Consultation 'D' Findings

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Consultation D – Findings Build Together: DRAFT Model and Roadmap Feedback Consultation D began with an in-person road mapping workshop in Truro on October 27 with members of Build Together’s Engagement Team present as well as underrepresented community members. Twenty-five people participated in person and 10 people participated online. People shared what inspires them and what gives them hope in their community housing work. A presentation highlighting what was learned through sharing circles with Indigenous and African Nova Scotian community members was delivered. The ensuing discussion confirmed the importance of adopting a diversity, equity, inclusion, and decolonizing framework for all that we do in the community housing sector. Rich discussion followed related to the values that have been articulated throughout the Build Together project as well as our understanding of how to live these values. The final group discussion of the day invited people to consider whether the sector would be better served by either a non-profit provincial association or a community-based regional network linked by a provincial non-profit association. A DRAFT Nova Scotia Community Housing Association Model and Roadmap was shared at a follow-up online session on November 9. Feedback was incorporated and a second draft, including a new graphic representation of the model inspired by Build Together Engagement Team member, Mel Sturk, was created along with a narrative description. Province-wide Consultation D engagement sessions were held online on November 24 - 25. Approximately 75 people participated to learn about the DRAFT model and roadmap and to offer feedback. Positive feedback was received related to the formation of regional housing networks as a priority. Strong support was also garnered for creating an inclusive approach to community housing. Participants appreciated that the model is designed to increase connections and communication among community housing groups, including opportunities for learning from other organizations. Appreciation for the complexity of the model was expressed and how it reflected the diversity of perspectives articulated regarding how this work could be approached, while also recognizing the need to simply the model to facilitate its successful implementation. Work must still be done to source and secure funding to sustain a provincial organization. Continued and ongoing efforts are required to incorporate First Voice in the model and to describe strategies for inclusion. Conversations will be required with the Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada – Atlantic Region to consider how best to support co-operative and other non-profit housing providers, as well as housing groups, networks, and coalitions, and how shared services and supports can be offered without creating duplication. More information on how Strategic Provincial Partnerships could be developed will also be helpful. During the Consultation D engagement sessions on November 24-25, most participants gave a yellow light (67.5%) to proceed with caution and carefully consider the suggested changes while 32.5% gave a green light indicating the DRAFT Model and Roadmap are appropriate for the NS context and we should continue down this path. STFX EXTENSION


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