Women's Edge Mag Issue#2

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Unleash Innovation for Wild Results magazine . Issue 1 . october 2012


3 Sizzling

The Art of Undeniable, Irresistible Personal Presence on any PlatformÂ

to Attract Clients Today


Hot Secrets


Almost every entrepreneur starts her dream by struggling endlessly to find new clients

Follow these steps to get started to become a sought after speaker

3 key strategies

for converting connections

INTO CA$H Christine Marmoy

Your Magnetic Marketing Mentor & Dream Team Designer


A Word from the

Editor Publisher Christine Marmoy

Headquarters Second Floor 6 London Street London, W2 1HR

Executive Editor Christine Marmoy

Creative Director Karine St-Onge

Administrative Director Jane Bell

Article Submission & Advertising info@thewomensedgemag.com

Copyright The Women’s Edge Mag – October 2012

Christine Marmoy

As you may know by now, the mission of Women’s Edge Magazine is to help women all over the world believe in their ‘Divaness’ and power so they feel amazingly confident in their business, creating success for themselves every day. I received so many “Thank You’s” and compliments about the first issue, so please let me just take a few seconds to express my deep gratitude yet again. This magazine represents the dream of a little girl. This little girl was me. Now I’m grown up and being able to see one of my dreams come to life has been and will always be my greatest achievement. And today I’m really honored to present to you a wide range of powerful women who, just like you and me, decided that entrepreneurship was a woman’s right after all and that it was a great way to express who they really were. ‘Be seen, heard and read’ is the theme of this issue, therefore all the amazing women who dared to share one article with you are either Professional Speakers and/or Radio Show Hosts and/or Published Authors. Some of them are even Best Sellers. There is no such thing as a small success, every step you take in your life and in your business is a determining one. I know that some of you reading this magazine would love to be published, interviewed on a radio show or to be speaking at a live event. And you are right! You should want that as well because these strategies are among the most important ones to build credibility, authority and to gather a community around your message, regardless of the type of business you are in. So what does it take? How can you get published? What should you do next to get to share your ideas with a wider audience? Start by reading what the experts have to say in the following pages….then step up and step onto the red carpet waiting for you…. let your ‘divaness’ shine and live up to these dreams you have nurturing in your heart.



What’s in THIS issue? Women’s Edge Stories

3 Key Strategies for converting Connections into Ca$h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patty Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ‘Cause I’m a Speaker not a Writer!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Evanston. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Speak Now and Make Your Business Thrive! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caterina Rando . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CRAVEology: The Art of Undeniable, Irresistible Personal Presence on any Platform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catrice M.Jackson. . . . . . . . . 7 Are the Words Really the Same? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christine Marmoy . . . . . . . . . 9 It’s My Time to Be Seen, Be Heard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dortha Hise. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7 Ways Being an Author Can Improve Your Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Faye Levow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Forget Being New – Just Be You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heather Petherick . . . . . . . . 15 I knew there was More to Life.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judy Hoberman . . . . . . . . . . 17 3 Types of Income You Want in Your Business or You Could Be Missing Out on Easy, Potential Revenue Streams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katrina Sawa. . . . . . . . . . . . 19 It’s Time to Create a Book that Brings You Business!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kristen Eckstein. . . . . . . . . . 21 Your Powerful Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcia Ullett . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3 Sizzling Hot Secrets to Attract Your Ideal Clients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amethyst Mahoney. . . . . . . . 25 What’s Wrong With Your Online Marketing?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payson Cooper. . . . . . . . . . . 27 Expand Your Brand with the Rule of 3!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randi Thompson. . . . . . . . . . 29 Live Your Purpose… On Purpose.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shellie Hipsky. . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Dare to be Different – Dressing Your Authentic Self. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue Donnelly . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Coffee, Tea, or Me the Radio Show Host! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Wildemann . . . . . . . . . 35 Blog Tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judy Hoberman . . . . . . . . . . 43

Women’s Edge Spotlight Live your Life biDesign NOT biDefault. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noni Boon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Women’s Edge Special Cunning Tips for that Special Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Women’s Edge Magic The Dream Midwife Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christine Marmoy . . . . . . . . 45 Get One Hour off Each Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christine Marmoy . . . . . . . . 47

Women’s Edge Resources At Your Fingertips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50


3 Key Strategies for converting Connections into Ca$h By Patty Farmer

Effective networking is the most powerful way to turn your connections into cash. It is not difficult but requires a definite strategy to be truly effective. Otherwise it’s just lots of talk and zero cash for the effort. When networking is done mindfully instead of reactively, cash comes quickly and abundantly. Make quality connections by avoiding three common pitfalls: The first networking taboo is going up to people saying, “Hi, my name is ____; here’s my card,” then walking away. This makes the worst impression possible—no impression at all. Even if they accept your card to be polite, they are unlikely to remember you and will have no reason to connect with you again. Take the time to introduce yourself and learn about the other person. Secondly, once you’re in conversation, be sure you’re not just waiting to speak rather than actively listening. How many times have you met someone and can tell they are just itching to hammer you with their pitch? You can literally feel them not listening to you. This is ineffective as well as annoying.


People who are listening hold their bodies differently and use different mannerisms—a state of calm and receiving. This is the state you want to be in when engaging someone. Use your listening skills to pick up clues people leave when talking about themselves, their friends or what they do. The third thing many people miss is the follow-up stage of networking. You have a stack of business cards and fresh experiences—now what? American readers, be In my sure to adhere to the CANexperience, SPAM Act. Do not add contact people to your distribution within the list unless you have specific first 48 permission to do so. This is hours is the number one thing in the critical networking world that will get you blacklisted. Think of connections in the context of dating. You have met and exchanged phone numbers. You feel there is a possible connection, so what is the best way to continue the conversation and learn more about each other? In my experience, contact within the first 48 hours is critical. Did you get permission to contact them when you spoke?


People frequently ask, “Patty, how do you get the people you meet at mixers and expos to give you permission to contact them?” I use a transition statement. See my special tips section for the exact wording I use to get permission. It’s powerful, polite and very effective. After you have made a connection and received permission to contact them, there are three key strategies to convert connections into cash:

Become a resource.

I strive to hand out 5 business cards that aren’t mine or make 5 introductions every day to connect people. Every day I strive to hook my connections up with a person or tool they need.

Add value through jointventures or collaborations.

Networking is a series of conversations. Be listening for an opportunity to form a jointventure or some type of a collaboration where

the sum is greater than the parts. When you identify a good opportunity to join with a colleague to create a new product or service, you’ll both expand your offerings as well as gaining exposure to each other’s audiences.

Ask open-ended questions.

Open-ended questions require more than a yes or no answer. The number one question I use is “I meet lots of people, what should I tell people about you?” People respond with the values they bring to the table which can be very revealing. This key information allows you to make great decisions about that interaction.

Connections + Conversations + Clues + Collaboration

= Ca$h

PATTY FARMER “The Networking CEO™” Patty Farmer is a multi-award winning & highly sought after marketing professional. Author of the highly acclaimed book “Make Your Connections Count”, Patty shares key marketing strategies with her global audiences as a passionate public speaker and upbeat radio show host.

An experienced community builder, Patty knows that positive environments nurture the formation of strong connections, unleashing the full potential of any tribe to increase their network and global influence. It is through communities that an individual can redefine and reshape what they think is possible. www.bizlinkglobal.com


If you’re looking to get a jumpstart on your networking strategy, sign up now to download a copy of Patty Farmer’s e-Book. “Make Your Connections Count”




‘Cause I’m a speaker not a Writer! By Ann Evanston

How I overcame Writers Block and Published! For years as an international speaker I have had colleagues, participants in my classes and presentations, family, friends and even publishers tell me I have a book or two I should write. I have continuously said: “I’m a speaker, not a writer.” Seth Godin called me out on that limiting belief! He said that no one says they have talkers’ block; they just say they have writers’ block. Anyone can talk out what they want to become their published book. Heck, that is how I wrote this blog post!


Recently, a great friend and publisher of Our Little Books approached me again (yes again, I backed out once before) with a great opportunity. My chance to become a published author is in my lap again! And I got scared. Honestly I didn’t fully understand where this was coming from. What am I so afraid of? Why is it that when this huge opportunity presents itself I panic? I have a 40 page undergraduate thesis that is published! So what the heck is my problem? While completing my 30 day writing challenge I had an epiphany as to why. In graduate school I took an adult development


The rejection.

Honestly I didn’t fully understand where this was coming from. What am I so afraid of? course. This class was run by two professors widely known in the Puget Sound Region as women you wanted to learn from. I was so excited about being in their class. One of our assignments was to create a ritual or write a fairytale that described how we became the adults we are today. Excited, I wrote a fairytale about how I became who I am and what allowed me to heal to become who I am. One of these professors actually ripped apart the paper. She said that I didn’t know myself and I failed the assignment. The other teacher disagreed, but guess what I held onto?

Now I have to get over that fear of rejection so I can write my book. It’s not so easy when people say just write it. Some of you may relate to this form of rejection and if you’re not willing to deal with it, how will So I worked you ever get to a place to overcome where you create what this fear. you’re meant to create? So I worked to overcome this fear. The fairytale I wrote in 1994 was on a typewriter. In 2010, I had it typed so it could be shared, but still held it away. Part of me realized that sharing is how I heal. Sharing my fairytale will help even more, even in its raw unedited form. It’s not about having people tell me it’s good. It’s about being ok with putting me out there further even again. I had to let it go, and know it doesn’t matter what others think, as the story will touch who it is meant to touch. I had to remember that rejection is everywhere, even when I speak, so someone might not like my book, and that is ok too.

ANN EVANSTON Ann Evanston, MA, has been named by About.com as one of the Top Six Marketing Consultants, Feb 2011, and recognized in the Huffington Post for her unique approach in using Facebook to increase profits through giving. She specializes in helping entrepreneurs play a bigger game than they even see for themselves and their business!


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Speak Now

and Make Your Business Thrive! By Caterina Rando, MA, MCC

It is better to be in the front of the room speaking than in the back of the room listening! Why? When you are the speaker, you open the door wide to new, wonderful contacts that can quickly lead to new clients and a more thriving business. When your name is listed to promote an event and you are the featured speaker, you are considered the expert. The more potential clients perceive you as an expert, the more likely they are to do business with you. There are many important reasons why you want to become a sought after speaker today. Here are three:


Meet More People Faster

Speaking gives several people an opportunity to get to know you in a short period of time. An audience of forty people will meet you all at once. This is a lot better then having to take time for forty individual conversations to determine who is the best client match for you.

Build a Better List, Better and Faster When you speak to a group, you begin to build a relationship with people in the audience. When you present do a drawing and give something away. If they give you their email address you are building your list. This is one of your key objectives as a business owner: always be building your list.

More Clients, Contracts and Commissions

If you are presenting to an audience full of your ideal clients, have a strong delivery and give a


high-content speech, you will come home with at least one new client every time you speak. Sometimes you will find you are adding several clients in an afternoon. Speaking is the fastest, easiest and best way to make your business thrive! Follow these steps to get started to become a sought after speaker:


Decide which groups you want to speak to. Big hint: you want to speak to groups where your ideal clients are gathered.


Create a marketing PDF that positions you as a speaker and lets decision makers know your topic and the benefits the audience will receive from your speech.


Identify the right groups to present to and build a list. Once you know whom to contact, introduce yourself as a speaker via email and attach your speaker sheet.


Most groups are led by volunteers who often change every year. Identify a personal contact who can point you in the right direction and will vouch for you as a speaker.


Be loud and proud about the value you bring. Tell everyone you are a speaker and add it to your social media profiles.


When you are a good speaker, do a good job and provide value to the audience, you will be referred to other groups and invited back.


Remember to ask the audience to become your clients! Always have an offer sheet and go over it to ensure you come home with business.

Follow these ideas and you will quickly and successfully enjoy easily adding new clients thanks to public speaking.

Caterina Rando shows women entrepreneurs how to gain insta-clients by being loud and proud about who they are and the value they bring. She is a master certified coach, business strategist and creator of the hugely popular Sought After Speaker Summit.


Download your free audio on How to Be A Sought After Speaker at www.soughtafterspeaker.com Caterina can be reached at cat@caterinarando.com or by phone in the U.S. at 415 668-4535.




by Catrice M. Jackson


The Art of Undeniable, Irresistible Personal Presence on any Platform I knew my voice was my gift at an early age but didn’t know the real power I possessed. I was the wise teenager for my age, the friend who always had the right advice and the young woman who spoke up for the underdog; yet I was a bit naïve about the divinity of my voice. I had no idea I would ever speak to the masses, host an international radio show, author two best-selling books or use my voice to impact the lives of people and make a difference in the world. Entrepreneurship has been one of my greatest teachers. When I took a premature exit from my full time job to faithfully leap into my speaking dream I never thought I’d intentionally silence my voice. No way not me! Upon making my entrepreneurial debut I came out strong, bold, real and raw which was who I was in my core. I wanted the world to know that I had arrived and stood boldly in my new spotlight.


I was sassy, confident and assertively began to connect and engage with other women as I thought they would When I took a appreciate my premature exit authenticity. from my full time Surprisingly, job to faithfully many were leap into my turned off, speaking dream silent and did I never thought not like the I’d intentionally flavor of my silence my voice. tongue. I was shocked and wondered why they would be turned off by my real way of being. I found myself dimming my light to be accepted, hiding my light to make others feel comfortable and I even left certain virtual spaces and places to avoid being seen.


If you met me today you’d never believe this to be true. I never felt small on the inside but I learned that sometimes people can’t handle your light. I vowed to never be small or allow another person to play me small. The greatest lesson I learned over the past five years is that when you dim your light you are silencing your soul’s voice and telling God that he made a mistake when he created the brilliant masterpiece called you. When people can’t handle your light it’s because they haven’t yet discovered their own and you are a reminder of that. Today I’ve mastered the Art of Craveology; the ability to be naked, authentic and confident in my skin to attract my desires. Today I show up like I showed up in my entrepreneurial debut and I feel free! My journey has taught me that

you must never compromise who you are to fit in and be accepted. If you desire to speak and share your gift of voice NEVER compromise Today I’ve who you are, mastered the what you believe Art of in and the flavor Craveology; of your tongue. the ability When you speak to be naked, with undeniable authentic and authenticity and confident in my confidence that’s skin to attract what makes you my desires. irresistible on every platform. This I know for sure: always be you because your personal brand is the brand of all brands. Discover your IT, own it, master it and flaunt it. Every time you speak, be YOUnique and make them crave you with the flavor of your tongue!

CATRIce M. Jackson Speaker and Personal Branding Expert helps womenpreneurs create an irresistible personal brand, speak on stage with authentic confidence and create brand messaging that attracts clients they crave. Clients who work with Catrice create their signature talk in one 90-minute session, confidently double their fees, show up more confident and attract ideal clients. Catrice uses Catriceology, her signature coaching secretsauce, to empower womenpreneurs to live and speak their brand with power and presence.

RESOURCES FREE Offer: If YOU are feeling invisible in your business...We can fix that in just 30 days so you can BE irresistible, attractive and create more crave, clients and cash! Sign up for a complimentary Sweet Spot Personal Branding Discovery Session and let’s hit that personal brand sweet spot! www.catriceology.com




Are the words really the same?

By Christine Marmoy by Christine Marmoy

As I write this article for the next issue of Women’s Edge, I’m sitting in a coffee shop up the street from my kids’ school. While sipping my ‘café con leche’, I’m just watching how people interact with one another, how easily they speak, how alert the guy at the next table is; even though he’s pretending to read his newspaper, I know that in reality he is doing exactly the same as me…he is listening. Try this next time you go out somewhere. Just sit and listen, listen to what other people are saying, not out of curiosity but just as an ‘objective listener’. What amazes me most of all is how easily people can speak to a small group of friends while they would freak out at having to do the same thing in front of a group of strangers. Why is that? Are the words really the same? The answer is ‘yes’. So what is the real difference? Based on my own experience, and from what some of my clients have told me, I’d say that fear of rejection is one of the biggest hurdles if not THE biggest that prevents you from owning your brilliance, be it on a stage, in the pages of a book or during an interview aired on radio. You’re not afraid of talking with your friends, but you’re sure afraid of speaking in public. You’re not afraid of writing articles for your blog, but you’re sure afraid of writing a book.


You’re not afraid of speaking with colleagues but you wouldn’t dare do it on a live radio show! Think about it for a minute. If you’ve always wanted to speak at a live event, what stopped you from doing it? Probably the ‘What have you fear of not being ever wanted to interesting enough do but didn’t to engage your because it audience. If you’ve always wanted to scared the crap be interviewed on a out of you’? radio show, what’s taken you so long? Probably the fear of getting a total blank…̔what if I don’t remember what to say’ moment? If you’ve always wanted to be a published author, then why aren’t you one yet? Probably because somewhere in your head you heard that voice saying: ‘What could you possibly write about that would be of interest to others’? You see, I know about these fears because they are ‘given’, in other words, without them you wouldn’t do it all. Yep, that’s true. Let me explain. You see, in actual fact, our greatest achievements usually come from our deepest fears. The greater the fear….once you get over it….the greater the reward.


So let me ask you this: ‘What have you ever wanted to do but didn’t because it scared the crap out of you’? Now rank that fear out of 10. The closer you get to 10, the more you should do it. OK, now let’s see how I can help you get close to this dream of yours…whatever it may be.

1. What’s my dream?

First you need to determine what it is that you really want to do. It could be any one of the three examples I gave above, it could even be all three or it could be something completely different. It’s YOUR dream, own it from start to finish.

you feel confident with. This will give you wings to spread. Don’t you feel your dream becoming more real now?

3. Nightmare firecrackers

Your nightmare firecrackers, as I call them, are your fears (real or irrational), the reason why you haven’t seen your dream come true. Before overcoming them, you need to identify them. Get to know your enemy before you can imagine winning the battle. Don’t miss a single one. List them all. Are you starting to see your monsters for what they truly are…little firecrackers that disappear as soon as you set light to them?

4. Make your dream come true

2. When do you want to see it happening?

I know, it’s not because you give it a deadline that it will be easier… it may actually add to the pressure. But the goal here is to make darn sure that your dream will see daylight at some point. Nobody is asking you to have it done by tomorrow night. Just pick a time period that stretches you (i.e. scares you a little) but that

Christine Marmoy arrives on the scene like a breath of fresh air in this sometimes mundane and predictable world of online business. Not only does she help her clients use their own ideas and brilliance to stand out whilst making more $$$ using Dream T.E.A.M. strategies, she embraces this slick concept for herself. She really does walk the talk. She is a trend setter, a trailblazer, always

Plan one action (even a small one) everyday that will bring you closer to your dream. Don’t forget that the last one will represent the date you set for your dream to come true. So tell me…how does it feel now that your dream has become an achievement? How do you feel now that your dream has become a reward? Your dreams are not meant to be slumbering in a quiet corner …. wake them up, kick their butt and get them walking on the path to your success! trying and testing out new ideas. Think pazazz, excitement, talent … and most of all Success. That’s Christine all rolled into one! www.coachingandsuccess.com




It’s My Time to Be Seen, Be Heard

By Dortha Hise

As I sat down to write this article, I began with thinking of the theme for this article – Be seen, heard and read!

event preparation tasks such as marketing and proliferation, and creating information products.

I began thinking of what that means to me professionally. You see, for a number of years, I’ve been a virtual assistant. It’s been my job to help others by supporting their business so they can focus more on tasks they are best at, as well as the time and energy to focus on income producing activities. I typically help my clients by maintaining their website, strategizing and executing social media plans, assisting with

I’d already done a ton of research for several clients, so I started with where I was most familiar. I was also already pretty connected in organizations within my local community. I started with connecting with a few local organizations, such as BAM, eWomen, Successful Thinkers and Mastery for Women as

Many of the clients I work with write articles and books, and a few do a ton of public speaking. I provide assistance by researching places for them to speak such as local, regional, and national conferences, organizations, business groups, and community groups. After the research is complete, I help by drafting quality proposals .One day, while working on booking a long-time client, I realized – why not me?

11 www.coachingandsuccess.com

Having a team of virtual assistants allows me to better meet the needs of my clients. well as others, where I could give presentations on what I know best – virtual assistance. While I enjoy public speaking, and have grown more used to it over time, I still feel nervous before each presentation. Once I start speaking, I find my groove and it feels more like a conversation with a big group. Since I started, I’ve focused on putting myself out there as much as possible – I recently found out I was selected as one of the presenters for the Virtual Assistant Virtuosos Seminar 6! My business has doubled since I began public speaking on a regular basis. Public speaking allows me to

reach multiple people at one time, which is more effective and appealing than cold calls. Another aspect of the theme I’ve focused on is Be Seen. I am a three time-author, contributing to Woman Entrepreneur Extraordinaire, Entrepreneur Extraordinaire, and 10 Powerful Women. I enjoy writing, though I will admit I do rely on the strengths of my team in areas I am not completely confident or very strong in – which is a big principal of why I created a virtual assistant team. Having a team of virtual assistants allows me to better meet the needs of my clients. They have strengths that I may or may not possess, so we are able to provide more comprehensive services overall to our clients. Most importantly, my team allows me to focus on public speaking, writing, and income producing activities. The more time I can spend in front of an audience, the more potential I have to bring in new business. And, as we all know, more business equals more income.

DORTHA HISE A serial entrepreneur, Dortha Hise runs a successful virtual consulting business and a web design and development business. She also serves as a leadership representative with Avon products. She offers a variety of support to her clients from research and phone calls to web design and social media support.


Dortha Hise Develops provides a wide variety of business services from an array of team members that will support you in many aspects of your business. Download your free copy of Dortha’s eChapter from Woman Entrepreneur Extraordinaire at www.dorthahise.com/jvgiveaway

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7 Ways Being an Author Can Improve Your Business by Faye Levow

I’m sure you’ve heard that being an author of a published book can benefit your business. In fact, some people would say that it’s as important as having a website! How can something so simple be so powerful? First of all, having a book differentiates you from the rest of the marketplace, especially if you are one of many in your field. Just having authored a book sets you apart from the crowd. What’s so great about you and what you have to offer? A book is a place where people can experience You before buying into a major program or workshop. Share your philosophy and some of your methodology. Of course, by doing that, you become an Authority in your field. Authorities always have written books!

When you have written a book, you become more visible because journalists and reviewers write articles about you. You get interviews on TV and radio where you can plug your book and other offerings. People really begin to know who you are. People read your book and want to meet you, work with you, attend your workshops, and purchase your other products. Your book then has become an Attraction Magnet to prospects. As an author, you gain credibility, which increases your revenues from products and programs and brings higher speaking fees. A woman had an opportunity to speak at a conference that was a major goal for her. When the conference organizer asked about her book, she answered, “It’s not finished.” He apologized profusely, saying, “I’m really sorry to hear that. Without a book, we can only pay you $400. If you had a book, we could pay you $4,000!” So you see, authoring a book can bring you more money, in this case, ten times the amount of money. That is significant, wouldn’t you agree? It can also help to catapult sales for your products, programs,

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and services because with more credibility and a sense of authority, other people are more willing to spend their money with you. Finally, a book offers you longevity. It’s your big calling card. When you give someone a book, do they toss it in a bag, leave it on the floor, or throw it in the trash? No. Unlike a brochure, it goes on their desk, next to their bed, on the bookshelf. Why? Because we value books. People have bookshelves, not brochure shelves. And if they don’t want the book anymore, they pass it along to someone else, especially if they liked it. Don’t you? Now you have seven good reasons for writing your book. Think about what that means to you in dollars and cents. If your book was published and out in the world today, what would that mean for you and your business? How much

additional revenue could you generate over the next three years, just because you were a published author with a well-written, wellproduced book? Once you have your figure, ask yourself, “What am I waiting for?” If you don’t know where to begin and A book is a feel nervous and place where overwhelmed at the people can thought of writing experience You a book. Arrange for before buying a complimentary strategy session into a major with me and let’s program or see how I can be of workshop. assistance. I have a knack for making the “impossible” very attainable. The sooner you begin, the sooner you’ll have a shot at that additional revenue!

FAYE Levow From coaching to editing to publishing, Faye Levow’s passion is to help authors get their books out of their heads, and get their message, in their voice, to their audience. President of Launch Pad Publishing, Faye has been writing and editing for over 30 years and coaching authors for the last 8 years. She has been a features writer for magazines and newspapers, a contributing author in several books, and has edited magazines, newsletters, and numerous books in a variety of genres, including a Washington Post best-seller. Faye spent much of her life in sales and marketing and considers marketing to be an important piece of the publishing puzzle.

She is co-author of Award-Winning Savory Delights: The Best Restaurants in Greater Fort Lauderdale, author of So You Want to Write a Book being released in September and creator of the upcoming book OMG! My Parents are Getting OLD! scheduled for release at the end of 2012. Faye Levow can be found through her websites: www.SuccessBookCoach.com www.LaunchPadPublishing.com




Forget Being NEW – Just Be You by Heather Petherick

At some point in your business you will realize that you can’t continue to work exclusively with one-on-one clients. At some point you will recognize that you need to play a bigger game. That moment happened to me in the summer of 2010. My mission was (and still is) to transform the professional lives of 15,000 women by the year 2015 with my career coaching services. I realized then that if I truly wanted to make an impact in the world, I needed to package up my expertise and make it available to a wider audience. So I planned to create a group coaching program, a blog and a book to leverage my time AND benefit clients that couldn’t afford my one-on-one attention. But before I could do that, I had to overcome one huge challenge: the paralyzing fear that I had nothing new to offer the world! If you’re like me, you read a lot of books by very successful people looking for inspiration and new ideas. But one of the risks associated with this habit is realizing that all of the really good ideas have already been offered to the world by someone smarter, faster or more experienced. It can be discouraging. Intimidating. Paralyzing. Let’s face it; we humans have been around a while. A lot of very smart people have gone before you and I and thanks to them we have things like the Pyramids, vaccines and the

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Internet. Truly new ideas come around maybe once a century from people like Charles Darwin or Steve Jobs. But in between those thought leaders there’s a lot of work going by people like you and me that I realized that involves picking I’m not trying up old ideas, repackaging to change them and the course reaching new of history. I’m audiences. My just trying to moment of improve the liberation came lives of my when I realized clients. that I’m not trying to change the course of history. I’m just trying to improve the lives of my clients. Armed with this new courage, I began writing and speaking about what I knew about careers and women – using my knowledge, experience

and unique personality – and in doing so, I began helping more women. And I began experiencing more success. Remember this: there is a group of people in this world that will only ever hear something from you. It may be because they share a common interest or have suffered similar problems. Or, it may be your age, your accent, or the distinctive way you frame ideas. Whatever the reason, they will only ever hear the message from you because of the natural, spontaneous connection that they feel with you. It’s a natural magnetism that you have with certain people and because of it – you are uniquely qualified to serve them. So I ask you this, who are the people you could be helping right now with what you already know? Stop holding yourself back. Start sharing, speaking and writing with your unique audience today. They don’t need something completely new. What they need is just YOU.

Heather Petherick Heather Petherick lives in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. She is a coach, speaker and the author of Undercover Career: Why your career chafes and what to do about it. She specializes in working with talented, dynamic women in the areas of Career Choice and Career Transition, offering support that is equal parts career-Zen and kick-in-the-pantyhose.


Are you still struggling to make sense of your career? Frustrated by not being able to get to that next level of success? Join her FREE monthly newsletter at www.heatherpetherick.com to find your career-Zen.

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I KNEW THERE WAS MORE TO LIFE... Over the past 30 years I have started businesses from the ground floor, built departments in companies, and have learned the pros and cons of being both selfemployed versus working in the corporate world. My journey began many years ago, with my newest adventure in 2010. That was when I realized I wasn’t on the right path for myself and needed to make a change. The fact I was 55 and not 25 added to the excitement.

by Judy Hoberman By Judy Hoberman

My business coach asked me, “If there was nothing in my way, and I could do whatever I wanted and I couldn’t fail, what would that look like?” Interesting question since that meant I would need to find my passion and then make things happen. I had a pretty good idea of what I could and couldn’t do myself. Even though I am somewhat of a control “freak” in the most loving terms, I found that I was not as productive if I didn’t have a dream team around me, so delegate I did. I have an attorney, a CPA, a financial planner, a web developer and a social media guru as part of the dream team and have added a PR person as the newest member of this winning combination.

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CP Fulford Jr. said “If this were easy, everyone would be doing it. If you are coasting it means you are going downhill.” This quote was instrumental in the creation of my current business—Selling In A Skirt. I have worked in many different maledominated industries. As a female, being in the minority had an advantage: standing out in the sea of men. At the same time, it is also a double-edged sword. I needed to work twice as hard to be successful and I had to mimic successful men. This can be an overwhelming process. The real question is this: what is needed in a market where over 50% of the work force is comprised of women, where more and more women are entering into sales, and where many more women are taking positions in maledominated industries? The answer is a training program. But not just any training program.

What we need is training that can match pace with those rapidly increasing statistics and is contemporary. The training programs written in the 1950’s by men for men served their purpose when the market was different; when the majority of sales people were male and the majority of the clients were also male. Today’s training programs should I needed to embrace the work twice differences as hard to be between men and successful and women to be most I had to mimic effective. It should successful men. also offer concepts that address how to sell to the female market. Moreover, it should use real life experiences as a blue print for the sales process. That is what the sales world has needed for a long time, and I vowed to fill that void.

Judy hoberman RESOURCES Sharpen Your “Edge” With Exclusive Free Content.


Selling In A Skirt 203-605-335

www.sellinginaskirt.com judy@sellinginanskirt

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3 Types of Income You Want in Your Business or You Could Be Missing Out on Easy, Potential Revenue Streams

However when you add multiple streams of income in various ways, you can often double or triple your revenues with very little extra effort. They don’t teach this in business school though and it certainly isn’t the ‘norm’ out on the streets to pick it up as an entrepreneur. Here are 3 types of income most ANY business in ANY industry could implement if you think a little outside the box (or get some help from a business coach so you can figure this out faster).

3 Types of Income You Could Be Missing Out On:

by Katrina Sawa

One mistake a lot of entrepreneurs make is that they aren’t maximizing their income generating opportunities. There are 3 types of income streams you want to consider for your business. They can be easy to add but most people don’t see these things in their own businesses. Often, entrepreneurs are selling ONE product or ONE service, and only in ONE way, like 1 to 1 coaching for example. Then in this economy they’re struggling because that ONE thing is their bread and butter.

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Leveraged Income is leveraging your time working with groups. This is when you work one to many such as in a group program, teleclass, bootcamp or workshop. Examples would be a 6 week telecourse, 90 day virtual training program, live 3 day event, etc. You can charge less for your time and get more people to sign up for your service or program but you actually end up making MORE per hour. BONUS - if you record these programs you can then turn them into passive income.

Passive Income is when you create something ONCE and sell it over and over again. Examples of passive income include ebooks, audio recordings, manual downloads (PDF), recorded interviews, workshop in a box, CDs, information products, books, ecourses, recorded telecourses or video courses, monthly membership programs and continuity programs, home study programs or signature systems. High Ticket Income Examples of this type of income include larger 2-4 day workshops (leveraged but high ticket), year long mastermind or coaching groups (leveraged again yet high ticket) and paid speaking gigs. Now, these income streams aren’t learned or implemented overnight, they do take a little

time and effort to come up with the ideas, brainstorm on the processes, put in place the programs, technology and support to make them happen plus the marketing to get them sold in the first place. Don’t get overwhelmed or discouraged, just get started now. If you want that ‘magic pill’ or ‘quick solution’ to success -- good luck trying to find it. Successful people are always working Don’t get on improving overwhelmed themselves and or discouraged, learning more. They just get invest in themselves, started now their businesses and take time to work on developing new income streams and new creative ways to market. You can do it at your own pace by yourself or you can hire a coach, you decide....but do something and take some kind of action and you’ll get farther faster.

Katrina Sawa Katrina Sawa is known as The JumpStart Your Biz Coach because she literally kicks her clients and their businesses into high gear. She works with highly motivated entrepreneurs that want to maximize their business to make more money, enjoy more free time and fully embrace your happiest life ever. Katrina is an author, speaker and coach who’s been featured on the Oprah and Friends XMRadioNetwork, ABC and CBS.

RESOURCES Get her 3 Free Business Building Gifts online at

www.JumpStartYourMarketing.com/ gifts




By Kristen Eckstein

It’s Time to Create a Book that Brings You Business! The written word is powerful. For most authors, writing is a glimpse into their soul. Every time you write, you share another brief moment with a reader - a moment where you’re vulnerable to them, asking for their trust. If you’ve ever written a blog post, article, or ventured into the realm of books, you understand this phenomenon.

Even in the midst of all new technologies and the rise of video as a means to spread knowledge to the world, writing a book still holds a higher perceived value and a longerlasting connection. A video is watched, closed, then forgotten. A book is read, loved, notated in, marked up, referenced regularly, and has a constant presence on the reader’s desk or bookshelf where it is seen every day. Books are an open window to the author’s soul, a deep connection that is never forgotten because that window is never closed. I’ll admit, I published several books before writing and publishing the book that brought

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me business. Although I always knew I needed a book to spread my message (I am a book coach), something held me back - for years. Call it fear, intimidation, lack of time, whatever. One day I got sick of being asked the same questions about writing and publishing a book by my potential clients. I’d been asked these same exact questions so many times, I figured it was time to write down the answers, publish them, and get my message out to the world as a book. In four hours on a Saturday, I finished a messy rough draft. A few weeks later, after extensive rounds of edits, cover design, interior layout and all the other details that go into publishing a high quality book, 21 Ways to Write and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book was born. That single book led to the creation of an entire “21 Ways” series that led to the development of a traditional publishing arm for my company to license the series out to other authors, which has built a foundation of residual income. And on top of all that, the first “21 Ways” book brought my business over $30,000 in income

KRISTEN ECkSTEIN Kristen Eckstein is a highly sought-after publishing authority, two time best-selling author and award winning international speaker who has started 44 publishing companies and published 122 books and eBooks. She is founder of the “I am Published!” Ghost Publishing program, the Self-Publish On Demand training program and the “21 Ways” book series.

Each fear you conquer will bring peace, excitement, and increase to your life and business. almost instantly after it was published, and broke through the walls that had been holding me back from a lucrative speaking career. Why did I wait so long to get my message out in book form? I believe it was fear of success. Fear holds so many of us back from our dreams, but facing those fears - just doing it - is the only way past them. Each fear you conquer will bring peace, excitement, and increase to your life and business. If fear is what’s keeping you from getting your book written, my advice to you is to do it anyway. Starting is the hardest part, but once you start, it’s easier to keep going. And before you know it, you’re sending 45,000 polished heart-felt words out to the world and changing someone’s life with your book.


Need some help in clarifying your writing goals? Just go to http://ultimatebookcoach.com and take part in my survey. You will get a FREE digital copy of one of my books as well as access to a wealth of wonderful information!




YOUR POWERFUL PURPOSE Purpose can give depth and weight to our lives by continuing to motivate us to respond to our inner needs and desires. It informs our entire life: community, family, relationships, and self-care. Human beings have a need to feel productive and fulfilled. A purpose statement is like a personal mission statement. If you write down your 10-15 most important values and create your broad statement of purpose using them, you will likely have the beginning of a whole new way of looking at life, at the path in front of you.

By Marcia Ullett

It can give new meaning to everything. It can help you make decisions and be true to yourself in meaningful ways. The outgrowth of a life which feels meaningful is passion. It is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself. Since I started the journey of living my purpose and vision, my life has been so different. Not even just the facts but also the way I feel -- I am on fire and feeling more passionate than I ever thought possible. You can have this as well! As you consider beginning to make changes, you might feel fear lurking in the shadows of your mind. This sometimes happens when we pause for a bit to explore. Not to worry. Fear is a part of the human condition and often comes with change. So be sure that you check out your behavior to see if fear is hiding in there somewhere. Fear is another great teacher. It

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gives us information about ourselves. Everyone feels fear now and again. Once you realize that you want to make some changes, the most uncomfortable thing you can do is nothing.

Here are some of the techniques that I use whenever I have fear: Tell a close and supportive friend about the fear. You might even be surprised at how much this does to diminish those feelings. Remember that the fear is always about the future or routed in some past experience. Ask yourself if everything is OK today and take actions that can keep you focused in the present. Meditation and prayer are powerful tools to put your fear in perspective.

Perhaps you feel it. You’ve reached Begin living a point in your life your values, where the “more” and you will be you want is no motivated to longer something stretch beyond outside of yourself. your fears. You want something more from deep within. You want inner peace, passion and a life that is driven by a powerful purpose. Throughout my 24 years as a therapist and transformational coach, I’ve had the pleasure of working with many people who were dissatisfied with their lives – as I once was -- and once they began to live their lives with purpose, they were surprised at the energy and joy they felt. Begin living your values, and you will be motivated to stretch beyond your fears. I promise you will soon be on the journey of your best life yet.

Sit down and write about your fear.

--Marcia Ullett, MA, LMFT, CPC is living in Los Angeles, CA

MARCIA ULLETT A popular speaker and workshop leader Marcia has shared her personal story and powerful “how to” strategies to audiences at the Las Encinas Hospital, Women’s Association of Addiction Treatment, Sovereign Health Care, West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders and many more.

Marcia shares her wisdom in articles published across the Internet, and in her forthcoming book, Life by Design: Five Steps to Passion and Purpose. www.marciaullett.com




3 Sizzling Hot Secrets to Attract Your Ideal Clients

By Amethyst Mahoney

“If you build it, they will come” may sound great on the big screen, but in business it just isn’t true. Almost every entrepreneur starts her dream by struggling endlessly to find new clients. When I first started my business I thought I would just hang out my shingle and watch the clients pour in. If you’ve been in business for more than about 3 minutes, you know that this isn’t what happens! Learning to market yourself to your perfect clients in a way that makes sense can take years of struggle if you don’t get the right help.

up for my newsletter. After over 8 months I had a whopping 89 people added to my list! Pretty embarrassing, huh? Now I have learned how to add hundreds of people to my list quickly any time I want. Here are 3 sizzling hot secrets to attract your ideal clients:

1. Give them a free taste.

You clients don’t want another newsletter clogging up their inbox. They want relevant, useful information that they can access immediately. Favorite freebies are ebooks, video trainings, audio trainings, or a couple of chapters from your book. Be sure to keep this in mind when writing.

The first year I was in business I made the alltoo-common mistake of asking people to sign

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2. Create a Signature Speech.

Speaking in front of a group is the number one way to get enthusiastic ideal clients. Long before I wrote my first book, I had a speech in my back pocket. You need to choose a specific topic to speak about. When asked to speak, most people will say something like: “I can speak to anyone about anything.” “I’m a health coach so I tell people how to eat more healthy foods.” “I have this great book I want to tell you about. “

“I help women lose that last 10 pounds before their wedding.” “I help couples struggling on the verge of divorce put the love back in their marriage.” These topics are far more powerful and will help you get the gigs you want. Don’t just say you have a book – tell people what problem it solves.

3. Ask your clients what they want!

These are vague and boring examples and don’t really communicate anything to the other person. Instead, tell people what problem you will help solve for their audience:

Amethyst Mahoney Amethyst Mahoney helps small business owners who struggle to find clients and feel overwhelmed attract ideal clients and bring their gifts to the world without burning out. You can find her at


“I teach holistic entrepreneurs 3 sizzling hot secrets to attract clients.”

If you’re like most small business owners, you want to create speeches and books based on your ideas and what you believe people need. But did you ever think to stop to ask your clients if they want these things? Don’t waste your time, energy, and effort by creating information that no one wants. Make sure that your speeches and books address what your clients tell you they need, and you will create a great business!


Want more sizzling hot secrets to attract your ideal clients? Download the first two chapters of the new book at www.kickassbusinessnews.com/50secrets




What’s Wrong With Your Online Marketing? By Payson Cooper The short answer? If it’s all you’re doing, then almost everything. We’ve all heard stories of people who’ve built big businesses using online marketing, and sometimes it’s really appealing to hide behind the computer, but to really create the success you desire, you’ll have to step out and start doing some off-line marketing too. First, let’s dig into the essentials of online marketing, to make sure you’re on track. Of course it includes the big social media platforms, as well as things like blogging, video, advertising and more.

If we focus on social media, you probably know you should be active on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube, right? But, what if you’re just starting out or you’re finding that it’s not really working for your business and you feel overwhelmed? If you’re just starting out, my suggestion is to stake your claim on each of the platforms. That means, get your name and your business name as a handle on Twitter, create your Facebook page and cajole your friends into liking it so you can get the requisite 25 likes to get your ‘vanity’ URL (when the web address has your name in it – like http://www.Facebook.com/ Womens-Edge-Magazine), and get a basic profile set up on LinkedIn and YouTube.

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Once you plant your flag in each location and grab your real estate (hey, once it’s gone, it’s gone), then you can start to learn real and effective strategies for making social media work. The essentials that are true for all marketing apply here too – you need a really clear message that your market cares about, you need to know who your target people are to find them and connect with them, and you need the right processes and strategies to make things work. Once you stake your claim, you can access great free information to build social media strategies that work. Then, if you want to dig deeper, you can invest in a class and get some more specific insights into what will bring in customers and build raving fans. If you want to check out my free webinar on Twitter, you can visit www.TwitterSellingSecrets.com While you’re getting your online marketing stuff up to speed, you still need to make sure you have offline pieces working too. Most of my clients find that when they meet someone in person that they make a deeper connection

which leads to business more quickly and effectively. Some offline strategies you’ll want to consider… take online relationships offline with in-person meetings or with phone calls, find networking groups to attend monthly (you can If you’re just start with just one and starting out, then add more once my suggestion you’re comfortable), and start speaking to is to stake leverage your ability your claim on to connect to people. each of the The minute you step platforms. ‘on stage’ people see you as an expert, they feel like they have a personal connection with you and they become very eager to become your customers and clients. Make time to take stock of your marketing efforts. Make a list of the things you’d like to add, and begin building strategies one at a time. Over the next year you could implement several different marketing systems and processes and see a massive shift in the success of your business.

Payson cooper is a marketing strategist and visionary. She uses her laser-sharp intuition and rapid-fire marketing strategies to help entrepreneurs make more money in their business without working harder. Payson spent 10 years working as a Business and Systems Analyst Consultant, honing her unique ability to see the bigger picture of a business, and then zero

in on the essential pieces, creating solutions and strategies to solve just about any businessrelated challenge. You can connect with her through her website at www.PaysonCooper.com




Expand Your Brand with the Rule of 3!

Marketing your business, especially in social media, is all about creating relationships. Marketing your business, especially in social media, is all about creating relationships. This is done through the posts that you share and how you respond to other people’s posts. Your goal is get people to have a conversation with you. Just like making connections in real life, those in social media need to know, like and trust you before they become your friend or fan. How would you get a stranger to talk to you? Think of this as you are posting. Would you start with a sales pitch? What can

By Randi Thompson, Founder of the Award-Winning “How to Market Your Horse Business”

you share that might be interesting or fun that would encourage them to continue talking to you? This is when the magic of social media begins. People will begin to like, comment on and share your posts. As a result, your posts, and your business, will be spread across the newsfeeds and become visible to those who are looking for what you have to offer.

Now, you are ready to “Expand your Brand” by following my proven, “Rule of 3” for business success on social media.

“Friend” or “like” 3 new people from your personal profile every day. Start with people you know or want to know better, as well as those who might be competitors. Next, start inviting other people

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in your local area or from business groups that would be interested in what you have to offer. The people you invite to be your friend will be the first fans to your business page. “Like” 3 Business Pages every day. Choose pages in your field that are active with people who are sharing ideas and asking questions. Make sure to like business pages that you see as the “movers and shakers” in your field, and even those you might see as your competitors. You will learn a lot from how they market with social media. Many of these business pages will also become valuable connections in your future as you create your network. “Like” at least 3 posts every day that other people have made. Start with anyone who posts on your page. Then, go out to the newsfeeds and like the posts

of people you want to know better. By making them feel visible, you become visible. Make 3 posts on other people’s comments or their business pages every day. Take your time and add meaningful responses that show you are interested in what the person is sharing and in the goals of the business or group that they are on. That is how they will start to get to know you and become more curious about your business. If you’re posting on a business page, post from your business page so people can see what business you’re in. If your comments are interesting enough, potential customers will click on your business page to see what you’re all about. By using the “Rule of 3” you will quickly be on the road to your business success with social media. Try it and you’ll be amazed!

RANDI THOMPSON Randi Thompson is internationally recognized in social media for her award winning “How to Market Your Horse Business” and “Horse and Rider Awareness Educational Programs.” She is a keynote speaker at national events, author, and expert legal consultant. Randi’s FB page won the Social Media Examiners Top 10 FB Small Business Page. www.howtomarketyourhorsebusiness.com


Are you tired of struggling to get more clients or make more money? Do you love what you do, but are overwhelmed by the idea of how to promote what you would like to share through marketing and PR? “How to Market Your Horse Business” can help make your success.




Live Your Purpose… On Purpose. by Dr. Shellie Hipsky “Hold on a minute… I need to put you on speaker phone.” My fingernails clicked on the keyboard and tears streamed down my face. At the electrifying moment that Clarel was sharing her powerful life story with me, I realized my need to share stories of triumphing over adversity and giving back to others. Her story was told in my fifth book Ordinary People Extraordinary Planet that tells the life journeys of a dozen people who rose above adversity. Clarel Radicella, an

educated single mother who survived a brain aneurysm, gave me a glimpse of my purpose and opened a door to inspirational media. A life-long teacher and Associate Professor of Education, my heart knew that I could teach people beyond a classroom through my writing and professional speaking. I yearned to become international with my messages of inspiration and discover a way to touch the lives of millions. That evening I clarified my personal mission, “To globally educate, entertain, and inspire,” never suspecting that within the year I would own two companies and be hosting a television talk show called Inspiring Lives with Dr. Shellie.

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“When destiny is calling… you better not let it go to voicemail!”

Author, and Talk Show Host.” His spotting my talk show label landed me in the studio of a local NBC affiliate where my show highlights incredible people who have overcome obstacles and give back to the world.

I always say, “When destiny is calling… you better not let it go to voicemail!” A dedicated educator (former special education teacher and assistant principal) and mother of two, I was consulting for a new online reading program, and before the launch I was invited to become a co-owner. Because I defined myself as a teacher, I struggled with this concept of being an “entrepreneur.” However, as the program took shape, I saw how it taught my own children to love reading. Now, redefined, I proudly help run the company and have worked on my self-talk. I see a competent business woman in the mirror. Armed with my new definition of self, I took a crew to New York City to tape the pilot of Inspiring Lives. Later at a networking event, a studio executive read my nametag crowded with labels: “Professor, Business Owner,

I recall when Clarel sat in her hospital room with tubes up her nose talking to me on the phone. Avoiding conversation about her, she always made positive statements about where my purpose was leading me. “Brace yourself, Shellie” she would exclaim. “You have no idea how big this will become!” My angel, My purpose is Clarel’s purpose included to globally leaving a legacy through educate, letters to her children. entertain, Published in my book, and inspire. they were later read at her funeral. My purpose is to globally educate, entertain, and inspire. Find your purpose, then live it to the fullest. The world is waiting for your dreams to be realized, so dream big and when you wake up… take action so that you can live your purpose… on purpose!

SHELLIE HIPSKY Dr. Shellie Hipsky inspires with her 5th book “Ordinary People Extraordinary Planet”, public speaking, and her TV Talk Show “Inspiring Lives with Dr. Shellie”. She earned the Faculty Row “Official Super Professor” title her work at Robert Morris University. Her companies include www.TheLearningMountain.com e-storybooks/interactive games and Inspiring

Lives, LLC. The American Chronicle featured her in “Business Leaders in America” as a “... top entrepreneur in the U.S.” Dr. Shellie Hipsky globally educates, entertains, and inspires! www.ShellieHipky.com





As female entrepreneurs, we are by our very nature, trendsetters. As female entrepreneurs, we are by our very nature, trendsetters. Without a ‘boss’ to answer to we have the freedom and flexibility to change the world, our business models and our timetables in order to seek out and serve our perfect clients. Yet, many times, what I see does not bear this out. On numerous occasions, I have been a little disappointed when meeting, for the first time, someone I admire. It’s not fair, but it is true nevertheless, that we judge people on their appearance and it takes a matter of seconds. Your clothing acts as visual shorthand, speedily expressing who you are and what you stand for, your talents and your abilities. Let’s for a moment liken ourselves to a well known product. I will use Coca Cola as my example. Wherever you purchase the product (supermarket, petrol station, bar, restaurant, pub) whatever the price and form it takes (can, bottle, glass) you will always be sure of one thing. The expectations of taste and refreshment are consistently delivered time and time again. The result is a strengthened brand, attracting a loyal customer base and enhanced profits. In fact, Coca Cola state their brand could be worth up to 75% of their total value.

Nobody advocates style over substance but attaining congruency and consistency between how you look and other key factors is critical if you are to be authentic in every aspect of your business.

I believe that to be successful By Payson Cooper in your image you need to think about 3 different factors:


Does it truly convey who you are, what you believe in, your standards, your values, your ethics?


Is it appropriate for the occasion, your objectives, your audience’s expectations?


Does what you wear fit, flatter and function for your lifestyle?

I call these elements Style for your Soul (1), Spirit (2) and Silhouette (3). All three need to be in place if you are to be comfortable in what you are wearing so you can become successful in your chosen work. The more often you look and feel great, the more confident you become and the more able you are to attract clients and build strong relationships of mutual trust and benefit.

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Many of us stick to tried and trusted clothing because we think that’s what is expected of us. There is no real need to wear a corporate suit these days unless you believe it relates to who you are at your core. You can still convey gravitas by the use of high contrast, sharp lines and sleek tailoring but wear it in a more dramatic or bold style. Dare to be Different. Dare to be Bold. If you are a creative person, your clothing needs to reflect this. Think about how you can convey new ideas and a right brain approach to problem solving (as an example) in the way you show up. If you are continually seeking new business with corporate suits, and are required to dress in the same ‘uniform’, ask yourself if this is what you want? Wouldn’t it be much easier, and more pleasant, to work with like-minded people? Think for a moment about celebrity chefs. If we compare Jamie Oliver with Heston Blumenthal or Nigella Lawson with Delia Smith you’ll see that there is a vast difference in how they portray themselves. Each has a highly successful personal brand, which in turn creates a

Sue Donnelly is passionate about enabling women to look and feel beautiful, whatever their shape or size. Her ethos is ‘styling soul, spirit and silhouette’ to encapsulate authentic self-expression. She has written 4 books, is featured frequently in the media and is a former President of the UK image industry’s governing body. She is considered a pioneer, the first consultant to gain a Masters qualification in the UK and USA and the sole UK Master of Fashion Feng Shui.


loyal following, massive book sales and TV ratings. It is successful because it is consistent, real and authentic and we know, by their reputation, whether or not we want to support them. Imagine Delia dressing like Nigella or Jamie donning a suit and tie and you’ll get the picture. Many of us work from home, hidden behind a telephone/computer, so it doesn’t matter what we look like – wrong again. Each colour has a different wavelength and properties, so we can change how we feel and attract what we need in our lives, just by changing a shape or a colour! And sooner or later, you’ll be asked to speak in public or attend an event, so best to be prepared. As an image professional, I dressed for many years according to the rules I was given at the time – ‘summer’ colors and sharp, straight clothing. It took me years to understand that while these suited me physically, they did not feed my soul or my spirit. It was only when I combined all three elements that I defined my own individual, unique style. One in which I feel totally at ease and one that I am constantly inspired by and noticed for. What a difference it made to my life. What a difference it could make to yours?


Sue Donnelly International has just launched. If you want to capture personal authentic style that celebrates your soul, spirit and your silhouette, visit http://www.suedonnelly.com/updates/

Amazing videos, newsletters, articles and top tips to help you reflect your inner persona and flatter your external appearance. Don’t let your style let you down. Dress for who you truly are, and who you want to be!

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Coffee, Tea, or Me the Radio Show Host! By Terry Wildemann, CEC, CPCC

A Radio Talk Show Host! Wow. I would often think to myself, “Wouldn’t that be fun?” I would look at all of the online radio shows hosted by the big names, and not so big names, and wonder, “What if?” My first love is public speaking and delivering workshops followed by business coaching for stressed out entrepreneurs and professionals. It fills my heart to do that. Hosting a show called to me yet my fear was just too big. Being a guest was one thing but a host? No, way Jose!

I work with others to discover and follow their dreams yet the radio show gig was my fantasy, a fun pie in the sky dream. Can you imagine? The coach who clearly sees through other folks stuff to help them get what they dream of yet I dismissed my own dreams. What’s up with that?! In March of 2009 I finally signed on with Blog Talk Radio. It felt safe and a great place to begin. However, a big self-imposed wall stopped me from doing that first show. So many doubts and fears! After all, who was I to do such a thing? January 2012 arrived and still no show, no vision or focus for it. I trust my intuition to “know” when I’m meant to do something and

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the timing was off. Then, during one of my meditations, the name, “Coffee With Terry”, came to me in “lights.” I love coffee. It’s my favorite drink and it makes me happy. It’s been a part of my breakfast since childhood when my mom served us “Café Con Leche” every morning; a cup of warm milk, a teaspoon of instant coffee and a teaspoon of sugar. I still drink my coffee with lots of cream to this day and lattes are my favorite. After the meditation, things began to happen quickly. I ran the “Coffee With Terry” name past a few folks. They loved it! In a flash the domain name www.CoffeeWithTerry.com was mine. Images of me talking with folks over coffee were vibrant in my mind’s eye and it felt good yet there was still resistance. Then the Universal kick in the tail came from my coach. We never talked about my radio

show fantasy and out of nowhere she says, “When are you going to start your radio show?” What? How did she know? After that all fell into place. My intern created a great banner, I chose the date and time to air and created a Facebook group called “Coffee With Terry.” The tag line filled my soul, “Where Business and Spirituality Meet” Yes, It felt so right! Guest invitations went out and the first showed aired in May 2012. Everything to do the show manifested Your dreams quickly and easily.

and fantasies

Coffee With Terry can become is booked into 2013 real. with very little effort. It’s been a joy connecting with and sharing the guidance of my messenger guests. And the moral of the story? Your dreams and fantasies can become real. Trust and believe that all will fall into place at the perfect time with calm and ease and with inspired action you will succeed!

Terry Wildemann As the owner of Heart Centered Success, Terry uses her extensive business experience and merges it with her holistic and Law of Attraction knowledge in her speaking and professional development workshops to help entrepreneurs and professionals transform their businesses and lives. Terry’s weekly Blog Talk Radio show, “Coffee With Terry; Where Business and Spirituality Meet,”

offers business building wisdom from both Terry and her guests. Listen in and join in the conversation at www.coffeewithterry.com. Even better, apply to be a guest! www.coffeewithterry.com





by Noni Boon

Live your life

biDesign NOT biDefault

I enrolled in a Holistic Counselling Course thinking that I had my life SO together that I would excel in giving other people advice on how to live their lives and what they should be doing to fix themselves. Little did I know, my life was going to slowly unravel and eventually fall apart sending me crashing to my knees, looking for answers and trying desperately to salvage the pieces before I lost it all. I quickly learnt that becoming a Counsellor was all about working on myself. It had nothing to do with advice giving or directing other people’s lives. In order to become a helpful Counsellor, I had to explore every aspect of my life and myself. I had to go deep and be truly open and honest with myself. Like with any deep excavation, comes about the uncovering of unexpected difficulties and obstacles. I often use house-building analogies to represent life, having renovated four homes and built one from the ground up. Through my inner work, I realised that my life was not going to need a renovation; it was going to need as they call it in the building industry, a ‘demo and make-good’. I was demolishing everything and it was the loneliest, most terrifying, confronting experience I had ever had.

At the end of my three-year Course, I found myself separated from my husband of 19 years, staring at divorce papers in disbelief and 12 weeks pregnant with a miracle child. I had demolished well and the next task was to I quickly take everything to learnt that the tip, load by load, becoming a feeling every inch of Counsellor pain, fear and total despair. was all about

working on For six months, myself. my husband and I remained apart. I struggled with the confusion in myself and the raging emotions coming through my 18 and 16 year old sons. It was time for the ‘makegood’ and I needed to draw upon every tool I had ever acquired. I was fortunate in that I had been an avid reader of self-help books from the age of 25. I had read at least 40 books on selfimprovement, life skills and spirituality. Although I had all of the necessary tools on board to build the perfect life, no one had ever shown me how to use them. They lay shiny and new, still in their packaging in my shed of resources, their instruction manuals neatly

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folded, waiting for me to take a crash course and do what I do best, become ‘Master of the tools’. I pulled out everything and read through each and every manual, carefully and meticulously mastering each tool with precision and finesse. I designed the perfect life for myself and began to build it to fit stringent safety standards and regulations that would never again see it crack, fall apart or become uninhabitable. I started with an exquisite design, followed by a strong foundation. I thought about every square metre in detail to perfectly suit my newly designed lifestyle and conscious way of being. I chose the perfect finishes and only the best appliances and services. I decorated it with elegance and passion. When I had finished, my husband and I reconciled, my relationship with my sons healed and I was awaiting the birth of our child with his father by my side, looking forward to a long healthy future together. I did all of this on my own, the hard way, navigating it through exhausting trial and error. As a result, I learnt an enormous amount about designing life. I applied the very principles I have used to solve graphic design problems

to solve my life problems. Graphic Design is a creative process, life is a creative process. It is no coincidence that the same rules and principles apply and match in with every aspect of life. Four years down the track, I continue to My goal now is design the life of my to teach the dreams with more principles I accuracy and precision have learnt than ever before. My and trialled to goal now is to teach the principles I have other women. learnt and trialled to other women. Empowering women simultaneously helps and heals men and in turn, makes a vital difference in this world. Looking back now, I realise that I had all of the tools available to me with no real clue how to use them. No one had shown or instructed me. Life taught me the hard way and it took its toll on my family and myself. I now have the wisdom and knowledge to teach you, empower you, show you how to re-design your life and renovate or detonate what you already have in place in a safe, easy way so that you can master your tools and become the master builder you were destined to be.

NONI BOON Noni has a background in the Fitness Industry as an Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer; she holds a Diploma in Arts, has a Certificate in Holistic Counselling and is an accredited Intuitive Consultant. Working with Noni will teach you how to break through areas in your life where you feel stuck or unfulfilled and guide you toward your dreams ensuring that you become the expert and master in your newly designed life.


Please contact me on nonib@ozemail.com.au and I’d love to offer you a complimentary 30 minute biDesign consultation to help you reDesign your life.




Cunning tips

for that special edge Choosing a niche scares many entrepreneurs. But here’s the secret no one is telling you: all “niching” means is, “Who do you really like to hang out with?” Take a look at the types of people you spend the most time with or you enjoying being around. Chances are, you’ve already found your niche! Amethyst Mahoney Right now post on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter that you are looking to book more speeches and ask your contacts what groups they belong to that would be a good match for your topic. You will gain instabookings and your speaking success will be accelerated. Caterina Rando Create an Experience and Make it Sensory I’ve learned that the best speakers are highly skilled at making you feel good. They may not always have the best delivery skills but they know how to pierce your heart and massage your soul like no other. Before you write one word of your speech set an intention on how you

want people to feel when you speak. You have the power to set the tone for the moment and create an emotional atmosphere that enhances your message. Bonus Tip: If you want people to leave energized you have to create the energy in the room. If you want people to leave inspired you have to create an inspirational space. You have the power to create a memorable moment. For the experience to be memorable you have to evoke all their senses during the moment. Make it sensory, make it memorable and make a bigger impact. Catrice Jackson Since we got hacked for the second time, I thought I’d better share with you, the lessons I learned the (very) hard way! Here is my 10 step ‘Safe from Hacking’ Formula: Do not use Hostpapa! Because they don’t offer any back-up, because their customer service is the worst ever and just because they are downright unreliable period. At least, certainly nowhere near enough to base your entire business upon. Do external back-ups BlueHost.com offers you a pro package for only $12 a month and they back-up all your sites on a weekly basis. Create your own back-up which you save outside the server. Download each back-up and keep them safe either on a CD, on an external hard drive or on an external storage facility like Dropbox.com.

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Make copies of everything. Use print screens to keep a visual of how the page looked like if you do any major changes. And keep a Word document of everything. In my business, all pages are first of all created on Word, using all the images and layout I want and, of course, the all important content. So it’s easier for my team to create the page just like I want it AND it’s also great for when you need to rebuild your site... God forbid you’ll end up getting hacked tomorrow! Organize your folders by the pages displayed on your site. It will be a lot easier to find your way around in case of an emergency. Gather your strengths, your courage and your patience because you’ll need plenty. AND keep your wits about you! Trust your own team because they know what they have to do. Communicate with your clients, with your followers and your fans. No need to hide, there’s absolutely no point. Be transparent and honest about what’s going on....you’ll feel much better and people will respect you more for it. If you were looking to change your website but never had the time to get to it, well, now could be just about the perfect time! Phew, big sigh of relief, you made it....now make sure you plan ahead so you never (or hopefully never) have to go through all that again!

I think I would say I encourage working with a team to support you in areas that may not be your strengths. For example, hiring someone to assist in writing copy for you if you are not a strong writer. I have found that bringing team members in who compliment me in areas that I have room for growth, I present my best business foot forward. (: Dortha Hise To get started, brainstorm a list of everything you would like to include in your book. Next, organize the list into groups of similar or related items. Finally, pick something on the list that inspires you in that moment and get writing! It’s much easier to start in the middle than at the beginning. You can always move things around. That’s the beauty of computers. Faye Levow We all have things that we’re particularly good at. Call them your strengths, your gifts or your special talents; each of us has activities that we’re naturally good at AND that we love to do! I call them our “MoneyMaking Abilities” because when we intentionally use them in our business they have the power to attract new clients to us. One of the quickest ways to grow your business is to align your marketing efforts with your MoneyMaking Abilities. We all have to spend time marketing our services so why not make sure that these activities are both fun to do and show off your brilliance?

Christine Marmoy



There are typically 3 types of Money-Making Abilities: Speaking, Writing and Relating. Speaking: Do you love getting in front of live groups and talking about your business? Then use your rare talent to get massive exposure! This could include paid (or free) speaking events like a workshop or tele-class, offering an interview to local media, or being featured in a colleague’s tele-summit. Just don’t forget to record the event and then repackage it for future marketing effect! Bonus: this strategy can quickly establish you as an expert in your field. Writing: If you’ve always been a bit of a word-smith, make sure you use this marketing strategy to expand your business’s reach. By combining your writing skills with current technologies you can create a killer website and sales page, a regular blog or newsletter, get your articles into magazines or ezines, create an online membership or an ebook. I love this strategy because once created, any writing can be leveraged into new offerings with little additional effort. Relating: This strategy is perfect for entrepreneurs who love meeting new people! Relating is about developing relationships that have the power to build your business whether that’s connecting with new prospects over social media, attending a regular networking group, or developing strategic alliances with other business leaders. Nothing in business is more powerful than a personal relationship.

every week actively using your Money-Making Abilities! Can you imagine how different your business would be if you intentionally used your unique talents to market your business in this way? Identify your Money-Making Abilities, do them consistently and watch your business grow! Heather Petherick

I recommend if you’re serious about turning your passion into a successful book and boosting your credibility as an expert, you publish your book independently under your own label. This involves getting a small block of ISBNs registered in your name (or a DBA) and an account with a printer such as Lightning Source and distributor like Ingram Book Group. Lightning Source has the best POD (print-on-demand) quality available for a professionally printed book, and Ingram is the largest wholesaler of books in the world that can get you into over 25,000 distribution channels including mainstream bookstores! Kristen Eckstein Tip For Living Your Life With Passion Live your life by your values, and you will be motivated to stretch beyond your fears. I promise you will soon be on the journey of your best, most authentic life yet. Marcia Ullett

Here’s the secret: The most successful entrepreneurs regularly spend 60% of their time doing these things. That’s like spending 3 days

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The question I get asked most often about networking is how I get people to give me permission to contact them, a crucial step in the

process. Here is the statement I use verbatim. I wrote it, memorized it and it works like a charm. Take it and make it your own and make those connections count! “I have a large network that I am always striving to add value to, so in case I or someone in my network can help you today or in the future would you give us permission to stay in touch??’’ Patty Farmer

To move from passion to success in building either speaking or writing (or both), you must make the time to do it. It sounds ridiculously simply, yet, it’s the biggest obstacle most people face. Get up an hour earlier each day, cut back on TV for 1 hour a day. Carve out that time and start. If you are a writer, then use that time to write. If you are a speaker, then use that time to prepare your signature talks, to research opportunities and to reach out to get them. Don’t wait to do this. Think about what you will do, and start tomorrow or at the beginning or next week. If you put it off, you are putting that many more days between you and your dreams. Payson Cooper

Collaboration is Key! You are most likely a “people person” if you are reading Women’s Edge Magazine this month. That is a fabulous thing, because people are a hot commodity… and you know how to relate them! Social media, networking, and mentoring can put you in the position to determine people’s specific skill sets and talents that you would like to utilize in your own business.

Women need not feel that they must dip into their budget every time they engage a person to do work… instead try tapping into your own talents and resources and see what you can do to help meet the others person’s personal goals. Bartering for services without exchanging money can vary from utilizing your skills (such as the web design to support their business) to an apprenticeship wherein they learn all the ins and outs of your position. Never underestimate the effect of connecting with other empowered women towards the realization of your personal dreams; yet, you also can’t forget that they have dreams that need to be recognized as well. Together you can both reach your goals and become successful! Dr. Shellie Hipsky You have that nudging feeling to do something yet you resist. Is the resistance fear or is it just that you don’t know what to do? Breathe deeply into your chest area several times. Imagine your heart as a beacon of air and and delight as you allow your mind to go blank. Relax your body with each delicious breath. Now ask yourself, “Why is there resistance?” and allow the answer to quietly emerge. Then ask, “ What steps am I to take.” and allow your internal wisdom to manifest the steps to what your intuition is guiding you towards. Terry Wildemann



BLOG TIPS by Judy Hoberman

drafting a post 1. Make your opinion known

People like blogs, they like blogs because they are written by people and not corporations. People want to know what people think, crazy as it sounds they want to know what you think. Tell them exactly what you think using the least amount of words possible.

2. Link like crazy

Support your post with links to other web pages that are contextual to your post. To go above and beyond http://images.veer.com/ Marketplace/5067449_P_Social-medianetwork-business-tree.jpg

5. Include bullet point lists

We all love lists, it structures the info in an easily digestible format.

By Payson Cooper 6. Make your posts easy to scan

Bold/italicize/underline the key ideas in the post so readers can quickly determine if the rest (supporting material) is worth reading.

7. Be consistent with your style

People don’t have to agree with you, but they do have to know and understand your message.

8. Litter the post with Keywords

Give the maximum amount of information with the least amount of words. Time is finite and people are infinitely busy. Blast your knowledge into the reader at the speed of sound.

Think about what keywords people would use to search for your post and include them in the body text and headers. make sure the keyword placement is natural and does not seem out of place. Top SEO experts recommend the ideal saturation of keywords is between 3-6%.

4. Make Headlines snappy

9. Edit your post

3. Write Less

Contain your whole argument in your headline (including your keyword if possible). Look to local news papers for examples.

Good writing is in the editing. Before you hit the submit button, re-read your post and cut out the stuff that you don’t need.

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commenting Share your point of view


Add to the Conversation

add value to the conversation (called “Me too” Commenting Include a link to your site beyond the Name hyperlink SPAM

Be concise If you are negative, provide solutions Comment Early - A story just Comment without reading the post

Publish Before Proofreading Be cynical without being constructive.

Leave a comment that doesn’t

find your audience Twitter Search:

Google Alerts

Search relevant keywords. For different results, search for the same keywords along with the word “blog” or “POST” or “article”

Although this is not a direct blog search, almost 99% of new/current content that “Alerts” picks up is in the form of blog posts. Set alerts for key terms you want to keep a pulse on.



Visible Tweets:



This option is a bit more passive. This link is set to ‘politics’ by default, but can be utilized to search anything. It beats the hell out of a screen saver, and you might just be presented with something you can engage with.

Almost all blogs have links to blogs they find interesting called “friends” or “partners” or “blogroll”. Search the blogroll of blogs you already read.

Judy Hoberman




‘Come on….you can do it…you can make it…millions of women have done it before you and millions will after you. I know it’s hard, I know it hurts, but push, breath….it’s hard work!’

The Dream Midwife Story… by Christine Marmoy

Brittany couldn’t take it any longer, she was so tired that she started to think she was not up to the challenge, that she didn’t have what it took to see it through. ‘How can I get out of it?’ she was saying to herself. ‘What was I thinking, I’m not cut out for the job, I should have known better!’ was the only thing she could think of. The truth is that there was no turning back, it was impossible and as sure as life goes on, there was no alternative. Brittany had to give birth no matter what. Her own life depended on it. She was scared, beads of sweat were running down her forehead like morning dew on a rose or the fresh leaves of an olive tree , her mouth was dry and even though the pain had become unbearable, she couldn’t make any sound, she couldn’t speak, she couldn’t breathe. Then in one single scream she reached for her last ounce of strength and in one ‘YES’ that sounded more like a huge sigh of relief than a cry of achievement….she had finally been able to push her dream out of her heart and

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gave birth to the most beautiful innovative idea she had ever conceived. Did I get you going there? I don’t know if you have ever had children but giving birth to a ‘winning idea’ can sometimes be almost as painful. Trust me….remember, I have 4 children! There is just one difference, a big one, I must admit. While you cannot step away from giving birth to a new life, it is very easy to walk away from birthing a new idea just because it gets too hard. How many times have you thought about a great idea, how many times have you dreamt about making your dreams come true, but just as easily run away from them because you didn’t trust yourself enough to be able to carry it through?

Are you ready to make your dreams


However, I must warn you; having dreams is great, having ambitious dreams is fantastic but if you fail to honor them, they’ll haunt you till your last breath, making you feel miserable every single day. Some people pop Xanax like there’s no tomorrow when in fact what is missing from their current existence is the willingness to make their dreams come true. You have dreams for a reason and part of your mission in life is to honor them, to do what it takes to make them come true. I truly believe that we co-create our own life, we are the codesigner of our destiny, we are the rainmaker of our dreams. And with that in mind, how hard can it be? Believe me, after having given birth to 4 kids, I can tell you that making my dreams come true was a lot easier.



Get one hour off each day! by Christine Marmoy

It’s amazing how time flies when you are busy.

Here a few pieces of good advice from a mother of 4 who has worked from home for the past decade.


One of the side effects of being a woman working at home is that sometimes it’s quite difficult to separate your private life from your professional one and vice versa. It took me 3 long years to ‘train’ my kids...so they’d understand the concept of ‘home working’; in other words it’s not because Mommy is at home that she is available all the time. For some women working from home is a challenge, and fair enough it can be a daunting one, however, with a bit of discipline and a zesty dose of organization, it can be a smooth sailing experience. Sometimes, just one hour a day can make all the difference not just to you but especially to your success. Think about it, how successful do you feel when you are tired? How is your brain functioning when you lack sleep? How clear are you with your clients when you feel like you don’t know what’s going on? How tiring is it when you feel you’re not in control of anything?

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Set rules and stick with them

One of the biggest problems for women working at home is that they set rules but never follow them. When you say, “I’m working from 1pm to 5pm”, nothing other than your house catching fire should make you stray from that. Don’t change your mind mid-day and then spend the rest of the afternoon justifying why you didn’t stick to your plan. You’ll feel exhausted, tired and you’ll lose self-esteem as in ‘I can’t do that, I’m not strong enough!’ Find the right balance for you and don’t deviate from it under any circumstances. If you know damn well that you’re going to the Mall with your girlfriend on Wednesday at 3pm, then accept that and include it in your calendar. Schedule your work around it if it is possible, otherwise schedule a better time with your girlfriend. You’ll feel content, in control, on top of your world....and you’ll be just as satisfied in your private life as in your professional one.


Train your environment

What I mean by environment is your kids, your other half, your sister, your brother, your own mother (or your mother-in-law), your FRIENDS. Train them not to call you, or walk into your office from X to X during working hours. This one can be the most difficult obstacle to overcome because sometimes the


Get the right help to make your life easier

Help can be somebody to help you with the house or with the kids. And help can also be about using the right tool, like the right planner so you always know what you have to do on a daily basis. Use the same calendar for everything, play with colors so you know at a glance what activity is work and what is private. This way you’ll make sure you don’t forget anything and especially that you don’t accept an interview for the day of your doctor’s appointment. Use technology whenever you can to avoid doing the same thing twice and to automate most of your routine work; this will free up many hours of your precious time.

lack of discipline does not come from you but from them. In this case, you need to set firm boundaries; unplug the phone, close down your personal email, turn off your mobile and don’t open the door... unless you need to get out because once again your house is on fire! It will take time for your environment to get used to this new situation, but they will catch on faster if you have clear rules you stick to. Make sure you plan on giving them your full attention outside your working hours.


Most needed time suckers

I know we love them, we hate them, but regardless, we cannot live without them anymore. I’m talking about Social Media, whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or the latest one, Pinterest! These tools can be so useful to your business but only if you learn to use them in the right way. You can use little tools like Twitterfeed.com which will allow you to publish your new blog post automatically to Twitter and Facebook...so you don’t have to!

Believe me, if you only do half of what I’ve just given you, you can easily save 2 hours of your day. How do you think I run 2 businesses, one magazine and raise 4 kids at the same time?

What would you do if you had 2 free hours a day?



IMAGINE living THE LIFE of your DREAMS Discover life DESIGN Life Design is a program using 5 Design Principles that Noni Boon created in order to re-design her life when everything fell apart. She now teaches these steps to women around the world so that they can take an easier, safer path and excavate their wisdom to design the life of their dreams. You don’t have to take the hard road and do it on your own. Noni can guide and support you. Email now to book a free ½ hour session. nonib@ozemail.com.au

biDesign creative wisdom


NONI BOON Designer T

+ 61 417 287428




Women’s Edge Resources At Your Fingertips

Christine Marmoy


Christine Marmoy


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SD_HPAD(WomensEdge)_Layout 1 13/09/2012 14:24 Page 1

Sound familiar? • You feel sad all the time but can’t seem to shake it off

Now imagine: • You are happy, energetic and content and the world is good • Life is joyful, effortless and everything you do turns to gold

• You’ve lost sight of your career, style, passion, purpose – and your waistline

• Choosing what to do and what to wear brings joy into your heart

• Can anyone else see you? You feel invisible and past it

• Sleep is dreamless and restful


• Your smile is the envy of your friends, of which you have many • You are calm, fear-less and curious • Life is fabulous and so are you What would that mean to you?

For just $57 you can transform your life! What are you waiting for? This means a daily investment of less than the cost of a coffee. Don’t you think you are worth at least that?


Christine Marmoy is a published co-author next to Sonia Choquette, Robert Allen, Arielle Ford, Marci Shimoff and dozens of others in this transformational book.

Grab your copy now!



Christine Marmoy

Your Magnetic Marketing Mentor & Dream Team Designer


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