2020 Early Childhood Education Parent Handbook

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Helping People...Changing Lives...Building Families

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AGENCY Tres Hamilton, CEO Charles Stewart, Board Chairman Coastalgacaa.org


Early Childhood Education Parent Handbook 2020-21 School Year

serving the following counties: BRYAN | CAMDEN | EVANS | GLYNN | LIBERTY LONG | MCINTOSH | TATTNALL | WAYNE

Designed especially for pregnant women, parents and guardians of Pre-K/Head Start & Early Head Start children Tres Hamilton, CGACAA Chief Executive Officer Dr. Robert Brown, Board Chairman www.coastalgacaa.org


TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome Introduction Goals & Objectives Staff/Organizational Chart Parent Volunteers Parent Engagement Parent Curriculum Parent, Family & Community Engagement Education Health Medication Nutrition Mental Health/Disability Services Transportation Policy Parent Rights Parent Responsibilities Tobacco Free Environment Attendance Policy Open Door Policy Clothing Policy Confidentiality Statement Home Visits & Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent Committees/Policy Council Emergency Contact & Release Valuables Child Abuse Head Lice Immunizations Illness Food Inclement Weather Application and Enrollment Requirements Program Guidelines and Agreement Customer Behavior Expectation Policy EHS Developmental Milestones Center Information


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Dear Parents, On behalf of the entire staff we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your family to our programs. In order to serve you and your children’s individual needs, continuous cooperation between parents and staff are necessary. A unified partnership will be developed to eliminate gaps in communication. This handbook is specifically designed to help you as parents, guardians, and expectant families understand how Coastal Georgia Area Community Action Authority Inc. PreK/Head Start & Early Head Start programs work together for the good of children, families and our communities. Please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you and your family. Thank You, The Pre-K/Head Start & Early Head Start Staff

“Building a Better America through Cultural Diversity”


INTRODUCTION Coastal Georgia Area Community Action Authority, Inc. is a non-profit community action agency. Community Action Agencies were established under President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty”. The agency’s primary funding sources are federal and state grants, including local contributions, and support from organizations such as the United Way. The Pre-K /Head Start and Early Head Start programs are committed to providing services to children and families as a means to improve their quality of life. Pre-K /Head Start and Early Head Start programs promote school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through educational, health, nutritional, social and other services to children and families. Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start engages parents in their children's learning and helps them in making progress towards their educational, literacy and employment goals. Significant emphasis is placed on the involvement of parents in the administration of local Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Through your cooperation with the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs, we will continue to succeed in the positive development of preschool children and the empowerment of families throughout our communities.


Coastal Georgia Area Community Action Authority, Inc. promotes selfsufficiency and will strive to improve the quality of life in families through education, training, comprehensive services and advocacy.


A child can benefit more from a comprehensive interdisciplinary program to foster development and remedy problems as expressed in a broad range of services. The child’s entire family, as well as the community, must be involved. The family is viewed as the most importance influence in a child’s life. The Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start environment will provide the children the opportunity to develop to their maximum potential. All children possess special gifts; they just unwrap them at different times.


GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1. Ensure that all children and families have ongoing accessible medical care. ❖ Through ongoing communication with parents and continuous examination, monitoring and follow-up of health records and assessments. 2. Enhance children’s learning through creativity in order to assist in their development socially, intellectually, physically and emotionally. ❖ Provide opportunities in a variety of interests that include activities developmentally appropriate for the children’s age and individual needs. 3. Ensure the safety of children and staff in any given situation throughout the program. ❖ Emergency and safety trainings including health care needs and medication requirements are provided to staff enabling them to handle unforeseen situations. ❖ Drills are conducted monthly to prepare all and eliminate any confusion. 4. In collaboration with other agencies, Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start will identify and provide necessary services to meet the nutritional needs of each child. ❖ The nutrition program will include parent education, food safety in addition to the nutritional development and socialization of all Pre-K /Head Start and Early Head Start children. 5. Collaboratively build relationships with children and families to identify needs associated with mental wellness. ❖ Provide intervention and promote mental wellness through education, training and consultation as an effective means for positive results. Empower families to identify and achieve goals based on strengths, interests and resources as a means to improve their quality of life. ❖ Provide support as advocates and partners to parents throughout the process of achieving goals. Encourage parents as active participants in activities such as but not limited to Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start program operations, health services, education services, community advocacy, etc. 6


Administrative Staff Tres Hamilton, Chief Executive Officer Zerik Samples, Chief Development Officer Latasha Woods, Finance Director Lisa Wright, Human Resources Manager Nina Bryant-Hunter, Early Childhood Education Director Octavious Jones, Food Service Manager Sylvia Maxwell & Melanie Grovner, Administrative Assistant Program Management Annie Stidhum, Early Childhood Services Coordinator Anna Scott, Program Design & Management Coordinator Steven Jakes, Facilities & Transportation Specialist Barbara Stackhouse, Parent, Family & Engagement Coordinator Tara Cordero, Parent, Family & Community Engagement Coordinator Lorraine Jackson, Mental Health & Disability Specialist Christa Cleland, Data Manager Sherry Stoves, Health Services Coordinator Cynthia Jones, Early Childhood Specialist Brandi Merchant, Early Childhood Mentor Coach Emma Barrett, Nurse Specialist


PARENT VOLUNTEERS We want and need volunteers for one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year or longer. Explore the options that guide our program, educate our children, motivate our families and build our success stories as we help people help themselves. Storyteller: Create special moments in the lives of children. Storytellers help children explore the wonders of the world through books. Field Trip Chaperones: Enjoy the adventures that excite the minds of children. We love the company. Sit back and enjoy the ride, be a chaperone. Office Assistant: Gain skills as you help office staff maintain and organize their day-to-day business practices through filing, data entry, copying information, etc. Newsletters: Share the news with parents through informative and inviting newsletters. Classroom Assistant: Help teacher’s help children to problem solve, develop self-help skills and express themselves through words and music, as they become enthusiastic learners. Color, cut, paste or organize, every little bit helps. Teacher Resource Assistant: Create learning materials and games for the classroom. Recycle materials and donate them to the center for art and dramatic play activities. Event Organizer: Help plan, set up, decorate and/or afterwards clean up events that bring our families together as we enjoy school activities and community events. Training Facilitator: Share your knowledge or recruit a friend that can share theirs. Conduct a parent training session. Center Maintenance: Help keep our centers safe and beautiful by maintaining equipment, trimming shrubs, planting flowers or washing windows. In-Kind: Donate products and services that reduce program cost and provide services to our children and families. Translation and Interpretation: Interpret for families and translate materials in an effort to connect with all of our families as we eliminate language barriers. Advisory/Parent Committees: Represent your center by planning and participating in center activities including advisory committees in health and education. Policy Council: Be a part of the decision-making team.


PARENT ENGAGEMENT Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start parents have a voice in how the program and centers operate. Parents are the prime educators of their children and know what they need. Our Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs have developed policies and procedures to ensure adequate and quality services. This could not be accomplished without ongoing volunteer efforts of parents. Parents learn about their children when they volunteer. They discover their child’s talents and interests, make new friends, and learn new ideas concerning their child’s development. Parents may volunteer in several ways such as classroom aides, storytellers, office aides and field trip or event organizers. In addition, parents may volunteer to serve on the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start Policy Council, which approves the policies and procedures for the entire program, Parent Committees, which work with each of the local Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start Center’s staff; Health Advisory Committee, which reviews and makes recommendations on issues concerning children’s health including involvement with other committees. Workshops and child development sessions are also offered to parents to assist them in learning the “how-to” in child parenting. Parent trainings are also conducted to help meet the needs of families. Following involvement in the program as volunteers, parents have often decided on a new career and have joined the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start staff as paid employees or use the experience to obtain other positions. Volunteer efforts may be as little as one hour a week, providing class support materials for projects, or as a class helper on a daily basis. Whatever talent you have to offer, we invite you to become involved with your child’s development in the program by offering your time or talent to the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs. A little bit of your time means a lot to your children and to us.


PARENT CURRICULUM Parenting classes are available for parents wanting to raise cooperative, responsible and confident children. Parenting can be rewarding but also challenging at times. The classes will help parents understand their child’s needs, development and behavior. The classes are designed for parents with young children ages birth-six (6) years old. The parent curriculum used is the Systematic Training for Effective Parenting Early Childhood and is research proven. Early Childhood STEP illustrates how the techniques in the program can be used with babies, toddlers and preschoolers. The classes will be based on the following topics: Understanding Young Children Understanding Young Children’s Behavior Building Self-Esteem in the Early Years Communicating with Young Children Helping Young Children Learn to Cooperate Effective Discipline Nurturing Social and Emotional Development Each participant will receive a parent handbook that corresponds with the classes. Upon completion of the parenting classes, parents will receive a certificate of completion. The parenting classes will be available during the school year. If you are interested in participating in the parenting classes, please see your Center Supervisor or Family Service Worker for more information.



Parent, Family & Community Engagement efforts build relationships with families to identify needs, interests and goals with an emphasis on family strengths. These efforts provide services internally and through the connections to resources in an effort to support the family’s overall wellbeing. This partnership is an ongoing relationship between the family and staff including the Pre-K/Head Start & Early Head Start community. It is a trusting, respectful, and supportive relationship that starts when a parent says, “I want to enroll my child” and continues until the family departs from the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs. All families need support at various times in their lives. Often, the only difference between Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start families and their counterparts are simply a lack of information or connection to resources. The Family Partnership Process and The Parent, Family & Community Engagement Framework include opportunities to: ❖ Recognize parents as their children’s primary teachers with strategies to engage fathers. ❖ Encourage ongoing two-way communication, trust and mutual respect. ❖ Involve parents with opportunities to volunteer and/or become employees as possible. ❖ Engage families and provide services with opportunities to share information confidentially and in their preferred language. Share information internally with staff as appropriate and confidentially to coordinate services including services for children with disabilities. 11

CGACAA, Inc. Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start support families in their efforts to: ❖ Become more aware of their own strengths ❖ Maintain a strong sense of family pride ❖ Improve their ability to identify and assess needs ❖ Remove obstacles preventing families from reaching their goals ❖ Increase the family’s capacity to find and utilize community support resources. Community partnerships are established with community organizations in the form of agreements or contracts to ensure delivery of services that are responsive to the needs of the children and their families. Coastal Georgia Area Community Action Authority’s Head Start, Pre-K and Early Head Start programs build collaborative relationships and partnerships with many community organizations, agencies and businesses in support of our children and family’s needs and goals. Please visit the link below that contains information to aid parents in communicating with caregivers, kindergarten readiness including additional resources in child development.



EDUCATION The early/pre-school years are a vital and important period of human development. Considerable growth and changes occur in children during these years in the following areas: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Physical Social/Emotional Cognitive Language

Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start addresses these areas of growth in addition to encouraging self-help skills through our locally designed school readiness goals. Children are given the opportunity to develop cognitive abilities by problem solving, using puzzles, pretend play, experimentation, and exploration activities. They develop socially and emotionally by participation in group activities, mealtimes, and dramatic play center. Their language skills are strengthened by participation in group activities, receptive and expressive language, computer use, story-time, and classifying objects. Children practice lacing, typing, buttoning clothes, brushing their teeth, feeding themselves and hand washing to improve self-help skills. Daily use of the playground is scheduled where children use their large muscles during activities such as climbing, running, throwing, walking, kicking, sliding and jumping. Classroom activities are also conducted on the playground. Indoor activities such as painting, cutting, threading pouring, pulling, holding and using manipulative objects help children to develop their small muscles.


HEALTH One of our goals at our Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs are to promote and maintain the complete health and wellness of each child. Every child should enjoy a safe and healthy environment in which to grow and learn. We promote a child’s healthy development through ongoing communication between staff and families concerning health related issues. We work with parents and guardians to ensure that all children have a source of health care that is available even after the child is no longer in the program. It is important for you, the parent or guardian, to know that there are certain Federal requirements our program must meet in relation to your child’s health. The following information is a guide to let you know the type of health services required at Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start. Every enrolled child is REQUIRED to complete the following at recommended ages:

❖ Medical History (to include medical and dental home and healthinsurance) - HS and EHS ❖ Updated Immunizations or notarized waiver- HS and EHS ❖ Physical Exam (Complete Body Check) –HS and EHS ❖ Hearing- HS ❖ Vision-HS ❖ Lead Test – EHS and HS ❖ Hematocrit or hemoglobin-EHS and HS ❖ Height and weight –EHS and HS ❖ Blood pressure -HS ❖ Dental Exam-EHS and HS ❖ Speech and Language-HS ❖ ASQ- EHS ❖ Expectant Mothers are required to complete a prenatal and post- natal evaluation, submit a copy of each Ob-visit and have a dental exam and dental treatment, if approved by obstetrician. FSW’s will schedule a home visit every two weeks. ❖ Parents and guardians should follow-up on any identified treatment in a timely manner. ❖ FSW’s are available to assist the parent or guardian when necessary.

Parents and guardians also have the opportunity to serve on the HSAC to discuss and implement any approved recommendations that may enhance the quality of the services the program already provides. https://www.aap.org https://brightfutures.aap.org www.ada.org https://nrckids.org/CFOC

https://www.gaaap.org/medicaid https://medicaid.georgia.gov


MEDICATION Medication will not be given to any child unless the medication form is completed in advance, by the parent with the following information: • Name of medicine • Telephone number • Doctor’s name • Time medication will be administered, including dosage • Symptoms must be listed if prescribed “as needed” No medication will be administered unless prescribed by a health professional. Parents should be the first to administer medication to monitor adverse reactions. Medication cannot be transported on the buses.

NUTRITION The Nutrition Services at our Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs provide a very important part of the physical (brain and body) and social development of children. In order for children to learn, they need to be healthy. Children use a tremendous amount of energy through growth and physical activity and nutritious meals provide the nutrients needed to thrive. Children will receive breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack while in the classroom. Our philosophy is to promote proper nutrition for children, families, and staff through modeling, teaching, experiencing, and providing healthy foods. HEALTHY FOODS LEAD TO HEALTHY BODIES, WHICH PRODUCE HEALTHY MINDS. Special accommodations will be made for mothers who are breastfeeding, children with special needs and specific chronic conditions, (i.e. allergies, failure to thrive, etc.). Written medical documentation is required for meal modifications. During meals, children are encouraged to participate in some preparation and clean-up activities. Mealtime etiquette and positive attitudes about foods are part of the curriculum. Children transition from baby food to table food at age one. Mealtimes are ideal opportunities to educate children in a pleasant and relaxed way about food and nutrition. Foods are a wonderful resource for


teaching children cognitive, fine and gross motor skills and social skills. Children are

encouraged to try all food components and never forced to eat. Exposure to a wide variety of healthy foods, along with the observation of others eating healthy foods, helps the children to develop healthy eating habits. Parents and guardians will have the opportunity to learn about nutrition through newsletters, workshops, and parent meetings. A Registered Dietician is available for counseling and will provide educational literature for enrolled children that have been identified as having nutritional concerns. Menus are posted in each classroom and available upon request. When possible, menus will be available in the families’ primary language. The benefits of breastfeeding will be shared with parents. We participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Parents and guardians also have the opportunity to serve on the Health Services Advisory Committee (HSAC) to discuss and implement any approved recommendations that may enhance the quality of the services the program already provides. https://dph.georgia.gov/WIC www.decal.ga.gov/CACFP/ParticipantInformation.aspx https://www.fns.usda.gov


MENTAL HEALTH The Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start program will work collaboratively in educating and building a positive relationship between children, families, staff, mental health professionals and the larger community. The staff will enhance awareness and inform parents and guardians of all benefits that the mental health professional can provide to maintain the wellness of all children and families. Parent education will be provided to include- workshops, parent trainings, and individual group conferences. In addition, the program will support and encourage parent or guardian participation and any needed mental health interventions. The Mental Health professional and staff will assist in planning and implementing the services directly or through referrals and available resources in the community. The Disability and Mental Health Specialist will work closely with professionals to ensure the child and family are receiving quality services. Parents and guardians also have the opportunity to serve on the HSAC to discuss and implement any approved recommendations that may enhance the quality of the services the program already provides.

https://www.kidsmentalhealthinfo.com 17

DISABILITY SERVICES The Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs have operated under a congressional mandate since 1972, to make available, at a minimum ten percent (10%) of its enrollment opportunities to children with disabilities. Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs have exceeded this mandate both locally and nationally and continue to serve children in integrated, developmentally appropriate programs. It is our program’s responsibility to make available, directly, or in collaboration with local education agencies and intervention agencies, services in the least restrictive environment. This is in accordance with the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and the Individual Family Services Plan (IFSP) for all children who meet the disabilities eligibility criteria. In order to provide your child with a comprehensive curriculum to meet his/her needs, we are requesting the following information: 1. A copy of the most current IEP, IFSP or Treatment Plan. 2. Doctor’s statement of diagnosis, medical management information and observations, including any recommendations and modifications your child may need. 3. Documentation of any therapy sessions currently received. 4. Current medications, if applicable.

www.ada.gov https://www.gadoe.org/.../Special-Education-Rules.aspx https://dph.georgia.gov/Babies-Cant-Wait 18

PRE-K/HEAD START TRANSPORTATION POLICY When transportation is provided by the center, a responsible person, age 14 or older, must place the child on the bus in the morning and receive the child in the afternoon. If a responsible person fails to receive the child at the afternoon stop or if the person who is receiving the child is not identified as a “Release to person” as noted on the program application, the child will be returned to the center. Buses are allowed to stop at “Designated Stops” only. Buses will not stop between “Designated Stops” to allow for pick-up/discharge of a child. Children returned to the center must be picked up by 4:00 p.m. The agency reserves the right to terminate bus services of children who has a pattern of being returned to the center. Children are allowed to ride only one bus route. Changes to drop-off or pickup points will be considered providing such action does not present any safety problems or interferes with the bus route or timing as established at the beginning of the school year. Changes must be requested in writing and signed by the parent or guardian. Approval will be made by the Center Supervisor. Changes over the telephone will not be allowed except under emergency conditions, and then only after being verified and approved by the Center Supervisor. The responsible person placing the child on the bus or receiving the child in the afternoon should plan for days when the bus may be early or running late. In order to prepare for such times, the designated person should arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes early and allow 10 minutes if the bus is running late. The person responsible for getting the child to and/or from the designated stop must assist the bus aide, in loading/unloading the child on the bus. A “hand to hand” method will be used. The person responsible must come to the bus and physically hand their child to the bus monitor on the morning route and in the afternoon come to the bus and physically receive their child’s hand from the bus monitor.


YOUR RIGHTS AS A PRE-K/HEAD START & EARLY HEAD START PARENT ❖ To take part in major policy decisions affecting the planning and the operation of the program. ❖ To help develop adult programs that will improve daily living for you and your family. ❖ To be welcomed in the classroom and any other area of the program. ❖ To choose whether or not you participate without fear of endangering your child’s right to be in the program. ❖ To be informed regularly about your child’s progress in Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start. ❖ To always be treated with respect and dignity. ❖ To expect guidance for your child from Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start teachers and staff which will help his/her total individual development. ❖ To be able to learn about the operation of the program including the budget and the level of education and experience required to fill various staff positions. To take part in planning and carrying out programs designed to increase your skills in areas for potential employment. ❖ To be informed about all community resources concerned with health, education and the improvement of family life. ❖ A Parent has the right to inspect child records, amend records, request a hearing to challenge information in the record, right to copy record disclosed to third parties unless the disclosure was for a court that ordered neither the subpoena, its content, nor the information furnished in response be disclosed. 20

YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS A PRE-K / HEAD START & EARLY HEAD START PARENT 1. To learn as much as possible about the program and to take part in major policy decisions. 2. To accept Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs as an opportunity through which you can improve your life and children’s lives. 3. Take part in the classroom as an observer, a volunteer worker or a paid employee, and to contribute your services in whatever way you can toward enrichment of the total program. 4. To provide parent leadership by taking part in Committee Meetings, to explain the program to other parents and encourage their full participation. 5. To welcome teachers and staff into your home to discuss ways in which you can help your child’s development at home in relation to school experience. 6. To work with teachers and staff in a cooperative way. 7. To guide your child with firmness, which is both loving and protective. 8. To offer constructive criticism of the program, to defend it against unfair criticism and to share in evaluating it. 9. To take advantage of programs services designed to increase your knowledge about child development and skills in areas for potential employment. 10. To become involved in community programs which help to improve health education and recreation for all.


TOBACCO FREE ENVIRONMENT Tobacco use is prohibited at all Pre-K/Head Start & Early Head Start facilities, on vehicles and on the grounds. Tobacco use includes chewing tobacco or snuff. Tobacco is prohibited on field trips, walks with children and other offsite Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start activities.


If your child is unexpectedly absent from school you will receive a text message, email and/or phone call by 9:00 a.m., to check on the well-being of your child and the reason for the absence. If your child is absent three (3) or more consecutive days, a home visit will be made by staff to offer assistance and aid with improving regular attendance. We want your child attending the program and learning each day, because success in Head Start/Early Head Start goes hand in hand with good attendance.


Parents have the right to information regarding their child /children and the right to visit the center at any time. All parents, visitors and volunteers must sign in prior to entering the classrooms. Parents are encouraged to share their concerns, good or bad. If the Center Supervisor is unable to address your concerns, you can report to the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start director or an appointee of the director. Contacts are listed in this handbook.


Please try and dress your child in something comfortable and easy to care for. Your child needs to feel free to play and work without fear of soiling his/her clothes. Clothing that is easy for the child to pull up and down is recommended so that your child can learn self-help skills. Dress your child according to the weather. Outdoor activities are planned each day as long as the weather permits. Please send an extra set of clothing to be kept at the center in case of any accidents. Make sure your child’s name is on all clothing, including hats, sweaters, jackets and coats. Open toe sandals can be dangerous, especially on playgrounds.


All forms/information on children and families are considered confidential and are seen only by the appropriate Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start Staff. Records are kept in an individual folder inside a file cabinet and no other person shall access unless given written permission by the parent. 22

HOME VISITS & PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Our program encourages parents to become actively involved in the education and development of their children. Through home visits and parent/teacher conferences parents are given the opportunity to discuss their child/children’s ongoing progress at Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start. Parents are also given the opportunity to discuss family goals including the educational, social and nutritional needs of their children.

PARENT COMMITTEES/POLICY COUNCIL The parent committee and policy council provide parents with the opportunity to participate in the shared decision making and policy establishing process of Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start. These committees meet to discuss topics of interest involving parents, children and staff during the school year.

EMERGENCY CONTACT AND RELEASE It is very important as parents to inform the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start centers with changes in address, telephone numbers and release information. Please keep us informed of any contact changes.

VALUABLES Please do not allow children to bring toys to the center. Our classrooms are equipped with fun items for activities that children will enjoy. We will not be held responsible for items lost or stolen. Please do not send children to the center with expensive items such as jewelry and/or money.


CHILD ABUSE The Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs are charged with the responsibility of reporting suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. All staff are mandated reporters and are responsible for informing the Department of Family and Children Services of suspected neglect or abuse of a child for investigation. Georgia Law requires us to report all suspected child abuse and/or neglect situations. This is to include medical and dental neglect.

PEDICULOSUS (HEAD LICE) Children with head lice will be excluded from the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start centers and may return when hair has been properly treated. A Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start staff will check for nits before he or she may return to class. Parents can take the child to their primary physician or local health department for treatment. Children treated with over-thecounter products for removal of lice or nits must present a current receipt for the purchased product used to treat the head lice.

IMMUNIZATION Every child must have their shots up to date and must keep them current to remain in school. Monthly update reviews are conducted, and parents will be given prior notice to the expiration of their child/children’s immunizations.


Parents will be contacted when a child is ill and cannot remain at the center.


Children will be provided nutritious meals while at Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start. Please do not send food to the center with your child/children. Parents will not be permitted to bring outside food for any reason.

INCLEMENT WEATHER CGACAA Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start programs takes into account, the policies of the local Board of Education concerning inclement weather. If the school system closes the Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start, centers and Program Director takes into consideration the weather situation and follows the best course of action. 24

APPLICATION AND ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS Coastal Georgia Area CAA, Inc. Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start provides services to promote school readiness by enhancing the cognitive, social and emotional development of children ages 0-5. To be eligible for the program: • Head Start children must be 3-4 years old by Sept 1st of program year. • Pre-K children must be 4 by September 1st of program year. • Early Head Start must be at least 6 weeks and not over 36 months. To complete an application, you must submit the following documentation: Head Start: 1. Birth Certificate/Confirmation of Birth/Hospital Birth Certificate 2. Up-to-date Shot Record (Form #3231) 3. Proof of income (i.e. 3 check stubs in a row, W-2, tax form, statement from employer, TANF payments document, Social Security/SSI benefits or child support documentation). 4. Special Needs documentation (if applicable) 5. Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental & Nutritional Screening - Form #3300 (Pre-K Applicants Only) 6. Proof of Residency (Pre-K Applicants Only) Early Head Start: 1. Birth Certificate/Confirmation of Birth/Hospital Birth Certificate 2. Up-to-date Shot Record (Form #3231) 3. Proof of income (i.e. 3 check stubs in a row, W-2, tax form, statement from employer, TANF payments document, Social Security/SSI benefits or child support documentation). 4. Special Needs documentation (if applicable) The following items will be requested during the application and/or enrollment process: ❖ Social Security Card (Pre-K Applicants Only) ❖ Medicaid or Health insurance documents ❖ Child’s Physical or Well-Baby Check ❖ Dental exam results - beginning at 12 months of age. ❖ Special needs documentation, Infant formula (if applicable) ❖ Proof of Pregnancy and delivery due date for expectant mothers. Pre-K/Head Start and Early Head Start staff will assist parents with the application and enrollment process. Once children and families are accepted, parents will be notified and scheduled to come in and complete an enrollment packet. Parents can also begin the application process online by visiting www.coastalgacaa.org and going to the Early Childhood Education tab - “Apply Now”. Someone will make contact with you, to set up an appointment for you to come into the office to complete the process. 25

PROGRAM GUIDELINES AND AGREEMENT The Head Start/Early Head Start Center will be opened Monday through Friday, unless otherwise noted. Each child is expected to arrive at the center by 9:00 a.m. and depart no later than 3:00 p.m. During my child’s enrollment at Head Start/Early Head Start, I agree to keep the program informed of any changes in telephone numbers, addresses and release information. No fees are charged for the Head Start/Early Head Start Program. In addition, children are provided with toys and meals at the center and will not be allowed to bring either from home. Adequate balanced meals are served at the center. Breastfeeding mothers are encouraged to come to the center to breastfeed as often as needed. Food exceptions will not be allowed unless determined by a physician, i.e. allergic reactions, etc. Weekly menus are posted in advance at the center and may be reviewed and/or requested at any time. Children should wear comfortable, washable clothing while at the center. They will have daily outside playtime except during inclement weather. Each child must have a change of clothing that will remain in the child’s classroom for emergencies. All clothing must be marked with the child’s name. All enrollment forms and documents used to determine program eligibility must be completed by the parent/guardian prior to the child’s first day at the center. Children will attend class on a regular basis. If your child is absent 3 or more consecutive days, a home visit will be made by staff to offer assistance with improving attendance. Children are accepted at the center who will profit from the group experiences in the classroom setting. If being treated by a private doctor or dentist, the child’s screening records, and dental treatment are requested prior to the first day of class. Parents will be notified of children who are ill, injured or exposed to communicable diseases. The parent/guardian will be contacted, and the child must be picked up if necessary. If the staff is unable to contact the parent, the emergency points of contact will be notified. Any communicable disease will warrant documentation from a doctor for readmission. Head Start children at the center will have an opportunity to experience various field trips during the school year. Unless otherwise noted the parent/guardian agrees that the child may participate in all Head Start/Early Head Start activities, as part of the school program. In addition, any picture


of the child may be used in newspapers, displays, bulletin boards, or other types of Head Start/Early Head Start or community publications. Each child will be given the opportunity of an afternoon nap each day. All Head Start/Early Head Start staff are to be treated with respect as they will also treat you with the same respect. During the year, home visits will be made by the staff to acquaint you with your child’s development and assist in identifying community resources available to your family. In the event that a child misbehaves, behavioral observations will be shared with parents. In no event will corporal punishment be used. The program redirects the behavior and reminds the children of classroom rules. Coastal GA Area Community Action Authority, Inc. does not discriminate against any person directly or indirectly relating to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.


Customer Behavior Expectation Policy Policy Coastal GA Area CAA, Inc. expects that all of its customers/clients will interact with its staff in an appropriate manner and will work to resolve any problems, conflicts, or issues in a manner that incorporates mutual respect for one another. Unreasonable and/or disorderly conduct, language or mannerisms that threaten, intimidate, demean, harass, or provoke staff, or are generally considered vulgar or offensive are not acceptable. Violence or threats of violence, displayed, plainly stated, or implied, will definitely not be tolerated. This same code of conduct applies to spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, relatives, or any other person who may have contact with Agency staff in relation to the enrollment of a particular child/children or client. Any person determined by Agency management to have violated this policy will generally be notified of the violation and reminded of our positive and civil behavioral expectations. If, after notification, the problematic behavior, language, or situation continues, the Agency may take steps to terminate services to the person. The Agency, however, reserves the right to immediately terminate any or all services to the individual management believes poses a threat to the health and safety of its customers and/or staff in violation of the policy. Procedure Based on the Agency policy above, Coastal GA Area CAA, Inc., has adopted the following procedures: 1. The policy above is extended to include volunteers working in the centers or in the center related activities as well as staff on behalf of Head Start/ Early Head Start. 2. This policy will be posted in all centers and must be followed by all individuals involved in any activities on or off Head Start/ Early Head Start property, i.e. during home visits, field trips, parent trips, bus routes, etc. 3. All parents/guardians of children enrolled will receive a copy of the Agency policy statement during the enrollment process. This will be further discussed with the parents during the Open House/Parent Orientation. 4. All parents/guardians will be required to sign a statement acknowledging receipt and discussion of the policy. 5. Parents/guardians will be advised that they are responsible for ensuring that others coming to the center, i.e. grandparents, relatives, significant others understand and follow the policy.




1st Month













Months 2nd





Jerky thrust Jerky armarm thrust Brings hands within range Brings hands within range of eyes & mouth. of eyes & head mouth. Moves from side to Moves side to sidehead while from lying on stomach. backwards if side Head whileflops lying on stomach. Headunsupported. flops backwards if Keeps hands in tight fists. unsupported. Strong reflex movements. Keeps hands in tight fists. Strong reflex movements.

Hearing is fully Hearing is fully mature. mature. Recognize some Recognize some sounds. sounds. May turn toward familiar May turn toward sounds/voices. familiar

Raises head & chest when lying on stomach. Supports upper body with arms when Raises head & chestorwhen lying on stomach back. lyingOpens/Shuts on stomach. Supports hands. upper body with arms Bring hands to mouth.when toys. lyingGrasps/shakes on stomachhand or back. Pushes down on legs when Opens/Shuts hands. feet are placed on firm Bring hands to mouth. surface.

Begins to babble Begins to imitate some sounds. Begins totoward babble Turn s head Beginsoftosound imitate direction



Eyes wander scent of mother. Eyes wanderRecognizes Recognizes scent of mother. Prefers black & sensations. Prefers blackPrefers & soft Prefers soft sensations. white or high Dislikes rough or abrupt handling. Dislikes rough or abrupt handl white or high contrast patterns. Preferscontrast human patterns. face toPrefers all otherhuman patterns. face to all other


Watches faces Begins to develop a social smile. intently. Enjoys playing with people. Follows moving More communicative with face and Watches faces Begins to develop a social smi objects. body. intently. Enjoys playing&with Recognizes Imitates some movements facialpeople. More communicative with fac some sounds. Follows moving familiar expressions. body. Turn s head toward objects/people objects.at Imitates some movements & f direction of sound a distance. Recognizes Starts using expressions. familiar hands & eyes in Grasps/shakes hand toys. objects/people at coordination. Pushes onback, legsback when distance. Enjoys social play. Rollsdown front to to Responds to own Finds apartially Sits with, name. Begins to hiddenStarts objects. feet front. are placed on then firm using Interested in mirror images. respond to “no”. without support of hands. Explores hand& eyes Responds to other people’s surface. hands in Distinguishes Supports whole wait on and mouth. expressions of emotions. coordination. emotions by tone of legs. Struggles to get RollsReaches front to back, back to voice. Responds partially Enjoys social play. Respondstoto own with one hand. objectsFinds that are front. Sits with, then name. Begins out to ofhidden Interested in mirror images. by making Transfers objects from hand sound reach. objects. sounds. Uses to hand. respond to voice “no”. without support of hands. Explores hand Responds to other people’s toDistinguishes express joy and Uses raking Supports wholegrasp. wait on and mouth. expressions of emotions. displeasure. Babbles emotions by tone of legs. Struggles to get chains of consonants. voice. Reaches with one hand. objects that Shy, are anxious with strangers. Gets sitting position without Pays moreResponds attention to Puts objects making into/out Transfers objects fromonhand tosound outofof reach.Cries when parent leaves. help. Crawl forward speech.byResponds belly. Assumes hands and tosounds. simple verbal Imitates people in play. Uses voicecontainers. to hand. position. requests. Responds Shows preferences for people, and to express joy and Imitates Usesknees raking grasp.Creeps on hands and knees. Gets to to “no”. Uses simple scribbling. toys. Tests parental responses to displeasure. Babbles sitting to crawling or prone gestures. Babbles Explore objects his/her behavior. chains of consonants. position. Pulls self-up to with inflection. Says in different Getsstand. sitting position without Pays more attentionways. Puts objects Shy, anxious with strangers. Walks holding on to “dada’ and “mama”. Imitates May stand/walk Use exclamations. gestures. Beginsof help.furniture. Crawl forward on to speech. Responds into/out Cries when parent leaves. 2-3Assumes steps without support. Tries to imitate objects belly. hands and to simple verbal to usecontainers. Imitates people in play. Uses pincer grasp. Lets words. Shows preferences for people, knees position. Creeps on requests. Respondscorrectly Imitates objects go voluntarily. toys. Tests parental responses hands andalone knees. Gets to to “no”. Uses simple scribbling. Walks Points to objects Sorts by shape or Imitates behavior of others. his/her sitting to crawling or prone when gestures. Begins to run they areBabbles names. color. Explore objects Demonstrates morebehavior. independence. position. to withseveral inflection. different Separation anxiety increases, then ClimbsPulls onto &self-up down from Says single Says Beginsinmakefurniture. (15-18 believeways. play. Imitates fades. stand. Walks holding on to words “dada’ andmos.) “mama”. Walks up & down stairs Uses phrases furniture. May stand/walk Usesimple exclamations. gestures. Begins without support. (18-24 mos.). uses 22-3 steps without support. Tries sentences. to imitate to use objects 4-word Uses pincer grasp. Lets words.simple correctly Follows objects go voluntarily. instructions.

Walks alone Begins to run Climbs onto & down from furniture. Walks up & down stairs without support.

Points to objects 29 are names. when they Says several single words (15-18 mos.) Uses simple phrases (18-24 mos.). uses 24-word sentences. Follows simple instructions.


Sorts by shape or color. Begins makebelieve play.

Imitates behavior of others. Demonstrates more independe Separation anxiety increases, t fades.


(Hours of Operation): 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday Thru Friday (Office Hours) 8:30am – 5:00pm Monday Thru Friday Administration Contact: Tel: (912)264-3281 Fax: 265-7444 Bryan Co.: (37 Children) Pre-K/Head Start 166 Bacontown Road/P.O. Box 1089 Pembroke, GA 31321 Tel: (912) 653-4990 Fax: (912) 653-5563 Camden Co.: (101 Children) Pre-K/Head Start/Early Head Start 1501 Georgia Ave./P.O. Box 418 Woodbine, GA 31569 Tel: (912) 576-5923 or 576-9410 Fax: (912) 673-6957 Evans Co.: (75 Children) Head Start/Early Head Start 720 N. Church St./P.O. Box 382 Claxton, GA 30417 Tel: (912) 739-4576 or 739-9631 Fax: (912) 739-8414 Glynn Co.: (337 Children County Wide) *Glynn Co. (279 Children) Pre-K/Head Start One Community Action Dr. Suite D Brunswick, GA 31520 Tel: (912) 262-1400 Fax: (912) 261-8775 *Glynn Co. (58 Children) Early Head Start/ Head Start 419 Benedict Rd. Brunswick, GA 31520 Tel: (912) 289-4893 Fax: (912) 275-7265 Liberty Co.: (183 Children County Wide) Liberty Co. (159 Children) Pre-K/Head Start/Early Head Start 100 Deen Street Hinesville, GA 31313 Tel: (912) 506-1275 *Liberty EHS (24 Children) Early Head Start 200 Brantley Dr. Hinesville, GA 31313 Tel: (912) 876-5984 Fax: (912) 876-5977 Long Co.: (40 Children) Head Start 15 Thornton Dr. /P.O. Box 685 Ludowici, GA 31316 Tel: (912) 545-2155 or 545-2273 Fax: (912) 545-2821 McIntosh Co.: (40 Children) Head Start 1497 Hwy 17 N./P.O. Box 1095 Darien, GA 31305 Tel: (912) 437-3942 or 437-6118 Fax: (912) 437-7893 Tattnall Co: (68 Children County Wide) *Glennville: (17 Children) Head Start 119 Veterans Rd. Glennville, GA 30427 Tel: (912) 654-1170 Fax: (912) 654-4926 *Reidsville: (51 Children) Pre-K/Head Start 720 Main Street Collins, GA 30421 Tel: (912) 693-2207 Fax: (912) 693-7014 Wayne Co.: (102 Children) Pre-K/Head Start 724 N. Fourth St. Jesup, GA 31545 Tel: (912) 427-4527 or 427-2234 Fax: (912) 427-6363


P.O. Box 2016 One Community Action Drive Brunswick, Ga. 31520 Tel: (912) 264-3281 www.coastalgacaa.org




Helping People...Changing Lives...Building Families

Tres Hamilton, CEO | Charles Stewart, Board Chairman Tres Hamilton, CEO Charles Stewart, GA Board Chairman 1 Community Action Drive • Brunswick, 31520 Coastalgacaa.org (912) 264-3281 | coastalgacaa.org

Community Action promotes self-sufficiency and will strive to improve the quality of life for BRYAN | CAMDEN | GLYNN | LIBERTY | MCINTOSH families through education, training, comprehensive services and advocacy.

Areas of Service: Case Management Early Childhood Education Educational Support Employment Assistance Financial Literacy

Housing advocacy LIHEAP Meals on Wheels Senior Services

Summer Lunch Weatherization Women Empowerment WX PLUS Youth Development

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