TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S01] | 07/10/19
Abington The
JULY 11, 2019
Scenes from the Rotary club fireworks event See page 6.
Ninety-seven years of volunteers
Julie JeFFery Manwarren / FOr abinGtOn Suburban
Some of the many workers who support the Haven Lane house flip for Honduras. From left: Etienne Nunemaker, Matt O’Brien, James May, Jill May, Hannah May, Isaiah May and Chris Clark. The Mays purchased the home with plans to flip it and use the profits of the sale to fund teen mission trips to Honduras.
JUlIE JEFFERy ManWaRREn | Suburban liFe
Local teens help fix up home to flip for mission work S. ABINGTON TWP. — Abington area teenagers gave up summertime hours to work on a local house. The home on Haven Lane is owned by James and Jill May, who plan to sell it and use the profits to fund mission work in Honduras. “Over the last two years, we have taken about 40 students down to Honduras where they work at a school for orphaned and at-risk children,” said James May of Clarks Summit. “Out of that, one of my goals has been to facilitate and fund high school students to go down and do ministry in Honduras for a short-term trip, or after graduation to do a one-year internship there. The sale of this house will help make that a reality.” The Mays recently bought the house at 614 Haven Lane and decided to “flip” it, donating the profits to help teens fund the trip to Honduras and support the ministry at La Providencia, a school that houses, feeds, clothes and educates orphaned or at-risk children.
Just One International is an organization that works with the school in Honduras. Students who make the short-term trip to La Providencia build relationships with the students there and help out at the school in any way they can. May said they help with training, tutoring and leading Bible studies. The school has many needs. Opportunities to serve abound, whether it is carpentry, cooking, cleaning or working with kids. Some students return after graduation for a year-long internship in which they teach and tutor children or do translation work. “One of the things I like about the ministry there is that it gives such a wide variety for the kids to do different things,” May said. “There are a lot of opportunities for the students to work in various areas.” Matt O’Brien returned after a year in Honduras and plans to go back. O’Brien taught at the school and said living there changed his perspective.
Julie JeFFery Manwarren / FOr abinGtOn Suburban
Etienne Nunemaker, left, and Matt O’Brien work to remove shrubs and landscape a house in South Abington Township. The home will be put up for sale this summer with the profits going to support teen mission trips to Honduras. Both Nunemaker and O’Brien served in Honduras previously. May’s daughter, Hannah, returned home to Clarks Summit this summer after serving in Honduras. She plans to return in the fall.
“There is a kind of culture shock when you see the level of poverty the average person in Please see Mission, Page 12
Marching to the library
Civil War Round Table sets up camp in Clarks Summit and the home front, Moran said. Another meeting focused on baseball and the war — soldiers played CLARKS SUMMIT — A Civil War the game and the man who may Round Table group is breaking have invented it, Abner Doubleday, camp and marching for the Abingserved as a general. ton Community Library. Meetings also sometimes feature The group used to meet at the visits from authors and living histoLackawanna Historical Society in rians portraying generals and other Scranton, but decided to move to the Civil War figures. Moran himself library, 1200 W. Grove St., because sometimes portrays figures such as the members thought it was time for Major General Benjamin Butler, a a change in venue, said Tom Moran, Union general nicknamed “Beast chair of the group. The library Butler” stemming from his comseemed like a good fit because of its mand of troops occupying New activity in the community. Plus, it Orleans during the war. would dovetail nicely with other Other times, the discussions have events held there, he said. a more local flavor. Meetings have Roundtable meetings are schedfocused on The Great Shohola train uled for the third Tuesday of each wreck, an 1864 incident that saw dozmonth and will run from 7 p.m. to ens of people killed when two loco8:30 p.m. The first meeting at the motives, one carrying Confederate library is set for July 16. prisoners of war, collided near the Members of the group discuss a Pike County community, Moran said. wide variety of topics during meet- The group is also currently studying ings, often ones that have nothing to do with battlefields, such as politics Please see Library, Page 12 By Clayton ovER StaFF writer
Rain pitter-pattered against the two-toned green vinyl tent top at the Dalton Fire Company carnival grounds as I took cover Saturday evening, shielding my camera from the drops. I expected to photograph an army of volunteers preparing for the annual carnival, which was set to begin in three days. Instead, just a handful of people were there. These hardy few gathered around the first table in one of three long rows, covering it with red cloth and a clear protective sheet. They moved on to the next, continuing up the row. It was only a little past 7, but the sun would likely set before the task was complete, they told me. When I returned to the carnival grounds Sunday afternoon to take more photos, a group of volunteers not much larger than the night before (and including many of the same faces) was hard at work under the blazing sun. They hammered poles into the ground, measured the spaces between them and attached ropes with small flags to create rows for parking. After snapping some pictures and watching for a few minutes, I crossed the short distance up the hill to the Chinchilla Hose Company stand, where I found another group of volunteers busy cleaning the counters and getting the oven ready for pizza making. The annual Dalton Fire Company Carnival, now in its 97th year, is a well-attended event, bringing in crowds not just from the borough and neighboring municipalities, but from other counties as well. Hundreds of cars fill the lower and upper parking areas throughout the week. People pack the bar and bandstand area. The line to the corn and clam stand often stretches the entire length of the big tent (the same one where volunteers prepared the tables Saturday night). The rest of the food booths also attract a constant flow of customers, and the games and rides run almost nonstop. Which is why I was surprised at the small number of volunteers who labor for at least a week – many for two weeks or more – to prepare for the five-day event (and for another several days to clean up and tear down afterwards). I suspect most people who enjoy the carnival don’t have any idea how many hours of hard work go into it and how Please see Volunteers, Page 11
What’s inside
Calendar ........................ 2 Contest .......................... 3 Suburban Family ............. 3 Obituary ......................... 4 Green Scene ................... 4 Just For Fun .................... 8 Sports ............................ 9 SubMitteD PHOtO
A Civil War Round Table group will start holding meetings at the Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., Clarks Summit, on the third Tuesday of each month. The first meeting will be on Tuesday, July 16. From left to right: Mary Rose Spano, Charlie Spano, Charles Kumpas, Don Broderick, Pete Stenzhorn and Linda Stenzhorn. Front, left to right: Julie Esty, Tracie Moran holding Audra and Tom Moran, chair of the roundtable.
Schools ........................ 10
Send news tips to news@ abingtonsuburban.com or call 570-348-9185
TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S02] | 07/10/19
COMMUNITY CALENDAR UPCOMING JULY 11-13 Dalton Fire Company Carnival: The carnival began Tuesday, July 9 and will continue through Saturday, July 13 at the carnival grounds on Bank Street in Dalton. Gates open at 6 p.m. each day. Features live music, rides and amusements, raffles, food a firemen’s parade (Friday at 7 p.m.) and more. For more information, visit bit.ly/2Xj1qeM. JULY 12 Memory Cafe: Friday, July 12, 10 a.m. at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State St., Clarks Summit. People with memory loss and their caregivers are invited to this free morning of activities and socializing. Explore art and music, play games, participate in chair yoga or just relax. For more information, visit GatheringPlaceCS.org or call 570-575-0384. JULY 12-14 The Gathering: Friday through Sunday, July 12-14 at Keystone College. An annual, three-day symposium on creativity and imagination featuring performances, lectures, discussions and workshops. This year’s event is themed “Refugees and Immigrants: Who are They and Who am I?” For more information or to register, visit thegatheringatkeystone.org or call 570-561-5962. JULY 13 Earthing and Guided Meditation: Saturday, July 13. Rain date is Saturday, July 20. Meet at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State St., Clarks Summit at 10 a.m. to walk down to Pocket Park. Ecology Educator Casie Berkhouse will lead a discussion on the interplay between humans and Earth, followed by a short guided meditation to connect with nature. Cost is $5 for adults; free for children. For more information, visit Gathering-
uburban SSuburban THE VOICE OF THE ABINGTONS A publication of TimesShamrock Community Newspaper Group 149 Penn Ave Scranton, PA 18503 Phone: 570-348-9185 Fax: 570-207-3448 suburbanweekly@ timesshamrock.com abingtonsuburban.com Managing Editor Elizabeth Baumeister 570-348-9185, ext. 3492 ebaumeister @timesshamrock.com Editor Christopher M. Cornell 570-348-9185, ext. 5414 ccornell@timesshamrock.com Advertising Manager Alice Manley 570-348-9100, ext. 9285 amanley @timesshamrock.com Advertising Account Executive Cali Nataloni 570-348-9100, ext. 5458 cnataloni @timesshamrock.com Photographer Emma Black eblack@timesshamrock.com 570-348-9100, ext. 5447 Staff Writer Clayton Over cover@timesshamrock.com 570-348-9100, ext. 5363 Contributors Joshua Arp Teri Lyon Julie Jeffery Manwarren Linda Scott The Abington Suburban welcomes all photos and submissions. There is no charge for publication, but all photos and submissions run on a “space available” basis. The editor reserves the right to reject any or all submissions. Deadline for submissions is by noon the Friday before publication date. Opinions of independent columnists do not necessarily reflect those of the Abington Suburban staff.
PlaceCS.org. JULY 15-19 Clarks Summit United Methodist Church VBS: “Roar! Life is Wild, God is Good” is the theme of this year’s Vacation Bible School, Monday through Friday, July 15-19, 5:45-8:15 p.m. at Clarks Summit United Methodist Church, 1310 Morgan Highway, Clarks Summit. For more information, visit clarkssummitumc.com or call 570-587-2571. JULY 17 Casino trip: Clarks Summit Fire Company J.W. Hall Auxiliary is sponsoring a bus trip to Tioga Downs Casino Wednesday, July 17. The bus will depart at 9 a.m. from Clarks Summit and return by 7 p.m. The cost is $20; includes $30 in free play and a $10 food voucher. For reservations or more information, call 570-586-9656, ext. 4. JULY 19 The Rainforests of Costa Rica: Friday, July 19, noon at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State St., Clarks Summit. Join Michael Freidlin and Hayder SantamariaRodriguez as they discuss the flora, fauna, characteristics and environmental concerns of tropical rainforests, with the focus being Costa Rica. Cost is $5. For more information or to register, visit GatheringPlaceCS.org. JULY 21 “Doctrina Mycologia: Growing and Cooking Mushrooms”: Sunday, July 21, 4 p.m. at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State Street, Clarks Summit. This handson seminar will focus on everyday uses of fungi including cooking, cultivation, bioremediation and more. Cost is $30. Registration is required and can be completed online at gatheringplace.org or by calling 570-881-7612. JULY 22 Visit Humming Hill Lavender Farm: Saturday, July 22. Spend a summer afternoon visiting Humming Hill and weaving your own lavender wand from freshly picked plants. Meet at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State Street, Clarks Summit to car pool or drive on your own to farm in Brooklyn, Pa. for the 1 p.m. class. Registration required by Saturday, July 13. Cost is $15. To register, visit GatheringPlaceCS.org. For more information, call 570-881-7612. JULY 22-26 Clarks Green United Methodist Church VBS: “Rollin’ River Rampage” is the theme of this year’s Vacation Bible School, Monday through Friday, July 22-26 at Clarks Green United Methodist Church, 119 Glenburn Road, Clarks Green. All children ages pre-school through fifth grade are invited. To register, For pre-event registration, visit bit. ly/2Yj2891 or for more info, visit clarksgreenumc.org or call 570-586-8946. JULY 24 “Democracy vs. Authoritarianism: What will Survive?”: Hal Baillie, Ph.D. will discuss the political complexities of the 21st Century on Wednesday, July 24 at noon at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State St., Clarks Summit. The cost is $5. For more info or to register, visit gatheringplacecs.org. Tech Tutors: Wednesday, July 24, 7 p.m. at The Gathering Place, 304 S. State Street, Clarks Summit. High school volunteers will work with people individually to answer questions about how to use smartphones and iPads. Cost is $5. Registration is requested and can be completed online at gatheringplacecs.org or by calling 570-881-7612. JULY 26 The Comm Square Fair: Friday, July 26, 5-8 p.m. at the Waverly Community House. Includes a picnic dinner, face painting, carnival games, bounce house and live music by The Molly Pitcher Path. Concert starts at 6:30 p.m. JULY 27 Wand’ring Aloud: The band will perform at the Clarks Summit VFW Saturday, July 27 at 8 p.m. Playing Please see Calendar, Page 12
An energetic proposal
Ransom Twp. supervisors consider solar array BY RICH COX STAFF WRiTER
RANSOM TWP. — Township supervisors are amid preliminary discussions about a potential project that would bring in $450,000 over a 20-year period while saving money for residents on their electric bills. Talk at the board of supervisors meeting Monday, July 1 centered around the proposal to build a community solar array. The municipality is considering entering a 20-year lease agreement with S G C P o w e r, b a s e d i n Elkridge, Maryland. The array would sit on the old DeNaples Quarry property between Coxton Road and Lower Narrows Road. The inverter, which collects and turns DC current into AC current, would sit closer to Main Street.
The company has a threeyear development frame. Gentry Rouse, a developer from SGC Power, spoke at the board meeting about the benefits of solar energy including the offset of energy costs to township residents. Rouse explained the project would come at no cost to tax-payers. “Ransom Township will simply act as the host for the solar array,” he said. “We build it and maintain the property over the course of the lease – everything down to cutting the grass.” Should the township enter the agreement, after SGC Power builds the solar array, local residents and businesses would be able to sign up for the energy produced from the solar panels. SGC Power maintains an
optimally sited solar array in each client’s utility territory. This delivers electric power to the local grid. Local and regional participants receive credits directly on their electric bill for the solar power produced. The proposal, however, doesn’t come without its share of controversy. At the board meeting, residents asked questions regarding depreciation in property value, funding for construction and a time frame for the project. Regarding depreciation in property value, Rouse said he “couldn’t make one claim or the other.” Rouse explained the projects are funded through private inequities. SGC Power sells the construction bill to private investors, who then earn a percentage over the
course of the lease. If Ransom Township agrees to the 20-year lease from SGC Power, the project could still take upwards of five years before the development can begin. “There are a number of hurdles to cross, said Rouse. Things we can go into at a later time, if both sides decide it’s the right fit.” When asked about the time frame for the project, township solicitor Edmund Scacchitti responded, “I just want people to know it’s not happening any time soon. There’s a lot that has to be considered.” Scacchitti stressed the current discussions with SGC Power are “strictly preliminary.” Contact the writer: rcox@ timesshamrock.com; 570-3489100; ext. 3005
Abington VFW post leads Lake Winola parade
Members of Abington Memorial VFW Post 7069, Clarks Summit, led the Lake Winola Firefighter’s Parade Thursday night, June 27. From left: John Arre, junior vice commander; Nick Shyshuk, surgeon and Donald Jones, commander.
COURT NOTES PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS ■ Jeremy M. and Renee L. Yale, Waverly Twp., to James and Samantha Wescott, Shavertown; a property at 1001 Longview Terrace, Waverly Twp., for $219,000. ■ Melvyn and Marilyn Wolk, Waverly Twp., to Joseph Arcuri Jr. and Werner Christensen, Scranton; a property at 56 Clinton St., Waverly Twp., for $425,000. ■ Richard A. and Kathleen bovard, Skyesville, Md.; James A. and Kathleen bovard, Columbia, Md.; David A. and Dawn Chrysler bovard, Dowingtown, to Leslie A. bentz, York; two parcels in benton Twp. for $350,000. ■ Patricia S. and irvin L. Arter Jr., Clarks Summit, to barry and Cherie Shepherd, bowie, Md.; a property at 536 Gladiola Drive, Clarks Summit, for $325,000. ■ Joseph C. Mercado, Clearwater, Fla., to William and Erica Young, Lafayette, ind.; a property at 166 Edgewood Drive E., South Abington Twp., for $180,000. ■ Nicole K. Flynn and Janet L. Willey, Clarks Summit, to Matthew D. and Nolan b. Sweetbrowning, Clarks Summit; a property at 809 Poplar St., Clarks Summit, for $205,000. ■ Sterling Way Properties LLC, South Abington Twp., to Abington Development LLC, South Abington Twp.; two parcels in South Abington Twp. for $604,800. ■ Judy Moskel, Factoryville, to John D. Aikman, Middletown, N.Y.; two parcels in Glenburn Twp. for $78,000. ■ NEWREZ LLC, formerly known as New Penn Financial LLC, doing business as Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing, Greenville, S.C., to TNT Foundations LLC, Oakland, N.J.; a property at 108 Sleepy hollow Road, Clarks Summit, for $167,500. ■ Thomas J. and Christine Chamberlain to Terry L. Yarbrough; a property at 609 Gladiola Drive, Clarks Summit, for $305,000.
■ bridgette D. Gawrys and Ethan Cannella, Clarks Summit, to Juan P. Narvaez, Scranton; a property at 301-303 Aswell Court, Scranton, for $65,720. ■ Annette M. Rice, Waverly Twp., to William Scott and Anna Casey Lynett, Shavertown; a property at 110 Overlook Road, Waverly Twp., for $342,000. ■ Timothy J. and Rachel L. Kopp, Clarks Green, to brian J. and Marie Fitch, Scranton; a property at 210 Green St., Clarks Green, for $220,000. ■ Janice Stratton and Joann Swift, co-executors of the estate of Arlene Klien, to Michael b. Walley, Clarks Summit; a property at on Newton Road, Newton Twp., for $158,500. ■ bobalou Properties LLC, Clarks Summit, to LCG3 Properties LLC, 301 Schoolside Drive, Throop; a property in Clarks Summit, for $225,000. ■ Mark M. Jurkowitz, executor of the estate of Gloria Jurkowitz, Scranton, to Michael Steven Freidlin, Clarks Summit; a property at 550 Clay Ave., Scranton, for $98,500. ■ William J. and Annette M. Maslar to Charles J. herman and Kristine M. Gillott; a property at 5 East View Drive, Scott Twp., for $145,900. ■ Michael P. and Judy Mendola to the Marianne Lukus Grantor Trust; a property at 116 Kimberly Circle, Clarks Summit, for $346,900. ■ Michael Kacer, Cary, North Carolina, to Justin and Sarah huse, Clarks Summit; a property at 907 S. Valley Ave., Throop, for $131,500. ■ Joseph A. and Eva Polizzi, Clarks Summit, to Callaghan Shea, Scranton; a property at 422 Clark Ave., Clarks Summit, for $176,000. ■ Joseph and Ruth Griggs to Richard J. Jr. and Sandra L. Albright; a property in Newton Twp., for $50,000. ■ Stephen b. and Nancy S. Lampman, Clarks Summit, to Salvatore and Floriana Adragna, Clarks Summit; a property at 106 hemlock Drive, Clarks
Summit, for $175,000. ■ Andres P. Nelson, individually, and 110 Layton LLC, South Abington Twp., to hLS1 LLC, South Abington Twp.; two parcels at 110 Layton Road, South Abington Twp., for $325,000. ■ Kenneth D. and Shirley L. Morris, Clarks Summit, to Thomas L. hill, Clarks Summit; a property at 403 haven Lane, Clarks Summit, for $140,000. ■ Dave and ilena Koehler, Clarks Summit, to Providencia LLC; a property at 151 School St., Scranton, for $52,500. ■ James h. and Kimberly J. Pierson, Lackawanna County, to Killiany Properties LLC, Lackawanna County; four parcels in Scott Twp. for $630,000. ■ boston Land Co. inc., South Abington Twp., to Gerald and Debbie Prazych, South Abington Twp.; a property at 60 Wyndham Road, South Abington Twp., for $345,000. ■ JbAS Realty LLC, Jessup, to Keystone Community Resources inc., Clarks Summit; two parcels at 236238 Penn Ave., Scranton, for $641,500. DIVORCES SOUGHT ■ June Crisp, Scott Twp., v. Phillip Crisp, Scott Twp.; married May 1, 2007; Theresa J. MalskiPezak, attorney. ■ Catherine Devine, South Abington Twp., v. Scott Prebich,
South Abington Twp.; married July 1, 2006; Nancy M. barrasse, attorney. MARRIAGE LICENSES ■ Richard Salvatore Kokas and Alyssa Lyn Tiberi, both of Scott Twp. ■ James Robert Phillips, Dalton, and Jennifer Suprick, Factoryville. ARD The following was admitted to the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program for driving under the influence: ■ Damien Paul Kaminski, 44, 71 Koehler hill Road, Scott Twp., stopped June 9, 2018, by Scott Twp. police. ESTATES FILED ■ Vincenzo Campo, also known as James Joseph Campo, James J. Campo Sr., James J. Campo, 86 Parkland Drive, South Abington Twp., letters testamentary to John V. Campo, 3703 Swallowtail Drive, Morgantown, W.Va. ■ Laura Solfanelli, 950 Morgan highway, Clarks Summit, letters testamentary to David Solfanelli, 259 S. Keyser Ave., Old Forge. ■ Vivian P. Miller, 53 Parkland Drive, South Abington Twp., letters testamentary to Delilah A. Miller, 1934 Layton Road, Scott Twp. ■ Michael J. Sembrat, 370 Lane St., Jessup, letters of administration to Marlene Franquiz, P.O. box 88, La Plume Twp.
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TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S03] | 07/10/19
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How closely do you pay attention to your surroundings?
Each week The Abington Suburban will test your skills of observation with a close-up or abstract photograph taken somewhere in the Abingtons. It may depict a scene from a local business, school, park, street corner or area landmark. Know this location? Submit your answer, along with your name and mailing address to suburbanweekly@timesshamrock.com for a chance to win a voucher for one dozen original glazed doughnuts, courtesy of Krispy Kreme in South Abington Township. No more than one entry per household will be accepted per week. A winner will be selected at random.
PhoTo by TErI LyoN
Rachel Hitchcock, at ages 6 months, had fun in the sun while covering up to prevent overexposure.
Babies and the sun
Our families love fun in the summer sun. But everyone – especially babies and young children – needs protection against harmful consequences of sun exposure like sunburn, skin damage and even skin cancer. Dr. Laurie Campfield, DO, of Dalton, a general pediatrician at Geisinger Mt. Pleasant, gave some helpful advice in this question-andanswer interview for the Suburban: At what age can parents start applying sunscreen to babies? You can start applying sunscreen to infants at six months of age. Prior to this, there are a couple of concerns. For one, a baby’s skin is not as mature or fully developed as an adult’s skin. Second, babies have a higher surface area to bodyweight ratio. For these reasons, the exposure and absorption of chemicals and additives that can be found in sunscreen is much higher. How should you protect them from the sun before that age? If the baby is younger than six months of age, there’s still plenty you can do to protect him or her from sun exposure. For starters, keeping him or her out of direct sunlight, ideally in shaded areas or under an umbrella, tent or stroller shade is helpful. Big floppy hats, long sleeved breathable shirts (ex: rash guards), and
lightweight long pants are also helpful. Many sun hats marketed for babies carry an SPF rating. What SPF number should be used for infants, toddlers and older children? The safest SPF for children is between 30-50 (50 being more appropriate for fairer skin). Although there are some sunscreens on the market that advertise an SPF of 50-plus, studies have shown there does not appear to be a significant additional protective factor (SPF 50 sunscreen blocks 98 percent of UVB rays when applied correctly, while an SPF 100 blocks 99 percent). It is also not true that a higher SPF means you are protected from the sun’s rays longer. How much sun is healthy or not healthy for babies and children in general? It only takes a small amount of time for infants and children to get the vitamin D they need from the sun. If they have a healthy diet and take a multivitamin, they are already satisfying most of their vitamin D needs. What are some general “dos” and “don’ts” for babies and children in the sun? Do: ■ Wear sunscreen (or cover up as described above) and reapply at least every 90 minutes, and even sooner if
sweating or going in and out of water (this also goes for water resistant sunscreen). ■ Avoid the hours of 10 a.m. through 2 p.m., as these are the hours of the day with the highest UV index (when the sun’s rays are most intense), and will lead to the highest potential for sunburn and dehydration. ■ Stay hydrated. ■ Recognize the signs of heat exhaustion (cool clammy skin, irritable, crying, weak/fatigued, dizzy, headache, nausea/vomiting, and/or acting confused). Don’t: ■ Skimp on the sunscreen. It takes about an ounce of sunscreen to evenly cover a child from head to toe. ■ Forget to wear sunglasses that provide UV protection. How important is it for children to stay hydrated in the sun? Very. A baby or child can become dehydrated quickly when out in the heat and sun. Encourage children to take a drink every 20-30 minutes. It is also important to note that infants under the age of six months should not drink water, as it can lead to seizures. If parents are concerned about an infant’s hydration status, they can simply offer extra breast milk or formula.
Last Week’s Answer:
Last week's photo was taken at the Waverly Elementary School playground.
Teri Lyon is a mom, grandmom and freelance writer who lives in Glenburn Township with her cat.
511 Moosic St. 831 Northern Blvd. Clarks Summit Scranton 570-961-5150 570-585-4120
Dalton Lions Club President Robert “Pete” Van Fleet, left, and James Gray, U.S. Navy, Vietnam veteran and Dalton Veterans Memorial Day Committee member.
A roaring allegiance DALTON — Every year since at least 1968 the Dalton Memorial Day Veterans have conducted a Memorial Day service with a parade led by the dozen or more military veterans from the borough and the surrounding communities. The Lackawanna Trail marching band plays patriotic music. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Little League and softball players add to the line of march. The combined community church choir of 15-20 singers contribute with their solemn hymns. The Girl Scouts lead with the “Pledge of Alle-
giance,” and the Boy Scouts raise the flag then bring “Old Glory” to half mast in honor of the fallen. The service is one of reflection and respect. The Dalton Lions Club has, for years, covered the cost of a Memorial Day wreath that is placed in front of the Veterans Memorial Monument, which the club also financially supported. The Lions also purchased the speakers for the sound system used at the ceremony. Many of the Lions Club members are veterans themselves, and the members of
the Dalton Veterans Memorial Day committee are grateful to club and its president, Robert “Pete” Van Fleet, for their many services to the community and country. These Lions roar all year long. They sponsor the annual breakfast with the bunny at the fire station and the Easter egg hunt in the park. They work in conjunction with Benton Lions Club on an 18-hole golf tournament at Lakeland Golf Club in August. And they serve potato pancakes at the Dalton Fire Company Carnival the second week of July.
July 14th 12 noon • Doors open 10 am want to sell your guns ammo or militaria bring in for cash or consign to auction Door Prizes Check out auctionzip 8072 for pictures and details
642 Washington Ave., Jermyn, PA 18433
570.510.4660 • floydcelli@gmail.com
TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S04] | 07/10/19
Carol Hoyt June 28, 2019
obituary/around the towns
Coming up at the library
CLARKS SUMMIT — The Abington Community Library, 1200 W. Grove St., will host the following activities and events this month. Stop by the library or call 570-587-3440 to register as necessary for classes and events. For a complete schedule, Carol Hoyt, of Clarks Sum- visit lclshome.org/abington. mit, passed away Friday morn- all ages ing, June 28, 2019. Saturday, July 13, 11 She was born in Norwalk, a.m. to 1 p.m. Conn., Dec. 27, 1939, to Edwin and Pet Adoption Day: Griffin Lillian Britton Cunningham. Pond Animal Shelter staff She graduated from Stamwill be on hand with a few of ford High School and La Selle their furry friends to discuss College of Newton, Mass., the adoption process and where she was vice president of answer any questions you her class and captain of the volhave. No registration leyball team. She was a member required. of Our Lady of Snows Church, Thursday, July 18, Syracuse Junior League and 6-8:30 p.m. the Scranton Country Club. Insulin Support Group: Before retiring, she worked in a Are you using or thinking of medical office. Surviving are Justus, her hus- using an insulin pump to band and partner of 58 years; her manage your diabetes? Talk with diabetics who sons, Jay Hoyt, of South Abington Twp.; Geoffrey and wife, Bar- know. Join insulin pump bara, of West Suffield, Conn.; users with/without a sensor and Matthew Hoyt, Clarks Sum- in a group setting to share mit; daughters, Julia King and and talk about your experihusband, James, West Chester, ences. The group is open to Pa.; Sarah Traino and husband, children, parents and senior Norman, Syracuse, N.Y.; 10 citizens who are presently grandchildren, Jordan Lee Hoyt, using a pump or are considLauren Carol Hoyt, Geoffrey ering it. No registration Matthew Hoyt, Christopher required. Saturday, July 20, King, Thomas King, Mary King, Lillian Hoyt, Camden Hoyt, 7-9 p.m. Astronomy For Everyone: Grace Traino and Emily Traino. Join in a special after-hours She loved the beach at the Outer Banks and being with presentation on the 50th anniversary of the moon her family. She was preceded in death by landing. Astronomer Kevin a brother, Edwin R. Cunning- Manning, a former consulham, and a daughter-in-law, tant with NASA, has always been passionate about Karen Hoyt. Services will be held at the astronomy and wants to convenience of the family in share the excitement. Learn about the size and scale of Connecticut. Arrangements are entrusted the universe, the stars and to the Lawrence E. Young Funer- other celestial wonders al Home, 418 S. State St., Clarks using hands-on activities and assorted visuals. RecomSummit, PA 18411. Memorial donations may be mended for second grade made to the National Epilepsy through adults due to the Foundation, epilepsy.com/ seated presentation portion. donate. adults A visitor’s book may be Thursday, July 11, 3:30reached at www.lawrenceey5:30 p.m. oungfuneralhome.com.
Libby App instruction: Learn how to download e-books and e-audiobooks from the library with the Libby App. If possible, download the Libby App on your device before the program. Thursday, July 11, 25 from 6-8 p.m. Craft and Chat: Bring your project to work on. No registration required. Tuesday, July 16, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Do you need help in computer basics, email, iPad/iPhone, Kindle/ Nook, Facebook, Skype, Facetime, basics of the Microsoft Suites (2007), or something else? Stop by and schedule a one-on-one meeting session today. Tuesday, July 16, 7-8:30 p.m. Civil War Round Table: A group dedicated to discussing the Civil War and related topics. Wednesday, July 17, 6-7 p.m. Technology Scheduling Session: Do you need help in computer basics, email, iPad/iPhone, Kindle/Nook, Facebook, Skype, Facetime, basics of the Microsoft Suites (2007), or something else? Stop by and schedule a one-on-one meeting session. Wednesday, July 17, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Monitoring Algae In The Community: University Of Pittsburgh Research: Monitoring Algae in the Community - Susan Wright, an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Sarah Ruffell’s lab at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, will be discussing Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). These blooms are a growing environmental problem that can have significant effects on public health. The presentation will review the basics of algae, how HABs form, and potential public health concerns. She will also discuss current research, and how public libraries are contributing to this research.
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Thursday, July 18, 6-8 p.m. Papercrafting with Maria Pappa: Theme: Summer Garden. Materials Cost: $12, paid to the instructor the day of the class. Friday, July 19, 6-7:30 p.m. African Wildlife Adventures: Join Sharon Templin, a wildlife/nature photographer, as she presents her photography and anecdotal stories from her numerous safari trips with Africa Through Your Lens Safaris. Come learn about worldwide conservation as Sharon shares about the natural beauty, incredible wildlife, and cultural diversity of the African continent. Saturday, July 20, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All Day Craft and Chat: Do you knit, bead, make rugs, hand stitch or do any kind of handcraft? Come to share ideas, show off your work and get another crafter’s eye and perception. Chat and meet your neighbors while you work on your craft. Bring any project you’re working on, or come just to be inspired. All levels of experience welcome. Monday, July 22, 6:30-8 p.m. “First Ladies” presentation: At this presentation on First Ladies, Dr. Laurence L. Cook will present on: Julia Grant, Caroline Harrison, Frances Cleveland, Edith Roosevelt, Florence Harding, Barbara Bush, Rosalynn Carter, and Martha Washington. During his lecture, he will share museum-quality memorabilia and little known facts about their time in the White House and beyond. Dr. Laurence Cook is a lifelong collector of presidential memorabilia and a presidential historian.
Reactions & Explosions: Dress to get messy. Join in science experiments involving reactions and explosions. The group will meet in the grass outside the children’s library, weather permitting, or in the Ryon Community Room. For grades 5-12. Monday, July 15, 1-3 p.m. Sushi 101: Learn the history of sushi and how to make and eat it with Chef Paul from Wegmans. For grades 5-12. Tuesday, July 16, 4-5 p.m. JBOB review session: Review “The Doughnut Fix” by Jessie Janowitz. Snacks provided. Grades 4-6. Friday, July 19, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Messy Science for Teens: Slime: Dress to get messy. Join in science experiments involving slime and goo. The group will meet in the grass outside the children’s library, weather permitting, or in the Ryon Community Room. For grades 5-12.
Sponsored by the Teen Leadership Committee. Please register. This group will meet on July 11, July 25, Aug. 8 and Aug. 22. Sign up for the dates you can make it to. For grades 3-6. Tuesday, July 16, 4-5 p.m. Jbob Review Session: Review “The Doughnut Fix” by Jessie Janowitz. Snacks provided. For grades 4-6. Tuesday, July 16, 6:307:30 p.m. Crafters’ Club: All materials will be provided. Come and craft with friends. Sponsored by the Teen Leadership Committee. For grades 3-5. Wednesday, July 17, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Messy Science For Kids: Reactions & Explosions: Dress to get messy. Join us for science experiments involving reactions and explosions. The group will meet in the grass outside the children’s library, weather permitting, or in the Ryon Community Room. For students in kindergarten Children through fourth grade. Storytimes for Children Wednesday, July 17, 6-7 (multiple dates) p.m. ■ Baby (ages 0-2): Fridays, Read To Dogs: Drop by July 12, 19 and 26 at 10:30 during this hour to get some a.m. and 11:30 a.m. reading practice in with cer■ Toddler (ages 2-3): tified therapy dogs. Make a Wednesdays, July 17 and 24 new friend and discover a at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. new book. No registration ■ Preschool (ages 3-5): required. For students in Tuesdays July 16 and 23 at kindergarten through fourth 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 grade. p.m. Thursday, July 18, 2:30Thursday, July 11, 10:30- 3:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. Dino Dig: Join field palePre-k Sing-a-Long ontologists Mike and RoberJoin in singing your favor- ta Straka for the chance to ite storytime songs plus dig for dino bones. Before the songs about space. For ages dig, enjoy a 30-minute inter2-7. active fossil talk and learn Thursdays, July 11-Aug. about amazing discoveries. 22, 5-6 p.m. After you dig for and identify Ukulele Club: Kids, bring the bones, check out the your ukulele and jam with expanded fossil museum. teens friends at the library. No for- Limited to 50 children. For Friday, July 12, 3:30-4:30 mal instruction will be prostudents in kindergarten p.m. vided; Participants will casu- through fourth grade. Messy Science for Teens: ally learn and play together.
abington Community Library Patron of the Month shelley doyle Why did you come to the library today? I came to the library to renew my library card. How long have you had your library card? I’ve had my library card for over a decade. What’s a book you would recommend? I like inspiration books, especially ones by Wayne Dyer. What is your favorite thing about the library or reading? I read to gain knowledge. Knowledge is power. What books are you checking out today? I’m not sure; I like to browse.
Joshua arP | GREEN SCENE
Can trees keep secrets? How long can you keep a secret? The phrase (and others like it), “dead men tell no tales” has been around for thousands of years. The idea is that even the “looselipped” don’t betray hints once they die. But how about trees? How long do trees keep secrets? The answer, for unscrupulous—or more likely uneducated—business persons, is, “just long enough.” By that, I mean decline and death in trees is a slow enough process that the “offender” usually has not only cashed his or her paycheck, but also spent it as well, long before any signs of trouble show up. When I am consulting on a declining tree, I regularly ask if the site has been disturbed recently. Usually I have to ask the question a second time before making any progress: “Oh, well about four or five years ago, we had a sewer line replaced, but ...” I can interrupt at this point: “but the lawn was repaired and the tree didn’t
die—that was years ago.” Last weekend I consulted on a towering cherry tree for a new homeowner. The tree presents a significant risk for anyone who will be in this backyard or neighboring backyards and must be taken down. The cost for take-down will be astronomical. When was the damage done? Not by the previous homeowner, who had lived there for several years. Instead, the damage was done by an excavator who had initially cleared, leveled or landscaped the wooded lot. For a long time, the tree looked like it would survive, but the trunk damage has resulted in limb die-back. And, the root damage means that the towering specimen is supported by less than half of its original structural roots. Only now is the tree is telling its secrets, but they are as relevant today as a newspaper article on the impending computer crisis to be caused by Y2K. (Incidentally, Y2K was about when the tree was damaged). So what do the secret-keep-
ing characteristics of trees mean to tree managers and homeowners? From a liability perspective, trees usually keep secrets longer than a realistic statute of limitations. Consequently, the burden of scruple falls on the tree manager. In other words, in the short term, one tree company’s work may not seem to have different results from another. (“They hacked the tree, but to my surprise, it came back nicely.”) However, in the long term, a tree’s best chance for survival comes when it receives care from the most scrupulous of handlers. This especially includes all construction workers who may dig, park, redirect water, clean equipment, etc. anywhere near a tree. For a 30” diameter tree, nothing should be done within a 30-foot radius of the trunk. Joshua Arp is an ISA-certified municipal specialist, Clarks Summit’s municipal arborist and an operator of an organic lawn and landscape maintenance business. Reach him at josarhuap@aol.com.
TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S05] | 07/10/19
Around the towns
Actors Circle presents original mystery
Clarks Summit resident Carol Davis will perform in Actors Circle's upcomimng production of "Sherlock Holmes and The White Chapel Murders," written and directed by Lou Bisignani and based on the characters created by Sir Author Conan Doyle. The play will be presented Thursday through Saturday, July 11-13 at 8 p.m., and Sunday, July 14 at 2 p.m. at Providence Playhouse, 1256 Providence Road in Scranton. Tickets are $12 for general admission, $10 for seniors and $8 for students. Reservations can be made by calling 570-342-9707 or emailing tickets@actorscircle.com. For more information visit ActorsCircle.com or the group's Facebook page. From left, first row: Jacob Dean Bohenek, Michael Kapacs-Fenton, Geanna Kirchner and Mary Jule Kapacs. Second row: Bernard M. Ott, Amanda VanBuskirk, Susan Parrick, Grace Kapacs, Kelly Kapacs, Scott Rave, Mark Fryer, Dominic Azzarelli and Nunzio Caccamo. Other cast members are: Carol Davis, Emily Kapacs-Fenton, Molly Kapacs-Fenton, Corey Kelly, Matthew Kirchner, Lorrie Loughney and Justin O’Hearn.
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A musical mission
Countryside Community Church in Newton Twp. recently hosted 50 members of the Clay Church Musical Mission Tour (MMT) from South Bend, Indiana. MMT combines the art of theatre with a passion for serving others. It incorporates theater into the social needs of a community, bringing a story to life for children who very rarely get to see well-produced, live theatre. Over the course of five days, MMT conducted community service projects and gave free performances of ‘Once on This Island, Jr. Musical’ at various local social service agencies such as YMCA and the Boy and Girls Club. They also gave a free performance at Countryside Community Church.
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Doug Smith Band with Erin Malloy sponsored by
TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S06] | 07/10/19
Rotary club holds fireworks display Emma Black / STaFF PHOTOGRaPHER
People look on as fireworks light up the sky at the annual display presented by the Rotary Club of the Abingtons Tuesday, July 2 at Abington Heights Middle School.
Amberli Reeves, 10, of Falls, left, and Tatum Robinson, 8, of Falls, take a spin on A little rain at the Abington Heights Middle School fireworks show did not deter a flying saucer ride kids from the carnival rides.
Helping you to live your life
From left, David McKnight, 9, Maximus Sandone, 10, Rhys Ever Munley, 3, of Newton Township, gets McKnight, 10, and Will Horsley, 10, off a slide. all of Waverly Twp.
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Clockwise from left, Reilly Breig, Ryleigh Borgia, 3, left, and Alex Tierney, Duncan Breig, Kerri O’Reilly and Piper 4, both of Clarks Summit. Breig, all of South Abington Twp. more photos from this event can be viewed online and are available for purchase from our photo store at abingtonsuburban.com.
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TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S07] | 07/10/19
Concert series continues with The Fab Three ELIzABETH BAuMEISTEr / STAFF PHOTOS
More photos from this event can be viewed online and are available for purchase from our photo store at abingtonsuburban.com.
Up next The Lakeside Wednesday Concerts will continue every Wednesday through Aug. 28 from 6-8 p.m. at Hillside Park. Admission is free; donations of canned goods are accepted for the local food pantry. The remaining lineup is as follows: July 17: Doug Smith Band with Erin Malloy July 24: FullCircle July 31: Chris DiMattio with Ken McGraw’s Brass and Ivory Orchestra Aug. 7: East Coast Trio Aug. 14: Presbybop Quintet Aug. 21 (Kids Night): The Wanabees Aug. 28: Friends of the Gypsy with Senator John Blake
Some chose to sit and relax, while others got up to dance during the July 3 concert with The Fab Three, a Beatles preservation band, under the Lakeside Pavilion at Hillside Park. The event was the second in the Concert sponsor Paul Keeler introduces The Fab Three Lakeside Wednesday Concerts series. The free concerts are held weekly, 6-8 p.m., through Aug. 28. The John on Wednesday evening, July 3 at Hillside Park. Stevens Polka Band took the stage on July 10 and up next is the Doug Smith Band with Erin Malloy on July 17.
Gabrielle Carpenter of Clarks Summit holds up her catch at the July 3 installment of the Lakeside Wednesday Concerts series at Hillside Park. In addition to the live music, concert-goers can enjoy fishing and boating on the lake, picnics, walking People dance to the music of The Fab Three, a Beatles preservation band, during trails and more. the July 3 Lakeside Wednesday Concert under the pavilion at Hillside Park.
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by Jack and Carole Bender
by Dan Stark Crossword answer:
by Jimmy Johnson
by Lincoln Peirce
by Art and Chip Sansom
by Richard Thompson
How to play:
Complete the grid so every row, column and 3 by 3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
by Tom Thaves
by Luis Campos
by Bill Schorr
by Bill Tatulli
by Dave Whamond Today’s Cipher clue:
B equals V Sudoku answer:
by Jim Meddick Celebrity Cipher answer:
Previous Solution: “As a child, I loved to read books ... a pathway to worlds and people far from my neighborhood in Philadelphia.” — Ed Bradley
THATABABY by Dan Thompson
by Paul Trap
TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S09] | 07/10/19
AH grads to play in Dream Game BY JARED PALLO STAFF WRITER
Just about every high school athlete has wished for one more game with his or her alma mater. Recent Abington Heights graduates Noah Braid and Seth Drake will get that opportunity in the 85th Scranton Lions Club Dream Game on July 17 at 7 p.m. at John Henz es/Veterans Memorial Stadium. Braid, who looked up to players who played in the game before him, always wanted the chance to participate in it. Now, he hopes underclassmen share his
previous aspirations. “Playing in (the Dream Game) was something I had hoped for,” he said. “Plus, representing Abington Heights, all my teammates and coach (Joe) Repshis one last time is going to be special.” He also talked about how playing with and against players from other schools who he has made connections with for a final time will be a highlight. Braid, a three-year varsity player for the Comets, saw year-to-year improvements across the board. After limited playing time
as a sophomore in 2016 he earned his time on the field in the ensuing two seasons. He attributes that growth to a willingness to step into a bigger role left by a plethora of graduates. “The team lost a lot of seniors after my sophomore year, and I served as a captain when I was a junior and senior,” Braid said. “Having to step up into a leadership role starting junior year really helped (my on-field performance).” He starred on defense, recording a combined 155 total tackles, two sacks and three forced fumbles from
the linebacker position during his junior and senior seasons. Braid’s role in the offense expanded in his senior season as he carried the ball 76 times for 328 yards and two touchdowns as the team’s fullback. Prior to 2018 he had just 14 carries for 36 yards. It was something he took pride in doing after the team lost its 2017 leading rusher Kaleb Sherman when he transferred to Scranton High School. “(The bigger offensive role) was definitely a challenge, but it was a good opportunity, too,” Braid
said. “It took a lot of conditioning but got me much more involved.” Drake played on the varsity team for two years, on the defensive line. Combined, Drake made 65 total tackles and had three sacks in two seasons. Braid and Drake got to k n ow e a ch o t h e r we l l through their time on the football team. “We’ve gotten to grow together on the football field,” Braid said. “(Drake) brings a lighthearted attitude, which I think is something you need (as a teammate).”
Players battle to catch a ball during a game of ‘jail.’
Tennis pros serve up fun for youth BY RICH COX STAFF WRITER
the first half of their mornMore photos from this event can be viewed online and are available for purchase from ing sessions. They applied our photo store at abingtonsuburban.com. CLARKS SUMMIT — For their newly acquired backJoe McNulty, teaching the hand and forehand skills to game of tennis singles and doubles isn’t a job. It’s a volley sessions at passion. the end of the day. “I want the “I want the kids kids here to know to feel moved when that tennis is a they’re playing lifetime sport.” but I want them McNulty said. to have fun at the “The only way same time,” said to improve is by McNulty. MCNAULTY staying with it.” The advanced McNulty has and older players’ sesbeen teaching sions held in the afthe sport for as ternoon were more long as he can intensive than the remember. The morning sessions. tennis aficionado The 32 players were led the Junior given advanced Tennis Camp tutorials and saw at the Scranton heavier competiTennis Club from tion. For many of June 17-21. He the seasoned parworks there as ticipants, the camp the club’s priwas an opportunity MCKENNA mary instructor for to polish their skills. the Stroke of the “We have a great Week adult lessons. He’s also turnout this year,” said McKbeen the club pro since 1986. enna. McNulty recently retired The cost of the five-day Juas Scranton High School’s nior Tennis Camp was $100 tennis coach, a position he and included a T-shirt and a held for 40 years. The former barbecue at the conclusion boys and girls tennis coach of camp. The barbecue was is a member of the National open to all camp particiTennis Instructors and High pants and included prizes School Coaches Association. and awards. McNulty was joined by Contact the writer: rcox@ EMMA BLACk / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER timesshamrock.com; 570-348guest clinician Cesar Leon, Ben Hillebrand, 6, eyes the ball as he prepares to hit. 9100, ext. 3005 a former Wilkes University standout and club pro at the Cary Leeds Center for Tennis and Learning in Bronx, New York. The camp’s instructors included Scranton Tennis Club Tennis Director John Weiss, Clarks Summit University Head Coach Kelly Arp and Scranton Prep Head Coach Kathleen McKenna. “The instructors here are top level,” said McNulty. “They’re the best of the best. We’re definitely stroke-proficient here. Who better to teach it than these people?” Tuesday’s torrential downpour didn’t discourage the 100-plus group of young tennis devotees who showed up Wednesday for hitting lessons. Seventy-two players participated during the morning sessions, which was primarily assigned for the beginners and younger players. The young and inexperienced players ran RICH COx / STAFF PHOTO basic hitting drills and were Kathleen McKenna, left, and Isabel Hou with campers at the Scranton Tennis Club. taught proper form during
Baseball: The Scranton/ Wilkes-Barre RailRiders will host two summer camps July 15-18 and Aug. 6-8 at PNC Field for ages 6-14. Additional information: Robby Judge, rjudge@swbrailriders.com or 570-558-4612. ■ Electric City Baseball & Softball Academy will host the 10th annual summer slam baseball camp on July 22-25, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at PNC Field. Cost is $160. To register: electriccitybaseball.com or 570-955-0471. ■ The Sandlot’s eighth annual Swing Into Fall baseball and softball camp will be Tuesdays, 5:30-7 p.m., and Saturdays, 9:30-11 a.m., from July 30 to Aug. 17 for boys and girls ages 5-14. Cost is $125. To register: CDD027@ aol.com or 570-445-1155. ■ Maximum Impact Sports Training in Wilkes-Barre is accepting registrations for a call list for its 9U/10U team. Players must be 9 years old or younger as of May 1, 2019. To register: 570-822-1134. Basketball: The University of Scranton women’s basketball team will host an ID Clinic Aug. 17 from noon to 4 p.m. at the John Long Center for players entering grades 9-12. Cost is $75. Additional information: Nick DiPillo, 570-941-7440 or nicholas. dipillo@scranton.edu. Camp: North Mt. Branch QDMA is hosting a Youth Outdoors Skills Camp July 20 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Sorber Mt. Cabin in Noxen for ages 5-17. Cost is $20. To register: Chip Sorber, 570-477-2303. Field hockey: Registration is open for the Abington Youth Field Hockey Rec. League for girls entering grades 3-6. To register or for more information: Michelle LaCoe, 570-851-9492. Golf: The University of Scranton men’s basketball team will hold its 18th annual Golf Classic on Sept. 6 at Glen Oak Country Club. Registration will be at 9:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 10:30. Cost is $150 per player. per foursome. Additional information: Carl Danzig, 570-941-7478 or carl.danzig@scranton.edu; or Ryan Van Zelst, 570-9417252 or ryan.vanzelst@ scranton.edu. ■ The Greater Scranton YMCA will host the Inaugural Harry McGrath Memorial Golf Tournament and Dinner Celebration Friday, Sept. 20, 1:30 p.m. at Glen Oak Country Club, 250 Oakford Road, Clarks Summit. Registration begins at 10 a.m. A dinner celebration will begin with cocktails at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7:30 p.m. Entertainment will be provided by Black Tie Stereo. For more info or to register, visit conta.cc/2OvkDTO or contact Betsy McGrath Ardizoni at 570-768-6118. ■ Newton Recreation Center Annual Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, Aug. 17 at Stone Hedge Golf Course in Tunkhannock Township. Noon shotgun start. Lunch on course. Dinner and prizes at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $80 per player through July 20; $90 per player after July 20. To sign up or for more info, email newtonreccenter@gmail. com or call 570-586-7808. The tournament benefits building maintenance and programs at Newton Recreation Center. Soccer: A youth soccer camp will run Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Elite Gamespeed in Scranton through July for ages 4-12. Softball: Electric City Baseball & Softball Academy will host its annual summer softball camp on July 22-25, 9 a.m.-noon, at Tripp Park. Cost is $99. To register: electriccitybaseball.com or 570-955-0471.
30 years ago: Dean LaCoe and Mike Grohs combined on a no-hitter for Abington in a 6-3 win over Dunmore in CSBL. 20 years ago: Paul Clark had three hits, including a double and a two-run home run for Abington in a 9-8 win over West Scranton in American Legion baseball. 10 years ago: Cory Spangenberg had a double, a triple and five RBIs for Abington in a 22-4 win over Dickson City in American Legion baseball.
TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S10] | 07/10/19
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Keystone College and Luzerne County Community College (LCCC) signed an articulation agreement enabling LCCC early childhood education graduates to seamlessly transfer to Keystone. Under the agreement, LCCC students who graduate with an associate degree in applied science: early childhood education and meet transfer requirements will be guaranteed admission into Keystone’s bachelor’s degree programs in early childhood education and teaching: child and family studies. Students will be able to complete their bachelor’s degrees within four regular semesters. From left, first row: Fran Langan, Keystone College vice president of institutional advancement; Karen Yarrish, Keystone College interim provost and vice president of academic affairs; Tracy Brundage, Keystone College president; Thomas P. Leary, LCCC president; Cheryl Lesser, LCCC vice president of academic affairs; and Rosana Reyes, LCCC vice president of enrollment management and student development. Second row: Heather Shanks-McElroy, Keystone College professor and coordinator of undergraduate and graduate programs in education; Kate Zielinski, LCCC associate professor of social science/history; Janis Wilson Seeley, LCCC professor and chair of social science/history.
Summit Christian Academy honor roll S. ABINGTON TWP — Summit Christian Academy Principal Marianne Rivers announced the fourth quarter honor roll as follows.
10th grade Burke Colombo
Ninth grade Leah Himka Grace Palmiter
Eighth grade Ally Plantz Ethel Schmidt
Seventh grade Kaylee Parker Logan Treat
Sixth grade Kylie Butash Kendra Izon Alethia Masters Paige Rivers Nathan Schmidt Camilla Treat
Fifth grade Noah Dietrich Johnathan Feldman
Audrey Izon Ruby Redfield Logan Schmidt
Fourth grade Marquise Bloom Jaylee Gonzalez Faith Mielo Hailey Miller Avery Rivers
Third grade Gabriel Bruckner Chase Butash Brian Deschaine III Amelia Dietrich Zachary Feldman Channing Heuer Dominic Heuer Joshua Jimenez Sarah Lynott Violet Redfield Caleb Ryan Anna Schmidt Alexander Snipes Adrian Treat
Second grade Gianella Bruckner Ethan Bell Samson Cordonnier
Landon Bruckner Judah Gard Trayton Feldman Faith Miller Grace Selenski Robert Walsh
First grade Katelyn Banta Djimon Bosu Colten Butash Violet Dietrich Victoria Heuer Marissa Jefferey Makenzie Kovar Andrew Schmidt
TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S11] | 07/10/19
Around the towns
Behind the scenes at the Dalton carnival
Doc Stacknick Jr. works in the rain Saturday evening to secure a backdrop to the bandstand on the Dalton James Sturdevant secures a table covering under the clam and corn tent at the Dalton Fire Company’s carnival Fire Company grounds in preparation for the 97th grounds Saturday evening in preparation for the 97th annual event. annual carnival. ELIzABETH BAuMEISTER / STAFF PHOTOS
Justin Sturdevant attaches part of a tent wall to the bandstand frame Saturday evening in preparation for Randy Lewis hammers a piece of fencing into the ground Sunday afternoon to mark a row of parking for the 97th annual Dalton Fire Company Carnival. the 97th annual Dalton Fire Company Carnival.
Mike Santarsiero, left, and William Santarsiero of the Chinchilla Hose Company work on the oven in the company’s pizza booth Sunday afternoon in preparation for the 97th annual Dalton Fire Company Carnival. Jim Arscott works with a small group of other volunteers Sunday afternoon to get the parking areas ready for the 97th annual Dalton Fire Company Carnival.
Jason Saar cleans off a counter in the Chinchilla Hose Company’s pizza booth on the Dalton Fire Company Grounds Sunday afternoon in preparation for the 97th annual Dalton Fire Company Carnival.
Justin Mabie sponges off a counter in the Chinchilla Hose Company’s pizza booth Sunday afternoon in preparation for the 97th annual Dalton Fire Company Carnival.
Volunteer: Carnival time FROM PAGE 1
few people there are to get it all done. I had only a vague idea before Saturday. They need more help. And they deserve more recognition. They don’t get paid, yet they return year after year out of a love and dedication to the fire department. The fundraiser is vital to the purchase of trucks (which can cost more than $1,000,000)
and other necessary equipment to keep the company running. Now that we know, here are four things we can do about it: First, thank the volunteers when you spot them, and let them know their hard work is appreciated. Second, make a donation to the department, if you are able. Third, bring your family and encourage your neighbors
to join you at the firemen’s parade on Friday at 7 p.m. Clap, cheer and overwhelm the volunteers with support. And fourth, if you really want to make their day, ask how you can sign up as a volunteer. Oh, and a bonus: have a good time. Enjoy the carnival. Ride the rides. And eat too much funnel cake. Contact the writer: ebaumeister@timesshamrock. com; 570-348-9100, ext. 3492
Lisa Vaughn sweeps away dirt and cobwebs from the frame of the Chinchilla Hose Company’s pizza booth on the Dalton Fire Company carnival grounds Sunday afternoon in preparation for the 97th annual event.
dalton Fire Company Carnival
entertainment schedule
The 97th annual event kicked off Tuesday evening, July 9 and will continue each evening through Saturday, July 13. It opens at 6 p.m. and closes at 11 p.m. each day on the carnival grounds on Bank Street. The dunk tank this year is sponsored by Lackawanna Trail Friends of Music. Happy Faces Painting will be on hand. Midway is provided by Otto’s Amusements. Ride wristbands are $20. With this wristband, your child will be able to ride all night. Bingo will be offered nightly.
Thursday: Music by Old Friends, 7-11 p.m. Friday: Firemen’s parade, 7 p.m.; line up at 6 p.m. For parade information, contact Justin Sturdevant at 570-527-0231. Stop by the beer tent after the parade to hear sounds by the Greater Scranton Black Diamonds Pipe Band. Music by Inside-Out Band, 7-11 p.m. Saturday: Basket drawing and grand prize drawing at approximately 10 p.m. Music by Mace In Dickson Band, 7-12 p.m.
TS_CNG/SUBURBAN/PAGES [S12] | 07/10/19
MISSION: Teens fix up house
Chris Clark and Hannah May paint the interior of a house on Haven Lane in South Abington Township. The teens volunteered their time to help get the house ready to sell. The profit from the sale will be used to help other teens fund mission trips to Honduras. ing place there. When he returned, he immediately began planning to go back with a group of home-school students he and his wife worked with. He’s accompanied students there every year since.
great what they are doing.” Anyone interested in purchasing the home, can contact Rogan at 570-9064344 or via Clockwork Real Estate on Facebook at bit. ly/2JBfrf4. Donations of tools, supplies and manpower have Haven Lane house flip gone a long way in making When the house on Haven the house flip for Honduras Lane came on the market, a reality. May and his wife discussed May looks forward to usbuying it and flipping it to ing the profits to send more make money to support stu- students to serve at the dents who want to serve in school in Honduras. Honduras. “It’s good for Honduras, After the purchase, May it’s good for the school, but put the call out to students it’s a really good opportunity and their families he had for the students themselves,” worked with in the past and said May. “Whenever the they responded. The teens students come back, they gave up summer hours and have a much greater appretime spent at home to landciation for what it means to scape, put up sheet rock, be an American and a much spackle, paint and make mi- greater appreciation for the nor repairs. blessings we have here in The group plans to conAmerica,” May said. tinue work on the house and “They also have a greater How it all began May hopes it will be ready to desire to serve. Whether it’s A conversation with a go on the market soon. in a third world country or friend about La Providencia Real estate agent Pat somewhere in the United led to May and his daughter Rogan also wanted to help States. It’s good for Hondugoing to Honduras for a week and agreed to list the house ras, what they are doing, but in 2016. A family mission trip for free. it’s really good for America quickly became a program “I was happy to do it,” Ro- as well. Because now you that May developed for other gan said. “It’s extra money have students who apprecihigh school students. that they can use for their ate what it means to be an May said he fell in love charity work in Honduras. American and are willing to with the ministry takIt’s a great mission and it’s serve others.”
Honduras is in,” Hannah said. “It is great serving and knowing it makes a difference. I love working with the kids. You definitely get attached.” The May family has travelled to Honduras many times and spent this past Thanksgiving as a family there. “It was the best Thanksgiving,” Jill May said. “It was one of my favorite trips. We took just our family. We were able to help in the school, just the five of us. Hannah was already there, serving for a year after graduation. We were able to see what she does. One of the teachers is an American and she invited us to Thanksgiving in her front yard. It was a huge Thanksgiving with people from all different cultures. It was amazing.”
CALENDAR: Local event listings FROM PAGE 2
your favorite songs of the ‘60s-’80s. JULY 28 Pasta dinner fundraiser: Sunday, July 28, 2-5 p.m. at the Clarks Summit Fire Co. banquet hall, 321 Bedford St., Clarks Summit. The Fleetville and Clarks Summit fire companies are hosting this pasta dinner fundraiser to benefit the Varady family of Benton Township, who lost their home and pets in a fire on June 13. The menu includes pasta and meatballs, salad, bread, dessert and beverages. The cost is $10 for adults; $7 for children age 8 and younger. Tickets are available at the B&B Restaurant, Clark’s SharpAll, Country Cuts and Joann’s Beauty Salon or by calling 570-945-3139 or 570-5869656, ext. 4. Pre-sale tickets are available until Sunday, July 21; a limited number of tickets will be available at the door. AUG. 17 Newton Recreation Center Annual Golf Tournament: Saturday, Aug. 17 at Stone Hedge Golf Course in Tunkhannock Township. Noon shotgun start. Lunch on course. Dinner and prizes at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $80 per player through July 20; $90 per player after July 20. To sign up or for more info, email newtonreccenter@ gmail.com or call 570-5867808. The tournament benefits building maintenance and programs at Newton
mittee is seeking contact information including telephone, e-mail and residential address, along with any other pertinent information, for those interested in a 50th reunion this year. Email your info or questions to: khick07@comcast.net or call 570-881-3186. Community garden volunteers sought: This season’s Waverly Community Garden continues to share fresh produce with local food pantries and other programs. Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the garden can sign up on the its Facebook page at bit. ly/2KzuhBi. State Rep. Outreach: A staff member from state Rep. Marty Flynn’s office will proONGOING/ vide outreach assistance REMINDERS from 9 a.m. to noon on the third Wednesday of the Lakeside Wednesday month, alternating between Concerts series: Free, outthe Clarks Green Borough door concerts will be preBuilding, 104 N. Abington sented every Wednesday Road and the South Abingthrough August, 6-8 p.m. at ton Township Building’s secHillside Park. The remaining lineup is as follows: July ond-floor meeting room, 104 Shady Lane Road in Chin17: Doug Smith Band with Erin Malloy; July 24: FullCir- chilla. Flynn’s staff can help with PennDOT paperwork, cle; July 31: Chris DiMattio LIHEAP winter heating with Ken McGraw’s Brass and Ivory Orchestra; Aug. 7: assistance, unemployment compensation, workers’ comEast Coast Trio; Aug. 14: pensation, PACE/PACENET Presbybop Quintet; Aug. 21 (Kids’ Night): The Wanabees; prescription-drug coverage, Aug. 28: Friends of the Gyp- unclaimed property searchsy with Senator John Blake. es and any other state-related matter. Call 570-342-4348 For more information, visit for more information. hillsidepark.net or the Hillside Park Facebook page. Reach the Suburban: 570Abington Heights Class 348-9185; suburbanweekly@ of 1969 reunion: The com- timesshamrock.com Recreation Center. SEPT. 20 Harry McGrath Memorial Golf Tournament & Dinner Celebration: The Greater Scranton YMCA will host the Inaugural Harry McGrath Memorial Golf Tournament and Dinner Celebration Friday, Sept. 20, 1:30 p.m. at Glen Oak Country Club, 250 Oakford Road, Waverly Township. Registration begins at 10 a.m. A dinner celebration will begin with cocktails at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7:30 p.m. Entertainment will be provided by Black Tie Stereo. For more info or to register, visit conta.cc/2OvkDTO or contact Betsy McGrath Ardizoni at 570-768-6118.
LIBRARY: Civil War group FROM PAGE 1
a book about a local regiment, the 132nd Pennsylvania Infantry. “We try to blend a local flair with a national flair,” Moran said. “The war touched everyone’s lives.” Membership in the group costs $20 a year for an individual or $25 for a family, Moran said. Anyone interested in joining or sitting in on a discus-
sion can just stop by a meeting, Moran said. The round table is a good addition to the slate of programs offered at the library and other events with a Civil War focus proved popular and well-attended, said Renee Roberts, project manager at the library. The library recently partnered with the Waverly Community House for a program called “Destination Freedom” which
explored Waverly’s connection to the Underground Railroad and the freed slave community that lived there. That event drew more than 40 people, Roberts said. “It’s another program that we can offer that we know there’s a need for,” Roberts said. Contact the writer: cover@timesshamrock.com; 570-348-9100 x5363; @ClaytonOver on Twitter
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