Scheduling and Release in Australia
Scheduling and release date • Cinema release date: On 21 August it was released in Australia. • Competing films? Same(ish) day release: ‘Planet of the Apes’ was the major competition for the film but was released the month before on the 17th of July. Another competing film was ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ which was released on the 8th of August. • Competing films? Over 3 weeks: One film that competed with The Inbetweeners 2 was ‘As Above, So Below’ which was released on the 29th of August. Another would be ‘Starred Up’, also released on the 29th. These films were very different genres to the Inbetweeners, however, and so may not have stolen the same audience from it. • Release Strategy: Summer-themed film would do better in the summertime. Mass release in the UK as they know it was a hit British TV show. Later release in Australia because it was not expected to do as well overseas. • Why that week? Young teenage target audience are on their summer holidays, older audience may also have time off work during the summer. People go on holiday near the start or end of the summer, not usually the middle of it, so more potential viewers are able to go to the cinema.
Release window The Inbetweeners 2 was released in Australia in August, ouside the awards season (November – February). They weren’t trying for an award
Why it was released in that week Not much competition, not many other major films of a comedy genre were released in this week. There was no other competition for major films/films releasing in the same week.
Australia – Scheduling and Release The release strategy of the film was not a global rollout, instead the film company opted to target countries that they knew the film would be successful in for a summer holidays release date. For example, the film was set in Australia, and the first film appealed to Australia.
Box office figures As we can see, the film was popular in Australia almost instantly after it’s release on the 19th