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Homer and Skyler have been surfing together and winning championships for 13 years, but they aren’t motivated by the glory of competition. What they love doing most is taking children and adults facing challenges for a ride on their board. The smiles and laughter bring a sense of purpose to their sport. One more do-gooder is Stephanie Forbes who started the Lonely Hearts Project in Savannah, Georgia to help shelter dogs get adopted.
n this crazy world we are living in there are rays of sunshine that uplift us all and provide hope for a future. In this issue, we tell the story of a Ukrainian family who refused to leave their dogs behind even as bombs rattled their windows threatening to shatter the glass. We also tell the story of a true hero dog – Patron. Patron is a feisty, agile Terrier who went to work as a bomb detection dog after the Russia-Ukraine war began. He has helped save countless lives.
Camberley Kate is the legendary animal rescuer who lived to be 84 years old in Camberley England. She was well-known for rescuing, feeding, and caring for every stray dog she found. We hope these stories will inspire you to give back if you aren’t already or at least to know there is so much good in the world. There is much to be hopeful for and dogs are sure part of that inspiration.
ScottWoofs!and Carie Broecker Summer 2022 | | 7 Coastal Canine is printed on 30% recycled paper. All inks used contain a percentage of soy base. Our printer meets or exceeds all Federal Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Standards. Our printer is a certified member of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) The FSC sets high standards that ensure forestry is practiced in an environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable way. Publisher CARIE BROECKER Editor/Photographer SCOTT BROECKER Graphic/Ad Design OLIVIA CAJEFE TRINIDAD Contributors: PAM DINAALLISONBELINDAMORGANBONSPEREASTWOODJONESMCKEERUIZ Copy Editor/Writer CINDIE FARLEY Marketing Executive MICHELLE HAYES Please direct letters to the editor to: carie@ 831-601-4253 Please direct advertising inquiries to: michelle@ 831-539-4469 Subscriptions are $40 per year within the United States. To subscribe, please send check payable to Coastal Canine, P.O. Box 51846 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 or subscribe online at Join our online mailing list at Coastal Canine Issue #55, Summer 2022. Published quarterly (four issues per year). Copyright © 2022 Coastal Canine. All rights Coastalreserved.Canine is dedicated to the memory of Sunshine Broecker. Disclaimer: Coastal Canine is intended for entertainment purposes only. Please seek professional assistance from your veterinarian or qualified dog trainer before implementing any information acquired within these pages. Any resources mentioned are provided as a convenience to our read-ers, not as an endorsement. “Clearly, animals know more than we think, and think a great deal more than we know.” ~ Irene M. Pepperberg I
Dina Ruiz writes a story to make you smile and restore your faith in humanity. Read her article about a family in Arkansas who choose to rescue an orphaned raccoon even though their lives are already busy and filled with commitments. Eventually, the raccoon becomes part of the family and best friends with their Vizsla.

32 Homer and Skyler: Surf’s Up Homer and Skyler have been surfing together since Skyler, a Queensland Heeler, was a pup. At 13 years old, she has become a World Champion Surf Dog many times over. Read about their love of surfing together!
Camberley Kate: Angel to Stray Dogs and Cats England native, Belinda Jones, writes about the legendary Camberley Kate. Kate infamously rescued and cared for over 600 strays in her 84 years and may be getting a plaque in her honor soon. 52
46 Adoptable Art Fine artist Stephanie Forbes’ Lonely Hearts Project helps long-term shelter dogs get noticed and adopted. Read about this remarkable lifesaving project.
45 Strange Bedfellows Nala, spooked by a thunderstorm in Tennessee, found comfort in an unusual way. Read how this Houdini of a dog surprised her hosts.
26 June and Waffles: Unlikely Siblings Dina Ruiz writes a heartwarming article about June, an orphaned raccoon, and the family who raised her. Her best friend is Waffles, the Vizsla.
14 Fleeing Ukraine Read the harrowing story about how one family fled their home with 20 dogs. Facing many challenges, they made their way from Kiev to Poland and eventually to California.
cc | contents
On the Cover: World Surf Dog Champion, Skyler, and her surf-pro guardian, Homer Henard. Read their story on page 32.
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Patron: Ukraine’s Little Angel Patron became the pride of Ukraine and even received a medal from President Zelensky for his lifesaving bomb detection work.

TO coastalcaninemag.comcontactADVERTISEusatmichelle@orcall(831)539-4469
TOROHOSPITALANIMALPARK AGILITY California Canine 55 From the Heart 61 ART Catherine Sullivan 42 BOARDING Dawg Gone It .............................. 17 BOOKS Cats are People Too 44 Dogs are People Too 44 CBD Golden Pet Life 5 CLEANING PRODUCTS Uricide 58 DAY CARE Dawg Gone It 17 Paws at Play 61 DOG WALKING Paws and Prints 4 GROOMING Suds ‘N Scissors 24 Who’s Your Groomer 42 HEALTH & WELLNESS A Herman Dog Therapist 18 Animal Cancer Center 31 Animal Hospital of Salinas 61 Cottage Veterinary Care 25 Dentistry For Animals 43 Monterey Peninsula Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Clinic 19 Natural Veterinary Therapy 57 Ophthalmology for Animals 43 Steinbeck Country Small Animal 24 Toro Park Animal Hospital 6 Veterinary Eye Care 4 INNS Cypress Inn 23 NONPROFITS Birchbark Foundation 19 FOWAS 60 Max’s Helping Paw 60 Peace of Mind Dog Rescue 62 PHOTOGRAPHY Eva Sacher 42 Paws and Prints 4 REAL ESTATE Keller Williams,
Dr. Lindsey Rockwood’s life came full circle back to her roots when she ended up at Toro Park Animal Hospital. She was born and raised in nearby San Benancio Canyon, and her family had always taken their pets there. She knew she wanted to be a veterinarian herself, from the start. Dr. Rockwood returned to the Peninsula after graduating from the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine in 2008. She started as an equine vet in Salinas after both volunteering and working as a technician in the Large Animal ICU of the University’s Teaching Hospital while she was in Davis. She was also with VCA Salinas but knew she wanted to be in a smaller independent hospital, and in 2014 was able to acquire Toro Park Animal Hospital from Dr. Susan Parry. Rachelle
Razzeca 43 RESTAURANTS Abalontti 61 STORES Carmel Dog Shop 64 Earthwise Pet 60 Pet Pals 2 The Raw Connection 3 TRAINING California Canine 55 Del Monte Kennel Club ................ 62 Divine K9 62 From The Heart Animal Behavior Counseling and Training 61 Monterey Bay Dog Training Club 62 Pam Jackson 62 WHALE WATCHING Monterey Bay Whale Watch 24
It was Dr. Parry who’d had the hospital when Dr. Rockwood was growing up. And now she’s following in Parry’s footsteps, creating the same positive experience for pets and their people that she remembers. It is the focus of the clinic—to provide “happy visits” so that pets actually want to come back! A self-described “science” person, Dr. Rockwood is equally passionate about that aspect of caring for animals. With her diverse studies and interests in their well-being, she’s able to treat the whole animal, from acupuncture to oral Everysurgery.year, the hospital has the students from Shoreline Preschool come to shadow the work they do with animals. It’s a way, she says, of “paying it forward” by sparking interest in and understanding of animals from an early Whenage. she’s not working with animals, Dr. Rockwood enjoys outdoor activities with her 16-year-old son, Austin. And, of course, they have their fur family. Pets have just always “found their way” to Lindsey Rockwood.
Dr. Lindsey Rockwood Toro Park Animal Hospital 22720 Portola Drive, Salinas (831) Hourswww.toroparkvet.com484-97448am-5pmMonday–Friday

LANDMARK PHOTOS 10 | | Summer 2022

Send us photos of your dogs peaking out from under the blankets or with the blanket draped over their heads or shoulders. Email photo (at least 800 x 800 pixels) to or text the photo with the words “community board” to 831-601-4253. Submission deadline is October 12, 2022. NEXT ISSUE: UNDERCOVER DOGS Summer 2022 | | 11


“The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace” ~Mahatma Gandhi POMDR is a resource and advocate for senior dogs and senior people. Top CaraRow:Dune, Terrier Mix, Female, 9 years old Sir Chester, Shih Tzu, Male, 12 years old Pomela Anderson, Super Model - Adopted! Bottom Row: Coton, Terrier Mix, Male, 5 years old - Adopted Clementine, Poodle, Female, 4 years old - Adopted Abigail, German Shepherd, Female, 6 years oldAdopted More adoptable dogs are available from Peace of Mind Dog Rescue.Visit ADOPT • VOLUNTEER • DONATE! fromPeace of Mind Dog Rescue

Yurii’s mother, Galina, and his sister, Tetiana, arrived from another region of Kyiv, and the family started to make a plan to get themselves and the dogs to Thesafety.situation became more volatile and desperate over time. Friends were leaving the country; other friends decided to stay. They would rather die in their home than leave their country. And some did.
On February 24, 2022, the world found out that Russia had invaded Ukraine. That event would change the lives of all Ukrainians forever. The decision to stay in the country or flee to safety leaving everything behind was a tough one.
By Carie Broecker
For the Lutsenko family, at first, they planned on staying in their home near Kyiv. They run a dog boarding, training, and grooming business and had 32 dogs in their care at the start of the war. There were 20 adult dogs and 12 puppies. The dogs were mostly Bernese Mountain Dogs, Standard Poodles, and Mini-Poodles. At first, the explosions sounded pretty far off. The war didn’t feel real. They hoped they wouldn’t have to leave their home and business. They didn’t know how they could leave with all the dogs. But soon the sounds of the war grew closer and louder. The windows would shake when an explosion was nearby. They were afraid the windows would shatter and the roof would collapse. The family of three—Yurii, Elizabeth, and their fourteen-year-old son, Tymofii, moved all the dogs to the bottom floor of the house to keep them as safe as possible. The three humans huddled in a room that was about five square meters (11 square feet).
One friend of the family stayed with her dogs, they were bombed, and the woman and her dogs all Leavingperished.any of the dogs behind was absolutely not an option. It was unimaginable for this dog-loving
14 | | Summer 2022 rescue me | escape from kiev

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rescue me | escape from kiev 16 | | Summer 2022 family. Surrendering any of the dogs to a friend or family member in Ukraine was not a viable option. Dogs in shelters were often abandoned when shelling was near. Volunteers and rescuers trying to make their way to the shelters to feed and help the dogs were shot.
Tymofii told me that they had two vehicles—a Nissan and a Hyundai. They piled two adults and 10 dogs in one car and three people and the other 10 dogs in the other car. There was no room for crating the dogs. The dogs were all loose in the cars. On laps, behind legs, snuggling close with each other. The dogs were unbelievably calm and obedient. As if their sixth sense had kicked in and they understood the gravity of the situation. This was no joyride to the dog park. This was life and death.
border. Yurii would not be allowed to leave the country. Only women and children were allowed to leave, but he would rent a house in Western Ukraine, where it was relatively safe, after getting the dogs and the rest of the family out.
The next step was for the family of five and the 20 remaining adult dogs to make their way to the
Shortly before their departure, the Ukrainian military shot down a Russian plane. They watched as the plane fell from the sky and crashed into a house. Luckily the house had been abandoned. The only casualty was the Russian pilot. The family and dogs began their trek to Western Ukraine. The average temperature for their journey would be zero degrees Fahrenheit with icy roads. They would be on the road for 24 hours. Leaving Kyiv was slow going. Every 20 minutes there were block posts. Soldiers were checking passports, searching cars, and questioning travelers. They were looking for spies. The route was not a straight shot. They would come upon roads that were Russian occupied and needed to make detours. They would come upon roads that were bombed out and unsafe. Most of the bridges were unsafe. There were many other cars on the road making their way out of the region as well. Traveling was slow and wrought with hazards. Crushed and bombed-out cars were a common sight. They finally made it to Kamianets-Podilskyi, which was a few hours from the Polish border. They had a friend in town who ran an animal shelter and was able to take in the whole family and all the dogs so they could rest for the night.
The first step for the Lutsenkos was finding homes outside the country for the 12 puppies. Friends and family and dog rescue organizations in Poland offered to help. Homes were found for all of the puppies. With the help of volunteers, they were transported to the border.

Summer 2022 | | 17
The next day, they made their way to the border. They waited hours and hours in traffic jams. Once close to the border, they stopped at a petrol station. This is where the family would have to say a tearful, heart-wrenching goodbye to Yurii. But first, they would need to make a few maneuvers to get all the dogs out of the country and be able to leave Yurii with a vehicle. Both cars crossed the border. The dogs from one vehicle were then transferred to a waiting car in Poland. Then both vehicles came back into Ukraine and they left one car with Yurii, then made their way back into Poland with one car. They left Yurii with three of the older adult dogs. This is where the family would have to say a tearful, heart-wrenching goodbye to Yurii. But first, they would need to make a few maneuvers to get all the dogs out of the country and be able to leave Yurii with a vehicle.
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Elizabeth and Tymofii with their precious pups in California
18 | | Summer 2022 ANIMAL COMPLEMENTARYALTERNATIVE/COMMUNICATORHEALER Retired Thank you to all my clients. With gratitude for all of the wonderful 2- and 4- leggeds who have crossed my path. Remote (phone) meetings available on a limited basis. 831-624-8000
Galina and Tetiana planned to stay in Poland. Tymofii and Elizabeth were headed to the United States to stay with Tymofii’s sister, Tanja. Tanja also runs a dog boarding and grooming business in California, and she had room for all the dogs. It would cost $1,200–$3,000 per dog to get them into the United States. They planned to bring nine dogs with them to California. All the other dogs found homes in Poland. Once in Poland, it took a few months to make arrangements to bring all the dogs to California. The small Poodles were able to fly in the cabin, some of the dogs flew in baggage on Elizabeth and Tymofii’s flight, and the rest were sent via cargo. Tymoffii told me he is enjoying California, but he misses his home and his dad. The dogs are happy and do not seem at all traumatized by the harrowing experience. At this point, Elizabeth and Tymoffii are allowed to stay in the U.S. for 18 months. Our hope is that they can be reunited with Yurii in a country at peace. Our hearts go out to all the people and animals who have had to suffer through and endure this terrible war. Give peace a chance!

category | topic P "Pets Fina Ve Pet L birchbarkfoundation org 831.471.7255 "I look at this dog and he fills a spot in my heart. I thank BirchBark for saving him. I could not say enough about how grateful I am and how much you mean to us for helping save his life." ~Mickey's person Mickey, PetAid Gift Recipient Nights, weekends and holidays, 365 DAYS A YEAR—we are always there for your pet 24/7 CAREPET Monterey Peninsula Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 150 Monterey, CA 93940 | NEW Daytime General Practice Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm For an appointment call (831) 373-7374 Emergency walk-ins are always welcome. Our 24/7 facility allows you to have all of your pet’s veterinary needs conveniently combined under one roof. We are here for you at any time your veterinarian is not available. SERVICES AND PRODUCTS OFFERED • 24/7/365 Emergency & Critical Care • Specialty Surgery for Orthopedics, Soft Tissue Surgery, Arthroscopy & Laparoscopy • General Daytime Veterinary Services • General Medicine • General Surgery • Dentistry • Specialty Foods & Individual Nutritional Consults • Puppy & Kitten Packages • Spay & Neuter Packages • Adult & Senior Care • Preventative Medicine • Avian & Exotic Medicine • State of the Art Facility with Full In House Diagnostic Abilities • Medical Boarding in a Clinical Setting HWY68 Located in Ryan Ranch

By Carie Broecker

At a state award ceremony on May 8th of this year, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky presented Myhailo Iliev (My-hai-lo I-leev) and his Jack Russell Terrier, Patron, with medals honoring their courage and dedication to service. During the ceremony, which was also attended by Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, Zelensky referred to Patron as “a wonderful little sapper,” appropriately defined as “a soldier with a specialized skill.” Two-year-old Patron does indeed have a specialized skill—one that has potentially saved hundreds of lives.
Myhailo first acquired Patron when he was just a puppy as a pet for his young son. But, when war broke out, Iliev, who works for the Civil Protection Service, had an idea. He would train Patron to detect gunpowder to help clean up unexploded ordnance in and around Kyiv. Ironically, Patron means ammo or bullet in Ukrainian, but he was named well before the invasion. Being the intelligent and eager-to-please little Terrier that he is, Patron caught on quickly and excels at detecting live missiles and bombs. Iliev and Patron work as a team in conjunction with the bomb-clearing unit. Decked out in his protective vest, Patron excitedly runs ahead of the troops knowing that if he detects the right scent, he’ll get a treat or playtime. When he alerts to the smell of
dog of the day | patron Summer 2022 | | 21

Patron is perfectly suited for this job because of his small size and agile body. He can easily navigate small spaces when called upon to do so. He also seems to have been born fearless.
gunpowder, Patron sits. That is his signal. Specific odors linked to bombs and explosives are imprinted on the dog’s brain by constant repetition and reward. He then runs back to the troops, gets his reward, and the ordnance disposal team disarms the bomb.
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Patron has helped neutralize hundreds and hundreds—if not thousands—of mines and missiles. In a single day, he has alerted the team as many as 260 times. The number of lives this happy little pup has saved is countless. But that isn’t all he does! Patron and Iliev also spend time educating children about mine safety. Sadly, children in Ukraine need to know how to recognize and avoid explosive devices. The tally for lives saved climbs even higher, taking into account the results of this education.
Patron is a symbol of patriotism, freedom, and heroism in a country that desperately needs something to smile about during this challenging time.

Patron has indeed won hearts and admirers throughout Ukraine and beyond. To follow Patron’s good work, along with his other 326,000+ followers, go to his Instagram page @patron_dsns.
If Patron could talk, he might share that his favorite activity is brightening the lives of children in hospitals and the lives of the emergency service workers. He’s a lover and a bundle of joy. He can bring a smile to anyone’s face after a hard day.
dog of the day | patron WORLD-RENOWNEDTHEPET-FRIENDLYCYPRESSINNInvitesyouandyourfour-leggerstovisitCarmel.Petsarewelcomethroughoutthehotel,inthecozylivingroomorinthecharmingcourtyardforlunchoreveningappetizers.
Summer 2022 | | 23
Patron is a symbol of patriotism, freedom, and heroism in a country that desperately needs something to smile about during this challenging time. Patron lives a very active and fulfilling life. At the end of the day, he is a tuckered-out pup! He’s even been known to fall asleep at press conferences. But it’s not all work and no play. Iliev makes sure to give Patron plenty of time to play with his doggie friends. Patron is putting his life on the line every time he goes out to find bombs. Luckily, Patron knows to run back to Iliev after finding a bomb, which keeps him as safe as possible. “One day, Patron's story will be turned into a film, but for now he faithfully performs his professional duties," tweeted Ukraine's Center for Strategic Communications. Iliev says, “We just do our job. Even if no one rewarded us, the quality or the passion for work has not changed.”
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By Dina Ruiz
Busy with her full-time job as an associate professor of Homeland Security Emergency Management at an Arkansas University, Swindell and her husband painstakingly bottle-fed the baby raccoon milk made for kittens. “I was thinking, I can’t raise a raccoon! It’s not the right time.” But baby June had other plans. “June has never been normal. She’s always been totally different. As they (raccoons) grow, they grow apart from humans. June never wanted that.” Soon, Bethany and her husband were watching in surprised
That would be June, a domesticated raccoon, and the fluffy older sister to Hungarian Vizslas Waffles and Grits.
June’s a literal armful now. But in 2016 when Bethany first found her, she wasn’t even a handful. “She was just precious. Her ears were folded over, eyes closed,”
Unlikely Siblings JUNE AND WAFFLES
Bethany recalls. The couple had just gotten home from an overseas trip when they saw the tiny animal, realizing it must have fallen thirty feet to the ground. “My husband saw her first. He was like ‘Hey, you’re gonna wanna see this.’ There she was at the bottom of an oak tree, just screaming. Her mom was in the tree looking down at us. I said, ‘Come get your baby!’” Bethany had been raised by parents who had a passion for animal rescue. “They were free spirits wanting to take care of everything and give everything a chance,” she says. She had also worked in a veterinarian office, so she knew reuniting the days-old baby raccoon with its mother would lead to the best possible outcome. The Swindells placed the newborn back under the tree and hoped nature would take over. It didn’t work out that way. “We came back from dinner and she (June) had ants all over her and mom was gone from the tree. We took her inside and gave her fluids and got the ants off of her. The next day, mom never came. On the third day, our neighbor across the street said he had seen a squished raccoon in the road.”
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A ll three of Russ and Bethany Swindell’s pets are adorable, with their shiny noses, curious eyes, and animated tails. They all stand at attention when they know a treat is on the line. But one is a slightly pickier eater than the other two, a lot bushier, a little lower to the ground.

Summer 2022 | | 27

adoration as the little black, grey, and white animal taught herself the lay of the land. “She has free roam of the house. She is so chill. Very rarely she’ll mess anything up. She likes to open doors, then moves on.”
Life finally gained a manageable rhythm for the family with their raccoon, parrot named Merlin, and two older dogs. But the energy shifted when both pups passed away. “It was so quiet in the house. June was missing a friend. We had tried to force her outside—which wasn’t working.” The Swindell’s brought home a Vizsla puppy, Waffles, thinking June would like the companionship. They were right. “Instantly, they were great friends. Everyone loves Waffles. I know you’re not supposed to have a favorite, but she’s my favorite. She’s the type of dog, even if you don’t like dogs, you’ll like her! It was the perfect fit. They hit it off instantly.” Baby brother Grits joined the scene a year ago. The combination of cuteness catapulted the family to social media fame, landing them a coveted spot on animal-centric social media site The Dodo. “When The Dodo came calling, I didn’t even know what they were! Then I looked and— Oh My Goodness!”
June also enjoys certain luxuries not afforded her siblings. “She sleeps in the bed with us every night. Some nights she’ll go to the closet to nap. My left pointer finger is her pacifier. She sucks on it, then falls asleep.”
June and Waffles’s story has been viewed almost 2.5 million times on the Dodo’s YouTube channel alone. Browsing the family’s Instagram page—which boasts more than 77,000 followers—you might notice a furry figure floating in the pool. Maybe June will eat her breakfast of berries from a kitchen plate, then curl up for a nap in the long limbs of her Vizsla brothers. The Vizslas—a Hungarian hunting breed—are triple June’s size. They might even hunt raccoons in the wild. But in this household, they gently and playfully use their powerful jaws and paws to tease their little sister. Ear nipping.
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Head bobbing. Pure harmony. All from mom or dad’s lap. “There’s a lot more cuddling now that everyone is getting a little older,” Bethany says. Once Bethany realized the reach of their June & Waffles’s Instagram page and the influence the true cross-breed friends had on fans around the world, they decided to use it to assist less fortunate animals. One hundred percent of all proceeds from June & Waffles themed objects, from tee“She has free roam of the house. She is so chill. Very rarely she’ll mess anything up. She likes to open doors, then moves on.” June also enjoys certain luxuries not afforded her siblings.

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Dina Ruiz is a longtime Peninsula resident who has worked in the media for more than 30 years. She has been an anchor at KSBW-TV and featured on the TV shows “Candid Camera” and “Mrs. Eastwood and Company.” She has a masters degree from San Jose State in creative writing. Her Instagram handle is @ DinaMRuiz. shirts to totes, is donated to animal shelter and rescue organizations. And it’s all adorned with June’s tiny paw prints. “I wanted to be able to give back, to do more monetarily. We volunteer at animal shelters. We donate to other organizations. But, people would send me messages, like ‘Hey what’s your Venmo so I can send you money?’ People wanted to give back through us and I wanted to channel it on. We’re fine—but we know that’s not the case for some other animal rescue So,organizations.”asJunewaddles by, and Waffles and Grits amusedly watch their big sister, the world has more joy because of a little rascal who fell from a tall oak tree, and a smart mama who captured the ensuing moments. “I do it because I love spreading the message of coexisting. I don’t do it for the money. I enjoy connecting with people from around the world.”

Improve your pets quality of life 530 Ramona Avenue, Monterey • www.AnimalCancerCenterMonterey.com831-242-0978 We offer IT’S OUR FOCUS! Dr. Theresa Arteaga, DVM, DACVIM (oncology) graduated from Cornell University, college of veterinary medicine. She then completed her oncology residency at Animal Medical Center, NYC. Dr. Arteaga has been a boarded oncologist for 10 years, and is currently conducting clinical trials. • Chemotherapy • Targeted Therapy • Immunotherapy • Palliative Care • Electrochemotherapy Location!New

32 | | Summer 2022

Homer Henard grew up riding waves before becoming a professional surfer. When his Dad gifted him an adorable Queensland Heeler puppy from a ranch in Turlock, Homer had no idea how she would change his life. Skyler has always been a total natural on a surfboard. She just wants to be wherever Homer is, so when he hopped on a stand-up paddleboard when she was really young, Skyler jumped right on, too. “I could immediately tell she had natural balance, and I just knew right then it was on,” says Homer. They started surfing smaller waves and she didn’t even fall off on the first day. By Allison McKee
Santa Cruz, California, is the home of many legendary surfers, but one of them stands out above the rest. Skyler has become a real celebrity and with good reason — she’s a World Champion Surfing Dog!

Homer’s long-time friends, Dave “Nelly” Nelson and Guerin Miles. “Nelly has been shooting me surfing my whole life as a pro surfer. He was there when I got Skyler and he’s been shooting us ever since,” says Homer. “It’s been rad having them around. Luckily since some of my best friends are world-class photographers, I’m able to share a lot of photos and videos on social media for people to enjoy Skyler.”
FUN FACT: Skyler loves surfing but hates getting wet! Homer thinks it’s part of what makes her such an excellent surfer — she doesn’t want to get soaked so she’s good at staying on the board. Skyler and Homer have been surfing together ever since, and they’ve made history time and time again in the realm of surfing dogs. Along the way, the duo has been photographed by There’s no better feeling than getting a deep barrel and getting spit out. When you’re in the tube it almost feels like time travel threw you into a magic wormhole of happy endorphins. I have the vision in my brain of Skyler deep in the tube looking out! It’s another priceless memory shared with my girl.
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She loves it. After we go surfing, she’s the happiest and she’s stoked. You can tell the difference in the swagger of her walk after a good session where she gets lots of waves.”
“There’s no better feeling than getting a deep barrel and getting spit out. When you’re in the tube it almost feels like time travel threw you into a magic wormhole of happy endorphins. I have the vision in my brain of Skyler deep in the tube looking out! It’s another priceless memory shared with my girl,” Homer recalls fondly. Another “bucket list” item Homer and Skyler recently checked off their list was surfing together under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
LIFE IS SHORT ENJOY THE RIDE 36 | | Summer 2022 feature | homer & skyler
“We finally made it up to Kelly [Slater]’s Wave Pool and we got Skyler the first legitimate tube ride ever by a dog,” says Homer proudly. She was able to achieve this epic feat in just a few waves.
Add those lifetime achievements to the long list of competitions Skyler has won, including being World Surf Dog Champion and the first dog to nail a perfect score in dog-surf history at the Surf City Surf Dog, and it’s clear why over 31,000 people follow her on Instagram and she’s a bonafide dog celebrity!
One of their lifelong goals was for Skyler to be the first-ever dog to “get barreled.” Getting barreled is the holy-grail experience that surfers are striving for, but even advanced surfers may not have had the opportunity to cruise through the tube of a wave. It’s definitely not easy.

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Surf therapy turned out to be the sole purpose of everything we’ve done and it’s all about seeing the joy and the smiles that Skyler puts on the people’s faces.”

Beyond all of the awards and accolades, Homer and Skyler’s favorite part of what they do is still helping others get out in the water to enjoy the surf.
she has the youthful energy of a puppy, Skyler is now almost 13 years old. It truly seems like doing what she loves and staying so active has kept her young at heart, but Homer says he does notice her slowing down a bit.
Homer and Skyler have even been featured on Netflix’s “Pet Stars” (you can catch them in Episode 5). “She loves it. After we go surfing, she’s the happiest and she’s stoked. You can tell the difference in the swagger of her walk after a good session where she gets lots of Thoughwaves.”
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“I might retire her from contests after this next year. Contests are kind of a lot, and we’ve already accomplished everything we wanted to in the contest scene,” explains Homer. “We might move on to other things… like having fun and just enjoying life.”
“We’re stoked to give back and that’s one of the things we’re most proud about is volunteering with organizations,” explains Homer.

“Surf therapy turned out to be the sole purpose of everything we’ve done and it’s all about seeing the joy and the smiles that Skyler puts on the people’s faces.” One organization they work with, Waves of Impact, helps kids facing exceptional challenges get out surfing. Though the kids may initially feel nervous about getting out in the
Homer and Skyler with epic surf & skate photographers Guerin Miles & Dave (Nelly) Nelson
40 | | Summer 2022 © I sabelle G roc
Next thing you know, they’re out in the water, then riding a wave with Skyler. They’re smiling and clapping, and having an awesome experience. It’s super powerful.”

feature | homer & skyler waves, Homer says that having Skyler with them changes the “Nextdynamic.thingyou know, they’re out in the water, then riding a wave with Skyler. They’re smiling and clapping, and having an awesome experience. It’s super powerful,” says HomerHomer.andSkyler
To see Skyler catch more waves and help more people through surf therapy, follow her on Instagram at @skylerthesurfingdog
At the time of this interview, Homer and Skyler are gearing up for the World Dog Surfing Championships in Pacifica, California on August 6, 2022 where they’ll be competing in three different events.
also work closely with Operation Surf, an organization committed to sharing the healing powers of the ocean with injured military and veterans, and the Mauli Ola Foundation, which helps children with Cystic Fibrosis have one-on-one sessions with surfers.

42 | | Summer 2022 Book a photo session for your dog! HELLO! esullivancatherinwatercolor donatedproceedsmyllaartistacrylic& order greeting cards, 100’s of products thru: WHO’S YOUR GROOMER? Providing quality pet care services to the local Santa Cruz Area. Full grooming,servicebathsandwalkinnailtrims. (831)476-1709CONTACTUS 715CARMEL STREE T, S ANTA CRUZ, CA95062

Practice devoted to dentistry & oral surgery Judy Force, DVM FAVD, 8035AmericanDiplomate,DAVDCVeterinaryDentalCollegeSoquelDrive,#45,Aptos (831) dentistryforanimals.com768-7148 Summer 2022 | | 43 WITH OVER 100 YEARS OF COMBINED MONTEREY PENINSULA REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE, YOU WILL BE HARD PRESSED TO FIND A TEAM OF REALTORS THAT KNOW THE INS AND OUTS OF A COMMUNITY THE WAY THE PENINSULAMONTEREYHOMETEAMDOES. RACHELLE KNOWS REAL ESTATE RACHELLE RAZZECA Realtor/Sale Associate CalBRE# 01987058 Top 1% Rachelle.Razzeca@mphtre.comWorldwide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e are thrilled to be welcoming Dr. Taemi Horikawa to our Aptos practice! Dr. Horikawa completed her veterinary education at the University of California, Davis, followed by a rotating internship in Pittsburgh, PA and a inophthalmologycomparativeresidencyRocklin,CA.

44 | | Summer 2022 “Insightful, funny, beautifully drawn cartoons about man's best friend, our wonderful dogs. Dave's book is a real joy.” ~ Patrick McDonnel MUTTS cartoonist A sequel to the popular Dogs Are People, Too, this collection of cartoons for cat lovers from the creator of Speed Bump is now available wherever books are sold - preferably at your local bookstore! More info at

BY PAM BONSPER and her legs firing like pistons, she took off like a rocket.
Astraphobia is the fear of thunder. It is common in dogs. Some dogs whimper, growl, shake, or tremble. Some hide under beds or in bathtubs. Some dogs run when they hear those big bad booms. Some run even before the thunder crashes. They know it’s on the way. They run in circles or helter-skelter with no apparent place in mind. Some run for miles. Dogs who run from thunder are terrified and they don’t seem to have any idea where they’re going—or where they’ll end up. But Nala was not one of those dogs. When Nala ran, she had a plan! It was dark when the crash, bang, boom tore open her sky. Nala, a big brown bundle of energy, knew just what she must do. It wasn’t a hard choice for her . . . it was just a matter of finding just the right home with just the right people with just the right bed. With her nose to the ground
In southeast Tennessee, in the Johnson home, morning was breaking. The three Johnson dogs, Hollis, Jupiter, and Zeppelin were curled up in various spots throughout the house. Julie and Jimmy Johnson were sound asleep with the familiar feeling of one of their dogs in bed with them. But wait! Jimmy’s eyes were barely open when he jumpstarted himself awake. His sudden movements broke Julie from her slumber. As the sun flooded the room, they discovered that the dog sandwiched between them was not one of theirs. “Whose dog is this?” Jimmy cried. It was Nala. And Nala was in no hurry to wake up. It had been a big Continued of page 57


The “Lonely Hearts” are dogs who have been living at the Humane Society for at least one month, though many have been there much longer. Stephanie had a vision of using the paintings to stoke the fire in potential adopters. She pitched a collaboration to Savannah’s Humane Society nearly five years ago, but the onset of the pandemic brought the project to an abrupt halt. The wheels began to roll again in late 2021, and the exhibit premiered at Stephanie’s gallery, RO3, in February. Attendees who adopted one of the dogs got to bring home a matching masterpiece as well. A graduate of The Savannah College of Art and Design, Stephanie typically focuses on her conceptually driven ART
Summer 2022 | | 47
Bold brush strokes, superb talent, and a passion for pups is helping bring shelter dogs to their forever homes in the Savannah, Georgia, area thanks to one dedicated artist. Fine artist Stephanie Forbes has created the Lonely Hearts project, in collaboration with the Humane Society of Greater Savannah, painting portraits of longstanding shelter dogs in an effort to match them with guardians. And it’s working.

paintings and sculptures. She began painting animal portraits a decade ago in what she calls a “side hustle,” but dreaming up this collaboration with the Humane Society led her on an unexpected path. “I kind of flock to everything that feels like it needs to come out of me. I never lock down intentions, I always keep myself open to be the best creative I can be.” With new artistic territory came a new audience for Stephanie’s work: people intending to bring home a new canine Thecompanion.ideastemmed from Stephanie’s own experience rescuing a dog through the Humane Society. Years before the pandemic, she would frequent the shelter when she wanted to escape, and spending time with the shelter animals offered the perfect relief. She ended
48 | | Summer 2022 cc | artist

Stephanie recognized that Moose’s situation was not a one-off—many of the dogs in the shelter were either seniors or had health problems that could make life generally harder for them. up taking home a super-senior she decided to call Moose. “Moose was deaf, and going blind, and just a really broken dog . . . it was very obvious that he would be looked over because of all his issues and needs.”
cc | artist Summer 2022 | | 49
Stephanie opened her heart and home to the vulnerable dog and says it was one of the greatest decisions she’s ever made, despite its difficulties.
Details mean everything to Stephanie. “I asked a million questions about [each dog] so I feel like I got to pick up the keynotes of their characteristics. I wrote down everything that I noticed about them. It felt like I was able to put the feeling of the dog in the portrait.” For Stephanie, the dogs’ eyes play a huge
Stephanie opened her heart and home to the vulnerable dog and says it was one of the greatest decisions she’s ever made, despite its difficulties. Stephanie recognized that Moose’s situation was not a one-off— many of the dogs in the shelter were either seniors or had health problems that could make life generally harder for them. “I couldn’t just keep going to shelters and bringing home dogs.” So, she instead began to imagine another way to help them. That’s when she approached the Humane Society with a plan: she would spend a significant amount of time with one dog per month, getting to know each one individually, and then paint them to reflect their unique personalities.

50 | | Summer 2022 cc | artist
I asked a million questions about [each dog] so I feel like I got to pick up the keynotes of portrait.”feelinglikenoticeddowncharacteristics.theirIwroteeverythingthatIaboutthem.ItfeltIwasabletoputtheofthedoginthe part in deciding the features of their painting. Woodstock, a burly Pit-mix (and her personal favorite dog to paint), has amber-colored eyes. “They are full of life and sweetness. It’s fun to pull those little parts of each dog out and capture that.” One of her trademarks is to add a funky flower behind the ears of some of the dogs, or complex, colorful background designs highlighting their jolly faces. Stephanie recognizes the need to separate emotions from her artwork at times. She notes that the dogs seem as varying in their moods as we humans are. “You can see that some are fully unaffected because they’re just happy. But then, some of the older dogs are just so reserved. And that was hard because I’m a huge dog person— I’m not used to dogs not wanting to run up to me.” Stephanie quickly realized that she had to find a balance if she wanted the project to flourish. “If I just focus on feeling a little sad for the dogs, that will somehow come out—I might paint them sadder unintentionally. So, I mainly

For more information on the Lonely Hearts project and Stephanie Forbes’s work, including a walkthrough of the exhibition, visit
Keeping up with her muses has been a priority for Stephanie. In just the first month since the exhibition premiered, six out of nine Lonely Hearts were adopted, something that she could not be happier about. Ironically, the hardest part of the process has been getting the portraits to the new adoptive families. For Stephanie, the completion of each portrait brings a sense of fulfillment. It’s a form of self-expression, but it’s also a game changer for the dogs. “When I say it’s a passion project, it really was because I have such a huge heart for animals. Dogs just make everything better.” She acknowledges she couldn’t have done it without the help of patron Paul Allen, the CEO of Woof
just focused on how exciting it was to collaborate with the shelter and be able to do something like this.”
Summer 2022 | | 51 Gang Bakery and Grooming, a nationwide pet store based out of Savannah. Though she’s presently focusing on other mediums, Stephanie does have plans to continue helping the Lonely Hearts. In fact, she would love to see the series grow, potentially collaborating with other shelters outside of Savannah—maybe even throughout the country. It might take some navigating, but Stephanie will find the right balance. “I would do this again in a heartbeat. It’s about the dogs, not me.”

52 | | Summer 2022
Heather smiles. “It was a little overgrown when I first discovered it, so I decided to clean it up and now visit every lunchtime with my rescue dogs Cotton and Mavis!”
Heather moved to Camberley for love and now works for her in-laws historic printing firm, positioned directly opposite St. Michael’s Church, where Kate Ward was laid to rest. “It’s a simple gravestone bearing the words ‘Devoted Friend of Animals’ and features a small black dog curled up sleeping in the grass at its base,”
ANGEL TO STRAY DOGS & CATS take your dog out for a walk on Barossa Common (sprawling over 1,000 acres), there’s a good chance you’ll see a camouflaged face peeking at you from the undergrowth. I grew up less than an hour away (in Oxford), yet it took the Californian editor of the magazine you are currently reading to illuminate me on the admirable lifesaving work of Camberley Kate and introduce me to former BBC journalist Heather Driscoll-Woodford, who has been documenting Kate’s life, keen that her legacy (and feisty personality!) are not forgotten.
Picture the scene: a petite but tenacious senior citizen with a blonde bob, black beret, and whistle around her neck trundling a makeshift wooden cart daubed with the words STRAY DOGS, spilling over with elderly or injured pups and escorted by a range of mixed breeds—some prancing, some barking, some tangling in the macramé of dog leads. Behind her is a lorry, its driver despairing at his slow progress along the busy London Road. No amount of honking will dissuade her from her pilgrimages to the local butcher and fishmonger to collect food for her beloved charges, all of whom would have been hungry and homeless without her care. This woman became known as Camberley Kate; such a notorious character, she was once interviewed on NBC and immortalized in a film by Lord Snowden, the Queen’s former brother-in-law! For a bit of location context, Camberley sits just half an hour from both Windsor Castle and London’s Heathrow Airport, and is home to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, where all British Army officers are trained. In fact, if you
Meet the remarkable Englishwoman who single-handedly rescued over 600 dogs in her 84 years! (1896-1979)

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Heather is one of many locals campaigning to have a commemorative plaque in Kate’s honor, though one dilemma seems to be where to place it, since Kate’s cottage is long gone. “Arthur Sullivan of Gilbert & Sullivan fame ended up with a plaque on the McDonald’s drive-thru as his former home was also raised to ground,” Heather laments, agreeing that a statue of Kate with her famous cart and numerous dogs would be the ideal. She even created a fun prototype during a scarecrow festival (complete with innumerable stuffed toy dogs!) and dreams of a movie adaption of Kate’s life, “starring Maggie Smith a la Lady in the Van!” In the meantime, Heather runs the Facebook group, Remembering Camberley Kate, which is filled with endearingly nostalgic comments from people who grew up knowing Kate as an eccentric, formidable figure. One recalls having a photo pinned to his wall as she would sell fundraising Polaroids—and woe betide anyone who tried to take their own snap without first making a donation! Though several people reference being afraid of Kate’s unwieldy ensemble when they were young, others (delivering biscuits and bones) had the rare privilege of seeing her fur family on home turf, noting that she also rescued many cats. “They didn’t receive as much media coverage as they weren’t part of the public gang!”

“All the dogs were incredibly healthy and lived to a ripe old age. She had great humour, great character, and great determination.”
Vet Geoffrey Craddock, who tended to Kate’s charges for 25 years, said, “All the dogs were incredibly healthy and lived to a ripe old age. She had great humour, great character, and great Thedetermination.”localpolice had mixed feelings—often having to field complaints about her holding up traffic or, to coin a very British phrase, “making the place look untidy.” But they were also extremely grateful as she would take in the strays handed over to them at a time when there was no alternative facility, meaning they would have been swiftly euthanized.
54 | | Summer 2022

Summer 2022 | | 55 TRAINING YOU AND YOUR PAWSITIVELY!DOG MONTEREY BAY’S PREMIER DOG TRAINING FACILITY OUR SERVICES Puppy Classes | Obedience | Agility Therapy Dog | Private Training Dog Walking | Group Play 831-717-4579 CALIFORNIACANINE.US 120 Central Avenue • Pacific Grove ASK ABOUT OUR IN-HOME PRIVATE TRAINING! come visit our 2500 sq. ft. facility 10% OFF purchasefirstfornewclients PROTECTALLWILDLIFEBLOG.COM

Heather concludes our chat by sharing that Camberley Kate also inspired hedgehog-loving Surrey resident Anne Brummer to create the Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue. Anne, in turn, enlisted the support, star-power, and even land of Brian May, guitarist for world-renowned rock band Queen!
Heather is happy to report that there are now multiple animal rescues in the area and she herself is busy running LostPALS, which helps reunite dogs and guardians who have become separated on Surrey Heath. The group also engages on a national scale, offering effective strategies for lost-dog recovery.
Kate Ward’s nickname “Camberley Kate” is said to have been given to her by historian Sir Arthur Bryant in his book The Lion and the Unicorn. It became the title by which she became known to everyone.
56 | | Summer 2022
While Brian May and Camberley Kate may have very different images and lifestyles, they are both legends in their own right, true “champions” of animal welfare—and we salute them!

Belinda Jones is a dog-besotted British magazine journalist and author romantic comedy feeelgood road trip memoir titled Bodie on the Road With My Rescue Pup Dogged Pursuit of Her Instagram handle @bodieeontheroad bad night running from the storm, hunting for just the right house, the right people, and the right bed. She rolled from side to side with a big grin on her face.
. . .
“My husband just went to kind of pull the blankets up a little bit, almost like they were going to protect him and at that point, the dog got even further up on our pillows and snuggled in and was just 100 percent content being there,” Julie said.
Continued from page 45 Strange Bedfellows
Julie ran and got her phone. She had a plan. As the three Johnson dogs happily jumped around introducing themselves to their strange imposter, Julie snapped photos and put them on Facebook asking her friends if anyone recognized the dog. “It was the weirdest post, I’ve had to make,” she said. But it was effective. Within a short time, one of Nala’s guardians called and identified Nala, explaining how she had slipped out of her collar while on a walk, in anticipation of the storm. She had run into the woods, and then night fell, and then the thunder rolled. And then Nala was on her personal quest to become an uninvited house guest. "Our overly friendly pup, Nala, has hit an all-time record for ignoring personal space and added yet another trick to her long list of Houdini acts," Cris Hawkins, one of Nala's guardians, wrote on Facebook. “Shame [on] Nala for somehow breaking into a stranger’s house and invading their personal space. Thankfully, the couple thought it was hilarious and they aren't even mad about it.”
There is no explanation as to how Nala got into the Johnson’s house, and no explanation why their three dogs didn’t bark to alert them of her arrival. Only Nala knows—and she’s not about to tell. But she may have some advice: Don’t forget to leave your porch light on and the door slightly open. You may wake up to a beautiful day after a scary storm and find a beautiful bundle of joy in your bed. It doesn’t get any better than that!
cc | for the dogs Summer 2022 | | 57 GENERAL VETERINARY CARE Natural Veterinary Therapy USING NATURAL REMEDIES. Dr. Annette Richmond Certified in Acupuncture and Physical Rehabilitation 26135 Carmel Rancho Blvd., Ste E-103 located in the Carmel Rancho shopping Center 831.655.0501 andTeethNon-AnestheticPhysicalSwimChiropracticAcupunctureBloodworkExamsTherapyRehabCleaningMore!
- Travels
The four dogs have maintained their friendship and even had a play date, enjoying ice cream and treats.
Happiness (Skyhorse Publishing).
in the
of eleven
novels and a

Available on Amazon or at Peace of Mind Dog Rescue 615 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove THE TINY DOG WITH THE HUGE HEART Portion of Proceeds Benefit This book is intended to inspire compassion and empathy in readers of all ages through the story of the life of a real dog named Bernie. The book also shines a light on the work of a non-profit organization, Peace of Mind Dog Rescue, located on the coast of Central California.

60 | | Summer 2022 cc | the final word neuter clinic for cats, dogs, and rabbits. The non-profit group Friends of the Watsonville Animal Shelter donates all the supplies and equipment needed for the surgeries! THE SPAY AND NEUTER CLINIC OF PAJARO VALLEY, INC. ACCEPTS ANIMALS FROM ANY COUNTY CONTACT MELISSA ALLEN AT: 831-818-5007 THESPAYANDNEUTERCLINICOFPV@GMAIL.COM THESPAYANDNEUTERCLINICOFPV.COM Max's Helping Paws is a 501c3 Tax ID 81 2990529 831.704.6473 DO YOU KNOW We'll do our best to help them get to the vet. someone with an ill or injured pet who cannot take them to see a veterinarian because of financial hardship? Max's has awarded nearl $600,000 to help hundreds of local pets in need of veterinary care. provides financial rescue for Monterey County pets in a medical crisis. neuter clinic for cats, dogs, and rabbits. The non-profit group Friends of the Watsonville Animal Shelter donates all the supplies and equipment needed for the surgeries! THE SPAY AND NEUTER CLINIC OF PAJARO VALLEY, INC. ACCEPTS ANIMALS FROM ANY COUNTY CONTACT MELISSA ALLEN AT: 831-818-5007 THESPAYANDNEUTERCLINICOFPV@GMAIL.COM THESPAYANDNEUTERCLINICOFPV.COM Max's Helping Paws is a 501c3 Tax ID 81 2990529 www maxshelpingpaws org 831.704.6473 info@maxshelpingpaws org DO YOU KNOW We'll do our best to help them get to the vet. with ill or injured pet who cannot take them to see a veterinarian because of financial hardship? Max's has awarded nearl $600,000 to help hundreds of local pets in need of veterinary care. provides financial rescue for Monterey County pets a medical crisis.

Summer 2022 | | 61 cc | the final word Quality training for you and your pet. • Puppy classes 10-20 weeks • Adult class 5 months and older • Basic and beyond – drop-in • Problem solving • Fun-gility • Tracking • Pet first aid classes • CGC workshops and tests Check our website for more www.fromtheheart.infoinformationorCall783-0818 Animal Behavior and Counseling A s e r v ic e o f Fr o m t he He a r t Dog Tr a in ing • Indoor facility • Fully supervised play times • Matted flooring • Pet first aid trained staff • Weekly rates • Multiple day rates When you can’t care for your friend during the day, let us. Visit www.fromtheheart.infoorcall783-0818 Fisherman’sMontereyWharf Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner 11:30am to Fabulousabalonettimonterey.com9pm(831)373-1851CasualDiningOceanfrontViewsSpaciousPet-friendlyPatioScrumptiousDoggieMenu Monday–Friday 8:00am–5:30pm Saturday 8:30am–1pm To see YOUR ad contacthere,

62 | | Summer 2022 cc | the final word All-Breed Conformation Shows with Obedience & Rally Trials Obedience@dmkc(831) Pam Jackson Dog Training Pam Jackson Dog Training 30+ years Experience Training over 9,000 Dogs Loving and respectful training WITHOUT treats. Guaranteed Results 831-679-2560 Private in-home sessions GOT MANNERS? A positive, holistic approach to your dog’s training and well being. DivineK9 DOG TRAININ G Andee Burleigh, CPDT 831-625-7592 831-214-4163 Divinek9@sbcglobal.netCarmel YearClassesRound in Capitola and Watsonville $120www.montereybaydog.orgEmailusat:montereybaydog@gmail.comPerEightWeekSession OwnershipResponsibleDemonstratingDogsince1966,PacificGrove,CA Peace of Mind Dog Rescue is a resource and advocate for senior dogs and senior people on California’s Central Coast. DONATE ADOPT VOLUNTEER

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