Desi Trucking Jan-Feb 2019 (Western Edition)

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JANUARY - February 2019



swfI Engineered for Efficiency ™ iPlwsPI dw is`tw hI hY ik AsIN ivSv Br dI tRWsportySn ieMfstrI ‘c, G`t kImq vwLy, Bwr ‘c hlky, G`t murMmq dI loV vwLy sspYNSn isstm Aqy ih`sy purzy bxwey hn[ ijMny AsIN ih`sy purzy bxwauNdy hW, au`nw hI swrw isstm vDIAw bxdw hY Aqy sm`isAw dy h`l vI vDIAw inkldy hn[ WESTERN EDITION

JANUARY - February 2019




ADVERTISERS Ace Truck Repairs ............................ 33


Apna Truck Show .............................. 27 Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. ................ 49 CBS Parts Ltd .....................................11 Challenger ....................................... 51 Champion Towing .............................. 32 Cool Heat Truck Parts ...................... 25 Cool-it Hiway Services ....................... 35 Cummins .......................................... 05 First Truck Centre ............................... 13 Freightliner ....................................... 23 Great Dane ....................................... 17 Hendrickson ...................................... 03 Howes Lubricators ........................... 14 Inland Kenworth .......................... 09, 32 JD Factors ......................................... 19 MDF Tire Canada Inc ......................... 31 NSC Compliance ................................ 21 Ocean Trailer ................................ 32, 55 Pacific Inland Powertrain....................41 Peterbilt Trucks ................................. 56

08 12 16 22 26 36 38 50

Substance Abuse in the Industry Weed it Out or Not? ieMfstrI ‘c niSAW dI vrqoN ies qoN Cutkwrw pwaux dI loV hY jW nhIN? 5 Essentials for the First-Time Driver on Your List tr`ikMg BweIcwrw volvo tr`ks vwLy pyS krngy 2019 ‘c volvo VNR ielYkitRk mwflz B.C. Considers MELT First Ministers Talk ELD s, Equalize Single Tire Weights, Remove Trade Barriers Truckers Protest Again, Fighting for Alberta

Pike Enterprises Ltd .......................... 33 Richmond Steel Recycling ........... 28, 29 Safety Driven .................................... 39 Slow Lane Sleds ................................. 15 Swank Studios ..................................30 Titan Truck & Trailer Parts Ltd. ............ 34 Transcore ......................................... 53



Transource Freightways ................... 02 Versacold Logistics Services ............ 37 Valley Freightliner Inc ......................... 31 Volvo Trucks...................................... 07 Work Safe BC ................................... 24

2019 kIAw Porty


XTCC (Kool Dudes) ............................. 47 4

JANUARY - February 2019


We keep you moving,

because you can’t stop. vDIAw qknIk nUM cldw r`Kx leI Aqy murMmq dw kMm smyN isr mukwaux leI, quhwnUM loV hY vDIAw tYknISnW dI[ swfy Cummins dy PYktrI srtIPweIf tYknISIAn dIAW syvwvW, pUry au`qrI AmrIkw ‘c s`qy idn 24 GMty auplbD hn Aqy auh sdw hI quhwnUM bhuq hI vDIAw syvwvW Aqy shwieqw dyx leI vcnb`D hn[ sPr c`ldw r`Ko[ swfI vY`bsweIt ‘qy jwE jW swnMU 1-800-CUMMINS™ ‘qy &on kro[

Editor’s Note / sMpwdkI New Beginnings

Jag Dhatt

Readers, welcome to 2019! For most of us, the New Year will bring some sort of new beginnings, whether in our personal or business lives. These new beginnings, or changes, different from one person to the next, should have some focus. Most of us will do our best to better ourselves, through some sort of New Year Resolution. Initially, our focus on these new resolutions is strong; however, within a short period of time, our focus either shifts or declines. Don’t let this happen to you, personally or professionally. Speaking of new changes, it’s no secret that marijuana is now legal in Canada. Even though most people are happy with changes that reflect society’s wants, some aspects of such changes may not be in the best interest for safety. In this issue, Ray Gompf shares his viewpoints on the impacts of the legalization of marijuana in the transportation industry. With many passenger vehicles now going to the route of electrification, it was only a period of time before the trucking industry also followed. Volvo has announced the new VNR Electric and you can read about it in this issue. Finally, we are happy to announce a new venture by JGK Media Inc., which will launch in Spring 2019. This newest venture will enhance JGK Media Inc’s already strong foothold in providing the best medium for connecting the Canadian transportation industry. Contact me if you want more information. From all of us at JGK Media Inc., we would like to wish you and your loved ones a prosperous and successful 2019. swry hI pwTkW dw 2019 vryH ‘c svwgq hY[ swfy ‘coN bhuiqAW leI nvW swl iksy nw iksy qrHW dI koeI nvIN SurUAwq lY ky Awvygw, auh SurUAwq BwvyN swfy in`jI jIvn ‘c hovy jW swfy kwrobwr ‘c[ ieh nvIAW SurUAwqW jW bdlwA hr ie`k leI v`K v`K hoxgy[ swfy ‘coN bhuq swryy Awpxy Awp nMU ibhqr bxwaux leI iksy nw iksy qrHW dw sMklp bxwauNdy hn[ SurU ‘c qW AsIN Awpxy ies sMklp ‘qy kwPI idRV rihMdy hW pr QoVHy smyN bwAd swfw sMklp jW qW kmzor pY jWdw hY Aqy jW iPr ^qm hI ho jWdw hY[ iDAwn r`Kxw ieh sMklp BwvyN in`jI hovy jW kwrobwrI qusIN Awpxy sMklp qoN nw fol jwxw[ jykr bdlwA dI g`l krIey qW ieh hux koeI rwz nhIN rih igAw ik hux knyfw ‘c BMg kwnUMnI ho cùkI hY[ BwvyN ik bhuq lok ies g`l qoN KuS hn ik lokW dI g`l suxI geI hY Aqy BMg dI vrqoN hux gYr kwnUMnI nhIN hY pr iPr vI ies qrHW dy bdlwA keI vwr lokW dI sur`iKAw leI Kqrw vI bx skdy hn[ iesy AMk ‘c ryA gONP BMg dI vrqoN dy kwnUMnI hox ‘qy Awpxy ivcwrW dI sWJ pwauNdw hY Aqy ^ws krky tRWsport ieMfstrI ‘qy ies dy pYx vwLy Asr bwry Awpxy ivcwr vI sWJy krdw hY[ bhuq swrIAW AwvwjweI leI vrqIAW jwx vwLIAW g`fIAW dy ibjleIkrn hox krky hux CyqIN hI tr`ikMg ieMfstrI vI ies lIh ‘qy qur pvygI[ volvo ny qW Awpxy nvyN VNR ielYkitRk dw AYlwn vI kr id`qw hY Aqy qusIN ies bwry ies AMk ‘c pVH skdy ho[ AKIr ‘c JGK Media Inc. Awpxy nvyN aùdm dw AYlwn krdw hY jo ik 2019 dI bsMq ‘c SurU hox jw irhw hY[ ieh nvW aùdm JGK Media Inc. dI knyfIAn tRWsport ieMfstRI nMU joVn dw kMm krn vwLI sMsQw dI pihlW hI mzbUq pkV nMU hor vI vDyry mzbUq krn dw kMm krygw[ hor jwxkwrI leI qusIN jYg nwL sMprk kr skdy ho[ JGK Media Inc. dy swry stwP v`loN quhwnMU Aqy quhwfy ipAwirAW nMU nvW swl 2019 bhuq mubwrk hovy Aqy ieh nvW swl quhwfy leI lY ky Awvy BrpUr KuSIAW Aqy KyVy !


JANUARY - February 2019

Publisher JGK Media Inc. | 1-877-598-3374 (Desi)

Editor-In-Chief Jag Dhatt

Advertising & Sales Jag Dhatt (National / Western Canada) Stephen Alford (Eastern Canada)

Art Director Avee J Waseer

Creative Head Ranjit Singh

IT Manager Ranj Bhamra

Cover Design

Contributing Writers Ken Cooke; Pash Brar; Jag Dhatt; Dara Nagra; Ray Gompf; Ron Dhaliwal; Jasleen Dutt; Ken Davey; Raman Singh

Translator Tirath S. Khabra

JAG DHATT Corporate VP, Marketing

National & Western Canada

Eastern Canada

Cell: 604-767-4433 E:

Cell: 416-875-3820 E:

Address: #235 - 8138, 128 Street, Surrey BC V3W 1R1

Address: 160-2, County Court Blvd. #128 Brampton, ON L6W 4V1

F: 604-598-9264

F: 604-598-9264

All Rights Reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be printed without the written consent of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: JGK Media Inc. assumes all advertisers to be reliable and responsible for any and all liability for their claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement it may find unfit for publication. The opinions expressed in articles and features are of the writers and may not be those of the publisher. THE PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OF ANY KIND.


Postmaster if undeliverable Canadian Address to #235-8138 128 St., Surrey BC V3W 1R1


kdy vI, iksy vI QW qy A`pfyt rho

rImot pRogrwimMg rIfIPweInz A`ptweIm

vhIkl nUM swPtvyAr Aqy pYrwmitr A`pfyts leI kMm dy c`kr qoN pwsy r`Kx nwL auqpwidkqw GtdI hY[ rImot pRogrwimMg ny aus FMg nUM bdl id`qw hY ijs nwl A`pfyts kIqIAW jWdIAW sn[ qusIN AmrIkw Aqy kYnyfw ‘c iksy vI QW qoN Volvo Uptime Center nwl sMprk bxw skdy ho Aqy tr`k pwrk krn qoN bwAd 20 imMt dy AMdr AMdr A`pgRyf kr id`qI jWdI hY[ sUrj cVHn qoN pihlW vI qusIN fwaUnlof kr skdy ho[ hor jwxkwrI leI ‘qy jwE[

Uptime through Connectivity WESTERN EDITION

JANUARY - February 2019


Substance Abuse in the Industry

Weed it Out or Not?


he door is open now for legal recreational use of marijuana. The question is how wide is that door, especially within the trucking industry. Since almost nine out of ten Canadian truckers cross the border into the United States, rest assured, when an American DOT officer asks a Canadian driver to provide a urine sample, it better be absolutely clean. The USA is considering demanding hair samples to determine drug use. Urine tests may only indicate use up to a month previous, but hair testing could give positive results months after the last use. And neither indicate impairment, just use. In Canada however, current impairment is the litmus test, but in the USA, recent past use is enough to both prevent entry into the US and/or remove the ability to drive commercially in the USA. And therein lies the problem for truckers operating with a Canadian commercial driver’s license. In Canada, as long as there’s been a sufficient length of time that impairment is not an issue, quite likely, no charges will be laid. With wine, beer or spirits, the tests are accurate and have been adjudicated enough times that when the authorities say you’re intoxicated, you’re intoxicated and you have henceforth and evermore a criminal record which may prevent the crossing of the border. Even being hireable as a commercial driver for any purpose in Canada may be out of the question. Adding the use of recreational drugs, on one’s own time, creates a whole new level of risk for employers, who may 8

just take a pass on risking employing accommodation for recreational use, but recreational users as commercial drivers. even with such accommodation being It’s not about your right to indulge in given, the employer is still going to face a legal substance on your own time; it’s more culpability than an employer where about the employer’s right to mitigate accommodation with respect to legal risks in an industry that requires absolute recreational use of marijuana. safe operation of vehicles at all times. So, for now, the safest route for drivers The problem is our litigious society is to continue with drug abstinence or where precedence is the guide. It won’t find other industries for employment matter the actual reason for the incident that maybe more accommodating. For or even who is a fault or to what degree carriers, the safest route is to write iron that fault might be, that exchanges paint clad policies eliminating those who use and wrinkles fenders. It will open the marijuana recreationally from being doors for litigants to demand no previous employable. If the government can’t get drug use, not just the lack of impairment. it right, and it didn’t, then both carriers The drug user will be the one seen as the and drivers must protect themselves from one bearing all of the fault regardless of unforeseen situations for which they other circumstances. could be held accountable. The legalization of marijuana has For decades, illegal drug use was an opened a Pandora’s Box that can never issue. The trucking industry has done be closed. If ever a situation, where a remarkable job of bringing abusers the laws of unintended consequences to heel to the point where those that are created, this is an example of illwere drug abusers have all but been considered legislation of the highest eliminated. order. The legalization by the few states Carriers all have written policy on that have legalized recreational use, and standard operating procedures. But, the whole of Canada that has legalized is it enough to protect the carriers to the recreational use of marijuana, is a have written policy on how to deal with blow to advances made by the trucking impairment? No! Carriers must have industry to have a sober, drug free cadre written policy because they of safety specialist behind the must have written policy. Now, wheel of trucks. labour laws, not specifically Without reciprocity or written with drug impairment harmonization with the USA in mind must be used until laws, Canadian truck drivers the proper wording of labour must follow USA rules legislation is modified. These and regulations until there laws probably will only be is harmonization between updated after some precedent the two countries. That setting court cases have been harmonization is decades adjudicated. away. For now, just don’t use. G. Ray Gompf Unions may be demanding For every action, there

JANUARY - February 2019



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JANUARY - February 2019


is an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, the government of Canada has made actions without considering the ramifications of their actions. For every piece of paper created by the government, there are ten or more other pieces of paper that contradict the new piece of paper. Now, the genie

is out of the bottle – the government is responsible to find each and every contrary piece of paper and make the old and the new agree. Not only that, the government must now make all those corporate policies agree as well. The task is monumental but not totally impossible, just close to impossible. Court challenges may not get it 10

right either, which will exacerbate the problems and will have to be resolved in the Supreme Court. This means that for the next decade, the Canadian trucking industry will be trying to figure it all out. Life would be so much easier if everyone followed the rules but that is never going to happen. The world is full of people who don’t respect themselves so why would we expect them to respect others. In order to maintain and improve safety in trucking, carriers must play the role of enforcement to prevent truck drivers from driving impaired in any form. With there being such a disparity among unequal legislation in jurisdictions far and wide, the range of the North American trucker, the carriers must comply with the most stringent and write their corporate policy to comply there. This is going to be a hard decade for Carrier Human Resources types but in order to mitigate risks, and not violate various rights versus various laws, policies must be cast in concrete until somebody in a position of governmental power decides to make this a priority and

JANUARY - February 2019

get it right. Should we regulate what an employee can do while on the clock? Absolutely. But, know we need to answer questions of impairment. “When this incident occurred, is it possible this driver was impaired? The urine sample indicated this driver uses marijuana,” will become the lawyer’s favourite question in court. Definitions are paramount, and not all definitions have been forthcoming. In precedent-driven case law, definitions have to be earned, studied and argued. It would have been good if the government had given some definitive guidelines and it really didn’t. Open the court challenge rally. It’s all well and good to require court challenges to zero in on solutions, but when you’re the one in the court challenge, remember it’s your dime. You’re the one paying big money because if you capitulate, everyone else’s rights may continue to be violated. In order to protect yourself from that incredible legal expense to get the correct precedence set, it may just be safest of all not to get into the position of having to defend yourself in the first place. Legalization was just the easy step. Establishing precedent is now the difficult and expensive step and there are many more issues much more valuable as an industry. WESTERN EDITION


JANUARY - February 2019


ieMfstrI ‘c niSAW dI vrqoN ies qoN Cutkwrw pwaux dI loV hY jW nhIN?

SOk leI BMg dI vrqoN dy kwnMUnI ho jwx krky hux ie`k rwh KùlH igAw hY[ pr svwl ieh pYdw huMdw hY ik ieh rwh hY ikMnw ku cOVw, Kws krky tr`ikMg audXog ‘c[ l`gBg ds coN nON knyfIAn fRweIvr bwrfr pwr krky AmrIkw nMU jWdy hn[ jdoN quhwnMU AmrIkn DOT AiDkwrI ipSwb dw sYNpl dyx leI kihMdw hY qW ieh ibnw iksy S`k dy iblkul swP hoxw cwhIdw hY[ AmrIkw ‘c hux niSAW dI vrqoN nMU cỲk krn leI vwLW dy sYNpl lYx leI vI ivcwr kIqw jw irhw hY[ ij`Qy ipSwb dy sYNpl qoN iek mhIny q`k niSAW dI kIqI vrqoN dw pqw l`g skdw hY aùQy vwLW dy sYNpl qoN keI mhIny pihlW kIqy gey niSAW dI vrqoN dw vI pqw lwieAw jw skdw hY[ pr ieh dono hI tYst isrP ieh hI d`sdy hn ik iksy ny nSy dw syvn kIqw sI jW ik nhIN pr ieh nhIN d`sdy ik hux ieh aus dI fRweIvivMg ‘qy Asr pw irhw hY ik nhIN[ koeI ienswn ikMny nSy ‘c hY ies dw pqw lwaux leI knyfw ‘c AYs vkq iltms tYst (Litmus Test) dI vrqoN kIqI jWdI hY, pr AmrIkw ‘c isrP ieh pqw 12

l`g jwx ‘qy ik hwL ‘c hI nSy dI vrqoN kIqI geI hY, hI kwPI hY iksy nMU AmrIkw ‘c dwKl hox qoN rokx leI Aqy/jW ie`k kRmSIAl frweIvr dy qOr qy AmrIkw ‘c g`fI clwaux ‘qy rok lwaux leI[ Aqy ieh hY muSikl aunHW fRweIvrW leI ijhVy knyfIAn kRmSIAl lweIsYNs ‘qy tr`k clwauNdy hn[ jdoN q`k ieh swbq ho jwvy ik iksy nMU nSw kIqy hoey kwPI smW ho cùkw hY Aqy hux nSw aùqr cùkw hY audoN q`k knyfw ‘c Awm qOr ‘qy iksy dw clwx nhIN kIqw jWdw[ Srwb, bIAr jW vweIn pIqI hox krky jdoN keI vwrI quhwfy iKlwP AiDkwrIAW vloN ieh PYslw suxwaux ‘qy ik qusIN nSy dI hwlq ‘c ho, ies nMU ie`k AprwD mMinAw jWdw hY Aqy quhwfy bwrfr pwr krn ‘qy pwbMdI lweI jw skdI hY[ ie`QoN q`k ik ies ADwr ‘qy hI quhwnMU knyfw ‘c ie`k kmRSIAl fRweIvr dy qOr ‘qy vI nOkrI dyx vwLy nWh kr skdy hn[ hux isrP nSy dI vrqoN SOk ‘qy hI krn vwilAW nMU vI kMpnIAW ies ADwr ‘qy nOkrI dyx qoN sMkoc krdIAW hn ik ikqy Biv`K ‘c

JANUARY - February 2019

ieh koeI muSikl nw KVHI ho jwx dw kwrn bx jwvy[ ieh quhwfy SOkIAw qOr qy nSy krn dy h`k nMU nhIN vMgwrdw sgoN kMpnIAW vloN ieh soc ik ienHW fRweIvrW nMU kMm ‘qy nhIN r`iKAw jWdw ikauNik ie`k kmRSIAl fRweIvr hox krky quhwnMU hr vkq iksy vI nSy dy Asr qoN rihq hox dI loV huMdI hY[ pr swfy kwnMUn dI ieh sm`isAw hY ik ieh ie`k dwiery AMdr b`iJAw hoieAw hY[ ieh vkIlW nMU ies g`l ‘qy bihs krn dw mOkw dyvygw ik pihlW iksy iksm dy nSy dI vrqoN dw koeI vI irkwrf nhIN hY bjwey ik AYksIfYNt dw zuuMmyvwr iks h`d q`k nSy dy pRBwv hyT g`fI clw irhw sI, nw hI ies g`l dw koeI Prk pvygw ik durGtnw dw kwrn kI sI, jW ies leI kOx iks h`d q`k ies hwdsy dw zuMmyvwr sI[ pr jykr qusIN pihlW nSy dI hwlq ‘c g`fI clwauNdy hoey PVy gey ho qW hwdsw hox smyN BwvyN iksy vI qrHW dy hwlwq hox swry dw swrw doS quhwfy isr mVH id`qw jwvygw[ BMg dI vrqoN krn nMU kwnUMnI krn nwL ie`k qrHW BUMfW dy K`Kr ‘qy p`Qr mwrn vWg swbq ho igAw hY[ ies kwnMUn dy pws hox WESTERN EDITION


JANUARY - February 2019


nwL ies qoN Axjwxy ‘c hI aupjx vwLy bury nqIijAW nwL is`Jx leI jykr iksy qrHW dy kwnMUn hoNd ‘c Aw vI jwx qW vI ieh kwhlI ‘c pws kIqw hoieAw kwnUMn ieqhws ‘c sdw hI sB qoN aùc p`Dr ‘qy hoeI glqI vjoN drj ho jwvygw[ swrIAW hI kMpnIAW dy Awpxy Awpxy, in`q dy kwrobwr krn dy Awm FMg qrIikAW dy, inXm ilKqI rUp ‘c mOjud hn[ pr kI ieh kwnMUn nSy ADIn g`fI clwaux vwLy fRweIvrW dy vqIry qoN ienHW kMpnIAW nMU bcwaux leI kwPI hn? pr nhIN ienHW kMpnIAW nUM zrUr koeI ilKqI nIqI ApxwauxI pvygI[ijvyN lybr kwnUMn hn, ienHW ‘c nSy ‘c fRweIivMg krn sbMDI ivSyS qOr ‘qy nhIN iliKAw

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JANUARY - February 2019


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ies leI tr`k fRweIvrW nUM ies dI vrqoN krn qoN bcxw hI cwhIdw hY[ hr ie`k Aml dI pRqIikirAw qW huMdI hI huMdI hY[ pr ies mwmly ‘c knyfw ny ibnw pRqIkrmW nUM iDAwn ‘c r`KidAW ieho ijhw PYslw ilAw hY[ ijhVw vI srkwr v`loN PYslw ilAw jWdw hY jy auh ie`k sPy dw hY qW ies qrHW dy 10 jW 12 sPy huMdy hn ijhVy aus PYslw dw ivroD krdy hn[ pr hux qW sB kùJ spSt ho igAw hY[ srkwr dw Prz bxdw hY ik auh ies dy ho rhy ivroD dw TIk jvwb dyvy Aqy h`l k`Fy Aqy nwL hI purwxy Aqy Aqy nvYN PYsly ‘c sihmqI bxwvy[ srkwr nUM ies dI pihlIAW kwrporyt pwlsIAW nwL vI sihmqI bxwauxI cwhIdI hY[ ieh kMm hY qW mh`qvpUrn pr ieh nhIN ik ieh ho hI nhIN skdw pr lgdw AsMBv vrgw hI hY[ AdwlqW ‘c kIqy kys ies dw h`l nhIN k`F skdy ikauN ik hr kys dw AwKrI h`l qW suprIm kort hI krygI[lgdw hY tr`ikMg ieMfstrI Agly 10 swl ies dw h`l k`Fx l`gI rhygI[ tr`ikMg ‘c sur`iKAw bxweI r`Kx leI sB qoN mh`qvpUrn kMm ies ieMfstrI dw hY ik auh fRweIvrW nUM iksy iksm dw vI auh nSw kr ky tr`k clwaux qoN roky ijs nwL fRweivMg ‘qy Asr pYNdw hY[ hux jdoN aùqrI

AmrIkw iK`qy dy dySW ‘c v`K v`K kwnUMn hn, ies qrHW dI hwlq ‘c tr`kW vwiLAW nUM aunHW kwnUMnW dI pwlxw krnI cwhIdI hY ijhVy v`D sKq hox[ Aqy ienHW nUM kwrporyt pwilsI ‘c ilKxw cwhIdw hY[ ieh dhwkw kYrIAr ihaumYn irsorsz leI AOKw hovygw[ pr KqirAW nUM Gtwaux leI Aqy kwnUMnW qy AiDkwrW nUM iDAwn ‘c r`Kdy hoey aùnw smW ies qrHW dy inXm bxwaux dI loV hY ijMnw smW srkwr sur`iKAw nUM iDAwn ‘c r`K ky shI kwnUMn lwgU nhIN krdI[ kI swnUM ieh inrDwrq krnw pvygw ik kMm krdy smyN iksy krmcwrI nUM kI krnw cwhIdw hYy kI nhIN[ iblkùl ieh zrurI hY[ pr swnUM nSy ADIn fRweIv krn dy ienHW svwlW dy jvwb jwnx dI loV hY[“jdoN koeI durGtnw vwpr jWdI hY kI ieh sMBv hY ik auh nSy dI lor ‘c g`fI clw irhw sI? ipSwb dy tYyst qoN bwAd pqw l`gw ik fRweIvr mYrUAwnw dw syvn krdw hY’’[ ieh svwl hI vkIl dI bihs dw Durw bxygw[ iksy kwnUMn dIAW pRIBwSwvW qW mh`qvpUrn hn, pr ieh swrIAW hr smyN lwgU vI nhIN huMdIAW[ ienHW swrIAW nUM pVHx Aqy smJx dI vI loV hY[ ikMnw

cMgw hovy jy srkwr v`loN ienHW dw cMgI qrHW Kulwsw kIqw hoieAw hovy Aqy ies sbMDI gweIflweInz id`qIAW hoeIAW hox[ vDIAw g`l ieh hI hY ik Adwlq ‘c ivroD krn q`k g`l hI nw phuMcy[ pr ieh iKAwl r`Kxw cwhIdw hY ik AwKrkwr jy iksy dy h`kW dI aulMGxw krn dI g`l swbq ho geI qW ieh sbMDq kwnUMn dI aulMGxw krn vwLy ivAkqI nUM sihxw pvygw[ ies leI ies qrHW dI hwlq qoN bcx leI shI rsqw ApxwE Aqy ies qrHW dI glqI nw kro[ pr ies sbMDI kwnUMn bxwauxw hI shI rwh hY[ koeI iprq kwiem krnw bhuq AOKw Aqy mihMgw kMm hY[ ikauN ik Asl ‘c ies ieMfstrI ‘c ies nwLoN vI hor bhuq mh`qvpUrn msly hn[

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JANUARY - February 2019


Gear up for the Holidays:

5 Essentials for the First-Time Driver on Your List A

s a parent, the struggle is real when it comes to gift ideas for your teenager. Maybe they could use another video game or a gift card to the mall. Or maybe, they’ve entered a new phase of their life and started driving. Take the guesswork out of the holiday season and give the gift of safety this winter. OK Tire has put together a list of musthave holiday gifts for the first-time driver in your life. From automotive services to essential safety items, you can rest easy this holiday season knowing your vehicle is in good hands. Visit your local OK Tire store for more info on these great gifts.

WeatherTech Floor Mats Keep your car interior safe from wet, slushy boots. Protective floor mats from WeatherTech Canada will have you resting easy while your teenager borrows the car, knowing the interior will be as spotless as ever. Winter Emergency Kit Why not assemble an emergency kit to keep in your vehicle for the harsh winter months? This can include non-perishable food and water, first aid supplies, flares, candles and matches, a flashlight, batteries and a cell phone charger. Warm clothes


and a spare tire with a toolkit are also good additions.

torn. Swap your torn wipers for improved visibility and keep your novice driver seeing clearly this winter.

Winter Tires A good set of winter tires can be the difference between rocking the road and losing control. Available exclusively at OK Tire, Blacklion carries winter tires designed with directional tread, deepsnow evacuation grooves and biting edge sipes to handle the winter weather like a pro.

Winter Wheels Everyone talks about winter tires, but winter wheels are just as important. Road salt can corrode your aluminum wheels, making them deteriorate faster. Pick up a set of steel wheels this winter as an investment in safety for you and your young driver.

Winter Wipers Did you know you should change out your wipers for the winter? After clearing snow and ice from your windshield, wipers can easily become cracked or

Preventative Maintenance A little preventative maintenance can go a long way for new drivers. By taking care of your winter maintenance now, you’re making an investment in you and your first-time driver’s future.

JANUARY - February 2019


AxvyKy KqirAW nUM AwDuinkIkrn nwl roko jo ik spSt idsx vwlI QW ‘c luky hoey hn[ Awpxy pylof, munwPy Aqy BrosyXogqw nUM nvInqm lwienr qknIk nwl sur`iKAq bxwE jo ik kyvl qy kyvl gRyt fyn AYvrYst rIPrz ‘c hI imldI hY[ vDyry jwxkwrI leI ‘qy jwE[



JANUARY - February 2019


The Trucking Fraternity


here hasn’t been much good news in trucking for quite some time. From driver shortages, to rate fluctuations, the start of bad winter driving conditions and E-Logs, a lot of people in the trucking industry have been very frustrated. Having had the great opportunity to work with truckers and their families, I see the genuine caring nature of them first hand and want to

burn down a few years ago while going up a hill. To this day the cause of the fire was never found. But two fellow truckers behind this truck were able to see the smoke start and pulled the driver over and helped unhook the trailer from the tractor and saved the driver and the truck. I’m proud to know all of these drivers personally. I had a driver who collapsed in his truck at the Vancouver port. As each truck

share some real life stories of the good in truckers so we can start 2019 on a good note. When there is a car accident, quite often the first on the scene to offer assistance is a trucker. Time and time again they are the first to pull over and offer a hand. They are on the road all day and are technically working, but they will almost always stop regardless of time deadlines and see what they can do to help. I had a brand new trailer I had financed and imported in to Canada from the USA

moved up in the line, his truck didn’t move. A fellow friend and colleague driver who was behind him got out of his truck to check on his friend, found him hunched over and called for help. The driver had a serious stroke and luckily his friend checked on him in time. An air ambulance took the driver to the hospital and that saved his life. A few minutes later and the driver’s life would have ended at the port.


JANUARY - February 2019

I knew two drivers who were pulled over and parked legally in a median in Calgary. An out of control vehicle came at both drivers who were standing outside. The truck driver who saw the car coming at them pushed his friend out of the way, saving his life. When the friend got up he saw that his selfless friend had perished in this courageous act of saving his life. In 2008 when Greyhound passenger Tim McLean was attacked, mutilated, killed and partially consumed by Vince Weiguang Li, it was a truck driver who pulled over to help the bus driver and remaining passengers of the bus. He provided a crowbar and hammer for protection until the police arrived and arrested Mr. Li. The situation was obviously terrifying and most would run away as fast as possible but the trucker stayed and helped. Quite often truckers run into difficulty when trying to obtain a loan for a truck or trailer. I have encountered so many truckers who selflessly help out a friend by co-signing on the loan or even lend the down payment to help a friend or relative. I rarely encounter this in other industries and it goes to show what a tight knit bunch the trucking industry is. My business is based solely on referrals. So many of my truckers have become friends and sent their other friends and family to me to help them with finance deals. I have an open invitation for any meal at any driver’s house. They are so warm and welcoming. The drivers and wives refer to me as their sister and I enjoy the warmth of being treated like a member of the family. Even just dropping something off quickly to a driver’s home, the family who has never met me before welcomes me in and asks me to stay and to please eat something. It’s amazing. One driver once had some leftover lunch and came in to the trucking office and shared it with Pash Brar the office staff. I had already WESTERN EDITION


JANUARY - February 2019


left for the day and the next morning the staff told me that I missed out on his delicious leftovers. A few days later that same trucker came to the office so I mentioned to him that I heard he brought in this great food and too bad I missed it. The next morning he returned with hot freshly prepared food for everyone. I was so surprised. His lovely wife was thrilled everyone loved her food and got up early and made enough for everyone. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing this driver and his brother for many years and they’re such a nice group of people. For me, literally truckers are the best people. Many truck drivers keep in touch on the road using radio and newer technologies. Even cab drivers help each other. I watched in Edmonton as our cab driver got calls from fellow cabbies who told him how to reroute himself avoiding traffic jams to get me to the airport in time. The driver had a network of cab driver friends who all helped each

other. I have seen truckers do the same thing. Keeping a network of friends on the road is helpful to save time, cost and avoid possible hazards. Emotionally it is difficult to be away you’re your family for a long period of time while at work, and fellow drivers offer friendship and comradery until you get home from your load. An avid fan of this article Rudy from Saskatchewan texted me that “A smile is

a smile in any culture.” That is so true. He has encountered different cultures throughout trucking, but a simple gesture like a smile, will always be a positive thing. I hope everyone can go out on the road with a smile instead of anger, worry or stress this coming year. Just remember you’re in an industry with a lot of great people and that when times are tough, your fellow trucker is there for you to help pick up the pieces.

Manitoba to Become Fourth Province to Embrace MELT


he province of Manitoba is moving forward with consultations aimed at implementing a Mandatory EntryLevel driver Training (MELT) program, Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler announced today. “Our government is focused on safety above all else,” Schuler said. “Mandatory entry-level training is something the trucking industry has asked for and we want to work in a collaborative way to ensure that Manitoba roadways are as safe as possible.” Consultations will be held Jan. 7 in Winnipeg and Jan. 10 in Brandon. Just days after Saskatchewan said it would begin a MELT program this coming March, Manitoba appears to following the same path and become the fourth province to do so. 20

“Mandatory entry-level training is something that would have broad impacts across sectors including transportation, infrastructure and agriculture,” Schuler said. “We want to hear from Manitobans and ensure this proposed change focuses on safety in collaboration with industry.” Following Saskatchewan’s announcement, Manitoba Trucking Association executive director Terry Shaw posted his thoughts on Twitter, writing, “ON, AB and now SK have all beaten MB out of the gate on this issue. MB is recognized as a transportation hub yet @ MBGov is silent on this critical transport policy. @TruckingMB members are concerned. @Brian_Pallister, @Min_ Schuler, will MB mandate truck driver training?” Shaw later tweeted, “Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) may be a reality

JANUARY - February 2019

across North America but @MBGov remains silent… AB – MELT 2019, SK – MELT 2019, ON – MELT in place now, US – ELDT 2020 (Entry Level Driver Training). MB is literally surrounded by MELT jurisdictions.” Alberta announced in October that it would implement a MELT program this spring. B.C. has not made any official announcements on whether it will have its own program in the near future. Manitoba’s effort to iron out a MELT program for Class 1 drivers began in April, working with Manitoba Education and Training, as well as Manitoba Public Insurance. Upcoming consultations will include discussions around training standards, approaches to out-of-province drivers, and the scope of individuals who will require MELT training. WESTERN EDITION

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E: JANUARY - February 2019


tr`ikMg BweIcwrw

tr`k ieMfstrI ‘c ipCly smyN qoN kwPI KbrW Aw rhIAW hn[ ieh fRweIvrW dI Gwt hovy, rytW ‘c auqrwA cVHwA hovy,srdI dy SurU hox nwL sVkW dI hwlq hovy jW eI lwg hovy[ ies sB nwL tr`ikMg ieMfstrI ‘c kwPI pRySwnI hY[ myrw ies ieMfstrI dy lokW nwl bhuq sMprk irhw hY[ Aqy aunHW dy pirvwrW Aqy aunHW nwL aunHW dIAW sm`isAwvW sWJIAW krn dw mOkw imldw irhw hY[ mYN aunHW nwl izMdgI dIAW AslI khwxIAW vI sWJIAW krdI rhI hW[ 2019 dw swl aunHW leI vDIAw rhy ies krky mYN aunHW nwl kùJ s`cIAW khwxIAW sWJIAW krnw cwhuMdI hW[ jdoN vI sVk ‘qy iksy kwr Awid dI durGtnw huMdI hY qW aus dI mdd krn leI sB qoN pihlW phuMcx vwlw ie`k tr`k frweIvr huMdw hY[ ieh Awm hI vyKx nUM imldw vI hY[ kwrn ieh ik auh bhuqw smyN sVk ‘qy hI rihMdy hn Aqy ie`k qknIk nwl kMm krdy hn[ pr jy iksy nUM mdd dI loV huMdI hY qW auh Awpxy inscq smyN ‘qy phuMcx nUM vI nzr AMdwz krdy hoey loVvMd dI mdd krdy hn[ kùJ swl pihlW mYN ie`k nvW nkor 22

trylr AmrIkw qoN ilAw ky id`qw sI [aus nUM phwVI vwLI sVk ‘qy jWdy smyN A``g l`g geI sI[ Ajy q`k ieh nhIN pqw l`g sikAw ik A`g l`gx dw kwrn kI sI[ pr aus dy ip`Cy Aw rhy do tr`kW dy fRweIvrW ny aus ‘coN DUMAW inkldw vyK ilAw sI[ Aqy fRweIvr nUM tr`k sVk dy iknwry KVHw krn dw ieSwrw krky aus dw trylr trYktr qoN v`K krn ‘c mdd kr id`qI sI Aqy ies qrHW fRweIvr dI jwn bc geI sI[ mYN ienHW fRweIvrW nUM jwxdI hW Aqy mYnUM ienHW ‘qy mwx vI hY[ vYnkuvr dI ie`k port ‘qy ie`k tr`k fRweIvr KVHy tr`k ‘c hI byhoS ho igAw sI[ hor tr`k qW jw rhy sn pr ieh tr`k ie`k QW hI KVHw sI[ aus dy ie`k swQI tr`k frweIvr ny jdoN Awpxy dosq dw tr`k KVHw vyiKAw qW auh tr`k qoN aùqr ky aus nUM vyKx igAw[ aus nUM ies hwlq ‘c vyK ky aus ny AYmrjYNsI ‘qy Pon kIqw[ AYNbUlYNs aus nUM smyN isr hspqwl lY geI ikauN ik aus nUM idl dw dOrw pY igAw sI[ smyN isr hspqwl phuMcx kwrn aus dI jwn bc geI[ jy dujy tr`k dw fRweIvr aus nUM nw vyKdw qW aus dI jwn jWdI l`g skdI sI[

JANUARY - February 2019

mYnUM aunHW do frweIvrW dw vI pqw hY ijnHW nUM kYlgrI ‘c glq QW tr`k pwrikMg krn ‘qy roikAw sI Aqy auh bwhr KVHy sn[ ie`k bykwbU vhIkl ie`k fRweIvr v`l Aw rhI sI[ ie`k tr`k fRweIvr ny auh bykwbU vhIkl AwauNdI vyK Awpxy dosq fRweIvr nUM ie`k pwsy v`l D`k id`qw Aqy aus dI jwn bc geI[ aus fRweIvr ny Awpxy im`qr dI ies sUJ nUM slwm kIqI[ ies qrHW hI sMn 2008 dI g`l hY ik ie`k itm mYklIAn nWA dw ivAkqI jo gryAhwaUNUNf b`s ‘c sPr kr irhw sI , ie`k ivAkqI ny aus ‘qy hmlw kr id`qw Aqy aus nUM mwr id`qw auh horW ‘qy hmlw krdw ies qoN pihlW ie`k tr`k fRweIvr ny Awpxw tr`k sVk dy pwsy KVHw krky bwkI dy muswPrW nUM bcw ilAw, jy auh mdd nw krdw pqw nhIN aus hmlwvr ny ikMny muswPr mwr dyxy sn[ ikauN ik aus ny Awpxy tr`k ‘coN k`F ky iek ie`k krobwr Aqy hQOVw muswPrW nUM dy id`qw sI Aqy aunHW muswPrW ny puils dy Awx q`k hmlw krn vwLy dw mukwblw kIqw[ ies hmly dy dorwn kùJ muswPr B`j gey pr tr`k fRweIvr mdd krn leI fitAw irhw[ WESTERN EDITION


PRytlweInr tr¤ks Aqy ausdw fIlr nytvrk swaUQ eySIAn kYnyifAn smudwie dw tr¤ikµg audXog pRqI aunHW dy smrQn leI Dµnvwd krdw hY[ AsIN quhwnUM 300 qoN v`D pUrn syvwvW vwlIAW fILriSpW ‘coN iksy ie`k iv`c Awaux leI s`dw idMdy hW Aqy byimswl eINDn kuSlqw, izAwdw kwrj kuSlqw, sMXj o kqw, suri` KAw, kuAwiltI, vDyry kMm krn dw smW, Aqy frwievr qzrby vwly tr`kW dI swfI ivAwpk cox nUM vyK[ o AwE vyKo ik AsIN iks qrHwN qUhwnUM AwpxI n&w kmwaux dI smr`Qw nUM AiDkqm bxwaux iv`c m`dd kr skdy hW[

Competitive financing available through Daimler Truck Financial. For the Freightliner Trucks dealer nearest you, call 1-800-FTL-HELP. FTL/MC-A-1448. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2018 Daimler Trucks North America LLC. All rights reserved. Freightliner Trucks is a division of Daimler Trucks North America LLC, a Daimler company.


JANUARY - February 2019


keI vwr tr`kW vwLy tr`k jW tRylr leI lon lYx leI vI musIbq ‘c Ps jWdy hn[ mYN bhuq swry tr`k fRweIvr vyKy hn jo ies mOky Psy hoey im`qrW dI ko-sweInr bx ky mdd krdy hn[ keI vwr qW auh fwaUnpyAmYNt vI Awpxy koloN hI dy idMdy hn[ hor ieMfstrIAW ‘c mYN ies qrHW dy mddgwr bhuq G`t hI vyKy hn[ ies qoN pqw lgdw hY ik ieh tr`k ieMfstrI dy lok Awps ‘c ikvyN vDIAw irSqy rwhIN juVy hoey

hn[ myrw swrw ibzns rYPrlz nwL hI sbMDq hY[ myry bhuq swry tr`kW vwLy gwhk myrw hvwlw dy ky slwh mSvry leI horW nUM vI myry kol Byjdy rihMdy hn[ fRweIvr mYnUM Awpxy Gr Kwxy ‘qy vI s`ddy rihMdy hn[ bhuq swry fRweIvr bhuq in`Gy Aqy AwE Bgq krn vwLy hn[ fRweIvr Aqy aunHW dIAW pqnIAW mYnUM ‘BYx’ AwK ky bulwauNdy hn Aqy ivhwr vI ies qrHW dw hI krdy hn[ mYnUM ie`k pirvwr dy mYNbr vjoN smJy jwx ‘qyy bhuq KuSI huMdI hY[ kdy iksy fRweIvr dy kwgz p`qr aus dy Gr vI phMucw idMdI hW[ ies qrHW dy mOky pirvwr v`loN mYnUM Fyr swrw ipAwr imlx ‘qy bhuq KuSI huMdI hY[ pirvwr, ijs nwL BwvyN pihlI vwr hI myl huMdw hY, myrw bhuq Awdr krdw hY Aqy nwL hI kùJ Kwx pIx leI vI zor pwauNdw hY[ ies qrW dy mOky mn bhuq KuS huMdw hY[

ie`k vwr ie`k fRweIvr dw kùJ Kwxw bc igAw , auh swfy dPqr ‘c auh bicAw Kwxw lY ky igAw Aqy dPqr ‘c bYTy stwP nUM Kwx leI dy id`qw[ aus idn mYN dPqr ‘c nhIN sI pr jdoN mYnUM dPqr vwiLAW ny dujy idn ieh g`l d`sI qW mYN pCqweI ik mYN ies qrHW dy mOky aùQy nhIN sI[ iPr ie`k idn auhI fRweIvr jdoN dPqr nUM iksy hor kMm leI AwieAw qW mYN aus dw DMnvwd krdy hoey ikhw ik mYnUM pCqwvw hY ik mYN aus idn aus Kwxy dw AnMd mwnx leI aùQy nhIN sI[ pr dUjy idn myrI hYrwnI dI koeI h`d nw rhI jdoN auh bhuq vDIAw Kwx lY ky Aw igAw[ mYnUM bhuq hI KuSI hoeI ik lokW nUM KuSIAW vMfx vwLy ieho ijhy fRweIvr vI hn[ dUjy bMny aus dI pqnI vI bhuq KuS hoeI ijs dy iqAwr kIqy Kwxy nUM ieMnw slwihAw igAw[ mYnuM ies g`l ‘qy mwx hY ik mYN aus fRweIvr Aqy aus dI pqnI jo bhuq vDIAw ienswn hn, nUM keI swlW qoN jwxdI hW[ jy g`l smùcy qOr ‘qy krIey qW tr`k fRweIvr Awm qOr ‘qy bhuq vDIAw ienswn huMdy hn[ bhuq swry tr`kW dy fRweIvr sVk ‘qy cldy smyN hor fRweIvrW nwL ryfIE jW auplbD hor qknIkW rwhIN dUijAW nwL sMprk r`Kdy hn[ jy mdd dI g`l krIey qW kYb fRweIvr vI ie`k dUjy dI mdd krdy rihMdy hn[ mYnUM Xwd hY ik ie`k vwr mYN

Falls are a leading cause of injury for truck drivers Reduce your risk 1 Always use 3 points of contact 2 Face the truck and climb slowly 3 Wear proper footwear

For more safety resources visit


JANUARY - February 2019


AYfimMtn ‘c jdoN ie`k tYksI ‘c jw rhI sI qW tYksI vwLy Awpxy hor swQIAW nUM iksy Kws sVk ‘qy BIV BV`kw d`sdy smyN aunHW nUM bdlvyN rwhW dI vI slwh dy rhy sn[ mYN eyArport nUM jw rhI sI Aqy ies fRweIvr nUM vI aus dw swQI smyN isr phuMcx leI slwh dy irhw sI[ ienHW tYksI fRweIvrW dw vI swQI fRweIvrW nwL nỲtvrk huMdw hY jo loV pYx ‘qy mdd krdy rihMdy hn[ ies qrHW aunHW dw smW hI nhIN bcdw svwrI dw smW vI bcdw hY Aqy nwL K`jl KuAwrI qoN

bcx qoN ibnw Krcy vI Gtdy hn[ Asl ‘c jdoN qusIN Awpxy pirvwr qoN kMm kwrn lMby smyN qoN dUr rihMdy ho qW aus smyN fRweIvrW v`loN id`qI mdd nwL quhwnUM sPr vI duKdweI nhIN lgdw[ ies lyK lVI dy sSkYcvW dy ie`k rUfI nWA dy pwTk ny mYnUM tYkst krky d`isAw sI , “ik ie`k muskrwht qW muskrwht hI hY , ieh BwvyN iksy vI klcr ’c ikauN nw hovy[” ieh g`l hY vI iblkùl TIk[ tr`k dI fRweIvrI krdy smyN aus dI v`K

v`K siBAqwvW vwLy lokW nwL g`lbwq huMdI rihMdI hY[ pr QoVHI ijhI muskrwht nwl sdw hI vDIAw lgdw hY[ mYN vI iehI Aws krdI hW ik sVk ‘qy c`lx vwLw hr fRweIvr ichry ‘qy gùsy, qxwA Aqy boJ dI QW ‘qy muskrwht ilAwvy[ ies qrHW bhuq vDIAw rhygw[ieh nw Bùlxw ik qusIN aus ieMfstrI ‘c ho ij`Qy bhuq swry vDIAw lok hn[ Aqy jdoN vI quhwnUM koeI muSikl AwauNdI hY qW quhwfI mdd krn leI bhuq swry tr`k fRweIvr phuMc jWdy hn[

Drivers and Carriers Disagree on Driver Shortage


n a recent report from the American Transportation Research Institute, motor carriers listed the driver shortage and driver retention as their top 2 concerns regarding the state of the trucking industry. However, commercial drivers placed both issues much lower; fifth for driver retention and ninth for the shortage. In fact, commercial drivers listed hours of service, truck parking, and the ELD mandate as their top 3 concerns. “If the driver shortage is No. 1 and driver retention is No. 2 for carriers, then they better care about what’s on the drivers’ list,” ATRI President, Rebecca Brewster said. “I think it’s interesting when the shortage shows up on the drivers’ side of the equation, personally, because that means they are feeling the effects of there not being enough drivers to go around.” The American Transportation Research Institute received approximately 1,500 responses from both motor carriers and commercial drivers. The report is designed to help address each issue strategically in the future. WESTERN EDITION

JANUARY - February 2019


volvo tr`ks vwLy pyS krngy 2019 ‘c volvo VNR ielYkitRk mwflz


olvo Trucks vwLy Awl ielYkitRk pwvrf tr`kW ‘c VNR regional-haul nwL ie`k v`fI m`l mwr rhy hn Aqy ies qrHW 2019 ‘c kYlIPornIAw ‘c ies dw pRdrSn krngy Aqy ienHW nUM mwrikt ‘c 2020 ‘c ilAwauxgy[ volvo tr`k nwrQ AmrIkw dy muKI pItr vUrhov dw kihxw hY ik ik swnUM ieh AYlwn krky bhuq mwx mihsUs ho irhw hY ik AsIN mwrikt ‘c VNR regional-haul ilAw rhy hW jo ivkws kr rhy SihrW ‘c Aqy vsqW nUM iek QW qoN dUjy QW phuMcwaux vwLIAW tr`ikMg kMpnIAW leI mu`K BUimkw inBwauxgy[ ieh tr`k pUrw ibjlI nwL c`lx vwlw hovygw Aqy ies qrHW pRdUSx PYlx qoN rokx ‘c shweI hovygw[auh Sihr ijhVy eIko isstm Apxw ky ivkws kr rhy hn ieh ies ‘c vI bhuq shweI hoxgy[ies nwL sVkW ‘qy pYx vwLw rOlw vI Gtygw[swP suQrI, SWq Aqy pUrI ibjlI nwl c`lx vwLI mSInrI dyr rwq q`k vI ibnw lokW dI nINd Krwb kIiqAW Aqy idn smyN kwPI icr q`k c`l skdI hY[ VNR regional-haul ielYkitRk fImONstrySn XUint XUrpIAn volvo AYP eI ielYitRk dI prKI hoeI AYnrjI storyj qknIk ‘qy inrDwrq hovygI[ 2010 qoN lY ky 4,000 qoN v`D volvo ielYktRIPweIf b`sW


vycIAW jw cu`kIAW hn[ volvo dy nwrQ AmYirkw dy fwierYktr AwP pRofkt joAn eyjbRWf dw kihxw hY ik ij`QoN q`k Volvo VNR dI g`l hY ieh SihrW ‘c smwn phuMcwaux leI bhuq vDIAw swbq hovygw[ aunHW dw kihxw hY ik VNR series ijhVI ik 2017 qoN vycI jw rhI hY aus nUM ieMfstrI ‘c BrvW huMgwrw iml irhw hY[ Aqy hux ies ‘c Awl ielYkitRk pwvrtRyn dw vwDw vI kr id`qw igAw hY[ies qrHW irjnl FoAw FuAweI mwrikt ‘c ieh AwpxI v`KrI pCwx bxw irhw hY[ volvo vI AYn Awr ielYkitRk mwfl LIGHTS (Low Impact Green Heavy Transport Solutions nwL ieMfstrI ‘c mohrI Volvo Group, California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), dI BweIvwlI dw hI is`tw hY[ vUrhov dw kihxw hY ik LIGHTS dw FoAw FuAweI krn vwlI ieMfstrI nUM ibjlI nwL c`lx vwLy tr`k dyxw ie`k scmu`c hI bhuq v`fI dyx hY[aunHW ny nwL hI ikhw ik ies pRojYkt nUM shI smJ ky kYlIPornIAw eyAr irsorsz borf (CARB) Aqy SCAQMD ny jo swfy mohrI rol nUM mwnqw id`qI hY AsIN aus dI vI BrpUr pRsMsw krdy hW[ aunHW ikhw ik AsIN LIGHTS nwL iml ky jo Xqn SurU

JANUARY - February 2019

kIqy hn ies nwL ie`k idn FoAw FuAweI Kyqr ‘c hYvI ifautI tr`k pUry ibjlI nwl c`lx vwLy bx jwxgy Aqy ies ‘c hor BweIvwLW dw sihXog vI ilAw jwvygw[ eyjbRWf dw kihxw hY ik ies nwL tr`k mwlkW nUM vI bhuq Pwiedw hovygw[qy smyN dI b`cq Aqy vwqwvrx vI vDIAw rhygw[aunHW ikhw ik ies pRojYkt ‘c AsIN rUt ivSlySx qoN lY ky bYtrI dw vDyry smyN q`k c`lx smyq hr zrUrI g`l dw iDAwn r`KWgy[ aunHW ieh vI ikhw swfw inSwnw vDIAw Aqy izAwdw auqpwdn dw vI hovygw[ CARB ny volvo lweIt pRojYkt leIy SCAQMD nUM $44.8 imlIAn id`qy hn[Volvo LIGHTS project ‘c 16 BweIvwl hoxgy Aqy ieh AmrIkw dy do cotI dy tr`ikMg PlItW dIAW suivDwvW ‘c suDwr krngy[ij`QoN q`k volvo lweIts dI g`l hY ieh kYlIPornIAw klweImyt ienvYstmYNt dw ih`sw hY ijhVw ik gRIn hwaUs gYs nUM Gtwaux leI iblIAn fwlr Krc kr irhw hY[ies leI ij`Qy ieh AwriQkqw ‘c vwDw kr irhw hY au`Qy lokW dI ishq Aqy vwqwvrx suDwrn leI vI Xogdwn pw irhw hY, Kws krky auh kimauntIAW ‘c ijnHW dw nukswn ho irhw hY[[ ij``QoN q`k gwhkW dI mMg dw svwl hY volvo tr`ks aunHW dIAW hr AwsW pUrIAW kr rhy hn[ieh BwvyN mIfIAm jW hYvI tr`k hox[ ivSv p`DrI 2100 fIlrW Aqy vrkSwpW rwhIN 130 dySW ‘c gwhk dI hr mMg nUM pUrw kIqw jw irhw hY[ ij`QoN q`k volvo tr`kW iqAwr krn dI g`l hY ieh ivSv dy 16 dySW ‘c kMm ho irhw hY[ jy g`l sMn 2017 dI krIey qW ivSv Br ‘c 112,000 volvo tr`k splweI kIqy gey[ volvo tr`ks, volvo gru`p ijhVw dunIAw Br ‘c tr`k, b`sW, kMstRkSn smwn, myrIn Aqy ieMfstrIAl ieMjx dw auqpwdn kr irhw hY, dw hI ih`sw hY[ ieh gru`p PweInYNisMg Aqy Aqy srivs vI auplbD krvw irhw hY[ volvo tr`ks dy kMm dI buinAwd vDIAw iksm, sur`iKAw Aqy vwqwvrx dw suDwr hY[ WESTERN EDITION




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JANUARY - February 2019

12/13/2018 5:14:31 PM


hux I.C.B.C jwx dI loV nhIN

Saskatchewan Harmonizes Super Singles Rules with Ontario

klym nMbr ilAwE

bwkI swfy qy C`fo!

Established Established1968 1968


askatchewan is expanding, making permanent, and harmonizing its single widebase tire program with Ontario’s in an effort to improve internal trade. “Our provinces are taking action to create a better trade environment in Canada that will result in real benefits to our key sectors and the people who do business in our provinces,” said Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison. “This announcement is one of several initiatives the provinces are working on to enhance internal trade between Saskatchewan and Ontario.” The harmonization of the super single tire programs is intended to make shipments easier for trucking companies traveling between the two provinces. It is also expected to help curb greenhouse gas emissions. “With thousands of trucks transporting goods in and out of the province, an increase in fuel economy reduces both shipping costs and carbon emissions,” said Highways and Infrastructure Minister Lori Carr. “This program

shows that provinces can reduce internal barriers to trade and have a positive impact on the environment by working together.” The expansion of the single wide-base tire program applies to all 12-month primary weight highways and allows permitted trucks to increase weight on 455 mm tires or wider from 3,850 kg to 4,250 kg per tire. This increase does not apply to tires on the steering axle. In coming months, regulations will be amended to allow trucks to use the tires without a permit. Saskatchewan’s super single pilot program, which began in July 2017, will also become permanent.










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Utility Trailer Manufacturing Introduces New Aerodynamic Device


tility Trailer Manufacturing Co., the industry’s largest manufacturer of refrigerated trailers and leading manufacturer of dry freight vans, flatbeds, and Tautliner® curtain-sided trailers, introduced its patented Utility Aerodynamic Tail (UAT). When paired with low rolling resistant tires and configured on a Utility dry van or reefer, the combination of the Utilitydesigned Aerodynamic Tail and Side Skirt are designed to reduce fuel use and aerodynamic drag. The Utility Aerodynamic Tail was engineered and tested to meet strict Utility operational requirements. Utility is the only trailer manufacturer that makes all of their own CARB (California Air Resources Board) and Canadian EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) compliant aerodynamic devices. “We always think about how we can make our trailers more fuel efficient. That is why we have pursued aerodynamic technologies which will further improve trailer performance. Our Utility Aerodynamic Tail was put through rigorous testing including a Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis,” said Jeffrey Bennett, Vice President, Engineering & Product Development for Utility. “Utility’s Aerodynamic Tail was developed to be user-friendly, maintenance friendly and the best overall value of similar products in the market.”

Weighing only 25 pounds and compatible on dry vans and refrigerated trailers with rear swing doors, the Utility Aerodynamic Tail is constructed of a UV-protected thermoplastic composite and comprised of two full height side fairings and one full width roof fairing. The side fairings are connected to the rear swing doors. Using standard opening procedures for the rear swing doors, the UAT automatically deploys when the doors are closed and folds back when the doors are open with no additional driver involvement necessary. The roof fairing does not interfere with lock rods or rear light areas and meets all DOT Photometric requirements.


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JANUARY - February 2019


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JANUARY - February 2019


B.C. Considers MELT T

he Office of the Auditor General of B.C. says more needs to be done to ensure commercial vehicle safety in the province, including the consideration of a MELT program. The auditor general released a new report titled An Independent Audit of Commercial Vehicle Safety, indicating that during the past decade there are on average 300 people killed from vehicle collisions per year, with 20% involving heavy commercial vehicles. “The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and ICBC have commercial vehicle safety programs in place that prevent crashes and save lives, but much more needs to be done to ensure British Columbia’s roads are safe,” said the auditor general, Carol Bellringer. The report included a recommendation that work evaluating licensing strategies continue. “We recommend that ICBC continue its recent work to evaluate licensing strategies, including the effectiveness of B.C.’s commercial driver licensing standards, to improve road safety, and that it act upon the findings, in

coordination with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General,” the report states. “This should include consideration of mandatory entry-level training.” In B.C., heavy commercial vehicles

represent 3% of registered vehicles and involved 19% of fatal collisions in the province. The auditor general’s report does state that in the majority of the fatal collisions involving heavy vehicles, the commercial driver is not at fault. The report says safety education and awareness around commercial trucks are helpful but are limited due to budget constraints. The auditor general recommends that

the provincial government do more to ensure commercial vehicles are driving safely, and says government does not have a clear and effective system to hold licensed private inspection facilities accountable for complying with commercial vehicle safety standards. “As part of our audit, we identified a model that assesses the impact of roadside inspection and enforcement activities on commercial vehicle safety,” said Bellringer. “We adopted the model for use in B.C., then used it to analyze the data collected by the B.C. government. Over the past three years, roadside inspection and enforcement activities with commercial vehicles in B.C. prevented an estimated 1,100 crashes, including four fatalities and more than 260 injuries. Government should use this type of data analysis to set clear targets and allocate resources efficiently to meet its targets.” The question that hasn’t been asked is “If Quebec has had mandatory training for more than two decades, and they have, why hasn’t MELT become the catch phrase of the week before this, and what’s to study?”

Select Trailer Sales Wins Stoughton Blue Diamond Dealer Award


elect Trailer Sales has been named the first-ever winner of the Stoughton Blue Diamond Dealer Award. The Mississauga trailer dealer has been in business for more than 17 years, and offers Stoughton’s complete line of dry vans, refrigerated vans, and parts and service. The award recognizes sales growth, volume, customer service and 36

dedication. “Our team is committed to reflecting the highest standards of excellence synonymous with the Stoughton brand,” said Select Trailer Sales’ president Jamie Ferguson. “Our expert sales, service and parts staff delivers both the professionalism and knowledge you would expect when purchasing or

JANUARY - February 2019

servicing your trailer.” “We are excited that our long-time dealer, Select Trailer Sales, has added our new PureBlue refrigerated trailer to its portfolio,” added Luke McMaster, vicepresident, dealer channel at Stoughton Trailers. “Their trailer knowledge and emphasis on customer service will further contribute to the success of PureBlue.” WESTERN EDITION


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JANUARY - February 2019


First Ministers Talk ELDs, Equalize Single Tire Weights, Remove Trade Barriers


he Canadian Trucking Alliance has given a thumbs up to the announcement by the First Ministers Conference in Montreal to remove internal trade barriers for the trucking industry, specifically the agreement on weight parity between dual tires and new generation, wide-based single tires on heavy truck configurations in Canada. The joint communique issued by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister of Intergovernmental and Northern Affairs and Internal Trade Dominic LeBlanc and the provincial and territorial first ministers will commit provinces and territories to align their regulations allowing the same weight on single tires as on duals tires. Following an update to the National Memorandum of Understanding on Vehicle Weights and Dimensions (MoU) and to regulations in non-complying provinces and territories, this will allow movement of single tire-equipped trucks and trailers in support of the Canadian supply chain when operating on highway 38

networks designated by each province. The MoU was first implemented in 1988 and is an agreement between the federal government and all provinces and territories to promote Canadian harmonization of weights and dimensions of heavy vehicles. Since that time, the MoU has been expanded to include more vehicle configurations and regularly updated by the Council of Ministers of Transportation based on recommendations of a national Task Force. “CTA and its provincial association partners have been advocating for these changes since 2008 and we are grateful for efforts by all levels of government to move forward on this issue,” said CTA’s Geoff Wood, Sr. VP, Policy. “This is truly a show of support for the Canadian trucking industry and the supply chain. We are looking forward to the MoU update and necessary regulation changes to operationalize this key announcement.” Wide single tires have many benefits to Canadian fleets specifically, including, reduced weights that improves vehicle

JANUARY - February 2019

productivity, GHG reduction, and increased traction in winter conditions. The change also effectively ends the competitive advantage of cross-border US trucking fleets over Canadian carriers that operated in both the Canadian domestic markets and into the United States. The change allows one tire spec for both domestic and international operations without weight penalties. “This is true progress and shows how government-industry collaboration can support our industry,” says Wood. “It also opens the door for further positive discussions for some provincial trucking associations to work with provincial government representatives to review and expand the highway network on which these tires can be used.” Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) were also among the main items discussed by the First Ministers Conference during the session on removing internal trade barriers in truck transportation in Canada. “CTA applauds the First Ministers for agreeing to move forward cooperatively WESTERN EDITION

on this issue. By introducing this technology in unison and with urgency for federally and provincially regulated truck operations, governments are levelling the playing field and enhancing highway safety across Canada. It is important all governments approach ELDs as a priority to have regulations in place by January 2020 to align closely with the US ,” said Wood. ELDs, which electronically monitor truck driver hours of service compliance, were introduced in the United States in 2015 and will be required on all trucks operating in the US by the end of 2019. Canadian proposals to follow suit with the US were introduced in late 2017 and federal and provincial governments are working towards introducing similar requirements in Canada. CTA would like to see this regulation implemented as soon as possible (January 2020) and believes the addition of third-party certification of the ELD technology and the elimination grandfathering provisions for outdated non-ELD electronic technology will go a long way towards aligning our regulations with the US and providing enhanced legitimacy to hours of service compliance in Canada. “In addition to the first ministers, Federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau and members of the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety should be commended for their efforts to date on this file,” added Wood. “Hours of service regulations are the common denominator by which all trucking activity takes place and the movement towards ELDs in Canada is a huge leap forward for business competitiveness making our roads safer.” In a statement the government said it is committed to developing “harmonized standards in the trucking sector, building on federal investments in the National Trade and Transportation Corridors initiative. Federal, provincial and territorial governments will work together on an accelerated basis to harmonize standards for wide-base tires, ELDs and size and weight restrictions.” WESTERN EDITION

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JANUARY - February 2019


Volvo Trucks to Demonstrate Volvo VNR Electric Models in 2019 and Commercialized in 2020 of the new Volvo VNR series with a proven fully-electric powertrain, and represents a strategic stride toward a comprehensive electrified transport ecosystem. Cities prioritizing sustainable urban development can leverage electrified transport solutions to help improve air quality and reduce traffic noise. Cleaner, quieter, fully-electric commercial transport also creates opportunities for expanded morning and late-night operations, helping cut traffic congestion during peak hours.� The Volvo VNR Electric demonstration units will be based on the proven propulsion and energy storage technology currently being used in the European Volvo


olvo Trucks is taking a major leap into all-electric powered trucks with the VNR regionalhaul for a demonstration program in California in 2019, expanding to commercial North American sales of the all-electric VNR in 2020. Peter Voorhoeve, president of Volvo Trucks North America, said “We are proud to announce the Volvo VNR Electric, designed to support cities focused on sustainable urban development and fleets operating in a range of regional-haul and distribution operations. The Volvo VNR Electric leverages the versatility


JANUARY - February 2019


FE Electric, and builds on the Volvo Group’s accumulated dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening corporate expertise in electrified transport solutions. Volvo Buses the economy and improving public health and the environment – has sold more than 4,000 electrified buses since 2010. particularly in disadvantaged communities. “The Volvo VNR is ideal for applications like heavy urban Volvo Trucks provides complete transport solutions for distribution, drayage and other regional applications where electric professional and demanding customers, offering a full range of trucks will first have the greatest impact,” said Johan Agebrand, medium to heavy duty trucks. Customer support is secured via a Volvo Trucks North America director of product marketing. “The global network of 2,100 dealers and workshops in more than 130 VNR series has received tremendous industry acceptance since countries. Volvo trucks are assembled in 16 countries across the its April 2017 introduction and the addition of an all-electric globe. In 2017, more than 112,000 Volvo trucks were delivered powertrain provides even greater opportunities to expand its worldwide. Volvo Trucks is part of Volvo Group, one of the footprint in the regional-haul market.” world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses and construction The Introduction of the Volvo VNR Electric models are part of equipment and marine and industrial engines. The Group also an innovative partnership, known as LIGHTS (Low Impact Green provides solutions for financing and service. Volvo Trucks’ work is Heavy Transport Solutions) between the Volvo Group, California’s based on the core values of quality, safety and environmental care. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), and industry leaders in transportation and electrical charging infrastructure. “The LIGHTS project is a truly unique opportunity to showcase a holistic approach to electrification of the freight transport industry as we handle ongoing challenges including electricity generation and battery optimization,” said Voorhoeve. “We appreciate that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the SCAQMD have recognized our leadership and trusted us to oversee this project that will ultimately result in the commercialization of fullyelectric heavy-duty trucks. In addition to introducing the VNR Electric, through LIGHTS we will bring a complete sustainable freight solution with end-to-end electrification coordination with our many partners.” “Electric trucks bring many unknowns and our holistic focus • NEW & REBUILT UNITS through the LIGHTS project will help our fleet partners transition • CLUTCHES securely and smoothly based on their individual needs regarding driving • TRANSMISSIONS cycles, load capacity, uptime, range • REAR ENDS and other parameters,” said Agebrand. “Within the project we’ll look at • DRIVETRAIN REPAIR & REBUILT everything from route analysis and battery optimization to servicing and financing. We always aim to offer high uptime and productivity.” CARB awarded $44.8 million to SCAQMD for the Volvo LIGHTS project. The Volvo LIGHTS project will involve 16 partners, and will 9755 197B Street, Langley, BC V1M 3G3 transform freight operations at the facilities of two of the United States’ top trucking fleets. Volvo LIGHTS is part of California Climate Email: Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade


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JANUARY - February 2019


B.C. Audit Proves What Truckers Have Always Known


n accordance with the Auditor General Act, the British Columbia auditor general recently published “An Independent Audit of Commercial Vehicle Safety” report. The audit focused primarily on heavy commercial vehicles rather than taxis, limousines and emergency vehicles. In her opening comments, Auditor General Carol Bellringer said that trucks represent only 3 percent of registered vehicles in the province but account for 19 percent of the fatal collisions. However, Bellringer was not quick to put blame on the truckers. “In the majority of those fatal collisions, the commercial driver is not at fault,” Bellringer wrote in her comments. “All road users have a responsibility for safety around commercial vehicles.” Regarding licensing, the audit found that the government could not determine if commercial licensing standards are adequate. However, the government has begun looking into the issue. Comparing the province’s standards to Europe and the U.S., the audit points out that specialized training is not required to obtain a commercial license in British Columbia. The audit notes that safety education and awareness programs that focus on

safe driving in and around commercial vehicles can prevent crashes, but that none of the existing programs in the province have “the budget or authority for overall responsibility.” The report recommends the provincial government “establish clear responsibility for the promotion of commercial vehicle road safety education and awareness.” “In fatal collisions between passenger vehicles and trucks, research has shown that the driver of the passenger vehicle is more often at fault than the truck driver,” the report states. “In nonfatal collisions, research suggests truck drivers are equally at fault. Therefore, drivers of both passenger and commercial vehicles need education on driving safely in and around trucks.” As far as inspections go, the audit was more confident in the government’s licensed private inspection facilities. One point of concern is that the Ministry of Transportation does not have a system set up to hold those facilities accountable when they do not follow the rules.

According to the audit, commercial vehicle safety programs in the province prevented approximately 1,100 crashes, including four fatalities and more than 260 injuries, saving $130 million in costs. Cost savings include lost working

days, medical costs and $18 million in insurance costs. The audit states that while the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General all have safety programs that prevent crashes and save lives, more needs to be done to further ensure road safety in British Columbia.

Family of Late Calgary Trucker Receive Donations from the Community


n the morning of December 3, 2018, Amandeep Sethi’s co-driver was backing up his truck to hook up the trailer, not knowing Sethi was behind the truck ultimately crushing him between the two machines. Amandeep Sethi was 44-years old and 42

worked as an owner-operator under contract at Bison Transport in Calgary. He leaves behind two young children and his wife without an income. In the wake of this tragedy, a family friend of the Sethi’s started a GoFundMe page to pay for the funeral costs and the

JANUARY - February 2019

family’s living expenses until they can get back on their feet. Close to five days after Amandeep’s death, donations passed the $60,000 mark. Amandeep’s wife, Suvidha, said she is deeply thankful for all of the donors; even someone who’s put forward just a dollar. WESTERN EDITION


JANUARY - February 2019


2019 kIAw Porty quhwfI qwkq ikhVI hY?


ont-Tremblant, QC: 1990 ivAW dy A`D ‘c jdoN kIAw motrz vwiLAW ny aùqrI AmrIkw ‘c AwpxIAW kwrW vycxIAW SurU kIqIAW qW iksy nUM nhIN sI pqw ik korIAn bRWf dIAW kwrW ieMnI kmwl kr ivKwauxgIAW[ kIAw dI nwl dI kMpnI hMfyA kMpnI nw hI aus smyN Aqy nw hI hux koeI kmwl ivKw skI hY[ nw hI ieh Aws hY ik auh hONfw jW toietw vrgIAW kMpnIAW leI kdy vMgwr bx skygI[ ies dy ault Jukx Aqy hwr mMnx dI QW kIAw motrz vwilAW ny Awpxy bRWf ‘c hor vDIAw kwrIgr BrqI kIqy Aqy vDyry invyS vI kIqw[ies dw is`tw ieh ieh inkilAw ik ieh kMpnI ny Awtomoitv ieMfstrI ‘c vDIAw nqIjy k`F ivKwey[


kIAw Porty pihlI vwr 2008 ‘c mwrikt ‘c AweI[ ies dI tYglwien sI “What’s your Forte” Bwv qusIN iks ‘c mwihr ho? ieh bhuq hI SWq ids rhI kwr sI[ pr jdoN ies dw Koup mwfl AwieAw qW ies dI b`ly b`ly ho geI[hux qIjI pIVHI ‘c Porty ny isivk qy krolw dw mukwblw krn leI hor vwDw kIqw hY[ ieh vyKx leI ik kI ieh AwpxIAW mukwbly vwLIAW kwr kMpnIAW nwL brwbrI krdy rihxgy, swnUM AOtvw Aqy trYNblYNt ‘c s`idAw igAw[ hux jdoN Awtomoitv ieMfstrI AYs XU vI/ krwsEvr ifzwien v`l vD rhI hY quhwnUM ieh sux ky bhuq hYrwnI hovygI ik ipCly swl ivkx vwLIAW kwrW ‘coN sB qoN v`D igxqI kIAw dI Porty dI hI sI[ ijhVI ik bwkI AweIAW AYs Xu vI nwloN ikqy A`gy sI[

JANUARY - February 2019

ies bRWf dw Porty ie`k ichrw bxn dy ip`Cy, vI Kws kwrn hn[ pihlI nzry ies qrHW prqIq huMdw sI ik Porty dy stweIl ‘c sitMgr dw hI ichrw muhrw hY[ies dI tweIgr noz igR̀l, ijs nwL AYks Skl dIAW fyAtweIm rMing lweItW ( DRL’s) Aqy Kws eyAr fks hox kwrn ieh kwr cOVI Aqy D`kV lgdI hY[ ies dw lMbw hùf, hweI bYlt lwien Aqy ipClw Cotw fỲk hox kwrn Porty dI id`K sportbYk vwLI pRqIq huMdI hY[ jy dlIl nwl g`l kIqI jwvy qW ieh vrqmwn JuMf ‘coN sB qoN suhxI l`gx vwLI hY: BwvyN ik ieh nvIN isivk vrgI SkqISwlI jW sYNtrw vrgI nrm nhIN[pr ieh kwr bhuq swry gwhkW dI mnpsMd hY[ pVHx vwiLAW nUM ieh sux ky vI KuSI


hovygI 2019 dw Porty dw mwfl mOjUdw mwfl nwloN 80mm v`fw hY[ijs nwL ies ‘c bYTx dI jgHw A`gy nwLoN vD geI hY[ BwvyN ieh kwr pihlW qoN v`fI hY pr ies dy bwvjud ies dI qyl dI Kpq ‘c vI pihlW nwLoN 17% Pwiedw hoieAw hY[ ies sbMDI g`l krWgy pr bwAd ‘c[ jy kwr dy AMdrly ih`sy dI g`l krIey qW ieh vI KRIdx vwiLAW nUM iblkùl inrws nhIN krdw, ijhVw ik lgBg pihlW vrgw hI hY[ies dy trbweIn vYNts iksy sports kwr vrgw AnuBv idMdy hn[ A`gy bYTx vwLy hox jW ip`Cy bYTx vwLy sB leI bYTx leI KùlHI QW hY[ ies ‘c bVy Arwm nwl pMj jxy bYT skdy hn[mYN ipClIAW Aqy AglIAW sItW ‘qy bYT ky vI vyiKAw mYnUM l`qW A`gy Aqy Awsy pwsy KùlHI QW vyK ky bhuq qs`lI hoeI[ ies ‘c vriqAw igAw smwn vI bhuq vDIAw hY[l`k aùqy vwlw smwn bhuq nrm Aqy hyTly pwsy sKq plwsitk[Kws g`l ieh hY ik ies dw stYNfrf styirMg vIHl cmVy nwl lpyitAw hoieAw hY[ jy qusIN Awpxy nwL smwn iljw rhy ho qW vI Gbrwaux dI loV nhIN[ ies dw trMk vI kwPI KùlHw hY[ BwvyN AsIN Awpxy sUtkys Aqy bYkpYk vI r`K id`qy sn pr vI bhuq swrI QW bcI hoeI sI[ ies dI ie`k Kws ivSySqw ieh vI hY ik nvIN Porty stYNfrf hY, ijs ‘c AYNfrwief Awto Aqy AYpl kwr plyA hY[ ieh dovyN 8” t`cskrIn ‘qy bhuq vDIAw c`ldy hn[ pUrI iemwndwrI nwl ieh g`l khI jw skdI hY ik jy qusIN AwpxI kwr ‘c Awpxy cell phone (Android or Apple) ‘c ieMtrPys dI WESTERN EDITION

vrqoN nhIN kIqI qW qusIN bhuq kùJ qoN KuMJ sohxI idsx vwLI kwr hY[ ies dI clweI rhy ho[pr hux Porty ny ieh shUlq dy id`qI vI bhuq vDIAw hY[ ies ‘c bYTy ivAkqI hY[ kIAw kMpnI vwiLAW dw vI ieh hI QW dI Gwt mihsUs nhIN krdy[ kwr jdoN kihxw hYy ik ijnHW cwr g`lW nUM KRIdx vwLy c`ldI hY qW hY pr ieh jMm ky c`ldI hY[ mùK r`Kdy hn aunHW ‘coN nvIN kwr ‘c ieh vI pr nwL dI nwL ieh PurqIlI vI hY[ ies Swml kIqI geI hY[ Porty dw nvW sspYNSn sỲt A``p QoVHw sKq 2019 Porty dw fRweIv pwsy ‘qy hY ijs nUM mYN bhuq rUt AOtvw qoN SurU hoieAw psMd krdw hW[ bhuqy KRIdx Aqy AsIN bwAd ‘c phuMcy vwLy vI ies qrHW dw hI Mont-Tremblant ‘c[ienHW psMd krdy hn[ ies dw ielwikAW ‘c kwr clwaux ieh ArQ vI nhIN ik bhuq vwiLAW leI p`qJV rùqy kTor hY[ pr ieh bhuqw clwaux dw nvW hI qzrbw sportI sweIf v`l hY[ hY[ ikauN ik hr ie`k cIz ijs kwrn sVk nwL vDyry bhuq vDIAw ivKweI idMdI juiVAw lgdw hY[ ies krky hY[ ijhVI ik ies kwr dI ies dw styAirMg vI TIk clweI dy vI AnkUl hY[ lgdw hY[ ieh kwr clw ky ijs qrHW mYN pihlW vI bhuq AnMd AwauNdw hY[ sB Jag Dhatt izkr kr cùkw hW ik 2019 qoN v`fI g`l ik ieh cldI Accredited AJAC Journalist Porty ies sYgmYNt ‘c sB qoN vI bhuq SWq hY[ rsqw BwvyN JANUARY - February 2019


is`Dw jW vL vilMg vwlw sI ieh hr QW bhuq hI vDIAw Aqy Swq c`lI[ hux jdoN ik mihMgI gYs hox kwrn hr ie`k ieh cwhuMdw hY ik aus dI kwr dI gYs dI Kpq G`t hovy ieho ijhy smyN qW ies nUM iDAwn ‘c r`Kdy hoey bhuq swry kwr bxwaux vwiLAW ny purwxy gyAr isstm dI

(Intelligent Variable Transmission), aunHW dw mùK inSwnw vI ieh hI sI ik ies nUM vpwrk Kyqr ‘c sB qoN vDIAw bxwauxw hYy[ pr kI auh Awpxy inSwny ‘c kwmXwb hoey? g`l ieh hY ik mYN bhuq swrIAW sI vI tI kwrW clweIAW hn Aqy smW pw ky auh qbdIlI krky hor vDIAw vI bxIAW hn[

swnUM d`isAw igAw sI ik Awm c`ldI cyn nwLoN vDIAw hY[ AwKr ‘c is`tw jo inkldw hY auh ieh hI ikhw jw skdw hY ik ieh kwr bhuq rYyspONisv hY Aqy ies dI qyl dI Kpq ‘c vI 17% dw bcwA hY[ kIAw dy bwkI mwflW vWg hI nvIN Porty dy tRWsimSn dy 3 mof hn[ ieh hn- nwrml, sport Aqy smwrt[ ienHW nwL hI kwr dI qyzI Aqy jvwbdyhI vDdI hY [ BwvyN 2019 Porty dw mùFlw mwfl 16495 fwlr qoN SurU ho jWdw hY pr kIAw vwLy ieh kihMdy hn ik sB qoN v`D ivkx vwLw mwfl hovygw EX trim, ijs dI kImq hY 20995 fwlr[ ies ‘c hn 16” AlOey vIHl, AYl eI fI hỲflYNps, blWieMf spOt fItYkSn Aqy rIAr krws tRYiPk AlRt[ ies qoN ibnw ies dw styAirMg vIHl vI lYdr rYpf hovygw, AglIAW sItW hItf Aqy hor bhuq swrIAW ivSyqweIAW[ hux jdoN bhuq swry lok ieh soc rhy hn ik syfwn Awpxy AwKrI swhW ‘qy hn pr keI ies leI AwsmMd hox kwrn 2019 Porty nUM ies

pr hux dy smyN ‘c kIAw dI nvIN AweI vI tI bhuq hI mnmohk hY[ pr ijhVw vI ies nUM tYst fRweIv leI iljwauxw cwhuMdw hY aus nUM mYN ieh ie`k g`l zrur khWgw ik ies dy gyAr QoVHy sKq hn[ ies kwr dI sI vI tI ‘c lckdwr cyn hY[

dw ichrw muhrw smJdy hn[ kIAw dI nvIN tYglwien ie`k kMpYkt hY ie`k smJOqw nhIN ijhVw ik nvIN Porty dw vrnx hY[ ijhVw vI koeI kMpYykt KRIdxI cwhuMdw hY aus nUM ies kwr dI hI tYst fRweIv kr ky PYslw lYxw cwhIdw hY[ myrw zkIn krnw ieh quhwnUM hYrwn kr dyvygI[

QW continuous variable transmission (CVT) nUM ApxwieAw hY[ mùFly qOr ‘qy sKq gyArW dI QW sI vI tI ‘c variable diameter pulleys dw joVw hY, ijhVw ik ie`k bYlt rwhI juiVAw hoieAw hY[ jdoN hI puLIAW nyVy AwauNdIAW jW v`K huMdIAW hn, ieh gyArW dI Anupwq nUM bdl idMdw hY ijs nwL hI tRWsimSn dw Anupwq vI bdl jWdw hY[ sI vI tI dw sB qoN v`D Pwiedw hY ik ies ‘c qyl dI bhuq b`cq hY[ pr fRweIvMg dw auqswh QoVHw m`Tw pY jWdw hY[ pr g`l ieh hY ik BwvyN kùJ vI hovy kIAw ny Awpxy pYr jmwA ley hn[ kIAw vwiLAW ny Awpxy hI sI vI tI mwfl ‘qy kMm krnw Suru kIqw, ijs dw nWA 2016 ‘c r`iKAw IVT


JANUARY - February 2019


New Rule for Diabetic Truckers Takes Effect


n updated rule regarding the allowance of diabetics to get behind the wheel eliminates a typical two or three-month delay for drivers with diabetes to request an exemption from the FMCSA after being automatically disqualified for having the condition. In a statement supporting the new rule, the American Diabetes Association said, “The old rule contained a blanket exclusion against insulin use regardless of how well a person managed his or her diabetes. In 2003, FMCSA began granting exemptions to individuals who could satisfy criteria and wait out a long and cumbersome application process.” Under the old regulations, diabetic drivers were not allowed to drive while waiting for exemption resulting in a loss of income that could last up to 6-months. Dropping the exemption process under the new rule essentially moves the decision-making process from the FMCSA to the driver’s medical examiner,

who determines whether or not the individual has his or her diabetes under control. “It was not something that we asked to do; it was something FMCSA wanted us to do,” said Brian Morris, a Doctor and FMCSA Medical Review Board member. “We put a lot of work into this, and in my opinion, we didn’t really have a level of comfort doing it. What it does, in essence, is shift the responsibility and

liability on diabetics who use insulin from the FMCSA to the certified medical examiner.” On the other-hand, FMCSA Administrator, Raymond Martinez said in a statement, “This final action delivers economic savings to affected drivers and our agency and streamlines processes by eliminating unnecessary regulatory burdens and redundancy.”



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innipeg, MB— Much has changed since 1958 when founders Frank and Gerry Arnold saw an opportunity to expand the family farm with the transportation of grain. Incorporated in August of 1958 this family operated business now employs 5 generations with the youngest employee being 21 years old and the oldest over 80 years old. The company has far surpassed what Frank and Gerry envisioned back in the fifties. Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. hauls a variety of goods throughout Canada and the USA due to the multiple types of equipment the company has available. The company works with dozens of industries, with a loyal and long-standing customer base that relies on quality of service and people. Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. has evolved over the years into various forms of trucking operations from hauling farm machinery on flat beds and agricultural products in the early days, to operating with dry van and refrigerated trailers in the present. Throughout the years, the company has always stayed focused on being a single source truckload company, servicing both Canada and the United States. 48

The company is headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and provides services to a variety of Fortune 500 companies as well as rural small business operators; each one being a significant part of the growth. Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. has offices in Milton, Calgary, and Edmonton and yard Locations in Vancouver, Regina, Saskatoon and Montreal. Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. continues to be a family owned and operated business that values relationships with customers, employees, Owner Operators, and suppliers. It has changed greatly from its small beginnings, and always strives to be innovative and a leading company in the transport industry. Commitment to quality service, competitive pricing, safe and efficient operation along with a team of professional drivers and staff members are all reasons for the company’s 60 years in business, and continued success. A private Gala celebration for staff, Company Drivers, and Owner Operators took place Saturday, Oct 6th, 2018 at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, MB, where everyone in the company enjoyed an evening of memories, fellowship, and looking towards the future.

JANUARY - February 2019


ivnIpỲg (mYnItobw) - 1958 ‘c jdoN PRYNk Aqy gYyrI Awrnolf ny Anwj dI FoAw FuAweI hox kwrn pirvwr dy Pwrm nUM vDIAw bxwaux dw Xqn kIqw sI audoN nwLoN hux bhuq qbdIlI Aw geI hY[ Agsq 1958 ‘c bxweI geI ieh kMpnI dw ibzns pirvwr v`loN hI clwieAw jw irhw hY Aqy hux ies ‘c 21 swl qoN lY ky 80 swl q`k dy pMj pIVHIAW dy ivAkqI kMm kr rhy hn[ ies kMpnI sbMDI jo aumId 1950 ivAW ‘c PRYNk Aqy gYyrI nUM sI ieh aus nwLoN ikqy A`gy lMG geI hY[Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. ie`k auh kMpnI hY ijhVI AmrIkw Aqy knyfw ‘c bhuq swrIAW vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI krdI hY[ v`K v`K vsqW dI FoAw FuAweI krn dw kwrn ieh hY ik ienHW kol hr qrHW dw smwn hY[ ieh drjn dy krIb ieMfstrIAW nwL kMm krdy hn[ vDIAw syvw dyx kwrn ienHW dy Awpxy gwhkW nwL bhuq vDIAw sbMD hn[ Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. nUM v`K v`K iksm dI tr`ikMg dy ibzns krn leI keI swl imhnq krnI peI[ ienHW ‘c pihlW pihlW PlYt bỲf ‘qy mSInrI Aqy KyqIbwVI dI aupj dI FoAw FuAweI qoN lY ky hux dy mOjUdw rYPrIjIrytf tRylr vI Swml hn[ pr audoN qooN lY ky hux q`k ieh ie`ko ie`k isMgl sors tr`klof kMpnI hY ijhVI knyfw Aqy


AmrIkw ‘c syvwvW dy rhI hY[ ies kMpnI dw mùK dPqr knyfw dy sUby mYnItobw dy Sihr ivnIpỲg ‘c hY[ ieh v`K v`K Fortune 500 companies nUM syvwvW dy rhy hn[ ies dy nwL hI ieh rUrl smwl ibzns

AwprytrW nUM vI syvW pRdwn kr rhy hn[ ienHW dI qr`kI ‘c hr ie`k dw mh`qvpUrn Xogdwn hY[ Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd dy dPqr imltn, kYlgrI Aqy AYfimMtn ‘c vI hn[ ies dIAW Xwrf lokySnW vYnkuvr, rIjwienw, sYskwtUn Aqy mWtrIAwl ‘c hn[

Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd Ajy q`k ie`k pirvwr v`loN hI clweI jw rhI kMpnI hY[ ieh ies g`l leI mShUr hY ik ies dy gwhkW, krmcwrIAW, Enr AwprytrW Aqy splweI krn vwiLAW, sB nwL bhuq vDIAw sbMD bxy hoey hn[ jdoN ieh ie`k mwmUlI kMpnI v`loN SurU hoeI sI audoN qoN lY ky ies ‘c bhuq qr`kI Aqy qbdIlI AweI hY[ ies kMpnI dy sdw hI ieh Xqn rhy hn ik ieh hor ivkws kry Aqy tRWsport ‘c AwpxI AgvweI vwLw Prz inBwauNdI rhy[ vDIAw syvwvW dyx leI ieh kMpnI sdw hI vcnb`D rhI hY[ Aqy horW dy mukwbly ies dy ryt vI bhuq TIk rhy hn[ ieh sur`iKAq Aqy vDIAw kwrguzwrI leI vI vcnb`D hY[ 60 swl qoN vI vDIAw FMg nwL ibzns kr rhI ies kMpnI dI qr`kI dw ie`k ieh vI kwrn hY ik ies dy fRweIvr mwihr hn Aqy stwP vI bhuq qzrbykwr Aqy imlxswr hY[ ies kMpnI v`loN stwP Aqy kMpnI fRweIvrW qy Enr AwprytrW leI ie`k Kws pRogrwm r`iKAw igAw sI[ ieh Swndwr pRogrwm 6 AkqUbr 2018 idn sin`crvwr nUM Winnipeg dy Canadian Museum for Human Rights ‘c hoieAw[ ies pRogrwm dw hr ie`k ny BrpUr AnMd mwixAw Aqy ies dy vDIAw Biv`K dI kwmnw kIqI[

JANUARY - February 2019


Truckers Protest Again, Fighting for Alberta


ruckers For Pipelines organized a convoy to show Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government their dissatisfaction with the current state of the oil and gas industry. “We obviously need pipelines,” said Laurie Ryan, Laurlee Energy Services’ owner. “We need our product to go to the coast either way—east or west or north— and get some fair market value for our product and share the wealth to the rest of the country, including our families.” Two days after Ottawa gave Alberta’s energy sector $1.6 billion, the opposition leader said oil and gas workers “don’t need handouts.” “Give a province $1.6 billion you might feed them for a couple of weeks, but let them build a pipeline to get our energy to market and you can feed them for a generation,” Scheer said. The federal government purchased the Trans Mountain pipeline for $4.5 billion earlier this year, but the expansion hit a wall when the Federal Court of Appeal ruled the liberals did not consult enough with Indigenous and environmental groups.

Despite the large purchase price, Scheer believes “there are politicians across the country that don’t believe in our energy sector, that don’t want to see it developed or expanded.” “But conservatives are joining common cause with those across the country that

do want to support this sector.” More than 2,200 trucks participated in the convoy, a spokesperson for Truckers For Pipelines said. Leduc RCMP said there were extreme traffic delays while the trucks drove towards the rally.

Great Dane Announces New Vice President of Aftermarket


reat Dane today announced the appointment of Bill Healy as the company’s new vice president of Aftermarket. Healy is the successor to current VP of Aftermarket Dave Durand, who will retire in 2019. Healy joined Great Dane in February 2018 as the director of Aftermarket Parts Sales. “Bill’s extensive experience in aftermarket sales and operations leadership has been a great asset to our Aftermarket team during his time with the company,” said Chris Hammond, Great Dane’s executive vice president of Sales. “I’m looking forward to seeing how he puts his knowledge and expertise to use as he leads the Great Dane 50

JANUARY - February 2019

Aftermarket group into the future.” In his new role, Healy will provide overall leadership of Great Dane’s Aftermarket department, overseeing the company’s parts distribution center (PDC) and all parts activities associated with Great Dane branches, dealers and distributors in the US, Canada, Mexico and South America. Healy has more than 30 years of aftermarket experience spanning across multiple industries. He has extensive experience leading aftermarket strategy and working with distribution in both OEM and independent automotive aftermarket environments.





Pay & Benefits At Challenger, our drivers enjoy a new, leading pay package. We reward hard work with our higher First Class rates, safety bonuses and benefits (from day one for experienced drivers), employee assistance plan and employee discounts. We welcome quality drivers from all walks of life and experience levels. Drivers also get paid for the driving experience they have, even if they drove for someone else before Challenger. Want to join the Women’s Trucking Federation of Canada? We cover the first year of membership for our female drivers. Simply, we offer a rounded First Class experience at Challenger – starting with leading pay and compensation.

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JANUARY - February 2019


All-new Loadlink Puts it all Under One Hood


ransCore Link Logistics announces the launch of its highly anticipated Loadlink next generation service. A new edition of the load board enables members of the service to combine all of their freight matching activities on Canada’s largest freightmatching network. The new software is a single platform service, discontinuing the need for member apps to operate in silos. Loadlink is packed with incredible new technology that enables a lighter, faster and seamless service that requires no install. The first Loadlink launched in 1990 revolutionized the way that the Canadian trucking industry looked for loads and equipment. “It forever changed the way that technology could play a crucial part in trucking,” said Claudia Milicevic, TransCore’s senior director & general manager. “This redesign of Loadlink started with answering the needs of what current members of the software wanted most, the intuitive user experience that customers will benefit from, and jammedpacked features that current and future Loadlink customers are going to love.” Fuller, More Immersive Freight Matching Activities Include:

Loadlink Driver app: The free Driver app is essential for drivers who want to work with Canada’s freight brokers and carrier companies on Loadlink. The Driver app enables driver tracking which bridges the gap so that customers can be serviced better.

Real-Time Load Tracking: Once assigned a load, carriers can track the driver’s location with time stamps and share this information with the broker. Document Sharing: Once a load is delivered, the driver can take a photo of the proof of delivery and upload it to Loadlink, which can then be shared with any party the carrier desires to. Templates for frequent lanes: Repetitive postings are easily accessed with the option to repost select or all postings

available for the day. Preferred networks: Customize private networks benefit preferred companies in specific lanes. Trucking industry innovations are critical to meeting the demands of the future. The new Loadlink brings forward efficiencies, time saving and revenue-generating opportunities that are all important to help elevate the way freight is moved. With over 18 million loads, and trucks on the system and over $2.5 billion in invoiced transactions on its Rate Index truckload spot market rate tool, Loadlink, Rate Index and other ancillary products continue to be vital services to its customers. “We’ve worked hard for more than a year building, testing and reinventing our approach to load matching,” said Milicevic. “This enhanced Loadlink creates a unique and engaging experience that will provide existing and new Loadlink customers with fresh ways for more revenue opportunities for their business. We’re excited to be making this available to existing customers first.” Start Making Money Now Contact Loadlink (1-800-263-6149) to find out about current promotions and learn how you can start using the new Loadlink today.

CNG Stations Open on 401


hree trucks stops along Hwy. 401 in Ontario now have compressed natural gas (CNG) filling stations for heavy trucks. The stations were installed by Union Energy Solutions Limited Partnership and Clean Energy Fuels. They’re located at Windsor Travel Centre, the Flying J between London and Woodstock, Ont., and the Flying J in Napanee, Ont. The London station will offer renewable 52

natural gas (RNG). “Natural gas as a transportation fuel is the best solution to deliver emission reductions associated with diesel fuel from our highways, roads and communities,” said Chad Lindholm, vice-president at Clean Energy. “This network of CNG stations will enable heavy-duty truck fleets to confidently travel these routes ensuring they have sufficient fuel as they cross Canadian and provincial borders as well as travelling

JANUARY - February 2019

into the United States.” “We are proud to introduce new CNG fuelling stations at our Flying J locations in London and Napanee,” added Clint Lawrence, region manager for Flying J. “Both travel centres are located on key stretches of highway for professional drivers, and these fuelling stations will help to make their journey smooth and seamless while offering a fuel alternative for professional drivers.” WESTERN EDITION


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1.800.263.6149 Matching Members. More Trucks. More Loads.

More Business. WESTERN EDITION TransCore Link Logistics JANUARY - February 2019

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Matching Members. More Trucks. More Loads.

More Business. AYp bhuq hI zrUrI hY[ fRweIvr AYp aus nMU tRYk krn dy Xog bxw idMdI hY Aqy ies qrHW ieh gwhkW nUM vDIAw syvwvW pRdwn krn leI kMm AwauNdI hY[ rIAl tweIm lof tRYikMg: jdoN iksy fRweIvr nMU aus dw lof dy id`qw jWdw hY qW kYrIAr kMpnIAW fRweIvr iks QW ‘qy ikMny vjy phuMicAw hY ies dw pqw lgw ky ieh jwxkwrI bRokr nwL sWJI kr skdy hn[ kwgz p`qrW dw Adwn pRdwn: jdoN lof filvr ho jwvy qW fRweIvr filvrI dy sbUq vwLy pyprW dI Poto iK`c ky lofilMk ‘qy pw skdw hY Aqy kYrIAr kMpnIAW ies dI jwxkwrI ijs nwL cwhux, sWJI kr skdIAW hn[ Aksr jwx vwLIAW QwvW dy nmUny: Aksr hI hox vwLIAW postW nMU AswnI nwL l`iBAw jw skdw hY Aqy qusIN cuxIAW

Day & Ross Buys Stonehammer


ay & Ross announced it has purchased Alberta-based Stonehammer Transport. “This acquisition in Western Canada is a significant complement to our eastern flatbed fleet, bolstering our national network to better serve our customers,” said Bill Doherty, CEO. “We are proud 54

to welcome the Stonehammer team to the Day & Ross family, and we look forward to working together to provide quality service with a commitment to safety.” Stonehammer operates in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C., servicing the energy, construction and power industries. Its fleet includes 53-ft.

JANUARY - February 2019

stepdecks, flatbed trucks, cargo trucks and one-ton trucks. “This is a great addition to our fleet and another key step in expanding our service offering,” said Doug Tingley, president, Day & Ross Freight.


NANAIMO 861 Maughan Road Nanaimo, BC V9X 1J2 Toll Free: 1-877-878-5979 Phone: (250) 722-2073 Fax: (250) 722-2317


PRINCE RUPERT 1600 Prince Rupert Boulevard Prince Rupert, BC V8J 2Z3 Phone: (250) 627-1981 Fax: (250) 627-1982

JANUARY - February 2019

PRINCE GEORGE 9341 Rock Island Road Prince George, BC V2N 5T4 Phone: (250) 562-7422



JANUARY - February 2019


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