Coalsnaughton Primary School
2019 Newsletter Happy New Year to you and your family! It is hard to believe that we are about to enter into February! It has been an extremely busy start to the new term. Christmas Fayre Well done to everyone from the volunteers to parents who worked so hard to get donations from local businesses! Next year we need to make sure we get the Alloa Advertiser there! The Fayre was a great success and we made a profit of £1400! Amazing for such a small school. The Parent Council received £500. The rest has been put in the School Fund and will be used to buy resources for the children. We are thinking about a new portable sound system (£350) that we can take to the Village Hall or park or sporting events! Primary One Enrolment We have just completed our Primary One Enrolment process. My sincere apologies as I normally meet with all the new Primary One families but had to delegate this to Mrs Wilson due to a close family member bereavement. I will catch up with you all at some point and if anyone has any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with me. We have had a request for fourteen Primary One placements so that is a very healthy number for our small school. Health & Wellbeing and Mental Health We welcomed a member of the Scottish Government last week. Laura Meikle, a Government policy maker, met with staff and pupils to hear all about the strategies we employ to address Health & Wellbeing and Mental Health for our pupils, staff and families within our school community. Well done to Mya Muir (P6) and Kayleigh Haddow (P7) who spoke extremely confidently and were able to showcase our school in a very positive light!
Sportscotland Gold School Sport Award Assembly You may have seen the two page spread in the Alloa Advertiser last week showing pictures of us receiving our second GOLD School Sport Award from Sportscotland. We have pictures up on our Colasnaughton in the News board feel free to come in and have a look. The Sports Committee did us proud and produced a lovely Powerpoint showing the journey that we have been on to achieve the award. We are all so proud and will continue to strive for sporting excellence!
Help Required We are looking for some volunteers to run a gardening club. If you would like to help us please contact the office.
Parent Council We need you all more than ever! The Annual General Meeting took place on Thursday 25th October at 6.00 p.m. We would welcome any new members. We are now running two sets of meetings one at 9.00 a.m. and another at 6.00 p.m. Our first attempt at this was last week and parents attended both sessions which was great. I am at both so shared ideas between both sessions and typed up a joint minute. The minutes will be put up in the Parent Noticeboard in the playground and the nursery entrance. Many parents do not attend the actual meeting but are still members and help out in other ways. News of the closure has hit us all hard. The strength of our school community has really shone through. Thanks to everyone for their support. A core group of parents are leading the way which is great and has formed a more strategic approach to the campaign. The petition is doing well. The Parent Council have asked if I could issue a sheet on their behalf so I have attached it to this newsletter. If you could ask family members, friends or colleagues at work to add their signatures that would be great and return it to the school office for the Parent Council to collect. The online survey ends on 1st February so please encourage as many people as possible to carry it out. If they need access to a computer the Parent Council are based in the Blue Room 9.00 – 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 – 3.00 p.m. daily. They will offer support and guidance.
Dalgusie Ten of our Primary Seven pupils are going on a residential outdoor trip to Dalguise Monday 3rd – Wednesday 5th June. With the new 1-8 ratio we will need to send two staff members. Miss McGill and Miss Livingston have bravely volunteered! The Parent Council have donated £50.00 towards the cost for each pupil going. This will reduce the cost by £50 for those children.
Primary Seven School Prom – Thursday 27th June 6.00 – 8.00 p.m. The Primary Seven parents, Louise, Nikki and Maggie at the Village Hall used to fund/run the end of year P7 Prom. For the past few years, as funding got tighter, we contributed a little from the school fund. We are happy to continue to help. The senior pupils would like to continue with the Prom but we will need to form a wee committee to take this on. Claire McInroy has kindly managed to get us a quote for the disco (£175) from the guy who normally does the Prom. He does a brilliant job and the kids love him! We would need to hire the hall (£50 approx.) and then juice and nibbles (approx. £100?) In previous years funding/parents have funded the Limo/Party Bus. I would like to propose that the Primary Seven Parents and any parent who would like to help meet on Thursday 7th February at 6.00 p.m. for a quick meeting to form a plan. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions or would like to help on the night please let me know as soon as you can.
Bedtime Stories and Supper – Thursday 21st February 6.00 – 7.00 p.m. We are scheduling a Bedtime Stories event. Toast, hot chocolate/milk and biscuits will be on offer.
The dress code is pyjamas. The idea is that you come along with your children. Staff will be here to read stories or you can help us read to the children too. It will be great fun! We are looking for some volunteers to make toast and prepare the hot chocolate! It would help if you could bring along a cup for your child. (That will save on the washing and will be ECO friendly!)
Welcome We welcome three new children into our school family Tianna Mackintosh (P4), James Gallagher (P2) and Ethan Mackintosh (Nursery). Also congratulations to Sean and Becky Elliott as their baby brother was born this morning.
Dates for your Diary Sunday 3rd February – 9.00 a.m. – 5 p.m. – P1 -7 Gym Fest Alva Academy Thursday 7th February 6 p.m. – Primary 7 Parent & Volunteer Meeting for School Prom Monday 11th & Tuesday 12th February – In- service Days (Staff in School) Monday 11th – Friday 15th February – HOLIDAY for PUPILS Thursday 21st February 6.00 – 7.00 p.m. - Bedtime Stories and Supper Friday 22nd February – Non-Uniform day Thursday 28th February – 9.00 a.m. & 6.00 p.m. Parent Council Meeting Wednesday 13th March – 3-6 p.m. Parents Evening Friday 15th March – Red Nose Day – wear Red! Tuesday 19th March - Parents Evening Thursday 28th March– 9.00 a.m. & 6.00 p.m. Parent Council Meeting Easter Holidays – Monday 1st April – Friday 12th April Pupils Return Monday 15th April Thursday 18th April at 11.00 a.m. - Easter Service at the Village Hall (Note change of date) Friday 19th April & Monday 22nd April - Holiday
I would like to thank you all for your kind words and support during this time. It is a period of anxiety and uncertainty. I would also like to assure you that myself and my team are working as hard as ever to support our children and will continue to keep doing so! We are more determined than ever to give our children the best educational experience that we can!
Kind regards
Colleen ClarkBurns (Headteacher)