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Forecast By: Eric Crowley
Lake & Stream Guide Service
(706) 669-4973 |
Is it Summertime already? The last 2 months have been incredible. One of the best spring fishing runs we have had in a few years. Lots of walleye were caught last month during both day and night fishing. We had several fish in the 5-to-6pound range come on the boat recently just stuffed with herring. The bait spawn was great with lots of big walleye showing up to feast on the spawning Blue Backs. The bait has spawned and spread back out over the main lake and the walleye have followed them. They are now set up in their favorite summertime locations. Look for fish holding just offshore in cooler deeper water, 25 to 50ft will be the area of interest. Look for bait on or around
Two Great Locations:
Dalton Location the major main lake points and flats. Crankbaits, spoons, and live bait will all catch fish this month. It just depends on how you like to catch them. Some days they will chase down a crank or jerk bait and some days you may want to go vertical depending on their mood. Bandits, Smithwicks, and shad raps are all at the top of the list for crankbait options and the Hopkins and Krocodile spoons are my go-to vertical baits. As we get later into June you may want to look a little deeper during the daytime as the sunlight can really penetrate the clear water of this lake or look in the grass beds in deeper water.
The Spotted bass are done spawning and are out packing on the pounds for summer. Lots of activity at sunrise with fish chasing bait on the surface in the creeks and on the main lake in open water. We have been throwing top water plugs at them or flukes if you are close enough. Both have been drawing the attention of these hungry green fish. Cloudy days seem to draw the bite out a little longer vs the sunshine usually shutting it off early. Star creek, Green creek, and the area around points 5 and 7 have been hot at sunrise.
Temperature: 71 degrees
Level: Full daltonmarineinc.com
Clarity: 10 feet
1117 East Morris Street
Dalton, GA 30721
(706) 226-3595
1117 East Morris Street
Acworth Location
4725 Highway 92
Acworth, GA 30101
Dalton, GA 30721
(770) 974-0629
(706) 226-3595