Your Weekly Resource To What’s Happening In The Pocono Region!
March 13, 2019
NORTH POCONO GETS BLEEDING CONTROL KITS School distirct is among many area organizations that have received life-saving kits. More on page 2
Art Exhibit Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center will present an exhibit featuring watercolor and acrylic paintings inspired by the natural beauty of the Poconos. Page 6
What’s happening See what’s happening with a comprehensive events calendar. Page 2 Around town Keep up with the latest happenings in our area. Page 4
Blight effects Napa wine output Cabernet savignon a survivor. Page 9
Essay Contest Winner Destiny Schemitz, a Honesdale High School senior, wrote about her grandparents to win the Honesdale Rotary’s annual student essay contest. Page 3
THU 50 44
The Monroe County Historical Association will offer a bus trip fundraiser to Winterthur Museum and Gardens in Wilmington, Delaware on Tuesday, May 7. The bus trip includes general admission to the museum with a tram tour of the gardens, entrance to the “Costuming the Crown” special exhibition with a presentation by the Winterthur curator, lunch in the Garden Café, and chartered bus transportation. Winterthur’s special exhibit, “Costuming ‘The Crown’” will feature 40 costumes from the award-winning Netflix series “The Crown,” a dramatized history of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. The cost of the bus trip is $90 for Monroe
County Historical Association members and $95 for non-members. The chartered bus will depart from BJ’s Wholesale Club on Route 611 in Stroudsburg at 7 a.m. and will return by approximately 7:30 p.m. An additional bus pick-up will be offered at the Lower Nazareth Target parking lot, Route 248 in Wilson with a morning pick-up at 7:45 a.m. and an evening drop-off at approximately 6:45 p.m. Reservations with payment must be made by Friday, April 26, on a first-come-firstserved basis as space is limited. Tickets are non-refundable. For additional information, or to make a reservation, call 570-421-7703 or e-mail at Visit for additional details.
Puzzle fun Tease your brain with a crossword. Page 9
FRI 54 31 Rain
SAT 36 21
Partly cloudy
Historical society plans Winterthur bus trip
SUN 37 23
Mostly sunny
“Costuming ‘The Crown’” will feature 40 costumes from the Emmy award-winning Netflix series “The Crown.”
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We still accept items by fax or in the mail, but e-mail is our preference. Include a phone number in case we have a question about your item. We won’t publish it if you tell us not to. If there’s no charge for admission to your event, say so. If there’s a cost or an admission price, include it. If you send a photo, give the full names of the people who appear in it, from left to right.
Around Town
North Pocono among those receiving bleed control kits from Geisinger Since January 2017, Geisinger trauma services has trained more than 10,000 people through the national Stop the Bleed program. Now, Geisinger is providing more than 2,300 bleeding control kits, including 1,073 kits to locations in Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike, Monroe, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties, to further arm first responders and residents in the battle against blood loss. Containing plastic gloves, gauze, tourniquets and easy-to-follow instructions, the bleeding control kits are designed to be used by anyone to help control bleeding during a traumatic incident. According to the National Trauma Institute, 35 percent of fatalities occur due to blood loss before victims arrive at a hospital. Local schools, churches and public locations will receive wall-mounted bleeding control stations, containing eight bleeding control kits each. Individual kits are being provided to emergency responders, Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops and community groups. “Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death in someone who is injured,” said Dr. Brian Frank, Geisinger Community Medical Center trauma surgeon and co-chair of Geisinger’s Stop the Bleed program. “A person can bleed to death from an arterial bleed in 3 to 5 minutes. Being able to control or stop blood loss greatly increases
a victim’s survival chances.” The kits supplement the nationwide Stop the Bleed training program. Launched as a collaboration between the Department of Homeland Security, the White House and other agencies, Stop the Bleed trains ordinary citizens — and potential bystanders — how to help during a severe-bleeding incident before medical and emergency professionals arrive on scene. Geisinger Trauma Services has trained 10,031 people through the program. Many organizations receiving kits have undergone training from Geisinger Trauma Services. In total, Geisinger is providing 2,387 kits (277 bleeding control stations and 171 individual kits) to organizations throughout central and northeastern Pennsylvania. There are also 166 individual tourniquets being distributed to local law enforcement agencies. “No one expects to be involved in a traumatic incident,” said Dr. Denise Torres, trauma services director for Geisinger. “Trauma from vehicle crashes, industrial accidents and deep cuts or wounds at home are far more common than trauma from violent acts. Being able to recognize traumatic bleeding and controlling or slowing blood loss until emergency crews arrive is critical.” Geisinger trauma services offers free Stop the Bleed classes to organizations throughout the year. Geisinger’s Stop the Bleed pro-
gram is a joint effort of Geisinger emergency medicine, trauma services, trauma outreach, Life Flight and Geisinger EMS. To learn more about Stop the Bleed, contact Geisinger at stopthebleed@geisinger. edu. Organizations receiving bleeding control station and individual kits in northeastern Pennsylvania include: North Pocono Area School District: five bleeding control stations (40 kits); Pike County sheriff ’s office: one bleeding control station (eight kits); Pike County training center: one bleeding control station (eight kits); Pocono Mountain School District: eight bleeding control stations (64 kits); Stroudsburg Area School District: seven bleeding control stations (56 kits); Honesdale Boy Scouts: one individual kit; and Pleasant Mount EMS: two individual kits.
On the front page, from left: Geisinger Community Medical Center trauma medical director Dr. John Mitchell, North Pocono superintendent Bryan McGraw; North Pocono science teacher Lindsay Croom; North Pocono assistant superintendent Dan Powell; North Pocono certified school nurse Lynn Heard; Geisinger Community Medical Center Trauma outreach coordinator Kathryn Bommer; and North Pocono High School principal Ron Collins.
WHAT’S HAPPENING To have your school, church or nonprofit social event in “What’s Happening,” email: Exact dates must be listed. NO EVENTS WILL BE TAKEN BY PHONE. EVENTS ARE PRINTED ON A SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS. Deadline — noon on Friday for the next Wednesday publication. No faxes or hand-written submissions will be accepted. MARCH 13 The Monroe County Garden Club will meet on Wednesday, March 13, at 11:30 a.m. at Kettle Creek Environmental Center, 8050 Running Valley Road in Stroudsburg. The program will be “Invasive Plants and Weeds,” presented by Sherry Acevedo. The
MARCH 13, 2019
horticulture theme is open, horticulturist choice; the design theme will be “an elegant country wedding.” Meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch, followed by program. Everyone interested in gardening is welcome to attend. Admission is $5 for nonmembers (applied to your membership). Luncheon included. For more information, call 570-350-8069 or email Visit and join on Facebook. MARCH 15 Church Women United of Monroe County invites everyone to its business meeting
on Friday, March 15, 1:30 p.m., at the Hughes Library, 1002 N. Ninth St. in Stroudsburg in their community room on the first floor. (In case of inclement weather and schools are closed, no meeting.) For more information, call 570-629-0649. MARCH 16 Join naturalist Patti O’Keefe for an early spring walk at Bluestone Preserve, at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 16, in Paradise Township. Register for directions. COST: Free; registration is required. Call 570839-1120 or 570-629-2727; email Please see Happenings, Page 11
Around Town
Honesdale youth wins essay contest
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FREE ESTIMATES From left: Dolores Leopardi, Honesdale Rotary president; Heidi Goyette, Rotary liaison to Honesdale High School’s Interact Club; Destiny Schemitz and Miranda Fritz. Destiny Schemitz, a Honesdale High S c h o o l s e n i o r, w r o t e a b o u t h e r grandparents to win the Honesdale Rotary’s annual student essay contest. The theme this year was “Be the Inspiration” and content could focus on who inspired the writer, how the writer inspires others or how they might inspire others in the future. “When my grandmother was barely a few years older than I am right now, she made the life changing decision to immigrate to the United States from Austria with her husband and her young daughter…” Destiny wrote about the trials her grandmother endured in a new country without knowing a word of English. “I am able to find inspiration in the path that my grandparents took,” Destiny penned. “When I need strength to continue on, I recall the trials that my relatives endured and I remind myself
that I can overcome any obstacle in my way.” Two other students participated in the contest: senior Mackenzie Meagher, who as the oldest of five girls, was a role model to her sisters: “…my treatment of others has influenced how my sisters treat other people I try to see the good in everyone and make sure to focus on people’s positive characteristics.” Junior Miranda Fritz wrote about her friend Tim who “makes a genuine effort to be supportive of all his friends and easily recognizes when someone may need encouraging words or even a simple smile.” All the essays were required to be original, under 600 words, grammatically sound and inspiring. The winner was awarded $250 and entered in the Rotary District 7410 contest to be eligible for a $1,000 award.
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MARCH 13, 2019
Community News Group (CNG) 149 Penn Avenue Scranton, PA 18503 Phone: (570) 421-4800 Fax: (570) 421-4255 Editorial e-mail: Advertising e-mail: Published every Wednesday Christopher Cornell.................................. Editor Elizabeth Baumeister .....CNG Managing Editor Alice Manley..................... CNG Sales Manager Stacy Stewart-Keeler ....... Marketing consultant Deadline for display advertising is noon on Thursday prior to Wednesday publication. The publisher reserves the right to restrict or prohibit advertisement or news copy for any reason.
For more than 30 years, Times-Shamrock has owned and operated The Pocono Shopper. Today, The Pocono Times provides a unique advertising vehicle to reach all of Monroe County within a two-week advertising cycle. Total Combined Distribution (unduplicated): two-week cycle, more than 30,000 WEEK 1 DISTRIBUTION Zone 1 — 5,000 direct mail; 5,000 drop point; 10,000 total Select areas: East Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Bushkill Zone 2 — 5,000 direct mail; 5,000 drop point; 10,000 total Select areas: Effort, Brodheadsville, Kresgville, Kunkletown, Saylorsburg, Tannersville, Tobyhanna, Scotrun Week 1 total = 20,000 WEEK 2 DISTRIBUTION Zone 1 — 5,000 direct mail; 5,000 drop point; 10,000 total Select areas: East Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Bushkill Zone 2 — 5,000 direct mail; 5,000 drop point; 10,000 total Select areas: Effort, Henryville, Kunkletown, Saylorsburg, Scotrun, Tannersville, Cresco, Tobyhanna, Sciota Week 2 Total = 20,000 For information on display or insert advertising in The Pocono Times, call (570) 421-4800.
Temple Israel
Around Town
Temple Israel of the Poconos, 711 Wallace St. in Stroudsburg of fers the following regular classes: We d n e s d ay a n d T h u r s d ay, 1 1 a.m. to noon: adult education classes; weekly Torah portion, from beginning to end, with commentary and discussion. Wednesday focuses more on the test, Thursday focuses more on discussion. Every Sunday, noon-1:30 p.m: Brunch and lear n speed lear ning. S eve n m i nu t e s p e r t o p i c. We e k ly topics: Kabbalistic secrets of Hebrew words, Jewish ethics, Jew i s h l i t e r a cy, B i bl i c a l l i t e r a cy, Jewish conce pts, Jewish laws and customs, Hebrew prayers translated and Yiddish with Ber nie. M o n t h l y : H avd a l a h o p e n n i g h t ice cream party after the Shabbat: say goodbye to the Shabbat Queen with the traditional ceremony featuring the multiwick Havdalah candle, wine and spices, followed by yo u r o w n s u n d a e s a n d a n o p e n s t a g e h o u r t o j o i n R abb i M e l m a n and friends make Jewish music. Upcoming Spring Events (Call Lucinda at the office 570-421-8781 if interested in any of these activities). Purim Celebration, Wednesday, M a r c h 2 0 a t 6 : 3 0 p. m . C o s t u m e s, Me gillah reading, hamantaschen, music and refreshments. RSVP to 570-421-8781 or S t a r t i n g i n Ap r i l Z u m b a G o l d w i t h C h e r y l Fe d e r o n T u e s d ay evenings at 6 p.m. Members $8; nonm e m b e r s $ 1 0 . We a r c o m f o r t a b l e clothing and smooth bottom sneakers, no mat necessary. End of March (date to be announced): Master Gardener presentation: Small home and raised g ardens. Get some tips and ideas about your home garden from certified Master Gardener Carolyn Jones. M a r c h o r Ap r i l : F i e l d t r i p t o Kitchen Chemistry on Main Street. Call Lucinda at the of fice 570-4218781 if interested. S t a r t i n g i n A p r i l : Yo g a a n d guided meditation with Mel Rosenthal on Tuesdays, 2-3 p.m. $5 for members; $7 for non members.
MARCH 13, 2019
President’s List
Master Gardener Training
Jade Searchwell of East Penn State Cooperative Extension in S t r o u d s b u r g w a s n a m e d t o t h e Monroe County is now acce pting president’s list at LIM College for the applications for the 2019-2020 Penn fall semester. State Extension Master Gardener program. This program consists of a Charity Run/Walk volunteer training course designed to The West End Park and Open Space provide experienced home gardeners Commission is pleased to announce with information and skills necessary the annual 5K9 Trail Leisure Run/ t o s h a r e t h e i r e x p e r i e n c e a n d Walk at the West End Regional Park, k n o w l e d g e w i t h o t h e r s . We e k l y 5 7 8 E v e r g r e e n H o l l o w R o a d i n classes will be held from October 2019 Chestnuthill Township on Saturday, through March 2020. In exchange for 40 hours of May 18, at 10 a.m. (registration begins instruction, candidates must agree to at 9 a.m.). The run/walk is open to all ages and volunteer 50 hours to Penn State abilities and the “Dave F leetwood Cooperative Extension. Volunteer Memorial Trail” will be available for activities currently carried out by those wishing a leisurely walk on a Master Gardeners in Monroe County firm and stable surface accessible to i n c l u d e m a i n t a i n i n g t h e P S U all wheeled devices. Dogs are welcome demonstration gardens at Wester n as long as they remain on a leash (6 P o c o n o C o m m u n i t y L i b r a r y i n Brodheadsville and offering guided feet maximum). All proceeds will fund the West End tours there, teaching classes and Re gional leash-free dog park to be assisting g ardeners at the Middle located off Merwine-Hilltop Drive. S m i t h f i e l d Tow n s h i p C o m m u n it y Re gistration is $20, and children G a r d e n s , a n d b e i n g p r e s e n t a t u n d e r r e g i s t r a n t s w i l l r e c e ive a c o m m u n i t y e v e n t s t o a n s w e r bandana. Door prizes, raffles, vendors questions on plant ID and cur rent and refreshments will be available. relevant topics of invasive insects, Register at native plants and pollinators. There is a program fee of $200 to Brodheadsville/5K9FunTrailRunWa lk. For ms are also available at the cover the cost of training materials C h e s t n u t h i l l P a r k , R o s s a n d and expenses. Applications are being Chestnuthill Township Buildings and accepted through Saturday, June 15. area businesses. Complete the form, Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t t h e make entry payment to Friends of extension of fice at 724 Phillips St., W E P O S C a n d m a i l t o B o x 2 7 6 , Suite 201 in Stroudsburg, or call 570Saylorsburg, PA 18353. For additional 421-6430 or email information, contact Bernie Kozen at Olympiad Competitors 570-992-9733 or Penn State Wilkes-Barre recently Scholarship Opportunity hosted the Pennsylvania Northeast The Monroe County Conservation Regional Science Olympiad. Students District and members of the Stanley f r o m m o r e t h a n 4 0 s c h o o l s i n Becker family are accepting n o r t h e a s t e r n a n d c e n t r a l ap p l i c at i o n s fo r t h e 1 2 t h a n nu a l Pennsylvania competed in individual Stanley Becker Memorial Scholarship. a n d t e a m e v e n t s . T h e S c i e n c e This $500 scholarship will be awarded Olympiad is devoted to increasing to a g raduating senior in Monroe s t u d e n t i n t e r e s t i n s c i e n c e County who is planning on attending recognizing outstanding achievement, c o l l e g e a n d m a j o r i n g i n a n and improving the quality of science e n v i r o n m e n t a l f i e l d . To a p p l y, education. In the middle school division North students may print an application or apply online at Pocono Middle School won sixth place. Deadline for applications is Friday, In the high school division, North March 29. For more information, call Pocono High School won first place 570-629-3061 or visit mcconservation. and will advance to state competition at Juniata College in April. org.
Twisted tastes
Market Street Grill preps brisket for Gourmet Gala By Gia Mazur Staff Writer
a n i e l l e Ro bb i s saving something delicious for a rainy day. The owner and execut ive c h e f o f M a rke t Street Bar & Grill, Scranton, plans to prepare a dish for the 32nd annual Gour met Gala that will hit each taste bud: Smoked Brisket with Soy Sesame Caramel and Jalapeño Jam over Cornbread Funnel Cake. And it’s a mouthful — literally. Robb and representat ive s f r o m a b o u t 5 0 local restaurants will pre pare everything from appetizers to desserts for guests to sample on Sunday, March 31, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Mohegan Sun Pocono, 1280 Route 315, Plains Twp. Tickets cost $50, and proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald House of Scranton. This year’s theme is b a s e d o n t h e cl a s s i c 1 9 5 2 G e n e Ke l ly a n d Debbie Reynolds musical, “Singin’ in the Rain.” While some restaurants’ dishes will fall in line with the theme, Robb decided to do something different and incorporate some o f M a rke t S t re e t ’s favorites. The dish will ear n the Ronald McDonald House of Scranton a $50 grocery gift card through Local Flavor Gives Back. Robb, who is big into smoking meats, wanted
SpeCial eDition
Gives Back Local Flavor Gives Back unites Northeast Pennsylvania residents through food and generosity. Each week, we feature recipes from people or groups who give their gift card winnings to charity.
if you go What: Gourmet Gala: Singin’ in the rain When: Sunday, March 31, 5 to 8 p.m. Where: Mohegan Sun Pocono, 1280 route 315, Plains twp. Details: tickets cost $50, and proceeds benefit ronald McDonald House of Scranton. the event is expected to sell out in advance. tickets are available by calling 570-9698998 or visiting
to pair smoked brisket with the restaurant’s famous corn bread with a twist, plus add some sweetness and heat. “I wanted it to have that sweet taste, so I immediately thought, ‘I need to make a funnel cake corn bread,’” she said during a recent afternoon at the restaurant. Ro b b ’s e x p e r i m e n t hit it out of the park.
The tastes exploded at f i r s t b i t e. T h e j u i cy brisket was flavorful, the funnel cake cor n bread was sweet and crispy, and the sauces held the perfect amount of sweet heat. In addition to delicious food, party band Picture Perfect will provide entertainment, and organizers will raffle off baskets, many of wh i ch a r e v a l u e d a t $200 or more. The money raised will help the Ronald McDonald House, 332 Wheeler Ave., Scranton, continue to function as a home away from home for families of children receiving t re at m e n t i n n e a r by hospitals. The facility also runs family rooms in Commonwealth Health Moses Taylor Hospital and Geisinger Community Medical Center, both in Scranton, and Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Wilkes-Barre. The restaurants, organizers and guests come together each year to eat, drink, have fun and support a good cause. It doesn’t get bett e r t h a n t h a t , Ro b b said. “It’s an event we look forward to every year, and we love to be involved,” Robb said. “It feels good to be able to give back.” Contact the writer:; 570-348-9127; @gmazurtt on twitter
Gia MaZUr / Staff PHOtO
Ronald McDonald House of Scranton is this week’s Local Flavor Gives Back recipient thanks to Market Street Bar & Grill owner and executive chef Danielle Robb’s Smoked Brisket with Soy Sesame Caramel and Jalapeño Jam over Cornbread Funnel Cake recipe which will be featured at Gourmet Gala on Sunday, March 31.
Danielle Robb’s Smoked Brisket with Soy Sesame Caramel and Jalapeño Jam over Cornbread Funnel Cake For the brisket: 18 pound-brisket Salt and pepper trim fat. rub with salt and pepper. Smoke brisket at 235 f for 12 hours. For soy sesame caramel sauce: 1 cup caramel sauce 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon whole grain mustard 1 tablespoon honey 1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds Mix all ingredients together.
Simmer together on low until sticky. For cornbread funnel cake: 1 package cornbread mix (Mix with approximately 1 cup flour, 1 egg, 1/3 cup milk) Mixture should be the consistency of pancake batter. fry with oil until brown on both sides.
assemble brisket over funnel cake and drizzle with sauce and jam. TS_CNG/POCONO_TIMES/PAGES [P05] | 03/11/19
For jalapeño jam: 1/2 cup diced jalapeños 1/2 bottle Lions Head Root Beer 1/4 cup barbecue sauce
MARCH 13, 2019
For information on advertising in
Around Town Art Exhibit
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Casino night FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2019 DOORS OPEN AT 5:30 P.M. TERRAVIEW BALLROOM STROUDSMOOR COUNTRY INN 231 STROUDSMOOR RD, STROUDSBURG Proceeds benefit & empower individuals with disabilities in the workforce. For more information contact Charlotte Wright at: Burnley Employment & Rehab Services 4219 Manor Drive, Stroudsburg PA 18360 Phone: 570-814-4487 Email:
MARCH 13, 2019
Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center will present an exhibit of art by Elaine Madere, “Nature’s Beauty,” featuring watercolor and acrylic paintings inspired by the natural beauty of the Poconos, particularly in the Lake Naomi area. The exhibit runs through March 29. For more information, call the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center at 570629-3061 or visit
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MARCH 13, 2019
MARCH 13, 2019
Napa’s output grows less diverse in wake of blight BY DAVID FALCHEK EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN WINE SOCIETY
Crossword BY
Bordeaux style. They were interesting and intense. But the storied Grgich Hills 2013 Napa Valley Zinfandel, made from grapes off vines in Calistoga, falls short. The wine is peppery and light-bodied with some blackberry to preserve character, but with a bitter edge. While not bad, the wine is a disappointment at this price. $38. ★★★ Double Lariat 2016 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon is full of ripe cassis and blackberry fruit with a silky texture, soft tannins and satisfying acidity. $44. ★★★★ If cabernet does well in Napa, it would follow that other Bordeaux varieties — such as merlot, cabernet franc and petit verdot — will as well. Merlot currently is out of favor, however. That means what’s available is better. Rutherford Ranch 2016 Napa Valley Merlot shows cherry and blueberry with a hint of cocoa and vanilla. It finishes soft with a light tartness. $20. ★★★ 1/2 Napa does well with many grapes. I recall being surprised by a good Napa Valley “Shore Thing”--from one side to another. riesling from Trefethen. Napa sauvignon 63 Volcanic dust blanc often impresses, too. Maybe Napa Across 64 “The Death of Actaeon” painter ___” (Nirvana album of 1993) Valley will not be better off centuries from 16 “In 65 ___ buco (Italian veal dish) 506, in Roman numerals now, instead evolving like European regions 9 Breaks down 66 ATM charge 67 Word of the future? have, planted with all cabernet and an also- 13 Diminished 15 Youngest woman to serve in Congress, ran. Down initially
Maybe a few centuries from now, Napa Valley will be planted all, or mostly, with cabernet sauvignon. European wine regions had centuries of trial and error to settle upon a few, or sometimes as few as one, grape varieties. Vines in America’s best-known wine region have gotten less diverse. A major blight last decade gave most producers an incentive to start over or refine what they grow. While some regions focused on specialties, many planted the cash crop of cabernet. Carneros, the cooler region known for pinot noir and chardonnay, also is a cradle of sparkling wines. Beaulieu Vineyard 2015 Carneros Chardonnay shows smells of baked green apple and pineapple. More creamy and buttery than oaky, the wine has a bit of almond and burnt butter at the end. The wine strives to be an approximation of a white Burgundy. $19. ★★★★ The northern Napa region of Calistoga is warmer, and grapes such as zinfandel and petite sirah thrive there. It’s difficult to find a zin with the Calistoga viticulture area on the label, but many Napa zins get grapes from the region. GRADE: Exceptional ★★★★★, Above Past vintages of Grgich Zinfandel average ★★★★, Good ★★★, Below average attempted to cast the grape in an elegant ★★, Poor ★.
16 “___ for Steve” (Morley Callaghan short story) 17 Coen Brothers movie of 1991 19 Zip 20 Internet annoyance 21 Lazybones 22 Lenny’s friend on “The Simpsons” 25 2007 T-Pain song feat. Yung Joc 28 Garden pests 30 March Madness org. 31 Queen of Quebec? 32 Sandcastle tool 34 “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” disguise 37 Good value, slangily 41 “___ y Plata” (Montana motto) 42 “Tres ___” (“Very well,” in Paris) 43 Bindi and Robert Irwin’s mother 44 Crawl around? 46 Bedazzler item 47 Color categorized as #DA1884 and Pantone 219C and trademarked by Mattel 52 Diamond experts? 53 Bird-related 54 Laissez-___ 56 Tolkien trilogy, to fans 57 Islands off the North Carolina coast, or the theme of this puzzle 62 One in the red
1 Flash drive letters 2 “___ Carter V” (Lil Wayne album of 2018) 3 Goof 4 Sounding like a clunky engine 5 ___ about (approximately) 6 Every 24 hours 7 Actor Max ___ Sydow 8 “Ew!” 9 Actress Bullock of “Bird Box” 10 Central Florida city 11 City in the Black Forest, when doubled 12 Inspire, as Kondoesque joy 14 Radio features, once 18 It might give you chills 21 “Princess ___” (Gilbert & Sullivan operetta) 22 ___ loading (marathon runner’s strategy) 23 “... partridge in ___ tree” 24 Horned charger 26 Part of SOTU 27 “Because Freedom Can’t Protect Itself” org. 29 ___ Jam Records 32 Dress up fussily 33 Consenting vote 34 Gold, in Latin 35 Monetary stand-in 36 Onion peels 38 Award co-presented by the American
©2019 Jonesin’ Crosswords ( For answers to this puzzle, call (900) 226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Reference puzzle No. 922. TS_CNG/POCONO_TIMES/PAGES [P09] | 03/11/19
Theatre Wing 39 State hwy. 40 Hand down to heirs 44 Food court pizza chain 45 Get a victory 46 Go around, as an issue 47 “The Jungle Book” bear 48 Affirms as true 49 Formal ceremonies 50 “___ shoe fits ...” 51 No, in Scotland 55 Triple Crown category in baseball 57 Ungainly one 58 Take advantage of 59 Actress Vardalos 60 Penn of the “Harold & Kumar” films 61 Show with Ego Nwodim, briefly
MARCH 13, 2019
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what’s happening FROM PAGE 2
• Monroe County Conservation District and Brodhead Trout Unlimited will present an Introduction to Fly-Fishing program. The workshop will run from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 16, at the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center. Equipment, casting, strategy, fly-tying, basic trout stream macroinvertebrate entomology and local fishing will be covered and demonstrated. Cost: $8/nonmembers, $5/EE Center members and children under 12. Preregistration is required by Friday, March 15. For more information, call 570-629-3061 or visit • Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center will present Lilliana’s Nature Discovery Area Exploration: Focus on Early Signs of Spring on Saturday, March 16, 9 a.m. to noon . Go on a scavenger hunt looking for early signs of spring, make some crafts and get messy. Dress warmly and wear appropriate footwear because this activity will take place outside. This program is free. For more information, call 570-629-3061 or visit MARCH 17 Our Lady of Victory Church, 327 Cherry Lane Road in Tannersville, will hold a free community dinner for those in need at the church, 3-4 p.m. on Sunday, March 17. Call 570-629-4572 for reservations and more information. MARCH 30 An Easter craft and sip punch party will be held Saturday, March 30, at McMichaels UM Church, located on Rt. 715 and White Church Road at 6 p.m. The cost is $20, which includes all materials. Space is limited so advance register no later than March 23. Any questions, call 973-518-1351 or 973-580-2671. MARCH 31 “Reflections on a Changing Climate,” a free event on Sunday, March 31, will be hosted by Brodhead Watershed Association (BWA). Starting at 1 p.m. at Brodhead Creek Heritage Center, 1539 Cherry Lane Road in Analomink, BWA member Mark Lichty will facilitate the conversation. Lichty is an executive producer of the documentary “Groundswell Rising.” Participants will discuss the science of climate change; its impacts on weather patterns, the environment, economy, and human health; and actions citizens can take to lessen their carbon footprint. The event is free, but registration is required and limited. Email or call 570-839-1120. APRIL 5-6 Shawnee Presbyterian Church, 1129 Shawnee Church Road in Shawnee on Delaware, will hold it’s annual rummage sale on Friday
and Saturday, April 5-6, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (rain or shine). A large variety of items will be available. Call 570-421-5518 for more information. CONTINUING Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is seeking new volunteers to conduct interactive presentations that address situations like home fires, floods, etc. All training provided by American Red Cross in group sessions. You must be comfortable presenting the subject in a classroom setting and enjoy young children. Red Cross will provide necessary additional clearance that may e needed. Also, blood drive ambassadors need to assist with registration and refreshments. Must be positive, upbeat and enjoy meeting new people. All training provided. This is an ongoing volunteer opportunity, called as needed. Additional clearance may be required provided by agency. For these and other volunteer opportunities call 570-420-3747. Office is located at
411 Main St., Suite 102B in Stroudsburg. • The Monroe County Democratic Committee (MCDC) meets on the third Thursday of each monthattheMCDCHeadquarters,18S.NinthSt. in Stroudsburg. The meetings begin at 7 p.m. For moreinformation, • Down Syndrome support group Pocono Parents of Children with Down Syndrome (PPODS) meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in East Stroudsburg University, Stroud Hall. Call 570-476-1269, visit or find Pocono Parents of Children with Down Syndrome on Facebook. • The West End Republican Club, meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Cherry’s Family Restaurant, Route 209 in Kresgeville, Polk Township. Republican-minded citizens are encouraged to attend. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. For those wishing to eat prior to the meeting, arrive by 6 p.m. For additional information and directions, visit westend-
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PA Reg# 020716 TS_CNG/POCONO_TIMES/PAGES [P11] | 03/11/19 or call 443-326-5100. • Big Pocono Ski Club: not just for skiers. Biking, golf, kayaking, hiking, tennis, social events, local skiing and ski trips is what we do. You can too, when you become a member by emailing or calling 570-629-1323. • Business Network International (BNI), an organization known as is “the world’s largest referral organization,” works by creating a group of people from various industries and encouraging regular passing of referrals. Each chapter allows one person per occupational classification, and prospective members must be approved via an application process. The BNI Mountain Chapter — Poconos meets every Thursday at 7 a.m. at the Hampton Inn in Bartonsville. For more information or to attend a meeting contact Yvonne L. Reitemeyer 570-421-7447 x233 or visit their Facebook page, BNI Mountain Chapter Poconos PA.
MARCH 13, 2019
PA LIC.#065984
MARCH 13, 2019