The Blueprint February

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Feb r u ar y 20 19

Coastal Bend Home Builder 's Association

Staff Wendy Her man Executive Officer Wendy@CoastalBendHBA.or g

Kalli Per alez

Feb r u ar y 11

Business Development Manager Kalli@CoastalBendHBA.or g

C o r p u s C h r i st i Pi st o l an d Ri f l e Ran ge

Click Here for more Info

Mekaila Hopkins Marketing Inter n Mekaila@CoastalBendHBA.or g

Execu t i ve Com m i t t ee M eet i n g B oar d of D i r ect or s M eet i n g

Ch i l i Ch i l i B an g B an g

H om e an d Gar d en Sh ow


I n t er n at i on al Bu i l d er 's Sh ow

M em ber sh i p Com m i t t ee M eet i n g

I n ter n at Bu i l d er 's

Bu i l d er L i ai son M eet i n g

Rem od el B i d s D u e

H om e an d Gar d en Sh ow

M eet i n g

t i on al s Sh ow

I n ter n ati on al Bu i l d er 's Sh ow

M em ber sh i p M i xer

H om e an d Gar d en Sh ow

M ar ch 5

Executive Committee Meeting

9:00 am


Member ship Luncheon

11:30 am


GRC Committee Meeting

12:00 pm


Speed Networ king



Rally Day

6:00 am

21- 22


20 19 B o ar d o f D i r ect o r s D ar r en M cC o m b President D& Z Constr uction M o ses M o st agh asi 1st Vice President MPM Homes Pau l C er v an t ez 2nd Vice President Cer vantez Electr ic T r acy L o n g Immediate Past President Long Build, LLC. N i ck B l ack Treasurer Fir st Community Bank Rei d A st o n Secretar y Aston's Marble & Gr anite

Jo h n Po p e Past President's Council Representative Newcastle Constr uction, LLC. Gar r et t D o r sey Coastal Bend Green Built Representative AEP Texas- High Per for mance Homes C r i s W r i gh t Associates Council Representative AEP- Texas B ar t B r asel t o n Builder Director Br aselton Homes, Inc. Ry an D i b b l e Builder Director South Texas Home Builder s, Inc. V i ct o r I b ar r a Builder Director Levian Homes

W en d y H er m an CBHBA Executive Officer Coastal Bend Home Builder 's Association

L o gan K i r k p at r i ck Associate Director Fer guson Enter pr ises, Inc.

H el l o N ew M em b er

W el co m e B ack Avitech Ber nsen Coastal Builder s Fred Br aselton from Br aselton Homes Br ush Countr y Homes CRT Floor ing Concepts

Dynamark Secur ity Center s Heavy Air and Heat Kleber g bank Levian Homes Litter Getter Lynn & Associates Master plan Builder s

Devonshire Custom Homes

Texas Blue Custom Homes

Diana Homes Inc.

Top Build Home Ser vices

C l i ck n am es f o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n

2019 Com m it t ees Gover n m en t Relat ion s- Open - Monthly This committee decides what we advocate for and against and how we go about doing so. They follow the items that are going to be put before the city counsel and forms a plan of action as to how to support, improve, or defeat it.

M em ber sh ip- Open - Meets about every 45 days. This committee is in charge of our recruitment efforts.. Although every member is encouraged to recruit new members, the membership committee focus on it by planning events like our membership drive. They also concern themselves with member retention.

Edu cat ion an d Sch olar sh ip- Open - as needed This brand new committee oversees our outreach to the community to encourage participation in the construction and related industries. They also find deserving students wanting to pursue careers in these fields to support with a scholarship.

Bu ilder Liaison - Open - Bimonthly This is when our members have an opportunity to meet with employees of the city of Corpus Christi, hear their concerns and provide input as to how we can make Corpus Christi a better city.

Fish in g Tou r n am en t - Open - Varies This committee is responsible for planning and executing the Builders on the Bay Fishing Tournament. This committee meets about 2-3 months before the tournament and once after.

Coast al Ben d Gr een Bu ilt - Closed- Meets quarterly This committee guides the CBGB program that strives to promote the construction of high-performance, low-impact residential homes in the Coastal Bend. You must be a member of CBGB to be on this committee.

Associat es Cou n cil- Closed- Monthly The Associates Council represents the interests of Associate Members of the Association and produces projects that provide networking opportunities for members. Members of the Associates Council are elected each year in September for a one year term.

We en cou r age ever yon e t o join a com m it t ee! Let u s k n ow if you w ou ld lik e t o join on e so w e can pu t you on t h e em ail list f or u pdat es. If you h ave qu est ion s, please r each ou t t o t h e of f ice or a com m it t ee m em ber .

Click Her e

Ar e We

M issin g Som et h in g? Yes!

You ! Be ou r

Spot ligh t Com pan y of t h e M on t h Let u s t alk abou t you h er e! Call or Em ail u s f or m or e in f o (361) 991-3034 Kalli@Coast alBean dHBA.or g

EPA Pr oposes New WOTUS Def in it ion The Trump administration in December released its proposed new definition for ?waters of the United States? (WOTUS) that will resolve years of uncertainty over where federal jurisdiction begins and ends. This represents an im por t an t vict or y for NAHB members. Under the proposed rule, short-lived ponds, streams and tributaries that only flow in response to a rain event would be excluded from federal regulation. The rule would also exclude wetlands not directly connected to federallyregulated bodies of water. The action honored a campaign promise President Trump made to the NAHB Board of Directors in 2016 when he was running for office.

NAHB Recogn ized f or Lobbyin g Clou t ?The Hill,? a prominent Capitol Hill publication, recently named NAHB CEO Jerry Howard to its list of elite Washington pow er player s. Although ?The Hill? highlighted one person from each organization listed, Howard noted that his inclusion represents the hard work of many individuals. ?The fact that NAHB is recognized as one of the most powerful trade groups is a testament to the shared efforts of our members; the NAHB staff, most notably Chief Lobbyist Jim Tobin and his government affairs team; EOs; councils and all those who work on behalf of the association to keep housing at the forefront of the national agenda,? Howard said.

Tr u m p Advan ces Oppor t u n it y Zon es President Trump on Dec. 12 signed an executive order to spur more investment in opportunity zones, a type of economic development incentive created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Oppor t u n it y zon es seek to incentivize investment and economic development in

under-served communities. Developers may use a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund to help fund projects located within an opportunity zone. This new source of investment dollars could prove to be a powerful economic tool if properly administered.

Save M on ey on Nissan or In f in it y Nissan North America and NAHB are excited to present members, their employees and HBA staff with the opportunity to purchase a new Nissan or Infiniti vehicle using exclusive incentives for members through the NAHB Savings Program. Click h er e to learn how to take advantage of this great member savings benefit.

FHA Pu blish es New Hom e War r an t y Ru le The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) on Dec. 14 published a final rule that streamlines the h om e w ar r an t y requirements for FHA singlefamily mortgage insurance. The rule eliminates the regulations that require borrowers to purchase 10-year protection plans in order to qualify for certain mortgages on newlyconstructed single-family homes. This final rule becomes effective March 14, 2019.

Su r vey Fin ds M ost Am er ican s See Af f or dabilit y Cr isis Nearly three out of four American households believe that the nation is suffering a housing affordability crisis, and a majority of respondents reported this is a problem at their local and state level as well, according to a recent n at ion w ide su r vey conducted on behalf of NAHB. More than 2,200 adults were surveyed Nov. 27 through Nov. 30 to assess the public?s attitude on whether a lack of affordable housing is a problem in their neighborhoods, cities, states and nationwide. The poll cuts across partisan, regional, demographic and socio-economic lines. Among its key findings:

73% of respondents believe that a lack of affordable housing is a problem in the U.S. 68% believe this is an issue in their state, and 54% cite housing affordability as a concern in their neighborhood. 58% said that if they decided to purchase a home in the near future, they would have trouble finding a home they could afford in their city or county. Nearly a third of America?s 119 million households are cost burdened and pay more than 30% of their income for housing, based on NAHB analysis of 2017 Census data.

Key For est r y Pr ovision s in Far m Bill

NAHB's M eet in g of t h e M em ber s

Congress on Dec. 12 passed the 2018 farm bill that includes key NAHB-supported forestry provisions from Rep. Bruce Westerman?s (R-Ark.) f or est r y bill to implement critical forest management reforms that will help improve the health of the nation?s forest system and reduce America?s reliance on foreign sources of timber.

Make plans to attend NAHB?s annual M eet in g of t h e M em ber s, 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 20, at the Westgate Hotel in Las Vegas during the International Builders?Show.

The wouldsalso Embill ployer M uincrease st Usefunding New for I-9the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration For m Program to empower rural communities to restore effective forest management and improve forest health. It also contains several provisions in the Timber Innovation Act that will support the development of timber products for building construction. NAHB fought hard to ensure the farm bill contains a forestry title in order to increase the supply of domestically produced timber from federal lands.

This meeting provides NAHB members an insider ?s view of the association's advocacy priorities and gives them a voice in setting those priorities. Attendees also learn about how to take advantage of NAHB?s many membership benefits and have the opportunity to network with other professionals in the housing industry. NAHB Chief Economist Rob Dietz will update members on the industry outlook. Randi Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media, will be the keynote speaker. Already registered for the International Builders' Show? Click h er e t o r egist er for the Meeting of the Members.

Su pr em e Cou r t t o Hear Agen cy Def er en ce The U.S. Supreme Court on Dec. 10 agreed to hear a case that has widespread implications for how courts handle challenges to federal agency regulations. The case, Kisor v. Wilk ie, addresses the issue of whether courts should defer to an agency?s interpretation of its own regulations, known also as Auer deference. NAHB supported the petitioner with an amicus brief as part of a proactive strategy developed to identify cases that put this issue squarely before the Supreme Court. NAHB has long been concerned with this type of judicial deference because it can create incentives for agencies to avoid formal rulemaking processes or create vague regulations that they can later interpret however they see fit. Either tactic prevents home builders and other industries from participating in developing rules that govern their activities.

How t h e Fed Rat e Hik e Af f ect s Hou sin g Housing affordability last quarter was at a 10-year low, and it appears that conditions at the start of 2019 aren?t likely to improve much. The Federal Open Market Commit- tee recently raised its target for the federal funds rate (the interest rate at which banks lend money to each other) by 25 basis points. This was the fourth rate hike of 2018. However, experts predict interest rates will rise at a less aggressive pace next year.

NAHB Chief Economist Robert Dietz noted in a recent Eye on Housing blog post that the Fed?s ?policy projections suggest two rate increases in 2019 and one additional rate increase in 2020.? Pat en au de Resign s as HUD Depu t y Nevertheless, NAHB is forecasting no rate hikes in 2020, after what After 14 months on the job, Pam Pat en au de has resigned some, including Dietz, anticipate will be a noticeable slowdown in as deputy secretary of HUD. FHA Commissioner Brian GDP growth in 2019. Montgomery will serve as acting deputy secretary. Mortgage interest rates, however, NAHB had a good working relationship with Patenaude, are likely to stay the course for the who during her time as deputy secretary helped guide time being, after a decline in HUD through a number of challenging issues and showed December. The 10-year Treasury strong leadership in addressing housing and community rate, which is the key variable for recovery in areas impacted by natural disasters. mortgage interest rates, declined recently to below 2.77%. A lower NAHB will continue to maintain a very positive working 10-year rate typically means lower relationship with Montgomery in his new role. mortgage interest rates.

The Spike Club consists of member s who are recognized for outstanding achievement in member ship recr uitment and retention. Spikes receive recognition at local, state, and national levels and rewarded many special honor s including colored jackets indicating their level of achievement.

Sp i k e M em b er s James Skrobarczyk


Maverick Velosky


Scott Whisenant


Donald Shelton


Tracy Long


Dolores Sanchez


Julie Jenson


Cris Wright


Pat Nolan


Eric Newman


James Mazoch

13.00 John Wallace


Paul Cervantez


Jose De Los Santos


Jon Roel


Joseph Cortez


Ryan Dibble


L i f e Sp i k e M em b er s Jack Randolph


Claudia Reyes


Moses Mostaghasi

63.00 62.50

Shayne Schroeder

612.00 Renee Carter Paul Cervantes 305.50 John Pope 253.00 Monica Sanderson 225.75 Isidro Gonzalez 139.50 Robert Sells 139.00 Ed Cantu 139.00 Bart Braselton 128.00 Jim Pickett

Leslie Schey

125.00 Trey Summers


Bill Fleeman

114.50 Jodi Steen


Fred Braselton

109.50 Kevin Pitchford


Beverly Bacak


Matt Martini


Richard Voss


Brian Grunberg


Garrett Dorsey


Shawn Karaca


Francisco Aguilar


John Tucker Jose Vielma Bill Sanderson Sean Vitelli Mark Garza Louis Alty Jerry Garcia

61.00 56.50 56.00 53.50 52.50 46.00 43.50 41.50

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