Smart Giving | Fall 2015

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Smart Giving

Fall 2015

a publication of the central new york community foundation

in this issue

Development Program Helps Nonprofit Leaders page 3

Fund Carries on Intention of Giving page 5

Bequest Establishes $3 Million Fund for Scholarships at Two Local Schools Donald Trufant never attended college, but he considered himself a life-long learner, believing that education was the way towards a fulfilling and prosperous life. Now, generations of students from Don’s hometown will have the opportunity to advance their educations thanks to his foresight and giving nature. When Don passed away earlier this year at the age of 83, his will directed Donald Trufant his estate almost entirely to charity, in large part to augment the Trufant Family Scholarship Fund, administered by the Community Foundation. The resulting $3 million fund will award $20,000 and $40,000 scholarships each year to graduating seniors of both Union Springs and Auburn high schools. Scholarship selection committees at each school will choose the recipients. Don valued personal resiliency as a core value – and the scholarship criteria bear this out: future recipients of the award should perceive a challenge as an opportunity for success and fall within the top 20 percent of their class. Don grew up on a dairy farm in the Finger Lakes region, graduating from Union Springs High School in 1950 before entering the Air Force and serving in the Korean War. He went on to work in the banking industry, most recently serving as Executive Vice President at Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust in Baltimore. His family did not come from wealth; Don’s hard work and determination helped him develop a successful career that allowed him to be philanthropic.

New Location Unites CNY Groups page 9

Don’s long-time friend and attorney, Cela Burge, described him as incredibly honest and unassuming. “He was a generous, thoughtful man,” she said. “If he saw an opportunity to be kind and giving to someone or an organization serving a great purpose, he would do it.” Although he lived on the Eastern Shore of Virginia for many years, Don never forgot Central New York, the place of his roots. He visited often and continued to support causes in the region that were important to him and his family. Don’s investment in our local students is a testament to his giving spirit and desire to challenge young people to strive for their best.

Performance Management Community Announced page 11

“Don thought education was important, so he put his heart and soul into it,” said Cela. “He thought being kind and generous was important, so that is how his actions followed. Those things that were so part of the fiber of his being will continue through this scholarship fund. I hope he is never forgotten.”

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