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Trout don’t grow huge on a diet of insects alone, so Budkey fshes 2- to 3-inch-long bait lures to take advantage of the carnivorous tendencies of big fsh. Tese fsh have good eyesight, so he fshes 4-pound-test and said light line can be the diference between catching dozens of fsh or nothing at all.
Now… battling 10-pound trout in current with light line is tricky, to say the least.
“You really have to wear them out. you all the way down the creek and back up it, jumping and thrashing,” Budkey said. “If you try to muscle them, they’ll break you o
Part-time guide Stephen Budkey catches a lot of outsized trout fshing the streams of western Pennsylvania. Much of his success with giant 6- to 15-pound rainbows and browns has to do with location, but he also uses some interesting tactics that specifcally appeal to large fsh.
Te setting is on Lake Erie tributaries. Tese streams vary in size, but generally Pennsylvania is known for smaller fows. Te key to their productivity is the lake. Lake Erie feeder streams experience steelhead runs a lot like the rivers of the Pacifc Northwest. Fish grow large gorging on baitfsh in open water before pushing into tributaries in early fall to spawn. Te lakerun rainbow trout in this migration are called steelheads, and there are bruiser brown trout that run up out of the lake, as well. Budkey also has access to a stretch of privately managed tailwater, which is an obvious target-rich environment for very large trout. Regardless of where he’s fshing, he uses tactics and gear that might seem odd to
trout anglers in other regions.
If you’re a snooty fy fsher, set your tweed hat aside for a minute. Tis might not convince you to pick up a spinning rod, but Budkey has an undeniable knack for catching giant trout, and you might just learn or adapt something from his style of fshing.
Reading water in western Pennsylvania is the same as it is anywhere. Trout like the cold, welloxygenated water of broken water and rifes. When targeting large trout, Budkey said he looks for the deepest runs or waterfall holes in the creek he’s fshing.
“I’m talking about creeks that are sometimes just the width of your car, and these fsh will just stack up in there,” he said. “And when they stack up, they really stack up. It’s wild.”
Budkey said clients who are decent anglers can have 25-fsh days that include trout that might weigh 6 to 10 pounds. Most of these trout were originally stocked by the state, but there is some reproduction, and holdover fsh that have been in
To even the odds, Budkey fshes a 10-footlong noodle rod, which is extremely absorb shock during the fght and protect that light line. Another important factor is a big net for landing fsh, and it doesn’t hurt to have someone else to serve as net-man. Sometimes it’s not possible to bring big fsh to hand, and a net man can wade out to get them.
When trout are aggressive, they are super aggressive, Budkey said. He likes a good-old foating Rapala when the trout are actively chasing and fshes a 2-inch F05 or a 2.75-inch F07 tied on with a loop knot. He just throws it into the current, gives it a jerk to get it wobbling and lets it sit there until a fsh crashes it.
If fsh want something on or near the bottom, Budkey fshes jigs. Trout Magnet jigheads in 1/32 and 1/64 ounce—the lightest you can get away with—paired with Gulp! sof plastics are deadly. Trout are suckers for these scented plastics, and he likes the 2.5- and 3-inch minnows as well as Killer Crawlers and Pinched Crawlers.
Te technique with the jigs is slow. Budkey said he just wiggles the rod tip to give the lure some action.
“It’s almost like I don’t want to move the jig toward me very much, at all. I just want it to sit there and wiggle,” he said. “It’s like shaking a donut in someone’s face at the gym. Tey can’t handle it. Tey’ll run out and grab it.”
Afer the take, it’s time to start worrying about how to battle that fsh to the net on super-light line. Budkey said that is the most fun part of trout fshing, and he loves nothing more than showing other people how to experience it.
See some of Budkey’s tactics on YouTube @FishFightsPA.
In mid-June, NOAA Fisheries announced a one-day recreational season for red snapper in the South Atlantic. Although there was widespread grumbling and gnashing of teeth by recreational anglers, it did not come as a surprise to pretty much anyone.
First the season: Red snapper harvest will be open for recreational anglers in the South Atlantic, from North Carolina through Florida, on July 12. Te limit is one fsh per angler.
Te date is subject to change in case a small craf weather advisory is projected. Any change in the date of the recreational season will be announced in the Federal Register, Fishery Bulletin, and an announcement via NOAA Weather Radio.
Now the reasoning: In 2008, NOAA’s stock assessment indicated red snapper in the South Atlantic were in bad shape and devastatingly overfshed. Over the last 16 years, NOAA has essentially shut down recreational fshing for the species, and catch limits for commercial fshing have been kept very low. Not surprisingly, it worked! Populations rebounded to the point where data indicates red snapper are now more plentiful in the South Atlantic than at any time since such data existed. What’s more, the fshery continues to improve ahead of the projected recovery timeline.
Tis year, instead of allowing greater access to the fshery, NOAA decided to tighten already draconian restrictions. Te overall quota for red snapper was cut by 25 percent for 2024. As the fshery has improved, recreational anglers have gone from a ridiculously short fve-day season in 2019 to an absurd one day of fshing in 2024.
According to NOAA Fisheries, the red snapper fshery is in a “recovery trap.” Abundant red snapper have led to increased incidental catches by anglers, and NOAA extrapolates that data into a formula for catch-and-release mortality. Basically, they’re telling us that there are so many red snapper that anglers are killing too many of them by catching and releasing them.
Te result is tighter regulations in an infexible system, where highly questionable data is used to shut down access to a public resource. We’re not even going into numerous occasions in recent years when NOAA has been forced to admit its data is shockingly fawed.
According to the American Sportfshing Association, work is underway to improve data collection for the South Atlantic red snapper fshery.
In the meantime, try not to get in a boat wreck during the one-day mad dash to catch your one red snapper from the Atlantic. Or you can just trailer your boat to the Gulf of Mexico, where the states fnally managed to bludgeon some sense into federal fsheries managers a few years ago.
For more information, go to coastalanglermag.com.
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Welcome to the best day of the week—the day before your next fshing trip! If you’re going ofshore tomorrow, it’s time to make a game plan, and a look at current Sea Surface Temperature (SST) charts is the frst step. With knowledge of accurate surface temps, chlorophyll imagery and other environmental factors, you can home in on areas that are likely to hold baitfsh and feeding predators.
By Mark Ambertto consider when targeting gamefsh. It provides shelter and feeding opportunities for all marine life. While you can stumble upon fsh just about anywhere in the ocean, you’ll locate more on and around structure.
Large underwater structure defects current and pushes nutrient-rich water toward the surface, creating areas where bait concentrates and holds. Also remember that weed lines are a key form of structure on the edges of the Gulf Stream.
A reasonably priced satellite service is a small price to pay when compared to rising fuel prices and time spent running in search of gamefsh. Here are a few of the factors SST charts can help you decipher and improve the odds of fnding fsh.
Color Breaks: Te boundary areas between blue and green water, ofen referred to as color breaks, will typically stack up bait and hold above-average numbers of gamefsh.
Chlorophyll is the beginning of the food chain for marine life. Find it and you have a good chance at locating bait and fsh. Temperature and chlorophyll breaks ofen correspond with color changes. So, once you’ve reviewed the images and located the general area of a color break, this becomes an area of interest.
Structure & Current: Structure is critical
If you can fnd a color change that corresponds with structure, this is where you want to begin fshing. If everything lines up, there’s a good chance upon arrival that you’ll see marine life including birds, porpoise, fying fsh and other bait. Tis doesn’t mean you won’t catch fsh in of-colored water, but there’s a much better chance you’ll fnd concentrations of bait in or around the edges of areas where green and blue water interact.
Tides from inlets also play a role in water clarity, creating rips and weed-line formation. Bait will concentrate along the edge, especially where this water pushes up against the waters of the Gulf Stream. Look for these demarcation lines on incoming and outgoing tides.
Learn to read these vital signs both on and of the water using charts. If you can consistently
fnd areas that hold bait, you’ll always have a shot at your quarry. You will have become a top predator!
Mark Ambert, IG @marksgonefshing_™
The temperatures are heating up here along the Gulf Coast and the fishing sure is showing it. This month we are going to discuss three keys to landing more fish this summer!
I cannot stress the importance enough with being in the right place at the right time! Summertime feeding windows are short and if you miss them, you will be in for a tough day. There will be four primary feeding windows; sunrise, sunset and the beginning of the outgoing and incoming tides. Your sunrise and sunset feeding windows will be the best lasting between 30 minutes to an hour and your tide swing windows will be shorter lasting around 15 minutes or so.
Location, Location, Location!
Picking the right locations for summertime fishing is gold and I’m about to drop some NUGGETS! When the water temperatures creep up mid to high 80s fish, tend to keep their traveling distances significantly lower, therefore they will not venture far from cooler water to find food. There are two areas I focus on when searching for summertime fish. The first is shallow flats in close proximity to deep ledges. I have caught more trout over 5 pounds following this pattern than I can remember! The second spot I focus on are docks near shallow water flats. These docks provide good shade and cover; fish will feed close to these docks then retreat back in the shadows for cooler water and cover.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s true, SIZE MATTERS and you’re in luck! For summertime fish, smaller is better! When our water temperatures creep up in the high 80s, fish begin to lose their big appetite. To put it into perspective, if you have been outside in the sun all day would you prefer a heavy meal or something a little more on the lighter side? You would probably opt for something a little lighter. These fish are not much different, big bait forces a fishes metabolism to work harder to break it down which causes them to be even more uncomfortable with the already warm water temperatures. The best approach is a finesse presentation such as a HK Custom Tackle Fluke or a 3.5” paddle tail worked slowly on a 1/8oz jig head.
I hope you all find these tips helpful. You can always visit our Youtube channel “Southern Salt Kayak Fishing” where there are over 100 videos that go in depth on everything inshore fishing! You can also subscribe to our Patreon Channel “Southern Salt Kayak Fishing” on Patreon.com. This is a site where we do complete breakdowns on google earth to show you the latest fishing trends around the Alabama and Mississippi Gulf Coast.
You Can’t Catch Bass Shallow in July…. FALSE!!
July can be a down right scorcher, and bass fishing can feel more like a frying pan this time of year. The good news is this, Bass still eat, and you can still catch them shallow! Here are 3 tips to catch those largemouth bass in July.
Tip #1 -GO EARLY & GO LATE- This time of year bass often go deep, or seek shade to get away from the hot blazing sun. Planning your fishing trips around the coolest times of the day can greatly improve your chances of catching fish. Early morning is typically the most productive times for catching fish when its 50 million degrees out, BUT, in my opinion, its not the best time of the day to go. The evening hours before sunset are known for big bites too! Most people are cooked from the sun and the waters in the evening can be a lot calmer as those pleasure boaters head home to recoup. A lot of fish have been deep all day and as the sun starts to drop, the shadows creep across the shoreline. That water starts to cool and soon becomes a magnet for bait fish. The Littoral Zone (shallow area that meets dry land) and the Limnetic Zone (usually near drop offs or deeper water with higher oxygen) are the two most common areas to catch large mouth bass. Paying close attention to where your bites come from will help you target fish that are transitioning between the two zones. As the water heats or cools, fish move up and down the water column and through these two zones. The west bank of a lake or river bend can be the first place these fish start to move up into the Littoral Zone and can be the easiest fish to catch. Start in those areas and work your way from the drop off edge to the shallows until you start getting bit.
Tip #2 -FIND THICK VEGETATION- It’s no secret that fish love pads and grass. The thick vegetation has higher oxygen levels in the water and offers shade from the sun. Fish seek these areas out and sit in the thickest stuff they can find, waiting for cooler temps. Their prey, panfish, are usually done spawning in July and the young fish seek out thick cover for the first months of their lives. Pads, Hydrilla, Ribbon Grass, and that thick hamburger looking grass that no one knows the name of, are ALL great areas for these young panfish to use for food and protection from predators. Bass do the same thing, and this is a perfect area to fish, even if its mid-day and 100 degrees out. Add to that early morning and late evening cool downs, and you stand a good chance at some amazing topwater blowups using something like a SnagProof Smash Mouth frog or a Texas rigged lizard on top. Punching through the vegetation with a ¾ oz pegged weight, 5/O Flipping hook, and a Netbait B Bug or similar, can be extremely effective too. Especially if the vegetation extends out into the Limnetic Zone. Pitch and flip those baits into every pocket you can find and be ready for some big bites. Make sure you use a strong rod, heavy braided line, and a quality reel!
Tip #3 -FISH LAYDOWNS- Large laydowns provide shade and protection for all kinds of fish. Finding a laydown that is adjacent to deeper water can be a “honey hole” and you better not pass one up without fishing it. Largemouth bass often suspend just under the surface in the shadows of a laydown as they wait out the summer heat. Running a shallow squarebill crankbait along the edges can trigger some vicious bites! Hit as many branches and limbs as you can with your crankbait. You will get hung up often, but the more you do it, the more you’ll learn how to maneuver the lure through those gnarly branches. Square bills are notorious for bouncing off potential snags and are extremely effective vs. deeper diving round bill crankbaits. Flipping laydowns can also be very effective, so make sure you grab that rig
you have for punching that thick vegetation and flip it into the laydown too. Work the laydown from the deepest part back to the shallowest. Target the main trunk where large branches are and work all the way back to where the laydown hits dry land. The larger the shadow, the more shade there is for a bass to utilize.
And there you have it, 3 tips on catching plenty of shallow water bass in the month of July! Time of day, thick vegetation, and finding laydowns, can make your trip on the water a fun and productive one as you celebrate the month of FREEDOM! -Joel Davis
-Get Out & Fish -
If you can take the heat, July is a wonderful month to be on the water. I would definitely recommend setting the alarm clock early, you’ll definitely want to take advantage of the lower temperatures
first thing in the morning. We are hoping the amazing speckled trout bite we had this spring carries through into July. Our best bites are going to be in the first few hours of morning. Once that air and water temperature starts heating up, you’ll definitely want to start fishing deeper. We prefer reefs, wrecks, and oyster beds in 8 to 10 feet of water for midday bites. You should still be able to jig soft plastics off the bottom, or even better, fish big croakers on Carolina rigs. One of the big headaches of July is
that the saltwater catfish are in full force. Be sure and bring a fish flipper. The big schools of bullreds and Jack’s should start cruising the beaches all along Hancock and Harrison County. It’s fun to incorporate looking for these gigantic schools crashing baitfish while searching for triple tail.
Motoring around(making a breeze), is definitely a great way to beat the heat on those calm days. Looking around buoys, pilings, and floating debris, looking for triple tail all the while, searching for the big schools gigs and jacks is a perfect midday activity. Putting a big live shrimp near triple tail is very effective. For the big fish, a big top water popper works fantastic. Literally though, when they are up feeding, you can throw your shoe in there and catch one.
The big sharks should be all around. My favorite way to catch the toothy critters is to look for big schools of ladyfish or pogies. Put something big and bloody on an 8/0 hook and drift through the school of baitfish. Some days you can do this off the beaches as well. The barrier islands typically holds the most schools of ladyfish and sharks. It looks like it’s going to be a hot one. Be sure to bring plenty of water. Watch out for those pop-up storms, be courteous to others, and please bring those kiddos out for some summertime fun in July.
Avaliable at Sea 2 Swamp Outfitters (Gautier & Gulfport) & Nelson Outdoors (Pascagoula)
To catch red snapper in the Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coasts, here are some specific tips:
Timing and Season: Red snapper fishing in the Gulf of Mexico is highly regulated and typically occurs during specific seasons. Stay updated on the current season dates and any restrictions set by both the state and federal regulations.
Locate Fishing Spots: Red snapper tend to congregate around natural or artificial reefs, wrecks, and other structures. Obtain fishing charts or maps that mark known fishing spots, or consider hiring a local guide like Captain James McCanless of Aquiline Custom Charters who knows the area so very well.
Equipment and Tackle: Use medium-heavy to heavy spinning or baitcasting rods and reels that can handle the strength of red snapper. Spool your reel with a strong braided or monofilament line with a test strength of 30-50 pounds. Use a strong leader, such as fluorocarbon, to prevent break-
offs from the snapper’s sharp teeth.
Bait Selection: Red snapper are voracious predators and can be enticed by a variety of baits. Use live or dead bait like squid, shrimp, cigar minnows, or small baitfish such as pinfish, pogies, or croakers. Some anglers have success with artificial baits like jigs or soft plastic lures that mimic baitfish.
Fishing Techniques: Consider using a knocker rig or a Carolina rig to present your bait effectively. These rigs allow your bait to drift naturally and reach the desired depth. You can also try vertical jigging or slow trolling techniques to entice the snapper. Experiment with different retrieval speeds and depths until you find what works best.
Patience and Persistence: Red snapper fishing can sometimes require patience, as they may not always be feeding actively. Stay alert for any signs of bites, including rod tip movement, line tension, or changes in weight. If you’re not getting bites in one location, be prepared to move around and try different spots until you find the fish.
Follow Regulations: Ensure you are aware of the current regulations for red snapper fishing, including size limits and bag limits. Stay informed about any changes in the rules and adhere to them to protect the fishery and ensure its sustainability.
Remember to always prioritize safety on the water, wear appropriate safety gear, and be aware of weather conditions. Fishing with an experienced local angler or charter boat can provide valuable guidance and increase your chances of success. Enjoy your red snapper fishing adventure on the Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coasts!
Lemon caper sauce is a perfect way to dress up your summer snapper catch. The bright, acidic sauce compliments sweet, flaky snapper beautifully. You can serve this with any pasta or vegetables you have on hand. Enjoy!
1 16oz Snapper filet, 1/2 inch thick
McCormick Garlic, Onion, Black Pepper, and Sea Salt all purpose seasoning blend
Jar of capers
1 stick unsalted butter
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup chopped flat leaf parsley
2 tsp zest from your juiced lemons
2 lemons, halved for charring on the Blackstone Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
Season your Snapper filet with kosher salt and a generous coating of the McCormick seasoning.
Place filet on Blackstone or skillet heated to medium-high heat. Cook for 3-4 mins per side, until internal temperature registers 145 degrees.
During the last minute of cooking, place lemons halved side down and cook til charred.
Place fish and lemons on serving platter, tent with foil to keep fish warm while preparing sauce.
Melt butter in small skillet over low heat
Whisk lemon juice and half the jar of capers into melted butter. Whisk well to emulsify sauce properly.
Add zest and garlic to emulsified sauce and continue cooking and whisking for 30-45 seconds.
Add chopped parsley and season to taste with salt and pepper, remove from heat.
Pour sauce, except 2-4 tablespoons, over fish
*We put the reserved sauce back over low heat and used it to coat cellentani as a side dish.
Serve fish with any pasta or polenta you have in your pantry alongside summer veg from the Blackstone or skillet.
For the past two years, I’ve had the pleasure of taking Coastal Conservation Association’s Leiza Fitzgerald out on the water to assist in tagging dolphinfsh for the CCA STAR competition. As if going fshing wasn’t enough of a prize, recreational anglers can sign up for this competition, with a donation to a good cause, and participate in this fshing side quest for all sorts of epic prizes.
Tagging trips with Leiza are some of my favorite mahi trips. She is more excited about catching throw-backs than anything we put in the box. Each undersized mahi, and most of the keepers, are handled with care and released with some fancy new jewelry.
With her tagging gun locked and loaded and a towel to lay over the fsh’s eyes to calm them, Leiza carefully and quickly turns peanuts into prizes, and sends them on their way.
CCA Florida STAR presented by Yamaha is a summer-long event that invites anglers and non-anglers to participate and win prizes valued at almost $500,000, including boats, motors, scholarships and more. Te competition is currently live, and registration is open until Sept. 2.
“In the past nine years, it’s been amazing to see STAR participants support conservation and embrace the catch-photo format,” Fitzgerald
said. “Awarding nearly $4 million in prizes, with $900,000 specifcally awarded in youth scholarships to the thousands of statewide STAR registrants is exciting, but even more exciting is the awareness STAR has created for the conservation of our marine fsheries.”
Te 2024 STAR competition is comprised of eight divisions targeting inshore and ofshore species along with trash cleanup. Wherever your home waters are, there is a way to get involved.
Te most notable of the STAR competitions is for tagged redfsh. Te best opportunity to catch this year’s tagged redfsh will be in Citrus and Charlotte counties, STAR’s 2024 Destination Counties, which each have eight tagged redfsh in their coastal waters.
Six years ago, STAR initiated a tagged fsh division for ofshore anglers, the Tigress Outriggers and Gear Tagged Dolphin Division. Tis division ofers one winner a $10,000 cash prize or scholarship. Te frst STAR registrant who catches a STAR tagged dolphin wins.
Te tagged dolphinfsh were caught and released of the Florida Keys. Tese fsh will migrate up the east and west coasts, providing anglers a shot at recapturing one. Tere have only been two tagged dolphin recaptured in six years, and neither angler was registered in the competition. You have to be in it to win it!
Make sure to report any tagged fsh you catch, whether you are registered or not. Take photos, measurements, tag numbers and information, and note the location of recapture. You do not need to remove the tag if you are releasing the fsh.
Fish are very mysterious, and there is so much we don’t know about them. Te more data we collect, the better conservation we can provide.
Capt. Quinlyn Haddon; Sweet E’nuf Charters, Marathon, Florida Keys; @captainquinlyn; captainquinlyn.com; (504) 920-6342.
- $80 Entry (includes one year CCA membership)
- $40 Entry for current CCA members
- FREE for Youth
- Over 100 Days of Fishing
- $500,000 in Prizes & Scholarships
- Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day
Fishing during the hot stale days of summer is ofen thought to be the toughest and slowest fshing there is. I am here to help with that.
Not only are the next few months an amazing time to catch fsh, they can also be the easiest time to pin-point patterns for big bass. Spawning bluegills are the key. Bass will set up around bluegill beds and feed heavily on an easy meal of bluegills that congregate in the shallows to spawn.
Whether you are an experienced tournament fsherman or someone who just gets out every once in a while to stretch a line, this pattern is easily found if you know what to look and listen for.
You heard me right, listen! Tere are many ways to locate bluegill beds, and my favorite way is to use my ears. When you get around bluegills feeding in grass or lily pads, you will hear distinct little popping sounds of small fsh sucking prey from the surface. When you hear this, you know you are in a productive area, and the big bass should be close by.
Another way to locate these areas is to use your eyes in shallow water. Bluegill fan
out an area on the bottom just like a bass when they spawn, but they do it in big groups and create a pattern on sand and hard bottom that looks like the surface of the moon.
If the water is even a little clear, you should be able to spot a bunch of odd craters and divots on the bottom even from a distance. Tis is typically in very shallow water, and bass use this shallow water to their advantage. Spawning bream make easy pickings.
If all else fails, or in murky water, I fnd these beds with my electronics. I idle around with side scan in 2 to 5 feet of water to locate crater patterns on my units and mark them with waypoints to come back and fsh later. Tis is a good way to locate beds that are less pressured, because they are harder for other anglers to fnd.
Tere are a few diferent baits I use to catch bass around these beds. Te most important thing is to stay as far away from these areas as you can, while still being able to get a cast into them. Be stealthy because shallow-water bass are skittish.
I like a bluegill-colored popping frog and also a bluegill-colored swim jig with a trailer to match. I’ll also throw a weightless wacky-rigged Senko and will put a little nail weight in the Senko when fshing deeper beds. A lightweight Carolina-rigged Trick Worm or a shallow-diving squarebill crankbait are two other good options. Hopefully this summertime bass tip helps you have a fun and productive day on your waters!
Tyler Woolcott is a professional tournament angler and guide. Check out his website at www.tylerwoolcottfshing.com.
When we inshore anglers gather around the dock, you can count on one or more of these being the topic of conversation: trout, redfsh, founder or snook. Seldom is it the sheepshead. Although they are not a species frequently targeted with lures, they can provide an aggressive bite and a worthy fght. Keeping them out of the structure they love is the real challenge.
depending on the current, were all it took to place his shrimp in the strike zone. Te strike zone is typically as close to the structure as possible. If you notice the sheepshead swimming around, they always have their noses to the structure.
Te sheepshead is a fsh that my son had never caught until a few weeks ago. We took a trip to South Texas to view our second of four Starship launches at the SpaceX facility. Afer the excitement and rumble of the launch, we picked up some live shrimp, and he was soon rumbling with many sheepshead.
We set our sights on the Queen Isabella Memorial Causeway, as it has a nearly unlimited amount of structure ideal for attracting sheepshead. Using the anchor mode on our trolling motor made it easy to stay close to the bridge pilings where the sheepshead were congregated. My son especially liked targeting them because we were under the causeway and in the shade, as opposed to being out on the open fats where we typically fsh.
A small sharp hook and a split-shot or two,
I fnd that keeping your bait small helps attract the bite. It is benefcial to keep a tight line, as the bites can be very light. One tactic that served my son well was to walk toward the back of the boat and away from the structure once a fsh was hooked. Tis assisted in pulling it away from the structure. Trying to manhandle the fsh out on light tackle would certainly have led to some break-ofs.
Stay vigilant in checking your line for frays afer several casts and defnitely afer each fsh. Keeping a sharp hook will also help in landing more fsh because of their boney, teeth-flled mouths. Tis turned out to be an extra memorable fshing trip. We witnessed another historic space launch, and his catch landed him in second place for the Texas CCA Star Tournament with his sheepshead.
Tis is why I always say, take a kid fshing! Tey might win a college scholarship.
Capt. Michael Okruhlik is the inventor of Knockin Tail Lures®, and the owner of www.MyCoastOutdoors.com.
Amonster blackfn tuna caught during Te Miami Dolphins Fins Weekend tournament is an unofcial world record. Te 50.1-pound blackfn was certifed by an IGFA biologist, and it outweighs the existing IGFA all-tackle world record by a little less than three-quarters of a pound.
Angler Robert (Bob) Kowalski landed the huge blackfn aboard the 34’ Express Sportfsher Miss Britt, which was captained by Gareth Haddam and chartered by Pete Sinnick and his family. In addition to being a potential new world record, the fsh won the largest tuna division at the tournament and earned the team a $30,000 payout.
Te existing IGFA all-tackle world record blackfn tuna weighed 49 pounds, 6 ounces. It was caught in 2006 of Marathon, Florida Keys by Capt. Mathew Pullen. Fins Weekend is an annual fundraiser hosted by the Miami Dolphins. It is a two-day tournament with proceeds going to support the Baptist Health Orthopedic Institute Youth Athletic Outreach Program. For more information, go to bluewatermovements.com.
When it comes to growing giant largemouth bass, Texas has fgured some things out. Since 1986, the state’s Toyota ShareLunker program has conducted a breeding program using huge largemouths caught and donated alive by anglers. Tese donated bass, called Legacy Class, must be heavier than 13 pounds. Tey spawn in a facility before being released, along
with their ofspring, to spread big-fsh genetics across the state.
Te results of the program are apparent in the giant Texas bass caught each year. Many of them go right back into the breeding program, and the spring of 2024 was the fourth ShareLunker season in a row that the program has deemed exceptional.
Tis spring, anglers contributed 19 Legacy Class, 13-plus-pound bass from seven diferent Texas lakes. O.H. Ivie in west Texas is the best big-bass fshery in the country right now. It produced 12 bass heavier than 13 pounds this season, continuing a hot streak that goes back to the 2021.
Highlights from the 2024 Toyota ShareLunker collection season:
• Angler Kyle Hall’s 15.82-pounder was the 37th heaviest all-time Texas largemouth bass.
• Angler Kyle Hall has recorded a Legacy Lunker in three consecutive seasons.
• Six out-of-state anglers etched their name into the program’s record book. Te anglers hailed from Kansas, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma and Washington.
• Angler Larry R. Walker reeled in two Legacy Class Lunkers in 2024. State biologists did genetic analysis of this year’s Legacy Lunkers and made some incredible discoveries:
• ShareLunker 666, reeled in by Larry R. Walker from O.H. Ivie, was a recapture of ShareLunker 646 originally caught by Mechelda Criswell in 2023.
• A 13.2-pound fsh from Lake Athens was the ofspring of ShareLunker 552, which was caught by Randall E. Claybourne in 2014 at Lake Fork. Tis is the frst time a Legacy Class descendant from this family tree was discovered in the program.
• Of the 19 Legacy Class ShareLunkers, 13 had secondary relationships to either previous Legacy Class fsh or other ShareLunkers from which anglers submitted scale samples for genetic analyses.
• In the last fve years, the program has achieved an excellent overall fsh survival success rate of 94 percent.
Tat’s a lot of big-fsh genetics going back into Texas fsheries.
For more information, go to TexasSharelunker.com.
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With more than 60,000 surface acres and 1,300 miles of shoreline, Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees is one of the largest outdoor destinations in Oklahoma. Located on the Grand River, the lake is hugely popular with boaters, fishermen, campers and anyone else who loves spending time in the great outdoors. Anglers are sure to have a blast searching for largemouth bass, white bass, crappie, channel catfish, bluegill and the rare paddlefish on Grand Lake waters. And Grand Lake’s shores are lined with so many unique attractions, shops, restaurants, state parks and casinos that seeing everything in one trip is next to impossible. There’s truly something for everyone to love in the Grand Lake Area!
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