The Blueprint August

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A u gu st 20 18 T h i s M o n t h 's Feat u r ed Ev en t

Coastal Bend Home Builder 's Association

Staff Wendy Her man Executive Officer Wendy@CoastalBendHBA.or g

Sunbelt Builder 's Show Kalli Per alez

July 8th- 10th The Sunbelt Builders Show? is one of the largest building industry events in North America drawing thousands of residential construction industry professionals from the United States, Canada and Mexico to more than 200 exhibit booths. Every year, more than 2,000 leaders in single and multi-family building, remodeling, land development, finance and management come together to share the latest information, exchange ideas, and foster lasting personal and professional relationships.

Business Development Manager Kalli@CoastalBendHBA.or g

Mekaila Hopkins Marketing Inter n Mekaila@CoastalBendHBA.or g

H el l o N ew M em b er s Reb a Gan d ar a

T r acy C azal as



W el co m e B ack ABC Home & Commercial Services

HomeSource Mortgage Hometrust Mortgage

B&R Supply & Equipment Jessica Kelly State Farm Branching Out Landscape Insurance Cheshire Oaks Homes

Live Oak Materials, Inc.

Custom Home Designs, Inc.

LP Building Products Martini Brick Sales, Inc.

D&Z Construction Services Prosperity Bank David Conoly P.C. Attorney Republic Services at Law Desert Energy Auditing

Sal's Tile

Hacienda Construction

Sherwin Williams

C l i ck n am es f o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n


Executive Committee Meeting

9:00- 9:30 Board of Director s Meeting

9:30- 10:00


Sunbelt Builder s Show

Sunbelt Builder s Show

Member ship Committee Meeting 12:00- 1:30

ast Presidents Meeting

10:00- 11:00 Gover nment Relations Committee Meeting 11:30- 1:00

Builder Liason Meeting 11:30- 1:30

Sunbelt Builder s Show

Sep t em b er 4

Executive Committee Meeting

9:00 am


Boar d of Dir ector s Meeting

9:30 am


Member ship Luncheon

11:30 am


Lunch and Lear n

12:00 pm

20 Member ship Committee Meeting

12:00 pm

21 Builder s on the Bay Angler Kick off Par ty

5:00 pm

22 Builder s on the Bay Fishing Tour nament

1:00 pm

22 Gover nment Relations Committee Meeting

11:30 am

20 18 B o ar d o f D i r ect o r s W en d y H er m an CBHBA Executive Officer Coastal Bend Home Builder 's Association T r acy L o n g President Long Build, LLC. D ar r en M cC o m b 1st Vice President D& Z Constr uction M o ses M o st agh asi 2nd Vice President MPM Homes T r ey Su m m er s Immediate Past President Hogan Homes N i ck B l ack Treasurer Fir st Community Bank M av er i ck Vo l esk y Jr . Secretar y Maver ick Plumbing

Jo h n Po p e Past President's Council Representative Newcastle Constr uction, LLC. Gar r et t D o r sey Coastal Bend Green Built Representative AEP Texas- High Per for mance Homes Fr an k A gu i l ar Associates Council Representative Fr anciso Aguilar State Far m Agency B ar t B r asel t o n Builder Director Br aselton Homes, Inc. Ri ch ar d Vo ss Builder Director Live Oak Constr uction, Inc. A r t Ram i r ez Builder Director Summit Home Builder s D an D i b b l e Builder Director South Texas Home Builder s, In L o gan K i r k p at r i ck Associate Director Fer guson Enter pr ises, Inc.

O u r H o st H o t el Book your r oom today

Connect with

the Show

C o n gr at u l at i o n s B r asel t o n H o m es!

builder s in the countr y by gross revenue.

Builder Magazine r anked Br aselton Homes has once again r anked Br aselton Homes #183 on its nationally among homebuilder s in the Builder "Next 100" list of United States. Professional Builder home builder s in the county. Magazine named the company #214 on This list compiles the lar gest its "2018 Housing Giant" list, compiled 200 homebuilder s based on based on revenue for the previous year. housing star ts in the The magazine r anks the top 400 previous year, a list they call their "fastest up and coming" builder s. The competition is stiffeach year the magazines compare over 40,000 homebuilder s around the countr y for the r ankings. "The combination of a thr iving economy and pro growth environment in the Coastal Bend along with three gener ations of building exper ience for the Br aselton family gives us the tools we need for success. The rest of it is building neighborhoods and homes that folks want to live in," says Bar t Br aselton, the Executive Vice President of Br aselton Homes, Inc.

20 18

Par ad e o f H o m es

Peo p l e' C h o i ce Aw ar d W i n n er s

Par ad e o f H o m es r ai sed $5,0 0 0 f o r O p er at i o n Fi n al l y H o m e

Regu lat ion Is 32% of M u lt if am ily Developm en t Cost Regulation imposed by all levels of government accounts for an average of more than 32% of multifamily development costs, according to new research by NAHB and the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC). In fact, in a quarter of cases, that number can reach as high as 42.6%. Apartment and condo development can be subject to a significant array of regulatory costs, including a broad range of fees, standards and other requirements imposed at different stages of the development and construction process. The joint research effort surveyed NAHB and NMHC members to quantify the r egu lat or y bu r den an d it s cost s. It is the first research done to analyze the impact of such regulation on multifamily housing.

AHP Ru le Will Help Sm all Bu sin esses The Trump administration in June issu ed a f in al r u le on association health plans (AHPs) that will help small businesses, including home building firms and local HBAs, rein in health care costs and provide better health coverage for workers.

NAHB has been a proponent of AHPs, which enable small businesses to pool together to purchase health insurance plans for employees. The rule will give small businesses access to better health care plans.

NAHB Files Am icu s Br ief in 'Tak in gs' Case NAHB recently submitted an amicus brief in a Supreme Court case that may have a profound effect on land use law.

owners will be paid ?just compensation? when the government takes property for a public use.

This fall, the court will hear arguments in Knick v. Township of Scott, a case that has major implications for Fif t h Am en dm en t ?t ak in gs? claim s. The takings clause provides a guarantee that property

The case will address ?Williamson County," a 1985 Supreme Court decision that requires property owners to jump through a number of legal hoops before bringing a takings claim in federal court.

Far m Bill Goin g To Con f er en ce The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have each passed their own versions of t h e f ar m bill. The two chambers will soon be going to conference to hammer out a final bill. NAHB is generally more supportive of the House-passed legislation, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (HR 2), in part because it includes forest management reforms needed to resolve lumber supply problems. The House measure would also repeal the Obama administration?s waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule.

Regist er Now f or Syst em s-Bu ilt Su m m it Leaders of the systems-built housing industry are gathering in Knoxville, Tenn., this fall for the Bu ildin g Syst em s Hou sin g Su m m it . The only national conference for the entire offsite construction community, the summit caters to builders, manufacturers and suppliers of modular, panelized, concrete, log and timber frame homes. The conference takes place Sept. 30-Oct. 2, at the Hilton Knoxville.

NAHB St u den t Ch apt er Par t n er s w it h Local Fir m t o Win 'Race t o Zer o' The NAHB Student Chapter program from Pennsylvania State University took first place in the Suburban Single Family category of the 2018 Race t o Zer o Com pet it ion . Run by the Department of Energy, this competition challenges students to design cost-effective, zero-energy ready homes. NAHB is a program sponsor. The winning Penn State team partnered with a local production home builder, NAHB member S&A Homes in State College, on the single-family design. The two groups met on several occasions as the project came together. S&A Homes shared its best-selling models and a lot of helpful, real-world advice about residential construction. NAHB Calls f or Tax Saf e Har bor NAHB has called on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to pr ovide a saf e h ar bor for anxious home builders and other small businesses that pay estimated quarterly taxes but don?t yet know how recent tax reform legislation will be implemented ? and thus may underpay. In a letter sent June 7 to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, NAHB acknowledged that the scope taxNew law means Emwide ployer s of Mthe u stnew Use I-9 the IRS will need more time to produce For m guidance. The letter said regulatory business owners need reassurance that good-faith estimates won?t result in fines. Specifically, NAHB wants the IRS to provide safe harbors when: - Underpayment is a direct or indirect result of changes to the law. - The taxpayer has made a good-faith effort to calculate and pay their estimated tax. - There was insufficient IRS guidance to calculate tax liability.

?The building firm had specific needs,? said Sarah Klinetob Lowe, a housing systems specialist and faculty member at Penn State. ?They emphasized that building materials needed to be very readily available, and this made students think carefully about their material choice.? She added that students were encouraged to design the house with simplicity in mind, and that ?communication with subcontractors would make or break a systems choice.? In today?s world of rapidly increasing building material costs, perhaps the most important lesson the students learned was sticking to a budget.

En t r ies Bein g Accept ed f or NAHB Aw ar ds

Entries are now being accepted for great NAHB awards in three broad categories. The NAHB Associate Members Committee has opened the application and nomination process for four prestigious awards given annually to both Associat e an d Bu ilder m em ber s for their service to the industry. The deadline for award applications and nominations is Sept. 30. The NAHB Sustainability and Green Building Subcommittee has opened the application and nomination process for the 2018 NAHB Best in Gr een (BIG) Aw ar ds. The deadline is Aug. 24. The NAHB Bu ildin g Syst em s Cou n cils has opened the application and nomination process for the 2019 BSC Jerry Rouleau Awards for Excellence in Marketing and Home Design and the BSC Specialty Awards. The awards recognize the best in modular, panelized, concrete, log, and timber frame home design and marketing. The deadline for applications and nominations is Aug. 25.

M or e You n g Adu lt s Ar e Sh ar in g Hou sin g Sharing housing with roommates, housemates and other non-relatives is rising in popularity among young adults, according to new research from NAHB. While only 4% percent of young adults ages 25 to 34 shared housing in 1990, that segment increased to 7.5% in 2016. At the same time, increasing numbers of young adults now choose to live with their parents or in-laws. Moreover, a r isin g por t ion of you n g adu lt s (5.2% in 2016 versus 3% in 1990) choose to live with relatives other than parents. As a result, more than 15 million young adults ages 25-34 now live with parents or other relatives, or share housing with non-relatives. That?s roughly one in three young adults.

The share of young adults living with parents or other relatives remained relatively stable from 1990 to 2000, fluctuating around 15%. The persistent and rising trend emerged a few years later. By 2006, 19% of young adults ages 25 to 34 lived with their parents or rela- tives. The trend continued its steady climb through the housing bust ? an economic downturn characterized by declining home values ? and showed no sign of reversing even as an economic recovery took place. By 2016, the share of young adults ages 25 to 34 living with parents or relatives exceeded 26%. Out of these, more than 21%, or 9.4 million, lived in the homes of their parents or in-laws

NAHB, Bu ilder Win Clean Wat er Act Cou r t Case The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in June sided with an NAHB member engaged in a decade-long legal battle in a case supported by NAHB?s Legal Action Fund ? Orchard Hill Building Company v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Ultimately, the Seventh Circuit r u led in f avor of Or ch ar d Hill, holding that the Corps had failed to prove the wetlands at issue had a significant nexus to any truly navigable water.

The Spike Club consists of member s who are recognized for outstanding achievement in member ship recr uitment and retention. Spikes receive recognition at local, state, and national levels and rewarded many special honor s including colored jackets indicating their level of achievement.

Sp i k e M em b er s James Skrobarczyk


Maverick Velosky


Scott Whisenant


Donald Shelton


Tracy Long


Cris Wright


Pat Nolan


Dolores Sanchez


Julie Jenson


Eric Newman


James Mazoch


John Wallace


Jon Roel


Paul Cervantez


Joseph Cortez


Jose De Los Santos


Daniel Dibble


Ryan Dibble


L i f e Sp i k e M em b er s Garrett Dorsey


Claudia Reyes


Rene Carter


Paul Cervantes


Moses Mostaghasi


John Pope


Isidro Gonzalez


Robert Sells


John Tucker


Jose Vielma


Bill Sanderson


Sean Vitelli


Louis Alty

138.50 Monica Sanderson 138.00 Dominick Alongi

50.50 46.00

Shayne Schroeder

136.00 Ed Cantu 126.50 Jim Pickett

Leslie Schey

121.50 Bart Braselton


Bill Fleeman

113.00 Trey Summers


Fred Braselton

109.00 Kevin Pitchford


Jack Young



Jerry Garcia Mark Garza

Jodi Steen

James Skrobarczyk, Sr. 85.50 Brian Grunberg

46.50 40.50


Beverly Bacak


Matt Martini


Richard Voss


Shawn Karaca


Jack Randolph


Francisco Aguilar


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