Parent Jan 2011

Page 1


January 2011

Happy new year! 2011: A year of goals, opportunities 2

New year, fit family! 6

Top kids’ health issues in 2011 7

Winter fun

2,8, 9, 11-16



• Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011

2011: A year of goals, opportunities Editor Jennifer Wing 434-8889 ext. 340 Ad Manager Heidi Tyler 434-8889 ext. 320 Ad Sales Colleen Kompf 422-8048 Joan Brockway Griffiths, 662-3690

We want your news! Syracuse Parent welcomes submissions of pictures, stories and letters. Send all correspondence to: Syracuse Parent 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206 email:

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family is a unit of Community Media Group LLC. Published monthly. Deadline for advertising and calendar events is the 15th day of the month preceding publication. Display advertising rates available upon request. Syracuse Parent reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. We do not guarantee any of the information, services, or products published in this or any issue. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this paper. Copyright © 2008 by Syracuse Parent and CNY Family. No portion of Syracuse Parent may be reproduced without permission from the editor.


In our schools: Tutoring for all ages

page 3

With the new year stretching before me like a clean blanket of snow, I am thinking of what I would like to accomplish during the 12 months ahead. Here are my top 10: 1. Spend more time with the kids. Although we are pretty good at doing things as a family, I only have to look at our schedule to see that getting together for fun family activities won’t be without obstacles, what with sports and other commitments. The kids are getting so big, so fast, and

I already feel like there are many things we could have done, but didn’t out of a lack of time. I am going to make the time this year, not just for big things like vacations and going to ballgames/concerts, but for the little things, like sitting down to listen to them read a book aloud, taking walks around the neighborhood and at local parks, spending time goofing around at camp during the summer and just hanging out, talking about nothing and everything over a good meal. 2. Try hiking. Now that I am in better shape, having lost almost 80 pounds in the past year, I find that I am embracing more in the way of physical activity.

Don’t get me wrong; I am not an outdoorswoman. I don’t like to camp, fish or hunt. But taking a hike to a scenic view, stopping along the way to grab breaths of fresh air – I think that might be just the ticket on a cool spring or crisp autumn day. 3. Work on the house. I don’t mean that I’ll be picking up a hammer or installing carpet. What I do mean is changing the color scheme in my front hall and kitchen, doing some pruning of bushes when the weather warms up, staining the deck and working on some interior decorating. It would be great to put in place some new furniture

What we’re thinking

See 2011 on page 3

Make the most of what CNY has to offer this winter Say what you want about Central New York winters, but one thing you can’t deny is that the freshly-fallen snow and insulated quiet of a still winter day are a thing of beauty. So why not enter into this winter wonderland, alone or with others, and get moving? Local parks like Beaver Lake and Highland Forest offer snowshoeing opportunities, where you can either rent a pair and create your own experience or

join a planned outing to enjoy the company of others. Take the kids or grandkids to your local hill for some sledding (first make sure it is safe and in an area away from traffic, of course). Both running up a hill and laughing till tears run down your face are a great way to boost spirits and burn calories. Or what about hitting the rink for some fun? The rink downtown is beautiful, what with it’s massive guardian of a

Parent Child of the Month

Is your child learning disabled? Dads enjoy a turn in the classroom page 4

tree lit with festive lights. Rent skates or bring your own for an outing that you will treasure forever. You don’t even have to leave your yard to have some fun, though. A good oldfashioned snowball fight, complete with fort and stockpiles of ammunition, might be just the kind of mayhem that can bring you back to your own childhood winter warfare. Or make that old-time favorite: a snowman complete with carrot nose, button eyes and the appropriate headgear. Then, drop to the ground and make a snow angel. Make sure to gaze up into the bright blue winter sky as you flap your arms up and down to form the wings. Most importantly, have fun and make the most of what winter has in store.

On the cover

From the stacks: Bookworm sez

page 5

Health and Nutrition: New year, fit family

page 6

Report: top 10 kids’ health concerns for 2011 page 7

In the garden: Keep you poinsettias growing year after year page 8

Cyndi Farrare

Devan Trikha of Jamesville gives his mom, Shveta, a hug.

Things 2 Do: Get out; get moving pgs 11-16

About the photographer: Kaylee Witt, 1, shows off her baby blues for the camera. She is the daughter of Parent reader Kristy Lee Witt.

Cyndi Farrare is owner of Cyndi FarRare Images. For more information visit

In our schools

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011 •

Busy mom brainstorms tutoring for all ages

2011 and accessories. 4. Try new recipes. Many of my meals are tried-and-true but predictable. I want to experiment with the many recipes I’ve been clipping from magazines and just putting in a drawer, telling myself, “I’ll try these some time.� Well, that time is now. True, my husband and children are not very adventurous when it comes to food, but I’m not talking about making something overly exotic, just different, such as Beef Wellington or Cherries Jubilee. 5. Become more involved. I think I need to be more active in my community. For example, the kids have been involved in Pop Warner for many years, and I coached Cassidy’s cheer squad for one season. I don’t have the expertise to coach her at this more advanced stage, but I can help in other ways – volunteering at fundraisers, helping the coach with some of the administrative duties, etc. 6. Run in more 5ks. I have done four races so far – The Fayetteville Classic, the Festival of Races in Syracuse, the Burn Run in East Syracuse and the Turkey Trot in Manlius – and want to do more. In fact, my goal is to run in at least one 5k a month. These runs are great because they support wonderful causes and there is such a feeling of fellowship among the runners. They’re also a great gut-check for me to make sure I’m keeping in good cardiovascular condition. 7. Take up skiing – again. I’ve skied since I was 5, but in recent years stopped for numerous reasons, including cost, lack of time and, most of all, lack of motivation. But with my children’s interest in learning to ski/snowboard, I feel my enthusiasm for the sport returning. I don’t think it will be as easy as riding a bike again, but I do think I’ll get

of the village’s ill-advised consolidation with the Syracuse Police Department. Later, she was instrumental in our successful effort to prevent a Wal-Mart Supercenter from ruining Liverpool. In 2008, Kelley was part of Promoting Action and Accountability in Liverpool Schools, a group which monitored the management of the troubled Liverpool Central School District. Now, continuing on the education theme, Kelley has helped establish the Drop-In Tutoring Center at St. Joseph the Worker Church, 1001 Tulip St., here in the village. The center, which opened Nov. 23, mentors learners of all ages from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursdays. As she attended a recent meeting of St. Joseph’s Parish Council, Kelley said, From page 2

back into the rhythm. 8. Learn my roots. I want to do some research into my family tree, and with many different programs/websites, that will hopefully be an attainable goal. I also need to spend more time learning how to make Polish dishes, which maybe could have been listed above, under “try new recipes,� but food is such a part of my heritage I feel it’s more appropriate here. I hope to be able to pass this knowledge, once gained, down to my children. 9. Go to camp. This is always a goal of mine, so it’s not really new, but again, with my children more involved in activities, I need to keep my eye on making time to hit the beach this summer. 10. Share good news. In my position as managing editor at Eagle Newspapers, I am well-informed about issues affecting me and my family; one of my duties at Eagle is to make sure these issues are reported in a fair and balanced manner, and it is important to remain impartial. What I don’t have to be impartial about, however, is in trumpeting the achievements of those in my community who make a difference; those who, by living in my, and your, neighborhood, make it better. So I invite all of our readers to write or email me to let me know about these everyday heroes – the people who make an impact in our lives and ask nothing in return. Send your thoughts about your neighbors to: Jennifer Wing Managing Editor Eagle Newspapers 2501 James St., Suite 100 Syracuse, NY 13206 Or email me at Happy new year, everyone!

“I heard that the church is looking for new ways to reach out to the community.â€? So she suggested an academic tutoring center, and all agreed it was a great idea. “I wanted to do some volunteer tutoring along with the actual teaching I do on Mondays, teaching a writing course to a group of high-school students at a home-school co-op,â€? she said. “The church has the space for teaching, the food pantry which serves the local community, and it’s convenient to many families.â€? Kelley put a notice in the church bulletin seeking tutors, and in a few weeks she received commitments from about a dozen adults and a few high-school students to tutor math, reading, writing, homework, study skills and English as a second language. “Many of our volunteers are retired teachers or teacher assistants or folks who have worked in the various local literacy programs,â€? Kelley said. â€œMost of the tutors are parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker, and they will all need VIRTUS training within two months if they are going to be working with children.â€? VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best-practices programs designed to

prevent wrongdoing and promote “rightdoing� within religious organizations. The training programs were established about ten years ago in response to revelations about church-related child abuse. But the Drop-In Tutoring Center isn’t only for school-kids. Adults – especially immigrants studying English as a second language – will surely benefit from the tutoring. Because of budget cuts, BOCES no longer hires tutors for English as a second language, but those adult learners will be able to easily access the St. Joe’s location because it’s on the same CENTRO bus line as BOCES. “We don’t really know what’ll happen,� Kelley admitted, “but we believe that over time, the word will get out and the students will come.� No appointments are necessary and there is no cost for the tutoring services. Meanwhile, the center could use a few things to support the project such as calculators, rulers, colored pencils, picture books, a dictionary and thesaurus, hand sanitizer and tissues. If you can help, or if you or someone you know could use some tutoring help, contact Kelley at or call Terry Cardinal at 457-6060.


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You’ve got to appreciate a lady like Kelley Romano. The wife of one of Central New York’s best dentists, the mother of a happy handful of accomplished kids and the owner of one of the village’s most historic homes, Kelley seems to live a charmed – albeit busy – life in Liverpool. While family is her priority, Kelley pays it forward, as they say. She applies her energies not only to her loved ones but also to the betterment of the entire community. I first met her a decade-and-a-half ago when she worked on a committee which eventually achieved the repeal

In our schools

• Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011

Is your child learning disabled? You’re not alone If you’re confused

Parents and educators are so confused about the nature of learning disabilities that this may be preventing students from getting the early help they need to keep from falling permanently behind in school. A new GfK Roper poll found that seven out of 10 parents, teachers and school administrators incorrectly linked learning disabilities with mental retardation. In fact, experts say the condition causes the brain to process information differently-thus leading even those of above-average intelligence to have difficulty learning to read, write

and do math. “This poll shows dangerous misconceptions, and a lack of knowledge by parents and educators, that threaten our children’s futures while undermining efforts to improve educational outcomes for all,” said Stewart J. Hudson, president of the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, which commissioned the poll and awards grants to innovative early intervention projects. Roughly 2.6 million U.S. students-or one in eight-have been diagnosed as being learning disabled. And if estimates are correct, many more than that go undiagnosed or unremediated. The poll suggested at least two reasons why: parents’ fear of the attached stigma; and teachers wrongly considering learning disabilities to be “the product of the home environment” or the result of laziness. What to do if you suspect your child is learning disabled? Here are some tips: • Don’t wait for them to “grow out of it.” Currently, most students with learning disabilities aren’t identified until after they’ve reached the seventh grade, which James H. Wendorf, executive director of the National Center for Learning Disabilities, calls “too late for many.” Warning signs, though, can be detected as early as ages 2 to 4. So consult a professional if your child exhibits symptoms like appearing awkward and clumsy (i.e., dropping, spilling or knocking things over), early delays in learning to speak, and failing to pick up on others’ moods or feelings. • Don’t underestimate what’s at stake. Education is more important to future success than ever. And yet the high school dropout rate for those with learning disabilities is 25 percent and only 61 percent of those who complete high school receive a regular diploma. Alarmingly, students with learning disabilities are vastly overrepresented in the juvenile justice system. • Don’t lose heart. Programs like Response to Intervention (RTI) seek to help students with their reading skills before they’re classified as learning disabled. And the very latest adaptive technology, including computer apps, helps them compensate for their disabilities while still demonstrating their intelligence and knowledge. For more information, visit -NAPS

Photo courtesy of Mary Lawyer O’Connor

Preschool student, Reese Bowden of LIverpool demonstrates a color work to her father, Dustin Bowden, at the school’s annual Father’s Night event held in December.

Dads enjoy a turn in the classroom

A special tradition at the Montessori School of Syracuse is the annual Father’s Night event, which was held in December. Students host their father, or another special person, in one of the school’s three, multi-age classrooms designed for students age 3-6. Father’s Night provides the opportunity for the student to demonstrate a favorite material, share a snack or giving a tour of their cottage to their dad or special adult. The Montessori primary classrooms for 3-6 year olds are designed to be Children’s Houses – a student’s first “home away from home.” Unlike typical preschool environments, the Montessori classroom is designed to allow a student to move at their own pace through a rich curriculum that includes math, language, geography, geometry and science. The students also learn to be compassionate and caring members of a community as they engage in work such a food preparation, and practical life activities such as washing dishes, sweeping the floor, and arranging flowers. When parents consider the traits they would like their children to have as young adults, their list often includes, conscientious, caring towards others, reliable, responsible, motivated and independent, as well as academically successful. These traits begin forming very early in life, and a Montessori education provides an excellent foundation for this journey. The Montessori School of Syracuse will be hosting an open house from 2 – 4 p.m. on Sunday Jan. 23 (see below). This is a drop-in event, and families are welcome.

Montessori to hold Admissions Open House

MPH open house, scholarship exam planned

MPH Admission Open House at 1 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 9. An opportunity to learn about Manlius Pebble Hill School’s Pre-K through 12th grade program, the admission process, merit scholarships, and tuition assistance. It also enables prospective families to speak with current students and faculty members and tour the MPH campus. MPH Annual Scholarship Exam Saturday, Jan. 22. New students in grades 6-12 applying to MPH for the fall of 2011 are eligible for merit scholarships. The two-hour exam will be given at 9 a.m. for students applying to grades 6-8 and at 1 p.m. for students applying to grades 9-12. Register online at or call 446-2452. (Alternate testing dates are available. Call to schedule an appointment.)

Photo Courtesy of Mary Lawyer O’Connor

Preschool student Annika Dharwadkar of Fayetteville learns about leaf varieties at the Montessori School of Syracuse, located in Dewitt. The school will hold an Admissions Open House from 2-4 p.m. on Sunday Jan. 23. The school provides over 150 children, ages 3 through 12, from 20 different school districts with a quality preschool and elementary education based on Montessori philosophy and methods. Montessori School of Syracuse strives to help students reach their full potential as independent, life-long learners and caring global citizens. Information about the school and the Open House is available at or by calling 449-9033.

From the stacks

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011 •

“Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters� “Beyond Bizarre�

by Varla Ventura, c.2010, Weiser Books, $15.95, 304 pages

by Barack Obama, illustrated by Loren Long, c.2010, Knopf, $17.99, 40 pages

Your sister thinks you’re a little weird.

As you grow up, your parents and grandparents have many

good ideas for you. First of all, they want you to remember that you’re a wonderful kid and that they’re happy to see you when you walk into a room. They hope you know that they’re really proud of you and that you’re loved very much. But as you’ll see in the new book “Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters� by Barack Obama, illustrated by Loren Long, they also have lots of bigger ideas for you, too. Are you a creative kid? Then your parents and grandparents want you to use your talents wisely, like Georgia O’Keeffe. When you’re brave, they want you to remember Jackie Robinson, Billie Holiday, and Abraham Lincoln. Your parents and grandparents want you to grow up to be someone great, and that’s going to be easy because these people and their unique talents are already a part of you. It’s true, because you are the future. While “Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters� simply oozes with encouragement; and while author and President Barack Obama has written a love letter not only to Malia and Sasha, but to all children; and while I really enjoyed this book, only part of my enjoyment was for the words it contains. Yes, Obama’s story is one that children will want to hear repeatedly, but the appeal for me (and, I suspect, anyone under age 5) is the artwork. Award-winning illustrator Loren Long paints life into Obama’s words, and though parents will cherish the text, kids will love “reading� the pictures. Of course you have dreams for The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has your kids. “Of Thee I Sing: A Letbeen reading since she was 3 years old and she ter to My Daughters� will reveal never goes anywhere without a book. She lives a few. For you and your child, on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 11,000 having this book on your shelf is books. a good idea.

Bookworm sez

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“The 7 Threats to Your Family Security� will be presented by the Estate Planning Law Center, David J. Zumpano CPA/Esq., at 5789 Widewaters Parkway (2nd Floor), Dewitt on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 from 2:30 – 4:30 PM, and Tuesday, January 18, 2011 from 5:30-7:30 PM. Topics covered in this interactive workshop include Wills & Trusts, Health Care Proxies, Powers of Attorney, staying in control of your “stuff�, options available to pay for quality home care, assisted living and nursing home care without losing your business and/or lifetime of assets to government, taxes, lawsuits, children’s divorce, creditors, and other “predators�, qualifying for Medicaid/ VA Benefits, keeping personal information private, and much more. There is no cost or obligation to attend this workshop, however, registration is required. Due to limited seating, participants are encouraged to call 446-3850 to register as soon as possible.


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Plan for your family’s future

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In brief

Mom dislikes your hair. Dad complains incessantly about your music. And your clothes? Pfft, don’t even go there. But the thing is, all that stuff makes you who you are. You are unparalleled, an individual with singular thoughts and a style all your own. So why not read about other unique, unusual, iconoclastic people, places, and things? Grab “Beyond Bizarreâ€? by Varla Ventura and have a seat‌ Starting at the bottom (of the sea), author Varla Ventura takes readers on a tour of the strange side of‌ well, everything. In the first chapter, for instance, you’ll learn about the Devil Sea Creature of Orkney, Scotland, a creature that was supposedly scaly and scary and waddled ashore when it wanted to torment villagers. Read this book, then head to your computer because you’ll crave more information. There are a lot of things that are Google-worthy here: the creepy statue of Prince RenĂŠ de Chalon; the truth about a man who was buried alive three times; an intriguing tale of a blogger who may be visiting from the future; the location of the National Museum of Funeral History; stone children and dirt for dinner; and the silly story of the Butt Bandit of Nebraska. Who could resist a book like that? Not you, especially if you’re the curious sort because “Beyond Bizarreâ€? will satisfy your inquiring mind in all kinds of ways. With a huge variety of the offbeat, there are few stones left unturned in this book. The articles here are short-short: just enough for when you’ve got a minute to kill, but long enough to pique your interest. Subjects are loosely grouped but author Varla Ventura wanders a lot, which makes for a wonderful hodge-podge of weird, odd, and strangely interesting read-bytes. Ventura’s entries will, in fact, have readers practically begging for more information and to help with that, she includes a nice bibliography and website list at the end of the book. If you embrace your personal differences and you love to read about people and things that are far from run-of-the-mill, here’s your book. For you, “Beyond Bizarreâ€? is perfectly weird.

Health & Nutrition New year, fit family!! • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011

Risotto Primavera

Cook time 15 minutes-Preparation time 10 minutes

By: Heather DorseyRichardson, RD, CDN, CSR

The New Year is upon us and most likely one of your family’s resolution was to be healthier. Well, to achieve this vision and become healthier, you and your family will need to eat well with proper nutrition and be active. Incorporating daily activity into our lives helps us manage and/or lose unwanted weight, can increase our energy levels, support a positive mood and improve sleep, all of them are fantastic benefits. So, try by starting with some of these 50 ideas to add physical activity into you and your family’s life. 1. Go for a brisk walk-daily. 2. Do jumping jacks during commercials. 3. Go cross-country skiing. 4. Go Snowshoeing. 5. Go ice skating. 6. Go swimming-check out indoor pool schedules.

7. Ride a bike-remember to wear your helmet. 8. Jump rope during commercials. 9. Join a team-volleyball, softball, basketball. 10. Carry groceries. 11. Rake leaves. 12. Shovel snow. 13. Play tennis. 14. Wash the car. 15. Mow the lawn. 16. Go hiking. 17. Try dancing. 18. Take a Zumba class. 19. Walk the dog. 20. Play catch. 21. Run in place during commercials.

22. Walk the mall. 23. So sledding. 24. Plant a garden. 25. Take a yoga class. 26. Play Frisbee. 27. Take a boxing class. 28. Learn karate. 29. Go rollerblading. 30. Swim laps. 31. Walk around a park or zoo. 32. Train for a marathon. 33. Take the stairs. 34. Row a boat. 35. Stretch during commercials. 36. Learn tai-chi. 37. Learn how to kickbox. 38. Go kayaking or canoeing.

39. Play the Wii sports. 40. Do a program on FitTv. 41. Try an exercise videomake it fun. 42. Go bowling. 43. Lift light hand weights during commercials. 44. Try an exercise ball. 45. Bounce on a trampoline. 46. Go fly fishing. 47. Vacuum the house, including stairs. 48. Play hopscotch. 49. Play an instrument. 50. Weed the garden. Whatever you and your family choose-make it fun and do it regularly. Have a fun, fit and fantastic year.

1 Tbsp light margarine 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 onion, chopped 1 red pepper, seeded and chopped 2 carrots cut in thin strips 1 ½ cups low-sodium canned Italian peeled tomatoes with juice 1 Tbsp chopped parsley 2 cups of short-grain rice, best choice brown ¼ tsp turmeric 2 celery sticks, chopped 3 cups water 2 tsp chopped fresh parsley, extra Direction: 1. Heat margarine in large frying pan over moderate heat. Add garlic, onion, red pepper and carrots, cook for 1 minute. Add tomatoes and parsley and cook for a further 2 minutes. 2. Sprinkle rice over vegetables and stir for 1 minute. Add turmeric, celery and water, cook, stirring occasionally, until water is absorbed and rice is cooked. 3. Sprinkle risotto with extra parsley to serve. Serves four, 200 calories per serving.

References: lowcaloriecooking.chefexpress.1st edition.2004

Wednesday February 2, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

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Health & Nutrition

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011 •

Ten kids’ health issues to watch in 2011

As 2010 comes to a close, Nemours’ KidsHealth. org, a website devoted to children’s health and development, looks ahead with its annual list of “10 Kids’ Health Issues to Watch.” The physicians and editors at KidsHealth sifted through scores of health issues affecting children and families to choose 10 important trends to keep tabs on in 2011. Issues such as sexting, cyberbullying and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender) teens were major news stories in 2010 and will be important in coming years. Of course, these are not the only important issues affecting children’s health – far from it – but the physicians and editors at KidsHealth felt that in the midst of many, these are notable (see box at right). About KidsHealth is the number one site devoted to children’s health and development in English and Spanish. Each year, over 200 million parents, kids, and teens turn to for expert answers, making it the Web’s most-accessed site on children’s health. has been honored as one of the 30 Best Websites by U.S. News & World Report, one of the 50 Coolest Websites by TIME magazine, and the Best Family Health Site “For Moms” by Good Housekeeping. KidsHealth also creates KidsHealth in the Classroom, a free website for educators featuring standards-based health curricula, activities, and handouts. KidsHealth comes from Nemours, one of the nation’s largest nonprofit pediatric health systems and a founding member of the Partnership for a Healthier America, a partner to First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign that mobilizes the nation to eliminate childhood obesity within a generation. For more information about KidsHealth, please visit

What to watch in the new year:

Obesity-related realth problems Obese teens are 16 times more likely to become severely obese in adulthood compared with those who are normal weight or overweight. It’s vital that parents do all they can to help kids reach and maintain a healthy weight. It’s not just about their future – it’s about their right now. Supporting LGBT Kids: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) youths have one of the highest rates of suicide attempts, especially if they are rejected by their families. A 2008 study indicates that parental acceptance of their child’s sexual orientation – or even a neutral reaction – could go a long way toward lessening these risks. Cyberbullying: New Problems, New Tactics: Bullying is an old problem that remains difficult to bring under control, in part because technology offers new ways for kids to pick on one another. Despite the torment, some kids don’t tell their parents about cyberbullying because they are afraid they’ll lose their online privileges. Understanding Health Care Reform: Millions of U.S. kids, mostly from low-income and working-class families, have no or insufficient health coverage. It’s important for parents to understand health care reform legislation, especially since it has benefits for kids that many parents aren’t aware of or don’t understand. Teens & Sexting: What Parents Need to Know: It’s easy for teens to get caught up in the idea of capturing – and sharing – their exploits, but it can be hard for them to grasp the permanent consequences of their tech interactions. It’s up to parents to explain to their kids, early and often, that once an image or message is sent, it is no longer in their control and cannot be taken back. Fighting Nature Deficit Disorder:

Parents are all too aware of how much time their kids spend parked on the couch watching TV or glued to a computer/cell phone/gaming system. Mix this with parental fear of “stranger danger” and you get kids spending less and less time exploring and enjoying the great outdoors. Epigenetics – How Grandma’s Health Affects Your Child’s: Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance – or epigenetics, for short – doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. Yet this idea that environmental factors (such as diet, stress, lifestyle choices, and behaviors) can change the health not only of the people who are exposed to them, but also the health of their descendants, is something we’ll be hearing more and more about. What Electronic Records Mean for Health Care: In this increasingly paper-free era, medical records have lagged behind, but that’s changing. The government has established rules and financial incentives to spur adoption of electronic records, which are expected to reduce paperwork and administrative burdens, cut costs, reduce medical errors, and improve the quality of care for patients. The Rise of Psychiatric Diagnoses in Younger Kids: A recent study found that the rate of antipsychotic medications given to kids 2 to 5 years old doubled between 1999 and 2007. While the number of younger kids affected still is very small, the growing trend alarms mental health experts. Acting Locally to Help Globally: Major disasters around the world not only generate heavy news coverage – they also move people to lend a helping hand to those affected. Away from the limelight, however, are countless smaller everyday health crises that also need attention. Helping others lets parents teach kids important lessons about the value of sharing and sacrifice. To read more on each topic, visit: kh_misc/2011_issues_center.html




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• Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011

“Doula Connection Meet and Greet. Every 2nd Thursday. 6-8 p.m. Expectant parents can meet our doulas and ask questions about pregnancy and birth. Cicero United Methodist Church, 8416 Brewerton Road, Cicero. Light refreshments. Free. (443) 690-6212” The next two are on January 10th and February 13th.

Ski, hike with Dairy Princess Ski or Hike with the Onondaga County Dairy Princess. Sunday, January 16th from 12:00-3:00 at Highland Forest. The Onondaga County Dairy Court will ski or hike the forest trails depending on snow cover, will answer questions, and serve free hot cocoa in Skyline Lodge. Fueling up to play for 60 minutes a day coupled with good nutrition including 3 servings of lowfat milk cheese or yogurt will be encouraged as part of a healthy lifestyle. Admission to Highland Forest is $1.00 per person, youth 21 and under are free. 469-4596

We got Santa Claus from the Dutch, the Christmas tree from the Germans but America’s only original addition to the Christmas tradition came from a store, the mail order company Montgomery Ward. Robert Mays, an advertising writer for Wards wrote a story in 1939 that turned a deformity into an asset and an outcast into a hero. In 1939 alone, its first year of publication, Montgomery Ward distributed over 2.4 million copies of the now famous story, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” Robert Mays brother-in-law set the story to music but the music publishers wouldn’t touch a children’s story that dealt with deformity. So the song went unsung until 1946 when a woman named Ina was moved by the story and convinced her husband to record it. Her husband introduced “Rudolph” during a rodeo and Gene Autry went on to sell over 25 million copies through the years. Anything is possible during Christmas and the garden is no exception. In 1906 a December blooming Mexican wildflower was put out for sale at a Hollywood flower stand. The brilliant red flowers, actually leaves called bracts, were soon all the rage in California homes. Just as latter day Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer would entrance millions of kids, the once unsought weed with the bright red leaves came

to symbolize Christmas in America. It was of course the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) and thanks to breeding it is now a very manageable houseplant. To keep your holiday poinsettias growing, be sure they are well watered. Check the soil daily, and water whenever the surface is dry to the touch. Water until it runs freely out the drainage hole in the container. If you use a saucer, discard any water that collects in it so that the poinsettia isn’t standing in water. If your plant does wilt, water immediately, then water again five minutes later. Keep your poinsettias near a sunny window where they will get indirect sunlight. Be careful that the plant doesn’t touch the cold windowpane, which could injure it. Maintain a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees during the daylight hours and, if possible, move it to a cooler place at night but never below 60 degrees. Keep watering the plants regularly until March or April. This is when leaves and bracts will fade and gradually drop off of the stems. Put the poinsettias on their sides in a cool room or cellar until May. Then prune the plants back to just about 4 inches of stem above the pot. Re-pot into the next larger size container and water well. Once new growth begins fertilize with a diluted all-purpose organic fertilizer. After the last frost move the plant pot and all into a lightly shaded location outdoors. In July pinch back the stems so the plants don’t get too leggy. Bring them back into the house in early

September. Since poinsettias are short-day plants, they need about 10 weeks of at least 12 hours of darkness to flower. For full flower by Christmas, keep your poinsettias in complete darkness between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. from the first part of October until late November. You can put them in a closet, or cover completely with a box or dark cloth to keep the plants in darkness. Keep the plants near a sunny window in the daytime. Lightly fertilize with a weak organic fertilizer until mid-December, when they will live up to their Mexican name, “Flores de la Noche Buena,” the Flowers of the Holy Night.


Doula Connection hosts event

Keep your poinsettias growing year after year


In brief

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011 •

Winter fun: Onondaga County Parks hosts seasonal events

Jan. 6, Feb. 3, March 3

Prime Rib Buffet 6-8:30pm; $14.95; $7.50, 5-11; under 5 free Enjoy a delicious Prime Rib Buffet, and a spectacular view from Skyline Lodge. Menu includes: Soup, salad bar, oven roasted chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, pasta, meatballs and sausage and slow-roasted prime rib. Reservations recommended. Highland Forest; 683-5550.

Jan. 5 – Feb. 9

Cross Country Ski Basics* Wed. 1:30-3:30 p.m. ; $10 Learn to ski with a park naturalist. You must bring your own skis. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519.

Jan. 2

Creature Feature 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Free with Zoo admission Join us the first Sunday of each month as we highlight different animals in the zoo. Rosamond Gifford Zoo; 435-8511.

Jan. 6, 13, 20 and 27 Feb. 3 and 10

Weekday Snowshoe Jaunt 1:30 p.m. ; Free with Nature Center admis-

Jan. 8

Wegmans Lights on the Lake Run 11 p.m.-midnight; Free This 4 mile (approx.) run begins promptly at 11pm at the Griffin Visitor Center. Runners go to Willow Bay and back. No walkers please, lights will be turned off at midnight. Onondaga Lake Park 453-6712

Jan. 8, 15, 29; Feb. 5

Cross Country Ski Basics 9-11 a.m.; $10 Learn to ski with a park naturalist. You must bring your own skis. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519.

Jan. 14

Guided Moonlit Snowshoeing 7 p.m. ; Free with Nature Center admission. Rent snowshoes for $3. A winter moon lights the way as you explore the Nature Center’s woodlands and frozen marshes on snowshoes. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519.

Jan. 14 - 17

Moonlight Skiing and Snowshoeing Until 9 p.m.; Free with Nature Center admission The trails will remain open until 9pm on these evenings as long as there is adequate snow cover. This is the opportunity for skiers

Contemporary art quilts on exhibit

Contemporary art quilts by artist Holly Knott will be on display at the Weeks Art Gallery, Baltimore Woods Nature Center, 4007 Bishop Hill Road, Marcellus, from Jan. 3 through Feb. 25. The gallery is open 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays and is closed Sundays. There is no charge for parking and admittance. The gallery is open to the public. Knott’s solo exhibition at Holly Knott: Sunrise Sunset Baltimore Woods focuses on themes inspired by the natural world. “I’m inspired by rolling hills of farmland, tree-lined paths, the architecture of old homes from the 18th and 19th centuries as well as cityscapes, and gardens,” she said. “My artwork creates a tangible trail of my explorations, and I enjoy recording what I see in fabric – a striking sunset, the expression of an inquisitive cow, the colors of autumn leaves against a rich blue sky, an old window with wavy glass and colored shutters, the pattern of the veins on a leaf...” “I consider contemporary art quilting to be a method of “creating paintings with a fabric palette,” she said. The wide variety of “painterly” fabrics available, such as the batiks and hand-dyes, helps provide me with a wonderful palette. You can create layers of color and add sparks of light just as you would in a painting.” Knott adds to this palette with a variety of techniques including applying textile and acrylic paint, hand-dying fabric, using colored threads for stitching, and even by printing her original photographs onto the art pieces. With the innovative use of material, texture and color, Knott is in the company of quiltmakers who work to expand the definition of quiltmaking from craft to fine art. Her quilts have won numerous awards and appeared in several publications, as well as been exhibited and collected widely. She is a member of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA), and lives with her husband and cats on a small farm in Marcellus. Call 673-1350 or visit

and snowshoers to take advantage of the natural moonlight along Beaver Lake’s ten miles of trails. Hot chocolate and other refreshments will available at the Visitor Center.; 638-2519.

Jan. 15

YMCA Folksmarch Sat. 8-11 a.m.; Free for first time walkers Walkers walk at their own pace and finish at any time. Routes are either 5K (3.1 miles) or 10K (6.2 miles) and are clearly marked. Individuals may walk a shorter, modified route if they prefer. Register at Arrowhead Lodge. This is a non-competitive walking event. Oneida Shores; 676-7366.

Jan. 21

Snow Leopard Soiree 6:30-11 p.m. ; $125 per person Be spotted at one of the Zoo’s premier fundraising events. Enjoy live music and participate in a live and silent auction. Black and white attire encouraged. Rosamond Gifford Zoo at Burnet Park; 4358511 x132.

Go snowshoeing this winter.

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Trail Tales: Stories and walk with a naturalist 1 p.m.; Free with Nature Center admission A naturalist will read stories to children ages three to five, and lead them on a walk to experience what the season has to offer. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519.

sion. Snowshoe rental $3. Enjoy an hour-long outing through Beaver Lake’s winter woods. Benefit from a naturalist’s insights. along with the light aerobic exercise. Weather permitting. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519.

It’s evening, You had a long day and have just finished with dinner. How about shutting off that Blackberry, Ipad or laptop and take a break for a few minutes. Sit back and relax, catch up with your local community, neighborhood news and stories.

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The following are events held through the Onondaga County Parks Department during the month of January: Jan. 13, 27; Feb. 10, 24

January 2011

Paying for College Is a Shared Responsibility When your child decides to attend college, it’s an investment in the future. That’s why your family is expected to contribute as much as you can to pay for your child’s college education. Spending on higher education is an investment in our country, too — there is a recognized need for college graduates in the workforce of the future. That’s why there are other sources of financing, both public and private, available to help families pay for college. Your first financial resource is your family, which includes you, your child and others who may be willing to help out, such as grandparents. Independent students, no longer supported by parents, are also expected to contribute to their own education costs. Help can also come from the government at the federal, state and local levels. The federal government is actually the largest financial aid provider in the U.S. In addition, you can look to the college or university your child decides to attend for scholarships and work-study opportunities. Finally, private businesses provide loans and local community groups often offer scholarships to deserving students.

How Can We Fund Our Child’s Education?

Many students work with a combination of all these resources to pay for college. Here are a number of ways your family can fund your child’s education. Use past income: Now is the time to put your savings to good use. The New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) is the state agency that has been designated by the Governor’s office to administer the NY GEARUP Program. Funding for NY GEARUP is provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. NY GEARUP at Syracuse University receives $567,000 in funding that is matched 100 percent by in-kind services for a total funding of $1,340,000. HESC helps people pay for college by providing a comprehensive range of financial aid services, including

In addition to money you have in the bank, your family should tap into any special education accounts to help pay for college tuition and other costs. Read more about your college saving options. Use current income: Now that it’s time to pay for college, you may be able to put aside a portion of your paycheck each month, in addition to what you’ve already saved. You can even take advantage of college tuition tax credits once your child is in college. Also, tell your child to forget about hanging out at the mall. Summer provides a great opportunity for your child to work, and all earnings can be put toward education, since your child lives at home. Babysitting, serving food, mowing lawns or doing data entry are all good ways for your child to add to the college fund. Some high school students can also handle working part-time during the school year. Use future income: Future income is money your child can access while in college, in the form of loans that don’t have to be paid back until after graduation. Various loans are available for students and parents. Learn more about college loan options. Students can begin the application process for loans by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).Be sure your child takes advantage of all federal options first and doesn’t borrow more money than is needed. You and your child also have the option of taking out private loans through banks or other organizations. Control costs: Time is money; the Tuition Assistance Program, guaranteeing student loans, and administering the nationally recognized New York’s College Savings Plan. New York State is a leader in the national financial aid community, providing more grant money to college students than any other state.

the longer it takes to complete your child’s education, the more it costs overall. Your child might be able to graduate early by earning college credit through the Advanced Placement program (AP) or College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or by taking a course or two during the summer. Another way to save is to pay less per credit. Typically, community colleges offer courses at a lower per-credit price than four-year colleges do. Your child might consider attending a community college and then transferring to a four-year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree. Taking a heavier course load can also help your child fulfill requirements more quickly, often at no additional cost. Just remind your child to keep the workload manageable. If you think graduate or professional school is in your child’s future, look into accelerated joint-degree programs, which enable students to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees in less time than if they enrolled in each program separately. Get someone else to pay for your child: There are many grants and scholarships out there that can help your child meet college costs. Learn how to find appropriate scholarships, including those offered by civic organizations — such as the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, or 4-H — to deserving students. A Pell Grant is one type of financial assistance that your child is not required to repay. Additional


aid can come from campus-based programs, such as Federal Perkins Loans, work-study opportunities, or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants. Service organizations can help your child cut costs by offering monetary awards that can be used to pay for education expenses or to pay off student loans. In return, your child must promise to work for the organization. Here are a few examples of service organizations: 3 AmeriCorps programs, including Volunteers in Service to America (VISTAs) and Teach for America. 3 National Health Service Corps 3 Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) programs in the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. 3 Peace Corps

Where Do We Start?

Talk with your child’s school counselor, who can help you explore your options. You can also visit theU. S. Department of Education website ( to find out more about federal student aid.

Courtesy of

CONTACT US NY GEARUP @ Syracuse University




Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011 • 11


Sun Jan 2 Free Sunday at the Sciencenter. Noon-5 PM. Free admission. Sciencenter, Ithaca. 607-272-0600. Tue Jan 4 Math Time. 10:30 AM. Story and math activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-272-0600. Wed Jan 5 Cross Country Ski Basics. 1:30-3:30 PM. Participants must bring their own skis. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $10. 6382510. Multiple Moms Mingle. 6:30 PM. Club for mothers and expectant mothers of multiples. Ruby Tuesday’s, Dewitt. Free. 308-0277. Thu Jan 6 Weekday Snowshoe Jaunt. 1:30 PM. Hour-long outing with a naturalist. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $3/snowshoe rental. 638-2519. Prime Rib Buffet Dinner. 6-8:30 PM. Skyline Lodge, Highland Forest. $14.95/adult, $7.50 ages 5-11, under 5 free. Pre-register. 683-5550. Fri Jan 7 Toddlers Tango Demo Class. 10:30 AM. Music and movement for ages 1-4. Dewitt Community Library. Pre-register. 4463578. Stuffed Animal Sleepover. 4 PM. Bring your favorite stuffed animal or doll for a sleepover at the library. Enjoy stories and a craft, then tuck in the animals for the night. Come back the next day at 10:30 AM to see what mischief they got into during the night! Please note: only stuffed animals will sleepover (not children). Dewitt Community Library. 446-3578. Family Fun Dance Party. 6-8 PM. Includes juice box, popcorn, face painting, coffee. KidzClub Indoor Play and Party Place. 219 County Route 57, Phoenix. $8/child, adults and non-walking siblings/ free. 695-2211. A World of Puppets: Sleeping Beauty. 11 AM. Open Hand Puppet Theater. $8/adult, $6/children. 476-0466. Sat Jan 8 SU Women’s Basketball Game. 1 PM. Syracuse University. $. 443-2121. Lights on the Lake Run. 11 PM-midnight. Four mile run starting at the Griffin Visitor Center and continuing on to Willow Bay and

back. No walkers please. Onondaga Lake Park. Free. 453-6712. Sun Jan 9 Manlius Pebble Hill Open House. 1 PM. Tour and learn more about CNY’s only independent school for students in pre-K through grade 12. 5300 Jamesville Rd, Dewitt. 446-2452. Sunday Showshoe Wanders. 2 PM. Brief instructional clinic on snowshoe technique followed by a short wander through the woods and wetlands. Amboy 4-H Environmental Education Center. Route 183 between Routes 13 and 69. $3/person or $12/family. 9637286. Mon Jan 10 Nature’s Little Explorers. 10-11 AM. Hands-on learning about the natural world for kids age 3-5 and an adult. Baltimore Woods. Pre-register. $12. 673-1350. Monday Kicks. 10 AM-2 PM. Playful learning activities for ages 2-6. Strong Museum, Rochester. $. 585-263-2700. Maxwell Movie Night. 6 PM. Family friendly films. Maxwell Memorial Library. Free. 672-3661. The Summer of Aviya. 7 PM. Film telling the story of the daughter of a Holocaust survivor living in Israel at the start of its history as a country. Temple Society of Concord. 910 Madison St, Syracuse. Free. 475-9952. Tue Jan 11 Sciencenter Storytime. 10:30 AM. Story and related science activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Included with admission. Kids under three receive free admission. Sciencenter, Ithaca. 607-272-0600. Expectant Parent Night Out. 6:30-7:30 PM. Food and sharing with the Doulas of CNY. Ophelia’s Cafe. 407 Tulip St, Liverpool. Free. Pre-register. 455-6MOM. Childbirth Prep Class for Couples. 6:30-9 PM. Sponsored by Doulas of CNY. Dewitt Community Library. $80. Pre-register. 455-6MOM. SU Women’s Basketball Game. 7 PM. Syracuse University. $. 443-2121. Wed Jan 12 MOMS Club East. 9:30-11:30 AM. Monthly meeting for kids and moms who choose to stay home full or part time. Manlius United Methodist Church. 111 Wesley St, Manlius. Free. 406-5294. Noon-2 PM. Faith-based support for families w/special needs kids. Northside Baptist Church, Liverpool. 4363301. Cross Country Ski Basics. 1:30-3:30 PM. Participants must bring their own skis. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $10. 638-2510. Klezmer Clarinet Concert. 7 PM. Temple Society of Concord. 910 Madison St, Syracuse. Free. 475-9952. Thu Jan 13 Trail Tales. 1 PM. Ages 3-5. Stories and walk with a naturalist. Free w/park admisContinued on page 12

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Sat Jan 1 Home Depot Kids Workshops. 11 AM-2 PM. Children ages 5-12 accompanied by an adult learn about tool safety while building from project kits. Each child also receives an apron and pin. Free. Pre-register at your local Home Depot. SU Men’s Basketball Game. 3:30 PM. Carrier Dome. $. 443-2121. SU Women’s Basketball Game. 6 PM. Syracuse University. $. 443-2121.


1 2 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011

Things sion. 638-2519. Weekday Snowshoe Jaunt. 1:30 PM. Hour-long outing with a naturalist. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $3/snowshoe rental. 638-2519. Fri Jan 14 Moonlight Snowshoeing & Skiing. Until 9 PM. Rentals $3/hour. Beaver Lake Nature Center. 638-2519. HOPE Club. 3:30-5:30 PM. Social group for teens and adults with special needs. Northside Baptist Church, Liverpool. 243-8897. Guided Moonlight Snowshoeing. 7 PM. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $3 snowshoe rentals. Pre-register. 6382519. Sat Jan 15 Moonlight Snowshoeing & Skiing. Until 9 PM. Rentals $3/hour. Beaver Lake Nature Center. 638-2519. Folksmarch. 8-11 AM. Family-friendly fun walk sponsored by the YMCA. Oneida Shores. $3.50/adult and $1/child. Free for first timers. 6767366. Abracadabra! 10 AM-8 PM. Magician Bill Gormont teaches kids tricks of the trade. Strong Museum, Rochester. Included with admission. 585-263-2700. SU Men’s Basketball Game. Noon. Carrier Dome. $. 443-2121. Magic Circle Children’s Theatre. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Sleeping Beauty. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. Griffiths Trail Beaver Snowshoe Hike. 2-3:30 PM. Baltimore Woods. $. 673-1350. Syracuse Crunch Hockey. 7:30 PM. War Memorial at Oncenter. $. 473-4444. Well-Aged Words. 8 PM. Featuring Maggi Peirce’s Tales of a Belfast Childhood. Open Hand Theater. 518 Prospect

Ave, Syracuse. $20. 476-0466.



Sun Jan 16 Moonlight Snowshoeing & Skiing. Until 9 PM. Rentals $3/hour. Beaver Lake Nature Center. 638-2519. Ski or Hike with the Dairy Princess. Noon-3 PM. Ski or hike with the Onondaga County Dairy Court and enjoy free hot cocoa. Highland Forest. $1/person, 21 and under/free. 469-4596. Abracadabra! Noon-5 PM. Magician Bill Gormont teaches kids tricks of the trade. Strong Museum, Rochester. Included with admission. 585-263-2700. Sunday Showshoe Wanders. 2 PM. Brief instructional clinic on snowshoe technique followed by a short wander through the woods and wetlands. Amboy 4-H Environmental Education Center. Route 183 between Routes 13 and 69. $3/person or $12/family. 963-7286. Syracuse Crunch Hockey. 4 PM. War Memorial at Oncenter. $. 473-4444. Mon Jan 17 Moonlight Snowshoeing & Skiing. Until 9 PM. Rentals $3/hour. Beaver Lake Nature Center. 638-2519. Adventure Day Camp. 9 AM-4 PM. Children ages 5-12 spend the day playing and exploring the outdoors as well as participating in indoor activities. Baltimore Woods. $. Pre-register. 673-1350. Cocoa and Crafts. 2:30 PM. For ages 6-12. Dewitt Community Library. Free. Pre-register. 446-3578. Tue Jan 18 Animal Time. 10:30 AM. Animal-related story and craft for toddlers and preschoolers. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-272-0600. Estate Planning Workshop. 5:30- 7:30 PM. Learn about the “7 Threats to Your Family Security.” Estate Planning Law Center. 5789 Widewaters Pkwy, Dewitt. Free. Pre-

register. 446-3850. Childbirth Prep Class for Couples. 6:30-9 PM. Sponsored by Doulas of CNY. Dewitt Community Library. $80. Pre-register. 455-6MOM. Wed Jan 19 Cross Country Ski Basics. 1:30-3:30 PM. Participants must bring their own skis. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $10. 638-2510. Teen Advisory Board. 6:30-7:30 PM. Teens can provide their input on library programs and book choices. Maxwell Library, Camillus. Free. 435-3827. Thu Jan 20 Weekday Snowshoe Jaunt. 1:30 PM. Hour-long outing with a naturalist. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $3/snowshoe rental. 638-2519. Th3. 5-8 PM. A common day each month where 17 Syracuse visual art venues are open to recognize and support local artistic achievements. Local Harvest Dinner. 6-8:30 PM. Enjoy food from local farms. Baltimore Woods. $. Pre-register. 673-1350. Sensory Processing Disorder Support Group. 7 PM. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Foundation ParentsConnections Group for parents of children with sensory processing issues. Beecon Baptist Church. 4800 Rt 31, Clay. 247-4195. Fri Jan 21 Drop Off Teddy Bear PJ Party. 5:30-8 PM. Wear your PJs and bring your favorite teddy for supervised play, pizza, and beverages. KidzClub Indoor Play and Party Place. 219 County Route 57, Phoenix. $20/child ages 3-7. Preregister. 695-2211. Snow Leopard Soiree’. 6:30-11 PM. Gourmet dining Continued on page 13

Admissions Open House


Sunday, January 23, 2011 2:00 - 4:00 pm

A preschool and elementary school for children ages 3-12



Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011 • 1 3


and entertainment by Dan Elliott and The Monterays. To benefit the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. $125/person. 435-8511. Syracuse Crunch Hockey. 7:30 PM. War Memorial at Oncenter. $. 473-4444. Sat Jan 22 Manlius Pebble Hill Scholarship Exam. 8:45 AM and 12:30 pm. Scholarship exam for students entering grades 6-12 in the fall. 5300 Jamesville Rd, Dewitt. Pre-register. 446-2452. SU Men’s Basketball Game. Noon. Carrier Dome. $. 4432121. Magic Circle Children’s Theatre. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Sleeping Beauty. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. Syracuse Crunch Hockey. 7:30 PM. War Memorial at Oncenter. $. 473-4444. Sun Jan 23 Sunday Showshoe Wanders. 2 PM. Brief instructional clinic on snowshoe technique followed by a short wander through the woods and wetlands. Amboy 4-H Environmental Education Center. Route 183 between Routes 13 and 69. $3/person or $12/family. 963-7286. Montessori School Open House. 2-4 PM. Offers high-quality education for children ages 3-12. 155 Waldorf Parkway, Dewitt. Free. 449-9033.

“Sleeping Beauty” will be featured Jan. 8 at Open Hand Theater.

Marionettes to bring ‘Sleeping Beauty’ to life The Tanglewood Marionettes will perform “Sleeping Beauty” Jan. 8 at Open Hand Theater, 518 Prospect Ave., Syracuse. A painted story book opens to reveal each scene, with beautifully hand-crafted marionettes brought to life by award winning master puppeteers Anne Ware and Peter Schaefer. The story begins in King Felix’s great hall with the celebration of Princess Aurora’s birth. Upon the arrival of the wicked witch the famous spell is cast. Tanglewood Marionettes’ presentation of this best-loved classic tale appeals to children of all ages. Tanglewood Marionettes’ production of Sleeping Beauty begins with a brief demonstration of the art of puppetry. Through humorous interplay, the audience will learn about various forms of puppets, from the simple glove puppet to the sophisticated marionette. Founded in 1993 by Anne Ware and Peter Schaefer, Tanglewood Marionettes is a nationally touring marionette theater based in New England. In addition, Open Hand Theater’s “A World of Puppets” performance series is a favorite for parents with children, grandparents with grandchildren, and everyone in between. For ten seasons, puppeteers from all over the country have come here to perform their magic before delighted audiences of all ages. All WOP performances are at 11 am on the first two Saturdays of each month The average performance running time is 45 minutes to one hour. Doors open at 10:30 am and seating is on a first come, first seated basis. Reserved tickets will be held until 10 minutes before each performance. Entering the Castle on North Salina Street is an experience unto itself. Inside this warm and welcoming 1890’s mansion is a gallery and a gift shop to browse. Gigantic puppets from Open Hand Theater’s astounding original collection adorn the ceilings and walls. A gracious stairway winds past a huge stained glass fairyland window, beckoning guests to the upstairs performance hall where unbelievable stories will unfold. To reserve tickets: call 476-0466; Open Hand Theater box sffice hours are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays. Admission is $6 for children and $8 for adults. Find out more about Open Hand Theater on the web at

Mon Jan 24 Home School Expeditions. 2 PM. Discover the wonder and excitement of science in the great outdoors. Baltimore Woods. $12. Pre-register. 673-1350. 100 Years of Jewish Writing in America. 6 PM. Lecture by Professor Harvey Teres. Temple Society of Concord. 910 Madison St, Syracuse. Free. 475-9952. Tue Jan 25 Sciencenter Tactile Time. 10:30 AM. Toddlers and preschoolers explore their world through touch. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. (607) 272-0600 SU Men’s Basketball Game. 7 PM. Carrier Dome. $. 4432121. Wed Jan 26 Noon-2 PM. Faith-based support for families w/special needs kids. Northside Baptist Church, Liverpool. 436-3301. Cross Country Ski Basics. 1:30-3:30 PM. Participants must bring their own skis. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $10. 638-2510. Syracuse Crunch Hockey. 7 PM. War Memorial at Oncenter. $. 473-4444. SU Women’s Basketball Game. 7 PM. Syracuse University. $. 443-2121. Thu Jan 27 Trail Tales. 1 PM. Ages 3-5. Stories and walk with a naturalist. Free w/park admission. 638-2519. Weekday Snowshoe Jaunt. 1:30 PM. Hour-long outing with a naturalist. Beaver Lake Nature Center. $3/snowshoe rental. 638-2519. Fri Jan 28 HOPE Club. 3:30-5:30 PM. Social group for teens and adults with special needs. Northside Baptist Church, Liverpool. 243-8897. Syracuse Crunch Hockey. 7:30 PM. War Memorial at Oncenter. $. 473-4444. Sat Jan 29 Dance Fever. Syracuse Symphony Orchestra Community Foundation Family Series. Civic Center. $. 424-8222. Fun, 2, 3, 4 Opening Weekend. 10 AM-8 PM. Learn the fun of applying math to everyday life in this new exhibit. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-2720600.

Kids Performing for Kids. 10 AM-8 PM. Robotics, speech and debates, singing, music, and a variety of performances by kids. Strong Museum, Rochester. Admission. 585-263-2700 Snowshoe Syracuse. 10:30 AM-noon. Snowshoe Heath Park. Sponsored by Baltimore Woods. Meet at Conifer Drive entrance. $5/snowshoe rentals. Pre-register. 6731350. Dance Fever. 10:30 AM. Local dance companies featured at the Syracuse Symphony Family Series. Mulroy Civic Center. $5/children, $10/adults. 424-8222. Magic Circle Children’s Theatre. 12:30 PM. Interactive children’s theater featuring Sleeping Beauty. Spaghetti Warehouse, Syracuse. $5/person. Pre-register. 449-3823. SU Women’s Basketball Game. 1 PM. Syracuse University. $. 443-2121. The Lorax. 3 PM. The Palace Theatre. 19 Utica St, Hamilton. Free but donations accepted to support youth theater camps. 824-1420. Syracuse Crunch Hockey. 7:30 PM. War Memorial at Oncenter. $. 473-4444. Sun Jan 30 Fun, 2, 3, 4 Opening Weekend. 10 AM-5 PM. Learn the fun of applying math to everyday life in this new exhibit. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-2720600 Sunday Showshoe Wanders. 2 PM. Brief instructional clinic on snowshoe technique followed by a short wander through the woods and wetlands. Amboy 4-H Environmental Education Center. Route 183 between Routes 13 and 69. $3/person or $12/family. 963-7286. Mon Jan 31 Teen Book Discussion Group. 7 PM. For grades 6 and up. Dewitt Community Library. Free. Pre-register. 446-3578. ONGOING EVENTS Childbirth Preparation & Refresher Classes. St. Joseph’s Hospital. $. 448-5515. Creative Arts Academy Auditions. Ongoing for grades 7-12. Community Folk Art Center. 442-2230. Cross Country Ski Lessons. 10 AM & 1 PM Saturdays and 1 PM Sundays January 2-February 27. One hour introductory lesson. Highland Forest. 683-5550. DivorceCare Support Group. 7 PM Mondays. Northside Baptist Church. 7965 Oswego Road, Liverpool. 652-3160. Farmers Market. 4-8 PM Tuesdays, 10 AM-5 PM Thursdays, 7 AM-2 PM Saturdays. CNY Regional Market. 422-8647. GriefShare Support Group. 7 PM Mondays. Northside Baptist Church. 7965 Oswego Road, Liverpool. 6523160. High Point. 6:45-8:15 PM Wednesdays. Faith-based songs, games, and activities for kids in kindergarten through grade 5. Community Wesleyan Church. 112 Downer St, Baldwinsville. Free. 638-2222. Horsedrawn Hay/Sleigh Rides. 11 AM-4 PM weekends and school holidays through March 13. $5, under 5 free. Highland Forest. 683-5550. Ice Skating at Clinton Square. 11 AM-8 PM. $. 4230129. Itsy Bitsy Yoga Class. 10 AM Wednesdays, January 12-February 16. For ages 2-4 and a caregiver. KidzClub Indoor Play and Party Place. 219 County Route 57, Phoenix. $60/session. Pre-register. 695-2211. Kiddie Café. 10 AM-2 PM Wednesdays. Puzzles, coloring, kids music, snacks, and fun. Fayetteville Free Library. 637-6374. Morning Bird Walks. 7:30 AM Wednesdays & Saturdays. Beaver Lake Nature Center. 638-2519. Music & Movement Class. 10 AM Thursdays, January 6-27. For ages 1-4 and a caregiver. KidzClub Indoor Play and Party Place. 219 County Route 57, Phoenix. $10/ Continued on page 15


© Disney


JAN. 5-9  The Oncenter PARENT’S NAME:



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be 18 years or older to enter on behalf of a child. Disney is neither a sponsor nor endorser of this contest. For a full list of rules, visit Send completed entries to Eagle Newspapers, 2501 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13206. Deadline for entries is January 4th.




DAY PHONE: PARENT’S E-MAIL: No, I do not want to receive advance notice or special offers for shows coming to my area.


Road, Syracuse. $100/10 sessions. 5065726. Try Snowshoeing. 12:30 PM weekends January 1-February 27. One-hour introductory lesson. Beaver Lake Nature Center. 638-2519. Weekend Walks With A Naturalist. 1:30 PM Saturdays & Sundays. Beaver Lake Nature Center. Free w/admission. 638-2519. Wellness Walking Group. 10 AM Mondays & Wednesdays. Beaver Lake Nature Center. Free w/admission. 638-2519. Yoga. 5:30-7 PM Fridays and 1-2 PM Sundays. All levels welcome. $5/class. Zen Center of Syracuse. 492-6341. YogaKids. 4:30-5:30 PM Thursdays for ages 4-7; 5:45-6:45 PM Thursdays for ages 8- 11; 3-4:15 PM Sundays for tweens/ teens. CNY Yoga Center. 101 1st St, Liverpool. $. 622-3423. Zumba. 6:30-7:30 PM Tuesdays. Community Folk Art Center. $10. 442-2230.

East Syracuse Free Library. 10:30 AM Tuesdays for birth-age 3, 10:30 AM Wednesdays for ages 3-4. 437-4841. Fayetteville Free Library. Preschool for ages 2&3, Tuesdays at 10:30 AM. Preschool for ages 4&5, Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. First Steps for up to age 3, Wednesdays at 9:30 AM. Cuddletime for babies, Thursdays at 11:30 AM. 637-6374. Maxwell Memorial Library. Preschool for ages 3-5, Mondays and Tuesdays at 10:30. Stories with Sally for 3 and under, Wednesdays at 10:30. Toddlers age 1-4, Saturdays at 10:30 AM. 672-3661. NOPL Brewerton. 10:30 AM Mondays for

STORYTIMES Barnes & Noble Clay. Preschoolers, 10 AM Thursdays. Grades K-3, 7 PM Friday. 622-1066. Barnes & Noble Dewitt. Preschoolers 10 AM Thursdays. 449-2947. Betts Branch Library. Thursdays 10:3011 AM, starting September 10. 435-1940. Dewitt Community Library. Baby Bop ages 4-18 months, Thursdays at 10:30. Toddler Time ages 18 months to 3 years, Tuesdays at 10:30. Preschool, Wednesday at 10:30 AM and 2 PM. 446-3578.

What every child needs

Continued on page 16

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601 North Way Phone: 487-1541


8086 Oswego Rd. Phone: 652-1070

 


Prenatal Consultation


Staff on call

24 HOURS A day!




class. Pre-register. 695-2211. Newborn Care Class. 6-8:30 PM Wednesdays and 2nd/3rd Mondays. St. Joseph’s Hospital Room 5313. $20. 4485515. Pre-Ballet Class. 10-11 AM Saturdays. For ages 4-8. Community Folk Art Center. 805 E. Genesee St, Syracuse. $10/class. 442-2230. Sciencenter Showtime! 2 PM Saturdays. See science in action with an interactive presentation. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-272-0600. Shake, Wiggle, and Rock. 10 AM Saturdays. Creative movement and music for ages 6 months – 4 years. $10/class. Steeplechase Apartments Clubhouse. Weatheridge Drive, Camillus. 399-9060. Small Business & Personal Finance Seminars. Various topics, dates, and locations. Sponsored by Cooperative Federal. 473-0223. Story Art Wednesdays. 4:30 PM Wednesdays. For kids age 5-10. Maxwell Memorial Library, Camillus. Free. 672-3661. Teen Art Program. 4-6 PM Wednesdays and Thursdays. Liverpool Art Center. 101 Lake Drive, Liverpool. $60/month. 2349333. Teen Game Day. 2 PM Wednesdays starting January 26. Dewitt Community Library. 446-3578. Tiny Tigers Karate Prep Class. 5-5:45 PM Tuesdays, 4:30-5:15 PM Wednesdays, 10:15-11:30 AM Saturdays. Excel Martial Arts Training Center. 600 Nottingham





Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011 • 1 5

1 6 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • January 2011


Preschool Information Fair Saturday, Feb. 12th 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Representatives from East side preschools will be on hand to provide information to families about their programs.

Fayetteville Free Library�������

The musical will make a stop at Crouse-Hinds Theater from Friday March 18 through Sunday March 20. Where can your imagination take you? Anywhere you want to be! Audiences in Syracuse are invited to make a world of adventure come to life with Elmo, Abby Cadabby and friends as the stage lights come up on Sesame Street Live “1-2-3 Imagine! with Elmo & Friends”. This imagination-inspired musical will make a stop at Crouse-Hinds Theater from Friday March 18 through Sunday March 20. Tickets for all six performances are on sale now. The magical journey begins as Sesame Street’s mail carrier, Sam, stops by to deliver special postcards from far-away places. When Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Big Bird and friends wish to visit the exciting locations, Sam shares her secret on how they can – it’s as easy as counting “1-2-3 Imagine!” Ernie’s imagination takes him to the high seas to captain the ‘Good Ship Rubber Duckie’, Elmo dances to the rhythm of the African rainforest and Bert meets an octopus who has the blues. It’s a story of adventure and fun that teaches children they can be anyone, do anything and go anywhere with the power of imagination.” Performances are 7 p.m. Friday March 18, 10:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Saturday March 19 and 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Sunday March 20 at the Crouse-Hinds Theater - Civic Center at Oncenter, 800 S. State St., Syracuse, NY 13202. Tickets are $14 and $22. A limited number of $27 Gold Circle seats and $52 Sunny Seats (front row seats and a pre-show Meet & Greet with two Sesame Street Live friends) are also available. Additional fees and discounts may apply. Tickets are now available at the Oncenter Box Office at 435-2121 and Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000 or online at For information online, please visit Become a fan of Sesame Street Live on Facebook.



‘1-2-3 Imagine! with Elmo & Friends’ tickets on sale now

We can help with:

• Free referrals for various child care options • Training for child care professionals Starting a child care business • Free •referrals for up various child care options • Training for child care professionals • Starting up a child care business


EXHIBITS & SHOWS IMAX Movies. Toy Story 3 and more. MOST. $. 425-9068. Fun, 2, 3, 4: All about a Number of Things. Opens January 29. Learn the fun of applying math to everyday life. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-272-0600. Gingerbread Gallery. 10 AM-5 PM through January 2. Erie Canal Museum. $. 471-0593. Glass Holiday Wonderland. Through January 2. Giant glass ornament trees, make your own glass ornaments, winter wonder glass hunt. Corning Museum of Glass. $. (607) 974-8124. Holly Knott: Painting with a Fabric Palette. January 3- February 25. Contemporary art quilts. Baltimore Woods. 673-1350.

Lights on the Lake. 5-10 PM through January 9. Two mile drive-through holiday light display. Onondaga Lake Park. 451-7275. Museum of Young Art. 10 AM-6 PM Tuesdays-Thursdays and 10 AM-3 PM Saturdays. Syracuse’s first museum dedicated to children’s art. One Lincoln Center. 4247800. National Geographic MAPS: Tools for Adventure. Through January 9. Strong Museum, Rochester. (585) 410-6359. Quilts=Art=Quilts. Through January 9. Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn. 2551553. The Salt City Comes of Age. Featuring images and artifacts from Syracuse 18801915. Onondaga Historical Association. Free. 428-1864. Silverman Planetarium. Zoo in the Sky, 11:15 AM weekends and school holidays. Winter Skies, 3:15 PM weekends and school holidays. MOST. Admission. 4259068. Tech City. Through January 9. Learn how to solve problems through engineering. Sciencenter, Ithaca. Included with admission. 607-272-0600. Toothpick City II. Watch Stan Munro as he creates the largest toothpick structure in the world featuring famous buildings from around the world. MOST. 425-9068. The Wonderful Word of Butterflies. Over 400 preserved butterfly and moth specimens from 5 continents. MOST. Admission. 425-9068.



ages 2-4. 11-noon Mondays playgroup for ages 6 months-5 years. 676-7484. NOPL Cicero. 6:30 PM Mondays (family story hour), 10 & 11 AM Tuesdays, 11 AM Wednesdays. 699-2032. NOPL North Syracuse. 6:30 PM Tuesdays (family story hour), 10 & 11 AM Wednesdays, noon Thursdays. 458-6184. Pottery Barn Kids. 11 AM Tuesdays. Carousel Center. 423-5215. Read & Play Storytime. 11 AM & 1 PM Wednesdays. For ages 2-4. Salina Free Library. 454-4524. Toddler Book Club. 10:30, 11:30 AM, and 12:30 PM Mondays. Strong Museum, Rochester. Free with admission. 585-4106359,


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