The South Coast Insider - August 2009

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August 2009 / Vol. 13 / No. 8

Celebrate Summer

Seekonk Speedway roars Discover East Beach Fantastic festivals

Wedding Tips Ten ways to save Learn to dance

Wine Notes

Dine Out Guide


Westport, Little Compton and Tiverton

Muscat a must taste August vitals, Happenings & more

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From the publisher


On my mind: Social media—or disease

by Paul Kandarian


Book Picks: Chill with great reads

by staff at Baker Books



Speed rules in Seekonk

by Bob Ekstrom


Tales of summers past




Summer celebrations

by Jason Perry


All about August


Ten ways to save

by Stacie Charbonneau Hess


Dance the night away

by Cara Connelly Pimental




by Elizabeth Morse Read

Happenings: Hot summer events

Dine Out Guide by Jason Perry



August things to do by Jason Perry

by Robert T. Warner



Discover East Beach by Jennifer Read



Sip a sweet Muscat by Alton Long

Students need to question by Harvey Burt Ussach


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August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

On the cover Westport’s back roads are a great place to take a bike ride. The Hartnett family took advantage of a sunny day to explore the area. Looking for some ideas? Check out the Dine Out Guide in this issue and the article about East Beach.

FROM THE PUBLISHER August 2009 / Vol. 13 / No. 8 Published by

Coastal Communications Corp. Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

Ljiljana Vasiljevic Editors

Joe Murphy Michael J. Vieira, Ph.D. Contributors

Bob Ekstrom, Stacie Charbonneau Hess, Paul Kandarian, Alton Long, Tom Lopes, Jason Perry, Cara Connelly Pimental, Elizabeth Morse Read, Jennifer Read, Harvey Burt Ussach, and Robert T. Warner

The South Coast Insider is published monthly for visitors and residents of the South Coast area. The Insider is distributed free of charge from Mount Hope Bay to Buzzards Bay. All contents copyright ©2009 Coastal Communications Corp. Deadline

20 days prior to publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means, without written permission from the Publisher. All information contained herein is believed to be reliable. Coastal Communications Corp. does not assume any financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but will reprint that portion of an advertisement in which the typographical error occurs. Circulation

Finally, summer. Although the season started with record-breaking awful weather, we hope it will end with a glorious finale of sun and fun. This issue will help make that happen. Looking to make the most out of the last month of summer vacation? Bob Ekstrom tracks down what makes Seekonk Speedway special, Jason Perry shares his seven top South Coast summer festivals and our Dine Out Guide provides great places to eat in Westport, Tiverton and Little Compton. Looking for something more serious? Teacher Robert T. Warner provides some lessons for teachers and students, while Bristol Community College instructor Harvey Burt Ussach stresses the need for students to question and think. Are wedding bells in your future? Stacie Charbonneau Hess offers ten ways to save and still have a great wedding day. And to make it more memorable, Cara Connelly Pimental provides some dance pointers. Whether you’re in the wedding party or not, you might want to learn to kick your heels up! As always, our advertisers provide some special summer suggestions, our South Coast Vitals and the Happening listings are packed with ideas, and Baker Books recommends some unique novels. If you haven’t already signed up for weekly updates, go to It’s a great resource to help you discover things made in the South Coast, or to voice your opinion and share your thoughts. You’ll also love, our free online classified service. Both will keep the heat going long after summer ends.

30,000 Subscriptions

$25 per year Mailing Address

The South Coast Insider 144 Purchase Street • PO Box 3493 Fall River, MA 02722

Ljiljana Vasiljevic Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

Tel: (508) 677-3000 Fax: (508) 676-7000 Website E-mail Our advertisers make this publication possible – please support them

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August 2009 / The South Coast Insider




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The South Coast Insider / August 2009



Social media

my new BFF, LOL by Paul Kandarian

OK, sing with me now (to “Wishing and Hoping” with apologies to Burt Bacharach and Dionne Warwick) a social media song to represent the new uber-connected society we all fear and can’t live without! “Googling and Twittering!” Googling and Twittering and Facebooking and YouTubing, Social Media, MySpacing and Flickring each night of their charms! That will get you into someone’s arms! So if you’re looking to find social media to share All you got to do is log on and log in, and blog through and vlog by And show the e-world that you care! I must confess, I am so new to all this social media stuff, which by dint of its overwhelming presence on the e-scene in recent memory feels like it’s been around since Coke was a nickel, it’s embarrassing. Or would be if I could be embarrassed. But I have young adults for children, and I gave up being embarrassed a long time ago when I started embarrassing them, like the time in Old Navy with my daughter when I tried on sweaters and asked passersby how 6

they looked, or danced in the aisles like the old man in the Six Flags commercial, which I’d do again if not for fear of snapping a hip or something else vital. And speaking of vital, apparently social media is. I didn’t even know the name “social media” existed until a year ago when a public relations person in the know emailed me about how important social media was to me. “Social media?” I wrote back. “Is that like online social disease?” I could sense her rolling her eyes as she read it, envisioning—correctly—this hopelessly lost old dinowriter slogging off toward cyber Armageddon, doomed for a gurgling death in the virtual tar pits never to be seen again. She no doubt Tweeted or Twixed or Twaddled or Twoodled her friends instantly to mock me.

Facebook fan I only recently became a Facebook…. denizen? Citizen? Inhabitant? User? I guess member is too common, so I’m sure that there’s a far hipper term for being in/on/ with Facebook, I just don’t know what it is. I hear people, usually millennia younger

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

than me, talk about how they have 43,879 friends on Facebook. At last look, I had 46, which frankly shocked me because in real life I have maybe five or six real ones with whom I’ve maintained a tolerable degree of acquaintance. I think I get friend invites all the time and out of fear of offending them, I just accept them even though—I kid you not—I have no freakin’ idea who most of these people are. Which is another scary part of this whole social media situation: Social media peer pressure. Used to be you had to be with someone, face to face, flesh pressing flesh in a handshake, to even consider them being a friend. Now you get invites or e-vites or Face-vites are whatever the hell they’re called from people who know people who know people who know people you actually do know, and you scratch your head when you see the name and even the picture, because honestly, you could wake up in a coffin next to these people and not have a single clue of who they are. I just checked my Facebook…account? Site? Thing?? I realize now what it is: A place to tell your friends—either 46 of them or 43,879 of them—about every

single detail of every single molecular movement of your existence. “Mowed lawn, having wine, going to sleep.” “Going shopping for new shoes! Can’t wait!” “Am boring the crap out of all my FaceFriends with the most uninteresting minutia possible of my pathetic day!!” I’ve seen the first two. The last, as you might suspect, is my sarcastic reply to it all. And that’s just Facebook. I went to a meeting of freelance writers recently (we get paid by the word for the most part, we’re not about to throw them about cavalierly online and worse, for free) and I learned that Facebook is almost passé, it’s a place old people like me have just found and thusly rendered wickedly uncool. Twitter is the new hot spot, it is said, meaning that once we old people mend from breaking our vital parts dancing in the aisles of Old Navy, we’ll render that one passé as well. Sorry young people, it’s the price you pay for having such hip parents.

Googling Twitter I Googled (another issue: Everything in the online world has become a verb form) Twitter…or I Twittered Google, I can never be sure…and found a blog (a word that if

we uttered as children would’ve been met with a slap for not saying ‘excuse me’ afterwards) that explained in great, totally meaningless-to-me detail, about Twittering…or Twitting…or Twittereetering…or…oh, the hell with it. It said people can receive Tweets faster if they download little programs like—I swear to all things holy I’m not making this up—Twitterific, Feedalizr or Twinkle. They can get updates on their cellies as texts or use something like—I swear I wish I was making this up—PocketTweets, Tweetie or iTweet for their iPhone. I could go on but would still have no idea what I’m talking about. As it is, anyone who does is Twittering or Googling or MySpacing or Feedalizring all their never-met friends to mock me. But to be honest, I have other things to do than mowing the lawn or shopping for shoes and then rushing back to the computer to tell my 46 sorta-kinda-maybe friends. Which leads me to the conclusion that “social media” is best defined as “The greatest time suck on mankind since reality TV.” But at least with Dancing with the Moronic Has-Been Stars, you run a pretty good chance of seeing Cloris Leachman snap a hip.

Henry H. Rogers Tour

Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. Begins at Visitors Center, 43 Center St. 90-minute walk teaches about the town’s benefactor Henry H. Rogers and the gifts he gave to his hometown. Weather permitting. Free.

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The South Coast Insider / August 2009



A fast field, tight on the backstretch during a Late Model qualifier. Photo courtesy of Convers Photo, New Bedford

A night at the races by Bob Ekstrom

On the day I watched him walk into kindergarten, it hit me that my youngest son will be my last. With that acceptance came my resolve to expose him to things his siblings never did. In the past year, we’ve camped, rollerbladed, skated, and skied, all for his first time and—for the most part— mine as well. Our journey has brought us far, but the next few hundred feet were going to be the longest. It was an early evening, the kind made for family outings. The day’s heat had been burnt into the memory chip of the asphalt parking lot, which still warmed the faint breeze that swept across it even as it lay in the long shadows of parked trucks and vans. I paid at the window and led the family the final leg toward the sound of droning engines, still wondering as I did if this was a wise investment of time. After all, I’ve spent an adulthood disdaining auto racing as a faux "sport," the sand in which the ostrich buries its head to a green-conscious world, something to occupy unimaginative minds. Now here I was: Saturday night, and looking for seats at the Seekonk Speedway.

The fast shall be last Orientation was a quick matter; we had entered at the start/finish line grandstand, a familiar perspective to anyone who has ever watched a televised NASCAR event. The crowd was healthy, but an open bench was 8

still easy to find. We sat quickly, just off ground level, which is to say we grabbed the higher seats before the grandstand descended to the track below. There’s a better vantage here, and it’s also closer to the concession area right behind. Other than the perspective, there were not many similarities between this racing and the little I’d seen on TV. For one thing, the track was far smaller. Fifteen bleacher rows below, a pack of stock cars cycled counter-clockwise around the asphalt course every twelve or so seconds, their vivid colors blurring like the brush wash from a paint-by-numbers kit flushing down the kitchen drain. After twelve laps, the entire field cleared the track through an underpass and an entirely new field instantly replaced them. A scoreboard flashed the results of the anonymous entrants, all represented only by the numbers on their cars. These were the qualifiers that handicapped the field for the evening’s main events. Tonight, there would be four: Sport Truck

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

and Street Stock, which are entry-level divisions; and Late Model and Super Stock, regarded as Seekonk’s majors. “The qualifiers just determine where they’re going to line up for the features at the end of the night,” explained David Alburn, Seekonk’s Race Director, of one of the competitive difference between his format and NASCAR’s. “The handicap system works to put the slowest cars to the front and the fastest cars to the back. The guys who have better cars have to work to get to the front.”

A sign of the times In another economic time, these qualifiers would also serve to pare the field down to a 24-car limit for most features. But that task has not been needed recently, at least not in the major divisions. Only Street Stock seems recession-proof. “Street Stock is the most popular and has a full field of cars,” says Jim Silvia of Middletown, a painting contractor who has been racing at Seekonk for more than 20 years. “The other divisions don’t have a full field of cars. That’s how low the car count is because of the economy. You even see some guys dropping down and getting into a lesser division.” The economy may be adversely affecting the flow of new entrants, but for Alburn thinning fields are the result of a longer-term erosion of racing in the public’s eye. “You don’t see a lot of race cars on your streets, at your corners,” he says. “One thing race cars used to [benefit] a lot from were gas stations. People always

had a gas station that had a bay, had a race car in it. And you had open haulers, where you’d see race cars moving up and down the street. You don’t see that anymore. It’s kind of lost [the situations] where people notice them.” This obscurity can create stunning effects to the neophyte. My son, who had never seen stock cars in action, sat mesmerized with a french fry pinched between finger and thumb as cars roared by him at 100 MPH, practically touching each other’s bumpers and side panels. “This is sooo awesome,” was all he could manage. The decline in drivers belies the popularity of racing as a spectator sport. Nationally, NASCAR has been making inroads with more traditional sports crowds, sustaining local speedways through these hard times as it does. Seekonk’s Super Saturday program, which runs through September 19, consistently draws between three and five thousand people. These ranks further swell for special events such as demolition derbies that run on other nights during the week. A key to the success of local tracks is their growing appeal to families.

Generational fun That’s what hooked Karen Paquette of Tiverton, who first came to Seekonk Speedway as a girl. “My grandfather used to take us every Saturday night when we were growing up,” she recalls. “He loved it. We always used to go when my parents went out. They babysat, and that’s where my grandfather took us.” Paquette’s interest was further ignited when she met her future husband Ken, whose brother raced modifieds in Seekonk at the time. Years later, as they raised their own children, they found a support network at the track that facilitated their adoption of auto racing as a core family activity. “The drivers are all family-oriented,” says Paquette. “A lot of families go. There are just as many children as there are adults.” “We’re very affordable for entertainment out there, for fans and for families,” Alburn adds. “We’ve got a good ticket program, and offer hours of entertainment. We try to do different things to mix it up, to draw attraction to the track for different events you won’t see anywhere else.” To corroborate the point, my wife, youngest son, and I parked and watched more than three hours of racing for a combined total of $24. This, however, did not include concessions, which had a magnetic draw on my son. It served me right for sitting within smelling range of the food court.

More than just a name Unlike Daytona International or New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Seekonk’s program is short-track racing. ‘Short-track’ is a name applying to courses

less than a mile long; Seekonk Speedway’s is onethird of a mile at the outside rim. But it’s more than nomenclature; short-track is a different breed of racing altogether. “With short-track, as soon as the green flag goes, it’s action to the end,” explains Alburn. “It’s sprint racing, compared to NASCAR. They’re dicing it up pretty soon after the green flag goes to try to get position up to the front, especially when you start your faster cars toward the back.” At 72 feet, Seekonk is also the widest track in New England, offering more opportunity for passing. But for Middletown’s Jim Silvia, girth is not the key to getting past an opponent. “It’s basically momentum,” Silvia says. “You have to carry a lot of momentum and your car has to handle. You can’t just sit around and wait for [opponents] to move out of the way. Sometimes, you’ve got to push them around a little bit and kind of make things happen.”

‘There are a lot of nights where you work on the car right up until the race. The family is involved one hundred percent.’ It’s that ‘push-around’ factor that makes short-track racing so alluring to fans like Paquette, whose stated passions are speed and crashes. “There’s more banging on the short track, because it’s harder to pass,” she says. “You have to lean on the guy in front of you more to get by him. On short-track, there are usually more crashes.”

Natural selection the Street Stock way On this Saturday, the inherent contact nature of short-track was exacerbated by a full 26-car field in the nightcap, a 25-lap Street Stock feature. The Street Stock division, regarded as a training ground before drivers advance to Late Models or Pro Stock, has been a part of Seekonk’s regular weekly bill since 1985. Regulations are slightly less onerous, and the upfront investment is lighter. All cars have requisite V-8 engines with a maximum displacement of between 358 and 368 cubic inches, depending upon the make. Unlike the majors, Street Stock does not have a tire rule limiting the amount of tires a driver can purchase, but there are other restrictions

designed to maintain a level playing field. “It keeps us all competitive,” says Silvia, who is breaking in a new Chevy Camaro this year with the help of sponsor C.P. Watson Landscape Materials. “It’s almost like the guy with the most money [can] win. They try to get that out to make it close, competitive racing.” Silvia grabbed an early lead in the nightcap that would prove advantageous. Behind him, the bumpand-grind of Street Stock resulted in eight caution flags and the elimination of almost a quarter of the field. One car came wide off Turn 2 and went into the wall, leaving its body panels in ruins like a crumpled sheet of aluminum the night no longer wanted. As it was flat-bedded off, the track crew covered its hemorrhaged fluids with sand. The remaining cars under caution spread the sand by rolling over it, sending a silicone fogbank into the sultry air. In a race that started with 26 cars, only 19 would finish, none faster than Silvia, who captured his second win of the season. The 75 points it earned moved him up to 13th place overall in what is proving to be a competitive summer on a competitive track. “It’s probably the toughest track in the Northeast to handle,” says Race Director Alburn. “If you can get your car to work at Seekonk and be a good competitor, you can race at other tracks very well.”

To the victor… Silvia’s position in front of the pack may have won him the race but it also minimized damages, leaving him some free time during the coming week. With a wife and three sons at home, not to mention a busy stretch in his day job, that can be a welcome spoil. “Two weeks ago, I spent every day on the car,” he says. “There are a lot of nights where you work on the car right up until the race. The family is involved one hundred percent. They love it—and it’s one of the reasons why I keep doing it—but there’s a lot of sacrifice. They sacrifice, we all sacrifice.” Silvia’s sons—aged 2, 5, and 12—each share his passion. They have a track at home and when the boys aren’t racing go-carts and four-wheelers, they’re tinkering with them. Of course, they’re always eager to pitch in on Dad’s Camaro but, for the moment, that can wait. “We had a real good week. We don’t have any damage and we won. I won’t do much other than spend maybe one night on my car this week. We won’t be back until Saturday night.” As for my family, we’ll probably be off on some other adventure next Saturday night, although this one will linger far longer than I’d expected. Now, my youngest can go home and tell his older siblings he went to the speedway. And, thanks to him, I finally can too.

The South Coast Insider / August 2009


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Summer nights don’t get much hotter than at Seekonk Speedway. In addition to the regular Super Saturday program, Race Director David Alburn has a few special events lined up, starting with drift racing on Sunday, August 2. Drift? “It’s high-performance sports cars,” says Alburn of drift racing. “They develop a technique where [they] go around the track sideways and it’s like a smoke show coming off the tires. It’s very big on the West Coast, and we’re trying to bring some attention to it here.”

NEMA Midgets “A race you want to see," says Alburn. "Midgets are very fast the way they dice between one another. That’s what the track was built on many, many years ago when it first started." “We try to do different things to mix it up, to draw attraction to the track for different events you won’t see anywhere else.” Check out the full schedule on their website, www. But if racing is not your thing, the South Coast has plenty else to offer. Here’s a sampling to check out.

WaterFire Downtown Providence. Two full lightings are scheduled in August (the 8th and 22nd). If you haven’t been, this is a unique multi-sensory family experience that choreographs fire with a thematic musical score. A full lighting means all 97 braziers will be blazing in the middle of the Providence River from sunset until 12:30 am. Except parking, the event is free but donations are encouraged. There are plenty of artists, street performers, and concessions. Visit www. for more info and a complete schedule.


August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

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AS220 115 Empire Street, Providence. Something is going on in this art & music hub almost every night in August, including Life Drawing, where you can sketch live models on Tuesday evenings, and Free Speech Thursdays. There’s also comedy, galleries, and Experimental Film Nights, but music—primarily alternative rock— is their staple. If it’s yours, check out Foo Fest on Saturday, August 15—two stages, 21 bands, all for $5. Visit for the whole scoop.

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George Wein’s Jazz Festival Newport, RI, August 7-9. The only evening performance is on Friday (8 pm) at the International Tennis Hall of Fame on Bellevue Avenue, featuring Etta James. The Saturday and Sunday venue is at Fort Adams State Park and will include Mos Def, Branford Marsalis, Tony Bennett, and Dave Brubeck. The lineup is deep and ticket prices vary, so check for all the information.

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New England Revolution Gillette Stadium, Foxborough. There are several home games left, but Saturday, August 8 (6 pm) is the one to circle. That’s when David Beckham, the world’s most celebrated soccer star, makes his return as the Los Angeles Galaxy come to town. General admission is $20, but premium seats are available at $40. Buy tickets online (, or chance it at game night by going to the Advanced Ticket Sales Booth located on the concourse at midfield.

Newport Summer Comedy Series Newport Yachting Center. The 2009 season rolls through August with seven shows, including Tracy Morgan (August 9) and Norm MacDonald (August 23), both of Saturday Night Live fame. Frank Caliendo closes out the season on August 26. Check for changes and ticket info at

Providence Roller Derby Rhode Island Convention Center, August 16, at 6 pm. This is flat-track roller derby, a less-violent cousin of the banked derby bouts popularized by TV and the movies, but it’s still full-contact. Providence Roller Derby is comprised of three all-women squads that compete against each other, but the varsity teams also take on national opponents. In this sanctioned bout, our Top-25 ranked ladies take on the No. 9 Detroit Derby Devils. For more info, visit their website at

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The South Coast Insider / August 2009



A tale of two summers by Robert T. Warner

It was the tale of two summers. And—as the great English author Charles Dickens might say—they were the best of summers and the worst of summers: The Summer of ’04 and the Summer of ’05. As a teacher, I experience a luxury that few other professionals experience—a summer vacation. For an entire year, teachers and students wake up early, deal with standardized tests or standardized stress, labor over schoolwork and then prepare for finals before it magically comes to end. A year of labor and toil is then replaced by quiet summer days of swimming pools, baseball games, barbeques, and other breaks from the daily rat race. Lush green lawns, melodious songs of nature and a perpetually warm sun replace the frozen and soggy landscapes of New England’s winters and springs. But when August rolls around, we must get our heads out of the sand—figuratively and perhaps literally for some—and make a pivotal transition toward reality. With that said, I offer you a glimpse of two summers that I experienced shortly after I became a teacher. Try to guess which one represents “the best of summers” and which one represents “the worst of summers.”

2004 During the Summer of ’04, I lived in a small apartment with my newlywed wife by a beach in Newport. We were both working, with no children, and had stable incomes. And not only did we have stable incomes, but we had a few extra dollars to spend during those beautiful years well before any mention of a recession. While she was working in a cozy, air-conditioned environment, I spent many hours relaxing by a pool, reading books I might assign to my students (although I would still consider this leisure reading), sipping drinks, working on my tan, and watching the Red Sox heat up toward their first World Series title in 86 years. At the time, my theory was 12

that rest and relaxation would refuel me for the school year. A colleague of mine, who had been teaching for more than 20 years, embraced the same philosophy.

2005 During the Summer of ’05, my newlywed wife became pregnant, our work situation forced us to move from the sandy beaches to a more urban setting, and finances forced me to take on a job that summer, teaching summer school. For five consecutive weeks in the midst of summer’s warm glow, I left my waterfront paradise for the school district’s least motivated students. And not only did I leave a cool breeze behind, but I left it behind for a 90-degree, non-air-conditioned classroom at 7 a.m. in the morning. Some of these students were seniors and needed a passing grade to graduate from high school. They constantly reminded me of that fact in between their morning naps or early afternoon “storm-out-of-class” protests. I often left class feeling sweaty, drained and dejected and I was too tired to even hit the beach after my morning labor. The answer of which summer was the best goes to—The Summer of '05. After my bout with the Entitled Slackers of America, I entered the 2005-06 school year more appreciative of my daily job and the students I had. I picked up new strategies through my summer school work and even felt a sense of camaraderie with my summer school slackers who grew immensely as students during those five weeks. Now, I was ready to face any student and any obstacle—including the biggest one, which came only a few months later: Fatherhood. In the fall of '04 I entered the school year feeling tired and jaded. After a summer

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

of sipping drinks, working on my tan, and reading gripping novels, it was awfully tough giving up the Hawaiian shirt for a shirt and tie. My school year got off to a slow start and I could tell my colleague/friend also experienced the same problem. At the end of the first day of school, my colleague, who traded his wavy California cool locks for a conservative haircut and tie, came into my classroom huffing and puffing and exclaimed, “Wow, it’s tough getting back.” So much for his advice. So with these tales and August upon us, here's my advice to students and teachers— stay busy and active. That’s not to say we should leave fun and relaxation behind; however, staying busy and active will help us appreciate the work we do and brace for the long school year ahead.

For teachers, I offer these tips: Read and prepare as much material as possible.


Try waking up early when September approaches.


During August, try to spend at least two hours a day on school-related material.


For students: Do all of your summer reading and other assignments.


Try to do as much leisure reading as possible


Watch educational television or search online for educational topics that you could encounter in a science, history or English class.


Enjoy your last days of summer and try to catch the sun as many times as possible before that opening day of school hits. But please remember—you can always crack open a book and even draft a lesson plan at the beach or on a hammock. In other words, close out these final days of summer by truly making it the tale of two summers.

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(401) 253-9100 The South Coast Insider / August 2009



Westport’s little secret

by Jennifer Read

Everyone has his or her version of Utopia during the summer. There are some who find happiness in bustling cities, while others find it tucked within the mountains of New Hampshire and Vermont. For a lucky few, however, happiness is found at the bottom of a seemingly endless road in Westport, Massachusetts. Just beyond Horseneck Beach at the bottom of Route 88 is a tight-knit community of vacationers in trailers staggered along the coast. Welcome to East Beach. Lined up on both sides of a pin-straight road dusted with sand, the trailers farthest from the ocean are a maximum of 100 feet from the shore—hardly a safe distance during hurricane season. The vacationers are veterans when it comes to stormy weather, however; most of them having been around for Hurricane Bob. Braving Bob appears to have left them undaunted by any potentially stormy weather and instead, quite confident and relaxed. 14

Some sit soaking up the sun from their chaise lounge chairs; others read quietly under an umbrella while sipping iced tea. A few others armed with fishing rods and tackle boxes are taking the five-minute walk to Gooseberry Island. Seductive ambience The salty air has the distinct, delectable scent of a cookout somewhere nearby and the distant sounds of a radio tuned in to a Jimmy Buffet song float up from the beach. Turning 180° away from the ocean, there is a small inlet known lovingly as “The Let,” home to graceful swans, rabbits, sandpipers, and an abundance of other wildlife. This is the ultimate private getaway: no

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

traffic, no shoes, no problem. According to one vacationer, George Mainini, “There’s nothing like Westport in the summer.” Mainini is a Worcester resident who has been spending summer vacations in Westport for close to forty years. “I have traveled the world—almost to every country—and I’ve never missed a summer in Westport.”

Wind, sand and stars The incentives to keep returning to this small stretch of heaven seem infinite. On one side of the road, the relentless breaking of the waves upon the beach soothes this small community to sleep each night. On the other, the stillness of The Let brings them closer to nature. “There’s a magnificent view of Cuttyhunk and Martha’s Vineyard, it’s one of the best places in the state to fish, it’s a good clean area, and people really respect the property,” states Mainini, “People come from all over to stay here.” The area offers relaxation and enjoyment

for people of all ages. Dale Mendes, a Fall River resident who has been coming to Westport for almost twenty years, describes how her son grew up over the summers in Westport. “He was three years old when he came down here. Now that he’s getting older, it’s a very romantic ambiance for him to take his girlfriend to visit. We set up bonfires, volleyball and croquet down here and he really enjoys it…there’s just so much to do.” Perhaps the only downside to this vacation spot is the effect of erosion. Some residents estimate that over a period of about thirty years, the area has lost close to ninety feet of land. This shortens property on the side of the street closest to the water and makes it more susceptible to stormy weather. In addition, residents must clear rocks brought ashore during the winter from their trailer sites at the start of each season. Bulldozing rocks out of the way requires a resident to purchase a permit to obtain the appropriate machinery. One vacationer, however, known by most only as “John at number 94,” is unfazed by the rocks on his property. “I can live with the rocks,” he says, “barring any hurricane or tropical

storm, the beach itself will still be pretty sandy.”


A seasonal neighborhood It appears that most Westport vacationers share John’s sentiments as they keep coming back year after year for more of the relaxation this area provides. The biggest motivation for most of the summer residents appears to be their relationships with one another. “It’s a very small community and everyone lives harmoniously,” says Mendes, “If there’s a storm coming, we all get together and help each other out. We’re very close, but we still respect each others’ privacy.” One couple that has vacationed in the area for eight years considers themselves fortunate to have become so close to their neighbors. “We’ve met some great people that have become not only just friends for the summer, but they come visit us for the winter. We’re very lucky.” The residents here are as much in harmony with one another as they are with nature. It is this serene coexistence that truly makes this vacation spot one worth experiencing.



Want East Beach? This little bit of heaven comes with some rules: n

Residents can only stay 6 months

But there’s plenty to love:


Everything must be gone by Nov. 1.


Private, quiet


Minimal traffic

Residents can only nourish the beach with a permit



Close-knit community

Town wants stricter environmental & zoning law enforcement


Great for fishing

And some disadvantages:

And plenty to do:



Rocky beach


Gooseberry Island


Erosion taking its toll


Horseneck Beach


Baker’s Beach


Cherry and Webb Beach


The Back Eddy Restaurant


Bayside Restaurant

Over the past 30 years, residents estimate they have lost 80-90 feet of land n


No electricity


Minimal protection from storms

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Bristol Community College

Getting students to think by Harvey Burt Ussach

The article “School Days, School Daze,” by Joseph Wallace, in our August 2006 Back to School issue, offered practical tips, like buying only essential supplies early but recycling others, and getting into a daily schedule and dress routine a week before school starts. This year we add an academic tip: Ask “Why” a lot; question the reams and gigabytes of information dredged up from books and internet; understand the reason for things; dig deep—do research. I often poll my Bristol Community College students ahead of assigned research essays to determine how much research they did in high school and in what subjects. Several years ago the answer was often "none." Students came to college unfamiliar with reference sources and the research process. They had to play catch-up while grades suffered, because research skills learned in English are required in other first-year courses, such as Criminal Justice. Many students cracked the books and 16

did okay, but many did not care and blew off composition writing. Last term, however, nearly all my students had done at least one major research paper in high school English in New Bedford, Fall River, Tiverton, Somerset, and points north. Success in college and in life requires critical thinking and questioning things. It all starts with “why.” Remember asking annoying questions as a child: “Why is the sky blue?” “Are we there yet?”

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

Ask questions Asking questions probably ended around fourth grade along with good behavior and a drive for academic achievement. No more gold stars or class work put on refrigerators after that grade because it is then uncool to be smart. Students must rediscover this thirst for inquiry and learning to succeed in a competitive global economy. Fortunately, many educators are ahead of the curve. Seven years ago when Dr. Portia Bonner, New Bedford’s school superintendent, taught science at Wilby High School, in Waterbury, Conn., students worked on “engaging” research assignments of their choice. Once they found a topic that interested them, they were “so into it,” she explained. There was “an expectation” that students should do well and rise to the occasion. Continued on page 18

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The South Coast Insider / August 2009


Continued from page 16

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Dr. Bonner’s science students wrote 10-page papers that included charts and proper American Psychological Association (APA) citation and often required basic interview skills in calls to organizations. “You will need these skills in college,” Dr. Bonner and her colleagues told students. Those students believed her. Many students do not take such teacher advice to heart and find ways to circumvent high school efforts to “go back to rigorous basics.” Perhaps hearing it from other sources—like the front page of a local newspaper— will change their minds. Brian Boyd’s April 21, 2009 piece, "On the Web, all that glitters is not gold,” warns students of the risks of accepting suspect online research. “[…] students need to learn how to pick reliable sites and avoid falling for inaccurate information,” he writes, citing the efforts of local high school teachers to improve their students’ research techniques by such things as including one non-electronic reference source; checking multiple sources to fully understand a subject—not relying on one person’s statement; validating a source’s credibility; and critically reading texts themselves—not relying on others’ analysis. Paul Marshall, principal of Fall River’s Durfee High School, is part of a team brought to the city three years ago to “move the agenda forward” and “create best practices” of research across the disciplines.

in class, Principal Marshall says that much common assessment among teachers and classes has been done in the past year to standardize the curriculum. Finding a common reference style to use will help standardize the program and lessen confusion among teachers who use Modern Language Association (MLA) format, APA, and even the footnote-heavy Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). Students must become comfortable with the research process. New Bedford students will be doing more research too. Assistant School Superintendent Dennis Winn wants to see students develop critical thinking skills through pursuing “thematic threads” in their courses. Learning how to write a bibliography is important, but teaching it “in context, not as an isolated lesson,” is even more important. He explained that English skills are taught through authentic writing—if a student writes “electric train,” for instance, he or she learns that they chose an adjective and must understand their own—not the teacher’s— word choice. Likewise, social studies students should be given a choice of research topics, such as wars, presidents, etc. They pick what interests them and learn to see the “bigger picture of what history is, to ask why wars take place, and what made presidents successful,” explained the 18-year veteran teacher.

Success as a student and a career professional hangs on the ability to think critically, evaluate evidence, analyze situations, and question facts.

Do research Research papers are currently assigned in English Language Arts (ELA). Changes are coming to social studies. A long term goal is to introduce research technique to math courses. Due to MCAS exam requirements, ancient history is now taught in middle school; high school will devote more time to U.S. history with a lot of research assignments given in U.S. II, which covers Reconstruction to present day. Though curriculum is not always followed

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

Think critically Success as a student and a career professional hangs on the ability to think critically, evaluate evidence, analyze situations, and question facts. Again, it is one thing for teachers to say this until they are blue in the face, and for students to not take it seriously, but it is something else to see the advice pop up again and again. Another recent newspaper column bears this out: in "Answers can be found in questions," Los Angeles Times editorial columnist Gregory Rodriguez warns Americans not to confuse knowledge with action and

answers. Having “trillions of facts at their fingertips,” seems to give people a false superiority that they can accomplish anything. “Search has made us all drive-by scholars,” he explains. Rodriguez cites liberal think-tanker Andrea Batista Schlesinger’s complaint that Americans are obsessed with answers but less likely to be engaged in questions. In her new book The Death of Why? she links the future of American democracy to how well we teach our children to ask questions. Rodriguez quotes Schlesinger: What we need to acknowledge, now more than ever, is that we do not know everything. We cannot know everything. Knowledge changes…The future is a moving target, and the ground beneath us will never be still. The only thing we can count on to see us through an uncertain future is our ability to ask questions. Other educators are signed on to this initiative. New Bedford High School Principal Donald Vasconcellos is also engaged in this push to “project-based” work, away from mere classroom lecture, from the principal on down the chain of command. “Department chairs, as well as house masters, review teacher lesson plans on a monthly basis,” he explained. Research starts with ninth graders. More papers are being assigned in ELA, the state mandates research in AP science classes, it appears in AP statistics courses, and in other “pockets” of math. As more funds become available to outfit computer labs, more research projects will be assigned, with format and length decided by the teacher. Principal Vasconcellos is enthusiastic that this initiative will improve student learning, especially their writing skills, as they engage in projects that “show the practical application of learning.” Enough comments from adults. What do young people think about this trend to more research projects. Shellynne Guerreiro, 2008 New Bedford High School graduate, now enrolled in photography

school, says that in addition to her AP English classes she would have liked the challenge of research-based work in history. Amanda McQuillan, 2004 NBHS graduate, and a UMassDartmouth business major, says that more research work in high school would have prepared her better for college, where she learned a lot more about going out to get information. Success requires asking questions and knowing how to find valid answers. It requires time, thought and a shovel, as it were; or to use another metaphor, it requires throwing a scholarly dart not at the outer rings of a dartboard that represent Wikipedia and easy sources of suspicious information, but at the inner rings that represent book sources, trade magazines, and academic journals found in library databases.

Students know now what they must do. It is the start of a new era of inquiry in secondary education. It is the renewal of student curiosity. It is the rebirth of “why.”

Use sources

School starts soon. Students must become comfortable using newspaper sources, documents and conducting interviews and surveys. A valuable resource for Durfee students as well as the public is Dr. Irving Fradkin’s archived resources in the Keeley Library concerning the history of Fall River’s Dollars for Scholars. Primary source letters and documents trace the history and activities of the Dollars for Scholars organization from its beginning in Fall River in 1958 to the present day. The archive at Durfee High School would be of special interest to social studies students interested in the history of social movements in America and the success behind community-based volunteer organizations. If using the material causes even one student to understand how and why things happen and if they can happen again, then it has been successful. Students know now what they must do. It is the start of a new era of inquiry in secondary education. It is the renewal of student curiosity. It is the rebirth of “why.”

The South Coast Insider / August 2009



Summer festivals: the Magnificent Seven by Jason Perry

August represents the home stretch for summer. However, given Mother Nature's recent desire to recreate the Noah's Ark environment in the South Coast, it feets like the summer hasn't even started. The rain couldn't last forever (we hoped), and we vowed that when it finally lets up, we will do our best to make up for lost time. But how do we do that? Two words: summer festivals. From Greek to Scottish, seafood to arts and crafts, there are plenty of eclectic fests scheduled for August, giving families the opportunity to spend quality time together on a rare sunny afternoon. Fortunately for you, The South Coast Insider has a comprehensive list of all the festive happenings. So turn off CNN, pull the kids away from Facebook, and pack into the minivan: It's time to finally enjoy the summer.

17th Annual Onset Blues Festival

August 1 Prospect Park and Gregerman Band Shell Wareham, MA $20 admission Wareham's Onset Village is ground zero for a full day of food, crafts, and blues. Arrive early with a blanket in-hand and find a spot on the amphitheater lawn to watch an acclaimed line-up of blues performers including 2008 Blues Music Awards nominee, Gina Sicilia. When your blues appetite is pleased, but your stomach is growling for real grub, wander over to the barbecue (courtesy of Sheraton-Boston) and load up a plate with home-cooked BBQ chicken, fresh coleslaw, and corn-on-the-cob.

25th Anniversary of the Seafood Festival August 7-9 Ninigret Park, Park Lane, Charlestown, RI $8 admission; free for children 12 and under

New England seafood is tops. For those who think otherwise, prepare to be proven wrong at the 15th Anniversary of the Seafood Festival in Charlestown, Rhode Island. Every tasty creature of the ocean will be on-hand to tantalize your taste buds. Aside from the clam cakes and lobster dishes, the Seafood Festival offers a wide range of activities for both young and 20

old. Let the kids tackle timeless amusement rides while you marvel at the Hot Rod & Harley car show or shop for trinkets at the arts and crafts fair. Children under 12 earn free access to the festival, which will keep you and your budget happy.

Fall River Celebrates America

August 7-9 Battleship Cove, Fall River, MA $3 admission per day; children 12 and under free with adult What better way to celebrate living in America than three days of festivities with the USS Massachusetts as a backdrop. Fall River Celebrates America is a serious tradition for South Coast residents, so expect a huge turnout and a lively atmosphere. Street performers and musical acts will command the stage throughout the day, culminating in a spectacular fireworks display dancing above Battleship Cove. Fall River Celebrates America also marks the conclusion of "Fall River Catches A Star," where vocalists as young as 12-years-old will compete on-stage to see who shines the brightest.

Cape Cod Scottish Festival

August 8 Heritage Museum and Gardens of Sandwich 67 Grove Street, Sandwich, MA $15 adult; $7.50 children 4-12; Free for children 3 and under No need to hop on a jet and head to Scotland for an authentic Scottish experience. Zip over to Sandwich for the Cape Cod Scottish Festival and you'll swear Scotland somehow merged with Massachusetts. Nosh on legit Scottish cuisine and cheer on your favorite Scotsman during the Heavy Athletic Games featuring the caber toss and hammer throw. Kilts aren't optional: they're mandatory.

Annual Grecian Festival August 14-16 Greek Orthodox Church 97 Walcott Street, Pawtucket, RI Free admission Probably the closest you will get to Skiathos or Dokos,

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church brings Greek tradition to Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Indulge in Greek pastries, savor the taste of a gyro and souvlaki, and sit-in on a baking demonstration courtesy of the ladies of the Philoptochos Society. But the Grecian Festival isn't just about food. Greek-themed arts and giftware will be on sale for die-hard shoppers while the kids can enjoy craft exhibits and face painting. The Arion Band will perk ears with authentic Greek music that will transport you to the heart of downtown Athens.

Downtown Plymouth Waterfront Festival August 29-30 Water Street, Plymouth, MA Free admission

Duck races in Brewster Gardens. Motor Head's Cruse-In car show. America's Hometown Plymouth Idol competition. Yup, sounds like the Downtown Plymouth Waterfront Festival. Enjoy the aesthetics of the Plymouth waterfront as you browse work from over 100 local artisans and crafters. Flip around inside the inflatable bounce dome, snack on some old-fashioned carnival food, and rock out to The Knuckleheads on the Jenney Grist Mill Stage. Show your children that you were a kid once. They'll be stunned with amazement.

Newport Arts Festival

August 29-30 Newport Yachting Center 4 Commercial Wharf, Newport, RI $3 admission; children 12 and under free Spend the final days of August in beautiful Newport, Rhode Island for the Newport Arts Festival. Formerly known as the Aquidneck Island Arts Festival, the change in name for the NFA doesn't mean a change in the experience. It still provides the same immersion into colorful art, photography, and pottery that you remember. Enjoy a little R&R in front of Newport's scenic waterfront while live Celtic music rings through the open air and the kids are mesmerized by childrenthemed plays and performances. Caribbean-inspired rockers Twist of Fate and folksters Avi & Celia headline Saturday night's concert, promising feel-good tunes for a feel-good weekend.

Lariat Necklace by Taylor Avedon Revival // 227 Thames St., Bristol, RI Classic styling meets modern in this sophisticated lariat necklace by Taylor Avedon. Solid sterling silver with hand-set pyrite marcasite in your choice of blue topaz, white topaz, or amethyst. Matching earrings—$105. Bring this ad and receive 15% off in August. $145 // // (401) 396-9806

Italian Pottery Fish Vase SueCasa // 39 State Street, Bristol, RI Large fish vase makes dramatic centerpiece. Imported from Italy. Ceramic 23 inches tall. Unique home furnishings and décor. $200 // (401) 396-9904

Bird Watcher 6"x9" Frerichs Farm // 43 Kinnicutt Ave., Warren, RI One of the many pieces of Carruth Studio’s designs found at Frerichs Farm. The material is a weather resistant stone/cement composition designed to withstand the most severe weather. Looks great on a garden fence and will make everyone smile. $50 // // (401) 245-8245

Baby Prints Salt Marsh Pottery 1161 Russells Mills Road, South Dartmouth, MA Capture those tiny hands and feet before the time slips away. Press them into soft clay at the shop, you will select the design stamps and color and in a month, your trivet will be done. A gift certificate for this makes a lovely baby shower gift. $110 // // (508) 636-4813

Edible Nantucket Basket Cake Creative Cake Company // Newport, RI The Creative Cake Company are designers of unique cakes for all special occasions, weddings, birthdays, anniversarys etc. The cakes are available in a wide range of flavors. Prices start at $150 and are available by special order only. // (401) 862-9950

The South Coast Insider / August 2009


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August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

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Save big on your wedding day — Ten tips to try — by Stacie Charbonneau Hess

While we realize it’s easy to get carried away

The photographer

on your wedding day, most of us don’t have a blank check that can be filled out with whatever sum the event turns out to cost! There’s no reason to go into debt to have a fabulous wedding; there are lots of ways to save big in your budget. Using some suggestions from the “$10,000 Challenge,” from the website, and other ideas from our own experience, we present the top 10 ways to save big on your wedding day:

Hire a Photographer who is building his/her event portfolio, and hire him/her for a half day instead of a full day. Student photographers whose work you admire would probably charge even less. Contact the art department (in the Star Store) at UMass Dartmouth’s New Bedford campus.

Of course the florist will try to convince you that you need that $150 vase for the ceremony that will be upstaged undoubtedly by the flower girls & bridesmaids. If you are looking to save, make sure all the important people have their hand-held bouquets, and then keep the tables simple, or decorate the centerpieces with something else that goes with your theme. Fresh flowers are extraordinary, but they’re a luxury and sometimes less is more.

The food I went to one wedding where the bride and groom’s parents grilled meats & veggies outside for guests, and other members of the family supplied the side dishes. This was a beach wedding during the day, so totally appropriate for their theme…if this is a bit too casual for what you have in mind, choose a local caterer and consider a buffet, as opposed to a sit down meal. This creates a cocktail-ly atmosphere and prevents the awkward down time that sometimes happens with sit down service.

The gown Let’s be honest, all brides really want to buy a good figure for their wedding day! Although many brides will insist on “designer” gowns, this is a place to save some real money in your budget. Check out the sale rack at J.Crew, Ann Taylor, or Nordstrom. Try online stores like as well—there just may be a Vera Wang in your size for half the price you’d pay in the boutiques. And don't forget the annual Building 19 gown frenzy! If it’s too big or needs slight alterations, hire a local seamstress who works from home to take it in for you.

Buy a video camera If you intend to video record your wedding, instead of hiring a videographer, buy (or register for and hope you receive it early!) a Flip Ultra video camera ($100 to $200); it’s easy to use and holds up to one hour of video. Use it for the big events, like the ceremony, the first dance, and speeches.

The invitations Arts & crafts stores (Michaels, A.C. Moore, etc.) as well as office supply stores like Staples carry blank invitation kits, with vellum and ribbon and all, so you can print your own invitations. This is pretty easy— you just have to format your paper to the correct size (many kits come with directions, or even templates you can download online). The greenest, cheapest option? Why not send e-vites, or create a website for the purpose of communicating about the wedding with your guests. Have guests RSVP online.

The music Compiling a list of your favorite songs and putting them on your IPOD is a very inexpensive way to add music to your ceremony or wedding. If a band is definitely on your “must have” list, ask your friends to recommend local musicians (so you won’t have to pay for transportation) who are willing to be flexible with pricing.

The venue Well, this might go without saying, but a wedding

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The flowers

in your parents’ backyard is going to be much more reasonable than one at a swanky hotel or B&B. The money you save will be enormous—but the disadvantages are that you will have to pay for everything a la carte if you have an at-home wedding, and you may want to ask an expert’s advice so you don’t forget any of the important details, like ordering enough chairs and wine glasses.

The ring Local jewelry designers can often customize a ring to your specifications: so if you tell him or her you are looking for a platinum ring with small diamonds for around $1,500, they’ll let you know how (or if) it’s possible and what kind of ring you will expect to get for that price.

The guest list We know you want to invite your Aunt Doris and all the cousins from Michigan, but you must remember that when you invite guests who have to travel, you’ve got to tap into your budget a little more, as well. Etiquette suggests you leave gifts in out of town guests' hotel rooms, maybe charter transportation for them, and definitely invite them to your rehearsal dinner, so give your guest list serious consideration before sending out the save the dates.

The South Coast Insider / August 2009



Muscat wine for summer sipping by Alton Long

What’s in a name? Sometimes, a lingering, undeserved, bad reputation. Wine made from any of the various Muscat grape varieties is almost invariably considered to be, simple, ordinary and second rate, or even an inferior product. Yet for some reason at least one or more of the ubiquitous Muscat grape varieties is planted in every major wine-growing region in the world. The names of course vary and in some cases the Muscat portion has even been dropped. Nevertheless, the heritage of these varieties is generally known by many wine and viticultural experts. In addition, almost any serious wine lover knows that a cool Muscat is a pleasant beverage at any time, but especially great for summer sipping. Also most any decent wine shop offers one or more Muscat-based wines. The probable cause of the denigration of wines made from this family of grapes is the early popularity of “Muscatel” wine, which was the name given to a very sweet and often fortified version of Muscat wine. Or it might be for some the similarity to the name “Muscadine” for wines made from grapes found wild and now cultivated in the southeastern U.S. and Mexico. These wines have a very distinctive “musky” flavor, which is quite different from the classic European vinifera from which the majority of wines sold in the U.S. are now made. Exciting new varieties Muscat grapes have been hybridized to produce some truly exciting new varieties. At a recent Eastern Wine competition, a new variety, and called “Valvin Muscat,” won a Double Gold and Best New York Wine. Hunt Country Vineyards in the Finger Lakes of New York produced it. It is a hybrid of two Muscat varieties, Muscat de Moulin and Muscat Ottonel. Penguin Bay Winery, also in the New York Finger Lakes, makes a similar wine but it 24

seems a little sweeter, with enough acid to make it delicious, especially when well chilled. The Muscat Ottonel is a cold region grape and does well in colder climates such as New England. Our local Newport Vineyards grows it and produces a just off dry version that is excellent with food. It is priced at $17. This same grape is grown in the northwest corner of Pennsylvania by Presque Isle Winery where it is made as a dessert wine. It is produced as dessert wines in Romania, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, and, as dry wines in Alsace and Hungary (where it is called Moskately).

European offerings The French have been producing very classic wines from this grape including the wellknown Muscat de Beaumesde-Venise, a delicious dessert wine produced in the Rhone region. A half bottle runs about $15 to $25. The full and proper name for the grape in France is Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains. Other popular French Muscat based wines are the Muscat d'Alsace in northeastern France which is often found in U.S. wine shops, and the Muscat de Frontignan, sometimes especially on exported version, called Muscat Blanc produced in southern France. This latter wine is uncommon in our local shops. In Italy the Muscat grape is used extensively in many

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

regions and for many different kinds of wines. Muscat or Muscato is often incorporated in the name of the wine. It is usually produced as a slightly sweet and lightly sparkling (frizzante). One of the most popular seems to be the sparkling Muscato D’Asti. This wine is produced and labeled as a DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata Garantita), one of the highest quality levels of Italy. The Patrizi version is very light with only 5.5 percent alcohol fairly sweet and cost around $10. For less than twice the price you can get a Ceretto 2007 Moscato D'Asti Santo Stefano, a little more elegant in a tall slender tapered bottle and perhaps a mite more

sparkly, but the same sweetness and low alcohol. The Muscat Blanc grape is known as the Moscato Bianco and also as Muscato Canelli and used through out the Piedmont. Popular in parts of the U.S. are the Portuguese Moscatel de Setúbal and Moscatel de Favaios usually served as an aperitif at restaurants. The Favaios is rarely found in the U.S. except on the wine list in Portuguese restaurants. The wine made in Setúbal involves a long process that requires the pungent Muscat grape skins to macerate in the wine must for 5 to 6 months. It is then aged in large old oak barrels for four to five years resulting in a golden amber color and an intense aroma and flavor.

From the U.S. Muscat wines are made throughout the U.S. One popular California Muscat producer, Montevina Vineyards located in Amador County, offers Terra d’Oro Muscato that is loaded with fruit and floral aromas and flavors including apricot and jasmine. It has a crisp acidity, which balanced nicely with a bit of residual sweetness. It is excellent with spicy food such Thai and Indian and can be found at about $16 in some shops. A favorite of many wine aficionados is the Beaulieu Vineyards of Napa Valley’s Muscat de Beaulieu. It is priced at about $7 to $9 a half bottle.

and Australia Then there is the Orange Muscat used mostly in California and Australia for delightful dessert wines. Wines made from this grape do exhibit faint aromas and flavors of fresh oranges (hence its name). One of the most popular ones is Quady 2000 "Essensia" California Orange Muscat (runs around $12 for a half bottle and up to $20 for a full). This golden dessert wine has a fresh orange peel flavor with delicate floral components that all follow through in the flavor. The most available Australian Orange Muscat is Brown Brothers (at about $16). Quady also offers “Elysium Black Muscat” made from the relatively rare Muscat Hamburg. This wine is rich, spicy with aromas and flavors of berries and black cherries and is dark ruby in color (also about $16). We could go on and on... so many different versions of the Muscat grape and so many styles produced by so many wineries in so many parts of the world. It is difficult to understand why more wine lovers do not seem to be aware of the incredible wine family. Check out your wine shop and see what they have in stock and enjoy a Muscat this summer. Sweet or dry, local or from abroad you’ll be delighted if you do.

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The South Coast Insider / August 2009




Hot buffalo flavor courtesy of the Blue Lobster Cafe. Summertime and the livin’s easy. Wintry mixes turn into clear skies; snow shovels are traded in for sand buckets; and obnoxiously large winter jackets find their rightful place buried in the closet. But for all the beautiful weather and fun that summer brings, none of it compares to an expertly crafted summer menu. In honor of summer cuisine, this month’s Dine Out! searches the countryside and coastline of Tiverton, Westport, and Little Compton for the best summer eats that will add sunshine to your life. Breakfast : Mornin’, Sunshine!

It’s tempting to drive an extra five or so minutes to Dartmouth for a gargantuan omelette from IHOP or a cheap Friendly’s breakfast combo. Avoid these chaotic chains and start the day off right at Marguerite’s Restaurant (778 Main Road, Westport) for an excellent combination of price and portions. Ditto for the Black Goose Cafe (2160 Main Road), who has a breakfast panini that is to die for. For those hungering for a delicious bite to take on the road, stop by Perry’s Bakery (1037 Main Road, Westport) and snatch up a homemade breakfast sandwich. America should run on Perry’s. Lunch: Refuel, Recharge, Reload

Built up an appetite after spending a full day lounging on the beach? If you’re by


Horseneck Beach or Gooseberry Island in Westport, then a visit to Bayside (1253 Horseneck Road, Westport) is essential. Grab a table on the outdoor patio and order up Bayside’s famous fish and chips platter and wash it down with a Buzzards Bay beer. Grinnell’s Beach in Tiverton is home to Stone Bridge Restaurant (1848 Main Road, Tiverton): A tasty lunch spot famous for its authentic gyros. Or travel up Main Road to Evelyn’s Nanaquaket Drive-In (2335 Main Road, Tiverton) for a massive plate of fried clams. For the inlanders, The Blue Lobster Cafe inside Lees Market (796 Main Road, Westport) lets you build your own sandwich while Partners Village Store and Kitchen (865 Main Road, Westport) offers eclectic sandwiches and a quaint outdoor patio.

More Dining Options BREAKFAST The Barn 15 Main Street, Little Compton (401) 635-2985 Coastal Roasters 1791 Main Road, Tiverton (401) 624-2343 Harry’s Country Store 646 American Legion Hwy, Westport (401) 847-9307

LUNCH The Westporter 1031 Main Road, Westport (508) 636-9000 Alcheldo’s Pizza 1715 Stafford Road, Tiverton (401) 624-2155 The Galley Grille 66 State Road, Westport (508) 675-7185

Dinner : A Long Day Calls For A Good Meal

Watch the sunset at Boathouse Waterfront Dining (227 Schooner Avenue, Tiverton) while immersing yourself in pan-seared georges bank scallops. The meal won’t come cheap, but that’s the price you pay for quality cuisine. Crowther’s Restaurant (90 Pottersville Road, Little Compton) and Bittersweet Farm (438 Main Road, Westport) each have a surf and turf menu that can’t be missed. For an inexpensive homecooked meal in a cozy atmosphere, try Virginia’s (140 Charlotte White Rd., Westport). Finally, no summer day is complete without ice cream. Choose from over 300 flavors at The Moose Café (1160 Stafford Road, Tiverton). Variety is the spice of life.

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

DINNER The Back Eddy 1 Bridge Road, Westport (508) 636-6500 Stone House 122 Sakonnet Point Road, Little Compton (508) 674-4004 Barcellos Family Restaurant 1214 Stafford Road, Tiverton (401) 624-6649

The South Coast Insider / April 2009



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The South Coast Insider / August 2009






Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel August 25

Brad Pitt, Mike Myers, Melanie Laurent August 21

Thomas Pynchon August 4

Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel, the 12th studio album of Mariah’s career, is the eagerly anticipated follow-up to her RIAA platinum-selling album E=MC² and the worldwide 10 million selling The Emancipation of Mimi. Both were Soundscan #1 debut albums that made chart history for Mariah in the U.S. and around the globe.

Inglorious Basterds. A group of JewishAmerican soldiers (led by Brad Pitt) known as “The Basterds” are chosen to spread fear throughout the Third Reich by hunting Nazis. Director Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill) returns with this long-awaited World War II epic. Rated R.

Part noir, part psychedelic romp, all Pynchon. Private eye Doc Sportello comes, occasionally, out of a marijuana haze to watch the end of an era as free love slips away and paranoia creeps in with the L.A. fog. In this lively yarn, Thomas Pynchon, working in an unaccustomed genre, provides a classic illustration of the sixties.

Live Music



The Cape Cod Melody Tent, Hyannis, MA August 21

Theatre By The Sea, Matunuck, RI August 14

Don’t miss your chance to spend a magical evening with one of the world’s greatest musicians, the legendary King of the Blues himself! Join B.B. King and his guitar “Lucille” for a night jammed full of hits. When it comes to the blues, B.B. rules. Tickets are on sale now for as low as $54. Visit for more details.

This contemporary musical comedy opens on the glamorous French Riviera, where two competing con men decide that the town isn’t big enough for them both. So, they make a bet: the first one to swindle $50,000 from a female heiress wins, but the loser must leave town. Tickets are available at

Mariah Carey

B.B. King


Inglorious Basterds

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

Inherent Vice

Avocado and Grapefruit Salad Ingredients: 3 1/2 tspn white grape juice and 2 1/2 tspn apple cider vinegar. 2 tbsp lemon juice. 2 tbsp minced shallot. 1/4 cup walnut oil. 1/4 cup olive oil. Fine sea salt, 8 large butter lettuce leaves. 3 avocados, halved, pitted, and peeled. 3 large Ruby Red peeled grapefruits. Whisk first 3 ingredients in small bowl. Gradually whisk in both oils. Mix lettuce, avocado, and grapefruit. Serve.

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508-676-1067 The South Coast Insider / August 2009


BOOK PICKS BY BAKER Courtesy of Baker Books –

“Lunch in the Park”

Free Lunch Program

for kids 18 years and under

Summer’s not over yet, in fact it feels like summer is only just beginning. There’s plenty of time left to enjoy a good book and bask in the sun. Within this handful of unique novels you will find something for everyone and an escape from everything. From humor to historical fiction, to short stories, you are bound to enjoy at least one of these great books. So sling up the hammock, pour yourself a nice cold glass of lemonade, and enjoy!

JuNE 29 to AUG. 28, 2009 Monday through Friday * NO LUNCH SERVED JULY 3 * PARk SITES Griffin Park Abbott Court Kennedy Park Lafayette Park Maplewood Park North Park Pulaski Park Fr. Diaferio Ruggles Park

RAIN SITES Doran School Viveiros School Doran School Watson School Letourneau School Morton School Greene School Fonseca School Fonseca School

Limited Lunch Program dates at the following: Doran School – July 6 - Aug. 17 (Mon.-Thu.) Greene School – July 6 - Aug. 7 (Mon.-Fri.) Kuss Middle School – July 6 - Aug. 6 (Mon.-Thu.) BMC Durfee High – July 6 - Aug. 7 (Mon.-Fri.) Westall School – July 6 - Aug. 28 (Mon.-Fri.) Watson School – July 6 - Jul. 29 (Mon.-Wed.)

Lunch time varies from 11:45am-1:00pm Lunches are served on a first-come, first-serve basis and must be eaten on site. Lunches will be served indoors on rainy days.

For more info Call CD REC at 508-679-0922 Sponsored by Community Development Recreation Supported by Mayor Robert Correia, City of Fall River MA ESE, USDA & CDBG

East of the Sun

Nobody Move

by Julia Gregson Simon & Schuster $16 paperback

by Denis Johnson FSG $23 hardcover

As the Kaisar-i-Hind weighs anchor for Bombay in the autumn of 1928, its passengers ponder their fate in a distant land. They are part of the “Fishing Fleet”—the name given to the legions of Englishwomen who sail to India each year in search of husbands, heedless of the life that awaits them. The inexperienced chaperone Viva Holloway has been entrusted to watch over three unsettling charges. There’s Rose, as beautiful as she is naïve, who plans to marry a cavalry officer she has met a mere handful of times. Her bridesmaid, Victoria, is hell-bent on losing her virginity en route before finding a husband of her own. And shadowing them all is the malevolent presence of a disturbed schoolboy named Guy Glover. From the parties of the wealthy Bombay socialites to the poverty of Tamarind Street, from the sooty streets of London to the genteel conversation of the Bombay Yacht Club, East of the Sun is graced with lavish detail and a penetrating sensitivit—historical fiction at its greatest.

From the National Book Award–winning, bestselling author of Tree of Smoke comes a provocative thriller set in the American West. Nobody Move, which first appeared in the pages of Playboy, is the story of an assortment of lowlifes in Bakersfield, California, and their cat-and-mouse game over $2.3 million. Touched by echoes of Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett, this is at once an homage to and a variation on literary form. It salutes one of our most enduring and popular genres—the American crime novel—but with a grisly humor and outrageousness that are Denis Johnson’s own. Sexy, suspenseful, and above all entertaining, Nobody Move shows one of our greatest novelists at his versatile best. Denis Johnson is the author of six novels, three collections of poetry, and lives in northern Idaho.

Funded in part by Bristol Workforce Investment Board


August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

Girl Who Stopped Swimming

So Happy Together

by Joshilyn Jackson Little Brown $14 paperback

By Maryann McFadden Hyperion $23.99 Hardcover

Lauren Gray Hawthorne needs to make things pretty, whether she's helping her mother keep family skeletons in the closet or sewing her acclaimed art quilts. Her estranged sister, Thalia, is her opposite, an impoverished actress who prides herself on exposing the lurid truths lurking behind middle class niceties. While Laurel's life seems neatly on track—a passionate marriage, a treasured daughter, a lovely suburban home—everything she holds dear is threatened the night she is visited by the ghost of her 13-yearold neighbor Molly. The ghost leads Laurel to the real Molly, floating lifelessly in the Hawthorne's backyard pool. Molly's death is an unseemly mystery that no one in her whitewashed neighborhood is up to solving. Laurel enlists Thalia's help, even though she knows it comes with a high price tag. Together, they set out on a life-altering journey that triggers startling revelations about their family's haunted past, the true state of Laurel's marriage, and the girl who stopped swimming.

Claire Noble gave up on her dreams a long time ago. A single mother and respected history teacher, she has also been caring for her aging parents. But now it’s finally Claire’s turn. She has fallen in love with Rick Saunders, who is offering her both security and the opportunity to travel. But just as Claire is about to step into her new life, her estranged daughter suddenly shows up with a backpack full of problems. So Happy Together is the story of three generations of women who find their lives, and dreams, suddenly transformed in ways they never could have imagined. It is the heartbreaking and joyful journey of one woman who comes to realize that when you’re a mother, or a daughter, you are never truly free.

The Richest Season By Maryann McFadden Hyperion $14.99 paperback When lonely corporate wife Joanna Harrison runs away to Pawleys Island, she has no idea what will happen next. As she’s drawn into island life, and an exciting new relationship, sudden demands from her old life may force her to return. But whatever she decides, Joanna is about to alter the course of three lives forever. The Richest Season is a stunning debut that will resonate with any woman who’s ever fantasized about leaving home to find herself.

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Downtown Owl by Chuck Klosterman Simon & Schuster $15 paperback Somewhere in North Dakota, there is a town called Owl that isn’t there. Disco is over but punk never happened. They don’t have cable. They don’t really have pop culture, unless you count grain prices and alcoholism. People work hard and then they die. They hate the government and impregnate teenage girls. But that’s not nearly as awful as it sounds; in fact, sometimes it’s perfect. Chuck Klosterman’s Downtown Owl is the unpretentious, darkly comedic story of how it feels to exist in a community where rural mythology and violent reality are pretty much the same thing. It’s technically about certain people in a certain place at a certain time... but it’s really about a problem. And the problem is this: What does it mean to be a normal person? And there is no answer. But in Downtown Owl, what matters more is how you ask the question.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009 Rain Date – Sunday, August 9

12-6pm – on the bluffs at Onset Beach, Onset, MA Over 80 vendors A great variety of Cape Verdean food!

The South Coast Insider / August 2009


May I have this dance? by Cara Connelly Pimental

Some waltz to exercise, some learn to dance to make an impression at a wedding or special event, and others dance to just dance. Whatever your reason, ballroom dancing brings many benefits to those who dance. According to Lee Terry, owner and operator of Ballroom Dancing with Lee Terry, “the physical benefits of dance include circulatory system and muscle development along with greater flexibility and balance.” Now, scientists are finding out what dancers have always known, that dancing keeps you mentally and physically fit, and the younger you start in developing the positive habits through dance, the better. Good for the mind In a 2003 study published by the New England Journal of Medicine, ballroom dancing was found to be the only physical activity studied that was significantly associated with fewer dementia cases. A group of 469 people were studied over the course of 21 years to see who would ultimately develop signs of dementia. From the many mental and physical actives studied, ballroom dancing was the most associated with fewer dementia cases. In addition to potentially reducing the chances of developing dementia, ballroom dancing brings many other benefits. It can help create a more enjoyable social life with lots of self confidence on the dance floor. Suddenly, parties are more fun; you never have to say no to a dance invitation and are socially more at ease.

Therapeutic and relaxing Dancing can also relieve stress and increase concentration, discipline, and self-confidence, Terry says. She has been involved in dance for over 30 years, and has studied both dance and modeling in Washington, D.C. Terry says, “Ballroom dance and specifically dancing quicksteps are equivalent to that of an Olympic runner in an 800 meter dash.” In recognition of ballroom's physical rigor, dance sport (the name give to competitive ballroom) may soon be elevated to the status of a full-fledged Olympic sport. Many people who enjoy ballroom dance also study swing and Latin dance as well. These different types of dance date from the 1800s to modern day.


© Alipaca12 |

All the world dances The Waltz began in the 17th century. It arrived in America in the early 1800s and was the first social dance in which a woman was actually held in a man’s arms. Learning to Waltz is elegant, develops graceful movement and poise. It is the basis for many dances and is popular all over the globe. Every wedding reception, social black tie event, formal and holiday party should include the Waltz. Rudolph Valentino danced the Latin Tango and helped it gain popularity beginning in 1920. It is widely believed to have originated in Argentina, though it actually came from Spain. It’s a dramatic and passionate dance widely referred to as the Dancer’s Dance. The Tango has movements that greatly improves a man’s lead and a woman’s ability to follow and is instrumental in developing a strong sense for the feeling of music. With the birth of Swing music in the late 1920s, the dance craze of the same name swept the nation and with that, came name changes. It was known as the East Coast Jitterbug, the Lindy or the West Coast Swing. Originally, it was known as the Lindy Hop—in honor of Charles Lindberg and his historic hop across the Atlantic. The national dance of Brazil, often referred to as the South American Waltz became the rage of

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

Brazilian society in the 1930s but began as an exhibition dance in Paris in 1905. Singer and actor Carmen Miranda is credited with making the dance popular in the United States in the 1940’s. It is an extremely popular dance of today because it is easily adaptable to today’s rhythms. The Cha Cha is probably the most popular Latin dance in the U.S. and offshoot of the mambo, the Cha Cha or Cha Cha Cha, evolved out of popular movement in slow tempo Mambo called the Triple Mambo. By 1954 it had become a dance of its own and is a favorite among Latin dances. Created by Henry Fox in 1912, the Fox Trot was the first dance that permitted people to hold each other closer than arm’s length. It became America’s most popular dance and remains today as the standard of social dances. Some people refer to the Fox Trot as a conversational dance because of its closeness and permits dancers to actually have a conversation. The Fox Trot helps to develop smooth movements and is enjoyed by dancers of all ages. Disco has strong roots in Swing, Samba, Cha Cha, Mambo, Merengue, Fox Trot and Tango. The most popular version, the Hustle—from Saturday Night Live fame—is believed to have originated in New York in 1970. The free form style of this dance is still Continued on page 35

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The South Coast Insider / August 2009


August: Boring or beautiful by Elizabeth Morse Read

If you’re looking for American holidays, you won’t find any in August. But far from being boring, it’s a beautiful time for rest and relaxation. August is the traditional family and work vacation month both here and throughout the civilized world. But while everyone seems to be too busy soaking up the sun and sand, that doesn’t mean that there’s no interesting history or minor celebrations worth noting. Hail Caesar! For starters, August (like July) was named after the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus (also known as Octavius) shortly after the birth of Christ. He ushered in the Pax Romana period of relative peace during the expansion of the Roman Empire throughout Europe, Asia Minor and northern Africa. Like his adoptive uncle Julius Caesar, Octavius chose a blandly-named month (Sextilus [sixth month], no Roman gods involved) to celebrate himself and his quiteimpressive achievements. If you’re looking for an excuse to party, toast to Augustus the peacemaker.

What’s your sign? The zodiac signs for August are Leo to the 22nd, then Virgo thereafter. The birthstone is jade or peridot and the month’s flower is the gladiolus. August is also National Artist Appreciation Month, Cataract Awareness/Eye Exam Month, Catfish and Goat Cheese Month. The first week of August is designated National Breastfeeding and Clown Week; the second week is National Smile Week; the third is National Friendship Week; and the fourth week is National Bowling Week.

Mark your calendar Not in the mood to celebrate an dead Roman emperor (or a little rusty in your Latin)? Almost every day has something worth celebrating or noting—put these on your calendar!

August 1 – Respect for Parents Day; Swiss National Day August 2 – First income tax enacted by Congress, 1861; first Lincoln penny issued, 1909 August 3 – National Watermelon Day August 4 – National Coast Guard, Champagne and Chocolate Chip Day August 5 – Marilyn Monroe died, 1962 August 6 – Hiroshima bombed, 1945; Christian Feast of the Transfiguration; Bolivian Independence Day August 7 – Purple Heart Medal established, 1782 August 8 – Fay Wray (of King Kong fame) dies, 2004

August 19 – Aviation Day, celebrating the birthday of Orville Wright, 1871 August 20 – The Rolling Stones score their first #1 music-chart hit in the USA for “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction,” 1965 August 21 – Hawaii becomes the 50th American state, 1959; beginning of Ramadam, the Moslem month of fasting and contemplation August 22 – First reporting sighting of the Loch Ness monster by St. Columba, 565; first air raid in history, when Austria sends armed balloons over Venice, 1849 August 23 – First photograph of Earth taken from lunar orbit, 1966 August 24 – Mount Vesuvius erupts, burying Pompeii, 79 AD; British troops invade Washington DC and burn down the White House, 1814; Thomas Edison patents the motion picture camera, 1891 August 25 – National Banana Split Day; The Wizard of Oz premiers, 1939

August 10 – National S’mores Day

August 26 – Susan B. Anthony Day (National Women’s Equality Day), commemorating passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote, 1920

August 11 – Birthday of Jerry Falwell, 1933; Alex Haley, 1921; Hulk Hogan, 1953

August 27 – First successful oil well drilled in Pennsylvania by Edwin Drake, 1859

August 9 – Jerry Garcia dies, 1995; Gregory Hines dies, 2003; Sharon Tate murdered by Charles Manson’s “family,” 1969

August 12 – IBM Personal Computer debuted, 1981 August 13 – National Left-Handers Day August 14 – End of WWII/Japanese Surrender, 1945; National Creamsicle and Marshmellow Toasting Day August 15 – Woodstock opened, 1969; Christian Feast of the Assumption of Mary August 16 – Elvis Presley Day; National Roller-Coaster Day August 17 – Birthday of Davey Crockett (who died at the Alamo), 1786; Robert DeNiro, 1943; Mae West, 1892


August 18 – National Homeless Animal Day

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

August 28 – St. Augustine, Florida, established in 1565, the oldest surviving European settlement in what is now the United States of America August 29 – The Beatles perform their last public concert in San Francisco, 1966 August 30 – Cleopatra commits suicide, 30 B.C. August 31 – Princess Diana dies in a Paris car crash, 1997 Happy August, wherever you are.

Continued from page 32

one of the most popular at night clubs and social events. The exciting rhythms of the Merengue inspire dancers all over the world to move to the intoxicating beat. It was considered too scandalous when introduced to the U.S. in 1941. There are two schools of thought as to how this dance began. One theory is that it started as a peasant dance in the Dominican Republic by African slaves. The dragging of one leg represented chafing of leg irons. Another theory says that a returning war hero, a General Maringie, dragged an injured leg as he danced. It contains elements of both cultures, and is an exciting Latin dance. In the 1940s Americans became fascinated by Latin American rhythms. The Mambo combined American Jazz with Afro-Cuban beat. For dancers, the Mambo was an exciting challenge, a merge of Swing and Rumba. Today, the Mambo is exciting to watch and even more exciting to dance. The Rumba began the Cuban and Latin American dance crazes. Danced to music inspired by African rhythms and Spanish melodies, the Americanized Rumba was the basis for the Mambo and Cha Cha in the U.S. as well as the free style of disco and night club dancing. The Rumba sometimes substitutes for those in-between tempos and features a subtle or relaxed (lateral) hip motion and Latin styling.

Learning the basics

Rumba, Cha Cha, Foxtrot, and Waltz. Arthur Murray also offers a general variety program. This program continues where the introductory program left off. Students will be shown more variations from each dance learned in the first program while also being taught other dances and concentrating on technique and style. An all time popular program is one that caters to the impatient dancer. It helps to develop free movement around the floor. It teaches variety, a little technique and footwork. It introduces students to finding a style and helps teach assurance that you look good on the dance floor. It is a ten dance program and is perfect for the person that wants to get on the floor this Friday night. Christine Xavier LeDuc of Christine’s Academy of Dance notes an increase in people interested in ballroom dance lessons. “We have students from their 20s to their 60s. In the last three years, things have really blossomed.” Christine’s Academy is celebrating the start of their 20th year in business. When the studio first opening they only offered ballet, tap and jazz. Now we offer classes in ballet, tap , jazz, hip hop, lyrical, modern, acrobatics, irish step, vocal, piano and for the past 4 years we have added ballroom dance classes. “If you can walk, then you can dance!” Christine promises. For those new to dancing or for the more advanced dancer, they teach many different dances where our students learn how to dance quickly in a fun-filled environment. The studio has three large dance floors. "We offer quality instruction in ballroom, latin & swing dancing. Ffor instance, Foxtrot, Salsa, Rumba, Swing, Waltz, Cha-cha, Tango, Samba, Merengue, Hustle, and Quickstep," she noted. Folks can come as a couple or a single and learn two new dances each month in a fun group class or take private lessons. Christine notes that ballroom dance promotes good physical conditioning and is a great form of exercise. "We have students that come for all different reasons. We have the couples that are getting married, bride and father, entire wedding parties and we have the couples that have been married for years and enjoy learning to dance together," she said, adding: "And don’t forget the singles; this is a great way to meet people and have a fun evening out. For some it is even a date night. It is defiantly a great way to exercise and stay in shape." So with long summer nights fast approaching, for that special wedding reception, or a moonlit dance on the beach, or just for fun or exercise…just get up and dance.

‘If you can walk, then you can dance!’

With the growing popularity of shows like So you think you can dance? and Dancing with the Stars people are more motivated to get up and dance. Getting started is easy and course time and level of difficulty is an individual choice. Some like to dance with the partner of their choice—to provide couple time, get some exercise or just socialize. Still, others prefer to work directly with an instructor or with a variety of partners in group classes or practice sessions. It’s a fun way to learn and develops skills quickly and provides great training to work with different abilities and styles of dance. Learning the basics “can take up to 6 months and even 6 months more to acquire the grace and smoothness that are the hallmarks of a competent dancer,” according to Terry. She offers classes for beginners, advanced beginners and intermediate dancers. The introductory program at Arthur Murray in Swansea is a foundation course working on three main teaching points. The main goal in the introductory program is to teach leading and following techniques to move smoothly across the dance floor. The introductory level teaches basic steps and a few variations of the more popular social dances, Swing,

H for mayor H Invites you to 9

great august events Tuesday, Aug. 4 • 6:30pm • FREE with refreshments and speeches City Council & School Committee Candidates Campaign Headquarters - 64 North Main St.

Thursday, Aug. 6 • 1pm • FREE Cake, Music & Dancing Birthday Celebration

with Vicky (Steve’s mom) & Steve @ Venus de Milo

Thursday, Aug. 6 • 6pm • $10 International Dinner

St. John’s Athletic Club - 1365 Rodman Street

Friday, Aug. 7 • 1pm • FREE Cake, Music & Dancing Birthday Celebration

with Vicky (Steve’s mom) & Steve @ White’s

Friday, Aug. 7 • 6pm • $10 International Dinner

The Elks Hall - 4500 No. Main Street

Saturday, Aug. 15 • 1pm • $20 Deluxe Cookout (Cash Bar) Republican Club - 1600 No. Main Street

Sunday, Aug. 16 • 1pm • $20 Deluxe Cookout (Cash Bar) Italian Progressive Club - 310 Slade Street

Sunday, Aug. 23 • 10am • $20 Family Style Breakfast Our Lady of Light - 664 Quarry Street

Thursday, Aug. 27 • 7pm • $20 Dinner, Dancing & Karaoke Party O Express - 277 So. Main Street

H Steve CamaraH 508.675.VOTE

The South Coast Insider / August 2009


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August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

Something for all ages The Ocean Explorium in New Bedford is now open daily to the public from 10 to 4, and offers children and adults an entertaining and educational experience on several different levels. There are now several live marine animal exhibits, including clownfishes, seahorses, jellyfish and a vibrant living coral reef with fishes and corals from around the world. In addition, there is an innovative new activity center, called Discovery Bay, designed for younger children, with supervised water games, puzzles, arts and crafts and story times. “We want to reach people of all ages—from Pre-K to postgraduate,” explained Ocean Explorium director Mark Smith. “So we now offer a collection of exhibits, which work together but also appeal to different people in different ways. “Our mission is education, but we need to get people excited about science by capturing their imaginations, so they are eager to learn.” The Ocean Explorium’s focal exhibit, Science on a Sphere® was developed by NOAA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, and is unique in New England. The Sphere uses a state-of-the-art global display system to create an image of the earth and the other planets in 3-D; like viewing the planets from outer space! Scientific data sets—both historic and realtime—demonstrate environmental issues on a global scale. Smith says the Ocean Explorium’s new living exhibits are directly linked to Science on a Sphere® and the center’s message for environmental stewardship. The Ocean Explorium is located at 174 Union Street, New Bedford, on the corner of Purchase and Union Streets. For more information call 508-994-5400 or visit

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HAPPENINGS Art • Film • Literature August 4 - Rhode Island International Film Festival. Providence Performing Arts Center, 220 Weybosset St., Providence, RI. Various times. 401-861-4445 or visit August 6 - Seaside Cinema. Sit back and enjoy the 3rd movie of the season on board the USS Massachusetts. Battleship Cove, Fall River. 8:30pm. Free. 508-678-1100 x110. August 7 - Suzanne Terry: Scholar on Beatrix Potter The Historic Winslow House Association, 634 Careswell St., Marshfield.10am. $5. 781-837-5753 or visit August 8-9 - Block Island Arts Festival. Narragansett Inn, Ocean Ave., Block Island, RI. Various times. 203878-2623 or visit August 8 - Onset Creative Arts Juried Crafts Show. Onset Bay Association, 4 Union St., Onset. 9am. 508295-7072 or visit August 8 - The River Project Sculpture Opening. Gustin Gallery and Slocum's River Reserve, 231 Horseneck Rd., Dartmouth. 11am. 508-991-2289 or visit August 15 - Best of Providence 48 Hour Film Project 2009. Columbus Theatre, 270 Broadway, Providence, RI. 7pm. 401-621-9660 or visit providence August 15 - Gallery Talk with Francois Poisson. Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Ave., Newport, RI. 5pm. 401-848-8200 or visit www.newportartmuseum. org August 15-16 - Open Studio Weekend. The ART Drive. Throughout Dartmouth and Westport. 10am. Map available at August 15 - Wet Paint. Original artwork from regional artists. Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Ave., Newport, RI. Various times. 401-848-8200 or visit August 22-23 - 6th Annual South Coast Artists Open Studio Tour II. The four coastal villages of Dartmouth, Westport, Tiverton, and Little Compton. Map available at August 29-30 - Cape Cod Fine Art Festival. Village Green and Main St., Hyannis. 10am. Free. 508-7757982 or visit August 29-30 - Newport Arts Festival. Newport Yachting Center, 4 Commercial Wharf., Newport, RI. 10am. $3 (children under 12 free). 401-847-0960 x56 or visit

Food • Drink

Visit for extended event listings! August 7-9 - Charlestown Seafood Festival. Ninigret Park, 4470 Old Post Rd., Route 1A, Charlestown, RI. Starts Fri. @ Noon; Sat. @ 11 am; Sun. @ 11am-8pm. 401-364-4031 or visit August 8 - Farmers' Market. South Main Street, Route 105, Middleboro. 9am. Free. August 11 - 5-Mile Dinner: Slow and Sustainable. Westport Rivers Vineyard and Winery, 417 Hixbridge Rd., Westport.

General Events August 1 – The Mattapoisett Yacht Club is hosting the inaugural William E. Mee Regatta to benefit the Mattapoisett Community Sailing Association and the William E. Mee Youth Sailing Program. For information, visit August 1 - Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Paddling. Davy's Locker Beach, Rodney French Blvd., New Bedford. 11am. Reservation required. 508-992-8618. August 1 - Sea Shell Steppers. Acushnet Council on Aging, 59 1/2 S. Main St., Acushnet. 8pm. Free. 508991-4307. August 1 - Westport River Gardeners. Lees Market, 496 Main Rd., Westport. 8:30am. $25 registration fee. 508-636-3348. August 2 - MyCape/MyTown Trunk Show. The Old Company Store, Wareham. 11am. Free. 508-291-7871 or visit August 2 - Roseland Ballroom Dancing. Hong Kong City Restaurant, 174 Broadway, Taunton. Noon. Free. 508-822-2888. August 3 - Country Line Dancing. Fall River Elks, 4500 N. Main St., Fall River. 7pm on Mondays. Free. August 4 - Kenny's Connection 2nd Annual Motorcycle Run and Pig Roast. Holy Ghost Club, Sodom Rd., Westport. 6:15pm. $20. 508-642-7454 or visit August 4 - Scholastic Chess Club for Kids. For students ages 6 and up. Wareham Free Library, 59 Marion Rd., Wareham. 6:30pm on Tuesdays. Free. 508-295-0563. August 7-9 - 37th Annual Buzzards Bay Regatta. North End of Buzzards Bay. All day. August 7-9 - Fall River Celebrates America. Battleship Cove and Heritage State Park, Fall River. All day. Ticket information available by calling 508-678-1100. August 7 - National Marine Life Center's Mermaid Ball. Massachusetts Maritime Academy, 101 Academy Dr., Buzzards Bay. 6pm. 508-743-9888 or visit August 8 - Annual Onset Cape Verdean Festival. Onset Bandshell and Bluffs, Onset. 10am. 508-295-7072 or visit

August 1 – Buy Fresh, Buy Local: Dinner. Westport Rivers Vineyard and Winery, 417 Hixbridge Rd., Westport. 508-636-3423 x2 or visit

August 8 - Cape Cod Scottish Festival. 67 Grove Street, Sandwich. 10am. $15 for adults, $7.50 for children. 508-888-3300 x102.

August 2 - Parish Feast. St. Theresa Church, 265 Stafford Road, Tiverton, RI. 12pm. Free admission and parking.

August 8 - Waterfire. Waterplace Park, Memorial Blvd., Providence, RI. 7:56pm. 401-272-3111 or visit www.

August 4 - Gourmet Cruise: A Taste of Tuscany. Wickford Town Wharf, Wickford, RI. 7pm. $42 for members; $49 for non-members; Ages: 21+. To register call 401-949-5454, ext. 3041 or e-mail programs@

August 9 - Community Drum Circle. Unitarian Memorial Church, 102 Green St., Fairhaven. 7pm. $4. 508-636-3871.


August 9 - Falmouth Road Race. Wood's Hole, Falmouth. First 9,000 to register will be accepted. All day. Free. 508-540-7000 or visit

August 2009 / The South Coast Insider

August 11 - Waterfire (partial lighting). Waterplace Park, Memorial Blvd., Providence, RI. 7:53pm. 401272-3111 or visit August 12 - Seashells and Sunflowers’ Summer Shape-Up mammography event. Saint Anne's Hospital, 795 Middle St., Fall River. 2pm. For more info or to make an appointment, call 508-235-5353, code 55. August 13 - AHA Night: NB Cultures. Downtown New Bedford, New Bedford. 5pm. Free. Schedule of events available at August 15, 16 - Marion Antiques Show. 65 Dealers in Fine Antiques. Preview Party on August 14, 5:30-8:30. Fee. Tabor Academy, Marion. For more information call 603-778-8842 or visit August 14-16 - Annual Greek Festival. Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, 97 Walcott St., Pawtucket, RI. Friday at 5 pm; Saturday and Sunday at Noon. 401725-3167 or visit August 15 – BMC Durfee High School Class of 1969’s 40th Reunion. McGovern’s Restaurant, Shove Street, Fall River. 6pm. Contact Sheila Barrett at 508-6740220 or by email at August 16 - Saint Vincent's 4th Annual Motorcycle Run and Raffle. 2425 Highland Ave., Fall River. 9am. $15-$20. Advance registration available. 508-2353470 or visit August 20-23 - A Weekend of Coaching. Grounds of Newport Mansions, Bellevue Ave., Newport, RI. Various times. 401-847-1000 or visit August 22 - Antiquarian Summer Fair. Hedge House, 126 Water St., Plymouth. 10am. 508-746-0012 or visit August 22 - Harborfest. Water and Leyden Streets, Plymouth. Noon. 508-747-7727 or visit August 22 - Waterfire. Waterplace Park, Memorial Blvd., Providence, RI. 7:38pm. 401-272-3111 or visit August 29 - 4th Annual Barn Bash Square Dance. Sylvan Nursery Barn, 253 Horseneck Rd., Dartmouth. 6pm. Free. 508-991-2289 or visit August 29-30 - 2009 Downtown Plymouth Waterfront Festival. Plymouth Waterfront, Water St., Plymouth. 11am. 508-830-1620 or visit August 29 - Taiwan Day Festival and Dragonboat Races. School Street Pier, School St., Pawtucket, RI. 8am. 401-724-2200 August 30 - Labor and Ethnic Heritage Festival. Slater Mill Historic Site, 67 Roosevelt Ave., Pawtucket, RI. Noon. 401-725-8638 or visit

Live Music August 1-2 - George Wein's Folk Festival 50. Fort Adams State Park, Newport, RI. Various times. Ticket information available at August 1 – Onset Blues Festival. 12pm. Sponsored by Onset Bay Association. Call 508-295-7072 or visit August 1 - Paul Nogueira on the Piano. White’s Galley Grille, 66 State Road (Route 6), Westport. 7pm. 508675-7185. August 1 - Onset Blues Festival. Prospect Park, Onset. 11:30am. $15 in advance; $20 day of show. www.

August 2 - The B-52s. South Shore Music Circus, 130 Sohier St., Cohasset. 7:30pm. $39-$60.

August 15 - Holy Family Holy Name's 2nd Annual Jazz Night. Wamsutta Club, New Bedford. 7pm. $20, $50. 508-993-3547 or e-mail

August 3 - Mick Taylor Band (of The Rolling Stones). Narrows Center for the Arts, Fall River. 8pm. $28 advance; $31 day of show.

August 15 - Tony Bennett. South Shore Music Circus, 130 Sohier St., Cohasset. 7pm. $63-$84.

August 4 - Campfire Sing-Along with Denya Levine and Tim Dickey. Nauset Light Beach, Eastham. 7:30pm. Free.

August 19 - Bermuda Strollers. Pilgrim Memorial Park, Plymouth. 6:30pm. 508-747-7727 or visit www.

August 4 - O'Neal Armstrong Band. Cork Wine & Tapas Bar, 90 Front St., New Bedford. 8pm. Free.

August 19 - Clayton Willoughby. The Assonet Band Stand, South Main St., Assonet. 7pm. Free. www.theharperandtheminstrel. com/2009_free_summer_concert_series

August 4 - Rockstar Mayhem Fest 2009. Comcast Center, Boston. All day. $69-$83. www.mayhemfest. com August 5 - The James Montgomery Band. Pilgrim Memorial Park, Plymouth. 6:30pm. 508-747-7727 or visit August 5 - The Harper and The Minstrel. The Assonet Band Stand, South Main St., Assonet. 7pm. Free. www. August 6 - Greg Abate Jazz Quartet. John Brown House, 52 Power St., Providence, RI. 6:30pm. $8. 401-331-8575 x33 or visit

August 7 - The Stacey Ann LeRoy Foundation Golf Tournament and Fundraiser. Poquoy Brook Golf Course, 20 Leonard St., Lakeville. 9am. Registration required. August 9 - 26th Annual Merlel Ames/Joe Dias Memorial Golf Tournament. Allendale Country Club, 1047 Allen St., Dartmouth. 1pm. $150 per person. 508-992-8011 or visit August 10 - The Pinehills Charitable Housing Trust Golf & Tennis Tournament. The Pinehills, 33 Summerhouse Dr., Plymouth. All day. Various ticket prices. 508-209-9005 or visit tournament

August 19 - Little Feat. Narrows Center for the Arts, Fall River. 8pm. $65 advance; $70 day of show. www.

August 20-23 - Hall of Fame Champions Cup. International Tennis Hall of Fame, 194 Bellevue Ave., Newport, RI. Various times. 866-914-FAME or visit

August 20 - 20th Annual Jamestown Community Chorus Talent Show. Jamestown Community Center, Jamestown, RI. 401-423-1574 or visit

August 21 - Ida Lewis Distance Race. Ida Lewis Yacht Club, Wellington Avenue., Newport, RI. 3pm. 401-8490220 or visit

August 21 - Red Molly. Narrows Center for the Arts, Fall River. 8pm. $15 advance; $17 day of show. www.


August 22 - B.B. King. South Shore Music Circus, 130 Sohier St., Cohasset. 8pm. $54-$70.

August 1 - Newport Summer Comedy Series: Ron White. Newport Yachting Center, Commercial Wharf, Newport, RI. 8pm. $44, $55. www.newportcomedy. com

August 7 - Candye Kane. The Hi-Hat, 3 Davol Sq., Providence, RI. 6pm. $10.

August 22 - Roots of Creation. Narrows Center for the Arts, Fall River. 8pm. $10 advance; $12 day of show.

August 1 - The Matt Roberts Comedy Magic Show. Jane Pickens Theater, 49 Touro St., Newport, RI. 4pm. $10. 401-846-5474 or visit

August 7-9 - George Wein's Jazz Festival 55. Fort Adams State Park, Newport, RI. Various times. www.

August 26 - Aoife Clancy. The Assonet Band Stand, South Main St., Assonet. 7pm. Free.

August 8 - Bill Cosby. South Shore Music Circus, 130 Sohier St., Cohasset. 4pm, 7pm. $37-$58.

August 7 - Guster. Newport Yachting Center, Commercial Wharf, Newport, RI. 5:30pm. $35 for preferred seating; $25 for standard seating. 401-8461600 or visit

August 26 - The Elderly Brothers. Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Ave., Newport, RI. 6pm. $5$15. 401-848-8200 or visit www.newportartmuseum. org

August 9 - Newport Summer Comedy Series: Defending The Caveman. Newport Yachting Center, Commercial Wharf, Newport, RI. 5pm. $28, $40.

August 7 - KC & The Sunshine Band. South Shore Music Circus, 130 Sohier St., Cohasset. 8pm. $38$59.

August 26 - The Moonlighters. Pilgrim Memorial Park, Plymouth. 6:30pm. 508-747-7727 or visit www.

August 9 - Newport Summer Comedy Series: Tracy Morgan. Newport Yachting Center, Commercial Wharf, Newport, RI. 8pm. $35.

August 7 - Nite Shift. Union City Bar and Grille, 250 Union St., New Bedford. 9pm. 508-992-1007 or visit

August 27 - Melissa Etheridge. South Shore Music Circus, 130 Sohier St., Cohasset. 8pm. $57-$88. www.

August 9 - Jonny Lang. South Shore Music Circus, 130 Sohier St., Cohasset. 7:30pm. $36-$52. www.

August 27 - Surprise Me Mr. Davis. Narrows Center for the Arts, Fall River. 8pm. $18 advance; $20 day of show.

August 12 - September 6 - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Theatre By The Sea, 364 Cards Pond Rd., Matunuck, RI. Various times. 401-782-TKTS or visit

August 11 - The Pearly Baker Band. Bull Pen Sports Pub, 1825 Acushnet Ave., New Bedford. 10pm. Cover. 508-995-8216.

August 27 - The Temptations. Newport Yachting Center, Commercial Wharf, Newport, RI. 5:30pm. $40 for preferred seating; $30 for standard seating. 401846-1600 or visit

August 6 - Shipyard Wreck Unplugged. Knucklehead's Bar and Grill, 85 MacArthur Dr., New Bedford. 10pm. Free.

August 12 - Big Band Night. Astors' Beechwood Mansion, 580 Bellevue Ave., Newport, RI. 7:30pm. 401-846-3772 or visit www, August 12 - Cindy Lane and True Country. The Assonet Band Stand, South Main St., Assonet. 7pm. Free. August 12 - The Reminisants. Pilgrim Memorial Park, Plymouth. 6:30pm 508-747-7727 or visit August 13 - 6th Annual Pops Concert. Saint Paul's Church, Warwick Ave. and Broad St., Cranston, RI. 8pm. $7. 401-461-5734 or visit August 14 - Duke Robillard. Narrows Center for the Arts, Fall River. 7pm. Free. August 15 - Cyndi Lauper. Zeiterion Performing Arts Center, 684 Purchase St., New Bedford. 8pm. $50$68. 508-994-2900 or visit August 15 - David Wilcox. Narrows Center for the Arts, Fall River. 8pm. $20 advance; $23 day of show. www.

August 28 - Los Straightjackets. Narrows Center for the Arts, Fall River. 8pm. $18 advance; $20 day of show. August 29 - Richie Furay Band. Narrows Center for the Arts, Fall River. 8pm. $30 advance; $35 day of show. August 29 - Steve Miller Band. South Shore Music Circus, 130 Sohier St., Cohasset. 8pm. $80-$96.

Sports & Recreation August 1 - World Wrestling Entertainment. South Shore Music Circus, 130 Sohier St., Cohasset. 8pm. $33-$49. August 3 - 15th Annual Golf Outing. In support of The Women's Center. Allendale Country Club, 1047 Allen St., Dartmouth. 11:30 am. 508.996.3343 x32 or visit

August 12 - Harvey. 2nd Story Theatre, 28 Market St., Warren , RI. 8pm. $25. 401-247-4200 or visit August 13-23 - Fame. Courthouse Center for the Arts, 3481 Kingstown Rd., West Kingston, RI. Various times. 401-782-1018 or visit August 14-23 - West Side Story by The Star Players. Gerald A. Croteau Theatre, 500 Norton Ave. Taunton. For schedule and tickets call 508-821-2524 or visit August 14 - Newport Summer Comedy Series: Carlos Mencia. Newport Yachting Center, Commercial Wharf, Newport, RI. 7:30pm. $32, $44. August 15 - Newport Summer Comedy Series: Mike Birbiglia. Newport Yachting Center, Commercial Wharf, Newport, RI. 7:30pm. $25, $35. August 17-23 - Swamp Meadow Summer Children's Theatre Presents: Macbeth for Kids. Captain Isaac Paine Auditorium & Foster Fair Grounds, Foster Fair Grounds & 181 Howard Hill Rd., Foster, RI. Various times. 401-397-4740 or visit August 23 - Newport Summer Comedy Series: Norm MacDonald. Newport Yachting Center, Commercial Wharf, Newport, RI. 7:30pm. $27, $37.

The South Coast Insider / August 2009


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Summer jackets to top off your style Tent sale now through end of August

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Valley C ountry C lub st

Clubhouse and lounge open to public Banquet room – 225 person capacity Perfect for weddings C lubhouse 401-847-9543

B anquet O ffice 401-847-9099

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Open Daily n 767 Main Road n Suite 6 n Westport, MA n 508-636-0063









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The Fall River Country Club 4232 North Main Street • Fall River, MA

(508)672-0280 The Fall River Country Club offers a beautiful venue in a secluded area surrounded by spectacular scenery, including a magnificent view of the Taunton River. This banquet facility offers the finest service and outstanding food. The facility serves only one party per night, in order to ensure excellent service and to guarantee that your event will be both memorable and carefree.

Lifestyle Portraits & Weddings

BEACH HOUSE Since 1997

167 Borden Street • Fall River, MA • 508.676.7169 Hours: Tue. & Sat. 10-3, Wed. thru Fri. 10-6

42 West Main Road, Middletown, RI 401.619.1917 • Open 7 days Mon-Sat 9:30-6 • Sun 12-5

™© 2009 Chamilia LLC







where it's always a day at the beach... Fine gifts • Accessories • Serendipity




5 0 8 . 6 7 7. 3 0 0 0

Visit Your KOHLER速 Registered Showroom

145 Faunce Corner Road | North Dartmouth, MA | 508.997.5466 Tue. & Thu. 10am-8pm | Wed. & Fri. 10am-5pm | Sat. 9am-4pm | Closed Sun. & Mon.

305R Oliphant Lane | Middletown, RI | 401.846.8680 Mon.- Fri. 10am- 5pm | Sat. 8am-12pm | Closed Sun.

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