Coalsnaughton Primary School & Early Learning Centre
Our Travel Plan Aims A travel plan is a guide to encourage people to think about how they travel to school and if they can do it in a more healthy, eco-friendly way.
Our school has identified the following aims: o To proactively promote and increase awareness of healthy, environmentally and socially friendly travel choices amongst pupils, parents, staff and the wider community o To improve safety on the journey to school o To increase the amount of pupils participating in road safety education o To secure funding and develop initiatives from Clackmannanshire Council and other agencies/partners.
School Travel Plan Action Group
This plan has been designed in consultation with the: Health and Safety Junior Leadership Team in Coalsnaughton Primary School Parents/carers of Coalsnaughton Primary School pupils Teaching staff Learning Assistants.
About Coalsnaughton Coalsnaughton Primary School was built in 1898. An extension was added in the 1970s. The school is situated in the small village of Coalsnaughton and its catchment area includes Devonside. It is the main focal point of the village and maintains strong community links. At present our school roll sits at 67, with 17 children in our nursery class. The school is situated in a residential area within the village of Coalsnaughton. The majority of our pupils live within our catchment area and are able to walk to school. There is one entrance to the school which is located in our playground area.
Our school day is as follows: The School Day
Due to COVID restrictions P4-P7 Morning Session Lunch Afternoon Session Break Afternoon Continued
9.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. 11.30 p.m. - 12.15 p.m. 12.15 p.m. - 1.45 p.m. 1.45 p.m. - 2.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
P1-P3 Morning Session Break Morning Session Continued Lunch Afternoon Session
9.05 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. – 10.45 a.m. 10.45 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. 12.00 p.m. - 12.45 p.m. 12.45 p.m. – 3.05 p.m.
Nursery Session runs from 8.30 a.m. to 3.15 p.m. (Staggered entry and pick up due to COVID restrictions). Our Breakfast Club runs 5 days a week from 8.30am - 8.50am. We have a variety of after schools clubs and encourage as many children to participate in these as possible. (Due to COVID restrictions these have been suspended.) Our Current Travel Arrangements The school has one main entrance which is located in our playground. Access to the playground is through double metal gates. We currently have facilities to store 10 bicycles. These are easily accessed in our playground. It is the responsibility of our pupils, parents/carers to ensure bicycles are securely stored. At present, Coalsnaughton Primary School does not have a school crossing patrol system. 2
Map of the school s
What are we already doing? Coalsnaughton Primary School currently participates in the Living Streets WOW Project which is a pupil led initiative, highlighting the importance of healthy routes to school. We also take part in Bikeability on an annual basis and our nursery children participate in Play on Pedals. One of our Junior Leadership Teams in school takes the lead on the Health and Safety in school, particularly around road safety.
Our latest travel survey results from October 2020
We are delighted that the majority of our pupils walk to school and a few use their bicycle to get to school. It is encouraging to see that the majority of parents/carers who took part in our school travel survey use healthy and active ways to travel to and from school. We know that we have some issues in the local area around inappropriate parking and that the area around the school can be particularly congested at peak times.  People park on the zig zag lines.  Some cars go too fast.
Objectives of Our Travel Plan Coalsnaughton Primary School and Nursery Class aim to have healthy and street-smart pupils who can all travel to and from school safely. We want to promote road safety: Discourage people from parking on the zig zag lines in front of the school. Investigate whether we can get vehicle activated countdown signs at entry points to the village. We want to raise awareness: Keep the local paper aware of work done by the school. Celebrate our successes. Publish our travel plan on our website. Regularly discuss school travel at Parent Council Meeting. Support
We are very lucky in Coalsnaughton Primary School and Nursery Class. Our teachers and parents/carers all work really hard to help us keep safe on the roads and do their best to make sure we travel to and from school safely. We have also have help from the Community Police.
Monitoring and Reviewing
Our Travel Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis in June, by staff, pupils and parents. Our travel plan will take account of travel needs arising from new developments in education and transport provision and the School Travel Plan will be revised as necessary. We will participate in the Hands Up survey twice a year, in November and May. We will carry out our School Travel Plan every year. We will provide information about our Travel Plan in our School Handbook and New Parents Pack during Inductions The results will be shared with the rest of the school and will be displayed appropriately.
Action Plan 2020-2021 Measure
Responsibility Timescale Comments/Progress
Write a school travel plan. Make it available to all pupils, staff, parents and the school community. Promote Safe Travel to the school community – Be Bright, Be Seen annual event (November)
Junior Leadership Team
Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns
October 2020
Whole school
November 2020
Keep the school community update on the school travel plan, it’s progress and initiates Publicise travel advice and initiatives on Twitter and the school notice board. Build awareness into the curriculum. Liaise with the Donna Cromb and the community police regarding safe and considerate parking.
Junior Leadership Team
Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns Junior Leadership Team Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns
Continue to inform parents about social distancing on the pavement outside the school. Promote healthy ways to get to and from school – Walk to School Week in May
Investigate physical traffic management measures to improve crossing points to school.
Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns Teaching Staff Junior Leadership Team Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns
Junior Leadership Team
Whole School and nursery
Junior Leadership Team
Junior Leadership Team Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns
February 2021
Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns
October 2020
Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns Junior Leadership Team Mr Gardiner/ Mrs ClarkBurns
May 2021
May 2021
Be Bright, Be Seen day! (last Friday in November)
SID – (Speed Detection Smiley Face campaign ) Create a slogan/banner for the travel plan There is a whole school focus on Outdoor Learning, road safety/safety awareness/hygiene/social distancing issues will be promoted and adhered at all times.
Whole school competition Whole school
Junior Leadership Team All
April 2021