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“Sky Chase”, Manuel Presti photographer,

Take a deep breath.

...easy, isn’t it?

Simplicity is a convenient way to look at complexity.

web of metabolic reactions in a human’s lung

Crisis [our] "the 'paradox' is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality ought to be" Richard Feynman

Radiohead - “House of Cards� video

"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." Albert Einstein

Environment Environment is still thought in a self-centered way: is man still the measure of all things? Is the world really “in our hands�?


Change . continuously interacting force fields: change is an unavoidable condition . any change triggers and influences other changes

image captured by a NASA environmental satellite

Variations . we live into gradients and transitions, rarely we have uniform condition

Schlieren photography

vortex speed gradient diagram

Interaction . stimulus-sensibility-response: an external stimulus (exogenous), triggers a complex web of internal processes (endogenous)

. all of these processes are based on information exchange and process (matter – energy exchange).

Chromatophores in action

Information . information is pervasive: every process is based on information exchange (matter-energy exchange)

IBM – “data baby” commercial

Coded information . coded information is explicit and based on conventional codes

ELSE mobile commercial

Embedded Information . in the banana skin, the colour gives us informations about its age and taste

Banana ripening chart

Relations . parts themselves do not posses the properties of the whole . a system is defined by the set of relations among its parts

Hans Hansen: VW Golf smontata, 1988

System . Endogenous: a process or a factor that lies within a system . Exogenous: a process or a factor external to the considered system

Drawing for the Duryea Road Vehicle, 1895

Influence . exogenous and endogenous interact and influence each other mutually. . their operational limits are defined by the territories they are projected into.

Ansel Adams - Extended through

Network “what is most amazing about networks is that they completely transform the way we think about information.” Seed Salon - James Fowler - political scientist “we need to think about networks as a common feature of all complex systems.” Seed Salon - Albert-László Barabasi – physicist

Complexity "Simple elements interacting with simple rules can yield surprisingly complex and elegant outcomes."

“Another Singularity” – Antony Gormley

Nature . not just a picturesque arcadia but a complex adaptive system with plenty of efficient solutions and processes in continuous mutual interaction and evolution.

Metabolism . the set of chemical reactions that happen in living organisms to maintain life.

Image Š Microfield Scientific/Science Photo Library

Computation . AMD Athlon FX-60 (Dual Core) – 22150 MIPS at 2.6 GHz – released in 2006

. Cray Jaguar (1st in rank at Top500 June 2010) - AMD x86_64 Opteron Six Core 2600 MHz (10.4 GFlops), 224162 cores tot: 2.331.000 GFlops . Brain around 20 trillions GFlops


Image CORE.FORM-ULA website

Elegance . elegance articulates complexity, making it readable and ordered

Image Š Thomas Shahan

Pattern . patterns are sequences in space and time through which information is recorded.

Digital Tools . digital tools process and store information in the same way nature does, through pattern recognition.

Image Š Alexander Kalachev -

Code . a rule for converting a piece of information into another object or action, not necessarily of the same nature or kind

Connections . information is not only volatile, it lies at the bottom of physical things. Digital tools made evident this reality, since they are all about information processing. . the ambition of digital tools in architecture is to build set of relations, which ultimately lead to a digital metabolism.

Image John Locke – “grasshopper final�

Material System

“ISOMALT sugar” on “foodfordesign” blog

Digital fabrication . with digital fabrication the only needed thing is information coded in digital language, going directly from the digital model to the physical construction.

image Š Co-de-iT+Bruno De Masi

Bottom-up top



bottom image Š Studio MODE

Generative 1. Having the ability to originate, produce, or procreate. 2. Of or relating to the production of offspring. [The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English]

“Aortic Arc installation” - CCA MEDIAlab

Generation 1. All of the offspring that are at the same stage of descent from a common ancestor. 2. Biology: a form or stage in the life cycle of an organism 5a. a stage or period of sequential technological development and innovation. b. A class of objects derived from a preceding class: a new generation of computers. 6. The formation of a line or geometric figure by the movement of a point or line. 7. The act or process of generating; origination, production, or procreation. [The American Heritage速 Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition, 2000]

Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher - Parametric Urbanism

Process . a series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result. [The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition, 2000] . a series of events to produce a result, especially as contrasted to product. [Wikipedia]

Image “helix_breed_energy39048” - Flickr mtchl album

Paradigm shift . design and production shift their goal from a final product to a process




Paradigm shift

Image Woo Jae's blog

Paradigm shift . from modular (metrics) to parametrics: from the uniform repetition to adapted iteration, sameness is given in the relations and not in the results . from uniform optimization to specific differentiation (population thinking applied through code) . potential emergent properties on the system at larger scale

Image courtesy Marco Verde Eng, MArch

Paradigm shift . code generates developmental landscapes, not forms themselves: openness to a wider chance of success.

Algorithmic Architecture – Kostas Terzidis

Population . custom design is about differentiation and articulation over a population of individuals

Greg Lynn - Alessi Coffee and Tea Towers.

Geometry . tighten up the linkage from design to production . loosen the boundary of Euclidean geometry

Image by Vincenzo Reale – diG.T.A blog

Economy of form . form is cheap, material is expensive

Image Š Grigorii Zotov – Cacti-dew condensation project

Customization . efficient response to complexity . process management and addressing

[c]space Pavillion by Alan Dempsey and Alvin Huang

Multi-performance . from “additive� logic to integrated approach

thank you.

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Please read carefully this Copyright statement. All the material in this file is to be intended as teaching material and research material of Co-de-iT. For all non original content: copyright by respective owners. All rights reserved in all countries. All material is protected by international copyright laws. No material can (totally or partially) with any means be used, printed, copied, modifed, downloaded, republished on the Web, without the written agreement from the Copyright owner. If you have any question at all about what you can or cannot do with the content of this document, contact e-cloud _ Alessio Erioli’s Blog DigitAG& _Andrea Graziano’s Blog Madeincalifornia _Davide del Giudice's Blog Co-de-iT website

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