TCHG 510. Teaching Internship (8-0-24) Prerequisite: Enrollment in the MAT program or consent of instructor. (Spring) A full-time, 14 week clinical teaching experience in the public schools. TCHG 511. Teaching Internship I (4-0-12) Prerequisite: Enrollment in the MAT program or consent of instructor. (Spring) The student teaching internship I is a six to eight-week hands-on field experience that brings together both university preparation and the Virginia public school classroom. It is the final step in supporting teacher candidates’ entry into the professional world of education. TCHG 512. Teaching Internship Abroad (4-0-12) Corequisite: TCHG 511. (Spring) The student teaching internship abroad is a four to sixweek hands-on field experience in an overseas setting that brings together both university preparation and the K-12 school classroom. Together with TCHG 511, TCHG 512 is the final step in supporting teacher candidates’ entry into the professional world of education. TCHG 516. Curriculum and Instruction I (2-2-0) Prerequisite: Enrollment in the MAT Program or consent of instructor. (Summer) This course teaches prospective teachers those curriculum and instructional methodologies that are appropriate to the needs of today’s students. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition of skills essential for teacher decision-making in the areas of instructional planning, lesson design, and delivery of instruction. Special attention is paid to the research on effective instructional strategies. A key requirement of the course is microteaching simulations that are evaluated by the instructor and student’s peers. This course has separate sections for elementary and middle/secondary. TCHG 517. Curriculum and Instruction II (1-1-0) Prerequisite: TCHG 516. Enrollment in the MAT Program or consent of instructor. (Summer) This course is designed to continue to teach prospective teachers those curriculum and instructional methodologies that are appropriate to the needs of today’s students. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition of skills essential for teacher decision-making in the areas of instructional planning, lesson design, and delivery of instruction, motivation and assessment. A key requirement of the course is microteaching simulations that are evaluated by the instructor and student’s peers. This course has separate sections for elementary and middle/secondary.
TCHG 518L. Secondary and PK-12 Field Practicum (1-0-3) Prerequisite: Enrollment in the MAT Program or consent of instructor. This course is designed to give teacher candidates wishing to teach middle or high school hands-on experience in secondary classrooms. Emphasis is placed on acquisition of skills necessary for effective implementation of planning, instruction and assessment. Key requirements of the course are attending practicum meetings and completing teaching tasks within the assigned school placement. Three hours per week of clinical work is expected. TCHG 521. Reading Acquisition and Development (3-3-0) [Same as PSYC 521]. Restricted to MAT Program students. (Fall, Spring) Corequisite: PSYC 521L This course examines theories, principles, strategies and research related to reading acquisition and development in children from preschool through elementary grades. The developmental nature of reading acquisition and the application of current reading research to instructional practice will be emphasized. Topics covered will include theories of reading development; skills-based, holistic and balanced approaches to reading instruction; the application of empirical research findings to reading instruction; language basics, including syllables, phonemes and morphemes; concepts of print; letter recognition; phonemic awareness; the alphabetic principle (sound-symbol knowledge); vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension strategies; the role of the family in reading acquisition; reading attitudes and motivation; and diverse learners. TCHG 521L. Reading Acquisition and Development Laboratory (1-0-3) Pre or corequisite: PSYC 521. This course accompanies PSYC 521, Reading Acquisition and Development. PSYC 521 is designed to provide pre-service teachers a strong theoretical and empirical (research) foundation for understanding the reading acquisition process and one on which to base sound reading instructional practice. The laboratory is designed to provide pre-service teachers the opportunity to apply reading theory and research to successful instructional practice in structured field experiences and reflective analyses of those experiences. TCHG 535. Exceptional Learner (3-3-0) [Same as PSYC 535] Prerequisite: Enrollment in the MAT Program or consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer) This course provides prospective teachers with a basic understanding of special education, its terminology, legal mandates, the etiology and characteristics of exceptionality, and various strategies for educating students with diverse