coastsouththe InsiderSEPTEMBER 2022 Vol. 26 / No. 9 Fall LongPublicfunartslivethe king Field dreamsof Sponsored by

HARVESTFESTIVALMOON September 24th, 2022 10 am-5 pm Rain date 9/25/22 AT ONSET PIER, BAYVIEW PARK & BANDSHELL LIVE MUSIC WITH Daddy O The Birch Swart Band Riley Coyote and more to be announced! Vendors! Food Trucks! Classic Car Show! Chili-Chowder and Stuffies Contest! Fireworks at dusk over Onset Bay! AT 186 ONSET AVENUE 508-295-7072

1September 2022 | The South Coast Insider 599 East Main Road, Middletown, RI 02842 | 401-835-0680 | • Luxury Dog Care for the Discerning Dog Parent • Dog Getaways, Specialized Playcare Programs, Training from Puppy to Seasoned Citizen, Signature Wedding Valet Service • Winner Best of Newport • Over 200+ 5 Star Reviews from HAPPY Dog Parents • Recommended by local Veterinarians • Referred by many Newport Luxury Hotels and Wedding Venues • Located on picturesque Aquidneck Island loved safe happy for your peace of mind Rhode Island’s Premier Resort for Lucky Dogs Lucky Dog_04.22.indd 2 4/8/22 7:42 AM

2 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider September 2022 | Vol. 26 | No. 9 Published by Coastal Communications Corp. Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Ljiljana Vasiljevic Editor Sebastian Clarkin Online Editor Paul Letendre Sales Manager Mari Burns (508) 916-0374 Contributors Michael J. DeCicco, Paul Kandarian, Tom Lopes, Sean McCarthy, Elizabeth Morse Read, Rona Trachtenberg Layout & Design Janelle Medeiros The South Coast Insider is published monthly for visitors and residents of the South Coast area and is distributed free of charge from Mount Hope Bay to Buzzards Bay. All contents copyright ©2022 Coastal Communications Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means, without written permission from the Publisher. All information contained herein is believed to be reliable. Coastal Communications Corp. does not assume any financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but will reprint that portion of an advertisement in which the typographical error occurs. Deadline 20 days prior to publication. Circulation 20,000 Subscriptions $39 per year Mailing Address Coastal Communications Corp. P.O. Box 3493 Fall River, MA 02722 Phone (508) 677-3000 Website E-mail Oureditor@coastalmags.comadvertisersmakethis publication possible— please support them. 13
population has ballooned from While her husband has kept his IT job, ganic” farming extends beyond cuddles and She ensures all the animals are provided with healthy, organic meals, and that their waste is repurposed as manure. where the turkeys have been,” Bishop says. “That’s because they fertilize the soil with their manure. Manure is the basis of organic fertilizers. There are no chemicals added, or needed, when the animals do their job.”
Plymouth Rock pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP does not employ or endorse producers
the origi nal 20 to over 3000.
The South Coast Insider 2020
| November
CSAs, popular among farms nation wide, allow customers to pre-purchase “shares” of the farm’s produce, which are
Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policy as issued. AARP membership is required for Program eligibility. Applicants are individually underwritten and some may not qualify for auto insurance from Plymouth Rock based on driving history or other factors. Premiums will be based on verified information and the coverage choices and policy options that you select.
rates are just the beginning. More Than Just Insurance. Plymouth Rock Assurance®. Insurance&StaffordCompany 1000 North Main St. Fall River, MA 02720 508-673-5893 154 Huttleston Ave., Rt. 6 Fairhaven , MA 508-997-0166 Hours: Wed., Thu., Sat. 10-5:30 • Fri. 11-7 Sun. 1-4 • Closed Mon. & Tue. 624 Brayton Avenue • Fall River, MA 508-679-0535 Schedule your ESTATEcheck-upPLANNINGtoday!surplus,newnewperhobknackhaddoandfarminthischickenorigijob,herselftoherselfonstress-wherereallyorcuddles livestock. customersBishopprovidedthattheiristhearenothejobs,andundervines”neighorganicwillintoterrestrialpartnered Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policy as issued. AARP membership is required for Program eligibility. Applicants are individually underwritten and some may not qualify for auto insurance from Plymouth Rock based on driving history or other factors. Premiums will be based on verified information and the coverage choices and policy options that you select. Plymouth Rock pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP does not employ or endorse agents, producers or brokers. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. More Than Just Insurance. Plymouth Rock Assurance . Call today for a free, no autoobligationinsurance quote: 508-673-589 Insurance&StaffordCompany 1000 North Main St. Fall River, MA 02720 508-673-5893 270 Huttleston Ave. (Rt. 6) Fairhaven, MA • 508-991-2229 Call or visit Facebook for weekly hours — Seconds Count! Quality Resale for the Whole Family $50 PURCHASE * Excludes gift certificates, expires 10/31/20 624 Brayton Avenue • Fall River, MA 508-679-0535 Schedule your ESTATEcheck-upPLANNINGtoday! 279 Water Street, Warren, RI 401.245.7071 Locally roasted coffee, gourm et crepes made to order, baked goods & much more. Everything ready for takeout. Lots of outside seating!
Bishop has conscripted her goats and pigs into clearing away swaths of under brush on the property – the “gnarly vines” that give the farm its name. boring farms to provide its customers with a variety of sustainable and organic products. Angus beef, for instance, will sell out almost as soon as it comes into stock.Butthe farm is not bound by terrestrial limitations: the Bishops have partnered with Captain’s Finest and Sakonnet Lobster to bring fresh seafood to market. Bishop is particularly proud of a new ini tiative at the farm: food security commu nity supported agriculture (CSA) plans.

3September 2022 | The South Coast Insider eChoice Checking With e-Statement enrollment and at least one posted direct deposit during the statement period, we will waive the monthly service charge, all foreign ATM fees, and rebate ATM surcharges up to $15. Rebated ATM Fees Internet Banking eStatementsBillPay Mobile Banking Mobile 1-888-MECHANICSDeposit(632-4264) Founders of the “Let’s Keep it Local!®” Movement! andWheneverwhereveryouneedus...

4 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2022 9The South Coast Insider | November 2020 508-998-6101 1100 Reed Rd. • North Dartmouth, MA Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm • 30+ years experience • Pet boarding, owner on premises 24/7 • A/C, fenced in yard, outdoor kennels • One-on-one training for basic obedience We are sure to have the purrfect cat or the cutest K-9 to steal your heart so if you are looking for love, check with us first!! Faxon Animal Care & Adoption Center 474 Durfee St., Fall River, MA 508-676-1061 www.faxonar Fall in love at Faxon Shop small, shop local! Why risk your health (and sanity) at crowded malls on Black Friday? Take advantage of incredible offerings in your own neighborhood on Small Business Saturday, November 28, throughout the South Coast. Check out sbsshopri. com for shop-and-stroll events in Rhode Island. For that special gift, support local craftsmen and artists by heading over to the Waterfire Arts Center in Providence to visit the safe outdoor pop-up markets (
For those who are always hard to buy a gift for, consider signing them up for an annual subscription to a streaming service, app, podcast, premier sports/ movies/cultural channel, magazine, or newspaper. Or make a donation in their name to their favorite charity, education al institution, or cultural organization. Consider how much it would be appreci ated if you upgraded an older relative’s digital capabilities with an easy-to-use smartphone, tablet, or notebook – and then helped to set up Zoom or Skype. You can keep the holiday spirit alive this year, even though you may not all be to gether to celebrate Thanksgiving. It just takes some imagination and good cheer!
It’s the thoughtful gifts that count And if you can’t find gifts for all the spe cial people in your life, consider buying gift cards to restaurants, shops, vine yards, special event venues, local farms, e-commerce websites, or grocery stores. Use mail-order services to deliver flow ers, sweets, and specialty foods yearround to someone you want to thank or to express your appreciation.
This ShopSaturday,BusinessSmallLocalandSupportyourcommunity. 167 Borden Street Fall River, Saturday,MA November 28, jjjewlery.com508.676.71692020 — HOURS — Mon. & Tue. 8:30-4:30pm Wed. & Sat. 8:30-12 Noon Thu. 8:30-5pm • Fri 8:30-6pm 35 State Road, Westport, MA Bessebrosfood@gmail.com774-319-5597Tuesday-Friday10-6;Saturday10-3;ClosedSunday&Monday 24 Hour Notice Needed. No Substitutions. Price Includes Sales Tax. Please inform us of any allergies when ordering. PACKAGE$165#1 4 lbs. Ground Beef 4 lbs. Bone In Pork Chops 4 lbs. Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs 3 lbs. Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 2 lbs. Steak Tips (plain) 2 lbs Sausage or Chourico (your choice) 1 lb. Any Deli Salad (you choose) 2 lbs. Chourico Meat PACKAGE$150#2 18 Hamburger Patties 10 Hot Dogs 1 lb American Cheese 1 lb Bacon 3 lbs. Marinaded Chicken Tender (cajun, lemon pepper, garlic parm) 3 lbs. Marinaded Steak Tips (bourbon, steak house, Portuguese) 2 lbs. Country Ribs COVER STORY 14 Agri-culture By Sean McCarthy 20 A family fantasy comes to life By Rona Trachtenberg THINGS TO DO 6 See you in September By Elizabeth Morse Read 18 The country club By Michael J. DeCicco BUSINESS BUZZ 16 A city comes to life By Sean McCarthy ON MY MIND 22 Good vibes only By Paul Kandarian ON THE COVER Escobar Farm’s annual corn maze has been an autumn favorite in the South Coast for 23 years. Take your family and friends to 255 Middle Road in Portsmouth to enjoy the best that the season has to offer starting on September 2. Learn more by turning to page 14 or visit escobarfarm. com. Photo: Jeff Codman/Newport Helicopter Tours. coastsouththe Insider Vol. 26 No. 9 Fall LongPublicfunartslivethe king Field dreamsof Sponsored by
And on First Thursdays (November 5) you can “shop and dine local” in Barrington, Bristol, and WarrenKick-off( Frerichs Farm in Warren with “Girls Night Out” on November 6, 7 and 8 – buy your holiday trees, greenery, and gifts there, too ( Then mark your calendar for the Newport Block Party & Holiday Stroll at Bowen’s Wharf on November 27 – you can watch the Illuminated Boat Parade while you shop and enjoy Caribbean music (


6 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider September CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 by Elizabeth Morse Read
Family fun! Plan ahead for the fabulous “Jack-oLantern Spectacular” September 29 to October 31 at Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence (! Enjoy free family fun and entertainment on AHA! Nights in New Bedford! The September 8 theme is “NB Cultures” (“Happy Days Cruise Night” on September 1 and “Movies in the Park” September 23 and October 21 at Crescent Park in East little(!ProvidenceWhenit’srainingoutside,taketheonestothe
Make a splash at WaterWizz in Wareham through September 5 (!HeadfortheMuseum of Natural History & Planetarium in Providence’s Roger Williams Park to watch the planetarium shows ( museum)! Food, drink, and shopping Don’t miss the New Bedford Food Truck and Craft Beer Festival on September 10 at Fort Taber. Family fun, lawn games, and music (foodtruckfestivalsofamerica. com)!Head for the Rhode Island Seafood Festival at India Point Park in Providence on September 10-11, rain or shine (!Markyourcalendars for the Newport Mansions Wine and Food Festival on September 16-18 (newportmansions. org).Enjoy a real Fisherman’s Clambake on September 18 at Buzzards Bay Brewing in Westport, sponsored by the Buzzards Bay Coalition ( events)!Forataste of New Bedford’s rich culinary history, go on a guided Food TourDine(!
Summer’s almost over! The kids are back in school, the tourists have gone home – take a deep breath and enjoy the cooler temps, the Oktoberfests, the bumper-crop at the farmers markets, the harvest fairs, seafood festivals and street fairs – and the return of indoor music, theatre, and cultural events as the days grow shorter!
See you in THINGS TO DO
Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River (! Check out the Newport Car Museum in Portsmouth to see more than 60 vintage cars and driving DilliesHunger(!simulatorsTakethefamilytothefundraiser“MakeDisappear”withIllusionistLynonSeptember10atthe Zeiterion in New Bedford (
“Al Fresco on the Hill” on Atwells Ave. in Providence on Friday and Saturday nights through October 1 while people-watching and enjoying free live entertainment ( Visit Fairhaven’s outdoor Huttleston Marketplace on the high school lawn through September 17 (fairhaventours. com)!Don’t miss “First Taste of Fall” on September 24 at the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford – food trucks, local breweries and wineries ( Take the family to the monthly Open Farm Days at Round the Bend Farm in Dartmouth! Grass-fed meats, botanicals, local veggies, honey, and more (, local and handmade on Saturdays through October at the Southcoast Open Air Market in Somerset (southcoastopenairmarket. com).Visit the Outdoor Farmers Markets in New Bedford at Brooklawn Park on Mondays, Buttonwood Park on Thursdays, Clasky Common Park on Fridays through October ( Food Truck Fridays at the Carousel at Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence (rwpzoo)! Eat Fresh, Eat Local! Fill your baskets with local produce, dairy products and artisanal foods! To find a farm, vineyard or farmers market near you, visit, farmfreshri. org, or To find food and wine events, go to farmcoast. com,, or

7September 2022 | The South Coast Insider T I C K E T S A V A I L A B L E O N L I N E | N E W P ORT B O A T S H O W . C O M | C O NCU R R EN T W I TH T H E N E W PORT BR O K E R A G E B O A T S H O W P O W E R & S A I L T O G E T H E R | K AYA K S T O C R U I S E R S | M A R I N E E QU I P M E N T | SE R V I CES | A C C E SS O R I E S N E W P O RT INTER N AT I ONAL B O AT S H OW S E P TEMBER 1 5 – 1 8 , 2 02 2 N e w p o r t fo r n e w p r o d u c t s Official U.S. Debuts of 2023 Boats & Boating Products WDANNNOOPHOTBYEVERAL P r e se nt ed b y 51s t A nnua l

Pennisten,BrancoaBuilding,Riverdescent. Westport Rock, Rhythm & Blues Festival
There’s “TINA -- The Tina Turner Musical” September 11-12, Ringo 11| South Coast collaborationstrawberries.andtable,howlocalCollegerecentotheranonapolicyculture.OvernewlyCulturalproclaimedvotedthe flower Commission.proposalthehopes to such as wayfinding group’s and’s
Check out what’s happening at the Providence Performing Arts Center!
Blackstone Valley Trolley Station in Providence – there’s Steampunk Seed Traveling Show September (’tmissthefree Summer Sunday Concerts through September 4 in Warren at Burr’s Hill departments/parks_and_recreation)!(’tmissthe Summer Outdoor Music Series at the Norman Bird Sanctuary in Middletown – there’s The Suitcase Junket September 16 (normanbirdsanctuary. org).Head for Blithewold Mansion and Gardens in Bristol for the Music at Sunset Concerts Series through September 21 (! Enjoy wine tastings and live jazz on Saturdays at Greenvale Vineyards in Portsmouth ( Don’t miss the Westport Rivers Summer Sunset Concert Series through September 10 at the Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery (
September 10-11 at Frerich’s Farm in Warren ( for the annual Our Lady of the Angels Portuguese Festa on Labor Day weekend – September 3-5 – at the feast grounds in north Fairhaven (!
8 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider Festivals, fairs, and festas!
All the world’s a stage Enjoy the new season of Your Theatre in New Bedford! “Bell, Book and Candle” will be performed September 8-11, 16-18 ( of “The Inheritance: Parts 1 & 2” September 1 to November 6 at Trinity Rep in Providence ( a performance of “Social Security” September 11 to October 23 at the Newport Playhouse ( Priscilla Beach Theatre in Plymouth, the oldest barn theatre still in operation in America! There’s “Forever Plaid” September 2-10 ( Music on the lawns Don’t miss the annual Westport Rock, Rhythm & Blues Festival September 9-11 at the Holy Ghost Grounds, a fundraiser to benefit A Wish Come True (’s Memorial Park to hear the L. Knife Concert Series on Thursday nights through September 1 ( to Running Brook Vineyard in Dartmouth for free live music every Saturday and Sunday (!Enjoyfreeconcertsatthe
South Coast sounds
Don’t miss New Bedford’s “Summer Sounds” free concerts! Dance in the streets, mingle and enjoy the block-party atmosphere on Friday nights through September 16, alternating between Purchase Street outside No Problemo and lower Union Street outside Play Arcade (!
June 2021
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! King Richard’s Faire in Carver returns on weekends September 3 to October 23 ( Take the family to the Harvest Moon Festival in Onset on September 24 – food trucks, flea market, live music, fireworks, and more (! Don’t miss the annual Acushnet Apple-Peach Festival on the weekend after Labor Day the-acushnet-applepeach-festival)!( Fantasy Faire

9September 2022 | The South Coast Insider Saturday, October 8th City Pier 3, New Bedford, MA General Admission: 12 PM 5 PM VIP Admission: 11 AM Open 10 am - 5 pm M-Sat 12 pm - 5 pm Sunday Open 10 am - 5 pm M-Sat 12 pm - 5 pm Sunday LargestShowroomMulti-Dealer Large Furniture Gallery • over 1 1/2 acres on 1 floor Art • Collectibles • Furniture • Jewelry • Clothing Books • Toys & Much More SEPT22

10 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider 5S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S S e P tember / o C tober 2021 Behind the front door of a Leisure Care community, there’s so much more than people would expect. Behind every exciting experience, there’s a team of passionate experts. And behind everything we do, there’s an unsurpassed commitment to cleanliness, that keeps everyone at ease. Because behind each Leisure Care community is nearly 50 years of experience creating environments where seniors thrive. 274 Slocum Road • North Providence,streetandFerry. DELIVERYMORE 401-253-2456SUPPLIES couponsvisit;be enter Retired? WorkReturningStudent?towork?you’lllovethatsuitsyour life! Come join our team supporting individuals with intellectual /developmental disabilities in their homes & communities throughout RI. • Rewarding Work • Grow Your Career • Flexible Schedule • Excellent Benefits • Full or Part-time $18.00perhour VAMOS ATRABALHARCOLOCAR We share more than a backyard with our customers. We share a vision of collaboration, service and integrity that can only be achieved when we approach all with compassion and empathy. This makes us more than a bank, this makes us mutual. Member FDIC. Member DIF STEADFAST Human Our Values Create Real Value Donna Winn Branch Manager Licensed in MA & donna.winn@norcom-usa.comCANMLSID#43351 CO. NMLSID #71665 RehabConventionalMortgageResidentialLoans•FHALoans•USDAReverseMortgagesVALoans 139 South Main Street, Unit 403 Fall River, MA 02721 401-663-6889 We Make Homes Happen “ “ Tuesday By Appointment only Wednesday - Friday 10 -5 Saturday 10 - 2

11September 2022 | The South Coast Insider Store Hours: Sunday 11:30 am - 4:00 pm Monday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed: Tuesday & Wednesday Thursday - Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 1019401-816-4066MainRoad•Tiverton,RI Starr & His All Starr Band September 22 (’s on stage at the District Center for the Arts in Taunton! There’s Whammer Jammer September 2, Moondance September 9, Won’t Back Down September 10, Completely Unchained September 17, Elvis, Cash and Fogarty Show September 23, and American WHO September 30 (’splayingatT he Rooftop at Kilburn Mill in New Bedford’s south end (!Checkoutwho’s on stage at the Spire Center for the Performing Arts of Greater Plymouth! Don’t miss Goldenoak September 1, Dan Tyminski September 3, Rebecca Correia September 8, Walter Trout September 9, Jon Butcher Axis September 10, The Edwards Twins September 16-18, Jonathan Edwards September 23, Mallett Brothers September 24, and Paul Thorn September 29 ( Head for Pilgrim Memorial Hall in Plymouth for The Sixties Show on September 17 ( Don’t miss Another Tequila Sunrise on September 17 at the Zeiterion in New Bedford ( Plan ahead for Brett Eldredge September 15 and Jake Owen September 23 at Bold Point Park in East Providence (!Headfor The Narrows Center for the Arts in Fall River for great music! Don’t miss the free Narrows Center Music N ew C raft C lasses ! Tue 10-3, Wed 12-8, Thur-Fri 12-5, Sat 10-4 Call for details Platinum and Diamond Bubbles! Transforming ideas into Heirlooms Lets convert your older jewelry items into a design YOU will adore. Call today for an appopintment and lets move forward with a design using what YOU may already have! 20% OFF ALL JEWELRY WITH THIS AD FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 10 -4, Sunday 12 -4, Closed Tuesday & Wednesday CONTINUED ON FROM PAGE 8 CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Sensational Rod Stewart Tribute Show Coming September 30 to White’s of Westport –

Enjoy free outdoor classical music performed by members of the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra during “Sonata Saturdays,” across the street from the Whaling Museum entrance on the fourth Saturday of each month through October (
Don’t miss Ghost, Mastodon and Spirit Box on September 12 at the Dunkin Donuts Center in ( Classical acts Don’t miss the free “A Night at the Oscars” on September 4 at Bristol’s Independence Park, part of the Rhode Island Philharmonic’s “Summer Pops” series (riphil/summerpops).
The great outdoors Head for the Lloyd Center for the Environment in Dartmouth for the Women’s Canoe Trip on September 10 ( stroll through the whimsical Green Animals Topiary Gardens in (!PortsmouthHeadfor Blithewold Mansion and Gardens in Bristol for flower walks and art classes (! Go on a free Bird Walk or Flower Walk at the Norman Bird Sanctuary in Middletown (normanbirdsanctuary). Take a stroll through the urban greenspace of the Allen G. Haskell Public Gardens in New Bedford (
Blithewold in Bristol through September 23 ( Get Healthy! “Walk With a Doc” on Saturdays at Buttonwood Park Zoo, part of the New Bedford Wellness Initiative – and don’t miss the free Tai Chi Fit Flow class just before the walk (!
Stroll through “The Azorean Spirit: The Art of Domingos Rebelo,” the first-ever American exhibition of the works of one of the great modernist painters of the 20th century, at the Whaling Museum in New Bedford through September 22 Don’t( WaterFire in Providence on September 3 and 24 (waterfire. org)! All aboard! Why hassle with the bridges and the Cape traffic when you can head for State Pier in New Bedford to take a high-speed Seastreak Ferry to Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket ( or else take the Cuttyhunk Ferry for a day-trip to Cuttyhunk (!
Need a bigger boat? Plan ahead for the Newport International Boat Show September 15-18 at the Newport Yachting ( tour of Providence’s historic East Side StudiosworkWander(!throughthemanycreativespacesattheHatchStreetinNewBedfordonthefree “Studio Saturday” September 10. Enjoy live demos and music, too (!
Take a sightseeing cruise of the Cape Cod Canal from Onset Town Pier – check out the cocktail cruises, live music cruises and musical Bingo (!Goona “Vineyard Voyage” with the Providence Riverboat Company
CONTINUED ON FROM PAGE 11 Special events & exhibits
– sample wine and food ( on a romantic gondola ride through the waterways of downtown Providence ( Or explore the waterways of Providence in a single or tandem kayak (providencekayak. com)!Take the Block Island Ferry from Newport through September 5 ( to watch the movie “Jaws” aboard the Captain John Boats while cruising Plymouth harbor! There are also comedy cruises, whale watches, fireworks cruises and fast ferries to P’town ( of Narragansett Bay or Newport Harbor past lighthouses and mansions, or take a fast ferry to Martha’s Vineyard or Block Island, with Rhode Island Bay Cruises (
Enjoy free Summer Yoga Classes at the Buttonwood Park Arboretum in New Bedford on Wednesdays through September 14 ( Register now for the Annual CVS Downtown 5K Run in Providence on September 17 (
“Discover Buzzards Bay” offers an online portal with information about 100+ public places to walk, bird-watch, kayak/canoe, fish, snowshoe or crosscountry ski ( discover). You can find other outdoor recreation spots along the South Coast at,,,, asri. org, or rhode_island. Stay in shape!
Take a boat tour of historic New Bedford harbor or a sunset cruise with Whaling City Expeditions (
Learn about the free virtual classes in meditation, laughter yoga, tai chi, yoga, and smoking-cessation hypnosis, offered by New Bedford Wellness Initiative atNewBedfordWellnessInitiative).(
12 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider Festival on September 4 with Shemekia Copeland, Ward Hayden, Mark Cutler and Men of Courage on Tom Norton City Pier. For more info visit

13September 2022 | The South Coast Insider + Visit to check wait times, skip the line, and save your spot online. + Our 7 locations are open 7 days a week – 8am to 8pm Monday through Friday, and 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. + Walk-ins are welcome and having a Southcoast Health physician is not required. Urgent Care Locations: Dartmouth, MA 435 State Road Fairhaven, MA 208 Mill Road Fall River, MA 450 William S Canning Blvd Lakeville, MA 12 Main Street Middletown, RI 672 Aquidneck Ave Seekonk, MA 39 Commerce Way Wareham, MA Wareham Crossing 2421 Cranberry Highway If your condition is an emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Download the Southcoast Health app today! Scan to make appointmentan Autumn colds and injuries are never convenient, but Southcoast Urgent Care is!

Advertorial Agri
An eight-acre labyrinth with two miles of trails offers a fun, fantastic excursion for guests of all ages. Roam throughout the winding trails while surrounded by steep walls of corn as you seek to solve the puzzle. Comprised of two distinct mazes, visitors can spend more than an hour on their journey.
If you’re searching for a unique and memorable outdoor experience this fall, there is an opportunity you’ll likely find intriguing: the wonder of Escobar Farm’s Corn Maze in Portsmouth. With the cool and crisp autumn air and the rustic surroundings of a classic New England dairy farm, you and your friends and family can enjoy the extraordinary adventures at this Aquidneck Island location.
“Make a wish!” encourages Stuart MacNaught, Director of the Corn Maze for the last three years. “Every year we have people who return to us to make a wish in the maze. They claim that they always come true.”
Each year the Corn Maze includes a special theme and a unique design. Past themes have included sports teams, the military, animals, and farm-related concepts, among others.
COVER STORY by Sean McCarthy
In its 23rd year, this fall’s version of the Corn Maze has the theme “Field of Dreams.” The theme was chosen because in recent years guests have claimed that their wishes came true after casting them while inside the maze. And ultimately everyone will complete their voyage, as “Corn Cops” are available to assist anyone who wishes to be guided to the exit.
14 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider
“One of the things that people really love about the maze, especially during COVID, is the fact that it’s a healthy, outdoor activity,” MacNaught says. “It’s a totally natural experience. You can take a walk for a few miles on a beautiful day in a beautiful setting. A lot of people enjoy the challenge of it and doing it as succinctly as possible. You hope that you’re lucky and smart and you can figure it out.”
But Escobar Farm offers more than their maze. With the opportunities for Hay Rides and tours through their farm, they also welcome picnics with the tables and spaces they provide.
In its 23rd year, this fall’s version of the Corn Maze has the theme “Field of Dreams.” culture
Fall fun

They offer soda, iced tea, water and lemonade, in addition to snacks and candy for purchase.
Merrills on the Waterfront 36 Homers Wharf, New Bedford 508 997 7010 com
McGovern’s Restaurant
The menu typical ly includes traditional turkey dinner with Paul’s butternut squash, prime rib, ham, and much more The restaurant has been of fering dine in and takeout, including its locally famous corned beef and cabbage, for 50 years Here’s a pro tip: if you can’t wait until Thanksgiving for a roast turkey dinner, you don’t have to –it ’s on the regular menu
310 Shove Street, Fall River 508 679 5010
Beginning on October 1, Escobar Farm will offer a Pumpkin Patch with gourds and pumpkins which can be chosen and bought on-site.
The Pasta House 100 Alden Road Fairhaven 1955 on the historic wharf that dates to the 1700s, isn’t all about summer. Last year they served up a feast of turkey, roast prime rib, sausage and more. The restaurant currently of fers dine in and takeout, including some ov en ready dishes like seafood casserole and stuf fed lobster
This favorite restaurant and function facility sits on the waterfront overlooking the busy port. But if isn’t your thing on traditional turkey day, be sure to keep watch for their holiday of ferings
Last year, Merrill’s served up turkey and prime rib, all the sides like apple sage and sweet corn and polenta ravi oli, plus pies galore
This well-known restaurant and ban quet facility overlooking Laurel Lake usually packs them in for a large buf fet on Thanksgiving Day
“You can come for an hour or you can make a day of it,” MacNaught says. “The sunsets are always beautiful and the setting is picturesque. We get a lot of people who return each year, whether it’s a couple on a date, a family outing or a group of school kids. It can become a tradition.”Thecorn maze is open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, beginning on September 2 and continuing until the first weekend in November. The first weekend will also include Monday, September 5, which is Labor Day.
The corn maze got its beginning when Escobar Farm was in search of a revenue-producing event 24 years ago. The trails are cut each June by a company from Utah, when the corn stalks are only a few feet high. By the time the fall arrives the corn can range from six to 12 feet in height. Escobar Farm was started in 1938 by Tony Escobar and his wife Mary. Today it is owned by their son Louis Escobar and his wife Jane. “With the disappearance of many community farms over the years, they were trying to make a living in different ways,” MacNaught says of the Escobar Farm. “This event has helped keep the farm running. It’s a perfect agri-tourism idea. It’s a win-win opportunity for the farm and for visitors.”
Hours for the Corn Maze are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for children. A visit to the Escobar Farm webpage will provide a dollar-off coupon by providing your email address. The website is MacNaught suggests a Friday visit for those who are looking for a less busy experience. Dogs are welcome but they must be on a leash. Escobar Farm is located at 255 Middle Road in Portsmouth, minutes from Route 24 They can be reached by phone at (401) 864-1064. Visit for more info.
Currently, the restaurant is of fering meal packages and platters like its “ Taste of New England” that comes with chow der, quahogs and clam cakes or its Italian package of salad, lasagna, meatballs and breadsticks Both meals serve six Also available are dinner for two meal packs like and chips, lobster rolls, bourbon beef tips, and even kid-sized pasta and meatballs for two. With more than 60 years in the hospitality industry, White’s is accustomed to cooking for a crowd Delicious
15September 2022 | The South Coast Insider
White’s of Westport 66 State Road, Westport 508 675 7185 shop lafrancehospitality com White’s has been of fering family style takeout and curbside meals pickup for months, so when Turkey Day comes around, it ’s a good bet they’ll have a han dle (or rather a drumstick) on that too
Custom Cakes, Cupcakes and Desser t HOURS: Mon Fri 7am 5pm, Sat 7am 3pm Har tleysOriginalPorkpiesFallRiver 1729 South Main St. Fall River, MA CALL 508-676-8605 E S T . 1 9 0 0 TRY OUR PIES! Pork • Meat • Chourico • Chicken Buffalo Chicken • Chili • Salmon Also tr y Stuf fed Quahogs and Desser ts Pumpkin Old-Fashioned Rides and tours through their farm, they also welcome picnics with the tables and spaces they provide.

“Art isn’t always people’s common conception of what art is,” says Lindsay Mis, Executive Director of DATMA. “It isn’t necessarily a bronze sculpture or a mural on a wall. We’re doing something different than that. We kind of want to blow people’s minds. Whether you love it or hate it, you’ll react to it.”
Finding inspiration
The “Flexible Fibers” art treats the With public art and creative programming, The Massachusetts Design, Art, and Technology Institute (DATMA) strives to stimulate your mind and inspire your spirit.
16 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider
comes to lifeA CITY by Sean McCarthy We’d like to make people think that they can take things out of the norm or do things that are unusual. Whether you’re an artist or not you could see things in a unique way, it can get some wheels turning.
Photo Credit: Andrew Kapinski.
This fall the organization will have three pieces of public art in New Bedford, as well as multiple events. Through the middle of September there will be a display of art at the UMass Dartmouth Star Store building in downtown, called “Flexible Fibers,” which pertains to the current housing crisis. Through the middle of October there will be two displays: “Safe Station,” a piece devoted to the historic Underground Railroad at the YMCA Green Space on Union Street in downtown; and “Safe Harbor,” a piece at the waterfront devoted to the New Bedford Hurricane Barrier. All of the artwork is free and open to the“We’republic.trying to present things that people haven’t seen before,” Mis says. “We’d like to make people think that they can take things out of the norm or do things that are unusual. Whether you’re an artist or not you could see things in a unique way, it can get some wheels turning.” The three public pieces pertain to the theme of “Shelter.” This is the fourth consecutive year that DATMA has provided public art to the city. Past themes include “Summer Winds,” “Light,” and “Water.”
And this fall is particularly intriguing as the organization brings an array of opportunities to New’shistory, science, culture, or economics, DATMA is telling New Bedford’s stories through a variety of mediums. DATMA’s creative contributions to the community continue in the coming months with three public art displays and other free events, all part of the “Shelter 2022-23” initiative.DATMAis encouraging you to do some exploring and see things in a new way.

housing crisis with the use of new and unique materials, technology and design to “innovatively advance the viewer’s vision of home.” It will include fabric architectural sculpture, photography, and 3-D printed structures. “Safe Station” is devoted to the Underground Railroad which harbored African-Americans from slavery, celebrating the key figures and spaces central to the city’s role in abolition. Featured artists include Alison Wells, Fitzcarmel LaMarre, and students from Our Sisters School. Visitors can access interactive digital components, VR tours, and videos. “Safe Harbor” is devoted to the New Bedford Hurricane Protection Barrier, which was constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers, and completed in 1966. Located at 106 Macarthur Boulevard next to Pier 3 at the waterfront, the location provides rare historic photos documenting the 9,100-foot project, but also poses questions about how to protect the city from future climate-related events.
From October 1 to May 1, visitors can enjoy a Public Art Walking Tour. On your own time, you can download a map to take a walking exploration of the downtown art displays, shared spaces, sidewalks, and parks. Maps are available at
There are free public events sponsored by DATMA this fall.
Free events
somethingandArtiststosays.spirit“,”Mis“Thereareinvitationsforpeoplebecreativepoppingupallthetime.arebeautifyingthiscommunity,peoplewanttocomeandseeit.It’sthatisappreciatedbylocal businesses and has increased traffic in the area. We’re showing people that art can improve a community for the better.”“Thisis a rich, vibrant arts community, and a multi-cultural city. You can see murals from Cape Verdeans, the Portuguese, and the Guatemalan communities.”Butaccording to LaMarre, a New Bedford-based author and artist, there is another important role for public art –the inspiration it provides to others. “The youth of the area benefit from public art,” he says. “As a kid there wasn’t a clear path to becoming an artists, where now there’s public art when you’re walking down the street or driving by in your car. When you see somebody’s artwork, it makes it possible to see their creativity. When people do public art, there are possibilities available to young people. They won’t think that they’ll have to wait until they’re retired to become an artist.”
On Saturday, September 10, Gallery X will be the site of the concert event, “Shelter Me.” From 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. the Seaglass Theatre Company will present a concert of Broadway hits devoted to the theme of “Shelter.”
On Wednesday, September 7, there will be an Underground Railroad Walking Tour from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the New Bedford Whaling National Historic Park, located at 33 William Street in downtown. Led by Park Ranger Rufi, the tour celebrates the lives and contributions of free African-Americans such as Frederick Douglass, John Jacobs, Sergeant William Carney, and Captain Paul Cuffe. The tour will finish at DATMA’s “Safe Station” exhibit where guests can explore contemporary artwork pertaining to the Underground Railroad and Abolitionism in New Bedford.OnThursday, September 8, the Whaling National Historic Park will be the location for the “Family Design Days: Community Mural.” From 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., visitors will be provided with collage materials to apply their creative touch to DATMA’s community mural. Art supplies will include glue, paints, and markers. For more info, visit 1058 STATE RD., RTE. 6 WESTPORT, MA 401-253-9029 ALL IN STOCK
17September 2022 | The South Coast Insider
On Tuesday, September 13, The Last Round Bar & Grill at 908 Purchase Street will be the setting for an installment of “The New Bedford Science Café.” From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. you can enjoy the presentation, “Let’s Talk Trees,” which will include New Bedford arborists Justin Ohlson and Chancery Perks giving insights on the city’s trees, their history, present-day species and soil, as well as the successful Adopt-ATree program. They will also discuss the planning strategies for New Bedford’s goal of adding thousands of new trees in the next few years.

he First Annual Country Festa on October 8 is being called the maiden voyage of Clube Madeirense SSS, Inc.'s latest fundraising idea, an event that will feature live Country music and food trucks serving folksy American fare such as BBQ ribs, hamburgers, and hotIt'lldogs.beanoticeably different follow-up to this year's Feast of the Blessed Sacrament, which celebrated its 106th anniversary on the Feast grounds in earlyThat'sAugust.whyorganizer
“Generally there's been a lot of interest in this kind of music around here. One South End music spot has Country music and is always packed. We think our festa will be a success."
18 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider
Steve Paiva uses the term “maiden voyage” for this year's Country Festa: he said he hopes its first year will be so successful that it won't be its last such Portugueseevent.people do love American Country and Western music as well as their own traditional music, he noted. “There is a huge interest with the younger and middle generation Portuguese population in the area in country music,” he said. “So much so that this year's entertainment schedule offered country music artists performing at The Feast.
The Madeira Feast grounds will host a different sort of festa this fall. by Michael J. DeCicco
Paiva acknowledges the support of the Cat Country 98.1 radio station that serves Southern New England for their support in that search effort. The food trucks are expected to include Two Sisters Catering, which offers traditional Portuguese delicacies, and others that Paiva expects will be offering hamburgers and hot dogs and seafood and perhaps even brick oven pizzas.Theevent will encompass the entire Madeira Field upper portion, with the pit and grapevine area off limits, Paiva elaborated. “The main stage in the center area will be the active one,” he said. “If advance ticket sales exceed expectations, we will try and secure more entertainment and use every possible square foot of space thereby allowing access to the lower portion of theRightvenue.”now, the organizers are trying hard to ensure a large turnout. They are now offering an early bird special: early ticket buyers will get a special discounted price. Sales will be limited to 2,000 attendees. It is a 21-and-over only event, rain or shine, with no backpacks allowed and ID required for entry. For more information, find the First Annual Country Festa on their
Paiva, also a Feast Committee member, said the purpose of the Country Festa event is to offer yet another opportunity for folks to get live entertainment in New Bedford. The proceeds will be used to assist in awarding scholarships, providing Thanksgiving turkeys to needy families and assisting the Salvation Army with their Christmas meal program for the needy all of which is distributed by The Clube Madeirense SSS, Inc. These same proceeds, he added, also provide donations to local organizations, food pantries, and families in need throughout the greater New Bedford area.Aswith all the Feast's activities, he said, “It's all about giving back to the community.”Organizerspromise the noon to dusk event (the exact times have not been established by press time) will be entirely devoted to Country music entertainers. They are booking several local Country bands and singers, and they would love to hear from any Country singer or musician who also happens to be of Portuguese descent.

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19September 2022 | The South Coast Insider Searching for a new job? ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 277 Pleasant Street Fall River, MA
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“King Richard’s Faire, the New England Renaissance Festival, is one of the 13 largest renaissance festivals across the United States, which run seven to nine weekends and have permanent sites,” said Aimée Shapiro Sedley, who co-produces King Richard’s Faire with her mother, Bonnie.
“We love to entertain people,” affirmed Shapiro Sedley. “When youEqual Housing to life
20 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider by Rona Trachtenberg A
ing Richard’s is New England’s largest and Renaissancelongest-runningfestival,located in Carver. The Shapiro family started their first festival in 1972 in the Chicago-Milwaukee area. Shapiro-Sedley says, “My parents created the third-ever renaissance festival produced in the country. Mom and dad, Bonnie and Richard Shapiro, acted the parts of King Richard and his Queen for many years until they were able to turn over those roles to professional actors.” She shared two interesting stories from that time period.
“We are a very family-oriented business,” Shapiro-Sedley continued.
Opportunity — Westport Village – 62+ Westport 508WestportVillageApartments.com636-6775 North Farm – Somerset NorthFarmSeniorEstates.com508-676-9700 Adult communities for 55+ Join our extended family! Safe, worry-free living with fun activities and friendly on-site management Oakwood – Swansea OakwoodSeniorEstates.com508-324-1279 Thinking about selling your home? Join our waiting list today! 23The South Coast Insider | November 2020 Now accepting applications — Equal Housing Opportunity — comes
“Comedian John Belushi accepted the role of King, but only lasted one day. He found it difficult to be ‘in character’ for that many hours. One weekend, President Jimmy Carter and his First Lady, Rosalynn visited!” The Shapiros moved their festival to the 80-acre lot in Carver in 1982, and this year they will be celebrating their 41st season on weekends from September 3 to October 23, including the Monday holidays of Labor Day and Columbus Day.
Aimée, Bonnie andShapiroRichard
Fantasy come to life
“Growing up, my sister, Samantha Harris Hess, and I took on as many of the tasks as possible. We sold t-shirts, we danced with the gypsy dancer act, we worked in the food concessions, and we took tickets at the door. We felt we were living out a fantasy dream come true, staged in our own enchanted realm. My sister went on to Broadway, co-hosted Dancing with the Stars, and lives in California. Out of college, I worked for an advertising agency handling the promotions and publicity for several of the major motion picture studios in Los Angeles. When my dad passed away, I helped my mom run the Faire and we have enjoyed doing so together for the past 27 years.”

11S outh C oa S t P rime t ime S S e P tember / o C tober 2021
For Gretchen Baker-Smith, the annual night-be fore-book-sale “Chopping of the Tabbouleh” is one of her fondest traditions. The tabbouleh, a type of Lebanese salad, is sold to the public in a flatbread wrap every year on opening day (along with other light luncheon items, beverages and snacks).
21September 2022 | The South Coast Insider walk through our enchanted gate house you feel like you’re back in the 16th century in a bucolic village in the forest. We have fabulous food, including gluten free, vegetarian, lactose-free options; refreshing drinks; as well as skilled artisans who come from all over the country to make and sell their amazing one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted wares at our Faire.”
“It’s wonderful to watch children being fascinated by books,” continues Baker-Smith, “going down the rabbit hole of a story, and sitting down on the grass to read in an age where everyone is looking atAfterscreens.”somany decades, it is understandable that many stories surround the Westport Friends Book Fair. It is rumored that, in the early years, one book-browser discovered a first edition of Moby Dick which he bought for fifty-cents. The next year he sheepishly returned to make a donation to the Westport Friends telling them he sold the book for “a lot of money.”
The Book Fair is also full of traditions, including the honorary “Blowing of the Whistle” to signal the official opening of the book sale.
The 2022 season is also welcoming the following new entertainers: Sir Danny Drake and his juggling fire & blade; the iconic El Zappo, the real-life father to long-time performer and recent America’s Got Talent performer, Jacques Ze Whippeur, midday anchor at WBUR . He is now in the Guinness Book of World Records for cracking his whip the most times in one hour. Local South Shore performer Sebastian Espinosa will be joining the musical show’s cast.
Other new acts include: Pict Pipers (pipe and drums); a succession of fabulous dog acts – Magical Poodles (9/3-25) and Muttsville Comix (10/123); and Braveheart Beasts, an amazing horse show (9/24-25, 10/15-16). Don’t forget the eight fun-filled themed weekends! For more details and directions, visit family equivalent of the Smithsonian and treasured forever. If hoarding is a mortal sin, I am consigned to the fires of hades for eternity because of my lifetime accumulation of books. These tomes pose a real problem. In some cases I feel that they are my best friends – loyal, entertaining, enlightening and inspiring. I’m really loathe to desert my little collections of poetry, of Irish history and literature, the biographies and the novels that I fell in love with in a lifetime. Those law books I have not yet disposed of, will soon hit the road or the dumpster. I also inherited some wonderful sets of old books from my lawyer-uncle who was a collector. I asked one of the family if there was any interest in them and was asked, “What color are they?” Given the fact of e-readers, there’s little enthusiasm among the young for even leather-bound volumes other than for decoration in built-in bookcases. This, I suppose, is progress and as such, is something old men should not seek to enjoin or abash. There’s the issue of the old (2001) Porsche 911 convertible that sits in my garage. My willingness to have this driven away by a family member is predicated upon my accelerating belief that I look ridiculous driving it. (I did have a 911 in the past, but then I was age-appropriate for the thing.)
When asked her favorite part of the Book Fair, Baker-Smith replies, “The fifteen minutes the chil dren get to pick out books before the opening whistle.” (The official start of the Book Fair begins at 11 a.m. but children are allowed into the book tent at 10:45 for exclusive browsing time.)
“It is a great honor to be chosen,” says Greg Marsello, citing this as his favorite part of the Fair.
More and more I think that my operation of the car, top down on a glorious summer day, is the third of a trio of ridiculous social gaffes by old men. The first being guys with their gray hair in ponytails and the second, those wearing baseball caps backwards. All three are probably silent cries for help, love, or attention. Here’s the catch: the 911’s a six speed. It has a third pedal, called a clutch, and is thus inoperable by any of my issue. South Coast
“Our patrons enjoy the games of skill that challenge even the youngest visiting our realm, as well as the exciting hand-powered rides.”
New this season are: Vignette Graphica Curious Art, Dragon’s Den candles, Hex Pottery, Skapa Leather, Sara Breslin Illustration & Portraiture, Ember Craft Creations, Wizards and Wonderers Woodworks, Winged Motivation fantasy leather, and Armor Smith weaponry.
Insider / July 2015
“It takes a small army of people to chop the salad every year,” says Baker-Smith. “But people have come to expect it.” over the years, many customers have expressed their relief to Baker-Smith, saying “I was so afraid [the tabbouleh] wouldn’t be here.”
The Fifty-Fourth Westport Friends’ Book Fair offi cially opens at 11 a.m. on July 11, rain or shine. The sale will continue through Sunday, July 19 and will be open from “dawn to dusk.”
The six-for-a-dollar paperback books may be pur chased starting at 10 a.m. on the opening day and the children’s book section opens exclusively for kids at 10:45 a.m. Book prices range from one dol lar to five dollars a book, with the average cost be ing $1.50. Light lunch, snacks, and beverages will be sold on the opening day of the sale. If you haven’t yet experienced this celebration of books and community, you need to. Bring your family to the Westport Friends Book Fair and start your own summer tradition. you won’t be disappointed.
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Our Center was first in the state to offer MAKOplasty® robotic assisted surgery, is a leader in rapid rehabilitation and offers outpatient joint replacement. It’s no wonder more patients (and their doctors) are choosing our Center for Orthopedic Excellence. 4525 Acushnet Ave. New Bedford, MA TheOaksMa.com02745 Personalized short-term therapy to get you back to an active life. Personalized short-term therapy Power ON 55601 If hoarding is a mortal sin, I am consigned to the fires of hades for eternity because of my lifetime accumulation of books
Continued on next page
"We love to entertain people. When you walk through our enchanted gate house you feel like you’re back in the 16th century in a bucolic village in the forest."
“Probably my favorite part of the Annual Book Fair,” says Deanna Chase, “is Saturday evening after the huge, long day” (volunteers arrive about 7 a.m. to help set up) “when we finally have time to just sit under the tent and reflect back on the day, relax ing with friends.”

22 September 2022 | The South Coast Insider by Paul Kandarian Good vibes only
In the olden days of medicine, you hurt, you went to the doc (or the doc came to you), and you did what they said – you took the pill they told you to take, you put full faith in Western medicine. It’s just the way it was.
I’ve waxed philosophic before on the amazing benefits of non-western and alternative medicine in general. A lot of it is simple –as simple as feeling better by walking in the woods, which now comes with a frou-frou name like “forest bathing.”
A good friend of mine, Caroline Paradis (who is also one of the finest theatrical actors I know and performs regularly with husband Eric at Your Theatre in New Bedford) is a Reiki practitioner in Fairhaven. Her business is Clarity Wellness, and she is one of the kindest souls I know. I booked an hour with her and can only describe the results as energetic and magical. Frou-frou sounding? Sure, but it works. As her site describes, like how a massage therapist releases tension by kneading knotted muscles, Reiki releases energetic tension, blockages, or imbalances, and lets your own energy flow more freely through your body and just making you feel as relaxed as if you had an actual massage. It’s not the whole slowly,antoastylikeenergyfeltmykneegentletuningmusic,essentialgentle(frou-froulaying-on-of-handsChristianstuffreligiosity),butatouch.Carolineusesoils,relaxingspaTibetanbowls,evenafork,andwhenshelaidhandsonmyarthriticandshoulder,andonscalp,feet,arms,etc.,Inothingbutwarmthandandrelaxation.Itwasbeinginthiswonderfullycomfortinghugforhour,breathingdeeply,inandout,mybreath intuitively keeping time with the lovely music. It. Was. Amazing. I have arthritis throughout my body, notably in my left shoulder and right knee, and she focused a lot of attention there. I usually wake up five, six, or more times a night because my shoulder makes sleeping soundly impossible. It hurts, wakes me up, I go to the bathroom, and the next day feel like I never slept.
But, speaking of the olden days, to quote Steely Dan, those days are gone forever, over a long time ago, oh yeah.
I don’t care what it’s called: it works. A walk in the woods is a walk in the mind, to scrub it clean by the mere act of breathing fresh air and being in an environment of calm and peace. Connecting with nature. Being good to you. Being grateful and in the moment.Mostrecently I’ve found another method that I cannot say enough good things about: Reiki, a Japanese form of energy healing. Reiki practitioners use “palm healing,” or hands-on healing through which a universal energy is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient to encourage emotional or physical healing. Reiki and other forms of treatment are not replacements for Western medicine but are a wonderful supplement to it. Unfortunately, most of it such as acupuncture, massage therapy, hypnosis,homeopathy,biofeedback and the like, is not covered by most insurance. Because, in this country anyway, we’d rather wait until you get sick to pay for treatment instead of preventing it in the first place. Does it make sense to pay for preventive care now so you don’t need expensive treatment later? Of course, but insurers are all about the bottom line; they don’t have a heart so why should they care about ours?
The day I did the Reiki session, I slept through the entire night and realized – for the first time in roughly forever – why they say we need eight hours sleep a night. I felt so alive and energized, my shoulder felt younger than it has in years. I know the pain is there, the arthritis isn’t going anywhere, but I woke up and laid still while doing some deep breathing and meditation, a little stretching, and got out of bed feeling better and more alive than I had in way too long. I’m a firm believer in the mind-body connection – have
23September 2022 | The South Coast Insider for a long time. I eat well, exercise as much as I can, take supplements like fish oil and mushroom gummies (no, not that kind) and drink boiled ginger and turmeric tea, and all of it, I swear, makes me better overall. And Reiki just made it better still.
It soothes the central nervous system, calms the mind, and accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal itself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, all while creating a truly deep state of relaxation. How relaxed? At the end of my Reiki session with Caroline, my body felt like a slack, warm, rejuvenated meat puppet sinking into and becoming one with the cushioned treatment table. It's all about self-care, which itself a frou-frou term but if you don’t take care of you-you, who-who will? (For more information, visit
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We, our world, our universe, are all energy, all the time. Sometimes it gets misdirected or clogs the works and needs help getting redirected and unclogged. Energy helping energy makes perfect sense. As Caroline’s site says, the practitioner’s energy flows through her to the receiver, cleansing the body of stuck, stagnant or discordant energy that may be causing pain.


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assisted living communities, the “Inn” offers so much more. Clifton’s almost all-inclusive rates consist of amenities that many other facilities charge extra for, including....... 444 WILBUR AVENUE, SOMERSET, MA 02725 508-324-0200 Clifton ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY Because you deserve it! Three delicious Meals Daily Personal Care Services Green House Medication Management Scheduled Transportation Walking Paths Step-In Showers 24-hour CNA Staffing Emergency Monitoring Systems Library with Fireplace Daily Activities Registered Nurses to monitor your health and well-being Garden & Water Views Walk-In Closets Housekeeping and Laundry Services Fitness Area Non-Denominational Chapel Whirl Pool Spa And Much, Much More… You have choices in retirement, make the “Inn” at Clifton one of them. We encourage you to call Diane, make an appointment and learn more about the advantages of our unique Clifton Healthcare Campus.......and compare. Imagine, living ina beautiful New England countryinn that overlooks scenic Mount Hope Bay.Discover a carefree senior lifestyle that provides a wonderful new feeling of comfort and security. Contrary to living alone in a large oversizedhouse, especiallywhen assistanceis needed, the “Inn” at Clifton can be significantlyless worrisome and less expensive. At the “Inn” we have no typical apartments—eachone is different and prices do varyaccording to apartment size, locationand specific features. When compared to other assisted living communities, the “Inn” offers so much more. Clifton’s almost all-inclusive rates consist of amenities that manyotherfacilities charge extra for, including....... 444 WILBUR AVENUE, SOMERSET, MA02725 508-324-0200 Clifton ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY Because you deserve it! Three delicious Meals Daily Personal Care Services Green House Medication Management Scheduled Transportation Walking Paths Step-In Showers 24-hour CNA Staffing Emergency Monitoring Systems Library with Fireplace DailyActivities Registered Nurses to monitor your health and well-being Garden & Water Views Walk-In Closets Housekeeping and LaundryServices Fitness Area Non-Denominational Chapel Whirl Pool Spa And Much,Much More… You have choices in retirement, make the “Inn” at Clifton one of them. We encourage you to call Diane, make an appointment and learn more about the advantages of our unique Clifton Healthcare Campus.......and compare.
prices do vary according to apartment size, location and specific features.
Imagine, living in a beautiful New England country inn that overlooks scenic Mount Hope Bay. Discover a carefree senior lifestyle that provides a wonderful new feeling of comfort and security. Contrary to living alone in a large oversized house, especially when assistance is needed, the “Inn” at Clifton can be significantly less worrisome and less expensive. At the “Inn” have no typical one is different and
When compared to other