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Jamaicans encouraged to improve health behaviors

The health status of many Jamaicans has raised concerns, resulting in a call for organizations and individuals to collaborate with the Ministry of Health and Wellness to get the population to improve their health behaviors

Dr the Hon Christopher Tufton, Jamaica’s Minister of Health, noted that far too many patients wind up in accident and emergency rooms with illnesses that could have been prevented with routine health exams


Tufton further said that the ministry would want to partner with the private sector, Municipal Corporations, Members of Parliament, the police, employers, civil society, and the church

He was speaking at the Annotto Bay Health Center in St Mary on June 23

The Minister emphasized to his audience that “if you control it, the pressure on the hospitals is not going to be great, and importantly, longevity and quality of life will be enhanced,” pointing out that the collaboration can help to lessen the lethal impacts of lifestyle diseases

Tufton asserted that knowledge is essential for combating illnesses and that the “greatest threat” to one ’ s well-being is due to consumption patterns, inactivity, excessive consumption of salt and sugar, and sleep deprivation

The Adopt-A-Clinic program allows individuals and groups to contribute to the enhancement of healthcare service delivery at the primary-care level, and Dr Tufton said Jamaicans in the diaspora, local corporate entities, and individuals are “responding well” to the initiative, with contributions of more than $200 million

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