Desi Trucking - May June 2022 (National Edition)

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Vol.13 - Issue 3 May/June 2022

Virtual vs Face-to-Face Meetings

JUNE 18 & 19, 2022 Tradex Centre, ABBOTSFORD


MAY - JUNE 2022


We keep you moving,

because you can’t stop. vDIAw qknIk nUM cldw r`Kx leI Aqy murMmq dw kMm smyN isr mukwaux leI, quhwnUM loV hY vDIAw tYknISnW dI[ swfy Cummins dy PYktrI srtIPweIf tYknISIAn dIAW syvwvW, pUry au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c s`qy idn 24 GMty auplbD hn Aqy auh sdw hI quhwnUM bhuq hI vDIAw syvwvW Aqy shwieqw dyx leI vcnb`D hn[ sPr c`ldw r`Ko[ swfI vY`bsweIt ‘qy jwE jW swnMU 1-800-CUMMINS™ ‘qy &on kro[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE

MAY - JUNE 2022



08 kI ivrcUAl ievYNt kdy Awhmo-swhmxy hox vwLI g`lbwq dI QW lYxgy swl 1992 ivc myry ibzins pwrtnr ny Aqy mYN AwpxI pihlI mofm KrIdI sI...

14 kI quhwfy fIzl ieMjx dy qyl dI lwgq quhwnUM vDyry KrcIlI l`g rhI hY? swzo-smwn mYnyjr Aksr Awpxy tIAr 4 dy AMiqm swzo-smwn dI sWB-sMBwl...

18 20

28 brnbI Awr.sI.AYm.pI. ny rukx vwly tr`kW nwloN vDyry itktW id`qIAwN ApRYl dy SurU iv`c, brnbI Awr sI AYm pI Aqy sI vI AYs eI...


40 Lgwqwr Asmwn CUh rhIAW hn qyl dIAW kImqW koivf -19 qoN koeI skwrwqmk is`tw in`kilAw sI, qW auh sI auh ie`ko ie`k...

44 tr`ikMg kMpnIAW leI v`D qoN v`D lwB leI svYcwilq vwiSMg smwn iksy cIz dI id`K hI sB kùJ d`s idMdI hY[ iesy qrHW ie`k bhuq suhxy ids rhy PlIt...


ADVERTISERS Ace Truck Repairs ............................. 35

G & G Trucking Solutions ............... 34

Pike Enterprises Ltd ........................ 35

APNA Truck Show ............................... 19

Hello Trucking ....................................... 29

Premier Truck Body ........................... 05

CBS Parts Ltd. ........................................ 13

Hendrickson ............................................ 46

Swank Studios Ltd ............................ 37

Challenger ................................................ 07

Howes Lubricators .............................. 11

Titan Truck & Trailer Parts Ltd ..... 34

Champion Towing ............................... 33

Inland Kenworth ...................... 47 & 33

Transam Carriers Inc. ......... 35 & 45

Chevron Delo .......................................... 21

JD Factors ................................................. 31

Truckers Together .............................. 32

Cummins .................................................. 03

JGK Media Inc. ............................... 24-25

Volvo ............................................................. 48

Eko Stinger ............................................. 17

Kal Tire ............................................ 15 & 39

Wash-Bots Canada ........................... 43

First Truck Centre .............................. 02

Ocean Trailer ............................... 23 & 33


MAY - JUNE 2022


Visit Us at

tr`k bwfI dI srvau~qm srivs

Booth 278 at the APNA Truck Show

leI pRImIAr tr`k bwfI ƒ kwl kro


Large selection of parts on-site We stand behind our parts, service and warranty The most trusted name in truck bodies




ARE WE ALMOST BACK TO NORMAL? ormal – here’s a word that we haven’t heard for a long time now. In fact, after two long years, it’s hard for some to remember what normal looked like. The recent pandemic made wearing masks, using hand sanitizer throughout the day, and practicing social distancing seem normal. So now, transitioning back to pre-Covid normal is upon us, but slower for some than others. One of the most notable changes has been the easing of restrictions for group and social events; for the transportation industry, having the ability to attend truck shows is vital for expanding business and making more professional connections. Sure, virtual trade shows are possible, but do they hold the same value as face-to-face interactions? We think not. Ray Gompf shares his views on whether virtual events will ever replace face-to-face interactions, focusing on meetings and trade shows. Personally, I agree with Ray and


think that there is a time and place for both; however, that personal touch is always lost in virtual meetings. Safety is such a huge part of trucking and in this issue, Tom Boehler, Senior Safety & Compliance Director at Erb Group of Companies discusses how to avoid backend collisions. Another aspect of safety, or lack thereof, is the constant number of drivers who fail to do proper pre-trip vehicle safety inspections. In Burnaby, BC, RCMP and the CVSE were appalled at the number of tickets they handed out to truckers who failed to meet safety standards. Come on guys – don’t jeopardize your own and others’ safety; be safe. And finally, the APNA Truck Show returns to TRADEX in Abbotsford, BC on June 18th and 19th of this year. Come out and enjoy the largest and most attended truck show in Western Canada. From all of us at JGK Media Inc., stay safe and enjoy the upcoming warmer months.

Jag Dhatt Editor-In-Chief Publisher JGK Media Inc. 1-877-598-3374 (Desi) Advertising & Sales Jag Dhatt (National / Western Canada) Stephen Alford (Eastern Canada) Art Director Ranjit Singh IT Manager Ranj Bhamra Cover Design Ranjit Singh

kI AsIN lgBg koivf qoN pihlW vwlI Awm izMdgI vrgy hwlwq ‘c vwps Aw gey hW? m – ie`k Aijhw Sbd hY jo AsIN ipCly lMby smyN qoN nhIN suixAw[ Asl iv`c, do swlW dy lMby smyN bwAd, kuJ lokW vwsqy ieh Xwd r`Kxw muSikl ho igAw hovygw ik Awm izMdgI ikho ijhI huMdI sI[ hwl ‘c hI PYlI mhWmwrI kwrn mwsk pihnxy, idn Br hYNf sYnItweIzrW dI vrqoN krnI, Aqy smwijk dUrI dw AiBAws krnw Awm hI jwpx l`g ipAw sI[ ies leI hux, koivf qoN pihlW vwLI Awm izMdgI ‘c ivcrn vwLw smW swfy swhmxy Aw cùkw hY, pr kùJ ie`k lokW leI ieh horW nwloN susq r&qwr ‘c phuMc irhw hY[ sB qoN v`D izkrXog qbdIlIAW iv`coN ie`k hY grùp Aqy smwjk smwgmW vwsqy pwbMdIAW ‘c iF`l dyxI; AwvwjweI audXog vwsqy, tr`k SoA iv`c hwzr hox dw mOkw imlxw, kwrobwr dw ivsqwr krn Aqy vDyry pySyvr sMprkW leI bhuq Aihm hY[ XkInn, vrcUAl vpwr SoA sMBv hn, pr kI auh Awhmxy-swhmxy ho ky g`lW krn dy brwbr dI AihmIAq r`Kdy hn? swnUM lgdw hY ik nhIN, auh ies dy brwbr nhIN hn[ ryA gONP mIitMgW Aqy vpwrk SoA 'qy iDAwn kyNdirq krdy Aqy ies bwry Awpxy ivcwr sWJy krdy hoey kihMdy hn ik, kI vrcuAl eIvYNts kdy vI Awhmxy-swhmxy dy sMvwdW dI QW lY



MAY - JUNE 2022

skxgy? in`jI qOr 'qy, mYN ryA nwl sihmq hW Aqy socdw hW ik dovW leI hI ie`k smW Aqy sQwn huMdw hY; hwlWik, vrcuAl mIitMgW ‘c auh in`jI sMprk hmySw guAwc ijhw jWdw hY[ sur`iKAw tr`ikMg dw bhuq v`fw ih`sw hY Aqy ies AMk ‘c, tOm bohlr jo, Erb Group of Companies dy sInIAr syPtI AYNf kMplwieMs fwierYktr hn , bYk-AYNf t`krW qoN bcx leI ivsQwr nwl d`sdy hn[ sur`iKAw dw iek hor pihlU, jW ies dI Gwt, aunHW frweIvrW dI igxqI hY jo pRI tir`p qoN pihlW vwhn sur`iKAw dIAW auicq jWc krn ‘c AsPl rihMdy hn[ brnbI bI. sI. ‘c, Awr. sI. AYm. pI. Aqy sI. vI. AYs. eI. v`loN ienHW tr`kW vwilAW nUM, jo sur`iKAw imAwrW nUM pUrw krn ivc AsPl rhy, nUM bhuq igxqI ‘c id`qIAW itktW dI SlwGw kIqI hY [ dosqo – AwpxI Kud dI Aqy hornW dI sur`iKAw nUM Kqry ‘c nw pwE; sur`iKAq rho[ Aqy AMq iv`c, APNA tr`k SoA ies swl 18 Aqy 19 jUn nUM AYbtsPorf, bI. sI. ‘c TRADEX 'qy muV ho irhw hY[ bwhr in`klo Aqy p`CmI kYnyfw iv`c sB qoN v`fy Aqy sB qoN v`D hwzrI vwly tr`k SoA dw AnMd lE[ JGK Media Inc. ivKy swfy swirAW v`loN, quhwnUM sur`iKAq rihx Aqy Awaux vwly grm mhIinAW dw AnMd mwnx dIAW SùB kwmnwvW!

Cover Photo Credit Anadolu Agency / Contributor Contributing Writers Jag Dhatt; Michael Howe; Pash Brar; Ray Gompf; Ron Dhaliwal; Sanjana Karthik; Staff Reporters Translator Tirath S. Khabra

JAG DHATT Corporate VP, Marketing National Accounts

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MAY - JUNE 2022


kI ivrcUAl ievYNt kdy Awhmo-swhmxy hox vwLI g`lbwq dI QW lYxgy jI. ryA gONP

l 1992 ivc myry ibzins pwrtnr ny Aqy mYN AwpxI pihlI mofm KrIdI sI[ iek 300 Baud mofm, ij`Qy 300 Baud pRqI sikMt Byte ("bweIt") Byj rhy sn[ pr hux 5G dy nwl, 1 GB pRqI sikMt hY[ ies mofm nUM ie`k tYlIPon lweIn nwl joiVAw igAw sI ijsnUM ie`k hor fwiel kIqy tYlIPon nwl hYNf Syk krnw pYNdw sI Aqy Pyr qusIN tYlI&on dy irsIvrW nUM kMipaUtrW nUM joVn vwlI fIvweIs 'qy r`Kky iviBMn sQwnW 'qy donW kMipaUtrW nUM joV skdy sI[ ho skdw hY quhwfy iv`coN kuJ hYrwn hox pr ieh sB s`c hY[ mYN Aqy myry swQI ny ie`k dUjy v`l vyiKAw Aqy pqw l`gw ik dPqr dw twvr kMm



MAY - JUNE 2022

nhIN kr irhw[ AsIN ies nqIjy ‘qy phuMcy ik kMm krn vwly dunIAw dy iksy vI kony qoN irmot rwhIN qkrIbn swry kMm kr skdy hn Aqy AsIN ieh pqw lgwaux leI iqAwr hW ik v`fy p`Dr 'qy Aijhw ikvyN krnw hY[ 300 Baud 'qy A`T GMty kMm krn leI, irmot kMipaUtr qy iljwx leI solW GMty l`g skdy hn[ ieh bhuq hOlI pRikirAw sI[ qsvIrW nUM lof krn ‘c bhuq smW lgdw sI Aqy PotoAwN bhuq G`t rYzolUSn vwlIAW sn[ vIfIE dy kuJ sikMtW nMU lof krn bwry Bu`l jwE[ kuJ hI swlW ivc, AsIN 300 bOf qoN hweI-spIf kybl v`l vD gey sI, ijs ny ies h`d qk izAwdw "QrU-pu`t" bxw id`qw sI, ij`Qy kunYkSn lgBg qurMq sn Aqy AsIN kw&I mh`qvpUrn gqI nwl

bhuq izAwdw jwxkwrI sWJI krn dy Xog ho gey sI, ieQoN qk ik hweI-rYzoilaUSn PotogRwPI vI[ swfy mOjUdw 5 jI nYtvrk hux pRkwS dI gqI dI qulnw krn vrgy hn ij`Qy 300 bOf Awvwz dI gqI sI[ Agly kuJ swlW dy AMdr, sMcwr soc dI gqI nwl ho skdw hY[ iek cIj jo AsIN aus smyN vwps vyK skdy sI auh sI AwnlweIn vrcuAl mwl[ vrgIAwN sweItW nUM iesdw pqw lgwaux Aqy au~c kmweI krn vwly bxn iv`c lgBg qIh swl l`g gey, ieh sB gwhkW nUM auhnW dIAW loVW nUM pUrw krn leI sroq l`Bx Aqy ie`k Cotw ijhw tukVw lYx leI sroqW nUM l`Bx leI Awpxy ivhly smyN 'qy v`K-v`K ivkryqwvW NATIONAL MAGAZINE


nUM KrIddwrI krn dI AwigAw dyx krky hY[ auprokq ny dPqr dI iemwrq nUM s`cmu`c imRqk GoiSq krn dI Xogqw dI AgvweI kIqI[ dunIAw iv`c Asl iv`c ikqy vI Aijhw nhIN hY ij`Qy AsIN Asl smyN iv`c sMcwr nhIN kr skdy Aqy rIAl tweIm lweIv stRImf vIfIE pRdwn nhIN kr skdy, ijs nwl Awhmo-swhmxy dI g`lbwq ibnW Awhmoswhmxy auplbD ho jWdI hY[ imswl dy qOr qy tr`kW vwly Apxy pirvwrW nwl kyvl Awvwz nwl nhIN, blik ivzUAl sMprk duAwrw ie`ko smyN g`l kr skdy hn[ pr hW pirvwr nUM irmot qoN j`PI pwauxw sMBv nhIN hY, iPr vI ieh lgBg Awm sMcwrI AnuBv pRdwn krdw hY[ bhuq swrIAW sMsQwvW, jo koivf-19 mhWmwrI kwrn mjbUr hn, qyzI nwl AwnlweIn mIitMgW Aqy kwnPrMsW iv`c ivksq hoeIAW, auh vI ibnW BOiqk srIrW dy ie`k CotI ijhI QW qy iek`Ty hox ‘qy[ auh dunIAw iv`c ikqy vI BwgIdwrW nwl AijhIAW mIitMgW kr skdy hn Aqy ieh vI sB kuJ irmot rwhIN[ kYnyfw dI sMsd ipCly do swlW qoN AwnlweIn knYktIivtI dI vrqoN krky mIitMg kr rhI hY ij`Qy Swml hox vwly hryk mYNbr AwP pwrlImYNt Awpxy GrW qoN bihsW iv`c Bwg lY skdw hY[ iek sMsd mYNbr ieh Bu`l igAw ik hor sMsd mYNbr aus nUM dyK skdy hn Aqy jnqk PwrmYt ivc in`jI gqIivDIAW ivc ru`Jy hoey hn[ ies qrHW dIAW glqIAW isAwsqdwnW dy Axauicq FMg nwl kMm krn qoN ielwvw hor siQqIAW iv`c vI ho rhIAwN hn[ svwl ieh hY ik jdoN mhWmwrI kwbU hyT hY Aqy lok Awm qOr 'qy rozwnw vwprn dI Gtnw dy qOr 'qy Awhmo -swhmxy dI g`lbwq nUM muV SurU krn leI sur`iKAq mihsUs krdy hn, qW kI auh ies qrW krngy? ies dw jvwb Swied “nhIN” hY[


iksy iksm dI hweIibRf dPqr dI g`lbwq vI Awm g`l bx jwvygI[ Etwvw Sihr hux aunHW dPqrI twvrW iv`coN bhuq swry hox bwry ivcwr-vtWdrw kr irhw hY ij`Qy isvl AiDkwrIAwN ny dhwikAW qoN kMm kIqw hY Aqy aunHW nUM ApwrtmYNtW iv`c qbdIl kIqw jw irhw hY ij`Qy isrP kMm krn vwly lokW dI bjwey, auh rih skdy hn Aqy kMm kr skdy hn[ pr ij`Qy auh rihMdy hn au`Qy Ajy vI fwaUntwaUn iv`c lokW kol ie`k inrMqr srgrm kyNdr hY[ ies bwry pUrI qrHW muV ivcwr kIqw jw irhw hY ik d&qrI kwmy AwpxI psMd dy juVy hoey sQwn 'qy rihMdy hoey AwpxIAW zuMmyvwrIAW nUM ikvyN inBw skdy hn[ zbrdsqI loV qoN bwhr koeI Xojnw ivksq krn dI bjwey ies nvIN iksm dI XojnwbMdI nUM dhwikAW pihlW kwrporyt Aqy srkwr dy rwfwr 'qy hoxw cwhIdw sI[ pRBwvSwlI FMg nwl irmot qoN kMm krn dI Xogqw dy nwl, lokW nUM Awhmo-swhmxy dyKy bgYr aunHW nwl g`lbwq krnw, hux sMprk krn dw pUrI qrHW ivdySI qrIkw hY[ mnu`K dy smu`cy ivkws leI, AsIN ie`k CUhx vwlw-mihsUs krn vwlw jwnvr rhy hW[ g`lbwq krn dy ies nvyN FMg dw nukswn ieh hY ik AsIN ivkwsvwdI smwijk hunrW dy isDWqW nUM guAw skdy hW Aqy ieh qyzI nwl vwpr vI skdw hY[ ie`k pIVHI jW iesdy Aws-pws, auh smwjk hunr pUrI qrHW guAwc skdy hn[ jy qusIN cwhuMdy ho ik, nvIAW vwsqivkqwvW dy AnukUl hox, ivksq hox leI ieh bhuq hI G`t smW huMdw hY[ dUjy mnu`KW nUM vyKxw Aqy aunHW nwl kMipaUtr skRIn 'qy g`lbwq krnw mnu`KI AnuBv dw isrP iek Cotw ijhw ih`sw hY[ mnu`K, nyVqw nwl sMcwr krdy smyN, AMqrikirAw nUM vDwaux leI Axigxq gYr-zubwnI hunrW dI vrqoN krdy hn[ swfy audXog vwsqy, tryf SoA vrgy smwgm, Eny hI smwjk huMdy hn ijMny jwxkwrI BrpUr[ jwxkwrI BrpUr q`q nUM irmot qoN pUrw kIqw jw skdw hY pr ies qrHW krn nwL smwijk pRspr pRBwv nUM audoN q`k dbwieAw jw irhw hY jdoN q`k lweIv nhIN kIqw jWdw[ ipCly do swlW qoN, AsIN Awpxy dosqW nwl g`lbwq krn dy vI Xog nhIN hoey; swQIAwN Aqy nw hI pRqIXogIAW nwl ipMt lihrwaux leI, koeI h`Q imlwaux jW kuJ hor mOky vI nhIN imly[ inSicq qOr 'qy, AsIN "styA-ient`clYs-t`c" krn dy hI Xog hoey hW, pr ieh ivAkqIgq g`lbwq iv`c auh lok hn jo CUhx vwlI pRqIikirAw dy nukswn leI pRBwivq hoey hn[ mhWmwrI leI inrDwrq inXmW kwrn,

kwrobwrW dy aunHW qrIikAW nUM soDxw ipAw hY ijnHW nwl aunHW ny cIzW Aqy syvwvW id`qIAW[ jnqw nUM syvwvW pRdwn krn leI srkwrW nUM vI muV sMgiTq hoxw ipAw[ hux jdoN ik auh soDW sPl swbq hoeIAW hn, izAwdwqr ih`sy leI, jdoN sDwrxqw vwps AwauNdI hY, qW ieh nvIAwN pRQwvW rozmrHw dI izMdgI dw ih`sw bx jwxgIAW[ sMswr nrvs nYlIz nwl BirAw hoieAw hY, jo mMg krngy ik jd auh Awpxy ivAkqIgq bulbuilAW dy AMdr Awpxy Awp nUM lpytdy hn qW auhnW dI m`dd kIqI jwvy[ dUsry lok vDyry rvwieqI qrIikAW nwl syvw dI mMg krngy, eyQoN q`k ik sOdy nUM nypry cwVHn leI Aqy svwgq vjoN vI h`Q imlwauxgy[ q`Q ieh hY ik AMiqm aupBogqw dI siQqI jo vI hovy, vsqUAW Aqy syvwvW dy pRdwqw aunHW syvwvW nUM aupBogqw dy joKm mulWkx p`Dr 'qy pRdwn krngy[ ieh mu`dw PYslwkun nhIN hovygw ik AMiqm aupBogqw nUM lwzmI qOr 'qy bbl rYp krnw cwhIdw hY, jW ivAkqIgq hoxw cwhIdw hY, pwbMdIAW qoN mukq hoxw cwhIdw hY, BwvyN ieh lgweI geI pwbMdI hovy jW in`jI pwbMdI[ jdoN mnu`Kqw ies nvIN vwsqivkqw nUM sulJw rhI hY, qW fr dy spYktRm dy hr isry nUM ieh ivSvws krnw cwhIdw hY ik aunHW dy rwh dw ie`ko ie`k qrIkw ieh hY, aunHW nUM Awpxy in`jI idRStIkox nUM dbwauxw is`Kxw cwhIdw hY Aqy Awpxy Awp nUM bcwaux leI ie`k dUjy nwl rihxw cwhIdw hY ijvyN ik auh TIk smJdy hn[ ies isrlyK dy duAwrw pu`Cy gey svwl dw jvwb dyx leI ik, " kI ivrcUAl ievYNt kdy Awhmxy-swhmxy hox vwLI g`lbwq dI QW lYxgy?" ieh jvwb pUrI qrHW qW nhIN pr “nWh” iv`c hI hovygw[G`to G`t nyVly Biv`K leI, Awhmo-swhmxy dIAW GtnwvW zrUrI vI hn Aqy smwj dy ie`k v`fy ih`sy leI zrUrI rihxgIAW vI, pr ies dy nwl hI fr pRqI ies sbMDI sMvydnSIl lokW nUM ies pRqI AnukUl bxwauxw cwhIdw hY, AOnlweIn sBnw nUM Awm swh lYx vWg hI hoxw cwhIdw hY[ swnUM loV hY; sMcwr krn, vpwr krn, cIzW Aqy syvwvW pRwpq krn dI[ swfIAW pMswrI dIAW cIzW q`k Aqy iehnW nUM Swml krn dI Xogqw, Asl iv`c AOnlweIn kMm krnw, v`fy smwgmW dw AwXojn krn dI Xogqw, ijnHW iv`c AsIN ibnW srIrk mOzUdgI dy hwzrI Br skdy hW, ieh sMBv hI nhIN, sgoN Awswn vI hY[hux boql qoN bwhr AwieAw ijMn, kdy vwps nhIN jwvygw[ aunHW swry kMmW nUM srIrk qOr 'qy kIqy jwx dI vI zrUrq hovygI[ nyVly Biv`K iv`c is`Dy mnu`KI pRspr pRBwv bdlx dI loV nhIN hY[ MAY - JUNE 2022



Will Virtual Events Ever Replace Face-to-Face Events? G. RAY GOMPF, CD

ack in 1992, my business partner, at the time, and I had just bought our very first modem: a 300 baud modem, where the 300 baud was sending a “byte” per second of information. Now with 5G, there’s Gigabytes per second. This modem was hooked to a telephone line that had to “shake hands” with another dialed telephone and then you could hook up the two computers at different locations by putting the receivers of the telephone onto a device connecting the computers. Some of you may be scratching your heads but all of this is true. My partner and I looked at each other and declared the office tower was dead. We envisaged employees could work remotely and virtually from anywhere in the world and we set out to figure out how to do that on a massive scale. Of course, at 300 baud, to do eight hours of work, may have taken the next sixteen to forward that work to the remote computer. It was a very slow process. Loading pictures was very time consuming and



MAY - JUNE 2022

photographs for transmission were of very low resolution. Forget about loading a few seconds of video. Within a few years, we’d advanced from 300 baud to highspeed cable which made more “throughput” to a point where connections were almost instant and we started to be able to share much more information at fairly significant speeds, even high-resolution photography. Our current 5G networks now is like comparing the speed of light where 300 baud was the speed of sound. Within the next few years, transmission may be at the speed of thought. One of the things we could see back then was the online virtual mall. It took nearly thirty years for sites like shopify. com to figure it out and become the high earner it is by allowing customers to shop the various sellers at their leisure to find sources to fulfill their needs and take a small slice. The above led to truly having the ability to declare the office building dead. There is virtually nowhere in the world where


we can’t communicate in real time and provide real time live streamed video, making face-to-face interaction available without being face-to-face. Truckers for example can and do communicate with families not only by voice, but visual contact simultaneously. While hugging family remotely isn’t possible — yet — it does provide a near normal communicative experience. Many organizations, forced by the COVID-19 pandemic, evolved quickly into online meetings and conferences without the physical bodies being in a small space. They can and do have such meeting with the participants anywhere in the world and hold full scale meetings remotely. The Parliament of Canada has been meeting for the past two years using online connectivity where each attending Member of Parliament can participate in debates from their homes. Of course, one MP forgot that other MPs could see him and engaged in private activity in public format. These kinds of mistakes are happening in situations other than politicians acting inappropriately. The question is when the pandemic is under control and people feel safe to resume face-to-face interactions, as a regular daily occurrence, will they? The answer is probably not. Some sort of hybrid office interaction will become the norm. The City of Ottawa is now discussing having many of those office towers that abound where civil servants have worked for decades being converted to apartments where instead of people working only, they could live and work where they live yet still have people downtown to have a consistent active core. There is a complete rethink of how office workers can interact and perform their responsibilities while in a connected place of their choice. This new kind of planning should have NATIONAL MAGAZINE

handshakes or few opportunities to hoist a pint with colleagues and competitors. Certainly, we’ve been able to “stay-intouchless-touch” but it’s those in person interactions that’s been impacted to the detriment of the tactile response. Because of the rules set for the pandemic, businesses have had to modify the ways they provided goods and services. Governments also had to regroup to provide the services to the public an absolute necessity. Now that those modifications have proven successful, for the most part, when normality returns, these new practices will become part and parcel of everyday life. The world is full of Nervous Nellies, who will demand they be served while they wrap themselves inside their individual bubbles. Others will demand service in more traditional ways, even shaking hands to close the deal or even as a greeting. The fact is that whatever the position of the end user, providers of goods and services will deliver those services at the user’s risk assessment level. The issue will remain to not be judgmental whether the end user must bubble wrap, or be personable, free of

been on the corporate and government radar decades ago instead of developing a plan out of forced necessity. Now, with the ability to effectively work remotely, to interact with people without seeing them face-to-face, is a completely foreign way to interact with people. For the entire evolution of man, we’ve been a touchy-feely animal. The downside of this new way of interacting is we may lose eons of evolutionary social skills and this may happen quickly. Within a generation or so, those social skills may be completely lost. That’s a tremendously short period of time to readjust, evolve if you will, to new realities. Seeing other humans and interacting with them on a computer screen is only a minor part of the human experience. Humans, when communicating in close proximity, use a myriad of nonverbal skills to enhance the interaction. For our industry, events like trade shows, are as much social as informative. The informative element can be accomplished remotely but it’s that social interaction being stifled unless done live. For the past two years, we’ve not been able to interact with our friends; there’s been no

restrictions be it imposed restriction or personal restriction. While mankind is sorting out this new reality, each end of the fear spectrum believing their way is the only way, must learn to suppress their personal point of view and live with each other protecting themselves as they see fit without judgement. To answer the question posed by the title of this piece, “Will virtual events ever replace face-to-face events?” that answer would be no, but not entirely. The face-toface events are necessary and will remain necessary for a large segment of society, at least for the foreseeable future, but must accommodate those susceptible to the fear, the online equivalent must become as normal as breathing — for them. The ability to communicate, do commerce, obtain goods and services we need, up to and including our groceries, actually working online, hold major events we can attend without physical presence is all not just feasible, but easy. That genie now out of the bottle will never return. There will also be a requirement for all those tasks to be done physically. The need for direct human interaction isn’t going to change in the immediate future.






MAY - JUNE 2022



Is your Diesel Engine Oil Costing You?

quipment Managers often struggle with the maintenance of their Tier 4 Final equipment, especially as it relates to the emission control systems. DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) service intervals seem to be shorter than what OEMs recommend. Increased regeneration cycles interrupt workflows and the need to replace DPF systems entirely is all too common. These problems impact uptime, equipment utilization rates and, ultimately, total cost of ownership. The main reason for these issues is the effect oil can have on the emission control systems. The metallic additives that are used for lubrication protection unfortunately also form ash in the exhaust gases, which can plug the DPF, resulting in the need for frequent cleaning or an entire changeout. Today’s API CK-4 performance standard was designed for compatibility with these after-treatment systems by keeping the sulfated ash content at a



MAY - JUNE 2022

maximum of 1%. However, with a lot of Tier 4 Final equipment it’s still not low enough, leaving equipment managers with suboptimal DPF service intervals, unnecessary downtime, and mounting costs. 90% of incombustibles in the DPF derive from lubricant additive materials. Detergents such as calcium and magnesium and anti-wear additives such as zinc and phosphorus contribute significantly to ash accumulation in the DPF. In addition, certain API CK-4 engine oils plug the DPF channels 25 to 30% faster than others. Once enough of these ash particles accumulate in the DPF, an active or passive regeneration cycle is required. After a few regeneration cycles, the DPF needs to be either removed and cleaned, or replaced altogether. There now is a solution to all those issues Chevron Lubricants has developed a new and patented heavy-duty, ultra-lowash engine oil technology that meets the demands of today’s advanced engines

and will double the service life of Diesel Particulate Filters. Chevron Delo 600 ADF motor oils produce less ash, providing longer DPF life and improved fuel efficiency for the DPF. These oils have also improved oxidation stability, providing the opportunity to extend engine oil drain intervals while ensuring superior wear protection. Chevron Delo 600 ADF will deliver increased uptime, improved equipment utilization via predictable maintenance scheduling, reduced total cost of ownership, and up to 3% fuel economy improvement over the life of your equipment. There is no other API CK-4 engine oil that provides complete system protection and delivers all these benefits. To learn more about the benefits of Delo 600 ADF, contact First Truck Centre at 604-888-1424 | or Brian Church at 604-345-9611 | NATIONAL MAGAZINE


MAY - JUNE 2022


ieMjx qy


kI quhwfy fIzl ieMjx dy qyl dI lwgq quhwnUM vDyry KrcIlI l`g rhI hY? zo-smwn mYnyjr Aksr Awpxy tIAr 4 dy AMiqm swzo-smwn dI sWB-sMBwl nwl sMGrS krdy hn, Kws krky aunHW nwl jo inkws kMtrol pRxwlIAW nwl sbMiDq hY[ DPF (fIzl pwrtIkUlyt iPltr) syvw AMqrwl E eI AYm dI isPwrS nwloN Coty jwpdy hn[ Kws krky auh jo vDy hoey muV inrmwx dy c`kr iv`c ivGn pwauNdy hn Aqy fI pI AYP isstm nUM pUrI qrHW bdlx dI loV hY[ ieh sm`isAwvW A`ptweIm, swzo-swmwn dI vrqoN dIAW drW Aqy AwKrkwr, mlkIAq dI kùl lwgq nUM pRBwivq krdIAW hn[ ienHW mùidAW dw mùK kwrn ieh hY ik qyl dw inkws inXMqrx pRxwlIAW 'qy pRBwv pY skdw hY[ DwqU dy Xojk jo lubrIkySn sur`iKAw leI vrqy jWdy hn, bdiksmqI nwl inkws gYsW iv`c suAwh vI bxwauNdy hn, jo ik DPF nUM pl`g kr skdy hn, ijsdy nqIjy vjoN vwrvwr sPweI jW ie`k sMpUrn qbdIlI dI loV huMdI hY[ A`j dy API CK-4 pRdrSn imAwr nUM slPytf suAwh dI mwqrw nUM v`D qoN v`D 1% 'qy r`Kky iehnW ielwj qoN bwAd dIAW pRxwlIAwN dy AnukUl hox leI ifzweIn



MAY - JUNE 2022

kIqw igAw sI[ pr, bhuq swry tIAr 4 AMiqm swzo-swmwn dy nwl, ieh Ajy vI bhuqw G`t nhIN hY, ijs nwl swzo-swmwn dy mYnyjrW nUM aup-AnukUl DPF syvw AMqrwlW, byloVy fwaUntweIm, Aqy vDdy ^ricAW dy nwl nij`Txw pYNdw hY[ DPF iv`c 90% AsMgq cIzW lubrIkYNt Xojk pdwrQW qoN pRwpq huMdIAW hn[ iftrjYNt ijvyN ik kYlSIAm Aqy mYgnISIAm Aqy AYNtI-vIAr Xojk ijvyN ik izMk Aqy PwsPors DPF iv`c suAwh dy jmHW hox iv`c bhuq v`fw ih`sw pwauNdy hn[ ies qoN ielwvw, kuJ API CK-4 ieMjx qyl DPF cYnlW nUM hornW dy mukwbly 25 qoN 30% qyzI nwl pl`g krdy hn[ ie`k vwr jdoN iehnW suAwh dy kxW dw kwPI ih`sw DPF iv`c jmHW ho jWdw hY, qW ie`k srgrm jW pYisv punr-auQwn c`kr dI loV huMdI hY[ kuJ punr-auQwn c`krW dy bwAd, DPF nUM jW qW htwaux Aqy sw& krn dI loV huMdI hY, jW pUrI qrHW bdlx dI loV huMdI hY[ hux iehnW swry mùidAW dw ie`k h`l hY SYvrn lubrIkYNts ny ie`k nvIN Aqy pytYNt kIqI hYvI-ifaUtI, Altrw-loA-AYS ieMjx Awiel qknwlojI ivksq kIqI hY jo A`j dy au~nq ieMjxW dIAW mMgW nUM pUrw vI krdI hY

Aqy fIzl pwrtIkulyt iPltrW dI srivs lweIP nUM vI dùgxw kr dyvygI[ SYvrn fylo 600 ADF motr qyl G`t suAwh pYdw krdy hn, jo DPF dw lMbw jIvn pRdwn krdy hn Aqy DPF vwsqy eINDn suXogqw iv`c suDwr krdy hn[ iehnW qylW ny AwksIkrn siQrqw iv`c vI suDwr kIqw hY, jo ibhqr pihnx dI sur`iKAw nUM XkInI bxwauNdy hoey ieMjn Awiel fryn AMqrwlW nUM vDwaux dw mOkw pRdwn krdw hY[ SYvrn fylo 600 ADF vDy hoey A`ptweIm, ikAwsx Xog sWB-sMBwl dI smW-swrxI rwhIN suDry hoey swzo-swmwn dI vrqoN, mlkIAq dI GtI hoeI kùl lwgq, Aqy quhwfy swzo-smwn dy jIvnkwl dOrwn 3% q`k eINDn AwriQkqw iv`c suDwr dI AdwiegI krygw[ ie`Qy koeI hor ey pI AweI sI ky-4 ieMjx qyl nhIN hY jo pUrI isstm sur`iKAw pRdwn krdw hY Aqy ieh swry lwB pRdwn krdw hY[ fIlo 600 ADF dy lwBW bwry vDyry jwxn leI, Pst tr`k sYNtr nwl 604-8881424 'qy sMprk kro jW brwien crc nUM 604-345-9611 'qy Pon kro jW ‘qy eI myl kro NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Utility’s Paragould, Arkansas Manufacturing Plant Produces its 200,000th Trailer tility Trailer Manufacturing Co. announce its Paragould, Arkansas manufacturing facility has produced its 200,000th trailer, a 4000D-X Composite® dry van. Utility’s Paragould, Arkansas plant marked an important production milestone when Target Corporate purchased its 200,000th trailer. Target received the 4000D-X Composite® dry van that includes a Target graphic decal on the trailer, and standard features such as 80K flush steel logistics posts and Utility’s aerodynamic side skirt. “This is a special milestone for Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company, and the 715 dedicated employees at this plant. We are also grateful for Target’s continued trust in us. As the new Plant Manager, I look forward to many more successes from our team for years to come,” stated


John Oliver, Utility’s Plant Manager in Paragould, Arkansas. “We have had a wonderful business partnership with Utility since 2012. We understand how important this is for Utility’s Paragould plant, and we are honored to receive this milestone trailer,”

said Ryan Magyar, Lead Equipment Engineer at Target Corporate. Utility’s Paragould plant opened in 1994 and expanded in 2004 with a second line. Besides Paragould, Utility also produces dry vans at their Glade Spring, Virginia plant.

Photo by: Utility Trailer

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MAY - JUNE 2022


Preparing to Sell Your


Equipment s I’m writing this article, I am currently dealing with a client in Alberta buying a used flat deck trailer from a seller in Manitoba. I am financing the deal. It has been a nightmare dealing with the seller. My client is calling him names and there’s been a lot of yelling and harassment and rudeness from the seller. A lot of it is because the seller doesn’t know what he’s doing and made multiple mistakes. So, I thought I would share what he has done wrong, so you can avoid his mistakes. The seller listed his trailer for $30,000. This was his bottom line. So instead of staying with his bottom line, he negotiated and accepted the offer of $28,000 from my client. So, the first mistake was not listing his trailer at a price that leaves room for negotiation. The second mistake was not staying with his bottom line. The seller called me yelling that he didn’t get enough money for his trailer. I wasn’t there when they negotiated, and I pointed out that he had accepted the amount himself. The next mistake the seller made was he agreed to do an MVI or motor vehicle inspection by a mechanic after the price was set. A current MVI should always be provided to a buyer, but it should be done BEFORE negotiations. The seller incurred a bill of $2,500 and was yelling again that he was losing money. If he did this inspection before, he could have set his price properly to cover his expenses. The next mistake the seller made was he spent the money he was going to receive for the trailer before he was paid the money for it. Therefore, he started yelling and screaming at the buyer and myself because he overspent. I told him perhaps he should have waited for the money to be in his bank account before he went on a buying spree that he was now short on.



MAY - JUNE 2022

The seller then tried to pull out of the deal. He had signed documents already and began constant phone calls and harassment to the buyer. I had to explain he was in a legal binding contract, and he cannot pull out of the deal. The buyer was so frustrated he gave the seller $1,000 cash to leave him alone and stay in the deal. We are all as good as our word, and the seller showed he lacked character by trying to end the deal he had agreed on. The seller asked for my advice on some trailers he was going to buy in Quebec based on an internet ad. I did offer him sound advice. The trailers were reefer vans without the reefer units. Normally a van gets replacement reefers until the floor is beyond repair, and then sold for scrap. I explained this to the seller and advised him that if the trailers were good for the road, then where are the thousands of trucking people who desperately want to buy a van? There are no vans to be found in North America and 1-2 year wait to buy anything new. The trailers were scrap. So, he did take my advice and did not buy them. So now he sold his trailer and has no replacement trailers in place. The trailer he was selling and taking

a loss on was also the wrong trailer for him he admitted from a previous mistake of buying from an internet photo and not seeing the trailer in person. So he didn’t learn the first time buying sight unseen, and only avoided a second mistake because I stopped him. From this seller’s mistakes we can learn a lot. Do an MVI first, and then set a bottom-line price for your equipment and don’t budge from it. If you make an agreement, honour it. Harassing and threatening calls do not get you anywhere and don’t spend money you do not have. Always have a replacement you have seen in person in place before you sell your current equipment. And always know what you are buying or selling. Buying equipment that you cannot work with will harm you financially. If you don’t understand what you are buying, then seek help from someone who does know. But in my opinion, if you don’t understand what you are buying, you need to do a lot of homework on the industry. If you are a professional working in trucking, you should know the equipment you use daily for maximum compensation masterfully, as well as how to repair and maintain it.


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MAY - JUNE 2022


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MAY - JUNE 2022

ik aus nUM nukswn ho irhw hY[ jy aus ny ieh ienspYkSn pihlW krvweI sI qW aus nUM ieh swry Krcy iv`c joV ky kImq lYxI cwhIdI sI[ AglI glqI jo vycx vwLy ny kIqI auh ieh sI ik aus ny pYsy imlx qoN pihlW hI Krc kr id`qw[ Aqy ies sB leI auh KRIdx vwLy ivrùD bol irhw sI[ mYnUM ieh gùsw sI ik aus ny PwlqU Krc kIqw hY[ mYN aus nUM ikhw ik ijMnw icr pYsy aus dy bYNk Kwqy ‘c nhIN sn gey aùnw smW aus nUM aufIk krnI cwhIdI sI[ vyycx vwly nUM iPr ies sOdy qoN pYr ipCWh iK`c lYxy cwhIdy sn[pr aus ny kwgz p`qr ‘qy pihlW hI dsqKq kr id`qy sn[ ieh hI nhIN auh KRIddwr nUM lgwqr Pon krky qMg pRySwn krdw irhw[ mYN aus nUM smJwieAw ik auh sOdw krky kwnUMnI qOr ‘qy pwbMd hY Aqy auh sOdy qoN mùkr nhIN skdw[KRIdx vwLw ieMnw pRySwn ho igAw ik aus ny vycx vwly nUM 1000 fwlr dy ky ikhw ik auh aus dw ip`Cw C`fy[ AsIN swry qW hI cMgy hW jy AsIN Awpxy vcnW ‘qy pUry auqrIey[pr vycx vwLy ny ieh swbq kr id`qw ik aus ‘c ivSvws dI Gwt hY[iesy leI aus ny jo sOdw kIqw sI aus nUM Kqm kr id`qw[ vycx vwLy ny kùJ tRylrW sbMDI mYQoN rwie mMgI ijhVy ik auh ietrnỲt ‘qy AweI ie`k mShUrI vyK ky kubYk qoN KRIdxw cwhuMdw sI[ mYN aus nUM TIk slwh id`qI[ ieh trylr rIPr vYn sn ijnHW nwL rIPr XUint nhIN sn[ Awm qOr ‘qy huMdw ies qrHW hY ik ie`k vYn nwL audoN rIPr lwey jWdy hn jdoN Plor dI murMmq nhIN ho skdI[ Aqy iPr skrYp vjoN vyc id`qy jWdy hn[ mYN ieh g`l vycx vwly nUM smJweI Aqy ikhw ik jy tRylr sVk ‘qy c`lx leI TIk hn qW auh ieMny tr`ikMg


slwh bxw rhy ho Awpxw smwn vycx dI

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Trade Show Show & Shine


(604) 596-9287 NATIONAL MAGAZINE


Job Fair



Seminars MAY - JUNE 2022


How to Avoid Backend Collisions TOM BOEHLER,


Senior Safety and Compliance Director at The Erb Group of Companies

ver many years of accident review with drivers, we hear the comment, “I had no control over it because they hit me from behind.” On the contrary, drivers do have control. Drivers should be coached and encouraged to practice 360 defensive driving. Actionable tips Most important, drivers need to remember their defensive driving techniques, as taught in programs like the Smith System. Simply broken down to See the hazard, Think about the response, and Do (act in time). At The Erb Group of Companies, we encourage drivers that they can control most situations using this concept. As an example, you see something happening ahead, and already know a car is excessively tailgating you, flash your brake lights while slowly starting to brake earlier. Years ago, we had a US driver in Pennsylvania driving in icy conditions. He crested the hill and observed an accident at the bottom of the hill. He lifted his foot off the throttle, flashed the brakes, and used slight braking as to not lock them up. Upon slowly rolling up to a four-vehicle accident, he was not only able to carefully control his rig but also everyone behind him. His early awareness is what made this a safe situation. Peak season We tend to see more backend collisions


20 MAY - JUNE 2022

Peterbilt on our trucks during the summer months. understand, is the need for awareness and Passenger vehicles are in summer mode, setting precautions. At the end of the day, heading to the cottage, tunes playing, ask yourself “did I take all reasonable additional passengers, and drivers are actions to prevent the accident from more encaged in excitement of the happening, despite the wrong action of weekend verses driving. others?” Remember “Safety” is not the Generally, in the summer months, penalty box, refreshing your memory people are more confident in driving regularly on the fundamentals of safe which leads to more aggressive driving driving will keep those around you safe and tailgating. The 2020 Ontario Road and will get you home safely to your Safety Annual Report, demonstrates the family, they are all depending on you to number of collisions increasing starting practise safety first! in July. You’ll also commonly see more rear end collisions in urban regions such To learn more about The Erb Group at the Greater Toronto Area as there are of Companies safety-first culture and more abrupt stops occurring. driving jobs, visit our website Fostering a learning environment In 2017, The Erb Group implemented DriveCam Event recorders. These were implemented to help drivers learn from mistakes and ultimately protect the driver if an accident did occur if it was not their fault. Every spring and fall, we host mandatory meetings for drivers which focuses on safety education. We sit down and review the latest DriveCam footage and talk through how accidents could’ve been prevented. The Sponsored by Erb Group of Companies point we want drivers to NATIONAL MAGAZINE

CLOGGED DPF COSTING YOU FUEL ECONOMY? Ash from your engine oil is likely to blame. Incombustible ash particles from today’s heavy-duty engine oils clog the diesel particulate filter (DPF) in engine aftertreatment systems, decreasing fuel efficiency and increasing fuel costs across your fleet. Now there’s a breakthrough solution.




NEW Delo® 600 ADF: Less ash. More fuel efficiency. Delo 600 ADF with OMNIMAX™ Technology solves the issue of DPF ash buildup while providing outstanding engine protection. By producing 60% less ash compared to today’s low-ash engine oils, Delo 600 ADF increases fuel economy retention by up to 3% to keep vehicles running stronger, longer. Protect your engine and your aftertreatment system with new Delo 600 ADF. It’s time to kick some ash.

First Truck Centre 604-888-1424 •

To learn more, call us or visit First Truck Centre and Chevron at APNA trade show on June 18-19.

Brian Church 604-345-9611

Get the facts at © 2022 Chevron. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of Chevron Intellectual Property LLC or their respective owners. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

MAY - JUNE 2022


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ERB gru~p Aw& kMpnIz duAwrw spWsr sIN keI swlW qoN fRweIvrW nwL durGtnw dI smIiKAw sbMDI itpxIAW nUM suxdy Aw rhy hW[ auh ieh ik, “myrw qW aus AYksIfYNt ‘c koeI ksUr hI nhIN sI, auhny qW ip`CoN t`kr mwrI”[ pr g`l ieh nhIN Asl ‘c fRweIvr dw kMtrol zrUr huMdw hY[frweIvr nUM 360 ifgrI dI fRweIivMg sbMDI AiBAws krwauxw cwhIdw hY Aqy ies leI auqSwihq vI zrUr kIqw jwxw cwhIdw hY[ kIqy jwx kMm sbMDI nukqy bhuq swry fRweIvrW nUM ieh Xwd r`Kx dI loV hY, aunHW nUM simQ isstm Anuswr id`qI geI sur`iKAq fRweIivMg Bwv clweI sbMDI tRyinMg[Kqry nUM vyKx leI, aus dI pRqIikirAw sbMDI soco Aqy aus Anuswr hI kMm kro (Bwv smyN isr kMm kro)[ Arb grùp AwP kMpnIz ‘c AsIN fRweIvrW nUM ieh kih ky auqSwihq krdy hW ik auh ies ivcwr Bwvnw nUM ApxwA ky hwlwq nUM kwbU kr skdy hn[ auudwhrn vjoN, qusIN jo A`gy vwpr irhw hY aus nUM vyK rhy ho[ Aqy ieh pihlW hI jwxdy ho ik ie`k kwr quhwnUM tylgyt Bwv aùpr hI cVHI Aw rhI hY[ ies smyN AwpxIAW bRyk lweItW nUM PlYS kro qy nwL hI bRyk mwrnI SurU kr idE[ bhuq swl pihlW dI g`l hY ik swfy koL ie`k AmrIkn fRweIvr sI jo pYnislvynIAw ‘c brPIly hwlwq ‘c g`fI clw irhw sI[ jdoN aus ny phwVI


22 MAY - JUNE 2022

dI cVHweI SurU kIqI qW aus nY phwVI hyTW ie`k durGtnw vwprdI hoey vyKI[ aus ny Qrotl qoN Awpxw pYr cùk ilAw qy bRykW nUM PlYS kIqw[ Aqy lwk hox dy froN hlkI bRyk lweI[ ies qrHW auh cwr vwhnW dy durGtnw v`l vDx qoN rokx leI kwmXwb vI hoieAw Aqy Awpxy ip`Cy Aw rhy swry vwhnW nUM bcwaux ‘c vI[ ies qrHW aus dI ies isAwxI soc Aqy TIk smyN shI PYslw lYx krky, auh Awp hI nhIN bicAw sgoN hor ip`Cy Awx vwiLAW nUM vI bcwA ilAw[ pIk sIzn pIk sIzn Bwv grmIAW dy mhIinAW ‘c AsIN tr`kW dIAW bYk AYN`f t`krW nUM Aksr hI vyKdy hW[ muswPr Fox vwLy vwhn jwxI g`fIAW grmIAW dy mof ‘c huMdy hn Aqy vwDU muswPr bhw ky sMgIqk DunW vjwauNdy vIkAYNf dIAW KuSIAW ‘c c`l rhy huMdy hn[ Awm qOr ‘qy grmIAW dy mhIinAW ‘c fRweIvrW nUM hPqwAMq dw vDyry joS huMdw hY, ies leI auh fRweIivMg vI AMnHyvwh krdy hn qy Pwslw vI shI nhIN r`Kdy[ 2020 dI EntwrIE rof syPtI swlwnw irport (2020 Ontario Road Safety Annual Report) Anuswr durGtnwvW Bwv vwhn t`krW dI igxqI, julweI ‘c vDx l`g pYNdI hY[ ies qoN ibnw qusIN Awm hI gRytr trWto dy SihrI Aqy pNyfU ielwky ‘c ies qrHW dy bhuq kys vyKogy ij`Qy glq FMg nwL ie`k dm g`fI rokx krky bhuq swrIAW durGtnwvW Awm hI vwprdIAW hn[

is`Kx dy mwhOl nUM auqSwihq krnw 2017 ‘c Arb grùp v`loN fRweIv kYm eIvYNt irkwrfr SurU kIqy[ ienHW nUM ies leI lwgU kIqw qW ik fRweIvr AwpxIAW kIqIAW jwx vwLIAW glqIAW qoN kùJ is`Kx[ Kws krky audoN jdoN ik fRweIvr dI koeI glqI nhIN sI[ hr ie`k p`qJV Aqy bsMq dI rùq ‘c AsIN fRweIvrW leI lwzmI mIitMgW dw pRbMD krdy hW[ ies dw mksd sur`iKAw sbMDI jwxkwrI dyxw huMdw hY[ AsIN iek`Ty bYT ky fRweIvkYm dI Pùteyj vyKdy hW, Aqy ieh ivcwr krdy hW ik vwpry AYksIfYNt qoN ikvyN bicAw jw skdw sI[ ijhVI g`l AsIN fRweIvrW nUM smJwauxI cwhuMdy hW, auh hY cOkMny rihx Aqy swvDwnIAW dI loV[ idn dy Kqm hox nwL fRweIvr Awpxy Awp nUM ieh zrUr pùCy, “kI mYN dUijAW dI glq kwrvweI dy bwvjUd durGtnw nUM vwprn qoN rokx leI swrIAW loVINdIAW kwrvweIAW kIqIAW”? Xwd r`Ko “ sur`iKAw” koeI pYnwiltI bwks nhIN hY[ pr fRweIivMg dy buinAwdI isDWqW sbMDI quhwfI XwdSkqI nUM lgwqwr qwzw krdy rihxw, ie`k ieho ijhw vsIlw hY ijs nwL quhwfy AwLy duAwly c`lx vwiLAW dy bcwA dy nwL nwL quhwfI sur`iKAw vI XkInI ho jWdI hY Aqy qusIN hI nhIN keI hor vI sùK sbIlI Awpxy pirvwr koL phuMcdy hn[ pr ies swrI sur`iKAw dw AiBAws krnw quhwfy qy kyvl quhwfy ‘qy hI inrBr krdw hY[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE

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MAY - JUNE 2022 23


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24 MAY - JUNE 2022


Vol.13 - Issue 3 May/June 2022

Virtual vs Face-to-Face Meetings

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MAY - JUNE 2022 25


The New

Toyota BZ4x ith rising fuel prices, especially in BC’s Lower Mainland, more and more people are looking towards alternative options, whether hybrid, plug-in hybrid or full EV. And unlike even 5 years ago, there is a lot of choice available in today’s market. And one of the front runners to alternate fuel technology, Toyota, added another vehicle to its portfolio – the all new BZ4x, with BZ standing for Beyond



Zero. The BZ4x is Toyota’s fully electric vehicle (EV). Yes, they’ve got a good number of choices of hybrid or plugin hybrid, but the BZ4x definitely fills the missing void. To test the all-new Toyota, we were invited to beautiful Victoria, British Columbia to put the BZ4x through its paces. Upon first glance, the BZ4x looks like it belongs to the Toyota family; from a slight distance even, it looks like a mix

First Drive

26 MAY - JUNE 2022

of the RAV4 and the Venza. And if we are making comparisons, it’s slightly longer and wider than the RAV4, with a lower roofline. Some would say that the BZ4x isn’t much to look at, and I would somewhat agree. Yet, it looks modern and stylish enough without being too edgy or extreme in terms of style. The front end is smooth, sans a lot of edges, to ensure less resistance and maximum range. The slim LED headlamps also look cool and modern. If we go to the back, we notice there’s a lack of a rear wiper. Yes, some of you may be smacking your heads thinking that Toyota made the same mistake as Hyundai with its Ioniq 5. But according to Toyota, the slope of the rear window, coupled with an aerodynamic spoiler, will keep the rear window clear. We didn’t have the chance to see if it works or not, and thus, can’t comment on it yet. If you option the vehicle properly, in the top trims and with the right colour choices, you get black accents that really add to the overall look of the vehicle. The cladding on the wheels is painted gloss as well; in the lower trims, it’s not painted and looks a little cheap. So, get the right paint and upper trim in my opinion. The interior of the BZ4x is really really nice and again, if you get one of the top trims, you’ll get a lot of value for the money. For example, the faux leather in the seats looks and feels like real leather. The choice of materials all around the interior are top notch and of course, you get the reliable Toyota fit-and-finish. One of the items that really impressed me was the fabric on the dashboard – it feels great, looks great, and doesn’t cost a lot. One aspect that seemed odd at first, but worked very well, was the new steering wheel and instrument cluster for the driver. Toyota built this system to eliminate the need for both an instrument cluster and a heads-up display (HUD). By positioning the new driver information display further back, there is no need for an HUD. In NATIONAL MAGAZINE


fact, once you get used to it, the system works very well and eliminated the need to take your eyes off the road. The seats are comfortable and supportive for both front and rear passengers. There is ample head room, and you can easily fit five adults comfortably. And the flat 2nd row floor really makes it easier to seat 3 people in the rear seat. Another great feature of the BZ4x is the implementation of infrared radiant heat. Under the front dash, there are two vents that push warm air to the legs and this works very well, especially on those cold nippy days. In order to accommodate this radiant heat, the BZ4x had to forgo a glove box; but in the end, there is ample storage around the vehicle so it’s a good trade off. Now, let’s get to the meat and bones of this new Toyota. Under the hood, the BZ4x packs two battery options, whether you opt for the FWD or the AWD version. The FWD gets a 71.5 kWh battery good for up to a 406 km range; the AWD gets a 72.8 kWh battery that gets roughly 367 km of range. Horsepower sits at 201 for the FWD and 214, both of which are plenty to get this vehicle moving. It may not be as quick as the Hyundai Ioniq 5 or the Kia EV6, but where this vehicle shines is in its drive. On the road, the BX4x drives much better than you’d expect. First of all, given that the vehicle is all electric, power delivery is instantaneous. There’s no lag; just straight linear acceleration. There’s no noise from the engine except the little whine either. I found the cabin to be very quiet, even for an EV, considering the drive route consisted of many gravel and dirt roads. All this is due to some great sound deadening materials, including the front windshield. Also impressive is how well the BZ4x handles. Thanks to the battery and gears sitting low and flat, there is little body roll and the BZ4x turns and handles very well. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

We drove both the FWD and the AWD variants and in both, ride comfort was what you’d expect from Toyota – very very good. Even in the top trim, fitted with 20” wheels, there was no harshness to ride or comfort. There is some understeer in the FWD version, but that’s to be expected, especially with the torque put out by an EV. Just ease off the throttle a bit to avoid this. To accommodate North American winters, Toyota added X-Mode to its allwheel drive system. X-Mode, borrowed from Subaru, is used for snow/dirt and snow/mud terrains and even though we didn’t have the chance to experience it, we are confident it will perform well. As in many electric vehicles, the BZ4x has regenerative braking that recharges the battery when slowing the car. While not exactly one-pedal driving, the BZ4x has something called Regenerative Boost, that will slow the car down when you get off the throttle; now, the car doesn’t come to a stop, but it does

slow down quite a bit, and quickly, to provide charge to the battery. Once you get the hang of it, Regenerative Boost does work well. Now with all the good in the BZ4x, let’s take a quick look at some shortcomings. First of all, for certain options, like power seats, you need to buy the top trim. If you don’t, there is no standalone power package offered. In the same breath, there is no memory seats available in any trim. Finally, the lack of a rear wiper may have some people worried. Toyota now has eighteen electrified vehicles in its line-up and the BZ4x offers a great option for those wanting a full EV. The BZ4x is a great vehicle that ticks most of the boxes; most importantly, it carries the Toyota logo, meaning you’ll get great build quality, reliability, and resale value. The 2023 Toyota BZ4x will first be sold in BC and Quebec with the FWD starting at $44,990 and the AWD starting at $54,990.

MAY - JUNE 2022 27

brnbI Awr.sI.AYm.pI. ny rukx vwly tr`kW nwloN vDyry itktW id`qIAwN jYg F`t pRYl dy SurU iv`c, brnbI Awr sI AYm pI Aqy sI vI AYs eI (kmrSIAl vhIkl syPtI AYNf ienPorsmYNt) ny do idnW dI imAwd iv`c vpwrk vwhnW nUM bhuq swrIAwN itktW id`qIAwN[ brnbI Kyqr iv`c Acwnk jWc dI sQwpnw krdy hoey, RCMP ny 70 itktW id`qIAwN, jo ik roky gey tr`kW dI igxqI qoN v`D sI[ roky kIqy gey vpwrk vwhnW ivcoN, 67% (jW 56 vwhn) "sVk leI AXog" sn Aqy ies qrHW aunHW nUM jW qW sweIt 'qy iksy mobweIl qknISIAn duAwrw murMmq krvwaux dw AwdyS id`qw igAw sI, jW aunHW nUM toA kIqw igAw[ Awr sI AYm pI dw kihxw hY ik iehnW itktW iv`coN izAwdwqr itktW nUM ie`k auicq pRI-itRp ienspYkSn jWc krky twilAw jw skdw sI[ Awr sI AYm pI dy Anuswr, Asl iv`c hYrwn krn vwlI g`l ieh hY ik vpwrk vwhnW iv`c sur`iKAw dI sm`isAw iv`c suDwr huMdw nzr nhIN Aw irhw[ 2021 dy p`qJV iv`c, Awr sI AYm pI Aqy sI vI AYs eI ny vpwrk vwhnW dy lgBg brwbr pRqISq nUM roikAw, ijs iv`c 190 qoN v`D aulMGxw itktW id`qIAwN geIAwN sn[


ie`k frweIvr jo Awpxw nWA gupq r`Kxw cwhuMdw sI Anuswr, "iesdw koeI kwrn nhIN hY ik sPr qoN pihlW auicq jWc ikauN nhIN kIqI jwxI cwhIdI Aqy ikauN nhIN kIqI jw skdI ,"[ aus dw kihxw hY "mYN hr sPr qoN pihlW ienspYkSn krdw hW, ikauN ik swQoN ieh Aws vI r`KI jWdI hY[ ies qrHW, AsIN hweIvyz jW Sihr dIAwN sVkW 'qy koeI Gtnw vwprn dI sMBwvnw nUM G`t kr idMdy hW[" frweIvr ny ieh vI ikhw ik kuJ frweIvr kwhlI ‘c jWc krdy hn Aqy ies krky, auh Awpxy vpwrk vwhnW dI kuJ mh`qvpUrn jWcW qoN KuMJ jWdy hn[ brnbI RCMP Aqy CVSE ies g`l 'qy zor idMdy hn ik ie`k shI pRI-itRp jWc krnw nw kyvl Awm jnqw vwsqy vDyry

sur`iKAq hY, sgoN Krcw vI GtwauNdI hY[hwlWik Aijhw jwpdw hY ik vpwrk vwhn sur`iKAq hn, pr AijhIAwN Acwnk jWcW ieh idKwauNdIAwN hn ik swfIAwN sVkW EnIAwN sur`iKAq nhIN hn ijMnIAwN ik hoxIAwN cwhIdIAwN hn Aqy Ajy vI bhuq kuJ suDwrn dI loV hY[

jy jI kyy mIfIAw ny inaUkwm mIfIAw nUM muAwPI id`qI jI kyy mIfIAw ieMk kwpIrweIt dI aulMGxw kwrn inaUkwm mIfIAw ieMk nUM ieh muAwPI p`qr Byj irhw hY[ jy jI ky ieMk dIAW vY`bsweItW ‘coN ie`k ny ku`J vwr ibnw mnzUrI qoN auh lyK Cwpy, ijnHW nUM ibnw mnzUrI jW sihmqI nhIN sI Cwpxw cwhIdw[ jy jI ky mIfIAw ieMk ies nUM swihqk corI vjoN svIkwr krdw hY Aqy hoeI ies glqI dI purI zuMmyvwrI nUM kbUldw hY[ jy jI ky mIfIAw ny ies kMm nUM ie`k


28 MAY - JUNE 2022

ie`k PRIlWsr nUM ByijAw sI[ pr ies nUM Cwpx qoN pihlW ies dI AslIAq bwry nhIN pqw kIqw[ies hwlwq ‘c jy jI ky mIfIAw ieMk glq sI Aqy ies glqI dI muAwPI cwhuMdw hY[ iksy vI ivAkqI jW kMpnI dI AwigAw ley ibnw aus dy kMm Bwv rcnw dI vrqoN krnw ie`k AnYiqk kMm hY[ieh mwmlw vI ies qoN v`Krw nhIN[ hr mUl kMm jW ilKq nUM mwnqw imlxI zrUrI hY[ jy jI ky mIfIAw ieMk aus pySwvwrI dI vI pRsMsw krdw hY ijs rwhIN inaUkwm

mIfIAw ieMk ny ies siQqI nUM sMBwilAw Aqy ies g`l qoN KuS hY ik ies msly dw ie`k SWqI Aqy sihmqI vwlw h`l imilAw[ dovW iDrW ies g`l ‘qy vI sihmq hoeIAW ik ies sm`grI dI vrqoN krn dw ierwdw vI mwVw nhIN sI[ pr ies sB dy bwvjUd ieh jy jI ky mIfIey dI glqI sI[ ies qoN ipCly smyN ‘c jy jI ky mIfIAw ieMk Aqy inaUkwm mIfIAw ieMk dI bhuq vDIAw sWJ rhI hY Aqy Aws hY ik Agly smyN ‘c vI ieh sWJ ies qrHW dI hI bxI rhygI[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Burnaby RCMP Hand Out More Tickets Than Trucks Stopped JAG DHATT n early April, Burnaby RCMP and the CVSE (Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement) handed out a staggering number of tickets to commercial vehicles over a period of two days. Setting up an impromptu inspection in the Burnaby area, the RCMP handed out over 70 tickets, which was more than the number of trucks stopped. Of the commercial vehicles stopped, 67% of them (or 56 vehicles) were “unfit for the roadway” and thus were ordered to either have them repaired by a mobile technician on site, or have them towed. RCMP state that most of these tickets could have been avoided by doing a proper pre-trip vehicle inspection. What is really shocking, according to the RCMP, is that the problem of safety



in commercial vehicles doesn’t seem to be improving. In Fall of 2021, the RCMP and CVSE grounded roughly the same percentage of commercial vehicles, with over 190 violation tickets given. “There is no reason why a proper pre-trip inspection shouldn’t and can’t be done,” says one driver who wanted to remain anonymous. “I do one before every trip, as we are supposed to do. This way, we reduce the chances of having an incident on highways or city roads.” The driver added that some drivers do a quick inspection and because of this, miss some crucial checks of their commercial vehicles. Burnaby RCMP and the CVSE emphasize that conducting a proper pretrip inspection is not only safer for the general public, but easier on the wallet.

And although it seems like commercial vehicles are safe, such impromptu inspections show that our roadways aren’t as safe as they should be and much needs to be improved still.

MAY - JUNE 2022 29


pYS brwV

ey jyz brukiln pIzw jwieMt jyz brukiln pIzw nUM mYN ieMstwgrwm ‘qy POolo krdI hW[ mYN ies dy bhuq Swndwr pIzy vyKx qoN bwAd ies nUM Pwlo krn l`g peI sI[ pr mu`K kwrn sI ik mYN qsvIrW ‘c vyiKAw sI ik auh fytrOiet stweIl pIzw vycdy hn[ mYN bI sI loAr mynlYNf ‘c koeI nhIN vyiKAw jo ies qrHW iftrwiet pIz vycdw hovy[ ies leI mYN ies dw suAwd zrUr vyKxw cwhuMdI sI[ fytrOiet pIzy ‘c motw Awtw huMdw hY [ ies nUM ie`k Awieqkwr jW vrgwkwr fUMGy pYn ‘c pkwieAw jWdw hY[ies nUM kirspI sVy hoey iknwry nwL v`K kIqw jWdw hY[pnIr pihlW cldw hY[ Aqy pRMprw ieh hY ik ivskwnisn ibRk pnIr nUM iknwry q`k lyArf ikaUb ‘c vrqxw hYy[ ctxI AwKrI vwr AwauNdI hY qy sws dIAW 2-3 lweInW ‘c pweI jWdI hY[ srHI ‘c hox krky mYN pihlW hI Pon kr id`qw sI[ ieMstwgRwm rwhIN pqw l`gw ik ieh pIzw CyqI hI mu`k jWdw hY[ ies leI AsIN Pon kIqw[ swfI cMgI iksmq sI ik aunHW kol ieh bxwaux leI ku`J Awtw bcdw sI[ ies nUM bxwaux leI qkrIbn 45 imMt lgdy hn[ ies leI srHI qoN vYnkuvr phuMcx leI TIk smyN isr c`lxw hI TIk sI[ AsIN ronI fYtroiet leI Awrfr id`qw Aqy ies ‘c pRosIXUto, slwmI, hrI imrc, mSrUm Aqy XYqUn pwx leI vI ikhw[ pr


30 MAY - JUNE 2022

aunHW koL kyvl qy kyvl mSrUm Aqy jYqUn hI sn[ AsIN c`l pey Aqy 45 imMt bwAd phuMc gey[ rYstorYNt l`Bx ‘c bhuqI muSikl nhIN AweI ikauN ik aus dy swhmxy bhuq swrIAW kwrW KVHIAW sn[ ieh AMdroN BirAw hoieAw sI Aqy bYTx nUM QW nhIN sI ies leI AsIN Kwxw kwr ‘c bYT ky hI Kwx dw PYslw kIqw[ AsIN do soFy vI mMgvwey[ ib`l AwieAw 57 fwlr[ swnUM Kwxy ‘c pIzy dy 6 slweIs imly[ ieh do pIs hI ie`k ivAkqI leI kwPI sn[ pr jdoN ies sB dy pYsy id`qy qW mYN ieh vyK ky bhuq hYrwn rih geI[ AsIN pIzy cu`ky Aqy nyVy swieMs vrlf dI pwrikMg lwt ‘c cly gey[AsIN swieMs vrlf dIAW itmtmwauNdIAW b`qIAW dw nzwrw vyK rhy sI qy nwl hI EilMpk ivlyj Aqy auh frYgnbot eyrIAw ij`Qy mYN AYlkn ieMtrnYSnl fRygnbot PYstIvl ‘c dOVH ‘c qmgy ij`qy sn[ AsIN pIzw Kwx ‘c msq ho gey[ myry dosq ny pu`iCAw ik kI koeI pnIr dw tukVw hY? qusIN BwgW vwly ho jy quhwnUM ie`k pIs ‘c ikDry ie`k jW do pnIr dy tukVy iml jwx[ mYnUM vI mIt dw qW koeI tukVw nhIN l`Bw pr sOs bhuq izAwdw imlI[ myry im`qr ny qW audoN hI kih id`qw ik auh muv Awrfr nhIN krygw kwrn kImq Aqy hor cIzW dI Gwt sI[ mYN hYrwn sW ik kImq ieMnI izAwdw ikauN sI[ ie`k hor g`l ik jdoN qusIN ies

dI Poto vyKdy ho qW ieh pYprOnI nwL BirAw lgdw hY[ ijvyN pihlW d`s hI id`qw hY ik swfI pweI ‘qy mIt dw nW inswn nhIN sI[ nw hI ieh id`qIAW hoeIAW PotoAW vrgw lgdw sI[ mIt ik`Qy hY? mYN inaUXwrk stweIl pIzw Azmwaux leI ey jy ‘qy muV jwvWgI[ pr muV fYtrwiet nUM Awrfr nhIN dyxw[ mYN smJdI hW ik ies qoN vDIAw Aqy ssqw mYN Awpxy Gr hI bxw skdI hW[ mYN Ajy inaUXwrk stweIl vrgw pIzy dw suAwd vyKxw hY ijhVw ik mYN inaXwrk ‘c KwDw sI[ auh vDIAw idsdw vI hY Aqy Kwx nUM vI suAwdI hY[ mYnUM ieh vyK ky KuSI hovygI jy ey jy vwLy vI aus qrHW dw hI pIzw bxwaux[ mYN vyiKAw hY ik ey jy vwLy bwhr tvwsn v`l pIzy Byjdy hn[auh ies qrHW srHI ‘c vI kr skdy hn[pr mYnUM lgdw hY ik ik kImq vyK ky mYN vI Awrfr dyvWgI[ mYN cwhuMdI hW ik 6 pIs dI 57 fwlr kImq Anuswr pIzw hovy ijhVw ids rhI Poto vrgw hovy Aqy do kYn hox pop dy[ mYnUM pqw hY ik koivf kwrn kImqW vDIAW hn[pr mYN Ajy vI 4-5 lokW dy Kwx jogw pIzw 25 qoN 35 fwlr ‘c lY skdI hW[ ijs ‘qy hor toipMgz hox Aqy pnIr vI hovy[ ieh qW srHI ‘c vI ssqw iml jWdw hY[

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MAY - JUNE 2022


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32 MAY - JUNE 2022


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MAY - JUNE 2022 33

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It Takes a Village – KidsPlay is that Village

idsPlay Youth Foundation is a registered charity founded by veteran police officer, Kal Dosanjh. The organization has been working towards keeping youth on the right track through free programs since 2015. All programs fall under six streams - sports, education, mentorship, counselling, community engagement and environment. This volunteer run organization has had its youth volunteers become police officers, sheriffs, correctional officers, medical school and law school students. KidsPlay's goal is to guide youth onto a path that will develop them into prospering contributors on a global scale. The Foundation has had over 70,000 youth go through free of cost programs and has over 950 volunteers, primarily youth. For many years, KidsPlay Foundation has addressed the ongoing epidemic of gang violence and drug abuse through gang and violence prevention programming. As an organization,


36 MAY - JUNE 2022

KidsPlay has demonstrated continued ability to deliver its various youth sports programs and anti-gang prevention programs in a professional and organized fashion. The organization has developed a network of partners that provide wraparound services. These wraparound services ensure youths’ basic needs are met. Furthermore, involvement with KidsPlay provides opportunities for interactions with positive role models and responsible adults. Those who volunteer with KidsPlay Foundation have been directly or indirectly affected by the havoc of drug abuse and/or gang violence. Some of them have lost their siblings and loved ones and are hoping to save others from going through the same pain; others like our founder, Kal Dosanjh, have seen too much on the job and couldn’t just sit back and watch. KidsPlay is run by leaders making an unmeasurable impact on our youth. The bedrock and fundamental principle of these programs is to establish a rapport with youth through the medium

of sports. Organized sports are being used across the globe as a dynamic mechanism to engage youth of all races, genders, and classes. Through organized sports tournaments, KidsPlay strives to bridge the gap between youth and adults in a constructive manner, while developing sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork and self-governance skills. KidsPlay’s ever-growing family includes veteran law enforcement officers, ambassadors such as Supreme Court Justice, Wally Oppal, professional NBA player, Satnam Singh, professional wrestler, Jinder Mahal, and professional teams like the Whitecaps, Vancouver Canucks, BC Lions, Vancouver Giants, and Hockey Canada. Of course, the list is incomplete without their decorated volunteers. KidsPlay runs programs at schools in Surrey, Langley, and Abbotsford. Aside from that, anti-drug and gang seminars are held in schools across the Lower Mainland. KidsPlay is here to make a difference; NATIONAL MAGAZINE

a movement and ridding our community of the youth and gang violence epidemic at its root, well, we just saved an entire generation.” – Jessica Sherman, KidsPlay Executive

These members have lost a lot and now choose to live good lives and create a healthy environment for themselves and their families. For more information about the Foundation, how you can help, or to make a donation, visit their website at Help make a difference.

the organization has the tools and experience to take on large scale projects and bring them to fruition. Providing pro-social, pro-inclusion environments serve as protective barriers that keep youth away from participating in anti-social and problematic behavior. According to research provided by the United Nations, resourceful programs, “can be used to develop citizenship values in young people." Kids Play Foundation is now in works of creating a documentary series that will showcase its Drug and Gang Education Team, comprised of members previously impacted by drug abuse and gang violence but were successful in exiting that lifestyle. They will share their stories and emphasize the importance of avoiding these pitfalls. These stories are extremely powerful and sharing has changed countless lives.

“Thank you (KidsPlay Foundation) for providing the platform and leading at a time like this. It is so needed and such a great time to build a relationship with people that will remember it forever. I am happy to be a part of it.” – Shenan Charania, KidsPlay Education Team

“I am the type of person who believes in redemption. I believe in salvation. I believe in giving somebody the opportunity.” - Kal Dosanjh, CEO and Founder of KidsPlay “We’ve all been, directly or indirectly, effected by youth gang violence, and if we can play a small role in deterring even one youth from going down the path of no return, we've succeeded. However, if we can engage our youth in creating

“If I had free programs to be a part of and had someone like you, Kal, come speak at my school, I wouldn’t have ended up in the Downtown Eastside.” – Shane Knox, KidsPlay Education Team.

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MAY - JUNE 2022 37

ies qrHW krn nUM pUrw ipMf lgdw hY – KidsPlay auh ipMf hY[

idsPlay XUQ PwaUNfySn ie`k rijstrf cYirtI hY ijsdI sQwpnw qzrbykwr puils AiDkwrI, kYl dosWJ duAwrw kIqI geI sI[ sMsQw 2015 qoN muPq pRogrwmW rwhIN nOjvwnW nUM shI rsqy 'qy r`Kx leI kMm kr rhI hY[ swry pRogrwm Cy ih`isAW - KyfW, is`iKAw, slwhkwr, slwh, BweIcwrk SmUlIAq Aqy vwqwvrx dy ADIn AwauNdy hn[ ies svY syvI sMsQw ny Awpxy nOjvwn vlMtIArW nUM puils APsr, SYirP, suDwr AiDkwrI, mYfIkl skUl Aqy lwA skUl dy ividAwrQI bxvwieAw hY[ KidsPlay dw tIcw nOjvwnW dw mwrgdrSn ie`k Aijhy mwrg 'qy c`lx leI krnw hY jo aunHW nUM ivSv p`Dr 'qy KuShwl Xogdwn pwaux vwilAW ‘c ivksq krn leI mdd krygw[ PwaUNfySn ny 70,000 qoN v`D nOjvwnW nUM muPq pRogrwmW ‘c is`iKAw id`qI hY Aqy ies ‘c 950 qoN v`D vwlMtIAr kMm krdy hn, Kws krky nOjvwn vlMtIAr[ keI swlW qoN, KidsPlay PwaUNfySn ny gYNg ihMsw Aqy nSIly pdwrQW dI durvrqoN dI c`l rhI mhWmwrI nUM gYNg Aqy ihMsw rokQwm pRogrwimMg nwL nij`Tx dw Xqn kIqw hY[ ie`k sMsQw dy rUp iv`c, KidsPlay ny ie`k pySyvr Aqy sMgiTq rUp iv`c Awpxy v`Kv`K Xuvw Kyf pRogrwmW Aqy gYNg-ivroDI pRogrwmW nUM lgwqwr pRdwn krn dI smr`Qw dw pRdrSn kIqw hY[ sMsQw ny BweIvwlW dw ie`k nY~tvrk ivksq kIqw hY jo rYpArwauNf syvwvW pRdwn krdy hn[ ieh rYpArwauNf syvwvW nOjvwnW dIAW buinAwdI


38 MAY - JUNE 2022

loVW pUrIAW krn nUM XkInI bxwauNdIAW hn[ ies qoN ielwvw, KidsPlay nwl SmUlIAq skwrwqmk rol mwflW Aqy zuMmyvwr bwlgW nwl g`lbwq dy mOky pRdwn krdI hY[ ijhVy lok KidsPlay PwaUNfySn leI vlMtIAr vjoN kMm krdy hn, auh nSy dI durvrqoN Aqy/jW gYNg ihMsw dy kihr qoN is`Dy jW Ais`Dy qOr 'qy pRBwivq hoey hn[ aunHW iv`coN ku`J Awpxy BYx-Brw Aqy AzIzW nUM guAw cu`ky hn Aqy aumId krdy hn ik dUijAW nUM ausy drd iv`coN lMGx qoN bcwieAw jw sky; swfy sMsQwpk, kYl dosWJ vrgy hor lokW ny AwpxI nOkrI dy smyN dOrwn bhuq ku`J vyiKAw hY Aqy auh isr& cu`p cupIqy bYT ky hI ieh sB nhIN dyK skdy sn[ KidsPlay auhnW AwgUAW duAwrw clwieAw jWdw hY ijnHW dw swfy nOjvwnW 'qy bhuq izAwdw pRBwv pYNdw hY[ ienHW pRogrwmW dw mUl Aqy buinAwdI isDWq KyfW dy mwiDAm rwhIN nOjvwnW nwl qwlmyl sQwpq krnw hY[ swrIAW nslW, ilMgW Aqy vrgW dy nOjvwnW nUM Swml krn leI sMgiTq KyfW nUM ivSv Br iv`c ie`k gqISIl ivDI vjoN vriqAw jw irhw hY[KidsPlay sMsQw sMgiTq Kyf tUrnwmYNtW rwhIN, KyfW, lIfriSp, tIm vrk Aqy svY-Swsn dy hunrW nUM ivkisq krdy hoey, nOjvwnW Aqy bwlgW ivckwrly pwVy nUM dUr krn leI ie`k rcnwqmk FMg nwl koiSS krdI hY[ KidsPlay dy sdw vD rhy pirvwr iv`c AnuBvI kwnUMn lwgU krn vwly AiDkwrI hn[ ies ‘c suprIm kort dy jsits, vwlHI au`pl, pySyvr NBA iKfwrI, sqnwm

nOjvwn isMG, pySyvr pihlvwn ijMdr mwhl, Aqy vHweItkYps, vYnkUvr kn`ks, bI sI lwienz, vYnkUvr jwieMts Aqy hwkI kYnyfw vrgIAW pySyvr tImW vI Swml hn[ieh sUcI ibnw S`k, ienHW siqkwrXog vwlMtIArW qoN ibnW ADUrI hY[ KidsPlay srHI, lYNglI Aqy AYbtsPorf dy skUlW iv`c pRogrwm clwauNdw hY[ ies qoN ielwvw, loAr mynlYNf dy skUlW iv`c nSw Aqy gYNg ivru`D sYmInwr vI AwXoijq kIqy jWdy hn[ KidsPlay ie`k ibhqr smwj dI isrjxw krn leI qqpr hY; sMsQw kol v`fy pYmwny dy pRojYktW nUM lwgU krn Aqy auhnW nUM Aml ’c ilAwaux leI loVINdy swDn Aqy qzrbw vI hY[ smwj-p`KI vwqwvrx pRdwn krnw ie`k qrHW nwL sur`iKAwqmk rukwvtW vjoN kMm krdw hY jo ik nOjvwnW nUM smwj ivroDI Aqy sm`isAw vwly ivvhwr iv`c ih`sw lYx qoN dUr r`Kx ‘c mdd krdw hY[ sMXukq rwStr duAwrw pRdwn kIqI Koj dy Anuswr, sroq pRogrwm, "nOjvwnW iv`c nwgirkqw mu`lW nUM ivksq krn leI vriqAw jw skdw hY[" KidsPlay &waUNfySn hux ie`k dsqwvyzI lVI bxwaux dw kMm kr rhI hY ijs rwhIN auh AwpxI fr`g qy gYNg AYjUkySn tIm nUM pyS krygI[ ies ‘c pihlW nSwKorI qy gYNg ihMsw duAwrw pRBwivq hoey mYNbr Swml hn jo ik AwpxI purwxI jIvn SYlI, ijs ‘c fr`g dI vrqoN Aqy gYNg ihMsw Swml sI aus nUM C`fx ‘c kwmXwb hI nhIN hoey, sgoN hux auh ie`k bhq vDIAw izMdgI ibqw rhy hn[ auh AwpxIAW khwxIAW sWJIAW NATIONAL MAGAZINE

krngy Aqy d`sxgy ik ienHW AlwmqW qoN bcx ‘c ikMnw Pwiedw hY[ ieh khwxIAW bhuq Asr BrpUr hn, ijnHW nUM lokW nwL sWJIAW krn ‘qy Axigxq izMdgIAW bdl geIAW hn[ bhuq ku`J gvw cu`ky ienHW mYNbrW ny hux vDIAw izMdgIAW ijaux dw Aqy Awpxy qy Awpxy pirvwrW leI vDIAw mwhOl auswrn dw PYslw kIqw hY[ ies sMsQw sbMDI hor jwxkwrI pRwpq krn leI, ies dI mdd krn leI Aqy ies nUM dwn dyx sbMDI jwxkwrI leI ‘qy jwE Aqy bdlwA ilAwaux ‘c mdd kro[

“mYN aus iksm dw ivAkqI hW ijhVw burIAW AwdqW nUM C`fx qy ienHW qoN mukq hox ‘c ivSvws r`Kdw hW[ myrw ivSvws hY ik hr ie`k nUM ie`k mOkw zrUr imlxw cwhidw hY”[ - kYl dosWJ, CEO qy KidsPlay dy sMsQwpk

mhWmwrI dIAW jVHW pu`tx ‘c kwmXwb ho skdy hW, ies qrHW krn nwl AsIN ie`k smu`cI pIVHI bcw skdy hW[ - jYiskw Srmn, KidsPlay AYgzYkitv “KidsPlay &waUNfySn, quhwfw ieho ijhw plytPwrm dyx Aqy ies qrW dI AgvweI krn leI DMnvwd! ies smyN ies dI bhuq hI izAwdw zrUrq sI Aqy ieh lokW nwl sbMD bxwaux leI bhuq hI vDIAw smW hY ijs nUM sdw leI Xwd r`iKAw jwvygw[ mYnUM bhuq KuSI hY ik mYN ies dw ie`k ih`sw hW”[ -SYnn cYrwnIAw, KidsPlay AYjUkySn tIm

“kYl, jy quhwfy kol swfy skUl Aw ky ies sbMDI jwxkwrI dyx leI smW huMdw qW mYN kdy vI eIstsweIf fwaUntwaUn ‘c nw phuMcdw”[ - Syn nOks, KidsPlay AYjUkySn tIm

“AsIN swry is`Dy jW Ais`Dy qOr qy gYNg ihMsw qoN pRBwivq hoey hW[ jy AsIN iksy ie`k nOjvwn nUM vI ies BYVy rsqy qoN rok skIey, qW ieh swfI bhuq v`fI kwmXwbI hovygI[ pr jy AsIN Awpxy nOjvwnW nUM ies lihr ‘c Swml krn Aqy AwpxI kimauntI dy nOjvwnW qy gYNg ihMsw dI

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MAY - JUNE 2022 39


ivf -19 qoN koeI skwrwqmk is`tw in`kilAw sI, qW auh sI auh ie`ko ie`k vDIAw g`l sI, ik gYs, Aqy fIzl, kImqW iv`c igrwvt AwauxI SurU ho geI sI[ ieh auh qbdIlI sI jo kYnyfw dy nwgirkW ny lMby smyN qoN nhIN sI dyKI[ drAsl, vYnkovr, ijs ny au~qrI AmrIkw iv`c gYs leI sB qoN mihMgIAW kImqW vwly Sihr vjoN iKqwb ij`qxw brkrwr r`iKAw hY’c vI kuJ mhIinAW leI kImqW $0.99 fwlr dy AOsqn hyTly p`Dr 'qy Aw geIAW sn[ ieh kImqW ie`k dhwky qoN vI v`D smyN qoN vyKx nUM nhIN imlIAW sn[ jy mwrc 2022 ‘c phuMcx q`k nzr mwrIey qW AsIN ie`k g`l not krWgy ik ies smyN qyl dIAW kImqW Aqy eINDn dIAW kImqW ‘c ie`k irkwrf qoV Gwtw hoieAw hY[ k`lH, inXimq qOr 'qy AxlYff gYsolIn dI kImq $2.09 pRqI lItr sI Aqy fIzl dI kImq $2.12 pRqI lItr sI[ hW, qusIN ieh ilkul shI hI piVHAw hY Aqy ies iv`c isAwsqdwn vI hYrwn hn ik ies bwry kI kIqw jw skdw hY[ SY~l knyfw dy Anuswr, qyl dIAW kImqW bhuq swry kwrnW krky pRBwivq huMdIAW hn, pr mu`K kwrnW ‘c sB qoN v`D pRBwv pwaux vwly kwrnW ‘c Swml hn: • k`cy qyl dI lwgq (kImq dw 40-55%) - ieh gYsolIn Aqy fIzl bxwaux leI k`cw mwl hY[


40 MAY - JUNE 2022


Lgwqwr Asmwn CUh rhIAW hn qyl dIAW kImqW

- jYg F`t • tYks (kImq dw 25-35%) – ies iv`c PYfrl, sUbweI, imaUNsIpl, Aqy ibnW S`k, GST Swml hn • irPweInrW dw mwrjn (kImq dw 1025%) - srl SbdW iv`c, lwB • mwrkIitMg (kImq dw 4-6%) auhnW auqpwdW dI mShUrI krn leI jo splwier Aqy pRcUn ivkryqw vyc rhy hn Kws krky inrsMdyh, ivSv dIAW GtnwvW ‘c auQl-puQl hoxw eINDn dIAW kImqW nUM pRBwivq kr skdw hY[ hwl hI ‘c rUs duAwrw XUkryn 'qy hmly dy nwl, eINDn dIAw kImqW iv`c vwDw hoieAw hY? ies dw kwrn kI hY? iek qW rUs dunIAw dunIAw k`cy qyl dI 10 qoN 12 PIsdI mMg dw auqpwdn krdw hY Aqy jdoN qoN jMg SurU hoeI hY, rUs dy inrXwq ivc 15 l`K bYrl dI kmI AweI hY[ ies qrHW, BwvyN mMg ie`ko ijhI rhI hY, pr splweI nUM nukswn hoieAw hY[ knyfw rUs qoN koeI k`cw qyl nhIN KrIddw, pr ivSvivAwpI splweI dw mqlb hY ik dyS nvyN splwierW nUM l`Bx leI sMGrS kr rhy hn, ijs nwl qyl dI kImq iv`c vwDw huMdw hY[ Aqy ieh cMUFI pUrI dunIAw iv`c v`FI geI mihsUs kIqI geI hY[ iek hor sbMDq kwrn ieh hY ik SY~l vrgy kuJ globl aUrjw id`gjW ny rUsI qyl Aqy kudrqI gYs dI KrId bMd kr id`qI hY; ie`k vwr Pyr, nvIAW splweIAW l`Bx leI, auhnW dIAW AwpxIAW lwgqW vD jWdIAW hn, ijs dw Krcw AMiqm

KpqkwrW nUM hI dyxw pYNdw hY[ not krn leI mh`qvpUrn g`l hY, Aqy Asl iv`c ie`k mh`qvpUrn kwrk ieh hY ik Kyqrvwd aus cIz iv`c mh`qvpUrn hY jo qusIN pMp 'qy Bugqwn krdy ho[ AOsqn, bwkI dyS dy mukwbly, BC vsnIk pRImIAm dw Bugqwn krdy hn, Aqy ies vwsqy, kuJ v`fy kwrn hn[ jy qusIN iksy Aijhy Kyqr iv`c rihMdy ho jo splweI dy sroq qoN dUr hY, qW AwvwjweI dy ^ricAW krky quhwfI AMiqm kImq vDyry hovygI[ pweIplweIn iv`c ivGn jW nukswn vI eyQy ie`k kwrk ho skdw hY, ijvyN ik storyj Aqy splweI dw gwhkW q`k phuMcwxw, i`k Kws kwrn ho skdw hY[ pr ijs cIz ny BC nUM s`cmu`c nukswn phuMcwieAw hY auh hY sUbweI Aqy KyqrI tYks, Aqy AOsqn, ies pRWq dy vsnIk l`gBg $0.73 pRqI iltr kyvl gYs tYksW dy rUp iv`c Adw krdy hn[ ie`k vwr Pyr, ieh dyS iv`c sB qoN v`D tYks hY[ pMp 'qy iksy nUM vI pu`Co Aqy auh kihxgy ik ieh fkYqI hY[ hwlW ik Awaux vwly mhIinAW ‘c eINDn dIAW kImqW siQr ho jwxgIAW, pr izAwdwqr mwhrW dw Anumwn hY ik ies nUM keI hPiqAW jW keI mhIinAW dw smW l`gygw[ Aqy ieh izAwdwqr KpqkwrW leI cMgI g`l nhIN hY, Kws krky ikauNik qnKwhW EnI qyzI nwl nhIN vDdIAW ijMnI qyzI nwl pMp 'qy eINDn dIAW kImqW ‘c vwDw huMdw hY[ NATIONAL MAGAZINE

Fuel Prices Continue to Rise to Record Levels JAG DHATT f there was one positive, that word being subjective, from Covid-19 is that gas, and diesel, prices began to fall. It was something that the citizens of Canada hadn’t seen for a long time. In fact, Vancouver, which retains the title as the most expensive city for gas in North America, saw prices fall to an average low of $0.99 for a few months. Those prices hadn’t been seen for over a decade. Fast forward to March 2022 and the low fuel prices are at record highs. Yesterday, the price of regular unleaded gasoline was at $2.09 per liter and for diesel, it was $2.12 per liter. Yes, you read that correctly and it even has politicians wondering what can be done. According to Shell Canada, the price of fuel is affected by many factors, but the main ones include: • Crude oil costs (40-55% of price) – this is the raw materials for making gasoline and diesel • Taxes (25-35% of price) – includes federal, provincial and municipal, and


of course, GST • Refiner’s margin (10-25% of price) – in simple terms, the profit • Marketing (4-6% of price) – to advertise the products the suppliers and retailers are selling Of course, world events, especially turmoil, can influence fuel pricing. With the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, there has been a spike of fuel costs? Why? For one, Russia produces about 10 to 12% of the world’s crude demands and since the war began, Russia’s export has decreased by 1.5 million barrels. Thus, even though demand has stayed the same, the supply has suffered. Canada buys no crude oil from Russia, but global supply means countries are struggling to find new suppliers, which thus drives up the price of oil. And this pinch has been felt all over the world. Another related reason is that some of the global energy giants, like Shell, stopped purchasing Russian oil and natural gas; again, in order to find new supplies, their own costs increase, which

gets passed on to the end consumers. What’s important to note, and a crucial factor indeed, is that regionalism is vital in what you pay at the pump. On average, BC residents pay a premium, as compared to the rest of the country, and for that, there are a couple of major reasons. If you live in a region that is further from the source of supply, your end price will be higher due to transportation costs. Pipeline disruptions or damage can also be a factor here, as can be storage and distribution costs. But what really hurts BC is provincial and regional taxes, and on average, residents of this province pay about $0.73 per liter just in gas taxes, again, the highest in the country. Ask anyone at the pump and they’ll say it’s robbery. Although fuel prices will stabilize in the coming months, most experts predict it will take many months vs weeks. And that doesn’t sit well with most consumers, especially since wages don’t increase as quickly as fuel prices at the pump.

JGK Offers Apology to Newcom GK Media Inc. would like to send this letter of apology to Newcom Media Inc. for the reason of copyright infringement. One of JGK Media Inc.’s website had sometimes used articles, which were attempted to be re-written without permission or acknowledgement. JGK Media Inc. admits this was an act of plagiarism, and takes full responsibility for the mistake. JGK Media Inc. had



outsourced the work to a freelancer, and unfortunately, never confirmed the originality of the work before publishing. In these cases, JGK Media Inc. was wrong, and apologizes for the mistake. It is unethical for any person or company to use another’s work without permission and this case is no different. Every original content deserves recognition and/or authorization. JGK Media Inc. also appreciates the

professionalism in which Newcom Media Inc. handled the situation and were happy to find a peaceful and agreeable resolution to the issue. Both parties agreed that there was no ill intent to use content; regardless, the fault was with JGK Media Inc. Both JGK Media Inc. and Newcom Media Inc. have had very positive working relationships in the past and look forward to the same in the future. MAY - JUNE 2022


Truck Washing

Automated Fleet Washing Equipment for Profit-Maximizing Trucking Companies Experience effortless truck washing in less time. Created with intention for today’s innovative and intelligent transportation businesses. our image means everything and maintaining a beautiful looking fleet doesn’t need to be a frustrating task that requires a substantial amount of time, effort, and money. What if you could stop wasting time sitting in traffic, long truck-wash lines, hiring expensive wash crews, or manually washing your vehicles? Wash-Bots can help you access the equipment you need to automate and optimize your washing in-house. Wash-Bots Canada is the exclusive Canadian distributor for Bitimec of Italy’s top-of-the-line truck washing equipment. For over 30 years, Bitimec’s high-quality European designed systems have been sold in over 40 countries on 5 continents. Our machines allow you to multipurpose your service bay or yard space into a wash facility without the expense of a fully automatic building structure. Wash Bots Machines are the Perfect Solution for Washing Your Trucks. Our portable washing equipment allows you to move freely from bay to bay and inside to outside. All are completely self-contained, meaning there are no external hoses, cords, or cables to hold you back. Our units run on clean energy using a high-capacity ‘quick-charge’ rechargeable batteries, giving you the


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ability to wash up to 40 vehicles in a single charge. Meet the Machines Pony LX – Makes Washing So Easy It’s Almost Fun Wash-Bots Pony LX ride-on truck washing equipment has quickly become the fastest selling model in Canada; we simply cannot keep these units in stock. Our clients absolutely love how quick and easy these machines are to use. Available in two power versions; battery only for both indoor or outdoor use and long-lasting hybrid diesel/electric drive for round the clock washing capabilities. The Pony provides a fully enclosed rideon cab to improve operator ease and comfort. Washing outdoors in the rain has never been so easy! 626-EZ – Effortlessly Wash Your Truck and Trailer in Less than 8 Minutes With our portable 626-EZ, one person can effortlessly power clean the entire surface of your truck and trailer in less than 8 minutes. You’re not dreaming. All of our truck wash systems include a warrantied for life, stainless steel frame which supports a 320-gallon freshwater tank and a 25-gallon cleaning solution tank. These sizable tanks allow truck owners to wash their fleet without constantly refilling the fluids, and yet are still compact enough to

keep the machines portable. The 626-EZ comes with adjustable stainless steel anti-scratch spray nozzles to help direct the flow of water into hardto-reach areas on your trucks and trailers. Experience exceptional cleaning no matter where you do it. Tank EZ - Meet Your New Workhorse The TANK EZ is your complete portable tanker washing solution. The ‘Easy Drive’ 4-wheel steering and self-propelled drive system provides impeccable control for smooth, end-to-end, tireless operation. A single operator can effortlessly soap, wash, and rinse the entire surface of your tanker units in less than 8 minutes. Designed for washing tankers, bulk haulers, and just about anything else, the large 5' 3" diameter brush maneuvers to clean all the hard-to-reach places. This state-of-the-art unit cleans deeply and effortlessly every single time. Client Satisfaction Canada Wide For nearly 15 years, we have provided our customers with game-changing cleaning solutions backed by our unparalleled equipment quality and industry-leading personal service. Contact us today for more information. 780.905.9762 NATIONAL MAGAZINE

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Wash-Bots Canada Can Help Your Business Save Money and Time. Automate and Optimize Your Fleet Washing In-House. Pony-LX – Fully Enclosed Ride-On Model Ideal for Indoor & Outdoor Washing Bitimec 626-EZ - Portable Fully Self-Contained Model Ideal for Your Service or Wash Bay Tank-EZ – Extra-Large Brush Deep-Cleans Every Surface Even in Hard-to-Reach Areas


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44 MAY - JUNE 2022

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Why us?

Contact us today!

At Transam Carriers, we believe that success is not achieved without professional human attitudes. We are proud of providing some of the most flexible work options in the industry for an optimum work-life balance. All of these, in conjunction with new equipment, modern technologies, in-house truck shop, and cross-dock facility, make Transam an exceptional workplace that we call here our second home.

James Taylor: 416-907-8101 x4013 Toll-Free: 877-907-8101 Address: 205 Doney Crescent, Concord, ON L4K 1P6 Email:



@TransamCarriers @Transam_Carriers NATIONAL MAGAZINE

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©2022 Hendrickson USA, L.L.C. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks shown are owned by Hendrickson USA, L.L.C., or one of its affiliates, in one or more countries.

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The sleek new exterior of the T680 Next Gen incorporates cutting-edge aerodynamic design features meant to squeeze every possible mile from every gallon. Offering you up to 6% in fuel savings from day one. NATIONAL MAGAZINE

MAY - JUNE 2022 47

One of a kind Introducing Volvo I-Torque™

When loads and roads vary, the new Volvo I-Torque is there. Achieve up to 3.61 km/l* whether you run 70 or 100 km/h**, on hills or flat terrain. Our renowned gearing and turbo compounding technology allows for super-efficient rear axle ratios as low as 2.15. The result is more torque and horsepower at lower rpms than any other engine under 16 litres. Whatever your most challenging route, I-Torque is ready to conquer it. Learn more at *Actual fuel savings dependent on duty cycle, load, driver behaviour, and more. **Always obey posted speed limits.

Volvo Trucks. Driving Progress. 48 MAY - JUNE 2022


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