The Blueprint January

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Jan u ar y 20 18 Jan u ar y L u n ch eo n Januar y 10, 2019 11:30 am- 1:30 pm At the Cor pus Chr isti Countr y Club Our Guest Speaker :

New Life Ministr ies

Coastal Bend Home Builder 's Association

Staff Wendy Her man Executive Officer Wendy@CoastalBendHBA.or g

Kalli Per alez Business Development Manager Kalli@CoastalBendHBA.or g

Mekaila Hopkins Marketing Inter n Mekaila@CoastalBendHBA.or g

Mamie Henson Reception Mamie@CoastalBendHBA.or g

Buy your ticket here

O f f i ce Cl osed

Execu t i ve Com m i t t ee M eet i n g

A ssoci at

Cou n c

M eeti n


t es

ci l


eeti n g

M em ber sh i p L u n ch eon

M em ber sh i p Com m i t t ee M eeti n g

CBGB M eeti n g

Feb r u ar y 8

Executive Committee Meeting

9:00 am


Boar d of Dir ector s Meeting

9:30 am


Chili Chili Bang Bang

15- 17

Home and Gar den Show

19- 21

IBS Las Vegas


GRC Committee Meeting

12:00 pm

20 19 B o ar d o f D i r ect o r s D ar r en M cC o m b President D& Z Constr uction M o ses M o st agh asi 1st Vice President MPM Homes Pau l C er v an t ez 2nd Vice President Cer vantez Electr ic T r acy L o n g Immediate Past President Long Build, LLC. N i ck B l ack Treasurer Fir st Community Bank Rei d A st o n Secretar y Aston's Marble & Gr anite

Jo h n Po p e Past President's Council Representative Newcastle Constr uction, LLC. Gar r et t D o r sey Coastal Bend Green Built Representative AEP Texas- High Per for mance Homes C r i s W r i gh t Associates Council Representative AEP- Texas B ar t B r asel t o n Builder Director Br aselton Homes, Inc. Ry an D i b b l e Builder Director South Texas Home Builder s, Inc. V i ct o r I b ar r a Builder Director Levian Homes

W en d y H er m an CBHBA Executive Officer Coastal Bend Home Builder 's Association

L o gan K i r k p at r i ck Associate Director Fer guson Enter pr ises, Inc.

H el l o N ew M em b er s

W aggo n er C u st o m H o m es

W el co m e B ack AEP Texas High Per for mance Homes

Mr. J and Sons Constr uction

Bodine Scott Air Conditioning

Navy Ar my Community Credit Union

Monica Sander son with Conreco

Quality Ready Mix Ltd.

Bill Sander son with San Jacinto Title Conreco SKJ Builder s Davonshire Custom T& G Vacation Homes Proper ties McNatt Inc

Zar sky Lumber

Moore Supply C l i ck n am es f o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n

2019 Com m it t ees Gover n m en t Relat ion s- Open - Monthly This committee decides what we advocate for and against and how we go about doing so. They follow the items that are going to be put before the city counsel and forms a plan of action as to how to support, improve, or defeat it.

M em ber sh ip- Open - Meets about every 45 days. This committee is in charge of our recruitment efforts.. Although every member is encouraged to recruit new members, the membership committee focus on it by planning events like our membership drive. They also concern themselves with member retention.

Edu cat ion an d Sch olar sh ip- Open - as needed This brand new committee oversees our outreach to the community to encourage participation in the construction and related industries. They also find deserving students wanting to pursue careers in these fields to support with a scholarship.

Bu ilder Liaison - Open - Bimonthly This is when our members have an opportunity to meet with employees of the city of Corpus Christi, hear their concerns and provide input as to how we can make Corpus Christi a better city.

Fish in g Tou r n am en t - Open - Varies This committee is responsible for planning and executing the Builders on the Bay Fishing Tournament. This committee meets about 2-3 months before the tournament and once after.

Coast al Ben d Gr een Bu ilt - Closed- Meets quarterly This committee guides the CBGB program that strives to promote the construction of high-performance, low-impact residential homes in the Coastal Bend. You must be a member of CBGB to be on this committee.

Associat es Cou n cil- Closed- Monthly The Associates Council represents the interests of Associate Members of the Association and produces projects that provide networking opportunities for members. Members of the Associates Council are elected each year in September for a one year term.

We en cou r age ever yon e t o join a com m it t ee! Let u s k n ow if you w ou ld lik e t o join on e so w e can pu t you on t h e em ail list f or u pdat es. If you h ave qu est ion s, please r each ou t t o t h e of f ice or a com m it t ee m em ber .

20 18 C asi Thank you to T i t l e Sp o n so r : - Coastal Ben d T r ai l er T r ash L o cat i o n Sp o n so r - St r u csu r e H om e W ar r an ty D J Sp o n so r - H om eSou r ce M or tgage C r ap s T ab l e Sp o n so r - Voss En gi n eer i n g Ro u l et t e T ab l e Sp o n so r - 1st Com m u n i t y M or tgage T ex as H o l d 'Em T ab l e Sp o n so r - W i l l ow Ben d M or tgage

Fo o d Sp o n so - Av i t ech - Con r eco

- D ol or es S Cu stom H - D & Z Con Ser v i ces

n o N i gh t our sponsor s


San ch ez H om es st r u cti on

B l ack j ack T ab l e Sp o n so r s - A EP- H i gh Per f or m an ce H om es - 1st Com m u n i ty Ban k H om e L oan Cen ter - N av y A r m y Com m u n i t y Cr ed i t U n i on - Sou th p oi n t Ren t al s - A EP-Tex as - Av i tech - A BC H om e an d Com m er ci al Ser v i ces

Click Her e

Ar e We

M issin g Som et h in g? Yes!

You ! Be ou r

Spot ligh t Com pan y of t h e M on t h Let u s t alk abou t you h er e! Call or Em ail u s f or m or e in f o (361) 991-3034 Kalli@Coast alBean dHBA.or g

Su pr em e Cou r t Ru lin g a Win f or NAHB The U.S. Supreme Court in November handed down a decision in Weyerhaeuser Co. v. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, givin g a vict or y to two NAHB members and land developers across the country. The case examined the Fish and Wildlife Service?s designation of over 1,500 acres of private property in Louisiana as ?critical habitat? for the endangered dusky gopher frog. In an 8-0 opinion, the Supreme Court ordered the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to reconsider its decision that allowed the Service to designate the area as critical habitat. NAHB filed briefs in both the Fifth Circuit and Supreme Court.

Set t lem en t En ds " Per su ader Ru le" In a victory for NAHB, the Department of Labor on Nov. 9 agreed to a settlement that keeps a permanent injunction in place that stops the ?per su ader r u le? from taking effect and prevents a future administration from seeking to revive the rule. The Obama-era persuader rule sought to unfairly

require lawyers and consultants to report to the DOL when counseling employers concerning union organizing. And trade associations like NAHB would have been directly regulated under the rule if they engaged in certain activities, such as holding educational seminars on labor relations topics.

FHFA An n ou n ces High er Loan Lim it s The Federal Housing Finance Agency announced recently that the maximum baseline con f or m in g loan lim it s for mortgages acquired by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2019 will increase from $453,100 to $484,350. The loan limit will rise 6.9% in

2019 because FHFA has determined that the average U.S. home value increased 6.9% between the third quarters of 2017 and 2018. Higher loan limits will be in effect in higher-cost areas as well, rising from $679,650 to $726,525.

M idt er m Elect ion s an d Th e Hou sin g Agen da The 2018 midterm elections delivered a split decision: Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate, picking up two seats to give them a 53-47 edge. Democrats picked up a net gain of 39 seats in the House to give them a majority for the first time since 2010. NAHB?s elect ion su m m ar y looks at the election results and explains how the new political landscape will affect the housing agenda.

M ak e t h e M ost of Pr e-Sh ow Edu cat ion Would you like to learn how to better manage your company, discover the latest techniques in high-performance building, or work toward an NAHB professional designation? Then take advantage of NAHB?s Pr e-Sh ow Edu cat ion of f er in gs, taught Feb. 16-18, just before the NAHB International Builders?Show begins.

Rou gh ly 13% Plan t o Pu r ch ase a Hom e in t h e Next Year Only 13% of adults are planning to buy a home in the next 12 months, according to NAHB's Hou sin g Tr en ds Repor t for the third quarter of 2018. Most of these prospective buyers (58%) report this is the first time in their lives they would be buying a home. The younger people are, the more likely they are to be interested in purchasing a home. The data shows that 19% of millennials have plans to purchase a home in the next year, with the percentage falling to 13% among the Gen Xers, 7% for the baby boomers and a scant 3% for seniors.

St u dy Look s at Non -M et r o Ar eas Of the 848,000 single-family homes started in 2017, roughly 79,000 were nonmetropolitan ? that is, they were built outside of one of the officially-defined metropolitan areas. This is one finding of a special study from NAHB Economics looking at characteristics of newly built n on m et r opolit an h om es. Other highlights include: Th e 79,000 n on m et Em ployer sM u rstopolit UseanNew I-9 sin gle-f am ily st ar t s in 2017 is a 40% For m increase from 2011, compared to 97% for single-family starts overall. Th e aver age size of a single-family home built in the nonmetropolitan part of the U.S. was 2,148 square feet in 2017, compared to 2,639 square feet inside metropolitan areas. Th e aver age pr ice of a single-family home built for sale in the nonmetropolitan part of the U.S. was $245,552, about a third less than in metropolitan areas.

These results are not surprising, given that mobility rates decline significantly with age. According to the Census Bureau?s 2017 Current Population Survey, 18% of those under 40 years of age moved in the previous year, compared to 9% in the 40-49 age range, 6% of people aged 50-69, and 3% who were 70 or older. The Housing Trends Report is a research product created by the NAHB Economics team to track changes in buyers?perceptions over time. The data are derived from national polls of representative samples of American adults conducted for NAHB by Morning Consult.

Bu ilder s Repor t Sh or t age of Lot s In a recent NAHB survey, 65% of builders reported that the overall supply of developed lots in their area was low to very low. This is up only 1% from June 2017, but is significantly higher than the 42% posted in September 2012. The focus on lots was included in a special survey section in September ?s NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI). The 65% of respondents citing a shortage of lots represents the largest low-supply percentage recorded since NAHB began periodically asking the question in the HMI survey in 1997. The 65% includes 43% who characterized the supply of lots simply as low and 22% who said the supply of lots was very low. The continued low su pply of developed lot s is a hindrance to a fuller housing recovery.

Vet er an s Fin d New Car eer s in Hom e Bu ildin g In the home building industry, rather than simply thanking veterans for their service to our country, many builders also are hiring veterans. The industry has long focused on training veterans through the Home Builders Institute, the nonprofit partner of NAHB. The HBI M ilit ar y an d Vet er an s Pr ogr am operates on a number of U.S. military bases with training, certification and placement services focused on landing home building jobs for transitioning military members and veterans. Skills learned in the military can easily transfer to the home building industry. Marci O?Brien, a new home sales specialist in California, served in the Marine Corps from 1989 to 1994. She then got a real estate license and began participating in the housing boom in Southern California during the mid-90s. O?Brien noted that the Marines?unofficial slogan ?Improvise, Adapt and Overcome? helped her a great deal in 2008 and 2009 during the housing market collapse. ?The ability to confront challenges head-on and the thick skin I developed were invaluable during that time,? she said. Looking to join a supportive community, O?Brien became involved in the Sales & Marketing Council of the BIA of Southern California soon after starting in the industry, eventually serving on its board. That sense of belonging and validation also rings true for Air Force veteran Quint Lears, MIRM, who specializes in new home sales in New Mexico. Lears also became involved with NAHB and his local Las Cruces (N.M.) HBA early in his career. He won the 2012 Salesperson of the Year at The Nationals and has recently published a book through Builder Books, "Partnering with Brokers to Win More Sales."

Econ om ic Gr ow t h Con t in u es Solid Pace While the cost of mortgage financing and its impact on housing affordability are giving many prospective home buyers pause, the overall st at e of t h e econ om y remains positive, according to NAHB Chief Economist Robert Dietz. Following a 4.2% growth rate in the second quarter, third quarter real GDP growth came in at an annualized rate of 3.5%. This was the strongest two-quarter performance in four years. And in October, the economy created 250,000 jobs, beating expectations and leaving the unemployment rate at a near 50-year low of 3.7%. Increases in the 10-year Treasury rate have pushed mortgage interest rates up in recent months. In September, the average rate on 30-year mortgages for new homes increased to 4.64%, up from approximately 4% over the last 12 months. While higher rates have cooled home sales, home price appreciation remains solid, increasing at a 5.8% yearover-year basis according to the Case Shiller Index in August. Dietz provided this housing industry overview in the bi-weekly newsletter "Eye on the Economy."

The Spike Club consists of member s who are recognized for outstanding achievement in member ship recr uitment and retention. Spikes receive recognition at local, state, and national levels and rewarded many special honor s including colored jackets indicating their level of achievement.

Sp i k e M em b er s James Skrobarczyk


Maverick Velosky


Scott Whisenant


Donald Shelton


Tracy Long


Dolores Sanchez


Julie Jenson


Cris Wright


Pat Nolan


Eric Newman


James Mazoch

13.00 John Wallace


Paul Cervantez


Jose De Los Santos


Jon Roel


Joseph Cortez


Ryan Dibble


L i f e Sp i k e M em b er s Jack Randolph


Claudia Reyes


Moses Mostaghasi

63.00 62.50

Shayne Schroeder

612.00 Renee Carter Paul Cervantes 305.50 John Pope 253.00 Monica Sanderson 225.75 Isidro Gonzalez 139.50 Robert Sells 139.00 Ed Cantu 139.00 Bart Braselton 128.00 Jim Pickett

Leslie Schey

125.00 Trey Summers


Bill Fleeman

114.50 Jodi Steen


Fred Braselton

109.50 Kevin Pitchford


Beverly Bacak


Matt Martini


Richard Voss


Brian Grunberg


Garrett Dorsey


Shawn Karaca


Francisco Aguilar


John Tucker Jose Vielma Bill Sanderson Sean Vitelli Mark Garza Louis Alty Jerry Garcia

61.00 56.50 56.00 53.50 52.50 46.00 43.50 41.50

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