CNI Monitor Year 6 (Issue-2)

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Year 6

Issue 2

Jestha, 2069

May-June, 2012

Page 4

News Letter

CNI Interaction with

Finance Minister A

delegation of Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) held an interaction with the finance minister Mr. Barsa Man Pun at Ministry of Finance (MOF) on 30 May. The interaction was called by the MOF to discuss with the private sector in the changing political situation after dissolution of Constitution Assembly (CA). Addressing the program Mr. Pun said that the ‘Technology Development Fund’ of up to Rs government will be bringing the economy 1 billion to facilitate research and related bills through ordinance to boost the development which could also help in private sector’s confidence. “These bills will attracting foreign capital. be brought through political consensus,” said The Finance secretary Mr. Krishnahari Pun, adding that more than a dozen bills Baskota, addressing the program, said the related to the economy have been pending macroeconomic indicators of the country are at the dissolved parliament. in comfortable position. "The private sector The CNI delegation demanded a common needs not to be hesitated to invest more understanding on economic agenda among capital in Nepal because the MOF is the political parties as the CA dissolution may considering to bring the bills related to threaten business environment. “The Special Economic Zone, Banks and Financial government needs to come up with a Institutions, Industrial Enterprise and three common minimum economic agenda,” said bills on anti-money laundering (AML)," said Hari Bhakta Sharma, acting Baskota. At the meeting, NIC president of CNI, adding that Bank CEO Sashin Joshi said the CNI also the government should government should bring the asked to maintain a single diesel price as three bills related to AML --the dual fuel price mechanism Mutual Legal Assistance, ensure has hit industries hard. CNI also Organised Crime and availability of asked the government to Extradition Treaty—through electricity ensure availability of electricity ordinance at the earliest as through separate feeder for further delay would be prove through industries employing more than costly for banks and financial separate 50 people. "If the government institutions (BFIs). feeder wants to attract the foreign According to Joshi, the investors, the corporate government ’s disinclination income tax should be reduced to offer corporate tax waiver on manufacturing and other industries to 10 has discouraged BFI mergers the central and 15 percent, respectively, from the current bank’s efforts. “There is need to give some 20 and 25 percent," he added. waiver in corporate tax to encourage CNI governing council member and mergers,” said Joshi. industrialist Mr. Bijay Shah asked the Stating that banks’ liquidity position has government to allow Nepalis to invest improved, convener of CNI governing council abroad. Responding to the requests, Pun Mr. Chiranji Lal Agrawal asked the said the government was opening government to reduce the Statutory outward investment but added the issue Liquidity Requirement (SLR) of banks from the calls for wider consultations with major existing 20 percent to 15 percent. “It could political parties. Acting president Sharma lower the interest rate which would boost also urged the government to set up a investments in industries,” he said.

CNI helps fire victims Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) distributed bamboo and corrugated sheets worth Rs 1 million to the fire victims of Aurahi village development committee, Siraha district so that they can quickly construct their homes. CNI’s Koshi chapter coordinator Basudev Golyan visited the site and distributed the materials. CNI had handed the essentials to the support

committee formed under the leadership of chief district officer of Siraha which will distribute the materials. The help was arranged by Citizen Relief Fund jointly established by CNI and Maha Sanchar, CNI’s founding member Bishal Group, CNI’s youth arm Youth Entrepreneurs Forum, Rupandehi Industry Association and national council member of CNI Ramesh Gupta.

Message It is unfortunate as the four years have lapsed and there is no constitution. It is titanic disappointment. The dissolution Binod Kumar Chaudhary President, CNI of the Constituent Assembly (CA) has disappointed the country’s private sector and worried that the demise of the CA may further threaten business environment. Therefore, the Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) has asked the government to come up with a common minimum economic agenda to protect the industrial sector and economy from the negative impact of the political crisis. A huge sum of money—more than Rs 10 billions—has been spent in the last four years in the name of CA. It is well established that when uncertainty happens there is confusion in investment and business which private sector does not like. Hence, the current scenario is a set back and gives wrong perception about Nepal but the country is still a very attractive destination for investment. The biggest problem right now is we have not been able to raise the confidence of potential investors. We want all the political parties to come and agree on this common minimum economic agenda. They need to understand that they are responsible to make sure that Nepal develops because they are giving hope of new Nepal which is prosperous. If it is a prosperous Nepal, than economic agenda should be a common agenda irrespective of ideology of political parties. With CA election already been announced, many in private sector are worried about the donation drive of political parties. The CNI has talked about setting limit for the donation money. How strong is that fear and how important is to set the limit of donation? To cope with the current situation, first of all, budget should come on time which is critical for all of us. Secondly, the government should be able to invest capital expenditure in large scale projects. Rather than spending money out for cheap popularity to get vote, we need to look at energy which is a national crisis at the moment. Therefore the budget must focus on improving the existing infrastructure and encourage private sector by giving more incentives to create more employment.


and AEPC to Work Together 2 CNI Private Sector’s Rally for Peace 3 and Harmony Climbs Three Steps in Doing Business 4 Nepal

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