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Meet the District Member Recognition Committee

MEET THE District Member RecognitionCommittee


District Member Recognition Chair - David Su

Executive Assistant - Luke Barrella

Hullo! My name is David Su and I am the District Member Recognition Committee Chair. I am currently a 4th year Psychology major at UC Irvine. I am in charge of everything related to member recognition in Circle K, from MR Mondays to district awards. Me and my committee are here to assist you in all ways so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! My biggest goals for this term are adjusting awards and the member recognition program according to the COVID-19 pandemic and transitioning awards from Excel to Formstack. I aim to keep the committee open and transparent with tasks. I am excited for the term!

Hey guys! My name is Luke Barrella and I am the 2020-2021 Executive Assistant for Member Recognition Committee! Outside of CKI, I currently attend Moorpark College and am a third year Civil Engineering major! For my position, I am in charge of helping the Member Recognition Chair with any executive duties, as well as compiling all meeting minutes and announcements! Personally, my interest in Member Recognition sparked when I initially served on Central Coast's Divisional Leadership Team last term. Being able to recognize others for their service, leadership, and fellowship became a passion, and I'm excited to extend that passion as a member of the District Member Recognition Committee!

Creative Director - Janice Lee

Hellooo My name is Janice Lee and I am serving as the Creative Director for the Member Recognition Committee. I am a third-year Biological Sciences major at UC Irvine. As the Creative Director, I am responsible for all the graphic aspects within the committee, including the member recognition manual you are reading now! Member Recognition plays a crucial role in CKI and I am really excited to be part of this amazing committee. It’s wonderful to recognize all the inspiring individuals who dedicated their time to CKI work and they deserve the appreciation from all clubs throughout the CNH District. Seeing CKI members cheering and supporting each other is my biggest motivations :)

Northern Recognition Specialist - Vanessa Lee

Central Recognition Specialist - Jessica Lam

Southern Recognition Specialist - Guy Suankaew

Hi hello! My name is Andrew Yu and I serve as the Master Records Sheet (MRS) Coordinator on the District Member Recognition Committee. I am currently a Business Economics major at UC Irvine. This term, I hope to be a resource to all of you members, especially to those filling out the MRS. I believe that the MRS is a valuable asset to those keeping track of member's individual hours and recognition. Celebrate being acknowledged and recognized for your achievements! It is nice now and then to be recognized for your efforts, no matter how small it may seem. Reach out to me with anything regards to member recognition or the MRS.

Hullo everyone! My name is Vanessa Lee and I am your Northern Recognition Specialist for this term! I’m currently a 3rd year majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics at Sacramento State. As the Northern Representative, I proudly represent the Capital, Golden Gate, and Sunset divisions. My duties comprise of being a liaison between you all and your respective LTGs to keep y’all updated on evertyhing related to member recognition. I just wanna ask WHO doesn’t LOVE RECOGNITION?? Because I love seeing the smiles on people’s faces when we recognize hard-working individuals. I hope to assist all you guys along the way to establish Member Recognition within your home clubs and be a resource to y’all to grow one’s club. Let’s make this year a memorable one! c:

Hello Hello!! My name is Jessica Lam and I am currently a 4th year architecture major at Cal Poly Pomona. A fun fact about me is that I like to go on road trips to national parks! I am serving as this term's Central Region Specialist for Central Coast, Desert Oasis, and my home division, Foothill! I am here to assist all the Member Recognition chairs/Secretaries in the Central region. This term, my goal is to make sure the chairs have the correct resources they need to succeed! To me, member recognition means giving a huge shoutout to all of those who have worked hard to make a difference in CKI. I know sometimes it can feel like you work so hard and no one sees the work you put in, but we do and so do your members!

O hello everyone! My name is Guy Suankaew and I am the Southern Recognition Specialist of the Member Recognition Committee for the 2020-21' term. I'm currently in my 3rd year at Cal State Long Beach as a Biology major. Something you may not know about me is I own a vast collection of kpop albums and posters which may have taken over my room during this time in quarantine. This year, I decided to join the committee to provide and explore the definition of recognition more on the district level. I've been taking this time to talk and support my fellow recognition chairs throughout the SoCal region by sharing my experiences and asking about their own. If you ever want to talk about any of the topics I mentioned, feel free to contact me and we can be good pals!

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