Viking Culture Summer Courses

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Explore Viking religion, mythology, archaeology, runes, sagas and more with our expert lecturers and guides on the Viking Islands of Orkney and Shetland

Orkney: The Orkney Summer Course will take place at the Centre for Nordic Studies, Kiln Corner, Kirkwall, which is in Kirkwall’s town centre. Shetland: The Shetland Summer Course will take place in Unst, Shetland’s most northerly island and at the North Atlantic Fisheries College (NAFC), Scalloway which is 5 miles from Lerwick, Shetland’s capital.

Study Mode

A mixture of lectures by expert staff from the Centre for Nordic Studies and field trips around the islands with our qualified tourist guides brings the Viking heritage of Orkney and Shetland alive.


£400 per week, to include all lectures and field trips. Optional activities such as sailing on a Viking boat (Shetland) or the Viking Feast will be at an additional charge. Programmes are ILA registered (see below). Local island residents: £250 (local Summer School only)

Centre for Nordic Studies

Orkney & Shetland Summer Courses 2012

Viking Culture

Travel & Accommodation

“A great course and lots of fun!” Elizabeth Gray, 2011 summer course student

“Learning was great fun. I met new friends with common interests.”

Kim Foden, 2011 summer course student

Photographs/Images: © Shetland Museum & Archives Photo Library, University of the Highlands and Islands, Visit Orkney, CNS staff, Christopher Gee, Jonas Rydin, Sigurd Towrie and Steven Heddle

There are excellent ferry and air links to both islands, with connections from all major Scottish airports as well as a direct flight from Bergen (Norway) to Shetland from MayAugust (please check with directly). Accommodation is available on campus in Shetland. Accommodation in Orkney can be booked with a range of bed & breakfast providers or two hostels in close walking distance to the campus in Kirkwall.


This course is accredited with the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and is worth 5 SQA credits. To qualify for credits a written paper will be required. If you are interested in gaining credit tick the appropriate box on the application form.

Individual Learning Account, Scotland

If you live in Scotland you may be eligible for an Individual Learning Account payment of up to £200. Check their website for details, You must have your ILA in place before applying in order for it to be eligible for part-payment towards our Summer Courses. The ILA can only be used for part-payment towards a full week of the Summer programmes.

Orkney 9—13 July Where? Centre for Nordic Studies, Kirkwall

Shetland 23—27 July Where? Saxa Vord, Unst & NAFC Marine Centre, Scalloway

Booking Form COMPLETE IN BLOCK CAPITALS I would like to attend the ((please tick):) Orkney Summer Course

This week-long summer programme will take you to the Orkney Islands of Rousay and Egilsay, and to the mythical Maeshowe chambered tomb. Lectures and fieldtrips will follow the themes below. Viking Voyages: We will be guided through the Vikings’ voyages, navigation and ship building techniques, followed by a field trip to a Viking harbour. Viking Society: Norse pre-Christian religion and conversion, their law and administrative organisation. We visit the seat of the Earl of Orkney and cult site of St Magnus. Everyday life: What did the Vikings wear, how did they live, what did they eat? We explore practical life in the Viking age with a hands-on approach and opportunities to taste. Saga day: Day trip to the islands of Rousay and Egilsay, where we visit pivotal sites from the Orkneyinga Saga while learning about the literature of the Norse people. Runes day: Make your own runic inscription while learning about the ancient writing of the Vikings. The field trip visits Maeshowe chambered tomb, containing Britain’s largest assemblage of runic inscriptions.

This week-long summer programme will take you to Scotland’s most northerly island, Unst and Shetland’s ancient capital, Scalloway. Lectures and fieldtrips will follow the themes below:

Shetland Summer Course

Please tick here if you require accommodation in Shetland (we shall be in touch)

Your Full Name


Viking Voyages: We will study Viking voyages, navigation and ship building techniques. The field trip visits a reconstructed Viking longship. There will be the option to sail on a Viking ship! Viking Society and Landscapes: Who were the Vikings? Where did they settle? We will look at archaeological evidence, laws and religion, and visit the remains of a longhouse and a ‘ting’ (local assembly site). Vikings in Popular Culture: Learn about Vikings in popular culture and film, including the Shetland Winter Fire Festival Up-Helly-Aa. We will visit the Galley shed to meet modernday Vikings, and see where replica Viking galleys are made. Sagas and Everyday Life: We will learn about the literature of the Norse people, their stories, myths and folklore. An optional Viking Feast will give you a taste of food inspired by the Norse settlers. Runes and Games: Make your own runic inscription while learning about the ancient alphabet of the Vikings. Learn a Viking game and participate in a Hnefatafl or Kubb tournament! Inter-island ferry fares in Shetland and Orkney and all entrance fees are included in the price. Accommodation at the Scalloway Campus and Saxa Vord Resort in Unst can be booked at a separate charge. Please note on your booking form if you require accommodation.


Contact Telephone Email

Payment: We prefer payment by cheque, which should be made payable to Orkney Islands Council. Please tick your method of payment(s) below. If you have an ILA, please ensure it is in place before applying, and give us your registration number below. Cheque Cash Individual Learning Account - Number: Card payment (see below) SQA Credit bearing *

We can take credit/debit card payments by two methods:

Online. Go to

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Choose Online Payments / Other Payments / Orkney College*

Over the telephone, phone 01856 569300

* Choose SQA Credit Bearing only if you wish to gain a qualification and are prepared to sit an assessment in the form of an essay.

Centre for Nordic Studies University of the Highlands & Islands Kiln Corner Kirkwall Orkney KW15 1QX Tel: +44 01856 569300

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