1.800.213.9820 I info@truckerstogether.ca It’s Time to E-RACISM


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rmIAW dIAW Cu~tIAW dy mhIny hux Kqm hox dy nwl, bhuq swry lokW leI, nvyN swl dI Ajy SurUAwq hI ho rhI hY; skUl vwps jwxw, jldI jwgxw, Aqy homvrk vgYrw vgYrw[ ipCly h&qy jdoN mYN AwpxIAW DIAW nwl skUl splweIAW dI KRId kr irhw sW qW aus smyN myrI ie`k DI ny mYƒ pu~iCAw ik auhnW dIAW swrIAW splweIAW storW iv~c ikvyN phuMcdIAW hn? Aqy mYN jvwb ‘c aunHW ƒ tr~ikMg audXog dI mh~qqw bwry d~isAw[ auqpwdn lweInW qoN lY ky vyArhwaUsW q~k Aqy AMq iv~c, storW q~k, izAwdwqr mwl G`to G`t ie`k vwr qW zrUr hI tr~krW duAwrw phuMcwieAw jWdw hY[ ieh idlcsp hY ik skUl dI KrIddwrI dw tir`p swfy b~icAW leI is~Kx dw AnuBv ikvyN bx skdw hY[ swfy lyKkW iv~coN ie~k, ry gONP ny ie~k Aijhy ivSy 'qy crcw kIqI sI jo Asl
iv~c ies dyS ‘c bhuq swry lokW dI izMdgI nUM pRBwivq krn vwlw hovygw[ eI-nslvwd 'qy ausdw lyK glq DwrnwvW ƒ dUr krn dI mh~qqw bwry g~l krdw hY Aqy ieh vI d`sdw hY ik sB ƒ Swml krn dI iejwzq dyx leI soc ƒ ikvyN bdlx dI loV hY? v`fI loV hY nslvwd ƒ Kqm krn dI[ koeI vI tr~kr jo lMmy s&r dI dUrI qYA krdw hY, aus ƒ Awrwm krn leI vDIAw QW dI mh~qqw dw pqw hovygw[ hwlWik au~qrI AmrIkw iv~c kuJ Swndwr tr~k stwp hn, mweIkl hoA vI auhnW ‘coN bhuiqAW dI mOjUdw siQqI bwry Awpxy idRStIkox sWJy krdw hY[ hux jdoN AsIN ie`k vwr Pyr nvyN skUlI swl ‘c A`gy v`l vD rhy hW, mnonIq zonW iv~c hOlI c`lx leI smW k~Fo[ ieh hovy BwvyN skUl, Kyf dw mYdwn, jW hovy auswrI (knstRkSn) dw QW[ DIrj jW sbr, AwKrkwr, iksy ivAkqI dI ie~k KUbI (gux) hY[
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ith the summer holiday months now ending, for many, the year is just beginning: back to school, waking up earlier, and of course, homework. While school supply shopping with my girls last week, one of them asked me how all their supplies get to stores. And thus, I told them of the importance of the trucking industry; from the production lines to the warehouses and finally, to the stores, most cargo is at one point in time carried by truckers. It’s interesting how a school shopping trip can become a learning experience for our kids. One of our writers, Ray Gompf, had a discussion over a topic that will really hit home for many in this
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Ranjit Singh
trucker who does long haul will the know the importance of a good rest area. While there are some amazing truck stops across North America, Michael Howe shares his perspectives on the current status of many of them. As we move towards another school year, take the time to slow down in designated zones, whether it’s school, playground, or construction. Patience, ultimately, is a virtue.

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country. His article on E-racism talks about the importance of clearing misconceptions and how thinking needs to change to allow inclusion of all. Racism needs to
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Now what happened at the lunch is I was able to change two minds. But it got me thinking; too many of us just hear the misconceptions, accept them, and never attempt to dispel the misinformation because it’s too much trouble or they might be seen as fighting for “those people”. We all need to speak up to every misconception as heard and not back Almostdown.daily, I do, on social media, try to change minds. But seriously, we need to discuss this issue and try to repair much of that division that has been created through no fault of anyone’s except the government that pretends to be Withinbenevolent.thetrucking industry, the Punjabi community of truckers represents one in every six truckers in Canada. Now since we have MELT (Minimum Entry Level Training), which should have us all operating with the same basic knowledge. But seriously, MELT has its shortcomings, and our training isn’t the same no matter how basic. It is that training, or lack thereof, that exacerbates the view that some ethnic
Now, for decades I’ve heard the racist comments, often spoken against my brothers with browner skin than mine, maybe a different religion than mine, maybe speaking one of the 600 or so languages in the world, maybe someone who dresses even slightly differently
sense to me.
I corrected their misconception with, “there’s bad apples everywhere, no ethnicity has a lock on bad apples.” And, I’m willing to admit on percentage of bad apples, Punjabis are no worse or no better than any other ethnicity.
Now, why would I want to tackle one of the touchiest subjects on the planet? I truly don’t but at some point in time somebody has to admit that we’ve been divided up into ethnic groups to allow governments to use the smaller groups as they see fit, in order to remain in control. The instant one doesn’t agree with the government line, it becomes easy to create this hate and discontent. There’s not too much on which I agree with the government.
I see humans as humans; most are good people and few aren’t quite so good, and it matters not the ethnicity.
Former United States President Lincoln of emancipation fame had an attitude, “Oh look, there’s a man I don’t like. I think I’ll get to know him,” and that’s an attitude I’ve used for my entire life. Not because I knew the Lincoln quote but because it’s a way of life that makes
than me. But why? Because some politician has created a milieu for pointing out differences. Politicians, no matter how well they speak, have a vested interest in dividing us and keeping us divided. I will explain.
It’s Time to E-racism
his is an article that is probably the hardest I’ve ever written and one I wish didn’t ever have to write. This is an article I have asked to write rather than having an editor suggest it be written.

A few days ago, I was sitting with a group of my retired military friends for lunch and since the venue was in the “no-go zone” police had set up during the Freedom Convoy, the conversation included a great deal about the convoy. All side on the side of the convoy; however, two members in this small group brought up, “it’s the Punjabi truck drivers that are the problems.”
to worry about the oncoming traffic but had an opportunity to chat for twenty minutes and made friends.
These sad stories of “go back from where you came” need to end. Not because racism is unwarranted, but because it never needed to exist in the first place. Let the good people of every ethnicity deal on good terms with the good people of every other ethnicity and weed out their own bad apples because that’s what continues to keep us apart.

One of my old stories comes to mind. I was headed east on Highway 17 in Northern Ontario, just east of Ignace. I was just slightly over the limit and another truck came up behind me. I got on the radio and offered to protect him if he wanted to pass. He said, “No, that’s fine. I’ll just tuck in behind you. I’m stopping at the next truck stop anyway and don’t want to get in your way when I slow down and turn off.” So, we just chatted for the next 20 miles. Yes, he was giving me consideration 20 miles ahead of where he needed. He stayed safely behind me, and we neither had

The truth is that unless and until truck driving is recognized as a red seal

drivers don’t care. You can’t care about that not taught. Learning on your own, trying to develop an unobtrusive skill level isn’t recommended. Despite what the government may say about the Humboldt driver, that’s exactly what he was trying to do, whether he knew it or not. He was trying to self-teach and was massively over his head and obviously failed. He didn’t know he was over his head because you don’t know what you don’t know. He wasn’t the bad guy; an industry let him down. An industry that misled the government into believing MELT would be the panacea to industry ills without costing the carriers a dime. Introducing MELT and getting its pound of flesh from an honourable man could just close the chapter in the book. Now, the government could pat itself on the back and say MELT solved all the training problems and the trucking carriers weren’t saddled with any additional expense.
Now I’ll again be brutally honest here. When you’re on the road, there isn’t a lot of reason to be going faster than you should. Relax and enjoy the surrounding countryside. Pressured drivers are tired drivers. If it’s a hot load, it’ll just have to be hot after you deliver it. If you’re running late, you’ll arrive late; don’t worry about it. It’s about getting there safely. There is no load worth your life so you do the best you can but don’t take chances. Everyone has a loved one or two to whom they need to get home, why take risks? Stop and make a new friend at least every day. Find someone you don’t like and go talk to him or her. Stop with the differences and recognize we’re truck drivers. That’s our commonality.
skilled trade with a definable career path, nothing changes. “Those” brown guys are still perceived as the problem and the hate and discontent continues unabated. This is just wrong.

As a side note, today, this Humboldt driver has been granted early parole. Parole which, in my opinion, should never have been necessary.
Back in the day, the old hands were respected and learned skills were pass on to those less skilled. Drivers talked to one another. Drivers asked questions of one another. On the road, there was no competition, only cooperation. If a driver was in difficulty or even looked like he might be in difficulty, several other drivers would stop and check that everything was as it should be.
hn, Swied myry nwloN aunHW dw v~Krw Drm, Swied dunIAw dIAW 600 jW ies qoN v~D BwSwvW iv~coN ie~k boldw hovy; Swied koeI Aijhw ivAkqI jo QoVHw ijhw v~Krw pihrwvw pwauNdw hovy[ lyikn ikauN, ikauNik kuJ isAwsqdwnW ny mqBydW ƒ drswaux leI mwhOl pYdw kIqw hY[ isAwsqdwn, BwvyN auh ikMnw vI cMgw boldy hox, swƒ vMfx Aqy vMfy r~Kx iv~c svwrQI ih~q zrUr r~Kdy hn[ mYN smJwauNdw hW ieh g`l[ k`uJ idn pihlW, mYN dupihr dy Kwxy leI Awpxy syvw mukq POjI dosqW dy ie~k iek`T ‘c bYTw sI [ ikauN ikauh QW "no-go zon" iv~c sI jo puils ny PrIfm iek`T dOrwn sQwpq kIqw sI, ies leI g~lbwq iv~c vI ies iek`T sbMDI bhuq kuJ Swml sI[ iek`T dy swry pwsy; hwlWik, ies Coty smUh dy do mYNbrW ny g`l SurU kr id`qI, "ieh pMjwbI tr~k frweIvr hn jo sm~isAwvW hn[" pr mYN auhnW dI glq Dwrnw J`tp`t TIk kIqw Aqy ikhw "hr QW mwVy syb Bwv mwVy ivAkqI huMdy hn, iksy jwq dw mwVy ivAkqIAW 'qy qwlw nhIN hY[" Aqy, mYN mwVy sybW Bwv lokW dI pRqISqqw 'qy ieh mMnx leI iqAwr hW, pr pMjwbI iksy vI hor nsl nwloN mwVy jW vDIAw nhIN grdwny jwhuxskdy[dupihr dy Kwxy 'qy kI hoieAw mYN do mn

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ieh nslvwd Kqm krn dw smW hY goAP pRogrwm
h ie~k Aijhw lyK hY jo Swied sB qoN muSikl hY Aqy ijhVw mYNN pihlW kdy nhIN iliKAw Aqy mYN ieh vI Aws krdw hW ik ies qrHW dw mYnUM iPr kdy ilKxw vI nw pvy[ ieh ie~k lyK hY jo mYN ie~k sMpwdk ƒ ilKx dw suJwA dyx dI bjwey Kud Awp ilKx bwry soicAw[ mYN ie`k mnu`K nUM mnu~K dy rUp iv~c hI dyKdw hW[ izAwdwqr lok cMgy lok huMdy hn Aqy k`uJ ku eyny vDIAw nhIN huMdy, Aqy ies dw nslI mUl nwl koeI Prk nhIN pYNdw[ hux, mYN DrqI dy sB qoN v~D sMvydnSIl iviSAW iv~coN ie~k nwl ikauN inptxw cwhWgw? mYN s~cmu~c Aijhw nhIN krdw pr kdy nw kdy swnUM ieh vI mMnxw pYNdw hY ik AsIN nslI gru~pW iv~c vMfy hoey hW qW jo srkwrW ƒ kMtrol iv~c bxy rihx leI Coty gru~pW dI vrqoN krn dI auvyN AwigAw id`qI jw skyy ijvyN auh TIk smJdy hn[ ijvyN hI koeI srkwrI lweIn nwl sihmq nhIN huMdw, qW ies vMf kwrn n&rq Aqy AsMquStI ƒ pYdw krnw sOKw ho jWdw hY[ ies ‘c bhuq izAwdw nhIN hY ijs 'qy mYN srkwr nwl sihmq hovW[ hux, keI dhwikAW qoN mYN nslI it~pxIAW suxIAW hn, jo Aksr myry nwloN BUry cmVI vwly myry BrwvW ivru~D kIqIAW jWdIAW
bdlx dy Xog sI[ pr ies nwl mYN soicAw; swfy iv~coN bhuq swry lok glq DwrnwvW suxdy hn, auhnW ƒ svIkwr krdy hn, Aqy kdy vI glq jwxkwrI ƒ dUr krn dI koiSS nhIN krdy ikauNik ieh bhuq izAwdw muSkl hY jW auhnW ƒ "aunHW lokW" leI lVdy dyiKAw jw skdw hY[ swƒ swirAW ƒ suxI geI hr glq Dwrnw ƒ suxn dI loV hY nw ik ip~Cy htx dI[ lgBg rozwnw, mYN, soSl mIfIAw 'qy, mn bdlx dI koiSS krdw hW[ pr gMBIrqw nwl, swƒ ies mu~dy 'qy crcw krn dI loV hY Aqy aus vMf ƒ TIk krn dI koiSS krn dI zrUrq hY jo ik srkwr qoN ielwvw iksy dI koeI glqI nw hox kwrn pYdw kIqI geI hY pr jo FONg krdI hY praupkwrI hox dw[ mukqI pRis~DI dy swbkw sMXukq rwj dy rwStrpqI ilMkn dw ie`k Kws rv~eIAw sI, "Eh dyKo, au`Qy ie~k AwdmI hY ijsƒ mYN psMd nhIN krdw[ mYƒ l~gdw hY ik mYN aus ƒ jwx lvWgw," Aqy ieh auh rv~eIAw hY jo mYN AwpxI pUrI izMdgI leI vriqAw hY[ ies leI nhIN ik mYN ilMkn dy hvwly ƒ jwxdw sI pr ikauN ik ieh jIvn dw ie~k qrIkw hY jo myry leI smJdwr hY[ tr~ikMg audXog dy AMdr, tr~krW dw pMjwbI BweIcwrw kYnyfw iv~c hr Cy tr~krW iv~coN ie~k dI numwieMdgI krdw hY[ hux ikauNik swfy kol MELT (imnImm AYNtrI lYvl tryinMg) hY, ijs iv~c swƒ swirAW ƒ ie~ko ijhy buinAwdI igAwn nwl kMm krnw cwhIdw hY[ pr gMBIrqw nwl, MELT dIAW AwpxIAW kmIAW hn, Aqy swfI isKlweI ie~ko ijhI nhIN hY ieh hovy BwvyN ikMnI vI buinAwdI [ ieh auh isKlweI, jW iesdI Gwt hY, jo ies idRStIkox ƒ vDwA idMdI hY ik kuJ nslI frweIvrW ƒ koeI prvwh nhIN hY[ qusIN aus dI prvwh nhIN kr skdy jo nhIN isKwieAw jWdw hY[ Awpxy Awp is~Kxw, ie~k byrok hunr dy p~Dr ƒ ivksq krn dI koiSS krn dI is&wrS nhIN kIqI jWdI[ hmbolt frweIvr bwry srkwr kI kih skdI hY, ies dy bwvjUd, auh iblkul auhI krn dI koiSS kr irhw sI, BwvyN auh ieh jwxdw sI jW nhIN[ auh svY-is~iKAq hox dI koiSS kr irhw sI Aqy
v~fy p~Dr 'qy ausdy isr 'qy sI Aqy sp~St qOr 'qy AsPl irhw[ auh nhIN jwxdw sI ik auh ausdy isr au~qy sI ikauNik qusIN nhIN jwxdy ik qusIN kI nhIN jwxdy[ auh burw AwdmI nhIN sI; ie~k audXog ny ausƒ inrwS kIqw[ ie~k audXog ijsny srkwr ƒ MELT iv~c ivSvws krn leI gumrwh kIqw, kYrIArW ƒ ie~k pYsw Krc kIqy ibnW audXog dIAW ibmwrIAW dw ielwj hovygw[ MELT ƒ pyS krnw Aqy ie~k siqkwrXog AwdmI qoN iesdw pONf mws pRwpq krnw ikqwb dy AiDAwie ƒ bMd kr skdw hY[ hux, srkwr AwpxI ip`T nUM QpQpwauNdI hY Aqy kih skdI hY ik MELT ny isKlweI dIAW swrIAW sm~isAwvW dw h~l kr id~qw hY Aqy tr~ikMg kYrIArW ƒ koeI vwDU Krcw nhIN lwieAw igAw[ scweI ieh hY ik ijMnw smW tr`k ieMfstrI nUM is`kyvMd hunrI tryf nhIN smiJAw jWdw, ijs ‘c kYrIAr leI vDIAw rwh hY[ pr aus qrHW dy gory lok Ajy vI muSikl mihsUs kr rhy hn Aqy nPrq dw ieh clx ibnw rok c`ldw jw irhw hY[pr ieh sB ku`J bhuq hI mMdBwgw qy glq hY[ purwxy zmwny iv~c, bzurg h~QW dw siqkwr kIqw jWdw sI Aqy is~Ky hoey hunr G~t hunrmMdW nUM isKwey jWdy sn[ frweIvr Awps iv~c g~lW kr rhy sn[ frweIvrW ny ie~k dUjy qoN svwl pu~Cy[ sVk 'qy, koeI
mukwblw nhIN sI, isrP sihXog sI[ jy koeI frweIvr muSkl iv~c sI jW Aijhw lgdw hY ik auh muSkl iv~c hY, qW keI hor frweIvr rukxgy Aqy jWc krngy ik sB kuJ ikvyN hoxw cwhIdw hY[ mYnUM myrI ie~k purwxI khwxI Xwd AwauNdI hY[ mYN au~qrI EntwrIE iv~c hweIvyA 17 qoN pUrb v~l jw irhw sI, iegnys dy iblkul pUrb iv~c[ mYN spIf h`d qoN QoVHw v~D jw irhw sI ik myry ip~Cy ie~k hor tr~k Aw igAw[ mYN ryfIE 'qy AwieAw Aqy aus dI bcwA r`Kx dI pySkS kIqI jykr auh A`gy lMGxw cwhuMdw hY[ ausny ikhw, “nhIN, ieh TIk hY[ mYN b~s quhwfy ip~Cy AwvWgw[ mYN iksy vI qrHW Agly tr~k stwp 'qy ruk irhw hW Aqy jdoN mYN hOlI krWgw Aqy bMd krWgw ikauN ik mYN quhwfy rwh iv~c nhIN Awauxw cwhuMdw[ ies leI, AsIN Agly 20 mIl leI g~lbwq kIqI[ hW, auh mYƒ aus QW qoN 20 mIl A~gy sbMDI d`s irhw sI, ij~Qy aus dI loV pYxI sI[ auh myry ip~Cy sur~iKAq irhw, Aqy swƒ nw qW Awaux vwly tRYiPk dI icMqw krnI peI sgoN vIh imMtW leI g~lbwq krn Aqy dosq bxwaux dw mOkw imilAw[ "ij~QoN qusIN Awey EQy vwps jwE" dIAW ieh duKdweI khwxIAW ƒ Kqm krn dI loV hY[ ies leI nhIN ik nslvwd gYrvwjb hY, pr ies leI ikauNik ies ƒ
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pihlI QW 'qy mOjUd hox dI kdy vI loV nhIN sI[ hr jwqI dy cMgy lokW ƒ hr dUjI jwqI dy cMgy lokW nwl cMgIAW SrqW 'qy pyS Awaux idE Aqy aunHW dy Awpxy mwVy sybW ƒ bwhr k~Fo ikauNik iehI hY jo swƒ v~Krw r~Kdw hY[ hux mYN ie~Qy iPr sKqI nwl iemwndwr hovWgw[ jdoN qusIN sVk 'qy huMdy ho, qW quhwfy nwloN qyzI nwl jwx dw koeI bhuqw kwrn nhIN huMdw hY[ Awrwm kro Aqy Awly duAwly dy ielwikAW dw AnMd lE[ dbwA vwly frweIvr Q~ky hoey frweIvr huMdy hn[ jy ieh ie~k grm lof hY, qW quhwfy duAwrw iesƒ filvr krn qoN bwAd iesƒ grm hoxw pvygw[ jy qusIN dyr nwl qury hoo, qW qusIN dyr nwl phuMcogy; ies bwry icMqw nw kro[ g`l qW sur~iKAq FMg nwl inSwny ‘qy phuMcx bwry hY[ quhwfI izMdgI nwloN hor koeI vDIAw lof nhIN[ ies leI jo qusIN kr skdy ho sB qoN vDIAw kro [ pr cWs nw lE[ hr ie~k dw ie~k Gr ‘c ie`k jW do ipAwry huMdy hn, ijnHW nUM imlx leI aus nUM Gr phuMcx dI loV huMdI hY, iPr ^qrw ikauN mu`l lY rhy ho? ruko! Aqy G~to-G~t hr roz ie~k nvW dosq bxwE[ iksy Aijhy ivAkqI ƒ l~Bo ijs ƒ qusIN psMd nhIN krdy Aqy aus nwl g~l kro[ mqBydW ƒ roko Aqy pCwxo ik AsIN tr~k frweIvr hW[ ieh hI swfI sWJIvwlqw hY[

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bxwaux leI ik sspYNSn TIk Twk kMm kr irhw hY, strts Aqy SOks bdl idE[ ies nwl styAirMg styibltI Aqy kMtrol ‘c bhuq suDwr hovygw[ ies dy nwL hI ihljul Aqy Awsy pwsy jwx dy Gtx kwrn twier vI G`t Gsxgy[ quhwfy vhIkl dy kMtrol dw mulWkx krn leI rof tYsitMg Aqy sspYNSn isstm dI jWc zrUrI hY[ OK Tire vwLy bhuq vDIAw SOks Aqy strts r`Kdy hn[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik ijhVy fRweIvr Awpxy vhIkl dI kMtrol SkqI sbMDI iPkrmMd hn aunHW nUM auh ies sbMDI Kws nukqy vI d`sdy hn[ ies leI zrurI hY ik jdoN qusIN sVk ‘qy jwE qW mn SWq r`Ko Aqy ieh XkInI bxwE ik qusIN iksy pRoPYSnl dI slwh lY leI hY Aqy quhwfI vhIkl ies itRp leI pUrI qrHW iqAwr hY[ sWB sMBwl Aqy rweIf kMtrol sbMDI vDyry jwxkwrI leI www.oktire.com ‘qy jwE[
Rest Areas
night. More than 80 percent said that at least once a week, they continue to drive past the point of feeling "safe and alert" because they cannot find a place to stop and rest.”
States and Provinces have conducted a number of studies over the years and the answer seems to be a definitive “NO”, there are not enough quality rest areas for the trucking community. Over 20 years ago (2000), the US Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration conducted a study that found “than more than 36 percent of truck drivers said that finding a rest area in which to park is a problem every
Just this year (2022), Lewie Pugh, Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association’s Vice President, testified to a State of Washington committee that, “The United States Congress has failed truck drivers by not including dedicated funding for truck parking in the in the infrastructure bill that was signed into law last year.” And, Sheri Call, Washington Trucking Association’s CEO noted in her testimony to the same committee that there is a truck parking shortage. Canada has similar truck parking challenges. In January of 2021, Ontario announced it would be expanding truck rest areas across the Province by improving 14 existing rest areas, building 10 new ones, and adding 178 additional truck parking spaces at four existing ONroute plazas. Caroline Mulroney, Ontario Minister of Transportation, said, “Truck drivers spend long hours moving

goods of every type and description on our roadways and we need to ensure they have a modern, safe and welcoming place to stop and Interestingly,rest.”the importance of rest areas became even more apparent during the pandemic – so much so that US DOT FHWA Director Nicole Nason wrote a letter to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials encouraging them to keep rest areas open. The very brief letter is clear, and true even now that the pandemic is less of an issue. “We encourage State transportation officials to keep in mind the impact those actions may have on the free flow of products from suppliers to communities or on the health and safety of essential critical infrastructure workers such as those who transport the products. Placing undue restrictions on the National Network or closing rest areas where professional drivers can rest may risk the safe and timely delivery of medical supplies, food, and other essential goods.”
There is little doubt that rest areas that offer sufficient safe parking for truckers is essential to the safety of highways across North America. Offering amenities at these rest areas would be even better, but privatization in the US is limited and luckily not as limited in Canada. Regardless of the amenities though, safe parking is a must. With both the US and Canada focused on hours of service regulations, providing this safe parking seems to be a natural requirement as well. However, the US’s recent Infrastructure funding legislation and Canada’s Action Plan have missed the mark on expanding and developing additional safe parking at rest areas.
afety on the highways is incredibly important, and truck drivers across Canada and the United States are committed to keeping the highways safe. Even without hours of service regulations a large majority of drivers know when it is time to rest. The unfortunate challenge though becomes finding a safe place to rest. Truck stops and rest areas often fill up quickly in the evening, and it doesn’t take much effort to find trucks parked along the side of the highways, on off ramps, or even at major chain stores. Are there enough quality rest areas for the trucking community?
The question then becomes “what’s next” for rest area improvement and expansion in both countries? A quick google search shows that a number of individual states and provinces are conducting or have conducted recent surveys to better define and understand the issue. Perhaps something will come from those studies this time.

Interest Rate Increases

usiness news has been showing interest rates increases in both Canada and the USA. I know I quickly rushed a few finance deals before some of the rate rises to help clients out. In Canada the rising rates have tamed the housing market. Surprisingly, the delinquency rates for mortgages are at an all time low, but I smell foreclosures in the air. Prior to myself loaning money to finance equipment, I was from the “dark side” as I call it. I did foreclosures, repossessions, and sued clients for money owed for a bank. I also helped those who needed assistance with alternative solutions and some who just needed some customer service from the bank. I was known for initiating foreclosures very early. The mortgage was not even in arrears yet, but I would notice warning signs like the credit score dropping and maxed out credit so I could predict a foreclosure months before. I would strike early to get every dime owed to the bank with zero loss while other creditors would lose because they were much too late. I had already taken all the money that was available from the sale of the home. With housing, I’m seeing demand for purchasing homes dropping heavily along with prices. Just in February of this year in BC we were seeing bidding wars on homes. Literally 20 different families bidding on the same home and driving the price several hundred thousand dollars higher than asking price, no inspections on the home and no subjects to remove. Now I see homes sitting unsold and no bidders lining up since a few rate increases. When homes are sold they sell at much lower prices than the February peak. The issue now becomes the people who paid over inflated prices for their home. If they bought higher than asking, and now want to sell, they may lose several hundred thousand dollars. Seeing the delinquency rates so low I believe is only temporary because of this. It reminds me of the 90’s when there was the leaky condo phase in BC. Builders
used plans designed for California type weather and did not account for the rain forest region weather. The condos leaked and needed huge repairs. People who bought these condos had to pay more money in repairs than the condo was worth. Usually, a difference of a hundred thousand dollars and up. Many went bankrupt and banks foreclosed on these now almost worthless properties. So, my worry now is this will happen again. Just not leaky condos this time, but with homes that people paid too much for as prices slide down.
I spoke to a mortgage broker and asked if people are locking in interest rates, and he said no. He said everyone are getting lower rate variable mortgages but confirmed business has slowed considerably. The variable rates are still low now, but if there are more interest rate hikes, then it could become a problem. In the early 80’s interest rates were above 15%. I have always warned the truckers I counsel on financial matters that this will happen in our generation as well. That each generation will experience double digit interest rates so it’s better to have your house paid off before that time comes and have cash on hand that you can put in term deposits and other safe investment options at high rates. This is what I hope will happen, but not everyone plans their finances like this.
I always look to the past, and mistakes of the past to plan for the future. Having spoken to some seniors for guidance, they said that there were never mortgage
renewals in the past. You signed once and kept the same interest rate and same payment until your home was paid in full 25-30 years later. Unfortunately, now banks want more money and renewals are one of the methods to do so. They charge a renewal fee, get you in to see them so they can try to sell you other bank products and adjust your mortgage to current market rates. As these rates climb, it will be inevitable that some may not be able to afford the payment anymore. It could be a few hundred dollar difference a month which adds to potentially thousands each year. With people paying high inflation for things like food and gas, they may not have the ability to pay that difference, and this is when foreclosures start.
B Savings
I cannot be certain that a lot of people will be foreclosed in the next few years, but at this time I am predicting this could be a strong possibility. Plan well and try to save as much money as you can now regardless. Saving is always good advice, so that will remain constant in your life, even if other things do not. Having a savings buffer could save your family home and prevent losses. If you did buy at an over inflated price, I would suggest you wait until the value of your home eventually does go up again to where your bought at to prevent any losses. History shows real estate will usually increase in value over time, so wait it out before selling. It might take longer, but time will heal the current economic problems eventually.

17SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2022NATIONAL MAGAZINE NANAIMO 861 Maughan Road Nanaimo, BC V9X 1J2 Toll Free: 1-877-878-5979 Phone: (250) 722-2073 Fax: (250) 722-2317 MISSION 32860 Mission Way Mission, BC V2V 5X9 Phone: (604) 455-0885 PRINCE RUPERT 1600 Prince Rupert Boulevard Prince Rupert, BC V8J 2Z3 Phone: (250) 627-1981 Fax: (250) 627-1982 Ocean Trailer is now the dealer for MAC trailers

pYS brwV
ivAwj dr iv`c vwDw
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jo mOjUdw AwriQk sm~isAwvW ƒ TIk kr dyvygw[ 1. 88 8 . GL ASVAN ( 45 2 . 782 6 ) glasvangreatdane.com Four Southern Ontario locations to serve you; locations in Mississauga, Putnam, Alliston, and Whitby. PARTS FAST.TRAILERS.REPAIRTOYOURDISCOVEROURLARGESELECTIONOFTRAILERPARTSFORALLMAKESANDMODELS.WHETHERIT’SBRAKES,BEARINGSANDSEALS,SUSPENSION,STRUCTURAL,LIGHTING,LININGSANDLIFTGATECOMPONENTSWEHAVETHEINVENTORYANDACCESSTOTHETRAILERPARTSYOUNEEDTOGETBACKONTHEROADFAST. TRAILER AND SHUNT TRUCK PARTS SHIPPED ACROSS CANADA, TALK TO A PARTS SPECIALIST TODAY Roof Skin and Roof Bows Sidewall Parts (Posts, Liners, Scuffbands for Dry Vans and Reefers) Door (HingesHardwareandLock Rods) Door Blanks and Door AccessoriesSeals (Vents and (DrumBrakeSuspension,Holders)DocumentLights,WiringandElectricalConspicuityTapeAxleandComponentsandDisc)Wheel Seals, Hubcaps and Bearings Air andGladhandsLines,Valves Floor and(Rails,ComponentsCrossmembersBoards) Landing Gear andSkirtsFairingBracing hwaUisMg

lOk kr rhy hn, Aqy ausny ies dw jvb nWh ‘c id`qw[ ausny ikhw ik hr iksy ƒ G~t ryt vyrIeybl krzw iml irhw hY pr inscq kwrobwr kw&I mMdw pY igAw hY[ pirvrqnSIl drW hux vI G~t hn, pr jy ivAwj drW iv~c vDyry vwDw huMdw hY, qW ieh ie~k sm~isAw bx skdI hY[ 80 dy dhwky dy SurU iv~c ivAwj drW 15% qoN au~pr sn[ mYN hmySW tr~kW vwilAW ƒ cyqwvnI id~qI hY ik hryk pIVHI ƒ dohry AMkW dIAW ivAwz drW dw qzrbw hovygw, ies leI ieh ibhqr hY ik aus smyN dy Awaux qoN pihlW quhwfy Gr dw Bugqwn kr id~qw jwvy Aqy quhwfy kol nkd rkm hovy ijsƒ qusIN au~cIAW drW 'qy imAwdI jmHW rkmW Aqy hor sur~iKAq invyS ivklpW iv~c r~K skdy ho[ mYƒ aumId hY ik Aijhw hI vwprygw, pr hr koeI Awpxy iv~q dI Xojnw ies qrHW nhIN bxwauNdw[ mwmilAW bwry slwh idMdw hW ik ieh swfI pIVHI iv~c vI vwprygw[
qusIN au~cIAW drW 'qy imAwdI jmHW rkmW
hor cIzW nw vI hox[ vwDU b~cq quhwfy pirvwrk Gr ƒ bcw skdI hY Aqy Gwty ƒ rok skdI hY[ jy qusIN v`D kImq 'qy Gr KrIidAw sI, qW mYN quhwƒ suJwA dyvWgI ik qusIN iksy vI nukswn ƒ rokx leI Awpxyy Gr dw mu~l AwKrkwr aus QW 'qy vwps Aw jwx q~k aufIk kro ijMny dw qusIN KrIidAw sI[ ieiqhws gvwh hY ik rIAl AYstyt dw mu~l Awm qOr 'qy smW pw ky vDygw, ies leI vycx qoN pihlW iesdI aufIk kro[ ies ivc izAwdw smW l~g skdw hY, pr AwKrkwr ieh smW hI hY
Aqy hor sur~iKAq invyS ivklpW iv~c r~K skdy ho[ mYƒ aumId hY ik Aijhw hI vwprygw, pr hr koeI Awpxy iv~q dI Xojnw ies qrHW nhIN bxwauNdw[ mYƒ XkIn nhIN ho irhw ik Agly kuJ swlW iv~c bhuq swry lokW dy GrW dw Porklozr ho jwvygww, pr ies smyN mYN ieh Biv~KbwxI hI kr rhI hW ik ieh ie~k mzbUq sMBwvnw ho skdI hY[ cMgI qrHW Xojnw bxwE Aqy hux v~D qoN v~D pYsy bcwaux dI koiSS kro[ b~cq krnw hmySw cMgI slwh huMdI hY, ies leI ieh quhwfy jIvn iv~c siQr rhygI, cwhy

mYN hmySw ipCly smyN v`l Jwq mwrdI hW Aqy Biv`K dIAW XojnwvW ipClIAW glqIAW nUM iDAwn ‘c r`KdI hoeI bxwauNdI hW[ ieh ik hryk pIVHI ƒ dohry AMkW dIAW ivAwz drW dw qzrbw hovygw, ies leI ieh ibhqr hY ik aus smyN dy Awaux qoN pihlW quhwfy Gr dw Bugqwn kr id~qw jwvy Aqy quhwfy kol nkd rkm hovy ijsƒ



pYS brwV Eeyiss
AsIN auh vyK ky hYrwn rih gey[ ieh sohxw hY! AsIN ie~k p~Ky Aqy ie~k Jrny nwl bYTy sI[ AsIN CqrIAW hyT sI[ ieh bhuq vDIAw lgdw sI! bwhr grmI sI pr Jrny nwl ieh QW TMFw mihsUs ho irhw sI[ lokW v`loN ies ƒ "vYnkUvr dy idl iv~c ie~k SihrI Eeyiss" kihMdy hn[ myrI BqIjI ny ie~k vrijn kwktyl dw Awrfr id~qw Aqy AsIN vwps bYT gey Aqy Arwm kIqw[ aufIk krn vwlw Amlw bhuq vDIAw qrIky nwl sMgiTq Aqy inmr sI[ ilnn PRYNc idKweI idMdy sn Aqy aunHW kol suMdr plytW Aqy ktlrI vI sI[ pr ieh Awm nhIN huMdw jdoN qusIN iehnW CohW v~l iDAwn idMdy ho, pr Bojn smyq swrI pySkwrI suMdrqw nwl kIqI geI sI[ swfI vytrY~s ny pu~iCAw ik kI swƒ im`TI cIz vI cwhIdI hY[ swfw pyt kwPI BirAw hoieAw sI Aqy Pyr ausny ikhw ik cIzkyk dw ie~k vwDU tukVw sI Aqy ausdy mYnyjr ny ikhw ik auh iksy vI Aijhy ivAkqI dI cox kr skdI sI ijhVw aus nUM Kwxw cwhuMdw hovy[ Kwxw cwhuMdI sI[ ausny swnUM

4th Floor 801 W Georgia Vancouver,

hI cuixAw!!!! AsIN bhuq KuS sW! iek idn pihlW myrI BqIjI dw jnm idn sI, ies leI aunHW ny ies 'qy iek momb~qI lgw id~qI[ Kwx ‘c ieh suAwdI sI! ieh swfy "bOgI idn" dI bhuq vDIAw SurUAwq sI! pRqIibMbW dw ie~k plWt-AwDwirq mInU huMdw hY, ies leI qusIN iksy vI dosqW nwl ies sYitMg dw AnMd lY skdy ho, Aqy hr iksy ƒ koeI AijhI cIz imlygI jo auh Kw skdy hn Aqy ijs dw auh mzw lY skdy hox[ hotl jwrjIAw iv~c pRis~D rYstorYNt hwksvrQ vI hY ijsdI mYN vI bhuq izAwdw isPwrS krdI hW[ jy qusIN ie~k vDIAw "bOgI" AnuBv cwhuMdy ho, qW gwrfn tYrys inScq qOr qy Aijhw krn leI ie~k Kws jgHw hY[ aunHW kol hPqy dy AMq iv~c vI bRMc hY Aqy mYN brswqI p`qJV dy mOsm dy SurU hox qoN pihlW vwps Awaux dI Xojnw bxw rhI hW[
irPlYkSnz: d gwrfn tYrys
Aqy myrI BqIjI ny ipCly swl, ausdy jnm idn leI ie~k prMprw SurU kIqI[ ausny iesdw nwm "bUgI fyA" r~iKAw[ bUgI fyA auh hY jdoN AsIN vYnkUvr dy fwaUntwaUn jWdy hW Aqy swrw idn KWdy Aqy KrIddwrI krdy hW Aqy msqI krdy hW[ aus ny ipCly swl iesƒ bhuq hI psMd kIqw, ies leI ibnW S~k AsIN ies swl vI gey[ ausny bynqI kIqI ik AsIN rozvu~f hotl jOrjIAw ivKy gwrfn tYrys 'qy Kwxw KwvWgy Aqy dupihr dy Kwxy qoN bwAd au~QoN Awpxw idn SurU krWgyy[ mYN ie~k irzrvySn AOnlweIn bu~k kIqw Aqy AsIN KuSiksmq sI ik swfw ieh idn grm Du~p vwlw sI[ hotl iv~c vYlyt pwrikMg hY pr AsIN KrIddwrI vwly Kyqr dy nyVy pwrk kIqw qW jo AsIN swrw idn Awpxy KrIddwrI bYgW ƒ C`f skIey[ hotl skweItRyn dy nyVy vI hY Aqy nwl hI iksy leI vI jo g~fI clwauxw nhIN cwhuMdw aus leI TIk hY[ AsIN hotl iv~c dwKl hoey Aqy AYlIvytrW v~l ru^ kIqw jo cOQI mMzl 'qy jWdy hn[ jdoN AsIN phuMcy, qW
CLOGGED DPF COSTING YOU FUEL ECONOMY? Ash from your engine oil is likely to blame. Incombustible ash particles from today’s heavy-duty engine oils clog the diesel particulate filter (DPF) in engine aftertreatment systems, decreasing fuel efficiency and increasing fuel costs across your fleet. Now there’s a breakthrough solution. NEW Delo® 600 ADF: Less ash. More fuel efficiency. Delo 600 ADF with OMNIMAX™ Technology solves the issue of DPF ash buildup while providing outstanding engine protection. By producing 60% less ash compared to today’s low-ash engine oils, Delo 600 ADF increases fuel economy retention by up to 3% to keep vehicles running stronger, longer. Protect your engine and your aftertreatment system with new Delo 600 ADF. It’s time to kick some ash. 90% OF INCOMPUSTIBLES IN THE DPF COME FROM LUBRICANTS First Truck Getbchurch@catalyslubricants.caBrian604-888-1424Centre•firsttruck.caChurch604-345-9611thefactsatDeloEmissionsControlCenter.com © 2022 Chevron. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of Chevron Intellectual Property LLC or their respective owners. To learn more, contact First Truck Centre.

First Truck Centre has 13 locations across Western Canada including centres in Prince George, B.C. and Edmonton, Alberta where Hydra has announced its first two fleet customers. Under the agreement, First Truck Centre will provide feedback on Hydra’s four-day installation training manual, which their mechanics will complete to become official Hydra conversion kit installers. After this, these conversion kit certified installers will perform maintenance going forward, allowing First Truck Centre to service and support Hydra’s economical lowemission solution for fleet customers. In exchange, Hydra will provide all hydrogen conversion training to First Truck Centre mechanics and hydrogen conversion technology documentation, including emissions and reliability reports, which are relevant to some of the world’s largest truck manufacturers.
“Furthering relationships like this one with First Truck Centre is the fastest way for Hydra to convert more heavyduty vehicles to run on both hydrogen and diesel. It’s also critical that we work with partners who have existing relationships with fleets so Hydra’s two-day conversion and any ongoing maintenance can be done locally,” stated Hydra CEO, Jessica Verhagen. “We’re honoured to work alongside the First Truck Centre team and welcome their experienced input as we continue to perfect our economical, transition solution on the road to Net Zero.”
Added First Truck Centre President, Rod Graham, “After seeing first-hand a Hydra-converted truck performing so well in the tough northern Canadian conditions of extreme cold, challenging terrain, and heavy payloads, we knew we had to learn more about the company and their solution.”
n its quest to rapidly scale converting heavy-duty vehicles to run on both hydrogen and diesel, Hydra Energy has partnered with First Truck Centre in its aim at reducing carbon emissions by up to 40% per truck.
Hyrda Energy Partners with First Truck Centre Hydron

help the province get to Net Zero, and beyond. Hydra and First Truck Centre are excited for CICE’s recently awarded grant and look forward to further collaboration to ensure B.C.’s commercial transportation industry has broad access to low-carbon hydrogen and Beyondtechnology.ourexcitement to work with an industry leader like First Truck Centre, we’re also very grateful for the support of CICE who recognizes Hydra’s role in immediately reducing B.C. emissions in one of the most challenging sectors,” added Verhagen. “Achieving Net Zero in transportation is going to take more than one type of solution so having a government that is technology neutral and supports various emissionsreduction innovations is critical and appreciated.”
As part of this partnership, both companies are being supported by the Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy (CICE), a non-profit founded by the Government of British Columbia and Shell to enable clean energy breakthroughs that will
In Prince George specifically, First Truck Centre and Dymin will be undertaking the remaining 64 hydrogen truck conversions that will fill up at the world’s largest hydrogen refuelling station Hydra is in the process of building, scheduled to be operational by the end of 2023.
dy nwl kMm krn Aqy auhnW dy qzrbykwr Xogdwn dw svwgq krdy hoey mwx mihsUs ho irhw hY ikauNik AsIN nY~t zIro dy rsqy 'qy swfy AwriQk, pirvrqn h~l ƒ sMpUrn krnw jwrI r~Kdy hW["
dy Xog bxwvygw[ ies dy bdly, hweIfrw Pst tr~k sYNtr dy mkYinkW Aqy hweIfRojn pirvrqn qknwlojI dsqwvyzW ƒ swrI hweIfRojn pirvrqn isKlweI pRdwn krygI, ijs iv~c inkws Aqy BrosyXogqw irportW Swml hn, jo ik ivSv dy k`uJ ku sB qoN v~fy tr~k inrmwqwvW leI F`ukvIAW
Pst tr~k sYNtr dy pRYzIfYNt, rOf gRwhm ny ikhw, "ie~k hweIfrw-pirvriqq tr~k ƒ bhuq izAwdw TMFyy, cuxOqIpUrn KyqrW Aqy BwrI pylofW dIAW muSikl au~qrI kYnyfIAn siQqIAW iv~c ieMnw vDIAw pRdrSn krdy hoey dyKx qoN bwAd, AsIN jwxdy sI ik swƒ kMpnI Aqy aunHW dy h~l bwry hor jwxnw pvygw[
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eIfRojn Aqy fIzl dovW 'qy c~lx leI BwrI-ifaUtI vwly vwhnW ƒ qyzI nwl bdlx dI AwpxI koiSS iv~c, hweIfrw AYnrjI ny pRqI tr~k 40% q~k kwrbn dy inkws ƒ Gtwaux dy Awpxy tIcy iv~c Pst tr~k sYNtr nwl BweIvwlI kIqI hY[ Pst tr~k sYNtr dy swry p~CmI kYnyfw iv~c 13 itkwxy hn ijnHW ‘c ipRMs jwrj, ibRitS kolMbIAw Aqy AYfimMtn, Albrtw iv~c kyNdr vI Swml hn ij~Qy hweIfrw ny Awpxy pihly do g~fI-smUhW dy gwhkW dI GoSxw kIqI hY[ ies smJOqy dy qihq, Pst tr~k sYNtr hweIfrw dy cwr-idnw ieMstwlySn tRyinMg mYnUAl bwry PIfbYk pRdwn krygw, ijs ƒ aunHW dy mkYink AiDkwrq hweIfrw knvrzn ik~t ieMstwlr bxn leI pUrw krngy[ iesdy bwAd, ieh rupWqrx ik~t pRmwixq ieMstwlr A~gy jwky sWBsMBwl dw kMm krngy, ijs nwl Pst tr~k sYNtr g~fI-smUh dy gwhkW vwsqy hweIfrw dy AwriQk G~t-inkws vwly GoL ƒ srivs krn Aqy iesdw smrQn krn
"Psthn[ tr~k sYNtr nwl ies qrHW dy sbMDW ƒ A~gy vDwauxw hweIfrw leI hweIfRojn Aqy fIzl dovW 'qy c~lx leI vDyry BwrI-ifaUtI vwly vwhnW ƒ bdlx dw sB qoN qyz qrIkw hY[ ieh vI mh~qvpUrn hY ik AsIN auhnW BweIvwlW nwl kMm krIey ijnHW dy PlItW nwl mOzUdw sbMD hn qW jo hweIfrw dw doidnw rUpWqrx Aqy koeI vI c~l rhI sWBsMBwl sQwnk qOr 'qy kIqI jw sky," ieh kihxw hY hweIfrw dI mu~K pRbMDk jYiskw vyrwhygn dw[ "swƒ Pst tr~k sYNtr tIm
"Thanks our truckers who have kept our economies going during Covid-19." "We are grateful to you."

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1. hmySw ieh mMn lE ik auh tr~k dy blweINf spOts (Axidsdy spOOt) qoN Axjwx hn tr~k sur~iKAw Koj ny idKwieAw hY ik pYdl XwqrI, sweIkl svwr Aqy mopf svwr BIV BV`ky vwLy SihrW iv~c tr~k dy Awly-duAwly dI hr cIz ƒ smJx dI koiSS nhIN krdy Bwv iDAwn nhIN idMdy[ Aqy nw hI aunHW nUM frweIvrW ƒ drpyS muSiklW bwry pqw huMdw hY[ ies qoN ielwvw, auhnW iv~coN bhuq swry ieh nhIN jwxdy ik trYiPk dy mwhOl iv~c muVdy smyN ie~k lMby trylr vwlw tr~k ikvyN lMGygw[ iehnW kwrnW krky, kdy vI ieh nw mMno ik auh Kqry vwly KyqrW Aqy Axid`K itkwixAW qoN bcxgy[
5. Xwd r~Ko: qusIN hI nMbr ie~k sur~iKAw isstm ho quhwfy tr~k dIAW sur~iKAw pRxwlIAW Aqy kYmry frweIvr dI shwieqw dI ie~k v`fmu`lI dyx hn[ pr koeI frweIvr jo srgrmI nwl sVk dIAW hwlqW Aqy joKmW dw mulWkx krdw hY, auh A`j vI tr~k iv~c sB qoN v~D mh~qvpUrn sur~iKAw pRxwlI hY[
4. SihrW iv~c sur~iKAq frweIivMg leI iqAwr rihxw AwpxI sIt Aqy SIiSAW ƒ AYfjst krn leI smW idE[ XkInI bxwE ik SISy Aqy iKVkIAW sw& hox, monItrW Aqy in~jI AweItmW nwl AwpxI id`K ƒ AspSt nw kro[ g~fI clwauxw SurU krn qoN pihlW jWc kro ik tr~k dIAW swrIAW sur~iKAw pRxwlIAW, ijnHW iv~c kYmry vI Swml hn, kMm kr rhy hn Aqy cwlU vI kIqy hoey hn[
3. A~gy dI sVk dw Anumwn lgwE ies bwry soco ik qusIN cOrwhy q~k ikvyN phuMcdy ho Aqy ieh PYslw krdy ho ik moV ƒ sB qoN sur~iKAq qrIky nwl ikvyN k`txw hY[ ibhqr idsdy rihx Aqy dyKx leI sucyq rho Aqy loV Anuswr A`gy ip`Cy hovo[ BIV Bry SihrI KyqrW iv~c AwpxI rPqwr aus QW Anuswr bxwE – iesdw filvrI smyN 'qy Asr pYx dI sMBwvnw nhIN[
eyQy pMj ivhwrk qrIky d~sy jw rhy hn ijnHW nwl frweIvr ies iksm dy hwdsy dy Kqry ƒ G~t krn iv~c mdd kr skdy hn:
r swl dunIAw Br iv~c lgBg 1.35 imlIAn sVk dI vrqoN krdy smyN lok mwry jWdy hn[ aunHW ivcoN A~Dy qoN v~D hn pYdl XwqrI, sweIkl svwr, mopf Aqy motrsweIkl svwr[ jdoN ies iksm dy hwdsy iv~c koeI BwrI tr~k Swml huMdw hY, qW iesdy bhuq gMBIr is~ty inklx dI sMBwvnw huMdI hY[ hwlW ik iehnW hwdisAW dy kwrn guMJldwr Aqy v`Ko v`Kry hn, pr trYiPk iv~c iksy tr~k frweIvr dI kwrvweI izMdgIAW bcwaux iv~c mdd kr skdI XUrpInhY[XUnIAn ‘c hox vwLy sVk hwdisAW ‘c mrn vwLy lok pYdl XwqrI, sweIkl svwr, mopf Aqy motr sweIkl svwr huMdy hn[ ienHW jW hYvI tr`kW dy AYksIfYNtW nUM rokxw bhuuq hI muSikl vwlw kMm hY[ [ volvo tr~kz AYksIfYNt irsrc tIm dI lIfr AYnw QYNfr dw kihxw hY, "ieh smJ ky ik ieh ivSyS iksm dy trYiPk hwdsy ikvyN Aqy ikauN vwprdy hn , trYiPk sur~iKAw suDwrW dI pCwx kIqI jw skdI hY Aqy s~tW cotW dI igxqI ƒ GtwieAw jw skdw hY"[ volvo sur~iKAw Koj drswauNdI hY ik hwdisAW dI igxqI ƒ Gtwaux, tr~k srgrm sur~iKAw pRxwlIAW iv~c suDwr krn, ibhqr sVk buinAwdI FWcy Aqy kmzor sVk aupBogqwvW iv~c Kqry bwry jwgrUkqw vDwauxw k`uJ ku q~q hn, jo sB qoN v`D sMvydnSIl hn[ mnu~KI kwrn, jo ik sVk dy swry vrqoNkwrW 'qy lwgU huMdy hn, ie~k mh~qvpUrn ivcwr hY[ ie~k frweIvr, kmzor sVk aupBogqwvW, Kws krky ruJyvyN vwly SihrI KyqrW iv~c, AijhIAW siQqIAW dw Anumwn lgwauNdw hY Aqy aunHW pRqI ikvyN pRqIikirAw idKwauNdw hY, Awid sB g`lW ies iksm dy hwdsy dy joKm 'qy v~fw pRBwv pw skdIAW hn[ frweIvr Ajy vI tr~k iv~c nMbr ie~k sur~iKAw pRxwlI hn[“ ie~k cMgI qrHW isKlweI pRwpq, iDAwn dyx vwlw frweIvr jo KqirAW ƒ smJdw hY, Prk ilAwvygw, AYnw virj brilMg, trYiPk AYNf pRofkt syPtI fwierYktr, volvo tr~kW dw kihxw hY[
2. durGtnw dIAW Awm siQqIAW qoN sucyq rho ies gru~p qoN AxikAwsy Aqy Kqry vwly ivvhwr leI iqAwrI krnw mh~qvpUrn hY[ ie~Qy hyT ilKIAW iqMn siQqIAW hn jo v`KrIAW hn Aqy ieh SihrI KyqrW iv~c sB qoN v~D Awm hn: • tr~k s~jy h~Q dy trYi&k iv~c s~jy pwsy muVdy hn Aqy K~by h~Q dy trYi&k iv~c K~by pwsy muVdy hn Aqy sVk ‘qy c`lx vwilAW Kws krky sweIkl svwrW nwl tkrwauNdy •hn[jdoN pYdl XwqrI sVk pwr krdy hn qW tr~k dy mUhrly pwsy t~krW huMdIAW hn[ • tr`k bYk krdy smyN pYdl qurn vwiLAW nwl t~kr vI Awm huMdI hY[
sVk vrqoNkwrW nwl vwprdIAW durGtnwvW dy joKm ƒ Gtwaux leI vDIAw qrIkw
DMnvwd sihq: volvo tr~k; AYnw QYNfr Aqy AYnw virj brilMg

It’s important to prepare for unpredictable and risky behaviour from this group. There are three situations that stand out and they are most common in urban areas:
have a large effect on the risk of this type of “Toaccident.thisday, the driver is still the number one safety system in the truck. A welltrained, attentive driver who understands the risks will make a difference,” says Anna Wrige Berling, Traffic and Product Safety Director, Volvo Trucks.
bout 1.35 million road users are killed worldwide every year. More than half of them are vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists, moped and motorbike riders). When this type of accident involves a heavy truck, it is likely to have very serious consequences.
1. Always Assume They are Unaware of Truck Blind Spots
Think about how you approach intersections and decide how to make your turn in the safest way possible. Stay alert and physically move to look and see better. Adapt your speed in busy urban areas – it is unlikely to impact on your delivery times.
• Collisions at the front of the truck when pedestrians cross the road.
4. Prepare for Safer Driving in Cities
Your truck’s safety systems and cameras are a valuable form of driver support. But a driver that actively assesses the road conditions and hazards is still the most important safety system in the truck.

A Safety
Although the reasons for these accidents are complex and varied, a truck driver’s actions in traffic can help to save lives.
Here are five practical ways drivers can help to reduce the risk of this type of accident:
Five Way to Reduce Risk of Accidents with Vulnerable Road Users
Volvo safety research shows that to reduce the number of accidents, improvements in truck active safety systems, better road infrastructure and raised risk awareness among vulnerable road users are some of the most critical Theelements.human factor, applicable to all road users, is an important consideration. How a driver anticipates and reacts to situations involving vulnerable road users, especially in busy urban areas, can
Truck safety research has shown that pedestrians, cyclists and moped riders are simply not aware of the difficulties drivers face when trying to perceive everything around the truck in busy cities. Furthermore, many of them do not know how a truck with a longer trailer will behave when turning in a traffic environment. For these reasons, never assume they will avoid risk areas and blind spots.
• Trucks turning right in right-hand traffic and left in left-hand traffic and
Allow time to adjust your seat and mirrors. Ensure that the mirrors and windows are clean, don’t obscure your view with monitors and personal items. Check all the truck’s safety systems, including cameras, are working and switched on before you start driving.
• Collisions with pedestrians when reversing.
Almost a third* of fatalities in heavy truck accidents in the EU are pedestrians, cyclists, moped and motorbike riders, so called vulnerable road users. Traffic accidents involving this group and heavy trucks are an emotive and challenging area to address.
2. Be Aware of Common Accident Situations
“By understanding how and why these specific types of traffic accidents occur, traffic safety improvements can be identified and injuries reduced,” says Anna Theander, Leader of Volvo Trucks Accident Research Team.
3. Anticipate the Road Ahead
5. Remember: You are the Number One Safety System
colliding with vulnerable road users, especially cyclists.
Courtesy: Volvo Trucks; Anna Theander and Anna Wrige Berling
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kI qusIN jwxdy ho? ik l`dy hoey tRylrW dy tr`kW nUM muswPr g`fIAW nwLoN bRyk lw ky pUrI qrHW rukx dw 20 qoN 40% vDyry Pwslw cwhIdw hY?
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# 3: iksy rYNp ‘c dwKl hox smyN jW inklx smyN spIf Gtw lE iksy rYNp ‘qy jwx jW inklx smyN shI spIf hI r`Ko[ tr`k aultx dw bhuqw kwrn ieh hMdw hYy ik jdoN fRweIvr v`loN rYNp dI iq`Ky moV dww shI AMdwzw nhIN lgdw Aqy auh rYNp ‘c dwKl hox smyN spIf nhIN GtwauNdw[ kI qusIN jwxdy ho? ik iksy rYNp qoN
kmRSl motr vhIkl clwaux sbMDI ku`J nukqy
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#5: vrk zon Bwv ij`Qy kMm c`l irhw hY au`Qy sdw hOlI c`lo: ij`Qy kMm c`l irhw hovy, au`Qy lyn bMd hox qoN pihlW hI smyN isr TIk lyn ‘c dw^l ho jwE[ Aqy ies g`l leI vI iqAwr rho ik quhwnUM Acwnk rukxw jW hOlI vI hoxw ho skdw hYy[prsYpSn- rIAYkSn Bwv AMdwzw lw ky Aml krn dy inXm, bRyikMg ifstYNs Aqy stOipMg smyN dy Anuswr hI spIf r`Ko[ kI qusIN jwxdy ho? ik 2006 ‘c vrk zon Bwv kMm zonW ‘c hoeIAW mOqW dw cOQw ih`sw v`fy tr`kW krky hoieAw[ kI qusIN jwxdy ho? AkqUbr 2003 ‘c jyn AYfmz mYmorIAl tolvyA ielInoies ‘c ie`k sI AYm vI fRweIvr (kmRSl motr vhIkl fRweIvr) vrk zon ij`Qy ik spIf 45 dI r`KxI cwhIdI sI a`uQy 60 ‘qy jw irhw sI Aqy aus tr`k ny ie`k muswPr b`s ijs ‘c 25 svwrIAW sn dy ip`Cy t`kr mwrI, ijs nwL 5 vhIkl iBV gey Aqy 8 AOrqW dI mOq ho geI Aqy drjn dy krIb muswPr zKmI ho gey[ies Gtnw leI tr`k fRweIvr nUM lwprvwhI nwL fRweIivMg krn ‘qy ienHW mOqW leI zuMmyvwr TihrwauNdy hoey, aus nUM 4 swl dI szw suxweI geI[
inklx jW dwKl hox leI ilKI geI spIf kyvl muswPr vhIkl leI hI huMdI hY; Aqy iksy tr`k dI sur`iKAq spIf ilKI geI qoN kwPI G`t hI huMdI hY[ kI qusIN jwxdy ho? ik BwvyN rYNp Aqy ieMtrcyNj hweIvyA dy ku`l sPr dw kyvl 5% hI huMdy hn pr ie`Qy ku`l hox vwly hwdisAW dw ih`sw 20 qoN 30% hn[ #4: jdoN tRylr lof kIqw hovy qW hOlI clwE aus smyN bhuq iDAwn dI loV hY jdoN ik tRylr l`idAw hovy[ kwrn ieh ik l`dy hoey tRylr dI iK`c dw kyNdr Bwv sYNtr AwP gRYivtI bhuq izAwdw huMdI hY Aqy iek dm bRyk l`gx nwl lof ih`l jWdw hY Aqy ieh1qlk jW plt skdw hY[ kI qusIN jwxdy ho? ik v`fy tr`k ijnHW dy tRylr pUryy l`dy hoey hMudy hn aunHW tr`kW dI KwLI tRylrW vwLy tr`kW nwLoN pltx dI sMBwvnw 10 guxw izAwdw huMdI hY?
sVkI hwlwq qoN v`D rPqwr
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TIP #5: Slow Down in Work Zones Before entering a work zone, decrease your speed, merge into the correct lane well ahead of any lane closures, and be prepared to slow down or stop suddenly. Speed increases perception-reaction distance, braking distance, and stopping distance.

Did You Know? In October 2003, a CMV driver was traveling at 60 mph in a 45 mph work zone on the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway in Illinois. The truck driver rear-ended a 25-passenger bus. The crash caused a five-vehicle pileup, killing 8 women and injuring about a dozen others. As a result of the crash, the truck driver was charged and convicted of reckless homicide and sentenced to 4 years in prison.
Did You Know? Loaded trailers require 20 to 40 percent more braking distance than passenger vehicles to come to a complete stop.
riving too fast for conditions is defined as traveling at a speed that is greater than a reasonable standard for safe driving. Examples of conditions where drivers may find themselves driving too fast include: wet roadways (rain, snow, or ice), reduced visibility (fog), uneven roads, construction zones, curves, intersections, gravel roads, and heavy traffic. The Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) reported that 23 percent of large-truck crashes occurred when commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers were traveling too fast for conditions. Below are some tips that will help you maintain a safe speed for various driving conditions.
Did You Know? Large trucks with fully loaded trailers are 10 times more likely to roll over than those with empty trailers.
TIP #3: Reduce Your Speed Before Entering an Exit/Entrance Ramp Approach an exit/entrance ramp at a safe speed. Truck rollovers are more likely to occur on exit/entrance ramps when the driver misjudges the sharpness of the ramp curve and enters the curve at an excessive speed.
Did You Know? Manufacturers generally advise drivers not to use a retarder [also called a “Jake” brake] on wet or
trailers have a higher center of gravity and sudden speed adjustment may cause the load to shift, leading to skidding or a rollover.16
TIP #4: Drive Slowly with a Loaded Trailer Be more cautious with a loaded trailer. Loaded
Did You Know? Nearly a quarter of all work-zone deaths in 2006 involved a large truck.
CMV Driving Tips
Did You Know? Braking in a curve can cause the wheels to lock up and the vehicle to skid.
Did You Know? 40 percent of speedingrelated fatalities occur on curves.
Too Fast for Conditions
Adjust your speed to safely match weather conditions, road conditions, visibility, and traffic. Excessive driving speed is a major cause of fatal crashes, and higher speeds may cause more severe crashes. The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) recently reported that 25 percent of speeding-related largetruck fatalities occurred during adverse weather conditions.
slippery roadway conditions. In fact, a Safety Board Investigation of a motor coach crash that occurred in Canon City, Colorado, in December 1999, revealed that an enabled retarder most likely triggered the loss of control and eventual crash of the motor coach on a snowcovered and mountainous roadway.
Did You Know? The posted speed limit on an exit/entrance ramp generally shows the safe speed for a passenger vehicle; the safe speed for a large truck is usually significantly lower than the posted speed.
Did You Know? Even though ramps and interchanges make up less than 5 percent of all highway miles, 20 to 30 percent of all large-truck crashes occur on or near ramps.
TIP #1: Reduce Your Driving Speed in Adverse Road and/or Weather Conditions
TIP #2: Enter a Curve Slowly Speed limits posted on curve warning signs are intended for passenger vehicles, not large trucks. Large trucks should reduce their speed even further. Studies have shown that large trucks entering a curve, even at the posted speed limit, have lost control and rolled over due to their high center of gravity.
Did You Know? You should reduce your speed by 1/3 on wet roads and by 1/2 or more on snow packed roads (i.e., if you would normally be traveling at a speed of 60 mph on dry pavement, then on a wet road you should reduce your speed to 40 mph, and on a snow-packed road you should reduce your speed to 30 mph). When you come upon slick, icy roads you should drive slowly and cautiously and pull off the road if you can no longer safely control the vehicle.
Did You Know? When it first starts to rain, water mixes with oil on the road making it particularly slippery.

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During the project, which ran from 2019 to 2022 in California’s South Coast Air Basin, Volvo Trucks deployed its first Class 8 pilot Volvo VNR Electric trucks to fleet operators to collect real-world operating data and customer feedback ahead of announcing its commercial model in December 2020.

olvo Trucks North America announced the culmination of the Volvo LIGHTS project – an innovative three-year project that brought together 14 public and private partners to design and implement a blueprint for the robust support ecosystem necessary to deploy battery-electric trucks and equipment at scale.
Volvo LIGHTS Project Wraps in Southern California
The Volvo LIGHTS project was led by Volvo Group North America and California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD), and included NFI Industries (NFI), Dependable Highway Express (DHE), TEC Equipment, Shell Recharge Solutions (formerly Greenlots), Port of Long Beach, Port of Los Angeles, Southern California

“By working closely with an extraordinary group of public and private partners through the Volvo LIGHTS project, we were able to validate key processes around Class 8 battery-electric truck adoption for commercial transport segments and identify challenges that needed to
be addressed for widespread market introduction,” said Peter Voorhoeve, president, Volvo Trucks North America. “The most valuable takeaway for our team was really experiencing the value of close cross-functional and cross-organizational collaboration as we continue to drive innovation and develop new solutions for sustainable transport.”
Edison (SCE), CALSTART, University of California, Riverside CE-CERT, Reach Out, Rio Hondo College, and San Bernardino Valley College. During the multi-year project, Volvo Group North America collaborated with each organization to develop programs and best practices that would help lay the foundation for the successful commercialization of battery-electric freight trucks. Together with the Volvo Group, Volvo Trucks hosted a Volvo LIGHTS Roundup on August 23 at the Ontario Convention Center in Southern California to share exclusive insights from Volvo LIGHTS project partners on how to successfully scale truck
This project shows that this technology can serve business and deliver protections that will benefit the health of our communities that need it the most,” said Craig Segall, California

freight electrification. The Volvo LIGHTS Roundup featured off-site tours, speaker panels, and a display of Volvo VNR Electric trucks from project participants, including NFI, Penske Truck Leasing (Penske), Medline, Quality Custom Distribution (QCD), 10 Roads Express, Saia and

Air Resources Board (CARB) deputy executive officer for mobile sources and incentives.
The Volvo LIGHTS project was made possible by a $44.8 million award to South Coast AQMD from the CARB as part of California Climate Investments (CCI), a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars toward reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving both public health and the environment. South Coast AQMD also contributed $4 million from its Clean Fuels Fund. Volvo Group and its partners contributed $43 million in matching funds for a total project of $91 million.
“ZeroSCE. emission trucks work – as this project shows – and we need strong rules, in many states and federally, promoting them.
d`KxI kYlIPornIAw iv`c Avwrf-ivinMg volvo v`loN lweIts pRojYkts dy pRogrwm nUM smyitAw igAw
lvo tr~kz au~qrI AmrIkw ny volvo lweIts pRojYkt dI smwpqI dI GoSxw kIqI hY –ie~k KojI iqMn-swlw pRojYkt ijsny bYtrI-ielYkitRk tr~kW Aqy swzoswmwn ƒ pYmwny 'qy qwienwq krn leI zrUrI mzbUq shwieqw eIko isstm vwsqy ie~k blUipRMt ifzweIn krn Aqy lwgU krn leI 14 jnqk Aqy in~jI BweIvwlW ƒ iek~Tw kIqw[ kYlIPornIAw dy swaUQ kost eyAr byisn iv~c 2019 qoN 2022 q~k c~ly ies pRojYkt dOrwn, volvo tr~kW ny dsMbr 2020 iv~c Awpxy vpwrk mwfl dI GoSxw krn qoN pihlW Asl-sMswr dy EpryitMg fytw Aqy gwhkW dI rwey iek~qr krn leI PlIt AwprytrW ƒ Awpxy pihly drjy dy 8 pwielt volvo vI AYn Awr ielYkitRk tr~kW ƒ qwienwq kIqw[ volvo lweIts au~qrI AmrIkw dy pRYzIfYNt, pItr vUrhov ny ikhw, "volvo lweIts pRojYkt rwhIN jnqk Aqy in~jI BweIvwlW dy ie~k AsDwrn smUh nwl nyiVEN kMm krky, AsIN vpwrk tRWsport ih~isAW leI klws 8 bYtrI-ielYkitRk tr~k Apnwaux dy Awly-duAwly dIAW pRmu~K pRikirAwvW ƒ pRmwixq krn Aqy auhnW cuxOqIAW dI pCwx krn dy Xog hoey hW, ijnHW ƒ ivAwpk bwzwr ‘c jwx-pCwx qy ivkrI krvwaux leI ieh h~l krn dI zrurq sI" aunHW A`gy ikhw, "swfI tIm vwsqy sB qoN v~D kImqI s~cmu~c nzdIkI v`KrIAW v`KrIAW sMsQwvW nwl imlvrqx krky imly slwh mSvry hn Aqy AMqrsMgTn vI ies sihXog dI AihmIAq dw AnuBv kr irhw sI [ kwrn ieh ik AsIN Koj ƒ A~gy vDwauxw Aqy itkwaU AwvwjweI vwsqy nvyN h~livkisq krnw jwrI r~Kdy volvohW[" lweIts pRojYkt dI AgvweI volvo gru~p au~qrI AmrIkw Aqy kYlIPornIAw dy swaUQ kost eyAr kuAwltI mYnyjmYNt ifsitRkt (South Coast AQMD) v~loN kIqI geI sI, Aqy ies iv~c AYyn AYP AweI ieMfstrIz (NFI), ifpYNfybl hweIvy AYkspRY~s (DHE), TEC aupkrx, SY~l rIcwrj silaUSnz (pihlW grInlots), port AwP lONg bIc, port AwP lws eyNjls, d~KxI kYlIPornIAw AYfIsn
(SCE), CALSTART, XUnIvristI AwP kYlIPornIAw, irvrsweIf CE-CERT, rIc AwaUt, rIE hoNfo kwlj, Aqy sYn brnwrfIno vYlI kwlj Swml hn[ bhu-swlw pRojYkt dOrwn, volvo gru~p au~qrI AmrIkw ny Aijhy pRogrwmW Aqy srvoqm pRQwvW ƒ ivksq krn leI hryk sMsQw dy sihXog nwl jo bYtrI-ielYkitRk Pryt tr~kW dy sPl vpwrIkrn vwsqy nINh r~Kx iv~c mdd krngy[ volvo gru~p dy nwl imlky, volvo tr~kW ny 23 Agsq ƒ d~KxI kYlIPornIAw iv~c EntwrIE knvYnSn sYNtr ivKy ie~k volvo lweIts rwaUNfA~p dI myzbwnI kIqI qW jo volvo lweIts pRojYkt BweIvwlW qoN ies bwry ivSyS AMdrUnI-qknIkW sWJIAW kIqIAW ieh pqw lwaux leI ik tr~kW dy BwVy dy ibjlIkrn ƒ sPlqwpUrvk ikvyN mwpxw hY[ volvo lweIts rwaUNfA~p iv~c AOP-sweIt tUr, spIkr pYnl, Aqy pRojYkt BwgIdwrW qoN volvo VNR ielYkitRk tr~kW dI ie~k ifsplyA Swml sI, ijnHW ‘c NFI, pYnsky tr~k lIizMg (pYnsky), mYflweIn, kuAwltI kstm ifstRIibaUSn (QCD), 10 rof AYkspRY~s, sweIAw Aqy SCE Swml hn[ kryg sygl, kYlIPornIAw eyAr irsorsj borf (CARB) dy mobweIl sroqW Aqy

pRoqswhnW vwsqy aup kwrjkwrI APsr ny "zIroikhw, inkws tr~k kMm krdy hn – ijvyN ik ieh pRojYkt idKwauNdw hY – Aqy swƒ bhuq swry rwjW iv~c Aqy sMGI qOr 'qy, iehnW ƒ auqSwhq krn leI mzbUq inXmW dI loV hY[ ieh pRojYkt idKwauNdw hY ik ieh qknwlojI kwrobwr dI syvw kr skdI hY Aqy AijhIAW sur~iKAwvW dI AdwiegI kr skdI hY ijnHW nwl swfy BweIcwirAW dI ishq ƒ lwB hovygw ijs dI sB qoN v~D loV hY”[ volvo lweIts pRojYkt ƒ kYlIPornIAw klweImyt ienvYstmYNts (sIsIAweI) dy ih~sy vjoN CARB qoN swaUQ kost AQMD ƒ $44.8 imlIAn dy Avwrf nwl sMBv bxwieAw igAw sI, jo ik ie~k rwjivAwpI pihl kdmI hY jo gRInhwaUs gYsW (GHG) dy inkws ƒ Gtwaux, AwriQkqw ƒ mzbUq krn Aqy jnqk ishq Aqy vwqwvrx dovW iv~c suDwr krn leI ArbW kYp-AYNf-tryf KrcdI hY[ swaUQ kost AQMD ny vI Awpxy klIn iPaUlz PMf qoN $4 imlIAn dw Xogdwn pwieAw[ volvo gru~p Aqy ies dy BweIvwlW ny vI 91 imlIAn fwlr dy ku~l pRojYkt leI myl KWdy PMfW iv~c $43 imlIAn dw Xogdwn pwieAw[
The tragic Humboldt story will always be one of pain, for all those involved. As for Sidhu, his lawyers are still urging the Canadian Border Services Agency to allow Sidhu to remain in Canada.
Other families have forgiven Sidhu, realizing his was not a mistake of reckless intent; rather, he was one of those who needed much more training, and punishing him in jail or sending him back to India will not solve anything. These families believe that forgiveness, especially since Sidhu has taken responsibility for his actions, is more important than punishment.

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Many families of those killed in the accident, still grieving to this day, made pleas to keep Sidhu in jail and not grant parole, ever. Some even said Sidhu should be sent back to India and not be allowed to stay in Canada.
fter an emotional seven hours, the Parole Board of Canada decided to grant Jaskirat Singh Sidhu with day parole for six months. After six months, if all conditions are met, Sidhu will get full parole. This decision has left many of those in Canada, especially those directly affected by the horrific accident in 2018, on two polar ends. In 2018, Sidhu went through a stop sign and collided into a bus carrying members of the Humboldt Broncos hockey team in a rural part of Saskatchewan. Sixteen people died and thirteen were injured. Immediately after the accident Sidhu, who was new to trucking, took responsibility for his actions, claiming it was his fault and put no blame on anyone else.
Humboldt Driver Gets Day Parole
Tried and Trusted
ost families have opted the route of the SUV/Crossover in the last decade or so; in fact, some manufacturers dropped the minivan from their lineup because of these changing times. GMC, Ford, and yes, even Mazda dropped their minivans. That being said, there’s nothing like the convenience of a minivan, if you can wrap your head around the fact that it is a minivan. There are the sliding doors, lots of seating and, tonnes of technology. I had the chance to drive one of the best minivans ever made, the Honda Odyssey, and for the 2022 model year, it continues to impress.

JAG DHATT First Drive
It never feels sluggish, even with a full cabin. The engine is mated to a 10-speed automatic transmission and again, the Odyssey never feels like it’s fighting to find the right gear. Shifts are smooth and overall ride is quite comfortable.
The Take-Away
The 2022 Honda Odyssey should tick all the boxes for most people; however, that being said, there are some things that are Whenmissing.looking at the competition, namely the Chrysler Pacific, there’s an obvious lack in the engine and drive. The Honda Odyssey doesn’t have a plug-in or hybrid engine option, both of which are available in the competitors. In addition, Honda doesn’t offer all-wheel drive. The latter is not a major concern since a good set of winter tires and common sense will suffice.
Since this current generation Odyssey sits lower than the previous generation, there is less body roll when taking corners. Some would even say this minivan feels somewhat sporty. It handles beautifully and is really really nice to drive.
The 2022 Honda Odyssey comes with lots of necessary technology, especially children, have come to expect. It may not be up to par with the Chrysler Pacifica, but it’s still pretty close. I drove the Touring edition, which comes fully loaded. There’s the basics one would expect: Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, wireless charging, navigation system, blind spot monitoring, multi-view rearview camera, and a rear-entertainment system. But there’s also a couple of neat features, namely CabinWatch and CabinTalk. Honda has placed a wideangle camera and through a touch of a button, the driver or front passenger can see the entire cabin through CabinWatch. And if you don’t want to raise your voice to talk to the rear passengers, turn on CabinTalk and the voices are carried through the vehicle’s speaker system. It works well for the most part, but at times, it sounds very high-pitched.
I have found that although Honda has made some good progress in their infotainment setup, it still needs work. It’s not easy to navigate through and needs a definite upgrade.
family hauler, kids have a TONNE of little cubby holes and storage compartments all over. And trust me, they fill up fast.
The Odyssey was, and is, built for practicality. Now, that doesn’t mean the interior is sub-standard. In fact, as with most vehicles nowadays, the interior of the 2022 Odyssey is quite nice; what’s more is that Honda uses good, soft materials for the interior, and thus, doesn’t look cheap. Seats are comfortable up front, and the second-row seats slide not only forward and back, but side to side for a variety of configurations. I think many families will find this feature super useful. The third row is also roomy and can accommodate adults; but again, probably roomier for kids versus adults. The one thing with Honda seats, both a pro and a con, is that they are solid and heavy. The pro is obvious – they are sturdy, and well, solid. The con is that they don’t fold into the floor and can be heavy when taking them out. Personally, I find the interior of the 2022 Odyssey quite nice. And since this is a

The 2022 Honda Odyssey is a favourite in the minivan department. And for the current model year, it will check most of the boxes for the average family.

As I’ve stated earlier as well, the Honda Odyssey’s infotainment system still lacks. The touchscreen is finicky, it’s not as user friendly and a rotary dial for tuning would be much better. Are these deal breakers? No, but still, something to consider.
So, What’s Missing?
Engine and Drive:

All trims of the 2022 Odyssey continue to be powered by the true and tested 3.5L i-VTEC V6, which puts out 280 HP and 262 lb-ft of torque. The engine is smooth, powerful and delivers the right amount of power for city and highway driving.
The 2022 Odyssey retains the same look as the 2021 model year. Some have complained that the lowered, or falling, beltline behind the sliding doors are awkward, but it’s a very minor complaint if you think of it that way. The look of the Odyssey is quite nice, and in my opinion, is one of the better-looking minivans available. It sits low, has integrated fog lights in the front fascia, is wide at the back, and has just the right touch of chrome. Personally, I think they should offer a Black Package, but such packages are reserved more for their SUV and car line-up.
UBC PhD student Agustin Beltran, 28 years of age, was cycling in Vancouver when he collided with a dump truck on Pacific and Hornby Street. Beltran succumbed to his injuries after he was found under the wheels of a dump truck. Speed or impairment were not factors in this accident. This directive will affect over 400 trucks that operate in the City of Vancouver. Side guards are safety devices that are fitted between wheels so pedestrians, or pets, don’t go under the vehicle. Such devices are common in Europe, yet have not been universally required in Canada.
Death of Cyclist Causes Vancouver City to Pass New RequirementsTruck
k drdnwk hwdsy, ijs iv~c ie~k sweIkl svwr dI mOq ho geI sI, dy ku`J hPiqAW bwAd, vYnkUvr Sihr ƒ hux Sihr dI mlkIAq vwly jW Tyky 'qy ley gey swry tr~kW ƒ sweIf gwrfW jW sweIfW ‘qy sur`iKAw leI ifvweIsW nwl iP~t krn dI zrUrq hY[ jUn dy AKIr iv~c, UBC dw ie`k PhD dw ividAwrQI Agsiqn bYltrn, ijsdI aumr 28 swl sI, vYnkUvr iv~c sweIkl clw irhw sI, jdoN auh pYsIiPk Aqy hOrnbI strIt 'qy ie~k fMp tr~k nwl tkrw igAw Aqy fMp tr~k dy phIey hyT Aw ky driVAw igAw, ijs kwrn bYltrn dI mOky qy hI mOq ho geI[ ies hwdsy iv~c gqI jW nSw kwrn nhIN sn[ ieh inrdyS vYnkUvr Sihr iv~c c~lx vwly 400 qoN v~D tr~kW ƒ pRBwivq krygw[ sweIf gwrf auh sur~iKAw fIvweIsW huMdIAW hn ijnHW ƒ phIAW dy ivckwr iP~t kIqw jWdw hY qW jo pYdl XwqrI, jW pwlqU jwnvr, g~fI dy hyTW nw Aw jwx[ AijhIAW fIvweIsW XUrp iv~c Awm hn, pr iPr vI kYnyfw iv~c iehnW dI hoNd lwzmI nhIN hY[ drAsl, jdoN kuJ swl pihlW EntwrIE iv~c vI iesy qrHW dI isPwrS kIqI geI sI, qW trWsport kYnyfw ny ies ivcwr ƒ r~d kr id~qw sI, hwlWik 8 swlW dI imAwd iv~c au`Qy 120 qoN v~D sweIkl svwrW dIAW mOqW hoeIAW sn[ vYnkUvr dy tr~kW ƒ hux sweIf gwrf lgwaux dI loV pYx nwl, ieh aumId kIqI jw rhI hY ik sUbw, Aqy aumId hY ik trWsport kYnyfw, ies isPwrS 'qy dubwrw ivcwr krygw qW jo AijhIAW byloVIAW durGtnwvW nw vwprn[
In fact, when a similar recommendation was made a few years ago in Ontario, Transport Canada rejected the idea, even though there were over 120 cyclist deaths in a period of 8 Withyears.Vancouver trucks now required to install side guards, there is hope that the province, and hopefully, Transport Canada, will again look at this recommendation so that such needless tragedies do not happen.
eeks after a tragic accident that left a cyclist dead, the City of Vancouver is now requiring all trucks owned or contracted by the city to be fitted with side guards or lateral protection Indevices.lateJune,

sweIkl svwr dI mOq kwrn vYnkUvr Sihr nUM tr`kW leI nvIAW SrqWpws krn leI mjbUr hoxw ipAw
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Eslr PwaUNfySn dy pRYzIfYNt Aqy sI.eI.E. kyn myihaU ny ikhw, "BVD gru~p v~loN idKweI geI audwrqw swfy smripq Amly Aqy fwktrW ƒ Gr dy nyVy, AwDuink suivDwvW nwL, vDyry mrIzW ƒ hmdrdI nwl imswlI sMBwl dI AdwiegI krnw jwrI r~Kx dy Xog bxwvygI[ ies qrHW ieh swƒ ivSv-p~DrI pRogrwmW Aqy syvwvW iv~c hor vwDw krn dy Xog bxwvygw ijnHW ƒ AsIN mwx nwl swry Eslr iv~c pRdwn krdy hW["
hYlQ kyAr
28 jUn, 2022 ƒ vwpry ies smwgm iv~c iF~loN pirvwr, EntwrIE dy mwxXog pRImIAr f~g Porf, Aqy MPP, AtobIko nOrQ ƒ Swml kIqw igAw sI; mwxXog islvIAw jonz, ifptI pRImIAr, ishq mMqrI Aqy MPP, fPirn-kYlyfn; kyn myihaU, pRYzIfYNt Aqy CEO, ivlIAm Eslr hYlQ isstm PwaUNfySn; fw. PrYNk mwrtIno, AMqirm pRDwn Aqy sI eI E, ivlIAm Eslr hYlQ isstm; mwxXog pRBmIq srkwrIAw, Kzwnw borf dy pRDwn; MPP, brYNptn d~KxI; pYtirk brwaUn, brYNptn dw myAr; Aqy mihlw smwijk Aqy AwriQk Avsr dI sihXogI mMqrI mwxXog cwrmyn ivlIAmz vI Swml sn[

mhWmwrI pRqIikirAw leI mh~qvpUrn PMf pRdwn kIqy Aqy hwl ‘c hI, kMpnI, Eslr dI mhWmwrI dI irkvrI dy smrQn iv~c Eslr PwauNfySn dy holI gwlw dy spWsr vjoN A~gy vDI[
bI vI fI gru`p ny Eslr PwaUNfySn ƒ $10kIqyimlIAn dwn
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vI fI gru`p ny ivlIAm Eslr hYlQ isstmz ƒ 10 imlIAn fwlr dwn dyx dw AYlwn kIqw[ bI vI fI gru~p ny BweIcwry dy idlW dy nyVy rihx leI 10 imlIAn fwlr dwn kIqy – ieh hY ivlIAm Eslr hYlQ isstmz[ grytr torMto eyrIAw ‘c iqMn v~fy hspqwlW ƒ clwauNdy hoey, ivlIAm Eslr hYlQ isstmz BweIcwry 'qy ie~k ivSwl pRBwv pwaux leI Kws siQqI iv~c hY[ijs dw mqlb hY ik bI vI fI gru~p dy mu`K pRbMDk ibkrm iF~loN dw audyS ies kMm leI Ku~lHy idl nwl dwn krn nwL sbMDq hY[bI vI fI gru~p dw dwn AtobIko Aqy brYNptn iv~c ishq sMBwl iv~c qbdIlI ilAwaux leI PwaUNfySn dI sB qoN v~fy loV dy KyqrW ‘c smrQn hY[ jd Eslr kYnyfw iv~c sB qoN qyzI nwl vD rhy Aqy sB qoN vMn-suvMny KyqrW iv~coN, ie~k iv~c vDdI mMg dI pUrqI krn leI A`gy vDdw hY, qW ieh &Mf Eslr hspqwlW dIAW sB qoN v~fIAW loVW dw smrQn krngy Aqy Awaux vwly swlW vwsqy brYmptn Aqy AtobIko iv~c ishq sMBwl ƒ mzbUq krngy[ bI vI fI gru~p dy sI eI E ibkrm iF~loN dw kihxw hY, "bI vI fI gru~p ƒ Awpxyy BweIcwry ƒ vwps dyx Aqy smrQn dyx iv~c bhuq mwx hY[ "ivlIAm Eslr PwaUNfySn dw kimauntI dI mdd krn dw ie`k ieiqhws irhw hY, Aqy AsIN vI ies ‘c Prk ilAwaux leI AwpxI vcnb~Dqw idKwauxw cwhuMdy sI[" iF~loN ny pihlW vI ivlIAm Eslr PwaUNfySn nwl nyiVEN kMm kIqw hY Aqy smwgmW iv~c auhnW dIAW koiSSW dw smrQn kIqw hY[ mwrc 2020 iv~c, bI vI fI gru~p ny hYlQ kyAr hIroz muihMm leI $100,000 dwn kIqy, Eslr dI
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