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Section Ai – Skills 30 minutes 25 marks One compulsory question (no choice) Write about two productions (one in Year 13; one in Year 12) Discuss your progression No need for theory/ theorists Use ‘I’ in your essay – you are writing about YOUR skills
Conventions of real media products
Research and Planning
Digital Technology
Explain how far your understanding of the conventions of existing media influenced the way you created your own media products. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how this understanding developed over time. (Jun2011) Describe how your analysis of the conventions of real media texts informed your own creative media practice. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time. (Jan 2012) Discuss the decisions you made during post-production of two pieces of coursework. Discuss the ways in which you have exercised creativity during post-production? Describe a range of creative decisions that you made in postproduction and how these decisions made a difference to the final outcomes. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time. (Jun12) Describe how you developed research and planning skills for media production and evaluate how these skills contributed to creative decision making. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time. (Jan10) Describe the ways in which your production work was informed by research into real media texts and how your ability to use such research for production developed over time. (Jun 10) Explain how your research and planning skills developed over time and contributed to your media production outcomes. Refer to a range of examples in your answer. (Jan13) “Digital technology turns media consumers into media producers”. In your own experience, how has your creativity developed through using digital technology to complete your coursework productions? (Exam board example) Describe how you developed your skills in the use of digital technology for media production and evaluate how these skills contributed to your creative decision making. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time. (Jan 11)
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Section Aii – Concepts 30 minutes 25 marks One compulsory question (no choice) Write about one production (can refer to others, but should focus on one) Apply theory/ theorists Use ‘it’ more than ‘I’ – you are writing about the production you created, not about your skills
Media Language
Genre Audience
Narrative Representa tion
“Media is communication.” Discuss the ways that you have used media language to create meanings in one of your media products. Explain how meaning is constructed by the use of media language in one of your coursework productions. (Jun12) “Media texts rely on audience knowledge of generic codes and conventions in order for them to create meaning.” Explain how you have used or subverted generic conventions in one of your production pieces. Analyse one of your coursework productions in relation to genre. (Jun 10) “Media texts will never be successful unless they are carefully constructed to target established audience needs or desires.” Evaluate the ways that you constructed your media text to target a specific audience. Analyse one of your coursework productions in relation to the concept of audience. (Jun2011) “Media texts rely on cultural experiences in order for audiences to easily make sense of narratives”. Explain how you used conventional and / or experimental narrative approaches in one of your production pieces. (Exam Board Example) Apply theories of narrative to one of your coursework productions. (Jan 2011) Analyse one of your coursework productions in relation to the concept of narrative. (Jan13) Analyse media representation in one of your coursework productions. (Jan10) “Representations in media texts are often simplistic and reinforce dominant ideologies so that audiences can make sense of them.” Evaluate the ways that you have used/ challenged simplistic representations in one of the media products you have produced. Analyse media representation in one of your coursework productions. (Jan 2012)
Section B: Media and Collective identity In the exam you: 60 minutes to answer the ‘Collective identity’ question 50 marks choice of two questions MUST write about at least two media (e.g. film and magazines. It doesn’t need to be even between the two media, so could be 90% on one and 10% on the other) Must include theory or theorists and apply them to your case studies Should be able to discuss past, present and future There are four areas you need to understand in preparing for the exam: 1. How do the contemporary media represent nations, regions and ethnic / social / collective groups of people in different ways? How are British youth represented? Discuss how the representations use stereotypes; are the representations hegemonic/ reinforcing dominant ideologies; do they challenge hegemony; are they represented as heterogenous/ homogenous; Who are these representations aimed at, and how does this affect the way the group are represented?; Who is creating these representations?; How are different social groups represented in the media industry, as well as by the media?; What is the purpose of these representations?; How does the media construct representations of groups of people?; How is collective identity constructed?; How is self-representation changing with the development of social networks etc? 3. What are the social implications of different media representations of groups of people? What impact does the media have on audiences’ sense of identity?; How do audiences respond to/ use media representations?; To what extent are audiences active in constructing their own sense of identity?; How useful are Uses and Gratification theory/ Hypodermic Needle Theory/ Cultivation theory in understanding audiences’ responses to media representations?; Does the media reflect or shape our sense of who we are?
2. How does contemporary representation compare to previous time periods? Compare recent texts (last 4 years) to past texts in terms of the ideas in question 1. What differences/ similarities are there?
4. To what extent is human identity increasingly ‘mediated’? Does the media reflect or shape our sense of who we are?; Is the media increasingly important in how we shape our identity?; How powerful is the media in shaping/ helping us to shape who we are? How is this shown in your case studies?
Past Questions 1. Discuss the contemporary representation of a nation, region or social group in the media, using specific textual examples from at least two media to support your answer. (Exam Board Sample) 2. How far does the representation of a particular social group change over time? Refer to at least two media in your answer. (Exam Board Sample) 3. Looking at two media, describe the ways in which a particular group of people are collectively represented or provided for, using specific examples to support your response. (Textbook) 4. Analyse the ways in which the media represent one group of people that you have studied. (Jan 2010) 5. “The media do not construct collective identity; they merely reflect it”. Discuss. (Jan 2010) 6. With reference to anyone group of people that you have studied, discuss how their identity has been 'mediated'. (Jun 2010) 7. "Media representations are complex, not simple and straightforward". How far do you agree with this statement in relation to the collective group that you have studied? (Jun 2010) 8. Analyse the ways in which the media represent groups of people. (Jan 2011) 9. What is collective identity and how is it mediated? (Jan 2011) 10. Discuss how one or more groups of people are represented through the media. (Jun2011) 11. Explain the role played by the media in the construction of collective identity. (Jun2011) 12. How do media representations influence collective identity? You may refer to one group of people or more in your answer. (Jan 2012) 13. Discuss the different ways in which groups of people are represented by media. You may refer to one group of people or more in your answer. (Jan 2012) 14. Analyse the ways in which at least one group of people is ‘mediated’. (Jun12) 15. Discuss the social implications of media in relation to collective identity. You may refer to one group of people or more in your answer. (Jun12) 16. Analyse the impact of media representation on te collective identity of one or more groups of people. (Jan13) 17. Compare the different ways in which one or more groups of people are represented by media. (Jan13) A couple of bonus ideas: 18. To what extent do audiences use media to construct their own sense of collective identity? 19. “The media has replaced family, society and religion as the main source of collective identity.” Discuss.