Coastal Canine Summer 2021

Page 22

Deputy Chance Standing Up Against Abuse By Pam Bonsper When he was found, his mouth was duct-taped shut, his tongue was hanging out, he was dehydrated, and he was bleeding from open wounds. “No words can express how disgusting it was. It would have been a matter of minutes before he died,” recalls Sheriff Marceno of Lee County, Florida. “He was a turning point for our department. When I saw him I thought: If I ever got in a position to help more animals from this fate, I would do it.” Immediately following that horrible scene, the very

Now wearing the uniform, Deputy Chance began

young dog was rescued by the department, given

to change the department’s focus on animal abuse.

the name “Chance,” and adopted by one of the

Chance soon became the catalyst for the Deputy

department’s lieutenants. The sheriff states, “I’m

Dogs, Pets on Patrol Program. The sheriff explains.

very proud of Lt. Castellon, who stepped up and

“He is the face of this program. In it, citizens

adopted Chance and worked so hard with him.”

actively work with law enforcement as a team. We have a great relationship. The community is a very

It wasn’t long before Chance’s true nature

big part of the piece. People know their neighbors.

overshadowed his tragic past. He began running

It’s getting them to report something when they see

and playing and SMILING. And it wasn’t long

it. We tell them: See it! Say it! And Make the Call!

before forensics nabbed the abuser with DNA

We flag people’s homes if there is any sign of abuse.

evidence found from fingerprints on the backside of

We have a unit that works 24/7 to check things

the tape. The abuser was found guilty of aggravated

out. We follow through and if the abuse continues,

animal cruelty and given five years of probation.

we go back. The message we send is: If you abuse

Chance became a local celebrity. Withstanding the traumatic abuse and not giving up, he became

an animal, we have zero tolerance: you will get punished.”

a hero, inspiring others to overcome difficult

As in all law enforcement agencies, Deputy Chance

challenges. His responding to the work and love

couldn’t just rely upon his good ideas and good

given to him by his rescuers was soon followed

looks. He had to go out there and work! Deputy

by Sheriff Marceno deputizing him into the

Chance became the spokesdog for the Public


Affairs Unit. He was given the title “The Good Will

22 | | Summer 2021

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Coastal Canine Summer 2021 by Coastal Canine - Scott and Carie Broecker - Issuu