The South Coast Insider - January 2022

Page 20



Artist Fitzcarmel LaMarre works on his entry to the Southcoast Learning Trail on Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford

In spite of the lingering pandemic, New Bedford’s sizzling creative sector continues to set a blistering pace of return value to the community


ew Bedford Creative, the umbrella for all things arts and culture in the city, and managed from the office of the New Bedford Economic Development Council, issued an impressive series of announcements throughout the autumn that reflected the dynamism of the sector. Combined with the effects of its ongoing initiatives, it all adds up to a healthy investment in the arts and the continued dominance of New Bedford as a creative community. For the second year in a row, New Bedford was selected as the recipient of an Art Is Everywhere grant. Meanwhile, #NBcreative’s own funding program, Wicked Cool Places, continued to support local artists and programmers throughout the city. New Bedford Creative was also selected as the lead partner on a year-long training and grant



By Steven Froias

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Thanks to the solid foundation we’ve laid in New Bedford, the creative sector is ready to embrace this new opportunity to blaze a new path into the future for the benefit of the entire city and regions

program supported by the Barr Foundation.

Creating connection

The funding will support a program that is part of a national Creating Connection initiative directed by Minneapolis-based Arts Midwest. The effort will draw on data-driven strategies to support New Bedford organizations in messaging the value of the creative sector to the city for residents and visitors alike. “Once again, the inspiring work of New Bedford artists and cultural trailblazers is being recognized by the Barr Foundation, and now

January 2022 | The South Coast Insider

the respected Arts Midwest national organization, for its ability to positively impact and transform the city,” says Margo Saulnier, the Creative Strategist for the city. Now in its sixth year, Arts Midwest’s Creating Connection is a research and messaging initiative that helps creative organizations connect their messages and programs to existing community values. It aims to help expand audiences and support for the arts by helping organizations deepen relevance and learn new messaging strategies. The program has supported organizations across the country in this work, including in-depth training and investment in

10 Massachusetts-based arts organizations between 2016-2019. “Thanks to the solid foundation we’ve laid in New Bedford, the creative sector is ready to embrace this new opportunity to blaze a new path into the future for the benefit of the entire city and regions,” says Saulnier. “Being part of Creating Connection will enable more residents to realize their potential and support their efforts to bring more arts, culture, and creativity to every part of this city.

Art is everywhere

If you drive up Acushnet Avenue in New Bedford’s North End, or walk along the street, you’re likely to see something new and very colorful. Thanks to Art Is Everywhere funding, artists partnered with businesses along the Avenue to create a new story trail for children. In

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The South Coast Insider - January 2022 by Coastal Communications Corp. - Issuu