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E X C E S S I O N Alessio Erioli UniversitĂ di Bologna | Co-de-iT

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notational identity

autografico > allografico

Sketchpad - Ivan Sutherland (1963)

Westworld (2016)

Westworld (2016)

The Next Rembrandt

Sol Lewitt - wall drawings

Sol Lewitt - wall drawings

Sol Lewitt - A Wall Divided Vertically into Fifteen Equal Parts, Each with a Different Line Direction and Color, and All Combinations, 1970 © Tate

"The idea becomes a machine that makes the art" Sol Lewitt, Paragraphs on conceptual art, 1967Â

[artists inform] themselves by inventing tools or techniques or processes that allow them to see into a material manifestation in the way that you would not if you dealt with standardized or academic ways of thinking. Richard Serra

Richard Serra - machine for making revolving sculptures

Jackson Pollock at work

"The code designs machines that grow the architecture" paraphrasing Sol LewittÂ

- I designed a machine that can draw - Can it draw as I draw? - Yes, if you can tell me how you draw,I believe it can


craft accumulazione di conoscenza che si sublima in sensibilitĂ

computazione come medium progettuale . programmare comportamenti (relazioni) . costruire macchine . progetto e costruzione come crescita

programmare comportamenti (che producono complessi di materia attorno ad un vuoto)

An algorithm must be seen to be believed Donald Knuth

It is hard to believe that something as mindless and mechanical as an algorithm could produce such wonderful things. No matter how impressive the products of an algorithm, the underlying process always consists of

nothing but a set of individually mindless steps succeeding each other without the help of intelligent supervision: they are “automaticâ€? by deďŹ nition: the workings of an automaton Daniel Dennett

Give me order‌ and time, and I will give you Design Daniel Dennett

communal spiders web

phyllotaxis scheme | Douady & Couder experiment

Cellular Formations - Andy Lomas

Process 6: Position three large circles on a rectangular surface.
 Set the center of each circle as the origin for a large group of Element 1. When each Element moves beyond the edge of the circle, move its position back to the origin. Draw a line from the centers of Elements which are touching. Set the value of the shortest possible line to white and the longest to black, with varying grays between. Element 1: Form 1 + Behavior 1 + Behavior 2 + Behavior 3 Form 1: Circle
 Behavior 1: Constant linear motion
 Behavior 2: Constrain to surface Behavior 3: When touching another, change direction

Process Drawing - Casey Reas

le conseguenze di una azione eccedono sempre l’intento iniziale




predittivo |


. procedure condizioni operative > speculative, dinamiche

. criteri limitano il regno del possible dell’artefatto > stabili, conďŹ ni

le relazioni deďŹ niscono la metrica del risultato del sistema

gli algoritmi sono

la logica diventa una

modi di pensare operazione estetica


aesthetic of decision in a framework of self-organization and complex adaptive systems Steven Shaviro

vaghezza | anesatto

vaghezza non è assenza di logica ma di ďŹ nalitĂ anesatto rigoroso ma non tendente al perfetto


tettonica degli



tettonica dei




n2 s2


c1 s3 n3 x1

Campanile di Giotto

Frei Otto - tower study

Lucy Irvine - Before the After

programmazione + feedback capacitĂ morfogenetica del materiale

dialogo con le macchine conseguenze spaziali|tettoniche|estetiche

multi-agent systems material self-organization machinic fabrication

digifabTURINg project

digifabTURINg project

design is focused on machine behavior rather than shapes: direct generation of robot toolpath to engage material feedback

digifabTURINg project

digifabTURINg project

digifabTURINg project

digifabTURINg project

digifabTURINg project

digifabTURINg project

digifabTURINg project

Volatile Ground - thesis project by Lapo Naldoni - robotic fabrication by digifabTURINg project



internal state


agent - Russel and Norvig

sensorium S B A action


internal state

Braitenberg, V. - Vehicles: experiments in Synthetic Psychology - 1984

Craig Reynolds model (1987)

Je Jones model (2002)


architecture perturbation

atmosphere perturbation

structural alteration



D-ShapeÂŽ large scale 3D printing machine

morphogenetic system < > production system

photo: Alessio Erioli

Reefs: atoll generator v 2.0 - the ecosystem

Reefs: atoll generator v 2.0 - the ecosystem

Reefs: 3D Reaction-Diffusion generated parts

mesh model - for visualization purposes only

the Reef test model, designed by Co-de-iT & printed in D-Shape facility in Pisa, April 2014

Hydroassemblies thesis work

Dario Castellari advisor: Alessio Erioli

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

. continuity . density . combinatorics


. directionality . hierarchy

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari 14.07.2016 - HYDROASSEMBLIES

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

iterations: 500

iterations: 2000

iterations: 6000

Field: t=0.021 ; s=0.05 Starting Points: 3 Neighbourhood: m/M 1=>5

Field: t=0.021 ; s=0.09 Starting Points: 3 Neighbourhood: m/M 1=>6

Field: t=0.021 ; s=0.05



vector amplitude

Field: t=0.328 ; s=0.100 Starting Points: 5 Neighbourhood: m/M 1=>6

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Processo con campo.

01.sviluppo influenzato dal campo

02. Parti con più densità di unità o critiche

03. Individuazione campo di valori di sforzo

04. Suddivisione in base al campo di sforzi

05. Scomposizione e allineamento

06. Medial line dell’ammasso

07. Anastomosi e loop

08. Comportamento unità marginali

09. Linee secondarie verso target points

10. Anastomosi linee secondarie

11. Sistema di linee, due ordini

12. Condotti

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari 14.07.2016 - HYDROASSEMBLIES

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Schema di funzionamento

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Suddivisione in ordini superiori al secondo

Creazione di superfici per raccolta capillare

Cicli e dispositivi

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari 14.07.2016 - HYDROASSEMBLIES

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Stampa 3d

- HYDROASSEMBLIES Hydroassemblies –14.07.2016 Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Prototipo funzionale

Hydroassemblies – Thesis project by Dario Castellari 14.07.2016 - HYDROASSEMBLIES

Prototipo funzionale

- HYDROASSEMBLIES Hydroassemblies –14.07.2016 Thesis project by Dario Castellari

Hi-Wire membranes thesis work

Alberto Chiusoli advisor: Alessio Erioli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Hi-Wire Membranes – Thesis project by Alberto Chiusoli

Behavioral builders thesis work

Eugenio Bettucchi advisor: Alessio Erioli co-advisors: Aldo Sollazzo Umberto Scarcia (robotics)

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

Behavioral Builders – Thesis project by Eugenio Bettucchi

homeorhetic | assemblies thesis work

Roberto Monesi advisor: Alessio Erioli

Beehive formation dynamics - Wikipedia

hexagon formation - (Tautz 2004, Karihaloo 2013)

wild beehive

Aganetha Dyck

Homeorhetic Assemblies – Thesis project by Roberto Monesi

Homeorhetic Assemblies – Thesis project by Roberto Monesi

Homeorhetic Assemblies – Thesis project by Roberto Monesi

Homeorhetic Assemblies – Thesis project by Roberto Monesi

Homeorhetic Assemblies – Thesis project by Roberto Monesi

Homeorhetic Assemblies – Thesis project by Roberto Monesi

Homeorhetic Assemblies – Thesis project by Roberto Monesi

swarm | constructability thesis work

Michele Semeghini advisor: Alessio Erioli co-advisors: Massimo Cicorella (electronics) Martino Colonna (materials)

Polycaprolactone - melts at 60°C

Sodium Acetate Trihydrate (SAT) - room temperature

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

sensors + movement

deposition tank

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

Swarm Constructability - thesis project by Michele Semeghini

fibrous | aerial robotics thesis work

Samuel Pietri advisor: Alessio Erioli

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri



Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri




Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri


Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri


Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri


Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri


A A’


B B’

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

Fibrous Aerial Robotics – Thesis project by Samuel Pietri

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