L-R: Left to right: Matthew, Cindy, Jarrod, James and Patrick Rhodes
by Sean McCarthy
Cranberries have been enjoyed for centuries as a holiday tradition, emblematic of New England and its history. But thanks to the vigorous efforts of Cape Cod Select, this tasty product is now consumed year-round for its flavor and health benefits, building the company a growing global clientele. “As more people have become aware of the availability of our frozen product we’ve experienced much greater distribution and double-digit growth every year,” says Cindy Rhodes, Owner and CEO of Cape Cod Select. “As people have become aware of the health benefits they have started using our frozen cranberries for smoothies and juices, as well as cooking, baking, sauces, and jarring.” Thanks to Rhodes’ determination, Cape Cod Select’s cranberry products are more popular than ever and show no signs of slowing. Based in Carver, in the heart of “Cranberry country,” Cape Cod Select earned a respected reputation in the 1940s when the Rhodes family began farming at the Edgewood Bogs. But in 2009 Cindy Rhodes saw a marketing niche – she wanted people to recognize that cranberries weren’t only a “holiday fruit” enjoyed during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Within two years, Cape Cod Select began seeing its products on the shelves of Whole Foods Markets and Shaw’s markets.
Boasting the slogan, “Cranberries for All Seasons,” this brand of fresh frozen fruit has made Cape Cod Select one of the top producers of cranberries in Massachusetts. But Rhodes’ success story had only begun – today Cape Cod Select has a nationwide base, and is also being exported to the Caribbean, Europe, and Asia. Cindy Rhodes says that people appreciate the “versatility” of the cranberry, in addition to its health benefits. Boasting the slogan, “Cranberries for All Seasons,” this brand of fresh frozen fruit has made Cape Cod Select one of the top producers of cranberries in Massachusetts. The company has expanded its market reach with its seasonal gift boxes and other items, including a line of five specialty packages that make for unique seasonal gifts. Available from late October through December, the line of gift boxes and items sells out each year. Included on the company’s website, they feature a
October 2021 | The South Coast Insider
Cranberry Comfort Gift Box, a Cranberry Pesto Pasta Recipe Box, a Decorated Wooden Gift Box, a Chutney & Sauce Recipe Gift Box, and a Cranberry Breakfast Gift Box. Cape Cod Select will also be offering jars of Cranberry Chutney, new to their lineup this year. For more details and ordering, these gift boxes and items can be viewed at the website, The gifts are ideal for the person on your holiday list who “has everything.” “These gifts are probably something they’ve never received before,” Rhodes says. “They’re carefully curated and will be valued for years to come.” Although Cape Cod Select has strong year-round sales numbers, their peak season for market sales is January, February, and March. “It took some convincing to get the ball rolling with our first couple of retail markets. They thought cranberries are only sold from October to December,” says Patrick Rhodes, Brand Manager for Cape Cod Select. “We were able to make them realize that people are