Education Banking & Finance
Eagle Newspapers
Excellence – A Mid-year Report
July 27, 2011
No more notebooks? Pros and cons to learning in a digital age
The world has quickly become digital, and the younger generations are leading the pack with technology that just may make some other items obsolete. As pre-teens and teenagers routinely turn to digital devices for entertainment and schoolwork, the face of education may change as well. In the past, students toted notebooks (the paper kind), pencils, pens, and folders to school. Today, students carry digital devices like computer tablets,
notebooks (the electronic kind), smart phones, and other digital devices to the classroom. Furthermore, texting and instant messaging have replaced traditional modes of casual conversation. Another item that may go the way of the dinosaur is the printed book. Students can now carry an entire library worth of reading material on a slim e-reader device or on the many other evolving tablet-type machines. There may be a day when one no longer browses the aisles of the school library for a book, but only downloads the text instantly when needed. Some textbooks are already offered in digital format, and some school systems and teachers may opt for the convenience of digital devices.
Little data exists as to just how many schools have policies allowing the use of cell phones and other digital devices in class. In the United States, a 2009 U.S. Department of Education survey indicates only 4 percent of public-school teachers say a handheld device is available in the classroom every day. But things can change in a short period of time. Digital advantages There are many advantages to going digital. Typing tends to go faster for adept keyboard users, which many youngsters have become since they’ve essentially grown up with computers in the household. This makes note-taking easier. When notes and assignments are saved See Digital on page 3
Preparing your child for higher education Spotlight on Renee Joseph, MyActOne major match consultant Caps have been tossed, tassels have been turned and the graduation parties are in full swing. As parents prepare picture boards documenting their child’s every moment, the realization of how fast those years have flown by hits hard. As their son or daughter prepares to enter a whole new stage in their lives there is a tug at the emotional heart strings. Then comes another less sentimental but equally stressful tug: the one on the purse strings. While first time parents of a college bound student’s initial anxieties may stem from a “dorm-life list” reminiscent of a mini –bridal registry the major expense will be tuition, room and board! According to The College Board’s report “Trends in college Pricing 2011,” the average cost of tuition room and board for colleges has risen substantially with a price tag between $20.000 to $50,000. The desire to prepare our children for what we all hope leads them to a better job, a better career, and ultimately a better life is powerful. Of course, a college education can’t guarantee this and many students have absolutely no idea
what they want to study. About 80 percent of students go to college undecided on a major and most students who do declare a major will change majors up to three times. This can add cost to an already outrageous tuition bill. The old school of thought was to just send them and let them figure it out along the way and some of that does have to happen. Of course, why not invest a little time and money in self realization and academic planning? As a MyActOne consultant I use a student-centered approach to help with this self realization process. This includes private consultations as well as a behavioral assessment that creates a personal profile to help the student establish an academic pathway. According to “The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal,” many students have trouble understanding the job market, assessing their interests and abilities and knowing what programs are out there for them. Some just simply lack decision making skills. The Major Match Assessment I use was established in 1970 by Dr. Devine, a research specialist for Xerox and
Renee Joseph, MyActOne, Certified Major Match Consultant lives in Cazenovia with her husband and four children. If you are interested in her services you can contact Renee at reneejoseph.act@ or 264-4709.Look for her ad monthly in Eagle Newspapers. Citibank. Dr. Devine researched over 16,000 management and HR personnel to determine job critical behaviors. The assessment measures 33 behaviors and the results produce a behavioral blueprint that reflects learning styles, leadership qualities, problem solving and much more. I myself fell into the same parent trap of equating the acquisition of all the comforts of home for my children to preparing them for heading off to higher academia. . My daughter’s roommate showed up freshman year with See Preparation on page 7
CBA marks 50 years on Randall Road, 112 years in Syracuse Admissions Open House set for fall
The 112th year of Christian Brothers Academy in Syracuse also marks the golden jubilee year of the school’s presence on Randall Road in DeWitt. The expanding enrollment of high school boys at the original school building on Willow Street in downtown Syracuse led the Christian Brothers to seek new, expanded quarters for the highly touted boys’ college preparatory school. The Diocese of Syracuse came to the rescue with 25 acres adjacent to St. Mary’s cemetery which it generously gave to the Brothers in the late 50’s for the grand sum of $1. Generous CBA alumni and friends and the Diocese funded the new facility with an award winning design by Quinlivan, Pierek, and Krause Architects. The Classes of 1962, 1963, 1964, and 1965 entered the front doors as they opened for the first time in September 1961 – 50 years ago this September! From the new gymnasium (the Willow Street gym had ceilings flush with the basketball backboards) to the cafeteria, library, and state of the art classrooms, the new school was a dream for the students and faculty alike. Expanded and updated several times since then to include
a new library, science and computer labs, second gym, fine arts wing, the current facility is a beautiful tribute to the Christian Brothers, Lasallian education, and the alumni who have come and gone for the 112 years of the school’s history. At full enrollment, CBA will welcome the class of 2017 this fall. Today, CBA is Central New York’s premier Catholic, college-preparatory school for young men and women in grades 7 through 12. Offering a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum, CBA prepares its students to go on to attend some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country and receive millions of dollars in scholarships each year. Outside of the classroom, CBA offers 59 athletic teams; three bands and a strings orchestra; music lessons; art shows and concerts; both a junior high and high school musical; a host of clubs like engineering, robotics, Masterminds, and salsa dancing; and community service opportunities to broaden the academic experience. CBA’s Annual Admissions Open House will take place from 1-3 p.m. on Sunday Oct. 30. Potential candidates for admission and their families are invited to tour the facility
A statue of St. John Baptist de La Salle, patron saint of teachers, and founder of the La Salle Christian Brothers, greets visitors near the entrance to the CBA campus on Randall Rd.
with student tour guides; do hands-on activities in science, art, math, music, and more; meet the faculty, staff, coaches, and counselors; and sign up for the entrance exam held on Nov. 1 and 15. For information on Christian Brothers Academy, call 4465960 or visit