Caribbean Unity! Consul Generals Oliver Mair (Jamaica) and Joanne Brooks (Trinidad) suppor ng their respec ve teams at the Reggae versus Soca football match held recently in Miramar – Contributed
Chairperson Claude e dePass from the Marjorie Forrest Founda on (right), presen ng an award to keynote speaker, Charles Spence at the 1st Scholarship Award Ceremony held last Thursday – Photo by Uriah Benne MC Radio Personality Sir Rockwell and the representa ve from the Sunnrise FOP Union presen ng Scholarship Award to Joshua Allen recipient at the Marjorie Forrest Scholarship Event last Thursday 8/25 – Photo by Uriah Benne
The Chief of Police from the City of Sunrise Chief Anthony Rosa (le ) along with President Hope Bailey (right) presen ng the Marjorie Forrest Scholarship award to recipient Juana Gregorio at the 1st Scholarship Award Ceremony last Thursday. – Photo by Uriah Benne
The Trinidad & Tobago West Palm Beach Associa on celebrated the country's 60th Anniversary of Independence in Palm Beach last Saturday, August 27 Consul General Joanne Brooks (4th from le ) was the keynote speaker. She shares lens with (l r) Asa Sealy (Marke ng Director Carib Brewery USA), Abbegail Nandalal (Consul Public Affairs and Culture), Lisa Colon (Associa on lawyer), and Inshan Hosein (Associa on President) Photo/Patrick Green Trinidad and Tobago 60! These Trinidadian ladies wore their 60th anniversary shirts with pride and smiles at a celebra on func on in Palm Beach on Saturday, August 27th (L R) Vera Ramdass, Drovica Gosein, Juliet Assam, Vash Srikissoon, and Pam Brown – photo by Patrick Green Prize Winners! Lucky prize winners at the Trinidad & Tobago West Palm Beach Associa ons 60th Anniversary of Independence Celebra on in Palm Beach last Saturday, August 27. (l r) Veronica Pierson, Herline Briggs, Al Royer, and Samiya Harragin – Photo by Patrick Green

The State Department said both paths, which may lead to full time employment opportunities at the department, are focused on developing future leaders through training, mentoring, and on the job experience “to provide them with the skills, tools, and resources needed for long term success at the department ” It said internship opportunities will be in the Social Science Student Trainee (0199) and Administration and Office Support Student Trainee (0399) series Fellowship opportunities will be in the Foreign Affairs (0130) and Management Analysis (0343) series, the State Department saidIt said the first vacancy announcement is tentatively scheduled for mid to late September 2022 The State Department said subsequent announcements will be held annually in the springAll applicants must be US citizens and be able to obtain and retain a secret or top secret clearance, it said, adding that all positions will be located in the Washington, D C area To be eligible for the Colin Powell Leadership Internship Program, the State Department said applicants must either be an enrolled or current student, on a part time or full time basis, pursuing their bachelor’s degree in a qualifying post secondary educational programAcumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3 2 out of 4 0 is required, the State Department said The fellowship program is a one year paid developmental program
The United States Department of State on Wednesday announced a leadership program in honor of the late Caribbean American Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Leadership program named after late Caribbean American US Secretary of State Colin Powell
Nathan Pulliam
The State Department said in a statement that the new Colin Powell Leadership Program will “further advance the department’s commitment and efforts to hire a workforce representative of all segments of society and in support of the Secretary’s modernization agenda ” It said the program will provide individuals the opportunity to pursue careers at the Department of State It said Powell the son of Jamaican immigrants, a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Four Star General in the US Army – “understood that diversity ‘is a source of strength, it is a source of our success ’” “The Colin Powell Leadership Program recruits highly motivated candidates from a variety of backgrounds who aspire to and possess the potential to become future civil service leaders at the US Department of State,” the statement said It said the program will provide paid fellowships to recent college graduates and paid internships to students who are enrolled at accredited institutions of higher education
“The Colin Powell Leadership Program recruits highly motivated candidates from a variety of back grounds who aspire to and possess the potential to become future civil service leaders at the US Department of State,” – Statement by the U.S. Dept. of State

Probe continues into circumstances surrounding the death of Belize soldier Jamaica has confirmed its fifth case of monkeypox. The case was confirmed last week. The positive case is a man from Kingston and St. Andrew the first case reported outside of rural Jamaica
The patient is quarantining at home The ministry said there are currently three active cases of monkeypox on the island and two patients have since recovered from the virus
The symptoms of the virus include a rash that initially looks like pimples or blisters and may be painful or itchy Other symptoms of monkeypox can include, fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, exhaustion, muscle aches and backache, headache as well as sore throat, nasal congestion, or cough So far, the virus has been detected in Bermuda, Bahamas, Guyana, Barbados, and Jamaica
The Ministry of Health and Wellness in its latest statement said the case was detected in Kingston and St Andrew The other four confirmed cases were reported in the parishes of Clarendon, St Elizabeth, and St James The health authorities also announced that this is Jamaica's third locally transmitted monkeypox case, meaning the person had no recent travel history and is not linked to any of the previous cases
BELIZE The National Women's Commission (NCW) has joined the Belize Defence Force (BDF) in the investigation surrounding the death of a soldier, Micah Miguel, who had been placed on suicide watch BDF Commander, Brigadier General Azariel Loria, said the authorities are also probing allegations that she had been sexually assaulted at the Price Barracks He told reporters that a full investigation is being conducted and the NCW is part of the team conducting the inquiry “We knew that Private Micah Miguel was having mental problems and she was getting treatment from our mental facility, our counseling section She attempted to take her life last year and she was being monitored and she was given further counseling by our psychologist,” the BDF Commander said “When I was told that she committed suicide, I ordered an investigation But in my mind, the investigation was a court of inquiry on what led to her doing that unfortunate step that ended her life Later on, more allegations came up, so the Women's Commission decided to take part of the investigation, which we readily accepted ” He told reporters that it is a joint investigation being undertaken at present and that “it's an internal investigation that we are doing jointly“They have had a meeting with the acting chief of staff, and I believe that the next step is to have that investigation going I have not been formally told; I only saw it in the news that the police department is also conducting their own investigation so that is external, which is welcomed because we want to find out what is the real cause of that tragedy, correct and continue to improve ” Asked by reporters how the BDF is addressing the allegations of sexual assault given it is not the first time such allegations have been made against the BDF, Brigadier General Loria acknowledged “we have been getting reports of sexual allegations “The investigation for this particular one is ongoing and if there are reports that indeed sexual assaults happen, we will get to know because we have the women's commission now onboard, and we will do something about it ”
On August 20, police found the child's body on a mattress at her home saying that she may have been killed a day earlier. An autopsy later found that Mckenzie had been manually strangled A police report had indicated that the mother had traveled to a mosque in Claxton Bay where she asked to meet the ImamThe police said the unemployed mother, who suffered from a mental disorder, told the religious leader that her daughter was unresponsive, and she needed him to accompany her to their home He went to the woman's home and discovered Mckenzie lying on a mattress on the floor of the wooden shack she shared with her mother She was wearing underwear and a top Her face was swollen and there was a bruise to the left side of her neck
Jamaica records fifth case of Monkeypox virus Rechier
A 25 year old Trinidadian mother who allegedly strangled her seven year old daughter last weekend, has been charged with murder Deniel Rechier, of Palo Seco, appeared in a Siparia Magistrate on Friday charged with the murder of Mckenzie Hope Rechier, whose body was found on a mattress at her home Police said they had received instructions from acting Director of Public Prosecutions, (DPP), Joan Honore Paul to charge the mother
Mother charged with murder of seven-year-old daughter & TOBAGO
aka Chuksta, the “greatest furniture manufacturer the world has ever seen” passed July 31 2022. Leaving children; Winston, Norman, Jennifer, Nkrumah, Jomo, Hugh, Olantungi, Simba and Khama. Also one brother Alan, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Celebration of his life service will be held September 5th, 11 am at the Church of the Open Bible, 12 Washington Boulevard Zoom info:18763645759 Meeting ID: 679 034 3306 Pass Our Beloved Patriarch, Lloyd Callinder
In Loving Memory

Our aim at the end of this conference is to have record investment links between the Caribbean and Africa, “Greenidge said of the event that will be held under the theme “One People, One Destiny: Uniting and Re imagining Our Future” – Greenidge “
Prime minister of Barbados Mia Mottley will deliver the feature address at the inaugural Africa Caribbean Trade and Investment Forum (ACTIF2022), which the organizers said should attract more than 900 delegates from the Caribbean and Africa Chief executive officer of Invest Barbados, Kaye Greenidge, said the September 1 3 event is aimed at fostering the development of strategic partnerships between the business communities in Africa and the Caribbean, to bolster bilateral cooperation and increase engagement“Weare actually aiming to bring between 500 to 700 African businesspersons, heads of state into Barbados
Obviously, we know there are lots of spin off when you have this massive amount of persons descending upon the island “We not only, I must say, expecting persons from Africa, we also look for another 200 persons participating in the program from the Caribbean We aim to have a lot of business to business meetings where people from here, the Caribbean is having conversations with businesses from Africa in terms of really trying to form those relationships ACTIF2022 is being held in collaboration between the Barbados government and the African Export Import Bank (Afreximbank) and will also be addressed by Professor Benedict Oramah, president, and chairman of the Afreximbank as well as Vera Songwe, the executive secretary of the United Nations Commission for Africa
The forum organizers said over the last five months, food security, intraregional trade, economic development, trade transportation efficiency, and stronger trade linkages have been largely discussed as matters of great concern to the region with the constraints globallyThe forum is one of many efforts aimed at providing long term solutions to these issues, especially as they relate to trade and investmentThe executive director of the International Trade Centre, Pamela Coke Hamilton, as well as Deodat Maharaj, the executive director of the Caribbean Export Development Agency and Ian Durant, the director of the Economics Department of the Caribbean Development Bank, will also address the three day event
Barbados to host inaugural AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum
The St. Lucia government says it is anticipating investments in the tourism industry to surpass EC$320 million (One EC dollar=US$0 37 cents) as a result of negotiations with various investors during the first eight months of this year.
“Investors are showing a high level of confidence and interest in St Lucia's economic prospects This is evident by the level of tourism investments which have been recorded for the period January to August 2022, Prime Minister Phillip J Pierre told the 58th annual general meeting of the St Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association (SLHTA)Hesaid during that period Cabinet approved 20 projects for tourism incentives “amounting to projected investments of EC$326 6 million” Pierre, a former tourism minister, said the Jamaica based Sandals group has started renovations on one of its properties, while another hotel has re opened under new management He said another hotel under new management has “major plans for expansion just to name a few” Pierre said he welcomed the opportunity to address the meeting because he wants the private sector to play a much more meaningful role in the socio economic development of the island“While your main emphasis may be on greater collaboration within the private sector, your call could be extended to include stronger linkages between the public and private sectors as well,” Pierre said, alluding to the theme of the general meeting “Building Forward Better Together” Tourism officials said that visitor expenditure post coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic had exceeded EC$560 million last year and hotels and other properties collectively made in excess of EC$303 millionDuring his address, Prime Minister Pierre made an appeal for the thousands of workers in the tourism industry to be adequately compensated 'This government will assist whenever we can to help you succeed with your business and we continue to encourage you to invest in our country However, we need you to uphold your corporate responsibility to treat workers fairly, compensate workers adequately so that every participant can enjoy the benefits of the tourism,” Pierre said
St. Lucia attracting millions in investments
Veteran broadcaster François St. Juste has died
Veteran broadcaster François St Juste died on Monday August 29 Up to his death, he worked at Radio Jamaica as co host with Paula Ann Porter Jones on the morning program 'Sunny Side Up' In its breaking news update during the show, Radio Jamaica said St Juste was battling an illness and passed away at the University Hospital of the West Indies Porter Jones, who was on duty, said: “we've just had the floor swept out from under us …we ask your understanding as we figure out how to move forward ” St Juste had more than 20 years' experience working on morning radio He was a popular host on the sister station, Fame 95FM He is a former general manager for radio services in the media group

They wear so many hats that they would all be international millionaires if they were to be compensated for their value They parent our children every day for up to six hours Teachers play the part of role models, motivators, stress relievers, psychotherapists, and advisors Our teachers provide guidance, mentoring, and solutions to our children's problems They are responsible for our economic survival because they teach us to earn a living Teachers are patient, compassionate, understanding, and passionate about their work And yes, they educate us, which is our society's most important skill set Without teachers, we are nothing So why has society treated teachers with such disdain and scorn? Why is teaching a profession that only the ones passionate beyond belief about seeing our society grow “smart and whole” enter? It should not be that in a country where some boast about being the wealthiest and best, the people who teach us to read and understand are forced to work in deplorable conditions because of a lack of heat or cool air Why should teachers not be compensated for their value, just like lawyers, doctors, and bankers? Lest we forget, the teachers created the foundation and gave these professionals the fundamentals to reach their desired potentialOne of the greatest teachers of our lifetime, Albert Einstein, said, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge ” It is a pity the value of this “art” is not recognizedIfyouwere able to read this passage, call a teacher and say thanks Sometimes this is the only thing that keeps them going, knowing that someone actually has time to show appreciation
Recently in Ohio, the education system was shut down, leaving 40,000 students without a learning experience on the first day of school The 4,000 teachers who took industrial action demanded lower class sizes, heating, and air conditioning in classrooms, and better pay than the three percent increase offered by the Board of EducationAfewdays ago, teachers voted to go on strike over pay in Philadelphia They are asking the school district for more money because they were forced to take a pay cut during the pandemic In Texas, schools are switching to a four day week because of a teacher shortage Arizona is using college students to teach The 4th largest school district by state, Florida, has a teacher shortage of over 8,000, and the government is asking veterans with no experience to teach Even without comprehensive data, it is pretty evident that nationally, the United States is having a massive problem with the professionTheissue in the United States is providing opportunities for teachers in other countries Just last week, Jamaicans were told about a mass exodus of teachers, most of whom will end up in the United States searching for better opportunities Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA) president Winston Smith said “poor salaries, lack of appointment, and inadequate resources” are the contributing factors for teachers leaving the shore of Jamaica Jill Biden, the first lady of the United States, once said, “Education doesn't just make us smarter It makes us whole ” Mrs Biden should know She is smart and has been in the teaching business since 1993 And billionaire Bill Gates said “Technology is just a tool In terms of getting the kids to work together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important ” As a society, the world has never paid enough respect to our teachers They singlehandedly bear the burden of making us “smart and whole ”
Do We Really Respect Our Teachers and What They Do?
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Celebrating & 2780 N. University Drive Sunrise,

2022 will mark the of
In this feature, CNW will be showcasing the beautiful island of Trinidad & Tobago. We will be highlighting hot spots, athletes, entertainers, and high achievers in the diaspora who have, and continue, to make strides in our community B R A T I N G
Independence celebration J.Brooks
IndependenceRemarksbyConsulGeneral Joanne Brooks of
On the occasion of the 60th Anniversary
the diamond anniversary for Trinidad & Independence.Tobago’s
As we celebrate the 60 years of Independence, it is an ample opportunity for reflection and to see who we were then under the oppression of colonial rule and the identity that we have forged for ourselves from 1962 to the present as a free, Democratic, independent nation In his inaugural speech, our first premier, Dr. Eric Williams, appealed to our fledgling nation to live up to the highest democratic ideals, and I quote: “The first responsibility that devolves among you is the protection and promotion of your democracy ” He also urged our people to promote equality, protect the weak, protect citizens from arbitrary power, unite and work together for the good of all, and for the first time, we learnt the watchwords of the nation: Discipline, Production, and Tolerance Since then, our twin island nation has pursued an agenda of national development through a consistent policy of free education, free health care, and affordable housing, and we have also made a name for ourselves on the global stage in international relations, having been instrumental in the development of the International Criminal Court, the Law of the Sea Convention and the Convention on Women And haven't our women made strides since then? We had the first black Miss Universe, followed by Giselle La Ronde and Wendy Fitzwilliams, thereby recasting the mold for the standard of beauty for all women of color, we had our first female President in Her Excellency Paula Mae Weeks, and we had our first Female Prime Minister in the Hon. Kamala Persad Bissesser, our first female President of the Industrial Court in her Honor Justice Thomas Felix and our first Head and Deputy Head of our Special Branch in Mrs Pamela Hinds, and Mrs. Alicia Henry and the longest female calypsonian and entertainerindomitable Calypso Rose, still going strong and pushing the boundaries of excellenceAswe look back on our achievements, there isn't a sector that Trinbagonians have not excelled - In academia, we have our great minds who walked the halls of Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard and other great academic institutions such as Dr. Capildeo, Dr. Williams, Sir Ellis Clarke, Sir Edwin Carrington, Noor Hassinali and ANR Robinson; we entertained in Hollywood and in Broadway theatres by nationals Jeffrey Holder, Sullivan Walker, Heather Headley and many others of Trinbagonian descent, our sportsmen have run, thrown the javelin, swam, kicked a ball and batted their way into the record books – I'm Speaking of Hansley Crawford, Brian Lara, Keshawn Walcott, Dwight York, George Bovell and so many others who have brought immense pride to our nation. New instruments such as our sweet pan and genres of music calypso, soca, and chutney have originated in our twin island state. We have an abundance of creativity, as seen in our mass icons, Peter, Minshal, Raul Garrib, Stephen Leong, and Edmund Hart, and fashion designers, such as Claudia Pegus and Meiling. Our carnival and festivals have been exported to the world, and they look to us with envy for our ability to live, work, and party in harmony as a multicultural, multiethnic, and multi religious, democratic nationTrinidad and Tobago is also generously endowed with natural beauty. How many people have felt emotional flying home over the Northern Range or getting a bird's eye view of the beautiful Tobago coastline before landing at Crown Point, the wonder of the Nylon Pool, the enchantment of the Caroni Bird Sanctuary, the temple in the sea, or the misty mountains of Paramin We have voted the happiest people in the world, and recently, National Geographic magazine voted Tobago the no 1 tropical island in the world for its natural splendor and diverse tourism product The Diaspora here in the US has played a pivotal role in promoting Trinidad and Tobago. You have maintained a link with your homeland and have found ways to give back, whether out of charitable donations, supporting T&T businesses and products, competing under the T&T flag at sports events, and getting together on significant occasions such as this to celebrate our great nation I want to take this opportunity to honor some of our stalwarts in this community who have dedicated their time and resources to fly the flag: I would like to recognize Mr Kamal Abdool and Mr. Inshan Hosein, Mr. Ramsay Ramsaran, who promoted Diwali festivals in Florida, Mr. Kenneth Baboolal – a promoter of carnival in Florida, Kenneth Nandlal for his active service to the West Palm Beach Community and Ballo Sugrim, sadly no longer with us but never forgotten. There are many of you who I am yet to meet but who have been working tirelessly for the good of your community and for Trinidad and Tobago, and I salute you Ladies and gentlemen, you would agree that this small island of 1 4 million inhabitants is an amazing and special place, and our greatest asset will always be our people and our infectious and generous spirit that positively impacts everyone we meetAswe look towards to next 60 years, let us recommit ourselves everyday to upholding and living up to our highest ideals and to be never wavering in our love and commitment to the development and prosperity of our beloved twin island state - Trinidad and Tobago As your Consul General, my team and I are ready and willing to serve you and to promote, protect and defend the interest of Trinidad and Tobago in the USA. Let us join our hearts and minds in that worthy cause as we chart the next 60 years for a brighter, better future for sweet T&T where every creed and race finds an equal place! I thank you
Joanne Brooks Consul General for the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago in Miami

Carib beer is recognized throughout the Caribbean and the diaspora for its iconic gold and blue bottle, which symbolizes the Caribbean sunshine and sea, the nostalgic branding intentional. According to Carib Brewery USA's outgoing President and CEO, James Webb, “If you can't make it to the Caribbean, we'll bring the Caribbean to you.” The sentiment affirms the brewery's commitment to positively impacting the diaspora and the rest of the world “So much of our population has migrated from the Caribbean region, and they long for those products that bring them back to home One of the biggest initiatives for us is to mine that Caribbean pride, and use that brand that we so dearly represent to connect with the diaspora,” says marketing director, Asa Sealy Though 2022 is a milestone year for the company, last year Carib Brewery USA made news for other noteworthy achievements In October 2021, the company thrust itself into the international spotlight with the release of a song called “Can You Feel It” featuring Toronto based Trinbagonian singer, songwriter and producer, Kerwin Du Bois alongside Jamaican music sensation, Shenseea, who signed on as a Carib beer brand ambassador earlier that year The song's music video included a notable intro and outro cameo from superstar American DJ and producer, DJ Khaled Sealy explained that the song and video are part of the company's international marketing push, which seeks to invigorate and inspire regional pride “We wanted to use this opportunity to inject a measure of national and regional pride throughout the diaspora, and to bring the region together under the common umbrellas of our cultural exports, expertise and excellence,” – Sealy A month earlier, in September 2021, the company announced that in June the Florida Beer Company had changed its name to Carib Brewery USA. The move reflects Carib Brewery's growing international success and strong brand equity With this acquisition, Carib Brewery USA moved its operations to Space Coast, Cape Canaveral, Florida, where it also opened the 321 Lime House taproom where it offers the local community a taste of Caribbean hospitality
Carib Brewery In honor of Trinidad & Tobago’s Independence we are offering 50off$ Full Body Scans & Consultations For a limited time! The Herbal Gardens TheHerbalGardens.com 954.584.6601 Happy Independence Trinidad &Tobago!
All of this is just the tip of the iceberg for Carib Brewery USA The company has a rich history and is a true Caribbean success story Carib breweries have operated in Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and St Kitts and Nevis since the 1950s and '60s In 2016, Trinidad based ANSA McAL, an iconic corporate group that comprises 48 companies in over 8 territories, purchased the breweryInthe coming years, the company has plans to acquire breweries in other parts of the world, and open many editions of its taproom model in other zip codes where Carib has holdings Carib beer is well known in the Caribbean islands, but the company's current goal is for beer drinkers who now live in Florida and other parts of the United States to see the Carib Brewery logo and will feel like they can pick up a six pack that reminds them of homeCarib Brewery's Cape Canaveral location produces about 600,000 cases a year, and the company's beer brands include Caribe, Giant Leap, Key West, Swamp Ape, and Hurricane Reef The brewery, which has been described as an innovation hub where people can schedule a tour and get an exclusive taste of the Caribbean, also produces the butterbeer served at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter attraction at Universal Studios and the Isla Nublar at the Jurassic World attractionAsofSeptember 1, 2022, Carib Brewery USA will be led by incoming President/CEO, Malissa Sylvester, who is taking the baton from James Webb

Marinade: Mix the minced garlic and lemon juice with chicken thighs. Add curry and salt. Marinate overnight Curry: In a heavy Dutch pot sauté the chicken, add seasonings including curry powder and cook for 10 minutes Add water and stir the chicken Combine all the ingredients. Add potato cubes, cover, and cook. Lower the heat and simmer – for an hour or more. When done, sauce should thicken, and the meat should be cooked Trini Roti Wraps: In a large bowl sift together flour, salt, yeast, and baking powder. Add water and mix until it comes together in a firm ball of dough. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let it rest for about 30 minutes at room temperature. Knead rested dough lightly. Divide dough into 6 pieces. Make each a flat round shape dough. On floured countertop move the dough around and roll into round sheets with a rolling pin until they are roughly 12 inches wide and a ¼ inch thickWith a brush, brush flat roti wrap with oil and place on a hot, flat skillet to cook. Cook each side for about 2 minutes until brown bubbles begin to appear. Remove from the pot. To make the dish, add two tablespoons of curried chicken in the middle of the roti and fold, left over right then top and bottom, to form a rectangular BbundleonAppetite!
The eating of fish and other sea foods are commonplace in the Caribbean and in the diaspora. A natural expectation as the region is situated in the Caribbean Sea! One of the favorite dishes to cook in the Caribbean apart from escoveitched fish, stew fish, fry fish, and fish soup is fish head soup and curried fish head, with ground provisions Method Scale and wash fish head with lime. Add salt, and black pepper Add lime juice. Marinate for 30 minutes. In a Dutch pot add coconut oil, heat oil over medium flame. Add garlic, scallion, and onion. Sauté. Add curry powder Mix thoroughly. Add coconut milk and mix it all together. Allow all the ingredients to come to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Add fish head. Lower flame and slow to steam. Add scotch bonnet pepper, thyme, and pimento. Steam fish until flesh is tender. Serve with rice or ground provision Bon Appetite!
I love mango in the above forms. One of the popular ways it is also eaten in the Caribbean is in a chow. Chow is a seasoned salad. Another way mango is used in Caribbean cuisine is as a chutney. Mango chow may be eaten with all kinds of meats or as a snack Here is my recipe for Mango Chow
Trini Roti or Wrap roti, often referred to as a roti, is a popular food in the Caribbean, and consists of curried or stewed meat and or vegetables folded tightly within a dhal puri or paratha roti. The items placed inside of a wrapped roti are commonly called tarkari in Trinidad and Tobago. Popular items that are eaten in a wrap roti are curried chicken, curried duck, curried potatoes, pumpkin, and stewed chicken. Roti is eaten widely across the Caribbean, especially in countries with large Indo Caribbean populations like Trinidad and Tobago.
Ingredients Marinade • 2 pounds of chicken thighs cut in pieces • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tablespoon curry powder • 1 tbs lemon juice Curry ¼ cup cooking oil (corn or sunflowe • 2 onions, chopped fine • 5 cloves garlic, minced 4 tablespoons curry powder • 1 scotch bonnet pepper, minced • 1 teaspoon of salt • 2 sprigs thyme • ½ cup chopped Scallions • 2 large potatoes (cubed) Roti Wraps • 4 cups all purpose flour • ½ pack fast acting yeast • ½ teaspoon salt • 3 tablespoon baking powder 1 ½ cup water • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil (for brushing dough)
INGREDIENTS 4 half ripe beefy mangoes (large Mexican mango) peeled and cut in small wedges • ½ cup lime juice • 2 cloves of garlic crushed • ½ cup chopped cilantro • Salt to taste • 1 tsp red pepper flakes • 1 tbsp fresh chopped escallion • ½ yellow raisins • 1 tbsp olive oil Method Combine all the ingredients. Allow it to marinate in the fridge for 2 hours. Serve chilled
When you think about the most iconic Trinidadian recipes, the ones that are an important part of the island’s culture, the first recipe that comes to mind is Trinidad pelau a tasty recipe often made on weekends and when family and friends get together. This one pot meal originating in West Indies combines pigeon peas, meat or chicken, and rice along with fresh herbs and coconut milk The entire dish is then flavored and colored with burnt sugar
Ingredients • 4 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into 2 inch pieces • 2 tablespoons green seasoning • 2 teaspoons grated garlic 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce • 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce 1 tablespoon tomato ketchup • salt, to taste • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil • 2 cups parboiled rice, washed, and drained • 3/4 cup finely chopped onion • 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper • 2 cups cooked pigeon peas • 1 cup diced carrots, optional • 2 cups fresh coconut milk • 2 cups chicken stock, or water 1 whole Scotch bonnet pepper • 1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions, white and green parts Method In a large bowl, place the chicken, green seasoning, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, and ketchup, along with salt and pepper to taste Marinate overnight. In heated pot with oil immediately add the seasoned chicken cook for 10 minutes Add the rice to the pot, stir to mix, and cook for 3 minutes Add the onion, red bell pepper, pigeon peas, and carrots (if using) and cook for 1 minute. Pour in the coconut milk and the chicken stock or water. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Reduce the heat to low, cover pot, and let the rice steam for 25 to 30 minutes or until all the liquid has been absorbed. Garnish with chopped green onions Serve hot
Ingredients • 5 lbs. Snapper head • 1 tsp salt • 1 scotch bonnet pepper • 2 tbs curry powder • ¼ cup lime juice • 2 cups fresh coconut milk • 1 large onion • 6 cloves garlic (chopped) • 3 sprigs thyme • 3 stalks scallion • 2 tsp black pepper • 6 pimento seeds • ¼ cup coconut oil
It is summer and of course mango season Mango is also my favorite fruit. Mango can be eaten ripe, green, almost ripe (or “turn” in Jamaican parlance), and ripe. Mango is also used in many dishes, salads, cakes, pies, ice cream, and fruit drinks



This is Port of Spain’s largest open recreational space in Trinidad and Tobago and the center stage for the popular Carnival It occupies about 260 acres of level land, and the distance around the perimeter is about 2 2 miles Covered with low grass and lined with impressive trees, Queen’s Park Savannah is beloved by sports enthusiasts, families, and Trinidad & Tobago is home to some of the most picturesque destinations and tourist attractions. Here are few:
The William Beebe Tropical Research Station (also known as Simla), was established by the famous naturalist and explorer William Beebe as a tropical research station for the New York Zoological Society Formerly the Springhill Estate, the grounds have returned to a wild state from once extensive coffee, cocoa, and citrus plantations Some coffee, cocoa, and citrus plants are still maintained alongside the natural second growth which has taken over the abandoned plantation vegetation with vines and a host of epiphytes
1 asa Wright Nature Center
The Caroni Swamp is a 12,000 acre swamp located on the west coast of Trinidad Join a tour for a guided boat trip and spot the Scarlet Ibis, (Eudocimus ruber) the spectacular flame colored birds, as they descend on the trees in large flocks Caroni Swamp is the second largest mangrove wetland in Trinidad and Tobago It is located on the coast of Trinidad, south of Port of Spain and northwest of Chaguanas, where the Caroni River meets the Gulf of Paria The swamp is an estuarine system comprising 5,611 hectares of mangrove forest and herbaceous marsh, interrupted by numerous channels, and brackish and saline lagoons, and with extensive intertidal mudflats on the seaward side The central section of the acreage is designated as a wildlife sanctuary and is the home of one of Trinidad and Tobago’s national birds, the Scarlet Ibis, which uses the Caroni Swamp as its the major roosting place The swamp is also the home of over 100 avian species The Caroni Swamp has a total of 20 endangered species and is ecologically diverse It provides a variety of habitats for flora and fauna Caroni Swamp supports rich biodiversity It is a very productive area of wetland that provides food (organic production) and also provides protection. It is also a nursery for marine and freshwater species If you love ecotourism Caroni Swamp is a must visit 4.
The Asa Wright Nature Centre and Lodge is a nature resort and scientific research station in the Arima Valley of the Northern Range in Trinidad and Tobago The Centre is one of the top birdwatching spots in the Caribbean and one of the most biodiverse areas in the West Indies It is home to more than 250 bird species, including the purple honeycreeper, tufted coquette (a hummingbird), tropical mockingbird, and oilbird (a nocturnal fruit eater) Red brocket deer, the elusive ocelot, the Brazilian porcupine, and the southern tamandua have also been recorded Red rumped agouti is another mammal that can often be seen near the main house
The whole effect is one of being deep in a tropical rainforest making it the perfect setting for nature lovers to relax and explore 2. Fort King George Much like Fort George in Trinidad, this mountaintop fort mixes stunning ocean and city views with a dose of Tobago’s military and colonial history This historical destination which overlooks Scarborough is the best preserved colonial fort in TobagoThe fort was built after the French captured Tobago from the British in 1781 The military compound was controlled by the French until 1793 when it was recaptured by the British Tobago was returned to France in 1801 but by 1803 was again a British colony The fort was then referred to as Fort King George after King George III, in 1804 Today, the fort features carefully restored remnants, including the officers’ barracks, gunpowder magazine, prison cells and a bell tank Within Fort King George, travelers can explore the old prison and officers’ mess, as well as the Tobago Museum located inside the former barrack guardhouse Tobago Museum is a fascinating place to discover more about the past It features weapons and pre Columbian artifacts found in Scarborough alongside old Tobago maps and photographs Outside of the historic buildings, visitors can find several canons and expansive views of Scarborough Bay 3. Caroni Swamp and Bird Sanctuary
Queen s Park Savannah
The nature Centre is on 270 acres and includes a main estate house with an inn and restaurant serving dishes such as callaloo soup with ingredients from an on site organic garden Non adjacent properties have also been added to the centre’s land holdings

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“If you believe in what it is you’re doing, and you do it with the passion, and you keep the right motivations in front of you, which is that of servant leaders to serve others, you will be successful,” Dr Frederick said at a Children’s Defense Fund event in 2015 An alumnus of St Mary’s College in Port of Spain, Dr Frederick would go on to become a cancer surgeon, an expert on healthcare disparities, and eventually the distinguished Charles R Drew Professor of Surgery at the Howard University College of MedicineStill,those form just the tip of the iceberg of accomplishments, and the list of achievements has its hands full trying to keep pace with the list of accolades Dr Frederick has been named “Super Doctor” by the Washington Post, he’s been listed among Ebony magazine’s “Power 100,” and as a son of the soil he was awarded the Order of the Republic of TT (ORTT), the country’s highest honor, for medicine and education Dr. Frederick will retire as Howard University’s president by June 2024 Rhoda Reddock Trinidadian scholar Professor Rhoda Reddock, was reelected to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) for another three years Professor Reddock, the first national of the twin island republic to have been elected to the committee since Trinidad and Tobago became a party to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1990, was one of 23 candidates competing for the 12 vacancies on the committee for the 2023 2026 Duringperiodherfirst 2019-2022 tenure as a member of the CEDAW, Professor Reddock has been serving as Vice Chair of the Working Group on Inquiries of the Optional Protocol of the Convention, which oversees the procedure for the inquiry mechanism for investigation of grave and systematic violations of the Convention She is also a member of the Working Groups for the General Recommendation on Indigenous Women, and on Gender-based Violence against Women, respectively As a member of the committee from 2023, she will join 22 other independent international experts in monitoring the progress made by states in the implementation of the Convention
Williams Frederick Morgan Harrison Reddock McEwan LOG ON TO FOR MORE
In a statement, The Board of Regents stated it was thrilled to welcome an academic leader whose career exemplifies the ideals of intellectual curiosity and engaged conversation, which are so deeply embedded in the ethos of Victoria University,” said Cynthia Crysler, Chair of the Board of Regents
Mishael Morgan
“ D r M c E w e n h a s l e d transformative academic programs and initiatives at U of T that prepare students for a rapidly changing world As a researcher, her focus on communications technology is rigorous and impactful and her leadership in supporting equity, diversity, inclusion, and access has garnered support across the U of T community ” The university said as an academic leader, Dr Rhonda McEwen has grown programs that respond to the global environment and are driven by innovation It said as Director of the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information & Technology (ICCIT) at UTM, she transformed the program into a stand alone unit with a new professional experience certificate in digital media, communication, and technology Enrolment grew by more than 20 percent and student retention improved to more than 90 percent She is the recipient of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grants that explore the potential uses of emerging technologies in student development and participation She co authored the peer reviewed book Understanding Tablets from Early Childhood to Adulthood and her research has been shared in more than 47 peer reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, andDbooksrMcEwen has led and championed inclusion initiatives including serving as UTM’s first special adviser on anti racism and equity, and on the steering committee of U of T’s Black Research Network (BRN) Vashti Harrison A Caribbean roots writer, illustrator and filmmaker walked away with a 49th NAACP Image Award for outstanding literary work for children in 2018 Twenty nine year old Vashti Harrison, from Accomack County, received an award in LA Her book, “Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History”, was published just one month prior Harrison, whose mother was born in Trinidad & Tobago, dedicated the award to little girls and the black women of history Harrison has a background in cinematography and screenwriting and a love for storytelling She earned her BA from the University of Virginia with a double major in Media Studies and Studio Art with concentrations in Film and CinematographyHarrisonwent on to receive her MFA in Film and Video from CalArts where she snuck into Animation classes to learn from Disney and Dreamworks legends There she rekindled a love for drawing and painting Now, she utilizes both skill sets
Trinidad & Tobago, though small in size has produced some stalwarts who have accomplished great things locally and internationally. As we celebrate its 60th year of independence we highlight some Trinidadians who continue to fly our flag high across the diaspora.
Maxine Williams
When you get offered a seat at the head table of the juggernaut at the center of the social media universe, and that seat enables you to highlight and address representation issues, it’s the proverbial “no brainer” decision to take that seat Maxine Williams has been in that seat since 2013, as Meta’s Chief Diversity Officer Of course, when she started the job, the company was still called Facebook “My upbringing in multicultural Trinidad and Tobago certainly set the stage for an appreciation of differences among people,” Williams told Caribbean Beat magazineAnadvocate for inclusion, who says she is never satisfied with the status quo, the soca music lover has found herself being a member of Meta’s most senior executive leadership team under the chief executive officer, according to the company’s website She misses being home in T&T for mango season She’s a soccer mom who finds ways to bring the latest technology to her kid’s games to record the action and still be part of the moment Williams is a modern woman, whose DNA contains some of the old school values of being raised in the CaribbeanAgraduate of Yale University and Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar, Williams’ work experience is a mixed bag She is an attorney, but she has also worked as a broadcast journalist and there was also a stint in improv acting Maxine Williams continues to use her experiences as a Caribbean woman, and as Black woman in America, to help shape the future of the social media giant’s “metaverse ” She says representations in the metaverse should reflect the diversity of the real world Dr. Wayne Frederick At the age of 16, he enrolled as a student at Howard University to pursue a dual B S /M D program, but given his drive and desire to succeed, it isn’t that far fetched to believe even then he may have had an inkling that 26 years later he would return to campus as Dr Wayne Frederick, the university’s 17thHpresidentindsight tends to almost always be crystal clear, but the signs were there that the boy born in Diamond Vale, Trinidad, was destined for a tremendous amount of successWayne Alix Ian Frederick has been on the historically Black campus for more than three decades — first as a student, then a faculty member and administrator He was named interim president in 2013 and assumed the position permanently a year later Being diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, and hearing his family members speak about his condition, fueled the desire to pursue a career in medicine, while service to others was an extra prescription for motivation
It’s all about her! Trinidad and Tobago born actress Mishael Morgan has created entertainment history as the first Black woman to win an Emmy award for best lead actress in a drama
The 35 year old who was born in San Fernando, plays the role of Amanda Sinclair on The Young and the RestlessInheracceptance speech at the 49th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards held recently she stated, “I was born on the tiny island, Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean and now I’m standing on an international stage, and I am being honored regardless of the color of my skin Regardless of my passport, for being the best at what I do ”Morgan emphasized that little girls around the world are seeing another step forward, knowing despite their industry of choice or vocation, they can strive to be the best at what they do Morgan who is in her second year stint on The Young and the Restless first joined the show in 2013 and stayed until 2018 She returned in 2019 as a different characterTheactress landed the role when she moved to the US as the character Hilary Curtis who was killed off. However, she returned to the show as Hilary’s twin sister, Amanda, a criminal lawyer Mishael Morgan who migrated to Canada with her parents when she was five has appeared in many shows including the Canadian teen series The Best Years and Family Biz She was also featured in R&B singer, Trey Songz’s Wonder Woman music video Rhonda McEwen Trinidad born Dr Rhonda McEwen was appointed president and vice chancellor of one of the oldest universities in Canada Dr Rhonda McEwen became the Victoria University’s 14th President and Vice Chancellor in its 186 year history D r M c E w e n s e r v e d a s University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) vice principal, academic, and dean with oversight of all academic programs, planning and policy, faculty, teaching and learning, and academic experience

South Florida is home to the second largest population of Trinidad and Tobago immigrants in the United States Known as Trinbagonians, they have penetrated the region with their indigenous steel pan music, carnival celebrations, and delightful Indian food with roti and curry as the centerpieces While in numbers, the region does not have a lot of Roti shops, the few serving the mouthwatering Indian delicacies have made a good name for themselves and created a followingOne such establishment is Singh's Roti Delight, located in Lauderdale Lakes The restaurant is owned and managed by Gavendra and Praveen Singh, two native Trinidadians who, for the last 12 years, have been giving South Floridians and its visitors a taste of Trinidad and Tobago, a premiere dining experience Both are from Cunupia, Chiguanas, the central part of Trinidad, about 30 minutes Southeast of Port of Spain Guavendra has been in the US for over 30 years, while Praveen left the twin island republic 19 years ago Owning and managing a restaurant was not part of the plan for both, even though they are from a background where their families owned businesses back home The opportunity came in 2010 when the previous owner wanted out of business and contacted Guavendra's mother seeking help to run or take over the restaurant Both had corporate jobs at the time Praveen worked as an accountant while her husband traveled between Key West and Jacksonville as a fire inspector“Iwasn't into roti shop,” Guavendra told CNW, but they wanted an opportunity to have a “stable and comfortable family life ” “It was a matter of getting to the point of raising our family comfortably We had two young kids and worked for other people We came from backgrounds where our families owned businesses, and we wanted an option to be more flexible,” said Praveen They took over the business in August of 2010 and have managed to build a strong brand and following since that time Like most success stories, the beginning was the toughest His job kept him away from home, leaving Praveen with the task of running the business and attending to the life of their two kids, Nikhil and Nakeesh “We went through the trials and tribulations,” said Guavendra “There were times when we said let's close it down It was long hours, the children doing homework at the restaurants, and my wife sometimes catching up on her sleep at work Friends and family said we weren't going to last ” But instead of giving in to the challenges and doubters, the experiences strengthened the husband and wife team It inspired and motivated us to stay on the journey,” suggested Praveen Her husband agreed with a smile that was also filled with pride They both admitted that the journey was fun despite the challenges According to reports, The National Restaurants Association estimated that 1 in 3 restaurants close in the first year A Roti restaurant is not mainstream, so what is responsible for the success Praveen and Gavendra have enjoyed in 12 years of running Sing's Roti Delight? Gavendra explained it this way: “Roti is authentically an Indian food, but as Trinidadians, we have managed to add our own flavor and specialties, and this is true for all Roti shops owned by Trinis ” The thing that sets Singh's Roti apart is that “customers enjoy and appreciate our food quality and consistency Add our customer service, and you get a superb differentiating factor ” “We create a family environment and provide a rare opportunity for big congregations of family and friends to enjoy delightful Indian and Caribbean food Our tables are set up to hold 12 people but are still accommodating for one Groups can choose a section of the restaurant and feel private, even with an open plan The ambiance is accentuated by adequate lighting and music that is not loud Add the family feeling, and that is why customers keep coming back ” During the covid pandemic, when many restaurants were struggling, Singh's Roti operated with little impact on its bottom line as their deliveries and online orders grew tremendously, which increased their volumes We didn't have to lay off anyone, which was goodSingh's Roti Delight is probably the only roti shop that does not sell pork or beef This is because they have a heavy vegan clientele Most of their customers are Muslims, Hindus, and Seven Day Adventist They also cater to a large set of Rastafarians To ensure food purity, Gavendra insists that workers do not mix cooking wares and utensils to avoid cross contamination between vegan and meat lovers foods “Our staff knows what cookware is specifically for vegan, and they keep it that way, “ he said Adding to the quality of the finished food is the type of raw material used. “We use the best in organic products We stay away from lard or recycled oil and use vegetable butter We try to be vegan friendly People appreciate and respect how we do things, and as a result, we have had over 90 percent of the same clients since we have been in business,” Praveen indicated As Trinidad celebrates its 60th anniversary of independence, the restaurant owners wish their country and people all the best for the future “Trinidadians have a special brand We are proud people who have given the world some of the best, including the unique steel pan music Happy birthday Trinidad and Tobago ”
Singh's A Premiere Trini Dining Experience in South Florida Roti Delight

60 YEARS COUNTINGAND HAPPY INDEPENDENCE TRINIDAD & TOBAGO From all of us at Joy’s Roti Delight 1205 NW 40th Ave. Lauderhill, FL 33313 (954) 587.7700 www.JoysRoti.com CELEBRATING 60 10 – NATIONAL WEEKLY | THURSDAY, SEPT 1 – SEPT 7, 2022 | CNWNETWORK.COM

HASELY CRAWFORD In 1976 Hasely Joachim Crawford etched his name indelibly into the annals of Trinidad and Tobago track and field history when he won his country’s first Olympic Games gold medal The lanky sprinter won the 100m title from lane one in 10 06 seconds ahead of Jamaica’s Donald Quarrie, who was closing fast Born in San Fernando on August 16, 1950, Crawford was a relatively late bloomer as he started his track career at 17 He would become National 100m champion on six occasions, as well as National 200m champion in 1976 His first taste of international competition was at 20 when he won bronze in the 100m at the Commonwealth Games Two years later he made the Munich Olympic Games 100m final but pulled up injured after 20m But that disappointment turned to joy four years later when he realized his greatest achievement with victory in MontrealHowever, a year before he won silver at the Pan American Games, signaling his status as a serious contender for the Olympic Games titleAfter finishing as the runner up at the 1975 Pan American Games in the 100 meters, Crawford was added to the team of American coach Bob Parks His new coach prepared him for the 100 meters and 200 meters events at the 1976 Summer Olympics with a strategy of only allowing him to run in a few races during the season This tactic paid off, as Crawford, in the inside lane 1, narrowly won the 100 meters final in a time of 10 06 seconds, just 0 02 seconds in front of Don Quarrie of Jamaica, winning Trinidad and Tobago’s first Olympic goldImedaln1976 he also qualified for the 200m final but like his first 100m final in Munich, he pulled up injured in the race He achieved further success in the 100m at the 1977 Central American and Caribbean Games A National Stadium and a jet were named after him, and he appeared on postage stamps, and in 1978 he received his nation’s highest honor, the Trinity Cross MACHEL MONTANO Machel Montano is one of the Caribbean’s most successful artistes With his unique blend of soca and dancehall, Montana has risen to the upper echelons of Caribbean music Born November 24, 1974, in Port of Spain Trinidad, Machel was destined to be great from a young age His career began in 1982 at age seven; at age nine he formed his band, Prasonic Express Montano’s debut album Too Young To Soca released in 1985 was an instant hit which earned rave reviews and standing ovations at live performancesOne of Machel’s earliest and greatest achievements was his May 1984 appearance at Madison Square Gardens in the Felt Forum in New York City at the age of nine He was billed as a support act for the Mighty Sparrow and other top CalypsoniansInApril1986, Machel appeared on the popular television show, Star Search, bringing soca music to US national television The next year, he took second place in the Trinidad & Tobago National Song Writer’s Festival with his song Dream Girl In 1987, at the age of 12 he was the winner of the Caribbean Song Festival held in Barbados – the first Trinidadian and youngest to ever win this prestigious contest In 2008, Machel was awarded three titles, including the Bob Marley Award Entertainer of the Year at the International Reggae a n d W o r l d M u s i c A w a r d s (IRAWMA) at the historic Apollo Theatre in New York That year he also received an award at the first annual BET J Virtual Awards for the Best Caribbean Artiste of the Year BRIAN LARA In Trinidad and Tobago, cricket is one of the most popular sporting disciplines and that sport’s most acclaimed star is Brian Charles Lara, a gifted, compact left handed batsman considered one of the world’s best ever Born May 2, 1969, in Cantaro, Trinidad, Lara was first selected for the West Indies senior team in 1991 and within three years he broke fellow West Indies great Sir Garfield Sobers’ 36 year old Test runs record of 365 with his 375 against England And he also broke the first class record when he posted 501 not out for Warwickshire, the only score to date to have gone past 500 runs And ten years later he became the first cricketer to reclaim the Test runs innings record when he posted 401 not out to break Matthew Hayden’s 380 runs scored the previous year L a r a ’ s m a t c h w i n n i n g performance of 153 not out against Australia in Bridgetown, Barbados in 1999 has been rated by Wisden as the second best batting performance in the history of Test cricket, next only to the 270 runs scored by Sir Donald Bradman in The Ashes Test match of 1937 Lara was awarded the Wisden Leading Cricketer in the World awards in 1994 and 1995 and is also one of only three cricketers to receive the BBC Overseas Sports Personality of the Year, the other two being Sir Garfield Sobers and Shane Warne Ten years ago, Brian Lara was inducted into the International Cricket Council Hall of Fame Also, the man more popularly known as “The Prince of Port of Spain” boasts a Test record of 131 matches decorated with 34 centuries, 48 half centuries and a total of 11,963 runs at an average of 52 88 and the highest score of 400 not out In One Day Internationals, he played 299 matches, scoring 10,405 runs at an average of 40 48 and the highest score of 169 He counted 19 tons and 63 half centuries
He wore the Trinidad and Tobago colors on 74 occasions, scoring 19 goals and helping power his team to the CONCACAF Gold Cup semi finals as well as a Caribbean Cup triumph in 1989 Along with his friend Russell Latapy, Yorke was a member of the 1989 ‘Strike Squad’, the national team which narrowly failed to qualify for the 1990 FIFA World Cup He retired from international football in 2001 after a disagreement with the side’s coach; however, he returned to the team for the 2006 World Cup qualification campaign, in which the team qualified for the World Cup finals for the first time in their history after a 2 1 aggregate qualifying victory over Bahrain LORD KITCHENER He is regarded as the “grand master of calypso” and “the greatest calypsonian of the post war age ” Aldwyn Roberts was born on April 22, 1922, in Arima, Trinidad and Tobago Taught by his father to play the guitar, he became a full time musician from a young age His first job was playing guitar for laborers laying pipes in the San Fernando Valley Calypsonian “Growling Tiger” gave him the stage name Lord Kitchener whom he met while performing in Johnny Khan’s Victory Tent in the 1940s Lord Kitchener’s popularity grew during World War II among the American troops stationed on the island, leading to performances in New York His early songs frequently criticized the British government’s control of Trinidad andITobagon1946 Kitchener won his first of eleven Road March competitions with “Jump in The Line ” He is still the winningest Road March title holderBetween 1947 and 1948, Lord Kitchener toured Jamaica with fellow Calypsonians Lords “Beginner” and “Woodbine,” and all three ended up on the Empire Windrush to England Upon arrival, he performed the specially written song “London is the Place for Me ” Being the musical innovator that he was, Lord Kitchener saw value in and was quick to adopt the new Soca genre that was on the rise in Trinidad in the late 70s That was when he recorded his most commercially successful song, “Sugar Bum Bum ” His compositions also became popular selections for steel bands’ performances In 1994 the Trinidad government erected a bust of the musician in Arima A full statue of Kitchener also stands in the city of Port of SpainThe pioneering Calypsonian retired in 1999 after being diagnosed with bone marrow cancer He did one final album entitled “Vintage Kitch” before passing on February 11, 2000 He succumbed to blood infection and kidney failure
Entertainers Athletes
Calypso Rose Brian Lara Lord Kitchener Machel Montano Dwight YorkeHasely Crawford
Calypso Rose In 1979 the New York Times wrote that “people who will not trust politicians will listen to the common sense commentary of a celebrated calypso singer and song writer like Calypso Rose ” The fourth of 13 children, Linda McCartha Monica Sandy Lewis, was born on April 27, 1940, in Bethel, Tobago, the birthplace of CalypsoCalypso Rose, as she is known worldwide, is not the first female singer of Calypso music, but she is considered the mother of female Calypsonians Her more than 1000 songs and over 20 albums tackle life’s social and political issues Even though her parents initially opposed her singing in Carnival tents, saying calypso “belongs to the devil,” it did not stop her from pursuing her dream She started singing at age 13, and her career was greatly influenced by Lord Kitchener, the “grandmaster of Calypso ” As a result of her incredible career and influence, Calypso Rose has received over twenty awards and honors from her country and internationally In 2014 she was presented with an honorary Doctor of Letters by the University of the West Indies Trinidad and Tobago gave her the country’s highest honor in 2017; The Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago That same year, she won the French Grammy Victoire de la Musique in Paris because of her album “Far From Home ” The latter she designated as one of the “two proudest moments” of her life The other was winning the Calypso Monarch
DWIGHT YORKE Trinidad and Tobago qualified for the 2006 FIFA World Cup Finals and Dwight Eversley Yorke played an instrumental role, not only as captain but as an influential attackerHe started his professional career in Britain with Aston Villa FC before a huge jump to Manchester United under the guidance of Sir AlexTFergusonheman who was born on November 3, 1971, would go on to lift the English Premier League trophy three times, as well as a Champions League trophy and the FA Cup with the “Red Devils” He has notched 123 Premier League goals, a record for a non European until Argentina’s Sergio Aguero broke that record in 2017


Four school board members appointed by Republican Gov Ron DeSantis in one of Florida's most Democratic counties were sworn into office on Tuesday They replace the elected Broward County board members DeSantis suspended after a grand jury investigating the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School found widespread wrongdoing
Democrat Charlie Crist on Saturday tapped Miami-Dade County teachers union president Karla Hernandez Mats as his running mate as he challenges Republican Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida Crist, a congressman who served as the state's Republican governor a decade ago, announced United Teachers of Dade President Hernandez Mats as his lieutenant governor pick at a brief rally in South Florida, describing her as a compassionate former teacher of special needs children with the “heart” necessary to govern “Caring, loving, empathic, compassionate — that's what we don't have in the governor's office right now and that's what you deserve to have in the governor's office,” Crist said before introducing Hernandez Mats to the crowd
The selection of Hernandez Mats ensures a campaign focus on education, an arena where DeSantis has had success in animating his conservative base through his hands-off approach to the coronavirus pandemic and policies limiting classroom discussions of race and LGBTQ issues Crist secured the Democratic nomination this week after a campaign that focused heavily on criticizing DeSantis as a “bully” who gained political prominence through his willingness to exploit cultural divides on gender, sexuality, andOracenSaturday, Hernandez Mats framed the Democratic ticket as a way to “bring decency and respect back to the state of Florida” and preserve abortion access and voting rights “It has been dark in here but we're going to bring the sunshine back,” she said Hernandez Mats advocated delaying students' return to school in the fall of 2020 and continuing mask mandates in 2021, in defiance of DeSantis' administration She has also previously been critical of a new law critics have dubbed “Don't Say Gay,” which bars classroom lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade as well as material that is not deemed age appropriateCriston Saturday reiterated a pledge to sign an executive order protecting a woman's right to choose, upon the first day of his new administration
Crist picks Miami teachers union leader as running mate for Florida Governor Broward Countys newest school board members were sworn in on Tuesday. They are, from left, Kevin Tynan, Ryan Reiter, Torey Alston and Manuel “Nandy” A. Serrano. – Joe Cavaretta photo
The state's Department of Education on Monday voiced “significant concerns” about the school system's actions before, during and after the shootings of 17 people by Nikolas Cruz, a troubled former student who attacked the high school's campus on Valentine's Day in 2018 In a letter sent to Superintendent Vickie Cartwright, the state cited the grand jury's finding of mismanagement of the $800 million voter approved bond to renovate schools, the underreporting of criminal activity to the state, the district's “almost fanatical desire to control student data” and use it to manipulate public perception, and the practice of allowing students with serious felonies back on school campuses“Dueto the gravity of the issues outlined above, the Florida Department of Education and the Office of Safe Schools will contact you to arrange an in person meeting this week to investigate these major concerns,” wrote Tim Hay, who directs the state's Office of Safe SchoolsThe district is the nation's sixth largest, with more than 270,000 students at 333 campuses and an annual budget of $4 billion District spokesman John Sullivan told the South Florida SunSentinel that the district plans to fully cooperate with the state Torey Alston, Manuel “Nandy” A. Serrano, Ryan Reiter and Kevin Tynan were sworn in Tuesday morning before a special meeting to elect a new chairperson. All four are registered Republicans, as is recent DeSantis appointee Daniel Foganholi, giving the governor's party a brief period of control over the school board in a heavily Democratic county The suspended members included chairperson Laurie Rich Levinson, vice chairperson Patti Good and members Donna Korn and Ann Murray “What Governor DeSantis did is unAmerican and undemocratic He doesn't care about democracy and overturned the will of the voters,” Levinson said in a statement She said DeSantis wants to remove anyone who supported former Superintendent Robert Runcie and blame the shooting on them Runcie resigned after he was indicted for allegedly lying to the grand jury He has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting trial Three of their positions, along with the seat now occupied by Foganholi, are up for grabs in the November election Tynan said the short tenure for himself, Serrano and Reiter adds a sense of urgency to bring change “It's our challenge, especially those who are short timers to see what can get done in that short term,” Tynan said Alston said he “will be ready on day one and will push for swift action ” The grand jury had also recommended the removal of former member Rosalind Osgood, but she is now elected to the Florida Senate The four can appeal their removal to the Senate Murray and Levinson already decided not to seek reelection Korn qualified in this week's primary election for a November runoff — if elected, she would resume office Good's term was to expire in 2024
DeSantis appointees replace elected school board members

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Barbados launches 2022 Food and Rum festival
The Barbados Rum and Food Festival will be returning after a two year hiatus due to the COVID 10 pandemic The festival was launched on Friday under the theme “Feed the future” “Our team has put together not just the four nights of amazing events; we have the Cask Fest, you have the rum festival that's going to take place, you have the St Lawrence base event where in St Lawrence Gap you're going to have a mini carnival type atmosphere We're going to be going from one location to the other, sampling food,” said Minister of Tourism and International Transport, Lisa Cummins“Wehave 28 amazing chefs and mixologists, and we have a couple of familiar names that are going to be flying in as our international partners, including from the Food Network, who are going to be here to say to all of you and to the rest of the world that Barbados competes on an international stage and can hold its own alongside the best chefs in the world,” Cummins said The festival had already been pre launched in all of Barbados' major tourism source markets including New York, Florida, the United Kingdom, Washington, and Canada, and according to Cummins, there would also be a launch with an airline partner in the coming days She also disclosed that as part of this year's festival, Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc has partnered with lifestyle travel magazine, Conde Nast Traveler, which will provide further international exposure for the festival and the opportunity for one of the island's chefs to visit its New York City office The festival will run October 27 to 30 and will encompass a series of six delectable events featuring 28 acclaimed chefs and mixologists
The lyrics and visuals perfectly make the themes come to life By incorporating a strong female main character in the video; the messages of embracing your sexuality on your own terms and celebrating the strength of women fully come across “I think that throughout the years women have almost had to like apologize for their sexuality or for their bodies I think it's really important to talk about it now but to keep talking about it we should wonder why these women in our folktales were often demonized for being in control of their sexuality or for being single, unmarried, or just living a life that didn't follow convention ” The song has been making the rounds on the radio waves, receiving positive feedback from the audience, and gaining popularity on social media Many women especially women of color can relate to the authentic lyrics which allows them to feel confident and loved when listening to the song “ And that's one of the things I definitely wanted them to feel good about their skin, their curves, their hair, everything that makes us special as Caribbean women and so I want them to take that away from the song I want them to also when they hear the song just feel themselves and not feel insecure because of somebody else being inappropriate To be able to love on themselves and express themselves anyway ” For now, Keba is focusing on working on new music which will be a fusion of the things she loves musically Her dream collab would be with Nailah Blackman, Kes the Band or Chloe Bailee, or Afro Beats artistes She is also preparing for her upcoming performance in her home country, Trinidad on November 20 at the Central Bank auditorium
For Keba Williams, music has become her avenue to not only make people feel good but also to lend her voice as an advocate for women's empowerment, especially in the Caribbean landscape Born in Trinidad, Keba grew up studying classical music and learning how to play clarinet, steelpan, singing in choir along with other forms of musical extracurricular activities Her journey then took her to the United States to pursue pre med studies to eventually become a doctor However, life had other plans for her, her undeniable passion for music could not be ignored and so she, later, decided to complete both a degree in chemistry and music It was not long after finishing her studies that she then began to focus on music fulltime After completing an internship with a recording company, where she learned advanced production and song writing skills, she opened her own recording studio and began mentoring young artistes Over years of supporting her fellow artistes in the industry, she felt a pull to embark on her own musical journey and put all her efforts into her artistry Her hit single Loco for the Coco has been dubbed an anthem for women of color It's a soulful homage to her Trinidadian roots and Caribbean culture by blending the sweet sounds of old school Calypso with an R&B, pop twist The song beautifully highlights the topic of female sexuality, women empowerment and the marginalization that comes with being a woman of color today “When I created the song, I was thinking specifically about an incident that happened to me while I was performing, when this guy came up to me and tried to kiss me and just being very inappropriate And one of the things I love about Caribbean music is that it can touch on a serious topic like consent but keep it light and conversational so it's not meant to attack people but to let them know that, hey I don't want to be touched this way, you might be crazy about my body or how I carry myself, but you still have to respect me ”
Songstress Keba Williams highlights women empowerment through soulful single

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The event was won by Femke Bol of the Netherlands in a meeting record 52 95 seconds, as Russell posted 53 92 seconds and Knight clocked 54 33 seconds A third Jamaican in the race, Rushell Clayton fell over a hurdle at the top of the straight and did not finish the race
The much anticipated women's 100m clash at the Lausanne Diamond League meet ended in anticlimactic fashion as two Jamaicans missed the start of the race Firstly, race favorite Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce pulled out due to a hamstring niggle, while Olympics champion Elaine Thompson Herah false started and was disqualifiedButeven before Thompson Herah's disqualification, compatriot Shericka Jackson was cited for “disturbing” the start the first time of asking by the starter American Aleia Hobbs proved strongest mentally as she sped to victory in 10 87 seconds, just ahead of Jackson in 10 88 seconds, and Marie Josee Ta Lou of the Ivory Coast next in 10 89 seconds
Interim Reggae Boyz head coach Merron Gordon and captain Adrian Mariappa have lauded the players for their decent showing which helped the team to a 1 1 result against Qatar in their friendly international inside the Wiener Neustadt Stadium on Friday.
The jersey is printed in the gold, green and black colors of the Jamaican flag and is a vibrant display of energy and style. It pays tribute to those calling north London and Jamaica home, with many Jamaicans living in the local community and across LondonAccording to the www arsenal com website, the campaign “mixes football and fashion and features supporters in Jamaica, as well as our players in London wearing the jersey. The jersey will be showcased across the weekend at Notting Hill Carnival, and ahead of our men's first team game against Fulham ”
with improved showing by Reggae
Jamaica's Rasheed Broadbell ran a personal best 12.99 seconds to upset the apple cart in the men's 110m hurdles at the Lausanne Diamond League a short while ago. Broadbell ran close to the early leader and race favorite, American Grant Halloway before powering away over the last two hurdles to win going away from American Trey Cunningham (13 10) and Halloway (13 11)Jamaica's Olympic Games hold medalist Hansle Parchment was fourth in 13 13 seconds as he failed to recover sufficiently from his notorious poor start The Jamaica duo of Janieve Russell and Andrenette Knight had to settle for second and third places in the women's 400m hurdles at the meet
BroadbellRasheedJamaica's wins 110 hurdles in LeagueDiamondLausanne
Arsenal Football Club from the English Premier League on Friday released a new pre match jersey for the 2022/23 football season which celebrates the club's Jamaican supporters.
Arsenal's new pre-match jersey celebrates Jamaican fans
The game closed out the four team tournament organized by the 2022 FIFA World Cup hosts Qatar, as part of their preparations for the global showpiece event slated to kick off on November 20 “The technical staff really planned this out, in terms of tactically how we are going to approach this game I think we got it tactically right, the last time (against Morocco) we just were unfortunate so we know as long as we can build on that game against Morocco we could get it right today,” shared Gordon at the game's endJamaica took the lead in the 70th minute when Jordain Fletcher scored, only for Khaled Muneer to find an equalizer with seen minutes remainingGordon, who was asked to guide the team alongside Vassell Reynolds, added: “Probably with a little more concentration we wouldn't give up that goal and we probably would have won the game And with a little bit more luck and for the transitional play, too, we might have scored more goals, but it's very good, this Qatar team has all the resources in the world, we are an emerging country in terms of football and for us to come here and compete against them like this today it shows grit and determination from the boys ” The FIFA World Cup Finals will be played in the Middle East for the first time and Qatar have been busy preparing their team They played out a 2 2 result with Morocco in their first game on Saturday, before defeating Ghana 2 1 in their second game in a tournament restricted to locally based players Qatar had started their preparations in June with a camp in Spain followed by another camp in July in Austria where they played a number of Europeans clubs Gordon explained a bit of the tactics employed to achieve the result on Friday “We know that coming to this tournament we don't have the legs to press for 90 minutes, so we said we are going to press in spurts, when the time arises, we are going to set traps with the press and I think we got that right also today “We fell back in our medium block most of the time because we know that balls over the top wouldn't hurt us because we have speed at the back to chase ” Jamaica opened with a 0 3 loss to Morocco on Tuesday and played a game less as their scheduled fixture against Ghana was cancelled after the Africans arrived late Veteran player Mariappa reflected on the game“We started okay, they created some chances, which we expected them to do, caused us problems in the first half but I thought we dealt with it well, the problems they gave us and tried to work it out on the pitch, which is what these games are for, about learning and growing“Ithink we just grew into the game and then got a little bit of belief that we could play and then we created some chances of our own and I thought the goal was brilliant That's as good a team goal as I have seen with the national team and it shows that with a bit of composure there is quality there and we can hurt teams, so it's just about building from here and we are not going to get ahead of ourselves because at the end of the day it's a draw ” pleased Boyz
The website article continued: “The launch follows a series of initiatives that we, alongside adidas, have done to show appreciation for our fanbase. In July, we continued our 'Arsenal Supporting Supporters' campaign by donating five pounds from every sale of our 2022/23 home shirt until the start of the new season to the Arsenal Foundation to support local community Aprojectsrsenal first team player Emile Smith Rowe, who comes from Jamaican heritage, said: “Football is nothing without the fans, and I'm proud to see adidas and my club continuing to support our supporters from all backgrounds – just like we did when we launched our home shirt this year. It's a stunning shirt and I'm looking forward to wearing it ” Meanwhile, Arsenal legend Ian Wright, who also has Jamaican heritage, added to the Arsenal website: “It's fantastic to see adidas and Arsenal celebrating its rich and diverse fanbase. Arsenal is for everyone, and creating initiatives, support and products that resonate with the wide ranging fanbase is fantastic to see. The fans are going to love it ” The new jersey is available to buy from Friday from Arsenal Direct and the Armoury. The Arsenal Junior 22/23 Pre Match Shirt goes for 38 pounds; the Arsenal (Senior) 22/23 Pre Match Shirt goes for 55 pounds and the Arsenal 22/23 Pre Match Warm Top goes for 90 pounds Adidas will be the Jamaica Football Federation's next kit sponsor beginning January next year when the current deal with Umbro expires

C6 – NATIONAL WEEKLY | THURSDAY, SEPT 1 – SEPT 7, 2022 | CNWNETWORK.COM FREIGHT CONSOLIDATORS 2970 NW 27th Street, Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33311 ShippingHassle-FreetoJamaica Or take advantage of our SAFE and SECURE KINGSTON MONTEGO BAY1 STOP 1 STOP 76 Marcus Garvey Drive TIVOLI Warehouse Little Wharf Seaboard Marine IFC Warehouse DOOR to DOOR Delivery Service Enjoy delivery from the comfort of your home. We load containers daily! Hassle free clearance Fastest transit times Mon -Thur: 9am – 5pm Fri: 9am – 3pm Open Everyday! Pickup Every Tuesday 9am – 5pm Mon, Tue, Wed: 9am – 6pm Fri: 9am – 4:30pmThur: 9am – 7pm Sat & Sun: 10am – 5pm A D V E R T I S E M E N T