St. Francis Xavier University established Coady Institute in 1959 as part of its commitment to community leadership development and social responsibility.
Guided by Rev. Dr. Moses Coady’s vision of ‘a full and abundant life for all ’, the Institute strives to be a place where local change leaders from all over the world want to come to learn about the latest innovations in community-led development.
A Full and Abundant Life for All

Our leadership education programs combine classroom-based sharing and community-based experiential learning along with the creation of virtual networks of peer support, mentorship, and Coady accompaniment.

• a global network of partners working to strengthen organizations’ and constituencies’ approaches in leading change in their countries;

We accomplish this by drawing on:
• our core identity as an education institution with an adult education pedagogy committed to bridging critical development theory with the best in development practice and innovation.
is well positioned to be a force multiplier for equality and inclusion in empowerment, community resilience, inclusive economies, and accountable governance.

It’s world class learning. It’s really valuable learning and I would encourage people to come … I hope that you continue doing it because our countries need more leaders. Our countries need more education and opportunities such as this. You are playing a big role in uplifting so many developing countries around the world.
- Saliwe Mutetwa, (Zimbabwe) Global Change Leaders 2022

• a track record over the past two decades in popularizing the asset-based and citizen-led (ABCD) approach among practitioners globally;
We have learned that building the individual and collective agency of leaders is key to making change happen. Local leaders are dealing with the big issues of our day, such as adapting to climate changes and addressing deep rooted inequalities. They are digging in, innovating and acting. In the current context of populism and division, communities that are mobilizing their citizens to drive their own development, building strong bonds, and bridging social capital in the process, could be the antidote to the current wave of authoritarianism and
The Coady Mission

• a global reputation as a centre of excellence in leadership, transformative education and community-driven development;
Coady’s work begins with assets available at the local level, builds on the strengths of all citizens, and establishes a network of supportive partnerships. Coady emphasizes local ownership and collaborative relationships that strengthen the capacity of people to drive their own development.
• Pathy Foundation Fellowship
• Self-Employed Benefits Program (DiscoverBox)
We take pride in Coady’s history including the early days of the StFX Extension Department and the Antigonish Movement. What began as a search for solutions for chronic socio-economic problems, led to ordinary people in communities across Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada realizing that they could, in the words of Moses Coady, “use what they had to secure what they had not.”
• Wallace Family Internships (DiscoverBox)
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and St. Francis Xavier University are unique in that no other community, province, or university in Canada has an institute combining education programs, community engagement, and partner capacity building internationally and locally like Coady Institute.
• Build Together: Strengthening the Community Housing Sector in Nova Scotia
• ENGAGE! Women’s Empowerment Active Citizenship
• Farmer-led Tools, Dashboard Development the Future of Farming
• Diversity and Inclusion Program (Centre for Employment Innovation)
• Supporting Transition, Retention and Training for Girls (START4GIRLS)
For 63 years, Antigonish has welcomed Coady participants from around the world, creating a truly international dynamic in the community and enriching the area’s culture and community spirit.

• Circle of Abundance
• Rural Women Cultivating Change

The Antigonish Movement was responsible for inspiring Co-ops and credit unions all over the world! Today, it still inspires by showing what is possible when people build their communities from the inside out.
• Nobel Women’s Initiative
• Collective Impact for Inclusive Youth Employment (Centre for Employment Innovation)

We continue to work with partners around the world on:
Proud History, Exciting Future
Coady Institute offers educational programming for emerging and established community leaders with a passion for social change. Coady’s approach to adult education is practice-focused and participatory, informed by learner-centered and asset-based methods that hold the potential for both personal growth and societal transformation. Courses are hosted on-campus at St. Francis Xavier University in Canada, off-campus in communities around the globe, and online using various communications Afterplatforms.afive-year hiatus, we are pleased to announce the return of Coady’s Diploma in Development Leadership. Recognizing the shifting global context, learning styles, participants’ needs, and innovations, the latest version of the Diploma will be delivered through a blended model delivered in three mandatory modules that maintain the rich history of the program. The first module will be held online March 15 to April 15, 2023. The second will consist of a 10-week in-person residency at the Coady Institute in Antigonish from May 15 to July 24, 2023. A final module will take place September 15 to November 30, 2023.
2022-2023 Education Programs
• Climate Basics for Community Resilience (Online)
• Global Change Leaders (In-Person)
- Trang Thi Nhu Tran (Vietnam) Global Change Leaders 2022

• Feminist Leadership for Ecology and Justice (Online)
• Redevabilité sociale : Stratégies et pratiques (French)
• Asset-Based and Citizen-led Development (Online)
Global Change Leaders is an incredible and valuable chance to myself and to also my peers. This chance brings me the network with friends, experts and the social workers all around the world. We have 18 amazing ladies from all around the world and many others who come and support and give us a lot of experience and knowledge. What I treasure the most in this course is the chance to work in person with others. There are many things that we cannot learn virtually. Every day, every conversation is a new lesson to me and I gained a lot from my peers here.
• Diploma in Development Leadership (Online and InPerson)
Coady Institute strives to ensure that participants working with marginalized communities around the world have access to its courses. This is made possible through the provision of bursaries funded by many individual and institutional donors for which we are grateful.
• Indigenous Women in Leadership (Online)
• Leadership for Young Professionals (short course)
• Indigenous Women in Community Leadership (Online and In-Person)
• Future of Work and Workers (Online)
I don’t think there’s any way you would want to learn more about community development and programs that change lives better than at Coady.
grounded in Indigenous worldviews, values and teachings while sometimes using western tools and methods that align with those practices.
Global Change Leaders, Class of 2022
A shorter certificate in Women’s Leadership in Community Development is a unique women-only opportunity to open the minds and hearts of women working in development to ‘be the change’ they want to see in their community or organization. Coady offers this course on campus, online, and in communities locally and globally.
Indigenous Women in Community Leadership, Class of 2022

International Centre for Women’s Leadership
Coady’s International Centre for Women’s Leadership offers a range of education programs for emerging and established women leaders who are seeking enhanced leadership capacities for transformative social change.

- Vera Elikem Awuye (Ghana) Global Change Leaders 2022

The Circle of Abundance – Amplifying Indigenous Women’s Leadership brings together the institute’s work with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit women leaders. The Circle of Abundance is informed by more than a decade of working with Indigenous graduates, mentors, and Elders and emphasizes the abundance of gifts, talents, and contributions that are alive in all Indigenous communities. In 2022, The Circle of Abundance has continued this work and welcome back participants on campus for the Indigenous Women in Community Leadership (IWCL) program. This program uses a Two-Eyed Seeing (or Walking in Two Worlds) approach, meaning that teaching and learning practices are
After a pause due to the Covid-19 pandemic the Global Change Leaders program returned to campus in 2022. The program is an opportunity for women from developing countries and indigenous communities to build their assets and agency. Coady has built the program to include mentorship, peer exchange, and global networking. This program is open to those who have demonstrated leadership in a development sector and community for at least five years.
Coady also offers a fellowship program for women graduates of one or more of our women’s leadership programs, Coady’s Diploma in Development Leadership and other Coady certificate courses. Fellows, along with Coady staff accompaniment, focus on documenting and building knowledge that seeks to understand local learnings of women’s economic and political empowerment and how they intersect, and the innovative strategies used by the women leaders and organizations to support.
ENGAGE! Women’s Empowerment and Active Citizenship

• Gender Training Institute (GTI) of the Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP);
• Christian Commission for Development (CCDB) in Bangladesh; and
• Centre Haïtien du Leadership et de l’Excellence (CLE) in Haiti.
The partners are working to advance gender equality and poverty reduction by enhancing women’s capacity to participate in the social and economic life of their communities. ENGAGE! is applying an asset-based, citizen-led development (ABCD) approach to promote genderequitable change. This approach ensures that local communities, and in particular women, exercise ownership and control over social and economic development initiatives that respond to their realities and priorities.
• Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in India;
A key component of the Engage program is the priority placed on creating a co-learning environment whereby the partner organizations have ongoing opportunities to share their expertise, learn from each other, and collectively explore new ideas, techniques and tools. Click here to view the publications.

ENGAGE! is a five-year initiative co-designed by Coady Institute and five partner organizations:

• Organization for Women in Self Employment (WISE) in Ethiopia;

Coady Institute has partnered with the Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL) since 1961 when the League first donated $1,000 to Coady Institute. St. Francis Xavier University honoured the CWL in 2018 by awarding the organization the Lifetime Xaverian Award in recognition and in appreciation of this long relationship.

Over the years, the CWL National Council and individual parish councils across Canada, have been consistent and significant supporters of Coady Institute, providing annual scholarships to women community leaders from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. These graduates have in turn helped thousands of disadvantaged people in their communities to improve their lives.
- Jane Kihungi (Kenya) Diploma 2010 and GCL 2022
The Value of Partners
I would like to say “Asante sana” (‘Thank you very much’ in Swahili) to all the supporters, the funders of Coady. It provides opportunity for so many women to come here and learn the skills. For me, I would just say thank you and in Kenya we say, “Asante sana, Mungu akubariki. “ That means ‘God bless you.’

The importance of the relationship between the CWL and Coady Institute was highlighted in a brief video produced to commemorate the CWL’s 100th anniversary in Canada. The CWL’s continued support has allowed Coady to continue to work with women leaders around the globe.

Said their Coady Education was Useful for their Work

10,028+ graduates
Interested in learning more about how you can financially support Coady Institute? Contact: Emilie echiasso@stfx.caChiasson902.867.4697

- Malin Lok (Cambodia) Global Change Leaders 2022

After their return to their own countries and workplaces, key indicators from course evaluations show Coady’s education programs build knowledge and skills in key areas and that they are relevant to participants’ development practice. worldwide countries graduates shared new skills, or trained , more than other leaders % KnowledgeRelevant % Satisfaction
A Lasting Impact
I would like to appreciate especially Coady and the donors and supporters who created this space for us to be here and learn from each other. They bring us more hope to bring back to our countries and our societies and make this world a better place for everyone. Thank you so much. “Akun” (Thank you in Cambodian).