Desi Lifestyle 2015
Desi Lifestyle 2015
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Desi Lifestyle 2015
Punjab India was my hometown, in 1995 Tejinder Randhawa decide to become a truck driver in California, after five years as a truck driver he started his business in 2000. He meet his wife Pawan Randhawa married on Jan 21 and shortly after had a beautiful daughter......
Vol. 1 Issue 2 Feb / Mar 2015
ON THE COVER Applying to and attending colleges today is not an easy task. The process can be daunting, but preparation and some basic knowledge of details can make all the difference in the world. Advice from experts and experiences of students will be described in this article.
Desi Lifestyle Magazine is the only bilingual magazine that provides the best platform to connect the South-Asian community in the Fresno area of California. This magazine will encapture all aspects of lifestyle that we enjoy or wish to enjoy
Desi Lifestyle 2015
Sikh American - 2015 Rose Parade
4 Ways To Master The Art Of Slowing Down And Streamlining Life
pMjwb dw mwx
ipCly fyF ku dhwky dOrwn pµjwbI isnmy nyN jo bulµdIAW hwsl kIqIAw hn, auhdI ijnIN vI qrIP kIqI jwvy QoVI hY[ s~iBAwcwirk rµg Aqy kmyfI qoN htky kuJ AYsIAW Dwrimk iPlmW ny vI dunIAW Br iv~c AwpxI AYsI sæwp C~fI ik gYr is~Kw ƒ vI is~K ieiqhws bwry kwPI cwnx hoieAw[ A~jkl dunIAw iv~c......
New Technologies for 2015
What Happens When You Mix Energy Drinks with Alcohol
Tex-Mex burrito
Desi Lifestyle 2015
Editorial Note “Improvement starts with I” I was going through various quotations and I found an interesting one: “Improvement starts with I” – this quote is absolutely correct. We often want others to improve and always criticise and blame them when they don’t. As the quote says, it is better to look at yourself and see if there are areas where you can improve yourself. Improve yourself to the level where you become a role model for others. Believe me, you can impress others around you and have them improve themselves without saying anything directly. This way, the benefit is two-fold: you have changed yourself and caused change in others as well. There are those who incorporate the good values of others, while leaving behind the bad ones. This way, after some time, such individuals have an abundance of good qualities, which makes them remarkable. We are continuously trying to improve our magazine as well and always ask you for your valuable feedback. Please suggest to us the topics you would like to read about. Continue to share your views with others, and we await your feedback via telephone, email, or Facebook message… Cheers! Be happy and make others happy.
“suDwr Awpxy qoN sæurU huMdw hY” mYN ieMtrnYt qy ku`J isAwxy lokW dy ivcwr pVH irhw sI ik ie`k ivcwr qy Aw ky myrI njær ruk geI, “ieMprUvmYNt stwrts ivD AweI” mqlb suDwr Awpxy qoN sæurU huMdw hY[ ieh g`l iblkul shI hY[ dunIAW iv`c bhuqwq auhnW lokW dI hY jo Awpxw bhuqw smW dUijAW nUM kosx qy hI lwauNdy hn, hr vkq dUsirAW dI nukqwcInI krdy rihMdy hn auh hr kMm iv`c dUijAW nUM suDwrnw cwhuMdy hn auhnW dw pUrw iDAwn dUsry au`pr ligAw huMdw hY, mqlb auhnW dw iDAwn Awpxy au`pr nhIN huMdw[ jykr AsIN dUijAW au`pr Awpxw iDAwn kNydirq krn dI bjwey Awpxy qy kyNdirq krIey qW swnUM Awpxy iv`c hI bhuq swry Agux Aqy GwtW ids pYxgIAW ijnW nUM suDwrn dI loV huMdI hY[ jy AsIN auh swrw smW Aqy aUrjw Awpxy Awp nUM suDwrn qy lgw leIey qW AsIN ie`k rol mwfl bx skdy hW Aqy dUsry lokW au`pr swfw ibnW khy hI pRBwv pvygw Aqy ho skdw auh swfI rIs krn Aqy Awpxy Awp nUM suDwr lYx[ ies nwl do Pæwiedy hoxgy ie`k qW qusIN Awpxy Awp iv`c suDwr lY Awvogy, dUsrw qusIN ku`J hor lokW nUM vI suDwr idEgy[ ku`J ku lok Aijhy vI huMdy hn jo dUijAW au`pr iDAwn qW kyNdirq krdy hn pr auhnW dIAW cMigAweIAW dyKx leI[ auh dUsirAW dIAW cMgIAW g`lW gRihx kr lYNdy hn Aqy mwVIAW g`lW v`l koeI iDAwn nhIN idMdy[ ies qrHW ku`J smyN bwAd auh guxw dI guQlI bx jWdy hn[ AsIN Awpxy mYgæjæIn nUM vI lgwqwr suDwrn dI koisæsæ kr rhy hW Aqy hmysæw quhwfy qoN v`fmu`ly suJwvW dI mMg krdy hW[ ikRpw krky swnUM d`so ik qusIN iks qrHW dI lyKæ pVHnw cwhMdy ho, swnMU quhwfy Pæon, eImyl jW Pæys bu`k sunyhyN dI aufIk rhygI[ Kusæ rho Awbwd rho…[
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Desi Lifestyle 2015
Shruti Tewari Anupam Chahal Sudarshan Kapoor Dr. Arjan S. Josan Amisha Sampat Kulwant Dhalian Balraj S. Sidhu (SP)
Sikh American History Showcased at
2015 Rose Parade Float generates buzz and significant Sikh awareness; featured Sikh men and women who have dedicated their lives to service and community PASADENA, CALIFORNIA – On January 1, 2015, Sikh American history was featured on the first-ever Sikh American float during the 127th annual Rose Parade. As a result of a collaboration with the United Sikh Mission, SikhLens, Khalsa Care Foundation, SALDEF (Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund), and dedicated Sikhs from around the country, the float highlighted Sikh American values, Sikh history in the United States, and over 125 years of contributions to American society. Rashpal Singh Dhindsa, founder, United Sikh Mission commented, “We are proud of the float and what it represents. Rose Parade attendees and viewers gained an understanding of the Sikh value of hard work and giving back to the greater community.” The first structure Rose Parade viewers saw was of the Stockton Gurdwara, the first Sikh house of worship that was established in the United States, 102 years ago. The float also included a cornucopia and a locomotive, which represented Sikh Americans who were laborers and farmers in 1903. Americans met 11 fellow Sikh Americans who have dedicated their lives to serving all of America in some way, including men and women who are members of California-based police forces, the national Army, a Boy and Girl Scout, and civil rights advocates. Harinder Kaur Khalsa, deputy sheriff, Alameda County remarked, “It was truly a honor to be on the Sikh float in the Rose Parade. The crowd was enthusiastic and embracing. I made eye contact and smiled with thousands of people in the span of two hours. Although I didn’t know any of them, I felt connected to them.” The first-ever Sikh American float was well-received in a variety of mediums, whether it was on Twitter or in-person on the flower-filled streets of Pasadena. Jasjit Singh, executive director, SALDEF comments, “As the oldest Sikh American civil rights organization, in our work we too often see the results of ignorance and bias. It is significant to see American ideals imbued in how the Sikh American float was received at the Rose Parade. All audiences embraced the differences between us and recognized our commonality.”
Desi Lifestyle 2015
Beyond the comfort of having addressed basic necessities and even adding some luxuries, lurks the perennial stress of finding the right educational path for one’s children. In this article, we will address some of the common questions raised by those looking into the college process for the first time. In most immigrant families, the first-born has to pave the way for an entire generation of college-bound family members, and that is no menial task. FOR PARENTS Fit is important – While some parents can support their children to attend colleges any where in the world, this is not the case in most families. Identify schools that are within reach, both financially and geographically. Then shortlist based on academic opportunities, size, and diversity of student body, among other things. It is important that students are in an environment where they feel challenged enough without being totally overwhelmed. Step back - Unlike in India, where parents made almost all the important decisions on behalf of their children, America is a more individualistic society. Parents can still be a source of guidance and wisdom, but it is important to let the children develop their own voice and a distinct point of 8
By: Shruti Tewari
izMdgI dIAW buinAwdI zrUrqW dI pUrqI Aqy ku`J su`K suivDwvW dy vwDy auprMq hr mW-bwp dy idl ivc ieh lukI aumMg qy qrMg huMdI hY ik auhnW dy b`icAW nMU cMgw ividAk mwrg iml jwvy[ ies lyK ivc AsIN kuJ auhnW buinAwdI svwlW dw jvwb dyvWgy jo pihlI vwr kwljW Aqy ividAk sMsQwvW dy dw^ly dI pRikirAw dy rU-b-rU ho rhy hn[ bhuq pRvwsI pirvwrW ivc Gr ivc sB qoN v`fw b`cw hI hornW b`icAW leI kwlj dI pVHweI leI rwh p`Drw krdw hY, pr ieh koeI suKwlw kwrj nhIN[ mW-bwp leI : Xog hI aupXog - BwvyN ku`J pirvwr Awpxy b`icAW nMU sMswr ivc iksy vI kwlj ivc pVHw skdy hn, pr bhuqI vwr ieh sMBv nhIN huMdw[ sB qoN pihlW auhnW skUlW dI pihcwx kro jo BUgOilk Aqy AwriQk qOr ‘qy phuMc ivc hox[ auprMq auhnW ividAk sMsQwvW nMU Akwdimk mOikAW, ividAwrQIAW dI iviBMnqw Aqy Akwr dI buinAwd qy nwmzd kro[ mh`qvpUrx q`Q ieh hY ik ividAk mwhOl ividAwrQIAW nMU cuxOqI dyvy nw ik qnwA[ ijs kw kwm ausI ko swjy - Bwrq dy pRiqkUl, ijQy mW-bwp hI Awpxy b`icAW leI mu`K PYsly lYNdy hn, AmrIkw iek ivAkqIgq smwj hY[ mW-bwp, igAwn Aqy cwnx dw sRoq bxy rihx Aqy b`icAW nMU Awpxw idRStIkox cunx ivc sihXog dyx[ kwljW dy Awvydn p`qr Brx smyN ieh idRStIkox auhnW dI rUh dI Avwj www.desilifestylemagazine.com
Beyond the comfort of having addressed basic necessities and even adding some luxuries, lurks the perennial stress of finding the right educational path for one’s children. In this article, we will address some of the common questions raised by those looking into the college process for the first time. In most immigrant families, the first-born has to pave the way for an entire generation of college-bound family members, and that is no menial task. FOR PARENTS Fit is important – While some parents can support their children to attend colleges any where in the world, this is not the case in most families. Identify schools that are within reach, both financially and geographically. Then shortlist based on academic opportunities, size, and diversity of student body, among other things. It is important that students are in an environment where they feel challenged enough without being totally overwhelmed. Step back - Unlike in India, where parents made almost all the important decisions on behalf of their children, America is a more individualistic society. Parents can still be a source of guidance and wisdom, but it is important to let the children develop their own voice and a distinct point of view. This will help them immensely when they are writing essays to rather vague prompts in their applications, trying to establish in a reader’s mind that they are unique, interesting and brimming with potential. College readers are well trained to distinguish between an adult voice and that of an eighteen year old, and they can definitely identify language and expressions that did not stem from the American education system. Be supportive – Just as this would be a stressful time for parents, it is doubly so for the students. They have to work with the school counselors, correspond with prospective colleges, evaluate their best fit, while maintaining their grades in the toughest classes of their lives and preparing for, scheduling, and taking a whole bunch of standardized tests! It is best to acknowledge that if this were a marathon they were running, the parents are, and will continue to be, their cheering squad, helping ease the process whenever possible. Parents can help with logistics, but not in dealing with the counselors and certainly not in reaching out to the colleges. Let the students be their own advocates, this is what the counselors and colleges want to see.
bnxgy Aqy cox-krqw nMU auhnW dw ivl`Kx AMdwz, ivSy pRqI idlcspI Aqy sMBwvI aumIdvwr vjoN auhnW dw ikrdwr tuMBygw[ kwljW ivc cox krqw iek pRoV Avwz Aqy iek 18 virHAW dy b`cy dI Avwz ivclw &rk BlI BWqI jwxdy hn[ auh ieh vI jwxdy hn ik ikhVI BwSw Aqy hwv-Bwv AmrIkn ividAk pRxwlI dI dyx hn Aqy ikhVI nhIN[ mddgwr swbq hoeIey - dw^ly dw smW ijMnHW qnwA BrpUr mW-bwp leI hY, aus qoN dugxw b`icAW leI hY[ auhnW dy jIvn ivc sB qoN mh`qvpUrn Aqy AOKI klws ivc pVHidAW, cMgy nMbrW dy nwl-nwl, keI pRmwixk iemiqhwnW ivc bYTxw, skUl slwhkwrW nwl kMm krnw, BwvI kwljW nwl rwbqw Aqy auhnW dI cox Awidk keI guMJldwr kMmW ivc ruiJAw rihxw pYNdw hY[ mh`qvpUrx hY ik ieh mMnIey ik jy b`cw lMmI dOV dy dOVwk vjoN dOV irhw hY qW mW-bwp auhnW dy hr p`K Aqy hOsly nMU srwhx Aqy ijQoN q`k vI sMBv hovy, auhnW dw mwrg suKwlw krn ivc mdd krn[ mW-bwp sMcwlx ivc qW mdd krn pr skUl slwhkwrW Aqy sMBwvI kwljW nwl rwbqw r`Kx dy mwmly ivc iblku`l nhIN[ slwhkwr Aqy kwlj ieh dyKxw cwhuMdy hn ik kI ividAwrQI Awpxw kwrj ^ud kr skdy hn jW nhIN[
ividAwrQIAW leI :
Awvydn p`qr dy mulWkx smyN kwlj ividAwrQI dI Akwdimk Xogqw, muSikl sulJwaux dI Xogqw Aqy smwj pRqI cyqnqw Awidk pRmu`K p`K ivcwrdy hn[ pr ieh mu`K p`K jo Awm qOr qy AxgOilAw rih jWdw hY, auh hY aus kwlj pRqI idlcspI[ ieh p`K swfy kdm aus kwlj AMdr iljwx ivc zrUrI BUimkw Adw kr skdw hY[ Awau ku`J sDwrx pr shweI p`KW bwry ivcwr krIey jo kwljW ivc dw^ly leI shweI ho skdIAW hn[ Awpy dI jwxkwrI - quhwnMU kI idlcsp l`gdw hY qy kI nhIN, ies bwry jwgrUk hoeIey[ Awpxy mOjUdw kors v`l iDAwngocr huMidAW auhnW iviSAW bwry soco jo quhwnMU idlcsp Aqy sOKy l`gdy hox jW idlcsp Aqy cuxOqI BrpUr jW kyvl aukwaU[ ijMny qusIN Awpxy Awqm-icMqn pRqI iemwndwr hovogy, aunW hI suKwlw quhwnMU Biv`Kq kwlj l`Bxw l`gygw[ Awpxy slwhkwr nwl jwxkwrI vDwE - hr skUl BwvyN auh srkwrI hovy jW pRweIvyt, hr ividAwrQI leI slwhkwr inXukq krdw hY[ v`fy skUlW ivc slwhkwr v`fI ividAwrQI pRISq dI numwieMdgI krdw hY[ ies leI ieh zrUrI hY ik quhwfI quhwfy slwhkwr nwl nyVqw hovy ikauNik auhnW ny hI kwljW nMU quhwfy nwm dI is&wrS krnI hY[ ijMnW qusIN auhnW nMU G`t jwxdy hovogy, aunW hI G`t sMbMDq auhnW dI is&wrS hovygI[ auhnW kol quhwfy bwry kuJ ArQpUrn kihxw quhwfy ih`q leI bhuq zrUrI hY[ Awvydn p`qr dI Aw^rI qwrIK qoN ku`J h&qy pihlW slwhkwr nMU Apx`q BrI Xwd krwauxI AqI zrUrI is`D ho skdI hY[
FOR STUDENTS Academic merit, creative problem solving, community orientation are all key aspects that colleges look at when evaluating an application. But one other element stands tall and is often overlooked. Proven interest in a college can really make a difference in getting one’s foot in the door. So, here are some simple tips to help you in navigating the college admissions process.
zrUrI sUcI dI iqAwrI - v`K-v`K mwiDAm rwhIN auhnW kwljW bwry jwxkwrI iek`TI kro ijMnW pRqI quhwfI idlcspI hY[ ijvyN ik, auhnW dI vY`bsweIt qoN, smwcwr p`qr hwsl krky, smwijk mIfIey rwhIN Aqy auhnW lokW nwl g`lbwq krky ijMnHW ny aus kwlj qoN iv`idAw hwsl kIqI hovy[ quhwfy kol G`t qoN G`t 5 mu`K kwrn hox ijMnHW dI buinAwd qy qusIN aus kwlj dI cox kIqI hovy Aqy Pyr Awpxy slwhkwr nwl ies bwry ivcwr kro[ XQwrQvwdI bxIey Aqy imlI hoeI jwxkwrI dy ADwr qy AwpxI pRwQimkqw sUcI ivc qbdIlI leI iqAwr rhIey[ ieh sUcI swfI loV, phuMc Aqy sur`iKAw leI shI sMqulx drswauNdI hovy[
Know yourself – Develop a clear sense of what does and does not interest you. Look at your current coursework and think about subjects that may be interesting and
ipRMstn smIiKAw iehnW p`KW nMU ies qrHW ibAwn krdI hY : swfI loV Aqy swfy joV dw skUl auh hY ijQy swfw Akwdimk
Desi Lifestyle 2015
Education comfortable; interesting and challenging; or simply not interesting. The more honest you are in this self-evaluation, the easier it will be to identify potential areas of focus in your college search. Know the counselor – Every school, public or private, has to have a counselor assigned to you. In larger schools, the counselor is representing a larger student body. So, it is imperative that you find a way to be known to the counselor, because they will be sending a recommendation for you to the colleges. The less they know you, the less relevant their recommendation will be. It is in your best interest that the counselor has something meaningful to write about you. Also, gentle reminders a few weeks before your deadlines, will ensure that your application is complete by the due dates for various colleges. Develop a short list – Research colleges of interest by visiting their websites, joining their newsletter, following them on social media and talking to people who attended those colleges. Have at least five distinct reasons for why you are choosing to put a college on your list and then discuss with your counselor. Be realistic and open to changing the list based on feedback. The list should be a balance between MATCH, REACH, and SAFETY choices. The Princeton Review defines these terms as the following: A MATCH school is one where your academic credentials fall well within (or even exceed) the school’s range for the average freshman. There are no guarantees, but it’s not unreasonable to be accepted to several of your match schools. A REACH school is one where your academic credentials fall below the school’s range for the average freshman. Reach schools are long shots, but they should still be possible. A SAFETY school is one where your academic credentials fall above the school’s range for the average freshman. You can be reasonably certain that you will be admitted to your safety schools. Show sincere interest – Once your list is finalized, show sincere interest to the admissions team of those schools by visiting them either at their campus or at an admissions fair, write to them with questions, join their mailing list, subscribe to their newsletter, or follow up with any other form of communication. Be your own advocate – Your parents mean well but you cannot let them take the lead in your college communications. The colleges expect to hear from you not your parents.
imAwr skUl dy swDwrx ividAwrQIAW dy imAwr nwl myl KWdw hovy[ swfI phuMc dw skUl auh hY ijQy dy ividAwrQIAW dw Akwdimk imAwr swfy imAwr qoN au`cw hovy[ BwvyN auQy q`k phuMc muSikl huMdI hY pr AsMBv nhIN[ sur`iKAq skUl auh hY ijs dy swDwrx nvyN BrqI ividAwrQIAW dw Akwdimk imAwr swfy imAwr qoN Q`ly hovy[ qusIN inScw r`K skdy ho ik iehnW skUlW ivc quhwfI BrqI ibnW SMky qoN sMBv hY[ iemwndwr idlcspI idKwE - jdoN quhwfI sUcI iqAwr ho jwvy qW aus skUl dI dw^lw tIm nMU AwpxI iemwndwr idlcspI idKwE[ ijvyN ik aus skUl dy kYNps ivc jwxw, auhnW nMU Awpxy svwl ilKxy, auhnW dI myilMg ilst qy Awauxw, smwcwr p`qrW dI sdisAqw hwsl krnI jW hor smwjk mwiDAm rwhIN rwbqw bnwauxw[ Awpxy vkIl Awp bxo - quhwfy mW-bwp quhwfy leI bhuq mh`qvpUrx hn, pr Awpxy kwljW nwl rwbqw qusIN ^ud r`Ko[ kwlj quhwfy nwl sWJ pwauxw cwhuMdy hn nw ik quhwfy mW-bwp nwl[
By: Shruti Tewari
Now, whether your college application process is already under way or you are looking to apply next year, having a clear plan of action to match up with application timeline is important. Following is the timeline for application to the University of California system for admission to any of its 10 colleges. January
Filing period for FAFSA and Cal Grant Verification Form opens for applicants to all terms (filing period open through March 2). Early January – Online application update opens for transfer applicants to report final fall grades and in-progress or planned coursework (open through January 31).
Notification of fall 2015 admission decisions begins.
Deadline for applicants for all terms to submit FAFSA and Cal Grant GPA Verification Form
Notification of fall 2015 admission decisions for freshman applicants is complete.
Deadline for admitted freshmen to submit Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). Notification of fall 2015 admission decisions for transfer applicants is complete.
Deadline for admitted transfer students to submit Statement of Intent to Register (SIR).
Final official transcripts due at campus admissions office for students admitted for fall 2015.
Application opens for applicants for fall 2016.
Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) filing period for fall 2016.
Application submission period for fall 2016.
Once the application is done, it would be time to start thinking about what college life would be like. We spoke with some students in the area and asked them about their experience transitioning from school to college. This is what they had to say: Jaspreet S. Dhillon: “I feel like the responsibility load will escalate because you have to create your own schedule, your parents aren’t involved anymore and it is common to have a job during college time. Going from having a set laid out school schedule to meeting deadlines to get enrolled in a class to save a seat while there are 100s of others trying, seems the most challenging.”
Preetkamal K. Sran: “Transitioning into college is hard work because you have to stay on top of deadlines during your busy senior year of high school. SAT scores must be high and take the SAT exam multiple times if needed. Also there are different days the colleges require you to submit transcripts that you cannot miss. It is good to seek scholarships along with seeking financial aid.” Ravinder S. Dhillon: Attending college is mainly time management. Attending classes, whether your professor takes attendance or not, is a must. I see a lot of students who wander off with friends and ditch classes, which is one of the biggest mistakes they can make. You miss a lot of material, extra credit, participation and important exam details that could help you achieve A’s. Rubenjeet K. Sran: “Attending college in the US is very challenging. Over the last few years, the number of classes cut has been outrageous. Also I faced difficulty my first year with correct guidance. It is better to seek help from junior or senior students for a class layout than speaking to school counselors. Also advice for future students, do not worry about the time it takes to finish your degree, it is important to take an appropriate class load according to your lifestyle and maintaining straight A’s rather than piling up four-five classes and receiving multiple C’s and D’s. To summarize, daunting as the college application process is, you are not alone. Stay optimistic, seek help from others who have dealt with it and find the perfect stepping stone for your long-term goals. www.desilifestylemagazine.com
Desi Lifestyle 2015 11
4 Ways To Master The Art Of Slowing Down And Streamlining Life We open our eyes. We reach. We scratch. We claw for our phones. We unlock, tap, scroll. We see photos from the parties we don’t go to, the dinners we don’t eat and the weddings we’re not even close to having. We double-tap. We comment, “I miss you so much, wish I could have been there last night”; “I wish I could cook like this”; “You look beautiful. You two are made for each other.” We compliment; we cheat; we flirt endlessly with social media, instead of looking at someone’s face or looking into someone’s eyes. We’re replacing lips for keyboards and heartbeats for message tones. Sounding familiar? I read a quote the other day that read, “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” I think it’s brilliant. In eight words, some clever chap has wrapped up all that is wrong with our Millennial lives and thrown these words like confetti over our heads. We are suspended in a constant state of comparison. Bodies, wealth, career, relationships — as soon as our eyes open we are entering into the same cycle. I’ll admit it: I get restless. Like everyone else, I have a big list of things to do in my mind, and I want them all done at once and out of the way, and all the time, it never, ever works. We want immediacy — an instant message, an instant comment, an instant tick that will make our heads flip and our hearts whole. So, here is a proposal for everyone, myself included, on how to slow down and attempt a streamlined life. 1. Break away from social media. Have a cut-off point in the evening to stop boredom-scrolling yourself into a panicked mess. Seeing what people have done with their days when you may or may not have been watching back-to-back episodes of “Breaking Bad” all day long while nursing multiple cups of tea is not a great motivator to end your day on. So, even though you may feel inclined to send future-proofing emails at 2 am, fuelled by faux social media pressure, it’s probably not the best idea. Get ideas out of your head and onto some paper, close the book and then leave it for the morning. Besides, writing is easier with coffee in hand. And, you don’t want anymore caffeine at 2 am. 2. Put your phone on silent. Simple, isn’t it? Leave calls or emails on loud if necessary, but let the constant chirp of WhatsApp subside, let Snapchat silence and let Twitter snooze in a nest of quiet for a while. When you’re trying to do something that requires your concentration, it’s near impossible when you get stuck watching your phone as it shimmies closer to the edge of the table with every message vibration. Stop unnecessarily challenging your attention. Just make it simple. 3. Be realistic. While it may be fun to set challenging resolutions for the year ahead, be realistic with time frames. 12 Desi Lifestyle 2015
It’s great to better yourself and carve new paths, but you can’t fill a bath with new skills and soak them all up like a sponge in one evening. (Although, someone should invent this. I would bulk order.) Things take time; don’t rush this and enjoy the time it takes to learn. 4. Try to stop comparing. I could squash this paragraph full of clichés, but I’m going to try something designed to be constructive. Accept moments for what they are — good or bad, exciting or mundane. If you don’t like something, try to change it. Don’t worry yourself with other people’s achievements, or compare yourself to how far someone the same age or younger than you has come. Everyone falls; we just don’t run online to tell everyone about the day we cried until we were breathless, when we
cared too much when we didn’t get the call or when we were crushed when we realized someone had moved on without us. We’re all human; we all feel the same. It’s just scheduled at different times for different people. And, in any case, you could be two days away from starting all over again — and starting fresh is fun. It’s like getting a new textbook at school: It’s a bit scary, you feel pressured to use your best handwriting and keep everything neat in the beginning, but somewhere down the line, this ebbs away and things become more natural. Mistakes happen, so we cross them out and we try again. Life isn’t a race; there is no agreed finish line or time in which to complete it. Slow down, enjoy small moments and try to stop comparing every small step you take to someone else’s stride. By: Lucy Farrington - Smith (elitedaily.com) www.desilifestylemagazine.com
izMdgI nUM sihj Aqy vDIAw FMg nwL ijaux dy 4 FMg AsIN nINd qoN au`Tdy hW; Pon cu`kdy hW; btn d`b ky hyT au`pr krdy hW[ AsIN aunHW pwrtIAW dIAW qsvIrW vI vyKdy hW ij`Qy AsIN Awp gey vI nhIN huMdy[ auh ifnr ijs ‘c AsIN Swml hI nhIN hoey huMdy[aunHW ivAwhW dIAW qsvIrW ijnHW dw swnUM ic`q cyqw vI nhIN huMdw[AsIN Pon nUM iPr tYp krdy hW[AsIN it`pxI krdy hW ik “ mYnUM quhwfI bhuq Xwd Aw rhI hY kwS! ik mYN vI ies ipClI rwq au`Qy huMdw[ mYN vI cwhuMdw hW ik mYN vI iesy qrHW Bojn bxw skW! qusIN ikMny sohxy lgdy ho! quhwnUM dovW nUM r`b ny ie`k dUjy leI hI bxwieAw hY[“ iksy g`l ‘qy AsIN iksy nUM SwbwS idMdy hW; AsIN DoKw idMdy hW; soSl mIfIey ‘qy AsIN ibnw iksy dy ichry Aqy A`KW nUM vyKI Trk Bordy rihMdy hW[AsIN bu`lHW dI QW kIA borf dy btnW nUM vrqdy hW Aqy idl dIAW DVkxW nUM mYsyj ton ‘c[ kI ieh TIk lgdY? mYN ipCly idnIN iksy dw iliKAw ieh ivcwr piVHAw ,” AwpxI SurUAwq nUM mMizl dy iksy A`D ivckwr phuMcy ivAkqI nwL mukwblw nw kro[“ myry iKAwl ‘c ieh bhuq vDIAw ivcwr hY[ienHW ku`J SbdW ‘c
1. soSl mIfIAw qoN v`K hovo
Swm smyN soSl mIfIey qoN v`K hox dw ie`k smW insicq kro[ ies qrHW du`K dyx vwLIAW g`lW nUM skrol krn qoN Cutkwrw iml jwvygw[ jdoN qusIN “ bryikMg bYf “ dy ipCly AYpIsof BwvyN dyKy hoey hox jW nw aus smyN lokW sbMDI pqw lwauxw ik aunHW dw idn iks qrHW lMiGAw hY jdoN ik cwh dy keI k`p vI fkwr ley hox, ieh quhwfy idn nUM cMgI qrHW lMGwaux dw smW nhIN ho skdw[ BwvyN qusIN qVky 2 vjy JUTI mUTI eI myl vI ByjxI cwhuMdy hovo pr rwq smyN ies qrHW krnw TIk nhIN hovygw[ Awpxy idmwg ‘c iKAwl soco, aunHW nUM kwgz ‘qy ilK ky r`K lE Aqy svyr q`k ies qrHW hI rihx idE[jdoN quhwfy h`Q ‘c kOPI dw k`p hovy aus smyN ilKxw vI sOKw huMdw hY[ pr rwq dy 2 vjy kOPI vI TIk nhIN[
2. Pon sweIlYNt mof ‘qy lw idE
kI ieh g`l vDIAw nhIN? jy loV hY qW BwvyN kwl Aqy eI myl au`cI Avwz ‘c rihx idE pr vYtsAwp, snYpcYt nUM sweIlYNt ‘qy lw idE Aqy ku`J smyN leI tivtr dw KihVw vI C`f idE[ jy myz ‘qy quhwfw Pon ipAw hovy Aqy qusIN iksy kMm nUM iDAwn nwL krnw cwhuMdy ho qW ies qrHW dI hwlq jdoN kdy Pon v`jx l`g pvy jW ies dI vweIbRySn hox l`g pvy, qusIN krn vwLy kMm pRqI pUrw iDAwn nhIN dy skdy[ ies qrHW dI gYrzrUrI iDAwn htwaux vwLI ikirAw nUM bMd kr idE[ kMm sOKw ijhw hI rihx idE[
3. AslIAq dy nyVy rho
BwvyN Awaux vwLy swl leI inSwny imQxw Sugl hI hovy pr jo smW insicq kIqw igAw hY aus nUM inBwaux dw Xqn kro[ ieh vDIAw g`l hovygI ik qusIN Awpxy Awp nUM pihlW qoN cMgy bxwE Aqy nvyN rwh bxwE[pr nvyN hunrW nUM swbx vWg iek`Ty krky vI nhIN vriqAw jw skdw[( jy iksy ny ies qrHW dI kwF k`FI hY qW mYN ies nUM kwPI mwqrw ‘c KRIdxw cwhWgw)[ kMm krn nUM smW qW lgdw hI hY[bhuqI kwhlI nw kro, jo is`Kx leI smW lgdw hY aus dw AnMd mwxo[.
4. mukwblw krnw C`f idE
hI iksy isAwxy ivAkqI ny l`KW lokW nwL jo jIvn ‘c vwpr irhw hY aus nUM smyt ky swfy idmwg nUM ivcwr krn leI id`qw hY[ AsIN ie`k dUjy nwL mukwblw krn vwLI dunIAw ‘c hI ismt ky rih gey hW[ ieh BwvyN srIr, Dn dOlq, nOkrI jW irSqy nwqy hox- jd vI AsIN A`K KolHdy hW AsIN iesy mukwblw krn dy c`kr ‘c pY jWdy hW[ mYN ies g`l nUM pUrI qrHW mMndw hW: horW vWg mYN vI bycYn ho jWdw hW[ myry mn ‘c kIqy jwx vwLy kMmW dI lMbI ilst huMdI hY[ mYN cwhuMdw hW ik auh swry kMm iksy vI FMg nwL ie`k dm ho jwx[ pr hr vwr ies qrHW huMdw nhIN[ AsIN iek dm cwhuMdy hW- koeI sunyhw, koeI ivcwr, jW koeI FMg ijs nwL swfw idl ‘qy idmwg ies qrHW c`ly ik auh kMm ho jwvy jo AsIN cwhuMdy hW[ ies leI myry smyq sB leI hyTW ie`k qzvIz id`qI jw rhI hY[ Bwv ik iks qrHW sihj nwL c`l ky vDIAw jIvn guzwirAw jw skdw hY:
mYN ies pYrHy ‘c bhuq swrIAW isAwixAW dIAW khIAW g`lW dw vrnx kr skdw hW[ pr mYN auh d`sx dw Xqn kr irhw hW jo auswrU hovy[ ijs qrHW dw smW hY aus nUM aus rUp ‘c hI svIkwr kro ijs leI auh hY- ieh cMgw vI ho skdw hY, mwVw vI, joS BrpUr vI Aqy ikrikrw vI[jy quhwnUM koeI cIz cMgI nhIN lgdI qW ies nUM bdlx dw Xqn kro[ lokW dIAW pRwpqIAW vyK vyK duKI nw hoeI jwE[ nw hI ieh mukwblw kro ik quhwfw hwxI jW quhwfI aumr qoN G`t aumr vwLw ivAkqI quhwQON ikMnw A`gy lMG igAw hY[ c`lx vwLw hr koeI pihlW ifgdw zrUr hY; AsIN hr vwr hr ie`k nUM ieh nhIN d`sdy ik AsIN iksy idn swho swhI hoey roey, jW jdoN iksy dw Pon nhIN AwieAw qW AsIN bhuq duKI hoey jW jy koeI swfy swQ qoN ibnw hI A`gy cly igAw qW swfI mMdI hwlq hoeI[ AsIN Aksr qW swry ienswn hI hW; ie`k hI qrHW mihsUs krdy hW[ pr v`K v`K lokW leI v`K v`K smW insicq hoieAw hY[ keI vwr ieh vI ho skdw hY ik phuMcx qoN do idn pihlW muV SurUAwq krnI pvy- pr muV SurU krn ‘c vI mzw hY[ ieh ies qrHW hY ijvyN skUl ‘c nvIN tYkst bu`k SurU krnI hovy: ies ‘c QoVHw Kqrw qW lgdw hY, quhwfy ‘qy dbwA huMdw hY, qusIN AwpxI vDIAw ilKq vrqdy ho Aqy SurU krn vyly hr cIz swP r`Kdy ho[pr keI vwr ieh rukwvtW dUr ho jWdIAW hn Aqy hwlwq Awm vrgy bx jWdy hn Aqy ieh kudrqI lgdy hn[ glqIAW qW huMdIAW rihMdIAW hn[ AsIN aunHW nUM kwbU krky muV koiSS krdy hW[ jIvn ie`k dOV nhIN; phuMcx dI koeI p`kI ryKw nhIN, nw hI ies nUM pRwpq krn leI koeI insicq smW hY[itk ky c`lo, Coty Coty plW nUM mwxo[ pr ies g`l qoN vI bco ik ijhVw kdm qusIN cu`kdy ho ausdw horW dIAW lMbIAW lwGW nwL mukwblw krnw SurU kr idE[ Desi Lifestyle 2015 13
pMjwb dw mwx
inmrq kOr rMDwvw aurP,in`kI hYly rMDwvw 14 DESI LIFESTYLE 2015
jdoN koeI ienswn pRis`DI pRwpq krdw hY,qW keI lok aus dy nzdIkI hox dw dwAvw krn l`g jWdy hn[A`j qoN kuJ smW pihlW swfy ipMfW iv`c iksy nUM vI ieh pqw nhIN sI ik AmrIkw vrgy dyS dy sUby kYrolInw dI do vwr gvrnr bxn vwlI in`kI hYly,qrn qwrn izlHy dy ipMf pMforI rx isMG dI mUl vwsI hY[hux q`k mIfIAw iv`c iehI AwauNdw irhw ik in`kI dy ipqw AMimRqsr ijlHy dy ksbw vyrkw dy rihx vwly sn[qrn qwrn ijlHy dy Qwxw Jbwl hyT pMforI rx isMG smyq pMj Aijhy ipMf hn,ijhnw nUM pMj pMforIAW ikhw jWdw hY[pMforI hsx,pMforI rihmwxw,pMforI lwlU GuMmx,pMforI rx isMG ‘qy pMforI is`DvW[pMforI is`DvW iv`c is`DU goq dy j`tW dI bhuigxqI hY qy bwkI cwry pMforIAW rMDwivAW dy ipMf hn[swfw ipMf pMforI is`DvW ‘qy in`kI hYly dw ipMf pMforI rx isMG juVvW ipMf hn[dohvW ipMfW iv`c cwr ku ik`ly vwt dw Pwslw hY[hux swfy ipMfW dy lok in`kI hYly dy sbMDI bxn leI bVy kwhly hn,ik kI pqw ikqy AmrIkw dw vIzw eI l`g jwvy[ in`kI rMDwvw dy dwdw jI svrgvwsI kYptn gurcrn isMG ipMf dy isrk`F ivAkqI sn[auh POj iv`coN bqOr kYptn irtwier hoey ‘qy ipMf dy srpMc rhy hn[auh AwKrI smy q`k ipMf pMforI rx isMG iv`c hI rhy[kYptn gurcrn isMG dy do lVky sn,in`kI hYly dy ipqw jI AjIq isMG ‘qy qwieAw sUbydwr pRIqm isMG[kYptn gurcrn isMG dI zmIn ijAwdw nhIN sI,pr auhnW ny Awpxy pirvwr nUM pVHwaux ilKwaux qy bhuq zor id`qw[sUbydwr pRIqm isMG dy iqMn lVky sn[kMvljIq isMG ‘qy pRmjIq isMG srkwrI AiDAwpk syvw mukq hoey hn[sB qoN Cotw drSn isMG rylvy koc PYktrI dI mulwzmq qoN irtwier hoieAw hY[kMvljIq isMG aukq dI p`kI irhwieS vyrky hY[ies leI sB nUM ieh BulyKw l`gdw irhw ik in`kI hYly dw j`dI ipMf vyrkw hY[jdoN ik in`kI dy ipqw AjIq isMG dw pwlx poSx ‘qy pVHweI pMforI rx isMG hI hoeI sI ‘qy ieQoN hI auh AmrIkw pRvws kr gey[kYptn gurcrn isMG dy Brw jYml isMG dI AOlwd ‘qy hor SrIkw kbIlw hux vI pMforI rx isMG iv`c hI v`sdw hY[ in`kI rMDwvw dy ipqw AjIq isMG pVHn ilKx iv`c bhuq huiSAwr sn[auh AYm.AYs.sI.AYgrIklcr krn qoN bwAd pI.AY`c. fI.krn leI AmrIkw cly gey ‘qy auQy hI sY`t ho gey[in`kI hYly dw jnm 20 jnvrI 1972 nUM bwmbrg,d`KxI kYrolInw iv`c hoieAw sI[aus dI mwqw dw nwm rwj kOr hY[ies dy do Brw imtI ‘qy crn Aqy ie`k BYx ismrn hY[in`kI hYly ny muFlI pVHweI AOryNjbrg skUl qoN krky,klYmsn XUnIvristI qoN AkwaUitMg iv`c bI.AYs.dI ifgrI hwsl kIqI[in`kI hYly dw Brw imtI AmrIkn POj iv`c APsr hY ‘qy vIh swl srgrm nOkrI kr cu`kw hY[in`kI dw ivAwh 1996 iv`c mweIkl hYly nwl hoieAw[aus dw pqI vI AmrIkn POj dw APsr hY ‘qy iek swl APgwinsqwn iv`c vI ifaUtI kr cu`ikAw hY[BwvyN in`kI hYly dw jnm ie`k is`K pirvwr iv`c hoieAw sI,pr hux auh iesweI Drm Apxw cu`kI hY[auh gurdvwry dy nwl nwl crc vI jWdI hY[auh mwaUNt horyb XUnweIitf mYQoifst crc dI borf mYNbr hY[aus dy do b`cy,bytI rynw Aqy bytw niln hn[isAwsq iv`c Awaux qoN pihlW auh cwrtrf AkwaUNtYNt sI[ www.desilifestylemagazine.com
pVHweI mukMml krn qoN bwAd auh AwpxI mW dy k`piVAW dy vpwr iv`c h`Q vMfwaux l`g peI[k`piVAW dI ies Prm ny bhuq qr`kI kIqI ‘qy l`KW fwlrW dI trn auvr vwlI kMpnI bx ky auBrI[in`kI hOlI hOlI srgrm isAwsq iv`c ih`sw lYx l`g peI[auh keI smwj syvk sMsQwvW nwl juV geI ‘qy lok BlweI dy kMm krn l`gI[smwj BlweI dy kMmW krky ausnUM keI mwn snmwn pRwpq hoey[2004 iv`c swaUQ kwrolInw dI ivDwn sBw { hwaUs AwP irpryjYNtyitvs} leI cox iv`c in`qrI[AmrIkw iv`c pihlW itkt lYx leI aumIdvwrW dw pwrtI dy AMdr mukwblw huMdw hY[in`kI hYlI ny AwpxI pwrtI {irpblIkn} dy sB qoN lMby smy,1975 qoN lgqwr ivDwiek cly Aw rhy lYrI kUn nUM pCwV ky itkt hwsl kIqw[pr ielYkSn iv`c auh ibnw mukwblw cuxI geI[auh swaUQ kYrolInw dI ivDwn sBw iv`c dwKl hox vwlI pihlI BwrqI-AmrIkn sI[2006 iv`c vI auh ibnw mukwblw cuxI geI[auh eynI hrmnipAwrI hY ik 2008 iv`c aus ny fYmokrYitk pwrtI dy AYfgr gomyz nUM 83%-17% dy v`fy Prk nwl hrwieAw[ 14 meI 2009 nUM in`kI hYlI ny swaUQ kYrolInw dy gvrnr dI cox lVn dw AYlwn kr id`qw[vrnxXog hY ik swaUQ kYrolInw sUby iv`c BwrqIAW dI vsoN nWh dy brwbr hY[2 nvMbr 2010 iv`c hoeI ielYkSn iv`c ausny irpblIkn pwrtI v`loN cox lV ky fYmokryitk pwrtI dy ivMsYNt SIn nUM krVy mukwbly iv`c hrwieAw[in`kI hYlI nUM ku`l pol hoeIAW votW dw 51% ‘qy SIn nUM 47% votW imlIAW[2014 iv`c in`kI hYly ny dubwrw gvrnr dI cox lVI[4 nvMbr 2014 nUM hoeI cox iv`c aus ny purwxy ivroDI fYmokryt ivMsYNt SIn nUM 41.3 dy mukwbly 55.9 votW lY ky AswnI nwl hrw id`qw[auh jnvrI 2019 q`k gvrnr dy Ahudy qy rhygI[ielYkSn dorwn ivroDIAW ny is`K hox kwrn in`kI hYly qy zwqI hmly kIqy[aus nUM rYghY`f {isr qy k`pVw bMnxH vwlw} ikhw igAw[ieh Sbd AmrIkw iv`c nPrq nwl ArbI muslmwnW leI vriqAw jWdw hY[ies qoN ielwvw do ivAkqIAW ny aus qy ivAwh auprMq gYr mrdW nwl sbMD r`Kx dw ielzwm lwieAw[pr kuJ vI swbq nw ho sikAw[ies qoN ielwvw aus qy XUrp dy srkwrI dOry dOrwn kr dwiqAW dy 127000 fwlr PweIv stwr hotlW qy hor AXwSIAW iv`c aufw dyx dy vI ielzwm l`gy[ in`kI hYly irpblIkn pwrtI v`loN swaUQ kYrolInw dI lgwqwr dUsrI vwr gvrnr cuxI geI hY[auh 116vIN gvrnr hY[ausnUM ieh mwx hwsl hY ik auh swaUQ kYrolInw dI gvrnr bxn vwlI pihlI mihlw hY[ieh mwx vI aus dy Kwqy iv`c jWdw hY ik swaUQ kYrolInw dI auh pihlI BwrqI mUl dI gvrnr hY[42 swl dI aumr iv`c ies vyly auh AmrIkw dI sB qoN CotI aumr dI gvrnr hY[aus qoN ielwvw BwrqI mUl dy dUsry gvrnr lUsIAwnw qoN bObI ijMdl hn[aus ny AmrIkw dy iksy sUby iv`c pihlI mihlw BwrqI mUl dI gvrnr bx ky BwrqI AOrqW dw mwx vDwieAw hY[ies vyly auh Bwrq dy dOry qy hY[auh 40 swl bwAd pMjwb AweI hY[ies qoN pihlW auh do swl dI aumr iv`c AMimRqsr AweI sI[pMjwb iv`c aus nUM AQwh ipAwr ‘qy siqkwr iml irhw hY[aus ny swry sMswr iv`c pMjwb dw nwm au`cw kIqw hY[ blrwj isMG is`DU AYs.pI. : 9815124449 Desi Lifestyle 2015 15
Social Fellow single women, we’ve grown tired of hearing the same things, over and over again: “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” “You’re too pretty to be single.” “So, you’re single… what’s wrong with you?” For the years I’ve remained single, I’ve repeatedly fired back with one simple answer: “I’m not in love with anyone.” They say that when you fall in love with someone, you feel euphoria and weak in the knees. Supposedly, “you just know.” It’s something over which you have no control. But, other people tell me that to love someone is a “choice,” something you can and do control. I’ve come to realize that people are not telling me about the same force, but rather, about two completely different forces: being in love and loving. The biggest difference? One can exist without the other, while one of them cannot. To love is to choose to love. We love our parents because they go to the ends of the earth for us. We love our friends because we can confide everything in them. We love our boyfriends because they are there for us. But, how do we know if we were in love with our boyfriends? Last year, I broke up with my now-ex-boyfriend. One morning, I woke up and realized something: I wasn’t in love with the man next to me. When I tried to explain to him what I meant, I was unable to find the right words to say. I couldn’t express myself articulately because I could barely understand why I felt what I was feeling. All I could definitively say was I felt unsatisfied. When I tried to rationalize, I concluded that I cared for him deeply. I respected him; I trusted him; I even loved him — but I was not in love with him. To love a man is to support his passions; to be in love with a man is not only to back his passions, but also to admire them to the point that his hunger for them motivates you to be just as hungry for yours. To love a man is to share all of your thoughts with him; to be in love with a man is to share all of your thoughts with him, and when you’re not with him, to see him in every place you go, think of him with every person you meet and feel him in every scent you smell.
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOVING SOMEONE AND BEING IN LOVE bhuq Prk hY iksy nUM ipAwr krn qy iksy nwL ipAwr hox ‘c To love a man is to feel warmer in his embrace; to be in love with a man is to feel warmer in his embrace and subsequently desire to please him any chance you get because you have just as much a fervor to physically express yourself with him as you do emotionally. You can be in love with a man, and loving him will automatically come with the package, but you don’t have to necessarily be in love with a man in order to love him. Time and time again, I question whether I should have taken up one of my male friends on his offer to be my boyfriend. I declined them all, and I’m still single. But, in my heart, I know it’s for the best. If it should have happened, then it would have. It would have felt right because it should have felt indescribable. I will always love them, and for some, simply loving can be enough. But, for others, falling and staying in love, without choice and without reason, is the only way to experience love. To pair with a man I believe I can learn to love, in hopes of falling in love with him later on, is a leap of faith I won’t take. It is my belief that we, as humans, each have unique thresholds for what we believe being “in love” means. We should abide by our personal thresholds and put faith in them. This threshold varies from person to person based on how much more intensely one is able to fall for someone, above how intensely another can fall for someone else. We cannot judge one couple’s love over another’s. We cannot judge the way one person loves against the way another does. We cannot judge a single woman for staying single because she hasn’t been able to satiate her, thus far, insatiable appetite because we all feel things differently. And, perhaps, it’s the extremity of falling in love, in and of itself, that separates the logical from the dreamers. By: Sheena Sharma (elitedaily.com)
16 Desi Lifestyle 2015
ie`klIAW rih rhIAW myrIE BYxo! muV muV ieh Sbd sux ky AsIN A`k geIAW hW: “quhwfw buAwey PRYNf ikauN nhIN?” “ qusIN ieMny suhxy ho ik quhwfw buAwey PRYNf zrUr hoxw cwhIdw hY” “ A`Cw! qusIN Ajy isMgl hI ho.... qyry ‘c kI nuks hY? mYN keI vrHy isMgl hI rhI, Aqy mYN sdw ies qrHW dy svwlW dw qurMq iehI jvwb idMdI rhI: “ myrw iksy nwL ipAwr nhIN” isAwixAW dw kihxw hY ik jdoN quhwnMU iksy nwL ipAwr huMdw hY qW quhwnUM ieMnw Awqm ivSvws ho jWdw hY ik qusIN SkqIhIn ho jWdy ho [ ies qrHW lgdw hY ik hux quhwfy v`s ku`J nhIN irhw[ pr ku`J lokW nwL g`lbwq krn qoN ieh vI pqw l`gw hY ik iksy nwL ipAwr krn ‘c vI cox ho skdI hY [ ku`J g`lW nUM cwho qW Awpxy v`s ‘c vI r`K skdy ho[ myrw AnuBv hY ik ijnHW do g`lW nUM lok pUrI qrHW KolH ky nhIN d`sdy auh hn,’ ipAwr krnw qy ipAwr hoxw’[ ies ‘c bhuq Prk hY , ie`k ‘c dUjy ibnw irhw jw skdw hY dUjI hwlq ies qrHW rihxw AOKw hY[ ipAwr krn dw ArQ hY ‘ipAwr krn leI iksy nUM cuxnw’[AsIN Awpxy mwipAW nUM ies leI ipAwr krdy hW ikauN ik auh swfy leI ku`J vI krn leI qqpr rihMdy hn[AsIN Awpxy dosqW nwL ipAwr krdy hW ikauN ik aunHW qoN koeI g`l nhIN CupwauNdy[ AsIN Awpxy buAwey PRYNf nwL ipAwr krdIAW hW ikauN ik auh hr smyN swfy leI iqAwr KVHy hn[pr AsIN ieh iks qrHW jwxIey ik AsIN Awpxy buAwey PRYNf nwL ipAwr krdIAW hW? ipCly swl myry aus smyN dy buAwey PRYNf nwL tu`t geI[ie`k idn jdoN mYN svyry nINd qoN jwgI qW mYnUM ku`J Aihsws hoieAw ik myry koL bYTy muMfy nwL myrw ipAwr nhIN irhw[ jdoN mYN ies g`l nUM aus nUM d`sxw cwhuMdI sI qW mYnUM ies leI Fu`kvyN Sbd nhIN sn l`B rhy[mYnMU ies g`l nUM slIky nwL d`sx leI Sbd nhIN l`B rhy sn ik mYN kI mihsUs kr rhI hW[ mYN isrP ieho g`l kih skI ik mYN sMquSt nhIN hW[ pr jdoN mYN ies g`l dw ivSlySx kIqw qW mYnUM pqw l`gw ik mYN aus dw ikMnw iKAwl r`KdI sI[aus dw mYN siqkwr krdI sI; aus ‘qy ivSvws krdI sI; ie`QoN q`k ik aus nwL ipAwr vI krdI sI- pr swfw dovW dw ipAwr nhIN sI[ iksy ivAkqI nUM ipAwr krn dw ArQ hY ik aus dIAW mnoBwvnwvW dI shwieqw krnw[pr iksy nwL ipAwr dy bMDn ‘c hox dw ArQ hY ik kyvl qy kyvl aus dIAW mnoBwvnwvW dI mdd hI nhIN krnw sgoN ies qrHW prsMsw krnI ijvyN qusIN AwpxIAW mnoBwvnwvW dI krdy ho[ www.desilifestylemagazine.com
iksy ivAkqI nwL ipAwr krn dw Bwv hY ik qusIN aus nwL Awpxy swry ivcwr sWJy kr lYNdy ho Aqy jdoN qusIN aus dy nwL nhIN huMdy, qW qusIN ijs QW vI jWdy ho qusIN aus nUM vyKdy ho, ijs nwL vI imldy ho aus nUM hwzr vyKdy ho Aqy hr pRkwr dy sYNt nUM sMuGx smyN ausdI sugMD mihsUs krdy ho[ iksy nwL ipAwr krn dw Bwv hY aus dI bu`kl ‘c in`G mihsUs krnw Aqy ies dy bdly aus nUM hr imlx vwLy mOky ‘qy aus nUM KuS r`Kx dI ie`Cw r`Kxw[kwrn ieh hY ik ijMnw qusIN zjbwqW rwhIN Awpxy ipAwr dw pRgtwA krdy ho au`nw hI qusIN srIrk qOr ‘qy vI pRgt kro[ ieh vI sMBv hY ik qusIN iksy nUM ipAwr krn leI hI ipAwr nw krdy hovo[ keI vwr ies ipAwr dy nwL Awpxy Awp koeI pYkyj Bwv koeI hor kwrn vI juiVAw huMdw hY[ mYN muV muV ik Awpxy Awp nUM ieh svwl pu`CdI hW ik iksy jvwn ivAkqI v`loN ieh kihx ‘qy hI Awpxw buAwey PRYNf bxw lvW ikauN ik ieh pySkS aus v`loN AweI hY[mYN ies qrHW dIAW swrIAW pySkSW Tukrw id`qIAW Aqy hux vI isMgl hI hW[ mYN idl qoN smJ rhI hW ik iehhwlq hI sB qoN v`D shI hY[jy hor qrHW hoxw qW ho jWdw pr mYN smJdI hW ik ies nuM ibAwn nhIN kIqw jw skdw sI[ mYN sdw aunHW nUM ipAwr krWgI [ pr ies qrHW kyvl ‘qy kyvl ipAwr hI kwPI hovygw[pr keI lokW dw ieh vI iKAwl hY ik ibnw iksy kwrn qoN ipAwr cldw rihxw cwhIdw hY[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik ipAwr nUM mwnx dw ieho hI vDIAw FMg hY[ myrw iKAwl hY ik iksy bMdy nwL joVI bxw ky mYN ipAwr krnw is`K skdI hW pr aus nwL duv`lw ipAwr ho jwvygw ieh qW iksmq ‘qy hI for hY, ijhVw Kqrw mYN lYxw nhIN cwhuMdI[ ipAwr ‘c hox dy AsIN swry v`K v`K ArQ lYNdy hW[pr swnUM AwpxIAW h`dW qYA krky aus Anuswr hI c`lxw cwhIdw hY[ ieh inSwny jW h`dW vI hr ie`k dIAW v`Ko v`KrIAW hn[ieh ies ‘qy inrBr krdw hY ik ie`k dUjy leI auh ik`QoN q`k jw skdy hn[ AsIN ie`k joVy dy ipAwr dI qu`lnw dUjy joVy dy ipAwr nwL nhIN kr skdy[nw hI AsIN ieh inrnw kr skdy hW ik ie`k joVw ies qrHW ipAwr krdw hY Aqy dujw koeI hor iksy hor qrHW[ AsIN iksy iek`lI rihMdI AOrq nUM ieh nhIN kih skdy ik auh ies krky iek`lI hY ikauN ik auh Awpxy Awp nUM iksy dy Xog bxwaux vwLI nhIN bx skI[ kwrn ieh hY ik swfy swirAW dy ivcwr v`Ko v`Kry hn Aqy AsIN hr g`l nUM lYNdy vI v`Kry v`Kry FMg nwL hW[ Swied ieh ipAwr bMDn sQwipq krn dI isry dI h`d hI hY ijhVy ies dy supny lYx vwilAW nUM soc smJ ky kMm krn vwilAW qoN inKyVdI hY[ Desi Lifestyle 2015 17
New Technologies for 2015 swl 2015 leI nvyN qknIkI XMqr
Jitin Dhillon
few years ago, I was amazed at the idea of built-in Bluetooth in our car. I could now drive around and dial, answer, and reject phone calls with the push of a button; not only was this convenient, but safer. As we begin 2015, car companies are in constant competition to come up with the latest and greatest in automotive and motorcycle technologies and gadgets. As a techy, even I’m amazed with the advancements made by manufacturers. Here are my top picks of most unique gadgets and technology that will be, or already is, available for 2015. Volvo “Run-off road” Protection: Volvo has come up with a system to help protect the occupants of the vehicle when it has detected that the vehicle has left the road. The system will automatically detect when the vehicle has left the road and electronically tighten the seatbelts. These sorts of crashes often result in spine injuries, so Volvo has opted to protect against them as well. The seats are designed to be energy-absorbing and the frame
vehicles. Pedestrian Airbags: When there is a pedestrian accident, almost always there are extensive injuries to the pedestrian. Just a few months ago, our Editor’s father was involved in such an accident and sustained major injuries. Land Rover has equipped its new Discovery model with airbags on the outside of the vehicle. The airbags are designed to protect pedestrians from serious injuries if they are struck by the front end of the vehicle. The air bags are deployed from the front hood and are also deployed in a manner that does not obstruct the drivers view. Way to go Land Rover! Predictive Forward Collision Warning System: How many times is our vision obstructed by the vehicle in front of us? Well, Infiniti’s Predictive Forward Collision Warning system warns drivers of risks beyond the driver’s field of view. The system can detect the relative velocity and distance of a vehicle directly ahead of it, but it can also do the same
deforms mechanically to cushion against the vertical forces. This helps reduce the forces exerted on the spine by approximately one third. The new system will be available in the 2015 Volvo XC90. In-Car Wi-Fi: Yes, you’re reading this correctly. Although this technology is available in ultra-luxury vehicles, like Bentley, now even the 2015 Cadillac ATS will feature an OnStar 4G LTE connection that will allow you to run a Wi-Fi hotspot inside the vehicle, giving all the occupants access. The hotspot will allow up to 7 devices to be connected at any given time and data plans start at $10 a month, which is quite reasonable. The In-Car hotspot is also available in other OnStar enabled
for a vehicle travelling in front of the preceding one. If that vehicle suddenly brakes, the system will warn the driver with visual and audible cues allowing the driver to take appropriate action. Night Vision with Pedestrian Detection: BMW’s Night Vision with Pedestrian Detection warns drivers of dangers beyond the visibility of the headlights. The system can detect animals and pedestrians in the dark by using infrared technology to see things before they’re visible to the driver. The infrared camera scans a range up to 300+ metres ahead of the vehicle which is 200 metres beyond what the Xenon headlights can illuminate. The vehicle then displays, in real-time, the video on the onboard LCD screen.
18 Desi Lifestyle 2015
ku`J swl pihlW dI g`l hY ik jdoN mYN AwpxI kwr ‘c iblt ien blU tu`Q l`gw vyiKAw qW mYN bhuq hYrwn hoieAw[ mYN hux kwr clwauNdw hoieAw btn dbwA ik Pon kwl fwiel kr skdw hW ies nUM sux skdw hW jW nw suxn leI btn d`b skdw hW[ ieh sOKw qW hY hI pr sur`iKAq vI hY[ 2015 swl dy SurU hox ‘qy kMpnIAW dI ies g`l dI dOV l`g hoeI hY ik auh Awtomoitv Aqy motrsweIklW ‘c vDIAw qknIk Aqy XMqr lY ky Awaux[ ie`k qknIkI mwihr hox ‘qy mYN vI ies Kyqr ‘c ho rhI qr`kI kwrn bhuq hYrwn hW[ swl 2015 leI myry leI ieh ku`J coxvy XMqr Aqy qknIkW hn jo pihlW hI hn jW imlx vwLy hn: vOolvo “rn AwP rof” pRotYkSn vOlvo vwilAW ny ie`k XMqr ilAWdw hY ijhVw kwr ‘c bYTx vwilAW dw audoN bcwA krygw jdoN quhwfI kwr sVk C`f ky lWBy jw rhI hovy[ ies XMqr rwhIN jdoN ieh pqw l`gygw ik kwr sVk qoN pwsy jw rhI hY qW Awpxy Awp quhwfIAW sIt bYltW k`s ho jwxgIAW[ ies qrHW dIAW durGtnwvW ‘c ieh Awm vyKx ‘c AwieAw hY ik spweIn ieMjrI hox dw Kqrw hMudw hY[ ies leI ies dy bcwA leI vOlvo v`loN ieh Xqn kIqw hY[ sItW ies qrHW dIAW bxweIAW geIAW hn jo sKq JtikAW nUM sih skx Aqy Prym ies qrHW dy bxwey hn ik auh is`Dy Jtky dw twkrw kr skx[ ies qrHW nwL kMgrOV Bwv spweIn ‘qy pYx vwLy Jtky dI qwkq qIjw ih`sw Gt jWdI hY[ ieh nvW isstm 2015 Volvo XC90 ‘c imlygw[ ien- kwr vweI- PweI hW qusIN TIk hI piVHAw hY[ BwvyN ieh qknIk bYNtlI vrgIAW lgzrI vhIklW ‘c hI hY pr hux 2015 kYfIlYk ey tI AYs ‘c AOn stwr Por jI AYl tI eI knYkSn hovygw ijs nwL qusIN vweI- PweI dI vrqoN kr skogy[ ies dI vrqoN vhIkl iv`c bYTx vwLy swry kr skxgy[ ies nwL 7 ifvweIsW ‘qy kMm kIqw jw skdw hY[ ies dI fytw plYn 10 fwlr pRqI mhIny qoN surU huMdI hY, ijhVI ik TIk hI hY[ dUjIAW AOn stwr vwlIAW vhIklW ‘c ien-kwr hOt spOt vI iml skdw hY[
pYdl qurn vwilAW leI eyArbYg jdoN vI iksy pYdl qurn vwLy nwL kwr Awid dI t`kr huMdI hY qW pYdl qurn vwLy dy bhuq s`tW lgdIAW hn[ Ajy ku`J mhIny pihlW dI g`l hY swfy AYfItr dy ipqw ies qrHW dI durGtnw dw iSkwr hox kwrn aunHW dy bhuq s`tW l`gIAW sn[ lYNf rovr vwilAW ny nvyN ifskvrI mwfl ‘c vhIkl dy bwhr eyAr bYg lwey hn[ jy vhIkl dw Aglw ih`sw iksy pYdl qurn vwLy ‘c v`jdw hY qW ieh eyAr bYg Ku`lH jWdy hn Aqy aus nUM s`t cot qoN bcwauNdy hn[BwvyN ieh eyAr bYg vhIkl dI Agly pwsy vwLI hu`f ‘qy hn pr ies nwL fRweIvr nUM A`gy vyKx ‘c koeI rukwvt nhIN AwauNdI[ lYNf rovr vwilAW ny Ajy hor bhuq ku`J krnw hY[ Agly pwsy hox vwLI t`kr bwry pihlW hI d`sx vwLw vwrinMg isstm ikMnI vwr ies qrHW hoieAw hY ik A`gy vhIkl hox kwrn swnUM A`gy nhIN idsdw? pr hux ieniPintI dy pRIifkitv Pwrvwrf kolIzn vwrinMg isstm nwL fRweIvr nw idsx kwrn hox vwLy Kqry qoN bc skxgy[ ies isstm nwL A`gy jw rhI vhIkl dI rPqwr Aqy Pwsly dw pqw l`g skygw[ ies nwL A`gy jwx vwLI vhIkl qoN AglI vhIkl dy fRweIvr nUM ip`Cy Awaux vwLI vhIkl sbMDI vI ieh pqw l`g skygw[ jy auh vhIkl rukdI hY qW fRweIvr nUM dyK ‘qy sux ky ies dw pqw l`g skygw Aqy auh ies qrHW dy mOky smyN isr TIk PYslw lY skdw hY[ nweIt ivzIAn ivd pfYstyrIAn fItYkSn bI AYm fbilaU vwilAW dI nweIt ivzIAn ivd pfYstyrIAn fItYkSn nwL hY`flweItW dI id`K qoN dUr dy KqirAW dw vI fRweIvr nUM pqw l`g skdw hY Aqy icqwvnI iml jWdI hY[ ie`s qknIk rwhIN sVk ‘qy jw rhy jwnvr Aqy pYdl XwqrI ijhVy fRweIvr dI nzr qoN Ehly hn vI fRweIvr nUM ids skdy hn[ ieh Kws kYmry dI ryNj 300 mItr qoN vI v`D Pwsly q`k hY[ieh zInwn hY`flweIt dI 200 mItr ryNj qoN bhuq v`D hn[ ies nwL vhIkl dI AYl sI fI skrIn ‘qy AglI qsvIr vI Aw jWdI hY[
Dr. Anil K Patel, MD
Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine
941 N Gem Street Tulare, CA 93724 www.desilifestylemagazine.com
Dr. Anil K Patel, MD
Business Profile
Woman in
Amandip Varaitch My name is Amandip Varaitch. I was born in a remote village in Punjab, India, on November 14, 1975. I thought my life was planned out for me, but there are not many opportunities for women in villages. We learn to cook and clean to become good housewives. Attending school was just a formality. In the summer of 1987, my life changed forever. My family and I came to America. My eyes were opened to new experiences I could never have imagined. I had to learn a new way of doing almost everything, including learning a new language. Needless to say, I was terrified. In high school, I encountered my first bully. I quickly learned that fear was not an option, and one day, I stood up to my bully. There was no looking back after that. The confidence I gained that day paved the road for the rest of my life. Though I never got a chance to go to college, I worked my way up in the hospitality business and quickly became a district manager. After a few years, I decided it was time for a change. I started from the bottom once again and began working for AT&T. I was having a lot of fun working with the clients and providing them with the best service possible. My work was recognized by another company and I again rose to the position of district manager. After a few years of training new employees and managers, I started feeling like something was lacking. For the second time in my life I decided to make a career change. It wasn’t until I started working for Farmers Insurance that 22 DESI LIFESTYLE 2015
I finally found what I was missing. I love working with people. Whether in the hospitality business, retail, or insurance, I have a passion for helping people make informed decisions. To me, the best feeling is when my clients walk away with a greater knowledge of the products and services offered by Farmers Insurance. They tell me how grateful they are to me for taking the time to explain to them in detail what we have to offer. My 2nd passion in life is to be the voice of those who cannot speak for themselves. I love animals, especially cats and dogs. My family and I own 4 dogs and they are an integral part of my family; I cannot imagine myself without them. For the longest time I thought I was the only Indian who was crazy about dogs, but then I met others who are personal friends and clients who are just as great with animals. Ruby Sran, Maninder Mann, Daljit Karu, Taj Randhawa, Vik Aulokh, Paul Aulokh are just a few of these great people. This is also the reason I want to be part of the team that brings you Desi Lifestyle Magazine. We hope to provide information to our readers through compelling stories, important issues we face today, simple recipes, or how to take care of your four-legged friends. As you can see we have a special page for them brought to you by Miss Winkles. On a personal note, I want to tell everyone that anything is possible, even beyond what you have imagined. www.desilifestylemagazine.com
New in Town
A new team arising in Fresno, CA will bring a change to the idea of local bhangra teams from the past. A local co-ed competition team name, “Bhangra Bloodline” is practicing hard and preparing to compete at the local and out of state levels to help Fresno shine in the bhangra competition world. “Bhangra Bloodline” was founded in October, 2014 by Rubenjeet K. Sran. There is an appointed coach, Ballu Singh, who is helping them prepare and perform bhangra in the most proper way. The team consists of fifteen team members of which twelve are set dancers, two alternatives and one is the team chimta player. This team is practicing the most traditional folk methods of bhangra to keep the culture and tradition alive. The passion in these members’ hearts, the way they tackle teamwork and bond shows their amazing track record. The quality of this team is on a very high level due to all the help of sponsors and advisors who have experience in this folk art category. Keep a look out for more information, pictures and personal interviews from the team members themselves in the upcoming issues of Desi Lifestyle Magazine. Thanks to our Sponsors: Paul Sihota Smartway Express Inc., Perman Sihota Royal Express Inc., Lakhvir Dosanjh DTL Transport, Gurdeep Chohan Stone Truck Lines, Bill Nijjer, Lakhbir Gill at Gill Transport, Trius Trucking Inc., Desi Maxx Media Group, Accutrac Capital
Desi Lifestyle 2015 23
Seva Beauty Punjab India was my hometown, in 1995 Tejinder Randhawa decide to become a truck driver in California, after five years as a truck driver he started his business in 2000. He meet his wife Pawan Randhawa married on Jan 21 and shortly after had a beautiful daughter Mannat Randhawa. Tejinder open up his smoke shop in Selma and expanded his business. He decide to open a phone store in 2006. He had more visions and dreams for his family. Pawan Randhawa decided to become a license eye brow threader. Shortly after getting her license, they decide to open a franchise. Not just any kind of franchise one of the Top 25 new franchise. SEVA, award winning franchise for entrepreneurs. Mr & Mrs Randhawa open up their first SEVA in Fresno 24 Desi Lifestyle 2015
CA in 2013 and with a huge success they opened up their second location in Clovis CA. Family ran business. Over 15 years experience in; eye brow threading, waxing, facial, make-up, eyelash extension, brow shaping, brow tinting, facial hair removal, henna tattoo. The staff is delighted working in a loving team atmosphere.
All services are from 10 minutes to 45 minutes. Walk in bases or by appointment. Specials starting at $17.00. Gift card available and coming soon membership starting at $29.00 . Seva staff looks forward taking care of your beauty needs.
Pawan “we bring beauty to the people�, Pawan takes pride in all her customers that walk in. Her licensed staff includes: Fresno Location: Jiya, Prity, VeerPal & Simran
Clovis Location: Jassie, Kiran, Nisha, Veer & Neenu
Desi Lifestyle 2015 25
Pet Corner
2015! Give Love this Valentine’s Day. It’s a day that gives us an extra reason to love and spoil our loved ones - four-legged or not. Here at Miss Winkles, we think every day is reason enough to love our family and pets, but why not indulge in a little bit of chocolate and love, right? We say, “Indulge away! ... Just keep that box of
chocolates out of little Fluffy’s reach!” Here are some great tips to live by, when it comes to making your pet your Valentine: 1. Did you know that baking chocolate is especially toxic to pets? An M&M or two may not do any harm, but a dog or cat that snatches a large chunk of baking chocolate
from the counter may end up in the ER. It is essential to keep all chocolates out of your pet’s reach. 2. Sugar-free candies and gums often contain large amounts of xylitol, a sweetener that is toxic to pets, especially dogs. If ingested, it may cause vomiting, loss of coordination, seizures, and in severe cases, liver failure. 3. A Rose is Just a Rose. But then again, it can also be a something that hurts your pets. The aroma from your floral arrangement may be too enticing for your dog or cat, and it only takes a nibble to cause a severe reaction. Even small amounts may lead to cases of upset stomachs or vomiting, particularly if the plant or flower is toxic. Be extremely careful if your arrangement contains lilies, as these lovely flowers are fatally poisonous to cats. 4. To Give or Not to Give. Are you planning to gift a loved one a new puppy or kitten for Valentine’s Day? You may want to reconsider. Mull it over and do your homework -- animals are not disposable, nor can they easily be repackaged, re-gifted, or returned if the recipient is not pleased. (Source: PetMD.com) * Gift certificates can often be purchased from adoption centers and can be given in lieu of a surprise puppy or kitty. Then, encourage your loved one to meet their new furry friend at the adoption center and make sure the pairing is a perfect match! How will you celebrate World Spay Day? World Spay Day 2015 is on February 24th, and whether you have pets of your own, choose to love animals from afar, or simply want to know more about the health and behavior benefits of spaying and neutering, read on! Did you know that spaying or neutering your pet helps to reduce the number of homeless pets across the world - not just in our community? It is estimated that a single un-spayed female cat and her offspring can produce approximately 66,000 offspring in just six years! Spaying and neutering also improves your pet’s health and contributes to longer lifespans. Additionally, it reduces unruly and unwanted behaviors (think: urinemarking/leg-lifting, roaming, aggression, excessive barking and dominance-related issues). Plus, with so many low-cost spay/neuter clinics, the initial one-time low cost option of spaying/neutering is much lower than the long-term costs often associated with un-spayed/ un-neutered pet care: reproductive system cancers, pyometra, and property destruction because of a pet’s unruly behavior. For more information about resources in the Fresno/Clovis area, please give us a call!
info@djmalhient.com www.djmalhient.com
ivAwhW, pwrtIAW leI fI.jy, swaUNf, lweItW, Fol plyAr, vytrs / bwr tYNfr, lImo dI sjwvt Aqy pRojYktr dw ieMqzwm krdy hW
ServiceS • • • • • • •
Miss Winkles Pet Adoption Center 85 Temperance Avenue • Clovis, CA
• 559-324-2465
www.MissWinklesPetAdoption.org www.desilifestylemagazine.com
Call Today: 559. 392.1185 DESI LIFESTYLE 2015 27
What Happens When You Mix Energy Drinks with Alcohol 28 DESI LIFESTYLE 2015
What Happens When You Mix Energy Drinks with Alcohol Translucent and neon coloured energy drinks are marketed towards young and middle aged people promising them a rush of energy and a taste for adventure sports. Even though their popularity has soared ten-fold in the last few years, they remain largely misunderstood. Doctors and researchers have warned people of the dangers of drinking caffeinated energy drinks over and over again. Research shows that they can change the way the heart beats which means rapid heart rates, palpitations, rise in blood pressure and in some severe cases, seizures or even death. They can also cause the body to lose all its water, dehydrating you in the process. Another 2014 study said that a certain energy drink has as many as 13 teaspoons of sugar and the equivalent caffeine of two cups of coffee! A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition claimed that energy drinks also cause insomnia and nervousness. As the exhaustive list of the health hazards of energy drinks goes on, we have a new problem - What happens when you mix energy drinks with alcohol? In 2014, an Australian study that was published in ‘Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research’
found that mixing vodka with energy drinks makes you want to drink more. Another weird fact the study revealed was that people who consumed energy drinks had lower breath alcohol concentration - so in a way, energy drinks mask the smell of alcohol. Researchers believe that this could have had something to do with the high sugar content and carbs that the drink has. A new study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition says that the alcohol and energy drink combination isn’t just a personal risk, but a public hazard. Cecile Marczinski, professor of psychology at Northern Kentucky University was quoted saying, “When people mix energy drinks with alcohol, people drink more than they would if they had just consumed alcohol, which is associated with a cascade of problems.” There is an increased risk of engaging in risky behaviour like drunk driving. The high amount of caffeine makes a person behave more coordinated which makes them believe they’re not actually drunk. Marczinski also cited a study which said that those who mixed alcohol with energy drinks were four times more likely to believe they can drive home when compared to their counterparts who drank alcohol alone. This paves way to road accidents and endless mishaps. Alcohol with energy drinks is a disaster waiting to happen. Energy drinks don’t come with a health warning but experts believe they should. In fact, in May last year, the American Medical Association called for a ban on the marketing of energy drinks to children and teenagers. Energy drink makers were quick to defend themselves and one of the brands said that they’ve always committed to ensuring that all of the ingredients in its energy drinks, including caffeine, are safe and in regulatory compliance for their intended use. The debate about whether energy drinks and alcohol make a good combination or not remains inconclusive but what we can all do is to be more mindful of what we give our body.
By: Kriti Malik, NDTV
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5 Pilates Post-Holiday Workouts to Get You Back In Shape 5 iplytIz post- Awpxy Awp nUM TIk r`Kx leI Cu`tIAW ‘c vrizs
Amisha Sampat
hristmas is perhaps one of the most, if not the most, indulgent holidays of the year. All those festive holiday cookies, indulgent appetizers, and scrumptious mains may have looked tempting during the season, however, it’s just a matter of time before you’ll notice that your jeans don’t fit you the same as they used to. While you may have very well convinced yourself that you may be able to cut corners and control your cravings, it’s always best to be fully prepared for what’s to come ahead. With the wide array of fitness trends and workouts all over the media, it becomes difficult to choose one particular one that’s best suited for your specific fitness goals. Toning yourself for the perfect post-Christmas body means burning off that excess holiday weight, sculpting and toning
jy sB qoN v`D ruJyvyN vwLw nhINN qW ikRsms dw smW swl ‘c sB qoN v`D ruJyivAW vwLy simAW ‘coN ie`k qW hY hI[mOj myly vwLy ies smyN ‘c hr pwsy Kwx vwLIAW v`K v`K vsqW hr ie`k dy mn nUM luBweymwn krdIAW hn[ pr ku`J smyN bwAd hI quhwnUM mwlUm hox l`g pYNdw hY ik hux quhwfI zIn dI pYNt quhwfy iP`t nhIN rhI Bwv l`k v`fw ho igAw hY[ pr ies qrHW dy smyN ‘c qusIN AwpxIAW ie`CwvW nUM rok ky Bwr vDx dI sm`isAw qoN bcx leI Awpxy Awp nUM iqAwr kr skdy ho[ ishq TIk r`Kx leI mIfIAw ‘c v`K v`K qrHW dy FMg d`sy jWdy hn[ ies qrHW dI hwlq ‘c Awm ivAkqI leI ieh cox krnI AOKI ho jWdI hY ik auh ikhVw FMg Apxwvy ijs nwL aunHW v`loN imQy inSwny pRwpq kIqy jw skdy hn[ Awpxy srIr nUM ikRsms qoN bwAd vI iks qrHW iP`t r`Kxw hY dw mqlb hY ik qusIN Cu`tIAW ‘c Awpxy srIr dy vDy Bwr nUM iks qrHW Gtwauxw hY, srIr dy p`Ty
your muscles, strengthening your core, and improving your balance, flexibility, and posture. Pilates is a workout that targets all those core fitness areas, and makes you feel amazing about yourself! Aside from the aforementioned fitness benefits, pilates also has numerous psychological benefits such as increased awareness of your physiology, increased self-esteem, increased endorphin production, as well as increased alertness and concentration. The workout: It’s no wonder the workout has gained immense popularity amongst celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Reese Witherspoon, Cameron Diaz, Amanda Seyfried, and many more. Here are five post-holiday pilates workouts that will get you into the most fantastic shape to kick off the new year: 1. Curl your head up off your mat, shoulders up slightly, reach your arms along your side and start pumping, lower back still pressed onto the ground. Do a total of 100 reps with one break mid-way. This exercise aids in tightening and
iks qrHW vDIAw bxwauxy hn, smqol iks qrHW shI r`Kxw hY, lck iks qrHW bxwauxI, Aqy Awpxw AMdwz ikvyN r`Kxw hY[iplytIz ie`k ies qrHW dI srIrk ksrq dw pRogrwm hYY ijhVw iP`tnY`s dy swry KyqrW nUM iDAwn ‘c r`Kdw hY Aqy ieh krn nwL quhwfw mn vI iKiVAw rihMdw hY[ienHW lwBW qoN ibnw ies pRogrwm dy hor bhuwq swry mnoivigAwnk lwB hn[ ienHW ‘c srIrk bxwvt pRqI jwxkwrI, Awqm ivSvws ‘c qy AYnfOriPn bxwaux ‘c vwDw Aqy iDAwn kyNdirq krn sbMDI vDyry sucyqqw pRwpq krn ‘c shwieqw imldI hY[ ksrq dw pRogrwm : ieh koeI hYrwnI vwLI g`l nhIN ik ies qrHW dI ksrq bhuq mShUr lok ijnHW ‘c imly sweIrs, rIs ivdrspUn, kYmrOn fwiez, AmYNfw sIPRweIf Aqy hor bhuq swry lokW ‘c ieh bhuq hrmn ipAwrw pRogrwm hY[hyTW iplytIz dIAW 5 hOlIfyA ksrqW hn ijnHW dy krn nwL qusIN nvyN swl ‘c pRvyS krn smyN bhuq hI vDIAw srIrk bxqr ‘c hovogy: 1. mYt ‘qy lMmy pY ky Awpxw isr au`pr cu`ko, moFy QoVHy au`pr, bwhW pwisAW ‘qy r`Ko, DV hyTW r`K ky hyTW au`pr jwE[ ie`k vwr ivckwr swh lY ky ies qrHW 100 vwr kro[ ieh ksrq krn nwl
30 Desi Lifestyle 2015
Health strengthening your core whilst integrating your whole body into the workout. 2. Start with a sit-up with your legs straight ahead of you. Reach your arms over your legs and lower your head between your arms. Curl backwards, with your knees still bent, and stop mid-way. Extend your arms upwards and pull your abs inwards. Take a deep breath and lower your arms while you curl back up. Repeat with a total of 8 reps, at a steady pace. 3. Bicycle hundreds – Laying down on you mat, position your legs in a 45 degree angle, with your arms on your sides and shoulders and neck relaxed. Using your dumbbells, extend your arms up and down with one knee pulled inwards for approximately ten seconds each, then switch. Your legs should bend and straighten in the same manner a bicycle does. Do a total of a hundred reps. 4. The Cardio Pilate Lunge -- Stand up on your mat with some light dumbbells for this next exercise. Place your left foot forward and right foot back, keep your arms down and dig deep into a static lunge. Do ten reps on each side. 5. The Sumo Squat – Dumbbells in hand, place your heels a little bit wider than your shoulders and drop into a sumo squat. Drop your hips down as much as you comfortably can (in the same way a sumo wrestler does). Do two sets of ten reps with a break in between. This is a great exercise for working the calves, hamstrings, knees and thighs. These exercises will not only strengthen and condition your core, but your entire body making you leaner, toner, and slimmer in just a few sessions. So don’t worry about overindulging too much over the holidays, and incorporate pilates into your new fitness regiment.
quhwfw l`k mzbUq huMdw hY Aqy ies qrHW quhwfy swry srIr dI ksrq vI huMdI hY[ 2. lMmy pey hoey AwpxIAW l`qW is`DIAW krky lMmy pE ‘qy au`To[ AwpxIAW bwhW l`qW vl PYlwE Aqy Awpxy isr nUM bwhW ivckwr nIvW kro[ Awpxy gofy Juky r`K ky ip`Cy vl Juko Aqy ivckwr Atko[AwpxIAW bwhW au`pr v`l is~DIAW kro Aqy AwpxIAW mws pySIAW AMdr v`l iK`co[ lMbw swh lE Aqy bwhW hyTW kro Aqy ip`T au`pr cu`ko[ lgwqwr 8 vwr ies qrHW kro[ 3. bweIsweIkl hMfrf- Awpxy mYt ‘qy lMby pY jwE Aqy AwpxIAW l`qW nUM 45 ifgrI ‘qy auTwE[bwhW sweIfW ‘qy rihx idE Aqy moFy ‘qy grdn iF`lI C`fo[ fMblW nwL bwhW hyTW au`pr kro, hr gofw vwrI vwrI 10 sikMt q`k AMdr v`l r`Ko[ ijs qrHW sweIkl clwauNdy smyN huMdw hY quhwfIAW l`qW aus qrHW hI is`DIAW Aqy JukdIAW rihxIAW cwhIdIAW hn[ies qrHW pUry 100 vwr kro[ 4. kwrfIE iplyt lMj- hlky fMbl lY ky mYt ‘qy KVHy ho jwE[K`bw pYr A`gy qy s`jw pYr ip`Cy r`Ko, AwpxIAW bwhW hyTW v`l lmkw ky r`Ko[ies qrHW vwrI vwrI hr pwsy 10 vwr kro[ 5. sUmo sukYt- h`Q ‘c fMbl PV ky KVHy hovo AwpxIAW A`fIAW Awpxy moiFAW nwloN ku`J vDyry dUrI ‘qy r`Ko sUmo sukYt krn leI Juko[ijMnw sOKI qrHW ho sky Awpxw l`k hyTW kro (aus qrHW hI ijs qrHW sUmo rYslr krdy hn)[ie`k vwr ivckwr swh lY ky 10-10 vwr dy do sY`t kro[ ieh ipMnIAW, p`tW Aqy goifAW leI bhuq vDIAw ksrq hY[ ieh ksrqW krn nwL quhwfy srIr dw Bwrwpn vI dUr hovygw Aqy ku`J hI sYSnW ‘c quhwfy srIr dy ih`isAW nUM qwkq vI imlygI[ies leI Cu`tIAW ‘c ies kMm ‘c ru`Jy rihx kwrn sbMDI iPkr nw kro Aqy Awpxy nvyN iP`tnY`s pRogrwm ‘c iplytIz nUM Swml kro[
----------------------- O -------------------------
quhwfI AglI pwrtI swfy nwl
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Dawar is also the author of the world’s first medico-legal dictionary, which contains medical and legal terminology in English and Punjabi. His new book, “Path to Your Financial Freedom,” has just been published by Nawi Dunia Publications of Edmonton, Canada. It is with great honor, and our privilege that we wish Mr. Rama Dawar the best of luck in all of his future endeavors, the best for his current role as a member of the Central Unified School District Board, and as being a role model for all American-Indians who now know that there is no barrier to success. Hard work, determination, and the will to win will lead to success, and Rama Dawar is a prime example of how hard work and passion can help make a positive change in any city.
Rama Dawar is the first American-Indian to be elected within the boundaries of the incorporated City of Fresno in the history of the city. The City of Fresno was incorporated in 1859, and in the 155 year history of the city, Rama Dawar also holds another distinction: having been the first American-Indian appointed to the Planning Commission Board of Fresno, and serving this commission for a consecutive 5 years. Rama Dawar has become an icon for the City of Fresno and for the entire Indian community that resides in the Central Valley, California. Born and raised in Panipat, Haryana, (India), Rama Dawar is a former well known Journalist, Professor, Police Advisor, and Officer of Power and Research, Science and Technology Department of India. Currently, Dawar is a business owner, realtor, counselor and income tax preparer/consultant, and became an icon as an elected school board official. Rama Dawar was elected to the school board and took the oath of the office on December 9, 2014, in the presence of more than 1500 people. Rama Dawar was greeted by the community, public officials and family and friends upon his taking the oath of the office. Rama Dawar’s agenda is to build another high school in the district, start vocational education, especially hands on tools, and building a community relationship between the community and school officials to enhance the performance of academic research and the development of curriculum. 32 DESI LIFESTYLE 2015
Please share how it’s like serving as School Board Trustee and what does your job encompass? It is an honor serving on the school board trustee. My job is to approve the policies, open new schools, hire more teachers, look out for the welfare of our children, hire more support staff, listen the grievances of school employees with the administration, and bring more money from the federal and state. Are you the first person of Indian descent on this position? Do you feel proud about this? Yes, I am the first person of Indian descent on this position and I feel proud and honoured. How what your experience in San Francisco, was it training... please brief on that? It was an awesome experience in San Francisco. I learned a lot about our school boards, responsibilities, administration, education system and met many celebrities including Dr. Freeman, A. Hrabowski III, Salman Khan and Amanda Ripley. How many students are there in your district? More than 17,500 students and budget is around 1 billion. Which year did you come to the US? How do you feel when you look back at your past? I came to the United States of America in 1996 and I feel very proud of myself. My thanks go to my parents, who were iconic in my higher education. Many thanks also go to my family who supported me. When I look back, I feel proud of myself and my family that I am on this position. I was also the first American Indian on Fresno City’s Planning Commission. www.desilifestylemagazine.com
Tex-Mex burrito
Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, halved, seeds scooped out, then chopped 3 spring onions, chopped 1 red chilli, sliced (deseeded if you like it milder) 4 eggs 100ml milk 1 tsp olive oil 100g cheddar, grated 2 large wraps soured cream and guacamole to serve, (optional)
Directions: 1. In a small bowl, mix the tomatoes, half the spring onions and half the red chilli with some seasoning and set aside. Beat the eggs and milk with a fork with some seasoning. 2. Heat the oil in a large non-stick pan and fry the remaining spring onion and chilli for 1 min, then pour in the egg mix. Gently scramble the eggs by dragging the egg mixture as it sets into the middle of the pan. Cook to your liking, then take off the heat and throw on the cheese. Stir through, then divide between the wraps. Tuck up the top and bottom of each wrap and roll up, then slice in half and serve with the homemade tomato salsa, soured cream and guacamole, if you like. Desi Lifestyle 2015 33
Of the many educative hoardings displayed in Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (India) campus, one, just about, read as: If you want to be happy for a week, kill your pig and eat it; if you want to be happy for a year, take your wife; but if you want to be happy for all your life, be a gardener. The message attracts attention and keeps stirring your emotions. Is to achieve happiness, the ultimate goal of human life? Does home vegetable gardening generate happiness? Does it lower stress and depression? The answer to all these questions is a simple ‘yes’, because scientific studies prove it. John Holland of Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden substantiates that by getting your hands dirty in the garden soil; you come in contact with specific soil bacteria, Mycobacterium vaccae, that triggers the release of serotonin, a happy chemical, in your brain. Similarly joy of harvest from the garden releases dopamine, another feel good chemical in the brain. These anti-depressant chemicals make you happy and strengthen your immune system. If you are off mood, sulky and bad tempered; start working on your home
garden. The negative traits will float away into the sky or down into the soil and a sense of timelessness will appear. So your home garden will become your refuse in distress. Other Benefits: Vegetables top the list of nutrient rich healthy foods that also include fruits, beans, legumes, whole grains and soy foods. Vegetables like broccoli, carrot, cucumber, fenugreek, kale, tomato, spinach etc. are considered supper vegetables, bursting with antioxidants and healthy minerals and vitamins. Home vegetable garden provide cheap and fresh vegetables and they may be organic too, if synthetic chemicals are not used in their production. One tomato plant may provide 10 pounds of fresh ripe tomatoes which is ten times the value of its seedling. Being close to house, fresh vegetables can be harvested while cooking in the kitchen. You save on time and costs. Home vegetable garden opens up new flavoring options and recipes. You can use tomatoes, peppers and onion from 34 Desi Lifestyle 2015
the garden to prepare fresh tasty salsa. Unlike stores, you pick up ripe and fresh produce with superior quality from the garden. Home vegetable gardening helps maintaining a pollution free environment. Mulching, if used, helps conserve water and energy; and it is a sure way to reduce soil, air and ground water contamination. Working in a garden is good method of physical exercise. A gardener at work consumes 209 calories per hour as compared to 146 in leisurely walking, and only 80 while sitting and doing nothing. Last but not the least; it gives chance to all family members to work collectively thus maintaining family cohesion. Vegetables and Varieties: You may grow any vegetable or herb from A to Z, provided you know its package of practices. I, however, suggest you to choose only those that your family would like to eat. Asian communities, particularly Indian and Punjabi people, may select some from the following list, where a Punjabi name of the vegetable, is given in parenthesis. Ash gourd (Petha), Beetroot, Bitter gourd (Kerela), Bottle gourd (Ghia Kadoo), Brinjal (Bangan), Broccoli, Cabbage (Bandh Ghobhi), Carrot (Gajjar), Cauliflower (Full Gobhi), Celery, Chilli (Mirch), Chinese cabbage , Coriander (Dhania), Corn (Chhalli), Cow pea (Rongi), Cucumber (Kheera), Garlic (Lassan), Lettuce (Salad), Long melon (Tar), Musk melon (Kharbuja), Okra (Bhindi Tori), Onion (Piaz), Pea (Mattar), Peppers, Potato (Aalu), Pumpkin (Halwa Kadoo), Radish (Muli), Sponge gourd (Ghia Tori), Spinach (Palak), Squash melon (Tinda), Summer squash (Chappan Kadoo), Sweet pepper (Shimla Mirch), Sweet potato (Shakkar Kandi), Tomato (Tomatar), Turnip (Shalgam), Water melon (Tarbooz) This is a brief list. The complete list is long. You may choose any other vegetable, local or otherwise, according to your needs and tastes. Select only those varieties that do well in your area. Grow perennials (plant lasting a year or several years) in a corner, so that they are not disturbed by more frequent cultivation required by annuals (once a year plants). Knowledge, experience, and failure and success will build your skill. Site, Sunlight and Soils: Select an area exposed to 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight, because most of the vegetables need full sun. However some root and leafy vegetables (beets, radish, carrot, fenugreek, spinach, lettuce etc.) can tolerate some shade. If tall and short plants are to be grown together, put tall ones on the north side. Full attention need be paid to soil health. The ideal soil is loam. If your soil is too sandy or clayey, add organic matter such as humus, compost or well rotten manure so that water and air movement in the soil is optimum. If needed, consult an expert in Agricultural Department, which is free. Start by understanding your soil in general. www.desilifestylemagazine.com
Travel Area, Plan and Practice: The size of the plot depends upon your needs and professional skill. 10x10 feet well maintained plot will produce more than a 25x50 feet plot which is disease ridden, weed infested and rock and debris filled. If soil is not ideal, use amendments (gypsum, manure, compost etc.), or go in for modular farming using wooden frames. Raymond Nones in his book: Raised-bed Vegetable Gardening Made Simple (2013) recommends 8x4 feet wooden frames with a height of 8 inches. If wooden frames are not possible, you can make simple raised beds (Khailan) with mounded soil , 20 to 60 inches wide from the center of one ditch to the center of the other. The actual size of the bed will depend on so type, irrigation method, cultural practices, and vegetables to be grown. Most of the vegetables flourish well when planted on raised soil beds. Soil beds should run north and south, particularly on sloppy lands, so that both sides get equal sun light. In the long run practice makes a man perfect. Get a head start. Irrigation and Fertilization: In vegetable gardening, generally flood or furrow irrigation is the routine. Drip or sprinkle irrigation techniques can be used depending upon your expertise and resources. A gardener must be well versed with water requirement of different vegetables before adopting a new technique. Manures and fertilizers must be used to adequately nourish the plants. In organic vegetable gardening make use of organic manure only. To begin with you may start inorganic (traditional) gardening first and then shift to organic gardening after acquiring adequate experience. Weeds, Pests and Diseases: Remove weeds by hoeing or hand picking. Another option is the use of straw mulches, which not only control weeds but also build soil organic matter and conserve moisture. For controlling pests and diseases, make scarce use of
pesticides and chemicals as these adversely affect quality of the produce. Pick larger insects with hands and kill them. Reduce fungal diseases by watering the soil, not the plant leaves. Remove a diseased plant immediately and throw it in the trash. Never use it as mulch or for preparing compost. Keep changing location of plants in the garden area from season to season and grow disease resistant varieties of vegetables. While using soap sprays and other safe chemicals, always read the directions carefully. Try to keep your garden neat and clean. Harvesting and Storing: The general rule of harvesting is that harvest the produce when it looks good enough to eat, Many leafy vegetables give multiple cuttings and should be harvested at appropriate times. If your produce is in excess of your immediate needs, store it for future usage. Different vegetables have different storage characteristics. Some can be stored at room temperature, while others need refrigeration, Best option, however, is to consume these as early as possible, while still fresh. What to Plant Now: In the ongoing cool season, plant peas, lettuce, spinach, fenugreek, and other greens and root vegetables (radish, carrot, turnip, onion etc.) so that they can mature before the onset of mid-summer. Most of these can germinate in soil as cool as 40 degrees F. Cool season vegetables will grow well if planted two weeks before the spring frost. For more information on planting dates go to www.almanac.com or consult your local UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor or a local nursery owner. BE A VEGETABLE GARDNER AND BE HAPPY FOR EVER. By Dr Arjan Singh Josan The author is a retired professor from an Agricultural University in India and can be reached at: asjosan@gmail
Desi Lifestyle 2015 35
Sony Action Video Camera
Philips & Swarovski Active Crystals USB Memory Key
This is an elegant crystal pendant with a hidden USB memory key. The stylish jewel is in beautiful, polished stainless steel and has a 2GB hidden storage capacity. 2GB is enough to hold approximately 500 songs or 2, 000 photos.
Mom Spy Pen
This tiny camera is made to withstand water, snow, and mud. It can probably handle a toddler, which is a mother’s delight too. With Wi-Fi capability, shoot any adventure or action and share it wirelessly with the push of a couple of buttons.
Fe b - M a r 2 015
With this inconspicuous 8GB spy camera recorder pen, mom can clandestinely (or no so clandestinely) take photos, audio and video recordings. This spy pen has 4GB of internal memory and can record up to 1 hour 20 minutes of video. Video resolution is at 720 x 480 pixels at 30 fps.
Brownie Bar Maker
The Dash Wouldn’t it be great to make brownies without the hassle of using the oven? Make 6 brownies at one time with this Brownie Bar Maker. Featuring a non-stick surface, brownies can be ready within 5 – 8 minutes. It can be stored vertically, which is ideal for small spaces.
www.amazon.ca 36 DESI LIFESTYLE 2015
These new wireless headphones re-invent headphones. The Dash earbuds are not just in-ear headphones; they also serve as a fitness tracker and a microphone. The Dash will allow users to track their workouts by measuring their body vitals and giving them real time acoustic feedback. Will be released in April 2015.
bw-kmwl mUvI ! ipCly fyF ku dhwky dOrwn pµjwbI isnmy nyN jo bulµdIAW hwsl kIqIAw hn, auhdI ijnIN vI qrIP kIqI jwvy QoVI hY[ s~iBAwcwirk rµg Aqy kmyfI qoN htky kuJ AYsIAW Dwrimk iPlmW ny vI dunIAW Br iv~c AwpxI AYsI sæwp C~fI ik gYr is~Kw ƒ vI is~K ieiqhws bwry kwPI cwnx hoieAw[ A~jkl dunIAw iv~c AwpxI g~l phuµcwaux leI isnmw hI ie~k AYsw jrIAw hY, ijs dI koeI h~d nhI hY[ hYrI vjybw dI iPlm “cwr sihbjwdy” dI Apwr sPlqw qoN bwAd, ie~k vwr iPr pµjwbI isnmy qy iPlm “ieh jnum qumHwry lyKy” dI rlIijµg ƒ lYky lokw dIAW njærw itkIAw hoeIAw hn[ ieh iPlm ƒ veIt ihl prof~ksæn Aqy ipµglvwVw suswietI dI pysæksæ qihq bxwieAw igAw hY[ ieh iPlm Bgq pUrn isµG dy jIvn qy ADwirq hY[ Bgq pUrn isµG auh mhwn sæKsæIAq sn,i jnHW ny AwpxW swrw jIvn kohV vrgI iBAwnk ibmwrI nwl pIVq mrIjæw dI syvw sµBwl iv~c ibqwieAw[ auhnW dIAW mnuKqw pRqI syvwvW leI auhnW ƒ pdm sRI Avwrf nwl vI snmwinAW igAw[ ies iPlm iv~c pvn rwj mlhoqrw Bgq pUrn isµG dy ikrdwr iv~c muK rol inBw rhy hn[ ies iPlm dI storI fwielOg Aqy skrIn plyA fw. qyijµdr hrjIq Aqy hrjIq isµG duAwrw bwKUbI ilKy gey hn [ ies iPlm dw sµgIq gurmoh Aqy iv~kI Bol dI joVI ny bw-kmwl kIqw hY[ ieh iPlm inrdysæk hrjIq isµG duAwrw inrdysæq v~KrI iksm dI iksy smwjsyvI qy bxI pihlI v~fy prdy dI iPlm hY[ieh iPlm vwikAw hI vyKxXog hY[[ hrjIq isµG bhuq hI jæhIn qy sµjIdw bµdw hY, ies qrW dy mu~dy ‘qy iPlm bxwaux hwrI swrI dy v~s dI g~l nhIN hY[sæukr hY gµBIr mu~idAW ‘qy iPlmW bxwaux dw kuJ pµjwbI hIAw krn l~gy hn[ kwmyfI dy nW ‘qy AsælIlqw dy AµbrI cVHy grd gubwr ivcoN ie~k cµgI Aws dI ikrn ivKweI id~qI hY [ AsIN ies iPlm ƒ qno mno jI AwieAW AwKdy hW..! rvIaU- guirµdrjIq isµG “nItw mwCIky” www.desilifestylemagazine.com
Desi Lifestyle 2015 37
MY KID MY LIFE Ahem S. Dosanjh Ahem Singh Dosanjh is the youngest child of Lakhvir Dosanjh and Sukhpreet Dosanjh. Ahem would love to follow his father’s footsteps and work for his family’s company, DTL. His favorite sport to play and watch is football. He enjoys watching any television show with action in it, and doesn’t watch many cartoons. His favorite movies are Fast and Furious 6, Sharknado, and any movie with Diljit Dosanjh in it. He admires the superheroes Superman and Hulk. Ahem loves to dance and his favorite dance routine and song is Gangnam Style. In his spare time, he plays with his father and spends quality time with his family. Ahem loves to dress up and go to parties with this family, loves eating chalupas and enjoys sipping on soda here and there. He maintains his appearance well and loves visiting Las Vegas, NV.
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40 Desi Lifestyle 2015