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How does QI fit the brand/ethos and audience of BBC2? QI fits the brands/ethos of BBC2 as BBC2 make quality programmes that meet the PSB requirements as it also entertains, informs and educates its audience. So QI meets these requirements by being witty, intelligent and informative and entertaining also BBC2 shows very smart and stylish shows. Also BBC try’s to cater for a wide audience and QI does this as it caters for adults aged 35-55. And BBC2 also tries to match to a wide taste of interests for example they like to show TV shows that include content on arts, science and history and QI includes questions which educates on these things so they cater for a different tastes and interests. Also BBC2 is an upmarket channel as it shows lots of different programs such as QI and nature programs which are both quality programs as they inform and educate but they are both different styles of programs. Also QI is a quality program as the person who presents who is Stephen fry is an educated and a well-known celebrity this links with the brand and ethos as Stephen fry links with BBC2 brands and ethos because he is well mannered and educated himself. How does QI fit BBC2’s brand/ethos and audience?: QI fulfils the idea that factual programming is central to BBC2’s purpose, by being an informative and factual programme. This enables BBC2 to justify their T.V. license fees and fulfil their PSB remit of having to make quality programmes, rather than those with the highest audiences, and factual/informative programmes typically have lower ratings. However, a broader audience is drawn into QI as it is made more accessible through the humour and entertainment aspect of the programme QI also is tailored to the audience expectations of BBC2 programmes as the audience expect to find the finest arts, history, science and human interest documentaries, which are all incorporated into QI through different methods, such as the topics of the questions and the panellists they select. The idea of BBC2’s brand being “witty, warm, adventurous, intelligent, playful, informative and authoritative” is explored in QI by creating a friendly and humorous atmosphere between the panellists, and the camera angles reiterate this as the shotreverse shot of the panellists faces as others are talking makes them all seem friends. They also talk in an informal manner to each other, while discussing informative topics, and so this not only retains the existing audience but seeks to draw in a younger audience also. The idea of curiosity and wit of BBC2’s brand is integral to QI as curiosity is explored in the obscure and unusual nature of the questions, which makes the audience more interested, therefore fulfilling the PSB remit of making programmes to educate/inform as the audience are genuinely curious about learning the answers. The idea of wit is also hugely important to BBC2’s brand as it makes QI much more accessible to the viewing audience but this is also combined in fulfilling their PSB remit of catering for a range of tastes and interests, as a number of these, such as information, humour, wit and learning are combined in one programme.

Explain how QI fits BBC2’s brand/ ethos QI is informative with a sophisticated audience with knowledge of the finest arts, history, science and human interest documentaries. Many TV shows on BBC2 are like QI but without the comedy QI has, as a panel show QI needs comedy but it is sensible comedy unlike The Inbetweeners that have immature comedy that is especially for E4 because it is aimed at a teenage audience that enjoy that kind of entertainment. I think QI does fit BBC2 but it is a little different from other TV shows on BBC2 because other shows on BBC2 are documentaries, history and art that inform but QI is to inform and to entertain. I think that QI is more popular because of Stephan Fry being the host of the programme, he is well known and liked, QI have people on their show that are well liked and well known as well. How does QI fit the ethos/brand and audience of BBC2? The ethos/ brand of BBC2 are both witty and intelligent; it does this through the chosen guests and the topics of which the questions follow. The BBC has a PSB that ‘promises’ to create: well-made, informative, and accessible and humours programmes, as well as introducing new talent. The guests and topics on QI broaden the audience’s awareness and therefore make them curious as to the answers of the questions and the future of the guests. This curiosity also encourages the audience to watch other programmes on the BBC, as these are usually informative, documentaries. As the questions (and guests) are often witty and quirky; they’re entertaining and perhaps challenge the usual ‘panel show’ type style that’s seen on other channels. BBC2, although mainstream, is a niche channel within the BBC and thusly doesn’t have to abide to ‘general knowledge’ questions; they can explore further into the ‘quirky’ side and offer an alternative. Additionally, the audience ranges within middle ages therefore ‘current affairs’ questions are relatable whilst increasing engagement /interest. How does QI fit BBC2’s brand/ethos and audience?: QI fits the brand because it has a lot of adult humour which is unsuitable for younger people, so it fits the target audience of 35-54 year olds. It also offers factual things about science and history and other general facts which links to how the target audience would like to see that type of stuff. The program is also informative to keep the viewers watching. BBC2 also can fit the brand of being entertaining because there is a PSB on BBC channels which allows there to be no adverts which draws a larger audience. QI has to make quality episodes to be broadcasted on BBC2 which justifies their licences fees and fulfil their PSB remit of having to make quality programmes. BBC2 broadcast a lot of informative programs which links to QI because the show also has a lot of informative facts in the questions they ask to the contestants. This shows that QI asks intelligent questions so the viewers are entertained as the rest of the shows on BBC2 also contain intelligent topics.

How does The Inbetweeners fit the brand/ethos and audience of E4? The Inbetweeners fits the audience of E4 because it is the most talked about channel for 16-34 year olds. This links to the audience of E4 as all the jokes and anecdotes said in The Inbetweeners are of the kind of humour that 16-34 year olds like. Furthermore The Inbetweeners links to E4 because all the main protagonists are between the ages 15-20 this allows the target audience of E4 to relate to the characters. The Inbetweeners links to E4 because E4’s target audience are generally upper class. This is shown by the Inbetweeners as the main protagonist in the Inbetweeners are all portrayed to be middle class, as they live in a suburban area. Also the character will is said to have come from a private school this shows Will’s rich and posh background. The Inbetweeners also links to the Brand/ethos of E4 as it reinforces the quirky, eccentric style of E4. This is shown in the Inbetweeners because the main Protagonists in the show are all quirky in their own way; also jay is also shown to be quite eccentric. Furthermore this can be seen as the Main protagonists are very different from the majority group and are seen to be ‘outcasts’. This could link to how E4 as a channel want to be different to other channels. Also the Inbetweeners links to E4’s youthful and young style as the Inbetweeners is about the daily life of young teenagers. How does the inbetweeners fit the brand/ethos and audience of E4 The inbetweeners fits the brand and ethos of the channel E4 well because, firstly, E4 was set up for catering shows for the younger audience as not many channels are aimed at them and was set up to take risks with new ideas and new actors, this is how The Inbetweeners came along, they took the cast and took a risk setting up a new show and now it’s a teenage phenomenon and E4 is now the most talked about show for 16-34 year olds, and it is obvious why because the risks they have took have benefited for the target audience. E4 itself is different in the sense that its “random and joyously daft” and it has been described also as witty, young and rebellious all of these things can be associated with the younger audience, unlike BB2, E4 have a more specific target audience because BB2 is a mainstream channel and this means it has a much broader target audience and caters for a wider audience that E4 who is predominantly aimed at a younger audience, Ali G quoted “as we all know, news, documentaries and nature programmes ruin normal telly. That is why channel 4 invented a new station called E4, which they say is gonna have none of that crap on-and be even better that channel 5”. How do QI/ The inbetweeners fit the brand/ ethos and audience of BBC2/E4? The programme “The inbertweeners” fits E4’s brand/ ethos in many ways. One way that this is done is the shows characters would fit the demographics of E4’s target audience. This is done because both the channel and the show contain eccentric and quirky ideas. For example the quirky and possibly eccentric adverts E4 display such as a man with a horse’s head singing a song. The inbertweeners matches this with the quirky soundtracks and songs that are used when a character is doing something that may be considered as weird or extreme. These things both match the demographics of the audience because the generic stereotypes of E4’s audience are either of the age that they will be doing eccentric things, or to remember the eccentric things they may of done. Another way that the inbertweeners match the audience demographics of E4 is by the range of ages there are within the shows characters. For example the character Simon will tell his father about his day and his father will always come out with the line... “Oh I remember when me and your mother….” This fits E4s audience age demographic because the teenager can relate to Simons actions because as a 16/17 year old they may be doing similar things in their social group and the 34 year olds will be able to relate to Simons dad and Simon also because they will remember what it was like to be doing those things and what it is like to talk to their children about those things.

How does QI/The Inbetweeners fit the Brand/ethos and audience of BBC2/E4 QI fits the brand/ethos and audience of BBC2 in a number of ways, firstly BBC2 has a brand/ethos that is intelligent, curious and informative and these qualities are also apparent on QI, which prefers its humour and style of content to be intelligent and informative, basing the show around a general knowledge panel show format that challenges the intellect of the viewers and the guests. It represents the curious element of BBC2’s brand by teaching the audience new facts or fixing popular misconceptions that the audience would otherwise not know about. Another way QI fits the brand/ethos of BBC2 is through the BBC2’s upmarket brand. Most if not all guests are middle/upper class and the host, Stephen fry is very upper class. This matches the upmarket spirit of BBC2 with characters that are more upmarket, although there is likely to be a more working class element to each episode to match the BBC2’s wide appeal. QI also fits the audience of BBC2 in a couple of ways the characters/guests are usually within the same age range as BBC2’s more mature audience and this helps the audience to relate and enjoy QI more, also matching with the BBC2 brand. Finally, when viewers watch BBC2 they expect to see an informative, intelligent and interesting programme and QI fits these criteria with its type of humour and informative content, the audience learn from the programme and also enjoy it. The Inbetweeners fits the brand/ ethos and audience in a variety of ways, the first of which being its focus on humour that would appeal and be relatable to E4’s younger audience. An example of this would be the jokes that focus on the milestones and issues of growing up such as episodes focused on learning to drive and house parties. Another way that The Inbetweeners fits the brand and ethos of E4 is that is not quite as clever as some shows on BBC2 as it uses less intelligent ways to get laughs such as being drunk and insulting each other. A good example of how it fits the audience of E4 is through the narration of Will, who is seen as a kind of everyman character whose life is being explored through the show. Since the audience can understand Will’s thoughts on the episode they feel as though they are actually a part of it. This can be seen as E4 trying to create an ethos of immersion and reliability. E4 can also be seen as having an upmarket brand as all of their shows have a rather high production value. The Inbetweeners fits this by having a show that is well edited and has a good cast of actors and crew. Finally, The Inbetweeners matches the brand of E4 as it has many references to pop culture that only a younger audience would understand better than an older one which may contribute to its higher percentage of viewers being 16-34.

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