Prime Jan 2011

Page 1

Prime your life...your time

J a n ua ry 2 0 1 1

Prime people


eet ‘The flower lady,’ the inspiration behind a new children’s book. 4

Prime events

This new year, why not...

Try something new? ‘It’s just you and Mother Nature.’

-John Goodfellow, on one of the benefits of taking up skiing later in life

Get out, get moving

this winter, whether snowshoeing outside or attending an art show. 5

Prime advice

In 2011, you could...


eep your poinsettias growing year after year. 3

Start a new career.

Find a new passion.

Kick up your heels.

Prime opinion

2011: A year of goals, opportunities


Doctors’ pay should not be cut At the stroke of midnight on December 31, 2010, doctors who treat Medicare patients are scheduled to absorb a 25 percent pay cut – a cut that threatens the ability of seniors to see their physicians and receive the care they need. It is up to Congress to stop this pay cut and ensure that doctors are not driven out of Medicare. On behalf of the more than 2.3 million AARP members in New York State and all seniors who have earned their Medicare benefits by working hard and paying into the system, I am calling on Congress to take responsibility and act to ensure that older Americans have access to the doctors they trust. AARP is not alone in believing that the Medicare payment system is broken and requires a permanent fix. But it isn’t the flawed physician payment system that concerns so many of our members here in New York and elsewhere. It is, rather, the prospect of suddenly being without a physician. According to a recent AARP poll, over 80 percent of AARP members are concerned that a Medicare pay cut will threaten access to their doctors. As people age, they face increasing health issues so a trusted relationship with their physician becomes increasingly important. They are also less likely to be able to travel long distances for care. As the New Year approaches, there is one resolution that Medicare patients would like to see made by Congress: honor the commitment to Medicare patients and the physicians who care for them. Marilyn Pinsky AARP NY State President

With the new year stretching before me like a clean blanket of snow, I am thinking of what I would like to accomplish during the 12 months ahead. Here are my top 10: 1. Spend more time with the kids. Although we are pretty good at doing things as a family, I only have to look at our schedule to see that getting together for fun family activities won’t be without obstacles, what with sports and other commitments. The kids are getting so big, so fast, and I already feel like there are many things we could have done, but didn’t out of a lack of time. I am going to make the time this year, not just for big things like vacations and going to ballgames/concerts, but for the little things, like sitting down to listen to them read a book aloud, taking walks

An old friend of mine Gary makes his living as a motiCatt vational speaker delivering positive thoughts oddly Notebook enough to hair dressers. Dr. Lew, who by his own admission, is on a first name basis with the bartenders in O’Hare International Airport due to his travel patterns, is also the author of about 20 or so books telling people how to cope with the rigors of life. Over drinks one night several decades ago Dr. Lew was in chat mode about a new book he intended to write. He had the title, he just needed to make the subject matter fit. He was going to call it “Get Off Your CAN’t”. Get it? Can. Butt. I can tell you’re not amused. Please remember this chat was over drinks. Anyway, I’ve lost track of Dr. Lew over the years and I’m not sure the fate of that particular title, but Dr. Lew was certainly on to something for those of us of expand-


ing years headed for geezerhood. We’re running out of reasons why we can’t get off our cans and do things. More things. In the coming months we’ll get into detail about volume of stuff to do here in Central New York. There’s so much to explore here where we live from community festivals to waterfalls to exploring history’s secrets and just taking a walk. The best part is that almost all of the best things about where we live are free at best and nominally priced at worst. Ever been on a bird walk? What’s there to see in Oswego? Where is history hiding in Syracuse? How do you learn to play golf? Snowshoe, anyone? Each month we’ll tackle the fun stuff we have in our communities and follow Dr. Lew’s advice to get off our CAN’t and explore the pleasures at our doorstep. Gary Catt is executive editor at Eagle Newspapers.

Make the most of what Central New York has to offer this winter Say what you want about Central New York winters, but one thing you can’t deny is that the freshly-fallen snow and insulated quiet of a still winter day are a thing of beauty. So why not enter into this winter wonderland, alone or with others, and get moving? Local parks like Beaver Lake and Highland Forest offer snowshoeing opportunities, where you can either rent a pair and create your own experience or join a planned outing to enjoy the company of others. Take the kids or grandkids to your local hill for some sledding (first make sure it is safe and in an area away from traffic, of course). Both running up a hill and laughing till tears run down your face are a great way to boost spirits and burn calories. Or what about hitting the rink for

Publisher David B. Tyler

Editor Jennifer Wing, 434-8889, ext. 340 Sales Heidi Tyler 434-8889 ext. 320 Joan Brockway Griffiths, 662-3690 Jack Gardner, 434-8889 ext. 304

questions, comments, news? email

See 2011 on page 3

Get off your CAN’t, Central New Yorkers

your life...your time

A monthly publication devoted to Central New Yorker’s in the “Prime” of their lives. Prime is published monthly by Community Media Group LLC, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206.

around the neighborhood and at local parks, spending time goofing around at camp during the summer and just hanging out, talking about nothing and everything over a good meal. 2. Try hiking. Now that I am in better shape, having lost almost 80 pounds in the past year, I find that I am embracing more in the way of physical activity. Don’t get me wrong; I am not an outdoorswoman. I don’t like to camp, fish or hunt. But taking a hike to a scenic view, stopping along the way to grab breaths of fresh air – I think that might be just the ticket on a cool spring or crisp autumn day. 3. Work on the house. I don’t mean that I’ll be picking up a hammer or installing carpet. What I do mean is changing the color scheme in my front hall and kitchen, doing some prun-

Prime 2011


some fun? The rink downtown is beautiful, what with it’s massive guardian of a tree lit with festive lights. Rent skates or bring your own for an outing that you will treasure forever. You don’t even have to leave your yard to have some fun, though. A good oldfashioned snowball fight, complete with fort and stockpiles of ammunition, might be just the kind of mayhem that can bring you back to your own childhood winter warfare. Or make that old-time favorite: a snowman complete with carrot nose, button eyes and the appropriate headgear. Then, drop to the ground and make a snow angel. Make sure to gaze up into the bright blue winter sky as you flap your arms up and down to form the wings. Most importantly, have fun and make the most of what winter has in store.



Prime advice from page 2

ing of bushes when the weather warms up, staining the deck and working on some interior decorating. It would be great to put in place some new furniture and accessories. 4. Try new recipes. Many of my meals are tried-and-true but predictable. I want to experiment with the many recipes I’ve been clipping from magazines and just putting in a drawer, telling myself, “I’ll try these some time.” Well, that time is now. True, my husband and children are not very adventurous when it comes to food, but I’m not talking about making something overly exotic, just different, such as Beef Wellington or Cherries Jubilee. 5. Become more involved. I think I need to be more active in my community. For example, the kids have been involved in Pop Warner for many years, and I coached Cassidy’s cheer squad for one season. I don’t have the expertise to coach her at this more advanced stage, but I can help in other ways – volunteering at fundraisers, helping the coach with some of the administrative duties, etc. 6. Run in more 5ks. I have done four races so far – The Fayetteville Classic, the Festival of Races in Syracuse, the Burn Run in East Syracuse and the Turkey Trot in Manlius – and want to do more. In fact, my goal is to run in at least one 5k a month. These runs are great because they support wonderful causes and there is such a feeling of fellowship among the runners. They’re also a great gut-check for me to make sure I’m keeping in good cardiovascular condition. 7. Take up skiing – again. I’ve skied since I was 5, but in recent years stopped for numerous reasons, including cost, lack of time and, most of all, lack of motivation. But with my children’s interest in learning to ski/ snowboard, I feel my enthusiasm for the sport returning. I don’t think it will be as easy as riding a bike again, but I do think I’ll get back into the rhythm. 8. Learn my roots. I want to do some research into my family tree, and with many different programs/websites, that will hopefully be an attainable goal. I also need to spend more time learning how to make Polish dishes, which maybe could have been listed above, under “try new recipes,” but food is such a part of my heritage I feel it’s more appropriate here. I hope to be able to pass this knowledge, once gained, down to my children. 9. Go to camp. This is always a goal of mine, so it’s not really new, but again, with my children more involved in activities, I need to keep my eye on making time to hit the beach this summer. 10. Share good news. In my position as managing editor at Eagle Newspapers, I am well-informed about issues affecting me and my family; one of my duties at Eagle is to make sure these issues are reported in a fair and balanced manner, and it is important to remain impartial. What I don’t have to be impartial about, however, is in trumpeting the achievements of those in my community who make a difference; those who, by living in my, and your, neighborhood, make it better. So I invite all of our readers to write or email me to let me know about these everyday heroes – the people who make an impact in our lives and ask nothing in return. Send your thoughts about your neighbors to: Jennifer Wing Managing Editor Eagle Newspapers 2501 James St., Suite 100 Syracuse, NY 13206 Or email me at Happy new year, everyone!


Ten benefits of a VA loan By Linda Van Marter If you are an eligible veteran, you may contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for assistance with a home purchase loan from a local lender. VA guaranty loans encourage lenders to assist veterans by providing protection against loss if the borrower fails to make payments. VA loans are particularly beneficial to those veterans without cash available. 1. Equal opportunity for all eligible veterans All veterans are given an equal opportunity to buy homes without regard to race, religion or other personal characteristics. There’s really only one requirement; you must move in within a reasonable period of time after closing the loan. 2. No down payment

As long as the purchase price correlates with the inherent value of a home, the VA does not require veterans to make any advance payments. If the VA determines the price is excessive, veterans may be required to front the difference. 3. Buyerinformed of reasonable value The VA will independently order an appraisal to assess the reasonable value of a property, and the buyer will receive a copy prior to closing the loan. However, the VA’s appraisal should be treated separate from a thorough property inspection, and veterans should seek expert advice in this area before making any legal commitment. 4. Negotiable interest rate VA loans provide a freely negotiable fixed interest rate competitive, and sometimes even

See VA loan on page 13

Keep your poinsettias growing year after year We got Santa Claus from the Dutch, the Christmas tree from the Germans but America’s only original addition to the Christmas tradition came from a store, the mail order company Montgomery Ward. Robert Mays, an advertising writer for Wards wrote a story in 1939 that turned a deformity into an asset and an outcast into a hero. In 1939 alone, its first year of publication, Montgomery Ward distributed over 2.4 million copies of the now famous story, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” Robert Mays brother-inlaw set the story to music but the music publishers wouldn’t touch a children’s story that dealt with deformity. So the song went unsung until 1946 when a woman named Ina was moved by the story and convinced her husband to record it. Her husband introduced “Rudolph” during a rodeo and Gene Autry went on to sell over 25 million copies through the years. Anything is possible during Christmas and the garden is no exception. In 1906 a December blooming Mexican wildflower was put out for sale at a Hollywood flower stand. The brilliant red flowers, actually leaves called bracts, were soon all the rage in California homes. Just as latter day Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer would entrance millions of kids, the once unsought weed with the bright red leaves came to symbolize Christmas in America. It was of course the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) and thanks to breeding it is now a very manageable houseplant. To keep your holiday poinsettias growing, be sure they are well watered. Check the soil daily, and water whenever the surface is dry to the touch. Water until it runs freely out the drainage hole in the container. If you use a saucer, discard any water that collects in it so that the poinsettia isn’t standing in water. If your plant does wilt, water immediately, then water again five minutes later. Keep your poinsettias near a sunny window where they will get indirect sunlight. Be careful that the plant doesn’t touch the cold windowpane, which could injure it. Maintain a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees during the daylight

Prime 2011


hours and, if possible, move it to a cooler place at night but never below 60 degrees. Keep watering the plants regularly until March or April. This is when leaves and bracts will fade and gradually drop off of the stems. Put the poinsettias on their sides in a cool room or cellar until May. Then prune the plants back to just about 4 inches of stem above the pot. Re-pot into the next larger size container and water well. Once new growth begins fertilize with a diluted all-purpose organic fertilizer. After the last frost move the plant pot and all into a lightly shaded location outdoors. In July pinch back the stems so the plants don’t get too leggy. Bring them back into the house in early September. Since poinsettias are short-day plants, they need about 10 weeks of at least 12 hours of darkness to flower. For full flower by Christmas, keep your poinsettias in complete darkness between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. from the first part of October until late November. You can put them in a closet, or cover completely with a box or dark cloth to keep the plants in darkness. Keep the plants near a sunny window in the daytime. Lightly fertilize with a weak organic fertilizer until mid-December, when they will live up to their Mexican name, “Flores de la Noche Buena,” the Flowers of the Holy Night.

Prime people

‘The Flower Lady’ blooms in Liverpool Children’s book published about longtime Liverpool resident By Tami S. Zimmerman A floral blanket of gladiolas, poppies, carnations and sky-high sunflowers for years graced the gardens of longtime Liverpool resident Helen Bielec. She also cultivated her own vegetable garden, growing tomatoes and peppers, and picked ripe berries from her raspberry bush. Over the years, Bielec was known to give away countless bouquets and baskets full of produce to whomever, whenever. Sister Rose Bill, pastoral associate at Holy Cross Church in DeWitt, recently published her first children’s book about the generosity of her former neighbor whom she met about 20 years ago. Bielec became known by many as “The Flower Lady,” which Sr. Bill chose as the title of her book. Bielec, now 90, was pleasantly surprised to learn of this written dedication. “I’m astonished really,” she said. “I’m beyond words. I wish I could do more.” When Bielec was a little girl, she befriended an older woman who nurtured a beautiful garden that Bielec admired. One day, Bielec asked her new friend if she could pick a flower to bring home for her mother. The woman said no, told her not to come back, and not to touch a

single flower. Bielec went home, cried, then decided that when she got big, she would have a garden of her own to share with others. “And that’s what she used to do,” said Sr. Bill, noting Bielec was able to turn a negative experience as a child into a positive, life-giving reason to be good. “She’d bring vegetables and leave them at somebody’s door. Of if somebody went by and said ‘What a pretty garden, what beautiful flowers,’ she’d give them a bouquet.” Sr. Bill is in the process of writing and illustrating a second book about her mother Anna called, “The Cookie Lady.” A resident of Liverpool since the mid-1930s, Anna used to make rounds visiting the homebound with trays of cookies she’d make after long days on the family farm. She’d crochet afghans for people to keep them warm and helped one neighbor who had health issues do wash and prepare meals – all gratis, Sr. Bill said. “These people are just little people, we’re all little people,” she said. “We’re not great politicians or tycoons or entrepreneurs, yet each person in their own little way can spread love and joy to other people.” Sr. Bill, a Missionary Franciscan Sister, spent more than 25 years as an educator in the Bronx and in Roslindale and Newton, Mass. She served as principal for five years in Syracuse and was a member of her community’s leadership team. In her 53-year vocation, she said she most enjoys the mission work and community life, praying together, growing in the Lord and calling each other to holiness. Proceeds from the books will go toward the Mission

Helen Bielec of Retired Sisters in Bolivia, Peru, Papa New Guinea and Sudan. “They need help in these countries,” she said. “They don’t get stipends.” To purchase a copy of “The Flower Lady,” go to the online bookstore at or visit Barnes & Noble at “The Cookie Lady” will be available at a later date.

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Prime 2011



Prime events

Winter fun: Onondaga County Parks hosts seasonal events The following are events held through the Onondaga County Parks Department during the month of January: Jan. 13, 27; Feb. 10, 24 Trail Tales: Stories and walk with a naturalist 1 p.m.; Free with Nature Center admission A naturalist will read stories to children ages three to five, and lead them on a walk to experience what the season has to offer. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519.

Jan. 6, Feb. 3, March 3

Prime Rib Buffet 6-8:30pm; $14.95; $7.50, 5-11; under 5 free Enjoy a delicious Prime Rib Buffet, and a spectacular view from Skyline Lodge. Menu includes: Soup, salad bar, oven roasted chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, pasta, meatballs and sausage and slow-roasted prime rib. Reservations recommended. Highland Forest; 683-5550.

we highlight different animals in the zoo. Rosamond Gifford Zoo; 435-8511.

Jan. 6, 13, 20 and 27 Feb. 3 and 10

Weekday Snowshoe Jaunt 1:30 p.m. ; Free with Nature Center admission. Snowshoe rental $3. Enjoy an hour-long outing through Beaver Lake’s winter woods. Benefit from a naturalist’s insights. along with the light aerobic exercise. Weather permitting. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519.

Jan. 8

Jan. 5 – Feb. 9

Wegmans Lights on the Lake Run 11 p.m.-midnight; Free This 4 mile (approx.) run begins promptly at 11pm at the Griffin Visitor Center. Runners go to Willow Bay and back. No walkers please, lights will be turned off at midnight. Onondaga Lake Park 453-6712

Jan. 2

Cross Country Ski Basics 9-11 a.m.; $10 Learn to ski with a park naturalist. You must bring your own skis. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519.

Cross Country Ski Basics* Wed. 1:30-3:30 p.m. ; $10 Learn to ski with a park naturalist. You must bring your own skis. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519. Creature Feature 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Free with Zoo admission Join us the first Sunday of each month as

Jan. 8, 15, 29; Feb. 5

Jan. 14

Guided Moonlit Snowshoeing 7 p.m. ; Free with Nature Center admission.

Rent snowshoes for $3. A winter moon lights the way as you explore the Nature Center’s woodlands and frozen marshes on snowshoes. Beaver Lake Nature Center; 638-2519.

Jan. 14 - 17

Moonlight Skiing and Snowshoeing Until 9 p.m.; Free with Nature Center admission The trails will remain open until 9pm on these evenings as long as there is adequate snow cover. This is the opportunity for skiers and snowshoers to take advantage of the natural moonlight along Beaver Lake’s ten miles of trails. Hot chocolate and other refreshments will available at the Visitor Center.; 638-2519.

Jan. 15

YMCA Folksmarch Sat. 8-11 a.m.; Free for first time walkers Walkers walk at their own pace and finish at any time. Routes are either 5K (3.1 miles) or 10K (6.2 miles) and are clearly marked. Individuals may walk a shorter, modified route if they prefer. Register at Arrowhead Lodge. This is a non-competitive walking event. Oneida Shores; 676-7366.

Jan. 21

Snow Leopard Soiree 6:30-11 p.m. ; $125 per person

Go snowshoeing this winter. Be spotted at one of the Zoo’s premier fundraising events. Enjoy live music and participate in a live and silent auction. Black and white attire encouraged. Rosamond Gifford Zoo at Burnet Park; 4358511 x132.

Winter art Show and Sale now at the East Syracuse Free Library The East Syracuse Free Library is currently showcasing the paintings of local artist and 55 year resident, John Ryan. The public is invited to visit the Library to view his collection, which will be displayed throughout the winter months. The framed paintings, primarily scenic landscapes and country scenes, are also being offered for sale. Ryan began painting when he took a class through the East Syracuse Minoa School District’s Adult Education Program taught by professional artist Janette Greabell. In addition to being an accomplished local artist, Mr. Ryan is a member of the East Syracuse Free Library’s Board of Directors, the North Syracuse Art Guild and the Manlius Senior Center. Artists interested in having their works presented, offering a class or holding an artistic group meeting should contact the Library’s Director, Laurie Rachetta, by calling or visiting the Library, 4990 James Street in the village of East Syracuse. The telephone number is 437-4841. Pictured at left is “Lighthouse.”

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Prime 2011




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Limestone Garden apartments

Cover story

Loking for something new to do this year?

...learn to ski

why not

You’re not over the hill if you’re skiing down it When it comes to winter, some go into hibernation mode – curling up by the fire, hot toddy in one hand, latest crime novel in the other. And certainly, there is nothing wrong with that approach to facing the coldest months of the year. Unless you’re the type to get out and get the blood pumping while enjoying the outdoors. Such is the philosophy of John Goodfellow, owner of Four Seasons Golf and Ski Center in Fayetteville. “It’s great to go outside, enjoy the fresh air and camaraderie of your fellow skiers,� Goodfellow said. “What is also great about skiing is that it’s an individual sport that you can do in the company of others, or all alone, just you and Mother Nature.� The center began as a driving range by his father 53 years ago. After his father passed away, Goodfellow, a Fayetteville-Manlius grad-


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John Goodfellow, owner of Four Seasons Golf and Ski Center. Above, the chairlift at Four Seasons. Note the snowmaking nozzle pointed skyward.

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See Ski on page 10

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uate took over the operation. Still a resident of Fayetteville, Goodfellow has been married to his wife, Susan, for 31 years. The couple have a son, Colton, who graduated from F-M this past spring and is now a Marine private first class stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. It seemed, over the years, to be a natural progression to offer snowboarding, crosscountry trails and, of course, tubing during the winter at Four Seasons. With a chair lift and conveyer-belt lift, it’s easy to just grab your equipment and head up to the top of the hill. Goodfellow said that there are many benefits to skiing, and he should know, having vast experience with the sport. “There is the benefit of being outdoors, having fun and enjoying the scenery,� he said. “Physically, skiing and snowboarding are good conditioning activities for your cardiovascular health,� he said. “You use your whole body when you ski.�

Hamilton Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine

Prime 2011




By Jennifer Wing


Cover story

...start a new career By Caitlin Donnelly

A new textile gift shop opened its doors in the village of Liverpool last weekend with a grand opening celebration. On Nov. 5 and 6, Bella Regalo, located at 305 Vine St., across from The Retreat restaurant, welcomed guests with wine, cheese, Italian cookies and a variety of unique gifts to browse through. Bella Regalo, which means “beautiful gifts” in Italian, is an “artsy place to find unique gifts for someone special in your life,” said Michele Castrilli, manager and co-owner of the shop. With a focus on local artwork, many of the gifts sold within the shop are made by artists and jewelers in the greater Syracuse area. Local products sold at Bella Regalo include Flour City Pasta, of Fairport; a line of edible chocolate jewelry, Promise Me Chocolate, by Stacey Van Waldick of Camden; a variety of jellies and sauces made by Curly Locks Gourmet Foods, LLC, created by Kathleen Komar of Fayetteville; paintings by Eddie Bambrick of Liverpool; knitted SU apparel and baby clothing made by Patsy Desjardins; hand crafted wood products by Ben Kovach, and beaded glass jewelry from Michael Joseph Designs by Debra Wisinski of

Baldwinsville, to name a few. Co-owner, Tea Avalon, of Baldwinsville, also makes textile pieces, such as scarves, bags and tablecloths that are sold in the shop. Bella Regalo also sells all things wedding from the Hortense B. Hewitt, Co. Customers can order table settings, wedding favors, accessories and more from the in-store catalog with Castrilli’s help. “It’s nice to be part of something with so many other talented local artists,” Wisinski said during the celebration. The duo signed the lease for the storefront Aug. 1, and got right to work setting up shop. Castrilli’s husband, Joe, and grandson, JJ Ross, 10, of Liverpool, helped renovate and paint the inside of the shop. Bella Regalo had a “soft opening” in mid-September. “It’s a great location right in the village,” said Castrilli, a Liverpool resident for more than 40 years. “I knew it was the place the moment I walked by and saw the ‘for rent’ sign in the window.” Castrilli said owning her own store has always been a dream. “Opening a store was something I’ve always wanted to do because I love to shop. My mother, Billie Pollastro, was a shopper, so I learned how to shop from her and my aunts,” she said with See Career on page 9

Women open textile gift shop in Liverpool

Caitlin Donnelly

Michele Castrilli, manager and co-owner of Bella Regalo, stands beside “Bella” during the textile gift shop’s grand opening celebration on Nov. 6.

It’s evening,

...kick up your heels

You had a long day and have just finished with dinner. How about shutting off that Blackberry, Ipad or laptop and take a break for a few minutes.

Dance troupe brings flamenco to Syracuse By Gina Colonette The Eagle Intern

See Flamenco on page 9


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Marisa Gúzman dances at Laci’s Tapas Bar, where Puente Flamenco performs the first Friday of each month. For more photos and video of the performance, visit

Republican, Messenger, Star Review, Bulletin & Observer

Eagle Newspapers, We make it happen

Prime 2011



Syracuse is filled with arts programs and dance troupes of all kinds, but if you are looking for a flamenco group, you will only find one: Puente Flamenco. “I really didn’t think anything was going to happen, I was like, flamenco in Central New York?” said flamenco dancer Marisa Gúzman. “I didn’t realize the interest that was around for it.” But a year and a half ago Puente Flamenco began forming when Shander Bawden, a flamenco dancer, contacted Lonnie Chu and asked if they could get together to talk about the possibility of bringing flamenco to Syracuse. “The group kind of came

Cover story

...find a new passion By Tami S. Zimmerman When Shirley Fenner Reidenbaugh asked if the Jewish Community Center could provide rehearsal space for a new

seniors’ theater group, JCC Executive Director Marci Erlebacher said she jumped on it. Reidenbaugh is a professional actress who created and successfully ran the

Theater program open for people age 50 and up

program, “Seniors Reaching Out,� for three years while living in Greensboro, N.C.. She has an impressive resume she built up right here in Central New York that includes several seasons with the Fayetteville’s Famous Artists Playhouse, Syracuse University’s New Playhouse and the Syracuse Repertory nior-related facilities and other local venTheatre. Her late husband was the Syra- ues, with a potpourri of considerations including short excuse University Drama cerpts from BroadDepartment chairman way plays, monoand associate dean of logues, poetry, tap Shirley Fenner Reidenbaugh the College of Visual dancing, vocal and recalls the program’s third year in and Performing Arts. North Carolina when she was adinstrumental solos. “Shirley is amazing,� dressing the program to existing There will also be opErlebacher said. “She is members as well as some newcomportunities for peoa high quality lady and ers. ple to work as stage performer and we are “I looked up and there’s this guy managers, writers, very proud to be associ- and I said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you crew members and ated with her.� know perfectly well this is a group assistant directors. S eniors Reaching for seniors and older. You’re not 50!’ “[Shirley] is willOut is open to the en“I will be in three months!� he said. ing to work with anytire community aged The gentleman joined the group. one who wants to 50-plus, and you don’t go onstage or work have to be an actor behind the scenes, � Erlebacher said. – or JCC member – to join. The group’s See Theater on page 9 goal will be to entertain residents of se-

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from page 7

together through the Internet, otherwise I don’t know how we would have found each other,â€? said Puente Flamenco manager Lonnie Chu. No one really knew what was going to come out of that Internet connection, but today Puente Flamenco has seven active members: Lonnie Chu, manager, singer and palmas; guitarists David Chu (also Lonnie’s husband), and Andy Culpepper; dancers GĂşzman, Joan Dear-Houseman and Anna Rupert; and David Colegrove, cajon/percussionist and GĂşzman’s husband. So far, there have been many positive reactions to Puente Flamenco. Lonnie Chu recalls when a man came up to the group and praised them for their performance. “He said, ‘I haven’t heard that kind of music in decades and you just brought me back to Spain’,â€? she said. Flamenco dancing is certainly hard to come by in Syracuse. Dan Ward, entertainment coordinator for the Syracuse Arts & Crafts Festival, said he had been trying to find flamenco performers in the area for years, and to have a Flamenco troupe that is able to perform here is a “tremendous asset.â€? “I think it gives people a lot more opportunity to be exposed

to it. I think they are top-shelf,� Ward said. In its year-and-a-half existence, Puente Flamenco has already performed at a number of places, including the Syracuse Arts & Crafts Festival, Mohawk Valley Community College, Onondaga Community College, Mundy Library and their monthly spot, Laci’s Tapas Bar. And this is only the beginning for Puente Flamenco. The troupe has future goals for flamenco in Central New York; David Chu said he’d like the group to get involved in teaching. Having another regular gig is on Lonnie Chu’s mind. She said it’s a matter of seeing how much the people want it. Either way they will keep performing for themselves and the education of others. “It’s something brand new for a lot of people here and we’d just like to go out and give them a taste,� she said. Get a taste of Puente Flamenco and tapas every first Friday of the month at Laci’s Tapas Bar, 304 Hawley Ave. “Flamenco Fridays� include two shows by Puente Flamenco, one at 6:30 p.m. which requires reservations, and another at 9 p.m. Call Laci’s at 218-5903 or visit for more information.


from page 7

a laugh. Castrilli also noted that friends and family have been very supportive throughout the process, including her husband, Joe; her children Joelle and Jeff Ross of Liverpool, Anthony and Trish Castrilli of Washington, D.C., Michael Castrilli of Washington, D.C.; and grandchildren, JJ, Allie, Carly, Joey, Nick and Sophia Grace, as well as Avalon’s family. Luann Sackett, of Cicero, attended the grand opening to support her sister. “This place is amazing. It was always her dream,� she said.

“I love to come in here to shop and just look around at everything.� Bella Regalo is open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Bella Regalo plans on staying open late Nov. 22, when Onondaga Lake Park will host its annual pedestrian-only stroll through “Lights on the Lake.� The shop will also have a booth at the Junior League Holiday Shoppes 2010 at the Fairgrounds Nov. 12 to 13.


from page 8

SRO informational meetings will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday Jan. 16 and from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday Jan. 17 at the Jewish Community Center. Reidenbaugh will meet individually with interested seniors to talk about how they can contribute. For those who would like a part in the spotlight, auditions are acceptable but not necessary. “I’m rather good at training people myself,� said Reidenbaugh, who conveys a delightful and eager personality. “By the time they get to the point of performing, they may be a little bit nervous but I won’t have to help them. They’ll look very professional [and] they’ll be very much appreciated.� As a guest artist with the program’s cosponsor, Salty City Center for the Performing Arts, Reidenbaugh held lead roles in “The Glass Menagerie,� “Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris,� “Fiddler on the Roof � and “Private Lives.� “This is a wonderful opportunity for us on many levels and a fantastic way for us, as a community center, to reach out to the entire community,� said Erlebacher, adding that Reidenbaugh, an utmost professional, will give nothing but her best. For more information, contact Julie Fleckt at 445-2360 ext. 104 or e-mail jfleck@jccsyr. org.

“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.�

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– Mark Twain, Author


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Audibel Hearing Aids: Hear the world again

environments such as wind, speech, speech in noise, machine noise and other difficult hearing situations,thisbreakthroughtechnologywillallow you to hear better than ever before. Anthem also provides an industry first: breakthrough technology that allows you to use your cell or touch-tone phone to adjust your Anthem without using additional hardware. Another innovative feature Audibel offers is their free video autoscopic test. As they examine your ears, you can see, on the flat screen television, what your audiologist is seeing simultaneously. It is a great diagnostic tool, and helps the doctor and patient communicate more easily. Audibel can also create custom ear molds for musicians, hunters and i-pod listeners to protect their hearing. The program that Audibel Hearing Aids is most proud of is the Audibel Hearing Foundation. This foundation sends hearing aids to children with hearing loss in places where this technology would not be available, said Miller. The program has sent over 700,000 hearing aids to children and is always looking for more donations. People can either donate money or their old hearing aids to the program said Miller. Guenther Schmid has been on two missions that have delivered these hearing aids to children, according to Miller. Audibel Hearing Aids is located at 903 N. Main St., North Syracuse. They are open from Monday to Friday and have appointments from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you would like to make an appointment or want more information, call 452-1600.


Funeral Home

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Sandra Riposo.

LizWhiteofCamillusandDonnaFiumanoandJoanGreeneofSyracusevisitedtheFestivalofTrees,heldatShoppingTownMall.Thefestival, which featured a variety of ornately decorated Christmas trees, benefitted the Everson Museum. It was held in early December.


from page 6

Four Seasons offers lessons in skiing and snowboarding, and Goodfellow said many of their students are kids, but what about older adults who want to take up the sport? Goodfellow, who is 64, said that an adult who gets out and, for instance, hikes, goes to the gym or is active in other ways would probably enjoy learning to ski, even at an older age, and Four Seasons has a “great program of both group and private lessons that can suit everyone’s needs.� He said, however, that anyone who is leading a more sedentary lifestyle, regardless of age, should be cautious about learning to ski. “We do have a gentler slope, and have a lift that is similar to the people movers you find in airports, so that does make it easier to learn,� he said. “But, like any sport, the better shape you are in, the easier learning to ski [or snowboard] will be.� “If you’re 4 or 64, when you’re learning to ski for the first time you tend to spend more time on your butt than you want to,� he said. Goodfellow said they are careful to start slow with the first-time skier. “First we get them in their boots and skis, then take them to the flats and teach them how to walk in them. We then take them to the gentler portion of the hill and teach them how to make turns.�

amily F e c i Ch o

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He said many parents and grandparents are taking advantage of the new “Ski with your kids pass� which allows, for $75, a parent/grandparent to ski/snowboard with a child on their lesson day for the entire season. “It’s a great way for adults to re-enter the sport of skiing,� he said. “Maybe they learned to ski when they were younger and then their job and other things made it difficult for them to keep skiing. They can come here and ski with their kids or grandkids and see if they want to take it up again.� He has taught lessons himself, but now relies on a staff of instructors to bring the joy of skiing and snowboarding to Central New Yorkers of all ages. The center offers, among other programs, a six-week or four-week learn to ski or snowboard package, Learn to Ski or Snowboard Camp, a one-day special and private lessons. The center offers snowboards, skis, tubes and helmets for rent, has a snack bar and can book parties. Warm weather activities at Four Seasons include a mini golf course, golf practice range and batting and soccer practice cages. For information on hours and rates, visit the center at 8012 E. Genesee St. in Fayetteville, call 637-9023, email info @ fourseasonsgolfandski. com or visit


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Prime 2011




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Audibel Hearing Aids gives the hard of hearing of Central New York a chance to hear the world again. The owner, Guenther Schmid, has been in the hearing aid business in Central New York for 25 years and has three offices located in North Syracuse, Oneida, and Pulaski. The main office in North Syracuse accepts walk-ins as well as appointments in order to accommodate more people, said Joshua Miller, co-owner of Audibel Hearing Aids. The company currently treats over 8,500 patients in Central New York, he said. “Most people wait five to ten years before they come in to see us,� said Miller. “The sooner you come see us, the better for your hearing.� Audibel is celebrating 50 years of Anthem Hearing Aids, designed to perform in the most challenging listening situations and every lifestyle. Anthem Intelliflex Technology hearing aids solves themostcommoncomplaintfromhearinginstrument wearers: the annoying whistling referred to as feedback. Anthem’s Whistlefree Feedback Cancellation is proven to be the best feedback management system in the industry. It virtually eliminates buzzing and whistling. Do you have trouble in noisier surroundings hearing the voices around you? Anthem’s Superior Speech Locator filters out unwanted background noise to significantly improve your understanding of speech anywhere. Additionally, with Anthem’s ClassiFi EA (environmental adapatation), which recognizes and adapts smoothly to optimize different sound

Holiday spirit shared at Festival of Trees


Prime advertiser news

The value of socialization: An active social life promotes a variety of health benefits By Jamie McClung, Marketing Assistant

No matter the age, socialization is what makes a person feel a part of society. People need human contact just like they need sunshine. This becomes especially important as we age. Research shows that having a healthy social life is just as important to survival as regular exercise and can add years to life. Just as loneliness can hurt a person’s life, socializing can save it. Social activities like bingo, attending church, art classes, gardening, and going to movies are all known to have physical health benefits and help maintain friendships. As we age, friends and family truly can be lifesavers. Recent studies suggest that elderly people who enjoy dining with friends and take part in social activities live an average of two and a half years longer than those who spend most of their time alone.

Seniors get even more out of socializing than just a few extra years of life. Friendships and activities reduce stress, help people feel worthy and needed and stimulate the mind. Staying active is also likely to build and strengthen bones, joints and muscles. Non-socialization can affect the mind and body negatively, and this stress can lead to depression. It is important to remain active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Even a trip to the beauty salon can provide an instant and positive effect on a senior’s mood. With the special variety of unique social activities offered at retirement communities, residents say that their social life is more fulfilling than ever. There is always something to do and someone to share stories and laugh with. With limousine and shuttle service, residents have the freedom to explore activities outside the community like going to art museums, participating in local events and attending the symphony. The idea is to always

be a part of the greater community. Volunteering, mentoring and tutoring are just some of the ways Spectrum’s residents continue to make a difference beyond their apartment homes. Retirement communities offer a variety of social activities to promote health, friendships, and stimulate the mind. They encourage all residents to participate in their engaging activities and utilize the amenities provided. Retirement communities often offer community dining, gardening, meeting rooms for clubs and activities, libraries, movie theaters, a beauty salon and fitness center. There is always an interesting activity going on, including engaging lecture series, art classes, cultural events, ballroom dancing, musical theatre and so much more. So go out, socialize and get active! The social activities at retirement communities enriches lives, creates lasting friendships, rejuvenates the mind and adds years to one’s life.

Franciscan Companies launch e-commerce site for medical supplies The Franciscan Companies, affiliates of St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center, recently launched, a new way to buy a new kind of medical supply. The site enables people in Central New York—and across the country—to order a variety of medical products conveniently and securely online. On the website, customers can buy: 3 Mobility products including rollators, canes and walkers 3 Sleep and breathing products such as CPAP and nebulizers 3 Wound care products 3 Diabetes management products


3 Daily living aids, including power seats, benches and other comfort and safety devices 3 Specialty items such as designer canes “The Franciscan Companies have been providing medical products and services to hospitals, medical professionals and the CNY community for more than 25 years,” said Frank L. Smith, Jr., President and CEO of the Franciscan Companies. “This is the next step in utilizing technology and innovation to cater to our customers and patients by enabling them to order needed products from the comfort of home.” “As the Baby Boomer population ages, we


see a growing need for the types of products offered on,” said Keith Cuttler, vice president for corporate development. “By doing business online instead of in a brick-and-mortar building, we can keep prices down and get products to customers quickly and conveniently.” will soon be joined by convenient kiosk ordering locations throughout Central New York. This will enable customers to purchase needed items through easy-to-use kiosk systems at pharmacies, hospitals and physician offices. With services covering 14 counties in

Upstate New York, the Franciscan Companies are a member organization that assists St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center in providing ancillary health care services to its patients as well as those referred by physicians and other health care facilities. In addition to CNY Medical Supply, the Franciscan Companies include Franciscan Health Support, Inc., franciscan-services. com, a homecare services agency and durable medical equipment supplier; Loretto Health Support Lifeline; Franciscan Practice Management and Consulting Services; joint ventures with CNY Infusion, Kinney Drugs, and area hospitals; and much more.


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Prime advertiser news

Do you remember Terry Schiavo?


By David J. Zumpano Many of us remember the story of Terri Schivo, a woman who, in her early twenties, went into a comatose state unexpectedly. After many years of being kept alive with feeding tubes, her husband asked that the tubes be removed. Her parents disagreed, stating Terri’s wishes were to preserve her life. The battle began. But few people really understood that in the Terri Schivo case, the key legal question was, “Who had the right to determine Terri’s health care status, her husband or her parents?â€? Terri did not execute a health care directive, so she was subject to the laws the State of Florida directed. The law provided that, in the absence of a directive, the spouse has primary authority to make life and death decisions. The challenge in this case, however, was that while Terri was still married to her husband, he had subsequently been living with someone else for many years, and even shared three children with this person. The husband visited Terri infrequently, whereas the parents visited her daily. Unfortunately, the law was strictly construed. After a court case that went through the entire Florida court system, was addressed by the President, Congress, and even the Pope, in the end, the strict letter of the law was followed and Terri was denied tubular feeding, at the direction of her husband, and she died. The tragedy of this story is not in whether you agree with the husband or the parents, but that we will really never know what Terri actually wanted. We are very clear what she got. Not completing a health care directive can create trauma and tragedy with family members having to make this terrible decision. With a health care directive, commonly referred to as

By Patrick VanBeveren, PT, DPT, MA, OCS, GCS, CSCS

Physical Therapy Supervisor for The Centers at St. Camillus

Vision is responsible for sending information to the nervous system that results in spontaneous changes in muscle tone and muscle action to compensate for changes in our environment. When visual cues are lost to the muscle system (eyes closed) instability can increase up to 70%. In addition to visual acuity, the ability to detect contrasting surfaces (contrast sensitivity) also plays a role in fall risk management. Contrast sensitivity allows us to appreciate edges such as curbs, cracks and steps. Loss of contrast sensitivity, as in similarly colored floor coverings, increases our chances of tripping. Multifocal glasses

may have the same effect because the lower lenses will blur objects floor level. Regular eye exams, appropriate prescriptions, removing objects that we may trip over, good lighting and high contrast on stairs in the home can all help to minimize fall risk, so can regular exercises that challenge strength and balance. There is compelling evidence in the literature that working on functional strength and balancing activities can reduce fall risk by 20-50%. Often, doing exercises to strengthen ankle muscles that contribute to balance and specifically doing balance challenging exercising can help compensate for loss of balance.

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David J. Zumpano was born and raised in Central New York. He started the Law Offices of David J. Zumpano, remaining “of counsel� to his former firm. Since, his firm has grown 20-fold and is now known as the Estate Planning Law Center. The Estate Planning Law Center serves as a “model law firm� for hundreds of law firms across the country. In addition to his law firm, Zumpano owns and operates Medicaid Practice Systems, LLC, which has educated attorneys all over the United States on how to provide successful medicaid planning strategies to clients.

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Prime 2011


Equal Housing Opportunity


Approximately 1 in 3 adults over the age of 65 will fall each year, with about 20% of those falls resulting in serious injury. Fear of falling may result in a restriction of activity and decrease quality of life and independence. Impaired vision causes increased loss of balance, the loss of ability to detect hazards in the environment and can contribute to increased fall risk.

a Health Care Proxy, it is absolutely essential that your health care directive provide and identify your wishes, in the event you are unable to make your own health care decisions. Also, a properly drawn health care proxy should authorize your agent to make decisions, even if you are not in a “life or deathâ€? situation. For example, dementia or incompetency often leaves the care at a nursing home or similar facility. It is imperative your health care directive authorize your agent to make these types of medical treatment decisions, as well. In addition to a health care directive, you should also consider creating a personal care plan. A personal care plan provides your loved ones specific detailed instructions of the kind of care you would like to receive, if you become incapacitated. Unlike a health care proxy or living will that deals with life and death decisions, a personal care plan instructs your loved ones of your wishes related to your quality of life, such as a desire to be dressed and groomed daily, family visits, hobbies, what you like to watch on TV, eat, read and the activities you would enjoy.  A properly drafted personal care plan will enhance your quality of life, if you are physically able, but lack the mental capacity to ask for it. Life gets complicated quickly, when you have to rely on the state’s rules. Stay in control. Create a health care directive and personal care plan that properly address your goals and objectives.


VA loan

from page 3

lower, than conventional mortgage interest rates. 5. Financing of funding fee The veteran can fold the VA funding fee into the overall mortgage. The funding fee may be reduced if the veteran makes a down payment of five percent or more, and total exemptions are offered for veterans receiving disability compensation. 6. Comparable closing costs The closing costs correspond or save money compared to other financing types because the VA limits certain fees. Sometimes, the VA asks the seller to incur or negotiate regarding this expense. 7. No mortgage insurance premiums Unlike other loan types with minimal down payment requirements, a VA loan is guaranteed by the government and avoids the need for any mortgage insurance. 8. An assumable mortgage A VA loan represents an assumable mortgage. It reviews the credit and character of purchasers to ensure they will make monthly mortgage payments on time. Note: Borrowers must notify the VA or their lenders to be granted a release from liability from the original loan. 9. Prepay without penalty The VA lets veterans pay off their

VA loan early or designate extra payments on the principal without any penalty. 10.VA assistance to avoid default The VA offers financial assistance and “forbearance extensions” to veteran borrowers who experience economic hardships. Veterans with specific service connected disabilities may also be entitled to a grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for the purpose of constructing an adapted dwelling or modifying an existing one to meet the veteran’s needs. The Specially Adapted

Housing (SAH) Program attempts to create a barrier-free environment to provide veterans a higher level of independent living. For more information on these and other VA Affairs services, visit Linda VanMarter is a branch manager with Guaranteed Home Mortgage Co., Inc., a Licensed Mortgage Banker, NYS Banking Dept., Equal Housing Lender as Branch Manager of the North Syracuse office and has over 25 years of experience in the Real Estate/Mortgage business and ties to the community. For more

information on VA Mortgages call Linda VanMarter 452-5626, Toll Free: 877-562-6707 Founded in 1992, Guaranteed Home Mortgage Company (Guaranteed), a licensed mortgage investment and banking firm, is comprised of more than 300 mortgage professionals lending in 28 states. The company, previously named in the Inc. 500 list of the fastest growing companies in the United States, provides residential mortgage financing to a wide variety of consumers and real estate professionals.

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Guenther Schmid BC-HIS & Josh Miller

So the World May Hear


With this coupon. Not valid with other

With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Hearing tests always free. Not a medical exam. Autometric test to determine proper amplification needs only. Offer expires 2/28/11.


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Prime 2011



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Madison County Office for the Aging Inc. From the Desk of the Executive Director

Make volunteering your new year’s resolution A new year is upon us, time to make those resolutions. How about making a resolution to volunteer for the Office for the Aging? We could not assist as many frail and isolated elderly as we do without the assistance of dedicated volunteers but we could always use more. We are updating our list of volunteers and wanted you to know about the volunteer opportunities we offer. Advisory Council & Board of DirecTheresa Davis, OFA tors – Help the OFA plan for the future executive director by representing your community and assisting with program/service planning. Meetings are 4 times per year and are in the morning at the OFA. Senior Medical Transportation Program – Join a group of volunteer drivers and help your neighbors get to routine medical appointments. Volunteers use their own vehicles and mileage reimbursement is offered. The program Coordinator helps you volunteer

at times that are convenient for you. Age Simulation Volunteer – Each May volunteers & OFA staff go to 7th grade classrooms and give a presentation on aging. New volunteers are teamed with experienced presenters. The program differs each year as volunteers are encouraged to share their positive feelings about aging and answer questions from the 12 - to 13-year-olds. General Office Tasks – We always make an effort to be cost efficient. If you would like to help stuff envelopes for one of our mailings or computer data entry let us know. Health Insurance Counseling Program –help other seniors understand Medicare and other medical insurance policies. We have all the tools you’ll need; reference guides, regular updates on insurance plans and a staff program coordinator. The Office for the Aging is a volunteer station registered with RSVP, your time spent volunteering will count towards RSVP service hours and awards. If you are interested in volunteering for any of these programs or have talents not listed here, please let us know that you’re interested in volunteering by calling us at 697-5700.

The Office for the Aging is a phone call away Are you taking care of an older parent or spouse? Are you responsible for meal preparation, transportation to medical appointments, personal care, household tasks, insurance claims, lawn care, grocery shopping, hair appointments, etc.? Do you ever feel as if there isn’t enough time for YOU? Well, the Madison County Office for the Aging can help. We provide a variety of services and programs to assist senior citizens and their caregivers. For example: the Respite program provides temporary relief from the daily tasks of Caregiving; Outreach Workers

will come to your home and assist you with entitlements and other benefits; Insurance Counselors that can explain the maze of paperwork; or even home delivered meals so that you can spend time with your loved one or pampering yourself. Other services include; volunteer transportation to medical appointments, support groups, home helpers, case management, in-home services, legal services, handymen, meal sites, nutrition education, registered dietitian services, and much more. The services provided by the Madison County Office for the Aging, Inc are funded

In brief

Cazenovia SNACK

Weather emergencies and SNACK deliveries

site re-opens

If severe weather conditions occur, the Madison County Office for Aging could be forced to cancel both SNACK Congregate Meal site dining and home delivered meals. Listen to WMCR Radio 1600 FM/106/3, WSTM (NBC) Channel 3 or WTVH (CBS) Channel 5 for information regarding cancellations; or call the Office for the Aging at 697-5700.

The Madison County Office for the Aging is very happy to announce the re-opening of Cazenovia Senior Nutrition (SNACK) Site on Tuesday, January 3, 2011. It will be open Mondays & Thursdays. Meals are served @ 12:00 noon at Cazenovia Village Apartments, 24 Nelson St., Cazenovia. Call 697-5700 to make your reservation or if you would like more information. Please welcome our new site manager, Keri Pelton. Hope to see you there!

Need home repairs?

The Weatherization Referral and Packaging (WRAP) program serves eligible low-income, energy vulnerable households who would benefit from weatherization and other energy conservation services. Energy related repairs may include the replacement or repair of broken windows, outside doors, adding insulation to walls and ceilings or certain repairs to roofs to name a few. Energy related repairs are completed by local qualified contractors. For Madison County homeowners aged 60 and over who are interested in learning more about the WRAP program, may call Stoneleigh Housing at697-3737.


by the US Administration on Aging under Title III of the Older Americans Act, New York State Office for the Aging, Madison County Board of Supervisors and local contributions. The Office for the Aging welcomes caregivers, family members and older persons to call or just drop by. There is a great deal of information that will assist you and your loved one in remaining independent and at home for as long as possible. For more information about the Office for the Aging services, call us at 6975700. Help is a phone call away.

Prime 2011


Dear business owners, civic organizations, and foundations:

I am asking for your help. The Office for the Aging is a private not-for-profit 503 (c) (3) organization that offers a variety of services to Madison County residents aged sixty and over, many of which are frail and isolated. Because we are a not-for-profit agency, to qualify for Federal and State funding we must raise $75,000 each year. It is for this reason we are asking for your help and in exchange we will publicize your involvement in newsletter articles, flyers, invitations and our nutrition program place mats based on the sponsor level chosen. Since 1977, this office has dedicated itself to providing programs and services that serve the elderly and their families. Currently, there are 30 program and services that assist the elderly remain independent and in their own homes for as long as possible. We cannot list all our accomplishments in one letter but to name a few, with donations, last year we were able to do the following: Serve over 185,000 home delivered & congregate dining meals Make over 32,000 contacts for information and assistance Provide over 12,000 hours of case management and housekeeping/personal care service Give over 3,000 rides to medical appointments & escorted trips Please consider donating to the Office for the Aging. The gift you give is tax-deductible and will further our mission to assist and provide services that promote the independence and dignity of older individuals and their families. You can send your contribution (of any amount) in the enclosed envelope and mail to Office for the Aging, Inc., 138 Dominic Bruno Blvd., Canastota, NY 13032. Thank you for your consideration. Theresa Davis Executive Director PS: Working together, we can make a difference in the lives of those retired by choice or chance as well as the frail, isolated elderly so they may remain independent in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.

Visit The Madison county Office for the Aging website is a valuable resource for any older adult looking for information on topics that affect senior citizens in our county.


Madison County OFA News

Christmas Card Party a treat

Need help with your HEAP application?

An Office for the Aging Outreach Worker will be at the following locations to assist seniors with completing their HEAP applications. Please bring a copy of your social security card. If your household income has changed by more than $500 you will need to bring copies of proof of income. For more information call OFA 315-697-5700. Monday Jan. 3, 11:30–12:30 p.m. Madison Lane Apts, Bldg 5, Hamilton Thursday Jan. 6, 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. 1st & 7th Day Baptist Church, Elm & Beaver Creek Rd, Brookfield Monday Jan 10, 10 - 11 a.m. Oneida Towers I & II, 226 Farrier Ave, Oneida Wednesday Jan. 12, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Earlville Senior Center - American Legion, 113 Main St Wednesday Jan. 19, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30

p.m. St Joan of Arc Church, Brookside Dr, Morrisville Thursday Jan. 20, 9 – 11 a.m. Carriage House Village Apartments, Community Room, Cazenovia Thursday Jan. 20, 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Cazenovia Village Apartments, Cazenovia Monday Jan. 24, 2 – 3:30 p.m. CCYAA Caregiver Support Group, Oneida Public Library Tuesday Jan. 25, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town of Sullivan Parks & Rec,701 Legion Dr, Chittenango Wednesday Jan. 26, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Stoneleigh Apts – 400 Lamb Ave, Canastota

January SNACK menu Monday Jan 3 – Turkey divan, mashed potato, Harvard beets, citrus fruit cup Tuesday Jan 4 – Irish stew w/carrots & potatoes, biscuit, corn, Mandarin oranges Wednesday Jan 5 – Veggie quiche, hash browns, spinach, brownie Thursday Jan 6 – Macaroni & cheese, stewed tomatoes, tossed salad, fruit cocktail Friday Jan 7 – Roast beef & gravy, mashed potatoes, California vegetables, sliced pears

The 4th annual Kids Club Christmas Card Party was attended by 25 members and three program leaders. In under two hours, members were able to create and write messages in over 150 cards. The cards were turned over to the Madison County Office for the Aging for distribution to area senior citizens, who might not be receiving cards this year. Thank you to those kids who donated their time to get together for this project, Donna Whitbeck for leading the event and Jose, who manned the hot chocolate/Christmas cookie bar. The cards certainly brightened many senior citizens’ holiday.

Monday Jan 10 – Norwegian baked fish, orange glazed carrots, boiled potatoes, applesauce Tuesday Jan 11 – Roast turkey & gravy, cranberry sauce, red potatoes, mixed vegetables, cookie Wednesday Jan 12 – BBQ pork on bun, macaroni salad, broccoli, tropical fruit mix Thursday Jan 13 – Spaghetti & meat sauce, Italian green beans, tossed salad, pudding Friday Jan 14 – Chicken ala orange, boiled potatoes, herbed spinach bake, pie Monday Jan 17 – OFA & SNACK Closed – Martin Luther King Jr Day Tuesday Jan 18 – Rosemary pork loin, sweet potato, beets, pineapple tidbits Wednesday Jan 19– Curried chicken & broccoli, rice pilaf, peas & carrots, Mandarin oranges Thursday Jan 20 – Meatloaf w/ketchup, scalloped potato, summer squash, ambrosia Friday Jan 21 – Tuna noodle casserole, fiesta blend vegetables, tossed salad, cookie Monday Jan 24 – Beef burgundy, egg noodles, herbed spinach bake, fruit cocktail Tuesday Jan 25 – Chicken Spiedie hoagie, onion & peppers, mixed vegetables, fresh fruit Wednesday Jan 26 – Turkey ala king, mashed potato, broccoli, pudding Thursday Jan 27 – Sloppy Joe on bun, Brussels sprouts, potato salad, blushing pear Friday Jan 28 – Macaroni & cheese, stewed tomatoes, tossed salad, fruited gelatin Monday Jan 31 – Baked chicken leg, rice pilaf, meadow blend vegetables, pudding

The Office for the Aging gratefully acknowledges contributions to honor the memory of beloved relatives and friends. Thank you. In Memory of In Memory of Max & Agnes Currier Anne Lorenz Given by: Given by: Edward & Nancy Currier Carol Ann Lorenz


Office for the Aging Senior Nutrition (SNACK) Sites Brookfield – Open Tuesday & Thursday 1 st & 7th Day Baptist Church, Elm & Beaver Creek Rd Canastota – Open Monday thru Friday Stoneleigh Apts, 400 Lamb Ave Cazenovia – Open Monday and Thursday Cazenovia Village Apts, 24 Nelson St Chittenango – Open Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, Friday, American Legion, 70 Legion Drive Earlville – Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday, American Legion -113 N Main St Early Learning Center – Meals served Monday thru Friday, Madison Cortland ARC, Upper Lenox Ave, Oneida

Prime 2011


Georgetown – Open Friday Georgetown Town Hall, 995 Route 26 Hamilton – Open Monday thru Friday Madison Lane Apts, Bldg 5 Morrisville – Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday St. Joan of Arc Church, Brookside Dr Oneida – Open Monday thru Friday Towers II Community Room, 226 Farrier Ave Monthly health education topics are provided by a Registered Dietitian. For more information and to sign up to enjoy a hot noontime meal at a SNACK site call Madison County Office for the Aging at 697-5700 or visit


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