Spring detoxification by Carissa Wills-DeMello
The transition from winter to spring marks the movement from a season of rest and reflection into a season of movement and growth.
his outer transition is exemplified by melting snow and the first shoots and buds showing themselves. Our bodies are a microcosm of the earth. So just as the gardener will begin to plan for pruning, fertilizing, and cultivating their plot to prepare for an abundant season, we too must garden our inner landscape! We must clear out the waste, nourish our
cells, and awaken our systems for the busy months and long days ahead. A word that comes up often in the context of inner spring cleaning is of course “detoxification.” Big businesses will have you believing that detoxification is a process we need to force our bodies into. On the contrary! Detoxification is a natural process happening at every moment through a concerted effort of several systems and organs in our incredible bodies. That being said, there are times when those systems need a little extra TLC from mother nature. For instance, after being sick when we’ve got a whole lot of waste products to rid ourselves of—or, at this time of year, after we’ve spent the winter months eating heavier foods and moving a bit less. This isn’t a bad thing. It’s quite natural to have taken the winter to nourish ourselves with dense root veggies and meats, to hit the hay early and rise late. But spring is here, and so our bodies are ready to transition! Queue the herbal support. Human beings have always
April 2022 | The South Coast Insider
lived in rhythm with nature. When we relied more on our gardens and foraging we didn’t have to look farther than out our door to know what plants would support spring detoxification. While it may feel like we’ve forgotten, don’t fret, remembering is simple and fun!
Get to know your liver
When you think detoxification, think liver. The liver is the most critical organ when it comes to inner balance. It’s the largest organ in our body, and processes everything that we take in – whether that be through our mouths, skin or lungs! In The Science and Art of Herbalism, Rosemary Gladstar explains that “the liver sorts, stores and processes countless compounds. It has the ability to turn harmful chemicals into harmless byproducts, and flushes them out. It also manufactures over 13,000 chemicals including vital hormones.” Absolutely incredible, right? And as if that wasn’t enough, the liver has the ability to literally