Desi Trucking - March April 2023 (National Edition)

Page 18


2022 RANGE ROVER - Page 40

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duAwrw vrqy jwx vwly twier quhwfy

vhIkl AwP dw
bI. sI. ’c vpwrk
tweIm-tRYikMg fIvweIsW lwauxIAW lwzmI TransLink v`loN ibjlI nwL c`lx vwLIAW b~sW dI SurUAwq Ace Truck Repairs ................................. 35 Apollo Tires ............................................ 13 CBS Parts Ltd. ........................................ 17 Challenger ................................................ 05 Champion Towing ............................... 34 Chevron Delo ......................................... 45 Cool-It ......................................................... 36 Cummins .................................................. 47 Eko Stinger .............................................. 19 Ex-Guard ................................................. 03 First Truck Centre ................................. 02 G & G Trucking Solutions ................... 33 Glasvan Great Dane .......................... 33 Hendrickson ............................................. 48 Howes Lubricators ............................ 09 Inland Kenworth .......................... 23 & 34 JD Factors ................................................. 37 JGK Media Inc. ................................ 24-25 Ocean Trailer .................................. 34 & 39 Pike Enterprises Ltd. .......................... 35 Safety Driven .......................................... 29 Swank Studios ..................................... 35 Transam Carriers Inc. ......................... 46 Truckers Together ................................ 32 Volvo ....................................................... 07 ZZ Chrome .............................................. 43 quhwfy
tr~k dy... swzo-swmwn vwsqy
ie~k ivAkqI AwtomobweIl jrnilsts AYsosIeySn... 26 knYktf pRofkts leI pItriblt Aqy plytPwrm swieMs ie~k nvyN eIkoisstm dw inrmwx krngy pItriblt ny GoSxw kIqI ik auh Awpxw... ies sUby dw kihxw hY ik ibRitS kolMbIAw dy swry vpwrk... ieh isrP ie`k mOky dI hI g~l... 14 22 40 30
rUt leI shI twier cuxnw
cMgw AkwaUNtYNt r`K
2023 kYnyfIAn kwr AYNf XUitltI
XIAr dI GoSxw kIqI
vwhnW leI rIAl
iv~qI shwieqw dyx vwly
Choose Challenger Today! At Challenger, we have a People First Culture. At Challenger, we recognize that professional Drivers are pivotal to our success! Our Drivers are First Class From our customers to our drivers, we know that in the transportation industry, people are our driving force We ensure that people are our first priority. Driven by service and powered by people: At Challenger, we deliver, we go the distance. Join our team and help us celebrate being named a Truckload Carriers Association 2023 Best Fleet to Drive For. For more information, visit our website at 604.625.1212 Challenger is growing and we have multiple Class 1 Company Driver/Owner Operator Career Opportunities available.


There are many sayings like the one above: two heads are better than one; many hands make light work; and there is no “I” in team. They all share the same message that, in most aspects of life or work, working together usually results in greater results. Yes, granted there are some who may become successful working alone; however, it’s pretty rare.

This concept of a team is not only beneficial to business owners, but is effective for workers as well; for decades, unions have worked for the greater good of the collective workforce, whether it be nurses, teachers, or other public employees.

Even though there is no regulated trucking union, truckers have joined together to form associations to address the issues in the Canadian trucking industry. And so far, lobbying from these groups has made a difference. From improving certain roads to rallying to improve truck stop washrooms, working towards common

goals has been effective. Still, more needs to be done.

As we look towards warmer weather, Ray Gompf talks about the importance of proper tires for your trucking needs. His article discusses how it’s no longer just installing any tire on your truck or trailer; there’s a science behind choosing the best ones based on your needs.

Safety is always a hot topic in our industry and this issue features many articles that deal with safety, including legislation, poor safety practices, and ways to improve it.

As we move through 2023, keep in mind that working together as part of an effective team or partnership can be beneficial for you and your company. Learn from the positive actions of others while working on your flaws. Yes, it’s easier said than done, but keep working at it.


JGK Media Inc.

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IT Manager Ranj Bhamra

Cover Design Ranjit Singh

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Contributing Writers

bhuq swrIAW khwvqW hn ijvyN ik, ‘ie`k

Aqy ie`k igAwrW (1 qy 1 11), izAwdw h`QW

nwL kIqw kMm sOKw ho jWdw hY Aqy iksy iek`ly

kihry nwl tImW nhIN bxdIAW’ ies qrW dI

khwvq vrgIAW hor bhuq swrIAW khwvqW vI

hn[ ieh swrIAW khwvqW ie~ko sMdyS ƒ sWJw krdIAW hn ik, jIvn jW kMm dy izAwdwqr

p~KW iv~c, iek~iTAW kMm krn dy nqIjy Awm qOr 'qy vDyry sPlqw pUrvk in`kldy hn[ hW, ieh vI shI hY ik ku`J kMm Aijhy vI huMdy hn jo iek`ilAW krn nwL vDIAw nqIjy idMdy hn; hwlWik, ieh bhuq hI G`t hn[

tIm dw ieh sMklp nw kyvl kwrobwr dy mwlkW vwsqy lwBdwiek hY, sgoN kwimAW vwsqy vI

Asrdwr qrIky nwl kMm krdw hY; dhwikAW

qoN, XUnIAnW ny smiUhk kwrj-blW dy vDyry

Bly vwsqy kMm kIqw hY, cwhy ieh nrsW hox, AiDAwpk, jW hor jnqk krmcwrI hox[

hwlWik koeI AiDinXimq tr~ikMg XUnIAn

nhIN hY, pr tr~kr, kYnyfIAn tr~ikMg audXog

ivcly mu~idAW ƒ h~l krn leI ku`J sMsQwvW

bxwaux leI iek~Ty zrUr ho gey hn[ Aqy hux

q~k, iehnW gru~pW dy pRcwr krn nwl kwPI

Prk ipAw hY[ k`uJ ivSyS sVkW iv~c suDwr

krn qoN lY ky tr~k stwp vwSrUmW iv~c suDwr

krn leI rYlI krn q~k, sWJy tIicAW vwsqy

kMm krnw Asrdwr irhw hY[ pr Ajy vI bhuq ku`J hor krn dI loV hY[

jd AsIN grm mOsm v~l dyKdy hW, qW ryA gONP quhwfIAW tR~ikMg loVW vwsqy auicq twierW dI mh~qqw bwry g~l krdw hY[ aus dy lyK iv~c ies g~l dI crcw kIqI geI hY ik hux quhwnUM Awpxy tr~k jW trylr leI koeI vI twier ikEN nhIN cux lYxw cwhIdw; ikauNik quhwfIAW loVW dy AwDwr 'qy sB qoN vDIAw twierW dI cox ip~Cy vI ie`k swieMs kMm krdI hY[

swfy audXog iv~c sur~iKAw hmySw hI ie~k BKdw ivSw irhw hY Aqy ies AMk iv~c bhuq swry lyK hn jo sur~iKAw bwry quhwnUM jwxkwrI idMdy hn, iPr cwhy ieh kwnUMn hovy jW sur~iKAw sbMDI pY cu`kIAW mwVIAW lIhW[

ijvyN ijvyN AsIN 2023 iv~coN guzr rhy hW, qW ieh Xwd r~Ko ik ie~k Asrdwr tIm jW BweIvwlI dy ih~sy vjoN iek~iTAW kMm krnw hI quhwfy Aqy quhwfI kMpnI vwsqy lwBdwiek ho skdw hY[ AwpxIAW kmIAW 'qy kMm krn dy nwL nwL dUijAW dy skwrwqmk kMmW qoN vI is~Kx dI koiSS krdy rihxw cwhIdw hY[ hW, pr ieh sB kihxw sOKw hY, pr krnw muSikl hY, iPr vI ies 'qy Aml krdy rho[

Jag Dhatt; Michael Howe; Pash Brar; Ray Gompf; Ron Dhaliwal; Sanjana Karthik; Staff Reporters

Translator Tirath S. Khabra


Corporate VP, Marketing

Cell: 604-767-4433


Address: #235 - 8138, 128 Street, Surrey BC V3W 1R1

F: 604-598-9264

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The opinions expressed in articles and features are of the writers and may not be those of the publisher.



Postmaster if undeliverable Canadian Address to #235 - 8138 128 Street, Surrey BC V3W 1R1

Jag Dhatt
rL imL ky AsIN hor izAwdw m`lW mwr skdy hW

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Choosing the Right Tire for Your Route

The tires you use is as critically important to the safe operation of your truck as the training and experience you have accrued over hundreds of thousands of miles. The condition of the roads, the type of road surface, and the weather have a significant influence on the longevity of your tires equally to the condition and maintenance you put into your truck and the insurance you buy to protect your trucking business.

The various road surfaces have an effect on your tires. Basically, in North America, most road surfaces are either black top asphalt or concrete. Black top asphalt is used in the more northerly climes because it expands and contracts without the upheavals that can happen with cement. Cement is used more southerly because it tends not to absorb heat as much as blacktop. Yes, the road surface temperatures can affect the longevity of your tires.

Rubber compounded tires for summer use provide good road adhesion above seven degrees Celsius, while rubber compounded tires for winter use provide much better road adhesion below seven degrees Celsius. Adhesion to the road is essential to remaining on that part of the road where you want to be. Without sound adhesion, you would not stop when

and where needed. Braking and steering may not be achieved as you want. Tires are what attach you to the road.

So basically, you choose your tires based on the surfaces on which you travel based on the seasons, whether north or south.

One of the other issues related to tires is wear patterns. Wear patterns can help diagnose repairable problems either from the driver’s lack of knowledge or solvable mechanical problems. Some of the repairable issues can be as simple as adding or removing air pressure. Alignment issues are quickly reported by wear patterns and close observation at each daily vehicle inspection. Issues like cupping, diagonal gouging, feathering or flat spotting should require a diagnostic trip to your tire shop for professional opinions.

Don’t forget about the fastening devices applying clamping force attaching wheels to vehicle. It’s not just ensuring lug nuts are attaching and continue to be attaching the wheels and tires to the vehicle; it’s about the grip strength of said lug nuts. Usually, this is done by using a torque wrench to reach the specified torque without over torquing, which weakens the connection. This connection

is where while making it, cleanliness is absolutely necessary. The addition of a tiny bit of lubricant on the lug is also essential for maximum clamping power.

Buying cheap tires to save money is like stopping the clock to save time. By the same token, the most expensive does not necessarily mean the best for your situation. Buy tires with the full knowledge of the terrain over which you’ll travel, the weights at which you’ll often load them, and the specific compound depending on the temperatures you’ll be facing.

The factors to be considered on purchasing are many and varied but by describing your needs to the tire specialist, you will wind up with the tire that best suits the majority of terrain in which you’ll find yourself. Tires represent a significant investment for fleets and small business trucking operators. It's usually the third largest expense behind insurance and fuel, and when it comes to tire wear, those frequent daily inspections are the critical first line of defence.

Every one of the multiple driver’s daily inspections should be much more than just thumping the tires. That inspection should include a comprehensive tire examination. During those inspections,


rubbing their hands on the tires to check for any feathering, cupping, diagonal wear or overheating and looking for foreign objects and removing such materials attached to tires are crucial. Nails or screws puncturing should NOT be removed until the puncture can be immediately fixed. That puncture should be marked on the tire, so the search doesn’t have to be redone when removal and repair is affected.

Tires quickly expose bad driving habits and poor tire care. Tires easily can indicate driver practices such as brake skids or lack of correct inflation. Tires will also tell the skilled eye when the driver overuses the power steering while stopped.

I recall, not fondly, having both steering tires replaced at a tire shop as planned, then the first trip with those brand-new steering tires, I managed to get about 150 kilometres along the highway when I stopped. As I got out of the truck and was doing the quick walk around, the left steering tire had a king size bulge

and if I did, he wanted to see it. When the tire shop boss arrived, he was aghast. It turned out these particular tires were directional tires and had been installed on the wrong direction. Not only did he have one tire to change but the second steer tire would have collapsed within a few more kilometres and thus, was replaced also. Re-torquing is not the only reason to stop and check things out when the wheels have been removed. Image if I had not stopped and the bulge had blown out and I had lost control.

Trucks have three different uses for tires. Each position requirement requires its own engineering and really isn’t built to be working in another position. Steering tires are for steering, drive tires are for moving the truck along, and trailer tires are for trailers. Essentially, tires built for a specific purpose and position should not be used, except in an emergency, for a position or purpose it wasn’t designed to do. Each tire position may have a different tread pattern or even look similar but have their own uses, nonetheless.

training sessions, tires get less importance; yet it’s those same tires on which drivers depend for their life. Over my career, I’ve spent many hours attending sessions learning about the importance of tires, how the tires need to be used, how best to ensure the longevity of those tires, the difference between torque and clamping force attaching wheels by lug studs and lug nuts, whether those lugs and nuts should be dry fit or lubricated and so many things not taught specifically but so necessary to be poured into the knowledge pool and not just for the specialist who does the job but as a driver who has to depend on jobs being done correctly by other. After all, the liability always falls on the driver when catastrophe strikes. It behooves the driver to educate him or herself to the point where they can be a large part of the diagnostic process with a confidence based on experience and knowledge. Driving is not steering and shifting gears but studying the intricacies of the particular truck they drive and knowing it so intimately they can identify issues before they happen by smell, by sight, by feel, by sound and relate those

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Awpxy rUt leI shI twier cuxnw

quhwfy duAwrw vrqy jwx vwly twier

quhwfy tr~k dy sur~iKAq sMcwln leI

Eny hI mh~qvpUrn hn ijMnw ik qusIN

sYNkVy hzwrW mIlW qoN v~D dI isKlweI

Aqy fRweIivMg dw qjrbw hwsl kIqw hY[

sVkW dI siQqI, sVk dI sqHw dI iksm

Aqy mOsm quhwfy twierW dI lMmI aumr 'qy

quhwfy tr~k dI siQqI Aqy r~K-rKwA

Aqy quhwfy tr~ikMg kwrobwr dI sur~iKAw

leI quhwfy duAwrw KrIdy gey bImy dy

brwbr mh~qvpUrn pRBwv pwauNdy hn[

sVk dIAW v~K-v~K sqHW dw quhwfy

twierW 'qy Asr pYNdw hY[ mUl rUp iv~c,

au~qrI AmrIkw iv~c, izAwdwqr sVkW

dIAW sqHw jW qW blYk twp AYSPwlt

jW kMkrIt dIAW huMdIAW hn[ blYk twp

AYSPwlt dI vrqoN vDyry au~qrI KyqrW

iv~c kIqI jWdI hY ikauNik ies dw

Drwql sIimMt nwl hox vwlIAW auQl-

puQl qoN ibnW PYldw Aqy suMgVdw hY[

sIimMt dI vrqoN vDyry d~Kx v~l kIqI

jWdI hY ikauNik ieh blYktOp ijMnI grmI

ƒ jzb nhIN krdw[ hW, sVk dI sqh

dw qwpmwn quhwfy twierW dI lMbI aumr

ƒ pRBwivq kr skdw hY[

grmIAW dI vrqoN leI rbV dy

imSrq twier s~q ifgrI sYlsIAs qoN

v~D sVk dy qwpmwn ‘qy bhuq vDIAw

pkV pRdwn krdy hn, jdoN ik srdIAW

dI vrqoN leI rbV dy imSrq twier

s~q ifgrI sYlsIAs qoN G~t sVk dy

qwpmwn ‘qy Swndwr pkV pRdwn krdy

hn[ sVk dy aus ih~sy 'qy bxy rihx

leI ij~Qy qusIN hoxw cwhuMdy ho, sVk nwl

icpkxw zrUrI hY[ ibnW Awvwz dy sVk

‘qy vDIAw pkV qoN, qusIN jdoN Aqy ij~Qy

loV hovy, qusIN nhIN rukogy[ bRyikMg Aqy

stIAirMg quhwfI ie~Cw Anuswr pRwpq

nhIN kIqy jw skdy[ twier auh hn jo quhwƒ sVk nwl joV ky r`Kdy hn[

ies leI mUl rUp iv~c, qusIN Awpxy

twierW dI cox auhnW sqHw dy AwDwr 'qy

krdy ho ijs 'qy qusIN mOsmW dy AwDwr

'qy s&r krdy ho,ieh hovy BwvyN au~qr jW


twierW nwl sbMDq hor mu~idAW iv~coN ie~k hY twierW dI GsweI[ GsweI dy pYtrn frweIvr dI jwxkwrI dI Gwt jW h~l krn Xog mkYnIkl sm~isAwvW qoN murMmq krn Xog sm~isAwvW dw h`l krn iv~c mdd kr skdy hn[ murMmq krn Xog sm~isAwvW iv~coN k`uJ twierW ‘c hvw dy dbwA ƒ vDwaux jW Gtwaux vrgI sDwrn g`l nwl hI h`l ho skdy hn[ AlweInmYNt mu~idAW bwry rozwnw vwhn inrIKx qy twier inrIKx krn

'qy bhuq CyqIN pqw lgwieAw jw skdw hY[ k~ipMg, fwiegnl gOijMg, PYdirMg jW PlYt spwitMg vrgIAW sm~isAwvW

leI pySyvr rwey lYx leI quhwnUM AwpxI twier Swp ‘qy jwx dI loV huMdI hY ij`Qy auh pySyvr XMqrW dI shwieqw nwl fwiegnOs krdy hn[

vwhn ƒ phIey ƒ joVn vwly phIey ƒ klYNipMg Pors lgwaux vwly PwstinMg ifvweIsW bwry nw Bu~lo[ ieh isr& ieh suinSicq nhIN kr irhw hY ik lMg nt juV rhy hn Aqy phIey Aqy twierW ƒ vwhn nwl joVdy rihMdy hn; ieh khy hoey lUg nts dI pkV dI qwkq bwry hY[ Awm qOr 'qy, ieh ibnW iksy twrk dy inrDwrq twrk q~k phuMcx leI twrk rYNc dI vrqoN krky kIqw jWdw hY, jo kunYkSn ƒ kmzor krdw hY[ ieh auh

kunYkSn hY ij~Qy ies ƒ bxwauNdy smyN, sPweI iblkul zrUrI hY[ v~D qoN v~D klYNipMg pwvr leI lubrIkYNt dy ie~k Coty ijhy ih~sy ƒ joVnw vI zrUrI hY[

pYsy bcwaux leI ssqy twier

KrIdxw smW bcwaux leI GVI ƒ rokx

vWg hY[ ausy tokn duAwrw, sB qoN mihMgy dw mqlb ieh nhIN hY ik quhwfI siQqI leI sB qoN vDIAw hY[ aus rUt dI pUrI

jwxkwrI dy nwl twier KrIdo ijs 'qy qusIN Xwqrw krogy, vzn ijs 'qy qusIN

Aksr aunHW ƒ lof krdy ho, Aqy quhwfy

duAwrw swhmxw kIqy jwx vwly qwpmwn 'qy inrBr krdy hoey Kws imSrx[

KrIddwrI 'qy ivcwr kIqy jwx vwly kwrk bhuq swry Aqy iBMn huMdy hn pr twier mwihr ƒ quhwfIAW zrUrqW dw vrxn krn duAwrw, qusIN auh twier KRId skogy jo quhwfy izAwdwqr rUt leI sB

qoN vDIAw twier hoxgy[ twier PlItW

Aqy Coty kwrobwrI tr~ikMg EprytrW leI

ie~k mh~qvpUrn invyS ƒ drswauNdy hn[ ieh Awm qOr 'qy bImy Aqy qyl

qoN bwAd qIjw sB qoN v~fw Krcw huMdw hY, Aqy jdoN ieh twier Gsx dI g~l AwauNdI hY, qW Aksr bcwA dI pihlI mh~qvpUrn lweIn rozwnw inrIKx krnw huMdI hY[

frweIvrW dy rozwnw inrIKxW iv~coN hr ie~k twierW ƒ isrP s`t mwr ky cY`k krn nwloN bhuq izAwdw hoxw cwhIdw hY[ aus inrIKx iv~c twier dI ie~k ivAwpk jWc Swml hoxI cwhIdI hY[ auhnW inrIKxW dOrwn, iksy vI

ryA goAP

PYdirMg, k`ipMg, fwiegnl vyAr jW

EvrhIitMg dI jWc krn leI Awpxy

h~QW ƒ twierW 'qy rgVnw Aqy iksy

EprI sm`grI dI Bwl krnw Aqy twierW

nwl juVIAW AijhIAW sm~grIAW ƒ

htwauxw mh~qvpUrn hY[ myKW jW pycW

dI pMkcirMg ƒ audoN q~k nhIN htwieAw

jwxw cwhIdw jdoN q~k pMkcr ƒ qurMq

TIk nhIN kIqw jw skdw[ aus pMkcr ƒ

twier 'qy mwrk kIqw jwxw cwhIdw hY, ies leI jdoN ies nUM htwaux Aqy murMmq

krn dw mOkw imldw hY qW ies ƒ dubwrw

l`Bx dI loV nhIN pYNdI[

twier qyzI nwl Krwb fRweIivMg

AwdqW Aqy twierW dI mwVI dyKBwl dw

prdwPwS krdy hn[ twier AwswnI nwl

frweIvr AiBAwsW, ijvyN ik bRyk sikf

jW shI hvw dy dbwA dI Gwt ƒ drsw

skdy hn[ twier prKx vwLI A`K ƒ

ieh vI d~sygw ik kdoN frweIvr rukx

vyly pwvr stIAirMg dI izAwdw vrqoN krdw hY[

mYƒ Xwd hY, SOk nwl nhIN, Xojnw Anuswr twierW dI dukwn 'qy dovyN stIAirMg twierW ƒ bdl id~qw igAw sI, iPr aunHW iblkul nvyN stIAirMg

twierW nwl pihlI Xwqrw, jdoN mYN ruikAw qW mYN hweIvyA dy nwl lgBg 150 iklomItr jwx iv~c kwmXwb irhw[ jdoN mYN tr~k qoN bwhr inkilAw Aqy kwhlI nwl tr`k dy duAly GuMm ky inrIKx kr irhw sI, qW K~by stIAirMg twier 'qy ie~k v`fw auBwr sI[ mYN twier dI dukwn 'qy kwl kIqI, Aqy bOs bwhr Aw igAw ikauNik aus ƒ ivSvws nhIN sI ik myry twierW ‘qy auBwr dI koeI sm~isAw hY Aqy jykr mYN ies bwry iSkwieq krdw hW, qW auh iesƒ Awp Kud dyKxw cwhuMdw sI[ jdoN twierW dI dukwn dw mwlk AwieAw qW auh Gbrw igAw[ ieh pqw cilAw ik ieh Kws twier idSwinrdyS vwly twier sn Aqy glq idSw 'qy lgwey gey sn[aus kol bdlx leI isrP ie~k twier sI, pr dUjw stIAr twier kuJ hor iklomItr dy AMdr hI if~gx vwlw sI Aqy ies qrHW, auh vI bdl id~qw igAw sI[ jdoN phIey htwey gey hn qW cIzW ƒ rokx Aqy jWcx dw ie~ko ie~k kwrn rI-twrikMg nhIN [soco jykr mYN nw ruikAw huMdw Aqy auBwr Pt igAw huMdw Aqy ies qrHW mYN kMtrol guAw bYTw huMdw[

tr~kW dy twierW leI iqMn v~K-v~K

iksmW hn[ hryk siQqI dI loV leI AwpxI Kud dI ieMjInIAirMg dI loV huMdI hY Aqy auh iksy hor siQqI iv~c kMm krn leI nhIN bxwieAw igAw hY[ stIAirMg twier stIAirMg leI hn, frweIv twier tr~k ƒ iljwx leI hn, Aqy tRylr twier tRylrW leI hn[ieh

zrUrI hY, iksy Kws audyS Aqy siQqI leI

bxwey gey twierW dI vrqoN AYmrjYNsI ƒ

C~f ky, iksy hor siQqI jW audyS leI

nhIN kIqI jwxI cwhIdI[ hryk twier dI siQqI dw v~Krw pYtrn ho skdw hY ie~QoN q~k ik smwn idKweI dy skdw hY, pr iPr vI iesdy Awpxy aupXog hn[

twier auhnW cIzW iv~coN ie~k hY ij~Qy iek~qr kIqw fytw AwswnI nwl auplbD huMdw hY pr ieh vrqx vwLy aupBogqw q~k G~t hI phuMcdw hY[ frweIvr isKlweI sYSnW dOrwn, twierW ƒ G~t mh~qv id`qw jWdw hY; iPr vI ieh auhI twier hn ijnHW 'qy frweIvr dI izMdgI inrBr krdI hY[ Awpxy kYrIAr dOrwn, mYN twierW dI mh~qqw, twierW dI vrqoN ikvyN krn dI loV hY, auhnW twierW dI lMmI aumr ƒ ikvyN XkInI bxwauxw hY, twrk Aqy klYNipMg Pors ivckwr Prk, l`g st~fW duAwrw phIey joVn Aqy l`g n`tW, cwhy auh l`g Aqy n`t su~ky iP~t hox jW lubrIkyt hox, Aqy bhuq swrIAW cIzW Kws qOr 'qy nhIN isKweIAW jwxIAW cwhIdIAW hn[ pr jwxkwrI ‘c Swml

zrUr kIqIAW jwxIAW cwhIdIAW hn[ ieh isr& aus mwhr leI nhIN jo kMm krdw hY , sgoN frweIvr dy qOr 'qy kMm krn vwLy leI vI zrUrI hn ijsƒ ies ‘qy inrBr krnw pYNdw hY[ kMm dUijAW

duAwrw shI FMg nwl kIqy jw rhy hn[ Aw^rkwr, jdoN nukswn huMdw hY qW

zuMmyyvwrI hmySW frweIvr 'qy AwauNdI hY[ ieh frweIvr ƒ ies h~d q~k is~iKAq

krn leI mjbUr krdw hY ik auh AnuBv

Aqy igAwn dy ADwr qy ivSvws dy nwl

shI pRikirAw dw ie~k v~fw ih~sw ho

skdy hn[ frweIivMg krnw stIAirMg

Aqy gyAr bdlxw hI nhIN hY, pr aunHW

duAwrw clwey jw rhy Kws tr~k dIAW

pycIdgIAW dw AiDAYn krnw Aqy ies

ƒ ieMnI nyVqw nwl jwnxw ik auh suMGx

duAwrw, dyKx duAwrw, mihsUs krn

duAwrw, Awvwz duAwrw vwprn qoN pihlW

sm~isAwvW dI pCwx kr skdy hox Aqy

aunHW AMqrW ƒ murMmq krn vwly ivAkqI

nUM d`s skx[

hvw dy dbwA dI Gwt

AOrqW vwsqy tR~ikMg frweIivMg pRogrwm nUM bI sI sUby v`loN mwlI shwieqw

ie~k mu&q pRogrwm jo loAr mynlYNf iv~c AOrqW ƒ tr~k

frweIvr bxn leI isKlweI idMdw hY, ƒ pRWq v`loN imlx vwlI mwlI shwieqw ‘c kw&I vwDw ho irhw hY[

PrvrI iv~c jwrI ie~k ^br Anuswr, YWCA dy cyNijMg gIArz pRogrwm ƒ bI. sI. dy kimaUintI AYNf iemplwier pwrtnriSps pRogrwm qoN $1.6 imlIAn pRwpq hoey hn, jo 50 hor

AOrqW ƒ ie~k tr~k frweIvr dy ik`qy nUM kYrIAr vjoN Apnwaux

leI isKlweI lYx dI AwigAw dyvygw[

smwijk ivkws Aqy grIbI Gtwaux dI mMqrI SIlw mYlkmsn

ny Su~krvwr ƒ ie~k mIfIAw irlIz iv~c ikhw, "vDyry AOrqW ƒ

mMg vwLIAW cMgIAW nOkrIAW leI isKlweI dyx dw mOkw imlygw[

ieh isKlweI pRogrwm auhnW AOrqW vwsqy rukwvtW ƒ dUr krdw

hY jo tr~k clwauxw cwhuMdIAW hn Aqy ies dy nwl hI kMm dyx

vwiLAW ƒ Xogqw pRwpq kwmy imldy hn["

YWCA dI vY~bsweIt Anuswr, 24-hPqy dw pRogrwm auhnW

AOrqW vwsqy Ku~lHw hY jo byruzgwr hn, ijnHW kol klws 5 dw lwiesMs

hY Aqy aunHW dw frweIivMg AYbstRYkt iblkul shI hY[ vYnkUvr

iv~c SurUAwqI isKlweI dy bwAd ie~k lwiesMsSudw frweIivMg

skUl ivKy pVHweI krvweI jWdI hY, ijs dIAW swry Kyqr iv~c bRWcW

Funding Truck Driving Program for Women

A free program that trains women in the Lower Mainland to become truck drivers is getting a funding boost from the province.

The YWCA's Changing Gears Program has received $1.6 million from B.C.'s Community and Employer Partnerships program, which will allow up to 50 more women to undergo training for a career as a truck driver, according to a news release issued in February.

"More women will get the chance to train for good jobs that are in demand,” said Sheila Malcomson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction in a media release Friday.

“This training program removes barriers for women who want to drive trucks and it gets employers qualified workers.”

The 24-week program is open to women who are unemployed, with a Class 5 licence and a clean driving abstract, according to the YWCA's website. Initial training in Vancouver is followed by instruction at a licensed driving school with locations across

hn[ kMm dy dOrwn vI isKlweI pRdwn kIqI jWdI hY[

tr~ikMg AYc Awr kYnyfw dy nvMbr 2022 dy lybr mwrkIt snYpSwt dy Anuswr, kYnyfw iv~c isrP 3.5 pRqISq tr~k frweIvr AOrqW hn Aqy Xogqw pRwpq frweIvrW dI mMg pihlW hI mojUdw fRweIvrW dI aumr vDx krky bhuq izAwdw vD geI hY[

bI. sI. iv~c, Agly 10 swlW ‘c ies Kyqr iv~c 12,300 AswmIAW dw Anumwn lwieAw igAw hY, ijnHW ‘coN izAwdwqr nOkrIAW syvw-mukq ho rhy frweIvrW dI QW lYx dI loV pUrI krn leI zrUrI hoxgIAW[

kYlI pYfn, ilMg brwbrqw leI sMsdI sk~qr ny Su~krvwr dy ibAwn iv~c ikhw, "AsIN jwxdy hW ik swƒ Biv~K dIAW nOkrIAW dIAW loVW ƒ pUrw krn leI vDyry ibRitS kolMbIAw dy lokW dI pRiqBw Aqy smr~Qw dI loV hY, iehI kwrn hY ik ibhqr isKlweI pihlkdmIAW dy nwl AsIN hunrW dy pwVy ƒ Brn leI kMm kr rhy hW, ijs kwrn bhuq swrIAW AOrqW ƒ au~c-mMg vwlIAW vDIAw qnKwh vwlIAW nOkrIAW qoN bwhr r`iKAw hoieAw hY"[

hor jwxkwrI leI, 'qy jwE[

the region. On-the-job training is also provided.

According to Trucking HR Canada's November 2022 Labour Market Snapshot, only 3.5 per cent of truck drivers in Canada are women and demand for qualified drivers – already in short supply -- is set to surge due to an aging workforce.

In B.C., 12,300 vacancies in the sector are projected over the next 10 years, the vast majority of which will be due to openings created by the need to replace retiring drivers.

"We know we need the talent and potential of more British Columbians to fill future job needs, which is why with improved training initiatives we are working to close the skills gap that has left too many women out of high-demand jobs that pay well,” said Kelli Paddon, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity in Friday's statement.

For more information, visit


Pilot and Flying J Stations to Get Fast Chargers for EV Trucks

Electrification of transport is reaching a new stage at which also long-range electric trucks will join the party at scale. This will require a proper public fast-charging infrastructure along major routes.

Soon, we might see high-power DC fast chargers for mediumand heavy-duty electric vehicles, installed at major travel centers across the US.

A sign of that is the recently announced strategic partnership between Volvo Group and Pilot Company, which operates more than 750 Pilot and Flying J locations across North America (covering 44 US states and six Canadian provinces).

According to a Letter of Intent (LOI) signed by the two partners in November, they will combine their

expertise to identify locations to be prioritized for high-performance charging, based on customer and driver needs, current and anticipated battery-electric truck density, and the availability of public funding to support infrastructure costs.

It's not yet known how many chargers and what type of chargers will be installed - currently, EV trucks are often using the CCS Combo 1 connector, but in the future, they are expected to move to be equipped with the upcoming Megawatt Charging System (MCS).

Shameek Konar, CEO of Pilot Company said:

“Volvo Group’s proven expertise in electric trucks combined with our nationwide travel center network and robust energy platform leverages our respective knowledge and resources to advance the nation’s charging infrastructure. We look forward

to working together to develop a holistic solution for electrified fleets, further enabling the transportation industry’s energy transition.”

Volvo Group offers electric trucks in North America through two brands: Volvo Trucks and Mack Trucks. The Volvo VNR Electric model is already available in the second model iteration with an enhanced battery capacity of 565 kilowatt-hour (kWh) and a range of up to 275 miles (442 km).

Meanwhile, Mack produces Class 8 Mack LR Electric refuse trucks with a 376 kWh battery.

Both manufacturers are expected to expand their EV lineup, but they must ensure that fleets that are looking to adopt battery-electric trucks, will have peace of mind in terms of charging infrastructure.


tRWsport dw ibjleIkrn ie~k nvyN

pVwA 'qy phuMc irhw hY, ijs 'c lMbI dUrI dy ielYkitRk tr~k vI v~fy p~Dr 'qy Swml hoxgy[ ies dy leI pRmu~K rUtW dy nwL-nwL ie~k Xog jnqk PwstcwrijMg buinAwdI FWcy dI vI loV pvygI[

jldI hI, swnUM drimAwny Aqy hYvIifaUtI ielYkitRk vwhnW leI hweIpwvr fI sI Pwst cwrjr imlxgy, jo ik pUry AmrIkw dy pRmu~K trYvl sYNtrW 'qy sQwpq kIqy gey hn[

ies dw ie~k sMkyq volvo gru~p Aqy pwielt kMpnI ivckwr hwlIAw smyN iv~c

AYlwnI geI Xojnwv`D BweIvwlI hY, jo

swry au~qrI AmrIkw iv~c 750 qoN vDyry

pwielt Aqy PlwieMg jy stySnW dw

sMcwln krdI hY iIeh 44 AmrIkn rwjW

Aqy Cy kYnyfIAn sUibAW ‘c sQwipq hY[

nvMbr iv~c dovW BweIvwlW duAwrw

dsqKq kIqy gey ie~k vwAdw p~qr

(LOI) Anuswr, auh dovyN imL ky gwhkW

Aqy frweIvrW dIAW loVW muqwibk, hweI pRPwrmNYs cwrijMg stySn sQwipq

eI vI tr~kW leI Pwst


pwielt Aqy PlwieMg jy stySnW

‘qy lwey jwxgy

krn leI aunHW QwvW nUM qrjIh dy ADwr

‘qy l`Bx dI koiSS krngy, ij`Qy mOjUdw Aqy Anumwinq bYtrI-ielYkitRk tr~k

Gxqw, Aqy buinAwdI FWcy dy KricAW dw smrQn krn leI jnqk PMifMg auplbD hovygI[

ieh Ajy pqw nhIN hY ik ikMny Aqy iks iksm dy cwrjr lwey jwxgyvrqmwn iv~c, EV tr~k Aksr CCS

Combo 1 knYktr dI vrqoN kr rhy hn, pr Biv~K iv~c, auhnW dy, Awaux vwly mYgwvwt cwrijMg isstm (MCS) nwl lYs hox dI aumId kIqI jWdI hY[

pwielt kMpnI dy sI eI E SmIk

konr ny ikhw:

"swfy dyS ivAwpI Xwqrw kyNdr

nY~tvrk Aqy mzbUq aUrjw plytPwrm

dy nwl iml ky, ielYkitRk tr~kW iv~c

volvo gru~p dI swbq hoeI muhwrq, dyS dy cwrijMg buinAwdI FWcy ƒ A~gy

vDwaux leI, swfy sbMiDq igAwn Aqy sroqW dw lwB pRwpq krdI hY[ AsIN

ielYktRIPweIf PlItW leI ie~k sMpUrn h~l ivksq krn leI iml ky kMm krn

dI aumId krdy hW, ijs nwl AwvwjweI audXog dy aUrjw pirvrqn ƒ hor smr~Q bxwieAw jw skygw["

volvo gru~p au~qrI AmrIkw iv~c do brWfW rwhIN ibjleI tr~k pyS krdw hY; ieh hn volvo tr~ks Aqy mYk tr~ks[ volvo vI AYn Awr ielYkitRk mwfl, pihlW hI dUjy mwfl dy bdlwA iv~c auplbD hY, ijs dI bYtrI smr~Qw 565 iklovwt-GMtw (kWh) Aqy 275 mIl (442 iklomItr) q~k dI ryNj hY[

ies dOrwn, klws 8 mYk AYl Awr ielYkitRk tr~k bxwaux vwlI kMpnI mYk ny 376 kWh dI bYtrI dy nwl tr`k inrmwx krn qoN nWh kr id`qI hY[

dovW inrmwqwvW qoN aumId kIqI jWdI hY ik auh AwpxI eI vI lweInAp dw ivsqwr krngy, pr aunHW ƒ ieh XkInI bxwauxw cwhIdw hY ik jo PlIt bYtrIielYkitRk tr~kW ƒ Apxwaux dI koiSS kr rhy hn, aunHW ƒ cwrijMg buinAwdI FWcy dy mwmly iv~c vI mn dI SWqI imlygI[


Get a Good Accountant

As a person that finances equipment, each year when January rolls around it becomes stressful for me and for clients. It’s because banks and leasing companies start demanding financial statements of the previous year, and literally the year end was just days ago. It takes weeks for accounting firms to produce statements, and it becomes a nightmare as the equipment sits on a dealership lot ready to go, and no one has the capability to pay for it.

I tell companies all the time to do one simple thing; that is to get interim financial statements done quarterly. If you plan to borrow money, this is essential. If your accountant is doing quarterly statements as you go, producing the last quarter of the year will go so much faster. Instead of weeks, you will have your statements in a few days for the entire year. Cost wise, the accountant will be doing the statements for the year regardless, so either way it gets done with the time spent, but just staggered.

Getting financing when about half to three quarters of the financial year has passed is usually the banks demanding something current. If you had done the quarterly statements, you simply forward them. If you have not, now a few weeks or more will pass while the accountant does them, and your equipment sits on a dealership lot not making you any money. The loss of money with unused equipment is far greater cost than paying the accountant quarterly.

When purchasing used equipment from an auction or a person or company, the financing becomes very stressful. An auction usually wants funds in a week. When your accounting is not up to date, you are

in danger of losing the equipment to the auction house. I also see people selling their equipment and when told the potential buyers have weeks before they can pay, the seller leaves. I don’t blame the seller at all. Why should they wait weeks for payment, when they can sell to a cash buyer right away or sell to someone who has their accounting up to date and can pay much sooner?

I know a person who has not filed taxes in the ten years I have known him. I told him each year to get his accounting in order. He didn’t listen. I explained it would be much easier to pay his taxes each year, then a huge sum later. He is now facing a sixfigure tax bill. He needs the money to pay the tax agency and cannot qualify for a loan because he has no income statements to show a bank. At one point he bought a home as an investment. Because he had no current taxes done and didn’t qualify for any mortgage, his friend had to come into the deal as a partner and get the house under his own name with a high interest rate. If my friend does not put his name on the home, his partner friend can literally sell the home and take all profits earned. I think the situation is just uncalled for and risky to his family and worse, to his children. This is all because he refuses to file his taxes each year.

As I write this article in early February, I have multiple clients who have not done their taxes and cannot pick up their equipment. One has had a new trailer sitting at the dealership since before Christmas, and he is unable to pick it up to use it because his taxes are not done. Another client has seven trailers sitting, with 2 more coming. He is getting his taxes completed the 3rd week of February he hopes, so seven weeks after they

were requested from the accountant. I have another client with two trailers sitting. They called each week for the last few months asking when their trailers were coming out of the factory saying they needed them as soon as possible, and each time they called were told to get their paperwork ready for when the trailers do arrive. Now the trailers have arrived, and they did not do the paperwork and the trailers are sitting unused awaiting payment. What gets me is that each client was told well over a month before the trailers were even built, that they were coming soon so get your paperwork in order. Yet not one of them did anything. This is only a small sample; there are many other procrastinators that are in the same situation.

All I can say is equipment that is sitting at a dealership looking pretty and shiny is not doing anything to help anyone in trucking. Unused equipment is not making anyone any money, including the dealership who is angry they haven’t been paid. So, from this please learn to do your financial statements for your company quarterly. You will make a lot more money that way because you have use of the equipment a month or two sooner when financing it. If you are an owner operator or company driver or anyone with a job, you should also be filing your taxes as early as possible each year especially if you plan to lease equipment, buy a car or purchase property. Even if you aren’t going to apply for a loan, getting a tax refund should be an incentive as well. So please find a good accountant. One that calls you themselves requesting your paperwork so they can file your taxes for you on time. A good accountant is indispensable!


ie~k cMgw AkwaUNtYNt r`Ko pYS brwV

swzo-swmwn vwsqy iv~qI shwieqw dyx

vwly ie~k ivAkqI vjoN, hr swl jd

jnvrI dw mhInw AwauNdw hY, qW ieh smW

myry leI Aqy myry gwhkW leI qxwE BrpUr

bx jWdw hY[ ieh ies leI hY ikauNik bYNk

Aqy lIz 'qy dyx vwlIAW kMpnIAW ipCly

swl dy iv~qI stytmYNtW dI mMg krnw SurU

kr idMdIAW hn Aqy swl dw AMq vI Asl

iv~c ku`J idn pihlW hI hoieAw huMdw hY[

AkwauNitMg PrmW ƒ stytmYNt iqAwr krn

iv~c keI h&qy l~g jWdy hn, Aqy ieh

ie~k frwauxw supnw bx jWdw hY ikauNik

swzo-swmwn Ajy fIlriSp lwt 'qy ivkx

leI iqAwr huMdw hY Aqy iksy kol vI iesdw

Bugqwn krn dI smr~Qw nhIN huMdI[

mYN kMpnIAW ƒ hr smyN kihMdI rihMdI

hW ieh ik auh ie~k sDwrn kMm krn;

Aqy auh hY AMqirm iv~qI stytmYNtW ƒ

iqmwhI krvwauxw[ jy qusIN pYsy auDwr lYx

dI Xojnw bxwauNdy ho, qW ieh zrUrI hY[

jy quhwfw AkwaUNtYNt smyN dy nwl iqmwhI stytmYNtW bxw irhw hovy, qW swl dI AwKrI iqmwhI dw inrmwx krnw bhuq qyzI nwl

A~gy vDygw[ hPiqAW dI bjwey, smu~cy swl vwsqy k`uJ ku idnW iv~c quhwfy kol

Awpxy stytmYNt Aw jwxgy[ lwgq dy ihswb nwl, AkwaUNtYNt swl Br dIAW stytmYNtW bxwvygw, ies leI iksy vI qrIky nwl ieh swl dIAW stytmYNtW smyN nwl bx jWdIAW hn, b~s ieh isrP ku`J ie`k ikSqW ‘c vMfIAW hoeIAW huMdIAW hn[

jdoN iv~qI swl dIAW l`gBg A~DIAW qoN iqMn iqmwhIAW lMG jWdIAW hn qW iv~q

pRwpq krn vyly Awm qOr 'qy bYNkW iksy

mOjUdw stytmYNt dI mMg krdIAW hn[ jy

qusIN iqmwhI stytmYNtW iqAwr krvweIAW

huMdIAW hox, qW b~s quhwnUM iehnW ƒ A~gy

Byjx dI loV hI huMdI hY[ jy quhwfy kol ieh

stytmYNtW nw hox, qW hux AkwauNtYNt dy kMm

krn dOrwn ku`J h&qy jW ies qoN vI v~D

smW bIq jwvygw Aqy quhwfw swzo-swmwn

fIlriSp lwt 'qy ipAw rihMdw hY, ijs

nwl quhwƒ koeI pYsw nhIN bxdw[ Axvrqy

aupkrxW nwl pYsy dw nukswn AkwaUNtYNt ƒ

iqmwhI Bugqwn krn nwloN ikqy v~D huMdw


iksy inlwmI jW iksy ivAkqI jW kMpnI qoN vrqy gey swzo-swmwn ƒ KrIddy smyN, iv~qI shwieqw bhuq qxwA-BrpUr ho jWdI hY[ ie~k inlwmI vwLy Awm qOr 'qy ie~k h&qy iv~c PMf cwhuMdy hn[ jdoN quhwfw lyKwjoKw Ajoky smyN q`k dw nhIN huMdw, qW qusIN inlwmI Gr iv~c swzo-swmwn guAw bYTx dy Kqry iv~c huMdy ho[ mYN lokW ƒ Awpxy swzo-swmwn ƒ vycdy hoey vI dyKdI hW Aqy jdoN pqw lgdw hY ik sMBwivq KrIddwrW ƒ Bugqwn krn leI keI hPiqAW dI loV hY, qW ivkryqw aunHW KrIddwrW qoN kMnI kqrw jWdw hY[ mYN ivkryqw ƒ iblkul vI doS nhIN idMdI[ aunHW ƒ Bugqwn leI h&iqAW dI aufIk krn dI kI zrUrq hY, jdoN auh qurMq iksy nkd KrIddwr ƒ Awpxw smwn vyc skdy hn jW iksy Aijhy ivAkqI ƒ vyc skdy hn ijsdw Awpxw lyKw-joKw hux q`k dw hYY Aqy jo bhuq jldI Bugqwn vI kr skdw hY?

mYN ie~k Aijhy ivAkqI ƒ jwxdI hW ijsny ds swlW iv~c tYks PweIl nhIN kIqw hY[ mYN ausƒ hr swl ikhw ik auh Awpxw lyKw-joKw TIk kr lvy[ aus ny myrI koeI g~l nhIN suxI[ mYN smJwieAw ik hr swl aus dy tYksW dw Bugqwn krnw bhuq sOKw hovygw, nhIN qW iPr bwAd ivc iek v~fI rkm Adw krnI pY skdI hY[ hux aus ƒ Cy AMkW Bwv l`K dy tYks ib~l dw swhmxw krnw pY irhw hY[ ausƒ tYks eyjMsI dw Bugqwn krn leI pYsy dI loV huMdI hY Aqy auh krzy leI Xog nhIN huMdw ikauNik aus kol bYNk nUM idKwaux leI koeI

AwmdnI stytmYNt nhIN hY[ ie~k smyN qy ausny invyS dy qOr qy ie~k Gr KrIidAw sI[ ikauNik aus kol koeI vrqmwn tYks nhIN sI Aqy auh iksy vI mOrgyj vwsqy Xog nhIN sI, ies leI ausdy dosq ƒ ie~k

BweIvwl vjoN sOdy iv~c Awauxw ipAw Aqy

Gr nUM Awpxy nwm hyT krvwaux leI au~cI dr ‘qy ivAwz lyxw ipAw sI[ jy auh dosq

Gr Awpxy nwm ‘qy nhIN ilKvwauNdw sI, qW ausdw swQI dosq s~cmu~c Gr vyc skdw

sI Aqy kmwey gey swry lwB lY skdw sI[ mYN socdI hW ik ieh siQqI ausdy pirvwr

vwsqy byloVI Aqy Kqry vwlI sI Aqy ausdy

b~icAW vwsqy iesqoN vI bdqr ho skdI

sI[ ieh sB musIbq ies leI AweI

ikauNik auh hr swl Awpxy tYks Brn qoN

ienkwr krdw irhw [

ijvyN ik mYN ies lyK ƒ PrvrI dy SurU

iv~c ilK rhI hW, myry kol bhuq swry gwhk

hn ijnHW ny Awpxy tYks nhIN PweIl kIqy hn Aqy auh Awpxy swzo-swmwn ƒ nhIN

cu~k skdy[ ikRsms qoN pihlW fIlriSp

'qy ie~k nvW trylr AwieAw ipAw hY, Aqy

auh iesƒ vrqx leI iesƒ cu~kx iv~c

auh Asmr~Q hY ikauNik ausdy tYks pypr pUry nhIN hoey hn[ iek hor gwhk dy s~q

trylr phuMcy pey hn, Aqy Ajy 2 hor Aw rhy

hn[ auh Awpxy tYksW ƒ PrvrI dy qIjy

hPqy pUry hox dI Aws kr irhw hY, ijs dI

ausƒ aumId hY, ies leI ieh AkwaUNtYNt

nUM bynqI kIqy jwx dy s~q hPiqAW bwAd

pUry hoxgy[ myry kol ie~k hor gwhk hY ijs

dy do tRylr phuMcy pey hn[ auh ipCly ku`J

mhIinAW qoN hr h&qy Pon krky pu~Cdy sn

ik aunHW dy trylr PYktrI ivcoN kdoN bwhr

Aw rhy hn Aqy aunHW ƒ ijMnI jldI ho sky

aunHW dI loV hY, Aqy hr vwr jdoN aunHW ƒ

Pon kIqw jWdw hY qW aunHW ƒ ikhw jWdw sI

ik auh tRylr phuMcx q`k Awpxy kwgzwq

iqAwr kr lYx[ hux trylr Aw gey hn

Aqy aunHW ny kwgzI kwrvweI nhIN kIqI

Aqy trylr ibnW iksy vrqoN dy KVyyH hoey

Bugqwn dI aufIk kr rhy hn[ ijhVI g`l

mYnMU pRySwn krdI hY auh ieh hY ik trylrW dy Awaux qoN ie~k mhInw pihlW hI hryk gwhk ƒ cMgI qrHW d~s id~qw igAw sI, ik auh jldI hI Aw rhy hn, ies leI AwpxI kwgzI kwrvweI ƒ pUrI krvw ky r`Kx[ iPr vI aunHW ivcoN iksy ny ku`J nhIN kIqw[ ieh kyvl ie~k Cotw ijhw nmUnw hY; ie~Qy bhuq swry hor twl-mtol krn vwly hn jo iesy qrHW dI siQqI iv~c hn[

mYN isrP ieh kih skdI hW ik auh aupkrx Bwv swz smwn jo fIlriSp 'qy KVHw suMdr Aqy cmkdwr idKweI dy irhw hY, auh tr~ikMg iv~c iksy dI m`dd krn leI k`uJ vI nhIN kr irhw hY[ Axvrqy swzo-swmwn nwl iksy ƒ vI koeI pYsw nhIN iml irhw hY, ijs iv~c fIlriSp vI Swml hY, jo ies leI gu~sy iv~c hY ik auhnW ƒ

Bugqwn nhIN kIqw igAw [ ies krky, A`j qoN lY ky ikrpw krky AwpxI kMpnI vwsqy AwpxIAW iqmwhI iv~qI stytmYNtW ƒ iqAwr krvwauxIAW is~Ko[ qusIN ies qrIky nwl bhuq izAwdw pYsw kmwEgy, ikauNik quhwfy kol swzo-swmwn dI vrqoN krn leI ies dw Bugqwn krn vyly ie~k jW do mhIny pihlW hI iqAwrI kIqI hoeI

huMdI hY[ jy qusIN koeI mwlk Awprytr jW

kMpnI dw frweIvr ho jW koeI vI nOkrI krdy ho, qW quhwƒ hr swl ijMnI jldI ho sky Awpxy tYks pypr Brny cwhIdy hn, Kws krky jy qusIN swzo-swmwn ƒ lIz 'qy lYx, koeI kwr KrIdx jW jwiedwd KrIdx dI Xojnw bxwauNdy ho[ cwhy qusIN iksy krzy

vwsqy ArzI dyx nhIN vI jw rhy ho, tYks Bugqwn jW vwpsI pRwpq krnw vI ie~k

mh`qvpUrn kMm hoxw cwhIdw hY[ ies leI

ikrpw krky koeI cMgw AkwaUNtYNt l~Bo[

auh jo quhwƒ Kud quhwfy kwgzI kMmW dI Xwd

krvwauNdw hY qW jo auh quhwfy vwsqy quhwfy

tYksW ƒ smyN isr PweIl kr skx[ ies

sB leI ie~k cMgy AkwaUNtYNt dI loV hY[

19 MARCH-APRIL 2023 NATIONAL MAGAZINE Experience Advanced EKO-Engineering. One Device for ALL of your Aerodynamic needs! When It Comes to Trailer Aerodynamics… What Do YOU Look For? Allan Boomer VP Sales Canada 855.833.7940 x102 403.512.6944 (c) Trailer Aerodynamics by CARB Compliant and CARB GHG Phase 2 Pre-approved. custom colors available upon request Superior Fuel Efficiency? CARB compliance? Hassle-Free Maintenance? 4-6 Month (or less) ROI? Trailer Stability in High Crosswinds? Driver Appreciation?

ies vwr ircmMf, bI. sI. ‘c ie~k hor tr~k ny Evrpws ƒ t~kr mwrI

BC dy loAr mynlYNf iv~c ieh idRS bhuq Awm huMdw jw

irhw hY; ie~k hor vpwrk vwhn ny Evrpws ƒ t~kr mwr id~qI

hY[ies vwr, ieh Gtnw nweIt strIt dI d~Kx v~l jwx vwlI lyn iv~c svyr dy s&r dOrwn vwprI[

ircmMf Awr sI AYm pI dy Anuswr, 10 PrvrI ƒ, "ieh

nqIjw k`iFAw igAw ik ie~k vpwrk vwhn jo ie~k fMp tRylr

ƒ au`pr cu`kI hoeI hwlq ‘c iljw irhw sI, aucweI izAwdw hox

krky ieh Evrpws dy hyToN nhIN lMG sikAw[ vpwrk vwhn kuJ

dUrI 'qy siQq sI, ikauNik ies ƒ trylr XUint qoN v~K kr id~qw

igAw sI, jo Ajy vI Evrpws dy hyTW sI”[

vYnkUvr ƒ ircmMf nwl joVn vwlI nweIt strIt ie`k pRmu`K

sVk hY, ijs nMU puils vjoN ies Gtnw dI jWc krn leI keI GMitAW leI bMd kr id~qw igAw sI[ Sukr hY ik ies ‘c koeI zKmI nhIN hoieAw[

puils Aqy ircmMf rof syPtI XUint ijnHW ny CVSE nwL rL ky ies dI jWc SurU kIqI hY, dy Anuswr, vpwrk vwhn dw frweIvr jWc krqwvW nwl sihXog nhIN kr irhw [

kmRSIAl vwhn sur~iKAw dy mwihrW muqwbk ieh hwdsw pUrI qrHW twlxXog sI[ jW qW frweIvr ny gyVw lwaux qoN pihlW koeI auicq jWc nhIN kIqI sI jW g~fI iv~c koeI sur~iKAw XMqr kMm nhIN kr irhw sI[

Another Truck Hits Overpass – This Time in Richmond, BC

The scene is becoming all too common in the Lower Mainland of BC; another commercial vehicle has hit an overpass. This time, the incident took place in the southbound lane of Knight Street during the morning commute.

According to Richmond RCMP, on February 10th, “it was determined that a commercial vehicle was towing a dump trailer in the raised position and it failed to clear the overpass. The commercial vehicle was located some distance away, as it was severed from the trailer unit, which was still lodged underneath the overpass.”

Knight Street, a major artery connecting Vancouver to Richmond, was closed for many hours while police investigated the incident. Thankfully, no one was injured.

According to police and the Richmond Road Safety Unit, which has taken over the investigation along with the CVSE, the driver of the commercial vehicle is not cooperating with investigators.

According to experts in commercial vehicle safety, this accident was completely avoidable. Either the driver did not conduct a proper pre-trip inspection or a safety mechanism in the vehicle was not operating.


AJAC ny 2023


kwr AYNf XUitltI

vhIkl AwP dw XIAr dI GoSxw kIqI

AwtomobweIl jrnilsts AYsosIeySn

AwP kYnyfw (AJAC) duAwrw cuxn ‘qy

BMWi 4 ƒ 2023 kYnyfIAn kwr AwP

dw eIAr Aqy huMfeI IONIQ 5 ƒ 2023

kYnyfIAn XUitltI vhIkl AwP dw

XIAr vjoN AYlwinAw igAw[ AJAC

dy p~qrkwrW ny BMWi 4 dI iesdy

stIAirMg Aqy huMfeI IONIQ 5 dI iesdy

stweIilMg Aqy mu~l leI pRSMsw kIqI[

torWto iv~c kYnyfIAn ieMtrnYSnl

AwtoSoA dy audGwtnI smwrohW ‘c dovW

vwhnW ƒ kYnyfw dy sB qoN v`fy Awtomoitv

snmwnW nwl snmwinq kIqw igAw[ ies

qoNy bwAd dyS dy sB qoN v~D snmwinq

Awtomoitv p~qrkwrW iv~coN lgBg 50

duAwrw hYlIPYks qoN vYnkUvr Aqy iesqoN

bwAd dIAW sVkW Aqy hwlqW bwry keI

mhIinAW dI tYsitMg Aqy mulWkx kIqw

igAw[ votW dw skor guMmnwm qrIky nwl

keI iviBMn kwrkW 'qy kIqw jWdw hY, ijnHW iv~c pRdrSn, KUbIAW, qknwlojI, ifzweIn, qyl dI Kpq Aqy vhIkl dI

kImq vrgIAW cIzW Swml huMdIAW hn[

ienHW jyqUAW dI cox 250 qoN v~D

AYNtrIAW iv~coN kIqI geI sI ijs iv~c

ies swl ivkrI leI swrIAW nvIAW

kwrW Aqy XUitltI vhIkl Swml sn[

votW pwaux dy AMkiVAW ƒ 1,700 qoN vDyry

votW qoN guMmnwm qrIky nwl iek~qr kIqw

igAw sI[ Awift Aqy slwhkwrI Prm

KPMG duAwrw votW ƒ swrxIb~D kIqw

igAw Aqy ilPwPy nUM styj 'qy KolHx q`k

bhuq hI gupq r~iKAw igAw sI[

AJAC dy aup-pRDwn eYvn ivlIAmz

ny ikhw, "ieh purskwr AJAC dw

srvau~c snmwn hn Aqy ieh swfy mYNbrW

dy Asl-sMswr dy mulWkx Aqy muhwrq

dI gihrweI dy smrQn ‘qy ADwirq hY

ik AsIN BMWi 4 nMU 2023 kYnyfIAn

kwr AwP dw XIAr Aqy huMfeI IONIQ 5

nUM 2023 kYnyfIAn XUitltI vhIkl AwP

dw XIAr AYlwn krdy hW"[aunHW ieh vI

ikhw, "AJAC dy p~qrkwr dyS iv~c sB

qoN v~D bwhrmuKI Aqy sUJvwn Awtomoitv

pySyvrW iv~coN ie~k hn, Aqy ieh q~Q ik

ieh donoN g~fIAW swfy sKq tYsitMg Aqy

voitMg pRotokol dy isKr 'qy phuMc geIAW hn, dw mqlb ieh hY ik ieh s~cmu~c

kYnyfIAn KrIddwrW vwsqy auplbD sB qoN vDIAw g~fIAW ‘coN ie~k hn["

Continental Seafood Restaurant

My friend had taken a week off from work and said she wanted to go for lunch during her time off. Originally, we were supposed to do lunch before Christmas, but it was the time of a big snowstorm, so we decided to postpone instead of sitting on a bridge for 12 hours trapped, like some unfortunate locals. The dealership I work with is building a new location and I said I heard The Northern Café is right near it, so let’s go check that out. I figured it would be the new hang out for us, and the VP and owner of the dealership had said it was a good spot.

My friend arrived first and called me. She said there was no parking for the Northern Café and to park on the nearest cross street. As I was about to arrive, she called again and said it was a one hour wait. It was 11am on a weekday and I was shocked. We decided not to wait and agreed to try dim sum instead. My friend suggested Continental and we drove from south Vancouver over to Richmond.

It was about 11:30am when we arrived, and we both easily found parking spots. The restaurant is in a strip mall with a Shoppers Drug Mart and a dollar store and other businesses. We entered the restaurant and were immediately sat down, and the manager said ice water and tea were coming. My friend explained that this is one of few dim sum restaurants where you choose food from rolling carts instead of a menu. After covid she said most of the places doing rolling carts, had stopped.

Our tea arrived and we began choosing food from the carts. My friend is Chinese, so it was nice to have her speaking on our behalf in Cantonese. We chose savory items first and ended with a few sweeter items. We had steamed pork and shrimp dumplings which are always a favorite of mine, steamed shrimp dumplings, pork spring rolls, deep fried crab claws, soya sauce chow mein, pan fried shrimp and chive cake and some boiled choy sum greens with garlic and oyster sauce. We were served Worcestershire sauce for dipping and hot sauce. Everything was delicious. I especially liked the crab claw and the soya sauce chow mein noodles.

We then chose to go sweeter and had BBQ pork pastry. The filling was on the sweeter side and I found this dish quite heavy, but delicious. We then ended with a dish I had never had, which was a tofu pudding. It was hot and the server poured a ginger sugar syrup on top. I enjoyed this and was really stuffed.

One thing I learned during lunch was about communal chop sticks. I had never noticed that one set of chop sticks was a different color on the table in any past dim sum visits. These are to be used only to serve yourself the various dishes with. They were white in color in this case. The other chop sticks, which were brown, you are to use to eat with. I had never known this and was glad to learn, so in the future I hope I don’t offend anyone. I told a few friends and they said they didn’t know either, so I’m glad to know this.

Our bill was not a small one. A little much for lunch at $100 before taxes. But I think it was worth it considering there was a lot of seafood. I noticed as we were leaving, there was a wall of photos with a lot of past and present politicians. My friend explained the restaurant is often used for political fundraisers and get togethers. I decided right then and there that one day I would get my photo on the wall. Look out for me Continental! I’m definitely coming back to claim a spot on the wall! As we left, we were being stalked for our parking spots. The parking lot was a nightmare of people wanting to park and people just randomly walking around. It was entertaining when you already have a spot, but frustrating if you are the person driving around and around looking for a spot and dodging the pedestrians.

I really enjoyed my dim sum experience and had not had dim sum since prior to Covid. I really appreciated having the rolling cart dim sum I’m used to instead of ordering from a menu. It’s a shame these places are disappearing. I went a few days after Chinese New Year and realized how much I had missed the New Years festival for the past few years and the fun of trying new foods with my good Chinese friends. I’m glad .everything is getting back to normal since Covid began. You’ll see me back at this restaurant again for sure. I highly recommend it and I will leave a lasting mark once I get my photo on that wall!

#150 - 11700 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC

Pash Brar Seafood


The sleek new exterior of the T680 Next Gen incorporates cutting-edge aerodynamic design features meant to squeeze every possible mile from every gallon. Offering you up to 6% in fuel savings from day one.

"Thanks our truckers who have kept our economies going during Covid-19." "We are grateful to you."


knYktf pRofkts leI pItriblt Aqy plytPwrm

swieMs ie~k nvyN eIkoisstm dw inrmwx krngy

pItriblt ny GoSxw kIqI ik auh Awpxy

audXog-mohrI vwhnW dy knYktf auqpwdW

leI ie~k nvW eIkoisstm ivksq

krngy[ ieh pihl, hwl ‘c hI plytPwrm

swieMs ieMk Aqy pItriblt dI mUl kMpnI

PACCAR ieMk drimAwn hoey sihXog

smJOqy dI Cqr-CwieAw hyT hovygI[

nvIAW syvwvW plytPwrm swieMs dy

vrcUAl vhIkl™ plytPwrm dw lwB

auTwauxgIAW jo gwhkW ƒ Awpxy vwhnW qoN is~Dy qOr 'qy PlIt pRbMDn kwrjkuSlqw, eI

AYl fI smr~QwvW, tr~k-ivSyS nYvIgySn

Aqy qIjI-iDr dIAW AYplIkySnW q~k

phuMc krn dy Xog bxwauNdIAW hn[

pItriblt qknwlojI Aqy nvInqw dw

lwB auTwauNdw hY, Aqy swfIAW knYktIivtI

syvwvW ƒ Agly p~Dr q~k iljwx leI sWJy

qOr 'qy ies audXog-mohrI eIkoisstm dw inrmwx krygw[ jysn skUg, pItriblt dy jnrl mYnyjr Aqy PACCAR aup pRDwn ny it~pxI kIqI, "A~j dy gwhk Awpxy mOjUdw PlIt pRbMDn h~l dy nwl au~cqm p~Dr dy A`ptweIm Aqy sMpUrn eykIkrx

dI mMg krdy hn"[ skUg ny A~gy c`l ky ikhw, "SmartLINQ Aqy PACCAR solUSnz portl ny ies AglI pIVHI dy h~l ƒ bxwaux leI ie~k Tos nINh pRdwn kIqI hY"[

plytPwrm swieMs dy sih-sMsQwpk Aqy CEO jYk kYnyfI ny ikhw, “vrcUAl vhIkl dy nwl, tr~k KrIddwr nvInqw, auqpwdn Aqy sur~iKAw iv~c rukwvtW ƒ dUr kr skdy hn Aqy tYknwlojI h~lW dy nwl ien-kYb AnuBvW ƒ AwpxIAW zrUrqW dy AnukUl bxw skdy hn, jo auhnW dIAW loVW ƒ sB qoN vDIAw FMg nwl pUrw krdy hn[ aunHW ny A`gy ikhw, “80 swlW qoN v~D smyN leI, pItriblt ny ivSv p~DrI vwhnW dw inrmwx kIqw hY, jo sur~iKAw, pRdrSn Aqy A`ptweIm ƒ v~D qoN v~D bxwauNdy hn, sQweI kwrIgrI dy nwl nvInqwkwrI qknwlojI ƒ joVdy hn[ swƒ

vrcUAl vhIkl plytPwrm ƒ auhnW dy tr~kW iv~c joVn Aqy auhnW dy gwhkW dI hr loV ƒ pUrw krn leI Aiq AwDuink

tr~k qknwlojI pRdwn krn leI auhnW

dI tIm nwl sihXog krn iv~c mwx hY[”

plytPwrm swieMs eIkoisstm AwKrkwr

Qrf-pwrtI AYps ƒ tr~k ieMtrPys 'qy irmot jW is~Dy qOr 'qy fwaUnlof krn

Aqy pRbMiDq krn dI iejwzq dyvygw, ijs nwl mwrkIt hwrfvyAr vwieirMg

Aqy ieMstwlySn qoN bwAd mihMgI qy smW brbwd krn vwlI A`pgRyf dI zrUrq Kqm ho jwvygI[ bwrt lor, sInIAr fwierYktr globl knYktf srivisz ny ikhw “nvIAW syvwvW swfy BwrI- Aqy m~Dm ifaUtI tr~k plytPwrmW dy mOjUdw knYktIivtI h~lW dw lwB auTwauxgIAW”, aunHW ny ieh vI ikhw, “nvyN AYp eIkoisstm leI ienHW dw DMnvwd

aunHW A`gy c`l ky ikhw ik pItriblt vwhn

mOjUdw PlIt iv~c kuAWtm lIp eykIkrx pRbMDn h~l krngy[”

syvwvW dw nvW rUp 2024 iv~c klws 8

mwfl 579 Aqy 567 Aqy mIfIAm-ifaUtI

mwfl 548, 537, 536 Aqy 535 dy nwl

lWc kIqw jwvygw[ ies dy nwl nwl tr~k

mwfl Aqy loVINdy AYplIkySn dy AwDwr 'qy keI syvw pYkyj auplbD hoxgy[


Peterbilt and Platform Science to Build a New Ecosystem of Connected Products

Peterbilt announced that it will develop a new ecosystem of connected products for its industry-leading vehicles. The initiative will be under the umbrella of the cooperation agreement recently signed between Platform Science, Inc. and Peterbilt parent company PACCAR Inc.

The new services will leverage Platform Science's Virtual Vehicle™ platform which enables customers to access fleet management functionality, ELD capabilities, truck-specific navigation and third-party applications directly from their vehicles.

Peterbilt leverages technology and innovation, and will jointly build this industry-leading ecosystem to take our connectivity services to the next level. “Today’s customers demand the highest level of uptime and complete integration with their existing fleet management

solution” commented Jason Skoog, Peterbilt general manager and PACCAR vice president. “SmartLINQ and the PACCAR Solutions portal have provided a solid foundation to build this next-generation solution” Skoog added.

“With Virtual Vehicle, truck buyers can eliminate barriers to innovation, production, and safety and customize in-cab experiences with technology solutions that best meet their needs,” said Jack Kennedy, co-founder & CEO, Platform Science. “For more than 80 years, Peterbilt has built worldclass vehicles that maximize safety, performance and uptime, combining innovative technology with enduring craftmanship. We are proud to collaborate with their team to integrate the Virtual Vehicle platform into their trucks and deliver the most cuttingedge truck technology to meet their customers’ every need.”

The Platform Science ecosystem will eventually allow for third-party apps to be downloaded and managed remotely or directly on the truck interface, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming after-market hardware wiring and installation. “The new services will leverage the existing connectivity solutions of our heavyand medium-duty truck platforms” added Bart Lore, senior director Global Connected Services, “thanks to the new app ecosystem, Peterbilt vehicles will take a quantum leap integration to existing fleet management solutions” added Lore.

The new suite of services will launch in 2024 with class 8 Models 579 and 567 and the medium-duty Models 548, 537, 536 and 535. Multiple service packages will be available depending on the truck model and intended application.


SafetyDriven: Advancing the Standard of Safety Practices in BC

SafetyDriven – Trucking Safety Council of BC (TSCBC) is an industry-led organization that represents the occupational health and safety needs of businesses in the trucking, moving and storage industries, and related businesses in the transportation, warehousing, and logistics sector.

By providing training, services, mentorship, safety programs and certification, SafetyDriven supports the development of sustainable and effective injury prevention and risk management programs, with the ultimate goal of reducing injury and fatality rates in the workplace.

Health and Safety Association

SafetyDriven partners with clients to build their safety programs. Their occupational health and safety advisors provide one-to-one coaching and guidance of how to implement and manage safety programs on a company-wide scale. SafetyDriven’s worker- and driver-focused training programs are tailored to improve the skills and knowledge foundation required in the industry. Programs include coaching for building and maintaining a safety program; engaging management; providing resources, free training, and seminars; and offering one-on-one support.

And the best part? Any company can start, regardless of their safety knowledge.

SafetyDriven partners with employers so they can:

• Become safer

• Improve efficiency

• Prevent accidents

• Protect workers and cargo

Certificate of Recognition Program SafetyDriven is also the certifying partner for the trucking and related industries for WorkSafeBC’s Certificate of Recognition (COR) program. COR is awarded to employers who implement and maintain an occupational health and safety management system that meets or exceeds the requirements for COR Certification. SafetyDriven’s programs provide guidance on how to create an efficient operation that meets the safety standards for a COR audit. By demonstrating they are meeting an independently audited standard, companies can provide a safer working environment and enjoy more business opportunities, less operational risk, and recurring financial benefits. COR is for every company concerned with minimizing risk to their operations and financial viability. It is not confined to safety but also provides best practices for an efficient operation. COR is also useful

for owner operators who do not have a safety background or dedicated specialists on staff. Companies who achieve COR are eligible for a 10 percent rebate on the previous year’s WorkSafeBC premiums.

A Truckload of Free Safety Resources

Everything the trucking, moving and storage, and related industries need to know about occupational health and safety can be found on SafetyDriven. ca. Because SafetyDriven wants safety to be accessible by all, their extensive resource library is free and available to the public. Their resources page has an abundance of tools and information including posters, videos, podcasts, and policy templates that can be downloaded and modified. From commercial vehicle safety to occupational health and safety for managers or supervisors, health and safety representatives, drivers, and workers, SafetyDriven makes sure there is something for everyone in their everevolving truckload of resources.

SafetyDriven is committed to the health and safety of their clients and stakeholders, and they are here to assist you. To learn more about SafetyDriven‘s services and to contact them, visit

29 MARCH-APRIL 2023 NATIONAL MAGAZINE The CleanBC Heavy-duty Vehicle Efficiency Program is funded by the Province of British Columbia and administered by BCTA. Call for more information: (604) 888 - 5319 Visit us online: Sign up for savings. Incentives of up to $15,000 per vehicle and $100,000 per fleet are available for fuel-saving equipment with the CleanBC Heavy-duty Vehicle Efficiency Program. A TRUCKLOAD OF SAFETY RESOURCES ONLINE & FREE SafetyDriven provides safety resources for trucking and moving & storage operations. • Up-to-Date Safety Courses & Training Videos • Tips, Tools & Templates • Certificate of Recognition Program (COR) and more ...

Commercial Vehicles Must Install Real Time -Tracking Device in BC

The province says all of B.C.'s commercial vehicle fleet operators have six months to implement changes to how and when provincially regulated drivers clock on and off work.

Starting Aug. 1, all commercial vehicle carriers will be required to install electronic logging devices (ELDs) to track drivers' time behind the wheel, a move the transportation ministry says should improve road safety.

In a statement Monday, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure said provincially regulated carriers will have six months to install the ELDs across their fleets.

Minister Rob Fleming says the

ELDs should reduce the likelihood of drivers operating commercial vehicles while tired.

"Using technology to ensure that commercial drivers aren't on the road longer than they should be on a given day will protect their safety and the safety of others on B.C. highways," said Fleming.

According to B.C.'s Motor Vehicle Act regulations, a commercial carrier must not request, require or allow a driver to continue operating a vehicle for more than 13 hours at a time, unless the driver takes at least eight consecutive hours of time off before getting behind the wheel again.

The B.C. Trucking Association has long supported the use of

ELDs and says the move will increasing compliance with the MVA regulations.

"While there is no single fix for improved safety performance, a widespread requirement for technology that automates compliance and helps to promote effective safety programs will transform the industry for the better," said Dave Earle, president and CEO of the B.C. Trucking Association.

The shift follows federal ELD regulations, which Transport Canada established for the inter-provincial trucking sector in 2021. Enforcement of those regulations began in January this year.


bI. sI. ’c vpwrk vwhnW leI rIAl

tweIm-tRYikMg fIvweIsW lwauxIAW lwzmI

ies sUby dw kihxw hY ik ibRitS

kolMbIAw dy swry vpwrk vwhn g~fI-

smUhW dy AwprytrW kol ies cIz iv~c

qbdIlIAW ƒ lwgU krn leI Cy mhIinAW

dw smW huMdw hY jdoN sUbweI qOr 'qy inXimq

fRweIvr ikvyN Aqy kdoN kMm krnw SurU krdy

hn Aqy iks smyN kMm qoN htdy hn[

pihlI Agsq qoN, swry vpwrk vwhn

kYrIArW ƒ smyN dw pqw lgwaux leI

ielYktRwink lOigMg aupkrxW (ELDs) ƒ

sQwpq krn dI zrUrq hoeygI[ AwvwjweI

mMqrwly dw kihxw hY ik ieh kdm sVk

sur~iKAw iv~c suDwr ilAwaux leI kwPI

shweI hovygw[

somvwr ƒ ie~k ibAwn iv~c, AwvwjweI

Aqy buinAwdI FWcy dy mMqrwly ny ikhw ik

sUbweI qOr 'qy inXMiqRq kYrIArW kol Awpxy

PlItW iv~c ELDs sQwpq krn leI Cy mhIinAW dw smW hovygw[

mMqrI rOb PlYimMg dw kihxw hY ik ELDs Q~ky hoey frweIvrW duAwrw vpwrk vwhnW ƒ clwaux dI sMBwvnw ƒ Gtwaux ‘c m`dd krngIAW[

PlYimMg ny ikhw, "ieh XkInI bxwaux leI qknwlojI dI vrqoN krnw ik vpwrk frweIvr iksy Kws idn nwloN izAwdw smyN leI sVk 'qy nw hox, bI. sI. hweIvyAW 'qy aunHW dI Aqy dUsry lokW dI sur~iKAw krygI" [

bI. sI. dy motr vhIkl AYkt inXmW dy Anuswr, ie~k kmrSIAl kYrIAr nUM iksy vI frweIvr ƒ lgwqwr ie~k smyN qy 13 GMitAW qoN v~D smyN leI vwhn ƒ clwauxw jwrI r~Kx leI nhIN kihxw cwhIdw, Aqy nw hI ies qrHW krn dI AwigAw dyxI cwhIdI hY[ ieh zrUr iDAwn r`Kxw cwhIdw hY frweIvr ny muV fRweIv krn qoN pihlW lgqwr G~to G~t A~T GMitAW leI pUrw Arwm kr ilAw hY[

bI. sI. tr~ikMg AYsosIeySn lMby smyN qoN ELDs dI vrqoN dw smrQn krdI Aw rhI hY Aqy kihMdI hY ik ies kdm nwl MVA AiDinXmW dI pwlxw ‘c vwDw hovygw[

bI. sI. tr~ikMg AYsosIeySn dy pRDwn Aqy CEO fyv Arly ny ikhw "hwlWik suDry hoey sur~iKAw pRdrSn vwsqy koeI ie~ko ie~k h~l nhIN hY, pr AijhI qknwlojI dI ie~k ivAwpk loV hY inXmW nUM svYcilq lwgU krn vwlI hovy Aqy Asrdwr sur~iKAw pRogrwmW ƒ auqSwhq krn iv~c m`dd krky audXog ƒ vDIAw qrIky nwl sur`iKAq krn ‘c shweI hovygI["

ieh qbdIlI aunHW PYfrl ELD

AiDinXmW dI pwlxw krdI hY, ijnHW ƒ trWsport kYnyfw ny 2021 iv~c AMqrsUbweI tr~ikMg sYktr vwsqy sQwpq kIqw sI[ aunHW inXmW ƒ lwgU krn dI pRikirAw ies swl jnvrI iv~c SurU hoeI sI[

NATIONAL MAGAZINE Truckers Together Fuel Services Significant Discounts at Major Fuel Centers across Canada & USA 1.800.213.9820 If Not, Let us Help You Save More Money with our Fuel Card! ARE YOU GETTING ENOUGH NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022

Roof Skin and Roof Bows



Sidewall Parts (Posts, Liners, Scuffbands for Dry Vans and Reefers)

Door Hardware (Hinges and Lock Rods)

Door Blanks and Door Seals

Accessories (Vents and Document Holders)

Fairing Skirts

Landing Gear and Bracing

Floor Components (Rails, Crossmembers and Boards)

Air Lines, Gladhands and Valves

Wheel Seals, Hubcaps and Bearings

Lights, Wiring and Electrical

Conspicuity Tape

Suspension, Axle and Brake Components (Drum and Disc)

33 MARCH-APRIL 2023 NATIONAL MAGAZINE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022 Tel: 905-461-2525 Fax: 905-696-6825 905-461-2525 ax: Tel: 403-455-4258 Fax: 403-455-4261 el: 403-455-4258 ax: Incorporation Registration IFTA Registration IRP Registration & Revenue C.V.O.R. Registration U.S. D.O.T. & MC Registration C-TPAT Drug Testing Canada Customs & US Customs Bond Bay 6-9, 2456, 23 Ave. NE, Calgary, AB 7050 Telford Way, Unit 13, Mississauga, ON 1. 88 8 . GL ASVAN ( 45 2 . 782 6 ) Four Southern Ontario locations to serve you; locations in Mississauga, Putnam, Alliston, and Whitby.
34 MARCH-APRIL 2023 NATIONAL MAGAZINE DESI Marketplace NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022 companies Danny: 204-999-6061 a r y : 2 0 4 - 8 9 9 - 1 6 3 1 204.633.8868 Serving Winnipeg,Brandon & Northern Manitoba Area , Smal or Big LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TOWING & RECOVERY TOWING & RECOVERY NEEDS Awpxy BweIAW dI tOieMg kMpnI EMERGENCY SERVICE ANY TRAILER OF ANY TYPE, CONDITION, OR AGE, WE WANT IT! Call your local Ocean Trailer branch today or email Mack at WILL PAY YOU CASH FOR YOUR EQUIPMENT! O C EANTRAILER. C O M Mission PERFECTED FOR THE ROAD AHEAD The sleek new exterior of the T680 Next Gen incorporates cutting-edge aerodynamic design features meant to squeeze every possible mile from every gallon. Offering you up to 6% in fuel savings from day one. ILG_21062_Desi Trucking Concept Ad.indd 1 12/22/2021 12:30:51 PM
35 MARCH-APRIL 2023 PIKE ENTERPRISES LTD. • Fleet Liquidations • Consignments • Specializing In Used Trailer Sales Fax: 604-532-8414 Email: R.C.(BOB) PIKE | Cell: 604-202-3696 Main Yard at 18991 96th Ave, Surrey, BC COMMERCIAL TRAILER SALES & PURCHASES hux I.C.B.C jwx dI loV nhIN klym nMbr ilAwE bwkI swfy qy C`fo! 19155 96th Ave. SURREY, BC COLLISION SPECIALISTS BODY & PAINT FRAMES & ALIGNMENTS For all your heavy equipment needs, call: 604.888.1133 E: We develop strategies based on client goals for success! 778.706.4000 We help our clients launch brands, design customized websites and deliver digital marketing solutions using passion, experience and expertise. WEBSITE DESIGNERS and WEB SUPPORT THAT WORKS NATIONAL MAGAZINE

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volvo tr~ks ielYktRomoibiltI eIkoisstm

25 pRmwixq eI. vI. fIlriSpW qoN vI vD igAw

volvo tr~k au~qrI AmrIkw ny Awpxy zIro-tylpweIp inkws

volvo vI AYn Awr ielYkitRk mwfl dI qwienwqI nwl gwhkW

dI shwieqw krn leI Awpxy rwStrI fIlr nY~tvrk ƒ iqAwr

krn iv~c ie~k mh~qvpUrn mIl p~Qr ƒ pwr kr igAw hY[ pUry

au~qrI AmrIkw iv~c p~cI qoN v~D fIlr itkwixAW ny hux volvo

tr~ks srtIPweIf ielYkitRk vhIkl (EV) fIlr dy kwPI AOKy

pRogrwm, ijsƒ hYvI-ifaUtI bYtrI ielYkitRk vwhn ƒ Apxwaux

leI gwhk shwieqw dy ie~k ivsqirq eIkoisstm ƒ XkInI

bxwaux leI ifzweIn kIqw igAw sI, ƒ pUrw kr ilAw hY[

volvo tr~ks nwrQ AmrIkw dy pRYzIfYNt pItr vUrhov ny ikhw, "volvo tr~ks gwhkW ƒ ivAwpk ivkrI Aqy syvw shwieqw pRdwn

krn leI swfy fIlr nY~tvrk nwl sihXog krky pUry au~qrI

AmrIkw iv~c klws 8 bYtrI-ielYkitRk tr~kW dI qwienwqI dI

AgvweI kr rhy hn[ tr~k ƒ vycxw smIkrn dw kyvl ie~k ih~sw hY; bYtrI-ielYkitRk tr~kW iv~c kwmXwb qbdIlI leI ie~k smu~cy shwieqw eIkoisstm dI loV huMdI hY[ pr swfy fIlr

BweIvwlW qoN ibnW, ielYkitRk vwhnW ƒ vpwrk qOr 'qy ivAwpk

Apxwaux v~l qbdIlI ƒ qyz krnw sMBv nhIN hovygw["

volvo tr~ks srtIPweIf eI vI fIlr pRogrwm, ijs ƒ volvo lweIts pRojYkt dy ih~sy vjoN ifzweIn kIqw igAw sI, ijs dOrwn

TEC aupkrx, volvo tr~kW dy sB qoN v~fy vYst kost fIlr gru~p ny 2020 iv~c pihly volvo VNR ielYkitRk tr~kW dI pRdrSnI dw smrQn kIqw sI[ d~KxI kYlIPornIAw iv~c TEC aupkrx dy PoNtwnw iekweI ny pRmwxIkrn pRogrwm vwsqy FWcw bxwaux iv~c mdd kIqI Aqy ieh pRmwixkqw pRwpq krn vwlI pihlI fIlriSp sI Aqy hwl hI iv~c portlYNf, Erygn iv~c

iesdI cOQI lokySn ƒ pRmwixq kIqw igAw sI[

ies swl PrvrI iv~c, volvo tr~kW ny 15 rwjW - kYlIPornIAw, PlorIfw, AweIfwho, ieMfIAwnw, mYsyicausyts, imnIsotw, imsUrI, inaU jrsI, inaUXwrk, EhwieE, Erygn, pYnislvynIAw, tYnysI, tYkss Aqy vrjInIAw qoN ibnw iqMn kYnyfIAn sUibAW - ibRitS kolMbIAw, EntwrIE Aqy kubYk iv~c pRmwixq eI vI fIlrW dI GoSxw kIqI[ volvo tr~ks 2023 iv~c au~qrI AmrIkw iv~c keI vDIk fIlriSpW ƒ pRmwixq krn dy rwh 'qy hY ikauNik ieh bYtrI-ielYkitRk tr~kW vwsqy au`qrI AmrIkw dy ie`k isry qoN dUjy isry q`k ie~k mzbUq fIlr shwieqw nY~tvrk dw inrmwx krn dy Awpxy tIcy v~l vD irhw hY[

Volvo Trucks Electromobility Ecosystem Surpasses 25 Certified EV Dealerships

Volvo Trucks North America has surpassed an important milestone in preparing its national dealer network to support customers with the deployment of its zero-tailpipe emission Volvo VNR Electric model. More than twenty-five dealer locations across North America have now completed the rigorous Volvo Trucks Certified Electric Vehicle (EV) Dealer program that was designed to ensure a comprehensive ecosystem of customer support for heavy-duty battery electric vehicle adoption.

“Volvo Trucks is leading the deployment of Class 8 batteryelectric trucks across North America by collaborating with our dealer network to provide customers comprehensive sales and service support,” said Peter Voorhoeve, president, Volvo Trucks North America. “Selling the truck is only part of the equation; it takes an entire support ecosystem to successfully transition to battery-electric trucks. Without our dealer partners, accelerating the shift towards the widespread commercial adoption of electric vehicles would not be possible.”

The Volvo Trucks Certified EV Dealer program was designed as part of the Volvo LIGHTS project, during which TEC Equipment, Volvo Trucks’ largest West Coast dealer group, supported the first Volvo VNR Electric demonstration trucks in 2020. TEC Equipment’s Fontana location in Southern California helped to build the framework for the certification program and was the first dealership to achieve the certification and just recently certified its fourth location in Portland, Oregon.

In February of this year, Volvo Trucks announced certified EV dealers in 15 states — California, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia — and three Canadian provinces — British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. Volvo Trucks is on track to certify numerous additional dealer locations across North America in 2023 as it progresses toward its goal of building a robust coast-to-coast dealer support network for battery-electric trucks.

39 MARCH-APRIL 2023 NATIONAL MAGAZINE Call your local Ocean Trailer branch today or email MACK at Western Canada’s Trailer Specialist Delta (800) 891-8858 Calgary (877) 720-7171 Edmonton (800) 610-1019 Winnipeg (866) 397-5524 Nanaimo (877) 878-5979 Prince Rupert (250) 627-1981 Mission (604) 455 0885 Call your local Ocean Trailer branch today Wide Variety of equipment in stock and ready to work! 2023 MAC TRAILER 53' TANDEM FLATBED $1242 USD PER MONTH 2024 MAC TRAILER 53' QUAD AXLE FLATBED $1592 USD PER MONTH 2023 MAC TRAILER 53' TANDEM STEPDECKS $1333 USD PER MONTH Ocean Trailer is proud to be Western Canada’s only authorized Utility Trailer dealer.

2022 ryNj rovr

dw pihlw AYfISn

ijhVy lok mYnMU jwxdy hn, aunHW nUM

pqw hY ik myrw rv`eIAw ryNj rovrW pRqI

p~KpwqI irhw hY[ ies dw kwrn, auh hr

cIz hY, jo ies dy nWA nwl AwauNdI hY;

ruqbw, bhuq hI suMdr id`K, AYSo-Awrwm

Aqy sB qoN vD ky, iesdIAW smr~QwvW[

ku`J lok ieh bihs krngy ik iesy SRyxI

iv~c k`uJ hor vhIkl vI hn, ies nwl mYN

pUrI qrHW sihmq hW; pr iPr vI, in~jI

qOr 'qy myrI soc hY ik, ieh bRWf Awpxy

Awp ƒ Awpxy cMgy kwrn krky dUijAW qoN

Al~g krdw hY[ iehI kwrn hY ik ryNj

rovr dy pihly AYfISn nwl quhwƒ pihlI

nzry hI ipAwr ho jWdw hY[

pwvr Aqy prPwrmYNs:

2022 ryNj rovr Pst AYfISn 4.4

lItr tivMn trbo V8 ieMjx nwl AwauNdw

hY jo byh~d SkqISwlI 523 HP Aqy 553

lb-ft dI tOrk pRdwn krdw hY[ ieh Aiq

SkqISwlI vhIkl AwpxI sufOlqw krky

Bwr joKx vwLy pYmwny dI sUeI nMU 6000

pONf qoN vI au`pr iljw ky hI rukx idMdw

hY[ gqI Aqy vzn dw ieh AjIb sumyl

Asl ‘c ies g`l nUM drswaux dw pRqIk

hY ik, ryNj rovr drAsl ‘c hY kI ? ieh

isrP qyz gqI leI hI nhIN bxwieAw igAw sgoN loV pYx 'qy gYs pYfl d`bx swr hI quhwfy srIr ƒ ipCWh sIt dy nwl

D~k ky lw skx dI kwblIAq vwLw vI hY[ bwkI dw smW ieh Awrwm nwl krUz krn ‘qy vI sMquStI dyx vwlw vhIkl hY, kwrn ieh ik ieh quhwƒ AswnI nwl quhwfI mMizl 'qy phuMcwA idMdw hY[

ie~k v~fI lYNf Xwt leI, ryNj rovr

dI ktweI krn vwlw trinMg ryfIAs

bhuq hI AdBu~q hY[ Awm qOr qy, ies

Awkwr dy vwhnW ƒ bhuq hI inXimq ADwr qy moVW dI ktweI krn vyly vwrvwr A``gy - ip`Cy krky hI moV dI ktweI kIqI jw skdI hY[ pr AwpxI AwlvHIl stIAirMg qknwlojI dI bdOlq, ieh ie~k bhuq hI CotI QW ‘qy vI AswnI nwL muV skdw hY[ G~t gqI ‘qy, ipCly phIey mUhrly pwsy dy phIAW dI ault idSw ‘c 7.3 ifgrI q~k GuMmdy hn[

izAwdw gqI ‘qy, ipCly pwsy ausy idSw iv~c GuMmdy hn, ijs idSw iv~c mUhrly pwsy dy twier GuMmdy hn[ myrI g`l mMn ky

myry 'qy ivSvwS kro ; ieh pwrikMg krdy smyN jW qMg QwvW ‘c ie~Dr-au~Dr jwx smyN bhuq kwmXwb vhIkl hY[

kI swƒ qyl ^pq dy KricAW bwry g~l krnI cwhIdI hY? TIk hY, jdoN koeI ienswn lgBg 2 l`K fwlr dI kImq vwlI g~fI KRIdx dI hYsIAq r`Kdw hovy, qW aus nUM Asl ‘c qyl ^pq vrgI iksy cIz dI koeI bhuqI icMqw nhIN huMdI[ ikhw jw irhw hY ik, ieh ivSwl vhIkl AOsqn hr 100 iklomItr dI dUrI qYA krn leI 23 lItr qyl dI ^pq kr lYNdw hY[ A~j bI. sI. ‘c gYs dI kImq ƒ iDAwn ‘c r~Kdy hoey, ieh ie~k lwgq kwPI hY[ ryNj rovr, 4.4 lItr tivn trbo ieMjx nwl, ie~k ipA`kV SrwbI vWg gtwgt qyl pINdw hY[ stwrt / stwp qknwlojI dy huMidAW hoieAW vI, Aksr hI gYs Brn

leI hmySW iqAwr rho[ pr, mYN ieh vI kihxw cwhWgw ik jy quhwfI jybH ‘c ku`J vwDU pYsy hox qW, pl~g-ien hweIibRf ivklp dI cox kro; ieh vyrIAYNt

ielYkitRk 'qy lgBg 85 iklomItr q`k dy sPr dI ryNj idMdw hY[ ieh AOsqn rozwnw

Xwqrw leI Swied kw&I nwloN vI v~D hY[

bwhrI ih`sw:

ryNj rovr bwhrI vDIAw id`K qoN ielwvw hor sB ku`J hY[ieh ipqwmw ryNj rovr pUrI

qrHW suMdrqw dI mUrq hY[ lweInW bhuq hI


sw& Aqy kirsp hn[ ies ‘c swl dr swl CotIAW-motIAW qbdIlIAW kIqIAW jWdIAW hn; pr, vwhn dI suMdrqw auhI rihMdI hY[ mrsIfIz jI-vYgn dI qrHW hI, ryNj rovr ies g~fI iv~c vI koeI izkrXog qbdIlI nhIN krdw[ ^Yr, ikauNik .... auhnW ƒ Aijhw krn dI koeI loV nhIN hY[ ies g~fI dIAW bl~flweInz bhuq hI swP hn[

keI swlW qoN ryNj rovr dw ie~k isgnycr PIcr spilt tylgyt irhw hY[ BwvyN swƒ iesdI loV nhIN, pr ieh ifzweIn dw ie~k Swndwr Bwg hY, pr iPr vI mYN iesƒ ies &Icr dy nwL hI lYxw cwhWgw[ iksy vI idn, koeI jgHw l~Bo, AwpxI psMd dI ifRMk ƒ lY ky, ipCly tylgyt ƒ KolHo, ies 'qy bYTo Aqy aus pl dw AwpxI firMk pINdy hoey nzwrw lE[ ieh auh pl hn jo Xwdgwr pl bx jWdy hn[

AMdrUnI ih`sw:

ryNj rovr dw AMdrUnI ih~sw auh QW hY ij~Qy Asl jwdU vwprdw hY[ mYN lYdr qoN SurUAwq krWgw[ ieh Swndwr hY[ nrm, koml Aqy bhuq hI mn moh lYx vwlw[ Aqy ieh hY vI hr QW ‘qy hI[ byS~k lYdr dIAW sItW, sYNtr kMsol, fYS Aqy ie~QoN q~k ik hYflweInr vI lYdr dw hI hY[ suxn nUM ieh Evrlof dI qrHW l~g skdw hY pr ryNj rovr iv~c ijs qrIky nwl lYdr dI vrqoN kIqI geI hY, aus kwrn ies dI mwqrw iblkul shI mihsUs huMdI hY[

ryNj rovr sB qoN vDIAw ijs kwrpYt nwl AwauNdw hY, auho ijhI kwrpYt mYN iksy vI hor vhIkl ‘c A`j q`k kdy vI nhIN vyKI [ ieh motI, mzbUq, nrm Aqy eynI Awrwmdwiek hY ik ies ‘qy sOx dI ie~Cw nUM ie~k vwsqivk sMBwvnw bxw idMdI hY[

vwhn dy ies p~Dr 'qy mswj krn vwLIAW

sItW Swml krnIAW lwzmI ho jWdIAW hn Aqy ryNj

ies &Icr nwL pUrI qrHW lYs hY[ Aijhy nrm Aqy

Swndwr lYdr vwlI sIt 'qy grm mwilS krnw iksy

ƒ ieh pRBwv idMdw hY ik auh sB qoN vDIAw spwA

iv~c Awrwm nwL FoA lw ky bYTy hoey hn[

ijvyN ik quhwfy iv~coN bhuq swry jwxdy hI hn, ik mYnUM ie~k vDIAw swaUNf isstm bhuq hI cMgw

lgdw hY[ 2022 ryNj rovr Pst AYfISn mYrIfIAn

isgnycr swaUNf isstm nwl lYs hY, jo bYNg Aqy

ElUPsyn dy brwbr nhIN hY, pr iPr vI izAwdwqr

lokW vwsqy kwPI vDIAw swaUNf pRdwn krdw hY[ ies dI Avwz spSt qy kirsp hY Aqy jy qusIN s~cmu~c ies ƒ pUrw fwiel kr idMdy ho qW Swied ieh cMdrmw 'qy vI suixAw jw skdw hY [

ieMtIrIAr dI bwkI hr cIz cotI dI hY[ mu`kdI g`l, ieh swry guxW ‘qy Krw vI au`qrdw hY qy bhuq hI Awrwmdwiek vI hY[


Pu~l-sweIz ryNj rovr Pst AYfISn ƒ clwauxw ie~k ivl~Kx AnuBv hY[ qusIN iksy SwhI ^wndwnI ivAkqI vWg mihsUs krdy ho Aqy koeI vI ivAkqI jo ies dy AMdr quhwnUM bYiTAW nUM vyK irhw hovy, ausnUM vI quhwfy SwhI pirvwr dy mYNbr hox dw BulyKw pYNdw hY[ ieh mMinAw jWdw hY ik pihlw AYfISn, izAwdwqr lokW leI, AwswnI nwl pCwnx Xog nhIN hY pr qusIN jwxdy ho ik qusIN ies ƒ hI clw rhy ho[

Sihr jW Ku~lHIAW sVkW 'qy, ryNj rovr Pst AYfISn ausy qrHW cldw hY ijvyN qusIN aumId krdy ho[ ieh Awpxy Awkwr dy vwhn leI SWq qy cusq hY, sB qoN mh~qvpUrn g`l ieh hY ik ieh bhuq PurqIlw hY[ izAwdwqr lok socdy hoxgy ik ies v~fy vhIkl ƒ clwauxw muSikl hovygw, pr ies qrHW dI koeI g`l nhIN[

ies dI frweIv bwry hr cIz ie~k AnuBv hY[ quhwƒ iesdw AnuBv krn leI s~cmu~c ies ƒ Awp clwaux dI zrUrq hY[


2022 ryNj rovr dI kImq lg Bg knyfIAn $200,000 hY[ ieh kw&I izAwdw lgdI hY[ ieh ikhw jw irhw hY ik, iesdI kImq Awpxy mukwbly vwiLAW, ijvyN ik mrsIfIz GLS, G-Wagen, BMW X7 jW eyQoN q~k ik kYflYk AYsklyf V dy Anuswr hY [ kYflYk quhwƒ vDyry sItW, vDyry SkqI idMdw hY Aqy ryNj rovr V8 ƒ ies dI kImq leI s^q cunOqI idMdw hY[ sp~St qOr 'qy, jy qusIN ies kImq dI sImw vwLI iksy kwr dI KRId krn leI bwzwr iv~c ho, qW ies kImq vwLIAW g`fIAW dw Awps ‘c kw&I s^q mukwblw vyKx nUM imlygw[

AwKrI ivcwr:

2022 ryNj rovr Pst AYfISn sMpUrnqw dy bhuq nyVy hY, Asl iv~c ieh lg Bg sMpUrn hI hY[ jy qusIN qyl ^pq dy ^rcy Aqy AMdrly ih`sy ‘c plwsitk dI k`uJ izAwdw kIqI vrqoN nUM nzrAMdwz kr idMdy ho, qW ies dI Awlocnw krn leI nwmwqr hI bcdw hY[ ieh suMdr, Swndwr,rIPweINf, AwDuink hY Aqy ies ƒ clwauNdy smyN mYƒ rwieltI vWg mihsUs huMdw hY[ myrw mqlb hY ik jy ieh ibRitS SwhI Grwxy vrgy lokW dy vrqx Xog hY,iPr myry leI qW ieh hor vI izAwdw vDIAw hY[


TransLink Begins Bus Electrification

It was only a matter of time that TransLink, South Coast BC’s recognized public transportation authority, would add electrified vehicles to its fleet. And now, it has.

According to TransLink, the new LFSe+ battery-electric bus, manufactured by Nova Bus, is now on the streets of metro Vancouver. In addition to this first new electric bus, TransLink plans to add a total of 15 LFSe+ battery electric buses, which will reduce over 1,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually.

TransLink already has 4 older electric buses on its fleet, but they have a much lower range and take longer to charge.

The new buses offer the following benefits:

• Can travel over 150km on a single charge (4x further than the current models).

• Can top up its battery for the next trip via overhead chargers in less than 5 minutes.

• Will save TransLink $40,000 in fuel costs annually.

• With the use of new lighter

seats, each bus will be 150 pounds lighter, increasing range.

When all 19 buses are in service by early 2024, the 100 22nd Street Station/Marpole Loop route will become the first fully electrified bus route.

According to TransLink’s Climate Action Strategy, 400 battery-electric buses will be added to the fleet by 2030; there will be a transition to a zero-emission bus fleet by 2040, and become net-zero in all operations by 2050.



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43 MARCH-APRIL 2023 NATIONAL MAGAZINE ZZCHROME MFG. INC. Under New Management in Calgary
• Air Cleaner Lights • Fuel Tank Fairings •
Line Boxes •
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TransLink v`loN ibjlI nwL c`lx vwLIAW b~sW dI SurUAwq

ieh isrP ie`k mOky dI hI g~l sI ik tRWsilMk, swaUQ kost bI.sI. dI mwnqw

pRwpq jnqk AwvwjweI AQwrtI, Awpxy

byVy iv~c ibjleI vwhnW ƒ vI Swml krygI, Aqy auh mOkw hux Aw igAw hY[

tRWsilMk muqwbk novw b~s v~loN bxweI

geI nvIN LFSe+ bYtrI - ielYkitRk b~s

hux mYtro vYnkUvr dIAW sVkW qy dOVH rhI

hY[ ies pihlI nvIN ielYkitRk b~s qoN

ielwvw, tRWsilMk ny ku~l 15 LFSe+ bYtrI

ielYkitRk b~sW ƒ Swml krn dI Xojnw

bxweI hY, jo swlwnw 1,000 t`n qoN v~D

gRInhwaUs gYsW dy inkws ƒ GtweygI[

tRWsilMk dy byVy iv~c pihlW hI 4

purwxIAW ibjleI b~sW hn, pr iehnW dI

ryNz bhuq G~t hY Aqy iehnW ƒ cwrj krn

iv~c vDyry smW l~gdw hY[

nvIAW b~sW dy hyT ilKy lwB hn;

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• 5 imMt qoN vI G~t smyN iv~c EvrhY~f cwrjrW rwhIN AglI Xwqrw leI AwpxI bYtrI ƒ tOp A~p kIqw jw skdw hY[

• tRWsilMk ƒ hr swl qyl dI lwgq iv~c $40,000 dI b~cq hovygI[

• nvIAW hlkIAW sItW dI vrqoN nwl,

hryk b~s 150 pONf hlkI ho jwvygI, ijs dI ryNj vDdI jwvygI[

jdoN 2024 dy SurU q~k swrIAW 19 b~sW syvw iv~c Aw jWdIAW hn, qW 100 qy 22 strIt stySn/mwrpol lUp rUt pihlw pUrI qrHW ibjleI b~s rUt bx jwvygw[

tRWsilMk dI klweImyt AYkSn rxnIqI dy Anuswr, 2030 q~k 400 bYtrI ielYkitRk b~sW ƒ byVy iv~c Swml kIqw jwvygw; 2040 q~k ie~k zIro-inkws b~s smUh iv~c pirvrqn hovygw Aqy 2050 q~k swry AwprySnW iv~c ieh pUrI qrW qbdIl ho jwxgIAW[

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swnUM ikauN?

tRWsAm kYrIAr iv`c, AsIN ies g`l iv`c ivSvwS r`Kdy hW ik pySyvr mnu`KI rv`eIey qoN ibnW sPLqw pRwpq nhIN kIqI jw skdI[swnUM mwx hY ik AsIN ieMfrtrI iv`c kMm krn leI ku`J Aiq LckIly ivklp pRdwn kIqy hn, qW ik kMm Aqy izMdgI iv`c sMquln bixAw rhy[iesdy nwL

nwL nvyN aupkrn, mOfrn qknwlozI, Gr dI tr`k Swp, krws-fOk dI shUlq, tRWsAm nUM byimswL kMm krn vwLI

QW bxwauNdI hY, ijsnUM AsIN dUjw Gr vI kih skdy hW[



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Articles inside

TransLink v`loN ibjlI nwL c`lx vwLIAW b~sW dI SurUAwq

page 44

TransLink Begins Bus Electrification

pages 42-43

2022 ryNj rovr

pages 40-41

Volvo Trucks Electromobility Ecosystem Surpasses 25 Certified EV Dealerships

pages 38-39

volvo tr~ks ielYktRomoibiltI eIkoisstm

page 38

tweIm-tRYikMg fIvweIsW lwauxIAW lwzmI

pages 31-33

Commercial Vehicles Must Install Real Time -Tracking Device in BC

pages 30-31

SafetyDriven: Advancing the Standard of Safety Practices in BC

page 28

Peterbilt and Platform Science to Build a New Ecosystem of Connected Products

page 27

knYktf pRofkts leI pItriblt Aqy plytPwrm

page 26

Continental Seafood Restaurant

page 22


page 21

Another Truck Hits Overpass – This Time in Richmond, BC

pages 20-21

ies vwr ircmMf, bI. sI. ‘c ie~k hor tr~k ny Evrpws ƒ t~kr mwrI

page 20

ie~k cMgw AkwaUNtYNt r`Ko pYS brwV

pages 18-19

Get a Good Accountant

pages 16-17

eI vI tr~kW leI Pwst

page 15

Pilot and Flying J Stations to Get Fast Chargers for EV Trucks

pages 14-15

Funding Truck Driving Program for Women

page 12

AOrqW vwsqy tR~ikMg frweIivMg pRogrwm nUM bI sI sUby v`loN mwlI shwieqw

page 12

Awpxy rUt leI shI twier cuxnw

pages 10-11

Choosing the Right Tire for Your Route

pages 8-9


page 6

AwpixAW ƒ sr~iKAq Gr ilAwE

pages 3-5
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