Caribbean National Weekly July 13, 2023

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Jamaica’s Shericka Jackson puts world on notice ahead of World Champs

Jamaica’s Shericka Jackson has thrown down the gauntlet to her rivals at next month’s World Athletics Championships with outstanding performances in the shorts sprints at the just concluded JAAA/PUMA National Senior and Junior Championships in Kingston


Florida man convicted of brutal murder of 20-year-old Trinidadian

Four years after the murder of Kiara Alleyne, a mother from Trinidad and Tobago living in the US, her family and friends finally feel a sense of justice

On July 7, 2023, Alleyne’s boyfriend, Deangelo Clark, was found guilty of the crime which occurred on September 11, 2019 Alleyne, 20, was discovered murdered in her Ocala, Florida home

Reports are that upon investigation, Marion County detectives found her lifeless body on the bedroom floor Chilling evidence and desperate pleas

Adding to the tragedy, Clark’s actions moments before Alleyne’s death provided


The American-Jamaican actor celebrates season 2 of ‘Makeup and Breakup’

chilling evidence He took to Facebook to express his frustration and offer an apology for what he had just done to Alleyne

Sadly, she succumbed to multiple stab wounds, as revealed by the autopsy

The extent of the horror was further amplified by the fact that Clark video-called Alleyne’s father, Sheldon, on FaceTime during the murder

Sheldon witnessed his daughter bleeding and heard her desperate cries for help, as she exclaimed, “He has the knife ”

Clark’s escape and apprehension

Following the crime, Clark fled the scene with their one-year-old daughter

An alert was issued by the police The child

was found unharmed with a family member

The child is now under the care of Sheldon Alleyne

Clark was eventually apprehended in Monroe County after evading authorities in Florida Keys

During his escape, he set fire to the car he was in, resulting in severe burns that required

Jackson, the 100m silver-medalist and 200m gold medalist at last year ’ s World Athletics Championships in Eugene, Oregon, established world leads of 10 65 seconds in the 100m and 21 71 seconds in the 200m

However, American Gabby Thomas later erased the 200m world lead with a smashing 21 60 seconds in her final at the US Championships in Oregon

The 29-year-old Jackson, who won bronze medals in the 400m at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, and the 2015 and 2019 World Athletics Championships, has been a revelation since switching to the shorter sprints

continues onA8 – Justice served continues on C4 – World on notice

Leading Caribbean & African women in business share tips for international growth

Hard Rock launches Lionel Messi-inspired chicken sandwich ahead of Inter Miami debut

The Bahamas celebrates 50 years of Independence C3

Jackson Clarke

Sponsor of the Launch of People

Profile Awards Chester Bishop of the Housing Foundaon of America along with Vice-Mayor of the city of Lauderhill Ray Marn

Here Elizabeth

me to sign a copy of her anthology of poems for the Council General of St. Lucia, Darrel Montrope

Elizabeth Victoria (2nd le) flanked by friends who all aended Mico University(Kingston,Jamaica) join their batchmate as she celebrated her publicaon "The Beaches We Le Behind" which is available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble Book store Mayor Wayne M. Messam (right) represented the City of Miramar this past weekend at the 22nd Annual Christmas in July Program at the FL Arena in Sunrise. The City received a plaque for being a Diamond Sponsor Elizabeth Victoria(Blue dress), teacher and editor, can now proudly add author to her porolio, as she launched her first book, "The Beaches We Le Behind" in Tamarac, Florida on June 30th at the Plaza Hotel surrounded by family, friends, and a host of well wishers takes Kevin (Skully) Davis presented the Community Execuve leadership Award to Commissioner Yvee F Colbourne of the City of Miramar at the 2023 launch of the People Profile Award at the Faith Center last Tuesday Guest Speaker Carlton "Ricky" Wade and Mark Cameron at the Launch of the 2023 People Profile Award at the Faith Center in Sunrise Florida Dr. Allan Cunningham founder of the People Profile Award (le) with noted Photographer Don Parchment Samuel L Jackson spoed in Italy wearing Jamaica's Reggae Boys gear (Photo: TMZ)

Emilio Evans

The American-Jamaican actor celebrates season 2 of ‘Makeup and Breakup’

Actor Emilio Evans, co-star of the TV series Makeup and Breakup (aka Makeup X Breakup) will return to the screen starting July 6 when the half-hour drama premieres its second season on the popular streaming platform Allblk tv. (All Black TV)

Set in New York City, Makeup X Breakup is written and directed by series creator Eric Dickens It follows the complicated romantic relationships of a group of young African American friends with their present and former lovers The ensemble cast also features Nicolette Ellis, Omar Salmon, Kamel Goffin, Olivia Gray, Karmie Berry, and Sean Dominic

Evans, a Harlem-based actor of Jamaican parentage, plays the role of Bryce Grove, a marketing executive who, as Evans puts it, “Has gone through hardships in his life that have molded him into the man he has become He can be pretty naïve and aloof in his approach to and relationships with women, and consequently, things don’t always go well for him in his dating world ”

Evans is proud of the years-long journey the series has taken before arriving at its new home on Allblk, which is a subsidiary of parent company AMC Networks Responding to an open casting call back in 2016, his audition lead to him becoming an original cast member when the show premiered later that year on YouTube as a series of 10-minute episodes The huge popularity of the series lead to a pickup by BET for their online streaming platform for several years and then, ultimately, a new home

at Allblk as of 2022

“All of our past episodes are now available on Allblk tv and presented as our official season one,” Evans explains, “So new viewers now have a chance to catch up on whatever they missed, before our season two premiere arrives on July 6 ”

Season two he says will be interesting, because it is actually a ‘prequel’ to season onemeaning audiences will be re-introduced to the show’s characters at a younger age, prior to how they were presented in the first season. “Audiences can expect to see some really great storytelling with people of color as the focus, and that’s very exciting for me, based on what my own plans are for the future ”

Ultimately, Evans- who decided to become an actor at age seven to get over his shyness,

and who later studied theatre at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) –intends to establish his own production company He hopes to write, produce and appear in content that will create more opportunities for artists of color and bring his Jamaican roots fully to the fore

“My mother is from Tivoli Gardens and my

father is from Portland,” he says “They immigrated here quite young, so I was born in New York and raised mostly in the deeply Jamaican part of the Bronx But am still very close to my large family back in Jamaica –aunts, uncles, and cousins I’m very proud of my Jamaican heritage and would love to give Jamaicans another reason to be proud by telling some of our own stories I’ve never cared for how we ’ ve been portrayed in the media It’s usually some forced accent and mannerisms that I feel come off as inauthentic more than anything We haven’t truly tapped the full potential of Jamaicans and Jamaican stories on TV or film in an interesting way just yet I’m definitely hoping to change that, though ”

He also draws inspiration from the journey that Makeup X Breakup has taken- from 10 minutes YouTube videos to full-fledged, halfhour drama on a mainstream platform available globally “What it tells me is that the world is now a global village and there is hunger for a wide variety of content, which has led to the creation of all these exciting new platforms Now more than ever, I believe that if you have a great story to tell, there are definitely ways to get it done ”

In addition to Makeup X Breakup, Evans has also appeared in Power: Book Two and Law and Order: Organized Crime On stage, he was last seen in BREAKZ at the Nimbus Arts Center in Jersey City, New Jersey He is repped b y S T W T a l e n t A g e n c y a n d S t e i n Entertainment Group Makeup X Breakup season two will stream on Allblk tv for eight weeks, with new episodes available every Thursday from July 6 through August 24

My mother is from Tivoli Gardens and my father is from Portland. They immigrated here quite young, so I was born in New York and raised mostly in the deeply Jamaican part of the Bronx. I’m very proud of my Jamaican heritage and would love to give Jamaicans another reason to be proud by telling some of our own stories. – Evans
Evans Nicolette Ellis and Emilio Evans in ‘Makeup and Breakup’

Top three US visa-denied countries in the Caribbean

Information published by the US Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs has revealed the countries with the highest B-Visa refusal rate across the world. BVisas are non-immigrant visas issued by the US government to foreign nationals seeking entry for a temporary period, usually up to six months


Topping the list in the Caribbean is Cuba at a 56 51 percent refusal rate Cuba and the US have endured a strained relationship dating back to the Cold War decades ago Travel to the US was further harmed by both COVID restrictions and a travel ban enforced by the Trump administration The US embassy in Havana only recently resumed processing visa requests in January of this year, for the first time since 2017


Following Cuba is Haiti at 47 12 percent The US has stringent policies about awarding visas One of the more common obstacles to obtaining one is when the applicant cannot prove strong ties to their home country Officials check this through a combination of an interview and examining the applicant’s financial records In 2018, then-President Donald Trump enacted a ban on ‘low-skilled workers’ obtaining work visas or H-2A and H-2B visas This ended a program started in 2010 in the wake of the catastrophic earthquake that wrecked the country The current civil turmoil in the country has further exacerbated the problem of obtaining a visa, with some years the number of successful applicants totaled too little to report


Jamaica is third in the Caribbean for US B-Visa denial rates, and only behind Canada in the English-speaking world Most are familiar with the sunny island’s status as a

tourist destination, but Jamaicans traveling abroad is almost as important for its citizens. Like many other developing countries, foreign investments and remittances play key parts in the economy of the nation For Jamaica, remittances make up 23 6 percent of the GDP

Reasons for Rejection

There are several reasons why the US might reject visa applications A common hindrance is incorrectly filling out the form Other issues that may arise are if the applicant applies for the wrong visa category or does not suitably display intent to return to their home country The latter is often evaluated by examining whether the applicant has adequate financial support or is liable to become a burden to the US Bad travel history, previous visa violations (overstays), and a criminal record will hinder any application for a visa

Tourism stakeholders highlight importance of collaboration during crisis

As the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season got off to a busy start, key stakeholders in the Caribbean tourism sector convened a virtual forum last week, placing a spotlight on the pivotal role of effective, strategic crisis communications when responding to, and recovering from natural and manmade disasters

During the forum, hosted by the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism

Association (CHTA), the consensus was clear: collaboration across regional, national, and community levels, paired with efficient, proactive communications, forms the backbone of successful crisis management and resilience in the tourism sector

Neil Walters, Acting Secretary General of the intergovernmental CTO, noted that just three weeks into the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season the region had already witnessed three tropical storms, which forecasters

Indigenous communities in Guyana receive billions for development

In a significant move towards development and prosperity in indigenous communities, the government of Guyana has disbursed GY$1 3 billion in carbon credit funds This disbursement is part of the GY$4 7 billion received from Hess Corporation for the sale of 30 per cent of Guyana’s forest

During a one-day conference organized to provide Amerindian leaders with a platform to voice their concerns at the regional level, Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai, announced that several villages have already utilized the funds for various developmental purposes

Out of the 242 Amerindian villages in Guyana, 165 have submitted their Village Sustainability Plans (VSPs) so far

Minister Sukhai expressed her anticipation in seeing the outcomes of these plans

signaled was an early and aggressive start to the hurricane season Walters told ministers, senior officials and private sector leaders participating in the webinar that, “Communication plays a vital role in managing crises, as it shapes perceptions, builds trust, and ensures that accurate and timely information reaches both internal and external audiences during times of crisis (which) can mean the difference between chaos and order, despair continues onA7 – Tourism stakeholders

“When I visit villages, I expect to witness a flurry of activities, with new and impressive infrastructure being constructed, engaging communities and villages,” stated the minister She further emphasized her desire to see projects focusing on women ’ s empowerment, youth and sports development, and initiatives that cater to the needs of the elderly Sukhai urged village leaders to complete their projects promptly and submit financial reports to her office Doing so would not only ensure transparency but also increase the chances of securing additional financial aid from various sources, including the Presidential Grant Program, the $10 million COVID-19 investment fund, the three billion supplementary fund for Amerindian development allocated at the last National Toshaos’ Conference (NTC), and the Amerindian Development Fund (ADF)


A Historic Milestone: Bahamas celebrates 50 years of independence

As the Bahamas commemorates its 50th anniversary of political independence from Britain, Bahamians take to the streets in celebration, accompanied by Prime Minister Phillip Davis’s call to view independence as the initial stride on a long and transformative journey

Addressing a massive crowd at Clifford Park in the early hours of Monday, Davis expressed, “Independence was and is, a state of mind, an attitude, a conviction, that we will faithfully discharge the weighty responsibilities of sovereignty and self-determination ”

The enthusiastic gathering culminated in a breathtaking fireworks display, symbolizing the significance of the occasion

Bahamas is celebrating half a century

Reflecting on the momentous occasion of July 10, 1973, Davis emphasized the re-raising of the Bahamian flag, stating, “It will be an echo of that moment, 50 years ago, on July 10th, 1973, which marked the birth of our nation It was and is a moment of awe, one which has delivered a birthright that the world now acknowledges through our dignified conduct ”

He added, “On that night, as the flag slowly ascended, with it were raised the hopes and aspirations of the Bahamian people, to carve out our own identity, to make our own way, to seek to build the best little country in the world ”

While emphasizing that independence was not merely a singular event, Davis highlighted its significance as “the first big step on the long journey that continues to take our nation forward and upward ” He urged the audience to remember the contributions of Bahamians

like former Prime Minister Lynden Oscar Pindling and the countless other exceptional individuals who laid the foundation of the Bahamas Their legacies, Davis asserted, should resound deeply within the hearts and minds of Bahamians everywhere

From slavery to the promised land

Drawing inspiration from the biblical narrative, Davis drew parallels between Moses leading his people out of slavery and Joshua leading them towards the Promised Land He emphasized that the current generation, collectively referred to as the “Joshua generation,” must display strength, courage, compassion, faith, and hard work to build upon the inheritance left behind by their predecessors

Dignitaries gather to celebrate with Bahamas

The 50th-anniversary celebrations have attracted regional and international dignitaries, including Rwanda President Paul Kagame, Grenada’s Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell, Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland, and US Congresswoman Maxine Waters Davis saw their presence as a testament to the Bahamas’ standing among the global community

Highlighting the significance of the occasion, Prime Minister Davis used the backdrop of the Bahamian flag illuminating the Empire State Building to reaffirm his

Davis passionately stated, “Each of us is called to join our footsteps on the road to our Promised Land: a land where we can keep ourselves safe and secure; a land where we can raise ourselves out of poverty and educate ourselves into greatness; a land where opportunity and justice are free and fair and available to all!”

commitment to the promises made upon assuming office He assured the nation, “I will continue to serve faithfully in all that I am called to do,” and as the flag is raised once again, he urged each citizen to recommit themselves to personal growth and the collective progress of the Bahamas Davis concluded, “Together, we will move closer to the Promised Land ”

PM Davis cuts into the Independence cake at Government House as fellow members of parliament look on. – Contributed

P.O.Box 551712 Davie, FL 33355


The PNP must be cautious. There’s work still to be done

In 1986, the Edward Seaga led JLP administration was overwhelmingly defeated by the PNP led by Michael Manley But Seaga didn’t call the ensuing general elections until almost three years later, in May 1989, and was again soundly defeated by Manley and the PNP

Andrew Karim

Dr. Garth A. Rose

Don Anthony

Hugh Ferguson

Tel: 954-739-6618

Fax: 954-765-6199

General elections are not constitutionally due in Jamaica until at least September 2025, and, possibly, up to December that year This is because the incumbent Jamaica Labor Party (JLP) was elected to form the government in September 2020, and as provided by the Jamaican Constitution can stay in power for five years from the date elected and up to three months after the five year date However, the Constitution also gives the government the right to dissolve parliament, and call general elections, any time prior to the completion of its five years in office

To date, there’s no evidence the government led by Prime Minister Andrew Holness, plans to dissolve parliament, and call an election before September 2025 But, the actions of the opposing People’s National Party (PNP) suggest otherwise

Boosted by recent polls indicating the party has surged ahead of the JLP in popularity with the Jamaican electorate, the PNP appears to be in general election campaign mode In recent weeks the PNP, quite wisely, has been busy selecting general election candidates for several constituencies nationwide The party has already rolled out its election slogan: “Time Come ” Time has come to remove the JLP administration and replace it with a PNP administration led by the relatively new leader, Mark Golding

But, Holness has not shown any indication of risking his status as prime minister, and his party’s status as the incumbent government, to hold general elections It could be political suicide for him to do so Although he may not think so, Holness has managed to, in less than three years since the JLP’s astonishing victory over the PNP in 2020, waste almost all of the political capital he gained back then Clearly, Holness doesn’t seem very confident in winning a prematurely called general election He even seems apparently scared to hold local government elections which he has been postponing

repeatedly Highly expected to be held in February 2023, the government instead announced local Government elections were postponed until February 28, 2024

Among the reasons given by the government to postpone the elections were holding them would risk diverting the government’s focus on “building national resilience against any future economic shocks, whether manmade or natural disaster, and secondly, the expansion and maintenance of strong economic growth that all Jamaicans can see and feel at a personal level ”

It's July 2023, seven months prior to February 2024, and while Holness and his government persistently touts the nation’s economic growth, it’s unknown if this growth is sufficient to protect the country from unexpected economic shock Moreover, there’s no overt evidence that the perceived economic growth is being, or will be, felt or seen by millions of Jamaicans struggling to make their financial ends meet

Unless something dramatically happens to boost the effectiveness of the JLP government in making most Jamaicans see and feel real economic benefits in their pockets, the JLP could likely lose the Local Government Elections in 2024 But even if the JLP does lose those elections there’s no guarantee Holness will call a general election soon after

So, despite the positive showing by the PNP in recent polls, and despite party leader Golding seemingly cementing his leadership, there’s, as yet, no indication when Holness will decide to call general elections

But, in the meantime, there’s a lot of work for the PNP to do

For one, candidates selected by the party to contest the general elections must cement themselves in the respective constituencies as effective representatives of the people Some of these constituency elections were controversial, and many voters would rather have another candidate of their choosing To win seats, the PNP must ensure consensus is built around the selected candidates

Secondly, individuals appointed by Opposition Leader Golding to shadow the portfolio functions of government ministers need to be more effective in monitoring government policies, and offering pragmatic alternatives to these policies The PNP need to show meaningful policy alternatives in critical areas, including: fighting and eradicating violent crime; improvement in national healthcare; improvement in national education, especially in primary and secondary schools; improvement in accessibility of Jamaicans to housing; and ensuring poor Jamaicans be removed from marginalized economic existence to see and feel economic security

If the PNP focuses on escalating its opposition to the policies of the JLP government, and offers pragmatic policy alternatives in several critical areas, they could realistically form the next government whenever Holness decides to call general elections

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Golding Holness

Miss Universe Haiti will be honored at Annual Nurse Empowerment Conference

It’s the 6th Annual Nurse Empowerment and Leadership Conference, set for July 14 - 15 at the Signature Grand in Davie, Fla

This year, the conference is honored to have Pascale Belony, Miss Universe Haiti, and a Board Certified Registered Nurse renowned for her beauty, intelligence, and philanthropic endeavors, as the emcee for the Saturday morning session

Miss Universe Haiti's involvement adds a prestigious and captivating element to our already dynamic event Her presence reflects the significance of the conference and the mission to empower nurses and transform healthcare through collaboration and innovation

As an influential public figure, Miss Universe Haiti embodies the values of leadership, resilience, caring and compassion that resonate strongly with the nursing community Her attendance is expected to attract substantial community attention, providing an exceptional opportunity to highlight the conference and its importance within the healthcare industry

The event will include a thought-provoking and inspiring dialogue with Miss Universe Haiti as she shares her unique perspective and experiences during the Saturday morning session This collaboration will inspire and underscore the vital contributions made by nurses in healthcare settings worldwide

Tourism Stakeholders from

and hope ” He further highlighted the importance of the CTO and CHTA collaboration, in working together to ensure the safety and well-being of visitors, industry professionals, and local communities

Referring to the COVID-19 pandemic as “the world’s most devastating health crisis in over 100 years, ” Nicola Madden-Greig, Director of marketing and sales for The Courtleigh Hospitality Group in Jamaica, and President of CHTA, which represents the private sector, asserted that partnership between the CTO and CHTA on disaster preparedness has been pivotal to navigate the various challenges that confront the Caribbean tourism sector She noted the contributions of various partner organiza-



illegally enter Jamaica’s shores

Haitian migrants were reported to have arrived illegally in Jamaica, with local authorities currently processing over 30 individuals who entered the country unlawfully on Monday afternoon.

According to reports, a boat carrying the migrants was discovered along the shores of Boston Beach in Portland at approximately 1:40 p m

Housing and medical care for Haitian nationals

and surmised that maintaining the legacy of resilience and success as a region and destinations was tied to “working together at the regional, national and community levels ”


The virtual tourism forum, which focused on Crisis Communications and Best Practices for Hazards Response and Recovery, was the second in a series, jointly organized by the CTO and CHTA, as part of efforts to support disaster preparedness, sensitization and capacity building for the tourism sector

Bevan Springer, president of Marketplace Excellence (MPE) who moderated the session, noted that timely, accurate press releases and updates are

necessary, but it is equally important to ensure the narrative is from a Caribbean perspective, thereby framing the destination’s future agenda “Every crisis prepares us to deal with the next crisis, and learning from one crisis to another is something that is critically important,” he declared Wrapping up the session, Lelei LeLaulu, a communications advisor to Marketplace Excellence, stressed the importance of first finding out what affected communities need to ensure delivery of appropriate aid in the aftermath of a disaster He recommended a fundraising web page or portal and highlighted the need for regular updates on the status of recovery, as well as reporting to donors on how their resources were used

Superintendent Lloyd Darby, head of the Portland Police Division, has confirmed the incident to Radio Jamaica News He stated that arrangements are underway to provide housing and medical attention to the Haitian nationals

The group consists of 24 men, five women, five girls, and three boys, as disclosed by Superintendent Darby

This occurrence marks the discovery of eight additional illegal Haitian migrants in Portland since the beginning of this year

A4 Belony

Growing and expanding a successful international business

Leading Caribbean & African women in business share tips for international growth

Female entrepreneurs often face gender-based obstacles that their male counterparts may never experience. Here leading Caribbean and African women in business share tips on how women can engage in global expansion in order to grow successful, international businesses

Know yourself & your niche

Lauri-Ann Ainsworth, CEO of the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship Caribbean, encourages women entrepreneurs to take some time for self discovery, introspection and

scale your business or enter new markets, you cannot do it alone… Identify best practices in your field or industry, and create a collaboration that is mutually beneficial to achieve the desired scalability. We must rid ourselves of the competitive mindset if we are to get ahead globally ”

Embrace culture and gender

Michelle Chong is the co-founder and CEO of Honey Bun Limited, a 40-year-old wholesale bakery based in Jamaica. She is a strong

counterparts. “Pay attention. Don’t relax. Your competition is not what’s happening beside you, it’s what’s happening in the world. Keep moving and be relevant, but don’t follow trends. Pivot when you have to, and don’t get caught in a time warp. Always keep refreshing,” Meiling outlines

Network, network, network

Elizabeth Agboola is the founder of Nigerians

Travel Too, a premier travel agency in Nigeria that has made a huge mark by actively creating international business connections to

product. You can reach millions of people at minimal cost ” Social media is a tool that wasn’t available when she started, Meryanne reflects. It’s a tool that brings the world to entrepreneurs’ fingertips, she says, and can facilitate the same caliber of presence as major international brands

Approach partnerships with an open mind

Tiffanie Anderson, is the founder of Away to Africa, a travel company that provides small group tours throughout 12 countries in Africa She suggests spending time in the countries you want to expand into, so you can immerse yourself in the culture and observe its nuances, as well as identify key players in business. “Have an open mind to create mutually beneficial relationships without thinking you are saving the business, country or continent,” Tiffanie says

Have fun

recalibration. Once you know who you are, then you are best equipped to decide the market you are most suited to serve. This, she emphasizes, is the baseline for a sustainable business model that is grown through passion and purpose

Connect and collaborate

According to Dr. Shelly-Ann Gajadhar, the founder & CEO of a UK-based coaching business called Alphastute, “If you want to

proponent of fully embracing one ’ s cultural identity and allowing your culture to shine through in your products and services. Once this is done against a backdrop of adherence to global standards and proper governance and planning, Michelle believes the sky’s the limit for both regional and international opportunities for growth

Maintain global awareness

Trinidad & Tobago based fashion designer, Meiling Esau of her signature line Meiling, firmly believes in the importance of keeping your standards up to par with your global

bolster global marketing. “Find the right support pillar and mentor so you make limited mistakes in the beginning,” she advises. From there, she stresses the importance of visiting the place you intend to scale in order to create viable connections

Leverage the power of social media

According to Meryanne Loum-Martin, the owner of Jnane Tamsna, a famous boutique hotel in Marrakech, Morocco, “Create a stylish platform that will be the image of your

Caribbean women elected to top CARICHAM positions

The executive director of the Grenada Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Petipha Lewis, is one of two Caribbean women elected to top positions of the Network of Caribbean Chambers of Industry and Commerce (CARICHAM).

Lewis has been elected unopposed as the chair of CARICHAM, with Kim Aikman, the executive director of the Belize Chamber of Commerce, was elected as Vice President in what has been described as a “significant step forward for gender equality and female leadership in the Caribbean business landscape”

Lewis brings a wealth of expertise and a fresh perspective to her role, saying that her vision for the organization emphasizes the importance of exclusivity and unity among member nations

“Our strength lies in fully cloaking ourselves in the rich tapestry of our member nations and the diversity of our perspectives,” she said

“By fostering an inclusive environment that values and embraces differences, we can unlock the full potential of CARICHAM and create a forum where every voice is heard, respected, and valued,” she added

Aikman said that “CARICHAM remains committed to creating an environment that values and embraces the

contributions of all member nations, as it endeavors to unlock the full potential of the organization and its members ”

A statement noted that their election “marks a significant milestone in the history of CARICHAM, as it is the first time that the two top posts in the regional organization are filled by women Their appointments signify the growing recognition and empowerment of women in leadership roles within the Caribbean business community”

President of the Suriname Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jayant “Anil” Padarath, will also serve on the executive team as the immediate past chair

Nwabisa Mayema is the Strategic Partnerships Director at the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship South Africa. After working

with countless entrepreneurs, she has seen the toll entrepreneurship can take on people. Her important bit of advice is just to remember to have fun along the oftentimes difficult journey “You’re going to make mistakes,” she says “Laugh at yourself and understand that those mistakes are actually a part of the process ”

Justice served


hospital treatment He faced charges of second-degree murder and attempted arson of a dwelling or structure

Clark made his initial appearance at the Marion County Court on October 8, 2019, where he pleaded not guilty and requested a jury trial

Initially scheduled for April 2023, the trial was delayed until July On July 3, the jury was selected, and the trial commenced on July 5

Represented by attorney Amanda Sizemore, Clark’s defense attempted to argue that Alleyne’s death was a suicide However, on Friday, July 7, the presiding judge, Robert William Hodges, announced that the jury had found Clark guilty on both counts

Remembering Miya Marcano

Alleyne's death brought back painful memories within the Trinidadian community with the murder of Miya Marcano in 2021. Floridians were rocked by the killing of college student, who was reported missing

Reports are that a maintenance worker who entered Marcano’s apartment unauthorized the day she disappeared was the prime suspect. He later killed himself

Orange County Sheriff John Mina said that authorities found Marcano’s body in a wooded area near an apartment building

Authorities said the 19-year-old disappeared on the same day a maintenance man improperly used a master key to enter her apartment

Her family reported her missing after she missed a flight home to South Florida on September 24, 2021

Miya was the daughter of popular Trinidadian South Florida deejay, Marlon Marcano, known as “DJ Eternal Vibes”

Ainsworth Chong Gajadhar Esau Agboola Loum-Martin Mayema

Drug Policies, Testing Methods Adapt to Growth in Cannabis Use

Consider this hypothetical scenario: Two weeks ago, during a vacation in California, you lawfully purchased and consumed marijuana intended for adult use. But now you are back at work in Florida, where recreational cannabis remains illegal, and you have been chosen for a random drug test by your employer

It is highly likely that your past marijuana usage, although legal at the time, would be detected by urine and hair follicle tests A urine a n a l y s i s c a n fi n d t r a c e s o f tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component in cannabis, for up to 30 days following marijuana consumption, while a hair follicle sample offers up to 90 days of potentially incriminating evidence

If your employer has a strict drug-free workplace policy, you could be fired regardless of the circumstances The same consequence could happen even if you had legally used lowTHC medical cannabis because employees with Florida medical marijuana cards are not protected by state law

According to drug testing expert Zathan Boutan, employees whose job roles pose safety risks, such as those working in law enforcement and transportation, are often subject to random drug testing as a condition of employment, unlike employees in desk-bound positions

“Oral fluid is one of the newer methodologies, and it goes back a day, possibly two if you ' re a heavy user,” says Kelly Dobbins, who has 25 years of experience in administering

drug and alcohol tests for public and private employers, courts and the federal government One commonly observed and blatantly obvious tactic individuals employ is intentionally showing up after the scheduled test date,

allowing them more time to cleanse their system Both Ms Dobbins and Mr Boutan have stopped attempts to use concealed drugfree urine samples A particularly daring method used to cheat a urine test involves obtaining a urine sample from a non-user And then there are people who just come right out and ask how they can pass a drug test

Editor's note: This commentary is provided by the Medical Marijuana Education and Research Initiative (MMERI) of Florida A&M University

CNWNETWORK.COM | NATIONAL WEEKLY | THURSDAY, JULY 13 – JULY 19, 2023 – B1 health & wellness
A urine analysis can find traces of THC, the psychoactive component in cannabis, for up to 30 days following marijuana consumption, while a hair follicle sample offers up to 90 days of potentially incriminating evidence.

Farmers Insurance exits Florida market

Farmers Insurance has decided to exit the Florida market, which has raised more concerns about the state’s insurance industry

The announcement made on Tuesday revealed that the company would be discontinuing all home, auto, and umbrella policies across the state, impacting approximately 100,000 homeowners

A troubling trend

This marks the fourth insurance company to withdraw from the Florida market within the past year, further exacerbating the ongoing challenges faced by the state’s insurance sector

Florida’s insurance costs have surged in recent years due to the financial burden of hurricane rebuilding and recovery efforts, resulting in residents being burdened with the highest premiums nationwide

Farmers explains decision to exit

Farmers Insurance justified its decision, stating that it was necessary for effectively managing risk exposure

The company clarified that approximately 30 percent of its overall policies in Florida would be affected, with the exception of policies issued through subsidiaries

Affected customers will receive notifications outlining the termination dates of their coverage and alternative options for replacement policies

The departure of Farmers Insurance from the Florida market highlights the precarious state of the insurance industry

Miramar launches bottled water line “Miramar On Tap”

The City of Miramar has announced the production of its bottled water from tap water produced at its water treatment plants.

This step is part of the city’s pilot program

City Commissioner Yvette Colbourne stated, “We have developed a premium bottled water brand that offers an exceptional drinking experience ”

“What sets Miramar’s bottled water apart is its unwavering commitment to safety and convenience Residents can enjoy our tap water with complete peace of mind knowing that every drop meets the highest safety standards,” Colbourne added

“Miramar ON TAP” bottled water will be made available to all City departments and at City events

FPL supports eight local students with $20,000 for college education

Eight local college-bound students from South Florida were recently awarded a lifechanging opportunity to pursue their dreams, thanks to Florida Power & Light Company (FPL)

On July 8, 2023, FPL surprised these graduates with The NextEra Energy Scholarship for Black Students in the Southeastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering (SECME), a prestigious merit award that provides up to $20,000 in financial support for high school seniors who are planning to enroll in full-time undergraduate studies at accredited two- or four-year colleges or universities

Students awarded by FPL

The recipients of this year ’ s scholarships were selected from various high schools across South Florida

Among the talented and deserving recipients were Abdul Joseph from Forest Hill Community High School, Ashaki Allen from Blanche Ely High School, Ashley Henry from Seminole Ridge Community High School, Janaysa A Dorcin from American Senior High School, Justin G Walker from Blanche Ely High School, Kayla R Parsons from Atlantic Community High School, Randy O Smith from Everglades High School, and Samuel DorcelusCetoute from Royal Palm Beach High School

Expressing her excitement, Kayla Parsons shared, “I am very excited I’m going to a private university, so the cost is a bit more This scholarship will definitely help me with the financial troubles when I go to college ”

The scholarship awards were celebrated at FPL’s Manatee Lagoon, where the students were joined by their families and mentors The event provided a joyous atmosphere for the recipients to acknowledge their accomplishments and express gratitude for the support they have received

FPL’s commitment to STEM education

FPL’s commitment to STEM education, workforce development, and nurturing the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators is exemplified through this scholarship program. By investing in these talented students, FPL aims to foster their growth and empower them to become future industry leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

Commissioner of Miramar, Yvette Colbourne stands in the warehouse with cases of Miramar bottled tap water, “Miramar on Tap”

Convicted sports doctor Larry Nassar stabbed in Florida prison

Larry Nassar, the disgraced sports doctor convicted of sexually abusing female gymnasts, was involved in a violent altercation at a federal prison in Florida

Reports confirm that Nassar was stabbed multiple times by another inmate at the United States Penitentiary Coleman

The attack resulted in injuries to Nassar’s neck, chest, and back, and he also suffered a collapsed lung

He is currently in stable condition, according to Joe Rojas, president of Local 506, the union representing prison employees

The Bureau of Prisons acknowledged the assault in a statement but refrained from disclosing Nassar’s name due to privacy concerns The statement confirmed that an inmate was assaulted on Sunday, July 9, 2023, at the United States Penitentiary Coleman II in Sumterville, Florida

Reports are that prison staff immediately initiated life-saving measures and called for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Nassar was then transported to a local hospital for further treatment and evaluation

The incident prompted the FBI to be notified, and an internal investigation has been


Larry Nassar’s conviction stemmed from his admission of sexually assaulting athletes during his tenure at Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics, where he worked with aspiring Olympians

In addition, Nassar pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography

FBI’s mishandling of Nassar’s sexual abuse allegations

The revelations of Nassar’s abuse prompted more than 100 women, including Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, to collectively seek over $1 billion from the federal government, citing the FBI’s failure to act on allegations against Nassar when they came to light in 2015

It took more than a year for his arrest to occur after Michigan State University police intervened in 2016

The Justice Department’s inspector general conducted an investigation into the FBI’s handling of the sexual abuse allegations against Nassar In July 2021, the inspector general’s report highlighted “fundamental” errors and a lack of seriousness in the FBI’s investigation

Several victims disclosed that they had reported the abuse to adults, including coaches and trainers, but their pleas went unreported

The FBI’s delayed response allowed Nassar

to continue his abuse, with at least 40 girls and women reporting molestation during the period when the FBI was already aware of other allegations against him USA Gymnastics officials even reached out to FBI representatives in Los Angeles after months of inactivity from agents in Indianapolis The FBI later admitted to conduct that was “inexcusable and a discredit” to their agency Michigan State University, accused of

missing numerous opportunities to stop Nassar, agreed to pay $500 million to over 300 women and girls who fell victim to his abuse

Additionally, USA Gymnastics and the U S Olympic and Paralympic Committee reached a settlement of $380 million In June 2022, the Michigan Supreme Court denied Nassar’s final appeal, upholding his 40-year sentence His attorneys argued that he was treated unfairly in 2018, citing vengeful remarks made by the judge, Rosemarie Aquilina, who referred to Nassar as a “monster” who would “wither” in prison

Staffing shortages and challenges in the federal Bureau of Prisons

While Nassar’s attack at the federal prison in Florida has garnered attention, it has also shed light on the significant staffing shortages within the Federal Bureau of Prisons

A 2021 Associated Press investigation revealed that nearly one third of federal correctional officer positions nationwide were vacant, leading to the use of non-security personnel to oversee inmates These staffing shortages have hampered emergency response efforts in various prisons, including instances of suicide

Florida’s insurance crisis deepens LOG ON TO cnweeklynews com

Help Jamaica Medical Mission going to Jamaica in September

After a three-year absence, the New Jerseybased Help Jamaica Medical Mission is scheduled to return to Jamaica from September 6 to 14, and will serve some seven communities in Kingston, St Thomas, and St Catherine

Founder and President of the Help Jamaica Medical Mission, Dr Robert Clarke, said the organisation has been travelling to Jamaica since 2010 and has attended to some 462,000 patients over the 10-year period

Dr. Clarke said his team consists of volunteer specialist doctors and nurses from the New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut TriState areas

During the visit, the team of medical and health personnel, is expected to provide screening for diabetes, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sickle cell, some forms of cancer, diseases of the prostate, mental health issues and for various types of heart diseases

Giving an overview of the mission’s performance at its annual Black and White Elegant Boat Ride aboard the ‘Cornucopia Majesty’ in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, on June 24, Dr. Clarke said, “we have been saving lives, making people see again and become healthier because of our yearly medical mission to Jamaica”

He pointed out that the mission has been providing free quality healthcare services to those in dire need of these services and over the period has served thousands of Jamaicans

Dr Clarke, who is the Immediate Past President of the National Association of Jamaican and Supportive Organizations (NAJASO), estimates that the New Jersey Medical Mission has spent some US$1-3 million in providing medical services to the underserved in Jamaica

He said from its recent boat ride fundraiser on June 24, just over US$77,000 was raised, which will go towards the medical mission to

Jamaica in September

The Help Jamaica Medical Mission was founded by Dr Clarke with the assistance of Dr Rudolph Willis, to provide healthcare services to needy Jamaicans

Jamaica-born Dr Clarke is the medical director at the Newark, New Jersey-based hospital, Silver Lake He is also physician adviser at three other New Jersey-based hospitals, as well as attending physician at two nursing homes, also in New Jersey

He also has a private medical practice in East Orange Medical

Ardenne Alumni Hall of Fame adds NY marketing specialist to distinguished inductees

New York-based marketing specialist Dave Rodney was among a group of six Ardenne High School past students who were inducted into the Ardenne Alumni Association Hall of Fame last week in Kingston, Jamaica

The induction gala for the distinguished achievement award took place at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, as part of the Ardenne High School Homecoming celebrations that brought together hundreds of past students from all over the world

Promoting Caribbean culture

During the sold-out banquet, Rodney received recognition for his exceptional efforts in promoting the cultural aspects of Jamaica and other Caribbean destinations on various media platforms, including network television

Over several decades, Rodney has passionately advocated for tourism resorts and

destinations, reggae music, cuisine, art, and diaspora consumer products

Notably, he accomplished the first dancehall signing to Atlantic Records and initiated a reggae radio show in French for the Canadian market, which was syndicated to eleven Quebec markets

Rodney’s contributions extend to his role as an author and his involvement in numerous high-profile travel generating events, such as Motown’s Soul by the Sea, MTV Spring Break, Hot 97 Hot Nights, and the HBO Sinbad Soul Music Festival Additionally, he regularly curates travel sections for Jamaica in the New York Daily News and is part of the marketing team for New York’s premiere reggae event, Groovin in the Park

During the induction ceremony, a citation was read by Florence Holness Darby, chairman of the Ardenne Alumni Foundation, under the

signature of Paul Barnett, chairman of the selection committee The citation commended Rodney’s enduring passion for Ardenne High School, highlighting his frequent visits to the school and the numerous articles written in newspapers and on social media, which have contributed to amplifying the school’s positive image and brand

Among those celebrating at Rodney’s table were his sister, Lorna Rodney Suite, Canadian Olympian Brendon Rodney, broadcaster Fae Ellington, Dawn Neufville (niece and educator), Marsha Jones (a Brooklyn-based educator and friend), childhood friend Patricia Spence, and Clive Blackwood (Ardenne past student and executive vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York)


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B4 – NATIONAL WEEKLY | THURSDAY, JULY 13 – JULY 19, 2023 | CNWNETWORK.COM LEISURE 1. Police officer's emblem 6. Goatee, for example 11. Unhappy 14. Drama with singers 15. Diplomat 16. 151, in Roman numerals 17. Line through the Rocky Mountains 19. Floor decor 20. Got close to 21. Feeling of remorse 23. Largest city of Turkey 26. Possesses 27. Steel- _ work boots 28. New-share issuance event 32. Spotless 34. Very devout 35. Barnyard cackler 36. Praiseful poem 39. Point at a target 40. Angry feeling 43. Thundery weather 45. Hollywood trophy 47. Adolescent's sudden change of pitch 52. Grasp onto, as ice cubes 53. Ancient Andes dweller 54. Attacked verbally 56. Country singer Patsy 58. Top-of-page website ad 59. Reason for extra innings 60. When collegians descend on Florida 65. Shoo- _ (sure winners) 66. Everyday writing 67. Supercharged engine 68. Encountered 69. Affirmative answers 70. Velocity 1. Swampy ground 2. Traditionally rainy mo 3. Barely passing grade 4. City of Spain with the Alhambra 5. All gone, as dinner 6. Capital of Lebanon 7. Wrap up in a covering 8. Enthusiastic 9. Fishing pole 10. Changes the color of 11. Write illegibly 12. School graduates 13. Condensed version 18. Bits of paint 22. Moves like a bunny 23. Something to scratch 24. Shoe bottom 25. Adolescent 29. Espionage org 30. Carp in a garden pond 31. Japanese wrestling 33. Write down briefly 37. Physician's nickname 38. Make a blunder 40. Clickable computer image 41. __ and rave 42. Therefore 43. Look over quickly 44. Uneasy feeling 46. Saddle's footrest 47. Person scammed 48. Connected to the Web 49. Most frosty 50. French film festival city 51. Male monarch 55. Amounts owed 57. See in the distance 58. Male sibs 61 -med student 62. Before, in verse 63. ''Honest'' president 64. Defeated in boxing
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Jaleesa Lazarus: The young superstar in the making

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. One 12-year-old girl in Trinidad and Tobago officially began her journey to stardom last year, delivering her first studio release, and now, at this juncture, she is increasing momentum, teaming up with super-songwriter, Shaft, to see her dreams materialize

Jalessa Lazarus has the vocal ability of a seasoned vocalist and because of her natural talent, her mother has dedicatedly directed her child along the path she knows she was born to pursue Earlier this year, Jalessa released a track called, ‘Kiddies Carnival,’ – a song with the children of carnival in T&T, in mind She understands her cultural assignment but her heart pines for much more

The St. Charles High School student has big dreams of realizing her full potential as an international recording artiste and entertainer Her mother, Phylesha, is behind her every step of the way

“Jalessa is extremely talented, and she’s full of life, full of joy and energy She is also incredibly passionate,” explained Phylicia She’s gone through the full gamut to prepare her eldest daughter for the world that lies in wait for her “At the age of six, she entered an online competition hosted by Nailah Blackman and won She was able to perform on stage with Nailah,” she said, noting that Blackman is one of the artistes that Jaleesa looks up to

The youngster’s talent was first introduced to the world through her mother’s social media platforms

“I would put her on my Facebook LIVE and she would sing I always believed in my daughter,” said Phylesha

In September 2022, a video of Jalessa performing at a karaoke competition, singing Adele’s “Easy on Me,” became a viral TikTok video, with over 900,000 views to date

Competitions like the Lyndon Ross Talent Show and the Ministry of Education’s 2023 Junior Soca Monarch Competition, have yielded positive results for the pre-teen, Jalessa placing first and 2nd respectively Phylesha stands firmly beside Jaleesa, ensuring that she has had vocal training under the tutelage of Tiffany Paul and via Curtis Jordan’s Training Academy

Now, fully invested and ready to take on the world, Jalessa is set to release a new single, written by renowned T&T songwriter, Jason ‘Shaft’ Bishop

“I had been searching for a songwriter and was eventually sent his name and contact information From the moment he heard

Jaleesa’s voice, he was sold He immediately sent a song to us,” said the excited mom

The new single, “Focus,” is being released as a summer anthem for young boys and girls “It’s an Afro Beat track that offers good motivation for our country’s youths,” Phylesha explained

The Arima born artiste, who has two younger siblings, is proof that one can achieve one ’ s dreams with determination and the strong support of family Excited for the triumphs of the future, mom Phylesha Lazarus is encouraging parents to listen to their children’s desires and stand with them to the end

“Let the children’s light shine Believe in them, support them The limit is beyond the sky I mean why not? If you have to spend all your money, why not?”

Reggae artiste Answele showcases versatility with new single “Ravin”

Jamaican reggae sensation Answele is all set to release his highly anticipated new single titled “Ravin” on Friday, July 7

The track captures the essence of fun, clubbing, and partying, providing a momentary escape from everyday worries and allowing listeners to just let loose and enjoy themselves

Known for his diverse musical ability, Answele has garnered a loyal fan base through his previous releases and collaborations with Damian Marley and Grammy-winning reggae artiste Kabaka Pyramid’s “Life is Everything”

With “Ravin”, Answele once again showcases his versatility as an artist, tapping into a more lighthearted and youthful side This infectious single is bound to resonate with his younger demographic audience, while still impressing his existing fan base

“Ravin” was produced by the talented twotime Grammy winner, Sean ‘Young Pow’ Diedrick Diedrick’s expertise and creative touch shine through in this captivating track, perfectly complementing Answele’s smooth vocals and energetic delivery

The lyrics of the song, written by Answele himself, transport listeners to a vibrant and carefree party atmosphere

The single will be released under the prestigious ONErpm label, further solidifying Answele’s presence in the reggae music scene With their support, Answele aims to reach a broader audience, both locally and internationally, spreading his positive vibes and love for music

“I am thrilled to be sharing ‘Ravin’ with the world,” Answele expressed “This song represents a side of me that many may not have seen before I hope it brings joy and upliftment to everyone who listens to it ”

As Answele continues to make his mark in the reggae music landscape, “Ravin” will be another solid single added to his growing catalog of songs

Jaleesa Lazarus
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World on notice

Last Friday she blazed the track inside the National Stadium in Kingston when she executed a bullet-like start before powering away from the field to establish a new personal best of 10 65 seconds, leaving the rest of the field in her wake, including back-to-back Olympics sprint double champion Elaine Thompson-Herah

The MVP athlete bettered the previous world lead and personal best of 10 71 seconds established by American rising star Sha’Carri Richardson in the heats of the US Championships last Thursday

Their performances so far this year have set the stage for a fascinating 100m in Hungary, especially after the world got the chance to see reigning 100m World Champion Shelly-Ann Fraser Pryce, who made her seasonal bow in the 200m at the Jamaican Championships, appearing in good shape carrying her speed for a long way

If Jackson was good in the 100m then she was just as impressive in the 200m on Sunday night

National Record holder in the shot put, Danniel Thomas-Dodd threw 19 08m to retain her National title in a year where she has demonstrated admirable consistency

Reigning Olympic Games bronze medalist Megan Tapper chalked up yet another national title when she led from start to finish in the women ’ s 100m hurdles final

The pocket-sized athlete won in 12 64 seconds ahead of Ackera Nugent in 12 67 seconds and 2015 World Champion Danielle Williams in 12 82 seconds

The Jamaicans have a decent history at the elite level and they are expected to prove competitive yet again, especially with Tapper managing a personal best of 12 44 seconds during the championships

There is also good potential in the men ’ s discus Traves Smikle of Reckless Control had a best throw of 66 12m to better Roje Stona with 65 92m and Smikle’s teammate and National Record holder Fedrick Dacres (70 78m) with 65 79m

All three had already attained the qualifying standard of 67m and on their day could push for a medal


She blazed off the turn to straighten in the lead before pulling clear of Fraser Pryce for the then world lead time Fraser Pryce was well clear for the silver medal position in 22 26 seconds, with newcomer Lanae-Tava Thomas third in 22 55 seconds

A few hours later inside Hayward Field on the US West Coast, Thomas blew past Richardson, who was seeking a sprint double, to win in a personal best and meet record 21 60 seconds, well clear of Richardson in a personal best 21 94 seconds, with Kayla White third in 22 01 seconds, also a personal best

Like in the 100m, the 200m at the World Championships is also expected to be one of the main highlights of the meet with the world’s finest sprinters poised to put on a showpiece

Though establishing herself as the main attraction at present, Jackson was by no means the only athlete who staked a claim to be a major contender for top honours in Hungary

Rasheed Broadbell ran a world leading and personal best 12 94 seconds to defeat reigning Olympic Games champion Hansle Parchment in the men ’ s 110m hurdles final

Parchment clocked 13 12 seconds and Orlando Bennet was third in 13 19 seconds

And 18-year-old Jaydon Hibbert posted 17 68m to easily win the triple jump contest The world leader with 17 87m which was set in May, executed just four jumps before passing on his last two

It will be interesting to see if the Under-20 silver medalist can carry over his form when competing against the world’s best next month

Now ranked number four in the world, Thomas-Dodd easily brushed aside Lloydricia Cameron who had a best throw of 16 37m It is interesting to note that Thomas-Dodd has recorded five of her 10 best throws this year

Two-time IAAF World Athletics Championships triple jump silver medalist Shanieka Ricketts easily turned back the challenge of Ackelia Smith to land gold in her pet event with a wind-aided (2 6mps) 14 79m

Smith cut the sand at 14 26m with Imani Oliver (13 44m) finishing in third place

Ricketts displayed improvement having recently recovered from a bruised heel

In a very competitive long jump final, Wayne Pinnock cut the sand at 8 32m to land gold ahead of 2019 World Champion Tajay Gayle (8 27m) and Carey McLeod (8 20m)

Pinnock opened with a jump of 7 23m before his 8 32m in the second attempt, followed by an 8 31m and 8 23m effort He passed on his last two jumps

Gayle, meanwhile, opened with his best effort before fouling on the next three attempts He had 8 20m on his fifth and fouled his last effort as he continued to struggle with his speed on the runway

All three are expected to be in Hungary for the World Athletics Championships, having attained the 8 25m qualifying standard

The men ’ s 400m hurdles also resulted in a major upset as teenager Roshawn Clarke of Swept Track Club became the second fastest Jamaican over the distance when he clocked a superb 47 85 seconds to dethrone Jaheel Hyde

Hard Rock launches Lionel Messi-inspired chicken sandwich ahead of Inter Miami debut

(48 45 seconds) and Assinie Wilson of Titans

Track Club in 48 50 seconds

Clarke, the Austin Sealy Award winner at the 2023 Carifta Games, thus became the World Junior Record holder and the fourth fastest time in the world this year

Winthrop Graham’s 47 60 seconds set in 1993 is the National Record

The women ’ s equivalent proved to be a most competitive affair as defending champion Janieve Russell obliged in an event in which the first four runners went below 54 seconds

The MVP athlete timed her effort to perfection to win in 53 75 seconds, ahead of Andrenette Knight (PUMA) in 53 78 seconds, and Rushell Clayton (53 81 seconds) of Elite Performance who led in tear-away fashion

Fourth place went to the fast-finishing Shiann Salmon (ADIDAS) in 53 97 seconds

There appears to be depth in quality as a number of Jamaicans are ranked in the world’s top 10

And Sean Bailey, brother of sprint legend Veronica Campbell Brown, obliged in the men ’ s 400m in 44 48 seconds, just ahead of Antonio Watson who clocked 44 54 seconds IF this duo replicates its early season form then a semifinal placing should at least be a live possibility

And in the men ’ s 100m sprint, a number of new faces impressed, even if they are short of consistency and proven quality

Rohan Watson created a massive upset when he registered a new personal best 9 91 seconds (1 1mps) to upstage his more fancied rivals

Watson got out of the blocks in good order but was left behind early However, he lifted his knees over the closing 30 meters and clawed his way to the front to beat Ryiem Forde of Adidas in 9 96 seconds and pre-race favourite Oblique Seville third in 10 seconds

Highly fancied Ackeem Blake could fare no better than fourth in 10 01 seconds after battling Forde on the lead for most of the way

It is important to note that Kishane Thompson of MVP had clocked a surprising 9 91 seconds in the preliminary round on Thursday, but failed to show for the semi-finals a day later

Kadrian Goldson of G C Foster College had also gone under 10 seconds when he posted 9 94 seconds in the preliminary, beating the eventual gold medalist Watson in 9 98 seconds

The fact that so many young guns went sub-10 seconds augurs well for Jamaica’s resurgence in men ’ s sprinting on the world stage It might just be a tag too early for these potentials to turn into genuine stars

It’s now left to the selectors to name the Jamaican team to the World Athletics Championships in Budapest, Hungary, next month, but as usual, Jamaica is expected to showcase its talents for all the world to see

In an exciting collaboration, Hard Rock International and soccer sensation Lionel Messi have joined forces to unveil a new addition to the menu – the Messi Chicken Sandwich

With his highly anticipated MLS debut for Inter Miami scheduled for July 21, fans can get a taste of Messi’s personal preferences at the renowned Hard Rock Café

In an announcement on Wednesday, Hard Rock International revealed a new addition to their menu – the “Made For You by Leo Messi” meal

From Messi’s childhood memories

Inspired by one of Messi’s cherished childhood dishes from Argentina, this flavorful

creation showcases Milanese-style chicken

The sandwich boasts a crispy chicken breast, expertly topped with melted provolone cheese, a zesty herbed aioli, fresh tomatoes, and arugula, all nestled between a toasted artisan bun

How to get your hands on the Messi Chicken Sandwich

The Messi Chicken Sandwich is available for order at participating Hard Rock Cafe locations, as well as through in-room dining at Hard Rock Hotels & Casinos worldwide

Scan the QR Code to read more. 954 739 6618 CaribbeanNationalWeekly CNWNetwork
Rasheed Broadbell (right) ran a world leading and personal best 12.94 seconds to defeat reigning Olympic Games champion Hansle Parchment (center) in the men’s 110m hurdles nal

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