A National South-Asian Magazine for the Canadian Trucking Industry
Vol. 10 - Issue 5 Sep / Oct 2019
Ajoky tr`kW dI BrosyXogqw
kI ieh scum`c hI vDIAw hn?
iblIAn fwLrW vwlI tr~ikµg ieµfstrI dy mµdvwVy ip~Cy kwrn?
Reliability of today’s trucks Are they really better?
srd r`uq dw smW Aw irhw hY
MY RIDE Page 36
FIND A JOB Page 30
hryk bwks cY k ` krdw hY Aqy hor vI
qyl dI b`cq ientYgrytf Detroit pwvr tRyn ™
• fYtroiet ieMjx • DT12™ Awtomytf mYnUAl tRWsimSn (ey AYm tI) • fYtroiet fRweIv AYksl
Elite Support srivs nY`tvrk sMBwl leI sOiKAW bxwieAw igAw hMFxswrqw dI pUrI prK
eyAro pYkyj
sur`iKAw SM
eI vwlt ieMtIrIAr ielYktRIkl iPaUz Aqy rIlyA bwks
Detroit Assurance dI sur`iKAw pRxwlI AYl eI fI hY`flweIts ®
Detroit™ fwierYkt sUt AwP knYktf vhIkl srivsz Virtual Technician smyq SM
stYNfrf eyAr ifsk bRyks
fRweIvr dw qzrbw fRweIvr lwaUNj PRytlweInr dI sB qoN G`t rOly r`py vwLI kYb sPr leI bhuq vDIAw
jdoN vI tr`k dI cox krnI hovy qW bhuq swrIAW g`lW nUM iDAwn ‘c r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[ ijvyN ik nvIN mSInrI ijs ‘c bhuq G`t qyl dI ^pq hud M I hov[ y tr`k c`ldw r`Kx leI aus dw auq ` rI AmrIkw ‘c vDIAw srivs nYt ` vrk hov[ y vDIAw suri` KAw dy pRbD M jo durGtnwvW hox dI sMBwvnw nMU G`t hox iv`c mdd krdI hY Aqy cldy rihx dw smW vDdw hY[ ies ‘c fRweIvr nwl sMbD M q auh swrIAW shUlqW hn ijs nwl aus nMMU Gr qoN bwhr dUjw Gr l`g[ y hux nvW Cascadia® ieh sB shUlqW pRdwn krdw hY, Aqy ieh vDyry LwB dw vI iKAwl r`Kdw hY[
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sQwnk fIlr l`Bx leI: www.HuayiTireCanada.com/pa NATIONAL MAGAZINE
CONTENTS ADVERTISERS Ace Truck Repairs ............................ 47 Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. ................ 35 Castrol Heavy Duty ............................ 26 CBS Parts Ltd .....................................17
Challenger ......................................... 33 Champion Towing .............................. 45 Coastal Pacific Xpress ...................... 32 Cool Heat Truck Parts ...................... 55 Cool-it Hiway Services ....................... 43 Collins Truck Bodies ........................ 44 Cummins .......................................... 61 DeckX .............................................. 31 Esso Husky .................................. 50, 51 First Truck Centre ............................... 15 Freightliner ....................................... 02 G&G Trucking Solutions ..................... 46 Great Dane ....................................... 07 Glasvan Great Dane .......................... 49 Hendrickson ..................................... 63 Howes Lubricators ........................... 25 Huayi Tire Canada .............................. 03 Inland Kenworth ........................... 11, 45 JD Factors ......................................... 21 Kindersley Transport Ltd .................. 30 Light Speed Logistics Inc .................. 31 Luber Finer ...................................... 44 National Safety Code Complaince ......... 57
08 10 12 28 42 48 54 60
Ocean Trailer ................................ 45, 59 Pacific Inland Powertrain....................47 Peterbilt Trucks ................................ 64 Pike Enterprises Ltd .......................... 47 Polar Mobility ................................... 13 Shift Into Winter ............................... 29 The Gear Centre ................................ 19 The Rosedale Group ......................... 31
Titan Truck & Trailer Parts Ltd ............ 46 Transam Carriers Inc ........................ 34 Transcore ......................................... 05 Transource Freightways ................... 30 Volvo Trucks ..................................... 62 Watt & Stewart Commodities ............. 30 Work Safe BC ................................. 24 XTCC (Kool Dudes) ............................. 27 4
Editor’s Note / sMpwdkI
Jag Dhatt
With almost everything in the world, change is necessary and inevitable. Throughout history, change has led to progress, even though sometimes the short-term prospect may not always have seemed agreeable. Desi Trucking Magazine is going through such a change, with a new concept, a new vision, and a new look. Starting with this September/ October issue, future issues of Desi Trucking Magazine will now be combined national editions that will allow for many new aspects. For example, you’ll find the new look to be contemporary. Content will be such that is relevant to all those in the transportation sector across Canada. In addition, some of the editorial content will be placed into strategic categories, which you’ll find in this issue. One thing that won’t change is that Desi Trucking Magazine will continue to be the bilingual, South-Asian transportation magazine of choice. JGK Media Inc., parent company of Desi Trucking Magazine, is in the process of launching many exciting initiatives across Canada in the coming year. One of these will be focus in the Greater Toronto area – stay tuned for this information in the coming months. We remind all our readers that for all your South-Asian transportation marketing needs, there is no better team that those of us at JGK Media Inc. JGK Media Inc. was the first media company that catered to the needs of the South-Asian trucking community, and that is still our focus today. As individuals and as a community, we need to welcome and embrace change. We hope that you will appreciated and welcome that changes coming to Desi Trucking Magazine.
smW bdl irhw hY sMswr dI lgBg hr vsqU ‘c bdlwA Awauxw zrUrI vI hY Aqy ieh hY vI At`l[ ieqhws vyK ky pqw lgdw hY ik bdlwA hox nwL hI qr`kI hoeI hY, BwvyN ik kùJ smyN leI ies qrHW vI lgdw hY ik jo bdlwA hoieAw hY auh TIk nhIN hoieAw hY[ dysI tr`ikMg mYgzIn vI iesy qrHW dy bdlwA dy dOr ‘coN guzr irhw hY, ies bdlwA nwL ies rswly nMU ie`k nvW sMklp, nvIN soc Aqy nvIN id`K pRdwn hovygI[ ies sqMbr / AkqUbr dy rswly qoN SurU ho ky Biv`K dy swry dysI tr`ikMg mYgzIn hux rwStrI AYfISn dy sumyl vwLy hoxgy ijs nwL keI nvyN ivcwrW nMU Swml hox dw mOkw imLygw[ audwhrx dy qOr ‘qy quhwnMU ies dI nvIN id`K Ajoky smyN muqwibk iblkul FùkvIN ivKweI dyvygI[ ies ivclI sm`grI knyfw Br ‘c AwvwjweI dy ik`qy nwL sbMD r`Kx vwLy swryy lokW leI FùkvIN hovygI[ ies qoN ielwvw kùJ ie`k sMpwdkI lyK ie`k Xojnwb`D grùp ‘c Cwpy jwxgy, jo quhwnMU hQly AMk ‘c vI vyKx nMU imLxgy[ jo ie`k bdlwA dysI tr`ikMg mYgzIn ‘c kdy vI nhIN Awvygw, auh hY ies dw do BwSwvW ‘c Cpxw, ikauN ik ieh swaUQ eySIAn BweIcwry dy lokW dw mnpsMdIdw mYgzIn hY[ dysI tr`ikMg mYgzIn dI mùFlI kMpnI JGK mIfIAw ieMk knyfw Br ‘c Awaux vwLy swl ‘c bhuq hI auqSwihq pRogrwm SurU krn jw rhI hY[ ienHW ‘coN ie`k pRogrwm SurU krn jw rhy hW, gRytr trWto eyrIey nMU mùK r`Kdy hoey[ ies bwry hor jwxkwrI Agly mhIinAW ‘c id`qI jwvygI[ AsIN Awpxy swry pwTkW nMU ieh d`sx ‘c mwx mihsUs krdy hW ik swaUQ eySIAn tRWsportySn mwrkIitMg loVW leI JGK mIfIAw ieMk dI mwhr tIm qoN ibnw hor koeI vI kMpnI ibhqr nhIN hY[ JGK mIfIAw sB qoN pihlI mIfIAw kMpnI hY ijs ny ^ws krky swaUQ eySIAn tr`ikMg BweIcwry dIAW loVW nMU mùK r`Kdy hoey ieh rswlw SurU kIqw sI, Aqy A`j vI swfw mksd auhI hY[ ivAkqIgq qOr ‘qy Aqy BweIcwry dy qOr ‘qy swnMU bdlwvW dw svwgq krdy hoey Apxw lYxw cwhIdw hY[ AsIN Aws krdy hW ik qusIN vI dysI tr`ikMg mYgzIn ‘c Awey bdlwA dw svwgq krogy[ 6
Publisher JGK Media Inc. | 1-877-598-3374 (Desi)
Editor-In-Chief Jag Dhatt
Advertising & Sales Jag Dhatt (National / Western Canada) Stephen Alford (Eastern Canada)
Art Director Ranjit Singh
Creative Head Ranjit Singh
IT Manager Ranj Bhamra
Cover Design www.SwankStudios.com
Contributing Writers Ken Cooke; Pash Brar; Jag Dhatt; Dara Nagra; Ray Gompf; Ron Dhaliwal; Jasleen Dutt; Ken Davey; Raman Singh
Translator Tirath S. Khabra
JAG DHATT Corporate VP, Marketing
National & Western Canada
Eastern Canada
Cell: 604-767-4433 E: jag@jgkmedia.ca
Cell: 416-875-3820 E: info@jgkmedia.ca
Address: #235 - 8138, 128 Street, Surrey BC V3W 1R1
Address: 160-2, County Court Blvd. #128 Brampton, ON L6W 4V1
F: 604-598-9264
F: 604-598-9264
All Rights Reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be printed without the written consent of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: JGK Media Inc. assumes all advertisers to be reliable and responsible for any and all liability for their claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement it may find unfit for publication. The opinions expressed in articles and features are of the writers and may not be those of the publisher. THE PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OF ANY KIND.
Postmaster if undeliverable Canadian Address to #235-8138 128 St., Surrey BC V3W 1R1
Great Dane and The Oval are registered trademarks of Great Dane LLC. 742 DMD 0319
Ajoky tr`kW dI BrosyXogqw
kI ieh scum`c hI vDIAw hn? G. Ray Gompf
BrosyXogqw ie`k auh Sbd hY ijs dw ArQ isrP hMFxswrqw dy v`kwr ‘qy hI inrBr nhIN krdw[ shI Aqy lgwqwr murMmq Aqy dyKBwl qoN ibnw bhuq BrosyXog mSInrI vI smyN qoN pihlW hI nkwrw ho jWdI hY[ jdoN tr`ikMg dI dunIAw dw izkr krdy hW qW sihj suBwA hI twierW dw iKAwl idmwg ‘c Aw jWdw hY[ iksy vI vhIkl ‘qy l`gy hoey twier aus vhIkl Aqy sVk dy ivckwr ivcolgI dw kMm krdy hn[ twierW dI shI dyKBwl krnI bhuq zrUrI hY, twierW ‘c hvw vI shI BrI hoeI hoxI cwhIdI hY nhIN qW ieh bRyk lwaux vyly g`fI nMU shI qrIky nwL rokx qoN AsmrQ ho skdy hn nwL hI sVk ‘qy ienHW dI pkV vI
pUrI nhIN huMdI Aqy g`fI nMU sWBxw vI AOKw ho skdw hY[ shI sWB sMBwl krn nwL twierW dI hMFxswrqw Aqy aumr aùnI lMbI ho skdI hY ijMnI ik twier inrmwqw vloN d`sI geI huMdI hY[ 1970 ivAW ‘c ryfIAl twierW dy Awaux krky, jo ik keI sO guxw izAwdw BrosyXog Aqy izAwdw hMFxswr hox krky, plweI twierW nMu bxwaux vwlI purwxI rvwieqI qknwlojI dw iqAwg kr id`qw igAw[ ies qknwlojI dw iqAwg krn dw mqlb ieh nhIN sI ik purwxy plweI twier sur`iKAq nhIN sn sgoN ienHW dy mukwbly nvyN ryfIAl qknwlojI nwl bxy twier bhuq izAwdw vDIAw sn[ pr ryfIAl twierW dI vI shI dyKBwl krnI bhuq zrUrI hY[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE
auh ikhVIAW g`lW hn ijnHW dw iDAwn r`K ky qusIN Awpxy twierW qoN aùnI hMFxswrqw pRwpq kr skdy ho ijMnI hMFxswrqw dy auh Xog huMdy hn? kI quhwfy twierW dw Bwr swry c`ky duAwly pUrw shI ie`kswr hY? twier KRIdx qoN bwAd jdoN aunHW nMU irMm ‘qy cwiVHAw jWdw hY qW ie`k vwr Pyr aunHW nMU mSIn ‘qy ieh vyKx leI cỲk kIqw jWdw hY ik twier dw Bwr irMm duAwly ie`kswr hY jW nhIN Aqy ijs QW ‘qy Bwr G`t hovy aùQy Bwr lw ky ie`kswr kIqw jWdw hY[ jykr fRweIvr nMU ieh lgdw hY ik twier izAwdw kMbdy hn qW twierW nMU ie`k vwr iPr cỲk krvw ky Bwr shI krvw lYxw cwhIdw hY[ sVk ‘qy cldy smyN twierW dI GsweI hox krky irMm ‘qy twierW dy Bwr dI ie`kswrqw ‘c Prk pY jWdw hY ies leI smyN smyN ies nMU cỲk krvwauNdy rihxw cwhIdw hY[ smW pYx ‘qy twierW dIAW gùfIAW Gsx nwL vI ienHW dy Bwr dI ie`kswrqw ‘c Prk pY jWdw hY jo ik twierW Aqy tr`k donW leI hI koeI sm`isAw KVHI hox dw kwrn bx skdw hY[ kI qusIN Awpxy twierW ‘c smyN smyN isr hvw cỲk krdy rihMdy ho? twierW ‘c shI hvw dw dbwA twierW nMU CyqI Aqy smyN qoN pihlW Gsx qoN bcwaux dy nwL nwL sur`iKAw leI vI bhuq zrUrI hY[ jykr twierW ‘c hvw dw G`t hovy qW cldy smyN ieh ijAwdw grm ho jWdy hn Aqy ieh grmI keI vwr twier nMU ieMnw kmzor kr idMdI hY ik auh Pt vI skdw hY[ iesy qrHW hI izAwdw hvw BrI hox krky vI twierW dI GsweI shI nhIN huMdI jo ik Gwqk is`D ho skdI hY[
hY Aqy jW kI twierW nMU bdlwaux dI loV qW nhIN hY? twier dIAW gùfIAW Aqy pwisAW nMU iDAwn nwL cỲk kro ik ienHW ‘qy koeI t`k, rgV, koeI morI, jW iksy QW qoN PùilAw jW iqVikAw hoieAw qW nhIN? jykr quhwnMU iksy vI qrHW dI koeI S`k hovy qW iksy twierW dy mwihr imsqrI qoN zrUr cỲk krvw lYxw cwhIdw hY[ quhwnMU Awpxy twier dI aumr ‘qy vI nzr r`KxI cwhIdI hY[ quhwfy twierW dy trỲf dw swlW b`DI c`lxw ies g`l ‘qy inrBr krdw hY ik qusIN swl ‘c ikMnw tr`k clwauNdy ho[ pr jykr twier dw trỲf shI hovy qW ies dw mqlb sdw hI ieh nhIN huMdw ik quhwnMU twier bdlx dI loV hI nhIN hY[ Awpxy tr`k dy twierW dI aumr dw AMdwzw lwaux leI twierW dy sweIf ‘qy l`gI DOT mohr vyKo[ DOT mohr dy AMq ‘c cwr nMbr hoxgy jo ik twier dw fyt kof huMdw hY[ pihly do nMbr d`sdy hn ik ikhVw hPqw hY Aqy ipCly do nMbr swl nMU drswauNdy hn[ audwhrx dy qOr ‘qy jykr ieh kof 4617 hovy qW ies dw ArQ hY ik ieh twier 2017 sMn dy 46vyN hPqy ‘c bixAw sI[ kI quhwfy twier Aqy vHIl quhwfy vhIkl ‘qy pUry shI qrHW nwL l`gy hoey hn? ienW dw tweIt hoxw cMgI g`l hY pr loV qoN v`D tweIt hoxw hwnIkwrk ho skdw hY[ izAwdw tweIt krn nwL keI vwr bolt izAwdw iK`c ho jWdw hY ijs krky ies dI cUVI keI vwr rotr koloN PrI vI ho skdI
hY[ hr ie`k vhIkl dy twierW dy bolt nMU k`sx leI inrmwqw vloN ies dI tOrk drsweI geI huMdI hY[ ies leI jdoN twier sVk ‘qy l`gy hoey hox qW pUrI shI qrHW nwL bolt k`sx leI tOrk rYNc dI vrqoN krdy hoey inrmwqw vloN drsweI geI tOrk Anuswr k`sxy cwhIdy hn[ styAirMg Aqy sspYSn dy purizAW dw keI vwr Gs jwx krky jo nukswn huMdw rihMdw hY Aqy hox vwLw Krcw keI vwr ienHW purizAW dI QW nvyN purzy lgvwaux dw Krc G`t huMdw hY[ rozwnw cYikMg krnI quhwnMU hzwrW fwlrW dI b`cq krvw skdI hY[ quhwfy vhIkl Aqy ies nMU bxwaux leI vrqy gey hzwrW hI purizAW dI BrosyXogqw ies g`l ‘qy inrBr krdI hY ik qusIN ienHW dI dyKBwl ikMnI cMgI qrHW krdy ho Aqy jdoN iksy murMmq dI jW nvW purzw pwaux dI zrUrq hovy qW aus v`l qurMq iDAwn dyx dI loV huMdI hY[ BrosyXogqw dI is`DI inrBrqw huMdI hY rozwnw inrIKx krn ‘qy, shI dyKBwl krn ‘qy, shI qrIky nwL fRweIivMg krn ‘qy Aqy shI Aqy cMgI qrHW jWc krn ‘qy[ Ajoky vhIklW ‘c aunW ih`isAW nMU Kud hI cYikMg krn dI Xogqw huMdI hY ijnHW nMU cỲk krnw fRweIvr dy v`soN bwhr hovy, pr sspYSn isstm, lUbrIkySn isstm, bryk isstm Aqy sB qoN v`D twierW dI cYikMg, ieh sB kùJ fRweIvr nMU cMgI qrHW cỲk krnw Aqy smJ lYxw cwhIdw hY ikauNik ienHW dI cYikMg dI irport quhwfy vhIkl dI swrI khwxI shI shI ibAwn krn dI Xogqw r`KdI hY[
kI quhwfy c`ikAW dI AlweInmYNt shI kIqI hoeI hY? smyN smyN isr vHIl AlweInmYNt krvwaux nwL quhwfy vhIkl dI kwrguzwrI ibhqr rihMdI hY[ ieh quhwfy tr`k nMU ie`k pwsy jW dUjy pwsy iK`cI jwx qoN bcwauNdw hY[ jdoN swry c`ky ie`k dUjy dy smwn AMqr huMdy hn qW izAwdw Krwb mOsm ‘c vI tr`k nMU shI c`lx ‘c bhuq shwieqw huMdI hY[ kI qusIN rozwnw Awpxy twierW nMu ieh vyKx leI cỲk krdy ho ik, ikqy aunHW ‘c koeI qRyV, koeI morI jW hor koeI t`k Awid qW nhIN l`gw hoieAw? twierW dIAW gùfIAW dI fMUGweI Aqy hvw dw dbwA cỲk krn dy nwL nwL ieh vI vyKxw cwhIdw hY ik twierW nMu hor koeI vI iksy qrHW dw nukswn Awid qW nhIN hoieAw NATIONAL MAGAZINE
Reliability of today’s trucks Are they really better?
eliability is one of those words that requires more than just a reputation of longevity. Without proper and regular maintenance efforts the most reliable product will fail prematurely. Tires, come to mind easily in the world of trucking. Tires are the interface between the vehicle on which they are mounted and the road. Tires must be maintained properly, inflated properly, or they will fail to provide the appropriate braking power, fail to offer the rated stability and the ability to steer properly. With proper maintenance, tires will be as reliable as the mileage limits suggested by the manufacturer. The old bias ply tires, the technology abandoned in the 1970s when the radial tire became hundreds of times more reliable and accepted as being superior, more reliable. Not that bias ply tires were unsafe but radial technology was so much better. But even radial tires need to be properly maintained. What are those variables that will make your tires last as long as they’re supposed to last? Are your tires properly balanced? When tires are fitted to wheels at the point of sale, they are measured again on a balancing machine, and correction weights are applied to counteract their combined unbalance. Tires may be rebalanced if driver perceives excessive vibration. As one drives, tires lose balance due to wear, so periodic tire balancing service is needed to return proper balance. Over time, tread wear causes the distribution of weight around the tire to change, which leads to the imbalance. Tire imbalance can cause problems for both the vehicle and tires. Are your tires checked regularly for tire pressure? Proper tire inflation helps prevent accelerated wear that leads to premature tire replacement and is also important to safety. Tires that are driven under-inflated generate excessively high heat levels that can weaken the tire to the point of failure. By the same token
over inflated tires can lead to wear patterns not conducive with safety. Are your wheels properly aligned? Regular wheel alignment helps improve the performance of your vehicle. It prevents your vehicle from pulling to one side or the other. Inclement weather driving will also be improved when the wheels are parallel to one another. Do you inspect your tires daily for cracks, punctures or unexplained wear? In addition to tread depth and inflation pressure, you should also inspect your tires for any damage or conditions that would warrant their replacement. Look at the tread and sidewalls for any cuts, scrapes, punctures, bulges, bumps or cracks. If you see anything suspicious, have a tire service professional take a closer look. You also want to keep an eye on your tire’s age. Depending on how much you drive each year, your tire’s tread may last for years but just because the tread is not worn out does not mean that your tires don’t need to be replaced. To determine your tires age just look at the DOT stamping on the sidewall. At the end of the DOT stamping there will be a 4-digit number. This is the date code. The first two numbers are the week and the last two are the year. For example, 4617 would tell you that the tire was manufactured the 46th week of 2017. Are you tires/wheels properly affixed to your vehicle? Tight is good, but over tightening is not. Over tightening can stretch the stud and cause failure around the rotor. Every vehicle has a lug nut torque specification from the manufacturer. The proper way to tighten the wheel is to use a torque wrench to torque every lug nut to its recommended torque when the vehicle is on the floor. Worn steering and suspension parts and pieces can also cause undue wear the cost of which outweighs having those parts and pieces replaced or repaired. That daily inspection is worth its weight in gold. The reliability of the vehicle and the thousands of parts and pieces that are assembled to form your vehicle is equal to the reliability of the human ensuring that wear and tear is closely monitored and addressed as need be. Reliability is in direct proportion to the effort expended in, inspection, maintenance, proper driving techniques and accurate diagnostics at daily inspections. The vehicles of today have the ability to diagnose themselves on those systems where drivers may not be able to do so, but suspension systems, lubrication systems, braking systems and yes those tires all tell a big story that must be fully and completely understood and reported by the inspecting driver.
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Castlegar Campbell River 250-287-8878 250-365-2807 Kamloops 250-374-4406 Saskatoon 306-931-1911
Kelowna 250-769-2933
Chilliwack (Parts) 604-701-0984
Cranbrook 250-426-6205
Langley 604-607-0300
Nanaimo 250-758-5288
Dawson Creek (Parts) 250-784-0934 Penticton 250-492-3939
Delta (Parts) 604-952-1280
Prince George 250-562-8171
Swift Current Terrace Vernon Whitehorse Williams Lake 306-778-2390 250-635-2292 250-545-4424 867-668-2127 250-392-7101
Winnipeg 204-694-3874
is`KW vloN tr`ikMg ‘c kwimAW dI Gwt dI pUrqI ijvyN ijvyN tr`krW dI Gwt ie`k mùdw bxdw jw irhw hY, aus dI pUrqI leI G`t igxqIAW ijvyN ik is`K AvwsI Aqy aunHW dy ie`Qy aùqrI AmrIkw ‘c pYdw hoey b`cy ies ik`qy nMU Apxw ky ies Gwt nMU pUrI krn dI koiSS kr rhy hn[ iek`ly kYlIPornIAw ‘c hI hzwrW hI tr`kW vwLy rih rhy hn ijnHW dIAW jVHW Bwrq nwL juVIAW hoeIAW hn Aqy swry AmrIkw ‘c rih rhy is`KW dI A`DI igxqI ie`Qy vsdI hY[knyfw dy kmRSIAl tr`k fRweIvrW dI igxqI dw 20% ih`sw is`KW dw hY jo ik tr`ikMg kimaUntI dy gVH mMny jwx vwLy vYnkovr ielwky Aqy bRYNptn EntwrIE ‘c vsdy hn[ lgBg ipCly dhwky qoN lY ky pMjwbIAW ny tr`ikMg skUl, tr`k kMpnIAW, tr`k vwS sYNtr, tr`kW vwiLAW leI gurdvwry Aqy mMidr, Aqy Awpxy BwrqI s`iBAwcwr nMU, ij`Qy tr`kW vwiLAW ‘c pMjwbIAW dI srdwrI hY, Xwd r`Kdy hoey ausy qrHW dy FwibAW dw inrmwx krnw SurU kIqw hY[ tr`ikMg ‘c is`KW dI vD rhI igxqI dw pRBwv BweIcwry dy AMdr Aqy bwhr iblkul sp`St ivKweI dy irhw hY[ sYkrwmYNto, Pirzno, bykrsPIlf Aqy irvrsweIf dy gurdvwirAW ‘c jwx vwLI sMgq dw v`fw ih`sw tr`kW vwiLAW dw hY[ iesy qrHW hI trWto dy ifksI rof ‘qy bxy gurdvwry ‘c vI tr`kW vwiLAW dI hI Brmwr hY[ ipCly 15 swlW qoN tr`k clw rhy ie`k is`K fRweIvr pwl dw kihxw hY, “pihlW jdoN kdy qusIN ie`k p`g vwLw AwdmI vyKdy huMdy sI qW bhuq hI KuSI huMdI sI, pr hux iksy tr`k stwp ‘qy jdoN qusIN jWdy ho qW ieh BulyKw pY jWdw hY ik qusIN ikqy pMjwb ‘c qW nhIN phuMc gey ho?” 12
ipCly swl nOrQ AmrIkn pMjwbI tr`ikMg AysosIeySn SurU krn vwLy swbkw fRweIvr rmn iF`loN dw kihxw hY, hux pMjwbI Gwt dI pUrqI kr rhy hn[” Pontwnw dI ie`k tr`ikMg kMpnI, FINfsw grùp AwP kMpnIz, jo ik AmrIkw ‘c is`KW dI sB qoN purwxI mlkIAq vwLIAW kMpnIAW ‘coN ie`k hY dy mwlk Aqy swbkw tr`k fRweIvr rCpwl isMG FINfsw dw kihxw hY, “A`j qoN 30 swl pihlW tr`ikMg ‘c kMm krnw bhuq muSikl huMdw sI ikauNik ies kMm ‘c quhwfI shwieqw krn leI Awpxy lokW dI igxqI bhuq G`t huMdI sI[” ieh swrw vwDw hox dy bwvjUd Ajy vI 2019 ‘c is`K fRweIvr dy do smwjI pihlU hn[ ie`k pwsy qW ieh vyK ky bhuq KuSI huMdI hY ik v`K v`K s`iBAwcwrk ipCokVW vwLy lok aus ik`qy nMU Apxw rhy hn , jo ik keI pIVHIAW qoN AmrIkw leI auh mwieny r`Kdw hY jo mwieny srIr leI KUn r`Kdw hY[ pr dUjy pwsy ienHW pRqI jo nPrq Aqy AigAwnqw dw vqIrw hY pwl aus qoN vI BlI BWq jwxU hY[ pwl leI lokW vloN S`kI nzrW nwL vyKxw aus leI Awm g`l hY, nwL hI tr`kW vwLy vI keI vwr ieh soc lYNdy hn ik ieh nvW fRweIvr hY jW aus nMu AMgryzI bolxI nhIN AwauNdI hoxI[ ieh sB aus nMU iblkul vI hYrwn nhIN krdw[ jdoN ie`k vwrI pwl ie`k gYs stySn ‘qy pYsy dyx leI KVHw sI qW aus smyN nMU Xwd krdy hoey ausny ikhw ik aùQy ie`k AwdmI KVHw sI Aqy mYnMU vyK ky lokW nMU aùcI Avwz ‘c kihx l`gw, “swry jxy bwhr cly jwE
ieh AwdmI gYs stySn nMU aufwaux l`gw hY!” pwl ny SWq Avwz ‘c aus AwdmI nMU ikhw, “mYN qyry nwL koeI vI JgVw nhIN krnw[” BwvyN ik ies qrHW dIAW g`lW bhuq G`t vwprdIAW hn pr iPr vI pwl ies g`l dw iPkr krdw hY ik ies qrHW dI g`l Agr vD jwvy qW iPr Kqrw vI pYdw ho skdw hY[ ies sdI ‘c is`KW ‘qy hox vwLy bhuqy gMBIr hmly aunHW lokW vloN kIqy gey hn ijnHW ny glqPihmI nwL is`KW nMU muslmwn jW ArbI smJ ilAw sI[ 11 sqMbr nMU hoey hmly qoN cwr idn bwAd AYrIzonw ‘c ie`k pgVI vwLy is`K nMU ie`k bMdUkDwrI vloN iesy glqPihmI dw iSkwr ho ky golIAW mwr ky mwr id`qw igAw sI[ tYkss ielwky nMU fRweIv krdy jWdy hoey pwl ny ikhw, “swnMu swry lok Eswmw ibn lwdyn dy swQI hI smJ lYNdy hn ikauNik AsIN vyKx ‘c ie`ko ijhy lgdy hW[ Aqy jW myrw AMgryzI dw aucwrx Al`g hox krky auh ieh AMdwzw lw lYNdy hn ik Swied mYN AklmMd nhIN hW[pr mYnMU bwKUbI pqw hY ik mYN kOx hW[” is`K tr`ikMg ieMfstrI ‘c Swml ho rhy hn Aqy auh Anumwinq ivroDI ivcwrW dI Gwt dI pUrqI krn ‘c shweI ho rhy hn[
“tr`ikMg ‘c is`KW dI vD rhI igxqI dw pRBwv BweIcwry dy AMdr Aqy bwhr iblkul sp`St ivKweI dy irhw hY[” NATIONAL MAGAZINE
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Sikhs picking up the employment slack in TRUCKING
s the trucker shortage becomes more of an issue, minority groups like Sikh immigrants and their North American born children are taking up the profession.
California alone is home to tens of thousands of truckers who trace their heritage to India and the state is home to half of all Sikhs in the U.S. In Canada, Sikhs represent approximately 20% of the commercial drivers within the trucking community centring in the Greater Vancouver Area and Brampton, Ontario. Over the last decade or so, Punjabis have launched trucking schools, truck companies, truck washes, trucker temples, and no-frills Indian restaurants modelled after truck stops back home, where Sikhs from the state of Punjab dominate the industry. The growth of Sikhs in trucking is clearly evident both in and out of their community. At Gurdwara (Sikh temples) in Sacramento, Fresno, Bakersfield, and Riverside, the majority of worshipers are truck drivers, as is the case on Dixie Road in the Greater Toronto Area. “You used to see a guy with a turban and you would get excited,” says Pal, a Sikh trucker, who has been trucking for 15 years. “Today, you go to some stops and can convince yourself you are in India.” “Punjabis are filling the gap,” says Raman Dhillon, a former driver who founded the North American Punjabi Trucking Association last year.
many generations. On the other hand, Pal’s is aware of the hatred and ignorance that exists. For Pal, suspicious glances are common, so are the truckers who think he’s new to the business or doesn’t speak English. None of it fazes him. Pal spoke to a time when he was paying his bill at a gas station and a man in the store shouted at customers, “get out, he’s going to blow up this place!” “I will not fight you,” Pal calmly replied. Even though these encounters are rare, Pal is always wary of the danger that could arise if they escalate. Some of the most violent attacks on Sikhs this century have been at the hands of people who mistook them for Muslims or Arabs, including the case of a turban-wearing Sikh man in Arizona who was shot dead by a gunman four days after the Sept. 11 attacks. “Everybody relates to us through Osama bin Laden because we look the same,” he says, driving across the plains toward the Texas Panhandle. “Or they think because my English sounds different that I am not smart.” “I know who I am,” Pal says.
“Thirty years ago, it was hard to get into trucking because there were so few people like us in the business who could help you,” says Rashpal Dhindsa, a former trucker who runs Fontana-based Dhindsa Group of Companies, one of the oldest Sikh-owned U.S. trucking companies. Even with all the growth, there are still two sides to being a Sikh driver socially in 2019. On one hand, it’s great to see people of many different backgrounds coming together to do a job that in certain respects is the lifeblood of America, and has been for 14
Sikhs are joining the trucking industry in droves and they’re helping to close the trucking gap, turning perceived negatives to positives.
““You used to see a guy with a turban and you would get excited,” says Pal, a Sikh trucker, who has been trucking for 15 years.” NATIONAL MAGAZINE
MICHELIN MovinOn Towards their Vision with General Motors By: Jag Dhatt
Montreal, QC: Two years ago at the 2017 MovinOn Summit, Michelin announced a vision. For those unfamiliar with MovinOn, it is Michelin’s annual global summit that focuses on sustainable mobility. In 2017, Michelin made headlines when they announced their Vision Concept tire; this new innovation will be 3D printable, airless, connected, rechargeable, customizable, and organic. A truth is that the Vision Concept will not become a reality in the near future; however, according to Michelin, it is possible and there is a need. In order to move towards the Vision Concept tire, Michelin announced a concept that should be available within just five years – the new Michelin Uptis (Unique Punctureproof Tire System) Prototype. The Uptis is a puncture proof tire with a unique structure, achieved by utilizing high-tech materials such as specialized rubber, aluminum and fiberglass-infused reinforcement. This all-in-one tire and wheel combo, “is a perfect example of our ambition for tomorrow,” said Eric Vinesse, Executive Vice-President, Research & Development with Michelin. The company’s 4R 16
strategy – namely Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Renew – is applied to all of their products with the focus in having a future that is sustainable, practical and conscious of global needs.
“The Uptis proves that the Vision tire is possible and not just a dream,” continued Vinesse. In order to ensure that Uptis becomes a reality within the expected timeframe, Michelin and General Motors (GM) announced a joint research agreement under which the companies intend to validate the Uptis Prototype with the goal of introducing Uptis on passenger vehicles as early as 2024. Michelin and GM are testing the Uptis Prototype on vehicles like the Chevy Bolt EV and later this year, the two companies will begin real-world testing of Uptis on a fleet of Bolt electric vehicles in Michigan. “Uptis demonstrates that Michelin’s vision for a future of sustainable mobility is clearly an achievable dream,” said Florent Menegaux, chief executive officer for Michelin Group. “Through
work with strategic partners like GM, who share our ambitions for transforming mobility, we can seize the future today.” “General Motors is excited about the possibilities that Uptis presents, and we are thrilled to collaborate with Michelin on this breakthrough technology,” said Steve Kiefer, senior vice president, global purchasing and supply chain, General Motors. “Uptis is an ideal fit for propelling the automotive industry into the future and a great example of how our customers benefit when we collaborate and innovate with our supplier partners.” Uptis will also have a positive impact on the environment. With over 20 million tires scrapped each year due to various conditions. Uptis, being airless, will have extraordinary environmental savings. The MovinOn Summit is an event that showcases various companies’ initiatives, visions and commitments to delivering safer, more sustainable mobility solutions. And the Michelin Uptis, being tested on GM vehicles, is a clear example of such commitments that are not only needed, but needed sooner than later.
mMdhwlI dw smW
Pash Brar
BwvyN koeI kùJ vI khI jwvy pr mYN ieh d`sxw cwhuMdI hW ik tr`ikMg ‘c hux mMdvwVy dw smW c`l irhw hY[ fRweIvr kMm l`Bx leI t`krW mwr rhy hn Aqyy AmrIkw Aqy knyfw dIAW bhuq swrIAW v`fIAW tr`ikMg kMpnIAW bMd ho geIAW hn[ mYnUM bhuq swry ies qrHW dw fRweIvrW dw pqw hY jo Awpxy ib`lW dI AdwiegI vI bVI muSikl nwL kr rhy hn Aqy nwL hI ies qrHW dIAW keI tr`ikMg kMpnIAW vI hn jo KricAW dw Bugqwn krn leI pYsy auDwry lY rhIAW hn[ tr`ikMg ‘c ies qrHW dy aqrwA cVHwA AwauNdy rhy hn[ pr ies sbMDI kùJ nhIN AwiKAw jw skdw ik Biv`K ‘c kI hox jw irhw hY, Kws krky ies qrHW dy smyN jdoN ie`k bMny tYks lwgU krn dy XùD c`l rhy hn Aqy dUjy pwsy nvIN qoN nvIN qknIk Aw rhI hY[ pr jdoN ies qrHW dw muSikl dw smW hovy aus vyly PlIt ‘c vwDw krn Aqy nvW smwn KRIdx dI slwh nhIN id`qI jw skdI[ mh`qvpUrn g`l ieh hY ik qusIN mMdw SurU hox qoN pihlW ikhVy kdm cùky[ jdoN smW pYsy dI Gwt dw c`l irhw hovy audoN b`cq Aqy Awmdn vDwaux dy Xqn AqI zrUrI hn[ ikauN ik ieh smW pYsy dI Gwt dw huMdw hYy ies leI gYrzrUrI vsqW ‘qy pYsw Krcxw AklmMdI nhIN[ ikauN ik ies smyN jy quhwfy kol kùJ Dn hY qW aus nUM muSikl vyly leI sWB ky r`K lE[
myry koL ie`k kYlgrI dI Prm hY jo nvyN 10 PlYt fỲk kuAwf AYksl trylr KRIdxw cwhuMdy hn[ pr jdoN mwrikt ‘c ies qrHW dy hwlwq hox aus smyN nvIN vsq bhuq soc smJ ky hI KRIdI jWdI hY[ ies Prm v`loN Ajy ipCly swl hI ie`k cldw trylr ilAw sI ijs dI auh 700 fwlr hr mhIny ikSq idMdy hn[ ieh hI nhIN ipCly ie`k swl ‘c hI aunHW v`loN keI vwr ieh ikSqW vI smyN isr nhIN dy hoeIAW[ aunHW dw ieh kihxw hY ik aunHW koL koeI vsq KRIdx leI fwaUn pymYNt dyx leI vI pYsy nhIN hn[ ies leI jy auh ieh CotI ikSq hI nhIN dy skdy qW auh 10 trylrW dI pRqI trylr mhIny dI 1500 fwlr dI ikSq Aqy bxdy tYks iks qrHW dy skxgy? mYN ies Prm dw kMm krn qoN nWh kr id`qI[ ie`k g`l ieh vI sI ik ies Prm v`loN PlYt fỲk dw kMm pihlW nhIN kIqw sI[ ies smyN auh kMpnIAW ijhVIAW ies qrHW dw kMm ipCly 20 swl qoN kr rhIAW hn auh vI muSikl nwL hI kMm clw rhIAW hn[ mYN ies qrHW dy sOdy ‘c kMm nhIN krnw cwhuMdI ij`Qy sMBwvI ds qoN v`D tRylr ikSq nw dy skx krky zbq krny pYx, nwL hI sbMDq kMpnI trylr vI GtIAw ijhy KRIdxw cwhuMdI sI ijnHW nUM ik hor kMpnIAW h`Q pwaux leI vI rwzI nhIN hoxgIAW[mwrikt dI ies qrHW dI hwlq hox smyN ibnW pUrI jwxkwrI dy smwn KRIdxw isAwxp vwlI g`l nhIN[
jdoN mMdw c`l irhw hovy Prm nUM c`ldw r`Kx leI aus smyN quhwfy koL jo nkdI hY, aus ‘qy hI inrBr krnw cwhIdw hY[ jdoN Awmdn G`t hovy aus smyN kMm nUM cldw r`Kx leI Awmdn vDwaux leI hor vsIilAW dw pqw lwaux dI loV huMdI hY[ ie`k h`l qW ieh hY ik mMdw SurU hox qoN pihlW hI b`cq v`l vDyry iDAwn dyxw[ mYN fRweIvrW nUM sdw hI slwh idMdI hW ik auh sMkt dy smyN leI G`to G`t 6 mhIinAW dI Awmdn nUM pihlW hI sMBwl ky r`Kx[ iehI g`l lwgU huMdI hY kMpnIAW ‘qy[ kMpnIAW nUM vI 6 mhIny q`k kMm cwlU r`Kx leI aus ‘qy AwauNdw Krc bcwA ky Awpxy ^wiqAW ‘c pihlW hI jmW r`Kxw cwhIdw hY[ jy qusIN cyqn nhIN Aqy qusIN koeI pYsw bcwieAw vI nhIN hoieAw ies leI smW hY ik hux hI ies qrHw krnw SurU kr idE[ jy qusIN ieh hI aufIkI jwxw hY ik jdoN bYNk ‘c jmHW bkwieAw hY aùnw icr koeI nhIN jdoN mùk jwvygw audoN socWgy, qW ieho ijhI hwlq Awaux ‘qy koeI bYNk vI auDwr nhIN idMdw[ ijMnw CyqI ho sky, jdoN quhwfy koL pYsw huMdw vI hY, audoN hI ies qrHW dy smyN bwry socxw SurU kr idE qW ik quhwnUM loV smyN bYNk vwLy vI krzw dyx qoN kMnI nw kqrwaux[ koeI hor pYsw pRwpq krn leI ie`k bhuq hI vDIAw FMg hY, ik qusIN Awpxy mOjUdw smwn nUM rIPweInYNs krvw lE[ quhwfw swzo smwn bYNk leI zwmnI hY, quhwfy leI pYsw Awaux dw swDn hY Aqy quhwfy tYksW ‘c Cot duAwaux vwLw hY[ ies rwhIN quhwnUM AOKy simAW ‘c kMm clwaux dy Krcy leI Dn iml skdw hY[ ies g`l dw iDAwn r`Ko ik jdoN vI qusIN iksy pRkwr dy lon Bwv krzy dI mMg krdy ho qW aus smyN quhwfy swry ihswb ikqwb shI hoxy cwhIdy hn[ ieh vI iKAwl r`Ko ik mOjUdw smyN q`k ieh swry shI hn Aqy koeI vI dyx vwLI bkwieAw rkm nhIN[ ies smyN swrIAW ivqI stytmYNtW vI aus smyN q`k TIk hoxIAW cwhIdIAW hn[ pr jy AYnH mOky ‘qy hI swry iKlwry Aqy ihswb ikqwb nUM TIk krn leI n`s B`j krogy qW ieh kMm isry nhIN cVHdw Aqy bYNk vwLy ies qrHW dw kMm krn leI smW nhIN idMdy[ jdoN q`k tr`ikMg dw kMm DMdw cwlU rhygw qW bhuqI vwr AwriQkqw vI hyT aùpr huMdI rhygI Aqy ies dy nwL hI tr`ikMg ieMfstrI vI[ AsIN ieh Biv`KbwxI nhIN kr skdy ik kdoN kI auqrwA cVHwA Awaux vwLw hY[ jo AsIN kr skdy hW auh ieh hY ik swnUM ies leI iqAwr rihxw cwhIdw hY Aqy Awpxy Awp nUM smyN Anuswr Fwlxw cwhIdw hY[ jdoN ieMfstrI fwvWfol hovy qW bhuqw byloVw smwn KRIdxw glqI hY[ Aqy ijMnw smW hwlwq TIk nhIN huMdy, quhwfy koL ipAw nkd pYsw hI quhwfI mdd kr skdw hY[ jy hwlwq TIk ho jWdy hn qW ieh XkInI bxwE ik ijMnw pYsw bcwA skdy ho aùnw bcwE ikauN ik ieh nhIN pqw ik iPr kdoN mMdw Aw jwvy[ hux tr`k ijnHW nUM fRweIvr clw rhy hn Aqy smwn Fo rhy hn, aunW dI A`j loV hY, pr auh smW vI Awx vwlw hI hY jdoN ik tr`k ibnw fRweIvrW qoN hI c`lxgy[ ies qrHW bhuq swry fRweIvrW dI nOkrI jWdI l`gygI[ ies nvIN qknIk nUM iDAwn ‘c r`Kdy hoey jo v`D qoN v`D bcwA skdy ho auh bcwE[mYN isPwrS krWgI ik kyvl auh v`fIAW KRIdW hI kro ijnW dI kImq ‘c Biv`K ‘c vwDw hox dI Aws hY, imswl vjoN rIAl AYstyt[ mYN vyiKAw hY ik bhuq swry fRweIvr tr`kW ‘coN ieikautI k`F ky Gr KRId rhy hn[ myry iKAwl ‘c ieh vDIAw soc hY, ijs dI mYN hwmI BrdI hW[
Times are slow N
o matter what anyone tells you, trucking is very slow right now. Drivers are struggling for work and many large firms have shut down in the USA and Canada. I have driver’s who are barely able to pay their bills and trucking firms who are trying to borrow money for operating costs. Trucking has always been cyclical and experiences highs and lows, but who knows what the future will hold as tariff wars are emerging and technology advances. During times of hardship, it is not recommended to expand your fleet or purchase new equipment. What’s important is what you did in advance of the slowdown. Saving and accumulating
assets is crucial in times of abundance. Don’t blow your stack of cash on unnecessary things, because in times of hardship, they will be needed. I have one firm in Calgary who is trying to purchase over 10 brand new flat deck quad axle trailers. It’s unheard to purchase new equipment with the market struggling. The same firm financed a used trailer last year and the payment is about $700 a month. They have bounced those payments a few times in less than a year. 20
They have indicated they have no down payment, so how do they expect to make payments for over $1500 + tax a month times ten trailers, when they cannot make one smaller payment. I fired the firm and told them to take their business elsewhere because this firm has never done flat deck work before, yet firms that have done the work for over 20 years are barely surviving. I don’t want to deal with over ten repossessions, especially since they are buying inferior trailers with features other firms will not be able to utilize. Buying that much in a poor market in an area they have not done work for in the past, is unwise. During slow downs, it’s important
to rely on built up cash to keep your firm running. When income is low, it’s important to find sources of cash to keep things going. One source is savings from before the slowdown. I always tell the drivers to have at least six months income in savings for emergencies. The same applies to a company. The company also needs at least six months of operating expenses saved in their account. If you were not proactive and have no savings, the time to do something is
by: Pash Brar
before it’s too late. If you wait until your bank account is empty and your debt is racked up, no bank is going to lend you money. You must act as early as possible while you still have cash flow and try to get a loan. A great way to get some money, is to refinance existing equipment. Equipment offers collateral to the bank, cash flow to yourself and tax writes offs to yourself. It may get you the necessary operating expenses you need to get you through these tough times. Make sure when applying for a loan of any kind, that you have all of your finances in order. Make sure your taxes are up to date and nothing is owing. Make sure all financial statements including interim statements are up to date and in order. Scrambling around last minute makes yourself look disorganized and no bank will be interested in waiting for you to get your act in gear. As long as trucking is in existence, the economy will keep revolving and trucking will revolve with it. We can’t predict when there will be highs or lows. We can only be prepared and adjust with the times. Making large equipment purchases is a mistake when the industry is crumbling. Having cash flow is of the essence to continue operations until trucking picks up again. If it does pick up, then make sure you save as much as you can because you can expect it to slow down again in the future. For now trucking is needed to move our goods, but in the future with driverless trucks, that may leave a lot of drivers with out jobs, so please do save as much as you can and keep an open mind to technology and changes. The only large purchases I would recommend would be those that may possibly grow in value, such as real estate. I have a few driver’s taking equity out of their trucks to purchase a home, and I think that’s a wise decision and one which I encourage. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
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srd rùq dw smW Aw irhw hY 22
Ajy b`cy CùtIAW Kqm krky skUlW nMU vwps jwx l`gy hI hn Aqy mOsm Ajy vI in`Gw Aqy Dùp vwLw hY[ pr sUby dy keI ih`isAW ‘c srd rùq dsqk dyx hI vwLI hY, ies leI hux smW hY ik AsIN srdIAW dI rùq leI iqAwr ho jweIey!
vhIkl syPtI Aqy ienPorsmYNt (CVSE) stwP nMU aus fRweIvr nMU $109 dI itkt dy skdy hn[ pr jo izAwdw jurmwnw ho skdw hY auh ieh hY ik ienHW inXmW dw pwlx nw krn vwLy vhIklW nMU aus hweIvyA ‘qy A`gy jwx qoN vI roikAw jwxw[
bhuq swry fRweIvrW leI, smyq tr`k fRweIvrW dy, nvMbr, dsMbr Aqy jnvrI, fRweIivMg krn leI swl dy sB qoN v`D ^qrnwk mhIny mMny jWdy hn[ kMm nwL sbMiDq hox hox vwLy kùl hwdisAW ‘coN 28% hwdsy jo s`tW l`gx krky kMm dy smyN dw nukswn krn dw kwrn bxdy hn, auh hwdsy ienHW iqMn mhIinAW dOrwn hI huMdy hn[ ienHW hwdisAW dy 1/3 ih`sy dw kwrn tr`k fRweIvr bxdy hn[ srdIAW dy hwlwq – ijvyN ik ijAwdw TMF hoxI, mINh, snoA, DuMd, blYk AweIs, sVk ‘qy cMgI qrHW ivKweI nw dyxw Aqy idn dI rOSnI dy GMitAW ‘c kmI ho jwxI, jW idn Coty ho jwxy – ienHW hwdisAW dw kwPI v`fw kwrn bxdy hn[
cynW pwauxIAW twier cynW nMu tr`k ‘qy r`Kx dy nwL nwL ieh vI zrUrI hY ik tr`k fRweIvr nMU ieh jwxkwrI vI hovy ik; • iks vyLy sur`iKAq qrIky nwL cynW jW twierW dI pkV sVk ‘qy mzbUq krn vwLy hor XMqr twierW ‘qy cVHwey jwxy cwhIdy hn[ • ieh swrw swjo smwn shI qrIky nwL vrqx dI jwxkwrI hoxI cwhIdI hY • hweIvyA ‘qy auh sQwn ik`Qy mOjUd hn ij`Qy qusIN tr`k hweIvyA qoN bwhr k`F ky sur`iKAq rih ky cynW cVHw skdy ho Aqy hweIvyA ‘qy pYtrol pMp ik`Qy ik`Qy hn?
ies leI hux qoN hI srdIAW dy mOsm dw, sVk ‘qy, swhmxw krn leI iqAwr ho jwE[ iSPt ien tU ivMtr vỲbsweIt qoN kmRSIAl kYrIArz leI jwxkwrI vwLI gweIf, srdIAW dI sur`iKAq plYn, fwaUnlof krky vrqo[ (www. shiftintowinter.ca - ‘qy jwE Aqy vyKo “syPtI plYn”) ieh srdIAW qoN pihlW Aqy srdIAW dOrwn vhIklW, lokW Aqy hor gqIivDIAW dy keI qrHW dy v`K v`K pihlUAW ‘qy gOr krdI hY – ijvyN ik ifspYicMg Aqy rUitMg bwry[ Awpxy twierW dy fIlr nwL srdIAW leI auplbD twierW dy AwpSnW bwry g`lbwq kro[
nvyN inXm 2018 ‘c tRWsportySn Aqy buinAwdI FWcy bwry mMqrwly v`loN kùJ ie`k coxvyN hweIvyAW ‘qy srdIAW vwLy twierW Aqy cynW dy inXmW nMU, pihlI AkqUbr qoN lY ky 30 ApRYl q`k lyt snoA pYx dI sUrq ‘c, vDw id`qw igAw hY[ ies leI 1 AkqUbr qoN lY ky 30 ApRYl q`k, 11,794 iklo gRwm Bwr vwLy (GVW) Aqy ies qoN izAwdw Bwr vwLy vhIklW leI ienHW kùJ ivSyS hweIvyAW Aqy pyNfU rsiqAW Aqy izAwdw aùcy ielwky ij`Qy vDyry snoA pYNdI hY aùQy, cynW dw hoxw lwzmI hY[ ienHW sQwnW nMU drswaux leI hweIvyA ‘qy inSwn lwey hoey hn jW ienHW bwry MoTI website ‘qy jw ky vI pqw kr skdy ho[
cynW pwaux leI hor is`Kx bwry www.shiftintowinter.ca ‘qy jwE Aqy vyKo “cyinMg A`p”
quhwnMU cynW pwaux dI zrUrq kdoN huMdI hY ijhVy Kws hweIvyAW ‘qy cynW pwauxIAW lwzmI hn aunHW ‘qy l`gIAW hoeIAW lweItW jdoN jg – buJ rhIAW hox, jW hweIvyA ‘qy jwxkwrI dyx vwLy l`gy borfW ‘qy ilK ky Aw irhw hovy qW, kmRSIAl vhIklW dy fRweIvrW nMU cynW pwaux dI zrUrq huMdI hY[ cynW pwauxIAW kdoN zrUrI huMdIAW hn ies bwry jwxkwrI lYx leI qusIN bI sI srkwr dIAW ienHW vỲbsweItW ‘qy jw skdy ho Aqy jW ienHW Pon nMbrW ‘qy Pon kr skdy ho: • DriveBC.ca ‘qy jw skdy ho jW • sVkW dI hwlq dI irpRot dyx vwLy tol PRI nMbr 1-800-550-4997 ‘qy Pon kr
skdy ho BwvyN ik tr`k ieMfstrI ‘c ‘pYsy kmwaux dw mqlb tr`k dw cldy rihxw huMdw hY, pr iPr vI jykr hweIvyA dI hwlq bhuq izAwdw Krwb hovy qW quhwnMU ruk ky hwlwq dy ibhqr hox dI aufIk kr lYxI cwhIdI hY[ sVk ‘qy Psy rihx nwloN, jW r`b nw kry hwdsy ‘c zKmI ho jwx nwloN, jW kdy vI nw phuMcx nwloN, ibhqr hY mMizl ‘qy lyt phuMcxw[
iks QW ‘qy sur`iKAq cynW pweIAW jw skdIAW hn sVk dy iknwry ruk ky cynW pwaux qoN sMkoc kro[ jykr qusI sur`iKAq cynW pwaux leI hweIvyA ‘qy bxIAW hoeIAW QwvW ‘qy phuMc skdy ho qW aùQy ruk ky hI cynW pwE[ jykr quhwnMU koeI rYst stwp jW cynW pwaux leI bxy hoey sQwn nhIN l`Bdy qW, qusIN ieh vI kr skdy ho: • Awpxy Aqy tr`k dy ivckwr sur`iKAq dUrI bxw ky r`Ko – qW ik qusIN AswnI nwL AwLy duAwLy GuMm sko[ • Awpxy tr`k nMU sur`iKAq r`Ko, pwrikMg bRyk lw ky tr`k KVHw kro Aqy ieMjx vI bMd kr idE[ • Kqry vwLIAW lweItW, (hYzrf lweItW) nMU jgw idE Aqy ieh vI cỲk kro ik ieh kMm kr rhIAW hn Aqy ieh im`tI Aqy snoA Awid nwL DuMdlIAW nhIN hoeIAW hn[ • tr`k Aqy tRylr nMU ruVHn qoN rokx leI jo gùly vrq rhy ho auh sil`p krn vwLy nw hox[ ienHW srdIAW ‘c fRweIivMg krdy hoey sur`iKAq rihx leI qusIN hor kI kùJ kr skdy ho, ieh jwnx leI qusIN www.shiftintowinter.ca and search for “trucking”. ‘qy jwE[
jykr ienHW QwvW ‘qy ij`Qy cynW r`KxIAW lwzmI hn, aùQy kmRSIAl vhIkl fRweIvr ny cynW nw r`KIAW hox qW RCMP Aqy kmRSIAl NATIONAL MAGAZINE
CTA Asks Provincial Transport Ministers to Apply ELD Mandate The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) is asking provincial transport ministers to apply the electronic logging device (ELD) mandate to provincially-regulated carriers. The Alliance wants the recently announced federal rule – requiring third-party certified devices to be used – to be adopted by each province. As it currently stands, the ELD mandate would only apply to federallyregulated carriers. (If a carrier never goes outside its Provincial boundaries it’s not federallyregulated.) “The non-compliant hours-of-service behaviour shown by the carrier and driver involved Humboldt tragedy (federally-regulated) is easily imitated by a minority of provincially-regulated carriers. Non-compliant behaviour that leads to road safety risks knows no boundaries and certainly does not distinguish between provincially and federally regulated carriers when it comes to hours of service regulations,” the CTA
wrote in a letter sent to each provincial transport minister. “In our view, the events and timeframes in the days prior to the Humboldt collision would have been much more transparent under an ELD regime. We must end the opportunities for this egregious and unsafe behaviour regardless of whether the trucking company crosses provincial/territorial boundaries or offers services within a jurisdiction.” “It was happenstance the carrier involved in the Humboldt collision was federally-regulated; the collision could have just as easily involved a non-compliant provincially-regulated carrier,” the letter continued. “As responsible industry representatives and governments, we are responsible for regulating the industry to the best of our ability by ensuring that gaps between federally- and provincially-regulated carriers with respect to hours of service compliance and monitoring are eliminated.” CTA president Stephen Laskowski called paper logbooks an “outdated, time-consuming, unsafe” system. “Now is the time to streamline the compliance verification methods required by industry and monitored by the professional enforcement teams across the county in the interest of elevating public safety and reducing red tape,” he added.
Did you know? Most serious injuries for professional truck drivers occur when they aren’t behind the wheel. Staying healthy and safe can keep you on the road.
Learn more about truck driver injuries and how you can prevent them with new videos and health and safety resources at worksafebc.com/transportation
hux tr`kr bI.sI. tr`k skylW nUM bweIpws kr skdy hn[ prI-pws (PrePass) pRogrwm, ijs nUM qkrIbn 620,000 tr`kr au~qrI AmrIkw iv`c tr`k skylW nUM bweIpws krn leI vrqdy hn, hux ibRitS kolMbIAw iv`c vI tr`k frwievr Weigh2GoBC pRogRwm duAwrw bI.sI. dIAW 11 skylW nUM bweIpws kr skdy hn[ pRI-pws sy&tI AlwieMs Aqy ibRitS kolMbIAw dI trWsport mMqrwly ivckwr hoey smJOqy kwrn ieh sMBv ho sikAw hY[ies pRogRwm dw &wiedw lYx leI A`j visit www.weigh2gobc.ca hI qy rijstr kro[
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UPS invests in TuSimple for self-driving trucks UPS recently announced its venture capital arm, UPS Ventures, has made a minority investment in autonomous driving company, TuSimple, to test self-driving tractor-trailers on a route in Arizona to determine whether the vehicles can improve efficiency in their network. The investment amount was not disclosed.
companies like TuSimple are mastering. All of these technologies offer significant safety and other benefits that will be realized long before the full vision of autonomous vehicles is brought to fruition—and UPS will be there as a leader implementing these new technologies in our fleet.”
UPS contracts with third-party trucking companies during its peak shipping season—TuSimple believes it could cut average purchased transportation costs by 30%.
TuSimple was founded in 2015 and intends to bring the first Class 8 self-driving truck to market, to increase safety, decrease transportation costs, and reduce carbon emissions.
“UPS is committed to developing and deploying technologies that enable us to operate our global logistics network more efficiently,” Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer, Scott Price said in a company release. “While fully autonomous, driverless vehicles still have development and regulatory work ahead, we are excited by the advances in braking and other technologies that
“We are honoured by UPS’ strategic investment and their vote of confidence in TuSimple. This proves their commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation,” TuSimple Founder and President, Xiaodi Hou said. “TuSimple is confident that it can accelerate bringing the first self-driving truck to market to increase road safety.”
One of the reasons we’ve gone with Castrol is the ability to do oil samples every oil change. LabCheck is one of the primary reasons we’ve been able to extend the operational life of our vehicle.
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Fort Garry Industries (FGI) acquires Pinwood Truck Parts.
Eaton Extends Warranty Eaton, a power management company said Monday it is extending the manufacturer warranty periods for its aftermarket clutches. The Advantage Self-Adjust and Easy Pedal Advantage clutch standard warranties are increased to three years/ unlimited miles from two years/unlimited miles.
Winnipeg based Fort Garry Industries (FGI) acquired Pinwood Truck Parts. Fort Garry purchased all the outstanding shares of Pinwood, making the company a wholly-owned subsidiary.
The standard warranty periods for EverTough SelfAdjust and EverTough Manual-Adjust clutches are increased to two years/unlimited miles from one year/ unlimited miles.
“The addition of the Pinwood stores under the FGI banner will strengthen our footprint in the Ontario market and help provide seamless product offerings and services to customers in Southwestern Ontario,” said Robyn Spitzke, president of Fort Garry Industries.
The new warranty goes into effect in the U.S. and Canada for the designated clutches purchased on or after July 1, 2019. The warranty for clutches sold in Mexico remains unchanged. Eaton had sales of $21.6 billion in 2018. It employs about 100,000 people and sells products in more than 175 countries.
Pinwood has three locations in Ontario, including Chatham, Sarnia, and Comber. Each will continue to operate under the Pinwood name until Dec. 1 and will then amalgamate under the FGI brand.
AIR HEATERS: 2.0kw, 2.2 kw, 4kw & 5kw
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It’s time to Shift into Winter! T
he kids have just gone back to school and it is still warm and sunny. But in some parts of the province winter is just around the corner, so now is the time to Shift into Winter!
For most drivers -- including truck drivers -- November, December, and January are the most dangerous driving months. Nearly 28 per cent of all work-related crashes resulting in injury and time loss occur during these three months. Truck drivers account for almost 1/3 of these crashes. Winter conditions – such as colder temperatures, rain, snow, fog, black ice, reduced visibility and fewer daylight hours – play a part. So, prepare now to stay safe on the roads this winter. Download and use the Winterizing Your Safety Plan: Information for Commercial Carriers guide from the Shift into Winter website (www.shiftintowinter.ca – and search for “safety plan”). It describes various steps to take before and during winter and covers vehicles, people and activities – like routing and dispatching. Consider your winter tire options with your tire provider.
New regulations In 2018, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure extended winter tire and chain regulations on select highways from October 1 to April 30 to account for late-season snowfall. So, between October 1 and April 30, commercial vehicles with 11,794 kg licensed gross vehicle weight (GVW) and greater must carry tire chains on designated highways including mountain passes and rural routes in high snowfall areas. These locations are marked with highway signs or can be found on the MoTI website. The RCMP and Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement staff are authorized to fine commercial vehicle operators $109 if they are not carrying chains when required. But the greater penalty is that they can stop trucks from travelling if they are not properly equipped.
Chaining up In addition to carrying tire chains, commercial vehicle drivers must also know: • when to safely install tire chains or other approved traction
devices • how to properly install these devices, and • where the chain-up/pull-out locations and fuel stops are on your routes. Learn more about chaining up at www.shiftintowinter.ca and search for “chaining up”.
When you need to chain up Commercial vehicle operators need to chain up when lights are flashing on designated chain-up routes and/or when overhead message signs specify chain up is in effect. You can also find out when chaining up is required on the Government of BC websites and phone lines: • DriveBC.ca • toll-free telephone access for road reports: 1-800-550-4997 Even though time is money for the trucking industry, if conditions are treacherous, you may be better off stopping and waiting for conditions to improve. It’s better to arrive late than to be stuck at the side of the highway or – even worse – be injured in a crash or never arrive.
Where to chain up safely Avoid chaining up at the side of the road. Stop in a designated chain up area if you can get there safely. If you can’t, find an accessible rest stop or pull-out. Also: • Leave space between yourself and the truck in front — allow for movement. •Secure your truck — apply the parking brake and turn off the engine. • Activate hazard lights — make sure they’re working and clear of mud and snow. • Use suitable non-slip wheel chocks to help secure the truck and trailer. For more information about what you can do to stay safe while driving this winter, visit www.shiftintowinter.ca and search for “trucking”.
CONDITIONS CHANGE. BE PREPARED AND PLAN AHEAD. The safety of your employees is your responsibility, including when they’re behind the wheel. Take steps to reduce the increased risks they face during winter conditions. Download our free winter driving safety toolkit at ShiftIntoWinter.ca.
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USDOT APPOINTS MALA PARKER ACTING DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR OF FHWA On August 15, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced that Mala Parker was appointed the Acting Deputy Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration. She succeeds Brandye Hendrickson, who left the agency for a leadership post with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials in Washington. Parker had also worked at American Trucking Associations, the U.S. Department of Labor, and various member offices on Capitol Hill. “I am honoured Secretary [Elaine] Chao has entrusted me with the additional responsibilities of acting deputy administrator of FHWA,” Parker said in a statement that accompanied the department’s announcement. “I look forward to working even more closely with the department’s leadership, my FHWA colleagues and our stakeholders to build on our efforts to enhance safety and modernize our nation’s roads and bridges.” FHWA, which oversees the country’s surface transportation network, is led by Nicole Nason. She was confirmed by the Senate earlier this year.
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Eaton Extends Warranty Eaton, a power management company said Monday it is extending the manufacturer warranty periods for its aftermarket clutches. The Advantage Self-Adjust and Easy Pedal Advantage clutch standard warranties are increased to three years/unlimited miles from two years/unlimited miles. The standard warranty periods for EverTough Self-Adjust and EverTough Manual-Adjust clutches are increased to two years/unlimited miles from one year/unlimited miles.
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People say... (Google review) John Zavislak I have not found another company that works as hard as this team does, and I would not hesitate to recommend Transam to any professional driver looking to excel in his or her career goals. I am very much looking forward to the future with Transam.
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The new warranty goes into effect in the U.S. and Canada for the designated clutches purchased on or after July 1, 2019. The warranty for clutches sold in Mexico remains unchanged. Eaton had sales of $21.6 billion in 2018. It employs about 100,000 people and sells products in more than 175 countries. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
Peterbilt Opens Fifth Technician Institute Peterbilt recently opened the fifth Peterbilt Technician Institute campus in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
graduated more than 600 factory-certified technicians and has a 95% placement rate at a Peterbilt service location.
“The PTI program helps meet the Peterbilt dealer network’s growing demand for entrylevel qualified diesel technicians,” said Brian Brooks, program manager for the Peterbilt Technician Institute. “The unique value proposition for graduates of PTI is finding its graduates jobs that often turn into long-term careers.”
“The 50% growth of the Peterbilt dealer network this decade ensures that there are plenty of long-term career opportunities with our dealers, many of which begin as a diesel technician,” said Curtis Crisp, “Peterbilt’s technician program manager. “Through the Peterbilt Technician Institute, Peterbilt is educating the next generation of diesel technicians to deliver exceptional service and drive uptime for our customers.”
Since launching in 2013, the program has
Truckers! Make Sure The Emissions Systems Are As OEM in Ontario Truckers who have tampered with their emissions system could have their plates seized in Ontario, no matter where their truck is domiciled.
Since 1958 we have prided ourselves on being a family orientated company. Relationships with our drivers are built firmly on trust and honesty. Being understanding and respectful of their needs is one of the core foundations behind our success.
That’s due to changes made by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), which is ramping up its enforcement powers through updated legislation. The changes are aimed at cracking down on trucks that have had their emissions system disabled or tampered. Previously, officers could only seize plates and permits from Ontario-plated trucks. Other amendments allow for heavier fines, and a move is underway to increase enforcement abilities against providers and installers of delete kits in Ontario. “These changes signal a true commitment from the provincial government to clean up our air and create a level playing field for all trucking businesses that are operating in Ontario,” said Stephen Laskowski, president, Ontario Trucking Association. “These amendments are a great first step and will help ensure that all carriers that tamper with their emissions systems and pollute in our province will be held accountable for their actions.” NATIONAL MAGAZINE
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2019 TOYOTA 4RUNNER TRD PRO by: : Jag Dhatt
The Toyota 4Runner has carried the status of a legendary SUV that has proven to be bullet-proof for over thirty years. Being a Toyota, you know it is reliable and capable. At the same time, it has all of the amenities that you’re looking for in a family SUV. In 2016, Toyota pulled the tarp on their new TRD Pro packages, which were initially offered on just the Tacoma and Tundra. The TRD Pro was Toyota’s effort to keep up with the competition, like the Ford Raptor, to conquer rough terrain that the regular versions couldn’t handle, unless modified. Now, the Tacoma and Tundra TRD Pro packages are great, but what if you wanted that package in an SUV? Well, that’s where the 4Runner comes in, and I spent a week in the 2019 4Runner TRD Pro, painted in the new Voodoo Blue colour option, and boy, does it pop. If you’re looking for an SUV that carries some serious off-road capability, then this one should definitely be on your radar.
Why Buy the 4Runner TRD Pro:
1. Off-Road Ability: The 4Runner is an SUV that is already capable. But the TRD Pro adds TRD FOX shocks, TRD-tuned front coil and rear leaf springs, lever-type 4WD selector, and a locking rear differential. In addition, with multi-terrain select, the SUV can automatically handle a variety of terrains with pre-programmed selections. These allow the 4Runner to go more places with confidence and ease. And since it’s a 4Runner, the whole family can go. 2. Shape: Yes, the 4Runner still retains the boxy shape that we’ve seen for many years. If the styling is outdated, the shape works for providing optimal interior space for passengers and cargo. 3. Comfortable Drive: You may not think that with the upgraded suspension, shocks, and tires, the ride would be comfortable, but surprisingly it is. On the highway, the 4Runner TRD Pro is comfortable and handles better than expected. In the city, it takes a little bit of time to learn how to drive it smooth, but once you have, it’s nice. In addition, if you’ve driven a 4Runner
Why Pass on the 4Runner TRD Pro:
1. Outdated Styling, In and Out: The 4Runner was last updated in 2010, which is almost a decade ago, so yes, it’s outdated. Yes, it still retains the legendary 4Runner look, but it is time for an update. The same can be said for the interior – I’ve mentioned it’s functional, but it still lags far behind the competition. For example, the dash and panels are hard plastic, and not fitting for this Toyota product. Finally, even the headlights are outdated, being halogen projector vs LED or Xenon. 2. Lack of Technology: To say there’s a lack of it is an understatement. There’s none of the following: intelligent key or push start, power rear liftgate, lane-keeping assist, or active cruise control, just to name a few. In today’s world, these are considered the norm. If you want some of these features, then you have to look towards the Limited trim. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
before, you know what to expect. 4. Roll-down Rear Window: A classic Toyota piece. The trend for trucks is a small sliding rear window. For SUV’s, nada. However, the 4Runner keeps the roll-down rear window, which is great for either carrying long items or for allowing great airflow, with all windows open. Way to go Toyota!!! 5. Functional Interior: Once again, this SUV has an interior that is functional. There are large knobs for most controls and yes, you can even be wearing gloves when operating them. The seats are not leather but leatherette – this is a plus because if you’re going off -roading, chances are you’re going to get the interior dirty. With the leatherette, just wipe it down and you’re good to go. 6. Off-Road Performance Tires: If you’re using this SUV for off-road, then the 17” Nitto Terra Grappler tires are fantastic. And they are matched to 17” matte black TRD alloy wheels, which look spectacular if I may say.
3. The Transmission: The 2019 4Runner TRD Pro still has the same engine, which we don’t mind. But a 5-speed transmission is ridiculous. Even the Tacoma has a 6-speed, which would have been okay. But if you’re comparing this with, let’s say a Ford that has a 10-speed, then this TRD Pro is far behind. Toyota has a philosophy that has worked – if it isn’t broken, don’t tinker with it. That’s why their products last a lifetime and Toyota has one of the highest satisfaction ratings in the automotive sector. The 2019 4Runner TRD Pro is a great product that suites a specific purpose for buyers who need a super capable off-road SUV. You honestly can’t go wrong with it.
aahh…three-row SUV’s, probably one of the most important segments in the auto industry with respect to families. Being a family hauler yet still being nimble for city driving isn’t an easy combination for any SUV, let alone one that can carry seven passengers. However, the Mazda CX-9 may have just found that perfect combination because it delivers on every aspect with only one or two misgivings. And if talking about the Signature trim, you’ll be hard-pressed to find something better. Mazda doesn’t have a plethora of vehicles – in fact, they only have six models in total. But what they build, they build well. In fact, I admire the brand for putting in their efforts in vehicles that last a long time, sell well, and deliver exceptional value. And in the last few years, Mazda’s styling cues have resonated well with the buyers, as shown by the number of their vehicles on the road. So, is this the three-row SUV to buy? It just might be and here’s why.
by: : Jag Dhatt
Fantastic Styling: When Mazda had the CX-7, I wasn’t a huge fan. And even when the first iteration of the CX-9 came out, the styling was too rounded for my taste. However, the current generation CX-9 (and in fact, even the CX-5 and CX-3) are examples of great styling. The long hood, aggressive front end, LED lighting, raked windshield, and perfect body proportions make this SUV look the part. The Signature trim adds large 20” wheels that nicely fill out the wheel well. The best part of the CX-9 is that it looks sleek and not overbearing. Luxury Interior: Remove all Mazda badging and place any person in the cockpit and I’d bet that every single one would think they were sitting inside a luxury (German) vehicle. Materials are top notch, fit and finish is exceptional and a clean layout really place the CX-9 above the competition. The Signature trim adds Nappa leather contrasted with metal trim, Santos Redwood-trimmed centre console panel and door panels, a premium cross-stitched leather steering wheel, heated and vented front seats (heated outer second row seats) and Signature
badging. Want even more? Keep reading because on the Signature trim, you also get a heated steering wheel, front heated and ventilated seats, heated outboard second row seats, and a pretty impressive Bose sound system.
Overall Room & Cargo Space: No, it’s a full-size Durango or Jeep Grand Cherokee, but the 2019 Mazda CX-9 boasts pretty good interior space. The front seats are comfortable and can accommodate tall adults; yes, I will admit that I wish the center console area were slightly narrower to give more knee room, but it’s a minor detail. The second-row seats are again comfortable and they move fore and aft; in addition, the second row seats recline slightly for those longer rides. Now, unless you’re in a Ford Expedition, the third row in most SUV’s in this class aren’t built for adults, unless there’s seven of you who are late to a gettogether that’s less than half hour away. The power tailgate opens up the cargo area and although it’s generous, it’s slightly less than the competition. I will add here that for most average family, the cargo area in most of these vehicles is more than enough for 90% of the time. One aspect in the cargo area that I really like was the hidden underfloor storage space. I wish more manufacturers did this. That SKYACTIV-G 2.5L 4-cylinder with Dynamic Pressure Turbo (DPT) Engine Yes, it’s a long name, but the technology is impressive. A couple of years ago, I was in Laguna Beach at Mazda headquarters to view and drive the new SKYACTIV-G engine while it was still being phased in. I thought it impressive then and now, testing it in the newer Mazda vehicles, it shines. While this class usually offers a six-cylinder under the hood, Mazda took a chance by offering ONLY a four-cylinder and I think the gamble paid off. The Mazda SKYACTIV-G is a new generation highly-efficient direct injection engine that achieves the world’s highest gasoline engine compression ratio of 14:1. What this means is better fuel economy and more torque, two concepts that most don’t believe can go together. And we’re more than excited to know that Mazda is now working on SKYACTIV-X, a revolutionary engine that offers the best of both diesel and gasoline engine technologies with none of the disadvantages. We can’t wait!
The Drive: Last year, we had the opportunity to test the Mazda CX-5 for over five months and it was impressive. Bigger brother CX-9 Signature is equally, if not more, impressive. It’s one of the few three-row SUVs that not only offers a great ride, but great driving dynamics. It feels like you’re driving a smaller SUV; it’s nimble, easy to maneuver around town, but at the same time, offers great stability and comfort on the highway. The retuned suspension is on the stiffer side, but because of engineering, ride quality is quite good. Steering for this size of vehicle is good; it’s not as precise as some of the other models in the Mazda line-up, but come on, it’s an SUV. I had no problem taking any corners with ease and confidence. Getting in and out of the CX-9 was also simple, for all three rows. My daughters were comfortable during short and long drives and had little to complain about. The one aspect that some may notice is the engine grunt. I’ve mentioned that I found the new four-cylinder to be a gem. For all intents and purposes, it does everything, but I did find that sometimes, throttle response was slightly on the soft side. Yes, using Sport mode will make things better, but it’s not a V6. What is a bonus here is the because of added sound-deadening materials, you don’t hear the engine much when you punch it. The 2.5L turbo puts out 227 HP and 310 lb-ft of torque, which as alluded to a few times, is more than enough for 95% of buyers. What’s New in Tech? One of the biggest gripes I had with Mazda vehicles was lack of Android Auto and Apple CarPlay integration into the multimedia interface. Well, it’s here now and works quite well. During a demonstration, I found it quite useful how Mazda separates the telephone interface with Mazda’s built-in system. In simple terms, you can switch between the two by a simple press of a button. Verdict: I’ve told many a people who asked which SUV in this category is the best buy, and I’ve maintained that the CX-9 is one of, if not the, top choice. The Signature edition offers a luxury interior that rivals the German brands. Combine that with great looks and a great four-cylinder engine, and you’ve got a winner with the CX-9.
he Pilot has been an important product in Honda’s lineup. The previous generation Pilot sold like hotcakes and for good reason. It looked good, had Honda’s legendary reliability, and offered a shape that maximized interior passenger and cargo room. In 2016, the Pilot had a drastic change – in a sense, everything was new. Initially, you either liked the new shape and interior or you didn’t. What was surprising is that most people who had the previous generation Pilot didn’t want to trade theirs in. A couple of weeks ago, we had the chance to test drive the new 2019 Honda Pilot Touring edition. Let’s see why you should buy or pass on the Pilot. 40
Why Buy? Legendary Honda Quality and Build Honda has to be doing something right for building vehicles that not only last, but last for a long time. They age well and owners have little to worry about. The 2019 Pilot continues with Honda’s heritage. It uses top notch materials in both its structure and interior, and fit and finish is excellent. Speaking of the interior, the seats are comfortable and there is ample leg, shoulder and head room in the front two rows. The third row is still surprisingly roomy, but is better suited for youngsters. Overall, the interior is roomy, yet all controls are easily within reach. Finally, the Pilot features two glass roofs; the usual small one at the front and now, a larger panel roof for rear passengers, complete with an electric sunshade. A Great Engine & Improved Transmission Regardless of trim, all Pilots are powered by the 3.5L V6 that has 280 horsepower and 262 lb-ft of torque. Honda has built engines that power Formula 1 cars, so we know that the engines in their passenger vehicles will be great, and this 3.5L is just that. The biggest improvement, thankfully, has to be with the transmission. If you opt for the Touring or Elite trims, there’s a new nine-speed transmission. For every trim below, you’ll still get the six-speed. I think that Honda should have put the nine-speed in all trims. I drove the Touring trim and found the new transmission to shift smoothly and at the right rpm range. Yes, if you’re not aggressive, the transmission will always search for a higher gear to optimize fuel economy. If you want to hold the shifts for a little longer, use Sport Mode, where the paddle shifters become useful. Finally, the Pilot features an auto start/stop technology. Once the NATIONAL MAGAZINE
MY RIDE engine warms up, it shuts off at stops when the brake pedal is pressed fully. Although this feature works well, it’s not as smooth as what you’d find in some GMC models.
A Great Drive I’ve owned three Honda vehicles and two Honda motorcycles and I can say that they’ve all driven like a dream. This Pilot is no different. Whether in town or on the highway, the Pilot drives smoothly and is predictable. There is enough power to handle most jobs, whether carrying 5 passengers or 7, with cargo. With the new nine-speed in the Touring edition and a slightly tweaked motor, stomping on the gas gets the Pilot going pretty quickly. Taking corners or going along windy roads builds good confidence in even a novice driver. Again, the Pilot is predictable and if you’ve had Honda vehicles before, you know what I mean. There is some body roll but remember that this is a big vehicle. Even while I took some aggressive corners, the occupants remained calm and firmly planted in their seats. Lots of Space Yes, even though the Honda Pilot is considered mid-size, it’s still a pretty large vehicle. There is a lot of room for occupants and cargo, or a combination of both. The second-row seats can be folded easily and the cargo area can be configured to suit personal needs. Speaking of the second-row seats, they are one of the easiest to fold, right next to what you’d find in the Infiniti QX60 or Nissan Pathfinder. And with both the second and third rows folded, there is a tonne of space to carry cargo. In fact, you can even sleep in the cargo area if needed. Loaded with Technology Honda has been testing new technology and setups in their vehicles, some that have been good while others, meh. For example, when Honda got rid of the volume knob in their infotainment system, most people complained, me included. You’ll be happy to know that the 2019 Pilot has a volume knob, although I’d also like a tuning knob because, call me old fashioned, but it’s much easier to tune to your radio station using a knob vs pushing a digital button.
Moving on, the Pilot has all the safety and driver assistance features that you’d expect. What is new is CabinTalk, in which the driver can speak to all occupants as the voice is delivered through the vehicle’s speaker system. There’s also Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, both of which work well. Our Touring edition also included a rear entertainment system, a must if you have kids or take long road trips.
Why Pass? Honestly speaking, there isn’t a lot to knock on the 2019 Honda Pilot. It’s practical and does everything you’d want it to, and you’re getting a great Honda product at a good price. If we had to be picky, here are a couple of things. Infotainment System I think that Honda could build a better infotainment system. I’m not saying it’s bad, but it’s still not intuitive to set presets or tune to a specific radio station. Also, a couple of times, smart phone pairing wasn’t seamless and there were some glitches. Styling I alluded to this at the beginning of the story – when the new body style was revealed a few years ago, it was a drastic change from the outgoing model. The 2019 model year features some nice changes to the front grille and headlamps. I wasn’t a fan of the new body style, but I have to admit that over time, it’s grown on me. Verdict When you build something well, it has a huge impact and the Pilot is another example of a great Honda product that you cannot go wrong with. The 2019 Honda Pilot is a solid, well-built and reliable SUV that delivers on all of Honda’s promises. In my week with the vehicle, I enjoyed driving the Pilot every single day. And how good did my kids think it was? Well, if it means anything, all of my kids now want me to trade in our vehicle for the new Pilot. It’s a win for Honda.
by: : Jag Dhatt
FREIGHTLINER built its first two eCascadia all-electric semi-trucks Freightliner, one of Daimler Trucks North America’s truck brand, announced it built its first two eCascadia all-electric semi trucks and it is going to start deliveries to customers.
However, both Daimler’s and Tesla’s electric semi truck programs have been delayed. In Tesla’s case, the company plans to bring the ‘Tesla Semi’ to production in “late 2020”.
Daimler, one of the world’s largest truck makers, has been feeling the pressure from Tesla’s electric truck — going as far as saying that if the claims Tesla is making about its electric semi truck are true, they are breaking the laws of physics.
Today, Daimler announced that it has “built the first two Class 8 battery-electric Freightliner eCascadias for customers at its research and development centre in Portland.”
The German truck manufacturer answered back with the launch of its own electric truck group along with the unveiling of two more electric trucks, including an electric version of their Cascadia to compete with Tesla Semi. While it competes with the Tesla Semi in size and capacity, it still has a limited range compared to the Tesla Semi: 250 miles vs. 500 miles. Daimler said that it would deliver a fleet of eCascadia electric trucks to partners by end of 2018 — beating Tesla’s 2019 target. 42
The electric trucks are going to be part of Freightliner’s “Electric Innovation Fleet and built to test the integration of batteryelectric trucks in to large-scale fleet operations.” Roger Nielsen, president and CEO of DTNA, commented on the announcement: “This milestone in electric is important as both today and tomorrow’s technology is progressing. Our purpose is resolute – we build for our customers. Our team is incredibly proud to be leading the way for the industry, but prouder still to be working with our customers in a process of co-creation to make real electric trucks
for real work in the real world. “The Freightliner eCascadia is based on the Cascadia, the most successful heavy-duty long-distance truck (class 8) in the North American market. 730 hp is almost silently generated under the characteristically long, U.S.-style hood. At 550 kWh, its batteries provide enough energy for a range of up to 400 km (250 miles), and can be recharged to around 80 percent within 90 minutes to cover a further 320 km (200 miles).” Penske Truck Leasing of Reading, Pennsylvania and NFI of Camden, New Jersey are going to be the first two companies to take delivery of the eCascadia. As part of the Electric Innovation Fleet, they will test the all-electric trucks as part of their normal operations. After the test program, Daimler plans to bring the eCascadia to volume production in 2021.
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1. tr~ikµg ibznYs ‘c ieknwimks dw splweI ifmWf (mµg Aqy p¨rqI) inXm: ipCly kuJ smyN qoN jdoN iekwnmI cµgI sI, cIjW vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI leI tr~kW dI ifmWf (mµg) iv~c vwDw ho igAw[ jdoN mµg vDyry huµdI hY qW kµpnIAW ies mµg ƒ p¨rw krn leI hor tr~k Aqy ieikaupmYNt KrId lYdIAW hn[jdoN hdoN s~plweI vwD¨ ho jWdI hY, qW tr~kW dI mµg Gtx lgdI hY, ies ƒ Evr-kpYstI vI ikhw jWdw hY, mqlb ijµnI tr~kW dI mµg hY,aus nwloN ijAwdw tr~k mOj¨d hn[ ies j¨n ‘c kpYstI ‘c 29% dw vwDw hoieAw hY[ ipClw swl vDIAw hox krky, bhuq swrIAW kµpnIAW ny nvyN tr~k Awfr krn dy P~ty c~k id~qy, ies jnvrI ‘c tr~k imlx dI vyt 8 mhIny dI sI[ 2019 ‘c iekOnmI vI bhuqI vDIAW nhIN rhI, ie~QoN q~k ik tr~k lofW ‘c ipCly j¨n nwloN 50% dI igrwvt AweI Aqy lof rytW ‘c vI 18.5% dI igrwvt AweI[
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New Great Dane Tridem and Tandem 53’ Roll-Up Door Reefers, High Cube Tandem Swing Doors with Drum or Disc Brakes also available
New Single and Tandem Drive Axle Autocar® Shunt Trucks
New Great Dane 53’ All Aluminum and Combo in Rear Axle Slide and Tight Tandem Flatbed Configurations with Optional Verduyn Sliding Tarp Kits
New Etnyre 60 ton Drop Side 3 axle detachable with pin on 4th axle and spreader bar plus tandem Jeep
New Doonan Chaparral all aluminim Tridem Deep Drop stepdecks, 35” deck height,12700 lb ±2%
Fast-Turning Inventory Of Used Trailers And Shunt Trucks
Fort Garry Industries Celebrates 100 Years of Business
Winnipeg MB Founded in 1919, Fort Garry Industries is proudly celebrating its 100th year anniversary. Still headquartered in Winnipeg, Fort Garry Industries is Canada’s most respected name in the heavy-duty transportation industry. “We are excited to celebrate our Centennial year and we couldn’t have reached this important milestone without our loyal customers, dedicated employees, and suppliers,” says Robyn Spitzke, President of Fort Garry Industries. “I sincerely want to thank everyone who has contributed to making Fort Garry Industries a success over the years.” Fort Garry Industries offers one of the largest selections of aftermarket parts, trailers, equipment and repair services in Canada. The Fort Garry Industries Group of companies’ employs over 500 employees with 20 locations in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Recently, Fort Garry Industries celebrated the Grand Opening of a new 50
building in Saskatoon, which is part of the ongoing strategy to offer bright, open-concept facilities, giving customers greater access to our vast inventory and complete line of heavy-duty aftermarket parts for all makes of trucks and trailers. As we look to the future we are continuing to invest in our company. In addition to our knowledgeable staff we want to provide our customers with modern buildings and technologies to ensure a great customer experience About Fort Garry Industries Fort Garry Industries was established in 1919 by Fred Sicinski, who operated a tire repair shop in the lane between Winnipeg’s downtown streets of Fort and Garry. Over the years, the expanding business started selling wholesale tires and automotive parts, repairing brakes, and distributing wheels, rims, and related parts. Fort Garry Industries’ operations now include aftermarket parts and service, trailer sales, truck equipment, and remanufacturing which rebuilds brakes and other components. NATIONAL MAGAZINE
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ivnIpYg AYm bI 1919 iv`c sQwipq hoieAw, Port gYrI ieMfstrIz bVy mwx nwl AwpxI 100 swlw vrHy gMF mnw irhw hY[ ivnIpYg iv`c Ajy vI hYfkuAwrtr hY, Port gYrI ieMfstrIz, kYnyfw dI hYvI ifaUtI trWsportySn ieMfstrI iv`c bhuq siqkwirq nwm hY[ “AsIN Awpxy sO swlw mnwaux leI bhuq hI auqSwihq hW Aqy AsIN ies mh`qvpUrn mIl-p`Qr q`k Awpxy v&wdwr gwhkW,smripq mulwzmW,Aqy splwierz ibnW nhIN phuMc skdy hW,” roibn siptzky Port gYrI ieMfstrIz dw pRYzIfYNt kihMdw hY[“mYN bVI iemwndwrI nwl hriek dw DMnvwd krnw cwhuMdw hW ijs ny vI Port gYrI ieMfstrIz nUM keI swlW qoN s&l bxwaux iv`c Awpxw Xogdwn pwieAw hY[” Port gYrI ieMfstrIz, sB qoN v`fI cox dy bwAd dy ih`sy, trylrs, swmwn aqy kYnyfw iv`c irpyAr srivsz pyS krdy hn[ Port gYrI ieMfstrIz grùp AwP kMpnIz dy 500 qoN vI ijAwdw mulwzmW nUM EntwrIE, mYnItobw, sskYcvn, Albrtw Aqy ibRitS kolMbIAw iv`c nOkrI r`Kdy hn[ huxy ijhy hI, Port gYrI ieMfstrIz ny sskYtUn iv`c nvIN iblifMg dy Swndwr NATIONAL MAGAZINE
audGwtn nUM mnwieAw, jo c`l rhI rxnIqI dw ie`k cMgy, Epn-sMklp dIAW shUlqW ih`sw hY, Awpxy gwhkW nUM swfI ivSwl vsqU sUcI q`k phuMcx dyNdw hY Aqy tr`kW qy trylrz dy swry myks dy swry hYvI ifaUtI dy bwAd dy ih`sy dI lweIn pUrI krdy hn[ ijauN AsIN Biv`K v`l vyKdy hW, AsIN AwpxI kMpnI iv`c lgwqwr invyS kr rhy hW[ swfy sUJvwn stwP dy nwl nwl AsIN Awpxy gwhkW nUM mwfrn iblifMgW Aqy qknwlojI vI muh`eIAw krwauxw cwhuMdy hW qW ik aunHW nUM gwhk hox dw vdIAw qzrbw iml sky[ Port gYrI ieMfstrIz bwry Port gYrI ieMfstrIz 1919 iv`c prYf isMskI duAwrw sQwipq kIqw igAw sI, ijs ny Port Aqy gYrI dy ivnIpYg dy fwaUntwaUn strIts ivckwr lyn iv`c ie`k twier irpyAr Swp clweI sI[ swlW iv`c PYldy ibjins ny holsyl twierz Aqy Awtomoitv pwrts, irpyAirMg bryks, vycxy SurU kIqy Aqy vHIlz, irmz, Aqy ies nwl juVy ih`sy ifstRIibaUt krny SurU kIqy[ Port gYrI ieMfstrIz dy AwprySnz hux bwAd dy ih`sy Aqy srivs,trylr sylz, tr`k dw swmwn, Aqy dubwrw auqpwdn krnw jo brykw Aqy dUsry ih`sy nUM dubwrw bxwauNdy hn[
TRUCKING Tid-Bits Continental ContiPressureCheck TPMS tr`k hryk jOb leI isry dw pRdrSn kry, ies leI shI twier pRYSr Aqy twier dw shI qwpmwn hoxw bhuq jrUrI hY[ieh hor vI jrUrI ho jWdw hY jdoN hr CotI qoN CotI b`cq vI mwieny r`KdI hovy[nvW kONtI pRYSr cY~k lgwqwr quhfy vhIkl dy swry twierW dw pRYSr Aqy qwpmwn cY~k krdw rihMdw hY, cwhy vhIkl cldw vI hovy[ies qrW twier Ptx dI sMBwvnw nUM bhuq G`t krdw hY, ij`QY pYsy dI b`cq krdw hY, aùQy quhwnUM tier Ptx kwrn pYdw hox vwlIAW hor K`zl KuAwrI qoN vI bcwauNdw hY[ kMpnI Anuswr, ij`Qy ieh frwievr dI sur`iKAw ‘c vwDw krdw hY, au~Qy hI swl dy 1750 fwLr pRqI vhIkl vI bcwauNdw hY[ Proper tire pressure and optimal tire temperature are crucial when making sure your truck(s) are performing at their peak. And when it’s about the bottom line for savings, every little bit counts. The new ContiPressureCheck TPMS continuously checks and measures the pressure and temperature of all tires on your vehicle, even when in motion. Not only for savings, this new system significantly reduces the risk of tire failure, which can lead to downtime, late fines, negative publicity and danger to others on the road. According to Continental, the ContiPressureCheck system can save up to $1750 per vehicle per year, all the while improving driver and vehicle safety.
kmnz &lItgwrf iP`t quhwfy tr`k Aqy hor iekupmYNt dy ieMzn Awiel Aqy PiltirMg isstm dI lgwqwr ingrwnI krdw hY[ieh isrP PlItgwrf dy iPltrW vwsqy hY[iesdw ieMtYlIjYNs sYNsr Aqy fYtw inrIKx isstm quhwnUM quhwfy tr`k dy ieMjx Awiel Aqy iPltr dI hr pl shI A`pfyt pRdwn krdw hY[ies qrW qusIN tr`k dy qyl Aqy iPltr AMdwjy nwl nhIN bdldy hgoN jdoN ies nUM bdlx dI shI jrUrq huMdI hY audoN hI bdldy ho[ies XMqr nwl qusIN Awp Awpxy tr`k dI mYNtInYs qy nzr r`K skdy ho, ies qrIky nwl qusIN Awpxw fwaUn tweIm G`t kr skdy ho Aqy mYNtInYs dy Krcy c vI 30% dI kmI kr skdy ho[
Cummins Fleetguard FIT
Long gone are the days of sticking to schedules based on time and distance intervals; rather, with the aid of the right computer software matched with stateof-the-art hardware, maintenance can be customized to the requirements of the machine. Cummins Fleetguard FIT is the most capable engine oil and filtration monitoring system available today, exclusive to Fleetguard filters. Now, through intelligent sensing and data analytics, the Fleetguard FIT provides real-time status updates of Fleetguard filters in your trucks (and other equipment) so that the guesswork of maintenance schedules is removed. Now, maintenance is based on real-world conditions. “FleetguardFIT allows our customers to monitor filter and oil performance in real-time, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding the maintenance of their equipment,” said Amy Davis, Vice President of Cummins Filtration. “We are proud of the acknowledgement from Heavy Duty Trucking and Diesel Progress recognizing FleetguardFIT’s ability to optimize maintenance costs and minimize unplanned downtime, thereby driving improved total cost of ownership.” According to Cummins, maintenance costs can be reduced by 30% and the hardware return on investment is less than one year. 52
by: : Jag Dhatt
XStream Trucking Truckwings
One of the biggest fuel-sucking areas is the gap between a truck’s tractor and trailer. Many companies have attempted to engineer products that can deliver streamlined aerodynamics; however, none have really produced a product that is effective at low and high speeds. XStream Trucking has introduced an active-aero device that automatically deploys at highway speeds to deliver streamlined aerodynamics, fuel savings, and lower carbon emissions. “There have been significant investments made in improving truck aerodynamics in other areas,” said Daniel Burrows, XStream Trucking’s founder and CEO. “TruckWings is the first device which completely solves the turbulence problem created by the open area between the tractor and trailer that contributes significantly to a truck’s overall aerodynamic drag. Since two thirds of a truck’s fuel bill is spent overcoming that drag, there is a huge savings to be had by reducing it.” Burrows explained that the gap is needed for low-speed maneuverability. TruckWings’ patented design, developed NATIONAL MAGAZINE
through years of wind tunnel, track and road testing, is devised to work at highway speeds, automatically deploying large panels to cover the sides and top of the tractor-trailer gap. The panels, made of high-impact, glass-reinforced composites, create a continuous connection between the truck and trailer that allows the air to flow smoothly over the entire length of the truck. When the truck slows down, the panels retract without driver intervention, providing the necessary clearance for turns at any angle. “The exciting thing about TruckWings™ is that it is the first solution to automatically and completely enclose the sides and top of the tractor trailer gap,” said Mike Roeth, Executive Director of the North American Council for Freight Efficiency, NACFE. “This gap area presents as much as a 5% opportunity with little to no other solutions available for truckers today. We performed their first independent on-road fuel economy test in 2016 and XStream has always taken a very customer led, data driven product development approach.”
qyl dw v`fw KwE tr`k Aqy tRylr ivclw gYp huMdw hY, bhuq swrIAW kMpnIAW ny bhuq swry AYrofwienwimks XMqr bnwaux dIAW koisSW kIqIAW, pRMqU koeI vI kMpnI AijhI AYrofwienwimk XMqr nhIN bxw skI jo vhIkl dI hOlI Aqy qyz rPqwr dOrwn kMm kr sky[ AYkstRIm tr`ikMg kMpnI ny Aijhw AYkitv-AYro XMqr pyS kIqw hY jo Al`g Al`g hweIvy rPqwr Anuswr Awpxy Awp iP`t kr lYNdw hY qW ik hvw dy vhw nMU ie`kswr krdw hY, tr`k Aqy tRylr ivcly gYp ivclI hvw dy tr`k nUM rokx dy XqnW nUM G`t krdw hY[ ieh AYrofwienwimks XMqr qyl dI b`cq Aqy kwrbn ieimSn nUM G`t krdw hY[ tr`k ivMg AwpxI iks dw pihlw XMqr hY jo tr`k Aqy tRylr ivcly gYp kwrn pYdw hoeI trbUlYNs nUM pUrI qrW h`l krdw hY[ ieh trbUlYNs tr`k duAwrw vrqy qkrIbn do iqhweI qyl dI Kpq dw kwrn hY, ies XMqr nwl qusIN qyl qy v`fI b`cq kr skdy ho[
Bendix Intellipark Electronic Parking Brake
tr`k dy pwrk bryk lwauxw Bùlx kwrn roLAvy Aqy rnAvy AYksIfYNt Gtwaux leI bYNfYks kMpnI ny ieMtYlI-pwrk, ie`k AwtomYitk isstm pyS kIqw hY[ jy frwievr ibnW prk bryk lgwey tr`k iv`co bwhr in`kldw hY qW ieh isstm Awpxy Awp pwrk bryk lgw idMdw hY[ies dy nwl nwl iesdy hor vI lwB hn, ijvy ik iesnUM vrqx iv`c AwswnI Aqy ieh isstm quhnUM ie`k lweIt ieMfIkytr nwl dsdw hY ik tr`k tRyl prk ‘c hn jW nhIN[ieh isstm tRylr bRyk Awpxy Awp htw idMdw hY jy tr`k mUv ho irhw hY, ies qrW jy cldy tr`k dOrwn pwrikMg bRyk l`g jwx qW vI qusIN ies nUM sur`iKAq qrIky nwl rok skdy ho[ hux quhwnUM pILI Aqy lwl siv`c iK~cx Aqy d`bx leI jor lwaux dI loV nhIN, sgoN ieh isstm ie`k sDwrn Aon-AwP siv`c nwl cldw hY, hwlWky ieh siv`cW pihlW vwlIAW lwl Aqy pIlIAW di qrW hI idsdIAW hn pr iehnW nwl l`gy AYl.eI.fI. leIt ieMfIkytr quhwnUM dsdy hn ik bRyk AOn hn jW AOP[ ieh isstm fYtw vI ie`kTw krdw hY, ijs nuM tr`ikMg kMpnI dy mwlk kMpnI dI syPtY suDwrn leI vrq skdy hn[
Safety, safety, safety. In an effort to reduce rollaway and runaway crashes, Bendix introduced Intellipark, an automatic system that sets the brakes of the truck if the driver exits the vehicle while it is not parked. It offers immediate driver-friendly benefits such as ease of use and clear indication of parking brake status on both the tractor and trailer. In addition, Intellipark can also automatically disengage trailer brakes while the vehicle is moving and help the driver to come to a controlled stop if the parking brakes are applied while driving. But even if the system is never called upon to activate in any of the above situations, it still delivers improvements in the cab and to the fleet. Intellipark replaces the traditional red and yellow push/pull knobs with easy-toflip switches that require less effort and don’t deliver the popping “sting” that comes with manually activating a 120-psi hand-controlled brake valve. The new switches still maintain the familiar red and yellow symbols and text, along with integrated LEDs that clearly indicate the status of the parking brake on both the tractor and trailer. Because Intellipark is electronic and connected to the vehicle’s J1939 communication network, it also generates data that fleets can use to gain insight when the system is being electronically activated or when state changes occur in the system’s interlocks. Using data available from SafetyDirect® by Bendix CVS, for instance, enables fleet managers to enhance their overall safety program by helping with driver training efforts.
eNow Electric TRU For the better part of the past eighty years, transporting perishable goods required a diesel-powered refrigeration system (reefers), which are not only expensive to operate – up to $17,000 per year – and leave a noticeable carbon footprint. In 2017, eNow developed the 54
first solar-electric refrigerated system for 53-foot trailers. In fact, even during testing stages, the TRU system operated from a charged battery pack, with zero-emissions, smoke and noise. According to eNow, on a medium temperature, 53-foot trailer, the solar system, and its lithium-ion battery pack power an all-electric refrigeration system. During the trailer’s 8 to 10-hour delivery run, the reefer system runs off the battery
pack. The battery charge is maintained and optimized all day by the eNow solar system located on the trailer’s roof and generating over 4kW. Overnight, while back at the distribution center, the electric reefer system is plugged into shore power to top-off the batteries and keep the trailer’s interior temperature at an even 33°F. Again, this is accomplished without burning diesel fuel or generating smoke and noise.
The eNow system achieves emission reductions of 98% in nitrous oxide, 86% in carbon dioxide, and 97% in particulate matter. It is also projected to reduce operating and maintenance costs by up to 90% over a diesel-powered TRU – by eliminating fuel and maintenance costs, increasing battery life and reducing replacement costs. – thanks to consistent, optimal charge maintenance by eNow solar systems.
hux q`k rIPr tRyLr nUM TMfw r`Kx leI ies iv`c l`gy rIPr ieMzn fIzl dI vrqo nwl hI clwey jWdy rhy hn[ pRqI rIPr clwaux dw slwnw Krc qkrIbn 17,000 fwlr huMdw sI Aqy vwqwvrn iv`c kwrbn vwDU C`f huMdI sI[ 2017 iv`c eI-nwE ny pihlw solr-ielYkitRk rIPr isstm ivksq kIqw, jdoN ies nUM test kIqw jw irhw sI qW ies ny nw koeI pRdUSn kIqw qy nw hI koeI Awvwz[ eI-nwE dy Anuswr mIfIAm qwpmwn qy, 53 Pùtw tRyLr dy ielYkitRk rIPr isstm nUM pwvr sUrjI-aUrzw Aqy lIQIAmAwieEn qo imldI hY[tRylr dy 8 qoN 10 GMty dy rn dOrwn rIPr isstm cwrj hoeIAW bYtrIAW qy cldw hY[ bYtrIAW nUM swrI idhwVI tRylr dI C`q qy l`gw eInwE solr isstm cwrj krdw rihMdw hY Aqy ies qrW qkrIbn 4 iklovwt aUrjw pYdw huMdI hY[vwps ifstRIibaUSn sYNtr Aw ky rwq nUM bYtrIAW nUM ibjlI dy pl`g lw ky pUrw cwrj kr id`qw jWdw hY Aqy tRylr ivclw qwpmwn 33 ifgrI PwrnhIt qy r`iKAw jWdw hY[ieh sB kuJ ibnW fIzL vrqy Aqy ibnW DUeyN jw Awvwz qoN kIqw jWdw hY[ eI-nwE isstm nwl, fIzl isstm dy mukwbly ij`Qy 90% q`k fwlrW dI b`cq huMdI hY, au~Qy hI fIzL kwrn vwqwvrn iv`c rLn vwlIAW jihrIlIAW gYsW iv`c vI 98% q`k ktOqI huMdI hY[
MiX Telematics recently announced the results of a comprehensive study on mandatory ELD compliance and use by U.S. trucking fleets. Topics covered in the survey include ELD implementation, progress on meeting the ELD mandate deadline, the types of data being collected through ELD solutions, how that data is being used, and the potential return on ELD investments. The results are derived from 194 individuals’ responses. The highlights from the study are bulleted below: • Three-fourths of companies surveyed have already implemented an ELD solution in compliance with the mandate. Among those who have implemented: • Four-fifths consider their ELD 56
solution to be full-featured, offering compliance alongside many other features • One-fourth of companies have not implemented an ELD solution at all; about half of those (13%) are not subject to the mandate • About 1 in 8 companies that are subject to the mandate have not yet implemented ELDs, but plan to do so by the December 2019 deadline • Nearly all fleet professionals collecting data were using their ELD solution to collect majority HOS data • When asked if they expected to achieve a positive return on investment; 59% of those using full-featured ELDs said yes, while only 37% of those using entry-level tools said yes “We are encouraged that most fleets have implemented an ELD solution
and many are using the data they are collecting for things other than HOS compliance,” said Adam Bruttell, vice president of sales and marketing, North America, MiX Telematics. “However, the fact that one in eight fleets are still not ELD compliant and many are not collecting and leveraging ELD data on aspects such as safe driving and fuel economy tells us there is still a lot of work to do. Improved driver safety and fuel economy are significant benefits of using ELDs. Done right, close to 100% of full-featured solutions should achieve ROI. The relatively low expectations seen in the survey demonstrate that fleets can and should do more to leverage the data they are collecting. That’s why MiX works closely with its customers to ensure they are getting the most out of their ELD investments.” NATIONAL MAGAZINE
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Surrey, BC: #4 - 8333 130th Street Ph: 604-507-7736 Fax: 604-507-7742 Abbotsford, BC: 2633 Montrose Ave. Ph: 604-755-4230 Fax:604-755-7816 Bellingham, WA: 1313 E Maple St., Suite #236 Ph: 360-543-5608 NATIONAL MAGAZINE
E: info@nationalsafetycode.com SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2019
Volvo Trucks introduces higherefficiency D13TC engine in VNL models
Through its improved turbo compound technology, Volvo Trucks North America says it has improved fuel efficiency of its 13-liter turbo-compound diesel engine, the new D13TC, by 3%. Turbo compound technology is a waste heat recovery system that uses a turbine to convert energy from the exhaust gases into additional torque on the crankshaft, according to Greensboro, N.C.-based Volvo. Volvo introduced the first generation of its turbo-compound technology in 2017. Trucks with the turbo compound engine have logged 300 million miles and have validated the 8% fuel savings benefits claimed for it, the company says. The new D13TC improves fuel efficiency by up to 3% over the first D13TC engine, the company claims. That translates to savings of about $1,200 per year per truck, based on the average fuel price and 125,000 miles per year, the company says. Other improvements include enhanced efficiency over a wider range of applications, more engine ratings and a new extra efficiency drive mode. The new D13TC engine will be available for order in the fourth quarter of 2019 and go into production at the end of the first quarter of 2020.
This new engine’s features include: • Enhanced efficiency over a wider range of applications. • More engine ratings. • A new extra efficiency drive mode. Volvo Trucks’ new D13TC produces better fuel efficiency over a wider range of loads, vehicle speeds and engine RPMs compared to the first generation of the D13TC engine. The first D13TC engine was designed for over-the-road, long-haul applications for trucks loaded at 80,000 pounds, according to a news release. There are three drive modes available with the new D13TC engine: extra efficiency, economy, and performance. The drive modes allow the driver to balance fuel efficiency with performance and driving conditions. This offers a broader use of applications compared to the first generation of the D13TC engine, which was designed specifically for over-the-road, long-haul applications for trucks loaded at 80,000 pounds Instead of operating in high-torque and low-torque modes, the new Volvo D13TC uses a dynamic torque system. The dynamic torque system automatically sets a torque level to accommodate the weight of the truck, the grade and the road
conditions at any given time. This system provides more consistent improvement in fuel efficiency across applications, enabling customers to cut costs on a wider range of operations, according to a news release. The new D13TC also features a revised wave piston, designed and patented by Volvo Trucks. The wave piston design uses ridges or waves in the piston crown to improve fuel combustion and cut in half the amount of soot particles emitted by the engine, according to a news release. The wave piston design also improves fuel consumption. The improved design optimizes wave technology to evenly distribute the air/fuel mixture in the cylinder, burning the fuel more consistently than a traditional piston. Volvo’s design increases the compression ratio from 17:1 to 18:1 while maintaining up to a 90% reduction of soot in the cylinder, further improving fuel efficiency in the engine. Volvo Trucks is promoting the new engine with a communications campaign featuring a fictional owner-operator experiencing significantly improved fuel economy with the new turbo compound engine and spending the money saved on a high-end lifestyle.
NANAIMO 861 Maughan Road Nanaimo, BC V9X 1J2 Toll Free: 1-877-878-5979 Phone: (250) 722-2073 Fax: (250) 722-2317
PRINCE RUPERT 1600 Prince Rupert Boulevard Prince Rupert, BC V8J 2Z3 Phone: (250) 627-1981 Fax: (250) 627-1982
PRINCE GEORGE 9341 Rock Island Road Prince George, BC V2N 5T4 Phone: (250) 562-7422
Now that’s a Question! There can really only be a few reasons why anyone or any Company would invest in Fuel Fired Heating systems. Coolant or Hydronic Engine heat! The Number one benefit for Coolant or Hydronic engine heat is because people need their Trucks and Equipment to start easily in the Cold months of the year with the least amount of Cold Weather Engine damage! A warm engine helps the oil to lubricate the engine far faster than starting cold or below freezing. The Second benefit to utilizing Coolant or Hydronic engine heating: The savings you receive will outweigh the cost of the purchase and installation quickly and will actually pay for itself and make you money. As an example a Class 4 to 8 truck can idle away six to eight liters of diesel fuel in an hour at a cost of say $1.20 per liter of diesel. That could mean you’re burning $7.20 to $9.60 per hour during Idling time! If you are idling 30 min just to warm your engine before putting it to work you could be spending $3.60 to $4.80 just to warm it up! Over the 6 months of cold weather we have in the north you could have 150 days of idling your engine just to warm it up! That could cost you $800 in fuel alone! And what about the times the engine just idles between jobs to keep warm? Then, if you add in the cost of all that engine wear you can easily save 60
$1500 - $2000 per year.
Cabin Air Heaters! There are really only two reasons to have a Fuel Fired Cabin Air heater. One is to save money and the other is to keep warm! How often do you idle your engine just to keep the cabin of the vehicle warm? If you’re running a Highway Truck with a Sleeper bunk you could be idling 4 – 6 hrs a day at a cost of $35 to $40 just to sleep! And what about the times you idle while loading or unloading to keep the Cabin warm? With an investment in a Hydronic Coolant heater and an Air Heater or just one of the two you can make extra money over the 3 to 4 yrs life of the heaters. In fact, the cost of the purchase of the systems should come back to you in the first 15 to 20 months. This means that the second half of the heaters life, the savings stay in your pocket or bank account! So an investment of $2000 - $3000 is returned to you in 15 – 20 months if you use the heaters! And in the next 15 to 20 Months you make back $2000 - $3000 in operation cost savings! It does not really matter what the brand of Fuel Fired Heater is as long as the Warranty is good and you actually use the products.
Ask yourself, Why would you operate without a Fuel Fired Heater? NATIONAL MAGAZINE
We keep you moving,
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au~T ky bYTo Aqy iDAwn idE ieMfstrI dw ie`ko-ie`k irklweInr g`dw
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