CNI Monitor Year-6 (Issue-1)

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Year 6

Issue 1

Baisakh, 2069

April-May, 2012

CNI Focus on

Economic Diplomacy

CNI office bearers, newly appointed envoys and participants in interaction program.


he Confederation of the Nepalese come up with their suggestions and cooperation Industries (CNI), organized an interaction to promote bilateral trade and economic relation with newly appointed Nepali ambassadors with countries they are stationed in. They jointly to six different countries on Nepal’s expressed their sincere commitment for help to economic diplomacy at Kathmandu in 27 April. increase trade and tourism between Nepal and Addressing the program CNI President Binod the countries they are based in as well as bring Kumar Chaudhary said the country’s desire, in the in more investment. “We will give our best effort era of globalization, has shifted from aid to trade, to help Nepali entrepreneurs to promote their and requested the newly appointed envoys to business in countries we are stationed,” said facilitate trade. "The crux of the modern foreign Prahlad Prasai, ambassador to Israel. "We would policy should be economic help Nepal's industrial and diplomacy," he spotlighted, "Thus economic growth through The crux the envoys should focus on economic diplomacy," said Rudra technology transfer, foreign direct Kumar Nepal, ambassador to of the investment and promoting Nepali Australia. modern products abroad." Ambassador to Russia, Rabi CNI senior Vice-President foreign policy Mohan Sapkota said that Russia Narendra Kumar Basnyat was interested to develop should be requested the ambassadors to act hydropower projects with total as a bridge between respective capacity of producing 23,000 MW. economic countries and Nepal. "Nepali "Informal talks on this have begun diplomacy workers and entrepreneurs abroad and we could make it happen if we are facing a lot of difficulties due created proper environment for to lack of a contact person," he said investment," he said adding that expressing the hope that ambassadors will help Nepal has enough resources and the only to resolve such issues related to workers and requirement is creation of favorable environment traders through diplomatic channel. for the mobilization of the resource. Similarly, Businessmen, entrepreneurs and CNI members Ram Mani Pokharel, ambassador to Brussels, present in the program urged the envoys to Bharat Paudel ambassador to Pakistan and Paras promote our economic interests overseas for Ghimire ambassador to Myanmar also focused maximizing the national interest. on the need to increase export for economic The new appointees asked industrialists to prosperity of the country.

CNI Helps Fire Victims Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI)’ the apex body of Nepal's industry and service sector, has granted more than Rs. 0.5 million worth of bamboo and corrugated sheets to the fire victims in Aurahi Village Development Committee (VDC) of Siraha district. The grant was mobilized from the Citizen Relief Fund (CRF), created in cooperation with CNI & MAHA Sanchar. CNI handed the essentials required for quickly construction of houses to the support committee formed under the leadership of chief district officer of Sihara to distribute the help to the victims. More than 2000 houses of around 1000 families were destroyed by the fire in Aurahi on 15 may 2012. CNI also expressed

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Message Dear friends, my colleague entrepreneurs and admirers, it is our pleasure to inform you that we have come up with the 'MONITOR', CNI monthly news letter since Baishak Binod Kumar Chaudhary 2069, which was remained President, CNI unspoken for some times. This new issue of MONITOR is available to you in both the print as well as electronic version. In the rapidly changing, highly competitive and techno savvy business environment today, entrepreneurs are constantly on the move. Even in the mobility and preoccupation they need information on latest development taking place in the economic and business sector both in the national as well as international level, which could be important and critical to their business operations. Therefore, in order to keep the business community informed and updated on the current development in national as well as international economy, business scenario and CNI activities as well, CNI decided to collect economic and business information, news, views, trend analysis ad policy changes over a period of current one month and present it to you in a form of compact information capsule. Since the establishment of CNI, we have always welcomed your cooperation, inputs and suggestions to advocate appropriate legislative policy and operational changes necessary for establishing an investment friendly climate in Nepal, enhancing the capacity and capability of the private sector to deliver growth and raise voice to the concerns of the industrial and business community. It may be worth mentioning that there are various positive changes taken place mainly due to the major activities and initiatives that CNI undertook to achieve its mission during this period. We hope this effort of CNI to help the business community keep updated on all current development on their areas of operation side by side on all economic scenarios in national as well as international level would be sufficient to appraise the reader on all the current business and economic issues. If you have any suggestions on how the usefulness and effectiveness of this news letter could further enhance, CNI would most grateful to receive your suggestions and feedback.


Mr. Mahendra Neupane (right), Executive director of CNI handing over the corrugated sheet to Mr. Pramod Poddhar, treasurer of District Red-Cross Siraha.

aggrieve to the devastating incident and called its member institutions to provide any kind of helps to the fire victims.

News Letter

Forwarded Suggestions on Proposed Industrial Enterprise Act 2 CNI CNI Urged for Clarity on Anti3 Money Laundering Issues and CCI have agreed to sign MOU 4 CNI

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