There’s no time like the present…to embrace change. Elizabeth Morse Read shares some spring cleaning tips, Sherri Mahoney-Battles offers some opportunities for tax savings, and Michelle Beneski suggests ways to plan yourestate. It’s a great time to go for a drive, and Joyce Rowley tells about the new AAA. Paul Letendre describes the magic of car shows, and Dan Logan and Robin LaCroix provide tips on how to video your travels. Want the benefits of fresh produce without the work? Join a CSA. Philip Burgess tells you how. Looking for a great summer dinner? Paul Letendre provides aneasy recipe for cod and olive oil. Plus there’s more: Paul Kandarian describes his jolting senior moment and Richard Clark offers ways to rethink the past. Don’t forget to support our advertisers and to visit our new and improved websiteat or just settle in with a good gardening book thanks to Magoo Gelehrter.