Prime July

Page 1

Prime your life...your time


j u LY 2 0 1 1

Prime community

Hearing loss is

no obstacle for Liverpool senior. 5

Prime people

Two Loretto

residents are the latest to join Prime’s Century Club. 4

Prime health

Resources for

caregivers of those with alzheimer’s, other forms of dementia. 8

photo by Farah Jadran

A life well lived Volunteering has many rewards 2

Cover story

Educating others about our feathered friends Sharing knowledge promotes a love of animals

Interested in volunteering at the zoo?

Prime your life...your time

A monthly publication devoted to Central New Yorker’s in the “Prime” of their lives. Prime is published monthly by Community Media Group LLC, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206.

Publisher David B. Tyler

Editor Jennifer Wing, 434-8889, ext. 340 Sales Heidi Tyler 434-8889 ext. 320 Joan Brockway Griffiths, 662-3690 Jack Gardner, 434-8889 ext. 304

questions, comments, news? email 2


Farah Jadran

June Brickwedde, 70, and Casper, 7, a GyrSaker Falcon. Casper belonged to a Falconer until he injured his wing badly enough that lost it. interested. Talking to them, interacting with them and teaching them is fun and makes me feel good.” She said the bird rehabilitation program at the zoo fulfills a great need. “These are rescued birds, who have been injured and would not survive in the wild,” she said. “Here they are rehabilitated and get a new lease on life, and I believe strongly in conservation and preservation.” She also was a six-year member and past president of the zoo’s volunteer committee, where she worked as a liaison, helping with policy and making decisions. Ellen Vaughn, volunteer services manager, said the zoo relies upon the enthusiasm and dedication of its many volunteers. “From assistant zookeepers who assist in cleaning and preparing diets for the animals to educators for our ‘Zoo to You’ program where we go out into the community with an animal to educate people in places such as nursing homes, schools and libraries to office workers who help with administrative duties, our volunteers are wonderful and are a part of our family.” Vaughn, who has worked at the zoo for five years, said there are many benefits that go along with volunteering, including free admission for the volunteer and three guests and a discount at the gift shop.

“The bigger benefits are having a sense of purpose, being able to interact with the animals and the camaraderie felt among those who work and volunteer here. A lot of people have been here for 20 years, and this is a relatively small facility where everyone knows everyone’s first name.” Vaughn said a lot of retired educators find the zoo to be a good fit. “They are able to continue to teach people and enjoy the interest and excitement they get in response to their interaction,” Vaughn said. “But by no means are our volunteers only retired teachers. You can volunteer to work in the office, if you don’t want to be out in the public. And everyone who volunteers here just falls in love with the animals, the keepers and the other volunteers. They love seeing the kids and adults having fun.” Vaughn said the volunteers also get a behind-the-scenes look at the zoo. “When animals are born or a new exhibit opens, they get a sneak peek before the public does,” she said. Other roles volunteers play include manning a Biofacts display, which is a rolling table set up in the zoo with animal artifacts. “These artifacts can include things like elephant tail hair, where people can actu-

See Zoo on page 5


Independent Living for Seniors Only (Over 62), beautiful setting in the lovely village of Manlius with a strong community spirit. 7626 Highbridge Rd. Subsidies available for qualified individuals. Manlius 13104 • 682-7001

Prime 2011


June Brickwedde, 70, stands calmly with of the zoo, to go to the barn and just watch Casper, a GyrSaker Falcon with one wing them and talk to them for two hours at a and a watchful eye. Casper, who belonged time.” to a Falconer until he was injured, fluffs out She now volunteers about 500 to 600 his feathers and turns his head backwards, hours a year, enabling her to spend a few scanning his surroundings. months in Florida and work around other “He is feeling comfortable, that is why activities in her life. “On the average I work he is doing that with his feathers,” Brick- about 10 to 15 hours a week,” she said. wedde said. On the flexibility of his neck, She and her husband, Richard, an envishe explained, “Birds have 14 bones in their ronmental attorney who heads the Bricknecks. All other mammals have seven.” wedde Law Firm in Syracuse, have three So, how does Brickwedde know so much daughters and four grandchildren. about birds? Brickwedde said he has been supportSimple: she has learned a lot in the 10 ive of her volunteerism, and is “happy I’m years she has volunteered at the Rosamond keeping busy.” Gifford Zoo in SyrBrickwedde’s acuse. A former time volunteerhigh school social ing at the zoo has studies teacher in become somethe Syracuse City thing she looks All volunteers must first attend an School District, forward to, and orientation. Upcoming training dates are: she never planned though she is 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday Sept. 29 and noonto volunteer when also a volunteer 1:30 p.m. Saturday Nov. 5. she retired. at the InternaFor more information call Ellen Vaughn “I thought, tional Center in at 435-8511 ext. 112 or e-mail evaughn@ ‘Why would you Syracuse, she do that? You’re found she had not getting paid to to make some work,’” Brickwedde said. “Then one of my choices. friends saw a story about the zoo looking “I was also volunteering at the Everson, for volunteers and I decided to see what it but found I couldn’t do it all, so I chose was about.” my time at the zoo. I also don’t volunteer That was the fall of 2001. She started as much at the International Center, but training, gradually working up to doing really found my time at the zoo rewardtours of the zoo and then, after receiving ing. I wouldn’t go out to be at the zoo at education training, began training with the 7 a.m. if I didn’t enjoy it,” she said. “I feel birds in 2004. like I’m really doing something good. So “When I first started training with them, many people come through and don’t really I was told by Ted Fox, one of the curators know anything about birds, and are very


Cover story

He’s everyone’s favorite reading partner 16-year volunteer honored by elementary school By Ned Campbell For 16 years, James Stevens volunteered full-time in the Bellevue Elementary School third-grade classroom taught by his daughter, Mary DeSantis. Stevens, a longtime resident of Marcellus, was best known as everyone’s favorite reading partner. “The kids, as soon as they’d see him walk in, [would say], ‘Can I read with Mr. Stevens?’” DeSantis said. “And a lot of them might not get that anywhere else, time to read with somebody one-on-one.” Stevens, who is retiring from his volunteer work, was honored during a Flag Day assembly in the Syracuse elementary school’s gymnasium. It was also his 81st birthday. Following a half-hour of patriotic songs performed by the elementary orchestra and sung by students, Principal Joanne Harlow took time to thank Stevens for his years of dedication. Stevens was greeted with a standing ovation from the packed gymnasium. “Mr. Stevens was a wonderful role model, tutor and mentor to our students for 16 years,” Harlow said. “He touched the lives of so many, and worked hard to make a difference to kids.  Every day he demonstrated patience, unselfish caring and service to others.”

Harlow announced that a donation of $150, collected by teachers, would go to purchasing books for the library in Stevens’ name. The school also established the James Stevens Citizenship Award, which will be given annually to a fifth-grade student who demonstrates community involvement, caring and civic responsibility. Luke Burgess, a fifth-grader, was presented with the first James Stevens award. Burgess was chosen by DeSantis, who taught him in third grade, with full support from the fifth-grade teaching staff. “I wanted somebody that was a lot like [my father], that may not get a lot of accolades in other ways,” DeSantis said. “Just a quiet, really nice kid, who tries hard and is nice to everybody.” Stevens began volunteering at Bellevue Elementary after retiring from his work as a lab technician at Bristol-Myers Squibb. It started with a couple visits, and he soon became hooked. DeSantis said Stevens mostly stayed in her classroom, but his assistance in other classrooms was often requested. Stevens said what he loved most about volunteering was “being with the kids.” “And if I can help them in some way, if I can work with them, that makes it better for me,” he said. Stevens will be dearly missed by students, teachers and staff at Bellevue Elementary School, and no one will miss having him at the school more than his daughter. She said she feels fortunate, adding: “What other daughters get to spend more than half their career with their dad?” James and his wife, Helen, have lived in Marcellus since 1960.

LEFT: James Stevens poses with two of his most frequent reading partners at Bellevue Elementary School, third-graders Tateana Jackson (left) and Natalie Alexander (right). In his right hand are the hand-made birthday cards they gave him. ON THE COVER: Luke Burgess, a fifth grader at Bellevue Elementary School, holds up the James Stevens Citizenship Award plaque and poses with Stevens and his daughter Mary DeSantis. Burgess is a former student of Stevens and DeSantis and the award’s first recipient.

Help through Hospice

Volunteer offers personal accounts of her experience as a family caregiver

them books. I’ve read scriptures to people. I pray with people. I’ve knitted with people. I’ve watched re-runs of “M*A*S*H” with Margo Grobsmith became a volunteer people,” Grobsmith said. “It just depends on for Hospice of Central New York five years what they need.” CNY Hospice provides palliative care ago. to people of all ages who have a prognosis She had just retired from Bishop Ludden of six months or less to live. About half of High School after a longtime career in camits overall volunteers are family caregivers, pus ministry. Her interests on issues related like Grobsmith, who visit patients at their to death and dying began early; her mother homes, in hospitals, at nursing homes or died when she was just 14 years old. at residential care facilities, such as Francis “It seems …,” she paused. “That’s what House in Syracuse. Training takes eight we’re here for. We die. And people are pretty weeks to complete and volunteers are taught much afraid of it. I was determined I wasn’t what to expect, Grobsmith said, from buildgoing to be afraid of it.” ing relationships to setting boundaries. As a family caregiver at CNY Hospice, The two-month time period also provides Grobsmith comforts not only the sick but Hospice a chance to meet its volunteers and also the family members who directly enmatch up families accordingly. For instance, dure their loved one’s final stages of life. Grobsmith has a fear of cats “We’re there for them,” she so she will never be placed in said on behalf of the voluna home with felines. teers. “It’s not to make myself The duties of a family carefeel good [nor is it] to come giver volunteer are critical to with a preconceived notion of the entire service of Hospice, knowing just what they need said Bill Pfohl, communicato process their situation.” tions officer. Hospice operRather, she said, volunates with an interdisciplinary teers must go to a family’s team comprised of doctors, home to comfort and serve nurses, social workers, chaptheir needs. lains and volunteers. Margo Grobsmith “Sometimes you read By Tami S. Zimmerman



Courtesy of Hospice of CNY

Members of the interdisciplinary team hold a meeting at Hospice of CNY, based in Liverpool. “If Margo comes across something, she can help that [interdisciplinary] team help that family,” he said. “A patient may be more open with her than a nurse or doctor.” Volunteers typically build a relationship with the person or family members they are helping, whereas a nurse will come in to provide a medical treatment, then move on to the next patient. They’re not always with someone long enough to learn about a potential problem, such as a family situation, that a volunteer might find out through conversation. That’s when a social worker might become involved. “When people think about Hospice, they think about the great services for patients,” Pfohl said. “Yes, definitely. But what they don’t see is behind the doors is this team of people.”

Prime 2011

Baldwinsville resident Elaine Braun knows first-hand about hospice care when her grandmother was dying. Additionally, she and her husband were looking into using its services again for her father-in-law. “They are the most wonderful group of caring people and are ready to meet your family’s needs,” Braun said. “They’re very organized, efficient and help reduce the stress level involved with such difficult and emotional decisions.” Hospice services are available through Medicare, Medicaid and most commercial insurance plans. No one is ever turned away for inability to pay. A physician referral is required but inquiries about hospice care may be made by anyone – the patient, family or friend. If you would like to learn more about Hospice of CNY, call 634-1100 or visit


Century Club

Gertrude Griffith, 103

Enjoyed sewing, quilting, lace tatting, needlepoint Gertrude Griffith, a resident of the Loretto Health and Rehabilitation Center, and a PACE CNY program participant, celebrated her 103rd birthday with friends, family and staff members on June 5, 2011. Griffith was born in Noxen, PA, in 1908 and later moved to Kingston, Pa. In 1943, Griffith and her husband, the late Willard Griffith, moved to Syracuse. Griffith first worked as a bookkeeper in Pennsylvania and then for Onondaga County Savings Bank in Syracuse.

She is the second youngest of nine children. She has two sons, Richard Griffith of Fayetteville, and Dan Griffith of Merrit Island, FL, five grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren. Griffith always enjoyed making clothes for herself and for her grandchildren, as well as quilting, decorative lace tatting and needlepoint. She now spends her time visiting with family and staying active with activities at Loretto’s PACE CNY.

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Pictured from back left is 103-year-old Gertrude Griffith’s son, Richard Griffith of Fayetteville, granddaughter Audra Worthan of Liverpool, daughter-in-law Shirley Griffith of Merritt Island, Fla., friend Carol Metzler of Skaneateles and, from front left, daughter-in-law Shirley Ann Griffith of Fayetteville, and son Dan Griffith of Merritt Island, Fla., at Griffith’s birthday celebration.

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Ferne Parcells, 102

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Cemetery Memorials and Bronze Cemetery Lettering

Published a book about her family

On May 28, 2011, Loretto Health and Rehabilitation Center resident Ferne “Noni� Parcells celebrated her 102nd birthday with friends, family and staff members from the 10th floor of Loretto’s Cunningham skilled nursing facility in Syracuse. Parcells was born in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada in her grandparents’ home. When she was a child, her family relocated to Auburn, and she later moved to Tully after she married her husband, Henry. Parcells helped her husband with several business ventures including managing Tully’s coffee shop, and finally retired with homes in Old Forge and Largo, Fla. Pictured from back left are Parcells’ granddaughters, Jill Copanas, of DeWitt, and Pat Estey, Parcells enjoys of Tully; from front left is 102-year-old Loretto resident, Ferne Parcells, of Syracuse, with bible study, read- her great-great-grandson, Thomas Chatfield, great-granddaughter, Ryan Chatfield, and ing, writing, creating great-great-granddaughter, Evelyn Chatfield, all of Tully. flower arrangements, attending church services and spending time with her family. She published a book for her family about her life titled, “A Fabric of Memories, Thread by Thread.� Parcells survives her husband, Henry, and brother, Robert Jewett. She has two children, Barbara Lee Franciosi, of Connecticut, and the late Curtis Parcells, 11 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.

Prime 2011


Prime community

Lettuce, tomatoes Making and...apricots? the most Top 10 reasons I recommend Village Burger

By Colleen Farley, Eagle Newspapers associate publisher After two past reviews of established restaurants, (Pier 57 Restaurant and Nestico’s) my partner, Jan and I, decided to visit a relatively new establishment in Liverpool – Village Burger. Opened in February by father and son Art and Matt Silva, Village Burger occupies a very recognizable former McDonald’s. Not much has changed outside or inside – same style and décor of the Golden Arches. But a new, large blackboard style menu greets you as you enter, hand lettered with all the choices you have. And there are a lot! Twenty styles of gourmet burgers, four styles of spice Portuguese sausage, (a tribute to Art’s Portuguese grandmother), chicken dishes and vegetarian choices make choosing a challenge… and that doesn’t include the salads and sides. Jan had read a menu before arriving so his choice was made well in advance the Cuban Gourmet Burger, topped with ham, Swiss cheese, garlic mayo, spicy mustard, pickles and Aoli. He raved about it. My choice took a little longer and although even a traditional burger sounded great on a hot summer night, I chose what I felt was little more unusual – the Moroccan. It included a few ingredients you’ve probably never considered adding to a burger: pine nuts, chopped apricots and spices, along with the traditional lettuce, tomato and again, Aoli sauce. A very different taste and consistency, but a definite hit. By now you might be asking…What in the world is Aoli sauce?” which is the same question I asked. The surprising answer was…a Village Burger creation consisting of mayonnaise, orange zest, orange juice and fresh garlic. Well worth trying – very unusual but adding a lot to the taste of the burger. Both burgers were not only huge, but served hot on a soft fresh bun. A shared basket of fries, an order of onion rings and a couple Birth beers completed our meal. A few other pluses – a Kids Menu, a Monday night Classic Car gathering, handicapped accessibility and a couple video games to keep the kids occupied. So on the next hot summer night when you’re craving and burger but don’t want to fire up the grill yourself, plan to stop at Village Burger, 920 Old Liverpool Road, Liverpool. 565-5324 Hours: 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday – Saturday.

And the number one reason to go is...

There are a lot of reasons I would recommend Village Burger – here are my Top 10: 10. Quick, friendly service 9. Calvin and Hobbes comics on table tops 8. Birch beer – if you like root beer, you’ll like this choice 7. Convenient location – less than ½ mile from Onondaga Lake Park 6. Great pickles 5. Beef (and sausage) ground on premises 4. Ample portions (whoever heard of a burger place where you need a doggie bag?) 3. Giant crunchy onion rings 2. Hand cut spiced french fries – served hot 1. The burgers!

of life

For Liverpool senior, hearing loss is not an obstacle

Gloria Applebaum, 83, walks two miles a day. Gloria Applebaum didn’t plan anything special for May 25, National Senior Health and Fitness Day. For her, every day is a health and fitness day. Applebaum, 83, walks two miles a day. In nice weather, she goes to Onondaga Lake Park, near her home in Liverpool. When it’s not so nice out, she walks at Carousel Mall. She has traveled to Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean and the South Pacific. Last summer she visited Egypt. Closer to home, she maintains an active social life and goes on local trips with her friends. But for Applebaum, fitness involves more than physical activity. A self-reliant nature and a positive approach to life give her an evident vitality. “I live by myself and I’m strong on independence,” she said. Applebaum, who lost her hearing 23 years ago, said it would have been very easy to become disconnected from life afterwards because she was the only one of her friends to become hard of hearing. Instead of withdrawing, however, she became proactive. “I tell them what I need.

I ask them to look at me when they talk,” she said. “I don’t deny that I don’t hear well; I’m up front with people. If I kept smiling and nodding and pretending I could hear, I wouldn’t get anywhere,” she explained. For the past 20 years she has attended hard of hearing support group meetings at Aurora of CNY, Inc., a nonprofit that serves Central New York residents who have hearing and vision loss. “Every time I go, I learn something new,” she said. It takes courage to remain active after hearing loss, she noted, and she encourages people in similar situations to avoid giving up. “You will be afraid, but you have to take the initiative and be responsible for yourself. You have more to gain than to lose. If people want to be with you and you keep saying no, they will stop asking,” she said. “Being active fuels your interest, keeps you young, keeps you well. There’s so much out there, I want to do everything until I can’t do any more,” she added. For more information about Aurora of CNY, visit

SUBSIDIZED HOUSING. . . ally touch it and find out that it feels like wire,” Vaughn said. “It’s a way for people to touch, feel and see things they normally couldn’t.” She said volunteers can also fill other roles such as working on the gardens of the zoo, or can volunteer more temporarily for special events such as the Brew at the Zoo and the Zoo Boo, a Halloween favorite. “Certain events, like the Zoo Boo, can take over 100 people doing things such as telling scary stories in our cemetery area to dressing up and dancing in our ‘Zombie


McCarthy Manor Apartments

from page 2

Ball,’ which we did with a group of kids from Fowler [High School]. There are alos a lot of internal programs we run, like zoo camps that are great for kids.” Vaughn said volunteers can be as young as 10, and the zoo has volunteers into their 80s. “All ages are welcome to volunteer,” she said. “And every one of our volunteers is important.” For more information on how to become a volunteer at the zoo, visit


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Prime 2011




Prime community

Training the Brain

Self as subject

Mental stimulation, social interaction key to cognitive wellness

For more than two months, participants in PACE CNY, Loretto’s Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly in cooperation with St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center, developed their artistic skills by painting self portraits under the instruction of Dezi Strodel, PACE CNY art therapist, of Skaneateles. Strodel guided participants through the process of first sketching, then transferring their sketches to canvas and finally adding paint. To celebrate the success of their portraits, participants enjoyed a visit to Skaneateles Bakery, where their artwork was displayed for the community to view during national Older Americans Month in May. The participants also enjoyed lunch and a walk nearby the lake. Pictured is Carrie Butler, of Syracuse, with her self-portrait.

By Taylor Moss Spectrum Retirement Communities Many people are concerned about developing dementia as they age and want to know what they can do to prevent it. While there are not yet any specific medical treatments available, there are many lifestyle factors known to significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia. Three such factors are a healthy diet, physical exercise, and mentally stimulating activity. Many chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers show lower frequency among people who eat a diet of vegetables, fruit, nuts, and lean meats and seafood. Dementia is also less common among people who eat a healthy, balanced diet. Physical exercise is associated with improving health in a very broad way, benefiting everything from diabetes and heart disease to simply making one feel more energized. Numerous studies also demonstrate a strong link between physical exercise and cognitive health. One study found regular exercise correlated with a 30 percent reduced risk of developing dementia. Another study found benefits from as little as 90 minutes of leisurely walking per week. So you don’t have to be a marathon runner to enjoy the mental benefits of exercise. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, thereby providing more energy and nutrients to the brain’s cells. Exercise also releases many chemicals that promote See Spectrum on page 7

Pictured on a recent excursion to Skaneateles during national Older Americans Month in May from back left is Rob Borboni, PACE CNY driver, of Syracuse, PACE CNY participants Carrie Butler, Marian Cortez and Diana Hall, all of Syracuse, Dezi Strodel, PACE CNY art therapist, of Skaneateles, and Kerry Traver, aide, of Syracuse; pictured from front left is Nicole Agerter, PACE CNY therapeutic recreation specialist, of Canastota, PACE CNY participants Anna May Defelice and Marjorie Wooten, both of Syracuse, and Harriette Koberline, PACE CNY participant, of Fayetteville.

AARP Chapter 243 to host annual picnic AARP’s annual picnic will be held from noon to 4 p.m. on July 26 at Willow Bay in Onondaga Lake Park (Long Branch Road) and will be catered by Koffee King (Joe Bolognone). The menu for the day is: Hamburgers, Hoffman hot dogs, Giannelli sausages, peppers and onions, baked beans, macaroni salad, chef salad, watermelon, pineapple supreme cake, soda and coffee.

Sacred Heart Apartments

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Applications for rent subsidized apartments for senior citizens age 62 and over and mobility impaired disabled persons regardless of age. For more informations and an application, please contact 12705

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Tickets cost $12. You must buy your ticket by July 19. Make your check out to AARP Chapter 243. Send your check to the AARP Office at 6726 Townline Road, Syracuse, NY 13211; ATTN: Mary Klekosky. Come out and have a fun time playing games and winning prizes! Take-out is possible only if pre-arranged. Call our office 454-0104 if you have questions.

Sacred Heart Apartments 699-1509

Monday - Friday, 8am to 4 pm

Prime 2011

Equal Housing Opportunity


Prime advertiser news



from page 6

take up crossword puzzles. There is no reason to stop doing activities you enjoy, but there is much to be gained from trying new activities — and there are nearly limitless options available. Spectrum has designed its retirement communities and innovative activities programs to promote all three areas of wellness. Chefs prepare a variety of nutritious and delicious meals each day. Wellness centers feature an assortment of exercise equipment, fitness programs, and classes that meet the fitness goals of any resident. And Spectrum offers group activities designed to stimulate the mind, such as the Brain Fitness program, which includes a twice weekly helping of brain teasers, word games, fun facts, and friends. The new and unique Conductorcise and Arabesque fitness programs effectively combine classical music education and ballet history with aerobic exercise into a win-win situation for the brain and body. Stimulating lecture series and other innovative events keep residents active on many levels throughout each and every day. This type of continuous social interaction is one of the best things people can do to reduce the risk of dementia...not to mention it’s a whole lot of fun! For more information about Spectrum’s dynamic wellness programs, visit us online at

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Over 500 short-term rehab residents successfully returned home last year

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growth of new nerve cells and new connections between nerve cells. Finally, mental exercise is something that more people are becoming acquainted with through the recent popularity of “brain games.” Many studies show how important mental stimulation is to preventing dementia. Mental stimulation comes in many forms. Activities such as reading, playing music, or doing crossword puzzles can be very beneficial, as can more social activities such as playing cards, volunteering, or simply interacting with friends. Nearly any activity that requires active mental engagement is thought to be beneficial. While consumer brain training video games have not been studied enough to show any correlation, it would seem logical that they have similar effects to activities such as crossword puzzles. Keep it fresh Not all mental exercise is created equal, however. Any mental activity will show diminishing returns after years of repetition. A person who has done the Sunday New York Times crossword every week for 30 years, for example, will get much less mental exercise from it than somebody who has never done a crossword puzzle before. This leads many experts to recommend a variety of mental activities to maintain their benefit. A music lover who is proficient at playing the piano could learn another instrument; or an avid bridge player could

Prime health

Clare Bridge at Manlius provides alzheimer’s and dementia care

“Sitting is the New Smoking” by Ellen Somers, MA, LMHC Coordinator of Cognitive Health Services “Sitting is the new smoking” states Marc T. Hamilton, a physiologist at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, LA (see the March 11, 2011 AARP Bulletin at ). While much of the research on health has focused a spotlight on the need for regular exercise, there is a growing body of research that is looking at how much time people spend sitting during the day (e.g. at a desk, in a car, watching television) and how this impacts their health. And their findings are surprising some people who thought they were fairly healthy because they exercised each day. These so-called “active couch potatoes” (individuals who exercise regularly but also sit for long periods of time) may be equally at risk for life-threatening disease as persons who do not exercise regularly. Sitting appears to nullify any potential benefit of exercise, increasing our risk of cardiovascular disease & diabetes. And these results have implications for our cognitive health as well since cardiovascular disease and diabetes are also associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Even people who already are experiencing some symptoms of cognitive impairment appear to benefit from increased exercise. A study that compared people with mild cognitive im-


pairment who followed an intense program of aerobic exercise with a group that engaged only in non-aerobic stretching, found that the aerobic exercisers showed significant gains in certain cognitive functions after six months, while those that only stretched showed decline in certain areas of cognitive function (see Archives of Neurology January 11, 2010). So if you want to take charge and do as much as you can to prevent cognitive decline as you age, make it a habit to get up and move periodically throughout your day! A good way to start is to simply make small changes to your routine, such as standing up from your desk every 30 minutes or so or whenever the phone rings, using the stairs, and doing minor chores. Looking for a more structured way to improve your activity level and incorporate other brain health strategies? Contact St. Camillus at 703-0676 to get more information about the Memory Academy program which combines physical and mental fitness exercises.

813 Fay Road • Syracuse, NY


Clare Bridge Manlius is an Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care community where residents enjoy “Daily Moments of Success.” Together with its sister Brookdale Senior Living communities – Wynwood Manlius for Assistive Living; and The Villas Summerfield for Independent Living – residents have access to a continuum of care to meet their evolving care needs. Clare Bridge residents receive the physical, social and emotional nurturing that can make a positive difference in the quality of their lives. Clare Bridge combines a beautiful, homelike residence with a gentle daily program seven days a week. This structured lifestyle helps residents maintain their abilities and encourages the use of their remaining skills. Clare Bridge also offers attractive and peaceful surroundings designed to recreate environments people have enjoyed throughout their lives. Recognizing the need to wander as characteristic of individuals with dementia, Clare Bridge is outfitted with interior walking paths and outdoor garden areas that encourage residents to explore without fear of becoming disoriented or lost. Just as important as the physical design and layout of our community is our extensive line of services and programs. These activities are incorporated into the Clare Bridge Daily Path, an individualized, person-centered initiative designed to meet the specific needs of each resident. Programs include: Morning Mental Workout — Daily late

Prime 2011

morning mental exercises including discussions, brain stimulating games, and reminiscing. Daily Physical Activity — A variety of exercise opportunities including group exercises, walking programs, and dancing. Daily Life Skills—Individual or group activities throughout the day which provide sense of purpose, meaning, and belonging as the residents complete tasks related to everyday life. Person Centered Life Enrichment Programming — Activities designed using the resident’s own social history information as a foundation. By honoring past interests and involvements, programs tap into remaining skills and support successful experiences. As a Brookdale Senior Living community, Clare Bridge draws upon the resources of the nation’s largest owner and operator of senior living communities. Brookdale is committed to providing an exceptional living experience through properties that are designed, purpose-built and operated to provide the highest-quality service, care and living accommodations for residents. Currently, the company owns and operates independent living, assistive living, dementia care and continuing care retirement communities serving approximately 52,000 residents. For more information, call 637-2000 or visit Daily Moments of Success is a Service Mark of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, Tenn..


Prime health

CareConnect bridges gap between caregiver, resident in Liverpool. “Care Connect� is a training program which combines classes and situational learning. Janet Haynes, director of clinical services at Hearth Management, was an integral part in bringing the program to life in 2005. “Our main goal is to learn about our residents and their specific needs,� Haynes explained. “Care Connect takes it back to the basics of the disease - what is Alzheimer’s and dementia, and how it affects everyday

Piano and Organ Center offers ‘You Can Play’ program In the business of music making and wellness, we excel. If you enjoy doodling, singing in the shower or at church, humming or beating to the music, this senior-oriented music course is for you. Thousands have graduated from our program and have gone on to the joy of making music. You deserve to try the “You Can Play� program for yourself. Call the Piano and Organ Center for details on a free trial, even if you can’t play a note. We wish we had a dollar for everyone who told us they have a tin ear, were all thumbs, didn’t have time, enough money, etc. The truth is, no one has ever told us they don’t like music, just that they thought it was too hard for them, but everyone can play music and sound good. Our students learn a new song every week with other beginners just like them. It’s a great way to meet new friends. They enjoy free concerts and workshops and receive a discount on their music purchases. Call 622-3926 and give it a try. Let the teachers walk you through the program. Be the conductor of your own virtual orchestra. You will thank yourself!

life in areas such as safety, dining, nutrition, nursing and family dynamics. “We also have the added benefit of sensory training, where we would simulate arthritis or the loss of hearing and sight with our employees, in what we call a dementia virtual tour.� Haynes said the program concentrates on educating employees and on problem solving, working as a team and treating each resident individually. “There are common signs of disease -

like short-term memory loss - but there are many ways to react to a situation due to long-term memory loss,� Haynes said. Care Connect is designed to help caregivers find new and creative solutions to problems. Employees learn to simplify things and how to interpret residents’ needs better. Haynes offered several examples to help illustrate the program in action. “We had a resident in his late 80s who See CareConnect on page 11


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It is often frightening for someone who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, when others don’t understand them. Not only is it important to have caregivers who sympathize, but who are also trained to provide the highest quality of care and concern. This is something that Hearth Management, Inc., who offer senior living, assisted living and memory care services, stresses at their communities located at the Hearth at Greenpoint and Keepsake Village on Old Liverpool Road

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You are not alone.

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Tips for

Caregivers Emeritus Senior Living Resources

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or memory loss is never easy. We are committed to offering you and your loved one additional help, resources, tools and support.

Our Family is Committed to Yours. We understand that each family’s experience in caring for someone with memory loss or Alzheimer’s is unique. Our goal is to foster a relationship where we get to know your loved one and your family, allowing us to provide support and solutions for each individual situation.

Tips for caregivers offered by Emeritus Senior Living Resources Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or memory loss is never easy. Emeritus at West Side Manor is committed to offering you and your loved one additional help, resources, tools and support.

The Emeritus family is committed to yours.

Emeritus understands that each family’s experience in caring for someone with memory loss or Alzheimer’s is unique. Their goal is to foster a relationship where they get to know your loved one and your family, allowing them to provide support and solutions for each individual situation.

Emeritus at West Side Manor 451-3221 4055 Long Branch Road Liverpool, NY 13090

Do you need help?

Complete our online assessment tool to learn where you may be in need of additional help, resources or tools when caring for your loved one. Visit to complete an evaluation checklist. Call 451-3221 to learn more about Emeritus’ memory care program.

Do you need help? Complete our online assessment tool to learn where you may be in need of additional help. We offer an online assessment tool that is designed to help you identify areas where you may need additional help, resources or tools when caring for your loved one. Visit to complete our evaluation checklist.

Call your Emeritus team today

Call today to learn more about our memory care program!



Blvd., Syracuse, NY 13219 468-5108 Traci Blaser, Community Relations Director

Organized home care began more than a century ago and its essence has remained constant — it improves the quality of life by enabling individuals to live with dignity and independence within the comfort and security of their own homes during times of illness, disability and recuperation. There are more than 7 million Ameri-


Village Apartments 380 Salt Springs Rd., Fayetteville

SUBSIDIZED HOUSING 1 Bedroom Apartments within a 50 Unit Complex

West Side Manor

A person or one member of a couple MUST be at least 62 years of age or physically handicapped with impaired mobility.

4055 Long Branch Rd., Liverpool, NY 13088 451-3221 Amberly McCarthy, Community Relations Director

For more information and an application, call


cans ranging in age from newborns to the elderly that receive home care for both acute and long-term needs. By 2040, the number of Americans over the age of 80 will triple to 26.2 million. Thus, caring for sick Americans at home will continue to assume a significant place in our health care delivery system. Professionals delivering home care range from nurses, physical and occupational therapists, home health aides, dieticians, medical social workers to speech pathologists. For patients requiring home making and personal care services, home health and personal care aides are also available. Together, these professionals are able to deliver cost effective services by reducing hospital stays and preventing or delaying institutionalized care. The cost for delivering home care is paid for by a variety of private and public sources, including Medicare and Medicaid. To learn more about home care, please contact the Visiting Nurse Association of Central New York, Inc. at 476-3101.

Nursing Solutions Services -- Home Health Care --

Nursing Solutions Services Nursing Solutions Services -- Home Health Care --

East Side Manor


Beth O’Connor -- HomeNurse/CPR Health Care -Instructor Beth O’Connor

Nurse/CPR Instructor

Beth O’Connor

(315) 256-3210 (315) 256-3210 Nurse/CPR Instructor Madison/Onondaga/Oneida/Cortland Counties Madison/Onondaga/Oneida/Cortland Counties 12702

7164 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville, NY 13066 637-5127 Jennifer Musuta, Community Relations Coordinator


4055 Long Branch Rd. 4330NYOnondaga Liverpool, 13090

Contributed by Kimberly A. Graf


Emeritus at West Side Manor Bellevue

Home care: Essential to health care

10 julyPrime 2011 (315) 256-3210

Eaglenewspapers (315) 256-3210 elizabetha.oconnor@

Prime advertiser news

Estate planning includes the monument purchase Glenn and Jeanne Candee are owners of Sweet-Woods Memorial Company, located in Phoenix, Camillus, and in Brewerton. Sweet-Woods Memorial Company has been serving families throughout Central New York and surrounding areas with their memorial needs since 1932. Their philosophy is simple: they provide you with the best quality granite, workmanship, and service possible, through the selection and personal design of a fitting memorial. They understand that this can be a positive part of the grieving process, to offer families an everlasting and personal tribute to their loved ones. Since the beginning of human history, men have always built monuments for one basic reason… they want to

remind present and future generations of the accomplishments of generations past. The very word monument means “to remind” or “to remember.” This “need to remember” is universal. Monuments are built because someone lived, and not because someone died. Their purpose is to encourage respect, hope, and inspiration. Monument designs are very personal and there is no single design than can be declared appropriate for every memorial. When purchasing a monument, keep in mind that this will last forever. The monument you create may serve as a source of genealogical reference for future generations. As such, it should be made without hurry, using great care and consideration. Pre-planning for your memorial is

assuming a more important role in our lives. Why pre-plan for your monument? There are several reasons: You and your spouse can be the decision-makers on what type, style, size, and color of granite you prefer. Lower cost today as compared with future prices; select what you are financially comfortable with, rather than financially burdening your family after you are gone. Protects your family from high-pressure sales tactics that can occur at a time when they are under emotional stress, and relieves their emotional burden. Peace of mind. In addition to personal memorials, the companies design many civic and community projects. Some of the


See Sweet-Woods on page 12

from page 9

seemed to have a fear of water and would not step in the shower. Once we realized he was once a coal miner, and therefore was afraid of enclosed spaces, we were able to solve the problem by simply handing him a flashlight. Other facilities might chemically medicate the patients, but for us that is a last resort.”


more notable features are: Fowler High School’s memorial homage to the Columbia Space Shuttle; the statue of St. Joseph located at St. Joseph’s hospital entrance; the Korea-Vietnam memorial in downtown Syracuse; the Onondaga County Sheriff and Fire Department memorial at the Public Safety building in downtown Syracuse; the Taras H. Shevchenko memorial on Tipperary Hill; and the Kenneth Brand memorial at Moyers Corners Fire Station 1. Most of the carving on monuments is done in their shop, where you will find state-of-the-art equipment for design and sandblasting. Their professional staff provides the installation. Each of these employees has been with the company in excess of 25 years.

Another patient enjoyed crocheting, and taught a class for other residents. “By doing this, she was empowered and helped her feel that she was still productive. Just because a resident might have cognitive impairment, we need to recognize that they have much to offer and can apply what we’ve learned from Care Connect to benefit our


patients.” Haynes likens it to a puzzle. “We’ve learned to understand that Alzheimer’s and dementia don’t affect just one small part of life for our residents, but that it encompasses everything. The world can be overwhelming, but to a person with Alzheimer’s, the world is like a 50,000-piece

puzzle. Our goal is to help them interpret that puzzle in the best way possible.” In addition to the three communities locally, Hearth Management company has eight facilities in New York, Connecticut and Indiana. For more information on Care Connect or Keepsake Village, call 451-4567 or visit their website at the


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Prime 2011




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Prime advertiser news

Audibel Hearing Aids offers many options for better hearing By Jennifer Wing

Audibel Hearing Aids gives the hard of hearing of Central New York a chance to hear the world again. The owner, Josh Miller, has been in the hearing aid business in Central New York for seven years and has three offices located in North Syracuse, Oneida, and Pulaski. The main office in North Syracuse accepts walk-ins as well as appointments in order to accommodate more people, said Miller. The company currently treats over 8,500 patients in Central New York, he said. “Most people wait five to ten years before they come in to see us,” said Miller. “The sooner you come see us, the better for your hearing.” Audibel is celebrating 50-plus years of Anthem Hearing Aids, designed to perform in the most challenging listening situations and every lifestyle. Anthem Intelliflex Technology hearing aids solves the most common complaint from hearing instrument wearers: the annoying whistling referred to as feedback. Anthem’s Whistlefree Feedback Cancellation is proven to be the best feedback management system in the industry. It virtually eliminates buzzing

and whistling. Do you have trouble in noisier surroundings hearing the voices around you? Anthem’s Superior Speech Locator filters out unwanted background noise to significantly improve your understanding of speech anywhere. Additionally, with Anthem’s ClassiFi EA (environmental adapatation), which recognizes and adapts smoothly to optimize different sound environments such as wind, speech, speech in noise, machine noise and other difficult hearing situations, this breakthrough technology will allow you to hear better than ever before. Anthem also provides an industry first: breakthrough technology that allows you to use your cell or touch-tone phone to adjust your Anthem without using additional hardware. Also offered by Anthem is the Platinum Plus Range Hearing Aid, which wirelessly connects to TVs or stereo systems, according to Miller. “The hearing aids can also communicate wirelessly with each other,” he said. Another product offered at Audibel Hearing is the AMP, “which is the least expensive hearing aid on the market,” Miller said. “We keep the AMP in stock

and can fit clients in two hours or less, guaranteed.” Another innovative feature Audibel offers is their free video autoscopic test. As they examine your ears, you can see, on the flat screen television, what your hearing specialist is seeing simultaneously. It is a great diagnostic tool, and helps the specialist and patient communicate more easily. Audibel can also create custom ear molds for musicians, hunters and i-pod listeners to protect their hearing. The program that Audibel Hearing Aids is most proud of is the “So The World May Hear Foundation.” This foundation sends hearing aids to children with hearing loss in the U.S. and

Medical alert system allows seniors to stay at home longer By Kelly Quinn Imagine falling in your home, not being able to get up, and not knowing when someone will find you. Falls happen to one out of three adults age 65 and older each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. In fact, falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among that same age group. It’s an alarming issue and one that needs to be addressed. Donna Handzel of Liverpool has a history of working with the elderly. She knows people often wait until after their first fall before considering a personal response system. So when her mother, Marion Marcy, moved in three years ago, she signed up for Lifeline Medical Alert System. “My mom is cognitively intact but has some health problems,” Donna said. “I worry about two things - the potential for falls and some kind of medical event that would require pushing Lifeline. Since I work full time, if one of those things should happen, she may not be able to get to a phone.” It’s a good thing Donna thought ahead. Her mother has pushed “the button” about five times over the past three years. “In each one of those cases,





around the world, said Miller. Many sports groups and even the television show, “Extreme Home Makeover,” has been able to utilize the services of the foundation. “Recently children at a school for the deaf featured on the show were all flown to the Minnesota factory to be fitted with hearing aids,” Miller said. “This foundation helps children that might not have access to the technology.” Audibel Hearing Aids is located at 903 N. Main St., North Syracuse. They are open from Monday to Friday and have appointments from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you would like to make an appointment or want more information, call 452-1600 or visit

The sales staff at each location has had several years in the monument industry. Their gentle guidance and recommendations assist families when planning for a memorial at time of need. As a testimonial to their commitment of providing quality in memorialization, you will find their memorials in just about every cemetery in Syracuse and

Prime 2011

she didn’t need a 911 call but she had fallen and couldn’t get up,” Donna said. The most recent occurred just a few days ago. Lifeline couldn’t reach Donna so they called her husband. He was on his way to help his mother-in-law in minutes. “Without Lifeline, the bottom line is, she would have lain on the floor for hours and I wouldn’t have known about it,” said Donna. Lifeline is a 24/7 medical alert system that helps to support a senior’s determination to stay at home. Offered locally by Franciscan Companies, it eliminates the physical and psychological suffering of not knowing when someone will come by to assist. “Fear of falling is nearly as detrimental as an actual fall,” said Beverly Lawton, the Executive Director of Franciscan Lifeline. “With a fear of falling, the older adult limits their activity, becomes weaker and increases their risk to fall. The fear becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.” “I always tell people Lifeline is like an insurance policy. If you don’t use it, that’s fine. That’s great. But if you need it, it’s worth every penny and more – if you need it,” Donna said. Call Franciscan Companies at 4928175 for more information.

from page 11

surrounding counties. Glenn and Jeanne Candee invite you to stop in at one of their three locations. The locations are open Monday through Saturdays, and home appointments and after-hour appointments are welcome. Call 695-3376, 468-0616 or 676-2333 for more information.


Prime advice

Does the gift tax apply? Joe, a widower, came into the office of an attorney he had been referred to. He wanted to avoid paying estate taxes or losing his assets to a nursing home, so he asked the attorney if he should start gifting his assets away to his children. The attorney explained to Joe that there are pros and cons of giving assets away. Upon review of Joe’s financial situation, the attorney assured him the estate tax did not apply to him, because he did not have sufficient assets to be subject to it. In addition, giving assets away now posed several concerns Joe might not be aware of. The attorney explained to Joe that giving gifts to his children will forever put those assets out of his reach and fully under the control of his children. While his children may be trustworthy, outside events could occur to put those assets at risk. For example, if his child got divorced, sued, or died, the assets could end up in the hands of someone other than Joe. In addition, if his child had to file bankruptcy, Joe’s assets would have to be used to satisfy his child’s creditors.


Also, a gift to children, or others, could make Joe ineligible for Medicaid benefits for up to five years or more! The attorney continued explaining that perhaps an even bigger consideration would be that making gifts today means that Joe’s children would receive the asset from Joe at his tax basis, which often leads to unnecessary income taxes to the children, when they dispose of the asset, See Tax on page 16

David J. Zumpano, a Central New York native, started the Law Offices of David J. Zumpano, remaining “of counsel” to his former firm. Since, his firm has grown and is now known as the Estate Planning Law Center, David J. Zumpano CPA, Esq. He has also been featured on many local, regional and national newspaper, TV and radio programs including National Public Radio. He is founder of the Medicaid Practice Network and Medicaid Practice Systems, LLC (MPS) and is also the creator of a Law Practice System for attorneys to provide comprehensive estate, Medicaid and asset protection planning to clients, which has been implemented by over 500 law firms nation wide. He also serves as a Business coach to hundreds of attorneys across the country. He has published “Irrevocable Pure Grantor Trusts: The Estate Planning Landscape Has Changed.” (Syracuse Law Review Vol. 1 Fall 2010) and “What Hard Work Giveth, the Nursing Home Taketh Away: Asset Preservation Under Medicaid” (the Digest, 1994-95) and is also a contributing author to “Giving: Philanthropy for Everyone,” published October 2002. Estate Planning Law Center offices are located in Syracuse, New Hartford and Miami, Fla. Contact Mary Brewer at 446-3850 to register for a free educational estate planning workshop or schedule a complimentary consultation. Visit

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Prime 2011


By David J. Zumpano

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Madison County Office for the Aging Inc. OFA Business Sponsors

Master’s degree recipients

‘Support the businesses that support you’ These companies and organizations understand that a business Platinum Sponsors ($1,000 and up) David R. & Ellen T. Bacon Gold Sponsors ($500 – $999) Assemblyman William & Jeanette Magee Maple Avenue Farms-Earlville CDPHP-Albany Oneida Savings Bank – Oneida Dutcher’s Inc.-Morrisville United Church of DeRuyter-DeRuyter Kinderhook Development-Canastota Crystal Sponsors ($250 - $499) Bolivar Landing-Chittenango Orthopaedic Surgery/Sports Medicine-Hamilton Den Kelly Chevrolet, Buick, GMC-Hamilton Quality Perspectives-Hubbardsville GHD, Inc - Cazenovia Ralph’s Collision-Oneida Morrisville Housing Group-Morrisville Support Services Alliance-Oneida Night Hawk Transport-Canastota Silver Sponsors ($100 - $249) Alliance Bank-Oneida Law Office of Marian Cerio-Canastota American Legion-C Miller Post-Canastota Leisure Time Club, Sullivan Seniors-Chittenango Bailey & Haskell Associates-Oneida Lincklaen House-Cazenovia Balenske & Son-Cazenovia LK Remodeling-Verona Bridgeport VFW Post 8440-Bridgeport MacKinnon Liquors-Cazenovia Bushnell Landscaping-Bridgeport Mid-York Chimney Sweep-Eaton Campbell Dean Funeral Home-Oneida/Canastota Mitchell, Goris & Stokes-Cazenovia Canastota Rotary Club-Canastota Morrisville Lions Club-Morrisville Cazenovia Equipment Company-Cazenovia NBT Bank-Earlville CCI Companies-Canastota Nice & Easy-Canastota Chittenango Housing Group- Chittenango Dental-Chittenango Oneida Audiology Hearing & Balance-Oneida City of Oneida Housing Authority-Oneida Chittenango Lions Club-Chittenango Oneida Housing Authority- Oneida Chittenango Physical Therapy-Chittenango Oneida-Sherrill Lions Club-Oneida/Sherrill Chittenango Rotary Club-Chittenango Paul Funeral Home-Madison Chittenango Self Storage-Chittenango Paul Oil Company-Hamilton CORE Federal Credit Union-Morrisville Pilgrims Progress-Eaton Crouse Construction-Chittenango Queensboro Farm Products-Canastota Direct Factory Furniture-Canastota



is only as strong as the community it serves. Thanks for the support! Remlap Construction-New Woodstock Dougherty Pharmacy-Morrisville Response Link of CNY-Syracuse Elderhaven Adult Daycare-Canastota Robbie C’s Car Clinic-Canastota Graham Cemetery Association-Hubbardsville Rusty Rail-Canastota Gustafson & Company-Canastota Seniors Helping Seniors-Oneida Hamilton Vision Specialists-Hamilton Sons of the American Legion-Canastota JDS Custom Builders-Oneida Whitelaw Friendship Club-Whitelaw Jewett’s Cheese House-Earlville Wilber Duck Chevrolet-Oneida Bronze Sponsors ($1 - $99) A-1 Tile & Marble-Earlville Loop Electric-Hamilton AARP Oneida Chapter 3328 M. Burton Marshall, Tax Man-Hamilton Alexander’s Ragtime-Oneida M&M Press-Hamilton American Legion Post 1492-Brookfield Madison Mutual Insurance Company-Chittenango Americu Credit Union-Oneida Madison Granite Works-Madison A&P Water Testing-Morrisville Mail Drop and More-Oneida Bridgeport Lions Club-Bridgeport M.E.I.D. Construction-Oneida Bettinger’s Best Choice Realty-Chittenango Olde Oak Golf Club-Kirkville Cadwell Restaurant-Jreck Subs-Canastota Palmers Archery-Bouckville CarriageHouse Village Apts-Cazenovia Physical Therapy Plus-Canastota Catania Chiropractic-Morrisville Planet Fitness-Oneida Cathco, Inc-Canastota Pindle Electric & Heating-Bridgeport Christian Women’s Fellowship-Hamilton Romagnoli’s Christmas Tree Farm-Canastota Cinderella’s Café-Sylvan Beach Sanctuary Massage & Skincare-Oneida Cross Connection-Canastota Syracuse Crunch Hockey Club-Syracuse Curtis Lumber Company-Hamilton Sun Chevrolet, Inc.-Chittenango Deland’s Garage-Bouckville Taylor’s Tack and Field-Hubbardsville DeRuyter Gold and Silver Club-DeRuyter The Country Bumpkin B&B-Cazenovia Full Circle Construction-Hamilton The Sisters of Charity-Hamilton Jim Nichols Contracting-Canastota Vision’s Edge - Hamilton Hamilton Theater-Hamilton Women of St John’s Episcopal Church-Oneida Iaconis Law Office-Chittenango

Seven out of the 18 Marist College Oneida Co-hort members gathered to celebrate their achievement of receiving a master.s degree in public administration. Joining the celebration from left to right were: Tiffany Canning, Department of Social Services Case worker; Tammy Hayes, Department of Social Services Senior Examiner; Paul Hartnett, Public Safety Communications Center Director; Ann Jones Board of Elections Senior Election Clerk; Theresa Davis, Office for the Aging Executive Director; Dawn LaGreca Department of Social Services Case Worker and Denise Roe, Deputy County Clerk. Other local Graduates missing from the picture are Rebecca Marsala, Treasurer’s Department Accountant; Shawn Prievo, Public Health Department Assistant Director of Administrative Services and Maureen Campanie, Bridges Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse

July SNACK Menu Fri, July 1 – Baked fish on a bun, boiled potatoes, orange glazed carrots, fruit cocktail Mon, July 4 – SNACK & OFA Closed – Fourth of July Tues, July 5 – Roast turkey & gravy, red potatoes, mixed vegetables, sliced peaches Wed, July 6 – BBQ pork on bun, macaroni salad, broccoli, tropical fruit mix Thurs, July 7 – Spaghetti & meat sauce, Italian green beans, tossed salad, vanilla pudding Fri, July 8 – Chicken breast in orange sauce, boiled potatoes, spinach, chocolate chip cookie Mon, July 11 – Rosemary pork loin, sweet potato, Harvard beets, pineapple tidbits

Tues, July 12 – Curried chicken & broccoli, biscuit, peas & carrots, Mandarin oranges Wed, July 13 – Meatloaf w/ketchup, scalloped potato, summer squash, oatmeal cookie Thurs, July 14 – Tuna noodle casserole, fiesta blend vegetables, tossed salad, chocolate cake Fri, July 15 – Beef burgundy, egg noodles, carrots, sliced peaches Mon, July 18 – Chicken spiedie hoagie, onion & peppers, mixed vegetables, applesauce Tues, July 19 – Turkey ala king, mashed potato, broccoli, tapioca pudding Wed, July 20 – Macaroni & cheese, stewed tomatoes, tossed salad, fruit cocktail Thurs, July 21 – Sloppy Joe on

bun, Brussel sprouts, potato salad, pumpkin pie Fri, July 22 – Baked chicken thigh, rice pilaf, blended vegetables, Mandarin oranges Mon, July 25 – Baked ham w/ pineapple, boiled rosemary potato, French cut green beans, sliced pears Tues, July 26 – Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, lima beans, sliced peaches Wed, July 27 – Marinated chicken breast, sweet potato, peas & onions, peanut butter cookie Thurs, July 28 – Spanish rice, broccoli, dinner roll, pineapple tidbits Fri, July 29 – Tuna salad sandwich, macaroni salad, 3-bean salad, chocolate pudding

Office for the Aging Senior Nutrition (SNACK) Sites Brookfield – Open Tuesday & Thursday 1st & 7th Day Baptist Church, Elm & Beaver Creek Rd Activities: Tuesdays & Thursdays – 12:30 pm Cards Canastota – Open Monday thru Friday Stoneleigh Apts, 400 Lamb Ave; Activities: Wednesday – 9 to 11 a.m. –Blood Pressure Clinic Cazenovia – Open Monday and Thursday Cazenovia Village Apts, 24 Nelson St Chittenango – Open Monday, Tuesday & Friday, American Legion, 70 Legion Drive; Activities: Fridays – 1 p.m. - Cards Earlville – Open Wednesday & Friday American Legion -113 N Main St.; Activities: Wednesdays & Fridays – Bingo at 12:30 p.m., Cards at 1 p.m. Georgetown – Open Friday; Georgetown Town Hall,


995 Route 26 Hamilton – Open Tuesday thru Friday Madison Lane Apts, Bldg 5 Activities: Alternate Wednesday - Sing Along; Fridays – Banana Bingo at 12:30 p.m. Morrisville – Open Monday and Wednesday St. Joan of Arc Church, Brookside Drive; Mondays and Wednesdays – Cards at 10:30 a.m.; Second Monday each month – Sing Along & Birthday Celebration Oneida – Open Monday thru Friday Towers II Community Room, 226 Farrier Ave Monthly health education topics are provided by a Registered Dietitian. For information and to sign up for a hot noontime meal at a SNACK site call 6975700 or visit

In memoriam Information and referral

The Office for the Aging provides information and referral services for individuals and agencies concerning issues affecting seniors. If you have questions, our staff will find answers. Please call the Office for the Aging at 315-697-5700 or visit us on the web at

Prime 2011

The Office for the Aging gratefully acknowledges contributions to honor the memory of beloved relatives and friends. Thank you. In Memory of Concetta “Jennie” Brophy

Given by: Mary Anne DiGeorge Bob Musacchio Imogene Downer In Memory of Marian Hoster Given by: Robert Napoli


Madison County OFA News

Keep cool this summer

From the Desk of the Executive Director

Legal services available The Office for the Aging provides legal counseling to Madison County senior citizens aged 60 and older under a service contract with the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. The Legal Aid Society is able to provide the following services: Legal advice, counseling and preparation of legal documents. The types of legal issues that are handled include: landlord/tenant matters; Social Security issues; Durable Power of Attorney; wills, and health care proxy. Services are decided based on need and income. Should you have a legal problem, call the OFA and we will gather the information needed and if your situation is appropriate we will make a referral to the Legal Aid Society.

Theresa Davis, OFA executive director

Caring for the caregiver

Being a caregiver s a stressful and demanding job. There is usually very little, if any, opportunity to prepare for a new caregiving situation. The well-being of the caregiver requires priority consideration. Thought must be given to the fate of the care recipient if the caregiver becomes unable to continue with caregiving responsibilities. Caregivers are susceptible to depression, illness, physical exhaustion and emotional exhaustion. Any of these conditions will easily interfere with a person’s ability to be an effective caregiver. The following are suggestions for maintaining caregiver well-being: 3 Become informed about the care recipient’s health issues and any expected changes in behavior. 3 Seek professional help whenever necessary. 3 Share the burden of caring and caregiving with family members and other interested persons. 3 Talk about your problems with a

trusted person. 3 Don’t be too shy, proud, or afraid to seek help with caregiving. 3 Become aware of the limits of your caregiving abilities. 3 Maintain social activities and important relationships. 3 Get away from the responsibilities from time to time. 3 Pace yourself. You may be responsible for caregiving for many years. 3 Work off anger with physical activity. 3 Plan ahead to avoid crises where possible. 3 Live one day at a time. 3 Recognize the worst-case scenario, but hope for the best. 3 Join a family support group. 3 Keep your sense of humor. This article is from the March 2011 issue of Today’s Caregiver Magazine; Subscriptions available by calling 1-800-8992734 or on-line at

NYS Budget Brings Changes to EPIC

The FY 2011-12 New York State Budget includes changes in the law that will affect seniors who are enrolled in both the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) program Deductible Plan and Medicare Part D. Beginning July 1, 2011, EPIC will expand Part D premium assistance to include more members. EPIC will begin paying monthly Medicare drug plan premiums (up to $38.69/ month) for all single deductible members with annual income up to $23,000 and for all married deductible members with annual income up to $29,000. If an EPIC member’s Part D premiums currently are being deducted from their Social Security check, the member will need to call their Part D plan as soon as possible to cancel these deductions if their income falls within these limits. Deductible members with income above the new limits must continue to pay their monthly Part D premiums. Additionally, the EPIC deductible credit (up to $464) that was applied annually to offset Medicare drug plan premiums will be eliminated and deductibles will be raised for all those in the deductible plan who have Part Eaglenewspapers

D. Members who met their EPIC deductible before July 1, 2011, will be required to meet an additional $464 before they can resume paying only EPIC co-payments. There are no changes to the EPIC copayments once the new EPIC deductible is reached and they will remain between $3.00 and $20.00 depending on the cost of the prescription. As always, prescription drugs must be covered first by a Part D plan. However, there is an exception. Primary coverage for the Medicare Part D excluded drugs, such as benzodiazepines and barbiturates, will remain the same through December 31, 2011. EPIC eligibility requirements also are unchanged. All EPIC members affected by these changes are being notified. If there are any questions, EPIC members and the general public should call the toll-free Helpline at 1-800-332-3742. Another change in the law, whereby the EPIC program will transition to a Medicare Part D coverage gap benefit only, will take effect on January 1, 2012. All EPIC members and partners will be notified of the details before they are implemented.


You can keep cool while saving money and energy this summer by adopting some of the following basic ideas… 3 Set your thermostat up a degree or two when home and a lot more when you are away. Each degree you offset your thermostat may reduce your air conditioner expense by 3 percent to 4 percent. If you don’t have one, consider adding a programmable thermostat to take care of the job for you. 3 Shut off lights when no one is in the room. Only 5 percent to 10 percent of electricity used in an incandescent light bulb is for light. The rest is wasted heat. Consider motion detectors which will automatically shut off lights when no one is in the room for 10 to 15 minutes. 3 Use ceiling fans to generate air movement, allowing you to set your thermostat a degree or two higher, while still feeling cool and comfortable. 3 If you have a standing pilot furnace, turning off the pilot will save 3 to 9 percent on your summer energy costs. 3 Cook with your microwave oven and outdoor grill as much as possible. Avoid adding heat to your house. 3 When you cook inside, use the kitchen range hood to exhaust the heat to the outside. 3 Run your bathroom fans during baths and showers to exhaust heat and moisture.

3 Attic temperatures can easily reach 130 degrees in the summer. Power vents and attic fans can dramatically lower attic temperatures. 3 Add extra installation. 3 Replace 1 inch furnace filters monthly. Other types of furnace filters should be inspected monthly and replaced as necessary. In the summer, your air conditioner gets a workout and the filters can dirtier faster. 3 Close blinds and draperies on the southern and western exposures of your home to reduce solar heat. 3 It’s not too late to get your air conditioner tuned up. Utility research shows that annual tune-ups pay for themselves in just a couple of summer months through utility savings. Plus, a tune-up can restore lost capacity (i.e., better cooling). 3 Wear loose fitting, light clothing to increase comfort at higher thermostat settings. Wash dishes and do the laundry in the early morning or at night when your air conditioner has excess capacity. 3 Turn off electronics (i.e., computers, printers, monitors, stereos, television sets) when not in use. They are heat generators. 3 Cut your cooling bills in half and increase your comfort with a new high efficiency air conditioner or heat pump.

In brief Family Fun Night set

Alert: Scam letter

Sponsored by Friendly’s Restaurant On Route 5 and 46 in Oneida, Family Fun NIght will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. July 13. Ten percent of your bill (food and ice cream) will be donated to OFA. You can dine in or take out; OFA Staff will be there to greet you. There will be door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. Stop in, enjoy a great meal & support services to help older residents of Madison County remain independent in their own homes.

Chase Bank has been notified that Madison County residents are receiving a letter from California that appears to be legal. The letter states that there is a “class action suit” against Chase Bank. To “opt” out the customer needs to supply: name, address, telephone number, and Chase Bank account numbers. This is a fraudulent letter – Chase bank is not a part of a class action suit. If anyone you know, senior or otherwise receives this letter they should not supply any information (they seem to be going to Chase customers) tell them to take the letter to the local branch and have the branch verify if the letter they received is fraudulent or not.

Home Dialer Program offered An Emergency Phone Dialer lets you call for help, even if you cannot reach your phone. The system includes a console and a call pendant. You choose four phone numbers to be installed into the console. When the pendant is activated, it will begin dialing, reaching a family member, friend or neighbor who will hear your pre-recorded message and know how to respond. There is no fee to have an emergency phone dialer installed and no monthly charges. There is a suggested donation of $25 and donations are used to secure the purchase of additional units. Once a home-dialer is installed in someone’s home it is his or hers personal property. When no longer needed, the unit can be donated back to OFA, as long as it is working properly and has all its parts. For more information call 697-5700.

Get OFA newsletters by email You can help us think green. Just send us your email address and we will send you our newsletters by email. Just put “e-mail list” in the subject line of the email and send it to If you are still receiving the printed version, let us know.

Prime 2011

OFA offers Memorial Fund

Have you recently lost an elderly friend or family member? If so, what better way to remember that loved one than to make a donation in their memory to the Office for the Aging. Your tax-deductible contribution will keep on giving long after the death of a friend or relative. Many receive satisfaction giving a gift to a vital cause that will serve the elderly. When the Office receives memorial gifts, an acknowledgement is promptly sent to the family of the deceased informing them of the gift. Only the name of the donor is disclosed not the amount of the gift. In addition, the memorial is listed in the Office for the Aging newsletter and the web site. The gift you give is tax-deductible and is used, as always to further our mission to assist and provide services that promote the independence and dignity of older individuals and their families. For more information about the Office for the Aging, services call us at 697-5700. Help is a phone call away.


Prime advice Tax

from page 13

that they would not have had to pay if Joe left the assets to them after he died. As to the gift tax, the attorney advised Joe that he could gift $13,000 per year to any individuals, including to his children. If he gifted in excess of $13,000 to any individual or child within a calendar year, it would be subject to a gift tax, but the tax rules provide that Joe also has a five million dollar lifetime exemption, in addition to the $13,000 annual exemption. Therefore, if Joe gave away $23,000 to an individual in one calendar year, the additional $10,000 would reduce his $5,000,000 lifetime credit to $4,990,000. Since Joe only had $512,000 in total assets, the gift tax would likely never be a concern for him. The attorney closed by saying that there are ways to protect assets today to solve the problems Joe faces without tax problems and without giving the assets to his children today.

Ants, ants and more ants‌ By Jennifer Savastino Gannon Pest Control

Many people are complaining about the amount of ants they are seeing this year. While we usually see ants in the spring and early summer, the 2011 season seems to be bringing them out in droves. This is due to the inordinate amount of rain that we had in the early spring. We had 20 days of rain in April alone! While we all were thinking of building an Arc, the ants were thinking of finding dry land in and around your home. Even though these ants may be trying to invade your home, most homes do not need a full inside/outside treatment this time of year. An exterior barrier treatment in the spring or early summer will keep the ants out and decrease the chances of the ants freeloading in your home. The information below can help you determine whether the ants are nesting in your home or just foraging in from the outside. When did you first notice the ants? If the indoor ant activity has been going on

for some time, the chances are greater that the ants are nesting inside Do you see ants inside year-round? Outdoor ants will forage actively only when temperatures are above 55° F. So, in cooler climates, if ants are seen indoors, it means an indoor nest. How many ants do you see? Large numbers of ants foraging inside makes an indoor nest more likely. Have you seen any ants with wings inside? How many? If the nest is outside, swarmer’s emerge outside. If many winged ants are seen inside, the nest is almost certainly within the structure. Where do you see the ants most often? If ants are regularly in a room that does not have food, there’s probably a nest nearby. If carpenter ants are mainly around an outside kitchen door, they are probably coming in from outside looking for food. If the activity is in a bathroom or near another moisture source, the nest is probably very close. Have you had any wet wood, broken pipes or a leaky roof in the last year or two? Where? A structure that has had waterdamaged wood or moisture problems is much more likely to be infested by carpenter ants than a building that is dry. Have you noticed any little piles that

look like sawdust? Carpenter ant “dump piles� are usually located just below the nest site. If no dump piles are found, it doesn’t necessarily mean the nest is not inside. The piles could be inside a wall void and not visible. Have you heard any strange noises inside the walls? Carpenter Ants in the nest make a rustling sound like crinkling cellophane. If you hear this with your ear next to a wall, you’ve found a nest. There are quite a few products that you can purchase at hardware and home stores that will provide a short term barrier around your home. Professional pest products offer a lengthier residual, therefore protecting your home longer. Also with professional treatment comes the knowledge of the technician and you can be confident that your home is being treated in the most effective manner. If you suspect that you have an interior ant problem, professional service is the best course of action. While many do it yourself sprays may stop the ants you see, these will not stop the activity going on behind your walls.

Jennifer Savastino is part-owner of Gannon Pest Control in Syracuse. Jennifer is a lifelong resident of Central New York. She has owned Gannon Pest Control with her partners for 14 years. Gannon Pest Control is located on West Genesee Street in Syracuse.

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Prime 2011


Stay protected all summer long with Gannon Pest Control’s Springthat Prevention just mention you sawprograms. us in Prime! Whether you have Bees, Ants or Spiders - Gannon Pest Control At Gannon has the program that works for you.Pest Control, we only charge you for At Gannon Pest Control, we only charge you for theUIF TFSWJDF UIBU ZPV OFFEy/P )JEEFO $PTUT service that you need‌No Hidden /P 4VSQSJTFTyBOE BMXBZT (6"3"/5&&% Costs, No Surprises‌and always GUARANTEED!


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