burton Library Sale, 1915; Glendining's, Sale 2,1957; Harmer Rooke, 5 miscellaneous sales; Schulman, The Kinberg collection, Part 1. Lot also indudes a N e w York Coin & Stamp Co. buy list, The Coin Chart Manual from 1876, and Illustrations of Copper Coins from all Parts of the World, by W. A. Hetcher. All items very good or better. ($65)


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2430. Lot of seven miscellaneous auction catalogues and fixed price lists. Indudes: Numismatic Lanz München, Auktion 24,38 and 46; Asta Ceresio 3; Harmer Rooke, The Curator Sale; and two World Coin Lists issue by Superior Galleries. Lanz sales contain anaents, the remainder world coins. Fine or better copies. ($20)

2441. British N u m i s m a t i c Journal a n d P r o c e e d i n g s of the British Numismatic Society, 1912. (London, 1913). 485 pages with illustrations, large 8vo. 12 articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Original cloth binding, top edge gilt. Front and back hinges broken, cover a little soiled. A very good copy. ($45)

2431. Lot of four auction catalogs. Indudes: M&M Auktion 55 (October 30,1979) / / Glendining & Co. (June 18,1975) / / Bourgey (March 10-12, 1976) / / Spink Coin Auctions No. 39 (December 6,1984). Mostly English and European coins with a few anaents. Very good copies. ($10)

2442. British N u m i s m a t i c Journal and Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1927-28. (London, 1930). 360 pages with illustrations, large 8vo. 10 articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Original cloth binding, top edge gilt. A very good copy. ($45)

2432. Lot of three important auction catalogs. Indudes: Christie's, Highly Important Ancient Coins, The Property of a Lady (London, October 9,1984) / / Christie's, Important A n a e n t Coins, The Property of a Lady (London, October 8,1985) / / Sotheby's, The William Herbert H u n t Collection of Highly Important Byzantine Coins (December 5 and 6,1990). All sales hardbound with dust covers. Three important sales, the first and last with prices realized. ($75)

2443. British N u m i s m a t i c Journal and Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1929-30. (London, 1932). 454 pages with illustrations, large 8vo. 31 articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Original cloth binding, top edge gilt. A very good copy. ($45)


2444. The British Numismatic Journal. I n c l u d i n g T h e Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1970. (London, 1971). 224 pages, 10plates. 20 articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Green cloth with gilt lettering. A fine copy. ($25)

A Complete Set of Numismatic Literature 2433. American Numismatic Soaety. Numismatic Literature. No. 1-131, (New York, October 1947- March 1994). A complete run. Surveys of current numismatic literature and quite useful to the scholar and researcher. Numbers 1 through 41 bound in red case binding, now a little faded (Ex. Libris B.A. Seaby), the remainder with original paper covers. The early issues are hard to find. Early issues nice fine copies, the remaining very fine copies. ($125) 2434. [Bastien, Pierre] Numismatic Essays in Honor of Pierre Bastien for his 75th Birthday. Edited by H. Huvelin, M. Christol and G. Gautier. (Wetteren, 1987). xxxiv, 382 pages, 29 plates. Green doth with gilt lettering. 33 artides on Roman and medieval coins by leading scholars, most in French. A very fine copy. ($145) 2435. Bioesch, H. Antike Kleinkunst in Winterthur. Vasen, Bronzen, Terrakotten un Münzen aus Öffentlichem und Privatem Besitz. (1964). 82 pages, 12 fine plates of antiquities, 12 fine plates of coins. Exhibition catalog for an exhibit held June 12,1964 until October 25,1964 at Stadtbibliothek Winterthur. Paper covers smudged, thumbed. Internally very fine. ($15) 2436. Boardman, John. Archaic Greek Gems: Schools and Artists in the Sixth and Early Fifth Centuries B.C. (Evanston, 1968). 236 pages with 41 plates, one in color. Hardbound with dust cover (tattered). Internally a nice fine copy. Out of print and scarce. ($55) 2437. British N u m i s m a t i c Journal and Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1903-04. (London, 1905). First Series, Volume 1. 500 pages with illustrations, large 8vo. 20 articles mostly about h a m m e r e d English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Original doth binding, top edge gilt. A very good copy. Ex. Libris. ($60) 2438. British N u m i s m a t i c Journal and Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1908. (London, 1909). 523 pages with illustrations, large 8vo. 15 artides mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Original doth binding, top edge gilt. A very good copy. ($55) 2439. British N u m i s m a t i c Journal and Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1910. (London, 1911). 457 pages with illustrations, large 8vo. 9 artides mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Original doth binding, top edge gilt. A very good copy. ($55) 2440. British N u m i s m a t i c Journal and Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1911. (London, 1912). 455 pages with illustrations, large 8vo. 16 artides mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Original doth binding, top edge gilt. A very good copy. ($55)


2445. The British Numismatic Journal. IncludingThe Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1971. (London, 1972). 239 pages, 6 plates. 17 articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Green cloth with gilt lettering. A fine copy. ($25) 2446. British Numismatic Journal. 1974. Special Volume for the seventieth birthday of Christopher Evelyn Blunt. (Oxford, 1974). 160pp., 22 plates. Devoted mostly to Blunt's own article on "The Coinage of Athelstan, King of England 924-939." Hardbound. A nice fine copy. ($25) 2447. The British Numismatic Journal. Including The Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1978. (London, 1980). 159 pages, 3 plates, text illustrations. 18 articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Green cloth with gilt lettering. A fine copy. ($25) 2448. The British Numismatic Journal. Including The Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1979. (London, 1980). 151 pages, 22 plates. 13 articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Green cloth with gilt lettering. A fine copy. ($25) 2449. Buttrey, T.V., Ann Johnston, Kenneth M. MacKenzie and Michael L. Bates. Greek, Roman and Islamic Coins From Sardis. (Harvard University Press, 1981 ). xxix, 274 pages, 10 plates. Purple doth. A fine copy. ($30) 2450. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira. Select Numismatic Bibliography. (New York, 1965, first edition). (14), 406 pp., 8vo. Green casebound. A nice fine copy. ($20) 2451. Doty, Richard. The Macmillan Encyclopedic Dictionary of Numismatics. (New York, 1982). 355 pages, over 650 illustrations, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover, small tear on dust cover, otherwise a very fine copy. ($30) 2452. Durst, Lorraine. United States Numismatic Auction Catalogs: A Bibliography. (New York, 1981). 87pages, 8vo. Hard cover, gilt. A very fine.


2453. [Grierson, Philip]. Studies in Numismatic Method Presented to Philip Grierson. (Cambridge University Press, 1983). xxx, 337pages, illustrated throughout, large 8vo. Blue doth with dust cover. A collection of 23 artides, mostly on medieval coins. Indudes a bibliography of the writings of Philip Grierson. Jacket faded, otherwise a very fine copy. ($75) 2454. Hall, E.T. and D.M. Metcalf [Editors]. Methods of Chemical and Metallurgical Investigation of Ancient Coinage. (London, 1972). Royal Numismatic Soaety Speaal Publication Number 8. viii, 446 pp., 20 plates, charts, tables, text figures. Red doth with dust jacket. A nice fine copy. ($75)

Classical Numismatic 2455. Head, Barday V. and J.N. Svoronos. The Illustrations of Historia Numorum. An Atlas of Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1976 reprint). Edited by Alyce Marie Cresap. 64 pages, 35 plates, 4 tables. Green casebound. Out of print. A nice fine copy. ($15) 2456. Hill, George F. Becker The Counterfeiter. (London, 1955 reprint of London, 1924 original). 2 volumes in 1,81 pages, 19 plates, index. General history of Becker's career, discussion of his techniques, lists of his Greek, Roman, medieval and later counterfeits. A must for every serious numismatist as Becker counterfeits are still being sold as genuine to this day! Hard cover. The preferred reprint. A fine copy. ($65) 2457. Hoberman, Gerald. The Art of Coins And Their Photography. (Spink & Son Ltd and Harry N.Abrams, Inc., London and New York, 1982). 397 pp., 130 full-page color plates with some of the finest coin photography extant, 8vo. Green doth with dust cover. Dust cover a little scuffed, otherwise a very fine copy. ($70) 2458. Another copy as above. Dust cover a little scuffed, otherwise a very fine copy. ($70) 2459. Ingholt, Harald [Editor). Centennial Publication of The American Numismatic Sodety. (New York, 1958). xii, 712 pp., 50plates, thick 4to.The "Festschrift" in honor of the ANS which contains many important artides in the native languages of the authors. Red doth. A nice fine copy. ($50) 2460. [International Numismatic Commission], A Survey of Numismatic Research 1960-1965, 1966-1971, 1972-1977, 1978-1984, 1985-1990. (Copenhagen, 1967 through Brussels, 1991). A complete set of these useful publications detailing research, that in some cases, is still in progress. Eleven volumes in all, all with printed card covers. First three editions are nice fine copies with card catalog numbers taped to the spine, last edition is a new copy and the remaining edition is a very fine copy. ($200) 2461. [International Numismatic Commission], A Survey of Numismatic Research 1966-1971. (New York, 1973). Three volumes, vi, 372 pp.; vi, (2), 373 pp.; vii, (3), 374 pp. Octavo. Matching printed card covers, spines lightly sunned. Fine set. ($45) 2462. [International Numismatic Commission], Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Numismatics, London, September 1986. (IAPN, London 1989). xvi, 677 pages, 68 plates, 8vo. Blue doth, gilt. 106 artides on Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Medieval, and Modem numismatics, over half in English. Water stain on front cover, internally very fine. ($50) 2463. Keary, C.F. The Morphology of Coins. (Chicago, 1970 reprint of London 1886 original). 89 pages, 6 plates. Hardbound. A fine copy. ($15) 2464. MacDonald, George. The Evolution of Coinage. (Chicago, 1980 reprint of Cambridge, 1916 original). 148 pages, 8 plate, large 12mo. Hardbound. A very fine copy. ($15) 2465. Mayer, L.A. A Bibliography of Jewish Numismatics (Jerusalem, 1966). 77 pages, 8vo. Tan doth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($10) 2466. [Mildenberg, Leo], Studies in Honor of Leo Mildenberg. (Wetteren, 1984). xviii, 297 pages, 43 plates. Green doth, gilt lettering. A collection of 25 artides (15 in English) on Greek coins and history. A very fine copy. ($125) 2467. Miller, Michael F. Classical Greek and Roman Coins. The Investor's Handbook. (Hamden, CT, 1982). 221 pp., glossary, 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. OP. ($10) 2468. Minerva. January 1990 - September/October 1992, complete. 21 issues bound in blue leatherette cordex binders. An entertaining and scholarly publication that covers the world of ancient art and archaeology. All very fine copies. ($65) 2469. Oliver, Andrew J. and Sidney M. Bergman. Andent Glass in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh. (Pittsburgh, 1981). 153 pages, 274 pieces of glass catalogued and illustrated, 16 color plates. Black doth with gilt lettering. Out of print. A new copy. ($35)

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2470. Porteous, John. Coins in Histoiy. (New York, 1969). 256 pages, 32 color illustrations, 300 black and white illustrations. General survey of the history of coins. Orange cloth, a little dusty. Fine copy. (320) 2471. Rawlings, G.B. Ancient, Medieval, M o d e m Coins and How to Know Them. (Chicago, 1966). 360 pp., 36 plates. Red casebound with dust jacket. Dust jacket a little worn. A fine copy. ($15) 2472. SAN. Journal for the Society for Ancient Numismatics. Vol. I, No. 1 through Vol. XVIII, No 4. (California, 1969-1989). A near complete run of 61 issues missing only issues VI, 2-3 and thelast 7 issues. All with original paper covers. An important journal featuring many fine articles by some of the leading collectors. A tough set to find complete. All in very fine condition. ($100) 2473. SAN. Journal for the Society for Ancient Numismatics. Lot of 29 issues including. Vol. X, 1-4; Vol. XI, 14; Vol. XII, 14; Vol. XIII, 14; Vol. XIV, 14; Vol. XV, 14; Vol. XVI, 14; and Vol. XVII, 1. An important journal featuring many fine articles by some of the leading collectors. Nice fine copies. ($30) 2474. Smith, Kenneth E. Catalogue of World Transportation Tokens and Passes, Except North America. (Redonda Beach, CA., 1967 first edition). xviii, 268, (33) pages, illustrated throughout. A fine copy. ($15) 2475. Teissier, Beatrice. Ancicnt Near Eastern Cylinder Seals from the Marcopoli Collection. (The University of California Press, 1984). xxviii, 407 pages, illustrated throughout, 4to. A catalog of a collection of 719 seals, each illustra ted. A very fine copy. ($50) 2476. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. 23 Volumes; 1966 to 1988. Around a dozen artides in each volume, mostly on anaents, some on English and foreign. 200 to 500 pages and 6 to 47 plates per volume. All with red case covers. Early issues fine, later issues very fine to as new. A good, long run of this most important journal. ($350) 2477. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Sodety. 6 Volumes; 1966,1967,1973,1974,1975, and 1984. Around a dozen articles in each volume, mostly on ancients. 300 to 500 pages and 25 to 45 plates per volume. Hardbound. All are out of print. All are fine copies.


2478. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. Volume 138. (London, 1978). 217, xxxvi pages, 36 plates, 8vo. 23 artides and notes induding King's "The V\bodeaton hoard and the problem of Constantinian imitations, AD 330-341." Red casebound. A fine copy. ($20) 2479. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. Volume 139. (London, 1979). 282, xxxii pages, 34 plates, 8vo. 26 articles and notes including Sullivan's "King Marcus Antonius Polemo," and Yonge's "The So-called Interregnum Coinage." Red casebound. Afinecopy. ($20) 2480.

Another copy as above. A very good copy.


2481. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Sodety. Volume 144. (London, 1984). 264, xxviii pages, 43 plates, 8vo. 20 artides and notes induding Levante's "Coinage of Adana in Ciliaa," and W&rren's 'The Autonomous Bronze Coinage of Sicyon (Part 2)." Red casebound. A very fine copy. ($30) 2482. The Numismatist. Andent and Medieval Coins: Selections from The Numismatist. (Racine, 1960). 318 pages, photos and illustrations throughout text. This is a reprint volume of 48 articles from The Numismatist induding many definitive works such as Col. James W. Curtis' "Coinage of Domitius Domitianus." Blue casebound. A fine copy. ($20) 2483. Welter, Gerhard. The Cleaning and Preservation of Coins and Medals. (New York, 1976 reprint of Hannover, 1965 original), ix, 118 pages, small 8vo. Brown leatherette, gilt. Very fine copy. ($15)

2 2 7

Classical Numismatic 2464. Large lot of 22 titles relating to Creek and Roman Coins. Includes: Ancient Greek and Roman Coins, by Hill / / Ancient Coins Illustrating Masterpieces of Greek Art, by Gardner / / Greek Coin Types and Their Identification, by Plant / / Illustrations of the Historia N u m o r u m , by Svoronos a n d H e a d / / The Coinage of Roman Britain, by Askew; //Römische Kaisermünzen, by Hirmer / / Monnaies Grecques Archaïques, by Cahn / / miscellaneous old Seaby books and more. All books very good or better. ($100) 2485. Lot of twelve titles relating to ancient numismatics. Includes: Carson, Hill and Kent, Late Roman Bronze Coinage / / ; Mack, The Coinage of Ancient Britain / / Davis and Kraay, The Hellenistic Kingdoms / / Rutter, Greek Coinage / / Klawans, An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins / / Klawans, Reading a n d Dating Roman Imperial Coins / / Seaby, Greek Coins a n d Their Values (1975) / / Miller, Classical Greek a n d Roman Coins, An Investor's Handbook / / Priœ, Coins of the Macedonians / / Price, Coins and the Bible / / Newell, Royal Greek Portrait Coins / / a n d Hartmann and MacDonald, Greek Numismatic Epigraphy. All very good to fine copies. ($50) 2486. Lot of six titles on ancient and world coins. Includes: Andrew, Coins a n d Investment, A C o n s u m e r ' s G u i d e / / Ladd, The Illustrated Grading Guide to Ancient Numismatics / / The Numismatist, Selections from the Numismatist, Ancient and Medieval Coins/ / Porteous, Coins in History / / Rawlmg's Ancient, Medieval, Modem Coins and H o w to Know Them / / Reinfeld, Treasury of the World's Coins. Lot also includes six pamphlets relating to Biblical numismatics. All titles fine to very fine. ($75) 2487. Lot of four titles relating to U.S. numismatics. Includes: Kleeberg [Editor], Money of Pre-Federal America / / Metcalf [Editor], America's Gold Coinage / / Yeoman, A Guide Book of United States Coins (Red Book), 25th edition / / and Yeoman, A Guide Book of United States Coins (Red Book), 46th edition. All fine or better copies. ($30) HISTORY TITLES 2488. Crawford, Michael. The Roman Republic. (Harvard University Press, 1982). 224 pages, 8 plates, 5 maps. Card covers. A very fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($7.50) 2489. Grant, Michael. Atlas of Ancient History, 1700 BC to 565 AD. (USA, 1985 edition of 1971 original). Cartography by Arthur Banks. 87 different maps, index of place names, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. As new. ($20)

2490. Hallam, Elizabeth [Editor]. Chronicles of the Crusades. (New York, 1989). 400pages, fully illustrated in color throughout. Blue casebound with glossy dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30) 2491. Livy. The History of Early Rome. (Easton Press, 1978). Translated by Aubrey de Sélincourt xvi, (2), 499 pages, illustrated. Brown leather, edges gilt, gilt lettering. Shallow scrape on back cover, else a very fine copy. ($15) 2492. Marchetti, Patrick. Histoire E c o n o m i q u e et Monétaire de la Deuxième Guerre Punique. (Brusells, 1975). 547 pages, 25 plates of coins, fold-out table. Card covers. A fine copy. ($20) 2493. Myers, Bernard S. Art a n d Civilization. (New York, 1967). 423 pages, well illustrated throughout, large 8vo. Hardbound. Water stained throughout at top of spine. A good copy. ($10) 2494. Roseveare, Henry. T h e Treasury, The Evolution of a British Institution. (Columbia University Press, New York, 1969). 406 pp., index, narrow 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover (torn). Fine copy. ($15) 2495. Time/Life Books. Lot of two titles relating to ancient history. Includes: Classical Greece (1973 reprint); and Imperial Rome (1967 revised edition). Each is hardbound and fully illustrated. Very fine copies. ($20) 2496. Wal bank, F.W. The Hellenistic World. (Harvard University Press, 1982). 284 pages, 8 plates, 4 maps. Card covers. A very fine copy. Ex. Libris. ($7.50)


Group, Inc.

GREEK BIBLIOGRAPHY ACNAC AJC AJN Alram AMNG AMUGS Anokhin ANS NNM Ashton Asyut Allan Babelon, Traité Babelon, Perses Baldwin, Chios Basel Bedoukian BMC Bodenstedt Boehringer Bopearachchi Boston Boston(C) Burgos Bumelt Cahn-Knidos Cahn-Naxos Calciati Calico Carridice CCCBM De la Tour Dewing Gaebler Gobi Gorini Gulbenkian Gutman Head Heiss Hendin Herzfelder Houghton Hunterian Jameson Jenkins Jenkins & Lewis Jenkins, SNR Johnston Kleiner-Noe Le Rider, Crete Le Rider, Philip Lind.-Kovacs Lindgren Π Lindgren ΠΙ MACW May, Damastion Mazard McClean MIG

Ancient Coins in North American Collections. American Numismatic Society. New York. Y. Meshorer. Ancient Jewish Coinage. 2 Vols. New York. 1982. American Journal of Numismatics. American Numismatic Society. New York. M. Alram. Nomina Propria Iranica in Nvmmis. IPNB Vol. 4. Vienna. 1986. Antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands. Berlin. 1898-1935. Antike Münzen und Geschnittene Steine. V.A. Anokhin. Monetoe delo Bospora. Kiev. 1986. American Numismatic Society Numismatic Notes and Monographs. New York. R. Ashton. , Rhodian Coinage and the Colossus", in RN 1988, pp.75-90. M. Price & Ν. Waggoner. Archaic Greek Silver Coinage: The Asyut Hoard. London. 1975. S. Allan. Sidenin Milattan önce V ve IV Yüzyil Sikkeleri Üzerinde Arastirmalar. (Side). Ankara. 1967. Ε. Babelon. Traité des Monnaies Grecques et Romaines. 9 Vols. Paris. 1901-1932. (Reprinted) E. Babelon. Les Perses Achéménides. Paris. 1893. A. Baldwin. The Electrum and Silver Coinage of Chios. New York. 1915. H.A. Cahn et al. Griechischen Münzen aus Grossgriechenland und Szilien. Basel. 1988. P.Z. Bedoukian. Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia. London. 1978. Various authors. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum. 29 Vols. London. 1873-1927. (Reprinted) F. Bodenstedt. Die Elektronmünzen von Phokaia und Mytilene. Tübingen. 1981. E. Boehringer. Die Münzen von Syrakus. Berlin and Leipzig. 1929. O. Bopearachchi. Monnaies Gréco-Bactriennes et Indo-Grecques. Paris. 1991. A. B. Breu. Catalogue of Greek Coins, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Boston. 1955. M. Comstock. Greek Coins 1950-1963, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Boston. 1964. A. Burgos. La Moneda Hispanica desde sus Origenes Hasta el Siglo V. Vol.1. Madrid. 1987. A. Burnett. The Enna Hoard and the Silver Coinage of the Syracusan Democracy, in SNR 62, pp. 5-26. H.A. Cahn. Knidos-Die Münzen des Sechsten und des Fünften Jahrhunderts v. Chr. AMUGS IV. Berlin. 1970. H.A. Cahn. The Coins of the Sicilian City of Naxos. Basel. 1940. (Reprinted) R. Calciati. Corpus Nummorum Siculorum: La Monetazione di Bronzo. 3 Vols. Italy. 1983-87. X. and F. Calico. Catâlogo de Monedas Antiguas de Hispania. Barcelona. 1979. I. Carridice. Coinage and Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires. BAR 343. Oxford. 1987. D. Allen. Catalogue of Celtic Coins in the British Museum. 2 Vols. London. 1987-1990. II. De la Tour. Atlas de Monnaies Gauloises. Paris. 1892. (Reprinted) L. Mildenberg and S. Hirter. The Dewing Collection of Greek Coins. ACNAC 6. N.Y. 1985. H. Gaebler. Die Antiken Münzen von Makedonia und Paionia. AMNG LU. Berlin. 1906, 1935. R. Gobi. Sasanian Numismatics. Braunschweig. 1971. G. Gorini. La Monetazione Incusa della Magna Grecia. Milan. 1975. E.S.G. Robinson and M.C. Hipôlilo. A Catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection of Greek Coins. 2 Parts. Lisbon. 1971,1990. F. Gutman and W Schwabacher. Tetradrachmen und Didrachmen von Himera (472-409 ν Chr)., in MBNG 47, pp.101-144. Munich. 1929. B.V. Head. On the Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Ephesus. London. 1880. (Reprinted) A. Heiss. Description Générale des Monnaies Antiques de l'Espagne. Paris. 1870. (Reprinted) D. Hendin. Guide to Biblical Coins. New York. 1987. H. Herzfelder. Les Monnaies d'Argent de Rhegium. Paris. 1957. A. Houghton. Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the Collection of Arthur Houghton. ACNAC 4. New York. 1983. G. MacDonald. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. 3 Vols. Glasgow. 1899-1905. (Reprinted) R. Jameson. Monnaies Greques Antiques. 4 Vols. Paris. 1913-32. (Reprinted) G.K. Jenkins. The Coinage of Gela. Berlin. 1970. G.K. Jenkins and R.B. Lewis. Carthaginian Gold and Electrum Coins. London. 1963. G.K. Jenkins. Coins of Punic Sicily, in Swiss Numismatic Review. Bern. 1971-1978. A. lohnston. The Coinage of Metapontum, Part 3. ANSNNM 164. New York. 1990. F.S. Kleiner and S.P. Noe. The Early Cistaphoric Coinage. Numismatic Studies 14. N.Y. 1977. G. Le Rider. Monnaies Crétoises du V au I Siècle av J.C. Paris. 1966. G. Le Rider. Le Monnayage d'Argent et d'Or de Philippe II. Paris. 1977. H. Lindgren & F. Kovacs. Ancient Bronze Coinage of Asia Minor and the Levant. San Mateo. 1985. H. Lindgren. Ancient Greek Bronze Coins: European Mints. San Maleo. 1989. Η. Lindgren. Ancient Greek Bronze Coins. Quanyville. 1993. M. Mitchiner. Oriental Coins and Their Values: The Ancient and Classical World. London. 1978. J.M.F. May. The Coinage of Damastion. London. 1939. J. Mazard. Corpus Nummorum Numidiae Mauretaniaeque. Paris. 1955-58. S. Grose. Catalogue of the McClean Collection, Fitzwilliam Museum. 3 Vols. Cambridge. 1923-29. (Reprinted) M. Mitchiner. Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian Coinage. 9 Vols. London. 1975-76.

1 1 5

Mildenberg Mionnet Müller Newell Newel], ESM Newell, WSM Newell Newell, LSM Newell, SMA Noe NNM NumChron NumCirc Paruck Pegasi Pick Pozzi Price Ravel RIN RN Rosen Rosenberger Scheers Sellwood SWW Seltman SG Shore SNG Ash SNG ANS SNG BMC SNG Berry SNG Cop SNG Delepierre SNG Fitz SNG Levante SNG Lev Supp. SNG Lloyd SNG Lockett SNG München SNG Paris SNG v. Aulock SNR Strack Svoronos Svoronos Svoronos Thompson Thompson Tudeer Villaronga Vlasto Von Fritze Waddington Weber Westermark Williams Williams

L. Mildenberg. The Coinage of the Bar Kokhba W a r . Typos VI. Aarau. 1984. T. Mionnet. Description des Médailles Antiques, Grecques et Romaines. 7+9 Vols. Paris. 1806-1837. (Reprinted) L. Müller. Numismatique d'Alexandre le Grand; Appendice les Monnaies de Philippe II et III, et Lysimaque. Copenhagen. 1855-58. (Reprinted in English) E.T. Newell. The Coinage of Demetrius Poliorcetes. London. 1927. (Reprinted) E. Newell & O. M0rkholm. The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III. New York. 1978. E. Newell & O. Merkholm. The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III. New York. 1977. E. Newell. Seleucid Coins of Tyre: A Supplement. NNM 73. New York. 1936. E. Newell. Late Seleucid Mints in Ake-Ptolemais and Damascus. NNM 84. New York. 1939. E. Newell. The Seleucid Mint of Antioch. New York. 1917. S. Noe. The Coinage of Metapontum. New York. 1927-31. (Reprinted) Numismatic Notes and Monographs. American Numismatic Society. New York. Numismatic Chronicle. Royal Numismatic Society. London. 1838-. Spink's Numismatic Circular. London. 1892-. F.D.A. Paruck. Sasanian Coins. New Dehli. 1976. R. Calciaü. Pegasi. Mortara. 1990. B. Pick & K. Regling. Die Antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien. AMNG Vol. 2. Berlin. 1912. S. Pozzi. Catalogue Monnaies Grecques Antiques. Geneva. 1921. (Reprinted) M.J. Price. The Coinage in the Name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus. London. 1991. O. Ravel. Les "Poulains" de Corinthe. 2 Vols. Basel. 1936-48. (Reprinted) Revista Italiana de Numismatica e Scienze Affini. Milan. 1888-. Revue Numismatique. Paris. 1836-. N. Waggoner. Early Greek Coins from the Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. ACNAC 5. New York. 1983. M. Rosenberger. The Rosenberger Israel Collection. 4 Vols. Jerusalem. 1972-1978. S. Scheers. La Gaule Belgique: Numismatique Celtique. Louvian. 1983. D. Sellwood. An Introduction to the Coinage of Parthia. 2nd edition. London. 1980. D. Sellwood, P. Whitting, R. Wilhams. An Introduction to Sasanian Coins. London. 1985. C.T. Seltman. The Temple Coins of Olympia. Cambridge. 1921. (Reprinted) D. Sear. Greek Coins and Their Values. Vol. 1 Europe. Vol. 2 Asia & Africa. London.1978-79. F. Shore. Parthian Coins and History-Ten Dragons Against Rome. Quarryville. 1993. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. London. 1962-69. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, American Numismatic Society. New York. 1969-. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, British Museum. Volume IX, Part 1: The Black Sea. London. 1993. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, The Burton Y. Berry Collection. New York. 1961-62. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Danish National Museum. Copenhagen. 1942-. (Reprinted) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Bibliothèque National. Paris. 1983. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. London. 1940-58. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Switzerland; E Levante- Cilicia. Bern. 1986. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Switzerland; E Levante- Cilicia.: Supplement I. Zurich. 1993. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Lloyd Collection. London. 1933-37. Sylloge Nummorum Greacorum, Lockett Collection. London. 1938-49. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Staatlische Münzsammlung. Munich. 1968-. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France 2: Cilicie. Paris. 1993. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Sammlung Hans Von Aulock. Berlin. 1957-68. (Reprinted) Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau. (Swiss Numismatic Review). M.L. Strack and F. Münzer. Die Antiken Münzen von Thrakien. AMNG Π. Berlin. 1912. J. Svoronos. Les Monnaies d'Athenes. Munich. 1923-26. (Reprinted in English) J. Svoronos. Numismatique de la Crète Ancienne. Paris. 1890. (Reprinted) J. Svoronos. Ta Nomismata tou Kratous ton Ptolcmaion. Athens. 1904-08. M. Thompson. The Mints of Lysimachus, in Essays Robinson, pp. 163-182. Oxford. 1968. M. Thompson. The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens. New York. 1961. L.O. Tudeer. Die Tetradrachmenprägung von Syrakus in der Periode der Signierenden Künstler. Berîin. 1913. L. Villaronga. Nummum Hispaniae ante Augusti Aetatem. Madrid. 1994. O. Ravel. The Collection of Tarentine Coins Formed by M.P. Vlasto. London. 1947. H. Von Fritze. Die Elektronprägung von Kyzikus, in Nosmisma VII. 1912. W. Waddington,W. Babelon & T. Reinach. Recueil Général des Monnaies Grecques d'Asie Minuere. Paris. 1904-25. L. Forrer. The Weber Collection of Greek Coins. 3 Vols. London. 1922-29. (Reprinted) U. Westermark. Das Bildnis des Philetairos von Pergamon. Stockholm. 1960. R.T. Williams. Silver Coinage of the Phokians. London. 1972. R.T. Williams. Silver Coinage of Velia. London. 1992.

ROMAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Alföldi A.& Ε. Alföldi, C. Clay. Die Kontorniat Medallions. AMUGS VI. Berlin. 1976.

1 1 5

Banli BMCRE CNR Cohen Crawford DOCLR Giard, BN Haeberlin Hunier Klawans Kraay Lacam Lawrence LRBC RIC RSC S Sydenham T/V (Aburia etc.)

A. Banti. I Grandi Bronzi Imperiali. 9 Vols. Florence. 1983-1986. H. Mattingly et al. Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum. London. 1932-62. A. Band & L. Simonetti. Corpus Nummorum Romanorum. 18 Vols. Firenze. 1972-1979. H. Cohen. Description Historique des Monnaies Frappées sous l'Empire Romain. 8 Vols. Paris. 1880-92. (Reprinted) M. Crawford. Roman Republican Coinage. 2 Vols. Cambridge. 1974. P. Grierson and M. Mays. Catalogue of Late Roman Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection. Washngton D.C. 1992. J. Giard. Bibliothèque Nationale, Catalogue des Monnaies de l/Empire Romain. Paris. 1976-. E.J. Haeberlin. Aes Grave; Das Schwergeld Rom und Mittclitaliens. Frankfort. 1910. (Reprinted) A. Robinson. Roman Imperial Coins in the Hunter Coin Cabinet, University of Glasgow. 5 Vols. Oxford. 1962-82. Z. Klawans. Imitations and Inventions of Roman Coins. Santa Monica. 1977. C.M. Kraay. The Aes Coinage of Galba. ANS NNM 133. New York. 1956. G. Lacam. La Fin de L'Empire Romain et le Monnayage Or en Italie. Lucem. 1983. R.H. Lawrence. Medals by Giovanni Cavino, the " P a d u a n " . New York. 1883. (Reprinted) R.A.G. Carson, P.V. Hill & J.P.C. Kent. Late Roman Bronze Coinage. London. 1978. H. Mattingly et al. The Roman Imperial Coinage. 9 Vols. London. 1923-84. D. Sear et al. Roman Silver Coins. 5 Vols. London. 1978-87. D. Sear. Roman Coins and Their Values. London. 1988. E. Sydenham. The Coinage of the Roman Republic. London. 1952. (Reprinted) B. Thurlow & I. Vecchi. Italian Cast Coinage. Dorchester. 1979. D. Sear et al. Roman Silver Coins. Vol. 1 (Roman Republic). London. 1978.

ROMAN PROVINCIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (See also Greek) Bellinger A. Bellinger. The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus. New York. 1940. Curtis Col. J. Curtis. The Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt. Chicago. 1957. (Reprinted) Datlari G. Dattari. Numi Augg. Alexandrini. Cairo. 1901. (Reprinted) Demetrio F. Feuerdant. Collections Giovanni di Demetrio, Numismatique, Egypte Ancienne. Paris. 1872. Howgego C.J. Howgego. Greek Imperial Countermarks. London. 1985. Kadman L. Kadman. The Coins of Caesarea Maritima. Corpus Nummorum Palaestinensium Vol 2. Jerusalem. 1957. Kindler A. Kindler. The Coinage of Bostra. Warminster. 1983. Köln Α. Geissen. Katalog Alexandrinischer Kaisermünzen, Köln. 5 Vols. Cologne. 1974-83. Meshorer Y. Meshorer. City-Coins of Eretz Israel and the Decapolis in the Roman Period. Jerusalem. 1985. Milne J.G. Milne. Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford. 1927. (Reprinted) RPC A. Burnett, M. Amandry & P. Ripollès. Roman Provincial Coinage. Vol. 1. London and Paris. 1992. SGI D. Sear. Greek Imperial Coins and Their Values. London. 1982. Spijketman A. Spijkerman. The Coins of the Decapolis and Provincia Arabia. Jerusalem. 1978. Sydenham E. Sydenham. The Coinage of Caesarea in Cappadocia. London. 1933. (Reprinted and revised) Vogt J. Vogt. Die Alexandrinischen Münzen. 2 Vols. Stuttgart. 1924. Wruck W. Wruck. Die Syrische Provinzialpragung von Augustus bisTraian. Stuttgart. 1931. BYZANTINE BIBLIOGRAPHY Bendall S. Bendall. A Private Collection of Palaeologan Coins. Wolverhampton. 1988. BN C. Morrisson. Catalogue des Monnaies Byzantines de la Bibliothèque Nationale. 2 Vols. Paris. 1970. Boutin S. Boutin. Collection N.K. (Nadia Kapamadji)-Monnaies des Empires de Byzance. 2 Vols. Maastricht. 1983. DOC A. Bellinger & P. Grierson. Catalogue of Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and the Whittemore Collection. 3 Vols. Washington D.C. 1966-73. Grierson P. Grierson. Byzantine Coins. Berkeley. 1982. Hendy M. Hendy. Coinage and Money in the Byzantine Empire 1081-1261. Washington D.C. 1969. Hendy, Studies M. Hendy. Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy cJOO-1450. Cambridge. 1985. MIB W. Hahn. Moneta Imperii Byzantini. 3 Vols. Vienna. 1973-81. SB D. Sear et al. Byzantine Coins and Their Values. 2nd edition. London. 1987. Wroth(BMC) W. Wroth. Catalogue of the Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum. London. 1908. (Reprinted) Wrolh(BMCV) W. Wroth. Catalogue of the Coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards and of the Empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and Trebizond in the British Museum. London. 1911.(Reprinted as Western and Provincial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum) Zacos G. Zacos & A. Veglery. Byzantine Lead Seals. 2 Vols in 6 Parts. Basel & Bern. 1972-1984. MEDIEVAL AND MODERN; COINS AND MEDALS BIBLIOGRAPHY Album S. Album. A Checklist of Popular Islamic Coins. Santa Rosa. 1993. Bedoukian P.Z. Bedoukian. Coinage of Cilician Armenia. ANSNNM 147. N.Y. 1962. Beierlein J. Beierlein. Die Bayerischen Muunzen des Hauses Wittelsbach. Munich. 1868. (Rperinted) Bemardi G. Bemardi. Monetazione del Patriarcale di Aquileia. Trieste. 1975. Boudeau E. Boudeau. Monnaies Françaises Provinciales. Revised ed. Maastricht. 1970. C&C J.R. Cayon and C. Castan. Las Moncdas Espanolas. Madrid. 1983.


CCS Ciani CNI Craig Davenport De May Duplessy Edhem Frey Friedberg Gamberini Gobi, Kushan Gum. Gum. Hebr. Hauberg Hazard Heiss Hill KM MEC Metealf C Metealf SE M&G Michäilovilch MNW Munro-Hay Muntoni MWI Papadopoli Pannuti Paolucci Pizzi-Lopez Pd'A Réthy Rossi Rostovisew Sambon Saurma Scarfea Schlumberger Spahr S£> Tomasini Vaz Walker Walker Weiller

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