Coady Institute is committed to accompanying social Change Leaders skilled in the application of asset-based, citizen-led community-driven leadership for economic and social change. By emphasizing local ownership and collaborative relationships, Coady helps participants look at the assets available at the local level to strengthen the capacity of people to drive their own development.
We focus on building resilient communities, strengthening local economies, and promoting accountable governance while offering education programming for underrepresented communities such as women, youth, and Indigenous peoples. Participants benefit from the creation of virtual networks of peer support, mentorship, and Coady accompaniment.
Our leadership education programs combine classroom-based sharing and community-based experiential learning. The Institute is also home to the International Centre for Women’s Leadership which includes a focus on Indigenous women leaders through the work of the Circle of Abundance.
We have:
Coady helps participants look at the assets available at the local level to strengthen the capacity of people to drive their own development
• a track record over the past two decades in popularizing the asset-based and citizen-led (ABCD) approach among practitioners globally;
• a global reputation as a centre of excellence in leadership, transformative education and community-driven development;
• a global network of partners working to strengthen organizations’ and constituencies’ approaches in leading change in their countries.
We have learned that building the individual and collective agency of Change Leaders is key to ‘a full and abundant life for all’. Coady graduates seek opportunities and rise to challenges by innovating and acting to enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and decolonization.
We need your help
Coady’s programs are hosted on-campus at StFX University, online, and off-campus in communities around the globe and occur only through the generosity of our partners and benefactors like you.
Partner with us by helping community Change Leaders come together and contribute to making a positive difference in communities across the world.
With your financial support, you too become a Coady Change Leader by:
• Supporting scholarship for international, Indigenous, and Canadian participants to attend in-person courses;
• Shifting the socio-economic development narrative from a focus on weaknesses and deficits by emphasizing strengths, opportunities, and assets;
• Connecting people in communities across the Nova Scotia, Canada, and the world as they share local innovation and build local economies;
• Advancing work with Indigenous women leaders through the Circle of Abundance;
• Creating a society with gender equality and increasing women in leadership positions;
• Expanding our work with African Nova Scotian communities;
• Providing forums for people from all walks of life to meet to discuss critical social and economic issues.
Coady helped open key doors for me and so it happened that the initial internship turned into about five years of me working overseas in places like Botswana, Tanzania, and Congo.
We've got such a powerful but gentle message right here in our own backyard and it's really something that we have to open our eyes to and appreciate and connect with and keep it growing.
I would love for Antigonishers to know is that the root of that success is inside this building and I'm just one of those stories that's managed to circle back, but I think that there's literally millions of stories out there.
Maggie MacDonnell Former Coady Intern Global Teacher Prize Award Recipient
287 graduates shared new skills, or trained , more than
4,800 other leaders
93% Overall Satisfaction
93% Said their Coady Education was Useful for their Work
Together we can make Coady Institute and Antigonish a place for local Change Leaders from all over the world to come to learn and share about the latest innovations in community development. Please consider making a gift toward our education programs!
97% Gained Relevant Knowledge
10,170+ graduates worldwide
146+ countries
We are all global citizens! Learn more about financially supporting Coady Institute by contacting: Lynn O’Donnell lodonnel@stfx.ca 902-867-5264 or Emilie Chiasson echiasso@stfx.ca 902-867-4696 Learn more about StFX’s and Coady’s commitment to social
social responsibility, innovation, equity, and inclusion at coady.stfx.ca.